#a few people with superpowers become superheroes
cesium-sheep · 1 year
dream about dad getting really into researching drive bys and how to avoid them. then people spontaneously developing superpowers by the thousands and mostly using them for good altho when two of the heroes take the bus to the hospital there's tension that must be deescalated.
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every time i think i know what worm is about i see a post like "did [character ive never heard of] effectively utilize girl power when she [horrific human rights violation]?" and I have to try to figure out how tf that fits into anything
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So like, it's okay to be good and nobody is born evil and anyone can change the path they're on, yadda yadda yadda, but I actually think one of the biggest lessons Megamind learns over the course of the film is the shocking revelation that actions have consequences.
I'm not even kidding. When you put aside the whole 'evil' thing, one of Megamind's biggest flaws is his entirely screwed up notion of cause and effect.
Like, the whole reason the plot happens is because it apparently never occurred to Megamind that 'carrying out elaborate plots to kill Metroman' could ever result in 'dead Metroman'. Nor that creating a new hero with the specific motivation of defeating him, Megamind, could lead to negative consequences for him, Megamind. Or that riling said hero up into a murderous rage could have the unforeseen consequence of that hero raging around murderously.
Dude spent at least a few years kidnapping Roxanne, threatening her with alligators and lasers and various other villainous knick-knacks, only to disguise himself as somebody else and lie to her until she fell in love with this fake identity he'd created and is genuinely shocked when she is upset upon finding this out.
Not just that she did find out, but that post-her finding out he is unable to talk her into continuing the relationship.
“We don't judge a book by its cover or a person by their appearance… we judge them based on their actions.”
“Seems kinda petty, don't you think?”
Megamind may be a genius when it comes to inventions and evil plans, but he's a fucking idiot when it comes to predicting and anticipating the obvious results of his actions.
And thing is, it makes total sense why he would be like that.
He spent his childhood being consistently punished by the adults in his life, often for no reason that he could understand or even for no reason at all. As a result, he stops viewing punishment as a consequence of his behaviour and starts seeing it as a consequence of him being 'evil', which of course leads to him leaning into his evil persona and eventually becoming a supervillain.
And, as a supervillain, ironically enough, he's completely sheltered from consequence by his greatest enemy, Metroman.
Megamind doesn't need to worry about his evil plans hurting any citizens, because Metroman will use his powers to save them. Megamind doesn't have to worry about the damage he does to the city, because Metroman can fix it.
Megamind does in theory have to worry about social consequences for his behaviour, but the social consequences are being locked in prison and having everybody hate him which is like, the default status quo of his existence since he was a baby.
He literally calls the prison as 'home', a word he does not use to refer to his Evil Lair or indeed anywhere else in the film barring his home planet. Going there is an inconvenience, maybe, but it's not really a punishment. It's where he lives.
Metroman's 'death' changes all that.
Not only does one of Megamind's evil plans finally destroy something that (seemingly) can't be fixed, but he's then turned loose on the city with no superhero to run around after him cleaning up his mess.
Now, if he steals all the artwork in the gallery, then Metro City will no longer have artwork in it's gallery, and people (Roxanne) will miss it and be upset. If he doesn't take care to clean the streets then the streets… will be dirty, and people (Roxanne) will be negatively affected.
If he gives a random, unstable, person superpowers and then goes out of his way to piss that person off, then that person can't be guaranteed upon to “play the game” just because that's what Metroman did, and people (Megamind… then everybody else) will be negatively affected.
And the flipside of this is that, by the end of the film, he wins the battle because he realises "hey, I can change this". If his negative actions have negative consequences then he can choose to do the positive thing instead and save the city.
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iamumbra195 · 15 days
Ashlyn Spider-woman AUs are genuinely so funny because this girl would hate it so much.
She already has to deal with sensitive hearing now she has to worry about super strength, spider senses and sticky hands that only relax when she's calm which is like never because how on Earth is she supposed to calm down when she can punch through walls without breaking her arms and can practically sense everything within a mile-radius?!
The sensory overload would be painful as hell too.
If it was set in the canon universe, I think she'd tell her parents and they would all work together to figure out her powers. They'd probably use all the junk in the bus graveyard to gauge how much she could carry and how strong she was overall.
Over time, she'd probably get used to her powers, maybe even find some of them fun. Sticking to the ceiling and just chilling there for hours without all the blood rushing to her head was kinda nice and seeing her dad's reaction to her sticking to the ceiling for the first was entertaining. Plus, the powers made her even more flexible and she's into ballet. This girl would love being able to jump super high.
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But she only really uses her powers at home where she feels like she doesn't need to hide it anymore. I don't think she'd feel the need to ever become a spider-woman. They'd managed just fine without her before and Alto was a pretty boring town. She wasn't a superhero anyway. I don't think her parents would ever want her to put herself in danger like that either. Plus, they don't their daughter to get attention from any unsavoury people or the government. They were both in the military after all. They knew how corrupt and messed up the government could be and they didn't want Ashlyn anywhere near it.
But then the new school year starts and there's a weird new kid that makes her senses prickle with unease. In fact, almost everything about her first day back at school makes her uneasy. The new kid. The shoe that almost took her head off. The new teacher. The field trip. The new kid.
Aiden just won't leave her alone and it was irritating. He was loud and talked too much as well. Still, her dad wanted her to give it a shot and it couldn't be that bad. It was just a field trip, she'd been to plenty of those.
Although the last field trip she went on was the reason she ended up with her superpowers... She really didn't want to go. Especially with Aiden constantly pestering her about it. Agreeing to go felt like losing. Urgh.
