#Jason can’t stop laughing when dick tells him the story
ghost-bxrd · 4 months
Thinking about Dick in cryo and hypothermia...
What if something went wrong during a Titans mission? Stranded for a bit somewhere cold, rescue took a little while? And Dick ends up going into cryosleep? Talons look pretty dead when in that mode, right?
The rest of the titans freaking out, especially since they still aren't really sure what species or what flavor of meta Nightwing is, and they don't know what to do... (Let them be somewhere where they can't get in touch with the Bats to ask)
All of them convinced Nightwing died, horrified and mourning, and trying to figure out how they will break the news to Batman and Robin...
And halfway through the discussion the 'corpse' just sits up.
Hardcore trauma for sure 😭😭😭😭
Lmao Wally would deadass be cradling Dick’s head so gently and heaving big, gut wrenching sobs and then Dick would just— sit up. Blink.
“Why are you crying so loud?”
And everyone just starts screaming.
(One of the Titans totally tries sneaking Dick’s pulse once they’ve all gone to sleep— just to be sure Dick really is alive and they didn’t dream it— and promptly starts screaming again when there’s none.
Dick is cranky about being woken up. Going to sleep without Jason in the nest is hard enough, did they HAVE to wake him up????
He softens significantly though and explains that, no, he does have a pulse. It’s just really, REALLY slow. And a couple of seconds held to his wrist isn’t gonna do it mate, sorry.)
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bluerosefox · 5 months
When Jason had been going to Gotham Academy, he had (for a good reputation for the media and to help him catch up on his penmanship, remember he had been on the streets and dropped out of school before getting picked up by Bruce for a while) signed up for a penpal project for 'less privileged people' to write to.
(Although Jason was annoyed the penpal project stayed within the states and only selected a middle of nowhere town, he knew the Richie Rich Elites would never subjugate their 'Heirs' to actual kids in need of learning how to read and write)
But Jason didn't mind his penpal.
Danny Fenton was a riot to talk, err write to in all honestly.
From his dry punny humor (and boy can he give even Dick a run for his money in the pun department but hey using some of them actually got Dick to warm up to him a few missions ago) and death jokes so many death jokes, to his nerdy love for space Jason enjoyed writing to Danny.
Even the short stories he would write about a ghost kid protecting a small town from other ghosts was interesting to read. He really liked the different kinds of ghosts there could be. Granted some seemed very OP like that Clockwork dude.
Jason liked writing to Danny, and even after the penpal project was over they had plans to keep sending letters, maybe even exchange numbers soon...
But then he died by the hands of the Joker.
The letters leaving Wayne Manor may had decreased but the letters being sent never did or at least until a few years ago.
Then Jason somehow returned to the land of the living.
Got taken by the LoA, tossed in the green waters and turned into their Pit Raged weapon for a while before leaving them behind and setting out for his revenge against the Joker and to force B's hand.
And becoming a Crime Boss for a while too. Can't forget that.
Point being with all this going on, the old warm memories of exchanging letters with Danny Fenton was pushed into the back of his mind and forgotten about for a while.
It isn't until one afternoon at Wayne Manor that while roughhousing with Dick, who had Jason in a brotherly headlock as they walked down a hall to one of the sitting rooms, that while Jason had slipped out of Dick's hold had stumbled into a hallway desk that had a few things on the top of it, one of the things being a small box that tumbled off when Jason hit it.
The box lid opened and out of it spilled out a good number of letters.
"Shiii-p, dang it Dick!" Jason said when he looked at the mess he accidentally made and stopped himself from swearing, the place might be named Wayne Manor but everyone knew this was Alfie's domain and no swearing was a rule within his halls.
Dick only laughed and teased only in a way a sibling can do "Hey not my fault your as big as a tank Jaybird! We should get you some caution signals if you keep bumping into things!"
Jason flipped him his favorite finger, thankfully Alfred only knew when they swore thus it did not summon him, and bent down to the letters.
His hands froze when he recognized the hand writing and the address it was sent from.
"From: Danny Fent Nightingale
Amity Park, IL"
To: Jason Todd-Wayne
Gotham City, NJ.
Wayne Manor"
And when Jason opened the letter. He really wasn't expecting what was written inside.
I'm finally leaving Amity Park. I can't be there anymore, not after everything. I'm too tired, and emotionally hurt. Everything is just to much. And I can't keep doing this to myself. My parents still can’t understand there is nothing ‘wrong’ with me or why I refuse to let them take care of Ellie, I refuse to let her live the way Jazz and I did, Jazz has to much on her plate already with her own life and college but she’s been hounding me to reach out to mom and dad, Sam refuses to listen to me when I tell her I want to be more than ‘Phantom’ in Amity Park, and Tucker is so busy trying to get into a good college and job we barely have time to talk nowadays. And don’t get me started on Vlad, that fruitloop’s been breathing down my neck since Ellie’s deaging.
Despite how much of a hellhole you like to call it, I think Gotham might be my, no mine and Ellie’s best bet of living some kind of life, especially now since the whole deaging she had to go through, she needs an ectoplasm rich city as well and since she has no actual papers because she was my clone and I remember you saying Gotham has people who can create new identities and-
I’m rambling again, to letter you again. I really need to stop it.
I can’t keep pretending you’re going to read these.
I know you’ll never read these. You’re gone. I can’t even find you in the Realms no matter where I look.
I’m sorry. For using you as, well, a way to vent my life for last couple of years. I shouldn’t had done it but it helped me.
Believing my friend was still alive and getting my letters I mean.
Again I’m sorry.
This will be my last letter to your ghost, pun unintended.
Goodbye Jason. Wish us luck in your city.
-Danny Fen-Nightingale...."
The sent date on the letter was roughly eight years ago.
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igotanidea · 2 years
that damn gala: Jason todd x fem!reader
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the graphic is not mine, found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the author.
Summary: credit for the idea goes to @p4inis: Can someone write a fanfic of “wear whatever u want, I know how to fight” Jason x fem reader???? Like they’re going to a gala and reader can’t choose which dress she should wear and Jay is her biggest hype man.
hope you'll like it: )
A/N: this is part of my Cheshire!reader!verse. You can find another story of it here in the post: Cheshire cat. And there will be more coming for sure since I'm having a lot of fun writing this verse.
Warning: cursing, a bit of sexual innuendo, but nothing explicit, Jason being a warning of himself :D
„Please, remind me why did I even agree to this?”
“Because you truly had no other option?”
“I hate you.”
“We both know you don’t.”
“Really? Do we?” Y/N smirked. Dick Grayson was her longtime friend and it gave her one privilege no one else had. She was resistant to him charm. So when he asked her to come over the annual Wayne gala it took a lot more than a pretty please and a nice smile to actually convince her to do so. Unlike many girls, she hated having to get all dressed up, putting on make-up and heels and acting like someone different than she really was only to win over some potential investors. Honestly, for a long time she couldn’t understand why was it her business. That lasted until Bruce offered her a job, an old RD position of her late father. Of course, the numbers were tempting but the thing was finally made her say yes was the opportunity to work with the latest technology and to put her ideas into work. And use them on patrols later on. So she gave in.
And soon one thing led to another, when she was forced to get involved into those stupid galas. Dick hated them equally as much, but at least he would be accompanied by Babs and they definitely would keep each other entertained. Unlike her friends, Y/N was going to be there by herself since for obvious reasons her beloved anti-hero boyfriend could not attend. So, she would either join Tim in deep conversation concerning Wayne Enterprises, sulk in the corner with Damian scaring people away with only look or spend the night getting drunk from all the expensive alcohol. One way or another it was going to be a loooong night.
“Yeah, we do. Come on Y/N, please, I’m gonna need your help you know it.”
“My help? Dick you are making zero sense. You will have your girl to dance with, Tim to take the duties and Damian for a security system. Why do you need me?”
“Because out of everyone you just mentioned, you are the only person that is actually fun.”
“Should I tell Babs about what you just said?” the girl laughed and heard Dick do the same on the other side of the phone.
“Please don’t” he turned deadly serious a second later “but you know what I mean. We both have known every guest for years now. We know their behavior, their bad traits and can predict who, when and how will make a fool of themselves. We have our inside jokes. Come on, please…..”
“Fine, stop whining, it’s out of character. I’ll come…..
“I knew you will give in at some point.”
“shut up, Grayson. I’m not giving in. Firstly because you will owe me and you know I’m not lenient when someone is in debt with me. Secondly, Jay will not like it, so good luck with having to deal with him. And lastly, I still got my cat claws on, so don’t expect me to be an egg-sucker.”
“As for the debts, that something we’ve been back and forth with for years now, so nothing new. I can deal with my brother, and Tim will deal with toadying, he’s used to it after all.”
“I hate you, Dick.”
“I know Y/n. See you at 9. You need me to pick you? Since you are coming alone?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Cheshire will swing by earlier and change in the manor if that’s fine.”
“I’ll leave the window open. See you, Y/n.”
“See you, Dick.”
She disconnected the phone and rubbed her forehead in frustration. She really though she would get away this year, but she’s been keeping this foolish hope for the last five years, always with no desired result. She always came and frankly it was never even half as bad as she expected, not that Y/N would ever say it out loud. But now, she had to choose a dress to go in and that was the hard part.
“Please, tell me you’re not preparing for the gala.” Jason stood in the door, only half-dressed In his gear, watching his girlfriend hurrying-scurrying in front of her wardrobe wearing only a sport bra and a pair of leggings.
“I am…” she groaned
“Was it Grayson? Did he force you? Do you want me to talk to him?” he took a few steps closer and grabbed her hands calming her down a bit.
“Nah. It’s fine. It’s always like this. He said I should come, I object, he uses his last-year arguments and I pretend to fall for them. It’s kind of tradition now. I would hate to break it.” She shrugged
“Maybe I can make knew tradition of making Dick attend the party with a bruise or…..”
“Stop it, Jay!” Y/N punched his shoulder and he grinned “if I really didn’t want to come, believe me I wouldn’t. But it really is entertaining making quiet jokes about all those bigwigs with excessive self-esteem and watching Tim trying his best to not speak his mind. The only thing that sucks about it is that I have to go alone” she moved her hands up his arms to his neck, pulling him in and he immediately grabbed her waist and leaned his forehead on hers, swaying from side to side.
“We can have our little party here. Or you can come with me to the patrol.” He whispered
“Mhm, don’t try to play me. That offer is a trap on your side, Red Hood only works alone. If you don’t count two teammates. And he does not want or need anyone else. Let alone little troublesome vigilante that also works with the bats.”
“That little vigilante cat knows her ways around words. She can play two sides, doesn’t she?”
“Jay, come on. You will never let me go with you and I will never ask. Too much of a risk and distraction. But I’m up for that party for two idea later on….”
“Do you have anything specific in mind?” he whispered seductively and leaned in to kiss her, but she quickly pulled away.
“Maybe. Maybe not. That depends if someone will take me home after the gala tonight. I mean, I have a couple dresses to choose from and I could use man’s advice on what to wear. Even if I absolutely hate the idea of playing the bait for man’s money. And I hate getting dolled up. I’ll be much more comfortable with tee and sweatpants or my suit. But I don’t have much opportunities to look nice, so…..” she pecked Jason lips quickly and moved towards the open wardrobe “what do you think, boyfriend?”
“Babe” every word she just said stung him. He knew she would never betray or cheat on him, but the thought of all those creeps staring at her and getting dirty ideas made him want to tie her to bed and keep her in the sheets with him, reminding her who’s the one to always keep her high and satisfied. But they all had duties to take care of. So he settled on embracing her from behind and kissing her neck softly “you know you can wear whatever you want. You will look hotter than hell. And I know how to fight if anyone would like to steal you away.”
“Babs is the resident beauty not me. If anything Dick should be scared. I’m only …. Addition.”
“Addition?” Jay kissed her neck again hitting her soft spot and making her gasp “you’re the crown jewel, babe. I wish I could go with you and watch everyone getting so jealous of me having you all to myself….” his lips on her skin was sending goosebumps all over her body.
“Jace….” She whispered closing her eyes
“Yes, sweetheart?” his grip was now tighter and she loved it and hate it at the same time.
“Let go of me. Now. Cause if you don’t neither me nor you will leave this apartment tonight.”
“Would it be so bad?” he muttered against her shoulder blade but reluctantly released her. “you should wear the black and red one. You will break necks in it.”
“Bet it has nothing to do with the fact some particular vigilante got those colors as a signature.”
“Vigilante? Who? I don’t really recall anyone choosing that palette.” He smirked with the boyish grin and she could not stop herself from kissing him again.
***  It was 8 when they both left the apartment, using different exits and wishing each other good luck. No hugs and kisses since that would only make them waver once again. Red Hood was on patrol while Cheshire made her way towards Wayne Manor making sure no one was following her. Being truthful to his words, Dick left the window open and without any trouble she found herself in his room, where much to her surprise she found Babs getting ready.
“Hey there, girl.�� She smiled removing her domino mask and meeting with red-head wide and sincere smile “what are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same question, kitten. Is my boyfriend cheating on me?”
“Oh, you caught me! I only came here to tell him our little affair was over since I cannot do this to my best friend.” Y/N put her hand on her heart “And arguably because my boyfriend was after him to hurt him, but that’s on the side.”
“It’s good to see you Y/N.” Barbara smiled again and came to hug the other girl “dick told me you were going to get ready here so I thought we might as well help each other in preparation.”
“Oh, thank god for your foresight. I have no idea how to drape this freaking dress to avoid putting my whole chest on display.
“I had my suspicions about that.”
“And I am absolutely hopeless with makeup and hairdo, so yes, please and thank you for any help you can give me.”
“Don’t worry, my friend. I will make you look perfect.”
Barbara really was a magician with women stuff. Only because of her skillful hands and endless ideas Y/N was now looking like a real lady, classy and gentle, even if most of the times she was just a girl next door. Her dress fit her perfectly and any risk of showing too much was eliminated by cleverly used veil, draped on girl’s shoulder. Her make-up was almost invisible since Y/N had pretty skin (luckily she got no bruises or cuts for the last week so there was no problem with that) and she refused using anything more than some concealer, liner and mascara sticking to the minimum. Unlike Babs she ditched the lipstick not wanting to look like Joker after having one drink and leaving stains on the glass and all over. But still, she felt odd, especially standing next to Babs with her perfect figure and proud posture. Cheshire was used to skin tight suit that was supposed to protect her and enable all the kicks and punches, but this? Evening gown that accented all her hated curves and imperfections  made her feel exposed, not protected. And this was another tradition that was happening every single year even though after all this time she should already be used to it.
