startingover2108 · 2 years
ulcerative colitis (UC) diagnosis
They finally made a diagnosis.. am waiting for some results for my medication hopefully will be better then. So currently can't eat normally..
Am eating mostly soups, boiled chicken from soup, plain white rice, boiled potatoes and for breakfast I have oatmeal .. but seems like I will have to be careful of lactose ..
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tothechaos · 7 months
me trying to convince myself that the whole spectrum of human emotions is a good and necessary thing to feel even if its not comfortable while im actively experiencing emotions that make me feel like my bones are being dissolved in acid
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Sending love to everyone who has health issues or chronic pain in parts of your body that aren’t usually socially acceptable to talk about. It’s frustrating to feel like you can never explain your pain to someone because it’s TMI and to feel like you have to hide it. Your pain is nothing to be ashamed of. I see you, and I’m sending you support and strength.
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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nevermind, she’s gone back to looking gooped to hell so I’m bringing her in today.
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zealouswitchwerewolf · 4 months
Has anyone seen/written any fics where Danny is so used to being an overpowered menace that danger doesn't even register the same for him anymore. Like he's gone against the likes of undergrowth and vortex, he's obviously not going to be intimidated by a middle aged man with sweaty hands pointing a gun at him.
It's all fine until he leaves Amity and starts being put in mildly dangerous situations that don't bother him at all but everyone around him looks super freaked out? And it can range from like being mugged or one of the DC superheroes facing one of their supervillains while all the civilians run away and Danny just keeps going full on ignoring cause not his circus, not his monkeys, but still.
And then he realizes that his reaction is abnormal and people are starting to stare and he doesn't need the extra attention on him but knows he can't act for shit so he just goes for the most deadpan sarcasm he can muster and goes all "oh, nooooo. This is so bad. I am SO scared." And it just makes the stares worse but by then he's committed to the bit and will throw gradually more concerning stuff about his past in conversations with the most dead expression just to see how far he can take it until someone confronts him about it.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 months
i just think it's bullshit that alternative meats, milks, eggs, breads, and other foods are prohibitively expensive. like i don't know how to tell people that not everyone who eats vegan or vegetarian is choosing to eat that way because of their moral beliefs- a lot of people are eating these foods because they have food allergies or intolerances, or have other gastrointestinal issues
i don't have a choice. it's downright cruel to make these different options more expensive. there is no one size fits all diet- every single person needs a unique diet and some folks literally have no choice but to utilize these substitutes. some vegetarians cant digest soy. some vegetarians can't eat beans. i also don't know how to tell you that not every vegetarian or vegan can ingest raw vegetables and fruits, or even cooked ones, for that matter
there are a LOT of health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis, crohns disease, and other gastrointestinal issues that can cause a person to become very sick or even die if they ingest too much raw plant matter, especially vegetables high in fiber. when these fibers cannot be broken down by a person's digestive system, they can form blockages in the intestines and kill people. not every person on this planet benefits from eating a lot of leafy greans. some people are allergic to chlorophyll. some people are allergic to citric acid. diabetic people have to be careful with certain vegetables and fruits causing spikes or dips in blood sugar, and many people with diabetes end up with gastroparesis, or similar gut issues. there are a lot of reasons why people can't just switch to a diet of salads and fruit smoothies every day.
alternative foods need to be available to everyone, regardless of how much income they make. having safer alternative foods should not be relegated to the rich. these are not just being consumed by spiritual white moms on instagram. these foods need to be accessed by disabled people all over the world.
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thequietesthing · 5 months
the incredible harsh quiet revelation that you have when you are diagnosed with chronic illness(es) is that you will never be healthy again. I don't think able bodied people are able to understand what it means to just resign to the fact that your life is not just yours anymore. you share it with a weight that will be with you until you are gone from this world.
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qourmet · 7 months
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the more things change, the more they stay the same
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thatchronicfeeling · 10 months
Reminder that it's less than a month before pharmacies will be closed for end-of-year holidays. Make sure that you will have enough medications to see you into the new year.
