#Holiday self-care
365momme · 9 months
12 Days of Christmas Personal Development Journal Prompts
Looking to reflect on your personal development and set goals for the upcoming year? Look no further! We’ve curated 12 days of Christmas-themed personal development journal prompts just for you. These prompts will guide you through gratitude, skill development, goal setting, self-care, overcoming limiting beliefs, and much more. Each day, you’ll explore different aspects of your life and discover…
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theawakenedstate · 10 months
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The missing ingredient in your holiday shopping list this year is Self-Care, especially for the Intuitive empath. I know the holidays can be both amazing and a mentally stressful time of year. There’s more on your plate, more obligations, and aside from needing more bubble baths, I’m sure what you really want someone to say is this: 
and it’s all appreciated. 
Here are Six Tips for Holiday Self- Care
If you’re more of a visual person, check it out on the insta here
1. Embrace the Inner and Outer Balance The balance is about Exercising BOTH parts of your mind.
Are you Externally Overstressed from Everyday Living and feeling all over the place with the holidays?
Too much External Reality for your Spiritual soul: If you’re suddenly overstressed or anxious from everyday living, you’re neglecting your center by not focusing on what’s internal
You are overstimulated – so turn down the lights
Energy Management Tip: Go Within. Dig Deeper. Listen. find inner stillness, Slow down your pace of actions , Go back to your center, yoga, creativity, exercise the right brain, Slooooooooow Down your life & LISTENING deeply. Practice more mindfulness.
Are you so out there in outer space you’re now overwhelmed and anxious by spiritual practices?
Internal Mind – Overwhelmed by Spiritual practices If you’re suddenly overwhelmed from Spiritual practices or intuitive abilities,
you’re not focusing on external reality enough!
Do something mundane or simple to bring you back to baseline, like clean your room, organize something, play a game, go outside, one on one conversation, binge watch tv, see a movie, play a video game, do the sims, go for a walk, spend time with family, do something fun for yourself,
look at cat pictures, lol
Self-Care Energy Management Tip:
Holiday external stress —> Go Inward, slow down, maybe organize your thoughts with a planner 😉 . unplug and relax more.
Spiritual Burnout –> Get your butt up dance, exercise, and do mundane sh*t like watch a holiday movie, look at cat pictures and get your head PRESENT.
2. Find a Cozy Place to Recharge
I don’t know if I’m just getting older but my favorite time of the day is when i get to go to my recharging space and play with my ambient lights. lol
I have a Galaxy 360 projector with ambient lights, I usually have music or video games or coloring!
And I just allow myself to let go for a bit to recharge.
Sometimes I visualize or meditate –
Find the right pillows, colors, lighting and stimulation for your mind to help you recharge.
Our minds are like batteries, sometimes our energy needs to recharge not just during sleep!
Self-Care Tip: What is your recharging space? Is it cozy and relaxing?
3. When in Doubt – Practice Mindfulness by Unplugging
Let’s face it, we are in the Digital Era of VR, Social Media, Constant Binging Notifications and navigating the mental affects of inflation. Unplugging during the holiday chaos can be ESSENTIAL for Empaths, HSP, and anyone who is getting over-stimulated by too much everything
One unconventional practice of mindfulness is simply, less screen-time or being more mentally disciplined with your screen time like with a focus timer app or App Blocker.
Do you have to check FB or IG as soon as you’re awake? what if you waited until noon?
Did you know our Minds are actually biologically designed to be MORE productive in the first waking hours of the day due to our brain waves moving out of “sleep mode”.
How we use that time tells our brain ‘this is what is important’ – by mid afternoon, we are designed to be more laid back, social and our brain waves change again. This is why doing social networking in the afternoon is actually a stronger strategy for the mind and to do your most intense habits in the early hours of the day when your mind is at peak performance and high alert.
Self-Care Tip: When feeling overwhelmed and unfocused, Drop the Devices and Focus on more Present-Awareness with Unplugging.
As an Empath not only will you benefit from less stimulation but you will also come back home to yourself.
4. Do Energetic Check-ins ❄️Ask Yourself: Is this my Energy or Theirs?
During the Holidays it’s easy to start to neglect your own Center.
You’re like a fishing pole, you’re hooking onto these emotions which aren’t necessarily even yours!
Question & Detach yourself from them. Come back to your own energy, repeatedly. Focus on something only you would know. experience, or something that makes you happy.
When this happens we unconsciously live inside people’s energies, even by thinking of them for too long, You begin neglecting your own center.
You always need to come back to base camp: your personal energy.
Your Self-care Tip: Is this really me or them? Realize that the judging, complaining and belittling is only a person talking about themselves. Make your energy checkpoint especially when you feel irritable, drained, uncomfortable or frazzled. Bring yourself back with a thought or memory that only you would know. Recite an affirmation if it helps.