She ends up going and at first, it's not bad. All until a woman offers to give them a free tour of a 'haunted' house. Ashlyn doesn't want to go. Something about the whole situation was making her uneasy. But the others all wanted to go so she went with them. The uneasy feeling along with the phantom noises that kept getting louder made it even worse, sweat collecting in her palms and the urge to flee only getting stronger.
So when she sees that creature and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, she doesn't catch her reaction fast enough, hastily taking a few steps back.
"Ash?" Aiden said and there was a hint of concern in his voice. The others were all staring at her with varying looks on their faces, from concern to irritation. It wasn't real. She needed to calm down. It was just a hallucination. It wasn't real. It wasn't real.
But what if it was, the paranoid voice in her mind whispered. She had superpowers, who's to say that demons or ghosts couldn't be real?
She shook the thought away, tearing her eyes away from the creature and taking a deep breath before turning back to her classmates. She was being ridiculous. "Sorry, I thought I saw some-"
She was paralyzed in place when she saw them staring past her with terrified expressions, senses blaring with warning as a cold, slippery hand wrapped around her arm.
It was real.
And it was right behind her.
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ewingstan · 2 months
Worm and other media that won't just let you shoot the Joker, part 1:
Worm comments on the structure of stories, especially superhero stories, in some interesting ways. There's a lot of stuff that happen in superhero comics for no real reason than that it needs to happen for the story to be interesting; a huge amount of Worm's worldbuilding is devoted to taking these things and making the fact that they have to happen an explicit in-setting constraint. For instance, superhero stories tend to have more powerful heroes face off against much more powerful villains than their less-powerful allies, to the point where it seems like super-powerful threats are coming to earth every few weeks just because it wouldn't be interesting to read that comic otherwise. It gets weirder when you compare what villains end up visiting the cities of uber-powerful heroes vs the cities of less powerful heroes: Gotham mostly just has to deal with serial killers while Metropolis is a magnet for evil gods. Worm plays with this by having the Endbringers exist only because the big hero needed something to fight in-text: it changes "powerful heroes need powerful villains or else it wouldn't be interesting" from a Doylist justification to a Watsonian one. Then there's the fact that so much of the horrible conflict in Earth Bet is explicitly caused by Gods making sure the powers they grant people lead to increased conflict, the fact that one of the most powerful characters does what she does because the plot path to victory says she needs to, etc.
But the big one is Jack Slash, and how he's only able to get away with his bullshit because he has plot armor as a secondary power. As WB says here, "Jack's a reconstruction of the Joker type character in the sense that you can't have such a character take such a high profile position in the setting, without having there be a cheat." The Joker and similar characters are only able to keep being relevant threats in their stories because the narrative bends to let them win and stops them from being killed. Jack Slash is only able to keep being a relevant threat because his power makes the universe bend to let him win in the same way. Not only does this make for an interesting obstacle (its almost like they're fighting an authorial mandate!), but it skewers the use of similar character's plot armor and how unrealistic and unsatisfying it makes their stories.
But wait, what does it mean for a story to be "unrealistic" in the context of superpowers? Is being unrealistic in those contexts actually a problem? For that matter, what does it mean for a narrative to bend to let someone win? Its not like there's an objective way fighting the Joker would go, which the author is deviating from by letting him survive.
[Stuff under readbelow contains spoilers fo, the movie Funny Games and the book Anybody Home?]
Maybe we could say that if characters like the Joker were real, and put in the situations they are in their stories, they would end up being killed really quickly. But is that a reasonable way to judge stories? A narrative where such a character is killed unceremoniously to satisfy a need for realism isn't any less an expression of the author's deliberate choices than a story where the character keeps showing back up to satisfy a desire for fan-favorite characters. And while Jack Slash's arcs help show why deviating from "realistic consequences" in the service of keeping a character alive can make a story exhausting and screw with an audiences' appreciation of stakes, it doesn't make a strong case against the concept of villains having plot armor in general. A story isn't necessarily worse just for being constructed to keep the villains alive—all stories are constructed, and sometimes being constructed that way makes for the best story.
That becomes more clear when you take the premise of Jack Slash as "killer who wins because the mechanics of the universe says so" and make clear just how much "the mechanics of the universe" really just means "the story". Which is how you get Peter and Paul from Funny Games.
I'd highly recommend watching Funny Games (though for the love of god check content warnings), as well as Patricia Taxxon's review of it that I'm cribbing a lot from here. But to summarize, Funny Games is a movie written and directed by Michael Haneke about a family's lakeside vacation being interrupted by the appearance of two murderous young men, who capture them in their own house and slowly torture and kill them off. At least, that's what it seems to be about initially. It marketed itself as a somewhat standard entry in the genres of torture porn and home invasion thrillers, and played itself straight as one for the majority of its runtime. But then one of the two villains of the pair, "Paul," starts talking to the audience.
It starts small: after crippling the family's father and revealing that he killed their dog, Paul has the wife look for its corpse outside. While giving her hints, he slowly turns back towards the camera and smirks, before turning back. In isolation, maybe it could be interpreted as Paul smirking at Peter, seeming to look out at the audience only because of clumsy blocking. But then it happens again. Paul tells the family, who are completely at their mercy at this point, that they're gonna bet that they'll all be dead within twelve hours. When the family refuses to take the bet, asking how they could hope to win it when he can clearly off them all whenever they wish, Paul turns towards the audience and asks "what do you think? Do you think they stand a chance? Well you're on their side aren't you. Who you betting on, eh?" The audience is being acknowledged; their role as someone invested in the story is being examined by the ones introducing the stakes.
