#using your life experiences to positively impact the world around you.
kajmasterclass · 6 months
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allaboutthemoonlight · 3 months
Becoming the “It” girl: using science to redefine your identity
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Hello friends,
A longer post today but I’m excited about this one!
I like to define an "It Girl" as someone who embodies the highest version of oneself, a created identity that reflects your most aspirational qualities and personal vision of success and confidence.
However, this post isn’t bout conforming to standards or expectations but rather embodying the best version of who you imagine yourself to be.
Today, I wanted to talk about how social science-based principles like self-presentation, cognitive dissonance, and identity alignment can help u become an“It Girl” in our own lives and achieve the identity you’ve been desiring.
What is identity
Our identity impacts all areas of our life; it’s the person we think we are and how we communicate that to others.
For example, if you see yourself as confident and capable, you are more likely to approach challenges with a positive attitude and take risks that lead to growth.
On the other hand, if you view yourself as unworthy, you are more likely to shy away from opportunities and not reach your full potential.
Our identity manifests as how we present ourselves to the world, including our body language, communication styles, and behavior.
In addition, our identities are constantly changing as we grow and evolve, influenced by our experiences, goals, and relationships with the people around us. This is why it’s important to continue to refine your personal brand and set standards for yourself to stay authentic.
Taking the time to evaluate our current identity and identifying areas where we can make changes is a good way to get aligned with our highest selves. We can ask ourselves questions such as:
How do I describe myself in three words?
What are my core values and beliefs?
How do I typically respond to challenges and setbacks?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
How do I feel about my abilities and potential for success?
How do I present myself to others in social and professional settings?
What is my body language like in different situations (e.g., confident, reserved)?
How do I communicate with others (e.g., assertive, passive, aggressive)?
What kind of feedback do I receive from others about my behavior and attitude?
Do my actions align with the person I want to be?
How do I handle criticism and praise?
What goals do I have for personal and professional growth?
What is Self-Presentation?
Self-presentation involves the things we do to portray a particular image of ourselves; it’s how we dress, speak, behave, and present ourselves in different contexts. Our self-presentation is closely linked to our identity because it shapes how others perceive us, which can influence how we see ourselves.
Projecting the identity we want and living by our values and beliefs requires consistent management of our self-presentation. Our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions should reflect those of the identity we’re internalizing.
For example, if your identity is someone who is stylish, you’ll want to curate your wardrobe in a way that reflects that. In a similar context, if your new identity is someone who’s highly education you might start to spend some of your free time reading books, articles, newsletters, etc.
It’s all about helping to align how others see us with how we see ourselves.
Although other people’s opinions shouldn’t dictate our lives, a big part of our identity is shaped by how others view us. Their feedback can either affirm or refute what we’ve internalized to be true.
Here are some techniques for mastering self-presentation and how they can be used to access your highest self:
Dress in a way that reflects your identity, curate a wardrobe that matches who you aspire to be
Use confident body language, such as maintaining eye contact and standing/sitting upright in social settings
Practice speaking with clarity and confidence
Clean up your social media and only follow content that aligns with your identity or helps keep you on track
Establish and maintain boundaries without people in your life that reflect your values and priorities
Invest in personal and professional development through courses, workshops, and reading
Surround yourself with people and environments that support and reflect your highest self/new identity
Regularly express gratitude and maintain a positive outlook
Questions to evaluate and improve self-presentation
What are my core values and how do they influence my behavior?
How do I want others to perceive me?
Does my current wardrobe reflect the person I want to be?
What body language habits can I improve to appear more confident?
How can I improve my communication skills to better align with my desired identity?
In what ways can I be more consistent in how I present myself across different contexts?
What feedback have I received about my self-presentation, and how can I use it to improve?
Am I living in a way that aligns with my highest self, or are there areas where I can improve?
What actions can I take today to better project the identity I want?
How can I ensure my actions are authentic and reflect my true self?
How cognitive dissonance impacts us
Rebranding yourself and changing your identity involves leaving your old life behind. It sounds simple, but it can be very a mentally exhausting change. This is where cognitive dissonance comes into effect.
Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort experienced when our actions conflict with our beliefs or values. If we’re not acting in accordance with our beliefs, we’ll end up with mental discomfort. As a result, we either end up changing our habits or our beliefs.
For example, if you see yourself as an active person but keep skipping the gym, high dissonance might make you change your belief instead of your habit. You might start telling routinely yourself, "It's just this once," rather than actually going.
This may sound stressful and prove to be a challenge during your rebrand. However, dissonance can play a positive role if you’ve strongly internalized a core aspect of your identity. For example, if you see yourself as someone health-conscious or someone who frequents the gym, you’ll consistently find ways to show that this is true, whether that’s going to the gym daily or meal prepping.
In terms of identity formation, when we highlight inconsistencies between our self-perception and our actions, we actually push towards more aligned behavior.
When we recognize that our actions don’t align with who we believe we are, we can use that discomfort to motivate positive change.
In combination with the tips previously mentioned, we can also:
Regularly evaluate our actions and beliefs to identify any discrepancies. Ask ourselves if our behavior aligns with our values and goals
Define specific, actionable steps that align with our desired identity. This can help create a guideline for behavior that supports us
Be willing to accept change and continue to grow and learn more about ourselves
So how can we apply these principles to become an “It Girl”
Define our "It Girl" identity:
Self-reflection: take time to reflect on who you want to be. Write down the qualities, values, and behaviors that define your highest self
Vision board: create a vision board (physical or digital) with images, words, and quotes that represent your ideal identity so that you’re constantly reminded of your goal
Align your self-presentation:
Wardrobe audit: go through your closet and sort items that don’t align with your desired identity. Also invest in pieces that make you feel confident and reflect your new persona
Body language: practice positive body language such as standing tall, maintaining eye contact in conversations
Use cognitive dissonance to your advantage:
Identify inconsistencies: regularly assess your actions and identify areas where they don’t align with your desired identity
Set goals: create specific, actionable goals to address these inconsistencies. For example, if you want to be healthier plan to incorporate more whole foods into your diet
Monitor progress: keep track of your progress and celebrate small wins to stay motivated
Cultivate positive habits:
Daily routines: establish daily routines that support your identity. This could include a morning exercise routine or a consistent skincare routine
Mindfulness practices: incorporate daily mindfulness practices like meditation or journaling
Continue to learn: commit to lifelong learning. Read books, take courses, and seek new experiences that contribute to your personal growth
Build a support system:
Find mentors: seek out mentors or role models who embody qualities you admire. Learn from their experiences and guidance
Surround yourself with positivity: build a network of supportive friends and family who encourage and inspire you
Rebranding yourself is a long and tedious journey, but with a little help from some science-based principles it can be as beneficial as ever!
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As always,
Love Luna <3
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bitchy-craft · 8 months
10 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find 10 reasons why you shouls love yourself. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterpost > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
1. You are a unique and special individual with your own set of talents and qualities.
2. You are deserving of love and happiness, just like everyone else.
3. You are capable of achieving great things and making a positive impact on the world.
4. You have a beautiful smile and infectious laugh that can light up a room.
5. You have the power to create and maintain healthy relationships with others.
6. You have overcome challenges and obstacles in your life, which makes you stronger and more resilient.
7. You have a body that carries you through life and allows you to experience the world around you.
8. You have the ability to learn and grow from your experiences, both good and bad.
9. You have a kind heart and the capacity to show compassion and empathy towards others.
10. You are intelligent and capable of solving problems and making sound decisions.
Pile 2:
1. You have unique experiences and perspectives that make you interesting and valuable to others.
2. You have the power to forgive yourself and others, which can bring healing and peace.
3. You have the ability to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and well-being.
4. You have the potential to inspire and motivate others with your actions and words.
5. You have a sense of humor that can bring joy and laughter to those around you.
6. You have the power to choose your own path in life and create your own happiness.
7. You have a spirit that is resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.
8. You have the ability to create and appreciate beauty in the world, whether through art, music, or nature.
9. You have the power to make positive changes in your own life and in the lives of others.
10. You have a sense of purpose and meaning that gives your life direction and fulfillment.
Pile 3:
1. You have the power to forgive yourself for past mistakes and move forward with a clean slate.
2. You have the ability to love others deeply and form meaningful connections with them.
3. You have a unique sense of style and personal expression that sets you apart from others.
4. You have the power to set goals and work towards achieving them, no matter how big or small.
5. You have a curious and adventurous spirit that allows you to explore new things and take risks.
6. You have the ability to practice self-care and prioritize your own well-being.
7. You have the power to let go of things that no longer serve you and move on to better things.
8. You have the potential to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting impact.
9. You have the ability to be kind and compassionate towards yourself, which can lead to greater self-love.
10. You are worthy of love and respect simply for existing and being who you are.
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
To people struggling with anhedonia (partial or complete lack of interest or pleasure in things):
Your life still matters. No matter what's causing you to experience anhedonia, whether it's schizophrenia, depression, trauma, addiction, a personality disorder, etc... I'm grateful you're here, and I'm in this with you. Anhedonia sucks. It makes it hard to want to do anything at all - even live - since things that should ellicit joy don't anymore... or they do, but not nearly as much as it should.
The good news is there's so much more to the world than our experiences in this present moment. We never know what good things are waiting for us. We never know if something good we experience now, in this empty state, will be something future us can look back on and feel something good about it. We also may not know the positive impact we're having on the world around us, allowing others to feel positively.
The only way we get to find all that out though is by keeping on trying and staying here to see it happen. That's not easy, but I hope it'll be worth it for both of us. Neither of us have to go through this alone ♡ Have hope - even the smallest amount of hope can get you far.
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toomanydreamers · 8 months
astro observations (i)
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sagittarius risings with chart ruler (Jupiter) in the 7th house – people with this natal chart placement will navigate and grow through close, personal karmic interactions. it is important that they let their views be challenged and unpacked, without excessive deference to other people. inner development/reflection will arise from close relationships and personal exchanges. people are innately generous with their energy. this is a lifetime of understanding your uniqueness and individuality. reflecting on how you choose to self-present to close partners, learning boundaries and addressing people pleasing tendencies is integral to maturation and growth, and this all comes from self-love and finding fulfilment outside of relationships.
venus in the 6th 🤝 neptune conjunct ascendent in an earth/water sign – romanticizing daily activities and finding small moments of joy
watch how libra sun men tell stories according to a close script, especially if they have an earth sign moon/mercury. often they will repeat stories or experiences carefully using similar, language, structure, pacing etc. based on the group of people they are talking to and the responses they expect their stories will elicit
cancer rising women are highly reflective but sometimes struggle to determine their own role/causality in relationships as they are led by intuition/emotion and responsiveness so identifying their distinctive properties and identity in close partnerships can be a challenge
chiron in the first house or conjunct the midheaven – people with either of these placements tend to struggle with self-belief in relation to building trajectory/long term planning in their life. finding a vocation that imparts positive impact to the lives of other people is essential to the mission of these people, but gathering the inner strength and faith to pursue a meaningful career or lifestyle objective can take time and may involve a process of discovery.
third house stellium 🤝neptune in gemini 🤝 mercury in the ninth – getting very easily distracted
sun conjunct mars – when people with this placement are motivated, they are a driving force with clear, direct velocity, especially with a commitment to achieving externally impressive goals
moon in an earth sign in the 2nd or 8th house – people with these placements can fluctuate between self-indulgence or extreme luxury, and restraint around finances to the point of hesitating before every purchase perceived to be unnecessary
virgo moons can struggle with unhealthy attachment to their routines, habits and even addictions, which can be difficult to break without external pressure and guidance
aries mercury 🤝 mars in the 3rd house – struggle with having attention directed to someone else in a larger group and may compete for attention, take a loud and bold stance to cast themselves as the entertainer within the group
chart ruler in the first house (especially aries rising with mars in the first house and scorpio rising with pluto in the first house) – people with this placement carry a profound desire to prove themselves/define their purpose in the world
gemini moons – people struggle to form deep and consistent emotional connections with gemini moons as they are fleeting with their attachments at an intimate level and their vulnerabilities are difficult to uncover as gemini moons prefer to be light rather than deeply below the surface. many gemini moon learn to self-regulate their emotions at a young age and can become immersed in distractive/dissociative tendencies
capricorn moon 🤝 mercury square moon in a fire sign – emotional blockages that lead to outbursts
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
💚Jupiter Through the Houses💚
(Brought to you by Sailor Jupiter)
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Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and holds a significant place in Roman mythology. The gas giant is named after the king of gods and has been associated with abundance, good fortune, and optimism in astrology. People whose charts have Jupiter in a prominent position are often focused on growth and expansion. This is because the planet has a unique ability to expand everything around it. Jupiter symbolizes generosity, spirituality, and ethics, inspiring us to give whenever we can and focus on the bigger picture. Even when Jupiter is in aspect with challenging planets, it offers opportunities to turn those challenges into blessings. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and the planet is often associated with the ninth House in the chart wheel, where it operates exceptionally well. Interestingly, Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Pisces, the sign it used to rule before Neptune's discovery.
The position of Jupiter in our natal chart can shed light on where we are most likely to experience good fortune and abundance. In astrology, Jupiter teaches us the values of generosity, open-mindedness, and following the path our soul chose before our birth. Once we have discovered this path, material success is likely to follow. Jupiter symbolizes generosity and adherence to moral principles, embodying universal spiritual laws. By aligning ourselves with our higher selves, as represented in the placement of Jupiter in our natal chart, we can expect to receive greater support and guidance in our journey through life.
💚Jupiter in the 1st House💚
For those who have Jupiter in this House, they embody all the qualities associated with this planet throughout all aspects of their life. Additionally, if Jupiter is close to the ascendant, it can also be reflected in its physical appearance. These individuals have remarkable optimism, even in the most challenging situations. They have an unwavering belief in themselves, which is fundamental to success. It is worth noting that while Jupiter is often associated with luck, this "luck" is often synonymous with self-confidence. These individuals believe in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. They are also naturally generous, and the more they give, the more they receive. This placement encourages personal growth and self-expression, which can lead to a magnetic personality. However, individuals with Jupiter in the first House should be mindful of overindulgence and excess, as Jupiter can amplify negative behaviors. Jupiter here would have a significant role/impact on some life areas associated with the first House in astrology, such as the circumstances of your birth, new beginnings, physical appearance, your attitude to the world, and, in general, the impression you leave, the way you carry yourself, the role your family expected you to take up in childhood.
People born with an emphasized Jupiter in their birth charts are strongly inclined towards personal growth and development. Jupiter, the largest planet in our Solar System, encourages us to keep learning and growing. With a strong Jupiter influence in your natal chart, you perceive life as an opportunity to become the best version of yourself. However, one of Jupiter's weaknesses is that it can lead to exaggeration. If your chart is afflicted with Jupiter, you may overestimate your abilities or needs.
