#Dani adopts Conner
bluerosefox · 2 years
Mom!Dani (AKA: Square up Superman)
Like Dani (or Elle, depends what people wanna use) is now older. She still travels and visits Danny (whose in collage) and the others when she wants to but enjoys her freedom. And it's on one of those visits that as she traveling across the states, invisible cause she knows she's in Superman territory, she spots Superman and (Conner) Superboy in the sky.
Now since Dani is a ghost form she doesn't have a heart beat and since she's invisible she decides to see if she can overhear some gossip in the hero community goes over without much of a care.
BUT! Instead she starts hearing Superman, who hasn't come to terms with trusting Conner due to him being a clone and having been created by Lex still. (He'll get better after getting his butt kicked and chewed out by Dani and Danny but for now, jerk Superman), argue and well, Superboy's status as a clone is brought up.
Some very heated words are exchanged between the two in their fight and Superman says he can't trust Conner mostly due to him being a clone meant to end and replace him.
And this, hurts. Not just Conner but Dani too. And she can see on Superboy's face she knows just how terrible and how deeply hurt Conner is from hearing it too. Superman leaves not long after that and Conner is left behind with his hurt feelings and thoughts.
Dani decides then and there she wasn't going to let this continue. After all, clones never asked to be made and so they gotta watch out for each other.
Roughly a month later Danny opens his apartment door to see Dani there and a black haired teenager with her. He's greeted with "Hey Space Nerd, say hi to your nephew Conner Fenton!"
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Lois Lane is actually Ellie Phantom
Idea came from a comment @ourrechte-blog made on This post
So, back when Ellie was traveling the world, she saw quite a few things that she really didn't like. War Crimes, Humans Rights Violations, Poverty, etc.
And she really wanted to draw some attention to those problems, but she knew that as some random kid those stories would never receive the press they deserved. So she decided to Become the press instead.
She went back to Danny, who was also on the run, and they both got new Identities. Danny became Sam "Daniel" Lane, and Ellie became Lois "Ellie" Lane. (Also she reverted to her true age, so the ages matched up)
Ellie, now Lois, began to go to School so she could establish her new identity. Eventually, she managed to get to College, Graduated, and got a Job at the biggest newpaper she could, the Daily Planet.
She was now living her best life. She was a credited reporter, her dad was a Military General, and she was spreading the word about all the problems in the world that often got overlooked.
Then, one day, Lois met a really nice guy named Clark Kent. He was such a sweetheart, and had such a kind personality. She was immediately smitten.
Even Danny liked him, and Danny barely liked anyone for fear of them hurting his daughter.
And it got even better when she figured out that he was Superman, a Superhero just like her dad used to be. She proved it when she jumped off of the roof of the Daily Planet and he caught her. (She was never in danger, she can fly too. But she did decide that even if he wasn't superman, she trusted him enough to tell him that she had powers)
They got married, and one day Clark came home looking disturbed about something.
Apparently he just found out that a company called Cadmus had tried to Clone him.
She was not happy when he told her that he didn't want to accept the kid.
"Clark. So help me Ancients, if you left that poor boy alone and rejected him after he did nothing wrong I am going to string you up by your toenails and let my Uncle Fright go to town on you with his Magic Sword!"
"I-I know what I did was wrong honey, but why are you so angry about it?!"
"Clark, I'm also a Clone! You know I don't have a Mom, how did you never ask my dad or me about that!?"
"I thought he was dead or something! I'm sorry!"
"We'll talk about this later, let's go talk to that poor kid."
"Yes ma'am."
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jaybirbie · 6 months
Dp x DC prompt.
The Supersons, both younger and older sets, are called to the watchtower.
Once there, they're introduced to Wonder Womans children, Danny Prince and Danielle Prince. Or Wonderboy and Wonder Girl, respectively.
One Wonder for each Robin/superboy duo. Cause where would Batman and Superman would be without Wonder Woman?? After all, a Bat and a Super need a Wonder. Simple math, really.
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tanglepelt · 8 months
Dp x dc idea 145
When vlad creates Dani she was much younger. He was unsuccessfully able to age her up. She was only aged to 5.
In this Dani doesn’t try to help vlad. She overheard him talking about melting her down. She goes to Danny. She gets stabilized. But Danny can’t keep a 5 year old.
Plus vlad wants her gone. The only thing he can think to do is give her to someone who travels a lot. People who would take her in. One day Halys circus came around.
A nice family with a boy the same age agreed to take her in. He didn’t give too much information. Just that she was in danger if she stayed in town.
He hoped the graysons would take good care of her.
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kizzer55555 · 10 months
DP X DC School Project
So...I am part of a dp x dc Discord server under the nickname Jazz. Someone decided to post a Pinterest picture in the fanfic ideas channel. This is the conversation it created. I love this Discord server so much.
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Danny and Damain working together on school project together.
Or even Dani and Damian up to you.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny and Damian just sounds so much more funny to me.
Alrights 👌
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious
And they totally would act like this
crying lmao
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damien: Why wouldn't we shop at [the expensive place]? I am an heir-
Danny: taps the paper 2k a month. You gave up your money to make me feel more comfortable.
Damien: Why would I care about your comfort?
Danny: dramatic gasp How could say that about your husband?!
Damian: husband?! what "husband"?!
then proceeded to fight on types of toast and pricy vegetarian meals
Danny: look our family needs a balance diet, we can't live off vegetables alone! The very least we should mix it with some actual food like Ectoplasm.
