#she also gonna fight Lex
vaugarde · 3 months
just remembered my “big is blaze’s cousin from the sol dimension” headcanon and their relationship that i just made up in my head
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evilminji · 8 months
You Know How There Are Those AU? Where SUPER Injured Ghosts Need To Retreat To Their Core?
No one seems to be USING that to its fullest potential! For SHENANIGANS! Because! Who?? Could POSSIBLY carry a Halfa's Core safely... but another Halfa?! A FULL ghost would KILL them. A human would be killed! What terribly precarious peril we find ourselves in! Oh nooooooo!
Well, no worry!
As much as Dani fuckin HATES this. That there is her brother. Her Template. Her Clone Daddy and Bestest of Bros. Like HECK she's gonna let him suffer for centuries and possibly DIE. She can take it, Doc! Pop him in! We'll go road tripping and-
What do you MEAN "No"?
Unstable??! Of course she's unstable! But the-.... Oh.
Turns OUT? Dani? Can hitch a ride in DANNY for Emergency Medical Aid... but NOT the other way around. Her body is too loosely held together. He would parasiticly consume her from within. Instead of feeding off her Ecto System like injured ghosts are supposed too, because she's a CLONE? AND an unstable one at that? His Core would just... see her body as free ectoplasm. All of it.
He'd eat her.
Which mean Frostbite can not and WILL NOT allow that.
But he's HURT! That big, off screen, cataclysmic Fight To Save Everybody From *cough cough mumbles* and settle us all in the DC universe, REALLY messed him up! What are we supposed to DO!? He can't STAY like this!!!
Enter-> My FAVORITE DCxDP Trash Ship! Vlad&Lex!!! *horrified screaming from the crowds, someone shouts "oh god, no! Please!"* Ha! There are no gods here, silly billys! Only two terrible, terrible HIGHLY Dramatic, self serving, incredibly damaged, gay peacocks. In Business Suits that cost more then your house is worth.
They're AWFUL~♡
And! Vlad was sent ahead to lay the ground work. Insure there would be no GIWs. Also because no one could stand him and his EXTENSIVE criminal record. But that's besides the point.
You know what he found? A Business Nemesis. Who he routinely dates and/or Dramatically Hate Fu-*coughs* I mean, attempts a Corporate Take Over(tm) off. You know how it is. Business. He ALSO gets to make it no secret he's a "Meta", thanks to the INCOMPETENCE of one Jack Fenton, because that- *seething rant*
Yet? Dispite his STILL burning hatred for Jack? And his finally letting go of Maddie? You know what he STILL wants?
For Danny to be his Son.
*Gets a call from Frostbite*
...............soooooo........ what you're SAYING is..... I can be pregnant with Daniel.
You, Frostbite, need ME, Vladimir Masters, THE ONLY OTHER HALFA, to carry Daniel around inside my body, in what to all appearances resembles a pregnancy, in order to heal him. Because I am an Older And Stronger Halfa Upon Which He Relies.
*instantly begins plotting*
Just? Imagine. Vlad is a FUCKIN LIAR. No one but him would even KNOW what was going on! He just? Rocks up one day, like? *falsely demure* "oh I couldn't POSSIBLY has any scotch, Lex! >:) I'm eating for Two~☆" and just? Deals the MAXIMUM amount of psychic damage he can.
Probably says it at their weekly, public, Veiled Threats Brunch.
It makes front page news. Luthor choked on his eggs. The paparazzi lost their SHIT. Vlad is doing the FULL Celebrity Mom Thing. The classes. The photo shoots. The Gucci sunglasses as he peruses high end strollers. All while HEAVILY suggesting that not only is "The Baby" Lex's.... but that he's going to withhold the child and deny Lex any access.
Danny isn't even aware. He's in a lovely lil medical coma. Dani is trying to find a good spot to plop down Amity. She just know Vlad is being... Vlad. Meh. He can handle it. Dan? He's not even IN the human realm and is not sure he wants to be.
But over in the LEAGUE? Everything's on fuckin FIRE.
Kon is losing his SHIT and Clark is thousand yard staring into the void. Kon's half brother is in the hands of a... Less Then Ideal... Meta that Batman is PRETTY sure is highly suspect. Might be a deliberate weapons experiment. Certainly is a hostage. And the DRAMA.
Lex has never been worse.
He might actually stab his...partner? Vlad. At the hospital. The SECOND the child is born. There are already long term kidnapping plans in the making. He's hiring lawyers. Getting VICIOUS. There have been talks with DEATHSTROKE. By BOTH OF THEM.
Clark wants to cry.
@hypewinter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @the-witchhunter @mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull
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jube-art · 3 months
Would you...make more...JJ art? 🥺👉👈
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sure! lmao :) a fic snippet under the cut!
Cassie breathes out, the fire inside of her makes it cloud up in the cold mountain air. She grounds herself, trying to think back on all that her Aunty Diana taught her, about containing her anger, about keeping things manageable and not lashing out at the people around her.
It’s not Cassies fault that anger runs in her family.
Deemed just a bit too ‘rough’ for the regular teen titans, she’s been given an address to go to for a team meet-up that would “fit her deposition” better.
(That the teen titans wouldn’t have a name attached too.)
It’s an old Justice League base, up here in upstate New York just outside of the Catskills and she’s just a little early. Not terribly early she doesn’t think, just about fifteen minutes from the official meeting time.
She knocks on the disguised door, the official teen titans stationary in her hands tell her exactly how to knock and where.
Sure enough, the rock wall opens up, creaking with disuse, yawning a gaping doorway into darkness.
“This is a bad idea.” She tells herself, the words make more of that cloudy air puff around her, but she moves forward into the dark anyway.
The first thing she sees is Nightwing.
Robin is here too, helping him with something just out of sight.
Involuntarily she relaxes a bit. Nobody doesn’t know who Nightwing is, he was the one who handed her the little piece of paper in the first place, telling her to come here. “Hello?”
“Oh!” Nightwing turns, shoving what he was working on down underneath the table. Robin keeps working. “Wondergirl! You’re a little early! Hello!”
Oh god. Did Cassie mess up? Should she have arrived on time? Damn it, mom, she should have left when she wanted to-!
“Welcome!” Nightwing instantly is all charming smiles and a brilliantly handsome face. He moves forward, leaving Robin to continue what he was doing. “I’m glad you decided to take a chance on this little project we wanted to start up.”
Cassie really didn’t have much of a choice did she? It was either this last ditch sort of reject project that she had no information on or it was ‘don’t be a hero’
“We’re just waiting on the other three to be ready.” Nightwing is still talking, still with that relaxed tone and smile. “They should be getting here soon. Do you want some water? We have cookies too-“
Robin jerks back. “Don’t bite me you little shit!”
Nightwing’s smile freezes on his face, awkward. “Ignore him. He’s getting one of the participants on board for this little subgroup.”
Cassie regrets everything. She’s gonna be working with somebody who bites? Who bites like a fucking child? Who is feral?!
Cassie’s all for fighting, all for war, but she’s also all for strategy, it’s in her blood. It’s apart of her power. She can’t deal with anything that’s little more than a feral beast-
Robin yanks around, bringing with him-
The boy is Cassie’s age. Black hair, a black mask over his eyes that can be nothing but one of Batman’s sort. He’s got a thick heavy and large cape on, black, going down to his ankles, pushing away from Robin with a sneer.
He’s sort of cute.
Pale face filled with freckles, thin and gaunt, a little taller than most boys Cassie’s age.
Is this- is this the new Robin?!
Cassie’s expectations of the group go way up.
“Hello?” Another voice comes from behind Cassie, causing her to turn and-
Oh my gods!
That’s! That’s Lex Luthor’s son! Dressed sharp in a form fitting leather jacket with skinny jeans and his signature thick sunglasses.
He’s got powers?!
“Ah! Superboy, so glad to see you-“
“I would rather not be called that.” The boy cuts off Nightwing, a sour expression on his face. “I would rather not be associated with that parent.”
Cassie’s mind is getting blown right now. What. What is going on?! Who is on this team?!
“Of course. I understand completely.” Nightwing’s still speaking for the bats. It looks like the older, still in the traditional uniform Robin is maneuvering the new guy to be front and center. “We’ll make a note of that going forward. Is there anything specific that you’d like to be called for now?”
The boy- superman’s son?!- just sort of looks sad now. Now that it’s been brought to attention, Cassie can’t see anybody but a younger version of Superman looking up from a punk’s face. “If I get one, I’ll let you know.”
The older Robin taps out some kind of pattern on Nightwing’s shoulder, and Nightwing taps one backwards onto Robin’s arm. They understand each other perfectly, as the older, traditional Robin goes ahead and leaves, headed to a side room with the label above it ‘Zeta’.
The new, strange, Robin (because who else is this?) sticks himself into Nightwing’s side.
The Superman … child (how?!) cocks his head at the behavior, the new Robin and him get into a weird stand off, eyes wide and unblinking. Creepy.
