#Personal growth prompts
365momme · 9 months
12 Days of Christmas Personal Development Journal Prompts
Looking to reflect on your personal development and set goals for the upcoming year? Look no further! We’ve curated 12 days of Christmas-themed personal development journal prompts just for you. These prompts will guide you through gratitude, skill development, goal setting, self-care, overcoming limiting beliefs, and much more. Each day, you’ll explore different aspects of your life and discover…
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ivymaria · 2 years
Journal Prompts for Your Self-Esteem
The other day I was in the shower and I was thinking about things I could write about when I want to motivate myself or give myself a confidence boost. These are some of the ideas I came up with and I think they could be really beneficial and encouraging.
While thinking about these things, you may begin to doubt yourself or compare yourself to other people, but I’m telling you right now: DON’T DO THAT. It does not matter how big or small you think these things are. These prompts are meant to generate big and small reminders of how dope you are :)
1. What are 10 (or more) things you like about yourself?
2. What things do you want to do or try that can help you feel good about yourself? For example, I’ve been considering trying out individual lashes and recently started looking into LHR. Also, going to the gym even if it's just for a walk on the treadmill. Literally, if you go once a week for fun just do something.
3. Think about some of your accomplishments in recent years. Describe them to your younger self and imagine how they would feel.
4. What are 10 (or more) things that you like about your life?
5. What are your energy givers? The big and small things that you do that make you feel joy? I loveee my yoga mat. I can lay on it, do nothing, and be happy. It’s that simple. Also washing my face in the morning :)
I want to EMPHASIZE that these things can be simple, everyday things. Do it for yourself without comparing yourself to other people. This is for you and you onlyyy.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Playbook: Questions To Ask When Evaluating Your Relationships
Whether it's a friendship, colleague or professional relationship, romantic/sexual relationship, one with a family member, mentors, or with yourself. Here are some questions to ponder when trying to evaluate someone's true character and intentions. Consider the following if you think someone is trying to deceive, manipulate, love bomb, or blindside you in any way.
Do they live with integrity? Not the "I'll start tomorrow" type of integrity, but do they live in alignment with their general life philosophy, opinions, and values?
Do they take accountability for their actions, behaviors, and mistakes? Listen to whether they acknowledge their role in how a situation played out automatically when recounting a story to you. Even when another person is at fault, do they see the situation objectively? Do they play the blame game to make themselves appear like the innocent victim at all times or try to see how their actions may have consequences for others?
When you share your successes with them, is there immediate action to double down on making you feel good or do they automatically claim your win by telling them how it makes them feel or feel about you?
When you make a mistake or share a failure with them, do they seek to understand/offer support, try to distance themselves from your claim/actions, or provide unsolicited advice?
When offering criticism, do they judge your behaviors, attitude, and actions, or do they immediately start evaluating your character?
Do they engage in conversations to win or understand?
Do they make assumptions about your or your perceptions before hearing what you have to say about a particular situation? Do they ask or assume how you're feeling?
In a conflict, do they initiate a conversation by opening a dialogue or immediately jump to criticize you? Do they speak about an issue with you first directly, or do they try to get others on your side behind your back before confronting you?
Are they loyal to you, or do you believe they can "switch sides" at any time? A friend to all is a friend to none.
Do they seek connection or perceive you as a source of consistent attention? Do they ask you how you are or go on endless monologues about themselves/their struggles? When speaking about yourself to them, do they ask questions and seem curious or act dismissive in an attempt to redirect the conversation back to themselves?
Do they put effort into acknowledging your needs, interests, or preferences? Do they do favors or nice things for you that don't necessarily benefit them or relate to their interests, purely because they know you would enjoy it, without having to ask once they know you well?
Do they respect your boundaries? Do they react with understanding and compassion or rage and condescension if they cross them?
Do you feel supported or like you're nagging when expressing your needs to them? Do they value your input or say they do yet dismiss your needs through their actions?
Do they more often say or show that they're a good person? The more someone needs to validate their character, the less likely they've confronted the truth about themselves.
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trickstersaint · 6 months
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april 7 2024 // portraiture
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To those who carry on surviving:
You know what, congratulations.
Perhaps you have a medical condition or chronic pain or illness and you keep on fighting. Maybe you have trauma, anxiety, and/or depression and you’re just trying to feel okay every day.
Maybe you are struggling at the job you hate. Or maybe you don’t hate it but it gets difficult. Still, keep on going. You are mentally overwhelmed by everything but still trying to carry on facing the world.
