#Harper Trio
donospl · 5 months
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 1]
premierowa emisja 3 stycznia 2024 – 18:00 Graliśmy: François Houle & Charlotte Hug “Cuculo” z albumu “Voci Volante” – Afterday Audio SAN – Satoko Fujii, Taiko Saito, Yuko Oshima “Wa” – z albumu „Hibiki” – Jazzdor Series Sunny Kim, Vardan Ovsepian, Ben Monder “ Yerkinqn Ampele” z albumu “Liminal Silence” – Earshift Music Ray Anderson and Bobby Previte “Austerity” z albumu “Double Trouble” –…
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nelkcats · 1 year
Food Fight
Dick, Wally, Jason and Roy were looking for ways to have fun and get distracted from the hero/anti-hero life, so they end up participating in eating contests around the country. What they didn't expect is that they couldn't beat a single person from Illinois.
If it was a spicy food contest, a blue eyed boy would appear who would eat as if he did not feel anything on his tongue; if it were a contest for quantity of food, what they were sure would appear was a hacker with nothing in his stomach, because they didn't know how it was possible for him to eat more than a member of the Flash Family.
Damn, they couldn't even beat the goth girl in the pumpkin growing contest! This had gotten personal and they weren't going to ignore it, they would bring the Outlaws and Titans into this for sure.
Sam, Tucker and Danny for their part were extremely amused with these outsiders, at some point they tried to test if they were metas and it was all a trap (immediately dismissed by Sam and Tucker), they wondered if they would come back next year, well Illinois was their territory so they wished them luck.
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makkiyz · 1 year
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Some Scribbles of Donna + besties worrying about each other + Roy laughing at them
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saphirdevil · 10 months
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damnation bloopers re6 mix
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hood-ex · 2 years
I need a Donna centered story where she sees Dick and Roy under attack, and she desperately fights her way over to them because they're both human dammit and these attacks are coming in hot and heavy, so she needs to get to them now because she can be their shield.
But before she can get over there, there's a bright flash that swallows Dick and Roy up, and they both disappear along with the light. The enemy starts to retreat and she grits her teeth because she knows they have Dick and Roy. She knows they took them from her, and she's not going to stop hunting them down until she has her boys back where they belong 😤. And I just think it would be fun if we got a "I'd go to the ends of the earth for you" Donna adventure story.
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
was about to reblog a fanart of dick grayson x roy harper thinking it was ROMIONE
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roseredsnow · 1 year
In honour of completing Fallen Star a second time because I needed something to listen to during con crunch.
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Heartbreak High S2 Thoughts
Before we knew Rowan was Bird Psycho (hilarious name by the way), I was all for AmeriexRowanxMalachi. The only correct ending to a love triangle (if he wasn’t BP of course)
Ca$h and Darren. I love these two so much. Their storyline was really good this season and I was so scared they weren’t going to make for a minute there. Them both thinking that they’re the “problem” and trying to change themselves to be together caused me physical pain. And his conversation with Nan (an icon)??? They’re just pulling at the heart strings at this point
Harper and Ant. This is actually a super cute pairing. I can see them being really good for each other (whether it turns romantic or nots I like them both ways). I was also really proud of Harper this season, she’s going through so much and she didn’t let people shit on her bc of it (looking at you Sasha)
Speaking of Sasha, why??? Just why???
Quinni is literally everything to me. I love that she spoke up for herself. Her and Darren always seem so in sync, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues. And I’m glad they realized that/are working on making it through them. Them + Amerie remind me of my own friend trio and it means so much to me
Amerie and Malachi. Jesus Christ these two are like a roller coaster. I think they’re cute and since they love each other I hope they work it out but damn. Can they just be happy for 5 seconds???? Him being there for her during her abortion was a 10/10.
Amerie. I love this girl so much. And she went through some shit this season. That abortion scene had me feeling so many things. I feel like we throw the word/action around sometimes like it doesn’t have any weight (on the social media at least), but it does and whether you want the child or not it can still be a tough experience. I’m glad she had Harper and Malachi to help her through it
Harper and Amerie. I really love their dynamic. Almost as much as I love the trio.