(if Ectoplasm can be considered all kind of elements/a semi living organism since it revives things then any food brought to life should be counted as a beast of some kind)
Also counts since Danny lived off ectoplasm for a fair bit of his life so he would see it as a food source
Danny: me. I'm your husband, we agreed to marry to make it easier for the kids.
Damian: KIDS?!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Danny Jr and Damian Jr!
Danny: yes kids, don't tell me you forgot we had kids! I swear you'll say you forgot we have pets too!
Danny: shows the paper that says they have a pet and two kids
No wait, the ectoplasm comes last. Just the Wayne’s seeing Damian and this random kid fight about every single thing. Finally Damian comes home and says that they finally agreed on something.
The Wayne’s: finally. Looks like this is a good learning experience:
Damian: we have agreed to live off of Lazarus water.
And the best thing is that they might not know about Danny being a halfa. So they think Damian is now corrupting random citizens.
Cause like, they both grew up with Lazarus water/ectoplasm and know the nutritional value.
Great for child development too!
They both turned out great!
Alright now both Danny and Damian are fully into this project now they have at least a agreed idea on food
Because the project they have is this; budget for every day living
So they have food set out
There is now trying to keep the house running and kids/pets alive and entertained
Danny agrees that with his skills he can do the majority of repairs, Damian agrees to take responsibility of the pets
They are now having an argument on how children should be raised.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian is all for strict discipline, high standards of education, after school activities (he may not want his kids to be assassins but he still wants the best).
Danny's all for independence, finding your own way, encouragement and lots of love and support.
Damian: Do you want our children to grow up to be garbagemen?!
Danny: Do you know how much a garbageman makes?!
Danny grew up around a lot of physical affection and love from his folks, except around the time of the accident/the holidays he always knew his parents loved each other very very much.
Damian comes from such an emotionally constipated house hold that he only gets the majority of physical affection from Dick
This is so perfect.
Danny then says something that puts Damian’s entire world view into question.
Danny: is this how you would treat our pets?!
Damian: gasp how dare you, how very dare you!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
XD Danny, recounting the story later to Sam and Tucker: I swear, if he had pearls, he would've clutched them.
Me imagining Damian going to Dick to complain.
Damian: can you imagine?! Raising kids and hugging them! Or saying it’s ok to fail!
Dick’s face.
Damian complaining to his family: we might have agreed on living off Lazarus water, but now he wishes for our children to just go wild, then compared our pets to them!
Damian: obviously our pets would act nothing like those…savages.
It just keeps getting better~
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Waynes are listening to this kind of like a soap opera
Sam: wow Danny, at the very least your doing better then when you were partnered up with Val, like the majority of the time you were trying to pawn off raising the kid on each other until the flower was in danger, but I can't say much myself since Tucker pulled a Kronos.
Which opened a new can of worms; how much time were they going to take care and be there for their "kids" what kind of training would they go through
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: I learned from my mistakes. I wasn't ready to be a parent then.
Their whole class and teachers are watching it like a soap opera
The very least they get to see it live and not re counted
(Someone get popcorn, or they just get out their packed lunches early).
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Yes! The Waynes and Sam and Tucker get the play-by-play but the class gets to see the actual show!
No wait, someone records it and post it and then it goes viral. (Do they think that the Wayne’s make a lot more sense now hearing of how Damian thinks children should be raised?)
(Are there now more questions?!)
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Oooh. I can see people being even worse to Damian. Maybe pitying him because he grew up with so little love.
Then the next day Danny brings up the issue of child raising again since Sam makes a good point.
Danny: okay so I've re think a few things, mainly on occasion the kids should get self defense classes or something like that since it would make most sense to keep them safe. But beyond work and school activities how should we spend our time with them?
People see the two about to continue their conversation and immediately stop what they are doing to bring their phones out.
What if this becomes one of the most popular ‘dramas’? Like, so much in fact even villains will stop what they are doing to watch?
(because Danny comes from a physical affectionate house doesn't mean there was neglect from his folks working way too much)
Jazz pretty much raised him when it came to actual child care so Danny is determined to be there for his "kids"
Not just for the fun stuff or being pulled to random projects
They get super invested in this project.
Also, what if people intentionally goad them on? Like seeing them together and asking if a kid should be left alone at home or with a babysitter or what they’ll do during a blackout/tornado?
Surprisingly it's Danny who brings a big book of plans in case if emergencies
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Adonnenniel "Addy": - reply to students and citizens goading Danny and Damian on.
The teacher reworks their lesson plans to do an extended deep dive into home economics so that this can keep happening.
Some of the emergency responses are normal like, if there is a tornado, evacuate kids to a shelter, others are strange like arguing whether you should fight the burglar or prioritize the kids. Others are just plain weird. A blackout? Both Damian and Danny will turn to face the questioner. Obviously they’ll be able to see in the dark. (Effect of ectoplasm/Lazarus exposure).
Danny is even willing to share on the "in case of apocalypses" situations
Neither question why they know a massive amount of information about various world ending disasters/villains.
Oh and how they should pack bags for school and for emergencies
Omg, they make a kid survival kit. Including blasters and knives.
Danny insists they should put some of the survival kit stuff in the school bag
Everything a five year old should take to school.
Ooo discussion on how old their kids should be to learn about weapons and how to safely handle them
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Eight should be good.
Damian: Eight is way too late to start!