Maybe all year long, all you’ve done is survive financially. Living salary after salary or even unemployed. Maybe you still live with your parents because you can’t afford to move out yet. You’re in your twenties or thirties, or even your forties, and still finding yourself. Maybe you keep switching careers or companies.
Whatever difficult circumstance you’re going through, congratulations because you chose to survive and keep on going. This is something to be proud of too.
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rosalinesurvived · 3 months
Gin with selective mutism…………… Gin who’s grown so used to hiding their voice to stop people realising they’re a girl starting to feel scared and panicky whenever they have to speak outside the mafia…………….. Gin who has a hoarse voice from disuse, teaching Ryunosuke sign language and even morse code, who’s voice never really developed out of the Suribachi street tone, which only serves to make them feel even more out of place……………………………..
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ivemanifest · 1 year
Journal Prompts To GUIDE You Into Starting Your Own Spiritual Self Help Journey:
What do you want to see change in your life?
Are you truly happy in your life and why?
Is there still places in your life you want to see growth and change?
What calls out to your Soul? What interests you?
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
Self Reflection Journal 01
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What are my proudest achievements this year?
How have I grown personally and professionally?
What are the biggest lessons I've learned?
What challenges did I overcome, and how?
Have I lived according to my values?
How have my relationships evolved?
What goals did I achieve, and which ones did I not, and why?
What habits served me well, and which ones hindered me?
Have I contributed to the well-being of others?
In what ways did I step out of my comfort zone?
What new skills or knowledge did I learn?
How did I manage my time and priorities?
What moments brought me the most joy?
What do I need to let go of before the next year?
How can I better take care of myself moving forward?
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Feel free to Like/Reblog if you're journaling this! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა💕
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A Dream Journal
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Lots and lots of writers have dream journals. They write down their dreams as soon as they wake up because they have fascinating dreams they would like to turn into stories and share it with the world. It is as if the ideas come to them while they are sleeping, which is a good way to look at dreams if you are a creative writer and need new content. I guarantee this is how a lot of famous ideas were born!
I have a dream journal in my time tote that I've had since I was a little girl. I remember walking through the mall, seeing that Hot Topic store, and waltzing in to the aroma of Nag Champa. (I found out that's what the smell was the entire time before they took the scent off.) I looked at the little shelves and aisles and saw the Invader Zim aisle. I was entranced with the show, so I wanted to buy something useful with the face planted on it. I bought an Invader Zim spiral notebook. The front and back cover was black. The front cover had a bunch of tiny Girs in his dog costume expressing the word "Doom" in green and white lettering throughout the cover. It was the most exciting thing I bought. 
It started off with the purpose of me wanting to write down every single Invader Zim fan dream I had. I was hoping to be obsessed with the show for the rest of my life, so that when I was old, I could sit down and read the dream journal and realize how many dreams I've had of the cartoon since I first watched it when I was old. But you know things change in life as this crazy blue ball keeps spinning. 
In addition to writing down my fanfic dreams, I begun using it for the sake of writing down interesting dreams I didn't want to forget. The last thing I ever wanted to do was forget happy dreams that have been inspirational stories for other people to hear.
I have a lot of good stuff that I want to pursue and turn into books one day--after I am done with the stories I am currently working on. Once I find that thing, I want to share some pages that I thought would add to this blog post soon enough and show off an outline of one of my dreams! 
​P.S. Eventually, I would love to hear all of yours too!
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icanbeyourgenie · 8 months
“ But I had a nightmare... ” - a sad Lyra to Aeron
❝Still. You shouldn't be here, Lyra.❞
His little sister looked at him with her big sad eyes and he knew he would give up. He always did give up when she came in his bed in the middle of the night because she felt safer sleeping in his arms. But he still had to at least pretend to be stern about it. Lyra was way too soft to live in this realm. If someone found about her need of reassurance she would be punished and rejected. He did remember his own fear of spiders when he was little, and how his mother beat that fear out of him by locking him in room full of spiders for weeks. It did help him manage his fear, but he knew that Lyra would not handle this kind of exposure.
As a good fae, he shouldn't care. But Lyra seemed to escape his rules. So when her eyes started to water, he sighed and opened his arms. She jumped in and they laid down, looking at the celling. ❝Tomorrow I'm putting a double lock on my door.❞ He said for good measure. It was probably the 10th time he used this threat now.
❝What am I supposed to do when I have nightmares?❞
❝Go back to sleep.❞
❝That's easy for you to say. You can control dreams so you never have nightmares!❞ Lyra pouted and Aeron chuckled.
