katsy-kitty · 2 months
holy shit I just did so much cleaning
I know my body will hate me tomorrow
I'll probably have to do heavy resting for the next few days
but I'm also proud of myself
but I have also entered my verbose era
and I don't know how to stop
it's 3:30 am and I'm still so hyper
if I don't fall asleep again, it's gonna be a bit of a problem
I don't like these insomnia bouts
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snoopyearss · 3 months
When jjk characters call you ‘clingy’
Feat. crybaby-ish!reader
Gojo, geto, toji
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Cw: hurt, guilt, angst (if you squint)
This is inspiration from a mini series i read a few days ago by user @fumekara. It was so good, I love me some angst to hurt/comfort.
But i also wrote this from personal experience too, my bad yall i treat this like my own personal diary
Anyway, enjoy!
Satoru Gojo
He was pissed. He doesn’t typically show it much, but when he does, he gets kind of scary. He’s more quiet, his voice gets deeper, and his whole body language just shifts. So when the higher-ups piss him off after a very long meeting, the last thing he needs is someone to pounce on him. He usually loves it when you greet him at the door when you’re home for work. But today, he just wanted to strip off his clothes and hop into bed.
Gojo huffs as he leaves the elevator of your shared apartment and grabs his keys from his pocket to unlock the door. As he opens the door, he sees you in the kitchen grabbing ingredients for dinner. “Hi baby,” You softly greeted him. “Hey.” was all he said back. It confused you for a second because he’s never greeted you like that before.
“Is everything okay?” You walk up to him to try to kiss him on his cheek. “God- Y/n, please.” He grumbled, walking right past you and placing his briefcase on the table. “I’m just trying to help,” you defended, walking up to take his coat off for him. “At least let me take your coat-” That’s when he snapped. Something he’s never done to you before. “Y/n, I fuckin’ got it! Geez, you’re so fucking clingy!” He aggressively shrugged your hands off his shoulder. It scared you a bit, to see him so angry at you. You were confused, all you wanted to do was make him feel better. Were you really that clingy?
“I-I’m sorry.” your voice came out shaky and defeated. Hearing how small your voice sounded in response to him lashing out made Satoru’s heart shatter into thousands of pieces. He wanted to turn around and apologize, but the words weren’t coming out. By the time he turned to face you, Your back was already facing him, preparing dinner for the both of you as tears rolled down your face.
Suguru Geto
It was 2 weeks after Suguru deflected. 2 weeks since he committed mass murder in that village. 2 weeks since he left Satoru, Shoko, and the others. It was weighing on him and you could tell. Nothing but him, his two adopted girls, a few people who believed in his cause, and you.
You promised him you would go wherever he would go, and he was so grateful for it. He loves you deeply and would do anything for you. But some days just threw everything on him at one time, today was one of those days. Monkeys non-sorcerers begging him to exercise curses left and right, Nanako and Mimiko begging him to take them shopping, missing payments from those begging for his service. It was all too much. And the guilt was eating away at him.
He genuinely wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying and it annoyed him how much talking you were doing in his ear at that moment. You were both sitting outside watching the two girls play in the yard. “Y/n,” He interrupted you. “Don’t you have something better to do than to just bother me?” He sighed sounding so condescending. “What do you mean?”
“Must you always cling to me? Isn’t there something else you can do besides following me everywhere I go, at all times of the day?!” His voice raised a bit as if he was talking to a non-sorcerer. “I didn’t realize I was. I was only trying to tell you about what me and the girls did today,” You defended. “You’re always so busy, I rarely get to see you anymore.”
“Yeah, because you’re always underneath me. Sometimes-” He stopped mid-sentence because of the saddened look on your face. His eyes softened a bit. “Sometimes I just need my space.” He sighed. You only nodded and started to walk back inside. “Ok, I understand.” Your voice cracked. Leaving Suguru alone to think about what he had just said to you. As if he didn’t feel guilt then, he definitely feels guilt now.
Toji Fushiguro
Toji was a bit frustrated today. He was cheated out of his money after doing a side job, the bet he placed on the race he kept constantly telling you about fell through, leaving him with zero, and to top it all off, the child support payment was coming up. You being an empath and knowing your boyfriend so well, you wanted to help him any way you could.
He was sitting in the chair by the island in the kitchen with his fingers combing through his hair. He was on the phone with multiple people at once, trying to solve his money issues. “Shiu, you guaranteed me way more money than this! How am I supposed to cover this months child support with this amount?!” You walked up to where he was, wondering what all the commotion was about. “Baby?” You softly called out. You could hear Shiu on the other line trying to calm him down and explain the situation.
“That sounds like a bunch of bull and you know it Shiu, you better have my money by next week thursday or else I’m taking it myself.” He grumbled and hung up the phone. “Baby,” You gently placed a hand on his broad shoulder.
“What, Y/n.” He sternly said. You merely blinked a few times. “I was just checking to see if you were okay. What’s with the attitude?”
“I’m fuckin’ frustrated okay? Please leave. You aren’t helping right now.” He waved you off.
“I barely did anything, I just wanted to know if you needed help with anything-”
“Jesus, I said enough! I don’t need your help. Fuck, you’re so clingy.” His voice booming caused you to remove your hand from his shoulder in fear. Seeing your reaction caused him to think about what he said and how he said it. The last think he wanted to do was scare you. He wanted you to feel safe around him. But with the way you jumped at how he raised his voice, it saddened him a bit.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-” He was cut off by the sound of his child wailing in the background. “I’ll take care of it.” You said in the smallest voice, not even leaving him time to protest against it and apologize.
Part 2
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dbphantom · 1 year
[H2O s2 spoilers] Charlotte has literally done nothing wrong up until now and yet the show STILL paints her as such a bad person in Pressure Cooker.
She admits if she knew Don was Cleo's dad she wouldn't have shown up and looks visibly uncomfortable (but still trying to be polite) when she realizes it's Cleo's house and has to sit there and watch Cleo openly be rude to her mother by giving away a gift bought as a gesture of goodwill.
Charlotte KNOWS Lewis and Cleo are talking about her and instead of being rude and nasty about it (LIKE CLEO WAS IN EPISODE 3 WHEN SHE MADE ASSUMPTIONS) is just like "yeah, your dad is really struggling right now, you probably wanna go back in there and help him..?" like OMG that was so sweet of her. Yeah she interrupted their conversation, but come on she was trying to be nice. Characters interrupt each other all the time on this show- it's a teen drama, that's how it works. Despite everything Cleo had already done to her, Charlotte was still looking out for her dad.
Then Charlotte accidentally knocks a thing of flour into Cleo and goes up to her room after Cleo storms off to personally apologize for even BEING THERE because she can tell Cleo is Absolutely Furious about her showing up, and openly asks her if she can spend time with/date Lewis because she understands the two of them were together and she SEES how Cleo is reacting, and CLEO GIVES HER THE GO-AHEAD, BUT STILL TREATS HER AWFULLY ANYWAY. She didn't HAVE to ask for permission, but she does anyway!! AFTER APOLOGIZING FOR SIMPLY SHOWING UP TO HER MOM'S WORK EVENT.
and THEN at the end of the episode Cleo is like "even if it IS Charlotte (who I hate for literally no reason other than she stood up for herself when I tried to shame her in public for hanging out with my ex-boyfriend who I broke up with), it's Lewis's choice" but then gives her an actual death glare at the very end of the episode when Charlotte is literally just looking at her and evil music swells all because Charlotte smiles. WHAT!!!!!
anyway brb making a list of all the times the girls openly use their powers or are just straight-up reckless in public SOLELY IN SEASON 2 so i can compare it to them getting really mad at Charlotte and holding her to a huge double-standard because she used her powers to mess with Nate a little bit because HUUUUUUH??? if you have any examples hit me up because im currently doing a rewatch and im on ep 6 and already have a few... most notably Emma using her powers during the soccer game to dunk on a seven-year-old, but also Cleo using her powers at school to [checks notes] take a shortcut across a field with a sprinkler instead of just walking around. I have a few from memory as well that i just haven't gotten up to yet (like Emma and Rikki harassing Lewis at his job and almost getting him arrested because they left the gate open)
>>>>>oh i see... tumblr desktop does not warn you if you have over 30 tags. noted... rip my essay on how Lewis also isn't 100% in the right here [with Charlotte. with Cleo he did nothing wrong (being overbearing... ok i get it, but she could have sat him down and talked to him abt how she was feeling before immediately jumping to breaking up) and even took her aside more than once to ask her if she was okay, if this is what she really wanted, and where he stands with her- to which she lies to his face during and says everything's fine, she's just protecting the secret, she isn't jealous At All, she doesn't want to get back together] because he unintentionally is leading Charlotte on bc he's not communicating the best, and then when they DO get together he's clearly not as invested in their relationship as she is, or how Charlotte was kinda jumping the gun a little but while their relationship is kinda messy in itself, it just doesn't compare to how annoyed Cleo makes me this season, i won't lie. also i did rant about the marine park incident again. it still really bothers me lolol
#H2O: Just Add Water#H2O Just Add Water#H2O JAW#maybe im just not picking up on subtle facial cues but Charlotte is literally just a sweetheart in the first 90% of#this season. a sweetheart who also doesn't take shit from Cleo trying to embarrass her publicly and reading her diary.#you'd think Cleo would know how shitty it is to do that to a person given Kim did it to her but NO! SHE DOES IT ANYWAY!!#cleo is so immature in s2 it is SO embarrassing... especially the fishing rod bit... girl that is like 100 dollars at the cheapest!!!#i get she's the main character so she gets to get away with everything ever but MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN...!#i don't think she ever actually apologizes to lewis or charlotte for the way she acted in this episode. solely to annette so she could get#the business deal for her dad... it's so SO shitty of her. like oh my god charlotte apologizes and you can't even give her the same grace#also THE ROD THING!! you unspooled his entire line (sending this massive bout of fishing line into the ocean) and dragged it into the#water where he likely wouldn't be able to get it back. and he's still SOMEHOW willing to show up to your house to speak in person and u#don't even give him the time of day to Actually Listen because you are being SO IMMATURE about EVERYTHING#Cleo you literally did ALL OF THIS TO YOURSELF!!!! PLEASE GET A GRIP GIRL!!!!#YOU broke up with Lewis. YOU embarrassed yourself trying to call Charlotte out and she stood up for herself. YOU threw a total fit over#Lewis and Charlotte fishing together to the point he felt it was necessary to talk to you in person. WTF!!!!!! <- angry#aaaAAAAAAAAA-#this is what i MEANT when i said I CAN'T WATCH SEASON 2 WITHOUT GETTING ANGRY!!! I C A N ' T#also minor thing but Emma being so OOC in this episode she doesn't try to stop them from harassing Annette and Charlotte with their magic#THAT IS OBSCENE EMMA WOULD'VE PUT A STOP TO THAT BEHAVIOR IMMEDIATELY!!! INSTEAD SHE JUST GOES ALONG WITH IT#as if Emma wouldn't be very willing to give Charlotte a chance after everything she saw Cleo do like 3 episodes ago reading her diary and#snooping on her life because she's 'sus' when she literally isn't she just has a crush on Cleo's ex-boyfriend#who. and i cannot emphasize this enough. CLEO BROKE UP WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!#why does it take until EPISODE <S I X> FOR CLEO TO REALIZE *SHE* BROKE UP WITH LEWIS SO SHE'S TREATING HIM UNFAIRLY???#SDKJGHKAFJGHAKLJHGKLJH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#im fine im fine.#spoilers#H2O spoilers#H2O JAW spoilers#H2O Just Add Water spoilers
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mammonsrockstargf · 1 month
I headcaon that in the obey universe Demon kids always look like a mix of both parents. So when the 7 Brothers finally get to meet MC’s Parents they are absolutely freaked the fuck out at how MC and their Mother look like carbon copies of each other, just that their mother has a few more wrinkles and suspicious/unimpressed face bc who tf are all these men that their child brought home. But basically that’s the request, just MC who looks like their parent please! :P
Oh, anon, this is interesting because well the demon brothers’ father is… well God I guess? The same goes for Simeon. Satan was made from Lucifer's wings so I guess the closest he has to a “parent” is Lucifer. According to this post, Barbatos has mentioned that he’s never been a child. The only demon parents we really know anything about are Diavolos and his dad kind of seems like a dick?