The fact that both agree this is a necessary subject to teach their kids. Everyone’s reaction to hearing various ways you can kill/dismember a person and why this won’t work. Not because it’s immoral but clearly because young kids don’t have the necessary arm length to complete certain maneuvers.
Damian: that's why we should put the kids into martial arts and gymnastics as soon as possible so  they can be flexible enough!
Danny: that’s why we should wait until their older and focus on their aim while young! Their muscle memory will be all wrong by the time they reach the appropriate age!
Damian: they will not always have a weapon to aim. The body is the only reliable weapon that will never fail.
Now to add extra into the mix; Bruce and Jazz (who is now Danny's legal guardian) show up to school to pick them up as they are in a middle of an argument
Danny: and who will be the one teaching them? Because proper teachers will be expensive, at least we can teach them at home how to aim properly! It can be a bonding experience!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Jazz: What are you talking about?
Danny: Teaching our young children proper aim.
Jazz: You will not!
Danny: I mean, you're obviously not going to teach them.
Damian: I can teach them perfectly fine.
Danny: what about work? You can’t be with them all the time. 
Damian: I can take them with me. We can travel around Gotham and learn to fight through experience. 
Danny: you are not taking our children to fight on the streets
Damian: what, didn’t you want us bonding?! Make up your mind!
Dick looking at Bruce. “This is your fault.”
Danny: You're not letting our children out on the streets, they will put too many people in the hospital! You have any idea how expensive that would be!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian casually dropping he's Robin?
Danny not even processing it.
Then casually stating he’s dead. Damian skipping that detail.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
XD They're too caught up in the roles.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Maybe afterwards, if they think back on it.
Like vigilantism and the dead coming back to life is normal for them. They are focusing on the children right now thank you.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
And then they both come up with the excuse "I was just adding to lore, it was all pretend!"
Not before this;
Damian: fine if you want to control our lives and children then we should just divorce!!
Danny: oh I’m controlling?!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Do they get Alfred to be the judge to oversee their divorce?
Danny: fine, our kids and pets will be happier with me anyways.
Damian: don’t you dare bring the pets into this.
Damian going to Bruce to use the Wayne lawyers for this imaginary family divorce.
He will win this.
Danny actually going to Vlad.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Vlad has been watching the whole time. He doesn't need to be brought up to speed.
Both of them are like, this is ridiculous. But on the other hand, my child actually asked for help from me for once.
Danny uses Dani as an example of a child that is better off with him
Adonnenniel "Addy":
And Jazz even brings it up to Bruce that if Damian didn't get to play like this as a young kid, he might be making up for lost time, in his own intense way.
Because that's what Danny is doing too
The absolute struggle both Bruce and Vlad go through on whether or not to actually do this and use up their lawyers, money, and resources.
The viral videos increase. 
Danny getting frustrated enough that he is tempted to get Clockwork to be the judge
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Bruce gets his other kids involved? They play as Damian's lawyers?
Dick is having a blast.
Then Sam comes in for Danny’s defense.
Both Tucker, Tim, and Barbra (possibly Technis) get into a hacking war.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Cujo and Titus become best friends.
Dani is still the example child
Tim is Damian’s example child.
Peepaw Clockwork comes in a human form to judges
Alfred and Clockwork have tea.
And discuss their kids.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim: I'm older than you! How am I your example child?!
Dick: whispers Hey, he's including you without stabbing you. Take the win.
Clockwork: I do hope they figure this all out before their legit kids are born~
Danny: finally stops, going into a blushing and betrayed look at Clockwork
Damian: who doesn't know Clockwork sees the future what on earth are you talking about, we barely are keeping together for the kids we do have!
Gestures to Tim and Dani
Tim: I’m. Older. Than you!
Damian. Then start acting like it.
Danny: (trying to recover) tsk tsk, how can you treat your son this way?
Damian: he’s adopted.
Danny: and she's a clone, doesn't mean they can't be loved and cared for as their own persons!
Danny: to prove a point he hugs both Dani and Tim, trying to smoother them with love and acceptance
Tim just looks so done with life at the moment.
Danny: plus our pets are adopted, yet you wouldn't love them any less
Critical hit.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny ends up adopting Tim by the end of this.
He wins Tim in the divorce.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim gets a new dad
Bruce doesn’t know how to feel about this.
This one says "I love you" and is into Tim's science projects
Dani’s like new sibling. Tackle Hugs.
And Danny doesn’t restrict coffee intake. He’s just as bad.
If anything he shows Tim a whole world of coffee mixes
Jazz though. Jazz is a bit of a problem with Coffee.
Tim and his new dad form an alliance.
Danny takes Tim to Frostbite to get a new spleen
Danny: see? I provide free healthcare.
Then proceeds to show off Tim: This is my boi, I won him!
All while Dani is giggling and clinging to their sides
Vlad is looking at Bruce very smugly.
Danny would show Tim and Dani off at school after this
Like: behold, my children!
It becomes public that Wayne enterprise’s CEO is Tim Fenton.
(and since I'm going with King Danny in this)
That means due to Danny winning and Tim becoming his kid, Tim Fenton is now the prince of the infinite realms along with his new sister Dani
Cass and Steph come back from a big trip once everything is over
They ask what happened. 
Jason gleefully explains that Bruce went to legal war with another billionaire over an imaginary family and ended up loosing Tim to them.
Also, that Damian might have a crush.
Because he just went through one of the best non injury fights of his life with this guy
And lost
Yet they do agree on a fair bit of things, and now know where their main issues are and can work on them.
