ailuridaess · 2 days
Little pride month doodle !! with my flags :]
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strawby-jelli · 7 months
A customer called me by BOTH my pronouns today. Like an adult woman not a teen. Nobody has ever done that, not even my friends at work. It made me so happy. Everyone looks at me and just defaults to she/her but that woman actually took my funky lil name tags with cut up stickers into consideration even though we’ll never see each other again
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ford-ftm-150 · 8 months
Trans men, transmasc folks, & anyone else to whom this applies
I’m curious how many people wear a binder &/or wear a packer. Always = daily or almost daily, often = around half the time, & never = not at all or almost never. Pick whichever option is closest to your experiences.
If you have had top &/or bottom surgery choose the option that reflects what you did before surgery. People with a more complex experience of gender (genderfluid, multigender, butch, etc.) that affects their desire to bind or pack feel free to elaborate on that in the tags.
Reblogs to boost sample size are appreciated!
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 month
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Genderfaun Angel - final version. Flat colors, transparent background, linework under the cut.
Follow the campaign and read the FAQ: Pride Angels.
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bizarreaizen · 8 months
does anyone else just say the "simpler" version of their identity? like saying i'm a trans aroace gay sounds more simply then saying i'm gendersatyret, genderfaunet, polysexual, oriented aroace, aegoromantic and cupioromantic >.< /gen
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zero-templates · 1 month
𝒞 。 Pride flag graphics﹒005
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like and reblog to use, no credit needed : read my pinned before interacting or using
reposts allowed with permission and credit﹒don't claim as yours﹒don't repost on tumblr﹒25 x 16 pixels
other flags : 001 / 002 / 003 / 004 / 005﹒pixel flags
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mooshroomsys · 10 months
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And noww, all the flags I've made so far, including the requested pan flag :D
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yo do any of my fellow micro label folks on here just get like. fucking giddy when you see get just any form of representation? cuz I'm genderfaun and omnisexual and anytime I see that either of my identities included I am just OVERJOYED. using lesser-known labels, I've grown accustomed to not having anyone mention my identities or know what they mean. when I see anything targeted towards the larger lgbt+ community really don't expect to see my identities included, and that honestly doesn't bother me anymore. but when I DO see them OHOHHOO BOY!!!! I'm bouncing I'm giggling I'm flapping my hands I'm smiling it is just a wonderful experience and I honestly love it so much <3 <3 <3
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zestyxwesley · 2 months
ITS TRANS VISIBILITY DAY🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥🏳️‍⚧️💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
SCARE THE TRANSPHOBES ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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deer-boy-fae · 6 months
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morutefawnn · 1 month
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꒰ ೀ‧₊˚ rosgenderfaun ︶꒷꒦︶ azurgenderfae !!
rosgenderfaun •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ when one identifies as a genderfaun rosboy / when one's gender is fluid without encompassing any strictly feminine genders, but consistently feels feminine.
azurgenderfae •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ when one identifies as a genderfae azurgirl / when one's gender is fluid without encompassing any strictly masculine genders, but consistently feels masculine.
💭·`.𖥔 ݁ ˖ coined by me / morutefawnn on twitter/x,, 4/20/24 ᜊ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ᜊ have a lovely day !!
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andiv3r · 7 months
Have I ever mentioned that I'm genderfluid??
Well. Genderfaun, technically. No fem-aligned genders ever, but my gender fluctuates between male, non-binary and agender.
Anyways. I woke up today and the dysphoria was different. Like, my small hands aren't bothering me and my height isn't bothering me. Less things are triggering the dysphoria today. It took a minute, but then it clicked. "Ohh shit, I'm having an enby day again."
It fr fucks with my brain because I'm fully a man almost all the time. But every couple months I'll wake up and suddenly for a few days in a row I'm like "ah, my gender did a thing again" and it's just. Weird.
(My pronouns are currently xe/they/he in order of preference btw, I don't know why but that just seems to be how it is today.)
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Time for a comparison
Me then: "I'm just a little quirky!" 👉👈🤭
Me now: "I'm a therian, otherkin, otherhearted, genderfaun+catgender, panromantic fictionkith who collects neopronouns/xenopronouns."
Go ahead. Mock me.
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
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Pride Angels inspired by the order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Just sketches for now.
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bizarreaizen · 5 months
me trying to act normal around my hyper masculine allocishet conservatively religious "friends" while knowing damn well i'm a cringe kid on the internet who has a billion xenogenders, identifies with too many microlabels, is alterhuman, is a furry, writes cringy fanfics, has weird interests, most likely has adhd and bpd, has a million xenopronouns and neopronouns, an overly complicated gender, and sexuality: (>_<) /lh
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green-enby · 11 months
Hello everyone! First post; I'm a bit nervous... I hope you're doing well!