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sq1stemcell · 2 years
Stem Cell Therapy For Autoimmune Diseases
More and more successful clinical cases have shown that stem cells have good effects on immune regulation and tissue repair. Many patients with autoimmune diseases from all over the world choose to come to SQ1 medical center for stem cell therapy and had significant improvements.
 The Beneficial Effects Of Stem Cell Therapy On Autoimmune Diseases
The advantage of stem cell therapy for autoimmune disease is that it can help repair and regenerate tissues that were damaged during the autoimmune attacks, including damaged nerves, skin, blood vessels, organs, etc. At the same time, stem cells can regulate the immune system so that it stops attacking the body. Scientific studies have shown that stem cells can minimize the pathological effects of the immune system self-attacks, thereby avoiding autoimmunity, while maintaining the body’s ability to defend agist foreign substances and real pathogens.
 Stem cell therapy helps:
Prevent disability and improve patients’ quality of life
 Inhibit the formation of auto-immune antibodies
 Alleviate the fibrosis process of damaged organs
 Helps restore the normal function of damaged organs
 Normalize immune system function
 Reduce or eliminate inflammation
 Alleviate joint pain
 Reduce medication dosage
 Reduce recurrence rate
 Autoimmune Diseases That Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat
 Lupus erythematosus: including cutaneous and systemic lupus erythematosus
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Sjogren’s syndrome
 Ankylosing spondylitis
 Ulcerative colitis
 Crohn's disease
 Autoimmune thyroiditis
 Studies have found that stem cells have immunoregulatory functions on various immune cells in the body. According to the follow-ups of our patients, over 76% of the patients had significant relief of symptoms within one year after receiving treatment, and the recurrence rate was significantly reduced. Stem cell therapy has become a wise choice for patients with autoimmune diseases.
 Learn More About Autoimmune Diseases
 Autoimmune diseases are diseases in which the body’s immune system malfunctions and causes the body to attack its normal tissues. The immune system is the security system of the human body. Through the immune surveillance mechanism, it always watches over for any pathogen invasion or cell mutations throughout the body. Once an abnormality is found, the corresponding immune response program will be activated to eliminate and remove pathogens or diseased cells.
If the patient’s immune system is over-activated under the combination of genetic defects and predisposing factors, it may mistakenly attack its normal tissues and cells, resulting in organ and tissue damage in the body that leads to autoimmune diseases. Up till now, about 7.6-9.4% of the world’s population suffer from various types of autoimmune diseases. Generally, it is difficult to cure it after the onset of the disease. Most patients need long-term or even life-long medication.
 Risk Factors For Autoimmune Diseases
Factor Description
Family inheritance
If there are confirmed autoimmune patients with family members, the risk of the disease will increase significantly, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Idiopathic Inflammatory myopathy.
During embryonic development, due to gene mutation, the related immune regulatory system became malfunctions. Genetic mutations lead to susceptible genotypes that will increase the risk of developing autoimmune diseases in patients.
Congenital heart defect
Congenital vascular structural defects. these defects could lead to local vascular stenosis.
Autoimmune disease: Malfunction of the immune system, which will attach and damage own tissues and organs.
Infection or disease factors
Infections of various bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses, such as streptococcus or Epstein-Barr virus
Abnormal fluctuations of hormone levels in the body
Drugs or other toxic substances
Toxic side effects are caused by drug intake, such as antibiotics.
Exposure to certain toxic substances: Such as chemical ingredients, organic solvents, etc.
Lifestyle factors
Long-term smoking (including cigars and pipes) and alcoholism
Long-term sun or UV exposure
Residence in areas with severe air pollution
Long-term exposure to intensive pressure or severe mental stimulation
 Clinical Symptoms Of Autoimmune Diseases
 Autoimmune diseases are mainly caused by the dysfunction of the autoimmune system and attack to own tissues and organs. The clinical manifestation of different types of patients are complicated and overlap with each other. However, due to individual differences in the specific damage site and severity, they will present different clinical characteristics.