The entire world witness this entire thing and there are going to be shippers.
Pft imagine the Justice League hearing about this~
Also just think, when they eventually do get together. That high school teacher is absolutely going to brag that it was their project that started this.
Jon might have a crisis on being replaced as Damian’s best friend. Someone explains the difference between boyfriend and normal friend and Jon’s like, ok that’s fine then.
Oh man, when Jon finds out everything that had happened
Jon would tell Conner
Conner hears about the clone comment.
Now Conner wants to be adopted.
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Danny be pulling a Bruce
Or would Bruce be pulling a Danny?
Omg, I just realized. Bruce Wayne lost a Custody battle.
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Major L
To a child
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Ain't Danny technically a god?
Still child
Who would definitely adopt Conner
Omg this is like a whole ass fic already, it’s soooo goood! I absolutely bursted out laughing at the “we plan to live off Lazarus water”
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Just got caught up and all I have to say is: 😂😂😂
Btw, I love the idea that Tim isn't legally adopted to Danny (by ghost standards, yes, not by mortal law) but he just goes with Danny cuz he's so done with his family.
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Dani, Tim, Conner. Do we throw in reformed, de-aged Dan for shits and giggles?
Pfft yess
And Damian only finds out about Dan after the divorce
This re sparks everything into a new battle~
Damian is offended that Danny never told him about their other son Dan
Adonnenniel "Addy":
He wants visitation rights!
Damian wants to win Dan, like how Danny won Tim
Adonnenniel "Addy":
That makes more sense
Damian goes up to Dan and offers access to all sort of weapons, training/fights, being a heir to a different Kingdom, and possibly be ungrounded if he takes Damian's side in the new Custody battle
The Angst Queen:
When you catch up and burst out laughing
Also - I wanna add something
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Add, please!
The Angst Queen:
Damian would definitely pull a sword at some point - decide to attack and “miss” every time. He does not expect Danny to suddenly have an ice sword in hand. Do then they’re both going at it in a sword fight while still arguing about diaper brands
Damian - so then I attack him 
Dick - WHAT!?!? 
Damian - I know! He didn’t even have the decency to die! He pulled out his own sword! 
Dick in shock whispers - what
Damian - and he still refuses to consider Huggies! Insists on natural diapers!
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Like when the arguments get too much they start sword fighting like the Adam's family
It's how they discuss things and keep up reaction times for both brain and body
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Do they fight in school or at the manor?
School, just to add more to the soap opera drama
And for the bats to keep missing the live actions of it
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Except Babs but that's obvious to know why
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Their sword fights go all around the school, interrupting other classes. The security guards or other teachers try to stop them but Danny'll just pull them into the argument. 
Teacher: walking up to them, trying to grab the swords Now, boys, this must stop!
Danny: leaps up onto a desk, put his arm around the teacher's neck as he's still fighting Damian Hey, you look like a reasonable man. Tell me, why would you ever want to buy a waste product all for brand recognition and not cut down waste and get reusable diapers?
Teacher: That's a very leading question and calls on a few logical fallacies-
Danny: shoves the teacher away as Damian leaps for an attack
And this is where Damian's crush really began
It's one thing to argue and have different trains of thought
It's another to have someone actually just as skilled as you in the battle of the sword and the mind
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Danny: Hopefully the castle is big enough for everyone
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim: You have a castle!? O_O
Conner: You have a castle!? : D
Danny: Yep!  Oh, and you two are now royalty!  Don't worry, you won't have to do anything unless you want to.
I wonder if Tim rubs it in his other semi siblings faces
Like Steph, Jason, and Damian's faces in particular
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Does Tim take a pic of everything in the realms?
Bruce Kal-el” Wayne:
Or try to
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Tim especially rubs being royalty in Damian's face.  He knows he should be better but damnit, Damian was/is all high and mighty about being the heir to the League of Assassins and Bruce's biological child - he stabbed Tim over it!  Tim gets to gloat a bit that he technically outranks Damian now!
Does this increase Damian’s crush on Danny? Damian tries to ask out Danny and makes it ‘rational’ by saying of course he needs to be higher ranked than Tim. While also trying to hide that isn’t the only reason why he wants to date Danny
(make Damian unintentionally ghost speak which reveals his true emotions and reasons as to why he wants to date Danny)
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian: I want to date him for no other reason than to one-up my once brother.  That's it.  Nothing else involved here.  Just pure revenge.  I will not let Tim outrank me in this life or the next.
Jason: Uh-huh. flipping to the next page of Pride and Prejudice  Have fun on your denial date.
Omg, imagine Damian formally asking Danny out on a date!
And Danny's like, despite the divorce, I want to give us another shot.
And the plot THICKENS
That's everyone's reactions 😁
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Where would they even go on a date?
Ooo what if they went to the museum
Or an art gallery
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Or a date to the literal moon
I don't think Damian would survive that well
Bruce “Kal-el” Wayne:
Ecto shield giving an artificial atmosphere
Adonnenniel "Addy":
Damian would take Danny to a museum or art gallery.
Danny will chose the next date and take him to the moon.
Then definitely the museum should be like the Glenbow Museum
This is just inside the front entrance
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It's called the aurora borealis
Because they make the crystals actually glow different colors
Adonnenniel "Addy":
This is a full on walk through section where you learn about the stars and First Nations
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Adonnenniel "Addy":
Holy shit, now I want to go to the Glenbow Museum.
