#I know no matter what society won't be nice to me even if I get an answer
girlscience · 6 months
Okay, obviously I have some body image issues. This is very clear to pretty much everyone who knows me. I have had them since I hit about 10 years old I think? That gives me 15 years of disliking the way I look, for one reason or another. I have tried a lot of things throughout that time to change my perception of myself. And currently, I feel like I am stuck in a weird place that I can't figure out how to escape.
I understand that there are studies now showing that dieting and working out don't actually work long term for most people. I know that getting into that mostly causes things like yo-yo dieting and circular weight gain/loss. I know that being fat is being shown to not actually be unhealthy in the ways it has often been shown as and perceived to be. I know that literally all the media everywhere is blasting me with idealized bodies that pretty much do not exist or only exist through extremely unsustainable/unhealthy means.
I have tried for so long to believe in and promote body neutrality or positivity for myself and other people. I constantly refuse to let myself think about what I see in the mirror or in pictures. I tell myself to get exercise for the physical and mental health benefits, not for my physical appearance. I try to view my body for what it can do and not how it looks. I tell myself to live the life I want to live now, rather than waiting to live it till I have the body I imagine living that life. Without exaggeration, I am fairly certain I think about these things every single day.
And none of it is working.
I actually feel I dislike my appearance now more than I did even a year ago. I feel like I am constantly noticing things about my body that I never did before or new changes to my body, and I am deeply uncomfortable with them. And I want to do something about it, and clearly simply changing my mentality isn't doing anything. I want to diet and exercise. But I also know it likely won't be a permanent change. I am concerned that I would give myself an eating disorder. And I'm also concerned that I would be feeding into diet/exercise culture. I am worried about hurting the people around me who are also fat. I am anxious about the fact that I am not actually that large so I don't want to talk about it with other people because I know it will make people who are larger than I am feel terrible. I don't want to make other people who are gaining weight feel bad for that. But, I hate the way I look.
This is not sustainable. At some point something will break and I think it might end up being my brain. I am worried about how that would end up. The things I do for my brain and my body shouldn't be about how it might affect other people, it should be for me. But I don't want to be bad for the things I do. I want and have wanted for so long to look like a powerbuilder/warrior/dwarf/strongman lifter/crossfit athlete/etc. I want to be big. I want to be visibly strong and powerful. And I am absolutely not. And I know I struggle with commitment and discipline and all of that, but I also know I struggle a lot with how this desire appears to other people.
Really, I think what this is all coming down to is other people's opinions. I dislike the way I look and am told that's bad. I want to change the way I look and I'm told that's bad. I do nothing and get told that's bad. I have to want these things for the right reason, in the right way, and have to talk about it right all the time. And I just can't. I don't like the way I look and I wish I looked like a brick shithouse and everyone else can fucking suck it.
#please if you know me irl don't read this and then tell me nice things about the way i look#i appreciate that you want to make me feel better but that's not what i'm looking for with this#i am mostly just trying to work out how i feel and what i want to do about it#and what my exact thoughts are about all of it#for example until writing that out i didn't even realize a big part of the circles i'm running in#are entirely about what other people think or how other people might perceive my actions#i am not telling other people to work out#i am not forcing people to go the gym with me#i actively don't want to make other people feel bad or do anything to disparage the choices they make#about their bodies#i do not want to starve myself#i don't want extreme 6 pack abs like people get from being dehydrated for movies#the things i want aren't unhealthy or unachievable (i don't think anyway)#i don't want them just because society thinks being fat is bad#it has a lot more with wanting to be strong and have muscles and not feel soft#than it does the number on the scale or any stretch marks or what size pants i wear#sure i watch superhero movies and wish i looked like them. but i am also aware i'm not fucking male#and my hip bones won't ever be that shape no matter how much i work out#so i would like to think that as a reasonably intelligent 25 year old i can figure out how i want to look#and not have it entirely be just because society told me to look like that#and that wanting these things doesn't make me some evil brainwashed asshole#i don't know that all of this is making sense anymore or actually making point i am trying to make. i'm tired#anyway. to wrap up. fuck other people. i don't have to listen to shit#and if i want to do push-ups and eat lots of protein and get hugeass biceps you can't stop me#and i'm not evil for not wanting my belly button to look like a circle and not a squished frown
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sashasluggo · 11 months
Sometimes I wonder how much better my life would be if doctors took my chronic pain seriously.
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celestial-sapphicss · 9 months
#so i just finished s1ep2 of the bear (i don't really get it so far but ok)#and there's this scene where the main character calls up his sister and tells her about the mental shit that has been happening with him uk#and like even though this feeling is always there but lile i can't help but feel like my life would have been so much better with a sibling?#like one id have good relationships with uk???#and ik ik found family and forming meaningful relationships outside is an option but like in this capitalistic individualist society? is it?#anyways that's not the point it's that there's always stuff no body in the world would get except people who grow up with you innit?#be it school or hometowns or families and it would have been nice to have someone help me not feel this complete overwhelmness all the time#and without me feeling like im exaggerating or thinking that the person would judge me or having to keep telling everything repeatedly#but then i think would that even matter when I am the one who's the problem and like can't work to form that connection with anyone?????#like i for the life of me cannot share anything beyond the surface level or without making a joke out of it#and it seems funny but i trivialise so much of the fucking shit that happens so obviously no one takes it seriously not their fault right?#and like how fair to my friends that i literally almost always been superficial and lowkey untrue with them in exchange for their honesty???#at this point i feel like i don't even know what i truly feel or truly am because whenever i look back at my past self im like wtf#idk most of the times it just feels like being 'stuck' in a glass container and me not 'letting' anyone in if that makes sense?#ik im being very annoying about it but im just so tierd of feeling like this its been a decade & its way too long to constantly feeling dead#and im so fucking stubborn in my sadness that i won't even go get help after years of crying about wanting it & now finally having resources#it's like this mental block which i can't seem to remove and i feel like even if i do get help ill still be untrue so what's the point!???#yeahhhhh anyways i'll delete this later i don't journal so tumblr will have to make do#vi.txt
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ash-says · 2 months
Things to be aware of as a Hopeless Romantic:
We all have been there daydreaming about the perfect man, the perfect life, the perfect whatever,etc. Still life is not full of roses and thorns are inevitable.
So here are some aspects to look out for according to me so that you won't fall in the delulu is the only solulu trap.
Remember if you follow me, we don't do regrets here. We accept, take accountability and move on. We don't soak ourselves in problems. We solve them effectively.
1) Drop those rose-colored glasses. Crush them under your feet and now look at the world again. Learn to accept reality. It is what it is. Not what you make it out to be. Learn to become an observer of your life from time to time. It will give you the real picture.
2) Potential is useless if you are not leveraging it. It's a trap both for yourself and others. You see potential in him of changing and being a good guy?? Girl, he *IS* not a good guy. It's not your job to raise a man. It's embarrassing. Stop babysitting grown men.
3) Standards are important but ensure they are not rooted in fantasy. Let's be honest finding a man who is rich, dark, tall, sexy and talks in the way you read in your romance novels is difficult. I am not saying it's impossible but don't be too rigid. All I will say is make sure you are also on the level where if you come across such a man he should be ready to date you.
4) Men view sex differently than us women. I know many of you will get triggered after reading this but the majority of men really view women as sex dolls. Blame the porn industry maybe. Good men exist but not every other man who talks sweetly is good.
5) A person in your life treats you nicely. Always talk sweetly, tells you that you matter to them but their actions don't match it. Chances are you are being breadcrumbed. Plans being cancelled? Messages being unseen? But when confronted all you get is,"Sorry love, I was busy. I was going to do it. You matter a lot,etc etc." Breadcrumbing. Be smart it can happen even in friendships too. I understand people get busier with time and things do happen. Use your discernment to see who really is busy and who is faking to be busy.
6) That uncle was so kind to me. He talked to me sweetly and always tried to help me out. Now, that's really sweet of him. Next he calls you home to help out with the household chores and he is alone at home because his wife is out of town for some work. Would you go and help? Yes. Will you go alone? No. That's unsafe.
No matter how much a gentleman a man appears to be you are not allowed to be in a situation where he could potentially take advantage of you. You always bring along a friend or deny it. I know it's wrong to not help someone but at your own risk. No. Never. It's common knowledge in our society.
7) Dreaming of a Prince Charming to whisk you away from all your troubles??? Dream on. The idea that a soulmate or one person will magically solve all our issues is dumb. We as human beings add to each other's happiness rather than becoming the core of it.
8) One of the biggest mistakes I have seen girls around me make is of being fully invested in a relationship to the point one small fight makes them depressed. That's codependency. It's unhealthy.
9) Never make your relationship your identity. You should always have a separate identity out of it. Stop curating yourself for your partners. Morphing yourself according to their likes and dislikes. That's one way ticket to an identity crisis after breakup. Compromises are essential but changing your core self??? Crazy shit.
10) Your relationship should not be the reason for your downfall. It happens especially with my intense girlies we invest so much of ourselves in the relationship to the point it becomes our focal point and when it faces upheavals we are devastated. The mental distress starts flowing in other areas of your life and suddenly your grades are falling, your career seems unstable, etc. Develop the emotional strength to compartmentalize your emotions and not allow them to overflow in other areas and affect them.
Imagination is fertile but being delusional is being stuck in a swamp.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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teddynivvy · 1 month
um okay i cant get this out my brain no matter how nonsensical it is😭 there’s a lot of talk in the schlatt tag about lunch club era virgin schlatt but imagine current schlatt being a virgin…….
like you go to have sex for the first time and this big man just crumbles and is so nervous😭😭😭
no bc why do i love this.... (mildly nsfw but not really, reader has boobs but otherwise gn)
i could totally see schlatt being really nervous about it. because you're in his bed, after a few dates, and he hadn't thought about what would happen if you got this far.
you're on top of him, kissing him deeply with your hands roaming his face, caressing his jaw and grinding down onto him. he's painfully hard already, worried he won't even get to fuck you because he's gonna cum in his jeans, feeling your warmth against him as he lets his hands sit on your hips.
you sit back on his lap, and he's a little out of breath at the sight. your arms coming to pull off your top, revealing your breasts to him, as you start to undo the button on the top of his jeans.
he's nervous now, because he has to tell you at some point that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, and it's matched with the pressure that he's probably a little too old to be a virgin by society's standards. he's also got such a persona he puts on, he knows you'll be surprised.
