#Stuff I needed to study for tests? Things I was supposed to do today? No we forget that. But ancient Egyptian penis myth?
ava-of-shenanigans · 11 months
I’m more than halfway through my Middle Egyptian textbook, which means I know know more than one and a half languages, and now I can understand one of clauses in the Kahun fragment completely (unless I learn about constructions later that would look like exactly like the constructions I think these are and also work, in which case egg on my face for getting too confident).
(This isn’t one of the parts where Set says horny things. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the parts where Isis gives Horus advice. Sorry. I am aware that figuring out if Set is a bisexual icon or not is the only we’re all here /joke.)
Anyway so there’s this part, right here in the fragment:
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And (nerd words incoming, you don’t really need to care about this part, the point is that I can explain how all the pieces of it fit together without being confused about anything and I’m very proud of that): nn (those shrugging arms and the jagged line beneath them) and rdit (the mouth, the arm, and that semicircle) are a negated infinite verb construction (“without [verb]ing”), and mA (the sickle, the eye, and the vulture) is probably a prospective form that’s acting as the direct object of rdit, since there’s only one vulture it in instead of two and the word after it, st (that folded linen glyph and that other semicircle) doesn’t make sense as the next word if it’s an infinitive and Ra (other mouth above arm, as well as the sun, the vertical stroke, and that bird perched on a stick) is also part of the sentence.
ANYWAY it should mean “without causing that Ra should see it,” or in a way that makes more sense to say in English “without letting Ra see it.” (The Latin translation just uses the word “sun” instead of Ra’s name, but capitalized, which makes sense because “Ra” and “sun” are literally the same word in Egyptian. I’m not sure which word is better here. Maybe the English connotations of just “sun” are better, the Contendings version of this myth makes a big deal about whether there’s daylight out or not when everything happens.)
Anyway, I feel pretty confident about this one part now, hoorayyyyyy progress! and hopefully I’ll be clearer on the rest of it soon.
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TWST Valentines Cards 2023
Hell yeah, it's that time of the year again.
Going to make another post keeping record of this year's set of letters. Some cards haven't been found yet, so this post will be updated as I find more cards. If there is an asterisk beside a character's name, that means I only got the text itself but there may be errors and needs to be verified with the picture of the card itself. If any of you have pictures of letters that are either not there or need verification and don't mind showing to anyone, please send to me through DMs!
Since the cards freshly came out and some are still waiting for their own letters, all letters will be posted under the cut!
Riddle Rosehearts
My dear friend— Thank you for the lovely sweets. I'll have them on my study breaks. If they're good, perhaps I'll set them out at a tea party. You'll certainly be invited if I do. After all, there's no rule that states you can't join.
Trey Clover
Hello, friend— Thanks so much for the gift. It was exactly my taste, with just the right amount of sweetness. I can tell you thought a lot about what to get. I'll come up with a recipe based on these sweets sometime. I hope you'll taste test it for me.
Cater Diamond
Eyyy, friendo! Sweets aren't normally my jam, but the ones you picked out were PERF—and they looked great too! You must've put in some WORK picking them out. So, thanks! I'll make sure to do the same for you!
Ace Trappola
Heya, pal— I kinda freaked when I saw you left a present at my door—in a good way! You actually sent me sweets! You could've just given them to me in person, you know. I haven't had any yet, but I'm sure they'll be great! We should share them at lunch tomorrow.
Deuce Spade
My good friend— Thanks for the amazing gift! You got me those mega-popular sweets we just talked about, right? They were so good! It's kind of a shame I ate them all. Have you had any? I guess it'd be weird if I gifted you the same thing, but come shopping with me sometime and we can pick out some sweets for you.
Leona Kingscholar
Hey— You give me SWEETS? I swear, sometimes I don't know what goes through that noggin of yours. I'll be nice and say I appreciate the sentiment...this time. But don't expect any glowing food reviews.
Ruggie Bucchi
Hey, 'sup. I got the sweets you sent! It's always a good day when someone gifts me food. These are supposed to be real popular right now, yeah? They must've been hard to snag. Shyeheehee, that makes them doubly good! Thanks a ton!
Jack Howl
Hi, I was surprised when I smelled something sweet at my door. Consider your present received. I still can't believe you gave me such cutesy-looking sweets. Not that I'm unhappy about it, of course. I actually like candy and stuff. Thanks.
Azul Ashengrotto
My boon companion— Thank you for the heartfelt gift. I suppose I owe it to you to partake of these sweets. Don't worry. Once I've analyzed the flavor, I'll gift you something equally delicious. After all, fair's fair.
Jade Leech
My good friend— You've outdone yourself. Sweets that pair well with black tea? My deepest thanks. I'm flattered that you thought of me so when selecting them. You've inspired me. I'm going to spend my mountain hikes pondering just the right tea blend to suit your palate. I do hope you'll enjoy it.
Floyd Leech
Dear little shrimpy— I saw your present. You got me candy? That rules! I was JUST in the mood for something sweet. I might not be tomorrow though, so I think I'll polish them off today. Thanks.
Kalim Al-Asim
To my dear friend— Thanks for the present! What colorful and sparkly sweets. They look delicious! I just had an idea! How about we eat them together after school? Gifts like this taste better when shared, after all. I'll pick out a good tea to go with them. Can't wait to see you later!
Jamil Viper
Hello— I was surprised to see you gifted me sweets. At first I wondered if you were hinting for me to make you something similar... But when I pulled the gift out of the bag, I saw all the details you put into it, right down to the ribbon. It's clear this was a heartfelt gesture. I'll treasure these treats as I eat them. Thank you.
Vil Schoenheit
Dearest friend— Thank you for the gift. The sweets were dazzling and most attractive. Did you try to imagine what I'd like when picking them out? If so, you made an apt choice. I'll have something for you later in return.
Rook Hunt
Bonjour, and merci beaucoup! What a lovely batch of confections! They’re so darling that I’m tempted to stow them away in a brilliant bejeweled box. Ah, but I jest. I’ll enjoy every morsel of this gift you’ve so thoughtfully bestowed upon me.
Epel Felmier
Dear friend— Thanks for the gift! Sweets from the city have a real fancy vibe, don't they? I'll savor every bite. I know this isn't exactly a gift, but I just scored some coupons for the cafeteria. Wanna join me for lunch tomorrow? Just wait for me, and I'll find you!
Idia Shroud
@YOU huh? What the wha? im low-key scared here why would u give me sweets??? ig that sometimes i run low on sugar when ive been gaming too long and my aim becomes trash... ok sure, if this is ur way of looking out for me, ill take it
Ortho Shroud
Hello, Prefect― Thanks for the present! The sweets were very charming and cute, not to mention colorful. What neat designs! I'll make sure to save this as a special memory. I've run the data on their base ingredients, and hope to gift you some fitting sweets in return soon.
Malleus Draconia
To my dear friend— Thank you. Never did I envision someone presenting me with the gift of sweet treats. It would be a shame for me to eat them all by myself. I think I'll share them with you. Would you be willing to provide the tea to go with them?
Lilia Vanrouge
Greetings! Your present was delightful. The treats had a subtle sweetness that was perfect for a slightly mature fae like myself. I'll be making you a lovely treat in return, using a very special recipe of mine. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Salutations— Thanks for the gift. I read once that sugar can boost your concentration. Did you give me these to snack on when I'm about to nod off during my studies? That was very considerate of you. I think I'll try them out today.
