#until i saw something about that on ace of spades and looked it up
kaiserouo · 9 months
Uh remember I said I'm never gonna play pvp like 3 days ago? Funny story...
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I love Ace of Spades
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yyokkki · 8 months
The Prefect's Laugh
Dropping this monstrosity i wrote in September 2023 because I feel like I'm never going to leave this fandom.
First Years x gn! Prefect
Warning: I haven't played chapter 7, Prefect has a distinct personality so it doesn't really count as x reader but some people could find them relatable, a jumble of canon and non-canon events, mild cursing?
Divider by @saradika
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It wasn’t that the Prefect never smiled. In fact, they may have smiled a little too often. It could be as simple as a wordless greeting or as complex as a way to cope with fear, but there was one particular expression the first years saw only once in a blue moon. The smile that comes alongside a fit of laughter.
The first time Ace saw the infamous Ramshackle Prefect smile like that was not too long after they had first met. It was a day or two after Heartslabyul’s housewarden overblotted and they’d finally gotten the rose garden in order.
While chatting about that day’s happenings, a rather embarrassing detail was brought up (embarrassing to Ace at least).
“Can we, like, NOT talk about this anymore??”
“I mean, the housewarden was really going in on you and you just stood there and took it but as soon as he said those things about the Prefect’s parents you didn’t even hold back. It’s weirdly sweet of him, right?”
Deuce looked towards the Prefect for their input to which they replied by fervently nodding their head.
“Wow, who could’ve guessed that maybe THE Ace Trappola cares about his friends??”
“…Honestly would’ve believed you more if you said you did it just to prove you could.”
Ace’s head whipped to the side, and he stared at the blooming smile on the Prefect’s face. Crinkled eyes, a hand in front of their mouth and slightly flushed cheeks as they tried to hold in their chuckles.
He wanted to make a snarky comment, something like, ‘I’ve been trying to make you laugh for the past two weeks and THIS Is what makes you break?’
Instead, what came out of his mouth was… Silence.
Maybe the new expression was too shocking as he just stared, five parts confusion, three parts embarrassment, two parts bashfulness. The most he could get out of them even with the most well-crafted jokes were slight smirks and yet something Deuce said without even intending to be funny made them crack.
He felt wronged.
And flustered.
…Shit, why are they kinda cute.
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Going back to before the overblot, a day that Deuce personally considers more traumatising than his own housewarden’s mental breakdown.
Sorrowfully gazing upon the carnage of eggshells, whites and yolks jumbled up in the plastic bag branded with the words, Mr. S’ Mystery Shop, Deuce gave out another wistful sigh.
“I just hope those chicks can rest in peace.”
“…You know those eggs don't hatch into chickens, right?”
Shocked, flabbergasted, gobsmacked, stunned, stupefied, bowled-over; all words that could be used to describe Deuce Spade’s current state of mind.
While Deuce was having an epiphany about the eggshell-shocking revelation, he noticed the Prefect’s slightly hunched over back and trembling frame. He was about to go comfort them when he saw their face…
And heard their laughter, ringing out like the sound of wind chimes swaying with the summer breeze, despite it being mid-September.
He looked at them with five parts feelings of betrayal, three parts despair and two parts anger. He was so offended that he immediately stormed off with the grocery bags in hand, huffing and puffing as he went on his unmerry way.
It wasn’t until later that the Prefect started feeling guilty about their reaction to the incident. It kind of felt like telling a little kid Santa wasn’t real…
They apologised, got him a book about the evolution of egg production, hugged it out and all was forgiven.
It wasn’t until much much later that Deuce Spade realised, he had only seen the Prefect laugh a handful of times, that incident taking up one of the spaces.
It had grown to become one of his favourite sounds in the world.
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Jack Howl was never one for bad jokes or witty banter. Whenever he and the Prefect stood together, besides looking like a sturdy tree next to a swaying flower, they didn’t look friendly- much less like friends.
Only the two of them understood the solidarity that came with the silence. They were each others go-to when the other first years got too rowdy.
Truly the mom and dad of the group.
They would occasionally engage in conversation. Somehow when they were together, asking about each other’s day would lead to which parts of home they missed most now that they were away or embarrassing childhood memories, they hadn’t told anyone else about.
It was on a day like any other, a long while after the deep sea overblot.
Jack and the Prefect had finally started speaking to each other comfortably, yet most of their time together was spent just existing in the same room, doing their own thing.
It wasn’t awkward, at least not to the Prefect. But they had to ask just in case.
“Hey, do you ever feel like we don’t really talk when we hang out?”
“…Well, we are at the library.”
“I mean at other places too.”
Jack looked up from his notes, glancing at the Prefect with a little apprehension tracing his features.
“Why? You find it weird?”
“No, I like it a lot, just- I’m not used to it you know? Whether it’s the friends I’ve made here or my friends from back home they’ve never been the type to let the room stay quiet for over five seconds.”
They shifted slightly to cast an inquisitive glance over at him, “I can’t tell if you mind or not.”
Against his very own will, Jack’s tail started flowing slightly. So, they like being around him?
“I feel the same as you. I like our time together.”
Realising he sounded a little too soft, he immediately started backpedalling.
“Not that that means anything. I enjoy spending time with many people, doesn’t make you special.”
After finishing his piece, Jack looked back down at his notes, playing it cool. His tail, however, betrayed his feelings.
"Pfhaha, so cute, it’s like a helicopter-“
Not knowing how to defend himself, Jack got up to sit across the Ramshackle Prefect, blocking their view of his tail but giving him the perfect angle to catch all their expressions.
…It may be a little too late for him.
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It all started with a godforsaken game of PG rated chicken.
Epel Felmier didn’t know whose dumb idea it was to hold a competition like this among all the first years but damn was he killin’ it.
It was almost too easy. It made him feel conflicted. Should he be happy that he’d somehow reached the finals? Or mad that it’s all cause of his face and build?? Either way, the prize was too good to pass up so he was gonna win.
So far he’d been flyin’ through with direct eye contact and a smile or two if his opponents were tougher but the final round had been filling him with a weird sense of dread, so he decided to prepare a little somethin’ special this time.
He doubted he’d have to use it though; he didn’t think very highly of the kids at NRC in this specific department…
That being until he got a text from the organiser telling him who his opponent was, that being: the Ramshackle Prefect.
Well shit.
He knew they never judged anybody, including him, for their appearance, and he’d always appreciated them for that. But in this context, it would make ‘em a tough nut to crack.
Not even mentioning, they knew his weakness when he didn’t have theirs.
He immediately pulled down their chat and started typing ferociously.
‘you. me. ramshackle lounge. after school. please?’ And send.
Might as well get a practise round in to scope the waters.
Luckily, the Prefect considered him a friend and wasn’t overly cautious, so not long after the text was sent an ‘ok’ was promptly sent back.
As soon as school let out, Epel ran into the Prefect in the mirror chamber, and they embarked towards Ramshackle dorm together.
He’d informed them of his intentions while on the way, so they got started after arriving.
First, he tried his usual techniques despite knowing they wouldn’t work. As expected, the Prefect didn’t so much as flinch.
Then they smiled warmly at him.
“Your training has been working out really well, I can see a little more definition on your arms. How do you even do it? What you lack in a natural constitution is already being made up for by your will and perseverence! It's really rare to find people like you out there.”
Shit, a genuine compliment about his mental and physical growth! That’s critical damage, how could they be so dirty, using his weakness against him?
Well, if that’s how they’re gonna play it.
Epel held up his two hands in front of him, forming a heart with his fingers.
The Prefect looked unfazed. They just smiled at him, mockingly (Epel’s perception).
Fine. He’s been left with no choice but to pull out his secret weapon.
“I-If you were a fruit, you’d be a FINEAPPLE!” Absolutely humiliating.
But also absolutely effective.
The Prefect’s mask started cracking at its seams.
“F-fineapple? I never thought I'd ever hear you say anything like that- Pfft hehe-“
He'd won, but his face was as red as his namesake as the visage of his Prefect’s tinted cheeks and choked back giggles entered his heart.
On the day of the competition, he lost miserably. The Prefect ended up passing the prize onto him, claiming they were only participating for fun, but he wasn’t really upset.
It’s for the best that no one else sees that face anyways.
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Sebek Zigvolt’s sole purpose for living is to serve his young master as a reliable retainer.
In order to be reliable, he must excel in both academics and athletics. Athletics weren’t worth mentioning and he found all academic subjects easy enough.
All except for art, that is.
Making use of a medium to place your creative vision onto a surface sounded simple, yet the product had never lived up to his expectations, creating a habit of casting fire spells to burn the causes of his shame.
After yet another round of sweeping up the ashes of a canvas, he’d decided enough was enough. As unbecoming as it was, a good retainer would ask for help when he really needed it.
And he really really needed it.
His next course of action was to head over to the staff room and inquire with the Art professor for private lessons, only to be told that she had no empty slots in her schedule.
“If you don’t mind learning from another student, I recommend asking the Ramshackle Prefect to tutor you. They’re one of the best among their peers and I’ve seen them offering help to other students during my classes so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”
That magicless human? He’d only ever spoken two or three sentences to them, and he couldn’t stand the uncouth beast following them around every hour of the day, but if they truly were one of the best…
Thus started a deal he would come to regret in the future.
The Prefect wasn’t a bad teacher. They’d gotten him to start on the basics before even thinking of the elaborate portraits he’d always been hellbent on doing.
Once he’d finally grasped the techniques needed, he immediately jumped onto the opportunity to paint his young master, using one of his sacred wallet sized photos as reference. The Prefect stood beside him the whole time, pointing out mistakes and fixing any parts he deemed unsatisfactory.
The only qualm he had was that they’d protested to his idea to paint a wall sized mural, stating that it was too advanced.
With a beautiful portrait in tow, he returned and hung it up near his shrine. It couldn’t compare to his young master’s radiance but it had been the best thing he’d ever painted and he was felling pleased with himself.
An idea came over him. He wouldn’t have been able to do this without their help after all…
And that was what led to him showing up at Ramshackle outside of lesson hours with a small canvas nervously clenched in his hands.
“Human. It didn’t turn out as well without your guidance, but this is a little token of appreciation for your help these past few weeks.” He pushed the portrait into the Prefects hands, ready to accept criticism.
“…Pffhehe-, I never expected you to do something so heartfelt for a ‘dumb human’. Heh, I guess I really grew on you!”
“Why are you laughing?! ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME??”
If he had his sword on him he would be unsheathing it right now.
“No, no, thanks man, I love it.”
The brightest and most genuine smile he’d ever seen from them blossomed.
He felt his face burn and his heartbeat rise to an abnormal degree as the Prefect’s warm gaze felt as though it were boring into him.
…I must inquire with Master Lilia what hex this human has placed upon me. Right this instant!
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snugglebug-mj-blog · 7 months
hugging them for the first time pt1
The first years (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, and Ortho)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {ps y/n is pudgy since thats what i am)
Ace Trappola: Ace is the first person y/n saw this morning “hey y/n what's with that face?” Ace teased as she got closer before he could say anything else y/n wrapped her arms around his torso his face slowly turned red as he stood there shocked he wasn't expecting a hug he expected a punch to the shoulder like they do every morning before walking together to find the rest of the group. As quick as he became shocked is as quick it turned to cocky. “Oh couldn't keep your hands to yourself” he teased as he hugged her back before she huffed and pushed him away making him laugh before walking away. “Wait no come back!” he laughed as he followed behind her.
Deuce Spade: Deuce was running a bit late this morning but he soon caught up with y/n, grim and ace. “Sorry i’m late-” Deuce was cut off by y/n hugging him. He stood there frozen for a good minute before he hugged her and held her gently as if she was made of glass. “Deuce why you making such a ugly face man” ace and grim laughed making Deuce snap out of the wonderful moment “oi shove off!” he yelled at them while covering y/n's ears. Ace and grim looked at each other before they started mocking deuce, which ended in deuce gently pulling away from y/n, and charging after the two. Y/n just smiled, and shock her head before walking towards class and on the way maybe find her next huggable victim.
Jack Howl: Now since Jack is a beast man his senses are higher so sneaking up on him would be a little bit hard but not impossible, (but that's not going to happen this time) Jack was standing in the normal meeting spot near the fountain and his ears perked up when he heard grim and aces screams. He watched unamused as Ace, grim and deuce ran past him. Y/n stood beside jack as they watched ace and grim avoid a angry deuce, “‘sigh’ a normal monday'' Jack sighed looking down at y/n only to see her smiling up at him before hugging him, Jacks tail started wagging very quickly it looked like it could make a tiny tornado. Y/n could see Jack's face was very red “what is this for?” Jack asked, trying to act serious y/n shrugged and let go of him, which he patted her head gently in return before they went to follow the troublemakers.