"hey, uh," he starts, and you stop undoing his pants to look up at him. "hm? everything ok?" your eyes are earnest, and he feels comforted by the way you're reacting to him stopping this fun. "this is embarrassing to admit..." he trails off, hands over his face, feeling the blush creep up his cheeks.
"i've never really um," he can't seem to get the words out, but you've got a soft smile on your face, as you rub his arm comfortingly. "i haven't done this before." he braces for your laughter, you to get up and leave... whatever negative reaction he knows you're going to have, but it never comes.
"oh, that's fine," you smile, bringing his knuckle up to your lips to kiss it. "we can stop if you want, i don't wanna push you too far or anything." he feels himself flush with embarrassment at the way you're being so nice about it. "no! no, i don't wanna stop," he laughs.
"well, just let me know, ok? we can go slow," you come back up to kiss his face, softly on his lips, warm and sweet as your hand cards through his hair. "just tell me what feels good, yeah?"
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luveline · 9 months
Hello! Would it be alright to request something where prince!steve and his Princess attend their first formal event together?
tysm for requesting ♡ prince steve au
"Don't spill anything," Steve advises under his breath. "Your corset is alabaster." 
"I know. I feel like breathing the wrong way is gonna crack it like papier mache." 
He snorts, adjusting your hand on his arm to the correct position where you stand around a corner from the grand staircase. You wince as rich laughter bounces off the marble steps, the sound wrought with a feeling akin to hounds snapping at your heels. 
"Your nails look nice," Steve says. 
He's already complimented your face, your hair, and your dress. There's not much left to praise, but he finds something anyhow, and a flush of pleasure warms your skin. "Thank you," you say, looking down at your painted nails, a shimmering mother of pearl lacquer coating each one. The cost rivals a month's groceries. "They had so many colours… we started with red, but I thought it looked silly on me. My hands are weird." 
"Your hands are perfect." His eyes shine with sincerity, lips pulled into an amused smile that feels like a well-aimed bop to the chest. "I can get you more. Nail lacquer, I mean. There's a small Sri Lankan boutique by Cordelian House, they have all that intricate cosmetic stuff. It's where Munson gets his kohl sticks." He smiles at you reassuringly. "I'm trying to distract you. It's not working, is it?" 
"I'm going to mess up. Your mom– the queen–" 
"You can call her my mom. That's what she is." Steve nods his understanding of the things you've said without saying them. "She'll be disappointed if you mess up. But I won't be. I'm proud of you for even putting on the dress. I'd be proud of you if you didn't." 
You lick your lips, cherry balm sticky on the tip of your tongue. "Thank you, Steve." 
He says things like this with little regard for how forward it is. Not that subtlety is required. While antiquated in some aspects, the contemporary royal society is loudly lustful. You and Steve could be intimate together now weeks before the wedding and nobody would bat an eye, but you suspect that he's just as unprepared for that as you are, no matter how gently he covers your hand with his. 
There's a short sound like a bird call. Steve straightens his back, his thumb drawing a half circle across your fingers. "Ready?" he asks. 
You nod. You don't really have a choice. 
They announce you together, Prince Steven and his Soul Marked Y/N. It sounds ridiculous to hear his name after weeks of Please, call me Steve, or anything else but Steven. Doubly so to hear you announced as his and not yourself. A simple 'Miss' would have sufficed. Braced for a night of similar small agonies, you hold tight to Steve's arm and begin your descent down the grand staircase and into the foyer. The palace is a structure of white stone that shines silver in some lights, impossible walls of selenite and gauzy silks. The steps are more solid, a plain marble that clicks under the soles of your short heels. 
"Don't let me fall," you say under your breath, the hush of the crowd nearly occluding your voice completely. 
"Never." You can hear his polite smile. "Don't panic." 
You can't not panic, sweat at your naked collar, pearls like beads of ice bobbing with each step you take. The second you reach the floor you deflate with an exhale, your back clicking at the sudden decompression. There's a brief round of applause at your arrival before the cheery music begins anew, the dancing begins again, and the many faces that surround you blur into jewels and elegant clothes, fabrics coloured manilla white, snailshell purple, emerald green, a rainbow of satins swirling this way and that as girls are pushed into spins to the right of the foyer under the ballroom chandelier. 
"You'll dance with me, yeah?" Steve asks tentatively. 
You meet his eyes, all their soft brown gazing at you like you're worth his worry. His lashes twitch as his gaze darts swiftly down and up again. 
"Do I have something?" you ask, lifting your chin. 
"Lipstick. I can fix it?" He brings his hand to your lips before you've answered, using the trimmed nail of his pinky finger to wipe at your lip. You turn still as a porcelain statue, a shiver rushing down your chest at the warmth of his touch.
"You'll dance with me?" he asks again, his knuckle brushing your chin as he drops his hand. 
"Of course I'll dance with you, Steve. We're expected to." 
He throws a glance at the people around you and steps closer. "I want to dance with you because you want to dance. We don't have to do anything. Not this ball, not the dance. Not the wedding." He sighs. "You have choices." 
"No. I don't." Because there glows your wrist. Threads of translucency like spider web and downy feather combined, a sorry hue of blue. 
"Yes, you do," he whispers. "You want to leave? We'll leave right now. I just want you to be happy, and with me." 
You think about it. The weight of hundreds of eyes on your shoulders and the restriction of your corset is making you nauseous. If you left, that sickness would go. But Steve wouldn't get to dance with you.
"I don't want to leave," you say, not sure if you're lying or not. You'd quite like to have his hands on your hips again. And sometimes before the dip he breathes in your ear, says something soft, like Keep going, you got it. 
"No?" he asks, relieved. 
"No. Let's dance. We need the practice…" You offer your hand. He takes it, the smudge of lipstick on his pinky finger like a heart. "I'm sorry. I want to dance." 
"What are you sorry for?" he asks, leaning down to kiss the highest point of your cheek. "Let's dance. If you mess up, I'll mess up worse. I promise. I'll chicken dance in front of everybody." 
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
"[Shiv's pregnancy] was always something that Jesse had discussed in the writers' room, and so once we decided to bring it into the narrative it added a completely different take, I guess, on some of the scenes... I think Shiv's got some pretty complicated feelings about becoming a mother. She's, in some ways, feigning indifference because, again, it's one of those things that's almost too hard to face and Shiv doesn't like dealing with emotions. It's easier to repress things. I think there's a competitiveness in there against her feelings with her own mother and her desire to better her own mother's maternal qualities - but a fear that she probably won't be able to do that. [And] a fear and a frustration that all the things that she's been working towards and aiming towards she may not now be able to achieve because she will be a mother as well as a businesswoman, and how do these two things coalesce in her life? I think that she hasn't really considered that as a path for her life, and so it's quite a shock....
Especially with the conversation about the viability of the pregnancy, I think for her, in a way, it would have been easier if there was something wrong so that she could have a reason to terminate and not feel guilt. But, with nothing wrong, there's no reason to not continue. So it's a complex - hoping for the worst in a strange sort of unfazed way.... [She doesn't tell Tom because] it's too complicated, I think. It changes too much, there's too much going on - her father just died, there's so many business machinations happening, that to then bring Tom into it in a familial sense would confuse it again. She doesn't know how she feels about it herself. In a way she, I think, would prefer to decide what her own feelings were about this before she has Tom's feelings muddying the waters...
Shiv as a parent - I can't really imagine her with a little baby at all! And in some ways - she probably won't have it with her a lot. She would have nannies and she would - the premise of Shiv becoming a mother is fascinating to me... Definitely what Shiv would be contemplating is 'in what ways is this going to hold me back, not propel me forward'. Which is pretty - like, as a standard of society, that's the thought we go to first, and presume is what she would be thinking. Yes, that's right for the character, for Shiv, but also - a human being growing another human being entirely from scratch is an extraordinary feat no matter what. That's the powerful one! That's the strong one! That's the one that manages to get it out of their body and manages to then feed it from the things they make in their own body. Women are extraordinary! And yet those are the very things that we use to... yeah! Yeah! To hold them back! It's wild!" - Sarah Snook on HBO's Succession Podcast: "Honeymoon States"
"We wanted to slowly reveal [Shiv's pregnancy] because we're not one of those shows (as I'm sure you can tell) that wants to immediately just, like, stuff all the drama and immediately grab you by the lapels and go, "Keep watching! Keep watching!" We kind of like to move more slowly than that. And there's obviously so much going on in these first three episodes - particularly the third - and we thought it was a rather nice reveal, actually, for her to have this phone call with the doctor at the top of Four, I'll say because I think Shiv has been a bit in denial about it up until this point as well. She's broken up from her husband essentially, they've separated, and she's discovered that she's pregnant, and I think she's had mixed feelings about that... The way I always think of it is - it wasn't bad news, exactly, but it was the worst possible time. What I love about that performance as well as the writing is - it's not something you see very often, and I think it's very truthful, which is: this is a very complicated situation for her, where it's the fact that she's pregnant with her husband who she's separated from the child, and she isn't even particularly sure that she 100% wants to go through that. It's now all on her. And I think that's a big part of what she's feeling which is - 'oh, I guess that's good news, but in a way, as awful as it is to say, it would have been easier to hear the other'." - Lucy Prebble on HBO's Succession Podcast: "Honeymoon States"
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kalims · 1 year
˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "what are you willing to do? oh tell me what you're willing to do."