So the vibe I’m kind of getting here is that demons just don’t really have parents in general. Or maybe it’s more of a harp seal situation where after a couple off days they just leave their kids to fend for their own? When they find out MC has parents that they see regularly (assuming that this MC does) they’re just like… You have parents? That you visit? And interact with? 
I think Lucifer would be the most polite one out of the bunch. He’d introduce himself to your mom and apologize in advance for his brothers’ behavior. During dinner he’ll sneak little glances here and there, eyes darting between you and your mom. So this is what you’ll look like as you get older? Interesting.
Mammon on the other hand has zero shame. He’s definitely going to find any photo albums and embarrassing pre-school photos of you. He might even pocket one or two to look at when he misses you to make fun of you.
Leviathan is going to be, well… Leviathan. Stuttering, confused, definitely very spooked by your mom regardless of whether she’s a scary woman or not. He won’t say much, he’ll just kind of be there. (Unless your mom asks him a question about what he does and he’ll go on a very nervous tangent until someone stops him.)
Satan is the second most normal after Lucifer. Maybe even more because he reads human literature. He’ll comment on your bookshelves and if you have one in your old room then he’s checking that out as well. Seriously, what is “A Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and why is it on your bookshelf? On the other hand, if you have Narnia or Alice in Wonderland he’s definitely stealing that. Regardless I think Satan is a parent-pleaser and parents just love him. He’s that one friend that’s insane but parents are completely oblivious about it. 
I think moms love Asmodeus. (Then again who wouldn’t?) He charms her and compliments her perfume . “Is that Chanel No5?” Later you’ll ask how he knows human world perfumes and he’ll give you a look and tell you “Chanel goes beyond realms,”. Your mom will probably be gushing over him and next time she’s on the phone with you she’ll ask “When are you bringing that beautiful friend over again?”
Beelzebub is awestruck. I don’t think he’ll say much but he’ll take in every detail of her looks. This is what you’ll look like when you get older? The thought brings a weird feeling to his chest. Leave it to Beel to have existential thoughts when meeting your mom. He’ll wreak havoc in your fridge if he gets the chance. (Luckily Lucifer is very aware of this and does not let him. He’s brought a shit ton of snacks to prevent this.) 
Belphegor is also polite to your mom. I imagine feels kind of sheepish because, you know, lesson 16 and here’s the person who gave you life. He’s definitely a parent-pleaser as well, I think he brings out the caretaker instinct in parents all over the world. He’ll be so polite he might even ask if it’s alright that he takes a nap on your couch. (He would have taken one anyways but he still asked.) When your mom fusses and says “Oh no, the couch isn’t comfortable for sleeping, you can borrow MC’s old bed,” he turns very smug. 
I think overall it would make the brothers very sentimental to meet MCs mom. It’s a direct way to see how you’ll look once you get old. They’ll probably be more gentle with you for like a day before they’re back to the usual antics. 
Oh well, this turned more into just the brothers meeting MCs mom, but I hope you still liked it, anon! <3
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lustytears · 7 months
Be Quiet
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no plot. just fucking tom marvolo riddle like there’s no tomorrow
afab!reader x tom riddle
2.2k words
warnings: SMUT. tongue play, blood kink, biting, spit kink, female receiving, p in v, wrap it b4 u tap it, public sex (in a school), hair pulling, unspecified house reader, shit i can’t think of bc i didn’t rlly proof read it, but it’s for you guys.
haven’t wrote anything in a hot minute so forgive me. first time seriously posting on tumblr. this was actually supposed to be a draco malfoy smut but i just switched it around mid-way when i was thinking of my best friend, who’s completely obsessed with this diary horcrux of voldemort just like me.
i will try and post a master list or something, give me time please.
You sat in your desk, pissed at how you were in this situation in the first place. It all happened because of Tom Riddle, who started arguing with you in the middle of potions—which you inevitably swore at him. Both of you were sent to detention to not only calm the both of yourselves, but for the disrespect and dishonor brought to Hogwarts. You were a good student, if anything a well-respected one at the most. It made you feel embarrassed knowing that you were “disorderly” but you couldn’t help but bite your tongue and put your foot down when it came to Tom Riddle. His smart remarks, his quiet demeanor, his attitude; all of it made me you want to pull at him, perhaps make him realize that he’s nothing to you.
He sat at his desk, both of your desks close between the both of you. “Would you stop?” He bore his eyes into you like daggers. His voice full of personal annoyance.
You placed your pen down, huffing. “How about you shut the fuck up, Riddle? It’s the only damn thing you’re good for anyways,” you crossed your legs, irritation came with your tone. You felt mad—perhaps upset at the fact that you were in this situation with him in the first place. He’s so fucking-
“I promise you,” he said with assurance. “I’m gonna make you regret everything you think. Every nasty glance, every remark.” Tom said, and the feeling of anger filled your head.
“Like I give a shit?” You held yourself back from laughing. “You’re actually so intolerable to be around that it makes me mad,” you hissed. “Fucking dog.” You fixed your black stalkings, the feeling of them rolling up at your thighs bothered you.
Who the fuck was she? With THAT tone? I don’t think so.
“You’re nothing to anyone, Y/N. You’re annoying, deranged, pissy, and disrespectful,” he leaned closer into your side, rubbing it into your face.
“And you’re obsessed,” you shot back at him. Your chest was stiff, but you inhaled. Your fists balled up, your face red.
“Half-bloods like you make me sick. You can’t ever give up, can you?” He smirked. “You love the attention. Fuck, it wouldn’t surprise me if you loved this. It’s your only way to get off, frantically throwing pointless insults at me?” He got up, walked to your desk. “I know you’re aroused. Aroused by the attention of a man noticing you for merely one second.”
“Oh, you fucking stupid b-“ He noticed you playing with your skirt. He pointed to it.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” his eyebrows raised with confidence. “You adore this moment.”
You launched forward, getting up from your seat where you previously sat. The desk was discarded and moved as you pushed it away when you got up. You backed him up into the nearest wall, your hands gripped his throat. Chokes and whines of disbelief came out of his mouth as you strained your hands on him. His eyes were half-closed, expecting some sort of offensive reaction to come from you.
“I fucking hate you. I hate your stupid, little arrogant, no good influence— I want to kill you, Riddle-“
He gasped, not expecting this sort of reaction to come from you. The last thing he’d expect is for you to actually come after him. “Y/N…”
Your hands were still, but the grasp was firm. His warm neck and erratically beating pulse made your hands shiver. You longed for this moment for years, but you let go. Apologies followed after your hands dropped to your sides. His brown eyes dropped to the floor, his mouth silent as the glooming atmosphere filled the both of you up.
“I-I’m sorry, Tom… I didn’t mean that,” your hands came to both sides of his cheeks. One hand drooped to his neck, caressing the spot where you held onto him for too long. His hand came up to his cheek, holding onto your wrist for a moment.
“What for?” The words shocked you. You didn’t expect Tom Riddle to be so… forgiving? He pulled you closer to him, lingering into your eyes for one moment too long. He dangerously held your hips, and by dangerously, his grasp was way too tight for you. As a result, the muscles in his hands flexed. You took notice of this, tilting your head back up to him, but this time, his lips were what you were looking at.
“You know, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you paused for a moment. “I’m sorry I took it too far. I-I should’ve realized you were uncomfortable.” His eyes stuck to you, watching your every slight breath as you hyperventilated, your chest quickly raising up and down. “I’m realizing how terribly I’ve treated y-“
His lips met yours. Starved. He switched spots with you, quickly turning you around too fast for you to notice. He backed you up into the wall, pushing you up against him and you only. Your eyes shot open for a second, bewildered and feeling like you were on a high you’ve never expected. His delicate touch made your eyes close with satisfaction. You knew this is what you wanted. After all, he could’ve chosen anyone—you were special.
Every movement, you felt your tongue desperately fighting with his. He picked you up, instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist. He sat you down on the desk, his lips moving down to your neck. Your shaky breaths made him chuckle. “How needy?” He asked, rhetorically.
He leaned to your stomach, this time, moving closer down to your pelvic area. You pulled at him., tugging his hair. “What if somebody comes in?” “Nobody’s coming in,” he whispered a quick locking spell, and you heard the doorknob jiggle and lock.
“Be quiet for me, and maybe, just maybe, I won’t despise you so much.” You nodded, allowing him to move closer and closer to your skirt. He pulled up your skirt, noting the dark-colored underwear that was now prized in front of him. He ripped your stalkings with his hands, tearing the nylon off as it hung around your thighs. He pulled your underwear aside, his index finger moving it to the opposite side of your leg. You breathed heavily, waiting for him to touch you. He stared at you, like you were a possession he gladly owned. His calloused fingers took a swipe of your pussy, carefully analyzing how your arousal felt on his fingers and stuck to them when he parted his index and middle finger.
“I’d bet galleons this is how you constantly felt around me, isn’t it?” You stared blankly, feeling like you were lost in your own thoughts. He touched your clit, quickly making your thighs shiver and jerk. You looked down at him, where his eyes met yours. You felt special. He made quick moves with your clit, rubbing it with his thumb as he saw how your eyes squeezed shut. He played with you, teasing as his other fingers played with your entrance, dipping in and out. He plunged both fingers in, desperately finding your g-spot as he pulled them back and forth between your entrance.
“Y-yeah, this—this is how I’ve thought of you. Fuck!” You exclaimed. He smirked, going at you with a much faster pace. His fingers made quick work of you, showing how talented he was considering he was making you feel this good only with his fingers.
“I.. I think-“ You moaned, loudly. He stopped, pulling his fingers out of you and his thumb stopped rubbing your clit. You pouted, begging for attention.
“If you’re not going be quiet, I’d advise you to pull your panties right back and your skirt down, and to shut the fuck up,” he said, emotionless. You were confused.