5. Look at Your Language and Self-Talk
Empower your Words with Gratitude
Pay Attention to your Universals: “Always”, “Never” “should” “All the time” “can’t” “Every” These words are your weapon to destruction or your key to success.
What you affirm is what you attract.
❄️What do you want to be affirming during the holidays?
Have an Attitude of Gratitude even during the smallest of things like fresh coffee or food in your fridge. Gratitude strengthens our energy and mindset during the holidays.
Your Energy Managing self-care Tip: Words are not merely “words”. They wield power. They orchestrate your life. Use them Wisely. Learn to let go of words, impulse statuses and thoughts that don’t serve your highest good.
6. Do YOUR favorite Holiday Treats
Holidays always bring obligations, often making it a time of generous “giving”. For Empaths, they can’t help but give, it’s in our nature. However, this sometimes leads to unhealthy self-neglect, mental exhaustion, and often a constant need to say ‘yes’ to every event and party.
In response to this: REBEL and Make time to do YOUR FAVORITE Holiday Traditions and treats.
Write a list of your favorite Treats and traditions.
Say “No” instead of “Yes, sure…”
and Girl Stop Apologizing for wanting peace and quiet, cozy days with blankets instead of festive parties
and as always,
make time for yourself this season and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.
It’s in our empathetic heart, we’d rather spend money on angel trees and forget about ourselves during the holidays – and this is where i’m calling a big B.S.
Make time for BOTH.
Don’t forget to give yourself a Holiday too.
Perhaps that is the Gift that keeps on giving. When your cup is over-floweth then you have more love and treats to give anyway.
Besides Self-care is not Selfish sometimes it’s required for a joyous holiday, good peace in HOME and good will toward men.
you see what I did there 😉
For More Energy Management Tips, Check out The Energy Management Toolkit right now 50% Off for the Black Friday Extravaganza.
Now Until Cyber monday 11:59 CST
I’m so grateful for our growing community, what started out as a small tumblr blog with only 11 people has now transformed into a blossoming community across multiple networks.
And I couldn’t be more grateful that you exist.
Thank you for reading and
Happy Holiday Season!
P.S. There’s 48 Hours left for the Black Friday Extravaganza! – 50% off select Programs. End of the year gift bundles ❄️☃️ Let’s CONQUER 2024 with WILD SPIRITUAL ALIGNMENT
The BF Extravaganza is in full swing 50% off select programs and ANY purchase receive a free holiday treat to conquer 2024! The Spiritual Awakened Life digital planner Gift for yourself or give to a spiritual bestie for the holidays Link Below for full details: theawakenedstate.net/Black-friday-extravaganza-sale
pssst before you Go If you enjoyed this Article feel free to Pin it or share to your fav socials, thank you!
6 Holiday Self-Care Tips For the Empath
The missing ingredient in your holiday shopping list this year is Self-Care, especially for the Intuitive empath. I know the holidays can be both amazing and a mentally stressful time of year. There’s more on your plate, more obligations, and aside from needing more bubble baths, I’m sure what you really want someone to say […]
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postitforward · 10 months
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Holiday Blues with Tumblr
The mornings are getting darker. The evenings are, too. It’s a little chillier, don't you think? Well, if you start feeling a little blue around the holidays, we might have something for you. We call it Holiday Blues, and it’s back for 2023. 
You probably know the score by now. If you don’t, here’s a little intro to make your acquaintance. We are partnering with social good brands, mental health experts, and mindfulness aficionados to bring you the essential winter toolkit—and help you thrive during the darker months. Enough is happening right now to feel overwhelmed without these LONG, drawn-out days. If you suffer from S.A.D. (AKA seasonal depression) or struggle to offer yourself the right self-care, Tumblr and friends are bringing these small acts of nourishment straight to you. It takes very little time, very little energy, and doesn’t cost a thing.
How does it work? Easy-peasy. If you turn up, we will look after you. Over the coming weeks, we have classes tailor-made for TLC: space meditations, movement, music, and self-care.
What’s happening?
Mindful Mondays: Out-of-this-world mindfulness session for a calming start to your week with @nasa.
Wellness Wednesdays: Mood-boosting quizzes from @kokobot, playlists, and tips.
Flex Friday: A five-part series on tenderness with Indwell Collaborative.
Self-Care Sunday: Reflections on affirmations, trust, friendship, and a focus on mental wellness with @therapyforblackgirls. 
Some tips: 
SHOW UP! And we’ll take it from there.
No stress necessary. Leave your worries at the door
Make time for YOU! There’s always time for some self-love.
It’s YOUR healing journey, and you do it your way.
One final note:
Like, share, be there. It’s all good vibes, and it’s for everyone on Tumblr. Help us beat the holiday blues by using #holidayblueswithtumblr, and share Monday’s meditations, a tip or trick from Wellness Wednesday, the feel-good from Flex Friday, or some soothing soul nourishment from Self-Care Sunday. 