In some cases, Jupiter's influence, especially if it's close to the ascendant, can indicate a person with a tendency towards self-indulgence and who is chubby. Therefore, it's vital to stay grounded and in touch with reality. Individuals with Jupiter in the first House usually have good overall health, but they should be mindful of being overweight. Remember that it's always better to underpromise and overdeliver than vice versa. Self-confidence is an essential trait, but overconfidence can lead to painful failures. Jupiter is known as the planet of philosophy in astrology, and individuals with Jupiter in the first House are philosophical. They often contemplate life's purpose, humanity's future, and how they can serve the world. If Jupiter is aspected in your birth chart, this planet colors the planets it comes into contact with its positive energy. Even challenging aspects can transform into positive ones with Jupiter's expanding influence.
Individuals who possess Jupiter in the first House exhibit a spontaneous and welcoming disposition, coupled with an unwavering faith and boundless enthusiasm. Owing to their optimistic and magnanimous personality, they tend to attract people towards them like a magnet. This placement empowers them with the ability to adapt rapidly to any social circle while maintaining an open-minded approach toward different cultures and languages. Their effective communication skills and ability to listen attentively enable them to negotiate and secure fair deals that are satisfactory for all parties involved. Such individuals hold strong ethical and moral principles and enjoy exploring new opportunities with others. While their inherent cheerfulness leaves a lasting impression on others, their candid verbal expressions can sometimes cause conflict. Their leadership qualities and inspiring persona make them well-liked members of their communities. Moreover, they often indulge in philanthropy and lend their support to promote noble causes.
Obtaining something easily can often lead to negative consequences rather than positive ones. You may possess a myriad of positive traits, such as self-assurance, magnetism, and hopefulness. These attributes often attract good fortune. Nevertheless, an absence of the earth element or a weak Saturn in your chart may result in a lack of work ethic. In such instances, you may need to learn the value of persistence and hard work through challenging experiences. Saturn teaches us that long-lasting achievements are attained through diligence, while Jupiter symbolizes quick and effortless gains, similar to winning the lottery. However, be mindful of overindulging food, spending, and overestimating your abilities.
💚Jupiter in the 2nd House💚
Having Jupiter in the second House is a highly favorable placement; it's one of the best planets in this position in the natal chart! This planet of abundance signifies financial prosperity for those who possess it in this House. It suggests that the individual has an innate ability to manage their finances skillfully and make wise investments. Additionally, they tend to be generous with their resources and have a strong sense of self-worth. Individuals with Jupiter in the Second House often experience an abundance of wealth throughout their lifetime. They may come from a financially stable background where they learn about managing finances from an early age.
The second House in astrology represents physical possessions and one's sense of self-worth. This encompasses all that an individual holds dear, including their own value as a person. When Jupiter is placed in this House, it suggests a significant amount of self-confidence, essential for success in any endeavor. This attribute can make one more appealing to potential business partners and lead to greater financial prosperity. One's self-esteem is a precious asset that should be nurtured and valued. However, Jupiter's influence in the second House may also indicate a desire for luxury and pleasure. Those with this placement tend to splurge on expensive items. Spending is an area where you indulge, which can be costly in the long run. However, Jupiter's planetary influence can be both a blessing and a curse in this regard. If Jupiter is afflicted, it can cause you to overdo things, including spending. As a result, you may overspend and overestimate your means, thinking you can easily make more money if needed. Rest assured that you are not likely to live in poverty. 
While Jupiter's impact in this House can increase one's resourcefulness and earning potential, it may also result in excessive spending if not kept in check. Therefore, balancing material desires and spiritual and emotional needs is crucial. With Jupiter in the second House, you possess a natural talent for making money and will likely become financially successful at a young age. People with this placement are reasonably practical and have a knack for making anything profitable. Money comes to you quite effortlessly. Jupiter is also known as the "Greater Benefic," bringing luck and abundance to the matters of the House where it is placed. Along with Venus, Jupiter is one of the best planets to have in the second House.
💚Jupiter in the 3rd House💚
Individuals with Jupiter positioned in the 3rd House are bestowed with an intriguing placement that endows them with a profound sense of intellectual curiosity and exceptional communication skills. They are innately skilled conversationalists who harbor a deep passion for gaining knowledge and discovering novel ideas and philosophies. This placement is also known to confer prosperity and abundance to any house it inhabits, making it an excellent source of good fortune. Those with Jupiter in the 3rd House possess remarkable mental capabilities, evidenced by their vast vocabulary and rapid learning abilities. They effortlessly connect with others and have a vast network of acquaintances hailing from various walks of life. Additionally, they possess extraordinary proficiency in learning languages. These individuals are naturally inquisitive and gregarious, having typically grown up in large families, which has endowed them with excellent social skills. They also possess exceptional rhetorical abilities, and they often experience good luck through writing, communicating, or through their immediate surroundings, as the third House governs the local community. In general, individuals with this placement tend to be extroverted.
Sagittarius is associated with the ninth House, which is ruled by Jupiter. The third House, on the other hand, is focused on collecting and processing information. The Ninth House is where all the information gathered in the third House comes together to form a bigger picture. When Jupiter is in the third House, it acts as a bridge between these two ways of thinking. People with this placement can see connections between seemingly unrelated pieces of information. Jupiter is all about understanding how the world works and the people in it. Those with Jupiter in the third House strongly desire to learn and expand their knowledge. They love to share their ideas with others and are usually extroverted. There is an insatiable hunger for information; they constantly seek new ways to grow and learn. This thirst for knowledge is even more pronounced if Jupiter is in Gemini. People with this placement not only love to learn, but they also enjoy teaching others.
Jupiter's presence in your House of thinking and communication signals a high potential for success in these areas. Jupiter, known for its association with good fortune, ease, and abundance, has an expanding influence on whatever it touches. With Jupiter in the third House, which represents intellect, reasoning ability, and thinking process, individuals tend to be intelligent and adept at utilizing their knowledge effectively. They possess an open-mindedness that is beneficial for gaining knowledge about the world. This placement is associated with higher education and deep learning, making people with this placement curious and interested in learning about different perspectives. However, overconfidence in one's beliefs and ideas can sometimes lead to disagreements or misunderstandings with others. Individuals with Jupiter in the third House are great conversationalists and genuinely interested in hearing others' opinions. This placement indicates a strong inclination toward gaining knowledge and learning, regardless of the sign on the cusp of one's birth chart. Jupiter's positioning in the third House often leads to a keen interest in discussing and reading about philosophy, religion, and social issues. Individuals with Jupiter in the third House tend to learn substantially from their peers, with siblings playing a major role in their education. This placement indicates a talent for learning foreign languages, owing to Jupiter's association with Sagittarius and foreign countries and cultures. Depending on the sign of Jupiter, some individuals may even speak foreign languages fluently without any accent, owing to early exposure or extensive time spent abroad.
When Jupiter is affected, an individual may tend to exaggerate certain aspects of their life. Jupiter is known for expanding everything, both the good and the bad. However, if misused, this quality can lead to complications, where one magnifies things that are useless. Individuals with Jupiter situated in the third House have a tendency to talk excessively, often to the point where it becomes too much. This placement also tends to focus on the bigger picture, which is not necessarily negative, but it is important to keep track of the details of everyday life as well. The Third House is associated with running errands and taking care of necessary tasks that build a foundation for bigger things in life, represented by Jupiter. If Jupiter is situated in the third House, the individual likely comes from a large family, possibly with siblings. The relationship with relatives is usually positive, and they frequently bring good things into one's life. The Third House represents the people who make up your immediate environments, such as neighbors and acquaintances. It also includes your siblings and relatives. When Jupiter is in this House and is not negatively impacted by other planets, it is believed to indicate that these individuals have positively influenced your life. Having Jupiter in the third House also implies that you possess a natural skill for socializing, making you particularly popular among your family and the local community. Your peers play a significant role in your learning process, and interacting with them allows you to better understand the world. Furthermore, your connections bring good fortune into your life. With Jupiter in the third House, you have a unique ability to see the bigger picture and share your optimistic views with others, making you a charismatic public speaker and an engaging storyteller. You are also highly practical, making others turn to you for advice - a role you are happy to take on.
Based on the placement of Jupiter in your natal chart, you can identify the areas where you are most likely to experience positivity and good fortune. Jupiter is an essential indicator of your life's purpose along with the north node. Astrologically, Jupiter symbolizes talent. If Jupiter is located in your third House, you will likely experience good luck in education, communication, writing, or other related areas. Those possessing Jupiter in the third House tend to excel in working with languages and sharing their knowledge. However, it is crucial to consider Jupiter's sign and aspects in your chart to gain a complete understanding. Generally speaking, people with Jupiter in the third House attract abundance when they work as teachers or with children. They often have an active and restless mind, requiring constant mental stimulation. Achieving success may take some time, particularly financially, but individuals with Jupiter in the third House often experience their most prosperous period later in life.
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💚Jupiter in the 4th House💚
The Fourth House in astrology is significant as it represents an individual's family. If Jupiter, a planet known for bringing good luck and positivity, is positioned in this House, it indicates favorable outcomes. However, the placement of Jupiter closer to the cusp of the fourth House, known as IC, amplifies its influence in an individual's chart. Jupiter's placement in the 4th House can indicate a strong desire for a happy and harmonious home life. Such individuals tend to possess a generous and optimistic attitude towards their family and home environment, contributing to their emotional security when surrounded by their loved ones. Furthermore, this placement can also indicate a desire for spiritual or philosophical exploration within one's home life, signifying their inclination towards deeper and meaningful aspects of life.
Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion and abundance. In case your Jupiter is located in the fourth House, it indicates that you hail from a large family and have a positive family life that is full of love and support. Your family is regarded as a great blessing with this placement. The Fourth House is linked with your roots and ancestral heritage, and having Jupiter in this House suggests that you might have inherited some exceptional skills from your ancestors. People with this placement usually grow up in an intellectual environment, surrounded by books and intelligent individuals. As a child, you were likely very wise and intuitive. If you did not inherit material wealth, you inherited an optimistic attitude and family wisdom. You should adhere to the same spiritual beliefs as your parents and ancestors. In astrology, the fourth-tenth house axis is the parental axis in the natal chart. While there are different opinions regarding which House represents which parent, you can check your chart to see where the signs and planets align with your parents' dominant placements. The parent represented by your fourth House likely supported and encouraged you to reach your full potential. Those with Jupiter in the fourth House tend to have a large family, and some family members may have cultural or foreign ties.
If Jupiter is located in the fourth House of your natal chart, it is considered to be accidentally exalted, meaning it is not in its usual ruling position. Instead, this planet is typically associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Still, when found in the fourth House, it is exalted in the character of Cancer, which is linked to home and family. 
Individuals with Jupiter in the fourth House will likely have a spacious and comfortable home, perhaps even a large estate. Real estate investments can be very lucrative for them, especially in foreign countries. Furthermore, these individuals are more likely to remain in their hometown and experience good fortune there. 
While the fourth House is typically associated with beginnings, it can also signify endings and old age. However, with Jupiter in this House, you can expect a life of prosperity and abundance in your later years, as long as the planet is not afflicted. The sign on the cusp and the sign of Jupiter can provide additional information on what this placement may mean for you.
💚Jupiter in the 5th House💚
Your natal chart is a blueprint of the cosmos that holds hidden insights into your destiny. The positioning of Jupiter in your chart is crucial to your potential for success and fulfilling your life purpose. This planet symbolizes prosperity, and its placement in your chart can reveal the areas where you can find abundance and good fortune. 
If Jupiter is present in your fifth House, then you have a solid potential to excel in endeavors related to children and creativity. In addition, this placement offers an excellent opportunity for self-expression and artistic pursuits that can lead to prosperity. In fact, individuals with Jupiter in the fifth House are known to achieve fame and recognition in their creative fields, provided that other aspects of their chart support this possibility. 
However, it is essential to note that individuals with this placement may be drawn to gambling and speculation. The aspects that Jupiter makes with the other planets in the chart can influence the chances of success in these ventures. While a well-aspected Jupiter in the fifth House can bring luck in speculation, exercising good judgment and avoiding being overly optimistic is important. This placement can sometimes cloud your thinking and lead to impulsive decisions. Therefore, it is best to use caution and rational thinking while pursuing your dreams.
Those who possess Jupiter in the fifth House exude a fervent passion for living life to the fullest. They relish the company of others and have a charming and jovial demeanor. Their laughter is contagious, and they genuinely appreciate the gift of life. This planetary position emphasizes the importance of creative self-expression, which often results in favorable outcomes. For individuals with Jupiter in the 5th House, romance and playfulness are integral aspects of their lives. This astrological placement is highly beneficial, bringing forth both joy and ingenuity. It signifies a natural talent for self-expression, whether it be through music, art, or writing. Additionally, it may indicate a strong inclination towards having children and the possibility of being blessed with many offspring. However, it is important to remain cautious of the potential love for gambling and risk-taking. Balancing the desire for excitement with practicality is key.
These people are blessed with an innate ability to take pleasure in life. They are known for being amicable, welcoming, and receptive to new people and experiences. Jupiter in this position also denotes a high level of self-confidence, contributing to their optimistic and daring outlook towards new endeavors. Passionate about adventure, these individuals are playful, creative, and enthusiastic. Their love life is often characterized by an extensive list of romantic partners before settling down, especially if Jupiter is in a fire sign, as they tend to be attracted to older partners. Their love affairs bring immense joy and are inherently generous, with Jupiter's giving qualities being further amplified in the fifth House of Leo. 
In addition to their romantic pursuits, they excel in sports, thanks to Jupiter's energy and expansion, which enhance their abilities. Hobbies are a significant part of their lives, and they have a wide range of interests. These individuals are deeply connected to spirituality, often expressed through their creativity. Jupiter in the Fifth House brings expansion in all areas of life, and many individuals with this placement have large families or work with children. They have a natural talent for performing and are gifted actors who can easily impersonate others. All in all, people with Jupiter in the fifth House are a lively bunch who enjoy life to the fullest.
💚Jupiter in the 6th House💚
The Sixth House significantly influences two crucial aspects of a person's life - their work and their health - despite being classified as a cadent house. When Jupiter is present in this House, it indicates good fortune in both areas. However, it's important to note that individuals with this placement may experience weight gain, and therefore, it's vital to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Those with Jupiter in the sixth House tend to possess a natural talent for finding jobs with ease, and they are highly passionate about their work. They possess excellent organizational skills and have the ability to get along well with their coworkers or employees if they run their own businesses. This placement is known to bring positivity and growth regarding health and work. Individuals with this placement often possess a strong desire to make a difference in their communities and help others. They may also experience fortunate career opportunities, such as promotions or recognition for their hard work. It's essential to understand that Jupiter in the 6th House can influence jobs, health, service, daily routines, and pets, but it should be distinct from a career in the tenth House.