“Okay, I’m sorry, Tom… Please, fuck me. Okay? I promise- I promise I’ll be very good for you. Only you,” you pleaded, begging for him to continue.
He entered his fingers right back in. He fucked you at a much faster pace, squelchy noises emitted from the friction he was making as he continued fucking you at a speed that wasn’t known well to you. It was like he knew your body. You covered your mouth, holding it tightly as your legs wrapped against him. He pulled his fingers out, leaning in as his tongue substituted his fingers. He rubbed your clit in circles with his tongue, lapping up all of your juices. His hands grasped your thighs tightly as your legs wrapped around his head. Your back arched, rubbing against him for release.
Without a warning, he asked, “Cum for me, darling.” His tongue moved at a faster pace, licking your entrance as it quickly entered in you, eating your pussy out.
“Oh my God…” You exhaled, releasing all over his face. It didn’t take him long to use his tongue to lick all of your pleasure up. You moaned as he overstimulated you, licking you clean. “So fucking perfect,” he praised you. His jaw flexed, his eyes filled with pleasure.
He got up, off of his knees. “What are you doing?” You asked him, watching him unbuckle his pants uniform, unzipping his pants. He took his boxer waistline, taking both of his pants and his boxers right off. His cock sprung to his chest. His tip leaked with pre-cum. You eyed his cock, imagining how his girth would feel violating your walls.
“What’s that? You want me to violate your walls with my cock?” He exclaimed, chucking as your eyes widened with both fear and euphoria.
“Spit in my hand. Now.” You obeyed, a wad of spit pooled the middle of his palm. He moved his hand to his cock, lubing his cock with your saliva. He smirked, watching your legs widen and your pussy glisten with the mix of his tongue residue and your arousal. He continued jerking his cock, placing a hand on your thigh, the other hand guiding his cock to your entrance. He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down, noting how your legs tensed.
“Don’t be tense.… Let me pleasure you.”His hand touched your face carefully, moving down to your shirt. He fidgeted your buttons, unbuttoning your blouse and throwing it aside as he exposed your bra. Visioning how your tits would look, he quickly unbuttoned your bra, then moving your skirt and pulling it off. You helped him out, hopping off the table and doing the same by taking off his shirt, unbuttoning his uniform. You touched his tone body, admiring his chest.
Quickly, he turned you around, bending you over the desk. He leaned against you, lining his cock up to your entrance. He stuck his cock into you, causing your mouth to part an ‘o’. His movements became quick and aggressive, moving into you at a fast pace. You tried suppressing your moans, but he pulled your hair, yanking it back. It allowed him to continuously fuck your g-spot perfectly, making your grip on the desk turn your knuckles white. He pounded into you at an unforgivable pace, the sounds of skin contact made it unbearable—impossible, you noted. There was no way anybody couldn’t hear this.
“Fuck, you’re so.. so good,” you moaned, his hand tight, yanking your hair. Tears stained your cheeks from the combination pleasure of his cock ruining your walls and his hand pulling your hair towards him.
He violently snapped his hips into you. He took the opportunity to kiss your bare and exposed neck, biting down on your shoulder as he claimed you.
“Nobody’s going to fuck you the same. Nobody’s gonna love you the same. I’m going to be the one you think of when you dare touch yourself on those dark, dim nights alone. You’ll remember this moment like it’s the last thing you’ll ever think of. I am your permanent memoria.” He saw the dark mark on your neck, and he bit it again, piercing his teeth through your skin. You cried out, tears streaming down your face. Blood pooled, causing him to smile. He licked your shoulder like your blood was candy to him.
His hip movements became more unfocused, coming close to a sign that he was near to cumming right inside of you. He gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging into you.
“I’m going to fucking- Cum-“ And like that, he released right inside of you. The hot liquid filled your inside as he pushed his cock to your cervix, painting your deepest points white with his cum.
You fell limp. He took notice of it, and took his now once erect cock out of you. He helped you get dressed, before noticing your stalkings were completely torn. He grabbed his wand, casting a spell that would fix your broken nylon stalkings. You thanked him with tired eyes, completely exhausted from pain and pleasure. He got dressed, fixing his belt as he kept an eye on you. He carefully unlocked the door, speeding over towards you to grab you, carrying your frail body into his arms. He kissed your forehead, walking through the empty halls to his Slytherin house, coldly staring at any suspecting and confused individuals who stared at the both of you with daggers, then to his room. He opened the door, placing you on the bed. He unraveled the cover, pulling it over you completely to keep you warm. Your eyes shut, head turned to the opposite side of him.
“Sleep well, beauty.”
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bettyfrommars · 5 months
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I teamed up with @allthingsjoeq and @somnambulic-thing to bring you some Stranger Prompts directly from the Twilight Zone.
Choose a prompt from the list, add in your choice of Eddie or Steve, and spin the story however you like! Please mention us so that we can enjoy your creations and tag the fic "strangerprompts".
He shows up at your house covered in mud in the rain, but the problem is, he died two months ago.
You mistake him for the man who is supposed to be your blind date, and he decides to go along with it.
You register for a supernatural dating app
You get a phone call and find out it's a wrong number but realize that you don't want to stop talking to the person at the other end. Come to find out, he's from another decade.
A stranger leaves a letter in your mailbox. It says, "we don't know each other, but I need someone in this world to know..."
You move into a new apartment and soon discover that you share a wall with a very noisy neighbor. Loud laughter, talking, and music are a constant companion. When you decide to go over and knock on their door to confront them in person, you find that the apartment is unoccupied and has been for months.
You find a box buried in the backyard of the place you just moved into and there is something unexpected inside.
You step into a hole-in-the-wall bar for a drink and suddenly find yourself in a different decade.
You both decide to get a tarot reading on a whim, but then the predictions start coming true.
You put an ad in the paper saying you need a date to an event, and he answers it.
You find a man hiding in your house, and he says he's from another dimension.
You find an old diary from the 80's at a thrift shop and take it home with you. You start reading it and a face appears in your dreams.
You're switching stations on your radio when you pick up the signal of someone on a Walkie Talkie. They say they're in trouble and give their location.
You both unknowingly book the same haunted Airbnb and find out you're stuck together for the night.
It's rush hour and you're stuck in standstill traffic. He is in the vehicle next to you and motions for you to roll your window down.
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gxthicwxrm · 1 year
Hi! Can I request an Alicent's innocent daughter who pregnant dark!Daemon's child? I'm really curious about how the relationship between Daemon X Reader in this story will develop! Maybe reader was on the way to tell Dae she was pregnant again only to hear a conversation that Daemon was just using her (he really isn’t but Rhaenyra making sure she hears) she leaves and takes her son, and Daemon realises who he really loves and switches to the Greens! Plot twist, a Happy Ending please filled with much SMUT and Otto dies and a little flirt scene with Aegon or Aemond to make Dae jealous hehe.
My Mother's Daughter
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Hightower!Reader
Summary: When Daemon says something he regrets, will their secret relationship survive?
Warning: cursing, angst, pregnancy, secret relationship, potential part 2
Thank you so much for requesting. This fic has no smut, but I hope you can enjoy it all the same. Please leave feedback!!
HoTD Masterlist - Full Masterlist
With feet sweeping across the cold, hard floor, you practically fly down the corridor as the previous encounter replays in your head.
"Yes, milady. You are with child." The nurse aide confirmed after you asked a second time. 
Smiling joyously, you begin to speed up around a corner when you stop short as you crash into your younger brother, Aemond, and your mother, Queen Alicent. 
"Oh, my dear! What is the rush you almost needed to trample your poor mother?" She jokes as she takes you in her arms, preventing you from tipping over. Your smile quickly fades as your brother analyzes your stance, making you stand straighter. 
"I-I was running to tell Helaena about this book I just found. It was just magnificent! I thought we could, uhm go to the garden to read together." The lies drip from your tongue like poison. You hated lying to your family, but they would never accept Daemon or his child. Your mother gives a gentle smile as she brushes a lock of hair from your forehead before placing a light peck. 
"Well, don't let me stop you." She urges you on while Aemond 'hmm' in response before they both turn down the hall. Once no longer in hearing range, you take off again and stop once you meet Daemon's chambers. Hesitant, you go to knock when the door creaks open, making you fling yourself to the side with your back against the wall. Muffled voices leak out of the cracked door. Closing your eyes to brace yourself, anyone leaving the room would indeed spot you as they exit the room, but they never do.
"I would never wed her. She is nothing more to me than a common w-whore." You hear Daemon say—the man you love. The father of your unborn child is saying such an awful thing about you. It was unbelievable and devastating. Tears fall on your face while you grip your stomach as a hollow feeling grows in your chest. 
"Are you sure?" Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon's niece and your sister by marriage, asks her uncle. There was a hesitant silence until Daemon shattered it.
"I could never love her. She is just a hole to fill." With that, you flee down the hall as sobs forces through your lips. Tears flow down your cheeks endlessly as you find your room and begin to open the door but stop when you glance at your older brother Aegon's door. 
Aegon has always been your closest sibling due to your age. You always felt safe telling him your worries. He wasn't like Aemomd, who would be quick to duel anyone who hurt you rather than hearing your cries and holding you, and you never wanted to burden Helaena, whose worries remain overlooked. You and Aegon were like human diaries to each other. He was the only person who knew of your relationship with Daemon, your uncle. You knew Aegon was not a good man by any chance, but he was a good brother to you when needed. 
With a light knock, the door opens. You fall into Aegon's arms when you see your brother's face. Without question, he wraps them around you, pulling you into the room before closing the door behind the both of you. Immediately, he takes you to the fireplace, where you always vent to each other.
He gives you space to gather yourself as he grabs you and himself blankets and pillows, then sits across from you. After a few deep breaths, you tell him what you heard. Despite trusting your brother, you withhold your pregnancy in retelling the conversation. Once you have finished, Aegon pulls you into his arms again and presses a light kiss to the top of your head, similar to your mother earlier. 
"I can make Sunfyre eat him if you wish me to do so." Aegon breaks the silence, causing a laugh to leave you as you pull from him, swatting his arm while you shake your head. Before you could retort, a loud commotion came from the corridor. 
Daemon's POV - earlier 
Rhaenyra stands before Daemon, fire blazing behind her blue orbs.
"How will Queen Alicent react when she finds out her daughter is sleeping with you? What will you say when her guards have a blade to your throat?" She threatens.
"I don't know what you are talking about, niece." He bites back, and images of Y/N's body flash through his mind. Blinking rapidly, he tries to push the memories away.
"The guards saw you leaving her bed chambers on multiple occasions, uncle." She spits the words like a dragon spits fire. Harsh and unyielding. She will be the end of his relationship with Y/N if she pushes harder
He has to stop Rhaenyra.
"It doesn't mean anything to me. It is just some fun." He tries to shrink the words off as if they don't turn his stomach. Analyzing her face, she isn't convinced quite yet.
"Do you love her? Do you plan to wed her? Fill her with your children?" Her icy words hit him as he realizes he never thought that far. He knows he wants her in his life until the end, but he's never told her that, which makes his following words more painful. 
"I would never wed her. She is nothing more to me than a common w-whore." Bile starts to burn its way up his chest as his chest tightens. He can tell Rhaenyra isn't letting it go but offers nothing. 