“good evening, ladies.” Dick emerged from behind and offered an arm to Barbara “Babs, Y/N.”
“Richard.” Babs smiled at her boyfriend
“Hello Grayson” Y/N smirked only to cover for her insecurity. In a second she would be left all alone like a prey while Dick and Babs will make rounds together.
“You look nervous kitten” Dick pointed out and Y/N scoffed
“Nervous? Of course I am. I’m nervous for the safety of everyone here. You know I got…..”
“claws, I know. And that is exactly why I took care of things.”
“I’m sorry you did what?” she nearly choked because of his words.
“There’s this one guy, really big fish in IT industry. We are trying to get him to share some ideas with WE. And since you are in a warlike mood, you will talk to him. Besides, you are the only one here that actually knows enough about the technology to cover the subject so…..”
“Are you insane?!” she yelled-whispered “did you even hear a word I told you about attending this gala. I wanted out of the radar not being put on the spotlight! What happened to…..” she paused when an elderly couple passed through and smiled charmingly “what happened to the inside jokes and making fun of people?!”
“I’m sorry Y/N, but it’s like I said. You’re the only one knowledgeable enough to succeed. Just this one guy, please, and then you are off the hook.”
“Where is Tim when you need him?” she hissed and reached for the nearest glass of champagne “I don’t think I can do it sober.”
“I will owe you twice” Dick pleaded
“That is tempting…..”
The guy assigned to Y/N was hot. Tall, dark haired and well-build, with perfect nose, lips and all face. His eyes glistened when he saw her approaching and in a real gentleman manner he turned towards the girl.
“You must be miss Y/N Y/L/N?” of course his smile was perfect as well and Y/N was almost blinded by the whiteness of his teeth
“I am” she smiled through gritted teeth “I suppose you’re the tech genius Mr. Blake?”
“ Please, call me Desmond. It would be so much easier to cut the distance this way”
“I see you are very direct Desmond. Does that match in the workplace?” he might have been a predator but she was the one who hold power over words, not the other way round.
“We are not in workplace, are we?”
“But we are supposed to discuss some RD matters.”
“Who said we can’t have a little fun while at it? This is a party after all.”
“High-class party, Mr. Blake and as a CEO you surely understand that.”
“Of course, I had nothing wrong on my mind. Tell me, miss Y/N, do you dance?”
“Only when I’m forced to” she muttered making sure he couldn’t hear her while taking another discreet sip of champagne
“I’m sorry?”
“I said I do, although I am not very good at it.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right partner. Let me guide you” he offered his hand and lead Y/N onto the dancefloor.
This was going to be a looooong night, she thought while noticing Dick and Babs moving to the music on her left. Dick put his thumb up while Barbara only smiled. This was already a torture. Hopefully, things were going better for Jay.
Two hours and three drinks later Desmond seemed a bit nicer than at the beginning. Y/N was not drunk, she was used to keep her senses alerted all the time so she poured away all the alcohol Desmond so wholeheartedly kept on bringing. He did not and that’s why they were now sitting on the secluded couch, far from the crowd, the man babbling about how pretty she looked and how much of his type she was.
“I think you had enough Mr. Blake” she put a hand on his when he reached towards another glass. Apparently that was a mistake since he turned her gaze towards her, his eyes widening.
“Tell me Y/N, why is a girl like you alone at the party? I mean, you are hot.” Oh, fuck. She knew where he was going now. “and everyone here is just ogling you, me included.” Fuck square since he moved closer, almost grabbing her hip.
“ You’re drunk” she said standing up “I think you should sober up. Alone.”
“Don’t you dare turning your back on me, you little bitch. Who do you think you are?”
If only he knew…..
“A woman who knows better than to argue with you. You work for your own reputation Mr. Blake and let me tell you, you are only embarrassing yourself right now. Maybe you should stop before some reporter takes a picture of you stumbling.”
“You think you are so high and mighty, huh? A strong, independent woman, working for Wayne? Acting like a whore to get some attention and you can’t even get a boyfriend?”
“Careful with words, now” she warned slowly turning into Cheshire
“Or what? What exactly will you do, huh? Cause I don’t think you will do a thing…..” he lunged forward and before she could react had her pressed onto the wall, his lips on hers “you are only good for one night stand. And you ask for it, wearing that dress, you little bitch. You only deserved to be fucked and forgotten.’ He was using the fact no one could see them in this place
“Get the fuck off me!!!” she yelled all her instincts kicking in when she pushed the man away and he stumbled back. Unfortunately, while doing so, he stepped onto the hem of her dress tearing it apart and leaving Y/N legs almost completely exposed. “Damn it.” She muttered turning red while the man started laughing like crazy which finally caught some attention and Dick immediately came running for rescue.
“What is going on here?”
“Your little wanton friend is finally dressed the way she should be from the beginning.” Blake snorted
“Mr Blake, I think you should leave….” Tim rushed from the other side of the ballroom scared that either his brother or his friend would kick the man’s ass and made even more of a scene. This was going to be a PR nightmare.
“Leave? Oh, no, no, no. Not before I have a little fun with your little rag doll, here.”
“Let me though.” Another voice interrupted the discussion and Y/N, Dick and Tim turned their gazes towards the side where it came from.
“You’ve got to be kidding me….” Dick whined
“Oh, hell no!” Tim screamed
“What the…..?” y/N said in surprise
“What. The fuck. You think. You are doing?”
“Jason…..” dick tried to step between his brother and Blake before it came to fisticuffs. All of a sudden the latter became much more sober than a second before.
“Get out of my way, Dickhead. This scumbag just humiliated my girlfriend. I will not let him get away with it.”
“I’m sorry but…..”
“You are not sorry.”
“You’re right. I’m not sorry and I can’t let you through. We are trying our best to avoid bloodbath here.”
“I don’t fucking care! He asked for it.”
“Back off, replacement!”
Only now he stopped in his tracks. Because of her voice. Her soft, calm voice. All this time she was standing there silently watching the scene, her dress torn apart , hair messy due to the scuffle, being her calm, collected self. Fuck, she was so beautiful, somewhere deep inside he could not blame this man for wanting her. Who wouldn’t wish for this beauty to be in his arms. But she was his and only his. Only he was allowed to hold her and kiss her and love her. No one fucking else. And this one here, were not only trying to force himself on her, but also called her a bitch and a whore. And that was something Jason Todd could not let go easily.
“Jason, please, let’s just go home.” She said calmly “come on, baby. Nothing happened, all right? He’s not worth your anger. He’s just sad, pathetic man with a lot of problems, apparently. I’m safe.”
“Baby” Jason came closer to her sneaking his arms around her pulling her close “he needs to be punished. He offended you. Let me  take care of that…..”
“Nope. Not this time. Besides, as much as I appreciate your effort, I can take care of myself and this one is just beyond are level. So why bother when we can go home and have that little party for two you mentioned earlier?” she caressed his side softly looking straight into his eyes and he was slowly melting.
“See? I told she is a whore! You better watch out for her, she will cheat on you with the first man…..” Blake did not get to finish the sentence when Dick and Jason grabbed each of his arm and dragged him out the door.
“This will hit all the headlines tomorrow morning….” Tim stammered out, his face as white as a ghost
“You can just buyout all the press companies in Gotham” Y/N said, equally white, but not because of the press.
“Are you kidding me now Y/N?!”
“Come on, Tim. Not the first PR drama for WE. We can turn this around. If not as Y/N and Tim then as Cheshire and Red Robin. We’ve done this before, all right?”
“Fine.” He huffed “One problem at the time. Now, are you all right? He did not hurt you, did he?”
“He could never. I’m better and stronger than it seems in this dress, or rather half-dress now.”
“Good. Otherwise I would have to stand against my own rules and help dick and Jason beat the man.”
“Speaking of the devils, this is taking them too long. Do you think maybe we should check out what is going on?”
“Nothing is going on. The boys are making sure Blake would never come around again. And from what I can predict his company will go down soon.” Barbara chimed in
“If that’s coming from the Oracle, who are we to argue?”
“By the way, where is Damian? He was supposed to act like security. How the hell did Jason sneak in? Not that I’m complaining, but I’d rather dance with my boyfriend than see him fight again ….”
“I was not the security! I never wanted to be here in the first place! I was forced!”
“Who wasn’t?” Tim scoffed
“You’re good Y/N/N?” Damian asked turning towards the girl
“Yes! God! I’m fine, please stop asking me that. I’m just a bit ….. tired.”
“You can stay at the manor than. There is always a place for you.”
“Thanks Dami, but…..”
“She is not going to stay. I’m taking her home.” Jason came into the view again, his nose bleeding.
“What did you do Jace?”
"I told you I know how to fight for you."
“Where is Dick?” Barbara became alerted and both girls exchanged looks
“I’m here. I’m fine. It’s all taken care off.” The oldest Wayne was clutching his bleeding nose as well.
“Did you two have a fight? How unsurprising…..”
"Wait, you beat each other instead of that fucking Blake?" Damian frowned "Can I do it then? I need some action, this party is boring like hell."
"He's been taken care of as well. Probably won't come around ever again" Jason stated proudly.
"What did you do him? Can you descibe in details?" the youngest brother suddenly became much more energetic and interested.
“I’m out, I’m done” Tim turned around throwing his hands in the air “you are all on your own now. I;ve got to do some damage control. See you tomorrow, Y/N. Remember your promise.” He left and so did Damian leaving Jason, y/n, Babs and Dick alone.
“Why did you beat him Jace?”
“He was supposed to watch out for you!”
“I said I’m fine!”
“But who knows what could have happened?!”
“could have, would have, should have….. How about we stop with the possibilities that never came to life, hm? How about you calm down, Jace?”
“How can I calm down?! You could have been hurt!”
“Dick? Babs? I’m so terribly sorry for everything that just happened.” Y/N decided to stop paying attention to Jason for a while.
“As much as I hate to say it, it might have been a bit of my fault.” Dick admitted
“a bit?!”
“Shut up Jason. I’m not talking to you now!” Y/N hissed and he just stood there with open mouth but did not dare saying a word. “I think we should call it a night, do you agree, Babs. We can’t let boys kill each other, right? Someone has to be smart.”
“Yeah, that’s true. We can’t ever rely on them with life choices, can we?”
“Nope. But I guess that’s the Wayne charm. Talk to you tomorrow?”
“Sure y/n. I’ll let you know if dick’s coming after Jay to take revenge for the beating.”
“Ok. I’ll let you know if Jace is coming after Dick to avenge my honor” Y/N laughed and waved Babs and Dick goodbye before turning to Jason. “As for you….”
“Look, I did not mean to make a scene…..”
“I saw you in danger and acted without thinking…..”
“You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you…..”
“Oh for god’s sake!” she moved forward and cut his babbling with a passionate kiss taking him by surprise and leaving a few spare seconds for his brain to react and started kissing her back, his hands travelling up her sides. “I love you, you idiot. And I’m not mad at you, really. That was kind of…. Hot.”
“Only kind of?” he smirked
“Yes, because you still think I cannot take care of myself. You really don’t have to put  the guns out every time you think I’m in danger. Especially when I’m not.”
“but you still like me in my vigilante mode, don’t you?”
 “I never said it.” She scoffed
“Sometimes, words are not needed. I can settle on sounds.” He smirked and she smacked his head becoming red.
“Why are you even here? What about patrol? What about….red’s matters?”
“It’s a quiet night. I was patrolling nearby by accident….
“by accident?” she raised an eyebrow
“And thought I would swing by. And you know the rest.”
‘You are a child, Jason. A big child. And we definitely have a lot to work on in that area. Are you going back on patrol?”
“I wasn’t planning on, but…..”
“Good. Cause you know, I might be a bit turned on and need someone to take care of that. Are you up for the challenge?”
“Let’s go upstairs.” He picked her up and carried her the stairs to his old room, bridal style.
“Wait, here?!” she squealed when he threw her onto the bed and climbed up hovering over her body.
“Do you think I can wait? Honey, I need you right now.” He pressed his lips onto her, delighting in the way she melted into him and started letting out those sweets sounds. “now we can start our party” he smirked moving down her body, removing the straps of her dress and taking care of each square centimeter of her body.
“Jason….” she moaned arching her back “come on, don’t tease…..”
“I’m taking my time with you, babe. You will have to deal with it….”
@pinksirensong @somest1 - let me know if anyone wants a tag in any of my stories
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
BATMAN | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)
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“Long Overdue” (Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on an ambush when they’re overwhelmed.
-Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action, cursing, past death of a child, Reader & Bruce are divorced, -angry!reader
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source: Batman - Three Jokers comic)
| 1k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven.
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Bruce clears his throat for the third time in ten minutes.
In contrast you roll your eyes for the third time in just as long before bending over to switch on the A/C. The Batmobile got stale whenever Bruce started binging. The vehicle not smelling like old blood and sweat stopped being important once your ex husband neglected his duties as Bruce Wayne.
Once upon a time that negligence would have worried you. Still does even if you vehemently tamp it down.
Another clearing of his throat.
“Spit it out already.” You hold your arm tighter to your chest at a bump in the road as you watch him, bullet wound treated rudimentarily enough to hold you over until you get to the cave but still adding to the scent of blood.
Bruce isn't a meta-human; he still emoted even if he did it in such small increments that the untrained eye wouldn’t catch on. You were far from untrained though; you’ve been speaking Bruce almost as long as Alfred has and so you see the twist of fearangersorrow that flashes across his face.
The same damn twist of fearangersorrow from the last days of you and Bruce’s relationship. This time around your stomach doesn’t drop and your body doesn’t flare, mirroring those same emotions. You don’t answer Bruce's natural pull at all in fact, only sigh as you do your best to keep your arm from jarring.
“I didn’t come here to fight. Say what you want.”
Not that you expected to get much leeway on that front. Asking Bruce to communicate without a million half truths was like asking a baby to scrape the paint off thirty feet walls. It could be done technically, it would just take a lot of patience and outside assistance.
His hands tighten on the steering wheel, gloves creaking, before he works through the motions of forcing himself to relax.
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Bruce, when's the last time I liked anything that came out your mouth?”
“You were on a video call with Dick and you laughed when I was complaining about that mite infestation in the cave.”
Of course he would remember that, living filing system that he was.
