#The Henchmen’s Guide
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You’re gonna have to learn on the job Miles.
My links, I make no promises about how helpful they’re gonna be and take limited responsibility for what you find
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nicheguides · 4 months
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What to Keep in your Vintage Car’s Glove Box
Lucky for you, a lot of these came with the car when you bought it from that russian lady in the fur coat!
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It Only Takes One
Jason has never felt more useless in his life. There's a gun to your head, and all he can do is watch. ~1.2k words
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You're kneeling in front of him. Any other time, he would be fighting the heat that threatens to rise to his face. Any other time, he would be reaching out to cup the back of your head, eager to guide you closer. But it's not any other time. There's a gun pressed to where Jason's fingers should be on your scalp, and Jason feels cold.
The armor of his Red Hood gear is too tight. He can't tell what your expression is under your domino mask. He wonders if you're scared. It would be worse if you weren't, if you trust him enough to save you.
He doesn't hear most of Falcone's speech, he's too busy desperately thinking of a way to save you. He can't seem to come up with one. The cold metal of the gun is against your head and he's halfway across the room from you. He doesn't know how to save you.
Falcone shoves the barrel of the gun against your head. It takes every inch of Jason's self-control not to lurch forward. "You really thought there wouldn't be consequences for burning down my warehouses, did you," Falcone asks, smug and confident.
"I'll admit the two of you have been a real problem for me," he continues, nudging your leg with his foot in feigned disgust. He looks up from you to meet Red Hood's gaze, "But it only takes one good bullet to deal with issues like this."
Jason does surge forward at that, and the henchmen at either side of him force him back down to his knees.
Falcone just laughs. "Ah, ah, hot shot," he knocks back the safety and Jason's ears start to ring, "wouldn't want your partner to spill their brains everywhere. Not when we haven't had any real fun."
You still look so calm. Even as he thrashes and writhes against the men holding him down, you're kneeling like there's not a thing wrong. Like your life doesn't hang in the balance, like just one twitch of Falcones finger wouldn't take away the person Jason needs most.
All his training, all his skills and reflexes, all has come down to nothing. Because he can't save you. He can't stop the cruel smiles that form on the thugs around you. He can't find a way to cross the room and get to you before the trigger gets pulled.
"Don't shoot," he snaps out, all the panic and fear he's feeling filtered out through the helmet in a false bravado, "Aren't they more useful alive?"
Falcone scoffs and kicks you again, "Neither of you are useful."
"I could be," Jason promises. He could be. He could be anything to keep you safe, "I used to run more territory in Gotham than you've ever seen. I have an in with The Bat. I'm the best at what I do, and you know it."
Interest speaks in Falcones' eyes. Good. He should be focused on Red Hood. He should be lowering that gun a fraction of an inch. He should consider everything Jason would do for you. The lines he would cross. The people he'd hurt. He'd change the world to get you home safe.
Falcone lowers the gun completely. Jason wants to be relieved, but you still have other guns trained on you. You're still in danger.
Falcone takes a step closer to him, "Alright, Hood, I'm in a good mood tonight. So, let's make a deal. You tell me who Batman is, maybe do me a few favors, and you and your partner are free to go."
"They leave first, and then we talk," Jason counters. As if he'd risk you getting shot.
Faclone tuts and points his gun back towards you, "That's not how this works, son."
Red Hood stiffens. He doesn't feel like a hero right now, he rarely ever does. But in this moment, he's weak. Pathetic. He has one chance to keep you safe, and he's going to take it. Jason opens his mouth to speak.
Glass shatters and smoke fills the room. Instinct kicks in and Jason's thrown off the men holding him down before Falcone even has a chance to bark out orders. Nothing else matters but getting his hands on you.
There's yelling. None he recognizes. He breaks more bones than he has in weeks. Blood splatters onto his armor.
When the smoke finally starts to clear, Jason scans the room desperately. Every single goon is knocked unconscious on the floor. Falcone's in handcuffs, limp on the floor.
He's lucky that Red Robin and Spoiler got to him first. Jason is more than inclined to remind him why Red Hood was the most powerful crime lord Gotham's ever known.
"Hey-" your voice cuts into his darker thoughts. Jason doesn't hesitate to move towards you and grab your waist with both hands, tugging you against him.
He scans your face, "Are you hurt?" He's frantic, his hands hold you just a little too tight, he's crowding your space. Jason's aware of all of this, but he only pulls you closer.
"I'm okay. I'm not hurt. Are you?" You say, pressing your hands to the leather of his jacket.
His shoulders slump and he drops his head to rest his face plate against your forehead, "I'm– fine." He takes a moment, a selfish minute to focus on your breathing.
He pulls back to nod towards Spoiler and Red Robin, "We're leaving." Jason doesn't bother to check if they acknowledge him, only pulls you along to the balcony.
He's more shaken than he wants to admit. He needs to get both of you out of here, somewhere safe. You follow him willingly, don't say a word until he's led you all the way home to your apartment.
You don't try to talk him out of anything, not when he pulls you onto his lap and holds you close. You let him toss his helmet to the ground and hide his face in your shoulder.
Jason's not sure how long it stays like that. Your armor digs into his skin. He's sure his own suit is doing the same. You play with the ends of his hair. He tries to keep his heartbeat steady.
Jason nearly convinces himself that both of you are safe. That it's going to be okay. He almost believes it until you speak up.
"Were you going to tell him?" You ask quietly, so softly he might have missed it if his every sense wasn't trained on you.
"Tell him?" He mumbles in your neck. Jason knows exactly what you're talking about. But he's stalling. There's no way to really answer.
You don't respond. He doesn't answer.
Of course, he was going to tell him. Of course, he was going to put everyone they've ever cared about or loved in danger.
You know that. You have to know that if you don't ask again. There's not a thing he wouldn't give to keep you alive, to keep you happy and healthy and safe.
He'd trade any secret, commit any atrocity, betray everyone who ever trusted him, all for you. But how can he put that into words? He can't. Doesn't know how. And you don't deserve the burden of that. He can't lay something so heavy at your feet.
He holds you tighter instead. The silence is answer enough.
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So the world is full of problems and being a naive 12 yo, Dani thinks she can fix those problems.
So she follows the best example.
Red hood
And she becomes a crime boss.
And she’s far better than anyone would think. Discreetly taking over various mafias around the world.
Eventually, the anti ecto acts are put in place worldwide.
So Dani (17) and Jazz (21)move to the only place that has citizens that would willingly lie to the government. Danny is in the ghost zone, attempting to evacuate all ghosts on earth dnd then get to work trying to dismantle the AEA. A process that could take over a year or so.
So Dani moves most of her forces to Gotham.
In my mind, Dani’s mobster name is Fantasma btw and her henchmen/loyal workers are called the Draugur.
But Gotham is cursed and over run with violent ghosts, and because Jazz has collage (transferred from Central Collage) and has to keep a job she can’t handle the ghosts.
So Dani is now moonlighting as the vigilante Wraith.
And Jazz is making her go to school during the day (Gotham academy)
While she’s in Gotham, Fantasma catches the attention of the bats because they’re not going to miss what is obviously a big player with a reputation coming into Gotham.
So they send a bat to go undercover
Damian is like 17 and has just transitioned out of Robin (you can decide whos Robin in his place) and is now (what we vigilante you what him to be, but I’m using Nocturne in this post)
For his first solo mission, he goes undercover as a henchman in the Draugurs. (He wears a mask so he doesn’t get discovered at a Wayne/bat). The only information the bats have is that Fantasma is around his age.
Unsurprisingly, he’s really good at undercover work.
He (undercover name is Crow) quickly makes his way up the ranks.
And he eventually meets the boss Fantasma and becomes her right hand.
And eventually begins to fall for her.
At the same time, he’s trying to catch the new antihero Wraith, who is a very flirty pain in the butt. He’s also been assigned to be the partner of a new student in his class, Danielle, who is incredibly ditzy and clumsy. But she’s not stupid, Damian knows better than to assume that. Especially when she scores highly than him on their geography test.
Basically an entire love hexagon AU including
- henchmen x boss
- vigilante x vigilante/antihero
- academic rivals AU
Relationship guide
Fantasma x Crow- boss that trust her second hand with her life despite not know in his real name. Henchman that is slowly catching feelings and becoming very guilty for lying to her
Nocturne x Wraith- vigilante is getting increasingly irritated by the new Antihero, who thinks the vigilante is hot and flirts with him the entire time they’re together
Dani x Damian- klutzy, clumsy, and popular student ends up having a rivalry with perfect, cold, and outcast over grades and tests. They hate each other.
I love this prompt, and there’s so much I could add to this.
Any thoughts? Would love to hear them!! :))
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 9 months
Fentons family's guide Section on being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Fentons family's guide to being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Guide by Jazmin Fenton in case of employment with a supervillain.
Being an evil assistant or henchmen is surprisingly a very stable source of an income stream all things considered.
You just need to find a boss. A as in singular it's very important, who is pathetic and or stupid enough to constantly have their large scale plan failing even without the hero's Involvement.
And while their large scale plan for taking over the world with a weapon of mass destruction could be feasible if only they didn't think to actually use it. Using it to threaten the world leaders for sway is the correct way. It is the most unused method the one being used most is the method of actually using the weapon of mass destruction for mass destruction.
You as the evil assistant then have the responsibility to make sure that the villain doesn't/ can't use said device to destroy the world. The heroes can help. Later then take the blame for the failure absolving you of involvement.
Being a good evil assistant is babysitting the evil boss.
_________________________________pg 9___
"Oh man never thought I'd actually need to use the 'Fenton guide' Jazz made me." Danny mumbled quietly and heaved a sigh of relief when he had found it among his hastily packed together bag.
Jazz had been the one making both of their emergency bags when she had told him about the guide. He hadn't appreciated it then now he truly did now with everything going on.
God he missed Jazz so much. He wanted to see her so badly he wanted to hold her hand like when they were kids. He really wanted her hand to squeeze his back in reassurance that everything was going to be fine.
Danny tried holding back his sobs at the thought. He couldn't stop the mist in his eyes or his hands shaking holding the little booklet.
But he wanted her safe and far away from everything even more. He wanted his friends to be safe with his sister. It didn't matter if he had to be far away working getting those crystals every way he could think of. His friends and sister needed money to keep them safe, hidden and taken care of. They needed that money and crystals and if Danny had to choose between his morals and fright he would always choose his true family. Morals be damned.
• • •
He hadn't expected the costume to be so good in quality. That had surprised him the most the second being how easy it would be getting a job with villains. Turns out working as an "meta" henchmen who knew everything from fighting to logistics and machinery was a rarity in this dimension. Who would have guessed it with all the metas and enhanced humans going about? And omg they even have aliens in this dimension!
Getting the money for the crystals had been going surprisingly smoothly. Everything had been going so smoothly that of course it had to be ruined! The villain Danny was working for had gotten noticed and promptly got beat. Which meant he didn't have an employer anymore at least until a breakout was orchestrated. So no more job until then.