Your work is where you will likely experience the most success with Jupiter in the Sixth House. You have a strong work ethic and tend to find employment quickly, even when the odds are against you. Your job typically pays well and provides opportunities for growth and development. You often experience financial abundance through employment and find satisfaction in learning new things and expanding your horizons. 
Jupiter in the earth houses, such as the second, sixth, and tenth houses in your natal chart, are significant indicators of your career potential. For example, with Jupiter in the sixth House, you may excel in fields related to foreign countries or languages, teaching, education, publishing, animals, health, or customer service. In addition, you have a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward work and are known for your organizational skills, energy, and faith in your success.
You tend to have good relationships with your coworkers and generously share your knowledge with others. You may even hold multiple jobs simultaneously due to your extensive professional connections and good luck in your career. However, it is important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and not neglect other areas of your life. Overall, you are a hard-working and efficient individual who values professionalism and rules as a means of achieving success.
When it comes to the topic of health in astrology, it can be quite intricate and multifaceted. Various astrological components exist to consider, such as the Sun, which represents energy and vitality; Mars, which symbolizes physical strength; and Pluto, which signifies regeneration. However, the Sixth House holds great significance regarding health matters in the chart wheel. It is widely known as the "house of health." Those fortunate enough to have their Jupiter placed in this House are believed to have good health, with Jupiter as a protective force against most illnesses. Moreover, Jupiter's presence in the sixth House indicates that these individuals have good vitality and overall well-being. 
On the other hand, if Jupiter is afflicted in the sixth House, it could lead to self-indulgence and overeating, potentially leading to weight gain and subsequent health problems. Additionally, Jupiter's natural inclination towards expansion can lead to overworking, which can harm one's health. For this reason, it is crucial for those with Jupiter in the sixth House to prioritize relaxation and spending time with loved ones. They should also be mindful of their daily routines and chores, as this is where they tend to excel. Lastly, it is worth noting that people with this placement generally have a fondness for pets and may even own some themselves.
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💚Jupiter in the 7th House💚
When the planet Jupiter is situated in your seventh House, it signifies that you are poised to receive favorable outcomes in your collaborative ventures, whether in business or personal relationships. This placement can be advantageous for you, particularly if you join forces with another individual. Depending on Jupiter's specific aspects and signs, you may experience success in public relations, law, the judicial system, or even as a relationship expert. When Jupiter is positioned in the seventh House, the native House of Libra, it may bring good fortune in legal affairs unless it is heavily influenced by unfavorable factors. Individuals with this placement tend to place a high value on harmonious relationships and possess a strong inclination toward partnerships. They have a tendency to attract individuals who are optimistic, generous, and open-minded. Still, they need to exercise caution and not idealize their partners or set unrealistic expectations.
The Seventh House in astrology is closely linked with Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, and its ruling planet, Venus. This particular House governs all sorts of committed partnerships, including marriage. Depending on your birth chart, the positioning of Jupiter can indicate that you might become luckier once you get married or enter a partnership. It is in having a companion that you can attract good fortune, and for those with Jupiter in the Seventh House, marriage and committed relationships are generally valuable in their lives.
The placement of planets in the seventh House can describe the kind of partner you attract. The sign at the cusp of this House will influence how Jupiter manifests in your life, but typically, your partners will embody the qualities of this planet. For instance, Jupiter in the seventh indicates partners that are often highly educated partners, may have foreign origins, travel frequently, and possess wisdom and philosophical views. Open-minded and tolerant individuals tend to be attractive to those with Jupiter in the Seventh House, and their partners may be older than them.
In addition to personal relationships, the seventh House relates to business partnerships, which may involve international partners or frequent travel. Those with Jupiter in the seventh House tend to be team players and attract partners who help them progress in various aspects of their lives. All in all, the seventh House and its ruling planet Venus represent the importance of partnership and harmony in one's life, and those with Jupiter in this House may experience an extra dose of luck and good fortune in their relationships.
The Seventh House in astrology holds significant insights into an individual's public persona, popularity, and perception by others. If Jupiter finds its placement in the seventh House, it signals a person's ability to conquer adversaries or negative energies that may cross their path. With Jupiter in the Seventh House, individuals enjoy tremendous popularity and boast a vast social circle. They often find themselves sought for advice and considered an authority figure or even a mentor. People with such a placement in their astrological chart are known to possess diverse interests and a profound understanding of the world around them. They tend to thrive in careers that require enthusiasm, like sales or advertising. Moreover, they may also be attracted to legal professions, as Jupiter is closely associated with law, while the seventh House is linked with legal matters.
💚Jupiter in the 8th House💚
The eighth House in astrology is known for its enigmatic and somewhat intimidating nature. It delves into profound themes such as death, trauma, sex, and transformation, among life's most perplexing mysteries. However, despite its seemingly hazardous character, the presence of Jupiter in this House can be profoundly advantageous. Jupiter is widely regarded as the planet of good fortune, abundance, wealth, and luck, essentially the planet of significant financial gains. When Jupiter is situated in the eighth House, it frequently brings luck in matters related to this House. Moreover, this placement can indicate an individual with a deep interest in spiritual and metaphysical subjects and a yearning to explore the mysteries of life and their psyche. Individuals with Jupiter in the Eighth House are often highly intuitive and perceptive, with a fascination for taboo topics such as death and the afterlife.
The Eighth House is renowned for being a secretive place that only reveals its mysteries through trials of pain and suffering. Such experiences, known as Plutonian, can lead to a profound transformation of oneself, either for the better or the worse. Death, near-death experiences, and crises are all associated with this House. However, the positive energy of Jupiter can provide protection during these perilous times. It is worth noting that the planets in the eighth House remain dormant until a crisis emerges, at which point they come to the forefront. Therefore, individuals with Jupiter in the eighth House have a significantly higher chance of survival and full recovery when faced with life-threatening situations. 
Furthermore, the eighth House signifies rebirth and regeneration, and Jupiter's presence enhances these abilities. Those with this placement often exhibit a spiritual inclination and a curiosity toward topics related to death and the occult. Jupiter in the eighth House may also indicate psychic abilities and heightened intuition. 
Notably, the eighth House is also associated with sexual desires, and Jupiter's influence in this House suggests a strong sexual appetite and an attraction to affluent partners. Despite potential heartbreak, individuals with Jupiter in the eighth House possess an extraordinary ability to recover emotionally. In conclusion, the Eighth House represents transformation, and with Jupiter's added influence, it provides a personal philosophy that may be shaped by traumatic events or crises.
There are various ways in which money and financial gain can enter into one's life. It may be earned through personal efforts or received from external sources. The eighth House of astrology relates explicitly to acquiring wealth through other people. An individual with Jupiter positioned in the eighth House and in harmony with the rest of their chart is considered fortunate. Those with this placement often inherit substantial sums of money, marry someone wealthy, or receive financial benefits through other means. They may also accumulate wealth through joint resources. Furthermore, they are likely to excel in tax collecting, banking, and financial advising professions. 
It is noteworthy that Jupiter's influence over the Eighth House also extends to matters relating to surgery, investigations, and death. Therefore, individuals with this placement may also experience financial success in these domains. However, it is crucial not to let greed take over. Jupiter is known to reward generosity and benevolence, and taking advantage of its kindness can lead to unforeseen crises. Therefore, exercising caution and adhering to moral principles is essential, especially if Jupiter is afflicted in one's chart. Ethical values play a significant role in financial affairs and may cause conflicts if they differ from those of one's colleagues.
💚Jupiter in the 9th House💚
In the realm of astrology, the placement of Jupiter in the ninth House is regarded as a particularly auspicious occurrence. This is because Jupiter experiences what is known as accidental dignity, which means that it feels a powerful connection to this particular House. As such, individuals who possess this placement in their natal chart are often gifted with an unshakable faith in life, which is closely aligned with the mission of the ninth House. 
Indeed, those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are often optimistic visionaries with a keen ability to conceptualize and plan for the future. In addition, they possess a bright, inquisitive minds and are naturally drawn to studying philosophy and contemplating life's profound questions. With a well-aspected Jupiter in the Ninth House and other indicators in the birth chart, an individual may even become famous for their knowledge and educational pursuits.
However, not just intellectual pursuits are associated with this placement. Those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are often driven by a sense of adventure and exploration, a deep moral compass, and a desire to positively impact the world. This is why careers in law, politics, religion, or education often appeal to individuals with this placement. 
Regarding the areas of life influenced by Jupiter's placement in the ninth House, we can look to higher education, interactions with foreign cultures and countries, long-distance travel, spirituality, and personal growth. Indeed, individuals with this placement may find themselves drawn to these areas of life as they seek to understand their place in the world and fulfill their desired purpose in life.
If your astrology chart indicates that you have the ninth house placement, it is highly recommended that you take frequent journeys to far-off lands. This House is closely associated with long-distance travel, and if Jupiter is present in this House, it is a sign that you are destined for good fortune abroad or in foreign cultures. Those with this placement will likely settle down in foreign lands, especially if other astrological indicators align with this outcome. 
Traveling is a rewarding experience in many ways, as it broadens your perspectives and helps you gain a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures. Furthermore, Jupiter in the Ninth House is linked to financial gains through foreign cultures, education, or spirituality. People with this placement are language experts and may work in fields that require multilingual abilities. 
Individuals with Jupiter in the Ninth House are renowned for their open-mindedness and tolerance, as they relish the diverse cultures, languages, and religions they encounter. They have a natural curiosity about the world and thrive on adventure. Education is highly valued by those with this placement, and pursuing higher education is often the key to unlocking financial gain. Those with Jupiter in the Ninth House are lifelong learners who enjoy sharing their ideas.
The ninth House in astrology is strongly associated with the higher mind, and if Jupiter is present in this House, it indicates a profound interest in spirituality and philosophy. Those with Jupiter in the ninth House have a natural inclination toward these topics and are inclined to acquire a great deal of knowledge about them. In your birth chart, Jupiter and the Ninth House reveal your personal beliefs, which evolve as you gain more experience. Your views serve as a compass, guiding you in the right direction and helping you make informed decisions. Essentially, they are more important than you give them credit for. If Jupiter is in the ninth House, you may place great importance on living according to your beliefs. While you may not adhere to any particular religion, you are religious in your own way and possess a strong spiritual side. You enjoy learning about how different cultures perceive these topics and have an open mind. Furthermore, you hold yourself to a higher moral standard than most people, and others may look to you for guidance. However, it is crucial to be mindful of becoming too self-righteous or arrogant. In astrology, the ninth House is also associated with in-laws. If Jupiter is in this House, your in-laws are likely well-educated, of good social standing, and possibly religious. Jupiter also represents your husband, who may be well-educated and of foreign origin, but may also come across as preachy and insensitive to others' views.
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💚Jupiter in the 10th House💚
When Jupiter is positioned in the tenth House, it brings luck and abundance to one's career. This House is linked to Capricorn and the planet Saturn; It is regarded as the highest point in an individual's natal chart. It symbolizes their public reputation and career trajectory. The Midheaven, also known as MC, is a critical point in astrology and marks the cusp of the tenth House. Planets placed here tend to have a tremendous influence on the chart, with the tenth House being associated with ambition, employers, authority figures, one's parents, and how the world perceives them. The placement of Jupiter in the tenth House is seen as a sign of tremendous success in one's endeavors. It can lead to outstanding achievements and pave the way for a successful career. People with this placement may opt for careers in international business, travel, foreign languages, education, management, and philosophy. Jupiter is considered the planet of prosperity. Hence, having it in the tenth House can bring significant financial success. If Jupiter is closely placed to the Midheaven, it becomes even more powerful. However, individuals with this placement must maintain balance and focus only a little on their careers at the expense of their personal life and relationships. Those with Jupiter in the 10th House possess natural leadership abilities, strong ethics, and integrity, and they may even become authority figures or leaders in their field. They may also have a desire to make a positive impact on society through their work.
Those with this placement tend to have a relatively smooth career path, but avoiding relying solely on luck is crucial. While Jupiter's generosity can be beneficial, it is not always guaranteed. To maximize the positive influence of this placement, one must merge hard work with Jupiter's auspicious energy.
Having Jupiter in the tenth House endows individuals with exceptional leadership skills, making them a natural fit for fields like business or politics. In addition, their infectious enthusiasm and captivating charisma earn them the trust and respect of those around them. The tenth House's planets typically have a more significant impact later in life, but Jupiter can bring success early on in one's career. However, one must be mindful of Jupiter's negative traits, such as becoming overly arrogant and preoccupied with status, to prevent them from taking over.
Your public image and reputation are greatly influenced. These individuals are endowed with leadership qualities and the ability to become well-known in various fields, such as politics, education, or even managing celebrities. They're ambitious and career-driven. Furthermore, this placement often gives the impression of being a person of high moral values, even if Jupiter is not afflicted or if no other planets are involved. 
You are likely to be bothered by injustices and possess strong moral values. Oftentimes, individuals with this placement are perceived as spiritual or religious. Additionally, Jupiter encourages the exploration of foreign cultures, language learning, and traveling. Therefore, the Tenth House is ideal for individuals with this Jupiter placement to pursue teaching.
The tenth House can also indicate your relationship with one of your parents, usually your father. This parent is typically well-educated, respected, and comes from a good family. They may also have a connection to foreign cultures or countries. With challenging aspects, they could come off as preachy. However, having Jupiter in this placement suggests that this parent positively influenced your life. Furthermore, the Tenth House also represents your approach to authority figures. If Jupiter is present in this placement, it indicates that you learned a lot from your bosses, and they often favored you unless there are afflictions in your natal chart.
💚Jupiter in the 11th House💚
Individuals with their natal Jupiter in the eleventh House have the potential to attain their goals with relative ease. This is because the planet Jupiter, which represents good fortune, luck, and abundance, is especially advantageous when positioned in this House. The eleventh House is associated with aspirations and desires, and Jupiter's placement here can provide a significant boost to your plans by uncovering resources that were previously unknown to you. 
Those with Jupiter in the eleventh House tend to possess a strong yearning for social groups and organizations and often have a vast network of friends and acquaintances. They may also have a keen interest in traveling, cultural exchange and gaining knowledge from individuals with varying backgrounds and outlooks. In terms of occupation, they prefer team-based professions, as like-minded individuals can introduce novel opportunities into their lives. However, if Jupiter receives challenging aspects, individuals with this placement may struggle with perseverance and follow-through.