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I would,
premise. in which it's the things he's willing to do.
parts. one , two
characters. rook, cater, ruggie, lilia, epel and kalim.
contents. scenario, fluff, crack, comfort, teaspoon of angst in lilia,
includes. gender neutral reader, sebek x gn!reader (platonic) in lilia's.
cw. mentions of nudity (not what you think it is I swear)
note. not proofread, but read clarifications please thank you!! it's to clear up general idea's of the scenarios
I know most of lilia's part is sebek but I hope you know the whole point of it
my unofficial 'I am back' post
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rook hunt
I would be your number one fan.
who the hell thought it would be a good idea for you to be the main character in the play?
oh wait.
that's right it's freaking vil. the worst part? it's VIL and no matter how much you resent the idea, you can't exactly deny vil all in his glory when he asks you because either way he's gonna strike you down with one look alone.
well at the very least if vil insisted you be the main lead out of... over 300 students in the school he must really be striving for success. if he wasn't he wouldn't be so lenient.
now you get why epel is both terrified and irritated at vil.
you were getting starved! (which is in fact, not true but you swear your stomach is still empty and lonely after one meal full of vegetables) maybe you don't mind veggies, maybe you do. but heck.. you enjoy those delicious, savory food once in a while.
you huff, panting as you kneel over. this was absolute hell. if you knew your character liked to apparently 'test their speed with horses' literally everyday you wouldn't have taken the spot. really though who even enjoys that?!
the play took place in an older era, where high society and such was a thing. typical main lead is outcasted yadda yadda.
you wipe the sweat off your brow and sweatdrop. "bonjour! you look positively sparkling!" a bottle of water is promptly shoved in your face, but even with the sudden intrusion of space you pay it no heed. after all water had never looked so enticing before.
though sparkling? you'd rather use the word 'hot and sweaty'. if anyone was sparkling it'd be rook. "I'm more stinky than sparkling." you can't say you enjoy the feeling of sweat on your skin.
even at your little joke his smile doesn't falter, rather it widens through the crinkle of his eyes. "you are still beautiful in my eyes, trésor"
you raise a brow at his casual compliment.
"I don't see how you'd like me racing with horses." it is rather ungrateful, you'd expect a character like yours to be on the horse, not running alongside it! magically out of nowhere rook pulls out a handkerchief which you gratefully accept.
your nose catches a whiff of the scent. wow, it smells like rook. too bad it's getting sacrificed for the better good. you think, patting down your forehead in the way vil taught you.
cause apparently just dragging it across your skin wasn't as good as patting it. though you won't question the unusual languange.
rook seemed to find your comment humorous as he laughed. "whatever you'll do. I will always admire!" well gods. his smile was contagious cause you found yourself mirroring his look. rook looks pleased with the upturn of your lips.
he catches a hold on your shoulders. "perhaps this is merely stage fright. first time, no? do not fret! I will be cheering for you if it makes you feel better."
your face twists into that of doubt. "um.. rook I love you but that seems.." embarrassing? you'd got your own share of people yelling out your name in a cheer. especially your family at an event you were featured in.
the experience wasn't that nice. it's not that you hate it, but something about it is like a thorn in your mind.
rook tilts his head. "nonsense, trésor. I will show everyone how nice your performance is, they deserve to know!" he proclaims.
oh no no no—
you chant in your head, frantically running around rook and attempting to stop him from giving you an example. just the first shout attracted the attention of your other co-workers.. "ROOK—"
"let them hear the depths of my love!"
cater diamond
I would be present.
cater is observant.
his ability to sway nearly every conversation to his favor is partially due to his ability to pick out the opposing person, be it a nervous twitch when the conversation tilts to a subject. or the gleeful shine in their eyes.
he can tell, especially you.
sure. he might've known you less compared to his friends but it feels like he can tell everything about you.
it does feel like a crush at first, he's questioning himself whether his feelings are actually romantic or not. borderline gaslighting himself that it's not even when he tries everything to impress you.
'you're just a friend' he tells himself but he's testing out the tricks social media told him to. holding eye contact when he can't even contain his heart.. amongst other things it's his favorite.
cause he can see your eyes, and at times you look away. clearly embarrassed by the contact.
"how's my favorite person doing?" cater slides in. seemingly out of nowhere, slinging a casual arm around your shoulder while keeping you close.
seriously. the occurrence had happened to often you had grown to find the little shoulder sling present in your everyday.
technically you are his favorite person but no matter how much he says so you just don't believe it.
you roll your eyes but can't keep the smile off your face, despite the clear look of exhaustion on your face. "just peachy. don't you have class right now?"
as far as you were aware. the time period between classes were alternating. it was the students that had to move between rooms to attend their class.
cater shrugs. "we were excused for club practice. it just ended, so I thought; why not see how you're doing?" he explains. pinching your cheek out of the simple urge and grinning when you grunt and slap his hand away.
as far as he can tell. you are definitely not feeling peachy, the bags under your eyes. more prominent than ever, or the unkempt appearance that both vil and riddle would practically strangle you for speaks volume.
"I'm fine."
cater knows that look all too well.
he tightens his grip on your shoulder and practically pushes you to his side, not really forceful. his eyes soften the littlest bit.
whatever vulnerability cater had shown for a little quickly disappeared as he simply smiles, perhaps less bright than his usual but it was.. something.
closer than you've ever been cater leans in, in a voice you've never heard. it's quiet, and gentle. "well. if you ever aren't come talk to me, okay?"
you still at the sudden warmth that jolts in your heart. "okay.."
ruggie bucchi
I would give you the tastiest piece
"—can you believe it?" ruggie huffs. words coming out in mumbles due to the amount of donuts he'd eaten in a single minute. it seemed that a mouth full of his favorite treats isn't gonna stop him from telling you all about leona's recent orders for him.
you absent-mindedly swirl your drink with a straw. "totally."
it was like, it goes in one ear and out to another. it does feel a little horrible to ignore something someone's talking about, especially if that person is someone you like! the only reason you were listening is cause you liked his voice.
you did get the gist of it though. it seemed like leona was in a bad mood nowadays, which meant ruggie had to take most of it by the increasing amount of errands leona had him run.
leona in a bad mood = ruggie's now more broken sleep.
as the resident ruggie stan you didn’t really mind him leeching off the salary you'd gotten for crowley. a few madol isn't gonna hurt your savings, plus. it's not like you haven't bought a few treats for yourself previously in the past.
you leave out the part that you like seeing his delighted face.
you did sneak a few glances by the plate almost finished by ruggie in a mere few minutes. you, by no means spent cheap money on it. for the guy you liked you'd probably buy anything he'd like (within reason) and then 'fall short' if ace asks you to buy him food.
it looked scrumptious in all honesty but from the look of ruggie's face and the assumption that he won't stop any time soon prompted you to shut your mouth and just enjoy him enjoying the donuts.
"thanks a lot for this. you know just how to cheer up an exhausted hyena up." ruggie laughs under his breath. sending you a rare look of appreciation that has you cracking a smile.
proudly, you nod. "of course. anything for you."
you wince. maybe that was too bold, but then again. it didn't seem to faze ruggie in the slightest.
after a period of silence, not exactly awkward in the slightest but rather comforting. no words needed to be said, you liked that, ruggie liked it as well. he casts you a peek.
"I can see you ogling at it. you look like me when I look at the donuts."
you frown. "no I don't.. I am not, ogling at your food."
ruggie shakes his head but there is a trace of a smile in his face. "I might be eating a lot right now but I can't leave you out of it can I? you gave it to me." ruggie says, pausing to look at you before continuing, "it's our food,"
to seemingly show you that it's 'ours' ruggie takes out the final donut in the plate and hands it to you with a grin. "I saved the best for last, here. open your mouth." he urges, threatening to squash it right in your face if you didn't with fast motions.
you sigh. he's just taunting you at this point. and, as far as you can tell that's his favorite flavor.
"but that's your favorite." you point out but ruggie's grin only seemed to spread across his face wider.
he shakes a finger in your face. "nope. correction, you're my favorite now eat up!"
you were too flustered to rebel against it.
lilia vanrouge
I would love with you
"aren't they simply adorable?" lilia raises one finger to point at the duo that.. didn't really seem all to adorable to you.
you sweatdrop. "uh.. yeah.. totally cute." it's not like you were gonna say outright: those are two men who are battling each other, definitely doesn't look cute to me. more like horrifying. to lilia out of all people! if silver and sebek are anything to him it'd be babies.
he beams.
it's safe to say it positively breaks down your entire body to skip a beat of your heart.
earlier the afternoon lilia had graciously extended an invitation to his dorm. something about bonding and since you're incredibly down bad, of course you wasted no time fretting over yourself as you trudged towards the mirror with barely contained excitement.
while sebek did pick you up (courtesy of lilia) you're sure he knew why you were barely able to keep yourself on your toes, hence surprising why he didn't bother to comment in it.
most probably something about the audacity of humans and defending himself if you pointed it out.
you aren't sure of the details which is admittedly kind of idiotic but did you really care? no.
but did you expect to spend your afternoon quite literally babysitting two grown men with the man you can call your yearning? quite a suprise and one you can't say you welcome.
when you accepted the invitation you didn't spend hours picking out articles of clothing and practically thrashing your wardrobe trying to make a 'casual' outfit that would appease to his eyes just to waste it on.. watching two grown men live their own lives!
frankly it's frustrating. it's endearing that lilia had his family in mind every step of the way but all the more irritating. and you don't even mean the part where he had his family in mind.
you just wish he'd realize they aren't the boys he used to baby before.
after god knows when, you watch lilia enter mother hen mode when silver fell down from his sitting-sleeping position. lilia gently lowering himself to adjust silver's position.
you look down.
and god did you feel awful for invalidating his love for family (kind of) it was too presumptuous of you to assume that you'd ever fit in it anyways.
oh well. you shrug. at the very least you were able to bear witness to it.
call it a sixth sense but you can tell sebek is right beside you. he huffs. "you, are a pitiful human." he says casually. the words are awfully mean, but you sense no particular ill intent from the boy.
instead you find it quite amusing. so you laugh quietly under your breath. "so I've been told." you can't use your fingers to count the amount of times sebek had called you that.
you both just stay like that. in silence, surprisingly no quips from sebek's mouth.
till he turns to you.
"the way you look at fathe—master lilia. you are being a coward by not telling him."
