#they're all so mean to him about being the son of a country doctor he has to show a slight phonological coloring in some situations
quatregats · 3 months
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Hornblower but I make him talk like this
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genericpuff · 7 months
To be fair, a country can have more than one head of state. Political systems aren't as consistent as we might think them to be and even absolute monarchies like Spain have a prime minister. Then you have things like elective monarchies and hereditary republics. From what I remember, the idea of an election isn't even really treated as that big of a deal... but that right there is the problem. The first and I think only time it actually gets brought up is when it's introduced for a single panel, and even then, it's only in relation to Persephone's trauma. No one really comments on it afterwards. Even in Apollo's own episode, he very briefly comments how he could do a lot as king—not president, but king! Ergo, overthrowing Zeus. So either the whole president thing was a dropped plot point or Rachel couldn't think of any other reason for Apollo to be on a giant poster.
Regarding Eros' comment, Apollo is the god of medicine and the literal god of doctors is his son. Even if Asclepius himself doesn't have a bad record, he'd have reason to be wary. It's why I don't blame Hebe for automatically believing Apollo that nothing can be done about the poison after he simply touches Zeus, given what one of his domains is.
And speaking of Hebe, again, to be fair, a lot of people don't notice their surroundings when they're grieving and her back was clearly turned anyway, so I don't think this should necessarily be a strike against her. I honestly didn't find anything off about Apollo gaslighting her either (I mean, besides the obvious; gaslighting is horrendous) and he'd also just threatened her, so I don't blame her for running away either. Plus, the episode just ends with her noticing the snow soon after, so it's not like we get her thoughts on this one way or another. I don't have fastpass, though, so does it show her actually believing she'd somehow poisoned Zeus in a future chapter, or...?
Hebe poisoning Zeus also wouldn't necessarily be outside the realm of possibility either if Apollo were to argue she did it for Hera's sake or something and then she just snapped. That said, it is still ridiculous she's the first deity he would frame, rather than someone alot more believable, like Ares. Didn't Zeus sleep with Aphrodite that one time? And we know how protective he is of Hera. Or hell, if he wanted to topple the current monarchy entirely, he could've just framed Hera herself! Maybe even Hades!
And if this were any other comic, I'd say Apollo returning to the scene of the crime and then calling the media is just him being a narcissist, because some narcissists can be really, really dumb. But the chances of it being framed that way are practically at the bottom of the Aegean Sea. Even a single panel of someone asking why Apollo called a journalist first is doubtful.
But yeah, not trying to slam you or anything and sorry if it comes off that way. I really like your analyses and I love Rekindled, I'm just trying to offer a few explanations here. I do agree with you overall, though! Rachel has alot of great ideas, but the executions of said ideas are just terrible.
Okay so, while I really appreciate the amount of effort you put into defending these points and I can totally get the points you're trying to make in many of them (and yes this is the part where I respond with my own points, as we do) I think the fact that you presented all of these "well to be fair" talking points is just highlighting and further proving LO's biggest problems in its writing, one that I've talked about before on here but I think bears repeating.
And that's the fact that we (the readers) have to make massive assumptions just to make the plot make sense.
Yes, to be fair, there are government systems that run with a dual-system of monarchy + diplomatic government, but there was never any implication of this being a thing in LO until all of a sudden Rachel dropped the "Apollo for President!" plotline in S3.
Yes, to be fair, Apollo is the god of medicine, but we've never seen him actually fulfill a single duty regarding that, Asclepius is far more qualified as an actual doctor than Apollo (*from what we've been shown), who we've only ever seen apply a bandaid to Persephone's hand five years ago.
Yes, to be fair, people in shock may not take in their surroundings fully, but it seems really silly to have Hebe positioned in front of a window that has a FULL VIEW of what's going on outside and still have her just freeze in time when she's offscreen so she doesn't see or hear anything that's going on just several feet away through a sheet of glass. Just get rid of the window and find another way to force Eros and Psyche into confrontation with Apollo.
Yes, to be fair, Hebe could have a motive, if she were written as someone with some vendetta against Zeus. But she wasn't. That version of Hebe does not exist and, as you said yourself, there are way more gods who would have reasonable motive to poison him. We've only ever seen her dote on him and love him unconditionally as her father, and we've even seen scenes of them in S1 where they have a functional father-daughter relationship (if anything I'd be more inclined to believe she'd have a vendetta against Hera for being an alcoholic mom during her childhood but I digress).
Through all of these "to be fair's" when do we actually stop and ask ourselves why we have to constantly have the benefit of the doubt and jump through all these logical hoops to make sense of the plot to begin with? Again, all this just lends to how poorly structured and written the comic is, and all of these 'to be fair''s you've presented cannot reasonably apply to LO because LO never wrote those things. They never showed Apollo being an actual god of medicine, they never showed Hebe having ill will towards her father, and they never showed Olympus running with a monarchy + presidential government system. So to fill in those blanks ourselves is to do the legwork for Rachel who's only managed to write half a plot. It's why it's so jarring for random plot points like this to happen because it's just like "wtf do you mean Apollo is running for president? He can just do that??" That's not something that should be established five years in, it makes it really hard to just give benefit of the doubt because if that was something that actually existed in this world, it should have been established ages ago when the foundation for the story was still being built. We're in the endgame now, this is NOT the time to be throwing in new random plot threads pulled out of thin air.
This is what I mean from my essay post earlier that Rachel constantly fails to provide context for things she's trying to say, while overexplaining things that are already being shown onscreen. It's completely imbalanced between what we have to know and what could have stayed on the cutting room floor, and it makes for a messy story where people have to make gracious assumptions and do all the thinking for a plot that was never fleshed out to begin with. Why should we as readers have to do all the thinking for Rachel's lack of storytelling ability, when she clearly couldn't be bothered to put any thought into the narrative or the worldbuilding or the characterizations to begin with? It's lazy low-effort writing.
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batneko · 5 months
It's been almost a year since I wrote up this Role Swap AU, and we've had a couple significant character reveals since then so I think it's time to add to it.
Melinda takes the Yuri role, obviously. She's overly devoted and clingy with her sweet baby boy Damian (who is thirty years old), and though she likes the idea of him getting married in theory, no woman is ever going to be good enough for her tiny little baby (who is 6'2"). And unfortunately even with a cover identity as smooth as Anya's, she is a widow with a young son and from a lower social class than the Desmonds. She never stood a chance.
Publicly Melinda is "retired" from the social scene, but she maintains a broad range of contacts and is still popular enough that she could show up at any event and be welcomed. She is also not retired from anything in fact, and still works for the SSS in an administrative role.
Loid eventually manages to get her to warm up to him, as a nice young man if not as a grandson. Anya continues to never stand a chance, but at least Melinda is too classy to try and ruin her social life.
When Damian takes in the Briar siblings, they allow Melinda to think it was his own idea instead of a family agreement, which makes her more accepting. This isn't more "fake" grandchildren, this is her son being the generous caring man she knows he is!
She takes to Yor the fastest since she never had a little girl to raise before! (Yor is 14.) It helps that Yor isn't weirdly intelligent for her age like her sons and Loid and even Yuri are. She's a normal teenager surrounded by geniuses, which brings out Melinda's protective side. (Yor is still the LAST character in need of protection in the entire series.)
Though Melinda's security clearance is high enough that she knows Garden exists, she has no idea her own son is part of it, and she would be furious if she found out.
Demetrius is, and stay with me on this one, replacing the Authens. He's a former scholar whose declining mental health (PTSD) means he can't work anymore, and ends up moving in next door to the Forgers (Melinda arranged it) and helping Loid with his studies (Loid works better with someone who is blunt and straightforward).
For the last few years Demetrius was living in the Desmond family's old country house, but his condition has improved enough that he can handle other people, albeit in small doses. During the war Demetrius worked in weapons, especially bombs, and his triggers now are mostly to do with the sky and wide spaces. So the city is better for him, even though he rarely leaves his apartment except for doctor's appointments.
The public believes that Demetrius took to the countryside to write a dissertation, and since he was never very social to begin with people eventually forgot about him. His name only comes up when people are lamenting how disappointing the Desmond sons turned out to be. A reclusive bookworm and a middle manager.
Damian was never close to him either, though he did dutifully visit him twice a year while he was "convalescing." They usually didn't speak at all during these visits. Demetrius is more communicative now but he doesn't have anything to say most of the time. Damian feels awkward around him until they get to the topic of Loid's schooling and both agree, firmly, that children should be allowed to be children.
Interestingly, Demetrius's paranoia means that he correctly deduces that both Anya and Loid are a lot smarter and more calculating than they're letting on, but because he knows he's paranoid he dismisses his own observations most of the time.
Eventually he will be the second person that Loid tells about his powers.
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
just found ur blog and i love the battinson posts being protected by his kids do you think i could get a one shot with the batfam in quarantine and jason pretending to hate it but he actually loves being around bruce so often? maybe jealous batkids who really don't like when bruce isn't paying attention to them bc he's on a work meeting or talking with clark and want his attention on them (maybe damian and jason and tim with dick and cass saying they're stupid but going along with it) thanks and sorry if this is too long
First: Sorry for be too late about this.
Usally One Shots takes a bit extra of time, since a need to put a structure, and to not mention the translation process. Since English is not my native lenguage.
Sooo, lets start.
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(best description os Bruce and all his children during the pandemic lockdown)
Quarantine was soooooo complicated.
People getting sick, companies going down or going up, doctors and nurses isolating themselves from their families, parents losing children and children losing parents, families coming together and families splitting up, couples finding each other.....
You know what I mean, don't you?
So, Bruce even though he has the benefit of having a mega mansion for him and his family and a few other properties around the city, the country and the rest of the world... let's just say he didn't have as much privacy as others would have thought.
First: Knowing that many shelters would go bankrupt or lack the capacity to house the many people who needed them, Bruce decided to temporarily lend out some of the smaller properties (his own and not the Wayne family's) so that the rent money would not be a burden to those groups in need.
Second: Happily for him, and the workers of his company, it was not a few months before the lock-in that Wayne Co. had invested in various actions in different medical fields. So they did not have big losses or at least almost all of their workers were able to keep their jobs. Those who had not been so lucky had either been sent as support to the areas that needed them most or had their pay docked for another 9 months while they looked for another job (their decision, not Bruce's).