"Are you sure?" At this moment, he sees her confidence fade from the future Queen as insecurities fill her eyes. But his words are for his future wife's safety, not Rhaenyra's ego.
"I could never love her. She is just a hole to fill." With that, Rhaenyra nods before she kisses Daemon's cheek. Outside the room, he can hear someone crying before it's gone, echoing slightly down the hall. Looking at Rhaenyra, she has a devilish smile. 
"No." Dread fills Daemon's heart as he realizes what his niece has done and pushes her away. Running out of his room and down the hall, he tries to catch up with you when he practically smashes into the Queen and her father, Otto Hightower.
"Now, Daemon, what is this?" Alicent asks, rolling her eyes at the Targaryen. Otto silently sneers beside his daughter. He would be snarky and make remarks any other time, but Daemon was on a mission. Daemon had to get to Y/N. He didn't know how, but he knew Y/N heard what he said, and he had to undo it. Pushing past the two, he keeps going towards Y/N's room, leaving Otto yelling obscenities and Alicent for guards. Before he can reach her door, he gets tackled by Otto, who Sir Cole and other guards follow. Quickly catching himself, Daemon turns, pulling a blade from his hip, and holds the knife to Otto's throat. 
"I've been itching to do this for years." Daemon chuckles as he applies pressure to the blade, a small bead of blood dripping down the older man's neck. 
Y/Ns POV - Present
"Daemon?" Your voice breaks through his anger as he turns to you. Aegon had opened the door to reveal Daemon with a knife to your grandsire's neck. 
"Daemon, what are you doing?" You say, moving towards the two men with Aegon following shortly behind her. Damon immediately drops the knife turning to face her, but before he can move, four guards rush him and attempt to arrest Daemon. He tries to fight back as the guards push him to the ground, holding a blade to his face. Screaming, you beg your mother and grandfather to stop this.
"Mother, please! Please, stop this. They are hurting him. I love him, please, Mother." Your declaration shocks her as she wonders when this could have happened, but her eldest daughter's fear breaks her heart.
"Enough." The Queen's voice is firm as she addresses her guards, who abruptly stop their actions. 
Daemon falls to the floor, and you go to his side. Helping him up, you take him to your room while everyone empties the hall. Aegon helps you sit Daemon on your bed before leaving with a nod to you. 
Silence fills the room while you gather cloth and a basin with water. A gash across his cheek from the sharpened blade begins to bleed. Wiping it clean, you see it is nothing more than a scratch, so you put the gauze away and sit the basin to the side. 
"Am I just a whore to you?" Your words confirm Daemon's suspicions. "Am I just a game to you?"
"No. I swear I didn't mean anything I said. Rhaenyra threatened to tell your mother about us if she knew you meant something to me." Daemon explains as he cups your hands. Tears pool in his eyes as he begs you to believe him. His words bring relief but stop you.
"Do I?" You ask, making the blonde looks up with furrowed brows.
"What?" The confused man asked. With a smirk, you pull yourself into his lap, wrapping yourself around him. 
"Do I mean something to you, Daemon?" Your question hits him, but he collects himself as he thinks.
"You mean so much to me, Y/N. I would give up my life, my honor, my family, my dragon for you. You are worth everything to me." He confesses as he cups your cheek as his other arm wraps around your waist.
"Good, because I am pregnant with our child, Daemon. We will have a family if you want to be a part of it." You smile as his eyes widen. His arm grips you as he jumps up from the bed, his strength holding you in his arms while he twirls around, hollering. He sets you down and has your jaw as he kisses you deeply.
"I love you, Y/N Targaryen. I want this family, and I want you as my wife." He declares, making you pull him into another kiss.
"I want you as my husband." You mumble into the kiss before he holds you to his chest. 
"I am so sorry for the things I had said. I felt sick even saying them, but I wanted to protect you." He whispers into your hair. 
"I forgive you. Your words hurt badly, but I know they had no truth. But now Mother knows about us; soon, everyone else will." You say into his chest.
"Good. Everyone will know not to fuck with us." He says darkly, making you laugh as you look up at him, admiring his beauty.
"Oh, and next time I find my wife alone with Aegon Targaryen again, he and I will have a problem to resolve. Targaryens have a reputation." He jokes as you roll your eyes. This man was the father of your child, your husband.
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dreamlifebunny · 1 year
bunny's masterlist!
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hello friends! here you will find all of my finished posts ranging from manifesting ideas, imaginal acts (that i call "dream life daydreams"), manifesting challenges, self-improvement and "it girl" posts, and my perspectives on the law of assumption and non-dualism. have fun, and please let me know if any of these links don't work!
manifestation ideas:
the void state
desired face
magical abilities
revising the past
gifts from the universe
appearance perfection
magical appearance changes
from others: interactions with the afterlife
from others: 16 wishes
imaginal acts / dream life daydreams:
i'm irresistible, they're absolutely crazy over me!
being with your sp (or favourite fictional comfort character)
my series' and methods:
affirmations: "i can't believe it!"
affirmations: a better way to affirm
affirmations: for the "gifts from the universe" post
scripting: how to script your dream life and use it with any method
scripting: my favourite digital word processors for scripting
bunny's dream life scripting series: intro post
bunny's dream life scripting series: how to use
motivational posts:
you are safe
you are doing amazing work
this is your sign to stop procrastinating
manifesting a fictional character into your reality
how to "ignore the 3D" when dealing with horrible circumstances
it doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is that you're here now
a gentle practice for disidentifying with the ego + advice from an anon
how to become your own best teacher and the choice between nondualism and law of assumption
informative posts:
my favourite loa + nd blogs
neville goddard on how to occupy a state
why you should read/listen to edward art when you've overconsumed information or are doubting your faith in the law
frequently asked questions (updated soon!)
bunny's digital detox and manifestation challenge
about me and non-loa:
my intro post
coding resources
my sideblog: for my personal glow-up diary, self-improvement reblogs, and the occasional off-topic and interest-based post, you can follow @dreambunnynotes!
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moonlightazriel · 2 months
Chapter 9: Two witches go to a war camp… /// Azriel X F!Reader
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Summary: After a much needed talk with Elain, Nesta takes Y/N to Windhaven.
Word Count: 2,2K
Warnings: None for this part.
Main Masterlist
Worlds Apart Masterlist
“I'm sorry if I made everything weird between you and her.” Y/N started, remembering the way Elain tried to stop him from going with her.
“She confuses me.” Lucien sighed, sipping on the liquor she had found hidden in a cabinet. “She’s with him, but whenever she sees me trying to move on, she finally remembers she’s my mate and acts with jealousy towards me.”
“Love sucks.” She let out a humourless laugh.
“After everything with Jessminda, I just wish to be happy.” Sadness overtook his features, he had shared about his past lover that day at the city, and Y/N felt her heart crack a bit.
“You will be.” She promised him.
Y/N woke up that day on her bed, her talk with Lucien still fresh in her mind, and as she jumped out of the bed, showered and got dressed, she knew what she would do that day.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Meraxes landed near the garden, on an empty part of the house Rhys and Feyre lived, she already had to talk to them, talking to Elain in the process was going to be perfect.
She strolled towards the hallways, the sound of her boots echoing around the house as she reached the office Rhysand had indicated to them last night as they got back from Hewn City.
She knocked, waiting for them to allow her in. Feyre opened the door with a gentle smile, welcoming her in. The office had dark wooden furniture and grey walls, a portrait of Feyre sat beautifully behind the desk, like she was the force that guided Rhysand even when she wasn’t there in person.
“Good morning.” He said, cradling his sleeping son against his chest.
“Good morning! Thank you for receiving me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m here to ask for permission to leave with Lucien and explore Koschei’s home.” The two shared a look like they were talking in each other’s mind. Like Maeve did.
“You are free in this court, but we appreciate your consideration.” Feyre spoke, hands cupping his shoulders. “We’re going to ask for Azriel to join you two, we also need to deal with Koschei and he can share what he already knows with you.”
Being stuck with Azriel and Lucien, when the two couldn’t stand being in the same room with each other for more than 5 minutes? Great, just fucking great.
“Do you think this will help?” Rhys inquired, his violet eyes piercing her into her seat.
“I’m willing to try anything at this point.” She shifted on her seat, her scar throbbing with anxiety.
“Mor found this.” He handed her a book, covered in a dark leathery material, looking like a diary. “She looked around her father’s office and this was the only thing that made sense.”
Y/N grabbed the book, flipping through the pages, drawings and an ancient alphabet she knew very well, Wyrd marks. She closed the book quickly, wanting to read it just as fast.
“This is going to be very useful.” She smiled at them. “May I take it with me during the trip?” Feyre nodded.
“Please do.” She waved her hand and Y/N shoved the diary in between her leathers. She groaned as she saw the state of her clothes that morning, the ripped fabric making her angry.
“We also will have some incursions of our own. Nesta and Cassian fly today to the war camps to see what they can discover . You may want to find her, she wants you to join them.” Rhys announced. “We’re in touch with the other High Lords, Koschei is a threat we all have in common, so it gives us the perfect excuse to roam around their libraries. Except Autumn of course.”
“Lucien asked his brother for help.” She blurted. “Eris says he will try his best.” Rhysand and Feyre shared a surprised look.
“Well, that is nice of him. Thank you.” Feyre spoke.
“Thank you for all your efforts.” She thanked them, getting up. “I need to get going so I can do everything that I need to do before travelling.” Feyre nodded.
“Of course, go ahead. But just be careful.” The female begged and Y/N nodded.
“I’ll try my best.” She said with a confident gleam in her eyes, exiting the office.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
She leaned in the doorway, Elain was kneeled on the ground, hands digging in the soil as she planted another pink flower in that already full and beautiful garden.
Elain stiffed, the black wyvern approaching the garden, its huge snot bumping against her perfect flowers, Meraxes sniffled, sitting on its back paws as his head rolled to the sides, happily appreciating the smell.
“Oh, do you like flowers?” She asked, looking curiously at the creature, Meraxes took a deep breath and his big grin appeared in approval.
“He does.” Y/N replied from behind her, prompting Elain to quickly whip her head in her direction, hurt and sadness filled her brown eyes as she made eye contact with her.
“What do you want? Tell me how wonderful your night with Lucien was!?” Elain got up, removing the gloves from her hands and walking towards Y/N, standing in front of her.
“I did have a wonderful night with him.” Elain scoffed but her eyes filled with tears. “Because Lucien is an amazing, caring friend. I came here to tell you that nothing happened yesterday, at least not what you think.”
“You two didn’t sneak out to be alone?” Elain’s breath hitched.
“We did, but I just needed to get away from that crowd, it reminded me of bad times, he was just helping me to get back in control of my emotions.” Elain watched her silently. “Take care of him, please, love him how he deserves to be loved. Lucien has a gentle yet fragile heart, handle with care.”
“I thought about what you told me.” She started. “Azriel and I are no longer together, and now it’s my turn to ask you to love him how he deserves, Azriel has been searching for love for so long, and I wasn’t what he needed, but I have a suspicion that you might be, so please, be careful and patient with him, he deserves it.”