"I'm fine with that, there are things better left unsaid."
sebek stares at you. as in, stares real hard. the kind of look you'd see with someone who was feeling a mixture of confusion and frustration.
he opens his mouth as if to say something.
your own gaze lands on a poorly wrapped bandage around his arm. you raise your brows and gesture, "enough talk about me. what is that?"
great seven.. sebek had hoped you wouldn't see that, even so. he didn't pick you out as someone to care anyways (not that he wanted you to) it's just bizarre in itself.
at the mentioned he grunts and looks away. "it is merely a scratch!" he huffs. looking forward aggressively as if to try and hide away the sweat in his forehead. you roll your eyes.
it is a scratch but also not one? sebek and only noticed the blood down his arm when he was in the restroom. it seemed like silver had managed to nick him.
"human! you are not—"
sebek grumbles but sits down anyways. once again surprising you with his obliged silence as he waits for you to return with a new roll of bandages. the boy can feel the searing embarassment of getting treated by a human by all things!
"my my, seems like silver did a number on you did he?"
lilia chuckles deeply. sending the boy a look which sets off a fire within. sebek immediately opens his mouth to defend himself, while you. busy yourself with wrapping it around tight, but loose enough not hurt.
"silver is lucky to have done it that's all!"
you laugh.
sebek snaps his gaze to you. "what are you laughing about, human?! your way is that of a parent and I don't appreciated you flocking me." he grits out. possibly not realizing the extent of his words till he spots the look of rare suprise in lilia's face.
his face mirrors yours, but yours is definitely coated with embarrassment.
lilia giggles, a fond glance he gives you sends thousand butterflies in your stomach. "parent eh? I didn't know you yearned for another parent my dear sebek. if you wanted two that can be arranged fufufu.."
epel felmier
I would do the craziest thing with you
while you did have your own fair share of being in trouble plenty of times (a good amount stems from being with ace and deuce) you aren't sure if the potential consequences of this one can top any of them.
you squat outside the window of vil's room, which could be considered a violation of privacy if your intention was to break in this room.
right. your eyes slide to your left. in a similar position, epel sits beside you. hugging his legs to his chest looking oddly innocent for someone whose idea was to do this in the first place.
in hindsight you can call it epel's master plan to get a week with vil off his back.
apparently his master plan included adding paint to vil's shampoo, an atrocious color of bright violet. and yes, you were both on the roof. probably looking creepy as fuck to anyone else but you merely prayed that no one would look up.
"are you sure this is safe?"
"it is."
one peek down there made you question his sincerity, either he wasn't worried about falling off or was just too into waiting for vil to get out the shower.
speaking of, "what if he comes out naked?! I don't wanna see that.." you groan. shivering by the mere thought and even epel grimaced when you mentioned it.
"uh.. I hope he won't..?" so we're basing the possibilities out of your hope? great. you think grimly. you really think this is a bad idea, horrible really. but if it's epel you'll do it.
now I know what the 'in the name of love' shit they were talking about. you deadpan.
the more you stare down the more it seems horrifying to just drop down. epel huffs at you, clearly noticing your frantic eyes. "don't look down." he says, and you do just that. the problem is now you can't stop thinking about it. there isn't even a railing to stop you if you slip.
"what if I fall?"
"I'll catch you."
oh shit.
your heart rate speeds up immediately as you lower your eyes, trying your hardest to act casual.
"... with what your tiny, noodle arms?"
epel's face scrunched up at that. he casts you a glare but you know there's no malice in it whatsoever. it's become normal at this point, picking at each other. (of which you thoroughly enjoy)
he crossed his arms. "it's not—! agh whatever!" epel fumes. smacking your arm playfully as you feign a groan of pain. "my arms are manly and strong!"
you looked at him then at his arm before grinning. epel makes a look of offense.
both of you burst into a fit of giggles right after and you never thought he could look any more beautiful with crinkled eyes and a wide smile on his face.
though the moment of felt joy was hushed upon the shrill scream that definitely belonged to vil. of course, it was manly but nevertheless unable to mask the terror in it.
that was like an omen for punishment and revenge. you cover your mouth and look at epel with wide eyes.
he looks at you as well but you can tell he's holding in the cackles.
in all fairness it wouldn't have been too bad if epel used the shade of purple vil had on the tips of his hair. but this one? it's literally a bright neon that will burn your eyes for life.
you can't give yourself the moment to feel warm at your shoulders bumping, too wrapped into muffling the giggles that would definitely wake up the entirety of pomefiore from their beauty sleep.
you and epel are practically gripping each other for life, shoulders shaking in wheezes. midst that, you both failed to hear the rustle over your heads.
"my my, my ears have not decieved me! I know two love birds singing when I hear it."
"OH MY F—"
the laughing immediately seizes as you both look up at rook hovering over the two of you, donning an amused smile.
you sigh. "oh shit."
kalim al asim
I would give it to you
kalim is by no means rich.
he's loaded.
since the day he was born even his room as a child cost more than the monthly expense of a citizen, toys handcrafted by the most talented, a blanket soft and crocheted with the most expensive of silk.
an entire vault filled with treasures, gems, things made entirely out of gold. at some point he leaves them untouched, swimming in it out of boredom.
even scarabia wasn't exempted from his touch of gold.
you could say he doesn't know how to live other than luxuriously.
it sounds bad. he knows, but for the entirety of his life it's all he's ever known. and kalim isn't really one to break out of a habit that's been going on for so long.
nor does he see any bad in it. out of the goodness of his heart he merely thinks he's rewarding you with the things you deserve.
last week a whole lot of tuna was sent to your dorm. it was definitely the work of grim, and you imagine the little feline brought up your name in a conversation with kalim. the boy didn't have a second thought before he took out the money that didn't make a scratch in his account.
while you would have wondered who sent the shit ton that would last grim a good year it was prominent that it was kalim from the exaggerated words of happiness in the gift card, filled with little doodles. (you assume he couldn't help himself)
you make a mental note to limit the interactions between kalim and grim.
the second time it was purely out of coincidence. a mistake on your part, if you'd like to say.
off handedly you'd mentioned to kalim that if someone were to ever give you something on valentines, you'd rather it be one that's beneficial to you. a practical gift. but since it was the day of expressing love you settled for the classic choice of flowers.
everyone loves flowers!
but you didn't expect to step into the cafeteria with your friends and immediately get slapped by a straw flower that apparently sprouted wings and flew (a joke of course) but you like to think that it had something out for you.
deuce's jaw drops at the amount of wildlife around the wide room. there's flowers everywhere and in the sole center was kalim sheepishly scratching his cheek.
you just stared around, gobsmacked and flabbergasted. "what.. in the holy name of—" you trail off.
beside you. ace grimaces, slapping away a flower that fell in slow motion beside his face. then dragging a palm across his face. "all of this and he says.. oops?" he groans.
after picking up his jaw from the floor deuce nods hesitantly. "yeah, isn't this a bit much?"
as flattered you were. it really was.
on one, sunny, hot day you invited kalim for a walk around scarabia. beyond the dorm, away from all the glamorous things.
kalim didn't complain one bit and went along without much fuss, happily even if you might add.
the sun shines down at you harshly. the weather in the desert here sure is unrelenting. you wipe the sweat off your forehead. feeling the crunch of the sand beneath your feet.
the boy isn't too far behind you, taking animatedly as you nod along.
"that reminds me! your birthday is coming up." at that, your eyebrows raise. you still can't keep the heartwarming smile off your face at the mere fact that he knows, and remembers.
you smile at him kindly. kalim flushes at the beam. "where did you hear that from?" you question absent-mindedly enjoying the walk despite the great struggle the heat brought you.
because goddamn was it hot in here!
kalim falls into step beside you. "I asked the grandmaster for it."
more like basically forced. but he doesn't know that.
he continues, "what would you like? anything you want! I'll give it to you." kalim grins. there's no doubt whatever he's saying is nothing but the truth, he has the power to get anything you ask.
you feel embarrassed at the thought that clouds your mind. one word.
at your silence kalim tilts his head. "what's the matter? if you need more time to think it's alright!" he reaches out and clasps your hands together, further flustering you.
you gulp. "I just... I really want you, you and your heart." you slap yourself on the head in your mind cause god did that sound cliche.
you tense at the frozen kalim. only staying still when he breaks into this, love struck, goofy grin and giggles. he all but practically throws himself onto you in a tight embrace.
"you already do!"
I've been practically dead but don't blame me I've been stressed & sick fr
after this I'm probably gonna be dead again BYE HOMIES
anyways for cater's part it's him basically being there for mc, like not just present but there.. yknow... idk if you get what I'm saying LOL
so like picture this, you're going thru a hard time and there's a shoulder to lean on which is cater. WHICH I ALSO REALIZED OMG HE DID GAVE US A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON LITERALLY WKAJSKJA
B4 you say lilia's part didn't even include the whole romance thing I just thought it'd be sweet if I incorporated his lil' family in it
so while you might not think it's a lilia x reader it really is, I'm just showing the parts that'll get lilia to love you. especially if you're doting on his babies!!
ngl reader in lilia's... I lowkey thought they were a grandma when I was building their character
'I would love with you' is loosely based off two parents loving their children lmao idk what I'm saying. anyways j hope you spotted it, lilia taking care of silver + you taking care of sebek = loving them (platonically)
draft for epel's was actually like. since rook appeared out of nowhere I wanted reader to be startled and slip off, epel actually saving them just like he said. (with his noodle arms.) you're free to imagine it! but if you do wanna see me write that just hit me up in my inbox and I'll write an alternative scenario 🤫
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alostlittleriverlotus · 2 months
Oh yeah make sure neglected people get love until that neglected person is a fucking narcissist. Cause all narcissists are bad. Everything I do is intentionally manipulative or maybe they'll say I'm not actually a narcissist and are just confused or supporting them cause I've been made to feel guilty. I've been on both sides. People will believe I'm a narcissist and so therefore I'm abusive or people will not believe I'm a narcissist cause I'm too nice and just getting caught up in narcissists manipulating me to support them.
I hate the idea that my self image is not by my choice. I will always be what OTHERS perceive me as. I have always been that and it will continue to be that. People will either see someone that can't do any wrong or someone that can only do wrong. Like stfu I am a person! I can do good and bad! I have a past of being toxic and harmful esp as a teenager cause I was a fucking mentally fucked teen still in an abusive situation.
