#with how naive Kalim is he'll definitely say this
enbyobeyme · 1 year
Mc with kalim from twst's personality. Just curious on your view on this one
MC Is A Rich Ray of Sunshine with the Seven Brothers
I decided to headcanons for each of them rather than mini fics for each of them but lemme know if u want it redone!
Gn Mc, some TWST references.
Oh no…
From the start, Lucifer wonders how the hell you are even going to survive in the Devildom— your soul's the embodiment of purity, and you're also incredibly naive and gullible.
Not to mention you constantly end up lending his brothers your wealth, much to his headache— where did you even find a place to exchange Madol for Grim?!
He has to make it very clear to all the lower demons that you were chosen by Diavolo and not someone to be messed with at all.
Still as time goes on you grow on him.
You never seem to get angry or upset, and it is so refreshing to have such a sweet person by his side.
It's like the sunshine baby x grumpy protector dynamic. He's kinda like your Jamil.
Furthermore, you're always there to support and encourage him and his brothers. It almost annoys him with how soft he is for you.
However he does lecture you when you do something especially dumb.
You're telling him the human he's watching is rich AND dumb??? Count him in.
No seriously when he finds out how generous you are he is MOOCHING off of you. You don't even get upset with him for losing the thousand you lent him! You don't have a greedy bone in your body
Lucifer has to smack him a few times and give him one hell of a lecture for him to stop since Lucifer knows that lecturing you wouldn't work.
After that he does feel guilty for using you, but you're not mad at him??? And you're so nice??? Honestly after being degraded by his siblings so long it feels nice to have someone that's so kind to him.
He still teases you for being so clueless all the time though, however, whenever someone else does it he immediately gets defensive! Only he can bully you.
You are both dumb together <3
Scared and envious.
Not only are you so ridiculously rich and kind, but you're also a huge extrovert, ew no thanks!
He honestly dreads interacting with you at first because you don't notice his shyness at all and keep talking to him and oh no you're dragging him outside of his room to show him something!
As he gets to know you he gets more envious. How can other people not bother you??? Why are you so nice??? Practically everyone here loves you! You never get jealous or mad or anything and ugh he wishes he could be like that.
You actually listen to his interests even if you don't understand him and he falls in love then and there. You won't find him cringe or weird??? Strange…
He seldom holds your dumbness over your head and becomes super protective of you. It's easy to forget that Leviathan was originally planned to be a canonical Yandere/psychopath like Belphie.
May mooch off you for anime merch but he always pays you back unlike SOMEBODY!!
You piss him off so much. Where's your rage??? Your anger??? 
Lucifer practically insults you to your face all the time and you just agree and laugh it off? What the fuck? You're so patient and he doesn't understand it at all. To make it worse you are so endearingly stupid too that he feels like an asshole for being mean to you.
You're the exact opposite of him. And yet you both work together so well once he actually starts to get to know you. He definitely wasn't the kindest to you when you first came down. He probably had you hand cursed stuff to Lucifer or prank you.
He apologizes for all of that though, and becomes your tutor for devildom subjects and you both become an iconic dynamic.
You're always there to calm him down and he's always there to fight a bitch in your honor. You're there to be cute and dumb and he'll be your brain.
Swears that he would never use your money but he's just saying it would be nice to get that million dollar tome…
Awww you're so gullible and cute! It's gonna be so fun to corrupt you…. Or so he thought…
Honestly everything he says goes over your head. Not a single innuendo sticks in your brain because it it so smooth, so it just slides off.
He actually doesn't really tease or bully you and would even let you know when someone's being mean to you, but you're just okay with it? 
He finds you so adorable and makes it known much to everyone's chagrin. You always compliment him for him and not his looks and you seem to really want to know him? It really touches his heart and he's absolutely smitten with this dumbass.
He may occasionally beg you to take him shopping but he swears to make it up to you! Congrats on your sugar baby!
Yall are both dumb together, but thankfully Beel is less dumb.