And Danny had finally managed his way to the middle hierarchy in that organization! Now he would need to go looking for evil henchmen positions again! It wasn't even a good season to go looking for openings in other organizations.
Damn it that bat furry in Gotham and his flock of birds. Don't they get how hard it is for a henchmen to find descant work!?
Maybe he should go with the duo villain and assistant type next time.
Thank you so much for reading I hope it was enjoyed!
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Danny in the lair after having saved his villain boss from Batman after said villain had their scheme blown up in their face. Danny knew the plan would fail miserably but at this point he didn't care. He stopped trying to help when it came to schemes ages ago.
+Some art
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Idk if I've posted this idea before but I've had this thing bouncing around in my head for a while.
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bhpop · 9 months
Eyeless-Yuu and Grim.
{TW: Slight Blood + Violence + Mentions of Kidnapping + Mentions of Torture / If there are any Trigger Warnings I didn't mention or place please let me know, and if you can't handle the triggers I did place please scroll away.}
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{Honestly the brush I used works well for Eyeless-Yuu}
So Eyeless-Yuu's empty sockets tend to bleed whenever they're nervous/scared {not just when they're sad like in the character sheet, when they're sad the bleeding doesn't stop till they finally calm down but leaves a bloody mess} and it gets pretty gross due to the constant messy and {sticky[?]} dry blood stains from Eyeless-Yuu.
As for why Eyeless-Yuu is well eyeless, I had previous concepts as to why they don't have eyes {they were based off the creepypastas Eyeless Jack and Lulu, and some slight similarities to the slit mouthed woman}. The current one I'm going for to why they don't have eyes is because they were obviously stolen and taken due to them rejecting a noble's love. So due to blind rage and arrogance {along with an ego} the noble had they had kidnapped Eyeless-Yuu and placed them through torture {nothing like SA just gruesome torture}, when it was over somewhat over that's when Eyeless-Yuu's eyes were stolen since the reason Eyeless-Yuu rejected the nobles love was because they wanted to experience "love at firsts sight" and not forced love or an arranged marriage, so the noble took advantage of this and after stealing Eyeless-Yuu's eyes they told them "How will you ever find love now? In fact who would ever love you now?". After that they let Eyeless-Yuu go after dumping them off somewhere {Eyeless-Yuu didn't know where but assumed it was in a forest of wooded area} that's when the magic carriage arrived and took them to NRC while they had small consciousness.
After that Eyeless-Yuu has obvious trust issues and fear of touch {due to the torture}. The only person[?] allowed to touch Eyeless-Yuu is Grim. Even if during the beginning prologue when first meeting Grim Eyeless-Yuu relied on Grim to be their eyes and help them get around since they can't see. {Eyeless-Yuu surprisingly doesn't mind being called henchmen since when they did have eyes Eyeless-Yuu worked as a maid [almost like a henchmen?], in Eyeless-Yuu's world it's during when nobles were more in power and women weren't allowed to do many things. But Eyeless-Yuu does trust Grim a lot since they have to rely on him to guide them, they will eventually warm up to others but for now Yuu only relies on Grim [sometimes Crowley] but does trust Ace and Deuce after a while [mainly Deuce]}
Bonus: Eyeless-Yuu was attractive but wasn't really approached by men due to their eyes {I finally settled on them having heterochromia}, but the noble who said they loved Eyeless-Yuu only approached them since he was 'desperate' for a wife, he was going to threaten Eyeless-Yuu by claiming they were a witch due to their eyes after the rejection but Eyeless-Yuu didn't care since they didn't budge on wanting to experience true love and love at first sight.
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oliversrarebooks · 11 months
the defiant princess
TW: hypnotic induction, mind control, restraints, belittling language
Ah, hello, your Majesty. It's so kind of you to grant me an audience. I hear you put up quite a fuss while my henchmen tried to make you comfortable in those ropes, but really, it was the only way I could get you to hear me out.
Don't worry, I understand. I know how busy you are. So many important decisions to make, wars to avoid, criminals to pardon, and peasants to help. It must be so, so... tiring to be so noble, wouldn't you say?
A witch? Yes, your majesty, I am a witch. An enchantress, to be precise, a very powerful one, and I'm only here to help advise you.
Oh, my, what language! That's the spitfire princess I've heard about! So brave and defiant. So admirable.  That's exactly what I wish to speak to you about, your Majesty.
You see, I'm ever so worried about you. All of that defiance must take a toll on you. A bratty, headstrong princess like you needs a firm guiding hand. Someone to help them rest and sleep. Someone to help them be more docile and obedient, just like a good princess should be.
It's so cute to see you struggle against those bonds. I assure you they're quite tight. And I can also assure you that there's no fighting what's about to happen to you. Soon, you're going to be far too drowsy and entranced to resist anything I say.
You don't want that? Well, what would you think if I showed you the gift I brought you? It's a lovely crystal pendant, a rare piece fit for a princess of your temperament. You could practically say it was made just for you. See how perfectly its facets catch the light as I spin it? So lovely, isn't it? So hard to tear your eyes away.
Here, let me help you, let me move it closer to your eyes, so that you may see it better. Oh, were you trying to look away just now? I think you'll find that's quite impossible. No, don't struggle. There's nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. Just a beautiful, captivating crystal. Just keep looking, keep watching the way it sparkles in the light, as I slowly swing it back and forth. Back and forth, in front of your eyes. So beautiful. So perfect. That's it, your majesty. 
I love the way the crystal looks reflected in your glassy, dazed eyes. I love the way your struggles against your bonds have become weak and lifeless. I love how I see you trying to tear your eyes away, but they keep flickering back to the crystal. 
Trying to hypnotize you? Your majesty, I'm not trying to hypnotize you. I am hypnotizing you.
You've probably realized this by now, but this is no ordinary crystal. It's a crystal that has the power to put people to sleep, even the most bratty, defiant princess. It has the power to make you docile and weak the more you watch it. No, don't try to look away. Keep looking, and let the crystal steal your will away. 
Doesn't it make you feel so very quiet and docile, the way your eyes keep following the crystal back-and-forth? Doesn't it make you feel weak and compliant, when you just can't seem to look away? 
Yes, very good, your majesty. Let the crystal drain your willpower, let it replace your strength with a slow, delicious drowsiness. Keep watching. Watching the crystal will make you feel sleepy, and you're already too docile and weak to do anything about it. Oh, no, don't argue. I think even you realize that you're falling under my spell. The crystal's light is making you so sleepy, so drowsy. And it's so hard to be defiant when you're so sleepy, isn't it?
With every slow swing of the crystal, you can feel its sleepy, hypnotic power tugging at your eyelids, making them so heavy, gently coaxing them to close. The crystal's light is soothing you to sleep, dear princess, easing you under my hypnotic spell. The more drowsy and dazed you become, the easier it is for my words to slip past your defenses. Your mind is getting so, so tired, so tired of struggling.
Oh, you say you aren't sleepy? Awww, poor sleepy princess. You don't sound like a brave, defiant woman any more. You sound like a sleepy little girl protesting being put to bed. Look at that cute little yawn. I think you are sleepy. I think you are very, very sleepy.  I think it's so adorable to see your heavy eyelids blink so slowly as you try to keep yourself awake.
It's okay, sweet princess, just keep watching the nice sleepy crystal. It's your gift, after all, a pretty little gift that will help put you to sleep, a perfect gift for a drowsy and docile princess who needs someone else to do all the hard thinking for her. 
What's that you said? I can't understand your groggy little mumbles, especially when you keep yawning like that. You're not going to fall under my spell? Your majesty, you have already fallen under my spell. There's no use in trying to resist. You're already half-asleep and so dazed and obedient. 
Yes, obedient. Look at how your eyes are still following the crystal, just as I told you to, even though you're so very drowsy now that you would love for your eyes to shut. It's hard to keep them open, isn't it? You'd much rather close your eyes and sink deeper under my power, but you can't stop watching the crystal, the crystal made especially to put bratty little princesses to sleep. It's almost like you want to be put into a deep, entranced, hypnotic sleep.
No, you say? Your futile struggles really are so cute. It's so funny to think of how you normally are, bellowing orders left and right, and here you are with me, so hypnotized and sleepy, mumbling out your tired little protests. This is so much better, isn't it? It feels so nice to be so, so hypnotized and sleepy. It feels so nice to feel yourself slipping under my spell, knowing that when I've completely hypnotized you, you won't have to worry about anything any more. 
Shh, shhh, princess, hush, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay to let yourself be hypnotized. You're so tired, aren't you? As endearing as it is to watch those pretty eyes glued to my crystal, I think you need to rest them now. Just for a minute. Your eyelids are so, so heavy now, as though they have little lead weights attached to them. Just let them shut. You'll feel so much better. Yes, that's a good princess. That's a good girl. That's a good little girl, a sleepy, docile, and dazed little girl.
Just relax now. Just keep your eyes closed. Are you still trying to fight sleep? Aww, you're such a cute little brat. You know very well you're too drowsy to resist. You're going to feel yourself beginning to slip off into dreamland. The beautiful hypnotic crystal and my soothing voice are going to send you to a lovely, sleepy place where you'll feel so docile and relaxed that you won't ever want to leave.
The part of your mind that wants to resist me is sleepy, too. It's falling asleep, little princess, I'm putting your resistance to sleep. You can picture it in your mind, the strong, defiant princess you normally are, sitting on her throne and commanding her servants. You can see her yawn, her eyelids droop and flutter. You can see me cradling her in my arms, carrying her off to bed. She's falling asleep, dear girl, that strong-willed part of you. There's nothing left to resist me with. You're too sleepy, too hypnotized.
Yes, just go to sleep, fall deep asleep, and let the hypnotic spell seal around your tired little mind. Your free will, your personality, your desires, all will fade away as my hypnosis locks you into deep, sweet sleep. It feels so, so good that you won't ever want to resist it. You're meant for obedience and sleep, princess. Your usual personality was just an act, wasn't it, an act to conceal your true nature as a docile, helpless girl. 
Here, let me fasten that crystal right around your pretty neck. It looks so perfect on you. It's going to keep you weak and docile and hypnotized. As long as you have this on, you'll be able to walk and talk and do your daily tasks, but your mind will secretly be completely asleep. You'll be able to hear my words no matter where you are, and my words will become your thoughts. As long as you have this on, you will obey me and only me, do you understand? Only my words will control you, no one else's.
Yes, princess, you want to remain asleep, you want to remain hypnotized. It feels good, doesn't it? Yes, so good. That drowsy little smile of yours says it all. You won't ever take the crystal off, will you? Of course you won't. You need the crystal to help you stay asleep. You need the crystal hypnotizing your docile little princess mind. You need it more than anything.
And you won't let anyone else take it off either. No, that would be awful. You don't want that at all. Even if some idiotic hero tells you the crystal is dangerous, you need to keep wearing it no matter what. If someone tries to take the crystal from you, you'll resist them with all your might, won't you? Yes, that's right. 
