#yeah Blue is one of the ones that didn't get a ref
moonfurthetemmie · 10 months
Aster (he/she)
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Healer, cook, and martial artist. Also a little ball of anxiety 80% of the time. 
He’s very sweet, but his social skills are ass. Blue is not helpful, and Temp and Glaze used to pick on him when they were kids. They are mostly doing it affectionately, but it didn’t feel like it. He’s closest to Wren because Wren was the only one who tried to stop them. Nowadays they all get along a little better, buuut…
Aster had 0 reason to help everyone, but he ended up learning about Corvus and Orion along with the other clones, and decided he wanted to help. He tried to get Blue to teach him to fight, but Blue was like “,,,,aster i get nauseous at the sight of blood. Do you think i know how to fight.” Blue did however help them find ways to learn how to fight. 
Aster learned Vadakkan Kalari, which is one of many styles of Kalaripayattu. Enjoy the wiki link. Anyways, she also learned healing magic, and uses her flexibility from her Kalari training to weave between and around enemies to heal the others in a fight. It took a while for her to figure out quick battle healing, but she managed. She’s an invaluable part of the team.
Of his combat skills, Aster favors a dagger, but he also can use a sword and a spear, and can take down opponents bare-handed. Oddly enough, when he starts fighting, most of his anxiety seems to go away.
He was really not ready to take care of a kid, and he knew it. He tried his best, though, even if wasn’t great.
In trying his best not to be anything like his brother, he was often overly lenient with kid Aster, until his better judgment overrode those worries and he’d suddenly be like ‘ok no, no more of that.’ He told her that he just didn’t realize just how bad an idea it was, Aster became rather afraid to try things. And very unsure of when something that was ok at one point would suddenly Not Be Okay.
When he was older Blue did explain the actual reason and sort of apologized for being the source of most of his anxiety.
Like I said with Temp and Glaze, it’s probably a good thing he had the others’ help, or Aster could’ve wound up much worse. He’s very glad they invited him.
He did his best to teach her things he knew, though. Cooking, fibercraft, yoga. The yoga helped Aster work on his flexibility a lot, which is the main reason Blue was suggested it. He may have offered earlier on, but he wasn’t going to make her learn. Once they decided to pursue Kalari, though, he was like ‘yknow, yoga could give you some extra flexibility exercises, if you wanted to try it.’ He still didn’t make her, it was just more of a ‘this might help’ than ‘do you want to do this’ then.
Other Stuff
Aster's alignment is Neutral Good
Aster isn’t strawberry blonde it’s just dye. he wants to be but alas, he is the clone of someone with a much less interesting hair color
The scar on Aster’s face was gotten during her lessons. She’s actually very proud of it. 
Fun thing about Kalari, straight from the wiki: "...it is stated that the cardinal principle of Kalaripayattu was that knowledge of the art be used to further worthy causes, and not for the advancement of one's own selfish interests." which is,,,,pretty much exactly Aster's reason for learning to fight. go see the link to read the whole thing it's neat
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hotteoki · 11 months
drunk bf ateez headcanons - 2k celebration!
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pairing: ateez x reader (no prns used)
cw: mentions of alcohol (obvie)
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanon
notes: after watching drunkteez on wanteez and having yunho on my mind i just had to write this ( ˘ ³˘)
notes: this is my second celebration post! happy 2k followers!
he seems fine
at first
he's downing shots, glasses, bottles
at flash speed
but he's fine
even he says he's fine
"i just don't feel anything"
"well i mean some people just don't get drunk"
"maybe i'm just reeeeeally talented"
you're like thinking 'oh! he's not too bad'
did the 'reeeeeally' not give you warning signs in your head
you spoke too soon
next thing you know he's trying to shove his head down the billiard/pool/snooker table holes
it's more of gently ramming his head against the table edge than shoving his head tho
you were dying laughing by the time you reached him
"joong what are you doing???"
"i'm looking for thissssss"
"what is 'this', joongie?"
it's silent for a while and you're rubbing his back
then he just pops up
(ಠ ಠ)
he thinks he's sooooo funny
you had to stare at him for a good few minutes before processing what the hell you just witnessed
he's upgraded from terrible dad jokes to terrible rizz jokes
i don't think i can decipher which is worse
he's also balancing the shot glasses on the back of his hand
which had you PANICKING
a whole migraine just from that
forget a hangover
your fear of him breaking one of those is enough for you to want to die
surprisingly he didn't break any
"see baby? i'm just tooooooo talented"
he's giggling so much
it's so cute :(
but add the worst aegyo in the world to the list
it’s near bang chan level of horrifying
i mean sure
joong is NATURALLY a giant tiny cutie
but when he’s doing it on purpose???
have fun!
no thoughts behind those eyes
just blink blink (0_0) (-_-) (0_0)
i'm pretty sure he's on mars
and out of nowhere he starts singing along to i want it that way playing in the background (b99 ref (ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘))
singing along very loudly if i may add
as soon as the song ends
he's back to his (0_0) (-_-) (0_0) agenda
at one point
you’ve just gotten used to his giggles and clapping out of the blue
yeah he just applauds randomly
to whom and why?
he just wants to i guess
"hwa, i think we should go now it's like 4am-"
oh he's singing again!
will not stop for the next twenty minutes
in his head it's a free karaoke bar
and he's just singing to his heart's content
he can also get pouty very quickly
and is very, very clingy
whichever one of your arm is nearer to him is not going to hear the bells of freedom for the rest of the long night
to be fair
if any of the other members are near him
he's also going to be clinging to them
a little less than you
he loves you the most after all! ><
all in all
he's pretty chill
every now and then
this is a bit short cause i don’t know what else i could say i’m sorry (╥_╥)
i'll make it up with a seonghwa drabble soon promise
where did this man's energy come from???????
one minute he's on the dance floor
he's 'boogying', as he said
the next he's running laps around the bar
you're just shocked he hasn't crashed into another poor innocent person yet
oh and now he's on the stage! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
are you ripping out your hair yet
( ˘ ��˘) ♬♪♫ (yunho!!!!!!)>ヽ(‵﹏´)ノ
he's singing what seems to be halazia
except it's literally just the word halazia being repeated
you're pretty sure he sang 'hala-hala-hala-hala-halazia' like about seven times
stream seven by jungkook
you had to physically drag him down from the stage
“nooooo baby you don’t understand i still need to sing hips don’t lie they need meeeeeee (ง'̀-'́)ง”
“yeah ok shakira let’s go”
his hand slips from yours and he’s sucked into the wardrobe of narnia
cause even tho he’s a literal giant
you can’t seem to find his usually sticking out head
the reason why?
he’s squatting while doing the dougie
why? i don’t know
i don’t think he knows either
but he’s dougieing!
he’s also spitting BARS
starts rapping to mingi’s part in guerilla while you’re trying to drag him out
at this point you’re beginning to suspect that he’s not actually drunk
maybe a little tipsy
but mostly just staying to cause chaos
and to give you a headache
but his little pout as you’re pulling him away
“yuyu come on we have to go >:(“
“but baby i don’t want tooooo”
does this face 🥺
yk that one time when ateez made faces imitating the emoji signs they were holding
and yuyu had the 🥺 one
and how can you deny this golden retriever :,)
(if you can resist it you’re just a maniac frankenstein cheoreom georeo maniac maniac ha ha idk i don’t make the rules)
“okay fine… but no-”
“YAY i’ll be back”
he does in fact come back a few minutes later
“i made a friend! :D”
you’re certain he took a few years off your life in just one night
since we've never actually seen him drunk
cause he's a fairy
i'll go by what joong san and hwa were saying in their vlive like ages ago
cause apparently yeosang gets all cute
so let's imagine a very clingy sangie
just tugging and snuggling into your arm
mumbling your name too
his cute nose scrunches up whenever you try to move
he whines about how you don’t love him anymore
literally just because you moved to scratch an itch on your neck
“sangie what do you mean i don’t love you anymore of course-”
“you don’t LOVE ME ANYMORE :-(”
near tears because he’s convinced of his point
“baby why do you think i don’t love you anymore?”
confused blink blink
he’s forgotten what he was even saying
your hand brushing through his hair is just too distracting!!!!
he’s a simple man ok?
( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
that’s how i imagine he looks
with a flushed face
but still looking like an angel sent from heaven
but yk
don’t forget about his muscles
atp he’s fed up with you moving around while trying to take care of the other members
so he just tightens his iron grip on your arm
good luck moving a literal koala clinging onto your arm
like hwa’s situation
you’re not moving another inch until he’s satisfied with the amount of love he’s showered you
he never will be
again very short cause i have nothing to come from ;-(
literally the LOUDEST mfer in the bar
you can expect everyone within a twenty meter radius to be staring at the two of you
you just standing there like (ಥ‿ಥ) and he's just like ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
he's not doing it on purpose
but like
come on
how can you NOT stare at the gorgeous man that is your boyfriend
what snaps you out of your daze was san suddenly pointing at you
"san what are you doing?"
"youuuuuu... are soooooo... not me"
oh he's so far gone
i don't think even he knows what he's doing
bro's just saying things
he's literally the walking epitome of speaking to speak
the worst, and i mean absolutely WORST case of asian flush ever
every exposed square inch of his skin is bright red
you're like
panicking trying to get him to sit down
cause he's stumbling around into every person in the bar
he's practically knocking them over like bowling pins
then immediately apologising in the cutest way possible
the second he's made it out of the human mosh pit tho
you're like (ಠ ''ಠ)
"sannie, honey, why are you crying?"
"i don't know"
"i just love you soooooo much..."