Missy and Spider. Its cute. His mom sucks and Voss getting his claws into Spider (and the other boys) also sucked
Ant. My one note for him is to stop following Spider💀 other than that never change sir🤣
I hope we see more Zoe in S3!!
Omg I almost forgot Malachi. I love his relationship with Missy. Seeing him struggle with being bi also had me feeling all the feels. I just wanted to scream “YOU LIKE TACOS AND HOT DOGS ITS OKAYYYYY” (running with the hot dog and no bun was wild sir🤣). But when he accepted it and immediately went public with Rowan??? I loved them so much (again pre bird psycho reveal). His back and forth about Switzerland lowkey annoyed me tbh bc making such a huge decision based off of a girl is crazy. But I had to keep reminding myself dealing with strong emotions in high school can sometimes feel like the end of the world so I give grace😂
My biggest qualm was probably them dropping some things that were unresolved in S1 *cough* Spider loving Amerie or Malachi being assaulted *cough* but hey, all in all it was a great season and if we don’t get a third Netflix will be getting my therapy bill
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
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You speak a word and you're dead, Harper. I'll be dead but- Sir, I'll be drunk.
Sharpe's Enemy (1994)
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howtheworldcouldb · 1 year
Jason-Roy-Kori are poly but Jason-Artemis-Bizzaro share custody of each other
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batbigbang · 8 months
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Bat Big Bang: Granted the Serenity
Author: @faiasakura Artist(s): @reineydraws
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Ao3 Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Jason Todd & Kyle Rayner & Donna Troy, Jason Todd & Donna Troy, Jason Todd & Kyle Rayner, Jason Todd & Ducra, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd & Dana Harlowe, Jason Todd & Essence (DCU), Jason Todd & Talia al Ghul, Jason Todd & Roy Harper Key Characters: Jason Todd, Dana Harlowe, Ducra (DCU), Essence (DCU), Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Stephanie Brown, Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner Summary: What does it mean to come back to life as an accidental wrinkle in the fabric of reality? Jason Todd might not know the meaning of life, but he does figure out the meaning of his life, somewhere in between killing the Joker and ringing the doorbell to Wayne Manor. Or, a canon-divergent take of Lost Days and Countdown to Final Crisis, where Under the Red Hood doesn’t happen. Word Count: 61,588k
Author’s Notes: This is the longest fic I've written and a doozy to write, but I'm so happy to bring into the world my take on Jason Todd. This is a canon soup where I cherry-pick elements from comics that spark joy and have fun playing in the DC sandbox. Shoutout to my fellow mods of the BBB for making this happen and to my beta @wingdingery. BIGGEST THANK YOU to my artist reinydraws who has done delightful art for this fic.
Artist’s Notes: I just want to thank the mods for putting this event together, and to my author Faia for writing such a great story! It was really cool to read about Jason visiting all these different universes--especially when I knew that there is going to be so much more to of those universes discover once the fic is complete--and it was fun to see the writing process of a fic author at work. This Bang was full of really great artists and authors and it was a pleasure to be a part of it. :)
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dctrlover1969 · 2 years
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nuninho2000 · 2 years
Harry after he had a conversation with his nephew
Harry : Hugo can hear you two in bed.
Hermione : Oh God! Oh God!
Ron : He didn't hear that.
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jeremythejirachi · 2 months
The Most Anticipated Albums Of 2024 (Part Three) 
This is part three of four. If you haven’t read part one yet, check it out here. In 2024, we’re getting several great albums some several great bands and artists, but out of all the albums that are coming out this year, these are the ones you need to keep your eyes on. Here are the most anticipated albums of 2024, in no particular order. Sum 41Album: Heaven :x: Hell (Rise)Release Date:…
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karihighman · 1 year
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mpathicoracle · 10 months
raine, back in their teaching days after becoming eira's mentor: *minding their own business doing paperwork or whatever in their office* eira: *pokes their head into raine's office with a shiteating but also sheepish grin* heyyyy raine. uh. i may have made a big mistake- a h a raine: *slowly turning to look at eira with a combination look of mortified dread, concern, and exasperation* what did you do-
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