But the biggest moment comes near the end, when the mother grabs the shotgun she's being threatened with and blasts Peter. Paul startles, grins, and then hurredly grabs a tv remote and presses rewind. The movie itself suddenly rewinds to right before the mother grabs the gun, and plays again with Paul grabbing the shotgun right before the mother reaches for it.
Its a truly incredible moment, in that its the perfect way to forcibly take away the audience's suspension of disbelief. It forces the audience to acknowledge that they're viewing a story, not something happening to a real family. After their moment of catharsis against the villains, Paul makes the confront the fact that the movie will end however the creators want it to, and if they want the villains to win they'll will regardless of how little sense it makes. Fuck you, we can go from being set in the normal world with normal rules to the villains traveling back in time with a tv remote, because a story does whatever its creators want. Haneke just decided to make that obvious in the most jarring way imaginable.
But maybe the best way to illustrate Funny Games effectiveness at this type of artful unveiling is comparing it to its less-effective imitators. I've recently finished Anybody Home?, a recently-published book by Michael J. Seidlinger. It has the conceit of being narrated by an unnamed mass-murderer, guiding a new killer in their first home invasion. I started reading it before I watched Funny Games, and even afterwards took a while to realize the unnamed narrator wasn’t just a pastiche of a Paul-like character but was actually supposed to be read as Paul himself. Seidlinger was having his book be a sort of unofficial sequel to Funny Games, narrated by its star. Once I realized, a lot of the books details suddenly clicked. The big one was the constant references to “the camera" and the idea of murder being a performance for an audience, one that needed to be fresh and original to make “the cults” enjoy it. Take these passages from page 77:
If it happened, it would perturb. It would create suspicion. It wouldn’t end up ruining the performance, and yet, it could have derailed our casing. The camera can have all it wants; either way, it’ll make it look better than it really was. It’ll strip away the cues and other planned orchestrations and it’ll show the action—the actuality of each scene, each suggestion…
This is a spectacle, above all. The craft pertains to keeping and maintaining a captive audience; behind the camera, you’ll never know how it happened—the trickery that made the impossible possible, the insanity so close to home. It is spectacle.
Through online activity, the son made it clear that something is happening at home, yet we cannot be certain if he has noticed the camera.
These all point to the idea that the murders are being viewed by an audience rather than just by intruders, that this is a performance for said audience's benefit more than anything else. But notably, it also reinforces the idea of these characters having an existence outside of the camera: the camera shows the action and "strips away" the cues behind it, the victims have a life outside the camera such that they could plausibly sense that the camera is now here. The victims are sometimes described as playing into their role, but always metaphorically; always as if normal people start acting like characters when put in certain circumstances. Whereas Funny Games posits that characters will behave however the author wants them to, denying the claim that stories are realistic simulations of hypothetical scenarios.
The whole thing is predicated on the idea that there needs to be a guide, that the villain of a home invader movie is really in danger of something going wrong. Paul/The narrator keeps giving directions on what needs to be double checked, what needs to X, and its completely against the spirit of the role Paul served in Funny Games. If something goes wrong for the villain they should just be able to rewind and do it over, because the story was written for them to succeed. Anybody Home? throws out Funny Games theme of the story being on rails, of the winner being whoever the author wants it to be and the events following whatever the author wanted rather than what would "really" happen. It throws out the whole idea that it’s all just a story, by supporting the idea that the characters have lives not captured by the camera—or more relevantly, not captured on-page.
Because Seidlinger using the language of film in a book leads to different things going on with the fourth wall. The way Funny Games and Anybody Home? make the camera explicit are just different, and the former does it much more interestingly than the latter. Seildinger’s characters aren’t looking back at the reader, the fourth wall is never actually breached. Funny Games has Paul look into the camera to address the audience, making clear how it’s a story being set up for the audience's benefit. Anybody Home? invokes the idea of a camera tracking everything home invaders do in general, having it be a third-party force that’s itself an unseen character contained within the story, observing the intruder's crime rather than the reader. Why is it still a camera, if we're in a book rather than a movie? A character in a book talking about a camera watching them does not convey any of the same meaning as a character in a movie suddenly looking into a camera and smirking at the audience!
By the end, you realize that this is caused in part by the book's bizarro take on how horror movies exist in this world. It reveals that in its setting, all horror movies are adaptations of real home invasions, which get recorded by unseen mysterious forces. Killers enter a home and enact violence, are filmed by some supernatural camera, the footage gets leaked to the public, and then the killers sell the rights to the work to studios. The events of SAW really happened, but the movie was just an adaptation. Funny Games really happened, but the Paul in the movies was just an actor playing the Paul narrating this book. The killer's victims eventually realize that they're "victims," but not in the sense that they realize their characters in a story, only in a sense that they realize they got sucked into their world's magical realism bullshit.
Ultimately, while the book does the same trick of being all about how horror stories are “for” us, it gets rid of all the tricks that made it work for Funny Games. It even strips it's in-universe version of what made it special; Funny Games is just another adaptation of a real home invasion. All the meta stuff that makes it interesting in its genre are just gestured at as aesthetics.
So what makes Jack Slash in Worm succeed where the killers in Anybody Home? fail? Both are constructed to be entertaining for a 3rd party who stand-in for but aren't actually the audience; the entities in Worm, the cults in Anybody Home?. But Jack Slash doesn't mix his metaphors. Worm may turn various real-life factors affecting a work into in-story mechanisms of the world in the same way Anybody Home? does. But it doesn't also base itself off a text that takes in-story mechanisms and breaks them to force the audience to see the various real-life factors affecting the work. In effect, WB pulls off a trick Seidlinger tries and fails because WB wasn't taking another metatexual story and stripping it of what made it interesting.