"thank you i-"
"like SOOOOO much"
"okay thank you baby-"
"i love you like thissssssss much"
he's holding out his hands
and he's stretching them out as far as possible
and before you know it
oop! he's bear hugging you
his cheek is squished against the top of your head as he's mumbling incoherent words
the only thing you can make out tho is
"i love you so much"
you guys are such goals (;-;)
okay since we’ve never seen drunk minki
i’m going to go by the endoscopy ep
where he was breakdancing
at first he was convincing gaslighting you that he was fine
because fine means stumbling around and not even being able to walk in a straight line
but whatever suits him! :p
no seriously
he could not walk properly for the LIFE of him
he was crashing into strangers and waiters alike here and there
and by crashing
i mean practically throwing himself onto them
but the second he stands back up
he’s back to yelling into their faces that he’s sober
like mingi…
no one believes you
you were following him right on his tail
frantically apologising to everyone he disturbed
and he’s bopping his head
he’s jamming!!!!!! 乁( • ω •乁)
he’s in his own little world
which is so adorable you almost want to cry :-(
but by the time you have to leave
and he’s STILL dancing around
you have to start pulling aggressively on his arm
he won’t go otherwise
he could stay there all night just to prove a point
the point?
that he’s sober
yes he’s still on that topic
because he’s 100% NOT drunk!!!!!!!!!!
“mingi we have to go-”
“…o yea! ヽ(・∀・)ノ”
sigh moment from you
“i want bruno mars thoooooo do you fink i can request for bruno marsssss??????”
“why not!!!!!! ;-(”
“cause we have to go (˘∀˘)/(ㅠ~ㅠ)”
pushing him out of the bar now
he’s a fun person to be around when you’re drunk as well tho
witch cackle amplified by 2611%
it’s so funny tho
he laughs over literally NOTHING
a stranger walking in the bar?
someone passing by?
howling on the floor
the toilet door opening?
he’s wiping away tears
hongjoong tripping over a chair in his drunken state?
he’s getting a 10 pack at this rate
to be fair
you also cackled at poor hongjoong pretending like his dignity didn’t just get absolutely annihilated
at the same time
he’s also just fumbling around
he’s not very sober
not sober enough to recognise you
“oooooooh you’re soooooooo good looking we should go outttt”
“wooyoung this is the fifth time tonight we’ve been together for over a year”
“say whaaaaaaaaaat???!!!!?!!?!”
starts coddling you after that
he’s so sweet but in a loud way
louder than usual
cant stop kissing you (ノ´ з `)ノ
no literally
i’m not exaggerating
he will CHASE you around the pub to kiss you if needed
he has done that before (in my head)
“wooyoung people are staring-”
you might be thinking
skits, why would i ever deny kisses from wooyoung????
yeah see
he thinks he’s kissing you
he’s not
he’s biting you
it’s not even cute lil :3 nom noms
so unless you want a chunk of your skin gone
start running! :p
you really think he's going to be the drunk one?
bro has not seen a day of being drunk
he could be downing bottles of every kind of alcohol known to mankind
and still be fresh as a daisy
(≖ᴗ≖) ✿
he'd be the one challenging the entire bar into drinking too
he handles his alcohol very well
let's be honest, you're probably the one drunk
he's going to be taking care of you instead
BUT you never told him how he once drunkenly went up to the bar stage
and started shooing off the performers
before flaunting off his vocals
so that was fun
let's say he hypothetically was wasted tho
i'll use the endoscopy ep as an example like mingi
he's just going to be asleep
snore mimimimi snore mimimimi
he might wake up like every half hour
and get all confused
but it's so cute :(
like he's just lifting his head up from your lap
probably definitely drooling tho
it's going to be pretty short for him cause he just doesn't get drunk
he's invincible
networks - @kflixnet k-labels kbookshelf neverendingdreams-net straykidsland @k-films
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sketalya · 5 months
✨The Steam Team✨
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The Steam Team full ref's
And here are some of my headcanons about them (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
1) Thomas | 26 y.o | 165 cm
• Cheeky, a little naive, hardworking, friendly, and very loyal
• He didn't have any family left after his older brother Timothy died. So Edward, who is Timothy's friend, decided to take care of little Thomas. And that created a strong sibling relationship between them
• Really admires Edward and always tries to be the best to make his brother proud of him. He even dyed his hair (Thomas' hair was blonde before) and chose to wear blue uniform to look like him
• Teasing grumpy seniors is his daily routine
• Can be a bit stubborn and pushy. But don't worry, he always learns from his mistakes (even though it usually will happen again)
• Always ready to help his friends
• Really likes new challenges and adventures that might cause problems. Don't know how he always makes new friends after that. But yeah, that's what makes this puffball famous isn't it
• Has a huge crush on Lady after saving her. But unfortunately they have to separate because Lady has the responsibility to keep the Magic Railroad alive. Thomas didn't get to express his feelings at that time and now he only hopes to see her again one day
2) Edward | 34 y.o | 175 cm
• Before being the wise Eddie that everyone know, Edward used to be a trouble maker for his brothers and sisters in the past. But after a fatal accident that took the lives of all his siblings, Edward felt guilty for not being a good brother to them. And that made Edward turn into a good older brother figure for all young drivers just like what his older brothers and sisters did
• Always reliable for everything. In fact, because of that, sometimes he gets assignments that actually give him difficulties, but he always tried to do it himself because he didn't want to disappoint people
• Pretty good with children too. He sometimes takes his time to play with the neighborhood children. And all the kids really like him and are very excited every time he comes
• Has his own way of disciplining young drivers who like to cause trouble, Bill and Ben for example. Usually he would just advise patiently but he also don't hesitate to make a little prank to teach them a lesson
• Not very good at understanding jokes and that often makes him misunderstands it
• Actually very tired from everything but trying to look okay (He needs a little help)
• He has quite severe scars on both legs and he also has insomnia...Never let this man get drunk
3) Henry | 29 y.o | 192 cm
• Quite shy, very easy to feel anxious, gentle but can also be a little rough, one of the strongest but people sometimes forget about that because he is quite timid
• Gets along well with young drivers. But he can be a bit mean to them too when he's with other seniors. But slowly he changed now
• Has health problems and has a large scar on his body from the Flying Kipper accident. It makes him feel insecure and try cover it with his turtle neck clothes
• Really likes nature, likes to spend his free time in the forest, and his room is literally filled with potted plants. Has venus flytrap plants that he names Fairy, Bubble, and Lala that he talks to and considers them his pets
• Sometimes he would fish at night after delivering the Flying Kipper and sometimes he would ask Percy to come with him if he wasn't busy and chatting about lots of things together
• Whenever he felt anxious and had a problem, he would usually talk to Edward or Emily about it
4) Gordon | 30 y.o | 192 cm
• Overproud of himself, grumpy, and always seems to look down on young drivers and diesel drivers. But actually he also has a soft side that he doesn't show openly to everyone because of his pride. His face would change when he smiled
• Sleepyhead even though he's a coffee addict, likes to eat a lot, and sometimes smokes in his spare time
• Only likes to take the Express, and would be very lazy if he got another job besides that. Will feel annoyed if other people take the Express even if it's his own friend. But he didn't mind if it was Rebecca
• Very stubborn, only Edward and Sir Topham Hat can deal with that
• Comes from a famous family but he doesn't really like it and doesn't care. Because he has a bad relationship with his relatives and is even awkward when he is with his brother Flying Scotsman
• Really loves all his friends even though he doesn't say it. He will usually give gifts as an apology when his friends are offended by his behavior. He has a hard time accepting new people and can't let go of his friends easily
5) James | 27 y.o | 180 cm
• Splendid, a little narcissistic, and sometimes looks down on others even though he doesn't really mean to
• He looks tough but is actually sensitive, easily offended and will cry silently if someone insults him. That's why he always wants to be the best so that people will praise him more often
• The gossip in the group, literally loves to talk about any drama with the others
• Has several piercing scars on his ears from his emo past. He also has big scars on both arms from an accident but he covered them with fire tattoos and it makes him feel cooler and more confident than ever
• Doesn't like anything dirty and hates insects, especially bees
• Very knowledgeable about fashion, likes to go shopping for new clothes every weekend, happy to give advice on outfit styles. Emily was the one who helped him dye his hair
• Likes collecting cute little things but never tells it to anyone except Emily and Percy
6) Percy | 26 y.o | 160 cm
• The youngest in the group and is often teased by his friends and seniors. Cinnamon rolls but doesn't hesitate to say bad words when he gets really annoyed
• Literally can make friends with anyone even diesel drivers. But a little cynical with Harold because he calls him "Dirty Percy"
• Animal lover, friendly with wild animals, and has many pets such as dog, cat, fish, and even has a collection of insects in his room. Sometimes he liked seeing James' frightened expression when he brought his insects pet
• Admires Henry and considers him his older brother. Henry thought it was cute and was okay with it. In fact, Percy's current uniform is actually Henry's old uniform that was given to him because Percy didn't like his own uniform
• He likes to stay over at Toby's place to play with Henrietta's pet dog. And he thought it was a suitable place to write poetry at his free time (Yes, he likes poetry)
• Percy is quite often asked for help writing and sending love letters by his friends. That made him know about everyone's crushes on Sodor
7) Toby | 40 y.o | 175 cm
• Introverted and doesn't really like being around a lot of people but he still socializes because of his wife. Wise and actually always able to give useful advice but he is quite often underestimated by young drivers
• Always doing things slowly and relaxed, he doesn't like being rushed. Even every lunch time, when his friends had almost finished their food, he still on a few bites. Henrietta was the only one that patient enough for that
• Bookworm and will only wear glasses when reading. Percy says that he looks different when he wears it
• Very good at cooking and often brings food to his friends but he always says that it was made by Henrietta (He doesn't want people to know about it). But of course Percy knew about it, and every time he came to his place, Toby would make cakes and other snacks just for Percy
• He prefers to spend holidays with his wife at home or playing with his pet birds, so sometimes his friend had to push him a little to get him go out together
• Secretly has trust issues and anger issues. He doesn't put much trust in other people who he only considers as ordinary friends. He usually tries to be quiet and patient when someone bothers him, but he can become very out of control when he loses his temper.(Better no need to know what he's do and just don't make him angry)
8) Emily | 29 y.o | 170 cm
• The mature ones in the group, bossy and stubborn in the past but now she has learned to be more open-minded to other people's suggestions (Still a bit bossy sometimes but at least she tried)
• Perfectionist, always wants everything to work well and can be a bit strict about it
• Love pretty and shiny things, she and James often talk about their favorite things
• James sometimes helps her with makeup and choosing outfits every time she goes out somewhere. Which was challenging for James because Emily liked goth style
• She also often talks about flowers with Henry, literally can spending a lot of time just talking about them. Grows lots of flowers in her room with Henry's help, and as a thank you, sometimes she gave Henry some insects to feed his pet venus flytrap (Don't know where she got them but Henry is always happy to receive it...Don't worry, she didn't take it from Percy)
• Likes to borrow novels, especially thriller and mystery genres, from Toby. But that often makes Toby annoyed because she always forgets to return it
• Love to playing with her friends' fluffy hair. Percy, Henry, and Edward are always be the victims if they are careless
• Unlike Edward, she's quite strong and can drink a lot without getting drunk
Sorry if this is too long...I had a lot of fun writing all this ;D and in the future I will always use this design for my AU ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
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superiorgoobus · 1 year
Batfam as shit my friends say/do
Tim: if I was running on ice, I'd wear grippy socks
Jason: yeah it would make sense that you have grippy socks
Tim: .... fuck you
Jason: *trying to send a text* goddamn I can't type shit, my fingers are so cold
Steph: sounds like a you problem bud
Jason: it's gonna be a you problem when I throw your ass in a snowbank
Dick: haha that looks like a dildo
Duke: must you say that about every cylindrical rubber object you see?