“Now we only have one more to wait on.” Nightwing tells the group at large. “Then after introductions we’ll discuss sort of what we have in mind for this group moving forward, and training both physically and mentally to help with both working as a team and working on handling what it takes to be a-
The concussive boom from outside makes Cassie’s ears pop. She winces at the sound, so does the kid of Superman
The bat’s both flinch, full body, jerking away physically from the noise.
The little new Robin way, way worse than Nightwing. Clinging onto Nightwing physically, off the ground and like a koala.
“That’s gonna be Impulse.” Nightwing sighs. “I thought Flash told me that they had stopped breaking the sound barrier-“
He sort of mumbles off, and the group waits a few beats in strange silence. When nothing happens for a bit, Nightwing actually reaches over to the command console and presses a button. “You have to go normal human speed, little dude.”
The group at large waits another second-
Like a flash, sure enough there’s two little wisps of a human being, one with red hair, one with blond. The two of them are wearing the same outfit, white and red, and are vibrating so hard that they are hard to get the details of.
Cassie can only see the chain that connects their wrists, tugging towards one or the other with every twitch.
It hits Cassie then, just how wild this is.
In the room right now is some powerful players, more powerful than Cassie was originally expecting when the teen titans had told her that with her … anger issues she might not be a good fit for the Titans name. Cassie expected to be thrown to the side, mad as hell, not put on a team that consisted of only power players. Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, you couldn’t get bigger names.
And here they all sit, in some run down old base cave in New York, waiting to be told that they’re going to finally be a team.
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nerdy-prude · 11 months
Let me introduce you to what I like to call The Lords in Black theory
Notice how in NPMD during The Summoning each of our remaining main characters are told something by a lord in black.
Blinky says: 'We've been watching you, Gracie. Someones been a naughty girl'
Tinky says: 'Oh boy! A Spankoffski! I'm gonna have the whole set in my toy box!'
Nibbly says: 'Stephanie, yum yum!'
Now, as we already know, Hannah is kinda like 'The chosen one' of the Hatchetfield universe. She plays a major part in BF, from the very begining she hates Wiggly. Wiggly on the other hand, is kinda like the leader of his brothers.
In Yellowjacket Hannah is fighting Pokey but she can't defeat her until Lex, a powerfull, MAJOR CHARACTER and her own sister shows up.
It seems as if all of the brothers are somehow connected to one of these major characters. All of these characters are important parts of the story and have shown to be powerful in some way. With Lex and Hannah their power is more clear since they have the gift, but think about it, we don't really know that many people who have had the Black book, even less good people who have had it.
But there is one very much good character who has had and used the Black book. Miss Holloway, everyones favorite witch lady who in every universe fights Wilbur Cross, the guy who has been described as the ultimate bad.
Now some of you might be thinking: "Okay, well that doesn't yet prove anything. There should be bigger evidence if they were actually connected. Their stories should be tied together" Well, funny you should say that! Lets take a deeper dive, shall we?
Both are the 'leaders'with the most power. Hannah and Wiggly says to her: "We just keep running into each other, don't we Hannah"
In Yellowjackect it was made very clear that Otho was incredibly powerfull and no one could defeat him. Lex did just that. Also, I am not trying to say any of the brothers are more powerfull than others (well, maybe expect Wiggly) but the thing is, we know that there is a world where Pokey wins. We know his powers. We also know Lex' powers. It would make sense that out off all of them Lex would be connected to her.
Tinky hates Ted with a burning passion, that is why he trapped him. It makes sense that he would be after his brother too. Also kinda unrelated and doesn't prove much but it would be funny that when Peter says: "I have been waiting for what feels like five ducking years and I still haven't gotten my hot chocolate" would have more meaning than just a funny bit. Almost as if he could feel that in another universe five years agohe ordered a hot chocolate and never got it. Like he could sense TIME and SPACE differently?
Whose dad has had the Black book? Oh right, Stephs! And what did mayor Solomon Lauter say abou the black book again? Wasn't it something like: " ...It comes with a price, a terrible price" and "No! I am not touching that book ever again"?
And who has a major part in organaizing the Honey Queen festival? That's right, the mayor! Who has shown multiple rimes they will do anything to keep getting elected? Who has shown to be interested in power? Who has shown to be 'Hungry'?
What if he cast a spell and Nibbly wanted her daughter as a sacrafice? What if he then gave something else. Something that made him bury the book. It might have worked for a while. But Stephanies fate was already sealed. Nibbly still wanted to have Steph tho, he tought she'd be yummy.
Ahh, Grace, Grace, Grace...
I have to admit, she was more of a mystery to me but lets SEE what we can FIND. (Laughs in Jigglypuff)
Grace is the perfect Christian girl. She never does anything wrong! But then she just snaps? She very quickly comes up with a plan on how to hide a body. Then at the end she goes after 'the souls of the pervs'. But to everyone around her she still looks like an innocent young girl. Makes you wonder what else she has hidden. Makes you wonder about the other alternative universes. Maybe Blinky was referring to many different Grace Chasities. He ment the many different things Grace has done bc of her faith and hidden from anyone elses eyes. Only problem for her is that you can't hide anthing from Blinky.
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mae-kent · 27 days
ok hi guys i’m gonna talk about mae again sorry not sorry
she’s a very isolated character, which means if you’re not reading 90’s superfam, chances are, you won’t come across her. this results in her being an unusually obscure character! she’s around in loads of superfam comics for years, and involved in multiple events (zero hour, genesis, dc one million, etc).
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she’s a lab experiment created by an alternate universe lex luthor to serve as a weapon against a genocide- and they LOSE! her entire home is destroyed at the same time she finds out her entire life is a lie and she’s not actually lana lang! and then she comes to this foreign earth and her saviour- the only one she knows- LEAVES. clark goes to space to figure out his brain and his powers since he’s been having some amnesia issues, leaving mae with the kents- who are long dead where she’s from.
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mae freaks out, taking the kents’ missing clark as a problem she can fix, and takes on his identity. when clark shows up, she feels that her place in the world- which she’s JUST FOUND- is being threatened! so once she comes to her senses, she runs off as well… only to be captured and used as a gladiator on Mongul’s Warworld.
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she befriends Draaga on warworld, defeating him and earning his respect- they become close as they fight for earth against mongul and warworld’s administration. at this point, he’s basically her only friend, possibly other than clark and lana. he sacrifices himself to save humanity and her. she takes on his form to finish the battle and earn his name as much respect and honor as possible.
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after she returns, she basically immediately falls into the hands of a newly young Lex Luthor (long story). he proceeds to isolate and manipulate and abuse her, which clark.. does not respond well to. he stops her from fighting doomsday until the last minute, when doomsday absolutely wrecks her and then kills clark anyways. she finds out later that lex has been using her and trying to clone her and freaks out, destroying his personal homes and almost killing him before realising he’s deathly sick.
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i haven’t read much past that point, but it’s just.. so distinct how much she has just not gotten a breather. she is constantly being manipulated or abandoned or losing everything she knows.
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she’s depicted to have multiple mental health issues (most notably her delusions, but she has some major signs of bpd, which i’ll make a post about after i’ve read all her appearances to confirm). this comes up a lot in her relationships with the people around her!
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you have to have a lot of patience to be friends with matrix. she’s kidnapped, attacked, and harassed some of the people she’s closest to! but also she’s saved their lives and tries her best. she’s a genuinely sweet girl when she feels comfortable with you.
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she’s a complex & layered character, especially for the 90’s- she’s bizarre, she makes irrational decisions, but at her heart, she’s got good intentions.
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louff4tw · 8 months
Younger Bruce Wayne/Batman Headcannons
- He CAN cook. It’s weird to me people are like “he can burn water” Alfred raised him. I Headcannon he taught him and then when he trained he learned how to cook restaurant quality in case he needs to go undercover. He’s not Alfred level but he can cook
- He was a angry teen. The trauma messed with his head and he fought with Alfred a lot. Alfred thought about leaving a few times at the worst of the fighting but cared to much about the child he’s known since birth.
- Bruce adored him growing up. After he became his caretaker it was never discussed what would happen after Bruce turned 18. And part of what triggered the fights was that he was afraid Alfred was gonna leave when he turned 18.
- He left the day before he turned 18. He may give several excuses of why but it was in case Alfred left. He couldn’t face it if he did. The relief he felt when he realized Alfred was staying made him want to cry.
- Until 13 whenever he had a nightmare he would sit outside the floor next to the door to Alfred’s room. It helped to hear him. If Alfred spotted him he would be incredibly embarrassed. Alfred would let him join him in bed (Not in a weird way. Begone you creepy fucks)
- After 13 he decided he was a big boy and instead would stand at the closed door. Hear him snore and go back to bed. He continues this to his day with everyone who is staying the night.
- Autistic. Also he used to follow Alfred around stating different facts. He loves to stim by using a tire swing his dad put up when he was born. Spinning really helps him. Wasn’t diagnosed till after Tim was diagnosed and Stephanie called them autism twins. He was confused and she had to point out all the things in him she’s seen. Alfred didn’t even think of it. The rich don’t usually get diagnosed. After being diagnosed and with the trauma his kids had a better time understanding his communication or lack there off. Poor Alfred felt so bad when he realized so many issues in Bruce’s childhood would not have been a issue.