Epel Felmier: He will try to fight because he doesn't want to be seen as cute, Epel meet the four near the cafeteria y/n walked up to him first and hugged him from behind making freeze up and raise his fist before looking over to see y/n hugging him “you all right?” was his first question, He liked the hug but he thought something was wrong. “Nothing wrong, i just wanted a hug” y/n said letting him go he turned around before hugging her back. Y/n smiled and hugged him again before epel dragged her into the cafeteria since everyone else already went in.
Sebek Zigvolt: We all know Sebek he yells (his words he just talks loudly) but now he is silent. Sebek was waiting outside Treins classroom for his friends he rarely eats breakfast with them; he wants to be near mallues at all times, from the corner of his eye he saw all six walking up to him. “ABOUT TIME YOU SHOWED-” sebek stopped mid shout and froze as he felt y/n hug him, everyone was ready for him to start shouting louder. Sebek slowly looked down at his friend before he brought his left hand up to the back of her head and patted it “ let's get to class” he said normally everyone looked at him in shock making him gently push y/n away before he walked into the classroom. Everyone slowly followed in after him y/n was worried she broke him because he was silent the entire lesson. “Sebek i’m sorry-” y/n started as she chased after sebek after class before he turned to look at her “ you did nothing wrong it felt nice thank you” he bowed everyone was still shocked at this and grim smirked “ aww look sebek is a softie” grim teased making sebek shot back up “THIS SOFTIE WILL END YOU!” sebek yelled with a red face, everyone covered their ears but laughed he was back to his normal self at least.
Ortho Shroud: HUG!THIS!BOY! (i wanna hug him! And squeeze him!) Ortho was excitedly looking for his friends “Ortho!!” y/n shouted as she ran towards her little robot friend, Ortho turned when he heard his name only to be wrapped into a warm hug, making him squeal as she swung him around as she held him in a tight hug. He loved hugs from people he cared for. “y/n! Your hugs are very warm, you should hug my brother too!” the boy happily stated
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randomhealer · 9 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋTaking care of a tamagotchi together ࿐ྂ
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writing this since 3am and now it's five, unreviewed, neutral reader
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is a needy father... he already has a tamagotchi so as soon as you found out about this you automatically became the tamagotchi's mother/father along with him.
Malleus is so happy that his little virtual pet has someone else to take care of him along with Malleus, Malleus also uses this to spend more time with you, you are like a little family...
He will also demand that you spend time with the Tamagotchi, claiming that the pet misses you and feels neglected, he will get upset and pout if you don't spend time with him and the Tamagotchi.
There would definitely be another tamagotchi if you let him have one...like a little brother or sister for your tamagotchi...
but he is content with just one while you take care of him with him there is nothing else that would make him happy.
Jade Leech
Jade just looked at you with his usual smile as you explained about the virtual pet for him to take care of for you before saying a light "oya? if you wanted a child just ask me to make one with you-oh? don't you want to?" It's okay, I was just joking" but after giving him the tamagotchi, he seems to take seriously the idea of ​​being you tamagotchi's father.
all the time he keeps the little thing away from Floyd, feeds him only healthy food, always bathes him and leaves the tamagotchi playing in the virtual park while he works on Lounge, after he comes back he gives the tamagotchi another bath and puts him to bed, Even though it's a virtual pet, he takes care of it as if it were real. After he gives you the tamagotchi back he explains everything that happened, what he ate and what he did, after that he will always take care of your virtual pet if you ask, occasionally you will have discussions about what would be healthy for the "child" of you or not (you saying that the tamagotchi needs to eat more sweets than mushrooms and fruits)
"too much sweets can end up giving them a stomach ache, you know I only want the best for our baby, besides I know you keep feeding him cakes every time you take care of him..." Jade says while talking to you at Mostro Lounge, smiling when he saw you trying to explain yourself.
...Meanwhile, Azul accidentally overheard this little part of the conversation and spent a week thinking about how he was going to ask Jade if he has a child with you or something...
Deuce spade
Deuce was more than happy when you gave him the tamagotchi, he looks at you with those eyes saying 'I'll be the best father in the world, I won't disappoint you' but he ends up forgetting about the tamagotchi and letting him starve to death the same day.
Poor boi...He even took care of him in the first hours, gave him food, bath and affection but the day went on and he was busy studying for a test, he went to the basketball club and even had extra classes with Divus... at the end of the day while he was almost asleep he was scared and remembered the virtual pet... when he saw the dead pet on the screen he was scared and in shock, he didn't know they could die...
he was literally in shock as if he had broken an egg... (old reference lol)
but in the end he knows he wouldn't be able to sleep without telling you this, in the end when he tells you he's almost in tears as he apologizes to you, until you explain that everything was fine and that you could revive another tamagotchi...he stays relieved but still continues to apologize and promises to take better care next time.
(Later Trey and Cater find out about this and help him take care of his pet in the meantime Ace is just laughing in the background)
Floyd leech
Floyd got a little irritated when he saw that you were paying more attention to that thing than him when he came to visit you, so he did the great feat of throwing you Tamagotchi through ramshackle's window.
(just joking about Floyd's part, I was going to do something more detailed but all that comes to my mind is either him throwing the tamagotchi somewhere and forgetting or him trying to eat the poor tamagotchi and not being able to and getting angry about it and ending up breaking lol, I was finally going to sleep but I couldn't without getting it out of my mind... Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it)
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yulin-pop · 1 year
⤷ ✧ Why does love?
Gender neutral
- order 77 | headcanons | First Years (Housewardens too ig)
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Ace Trappola
Out of all people— you have a crush on Riddle?! He silently judges you for this. At first he thought you were just playing around trying to get a reaction out of him.
He was in denial for a bit before noticing how every time you “came to hang out” with him and Deuce, you gravitated towards Riddle. You always hugged him when you saw him and after a while complete ditched your best friends for their housewarden!
Now Ace will never stop mentioning your crush on Riddle. You’ll casually be reading Romeo and Juliet for class and he’s like “You and Riddle?” Just to make fun of you.
He is definitely not supportive. You saw how he was at the beginning of the school year— just a little bratty tyrant. And yes he did indeed change, but even now how could you be attracted to him.
“Riddle is really sweet though. Say, will you help set me up with—“
“Hell no.”
Honestly he would understand if it was Trey or even Cater but Riddle is bottom of the barrel in his eyes.
What’s even more frustrating is that Riddle definitely likes you back. He is way more tolerant of you misdeeds than anyone else. Riddle is always asking about you to him and Deuce. Like, where you are and if you’re struggling on any subject. Such a caring boyfriend…
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Deuce Spade
Ehehe, what? It was unthinkable for you to have a crush on Riddle Rosehearts. He wasn’t sure if you were joking until you had to prove you were serious.
“Riddle, do you wanna go on a date?”
“D-date? I’ll see if I have time…” He bashfully said.
Deuce is supportive unlike Acey-Wacey. He supportive by default but he really wants you to think hard when you say you have a crush on Riddle. The heart wants what it wants, he understands that. He promises to be at your wedding when the time comes.
Make him the flower boy!!
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Jack Howl
Oh wow. That’s all he really could say. You two were just walking to the library together to return some books having a small conversation until you said “Leona is so hot I want him so bad.” Like wow maybe a warning next time. He really doesn’t know what to say. He just gives you a look.
He knows Leona isn’t a bad guy and he is very much not against it but what does it have to do with him?
Apparently you like guys who act cold because you really don’t care that Leona seems not to have any interest. You followed him around and he kinda just allows you to.
“No way, he totally likes me back. He literally sent Ruggie away to spend alone time with me.”
“Wait, really?”
It’s kinda hard to imagine that you actually made some progress with him. He usually tells you if Leona is in a bad mood or where he is. And you run across the school just to say hi to him. Maybe true love does exist.
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Epel Felmier
Damn he knew something was up! He didn’t understand why you always wanted to go to Pomefiore, you always used the excuse that you wanted to hang out with him but you didn’t really hang out with him. You hung around Vil.
You denied having a crush on Vil but he noticed you were being love-dovey about things and smiling to yourself. You were making it too obvious but Vil was making it worse.
Always doting on you and walk you to class in the morning or some times you walk him to class even if you get marked tardy. He always has to fix your tie and fix your hair. Epel thinks you do it on purpose so Vil will care for you.
At some point you stopped lying to him when he started asking too many questions about your relations with Vil.
“Okay I’ll be honest. I don’t like Vil.”
“Be fer real—“
“I love Vil!♡︎”
He’s never falling for your lies of “Can I hang out at your dorm?” ever again. He will physically kick you out of Pomefiore the next time he sees you.
He really doesn’t blame you that much. Vil is well known, rich, and pretty so it makes sense but he won’t forgive you.
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Ortho Shroud
The only one that genuinely supports. He’s actually really glad it’s you since you’re his friend so he knows you’re not a bad person. There’s plenty of people who just want the money from the Shroud name but he knows that doesn’t matter to you.
He’s also just afraid that Idia would end up alone. As said before, a majority of people would try to get with him for the money. Trust me he will be your wingman throughout all of this. He’s always talking about how great his big brother is to you.
“Idia is just amazing! He coded a game all by himself.”
“That’s so cool!”
“Also Idia mentioned you today.”
“Oh my goodness, what did he say?”
He’s always setting you two up to see each other and make it seem like a coincidence that you too have been bumping into each other so much.
What’s perfect is that Idia likes you back too! Ortho straight up asked him, do you like MC one time and Idia short circuited.
“L-L-L-L-Like?! Nonononononono Ortho what are you thinking?! Some weirdo like me could never even think about a relationship with someone so cute and kind!”
“Ooo you’re blushing! Your hair is turning pink.”
Blushing, hiding his face, laughing, everything else. Idia tries not to talk about you but he’s always asking Ortho what you were doing today and such.
He has the wedding all planned out. He’s determined to set you two up. He wants one of you to confess first. Even though he knows for sure that it’s a mutual feeling, he wants you two to figure that out on your own.
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Sebek Zigvolt
When you started spouting nonsense about a crush and how lovely he was, he just brushed it off. He wasn’t interested in your romantic life one bit.
He never would’ve guessed it was his young master that you were trying to romance. And unfortunately it was working.
He didn’t understand why Malleus came back smiling to himself or muttering something under his breath. He also started playing around a little more. All very positive changes.
At the same time you were blushy and talked about being exciting for night to come so you can meet him. Whoever that him is, hope he’s ready to deal with your silliness.
When you gave Malleus an invitation to VDC, Malleus was positively glowing. He was blushing and rolling around on his bed holding the invite like a lovesick school girl. Malleus was definitely in love.
Ace, Epel, and Deuce mention it later.
“I thought it was just some random dude. I can’t believe you were flirting with Malleus Draconia…”
He wanted to laugh, what an odd joke. “Are you talking about some sort of a dream?”
The three stare at each other than at you.
“That dude MC was droolin’ over was Malleus Draconia.”
Sebek immediately is engulfed with shock. He’s in denial for a bit until he looks at you and shakes you back and forth.
“You… monster! You charmed the Young Master!! You are a lowly human, you are in no way worthy of a Royal fae like Malleus! Do you hear me?!”
He’s super mad and his week is officially ruined. It tells Lilia and Silver about it and Lilia just giggles while Silver congratulates him on finding love.
Lilia thinks is cute how you fell first but Malleus fell way harder.
Now they know where Malleus runs off to at night. He feels stupid since it was kinda obvious if he just looked into it more. He just hopes that you will treat his young master right and he’s happy (begrudgingly).
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one-idea · 4 months
Hello… I just found your blog, and after reading some of your work, I decided to send you this idea, to know what you think…
It takes place on the Mobi Dick, before Blackbeard's takeover…
FemAce is sick, to the point that she has vomited on more than one occasion, they end up putting her on light duty and with restrictions on certain foods until further notice…
Well, it turns out that between gossip and misunderstandings, the rumor that FemAce is pregnant is spread… and then someone comments that they saw her arguing with a blond revolutionary with a top hat…
So a group of crazy Whitebeard pirates end up starting a war against the Rev because one of them got pregnant and left his little sister…
…… Or how due to lack of communication the pirates declare war on the revolutionaries, when their 2nd commander got sick to his stomach a couple of weeks after discovering that his older brother Sabo is alive and He is an amnesiac revolutionary.
Okay I am a sucker for a good gender bender. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve always had a soft spot for it when done right.
I love this idea.
Because Ace went on a mission and ran into Sabo. Her brother who she’s though was dead for nine years (let’s they are 19 in this and it’s a year before the canon begins)
Obviously she is distraught. Even more so when she tries to talk to him and he doesn’t remember her. They get into a small fight because she’s desperate for him to remember and he’s there like “who is this crazy pirate??”