“Yeah, I was laughing at you,” you clarify with a tiny snort and Bruce gives you his faint smile.
“I know,” he says voice gone soft. You have to clench your eyes shut against the onslaught of emotions that tone elicits. How long has it been since you’ve heard it? “I'm…sorry.”
You don’t think he’s talking about the joke.
“I know,” he repeats before pausing. You recognize the active way he’s composing himself and something in you can’t help but to shrivel up. What could be so bad that he's acting nearly as off as when he had to explain how Joker killed your son to you?
Your heart pumps faster in your chest like it wants to run away from the impending news, and you have to open your mouth so that your breaths don’t begin to stutter. No more, not after Jason, you can’t take another death.
In an attempt to avoid the nearing collision of your anger and worry at Bruce gearing up to drop yet another bomb on you and straight up verbally expressing he’s sorry about it beforehand - which what the hell? - you run through what you know.
He could just be acting funny about a shared account you forgot to separate. That’s always a possibility. You focus on keeping your breathing level.
You’d seen Dick and heard from Babs tonight, talked to Dick on how to not burn down his house whilst cooking just three afternoons ago and he’d mentioned Alfred doing fine then. Hopefully that still rings true. The newest Robin that’d been dragged out of a collapsing building last week would still be recovering and no one had mentioned Timothy adding to his injuries so it likely wasn’t him that had Bruce like this, and you haven’t heard anything negative or otherwise about Batgirl.
Even this new Red Hood guy didn’t seem to be much of a problem outside of you not knowing who the hell he is and him being all up in your business earlier. You’d take a lot of shit over the dysfunctionality of you and Bruce’s relationship, but not from a stranger. Besides, you weren’t omniscient - that was more Alfred’s deal - so you weren’t exactly the best gauge on the greater intentions of the city’s newest crime boss. You made a habit of not looking too closely at Gotham’s vigilante scene if you could help it.
Joker did go by that once though, right before his metamorphic dip in a vat of acid green, but you knew it wasn’t the clown under that helmet. For one, Joker didn’t fight with Hood’s brute strength and honed finesse and secondly you knew for a fact the green haired bastard was in Arkham right now. Alive and well.
Your hands clench at the reminder.
“You let him live!”
“We are not executioners, Y/n!”
“Uh uh. Absolutely not, that’s where you’ve got me fucked up.” You take a deep breath before gesturing towards the expanse of Gotham. “When you choose over and over for this man to live you are explicitly signing everyone else’s death sentences, and how you don’t see that is beyond me.”
The way Bruce shakes his head is almost reflexive.
“We always stop him before he can do anything like that.”
“Oh really? Always? Because I got a son six feet under that says otherwise, and last time I checked so do you.”
Bruce twitches. “We don’t trade lives.”
You stare at him, your frustration a harsh nearly livable thing at that moment. The memory of him throwing you off the Joker, of the screaming match afterwards, makes your tongue taste like ash.
“Sure we do,” you murmur. “You just won’t see it that way.”
“We. Don’t. Stoop. To their level, Nightfall,” he accentuates gruffly and just as suddenly as it came your anger rushes away with the next gust of wind that lashes at your face.
An argument on methodology is not what you came here for. You're furious about The Joker, you have no doubt you always will be, but that fury isn’t what drove you to hunting Bruce down on a random rooftop. Joker isn’t what got you back in your suit on this night. Bruce is.
Bruce Batman who’s clearly getting ready to turn this into a thing again.
“Bruce. Bruce stop it.”
You look at him. Really look at him for the first time in weeks and something just…clicks. Bruce and you have been standing at a precipice this whole time. This was it. How Bruce handled Jay’s death was either going to make or break you. And if Dick going virtually no contact had been the trial run the continual state of your marriage wasn’t looking too good. No more kids to patch up the cracks. No more looking away from new cracks formed.
Your mask gets pulled off a second later.
“My baby is dead, Bruce. We had to bury our mangled son today and you want to go out and be Batman when Bruce Wayne is needed at home. I don’t want to argue philosophies, I want you to leave the cape at the door and be here for me as my husband.”
Problem was that Bruce hadn’t been able to do both, and by the end of that interaction you’d punched him for it. Punched him for your son too. One failed attempt and all of a sudden he couldn’t kill Jason’s killer or let you do it for the both of you. No, he’d cracked down instead. It would be inexcusable and he’d clash with you the whole way.
You can admit to yourself that you gave up because you didn’t want to be faced with the possibility of Bruce throwing you in jail over the Joker. He’d stopped you from wiping him from the earth three times at that point, who’s to say he wouldn’t have eventually caved and gotten you committed?
Bruce couldn’t balance being the husband to a grieving wife and being the grieving father of a murdered son. Couldn’t handle being Bruce Wayne when The Batman was so much simpler; easier to hide behind than confronting everything. So he retreated.
In a way you understood, the death of a child wasn’t something you walked away from at all in some cases and it certainly changed you in every situation, but you were supposed to have been able to deal with that blow together.
Bruce’s voice, tight and broad, less Bruce and more Bat once more, brings you out of your head.
“A few weeks ago the Red Hood made his presence known after an undisclosed amount of time hiding below the radar in Gotham with a duffel bag full of severed heads.”
You hum lightly having already known this. Dick got chatty when he was stressed.
“A few days after that Red Hood and I got in an altercation wherein he unmasked and gave me his blood and fingerprints. Both that I then tested…”
Behind your mask you squint, breath rushing out of you as another possibility you hadn’t dared to let yourself think comes to mind. Grief’s most dangerous wish. You start shaking your head. It's a useless attempt to not let the pieces come together.
“The results matched that of Jason Todd’s,” there’s a moment of brief wrenching stillness before he adds quieter, as if his veneer of control has suddenly been punched out of him. “Our Jason….”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! Comments would be appreciated if you wanted to leave one! I read all of them, I only don’t respond cause this is a side blog.
P.S.: It’s gonna come off like I hate Bruce in the later chapters (only sometimes irl) so yeah. Apparently I’m just getting out some general Bruce frustrations with this, so fair warning. This is not a happy ending for his ass.
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kayadrake123 · 2 years
I’m not your friend
Jason Todd x GN!Reader
A little cute story for Jason!
Jason furrows his eyebrows at the sound of your hushed giggles as you enter the apartment. He messaged you that he’s coming over around a hour ago, and when he found the place empty he just decided to stay and wait up for you. He found it weird that you weren’t home at 2 o’clock in the morning, but he didn’t really worry because you could have gone over to a friend’s place.
He looks up from his spot on the couch to see you stumbling into the room, a dopey smile on your lips as you held onto the wall for balance. You shush yourself a few times but still giggling rather loud. Jason smiles at the sight.
“Y/N?” He calls out, and let’s out a laugh when you jump a little. “Oh hey Jayjay…” You say, a hand held to your chest. You bend down to take off your shoes, which appears to be a difficult task for you as you struggle to pull them off. You almost fall over but catch yourself at the last second. Standing up, you look at the man in front of you with the same goofy smile. “You look nice.”
He smiles at the compliment. “Thank you, are you drunk?”
You move closer to the couch, still stumbling a little bit. Once you reach it, you lean against the arm of the couch and stare into his eyes. The first thing Jason notices is how close you are to his face, and the fact that your eyes are bloodshot red and that you reek of weed.
“Maybe.” You grin at him, your hands coming up to touch his cheeks. Due to your lack of balance and having nothing to support you properly, you fall forward, causing Jason to grab you wrists to stop you. You let out more giggles and look down at your hands. “You care about me.”
You say it teasingly, but Jason ignores it to encourage you to take a seat. “Uh-huh, come and sit on the couch Boobie.”
You smile at the nickname, but listen nonetheless and allow him to pull you into the seat next to him. ‘Boobie’ is a nickname you and Jason came up with when you were kids. You’ve known him since Bruce first adopted him, and rekindled your friendship when he came back from the pit. People have always said you two were inseparable, stuck close together like to boobs in a bra (the words of Dick Grayson while he was drunk off of his ass). S you both now call each other ‘Boobie’ for that reason.
As soon as you sit down, you snuggle up close to him with your nose buried into his neck. You take a deep breath before they turn into soft ones. For a second Jason thinks you’re sleeping, but then you start humming a song. He side eyes you but goes to pick up the poetry book he was looking at without moving you too much.
As his eyes scan the pages, he feels you peek to see what he’s up to. A scoff leaves your lips before you sit up and move away from him to face him properly. You lick your lips before speaking.
“‘I wanted to tell him that I loved him, that my heart beats a little faster when he smiles at me. I wanted to tell him that whenever I’m away from him, the noise gets louder and that the knife feels deeper.’” Jason looks up at you with and lowers the book onto his lap. With his full attention, you continue. “‘But I can’t. Not when he looks at her like that, and how she looks back. Not when his hands feel cold in mine, but his face heats up at the sight of her. Not when I know the pain of rejection is one I wouldn’t be able to take. So I stay silent.’”
“Hm.” Jason stares at you, a curious expression on his handsome face.
“It’s one of my favourite poems.” You tell him, an almost painful smile on your lips. Your eyes move to another spot in the room, a distant look on your face as you let out a loud sigh.
The atmosphere in the room changes. Jason watches you closely, trying to understand exactly what you’re feeling and thinking in this very moment. He says nothing, and neither do you. You fall into a comfortable silence.
After a few minutes Jason stands up to get you a glass of water and some Chinese you have left over in your fridge from last night. As he warms it up in the microwave, he leans against the island in the middle of the kitchen to get a view of you on the couch. You have your head in your hands with both your eyes closed, probably trying to get yourself together.
He shakes his head at you but let’s out a little chuckle.
“Here you go Y/N,” Jason kicks your foot gently to get your attention when he returns to the living room. You lift your head a little too quickly and groan in pain. “Easy easy…”
“Thank you,” you whisper, your voice now a little raspy. You take the glass and the plate.
Jason responds before taking up his previous seat. There’s a little space between the two of you, not much, but enough for the both of you to move around.
You chew on your food, occasionally taking a sip of water, as Jason continues to read some poetry, but not without sneaking a few glances at you to make sure you’re eating. You finish eating in about 15 minutes and place your dishes on the coffee table in front of you.
“Hey Boobie?” You start.
“Mhmm?” He doesn’t look up from the words on the pages, but you know he’s listening.
You clear your throat. “Do you think it’s possible to love someone that much?”
He still doesn’t look up. “What do you mean?”
“Like in the poem. All that fairytale shit we hear about butterflies, and hearts beating faster, all that shit. Do you think it’s true?”
“Um…” he licks his lips and lifts his head to look ahead of him in thought. “I mean, I think it’s possible for someone to make you that happy. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that if you don’t feel those ‘butterflies’ that you’re not in love with the person. It’s different for people.”
“And the pain?”
“Of rejection?”
“Of love in general.”
He looks up at the ceiling now. “The people who love us the most, can hurt us the most. And the other way round.” He looks at you in the eyes now. “Whether it’s intentional or not, we hurt those around us. But the beauty of love? It’s being able to help each other heal those wounds they caused each other. To accept all the ugly and the beautiful, because that’s what love truly is. It can be painful, but it can also be beautiful.”
You’re stuck staring at him. You try to move your mouth to reply to his poetic words, to tell him you agree, but you can’t. It’s like your body is afraid to ruin the moment, afraid that if you move too much you’ll scare him off. One of Jason’s eyebrows lift as he stares back at your face. He can’t explain the look on your face, because it’s not emotionless, in fact it’s full of so much emotion.
“You have beautiful eyes.” It comes out without you even realising you’re saying it.
His eyes widen at the compliment. This compliment isn’t like the one you said earlier, or all the ones you’ve ever said to him, because this one is said with some much love that it surprises him.
“Thank you,” He clears his throat. “Your eyes are beautiful too.”
You smile at him and he swears he’s so fucking in love with you.
You both continued to talk, having conversations about anything and everything. The room was filled with laughs, whispers, yells and the occasional song from one of your phones. Throughout it all, you both keep on stealing long glances at each other. Unspoken words sit on the tips of your tongues, words you both wish you were more confident to say.
Somehow you got onto the topic of fears, and had migrated from the couch to your bed. Both of you lay on your backs, your heads to the ceiling.
Your heads are both on one pillow. You’re so close to each other that you can feel his body heat. It comforts you to have him so close. It makes you feel safe.
“What’s your biggest fear?” He whispers to you.
“My biggest one?” He hums. You turn your head to look at him, causing Jason to do the same. Your noses are practically touching. “Losing you.”
He turns his head into the pillow to let out a laugh. You smile at how cute he is. When he turns back, he has a little bit of red on his cheeks and a dopey smile on his lips.
“Losing me?” He questions.
“Because I love you.”
He doesn’t move. The smile he held seconds ago disappears, leaving behind a blank expression. The longer you watch him though, you realise that he isn’t looking at you blankly, that his emotions are where you always find them: his eyes. For as long as you can remember, Jason has always been a hard cookie to crack, he’s been trained to hide his emotions by Batman and years of trauma. But one day, as you stared deep into his eyes, you realised that Jason’s eyes held all his emotions.
For something so beautiful, his eyes hold so much rage within them.
“You love me?” He finally asks, his voice just above a whisper.
“Of course I do, I tell you this all the time.” You smile at him, but you know what he’s really asking. You can feel it too.
You’ve said those 3 words dozens of times to him, but this time, it feels and sounds different. Like you mean it differently this time. Like you don’t mean it as just friends.
“No but…” His hand comes up to your cheek and hovers above it, as if he’s afraid to touch you. “Not like that.”
“Then like what?” You were beginning to sober up. You move your head so that his palm finally touches your cheek. He cups it gently, stroking the area below your eyes soothingly. “Like I have a crush on you?”
He chuckles at your childishness. “Do you have a crush on me?”
You grin. “Sometimes…”
“Yeah, like when you won’t stop looking at me like that.” You playfully try to push his face away from yours. He laughs at your actions, his hands coming up to grab your wrists. He lays a kiss on one of your palms.
“Like what?”
“With your stupid pretty eyes and face that make me nervous and blush and shit,” He snorts, the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard leaving his mouth. His one hand moves to caress your cheek. “And when you do cute shit.”
“Cute shit?” “Like you are now.”
He leans his forehead against yours, his eyes closed and your hand held up to his chest in between the both of you. One of your hands move to stroke his hair soothingly. Jason moans softly at the feeling, his body moving slightly closer to yours. A yawn leaves your mouth, causing you to pause in your movements. Jason opens his eyes and watches you throw your head back as you let another yawn out.