Her words left her astonished for a few minutes, just blinking towards the female like a confused kid. Did Azriel say anything about dreaming about her? Did he feel the same increase in his heartbeat that she did whenever he looked at her? Did he love her like she loved him?
“Thank you Elain. And after everything ends and if I’m still here, would you teach me gardening?” Elain smiled.
“I would love to.” She nodded her head, smiling back at Elain before she headed towards Meraxes, she had to find Nesta.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“You can’t go like this.” Nesta stomped her foot down, looking at the damaged clothing Y/N was wearing. “You would be better in Illyrian leathers, they’re amazing.”
“And where do we get them?” She asked, to which Morrigan happily chimed in.
“In the best shop of all Illyria.” She had a big smile. “My mate’s shop.”
Y/N sat atop Meraxes, Morrigan pressed against her as the two made their way towards Emerie’s shop. Before Y/N met Cassian and Nesta at the camp.
Mor rambled about how she and Emerie met, the bond snapping for them and how they had busy life’s but always made time for each other, and in every opportunity she would fly to be with her lover.
The wyvern waited outside the town, and they walked towards the tiny shop in the middle of the town. Thousands of winged males and females walked there, minding their own business and going on with their lives.
The heavy door scratched against the floor as Mor pushed it open, revealing a well lit inside with clothes hanging around and a leathery smell. Behind the counter the female from that training day stood, her hair was braided and she was reading a book.
“Do you have any leathers available?” Mor said in a slow and sensual tone, Emerie lifted her eyes, her expression going from serious to pure delight as she saw her mate standing in her store.
“For you? I have everything.” She crossed the store in two quick steps, embracing Morrigan and pulling her in for a kiss. “I missed you.”
“Me too baby, me too.” The female turned to Y/N. “Emerie this is Y/N, Y/N this is Emerie.” Y/N shook her extended hand.
“It’s nice to see you again.” She spoke and the female nodded in agreement.
“She’s the female that disarmed Azriel, that I told you about.” She told her mate, who looked at them confused.
“Oh okay.” Morrigan laughed. “Makes sense.”
The blonde then started to talk about how Y/N could use some new clothes and Nesta had sent her there. It took exactly twenty minutes for her to get in full Illyrian attire, very tight on her body but not in a restricting way. And four more pairs ready to take home with her.
She had thanked them, leaving the two alone. Walking towards Meraxes, the clothes felt okay, not that different from what she was used to. She clicked her jaw and exposed her teeth, Godslayer behind her back. She mounted the wyvern and headed towards the camp where she was supposed to meet Nesta.
Devlon kept staring at her with annoyance, he hated having Nesta around, a witch as he claimed she was. The female’s gaze turned to the sky a few times, waiting for the winged shadow that would make them tremble in fear.
With a loud roar, she saw it. The wyvern descending from the skies, his powerful wings carrying the winds in them. Devlon turned to the commotion, cursing loudly as he spotted Meraxes landing and his rider dismounting, sliding down his leg and landing on the ground with ease.
“Who the hell is that?” He demanded to know, turning to the General that didn’t even try to suppress the smirk at the male’s terrified gaze.
“Our guest for today.” He announced. “Welcome to Illyria, Lady Blackbeak.” Y/N bowed her head to Cassian, not even looking at the static male beside him.
“Lord Cassian, thank you for having me. Lady Nesta.” She turned her body to the female.
“What are you?” The male spat, and she turned those deep blue eyes in his direction, her claws scratching her chin as she grinned, the sun shining on the iron, giving the metallic smile a creep touch.
“I’m a witch, what else would I be?” She spoke in a condescending tone, like it was obvious what her true nature was.
“First you bring her.” His crooked finger pointed at Nesta, the female scoffed. “And then another one? You curse our land. You two are going to be our doom.” He pointed to the females, Nesta had walked to Y/N’s side and the two smiled at him sweetly.
“I’m kinda busy to be anyone’s doom.” Nesta sarcastically remarked.
“Oh yeah, me too.” Y/N shrugged. “Maybe next year.” She winked at the male.
Devlon was seething with anger, their mere presence was an affront to them and their traditions, Cassian as an Illyrian should know. But it looked like he and the two females didn’t give a shit about it.
“What do you want?” He sighed deeply.
“Your oldest scriptures.” Cassian spoke and the male rolled his eyes before giving in.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“What is this?” Y/N pointed to the drawing of a monolith, the stone was sculpted with square edges with a slit on top. Like a keyhole.
“This is the monolith atop Ramiel, it’s where you have to reach in order to finish the Blood Rite.” Cassian spoke, giving her a brief introduction of what the Blood Rite was.
“And when you finish it just teleports you back?” She inquired.
“Basically.” He shrugged, not knowing where she wanted to go with it.
“Ramiel, here says it’s a sacred mountain, very powerful.” Both Cassian and Nesta nodded. “Powerful enough to open a gate?”
“What?” Cassian asked and in a second the two stood behind her.
“The Valgs used wyrd keys to travel, they inserted them in wyrd gates to open portals to other worlds. If the drawing is accurate..” She pointed to the marks adorning the monolith. “These are wyrd marks and this..” She pointed to the top part of the monolith, towards the slith. “Is a keyhole for a wyrd key.”
“How do we know that you’re truly correct?” Nesta inquired.
“I would have to see it with my own eyes.” She groaned, if they didn’t wanted her there, there’s no fucking way they would allow her at Ramiel.
“Rhys can show you.” Cassian spoke and she looked at him. “We have to go back to Velaris.”
The three rushed outside, thanking Devlon for the scriptures and Y/N promised to stay away for a while, making the male growl at her. They stood in front of Meraxes.
“You two go, I’ll meet you there.” Cassian urged and they nodded, Y/N climbed towards the saddle and Cassian dropped Nesta behind her, securing both in place, they flew, this could finally be a step towards the right direction.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @fieldofdaisiies @blackgirlmagicforever @a-frog-with-a-laptop @going-through-shit @asweetblueberry2
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brighteyedbushybrowed · 10 months
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
It's Verging time *heads your canons*. I used to wonder why DMC3, 4, and 5 were my favourites in the series and then I remembered it's because I'm a Vergil hoe and those are all games you can play as him in (special editions for 4 and 5 obviously). As always, spicy headcanons under the cut so minors DNI please and thank you
Most important thing to keep in mind while dating him is that he is a work in progress and has a lot of shit to work through, but he will always make time for you
Wasn't very tactile at first due to his own personal traumas
It's only after he's comfortable enough with you and has been going to therapy for a while that he'll start holding hands or putting an arm around you, though he's still a little hesitant to do that out in public
Loves to spend time with you by reading poems or books to you while you're curled up beside him on the sofa
You kind of had to explain to him when you start giving him gifts that it's not expected that he give you something in return or vice versa. Now he'll give you small gifts when you've been apart for a while because of devil hunting or other commitments
Tries to spend at least one night a week going to ballroom dancing classes as a new hobby to focus on, so expect him to ask you to practice with him somewhat regularly
Will also invite you to come to classes with him to watch or even take part if you feel up to it
He's not much of a flower giving guy. He prefers to give you things that will last longer
Expect to see the day and time for your dates scheduled in his diary or on his calendar
Insists you go on a date at least once a week, even if one or both of you are having a hectic week
Not insistent in a controlling way though. More of a "I don't want to neglect us or our relationship and having it written down somewhere stops Dante from trying to drag me out somewhere with him on that day" kind of way
Dante absolutely gave you the "don't hurt my brother" talk but was way more chill with it than Vergil would be if someone was dating his younger twin
The man is so inexperienced - you're gonna need to be patient with him and take your time
He's always gentle when you have sex. Partly because of his inexperience but also because he worries about hurting you if he doesn't hold back
His favourite position with your would probably be with you riding him. He gets to look up at you while still making you feel good? Go for it
On occasions where he trusts himself enough to be more rough with you, you'll probably be walking funny the next day because he just can't get enough of you
Unlike V, he has mad stamina and is more than happy to go multiple rounds with you
Public sex is an absolute no go, but that doesn't mean that he won't tease you under the table when he gets in one of his moods
You hold hands the most when you're having sex, especially when he's being especially gentle and wants to make love rather than fucking
If you want him and his doppelganger to fuck you at the same time, you're gonna need to catch Vergil in the right mood at the right time
Has definitely blurted out "I love you" in the middle of cumming. Was very grateful for your reassurances and saying you love him too afterwards
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blackleatherjacketz · 9 months
The Notebook
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Javier Peña x Female Reader
Summary: Your coworker, Javier, finds some of your erotic writings in your notebook and takes a very special interest in them.
Warnings: 18+ Only!, Explicit Smut, Mature Content, Humiliation Kink, Invasion of Privacy, Javier invading your personal space, Dracula Fan Fiction, Stealing, Teasing, Taunting, Alcohol, Kissing, Writing Kink, Javier wanting you to talk him through it, Vaginal Fingering, Finger Sucking, Face Grabbing, Neck Kissing, Neck Sucking/Biting, Vaginal Sex, Woman On Top, Orgasm Delay
Word Count: 3.6k+
Notes: This may or may not be inspired by true events.
Tags: @bullet-prooflove @skittle479 @letsby
This day has dragged on long enough, your office’s efforts in catching Escobar sluggish at best as Peña paces around the busy office with his hands on his hips. His stance accentuates the muscles in his back as they flex in aggravated tension through his dress shirt, his rugged features twisting with worry as he slowly turns to face you.
“You got anything?” He asks, waltzing over to your desk. “Any random phone calls or photographs we might have overlooked?” He gives you a glance reminiscent of the one he shot you at last year’s Christmas party, one that sent shivers down your spine then and is well on its way to doing so now.
“Nothing I haven’t already shown you.” You shrug your shoulders as you watch him saunter around your desk, running his thumb and forefinger over his mustache before planting himself proudly onto a stack of your papers.
You’d seen him do this to Murphy dozens of times before, but he’d never had the audacity to do it to you until now. He’d never gotten close enough for you to feel the heat radiating off his body, hear the rhythm of his breathing or feel the roughened texture of his pants as his thigh brushes against your elbow. The scent of smoke and whiskey surrounds you as your heart begins to flutter in response, making you well aware of the attraction you’ve been trying to hide for months now as he leans in close to see what you’ve been writing.
“Wait, what does that say?” He leans in closer to get a better look before placing his hand on top of yours, grazing his index finger over your hurried handwriting as your heart skips a beat. “Peña doesn’t believe me?”
He snatches the notebook right out of your hands, standing up to read your most pertinent notes on the case out loud for everyone in the office to hear. He takes his time rifling his way through its weathered pages, picking and choosing phrases he finds to be interesting as his large fingers spread each sheet of paper apart from the next. Those mischievous eyes of his glance up at you in between his redundant narrations until he gets to the very back of the book, a section you’ve always kept to yourself.
“Peña, stop!” You stand up from your seat and lean forward, reaching out to him as he playfully pulls it away just in time. He’s never shown any interest in your notes before. You have no idea what could have changed that now.
