#why would jason be shooting at Bruce when he can see what Bruce’s move is
thejasontoddarchives · 10 months
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Batman (2010-) #637
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Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) #25
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
Alfred is badass and has unuasual skills even for a batfam member.
Inspired by pandaredd’s skit where Alfred says “Bond wishes he was me”
The man is the caretaker of the bat family, he has raised every damn member, and has seen more than his fair share of wars, doomsdays and worse. He is a butler. And god knows what else in the spare time. All I imagine is that if a teenage Bruce looks up at Alfred and whispers he wants to train, Alfred might be the one who gives him contacts.
Alfred: .. wait here master Bruce, I know you won’t even listen to what I’m saying so I will let you learn the arts. Only under one condition though, I choose your trainers
Teenage Bruce: Alfred, whom would you-
Alfred *already on the phone* : Hello there Lee
Teenage Bruce *wide eyes* *mouthing* : Rock Lee??
Alfred *scoffing* : what world do you think we live in! Be more realistic Master Bruce.
Bruce: .. so who is it?
Alfred: Bruce Lee.
The scariest thing about the butler is that he will take you apart in less than a blow, and he doesn’t even need weapons. He will however use them just for fun.He can still hear if Bruce or any of the batfamily sneaks around, he’s been the only one who somehow knew Cass was in the room and offered her snacks while she was hanging upside down from the ceiling in the pitch black and overall has better instincts to locate any of them in the mansion than a GPS tracking system.
When supervillains, nosy reporters or even crooks try to break into the Manor, the fact that no one installed a security system should’ve really been a warning point that the Waynes had other.. deadlier security.
By the time Jason comes home he sees Alfred cleaning up the carpet, but doesn’t miss the wrinkled edge of the sleeve. It is only then when he looks to the other room and the criminals are all sitting in time out, each a truly remarkable shade of blue, black purple and green he’s never seen in real life. And none of them were even bleeding.
Alfred also has insanely fast reflexes. And to everyone surprise, he is an bloody good shot. Green arrow was once testing out a new arrow and it accidentally whizzed past the target and almost hit the cat when out of nowhere Alfred caught it and snapped it with one hand. And then proceeded to borrow a pistol and shoot the target while walking to the other side of the room, not even sparing a glance at the bullseye he had hit. All the while holding a tray of glass bottles that hadn’t moved a single inch.
He’s given advice to Jason on how to make explosives out of everything and nothing, taught Dick how to cut a tree in half with one kick, showed Stephanie how to always win Russian Roulette, guided Damian on how to break bones without ever leaving traces, taught Tim how to mimic someone’s voice and be scarily accurate, and so much more. Once on live television the world saw Alfred eat three cookies and refuse to pass them to Bruce Wayne before saying “They’ve been poisoned” and throwing them away. A few people swear they heard him mouth “bloody amateurs” afterwards and he insisted he was fine, stating that he was already “used to it.”
Whatever the fuck that meant.
And that is why the bat cave is a safer option for batman’s enemies than the mansion. Because if you were caught by the butler, just know that god has already forsaken you.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
can we have more disowned!Jason pls??
Bruce was thankful for the drive. It gave him time to think. Mostly of things to say.
He'd sent a new washer and dryer, only to have them politely but firmly refused. Not by Jason, which he expected, but by you. You explained that it was appreciated but not necessary. And then before hanging up the phone, suggested that he donate the money to a support group for estranged parents. Electronics for the kids were similarly received- albeit less politely by Jason. Jason outright sent them back in pieces.
It was a risk, and he knew that. But by the time he pulled into town and was driving down tree-lined streets he was resolved. He had grandchildren now. He had a son who was happy. A Daughter in law... It was- well. Not a 'normal' family but, why did that matter?
There was a new baby on the way. Surely you had to need something to make it easier? College funds? Was the house paid for? He went through the options over and over. Considering the things he knew from the court documents. How you'd come to have your niece and nephew in your custody. The long sad story that got there.
You were steadfast and compassionate- that he knew. And proud. An offer that felt like charity would be rejected. Because you were doing it- or had been doing it on your own. Caring for your grandmother and then your mother. Fighting with the courts. Running a business. And raising two kids. You didn't want charity.
He pulled up on the curb and checked his watch, frowning. Both cars were still in the drive. Which was odd. Dick had told him you usually took the kids to school and opened the store.
He walked up the front steps and rang the bell. Greeted by the cacophony of dogs barking and Jason grumbling as he lumbered to the door.
Jason rolled his eyes when he saw Bruce at the door. "Not now-"
"I come in peace," Bruce said holding up his hands.
"Now's not a good time," Jason said, picking up the Yorkie before she could bolt out the door.
"What happened?" Bruce asked, heart dropping. Jason looked tense. Stressed. Upset. "Are the kids-"
"There was a break in at the hardware. Y/N was working late doing the books. Local scumbags busted in looking for tools they could sell. And copper. They didn't know she was there, so when she walked out to see what was happening, they panicked. Busted her in the face a couple times and someone kicked her stomach." Jason exhaled slowly. "Boris got to them and scared them off when he heard her struggling. And then. Fuck. As if it wasn't bad enough, his fucking heart just gave out and her dog died."
"Now is really not a good time," Jason repeated, swallowing hard.
And all Bruce can do is hug him. Hard. Jason never did do well when women were in danger. When they were attacked like that. And now it was one of HIS women. His wife. The mother of his children. And she hadn't been able to call him for help. "Is... everything okay?" he asked, releasing him when Jason started to pull away.
"They kept her in the hospital for a couple days and they want to keep her on bed rest for a while. They were worried about her back and her ribs. And the stress of it all. But- mostly she just... she's worried about the baby. She's worried about the kids. And she misses Borris."
"A good boy-"
"Her best friend," Jason said, smiling a little. "And then he had to go and prove he really did love her more than me... grumpy old fucker."
"I know it's not a good time," Bruce said, not wanting to add more stress to his son. Or risk upsetting you and making it worse for you. "But if you need anything-"
"Just make sure those scumbags stay in jail," Jason said. "Because if I get my hands on them, I'll break their fucking necks."
"At least you aren't going to shoot-"
"Y/N makes me store my guns and my ammo in two separate places," he sighed. "And she moved it after Ty found it- now I don't know where it is."
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Oh I was absolutely going with them Jason Finds Out During TT route. I think it would be especially funny if he's heard horror stories from Rouges and his own Henchmen that Robin The Third is some kind of demon that Batman summoned on accident. There are some rumors about how the demon feeds off of grief or anger or vengeance because it's illusions of being g a human are stronger when the Bat is there so *clearly* it is taking its power *from* the Bat. Others say that Nightwing summoned it so that it would keep Bruce on a leash without the first Robin having to come back. Some say it was some person in Gothem who did it or that it was the combined form of the many curses on the city.
All Jason knows is that when his replacement turned around, it's head luled to the side just an inch or two, like a puppet on strings that had to much slack on that one string. Jason manages to shoot one of its arms but instead of a spray of blood, it is broken shards of porcelain and sand. His hits feel like he's punching a solid wall but some do leave visible cracks in Tim. This Thing in a Robin Costume could not ever be human. He knows because when he left, he took a handful of sand in a vile to see if he could figure out what it is. Jason still has that vile to this day, the only proof he has that Tim isn't a human. Sometimes he will set it on a flat surface and watch the sand in it make it slowly roll towards whatever direction Tim is in.
As for how he heals, that's to the magic that animates him, all Tim needs to do is hold his pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle and after a few moments the piece he's holding will weld itself back into place. Also his sand will slowly come back to him, attracted like a magnet and he can tell where all his sand in instinctually. He let's Jason keep the vial of it as it's basically an unhacklable Jason Tracker. The sand isn't fast at moving towards him, roughly about the pace of a snail or sloth. It's certainly moving but just getting from downtown to the Batcave could take his sand a week. Also the pull isn't super strong, gaining about as much force as a particularly stubborn ant.
Ras took half a pound of Tim's sand instead of his spleen and Tim would very much like his sand back.
As for Cass knowing, she 100% does. Tim has shown her his true gorm and when she asked why he didn't show the others, Tim replied, "they wouldn't understand. They would worry over things that aren't problems and try to fix things I already fixed and end up breaking those things."
Eventually the Bats must find out though, and when Dick asks if that means they need to do special things to keep Tim from dying to Magic Users, Tim laughs and laughs like Dick has told the funniest joke in the world. When he calms down, he asks a question of his own, "Dick. How could I possibly die if I have never been alive in the first place? I am simply an object enchanted to move and speak. I am no more alive that the AI Babs uses to scan the internet for pictures of us. I am no more alive than a character in a video game. At most, at *most* I can be compared to some of Ivy's plants that she uses to attack us. I can not be killed for I have never been alive. Broken, yes, but that I can fix. I simply have to be put back together like a jigsaw puzzle."
Oof. Poor Dick is going to have to figure out how to feel about that statement. Tim not being alive at all and comparing himself to a video game or AI might fuck with Dick's sense of self, sentience, etc. I would love to see how they all logic, cope, and understand identity after this.
I do love the idea that the sand tries to make its way back to Tim, but he knows where it is at all times. Jason has an estimated location of Tim (N, S, E, W), but Tim has like coordinates.