Sebek Zigvolt
Human— I've received your gift. It was agreeably sweet. In fact, it might've been sweet enough to make black coffee bearable... But I digress. Regardless, I was somewhat impressed with your choice. You have my thanks.
Dear hench-human— Mraaah! Is this ALL for me?! I've never seen such sparkly, yummy-lookin' candy before! I feel like a king! But I'd feel bad leavin' you out of this sugar extravaganza, so I GUESS you can have a small piece. I'm lookin' forward to more gifts, partner!
Dire Crowley
Dear esteemed student— Thank you for the delicious gift. And don’t bother telling me I was supposed to share it—I’ve already finished the whole package! If you wish for the staff to also partake, I suggest you acquire more treats. But don’t worry, I won’t say a word if you give the same gift twice. I’m kindhearted like that!
Divus Crewel
Dear pup— Is this a gift for the staff? Excellent. Now that I have some treats to sweeten my breaks, I'll be able to grade your exams with a much more critical eye. I can see the grimace on your face now. Relax, it was a joke. It's usually frowned upon for dogs to be the ones buying gifts, but since you're such a loyal pup, I'll let you off. I'm a generous trainer, after all.
Mozus Trein
Dear juvenile— I must wonder why you decided to get me a present. Is this your way of thanking me for my lecture the other day? If so, gifts are hardly necessary. It's a teacher's job to educate students with a thirst for knowledge. I can't accept any offerings from students, but the sentiment is much appreciated. I expect nothing but excellence from you moving forward.
Ashton Vargas
Dear student— Thanks for the present! Excessive sugar is a no-go when building a beautiful bod, but it'd be bad form to let your thoughtful gesture go to waste. Such is the price of popularity. I'll just have to accept that and work off everything I eat. Keep up those reps!
Yo, little imp! What is UP? Thanks so much for the gift! You've got a real eye for quality. I'll make sure to stock up on goods that'll pique your interest, so swing by the shop soon!
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koolades-world · 3 months
Big S is in the house aka.dude who always writes way too long requests🗣️
Happy 2k followers and here is a request
"what're you doing out here at this hour?"
"you're so cute, it hurts"
"to me, you're perfect. i don't care what anyone else says"
With my one and only babyboy Asmodeus, Assmuah, Asmuadelisa, the best boy in universe and my husband i do not accept other opinions 🥰
So Asmo was gone for entire day for work, like majorish stuff where he was working at his new collection of makeup and modeling and other things, and something got him insecure, that new collection is not good enough, or is modeling is not perfect, like someone said that he is not natural enough in his poses or that the pigment of eyeshadow is not bright enough, overall bro stressed out and came late.
"what're you doing out here at this hour?" MC is like "bro ur ok? Where uve been, it's late"
And when he tells them they are like "you're so cute, it hurts to see you so stressed, i wish i could come with you to help you with that, but i can't bro im not a pro at that shi, want a therapy cuddle?"
And they cuddle while watching some Romantic Comedy that Asmo would love even tho MC doesn't really like them. and MC is like "to me, you're perfect. i don't care what anyone else says" and they muah muah and cute fluff of two cute patooties i love my husband give me some cuddle fluff my request making machine(/j)🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
thank you!! great to see you again :)
i just want to say i absolutely love the way you spun the you're so cute it hurts one??? that's so genius and i would've never thought to use it that way
enjoy <3
prompts 29, 32, and 37 w/ Asmo
“Mr. Asmodeus, ready to head home?” One of Asmo’s dedicated helpers from Majolish poked their head in the door of his studio.
“Are you closing up?” He looked up from the color wheel he was studying in comparison to the proposed and actual eye shadow pallet colors.
“I tried to get you twenty more minutes, but Ms. Ezos is about to fall asleep.” Ezos was the project manager who’d been working with him for his makeup line from Majolish. She’d been very helpful and sweet, and seemed just as invested in the production of the line as he was. The entire thing had been something of a struggle, and it felt like there was an obstacle around each corner. The latest issue was that the colors of his eyeshadow pallet weren’t what he imagined. They were supposed to be lots of different shades of pink with a couple other colors thrown in, but none of the pinks are what he’d imagined or proposed originally. To him, they all looked too similiar.
“It’s alright. What time is it?” He yawned and took a sip of his water in an attempt to wake himself back up.
“Just past midnight.” The helper checked their watch.
“I didn’t realize it was so late. I’ll pack up my things.” With a sigh, he gathered up all this things and packed them away. He grabbed his bag and with one last look at the test pallet, left the room. The helper locked it behind him. He knew he’d be back in that room sometime tomorrow.
“I think you did really great today.” They trailed after him.
“Thank you. It does need some work. I don’t think I’m happy with it yet.” He took some of the samples home with him to compare with items he owned to see if it actually wasn’t the color he wanted, or if he just needed rest. He left the studio without trying to look for Ezos or anyone else he’d worked with. They probably had went home already anyways. His assistant waved him off, promising to let everyone know he’d gone home.
Since Majolish wasn’t far from home, he walked to and from the studio. Most everything was closed, save for a couple shops. None of his favorites were open, so he had no excuse to stop and shop to lift his mood. When he got home, the house was silent. He made his way to his room to put this things down and get ready for bed. He went for a bath and changed into his pajamas. He sat and thought for a little bit before deciding to eat a little something before bed, as he couldn’t recall the last thing he ate.
He made his way downstairs, and purposely avoided looking at all the clocks on his way there. He opened the fridge to look for something to eat, and when he shut it, you were standing there. It scared him a little.
"So, what're you doing out here at this hour?" Mc was holding a bowl full of snacks, which they set down, implying they'd been in the kitchen in the entire time. He had totally missed them.
"Mc! I'm just a little hungry is all. I've been working on my new makeup line all day." His stomach growled at the thought of eating again.
"Asmo, it's almost two am. You left before I even woke up this morning. You need to treat yourself better. You're so cute, it hurts to see you like this." He couldn't meet your eyes, because you looked genuinely upset.
"I know I've been slacking more recently, but it's only because I'm putting everything into developing.
"You look worn down. I can't offer much, but if you want, we can cuddle and watch something of your choosing?" You opened your arms, much to his delight. He rushed in and enthusiastically hugged you.
"You're just delightful! Can we watch a romcom?" He knew you weren't the biggest fan of them, but you did say he could pick.
"Of course. Lert's get you some food, then we can do that. It's important to fuel your body." He was glad he had you. You let him know what the family ate for dinner, which he opted to eat. The two of you went back to his room, where you put on a romcom of his choosing. He leaned heavily into your side while he was eating, and once he finished, he made sure you properly cuddled him. You were only half watching the movie he'd put on. You were mostly looking at him. He looked more relaxed now.
"Asmo," you said.
"Hmm?" He looked up at you.
"I think you needed to hear this, but you can tell me otherwise. To me, you're perfect. I don't care what anyone else says." You gave him a forehead kiss. He didn't respond for once, but he gave you a cheek kiss back that conveyed all the emotions he couldn't put into words. That's all he needed to hear, especially from someone he loved.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
BatFam Incorrect Quotes!
Y/N : *talking about Jason ’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Dick , shocked: Did someone else die?
Jason : We need to distract these guys.
Damian : Leave it to me.
Damian : Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Y/N & Tim: *immediately begin arguing*
Jason : Which way did Bruce go?