He slips away from her (he is a super secret spy) and Ace is heart broken. She’s lost her brother again. She has no idea where he is. She looked but she has to return to the Moby.
When she gets there she’s super upset. She won’t talk to anyone, and locks herself in her room. She’s barely eating and what she does eat she can’t keep down. She’s making herself sick over her thoughts on Sabo. Did he truly forget them? Was it just her? Was she not good enough to remember? Was he happier without her around? She’s making herself miserable with all her spiraling what ifs.
The crew is worried. Ace is normally a ball of energy, till she passes out. It’s not like their little sister to mope in her room. She hasn’t done that since she officially joined the crew. The Ex-Spade members are super worried as are Thatch, Marcos, and Haruta.
Ace isn’t letting any of them in. She’s not letting Marcos, Deuce, or any of the medic staff look her over. They know she’s sick so they put her on light duty.
But with a ship as big as that rumors are bound to start. You’ve got a young, beautiful woman, who has left home completely alone, and comes back heart broken. She’s also getting sick all the time. She can’t keep any food down and she’s avoiding the medical team like the plague. Could it be? Is she?
Rumors start.
And with rumors comes speculation. Marco wants to crush this so he sends some people he trusts to go talk to the people on the island where Ace’s last mission was. He’s expecting the report to come back with “there’s a virus sweeping through the island with the same symptoms.” Or something like that. Something that would allow them to take action to help Ace and also squash the rumors about her.
Imagine his surprise when the scouts come back with reports about how Ace was seen with a Blond haired Revolutionary. That she kept chasing after him and the two got into many verbal disagreements. That Ace, their darling little sister, was alone for mutiple days with this boy. And now she’s sick and heartbroken.
Best case scenario, she had a crush and he broke her heart. The Whitebeard pirates will break his bones if that’s the case.
Worst case scenario… Marco needs to talk to Ace.
The investigation does the opposite of quelling the rumors. They are more rampant than ever. And know they have a face to go with them. And an organization.
Marco is trying to figure out how to best approach Ace to ask these invasive questions.
The crew (mainly lead by Thatch, Haruta, Izou, and made of former spade pirates and division 2 members) are planning how they are going to find this revolutionary.
Deuce is the only sensible one here as he tries his best to get his friend to talk to him. He can tell she’s hurting and Ace has never been good with trusting people with her pain. But he’s known her the longest. He was her first mate. If anyone can get her to talk it’s him.
This is mostly him bringing her light meals and sitting outside her door waiting for her to open up in her own time. He’s heard the rumors and they upset him on many levels. One he hates them talking trash about Ace. Two he might still have the biggest crush on his ex-captain. He’s not expecting it to go anywhere or to ‘win her love by being the nice guy’ he’s got a crush but her friendship is more than enough. That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be furious and protective of his friend if someone knocked her up and then abandoned her (I will make everything AceDeuce if you let me. My boy just needs to tell her his feelings)
Sabo is having his own mental breakdown because the girl he met won’t leave his mind. He starts doing research and finally his memories snap back into place. And holy crap!!! He has a sister! He has siblings!!
This realization comes just in time for him to start looking for Ace and to run into some very upset Whitebeard pirates.
“I’m looking for Portgas D. Ace!” These are Ace’s crew mates! He’s about to see her again. He can apologize for not remembering her and they can have the reunion they should have. and then he can ask her about Luffy.
The Whitebeard pirates look at this blond haired boy. “You’re a revolutionary aren’t you?”
Sabo normally wouldn’t admit to that but maybe Ace told them about him. If it gets him to his sister faster than… “Yes I-”
That’s all he gets out before getting punched in the face. The fight is on. Sabo is so confused. The revolutionary army has no arguments with the Whitebeard’s. But they are yelling at him for “getting their little sister pregnant.” Which what???? He’s so confused right now. He’d remember that. Wouldn’t he?
So know you have Sabo running from the Whitebeard Pirates while also trying to sneak on to their ship. And Ace who’s just living in her own world completely unaware about the rumors and Sabo’s many near death experiences. Until he finally gets on the ship. He sees her walking and calls out. Ace turns and see him. She’s so happy to see him, and he recognizes her this time! “Sabo!” She starts to run towards him when he gets tackled by about 5 crew members. “What are you doing?” Because what is going on?
The crew are yelling about this being the guy who broke her heart. Which like yes but not the way you think. And then some fool yells something about Sabo being the father. And now both Ace and Sabo are dumbfounded because “that’s my sister/brother”
All in all a weird month or two for the Whitebeard pirates. Their hearts are in the right place but they need to fact check thing before they jump people
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Can I also request something similar chef!s/o who likes making them bento but with Riddle,Cater,Malleus,Ace, and Deuce? THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG
Ace Trappola: 
Ace will never deny free food, happily taking it when you offered it up to him. He doesn’t think that it’s a special thing until he makes fun of the little pathetic sandwich Deuce is eating, the scowl on Deuce’s face telling him that he should just be lucky that someone who was good in the kitchen had a thing for him. For Deuce to pick that up when Ace had never even considered leaves him a little flabbergasted but then he takes a look down at his food, his cheeks heating up as he thinks about it being specially made for him. He doesn’t know what to say or if you expect something from him in response, but you did notice he was much more nervous the next time you approached him.
Cater Diamond: 
The bento is so picture perfect that Cater can’t help but snap a few pics. He gets plenty of MagiCam comments from people complimenting how pretty the food looks, some others branching off to question whether Cater’s significant other had been the one to make it. He didn’t pay much attention to the post after it was up as he was too busy enjoying the lunch you made him, pleased that you added the perfect amount of spice to his meals. There’s no polite or smooth way to say ‘please make me lunch every day for the rest of our lives’ so Cater offers to be your taste tester anytime you were in the mood to cook. 
Deuce Spade: 
Deuce is a little stunned and thinks for half a second you might not be talking to him, but the strong eye contact as you hold out the bento to him tells him otherwise. He’s having a flurry of emotions rush through him as the only person who had ever made him lunch like this was his mother; he knew Ace would laugh in his face for that one but it was true. This was a special moment for him and he savored every bite, making sure to have a long list of compliments for you when he finally saw you again. There was a part of him that felt guilty as he wanted to do something like this for you, deciding to ask Trey if he could teach him how to make a return treat for you to enjoy.
Malleus Draconia: 
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Malleus smile so much, it was a cute expression that suited him much more than the intimidating aura that normally surrounded him. You were glad you were brave enough to strike up a friendship with Malleus to begin with, and now that you could just hand him presents like it was nothing… You felt some personal growth. Malleus would find anything you made for him delectable and ignored Sebek’s worries that it might be poisoned, trusting in you completely. After he finished the lunch he knew he had to plan a way to return the favor, not hearing it when you tell him no payback was necessary as you had cooked for him because you wanted to.
Riddle Rosehearts: 
Riddle is a little surprised to see a bento appear in front of him, especially one that catered to his specific taste. You had worked extra hard on making him lunch due to his harsh nature, knowing he would only appreciate a well-made meal. Even as he takes his first bite he’s still reeling that you made him something special, with his favorite foods and even a little dessert packed away safely in the corner. He’s completely overwhelmed with an unknown feeling in his chest and he can only mumble out his thanks, already considering what he can do to give you a proper thank you.
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the-broken-truth · 6 months
Blot-Mates - Yuu & The Overblots [Prologue]
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Summary: A potion explodes in Crewel's Class, causing the Dorm Wardens and Jamil to lose half of their power and be separated from their Overblot Forms. In an effort to maintain peace between the Originals and the Overblots, Yuu suggests that the Overblots stay in the Ramshackle dorm, which has recently been renovated. It remains to be seen how the Overblots will fare under the supervision of the Prefect of Ramshackle.
[Note: The Yuu Variant is Male with Enma Yuuken's Body Build, Yuuka Hirasaki's Fighting Skills, and Yuuta Mito's Cooking Skills.]
[Note: This Storyline will be written in Script Format.]
Parts: [Prologue] (Here) - [Ri] - [Leo] - [Azu] - [Jami] - [Vi] - [Idi] - [Mal] - [All] - [Epilogue]
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[After receiving an SOS Text Message from Deuce Spade while repairing something around the school, Yuu [L/N] headed to the classroom of his Unofficial Adopted Father, Divus Crewel, who was scolding the Adeuce Duo like the bad puppies they were. Yuu walked over to them and asked what happened. Deuce explained everything that happened, resulting in Yuu pinching the bridge of is nose while his other hand rested on his hip.]
Yuu: Let me clarify the situation - You two (Pointing between Ace and Deuce) mistakenly added the wrong ingredient to the potion, resulting in a Separation Potion. Unfortunately, the potion affected the Dorm Wardens & Vice Head Jamil Viper. As a result, they are now separated from half of their magical power, which is currently within the Overblot Forms. These were separated from them and are now present in their own bodies. Did I miss anything? Please let me know if there are any other details.
Crewel: That is pretty much the entire situation, in summary, Pup. I'm going to see if there is an antidote, but I have never seen this kind of potion that would separate an Overblot from its Original Body, seeing this happening to the Overblots of Night Raven, is something confusing.
Yuu: Do what you have to do, Papa Crewel. Where are they?
Crewel: Crowley's Office.
Yuu: I'll take care of this. (Turns on his heel and starts walking away in the direction of Crowley's Office)
[Yuu walked up to Headmage's Crowley and opened the door, moving his head just in time before a blast of magic could hit him in the face. Yuu looks at the room, which was completely tossed around, while the Headmage was cowering behind his turned over desk while fearfully looking at the 14 students in his office. Each of the Originals were glaring at their Overblot Forms, the room filled with shouting about who was the 'Real Half' and who would be considered the 'Faker'.]
Yuu (Inhales before yelling over everyone else - if he had magic of his own, the very room would have rumbled from the power in his voice): SILENCE!
[The Original Bodies and the Overblot Forms look in the direction of Yuu, who is standing there with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose and his eyes closed while his other hand is on his hip; his well-known 'This is giving me a headache' pose.]
Riddle/Overblot Riddle: Rose/Prefect!
Yuu (Lifting his hand to silence them): Don't worry, I already heard everything from Professor Crewel and he is currently figuring out how to reverse what has been done. (Looks at everyone) Considering what I just saw, I can tell that The Overblots are not going to get along with their Original Hosts.
Overblot Leona: You think, Herbivore?! I don't want to be in the same room as this bastard! (Points at Leona)
Leona (Snarling at Overblot Leona): We're the same person, You Inked Bastard!
Yuu: Shut UP!
[Everyone is silent once again - not wanting to anger the Ramshackle Prefect.]
Yuu (Exhales and lowers his hand from his nose while his other hand remains on his hip): Until we find out how to reunite all of you with your Original Bodies, The Overblots are going to stay with me in Ramshackle.
Overblot Jamil (Smirks as his hair snakes hiss at Yuu): And what makes you think you would be able to handle all of us in the same dorm, Little Desert Flower?
Yuu: If I can kick your asses while you are all at full power... (Glares at Overblot Jamil - making him & his hair snakes freeze in fear) What makes you think I can't destroy you with only half of your power?
Overblot Jamil (Gulping before nodding): N... Noted, Prefect.
Yuu: Good. Now, Overblots, follow me - we are going to Ramshackle so I can get you all situated in your rooms.
[Yuu turns and walks out of the office with the Overblot Forms followed behind him without saying a word - leaving very shocked Dorm Wardens, Jamil, and Crowley.]
Malleus: Why do I get the feeling that I shouldn't leave the Overblots alone with the Child of Man?
Leona: We are all having that feeling, Lizard...
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[The Door of Ramshackle opens and Yuu walks in with the Overblots walking behind him.]
Overblot Riddle (Looking around): Ramshackle looks...different than the last time I saw it, Prefect.
Yuu: I made sure to renovate it with the funds I had accumulated, to ensure that it is presentable for guests. (Turns to face the Overblots) Before we move forward, I need you to understand something: Ramshackle is not linked to any of the Great Seven - their rules and ways do not apply here. My rules apply here, and as the Prefect of Ramshackle, you must follow these rules, or else there will be issues. Nobody here is your servant, and you are not anyone else's servant either. You are here to relax and leave everything to me. If you want to do something to keep yourself from getting bored, you can go ahead, as long as it doesn't cause any harm to anyone or cause any conflict. Do you understand?
Overblot Leona: And just who the hell are you to command us, Herbivore? We still have more power than you do.
[Yuu walks over to Overblot Leona and gets in his face - no fear in his eyes.]
Yuu: And even with that power, I still kicked your ass. Do you really want a repeat of that experience, Carnivore?