I wonder if Cass would try dancing with Tim. Since his movements are different, perhaps she would enjoy learning to dance in a way that's similar to how he moves? It could be eerie and fun for her.
I'm curious how Ra's would feel about Tim and his sand in this. Why did he keep the sand? Does it look distinct from other sand? Was it just cause it was part of Tim and Ra's thought he might be able to use it? Also, does he attempt that shit he did with his Nyssa since Tim probably can't reproduce?
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swanqueenfeathers · 1 year
Jason opens his eyes to the inky blackness of his darkened bedroom, his body on high alert. He’s not alone - a sixth sense picking up what his ears can’t. He stands without so much of a rustle of the sheets and grabs the fully loaded .22 Beretta from his nightstand, switches off the safety and stalks towards the open doorway with silent footsteps. 
From the hallway, he can see the faint outline of someone standing in the kitchen. He points the gun at the silhouette of their head and flicks on the lights, flooding the apartment in a warm, yellow glow.
“Wrong move, motherfu– Dude, the fuck?” 
Tim, who was just elbows deep in the snack cabinet - Jason’s snack cabinet - turns slowly to face him, looking like a deer in the headlights.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” He says sheepishly, but he’s stuffing a pack of Oreos into the pocket of his oversized hoodie which voids his half-assed apology, in Jason’s opinion. 
Jason tucks the gun into the waistband of his sweats with an incredulous scoff. “I was gonna shoot you.” 
“You didn’t, though, so it’s cool.” 
Jason shakes his head, somewhat aghast at Tim’s nonchalant reaction to nearly being shot. Fuckin’ psycho. “So you came here because…?”
“Uh,” Tim averts his gaze and fidgets with the corner of the cookie pack in his pocket, crinkling the plastic. He mumbles something, too fast and low for Jason to make out. 
“Tim, I can’t hear you,” Jason says, exasperation making the words come out sharper than he intended, which he immediately and uncharacteristically regrets when the line of Tim’s shoulders tense.
“Sorry,” Tim says stiffly, “I’ll just go.” 
“Whoa, man. Hold up.” Jason quickly steps in front of Tim and places his hands on his shoulders, placating. “What’s up with you? Is it Bruce? You know he can’t help being an asshole, it’s a condition.” 
“It’s not Bruce,” Tim says, and he’s still not meeting Jason’s eyes, but his lips twitch into a ghost of a smile that Jason counts as a win. “I just… I didn’t want to be by myself.” 
“So you came here? Why?” Jason asks, taken aback. He and Tim hadn’t started out on the greatest of terms, but time heals most wounds, and he likes to think that they could be considered friends now. Tim was one of the few people he could stand to be around for more than five minutes - he was incredibly brilliant, and witty to boot. Their back and forth banter during the occasional team-up was something that Jason sometimes found himself looking forward to, which he would never admit to anyone, ever.
“I don’t know,” Tim shrugs uncomfortably, “Because your place is the closest? I wasn’t really thinking about it, I guess.”  
An unfamiliar albeit not unpleasant feeling settles in the pit of Jason’s stomach. Pride, maybe? For some reason, Tim had sought him out. Not Dick, or Bruce - him. The thought fills him with a strange warmth that he’d rather not dissect at the moment. 
“You can stay,” He says instead, moving his hands from Tim’s shoulders to flick his forehead. “Just don’t expect any coddling, and next time? Bring your own fucking snacks.”
“But it tastes better when I don’t have to buy it,” Tim says, and he’s finally looking up at Jason, smiling as the tension in his frame visibly melts away. It’s weird, seeing Tim relax around him, because of him. It’s new, kind of unnerving, and yet - he still feels warm. 
They spend the next hour camped out in the kitchen, talking about everything and nothing. Tim sits on the counter, legs swinging back and forth as he happily inhales Jason’s only tub of orange sherbet, the bastard. Jason sits across from him, munching on the Oreos that Tim so kindly offered, as if they were his in the first place. 
Eventually, the lack of sleep starts to catch up to them. Jason can’t stop yawning, blinking slower and slower as the seconds tick away. Tim has dark circles under his eyes, but says nothing, like he’s worried Jason might make him leave if he acknowledges the time.
“I’m calling it a night,” Jason says at some point. Then, he adds, “The couch converts to a bed.” An invitation to stay without putting it into exact words. “S’already got a blanket and whatever.”
“Thanks,” Tim says, genuinely enough that Jason feels a little embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck before he stands and pads towards his bedroom. He throws a wave over his shoulder.
“G’night, Tim.”
“Night, Jason.” 
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filthy-vigilante · 1 year
As much as I love the idea of Jason and Bruce fixing their relationship and Jason being truly accepted by his family again, in context of the comics I hate it. Jason deserves better than the was Bruce has treated him and deserves a family that cares for him without terms and conditions.
In Batman and Robin vol 2 #20, Bruce makes Jason relive the trauma of his death, in hopes that he'll remember something that would help bring Damian back
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Bruce even lures him there under the pretense of wanting to work with him, and make amends. Letting Jason  believe that he's starting to trust him.
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When Jason explicitly tells Bruce that he doesn't want to remember his death, that he wants to move on from his past and his trauma, Bruce tells him that if Jason  cared about him then he would.
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Bruce goes as far as discrediting his involvement  in Jason's Trauma and acting like his own wants are above it.
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The saddest part of it is Bruce telling Jason, who dies at 15 and never got the chance to grow up, that Damian deserved to have the chance and thats why he had to be brought back
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Then in Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 #25, we see Batman brutally beat Jason over him shooting the penguin. Previously when Batwoman killed Clayface, Bruce gave her a trial of sorts where other members of the family were invited to the cave to talk about what should be done. With Jason, he told all other members to stand down and that he'll handle it himself. Then proceeds to beat Jason so ruthlessly that Jason even comments on how Bruce never even hit the Joker as hard as he's hitting him
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His reasoning for going after Jason, instead of handling the situation like batwoman's is because Jason shot the penguin on live TV in front of GCPD, but even then the severity of the beating is highly unnecessary and uncalled for.
The beating only stops because Roy comes to Jason's rescue, and helps Jason recover. Which was a fairly long period, with him being unable to get out of bed or walk around himself of nearly a month
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And even after this recovery time his injurys are still pretty severe, with his torso covered in bandages, arm in a sling and face still heavily bruised
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Due to Bruce's actions like this I want Jason to move on from the Bat family. Bruce may be a good parent figure to some of the others, but he isn't to Jason. The amount of trauma Bruce has caused and is connected to for Jason is too high, and vise versa.
Jason deserves his own family that welcomes and cares about him, and allows him to be himself. Letting him grow and change at his own pace and most importantly to heal. Currently it seems like DC wants the opposite of that by killing Roy and sending away Artemis and Bizarro but hopefully one day Jason can have something more than being the black sheep of the bat family.
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scaryscarecrows · 1 year
No One Left Behind
Tim may have erred. Maybe. Just a bit.
Okay, so sneaking out while Bruce was out cold (broken leg, he’ll be down for weeks) was perhaps a bad idea, but, uh…
Look. He’s been on this case for two months, he can wrap it up without Bruce! He’s not a baby, or an incompetent disaster. So the guy he’s after is located in the Bowery. He’ll be in and out without Hood ever knowing a damn thing.
Turns out that it wasn’t Hood he should have been wary of.
He’s not an imcompetent disaster, but neither is the man he’s been tracking, apparently. The bastard brought in help–False Facers, never a good thing–and, well…
Let the vigilante who has never-not-once taken a board to the face cast the first stone.
So anyways, that’s why he’s hanging on a meat hook in some grimy warehouse, stripped of most of his weapons and unable to even backtalk thanks to the strip of duct tape plastered firmly across his mouth. He can’t see, either, because some asshole decided to blindfold him.
This is a little bad, but Tim is mostly confident that he can get out of this.
Unfortunately, while they’ve missed the lockpick in his glove, they’ve also tied his hands with rope. And the knots are good.
Think, Tim, think…
Five men, sounds like. Maybe six. Unknown number outside the room, no way to see who’s armed and with what. Best bet: stay very quiet and try to assess–
“What’s he doing here?”
“Shoot him, stupid!”
Tim goes from Bruce? Dick? to oh no when the return gunfire reaches his ears. Of course Hood would have noticed the to-do. Tim aside, these guys have been running guns for weeks. There’s been a lot of fatalities.
Maybe if he stays quiet enough, Hood won’t notice him. Or maybe he’ll just leave him here to figure things out, that would be fine.
There’s the sound of doors being kicked in, followed by more gunfire and screams. Then, all at once, it’s silent.
Tim’s taken by surprise when the blindfold is yanked off, followed by the duct tape. For one semi-hysterical moment, he feels like he’s a cheap slasher film; the room is littered with bodies and Hood is inches away, head tilted like Jason Voorhees. He’s very still and Tim’s mouth gets out ahead of him when he says, “Is there something on my face?”
Hood moves , knife singing through the air and oh no oh no oh no–
Tim is on the ground, rope around his wrists sliced through without so much as a lingering strand. Unfortunately, he’s now stuck staring up at Hood, who. Um.
The bastard’s built like a brick wall. Hits like one, too, as Tim can attest. This isn’t a position he wants to be in.