Common Symptoms
Joint bones
Persistent, polyarthritis of the affected joints
Pain, stiffness, swelling, and limited mobility in joints and bones
Stiffness in and around the joints after waking up in the morning called "morning stiffness “
Severe damage to articular cartilage and bone in severely affected patients, leading to joint deformity and loss of function, and ultimately disability
Skin and mucous membranes
Obvious rash and erythema on the skin, and may aggravate after exposure to light
Mucosal ulceration may occur in some patients, which recurs even if it could heal spontaneously
Dry mouth and eyes
Long-term and repeated skin damage may cause scarring and sclerosis of the skin tissue
Abnormal sensations on the skin surface (such as touch, temperature, etc.), unable to accurately perceive external stimuli and changes
Muscle and soft tissue
Muscles and soft tissues are damaged by chronic inflammation, causing redness, pain, and weakness
As the disease progresses, the muscles and soft tissues could be severely damaged, which can lead to muscle wasting and joint deformation.
The central neural system cannot effectively control the movement of muscles in the affected area, especially difficult to perform fine movements.
Patients may also have systemic multiorgan structural
Weakness, fatigue, fever
Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
Gastrointestinal discomfort, loss of appetite, and severe cases may be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea
Kidney damage can lead to proteinuria
Brain damage can cause cognitive deficits, seizures, or abnormal behaviors
 Advantages Of Stem Cell Treatment For Autoimmune Diseases
 At present, the clinical treatment of autoimmune disease is mainly with drug therapy, including glucocorticoids and various immunosuppressive agents. Drug therapy can only control the progression of the disease to a certain extent but cannot completely cure the disease. The immunosuppressive agents inhibit all the immune functions of the side effects and toxicity is relatively intensive.
 Compared with conventional therapy, stem cell therapy has unique advantages:
  Stem cell therapy
Conventional treatment
Curative Treatment or diseases management
Stem cell therapy is a new treatment for autoimmune diseases that aims to help restore normal function of the immune system by modulating immune system response and repairing/regenerating damaged cells and tissues in the body.
 If you receive stem cell therapy at an early stage, it can reverse body damage caused by the immune response, thus reducing recurrence rates, freeing you from drug dependence, and even avoiding surgery.
The primary choice for autoimmune diseases is drug therapy. The main purpose of treatment is to inhibit the immune response and suppress inflammation in the body. Autoimmune diseases cannot be completely cured, and the recurrence rate is high.
When stem cells are infused back into the body, they can regulate the immune system back to normal functionality, significantly reduce the recurrence rate, and decrease the drug dosage needed. If the therapy is conducted at an early stage of the disease, it can completely reverse the drug dependence.
 Stem cell experts based on your current level of disease and other comorbidities will design a customized protocol and decide, the number of stem cells, source of stem cells, and cycles of stem cell therapy.
If you choose drug therapy, you will find the dose of the drug increase slowly and gradually, and you will gradually develop resistance and require larger dosages or more powerful drugs.
No Side-effects as stem cells are our cells that are used to treat the disease and regenerate lung tissue to regain proper functioning.
Drugs may have side effects on the body, such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, adverse skin reactions, and rapid decline in immune function. The side effects are tremendous.
Stem cell therapy is performed by stem cell specialists which requires a special laboratory to process the stem cells and the medical set-up to extract and inject the stem cell. 
 The therapy is going to be injection-based and needs to be performed in a hospital.
It’s relatively easy to take medications, but the patient needs to take them repeatedly every day, which is prone to the development of drug dependence.
If treated in the early stage, in the long run, stem cell therapy can eliminate drug dependence, restore normal immune system functions, and return the patient to a healthy life.  After the functional recovery of the immune system, the patients can eliminate the drug dependence and significantly reduce the recurrence rate. This is a long-term effect.
 If conducted at a later stage, stem cell therapy can still reduce drug dosage, and in rare cases, you might need several treatment regimens.
The effect of drug therapy is short-term, and patients need to take medications daily, once stopped, the symptoms will resume or even worsen. You need to take medications for the whole lifetime.
Stem cells are a fundamental part of our body, and the main function of stem cells is to regulate the immune system and repair/regenerate damaged cells and help you avoid surgery.
If your symptoms are severe, surgery may be necessary, but surgery only helps to remove necrotic tissue but help little to heal the disease, your disease condition remains and continue to damage your body.