Dick: yes.
Steph: hey, did I mention I hate that guy?
Cass: only fifteen times today.
Tim, sleep deprived: it would appear as though I have holes in my pants.
Damian: tt. those are ripped jeans. You bought them that way.
Dick: that guys phone is really long... and thin... just like a penis...
Duke: I am going to end you.
Harper: *at a Gotham knights game* IM BLIND! IM DEAF! I WANNA BE A REF!
Jason: I still can't fucking type...
Steph: you know what that is?
Jason: if you say-
Steph: that's a you problem bud
Jason: every time you say that it makes me more and more pissed off.
Steph: if it makes you feel better, I once said that to a guy who said if I broke up with him he's kill himself. I also told him I didn't give a shit if he died.
Jason: that is hilarious.
Bruce: dear god I don't want to go outside.
Clark: we're at a hockey game. You had to go outside to get here.
Bruce: well I don't want to do it again.
Steph: I can't believe it's -25 out, and some people showed up to class wearing just sweatshirt and jeans. This is Gotham University, no one thinks you're cool, just a dumbass.
Tim: *starts an argument with Kon over yikyak despite the fact they're sitting on the same couch*
Steph: so then my girlfriend at the time said-
Tim: you know, I probably wouldn't have hooked up with you if I knew you were a lesbian.
Steph: ... I'm not a lesbian. I'm bisexual.
Tim: oh.
Damian: where is my knife... I can't find my knife...
Dick: you know scissors would be way more affective for what you're trying to do, right?
Damian: yes but for aesthetic purposes I want to use a knife.
Tim: *mixing an alcoholic drink with blue in it*
Bernard: damn, Tim trynna kill with windex over here
Dick: I can't believe no one told me there was a new season of Letterkenny out!!!
Jason: hey guess what?
Dick: what
Jason: there's a new season of letterkenny out
Dick: fuck you
Steph: hey, zip tie my hands so I can try to get out.
Cass: no, why would I-
Harper: oh fuck yeah
Steph: *cuts her hand trying to escape the zip ties* oh, dude, look! Now I look cool!
Cass: *is wearing a sport bra while exercising*
Steph: Cass!!! Stop being naked every time I see you!!
Cass: ???
Tim: *sends Bernard a Snapchat using the peach emoji filter*
Bernard: oh my god... the booty emoji...
Kate: *has a sign on her office wall that says "all things are possible through sarcasm and profanity." *
Tim: *snaps Steph a picture of a drink with an ingredient he's allergic to in it* the urge to drink this to see if it kills me it outrageous
Jason: would you like a cake pop?
Damian: a cake... a what?
Jason: a cake pop?
Damian: what on earth is a cake pop?
Jason: DICK NEVER BOUGHT YOU A CAKEPOP? We are resolving this problem today. Get in the Batmobile, we're going to Starbucks and buying you a dozen cake pops.
Damian: you still haven't told me what a cake pop is.
Jason: imagine a lollipop, but cake. And spherical.
Damian: spherical cake?
Jason: yes, spherical cake.
Damian: ... how...
Jason: get your ass in the car and I'll show you how.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
Earlier today I thought about sending you this ask, but I thought "the focus here is to talk about HH, not HB" but then, you answered an ask about Stolas, so I came to ask my "ask" (in quotes because it's not an ask, but rather a design comparison because I like it, yayyy)
Stolas is an owl right? So if you'll excuse me, here are two owls, my oc's, one from "Star Fox" the other from "Swat Kats" and now that I stop to think, I should have taken Stellar as a reference because she is a female, but honestly I don't even know if she's an owl so screw it, let's get to the comparison:
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(sorry for the background in the first photo, I was too lazy to take a photo of just her) can you see how chubby they are? and Stolas is so thin that it hurts? I don't understand that, Viv at least knows how to make thin people with big waists, but she didn't even do that here, and let's face it, owls are chubby and don't have a damn neck (similar to a human's when humanized) and Stolas does!! It's the same thing that irritates me about Vox (the TV, I don't know if that's how his name is spelled) he has a TV head!! Why does he have a neck?!?!
and other!!! you can see the difference between Yanter (first photo) and Carlie (second photo) but you can see that they are both owls, but remember what I said about Stellar? So, you can't tell the difference between she and Stolas, I'm not saying in terms of appearance, I'm saying in terms of species, every species has something similar, but if Stellar is really an owl, what is the similarity between her and Stolas, which is not the same similarity between another character (a blue one, I think she's Stellar's cousin) WHO IS NOT EVEN AN OWL!! BECAUSE IF YOU DO THIS, VIV, YOU DO YOUR AUDIENCE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT STELLAR IS!!! SHE IS AN OWL? A PEACOCK?? TELL ME!
... sorry.. I got stressed.. I guess.. that's all I have to say... sorry, I just wanted to say that because I feel a little need to show that my designs are better than Viv's (even if that's not very difficult) sorry for the inconvenience, bye bye
SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO THIS!!! These designs are awesome!! I love seeing bird characters so much; actually gives me a few design ideas lmao
I have no idea what bird Stella is either but if I had to design her I’d probably make her an albino cockatiel. I actually have a LOT of ideas on how to fix Stella but just for a quick birdie ref
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Aint they cute? :3
I do plan on eventually redesigning Stolas and getting rid of that god awful neck. I don’t understand why Vivzie is allergic to fat people, I don’t think she’s realised the joy of having fat/chubby characters or even muscular ones. Husk, Velvette, Charlie, and Vox are all designs that I personally think are amplified when made chubbier or muscular and when I see them in the show I literally do a double take like *little skinny man runs past my screen* who is that did you guys see that
For the neck on Vox though, I don’t get… how?? His neck works in the show?? I know for my version of Vox his neck moves kind of like this
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But uh.
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Yeah none of that here. I guess you could say it’s attached at the bottom, because it is!
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but also poses like this dont make sense, his neck is show behind his head but its not.
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Idk, It’s a small nitpick but it’s something that bothers me too. I’m still working on some of the things for Vox like his joints and such, but Vivzie seems to put in substantially less effort than anything either of us have done
Anyway keep up the designs they look really good!!!
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certifiedstarrr · 2 months
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stone cold - c.s pt.2 of "i'll beat her bitch ass."
femvolleyballplayer!y/n x comforting!chris
warnings: cursing, crying, intentional lowercase, no grammar used (intentional), detailed brutal fighting, mentions of death, ig triggering topic, use of y/n (sorry?) ig angst???
summary: somerville won the semi-finals and amelia's team goes home. amelia should wish that she hadn't said that because y/n doesnt play when it comes to someone talking about her boyfriend. shits about to go down.
this is set in some random ass au that i can’t really explain😭
p.s sorry to people named amelia, no hate to y’all !💗
also be kind to others please !!
don’t like don’t read !!
find some other shit to do.
not proofread (a bitch don’t got no time for that shit)
this is my creative work and i do not approve of plagiarism in any way. i also do not approve of reposting my work onto other apps or anything of the idea. SSTVRNIOLOO 2024.
a/n: HEYY , so this is your surprise fic series ive been working onnnn ~ also my laptop stopped working so i don’t have the option of typing anymore, so it’ll be on my phone or ipad. (mostly ipad though) 💔
wc: 2k
enjoy !!
im going to beat this motherfucker up.
how dare she slap me, tell chris is only dating me because im just a "good fuck", and saying didnt love me.
im going to beat her so bad that her nose is so fucking crooked. so bad that she cant speak. that shes hospitalized just as long that i was when she injured me.
after she slapped me i pounced on her. yanking at her hair & jaw to get her to look at me.
"whos laughing now, bitch?"
laughing, i bitch slap her right back and punch her in the nose. nobody even dares to fucking touch me. no one.
i jump on her pounding her head onto the glossy gym floors. throwing many punches at her nose and face, practically drilling my knuckles into her faceーwith. no. absolute. mercy.
i didnt care how bad her injuries were gonna be. i could actually care less.
my white jerseyーwell, previouslyーwas now splattered with her blood.
"yeah get her ass !!"
meghan yelled from the bench. i love meg.
nobody was really going to stop me. i probably looked like a monster.