Hood’s not moving to attack him. His body language suggests that he actively doesn’t want a fight, actually, and hesitant squinting (and accounting for a very small concussion that Alfred does not need to know about) turns up blood seeping steadily through the vest, just under the bird-bat-thing on his chest. It makes the symbol look like it’s bleeding.
It’s creepy.
“Um.” He’s not sure what’s the point here. “You’re, uh, bleeding.”
Hood scoffs, cold and angry.
“Look at that, you really are a detective.”
Tim doesn’t really care, on a personal level, what happens to Hood. But Bruce will, hands down, and Tim already dragged him back from the brink once. He doesn’t want to do that again.
“I can help–”
“You can keep your hands to yourself or you can carry them home in your utility belt,” Hood snarls. “We clear?”
Contrary to popular opinion, Tim has a little bit of self-preservation.
“We’re clear.”
“Good.” Hood turns, breathing slowly and carefully, and stalks over to a body–no, to an unconscious man. He kicks the man over and oh, no, he’s not unconscious, not totally. “I know you’re awake, asshole.”
“Relax. You’re the sole survivor; you should be proud.” He crouches down, reaches out and hefts the man half-off the floor. “You’re going to leave, and you’re going to tell everyone you know what happened here, and you’re going to make especially sure that they understand that this was a fluke . Next time I have to break up something like this? Nobody walks away. S’that clear?” Silence. Hood tightens his grip and growls, “Is. That. Clear?”
Terrified nodding. Hood drops the man back and his head hits the ground with a nasty crack! Seemingly satisfied, he stands up, rolls his shoulders and pops his neck, and turns towards the door.
“Why did you save me?”
Good job, Timothy! He was leaving and you had to open your big fat mouth!
Hood stills. For one hopeful second, Tim thinks he’ll be ignored. He’s not so lucky; Hood whirls back and crosses the room in seven rapid stomps.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you have an escape plan?”
“Because what it looked like to me was yet another kidnapped Robin with no Batman in sight!”
“Next time, pretender , I’ll go on my merry way and let them take a branding iron to your face. Or maybe waterboard ya, that sounds fun, right? Bonus if they hook you up to a car battery, that’ll get your heart rate up!”
Hood shuts up. Tim gets the feeling he didn’t mean for that rant to happen. The blood coming from under the bird is starting to bloom more than trickle and he’s breathing heavily and now, now is when he’s going to finish what they started, isn’t it, good going, Tim, you fucked up now–
“Better get one thing through your head, kid,” Hood says roughly. “Take the saves when they come, because they’re not guaranteed.”
Tim shuts up after that. Hood turns on his heel and walks out into the rain.
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atirosnor · 1 year
Summary: The dynamic was fixed with his Tim—they couldn't seem to break out of the cycle of banter and spite—but maybe with this new Tim—they'd be willing—to try? He's … trying … b
[some batfamily members across some very close universes have been switched. No way of knowing if they'll manage to get back, but it seems only Jason and Tim were swapped here. Little do they know, they're from the same universe.]
This is getting to be a problem.
"Dick, Babs, could you—" Babs gave him a considering look, nodded, and wheeled her chair around while Dick's face softened, he nodded in understanding, and followed her out of the room.
Jason turned to see Tim standing stock still, staring after them. Shoot. He tucked his arms in tried to look more relaxed and small, and moved so Tim could block the door instead, if he wanted. "Sorry, I—" He paused, unsure whether that was the right move. He steeled his shoulders. "Why do you hate me?"
That got Tim stammering, "I—I don't hate you!" he shouted, eyes wide. "I—" he looked away and winced. "I'm sorry. It's fine. I—"
"Then why are you scared of me?"
Tim's eyes widened. "I—I'm not scared." He said vehemently, glaring, then looked away again. "I'm—" Jason moved his hand to bring Tim's face back towards him—he flinched violently and stumbled a couple steps away from him, then winced at his misstep.
Jason raised an eyebrow. You sure?
"Really, I—it's my problem. You shouldn't have to deal with it. My Jason—"
This time it was Jason's turn to stumble away, as a rotten pit of dread began to form in his gut. He winced. "S---.
"Kid, I'm—" So. Sorry. "I'm an idiotic jerk. Feel free to punch me sometime. I—" he'd been thinking because this wasn't his universe he could have a second chance with Tim—no unprovoked torchure to get between brothers, yeah? Now he realized what an idiot he'd been. Of course the Jason in (t)his world had caused Tim trauma too. Of course he hadn't even realized. Of frickin' course he'd been causing him more trauma with his dumb 'trying to connect with him' shtick. He turned and pinched [yes, pinched, that typo's hilarious] the wall behind him. On the stud, so there wouldn't be any damage—then leaned against it on his forearm and hung his head. "I'm so sorry, R—kid. I should never have assumed I could—" his voice cracked. "I should've never assumed."
He looked up at Tim and he had a calculating look on his face. "You hurt your Tim." It was a statement, and a question.
Abruptly Jason felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. He ran a hand through his hair, gaze fixed on the ground. "Yeah. Yeah, I did." He slumped. "I thought i could start over, maybe, with you—" As if you could pretend nothing ever happened— "Try at being a brother, again—" such an idiot, "I'm sorry." didn't even think of the trauma this Tim could have—"I—" didn't even check to see what kind of Jason he'd replaced, "I'll stay away from now on." he straightened, then turned to go. He'd move out of the Manor; he couldn't force this kid to have the object of his nightmares live with him; make him see him every flippin' day.
"No! Wait, I—it's working. We can—it's working. We can … try … to be brothers." Tim awkwardly shuffled forward and visibly steeled himself, though he tried to hide it, before leaning into him. "Stay." Jason hesitantly draped his arms around him, and when he didn't flinch, tightened his arms around him. Tim melted.
Suddenly Tim pulled back. "I mean, only if you want to. There's no reason you should want to be my brother," he rushed out, "but I know Dick and Alfred and Bruce and all would really want you to stay—but only stay if that's what you want to do, not because of any kind of obligation or—"
Jason stopped him by pulling him onto the couch with him in a hug, shushing his protests.  "Hey, baby bird, shut up. We're brothers. I love you.
"And do you think I've been staying here from obligation? 'Cause if that's true, I've gotta nip that thought right in the bud. I don't stay with Bruce from obligation. If I feel coerced into anything I've gotta reject on sheer principle—"
"Wait—you—you love me?"
"Well I sure as Gotham don't ha—" Tim was looking up at him with wonder in those wide, blue, watering eyes. S---. "Sure, kid. Always have." Always since he knew who he was. Since he let himself realize he was just a kid, a Robin, sure, but a kid in the colors just trying to live up to them, trying to help in the only way he knew he could. A kid like he'd been. Family.
And Jason loved those who were his.
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
"You moronic fucking imbecile, only you would find a way to let yourself fall prey to mind control from magic"
Red Hood was fighting Robin. He was under an illusion, solely believing that Robin was someone else. Maybe Joker, Scarecrow, Dent, not like Robin cares who it could be. What matters is ending it.
"I'll kill you!"
"Tt. Try your best"
Red Hood grabbed one of his guns out of the holster, Robin recognizes that one. One of his guns that can and will fatally injure someone. He really is going all out with this.
"What do I have to do to make this end huh? Say some sappy shit? Use words to appeal to your better nature? Talk about how much I care for you or something? Honestly that sounds like something Batman may do, I'm not him and I'm not one for comforting words. There's only so much I can replicate and tolerate from Nightwing's optimistic attitude. Instead I'm doing it my way. Beating you up until you're out"
Robin rolled his eyes as he slid on his knees away from the oncoming bullet. Easy to do, Red Hood isn't even trying at this point.
Robin held his katana, side stepping to easily slice at Hood's arm. No he won't slice his brother's arm off, just a couple cuts and bruises to make him weaker.
Red Hood growled and rolled away, Robin looked down at his feet.
"Son of a b-"
An explosion went off, Robin went tumbling and hit the brick wall. "Cheap tricks Jason"
The battle went on for five more minutes, both having an advantage and disadvantage as every second passed.
Soon Robin was panting, Red Hood had grabbed his katana when he shot Robin's hand. Getting closer, the sharp stab into Robin's shoulder made him cry out. It didn't go all the way through, but it still hurt like hell.
Robin grit his teeth and forced himself up, gripping the katana and pulling it out. There was a lot of blood, but it doesn't matter.
"You know what Jason? You got me all bloody, yet you've yet-" Robin grabbed Red Hood's wrist and pointed the gun to his forehead. "-to shoot me. You've done it before, surely you can do it again. You wanna go back down that path of being a killer? I've done the same, so I have no reason to blame you. So go ahead and shoot me right in the head and I'll be on that ground back in Hell"
Robin pressed his forehead closer, the rim of the gun was most likely making a mark on his head.
Red Hood narrowed his eyes and pressed a bit tighter at the trigger, he was hesitant though...
"Go ahead shoot me right in the face, surely you can"
He held tighter at the trigger, Robin's steeled expression never faltering as he looked directly into Red Hood's eyes. "Shoot me"
The gun was lowered, the click of the safety being back on. Red Hood dropped the gun to the ground.