❝Other people's dream only. But anyway, what was your nightmare even about?❞
The little fae waited a bit before answering. ❝...About getting casted away.❞
Aeron stayed silent. It was a rather realistic nightmare, it could happen. It will probably happen. Aeron saw people way thougher than Lyra get cast away by his mother and uncle. He usually barely interracted with his potential siblings or cousins, not until they were a permanent member of the family. But Lyra was really persistent.
❝You have years before it happens.❞ He finally said.
❝Years won't change anything. I'm too weak.❞
❝Xanthe too. He's still there, isn't he?❞
❝Xanthe can create weapons that would decimate cities.❞
❝Maybe you could too.❞
❝I don't want to do that. I don't want to hurt people.❞
Aeron sighed. ❝Then yes. You'll be cast away.❞
He ignored his uneasy feeling. It was probably just something he ate. Gentle and soft faes were a myth, because in the real fairy world, they didn't last long. A weak royal household would be an abomination. Right?
❝Not if you're king...❞ Lyra spoke soflty, but Aeron groaned as he put a pillow on his head.
❝Not that again. We already talked about it, go to sleep before I knock you out.❞ But Lyra was already propped on her elbows, looking at him with a spark in her eyes.
❝You could, though!❞ She was maybe weak but she sure could bother someone to death. Perhaps she should bring that up to Morgana. ❝It doesn't have to be the elder. Syrus was the oldest and yet mother is the High Queen! Everybody knows she favors you, and you're the one who has fairy dust. You, not Rhys. Not any of us. You could be high king someday.❞
It was true enough that he was the favorite, and that in the matter of succession nothing was decided yet. Morgana let Rhysand believe he was the heir, but she was too manipulative to be trusted. As long as no crown prince was elected, nothing was set in stone.
❝And then what? Change the rules, make everyone happy and nice with each other?❞ Aeron almost laughed. This was a child's dream. A human child's, not a fae's. ❝This is not our customs, Lyra. It's nothing more than a fairytale.❞ He could see the irony in that.
❝Don't you want more, though? I know you're better than that. Deep down.❞
Aeron didn't think he was - he was thriving just well amist all the cruelty and chaos - but he knew where Lyra got this idea. So he looked at her, putting one hand in the back of her head to make sure she listened to him.
❝You forget two things. First of all, I have absolutely no intention of being king. This is the most boring job in the world.❞
❝You'd rather keep being a pirate?❞
❝Yes, actually. I'd barely be at court if it wasn't for Mother. Which brings me to the second point: this debate is pointless because Morgana Le Fey will never abdicate the throne. She has countless years in front of her, no one can touch her as long as she has the Spectre. She's just using the heir title as bait to manipulate us and Rhys, Aldris and Euphemia are too blind or stupid to realize they're being played and moved around her board as she sees fit. I don't want the throne, but even if I did, I'd never have it.❞
❝No more buts. You go to sleep now. And tomorrow, you'll get back on the training field.❞
The girl wanted to protest, but Aeron discretly moved his hands to make the dust settle directly on her face. She was yawning already, and her body fell on the mattress. She asked, before falling asleep: ❝If I get cast away, could I come on your ship?❞
❝I don't think you'd like it very much there either.❞ He answered, but she was snoring already.
Aeron got up and carried her body accross the castle, all the way to her room. She wouldn't wake up, this time.
The next day, he installed the double lock. She'd resent him for it, probably wouldn't even talk to him for a bit, but eventually it was for her own good. Lyra had to learn how to toughen up. The thing was, Aeron was quite sure she didn't have it in her...
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ivymaria · 1 year
Journal Prompts for Love 🧸
I think understanding our perception of love is an interesting and revealing part of self discovery. It can be very useful to understand how we operate in our relationships, and why. I think it can also make us better lovers.
It is KEY to remember that love is everywhere. Romantic love isn’t the only love worth investing in and there is nothing wrong with you if you don’t have that. If you want to know more about a perspective on love that is similar to mine, I recommend watching this video by Kianna Naomi: https://youtu.be/q2APxwSigPI 
I want you to loosely interpret these questions and write down the first thing that comes to mind. Write down your raw thoughts, and see where your mind takes you. After, observe your answers as objectively as you can💕
1. What is your stance on love right now? How does the thought of love make you feel? Do you want more or less of it? Why?
2. What limiting beliefs do you have about love and where do you think they cam from? Family? A past relationship? Something you’ve observed in the media?
3. In what area of your life do you feel like there is a lot of love? With family or friends? In your relationship?
4. Where in your life do you feel like you're lacking in love? Are you lacking love within and for yourself? Check out my Journal prompts for Self-Esteem.