I just. I dunno. Im waiting on food so I'm very like just ranty about everything and anything. But like. Stfu. Stfu stfu stfu stfu stfu. If anyone else is needy and needs attention or reassurance then it's fine. But I have had it demonized since my fucking childhood and had my fucking meltdowns demonized as being intentionally manipulative!!! I WAS A FIVE YEAR OLD AUTISTIC CHILD STFU!!!!!
And people praising empathy as being good piss me off. Cause you know what else can also have hypoempathy? AUTISM. Low empathy is not just an "evil" personality disorder thing. Anyone can be anywhere on the scale of empathy. And it doesn't fucking matter. And anyone can be capable of good or bad. It has literally nothing to do with narcissism or any disorder.
Like wtf are anti narcissists gonna fucking do when they realize theyve done harm??? Cause you know what being someone believing in narc abuse did to me?! It made me believe that i was justified as a victim of narcissists so therefore I couldn't be wrong in my trauma responses.
Yeah. Accepting im a narcissist did way more for helping my relationships by allowing me to understand and communicate my needs than believing in narc abuse and calling my parents narcissists ever fucking did. Wtf are they gonna do when they're told about the harm they've done??? Not even related to narc abuse. I would have horrible episodes and defended myself cause I wasn't like my abusive "narcissistic" parents. And all it did was lead to more fights and more episodes and my friend couldn't help cause they were dealing with trauma responses too (people pleasing, believing it was okay what I did or that she deserved it even when I told her not to say or believe that, it's a very lengthy explanation required thing.)
Anyone and everyone is capable of good and bad and is capable of harming others. Whether it's full on abuse, even worse things, or just being insensitive and thoughtless. Focusing so much on the big bad narcissists will only continue to focus on this "us vs them" mentality that completely negates any sort of nuance and ignores the fact that harmful people, abusers, and even the worst of humanity is ALLOWED by society. It isn't a prevalence of narcissists, it is fucking bigotry. And it is everywhere. And it allows abuse to be normalized.
Big list of things I been thinking on. Fuck fuck fuck. I'm already fucking stressed and my parents won't stfu so I can think and type. Disorganized speech, semiverbal, can't thinky think.
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| soft!father figure!Miguel o'hara x teen!spidey?reader | Headcanons | (platonic)
(Miguel o'hara x reader platonic)
(Miguel o'hara x teen!reader platonic)
(Miguel o'hara x reader platonic)
A/n: reminder, miguel is gonna be OOC(out of character) as HELL because I legit forgot how to write, and I lost all my skills because of art block 2 years ago and stopped. So, just a heads up, Ooc!Miguel.
Trigger warning: cursing, mentions of loss of family members/and or friends, mentions of death, mentions of dead family members(?), potentially overprotective/slight platonic yandere!miguel(?), etc.
Miguel....looks at you, the same way he looks at his own pride and joy, which is also you, ofc. (Because you are the main character and are amazing.)
He'll try and brush your hair, no matter how short or how thin it is. if you have a buzz cut, he'll just lightly massage your head. If you have braids or an afro, etc, he'll try and learn hair styles like that for you, like how to do braids, or afro puffs for you (please correct me on terminology, I'm not black, so forgive me if I accidentally say something wrong or call a hair style the wrong name/gen)
He will help you with anything and everything. You are his new pride and joy, sit down, and don't worry about a thing. :)
He'll help you with missions, homework, hell, even on how to build nuclear weapons if you ask nicely enough.
You're his kid(metaphorically), why shouldn't he help you with everything and dote on you?
However if you are more independent or less likely to understand/and or like how much he tries to help you in everything, he'll back off, he trusts you, he just cares about you too much to let you do anything(as horrible as that sounds, it comes from a place of good)
He's like those overprotective dad's that tell you, your outfit is too revealing, or some horror story about some random kid getting kidnapped before you go out. (Is that just my parents? Maybe I'm projecting a little, sorry!)
He will judge your friends, especially if its other spiders, hobie? He won't say anything to you but he will lecture hobie for 2 hours on making sure not to be a bad influence on you, gwen is...alright, he may not really like her but he understands why your friends (whatever that reason may be.), miles? Oh fuck no. Miguel would rather set himself on fire and destroy the spider society instead of letting miles be friends with you, and (aromantics, don't read this part.) If you're dating miles, congrats, miguel is popping a blood vessel from how pissed he is.
Of course, he may lecture you, or even 'ground you'(he'll start to get very emotional after 2 hours of being away from you, he can not risk losing another kid, you are too important to him.), but a little bit of pestering/and or convincing, and he'll begrudgingly accept you and miles are friends/dating.
He may teach you Spanish, if you're up for it.
Calls you spanish nicknames. (Hispanics and people who speak spanish fluently, I am so sorry, I don't know spanish and I'm using Google Translate, please forgive me for this. Please correct me in the replies/comments so I can edit this and fix it./gen)
Princesa/Príncipe, Cariño, Mi sol, mi corazón, mi vida, etc.
He lets(makes) you stay with him on his platform office thingy(sorry, I don't know what to call it.), he'll pull up a YouTube video or movie on some hologram, or holographic screen and let you watch while he works.
Honestly, does not know now to use basic cooking appliances, if you're from a universe where the year is like, anything under 2060, congrats, miguel will not understand any terminology or technology you have(like a regular phone, ipad or a regular computer from 2020, his universe is so futuristic and such, those things are ANCIENT to him, God forbid you quote any vines infront him, he will not understand and there's like a 30% chance his grandparents/great grandparents used to quote vines.)
Will ask you to help him with a fucking microwave,, his universe is so futuristic.
Sometimes, he sends you with him on missions that aren't missions, like jsut going out to soem really nice universe he thinks you'll like, and being 'undercover'(you're both gonna wear whatever you want, hell probably wear casual, you can wear anything you're comfortable in.). To which you'll both jsut be hanging out at some cafe, library, amusement Park, cinema, whatever place you like or he thinks you'll like, and pretends that you're looking for some anomaly but in the end he'll jsut tell you to go back to HQ or your own universe and he'll take care of the anomaly(there was no anomaly, he lied so that he could hang out with you.)
If you lose or are going to lose any family members, friends, lover, etc, maybe from the Canon or something else, he'll do everything to cheer you up, highest quality therapy, stuffed animals(if you like those), the entire series of a book you like, he'll even pay for your favorite Netflix show to get a 2nd/'random number' season, he is a billionaire, he won't let you on any missions, he'll make you rest, help you mourn and even maybe help arrange the funeral if you trust him enough.
This man has severe abandonment issues(hc), he has lost his daughter and family, he cna not lose you too.
He is a bit clingy and overprotective, he doesn't, like, read your texts or anything, but he does silently judge your friends, aswell as sometimes glare at anyone.
He has a huge soft spot for you.
If he's in the middle of lecturing or arguing with someone, maybe because of a mission, and you walk in or he notices you walking by, he will stop and say good morning/good afternoon/whatever time it is.
Warning, 'cringe' below, because I do not know how to use spanish nicknames properly, please forgive me :(
"(Random spiderman) this mission was important! You made mistake that could've costed someone their life!- good morning, Cariño."
^ this is what I mean by that.
Sometimes, he makes lyla monitor you on missions 10 times more then any other spider because he gets worried about you.
He will help you with your spidey suit, and making a suit if it rips or you don't have one yet.
This man will watch soccer, and get pissed off at how badly they're playing, like, you could jsut be in another room or sitting next to him doing your own thing and all of a sudden you'll hear a roar of spanish curses and such, because someone made a stupid move while playing.
He'll make you pack lunches, burritos, Quesadillas, Empanadas, Enchiladas, etc, (now I'm hungry thinking about it😭). If you don't like any of those or are allergic to certain ingredients used in those, he'll make you something else, a sandwich, burger, maybe French fries, sliced fruit, strawberrys dipped in chocolate (if your not allergic), pasta, lasagna, etc. Or he'll just buy you some takeout and put it in a lunch box for you. Whatever you prefer :)
Supports you no matter what, no matter your identity, religion, sexuality, race, etc, he supports you :).
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bxtxnx · 4 months
The one and only piece on T-squares you will ever need to read, because I know this thing the best.
I was just looking up posts on T-squares yet again to see if I can find the answer to dealing with them, since I have two in my chart and let me tell you, it's rough.
Alsa, no matter how much I search, nothing especially note-worthy comes up and it further proved to me that I know this placement better than anyone.
So listen up, girls, guys and other persons of interest. Because no one else knows the T-squares as well as I do.
To get the formalities out of the way for those that don't know - a T-square is formed by two planets that are in an opposition to each other, plus a third planet forming a square to both of these planets. This ends up looking like a nice, big, red triangle in your chart.
Some people say that the solution to the T-square is in the so called "empty leg", others say that you need to look for positive aspects to the T-square (sextiles and trines), because they are the solution and the fix for the T-square, which causes a person to remain stagnant in their life, unable to achieve anything no matter how much effort they put in.
That's wrong.
The empty leg won't help you, a positive aspect won't help you either.
With the T-square, you have to go to the eye of the storm, you have to deal with it head on. The solution to the T-square is in it's apex, it's focal point, aka the planet that is forming a square to the other two planets.
When a planet is at the apex of the T-square, it becomes so prominent, that it starts acting like a personal placement. Having Mars at the apex of a T-square affects you in the same way an Aries Sun will. And you deal with MAJOR issues related to that planet. That planet is a source of great struggles related to it's nature, but it also brings you your greatest success and achievements.
Make sure you remember the following keywords:
Mars: aggression, violence, competition, being the first, ambition
Saturn: challenges, delays, limitation, positions of high status, high positions in the hierarchy
Pluto: transformations, crisis, critical life and death situations, sexual things
Uranus: society, standing out and being unique, groups of people
Oprah Winfrey has a T-square with Mars at the apex, Soyeon of (G)-IDLE has one with Saturn at the apex, Megan Thee Stallion - a T-square with Pluto at the apex, BTS - Uranus at the apex.