I still don't have a clear idea of what exactly I could do with this blog, but there is one thing I'd like to share: it has to do with the Genderfluid Fragment Gender System (GDGS), a system of terms that specify what range of genders one is fluid between, and the issue of underrepresentation of androgynous genders in some of these.
(For extra clarity, androgyny refers to a state of being both masculine and feminine, as opposed to gender-neutrality, which means neither masculine nor feminine, although the two are often used interchangeably, hence the lack of regard for the distinction.)
For those who are here to learn, the main terms in the GFGS are:
genderfae (being fluid only between female, feminine and neutral genders, never a masculine gender);
genderfaun (male, masculine and neutral, never feminine);
genderflor (only neutral, never masculine or feminine).
By adding suffixes to these, you can extend the range of them a bit:
genderfaer (female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine genders but never binary male);
genderfaunet (male, masculine, neutral, and partially feminine but never binary female);
genderflorer (neutral and partially masculine, but never binary male or feminine);
genderfloret (neutral and partially feminine, but never binary female or masculine);
genderfloren (neutral, partially masculine, and partially feminine, but never binary male or binary female).
There's also the genderfrith root and its variations, for people who always feel a connection to masculinity or femininity:
genderfrith (fluid between any masculine and/or feminine genders, binary or not, but never neutral);
genderfrither (binary female, feminine, masculine, never binary male or neutral);
genderfrithet (binary male, masculine, feminine, never binary female or neutral);
genderfrithen (partially masculine and partially feminine, never binary female, binary male, or neutral).
Finally, if you're fluid between all genders, that's called genderfruct.
In short, at the beginning of my gender discovery, I thought I was fluid only between a state of gender neutrality and one of androgyny, and I was surprised to see no term amongst so many of these to refer to said experience!
I looked to genderflor, but it does not, by definition, include genders that are in any way related to femininity or masculinity, so by extension androgyny. So how do you refer to that?
I felt like the system was a bit incomplete. So! I decided to take initiative and COIN new genders that extend the possible range of the main GFGS terms!
The actual names for the first 3 were coined by the blog @neopronouns, since I did not have enough creativity with words—I only had the flags already in mind. He just added a suffix to the genders, "-an", which is short for androgynous in this case. Genius!
So, I present to you...
Genderfaean (for pronunciation, a tip is to keep in mind that the root word is "fae", then you just add "an"): being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender that is feminine in some way—including when it is in combination with masculine, therefore androgynous. Masculinity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between girl, non-binary girl, agender, androgyne).
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Flag is the first, on the left; I put the genderfae flag to the right for comparison. The pink gradient stands for femininity, and I replaced the green-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient, representing neutrality (yellow) and androgyny (purple, which I colorpicked from the non-binary flag).
Genderfaunan: being fluid only between neutral genders and any gender which is masculine in some way—including when it is in combination with feminine, therefore androgynous. Femininity can never be experienced on its own. (Example: fluid between boy, demiboy, neutrois, boygirl)
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Genderfaun flag on the right for comparison. The blue gradient at the bottom stands for masculinity; again I replaced the orange-to-yellow gradient (which stood for neutrality) with a purple-to-yellow gradient.
Genderfloran: being fluid only between neutral genders and androgynous genders, never solely masculine or feminine genders. (Example: fluid between neutrois and androgyne)
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Genderflor flag on the right for comparison; I replaced the green/orange-to-yellow gradients with purple-to-yellow ones (it's symmetrical).
Coining these next two terms myself:
Genderfloretan: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially feminine genders—never binary female or male. Can experience masculinity, but only in combination with femininity. (Example: fluid between neutrois, boygirl, demigirl).
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Genderfloret flag on the right for comparison. The darker orange stripes in both flags represent partial femininity. Replaced green-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
Genderfloreran: being fluid only between neutral, androgynous, and partially masculine genders—never binary male or female. Can experience femininity, but only in combination with masculinity. (Example: fluid between agender, androgyne, non-binary boy).
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Genderflorer flag on the right for comparison. The darker green stripes in both flags represent partial masculinity. Replaced orange-to-yellow with purple-to-yellow.
All the other genders of the GFGS I didn't extend like this already included the possibility of experiencing androgynous genders (e.g. genderfaer: female, feminine, neutral, and partially masculine, so this means this partial masculinity can also be experienced in combination with femininity).
That's it! Thanks for reading this through! Hopefully someone will find these useful :) [smiley]
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