The absolute nicest on this list. He never makes fun of you or finds you weird at all, in fact, he finds you quite admirable! Seriously his brothers could learn a thing or two from you!
You're always so nice to him and everybody around him! And then you offer to pay for his meals?! Oh he's in love.
You now have your own puppydog/bodyguard hybrid.
He hates you so much.
Seriously, how can someone be so positive all the time?! It really gets on his nerves.
You're too kind for your own good, don't you know people will take advantage of you down here? Seriously, how dumb do you have to be.
Belphie just gets annoyed with you. Sometimes he just wants to be a hater but you're here making him see the good in everything.
He definitely uses you're naivety to his advantage though and has you carry pranks to Lucifer without you realizing.
Lightly teases you but only he can do it pt 2.
As you grow on him be becomes fond of you and you sorta remind him of Beel and Lilith. It often makes him nostalgic. 
He would kill for you.
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crow-stars · 2 years
i'm going to guess it now; no i won't & yes but i won't get to him
Heartslaybul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || →Scarabia || Pomefiore || Ignihyde || Diasomnia ||
he's a little bundle, i almost couldn't
like, he has a barrier around him protecting him
i'm tempted to say if i slap him, he'll cry, but even i know that's not true
he would just scold me or something
or prolly get jamil
who knows, maybe he has the ability to go ape shit
i'd pay money to see the poor soul who gets beat up by kalim
okay, but, back on track, the best i could do would be pat-slapping him
maaaybe tackling and slapping, but that's it
all i would do is squeeze him tightly
but i would beat up the characterization of him that super duper happy, innocent and naive
because i can't stand that one
but, besides that, he's almost un-beat up-able
he doesn't need another annoyance on hand, but this is why i exist
yeah, jamil's an overworked mom of 1 plus the rest of the dorm so i would feel a bit bad
still won't stop me
easy way to defeat him; get some bugs
did you guys know that i adore rollie pollies? :) they're quite cute, if i say so myself
i could also pull his hair, that could work too
but, i refuse to believe that jamil doesn't know how to fight because he definitely does
so he would be able to return the vigor i put foward by at least ×4
i still want to punch his face in
do you think he'd use his um on me and make me hit myself? 🤔
it's possible
do that hip hop spinny spin
i'd be distracted and get hit all at the same time
fighting jamil would be interesting
pomefiore, i'm coming for your ass next
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masked-daydream · 2 years
Kalim: What? You're all I ever wanted! You're Beautiful!
Yuu: Thank you, but what else?
Kalim: What else? *confused*
Yuu: Is beauty all that matters to you?
Crowley: *Ehem* *glares at Yuu shaking his head no*
Yuu: *glares back* *looks at Kalim again*
Cater: Kalim...What else?
Kalim: I-um.....What else is there?
Jamil: Ngeh 😑👎
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I want a BNHA/TWST crossover but Izuku is the prefect and I always thought it would be interesting seeing him interacting with Azul(their both the same, and not so different from each other at the same time)Both are intelligent boys who got bullied(Izuku-quirkless, Azul-weight) when they got their powers Azul took revenge on everyone who bullied him, while Izuku pushed forward to be a hero & held no grudges. But Azul never had an All Might or friends who encouraged him like Ochako with Izuku.
Ah this is an interesting idea! Thank you for the ask, I'll just write down some of the things that might happen if Izuku were to suddenly end up as the MC.
Izuku ends up Twisted Wonderland
Firstly, he'd be a nervous wreck. Where is he? Why is he here? Why is there a large mirror with a talking head in it?? Either way, he ends up having to team up with a talking cat "The name's Grim!" they say.
The other students probably think he's quirky (haha?) because he's so into the idea of magic. He has some kind of power himself from what they can see, but it's definitely not the same thing as magic that they use. I'm sure Azul would take interest as well.
He probably befriends Ace and Deuce similar to Yuu since he's too nice and he probably ends up close with Kalim too. I feel like he would be almost at the top of the classes because he studies pretty well.