Oprah with her Mars at the apex of her T-square has dealt with violence and assaults since was a child. Her bio online says "...she is a living symbol of the self-made person in spite of all odds." This one sentence alone shows the manifestation of her Mars apex - her fighting spirit.
She has won beauty pageants while in university, her Mars once again acting up (but in a positive way), by helping her thrive in competitions.
After leaving college, she became the first female and first black newscaster in Nashville. See the pattern?
Soyeon of (G)-IDLE with her Saturn at the apex of her T-square and her fellow members of the group weren't able to debut, because their label didn't give them a song fitting for the group. One song after the other, no song was a good fit for the group to record and make their debut with. A delay and a challenge, courtesy of Saturn.
So, what did Soyeon do? Decided to write her own song and pitch it to the label. In the end, (G)-IDLE debuted with the song LATATA, written by Soyeon.
Over the years, Soyeon has been the producer of the group, creating and overseeing the recording of the songs; she has been the creative director of the group, coming up with and overseeing the concepts, among many other things she has been doing.
All of this shows how impactful Saturn at the apex of her T-square is - she deals with struggles and challenges in her path and she takes the difficult path of dealing with them on her own, even when she is surrounded by people more competent in a particular sphere. She deals with the issues and assumes high positions in the hierarchy (in her case - producer / creative director) and becomes an authority in her sphere.
Pluto at the apex of Megan Thee Stallion's T-square has forced her to deal with some pretty traumatizing things. Losing her mother and great-grandmother in the same month, getting shot and dealing with a lawsuit and problems with her label which affected her work.
Despite all of this, Megan has proven to be a survivor, being able to get out of various crises fairly well, enough to be able to keep moving forward. This shows the true power of Pluto, being able to survive and thrive after the darkest of times. The sexual nature of her lyrics is also another way Pluto is able to drive Megan to success.
BTS with their T-square having Uranus at the apex are the epitome of all things Uranuan. Just the fact that they are a group of seven members is one step to Uranus bringing them success.
That success didn't come immediately though. When the group first debuted, they stood out but not in a good way. They were ostracized and made fun of both by the public and by their colleagues in the industry.
Because they came from a small entertainment company which didn't have a lot of funds, the group wasn't able to receive the type of promotions and marketing other groups from more established companies do, so the group took a different approach to marketing themselves with vlogs and videos of the members dancing and singing, plus other types of videos.
In the end, BTS' unique sound, plus their songs full of social commentary took them where they are today, while the promotional content the group made, made them stand out and become the blueprint for promotional marketing of K-pop groups, with many other groups following in their footsteps and doing the same types of content and shows that they did.
This is why I say the apex of the T-square is extremely important in a chart. It's as important as your Sun. It is what brings you the biggest challenges, but also the biggest rewards.
If you have a Mars apex, you need to live like an Aries by being a fighter and always chasing the next achievement, if you have a Jupiter apex, you need to live like a Sagittarius - constantly absorbing new knowledge to the point you become a walking encyclopedia and being loud and flamboyant.
This is it. While the other planets in the T-square also play their roles and have their influence, this is how a T-square works and is dealt with. This is how a T-square goes from keeping you stagnant, running in one place, to the fastest vehicle that takes you to the greatest heights. ☽
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
It's a whole thing the Pjo fandom just,dosen't want to Percy to actually be neurodivergent representation.There's the obvious worst part they won't even let him be autistic despite objectively being the most autistic-coded character in the whole franchise but there's also just as glaringly they have never let him defy neurodivergent stereotypes
He's smarter than Annabeth by virtue of being more emotionally mature and making better plans way quicker and unlike her this was in no way an inherentence so he could qualify as a legit ex-child genius but he's constantly getting called stupid for not fitting society's idea of what intellengence is due to sucking at school as a result of his symptoms and he's said he hates it many many MANY times in his narration and only dosen't speak out against it as per irl trauma like his he's been forced into believing he deserves it and given strong ass Impostor Syndrome and the fandom falls for it hook line and sinker cause Annabeth forcing herself into the role of Percy's girlfriend without his consent and even a moment of verbal rejection to her FACE that she spit back at him('I am never going to make things easy for you' is a fucking awful thing to say to an autistic person and that's why you'll never convince me book!Annabeth is autistic like Leahbeth,being a nerdy jerk with ego problems is NOT more autistic than EVERYTHING Percy's got going on right down to his character concept)and proceeding to treat him the same as ever but with corny kissing and promises of a future nuclear family cisheterosexual marriage living in a place that directly goes against Percy's lifelong wish for ANNABETH'S is proof his self-hatred is accurate as if she knows or likes him as a person on any level and vice versa seeing how he talks about her and never returns her romantic effort
There's no 'smart himbos' or 'not dumb but a dumbass',if y'all are such Annabeth stans then expend your vocabulary so you can be even bigger nerds that don't have to be nice to make friends cause that's what privilege is for and you get to speak over 'slow' autistics thanks to that too irl.Percy's also meant to defy 'neurodivergent people are total losers','neurodivergent people think and act like little kids no matter how old they are' and 'neurodivergent people only act rebellious for attention and to look good' by being the coolest character and this was backed up in dialogues and actions by Percy himself without even trying almost ever,he's a Team Parent to younger minorities but especially Nico and Hazel as a way of breaking the cycle of abuse and out of a mix of found eldest sibling and pseudo-parental love for them and to heal his inner child and he's pessimistic and highkey mean and ruthless but is an anarchist with awareness to what corruption is and how to fight it and DOES it unlike Luke's pedo propagandist poser ass and 'rebel' is NOT Percy,Percy is a PUNK,i.e,a minority who was radicalized by their experiences growing up in a system that hates them for being one and takes direct action and does activism and always stays noncomforming instead of selling out
So y'all deny his off the charts swag like it's gonna effect you negatively to appreciate him for it,mock his special interests(blue,the sea and pg media)because they're not trains or neo-liberalism filled fantasy books or whatever the fuck and don't let him have the canon ones you'd obsses over in an allistic character(alt music and childcare)and straight up call him mentally a little kid as mockery with Annabeth as his mommy gf and Jason as whatever the male equivalent is i ain't googling that shit and you can just drop that r slur you're holding back because that would somehow be LESS ableist and you won't even let him hate authority figures despite your 'the only authority he respects is his mom XD' corn as if any of you actually care about Sally,you ship her with fucking POSEIDON over Paul,because yeah,Luke WAS authority as the Titans Army leader and The Gods are literally the highest authority you can get in general,not just within Pjo,Percy dosen't need to look for older men to 'satisfy him'(this is a CHILDREN'S BOOKS SERIES,go APOLOGIZE TO YOUR YOUNGER SIBLINGS)because he has 1.a backbone,2.rizz and 3.a life,the him being upset Nico for not being 'his type' and hassling him over it is literally sexual harrassment by an adult towards a minor and Hazel's more of a part of him AND her own character than any minor white character that TRANSCENDS THEIR SOURCE MATERIAL
Just say it:You want Percy to be a gag instead of rep and you're so set on it rather than having standards in mentally abled people you're ready to start harrassing other people on different ends of the spectrum for saying Percy is afrolatino-an ACTUAL afrolatino,not y'all's lightskin slightly big nose no lips with vague cultural roots you didn't research copout,or saying he's transfem-coded based off actual real life transfemininity,or even just that they hate Percabeth since book!Annabeth is a white pick me bully.'MY friends' insults and hitting eachother is our way of showing affection!!!Have you never had a friend before?!'I have a lot of years long friends and keep making more and one of them's now my trans girlfriend that's adhd and agrees Percabeth is super bad because Annabeth is too mean to Percy and that Percy's a tgirl and her and the rest of them shower me in praise and defend me when people treat me badly and the latter goes for my own little brother like i always did and still do him and i treat my friends the same way they do me and my girlfriend gets extra.Rip to your self-hating selfves but i'm different and so's Percy
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sparrowhero · 2 years
could u do a hawks, dabi, and shigaraki x weird! reader hcs? like reader sometimes says the most out of pocket shit and they have a interesting background already involved in crime b4 they met them?
oh this is right up my alley. alright, here we go!
Weird!Reader HCs-- Hawks, Shigaraki, Dabi under cut
Depending on the severity and legality of said weird shit, he either thinks it's funny or is a little bit concerned. It's usually the former, but if you're a rehabilitated (or at least, trying to rehabilitate yourself), he's going to be the angel on your shoulder saying "Maybe we shouldn't light that guy's house on fire, babe. Even if nobody could prove it"
If it's more mundane out of pocket shit, like "I used to eat bugs out of the dirt and pretend I was Timon and Pumba from Lion King", he's more likely to be like "Word, I used to pretend I was Simba." While he's also a very naturally serious guy in his work, being able to be genuinely carefree and silly helps relax him.
He's so used to being able to read people and calculate their reactions and intentions, so not being able to predict whatever the fuck may come out of your mouth next is a real treat for him. Keeps things fresh and exciting in a world where so many things can bore him. He's also just kind of a hype man for his significant other anyways so he's just as much the type to be like "Ain't that cute?" whenever you say something that most other people would kind of raise their eyebrow about.
It would be hypocritical of him to judge you for your past, but he really won't tolerate that shit now. He secretly finds it a little hot that you used to be 'bad' but the less he knows about the serious things you may or may not have done, the better. He cannot defend you if they find a body in your apartment, sweetheart, no matter how much you make those eyes.
Plays the straight man perfectly to your funny guy. He always has a smartass remark or raised eyebrow when you say something, but also plays along completely seriously every single time without fail.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Shigaraki thinks for a moment. "...I'd at least get you some kind of dirt bowl to live in until you turned back."
He likes to bounce potential ideas off of you because of your experiences. You can say some weird shit, but more often than not, you can find the exploitable loopholes in "traditional" thinking. That's a skill one needs when trying to completely overthrow and restructure society. Even in your weirdness, most of your suggestions have more basis than some of the other opinions in the league. Besides, you make him laugh. That's a rare skill around there. He never admits it, just turns around and you can see his shoulders shake a little bit.