Y/N : Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess they went left.
Jason : You could really figure it out from that?
Y/N : No, you idiot, Bruce sent me a text. See?
*young y/n and young Bruce at the manor*
Bruce : Can we go out to get icecream?
Y/N : Did you ask Alfred?
Bruce : They said no.
Y/N : Then why did you ask me?
Bruce : They're not the boss of you.
Y/N , internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Y/N : Well, has Bruce been wrong before?
Alfred: How wide are we willing to open this up?
An: I swear I didn’t manipulate this one at all 😂
Y/N : What is everyone for Halloween?
Jon : I’m superman.
Damian: A clown.
Y/N : So I’m guessing we don’t need to get you a costume then?
Damian to Jon : Me? I'm the bee knees, but, you? You're just...
Y/N : Cockroach ankles!
Damian: Ye- uh, what?
Roy : Jason-
Jason: *sighs* Y/N used to call me Jason...
Roy : ...Because it's your fucking name.
Roy : *cooking*
Jason: *kicks down door*
Jason: *grabs knife from Roy 's hand*
Roy :
Roy : What.
Y/N : They're trying to tell you they want to cook.
An: I actually did this lol and won that trope iPads
Dick : Y/N likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies.
Dick : Damned if Y/N didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes.
Dick : Best part is, Y/N wasn't even a Club Scout.
Damian: We should normalize not loving family members.
Y/N: You can just say: “I hate my dumb fuck father” or whatever. Talk like a normal person!
Y/N: Ah shit, I forgot.
Alfred : Forgot what?
Y/N: How do you expect me to answer that?
Selena : We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Y/N will and will not eat.
Bruce : Grass? Yes!
Selena : Moss? Yes!!
Bruce : Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Selena : Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Bruce : Worms? Sometimes!
Selena : Rocks? Usually nah.
Bruce : Twigs? Usually!
Selena : Alfred 's cooking? Inconclusive!
Harley: How did you… test this?
Selena : You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Harley: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Y/N: Would never stab anyone.
Selena : Would stab someone in retaliation.
Alfred : Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Harley: Would stab without warning.
Bruce : Would stab as a warning.
Y/N: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Jason: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Damian : Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Dick: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Tim: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Dick: You know what I learned from my friendship with Jason?
Tim: There’s no such thing as too mean?
Y/N: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?
Damian : Always hold a grudge?
Y/N: Seriously, Jason, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to?
Jason: That’s not important
Tim: Don’t you have any dignity, Y/N?
Y/N: Uh, no.
Dick: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Y/N: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Harley: Y/N, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Y/N, naked in Harley's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Harley, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Selena : *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Y/N: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
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pedge-page · 1 month
My anxiety at work is spiking. I feel so lazy and not performing what is exacted at me, even performing worse than last year. And I asked 2 stupid questions I think already just today alone and can tell my manager is not happy with me because after all this time I should know this shit but I DONT because I'm not involved or with it mentally as i am expected to be. Just fucking existing and unsure and barely trying, not even using my brain really at this point but having little to no guidance , which makes me feel worse because clearly I need my hand held through everything. I'm not application based nor do I have the brain to figure basic stuff out on my own. Like at this point she should fire me for being so inefficient and ineffective if I can't take initiative to do things myself especially after being in this role for over a year and a half. I just don't know what I'm doing and I lounge around and make busy work but clearly didn't realize there was other stuff i should have been figuring out and doing but I didn't KNOW because Im too fucking dumb.
I have to take this test too as part of my goals but I'm not ready because it's so application based and I barely understand the coursework. I feel so slow lately like I can't concentrate how I used to in school. I've been "studying" (if you can call it that, more like a loose 2 hours a week) since April and it's fucking August, the test is $150 and I don't want to fail but i know I will! Every time I try to study, I get so overwhelmed by how foreign everything is, and the practice tests are even harder than the material it's supposed to reflect ans I just start crying at work which is so pathetic. I cry so easily over everything lately.
Plus my mom ans dad on my ass "Oh you need a new job anyone would take you you're so smart you need a challenge" like clearly not, I'm too dumb for this base level job but they don't see it nor know anything that I'm actually doing!
I just want to drink bubble tea, buy plants, and clean / organize stuff.
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amalgamgooze · 3 months
"easier" math has become more difficult than "difficult" math
Had to take a math placement exam for college today.
It was all high school stuff--things I'd already done.
Now tell me,
why was it harder to do that stuff than the abstract algebra stuff I'm studying?
I'm serious.
Maybe it's a familiarity thing.
Like, nobody should ever have to memorize all the trig identities.
sin2x + cos2x = 1, that's an acceptable one to memorize.
Super short, simple, and widely applicable.
But the bullshit like sin(2x) = sin(x)cos(x)?
Or sin(x/2) = sqrt((1 - cos(x)) / 2 ) ?
What? The? Fuck?
Is this actually stuff I studied two years ago?
This is formula sheet bullshit.
Not stuff you test for to gauge math proficiency.
And not without a calculator either.
For fucks sake--discrete math and modern algebra without a calculator is easier than precalculus without a calculator!
I can see why some people hate math.
That shit's just not fair.
Even if you're using math professionally, you're not going to have that bullshit restriction of "you need to know everything off the top of your head".
If you couldn't tell, I'm not a fan of all of math.
There's some areas that I don't feel are as important to understand as the rest.
Like conic sections.
Or eccentricity.
…don't get me wrong. Geometry is pretty cool sometimes.
But when my job is to literally solve the equation for a specific point on an ellipse, I'm just left thinking, "why bother?".
Calculus was cooler than that shit.
Vector calculus was cooler than that shit.
Precalculus was hell.
I offer my condolences to you poor souls who've yet to take Precalc.
There's cooler math beyond precalc.
Yes, it's more incomprehensible, but it's enjoyably incomprehensible.
It's supposed to be abstract.
Physics wasn't as infuriating as that test!
I don't know how much more I can prove I love math than to write a whole monologue about me descending into insanity over my love for math!
But this fuckin' test!
It just- wow.
I'm sorry. I'm still kinda worked up about it.
I'm not writing about it in a very unbiased lens.
(I don't need to. I'm not claiming to preach universal truth in this post.)
I suppose I want to emphasize that precalculus and later "college algebra" classes are kinda infuriating and not very fun.
There's fascinating fields like calculus, linear algebra, and abstract algebra beyond that rut.
But again. Math's not for everyone. So I suppose you can also hate all of it. I won't judge.
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fairyv-ice · 5 months
Love Wins All
HI! I hope you guys like this chapter!! it was fun to write (especially the end!)
Here is Chapter 1 , chapter 2 , Chapter 3 Below!
Chapter 3
~Where does the fault lie when no matter how we try it's you and I~
After lunch they all continued with the rest of their day per usual. Time moved quite quickly and soon it was the end of the day.
The bell for the end of the day rang and everyone was packing up their stuff. 
“ I’m sorry we can't go today Becky, I was really looking forward to it!” Anya says with a pout
“ My sweet Anya, I know you studied so hard for this test so you HAVE to take it today! The bakery will still be there tomorrow! PLUSSSS'' Becky gets closer to Anya to whisper “ You get some MOREEEEE alone time with Damian and you have to tell me EVERYTHING tomorrow about this little something something that’s going on between you two!”