I feel like Rook might find some similarities between the two of them since Izuku also analyzes people and sometimes goes on a tangent about their abilities (think of his inner monologues as he notes hero abilities lol). Izuku might get a bit creeped out by Rook however haha.
He might end up being a therapist to some of the students too since he's so understanding of people. I mean, he wants to help as many people as possible, so of course students are going to love him. Some try to use this to their advantage sadly, but Izuku can defend himself well so no worries!
He probably ends up in the infirmary just as often as he did in UA though haha
If he were to meet Azul and find out about Azul's past, I feel like he would understand him really well. Like you mentioned, because the two of them were like the outcasts, Izuku can empathize. He, however, never held grudges, and Azul finds that to be really strange. Didn't the world basically turn their backs when Izuku reached out for help?
"Even if that did happen, I think it's more important to not let it happen to others. I want to help everyone, be like All Might, even if I may have been quirkless or even if I'm not the best out there. If I can do even just a bit to make the world better, than I'm going to try my best," Izuku tells Azul.
Azul's eyes go wide, but they soften. Ah, he was naive to the cruel world in Azul's opinion, but it was no denying how much Izuku's kindness was admirable. Perhaps like the Sea Witch herself. He chuckles to himself, patting Izuku's shoulder and telling him that he's definitely going to be a great hero.
It's a bit touching to see Azul be a bit soft. Perhaps he could've been like Izuku rather than going on the path of revenge, but Azul still wants to rub his success into others' faces so oh well lol.
Overall, I feel like Izuku's too kind for chaos that is NRC, maybe he'll like RSA more? Idk, but the school probably finds him to be a bit naive but they love him either way.
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
Twisted wonderland with a really short maybe 4”9 Mc but their mom is lady Dimitrescu, like they have the same abilities just not the height
Note: Oh the contrast! Tbh I have a friend that is really short but could def dropkick me any moment.
Note№2: Since you did not specify what twst character you'd like to see and is it a scenario or a headcanons (+ I have a character limit), I'm just going to make it dorm leaders addition.
Note№3: Please, I beg you, read rules first before you request, or next time I won't even bother to write.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle, as one of the shortest people in NRC gets it. He understands how others can judge by the cover, especially if the cover is a short person. He's ego still gets stroked when you're near, he's taller then you and it has him a bit at ease.
Not to mention, when it comes to strength, you both are quite powerful. So, if anyone of the suicidal students dares to somehow insult you, well... let's just say he gets clapped. Though Riddle gets it, he is still quite surprised by your abilities
After he finds out who is your mother and after you explain who exactly she is, boy-. Riddle might have a small war flashback about his mother due to the way you describe your mom, but don't worry! He knows that your mothers are nothing alike.
Leona Kingscholar
When I tell you, he knew it the first time he smelled saw you, I mean it. Call it a 6th sense or a cat thing but he could tell that even if you looked harmless, you possessed quite the power. Still, he's surprised.
That doesn't mean he won't tease you about your hight. He's gotten maintain his jerk reputation you know. That would include him, putting things on shelves you won't reach, making short jokes and etc.
Leona glocks the while bucket of respect women juice daily. So after hearing what's your mother is capable of and who's she exactly, he doubled the effort. Ngl if he met her at some point he would definitely be intimidated... like visible intimidated-
Azul Ashengrotto
Did someone say "stonks"? Well Azul is here anyway! Azul is practical man if anything so after he found out what you were capable of he immediately offered bunch contractors, coupons and bunch of other things to be on your good side...And possible recruit you as one of his business partners-
Yeah, he was fooled a bit by your short and seemingly nonthreatening appearance, he is not hiding that. He finds you cute and adorable! You're just so small! And it kinda makes him feel better since he's constantly surrounded with giant twins...
Yeah, after hearing about your mother, he trys to be on his best behaviour Eve more. Like...man is terrified for his life, if anything happens, he'll lose his head... literally and verbally-
Kalim Al Asim
Someone said ray of sunshine does not get it? Yeah, pretty much Kalim thought and still thinks that you're adorable! Yeah, your powers might be mildly disturbing and terrifying but you're still adorable!