You cannot be trusted around Toga and Twice because the three of you will somehow create the most intricate inside jokes that make sense to nobody but the three of you. It's nice that you all get along, though. He won't participate but he does sit close by so he can hear you laugh and enjoy yourself.
Takes everything you say in stride. He's around weirdos at the League all day anyways, one more by his side can't hurt-- besides, a little strangeness is far from a crime. There are worse things you can say or do. Sometimes he raises an eyebrow or ignores if it's really an inappropriate or unreasonable/feasible response for the situation, but that's rare.
Unlike Hawks or Shigaraki, he's going to play along with you more than the other two. Like...maybe you SHOULD kill that guy. You might have a point. You have an uncanny habit of saying exactly what he was thinking or wants to hear, which earns points with him.
More of the type to have discussions with you based on the weird shit you say. He likes to know why you say certain things, the conclusions that brought you there, things like that. He likes to pick apart your brain to figure out just how it 'ticks' and why he can't get enough of it.
One of his favorite things to do is just watch you while you go off on one of your tangents. He doesn't always have something to say, so he just listens and absorbs whatever it is that you have going on. Sometimes it's your past (a wild ride, definitely), sometimes it's just wherever the conversation leads you. Doesn't judge you on what you may have had to do or experience to get where you are, the important thing is you're with him now for a truly important purpose.
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breakableprincess · 10 days
do you ever start talking with someone who has a certain kink and can feel yourself get worse extremely fast? anyways now I've got this fantasy that won't get out of my head
WARNING: hard kinks, including: Detrans/Misgendering (trans woman), Rape/Non-con, Transfem Superiority, (Trans Inclusive) Misogyny, Sadomasochism. DONT LIKE, DONT READ.
Being a really bitchy and entitled young trans woman who got to transition early and now passes with no problems and has a voice that everyone loves, sharing a locker space with an older trans woman who took hrt much later in life and whose voice still betrays her often
This older woman would always share looks at the other girls in the locker room when she thought she wasn't watched, and being like I was I'd always think badly of her for it, but also I couldn't help but notice she would watch me much more intensely than anyone else
One day when no one else was around and she had been staring even more than usual I would get fed up with it and confront her
"I know what you're doing!!! Stop it!!!" "Huh, what? What do you want?" "You've been staring at the other girls all this time and especially at me!!! Do you think you're slick? Do you think you're being a great person??? It's because of people like you that I dont-"
At this point she takes a step towards me, confronting me
"People like me huh?? Do you want to elaborate on that, princess?"
Her voice coarse but sweet yet condescending all at the same time, I know I am getting threatened and, not wanting to lose the battle without even trying to fight back, I bark back without thinking:
"You- you- you're acting just like some sort of man with tits!"
Ah fuck. As soon as I say that I raise my hands to my mouth in shock. I can't believe I said something so hurtful, no matter how creepy she'd been towards me and the other girls
She looks flabbergasted but takes another step towards me, locking me between herself and the wall behind me
"Oh hoho? Is that what you really think of me, huh?"
She says, grabbing me by my shirt before slamming me violently to the wall behind me
"I-i-i'm so sorry!!! I really didn't mean to i-"
"Oh no sweetheart, I don't think you fully understand your position here. You have to shut the fuck up."
Her frame much larger than mine, towering over me, making me feel small and useless
"You think you've got it all figured out don't you? You think you can escape the hate of the world just by blending in and acting like a precious little girl, don't you??? Well don't think you can escape me. I know what you are, what you truly are."
She shoves me to the ground in one swift motion
"You are a pathetic,"
She kicks me
She bends down to grab me again and puts me on all fours
She lowers my skirt
"Someone who would throw away all the love for your community,"
And my panties
"just so you get to feel like a member of society at large!"
She grabs a nice feel of my ass
"And since you want to act like some sort of cissy girl,"
She removes her pants and I can feel her cock near my entrance
"I'll show you what 'men with tits' do to transphobic cissies like you."
I take a deep breath, resigned to what's about to happen. Maybe like this I will learn respect one day...
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
Pavitr Prabhakar x Indian!Reader (Platonic)
Got sick of there being no Indian!Reader fics with my favorite ATSV characters so I wrote one :D
Even though it says "Indian!Reader", anyone can read it and not really pay attention to the race of the reader. It doesn't really matter and since the fic doesn't have a plot, it won't disturb your understanding of the fic!
Summary: Meeting Pav and getting to explore Mumbattan with him! Reader feeling a little disconnected from their culture, but having a blast after visiting Mumbattan with him.
TW: Reader is established to be a spider person, Fluff, Not much of a plot just wanted to write something cute for my desi readers!
You were walking through Spider Society HQ, a bit tired from the sleepless night you had and hoping to find some kind of distraction from the responsibilities of being a Spiderperson. Not really paying attention to your surroundings, you began to drift into a bit of a trance, walking along the path aimlessly, nodding at the Peters and Mjs who waved at you but lost in your thoughts as you tried to process the events of last night. Fighting your universe's version of the Sinister Six, coming back home with cuts and bruises, spending the night trying to clean them and cover them so your friends and family wouldn't see your wounds the next morning, being a Spider-person was difficult to handle. You just wished you had a distraction, something you could do, somewhere you could go to calm down and destimulate. HQ was nice and all, but it was so formal, what with the training and conditioning centers, and the boring food court.
"Arre, watch out!"
You felt a body collide with yours, sending the two of you stumbling backwards and crashing into a wall. "What the-"
"Oh no, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
You looked over woozily to see the boy who'd crashed into you, wearing his decorated Spider-suit, the colors practically blinding you as he approached and tried to give you a hand to help you get up. You took his hand, trying to shake the dizzy feeling from your head before you spoke. "Its alright. How did you even-"
The boy eagerly spoke before you could finish, his tone full of excitement. "Its my first day here, and I was trying take a self-tour of the HQ, but I think I was going too fast" He said, his voice and expression seeming slightly sheepish. "I'm Spider-man! And you?"
"Spider-woman. But you don't have to call me that. My name's Y/N."
"I'm Pavitr! But most call me Pav."
"Hey Pav. Where're you from?"
"Earth-50101! At least thats what Miguel told me. For us, its just Mumbattan!"
"Mumbattan?" The place sounded oddly familiar, as if you'd heard of it before. Wait..."Do you mean Mumbai?", you asked, a smile spreading across your face.
"I don't know what Mumbai is, but sure!"
"Oh man, its been forever since I've been to Mumbai! Its been forever since I've been to...well...India in general."
"Oh?" He sounded like he was thinking something over. "Well, would you like to see your Mumbai? Or a version of it at least?"
"What do you mean?" You asked, a little confused.
"Do you want to come to Mumbattan? You have a watch, right?" Pav looked down at your wrist excitedly, seeming happy to have made a friend at the Spider Society so quickly.
"Mumbattan huh? Well...uh..." You had to mull it over. I don't have anything else to do...besides I haven't had pani puri in so long...You should to yourself, the memories of street food in India flooding back to you. Oh how you missed the place. "I'm down."
About an hour later, you and Pav were swinging through Mumbattan, with him showing off the whole city to you, pointing out the different attractions, the nicer temples, and even his own favorites, like small shops and stalls which he said he often bought from.
"And over there, they have the best chaat in the whole of Mumbattan!"
You whipped your head to the side at the mention of chaat, the memory of the delicious snack coming back to you as the aroma made its way toward where you two were sitting. "Can we get some?"
Pav nodded his head and led you closer to the stall, still staying on the roofs of the buildings, swinging above the heads of the crowds in the area. There were more than a couple stalls, probably anywhere from 20 to 50 of them, the sights and smells practically flooding your senses. "Chaat or vada pav?"
"both. Both is good."
He laughed at your response and motioned for you to wait there while he grabbed some. You took the few minutes to take in the rest of the sight. Mumbattan was beautiful. Yes, it was crowded, but the people were just a part of its charm! There were miniature temples everywhere, with women in saris and men in dhotis entering and exiting them. It reminded you a lot of home, where you family was from. I mean, it technically was your home...just a much more futuristic version of it. But then of course, some things never change. The temples, the street food, the traffic, it was all practically the same.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Pav reappeared next to you, holding a paper plate with two different chaats in it. Papdi and samosa. Nice. He also brought vada pav, which he immediately started snacking on. "So...Indian Spider-man huh? Never thought I'd see the day"
"you're Indian too, correct?"
"eh, its not the same. You're like Indian Indian, I haven't even BEEN to India in ages."
"Well now you have, haven't you?" He said with a smile, nudging your shoulder. Damn this guy was optimistic. It was refreshing.
You chuckled at this. "Thanks for the food"
"Anytime! If you ever visit again, I'll bring you to even more stalls next time. We can get pani puri too!"
"Sounds perfect."
"Does this mean we're friends now?"
"Do you wanna be?"
"Then we're friends. Us desi's gotta stick together, right?"
I didn't really know how to end it, so I kind of gave it a crappy ending, sorry for that. This fic didn't really have much of a plot, but I just really wanted to write something that was Indian/Desi reader related because despite there being a whole Indian spider-man, there's like zero fics where he encounters an Indian reader or an Indian oc! Hopefully this was readable and any and all feedback is appreciated!
I love Pav so much, I just wanna hug him and be his best friend 😭
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haystarlight · 1 year
Disabilities and Disclosure
@lollytea made a post about this idea and I went with it.
I don't have dyslexia. If you or someone you know has it, I'd appreciate your input!
@avatarmerida @fairytales-and-folklore
"Disabilities and Disclosure"
"I'm gonna have to borrow that book when you're done with it!"
Willow wasn't really thinking when she made that promise. She'd been too caught up in Hunter's cool outfit and his sweet smile to realize what she was signing up for. She'd been so preoccupied with flirting with the cute boy she didn't bother to think she was actually going to have to read that book later.
At first, she put it off. They were busy fighting villains, rebuilding society, rebuilding their homes, starting a new semester at Hexside. Then, a few months after she and Hunter started dating, he remembered she had expressed interest in reading Cosmic Frontier.
Oh no.
"Here you go! you can keep it, I have another copy at home."
"Aww, Sunflower, this is so nice of you."
Hunter blushed, he always blushed when she called him that.