Overblot Leona:... (Exhales) Fine.
Yuu (Steps back): Good. Now, let's find you all decent rooms for you all. (Looks at Overblot Leona) Tell me something, Leo - you like a sleep, just like your original, but you are not fond of bright places.
Overblot Leona (Raises an eyebrow): Leo?
Yuu: Considering the Dorm Wardens and Jamil are going to be coming here from time to time, I don't want to call you all by the same name. I've decided to fragment their names to give you names.
[Yuu points the Overblots & naming them.]
Yuu: Ri, Leo, Azu, Jami, Vi, Idi, and Mal. Are you okay with that?
Leo: Fine... I don't care.
[The Rest of the Overblots nod.]
Yuu: Okay. Leo, I have a room with some blackout curtains and it says rather cool in there; I think that room would be best for you.
Leo: What about the noise?
Yuu: It's fair away from the rest of the rooms, so there is not enough noise to disturb you.
Leo: Show me.
[Yuu gestures for the Overblots to follow him - everyone heads upstairs and takes them to Leo's Room. Leo walks in and instantly hopes in the bed and falls asleep within 3 seconds.]
Yuu: I'll let you know when dinner is ready, Leo. Sweet dreams. (Closes the door and looks at the rest of the Overblots) Okay - let's get you all into your rooms.
[Ri's Room is located downstairs with a clear view of Yuu's Garden, which is filled with Roses and can be seen from Ri's Window.]
[Az's Room has a massive tub that can hold him and his tentacles comfortably - Yuu would bring him some salt for him.]
[Jami's Room has a balcony with a lounging chair and enough room for him to break dance if his hair snakes didn't get in his way.]
[Vi's Room has a large bathroom and closet with some handmade outfits - turned out that Yuu was able to renovate Ramshackle with the funds he gets from his handmade creations; if Vi's Host wasn't a model and high-brand shopper, he would have thought Yuu's creations were designer.]
[[di's Room was just Yuu's Gaming Room that happened to have a very soft bed in there. Yuu's relationship with Idia allowed them to have a gaming night every Saturday.]
[Mal's Room was the closest one to Yuu's Room - Yuu knew how Mal's Original Host was overprotective of him and he knew that Mal was not going to be able to rest easily unless he was the closest to Yuu.]
[While the Overblots were relaxing in their rooms: Yuu was downstairs making dinner while Grim was yelling at him.]
Yuu: They won't. I know they won't.
[Yuu places the food on the table: Beef Steak & Rice Bowls, drizzled in steak sauce.]
Yuu (Placing the last bowl on the table and lifts his head to see the Overblots standing in the hallway with their eyes on the food): Are you guys gonna stand there or come eat?
Jami: You... You made dinner, for us?
Yuu: Of course I did. Please, come sit and eat, I need to get the drinks and honey butter bread rolls. (Goes into the kitchen while the Overblots take their seats. Comes back with the bread rolls and drinks)
Yuu: Here you go. Tea for Ri, Vi, Az, and Jami - I have soda for Idi, Leo, and Mal.
[Placing the drinks in front of them before taking his seat. He sends a silent prayer to the Great Seven before starting to eat.]
Jami (Takes a bite): Prefect... This is very good. What kind of dish is this?
Yuu: Something from my world - Beef Steak Stripes over White Rice drizzled with Steak Sauce.
Mal (Holding a Bread Roll): Why does this bread smell so sweet?
Yuu: I used Honey Butter.
Leo: It's still good. This would be better with dessert.
Yuu: I have some Plain Cheesecake & Strawberry Cheesecake in the fridge.
Ri: Cheesecake...? What is that?
Yuu (Smiling): I'll give you all some for dessert later. Just enjoy your dinner. (Keeps eating)
[The Overblots look at Yuu for a while before they continue to eat in silence.]
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pandoa · 1 year
it's the little things: III
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the little things they do for you
~feat. heartslabyul~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
~headcanons~ part 1│part 2│part 3
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ace trappola saves you a seat wherever you two may go—though that doesn’t make him any less of a pain in the ass about it. in class, the cafeteria, library, or even your own dorm room, ace makes it his personal obligation to (1) save you a spot beside him, and (2) piss you off in the process. it's not like the seat wasn’t meant for you, but ace felt that he needed a much more entertaining way to save it for you. from draping a lazy leg over your seat just as your body finds its way into the chair to placing random—but overall harmless—items onto the cushions of your seat, he’ll do almost anything to mess with you. your reactions are just too priceless.
"Ah... class is finally over..."
"I thought Trein's lecture would never end! I am exhaus— Hm?"
"Oh, hey, (Y/n). What's up?"
"I... took your spot? Nah, I don't think I saw anyone sitting here before~ You're imagining it."
"Besides, my legs seem really comfortable here; I don't think I could move even if I wanted to."
"There's an open spot on the ground, though; you could sit there if you wa— Ouch! Okay, okay, I get it! I'll scooch over!"
"Just stop hitting me for Seven's sake!"
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deuce spade unconsciously picks up your mannerisms. whether it be the certain phrases you say or the carefree way your hands seem to wave at the sight of him, deuce begins to mimic it all. he doesn’t even notice it until ace irritatedly points it out after a sickeningly oblivious “study session” with you and the other first years as the majority of the time was spent watching the two of you—each both more dense than the next. it wasn’t too difficult to catch on, really, but some part of deuce hopes that you hadn’t caught on just yet. he wishes to face his feelings properly, so perhaps give him a little more time, yes?
"Wait, so... in the history of magic, the fae began to progress their own kingdom... when?"
"Uh... let's see. It should obviously be sometime before the war between the fae and humans, that's a given, but... Huh?"
"What's up? Is there something wrong, (Y/n)?"
"We're both just sitting the exact same way—? Oh... yeah, I guess we are."
Deuce looked down only to notice the similar way your hands would fidget in sync with his. Oh, great. Now we're both twirling our pens the same way; I need to stop before this starts getting a little weird for them—
"U-uh! It's probably just a coincidence! Yeah!"
"No deeper meaning to it... totally."
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cater diamond sets his phone aside when talking to you. he may be the type to practically be attached to his phone twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; however, that doesn’t mean he lacks any self control when around you. even he knows that time is precious and that the memories he shares with you would come to be much more valuable than checking the likes of his latest magicam post. flipping over his screen to face the back of his phone, cater’s attention is entirely on you, and you alone. although, he might pull it out for a quick pic with you as you two are hanging out wherever you are. could you blame him, though? the view of you and him in the same camera frame was just too pretty for a sight to skip out on~
"(Y/n)! You made it~ I think you had something to tell me, right?"
"Nope, you weren't interrupting anything! Just posted a last-minute story on magicam—nothing too important."
"Just go on with whatever you wanted to tell me. I'm listening."
"Oh... my phone's ringing? They can wait, hehe."
"Keep going~ My full attention's only on you."
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trey clover never fails to give you a small treat—be it a homemade piece of candy or pocket-sized sweets—each day he sees you. at first, it starts as a matter of chance. one day he happened to have a petite sample of a new recipe he’d been experimenting with and saw you as the perfect taste-tester of the newest treat. but as one day turned into another, trey found that he never failed to keep a sugary dessert inside a pocket or two of his uniform, each one different every day. he just enjoys the way your face seems to light up at the sight of the sweets gently being placed into the palms of your hands.
"(Y/n), here's the book you left back at Heartslabyul yesterday. Make sure to remember it next time, haha."
"It's no problem. Oh, yes, and—"
"I baked these miniature pies yesterday after you and Grim came over for the Unbirthday. They're candied, too, so they might be to your liking."
"It's no trouble! I'm glad you seem to like the smaller things I bake."
"It's nice to see whenever you enjoy my cooking, in all honesty."
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riddle rosehearts is more lenient on you when regarding the dearest queen’s rules. he doesn’t seem to be doing it on purpose, though—no, no. all of his words and actions, to him, are all acts of respect and common courtesy for the dear prefect. you’ve encountered so much; the most he could do is show you respect as well, yes? like deuce, everyone but him tends to notice it and it truly messes with everyone’s minds. clearly an act of favoritism, all the students of heartslabyul grow envious of riddle’s much more lax treatment towards you. riddle may be fond of you, but why did they have to get the short end of the stick???
"And what do you all think you're doing eating a tart so guiltlessly?"
"Rule number 089: Never eat a tart without the Queen's permission. I do not remember giving any one of you permission to eat a tart today."
"Such violations will not go unpunished."
"Oh... the prefect is here, too? Well..."
"They are in no part of the Heartslabyul dorm and, in fact, lead their own dorm as well. We are—in some way—equals from differing dorms."
"No, I am not just conjuring excuses! Stop this nonsense, or off with your head!"
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a/n: ace was one of those kids who’d pull on another kid’s pigtails or ponytail back in elementary school i just know it
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twistedr0se · 2 years
Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! - A Valentines Day Special 🌸🌹🌷
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Note: Gn!Reader, sorry if this was late I had a lot of crazy things happening and I dodged potential homelessness but I'm back and writing again :D
Valentines day, it was one of those days that many people would not want to miss. The school was livelier than usual, many were already at work preparing their confession letters and gifts for their loved ones and friends, and you were no different.
You paced back and forth, making your way into the busy halls and making sure the contents of your bag were safe from everyone. This morning was especially crowded as both you and many others were rushing late to their morning class, not sparing a second until they arrived just on time in fear of punishment. Truthfully, you had been later than usual today, and that was no accident.
The things within your bag were little gifts, chocolates, all of which you planned to give to your friends and colleagues during class. But one thing turned into another and, here you are rushing to trein's class.
With the hustle and bustle of the halls, you had wondered 'how will I get all of these to them?', but little did you know there was someone out there who would look for you to. Perhaps it was someone you were close with, or maybe you would meet them along the way as you hand out your little treats. Still, there was this gut feeling of something special happening today.
You supposed that this would be more beneficial, as you are usually seated to both ace and deuce, the first few people you would give these items to. Running into the class, trein glanced at the entrance. His usual grimace turned slightly more relaxed as he saw you walk in.
"Ah, you are just on time. Please do sit down, we are about to start-"
You moved towards trein and fidgeted around the bag, what he saw come out of it was a small box with a chocolate that resembled a familiar cat...
"Happy valentines day Professor! I made this just last night"
Trein examined the piece, the cat's fur was carefully crafted and its expression showed a droopiness to it that he had known all too well.
"Oh, for me?"
Lucius was eyeing at the piece as well, and as trein brought it closer to his chest he couldn't help but smile at his beloved cat licking the plastic box that encased the little gift.
"I appreciate it dearly, thank you."
Moving into your seat, both Ace and Deuce greeted you with their usual antics. It seems that it was never too early or late for them to start their usual banter.
Deuce greeted you with a smile, a little flustered than usual "Morning, prefect!"
Ace was a little more talkative today, perhaps within his own reason
"Ah, you're quite later than usual~" Ace teased.
"Yeah yeah now hush, I made this for you"
The two eyed the little boxes. Like trein, they had been gifted specially crafted chocolate trinkets, one shaped as an ace of hearts, and one a deuce of spades.
You smirked as they were left bewildered at the small but thoughtful gift. Deuce flushed a bright pink and Ace was practically trying (and failing) to hide his blush
"Happy valentines day you two"
The two looked to the boxes, and back at them, and then at you
"You did this...for us?" Deuce replied, his face flushing a deeper shade of pink at the special blue bow that was on the box. Both Ace's face and ribbon were a soft shade of red.
"Hmph, if I had known you'd make something like this for me I would have made my plans a little grander today~"
You raised your brow up at him "What do you mean by that?"
"Ahaha! Don't worry about it~ You'll see it when you see it"
Whilst class resumed as usual, you could see that Deuce was slightly deeper in thought this time. You hadn't known the inner dialogue that unleashed within him when he saw your gift.
His thoughts of him and you were running feverent in his mind 'Should I tell....ah- but what if I get rejected...But then again...'. He spared one passing glance at you, face still flushed, and looked down at his pen and paper. Maybe it was time for him to take action....
The next class was alchemy. Peering into the lab, you see Trey, Cater, Riddle and Rook all huddled near a cauldron. Waving to them, you pulled out three seperate boxes, each chocolates carved in different things for each person.
"These are for you guys...I spent quite a lot of time making them so...happy valentines day!"
"You're too kind, prefect. i
Riddle was equally as flustered "A-ah...thank you...."
He examined the carefully crafted chocolate rose. Trey got a chocolate clover, sleek and tidy. Rook an intricately crafted bow and arrow, the end in the shape of a heart. Cupid's bow, he thought. Cater had a little diamond as his shape, and by the looks of it he was enjoying every minute of it. He was sure he had taken more than 10 pictures in the span of the few minutes he'd received this as a gift.