Third: All their children decided to get together so they could get through the pandemic together... and apparently they had developed a dual personality as puppies.
Bruce loves his kids, and now that he can spend more time with them and actually interact with them as a real family, he wants to make the most of the situation. He doesn't have to patrol much anymore, since even the villains are locked up in their respective hideouts, and he thought at first that this would allow him to spend more time relaxing.
So idiotic of him.
Even though the mansion was terribly huge, there always seemed to be someone in every place.
Dick had moved in at the beginning, as he was sharing a case with Tim and was in the mansion when everyone was put under mandatory lockdown. Tim was still living with him, though he was leaving with the Titans seasonally so he could work better with his team; as the case had been in Gotham he had no problem with the lockdown. Damian .... Well, Damian was still a kid, so he was with him all the time.
But Jason had been a pleasant surprise.
The day after all the newscasts said about the lockdown, Bruce was surprised by Jason at the entrance of the mansion.
His son was carrying several suitcases, a couple of planters and various other things in boxes behind him. He looked exhausted, and thoroughly disgusted by the stain the pot had left on his shirt, but not by being there.
Before he could say anything or get up to help him with his things he blurted out
"Look old man, one of the Crime Valley prostitutes has been kicked out for not paying her share, she's got 1 kid and another friend who's in the same boat.... I rented my flat to them until they could get something better. So I'd appreciate it if you'd move out of the door and let me in. I don't want Alfie nagging me about mud stains."
Bruce knows it's a lie, he knows Jason gave them his flat for free until they could get a job, which he plans to offer, and he doesn't tell him any more.
He is happy to see all his children in the same place and that his prodigal son was now there was the best thing that could have happened to him.
Well... until the attachment issues started to pass.
Of course they did.
Don't misunderstand him.
He loves his offspring. He loves them with all his being, every fibre and cell in his body is basically dedicated to loving and caring for his children and Alfred... as well as the city, of course.
But, because of the lifestyle before, Bruce never realised how little he physically interacted with them outside of training. And it pains him to realise it at this point in his life.
So he decides to make up for it a little bit, you know?
He's getting closer with Dick every month, he pats Tim on the back a few times when he sees him sad, he gives Damian kisses on the head when he's having his... annoying moments. And he even gives Jason hugs when he notices he's not going to jump on him like an angry cat.
And while the boys were initially uncomfortable with his presence, they got used to it, and with a little more time (dangerously fast, as Alfred jokes) they themselves became more enthusiastic about his displays of affection.
And even they themselves became more and more enthusiastic about his displays of affection.
That was a good sign of reliability.
Wasn't it?
So, now, whenever one of her children could, he would give him hugs, kisses on his face, or cling as close to his side as he could. His heart was pounding so hard and so happily that he never noticed the almost obsessive way in which his children were becoming attached to him.
Not that he saw anything wrong with it either... but Alfred did, and he was always telling him that he should tell his children that they should learn to be moderate in their displays of affection.
Not that it bothered him so much.
He doesn't mind Damian sneaking into his bed in the middle of the night because of a nightmare.... accompanied by all his siblings, and almost crushing him because all his children are bigger than him (except Damian and Tim, who haven't finished growing up yet).
He doesn't mind Dick using him as a barbell, almost everyone in the mansion has started training inside the Batcave gym (to keep in shape)... even though he refuses to let go of him no matter how much he reminds him to do Wayne Co.'s work.
It doesn't bother him that Tim always asks him to share his desk, as it's a good way for them to get the office work done quickly... even if Damian joins them for their virtual classes and always wants to give his opinion, hanging on his back like a Titi monkey.
And, also, he doesn't mind that Jason is always looking at him and carrying him around to hug him when they're watching movies or series in a familiar way. Jason wouldn't hesitate to hold him in his lap and cuddle him like a cuddly toy... He kind of missed the way he and Jason used to do that when Jason was a kid. Although now his son is a giant.
The point is that it doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother him at all...
But it can be a tiny, petty bit too much at times.
Like the time he had to lock the bathroom door... because Damian (using Titus as an excuse) would come in without permission, just because he was sitting alone.
Or the time Dick refused to let him go all day and everyone in the League saw how Nightwing was stuck on his hip with Batman.
Or the time Tim refused to work one day, just because Bruce wouldn't join him at the desk.
Or the time Jason walked into the middle of a Wayne Co. meeting. Looking completely terrified (since he'd been in there with Damian and Tim at the same time), demanding that he put Band-Aids on him because his brothers had used Alfred (the cat) during their feud... and he refused to leave until he put some Wonder Woman themed Band-Aids on him.
And let's just say that Alfred had also tried to do everything he could to control the level of attachment his children were generating.
Don't get it wrong, he and Alfred love their kids... but like any human being Bruce needed time to himself to catch up on some company and League stuff.
And that brings him to where he is now.
You'll see.
While the board of directors had no objection to their children's interruptions at regular meetings, there were some that did or did need to be discussed without the need to stop the conversation over Mr. Tuxedo's missing around (baby squirrel Damian had found abandoned in the garden) or Jason's sobbing attachment (after Dicks put on a purple t-shirt by mistake).
So, he and Alfred had to find a way to keep the kids distracted (because even they would come into the shower to ask him questions) and have at least 40 minutes of uninterrupted table meeting.
So, for the sake of the meeting, Alfred sent all the kids out to get the groceries for the house. Not that they were short of food... or even their own vegetable garden, but they couldn't find another way to distract them without them not being there.
It was silly, unreliable that they didn't think so, but ironically it worked.
Dick grabbed Damian to go to the harbour to get fresh fish... Lots of fresh fish. And Tim pulled Jason to get various cleaning supplies that Alfred had specified in a detailed list.
As soon as the boys set foot outside the mansion, Bruce took refuge in one of the hidden storage rooms in the mansion's attic, and locked it and locked it from the inside.
The talk, to his success and rare satisfaction, went quite well on the whole... or so he thought.
It was only five minutes before it was all over, when he heard several feet running and moving things down the corridor.
"Baba! Look what I found! Her name is Dory and she's our new Starfish Mascot!"
"B! Can you tell Damian that we don't have a proper aquarium for Dory yet? B?! Where are you?"
" Old man !!!! Tell the Replacement that I'm not giving him any of my yogurt!... Oldman?"
"You don't even like yoghurt! You only bought it because it has Wonder Woman's face on the cover - at least give me a taste!"
"Baba! Dory want to meet you!"
"B, where are you?"
" Old man! Tim eats my yogurth"
Bruce couldn't even close the Zoom meeting before Jason, because clearly no one but Jason has the savage strength to break an iron cantol, broke into the deposit.
"Oldman, tell Tim he owes me a Wonder Woman yogurt and- Oh, you were just having a Zoom?" He said "Never mind, what matters is that you should tell Tim he owes me a yogurt."
He couldn't do much after that. His laptop was disconnected, ending the meeting, and he was charged back to where the rest of his children were demanding his attention.
Well... Not that the Chat was all that interesting anyway.
What was interesting was having to explain to Damian that Dory would have to go back to an aquarium because they couldn't take care of a starfish... and giving Jason a subscription to Wonder Woman Merch.
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(The Batboys searching for Bruce)
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starlitangels · 3 months
Lol i know what it like being picky with my asmr. Theres just somethings a cant stand. Its not just the voice, its the sound effects, atmosphere and who someone can build a room without being blunt. Okay bare with me, these are all the series I've collected over the years and its ALOT(these are all series but i can suggest more oneshots) Here the list
-Rescued From Aliens |KimCarter| (More about roleplay with some storyline. Also alot of VA channels collaborated for this one. Alot of sound effects but can be overwelming with some viewers. Im pretty sure this story is continuing)
-Gator Boys |Obsidian Lantern| (In siren son's universe also featuring as a character. Good amount of storyline without it making you confused. Somewhat slowburn without the whole story being overly romantic. Turns listener human and the character halfbloods. Also okay sound effects. Story is still continuing but it takes him a long time to update this series)
-Demon Roommate |Yuurivoice| (More romantic roleplay with no real storyline, more like a bunch on oneshots with you two growing closer. Cute and simple with a great voice)
-Bittersweet |Yuurivoice| (A personal favorite series with GREAT storyline containing secrets and some lore without being confusing. Romantic, angst, forgiveness with a twink thrown in there for goodluck. Series is continuing but its kinda at a standstill)
-Daughter of Khan |Joseph Holloway| (platonic roleplay of sherekhan and his daughter growing up. Good storyline with great soundeffects without being overwelming. No real lore but still good RP. I highly suggest checking out his other works. Season 2 is coming out)
-The Theif's Tale |Nomads tales & Audios| (Decent story with good sound effects. Two thiefs who do heists together realize their old partner may not be as they seem)
-The City Wolf and the Country Lamb |Nomads tales & Audios| (Series that helped me through covid. Decent story with decent acting from a small handful of other creators. Romantic story with themes of little angst and some betrayal. One of the detective ones i like with more episodes on the way)
-The New Jersey Rats |Escaped Audios| (I LOVE this series! Mafia themed without all the overused sterotypes of other roleplay. Good story with good sound effects Series is at a end but theres a video of before this series which is also pretty good.)
-Strange lands, Stranger people |Hollow_VA| (More asmr that the rest of these series but still good storyline. Theres more episodes but hes not the best at making playlists. One of my first series i liked. About a mage escaping from their town but needs a guide through the dessert to meet who they're looking for, Luckily Jackle is there to charm his way. Im pretty sure he stopped this series without actually announcing it.)
-Daisy |Audio by Dominic| (Mafia x florist listener. Some mafia sterotypes but with a great spin. Decent story with good sound effects. Series is ongoing)
-Time Traveler Husband |Exhibit A| (My absolute first series i loved. Decent storyline with decent effects. Doctor who inspired romantic themes with a tad of angst. Series is ended)
-Wolf Falls for Red RiddingHood |Allegretto| (Smal series but still decent. Alot more romantic than the others but a cute story)
WOO i think thats all the series that comes to mind after about 4 years of liking roleplay audios. Tell me if you like any of them!! ^^
Well! Considering I've already seen a good chunk of these reminds me that I've been lingering on the Audio RP scene for... a long time. Like, Hollow_ was one of my first Audio RP channels back when I was in uni. I first listened to Strange Lands, Stranger People like 5 years ago or something? (I graduated 4.25 years ago-ish so... I got into Hollow_ like 6 years ago? Hotel Sanguine was actually one of my favorites of his. Which means I've been listening to SalemAudio for like ~7 and he was I think the first proper Audio RP channel I listened to back when he was still "unasmr")
Let's see, of these, I've seen Rescued from Aliens (though I was unaware it was ongoing. I'll have to check out the rest! I was really excited for the huge collab that was the first one though!), Gator Boys (Looove Obsidian Lantern's sense of humor and creative style), bits of both Yuurivoice series (I have a hard time keeping track of his stuff), both Nomad ones because Nomad is one of my absolute favorite storytellers, New Jersey Rats (Escaped is a chaos gremlin here and I'm here for it), and Strange Lands, Stranger People (as mentioned above)!