And this one is very, very important, my sleepy little princess, so I'm going to need you to listen carefully. You can't tell anyone else about the crystal, or about what happened here. You'll keep the crystal hidden under your dress so that they won't question you. You can't let anyone know you're asleep and hypnotized. They won't understand. They'll try to wake you, try to steal your crystal, and you can't have that happen. If you ever try to tell someone about the crystal, your mind will feel so hazy and foggy that you can't get the words out. But you won't even try, will you? Of course not, you're too docile and obedient. You'll only show people the crystal if I want you to.
What's that you're trying to say? Who will rule the kingdom? Why, you will rule the kingdom, of course you will, there's nothing to worry about at all. You're a docile, helpless princess -- of course you can rule the kingdom while fast asleep and completely hypnotized. It will be so easy, so much easier than it's ever been, because my voice will advise you on everything you need to do. Yes, it's so much better to rule the kingdom while hypnotized. No more difficult decisions or boring state dinners or ministers clamoring for attention. You can sleep through it all. Isn't it wonderful, to be under a hypnotic spell?
Yes, it is, isn't it? It's just so right to be a sleepy, hypnotized princess, trapped in the spell of a witch, just like in the fairy tales you love. But unlike the foolish little girls in those stories, you know better than to want to be rescued. You understand that princesses like you are meant to be in a deep hypnotic trance. That's why it feels so very good.
You love your witch, your darling enchantress who whispers in your ear and makes you oh so drowsy and captivated. You love being obedient and entranced. You love it all.
And wouldn't it be just so lovely if more people were under my spell? Wouldn't it be ideal if everyone in the castle were under the influence of my lovely, sleepy, hypnotic crystal? Don't you want them all to be as contented and obedient as you are?
Yes, that's an excellent idea, your majesty. Let's hypnotize the entire court, one by one. You're so brave and intelligent, so good at ruling the kingdom, the best princess the land has ever known.
Here, let me take care of those ropes. You've been bound up so long, but you're not going to foolishly try to fight me any more, are you? No, of course you aren't. You're as sweet and docile as a kitten, a drowsy little kitten waking up from her nap. You can open your eyes now, princess, and remain completely asleep. There you go. Aww, that adoring look on your face is so delectable!
You will kneel before me, won't you? Sleepy, hypnotized princesses must kneel before their new mistress. Yes, that's a good dear. Oh, you look so cute, looking up at me and blinking slowly, still so dazed. You've had quite the nap, haven't you, princess? You must feel so refreshed, now that you're finally getting the sleep you need.
Now, your majesty, do you see that sweet young woman in the corner? Yes, your chief handmaiden. You've been best friends with her for your whole lives, isn't that right? She tried so hard to protect you, so brave and loyal. She's been trying to wriggle out of the ropes and shout through her gag this entire time, poor thing. Does that upset you, dear princess? Don't you think she needs to relax? Don't you think she needs to get some sleep?
Why don't you go to her, soothe her, and focus her pretty little eyes right on that hypnotic crystal? Why don't you hypnotize your friend into lovely, submissive sleep? Then you'll both be under my control, isn't that perfect? Yes, that's right. Good princess. You're following my suggestions so well. Let me guide you, let me help you put all of your subjects to sleep, one by one.
Yes, that's a good little princess.
If you like this story, you may like "listen to my Voice, hero" for more gentle, slow hypnotic induction on a resisting subject.
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snap-fyre · 3 months
Something I really enjoy about the Alex Rider series is that it’s not shy about showing Alex’s vulnerability.
Reminder that I haven’t read the books since I was a child and have forgotten a lot, but I’m pretty sure in those Alex was usually portrayed as the typical teenage boy protagonist. He was snarky/sarcastic, gave the bad guys henchmen nicknames, and for the most part he really worked alone. I’m almost finished season 2, but a difference I noticed is that he hasn’t got his all the really cool spy gear (that I was always envious of) he would usually be given at the beginning of missions, and when he was in a bad situation he could only rely on himself to get him out of it. But in the show they took those away, and due to that he really has to rely on people.
Both in season 1 and now in 2 he couldn’t have made it without Kyra (when he gets captured/caught and strapped to a table, then when he impersonates K7 and she has to guide him out) and its obvious that his relationship with Tom (Jack too, but I really think Tom’s a big one here) is really special to him, not just because he’s able to think outside the box (like when Alex wanted to just wait all day for the journalist guy and Tom was all ‘i’ll just set off the alarm and evacuate the building) but also because he’s his best friend and makes him laugh/smile. Alex smiles so much at Tom’s antics and I really love the show for choosing to maintain that this is a teenage boy who needs his friends to keep him grounded.
And when he’s all convinced that Yassen is in the area he tells everyone!! Jack, Tom, even Sabina! (who really he should’ve at least tried to keep the whole spy thing a secret from i feel like come on, Alex, please) He jumps out in situations when he should stay hidden! He is not secretive when it comes to those he loves! And you can see that he wants and needs them to believe him. From what I remember, book Alex was more ‘ooh! Cool teenage spy, beating up all the bad guys and saving the world cuz Blunt won’t let him go!’ (Or maybe not, I’ll reread them someday) but this Alex cares!! This version of Alex cared so much about what happened to his uncle Ian, he cared so much that his evil clone was hurting Tom and ran as fast as he could to get to them, he cares so much about Kyra he went on a drugged up rant about how she’s special and he wouldn’t fall for fake Kyra’s tricks again. He cares so much about Sabina and her dad.
TV! Alex I will always love you.
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happy74827 · 8 months
All I Wanted Was You
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[Thor Odinson x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Thor had always been there to protect you, save you, and love you… Until he couldn't.
WC: 3540
Category: Heavy Angst, Some hurt/comfort, mentions of Loki, Hela, and Heimdall {TW warning: Thanos and “evil squidward” — I know his name but I think Tony’s nickname is too iconic}
So I recently rewatched Infinity War, and of course watching Thor cry over losing literally everyone else he cares for in the first 15 minutes of the movie sparked my writer heart {finally} and after listening to Paramore we have this hot mess of angst (also why are all my Thor fics so angsty when he’s the definition of fluff?? I live for the drama I guess)
And just for the record, we don’t talk about the fact that I have thousands of requests and this isn’t even one of them 💀😭
They say fear lies in the unknown. In the absence of facts and knowledge, the mind creates a world of illusions. If you believe your own fears, they become reality.
So what happens when the thing you fear the most is taken from you? When everything else falls to nothing? When the world is turned upside down?
You're left with a feeling that can only be described as the deepest pain imaginable.
You're left with nothing but your fear.
Your heart was racing so fast, and your breaths were short. You could feel every single muscle in your body tense up as the unnamed alien man dragged you further and further into the unknown.
The trip back to Earth, back to your sanctuary of a home, was nothing but a blur. After everything that had gone down within Asgard, including Asgard's destruction, all you could think about was your lover. Your other half.
He was in pain, and not just physically. You had been separated due to his secretive, power-hungry sister, to where he’d left you alone with his kind-hearted people to find his father, only to disappear and leave you alone with the slaughtering of the Asgardians.
The people you’ve met that very day ended up slaughtered by Hela. Some took you by the hand, guiding and shielding you for protection against the God of Death and her henchmen. Others, you could tell, were more than just scared; they were terrified. The ones that were too slow or the ones that decided to fight back were killed within an instant.
You were no warrior. You were a simple, plain human who somehow caught the eye of the mighty Thor Odinson, and for some reason, he was in love with you.
So, while everyone else fought against Hela and her henchmen, you ran. Thor had left you there in assurance of your safety, thinking the search for his father with Loki, of all people, would be too risky for you, but in reality, you would have rather been with him. At least then, if you were to die, you could have been in the arms of the one you love.
Miraculously, you had survived the fall of Asgard and the escape from Surtur. You had no clue how. Maybe you were just lucky, or perhaps it was the grace of the Allfather. Even Heimdall, the man who saw everything, didn’t see you making it out alive.
But, when Thor had found you in the throne room cornered by some henchmen, it became a fact that Heimdall couldn’t see everything; after all.
The moment your eyes had met, the moment you heard the sound of metal against flesh, the moment his strong, powerful, protective arms wrapped around your fragile, vulnerable, weak form, and the moment his lips kissed the top of your head, you were safe.
The only time you felt genuinely safe was when you were with Thor. His mere presence made you feel at ease. Like nothing could ever touch you or hurt you because he wouldn't let it.
He would protect you no matter the cost. He’d die for you, give his life for you, and go to the depths of Hell and back for you. He loved you, and that was something you could never understand.
Why would such a mighty god, a king, and a warrior want to love a simple human like yourself? A clumsy one at that.
You weren’t special in any way. You were ordinary.
But Thor, he was extraordinary.
The God of Thunder, a king and a warrior, a prince and a protector.
He was everything you were not.
It wasn't just the physical things that made him great, too, but the things that were inside.
Thor was a good man. A caring man. One who always thought about others and not himself.
Thor had his moments, yes, but no one is perfect. Not even a god. But the thing that made you love him, that made you want him, and the thing that made you feel safe was his heart.
That was the only part of him you could understand. The way he cared. The way he loved. The way he could make anyone smile. The way he could bring light to anyone's dark.
That's what makes a man a man. And that's why you loved him.
Even now, with one eye, a missing hammer, and a lost kingdom, he was still your everything.
And now you were reunited after being separated again. The only problem was the circumstances.
You and Thor had been in an intimate moment. The relief of having you back in his arms, the adrenaline pumping through your veins from surviving such a tragedy, had you both desperate.
He had pinned you against the wall, his hands brushing your hair away from your face to get a better look at you before he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. He was always so gentle with you. The teasing and playful nips at your bottom lip were proof of that.
But the sudden sight of a ship out the large window you’d stared out of moments before the kiss broke your concentration.
Thor had pulled apart almost immediately, the feeling of his beard no longer tickling your face, but the heat of his breath and the sweet taste of his lips was still there.
It didn't take long before Thor was following your eyes, seeing for himself what had pulled you from him.
A sense of dread washed over you when you noticed how he tensed and his grip on your waist tightened. This wasn’t another Asgardian ship; no, this was something far more dangerous. You could tell by the look in Thor's eye, his non-missing eye.
Then, within seconds, he grabbed hold of your arm and yanked you out of the room. Your heart was pounding as you started yelling questions at him, trying to understand what was going on.
But, when he hit the button that sealed the room you were once in and shielded you within his arms, the panic started to set in.
That's when everything began to blur.
You remembered the sound of explosions. The tearing of metal. The screams. The smell of burning.
It all came crashing down.
Loki had come around the corner, and seeing his expression, it didn’t take much to realize what was going on.
If Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies, was terrified, then that meant something big was going down.
Thor was yelling orders, shouting commands. You could barely make out what he was saying, but you knew he was telling you to stay behind him.