If the eleventh House in your chart is prominently emphasized, it signifies a proclivity toward humanitarian ideals. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that the impact of the planets in this House, along with your own personal choices, will determine whether you channel this energy constructively or destructively. The presence of Jupiter in the eleventh House suggests that you possess a generous disposition coupled with a strong moral compass unless it is afflicted or contradicted by other factors in your chart. Individuals with this placement tend to contemplate deeply societal structures and may harbor a keen interest in sociology. Humanitarian causes often become a passion for those with this placement. Nevertheless, if Jupiter is afflicted, you may become self-righteous and utilize others for personal gain, leading to negative consequences. Overall, this placement connotes progressive and open-minded views which embrace novel ideas and concepts. It may also signify having a large family or engaging in adoption.
The Eleventh House in astrology symbolizes the realm of friendship and groups, revealing the associations and organizations you belong to. If Jupiter is positioned in this House, you have a wide-ranging network of acquaintances. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, multiplies everything it touches. Thus, with Jupiter in the eleventh House, your social circle will likely be composed of highly educated, intelligent, and linguistically diverse citizens of the world. Your network may comprise influential individuals who can help advance your career. The eleventh House is a succedent house, reinforcing the preceding angular houses. Therefore, the resources of your eleventh House bolster your tenth House of the profession, contributing to your success. Jupiter in the eleventh House is exceptionally optimistic in the natal chart, emphasizing the importance of social life to you and your charismatic and cheery demeanor. You are open-minded and eager to learn from everyone you encounter. With this placement, you excel at networking, readily establishing new connections, and nurturing relationships. However, if Jupiter has challenging aspects, you may be inclined to exploit your connections and friends, manipulating them to do your bidding without returning the favor.
💚Jupiter in the 12th House💚
The positioning of Jupiter in the Twelfth House brings rare and exceptional energy to the native. It can be likened to having an additional guardian angel, a higher force that operates in secrecy to safeguard you. This subtle energy acts as a beautiful aid when all seems lost, often resulting in individuals with Jupiter in the twelfth House experiencing good fortune in life. The twelfth households a sense of familiarity for Jupiter as it is linked to the Pisces zodiac sign, which was once recognized as Jupiter's ruling planet. Having Jupiter in the Twelfth House typically signifies a strong inclination toward spirituality, with individuals possessing a profound understanding of human emotions and the ability to empathize with others deeply. However, it is vital to maintain a balance between spiritual pursuits and social life to prevent oneself from becoming too secluded. In this placement, Jupiter deals with matters of self-undoing, isolation, medical facilities, correctional institutions, monasteries, distant places, religion, dreams, divine inspiration, spirituality, mental health, and the unconscious mind.
Those with Jupiter in the Twelfth House are naturally drawn to spirituality. Their inclination towards this facet of life is intrinsic and inseparable from their identity. These individuals exhibit a remarkable level of conscientiousness, holding themselves to moral standards that surpass the norm. They are dedicated to doing what is right, even if it brings no personal gain. This indicates an old soul possessing a depth of wisdom and maturity that surpasses their age. Often feeling misunderstood and isolated, they find solace in solitary activities, such as writing and creative endeavors. They hold a deep appreciation for art and philosophy, which profoundly moves them. Despite the Twelfth House being associated with hidden enemies in astrology, Jupiter's positive influence can transform adversaries into allies. Even in the presence of secret foes, Jupiter can diminish hostility and provide a sense of protection.
Water houses in astrology, the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses, are deemed karmic dwellings, indicating that one may carry unresolved karmic baggage that needs to be addressed in this lifetime. Among these houses, the twelfth House plays a significant role, as it is believed that the planets placed in this House can profoundly impact one's life. In particular, Jupiter's placement in the Twelfth House is regarded as a positive influence, as it implies that the soul was eager to be born in this lifetime, and success may come with less resistance in matters related to the Twelfth House. Individuals who have Jupiter in the Twelfth House may experience a sense of isolation or detachment from their community, but they may find success by exploring opportunities abroad. By comprehending the influence of Jupiter, one can attract good fortune and align with the moral laws of the universe.
Individuals with planets in their twelfth House may exhibit an enhanced sensitivity toward loud and vibrant surroundings, making them feel overwhelmed and overstimulated. Such individuals are likely to be acutely sensitive to loud noises, potent scents, and circumstances requiring quick responses. The celestial bodies occupying this House can heighten their awareness of subtle energies around them, thereby strongly influencing their senses. Individuals with twelfth-house placements must allocate sufficient time to recharge their energies. If Jupiter is located in their twelfth House and the Moon is present in a water sign, they may possess a powerful intuition that must be trusted. This intuition is how their higher self communicates with them. Pursuing solitary activities such as meditation, journaling, or merely spending time alone can significantly benefit such individuals. If Jupiter is retrograde in their birth chart, their need for solitude may be further accentuated. It is imperative to embrace their rich inner life and never suppress it, as doing so may cause long-term damage.
Byeee 💚
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writingwithfolklore · 11 months
Writing Characters with Powers
                This is sort of a part 2 to the post I made here, in which powers/magic isn’t a part of the world but is a part of your characters. The difference being that powers or magic is unusual to the world, but has somehow appeared in your protagonist.
                Just like in worldbuilding, we need to establish the rules of the power and how it can be used.
1. It needs a limit
No matter how powerful your characters are, they need to have a limit to what they can do. This limit allows for tension and conflict, whereas a character who can do anything isn't challenged by anything, and thus can't change.
                Limits could be physical, mental, or otherwise magical. Maybe using powers is a bit like consuming poison, or being exposed to radiation, or running a marathon in a second. Maybe it’s slowly killing your protagonist, but they have to use it to achieve what they want. I read a story about a character who could heal anything, but would suffer some or all of the damage to do it.
                Maybe it’s warping their mind, or confusing reality, or distancing them from their loved ones. Does using it make them feel negative, even evil? Or does using it make them feel powerful to a fault—in danger of becoming the thing they’re trying to destroy?
                Lastly, your limit could be a part of the magic system. Powers just stop working, as though there’s an invisible mana meter that runs out. Or it’s like working out, use it less and it becomes less powerful, push it too far and it breaks.
2. Your powers are well defined
This is similar to putting a limit on powers, but is more around the power itself rather than the character. You, as the writer, need to know exactly what your character can and cannot do. If your character has fire powers, how big can they make the fire? Can they use it even when it’s humid out, or raining? Is it a fire that can be put out by water, or is it magical and eternal?
                If your character can teleport, how far? Do they need to see the area or can they teleport somewhere they can’t see? Can they teleport somewhere they’ve never been? Can they teleport out of being tied up? If so, how can they choose to take their jewelry or clothing with them?
                Make rules. Make sure you know exactly what your characters are capable of at any point in the story. Make sure your readers are aware of these rules and limitations from the get-go, and if your character is able to develop greater power, make sure it's also established with how they are able to do so.
3. There’s a risk
In a world without magic, but a character with it, what’s the risk? Consider how society would react to learning your character has magic if they don��t already know. If they do know, how has that impacted your character’s life? This step is all about worldbuilding around a world unused to magic. Who knows, who can’t find out, and what is the risk if your protagonist mixes them up?
This step is all about creating stakes. What experiences has your character had with others surrounding their power? Positive or negative?
Any other considerations when making a character with powers? Let me know in the reblogs and comments!
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cross-crye · 2 months
𝖕𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙
TW: some graphic descriptions of pain and just result of overblot violence?? idrk how else to phrase it
wc: 2.2k
first person pov; reader is yuu
vil schoenheit x reader; takes place after book 5
also on Ao3 -> read here
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"To be loved is to be changed" is a saying I heard rather often back in my world, but hadn't quite grasped the meaning of until recently.
I mean, just how can some half baked gestures of affection and an possibly faked fondness truly change a person?
Or at least that's what I used to think.
And all I have to thank for changing my mind is him.
Initially, I couldn't have imagined how life could become any worse. Just how can you top being transported to another universe with no hope of finding a way home? The crushing feeling of despair that comes with the prospects of having to come to terms with such a predicament outright suffocates any figment of positivity you could hope to grasp.
Then the overblots started.
And that was so much worse than anything I could have imagined. I never knew what it was like to choke on the same air you breathe just because the blot in your immediate vicinity was so thick, that it had even started building a layer inside your lungs due to the continued inhalation. I never knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of magic so unrestrained and powerful that I felt its impact on the bones inside my body, even before they were finished breaking. And all I can wish for is to forget those feelings.
I wish I can forget the fear and desperation that controlled my body during Riddle's overblot. I wish I could've done something to actually help. While I couldn't have possibly been expected to be able to deal with the situation, sometimes I still felt guilty about it. First time (and supposedly only) I’d witnessed an overblot and all I could think of was how bad I had felt for riddle. While at the time I didn't quite like him much and we certainly weren't friends, and I had no obligation towards him, I couldn't help but feel guilty. I was complaining at having been a victim of an overblot but couldn't even begin to imagine what sort of pain he’d been in when that thing took over his bodily autonomy. Did he choke on his own blot? Did his bones break and shift as the blot expanded and changed his body? Did he still remember what he did while in that form controlled and erased his will?
After Riddle’s overblot I started to go to Coach Vargas outside of classes in order to learn some basic self defence tehniques.
Then the spelldrive tournament came round. And I went through the worst experience of my life a second time.
I wish I can forget the way in which I lost touch with my senses during Leona's overblot. Despite being more prepared to deal with it that time around I remained virtually useless. I could barely see through the thick cloud of swirling sand. Even though I desperately wish I could forget, I still remember how I could feel the rough sand scratching at the back of my neck as I spoke, hoping to talk Leona down that ledge. Again I had found myself feeling bad for the house warden. I wouldn't say I pitied him, as any student at NRC would be too prideful to do anything but take offence to such a claim, but rather that I felt dismay in his place. I once again felt haunted by questions I shouldn't have been asking myself. How did Leona live with the guilt of almost ending Ruggie's life? Did he even feel such a thing?
After Leona's overblot I started to spend my weekends learning first aid.
Then my idiot friends got wrapped up in Octavinelle's ‘deal with the devil’ sort of crap. And dragged me down with them.
I wish I could forget how suffocation feels. But I cant. Sometimes I wake up feeling like those tentacles are still wrapping around me and squeezing around my neck until my airway closes. Sometimes I still feel as if all it takes is the tiniest of pressure and my bones will break. Seems it didn’t matter to the Great Seven just how desperate I was to forget, I couldn't shake the feeling of drowning in somebody else's blot. Unsurprisingly, I had begun to feel bad for Azul as well. I could empathise with him, which made it all the worse as I could, for once, truly tell just how little I'd help him. The questions followed once again. Seems like my own thoughts would damn me if they could. Seeing as how I ended up almost drowning in his blot; Did Azul breathe through it? Did he, in all three of his (alleged) hearts not hold a shred of guilt for what he'd done to me? And to so many another? Did he know how many potions I had taken to fix my crushed rib cage? And if he did, why did he refuse to address it and pretend as if nothing happened?
After Azul's overblot, I found myself visiting the Octavinelle pool every so often, practising both my swimming and holding my breath. (The offer to access the pool undisturbed was an indirect bribe from Azul to buy my silence about the picture)
Then the winter break rolled around and I had thought I finally got a break. Only I was wrong.
I wish I could forget what it felt like to be stripped of my own free will. My stay in Scarabia was the most terrifying thing I had faced. Living where I had lived, I was terrified of loosing my freedom. It was the only thing money couldn't buy. So when I was controlled so easily and forced to act unlike myself and against my wishes I was stuck inside my own mind accompanied by a terror unlike anything I could've imagined. This was why Jamil was the one with whom I’d struggled the most to patch things up with and why he was the one it took the most time to be open to trust again. Despite all this I still felt bad for him. It was undoubted that life had dealt him a bad hand of cards that he sure wasn't going to win any poker games with. (Unless he's the smartest person at the table and fools everyone with a good bluff; But life isn't poker and the only way you win is by getting a good hand or cheating) I just had to wonder about him too. Did he feel any better when he overblotted? Did it finally grant him the freedom he craved? Could he remember the feeling of finally being the one to hold the power and call all the shots?
After Jamil's overblot I started to research magical artifacts. I worked diligently for months at Sam's shop to finally afford one that would prevent me from being controlled again.
Then the VDC was announced. My initial excitement was squashed like a bug by the fifth and hopefully final overblot.
For once I don't have anything I crave to erase from my memory. Its rather tragic if true, but after a certain ammount of overblots there are some things you just get used to. Which is why I might not outright wish for oblivion. The only question that remains is: Did I get used to the pain, or did I get used to the hopelessness of trying to forget it?
Upon further consideration, it might be that the reason as to why I didn't want to forget Vil's overblot was because of what it did to me. Unlike all my prior experiences, this overblot had actually resulted in a positive outcome albeit in an extremely roundabout way.
Throughout his time living at Ramshackle for VDC prep, Vil and I had formed an unlikely friendship. I would be delusional to claim that we were each other’s confidantes, but that didn't mean we had no concern for one another either. Vil had been a great help to me, and someone whose company I greatly enjoyed. I admired him beyond his looks, I found his drive, ambition and ideals to be inspiring. In the short time we'd gotten to know each other he'd quickly become a person I looked up to. And even if he wouldn't outright say it, I know he started to value my opinions.
In the beginning it was merely curiosity. I came from a different world after all. While at first his only interest in my views and beliefs was only fuelled by his own inquisitive desire my insight earned me his respect. He begun to show his appreciation for my contributions in the VDC prep his own way. What to others sounded like a judgemental comment, I knew was a nudge towards bettering myself. And that's how my now most valued relationship started.
What had really brought us together though, was, ironically enough, seeing each other at our most vulnerable.
It was just another ordinary night. The VDC was still a week away and everybody was in high spirits. Except for me that is. It was supposed to be her birthday. My friend's. From back home. My real home, outside of twisted wonderland. Seeing the date in the calendar was only a grim reminder of the life I could never get back. I don't think I had ever missed home as much as I had in that night. The feeling of home sickness was too much to take. All I could do was pity myself and eventually resign to the hopelessness of it all.
Despite having held on to it for so long, my last remaining shred of hope had died that night. I foolishly thought that I could comfort myself, if even temporarily with a familiar sight. Rather than spend my restless night staring at the run down ceiling and slowly spiralling into an even more fragile mental state, I had decided to go outside on Ramshackle’s front porch and watch the stars. It had always used to calm me when I felt poorly back home.
Only when I went outside and really focused on the shining night sky, I couldn't recognise a single star.