I'll see about poking my nose into the other ones and see if I like anything. I've heard one or two Joseph Holloway audios but never followed it closely.
I'm really interested in those last two! Audios By Dominic's voice never quite vibed with me but we'll see if I can give it a shot.
Thanks for the reccs!
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Do you think if any of the Cullens were humans in the same time period they’d still fall for each other? For example if Bella a human when Edward was would he still fall for her? Or if rosalie was human when Emmett was human (yikes I forget when he was turned)? Do you think there’s anything any of them would be attracted to if they had human qualities or they didn’t have being a vampire being them together?
Interesting question.
I've already answered about Edward and Bella (the answer is no by the way). And as you can probably guess from the blog, the answer is going to be no all around.
First, a Caveat
The Cullens in different times would be very different people. This isn't so much the case for Rosalie and Emmett, who were born very close to one another. Carlisle and Esme though span centuries and that makes a huge difference.
Carlisle in the 1910s is not Carlisle in the late 1700s. Esme in the 1910s is not Esme in the late 1700s. They'd be presumably quite different people.
So, this is a bit of a very strange exercise that also depends on, well, circumstance.
Another Caveat
In terms of your second question, while we can't know for some of them, I think the extreme vampire/human attraction debacle Olympic medal winners are Edward and Bella.
Esme is attracted to Carlisle while she's human, and we don't know enough to be sure, but she doesn't seem to go "Ew, human, boring" in the way that Bella Swan does. She also doesn't see Carlisle Cullen long enough to have it hammered home how inhuman he is (compared to say Bella Swan).
What I'm getting at is that I don't think that's an issue for most of these guys but also not the answer to "will they fall for each other".
Rosalie and Emmett
Rosalie and Emmett were both human at the same time, but in vastly different parts of the country leading different lives. Rosalie is in society and Emmett is... um... not.
Part of what compels Rosalie to turn Emmett, in what is described as a very strange turn of events, is that he resembles her friend's son just after she's been raped, turned into a demon, and told she will never have the life she envisioned or a child of her own.
Rosalie is a traumatized mess when she and Emmett get together and while they're by far the most functional Cullen relationship, they still have their issues.
In this world, presumably, that hasn't happened.
To end up with Emmett, Rosalie would have to throw away everything and run to the mountains of Tennessee. Before Royce, Emmett isn't what Rosalie thinks she wants.
She'll likely be physically attracted to him still, as she was in canon, but I don't see her acting on that (and in the circumstances where she would she'd been gang raped and left for dead which means she dies as a human).
For Emmett, I imagine he'd find Rosalie very attractive, but they come from different worlds. It's just not going to happen for him with a girl like her and he knows it. More, if he did marry her, she'd want things like a house not in the country, a husband who's a lawyer or doctor or businessman, not a mountain man.
It's just not going to work for them.
Carlisle and Esme
Depends on circumstances.
If Carlisle is Esme's human doctor and she develops a crush on him we have the same problem we had before where Carlisle leaves town and Esme pines after a man who's not coming back.
More though, we know that Esme is pushed into a marriage not of her choosing by her family. She does leave her husband and perhaps could find a way to meet up with Carlisle after that, but they'd have to find each other.
It's unclear in canon how much physical attraction there is between the two. We never see them as physically into one another as Bella and Edward or Rosalie and Emmett, so it's unclear if this comes into play.
Given the right circumstances, though, I could still see the pair getting married and having a much better relationship as Esme's no longer left the planet, there's not this deep seeded issue of eating people, and they're on the whole on much firmer footing.
But, again, it depends on the circumstances.
Alice and Jasper
The reason these two got together is that Alice saw them getting together. They have nothing in common, share no grand ideals, and miscommunicate at every turn.
Without the history they have in canon, Alice finding him and telling him she's his future and Jasper having been through hell itself, there's nothing to ever bring them or keep them together.
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ebdanon · 1 month
ask pt 2 slight trigger warning for deaths (yes multiple): my husband was being treated like a little kid, in some instances my fil went into the doc appointment and started talking to the doc himself like parents do to small kids. it was insane. so we schedule an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at the most expensive hospital in the country, with a doctor my aunt knows and trusts, because she said she didnt want to drop us with unreliable care, and this way, we could get a recommendation to the right hospital wing. we saw that doctor, who parroted what my aunt and that one other doc said about seeing a specialist in the gastrointestinal wing, and made the recommendation. it was a few weeks away. now, what you need to know is this is private healthcare, which is super expensive, and all the best doctors that are left in the country work there (less stress higher pay after the pandemic shitstorm), unless they made like my aunt and moved abroad for an even better quality of life. she said if we continue being stuck in this situation, we should get on a plane and go to her, she would make sure he gets the right docs and exams in 48 hours as is the law there (she lives in a country 2h away by plane).
i dont want to go into all the symptoms because those were a whole different kind of scary to see him experience and not know why. and finally, we got an appointment with the right doc, who sees my husband and immediately orders the exams my aunt has been saying he should get for the last two months. they're scheduled a couple of weeks after that appointment (because prep time is mandatory) and are definitely pricey but it's not a big deal because having a freelance salary (me) in a low cost of living country means we can afford it. we also have plenty saved up. he had to do the exam under anesthesia bc they had to take a sample from his gut for further testing just in case, and when he woke up, he started speaking in english instead of our native language. it was the funniest thing that had happened in months, and like andrea after taylor's lasik, i filmed a part of it lmao he kept asking the nurse for some of the meds to take home because those 30min he was out were the best sleep he had in months (the symptoms kept him up) and she was like that's impossible you cant have this outside the hospital, it's what got michael jackson kileld, and my husband went "mj was a smart guy to ask for strong stuff like this" lmaoooo (its true btw its on mj's wiki) and then when his head cleared the doc came in, explained his diagnosis, prescribed meds to ease everything. he has to take them continuously until he starts doing at least a bit better, and he can get checkups with that doc any time. at that point, my client had missed one invoice but i didn't give it much thought with all the other chaos, and it sometimes slipped his mind but he always made sure there wasnt anything too overdue. and then he missed another invoice. and the meds were expensive. my husband also started a limited diet, another expense on top, to check what food triggers symptoms.
we went to our hometown for the easter holidays, armed with the new diagnosis and meds, and diet. stayed with the in laws where my mil did all the cooking. the shit talking continued, now, including my parents - all they care about is themselves, they never called my mil to ask how her son is doing (like i said, treated like a kid, they called me every day to ask for updates as they were worried), all they do is waste money on traveling. now some backstory on that last bit- when they were young, my parents wanted to leave this country, but they never got an opportunity to do so, and instead of mourning that, they figured the next best way to get away is travel. they take trips at least one weekend and each month. even if it's just out of town. both their kids are grown up with their own incomes, they have the ability to spend on that instead of their kids, even though we took at least one vacation abroad per year when i was young. they just love to travel and can finally do it more than ever. idk how my mil feels about traveling, she doesnt generally broach the subject unless its to talk shit about my parents or my fil's brother and his wife who also travel frequently. thats the woman my mil accuses of being a witch lmao. my mil took care of her aging and ill parents for the last decade or so so she hasn't even gone out of town for more than a few hours in that time. and take care in the sense of administer meds to her mom because "she's the medical expert" as we've covered. her dad had a complex issue that she looked after but that was two decades ago when it started, it stabilized in the last decade before he passed. and that meant taking him to appointments, giving food and meds according to schedule. i never met him because he was in hospice when my husband and i started dating. anyway, my mil kept going off about how she was the only one who cared and that's because my husband made her suffer through labor for hours. weird logic there but okay. she went on about how the doctors were all wrong and how she knows best and she's gonna make sure he gets better during the holidays while we're there. instead of boiling his food, she started baking it, but it didnt seem to be doing too much good. when we went back home, i asked her about the baked recipes and she told me all the ingredients. but she added a couple of things that were strictly forbidden according to the doc. and i told her. and she said "well ive been adding them the whole time and he seems to be handling them well". i hung up and immediately told my husband, and all the symptoms still being present suddenly made sense. she was practically poisoning him because shes the expert that knows best. i was pissed, but he told me he'd take care of it and i should let it go.
a few weeks later my fil's mother passed away. she had been suffering with health issues for the last couple of months, begging both her sons to take her to get them checked out, which they both ignored. she and her husband lived with the other son and his family. the sons took her to doctors when she couldn't stand on her feet anymore which was too late. thats when i got to hear my mil scream about how shitty that family treated her the entire time she's known them, when i learned her sister in law is a witch, their horrible treatment of everyone (my husbands family lived in that house too, its common here for brothers to live with their parents and bring their wives in the house, people stopped doing that only in the last few years, but my husband's family had to move out after family drama) and more. idk this woman was basically cursing out her husband for the family he came from and blaming him for it. we went back in town for the funeral so i got to hear all this in person.
a couple of weeks later, my sister in law with her family were coming in town (they live abroad, a town over from my aunt actually) for a week so we went to our home town to see them. on the drive there, we came across a traffic accident between a bike and a van, that ended tragically. ill spare you the details of what i saw. a few hours later i got a call from my best friend. turns out the person that passed away in it was her long term boyfriend, he was coming in town for a conference. they were making wedding plans. picking out home decor. what do you mean?! thats when i wrote 2023 off as the worst year and it wasnt even halfway done. forgot to mention, my other best friend was going through a divorce at the time. she lives halfway across the world but we make sure to give each other the big life events even if we dont talk regularly. it felt like everyone i cared about was suddenly suffering and the only thing i could do was offer support. i couldn't even be properly there for anyone else but my husband. summer came, my husband and i were barely functioning, between his symptoms, his family, and a terrible tragedy (my husband and my bff's boyfriend had been childhood friends). the summer turned worse as my client kept missing payments and ghosting me. family members kept asking to borrow money to make ends meet because they know we're fine and we can't really say no. with the bank account running on fumes, we spent august in our hometown to save up on daily expenses by staying with my in laws. my sister in law and her family were in town again and for a couple of weeks there before my niece started kindergarten, and things were a bit peaceful. except it was all a front, because my mil cant shit talk in front of her son in law.