“Beckyyy there is nothing going on between Sy-on bo-” Anya says but gets cut off by Becky rushing to get the rest of her stuff and running to grab Emile and Ewen’s arms and starts to drag them out with saying
“ C'mon boys, can't let a lady walk by herself to the car!
“ I wasn't done writing the homework!” Emile said worriedly
“I will give it to you in the dorm, let's just go. Bye boss man see you in the dorm”  Ewen  said as he waved.
Damian and Anya still at their seats confused at how fast their friends left them. They both continued to pack their stuff Damian finished before Anya so he got up to go stand by her seat. 
“Is it just me or have they been acting kinda weird today?” Damian asked Anya.
“Honestly, I was going to ask you the same thing. They have been whispering all day to each other. Are they planning something?” she asked. 
“ Who knows, I don't want to ask because I don't want to get into any trouble. Anyways, how is your ankle feeling?? It doesn't look as swollen as earlier, so that's good.” Damian said with a small smile and grabbed Anya’s bag when she was done packing it. 
Anya got up noticing he had her bag. She grabbed her water bottle and headed toward the door as he followed.
“hehe Trouble is my middle name Mr. Desmond. Well I guess we shall see in due time what they are up too. And yah! I feel a lot better thanks to you…” She ended that sentence shyly and looked back at him “Really though, thank you for earlier Sy-on boy, you are a really good friend and i really appreciate you.” 
He started getting a hint of red on his ears “It’s not a big deal Forger, I’m sure anyone would have done the same.” He said.
“But I'm glad it was YOU I ran into and not just anyone” she said with pink on her cheeks now walking backwards.
~What is that supposed to mean? Why does she look so cute right now? What the heck is happening~  He thought  and she heard causing her to stumble as she was walking backwards. She began to fall back and he rushed. He wrapped his free arm around her waist to hold her from falling back. 
“You really need to start paying attention to where you’re going, Forger. What would you do without me?” Damian said coolly with a hue of pink on his face now. ~ACT COOL, DON'T MAKE A STUPID FACE, COMPOSURE DAMIAN. Wait, why are you freaking out? You are just helping your FRIEND~ Anya avoided his eyes, she was red as a tomato. He brought her back to standing up straight. 
She cleared her throat “ Thank’s Sy-on boy, I don't know why I'm so clumsy today” she said, still looking away.
“Is everything okay Anya? You know I'm not one to pry, but I guess.. I Just.. You were pretty upset this morning and you have never come to school like that and I guess I just wanna make sure you're okay and If you need to talk about it I have been told I’m a good listener and-” he cuts himself off realizing the word vomit coming out of his mouth. ~What is wrong with me? Can I not be a normal person around her?~ he thought. She turned to look at him again and raised her eyebrow.
~Why is he so worried about me? Has it always been like this?~ Anya thought. They were about to walk into the library, she looked at the door and back at him. She gave him a small smile and said 
“ I’m okay Sy-on boy, I just had a small argument with my papa this morning and I got too sensitive. Thank you for caring. It really means a lot but really dont worry I will be okay! Now… Let's get in there so we can take this test before I forget everything.”
 She gave a little laugh and he offered a small smile as he reached behind her and opened the door for them both. 
~He has always been like this, he always opens doors for me and acts like a gentleman but why does this make me feel all strange right now? Like all warm and fuzzy inside… does that even make sense?~ Anya thought as they were walking to the testing room in the back of the library. She is too caught up in her own thoughts to even hear his not too far behind her
~She has been acting a little different today, not in a bad way or anything but after this morning  just being able to see her smile and laugh make my chest tighten a bit, is this normal? Am I Dying? Maybe I’m the one who is acting differently? I mean I am just trying to be a good FRIEND aren't I? It’s not that my feelings or anything for her are more than platonic.. Right?~ he thought as he was blushing while walking behind her.
They got to the testing room, she sat and he handed her her bag and he went to sit at a different table. Shortly after they got there the chemistry professor came in and looked at them confused.
“Why are you guys sitting apart? Did you not know it was a partner test?” said the professor, confused.
The two looked at each other and then at the professor. 
“Well go ahead… one of you move, The test if 5 questions and work has to be shown on ALL of them and remember team effort”  the Professor said. 
Anya looked at Damian with a smug smile patting the chair next to her.
Damian grabbed his stuff shaking his head with a smirk and moved to sit next to Anya.
“You lucked out Forger, looks like you are gonna pass with a perfect score today” Damian said smugly.
“Listen here Sy-on boy, you will be passing because of me. I know all the formulas like I know every episode of spywars!”  Anya retorted with a bit too much confidence. 
~ These two have not changed, they are quite a handsome pair together~ the Professor thought with a smile on his face as he handed them the test. Anya looked at him confused but shook it off. 
The two got started on the test. To Damian’s surprise Anya really took charge of the first three problems. But then got stuck on the fourth, and he could tell she wanted to figure it out on her own/ she was being stubborn and not asking for help. 
“You remember this is a partner test? Right?” he said with a smirk. 
“I want to do this, you ALWAYS do all the work whenever we do projects or anything.. I want to be able to help too. I just need to remember the formula.”  Anya said with a pout on her face. 
~gosh she is acting cute again. Why does she have to pout like that.. It makes me want to..~ his thoughts got cut off by the professor standing up. Him and Anya stared at the professor.
“I see you two are almost done. I have a meeting in the main building. Can I trust you two to finish up and drop the test off in my mailbox in front of the library?” the professor said
“Yes sir, we should be done in 20 minutes or so. Thank you again for letting us take it today.” Damian responded confidently.
“ Thank you professor,” Anya said after. 
He continued out the door. They were alone in the room. 
“Will you let me help? You did the first three on your own, it's only fair, right?” Damian said with a smile. 
Anya pouted again, sliding the paper over to him so he could look at the problems that were left. He looked back at her and she was still sulking. He leaned a bit closer to her and tilted his head to get her attention. She turned her head to look at him. He cupped her cheek in his hand.
“Stop pouting Forger, you did well. Don't worry your pretty little head, I will finish this really quick okay?” He said with a smile and let go of her face, he turned back to finish up the test.
“Sy-on boy?...” she said.
“Hmm?” he responded not looking up so he could continue on the problem.
“You… You think my head is pretty?” She asked, her face was pink. His pencil stopped moving. 
~did I actually say that out loud? what was I thinking~ he though
He turned to look at her, his ears were a shade of red.
“Well, it was a figure of speech. You know? But it's not that I don't think you're pretty because I do think you’re pretty. I just didn't mean for all of it to come out like that. Now I feel like I'm just embarrassing myself so I'm gonna finish the test.” He said as he turned to continue writing “But to answer your question Forger, I do think your head is pretty.”
“oh… Uhm thank you? I think.” she was looking down at her hands that were on her lap and blushing. 
“No need to thank me for telling you the truth,” he said. “I finished it, are you ready to turn it in?”
She nodded. 
“Oh wait, our names.” he wrote their names down really quick and handed her the paper. He started packing his stuff.
“Sy-on boy.. My last name is Forger”Anya said, confused.
“Yes? I know. I call you that every day?” he retorted.
“You wrote Anya Desmond on here”she said 
~I WHAT~  he thought 
“I’m so sorry, it's just a force of habit. I don’t think I ever really had to name and date a paper with someone else's name other than my own. Here let me fix that.”  He grabbed the paper as fast as he could from her and looked at it.