- The different issues he had were big crowds being overstimulating. The seams in his sucks. The suits we’re claustrophobic and felt like they were choking him. Plus the texture of the suits were horrendous. So much velvet back then. He hated being touched and people wouldn’t stop it. (Hand in hair. Shoulders or upper back. Or old laddies pinching cheeks). Had trouble talking to his peers. Weirdly the only one he could hold a Conversation with was Lex and sorta Oliver. But he didn’t like Lex and Oliver was annoying. He would talk about his special Interest and others would get annoyed. Sometimes only felt like Alfred and some elderly scholars understood him.
- Massive science nerd and loves Sci Fi’s and mysteries. Loves Star Trek alongside Grey Ghost.
- Is pansexual. But has never officially come out until Tim came out and was nervous
- Would sneak out in disguise. He also knew how to skateboard. Would hang out with a bad group. Drank and did pot when he was 16 but stoped when a friend was killed. This helped push him towards being Batman.
- They didn’t really do holidays after his parents died. The main tree didn’t get put up till Dick came around. Alfred would put up a smaller one in one of the lounges.
- Used to carry around a Sony Walkman and listen to albums. Really big into all kinds of music. Would sometimes stare into the abyss as he listened. He eventually gave the Walkman to one of his kids. They pass it around to whoever wants to use it. Currently with Cass.
- He took Karate for years and already was a black belt by the time he left. He also trained in fencing. He would always do things that tried to push his limits and would frequently hurt himself to the point cps was called. Of course they didn’t do anything but it frightened Alfred as Bruce hid these injuries from him.
- Was not rare for him to fall asleep next to his parents Grave and Alfred had to carry him in. He stopped when he was 15. When Jason died he started it up again. While Jason wasn’t buried on the manor cemetery he had a stone. Alfred had to call Dick to help get him inside. He passed out from exhaustion and wouldn’t wake.
- Following the one comic. He did try to kill himself when he was a preteen with his Fathers razor. Alfred found him and called Leslie. Only time she saw Alfred cry. He begged her “please save my boy! Please” this night haunts them both. He spent a week in Arkham. It didn’t help really. They kept it hush hush and used a fake name. Matches Malone. Bruce Still uses this name for undercover. Alfred wouldn’t leave him alone for months. Made him sleep in his room and Alfred sat outside the open door of the bathroom for showers and baths (facing away you sick fucks)
- After his parents death he never really thought he would ever have a family. Or feel happy again. He was so so wrong.
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hitlikehammers · 9 months
i realize that this is a world where anything is possible and—
a Pro-Football/Rockstar Super Bowl Steddie AU for @thefreakandthehair
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I don’t as a rule write sports AUs, but I do, as a rule, bend my own rules when someone gives me prompts for a fic I’m writing as a gift.
So: when @thefreakandthehair prompted me with ‘Starry Night’ but said she would have liked also something about football? I tried to fulfill the request (try being the operative term)
Lex, I hope your birthday was as brilliant as you deserve, and that this little fic in celebration of you brightens your day  
title from this poem, aptly titled and about, what else, but football; divider credit here
(Also sincerest thanks to the ever-lovely @pearynice for listening to me babble about this and having a look at the final product and being amazing all around, and @hbyrde36 for blindly hlepng pick which ending was ultimately posted—you guys are the best ✨)
✨also on ao3
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“I am about ninety-nine-point-nine…” Eddie chews on his bottom lip, coils a stray curl around his index finger and resists dragging it across his mouth: “eight, point-nine-eight percent sure I’m not supposed to be here.”
He’s entirely sure he’s not supposed to be here. Not now.
“What are they going to do?” Steve scoffs at him, leading him by hand through the tunnels. “Kick us out? Ban us?”
He snorts, and Eddie stops trying to not-hide behind his hair a little because: not supposed to fucking be here.
“You’re gonna get us arrested or something.”
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” Steve cackles a little and maybe Eddie’s anxious, but he’ll never not melt at that sound, music brighter, holy like he could never touch, let alone play: “Eddie Munson, poster child for sticking it to the goddamn man,” Steve tuts, clicks his tongue and shakes his head: “afraid of stadium security.”
“Pretty sure they’ve got better people on payroll for this,” Eddie points out under his breath but never once fights Steve’s hold, his lead: he’d put his whole fucking life in this man’s hands, no question. It’s just that…
“Relax, babe,” Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand in his own; “no one will know.”
Eddie…Eddie doesn’t doubt Steve, never would, but, like—this is a big fucking deal.
“If Chrissy finds out we fucked something up—“ because that’s why Eddie’s here, obviously, at least in this specific capacity; not like Corroded fucking Coffin, no matter how many albums they’ve sold, would ever land a gig like this for themselves. Nope: Chrissy’s been a friend for eons, and when her career skyrocketed they were all ecstatic for her, but she never changed from being a hometown girl with a sweet heart, never let the fame or the money or the statues dull that down in her, so she was still the cheerleader who clapped for Eddie in middle school, and so of course she invited Eddie’s band to feature on a track—and of course they said yes.
So when she signed on for the halftime show and knew they’d be nearby recording? She’d asked them to join her on stage as special guests for a couple songs.
And no matter what else proved an incentive: Eddie and the guys would have said yes in a heartbeat. It’s the fucking halftime show, but more than that? It’s Chrissy Cunningham, and she smiled and cheered when the Hawkins auditorium sat in silent judgment in the face of their…everything.
“A,” Steve’s pulling him along just a little further, still; Eddie can tell they’re almost to the field, can see literal light at the end of the tunnel; “we will not fuck anything up.”
“I’m clumsy,” Eddie offers a token protest; it’s not untrue, but he’s also kinda half-assing the fight of it; “I might—”
“B,” Steve’s cut him off; “Chrissy loves me,” then he points to Eddie; “Chrissy loves you,” and Eddie tucks his chin a little more to press the bunch of his hair tighter against the seam of his lips; “Chrissy also loves us,” Steve gestures between the two of them, then, chest-to-chest and back; “as in, us together.”
And yeah, okay: Steve had been Chrissy’s friend properly before Eddie, used to help her get the height on her ponytail before games, caused a million rumors but they were never an item—so. Yeah. Chrissy loves them. As themselves, and as SteveandEddie.
“Just here,” Steve eases them to a halt and steadies Eddie by the biceps when he stumbles for the stop anyway because: clumsy, if he’s not on stage. Steve knows this, they’ve been at this too long for him not to, but.
He anticipates it so perfectly, and it still kinda skips in Eddie’s pulse like a giddy schoolgirl for the fact of it. They they’ve got this.
“Close your eyes,” Steve instructs as he smooths his hands past Eddie’s elbows, down to circle his wrists.
Eddie feels his eyes get big as he tries to frown, but gapes instead.
“I’ll run into—”
“I will not let you run into anything, love,” Steve pulls him in for a quick peck on the lips, and speaks into the contact sweet and warm:
“I’ve got you.”
Yeah. Yeah he fucking does.
Giddy-schoolgirl-under-his-ribs again, Jesus.
Eddie slips his eyes closed and barely even has to wait for Steve to grasp his hands tighter.
“Okay,” Steve murmurs deep and rumbly and hot under Eddie’s skin as he walks him at a careful pace further, further, turns a little, further again then slows: “now,” he brings Eddie’s hands together and kisses his knuckles, and Eddie’s not just warm under the skin, now he’s warm everywhere.
“Now, follow me down, we’re just going to sit,” and Steve presses one hand to the small of Eddie’s back and leads him, and Eddie goes because there is nowhere he wouldn’t, nowhere he won’t go with Steve beside him.
It’s just not possible; he’s not built to be anywhere else.
“And now lie back,” Steve eases him gentle even as he says it, and Eddie lets him, enjoys the feeling of being handled like this, precious and delicate almost, in this space that’s anything but save that it’s them, and what they are is stronger than spun silk, tested further than diamonds but they’re also tender, they’re also blood and bone and tangled together soft and vulnerable, if only just to shore each other up and tie together tighter.
“There you go,” Steve says as Eddie feels the whole of his body, the length of his back make full contact with the ground; “and tip your head,” he puts his open palm under Eddie’s chin like he needs to guide, but Eddie figures it’s just to touch: he doesn’t complain, because hell if he minds. As if he could ever.
“Now open your eyes.”
Eddie lets himself bask in the blind touch of Steve for just one more breath before he blinks and looks and—
“Oh,” Eddie barely breathes, and he can feel Steve beaming at him, so wide and shining out in the dark like the meteors that are streaking across endless stretch of sky above them, leaving trails behind to mark their paths, to leave proof of their being before they burn on descent and oh, oh.
“Right?” Steve breathes close to Eddie’s ear, strokes Eddie’s pulsepoint where he still holds at the wrist, kisses Eddie’s jaw as Eddie gapes up because it doesn’t matter how many times he sees the show, it’s awe inspiring.
So much like the man next to him, pressed tight against him so Eddie can feel him breathe: never once has Eddie stopped being filled up with wonder for him, never once will Eddie ever do anything but marvel that he’s here, that he exists, that Eddie can look at him and know in his bones that it’s true, unshakable when he stares and thinks: mine.