Though that introduces the question: can such meta-moves be mixed? Can you have a text where story conceits become explicit plot mechanics the characters are aware of, while also having characters really look at the camera and tell the audience that its all just a story? Can you actually sell it and make it something interesting?
There is one story that tries this. I don't know if it pulls it off, but it certainly makes a lot of interesting moves that create a fascinating whole. It even comments on the Joker in the same way Worm does, having a character who seemingly cant die because the roll they play in the story is too impor—
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Ah fuck.
Continued in part 2.
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convolutedblasphemy · 2 months
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Characters that are aroace according to me and several other people who have approved these headcanons. Explanation for who they are under the cut + brief summary of the source material because if you haven't consumed these yet, you should! (I need more people to talk about them with)
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1. Toshinori Yagi: He's the main characters' mentor and No. 1 Hero in the anime and manga "My Hero Academia" which follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, a high school student who was born without powers in a world where about 80% of the population has superpowers, as he attends a prestigious hero academy to become a licensed superhero. Watch the show.
Aroace level: has never shown romantic or sexual attraction to anyone in canon, has however shown what I interpreted as sex repulsion on a few instances in bonus material. the aces in the fandom crowd around him. it's a popular headcanon.
2. Monkey D. Luffy: Protagonist of One Piece, which follows his very, very long journey across the world with his friends / pirate crew in order to find the One Piece, the most legendary pirate treasure, and become the pirate king. Watch the show.
Aroace level: basically as aroace as you can make a character without explicitly using the terminology. crap ton of evidence to support this both in the source material and in stuff the mangaka said. like genuinely, I consider Luffy an aroace protagonist.
3. Sampo Koski: A playable character in Hoyoverse's turn-based gacha game "Honkai: Star Rail" where a group of people travel on an intergalactic train to different worlds in order to get rid of the Stellarons, known as the "Cancer of All Worlds". He's a jester-type character who scams people. Play the game.
Aroace level: Personal Headcanon with no canon evidence but somehow the aroaces on Tumblr crowd around him.
4. Michael: A timeless being who oversees the neighborhood in which the show is set. The story follows Eleanor Shellstrop who falsely got sent to The Good Place (basically heaven) after she died and is now trying to learn to become a better person so she can stay there. Show is hilarious, teaches you about philosophy and has a lot of unexpected twists and turns! Watch the show.
Aroace level: Listen I do not know a single person, ace or not, who knew what "aroace" is and walked away from this show not under the impression that Michael is aroace. He's a very aroace character. You'll understand if you watch it.
5. Dr. Robotnik: Antagonist of the Sonic The Hedgehog movies. Watch them.
Aroace level: Do not come for me with this one because he gets shipped with his assistant and there's a lot of people saying they're undeniably gay and in love with each other but this is a character who's struggled with alienation a lot and openly mocks the average person's socially expected life; the headcanon basically writes itself.
6. 9th Doctor: Listen, I wouldn't know how to summarize Doctor Who even if I tried but it has time travel, aliens and chaos. Watch the show.
Aroace level: The Doctor in general is a very asexual character (even said by Matt Smith himself), and this one in particular just struck me as very aro as well. He kisses another character in the show but I did not register that as romantic at all...
7. Benjamin Linus: An antagonist (you will go back and forth between loathing his guts and loving him. also he gets beaten up a lot. like an almost comical amount) and pretty major character in "Lost", a show that follows the passengers of a plane crash after they landed on a mysterious, seemingly deserted island where strange things are happening. Watch the show, it's fantastic.
Aroace level: Personal Headcanon. Doesn't have a love interest or displays sexual attraction in a show where a lot of characters do. Singular attempt at romance looked more like display of his mental health issues than genuine romantic attraction.
8. JB Cox: A master thief who's simultaneously very cunning and also very stupid. Basically live action version of Sampo Koski. He's from the series "The Hardy Boys", which follows the teenage brothers Frank and Joe Hardy as they try to solve the mystery behind their mother's murder. Contains murder mystery, crime and secret societies. Watch the show, I have no one to talk about it with. Not a single person.
Aroace level: Not a singular display of romantic or sexual attraction but also he's the only notable character of his age group in this show. Lives in a secret hideout / apartment and spends his life breaking into buildings and stealing things for people who hire him. I cannot look at this man and imagine him as someone with a love life. I just can't.
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layce2015 · 2 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 5: The Last Time To Look On This World Of Lies
Chapter 1/ Previous Chapter / Next chapter
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was sitting on the couch, watching videos on my phone while the TV was going on as background noise, when I came across a familiar video. It was a drug PSA from Ben months before that damned job in Nicaragua and I chuckled at it as I press play, remembering the irony in this PSA. The music began to play as the title A Public Service Announcement appeared then it swiped over to Ben with the American Flag projected on screen behind him.
”Hello, I’m Soldier Boy. Did you know drugs and drug-related crime have become a nationwide problem?” He asked and I scoffed. “All across America, drugs are destroying people’s lives. But you don’t have to be a superhero to fight back because your superpower is just saying no. So, when someone offers you drugs, you tell them Soldier Boy said, Taking drugs is not cool, and anyone who does is a loser.” He continues. “Yeah, he’ll ask where is it and go to the person himself.” I grumbled as the PSA comes to an end. “Remember…Real Heroes Don’t Use Drugs.” Ben ends it then gives that little smirk as the Approved By The Vought Ad Council appeared before the video really ended.