Art pieces, and they also have a section for mid evil times and even mini battle fields
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The Angst Queen:
Side note - I bet Danny makes Damian work to get that date
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spacedace · 1 month
At the end of the day, it was just a quick, strange thought. There and gone in a moment. Just a little girl whose face, for just a beat of his too-fast heart almost looked like someone he’d seen once in a half forgotten dream. A squeezing, tangle in his chest that had nothing to do with something that was and wasn’t him feeling like she was someone long waited for and everything to do with a child bruised and battered and teetering between life and death.
So he put it in a box and set it aside. Something to poke at later. Or outrun and forget completely.
It was nothing to worry about.
Nothing to think about.
She wasn’t familiar.
(Except that she was.)
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
dp x dc
Danny is the son of the BatCat, after an unexpected meet an all the stuff 'my son is alive/dead and I didn't know' the batfam plus Selina get used to Danny, but Damian is jealous.
His father never gives him that soft look, Richard never spends much time in the manor for him, Todd and Drake never look that relax around him. (His mother never puts him first as Danny's mother)
Danny noticed it. He knows that his new little brother have a complicate past and have problems communicating his feelings. So he decides to take Damian.
He just picks Damian up, give him a flying board as Valerie's, and take Dani's advice.
"Just travel!"
Damian doesn't know what think about being kidnapped by his new older brother, but fly is nice.
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threewaysdivided · 9 months
Artistic rendering of Conner and Dani's vibes in the Mirrors chapter outline for Deathly Weapons:
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zylev-blog · 3 months
This is the masterpost for everything that I have posted, not reblogged or added on from someone else.
DCU Only
The Batkids hide in Batman's cloak: here
DP Only
Ghosts as a separate species: here
Young Danny: here
Danny really hates Christmas: here
Failed Ghost Danny: here
The Purge: here
Secret Arms dealer: here
Danny is Jon Kent: here
Martian Danny: here
Danny's being followed: here
Danny is Bruce Wayne: here
Danny is the clone of Barry and Hal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Ace the bathound: here @bloggerspam wrote a beautiful fic for this!
Danny goes back in time to kill villain Tim: here
Danny is Diana's daughter: here
Danny arrives during DCeased: here
Danny is Alfred's son: here
Danny is centries old: here
"My name is Danny Fenton, and this is Jackass.": here
Danny is the son of Clark Kent and Lana Lang: here
Danny is convinced Batman is a vampire: here
Danny is Deadshot: here
Danny infiltrates the Light: here
Danny is Jason Todd: here
Danny pays Diana a visit: here
Dan meets Jason Todd: here
Red Lantern Dan: here
Dan raises Kal-El: here
Jazz gets drunk: here
Halfa Jazz: here
Jazz is Lex Luthor's daughter: here
Tucker is Amity Park's protector: here
Dani wants to get arrested: here
Dani is from the future: here
Dani is the clone of Bruce and Danny: here
When Dani destabilizes, Superman stabilizes her dna. She doesn't appreciate this: here
Danny is Clockwork's assistant
Clockwork's assistant au: here
Apprentice of time au: here
Green Lantern Danny
Adult GL Danny: here
GL Danny in Justice League: here
GL Danny helps arrest his parents: here
Danny and others:
Danny and Jazz go to a gala: here
Danny and Dick talk during a stakeout: here
Damian's rant: here
Cujo steals Jason's gun: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Wally crosses into the DP universe: here
Bruce trains with Phantom: here
The Phantom siblings like to throw things: here
Gotham is on fire: here
Danny and Sam make a bet: here
Flash, Batman, and Joker accidentally cross into the DP universe: here
Danny and Bart are from the future: here
Dani and Dani decide to crash Bruce's interview: here
Mind-controlled Superman crashes Danny and Sam's date: here
Damian and Danny are best friends: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Dick and Danny talk: here
Dick and Danny are childhood friends: here
Danny rescues Bruce in 1732: here
Jason and Danny kill the Joker: here
Deaged Danny
Danny escapes CADMUS: here
Danny and Dani are adopted by Aquaman: here
Oliver adopts Danny: here
Clark adopts Danny: here
Barry adopts Danny: here
Teen/Adult dad Danny
Ellie and Damian's forced friendship: here
Single Dad and toddler Ellie meet Single mom Kara and baby Kal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Klarion and Nabu's Dad: here
Danny is Zeus, and Diana's father: here
Dick throws a party for his 30th birthday: here
The Batfam discover the GIW's warehouse by accident: here
Freakshow and Joker are brothers: here
Tim accidentally creates a portal to Amity Park: here
Dick accidentally saves Danny instead of Tim: here
Danny becomes backup Red Robin: here
Deaged Dick: here
Jazz, Harley, and Bruce are in medschool together: here
Halfa Tim Drake: here
Villain Fentons au: here
Valerie doesn't want to be on a hero team: here
Dick and Damian are ducks: here
Kryptonian Jack Fenton: here
Amity Park is its own nation: here
Villian Fentons: here
A Turkey ghost sends the Fentons on a country-wide chase: here
Little Baby Man Danny: here
Conner is Phantom and Superman's clone: here
Kryptonian Danny: here
Dash/Danny: here
Tim/Danny: here
Tim/Danny gods of Krypton: here
Damian is Jazz and Bruce's son: here
Valerie/Danny raise Dani: here
GL Jazz/Bruce: here
FBI Agent Jazz Fenton(Nightingale): here AO3 link: here
Stephanie/Danny: here
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Maddie: Danny, are you free? I want to talk.