“Por qué?” He raises an eyebrow and steps back just far enough to sit down on top of his own desk, the skin around his eyes creasing with intrigue. “Is this your diary or something?”
You shoot him a look that tells him he should know better; a look you hope to be just as threatening as it is pleading while he holds your innermost thoughts and desires hostage. You try your best to avoid telling the entire office what’s inside, but you can’t expect him to know that you’ve written your own erotic version of ‘Dracula’ in the back of the book he holds in his hands.
“Peña, please give it back!” You extend your arm out as far as you can, flexing your fingers toward him as he blatantly ignores your request.
Smiling wide, he enacts your biggest fear by reading your dark and dreary prose aloud, your words rolling off his tongue as if he’d written every one of them himself before reciting them to your peers. He looks up at you occasionally until he gets to a certain part of the story that shouldn’t be uttered in a place of business, let alone out loud at all. All of the sudden he gawks at you from atop his desk, his eyes growing darker as his mouth falls slack, his lips deepening into a vibrant shade of mauve.
Oh God, it’s too late. He’s seen too much.
Sweat begins to form at your temples as he turns the page, a single drop racing down your cheek as a lick of his lips makes you swallow hard before wiping away the evidence of your discomfort. Powerless to stop him, you attempt to busy yourself with whatever paperwork is in front of you, stapling random things together as he continues to read your deepest, darkest thoughts in the light of day. But it’s no use. You can still feel his eyes upon you, the heat radiating off of them practically cooking you from the inside out as everyone else around you moves on, unknowingly going about their business.
His silence remains heavy as his glare only deepens over the aged black leather of your personal ledger. Another page turns, the edge of the paper practically deafening against the hustle and bustle of the room as it scrapes across his calloused fingertips in what seems to be slow motion. You’d been in dozens of high stress scenarios on the job before, but nothing had frozen time or gotten your heart racing quite like this. Nothing had flushed your cheeks or shook your hands like this until he started looking at you like that.
“Hey, you got those financial reports I asked you for?” Murphy interrupts your thoughts by stepping directly into the line of fire.
“Uh, yeah, I uh…” you scramble, looking down at your desk to rid yourself of the unbearable heat of Peña’s eyes. It’s only now that you realize you’ve stapled a takeout menu to your paystub just in time for you to shove it under the rest of your disorganized papers.
“You okay?” Murphy tilts his head as he looks at you, glancing back at Peña before squinting as if to try and figure you out. “You look a little…”
You can see Peña shifting his weight out of the corner of your eye, no doubt getting to the part where Dracula bites the girl on her thigh and starts dining between her legs with a fervor you described in great length. You hold your breath and furtively watch him take in a slow, stifled one to match yours before he looks up at you in an almost… helpless manner. You notice his palm gently grazing over the bulge in his jeans as they gradually tighten around it, the space between his thighs shrinking as he brings them together in muffled frustration.
Is he…? Holy shit, he’s really enjoying himself.
“It’s nothing,” you reassure Murphy, sifting through your messy stack of papers until you find the ones that he’s after. “Women’s troubles, you know.” You wink at him before handing over the documents, knowing full well that was enough to steer him away from you in a heartbeat.
“Say no more!” He holds his hands up in defense before taking the paperwork from you. “I’ll leave you to it! Wouldn’t want to make you mad during that time of the month!”
You sneer at him until he takes the hint and walks away, clasping his hand onto Peña’s shoulder in order to get his attention. He leans in to tell him something inaudible, something about a lead they need to follow up on as Peña swallows hard, nodding to his partner in silence. You watch his Adam’s Apple bob up and down in his throat before he turns to stare at you like a jungle cat would his next meal, closing the book in his hands before shoving it into the hem of his pants for safekeeping.
“I’m gonna need that back before you go,” you remind him, remaining seated as you hold your hand out.
Grinning from ear to ear, he laughs to himself and slaps his knee before standing up from his perch on his desk. He slowly saunters toward you with your book tucked snugly between his hips. “But I haven’t finished it yet.”
“You don’t need to finish it, Peña.” You try to control your breathing as he gets closer to you, every vein in his neck and forearms popping against his skin as the tension between you builds. “Give it back.”
“You want it?” He leans forward and places his palms flat on your desk, bringing his gorgeous face mere inches away from yours.
“Please,” you attempt, your chest heaving.
He licks his lips and takes the pen right out of your hand just as quickly as he had your notebook, writing an address on the closest sticky note before turning it around to face you. “Come by my place later tonight and pick it up.”
It took you a while to muster up the courage to actually get in your car and drive over to Peña’s apartment a few hours later. You realized maybe a little too late that if he really wanted to embarrass you, that if he hated whatever you’d written down on those pages that he wouldn’t have taken it home for him to finish later. You tell yourself that if he didn’t at least want you in some capacity after reading that about you, he wouldn’t have invited you over here tonight at all. So, you decide to show up and act confident enough in who you are and what you’ve written, hoping that maybe this night won’t turn out so bad after all.
Just as you expected, he’s all but smirking when he opens the door to his apartment, eyes taking you in as he leans in against the doorframe just a little too long. His tie is nowhere to be found and the first few buttons of his shirt are undone just enough to show the sweat glistening across his muscular chest as it rises and falls with your arrival. “Took you long enough.”
“Where’s my notebook, Peña?” You try not to stare at him for more than a few seconds as he steps back just far enough to grant you entry, his scent intoxicating you once again as he towers over you.
“It’s over there,” he mutters. “And call me Javi.” He points to the coffee table with a nearly empty glass of whiskey in his hand. “You want a drink?”
“Sure, Javi.” You try on his first name with a smile, seeing how it feels in your mouth as you make your way over to the sofa, sitting down in front of the messy coffee table. Your notebook lays in the midst of scattered ashtrays and coffee mugs, the edges of it bent a little bit more than you’d like. “I assume you’ve read everything in here, then?”
“A few times, yeah,” he admits, glass clinking behind you before he returns with a full drink in each hand, sitting down next to you.
“I didn’t know you were such a huge Dracula fan,” you tease, forcing yourself to play the part of your confident protagonist as you take your drink from him.
“Neither did I.” He winks at you like he winks at everyone, only this time that salacious glare stays on his features as he lifts the amber liquid to his lips. “You’re a really fucking good writer, you know that?”
“Yeah,” you wink back.
“Humble, too.” He takes a sip of alcohol, nodding toward the infamous notebook as he shifts his weight to disguise the act of scooting even closer to you. “There’s some real sick shit in there, you know that?”
“You seemed to like it just fine.” You remind him with a quick sip, wincing as it washes over your tongue and down into your stomach, warming you to the very core. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t replayed the image of him rubbing his jeans in the middle of the office over again in your head on the drive over here.
He only laughs as you call him out, nodding unapologetically as his breath fogs up the glass around his mustache. “Oh, I’m not complaining.” He sets his drink down on the table before grabbing hold of your knee as if he’d done so a thousand times before, squeezing it affectionately. “You know that.”
You do now.
“Do I?” You let him touch you as you down the rest of your drink, relishing in this moment that you’ve been fantasizing about for far too long as his fingers curl beneath your thigh, tugging it towards him.
“So how long has it been since you’ve done anything like that?” His voice drops an octave as he slowly turns you toward him, the darkness in his eyes engulfing his usual chestnut hue as a strand of hair falls in front of them.
“You mean since I’ve been bitten by a vampire?” You chide, feeling the warmth from your drink spread from your arms and legs out into your fingers and toes.
Now it’s his turn to give you a knowing look.
“A while,” you admit, letting him carefully spread your legs apart as the moisture you so eloquently described in your writings begins to collect between them. “What was your favorite part?”
“All of it.” He holds eye contact with you while his hand grazes up your thigh toward your junction, his fingertips barely sliding beneath the cotton of your underwear before he pauses. “You really experience pleasure like that?”
“Sometimes,” you nod, lifting your leg up onto his lap as he guides it there with his opposite hand. “If I’m lucky.”
He grins and pulls the soft fabric to the side, studying your face as he dips his digits into the moisture between your folds as a hushed moan barely escapes your lips. He brings his mouth just a breath away from yours as he spreads your slick up and down your seam, delicately lubricating your now puffy lips before coating your swollen bud up and down with your arousal.
“What are you feeling now?” He whispers, his question hot on your skin as he excites the neurons in your most sensitive spot.
“What?” You’re barely able to ask, his fingers pushing and pulling against your clit in a torturously slow and pedantic pattern.
“Describe it to me,” he slides his fingers down inside your heat, his thumb pressing against your bud as your walls instinctively squeeze around him. “Describe it like you would in your writing.”
“Mmm…I… you feel… electric,” you start out almost stuttering, still shocked at his unique request as he glides up at the most euphoric angle. “Your fingers are sending little… fuck, Javi!”
“I knew I liked hearing you call me that.” He kisses your lips as you try to find the right words in the moment, to convey the utter bliss he’s sending up into your core as your hips roll against his wrist again and again. But the pleasure he’s giving you is so intense that it blocks out any logical form of thinking, erasing any linguistic mastery you may possess as his bold request remains unfulfilled.
You lift your hand to hold onto his face as you moan against his mouth, tasting the flavor of whiskey you both shared as the hair of his mustache tickles your skin. He moans along with you, your growing euphoria seeming to give him just as much satisfaction as he pushes his fingers in deeper than yours could ever reach. In and out, they nearly brush against your cervix as he continues massaging your bud, exciting each and every nerve ending along your soaking wet walls as they grip around him, clenching in delight. His groans vibrate against your lips as he breathes in your hushed whispers, your failed attempts at any literary description of what he’s doing to your body until it’s finally about to give way.
“Tell me how you taste,” he pulls his fingers out just as you’re about to climax, shoving them into your mouth as you whine in stifled protest.
Your eyes widen as he pushes in past your lips, that zesty flavor settling into your taste buds as you wrap your tongue around his fingers to pinpoint the notes of your juices. He watches you, utterly rapt as you take him in up to his knuckles, your spit all but spilling out of the corners of your mouth before he reluctantly takes them out.
“Well?” He sucks them into his own mouth to get a taste, his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline as he awaits your answer.
“I taste tangy,” you manage to say as you watch him savor the little bit of flavor you’d left for him, his full lips glistening in your sex. “Tart with a little bit of sweetness.”
“Tastes like you were about to come.” He grasps onto your chin, smearing the brink of your orgasm across your face as he brings his lips to your cheek, pressing hungry kisses into your jawline. “Now, what kind of story would that be if I let you come that quickly, huh?”
“I, uh…” you mutter as his lips reach yours, slowing down the synapses in your body with each prolonged kiss as his fingers weave their way into your hairline. “Not a very good one.”
“No, not at all,” he whispers, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before letting it bounce back into place.
He grabs hold of your hips and pulls you onto his lap as he kisses his way down your face and neck, just as fervently as you’d written in your book. You hiss as his tongue barely softens the blow before his teeth scrape against your flesh, latching onto your throat in order to suck your pulse into his mouth in a delicious twinge of pain. It’s as if he’d memorized every word you’d written down, following the map of intimacy you so blatantly laid out for him as he pays perfect attention to your most erogenous zones. His hands accompany his mouth by needily grazing over the muscles in your back, massaging them on their way down to pull you near before grasping onto your cheeks.