 ~Anya Desmond it really doesn't look that ba- what the heck Damian why would I think that, it’s not like I'm gonna marry her or that wouldn't be so ba- Brain please stop thinking for two seconds~ He thought, Anya looking at him wide eyed at his internal bickering. He erased and corrected his mistake, still in shock at himself that he did such a careless thing.
“It’s not a big deal Sy-on boy, I.. I guess I liked the way it looked. I never saw my name with a last name until Forger became my last name so seeing it with your last name looks different in a good way.” 
He dropped the pencil, his thoughts were racing trying to grasp what she just said. He bent down to grab the pencil unknowing that she bent down as well to pick it up. They were face to face, each had a hand holding the pencil basically touching each other. Without thinking he moved his hand from the pencil to her wrist and pulled her closer than they were before, he hooked a finger under her chin, gently lifting her gaze to meet his, and their lips met, their eyes closed, a world of unspoken promises and untold stories unfolded between them, leaving an irresistible curiosity for what the future held for them.
Until she opened her eyes
A/N: I hope it was okay! Pls let me know what you guys think! i really need the feedback! Also Lmk if you guys want a taglist! I can start one!
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Bucky comforts you after a stressful day
Bucky x female reader
Requested: Nope but they are open! 
Summary: The reader is a college student who has had a hard and busy day. She comes home to Bucky and he is determined to make it a better day for her. 
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Y/N had been up all night cramming for a test she had a first thing the next morning. Bucky kept telling her that it was going to be okay. That the last test she was stressed over she got an amazing score and she’ll do the same thing this time. And she believed him so she agreed to go out for the day and then study before bed. The two of them had a great day but now she isn’t in bed and it’s getting late but she is just studying her mind off. He understands that her education is important to her and it’s important to him as well but she’s more important to him than a test. 
Y/N woke up later than she wanted to so she skipped breakfast. That was strike one for Bucky. Bucky has been working with Y/N on fixing her eating habits and seeing her rush out of the house this morning stressed him out as well as stressed her more so than she already was. Y/N called Bucky when she got to campus and usually, she calls him throughout the day when she has long days like today but after the first call in the morning she didn’t call again. This was strike two for Bucky. So Bucky beings to plan out his mission. He was going to give her the most relaxing night that he can give her. 
Y/N was supposed to be home around six in the evening. Bucky decided to go get takeout from her favorite restaurant and get everything ready for her so she didn’t have to worry about anything else today. He had the food on the stove and just finished the dishes when the dryer with blankets and her pajamas went off. Before going to get those out of the dryer he noticed it was closer to seven already and he still hasn’t heard from her. Now he was starting to get worried but before he could go call her, he heard the front door close softly and the sound of her kicking off her shoes. 
“Doll? That you?” Bucky calls out. “Yeah I’m home, sorry I didn’t call today, I was super busy, and then on the way home there was so much traffic and my phone was dead so I couldn’t warn you.” As Y/N was telling Bucky all this stuff she was walking toward him, slowly dropping her bags and undoing her hair. Once she reached him she allowed herself to collapse into his embrace. Bucky catches Y/N in open arms and holds her close to him. Just from the short time she was talking, he could tell that it was a hard day. 
“How was your day? I can tell something is up doll”, Knowing that she can’t hide anything from Bucky she decided to just go on and tell him. “The test was much more difficult than the first one and I really don’t feel like I studied enough, I still don’t have the option to sign up for classes for next semester, and registration started today. Signing up for classes can be super competitive Buck and I don’t want to not be able to sign up for the classes I need just because I didn’t get the ability to sign up on time. I’m just super stressed today but I’m losing motivation at the same time.” Y/N let out a soft sigh after her ramble she can feel herself relax. Being in Bucky’s arms and having his cologne invade her senses she feels like she is safe from all the stress in her world. This is one of the many reasons Y/N was so in love with Bucky, having him listen to her and having him so close to her can just relax her in an instant. 
Bucky kisses the top of her head. “Doll, everything is going to work out I know it will. Everything has always worked out and it will continue working out. I’m going to help you every step of the way I promise lovebug. Now I have some warm pajamas and a blanket fresh from the drier for you to change into and snuggle with on the couch while I make up our plates. We’re having your favorite tonight and I figured we will watch whatever you want to watch. Tonight is all about us relaxing and not focusing on any worries.” Y/N smiles for what feels like the first time today and Bucky knows his mission is complete. Kissing his cheek she leaves his embrace to go get ready for a night of relaxation. Bucky smiles and gets their plates ready while he watches her change into the pajamas he has laid for her and he smiles wider when he sees the look on her face when she notices the blanket that was warmed up for them to cuddle under is her favorite blanket they own. 
Tonight is very much needed and neither of them can wait to just relax in the other's presence. 
I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please consider reblogging, commenting, and liking. Request are open and I’ll try to write them as soon as I can!  This past few weeks have been super stressful with school, work, and just life happening but writing has been helping me work through the stress so thank you all for reading, liking, and reblogging I really appreciate it <3 
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mabsolgirl · 1 year
Headphone warning
Transcript below! :3
I made this a while ago, around when I first started making art of the Supernova AU AU. There have been some slight changes since then but I wanted to post this anyway since its been just sitting in my drafts and starting to get dusty. The changes aren't enough to alter anything in the audio in a major way anyway so neeeeh.
It's been a while since I did voice stuff so hopefully I don't sound terrible lol
Obligatory @linxprime ping cause au of their au
Watch me pull world lore outta my ass cause I still don't know what im doing
In the ruins of a crashed and destroyed ship, you find a strange audio file labeled "Project Supernova". You made a copy of it and now you have the time to give it a listen...
Warning. The following video is the private property of [REDACTED]. Any outside or uncertified personnel caught viewing this video will be terminated by any means necessary. Viewer discretion is advised.
Log 1.
I am Dr. Jane Doe and I’ve recently been put in charge of “Project Supernova” after the old one quit. I decided to keep audio documentations of my findings and observations. I find it easier for me to document things by recording them by audio then writing it all out later.
Project Supernova is a study on the abilities of intelligent lifeforms, how they manifest, if different abilities can be manifested in specific situations, and researching the phenomena of Berserkers. Before I came in, an embryo was successfully fertilized and grown into a stable state. There were many failed attempts with this being the only one that has made it this far, living for roughly 12 years as of this recording. To be honest I question the decision to make a lifeform rather than study the cases of people who already have abilities, but the higher-ups wanted to do this rather than the simpler way.
Regardless it is planned to come out of the tube once it reaches 13 years, which is a couple months away. It should be stable enough by then. Until then we monitor it for any changes.
End log.
Log 2.
Right, so I forgot to mention info about the lifeform last log. My bad, heheh.
So, the lifeform is female and it was made with the DNA of multiple organisms with the two primary ones being Human Earthling and Cuixcus. I think I pronounced that right. Cuixcus was used for their adaptability and Human Earthlings to counteract the weaknesses of the former. It has bones, can withstand hotter temperatures, and while it doesn’t need to, it does breathe oxygen. The DNA from other organisms were used to help stabilize it so it doesn’t just die spontaneously. The genetics chosen specifically to see if heritage has an influence on what abilities would appear.
Now the real reason I am logging this. Earlier today it was monitored that specs of light were floating around the lifeform’s tube. They looked so… ethereal. It was like looking at a cluster of tiny stars. I should probably mention that the lifeform is in an unconscious state. It has been like this since its creation and this was the first time these lights were documented. They disappeared before we could study them. Maybe it dreamt them up? We’ll have to keep an eye on it.