Danny: Not now, mom. I'm chastising my kids.
*looks at Billy, Constantine and Conner. Dani paints Dan's nails in the corner of the room*
Maddie: Yeah, I thought I'd hear that from my boy in his early twenties at the worst. But here we are.
~AUs with adoptions always make me smile, don't blame me~
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new-revenant · 2 years
Dpxdc idea in which Superman meets Dani while she’s out traveling and she helps him out with whatever threat of the day he’s dealing with. This is sometime after the Justice League formed and way before Superman learns about Conner.
Dani does pretty well but then get smacked out of her ghost form and into her human form, so Superman is left to deal with the threat. After the threat is taken care of, Superman’s like “you have a lot of potential young one, thank you for your assistance” or something. And Dani says “thanks I take after the guy I got cloned from.”
Superman - “Your a clone? Who cloned you?”
Dani - “an evil ghost named Plasmius cloned me after a superhero ghost named Phantom because he wanted him to be his son. As you can see he’s not very good at the whole cloning thing.”
“I can call the Justice League? If you want?”
“Nah I’m good, Phantom and sometimes the Fentons are able to beat him up.”
“…Okay can you explain a bit more please?”
Somehow Dani manages to convince Superman that the Fentons are in fact not evil mad scientists, that Plasmius is just a regular weird ghost that just so happens to look like a vampire(Dani wanted to convince him that he was actually a vampire but that didn’t work), and somehow managed to convince him that she was cloned from both Danny Fenton and Phantom since Plasmius wanted a way with Danny’s mom to marry him or something.
Superman offers her again for League help, but she declines saying, “Your pretty strong, you can help by yourself. Speaking of help, I actually need some of that right now.”
Superman - “What do you need help with?”
Dani - “I need clothes and food and probably enough money to rent a motel room for a night.”
Anyways that’s how Superman adopts Dani. Dani still travels around but now she makes frequent pit stops to Metropolis and the Daily Planet. It’s not long until the League finds out about her and whenever asked about herself, Dani just gives them non-answers and disappears before appearing again to prank them. Superman says that she’s practically his daughter and Dani just nods and that’s all they have to go off on. Dani told Superman to not spill about her past unless it was absolutely necessary.
Dani once introduced Superman to Danny when Dani started destabilizing again-and Superman was going to Amity Park as Clark Kent to interview the Red Huntress since by then Amity Park is a bit more well know with the whole Pariah Dark thing or something-and Danny was fangirling the whole time since Dani straight up told him that Clark was Superman. Phantom was also fangirling but it was because Superman was a hero and definitely not because he was an alien since Danny and Phantom are definitely two different people.
Dani sometimes calls Clark while he’s at work and now everyone at the Daily Planet knows he’s got a kid now. They are very supportive.
Now, Superman knows about clones and has a more positive outlook on them as simply people who can mold themselves into what they want to be, not whatever their creator created them for. And then he meets Conner.
That’s right, this whole prompt was just a ploy for good dad!Superman for Conner! And now Superman has a reputation for adopting clones. But nobody knew that Dani was a clone(except Batman probably) until Conner arrived. So now the League are asking about that. Sucks to suck for Superman since the League are like “wtf why did you not tell us this?” And Superman’s like, “Dani told me not to tell you guys because she was scared :(“. That works, somehow. Now Conner also has a chaotic older sister who cares about him dearly. Not to mention Team Phantom who also support him to hell and back. Happy times all around.
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Dp x Dc Rant Prompt
Redeemed Vlad = single Gomez Addams
Just randomly adopting kids and finally being his eccentric rich self
Also him and klarion have similar hair styles and they both be immortal so yeah - Vlad adopts klarion hijinks Ensue
Also just Vlad not knowing how to talk to people - vlad finding out what lex luthor did
Dani comes back for the money
Dani hides Conner among her brothers and Vlad doesn’t even notice just immediately accepts it
Also just imagine Danny Jazz Sam and Tucker these assumingly normal people just having an evil ass uncle at their beck and call
Also Sam just taking so much advantage of it
On the flip side this wierd but otherwise fragile looking billionaire for some reason having the Ghost King on speed dial!!!
Everyone keeping their secret identities a secret and Batman/Bruce Wayne and Lex just tearing their hair out - whoops!
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hinacu-arts · 1 year
List of things im considering writing...
A funny Dead On Main wedding oneshot
Dani and Conner being some type of soulmatch (non-romantic) bc the parallels, which leads to Danny adopting Conner. Might have a TimKon side plot with big sister Dani hyping Conner up
Vlad sues Lex for plagiarism(?) breaking copyright(?) bc Lex used a lot of Vlad's cloning research when making Conner. Danny invites himself into JL property because the ectoplasm used was coded to the equivalent of Danny's ghost DNA (science stuff idk man) and he's so excited to meet Conner. Que Danny and Conner developing a relationship that foils Clark and Conner's. Eventually Danny (age 18 lol) sues both Lex and Superman for child custody of Conner. And wins.
A silly fic where Danny is stitching various members of the JL's tik toks and adding his own commentary
Ive been binging dpxdc fanfic for a couple weeks now and i love it. The only things holding me back is BBC should be my writing focus rn and i have consumed so little canon material. My batman experience comes from LEGO Batman, Justice League movie, and Batman vs the TMNT (also faint memories from The Killing Joke) and with DP its just faint memories of reruns. Idek how it ended.