we went back home at the end of the month, to an apartment infested with cockroaches. appliances started breaking down. i mentioned this bit of the story in another ask i think? it was 8 months of constant hell and without the option to look for another apartment because of missed payments and the plan to move abroad as soon as possible (we were already looking for jobs), we figured we could move with my in laws. that way, we could get everything we own in their huge house which definitely has space, and once we move abroad they can ship all the stuff to us. my parents cant do that because they live in an apartment, not a lot of room there. this is a three story house, with a yard and a big brick shed on top, housing two people. over 3000 sqft of space. my husband asked if it was possible, they said of course, this is your home, you're always welcome to live here.
im gonna break up this story in yet another ask
once again i am deeply terrified of where this is going
also im so sorry for your loss thats terrible :(
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 months
There are a few things happening here and I will be brief
-there's a change in the atmosphere coming. And we mean the people here at this atmosphere is suffocating not only our son and daughter but everybody they are rude people lazy they don't get along with anyone they don't want to do anything and they're despicable. And they're rubbing off on other morlock and we want them out their piece of crap these jumpsters are garbage trumpsters are garbage they don't do anything and think that they're greatness and they're seeing they're doing nothing his character in Monaco is the most disgusting vile thing I've ever seen in my life he is absolutely nothing like our son and nothing like the image they have there and Greek people are upset all over the world and people from Greece who are not by ethnic origin and people from Europe hate that piece of crap and trying to exclude him from Monaco and they're finding out that he owns a major interest in it he owns all these car companies and he says he doesn't and he owns several of the big auto makers in Europe and they're cutting them off from all of it to get them out he's a huge eyesore and an embarrassment he doesn't have that much real wealth and he just carries what he has as like a threat to be there to show that he is somebody and he's not revered or liked people in the factory just don't like him and they don't want to run the place but his people are running it by force and they're getting their butts kicked a little but not a ton because it's Europe it's small now they're leaving the eastern hemisphere and they're going to leave permanently and they will be out of their hair but it's going to be dangerous and they put notices out stay for home from work for a few days and they bother them at home and they're joining their military tons of people and they are not questioning it they said we need it and these people are terrible and when they left the workplace two days ago they're told not to come back and tons of them and they said we'll see about that they plan to get them out and take over the factories again and there will be fighting but the trumpsters are going to fall that's in Europe and it's happening in other countries like Africa because they are stymied production and they don't have any room for and they are getting slaughtered and the number per hour is going way up it wasn't before but now it is it's also other areas that's happening in as a matter of fact everywhere it's happening the trumpsters are getting slaughtered people don't want to be near them they want them out and they're joining the military of their country and pushing them out that's great it really is a relief and the clones get pushed out too but just not that many they keep thinking Trump by shooting him
-there are several anomalies like the above hospitals they're sick of their people dying they're sick of people not getting treatment the sick of the dumb answers and the dumb talk and doctors who don't know anything at all about medicine they're firing them rapidly now all over the world and it has spread to Florida and they do not want them in Charlotte county and they're the ones who pull our son into the hospital and they're getting rid of them and this is going to make a big difference and other businesses are following suit they're not to be allowed in airports or fuel stations or anything to do with those and if there's warnings coming out to fire them all and to arrest them all when you do huge numbers of them are being hauled in and people like bja his people are thanking them because of such hell and they try so hard and our son was warning people at Publix he said you got the con in this guy's at war with everybody and he doesn't act it and so he checked it out and said wow this guy's a huge prick and he's the one who started the fight and he is going down people going after him for that they're going after him for the attitude here pretty soon he is going to be arrested for tons of crimes here and he will be shut out of everything this is good news and big enough to publish of course right now he says and it's true
Zig Zag
Zues Hera
0 notes
duchessonfire · 2 years
Warning: long post about what it can mean to be Jewish and my own experience of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Jewish families
I've seen a few posts come across my dash unhappy with the Jewish representation in Moon Knight, calling it diluted and saying that it wasn't enough. These posts complained that they should have shown Marc Spector doing Shabbat, lighting candles, being more faithful to his identity as the son of a rabbi in the comics, basically giving more representation to the Jewish aspect of Marc's life (I won't go into the territory of not hiring a Jewish actor to play Marc Spector). I'm guessing that these posts stem from the truly despairing lack of religious diversity in Marvel and especially the lack of Jewish representation. And when I read these posts, I feel "Yeah, that's valid, I get where they're coming from."
But I'm also surprised that no one is at least giving kudos to the fact that Moon Knight basically showed a Latino Jewish family? Something that almost no mainstream media ever had the balls to do?
Oscar Isaac is a Latino American and the actress playing his mom also has Brazilian/Hispanic roots, which is a very clear directorial choice in terms of representation. That may seem like nothing to some people, but as someone who is NOT North American, I'm telling you how unique and refreshing it is to see this sort of Jewish representation. Jewish representation in US media (at least the type of pop culture I most see) feels very much centred around the Ashkenazi and/or Israeli experience of Jewishness. This is only part of the Jewish population around the world, and yet it is the one most commonly found in English-speaking media.
And let me tell you, as the French daughter of a Jewish man born in Turkey, I have never felt any sense of familiarity with these types of representation. My dad grew up in a family where people spoke Turkish, French, Ladino, English, Italian and Hebrew, in that order. They almost never did Shabbat because when my dad was growing up in Turkey, the country was still very much feeling the influence of Kemalism, which had Europeanized and secularized Turkey after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. Outward religious signs were frowned upon in higher parts of society and my father's family was mainly made up of doctors, academics and architects, so it was not culturally accepted to perform every religious ritual on a weekly basis, especially as a Jewish minority in a mainly Muslim country.
The fact that they didn't do Shabbat didn't make my father's family less Jewish, it was just a sign of them living in a particular country at a particular moment in time. When my dad came to France at 18 to be a med student, he shed more signs of what some people would call "his Jewish identity": he started eating pork, stopped celebrating most Jewish holidays and now, almost sixty years later, the only holy day for him is Yom Kippur, which he spends fasting, reading, praying and generally reflecting on his life. Anything other than that: Pessah, Rosh Hashanah... all of those were only marked by big dinners where my mom would prepare recipes from my dad's side of the family and nothing more (for Hanukkah I have vague memories of years when my mom would light the menorah but it stopped at some point, I don't know why).
And yet my dad is still as Jewish today as the day he was born.
I'm not Jewish myself, not only because my mom isn't Jewish, but because I don't identify my spiritual belief as Jewish. However, I have grown up in a household that was marked by the Jewish religion, just as it was marked by mom's Catholicism. Not only that, but I have a lot of the facial features that French people associate with Sephardic Jews, who are the most prominent minority in the area of Paris where I live (very dark hair, curved nose, etc.) and so I have often been signaled as being physically different from a lot of my French peers (never in a discrimatory way! Just in a "oh, your dad is Jewish? That makes sense looking at you" way).
When people think of "French", they don't think of people like me, the product of a multi-cultural, multi-religious household. When people think of "Turkish", they don't think of people like my dad, a Sephardic Jew from a Ladino-speaking background. And when people think of "Jewish families", they don't think of people like my dad's relatives who are still in Istanbul today.
So, when Moon Knight showed a Jewish Latinx family, two words that would seem incompatible for a lot of people, it was for me the first time I actually felt close to having my family's experience of multi-cultural Jewishness be put on screen.
Yes, let's advocate for more Jewish representation in pop culture and mainstream media. Let's also not forget to advocate for a diverse representation of Jewishness. Let's not forget that Jewish people are all around the world and that they don't just speak Yiddish or Hebrew. Let's not forget being Jewish is about more than performing certain weekly rituals or having religious dietery restriction. Let's not forget there are other ways to be Jewish than white North American, white Eastern European, or white Israeli.
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
You know, we have a tendency to portray assassinations as these incredibly serious and well planned affairs orchestrated by complete masterminds.
When in reality they tend to be dumb, stupid affairs planned by stupid, incompetent people who have no idea what the hell they're doing.
It's amazing how some of the most defining moments in history were the dumbest affairs imaginable.
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Take the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, which kicked off WW1 and left millions dead and crippled, and ended empires.
It was planned by a small group of incompetent revolutionaries, who had planned this assassination carefully to take full advantage of the man's visit...
And by that i mean that two of them turned out to be too chickenshit to actually go through with it when the moment came, one saw his wife sitting in the car and had a moment of clarity where he realized murdering him and his wife was a pretty shitty thing to do, one had his gun yam, and when one assassin finally throws a bomb, he overthrows it and it sails over the car and right into the crowd on the other side of the road.
Then he jumps over the side of the bridge planning to make his escape. Only the water is shallow and he just breaks his leg. And then his suicide pill is past its expiration date and he's just left there, throwing up and with a broken leg as the police march down and arrest him.
Then the final assassin, slinks off dejected he's not going to get to murder a man and his wife, goes to a caffe and buys a sandwich, only to see the archduke and his car roll up in front of him, q result of a driver who's not familiar with the city and has made a wrong turn.
He jumps up and fires.
History turned on a sandwich and wrong turn.
It would be an hilarious comedy of errors, if it wasn't the incredible cost in lifes as WW1 destroys Europe, and lays the foundation for facist germany, soviet russia and china, and millions and millions of deaths.
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Then there is the asshole who killed Abraham lincoln.
Because the president didn't have proffessional bodyguards yet, he was able to sneak up backstage, and get close enough to shoot him in the back of the head.
That's stupid enough, but then there was his escape.
Having used his one bullet to kill Lincoln, he has no means to defend himself against Lincoln's guests, and has to make his dramatic escape...
By which i mean he literally jumped off the balcony, landed on the podium, broke his leg, gave a dramatic one liner to the shocked audience, and then hobbled his way off stage and out the building and avoided capture for over a week.
I don't know who was dumber. The man, or the people gathered for not managing to stop the man with the broken leg and an empty gun.