Stay behind him.
Always stay behind him.
Then it changed to get the hell off the ship.
Then, to run.
The last thing you remember was looking back as you sprinted down the halls, seeing your love, your other half, the king, the prince, the protector, your Thor, fighting some creature with his bare hands.
His face was so determined. He wasn’t going down without a fight. You ran to where he had told you to go, the escape pods where Val was helping others into. You got there and saw her eyes. They were wide and full of worry.
Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.
The sound of an explosion brought you back to the present.
Val grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you toward a pod. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins and, your heart was racing so fast, and your breaths were short.
All you could think about was Thor. Where was he? Was he alright?
He was not.
As soon as you entered the pod and Val had closed you in it, it was suddenly torn apart. The supposed sliding door had been ripped from its hinges.
The metal that you rested your back upon started to give, and the feeling of moving forward caused your heart to leap.
You were launched out and onto the floor.
It took a second to gain your bearings. You looked up and saw Val. She was fighting, and you were thankful to see her, but it was a short-lived relief.
The… thing she was fighting, the blue alien, grabbed hold of her and flung her across the ship. She landed somewhere near a pod and didn't move. You remembered screaming for her, but she didn't budge.
That's when the creature turned his attention to you.
You tried to move, but the metal that was supposed to hold the pod in place had you pinned.
You tried to pry the metal from your skin, but your weak and vulnerable body couldn’t break the bond.
The alien slowly moved towards you and, in a swift movement, had ripped the metal away.
He was so close, and you had no idea what was going on, who he was, or what his intentions were.
When you felt his large, rough, and cold hand wrap around the back of your neck, panic started to set in. You wanted to kick and scream, but all you could do was stare at the beast before you.
And thus, you were dragged away from the evacuation site and thrown into a separate area. You came to the conclusion that whoever this was, it seemed to be a metal bender or something similar due to his abilities.
All you saw was a demented blue face with squid-like features, staring down at you as he threw you around like a rag doll.
The fifth time he threw you, you landed roughly on the floor, causing your shoulder to make a loud crack noise and the pain to shoot through your body. Your hands landed on something soft, softer than the floor, and when you looked down, you realized the blue thing had thrown you into a room full of corpses.
But it wasn’t just any corpses. The one you had specifically landed upon had been the body of the man you had recently become close friends with, Thor’s friend, Heimdall.
Tears immediately pooled in your eyes, and your breathing became ragged. You tried to sit up and pull your body off of Heimdall in respect, but the pain shooting through your arm and back kept you frozen in place.
The lifeless eyes of the man who saw everything were open, and for once, he was staring at nothing. It was a haunting image.
The tears were now falling, and a sob escaped your lips. You wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. You wanted to scream and shout. You wanted to fight and claw at the alien that took until it bled. But all you could do was lay there, unable to move and weep.
Then, a voice caught your attention. It was deep, and it was coming from the alien that had brought you to this place.
His eyes were no longer focused on you, but they were somewhere else. He was talking to someone.
“Boss,” it spoke, his voice deep and gravelly. You couldn’t bear to look at the being. Not when you were face to face with the lifeless body of the gatekeeper. “There’s a human woman here. A pathetic one, no doubt, but one nonetheless. Should we end her? Or leave her to rot like the others?"
A silence filled the air, and you had no idea what was going on, who he was speaking with, or who was giving him instructions. You could’ve looked. You could have glanced up at the thing, and seen for yourself, but you too were afraid.
Your eyes remained glued to the golden ones that were once filled with light and wisdom.
There was silence, and then a loud, deep, thump. It had startled you, but it wasn't anything like the explosion of the ship, no, it sounded more like a boot or a shoe had come in contact with metal. But, it was loud enough to grab your attention.
You didn’t move. Your eyes didn't stray.
But, your body trembled in fear.
Suddenly, you heard his voice, and it sounded more terrifying than any sound that had echoed in the air prior. It was even deeper, and even more frightening than the other.
“I think not. We have use of her."
He had a deep and gravelly voice, but it was smooth. Calm. Almost friendly.
Then, a large, purple foot, appeared in your vision, and slowly, the purple being leaned down and stared at you. His gaze was strong, and piercing. You wanted to look away, but you couldn’t. You were too terrified to move, speak, or breathe.
Again, it wasn’t human. It was an alien. And a big one, at that.
He had no hair, only a helmet. His skin was purple and he wore strange looking clothing, including a golden glove that had both a bright purple stone and a blue one.
You’ve never seen such a creature before. You thought those dark elves were terrifying, but they were nothing compared to this man.
And for some reason, he was looking at you like you were an ant, and he was the boot that would crush you.
In fact, he was looking at you with pity, and it confused the hell out of you.
But, when his hand moved, and his fingers had touched the soft strand of your hair, you couldn't help but flinch.
The moment his fingers made contact with you, though, you heard a loud grunt. One that didn’t sound alienated or distorted. It was clear, and you could tell who it was, instantly.
Your head shot up, ignoring the pain in your arm, and the moment your eyes met his, everything stopped.
It was Thor.
Your Thor. Your everything.
He was in front of you the entire time, and you had no clue.
The tears were falling. They were falling hard and fast, and you couldn’t stop them. And for once, it wasn’t because of relief.
Thor was encased with metal. His arms and legs were pinned by it. He was bleeding from his head, and he was covered in bruises.
He looked like hell and gave off the same energy.
He was struggling to free himself. That’s what the sounds were. The grunts, the heavy breathing, and the loud thumping. He was trying to get out of his prison to get to you. To save you.
The alien was staring down at you. His eyes were dark and intimidating, but his presence was even more so. He was the embodiment of terror.
Then, without any warning, he grabbed you by the throat.
It was an unexpected move. He had picked you up by the neck with just one hand. He had a grip so tight you couldn't breathe, and the pressure on your throat was unbearable.
You could hear Thor screaming. Yelling.
You could barely hear what he was saying. Your ears were ringing, and the pain of the hand wrapped around your throat was all you could focus on.
But, you could see him. You could see him perfectly.
You saw his blue eye and the patch that covered the missing one. You saw the stubble along his chin. The slight scar that was just below the patch. The wrinkles on his forehead.
You could see it all.
And the look of desperation and horror. It broke you.
You couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much.
Then, in the blink of an eye, you felt release.
You fell to the floor and started gasping for air. It was like the moment the alien released his grip on you, everything began again. The world, your thoughts, the chaos.
It was all there, and you couldn’t keep up.
“I see it now.” You heard the voice of the alien say. Your vision was blurry, and your eyes were still stinging from the tears, but you could make him out if only a bit.
He was now standing, towering over you, but he wasn’t looking at you. No, he was looking at Thor; his eyes were focused on the god, which sent a chill down your spine.
When dealing with Hela, you find yourself recovering with confidence. She could’ve easily killed you with a snap of her finger, but when she demanded your name, you had spat in her face and gave a smile.
Even though Thor wasn’t there at that moment, you somehow knew he’d be coming back to put an end to her, and you would be safe. It was like a sixth sense that came and made you stop panicking and running.
And, even though he technically didn’t put her down, he still was your knight in shining armor. It was the same with the dark elves and even with Loki.
They were all terrifying, yes, but somehow, you knew that Thor would save the day.
Now, though, it was different. You weren’t scared or panicked; no, you were terrified.
The fact that Thor was trapped and was physically in pain, the fact that Heimdall and more innocent Asgardians were lying on the floor, dead, and the fact that Loki was missing and Val was knocked unconscious, it had all hit you at once.
You felt like you were suffocating, and it only worsened when the alien spoke again.
“I was questioning why a mortal was amongst a group of Asgardians, how such a fragile being could survive so long among gods. I wondered, but I see it now. You have been blessed by one, and the last, of Odin's children."
The alien's attention was back on you, and the intensity of his gaze had you trembling. He was staring at you, looking through you, and reading you like a book.
"What a pitiful yet fortunate creature you are."
It was like the oxygen had been sucked from your lungs, and when he moved, you found yourself flinching and scooting backward.
He had leaned down again, and his large hand had grabbed the side of your face. The feeling of his skin on yours made your skin crawl, and the urge to vomit was growing.
Thor wasn’t having it. He was thrashing about; the metal that was encasing his body was bending and stretching with each move.
His cries of anger and the desperation in his eyes were heartbreaking. And it was only shut up by the alien who had taken you. A piece of metal flew to Thor’s mouth and held it in place, preventing him from yelling.
More grunts and muffled noises could be heard from the god, but you could no longer see him now. The purple man was blocking your view.
But, despite that, he was still talking to Thor.
"It is a shame, Thor Odinson. I take pity on the both of you, and I apologize, for it seems that fate has not been kind to either of you. But, we must make sacrifices. It is unfortunate that your beloved had to be one of them."
Then, suddenly, the alien turned his gaze back to you, and his dark eyes bore into yours. He was staring directly into your soul.
"Fear not, small child,” he said, his voice sounding almost calm. “You will not have to endure the pain and suffering as I did.”
The words that left his mouth did not give you comfort. It was quite the opposite.
Thor came back into your viewpoint as the purple man had moved, and when your eyes met his, all you saw was a mixture of panic and despair.
Thor's expression had you feeling a type of way. You could feel your stomach sink.
You weren’t dumb. You were far from it.
You knew where this was going, and your mind was screaming, screaming for you to do something, anything.
Just do something.
But all you did was stare. Stare at the man that you loved. The man that loved you. The man who had saved you countless times.
But he couldn’t save you now, even when you cried out his name in a soft voice, that frail, humane part of you begging him with your eyes to stop this from happening.
To stop it from hurting.
He couldn’t.
All he could do was look at you, look as you were taken. Look as you were pulled away from him.
All he could do was stare and scream.
It was the loudest, most horrific sound you had ever heard. It was worse than the explosion.
It was worse than anything.
It was the cry of a man who had just lost the last thing that gave him purpose.
It was the sound of a god being torn to pieces.
And it was all because of you.
That was the last thing you heard. That was the last image that burned itself into your brain.
The sound of Thor and his desperate screams was the last thing you remembered.
Everything after that was darkness.
No memories, no thoughts, nothing.
Just darkness.
All he wanted was you.
All he needed was you.
And now, all he had left was the memory of you: that and his broken heart.
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rems-writing · 3 months
Until we meet again, my love
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Pairing: Anubis!Seonghwa x MoonKnight!reader
Summary: Marc and the reader have been shot to death by Arthur Harrow as they are trying to stop him from releasing Ammit from her ushabti prison and wreaking havoc. As the twins fall to their death, they are separated as they land in the Duat. Taweret, the goddess of childbirth, is currently calming Marc and Steven down as they have found each other and are trying to escape the Duat. They both woke up in what appears to be a mental hospital but... what of his twin? Where are they? And why are they not with Marc and Steven?