When you look back at him, he has the softest smile on his beautiful pink lips. It makes him look more kissable. You wish you had the courage to just lean in closer and press your lips against his. Hell, you wish you had the courage to tell him you love him. Your right hand moves to stroke his bottom lip.
“You’re my best friend…” you start, and something flashes in Jason’s eyes. The smile falls from his lips. “Don’t say that.” He gives you a vulnerable look.
“And I love you. Just…not how I’m supposed to.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “What are you saying?”
You give him a sad smile. “Nothing. I just…wanted you to know that I love you.”
“I love you too.” His eyes drift to your lips before looking you straight in the eyes. “Not how I’m supposed to.”
Your smile grows wider, and you can’t stop yourself from leaning over and placing a loving kiss on the side of his mouth, so close to his lips. His eyes close at the sensation. You place another kiss on his forehead and allow him to snuggle under your chin and into your chest, his arms wrapping around your lower stomach and yours circling his shoulders while cradling his head.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep, not only because you’re still kinda drunk but also because you have the man you’re in love with cradled in your arms.
Even though you know you’re probably going to be mortified when you wake up for saying all this shit to Jason, for now you allow the familiar scent of Jason to consume you as you drift off into slumberland.
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hi. you have written a few stories about Reader being Dicks best friend. What if she was Jasons best friend and has a secret thing going on with Dick and Jason has no idea.
Sure thing mate, though its going to be in 2 parts because i'm buggered today.
Brother & Bestie.
Dick Grayson x Brat!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, Degradation, hair pulling, swearing, pet names, secret fuck buddies.
"It's unlocked," Dick calls from the kitchen, "Oh, it's you, you little fuck,” he groans when he leans out of the door and spots you, “Let me grab my coat,” he rounds the corner looking for his jacket, “you can tell me on the way what he's been arrested for this time," he turns and notices you standing still in his doorway, "I swear, you pair get up to more trouble than anyone I've ever known,” he pauses, grabbing his jacket from the back of one of his dining chairs.
"Not in jail, this time." You mention casually as you close and lock the door behind you.
"So he wants something," he walks, his huge gait bringing him to you in an instant, "and he sent you because-" he grabs your chin, tilting your head up to his eyes," well, he hasn't quite figured out why yet," Dicks lips tilt into a smug smirk, “I really need to get that boys head checked.”
"Can we borrow the projector? Jay said you had a nice one that we could set up on the roof."
"You little shits are having a movie night and you didn't invite me?" Dicks fingers tighten on your face, “That’s fucking rude,” his eyes drift down your face, down towards your breasts, "take this off," he plucks at your old shirt releasing you from his grasp, "and I'll think about it."
You hurry to pull the shirt over our head, throwing it on the ground, "So, can we borrow the projector now?" you plant your hands at your sides, trying to stop yourself from going into full on begging just yet, “I’ll owe you one.”
“From what I recall,” his hand wraps around the back of your neck as he steps back, taking your face with him, “You owe me quite a few.”
"I promise to invite you to the next movie night." you try to reason with him, but you can’t help the way you’re looking at him. It’s been what? Maybe two weeks and fuck you already miss the way he makes you feel.
“Too late for that.”
“Please Dick, please let us borrow it.”
"Say it again"
"Please, I'd be so grateful."
“To who?”
“You. Please Dick, I’d be so grateful to you.”
"On your knees,” he releases your face, leaning back on the small dining table, “ask me from the ground."
"Dick, please please please please can we borrow your projector?" you plead, staring up at him from your knees.
"Such a pretty beggar." He coos, pushing your hair back from your face, "you going to pay for it?" You nod a little too quickly, making Dick laugh, "are you sure it's the projector you want? Or did you miss me?" Your gaze drops, shit. You know you’re acting too keen because well, you are, "did my pretty little pet miss the way I make her feel?"
"No." you lie, shifting your weight on your legs.
“I know when you’re lying,” you see his feet cross in front of you, “I can see it in your pretty eyes, Keep them on me. Now tell me the truth. Did you miss me?”
“Yes,” You adjust yourself, making yourself taller while planting your hands on your thighs for balance.
"What a good pet, always knows how to sit," his voice soft and encouraging while he slips out of his pants and grabs something from the chair behind him. Your eyes lock on his cock when it springs out right in your face, already half hard, “Lift your knees up,” he slides the pillow under your knees, “Good girl, don’t want to scrape those pretty legs,” he pats at your hair, "Open your mouth." You drop your jaw, your tongue hanging out like a dog on a hot day, "good girl, now take it in your- yes, just like that- and- fuckkkk…" he moans as your lips wrap around the head of his cock, your tongue flicking just over the tip. “Finally something your smart mouth is good at,” You want nothing more than to wrap your hands around the base, but last time you moved without permission he took it away, "you want it all, don't you Pet?" His long fingers tangle through your hair at the nape of your neck, yanking your head back, "Want me to fuck your pretty throat, Pet?" He stares down at you, smiling so wide when you nod at him, "Relax your throat,” his hands grip tighter into your hair, “1. 2. 3. Ahhhhh." He pushes himself all the way down your throat, the sting of the stretch making you squirm.
You lick at the underside of his cock as tears start to well in your eyes and your throat is stretched to the brim with his cock. His hands guide you back and forth along his length, your hands now resting his thighs as he uses your throat for his pleasure. You can feel yourself dripping into your panties, your thighs rubbing together to try and give yourself some relief, while trying to stay as still as possible.
"Your throat feels so fucking good, Pet." He moans, "way to good. Shit,” Dick pauses, his hand slowly caressing your face, “how are you so good at that?"
"Didn't catch that," Dick smirks when your eyes meet his, "you having trouble talking?" You roll your eyes so wide there's no way he misses it, "going to be like that?” his hands slaps at your cheek, “Fuck, that feels good.” you moan around him and he shivers, stepping back and groaning when his cock falls from your mouth, “Stick your tongue out.” he grips the base of his cock in his hand, “Good girl, eyes- yes Pet,” he slaps his cock on your tongue, once, twice, never looking away from you, “Fuck, you shiver when I do that,” a third time, “Get up, Pet.” he yanks you up by the hair, one hand sliding under your arm to help you up, "bend over the table Pet, I wanna see that pretty ass."
You bite down on your lip to keep the squeal of excitement in. Your hands move to pull the button on your jeans down before you hear Dick tutting behind you, "Did I tell you to take those off?"
"No, what?"
"No way." you suck in your lips trying to keep your laugh in.
"Then why are you taking them off?"
“Pet, your chance to be a bitch is over,” Dick shakes his head at you, “Unless, you just want to go? Which you are free to do at any time, doors right behind you.”
“No, I don’t want too.”
"Then why don’t you be a good pet and do as you're told,” he mutters, “for once.”
“Huh?” you say confused, you’d always been good or tried to be when you could keep your mouth shut, “What do you-”
“No more questions, Pet. Spread,” You lean on to your hands, spreading your legs apart as you arch your back into the table.
"Like this?"
"Good girl," he spanks you once, before his hand snakes around your middle and tugs at the zip on your jeans. His long fingers grazing along the fabric as he drags it down your legs, "step- good."
You beam, looking back and seeing him on his knees, his face so close and yet so far from your pussy. You have to stay still, but the urge to push back is so strong you can feel yourself inching closer.
He spanks you again, "don't you rush me. this is my pussy," he hits you again, "isn't it, Pet?"
"I'll play with it how I want,” his fingers palm at your ass, “You want that projector don't you?"
"Yes," even though it's the furthest thing from your mind right as his mouth inches closer to you. “Please.”
"You’ve been naughty” he ponders and your mind reels trying to figure out just what you’ve done, “I’ll just have a little taste, for me. Not you," his tongue darts out scooping up some of your pussy juice and moaning at your flavour, "just as perfect as last time. Tell me you remember the last time."
"Bar Night, last Wednesday."
"That was a while ago, no wonder you offered to come here. Though it does beg the question-" He tilts forward, pressing his nose into your ass as his tongue licks over your clit. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?” He moans into you so hard that you don’t fully hear him, only catching something about a phone. You try to piece together his words, only to lose your train of thought when Dicks hands grab your hips to keep you still, "Be a good pet and let me eat in the ambiance." He licks at you, his tongue darting inside, “Give me my ambiance,” he moves down and down until his lips wrap over your clit.
"Yes, please, more," you moan, clenching your fists to try and keep yourself still.
He mumbles something into your pussy and you feel two long fingers slip inside you, pressing and stretching you out for him. His tongue flicks over your clit, his cheeks hollowing as he sucks hard on your clit. The strong fingers still on your hip dig into your side, his nails pinching you, marking you down to your thigh and making your insides catch fire.
Your mind starts to swirl as your pussy begins to pulse around his fingers, "Close," you pant, "so fucking close."
"Hmmm, good Pet" he hums, the vibrations on your clit make you squirm even more.
Suddenly Dick sits back on his feet and you can imagine the smirk on his face as your pussy chases after him, clenching around nothing but air, "but I didn't say you could cum yet."
"Please, please Dick. I wanna cum so bad."
"Don’t even remember- No. keep facing forward." he pushes your head back around when you try to look at him, “What was I saying?” he asks, brushing his body against yours, his cock prodding at your pussy, “Oh, yeah.” he presses the tip of his cock into you, “I don’t remember telling you, you were allowed to cum, Pet.”
“Yes,” you nod, “I can..” you squeeze your eyes shut, trying not to imagine how fucking hot he looks standing behind you with just his shirt on “..I think I can-”
“You will hold it,” he tugs on your hair, “My pet only cums on my command. Correct?” he asks you, pulling you back so your head is resting against his chest, “Answer me Pet. Or is it too hard to think,” he thrusts up, “With my big cock inside you?”
“So full,” you moan as he tips your head back and your eyes start to glaze over when he gets so deep inside you, “Dick, yes,” your hands cling to Dick as best at they can, attempting to not have your hair and the hand around your middle being the only things keeping you upright.
“Fuck, Jasons been wasting you,” he moans, catching your lip between his teeth, “Pet as pretty as you should be used,” his hand slips from your hair to around your throat, “filled,” he bites down on your tongue when you try to stick it in his mouth, “Fucked.” shoving his own into yours and palming at your breasts, “What do you think your little bestie would say if he could see you now?”
“Fuck, Dick.” you moan, “Don’t-”
“Think he’d be jealous?” he grinds up into you, “Think he’d be mad at me for fucking you?” he hits a spot that makes you cry out and start to twitch around him, “would he be mad at you for fucking his brother?” his hand tightens on your throat, “Open your eyes,” he slows down, pressing his fingers into your cheeks, “Would he be mad if he found out how long-” he moans when you start to clench on his cock, “-how long we’ve been doing this?” your pussy like a vice as it flutters around him, “Fuck that turns you on doesn’t it?”
“Yes, Fuck, I’m getting close again.”
“No you’re not.”
“I really-” your eyes roll back so far as your mouth hangs open “Dick I-”
“I said,” he stops moving, leaving his cock deep inside you, “No. You hold it or we stop. You can take it for me, can’t you, my Pet?”
“Yes. I- I will.” you try to turn it off, just how hot and flustered and how fucking close you are, to push it down, push it away. But it’s still there, just bubbling at the surface.
“Good girl, bend over.” he pushes you over the table, “You can take it.” he fucks hard into you, “Take whatever I give you,” his hands grip on your hips pulling your ass into him, “Love watching your ass bounce on me.” you grind back into him, biting down so hard on your lips that you can taste the blood, “You take it so well for me.” he pounds and pounds into you. Your head spinning with the force that its taking to keep your pleasure in while his cock fucks you so perfectly. His moans and grunts fill your ears and make it even harder for you to stop from cumming. “Can I fill you up, Pet?” he fucks into your harder while his fingers wrap around your leg and press into your clit, “Yeeeeessssss, squeeze around meee like Thatt,Fuuuck.”
“Yes, I want it. I want it. I want it.”
“Beg for me, my pet.”
“Please cum, please fill me up.” you pant breathlessly, your hips bruisingly sore from how hard he’s been fucking you into the table.
“My good Pet,” he growls, covering your body with his, “My good girl,” he bites down on your shoulder, “My perf- Ahhh Fuc…fect Pet.” his body shaking as his warm cum fills your tight pussy, the excess already starting to drip out around him and down your bare thigh. “Fuck, I can feel you getting close again Pet,” he pants so close to your ear, before his breath turns heavier and he pulls away from you, his heat leaving you almost as fast as his cum is falling down your leg.
“What?” you breathe out, “Dick, you- what?” you turn confused and find him pulling his pants up, “Where are you going?” you ask, resting your head on the table and staring back at him as he steps away from you, his eyes still trained on your ass.
“Oh Pet,” he smiles at you, “How will you learn your lesson if you’re not punished?”
“Have a think about it while I grab the projector,” he slaps your ass, “might want to put your clothes back on too.”
“Cruel!” you shout at him as you shuffle down the table and try to stand. “Fuckin, shit balls.” you swear as your legs shake under you and you need to grip the table as you bend down to grab the band of your jeans and attempt to pull them up one handed. “The fuck did I ever do to you!” you yell as the denim catches on your sticky ass legs.
“Think about it, 3 days ago,” he calls from down the hallway.
“3 days- when I moved?” finally getting the ass of your jeans up over your thighs and zipping them up, “what about it? You knew I was moving out of Jay and Roys love nest,” you stand, finding your shirt on the ground and slipping it over your head.
“Yeah, but you didn’t answer when I called you,” he says when he reappears leaning against the doorway.
“When did you-” Fuck, that must’ve been when you saw someone calling when you and Jason were unpacking your living room and rejected the call and then totally forgot about it, fuck. “-my bad. I totally forgot to call you back.”
“Now you’re getting it. 3 days and nothing. Not a call, not a text and Pet,” he shoves the projector into your hands, “I know you're sorry. I can see the sorry soaking your jeans,” he grabs your face pulling you close, “Don’t you wash that off until I tell you,” he commands, “and next time,” his lips a breath away from yours, ”you’ll know to at least call me back. Oh and-” he kisses you, his lips so soft and sweet against yours, “Have a fun night,” you hear the door click open behind you, “I’ll be seeing you real soon, Pet,” he growls, shoving you out of the door and slamming it in your face.