It was that realisation that finally broke me. I was alone, and no matter what I’d do or how much I’d hope, home was something I wouldn’t have again. My reactions were outside of my control in that moment, and I felt my eyes start to water as I begun sobbing silently, all my desperation and depression manifesting itself unrestrained for the first time since I had come to Twisted Wonderland.
It was how Vil found me, tears streaming down my face and an overall wreck. He’d initially planned on scolding me for disregarding his rules, similarly to how he’d done with Ace, Deuce and Grim when they went for a midnight snack. Upon noticing the state I was in, that plan had been completely thrown out the window, as instead he’d talk to me and comfort me. Despite what others would think, his efforts were genuine, and while his words didn’t directly convey it, the fact that he’d been willing to stay outside with me a little longer (effectively sacrificing his own valuable time and strict sleeping schedule) before convincing me to return to my room to sleep and rest properly showed just as much.
I noticed that things had started to change after that night. He’d keep a slightly more attentive eye on me, taking an even more direct role in my well-being. While his newfound dedication was subtle, he set me on a path of pursuit of self-improvement.
In return, I had extended him the same curtsy. Following his overblot I’d offered to be a sort of shoulder to cry on. I had confessed to him to just what extent my admiration of him ran. And it ran deep. I’d told Vil how I thought his drive for improvement was inspirational, how his morals were commendable. I’d even followed it up with a sheepish joke about how it would probably serve me well to be at least a bit more like him.
Things started to work themselves out from there. Vil and I had begun to grow closer and spend more time together, eventually becoming romantically involved. Things had finally started to look up for me after all those months in this strange world. When I’d first come to NRC I had been haunted by those memories and feelings. I couldn't escape the doubt and the questions that always lingered in the back of my mind. But Vil had helped me with that. He’d helped me regain hope for my future, and while I still couldn’t find it in me to dream about returning home, I gave myself a chance to hope for a good, successful future free of torment. One where I could finally be truly happy again.
Many people didn’t understand this, but Vil wasn’t obsessed with people being beautiful, but rather with them being the best version of themselves. And despite it all, he was helping me do just that.
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cross-crye © 2024.
no reposting, stealing, copying, translating my works or feeding them to AI
reblogs, comments and likes are all highly appreciated
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Fanfic is supposed to be fun first and foremost.
The amount of disrespect I have seen lately regarding creators is both shocking and disgusting, especially when coming from other creators, and I honestly can't stay quiet about it any longer.
Maybe I'm looking at a lot of this very closely considering I've recently taken an indefinite break from one part of creating I once really enjoyed due to such disregard for my time and effort (rip gif making), but to see such careless comments and treatment for fic authors too??? BY OTHER FIC AUTHORS???
Isn't the world already cruel enough? We should be inviting in positivity and appreciation for the works of others. To celebrate the victories and accomplishments around something that is already nerve wrecking enough as it is. We should not be cultivating a circle where tearing authors apart is acceptable, regardless of if you liked a story or not.
Would you want it done to your works???
Fandom spaces should be fun. Fanfic is a free thing, typically done in what little free time we writers have, and shared with other people for the sake of having FUN. We are not professionals. This is not our full time job. We are not paid for it. Yet to treat fanfic like a professional literary circle is just...wrong. Criticism (constructive only, and when asked for it) is fine, and if you want to shit talk in your DMs to someone else, go for it, but to outright tear someone apart for their FREE fanfic that they wrote to HAVE FUN and ENJOY the fandom with other people in a public space for all eyes (including the author themselves) to see?
We are all from different walks of life, and have different experiences that impact why we may or may not go about fic a certain way. Some of us don't speak English as our first language, and some don't go about having a beta reader, or are on a time crunch for an event, etc. You don't know someone's life, and have zero right to talk down another creator because they don't meet your small narrow-minded criteria of what is “good”. What's “bad” and “tear apart” worthy to you, may be a gem of a story to someone else.
There is no room for “if you hated xyz's work, come talk about it with us!”, and if this is something you feel is welcome in any community, fandom, social setting....DO BETTER.
 And do not interact with me.
749 notes · View notes
eunseoksimp · 6 months
Infatuation ; Park Wonbin
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Pairings: Cheater!Wonbin x Devoted!Reader
Genre: angst, infidelity
Description: an exploration of secrecy, infidelity, and the complex emotions that arise from these actions. a woman who is in a painful relationship with a man who she loves, but is seen as nothing more than the object of his desires. an unfortunate tale of a woman making a God out of a mortal.
Warnings: mentions of sex, swear words, illusion to mental health issues (depression, bpd), mentions of religious ideas, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, cheating.
loosely inspired by sad girl by lana del rey, i had this song on repeat while writing this.
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‘he’s never going to love you like you want him to.’
you were often told this; after all what good came from being the mistress in another persons relationship.
but this didn’t bother you at all, they didn’t understand wonbin like you did. people always said you would never be anything to him but his little side chick, like a trophy.
he was essentially clyde and you were his bad bitch partner in crime, bonnie. only, the love between you two wasn’t as passionate, at least not on wonbin’s side.
it was hard to see at first that park wonbin would never truly be yours, that he would never love you the way that you hope he will.
but that didn’t bother you, because being his mistress was better to you than being nothing at all. you weren’t sure it was even possible to live in a world without wonbin anymore.
you were stubborn, calling everyone that criticised you natural haters, that they just weren’t as open minded to the complexities of relationships as you were.
they couldn’t see the way wonbin would spoil you rotten, your house filled with gifts that he got you. they didn’t see the expensive dates he took you on, or the bunch of flowers sitting on your windowsill that he always made sure to refresh.
if they caught the attention of park wonbin, they would understand you.
a man so hauntingly alluring, blessed with the beauty from deities above, with a face that wars were surely started over. comparable only to adonis, stealing the hearts of many that he encountered.
meeting him was like a dream, one that you did not want to wake up from. his long hair framed his facial features, dark clothes creating a contrast to his fair skin.
something ignited inside of you, a desire so strong that you were sure it was fate that he had walked into your life. after all you had endured, you were finally being rewarded, finally seeing the end of the tunnel.
all the hardships you had been through in your life became minuscule compared to the joy that wonbin brought.
he was different, always making sure you got home safely, draping his jacket over your legs whenever you wore a skirt that was a tad bit too short.
whenever you were struck with sorrow, he was someone you could find solace in, melting into his embrace as you breathed in his aroma.
park wonbin was your saviour. your reason to live, the reason why you believed that love maybe did exist after all.
he was the first male figure in your life to leave a positive impact, the first one who didn’t use or abuse you, and you were sure it was divine intervention.
the love you felt for him was intense, all consuming and powerful, like nothing could make it waver. your love for park wonbin would definitely stand the test of time.
he had to feel the same way about you. the deities were not cruel enough to give you someone so perfect without knowing if he loved you back.
that’s why you never felt the need to question things. you didn’t need to, it would be silly to question the intentions of the gods.
you instead spent your time enjoying wonbin in his entirety. every kiss, every embrace, it became the catalyst to the blood pumping around your whole body.
the opinions of others were irrelevant, after all what could they know? would they ever be able to experience a love as perfect as yours.
‘i’m dating ningning,’ he told you one night, head in his hands as he watched you busy yourself at the stove.
you froze in your spot for a second, wooden spoon still in hand as you turn to face him. surely it wasn’t true?
‘dating? with ning ning? what do you mean by this?’ you question him, closing the gap between you two, reaching up to play with his dark locks.
‘she’s my mothers family friend, they’ve been pestering me for so long about us being together and i just got tired of hearing it,’ his voice trails off at the end, leaning into your touch as he sighs.
‘do you love her?’ you ask as your fingers work their way through his hair, enjoying the way he leans against you.
‘of course not, don’t be silly,’ it provided you with enough comfort, to know that they didn’t have anything nearly as strong as the both of you.
‘then that’s good enough for me.’
so despite the objections from your friends, you continued to stay with wonbin, not paying much mind to the other girl; she wasn’t important.
he made sure that when it was only the two of you, nothing or no one would come in between it. and at the time it was enough to keep you content.
but slowly over the months, a part of you started to feel restless.
your meetings went from as frequently as three to four times a week to only once if you were lucky. like an addict you were suffering from withdrawals, and you weren’t sure how long you could wean off of the drug that was park wonbin.
‘i’ve been a little busy lately, you understand that right?’ was what he told you the first time you had gathered the courage to tell him
how you felt, twiddling with your thumbs as you looked down at your boots.
‘i know how you feel pretty, let me make it up to you today,’ his hand rest on your thigh, giving it a squeeze and a pat.
it was pathetic really, how a gesture as small as this was enough to absolve any sort of discontent you held against any of his actions. but that was what love was all about.
he would focus his whole attention on you, stopping wherever you wanted to go, taking you to eat at a fancy restaurant, buying you treats.
when he told you that you shouldn’t hold hands you knew it was just because he didn’t want others to know how good your relationship was. they may try to sabotage it.
that was why he didn’t introduce you to his friends ever. what if they tried to take you away from him?
wonbin never did any wrong, whatever he did had a plausible reason, and you had learnt a long time ago not to question things.
‘i’m having a game this weekend, you should come and watch,’ he told you as he parked in front of your house.
‘i would love to binnie,’ maybe he was finally ready to show you off to the world. to give a big middle finger to societal expectations and prove that what the both of you had was special.
he grinned, leaning over the console to give you a kiss, slow and passionate, and you felt your skin burn at the contact.
only he was capable of making you feel this way.
‘take care of yourself love, i’ll see you soon,’ he tells you as you leave the car, not driving away until the moment that you’re inside your house. always the gentleman.
it was an exciting moment in time for you, wonbin was personally inviting you to one of his games. you weren’t secretly watching at the back of the bleachers, he told you that he wanted you there.
the day couldn’t come any quicker, and you spent the remainder of the days thinking of what to wear, how to smell. would he like it if you had your hair up or down? you should dress light so he offers you his jacket at the end of the night.
and when the day finally dawned, you spent ample time in front of your vanity mirror, curling your hair, painting your face to perfection, making sure you looked the best you could. you wanted to look like someone wonbin could be proud of.
he wasn’t able to pick you up seeing as he needed to get to there early to warm up with the team, but he paid for an uber to pick you up, telling you to be vigilant of the persons car you were entering, and to make sure you were keeping him updated on his location.
his kindness knew no limits.
upon arrival, you were greeted with the low hum of chatter, with quite a large crowd beginning to fill the benches, and the sight of the basketball teams warming up on their respective sides of the court.
but like a moth to a flame, you were only drawn to one man, whose long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, a few of the front pieces falling on his forehead.
you were in awe of him once again, your own physical manifestation of a greek god, and you were unable to quantify the extent to which it had an effect on you. he was like a higher being walking amongst mere mortals.
you take out your phone for the sole purpose of taking pictures, ones that you know you will be staring at later on in your moments of need.
when the game started it was hard to contain the excitement, and you may have left out a few screams of his name, but luckily for you it was drowned out by the loud thuds of the basketball hitting the ground, and the squeaking of the boys’ shoes on the newly polished floors.
then you heard it, someone else other for you cheering with such passion, and you whip around, curious as to who the owner of the voice was.
it’s ning ning. it was the first time seeing her up close, and truthfully, her beauty intimidated you.
she was undoubtedly stunning, her face structured to perfection, an air of elegance surrounding her.
she leans over the railing, cupping her hands around her mouth as she shouts his name again. this time he looks up, eyes scanning for the source of the noise before raising his hand and blowing a kiss.
but he meant for that to be sent towards you right? surely he knew you were not too far away, and it was his secret way of letting you know that he could see you.
it had to be.
after the game you were desperate to see him, to be wrapped in his arms as you gushed about how well he played, about how good he looked while playing.
you wanted to enjoy an evening with him, cuddled up on your couch as you basked in his presence for a little longer.
but to your disappointment ning ning beat you to it, running up to him first and peppering his face with kisses.
you frowned. she should know her place after all. you half expected wonbin to pull away in disgust, but you remembered he had to keep up appearances, so that explained why he held her face in his hands, like he would do to you, and returned the kisses.
the walk towards them was agonisingly slow, the sounds of his teammates and friends teasing and cheering at him were beginning to drown your ears, and all you needed was some reassurance from your lover.
clearing your throat, you stood awkwardly, the bag that he bought you in your grasp. turning towards you, an unreadable emotion flashed across his face before he introduced you.
just by name? no signs of affection, or illusion to the relationship between you two. it was plain, as if there was nothing to tell between you two. but you knew that wasn’t true.
you watched as he laced his fingers together with that girl.
‘we should go out to eat and celebrate the win,’ you think it was shotaro who suggested it, and everyone else nodded in agreement.
for the first time wonbin looks at you, waiting for your answer, and you immediately cave in, talking about how much you would love to.
following after them pathetically, the pattern on your skirt suddenly becoming so interesting, you try to calm yourself down.
he doesn’t love her, he told you this already. but why was she all over him?
at the restaurant it was overbearing. was this a test? was he being overly affectionate just so people wouldn’t suspect anything?
that had to be it. it was the only reasonable explanation for why he was behaving like he was.
so you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your mind, politely listening to his friend sungchan ramble on about something.
you swallowed and continued to swallow the lumps of food on your plate, knowing that wonbin hated when you wasted food.
you shovelled food into your mouth until your plate was clean and your stomach began to churn.
you sat in front of him, the lack of heed towards you making you feel queasy from restlessness, as you rose to your feet, excusing yourself to empty the contents of your stomach in the ladies bathroom.
when you had rose back to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you headed towards the sink, looking at the pitiful girl staring back at you.
wonbin wouldn’t find you attractive like this. taking your time to freshen yourself up, you let your mind focus on good things to calm down.
he still loved you. he wanted you to be here for a reason, so all you had to do was trust him.
‘i’m fine, as long as i’m with him,’ you repeated, until a smile crept onto your face and you deemed yourself ready to go back out.
when you returned, you were met with concerned faces, including wonbin’s and you felt your cheeks warm at the accomplishment.
in fact, his eyes remained on you for the rest of the time in the restaurant and even when he offered to take you home.
he dropped ning ning first and gave her a kiss over the console, like he did with you, and you willed yourself to look away.
when she left he patted the passenger seat and you eagerly climbed over to sit next to you.
‘are you okay my love?’ his voice was soft, tender, as he caressed your face.
you nodded, missing the way he felt after trying your hardest to behave. it would be unfair for you to push your own selfish needs on him, when you knew he was just doing what he needed to.
‘i want you,’ you mumbled, want taking over your being and all you could think about was him. you needed him.
‘i know love, you’ve been so patient today,’ he cooed, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
but it wasn’t enough for you. he wasn’t close enough. you wanted his touch to be engraved in your skin for life, for the part of your body that he touched to serve a constant reminder of the hands that had been there.