End log.
Log 5.
Today it came out of the tube, emphasis on “it”. We weren't supposed to take it out for another week but I guess it had other plans. One second it was in the tube, the next the lights appeared again and it was out and fell face-first into the equipment. It teleported itself out.
Since it wasn’t connected to the machines anymore it woke up quickly after that. Of course we were all freaking out but it didn’t seem too bothered by us. We ran some tests and it was stable. It bruised its head but other than that it wasn’t significantly injured.
It’s a very curious one. It would grab and inspect what we had. We let it for the most part and it would hand us back what it had when it was done. Right now it’s in its own room that we had to quickly scramble to finish putting together. It’s a quiet little one. The team and I decided on the name “Nova” after the project. As per usual we’ll keep an eye on it.
End log.
Log 27.
A lot happened today. Today is the first day Nova went into her Berserker state. The first thing I noticed was that she was much calmer than I expected. I expected a rampaging beast like the other cases of Berzerkers but Nova would just… stare at us. We kept an eye on our monitors to watch to see what she does and then we watched her create light orbs; like the ones from one of my first logs but much bigger. This time we were able to scan them to see what exactly they were…
They’re stars. I am not joking, she was making literal stars, balls of collapsed burning gas, in her hands! From our observations they disappear when she loses focus but still incredible nonetheless! We later figured out the key piece to what her abilities are: a limited form of matter manipulation. She can teleport herself, and those she touches, by willing her own matter into another space and the stars are made by manipulating the matter of gas and dust to collapse in her hands. It is theorized she can manipulate any form of matter so long as physical contact is made.
After a while she went out of Berserker state and fell unconscious. We hooked her up to make sure she’s alright. Right now she’s comatose; we’re hoping she comes back alright.
End log.
Log 39.
Earlier today one of the higher-ups came in and told us that we were not needed on Project Supernova anymore and that in the coming days a new team would be coming in to take over the project. Of course we were outraged. We were consistently giving them good results! We did what we were told! We did nothing wrong, didn’t question a thing. Nothing we said could convince him otherwise. None of us wanted to leave the project. I’ll admit, Nova has grown on us. She’s like family and now for some reason she’s being taken from us. When he left we all decided to look into it ourselves.
The more we dug, the more things began to not add up. Then… we found something. We’re not here to do what we think we’re doing. We’re gonna get Nova out of here. This place is no longer safe. We’ll get her out and we’ll be the whistleblowers to this place.
End log.
Log 40
…I’m… I’m sorry…
Dr. Jane Doe, Dr. Bailey Shindo, Dr. Margoba Entano, Dr. Manbagea Nals, and Dr. Ripley Hedon have been terminated. Project Supernova assets will be transported to [REDACTED] for further completion by a new team effective immediately. End communication.
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zaralla1 · 10 months
✎ Twisted Crests - Living with Frye
It's been a month since Danny moved in with Frye. He did this at the doctor's behest, because he wouldn't waste so much time travelling from one end of Tirthan to another. It would free up his schedule. But Danny also did this because his living situation became complicated (on the account of a very pissed off uncle who had been eyeing his inheritance ever since his mother passed away). Of course Danny wouldn't share something this personal with Frye- as discussing such things with his boss didn't leave a good taste in his mouth.
He knew that Frye would probably try to take advantage of this supposed "charity". He sees Danny as little more than a personal helper, a tool- or someone to vent to when he is upset. He gets him to clean his house and do his chores. Apparently, the doctor is "too renowned" to be bothered to clean a table. Frye also doesn't know when work "ends", so he keeps trying to discuss experiments with Danny even after they've been long finished, and keeps giving him more literature to study in his free time (thus taking away all the advantages of living so close to the workplace). Overbearing and in need to direct the lives of others, Frye keeps insisting that the perfectly balanced lifestyle consists of "8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and 8 hours of study" and keeps subtly pushing Danny to submit to the idea.
This has had some benefits. At First, Danny was reluctant about telling his boss off. Primarily because he respects Frye (he does), and also because he's aware that he's walking on thin ice. Danny is a reprobate who spent several years in prison. He was adamant about setting his life straight, and he wasn't about to get kicked off this job simply for telling some old fool to stuff it. But, the more Frye buzzes into his ear like an annoying fly, the more confident is Danny in standing his ground. They have a push and pull relationship, where each of them keep testing the other's boundaries.
"While we're here, Danny, can you think of some theories considering our last patient?" - "I'm eating, for fuck's sake, I don't care".
Today, Danny is off to buy some groceries- because the only edible things in their apartment are two leftover tuna cans and a head of lettuce that has already turned gray. He rides the horse-drawn trolley and gets stuck in traffic because of a festival that was looming by. It begins to rain, and Danny sighs and looks outside as the pedestrians start running to find shelter from the downpour. Very common weather in Halley- a region of the continent know for humidity, fog and sudden bursts of rain. He taps his foot anxiously. He could stay in the trolley- wasting additional "free time", or he could use the newspaper in his hand to cover his head. "Why couldn't Frye go to the store? - Danny thinks to himself - "(sigh) Why does it have to be me?" Then, a flashback occurs in his head and he hears Frye's voice: "Now, now then, who is the assistant here, you, or I?" - "Ughhh" - Danny groans and disembarks from the vehicle, stepping into a large puddle of water.
When he was finally done shopping, he tackles the rain again. After getting dropped off near the apartment block, he runs all the way back to the flat, laden with shopping bags full of food (that has unfortunately gotten wet). Cold, tired, and sweaty Danny finally makes it home. His face is flushed red from the heat and the cold, and he's breathing heavily. He can almost feel his temperature rising, and a flu settling into his bones. But before he can change into dry clothes, he's looking around the apartment for Frye to tell him that he made it home. But the doctor is nowhere to be found.
He can't find Frye anywhere, and then he barges in through his unlocked office door, only to find him crawling on all fours towards some random woman (that he's never met before) sitting in Frye's armchair (the same armchair he'd never let Danny sit in)... and he has the dumbest, giggly expression on his face, and a garter in his teeth while mumbling something like "Dear madame! The doctor will be seeing you now!". Upon seeing Danny, he freezes and stops crawling. The lady politely waves at Danny with a sweet smile.
"I'm asking for a salary increase" - Danny says with a dry expression. The lady laughs, and Danny slams the door- but not before politely saying goodbye to the lady (and giving Frye a poisonous look 💢💢)
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My therapist may be right that I should take a short leave of absence from school. But I can’t do it.
At this point it would be two weeks to get me through my Dr appointment. But the problem is what if things get worse after and not better? I’m not just worried about it causing me to shut down emotionally. But what if they find a problem that I now have to deal with? More tests and appointments and loss of personal body autonomy.
I saw a post on Instagram today about how when a kid was in survival mode, their therapist told the kids mom to take away the responsibilities of chores and homework to just let them rest and heal. And I truly need to have all of my responsibilities taken away so I can rest and heal.
I’m hours behind on lectures and studying. I have a full basket of laundry and running low on clean clothes. I haven’t even done basic stretching and movement of my body in weeks. The exhaustion never gets better. I can’t stop crying. I just want to listen to sad music and rot.
