cocajimmycola · 2 days
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queer orbs
bi, bigender, demiaro, demiboy, demiflux, demigirl, demienby, demisexual, genderfluid, genderflux, genderqueer, intersex, lesbian, abrosexual, gay, nonbinary, polysexual, omnisexual, trans, transmasc, transfem, aro, agender, ace, aroace, polyam, unlabelled,
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svnflowermoon · 1 year
why do people care so much about celebrities' sexualities. like why does it make a difference to you, they're not into you so you have literally no reason to care. stop pressuring them to come out to the whole world. they are not required to come out to you.
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sfemonster · 1 year
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Some queer pride flag buns! trans, unlabelled, polyam, and ace ♥︎
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the-delta-quadrant · 8 months
unlabelled people aren't "basically straight/cis".
unlabelled people aren't "afraid to admit they're gay".
unlabelled doesn't automatically mean mspec.
unlabelled can refer to any aspect of queerness, be it orientation, gender, sex or amory.
unlabelled people have always participated in all kinds of queer communities.
unlabelled people aren't asking for "help with labels".
unlabelled people don't owe anyone a label.
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I've come to realise recently (after a lot of gender identity crisis's) that I don't really care what people call me. I don't care if they call me a boy or a girl or other. I don't think I will tell anyone about this but I just found it really comforting to realise, that I can just not care on my own, because its not exactly hurting me not to come out.
idk its hard to explain I'm just finally happy to realise I don't care about my gender and that I am comfortable with an unlabelled gender even if no one else knows.
i’m glad it makes you happy :D
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marylily-my-beloved · 3 months
James Potter is just who he is, he’s unlabelled, if he likes someone he likes someone. Also he’s trans, ftm. I love trans James. His first time liking a boy was Frank, obviously, when he was trying out for quidditch back in like third year, he saw Frank with his charm and his muscles and went ‘OH’ and that was that.
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hazardouscattboy · 3 months
perhaps unlabelled breezepelt, alderheart, foxleap and frostpaw? :]]
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Unlabelled Frostpaw, Alderheart, Foxleap and breezepelt for @feverynn !!!
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idkeither223 · 4 months
Toad. (Queer Poetry)
Society expects I dream of a prince riding a horse.
I realise I’m queer so expect myself to want a princess riding a horse.
I then conclude I don’t really care who’s riding the horse; a princess is always nice and a prince with luscious hair and a similar personality to mine is good too.
I discover that I am only okay with this person riding side saddle on the horse.
And actually most of the time I’m just happy that a horse has galloped my way, I don’t need any rider on it.
I myself am not a princess or a prince. I am a toad.
Not a frog waiting to be kissed. A plain old toad.
I like to leap from plant to lily.
My concept of myself is rather silly.
But without whimsy, my brain is akin to someone tipsy.
For an identity so complex, a comprehension is perplexed.
Society tells me to dream of a horse. I’m left
a toad ,
not q u i t e
f o
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leafgorge · 3 months
holy shit pride month is over. i’m really sad and i’ve still not posted the rest of my paintings 😭 okay so the 20th’s prompt for @poemsofanentomologist’s pride poems series was unlabelled
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i had a bit of an issue making the colours pop but i think it looks okay
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i really like the texture of the grass, and i tried to make it look like it was snowing but idk
anyway go read v’s poems she’s incredibly talented
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cowboylikeghost · 3 months
I've been away from social media for a while now (i've only started being active again a few days ago) because I wanted space to think about myself and labels and who I wanted to be in general.
During this time i noticed that i have been switching labels since i was 12, trying really hard to choose between bisexual and lesbian or if i even felt attraction at all. It's all been very confusing for me, and i know most of you won't care, but i'm writing this for people who might find themself in the same position as me. I'm not saying i have resolved everything, i'm far from that, but i have moved forward a little bit.
All of this to say that i realised labels don't matter. And i know it's hard, when new sexualites pop up everyday on social media. People try so hard to give a name to every little feelings they have, that it become confusing for us. But let me tell you some things: all those rules are made up. You don't have to label yourself as bi, pan or even omni just because your feelings fit a specific word. You don't have to label yourself as aromantic just because you don't feel romantic attraction. You.don't.have.to.
I've decided to not use any label anymore, because i don't really care who i do or don't end up with. If I found myself married to a man or single at 60 and dating a girl at 80. I'm unlabeled, no labels, just vibes.
I know and i'm happy that labels can help some people, and i'm aware of the history that came from them. I know that the LGBTQ+ community is responsible for the acquisition of our rights, and i'm forever grateful. I am in some way appart of that community, that i want it or not, and it's because of them that now, we have the possible to just be who we are without having to put a specific word on it.
Over the year I have identify as bisexuel, biromantic, lesbian, asexual, aromantic, aroace and aroace lesbian. I had the chance to be appart of all those communities and i am forever changed because of them, they helped me grow and understand the world better.
No labels.
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lesbianpoetess · 3 months
hey to all the unlabelled folks out there
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whether youre still figuring stuff out, youve given up, or you are just uncomfortable with labels in general,!
AND IF ANYONE TELLS YOU THAT YOU'RE "<insert term that you have already mentioned that you arent>" YOU CAN TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF!