‘stay with me tonight. please,’ you pleaded, your thighs crossed over the other, biting your lip. he easily picked up on what you were really suggesting, his larger hand coming to rest on your upper thigh.
‘whatever my princess wants.’
it was a great struggle trying to be patient, one look at the side of his face, the way he looked so concentrated on the road, only needing one hand to spin the steering wheel, was just adding to your arousal.
as soon as he put the car in park, you were scrambling out of your seat, eager to be inside and feel all of him.
it was urgent, rushed, the way you both couldn’t wait to get back to the bedroom, flinging articles of clothing along the way as he kissed you.
he made love to you, prioritising your own needs over his own, telling you that you deserved it for being so patient today, for putting up with him.
he made you cum again and again, addicted to the noises you made, or how you clung onto him so hopelessly, like there was nothing else you could do.
you become obsessed with how he coaxes you through every orgasm, telling you how he needed more from you. not her, but you.
‘wonbin,’ you pant, voice barely over a whisper. he hovers over you, taking in the way your eyelashes are wet from tears, streaming down your cheeks.
he hums, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he dips his head down to place kisses on your neck, loving the way you squirm underneath him.
‘one more for me baby, i know you can do it.’
i-i i don’t think. fuck i don’t think i can,’ you gasp, your voice getting higher with each thrust, hands gripping your waist and your own hands shoot down his arm, fingers wrapping around his wrist to slow the momentum.
‘yes you can love, i know you can do it,’ he snakes one of his arms around your waist, shifting your position.
‘you’re my good girl.’
that’s why you allow him, even when you start to lose feeling in your legs, or even when your eyes begin to unfocus, unaware of your surroundings as your jaw slacks and your toe starts to cramp.
in a haze, you can hear the muffled sounds of wonbin saying something in the background, but nothing is registering as he continues to pound into you.
it’s all becoming too much, pleasure flooding your senses as you reach out for something to hold.
your eyes land on the star necklace around wonbin’s neck, conveniently swinging above you, almost hypnotising as it moves with each harsh thrust.
a raw moan rips through your throat, one that is so animalistic that you’re almost unsure of how such a noise could leave your lips.
pulling him closer by the cool metal, your finger twirls the chain once, and then twice, closing it in your fist.
you barely have enough strength to close the gap between you, high pitched noises leaving your mouth as you kiss him ferverently.
your body is hot to the touch, hair sticking to your forehead and your neck from all the sweat.
wonbin presses you further into the mattress, showing no signs of slowing down as you pathetically claw at his lower stomach, trying to push away from him.
‘i know angel, i know. feels good doesn’t it?’
you’re unable to answer, nodding dumbly.
he pins your hands to your side, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, before lifting your thighs up until your ankles almost touched your ears.
your body began to shake, thrashing as you struggle to breathe.
‘you’re so pretty baby, so fucking pretty. all for me, you’re such a good girl,’ he praises you, and it makes you feel like everything is worth it.
‘i’m- i’m your pretty girl,’ you struggle to get the words out, letting out a soft moan as you feel one of his hands cup your face.
‘yes you are,’ his voice is so gentle, tears welling up in your eyes but you wipe them away so that they don’t take away from the sight of wonbin on top of you.
‘good girl, you’re about to cum aren’t you. i knew you had one more for me,’ his hand snakes down to your clit, rubbing steady circles with his thumb, and it takes everything within you to push away from him again.
‘fuck- i- i’m-‘ but you couldn’t finish your sentence, back arching as you let out a few broken moans, rocking against him as he fucks you through yet another orgasm.
it was so intense, your body going limp and your mind spinning as every thought floating around in your head disappears. you can see wonbin’s mouth moving, but nothing is registering.
‘i’m right here angel, there you go. breathe a little for me, just like that,’ he brings you back down to earth, gently tapping your face until you look up at him again.
you did so well, my angel. so perfect for me,” he says, kissing the top of your head and you whimper softly, feeling his praise and love surround you, sniffling in appreciation.
you lay back as you watch him look after you, cleaning you up, carrying you to the bathroom, making sure you got changed as he puts you to sleep under clean sheets.
you were unconditionally and irrevocably in love with park wonbin. you realised that you could no longer be satisfied with only having a part of him, you needed him wholly.
‘fuck. i love you,’ you mumble, like the pathetic person you are, wrapping your arms around him. wonbin grins and bites your lip before pulling you into a kiss.
he had you right where he wanted.
‘i love you too baby,’ he says, and like a fool you believe his words, unable to face the small voice in your head that tells you he might not mean it like you do.
you thought that day had sealed the deal. that it was confirmation of the escalation of your relationship.
but soon after it felt like you were only being driven further apart from him. calls were ignored, texts were answered far too late and you were barely able to see him.
he would get upset when you brought it up and you didn’t want to provoke him so you left it as it was.
maybe he was just stressed, it must only be a season. he would be back to normal in no time.
but soon it turned into two months, and then three, and there was an immense amount of pain suffered from his absence.
you sobbed till you were unable to breathe through your nose, your throat sore and a headache beginning to form.
you couldn’t function. you couldn’t eat, you were no longer focusing in classes and the thought of him kept you up most nights.
where had your lover gone?
you were unsure whether it was frustration or depression that prompted you, but you called and called, leaving message after message until he finally responded.
‘wonbin,’ you were relieved to see him finally pick up, just needing to hear his voice.
it was silent for a second, before you heard him sigh, ‘hi.’
the smile on your face drops. was he not happy to hear from you too?
‘are you free? can you come and see me,’ you’re afraid you might have disturbed him from something important.
‘i’ll come. see you soon,’ and before you could tell him how much you could love him the call was disconnected.
you found comfort in biting your nails, until the nail beds were raw and red, but none of that was your concern right now.
wonbin was over an hour later, flowers in hand and a smile on his face, and you convinced yourself that maybe everything was alright after all.
you both sat on the couch, watching a movie, but the overwhelming urge to say what was on your mind overpowered your reasoning and you paused what you were watching.
‘it was getting to the best bit, why did you stop it,’ he complained, pointing towards the now frozen frame.
‘i think we need to talk about us, about the direction we’re both going in. it really hurt me not hearing from you wonbin.’
he only scoffs, eyes still facing forward and you feel your heart sink.
‘do you need more flowers or something? what’s got you all emotional?’
‘wonbin can you please just listen to me when i speak, don’t dismiss how i feel,’ you hated the tone he was using to speak to you, almost like he was mocking you.
‘i’m not dismissing how you feel it’s just- it’s just kind of pointless talking about it baby,’ he pats your knee, trying to reach for the remote but you won’t let him have it.
‘why? why is talking about the future of our relationship pointless?’
his eyebrows furrow, eyes narrowing as he looks at you with genuine confusion. as if you were speaking a completely different language to him or something.
‘what relationship?’
you felt your heart shatter, tears flowing down your face rapidly as you blinked, looking at the face of your lover.
‘wonbin..’ your voice trails off, and you’re in disbelief. he doesn’t even realise you’re crying until a drop splashes onto the sleeve of his hoodie.
but instead of the way he would normally reassure you, pulling you into his arms and kissing all of your worries away, he just sighs.
‘there must have been a mistake somewhere down the line. maybe we should go our separate ways,’ he’s quick to rise off of the chair, already making his way through the apartment to get his things.
you feel a lump in your throat, unable to call out to him loud enough, so you shuffle behind him, hoping to catch him before he leaves.
‘i thought this would happen someday, no hard feelings baby,’ wonbin is too nonchalant for your liking. he barely seems fazed, pulling his jacket over his shoulder and stuffing his keys and his wallet into the pocket.
you tug on his sleeve, willing him to look at you so you could make sense of what was going on.
‘i- i don’t get it. is it something i said?’ your voice trembles, barely heard over the hum of the washing machine, and wonbin has to bend down by your hair to catch what you’re saying.
‘oh baby, i thought we were both on the same page. i have a girlfriend, of course me and you are not in a relationship.’
‘then- then what were we?’ your bottom lip finds solace tucked in between your teeth, chest rising and falling as you try not to heave in front of him.
‘i don’t know, do we really need to have labels in this day and age. but wasn’t it obvious that there was no possibility of us being together,’ word after word, minute after minute, your heart continues to thud in your chest, threatening to break through the enclosures of your pericardium.
had everything been a lie? the gifts, the dates, the kisses, they had to have meant something? how could he dismiss what you had so easily?
‘i’m not a cheater baby girl, how could i have two girlfriends,’ his thumb swipes over your damp cheeks, patting your face with his palm before he retreats.
‘i thought we loved each other?’ you whispered, placing your hand on top of his, pulling him closer just so could feel something again, anything to distract you from the mind numbing agony that was settling in.
‘i don’t. it’s not possible to love two people at once.’
it takes a few seconds for his sentence to register in your head, too focused on the thumping in your head and the ringing in your ears.
he loved her, not you. she was always his number one, not you. the one he really wanted to be with, the one his heart belonged to, was her.
was it because you were broken? were the cracks in your past beginning to show?
baby i don’t get it, what changed? when did you stop loving me?’
‘love? i never loved you.’
‘liar. are you telling me what we had between us was nothing. you must have felt it too, that what we had was special.’
‘what was special about what we had between us? it was nice of course, but it can never be more than that.’
‘what about me?’ your voice is broken, akin to the way your heart feels, clutching at your chest, looking for any sort of relief.
he opens his mouth to respond, but his phone rings and you see her name pop up on his phone, bile quickly rising to your throat.
you watch him answer with a smile, speaking to her with a sweet tone as he tells her he’s on the way, that he’s missed her and can’t wait to be with her.
it had to be a dream. he was yours. your man. your wonbin.
the sense of possessiveness and desire for exclusivity overtook you, but it harshly contrasted with the reality of your lover, eager to be in the arms of another.
the flowers, the gifts, all of the material things would be unable to fill the void caused by him, only leading to deeper feelings of sadness.
‘i have to go, i guess i’ll see you around,’ he barely spares a glance in your direction as he’s out of the door, leaving you all alone.
you can physically feel the pain, with sharp pains in your chest, as if your heart was personally trying to claw its way out, and you drop to your knees.
why were you being punished? it was cruel, the way the ones from above watched down over you, possibly rejoicing over your misery.
how much they must have laughed when you chalked everything up to love. it left a bitter taste in your mouth and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
perhaps this was your fate from the beginning, that the words that man said to you that day becoming prophecy.
‘you’ll never be loved.’
you felt an internal struggle, trying to face these conflicting emotions, which were starting to have a profound impact on your mental state.
the pain and emotional turmoil was juxtaposed to the devotion you felt towards him. despite the pain he had just caused you, the deep affection that had manifested over the year of your meeting was something that you felt was engraved on your heart.
it showed the complexities of human attraction, the internal struggle between what was logical and what the heart desired. you could never leave park wonbin.
that navigating the difficulties of loving someone who never seemed to be yours to begin with was something you would have to do.
you felt your existence being reduced to an accessory to him, someone who was easily replaceable, who had less of a value than you initially thought.
you would always be the girl on the side to him, a sad girl. after all, you were not his.
and some deep, twisted part of you didn’t mind, as long as you got to spend an extra night with him in your arms.
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.4
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 10th House:
With Jupiter gracing your tenth house of career and public recognition, you are blessed with a strong sense of purpose and a deep desire to make a positive impact in the world. Your leadership abilities are strong, and you may find that you are drawn to positions of authority or influence where you can inspire and empower others.
Success in your career is likely with Jupiter in the tenth house, especially in fields such as education, law, or spirituality. You may find that you are respected and admired by your peers, and that you are able to achieve your goals with relative ease. Your optimism and self-confidence are infectious, and you may find that you are able to inspire others to believe in themselves and reach for their dreams.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly ambitious or power-hungry in your pursuit of success. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to prioritize external recognition and material wealth over more meaningful measures of fulfillment and happiness. Remember to stay true to your values and principles, and to use your influence and resources for the greater good.
Overall, Jupiter in the tenth house blesses you with success, prosperity, and recognition in the public sphere. Embrace the blessings of leadership and achievement, and use them to create a positive impact in your community and beyond.
Jupiter in the 11th House:
With Jupiter gracing your eleventh house of social connections and community involvement, you are blessed with a wide network of friends and acquaintances who support and inspire you on your journey. Your social circle is diverse and eclectic, and you may find that you are drawn to people from all walks of life who share your ideals and values.
Your ability to connect with others and build meaningful relationships is one of your greatest strengths. You may find that you are a natural leader within your social group, and that you are able to rally others around common goals and aspirations. Your optimism and enthusiasm are infectious, and you may find that you are able to inspire others to join you in making a positive difference in the world.
Community involvement is especially favored with Jupiter in the eleventh house, and you may find that you are drawn to causes and organizations that promote social justice and equality. Your generosity knows no bounds, and you may find fulfillment in giving back to your community and making a difference in the lives of others.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly idealistic or unrealistic in your expectations of others. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to believe that everyone shares your vision and values, and to become disillusioned when reality falls short of your expectations. Remember to celebrate the diversity of perspectives and experiences that exist within your social circle, and to embrace the opportunities for growth and learning that come from engaging with people who are different from yourself.
Overall, Jupiter in the eleventh house blesses you with a rich tapestry of social connections, community involvement, and opportunities for growth and expansion. Embrace the blessings of friendship and collaboration, and use them to create a brighter, more inclusive world for yourself and those around you.
Jupiter in the 12th House:
With Jupiter gracing your twelfth house of spirituality and transcendence, you are blessed with a deep sense of inner peace and a profound connection to the divine. Your spiritual journey is one of profound depth and significance, leading you to explore the mysteries of existence and the nature of the soul.
Your intuition is strong, and you may find that you are able to tap into hidden realms of wisdom and insight that lie beyond the realm of ordinary perception. Your dreams are vivid and prophetic, offering guidance and illumination on your path to self-discovery and enlightenment.
Charity and compassion are central to your sense of purpose, and you may find fulfillment in acts of selfless service and devotion to others. Your empathy knows no bounds, and you may find that you are drawn to support those who are suffering or marginalized in society. Your ability to offer comfort and solace to others is a gift that brings light and healing to the world.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly escapist or avoidant in your approach to life. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to retreat into fantasy or illusion as a means of avoiding the harsh realities of existence. Remember to stay grounded in reality and to face your fears and challenges with courage and determination.
Overall, Jupiter in the twelfth house blesses you with spiritual insight, inner peace, and a deep sense of compassion for all beings. Embrace the blessings of transcendence and enlightenment, and use them to bring light and healing to yourself and the world around you.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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dvhuwr · 1 year
Genshin Impact - NSFW Childe Alphabet Headcanons !!