6 hours later. PART 2
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It Began With A Run
Forgive me, for my mind as taken hold in a way that is foreign to me, yet familiar. New ideas, new stories, and far too little fanfiction, even if the phantom is very much not-dead :p
Enjoy loves! And may Clockwork be ever in your favor.
(I had to do it, I just had to)
This was not planned. Hell, Danny didn’t understand couldn’t tell you what was planned, because there wasn’t one. However, he can tell you how it began.
Telling my parents about being Phantom was not the best idea, but in my defense, they had been calm over the last year or two, and I’d spent more years dealing with their constant ideas and prejudice towards the other version of me than could be healthy. Deep down, I was tired, bone creakingly tired of being on constant edge, worried they would find out and what they would do to me.
I never meant to tell them but when you’re running on 2 hours of sleep over the last week and a half because school and ghost/heroism do not mix, no matter what the bats will tell you, it just sort of spills out. Puns are not the way to go, by the way, if you are trying to tell your parents you are half dead. Another thing, Fuck you, I know for a fact that those bats are kids, one of them is my twin brother. He just… doesn’t know that I know who he is. Listen, not my best brother moment, but I lost the rights to even be a part of that competition when I left Damian with the league.
Besides… he doesn’t recognize me anyway. I’ve changed too much, been gone too long, I don’t even look like him anymore. How do I know this? Because I just handed him his batburger nasty burger is way better and he just looked right on through me. He looks happy though, surrounded with Tim Drake and Richard Grayson, that smile glare was proof of that. His eyes are alight with so much more than I had ever seen when I was with him.
“Hey Demon, Pretender, Dick” I turned to the door, the perfect customer-service simile on his face. However, that smile grew into a real one when he saw who it was. Jason Todd, although, he wouldn’t tell you that, he’s got to keep a low profile, he is meant to be dead after all. I turned and ordered Jason’s usual, a red-hood burger. It is really good, much better than the regular bat burger, but I couldn’t tell you what it consists of, only Red Hood himself knows. Maybe I should just ask Jason, I’m sure he would tell me.
I turned back around now, his order in my hand and his drink made with ghost ice. What? It calms him down It keeps your drinks colder for longer without melting as fast and Jason always complains about the ice melting in his drink, this just shuts him up. I lean against the counter and wait for a minute, today is pretty slow so its just us in the joint, other than the cook but he just went on lunch break. Jason finally looks over at me and I hold up the order with a smirk on my face.
“I can’t believe you’re just letting your burger get cold like this. Maybe I should just eat it instead, it’s not the best but it will do…” I peak into the bag, skewing my face into something akin to contemplative. I hear Jason huff and the others stifle a laugh and tense ever so slightly.
“Don’t make me come over there Danny, I’ll make you regret it.” Jason threatens, but we all know that he doesn’t really mean it. At least, that’s what I though, until the others tense further and Dick steps in between us slightly.
“Alright Jason, I’m sure the kid didn’t really-“ Richard spoke, his voice calms and his hands slowly going up, but he gets stopped short when I pop up under his arm and between him and Jason.
“Yeah Jason, take a chill pill. It’s my job to be a hot-headed, angsty teen, not yours” I push the bag and drink into his hands and flick him on the forehead, pushing some of my ectoplasm into him. The effect is instant, even if no one else notices. His shoulders drop a little, his smile grows, and his eyes, oh his eyes, they went from a muted, dull happy, to a fiery swirl of joy and excitement.
“Alright Alright” Jason’s voice was soft like silk, “Hey death buddy, meet my family, that’s Tim, Dick, and that your look-alike Damian” Jason paused for a moment and tilted his head. “Damian, I think you have a clone, I mean, look at him” Jason made gestures at me, his eyebrows drawn together in thought.
Damian made a tt sound with his mouth and moved to rebuke Jason’s claims, or, he would have, if the name hadn’t struck a chord core memory feelings, thoughts, home home home. It hit Damian full force; I could see it. My twin, my brother who I love beyond all else and failed worse than any other, tried to hug me.
What can I say, this story began with a run.
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mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 2-Murder
I didn’t realize I had posted the 1st story a day early. It was a stressful day and I thought I was going to forget to post. I didn’t realize until the next morning. Sorry.
It was game night in the Wayne household. Damian had taken to bringing his new girlfriend, Marinette, to the manor. She had become a regular at Wayne Manor for close to a year now. Just about everyone in his family loved her. Bruce had become very selective on what games were allowed in the house after the Monopoly Incident and the Uno War. Tonight was a card game with questions; he thought he was prepared for anything. When it came to the boys, they always proved him wrong.
"Question, have you ever wanted to murder someone?" Dick read out.
'Who makes these cards?'
"Joker." Jason answered immediately.
"Yes. I have dibs on someone and I have the backing to get away with it." Marinette answered.
All the Waynes, except Damian, looked at the little sunshine who had graced their lives.
"What?" she asked, looking at them, confused, "You all live in Gotham. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it."
"Are they in Gotham?" questioned Bruce, carefully.
"Paris." she replied, handing the dice to Jason.
"Who pissed you off enough for you to want them dead?" Dick asked, "Look at you! You're like sunshine!"
Marinette shook her head, "I'm not telling. I have no doubt in my mind that Damian would go after them and as I said, I have dibs."
"You wouldn't go through with it." Damian implied.
She turned to him and smiled, "I applied to a bunch of scholarships to get away."
"How close were you?" Tim questioned.
"Your acceptance email popped up during my planning so I burned all the evidence and never looked back." she answered, "Congradulations, your email saved someone's life."
Damian scooted closer to his girlfriend, "Who do I have to kill?"
"This is a no killing household, I remind everyone." Bruce announced.
"Fuck you, I have dibs." Marinette replied, ignoring Bruce, "If anyone kills her, it's gonna be me!"
Game night was finally over and Damian had declared he was taking Marinette home.
"I still can't believe Demon Spawn is dating her." Todd declared.
"He takes after Bruce." Tim yawned.
"What does that mean?" Bruce asked.
The trio looked at each other and smiled.
Todd smirked, "If they end up together, she probably wouldn't bat an eye if he came home covered in blood. Honestly, probably wouldn't blink if we told her who we really are."
"She could kill him, too, at this point." Drake stated.
"You like dangerous women, B." Dick winced, "Sure, you put on an act for the media, but those gala ladies don't do it for you."
"Junior isn't that different from you." Jason commented.
"Well, maybe she'll become our legal sister." Tim commented, making the other two nod in approval.
"I call dibs on killing Demon Spawn if he breaks her heart!" Jason shouted.
Bruce sighed, "You can't kill your brother."
"I can protect my sister, though!" he shot back.
"She's not your sister." Bruce declared.
"Fuck you!" Jason stood up, "You adopted us; I can adopt her!"
The boys laughed, while Bruce just sighed.
'Why did I think game night was a good idea?'
Jason was quick to notice Marinette pouting in the Wayne kitchen; he didn't even know she was going to stop by. Usually, Damian told everyone as a precaution. He noticed the air of sadness around her. It was weird to see her looking like Tim when he ran out of coffee.
"What's with Pixie Pop?" he asked.
Damian chuckled, as he drank his black assam tea, "She's been in a bad mood since last night."
"Why?" Jason asked.
"Remember my dib?" Marinette questioned, continuing to pout.
"The murder one?" the older Wayne asked.
"Yeah." she sighed.
"What about it?" Jason groaned.
"She died." Damian declared.
"You killed someone?" Jason shouted.
Marinette glared at him, "You think I would be this pouty if I had done it? I would be baking a storm of macarons, right now!"
Damian smirked, "Bitch died of natural causes."
"Yeah, naturally spreading her legs open." Mari huffed, "Apparently, one of her many boy toys wasn't as faithful as she thought."
"So," Jason spoke looking at the down-hearted Marinette, "karma? How did you find out anyways?"
"She's trending on Parisian twitter." Mari answered, making the brothers chuckle, "Turns out the cause of death was written in her obituary. One of her boyfriends said he was gonna get tested. He was always faithful and wondered if it was from an ex and just never told her. He posted a tweet saying she was the best girlfriend he ever had and how long they had been toegther. Other guys started coming out of the woodworks claiming they were dating her. They started posting pictures and comparing dates. Let's just say it got quiet after awhile and they all started bashing on her afterwards. Her perfect saint picture was shattered and many things came into the light."
Jason walked over and patted her head, "Well, perhaps, those that threw you away will learn the truth."
"Who cares?" Mari answered, "I've been done with them for almost five years. They wanted their golden ticket. They just never noticed the spray paint cans."
"Go rest up." he called, turning to leave the room, "I'm sure sooner or later someone will come looking. They always do."
"They better not." she growled out.
The older Wayne turned and scrutinized her, "You have a whole hit list, don't you?"
Damian walked over and kissed his girlfriend's head, "She was at the top."
Todd smirked as he walked out of the room.
'I knew I liked her.'
"Let's go get you some cheesecake ice cream and you can plan homicide in your pajamas, where you're comfy." Damian declared.
Marinette smiled and kissed his cheek, "You know me best, Habibi."
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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hearteyeshayley · 1 year
could you post other parts of your og draft for “call me from the platform”? i love your stories and the way you write the characters is amazing!
ahh thank you! <3 <3 <3 This ask makes me feel like a real fic writer lmao. I'd love to share!!! call me from the platform is definitely the fic I've spent the longest working on, and each draft was so different!
Here's a cut scene from the draft where I was still doing Damian's POV:
Damian couldn’t eat the breakfast sandwiches. They were made of egg, cheese, and bacon. He texted Jon and instructed him to meet at the nearest park. Damian already claimed a picnic table for them. The food was cold by the time he got there, but he accepted the bag when Damian pushed it toward him. 
“Thanks,” Jon said. 
“I can’t eat them. They’re probably terrible, anyway. Drake bought them.” 
“Why did he buy you food you can’t eat?” Jon asked, unwrapping a sandwich and taking a bite. 
“He bought them for himself,” Damian studied Jon’s face carefully, and pointedly added, “and Conner.” 
Jon huffed a little laugh, which was extra gross because he was eating. He chewed and swallowed.
“Wow, Conner. He must be growing on you. You called me Kent forever.” 
“Shut up, Kent.” 
Jon smiled fondly and Damian forced himself to looked away. 
“Aren’t you going to ask why I stole their breakfast?” 
“Was it because they annoyed you?” 
“Conner said he knows you’ve snuck out of the house.” 
Jon cringed. 
“Oh, shoot. Well, sometimes it’s hard to stop yourself from listening and everything. Dad’s way better at it. I bet he doesn’t know, at least.” 
Damian leaned forward. 
“Have you ever accidentally listened to Conner? Perhaps there’s something we could use against him, to make sure he doesn’t tattle.” 
“Um… no. But I don’t think he’ll tell. He’s cool. And he hasn’t so far.” 
Damian sat back and tapped his finger against the table. So, Jon didn’t know. He didn’t think he did, because Jon told him everything. The thought made his stomach twist but he ignored the pull of guilt. Jon told him everything, and Damian had secrets. They both knew it, so it was fine. 
He thought that seeing Father for essentially two days a week would repair their relationship, but they fought more than ever. When they returned to the cave in the early hours of dawn they got into their worst fight yet over whether or not Damian would be attending college. He pretended to go to bed before sneaking out and catching a string of public transportation to the outskirts of Metropolis. By the time he walked back to Tim’s he’d been up for 24 hours and all he wanted to do was wake him up and tell him the new plan—  that he would be staying in Metropolis full-time and patrolling with Jon— but it wasn’t Tim sleeping in his bed. 
It was an embarrassing shock, to say the least. He’d learned to knock after years of living with Dick and Bruce, but he never expected that sort of surprise from Tim. And he certainly didn’t expect Tim to be gay or bisexual or whatever. He managed to compose himself before confronting the clone— but then he tried to pull that basic blackmailing bullshit, threatening to make it more difficult for him to see Jon. It set him off, even though now that he’d had time to cool down, he realized Jon was right. Conner Kent was hardly a threat. 
It wouldn’t be right to tell Jon, no matter how much he itched to.
But finding out Tim was queer rattled him and left him strangely on edge. He wanted to talk about it with someone, so they would be rattled, too, and he would have concrete proof that it wasn’t just him. It was news that would shock anyone. If Grayson found out, he would be rattled. If Jason found out, his chest would tighten. If Duke found out, he would feel off balance. Just like Damian. 
Jon crumpled up the sandwich wrapper and shoved it back into the bag. He stretched. He could draw Jon with his eyes closed but he still caught himself staring at him all the time like he was a fresh face he needed to memorize. By this point it must’ve been habit. Jon’s arms were long and lean, but he had filled out a lot since starting high school. The lines that made up his face had gotten sharper. His eyes, even behind his glasses, were brighter than the blue sky behind him. It was impossible to capture the way they lit up on canvas, even though Damian was a very talented artist. 
“Do you want to hang out at my house?” Jon asked. 
Damian wasn’t sure what he wanted at all.
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fractualized · 2 years
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I guess this is just a thing I'm doing now. Commentary on The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3!
(Spoilers and lotsa gore below the cut.)
You know, between whatever is going on with the two Jokers in TMWSL, the DNA gremlins in The Deadly Duo, and the multiple Jokers in Bruce's head over in Zdarsky's Batman, there are a lot of Joker clones running around these stories right now!
But in this story, we come back in to Jason attacking Protagonist Joker, who isn’t much upset about it.
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This made me think of that bit in the Arkham Knight game, when Joker talks like he and Bruce are Jason’s parents.
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Poisoned > shot, thinks Joker.
Jason says his intention is to kill the clown, but he sure doesn’t get it over with. Here it seems like he plans to do some interrogation first.
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"I don't really understand, no" and "but you asked me a question" are my readings. lol
Anyway, all the hubbub gives Joker the opportunity to trick Jason into thinking Batman has shown up to keep Joker alive as usual.
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Escape time! Joker uses the OG Harley bust to help him sink under the cover of the water. And maybe I’m thinking too much about this, but it comes off as symbolic? Joker clinging to a past version of Harley to keep him alive, which she used to happily do. And if you read it like that, of course he ends up losing the bust too. lol
Meanwhile, Possible Clone Joker tries to get back in with the Legion of Doom, but he can’t help but be kind of a dick about it.
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Joker stops the confrontation from descending into a gunfight, and Luthor says this.
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A clue that this is Definitely Clone Joker? Maybe!