“Stevie,” Eddie spins his hand so it can lace with Steve’s, fingers interlocked as he turns into the press of his mouth to catch his lips for real, to taste: “sweetheart,” he mouths, tongues into Steve’s kiss: “it’s beautiful.”
You’re beautiful goes unsaid because they say it clear with touch; what we have is so much more than beautiful is the understood fucking you. Given like the spin of a planet, or the expanse of the universe.
“I know how much you like the stars,” Steve shapes the words more than speaks them, never moving back to pull apart their lips, not all the way; “and when I saw there was a shower, and we’d have a shot to see it, I,” and Steve presses a quick kiss into Eddie then: I couldn’t not, and Eddie thinks lucky isn’t a word that means anything at all, in the face of this.
He watches with Steve pressed against him, slid down to fit with his head on Eddie’s shoulder for a long stretch of seconds before the question comes to mind and he kisses Steve temple, reverent, but still in askance:
“The lights?”
Because it’s too dark. There are still a few bits of the stage setup that need to be moved before the kickoff, so he has to figure there’d be some lights, but the space surrounding them is a near-perfect void.
“So maybe someone knows we’re here,” Steve answers, a little wry. “I maybe bribed Lenny in Operations,” and of all the people working in this mass-ass complex, for this insane fucking event, Eddie actually knows who that is; let him bum a smoke the first time they came to rehearse. “We have about half an hour.”
Jesus. Jesus.
“God, I love you,” Eddie half-exhales, half-wonders at this, this, this specimen of a human before him, pressed against him close and he pulls Steve in, brings their still-joined hands to his chest and stretches down to kiss the tips of Steve’s fingers before just pressing hands there, making sure Steve feels:
“Every time I think you’ve stretched this heart as far as it’ll go,” Eddie whispers, because it’s sacred; this feeling, this thing they make together as one: “every time, you find room to fill it up all over again,” Eddie feels that stretched-heart of his pound a little beneath their hands, and fucking good, too, because then Steve feels it at the exact same time, and that’s what matters, what counts: that Steve knows the depth of this in Eddie’s chest, always; that he understands because:
“You’re magic.”
And Eddie means that. Eddie means that with all his pounding heart.
“You’re playing the Super Bowl tomorrow,” Steve says it like an explanation; like it’s enough of a reason. Like he would have done all of this anyway, just because.
“I am playing as a guest at the halftime,” Eddie knows that’s correct, he knows, but it’s still instinct to look at Steve like he’s making sure he gets the terms for all the different sports games right and it’s worth the knee-jerk instinct surviving all these years just for the grin and the nod he gets, so encouraging and indulgent and sweet; “show.”
“You are playing the Super Bowl, tomorrow.”
Because that’s the other thing, the thing that was entirely not-music-related that existed as the whole fucking incentive for Corroded Coffin to be in town for studio space in the first place: Steve, his Stevie, his partner and lover, beloved and adored, his Steve Harrington is the goddamn starting linebacker in the motherfucking Super Bowl.
Like Eddie would miss that for his fucking life.
Which: hold on.
“Don’t you have curfew? Coach’s orders?” Eddie turns a quirked brow to him and Steve just grins and, god: taps Eddie’s nose.
“I’m sneaky, baby,” Steve whispers and fuck, the stars above them are exquisite but they’ve got, like, nothing on the way Steve’s eyes shine. “Stealthy like a ninja.”
Eddie wants to laugh, snicker maybe a little under his breath but he…he can’t.
He can’t because he’s, his whole body feels weightless and tingly and untethered from gravity and matter and any atmosphere that isn’t Steve and Steve alone, like just be next to this man, the love of his life, is akin to and far beyond swimming alongside the shooting stars overhead: he can only relish, can only marvel.
He gets this. He gets to have this.
Unfathomable. And yet.
“You did all this for me,” Eddie exhales, still wondering at this. At Steve: the fact of him. The whole of him. This is the night before the biggest game of Steve’s career, likely the biggest day of Steve’s life and yet, here he is. Breaking rules, risking fuck knows what, just for Eddie. It’s, it’s…
“That can’t be a surprise by now,” Steve breathes back, nuzzles their noses a little and Eddie keens, because fuck.
“It’s not just,” Eddie tries to collect his thoughts, his point; “this is big, Stevie,” he says, like that encompasses it, encompasses the day they’re on the brink of, and the fact that they’re here right now, just before that day:
“This is big.”
“All the more reason,” Steve nips at Eddie’s lip then leans back, meets Eddie’s gaze square on before he breathes out slow, and lies back down, turns Eddie’s body to him, both of them on their sides and then he brings their hands between them, close enough that they hit both their chests when they breathe in: “because,” and he takes one more breath, and Eddie doesn’t know why it feels like Steve’s steeling himself, or building up to a thing he feels he has to steel himself for, because there’s nothing he could say or do that’ll sway Eddie from his side, there’s nothing, but then—Steve doesn’t feel stiff, or scared, or nervous against him, his hand in Eddie’s hand.
It just feels big, this moment, whatever it already holds or is gearing up to hold as more; it feels momentous, equally so, either way.
“Win or lose, tomorrow, no matter how big this is,” Steve finally speaks words into the tiny space between them, his grip firm and his eyes unwavering on Eddie the whole time. “I won the only thing I really wanted in life,” and his smile, dear god.
There are no stars, falling or burning, dying in a supernova or sprawling newly born: not a single goddamn one could compare.
“And he’s not really a prize, so it’s not really winning,” Steve’s watching him with so much love, so much love; “he’s a gift, he’s my heart,” and Steve mirrors Eddie this time, draws Eddie in to press against his chest, to feel the fluttering there; “and he gave me his to keep safe, and that was a whole other gift on top of everything,” and Steve laughs a little, his own overwhelming awe, and Eddie almost doesn’t know what to do, save grip Steve so fucking tight; save to memorize the cadence of his pulse like a song.
“So no matter what you call it,” Steve draws a deep breath and lets it shudder a little when he blows it back out; “when I wake up in the morning and I know he’s mine, and I’m his,” and Eddie lifts the hand not held to Steve’s heart to cup Steve’s cheek and just touch, just drink him in:
“I feel like the biggest winner in the world,” Steve says it, so honest, so heartfelt: so much.
“You’re a fucking sap,” Eddie doesn’t realize he’s crying until the tears clog the words when they tumble from his lips but then he’s leaning, then he’s kissing Steve like the world’s ending only to begin again and it’s perfect, it’s heavenly like the fires burning miles upon miles above their heads, cosmic and immense but then Steve’s pulling back, but his open palms are pressed to Eddie’s chest to manage it and it’s contact, it’s grounding: it, too, is perfect.
“Oh, really,” Steve’s lips curl, even as they’re swollen at the pout and wet-red still; “I’m a fucking sap?” but he doesn’t even look irritated, he looks entertained, no: he looks delighted and what—
“Let me one-up your standards then, Munson,” and Steve’s leaning in, catching Eddie’s lips one more time before he raises up on his knees, tips back on his calves and lifts from those glorious fucking thighs of his and if Steve’s ignoring curfew entirely Eddie thinks he’s got a good chance of asking for those thighs to be wrapped around him at some point in the next twelve hours before he gets to spend a good stretch of hours sharing the clothed version in those tight fucking pants with the whole goddamn country, sure, but at Jumbotron-size he can’t wholeheartedly complain and—
“Edward Elliot Munson.”
Wait. That’s him. He’s Edward Eli—
Why is he being full-named here, now?
He starts to sit up too, brings his eyes up from Steve’s glorious legs where they stretch even under his track pants, to meet his eyes and—
They shine. They shine.
They put the stars and the space matter and the glow of angels on high if they’re there at all: they put them all to fucking shame.
Steve puts them to shame.
“Eddie,” Steve breathes deep and Eddie catches the gleam of something in an obvious shape in his hands, but it’s only in his periphery: he cannot, he will never look away; he might be trembling already.
He’s definitely trembling already.
“Will you,” and Steve pauses, plays with Eddie’s bare ring finger, the only one empty just now and Eddie honestly never thought on it too hard but in this moment he knows, he knows in the marrow of him that he was waiting, that he was wanting and he was keeping it safe for just one thing, just one thing:
“Will you let me fill your heart up to stretching,” Steve blinks, and a tear falls; just one, glistening and glorious for the avalanche that’s spilling from Eddie; “and then will you let me fill it up even more, again and again and again, Eddie, will you let me do that for the rest of our lives?”
As if that’s a fucking question.
Eddie doesn’t even have to process the necessity of putting his lips on Steve, of kissing him breathless and then boneless and then weightless, so fucking close and so fucking fierce and giving everything and anything and all that he is and allthat they are; he doesn’t have to process it as a choice before they’re consuming, devouring each other relentless, unceasing, and Eddie will pull back and speak the ‘yes’ that’s already obvious, he will shake a little as Steve puts the ring on the naked finger waiting to be adorned, the last lone space waiting to be claimed; Eddie will wear it proudly on the stage when millions watch him play tomorrow, and there won’t be a single second he’s not smiling like a loon through the whole goddamn day, and it’ll have so very little to do with playing the biggest show of his life, and that’s wild, that’s insane: that is the only real thing in the whole fucking world and—yeah.