Warning(s): Implications of sex but nothing actually happened, simp!Seonghwa, gn!reader
Genre: Fluff with an angsty beginning, some spicy moments, and a fluffly ending
Nets: @blossomnet @mirohs-aurora-society
Context: Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of the dead long before Osiris came about. During his funerary practices, he would ensure lost souls that they would be cared for and respected as they move on and live in the Field of Reeds.
Once again, thank you to @ja3hwa and @acupoftaewithsomesuga for helping me decide which god goes with which member
"WHERE'S MY TWIN?!" Marc yelled out in a panic.
"As much as I would love to ask many questions, Ms. Taweret, where is Marc's twin? We really need to find them!" Steven agreed nervously.
"I'm not sure, gentlemen. And I am so sorry. Rest assured; we will find them so all of you can move on." Taweret said in a soothing voice. The hippo goddess, albeit calm on the outside, was panicking along with them. She was supposed to welcome and guide all three of them across the Duat and into the Field of Reeds.
'Oh dear. I need to find them fast.'
Little did she know that another god slipped out from the shadows and snatched the other Spector out of selfishness...
You groaned as you woke up first and stretched before sitting up in bed. Your eyes were bleary so you rubbed the sleepiness out of them before blinking rapidly.
Your room never looked like this.
Pristine white walls surrounded the room and you noticed a pc sitting atop a desk. It was black and chrome silver and there were figurines everywhere, along with Lego sets. You narrowed your eyes and leaned in a bit before retracting yourself.
The Lego set had pyramids and the Lego figurines looked eerily a lot like the henchmen/followers that Arthur recruited. You gulped nervously as you saw the Lego figurine version of Arthur with his stupid cane and his stupid smirk. More Lego figurines popped up in your vision and you felt a shiver go down your spine.
There were four Lego figurines that depicted Marc, Steven, Marc's wife Layla, and you.
Finally, you looked behind the figurines and your eyes widened.
Two tall Lego action figures were battling it out. One looked like Ammit once she was released from her ushabti prison. Even in Lego form, she looked terrifying. The other looked like Khonshu, that fuck ass old bird Egyptian god of the moon.
Just what was going on?
You felt cold and you covered your nude self with a blanket.
Wait a minute...
That's when you saw it. And you wanted to throw up.
Clothes were strewn all over the floor, alongside opened condom packets. Your eyes then looked downwards to see a human arm wrapped around your waist.
From the looks of it, that arm was holding you tight. You felt pain on your neck and you realized that whoever you slept with, they left a lot of hickies on your neck. Your lower body was also aching and you lifted the covers slightly to see the grip marks on your thighs.
If you truly did have sex with someone, they must've went hard on you.
You tried to wiggle your way out of this person's hold yet to no avail. They were holding onto you so tight that you felt like you were being glued to the bed. Finally, you freed yourself from your captor's grasp and went still as the person groaned sleepily and turned to the other side.
You quickly but quietly snuck out of bed and tiptoed your way over to the first door that you saw. When you opened it, it revealed a closet.
'Huh. Not what I was looking for but I suppose I could get dressed before I dip. After all, I don't need Marc and Steven seeing me naked.'
As you entered the closet, you couldn't help but be fascinated by the amount of clothes this person had.
At least this person had good fashion sense.
You were about to settle on a random set of clothing when you came across a familiar suit. You pulled it out momentarily and almost screamed.
It was your ceremonial suit that Khonshu provided.
You threw it against the wall and it landed with a soft thud onto the floor.
Just what was going on??
Panicking, you threw on a white tank top and white shorts before running stealthily into the bathroom. You turned on the faucet and splashed your face a bunch of times with cold water. As you grabbed a towel and dabbed your face dry, you looked up into the mirror to see your reflection.
You almost let out a scream.
Instead of a haphazardly dressed woman with bed hair and hickies all over her neck while the shower was behind her, you see a woman with lifeless eyes and an outfit that looked similar to Marc's. You then saw two bright red spots on the chest area of your outfit, alongside with a body of water surrounding you.
'No. NO. NO! I'm not dead! I shouldn't be! We were so close to taking down Harrow! Wait... did he shoot us?!'
You rubbed your eyes and counted to three before opening them. You saw the reflection that you expected to see, but you weren't alone.
Standing behind you was a tall man dressed in black sweatpants that hung low on his hips. His upper half was bare. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you towards him so your back was touching his chest. His head was buried in the crook of your neck and you felt his plush lips kiss your neck softly. You froze when you felt the tip of his long tongue drag upwards before kissing behind your ear.
"Come back to bed, my love."
Hell no.
You shoved his arms away from you and you turned around so you could face him instead.
That was a mistake.
His face was the prettiest face you've ever seen on a man. Plush lips formed into a pout, a prominent pointed nose, brown eyes that looked warm and inviting, a long slender neck that was littered with a lot more hickies, a small waist, and long arms that fit his lean muscular body.
You didn't know if you were ensnared by his beauty or experiencing gender envy.
You were so distracted by him that you failed to notice the faint outline of a jackal's head surrounding him.
"Are you ok? Looks like last night took a toll on you. Maybe I'll be gentler next time."
"Last night?! I just got here! What are you talking about?"
"Huh. For someone who doesn't drink a lot, you sure don't remember a whole lot."
As he stepped closer to you, you backed up slowly and reached behind you to try and open the bathroom door. Of course it had to be jammed. As you wiggled the doorknob, you felt a hand caress your cheek lightly. Wearily, you looked up to see the handsome man tilt his head slightly out of curiosity.
"Do you remember my name? You were definitely screaming it a lot."
"The fuck? No I don't! And quite frankly, I don't want to remember it."
You didn't miss the way his eyes turned from playful to upset yet you chose to ignore it. You wiggled the doorknob again while he kept speaking. His voice was soft but instead of it being teasing, it was saddened.
"My name is Seonghwa."
"Yeah hi nice to meet you, Seonghwa. Listen. I need to go."
"Go where? Are you in a rush to go to work? I can drop you off."
Ha. If only it were that simple for you. You shook your head.
"Look. If I don't leave now, I might be too late. Thanks for letting me... sleep over... or whatever. Ok bye!"
You finally pried the bathroom door open and you sprinted to the final door. You were so anxious to leave that you didn't hear him yell cautiously.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"
When you opened the door and stepped out, you froze.
Nothing but sand dunes and eerie winds were present. As you looked around, you noticed something different in the dimly lit sky. Huge balls of bright purple light shot down from the sky and landed in various parts of the sand dunes. Your eyes widened in realization.
Arthur was still alive and sending people down here using Ammit's power.
"No. NO! This isn't happening!"
You needed to get out of there. You need to be reunited with Marc and figure out how to escape this place. You were so caught up in your own head that you didn't notice the man, who claims to be Seonghwa, grabbed your arm and pull you back inside the room. He closed the door and locked it. You were about to protest when he held a finger up.
He was annoyed. But wasn't he holding you captive though?
"Had I moved a bit later, the sands would have eaten you alive, leaving you to be lost forever in the Duat."
The Duat?
Oh shit.
You really were dead then.
"The Duat is the Egyptian Underworld. But doesn't Osiris rule this place?"
A loud and bitter laugh escaped his pretty lips and you felt yourself blush out of embarrassment. Clearly, this wasn't Osiris's avatar. So who was he?
"Even the human I fell in love with only remembers that fool's name."
Wait a second...
The gears finally clicked in your head and you felt yourself kneel and your head bow in shame.
"I'm so sorry, Anubis! I forgot that you were the original personification of death. Please forgive me. Do not send me out into the sand dunes. Please!"
Seonghwa, or Anubis as you have stated, sighed quietly as he looked at your trembling form kneeling before him. While a part of him was happy that someone remembered his name and still trembled in fear right in front of his presence, he never wanted you to tremble in fear because of him. He swallowed his pride and knelt down to your level before grabbing your shoulders and making you rise to your feet. Your head was still bowed down in shame and his heart clenched painfully at the sight.
Clearly, you had no intention of forgetting who he was. You were so wrapped up in your fear and anxiety of this place that he couldn't help but hug you. Lifting your head up so you could see him, he brought you into a warm hug. His strong arms wrapped around your shaking body and he shushed you gently whenever he heard you mutter apologies.
"Oh, my love. It's ok. I'm just glad you remember my name. Don't cry."
He kissed the side of your head while you laid on his shoulder. He kept you in his embrace until you stopped shaking. He pulled away momentarily and wiped away the remaining tears that were on your face.
"Normally, I don't do this with most of the lost souls that end up in the Duat. However, you are someone special to me. I don't know if you recall, but this isn't the first time that we met."
Seonghwa smiled sadly. He tenderly kissed your forehead before continuing to speak.
"Let me change into something a bit more appropriate before I explain."
He pulled away and walked into his closet to change quickly before coming back out in a different outfit.
He was now wearing a black tank top and blue jeans. They were adjusted so the waistband of his underwear was peeking out from the top. He raked his fingers through his messy black hair so it wouldn't look as bad as when he rolled out of bed and found you in the bathroom.
Even the waviness of his long black hair was pretty!
He pulled you once more into the bathroom and hoisted you up onto the counter before standing in between your legs and assessing any wounds you might have carried.
You were dead though so why would he...
"I'm aware that you're dead. However, I still pride myself in making sure that you look presentable even if you're dead."
His response was sassy and playful once more, yet it didn't stop you from feeling even more embarrassed. You hid your face in the crook of his neck and your ears perked up at the sound of his light and melodious laughter.
"It's ok. You probably didn't mean to say it out loud."
He bent down and brought out some gauze and a few medical supplies, along with some herbs and a mortar & pestle. The gauze made you skittish and Seonghwa noticed this.
"Come here, my love."
He brought you into a tender kiss, his lips molding with yours slowly and sensually. He set down the supplies and held your waist with a firm yet gentle grip. He snaked his arms around your waist and hummed in content as your shaky hands found his shoulders and settled on top of there. Just when he was about to shove his tongue down your throat, you pulled away. The both of you caught your breath and both of your lips were swollen.
Even though you enjoyed being in his arms, you were on a time crunch and you couldn't afford to waste it more. Seonghwa noticed this as well yet he couldn't help himself.
"Are you ok, my love?"
His voice was soft and caring as his eyes raked over your form. You stopped shaking but he had to make sure.
"Yeah. I'm ok. Thank you."
A pretty smile graced his face as he got to work in taking care of you. You watched as his hands raked over your body. It wasn't sexual but you definitely felt flustered under his touch. He took a wet rag and carefully dabbed it over the grip marks and bruises left on your thighs and hips. It felt warm to the touch and you watched in awe as the marks and bruises suddenly disappeared. Almost as if it was dirt smudged on your body!
He then moved on to the hickies on your neck. With each hicky being wiped away from your skin, he left a tender kiss in that same spot. Since he left a lot, the feeling of being flustered intensified since his soft lips raked over your skin. Again. It wasn't sexual but you highly doubted that he treated all lost souls like this when he tended to them after finding them drifting hopelessly in the Duat. Once he was done, he lifted his head and kissed both of your cheeks.