"please stop!! im sorry !"
amelia yelped and screamed. i heard herーloud and clearーbut didn't give no fucks.
throwing punches directly at her nose, hoping to complete my goal of making her; already hideous nose; crooked as hell.
her face drowned of ruby red coloured blood. her mouth draining of blood and face bruised and cut.
i could practically kill her. but do i want murder charges though? no.
i looked at her twisted nose in proudness & enjoyment. he nose was perfectly crooked how i wanted it to be.
all this timeーwith out realizing itーi'd also been fighting off the refs and amelia's teamates. i was also tuning out the repeatedly blown whistle.
well too late. the damage was done. she was definitely fucked up.
its called payback, bitch.
she surprisingly got up, stumbling around before she threw a hand at me. she punched my nose and scratched my cheek.
i felt the burning sensation on my cheek and my blood sprinting down my cheek.
“you motherfucker!”
she furiously yelled at me, with tears running down her face, mixing in with the blood.
my eyes shot down to the gym floor. it was one big puddle of blood. i grinned crazilyーlike a fucking serial killer.
we were both standing in fighting positions, ready to quite literally kill each other.
i caught chris’ big blue orbs staring at me. he was also grinning. he knew the rivalry that me and amelia have; that’s why he never stopped me.
the crowd was chanting my name. they all backed me up on this rivalry comepletely.
our faces were both decorated with blood. but mine didn’t have tears streaming down them.
i knew i was going to penalized for the tournament. i most definitely was; without question.
this beef wasn’t with any of our other teammates, it was only between me and her. though everybody knew what amelia did to me last season.
the referees and her teammates finally pulled us away from each other. both screaming profanities at eachother.
but suddenly whilst she was walking back to her bench. she fell. its all because i knocked her outー
stone cold.
as my coach walked me to the locker room, i heard cheering, applause and more loud chanting of my name. they all knew the beef between amelia and i.
i got to the locker room with my coach and sat down.
“you’re expecting me to yell at you or something, hm?”
my coach monique said.
“well i’m not. i’m so proud of you for beating that bitch up.”
coach monique laughed.
“thank you! i thought everybody thought i was a monster for doing that”
“you’re a monster on the court. but thatーthat was just handing pure business.”
“thank you coach”
coach monique walked back out the the court to settle my team and talk to the refs.
suddenly, chris walked in to the locker room.
“oh hey chris”
“hey baby”
he went in to hug me but i gestured no.
“unless you want blood on your shirt, i don’t think you should.”
“i don’t really care”
he hugged me tightly and i hugged right back.
“so how’d the fight even start y/n?” chris questioned
“well first she slapped me because i was supposedly “cheating” then told me that you were only dating me because i was a “good fuck” and you didn’t love me”
i explained calmly.
“that little bitch.” chris said low-toned.
“and that’s exactly why her nose is crooked as fuck”
i grinned, remembering how her nose looked.
“i’m gonna go back to the stands and get to car.” chris said.
“okay see you in a bit baby”
he gave me a swift kiss on the lips and walked out the locker room.
i grabbed a wet towel and dabbed at my cuts and bruisesーa burning sensation each time i dabbed at them.
changing back into my clothes and taking my sports bag. i head to the car and greet my friends.
i hated the media. and now they were following me.
i stepped out the door and walked to car where all my friends were. i ran up to nick first.
“hey babes!” nick said excitedly.
“hey nickk” matching his same energy.
group hugging lauren and angelina (angie) happily while getting tons of dumb questions from the media that was previously following me.
also greeting matt aswell, making sure to make him smile.
parking into the driveway, me, matt, chris, and nick got out the car and heading inside the house.
nick and matt went to their rooms, leaving me and chris to go to our shared one.
“i need a shower” i said.
“okay baby i’ll go after you” chris said.
i closed the bathroom door and started stripping my clothes off. once fully done, i stepped inside the shower, turning the water on and letting the water stream down.
the water mixed in with the little blood that was left on me. falling on the shower tiles.
i took my loofah and put soap on it and watched it grow soap suds on it. i got lost in relaxing feeling of hot water and sudsy soap. it just rejuvenated me.
hopping out the shower, and drying myself with my towel. i threw on my clothes that were laid out on the counter. i opened the bathroom door and felt the cold air rush past me.
i stretched out on the shared bed and get a call.
it’s from my aunt. she never calls me. why now?
“hey y/n it’s me”
my aunt sounded like she was crying. but why?
“yes auntie?”
“y/n y-you’re parents died.”
i dropped my phone on the bed.
no. this is some kind of sick joke.
my eyes darted everywhere, trying to register what i just heard.
they couldn't have died. i saw them last night when they flew to London.
when they disappointed me telling me they couldn't make it to my game. i had totally forgot about that when i looked around in the stands.
then, i broke out into a loud, ugly, sob.
chris’ eyes immediately shot to me.
“what happened y/n??” his voice laced with worry and concern.
"my parents- they-" i couldn't finish my sentence.
"take your time ma" chris said gently.
i could hardly believe my parents died. it just wasn't possible.
chris hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead, trying to get me to calm down.
i sobbed. i loved my parents so much. sure we weren't on the best terms with eachother lately. but i still loved them dearly.
and the worst part is, the last thing i ever said to them but "i hate you both"
"chris the last thing i said to them wasn't even i love you!" i wailed, still sobbing.
"shh y/n" chris calmed.
then chris just held me there. no words. no sound. nothing.
just silence.
he knew what had happened by the hints i dropped.
i just couldn't bring myself to say it. not yet.
i awoke, wrapped in chris' arms. i looked over the time,
a solid 13 hours of sleep.
yet i still felt tired.
i had no energy. so many missed calls and texts.
i knew what they were all gonna say,
"We're so sorry for your lost! If there's anything we can do to help let us know."
well you most certainly cant fix those empty parental figures;
hell, i'm an orphan now.
so bullshit.
i opened tiktok bored out of my mind and started scrolling.
i saw a tiktok of a girl who looked around my age with both her mom and dad , doing a dance.
why cant that be me?
i was at my desk a couple minutes later, hatching a plan.
because what if my parents really weren't dead,
what they faked it?
well its time to find out.
chris woke up groggily,
"morning ma" he yawned.
"morning baby" i answered swiftly.
"what are you doing?" he asked.
"we're flying to london."
extra: soooooooooo this took so long for no reason but here it isssss.
school was beating my ass fr fr
but thank you for reading !!!
taglist: 🏷 @lovingmattysposts @elliesturniolo1 @elliewrites1 @sturnsbitch @luvmxtt @vanteguccir @chrisstopherfilmed @novasturniolo03 @tyjna6 @sturnlova @sturniolo-lover1317 @patscorner @ak47b1tch
(comment here to be on my taglist !)
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jeoneffext · 1 year
an irresistible nightmare | scaramouche
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- avoiding you was his option, but seeing you in his dreams where you two made love made him shed sweat from his neck, longing for your touch.
(this scenario is inspired by that one chuuya fanfic on wattpad “Mr. Fancy Hat” by -tasfiah)
It was very late at night when Scara decided to let himself get washed up by some liquor, it was already 11 pm when he's the only one in the kitchen, his sumeru boys members already asleep but him, hes wide awake, trying to get something off his chest.
Gulping another wine, thinking things. Not until when someone came in the kitchen, resulting him to immediately drift his eyes, only to find out that it's just you. Scara gulps, looking at you. He can't seem to focus on his drinks when all of a sudden you came at his sight.
"What are you doing in this late hour, scara?" You tiredly ask him, the boy could only replied in a very short one. "None of your business." He said, earning a snort from you.
"Can't sleep huh? Had a nightmare?" You said, going to the ref to find something to eat.
Scara didn't replied to you, his eyes seems so focused on your back, literally eyeing you up and down on your night gown. Boy he was gawking at your wearing, the night gown was too distracting for him, he can't seem to focus out from you, your one strap falling out from your shoulder just send him shivers on his spine, it was indeed too revealing.
"Yeah... I did." He replied, you can feel someone staring at you, and you know damn well it's him. Scara seems so intrigued at your wearing that he noticed the hems of your shirt slowly lifting it up when you try to bent to get the food on the ref, the blue haired blink twice, gripping the glass.
"Oh yeah? What was your nightmare about?" You ask again, now facing him, a popsicle on your hand now, slowly unwrapping it, revealing a strawberry red flavor one, you were not giving any fucks but you just licked it cause you were hungry.
God. The man in front of you has his eyes on how you lick the tip of the popsicle, his mind went crazy thinking wild shits about you, immediately avoiding eye contact when he responds.
"None of your business. Don’t ask nonsense questions." Scara replied, sipping his wine. You kept looking at him while eating the popsicle.
"Mhm... so you're used to it?" Damn he could hear your muffled sounds that you create while you try to talk against the popsicle, the man was already sweating on his neck. Grabbing his nape.
"Y-yeah, just like that..." He said while grabbing his neck, looking down, completely avoiding your gaze that could kill. You giggle.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." You said seriously, Scara was taken aback at you.
The boy was so lost for words when you two met gaze again, you were looking at him, your tongue still licking the popsicle, Scara eyes that too, and you were oddly attractive standing there with your night gown lingerie on, that dangerous silk nude lingerie! It was definitely turning him on, damn your legs was so flawless he sometimes wished he could hang it around his n—
"Eyes up here, boy." You whistled, Scara widen his eyes when he realised what he has done.
Scara fake coughed. "Go to sleep already, we still have commissions to do together tomorrow." He said, ears go red, you could only smile.
"Of course, but let me finish eating this first."
"No, bring it to your room."
"Hmph no, ill finish it here."
"Tch, how absurd, you really want me to hear your licking sounds while eating that huh?" Scara boldy said.
You could only giggle.
"I know you like it." You said, with a big grin on your face, your tone teasing him.
"Fuck you, I’d rather listen to babies crying than hear your licks."