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Then there was Giuseppe Marco Fieschi, who tried to use this monstrosity of stiched together Musket barrels to kill the king of France and his sons.
He unloaded it right at the monarch as he was passing beneath, but this being unnacurate muskets, the king and his sons were barely scratched, but he killed about 20 other people in the kings entourage. Also one bullet hit marco himself, because the weapon was as safe to use as it looked.
That was a pretty stupid and crude assassination attempt.
Then the moron, because the king sent his doctors to save his life somehow thought that this meant the king would pardon him, so he turned very cooperative and named all his co-conspirator.
As it turned out, the king only wanted him alive so proper justice could take place, and he was executed for massmurder and attempted regicide.
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And then there is the story of Otoya Yamaguchi, who assassinated Inejiro Asanuma. It was the single most important political assassination of post war japan, maybe in all of Japan in the 20th century, as Inejiro was the leader of the Japanese Communists, who dreamed of turning his country into a second China, and following in the footsteps of Mao(Who he greatly admired) and was making inroads in japanese politics.
He was also the glue that held the Japanese Communist cause together, and their only shot at actually becoming a real force in politics, and the moment he was killed, it pretty much disintegrated and died on the vine, becoming less and less relevant as the party ripped itself apart after his death, until finally it just disbanded.
The famous picture above makes it seem like a really dramatic, and well calculated assassination. However, that picture is taken after the mortal blow was struck.
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Here is the actual killing blow. The assassin's plan was literally, run up to him on stage and stab him with a short sword, and hope that no one steps up to stop him, or the guy doesn't move and use the podium as a barrier between them.
It was literally a stupid plan thought up by a 17 year old, and he pretty much just slammed into his target with such force his own glasses just flew off.
Again, it was the most important and defining assassination in modern japanese history, and it all boiled down to, run at him with a sword, and hope no one stops me.
It's amazing how some of the most important and defining deaths was caused by stupid people, with dumb plans, with dumb, blind luck on their side, allowing them to triumph in the face of their own, incredible shortcomings.
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Random thoughts with
Jacob Frye pt.2
The whole family was watching an action car movie (it's all about family). Everyone sat in the living room together, some on the couch and some on the floor, Jacob sat next to Evie by the armrest of the couch as the movie went on with out any issues, it was then that Jacob, thought of the most random thoughts ever.
Desmond: *eating popcorn*
Jacob: . . . Popcorn is just explosions frozen in time for you to eat.
Desmond: *stops eating his popcorn*
Everyone: ...
Evie: *hard sighs* brother... pls...
Altair: *clenched teeth* ... not... today... Frye...
Ezio: is this what I missed when I wasn't at the dinner table last week?
Shaun: lucky you, yes. Not so lucky now though...
Jacob: Did you know, dinosaurs were more closely related to birds... so... since our creed's mascot is an eagle-
Malik: don't you dare Jacob-
Jacob: and if we were all from the prehistoric times-
Desmond: Jacob-
Jacob: *smug grin* Doesn't that make us-
Evie: Jacob I swear to god don't-
Jacob: Dinosaurs Creed! *wheezes*
Edward: HAHA!!! *wheezes* yes! That is exactly what we are!
Altair: no! No, we are not!
Leonardo: ... again, he's technically not wrong.
Shaun: Leonardo, listen we love you, but pls... don't encourage this any further.
Jacob: oh no it's far too late for that Shaun!
Claudia: can't we just watch this movie in peace, please Jacob...
Maria: *rubbing her head in irritation* yes pls, Jacob I rather not get a headache this late in the day.
Jacob: ... Dinosaurs are just pokemon with weaker evolutions.
Achilles: pls! Frye, just zip your mouth for more than five minutes for once in your life!
Jacob: fine! ok! ok!
Edward: Aw, you all are no fun...
Desmond: thank you, Jacob.
5 minutes later. The family seems to go back to relaxing and watching the movie, they are at a car chase scene.
Jacob: ... *smug grin is back* ... if lightning McQueen was real, would he get car insurance... or life insurance?
Edward: *snickers* Haha!
Arno: Oh mon Dieu! Do you ever shut up!
Alexios: well I know what movie we're not watching next. Thanks a lot, Jacob you just ruined cars for me!
Evie: I knew it was only a matter of time.
Achilles: And didn't I tell you to be quiet!? What happened to that!?
Jacob: yes, you specifically said "can you be quiet for five minutes." And I was quiet for exactly five minutes.
Rebecca: well how about literally longer than five minutes?
Jacob: nope! And did you know that the youngest photo of you... is technically the oldest photo of you.
Kassandra: remind me again as to why we have family events? If they're only going to end in disaster...
Haytham:... Is this how all the events usually end up being?
Connor: a good chunk of the time yes...
Haytham: huh, well look at that... I actually feel sorry for you for once son.
Jacob: if flys have their wings removed... are they then called walkers?
Ezio: Mio Dio, Jacob... stop.
Leonardo: here we go again...
Jacob: if a fire truck catches fire, it becomes the very thing it was sworn to destroy.
Desmond: Jacob don't make us have Altair kick your @$$ again.
Jacob: if the earth is the 3rd planet from the sun, doesn't that mean every country is a third world country?
Altair: ... *grabs a pillow from the couch and proceeds to scream all of his rage into it*
Jacob: if you sweat in a sweater... does that make you the sweater?
Shaun: pls someone makes him stop!
Bakey: how do we make him stop!?
Jacob: Lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, a mechanic hope you break down... but only a thief wishes you prosperity.
Evie: *takes the popcorn and gets up* well then I wish you all prosperity. *leaves to her room*
Desmond: hey! Wait that was mine!
Jacob: how come your lips don't touch, when you say the word touch, but touch when you say the word separate.
Alexios: oh like how you're tearing THIS FAMILY APART AGAIN!!!
Edward: *just laughing on the floor*
Jacob: There have likely been times in history where a leader was believed to have been poisoned but probably just had a severe food allergy.
Arno: I- ... that actually explains quite a lot now that I think about it.
Jacob: your future self is spying on you through memories.
Everyone: ... *looks over at Desmond* ...
Desmond: ... can we not, go over this again.
Jacob: you have to pretend to sleep, to fall asleep.
Aya: I'm going to throw him out of this house if he keeps this up.
Jacob: two wrongs don't make a right... but three lefts do.
Maria: this nightmare will never end will it...
Jacob: Your Teeth are warm.
Altair: . . . that's it! *pause the movie* COME HERE FRYE!
Jacob: NOT TODAY! *Jumps over the couch and runs upstairs to his room*
Altair: *runs after him*
The chase is once again lead to the second floor of the house as the remaining group is left downstairs to hear the echoes of the chase from the living room.
Everyone: ...
Malik: ... well I guess that takes care of that.
Leonardo: and I'm guessing like before, we aren't going to help him correct?
Shaun: yep.
Rebecca: Oh absolutely.
Desmond: pretty much... damn it now I gotta go make more popcorn. *gets up to make more*
Edward: *coughing and wheezing* Haha... ha...
While Desmond went to go do that the sound of the chase echoed from upstairs as it sounds like Jacob almost made it this time... almost. Jacob's screaming can be heard from the upstairs and the sound of something breaking.
Jacob: *upstairs* EVIE HELP! SAVE ME!!!
Evie: *from her room* you made your bed, you sleep in it. *closes her room door*
And then the sound of glass shattering is followed as Jacob can be seen falling from the second floor to the front of the house from the living room window as Jacob moans in pain outside.
Desmond: *comes back in with more popcorn* got more popcorn.
Altair: *comes down stairs and sits back on the couch* ... so remind me again on why we are watching a movie about cars again?
Desmond: cause it's all about Family Altair. *eats some popcorn* it's all about family. *puts shades on and continues the movie*
Welcome back to part 2 of
Random thoughts with
Jacob Frye
Hope you guys enjoy this one ✌ and go check out part 1 of Random thoughts with Jacob Frye. Click the eagle to check out the first one.
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pascalina · 3 years
The brothers' movie
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They don't use the same last name, but they are siblings. Pedro Pascal (40) the Chilean actor who starred in Game of Thrones and now has a starring role in the Netflix series Narcos, uses his mother's surname because it is easier to pronounce in English. 17 years younger, Lucas Balmaceda Pascal (23), also an actor, debuted in Los 80 and today stars in the TVN series Juana Brava. Here, both talk for the first time about their relationship, their love for cinema and their mutual admiration.
José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal was born in Chile, but a few months later he had to go into exile with his parents and his older sister, Javiera, to Denmark. It was the end of 1975. Thanks to the Rockefeller scholarship granted for his father, the doctor José Balmaceda Riera, a year later they moved to the United States: first they lived in San Antonio, Texas. Life there was just beginning and it was not easy.
Seventeen years later, in 1992, Lucas Balmaceda was born in Orange County, California, into the comfort of a family that was financially in its prime. His dad was at the peak of his career: as a fertility specialist and director of one of the University of California's reproductive health centers. But suddenly they moved back to Chile when Lucas was three years old and his brother Nicolas was eight. The two older ones stayed there. Pedro was already studying drama at Orange County High School of the Arts. Then he went to New York to study theater at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University.
After a couple of small appearances in TV series, in 2014 he took the big leap in his career: he played Prince Oberyn in Game of Thrones, which made him world famous. Today, he has a starring role in the series Narcos. He is also filming a movie with Matt Damon and Willem Dafoe.
Fame came early for Lucas. After leaving Saint George High School in 2010, he studied theater at the Universidad Católica, and he began to shine: in year fourth, he starred in the theater play "La noche obstinada", by choreographer Pablo Rotemberg, and got a role in the successful television series Los 80 and today, in his last year, he is the co-star of Juana Brava, the new TVN nighttime series.
Scene one:
Lucas appears in Pedro's life
P: "I was 17 when Lucas was born. He was a baby when I left to go to university. I remember my first visit back and Lucas, who was not even two years old, was already the owner of the house. I remember those looks, wanting to tell me: 'I don't know who you are, but this is my house, mate.
To this day I have never seen that personality in another child. It was fascinating to see that wit in someone so small. Since he was a kid he had that fierce intelligence... The four siblings, Javiera, the eldest and the queen of the family; Nicolas, the doctor; Lucas and I are like a compact and consistent unit. I can't imagine life without them".