You're his unofficial protector Jamil is still sus towards you though. Unless you are similarly naive, then RIP Viper Ig... Still, it kind of creates balance of chaos, if you have at least a tiny bit more sense of self awareness.
When Kalim finds out about your mother, boy has a new level of respect for you family! Kalim is very much fascinated, he would love to meet her!
Vil Schoenheit
Vill knows not to judge by the cover, he doesn't underestimates you. Vil is used to others thinking that he's just a pretty boy, while in reality he's way more then that, so he's kind of in the same boat with you here.
He is quite impressed with your powers though. You kind of remind him of Epel, the unmannered potato, looking petite while being wild, if you have the same character as Epel...well...RIP Vil I suppose-
After hearing about your mother, well... He's intimidated and would love to meet her.
Idia Shroud
He kind of called it. You see, in anime, when a person looks cute and almost harmless, it probably means that, that mf is one of the badass characters you'll ever see in the show. So Idia, as a certified otaku called it. But that doesn't mean, that he's not intimidated when he finds out-
Trust me, the man is thrown in constant conflict, it's eather to be terrified by you or attracted to you *insert that meme with scared and horny* You're powers don't make it easier for him, he's impressed and triffid. He also might ask you to cosplay someone-
When it comes to your mother... well...Imma be fair, he's terrified, shirtlessly. Idia is not ready to meet lady D.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is that kind of person that doesn't give a freak how you look like, as long as you talk and be friends with him. Even so, he found your hight cute, yet uncomfortable size difference who? But eather way, he didn't really care.
Now, upon finding out the truth, ye was quite surprised. I mean, it's not every day your bestie turns out to be a fucking vampire lord thing. Anyway, he's impressed and interested. Malleus, wants to learn more about your powers, ups and downs that come with them, cu cute Mal.
When it comes to your mother, Malleus consider her to be like he's grandmother at some point: strong, fearsome, leader and etc. Eather way, he would be very pleased to meet her in person.
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kio-may · 3 years
I love your writing so much! may I request headcanons for Ruggie, Ace, Azul and Jamil of their s/o winning in the lottery and insisting to split the won money between them, because they love them so much and have the "everything that is mine should be yours too"-mentality?
Hello! Thank you kind anon <33 also thank you for sending in the request, i hope you enjoy
Also, i think ive made the hcs a bit short, please dont hesitate to request again if they were <3 wkdjsks ill be happy to try and write it again if it wasnt what you wanted
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"Looks like I won't have to steal for a good while, shishishishi~"
He's actually very happy inside
Very smug outside
Although he doubts he can reciprocate the action, he really appreciates it
He'll show you more love in the littler things
He thinks its a bit naive tho
"Haaa~ you'll get scammed if you go on like that with everyone, you know~"
He's concerned if you overdo it basically
He won't admit it, but he's a bit taken aback from how insistent you were on sharing the money. Particularly because he probably wouldn't if he won.
<3 yeah hes giving very much little bastard but nice inside energy
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"Really?! Don't regret it afterwards!"
3 words
Happy little shit
He's not hiding how happy he is, but he also has a teasing edge to his tone
Calls you the cheesiest nicknames after that
Just his way of showing how happy he is, you gotta deal with it LAMSOWJ
If someone asked him if he'd share the lottery money with you, he'd be a bit hesitant
But now seeing you so eager has him feeling slightly guilty
Kinda glomps you more often afterwards
Another way of showing you affection LWNSOQ
He buys videogames with the money for himself but also shows them off to you and tries to get you into them
One of the subtle ways he wants to show you how grateful he is LWJSKSJ
"C'mon, it'll barely take 5 minutes! Just watch"
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"Oh? Are.. are you sure?"
Taken aback actually
Scrap that he's practically melting inside
He's a greedy rat with his money, but seeing you share yours despite knowing how much he already has?