Yeah: the biggest prize of living at all is the one they’re holding tight between them, the one they’re passing back and forth, soul to soul between their lips.
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sreppub · 7 months
Ships to rate:
Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Minhkhoa Khan/Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Dick Grayson/Koriand’r (for my own self-indulgence)
ooomg ok
Talia/Bruce - makes sense and compels me. I know their relationship/Talia's personality has been shown a bunch of different ways, but I quite like when their relationship is genuine. I think it's sweet when Bruce still cares deeply for people he's loved before, even if they're fighting... maybe not if he knew she fucked Jason that one time but like. who's gonna tell him lol
if we elect to remove that from canon, though, I'm into Talia/Bruce making a comeback >:)
Clark/Bruce - makes sense and compels me. Classic, classic ship! They are The Husbands! I have no notes. I like when they're the mom and dad of the superhero world. I like when they don't know each other's secret identities, and also when they do. I literally thought they were so cute I just spontaneously started drawing them one day, knowing NOTHING about anything DC at all, and now we are here (i still know relatively nothing)
Minhkhoa/Bruce - makes sense and doesn't compel me YET.... I just know nothing about minhkhoa lol. My impression from mutuals is they... trained together when they were young? Like, I am into it and i support it i just havent done the research
Clark/Lex - HAHHAHA makes sense and compels the fuck out of me... with a caveat: unfortunately the only Clark and Lex backstories I know well is Smallville, bc I'm obsessed with it. Outside of that, though, I can't comment on their initial dynamic, only that they should act divorced and co-parent Kon. For funsies.
Dick/Kori - makes sense and compels me! Good ship, I think they're cute. My impression of them is the clips of them from random DC animated movies that youtube keeps recommending me...
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mistress-of-vos · 11 months
Idk where the whole "Tim hating Lex and being annoying to him and somehow being smarter" comes from... Oh, wait! I know where it comes from!
Annoying, ignorant batfam fans
And it's not even surprising if we take a careful look. We're talking about the fandom that doesn't understand Clark, Kon and Jon at all and uses them for batfam prop up purposes. It's the same fandom that doesn't even comprehend Batman characters and says the most disgusting stuff about Jean-Paul Valley (aka Azrael) as if his character wasn't summarized in like, five comics you can easily read. The same fandom that doesn't get Selina Kyle despite the fact that movies like The Batman exist, that the Long Halloween got an animated adaptation, that she has DOZENS of praised comics you can pick up to understand her. The same fandom that doesn't understand freaking Ra's al Ghul as if the guy didn't have a trilogy that literally summarizes his character and also he's an archetype, how the hell do you get an archetype so popular as his as wrong as batfam fandom does?
*insert Misty breathing loudly here*
Okay I kind of got off the point. I was talking about the annoying portrayal of Tim and Lex, because those who do that don't even understand Tim. Tim would *love* to interact with Lex.
This is Lex Luthor, Superman's nemesis, the smartest man of earth. Tim would be thrilled that he can have a chance of going against him even if he's actually just standing next to a Bruce who tries to get Lex to answer a question just to get Lex drinking wine and telling Mercy to call security.
Tim is a detective, and we have seen how, despite everything, he admits greatness when he sees it. I do think he could get a bit sarcastic with Lex when on his Red Robin persona (we have seen how sarcastic he got with Ra's even when Ra's is definitely more likely to shut him up than Lex is) but I actually don't believe he would do that often as he would be too conscious that if someone is a master of speech, it's Lex Luthor. His words got him all the power of the world after all. You don't wanna start a sarcasm fight with someone like Lex.
And I believe as Tim Drake, he openly admires Lex. Maybe not in a idol way, but Lex is a genius, and I bet on the DC world Lex's career is studied both by people in economy and politics and STEM. Lex did so much with so little that I highly doubt there's a way for Tim to not admit that yes, Lex may be *bad* but he's certainly a genius and perfect at what he does. Credit where it's due, or something.
Lastly, I don't think Tim hates Lex. They aren't close enough for that, and Lex is often dancing in a grey area, and don't forget Tim is already fine with many figures in said grey space. Tim would consider Lex a danger, of course, because getting on Lex's bad side can get him killed. He also considers Lex someone who can and will do good, but Tim isn't gonna be the one to go on that trip of getting Lex to see what his genius can make for the world (that's on Clark).
The only thing Tim could dislike about Lex it's that Lex hurt Kon. And Tim loves Kon (in whatever way you prefer) and Tim comes to me as the kind of person who can't quite forget those things. He would be wary, perhaps, constantly on his tip toes when operating too close to Lex's doings and clenching his jaw when Kon interacts with the man because as much as Tim knows Lex is always in control and won't hurt Kon again... He still did. But if Tim held that against Bruce, wouldn't Bruce lose on the number of children he has hurt? Tim can't quite settle his feelings on that, but Kon got over it, so it's not something Tim keeps against Lex.
Tim is careful around Lex, and he's also a bit of a fan.
And well, he is thankful too. Lex brought Kon into the world, and Tim is thankful for that.
(My conclusion is that some batfam fans have clearly never read Superman comics but also it's funny they haven't read Batman comics either and maybe they shouldn't speak on stuff they don't know but that's just my opinion right)
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frnkiebby · 7 months
About Frnkiebby!
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(homemade frimage by @yourteethonmythroat )
Name: Lex/Lexifer or I mean, Frnkiebby works too.
Age: 30 y/o
Pronouns: They/He
Time Zone: EST/UTC-5
Main Blog: @lactosegremlin (i follow and like from there)
MCR Discord 18+
according to that one upsetti spaghetti anon: a parasocial freak who isn’t funny
Ever Evolving Tumblr Playlist:
3 Faves:
-Cucumber sandwiches
-My dumbfuck of a cat Bernie 'Beast-Mode Cowboy' Sanders
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3 NOT Faves:
-Asshole people (seriously, get fucked)
-Pickles and olives
-Weather over 75f/24c
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(fucking cool ass perfect fuckin thing from @abrandnewshadow !!!)
Blurb About Me:
So, if you're here and reading this then you already know that I'm an irredeemable whore for one certain Frank Anthony Iero Jr. and I'm not sorry about it. Ofc other MCR/non related content will be posted from time to time. I play bass guitar and alto sax. I love painting and drawing and am absolutely the kind of idiot that drinks my paint water every single time without fail. I also love writing. I'm the resident office reclusive punk who uses the printer WAY too much. I have a feeling that I'm the main paper consumer there (I'm sorry, fight me, by law I have to keep both electronic and paper files. It's fucking annoying). My life motto is "Arson is the answer" and I'm pretty sure none of my friends would be surprised for a millisecond if they had to bail me out. According to them I'm a menace. I'm not gonna contest it. Also, I'm an absolute attention whore, so please for the love of god you will make my fucking day if you send me asks/anons/dms. I love you all, mutuals or not, and you're never getting rid of me now. So buckle up fuckers and lets get wrecked.
(Also bc she’s fun, go check out Koneko on twitch.)
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dc-sideblog · 2 years
Best people to kill the Joker ranked:
Bruce: 2/10 this would completely defeat the point of him as a character and throw away the entire Batman narrative but on the other hand his kids deserve it. Also Joker would never see it coming lol
Jason: 4/10 it will never be as satisfying as he needs it to be. And the point is not for him to have to do it
Dick: 9/10 LET HIM SNAP!! That’s his family. It would weigh on him for the rest of his life and he would have emotional problems over it but the Joker’s never touching any of his baby siblings/loved ones ever again
Harley: 11/10 and she doesn’t do it alone, she has friends and support there backing her up while she finishes him off. Someone films it, Harley and Ivy hug after. Ultimate catharsis and taking back her freedom
Tim: 7/10 the progression from baby stalker Tim to baby assassin Tim would be hilarious but it would cause so much family conflict. Jason would be offended that Dick or Bruce didn’t do it and declare Tim his new favorite brother. His undead alias has the last name Drake. He’ll fight Tim’s parents
Cass: -20/10 cursed option. Worst case scenario. She may run away afterwards
Stephanie: 5/10 lmao. I have to assume this is only the beginning of Steph’s reign of terror #chaoswins
Barbara: 8/10 stone cold there is no evidence whatsoever but she let Joker know it was her right before his death
Damian: 3/10 he gets grounded for committing murder but the city of Gotham also throws a parade, so it’s pretty mixed messages. He refuses to state his regret and gets grounded 3x longer
Duke: 6/10 who tf is Batman? The Signal is Gotham’s most iconic vigilante. They’re gonna put him on a coin, a golden coin. It’s limited edition and it does glow
A banana peel on the ground: -10/10 this is exactly how the Joker would wanna go out :/
Alfred: 11/10 and torture was involved. The body was disposed of very thoroughly in a way that absolutely no one ever could come back from. Proof is publicly given to the city somehow so everyone knows not to fear the Joker anymore
Commissioner Gordon: -1/10 there’s no good way to write this. Would not be handled well
Random Gothamite: 3/10 the entire city wants this man dead does he have the secret service protecting him or something? How much do you have to be paid for that to be worth it
Coordinated Justice League effort: 4/10 and they managed to do it without entering Gotham’s borders, which took significant planning. Enough is enough
Any Super: 9/10 completely impulsive, instinctive, and possibly on accident. They have to do a press conference. Twitter cannibalizes itself. Someone turns the scene into a gif. Gotham City decides Metropolis is okay now. Lex Luthor is frothing at the mouth.