You run your fingers through his hair as his kiss deepens, darkening your bruise with a soft hum that sounds more like a whimper as you grind your soaking wet mound over his clothed erection in urgent desire.
“Don’t think you’re gonna make yourself come like that,” he breaks free from his bite, bringing you out of it with a harsh smack to your ass.
“No?” You ask, wondering just how long you can prolong your release.
He bucks his hips up just enough to slide his thumbs beneath the fabric of his jeans, freeing himself in one fluid motion as his pants rest just below his knees. “I wanna feel it, too.”
Jesus Christ, he’s huge.
He licks his fingers and drags them slowly up your length as you hover over him, smirking as he tugs on your clit one more time before finally stroking himself.
“Tell me how it feels.” He looks up at you and grabs onto your face while coating himself in your sex, your juices already dripping down his shaft and onto his pelvis before you open your mouth to speak.
“My skin’s on fire, Javi, I’m so… aching for you,” you whisper incoherently as you look into his eyes, resisting the temptation to watch him line up with your entrance as he stimulates you with the tip of his cock. “I’m tingling with pleasure, but it’s not enough, I need you inside me.” His girth cuts you off as you slowly sink down onto him, his head already stretching your walls in pulses of ecstasy as they gradually expand around him.
“Good,” he huffs, placing his other hand on your hip as you take him in completely, his eyes instinctively rolling back in his head before he has the chance to look back up at you. “Tell me more, baby.”
“Fuck, you’re big, Javi,” you mumble as the pet name nearly takes you out, your inner walls already quaking around him as he pushes in up to the hilt. His other hand snakes its way across your hip, grabbing onto your ass as he thrusts up into you, his size stretching you out inch by inch as you rise and fall onto him at a desperate, delicious pace. “I’m gonna feel you for days after this,” you mutter, nearly out of breath. “Feel so empty without you.”
“Yeah?” He tightens his grip on your face before turning you on your back, thrusting in even deeper to trigger that cascade of pleasure that can only come from hitting that bundle of nerves he’s been dancing around all night. He grunts as he feels you begin to seize around him, loosening his grip on your face before sliding it down to your throat as he drives those surges of bliss up into your spine, one right after another.
“Javi, you’re making me come!” You whimper, mewling beneath him as he ignites your entire body with a thousand tiny explosions, sparks of euphoria practically shooting out of your fingers and toes as you contract around him like a mad woman.
“Good girl,” he growls before losing himself inside you, too caught up in his own pleasure to demand your verbal description as he slams his hips against your thighs at a violent, erratic pace, straining every muscle in your body as he spasms within the confines of your velvety grasp. “Fuck!”
You wrap your legs around his back as the aftershock courses its way through you, his thrusts barely slowing down as he spills his release inside you with reckless abandon. He looks like a wild animal as he builds onto your pleasure, his eyes blackened with lust as he grunts and growls into you, forcing it to wreak havoc on your system as you rattle and hum uncontrollably. His abs contract as he pushes in deeper with each twitch of his dick, sending you even further over the edge as his eyes fall shut in sheer delight before eventually slowing his rhythm.
“That’s one for the books, huh?” He asks, resting his forehead against yours before kissing your cheek.
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Prompt || Bucky and Y/N are on a motorcycle together. The constant movement and touching is getting them kind of excited... — Requested by @late-to-the-party-81 <3
Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Less than 600
Contents & Warnings || Smut — NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, explicit content/language, slight dangerous driving (please drive safe and put on a helmet while riding a motorcycle), grinding and touching, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids.
Random prompt event || Masterlist
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On nights when neither you nor Bucky could sleep, you found yourself driving on his motorcycle through the deserted roads at night. Although the sound of the engine revving in the dark is loud and heavy, it’s still very much calm and peaceful. The wind and speed feel so freeing as you drive fast and reckless on the road—your destination unknown. You and he just drive until you get tired and pull into a motel at the side of the road for the night.
You cling tightly onto him—arms and legs holding on as you rest your cheek against his back. The cold leather of his jacket stings your skin, but you don't mind one bit.
You feel so happy and excited to share this personal and intimate moment with Bucky. This was such an essential part of your relationship—your journey on the road.
The constant movement and slight vibration of the machine as he sped up made you excited for other reasons as well. You couldn't ignore the delicious vibrations from the engine each time he revved it. It hit your core hard and then travelled through the nerves lined in your spine, making you shudder against him.
You couldn't help but act upon the sensation more, so, very slowly, you start to rock back and forth on the leather seat; an orgasm bubbles in your lower stomach as you glide your covered clit on the surface. The soft whimpers you emit get drowned out by the loud sounds of the motorcycle, but Bucky can’t seem to miss them.
“Doll, you alright?” He shouts over the noise.
“I-I’m…” You're left speechless. Too caught up in chasing your orgasm. Your hold on him advances lower and lower, resting your palm on his covered bulge, making his body tense up in your grasp as he groans loudly over the engine's roar.
Your sweet noises and desperate touches give him a clear understanding of what’s happening, making him smirk and speed up, needing to find somewhere on the side of the road so he can take care of his needy girl. The signs pass you by in a flash at the fast speed, and you moan directly in his ear as the vibrations stimulate your clit to perfection.
As he slows down, pulling into the side of a dirt road, your building orgasm fades away, making you whine in dissatisfaction. You’re slightly shaking on the seat as Bucky comes to a complete stop, pulling down the kickstand and getting off.
He gets you off as well and traps you between the bike and him. You can feel his hard bulge against you. He’s gotten just as excited as you by the constant movements and touches on your ride.
“So needy, huh?” He cups your core, making you gasp as you peer up at him with hooded eyes. He licks his lips as he feels the wetness that's seeped through your panties and tights. He turns you around and bends you over the leather seat, pulling down your clothing and undoing his pants.
With his hard cock in hand, he runs the tip through your messy folds, making you mewl sweetly at the sensation. “I don’t think I can wait until we get a motel room.” He groans as he fills your tight pussy with his thick cock, making your eyes cross, and a loud moan escapes you. “I need you just as much as you need me. Right here, right now, doll.” He growls in your ear.
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Thank you for reading🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
I don’t do taglists anymore so please follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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ninigummysmile · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲 - 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞́
Summary: Everyone thinks Rosé is naive, but you discover that she's not so innocent when you read her diary
Sub!Rosé x Dom!Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 1.700
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You are not one of the most studious students, who gets the highest grades and who manages to answer all the exercises. But you don't do too badly either, you have relatively good grades, an average student and you do what you can to pass the year.
That's why you're not in Rosé's circle of friends. She is an exceptional student, who gets top marks in all subjects and is always praised by teachers as an example to be followed.
You've watched her from afar and like everyone else, you can deduce that she's a sweet, kind girl who tries to help however she can. And that's why there are people who take advantage of her, leaving her with a reputation for being naive and trusting others very easily.
Do you really believe that she is the exception to "the quiet ones are the worst", because as someone who doesn't go to parties, just studies and dedicates herself to it and usually doesn't react to certain mean jokes made in class can have a polluted mind?
You snap out of your daydream when the bell rings and slowly start to pack up your stuff, briefly saying goodbye to your friends, you get up and sling your bag over your back when you spot a small book under a chair. It probably fell when someone was putting his stuff away and didn't notice it missing.
You pick up the little book and on the first page it says “This diary belongs to Rosé ” in a pink glitter pen.
Thinking it disrespectful to pry into someone's life in this way, you keep the diary with the intention of returning it first thing tomorrow morning.
During the afternoon you tried everything in your power to forget about the damn diary kept in your backpack. What could be more in those pages? Probably just reports of what her days are like and important memories she doesn't want to forget...
You know you'll be invading her privacy if you read something that personal, and you feel bad just imagining yourself reading it. But you were always so curious, stubborn and that when you want something you go to the end. You decide that you will only read the first few pages with the certainty that there will be nothing dark and if you start reading something too intimate, you will stop immediately.
You place the diary on top of your bed and after long minutes staring at the cover, you open it again to the first page and read the small name again. “Rosé”. You're about to learn things about a classmate that you've never seen speak openly about herself to others.
Turning to the second page, the title “Thought 23” appears large. You realize that this must be the second version of a diary. In cursive it reads:
“Today she was biting the top of her pen while she was concentrating on paying attention in class and I couldn't help but imagine that same mouth biting my nipples.”
You stop for a second wide-eyed and trying to decipher if that's what you just read. Does Rosé, the innocent, sweet, kind girl just write that kind of thing when no one is around?
Your eyes automatically return to the paragraph and continue:
“With your hands trailing all over my body while your mouth plays with my breasts. I already imagined her beautiful lips on all parts of my body, especially on my pussy, but I can't deny that the sight of her swallowing my breasts must be magnificent.”
You swallow hard. So Rosé imagines herself with another girl? And it's not just thoughts, to begin with there are more than 20 and for her to write, they are more than imaginations, it's a desire that she unconsciously wants to really happen.
On the third page, a new title, “Thought 24” occupies the first lines.
“Y/n. It's all that occupies my mind. Y/n, Y/n and Y/n.”
That's what you read? Does Rosé think of you? Is the diary about you? Are these imaginations all about you?
“Y/n, who has a pretty face when she's trying to solve an exercise and I wonder if that's the same look she has when she's about to come. With her furrowed brows and a little pout that makes me want to kiss it away.”
Your breathing quickens and you are momentarily dizzy, absorbing that the diary concerns you. The book is not all complete, looking for the last filled page, you find “Thought 32”. You ponder whether from the beginning this is about you or what page it started from.
After reading everything, you don't know how you're going to return the lost diary, you don't even know if you can look her in the eyes and pretend you don't know anything.
The next morning, you hope to find the blonde hair in the hall before you enter the classroom because that way it will be less embarrassing. You catch them from afar and when she approaches you say “good morning”.
“Good morning” she replies with the same shyness as always and staring at the floor.
“Can we talk?” she nods and you walk into a room that you know won't be used during that time of day. You take the diary out of your bag and hold out your hand for her to take. “I found it yesterday under your chair, I believe it fell and you didn’t notice”
You can see her cheeks flush and her hands grab the material quickly putting it inside her bag. “You read?” her voice is weak and full of shame.
“No” you reply and take a deep breath. “Yes, I read it” you confess. “I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have, but my curiosity increased tenfold when I found out it was a diary!"
She doesn't know what to say, she just wants a big hole to form around her and swallow her whole. She mentally already makes plans to change schools and not need to look at you ever again. Maybe she'll even move out of town.
“You know…” you break the silence. “When I read all of this stuff you write about me, I couldn't deny how wet I was. I didn't know these thoughts would make me so excited”
You can see by her face that her mind is completely blank and you can't hold back a little laugh. “C’mon, baby. You're not going to play innocent now, are you? This same person standing here in front of me is the same person who wrote so many impure thoughts about me”
“I didn't think you'd ever know about all this” she says quietly, but you can hear her.
“But now I know. So, just ask me, your wish can come true”
“Serious?” you smile, she is very cute.