Queen of hearts rule 298 states that chocolate should not be consumed during the fifth week of the last month they tasted satly tea, but for just this once maybe....
"BEAUTE!!! This craftsmanship....the beauty within such a fickle yet delicious thing...I could not thank you enough, Mon Cher"
Cater smiled widely, ecstatic at this special gift you made especially for him. "I couldn't agree more~"
It didn't help that he had something else in mind for valentines day too but...Oh well, it seemed that it was too early for him to reveal that now.
Rook took the palm of your hand, and softly planted a kiss. His face showing a softness you hadn't seen before "I shall repay you when the time is right"
"Oh stop it, you don't have to really" You held your hand to your cheek, cupping it as you saw just how much they appreciated your hard work.
"But I must! With such beautiful craftmanship and thought, how can I not repay you ten fold~?"
Trey chuckled "He's right you know, I might bake you something special just for this. You did such a good job it would only be fair that I return the favor"
Riddle nodded, face still flushed "I will certainly remember this...kind gesture. I would love to prepare something special for you...to repay you that is"
The four of you enjoyed alchemy, much to your surprise as it is one of the few grueling classes due to crewel's strict nature. Speaking of crewel...
"Hm, what's this? Don't tell me this is a bribe for a better grade"
"It's a gift for you, happy valentines day Professor Crewel!" You handed him a chocolate, carved in the shape of a dalmation puppy with white chocolate.
"Ahhh~ my puppies are so adorable!"
He seemed to be the happiest you've seen him in awhile, which was...strange but cute. Like an excited little puppy getting head scratches.
"You've been such a good student this whole semester, thank you for this!"
Walking outside the classroom, you saw a familiar sleeping lion laying peacefully under a shaded tree. Ears were twitching, his tail wagging, yeah...he's asleep alright.
Slowly, you sneak closer and closer to him, placing his gift on one of his hands, which laid free on the grass.
"Oi...what is this?"
"Ah- you scared me!"
"You would know better than to sneak up on a lion. Now, what's this?"
"Oh, it's a valentines day gift. For you that is~"
"For me....hm...."
He looked at the little chocolate lion. It was small, yet you managed to capture the fierce and prideful nature of it. It was cute.
"Thanks, herbivore. I'll make sure to reward you with something just as good"
He gave you one last smirk before he rolled back over to return to his nap. But once you had turned your back to go for your break, you could have sworn that Leona was snuggling the box. But of course, he would never let you see that...ever.
In the cafeteria, and dodging all the crowds fighting for the special lunch of the day, you were looking for more of your friends, when all of a sudden....
"Aaah, shrimpy~" You were pulled into a tight hug, and as the air was slowly wringed out, you can see a familiar smile as you looked up.
"It's been so long since I've seen you~! I miss you yaknow!!" Ah, floyd.
"Ah- floyd! You're squeezing me here..."
Floyd let go swiftly, nearly dropping you down to his seat as he pulled away "Oh right~ hehe sorryyy"
Jade smiled at the new company "Oh dear, well if it isn't our little prefect. What brings you to our table?"
The two watched you fumble in your bag once more, pulling out two separate boxes with familiar looking chocolate eels for the two of them.
"Hee~? A little eel?? For me???"
"How adorable, despite the small stature, the carvings are percise, sleek." You can feel the two staring at you, only this time with adoration.
"Oya oya? What's with all the commotion?"
You looked towards your right, seeing that fedora peeking through a familiar face.
"Ah- Azul! I have something for you"
"For me? Oh, you shouldn't have..."
Azul looked at the chocolate octo with an expression you hadn't seen in his face. You can only describe it as a softness he never allowed anyone to see. His suave businessman facade slowly melted as the realization of this gift had settled in his mind fully. You of all people had made something for him, and especially on valentines day.
"I can't thank you enough for this, angelfish. How about I repay the favor. Anything you want, just say the word and it's yours~"
You chuckled "You don't have to Azul, I have all that I want right here~"
"Oh, right! Have you seen Idia anywhere? I can't seem to uhh...find him"
"Hm, chances are he's in his room. He brought his tablet for today's seminar, so he'd most likely still be cooped up in there."
"Thanks again, angelfish. I'll be sure to give you a monstro lounge discount the next time you drop by~"
Before you left, you saw two more familiar faces wave to you.
"Ah! Hey!! It's been awhile!" Kalim exclaimed. Seems that his shine and spark never dies down even in mundane situations like this. Jamil is right next to him, waving back in a manner more reserved. But still, you can tell the two are happy to see you again.
"I got something for you, here!"
You handed the two of them their boxes, Kalim's having a tiny otter, and Jamil a snake. The scales were carefully carved with intricacies that only Jamil would see and appreciate. Kalim was more than overjoyed at the little otter that's now in his hands.
"This is so cute!! Aaah now I wanna gift you back something...."
"How about it? A party? A parade? A magic carpet ride???"
Jamil held the box close, as if it was the most precious thing he had "...something just for me...."
He smiled, looking to you with a soft grin and letting down his calm and aloof demeanor for even a small moment "Thank you..."
Once you said your goodbyes as the bell rang, you went to your next lesson; Flying.
On the court, you can see Jack, Vil, Ruggie and Epel all stretching after a round of magift. Vargas was near them stretching as well.
Ruggie was the first to notice you first "Well well, if it isn't our dear prefect hehe~"
"Ah- Hello!" Epel waved, he seemed happy to see you.
"I come bearing gifts~ Happy valentines day you guys!!"
Both Epel and Jack flushed red as they saw the little carvings. A wolf, an apple, a donut and a peacock...they had all wondered how much time you had spent making all of this, and especially for them....
"You did well, potato..." For once, Vil had no criticism against this. The peacock was carefully crafted, down to the feather. He seems to hesitate for a moment, not wanting to eat this creation you made just for him. Epel on the other hand, would want nothing more than to devour the little treat, even if it was in front of Vil who had just now warned him about his new dietary restrictions after getting a few acne bumps....
"Going through all this trouble to make something special...it kinda gets to me y'know? How about I do something for you in return eh~?" Ruggie smirked, already scheming of many different places he can take you to, far away from everyone else...
Turning to Vargas next, you handed him something "and happy valentines day to you Vargas sir!"
You handed him a tiny chocolate muscle man, lifting a barrel full of eggs. Strange, they all thought. But Vargas seemed more than happy to receive it.
"What a strong little guy! You're quite the interesting type aren't ya?"
"I guess I am hehe~"
Flying class went smoother than usual. Checking the time, you decided it was time to head to ignihyde to check on the resident elusive dorm leader...
Walking through the halls of ignihyde, you specifically wanted to go to Idia directly to give him his little valentines treat. But, as per usual, he was not present physically. So you might as well meet him directly in his dorm room.
"So this is Idia's room..." You knock once, no response.
"Hey, I noticed that I couldn't find you in person so...I'll just place your valentines day gift here, 'kay?"
On the other side, Idia could not believe what he heard "...Valentines?"
You placed the little mecha head shaped chocolate on the footsteps to his door
"I'll leave this here. Happy valentines day, little flame~"
It took a long while before Idia could reply "T-thanks ah- um........."
You moved away and crossed him off the list of people to send your gifts out to. Unbeknownst to you, Idia was shaking.
"fhjhskdhjksjahhh!!!!! I can't believe it...this gift....." picking up the box, he can see the detail you had put on this. Even down to the seams of the robot.
Idia laid down on the ground for a couple minutes, his pink flames threatening to scortch the carpet. But at this point, he didn't care. What he held in his hand was something you made just for him...and those moments lying down turned into minutes slowly turned to hours....and hours turned into.....well....
Down the hall you could see Ortho, configuring some hardware for the main area. You had something special for him too.
"Ah! Ortho! Hey!"
The little robot looked up from his work station, his eyes lighting up as he saw you go near him. You fumbled around your bag for his gift.
"I have something for you, ah- here!"
Inside is a chocolate shaped skull, specifically the skulls that adorned his and his older brother's rooms and clothes.
"Happy valentines day, ortho!"
In his excitement, he had tackled you hard into the ground. If he had known any better he would have thought that he was shortcircuiting in his excitement
"Aaah! Thank you so much!!.... I can't really eat this, but I'll scan it for the archives so I'll remember this forever!!"
You both said your goodbyes as you crossed out his name. There were still a few more to go.
The sun was slowly setting and afternoon classes had already ended, so time was of the essence for you to gift everything to all your loved ones.
Running around the main halls once more, you accidentally bump into someone....standing.....sleeping?
Silver caught you just in time before you hit the ground, his arms gripping you firmly close to him until the two of you are stable.
Heat slowly creeped into your face at how close you are together "Sorry I-"
"...No, it's fine...Are you okay?"
"yes! and I uh...I have something for yo-"
"HUMAN!!! What are you doing in the middle of the hallways, you could've hurt someone! or even worse, YOURSELF!!"
"Awww come on Sebek, I'm sure the prefect's just clumsy today"
'Lilia too? Perfect timing'
"Oh! I'm glad Im seeing all of you now, I have something for all of you....right...here!"
Handing all three of them your gifts, you watched as each of them reacted slowly at the little chocolate figurines you made. A sword, a crocodile, a bat. All three of them were in a state of fluster at this gesture. For once, Sebek did not have anything to say, and the same went for Lilia.
"This is adorable~! I'm surprised you'd get something for me..."
Sebek looked away as he spoke "T-thank you...human..."
Silver had never been more awake than he was before. It's clear that his face had flushed a soft pink, and his white hair had only contrasted the pink coloring his cheeks. "I don't think I can thank you enough..."
"it makes me even more certain now with what I- no...it's okay. You don't have to worry about it" He smiled, cheekily hiding that plan he had under his smile.
"What's with the commotion! It's almost time to retire for the night!"
"Ah! Headmaster! This one's for you too!"
You handed him a little chocolate raven, he seemed more than ecstatic to receive something of this caliber.
"This...for me???!!!!! Oh!!!! Oh how generous of you!!!"
He pulled all four of you into a reluctantly big hug "You all are so precious!!!"
In between all of them, you squeezed in a hug back "no problem, headmaster"
Once they all left, you headed to ramshackle to retire. After all, you had someone waiting for you at this hour...
A familiar horned silhouette greeted you at the gate "...You came"
You peered through the bushes and pushed forward, looking to the fae waiting for you. The moonlight shone on his skin with an ethereal glow, and he was more than happy to see you.
"I have something for you, here..."
You handed him a chocolate gargoyle, wrapped with a green bow.
"Happy valentines day, tsunotarou~"
He froze for a moment, not comprehending that someone, anyone, would give him anything other than isolation on the day celebrating love. "This...is for me?"
Nodding your head, you smiled "Yeah! I made it last night, took me awhile y'know! But I think it paid off"
Malleus' gaze softened, a feeling of warmth igniting inside him as he held the box closer to him "I am eternally grateful for this, I am sure blessings will come to you after this..."
You tilted your head "...blessings? What do you have planned-"
He chuckled "You needn't worry about that, child of man."
After all the shennanigans of today, you had finally did it. Thirty something gifts for every one of them...It's a miracle as to how you even achieved it. But as you entered the house, there was something that was placed on top of the coffee table of the living room. Something....wrapped? There seems to be a letter as well. Strange...
'This box...Who is this from?' you thought.
As you read the note on the box, your cheeks flushed and your eyes widened.
"This...this is from...."
You smiled, you really couldn't believe it. It was none other than him...
This secret admirer revealed...and none other than...
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maopll · 1 year
Can I please request the Heartslabyul boys reacting to you ‘forgetting’ to give them a good morning kiss?
Where's my kiss ?
| twisted wonderland !