So far ppl have said my posts are pretty in character and i cant become a better writer if i dont write so maybe i'll give one a shot
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Out of question, where did the idea of Superman hating clones come from in fanon?
Is it just an amped up version of him generally being neglectful for a while, taking a while to lend Conner a hand when he was homeless twice? The Kents adopted Conner and they've basically acted like brothers ever since...
He certainly is never weird about Damian.
Kara was weird about Conner for like an arc at one point (technically the New 52 Kon-El, by all accounts a different individual from Conner, even cloned from distinct people) because she was raised on Krypton and actually had a typical kryptonian bigotry against them before realizing that Kon-El wasn't created devoid of sentience to be purely a weapon for war and got over it. Does it have something to do with the view kryptonians had of clones?
Clark was dead when Conner first showed up and they basically worked together along with Steel until Conner joined Young Justice, so beyond seeing his as at most a teammate Steel trained for a bit and at worst a target of his constant paranoia over every action Lex takes, so there wasn't much that the idea could have come from in there.
It just seems strange to me that this concept was invented at all. Zod is right there. H'El is right there. There are characters that actually do hate Conner for being a clone already. I mean the comedic genius of Zod getting the upper hand on Superman for once only for Danny to beat him into the dirt because the motherfucker called Dani an 'unfeeling filthy copy' a week ago when he first broke out of the phantom zone and she went to the ghost zone to tell Danny to beat him up for it is masterful.
I'm pretty sure its for his negligence of connor
When fanfic writers need a villain but dont want to make a big fight they use what they have
And superman, who is considered to be incredibly strong and kind(in what ive seen, never read the conics) while being a a voice of reason and emotional
And people see flaws rather than the good so the negligence is what we latched onto, there's not alot of other heros that have complicated emotions that live in the grey area in morality while being a complete "good" hero
Personally i think it would be best used for a redemption ark in fanfics
This is just my opinion on this and while i dont fully know if theres something more my opinion is that people see flaws in good people rather than the good and thats what they focus on so the fandom latched onto it
I'm sorry if i offend tpu but thats my opinion
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captainkirkk · 2 years
Idk if anyone's recced Blister Pack by Faeriekit yet but like. As an avid Stan of Eldritch Horror Danny Phantom and YJ Conner getting adopted+adored by Literally Anyone, as well as clone buddies Dani and Con. It's an absolute treat if you wanna give it a go
I'll check it out
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spacedace · 1 year
Here have a quick blurb I wrote partially inspired by that AU where Kon thinks Danny is a clone of his that has been mixed with Kryptonite, but it's Elle who's just escaped from the GIW instead (as always feel free to use this as a writing prompt if anyone is interested):
Trigger warning for mild gore in the form of implications of dissection/vivisection, torture, dismemberment/amputation as well as implied starvation. Nothing too detailed, but Elle is in bad shape and I want to give fair warning that it is there.
Kon was the closest when the glowing green tear in space and time ripped open in the sky above Metropolis.
Which meant he was the first to see the tiny, injured figure falling out of it, plummeting to the ground in tattered hospital scrubs stained red and green. He moved before he could think, darting forward in the air to grab the battered body, not caring what else might come out of the ominous tear in reality above them. He didn’t care if he got chewed out for being careless, not when the body in his arms was so light and the hazy eyes looking up at him were so scared.
It was just a girl.
White hair darkening to black at the ends, blue eyes ringed with glowing green, little fangs and ashen skin with an arm severed at the elbow and a horrible Y incision carved into her chest seeping through the thin fabric of the medical scrubs she was wearing. She couldn’t be any older than Jon, weakly grabbing at his jacket with her one remaining hand as Kon flew her away from the - thankfully? - closing portal and towards the nearest emergency medical team as quickly as he could. Super strength meant he never really felt the weight of anyone he carried, but there’s something about how gaunt and thin she was that made her seem as solid as sea foam and shattered glass in his arms.
“D…anny?” The girl asked weakly, voice a painful rasp full of such weak hope as she blinked up at him through tear filled eyes. Her head lolled so she was tucking her face into his chest, fragile body shaking with sobs she wasn’t really strong enough for. “Th-ank you, thank you.”
He looked down and saw this injured girl and all that’s been done to her - her green-red blood is seeping into his uniform, her body going cold, cold, cold - and all he wanted was to crush her close and give her the kind of protective hug he’d give Jon after a rough battle. He was too afraid of hurting her more to dare to try though, instead settling on the soft hushing reassurances that she was going to be okay, that he was going to get her help as he pushed himself as hard as he could to get her to medical as quickly as possible.
When he touched down at the nearest JL base, a swarm of doctors and nurses already there and waiting with a stretcher and a crash cart, the girl in his arms gave a weak wail of terror, clinging to him as hard as her frail body would allow her to. “Please don’t let them take me again, Danny, please I can’t - I can’t…”
“Hey, hey, hey,” He shushed her, “It’s going to be okay,” He said, careful as he gently shifted her down onto the stretcher. “They’re here to help. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” It took barely a touch to pull her too-thin hand from his jacket, her small body trembling as she laid there looking up at him. The green was bleeding further into the blue, but the glow of it was starting to dim. The white in her hair sunk down further, leeching all the color out of the black, letting him see the green and red of her blood staining it as it did.
“Promise?” She was so small, Kon felt his heart breaking at the hoarse desperate whisper in her voice as she wept. He wanted to find whoever did this to this girl and tear them apart with his bare hands.