"There you are, good to know you're back. The meta got away while I was preoccupied with you"
Red Hood grabbed Robin by the shoulders, looking down. "Don't tell me you are still afflicted by the powers" "You... why the hell did you point my gun to your forehead" "To snap you out of it"
Red Hood squeezed Robin's shoulders. "And if it didn't work?! I could've killed you!"
"What matters is that it worked"
"Damian you could have died!"
"Not the first time, may not be the last"
"I could've shot you!"
"I know"
"Were you not afraid? Not even a little?"
Robin looked to the side, why was Jason so insistent on this. He did what had to be done, even if it could've gone wrong, he had to save his brother.
"What does it matter? You're back, that's all that matters"
"Damian. Do you know how much it would hurt if I killed you? It would tear me apart and no one would be okay"
Robin frowned "Stop being so pathetic. I saved you, don't give me such crap" Robin moved away and turned from Red Hood.
Alfred bandaged the stab wound on Damian as Batman looked at the two.
"What happened? How did you get hurt?"
"The meta got away after he attacked us. That's it"
Jason scowled, Bruce is gonna find out anyways why beat around the bush? "The meta made me see illusions, I was hellbent on attacking Damian. He snapped me out of it when he made me have him at gunpoint to the forehead"
"Jason what the hell!"
"He was gonna find out anyways Damian"
"Damian why didn't you say anything?!"
"He's fine, there's no reason to worry father"
"I'm equally worried about you as well"
"Tt. I'm fine, everything is fine. The only thing not fine is the meta getting away"
Damian gripped the sheets and Alfred rested his hand on Damian's shoulder. Damian lightly shrugged Alfred's hand away and bit his lip. Why do they keep wanting to know about his wellbeing? He's fine. Nothing is scary about the situation. Jason was seeing things and Damian took the appropriate steps to get him back. Could there have been better? Maybe. Does that matter? No.
Jason could have definitely shot him and feeling the gun on his forehead doesn't scare him. So why...
"Are you... crying?"
Damian wiped his tears quickly and got up, moving to the staircase. "Jason is fine, that's all that mattered. So can we just drop it"
Damian's hands trembled as he opened his door and moved to his bed, lying down. Covering his face, his breath quickened as he shut his eyes.
It wasn't the gun.
It wasn't the fact that I could have died.
It's the fact that Jason was holding it.
It's the fact that my brother wasn't himself.
The last time someone wasn't in their right of mind ended up with me killed.
Mother wasn't herself and I don't think she ever will be.
Jason could have shot me, because he wasn't himself.
That... that's what terrifies me.
I could have... again...
I don't want to die again by someone I love who I no longer know because something took them away from me.
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benbamboozled · 2 years
1, 3, & 4 for the ask game? >:)
Ohhh boy coming out of the gate HOT. I’m glad I’m wearing my rant pants.
Buckle up, it’s gonna get capslock-y in here.
1–How has DC/Marvel/publishing company wronged you, specifically?
Okay obvs I’m sticking with DC here.
Let’s see…I think the biggest way they wronged me specifically was that time when Steph, Kon, and Bart were ALL dead because my top 5 faves at the time were—
—Jason Todd
—Cassandra Cain
—Stephanie Brown
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO HAVE THREE OF YOUR TOP FIVE FAVES DEAD??? AND Jay was going through his super flop era, and Cass was ????.
They Wronged Me Specifically SO HARD that I dropped out of comics for like 10 years and missed the entirety of the nu52. (I would literally check in to the DC sometimes and be like—ope, faves are still dead, that’s a big no from me dawg.)
3—Who is your most hated comics writer?
(Okay, I’m going to leave out the obvious “these guys are bad people IRL” answers and stick to my regular “YOU’RE TACKY AND I HATE YOU” beloatheds.)
Okay, so, honestly—I really try not to hate writers.
Like, I can rant about bad decisions, and bad characterization, and so on and so forth all day long.
But for the most part, I think a lot of things that get blamed on writers actually comes down to 1) writers not being the right fit for a book/character, or 2) editorial not stepping in and being like “HE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT.”
I also think that even badly written books can have some saving graces. (Shit, I have Battle for the Cowl on my Jay-recs list, so you KNOW I am forgiving.)
JIM FUCKING STARLIN is on my shitlist for a few reasons.
NOW…I don’t really blame him for being on-board with killing off Jason Todd. The dude shouldn’t have been put on a book where he hated *the very concept* of one half of the team.
But let’s talk about everything leading up to that and some stuff afterward.
First of all—Jim Starlin’s method of making Jason Todd out to be A Troubled Kid was by having Jason get particularly bothered by sex crimes against women and children.
NOT GREAT, BOB! For obvious fucking reasons!
Not to mention—as an inherently…uh…passionate person myself—I REALLY FUCKING HATE IT when “having emotions” is portrayed as a flaw. Guess what—sometimes “cool calculated stoicism” IS NOT THE ANSWER. Sometimes dismissing someone based on their feelings IS ACTUALLY A TOOL OF THE OPPRESSOR, JIM!!! HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT, JIM FUCKING STARLIN???
Okay so moving on…
You could just as easily turn around and say, “Damn Bruce, child!you was so reckless for making your parents walk around Crime Alley at night.”
(And like, obviously that is 1000% something Bruce says to himself BUT THE NARRATIVE ISN’T SUPPOSED TO AGREE WITH HIM!!! AND I maintain that BRUCE WOULD NOT THINK THAT ABOUT HIS OWN KID.)
Whew okay…I gotta cool down.
THIRD—the fact that he bragged about wanting to kill Jason with AIDS is EXTREMELY loaded and I hate it and I hate him.
4—Worst decision for (x]'s "new direction"?
Ooooh this one’s easy for me.
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(Admittedly, I like the red guns. They have a fun Danger Days vibe, and they are what I imagine it would look like if Jason used his All-Caste powers to have Evil Shooting Guns.)
(But that’s it.)
I mean, there are probably objectively worse things, but this one wins for me because…come on.
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the-real-aku · 2 years
You might ask yourself, Aku...what is a Warframe...and the only thing I am going to say to that is a biomechanic warriors with awesome power.
Hi, if you're a Warframe fan with no idea who or what the Bat Family is...I'll sum that up as the Batman Family, aka all the kids and heroes he decided were "his". Anyways, this obviously isn't all of them but these are the ones I care about. I'm too lazy to do anything more than the bare minimum rn
Also...im not following the no-killing rule with this AU as it is impossible for it, as someone needs to control Grineer population.
Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Ash Prime - the most assassin stealth-based Warframe literally has a batman skin -like no one can look me in the eye and say this isn't Batman
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Excalibur Prime - a limited edition Prime Warframe, no long available to buy and or make
Hildryn - Honestly, big buff lady who is a tank-support
Protea - utility support with massive firepower
Vauban Prime - similar to Protea but way more defensive-based rather than support fits Bruce pretty well when it comes to taking out crowds
Rhino Prime -Tankiest boy, a proud beast
Harrow Prime -this one cracks me up. Harrow is a Warframe that casts its abilities by flogging itself and its whole back story is about carrying the weight of the world on its shoulders to hold back a force of evil and punishing itself...literally Bruce
Excalibur Umbra - I'm gonna expand on this a little and if you have not played the Sacrifice please ignore this or if you don't care...keep reading I guess. - Umbra kills his own child when he becomes fully infested, he is one of the few Warframes that have recorded sentience. -I think its fitting for Bruce.
Why does Bruce have mostly all primes you may be asking yourself, and to be clear you know exactly why motherfucker. Because he's fuckin' Bruce Wayne. I don't think I need a better reason other than he is (A) Bruce Wayne (B) Batman.
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Zephyr Prime - b-bird...it flies, its a bird because h-hes robin - also her idle animations have MASSIVE Dickergy
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Baruuk - I know hes a "pacifist" but blah blah blah I don't care, he is scary when he loses his "restraint" and so is Dick
Titania - I...I don't actually have a reason for this, I just find it fitting
Excalibur - a classic, basic, but matches Bruce in being one of the OGs - he's a true classic and an OG but incredibly powerful nonetheless, fan fav, poster boy, you get it.
Nezha - fruity ass Nezha, jumpy, always moving, kinda like Dick
Wukong - hehehhe monke...he just has that playful energy in his abilities like Dick. Oh, and the cloud. LOVES the cloud and the twin he can summon.
Mirage - the same thing with Wukong, it plays with Dick's teasing fun nature. I think he would take advantage of her duplicates when in comes to fights, seeing as how Dick has a tendency to be fuckin' stupid and not call in for help so having holograms that can pack some damage and copy your moves seems like something he needs Dick started with Zephyr, enjoying the fact that he could shoot across the sky with her. He's not a fan of running like Volt or Gauss, he enjoys being in the air like he can be with Zephyr, Wukong, and Titania. I think he regrets having Zephyr as the Prime Bruce gives him.
Jason Todd/Red Hood:
Mesa Prime - she is literally a gunslinger, she gets a buff if she goes into missed with no melee weapon equipped. What more could Jason want in a Warframe?
Rhino - tanky, built like a fridge, like Jason
Styanax - based on hoplite soldiers, a warrior, fitting.