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⌗:, a/n: good morning kisses are a no from me if I'm not in the mood. ain't nobody wanna give someone a stinky ass kiss 😭 but I'll do it for the sake of this fanfic <3
⌗:, warning: fluff
⌗:, pairings: ace, deuce, trey, riddle, cater w/ gn!reader
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You always give him a goodnight, good morning and a goodbye kiss. you've never forgotten to kiss him. if there are days when you haven't kissed him he will demand them no matter what the situation and you have to listen to him whims.
today you had other plans. what if you don't kiss him? you couldn't resist yourself after seeing other people do it too.
so here you are getting out of bed sneakily after not giving him a kiss. you went with your daily chores after you saw a dishelved ace telling you "Where's my kiss? :("
he looked like a three year old after having their candy stolen. you were trying your best not to laugh at his state but he caught onto your lips curling up.
he made it a point to you to always kiss him so why were you depriving him of his sole way of getting his daily dose of serotonin?
he annoyed you to have you kiss him and ofcourse you obliged! you just can't miss the feeling of his soft cheeks against your lips as you smother his face with kisses.
he is such a sweet boyfriend that he actually got really hesitant to ask you why you did not kiss him good morning. he thought maybe you were angry at him for whatever he has done and he got really tensed because he couldn't remember what he did to annoy you enough to not even kiss him :(
he slowly hugged you from behind and started apologising like crazy and he even said "love I'm sorry for what I've done I really am but please don't hate me too much to not even kiss me"
deuce may put up a good behaviour infront of others showing how perfect he can be but his behaviour of being like that absolutely melts in your arms when you kiss him. he is very different from how he shows himself to be in front of the public eye.
you weren't answering because you were trying your best to hold in your laughter but he caught on the way your shoulders were shaking and you definitely were not crying because he knows your acts and behaviourisms like the back of his hand
he is so mad at you now for trying to prank him like that
"I can't believe you [name] I'm going"
He didn't reject your kisses and daily dose of affection.
he is not thinking that much about how you 'forgot' to give him his morning kiss after waking up in his arms after cuddling so much with him last night
he knew it was another one of your shenanigans so he wasn't quote bothered by it until he has had enough
your kisses are like a lucky charm to him even if they may have some kind of placebo effect on him he still believes it's your kisses that makes him have a good day.
at the end of the day he returned with most of his energy exhausted because he had a pretty bad day because of you forgot to give him something.
"baby I know what you are trying to do...please kiss me I can't do it anymore"
you kisses him on his forehead, cheeks, eyelids, and lips and he wants more now.
you two shared kisses and cuddles for an hour until he has had his fill.
poor baby held whatever piece of patience he had throughout the day until he got to you.
he wakes up with your morning kisses but today he woke up a bit late because you did not kiss him
he was so agitated because he was getting late for his class by 2 minutes !!
how could you do this to him !
off with your head /j
he was genuinely offended and annoyed because you did not give him his energy boost for the day
he flipped at whoever crossed his way because you just committed a big crime
ace and deuce were scared of him getting so angry so they brought you infront of him to take matters into your own hands and they were too afraid of doing something that might make him render them immobile or something.
they left the school ground to leave you two alone to do your bidding...more like get his emotions checked
a kiss on the cheek was enough to turn his full face blushing red like the tart he was eating.
he coughed and said blush still evident on his face "I will accept this kiss as a form of your apology towards the behaviour showed me today...don't do it again [name]...please"
you heard most of what he said but that "please" was so soft cause he mumbled it but you caught onto what he said.
with a cheeky grin you continued painting his face with kisses
ace and deuce heaved a sigh of relief as their dorm leader finally isn't angry anymore
I definitely did not forget about cater
Usually you two have a kiss fight(?) in the morning. the first one who wakes the other one up with kisses has to have the other give them kisses for the whole day including cuddles and a whole lot of affection
usually you would win but today you were feeling devious so you got out of bed without kissing him. he was a bit awake but his eyes bust open when you cooly opened the door and went your merry way
he sat up straight and grabbed his phone ready to cancel you out on social media
how could you do this to him
so he pestered you throughout the day
he told you and practically gave you a presentation on WHY you should kiss him
you were soon growing tired
you wanted to prank him but looks like it's an uno reverse moment now
you finally gave in and kissed him which shut his yapping.
he was silent for a while but he soon recovered and returned your kiss
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Music and Flames
The Whitebeard pirates were well known for their parties. Even other emperors knew the large group liked to party. It wasn’t like Shanks’ crew that drank until they drying a whole island up. No it was different. They would dance, sing, and laugh the whole night away. All in all a very fun happy night when they partied.
The end of the year party was coming up. Another year that they lived and were happy to be part of. Everyone was ready to have a blast. Even the newer recruits were getting in on the party.
The ex Spade pirates were helping where they could. Getting more food, and alcohol. Ace had towed a few ships to the next island just to make sure they had enough to last them. Deuce helping the commanders with planning. They put up lights so no one would be left in the dark. Tents to sleep in or anything else that would be needed. Multiple places to go to the bathroom. It was all for the best party of the year.
Ace smiled and laughed. Trying his best not to get too caught up with the fact that it was that time of year again. It wasn’t like the Whiteboard's knew about it. The Spades too busy to mention it. He could relax and enjoy the time he got with them.
When the party started they found out that it started strangely. Everyone got a chance to show off what they learned or completed this year. Everything form a drawing they did to full battle plans. Just about everything they were proud of was on display. Pops watching with a smile on his face, as each child presented.
Before long it was the new comers turn. Not minding that they weren’t ready for this. It was part of the hazing. It also helped not make the new people freak out about having something completed that would match the others.
Deuce stood on stage being the first to be thrown up there. He looked around then at Pops. Everyone waited, smiling and holding no judgment for the boy. “I uh wrote a full three notebooks about our adventures.” He said, hoping it was enough. Just what was he supposed to say?
“AWESOME!” “YOU HAVE TO READ SOME OF THEM TO US!” The crowd yelled. Making Deuce read out some of the things he wrote. All of them were true of course. Cheering more when Deuce actually read out one of the things they did that year. Did if focus on Ace, yeah. Ace was doing something stupid and got them caught up in it. Making the Whiteboard's laugh and snicker while looking at Ace. Not that he minded much. But, they were alive at the end of the day. Just another story to tell when he saw Luffy again.
Banshee made a new dish this year. One that Thatch taught her. It took six attempts to get it right. Every time it went wrong, Ace got to eat more than the others. Not that anyone wanted the off colored creation he was eating. She was so happy to get it right. Knowing that she was close because Ace said it tasted good. Everyone cheered and told her to keep on cooking.
Skull told them about how he was just a pirate fanboy until he met Ace. MEtting Ace was both the best and worst thing for his fan life. Ace showed up beat up the crew he was hanging out with. Then didn’t know how to sail the ship at all. He had to teach Ace and Deuce everything, until they made it to the next island. But he ended up having to keep the idiot alive. Ace yelled ‘That’s not being true, I knew some things.’ not that anyone believed him. It did end up making everyone laugh. Soon everyone had gone up. Learning more about the new siblings then they might have in the next month.
It was Ace’s turn. He didn’t really know what to say. It wasn’t like he really did anything note worthy. He fought a bunch of people but that wasn’t unusual for him. Plus everyone else had something else to be proud of. Thinking about what he did, the crowd waited.
They couldn’t wait to hear what he was going to come up with. Was it about fighting Pops? OR beating Jimbe a war lord of the sea. Maybe it was some other story they hadn’t learned yet. Whatever it was they couldn’t wait to hear it.
The answer was nothing they could ever expect.“I…uh…learned a song?” Ace said not confident. Otama taught it to him when he visited. It honestly wasn’t that big of a thing.
The silence as they wondered why that of all things was what he said. “Well, Sing it then!” Thatch called out. Laughing that singing is what Ace chose.
“kaeru no uta ga
kikoete kuru yo
gwa gwa gwa gwa
gero gero gero gero
gwa gwa gwa” Ace sang. He had never sang in front of a crowd before and didn’t really know what to sing. It was a short song, and was over soon enough. The others stared at him then cheered. Telling him he did a good job. That he should sing more often. Ace, was so embarrassed that his shoulders were on fire. But, it wasn’t a bad feeling. This time at least.
Izou knew that song. Though they didn’t say anything right away. It was nice to hear their language again. From someone other than themselves. After all who else was from Wano on their crew. Maybe with time they could teach Ace how to speak with them. That would be the most fun.
Not right now though at the musicians had gotten their hands on Ace and were unlikely to let him go. They were going to make the boy sing until he couldn’t. Izou saw many of the new spades being taken away into the groups that shared their hobbies and interests. Reminding Izou why they asked Pops to start this whole thing.
Twords the end of the year everyone waited. Counting down the seconds. Another year as a family. A year of seeing the world and fighting. Pranks, laughter, and tears. There was so much to every year. It only made the best parts of life to be here. Tomorrow the party would continue, one a little sadder to honor the ones that didn’t make it to the new year. If they died or left to peruse there dreams, it didn’t matter. They would always be family to them. There was never a need to say goodbye when they would see each other again.
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stephiethewephie · 3 months
Chandeliers and Fireflies
So I saw a fan event from @starry-night-rose called Glimmering Soirée. And as soon as I saw it was a ball event based on Cinderella, I was like YES YES YES! WHERE IS MY COMPUTER! I HAVE TO WRITE SOMETHING! Here is a summary on the event to get some context for the fic. Synopsis: Piper and Grim have been tasked by Headmaster Crowley to help the chosen princes with their lessons as well as getting them prepared for the ball. This is going to be in multiple chapters that I will be posting on separate dates. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: A Job for us...Again
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After the announcement of the princes, all eyes were on the four in either shock, enthusiasm for the princes, or anger that they weren't picked. The four princes all had different reactions:
Malleus Draconia... was not there... probably forgot to come or was not invited again. But, luckily Lilia was there, and he seemed over the moon at the fact that Malleus was chosen as one of the Princes. He will have to convey that information to him once he sees him.
Deuce Spade was in a state of disbelief. Him? A prince? He honestly never considered himself to be royalty fit. He hardly knew any royals who were delinquents. However, as a dedicated honors student, he felt determined to take this role on the best he can and be a fantastic representative for Night Raven College.
Azul Ashengrotto looked like he had thaumark signs in his eyes. His mind was reeling with ways in which he can take advantage of this position for his gain in the market space. What networks he will get, advertisements for the lounge, poor souls he can swindle- I mean make offers with. The endless possibilities made Azul giddy to get out of the classroom and start writing up plans.
Kalim-Al Asim was ecstatic. He loved hosting events at home and at his dorm. So, the chance to host a ball for two schools is something he is definitely excited about. He's already thinking of the music, food, elephants, everything a party needs. It has not occurred to him that he has not participated in a traditional ball before.
"So," the headmage interrupted the stares. "Now that we have our princes, lessons shall begin tomorrow. In the meantime, everyone return to your dorms. Each one has been given an assigned task to complete before the Glimmering Soirée. Be sure to complete them in a timely manner, we don't want our school getting bad pre- I mean, we should be the best host possible for the ball! Dismissed!"
There were friendly teases and annoyed grumbles as those who were not picked as princes left. The four princes (minus Malleus) took the teases in stride, except for Azul who was trying his best just to leave, but the Leech twins made that almost impossible. They teased their little "Princey" until Azul shoved them out of the way.
Piper, the magicless prefect of Ramshackle dorm, was about to leave her spot with her Pooh bear and congratulate the princes until she heard a frustrated "Myah" from her feline companion.
"The choices were rigged," Grim said with a pout. "I should be one of the princes! Just look at me!" He smirked and crossed his arms. "I am the most dashing student here!"
"If by dashing, you mean dashingly unappealing, then I would agree," a cocky voice said behind them. The two Ramshackle residents looked to see Ace Trappola with a mischievous smirk of his own. Piper could swear Grim's fire ears started to smoke at Ace's comment.
"Grr... big talk from someone who didn't get picked either," Grim said, looking like he was going to pounce Ace. Piper was about to intervene before hearing another voice.
"Kock it off you two," a voice said coming towards the three. They looked to see the blue haired prince-to-be coming towards them.
"Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence," Ace teased his fellow Heartslabyul freshman. Deuce became flushed in embarassment.
"You come to rub your royalty in our face?" Grim asked, still salty about the results.
"Would you two quit it with that?" Deuce asked getting frustrated at the teasing. "Just because I was chosen does not mean I'm any less different than I was before. And besides, it was chosen by chance, so I'm no special than anyone if they were chosen."
"Ah come on Deucey," Ace played it off. "We're just playing around!"
"And Grim has a bit of jealousy over not being picked," Piper said with a giggle. Grim made a surprised, "mrah!," over the sudden call-out from his henchman.
"Oh," Deuce suddenly gained a smirk. "So that's why you're acting cranky towards me."
"I've had enough of all of you," Grim yelled. "Come on henchman, we're leaving!"
"Congratulations Deuce," Piper said in her chipper demeanor. "I know you'll be a great prince!"
"Ahh," Deuce blushed before giving a sincere smile to Piper. "If you really think so, then thank you Piper!" He raised his fist to his chest. "I'll make sure that I'm the best prince I can be!"
The four of them got up to leave. Before Piper and Grim could walk out the door, they heard another familiar voice calling to them.
"Ms. Finch, Grim, could you stay for just a moment," the voice came from the headmage. Sensing an important task was coming, Piper walked back to Crowley.
"How may I assist, Headmage Crowley," Piper said in a way that showed enthusiasm. Grim looked displeased with her response, but the headmaster gleamed.