He doesn't know what to call it but it's a mix of emotions
Subtle spoiling starts to ensue from his side
But he's actually so happy with the fact that he was the one you decided to share it with, considering how valuable it is to him
He feels like he didn't do much for you before this
He starts bringing up dates, starts complimenting you a bit more, spending much more time with you
And although he's pretty sure he doesn't really need the money, he's very safe with it
He actually doesn't spend the money, I'd say he keeps it for later use, especially for you if you ever need it in the future (not like he can't help, but you can't be too reckless with money!)
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"You're too generous, really"
Reminds him a bit of Kalim, but at least you're not spending it the moment you get it
Although your mindset of sharing everything you have with people you either love or trust is a tiny bit concerning for him
He, like Ruggie, also thinks you're naive
But he won't hide how grateful he is
He'll tell you a generous "thank you" and save the extra money somewhere else
He's not going to be sarastic, maybe a bit teasing, but he won't not thank you
He will however give you a tiny warning about it
Like Azul, he actually saves the money for a more emergency purpose. He definitely takes a share of it to spend for himself, but the rest he keeps in case there's something of more priority that'll come up
But yeah, overall he's one of the more normal dudes KWJEKWJS
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¤°~Ghost Marriage: Lovely Bride To Be?! Part 3°~¤
At the end of the hall, Senior Vanrouge and Sebek were conversing with the ghosts knights. "They became angery just because of a mere joke I made about them. Such a bunch of narrow minded ghosts." Lilia jests with ignorance in his tone.
"Ugh, the guys from Diasomnia! Why did you bring these ghosts here?!" Ace yells out in fear. "You naive ghosts who dare to snarl at Lilia. I'll get rid of you guys!" Sebek said with very little amusement.
Present Time..
After the fight with the ghosts. The student's and Headmaster go to the field so ghosts won't bother them. Students who were also kicked out the school stayed at the field. "Ha...haaa. Ugh the sides of my stomach hurt so much." Ace tries to say as he and Deuce groan and grumble in pain.
"Ace, Deuce." A familiar voice spoke. "Ah, Prefect Roseheart!" The two huff out as they nod. Azul and Kalim stood next to Riddle, but Azul looks at the two with confusion. "Where is Prefect (Y/N)? Shouldn't you two be with her?" The prefect of Octavinelle points out.
The A-Deuce combo only shrug. "I think she got mixed up the crowed." Deuce says as he looks at the growing crowd of students. "How did you guys get put here?" Ace asks the three dorm leaders.
"We had gotten chased out by some ghosts that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Even though it was valuable time for the three of us to study together." Kalim responded, while Azul shot him tired glance. "Kalim. Shouldn't it be "valuable time where we teach you about studying."?" Riddle could only sigh and cross his arms. "We almost got Kalim to understand the question..!"
"When we stayed in class, a bunch of ghosts appeared. They chased us out while saying, "this will be the brides fitting room!"" Grim watched as more students came up to them. Telling the same tale. "Everyone who was kicked out from campus has already gathered around..!"
"It seems like the whole campus has been taken away by those ghosts." Deuce said rather calmly. Ace on the other hand was more shocked than calm. "Oi! Principal, what's going on!?"
Before Mr. Crowley could respond, Ortho decided to explain. "I'll be the one to explain. You see, yesterday..." Once the young Shroud told everyone of the events that occurred. Everyone went silent. The only person who spoke after Ortho, was Riddle.
"The ghost groom has been searching for his ideal princess. Then had chosen (Y/N) as his ideal bride... That's the idea, correct?" Riddle revised as his expression was oddly calm. "WHAT!!!!" The group of NRC boys all screamed in anger and fear, a lot of other expression as well.
"We need to save her!!" Ace says immediately after the video was shown. "What will happen to (Y/N) if she does marry the Ghost Groom?!" Deuce asks the principal with fret. Mr. Crowley casted his eyes downward, with a somber voice he said.