Sevagoth - a Warframe split in two from death, "Return eternally from beyond the grave, as his Shadow eclipses the light while harvesting wicked souls to sate his esurient darkness." Again, fitting
Nidus - fucked up a bastardization of Warframes, its insides look like its outside, unlike many other Warframes. Idk, again, felt fitting
Atlas - idk, bicc, tanky, no real deep reason. Probably just enjoys the backup he can summon
Banshee - thinking about this from an All-Caste standpoint, Banshee's utility wise is incredibly strong for assassinations as she can cancel out all noise and track enemies easily.
Revenant -rose from the dead - "This is Revenant, the returned - the condemned. Harnessing the essence of Eidolon and warrior alike, he mystifies and obliterates his foes. Revenant serves last rites for the souls he leaves on fire, without a plea for mercy."
angry, sacrificed herself and experimented on. Could compare to the Lazarus pit and Jason
Jason's original Warframe that Bruce gifted him was Ash. It was destroyed in the explosion that killed him. He can't get himself to rebuild an Ash. Also, yes...I know Jason's have deep meanings, but....eeuugghhhhh he's my FAVORITE DON'T JUDGE MEEEE
Tim Drake/Red Robin/Robin:
 Loki Prime - Trickster, fast, stealthy, can create a hologram that can attack, it fits
Protea -utility wise, she is techy and an engineer, a lot like Tim, a protector
Gyre - mmm...idk, I know shocking people is Dick's thing but Gyre really has more Tim energy to her with the whole Tesla coil aesthetic
Mag - mmmagnet...can yank, pull, and crush, versatile
Lavos - elemental, mixes and experiments with the elements to make subcategories, incredibly smart, and runs on timers vs energy -felt fitting
Banshee - much like Jason's reason, cancels out noise and makes him far stealthier, probably not Tim's most used Warframe
Volt - I...I'm not sure why Tim is getting the electricity frames. - Shield, fast, shock shit, OG, really useful, and boosts teammate's speed.
Limbo - can leap into the void to avoid damage and can drag enemies in with him, only people in the void can attack and damage him and the same goes for the enemies. - Don't really know again, it felt like a Warframe Tim would experiment with to try and push its limits.
Wukong - my friend who played Warframe just a little bit requested I give Tim Wukong because he was the one Warframe they really enjoyed playing - oh and staff. They both have a bo staff
Damian Al-Ghul Wayne/Robin:
Ash Prime - just like his daddy, need I say more?
Inaros - old, mummy themes, makes me think of a Ra's hand-me-down, good at keeping you alive.
Valkyr - used to teach Damian control over his emotions, I HC that Valkyr's final ability hysteria is kinda intoxicating as it induces a blood-lust-like state.
Garuda - beauty in slaughter teaches grace in combat. She is brutal and effective, self-mutilates to refill her energy, then siphons blood from enemies to heal herself. - Probably teaches more about regulation vs grace...
Nekros - bringer of death, not too much of a damage dealer, but he's able to raise the dead with his 4th ability and that seems like something Damian would like - mini army for him to rule
Now...everyone further down on this list I am way less familiar with and have fewer Warframes because of that. They will also have less meaningful reasons behind why and for that I'm kinda half sorry.
Duke Thomas/Signal:
Equinox Prime - Equinox splits into Day and Night form - I think you see where I'm going with this. - Equinox's abilities complement each other, one supports the other harms and debuffs. - it's the nearest I could get to controlling light and shadow okay
Nova - portals, gravity, idk tbh, she just felt like a frame he would enjoy with the massive amounts of damage and crowd control
Chroma - elemental breath, again, the closest I could get to shadow and light - Chroma is a tankier Warframe, probably one of the few Duke uses when he's running without his family and clan.
Stephenie Brown/Spoiler:
Mirage Prime - Playful, fun, dangerous, a trickster, feels like a good Prime for Steph
Octavia - Steph seems like someone who likes to dance, and who doesn't love blasting music while you mow down hordes of infested or battalions of Grineer :D?
Yareli - I don't...really know how to explain this one for it to not sound derogatory? Yareli's design is super...cute and e-girl-ish? - She's not particularly powerful but she has some mean CC and looks good while drowning you so-
Titania - all of Steph's seem to be tricksters omg - yeah Titania is good for buffing and rebuffing, her 4 shrinks her and gives her massive boosts in speed as she flies around and tears people apart with razor blade butterflies
Cassandra Cain/Black Bat/Orphan:
Banshee Prime - as said before...Banshee is a frame who silences everything around her, stealthy and deadly
Ivara - the hunter warframe, can become invisible and create lines to run around on, seems like something Cass would definitely enjoy and use to destroy everyone in her way
Wisp - not...really sure why I picked Cass to have a Wisp, but she floats instead of walking and opens a portal to channel a literal laser beam of the sun at her enemies. This is not a joke.
Nekros - reaper of the dead, deadly, terrifying, C A S S
Kate Kane/Batwoman:
Sayrn Prime - deadly, powerful, stupid strong, litter the ground with bodies with her kit. Something I think Kate would appreciate
Mesa - G U N. Thats it. I don't really have a better reason or explanation, sorry
Gara - defensive, powerful, sacrificed herself to save the Ostrons from the Eidolon, a hero - I can see Kate in that kinda
Ember - I was gonna make a red-head joke because fire and..and its not that funny. Honestly, no real good reason for Ember either
Vauban - strong, tanky, defensive tech-based kit, no deeper reasons
Barbara Gordon/Oracle/Batgirl:
Nyx Prime - focus on the power of the mind, manipulates and confuses enemies before exploding a mass of psychic energy. Fits with Babs big brain
Lavos - sc ience, that's it.
Protea - defensive support, is powerful, can reverse time, something I think Babs would over-utilize which makes what happens to her...ironic and interesting
Limbo - a lot like Tim's reason, intrigue in pushing Limbo's limit and seeing what she could accomplish with his powers
After she is paralyzed she becomes “Oracle”, replacing The Lotus for the family. She guides the family through missions and helps them work on their gear.
Selina Kyle/Catwoman:
Khora Prime - dommy mommy with a cat. Has a chain whip and yeah I...yeah... - the cat is super cute tho too btw
Garuda - claws, grace in bloodshed, calculated slaughter
Valkyr - uhm....angry kitty. Yeah...I...yeah the last two were literally because of the fact that she's Catwoman.
Mirage - playful, teasing, deadly, like I said with Cass. It fits.
Ivara - fantastic potential to be used to steal shit with her wires, stealth, and pick-pocketing ability
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spooklies-archive · 2 years
Howdy!! Can I get a headcanon of Platonic!Yandere!Jason Todd x GN!Reader? :D
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╰ ↠ Platonic!Yandere!Jason Todd & GN!Reader
written in HC format
warnings: manipulation. forced containment. mind break if you squint.
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— The type of yandere Jason would be depends entirely on which iteration we're going off or which time period of his you guys met.
If Jason met them when he was a kid still living in crime alley, then I can see him being softer (at least more early on) towards the reader.
But if Jason met them while at Gotham Academy, which would kind of be around when his rebellious phase was beginning to peak, then I see him as a bit more controlling but still with a soft spot for reader.
Now if you met Jason around the time when he was still coming down from the Lazarus pit then I see him as more brutal. Not so much as physical (he'd never lay a hand on reader, that was out of question even when he was out of his mind) but more so mentally.
Lazarus Jason would use whatever means it was to keep them by his side where he knows he can keep them protected. He wouldn't hesitate to use whatever manipulation tactics he has up his sleeve, even when the situation didn't quite call for it.
His younger iterations would still manipulate reader but feel more hesitant when doing so. Honesty was a big thing for Jason, becoming even more so after the betrayal of his birth mom, so if Lazarus Jason thinks you're being dishonest with him then he'll get upset and perhaps punish the Reader.
— His punishments vary in extremity
Crime alley Jason wouldn't punish you with starvation or with the threat of being without any of the basic survival necessities, he knows better. But he would most definitely do something petty like give you the silent treatment, shoot sad glances in your direction, or maybe even quietly scoff whenever you get too close to him just loud enough for you to hear. He'll keep up the facade until you apologize to him even if you didn't understand what you did wrong in the first place.
Robin Jason would be more confrontational. He understands the importance of communication, especially after living with a man that can't talk about his feelings if it meant the end of the world, so he wouldn't hesitate to ask you why you did something. Depending on what you did or what you said he would twist the situation to fit his narrative and try to in the end prevent you from doing whatever it was you did again.
Lazarus Jason, on the other hand, would not be so kind. As forementioned earlier, Jason wouldn't lay a hand on you. But as his designated roommate (a position forced on you) he will keep you locked inside the house, all entertainment locked away, until he deems you apologetic enough to get everything back. He would be an overbearing best friend that tells you that he knows better than you, saying he's been through hell and back to give reason to his actions, and explain to you if you're upset by what he's done that what he's doing is far from being the worst of what he was truly capable of.
— Their good sides are comforting, no matter which iteration it’s coming from
Crime alley Jason would keep a secret stash of cash saved up until he can eventually treat his best friend — who's become like a sibling to him — for a night out in the town or maybe a nice change of clothes. You'll feel bad, as per usual, but Jason would be insistent that you shouldn't feel that way and that you can repay him by staying by his side forever.