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Pairing: AMAB Childe + AFAB Reader
Synopsis + Information: NSFW Chile Head Canons for every letter of the Alphabet.  
Tags: Mentions of Sex, Blowjob, Cunnilingus, Quickies, Masturbation, Cosplay, Public sex, Spanking, Slapping, Rough and hard Sex, Fingering, Penis, Pussy, Breasts, Cream pie
Minors do not interact with my account or this post! Enjoy guys!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after the act). Childe is playful and fun after ‘the act’. He enjoys teasing you and joking around in a playful manner; he loves seeing you in a bright mood.
B = Body part (Their favourite Body part). Childe is a breasts guy, no doubt about it. He loves your breasts, regardless of their size.
C = Cum (Anything cum related). He loves finishing on your breasts, it turns him on seeing your chest covered in his semen, it’s almost like a work of art to him. Though he's more than happy to finish inside of you, whether that's your pussy or your mouth.
D = Dirty Secret (A dirty secret of theirs). Childe enjoys risky intercourse. He loves pushing the boundaries and public sex is definitely one of them. He’s a fun and adventurous young man who loves thrills, and the risks that come with public sex are what make it so exciting to him; even the thought of getting caught makes him hornier.
E = Experience (How experienced are they?). He isn’t the most experienced and he sure isn’t a pro, however he definitely isn’t a beginner. While he has had his fair share of encounters and does know what he’s doing, he doesn’t experiment or widen his knowledge as much as others. He’s a simple man who wants one thing, and Childe uses his instincts to guide him during intercourse.
F = Favourite Position (Favourite sex position). He loves doggy. While Childe enjoys most positions, doggy has always been his favourite. It’s easy and quick, can be done in many different ways, and is great for quickies and public sex, which he thoroughly enjoys.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment or are they humorous). Childe can be serious; however, he does have his moments. He loves to tease around and joke about with you, even if the urge to do so pops up during sex. He’s light-hearted and if he ever needs to pop a fart or make a joke, he most certainly will, even if it is during intercourse.
H = Hair (How groomed are they down there?). He likes to keep himself trimmed and slightly shaved, though not completely bald down there. Childe believes that only porn stars should do such things, though really, I think he is just lazy, which is most definitely the case.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, the romantic aspect). As said previously, Childe can take himself seriously when necessary, and can be extremely charming, lighting candles, laying out roses and so forth. During truly intimate moments, Chile will make you feel like the only woman in the world.
J= Jack off (Masturbation). If Childe is unable to see you, sometimes masturbation is the only option. Whilst he isn’t exactly a ‘lonely’ man, he can do so when it is needed. He knows how to get himself off.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks). He absolutely loves cosplay sex. As said previously, Childe is an extremely fun and adventurous person, and he likes to bring this into his sex life as well. Not only are cosplays fun but they can be extremely sexy too. Nothing better for him than seeing you in a sexy cosplay of one of the characters from his favourite manga.
L = Location (Favourite places to have sex). Whilst Childe does enjoy anywhere, his favourite places are risky ones such as: public areas. It gives him such a thrill by doing something so dirty in a place where someone could find you. But then again, even the thought of being found turns him on profusely.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going). Childe is rather spontaneous and will pull you over to the side whenever he feels the urge to have sex. However, his biggest turn on are definitely your breasts. Whether they’re bare or clothed, if he sees them looking a bit too good, it will definitely get him going.
N = No (Turn offs, things you shouldn’t do). He sure isn’t a fan of extreme violence. Childe likes his spanking and slapping here and there, but anything too extreme is too much for him. He believes that he should treat you with respect and care, even if this goes against your wishes; He just doesn’t enjoy hurting the people he loves.
O = Oral (Preferences, skill). Childe likes receiving head, however giving is what he absolutely loves. He enjoys hearing your moans and whimpers whilst he eats you out. If living off pussy instead of food was possible, he would choose your cunt any day of the week. Pleasing his partner is a big priority of his, especially during sex.
P = Pace (Are they fast, slow, rough or gentle?). He cannot help himself most of the time. Once you get him going, it’s impossible for him to stop. He enjoys quick bursts of energy and quick and rough sex is just right for him. He struggles to take sex at a slow pace, not just because it bores him but because he can’t help but slam himself into you rough and hard. It’s so fun and pleasurable for both parties.
Q = Quickies (Opinion on Quickies). Quickies are Childe’s best friend. They’re great especially when having risky or public sex. They’re so sexy and turn him on a lot. The thought of quickly having intercourse in an inappropriate place at an inappropriate time is so dirty and sexy to him.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment). As mentioned previously, Childe thrives off of thrills, especially ones during sex. It’s extremely enjoyable for him and risk certainly is a massive turn on.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they last for, how long do they last?). Whilst Childe doesn’t last very long in terms of finishing, he does have exceptional energy levels and stamina; meaning that he can go on for many rounds without feeling worn-out or tired. Additionally, he gets carried away, and once he’s inside you he feels as if he can’t stop.
T = Toy (Do they own toys or use them?). Childe doesn’t bother with using sex toys, he believes that he’s capable in his own ability to pleasure himself and his sexual partner. They’re also not really a massive turn on for him either, however, he’s open to trying new things, and sex toys aren’t out of bounds.
U = Unfair (How much do they tease?). Childe loves to tease and taunt you. He likes seeing how desperate you get for his cock, and desperation makes him horny.
V = Volume (How loud are they, what sounds do they make?). He is loud. Child is confident and has a lot of pride in himself, and during sex he really expresses this, especially through his sounds and volume. He has loud moans and whimpers, and constantly praises and dirty talks to you while you engage in sexual activities; he isn’t afraid of making sounds, unlike other men, and he prides himself on this. He makes sure that you know how much you’re pleasuring him.
W = Wild Card (A random NSFW Head canon of choice). Childe has beautiful hands and fingers; and he enjoys putting them to use. He thoroughly enjoys fingering your pussy, and whenever he has the chance, he’ll slip his fingers into you and feel the insides of your cunt; he also gets a lot of joy from watching you cum all over his fingers.
X = X-Ray (What’s inside his pants?). He has a slim and tall frame, because of his height, he is not lacking in the dick department; Childe measures out at a large 6.8 inches and is slightly thin in regards to girth, however his cock is more than enough to pleasure any woman.
Y = Yearning (Sex Drive). Oh, does he have a high sex drive. Usually, he is the one initiating sexual intercourse and he’s constantly thinking about you, in both wholesome and horny ways.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep after sex?). Immediately. As soon as you two finish having sex, Childe is right off to sleep. This is usually because he goes for many rounds, enough to knock himself out.
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ravenstargames · 2 years
✦ Lost in Limbo Masterpost ✦
Everything you need to know about the game so far! 💜
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When you finally quit your dead-end job and move back to your mother's house in the ever-peaceful town of Faybourne, you think things could only get better. However, the moment you set foot in your childhood home, a harrowing nightmare long forgotten reappears to haunt you once more.
A tower that crumbles in the vastness of a bleeding sky. A voice that mourns and yearns for something.
Torn away from your peaceful life and thrown into a world of danger and deceit, you are at the mercy of the Seven Sovereigns of Limbo, almighty gods that have sworn to be your protectors...as long as you prove yourself useful.
As the consequences of a plan set in motion long ago start to unveil, will love be the key to your freedom, or the first chapter of your downfall?
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To obtain every CG, we reccommend playing the demo twice and testing different options! 
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Lost in Limbo is a dark fantasy & romance visual novel taking place in the mysterious realm of Limbo. Take the role of River Winchester (full name and pronouns changeable), a human dealing with common-life problems, as you find yourself trapped in a foreign world.
Try to survive and go back to your family with the help of the Seven Sovereigns, gods who rule over Limbo and have sworn to be your protectors...even if their intentions may be completely different.
Which of the Seven Sovereigns will be in charge of your life is up to fate, but whether you fall in love or in disgrace... is up to you.
✦ Lost in Limbo is rated +17 and will include flashing lights, mild horror, disturbing imagery, mild jumpscares, implicit and suggestive sexual scenes and discussions, sensitive topics such as toxic family relationships, anxiety, depression, depictions of alcohol / drug use, etc. Each route will have content warnings available for the player. 
✦ The game and demo will be released on itchio and then steam. Other platforms (mobile/nintendo switch) are being considered and will depend on future kickstarter stretch goals.
Keep reading to know more about the game and the choice system, the cast, the MC and the Demo release!
✦ The game WILL NEVER depict gruesome scenes such as torture, sexual assault or any kind of overly cruel violence. The game has some fighting, a few deaths, and some unsettling descriptions, though!
✦ There will be four different choice systems that will give shape to your playthrough:
Trust Points centered around your Love Interest; a low level of trust can translate into Bad Endings*.
Plot-driving choices that will shape the story and its possible endings and the fate of the side characters.
Personality choices that will determine the Main Character's relationship with their Love Interest, as well as how the MC reacts to certain events, their abilities, hobbies, etc.
Flavor choices! These don't impact the game directly, but are there for the main objective of the game: having fun!
*In Lost in Limbo, there's not only one correct answer and one wrong answer. There's different ways of earning trust points without having to stick for the "one and only right answer", and mistakes can be redeemed...sometimes.
✦ Lost in Limbo treats consensual sex as a natural, integral and positive part of the game. Every Love Interest will approach it differently based on their experiences and their preferences; the player will have the choice whether to engage or not* without being penalized.
*Amon's route is strongly centered around the sexual tension between him and the MC, and how this attraction quickly develops into a physical relationship. Sexual scenes will be more frequent than in the rest of the routes and can be skipped, but happen nonetheless.
✦ This is a LGBT+ game.
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The Seven Sovereigns: Because a family of gods can be a father and his six children...with all the problems that this entails.
✦ Lost in Limbo features seven Love interests and a wide cast of secondary characters yet to be revealed. Each Love Interest is in a different stage of their lives and has a past and personality that molds their relationship with the MC into different kinds of romance.
✦ The routes will be episodic, meaning that the game will update regularly with new chapters instead of the complete routes being released all at once.
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As the older sibling, Amon had plenty of time to learn how to be a god living amongst mortals, and yet, that hasn't stopped him from indulging in mundane pleasures...greatly so.
A frantic-paced and intense romance in which a physical relationship blooms into love with a great deal of hardships to overcome.
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Dedicated and brave, Praefectus Raeya takes her role as Limbo's protector extremely seriously, but the truth behind the realm's darkest times will soon put her loyalty to the test.
A woman bound by duty and a romance full of yearning and mutual pining. A route centered around trust, forgiveness and finding the strenght to fix what's broken.
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Pronounced [ɡaˈel]
Master of the Grand Houses, Gael is admired for his humble and altruistic persona, but a dangerous secret has kept him away from love his whole life.
A fake-marriage scenario turns into a forbidden romance for a man who has been denied affection since the day he was created.
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Stripped of their name and shunned after commiting treason, the Sovereign now known as Lord Envy lives a life of solitude—if only he could get rid of his siblings.
An enemies-to-lovers romance, a betrayed heart that needs healing, and a god who constantly denies themselves from being happy.
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Kind and caring, Ara is not only determined to make your time in Limbo a happy thing to remember, but also to make things go back to the way they were, no matter the cost.
A charming and playful romance and the tale of a girl who takes matters into her own hands—for better or worse.
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As the youngest sibling, no one expects anything from Xal, not even himself. He is seen as a good-for-nothing and a poor excuse of a god, but you two are about to prove everyone wrong.
A first love romance about a young god who was born in the wrong side of the universe, and how someone can be the reason to try again where you once failed.
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Creator of Limbo, Father Pride has to watch over the safety of his realm and the happiness of his family. However, the life of the God of Limbo can be solitary...and that solitude can lead to one's demise.
A convoluted love story about a god that can't let go, as much as he wants to. A dramatic route where the right decision is never the easiest to make.
Pride's route is the sometimes hopeless tale of an all-mighty god brought to his knees. His good ending will be "harder" to obtain than the rest of the cast. It'll be the last route being written and produced because of its weight plot-wise.
✦ THE MC ✦
River Winchester (name and pronouns changeable) quit their job and had to move back to their childhood town to live with their mother and grandmother. Old family dynamics and the dread of an unknown future await them—as well as a cryptic nightmare they have been having since they were a kid.
A past buried under years of lies must come to light sooner or later, if you are able to put together the pieces of the puzzle and live to tell the tale.
✦ The MC is written as a young adult who is at least 21 years old. The player can headcanon their character as any age they desire, but every route is written so the MC is of an age similar to that of the chosen love interest, except for Father Pride who is older than the MC.
✦ The MC is a strong-willed individual who isn't afraid to jump into action. In the game, you'll be able to channel these characteristics in different ways. River is funny, kind and a bit too stubborn—but you choose how to manage those traits and whether to let them shine or not. The game will remember, so if you are not too athletic, maybe hitting that monster with a chair isn't a very good idea.
✦ The MC also has some default tastes, hobbies and memories. During the game, you'll be able to personalize how the Main Character feels about their interests, add new ones, or reflect about how the past affected them. The characters will remember this.
The first version of Lost in Limbo's prologue
Customizable first name, last name and pronouns of the MC (she/her, he/him, they/them) or use a default name; River Winchester.
Over ~42k words (around three hours of gameplay)
Seven CGs (one per character) + mini-CGs to enhance the experience!
Over 25 different choices (some of them timed!)