5. How can you show yourself love? What can you do for yourself to feel relaxed and spoiled?
6. Does love impact how you validate yourself in any way? How? Do you think this view is acceptable? Are you being hard on yourself?
7. How has the meaning of love evolved for you over the years?
8. How have your relationships in the past, romantic or not, shaped your view on love now?
These prompts may be a little bit difficult to answer, but I want you to remember to be gentle with yourself💖
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
How do you get over someone you haven’t dated?
I’ve found the most productive way to get over someone you’ve never dated is to turn the experience into a self-discovery exercise. Take out a pen and paper or open up a fresh Word document on your computer to journal about the following:
What qualities initially drew you to this person? What about your interactions or observations in their presence made them alluring? 
How do this person’s character, mannerisms, and actions align with the traits you’re looking for in a partner/relationship? Did you uncover new attributes that you never knew you were looking for before when interacting with this person? Write these down and add them to your dating criteria. Refine and elevate your standards. 
Reflect on why you didn’t end up dating – was it a logistical inconvenience, incompatibility in your lifestyle, perspectives, interests, or personalities? Understanding why it didn’t work out can help you better identify your deal breakers and help you mind-map interactions or plan dates/conversation starters in the future. 
Indulge in the fantasy fully in a productive way. Use this practice to satisfy yourself emotionally and enable self-growth from the experience. 
Hope this helps xx 
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roobylavender · 1 year
i think one of the things i want to do over break for funsies is like. rewatch every pak drama of the major contemporary writers nationally hailed as progressive (e.g., umera ahmed, farhat ishtiaq, sameera fazal, etc.) and see how many of the male leads i come out actually still liking. like i want to make an excel spreadsheet cataloguing every red flag that went under my radar as a kid. for science
#bc if we are being real. sooo many of these guys are nothing short of rancid#and while i get the point of a lot of these dramas is to show emotionally stunted men grow#idk how much tolerance i have for certain behaviors now like idk..#tangentially this is also why complaints of saif from kuch ankahi Really amuse me#like ok so all of the most toxic and insecure men imaginable aren’t a problem for most pak drama fans#but a man who simply lacks agency and is maybe a bit cowardly bc his mother overimposes on him is horrible and unappealing..#like i’m not saying people have to like him or have a crush on him by any means#but i think it’s weird people are blatantly ignoring he’s being used to comment on how mothers emasculate their sons and strip their agency#and how that doesn’t always translate to those sons being weird toxic alpha males but can simply make them cowardly and unable to stand up#for themselves. which yes. is totally worth criticizing. but it’s strange people think samiya is coddling him#simply bc she’s willing to ask him what he thinks when his mother does or says certain things#if she were coddling him she wouldn’t even bother worrying that he’s a pushover#but instead what she does is prompt him to slowly recognize that he has his own thoughts and feelings and that he can act on him#and that she’s not going to solve his problems for him bc he’s capable of solving them himself#and idk i think that is a narrative worth telling. and i am so willing to cut him slack for being a coward bc he’s the farthest thing from#a toxic alpha male. people have twisted him into being this horrible liar cheat etc for liking someone else prior to his marriage#despite the fact that we are literally being told and shown he’s forced into the marriage and his mom Knows he likes someone else and she#doesn’t care. saif cannot realistically say no without effectively running away and he’s incapable of that bc he fears his mother#he’s not a bad person. he’s just a coward. and his growth will entail that he becomes someone brave enough to take a stand for himself#and personally i am way more open than whatever shite we have in other dramas where it takes a saas abusing her bahu for her son to wake up#to be deleted
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I wasn’t giving myself enough credit. Hell, I wasn’t giving myself any credit. I was so focused on the things I hadn’t accomplished while the things I did accomplish were just waiting to be acknowledged all along.
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fashionably-forgetful · 10 months
Journal Prompts For Anxiety: 100 Prompts For Anxiety-Driven People 
Title: A Guiding Light in the Shadows: A Review of “Journal Prompts for Anxiety: 100 Prompts for Anxiety-Driven People“ In a world where the weight of anxiety can sometimes feel overwhelming, “Journal Prompts for Anxiety” emerges as a beacon of understanding and support. This ebook, with its collection of 100 thoughtful prompts, serves as a valuable tool for those navigating the intricate…
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courageouslycourt · 1 year
Everybody Hates Me - A Journey Through ✨Imposter Syndrome✨
Imposter Syndrome : a psychological condition that is characterized by persistent doubt concerning one’s abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one’s ongoing success. – Miriam Webster Definition I have struggled through imposter syndrome my entire life. Through my studies, my career, and even normal every day things. I would think “I…
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