Ultimately, the Legion is not impressed with Joker and tells him to get lost, and what's weird about this is that Punchline has the same sentiment.
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Punchline has been around for so short a time and DC is already dropping the ball on her. I've read Joker War, her origin story, her B-side story in the Joker 2021 issues, and the two issues of The Gotham Game so far, and there's been no moment where her obsession with being Joker's acolyte and spreading "his message" converts into not caring about  him and worrying only for her own self-interest. Does that make sense as a transition? Sure! But I'd like to see that transition! The last time Punchline talked to Joker, it was strongly implied that her mass manipulation of the public during her trial was part of some scheme they'd worked out together, so when she sees him again and just drops him like this, it’s super strange. I guess it’s possible that's part of some other plan? Or I missed something? Meh. She's still written so flatly and it's getting to me.
Anyway, both Jokers have no friends and they are sad. :(
Meanwhile, Protag Joker washes up on shore.
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Poisoned > shot > drowning, thinks Joker, before he heads to the hospital.
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More positive words for Jason! Maybe Jason will be his friend? :(
Joker gets the doctor into a back room and persuades him to give him treatment.
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A clue that this is Not The Real Joker? Maybe!
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I’m highlighting this because 1) I'm glad Joker managed to hang onto some fun boxers and 2) This is my preferred Joker physique, wiry, near skeletal. And filled with bullet holes, I guess. That’s the lifestyle!
The doctor patches Joker up but says that he thinks there's still a bullet in Joker's brain. Joker says take it out, because of course he does.
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And then. I mean. This page is, frankly, amazing.
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No one is surprised at Joker’s choice of foreplay.
So I thought when the bullet was removed, we’d finally get some kind of revelation, like Joker remembering what went down pre-getting shot in the head. Alas, this chapter ends soon after this.
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And we're still left with no firm clues as to who is real Joker. You can't distract me with the horny brain surgery, Rosenberg!! Or with this poor woman who appears to have given birth outside in the snow with only a blanket for cover??
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I have questions and no answers!
So then we get the Silver Age-y B-story, which also takes place at a hospital, at least after Joker gets sliced in half by a train.
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So I guess there’s also two Jokers here, heyoooo
Joker continues to be hopelessly hapless at the hospital.
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This is also an amazing panel.
The hospital staff flee the chaos, so it's up to the henchmen to get Joker help, with this fun gag.
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I’m not sure if Professor Pyg is actually a doctor in some capacity, but he "helps” Joker just about how you’d expect.
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So this B-story is not about Joker’s failed personal relationships like the first two, but about seeking medical assistance to become whole, and not at all finding the care he needs or was even seeking. In fact, the treatment ends up severing the minor, consistent relationships he does have. Some hidden fear he has about actually cooperating with Arkham staff? Maybe! Am I over-reading? Maybe!
If you’re also reading Zdarsky’s Batman, you’ll see in #130 that the main story features Batman using compassion to fight Failsafe, and that compassion is also significant in the B-story, where Bruce reinforces that Joker is included in his desire to help people. And that could so easily tie into TMWSL, with Bruce again reaching out to Joker... I can’t help but wonder!
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[Video transcript begin.]
[It starts out as most do, from the front pocket of someone’s shirt, they appear to be walking down the sidewalk in Lostfield, normal chatter can be heard on the left hand side of the person. A quiet metallic scraping can be heard, as something drags behind the person.]
?: Look, all I’m sayin’ is that maybe if they put wood chips in the coffee it’d taste a little better.
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
?: Maybe, to be honest I don't drink a lot of coffee.
[Voice identified: Ness.]
E: Hm, yeah. I’ve noticed. 
Ne: Heyyy! What's that supposed to mean!
[Ness pretends to sound upset, before laughing for 10 seconds.]
E: God, I thought I’d actually upset you for a moment there! Don’t do that!
[His tone is playful, he chuckles.]
Ne: Oh! I just remembered after this walk I need to meet Marina at the hospital. Rose is finally being moved out of ICU so I don't have to sneak around to visit!
E: Wha– why didn’t anyone tell me about that? I feel like I have the right to know!
Ne: In my defense I thought someone already told you… Then I forgot soooooo...
E: Ugh, I can’t blame you for that. 
[A ding, as Edgar receives a text message.]
E: Huh? 
[He pulls his phone out to read the text message. He stops walking after a few seconds.]
Ne: Everything good?
[Edgar places his phone back in his front pocket, hefting the crowbar he brought with him off the sidewalk. His tone losing all positive emotion, the intensity of his words felt through the recording. He turns to face Ness.]
E: No.
Ne: What's wrong?
E: So. You know about Liam’s stepfather. Right?
[Ness lifts a baseball bat up on her shoulder, now sounding anxious as she speaks.]
Ne: What did that asshole do?
[Edgar clears his throat, laughing slightly out of anger.]
E: He apparently cornered Liam and Leon in an alley. And he broke Liam’s arm. 
E: Leon said he’s on his way to the hospital, don’t worry. I’m more concerned with where Jason is.
[Ness drops the bat off her shoulder, grabbing the handle in between her fingers, the top of the bat hits the ground with a thud.]
Ne: We gonna beat his ass?
E: Mhm. Let’s go. 
Ne: Aye aye captain!
E: Leon told me the street name, he might still be there, follow me.
Ne: Yep! 
[Ness begins humming a tune as both her and Edgar begin walking once again. This time Edgar is walking with absolute rage in every step, each stride fast and large, causing Ness to have to jog next to him to keep up.]
[They carry on in silence for a bit, until they approach an empty street near the woods.]
E: Where the fuck is he.
Ne: I don't know, but I hate being anywhere near that damn forest… I swear when I got my job here on my way home I would hear something singing… And screaming.
E: Er, yeah. I, um. That… never mind. We need to focus. 
?: Well! 
[Voice identified: Jason.]
[Edgar whips around at the sound of Jason’s voice.]
Ne: [Whispering.] Who the fuck?
J: Didn’t expect to ever see you again, Edgar. I honestly thought you died! Would've been better if you did.
E: [Muttering.] Fucking hell… I didn’t know that it was this Jason.
Ne: Is that the asshole we've been looking for?
E: Hell yeah, he is. And he’s much more of an asshole than previously thought.
J: I’m right here! Come on, talk to me like a man, you pussy! 
Ne: Do me a favor. Shut up you limp dick bitch we're having a conversation. 
J: Oh, how pathetic, you’re going to let a girl do all the talking for you? Weak.
Ne: Don't call me a girl with that tone. I will curb stomp your bitch ass.
[As Ness speaks, Jason mocks her by moving his hand like a mouth with each word she says.]
J: Yeah, yeah, bitch. Whatever. I’m not talking to you, so shut the fuck up. 
[Ness clears her throat.]
Ne: Edgar. permission to strike?
E: … Not yet. I have a few things to say to this man. Would you mind taking my phone? 
Ne: No problem, This will make for a fun story to tell Rose later. 
[Edgar silently hands his phone to Ness, taking a few steps towards Jason. The two are similar in height, but Edgar appears to tower over him, somehow. He takes a few more steps forward, revealing a pair of black 1 inch platform shoes.] 
E: Jason Druller. You have a lot of nerve to talk about me being pathetic. Remember back in high school when you bullied someone to the point of throwing himself off a roof?
[Jason attempts to respond, but is interrupted by Edgar once again. Who has begun a slow circle around Jason.]
E: Let me refresh your memory. Zach, my best friend. He��s dead because of your actions. And you call me pathetic. For shame, Jason.
J: The little freak deserved it. 
[Edgar stops walking. Leaning in close to Jason.]
E: What did you just say?
J: I SAID the disgusting f[REDACTED] fucking deserved it!
E: That’s what I was hoping you’d say. 
[Edgar wastes no time in drawing his hand back, and punching Jason in the face.]
[He turns to look at Ness, and gives her a thumbs up, but Jason is already recovering behind him. The other man winds up to retaliate.]
[Edgar’s eyes widen, and he turns around just in time to duck under the punch, sending Jason forward, his excess momentum almost knocking him over.]
[He knees him in the gut, causing the other to fall to his knees. Holding his ribs. He coughs violently.]
J: Is that all you’ve got? I expected more of you! Also, it wasn’t even me who broke Liam’s arm, you know!
Ne: Can I keep my promise and stomp this bitch into the ground? Please Please Pleaseeeee!
E: Wait. In a second. What do you mean, it wasn’t you?
J: I never usually recruit women to help me, but she insisted on helping me teach that fucking brat a lesson. I didn’t break Liam’s arm, that doesn’t mean I didn’t hurt him at all, though. I did hurt the other guy pretty bad.
Ne: Edgar, do we get to beat up two people? I can explain to Rose why I'm late pretty easily.
[Edgar turns to Ness, his eyebrows creased inwards, Jason makes a break for it into the woods.]
[He sprints into the forest after Jason, running somewhat faster than Ness. When she catches up after a few seconds, he has already found Jason. Who appears to be kneeling on the ground.]
E: The hell even was your plan there? You know you can’t outrun me. 
[Jason leaps up from his spot, a stick in his left hand. Edgar stares at it, wide eyed. He stumbles backwards, someone catches him and puts him in a chokehold before he can recover. He glances at Ness, and tries to speak, but nothing comes out except strangled sounds.]
J: Finally. Now I can take out the weaker target. 
Ne: Great. There's two of you? Meh, that's fine… You can both get your asses kicked before I go see Rose!
J: Oh, right. You’re a f[REDACTED] too. Figures! 
Ne: You think that affects me? So what! I like boys and girls, got an issue with that?
?: I knew they were infecting him, Jason! You need to get rid of her!
[Voice identified: Gloria.]
[Jason lunges at Ness, the sharp end of the stick aimed directly for her eye.]
[Ness ducks under, hitting Jason in the gut with the baseball bat before hopping up.]
Ne: MISSED ME! You should be more careful dude, you could poke an eye out with that!
J: Shut the fuck up, you r[REDACTED]! 
Ne: Dude chill out! Want a fuckin snickers or something?
[Out of frame, there is a loud struggle, Ness turns to look. Edgar can be seen attempting to break free of Gloria’s hold, he manages to shout one thing.] 
[Gloria regains her grip.]
[More fighting, Edgar manages to kick Gloria’s legs out from under her. The two landing on the ground, he shouts one more thing before returning to the fight.]
[A loud gunshot, and a scream. Ness falls to the ground.]
[A mess of shouting, as Edgar manages to overpower Gloria, he sprints over to Ness.]
[Something clatters to the ground at the same time as a loud swoosh. Edgar kneels down next to Ness.]
Ne: I- OW! F- Fuck, am I gonna be ok?
E: Yeah– yeah. you’re going to be okay. You’ll be fine. I–
E: Ness, you might have to– Ugh, never mind. That’s not going to stop y–
[Edgar is interrupted as Jason whacks him in the side with the same stick. He sits there for a moment, before standing up.]
[Ness begins trying to remove her jacket, only visible through slight glimpses as she tries to keep hold of the phone.]
J: I’d suggest admitting defeat, Edgar. You’ve lost! You can’t win! I’m just better, I always have been!
E: Do everyone a favor and close your jaw before I rip it off of your head.
Ne: [Whispering.] I'm gonna see Rose… one way or another. I promised her…
J: Hm? Threatening me? That’s rich. You’re just saying things, hoping I’ll surrender. Not happening! You disgust me, encouraging that gross behavior, killing the man I once saw in Liam. Replacing it with a WOMAN. He’s gone soft!
E: Jason, the only thing that’s soft around here is your dick. 
[Before Jason can respond, Edgar tackles Jason, the crowbar in his hands horizontally, the two landing out of frame. Their fight can be heard from where Ness is.]
Ne: [Mumbling.] Ok… Ok ness get up… G- gotta get up…
[As Ness speaks to herself, the fighting gets more intense, the two throwing insults back and forth rapidly, Jason’s cannot be repeated by the software.] 
Ne: [Mumbling.] S- something to get up with… Anything…
[Ness sets the phone down against a tree, using one hand to apply pressure to her gunshot wound the other to wrap a jacket around it, as she ties it she screams in pain before using the tree to slowly stand up. She moves the phone over, Edgar and Jason can now be seen in frame.]
[The two are no longer on the ground, now standing up further away. Edgar kicks Jason in the crotch, sending the man to the ground. He attempts to crawl over to the gun, away from the camera. Edgar stops him easily. Holding his crowbar high.]
E: Ness, look away.
Ne: No. This asshole shot me… So I don't think I will.
E: I mean it, Ness. Look. Away. 
Ne: F– fine…
[As Edgar has this conversation with Ness, Jason grabs something out of his pocket. He jabs it into Edgar’s leg, he shouts in pain, and finally drives the crowbar into Jason’s head. Edgar tugs on it. Jason’s corpse flops over. The crowbar stays.]
E: Ew.
[Ness screams in terror before ultimately throwing up out of frame, the noise being the only thing the recording can really hear. She falls to the ground in front of the phone, holding the bullet wound, sobbing.]
[Edgar turns to Ness, then back to the crowbar, he places one foot on Jason's shoulder, and yanks on the crowbar. It comes out with a small bit of blood. The corpse once again flops over. He jogs up to Ness.]
E: Are you alright?
Ne: [Muttering.] I just watched someone die… I know he deserved it but… I… I've never seen someone die in person… What the FUCK!
E: I told you to look away, Ness. I didn’t want you to have to see that. 
Ne: I need to go… I need to see Rose…
[Ness attempts to stand up, only to fall right back down screaming in pain.]
E: Woah, hey. Easy. Jeez, we need to get you to the hospital…
Ne: [Muffled.] That’s where I was going… so I guess it works out.
[Another gunshot, without a scream or shout. The bullet missed.]
E: Wha– oh. Right. Gloria.
[A yelp, followed by footsteps. Gloria sprints into the forest.]
E: Fuck! We– Damn it. 
Ne: I mean… We both have pretty good alibis if we just say we were both just walking around… And with marina's help… Wouldn't be the first time Marina kept me out of legal trouble.
E: It’s not that part that I’m worried about. Jason said that she broke Liam’s arm, not him. I don’t think he’s safe as long as she’s out there.
Ne: Shit… You're right… Also you just killed her husband… So lord knows what she's gonn- OW OW SON OF A BITCH OW!
E: Alright, we’ve gotta get you to the hospital, like, now. We can’t dawdle here for much longer. 