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after i realised i was lesbian, i had a terrible gender identity crisis – i liked being presented as slightly masculine, but also super feminine and androgynous – i thought i was transmasc at first, then i realised i was INSANELY UNCOMFORTABLE getting called a man.
i explored some other labels like demigirl
then i found out that the lesbian terms butch/dyke/femme/stud/etc also describes a persons gender, and im comfortable with being called butch/femme/stem as i present differently at other times, but i still dont like one fixed word for my gender
and at this point FUCK IT i dont want to be restrained to one word to describe my gender
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and have a great day ;D
(dividers by @v6que ) <----
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twigsandhearts · 4 months
Most of our characters, cast, and crew are within the LGBTQ+ community, and while for privacy reasons, we won't get into our cast's specific identities, we thought showing some stats on our queer characters might be interesting to look at!
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SUMMARY: BIGGEST GENDER GROUP: Cisgender (there are 4 more cis characters than trans* characters) BIGGEST ROMANTIC ATTRACTION GROUP: Lesbians (Sapphic relationships play a big part in season 1 - shout out polyamorous wives) BIGGEST SEXUAL ATTRACTION GROUP: Unlabelled
Not mentioned is our Polyamorous rep. Currently, we have 2 canon polyamorous relationships, which both happen to be triads. The Shelleys from Shadowsfield and Iris' 3 dads. Not all our polyam rep will be triads but for now, it is.
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My mum is so insistent that my sexuality might change and that really I like boys.
An you know what? Maybe she’s right. Maybe in a years time I’ll wake up and go ‘huh maybe I’m not a lesbian. Maybe I was pan’. Maybe at some point in the future I’ll be in a mlm relationship and not a wlw one
Because, yeah, my identity is very fluid and always has been.
But that doesn’t mean she should be so pushy over something like that. I’ll discover who I am in my own time.
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rubber-glovs · 1 month
Hi!! I don't know what I'm doing, so if my research is incorrect, please inform me via messaging me through DMs, whether that be on this platform or others
I am unlabelled!!
If you do not understand what that means, according to the English dictionary, it states that unlabelled is: "without a label; not labelled." Being unlabelled means to choose not put a label on your sexuality or gender identity. With more research, unlabelled people tend to view gender identity and sexuality as less stable and more fluid, focusing more on the person and not the gender. People identify as unlabelled as they are unable or uncertain about their sexual orientation or gender identity. It is important to know that being unlabelled is a mix of a choice and something that you are born with/to be. I chose to be unlabelled, but that is because I do not believe that there is a gender identity that you do not feel like corelate with or you don't fancy having a label at all.
I would like to add that I am not just realising this as of right now, I have been contemplating this since July. My research started in early August, and my apologies if anything is wrong.
My experience:
I do feel masculine, I always have been and will continue to be masculine. However, I feel like that desire does anything to my gender identity. Unfortunately, I have yet to do enough research to find out what term of the "unlabelled umbrella" that I correspond with most. A label for me would feel incredible. However, I don't feel fond of the idea; a part of me urks having some sort of label because I know, internally, that I am wrong. I do understand that there is agender (a term to describe someone as genderless or lacking a gender). However, it feels to me like that is a label. I do not enjoy using terms like male or man to describe myself. It feels wrong to me.
Doing some small research, I do understand pomogender (where someone denies or does not fit any labels for any particular gender), I feel like I correspond to it. But there is still that feeling of sudden dislike from having a gender. I only consider pomogender as a gender identity and not pomosexuality. Although I am still mid research so I can only entertain the idea of being pomogender.
When it comes to what name I would like to use or pronouns, I'd like to keep my name as Kaden. The sense of familiarity and comfort I have by using that name refrains me from wanting to change it, and regardless of what gender I identify as, I would most likely keep it anyway. However, with my pronouns, I am unsure. I have asked those who I have already come out to to use they/them. However, I don't hate the idea of continuing to use he/they. I believe it was because many people never used my they/them pronouns and it was always my he/him which did make me feel off and constantly yearning for my they/them pronouns to be used. Yet, this could be because of how used I am/have gotten with using he/him pronouns when it comes to people talking about me and when I talk about myself. Using they/them is just a test for me, and if it doesn't feel/sit right with me, then I'll change it back to he/they. I will admit that I do feel hesitation and wrong in this choice, but I want to explore as much as I can with my gender identity and preferences. My pronouns are a part of it.
I hold a certain pain when it comes to this conclusion. The reasoning is that in 2022, I had identified as a demiboy and had been for a whole 2 years until recently when I started to have second thoughts. It does feel hard to let go of being a demiboy because of the memories of the comfort and excitement I had in learning about it and coming out to friends as a demiboy. It upsets me, but I know I can not continue as a demiboy as it isn't right for me.
Thank you so much for listening! I really appreciate it. Please remember that I am still the same person, please do not hate me.
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Happy pride to all of my fellow unlabeled people!! I can’t even begin to describe how liberating it has been for me to let go of labels which felt personally confining rather than uplifting. I’ve been so, so happy and relieved to have found this community. For so long I had no idea that unlabeled was a real and tangible option. I love that we’re here. And I love the flag! Pastels are my fav! I love too that no one has to use it! Everyone here matters and deserves respect just as much as people who do have specific labels for their sexuality/gender. Don’t let people put you in a box or a corner. Be yourself, even and especially when that “being” will always be considered by some to be “not specific enough.” Anyways, I love you guys!! Stay safe and happy June!
happy pride! i’m so happy that being unlabelled has helped you :D
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v01dbug-s1nr0se · 4 months
yippee :D
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happy pride month little gay yippees in my device
and to non gay yippees, remember to pay your gay yippees 50 dollars every day of pride /j
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