Robin Jason would still do the things he did when he was younger, but more frequently. If he’s feeling even the faintest bit of being bored? Expect full heartedly that Jason will be at wherever you're staying (If he hasn't convinced you to move in with him at the manor yet) to rope you into an outing at whatever place he thinks you'll enjoy going to this time. He would definitely use Bruce's cash however he pleases, only feeling a little bad about it, but after countless of confirmations from Bruce that he's loaded and won't be disheartened if he's missing a few hundred dollars, Jason would spend as much as he can on you.
Lazarus Jason would still keep you in the house, not ready to let you out of it, and either watch a movie or TV series with you. It's these moments that keep your inner conflict alive — these instances that remind you why you haven't tried to leave him despite all he’s done because deep down, you know the boy you see as a brother is still in there.
— They often get jealous easily
Crime alley Jason would become possessive and oh so very overprotective of you. So, if he sees someone initiating a conversation with you or you are laughing with them, he'll pout and glare at whoever it is you're talking to until the other person gets uncomfortable and leaves.
Robin Jason would keep an eye on any friends you make, relentlessly dig into their pasts and if he deems them not a good enough candidate to keep by your side, then he'll convince you to drop them with information that's either made up entirely or the truth but with little twists to them that make them more extreme than they were.
Lazarus Jason on the other hand would show his jealousy outright if the situation ever came. Maybe you convinced him to bring you on a night out in town, like the good old days, and someone showed interest in you platonic or not, Jason wouldn't be too happy about someone stealing your attention away and make that known.
— Jason convinces you that he needs you
And maybe you need him too. After him being a constant in your life for so long one would naturally begin to form an attachment to him such as he did to you.
So, when he was dead, killed by the hands of the Joker, and that constant in your life isn't there anymore, you felt lost. Grief brought you to do all sorts of things, some you aren't so very proud of.
When he came back, despite acting as someone different due to his Lazarus pit fueled mind, you were eager to look past his flaws and accept him back in your life if it meant pulling you back from yourself.
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redhoodisms · 3 years
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trigger warning! mentioning of ptsd
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trying to share his CRAZY conspiracies with you in the middle of the night. as much as you love jason so much, you get extremely annoyed when your sleep is compromised with jason's conspiracy theories
"(y/n), did i ever tell you about this conspiracy theory about how the titanic never sank?"
"jason, i love you, but it's three in the morning. shut up,"
watching a lot of disney movies. jason LOVES aladdin and hercules. this boy will practically sing all of the lyrics of the songs and try to imitate the sounds coming from the musical instruments. you can't get a laugh of that movie without looking at jason 
jason cooking food for you. this boy is a chef. one time he made you lasagna, homemade pizza, his own spin on a cocktail and devils food cake for dessert. why did he cook all this food, you may wonder? it's because you slapped his ass
"babe, what's all this food for?"
"it's a celebration for the newest anniversary because you slapped my ass yesterday,"
yes, you two slap each other's asses. jason slaps your ass quite more than when you slap his ass. he'll slap your ass out of nowhere sometimes, but he'll mostly do it during a mission because it catches you off-guard. the last time he slapped your ass when you two were fighting criminals, your instincts came in the way and you accidentally shot jason...
passionate kisses. you can try to give jason quick kisses all you want, but this boy won't let you go before things get kinda steamy. he's professional in the art of passionate kisses. he knows how to make you melt and beg for more. he has a mischevious mind for your heart
lot's of PDA. jason won't go out in public without holding your hand, kissing your cheek or even kissing your neck if he wants too. the other batboys say that he needs to stop with the PDA, but you love it when the other girls get jealous that you have a man like jason
you two going to bruce's galas only so you and jason can get the headlines of the "hottest couple." when the gala comes around, it's serious business. you and jason take time to prepare your outfits so you both look sexy enough to make the news. PDA is a little more predominant when it comes to the galas
"you look rather ravishing, darling. are you ready to be pronounced the "hottest couple" in gotham city again?"
"you know it, jason."
jamming out to a lot of ac/dc but jason loves to listen to the backstreet boys and other boy bands. sometimes you're so convinced that jason todd could be in a boyband himself. and you wouldn't be shocked if he tried to convince the rest of the batboys to be in a band with him
jason teaching some parkour moves and how to shoot. as it turns out that jason was quite shocked to see that you had a better aim than he did. you two were practicing with rubber bullets the one time to see how you could work with moving targets. jason was so mad that you were excelling with your aim, that he shot you with a rubber bullet
"dId yOu jUsT sHoOt mE?"
"in my defence, you shot me first,"
watching a lot of reality shows. jason LOVES watching the bachelor and the bachelorette. you two binged watched hells kitchen the one time and jason was convinced that he could be the next gordon ramsey that he threw your pasta across the room because it was "disgusting"
"jason, your not gordon ramsey!"
"BuT i cOuLd bE!"
playing a lot of board games. you and jason are quite competitive so even a simple game like UNO causes the two of you to get into some simple arguments. your favourite game of all time is probably clue because it's practically a competition to see who's the better detective between you and jason
"it was the joker, in the warehouse with the crowbar,"
"aRe yoU mAkInG a JoKe aBoUt mY dEatH?!"
jason loves to take you to drive in movies. you find it cute that this boy will pack a whole bunch of snacks for the movie night. he's super cute during this time because he'll bring a whole bunch of pillows and blankets for the drive-in movie. of course, you two get kind of distracted from the movie and end up kissing a lot
buying a jacuzzi. just so jason can see you in bikinis and so that you can see jason's ripped abs. the jacuzzi is a place where you two relax after a long day of work and patrol. sometimes you're sitting across from jason, or sometimes his arm is around yours. you two are usually looking up at the stars and cracking jokes here and then
"are you a cornfield...because i'm stalking you,"
"that’s seriously creepy jason,"
comforting jason when he has nightmares. his PTSD is kicking in here and then but you're always his rock when his walls are breaking down. on the outside, jason always portrays himself as a strong person. but you're the only one who sees him when his walls are down. you're always by his side when he needs that comfort and reassurance. you love him for all his faults and are always there when he needs that love
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jiminsbabexxx · 2 years
Afraid Part 6
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“Jason, what the fuck are you doing here?!” You asked, Jason smirking. “Daddy didn’t tell you?” Jason asked, you still staring at him. “I’m moving back in.” Jason said, you giving a look of shock. What, Jason moving into the mansion? How was this going to go, when the last time Bruce and Jason were in the same room Jason almost killed him. How was this going to work between you and Jason, the last time you 2 saw each other you had sex with him and then got shot. 
Not to mention the tattoo of his name on you. “Hello Y/N, you thinking in there?” Jason asked, you glaring at him. “Sorry sir but were not interested.” You said with a smile on your face, slamming the door shut. Walking back towards the kitchen, Jason opening up the door and following. “Really dad?” You asked, everyone looking up at you. “Jay?” Dick asked, rushing up to Jason giving him a hug. 
“Yeah, thanks for the wonderful welcome Bruce.” Jason said making eye contact with you, you rolling your eyes. “So everyone Jason is our new addition.” Bruce said. “Jason your rooms upstairs, you’ll know where.” Bruce said. “Y/N, will you show him?” Bruce asked, you scoffing. “In your fucking dreams.” You said, getting up and walking upstairs. 
Knock knock. “Hey.” Jason said, you looking up at him. “What are you doing?” Jason asked. “Laundry.” You said. “Can I sit?” Jason asked. “Sure go ahead.” You said, Jason sitting down.
 “Cute panties.” Jason said, holding a pair up and sniffing them. “Jason!” You yelled, Jason smirking. “So what made you decide to move back?” You asked, Jason shrugging. “Did you make up with Bruce?” You asked. “We haven’t really talked, you 2?” Jason asked. “Well after you 2 had your episode where you decided to shoot me.” You said.
 “Y/N.” Jason said, grabbing your hand. “Well he left me all alone to sit there and bleed out while he dealt with scarecrow, I had to wait for Dick to get me.” You said. “You know I didn’t mean to shoot you right?” Jason asked. “I don’t know Jay, it’s not like you fucked me and then left me used me as a pawn to get to Bruce.” You said. ”Y/N.” Jason said. “Did you just sleep with me to get to Bruce?” You asked, Jason sighing. 
“Y/N trust me when I say I would never hurt you.” Jason said, putting his hands on your face. “I know.” You mumbled, Jason leaning forward and kissing you. Pushing you down towards your bed, Jason rubbing his hands on your side. Stopping with his hand on the tattoo, pulling away to make sure it was still there. “Mine.” Jason mumbled out. “You’re lucky Bruce hasn’t found it.” You said, Jason smirking.
 “Did you miss me?” Jason asked, you smiling. “Did you miss me?” You asked, Jason chuckling. “How could I not.” Jason said. “Jay, why’d you leave me?” You asked, Jason laying his head on your chest. “I didn’t plan on leaving you, I wanted to take you with me but.” Jason said. “But what?” You asked.
 “I was jumping from safehouse to safehouse, and I wasn’t in the mental state to drag you along, you were safer with Bruce.” Jason said. Knock knock. Jason jumping up, you sitting up quickly Dick walking in. “Hey Jay I was wondering if you wanted to come train with us?” Dick asked. “Is the replacement going to be there?” Jason asked. “He’ll probably just watch you.” Dick said, Jason standing up.