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pastriibunz · 2 months
Anyways- now onto the AUs :D
I ended up choosing the Kai in HF murder drones au(Murder…Kai?), but if you want i can tell you about the Disassembly Drone Kai au too :D
Ok, so here’s the lineup(so far):
Kai as Uzi
Max as N(Serial Designation M)
Grace as V(Serial Designation G)
Alice as J(Serial Designation A)
Lex as Doll(I forgot to mention her in the lore, but she’s a Worker drone whose family was killed by V and is now a serial killer of sorts. She is also a host of the A.S)
Deb as Tessa(one of the few humana that we see in Murder Drones. Yup. Totally a human.)
Paul as Khan(I am. So sorry. But Paul is gotta be a shitty parent in this au. I am sorry Paul)
Emma as Nori(Supposedly dead, killed by murder drones. Another host of the A.S)
Ms. Holloway as Yevana- I am not sure i spelled her name right( Pamela is not gonna be Lex’s mom in this au because Lex would probably be happy to see her mom dead. So let’s just say that she and Hannah got adopted by Duke and Holloway. Another host of the A.S)
Jason as Thad(we love Thad in this house)
Steph as Lizzy
Pete as that one guy whose head was one fire(Rest in peace)
Richie as that other guy who got killed in episode 4
Charlotte Sweetly as Alice
Ruth as Cyn
The LiB as The Absolute Solver
and also CCRP as JCjenson(in spaceeee)
Now, first i want to explain how the A.S works in thie AU:
(since we know next to nothing about the Absolute Solver, I have decided to take creative liberty. Also note that i know nothing about how programs works so all of this could be incredibly stupid)
Different Lords in Black = different types/versions of the A.S(also note: Abilities and level of control the host might have over the A.S depend on the version)
Webby(A.S.Version 1.0): You get almost all the abilities of the A.S, without having to fight for control of your body! Isn’t that great? I’m sure whatever ability that you won’t have isn’t important! Host: Ms. Holloway, Emma
Wiggly(A.S.Version 2.0): Depending on the host, level of control may vary. But over time, the host can learn to control it(or they can try to appease the wrath in hopes of gaining more control, but it won’t do much good). Oh yeah i forgot to mention. Despite how much you might try to completely control it, it can still influence you, and turns your anger or frustration or grief or anything to wrath. Yay
Host: Lex
Blinky(A.S.Version 2.5): It’s similar to wiggly, but it’s practically harmless. I mean all it wants to do is watch.
(Former) Host: M
Tinky(A.S.Version 3.0): Default version of the A.S of the murder drones. Gives you(almost) full autonomy. Version of A.S that ruth CCRP(in spaceeee) used to turn the D.D’s memories to soup.
Hosts: M, V, A
Nibbly(A.S.Version 3.2): A sub program. The reason why A.S hosts need to drink oil. Nobody knows whose idea it was to add that, but it exists.
Hosts: Literally anyone who is an A.S host
Pokotho(A.S.Version ?): Most powerful and uncontrollable version of A.S. Either you can sorta control it, or it will fully overtake you(like ruth). Only version of A.S that will give you an A.S form- which is very similar to the murder drones, though it is more organic and life-like.
Hosts: Kai, Ruth, Emma(former host)
Anyways I realize that this is getting quite long and that it is currently 1:00am here so I will continue info dumping after i get some sleep(this guy will definitely not sleep and will continue to stay awake for the rest of the night looking at the ceiling in hopes sleep comes)
DUDE THIS IS SO COOL!!! SHITTY PARENT PAUL NOOOO also yeah. get some sleep
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jayy-writes · 3 months
Time to begin giving you guys intros for my OCs!!
Alright, Alright, Let’s start with our intro to the main character in The Actors’ Guild (WIP title) Henri Juene!!
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As Said in his ref sheet, He is 16, uses he/him/his pronouns, and is Bisexual and Trans Masc!!
His family is originally from Quebec Canada, but relocated to the Town of Yellowbrooke for his father’s job as a museum curator back when he was about 13.
Around the time he came out to his parents as trans, (age 12) they began to fight a lot, before finally divorcing when he was 14.
Now he mainly resides with his dad in an apartment complex just above the Drowned Café, but once a month he has to spend a weekend at his mothers(she’s transphobic), who he mainly avoids.
He currently has a bit of a crush on the new guy, Nico Castro, who is co-starring with him in the local theater’s musical.
He also has a sister, who’s a year younger than him, Alexis “Lex” Juene, who’s he’s really close with.
He enjoys skateboarding and singing, and is pretty embarrassed by it, but overall has a great voice.
Oh yeah he has a pet rat named Citrus to go with his whole lemon theme :3
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Also tags so that ppl who wanted to see can see :3:
@worldsbiggestnerd101 @sweetzscore @sobeksewerrat @cringelordofchaos @periwinklefox13
ALSO I’m gonna update this w links for each char mentioned after I post their intros :3
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navree · 2 months
unfortunately i do think this was kind of a weak season finale, there's a lot of stuff from overarching story arcs throughout the season that feel really unresolved (not in a 'this story is gonna keep on going' way, just a straight up 'we're not addressing this any longer' kind of way).
like, have sam and lois talked? she has a lot of abandonment issues and the last time they interacted he abandoned her and it sent her spiraling, have they communicated about this? why did waller go on the run? did checkmate turn against her? why are slade and lex apparently on the same side now? they hated each other and slade should be thrilled lex's metallos failed, why are they suddenly apparently pals? do they even still work for the government? clark and lois's "break up" and the issues involved in it on both clark and lois's side hasn't ever actually been addressed and it needs to be, are we ever gonna see that? where tf are clark's little shorts????? are they gone forever?????
combining that with the fact that this episode feels really padded (given that there was just this constant circular 'they're up they're down they're up they're down' for like 90% of the fight with brainiac), i do really feel like the story would have been better served if they cut the padding, resolved the brainiac invasion at the end of ep 9, and devoted ep 10 to addressing these myriad loose ends in a tight enough way that the season doesn't feel incomplete but still leaving doors open for season 3. because some of the loose ends are fine, 'oh we don't know what happened to hank henshaw', that's just a good teaser for whenever he shows up next season as metallo, that's a good loose end to have for a season finale. but a lot of these just feel like unresolved plots that aren't getting any resolution ever. sam lane went through an entire character arc and we didn't see any of it and it feels jarring, it feels like a writing fail. which is unfortunate because i really love this show and most of the writing has been very good, especially this season.
so i hope that they're able to be a bit tighter and more cohesive for season 3. and also pay chris parnell a hundred million dollars so he can voice anime slade wilson in every single episode.
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amazingmsme · 9 months
how do you think the npmd nerds/whatever hatchetfield characters you’re in the mood to write for, try to like (subtly or not to subtly) hint at wanting tickles 👀
Oh I’m about to go HAM with this one! Buckle in cause I got a feeling it’s gonna be long, but imma try to be succinct. Also: FIRST ASK OF THE YEAR
Grace: will straight up go ask one of her friends to tickle her, the absolute mad woman
Ruth: she’s so damn touch starved so she’s in a lee mood more often than not. She gets more whiny & clingy with her friends & blushes a lot easier than normal
Richie: he cranks up the annoying friend routine up to an 11, teasing Pete & Ruth & cracking stupid jokes. His leg shakes a lot when he’s in a lee mood because he’s got a lot of pent up energy
Peter: stutters a lot & tends to stare at people’s hands a lot. He stretches a lot when he’s in a lee mood. I’m talkin’ arms all the way over his head, back arched, & he makes a high pitched groaning noise just to make sure he gets someone’s attention
Bonus Round! aka everyone else I feel like writing
Max: gets a lot more hyper & rowdy with his friends & tickles them in hopes they’ll get him back
Alice: suffers in silence & acts all grumpy until Deb catches on
Lex: gets real cuddly & clingy with Ethan & not so subtly tries to move his hands to her tickle spots so he’ll “accidentally” brush against a sensitive spot
Ethan: purposefully makes himself all mopey & emo to entice Lex to wreck his shit. Puppy eyes to the max
Paul: clams up, stutters a lot more than usual & jumps at pretty much any sudden movement in his direction & generally is much gigglier than normal
Bill: drops what he thinks are subtle hints & is a lot more affectionate with his coworkers. A hug to Paul or Charlotte, an arm around Ted’s shoulders, ruffles their hair. Is overall very smiley & playful
Charlotte: gets really cuddly & giggly. Usually it’s whenever she’s alone with Ted so she’ll lay in positions where her tickle spots are stretched out & vulnerable & calls his name over & over. Or if he’s really oblivious she gives up & starts a tickle fight
Ted: ASSHOLE TO THE MAX!!! Seriously, when Ted Spankoffski’s in a lee mood, everyone knows about it because he makes it everyone’s problem. He can never bring himself to ask for it, he can’t even admit it to himself that he likes it, so he just becomes So Insufferable until someone decides to do something about it
Tom: doesn’t even realize that’s what he’s been wanting until Becky gently grabs his arm & asks “want me to tickle you?” (He’s been silently staring at the ground and rubbing his neck/scratching his beard for the past 10 minutes)
Becky: she shyly will bring up a memory from high school with Tom & mentions how he used to tickle her. Not near as subtle as she thinks she is, but hey, it always works
Linda: will walk right up to her husband or whoever she’s having an affair with & loudly proclaim “what does a woman have to do around here to be appreciated?” & basically lays on the guilt trip. But what did you expect from miss gaslight gatekeep girlboss herself?