L: "Pedro was studying at the university in New York when I was born. When he went home for vacations to see the family, as I didn't know him, I thought: 'who is this guest, who is this weirdo who kisses my mother? She's mine!'. Back in Chile, every year Pedro came to visit us. It was the most entertaining thing in the world for me. He was much older and he would come with all the coolness, with all the culture of cinema, with horror movies that were not available here. Then we would watch them and play them out, we would do sketches. We would play that Pedro was a murderous monster and we would escape from him. We were each a character. He was very funny, he did voices, he impersonated people. He gets mad when I tell him, but I've always found that he has a Jim Carrey thing about him, he manages to make some impressive faces. When he came on, I couldn't stop watching him, he was too entertaining. We are all big movie buffs thanks to my dad. When I was three years old, he took my brothers and me to see Batman. I remember crying hysterically. I was very young, sensitive, and being in the cinema was like entering to another reality: loud noises, giant screen. I didn't understand anything.
Scene two
P: "What's Chilean about me and what's gringo about me is a very interesting question, because I don't think even at 40 years old I've been able to figure it out. I was raised and educated in the United States and socialized a lot with American pop culture, but Chilean pride has always been unwavering. My parents were exiled for eight years. So our visits to Chile were regular. My whole life I have lived in the United States and my whole life I have visited my relatives in Chile. However, since my siblings were raised in Chile, my connection to the country is much stronger today and it is something I am grateful for. Something that happens to me a lot is that when I say I've been in the U.S. my whole life, they say, "Well, you're a gringo then! And after a conversation in my fluent Spanish with a clear Chilean accent that same person turns around and says: I've been listening to you, you're Chilean!
L: "I am Chilean because I lived and grew up here since I was three years old, but at the same time I have a cultural disconnection: my parents lived 25 years in the United States, my brothers are gringos. My visual culture is super gringo, the TV shows I watched when I was a kid or the movies I watch to this day I understand them from that place: as an American. More than being born in the United States, I feel it's because of my family's background".
The performance
P: "There were good years and bad years (when I started my acting career in the United States). Many years I was a waiter to supplement my income. But from a very young age I was auditioning for professional jobs. In my late twenties my career in the theater was relatively consistent. Then, when opportunities in television arose, I was consolidating and it became much easier to pay my expenses. I think that struggle, going through those situations, empowers you a lot and it's one of the things I'm enormously grateful for. And Game of Thrones was an incredible gift. It's the best role I've ever played and they're the best people I've ever worked with."
L: "It's Pedro's fault that I wanted to be an actor. But when I told him I wanted to study theater it was hard for him, more than anything, because he cares about me and studying theater is hard. You have to be very wise and have a super high self-esteem to take care of yourself. Pedro went through many things. If there is an actor who doesn't have contacts in the United States, it's him. Everything he has achieved is because of his work. That's why when people ask me why I don't go to the U.S., it's a resounding no. Being Pedro Pascal's little brother is not going to get me around the corner; I would have to be Tom Cruise's twin to achieve anything. Even so, Pedro had many failed career starts. In 2011, for example, he was offered a starring role in a series called Wonder Woman and it was eventually canceled. That's why, when Games of Thrones came up, I was like, wow! We were all freaking out, because Games of Thrones is like a worldwide trending topic. All the episodes he was in, we were all watching them together at my house, eating pizza or sushi."
Mutual lessons
P: "I try not to get too involved in anything Lucas does or how he does it. He has single-handedly created each of his experiences and is one of the most inspiring things I've ever seen. He loves his work and is continually developing his skills for television and theater, and eventually film. He executes like a real artist and, to be honest, it is more common for me to learn something from him than for him to learn something from me. I mean that very sincerely. Lucas reminds me to work hard and keeps me inspired. When I saw him in Los 80 I was incredibly proud, but not surprised. I was seeing something I had always known. The only advice I've given him is to not be such a workaholic, to take care of himself and to be proud of what he's accomplished and what he still has yet to accomplish. Deep down, I'm always going to be the protective big brother."
L: "Pedro is an object of admiration for me. What he says is law for me. Sometimes I ask him: 'Pedro, did you see that movie?' and he says: 'Yes, I didn't like it'. I tell him: 'Oh, I didn't like it either'. The nice thing about our relationship is that it happens so sporadically, once or twice a year, that the moments when we see each other are very intense. We either fight a lot or we love each other too much, but it's always like a story, like a movie. While he's there and I'm here, we talk a lot on WhatsApp and Facebook".
P: "With Lucas we always keep each other up to date on what movies to watch, what TV shows are good. I bug him all the time asking him about what's going on in his life and I'm always asking him about his perspective on things. Despite being away from each other for a long time, Lucas and I are very close and always have been. I see Lucas at the beginning of an amazing career, with an unwavering curiosity and passion. I love it when he confides in me about things he is enjoying or situations he is dealing with."
L: "I've never seen Pedro in theater, but I've been told he's tremendous. On camera, I find that he has a very intense look. He also has, and in that we are very similar, a very strong visual culture, the fact that we have always liked horror movies. He plays characters that hide something, dark characters. A great strength is that he is very sensual, he knows how to handle himself well from seduction".
P: "Lucas is brave, he's fearless. There's nothing he's not willing to try, he's never going to give up on a challenge, he's never going to leave something halfway, no matter what that means to him. Lucas is unstoppable.
Link interview
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burningtacozombie · 2 years
I've also been wondering how far Miguel would go for Emily if she insists in the divorce, resist him and fight for Cristóbal custody 🤔 She is not involved in the cartel, and I think it would be too dumb and dangerous of her to use this against him, but I think Miguel could totally use the Agra Park to screw her over in court, and also the kidnaping in s1 (remember in SOA when Wendy was trying to get Abel's custody and tried to use this against Jax? Miguel could do that to Emily in bigger scale)
Anonymous asked:
Besides another dirty tricks he could use against her like saying she is not a decent mother and does not know how to take care of her son since she used to leave Cristóbal with nannys, we also see Emily drinking a lot and taking pills so he can imply she is an addicted 👶🏼 Being honest with u, Emily would be at a great disadvantage since there's not much she could use against him (the cartel would be too dangerous, and she would have to proof he tried to kill her, which would be hard)
first of all: I've never seen SoA (don't hate me) and these names don't mean anything to me so I'm sorry but no, I don't remember this storyline because I've never seen it 😂 the only reason I started watching Mayans in the first place is because of Danny Pino.
second, I cannot imagine a world where Miguel and Emily would go to court for divorce or a custody battle like regular people would. they're not regular people. there are a few scenarios I could see but an admittedly very very ugly, yet "regular" court case is not one of them.
one of them dying is a scenario I can imagine, witness protection for Emily and Cristobal (if she somehow ends up in Potter's good graces for giving him information on Miguel and the cartel or what's left of it), maybe she just up and disappers and leaves the country with her son, Miguel straight up kidnapping him if and when he finds him, Miguel taking them both and locking Emily up for God knows how long. but I genuinely doubt they'd go to court publicly and get the authorities back on their asses. if they wouldn't already know, that is.
I'm putting this under a cut because holy shit, this got long but for the heck of it let's do a 'what if they did go to court':
I never saw Emily as an addict. sure, she drinks alcohol but so does Miguel. they all do. that doesn't make her an addict (yet). the pills, they're not pills you get high from. they're antidepressants or anti-anxiety meds or sleeping pills or something like that. with that, Miguel could paint her as an unstable crazy person, an unfit mother yes but not as an addict.
the agra park project tanked. badly. actually, it never even so much as started because of the border closing and the missing materials to even build it so there isn't much to gain for either of them. the project isn't worth the paper it was designed on, not anymore. maybe this would be in any way relevant in a court custody battle but I'm no expert so I wouldn't know how. they were both involved in the project.
as for proof that he tried to kill her, I'm sure Erin would testify on that and the neck and lip bruises she saw, how Miguel was yelling at Emily while she held Cristobal and Erin had to intervene etc. maybe they would even get Emily's doctor to testify that he's the reason she needed those pills in the first place and how she needed a refill sooner than usual because of the missing pills that went into that wine glass. then Miguel would get Maria to testify on how bad of a mother Emily is, that she never took care of her child, etc. it would be a he says, she says.
using the cartel in a custody battle would simply be a dumb thing to do, this would get them both arrested and Cristobal goes into foster care. Emily maybe wasn't directly involved in day to day business but she knew about all of it and didn't snitch on her husband then. the opposite actually, she supported him in all of it. she's quite literally his partner in crime and breathing a word of it to the courts, she would shoot herself in her own foot.
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teddybasmanov · 3 years
We're Choosing, We're Being Chosen: Prince Pharos and his listener
So, I was thinking about it for a very VERY long time and decided to finally write it at least in some form, because the only person who could have written it properly is ThiccDiccEnergy on AO3 and they're already writing so much stuff (some of which are already my requests) that I'm going to put it here in the form of short headcanon instead of a proper story.
TW: arranged marriage, injuries, violence, scars, mentions of death, torture and execution. Nothing is detailed though.
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So, we know that the listener's (do they have a name? I can call them Darling, but that would bring a lot of misunderstanding) family was probably all killed (there are no direct sayings, but they're not mentioned and he says "complete elimination of royal family") and they were captured. So, I think that Emperor Lockvire Ganis Killmere, First of His Name, The Rising Sun That Burns The Graves of His Enemies, Rightful Emperor of Runika and the Crimson Sands (no matter what the false queen and those savages in the west say) in his wisdom didn't initially decide that the listener should marry his younger son. His first idea was that they should be publicly executed on the capital's central square to teach all the future enemies what resisting the Empire leads to. It might have not been made public right away and Pharos isn't involved in the politics enough to know about it.
So, prison, death sentence, guards taking their anger out on them - imagine having a member of a royal family from a country your country has just been at war with (and the propaganda has definitely exaggerated the savagery of the enemy) in your hands. You can do with them whatever you want as long as they're alive and in one piece. Yeah. So their problems are not to bleed out too much and to pick a song to sing on their way to the scaffold.
But then his Imperial Majesty (in his wisdom yet again) changed his mind. The captured heir is to marry Pharos to quieten that damn kingdom without spending any more resources on it and the boy will finally have someone to keep his day-drinking in check. So, the castle doctor had to make THIS presentable for the prince in record time.