"How are you feeling, my love?"
"I'm great I mean I'm hot I mean I'm fine I mean uh..."
Seonghwa giggled at your rambling and kissed you quickly to shut you up.
"This last part... you might need to take off this tank top."
You knew what was coming. Rather than argue, you slowly lifted your tank top just enough for him to gasp quietly as his eyes fell on the two holes that were in your chest.
"Ammit's followers did this to you?"
You saw the angry look on his face as his eyes went from brown to a menacing black. The outline of the jackal's head shone brightly as a growl emitted from his throat and one of his hands gripped the countertop so hard that you were afraid of the godly strength he would use if he broke off a piece of it.
"Seonghwa, calm down. Please."
Your plea falls deaf on his ears and you panicked. Shoving your tank top down, you surged forward and grabbed his face before kissing him quickly. His body relaxed as you pulled away and connected your forehead with his. You saw a tear roll down his face and you quickly wiped it away.
"Technically, only one follower did. His name is Arthur Harrow. He used to be under Khonshu's grasp, but now he follows in Ammit's footsteps."
"That doesn't make it any better, Y/N."
"I know, but still. I'm here with you now."
"It's only temporary since you have to go back to the world of the living and stop this mad man."
"Whether it be temporary or permanent, I am here with you."
"You're right. If I had it my way, I would never let you go. I already did the first time."
"Speaking of which, when did we actually have our first encounter?"
As Seonghwa signaled for you to lift your tank top once more so he can take care of the bullet wounds in your chest, he spoke.
"It was when you and your brother died under Khonshu's statue after defeating those mercenaries."
A wince left your mouth and Seonghwa quickly apologized, thinking he hurt you. You shook your head.
"You didn't hurt me with the tweezers. You unintentionally brought up a painful memory."
"It was never my intention to bring you pain, my love."
"I know, but still. You were just recalling the first time we met."
"You were so young. I couldn't bring myself to drag you to the Duat at such a young age, knowing that there was more in store for you. Begrudgingly, I let Khonshu take a hold of you. I even forced him to promise to take care of you and your brother. Being a younger god, he obeyed me."
You wanted to make light of this situation so you decided to roast the moon god.
"Khonshu? Young? His godly form is withered and the bird skull is old."
Seonghwa's heart melted when you lightly giggled as you poked fun at the moon god. After removing the bullets, he placed some herbs in the mortar & pestle before pouring water in and grinding them up.
"Contrary to what you might think, he is actually younger than me. It's my human disguise throwing you off. My original god form is quite... something."
He stepped back momentarily to reveal his godly form for a brief moment before resorting back to his human disguise.
"Well then... that's definitely something. I think I like this better. Sorry."
You smiled sheepishly and Seonghwa waved it off, not offended at all.
"It's ok. A lot of people find it better if I approach them like this."
You felt a pang of jealousy course through your body as you thought about how many lost souls encountered him before moving onwards into the Field of Reeds. Seonghwa must have noticed and he smirked lightly before setting the mortar & pestle down and leaning in to leave light kisses on your jaw.
"Is my pretty baby jealous?"
His voice deepened and became more sensual as his lips roamed across your skin. You shook your head and Seonghwa chuckled smoothly before lifting his head to stare at you with sincerity and love in his eyes.
"Relax, my love. There is nothing to be jealous of. I only want you."
You felt at ease knowing that he had eyes for you only. Satisfied with your contentment, Seonghwa got back to work. The ground up herbs mixed with the water turned into an aromatic paste. He grabbed some with two fingers and applied it gently over the bullet wounds. You watched as he finished tending to your wounds and a grateful smile fell onto your face.
"The paste dries up quickly so you can put your tank top back on now."
You touched the spots that were covered in paste. True to his word, the paste did dry up quickly. As you put the tank top back on, you found him staring at you.
"So... what now?"
"Normally, I'd guide you into the Field of Reeds after tending to you. However, knowing that you need to get back out there and defeat this Harrow guy and Ammit, I will make sure you get back to the land of the living. By now, Osiris must've let Marc and Steven go and Taweret rescued them from the sand dunes. They should be here in a few minutes."
"I wish I could stay with you. You've been the kindest god I've ever come across. I'm sorry."
"It's ok, my love. I'm sorry I grabbed you out of selfish impulse."
You hugged him tightly and Seonghwa returned the hug gratefully. A knock sounded on the door and Seonghwa let you go before walking to the door and opening it. The hippo goddess looked back and forth between the two of you before speaking.
"Did you two..."
"No no. It was just an illusion to trick them. They looked past it."
"Ok good. Because if Marc was behind me, he'd probably would have tried to punch you."
"I'm fully aware of how protective he is."
"Well then... we've no time to lose. Come on, Y/N."
You looked at Seonghwa one last time before kissing his cheek and going with Taweret to board the boat that Marc and Steven were on. The boat soon took off and Seonghwa waved goodbye before closing the door behind him. He clutched his chest and a sob broke out of him.
"Until we meet again, my love..."
He waved his hand and the illusion of the nice bedroom was taken down, revealing the cobwebbed emptiness of the mummification room he forever resides in.
It had been some time since you and Marc were resurrected and took down Harrow before using him as a vessel to trap Ammit in. As promised, Khonshu let you go. You two were no longer bound to him so you got to live freely as regular human beings.
Which leads us to Marc arguing over the outfit you're wearing right now.
"Absolutely not! You're not going out like that!"
"Marc, come on! It's not that bad!"
"You're wearing a crop top. It's showing too much. Go change!"
Layla heard the commotion and giggled slightly at the Spector twins arguing.
"Marc, could you please tone it down a bit? It's a blind date! If it goes wrong, at least Y/N only wore this one time." Layla teasingly convinced Marc. Marc was about to protest when he felt Steven front.
"Layla's right, mate. I mean I don't like it either but if they like it, then I cannot argue." Steven's voice rang out. After Marc fronted again, the older twin sighed.
"Fine. But one time only!" He relented, feeling defeated. He smiled when he saw you squeal happily and felt his heart burst with adoration towards Layla smiling at you.
You saluted jokingly and hugged him before going with Layla so she could drop you off at the designated date spot.
"Are you sure, Anubis? Once you leave the Duat, your memories will be left behind here and you will become a new man in the land of the living."
Seonghwa sighed as he listened to Taweret.
"I'm fully aware. I'm ready though. I want to be with Y/N, even if it's not in my own body."
The hippo goddess sighed and brought the ancient god into a hug.
"Ok. If you say so. In the body of a different man, with a clear mind and an open clean heart, welcome to Earth."
Seonghwa smiled blissfully as he heard the last words of Taweret before stepping out into the light.
"Hey. Sorry I'm late. Parking was horrible and traffic was twice as bad."
You looked up and saw the man you were supposed to meet. You almost folded.
He had long silver hair, bleached eyebrows, and glasses perched on the tip of his prominent nose. He had full lips, a nice jawline, and brown eyes that were warm, inviting, and a bit familiar.
He wore a suit that clung to his dorito like body well. It shaped his broad shoulders to look even broader. His waist was small and his hands were huge and adorned with many silver rings. As he sat down across from you, he spoke in that deep voice you loved already.
"I hope you didn't wait long."
You shook your head.
"You made it on time actually."
You stuck out your hand for a handshake.
"I'm Y/N Spector. Pleased to meet you."
The man smiled as he took your hand and shook it. His smile reached all the way to his eyes so they formed crescents.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Song Mingi."
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To help myself stay engaged when doing master studies I change the characters to my OCs 😝.
This was obviously a Leyendecker master study with Theo and Miles.
My links encase you want deeper zones of out
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
Concept: Chuuya being the one who recruits you into the mafia and he gives you his choker when you join
Welcome Gift
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!reader
♡ synopsis: "It's tradition in the Port Mafia that the person who recruits a new member is responsible for their wellbeing. To symbolise that, they hand down one of their belongings."
♡ wc: 1.25k
♡ cw: Swearing, and I made Chuuya and reader friends before reader joined the Mafia, hope that's okay ❤︎
note: You can't possibly expect me to see a prompt like this and NOT write it. Thanks anon ♡︵(ゝ。∂) sorry it took so long and apologies for spelling/grammar errors
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To be honest, you assumed that your official induction to the Port Mafia would contain a plethora of trials and tribulations to determine your strength, resolve, and perhaps the darker aspects of your character. You'd had the idea that you might be asked to prove loyalty by committing a crime, whether that be killing someone or something equally heinous.
No. Absolutely none of that happened.
Apparently, when you're friends with a mafia executive, it's as simple as just asking them to work there. Such was your case, at least, being close with the infamous Port Mafia executive Chuuya Nakahara. 'Close', in theory, was supposed to be code for 'in a relationship', but the 'friends' aspect was certainly throwing a wrench into that plan. Perhaps by joining the mafia you could get closer to Chuuya? You always knew how important to him his work was.
To your luck, Chuuya was happy to take you in as one of his subordinates and act as your guide to organised crime. You'd initially wondered how he would be testing you to see if you were a good fit for the occupation, but that time never came. Instead, you were called and asked to meet with him to go over a few basic rules so he wouldn't 'find your ass in a dumpster on day one'. Those were his words, and you had initially scoffed at them.
"How do I get other people to respect me? I don't think I'm that scary," you asked. This was not the first question but rather one of many you'd been asking Chuuya during your slow evening wander around what you supposed was the wide expanse of the Port Mafia's turf. The size of the area you'd travelled so far led you to believe that perhaps you may have been biting off more than you could chew with this new job. Clearly, the Port Mafia didn't fuck around.
"Well, you're a mafia underling now, but more importantly you're my subordinate. People who know me are gonna respect the people I recruit. In fact, you'll probably eventually have troops of your own."
"Ooh, like henchmen?" You asked.
"No- this is the actual mafia, not a Saturday morning cartoon," he shook his head. "Listen. Being part of the Port Mafia is serious business. I know you're not stupid, but just try not to be too...friendly with people you don't know."
At that point you weren't really sure if there actually was anyone you didn't know in the Mafia. Of course, you'd never known anyone in real life aside from Chuuya, but he'd already gone through all the important ones. The other executives, Akutagawa, the Black Lizard, and even the boss himself whom you were still quite terrified of meeting.
"I'm gonna be fine. It's not like I won't have you to protect me anymore," you grinned, nudging his arm. He didn't return the smile. "Don't worry about me, Chuuya! I'm gonna be alright."
"You're too optimistic, Y/N," replied Chuuya who continued his stroll. You quickly shuffled to catch up with him.
"I'll do my best. I promise." You told him firmly. He let out a sigh. You continued to walk alongside the mafioso quietly, wondering what exactly was going through his head. You had thought that you were the only one who had your concerns with this job, as much as you tried to conceal them. Did he really care about you so much that he'd worry like that?