"But I'm your baby, you will listen to my cries too, right?"
Scaramouche choked on his drink, completey shocked at your wild statement, coughing hardly, you just laugh at his actions that's so stupid.
He looked at you with that annoyed look on his face.
"You little lady, why dont you go back to your room huh?"
"What about no?"
You eagerly provoked him, as your back lean on the kitchen counter, looking at him with that cheeky grin of yours, proceeding to lick your popsicle.
Scara had enough at you, he put down his glass of wine in the counter, walking towards you, your heart racing when his presence was so close to yours.
His arms in between your body as his hand is pressed against the counter.
"Don't make me do that by force." His tone serious, eyes staring at you.
"What you gonna do huh?" You teasingly tilt you head, eyeing him with a sly grin on you, he’s too intoxicated by you. He’s going crazy.
“Y/n please, don’t make this even more hard for me.” He finally gives in, Scaramouche’s tone desperate, lazy tired eyes looking at you, he looks so submissive currently, you are indeed taken aback at this.
Scara is a patient man, he’s not the kind of guy that would just bend you over right now especially at the kitchen counter right?
Poor scara, he is indeed turned on.
Scaramouche hides his embarrassed face on your shoulder. You are taken aback at this, that you didn’t even noticed the popsicle starts to melt in your hands.
“You’re turning me on. Are you trying to seduce me on purpose with this night gown, aren’t you?” He muttered against your shoulder that’s near in your neck, you couldn’t help but shift your posture.
This time, you are the one who’s in trouble. Scara brings his head up to eye you again, his gaze drifts from you lips down to your neck, his hungry eyes evident that he’s needy.
“How fucking dare you? Wear this casually in front of me? What are you trying to do?” Scara’s tone hoarse, catching a breath.
“I like it to wear it.”
“Seriously? That’s your reason?”
“Why? Do I have any other reasons?”
“Aren’t you even thinking about the consequences when you wear that? You’re giving me trouble.”
“What kind of trouble?” Innocently asking him while he’s suffering in front of you right now is insane.
“Y/n, I have wet dreams about you. The reason I came here because you were in my dream, a nightmare I wished to avoid yet it’s there, you are in it. It’s making it difficult.” His tone desperate for longing, an obvious honesty washed over the guy, you could feel his boner against you.
“Then you came here all of a sudden while I was clearing my thoughts, seeing you in this…” The dark blue haired breathes out after his sentence by eyeing your dress, he’s trying so hard to not fuck you right now.
You are incredibly speechless.
“You are the cause of my arousal, isn’t that the worse thing you’ve ever heard?”
Scaramouche thinks this is the wrong time to confess his feelings, an annoyed ‘tch’ comes out from his mouth as he finally lets you go, walking away from you.
“Forget about this, pretend this hasn't happened.”
That night where Scara left you alone in the kitchen after he spit his desires at you, leaving you wanting for more, wanting to hear his hidden temptations for you. You weren’t able to stop him but you glad you didn’t.
Because you too, were aroused at him that night.
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grealishy · 4 months
LOVER - Jack Grealish
summary - while visiting your best friend from high school, you run into and old friend, but things aren’t the same between you two.
pairing - jack grealish x fem!reader
warnings - slight uses of profanity, mentions of alcohol cunsumption
song inspo - lover, taylor swift
word count - 2k
this is my first fic and i hope you enjoy it!
I also have to make this multiple parts, so sorry about that!
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can we always be this close, forever and ever?
after four long hours from London, you had finally arrived in Manchester. You stepped off the train and headed to the arrival area to meet your friend Maddie.
You and Maddie had been best friends since primary school, but ever since you moved to London three years ago, and Maddie living in Manchester since University, you had barley seen her, although you try to make time to see each other at least once a year, however every year she had come to London. This was your first year visiting her in Manchester, and you were eager to finally see Maddie.
After walking around the pick up area for a good 10 minutes, you finally see her car. Excitement fills your body and you can't help but rush over to her with an embarrassingly huge smile. As Maddie sees you run over she gets out of her car and spreads her arms out wide.
You two meet in a hug, both not wanting to let go. It had been so long since the two of you had been together.
"It's been forever! How are you!"
"I'm good, how are you? How was the train ride? Good?"
"Yeah, it was really good. Although the breakfast sandwich I ordered really got me through it" You said with a chuckle.
Maddie helped you with your bags and brought them to the trunk of her car. Once you both got settled in the front seat, Maddie turned the radio on and she started driving to her place.
Once you pulled into the driveway to Maddie's house, you brought your things inside, being met with barks of her little toy poodle, jasper, and the smell of apple cinnamon from a candle that was burning. It was a warm type of feel, like a warm hug.
There was a Manchester City v Liverpool game on the tv which was fitting since Maddie was a HUGE Manchester City fan. You were a Chelsea fan since living in London, but all in all, you didn't keep up with football as much as you used to when you were still in school, however when you were an avid football watcher, Manchester City was naturally your team.
"OH! Y/N! I forgot to mention, I got us tickets for a Man City v Tottenham match on Friday! Should be a good game!"
"Oh my God! Thanks Mads! I'm sure it will be"
The two of you ordered Chinese food and sat down, watching the game carefully, getting frustrated with the ref, and cheering when possession would change back to City. Just as the game was coming to an end, your food had arrived.
"ANDDDDD...... END, 2-1 CITY!! LETS GOOO!" Maddie screamed, giving you a high five.
It was like you and her were never separated.
You and Maddie spent the whole week going shopping, eating out, and watching movies.
"Y/n, did you bring your City jersey? Because if not we NEED to get you one to wear to the game. And, I mean, I could lend you one of mine, but why not use this as an accuse to get another. In fact, I'll just buy you one!"
You both make your way to the Manchester City fan store and you are met with an overwhelming amount of light blue everything. Surrounded by numbers and standard blank jerseys, you look around picking out one you would wear for the game.
"How about Haaland? He's the best on the team I'd argue. Or, oh my God, you need a Grealish jersey!"
Jack Grealish. Star football player. Midfielder for Manchester City and England's national team. Who didn't know who Jack Grealish was.
The funny thing was that he was an old classmate of Maddie and Y/n, from primary school all the way to high school.
"Very funny Mads."
"No, I'm being serious. It's not every day that your best friend, after me of course, from school becomes a professional footballer who is loved across the nation and plays for one of the best teams in England! You need his Jersey Y/n, you two used to be so close!"
You fool your eyes. It's true, the two of you were close, but you live very different lives now and it's not like you are still friends with him.
"I'll just get the Haaland jersey Mads."
"If you say so."
You and Maddie step up to check into the match, excitement flooding your body. The energy at matches were always so electric.
As you were walking towards your seats, you realize that you keep walking, getting really close to the pitch.
"here." Maddie says. You are one row from the pitch, sitting on the end of the second row.
"Maddie, what the fuck."
"What?" she says cheekily.
"These seats are insane, I mean really fucking insane"
"Only the best for the best"
You hug her and take a seat.
Before you know it kick off is happening and the game starts. The stadium is rumbling from cheers of mainly Man City fans, and the energy is something that is like a drug. You catch a sort of high from the pure adrenaline.
The game stops for half-time and you are excited to see the players walk by as your seats are right near the tunnel to the locker rooms.
As the players walk by you are met with a familiar face.
It is none other than Mr. Jack Grealish. You make eye contact with him as he walks by. You don't think anything of it, until he does a double take and smiles widely. But that was just a friendly smile, right?
Was that? Can't be... Unless.. No, she lives in London... But it looked just like her...
Pep finishes giving his speech, which was honestly more like screaming at the squad until they feel threatened enough to make a difference in their game, and Jack is eager to get back on the pitch, especially seeing a girl that looked a little too similar too his childhood best friend.
The boys run back onto the pitch, and Jack makes a point to look closely at the girl. Although she was preoccupied at admiring Tottenham's Son who was already on the field, Jack could tell that the girl was definitely his old friend, however he noticed that she had a sparkle to her, something he had never noticed before, or something she gained while in London. Whatever it was about her, Jack could tell that she was still the same. Same best friend, same hair, same style, and even the same winter coat. It was intriguing.
The final whistle blew, indicating the match was over. Cheer erupted in Etihad Stadium. Both you and Maddie snuggling together as you clapped and cheered.
Just as the two of you were about to leave you heard you name being called.
"Y/n! Y/l/n!"
You looked around to see Jack Grealish coming over to you. The surrounding fans tried getting the Midfielders attention, but he was only concerned with you.
"Hey, Y/n! It's Jack!"
You smiled at his recognition of you.
"I know. How are you Mr. Grealish? Great game today!"
He smile warmly at your slight teasing tone. You felt like you were talking to a close friend of yours, not a Manchester City player., even though technically, it was a friend.
"How about you meet me at The Pen and Pencil after for a drink, you too Maddie."
You agreed and said your goodbyes as he ran back to his team.
"Well would you look at that. Looks to me that double trouble is back"
"Shove off Maddie" You chuckled.
As you pulled up to the pub your stomach starts to turn. Yes, Jack was an old friend, yes, you two were extremely close, but he also looked more mature and handsome than he ever had before and you found yourself a little attracted to him. Maybe it was because you hadn't seen him in a while, or maybe it was because he was in his football kit that fit him ever so perfectly. Regardless of attraction, you were in Manchester to have a good time with your best friend and to let loose.
"Ay, you made it" Jack said as he noticed you walking through the door. He comes over to give you and Maddie little hugs.
"Can I get you a drink, it's on me of course!
"I'll take a Cider"
The three of you catch up, sort of getting to know each other all over again. It was a natural conversation, no awkwardness or silence. It was truly like high school days again.
within the next hour, Maddie was off with some guy flirting, leaving you and Jack by the bar, still talking.
"So, how's life in London. I feel like that should have been the first this I asked, but y'know, I got sidetracked with other topic of conversation."