If you have made it this far—thank you for your time! We are sorry for the obnoxiously long post. We hope it has been useful to at least solve some questions you may have about the game. You can always ask us anything and we will reply as soon as possible! 💜
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
10 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find 10 reasons why you shouls love yourself. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Questions
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
1. You are a unique and special individual with your own set of talents and qualities.
2. You are deserving of love and happiness, just like everyone else.
3. You are capable of achieving great things and making a positive impact on the world.
4. You have a beautiful smile and infectious laugh that can light up a room.
5. You have the power to create and maintain healthy relationships with others.
6. You have overcome challenges and obstacles in your life, which makes you stronger and more resilient.
7. You have a body that carries you through life and allows you to experience the world around you.
8. You have the ability to learn and grow from your experiences, both good and bad.
9. You have a kind heart and the capacity to show compassion and empathy towards others.
10. You are intelligent and capable of solving problems and making sound decisions.
Pile 2:
1. You have unique experiences and perspectives that make you interesting and valuable to others.
2. You have the power to forgive yourself and others, which can bring healing and peace.
3. You have the ability to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and well-being.
4. You have the potential to inspire and motivate others with your actions and words.
5. You have a sense of humor that can bring joy and laughter to those around you.
6. You have the power to choose your own path in life and create your own happiness.
7. You have a spirit that is resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.
8. You have the ability to create and appreciate beauty in the world, whether through art, music, or nature.
9. You have the power to make positive changes in your own life and in the lives of others.
10. You have a sense of purpose and meaning that gives your life direction and fulfillment.
Pile 3:
1. You have the power to forgive yourself for past mistakes and move forward with a clean slate.
2. You have the ability to love others deeply and form meaningful connections with them.
3. You have a unique sense of style and personal expression that sets you apart from others.
4. You have the power to set goals and work towards achieving them, no matter how big or small.
5. You have a curious and adventurous spirit that allows you to explore new things and take risks.
6. You have the ability to practice self-care and prioritize your own well-being.
7. You have the power to let go of things that no longer serve you and move on to better things.
8. You have the potential to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting impact.
9. You have the ability to be kind and compassionate towards yourself, which can lead to greater self-love.
10. You are worthy of love and respect simply for existing and being who you are.
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jbaileyfansite · 1 month
Interview with The Hollywood Reporter (2024)
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Talking about his role in Showtime’s Fellow Travelers, Jonathan Bailey can’t help but be earnest. It’s a trait he calls out about himself but is learning to embrace, as he notes the importance of the series for LGBTQ+ viewers around the world, and within his own life, where it’s helped him chart a path forward and earned him his first Emmy nomination. 
“I’m so grateful that it’s for something that I can talk passionately about endlessly, and it feels really important,” Bailey says of the supporting actor nomination.
In the limited series, Bailey plays Tim Laughlin, an idealistic congressional staffer who falls in love with Hawkins Fuller, a career-first State Department official played by Matt Bomer. Their relationship begins during the Lavender Scare of the 1950s, when homosexuals were banned from holding positions in the federal government, and evolves across several decades, as the pair contend with the Vietnam War, the AIDS crisis and societal pressure. 
Bailey spoke with THR about the significance of the show, created by Ron Nyswaner and based on Thomas Mallon’s novel, and balancing the shooting schedule with Bridgerton and Wicked, as well as his upcoming role in Jurassic World 4. 
What made you say yes to this role?
I heard that Ron was going to be investigating and exploring 40 years of queer life and experience. But at that time, it looked like I might not be available. I pursued it. And after doing something like Bridgerton, it felt important to me to find something rich and complex. There’s nothing more of a gift than to be able to educate yourself, and also in the investigation and in the performance of it, to live a really dangerous life, but within safety, and, ultimately, write this love letter to those that came before us. I was enchanted by the idea, and there was no part of me that didn’t think it was the punkest thing to do. 
What impact do you hope this series can have? 
By stepping back 50 years or 70 years, you can highlight exactly what’s going on in our societies today. There’s rhetoric we hear now in politics that echoes Senator McCarthy’s speech that’s featured early on in the series. I’ve been in Thailand working recently, and there are so many people across the world now on these streaming platforms that get to watch it, and there are so many people who are living under a similar sort of regime to the Lavender Scare and the oppression of McCarthyism, and so much more extreme than that. I think the impact we wanted was for people to be celebrated, educated, and also for all the people who have lost their lives fighting, and spent their lives having to fight, to pay homage to them. I know this sounds incredibly earnest and sincere.
That’s not a bad thing.
No, it’s not. And that’s one thing that I’ve learned from Tim, because I can see how it’s changed the course in my life, put into focus levels of importance about how you communicate your own identity, and understanding that all of us inherit such a deal of shame, which comes from powerful figures using fear and an aggressive sort of alienation to control people. I’ve had more messages about this than anything I’ve ever done, and more people stopping me and wanting to talk about their own lives, whether they lost their fathers, their uncles, or they were children of someone who died in the ’80s. But then also now I get to live my life.
The thing that makes me really smile is that last Pride month, I was filming Wicked, and when I’m working, I’m incredibly disciplined and don’t really go out. But for Pride, me, Andrew Scott and Jessica Gunning all ended up on a night out together. We snaked through SoHo and had a really good bop that night. And it’s just so funny to see all of us now nominated for Emmys. It’s kind of extraordinary. And you think about that, about how now that’s being celebrated, which is amazing. But I look up and think, “Where are the 50-year-old and 60-year-old gay actors?” There’s a whole generation that’s been lost. That’s why the earnestness is afforded, for sure, and I feel very proud.
The Fellow Travelers scene, where Matt Bomer’s character seductively tells yours to “shut up and drink your milk,” has really taken off, especially after you turned it into a T-shirt collection with Loewe to raise money for your LGBTQ+ foundation, The Shameless Fund. What prompted that? 
I went to present an award for Matt at the [Human Rights Campaign] in Washington, and being in the room with people who were just so galvanized — it was my first American gala, and I was infected by the energy. I had this idea of a T-shirt, and it occurred to me that it should be about the spilling of the milk.
I think we had four scripts before we started, and there was one version of a sex scene, which I’ll leave to Ron Nyswaner to reveal at some point in the future, which was wild, and then when I saw that it moved to the milk. I just thought, this is such an incredible moment of the exploration of power within sex and intimacy. “Shut up and drink your milk.” It feels to me like an incredibly political line, somehow. 
Has playing Tim informed what roles you want to take on next?
Yes, a hundred  percent. Since then, I’ve magically been able to find parts that have similar character arcs, that have something massive to question and to overcome. But right now, I would say that I’d probably be looking for something as far away from Tim as possible, and I’m going back onstage anyway. I started in theater, and I wouldn’t have been able to give the performance in Fellow Travelers had I not done 12 weeks onstage just before it, because it’s so academic and it’s so in the body. You sort of have an exorcism, and you end up being a husk with no conversational skills or anything. But what you do have is stripped-back, pure instinct, which is so great to feel. I’m looking forward to going back onstage next year. But I’ll be excited to see what parts are lurking around the corner after that. 
You’re doing Richard II in the West End, another intense role.
Yes, and equally as sort of questioning and as poetic, I think, as Tim. In between running away from dinosaurs — I just spent a whole day doing stunts [for Jurassic World 4] — I just walked around Valletta with my AirPods on listening, trying to learn a soliloquy, and I’ve managed to get one soliloquy down, so I’m thrilled.
You were also shooting Fellow Travelers, while also shooting Bridgerton and Wicked, right? 
That’s right. The whole experience has just shown me how amazing producers can be. I think it was 32 days in a row where I didn’t have one day off. And I flew back and forth four times. I’d go from Hawk’s house in the ‘60s at the cabin, go straight to the airport, sleep on the plane, go straight to a regency ball, sleep there, then go straight to Wicked to be learning choreography. And at that point, I was so late in joining the Wicked lot, because they’d already started filming, and that also was incredible for Marc Platt to make that work. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of trying to work out the priorities of whether you have to learn the choreography today, or work on your American accent, or pelt your hair ready for another Bridgerton snog.
How did you keep track of all those different roles in your mind? 
I probably wouldn’t rush into doing that again. Music for me, is absolutely key, but it always sort of has been. It was an absolute freefall and luckily, I’ve got patient friends and family, and you just have to sort of sign off for a bit. I found playing Tim an incredibly happy place to be, which is also a testament to his spirit, I think, because obviously it was some really brutal stuff and the yearning and the constant battle that’s going on in his head of questioning what’s right and what’s wrong. But I would say that I was quite good at rolling all the way through and then at the end, I had a five-day holiday, and my hair had died from all the the perming and straightening, because I had to perm my hair for Bridgerton and straighten my hair for [Fellow Travelers]. I was like a teenage beauty advert, doing everything to my hair. I remember going on this holiday and I got to the beach, I sat down in the sun, and my hair was just like floating, whisping off, like breaking away. And I looked completely and felt completely insane.
Why did you want to do the new Jurassic World movie?
The original film Jurassic Park was just a completely life-changing moment because I went with my full family, and it was quite a rarity to all go, because I’ve got three older sisters. Every frame of that film is imprinted in my mind, and the Frank Marshall-Spielberg duo of the films in the ‘80s and ‘90s are just what totally encapsulated, enchanted and inspired so much in me. I couldn’t quite believe I was stepping into something that I so adore, and the script is brilliant. And it’s David Koepp again, who wrote the original, and it just asks some really brilliant fundamental questions that the original film did as well.
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elle-p · 21 days
Akira Ishida's Persona3 The Movie #4 Winter of Rebirth blu-ray comment translation
Ideas about Persona 3 The Movie
For Makoto Yuki, the 4 chapters of Persona 3 The Movie were the story of how, after Death was sealed within him and his heart became hollow, it began to fill up and repair through his interactions with the Specialised Extracurricular Execution Squad.
I feel like as a part the adroit way the narrative is structured around the recollection of Makoto's memories, the timeline and timing of what is revealed is shifted, so that the audience members who hadn't exerienced the game version may have felt a sort of eerieness when seeing Makoto's position when he first appears. Moreover, many of the plot points that happen in every chapter, for example things like the misunderstanding regarding Yukari and her dad, the case of Junpei and Chidori, and Aragaki-senpai and Amada-kun's relationship, seem depressing and gloomy. However, it's not because they are cheerful and happy, but because they accurately depict the wounds that people carry inside themselves that Makoto, by meeting and understanding them as he progress through the chapters, is able to aquire the precious things everyone should have.
I believe that the reason why Persona 3 The Movie's 4 chapters were well recieved by the audience was not just due to their interest in seeing the story they experienced in game in a film, but also because the scenery that Makoto sees made an impact and they related to it, and were curious to see how things would develop. This is how Persona 3 The Movie depicts the various ups and downs of the experiences that make up people's hearts, but my understanding of the word 'Persona' is that it comes from psychology.
When I first heard about the title and contents during recording, I wondered why you would call the incarnation of yourself for battle a Persona. A mask that people wear to represent themselves externally. It becomes a weapon to fight your enemies, the things that face you. This seems like everyday communication itself. So, when I think about the original meaning of Persona, I can make my own satisfactory reasoning as to why Makoto's Persona isn't in the form of a single one that evolves, but instead uses multiple from the beginning. The empty minded Makoto has no desire to be seen externally. It doesn't matter to him; he doesn't care how he's seen, so there's no reason for him to limit himself to one mask. What do you think? Personally, I quite like this reasoning. By viewing Makoto as having been an empty vessel, it makes it a major necessity for the story to develop him as a character in the film. Is it too much of a stretch to say that Makoto Yuki's story isn't just limited by the framework of a game, and has the potential to withstand the development and adaption, so therefore it was inevitable that it would be made into a movie? Speaking of which, the climax scene of Winter of Rebirth. After all he's been through, regaining his lost humanity and filling himself, Makoto reaches the point where he is willing to sacrifice his own life for his friends, just like his mother once did for him. There is no recklessness that comes from the indifference to the fear of death as in Spring of Birth. In order to achieve their shared goal of protecting the proof of existance people leave behind, Makoto decided to save the friends who had filled him and given him the elements to reconstruct himself and the world in which they live. And, as you all saw, this action was based on a self-sacrifical idea. For this reason Makoto, who can wear the masks of many Personas, gets every one of them shattered, and in the end can only move forward without wearing a mask. Don't you think this is a very symbolic scene?
He entrusts his friends with the same word his mother told him: 'live'. If a mother's love for her child is the ultimate, unsupassed thing, then you can say that Makoto's inner self, which can pour out that selfless love from the bonds with his friends, has completely regained human form. In addition, there is a mechanism in place which means that you can only go to the last stage without wearing the mask of a Persona. This can be seen as a message that the power to stand up to Nyx, the last opponent, the environment, and the world resides in someone's true essence, and that it is impossible to do so while wearing a false mask. It is also suggested by the composition that it is necessary to wear the mask of a Persona when defeating enemies, and to expose your true self when protecting loved ones. I would like to say that there is no way that exposing your true self could lead to strength, but once reset and gained new experiences, Makoto reached the next stage before others, attaining the answer to life. He is no longer an ordinary person. Even though it's fiction, I'm glad that it was Makoto and the others that were given the mission to fight Shadows in the Dark Hour. If it had been me, since I still haven't found the answer to life, the world would have ended on January 31st as planned, and these ideas would have never come into the world. If you think about it, that could have been okay, too.
劇場版 「ペルソナ3」の全4章が観客の皆さんに受け入れて頂けたのも、ゲームで体験したストーリーを映像で見てみたいという興味の他に、そんな理の見る景色に影響され同調することで、その先の展開が気になったからという部分もあったのではないでしょうか。このように人の心を構成する様々な経験の起伏を描いた劇場版「ペルソナ3」ですが、そもそもペルソナという単語は僕の理解では心理学周辺で出てくるものですよね。
一番初めのゲーム収録でこのタイトルと内容を知ったときに、バトルをするための自分の化身をペルソナと呼ぶなんて、何でシャレてるんだと思ったものでした。人が対外的に自分を表すためにかぶる仮面。それが敵、自分に向かってくるモノと戦うための武器になる。これは日常のコミュニケーションそのものに見えます。だから、そういうペルソナを本来の意味を考えると、理だけが一つのペルソナの進化という形ではなく、初めから複数のぺルソナを使い分けられるというところにも自分なりに納得のいく理屈をつけることができそうです。心の中が空っぽの理には端から対外的にどう見られたいという願望がありません。そんなことは彼にとってはそれこそ「どうでもいい」ことであって、どう見られても構わないからこそ、かぶる仮面を一つに限定する理由がないのです。どうでしょう。自分としてはこの理由付けの仕方、なかなか気に入っています。理が空の器であったと捉えることで、映画の登場人物として物語を展開させていく大きな必然性を持たせることにもなるのです。結城 理の物語はゲームの枠にとどまらず、映画化という展開にも充分耐えうるポテンシャルを持っていた、だから映画化されるのは必然だったというのはちょっと暴走し過ぎでしょうか。暴走ついでに、第4章『Winter of Rebirth』のクライマックスシーン。これまでの経験を経て、一度無くした人間性を取り戻し、中身を満たすことができた理は、かつて母親が自分にしてくれたように、仲間を生かすために自分の命を投げ出すという境地にまで達します。そこには第1章『Spring of Birth』の頃の己の死の恐怖に対するどうでもよさから来る蛮勇はありません。自分たちが存在した証を守り残すという全員の目標を果たすために、理は自分を満たしてくれた、自分を再構成するためのエレメンツをくれた仲間と彼らが生きていく世界を、今度は自分が救おうとしました。そしてそれが自己犠牲的発想に基づく行動だったのは皆さんも感じられた通りです。そのために数多くのペルソナという仮面をかぶることができる理が、ことごとくそのペルソナを打ち砕かれ、最後はその仮面をかぶらずに先へ進む。これはなかなか象徴的なシーンだとは思いませんか。
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