“All you ever had to do was ask me. You don't know it, but you always had me in the palm of your hand” you tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and slowly your lips meet. What started out as a gentle kiss quickly turns into a fierce and battle for dominance.
You separate with shortness of breath and you command “sit at the table”. She obeys and opens her legs for you to position yourself between them.
The buttons on her uniform are undone one by one and the fabric slides down her arms, your hands deftly unclasping her bra. “Is this how you imagined it?” you ask before biting down on one of her nipples and she throws her head back.
Trying to put as much of her breast in your mouth as possible, your hand that was playing with the other one starts to explore and slide over her body, exactly as described in the diary.
You make her lie down on the cold table and unzip her skirt, tossing it beside your feet. You see her stain marking her wet panties and without a second thought, your tongue licks her entrance over the thin fabric. She tries to suppress her moans by biting her hand, but you can still hear her whimpers as you circle her bundle of nerves.
You remove her panties and almost groan at the beautiful sight. “That's the most beautiful fucking pussy I've ever seen in my life”
Rosé can swear this is just another one of her dreams and that when she wakes up she'll have to relieve herself, but when your tongue teases her clit and her eyes roll back deliciously, she's sure this is really happening.
You can swear that you would spend hours eating her out, in all possible positions. She tastes sweet, her swollen clit makes you want to devour it, and her beautiful, tight hole contracting around nothing makes you want to make her come over and over again just to see her contracting around air, just asking for something to fill it more and more.
You insert two fingers and they are swallowed by her soft and tight walls. The sound it makes when you move them in and out is pornographic and addictive.
Your mouth goes back to sucking on the bundle of nerves and you're determined to make this the best orgasm she's ever had.
Her legs begin to shake violently and when her eyes slam shut, you know your reward is coming. When her juice comes into contact with your fingers, you help her through orgasm before pulling them out and cleaning them with all the thirst in the world. Her pussy twitching, begging to be filled again, almost makes you come back with your fingers, but you settle for cleaning it with your mouth, knowing she must be overstimulated.
You bite and mark her thigh as her breathing returns to normal and she can come back to reality.
“There you are” you comment helping her to sit down.
“That was amazing”
“Yeah? How did you imagine?”
“Even better” she says and you smile.
“Good, because you can expect more like these. I want to make every page of that a fact and not just a thought” you wink and help get her clothes back on.
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malusokay · 2 years
30 things to make life more memorable
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Making memories is such a beautiful thing; what I had to understand is that those memories don't have to be major things like vacations or events. Small things, happy moments, and loving interactions are enough to make life more memorable. <3
Going for walks in the rain. I recently got caught in the rain while on a long walk with my dog, and we had so much fun!!
Exploring cozy coffee shops and cafes. One of my favorite weekend activities you can also read or study while there.
Turning off your phone. reconnecting and focusing on yourself.
Learning about things that you care about. Even if other people say it's a waste of time.
Celebrating the holidays more. I used to be a holiday hater until I just decided to go all out on holidays and celebrate them to the extreme; now I really look forward to them and love the planning process!!
Baking your own bread. Tried and failed many times, but when I succeed, the bread feels special and makes me a little bit proud.
Visiting museums and art galleries. You can also bring a sketchbook and collect inspiration (and look mysterious hahah).
Saying 'yes' to spontaneous ideas. Spontaneous adventures are always the most exciting ones.
Making a Bucketlist for each season. I'm currently working on my autumn bucket list, so stay tuned for that!! :)
Trying something new. I recently made ravioli from scratch and had such a good time; they also were delicious.
Watching sunrises and sunsets. A great way to catch a calm moment; I prefer sunsets.
Learning to be alone. Enjoying your alone time is so important; I love doing my skincare, writing my blog, watching cozy shows, and reading when I'm alone.
Going to a farmers market on the weekend. I have a tradition of having brunch with my dad on weekends, so I like to buy some fruits at the market for that!
Lighting scented candles and wear cozy knitted sweaters. I'm all about the cozy vibe; it makes me feel safe and comfortable.
Annotating books. Annotating while reading really helps to focus; you can also write down your thoughts while reading and look back at them later!
Cooking your own meals. It's such a simple and sweet act of self-care. You can also try making your own Jam or something.
Doing things that you enjoyed as a child. My favorites are horse riding, swimming, baking, and bubble baths.
Buying flowers for yourself. It doesn't have to be an expensive e and fancy bouquet, just some pretty flowers for your room.
Taking more Photos. You can also buy a cool vintage camera (I recommend looking on eBay!) to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
Trying crochet, knitting, or sewing. I'm trying to crochet a sweater for my dog right now, haha.
Planting a plant. I already told you about my avocado plant, but I really recommend it!
Making plans with your friends like going on a picnic. You could plan some themed picnics like cottagecore, homemade, food from your culture, strawberries, and so on; also a great opportunity to take some pictures!
Do volunteer work. You could help out at a shelter, for example.
Writing a diary. Writing down things that have happened and looking back at them feels really lovely to me.
Writing letters to your friends. Letters just feel more personal than text; you can also keep them as a memory.
Dressing in a way that makes you feel happy. Wearing outfits that make you feel confident will definitely make life better.
Petting stray cats. I love cats.
Starting to collect something. You could collect something small like jewelry or postcards!
Playing music in the background while doing stuff. I can't stop listening to the lofi girl stream on youtube, haha.
Going on gloomy walks in the Forrest. Name something more comforting. I will wait.
Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments! <3
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧
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sxnniiwrites · 7 months
So, you want to write fanfics.
Here are my top fanfic writing tips!
You don't have to waste time on physical descriptions of characters, since your target audience already knows them, UNLESS: - their appearance is different in your fic in some way (timeskip, different verse, etc) - OR it's genuinely significant, like character A being struck by character B's beauty at first sight and having to swoon over their gorgeous features. Other than this, if it's not plot significant nor important to the readers' perception of the story, then don't worry about it if you aren't confident with physical descriptions!
Pay attention to character voice. What's that, you ask? Well, everyone's inner thoughts sound different, right? It matches your own personality and speech patterns. This is the same with characters. This is much easier if the franchise you're writing for is a book series, of course; you already have somewhere to go to reference the style this character's thoughts are written in. With shows and movies, it's a bit harder to find each character's voice, but important nonetheless. If you don't have distinct voices for each character's POV, the writing and characterization can fall flat. A good way to find character voice is to write a few diary entries for each character (even if your story isn't going to be in first person POV, do it for this exercise). This will help establish individual voices, and then your characters will really start feeling like their canon selves.
Cater to your audience. This is the nature of fanfic. But seriously, don't be afraid of cliches! If your fandom loves hurt/comfort for a certain pairing, write that in! If your fandom is obsessed with tooth rotting wholesome fluff for a pairing, try that too! You don't have to, of course, but this can help keep your target audience interested and attract more readers through tags.
USE BETA READERS. Oh my gosh I used to not use betas and would just "edit" my fics all on my own, which of course meant scanning it briefly for bad typos because my brain was so fried from writing it that I didn't want to thoroughly read the whole thing and look for in-depth edits. I know it's scary to have someone else pick through your work but trust me, they LOVE what you wrote, regardless of how many edit suggestions they leave. They'll also help you see things from a reader's perspective that you may not have caught before. Remember, critique is just opportunity for improvement.
Please don't stop because you're embarrassed. Trust me, I've been there. For a while I didn't write fic because I felt "cringey" and was scared of my irls finding my fandom works. But honestly? Screw that. Write for yourself. Write because you love it. Cringe culture is dead, so write the stories you want to tell, and to hell with anyone who thinks it's weird. Besides, there are probably more fandom "weirdos" around you than you think.
Don't be afraid of creation. Happy writing!
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mqstermindswift · 6 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✰ nicky ✰ she/her ✰ minor ✰ lover of music & t.s. ✰
↳˗ˏˋbasic infoˊˎ˗ ↴
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my spotify acc
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's sleepover
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's new year's day event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ nicky's cruel summer event
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my pet
⇢ ˗ˏˋ she/her
⇢ ˗ˏˋ minor [bday on december 4] [no creeps please <3]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ greek
⇢ ˗ˏˋ timezone: EET;UTC +02:00
⇢ ˗ˏˋ sagittarius
⇢ ˗ˏˋ professional over-thinker and girl-blogger
⇢ ˗ˏˋ introvert but will never shut up if I'm comfy w/ you
⇢ ˗ˏˋ procrastinator
⇢ ˗ˏˋ the most delusional person ever[I blame love and tumblr for this]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ lover of Christmas and Halloween
⇢ ˗ˏˋ loves a good horror movie but is also a scaredy cat
⇢ ˗ˏˋ if we're mutuals, we're practically best friends[you just don't know it yet]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋartists:
taylor swift,tate mcrae,katherine li,girli,gayle,ariana grande,bailey spinn,gracie abrams,selena gomez,olivia rodrigo,melanie martinez,jordi,zolita,arctic monkeys,hey violet,sza,sabrina carpenter ,sara kays,emeline,girl in red,maisie peters,hailee steinfield,harry styles,conan gray,billie eilish
⇢ ˗ˏˋ films
movies:barbie,mean girls,little women,the princess diaries,home alone,scream,saw,harry potter,cinderella story and many other movies
shows:the summer I turned pretty,the watcher,miraculous ladybug,nickelodeon's teen shows,mcu series and many more
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ besties
@skeelly (my croissant <3)
@ur-lil-flo (flo)
@oh-whale13 (Anna <3)
@urgirlnextdoorr (effie <3)
@regisdvmb (reg <3)
@moonlightt444 (mare <3)
@firebrand-witch (val <3)
@iwrote4poem (ste <3)
@what-about-wendy (belle <3)
@chiara-swiftiedreamer13 (chiara)
@bejeweled-13 (victoria <3)
@a-beautiful-fool (lou <3)
@wordsarelife (lizzy<3)
@the0nlyallison (allison <3)
@reminiscentreader (jas <3)
@nqds (nads <3)
@urbanflorals (ems <3)
@gracedepp (alina <3)
@foaming-sea (deep <3)
@stop-ur-losing-me (kellie <3)
@isitovrnow (jas <3)
@hiyyihbae (Alex <3)(rl friend)
@deprivedofbraincellsandsleep (zia <3)
@baboland (aria <3)
@sureallavnder (Alex <3)
@doyoujustnotwantto (mihane <3)
@a-wondering-thought (sam <3)
@icantkeepmyplantsalive (Liz <3)
@never-enough-novels (bhaavya<3)
@kozumesphone (skye <3)
ps.i love all of my moots but I'm *a bit* closer with these people
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⇢ ˗ˏˋ a/n
this is inspired by @oohhthehorror [ I love you sm]
I'm here if any of you ever need to rant or vent to someone
most likely will reply to texts rlly fast
not rlly gonna be reblogging picrew chains or similar things that take a long time to do 'cause I'm a bit unmotivated and I don't have much time[I'm so sorryyy]
thank you for reading his intro post,have a good day/night!! <3
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dni: homophobes,racists,sexists,transphobes and all the creeps
bye bye <3
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