 How Can Stem Cell Therapy For Autoimmune Diseases Work
 Immunomodulatory mechanisms: Stem cells suppress autoimmune responses and regulate immune balance by directly engaging immune cells and secreting a variety of immunoregulatory factors, therefore preventing the progression of autoimmune diseases.
 Multidirectional differentiation potential: Stem cells can migrate directionally into damaged tissues and differentiate into functional cells of the corresponding tissue through the induction of tissue microenvironment, integrate with in situ cells of damaged tissues, and repair or rebuild the structure and function of damaged tissues.
 Promote angiogenesis: After infusion of stem cells to the patients with damaged heart, liver, kidney, brain, and lung, capillary regeneration can be found by angiography, indicating that stem cells can promote the regeneration of blood vessels in damaged tissue and improve blood circulation.
 Antioxidative stress: After the stem cells were infused into the body, the content of superoxide dismutase in the blood increased, and the apoptotic cells in the heart, liver, and kidney tissues decreased. This result confirmed that stem cells have anti-oxidative stress and anti-apoptotic effects.
 SQ1 Stem Cell Services
During the whole treatment process, we’ll provide complete and first-class medical services to you. And to ensure your treatment effect, you can consult your doctor any time after the treatment.
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royaltea000 · 4 months
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trying to learn how to draw this dude
credit to @/transparentalia for the ref images :)
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reyrapidsbutgayer · 10 months
Ranking All Elden Ring Bosses by Fuckability
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It was only a matter of time until I made a post like this.
In this hypothetical all of the bosses can be reasonably communicated with and are not actively trying to kill you.
Repeat bosses not included, duo bosses counted seperate.
It should also be assumed that all of these bosses have access to their magic/items/resources to benefit them in bed.
Explanation of Grading system:
Ineligible: (Cannot give consent)
These characters are not sentient enough to communicate consent, or are physically incapable of sex.
Unfuckable: (Can give consent, but does not DESERVE sex)
Character sucks so badly that they do not deserve to experience pleasure in any shape or form.
Uninterested: (Can give consent, does not WANT sex)
These character are fully capable of sex but would never participate in sex due to lack of interest or overabundance of moral convictions.
Not worth it: (Can give consent, is terrible in bed)
I mean, you COULD have sex with these characters but why would you?
Acceptable: (Can give consent, would be fine in bed)
These characters are average in bed, nothing crazy or noticeable. Some might end up in this category because they ARE good at sex, but the entire process would be inconvenient or uncomfortable to initiate.
Good Time: (Can give consent, would be great in bed)
These characters are good at sex, give or take a few points depending on their mood or situation.
Knock your socks off: (Can give consent, would be amazing in bed)
These characters excel in giving pleasure and would be well worth the time and effort involved.
Sex God: (Can give consent, would be the best in bed)
These characters would be so good at sex that all other factors are irrelevant. They are serving and we are here for it.
Evil Sex God: (Can give consent, is a terrible person but you’d make an exception.)
These are characters that should fall lower in the rankings, but their sexual prowess supersedes their inherent awfulness to a noteworthy degree.
Full list below the read more. Obviously it's not going to be sfw.
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Ineligible: (Cannot give consent)
Dragonkin Soldier:
Mindless beast
Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Weird rock alien, doesn't/can't understand.
Fia's Champions:
Ghosts, simps.
Regal Ancestor Spirit
Erdtree Avatar
A plant
Great Wyrm Theodorix
Mindless beast.
Ulcerated Tree Spirit
A plant, no junk
Tibia Mariner:
Red Wolf of the Champion:
Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
Weird rock alien, doesn't/can't understand.
Abductor Virgin
First off, just some snakes in a robot. Second, virgin.
Erdtree Burial Watchdog
Stone gargoyle
Mad Pumpkin Heads
Unable to consent due to madness.
Cemetery Shade
Unable to consent due to mind controlling parasite.
Spirit-Caller Snail
Miranda the Blighted Bloom
A plant
Guardian Golem
Stone gargoyle
Starscourge Radahn:
Unable to consent due to madness
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Unfuckable: (Can give consent, but does not DESERVE sex)
Elden Beast:
Too catholic.
Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing:
Dick game weak - unironically posts joker memes.
Basically a cop.
Necromancer Garris:
Killed his family, not a good husband.
Royal Revenant:
Won't stop screaming (in an unsexy way)
Godrick the Grafted:
Incel - Also all that murder and torture business but mostly the Incel stuff.
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Uninterested: (Can give consent, does not WANT sex)
Valiant Gargoyle:
Could probably have sex if it wanted to, but is kinda going through a lot right now. Ya know, that whole "Is made of several corpses mashed together" thing.
Malenia, Blade of Miquella:
Look, I ALSO wanted her to higher up on this list, but let's be honest here. Her body is rotting and falling apart, she just isn't up for sex in her current form. In her prime? She'd be top of the list. She's the daughter of Marika and Radagon, she'd be playing fuck/marry/kill with every warrior who crossed her path. (in that order)
Death Rite Bird:
I think it might be physically capable of sex, but is too busy burning corpses to bother with stuff like that.
Black Blade Kindred:
Same reason as the Valiant Gargoyle but you might have like 2% more of a chance because they are goth.
Maliketh, the Black Blade:
Would normally be a sex god, but is too religious. Probably took a vow about this sort of thing.
Morgott, the Omen King:
You kidding me? This guy has the same energy as a repressed youth pastor. He's gonna be a virgin till the day he dies. The dude sided with the same religious order that locked him a sewer and tried to kill him. He's not out there getting phone numbers he's too busy praying and judging others for their 'impure thoughts'.
Draconic Tree Sentinel:
Married to his job, also physically chained to his horse. He ain't taking off that armor anytime soon.
Too sad, leave him alone his face is full of worms.
Tree Sentinel:
Same as the Draconic Tree Sentinel but he's a tiny bit more naive so you might have a better chance.
Elder Dragon Greyoll:
Too sleepy, but still kinda a milf.
Grafted Scion:
There might be some genitals in there somewhere but I don't think they know how or even want to use them.
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Not worth it: (Can give consent, is terrible in bed)
Esgar, Priest of Blood:
No sense of hygiene, is always covered in blood (in an unsexy way)
Mohg, Lord of Blood:
This loser is dripping with all the least sexy bodily fluids and he has sharp horns sticking out of him. Even if you got him in bed you'd only enjoy like 5% of it. Plus you just know he'd be all needy afterwards and try to get you to join his MLM.
Borealis the Freezing Fog:
Too cold, not a snuggler.
Elemer of the Briar:
The armor stays ON during sex.
Kindred of Rot:
It's like all the worst possible aspects of alien biology, it won't be nearly as fun as you hoped.
Sanguine Noble:
Same as all the other Mohg followers, too sticky and too smelly.
Decaying Ekzykes:
He's sick right now, leave him alone.
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Acceptable: (Can give consent, would be fine in bed)
Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree:
I'm sure she'd be a decent lover. Maybe a little overzealous but she'd has good intentions.
Grave Warden Duelist:
I mean these guys are hot and probably fuck like a truck but they are not the most caring lovers, also they are covered in live snakes so there is that.
Night's Cavalry:
If you like goth knights I'm sure they'd be fine.
Alabaster Lord:
Their skin probably feels like stone, but I bet they can pull off all sorts of freaky zero-g sex stuff if you ask them.
Onyx Lord:
Same as the Alabaster Lord but slightly more goth.
Fell Twins:
Once you get past the horns and stuff I bet the Omens are actually pretty good in bed, just watch out.
Demi-Human Queens:
I feel like all Demi-humans are pretty good lovers but their biology probably has some unexpected drawbacks.
Stonedigger Troll:
If you can get past the texture and the size I bet they could be decent in bed.
Flying Dragon Greyll:
A surprisingly unsexy dragon, but a dragon is a dragon and still worth at least a one night stand.
A dragon willing to kill racist magic users, earns them a few extra points.
Glintstone Dragon Smarag:
Beastman of Farum Azula:
On one hand the Beastmen probably have crazy mating skills, but they are also zombies, which detracts some points for all the decay.