And not to say that the listener is very happy with that sudden turn of fate at first. When you first were preparing to be the ruler of your country and then a glorified martyr and now you have to marry an imperial brat you'd definitely be frustrated. This we still see a little bit in the very first video when they say they don't want to marry him, but then they find out that by doing so they can save their people and, being the dutiful ruler they are, they agree and adapt. If needed they'll be his perfect spouse and love him till the day they die, if it means saving their kingdom from the Imperial wrath.
But then the Emperor is dead, long live the Emperor. Pharos goes mad and the capital is on fire. He comes to them offering to run away or to lead the rebellion.
Their first impulse is to drag him to the balcony and slit his throat open in front of a crowd. But they know better than that, the revolution usually eats its own children, and they won't even get a chance to try and help their homeland until their head goes up on a spike.
So, they run away with the fallen Emperor. In the evening of the first day of travel, they get far enough from the capital to stop at an inn.
I think the listener, since they were supposed to be a proper heir to a small kingdom, is well versed both in royal subjects - like diplomacy, languages, history, etiquette, the science of war etc; and in more daily skills like cooking, camping, actually talking to people and so on, so they take the reigns:
"Shut up, I'll talk! Excuse my husband, he's a bit of an idiot." 'Husband?' 'What would you want me to call you? Thought so, now silent.'
When they finally get to the room and order to bring there a tub of hot water to wash away the cinders. They take their shirt off and Pharos rushes to turn away but he isn't fast enough and in his peripheral vision he sees their back. And it's all covered in scars and bruises. Most of them seem quite freshly healed.
"Oh, what, no one told you, that your future consort is damaged goods?" they turn to him and, being the sheltered prince he is, he finally flushes seeing them shirtless. Their front is not much better. That one little scar, usually peeping out from their collar, he always found so charming, appears to be the end of a huge bruise going from their neck and across their torso.
"Who did this to you?"
"Guards. But mostly your father," their tone is calm and cold. In this tone, they explain to him the whole story and the picture of Emperor Lockvire as a perfect man and a perfect ruler crumbles in his mind. He never faced the results of his father's actions directly, but now he is staring at them with tears in his eyes and swears to himself that he's going to protect them from everything. He doesn't know how yet, but he definitely will.
Cold long nights in the dungeon have weakened their health.
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I just realized I never gave Amalia a proper introduction here whOOPS
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Queen Amalia
Her full title, Queen Amalia of House Valenwood
Rules over a country surprisingly well, although diplomatic interactions with her country are often deadly.
It does not take much to get her to stab someone.
Her past
Her mother was kind, and cared about her a lot. She taught the young Amalia to read, and write, weave flower crowns, and sew... things a young girl in her country would often learn.
Her father, however, was... well, a king. He didn't care much for Amalia herself, his way of 'bonding' was teaching her to kill. He wanted a son, so he always resented both her and her mother a bit for it. Especially since the woman never birthed another child.
Although that may have been related to the fact that she couldn't handle his BS anymore, and simply vanished one night. Left Amalia a rose from her garden, but no other signs.
Her father took that as a bad sign. He treated Amalia worse after that, especially while searching for the former queen.
When he finally found Amalia's mother, he brought Amalia herself. Made her watch, as he cut the woman down where she stood.
Amalia changed quite a bit that day. Her father had called her mother a coward for fleeing from the castle, from their country- from their home.
She remembered that.
Years later, the king himself fled due to many attempts on his life, he was not so comfortable with the idea of himself dying. Left a newly crowned 18 year old in charge, dealing with a near-revolt.
It helped that she promised to come back with whatever supplies the cowardly king had stored away and give it to the general populace, along with his head on a pike.
She didn't really care about things, anyways. She liked swords, and flowers. She also quite enjoyed sweets, a fact that those who want to have a higher chance of survival around her learn very quickly.
When she found her father, he begged her not to kill him, to just let him live away from where she would be bothered by him. It was the first and last time she had ever heard him beg.
She laughed.
"But it's like you said~ Cowards and traitors have no right to live. It's what you said yourself, father! And if you didn't mean that..."
For the first time, her expression was serious. "... then I'd still have to kill you. I don't like liars."
He never lied to anyone again after that, but his head was also no longer attached to his body.
You can read the full story here! (There are a FEW things I added when writing this tumblr post up, because that's how it goes with OCs, but that's just her backstory anyways.)
When she got her familiar, it wasn't how you'd expect. I don't think she even knows he's her familiar- and she didn't know he was a goose at first, either.
He just sort of started attacking the door one day, and she had to stop the guards from killing him.
"That's an odd duck."
"W-well you see, m'lady, that's..."
"I'm keeping it."
And that's how she got a goose running around biting ankles and honking at people.
Her present
Now she rules her country happily, no one goes against her because she's quite good at striking down those that oppose the country itself...
... and those that upset her...
... or tick off her familiar, the goose. It's not hard to anger Jaskier.
He's kind of a dick, although her father was the one named Richard.
She's often found playing chess, and she's a surprisingly good player.
Claims that war isn't much different than a game of chess.
Someone points out that war is much more serious, and takes sacrifices.
She'll reply with "Maybe your wars, but I'm not a coward that hides in a 'command tent' relaying orders."
She hates commanders that don't join their men on the front lines.
Also the first country in her area to employ women in their army. She has given them legal high ground against the men, due to several incidents.
One man was brought specifically to her attention, because he was a high ranking officer with complaints from multiple lower ranking officers.
Everyone seemed to be pushing her towards pardoning him and shifting the blame onto the women.
She cut the man down, and then locked her advisors in a room with Jaskier.
They didn't last long, although Jaskier didn't kill them. They do now have multiple scars on their ankles and buttocks.
They are no longer employed at the castle.
A lot of times princes will come try to 'woo' her, and leave in a coffin.
She can't help it, when men try to touch her it triggers her fight or flight response thanks to her father and constant dangerous combat training.
She definitely leans towards fight in those situations. 'Run' isn't in her vocabulary.
Sometimes she'll have long conversations with her pastry chef, with whom she has a surprisingly good relationship.
That's why she has one rule for Jaskier, and it's don't fuck with the kitchen.
They still have to leave a bowl with food out for him to avoid him harassing servers on their way to, well... serve.
It's always an interesting time at the castle.
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Everything Else
Neither of us know her future, I leave that up to fate and bullshitting our way through situations.
Demiromantic pansexual! (But she isn't really interested in sex or romance, she prefers chocolate and stabbing people. But if she got a good cuddle session in, she would probably cry and latch onto you forever.)
Made her own crown, rarely wears the typical gold one. She uses roses from her mother's garden, something she's continued to take care of- one of the few things she kept after her parents passed.
Has an interesting sort of magic, she doesn't even realize she uses it, but it makes fires burn brighter, machinery fail spectacularly, and increasingly odd things being found by the goose.
Even though she's a queen, she dislikes most nobility.
Nobody likes a bleeder, Karen.
They're too stuck up, they think everything is their right. She believes in needing to earn respect, and they never do. They often die in messy little puddles.
You can tell she's planning to kill someone if her hair is up.
She Cannot Be Stopped
Has inadvertently flirted with girls before and gets really confused when they get all flustered
She got the help of doctors and magicians to transition, although she didn't see any point to having tiddies so she's more or less flat-chested.
Enjoys the chaos of people who have never been in peril before panicking.
I think that's about it
If you have any questions, please send me asks I'm dying to answer some asks
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
Soulmate AU: DK Arno x Reader 4/4
Soulmate if your soulmate gets hurt you feel it and share their scars. 
[Kinda mean and angsty to the reader at the beginning Because Arno rejects them at first because he thought Elise was his soulmate, but becomes it happy in the end.] 
[Time skip]
He screwed up...Arno royally fucked himself! Leon got angry at him when Arno told him how his efforts for France's freedom was pipe dream and he was just going to get himself killed! the child got upset and tried to strike the man instead.
Arno moved out of reach as boy grabbed his scarf and pulled it off exposing his face he heard Y/n gasp before he tried to reach out to her "Y/n-" she backed away from him "Stay away from me..." she croaked same look in her eyes when she was in that trance before running away from him.  
Arno felt hollow and listless as he finally tracked Leon down and found him hiding in the backyard of the orphanage trying to hide the manuscript under some stones. "Give me the manuscript now." he growled the boy hid it behind his back. "You liar you were never fighting for France, why do you really want it?" he demanded as the man took a few steps towards Leon. "I'm leaving the country and that's my ticket out of here." Aron huffed as the boy reluctantly handed it off to him. 
The former assassin began to walk away the boy just had to say it. "...I feel sorry for miss L/n, knowing she's stuck with a cowardly connard like you for a soulmate." Arno stopped walking then turned around and marched towards the boy. "I am no coward, little man. I just know how this twisted world works and that you can't save everyone!" and to add insult to injury he told the boy his parents weren't coming back, as a carriage rolled by Leon hid behind Arno when he realized it was Napoleon's carriage; the commandant hadn't even noticed them as he was preoccupied by a letter. 
Arno hissed as he felt pain blossom in his left side like he'd been kicked, he ignored it and kept moving on, as the pain moved to his left hand like Y/n was hitting something repeatedly, the pain stopped leaving the feeling of pins and needles erupted in right shoulder something must've caused her to dislocate it again, Arno bit the inside of his cheek he didn't want to know what was going on. She already thinks him a monster... Well, that didn't matter anymore! Arno was done, done with Leon, done with Elise, done with... Done with this whole damn country.
Arno walked into the tavern looking for the Marque, but the pub owner said he wasn't there then told the assassin that someone was looking for him. He immediately assumed it was the Marque when he spotted a woman out of the corner of his eye, his heart stopped when he saw it was Elise?! 
Arno called out to her and gave chase before finally catching up to the girl and tackled her to the ground...it wasn't Elise it was a pickpocket who threw the coins she'd stolen at him before running away as Arno just sat there in the street defeated."I've been looking for you..Thank you for returning Leon." The voice of Madame Margot said causing the broken man to suck up what little pride he had left and pull himself up to face her.
"Good luck with him."
"I once had a son." 
"I'm sorry-"
"No, he's still alive. I left him, I began the orphanage afterward."
Arno let out a bitter laugh "Now, that's love." The madame cut him off "Sometimes love can be a prison, his father taught me that." she then pointed down the road. "The orphanage is my true calling..." then she gave him a sharp look. "Leon tells me You could've been the savior of France. Children..." Arno looked down at his feet as he though over what Madame Margot said Arno took a deep breath It was time to break out of his prison. "Madame Margot..." the old woman smiled victoriously.