Ne: Yeah… Christ… Call someone I don't have my phone…
E: Alright. I… Ness. I’m really sorry that you saw… all of that. I didn’t mean to, uh… go that far. 
Ne: Dude… It’s fine I was just caught off guard… I just want to go see Rose…
E: Yep, yeah. Okay, got it. I might try to visit as well. 
[Edgar takes his phone and opens it up, the view changing to his legs, a small-ish knife stuck into the side of one, somehow going completely unnoticed. He begins to type out a message, before stopping.]
E: No… are you fucking kidding me?
Ne: what now?
E: There’s been a fucking transcript going for... god knows how long. I… fucking hell.
Ne: Are you fuckin' kidding m- OW GOD DAMNIT!
[Before turning the transcript off, Edgar moves to try and support Ness, his own wounds going unnoticed once more.]
[Transcript end.]
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wrencatte · 2 years
gahhhh the snippet for "sacrifice play" is SO GOOD 🙌👏 thank you for sharing! ❤️ since it was already asked about, could I maybe inquire about grief doesn’t hold shape?
i can't wait to actually finish it XD XD!
grief doesn't hold shape (real title "grief doesn't know its own shape") is the story that starts with Bruce telling Dick about Jason's death and then flash forwarding to a Nightwing and Red Hood section where Jason gets...tortured and Dick gets to watch and it just brings back so many unwanted feelings because he doesn't want to fear for his little brother's life because he doesn't want to be in a position where his little brother's life is on the line and all that. I'm still working on the schematics of the Nightwing and Red Hood bits. But writing Bruce informing Dick of Jason's death was fun to wrtie!!
This is the tail end of the first section, only because it's so long and I've already posted the first part a long long time ago
Dick stares at the screen with wide, stinging eyes. That sounded like goodbye, he thinks and covers his mouth. Bruce’s most recent message just says call me when you get this. He does, shakily bringing the speaker to his ear. He doesn’t realize he’s stopped dead in the middle of the main room. Donna frowns, asks him if he’s alright, and it sounds like she’s coming from underwater. He ignores her as the line rings out without Bruce ever answering.
He calls again. Then again. Hands shaking, eyes burning, a mantra of no no please no in his head.
The third call almost rings out when there’s a click and then a long sigh. “Dick,” he says heavily, his voice hoarse.
Dick remembers the last time he heard Bruce sound like that, and he closes his eyes. Remember waking up to scratchy, stiff blankets and monitors in the distance and cotton in his mouth. Bruce hovering over him, clasping his hand, carding his fingers through Dick’s hair.
Bullet wounds hurt.
He’s pretty sure this is going to hurt worse.
“What happened?” he demands. It grabs the team’s attention fully instead of them just side-ey-eing him, and he can’t find it in himself to care that they’re zeroed in on him. “Bruce, what happened?”
A long silence. Batman doesn’t hesitate. Bruce does.
“Jason’s dead,” he says quietly.
Dick doesn’t realize his knees buckled until Roy’s grabbing him by the arm, swearing. Garth takes his elbow and they both lead him to the couch where he collapses in a heap. They’re asking rapid-fire questions, but while Donna sounded like she was underwater, they’re all starting to sound like they’re at the end of a long tunnel. Underwater. Just background noise to the awful, terrible sentence echoing in his head.
Jason’s dead. Jason’s dead. Jason’s dead.
“How?” he croaks out, leaning forward – and leaning and leaning until Donna’s there, bracing him by the shoulders. He ducks his face, pressing the crown of his head to her stomach, shoulders shuddering. She digs her fingers in rhythmically, but that just makes him want to cry even more.
“The Joker.”
Dick laughs brokenly. Because of course. Why not.
“How?” he asks again. Getting answers is like pulling teeth. The anger that would normally appear the longer Bruce gives non-answers doesn’t show up. Instead, he feels – he feels hollow. Like, like an ice cream scoop came in and carved him out. “It doesn’t matter,” he says. His voice is dead. He feels dead. Jason’s actually dead. “I’m coming to the Manor.”
“We had the funeral,” Bruce says softly and there it is, a hint of emotion. Regret. Remorse. Grief. Dick tugs on his hair once, twice, then Garth is taking his hand, tangling their fingers together. “I’m sorry, Dick. I tried to put it off for as long as possible.”
“Liar,” Dicks says uncharitably just to hear Bruce’s carefully controlled exterior hitch. He said sorry. When was the last time he heard Bruce say sorry? He slumps. “Sorry, B,” he murmurs. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair.”
There’s tears in his voice and Dick feels like a heel, when Bruce says, “It’s okay, chum. It’s a lot to take in. I…I would really love it if you came to manor.”
Dick thinks of bodies cooling in a cold, lonely alleyway, pearls shimmering in the lights, a little boy wailing for his parents. He thinks of free-falling then not, standing on his toes and looking downdowndown and seeing red and white and pink and people screaming and crying, and a figure curling around him, whispering reassurances in his ear, hiding his parents from sight.
“Okay,” he whispers. “I’ll – I’ll be there soon.”
He thinks there’s word for children who lost their parents.
“Love you, chum.”
 – but what about a word for parents who lost their children?
“Love you, too.”
 –  a word for siblings who lost their little brother?
Dick buries his face in his hands and cries.
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Principal of pleasure part 2
Hello everyone this is part 2  after new years eve Clark and Dick have been having an emotional affair, this story takes place at the Kent’s farm it is Jonathan Kent birthday and Dick is invited but he feels out of place and unease there.
Superman x Nightwing pairing
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I didn’t want to be here at all some of the league members came to Jon's party. I love Jon with all my heart but I couldn’t stay here I feel like all eyes are on me I stayed in the kitchen their is only me and Jason with Amy Winston I haven’t seen her in years.
We are alone while everyone is out there enjoying themselves laughing and talking about various topics. It was so cold outside the winter has been very harsh this January the wind was blowing aggressively the windows are rattling  forcefully and it was the reverse here.
Just like me presenting one way to other’s and inside I’m another way, I wish I had said I was busy and not come here and invaded the Kent space.
Me and Clark have been texting and calling for a month now we haven’t met since new year eve. 
We are not pushing each other to fall into anything yet our pace is slow and more smooth I never had this with anyone before not even with Babs. 
She isn’t here she was busy in Gotham I need to figure out how to break up with her I can’t keep doing this to her even if me and Clark haven’t done anything physical I was still not... “Hey your quite what’s up with you.” Amy waved her hands in front of my face.
God people could tell I’m not really here I looked at her and smiled. “I’m here I think I have to get going.” I said trying to make a move to leave when Jason put his hand on my shoulder halting me in my steps.
“What the fuck you just got here like ten minutes ago.” Jason said hand still on my shoulder I turned to look at him I would think he would find this amusing but he didn’t.
When Jason was serious then I knew there was nothing funny about my situation.
“I don’t think I feel well.” 
“Is it guilt.”
“I’m not teasing you I’m asking because I’m dead serious about how you’re feeling.” Jason said shaking me a little not rough just a light shake I don’t see Jason often but when I do he’s been always supportive he never judge me about me and Clark.
“I’m just not feeling good it’s to much to stay I gotta go.” I walked away from them Jason called me from the kitchen but I was already out of there I had to navigate around some of the party goer’s I reached for my coat and hat suddenly a noise from upstairs caught my attention.
I put back my hat and coat and went up looked around the hall to see where the shouting was coming from.
It sounded like Jonathan I walked quickly towards the room it was locked I jingled the knob and knocked on the door. “Jon is Damian with you.” The room went silent and Jon stopped shouting. 
“Jon open this door please.” I heard arguing for Jon not to open the door I heard it unlocked. 
I opened it and found Clark eyes red tears stained Damian arm cross looking at Jon very upset.
“What’s going on here why are you crying Jon Damian what did you do to Jon.” I came close to Jon hugging him he is just that kind of kid to hold he brings out the best out of me he reminds me of Clark.
“I...want him to sleep over he said no I told him it would be my birthday gift he said I was a pervert I don’t know why he would call me that we’re friends.” Jon said still holding him I squeezed him tighter.
“It is not good for us to be sleeping over of any kind he is just being difficult with me.” Damian said he was being a prick to Jon just for being a prick to Jon.
“Damian be nice to Jon all he’s asking you is to keep him company for a night and why would you call him a pervert. Jon’s not a pervert he’s a good kid and if you are his friend you’ll stay with him don’t deny him what he really wants which to have a friend he do’s not have many and when you reach my age you think you will have a whole bunch no Damian so stop being an ass and give him his birthday present.” I was talking more for myself then for them I just didn’t want to see anyone upset just because they are looking for comfort.
 I was thinking about Clark and I in mind
“Fine fine I didn’t bring any sleeping clothes or tooth brush.”
“I’m sure the Kent’s will provide you with that stuff.”
Jon was still hugging me I realised that he was holding me a little more then he should. “Ok Jonathan we’re good you could let go of me Damian agreed.” Jon unravels himself from my waist.
I felt a present around us I looked and saw Clark by the door watching us how long was he standing there I didn’t close the door when I came in here I guess.
He came in and the room shifted whenever Clark stepped in any room it always shifted. Damian turned to Clark and walked out of the room as he walked saying he will call his father.
Jon sat on his bed looking very pleased with himself defeating Damian.”Well I should be leaving can’t stay I was supposed to leave a moment ago but they distracted me.” I explained myself but I didn’t know why.
“Well can I call you later to see if you got home safe.” Clark said I walked out of the room and descended the stairs and put my hat and coat on.
 As I opened the door and walked off the Kent’s Clark tailing behind me he wouldn’t need a coat I turned to him. 
“Yes I will call you but Clark I don’t think I should have came today at all I feel like shit being around you’re family this is not ok.” I said getting closer to my car.
“No one is watching us and no one knows they just think your my friend and your supporting Jon that’s all just relax ok.” Clark seemed like he wasn’t worried but I knew at times he was naive this is one of those times.
“I just don’t want to be around family gathering it makes it harder.”
“Harder Dick don’t be ridiculous we are just talking.”
“Talking my foot.” I look over and saw that Clark didn’t close the door and Damian was watching us by the door.
“We have an audience Clark let go of my door so I can drive off.” I never really had a back and forth with him but today was not the time for it.
He looked back and waved to Damian how’s expression was of concern.
“Fine I’ll go but call me please.” As he gave me one last look and walked up to his house Damian was still by the door watching me as I drove off.
End of part 2 next will be part 3
Thank you for reading.
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dayasusays · 6 months
Hcs for how Dick flirts with his oblivious crush please?
look at him. HE’S SILLY.
i mean REALLY silly, he looks at you and thinks smth like “she’s so pretty… i wish i could just bend down and-”
when you look at him with those handsome eyes, he blinks and smiles, in his brain a lot of compliments, but he’s saying “you’re so pretty”. and he realises IT’S SUCH A CLICHE…
no one can handle dick’s crush. especially jason, bc dick followed him to the library. bc he saw you there once. bc you smiled at him with that cute smile… and he’s lost.
dick’s staring at you all of the fucking time. i mean, he can’t look away; you’re just so beautiful, gorgeous- when you fix your hair/makeup his heart is doing backflip, you shouldn’t be so attractive!!!
dick suspects he looks like a weirdo and he doesn’t wanna scare you off (T-T)
every time you walk past him, look at him, smile at him, wave your hand at him, talk to him, when you just around jason swears, dick’s pupils turns into little hearts.
and hear me out, he’ll flirt. he will. 100%. full confidence. just imagine his silly flirt… but it’s smooth as fuck. “you’re made of nitroglycerin? because you’re just dynamite!” or “you must be magician… because any time i look at you, everyone else disappears.” (this is true though)
if you flirt back, you have to see his face. HE’S BLUSHING LIKE A TEENAGER WITH YOU!!! and there’s you, two adults, who is blushing like teens bc you find him attractive as hell too 😭
or another situation: you patrol with him.
and you suspect he switched with someone because you definitely weren't supposed to patrol with him.
he can’t stop talking abt everything when you’re around. and he makes you laugh, telling his stories; dick’s eyes glowing when you laugh and put your hand on his shoulder.
he’ll flirt with you anyway. in any situation. every time. he doesn't care if it's a fight or if you stop for a meal after a long patrol. BELIEVE ME, HE DOESN’T CARE.
dick comes at you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder and whispering in your ear: “need help, sweetheart?”. and it’s not smth new, he does it at least once every time he sees you and you think it’s normal for someone flirtatious, coquette and nice like him.
and everyone tells you, he’s definitely in love with you, BUT YOU THINK LIKE “isn’t dick like that with everyone?”
believe me, he’s not. he’s like that only with you, his biggest crush of his life!!! he’s so sweet and kind, nice and funny, gentleman and sweetcheeks-
oh gosh, are you in love with him too? are you?
kinda tired bc i’m on a trip, so it’s messy?? sorry my sweeties 😭
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I posted 2,668 times in 2022
That's 2,541 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (2%)
2,613 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,030 of my posts in 2022
#bird - 229 posts
#cat - 85 posts
#i really need a tagging system - 27 posts
#pokemon - 25 posts
#chibird - 21 posts
#hello tofu mutual - 16 posts
#atla - 15 posts
#fanfic writer problems - 14 posts
#i love em - 14 posts
#rtgame - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#recently watched something that made me think along a similar vein to op because they didn’t show why exactly super couldn’t tell their fam
My Top Posts in 2022:
Writing Masterpost
I guess I should make this before it gets out of hand
Most of my stories are on ao3! Things I post on tumblr are typically the draft versions of my ao3 stories
From Code Bat:
- Jason Dissociating  - Alternate Super Sons Meeting - Protect Our Own Jason POV - Hot Potato with a Bookmark - Sleepy Jason (Alternate How Are You?)  - Damian and Tim - Cass and Jason - The Original Draft - Superman Meets Bizarro - Alternate Out of the Shadows - Alternate Snapshots of Gotham - Alternate Collecting the Hints
From Gotham’s White Lotus:
- Dick and Airbending - Alternate Making A Splash - Alternate Burning Iceberg
Fairness Federation gets a special shoutout
Extra Scene from It’s a Small World universe
Tumblr Drabbles:
- It starts with Jason. - Rogues know who Batman is - “I’m sorry.”