Battlemage Hugues:
Contrary to popular belief, Wizards are not very good at sex. They spend all their time studying instead of partying, at least Hugues is willing to get his hands dirty.
Commander O'Neil:
Seems like a decent guy, but probably won't shut up about his time in the military. Also he is infected with scarlet rot so that might be a mood killer.
Bloodhound Knight Darriwil:
The bloodhound knights are probably pretty wild in bed if you can earn their loyalty, but good luck with that.
Adan, Thief of Fire:
The dude committed heresy, that has to earn him some sexy points.
Soldier of Godrick:
He's a good boy, he's doing his job so throw him a bone.
Flying Dragon Agheel:
One of the first dragons you encounter, so he earns some points for style.
Demi-Human Chief:
Same as the queens, but probably a bit rougher in bed.
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Good Time: (Can give consent, would be great in bed)
Lichdragon Fortissax:
A much sexier dragon, you know they were hooking up with Godwin. Only loses some points for all the death rot.
Crucible Knight Siluria:
A bit gloomy, but I bet the crucible knights can do all sorts of freaky stuff with their animal body parts.
Mimic Tear:
A slippery liquid shapeshifter, need I say more?
Commander Niall:
A way better guy than O'Niel, plus he just a bit more daddy energy.
Fire Giant:
Once you get past his size, his sadness and the giant fell god of destruction in his chest, I bet he's got something going on.
Ancient Hero of Zamor:
Gives me Hercules/Amazonian vibes, I could be into it.
Cleanrot Knight:
Lesbian activities detected.
Crucible Knight:
These guys have tails, horns, wings and big old throat sacks. Imagine the possibilities.
Glintstone Dragon Adula:
Has a sword. If you hear "Dragon holding a sword" and your pants aren't already off, we can't be friends.
Bols, Carian Knight:
He seems like a good boy.
Scaly Misbegotten:
I feel like the Misbegotten have some really interesting possibilities with their animal biology. I bet they have bonobo type societies and that could be fun.
Leonine Misbegotten:
Same as the other Misbegotten.
Misbegotten Warrior:
Same as the other Misbegotten.
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Knock your socks off: (Can give consent, would be amazing in bed)
Crucible Knight Ordovis:
Has all the desirable traits of a Crucible Knight but I also imagine they are super into threesomes.
Perfumer Tricia:
She seems really nice, and would be a super attentive lover. Plus she probably has access to crazy drugs and could hook you up.
Nox Swordstress & Nox Priest:
You just know that the Nox were getting up to crazy hot and crazy unethical experiments in their underground cities. These two probably get up to some wild shit and they are inviting you to join them.
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon:
As she is now, I bet she'd be too sad to really be in a relationship again. But she kept up with Radagon and you just know she has some tricks up her sleeves that could make you abandon the golden order.
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Sex God: (Can give consent, would be the best in bed)
Dragonlord Placidusax:
Has two male heads and three female heads, imagine...
Ancient Dragon Lansseax:
Formed a whole freaky dragon/human cult and you just know they got into some eyes-wide-shut orgies behind those doors.
Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Hoarah Loux):
We all knew he'd be this high on the list. He was just a normal dude but he managed to keep pace with Queen Marika (Who is basically a goddess of fertility) for a good long while. He will fold you in half (on the battlefield and in the bedroom.)
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Evil Sex God: (Can give consent, is a terrible person but you’d make an exception.)
Radagon of the Golden Order:
He sucks in all the worst ways, but I mean... You can't NOT. Both Radagon and Marika are the embodiment of evil but they managed to suck and fuck their way across an entire continent for generations. You HAVE to give a try at least once.
Godskin Duo:
Oh my god will it be awful with all those flayed human skins, but you know you are still gonna have to. They can stretch and do all sorts of freaky stuff with their bodies, plus they kill gods and nothing is sexier than heresy.
Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable:
The dude is a mad killer but... he can still probably get it, might as well give it a try.
God-Devouring Serpent / Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy:
Personally I wouldn't, he's a loser and will probably kill you. But he is also a giant snake made up of squirming hands doing all sorts of sexual experiments, I can't blame you if you want to give it a taste.