 “You coming?” Jason asked, turning back toward you. “Can’t.” You said. “Can’t?” Jason asked. “Yeah.” You said. “Why?” Jason asked. “Bruce won’t clear me.” You said, holding your shirt up to show the bandaged wound.
 “It’s for the best the last thing she needs is to get slammed down on that side, come on Jay.” Dick said, walking away. “See you later?” Jason asked. “Maybe.” You said, Jason following Dick. 
“You wanted to see me?” You asked, walking into the Batcave. “Y/N, yes can you sit.” Bruce said, you not moving with your standing position. “I think I’m just fine here.” You said. “Very well.” Bruce said. “So why’d you call me down here?” You asked. “Well Y/N I think it’s about time we have a conversation, just us.” Bruce said.
 “About what?” You asked. “About how you put me in danger.” You said. “Y/N Barbara was missing, and I knew if anyone was to find her it would have been you you are the smartest on the team.” Bruce said. “And it was Jason, Bruce he could have killed me he thought I was his replacement he thought I was the reason why you didn’t go looking for him.” You said. “Jason wouldn’t of killed you.” Bruce said. “He tried to kill you!” You yelled.
 “And then you just left your own flesh and blood to die.” You said. “Dad I could have fucking died and instead you left me to go with goddamn Gordon to go after scarecrow!” You said. “You know Jason told me that you wouldn’t come for me and that when it comes to the mission and us you’ll always choose the mission and you know what, I believe him.” You said, scoffing. “What else did he tell you?” Bruce asked, his head shooting up. “Nothing else.” You said, Bruce sighing. “Dad, what happened to Jason?” You asked.
 “I can’t tell you Y/N.” Bruce said. “Why not, why are you always hiding things from me?!” You asked. “Because this is too much for you.” Bruce said, turning away from you. “You think everything is too much for me.” You said, walking behind the desk. “Come on dad why don’t you believe in me?!” You asked. “Because you are my little girl, and I don’t want what happened to Jason happen to you I can’t lose you too Y/N!” Bruce yelled whipping around, you stepping back. 
You could see the tears in Bruce’s eyes, you struck a nerve with the Jason situation. You and Bruce stood in silence for a while, and you started crying also tears streaming down your face. “Hey Bruce-” Dick said walking in with Jason behind, stopping when seeing you and Bruce with tears down your faces. “Hey, is everything okay?” Dick asked, neither you nor Bruce responding. “Y/N?” Dick asked softly. “I cant do this.” You said softly, sniffling and walking out of the office.
 “Y/N?” Jason asked softly, putting his arm out. You just kept walking, walking through the living room still crying and seeing Tim and Damian in the living room. “Hey Y/N, Y/N are you okay?” Tim asked, you still walking. “Not now Tim.” You said, walking up the stairs to your room. 
It was a couple hours later and you were still sitting in your room, trying to process everything that had happened. Bruce was vulnerable with you, not many people could say that they’ve seen the Bat cry but you were one. Not only that but Bruce had told you that you were important to him, words that you had been waiting to hear for years. Years that he hadn’t been around for, that made you think that he wasn’t grateful for you or loved you. “Hey Y/N.” Dick said walking into your room, you sitting up in your bed. “Hey Dick.” You said.
 “How are you holding up?” Dick asked, you sniffling. “I’m okay, not great.” You said, Dick nodding. Dick had always been a brother for you, from the first moment he trained with you he made sure you were comfortable and that he was always going to be there for you. Dick had just this bright light around him, which made you and other people become attached to him. “So what did you 2 talk about?” Dick asked. “He called me down, so I went down to see him obviously not thrilled to see him after the last time and the fact that we haven’t been talking.” You said. 
“So I told him how I felt.” You said. “Okay.” Dick said. “And then the topic of Jason got brought up.” You said. “How?” Dick asked. “Because I was pissed that he is keeping secrets, and not telling me.” You said, Dick sighing. “Y/N have you ever heard of the saying curiosity killed the cat?” Dick asked, you nodding. 
“Trust me you don’t want to know what happened to Jason.” Dick said seriously. “That bad?” You asked softly. “Y/N, he went through things that would make any of us go insane.” Dick said. “Oh my god.” You said softly. “Well are you feeling any better?” Dick asked a smile on his face, you softly smiling back. “Yeah, thanks Dick.” You said.
 “No problem, are you coming down for dinner?” Dick asked, standing up. “Nah.” You said. “Understood, I’ll tell Alfred to bring you up some later.” Dick said. “Thanks Dick, love you.” You said softly. “Love you too.” Dick said, walking out of your room and shutting the door behind him. 
It was 2 days later and you were starting to feel better, and your relationship with Bruce was better you 2 were finally communicating. “Hey beautiful.” Jason said, walking into your room you smiling back at him. “Hi Jay.” You said. “What are you doing?” Jason asked. “Being bored.” You said. “While I can find a cure for that.” Jason said, walking over to your bed and hovering over you.
 “I like this view.” You said, playing with Jason’s white streak in his hair. “As much as I would love to stay here, that’s not why I’m here.” Jason said. “So why are you here then?” You asked. “Your father is asking for you downstairs.” Jason said. “He is, why?” You asked. “I don’t know, just asked for someone to come get you.” Jason said.
 “So you volunteered?” You asked, Jason smirking. “I volunteered.” Jason said smiling, sitting in the same position with Jason for a few minutes. “Okay big boy, up.” You said, Jason sitting up. You following him, the both of you walking down into the kitchen where everyone was sitting. “So now that Y/N is here we can move on.” Bruce said. “So tonight Dick, Tim, and Damian you’ll come out with me on patrol, Jason and Y/N you’ll stay home.” Bruce said. 
“Stay home?” You asked, why was he keeping Jason home Jason was one of the best. “Congratulations Y/N.” Bruce said, you looking at him confused. “Your back on patrol.” Bruce said, you screaming in excitement. “Are you serious?!” You asked, running up to Bruce and hugging him tightly. “Yes I’m serious, and tonight to have you catch up you’ll train with Jason.” Bruce said, you looking up at Jason him smirking. Somehow you knew that training wasn’t going to be the only thing happening tonight. 
Song ~ The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy 
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
jason comes back to Gotham after being resurrected to find Bruce's little wife <3
he's shocked, maybe outraged before he actually gets to meet the teenager that bruce apparently wants to spend his life with
he has so many mommy issues but Tim erodes them all, the way he's gentle and patient and doesn't falter when Jason snaps and initially declines to get to know him. the way he brings light to Alfred's eyes and actually gets Dick to willingly hang around the manor and most of all the way Tim gets Bruce to understand the way he's been communicating with his sons has been so one-sided and disastrous
Timmy as a devoted little wife <3
wifey timmmy!!!!!!!!!!!!😩😩😩😩!!!
tim definitly gentle parents, a sharp contrast to bruce's overbearingness and demand to be let into every aspect of his children's lives. when tim comes in he teaches bruce boundary, asks he respect his children if he wants respect in turn. dick is distrustful and wary about bruce's girlfriend (not only because 1. that's not a girl 2. that's a kid 3. there's no way he's going to let himself be parented by someone younger than him!)
but dick folds. he just likes it too much to have someone call him sweet heart and sweetie. tim takes the bus to bludhave (nearly an all day trip) just to bring dick freshly baked goods and ask how he's doing.
he gently cups dick's cheek and strokes his head in this way that has dick just arching into it. dick remembers his mom. recalls how gentle and kind she was but how she's speak with an authoritative voice when dick was doing something bad.
when dick and bruce get into arguments or fights tim doesn't leave the room like alfred he comes between them and scolds them both for yelling at each other but espcially towards bruce. dick watches in silent awe as tim wraps his hands around the pointy ears of bruce's cowl and drags his face down to look at tim as he tells him that he'd better have a good reason for raising his voice at his son.
dick's relationship isn't always the best with bruce. but he vists more often. mainly to see his mom and alfred. dick reaches out more though. he feels like he can talk to tim, confide in him. he tells tim about dates, failures in his reltionships, hard times he's having at work. and tim is always there with support, words of love, encouragement, and ressurance.
he never got that from bruce. and alfred. he tried but it was never really enough.
now that dick is getting it. a real parent. an actual parent who loves him, coddles him. wants what's best for him while letting him spread his wings.
dick never got around to calling bruce his dad outside of his head. until tim.
bruce goes still like someone's pressed pause on him when dick first introduces him and tim as his parents.
he ignores the looks people shoot him when they hear him call a teenager 'mom' in the middle of the mall. for the first time in a decade, bruce goes out and buys a mother's day card and mother's day flowers with a box of chocolates.
something about it just rubs a balm over dick's soul. it's like he's going through the cathartic act of healing a wound he hadn't noticed was still opened.
it takes jason longer to buy it.
dick doesn't blame him.
dick was just as wary when he'd caught wind of tim.
dick was certain that bruce had just been doing it for a case, maybe a cover- something that had to do with batman. that was the only reason bruce could ever explain why bruce would be with a kid.
dick had driven to gotham thinking things like magic or mind control only to be greeted by the sight of bruce's wife already moved in and settled.