"No, it's alright. And, I love it. I've been there for about three years now. Don't get me wrong, I really miss Birmingham, but there is just something about London that I am so drawn to, and I have never looked back since moving. I just feel at home there, y'know?"
"Yeah I feel the same way here in Manchester"
It was nearing 2 in the morning and you were getting tired, especially since you and Maddie had stayed up late the night before.
"I think I'm gonna find Maddie, I'm getting pretty tired."
"Alright then, I see you on your way out?"
You nodded and headed to find Maddie.
After searching for a solid 15 minutes you couldn't find her. It was a relatively small pub, but trying to find someone in a dark crowded pub was not the easiest. You soon came to the conclusion that Maddie wasn't here. You open your phone to see a text from her.
Maddie: Hey girl! So I met this cute guy and we are going out to this other pub. I was trying to give you the car keys so you could drive since I know you were only having one drink, but I couldn't find you. Anyways, I'll pay you back for a cab since I know you'll need one. The garage code is 1234. Sorry, luv u
"Find her?"
"She actually left.."
"Oh damn. You need a ride? I was thinking of leaving anyways, I could just drive you."
"You sure? I can always get a cab or an uber."
"No need to waste money, I can drive you, I only had one drink so I'll be fine."
Jack closed his tab and you both left the pub, getting into his car which was parked out front.
You were fighting the urge to fall asleep in the car, but your tiredness took over, and before you knew it you were at Maddies place, and Jack was waking you up.
"Hey, Y/n. We're here." He says as he nudges you awake.
"Oh, God, sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep"
You get out of the car and straighten out your clothes before shutting the car door.
"Thanks Jack. I really appreciate it."
"Anytime. Before I leave though, how long are you staying in Manchester?"
"Um, I think a week more? Why"
"Here, give me your number, I want to hang out with you again before you go back to London."
You exchange numbers and Jack get back in his car to leave. He rolls the window down and gives you a wink before driving off.
You had just gotten changed and grabbed a granola bar and were just about to turn your light off to go to bed when your phone dings.
(0161)111-1111: Hey, it's Jack. You busy tomorrow afternoon? Was thinking we could go to this one local restaurant that is the BEST. What do you think?
PART 2 (coming soon)...
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gomzwrites · 1 year
100 Followers Special: Fic Marathon
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Uniform ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
more info on the fic marathon check out this post :)
Day 3: Konig
Tags: fluff, xtall gn!reader, implied nsfw at the end, inaccurate uniform descriptions, bad German (translation below sentences)
Notes: ・❥・reader's texts are in purple ・❥・indented texts are memories ・❥・dividers drawn by @gomzdraws ・❥・credit to shadeops21 for that one specific shirt described in this fic
a/n: side note, I don't play the game but I did watch the playthrough and ref the cod wiki page. Also remember how I was talking the amount of struggle I did for this fic? its because of the uniform part, can't for the life find out whether Austrian Colonel uniform is red-blue, stone gray or gold, don't even get me started on the insignia XD please if you know what the official uniform would look like lmk in the comment!
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Ah great, looks like we ran out of mayonnaise... Konig dear! Where are you?
A few footsteps were heard when you called for him, and within seconds, he was right at the kitchen door, a worrying face evident in his features.
Yes Liebling? What’s wrong?
Ah, nothing much; we ran out of mayonnaise and a few other items for the dinner I’m making tonight. Can you run to the store and get them for me?
Konig nodded as he quietly walked towards you and took your hand gently.
Do you have a list?
Yeah, hold on.
You quickly take out a piece of paper and scribble down the ingredients needed, fold it neatly, and hand it to him. You think for a moment before smiling as you pat his arm.
Grab some dessert on your way home as well, my treat.
You finish by giving him some cash as his eyes brighten up and he chuckles.
Okay, thank you. I’ll make sure to be back as soon as I can, my Liebling.
You give him a peck on the cheek as he wears his hood and wave him goodbye once he goes into the car. You go back into the kitchen and prepare the other necessary preparations, such as seasoning and washing, before wiping your hands clean.
You decided that since there was extra time and you had to wait for Konig to return with the groceries, you might as well do other chores. You head into the master bedroom, which both of you shared, and open the closets, taking out a few of his military suits and laying them on the bed. It had been awhile since you looked through and iron them since most of his outfits are at the base, so it was refreshing to glance back at the series of uniforms he had.
You run your hands along the combat shirt and pants he had before, smiling when you see the clear difference in sizes over the years. He does still like wearing his black tactical Cyre G3 combat shirt, but what you really like is his Colonel uniform.
You lift it up as you examine it closely, tracing over the different badges and insignia sewed onto the uniform. You chuckle when you recall the memory of when he came home in it.
My dear! Wow, look at you all fancy and looking important! You give a whistle and chuckle as you quickly greet him and stare at him excitedly. Ah, please don't, my Liebling, this is embarrassing… Konig said as he quickly undressed and tossed the uniform onto the floor. But you’re the Colonel! Isn’t that, like, a great achievement in the military? Konig didn't reply as he sighed and kissed your hair; he didn't make any more comments about it, and you never brought it up since it bothered him, not until two days later during the late hours. You felt him rolling to your side as he slung his arm around your waist and pulled you close. I don’t like being one; it brings too much attention to myself. He mumbles as he buries his head into your neck, and you nod in understanding after making sense of what he was talking about and cooed him back to sleep.
But it looks so cool.
You thought to yourself as you looked at the collar, lined with delicate gold arabesques, as it shimmered under the light. You give a hum before you let the impulsive thought win and decide to wear it.
Truthfully, you’re also quite tall yourself thanks to your family’s genes, standing proudly at 6 ft tall(185cm), while Konig is just a few more inches taller around 6.6 ft tall(roughly at 200cm). It’s perfect because you can easily kiss his cheek without much effort and watch him blush hard every single time. He’s never gotten used to having someone who can stare at him the way you do so openly and with ease.
You decided that if you’re going to wear something this extravagant, you might as well go full out. So you promptly remove your shirt and wear the uniform carefully. It wasn’t comfortable due to how rigid the cloth felt against your skin, and the pants were a bit longer, but once you glanced at the mirror, you were quite proud and shocked at how good it looked on you, and it fits well, surprisingly. Well, everything except the sleeves. As always, it was also a bit too long and ended on your knuckles, so you just folded them up.
An idea pops into your mind the more you stare at yourself in the mirror.
You give a hum of amusement as you twirl and stretch around, giggling when you decide to imitate your boyfriend. You take a moment to recall the times when you got to watch his demonstration practice and smirk as you start acting alert and put on your serious game face. You hold up your arms in the air as you imagine yourself holding a rifle and mutter in a deep voice.
Target secured, attack the HVT!
You say this before twisting around and making the "pew pew" sound with your hand, giggling and chuckling as you completely get lost in the moment, then you crouch down beside the bed and pretend to resume a hiding position as you mutter softly.
And they say I could never be a sniper.
You make another dramatic "pow" sound before standing up and sliding to the center of the room with a "hyah!" and standing up, glancing around until you notice a tall figure at the bedroom door that you forgot to close. You instantly stop and freeze at your place as a blush creeps up your face.
Having fun, Mein Schatz?
You let out a huff of embarrassment for being caught like this, and you felt your neck heat up as you gave a sheepish smile.
I erm- Konig-
Scheiße, Sieh dich an... Shit, look at you...
He mutters as he slowly walks towards you; each step felt calculative, so slow as you watched his eyes that kept you in place. You can’t glance away, something about his gaze feels hypnotic.
Something about the way he looks at you makes you shutter; it's intimidating but also….primal…which is kind of hot. As he finally stands in front of you, so close that your chest bumps into his, he tilts his head to one side.
I hated this uniform, but now that I see you wear it, hmmmm…
His voice is deep and drawn out as he circles you, almost like a predator studying its prey. You gulped nervously as you tucked your collar in and answered back with a meek tone.
Should I take it off?
He gives you a long thought as he stands behind you. As soon as his hands are on you, he immediately carries and tosses you to the bed as you yelp at the sudden motion.
You ask as you watch him crawl towards you as he reveals a smirk, then opens his mouth and lazily runs his tongue over his teeth as he gives a deep chuckle.
No, keep it on, because I...will be the one removing it.
You swallow excitedly as you bite your lips and rest your head on the soft pillow, under his mercy as he towers over you.
Who cares about dinner anyway?
Previous fic: Kyle Gaz Garrick | Captain John Price Next fic: John Soap MacTavish
a/n: I know everyone hc Konig to be huge at 6”10 but I went along with the military guideline on the tallest height they allow which is around 6.6 ft tall, also I took Ghost's height as a ref which is around 6'4 ((yes yes I know none of these heights are cannon)) but ye XD thinking maybe I'll write some more tall reader x Konig fic in the future though :]
taglist: @cathnoneofyourbusiness | @land-lord-lol
like and reblog if you enjoyed this fic :D have a good day/night!
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shrimpricebowl · 8 months
do you have any refs of your iterator or slugcat designs? :0
i don't for my current ones, but theyre much more simplified now because i just preferred the loose neckline and made them more plushie-like, hence the lack of segmented limbs.... i think the puppets are more plushie-like because they ragdoll a LOT and moon being darker and desaturated post-collapse is because she's constantly exposed to rain, like how plushies get darker when theyre wet because of absorption....... basically they're heavily based off their ingame appearance (with the exception of srs & sos; srs still has the layered clothes and sos has a veil)
i did make these ref sheets back in july; riv had a more scaley(???) look like ....kaliskis??? so they had some weird white spots going on (which ill admit. didn't draw too well HSHDJSHDHS) i also interpreted the rot as some sort of. Melting. thing. which causes the tentacles
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as for cw and ui, i only have this drawing i did soon after the "iterators under the blue sky" post since i wanted to explore them more...