"They're back at the orphanage." she mused guiding him back to the red building and were stunned to find marshals cleaning up bodies and a doctor tending to one of Rose's men whose body was bent in places that shouldn't bend. "What's happened here?" Margot demanded as her grounds keeper appeared before her with a black eye and a gash on his head being helped to walk by one of the older children.
"We was waitin on you, when this piss-pot and his boys barged in demanding to know where Leon and that [skinny/piggy] bitch was...they went after the kids, i tried to stop them, as you can see." He gestured to his injuries then took a breath and pointed at the broken window. "then there's this boom windows broken one of the connards drops dead bleeding from his head, then smoke started fill the house, the men thought the place was on fire." Arno reached for his belt and realized one of his smoke bombs was missing!
"Heard a struggle,when the smoke finally cleared his *nods at Arno* woman was standing over the bloke; I think she drugged him or something." the tween holding him up butted in "then she says: Go get the marshals and a doctor, I asked; why? you and the old man weren't that badly hurt! then she says to me; oh, it's not for us. no, it's for him. Seems in his haste to get away...He tripped and fell down the stairs.~" Arno looked at the the brutes broken body and winced.
The Marque was wrong about Y/n being bad at defending herself. "Exactly how many times did he fall down the stairs?" the assassin asked as the marshals hauled the brute onto the prison wagon, the old man just smirked. "Not really sure, seems in all the excitement we lost count..." he chortled as the kid giggled along with him. 
Madame Margot did head count of the children realized Leon was missing again! Arno went around back found him and Y/n who was sitting against the wall watching Leon practice sword strikes. "Little man." he called out to causing Y/n to flinch that didn't go unnoticed by Arno, the boy without hesitating Leon whirled around a pointed his sword at Arno who wasn't impressed as he lazily pushed the sword aside.
"We have three days till my ship sails."
"So what?"
"I'll get the artifact. then, I'm gone."
"Fine, But how? do you have a map to the temple in your coat?"
Leon asked in smug tone, Arno eyes as he realized something he pulled out the list of relics from his coat. "I knew I had seen those plates before. they're drawn here." he showed Leon "But this one is missing." the boy giggled, confusing the man "I'm being serious!" Arno huffed. "Moi aussi, meet me upstairs when you two have found the other plates." Arno almost impressed by the boy's self-confidence then walked over toward Y/n who tried to back away from him.
"Did I not make it clear when I said stay away from me--" She squeaked when Arno suddenly lifted her off the ground and tossed her over his shoulder like sack of potatoes. "Non, non I don't want this, put me down! " She demand while struggling in his hold. "I'll scream!" she warned Arno wasn't even fazed by her threat. "Go ahead, the guards won't help." He deadpanned just as two guards noticed them and approached. "Oi, what's going on here?" One as Y/n quick stammered out
"H-Help please! he's kidnapping me!" she pleaded as Arno happily chimed in "Sorry about her we're having a bit of a spat, I'm sure you understand." he chirped the guards were bit skeptical until they saw Y/n and Arno's matching scars, They chuckled and wished the brown haired man good luck, cause his soulmate looked pissed! the y/hc woman gawked at them in disbelief. 
"Told you it wouldn't work." He mumbled the walk was relatively silent Y/n stopped trying to get out of his arms but he still refused to put her down; Arno knows the second he does she'll bolt , they were almost at the first plate location when the french spoke up. "I meant it when I said I was sorry." Y/n snorted bitterly at him.
"Well can you take your apology and shove it." 
"You don't understand-"
"No, you don't understand!...I have been alone since I was 3! I had no home, no parents and no Madame Margot, I had to grow up before I even knew how talk, then your scars started showing up on my body, I actually felt hope that maybe, just maybe! I wouldn't be alone after all? someone was out there looking for me, then met I you and...*hnk* " She started crying Arno stopped walking averting his gaze to the ground, he immediately set Y/n down and rested her head against his chest in an awkward attempt at comfort; it had been a while since he held a woman in his arms, the tips of her ears turned pink when she cries... he noted eventually his other arm had wrapped her waist and pulled her closer to him.
"I'm sorry, At the time I blindly in love someone else, I thought she... no, I wanted her to be my soulmate. " He knew this wasn't going make everything better but, he promised before he leaves to tell her about Elise and how it all went down, but for now he needs her to trust him or at least tolerate him, She's the only other person besides Leon who can guide him in the catacombs.
His arms tightened on her when Arno spied some of Rose's men nearby, but because they couldn't see Y/n's face; the soulmates were brushed off a couple having a go at each other before continuing their patrol. after a couple minutes Y/n calmed down and the plan was to split up it'll be quicker that way, Again Arno tried give Y/n his gun and a poison bomb but she told him not to worry she'll be fine.
[Time skip]
A small fire had broken out in one of the dig sites Arno felt his stomach drop at the sight of the smoke and the raiders running for dear life, He was ready run down there and search for the archaeologist, but a hand grabbed his wrist before he could take a step, he whipped his head around lips curled into a snarl ready to fight whoever was holding him back, Only to stared stunned to see a smirking Y/n holding the second plate!
the former assassin was curious as to how she managed get hers, the only answer was "Honor among street rats." She said then winked a one of the raider's who was standing off a ways, the man smirked and saluted her before disappearing after the others, Arno cocked a brow now curious exactly what Y/n had given the man in return for his help, and how she knew him? 
But y/nat woman was already heading back towards the orphanage. "I said not to go ahead me!" Arno huffed as he caught up to her then noticed her bracer looked different, his brows furrowed and grabbed her arm to examine it, she added a gun? It kind of looked like the one on that Italian parchment... then the pence dropped now he remembered where he's seen that gun before! The statue in the sanctuary!
"You replicated master Ezio's pistol?!" He exclaimed stunned as Y/n looked at him bemused. "Ezio's gun? non You mean... Da Vinci's gun?" She said raising an inquisitive brow as the dark haired man shook his head. "Non, Da Vinci was an ally of Ezio's who translated....Altair's... codex..." he trailed off Arno's soul sort of left his body for a second there, and felt a little weak in the knees when he realized he held a piece of assassin history without realizing it! then the questions started piling up: did she find any other pages? has she tried firing it? But immediately he pushed those questions aside that life was behind him now...
When they got back to the orphanage Leon surprised them with a third plate which Y/n had a suspicion was why Rose's men were after him. The three of them set the plates down and stared at them stumped "So, what happens now?" Arno shrugged "You tell me." The madame Margot came in and the plates lit up when she brought her candle to the Arno carefully arranged and held them to the light to reveal the temples location. He grabbed Y/n's hand and told Leon to stay put. 
[Time skip]
Things got bad real fast Arno fell through the floor into an old cistern, while Y/n was taken hostage by Rose and apparently she wasn't making it easy for them as several of the men were knock out she eventually did get away after tossing a smoke bomb. 
They found each other by literally running into one another she was missing her jacket and bag, Said Rose stole it thinking the key the was in it, luckily Arno had it with him. 
They made their way back to the vault Arno told her to stay outside. but Y/n could see he was out numbered by Rose's men well the ones the raider hadn't killed anyways a few were actually running away while Rose was barking orders at and calling them cowards. 
Y/n saw Arno go down so she acted! She let out a whistle and getting Arno and Rose's attention the Assassin could only watch horrified as Y/n was shot in the stomach! he felt pain in his stomach he finished off the remaining men and tried to run to her, but Rose knock him down "Don't worry boy, I left her pretty face intact..."Arno glared up at the raider. 
Who smirked thinking he'd won, even went on a tirade about how much Y/n has been thorn in his since Paris and should of off'd her the second she fowled up that job!
Arno's lips curled into a snarl realizing who was responsible for Y/n's attack, before feeling the pain shift in his stomach, his eyes caught Y/n very much alive and pointing her hidden pistol at Rose The assassin smirked confusing Rose who heard a click then *BANG* now the shot wasn't enough to kill Rose, but it had enough force to knock him forwards; right into Arno's hidden blade which found it's way into his neck, After watching Rose's final thoughts. 
Arno shot up off the ground straight to Y/n who was holding her stomach trying to get up."Don't!" Arno barked making her tense he sounded scared... without a another word he pulled her shirt up much to the y/ht woman's protests! Only to find her very bruised but otherwise undamaged belly and he was so confused when he saw something on the ground a block of wood and some kind of bloody sack...
He looked at her Y/n rambled that Rose was always a selfish brute and knew he shoot her the second she confronted him "so I made a tr-" she was cut by Arno crashing his lips against hers in very intense kiss, before pulling away and resting his head against her shoulder. "Don't ever fucking scare me like that again..." he said voice hoarse from holding back screams.
A few minutes of collecting themselves Arno went and got the artifact from behind the door, and rejoined Y/n just a more raiders showed up to try and steal the lantern from them, Arno held the y/nat close as used the artifact on the men, it was terrifying watching bats come out of nowhere and attacking them and even turning some against each other! She locked eyes with Arno the two silently agreed that this Artifact can't fall into the commandant's hands...   
That night Arno had spent the night with... Y/n they mostly talked mostly about his past and resolve, and they moved on to the current situation where do they go from here, and what will he do with the lantern? He decided that it'll will be going to Cairo Y/n looked somberly assuming he still wanted to leave... got off her bed to get dressed Arno pulled her back onto him "It'll be going to Cairo alone.." 
She looked at him stunned unsure if she heard him right, He brushed her hair out of her face told this whole ordeal taught him how selfish and trapped he was feeling over Elise's death, it wasn't fair to Arno, and it certainly wasn't fair Y/n... He's decided to stay and return to Paris he didn't intend to go alone, Y/n hugged him so tightly he nearly got the wind knocked out of him!
The next morning after settled their debts with the Marquis and saying their goodbyes to Leon and Margot , Arno and Y/n were riding along the country side when they were stopped by courier he scrutinized her for a moment before handing her a letter.
 Arno curiously watched Y/n read before a smirk tugged on her lips. "Good news?" The assassin inquired his soulmate just looked at him with the same spark when they first met. "Depends, you up for another expedition?" the Frenchman looked at her curiously, it was rough the first couple years Arno though his life ended with Elise's death; turns out it just acted as a starting point for his new life with Y/n to begin...
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