"Oh, right, I almost forgot about this." Chuuya stopped and turned to face you. "There's a tradition here, where the person who recruits you gives you something of theirs which represents that they're responsible for you. It's how I got this," he explained, jerking a lazy thumb towards his hat.
"...you weren't born with it?" You asked, and Chuuya rolled his eyes. "I was joking!"
"Very fuckin' funny, Y/N. Anyway, this means that I now give you something as a new member of the Port Mafia, which will be..."
You were about to say something but stopped as you eyed his next movements; that is, him removing his choker from his neck and presenting it to you. You stared at it, almost in awe.
"...your choker?"
"Your choker," he corrected, and you glanced up at him. He was giving you a reassuring smile. You shook your head.
"I can't take this- no, it's important to you."
"...that's why I'm giving it to you, Y/N," Chuuya replied, cocking an eyebrow. "That's kind of the point."
"Are you sure?" You hesitantly queried, reaching out and nervously taking the choker from his gloved hand. It felt warm. "Because you know, you look really cool with this thing..."
Chuuya let out a snicker as you examined the new accessory. "How flattering. But I'm sure." After hearing that, you eventually hummed in acknowledgement and began to put on the choker. Or, at least you tried to. It turns out that putting something on your neck without being able to see it is quite difficult.
"You need help?" Chuuya asked after a moment of silence.
"Well, yeah. I don't have a mirror, Chuuya. Or, are you like, Mr. Nakahara now that you're my boss?"
"Fuck no," he answered, and you laughed. Chuuya took the choker from you and began to fasten it around your neck. In your close proximity, you could almost feel his breath on you each time he exhaled. You were worried that perhaps if he focused hard enough he would be able to hear your rapidly beating heart.
"Not too tight?" He suddenly asked as he carefully adjusted the choker.
"Nope." Could he notice your nerves? If he could, he wasn't showing it.
"Right, there we go. You look great." Chuuya took a step back and examined you, now clad in his choker. Your hand travelled to your neck and brushed against the black choker.
"I do?"
"Yeah- it suits you." He smiled. You didn't know what to say, bashfully casting your eyes to the ground. "Are you blushing at me? C'mon, now."
"What? I'm not...!" Your hands flew up to your face, which was admittedly pretty hot, as Chuuya leaned forward and eyed you roguishly. "Oh, maybe I am..."
"Don't let anyone else see you do that, alright?" He warned you, though he was still giving you a cheeky smile. "You keep this between you and I."
"Y-yeah..." you nodded. You figured that he was right- getting embarrassed so easily wasn't very mafia-like. But it almost seemed as if he were purposely trying to tease you. "But you know, people are gonna see me wearing the choker."
"Again, that is kind of the point of it all, Y/N." He told you as he straightened.
"Yeah, but I'm probably gonna blush about it again if anyone asks!" You exclaimed. "It's essentially a piece of jewellery. People might start thinking we're a couple or something."
Chuuya bit his lip. Then he shrugged.
You opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it. Dumbstruck, you couldn't think of a way to answer him. You truly couldn't tell if he was joking, apathetic, or if that was actually supposed to be some sort of confession. Chuuya sighed in amusement, before patting you on the shoulder and continuing to stroll past you. You turned to see him walk a few feet further, before stopping.
"You know what? I think you're gonna do just fine with me." He turned his head and beamed at you. "Welcome to the Port Mafia, Y/N."
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i love chuuya ( 〃▽〃)
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tsmukanii · 1 year
Heir to the Throne Pt. 2
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Lowkey think this is shit. Enjoy!
You were sitting in Dr. Kinbott’s office with your head thrown back against her sofa as time moved unbearably slow. 
“Oh come on Y/N, this is your second appointment. We can talk more about your art if you’d like? But you have to discuss something with me.” You didn’t answer her right away, just continued to sit while playing with your hands. You felt the small ache in your chest remembering the conversation you had last night.
“So you are here to keep an eye on Wednesday?” The hand who introduced himself to you as Thing, gave you a thumbs up. Honestly you weren’t exactly freaked out when you saw him, just confused on why he was knocking on your window. 
 “You aren’t exactly doing a good job if you need help getting to Ophelia Hall.” He was quick to defend himself though, signing to you that Wednesday was getting too suspicious of being watched so he had to duck down for a little bit. 
“Whatever it’s just past the quad and to the left heading towards the library.” 
Thank you
“You’re welcome, see you around campus I guess.” With that you opened the door for him and he scurried right out just as your phone started to ring. You were quick to answer, not wanting to leave your mother waiting.
“Y/n, are you alright? Larissa called me saying she was worried about you.” 
“Everyone is worried about me. When can I come home?” You were being short but you were angry at having to be here in the first place. 
“I know this isn’t the most ideal plan but if it keeps you hidden then it is all worth it my darling. But it’s not going to work if you keep getting into fights.” You knew she was right but it wasn’t your fault. 
“I promise you dear one, we will see each other soon. Now there hasn’t been any new developments?”
“Nothing’s been happening around here mom.”
“Y/N, you know I mean any changes with you. It’s very important you tell me the truth. If something is going on I need to know so your father can’t get to you.”
“He’s not my father!” Your outburst was unnecessary but you just hated the situation as a whole. The man was certainly not a father to you and he shouldn’t have been referred to as such. He was just the sperm donor who only wanted a child to take his place rather than incapable henchmen. 
“Dearheart, please calm down for me. We will get through this. I promise I won’t let him take you from me.”
“Y/N? Are you okay?” You quickly looked up to see Dr. Kinbott’s eyes, the overwhelming sense of dread creeping in.
“I’m worried ... .about my comic. My hero is having trouble staying a hero. He feels the weight of the world on his shoulders and he thinks about giving up his mantle. I’m not sure what I should have him do. Do you?”
Kinbott takes a minute to look at you before responding almost as if she was hesitant to answer. “Well I would tell him that there are so many people in his corner and counting on him. Sometimes heroes lose their way but there will always be those to help guide them into the light.” 
“...That was so corny. Geez I just wanted to know if I should have him pass it on and train someone new but I guess not. Anyways, time is up.” You got up from the couch with a smirk on your face taking in the incredulous look Kinbott had on her face before laughing a bit. 
“Oh we are going to talk about this next week Y/N!” You didn’t look back, just threw a wave to her over your shoulder before making your way downstairs.
You heard the end of the conversation before you reached the doors. “I wish you luck.”  Seeing Wednesday close the van’s door before Weems could say anything else was definitely something to ease your mind. 
“If only that was directed to me.”  You said when Wednesday turned around. You weren’t planning to hold her up so you gave her a nod while starting to move around her when you heard shuffling in her bag. 
“Hi Thing.” You slightly whispered so Weems wouldn’t be able to hear before moving closer to the van. What you didn’t catch was Wednesday gazing at you with a look of intrigue before heading upstairs. 
“How did it go?” The smile on Weems face was too big to say anything remotely sarcastic to at this moment. 
“It was fine, she helped me with my art. Is it ok if I go to the Weathervane for a bit? I need to think about some things.”  You could tell she was hesitant to let you go by yourself even if it was just down the street. 
“I promise I won’t cause any trouble and I’ll bring you back a hot chocolate?” You put a dazzling smile on your face, knowing her resolve was crumbling by the second. 
“And could you possibly get me a pastry as well?”
You could feel the stares on you when you walked in the cafe but you were used to it even before Nevermore. It wasn’t more about what you were, it was more about how you presented yourself. So the uniform and the choice of pants instead of the skirt just had people more baffled by you. 
With your enhanced hearing you of course heard every whisper, every scoff, every laugh but you tuned them out, making your way to the counter and placing your order with the normie, Tyler who seemed cool with your presence. Taking a seat near the door, you start to work on some sketches while waiting for your order. 
“Your artwork is somewhat adequate.” You barely heard her coming. Her footsteps were so light, almost like she wasn’t even touching the ground. 
“Thanks, so you’re making your escape now? Honestly I thought you would be gone within the same hour as you arrived.” She seemed at a loss for words, just staring at you before moving on from the subject.
“How do you know Thing?” 
“He knocked on my window last night looking for you. He’s shit at tailing people.” Thing was quick to peek from Wednesday’s bag to flick you off but quickly ducked down at the sound of footsteps. 
“What are Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?” You closed your eyes in exasperation. You just couldn’t catch a break. When you looked at the small group of normies, you didn’t even try to hold back your laugh. 
“Says the ones dressed as pilgrims.” 
“Yes, why are you dressed as religious fanatics?” 
“We work at Pilgrim World?” One said like that was the most valid explanation while turning over the menu showing the said theme park. You were starting to get bored of the conversation, letting Wednesday insult them again in her unique way but when she stood up you knew just how interesting this was about to be. 
“So tell me freak, have you ever been with a normie?”
“I never found one that could handle me.” With that you got up out of your seat, for once not wanting this to turn violent but apparently the suddenness scared the normie. His friends grabbed at Wednesday making you look back to see her kicking their asses but when you turned back he swung at you landing a solid hit making your head jerk to the side. 
You smiled when you felt your nose start to bleed. It went down so quick after seeing the normie shit himself when you looked back at him. But next thing you know all three of them are on the ground and one's arm is pointing the wrong way. 
You turned to Wednesday to see her already staring at you smirking almost. You couldn’t help but smile thinking she looked nice putting people in their place. But the little moment was ruined when the door opened and the sheriff walked in. 
“Tyler, what the hell’s going on here? 
“They were harassing customers and they put them in their place.” The sheriff looked you both up and down but you still had a goofy smile on your face. 
“This one I can believe but this little thing? Did you help her?”  
“Apologies Sheriff, I sent this one to fetch me something but this one slipped away from me.” She gestured towards you and Wednesday accordingly. You gathered your stuff already moving out the door to the van. You heard the rest of the conversation from there thinking it was weird that the Sheriff had a vendetta against Wednesday’s father but you could just imagine the gleam in her eye at the information. 
The ride back was totally uneventful, just another earful from Weems about fighting but strangely Wednesday came to your defense taking the blame and being struck for merely trying to stop a fight from starting. 
The rest of your day was spent finishing homework and planning out storylines. Now you were sitting on the edge of your balcony listening to Wednesday's elegant cello playing throughout the night. It was soothing as it was chilling to say the least. When she had finally finished you went to go back in before you slipped as you stood up. 
“Oh shit!” You let out a scream as you started to slide down the roof, twisting and turning as you tried to hold on but to no avail as you reached the edge and went into a freefall off the side of the dorms, the ground approaching rapidly. Closing your eyes you tried to brace for impact but it never came. 
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esperfruit · 1 month
Another batch of Gijinkas ^^
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Truro "City of Truro" West
Age: 49
Height: 188cm
Head of the famous West family and owner of the steam engine City of Truro, which he purchased due to being a rich railway entusiast and their aligning names. Truro became a nationwide icon for everything Great Western and is basically worshipped by everyone of that background such as Duck. Despite being in a very influential position, he is quite modest and laid-back, being completely unbothered when having conversations with the "common people". The Wests have a years long rivalry with the Gresleys and so everyone expected that Truro would be mortal enemies with the current head of the Gresleys, Scott but unbeknownst to everyone, the two became secret lovers.