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their forehead markings are actually based off a chamber projection! i think it was moon's??? i don't remember but while looking through the game files there were nsh and srs' markings with their corresponding colors, so i just assumed the unknown ones were cw's and ui's ....
but yeah, i don't have a ref for my current iterator/slugcat designs since they're just heavily based off the game now (with minor changes)... they do have different necklines though
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tradetobest · 2 months
I went to my first pens game in March (Vs the Hurricanes). I don't really like hockey and don't understand it. Why does the ref just randomly blow the whistle and they all have to stop??? I didn't understand
first of all. that is the FUNNIEST game to have gone to. as a leafs fan who complains about missing michael bunting to anyone who will listen going to see his two next teams play each other is an incredible coincidence. ok nerding over
the refs will blow the whistle in three circumstances: a goal, a penalty, or a rule violation. "they all stop" is probably an indication that it was a penalty (theyre more likely to idle), as when it's a rule violation they usually just skate over to where the faceoff is gonna be but ill explain both anyway.
penalty: there are a couple different types of penalties, but the most common is a minor penalty. a few of these are tripping, elbowing, hooking, and holding. they're usually pretty self-explanatory, and when they happen the whistle gets blown and the guy who does it has to go into the penalty box for two minutes. usually guys will also skate to the ref to complain about the penalty. very funny.
honestly penalties are sort of hard to spot, especially if its your first game. i still have trouble if im not focusing fully on the game and i LOVE being insane about spotting little things. they also dont provide like. programs or shit at hockey games. like, why is there no beginners guide? smh. but yeah. penalties are Putting That Grown Man in timeout, and an absolute Delight.
since there's a guy in the box, the team has to play one player down, and the other team gets to keep all of their players (a 5v4). this is good for most teams but ESPECIALLY not the pittsburgh penguins, who are very bad at it. rip to u....
rule violations: to my knowledge there are two of these: offside and icing. theyre a bit more difficult so im gonna put diagrams, and also explanations.
there are three zones in the hockey rink: the offensive zone (where the opposing team's goalie is), the neutral zone (in between the blue lines), and the defensive zone (where your team's goalie is).
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offside: when a player crosses the blue line from the neutral zone into the offensive zone before the puck does. cant do that!!
icing: a player shooting the puck the length of the ice, crossing the centre line and the opponents goal line. theres a BUNCH of complications to it, but that's it at its most simplest form. this rule was made bcs players used to just camp their own net and shoot the puck down the ice to prevent the other team from scoring, which is unfair and unfun to watch.
anyway hope that helped!!!!! hope it was also. comprehensible. thanks for helping me procrastinate my final!!!! hope you get to go to another game next season (or ?? i guess the pens have 3 games left so) and have fun and maybe understand a little bit!!!!
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 2 months
Okay, it's time.. for ACE ANGST HEADCANONS!!! Aka the moment you've been waiting for!!
Bad topics warning in undercut:
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Ace had....suffered some mental disorders he had during childhood nor post-missing, specifically Depression, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Verbal and Emotional and Mental Abuse. Few of them is him getting over it.. not some tho. He's still trying to get over it tho for everyone he knew.
He felt, so much yet too much guilt for leaving his only family members behind. His siblings, Ace knew that some will change because he left and got kidnapped. And he hate it, he wishes that he'll escape from the Marionette.. but what changes?
His full entire body had blue cracks on everywhere, like a fragile broken puppet. Obviously the fans thinks they are tattoos, but it's actually real cracks and yet it hurts.. so much.
Spoiler alert? Yes, Ace is a fragile puppet. So yeah.. he is once forced to kill everyone he knew. And The Marionette thinks of making him forced to kill Jasmine, who went from nice to abusive. Ace didn't want to, but since he found out what she is now... He had no choice right now, he is disappointed to her but also guilty for what he is forced to. It sadly happened on August 4,1 year ago before Sleep snatched the fragile puppet in order to save him. Ace cried a lot after killing his almost-abusive sister who is about to change!.. damn. ( Fanfic coming perhaps? 👀 )
Luckily, Ace did have a 11th ability to enter people's dreams.. so he went from Vessel first, then.. Jake. His younger brother, who had a lot of nightmares.. but, Ace was sadly once told by Marion that he is not allowed to see his own siblings. So, with no choice.. he either leaves him or, scare him off. (MIKE AFTON REF??)
Ace was about to do a sayori when he is 16, but his dad and Nora stopped him tho. And yes, he almost did a sayori like- literally 10 times. Poor him tho.. bro wants to die but cant at the same time.. :((
His blood was now dark blue and neon blue instead of red, why? When he was about to do an $H before the wembley tour.. he noticed that his blood turned blue for a long time now. He stopped doing $H after that because of how shocked he is..
At first, Ace thinks that Sleep is a very mean one because of what he researched as a journalist. But actually, Sleep was sometimes a kind, polite entity. It made him so emotional to the fact that they are the one who saved him from Marion.. he knew that Marion is still controlling him. But he cannot let him take the strings..
Ace can't remember some of his memories now during his human life, because Marion erased them all.. but he needs it back, really. Why did you do this? I need them back, I NEED THEM BACK PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Ace and Vessel are indeed, trauma buddies. They empathetizes each other yet comfort each other a lot.. Vess is the second one who knew tho. Sleep is first to know.
For some reason, everyone didn't know this, yet... But Ace felt like he doesn't deserve love, while he gives everyone he knew and didn't knew some love. But he also didn't deserve one at all.
Ace is soooooo unstable yet unemotionally unwell because of the trauma he felt. He cried very much a lot when he had nightmares, he didn't want anyone to get worried.. so he instead cried on his pillow and closet.
That is all.
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geenawrites · 10 months
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[Letterboxd Review, 8/30/23]
Blue Beetle was a 2006 comic book title I kinda stumbled upon back in 2010. DC Comic's answer to Spider-Man, while nowhere near such aged heights, was the best bit of reading I got from a pre-Nu52 era DC. He's a character I've wanted to see on the big screen as much as Milestone Comics' Static Shock, but the current era of comic book films had me praying the opposite. That no one would touch my guy, and he would remain safe in obscurity.
Then I saw Charm City Kings, and they tentatively won me over. As far as debut works go, CCK at the very least convinced me the director (Ángel Manuel Soto) would understand Jaime as a character, even if the executives didn't.
So, yeah, I've been waiting to see this film since I saw Charm City Kings, and the use of Meek Mill ("Uptown Vibes") in the last trailer sent me into the stratosphere with hype. I watched that trailer to death.
Much like Mutant Mayham (TMNT), Blue Beetle was some good-ass fun. I aint get half the jokes that weren't explained (like the soap opera they reffed twice, lmao), but the jokes landed more than not (and for once the tone felt balanced, even the very melodramatic moments).
Blue Beetle is geeky as hell and revels in it. From the questionably synthy soundtrack to Buster sword send-up. My boy damn near goes Super Sayain and pulls off a Kamehameha on the bad guy. I loved every moment.
There were stories about how the greater story was a commentary on American interventionism, most of which is wrapped up in Susan Sarandon's Victoria Kord. Kord hides practical slavery, child exploitation, and war crimes behind white feminism (her entitlement to her family's corporation and suffering industry sexism). The character is flatly antagonistic, unfeeling, and casually racist. She plays it with ease and clearly appeared to enjoy chewing the scenery.
I've never seen Cobra Kai, but Jaime Reyes's actor (Xolo Mariduena) was such an excellent choice for the character. I want to see more of him.
I cannot recommend this movie enough. Check it out, and give the 2006 trade paperback series a read, too. Also, watch Charm City Kings.
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twicethetrouble · 10 months
Late night realization:
Didn’t Simmons work with Tex at MOI? He was clean up with her. Have they ever talked? There’s so much potential there!
Ref: Runaway freelancer Simmons AU
Also how much better does Simmons thinks Sarge is as a father figure? Leaps and Bounds better?
How vague was Carolina when she gave Grif the shovel talk?
Oh god, Wash stumbling across the helmet Simmons wore at MOI and yeeting it at his head and demanding where got it (fearfully).
Something like that. Omg Simmons, Wash, and Carolina teaming up or doing some secretive shady skulking around when they aren’t actually up to anything.
Or wash gets a random nightmare about the demolition expert one night after seeing Simmons face.
Him getting fatherly for some reason because of Epsilon’s memories. Like a pat on the shoulder and the urge to threaten Grif. That’d probably be too silly to be real though.
….Grif getting jealous Simmons is hanging out with Wash and Carolina and not telling him what they’re doing or talking about.
Well they are married so there’s no way it’s anything that’d take his husband a way from him. He’s not even into Simmons like that so it doesn’t matter either way. Why does Simmons laughing and smiling with other people make him angry? Nah, can’t be him. Can’t be….. He needs a cigarette.
“Where did you even get that? I thought you ran out of cigarettes?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what you’re doing with those blues?”
“They’re not blues, Grif! They’re freelancers, empathize on free.”
“Just like I’m free not to tell you where I got these.”
“So there’s more than one?”
“What does that matter?”
Simmons and Grif then wrestled for the cigarette pack he’s hidden on his body. Carolina walks in. They stop.
“It’s not what it looks like!”
“Protect me lamp!”
-Yeah! Simmons did work with Tex on occasion, mostly for, as you said, clean up/demolition work. I don't think they talked much while he was on the MOI, at least not outside the mission. I think they both recognized each other in Blood Gulch, but kinda pretended they didn't. Simmons b/c he didn't want to bring attention to himself, while Tex was like "oh, That's South Carolina. Is he trying to be covert?... I'll let him think he's being covert. I have bigger issues than a run away demolition tech."
-As for sarge, Simmons probably thinks he's like the best father figure ever lol. (then again, the only thing he has to compare to is the Director, who was very much a dick to him, so even a half-crazy old man obsessed with war is loads better than that.)