“Promise.” He swore, giving as much of a squeeze to her hand as he dared. “They’re going to fix you up and I’m going to be right here. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Tim found Kon exactly where he expected to: curled up in an uncomfortable plastic chair next to the bed of the mystery girl in the med bay.
Kon hadn’t left since he’d brought the girl in, stubbornly staying at her bedside and only able to be separated from her for as long as it took for the medical staff to stabilize the girl. She’d apparently not reacted well to the doctors, even less so to the prospect of the sterile white medical bay, and Kon had been the only one that had been able to get her to calm down long enough for them to actually work on her. Eventually the doctors confirmed that she was at least enough human that standard sedatives and anesthesia would work on her safely and they were able to knock her out, but even then Kon had refused to leave.
Looking at her in person for the first time, Tim could see why.
Their young Jane Doe was cleaned up compared to the state she’d been in when Kon had caught her falling out of the portal, but she was still a long way from out of the woods. Bones predominant beneath thin, sickly skin. Bruising and scars evident and recent. Left arm already partially gone when she’d appeared, now amputated up to just below her shoulder due to the amount of damage the doctor’s had found when going over her injuries.
She was small, smaller than Damian, and best estimates had her at about the same age as Tim’s youngest brother. Same age as Jon, too. And with some of her features similar enough - the blue in her eyes, the black in her hair, the glint of fangs - that it wasn’t hard to tell that Kon saw a nightmare of the things that could happen to his baby brother when he looked at the injured girl.
There’d been a bleak joke, when medical had sent pictures over of the girl for their investigation, to try and break the painful silence that filled the room when they all looked at this battered kid. That she had Bat-adoption written all over her face and that Tim should get ready to have another sibling. Tim had a feeling though that Kon wouldn’t let her go without a fight.
“Hey,” Tim said quietly, knocking softly on the door of the room. Kon blinked up at him blearily, dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, clearly tired enough to have not even noticed Tim’s arrival to the base. “She still hasn’t woken up?”
Kon shifted on the chair, rubbing his face with his one free hand - the other still firmly curled over the sleeping girl’s where it lay on the hospital bed - before shaking his head. “No. Doctor said it might be awhile. She has some kind of regenerative ability, but from what they can tell her body is so stripped of energy and resources it’s not able to fully kick in.”
Tim sighed softly, closing the door behind him before walking over to hold out the bag he brought. “I grabbed you a couple changes of clothes and some stuff from your apartment. I figured you’d need it.”
His boyfriend looked relieved, “Thanks. One of the nurses grabbed me some spare scrubs they had lying around, but uh,” Kon lifted his foot and wiggled it, showing off how short the pink and blue bunny scrub pants were on him. “They’re not exactly the most comfortable thing. Can you?”
He motioned towards the bed and the girl laying motionless and Tim nodded. “Yeah, go ahead. I’ll watch her.”
They swapped places, Tim taking over the chair Kon had been keeping vigil in, his gloved hand reaching out to cover the girl’s instinctively as his boyfriend slipped into the adjoining bathroom to change. The girl was cool too the touch, another oddity that the medical team hadn’t been able to say for certain if it was normal for her or a sign of something wrong. She had an abnormally low heart rate as well, though any attempt at raising it to healthy levels hadn’t proven successful.
DNA tests had been attempted on the blood they’d gotten off of Kon’s uniform, but there’d been…difficulties…with the system. Bruce and Barry were working together to try and fix the strange errors they were receiving, but there was no telling how long that would take. With the portal closing as soon as it opened and no good explanation of what had caused it or where it had led to, their only real source for answers was the unconscious girl. A girl who, while perhaps not at risk of flat-lining any second anymore, was still hanging uncertainly in the balance.
“Any news on her DNA?” Kon asked as he stepped out of the bathroom, looking softer and more comfortable in a pair of sweats and a hoodie. He moved to curl up in Tim’s lap, neither of them caring that the chair was in no way meant to hold two grown men, his eyes were back on the girl again nervously chewing on his bottom lip as he did.
Tim shook his head. “No. Every time they try the system just,” Tim made a vague motion to try and explain went up in sparks, “Flash & B are trying to work it out.” He studied Kon’s face, noting the lines of worry that crept in at the corners of his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Kon curled an arm around him, other hand moving to cup the girl’s so that her frail hand was cradled between their larger ones. “I think…” He paused, huffing for a moment before letting out a soft rumbling purr. One of those that Tim understood was meant for self-soothing. “I think she might be Kryptonian. Partially, at least. She’s obviously has more going on but…” He motioned with his hand, “Here, listen.”
He pitched his purr a little higher, smoothing it out to that low murmur that never failed to pull Tim into a comfortable sleep. Tim kept quiet, head tilted as he waited for what Kon was showing him. It took a moment, but at length he did hear it. So faint he could almost dismiss it as the hum of the AC, but no. It was the girl, still unconscious, but softly, softly responding with her own weak little purrs.
Tim frowned, mind casting back to the fact that the girl had bled both red and green. They’d assumed it was due to her alien biology, but if she was at least somewhat Kryptonian…
“I’ll have B test the samples for Kryptonite.” He said, curling around Kon a little tighter as he saw his boyfriend’s eyes widen at the idea before reaching for his com. “It’s something they can look at while waiting on the DNA results. We have an antidote if it comes back positive.” He tried to reassure.
He kept his hand curled around the girl’s fingers twining with Kon’s. He would make sure she made it.
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