"If (Y/N) marries the ghost prince, that is the same meaning of signing a contract. Which will mean, once the wedding is over.. SHE WILL FOLLOW HER SOON-TO-BE-HUSBAND TO THE UNDERWORLD!!!" "EEEEHHH!!!" Everyone yelled out in shock.
Mr. Crowley continues: "I put my guard down because I never would of expected someone who meets the conditions of the prince and his ideal Princess would exist in this world." Headmaster Crowley said with dread in every word he spoke.
"(Y/N)... Is going to be a ghost..!?" Epel gasps out with fear. "We can't let that happen!" Jack gruffs out as he bared his fangs. Many others agreed at helping the female student from her impending doom.
"We need to come up with a plan then!" Ortho tells the group of fired-up teens. "How about we start talking with them? We can throw a party! I bet that the ghosts will definitely let (Y/N) go if we just explain the situation."
The young Al-Asim heir suggested to his fellow peers. Rook nods, agreeing with his classmates. "A truly splendid idea, Roi d'or." A slim smile crepts on Rooks lips, "though..." The huntsman drawls out, his eyes turn a bit narrow.
"Do you think you'll be able to persuade a groom who has been searching for his bride for so long?" Rook crossed his arms over his chest as he continues on. His voice hinting with amusement. "If I was in his place, I'd never let my beloved go."
Leona growls, "so our only option is to just beat those ghost into submission." Vil scoffed at Leona and his idea. "Have you forgotten that we all ran all the way out here because we couldn't do just that." The male model said sassily with a frown gracing his painted lips. "No matter what we did, we couldn't defeat all those ghosts."
The headmaster starts to speak, "they are truly a infuriating opponent to take on. We should avoid confrontation as much as possible." Lilia starts to ponder as Crowley squawked about. "Lord Sam is well versed in the ways of ghosts and things of a spiritual nature. Shall we go see what he has to say on the matter?"
"Lord Sam... Do you mean Sam from the student store?" Deuce questioned the old fae. Lilia hums, "I was acquainted with his great grandfather." Cater starts to laugh dryly. "I still can't tell when you're joking or when your being serious... Lilia."
"Then we must make haste to the student store!" The headmaster yells as he and the others rush to Sam's shop. As soon as the shop door closed, Sam greets them. "Yo, headmaster and little demons. Whay could you be looking for that brought you all here?"
Sam chuckles and shakes his head. "Kidding! I know you're looking for something to deal with that ghost groom, right?" Sam told the group of teens and headmaster. Riddle is perplexed by Sam and his words. "This speeds things up but it sounds like you knew we would end up here."
Sam starts to laugh once more. "My friends on the other side bring me all kinds of info." Soon Sam's voice quickly turns less cheerful. "But things are getting really dicey. Ghost are tied to this world by a really powerful "lingering attachment".
Sam explained more in depth on what he meant. How they still come back because of the "attachment". "And as long is it remains, they'll keep comin' back." Grim felt realization struck him like lightning. "That's why the ghost of Ramshackle keep coming back!"
"Bingo! Precisely. That's why ghosts are so hard to handle." Ortho asked how they can save (Y/N), saying there was no such item like that to get rid of the ghost permanently. Sam grins and says, "IN STOCK NOW!" Azul looks at Sam selection while Leona tsks.
"Groom and brides are especially quick to meet tragedy. So they turn into ghosts all the time." Sam then holds up a item, "to get rid of a ghost groom. You need the "ring of severance." Slide this ring onto the host's left finger while saying "I shall love you till death do us part." And it will forcibly send him to the other side."
"How could (Y/N) give this to him? She's not even here!" Vil said as he picks up the small ring. Crowley gasped as he remembers something about the ghost groom. "Hold on a moment, the ghost groom was a boy who loved a challenge."
"So if one of you asked for (Y/N)'s hand. He'll see it as a duel for her hand in marriage, you don't have to win. But you must be able to give her the ring and tell her what to say." Lilia giggles at the crows plan. "It'll be fun to watch the drama unfold by stealing someone's bride."