-Carolina probably wasn't very vague about her shovel talk lol. She's not exactly the subtlest when it comes to, well, anything. She probably gave him a very detailed list of what she'd do to him if he so much as thought of hurting her brother. One that would have Grif terrified of even looking the dude's way for the next week lol.
-That would be hilarious! Unfortunately Simmons blew up his old armor as a sort of 'resignation letter' when he left the MOI. So not entirely possible.
-But wash being vaguely reminded of Demolition Tech whenever he's around simmons would be funny. Like he's just sitting there half-panicking like ''Why does this guy remind me of the demoition tech. is it because he knows a lot about explosives and once mocked me for needing to use c4 to blow up a suit of armor? I know he somehow knows how to explode armor with just an alarm clock but that doesn't match Demolition Tech's skillset. Does it???" He finds out later that Simmons and Demolition Tech are the same and he's just like "That's why?! I wasn't going crazy!" lol : )
and lol!! : ) Poor Grif cannot catch a break with Carolina around. He just wants to hang out with his husband and it is not working out at all lol.
Thank you!
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
Two things for the PA AU!
1: pls tell us how Kai unknowingly used Lloyd’s power when he was evil!
2: what was the sacrifice Lloyd made to show he really cared about the team?!
ALRIGHT SO! this au is ON THE BRAIN  and kai (@shadesofvermillionvoid) helped me make some answers to your questions ! (as you know i still suck at explaining DBJWKWD)
before we go, this one needs a few trigger warnings
(TW: supplements/ drug use, experimentation, implied suicide (nobody actually dies, no worries)
alright, we good?
prepare for like an ESSAY KDJWJKWD
1. okokokook ok!!! i'm. im SURPRISED i havent talked about lloyd/gb's power here on tumblr, cause it's such a big part of his story, and why he does what he does. so consider this an important lore dump
so, when garmadon (who, was actually possessed by the overlord the whole time, it wasn't. actually garmadon) and his group were still running the show, back when lloyd was really young. experiments were conducted on the child, leading garm/the overlord to discover that lloyd contained raw power, that could be exploited for his gain.
the power of energy, in this au, is i think a little stronger than in canon ninjago, as in, yeah, it can stand on its own just like in the show, can be used to blast things, to form energy shields and whatnot, and still has access to all the four other elements of creation. BUT it can ALSO regenerate itself, as in if some of lloyds power is taken, it will come back eventually. and it can ALSO be used as a performance enhancer and/or fuel for battery for tech... and people.
SO, with that in mind, the overlord, in garm's body, started taking energy from the child, with painful extraction tech that would sometimes leave lloyd on bedrest for weeks. the first of hundreds of these extractions is what caused the explosion that took lloyd's arm away in the first place.
they'd use the energy filled batteries (which kind of just look like some little glass bottles with glowy stuff in it) to power weapons (you saw kai's sword in the kai ref), machines, vehicles, etc etc. and would also sell them to other parties who were somewhat involved with the group. to use for the same thing and/or performance enhancers for battle.
and...well... to answer your question. kai used to buy said energy bottles. unknowing that they came from the same child that he saw just a while prior. see in his sword and also the reason his fire was blue, and stronger, when he was evil.
and, this all actually keeps going well after lloyd is aged up and he becomes "the green bandit". he keeps giving his power for his gang, because harumi says he should, and he trusts her. so he does.
kai, of course stops taking the energy and using it for his sword and gets to more old school type katanas and such when he starts doing hero work, he only finds out where the energy bottles came from well after zane infiltrates gb's operation. and he is. absolutely mortified.
this is all part of why lloyd depends on his power so much, and why he freaked out when zane blocked it out for the team's safety. he has to be of use, what is he without his power, really?
hope that answers your first question :)
2. so, for the "final battle" (it's. not really the final one, me and kai are actually planning a continuation for this au), harumi prepares a giant mech, ready to take on the surface world and make it hers.
whats her plan? to find gb, he'll come out from wherever he's hiding eventually, and use HIM to power up the mech even more, give it such a huge boost that she'll be unstoppable. so her and her newfound gang will rule the underground AND the surface. the mech is specifically designed with like a human-sized tube to stick gb in and actively extract his power from him.
SO ! our heroes go against her! she starts attacking the city and the battle ensues. gb said.. he didn't want to go with them, that he can't face harumi again, he wasn't ready for that.
but that was a lie.
at one point kai is cornered by harumi's huge mech, on top of a building, about to be seriously injured, even killed, unable to get away. but right in that moment where harumi is about to DESTROY KAI... gb shows up and saves him, blasts the mech and makes it fall back for a bit.
gb helps kai up, but then GRABS him by his shirt, holding him up right on top of a huge fall off the building, right on the ledge.
kai thinks this is it. he's being betrayed. he couldn't help gb, he yells out "I thought we were friends!", without really thinking.
gb... almost... almost smiles at him, and says "...We are. And, that is why I need to do this." and he throws kai down to where the others are fighting harumi's goons and keeping civilians safe. he's caught by cole but he's FREAKING OUT.
gb fights harumi and her mech on his own.
this is perfect for harumi's plan. this is JUST what she wanted.
she ends up catching him after a bit, like a little insect. and forces him into the tube i was talking about earlier.
but gb is not stupid, far from, he wouldn't go head first into such an unfair battle if he didn't have a plan. he knew harumi would come look for him, so he decided to give her what she wants, power.
when he's forced into the mech, and the power extraction begins, he also starts PUSHING OUT as much power as he physically can, his scar spreading all over his body because of the stress he's putting himself under.. like his body can't TAKE it. he OVERLOADS the mech with power, so much so that...
well.. it explodes.
with him in there.
ALRIGHT that's both those questions! thank you so much for sending the ask KJDWJDW im so glad people are enjoying this au as much as me and kai are. and we wanna make even more for it
AS ALWAYS if you have any questions about this au, either from this post, past ones, or the aftermath of what i just explained, send them my or @shadesofvermillionvoid 's way!! we LOVE talking about it. it is so much fun.
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tunastime · 2 years
hi!! scarian anon here or can I be 🔥📱(/ref to your ao3 comment section I’m lurking there too!) scarian just makes me go insane and now I’ve made it my mission for scarian to hit every prompt on the list so can I get 4 with them, much appreciated <3
4. sincere / blues (x) (753 words)
The world is ending.
It's not really a problem. Scar has an escape plan. But the world here is kind of ending and he can’t help but feel like everything has to be laid out on the table before it does.
Grian sits with Scar in the grass outside his house. It’s a last hurrah type of thing. Tomorrow there’s a big sending off party and drinks and music and pretending like it's not true that some people might not make it out (and even though they’ll be back, even though, it’s a notion enough to have Scar’s heart leap in his throat).
Well. Here they are. Grian passes him back the bottle. Scar won’t ask him whose it was originally. It’s for tomorrow, but it’s theirs tonight.
He drinks.
It's not very good. When he's finished, Scar traces the back of his own teeth with his tongue. The words shuffle out in a way that makes him feel like he might be chewing the inside of his cheek.
"Do you love me?"
Grian, still propped up on one elbow in the grass, lets his eyes slide open. They're far away, heavy and glossy. In this light he might be the most beautiful person Scar has seen in a long time. Lantern light licks his cheeks. He smiles, a bit sleepily.
"Yes, I love you."
Scar clears his throat, thumping his chest with his fist. The liquid in the bottle is souring. 
"I mean," he says, still muttering, working the inside of his bottom lip between his teeth. "I mean do you like-slash-love me?"
Grian sits up slowly, tilting his head. What do you mean, it says. What does that mean? Grian says I love you but means something else. He's sincere, but I love you in this context isn't romance. It's not that. Is it?
Well, what does Scar mean? Yes yes yes I like you I'm afraid of the stronger word. Grian's chin comes off his hand and settles to trace the grass like he might be counting the individual blades. Scar swallows.
"Are you in love with me?"
Scar snorts. That word is a brick to his throat. Of course. Of fucking course. He can feel a burning bubbling up through his chest and his cheeks.
"On what?" He manages to squeeze out before his lungs deflate.
"On if you love me back."
Oh. Scar's heart is a thing that beats in his mouth. Grian is full on looking at him now, his fingers twisting in his sweater sleeve, turning it around in his fingers. It sounds like a roundabout question. He wants to say: of course I would. I wouldn't ask if I didn't. I wouldn't see if you did if I didn't already love you. It's been months. Months. 
If Scar would really study him, he might be able to note the squareness of his shoulders and how taut his spine is, how he hasn't breathed a full breath in about half a minute, and how his heart, too, thuds away in his throat, desperate to be heard. Scar doesn't notice these because he's too busy realizing that he wants to memorize the shape of his mouth.
"As I live and breath," he says, not sure if he's actually speaking it until Grian says:
"Yeah. Me too."
And Scar laughs. It's a sound that was pinned in his chest and releases as he and his heart sink back, he on his haunches, from where he was kneeling in the grass, and his heart into his ribcage. He sighs, too. It's a nice feeling.
"Yeah?" Scar asks, mostly out of habit. Grian laughs, too, something soft and far too relaxed to be for a spot in the grass in the middle of Boatem in the middle of the world ending. The moon is too big but Scar is too busy looking at Grian shuffling over to him. Too busy feeling his hands, incredibly slowly and cautiously, slot around his face like they were meant to hold it. It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last, but it was this time. The memory sears into his brain. Grian's eyes flick over his face, gentle and dark brown and so easy to keep eye contact with. Scar stops himself from leaning into his palm. Almost stops himself.
"I'm sorry it was too quiet to notice," Grian says, nearly in a whisper. "I loved you for a while. I did, I did, I do now."
"I was just making sure," Scar says, smiling. "Just kiss me already."
Grian kisses him and it feels like static electricity. And Scar kisses him back.
Somewhere, Pearl’s voice is beckoning them in for dinner. They finish the bottle. Grian finds his hand and doesn’t let it go.
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