I shake my head with a chuckle and I had to rewind it back to watch it again. A thing I noticed was even though he looked determined and professional, I could tell by his eyes that he was not happy. Course that could be because a few days before he had to do this ad, he and I broke up…I think it was the fifth time we did that. I remember after he did this PSA, I heard through the grapevine how he acted up on set.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben sits on a stool in front of a blue screen as he gets ready to film this dumbass Anti-Drug commercial. He honestly didn’t want to be there but the Vought company made him, so he sucked it up and, reluctantly, showed up to the set.
“Hello, I’m Soldier Boy…” Ben said then he lowers his head down, annoyed. “Fuck…the world knows who I am, why do I have to say it?!” He asked, angrily, as he looks up at the crew.
After having a talk with him, Ben continues. “But the cool thing to do is just say no.” Ben recites before he sighs. “God, I sound like a jackass. Who approved this script?” He asked. “Stan Edgar.” The director replied and Ben sighs and runs his hand over his eyes. “Get him on the phone, I’m not saying this shit.” He demanded.
Later, a crew member hands Ben a cup of coffee. “Finally.” He grumbles as he accepts the coffee, looks at it and sniffs it. “Is this hot?” He asked then he throws the cup down on the floor. “Iced!” Ben shouts, angrily. 
Minutes later, they try to calm him down and he goes back to being calm but it just angered him again. “Fucking unprofessional!” He yells then he takes in a deep breath then looks to the camera men. “Let’s go to the top.” He said, calmer now.
”If taking drugs is uncool I’m the most uncool motherfucker on the planet.” Ben laughs and points towards one of the crewmen then stops laughing before saying. “Fuck you!”
Later, he pulls out his flask and starts to open it. “Actually, we’re going to need to go one more time.” The director said. “No, we’re not.” Ben said as he opens his flask and begins to drink from it. “We really just need one more take.” The director pleads. “No, that’s a wrap.” Ben said as he closes his flask, gives a tight smile and nods. “Okay? Great!” He said as he walks off the set.
Meanwhile, Mystic Shade was doing a photo shoot for a perfume that was inspired by her. She had to pose with the perfume bottle many times and she was getting annoyed cause it was taking too long and it seemed the photographer kept wanting to take the same photos over and over.
”Seriously, how many pictures do you need?” She asked, irritated. “Just a few more.” The photographer said and Mystic Shade growls under breath. “This is so stupid.” She grumbles then sighs and she starts to get ready for another pose but with less enthusiasm. She looked like she had a gun to her head.
”Can you show more enthusiasm? People won’t buy this if you don’t look ecstatic about it.” The photographer said and Mystic snaps. “Well, we should’ve been done with this hours ago! It’s not my fault you’re a shitty photographer!” She yells, angrily, and the photographer gasps as one of the assistants goes to Mystic. “Okay, how about we take a break?” She said and Mystic rolls her eyes.
”No, we’re done! I need to get the hell outta here!” Mystic shouts and she starts to walk away. Then the cordless brick-like phone, the assistant had, began to ring and she answers it. “Yes, this is Maddie…” she sighed then she looks towards Mystic Shade.
”Okay…” she said into her phone then she runs over to the Supe. “Mystic, phone for you.” She said and Mystic turns to her. “Who is it?” She asked, annoyed. “Stan Edgar.” The assistant said and Mystic sighs at this and takes the phone.
”What?!” Mystic asked, angrily. “I don’t know what has gotten between you and Soldier Boy but you need to get it resolved.” Stan’s voice replied and she scoffs. “Why the hell do you care?” She asked. “He’s been causing a scene at his shoot…” Stan replied. “That’s just normal for him. Look, I don’t want to talk to that asshole right now! So kiss my ass!” She shouts and she hangs up and tosses the phone over her shoulder.
The assistant’s quick reflexes catches the phone as Mystic Shade stomps out of the building.
A Few Days Later
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was making my way back to my room, couldn’t wait to get into bed, when I noticed something on my door. I walk up to it and saw that it was a note with a familiar handwriting. “Huh?” I muttered as I grab the note and read it.
Meet Me In My Room
I was feeling a mixture of emotions, part of me was annoyed as I was still angry with him but a part of me was curious on what he had up his sleeve. I huffed out a breath then made my way to Ben’s room.
Once there, I knocked on it then I hear his voice say. “It’s open.” I turn the knob and open it to see Ben standing by this small round table with two plates of what looked like spaghetti and a lite candle in the middle. Ben was wearing black dress pants, black shoes and a white dress shirt, looking like a damn male model.
”Uh, what the hell is going on?” I asked him as I enter his room and shut the door behind me. “Well, we’ve been stressed lately and I thought a nice dinner will do us some good.” He replied as I fold my arms across my chest with a raised eyebrow. “Look, I’m sure we’re gonna be paired up for missions soon. So, we should go ahead and clear the air.” He said to me and I sighed as I unfold my arms.
”Since when do you know how to cook?” I asked him and he smirks. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, sweetheart.” He said and I scoff out a laugh. “Ben, I’ve known you for years and I’ve never seen you cook.” I said and he sighs. “Fine, I did a take out order but…I remembered you liked Italian.” He said and I give a small smile. “Yeah, I do.” I said as I go over to the table and he holds a seat out for me.
I sit down and he pushes the chair close to the table then takes the seat across from me. Then we began to eat and did some small talk about the past few days.