"Love the enthusiasm, Ms. Finch," Crowley said with glee. "I've noticed that I have not yet given an assignment to your dorm. Luckily for you, I have chosen a special position for the both of you." Piper knew this would be another way for Crowley to get out of a task, but she was always willing to help anyway she could. Grim didn't look that willing. "The princes of the ball may need some assistance in lessons and preparation, I would like to ask you assist in the princes' lessons and preparation before the ball!" Piper looked excited and more than willing to help, but Grim still wasn't happy to do work.
"Nyah! I don't get to be a prince, and now I have to be their personal assistant?" Grim said with his pout again. Piper shook her head at the silly-ole-cat.
"Ah, don't think I have not thought of a form of repayment for your services," The headmage said trying to reassure the cat. "Those who assist the princes will have the privilege to attend the Glimmering Soirée alongside them. This includes formal attire on the school and early access to festivities, food, and the dance floor. Oh how kind am I?"
"Y-you mean," Grim said in shock. "I can eat all the good food before everyone else?!"
"Also," Crowley continued. "Working closely to the princes grants you a great advantage of becoming Belle of the Ball, which will be voted on by both faculty and the princes. The student who is chosen shall be given high honors such as a crown, scepter, and many others."
"A crown and a scepter?!" Grim said as his pout turned into a huge grin. "Mrah ha ha! I accept this assignment!"
"Silly-ole-cat," Piper said with a sigh. "I shall also be glad to help!" Piper responded to Crowley. She did not care for the rewards as she only cared for helping her classmates and her school.
"Splendid!" The headmaster beamed. "I shall see you tomorrow morning for the first lesson!"
With that Piper took Pooh and Grim out the lecture room. Determined to do her best to help out the princes in any way she could.
"Watch out Glimmering Soirée!" Grim said with a smirk, "Your Belle of the Ball is coming your way!"
Chapter 2
Thank you for reading! I'll try to get the other chapters out as soon as I can, but I wanted to get this one out as soon as possible! I'm happy to be participating in this amazing event!
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5cookiekitty · 2 years
*『Meeting of a lifetime』
Yandere portgas d ace x gentle reader headcanon
Regular Ace is the definition of a slow burn. Like him falling in love takes years and even then he may not act on his feelings on thr bases that he thinks he's not worthy of s/o loves.
Yandere Ace on the other hand knows this but decides to ignore those thoughts.
You guys probably met a bar when he was still a rookie.
You were the big sis of everyone and the only reason you caught his attention was from one of the little kids running up to you and calling you "onee-san!"
and while it wasn't love at first sight interest were made. On his side atleast.
You were use to seeing pirates.
You were kind and gentle , something ace wasn't used to and that what drew him to you at first.
After the first interaction between you guys ace was hooked. He kept coming back and back and soon enough he became a regular at the bar
"Hey y/n"
"Oh ace your back!?"
Your kind ways had him wanting , wanting , and wanting until he burned with an desire that consumed him whole unlit.
Ironically really
He wanted you.
He wanted you so badly it hurts
But not now , he needed to do something first before he could treat you like the royalty yoy were meant to be
This contuied for on for months and the spade pirates had a bet going on to see how long it would take ace to confess.
But those bets were soon forgotten whe ace was taken by the whitebeard pirates as read in the news paper.
It broke your tiny gentle kind heart
"I'm sure he'll be fine ms.l/n ace is strong."
"I know that but whitebeard is-"
Cue anouther set of tears falling as one of the younger girls try to comfort you.
"I know you love him ms-"
"I don't love him! He's just kind and has a nice smile and he's supper good looking and strong and he's...my..friend."
The realization that you were in love with ace was one of wonder and heartbreak.
He could be dead and you wouldn't even be able to tell him your feelings.
For weeks after that you spent your days in yiur room contemplating everything.
It wasn't until you were dragged put the room did you finally began to try to move on.
Somewhere else though ace was loosing his God damn mind.
He was used to being able to get to visit your isalnd whenever and now he can't cause of "Stupid whitebeard."
Whitebeard notice how much more agitated ace seems to become on certain days and try to stay clear of him.
He's their father problem not theirs not yet atleast
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.
There wasn't a day ace didn't think of you and your gentle voice or kind eyes as you talked about the kids as if they were your everything.
Finally ace saw that the whitebeard were good people and joined.
It wasn't until his promotion to second division captain does the right time come up to ask the question that has hunted him for months.
"I want to visit <Island name>."
Immediately all the old spade pirates in the vicinity are loosing their God damn mind as the whitebeard's stare on in confusion
Mask duece and everyone then began to poke fun of their old captain as thatch ask question on everyone's mind
"Whats that about."
"Ace little crush who he hasn't seen in like 6 months is on that island."
Immediately the whitebeards are all yelling in confusion as chaos takes hold
While they did began to set sail towards the isalnd immediately the moving after no info of you was passed around by neither the spade pirates or ace.
When they docked no one ran but they did seem nervous.
It wasn't until ace leaned over and smile did everyone begin to relax.
As soon as ace feet touched the docked he was immediately surrounded by kids of all ages and shape calling him big brother ace.
A croud was formed by the time they reached the island and while there was no outright hostility towards the whitebeard passive aggressive comments and gestures were made.
And then that's when they hear it. A soft gentle voice that hushed the happy croud.
All the whitebeards head snapped towards the gentle looking woman who began to run in ace direction almost immediately.
Whitebeard were immediately on edge but with the look ace was giving thr girl they knew...
And finally the long awaited reunion was met as you and ace embraced each other in a hug.
And the whitebeards watch as ace eye get a gleaming that they were all to familiar with.
Cause it was the same one whitebeard and everyone else got when they got a new brother
"Oh would you look at that."
What better present to their little brother promotion than his lover
Yandere whitebeards are Canon change my mind
That night the whitebward kidnapped you
The poor town people didn't even do nothing about it since the whitebeards claimed you left on your own accord to go be with ace oh how wrong they were
You woke up confused and daised as the nurses that were surrounding you scurried off somewhere without a word
Then ace walked in and gently sat by you as he confessed right then and there.
He was overjoyed when you said you liked him back.
But then you had asked that dreamed question and he could only hoped that you forgave him in the future. You will its not like you had a choice
"Let me go tell the girls!"
"Um about that..."
When ace told you that his brothers got kidnapped you for him as a congratulations present you could only stare in confusion.
"Ace what do you mean?"
"It means you ain't leaving me...ever."
Cue you shooting up out of thr bed as ace let's you run out the door and practically throw yourself at the rail in hope...hope that what he said doesn't mean what you think.
You break down in tears when you see the ocean and no sign of your island in sight.
Ace did nothing but gather you in his arms as he shields you away from everyone's gaze as he walks back to his room and deposited you on his mattress with him not to far behind.
He sits the left side of you against his chest as you back pressed into his muscular arms as he cradles you as tears continued to spill.
He can't find it in himself to feel sorry as he cradles you against him.
Feeling your warmth and body good as he hoped it would feel.
He pressed a kiss to your head as he stared out the tiny window thag faced the ocean , feeling the breeze hit him as he let's you fall asleep.
Looking down at your tear strikes face he promises himself to keep you with him forever
"I love you y/n."
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liketwoswansinbalance · 11 months
Smeared Hearts
Credit to @rosellemoon for this oddly, insanely compelling idea about the fluffy, rainbow Storian. I couldn't help myself, so I took her ideas and ran with them.
Here is the link to the original post.
@heyo-428 @cetastars @harmonyverendez Read this, if you’re still interested in the fluffy pen story!
I did toy around with the order of Rise’s series of events a little, and included elements of Fall. So, be warned: the continuity is by no means perfect, the tone is intended to be more comedic (and sometimes more modern?) than usual, and I wrote this more for the concept than the plot at first. You could consider it a loose chronological series of vignettes, if that’s easier to understand because it isn’t quite a full story. It cuts from scene to scene. Or, rather, it is a story with a lot of scene breaks. Also, this was kind of an impulse fic, so I didn't start with a plan until a little later, but I did edit.
When Rafal agreed to be named a School Master of the renowned School for Good and Evil, he hadn't expected to become a pet owner, or something of that ilk.
When he initially saw it... it was fluffy and rainbow. Oh, the indignity of it all, of his life. What had he agreed to?
He groaned. The Storian wouldn’t have been his first choice of godlike pens, but he supposed a magical, fluffy pen was better than no magical pen at all.
The Storian drew a heart on Rafal's hand. It was about the size of a coin.
He grimaced.
Why couldn't the pen have chosen a more tasteful mark? A crown, or an ace of spades perhaps. Even an abstract scribble would have been fine, preferable even.
When the Storian drew his brother's heart, Rhian had laughed at its tickle, and the Storian had taken his response as a sign that it was welcome to snuggle up with Rhian every night, beside him in bed like a beloved pet.
Rafal slept alone.
Rafal had lost all faith in the Storian.
The irritating pen knocked things from tables. It beat Rafal's dish-breaking record within a week. And, it mussed up his hair, and shed all over his robes, slacks, and jackets. If any comparison could be drawn, it was most like a recalcitrant cat, an everlasting thorn in his side.
He couldn't face his students covered in feathery scraps of rainbow fur! The Nevers would ridicule him.
Invest in a lint brush, he noted to himself. That would settle it.
And shave that pen to boot. Not that he could. The little devil was fast, and would punish him for high treason.
Rhian wouldn't mind, he told himself. But, his brother loved that worthless thing. Of course he would mind. The Storian was practically Rhian's child. Rhian's baby talk drove Rafal up the wall. He was so mawkish and cuddly with it, as if it weren't already a combination dust magnet and feather duster that aggravated allergies.
No way would anyone ever see him petting the thing. It was an object, not even a living object, just unusually sentient. It was a patently false imitation of a real animal.
Rafal’s Stymphs were far superior to the pen, and they obeyed him and his commands as any good pets ought to do. Though, he considered the Stymphs more akin to his faithful soldiers, pledged to serve his eternal cause of Evil than well… pets, or whatever the pen was to Rhian.
Lately, Rhian was becoming obsessed with the Storian, and it worried Rafal.
At least he wouldn't have to worry about Rhian getting attached, only to catch it belly-up, and be forced to fly to the nearest pet store and cosmetic apothecary to replace it with a magic-surgery-modified duplicate before Rhian saw. Getting the last fish to look identical had been one hell of a sleepless night he’d spent in a race to preserve Rhian’s feelings. He’d stayed up to ensure the new pet was in place, and had to bury the old one at the crack of dawn while Rhian was still asleep.
But, with a pen, that couldn't happen. What could possibly go wrong?
Well, he knew the worst had happened far too many times. Rhian tended to kill things with too much love. It was absolutely sickening. He'd overfed goldfish in the past, almost the Wish Fish too, if Rafal hadn't put an immediate stop to it, and he had overwatered various hydrophilic plants from humid, tropical climates.
Rhian didn't have the best track record when it came to pets. Or self-preservation for that matter. He’d struck up conversations with strangers left and right.
A pen could be good for him. It had no expiration date. It didn't even have a mortal life, so no matter how incompetent Rhian was, he couldn't kill it. No responsibility aside from keeping it entertained, no risk of accidentally killing it, something to distract him from Rafal's own wrongdoings. The pen could prove useful in that regard. Yes, he could live with it, he decided.
Then again, maybe the right question to ask was whether it had feelings. Could he insult the pen? And what would happen if he did? He was sure Rhian would be none too pleased. But what about the Storian itself?
Rafal eyed the heart on the back of his hand. It was glaringly obvious and far too… sentimental. He had to do something about it. Scrubbing vigorously hadn't worked. He'd only succeeded in scrubbing the skin of his hand red, raw, and dry.
Rhian had haughtily told him he needed moisturizer.
Rafal snapped back that he knew. “Go bother someone else with your fussiness, Rhian!”
In the end, he'd bought black, supple, leather gloves, fitting of his look. They molded to his skin perfectly, and they didn't clash with his typical mode of dress.
Rhian accused him of being needlessly "edgy." Well, there was just no satisfying him, was there?
But, Rhian was a squeamish fussbudget, and his opinion held no weight here. So, Rafal wore the gloves. And soon, the years turned to decades, decades turned into a century, and the Woods kept living.
Rafal wore his gloves every day without fail—until he needed the additional dexterity that could only be afforded by flesh and bone fingers while drowning in the sea amid Night Crawlers.
He tore off the gloves, and in his haste, flashed the rainbow-inked heart at James, James who began to snicker at the thing like it was the most contemptible mark in the world.
"Thought you were Evil. Eh, Master?" James taunted.
"Shut up. It's-it's Rhian’s,” Rafal lied, stuttering through his embarrassment. No need to explain a fluffy pen of all things to James. He'd only think Rafal a dolt.