I’m not taking a leave of absence. I’m going to hope I can manage to pass my classes while not putting in the work. And maybe I can do that with small animal stuff but I can’t BS my way through horses. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I’ll be okay if I fail either (or worse both) of these next two exams.
I know there are things I can do to help myself but they require energy and motivation and I have none of that. Eating healthy food would help. Getting back into a stretching and strengthening routine. Going to class in person to make myself stay up to date. But how am I supposed to do that when I can barely get out of bed?
I’m losing progress in PT because I don’t do anything at home. I have too much anxiety to work on what I need to. And I’ve thought about getting a massage to try and help with my muscle tension and feel better. But I panic at the thought of a person touching me so that’s not an option.
And sometimes people ask what they can do to help. But I honestly don’t know. And asking for help makes me feel like such a burden anyway. If someone were to cook for me so I had healthy food prepared I probably wouldn’t eat it. Because my brain gets so picky about food when my mental illness gets bad. And then I’ll just hate myself for wasting food. I feel bad even asking my wife to help me with my laundry. I hate myself for having limits and trying to step away from some responsibilities while I’m healing.
I don’t know what to do. I feel like there is no winning. Just a never ending cycle of me being broken.
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achaiapelides · 1 year
Kit's Diary
Chapter 12
Dear Ty,
I apologise for not writing in a long time. I had a test in history because my class decided to be super loud and not respect the substitute teacher. So the actual teacher made us take a test for punishment and i needed to study for it. Fortunately I like history and studied well, so the test was very easy.
Also, I went to an allergist last week to find out if I have asthma. That's a mundane doctor who specialises on asthma and allergies. I had to do some tests, like blowing air in a device which checks how good you're at that. Afterwards the doctor said that I have a lung made for an athlete (???), but no asthma. Instead, he suggested that I might have am allergy against something. So he took some blood from me and gave me another appointment this week for an allergy-test. For the week before the next appointment, he prescribed me some medication called Cetericine which would make any allergic reactions less bad.
So, I went there again today. And let me tell you, I did not know what I agreed to with this allergy test. The doctor apparently checked my blood for any allergic reactions and sorted out all the things I might be allergic to. At the appointment, a nurse drew a grid on my arms and put a drop of each fluid containing the stuff I might be allergic to in each of the panels of the grid. Then she poked a needle into the skin under the drops of fluid and told me I had to sit there and wait for thirty minutes without moving my arms. Yay. Was very boring because I obviously couldn't to anything. The "wounds" where fluid that I'm allergic to was, started swelling according to how much I'm allergic to it. It feels like you have thousands of mosquito bites on your arm. Very itchy.
After almost dying of boredom and the urge to scratch my arms, the doctor came to check on my arms. According to him, I'm allergic to the following:
• early bloomers
• pollen of grass and rye
• dust
• dog hair
Well, good thing Church isn't a dog then. I hope you didn't randomly get a dog while I was gone. That would be unfortunate.
Anyways, the doctor gave me the results of the test and prescribed me a cream and another allergy medicine, that works better for pollen allergy. He also gave me a note for school stating that I'm freed from taking part in sport if my allergy got too bad. I almost asked him if the note also works for monsters and evil faeries that try to kill you, but we don't want to traumatise the mundanes any further, right?
After the appointment I went to the pharmacy to get the prescribed medication and somehow survived the way there without scratching my arms open. Or so I thought. Do you sometimes also do things without actually realising you're doing them? Yeah, apparently I did scratch a bit on my arms. They were so red when I arrived at the pharmacy, that the pharmacist basically forced me to buy an additional cream that was supposed to help better and gave me a glass of water so that I could take the allergy medication right there. Oops.
Back at Cirenworth Tessa made me shower, she said it would help. She was right. For five minutes. Then the itch came back and I put some of the cream on it. It doesn't help. Just makes it heal faster. Man. I still don't know how to sleep this night. I hope you never have to experience something like that. It's real torture.
I'm going to bed now. Hopefully you have a better night than me.
Love, Kit
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blahandwhatever · 1 year
It’s been a week of tiredness, busyness, studies, sunshine, and intermittent emotional clouds.
Had a record five study sessions this week - a four-day lotion testing study in Deerfield and my latest Nielsen Neuro study, available sooner than expected because apparently now you can do them every two months. I was so sleepy all week and unable to vanquish that until today despite some long sleeps. Didn’t manage to get to any of my studies on time. Did enjoy getting out into the world in the sunshine each day, but I had limited energy to do much more out there than I had to. Got a physical gift card that allowed me to finally do some shopping at Woodman’s again - it’s my only store that doesn’t take digital payments.
Work picked up a little bit but still not enough. My first project for my new job was completed and paid for with no issue, and I got a second one. They’re pretty small projects, and it seems I can only have one going at a time, so I need to get them done quickly in order to have a steady flow. But I was too tired to be efficient this week. I failed to do several things I was supposed to.
Amid all this, there was the mother-father situation. My mother finally saw a lawyer (dissatisfied with the results), and my father went a little crazy. Threatening and blackmailing her like he did when she tried to divorce him before. Obsessing over who she talked to. Sending all kinds of harassing texts. All the classic narcissistic abuse stuff. On Tuesday she called and asked if I could come help talk some sense into him. I was hesitant, offered to text him instead. She ended up coming over that evening because she needed to get away and wanted to talk. I said she could stay if she didn’t feel safe at home, but she returned and was okay. She worked the next few days. I again had mixed feelings about my involvement and her boundaries with her children. She complained about my brother not defending her when my father was being shitty to her. I had mixed feelings about that too but stressed that my brother shouldn’t have to get involved in my parents’ issues and shouldn’t be resented for not doing so. And with me - she was insistent on showing me my father’s text messages, and I was insistent on not seeing them. Years ago, I would have wanted to see everything. By now, I felt too done with this shit, and stressed enough by the situation without knowing all the details. I assured her I got the gist and knew what she was dealing with.
My tentative text(s) to my father turned into an email because I found I had too much to say. Putting it all together took an amount of time I don’t really comprehend. I thought I was pretty clear on what I wanted to say, but then there was so much reflecting and weighing of how to phrase things and what to include and what to leave out - and so much tiredness robbing me of focus and motivation. I thought for sure I’d get it done by Wednesday but didn’t. Not Thursday either. Today I had no studies and no excuse - and I finally got caught up on sleep. Still took goddamn forever. Sent it at 2:30 AM. Felt like I’d used my most powerful attack and depleted all my energy. Don’t know what will come of this. My words have gotten through to him in some ways before, but this feels like a final boss battle. A divorce with my mother is like the biggest existential threat to my father - and he’s in a very bad place mentally. In any case, I’ll try not to let this loom over my life more than necessary.
This weekend, I need to get caught up on cleaning, do a bit of work, and RELAX.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
It's a huge number of a****** more luck here in town it's kind of the same people and everybody's not sick enough of them yet and they're talking about devices out loud and they're getting arrested finally. And they're trying to give orders for people to deliver them and they're getting arrested and they're seeking them out and then grabbing them and finding devices and it's big this time finally and thank God we did the other way this would have been a lot worse and harder and there's a lot of stuff for doing like that. Right now the more like number about 8.7 million octillion and it seems like it's slowed but I was announcing the morning's numbers from 3 hours of activity and this is only from one hour but the evacuation is going at the same time and the ships are almost there and about 2 million octillion and they say no we should be able to fit 3 million octillion will be put on board and they're using much larger ships which is true it should be that many at least and he said maybe more salary is to about 5.5 million octillion that's still a lot of people and they're still pouring into the cities and adjacent to the cities at the same time and yeah they took the cities over and we have huge projects to rebuild the cities.