Later, the two of us stand out in Ben’s balcony with a drink in our hands, looking out at the view of the city. “You know, I’ve been thinking…” Ben said and I smirk. “That’s a dangerous thing.” I said and he scoffs. “I was thinking about that day we met. How you used to be.” Ben said and now it was my turn to scoff. Thinking back on how I use to be, I barely recognize that girl anymore.
”What happened to that girl?” Ben asked me and I chuckled a little. “Well, they do say bad boys make good girls worse.” I jabbed at him and he turns to me. “Oh, so it’s my fault you turned out this way?” He asked me as I turn to face him. 
“Yes, you are. Before I met you, I had the patience of turtle. Now every little thing and everyone gets on my nerves!” I announced and Ben scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Oh yeah, because you were so better off before, being a submissive little sheep. If it weren’t for me, you’d still be married to that jackass that practically sold you into this life!” Ben roared.
“I could’ve gotten out of that marriage all on my own. I didn’t need you to save me!” I growled and Ben clicks his tongue. “Sure, you didn’t.” He said, with that stupid smug smile of his that always had such a chokehold on my heart.
“Well, then let’s talk about you.” I said. “What about me?” Ben asked. “If it weren’t for me, you’d either be dead or imprisoned with how reckless you are!” I replied and Ben let’s out a mocking laugh. “Oh, that’s good. You should tell everyone that at the next Vought party.” He said, pointing at me as he continues laughing in my face like an immature child.
“I’m the best thing that could’ve happened to you and you’re too stupid to realize it!” I shouted at him and Ben stops his laughter to glare at me. “Are you kidding me? You are the worse thing to ever happen to me! Before you came here, I was a happy man!” He shouted back.
“Is that so?” I asked, feeling a little hurt by this statement but my anger in this moment clouded that. “Hell yes! I’m…” He said, his face scrunching up as he chokes the air in an angry gesture. “How do you think it feels to be attracted to someone that makes you sick?!” He growled.
“I could write a book on the subject and still have enough content to write a sequel.” I retorted. “You are the nuttiest, the stupidest, phonies bimbo I have ever met!” Ben sneered and I felt my anger rising to the point I felt like I’m surrounded by lava. 
“You, Benjamin, are the most arrogant, self-centered, selfish, son of…!” I hissed, taking a step closer to him. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Ben shouted, pointing at me. “Shut your big fat fucking mouth.” He growled. “Make me.” I demanded. 
“Make you? I’m gonna throw you off this fucking building!” Ben said, through gritted teeth. “Try it and you’ll be walking funny tomorrow. Or should I say funnier?” I replied and Ben closes his eyes and twisted his head a little as he breathes in deeply.
“You disgust me.” I sneered and Ben opens his eyes to glare at me. “You drive me fucking crazy. I hate you.” I growled. “Is that so?” Ben asked, taking a step closer to me, our faces now just inches from each other. 
“Well, you drive me insane.” He said and we stare at each other for a moment, the tension between us was rising to that familiar place that I didn’t want it to go but at the same time, I didn’t want to fight it either. 
“How the hell do you do it?” I asked him, knowing I’m in for a wild ride. “Do what, princess?” He asked me, in a low gruff voice. “Always pulling me back to you…” I asked and he chuckles, lowly, as he leans into me. 
“That is my secret power….that only works on you.” Ben said before he leans into me and we share a passionate kiss. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist as we continue to kiss, roughly. Ben pushes me up against the wall of the building and I unbutton his shirt while he goes to unbutton my pants.
We break the kiss for a moment, panting against each other’s lips, before he kneels down and pulls down my pants and my underwear to my ankles. I kick them aside as Ben goes to kiss both of my thighs before leaving some bite marks on them.
“Fuck, Ben!” I gasped as he leaves a trail of love bites and kisses on both of my thighs then he gets to my pussy and, immediately, starts to eat me out like a starving man. “FUCK!” I screamed as he tongue fucks me. Then he wraps his lips around my most sensitive spot and sucks on it, making me scream louder and my hand grabs his hair and tugs on it.
He lets out a low groan, which sends a pleasurable surge through my body, before he inserts two of his fingers in me and thrusts them in and out. I lean my head back against the wall, close my eyes and let out moan after moan as he continues his assault for some time. Then I feel the familiar sensation rising and rising in my lower abdomen.
”Ben, I’m-I’m g-gonna…” I started to announce then he pulls his lips away but kept thrusting his fingers in me. “Go on, princess, let go. Cum for me.” He growls and at his command I do as he says and I scream out in pleasure and ecstasy. He buries his face back into me and lapped up everything I had to give.
Once my orgasm subsided, Ben stands up to me as I open my eyes, slowly, and catch my breath. He smirks at me then leans into me and gives me a fiery kiss, I could taste myself on his lips, before he pulls away from my lips. I look down at him and see that his dick was already half hard, so I reach down, grab him and start to stroke him.
Ben closes his eyes and lets out some grunts and groans before he leans in and kisses me again. We make-out for a few more moments as I keep jerking him off. I then go to kneel down in front of him, so that I could taste him but he stops me and I look up at him.
”As much as I would love to fuck that beautiful mouth of yours, I need you right fucking now.” Ben growls and I felt excitement in my chest as he grabs my hips and I jump and wrap my legs around his waist. Then he carries me back into his room as we continued to kiss again and spent all night having crazy make-up sex.