"We shall call this plan... "Operation, Lovely Bride To Never Be!"" The headmaster said confidently, "it's a bit long for a name." Ace mutters under his breath. "Now I must decide on who the grooms will be for his plan." Crowley exclaimed as the male students to crowd and shout. "I'll do it!" "Let me do it!" "As if!"
The headmaster started to sweat with nervousness stirring in him. The gleaming eyes of the students were scaring him! It was almost as if each student was ready to take a role as a groom by ANY means necessary. Which it seemed like the students were readying themselves for.
"Alright alright! Will do a vote! I will write down all of your names and put them in my hat. I'll choose four grooms for this operation. So that means four names will be drawn." Mr. Crowley says with a exasperated look on his face.
(Y/N) sat in the far corner of the "fitting room." She held a blank expression as she looks at herself. She wore a beautiful wedding (gown/suit/ect) as her hair was spruced up and was placed into a (loose/ponytail/ect). A (white/gold/silver) tiara with a veil attached to it was on her head. (Y/N) wanted to rip the thing off her, but then the ghost would force the item back onto her head again.
Sighing and cursing under her breath. (Y/N) felt queasy, or maybe it was because she hadn't ate anything yet. This was all happening so fast! (Y/N) did not want to be married to this ghost groom. She hoped that her friends would find a way to get too her before the wedding started.
"Bleh..." The female utters as she looks at her bare feet. A knock was heard on the door as a soft "coming in" was heard. A slim ghost that wore a white suite appears in front of her. He was the nanny of the ghost groom.
"Come, my dear lady. Your fiance is waiting, he needs your help with decorations and would like your words on it." (Y/N) felt herself become stiff, but agrees. Playing along was her better chance of escaping her "wedding". "Of course," (Y/N) said politely as she walks with nanny ghost.
The two reach the cafeteria, now transformed with pretty decorations and tombstones. Along with dark blue flowers and white sheets cover each table. The nanny smiles at his prince with nostalgia. "It seems like only yesterday you were a small child. Trying to find follow your dream and find your dear princess. A dream you lost long ago with your life as well. What a cruel twist of fate." The nanny said as his voice started to crack.
"If only I had arrived at your room faster, I could of helped you escape..." The sweet prince smiles at his caretaker. "It is alright now, know need to bring up the past. Don't let all that stuff bring you down."
The young princes smile never faltered. "Besides, going through all that pain and sadness is what allowed me to meet (Y/N)!" His caretaker could feel his spirits lift at the princes words. "Oh prince Elias, you are always so courageous and strong."
(Y/N) could feel her heart cry at what she heard. She didn't know that... Breathing in a gulp of air, she slowly walks closer to the two. 'It's gonna be okay..' "You did a great job Elias." (Y/N) said as she gives him a small smile.
The ghost groom returns her smile tenfold as he looks at his bride. "My goodness, (Y/N)! You look just as beautiful as a.. Well beautiful than an' undead flower!" Elias said happily, (Y/N) giggles at his childish wording.
"Thanks." The caretaker gives the two a tender look. "You both are just perfect for one another. Prince Elias, we must get you ready before nightfall. You have to look your best for your princess."
The caretaker jests as he pushes the prince out of the cafeteria. "Wha- but I wanted to-!" "No sir, you must get ready. *Sigh* your still a stubborn little boy too." Elias waves at (Y/N), "I shall see you soon, my love!"
Once the two were gone, the ghost soldiers take (Y/N) back to the dressing room. Before the door closed, (Y/N) asks them something. "Can I please have something to eat? I haven't ate in a few hours."
To be continued...
(Okay, part three was supposed to be the end of the series. But that didn't happen, so I'll do my best to make sure part four is the last installment. I really wanna get to work for the Halloween event for Twst and a bunch of other stories I wanna put on this account! But I have to wait until I finish part four. Thanks for reading!)
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