Dan Reynolds: sneak attacks the news crew to be funny but really he just wants someone to return the favor but no one ever does because he’s THE Dan Reynolds!
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photogirl894 · 2 months
"Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire:
Chapter 36
"Your Own Person"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Back again, my lovelies!! I'll be honest, this chapter is a bit shorter and I feel like I'm not as happy with this one, but I also think it might still be entertaining enough 😁 Hope y'all still like it!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @legolkenxbi , @tech-aficionado ,
@ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettrose9901 ,
@thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink ,
@l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49 , @avathebestx ,
@idoubleswearimawriter , @techs-stitches , @fantasyproductions , @totallyunidentified , @dreamsandrosies
《 Chapter 35
》 Chapter 37
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: The Bad Batch must retrieve the stolen spice for the Pykes to ensure the safety of Kimber, Omega and their friends. Meanwhile, Irys and Roland discuss the past.
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It didn't seem to take long before everyone inside the back office heard the doors to the parlor slide open, which meant someone had come in. The Pykes suspected it was whoever took their spice, coming back to finish the job. They ordered Roland to walk out first to identify the person they wanted while the girls were pulled by the other Pykes behind him. Sure enough, when they came around the corner from the hallway into the main area of the parlor, there were Cid and the Clones.
“That's her. She's the one you want,” Roland told the Pyke leader, pointing at Cid.
Hunter caught sight of Kimber, as did the others, but she quickly shook her head at them, indicating for them not to say anything. 
The Pyke leader moved forward and stated directly, “It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice. Return it to us and we will consider this issue resolved.”
“Not sure what he's been telling you, but we don't have any spice,” Cid lied.
The Pyke was silent for a brief moment before ordering, “Kill them all.”
Kimber opened her mouth to protest, but Hunter held up a hand and cried, “Wait!” As he moved protectively in front of Omega, he told the Pykes instead, “We don't have the spice on us, but we know where it is.”
“My patience is wearing very thin,” said the Pyke, ominously. “If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do…the child stays here.”
Everyone's reactions to the Pyke's ultimatum were immediate. Omega crouched in fear behind Hunter, the Clones all whipped out their blasters and pointed them at the Pyke while Kimber, Irys and Lex struggled against the guards that held them to get to him. 
“Don't you dare touch her!” Kimber exclaimed. Even though, earlier, she'd acted like she didn't know those involved in taking the spice, the Pyke threatening Omega changed that for her.
The crime boss picked up on that right away as he turned over his shoulder to look at her. “Ah…so you do know them. Even better,” he said. Then looking back at the Batch and Cid, he said, “Even more incentive for you to retrieve the spice. The women and the child.”
“Not happening,” Hunter opposed.
“Keep us all you want, but leave the kid alone,” Lex protested. 
“You misunderstand,” said the Pyke, his head turning between the women and the Clones. “This is not a negotiation.”
The Clones were all glaring at the crime boss, ready to fight if they had to, but Cid spoke up, “If I may….” Then she turned back to the others and warned them in a hushed tone that at least Kimber could still hear, “You all don't realize who you're dealing with. If you don't lower your blasters, we're all gonna wish we were dead.” Cid laid a hand on Hunter's arm. “Let me handle this.”
The three ladies all exchanged wary looks upon hearing that last sentence.
Cid then faced the Pyke and said, “You've got a deal.”
“Cid!” Kimber cried in disbelief. She saw one of the guards move out from behind her and before he could get to Omega, she then held out her cuffed hands and told the girl, “Come to me, Omega.”
The girl, who had been behind Hunter, burst out from behind him and ran over to Kimber. Omega hugged her around her waist and Kimber laid her hands reassuringly on the girl’s shoulder. 
“It's going to be all right,” she said as the Pykes took Omega’s hands and cuffed them. Then Kimber looked across the way at Hunter and said while maintaining eye contact with him, “We'll keep you safe. I promise.”
It was clear she wasn't happy with the arrangement and neither was Hunter, but they both knew there wasn't much of a choice. Holstering his blaster and nodding to the others to do the same, he then spoke sternly to the Pyke leader, “We'll get the spice back…only if the kid and our friends remain unharmed.”
“They will not be harmed unless you don't return every ounce of spice owed to us,” the Pyke replied. “Be sure that you do…for their sake.”
Wrecker, Tech and Echo didn't look pleased either, but they still followed their leader and put down their weapons. Echo stole a look at Lex and Tech gave Irys a steadfast nod. Kimber cast a scowl at Cid as a warning that she'd better come through, knowing it was her fault they were in this mess in the first place. With that, the Clones and Cid left the parlor. 
“Well, we'd best make ourselves comfortable. Who knows how long we'll be here,” said Irys.
“We wouldn't be in this mess if you all hadn't gotten involved,” Roland spat. 
“No, we wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't gotten in over your head, Durand,” said Lex in reply. 
Then Kimber said, “Enough, all of you. It doesn't matter. We're stuck here and the boys are getting the spice. Let's just be glad we're not dead.”
“Your friends better come through,” said Roland.
“They will,” she shot back. 
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What felt like a long time had passed and the Bad Batch still had yet to return. The Pykes kept a close eye on their hostages while still pacing about the room. Everyone had sat themselves down on the floor in the center; Kimber and Omega were together next to Roland and then Irys and Lex were together on his other side. 
At one point, when the Pykes had temporarily left the room, Omega spotted a blaster left out by one of the Pykes and Kimber could see in her eyes a determined look. She knew what the girl was planning to do. 
She wasn't the only one who noticed  because, surprisingly, Roland spoke up and said, “Don't try it. They'll kill you.” Leaning his head back against the table behind him, he said, “If your friends don't return the spice, we're all dead. That's what happens when you meddle in other people's business.”
Kimber's jaw dropped and Omega questioned, “Us? You're the one who took Cid's parlor from her!”
“You take what you want. That's the Durand way. It's a tactic my mother has perfected,” Roland replied.
Next to him, Irys scoffed aloud. 
“So she's a criminal, too?” Omega asked.
Roland groaned in disgust and said back, “You make it sound so undignified.”
“Because it is,” Irys said flatly.
Frowning, Roland said over his shoulder to her, “I don't recall asking for your opinion, Irys.”
“Doesn't matter, I'm going to give it anyway,” she said.
After that, they all heard Ruby waddling over to them on the ground and she proceeded to crawl over into Omega's lap.
Noticing this, Roland pointed out, “Ruby doesn't take a liking to many people.”
“Don't worry, Ruby. We'll get out of this,” Omega assured the lizard, which made Kimber grin.
Then Roland sighed. “If Mother saw me now…,” he lamented.
Irys scoffed again. “That's really what you're worried about right now? What Mother Dearest would think of you?” she questioned him. “Do you even understand the magnitude of the situation you're in?”
“Please, enlighten me,” he said sarcastically. 
“Even when our friends bring back the spice, you're still going to be in a lot of trouble,” Irys said. “The Pykes don't like unpaid debts, but they hate being threatened even more…and you did exactly that. Not only did you not have their payment, but then you pulled a blaster on them and threatened them. You might be able to get them the spice, but your actions in the office might have cost you a great deal. You're going to be really lucky if you get out of this alive.”
They all could see there was fear in his eyes, but he was trying his best to mask it. “Since when do you care?” he said with a sneer, not looking at her. 
She rolled her eyes. “Believe me, I don't care about you,” she responded, “but punishment from the Pykes isn't something I would wish on anyone.”
“I never expected you to be so sentimental,” he said. 
“That's because you never really knew me,” she snapped. “All the things I did for you and your family, I only did because you all tricked me. I use my skills for good now. I use them to help people and I've even saved people with them.”
“Our Clone friends included,” Kimber put in. 
After acknowledging Kimber's comment, Irys continued, “Whoever you once thought I was, that's not who I am. The girl you pretended to be friends with--”
“It was never pretend,” Roland interrupted her, his head held low.
Irys went silent and Kimber, Omega and Lex's eyes all widened in astonishment.
“What?” asked Irys. 