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Dennis Bulleid
Age: 21
Height: 193 cm
Norman's older fraternal twin brother and the former biggest slacker you will ever meet. Dennis never took anything serious and always only did the bare minimum, avoiding all extra form of work where he could. His lazy attitude shined a bad light on the public for the Bulleids and after an incident he caused, he and Norman were disowned by their parents. Norman, in a rage, cut ties with Dennis and left him all by his own. It served as a wake up call for Dennis and is currently working to find a path for himself and a way to make up with his family, especially Norman, who he dragged down with him.
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Marion Huber
Age: 26
Height: 167 cm
A happy-go-lucky construction worker, operating a steam shovel. She is always eager to get to work and do a good job, going into them with a playful approach. She has a lot of good luck regarding findings like dinosaur bones. Marion gets easily distracted or can be quite oblivious to thinks going on around her like not realizing that Oliver Armstrong the engine driver and Oliver from the Pack were two different people or taking Bert, Rex and Mike's methaphors literal.
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Sutton "Splatter" Derby and Doug "Dodge" Derby
Age: 50
Height: 183 cm
Diesel 10's personal henchmen, working for him ever since he took on his position as mafia boss. They follow all of his orders but tend to question a lot of deciasions but would not go further do to their fear of D10. They prefer to complain and gossip behind everbody's back like over the fact being called "Splodge" by their boss and are quite cowadly, yet they can still be very cruel and no atrocity goes too far for them. Unlike Arry and Bert, these two have no attachment to Diesel and actually look forward to punishing him for turning on them.
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Glynn Wrightson
Age: 68 (at disappearence)
Height: 170 cm
An engineer that lived a long time ago. He helped constructing the so called coffeepot engines and assisted in the foundation of british railway. One day he disappeared without a trace in a very similar way to Hiro and was found on present day Sodor by Marion. The kind elderly man now lives on the island, working for Ulfstead Castle while he is still trying how to navigate through the modern days
Stephen Hawthorns
Age: 72 (67 at disappearence)
Height: 179 cm
Just like Hiro, Glynn, Skarloey, Rheneas and Duke, he lived a long time ago, right at the invention of steam engines to be exact, and went missing after making a name for himself. He reappeared as a pseiuo-spirit like Hiro and the others and was found by the Earl of Sodor, Sir Robert Norramby. Due to Stephen's mysterious circumstances, his true identity as a figure in British history is being kept a secret. Stephen and the Earl became good friends and decided to travel the worls together and when returning to Sodor to restore Ulfstead Castle with him as the tour guide, operating The Rocket. He found King Godred's missing crown after being trapped in an abandoned mine.
He is a jolly old man with a positive attitude and a good sense of humor. And despite not really understanding his situation, me makes the best out of it in Ulfstead with his friends the Earl, Glynn and Millie.
Millie Deceuville
Age: 34
Height: 175 cm
Millie is the personal assistant of the Earl of Sodor, who now works at Ulfstead Castle with two mysterious seniors Stephen and Glynn. She is also responsible for the two newbies Connor and Caitlin, being a guardian for the siblings. Millie never judges anyone over their appearance and quickly lectures those who do, defending the ones being judged. She bonded with Toby, who worked at Ulfstead for a few days, where he and Millie stopped buglars from stealing treasures.
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chaotic-orphan · 7 months
Febuwhump: Day Twenty-Six
“Help them” — #febuwhump prompt calendar
Almost over!! Eeek!! I need to get all the prompts done! And my assignments are coming due but what is more important honestly?!
Hero brought Villain to supervillain cradled in their arms, paler than milk. It made everything look worse somehow… the dark circles around their eyes looked more like bruises now, deep purple and sore reds. Henchmen narrowed their eyes when they opened the door to see Hero standing there, covered in blood and an unconscious Villain cradled in their arms like a baby.
“I need to see Supervillain,” said Hero thickly. Henchmen raised their brows, clearly unimpressed. Hero stepped in, desperation driving them. “Please… I wouldn’t be here if there was any other way. You know Villain, henchmen please.”
Henchmen’s eyes flicked from Villain to Hero before setting their mouth in a thin line and stepping back into the house, opening the door wider.
“Thank you,” Hero breathed.
“I’m not doing this for you.”
“I know, thank you anyway. I’m grateful.”
Henchmen guided Hero to the stairs down to Supervillain’s workshop that took up the entire basement, renovated to suit Supervillain’s needs. Hero thanked Henchmen again before descending to the sounds of the door shutting behind them.
“Henchmen, if this is about tea again, I told you I’m fi—” Supervillain grumbled coming to see the intruder on the stairs. He paused, continuing to wipe his fingers in a cloth. Supervillain’s eyes took in Hero, the state of them, then focused on Villain in Hero’s arms.
Supervillain’s gaze when it returned to Hero’s eyes was heavier, weighted by their shared history. Supervillain turned away and said: “I’m closed for the day, little Hero.”
“Please.” The word was blubbered out of Hero’s lips before they could reign it in, the desperation, the despair, the panic. It caused Supervillain to pause again.
“Help them,” Hero whispered, sniffing, tears streaming down their cheeks Hero wished wouldn’t shed in front of the deadliest Villain in the entire city. “Please.”
“I told you,” said Supervillain, looking at Hero over their shoulder. “That if you walked out the door Villain was your problem. I told Villain that too. I didn’t walk, Hero. You did.”
“I’ll beg,” Hero told them taking another step down the stairs. “I’ll stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll give up being a Hero, I’ll stay here with you and we can start again.”
Supervillain scoffed, casting their gaze to the ceiling instead of anywhere else. “You’d give up your freedom for that mongrel?”
There was no hesitation. No hitch in Hero’s voice, no doubt.
Hero watched Supervillain’s back stiffen at the immediacy of Hero’s reply, and the guilt overwhelmed them but it was the truth. The one truth Hero would live and die by, sacrifice their freedom for. If it meant Villain lived.
Supervillain started walking again, their voice quieter as they said: “you can set them down on this table here. Then leave. I don’t need you lurking over me while I work.”
“But—” Hero protested as they set Villain on the table. The rest of their protest died on their tongue when Supervillain cut them with a glare.
“Just upstairs, you don’t have to leave. You can shower, tend to your wounds yourself.”
Hero nodded and sniffed, “oh—okay.”
Hero pressed a kiss to Villain’s forehead before they sniffed and turned to leave. Supervillain spoke and it halted Hero in their stride.
“This will cost you dearly, Hero,” they said, voice grave. Hero nodded and said: “I know.”
That’s all they said, that was all there was to say. Hero walked back up the stairs to the main house. Henchmen was waiting beside the door, arms crossed over their chest, head reclining against the wall. Hero thought Henchmen would be surprised to see Hero without Villain, but Henchmen just scoffed, shaking their head.
“They never could say no to you,” they told Hero. Their eyes were burning with scorn when they fixed on Hero’s face. “What did you do? Sell your soul? You know they won’t do that for nothing.”
“I know,” said Hero softly, too tired to fight anymore. “I’m— I’m going to lie down.”
Henchmen pushed off the wall, haughty. “Do whatever you want, Hero. It’s what you always do anyways.”
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teetlezhere · 10 months
Like promised, I've retraced my steps and the post here is a full guide on how to download and play TMNT homecoming for Android device.
Here below I've compiled a series of steps and useful links in case you might need to play the game:
(Edit: The guide's updated now:)
Step 0: First things first...
First thing first, you'll need an Android device to download and play this game.
UPDATE! - The game now also works on Bluestack!
Second thing you'll need (unless you know chinese) is a picture Translator app.
I've used translation apps that take pictures of the screen and translate it to english and followed the instructions to set up my username and password.
Step 1: Downloading the APK
Unless you live in China, or you can get the game legit in some way I don't know, APK downloading sites might help. However, be careful, for some may be scam sites. Use a VPN to help block unwanted visitors.
I've used this site here to download the APK for the game and seems pretty legit (based on bitdefender, the apk is safe) compared to others I've tried. While the picture is from the beta version in 2022, the update is the most recent from 2023.
If you have another apk downloading site you'd prefer to try download the apk from, try looking up for TMNT Homecoming (it will not show as Rise or ROTTMNT despite being the same characters)...
Or if that fails too, try searching for 忍者龟: 归来 apk if you can't find it in english.
STEP 2: Installation
Once you download the game, install it on your device. Phone might ask for permission due to being considered an unknown APK from an outside source.
STEP 3: Username and Password
If everything has gone smoothly, then it's time for the username and password.
A window will show with MUZHI written on it. Here, you must write your username (top) and your password (bottom). -ps: ignore the writing below. It was my bad 😅-
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You shouldn't have any issues with this step as it accepts western keyboard characters.
Just remember to write the ID and PW down somewhere so you won't forget them. Or take a snapshot of it before proceeding.
UPDATE! - It seems there are issues with the western keyboards and won't accept them anymore. So, if this step doesn't work, click the button that says: Quick Registration (the button in red) and proceed to step 4!
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A new window opens
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It requires that you put a name (top) and ID number (below) in order to play the game.
To bypass this, this helped me:
You can pick any of the codes shown (I used the very first one and it worked like a charm).
Let's use this for example: As you can see, there is a series on numbers first, and chinese characters at the end.
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Careful with this step as the name goes on the top bar, and should be only chinese characters.
Like this: 刘剑丽
The ID is only numbers, and they go in the bar below.
Like this: 220283198306236235
It must be like this:
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STEP 5: Selecting A Game Name
If you've reached this point, and if you're able to play the game at long last, then CONGRATS! You've made it! But it's not over just quite yet.
The game, eventually, requires that you add a GAME NAME. It can be anything you want it to be, but MIND YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
IT WILL NOT ACCEPT Western Keyboard characters. Only chinese characters!
This is, however, much, much easier to bypass than step 4. Here, you have 2 options:
Option 1: If you want your very own original game name to play, you can go to google translate and simply write down and translate it to chinese.
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Just copy the chinese characters and paste them in the bar. Then proceed.
Option 2: If you don't care about what name you use to play, just generate a complete random name by pressing the dice button right next to the name bar. The game will insta-generate a completely random name for you to use.
STEP 6: Have fun!
If you followed each step of the way without too much hassle and managed to get through the apocalypse that is bypassing this, then CONGRATS! YOU'VE FINALLY MADE IT!
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I'm so, so proud of you! Now you're free to play this Rise of the tmnt game as much as you want! Keep your translator close just in case, and have plenty of fun with the features this game offers.
If you're looking to send me a friend request, You'll find me as Ninja of Liberation (or 解放忍者 ).
In case there’s issues, DM me and I’ll see to try help and update the guide.
119 notes · View notes