This is what I say he doesn't make any money from it nor do I it's a huge hassle so I don't know what to do about it no and sit there and cast them if they're in the cities and we're going to do a test a few test cities and suggested they're going to meet about that now till those assholes not to do tha
We have it down now and it's working pretty good this 3 million is going to alleviate a lot of stress but it's also going to rip tons of them out at the same time and they're going to move fast so we have to think about that and the effect of gassing cuz they're going to try and fill in there but then again when they move fast they don't bother taking things that are not theirs for the most part so we think it might be a good idea we're going to study it though we're going to the meeting now wish us luck everybody and our son says I hope you do okay and they're safe LOL I want to cut that crap out too
Thor Freya
Yeah you're annoying me too not much though only getting out of you is what we've always needed to have done send me your comments are critical of everybody it was starting to hear you we have this huge Force no we need to do it now and it's huge reasons and we see that we're behind and some kind of missing thought pattern here or things on purpose and he was doing it on purpose and now we're supposed to switch gears and we're having trouble with it another examine that because I know what you're saying somebody thinks it's on purpose all the time and it's not we did that to get leaders to stand and they came forward now go ahead but we do understand what you're saying we're already the leaders it's a military operation so looking for military leaders and they get that and this is all our operation now so we're switching gears and so we we all understand this
For military positions sergeants and colonels and things like that they came forwards and they went up to the rings no we understanding is valuable and people like it and they end up getting more territory under their plan so it's something that they should know it's for their clan we're moving forwards huge amounts of changes today and it's about to change we think really really drastically we think they're going to be evacuated today all of them
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poetic-emjay · 2 years
October 5, 2022
Yesterday didn't end well. At the end of the day I felt so down that my chest actually starting having sharp pains. So many things are going wrong these days, I think even more so than ever before. I'm very tempted to just end it all. If I don't then I really need to keep myself busy and distracted.
Yesterday I was supposed to clean, but I only ended up doing about 25 minutes with very late at night, which isn't much considering how messy my place currently is. But it's better than nothing, and assuming I don't make an even bigger mess, 25 minutes a day is 3 hours a week. I did take out some overdue garbage though, so that's good.
Anyway, with the exception of studying for Friday's test, all my homework for this week is done. I do have a number of things due next week though - gunna have to really work on those this weekend.
Wednesdays I have two classes, but I'm considering not going today. Neither class has attendance or in-class participation assignments. They are both electives and the first one has all the learning information online, so I should be okay if I'm not in class for the slides.
The second class, the teacher isn't feeling well so it'll be online - and if I go in to my first class, I won't make it back home in time for the online class as there is only an hour gap and I need at least an hour and a half to get back. I don't want to wait around at school just to do class online.
Normally, with travel time, Wednesdays are about 10 hours of school. The classes themselves are only 3 hours though. I'll save so much time that I can hopefully use towards important stuff like cleaning. Okay, I think I talked myself into it.
The first class starts at 1:30pm. I have a call at 10am with a potential client - it's 8:30 now, so I should eat and get ready.
Plans for today include doing at least one load of dishes, more tidying of the kitchen so I can get in there and mop, and some work on organizing my office space. I also want to start doing 10 pushups a day, so I guess I should get to that.
I don't want to think about last night, so I gotta make sure I'm really busy today.
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Whiskey For Your Thoughts
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A/N: Having a rough week and it’s only Tuesday. As always, turned to writing and thought I would share this short piece with you all. Hope it can help in some way! My inbox is always open for you all!
Pairings: Jake “Hangman” Seresin X College!Reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet Hangman
Word Count: 900
Summary: The reader is nearing the end of their college degree, but one single test can ruin it all. A certain pilot knows how to cheer them up.
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Today was one of those days where it seemed like the world was against you. To say you had been working hard towards your degree would be severely understating it. Years have been put in for all of it to come crashing down on you. The control you once felt was no more, and you felt everything slipping from your hands too quickly to stop it. And just like any normal person put in this position, you found yourself sitting on the kitchen floor with a bottle of whiskey in your hands.
That’s how your boyfriend found you. Head back, bottle up, with no regard for the world around you. His footsteps getting louder told you your fun was probably coming to an end. And sure enough, the bottle was gently taken from your hands.
You looked up with a pout to see Jake kneeling down in front of you, a look of concern on his face. “That was uncalled for.” You heard the slight slur in your words and mentally slapped yourself for it. He wouldn’t give it back now.
“Want to tell me what happened?” His tone seemed light, but you knew he was trying not to upset you further.
“Why do you assume something happened?” You watched him bite back a smile and tilt his head a bit.
“Darlin’, the only time you drink whiskey is when you want to forget something, or you’re tryin’ to get me in bed. And last I checked, I wasn’t home when you started drinking so it must be the first option.” Damn this man for knowing you too well.
You let out a small huff and crossed your arms. “Rough day at school, that’s all.” Jake knew it was something more, he always did. So, his next question shouldn’t have gotten to you as bad as it did.
“You finish in what, one week? You know your stuff and you are by far the smartest person I know, so what’s getting to you?” Your eyes fixated on the worn-out tile underneath you as you tried to keep your emotions in check. But man, this day was beating you up.
“I spent three years leading up to this moment and I have one test that is in my way. If I fail it, then all of this was for nothing. A complete waste of time. Today we took this pretest thing that basically showed us how we do on our final. I failed it by three points. How is it that I can study all damn day and put my heart into something just to fail?” You looked up at your boyfriend and saw his face drop at your admission.
He dragged a thumb over your cheek to wipe the tears you didn’t know escaped. It was an involuntary motion, but you leaned into his touch, needing it more that you initially thought. Jake saw this and moved to sit next to you on the ground, pulling you into his side.
“This is only one bump in the road. Don’t let this test knock you down because you have earned this degree. I know I’m just a dump pilot, but I do know how hard you have worked for this.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at what he said. You both knew he was one of the best pilots in the country, but right now it didn’t matter. Your world seemed to be falling apart and he was the glue you needed to keep it together.
“What if I fail?” He pulled back some and turned your face so he could look you in the eyes.
“You can’t think like that, sweetheart. If I went out there every time I had a rough mission and thought that, I would get hurt and my team hurt. If this was supposed to be easy, everyone would be doing it. I have all the faith that you are going to kill this test and then we are going to have the biggest celebration after.” He gave you one of his rare, genuine smiles and kissed the top of your head.
“Let’s get you showered and into bed. You’re going to be feeling the whiskey in the morning.” He got off the floor and effortlessly picked you up.
“I can walk, Jake. I didn’t have that much to drink.” You saw a smirk appear on his face and knew he was up to no good.
“Maybe I just want to carry my girl to bed. Is that such a crime?” You tipped your head back and laughed, slowly forgetting about your previous pity party.
“To say you weren’t here when I had the whiskey out, you sure do seem like you have something on your mind.” It was his turn to laugh, and you couldn’t help but smile at the happiness on his face. He caught you staring and asked what you were thinking of.
“I love you, Jake.” He stopped walking and looked down at you in his arms, “Darlin’, there is no one else in the world that I will ever love more than you.” He gave you a soft kiss on the tip of your nose and in that single moment, everything was perfect.
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