Still not looking at her, he replied, “Despite everything we made you do; despite lying to you about what you were doing for my family…I never lied about thinking of you as my friend. That was real to me.”
Irys was taken aback, having not expected such a response from Roland. At any other time, she would’ve thought it was just another lie, but given the fact that he was a Pyke prisoner and more than likely wasn’t going to get out of the situation alive, what would he have to gain by lying to her now? No, his statement seemed genuine and honest, for once. 
Then he added, “If they are going to kill me…I at least needed you to know that.”
After taking a small moment to collect her thoughts, Irys then said back to him, “I thought of you as a friend once, too…but friends don’t lie to each other. Even if you considered what we had was real, you still lied to me about everything else. Everything that you and your family does is based on lies and crime and bad things.”
“I know…but that’s all I know. It’s all I’ve been raised on,” he said. Finally, he lifted his head and met Irys’ gaze, melancholy in his red eyes. “How could I do anything else?”
“You could make your own choices and not be your mother,” Lex interjected.
He let out a sigh. “It’s not that simple,” he said. 
“It’s okay to be your own person,” then said Omega. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he responded. Turning back to Irys, he stated, “Like you said: I might not even get out of this alive, so what’s even the point of pitying me at all? I tried to prove myself to my mother and I failed. That’s all there is to it.”
It was quiet for a moment before Irys said in a soft voice, “I know what it’s like to do your best to prove yourself only to make a big mistake. Maybe you and I aren’t so different after all.”
No one was quite sure how to respond, so the silence then hung in the air between all of them after that, especially as the Pykes returned into the room. The atmosphere grew uneasy again with the Pykes keeping their eyes on them while they continued to wait to hear back from the Bad Batch and Cid. 
Some time later, Kimber’s comm started chirping and everyone perked up at the sound. Then they all heard Hunter’s voice speak, “Kimber, it’s Hunter. We have the spice. We’ll be waiting at the ship in the hangar.”
The Pyke leader, looming over all of them, said directly to Kimber, “You will lead us to your ship.”
They all got to their feet and the Pykes put Kimber in the front so they all could follow her to the Marauder at the hangar. It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination and the Clones and Cid were already outside waiting. Wrecker was carrying out the crates and putting them on a dolley. The Pykes had them stop by the crates that were already loaded and proceeded to remove the stun cuffs off of everyone except Roland just as Wrecker brought out the last one and laid it out on the floor in front of them. One of the guards opened the crate and pulled out a package of spice for the leader to examine. 
Satisfied, the leader said to the Clones, “Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved.” However, he then withdrew his blade and pointed it at Roland behind him. “But not with you.”
The guards forcefully shoved Omega--who still held Ruby in her arms--and Kimber forward followed by Irys and Lex and they walked across to the Clones. Hunter reached out for Omega and Kimber moved beside him, Lex went straight to Echo and Irys stood by Tech. When they looked back, the Pyke guards were dragging Roland over to the crate, pushing his head down onto it as the Pyke leader lifted his knife into the air.
“Don’t!” Omega cried out, stepping forward, and causing the Pyke to pause. “He made a mistake, that’s all.”
Then, to everyone’s astonishment, Irys boldly came forward and agreed with Omega. “She’s right. What he did was reckless, but you got your spice back. That’s what matters. Killing him will only be starting war with Isa Durand, which I don’t think you want right now. Let him go, call this a bad deal and walk away while you can.”
“We do not accept bad deals,” the Pyke replied. 
Then he held his knife aloft and brought it down upon Roland. Everyone closed or shielded their eyes as they heard the knife make contact and Roland cried out in pain. Though, when they all looked again, they were shocked to see him clutching at the right side of his head and his horn lying on the crate. One of the guards picked it up and handed it to the leader.
Leering over Roland, the Pyke told him with finality, “Our business is finished. It would not be wise for our paths to cross again.” With that, he and the rest of the Pykes walked out of the hangar with their cart of spice.
Everyone was shocked that the Pykes had let Roland live and there was definite regret in his face after the Pykes left as well as pain from the loss of his horn. Omega went up to him, still holding Ruby.
“Are you okay?” she inquired.
Timidly, he answered as he stood up, “It’s a small price to pay.” After Omega handed Ruby to him, he said in a low voice to the rest of the group, “I’ll be going now.”
He turned around to leave and everyone noticed that Irys started following after him.
“Irys, what are you doing?” Kimber asked.
Roland halted and turned around.
The Togruta woman stopped and answered, “I still need to go with him. I have no choice if I'm to be sure you all will remain safe.”
“No, you don't,” Kimber replied firmly. “He told you you'd go back to Devaron once he made his deal with the Pykes. That deal is over now; it's null and void. You don't need to go back.” She redirected her attention at Roland, sternness in her face and in her tone as she went on to say to him, “Irys no longer has to go with you and if you still want to take her, you'll have to go through all of us to get her.”
His eyes glanced at everyone else, taking in their angry, warning looks they were giving him. At that moment, he was just tired and defeated from everything that had happened. “A Durand is not anything if not a person of their word,” he responded. He then looked at Irys. “Since the deal fell through, I won't send you back to my mother. I will still tell her I found you here...and that you're dead.” 
Irys’ eyes went wide in surprise.
“The hunt for you will be called off,” he said as he turned his back on her and, without waiting for a response from her or anyone, he and Ruby left the hangar.
Irys stood in place, dumbfounded at what Roland had just done for her. After years of running, she was now free. Finally free. She felt hands rest on both of her shoulders. To her left, she saw Lex and then to her right, she saw Kimber, both of them smiling gladly at her and she couldn’t help but smile back. Then the two girls hugged her tightly, overjoyed that she was both safe and free from being hunted. 
Behind them, they heard Cid declare that drinks were on her and Wrecker told her that she owed them way more than that before he and Echo took off running out of the hangar and in the  direction of the parlor. Lex was also excited about the prospect of free drinks so, after giving Irys one more squeeze on the shoulder, she ran off with Echo.
Kimber and Irys noticed that Hunter, Omega and Tech had lingered behind while Cid just walked past them, the clanking of her staff echoing in the hangar.
“Why did you stick up for him…after what he did?” Hunter inquired of Omega.
With a shrug, she simply said back, “I don’t know. Ruby likes him. Maybe he’s not all bad.”
He smiled endearingly at her and, content with that answer, he started walking away, grabbing Kimber’s hand as he passed by her and pulling her along, with Omega following after them.
Irys stayed in place, still processing everything, when she felt another hand tap on her arm and then Tech’s voice speaking to her, “Irys…I wish to pose the same query to you.” She looked at him and he went on, removing his hand, “Durand lied to you and forced you into a life in hiding. Omega, I understand being kind to him; that is her nature, but you...you of all people had far less of a reason to plead mercy on his behalf. Yet you did. Why did you?”
Feeling comfortable with Tech and taking a deep and slow breath, she answered him, “I used to believe I was a bad person because of the things I did for the Durand's, even if it was unknowingly. Nor have I ever considered myself brave because I'm always behind a screen or on a ship and not in a fight. Then I met all of you and started to believe I was a better person by using my skills to help others. Today, seeing how much all of you were willing to sacrifice for me because of my mistakes showed me that it was time for me to be brave, for once, and be the better person I am now. While Roland might not have deserved my pity...I suppose I saw myself in him in the moment. We both have made mistakes and I thought showing compassion was the best revenge.  Also...Roland genuinely thought of me as a friend once, as did I, despite how twisted the situation had been. I don't expect him to stop what he's doing, but maybe...maybe this might persuade him to show some compassion of his own one day.”
“He already has by saying he would tell his mother you're dead so you won't need to be on the run any longer,” said Tech in return. 
“I suppose that's true,” she replied.
Then he startled her slightly by laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. “You are a good person and you have always been brave,” he told her intently. “Choosing to act against oppression, whether on a battlefield or behind a screen, is still bravery.”
Irys smiled gratefully at him, touched by his genuine words. “I appreciate your concern and your support.”
“Of course. You are our friend.” He then cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles. “You are...my friend, Irys.” 
She placed a hand on his arm in return. “And you are mine, Tech.” 
He offered a small grin and bowed his head to her.
“I'm still smarter than you, though,” she then teased him, starting to walk away.
Without missing a beat, he fiddled with his goggles and said back, walking beside her, “That is debatable, as my mind is significantly more enhanced than yours.”
She scoffed in amusement. “I didn't need to enhance my mind to be as smart as I am. That happened all organically.” 
“Regardless…,” he said, suddenly stopping in place, “you are now no longer being hunted. You are free. Will you choose to remain on Ord Mantell with the Koriena Force?”
She too ceased walking and answered his question, “Of course, I will. The girls and all of you are my family. I'm not going anywhere.”
“Well…and here, I thought I was going to finally be free of you for good,” Tech responded.
Irys chuckled at him. “Now, don't get ahead of yourself there, hotshot. If I can't get rid of you, you're certainly not getting rid of me.”
The two of them walked on to catch up with the others at Cid’s parlor, continuing with their playful banter now that they knew Irys was going to be all right and was there to stay.
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