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macmanx · 9 months
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The holidays can be tough. Here are some ways to take care of yourself.
If you're in crisis, that's ok! The 988 Lifeline and Trevor Project are here to help.
If you're not in crisis but still need some help, that's ok too, look for Finch in your mobile device's app store.
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samarajoysings · 10 months
hey y'all! I wanted to share one of my many playlists that I listen to you to relax my mind while on the road :) listening is fundamental and this is one of my favorites!
fyi when listening to jazz, I usually like listening to the record as opposed to a playlist :)))
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sunrisethoughts02 · 10 months
just some holiday reminders!!
It’s okay to have complicated feelings about the holidays (even if you used to really love them).
it’s okay to hide in the bathroom/take a step outside for some deep breaths.
it’s okay if events or activities meant to be ‘fun/recreational’ (like shopping, cookie decorating, etc) are stressful or tiring for you.
remember that it’s okay to rest 💜
it’s okay to set boundaries even around family (‘I don’t feel like talking about that right now, etc’)
you deserve to be hydrated, rested, and well fed 💜
There is no wrong way to feel about something! There can be so much shame around struggling in a season famous for being filled with ‘love and joy.’ You aren’t alone and you are loved 💜💜
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anniespositivity · 9 months
The holidays can be such a rough and difficult time, especially since it often means putting on a mask and pretending to be someone you are not when you are around family members. Often it's hard to be yourself around those people, trust me, I get it. This is your reminder that you never ever have to put on a mask in any scenario. You are such a good, valuable person - you have every right to show up exactly as you are, my love. Stay strong, safe and happy this season and have a merry Christmas everyone. I love you.
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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todayontumblr · 10 months
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itsmaats13 · 3 months
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the-jesus-pill · 2 years
Here’s a friendly reminder!
You are allowed to say ‘no’.
You are allowed to hang up the phone.
You are allowed to ignore calls.
You are allowed to delete emails, texts and messages.
You are allowed to ignore the doorbell.
You are allowed to decline invitations.
You are allowed to lie about why you can’t / won’t go. 
You are allowed to refuse gifts or give them away.
You are allowed to prioritize yourself or your friends over family.
You are allowed to leave. 
You are allowed to leave without saying goodbye. 
You are allowed to withhold politeness to those who disrespect you.
You are allowed to express your anger.
You are allowed to shut someone out. 
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postitforward · 10 months
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Hello there 👋
Welcome back to Mindful Mondays! 🧘
Mondays are, famously, most people’s seventh favorite day of the week. And Mondays where everything is darker, longer, and colder than normal? Thanks, but no thanks.
But don’t panic; we’ve got something to help. It might be small, but it can make a big difference. Just ten minutes of mindfulness can go a long way, and taking some time out to sit down, slow down, and breathe can help center your thoughts and balance your mood. Sometimes, the best things in life really are free.
This year, we have teamed up with the good folks at @nasa. They want you to tune in and space out to relaxing music and ultra-high-definition visuals of the cosmos—from the surface of Mars.  
Sounds good, right? Well, it gets better. Watch more Space Out episodes on NASA+, a new no-cost, ad-free streaming service.
Why not give it a try? Just a few minutes this Monday morning can make all the difference, and we are bringing mindfulness straight to you. 
🧘WATCH: Space Out with NASA: Martian Landscapes, 11/27 at 1pm EST🧘
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Autism self-care and the Holidays
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Lil Penguin Studios/Autism Happy Place
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moonhedgegarden · 10 months
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honeytonedhottie · 8 months
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welcome to day SIX of honey's valentines day series ✨ in day five, we talked about ways to enjoy time with ur sp, for day six we will tackle the actual PREPPING for valentines day and looking like the embodiment of a love fairy.
getting ready ; moisturize ur skin and lips and hands so we can be and look HYDRATED. look into valentines day makeup inspo and maybe try to do a different makeup look. be SUPER detailed when ur getting ready and dont be afraid to be extra either. when i think of makeup for valentines day i think of lots of blush and ballerina-like makeup. for some reference ;
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styling : wear ribbons in your hair to look like an absolute doll. cute barrettes are also a MUST. the color that i flock to during valentines day and everyday for that matter is PINK. if u dont wanna wear fully pink, incorporate pink in some other way. in ur makeup, the accessories u wear in ur hair etc.
its all in the details ;
wearing body shimmer or a glow oil
curling ur lashes
necklaces and bracelets and rings and anklets
textures like lace and silk
an elaborate hair do
in the shower ; start with a body scrub -> wash with a bar soap -> wash with a liquid soap that has similar scents/notes as ur bar soap
out of the shower ; use body oil on damp skin -> use a hydrating body lotion that matches the scent of bath products
lastly for the super fun affirmation of our valentines day series...
im such a princess. im worth every minute i spend on myself. my skin is so incredibly soft, im so gorgeous i can barely even believe that im real. im so angelic.
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