The heart was so cloyingly sweet, but it still made him feel vulnerable when it was seen, out in the open.
Astonishingly, James’ previously murderous expression softened and its matching intent evaporated. "Guess you wear your heart on your sleeve then. Like the Good do, or as close to Good as you can get, huh? Wouldn't mind saving me then, wouldja?"
Rafal gave the heart a sidelong glance. “Fine,” he muttered unaffected with marked disdain.
In the end, neither of them made it to the underwater prison of Monrovia, which contained the infamous Saders, but no matter. They were both out alive, albeit drenched.
Suspended aloft, ever an eye, the pen bore witness to a stalemate between the School Master brothers and the Pirate Captain.
The Pirate Captain loped forward. “So, you've got a pen that draws maudlin hearts?” he drawled.
"Yes,” Rafal said through gritted teeth. The leather of his gloves was cracked and split by this point, and creaked when he held a staunch grip. He’d formed fists, but he held himself back. The man didn't deserve a blow to the jaw, yet.
Off to the side, James winced, and drew a great step back to distance himself from his sorcerer friend.
Ferret-boy lolloped into the fray. “Yer magical pen does what?” he piped up, as if he'd been deaf to the Pirate Captain's question.
Him on the other hand—he had it coming for him. Rafal bristled, clenching and unclenching his fist instinctually. His dispassionate gaze morphed into a glare.
“It be drawing that craven, girlish thing on ya hand? Gotta be stark raving mad fer that to ’appen,” Ferret-boy quipped again.
Rhian stiffened, face heating.
Rafal defended, “It's not stupid, fussy, or effeminate. Even if it is, it's my only tie to Rhian at the moment, and I, for one, would prefer to keep it, along with my immortality, if you'll excuse me, pests.” He nodded at James, and turned to leave.
The Pirate Captain lunged for the pen without warning.
The Storian darted away, answering with a sugary jingle. Then, it coiled like a spring, launched, and jabbed the Pirate Captain viciously in the chest.
"Oof," the bested Pirate Captain breathed, clutching his torso.
A true pity that it hadn’t drawn blood, Rafal carped internally.
Self-satisfied, the pen twirled in the air, and flew back to the brothers. It curled up in Rhian's waiting hands like an overgrown, weaselly, color-dyed rodent, its noodly form like a piece of rope gone limp.
Rhian headed back to the School, safely cradling the pen.
Rafal stayed back on the dock to deal with the pirates, and give James a proper send-off.
Rhian had never taken an interest in women’s undergarments until now, but he was desperate.
He had already sifted through the Beautification classroom’s storage, and had come up with nothing. So, now, he was knee-deep in Dean Mayberry’s dresser drawers that he’d pulled out entirely, and he found himself rifling through her delicates at an alarming rate.
He soon chanced upon what he was searching for, and fished out a pair of airy, white gloves trimmed in lace that she’d worn to a recent soirée. He pressed his lips together grimly. They would have to do. Hopefully, Rafal would be distracted anyway. His new attire could divert Rafal’s attention.
He reasoned to himself that a smudge meant nothing, and hummed to himself nervously. It couldn’t be covering up duplicity. That would be Evil.
He wasn’t Evil.
He buttoned the gauzy, eggshell white gloves up high with their glossy, pearl buttons. Then, he went on his usual rounds over the School grounds, pretending nothing was wrong.
Rhian should have known his brother would first set his eyes on his hands. His glove-covered hands.
As Rafal flew overhead, approaching the School's clearing, he roughly tugged on his gloves again. Then, he saw something had gone wrong as he glanced down at Rhian from afar.
Rhian clearly had a new, downy, swan-feather outfit, a cloak of pure, shining spun-gold, and something else. Something new. He was wearing dainty, white gloves.
Rafal caught sight of another, unsubtle change through the tower window. He was horrified to find that Rhian had apparently commissioned a golden cage for the Storian while he was gone.
Seemingly, Rhian now tended to it even more regularly, as if he were sure it would grant him a favor, like a genie or a magical creature of that sort would, once caught and released for a wish in exchange for its freedom.
How childish could his brother get?
The moment Rafal's boots hit the windowsill, he peeled off his leather gloves, and noticed that for once, from just minimal friction, the interference of the glove’s coarse fibers, the seawater and his sweat, his heart had smeared.
His heart looked more scrawled than deftly inked. It was a messy blur of rainbow splotches on his pale skin. It didn’t look right, smeared like a stain, an iridescent oil spill, formless and hazy, like liquified beetle wings and mercury.
It was supposed to be as permanent a mark as one from a branding iron. It was a fixed tattoo! It couldn't just be wiped clean away!
Rafal blinked, rubbing at his eyes, trying to clear his tainted vision.
The smudge stubbornly remained.
Something had gone wrong while he was gone. Something sinister.
Rafal stepped into the tower chamber, legging it over the windowsill. He did not observe the cloaked, vampiric man fleeing the scene, memento mori etched on his skin.
Rafal reasoned these circumstances out to himself slowly: Rhian had probably figured that because Rafal never took off his gloves, except in the dark, at night, to sleep, that he'd never notice anything was amiss. But something was. Something grave enough to compel Rhian to cover it up, to erase his mistake.
Their bond had been besmirched by something. By someone. A stranger Rhian had opened his heart to. But was their bond broken?
The implications sank in. If it was broken, he could now be killed.
Rhian flung open the door, and greeted Rafal with cheer, yet he seemed wary.
Uncharacteristically, Rafal reached out to Rhian for a hug, and used the rare moment of closeness to yank Rhian's glove off.
The seams burst with the amount of force he applied and the pearl buttons popped off, catapulted in all directions, clattering to the floor, bouncing and rolling between the stone tiles into every last crack and crevice.
Rhian gasped and tried to shove his hand into a pocket.
Rafal trapped him by the wrist.
Beheld, as sure as day, was a bloodred V slashed in ink, like a scar of rouge in Rhian’s disfigured, melted, rainbow heart stamped around it.
Rhian's hand turned gelid, clammy, and slick in Rafal’s grip.
Someone had replaced him, Rafal concluded, without a word.
Rhian did not even try to offer excuses. It would be too humiliating to explain how he’d let Vulcan violate him during one of their dinners. He blushed at the candlelit memory.
Rafal dropped Rhian’s wrist. “Woe are we,” he sniped bitterly.
Rhian’s eyes welled with tears, but Rafal wouldn’t look at him.
Rafal couldn’t look at Rhian.
In fact, both brothers had fallen silent as the pen scratched away, swishing back and forth like a pendulum.
Rafal glared at the fluffy pen that shivered and flounced and puffed itself up like a fox's tail in the breeze. From across the room he could sense the pen's swift movements as it whisked through the air.
Wisps of shed fluff floated in the sunlight filtering through the silver curtains in spotlit shafts.
He felt the swoosh of the pen's fluff.
It twitched like it was winking at him, and slunk towards his legs like a cat. The pen twined itself around his legs in greeting. For several rounds, it wound itself around him.
He stood uncomprehendingly until his rage got the best of him. He extricated himself from the pen, and couldn’t bring himself to care about brushing the fluff from his slacks.
Rafal jumped out the window, to fly off, and figure things out for himself. The crisp air stroked his bare hands for once, and the sharp wind ripped away the excess fluff, battering his clothes and rippling cloak.
Now, he had to keep his heart in sight at all times, until he reversed this curse. No matter if anyone thought anything while his heart was exposed. They could all go to Hell for all he cared. He was doing this for Rhian.
And to save his own lost heart as well.
He flew away at full throttle, landed, and set off at a brisk pace, slamming into a boy with golden curls, grey eyes, and a cherub-like face. The exact sort of fellow Rhian would crush on!
“Who are you? Are you the V?” Rafal demanded.
The boy looked confused, and narrowed his eyes, fuming. “Name's Midas," he gruffed, putting up a front. “Who're you?” He stabbed a finger at Rafal's chest.
“Your worst fears,” threatened Rafal placidly.
Midas’ eyes widened.
Rafal shot back up the silver tower, and hurtled through the window, Midas in tow, grasped in his iron grip over the starchy fabric of the boy’s shirt. Coolly, he tossed aside a squirming Midas, who scudded across the room, aided by his sorcery, and left the boy for a moment, vowing to deal with him later.
He turned to Rhian, who stood agape, next.
Rafal marched deeper into the stone chamber, snatched Rhian's wrist, and dangled his limp hand in front of their faces. “What's this?” he said quietly, menacingly, pressing down on Rhian’s pulse.
He dragged Rhian up to the Storian, and released him.
Rhian stumbled forward, only managing to stay upright with Rafal’s firm hold on his shoulder.
“WHAT'S THIS?” Rafal shouted at the trembling pen, now thrusting his own outstretched, ink-stained hand at the pen.
The Storian, previously backed up against a bookcase, leapt into its cage, and rattled around. It cowered at the back of the cage, against the golden bars.
“This can't be what I think it is. I love him,” Rafal assured the pen feverishly. He sank to his knees in desperation, casting his gaze up at the pen.
Rhian dropped to the floor with him, and looked pleadingly at his pet.
Long and sinuous, the pen performed a twist in midair with a light jingle, as if considering the chastened School Masters before it, contemplating their tale. It moved with broad brushstrokes, white streaks of erasure, fine, gossamer threads spinning through the air, weaving around the brothers’ forearms.
The hearts vanished off their hands.
Rafal flinched, and shielded Rhian.
Rhian quivered, his heart throbbing against Rafal's own pounding rib cage. He gripped Rafal's upper arms, bracing himself behind his brother for the worst, for his precious pet to turn on him.
Yet the pen forgave.
It hovered over their hands, and drew new hearts, the same as it had done a century before.
I'd love to know your reactions and thoughts, or if anyone laughed. What specific parts got a rise out of anyone? Did I manage to shock anyone, with anything? I’d love to know what. Feel free to comment anything and ask any questions if there’s confusion.
I hope everything’s up to par. Did anything (specific or not) feel out of character? I didn’t check the books, and I sort of forgot what Hook’s, the Pirate Captain’s, and Midas’ dialogue sound like. If anyone catches any inaccuracies, feel free to let me know. Also, if there's anything else wrong grammatically, or in terms of clarity, please tell me.
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Hi! May I request a Heartslabyul version of 'Mc uses them as a shield in social situations?' (Srperately ofc)
Ace Trappola:
Ace will protect you in the moment, but don’t think that doesn’t have a downside. He’ll roast the absolute hell out of you afterwards, asking why you couldn’t just handle that yourself since that other person was just a pebble in the road. He doesn’t quite get why you needed him as your shield but he told you next time he might just let you flail around helplessly until you learned a lesson. His bark is worse than his bite, and Ace still comes to your rescue, not liking the title of prince in shining armor but still performing his duty despite it.
Cater Diamond:  
Cater had conflicting feelings about someone relying on him like that. He would be lying if he said he minded you hiding behind him, it was always a nice ego stroke to have someone consider you a protector no matter the situation. But it made him feel a little nervous, like you expected him to always be around when you needed even if that might not be the case. Still, he doesn’t have the heart to tell you that so he retained his pride as your bodyguard for the time being, hoping you didn’t take it too badly the first time he didn’t reach your expectations.
Deuce Spade:
Deuce never actively noticed because it was only natural for him to get involved if he saw something fishy happening, and the signals you often sent out could be picked up even by someone as dense as him. He’s not exactly a master of social situations but he can often distract the other person enough just by being loud or threatening to summon a cauldron should they not leave. He always seemed relieved when the moment was over and done with, turning to you each time to look you over for any physical damage before asking if you were okay. He always took defending you seriously even if nothing actually harmful was occurring.
Riddle Rosehearts:  
As dorm leader Riddle considered taking care of the students under him as his duty, even the ones that might be older in age (but still lack an equal status to his). You don’t consider it as him doing anything other than his duty but you’re always happy anyway when he steps in, knowing most students are too frightened to deal with the temperamental redhead who had the ability to off their heads at a moment’s notice. Thanking him for his help is where you noticed he got flustered, especially if you laid the praise on thick; it’s not like he didn’t recognize his own skill and talent, but hearing it from your mouth seemed to have an entirely different effect on him.
Trey Clover: 
Trey is a little surprised, but he always handled situations smoothly. He was used to dealing with the volatile Riddle and often the younger members of Heartslabyul would come to him in desperation, so he knew how to deal with situations like this. While he doesn’t always strike an intimidating figure you think his confidence speaks volumes, a fact that you state directly to him. He became flustered after that and he didn’t exactly want the title of protector, but just one pleading look from you was enough to have him putting his cape back on (even if he let out a deep sigh before doing it).
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