Aw fuck. The book was even bigger than she remembered.
"A little fat, ain't it?" She chuckled nervously "how did you read it all in 2 days?"
"Haha well, yeah. I don't wanna brag but you do remember I've been called a 'genius teen prodigy'," He said this in a tone that sounded like he did want to brag. "it's not that fat, tho. A regular reader like you can probably kill it in a week or two. And then you can share your thoughts with me, Gus and Camila!"
Yeah. Sure. A regular reader like her.
A week or two. Sure.
Hunter must've sensed her uncertainty because his voice immediately dropped from excitement to comfort.
"Hey, I won't get upset if you don't like it. Just so you know."
"Aw, yeah, I wasn't worried about that. But thanks."
She tried looking at the summary on the back and almost got a headache. She knew he wouldn't mind if she didn't like it... But would he be disappointed if she couldn't even finish it?
"Oh, and I hope you're cool with this... I kinda wrote stuff on the margins," he said this bashfully.
Willow opened the book on the first page. The first two pages of every book are always blank before the actual story gets started. She'd always considered that a waste of paper.
This time, however, she saw on the first blank page something written in Hunter's perfect calligraphy. He had such nice handwriting. Her writing was so messy in comparison.
Even she was able to read the three simple words written there with love and care.
'To my Captain 💛'
What had she done?
The days passed by and no matter how hard she tried, the damn book was impossible to finish.
It's not that she couldn't read at all! She could read! She was 16, not 5!
But some words were harder to understand than others. Words that were really long and complicated gave her the hardest time. It didn't help that all these characters had odd names that looked impossible to pronounce and even harder to spell. She kept getting headaches whenever she stared at a page for too long.
She had always been like this, since she started school. It was one of the reasons abominations were so much harder for her than plants, abominations required a lot of reading and theory, plants were direct hands-on action. She had so many memories of staying up late with her parents trying to help her as she agonized over the homework.
And, as the days passed, she kept avoiding having to talk to Hunter. He always asked her how far into the book she was, which scene had she gotten to, who was her favorite character so far. And Gus was no better. Gus knew of Willow's reading issue but it seemed like the young boy had forgotten about it as he got caught up in the excitement as well.
One day, Willow was alone, sitting on the school steps when she suddenly couldn't take it anymore and screamed in frustration, throwing the book away from her.
Luckily, someone caught it.
"Wow! You must be really angry at this thing," Luz said, in between scared and impressed. "did your favorite character die or something? I hate it when that happens."
Willow sighed.
"No, it's just... it's so hard to read."
"Really? It says here the age rating is 13 and up," Luz pointed at the back of the book.
Willow groaned.
"Is it because you don't understand all the weird sci-fi things? I know you guys still don't know a lot about the human world. It makes sense you don't get all the space and science-y thingies," she laughed. "heck, I'm a human and even I don't get it half the time! It's super confusing, you don't have to feel bad for -"
"That's not it either, Luz."
There was a silence between the two of them. Luz felt the weight of that silence and sat down next to her. The human carefully laid a hand on her best friend's shoulder.
"Hey. You don't have to tell me but it looks like it'll make you feel better to tell someone."
"It's... I don't... it's not that I can't read or write! You've seen me do it! I know how to read and write! I'm not a baby!"
Luz simply stared at her, waiting for her to continue.
"But, even though I can do it, I find it very... difficult. There's lots of words that I can't spell because they're too long, the letters sometimes like... move around and blurr together even when I'm wearing my glasses!" She took off the golden frames as if to clarify. "and I keep getting headaches and I hate it when a sentence has too many comas and -"
"Oh, you have dyslexia!"
Willow stopped her rant to look at her friend. She put her glasses back on, confused.
"Oh, that's what humans call it! I don't know how witches call it or if it even has a name here. I didn't know witches could have dyslexia... but I guess it makes sense cause human brains are very similar to witch brains. I wonder if-"
"Luz, what's dyslexia?"
"Oh, right, sorry," she smiled apologetically. "it's a learning disability. It's what you just described. Someone who has a hard time reading, who can't spell long words, who struggles with big books... etcetera."
Willow looked shocked, her mouth slightly opened. It has a name? Other people have it?
"I'm not a doctor so I can't really diagnose you. But, if you want, we can do some research! There's lots of info on the human realm! It's actually a really common thing so we have lots of methods to help make it easier. We can look up Cosmic Frontier audiobooks! You can just listen to it, no reading required."
Despite of herself, Willow smiled. Luz was a really good friend.
"Thank you, Luz. That sounds nice."
"And I bet Hunter will love to help! You know how he loves research!"
The smile dropped as quickly as it had come, replaced by panic.
"Okay, why?"
"He just... Hunter's so smart and I'm..."
"You're smart! Just because you have a learning disability doesn't make you not smart! Mom has ADHD and she's super smart!"
"What's ADHD?"
"Oh, it's another learning disability. I think I have it too but that's a conversation for another day."
"Mmmkay," Willow shrugged and went back to the matter at hand. "Hunter's so smart and he's such a good reader and... and he's always going on and on about how talented and clever I am and he admires me so much and... I don't want him to be disappointed or to see me different."
Luz stayed silent for a moment while she contemplated what to say. She finally settled on:
"I'm not gonna tell him because I respect your privacy but I think you should tell him. Hunter loves you but he doesn't have you on a pedestal, he knows you're a person with limits and weaknesses. He's not going to be disappointed if you tell him this."
Willow didn't respond but she knew her friend was right. Oh, where would she be without Luz the human?
A few days of research and information gathering with the assistance of Luz and Camila, and Willow was now ready to come clean to her boyfriend.
She sat with him on a picnic they'd set up in the forest as she laid out all the information. Hunter would occasionally ask a question but, for the most part, he just let her speak. In the end, Willow stared at him in deep dread.
"Wow, ok. Thanks for telling me this," he stopped to take a sip of apple blood before continuing. "how can I help?"
Willow stared at him, processing the words.
"You want to help?" She asked incredulously.
"You're my girlfriend and you need help, therefore, I'm willing to do what I can. Is that not how it works?"
Willow couldn't help but smile. Hunter was getting better at this relationship thing.
"Yeah, thank you. I was just... I was being paranoid."
Hunter tilted his head, offering her to go on.
"You're always... you're so smart and well-read and... you always tell me how talented and clever you think I am and you compliment me for knowing so much about flyer derby and plants and insects... I feel like I'll disappoint you if I'm actually not as smart as you think I am."
Hunter frowned. He did tend to go on about how amazing his girlfriend was, he couldn't help it! He loved her! And she had always looked so happy when he said those things, responding with a smile or a blush or a thank you or paying him a compliment in return.
He didn't realize that maybe there was a bit of a negative side to it.
"Willow, I'm not gonna be disappointed in you for having limits and weaknesses. Nobody's perfect! And that's fine! You're the one who taught me that!
The plant witch snorted. It was true, she had been the one to teach Hunter that. Why couldn't she remember her own advice?
"There it is," Hunter said, fondly.
"There what is?"
"You snort like a pig when you laugh, you kick people in your sleep, you take pictures of strangers on the street like a creeper..." He counted on his fingers. "I could keep going but the point is, I know you're not perfect. It's okay to not be perfect. I don't love you because you're flawless! I love you because you're Willow and you're impossible not to love."
He said that last part so sincerely, she had to believe him. The plant witch grabbed her boyfriend in a tight hug. He hugged her back and she felt the warmth fill her with comfort.
"I love you too, Sunflower."
They kissed. They'd already kissed so many times, it came naturally to them by now. Willow was long familiar with the taste of his lips but it still somehow brought firebees to her stomach no matter how many times she did it. It never got old, she would never get tired of it.
Every time they kissed, like clockwork, flowers came out of Willow's head. It was like her heart and her magic couldn't control themselves when she felt his kisses. This time, the flowers on her hair were white bellflowers.
"Now, back to the 'how can I help?' thing," Hunter said, after they had broken apart. "I think I have an idea you might like."
Normal people would simply find a Cosmic Frontier audiobook for Willow to listen to. Or maybe they would read to her out loud. Or maybe they'd show her the movie adaptation (tho, she'd been told by Hunter, Gus and Camila that the movie was awful and did a terrible job at adapting the original source material).
Hunter wasn't a normal person, not by a long shot.
He'd decided to act out all of the memorable scenes from the book like it was a play. After telling the others, they had also been incredibly excited to help.
Everyone did something. Willow built the stage and props, Hunter made the costumes and wrote the scripts, Vee and Gus were on special effects with their shapeshifting and illusions respectively, Amity brought some abominations for extra manpower and Luz and Camila put together a playlist of songs that went perfect with every scene. Eda and King brought snacks.
When the night of the premiere finally came, Willow sat down at the Owl House's backyard with Luz, Amity, King, Eda and Raine as they watched it all unfold. Luz took out her phone and started recording because she wanted to put it on Mewtube, Amity didn't understand anything that was going on, Eda ate all the snacks and King fell asleep on Raine's lap halfway through. Perfection.
It wasn't a quality production, it was very low budget and DIY. It reminded Willow of those plays the bard witches from the drama club at Hexside often did. It was silly and weird but it was wonderful.
At the heart of it all were the actors. Vee obviously knew how to play a convincing alien monster, Gus and Camila were not professionals but they felt such passion and appreciation for their character's plight that they could bring themselves to do a pretty good performance. And Hunter was just IN IT! He was an artist lost in his art and Willow never wanted him to stop ever.
His voice cracked with emotion on the dramatic scenes, he stricked poses and smiled at the audience, he recited every line from memory, he even cried on the sad parts. It was hard not to love the book when it inspired something so incredible on all these people she loved.
When the play ended, the actors took a bow and everyone clapped. Luz was the loudest, woohoo-ing and wolf whistling. She cheered so loud, King woke up with a yelp.
Willow made flowers with her magic, throwing them at the stage enthusiastic. Gus caught one and pointed a finger gun, winking at her. Vee caught one and giggled. Camila caught one and her smile got even bigger.
She threw a whole bouquet of roses. Hunter caught it and blew her a kiss.
Yup, this was her new favorite book.
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