Present Day
“Tragically relapsed into an opioid addiction, just as he was slated to join The Seven. Not since Len Bias has a public figure been lost to a drսg оvеrdоsе on the cusp of the next...”  the new woman said before I look over at the TV to see that Supersonic had died. I shake my head in disbelief at this. “Well, shit, he looked like one of the good ones.” I muttered as I turn my tv off. SuperSonic looked like a pretty decent kid but something about this death seems really off, especially since he recently was just brought into the Seven.
I go over to my desk and pull open a drawer, revealing a case that I hold my knives in. I take them and start to walk out in my backyard where there is a small shed. I open up the shed to see my hold training dummies inside and I raised a hand, making the dummies float. 
Later, I had the dummies set up around me, like a group of criminals would swarm me and try to corner me. I take in a deep breath and open the case and make the knives float up in the air.
I drop the case on the ground then begin to concentrate and wave my hand around to make the knives zoom around and slice and stab the dummies, repeatedly. Then one of the dummies raise their arms and hold a BB gun and fires at me but I use my shield powers and protect myself from the BB’s. 
I do this for awhile until I hear my phone go off in my pocket. I pick up the case and hold it out as I use my power to put them back and I answer my phone with my free hand. “Hello?” I answered. “Hey, (y/n)!” Amelia said. Amelia is Bethany’s and Steven’s young adult daughter. “Oh, hey, Amelia. What’s up?” I asked her. “Well, I’m just making sure we are still good with going into the city tomorrow?” She asked me.
”Oh, yeah, yeah…we’re still good.” I said. “Great!” She exclaimed, excitedly. “Although I’m still wondering how you talked me into doing a medi-pedi.” I grumbled. “Oh, c’mon, it’ll be fun!” Amelia said and I rolled my eyes. “If you say so.” I said. “Okay, well, once we get the medi-pedi done, we’ll do whatever you want.” She said and I chuckle. “Funny, I use to say the same thing to you when you were a kid.” I said and I hear her laugh.
”Learn from the best!” She said and I rolled my eyes. “Uh-huh, sure.” I grumbled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
”See ya!” She said before she hangs up and I put my phone away. 
Later, I was in the bathroom, splashing water over my face, before I look at myself in the mirror. Normal people when they see me, they would see a young supermodel looking woman but I could see that old woman behind these eyes and how tired she is.
I sighed then look through the drawers at the counter until I came across an old pregnancy test. I stared at it as my heart beat hard against my throat and I reach over to it and pull it out from the drawer. I hold up the test and see that it showed positive and I stare at it, my heart dropping into the pit of my stomach.
”Why do I even have this?” I muttered to myself as I toss the test into the little trash can by the sink. I wash my hands then walk out and start on cleaning up my house.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, at his office, Butcher sits at his desk, drinking and looking over the flies as he can’t believe what he and the others had witnessed. After all these years, Soldier Boy was alive.
After they had rushed to the airport, they flew back to America and M.M. and Frenchie took Kimiko to the hospital while Hughie went home to break the bad news to Starlight. Butcher sulked in his office and gave a call to Maeve.
He sits at his desk and sniffs as he takes another drink when Maeve comes in. “How the fսck is Soldier Boy still alive?” She asked, angrily. “Another nutter loose in the world, thanks to us.” Butcher remarks and Maeve gets a good look at his disheveled look. “You look like warmed-over shit.” She said.
”Well...least I'll be sober in the morning. You'll still be a Supe.” Butcher said. “Well, if Supes are so fսcking vile, why do you want to be one again? What are you gonna do with those?” Maeve asked him as she digs in her bag and tosses him a pouch filled with Temp V. 
Butcher doesn’t reply and Maeve sighs then places her hands on her hips. “I need to let (y/n) know.” Maeve said. “About what?” Butcher asked her. “About Soldier Boy being alive! They were a couple and she still cares about him! She has every right to know.” Maeve said. “He went loose at Russia…more than likely, he’s been captured again. Ain’t our problem, love.” Butcher said as he begins to pour a glass for her and offers her it. 
“No, thanks. I've been sober four months, asshоlе.” Maeve said. “It's been a year for me.” Butcher points out and Maeve stares at the glass and sighs as she takes it.
The next morning, out in the streets of New York and in dirty clothes that he was able to find, Ben looks around the streets and sees a billboard that advertised this new superhero team, The Seven. Their leader, Homelander, was the prominent face that Ben could see from the advertisement. He sneers at the poster and begins to walk down the streets and takes in the environment around him.
Everything looked so different yet also familiar. People walk past him including two men that had their arms around each other and one of them kissed the side of his partner’s head as they walk past him. Ben looks at them then shrugs and rolls his eyes a little as he continues on down the street until he looks across the street and noticed a familiar face.
Her hair was much shorter than the last time he saw her and she was wearing civilian clothes, jeans, a white t-shirt, boots and a dark green over shirt. But he knew her face all too well. Every time he was experimented on or he’d be put in a gas induced sleep, he always saw (y/n)’s face to help him get through the hell he was going through. She gave him hope that one day she’d come and save him, it was the only thing that kept him sane.
Seeing her right now gave him a small smile and his heart did a flip up to his throat. After all this time, besides her haircut, she still hasn’t changed at all. She still looks just as beautiful as the day he lost her. It’s like time for him and her froze and the world around them kept on moving forward without them. 
He watch her as he kept pace with her and her friend as they talk.
*(y/n)’s POV*
“See? Was that so bad?” Amelia asked me as we walk down the street. I look down at my manicured nails and smiled at them. “I will admit they look nice.” I said. “I’m just surprised you’ve never done something like this before.” Amelia said and I shrug. “Never had a reason to.” I remarked. “What you and your mom never went and did stuff like this?” Amelia asked me.