Black Knife Assassin:
They committed a whole lot of treason but the power of armored lesbians is too hard to resist.
If you are already having sex with from software characters, you gotta give Patches at least one attempt. When you wake up he'll have robbed you, but you knew what you were getting into.
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elalalune · 10 months
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Character sheets + notes
Queen of Hearts/Red Queen 🍶
White Duchess ❤️‍🔥
Cheshire Cat 🦩
(Wonderland au)
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camryn-aisling · 3 months
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Last July, I had my first colonoscopy at the age of 26. I was suffering from dysregularity, frequent diarrhea, and cramping. At the time, the diagnosis was post-infection irritable bowel syndrome caused by some form of infectious colitis.
Unfortunately, over the course of the following year, my symptoms gradually intensified and eventually became largely unresponsive to lifestyle-change-based treatment. It's gotten to the point that, for the past two months, I've been having to rely on max dose immodium to maintaining a semblance of normality in the bathroom.
Thinking that perhaps he had misdiagnosed ulcerative colitis, my gastroenterologist prescribed a course of budesonide. Sadly, it was completely ineffectual. As such, I was scheduled for yet another colonoscopy.
A few days ago, on June 20th, less than a year after my first one, I had the second colonoscopy of my life. Many more biopsies were taken this time. I haven't yet gotten the results. Frankly, I'm terrified of what they might find.
To add insult to injury, my insurance has a massive deductible, so I'm on the hook financially for pretty much the entire procedure.
I don't yet know what the total cost will be. Last time, it was about five thousand dollars. With all the extra biopsies this time, it might be a bit more, but I won't know what the pathology bill is for a while.
I've been running a fundraising campaign on other sites since June 11th and have managed to raise a decent amount of money.
Unfortunately, donations seem to have stalled at $2,987.18, a little over $2,000 short of our $5,000 goal.
Thus, I have come to beseech thee, tumblr. I need thy aid. Please help me however you can. For those of you who can afford to spare some money, direct contributions are greatly and sincerely appreciated. If you aren't able to donate, then I ask that you please share this post with as many friends, associates, and acquaintances as you can.
If you'd like to donate, you can use either paypal or cashapp:
https://paypal.me/camrynaisling (please ignore the deadname)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Let's go!
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immediatebreakfast · 11 months
On a more serious note, the word to describe the liminal faux-pas, and the actual ticking clock situation with Mina's onset tranformation in this entry is: Obliviousness.
Whenever Stoker had intended for this entry to be read like this or not, it's incredible how it encapsulated the sheer oblivious confidence of Jack, and Van regarding their so called subtle ways of checking if Mina is a vampire. It's an oblivious feeling, AND that comes from their own reassurance as intellectuals within the dynamics of the group.
"We talk of her often; we have not, however, said a word to the others. It would break poor Harker’s heart—certainly his nerve—if he knew that we had even a suspicion on the subject."
While forgetting who was the person who provided all of the information that both of them are using in the first place.
It seems that Jack has forgotten that out of everyone currently living in that room, Jonathan is the only one with both theorical and practical experience with vampires. He endured hell for two months in that castle while interacting with them on a daily basis.
Jonathan knows what Jack knows, and certainly knows it on a much personal scale than Van Helsing and Seward. He knows the exact pretend game they are playing every time Mina needs to be hypnotized, which is why now he refuses to leave her side, and puts more resistance in their interactions.
"Van Helsing examines, he tells me, her teeth very carefully... for he says that so long as they do not begin to sharpen there is no active danger of a change in her. If this change should come, it would be necessary to take steps!...  "Euthanasia" is an excellent and a comforting word! I am grateful to whoever invented it.
It's incredible how sure they are that neither Mina nor Jonathan have noticed anything regarding their constant checking. Nevermind how Seward notes how Jonathan has become more wary of them, and now carries the kukri knife everywhere he goes like a self defense weapon.
Both Seward, and Van Helsing are so self assured in their handling within their intellectual way of thinking to the point of documenting such theories for everyone to read that they are oblivious of the very much present Jonathan keeping tabs on them for Mina's safety.
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pureseasalt · 1 year
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she is actually the very bestest girl on the planet earth
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