27 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
I found this youtube channel called Curious Archive and I’ve been going insane because like- speculative biology? Did you mean extensive worldbuilding that takes into account scientific reasoning like an overcomprehensive sci-fi book setting? Boi I wish I were as cool as the worlds being featured
28 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Sometimes you procrastinate life things by writing a fanfic series, and sometimes you procrastinate life things by procrastinating the fanfic series by opening up a new doc and writing an entirely separate fanfic idea
143 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
It starts with Jason.
Jason, the original bookworm of the family, up late at night and reading on his bed. Or, well, trying to read.
Eventually, he growls and - carefully - slams the book shut, lifting it up but just stopping short of actually throwing it. He sighs.
“Can’t sleep?”
It’s Dick that finds him, leaning against his doorway with tired eyes that still burn with too much energy to truly go to bed.
“You know that moment,” Jason complains, squinting, “When you’ve been staring at words for so long, then you blink, and suddenly everything’s blurry?”
“Are you getting myopia?” Dick laughs as Jason’s expression, “It’s a real concern! But I get it. You have to rest your eyes when that happens.”
“But I can’t sleep,” Jason whines.
“Me neither,” Dick sighs, and smiles, “Hey, I have an idea.”
Dick plonks himself onto Jason’s bed, ignoring his vocal protests, and plucks the book out of his hand. “Where did you stop reading?” he asks, “I’ll read it to you.”
“Oh,” Jason blinks - Dick notes amusedly that he was still squinting and unsquinting his eyes, trying to pull blurry blobs back into focus, “Uh, the page on the left of the bookmark.”
Dick reads.
“You’re gonna spoil your eyes like that, Timmy.”
“I live on spite,” Tim deadpans, “If my eyes want to fail me too then so be it.”
Jason laughs as he collapses onto the couch beside him. Tim ignores him until he lifts the laptop up and out of his lap, into his own.
“What’re you even working on?” he asks, and huffs. “Hang on, wait, are you reading?”
“Why do you sound so surprised? Just because I don’t like the classics doesn’t mean I’ve given up on words.”
“Holy shit,” Jason continues, ignoring Tim as a grin spreads across his face, “Is this anime fanfic? Are you reading anime fanfic?”
Tim groans, and slumps against Jason’s shoulder. Jason tries to shove the bony part of his shoulder into Tim’s cheek, but Tim just bounces harmlessly, only leaning more weight on him when he was done moving. Jason huffs.
“I was trying to finish reading,” Tim muttered, “But my eyes refuse to work. So maybe I did already spoil my eyes. Maybe I didn’t. I’m in denial.”
“It’s probably just from staring at a screen for too long,” Jason muses. Then he shifts, getting more comfortable. Tim’s head is now firmly on Jason’s arm.
“C’mon, I’ll read it for you. Where’d you stop?”
214 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
good day to everyone who has three separate drafts for the same story plot concept idea thing, doing great besties
577 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whltlock · 2 years
neverletyougo (v)
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five
Summary: He keeps your hand on his cheek, and you glance at the small, sentimental gesture. It ignites something in you, something you can’t quite name yet, but you think it might’ve been there a while.
Info: jason todd/reader, friends to lovers, friends with benefits, mutual pining, minor zatanna/reader. smut. oral sex.
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You ambush him while he’s trying to work in the library. It leads to the bathroom where you push Jason against the wall, mouth on his. You’re not even in a stall—just out in the open—and it’s a little distracting, especially when he catches your reflection in the mirror.
“Sweetheart,” he croaks as you kiss down his throat, “you’re gonna get me banned for life.”
Your devilish smile presses into his skin. “Then be a good boy and stay quiet.”
Jason’s head smacks against the wall with a groan. “Can’t when you’re grabbing at my goddamn dick.”
“Gonna do more than that,” you warn, mouth returning to his as you guide him into a stall.
Soon after, he hears his belt buckle being undone. He barely gets a breath out before you’re on your knees, his underwear drawn to his thighs.
His hand finds your hair, frazzled, not sure if he’s trying to stop things progressing. “This is,” —his other arm flies to the divider as you stroke him— “so unhygienic.”
You look up at him as you taste the underside of his cock. His teeth gnaw at his bottom lip and his hips uncontrollably jolt forward, your wet mouth welcoming him just the slightest bit.
“Don’t worry,” you say between teasing licks. “I’ll wash my hands after.”
Texting me, told you come have sex with me
JAY: Wanna come over?
YOU: is this a booty call?
JAY: No.
The ellipses come and go for over a minute. It makes you think that you’ve said the wrong thing and he’s about to rescind the offer.
But then his next reply arrives.
JAY: If you want?
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Although there’s a few stolen kisses between you, that’s all it is. You’re wrapped up in each other as you watch movies. Jason chooses shitty ones to learn how not to tell a story, and the fact that his running commentary makes you laugh is just a bonus. Really.
The ridiculousness of Piranha 3DD rolls into its ending, and you’re almost disappointed because it brought out the extra silly side of him.
“Next you’re gonna make us watch cheesy Bat-pornos,” you mutter from where you’re huddled in his arms.
“Huh,” he says, chin nudging you. “I’ll have to look into that.”
You can’t stop the laugh that escapes. “Weirdo.”
He shifts to look at you, though his arm remains snug around your shoulders. “We can judge their costumes for accuracy,” he says, the corner of his mouth lifting. “If they’re broody enough.”
“We’re not doing that, Jason.”
“If that red hooded one has a real sharp, sexy jawline—”
“No!” you laugh, swatting at him.
Grinning, he leans forward to kiss you, although it proves to be a battle since you fight him off. He pauses to tease, “Right, you don’t need all that when you have the real thing, huh?”
“Shut up,” you say, finally granting him your lips.
In contrast to his words, the kiss is sweet and playful as his fingers curl around your face. You fall into his hold with a sigh. His lips slide over yours, deepening things, and the butteriness of his tongue is oddly delicious.
When you retreat to breathe, his nose knocks yours cutely. You blink, seeing him already staring at you, his ocean eyes bright from the television. “Wanna stay the night?” he asks, his voice quiet.
You want to nod, but, “Is that okay?” comes first.
“Yeah, ‘course.” His eyes drift sideways before coming back to you, honesty bleeding from them. “Like it when you do.” It’s a treat to have his sheets smell like you.
Sheepishly, your arms slink around his neck, though you remain wordless.
He ducks closer, his brows raised. “Nothing?” he says incredulously.
You shrug, aiming for nonchalant, though you can barely meet his gaze. “Who doesn’t like a hot piece like you being sweet on them?”
Jason snorts. “Objectifying and using me for compliments,” he tuts. “That’s rough.”
You smile impishly. “I don’t see you complaining.” You glance at the TV and say, “Besides, don’t think you have a leg to stand on about objectification after your watch list.”
His lips purse as he silently concedes. You peck him as a reward.
“I think I’d rate it an eight. Maybe a nine,” you hum while his eyes are still on you.
“What?” he replies, lost, wondering if you’re referring to the movie.
“The red one’s jawline.”
Understanding visibly clicks on his features.
“Get out of my house!” he bristles, causing you to laugh. And then he’s launching himself at your giggling form and squashing you under his weight, all while he tries not to laugh, too.
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You’d fallen asleep under Jason as he forced you to watch something else, so it’s jarring to wake up in his bed, his body coiled around yours. He holds you flush to his skin, hands blanketing your bare skin like you’re precious cargo, and his rhythmic breaths fill your ear and tickle the little hairs there.
When your fingers trail his arm, he shifts with a sigh. “Why’re you allowed to wake me up, but I can’t wake you?” he asks in a gruff tone. “You’re a raging hypocrite.”
You smile. Slowly, you roll over, and Jason groans petulantly as his hand is forced off your bust. “Was comfortable there,” he grumbles, eyes still closed.
“Wanted to see your pretty face,” you murmur.
An eye squints open. “Yeah, I’m a real peach right now,” he says.
You bite back a laugh. “I think so,” you agree, hand cupping his cheek. He makes another noise, but he relaxes into it, eyes slipping shut once more. He shuffles closer, lodging his nose in the crook of your neck, and you feel him drift off.
When he awakes later, he’s chirpier.
“Morning,” he says as he messes with his hair. The curls are sexily unruly, matching his soft, early morning features.
You drink him in unabashedly. “It’d be a better morning if you made me come.”
Jason pauses, eyes moving to yours. His mouth twitches. His tone is unaffected, if not borderline clinical as he asks, “And how, pray tell, would you prefer that happen?”
You hum. “With your head between my legs.”
“Well,” he says, “wouldn’t want you to visit the complaint box again.”
This time, you smile. “Oof. Now I’m blackmailing a rich kid for sex.”
Jason pushes you back into the pillows and leans over you, his hands wandering low in search of your underwear. “Somehow,” he says, voice husky, slipping the fabric down your thighs, “I don’t think he minds too much.”
Luckily, you forever stuck with me Trust in me, can’t believe you fuck with me
You haven’t seen Jason in a while on account of his vigilantism taking him to whatever-fucking-planet-it-was-this-time, so you’re taken aback when you find him on your doorstep.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Jason,” you say, shocked. “You’re back.”
“I’m back,” he echoes.
Hastily, you pull him and his bag into the apartment. It’s almost graceful as you move together; you close the door, he dumps his bag, and then he’s hugging you tightly.
“Missed you,” he says into your throat.
You let out a breathless laugh and lean back to take him in. You touch the side of his face, hand sliding up to his hair. He’s covered in a layer of something oily, flecks of blood left behind that he hasn’t been able to scrub off.
Still, you’re happy to see him, even in a less than ideal state. “You came straight here,” you say, not quite a question.
“Yeah. Like I said,” —the edge of his mouth twists into a smirk— “missed you.”
You counter the affection with, “You need to shower.”
His smile grows. “Was hoping you could help me with that.”
Your eyes drag down his body before returning to his face. You try not to smile, especially as he ducks to finally kiss you.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
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Once doesn’t prove to be enough.
Jason has you almost flat against the bed, only a pillow tucked beneath your stomach as he drives his hips into your ass. He holds your waist, watches as your core grips and sucks him back in.
The sounds you make with each of his thrusts has him moaning, knuckles going white from strain.
Relenting, he lays overtop of you, an arm wrapped around your chest as he grips your tits. You arch into him, your hips bucking against his to help. He favours positions like this because they have the most skin-to-skin contact. And there’s something about touching you that just has him losing his fucking mind.
“Fuck,” he groans into your ear. “Fuckin’ missed how good you take me.”
“Jay,” you say his name so breathlessly that he almost finishes right then and there.
His strokes stutter and more tumbles out of his mouth: “My fist is goddamn useless now. Can’t get off if I’m not with you.”
His words fill your veins with heat, and distantly, you wonder if this is leading to a bigger, astronomical, romantic confession.
“You’ve ruined me, you know that?” he whispers against your shoulder, struggling to think clearly as his stomach coils, ready to burst with pleasure. “Fuck, and I don’t even care because—”
“Because?” you choke out as he hits a particularly wonderful spot inside you that has you clutching the sheets.
“It’s you,” he says, but you don’t get a chance to pry anymore as he curses, groans, arms shaking by your head. “Shit, sweetheart, can’t last much longer,” he whines.
“It’s okay,” you say. You don’t allow him to slow as you move your hips, encouraging him. “It’s okay, Jaybird. Come for me.”
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You’re fucking grocery shopping together.
It makes you sick as you stand there in the aisle, looking over different grains like you’re making a meal plan for the week.
Your insides are all twisted up, lodged amongst themselves, feelings running amok. And worst of all, you started this—you made this mess yourself.
Jason’s talking through some recipe to get your opinion on it, but your hearing’s all muffled and something terrifying thunders above it.
I want this life with you.
I love you, snarkiness and all, Jason Todd.
“So?” he prompts.
“That one,” you say, not knowing what you’ve agreed to. It doesn’t matter when a category five hurricane rages inside your body.
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Somehow, he still lures you into bed for another romp. You bounce in his lap, savouring all his intense looks and groans and touches, not wanting it to end.
But it has to. Because the switch flips and you sink into nausea again.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Jason pauses. His arms bracket your waist like he means to steady you, unsuspecting. “You good? Got a cramp?”
You shakily say, “No. This. I can’t do this with you again.”
“Oh,” he says the single syllable in a dismayed tone. “Why, uh… why not?”
You slide off him then, into the mattress. You don’t hide your body from him—it’s far too late for that anyway, but you also feel… comfortable like this, to your detriment.
You cover your face with your hands and groan pitifully.
“Hey,” Jason says softly, removing them from your face. “Tell me what’s going on.” He strokes your skin which only makes you grimace more.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m scared.”
Jason’s brows knit. “Of me?” he asks tentatively. “M’not gonna be upset with you over this, sweetheart. Promise.”
“No, not you,” you amend, fretful. “Just… I… my feelings,” you finally muster.
His heart picks up at that. His knuckles continue to graze your cheekbones as he hums, wanting to coax more from you. His lips twitch as a small smile forms.
When you try to bury your face in the pillow, he guides your jaw back. “C’mon,” he says gently. “Explain what’s happening in that pretty head of yours.”
You sigh out his name.
“Yeah?” he urges.
“I… I think I’m falling in love with you—at the very least I like you so stupidly much—so this arrangement won’t work anymore—”
He interrupts your rambling, a bigger smile on his face. “Can I tell you a secret?”
It catches you off guard. “Okay…?”
“That’s music to my ears since I’ve loved you for a while now.”
“You heard me. I love you.”
You flounder. “But… you didn’t say anything…?”
“I know, but you kissed me, so I kinda figured… something was there?” Jason offers with a wince.
You try not to frown. “Would you have said anything if I hadn’t?”
“Dunno…” he admits bashfully. “But I can’t keep away from you, so it would’ve come out, even if it took me another two years.”
Regretfully, it makes you laugh. “You coward.”
He shoots you a wry smile. “Old news. Ancient news, babe.”
Jason lays down beside you, turning on his side to watch you. You watch him, too, eyes skirting across his face.
Tentatively, you say, “So, we’re in love?”
He purses his lips jokingly. “Looks that way.”
“Are we…” You blink, then glance at him again. “Together?”
“That cool?” he asks, voice soft, his own insecurity rearing its ugly head.
You exhale, mostly out of relief, and then raw with honesty, offer, “I don’t think I can let you go now that you’ve told me.”
Jason’s crooked smile makes a blessed appearance as he cups your cheek. “Good, ‘cause I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”
December hit, tell me you remember it Brought you to my family and my mama said it’s definite
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