"wife" because tim wasn't old enough for their marriage to be legally recognized but according to bruce he had every intent of going through with it once tim was of age.
jason, when he'd returned, had been outraged. at bruce dating, fucking, and planning to marry a teenager.
at the fact that said teenager wanted to..to mother him.
jason hadn't had good mothers. at least not good in the sense that they were like the mom's from tv. afternoon snacks, picking you up from soccer practice, kissing your cheek after a fall out with your best friend, discouraging you from alcohol, drugs, and underage sex.
his track record was pretty shit so seeing tim made him even more suspicious.
his reunion with bruce could've been better. jason is licking his wounds and in hiding when his doorbell rings.
he has a gun with the safety off in hand when he peer through the peephole to see...nothing.
jason opens the door and it greeted by a glass pyrex filled to the brim with choclate chip cookies.
they're sitll warm.
sitting in a cold, damp safehouse. wounds aching and hungry because he hadn't stocked up.
they could be poisoned. laced with something. it could be trap.
but jason's nose fills with the scent of butter, brown sugar, and melted chocolate chips.
he can't help himself.
the next day he gets some madelines alongside a big tray of lasagna with a little note that tells him to 'enjoy' and 'heat at 350 for 15 min'.
for a week jason gets meals dropped off at his door until one day he manges to catch the little goblin.
it's bruce's fucking teen bride.
jason grabs their wrist in a harsh grip and he's not nice about interrograting.
tim is small and jason's heard from talia about what he's like. small, defenseless, hiding behind the bat and avoiding all dangers because he's a coward.
to jason he just looks like a civilian.
tim talks his way inside and jason fatches as he shoves roasted potatoes and brussel sprouts into his mouth. jason's half through the tray when he half heartedly grunts for tim to grab a fork.
it makes him feel weird to be the only one eating.
but tim just smiles at him with far too much affection when he still has a bruise on his wrist and tells him its fine. jason's a growing boy after all.
tim scans jason's injuries and his brows grow tightly knit with something.
"did bruce do that to you?"
jason scoffs and points at the ones caused by the bat before saying that the others were caused by a bunch of lucky goons and tim-
looks stricken.
he asks if jason would consider letting bruce act as his backup if he gets into a bad spot but the dinner ends quickly with just that comment.
tim texts him later apologizing, saying he hadn't meant to upset jason and if bruce was too much of a sore spot then perhaps dick could be willing to offer a hand.
jason ignores it but tim insists. begging, nearly pelading with jason until he relents.
its a slow crawl. things are tense between him and bruce.
jason is still hostile but bruce is....he talks.
he tries to talk with jason. keeps his hands in the air and away from his utlity belt to show he's not dangerous.
it takes a while before jason starts talking back. it's not what he expects from bruce, because bruce is reactive. he's always so high strung he can't hep but punch first ask questions later.
dick is the one who explains it to him when they start patrolling together.
"it's tim." he shrugs. "tim gets suuuper pissed at him is he raises his voice at us. tells him he needs to be patient and understanding and most importantly he needs to talk. communicate because the rest of the world can't read his mind."
the way that's phrased. it makes it sound like tim can read bruce's mind.
there's lots of tears. a lot of screaming from jason's end. it's not easy. it's not clean.
it takes months before they can even start comfortably interacting.
longer before jason visits the manor once to return the mountain of glass pyrex that are taking up too much room.
tim smiles at him and leads him into the manor that...doesn't look like the manor that jason had lived in.
it's...more homey. there's pictures on the wall of bruce and alfred and dick. jason's old school photos are there too, a few from Christmas and the few holidays he spent with bruce. jason looks so young, so bright eyed and...happy.
the decorations are different, the furniture is different.
it's less tasteful, timesless, costs and arm and a leg decor and more...relaxed.
there's soft, chunky knitted blankets on the couch. scattered magazines and books, a half-finished puzzle.
there's even a small dog asleep by the fire. it's one of those white crusty dogs rich ladies carry around. only its coat is impeccably fluffy and it looks like some kid's teddy bear.
jason didn't know bruce was a dog person. and if he was he imagined a severe looking doberman pinscher or a german shepherd to be the kind of dog that bruce would willingly bend down and clean up after.
not this thing that weighed as much as a gotham sewer rat.
"what's with scrappy doo?"
tim looked over and a fond look followed by a pink blush covered his face.
"a gift from bruce. apparently the other husbands told him their wives lost their ever-loving minds when they got them a little purse dog for christmas"
jesus that was....actually that was kind of sweet.
it was a weird image to come to terms with. bruce getting some yipping rat puppy and tying a ribbon around their neck and gifting it to his wife like he was jim darling from lady and the tramp.
bruce is apparently a very sentimental man when it comes to tim.
the two of them are the types to feed grapes to each other while on a picnic. they kiss in the rain. tim runs into bruce's arms and they spin each other around.
it'd be vomit inducing if it wasn't so...heartfelt and genuine.
bruce's eyes light up with so much emotion and love. tim's face goes soft and yearning. they cling to each other like it's their last day on earth and they're about to die in each other's arms.
tim is gentle with jason. he reaches out and no matter how many times jason swipes at him he keeps coming back.
he's kind and patient. he's doesn't behavave overly familiar or try to banter with jason like dick does. tim is slow. like a snail.
he wants jason to be the one to call the shots, to let him in.
jason feels like an alley cat that's been on the streets his whole life slowly being socialized.
jason relaxes a bit. lets his guard down. he teases tim sometimes and when he's having a bad day and the words are just a touch too sharp jason removes himself because he doesn't want to hurt tim.
not really. he apologizes the next day and tim just smiles and presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
tim knits him fucking mittens when it starts getting colder. a scarf too.
jason wears them along with his red hood uniform and not a single person makes a comment about them accept for some snarky kid on a corner who asks if his mommy made them only to be stunned into silence when hood replies 'yes'.
he then notes the kids thin, frayed jacket and ripped jeans.
jason returns without his mitten or scarf and apologizes to tim, saying he lost them.
tim happily knits him knew ones and wayne enterprises donates a new jacket, hat, and mittens to every child in crime alley just in time for the first snow of the year.
jason is curled up in front of the fireplace, belly warm with eggnog and Christmas cookies. scrappy doo is right next to him, chasing squirrels in his dreams and dick head is on the couch surfing through the channels to find a good movie. tim is on bruce's lap, and nuzzling his husband who looks like a cat who caught the canary. absolutely oozing satisfaction and pleasure when tim presses another kiss to his cheek.
the asshole is wearing a headband with a piece of mistletoe on it that jason bought him as a gag gift.
alfred is on another couch, delicately sipping a warm mug of tea and smiling out at them.
jason stretches on the rug, hearing his back pop and sighing in relief as christmas songs from on old radio belt out.
the stockings are hanging over the crackling fire and he spots his, lovingly embroidered and right in the middle
'-weather outside is frightful
but the fire is so delightful
Since we've no place to go
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow'
then the doorbell rings and they find damian abandoned on the front steps😊. he's too busy petting scrappy doo to kill anyone 😌
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filthy-vigilante · 2 years
As much as I love the idea of Jason and Bruce fixing their relationship and Jason being truly accepted by his family again, in context of the comics I hate it. Jason deserves better than the was Bruce has treated him and deserves a family that cares for him without terms and conditions.
In Batman and Robin vol 2 #20, Bruce makes Jason relive the trauma of his death, in hopes that he'll remember something that would help bring Damian back
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Bruce even lures him there under the pretense of wanting to work with him, and make amends. Letting Jason  believe that he's starting to trust him.
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When Jason explicitly tells Bruce that he doesn't want to remember his death, that he wants to move on from his past and his trauma, Bruce tells him that if Jason  cared about him then he would.
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Bruce goes as far as discrediting his involvement  in Jason's Trauma and acting like his own wants are above it.
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The saddest part of it is Bruce telling Jason, who dies at 15 and never got the chance to grow up, that Damian deserved to have the chance and thats why he had to be brought back
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Then in Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 #25, we see Batman brutally beat Jason over him shooting the penguin. Previously when Batwoman killed Clayface, Bruce gave her a trial of sorts where other members of the family were invited to the cave to talk about what should be done. With Jason, he told all other members to stand down and that he'll handle it himself. Then proceeds to beat Jason so ruthlessly that Jason even comments on how Bruce never even hit the Joker as hard as he's hitting him
His reasoning for going after Jason, instead of handling the situation like batwoman's is because Jason shot the penguin on live TV in front of GCPD, but even then the severity of the beating is highly unnecessary and uncalled for.
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The beating only stops because Roy comes to Jason's rescue, and helps Jason recover. Which was a fairly long period, with him being unable to get out of bed or walk around himself of nearly a month
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And even after this recovery time his injurys are still pretty severe, with his torso covered in bandages, arm in a sling and face still heavily bruised
Due to Bruce's actions like this I want Jason to move on from the Bat family. Bruce may be a good parent figure to some of the others, but he isn't to Jason. The amount of trauma Bruce has caused and is connected to for Jason is too high, and vise versa.
Jason deserves his own family that welcomes and cares about him, and allows him to be himself. Letting him grow and change at his own pace and most importantly to heal. Currently it seems like DC wants the opposite of that by killing Roy and sending away Artemis and Bizarro but hopefully one day Jason can have something more than being the black sheep of the bat family.
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