“No, when I was around your age, we were coming off the Great Depression and then we had the war.” I said. “That sucks. Guess that means the life you had before you became a Supe was completely different.” Amelia questions and I chuckled. “You have no idea.” I said and we pass by a woman pushing a baby carriage. I watch her and look down to see the sleeping form of the baby and I couldn’t help but smile at how cute the baby looked.
”Oh, man, I can’t wait to have kids of my own.” Amelia goes on and I turn to her. “Really? I figured you’d want to go out and party with friends.” I said and she shrugs. “Going out and gettin super drunk isn’t really my style. But…something about being a mom just sounds appealing to me.” Amelia said and I chuckle. “I do wonder…how come you never had a kid?” Amelia asked me and I feel a wave a sadness overcome me.
”I, uh…well, that’s…that’s complicated…” I said and Amelia stares at me then nods. “Okay…” she said and we continue on down the street until I felt a weird sensation overcoming me. That feeling you get when you feel like you’re being watched.
I look around and just saw a few people passing by me but then I look across the street. Everyone looked normal, except for this homeless looking man. His hair was long and stringy, like he hadn’t washed it in a long time, and his beard was long and bushy and his clothes were dirty and bit baggy. And he was looking at me but the crazier thing was, he looked vaguely familiar.
The way he walked and the way he stared at me was familiar. I stopped in my tracks as Amelia kept walking and the man stops once I did. I look at him and raise an eyebrow, he stands there and continues to look at me almost like he was debating on whether to walk up to me or not. I take a step or two closer, as if that will help, and the way he furrowed his brow and tilt his head made me gasp.
”Ben?” I whispered then I felt a hand on my arm and I jump and turn to see it was Amelia. “Hey! I was talking to you!” She said and she noticed my surprised look. “I-I-I’m sorry, I just…” I stammered and she gives me a concerned look. “What’s wrong? You look like you seen a ghost.” She said and I turn my head across the street but the man was gone.
”I thought I saw…” I said then I shake my head. “Probably going insane.” I said as I turn to Amelia then I start to walk down the street. “Wait, who did you think you saw?” She asked me as she walks up to me. “I thought I saw Ben…” I said.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben had walked off the moment (y/n) turned away from him. Every part of him screamed for him to go to her, embrace her, hold her and kiss her but the way he looked now, she’d think he was some crazy homeless guy. So he decided he needs to go find an old pal, The Legend, and hope that he had his stuff then he’ll go to (y/n).
He walks down the streets for a few more moments until he heard music. Furrowing his brow, he walks closer and sees a shop with a little radio at the doorway. The music was sung in Russian and Ben paused at this then a flood of memories of his time in that damn lab popped in his head as the music continued.
He drops his bag and doubles over as he groans. “Hey, buddy? You okay, buddy?” A civilian came up and asked him as Ben felt this uncontrollable power burst out of him and caused an explosion.
*(y/n)’s POV*
Amelia and I were able to get into a cab and drive off towards Bethany’s house. About ten or fifteen minutes later, Amelia’s phone goes off and she goes to answer it. “It’s mom.” She said and she answers it. “Hey, Mom!” She greets then her smile disappears, her brow furrowed. “Yeah, we’re fine, we’re in a cab and on our way home. What’s wrong?” She asked and now it was my turn to furrow my brow.
Amelia’s eyes widen then she looks at me, fear etched all over her face. “Okay, well, we should be back at the house soon. Okay, love you! Bye.” She said and she hangs up. “What is it?” I asked as she looks down at her phone then she looks over at me. 
“Mom said that there was an explosion that happened in Manhattan. Nineteen people were killed.” She said, grimly, and my jaw drops at this.
*3rd Person POV*
After seeing the explosion Soldier Boy caused, M.M. suggested to Butcher and Hughie to go the The Legend and see if Soldier Boy has gone to talk to him or if he knows of his whereabouts since Legend owes M.M. a favor.
M.M. knocks on the door of the apartment door when a voice calls out. "Just leave it." M.M. gives a confused look to Butcher and Hughie before he asks. "What?"
"Leave the damn clams casino at the door." The voice said. "This ain't Grubhub, mοthеrfսckеr. Open up." M.M. said and the door opens and Legend appears at the door and smiles once he sees M.M. "Marvin." He greets before he laughs and shakes hands then he notices Butcher. "Hey. I see you still got this piece of dog shit stuck to your boot." Legend said as he gestures to Butcher.
"Oh, go do one, you withered old cսոt." Butcher grumbles and Legend blows smoke at him from his cigarette and Butcher smirks while M.M. gestures to Hughie. "This is Hughie." M.M. introduced then he turns to Hughie. "Hughie, you know who this is?" He asked the young man as he points at Legend. Hughie gives a confused look and shakes his head, slightly.
"He doesn't know who I am?" Legend said, upset and offended. "Read a fսcking book, kid." He said to Hughie before M.M. explains. "This...this is The Legend." M.M. said and Legend gives a small bow. "That's, uh, quite a nickname." Hughie said. "No, it's not a name. It's a level." Legend corrects.
"Legend, we need to talk." M.M. said then Legend gestures to Butcher. "Not him." He said and Butcher rolls his eyes. "He'll behave. You got my word. This is important, and you owe me." M.M. said as Legend looks Butcher over then back at M.M. then he grumbles, quietly, before letting everyone in.
Hughie looks around the large room which was covered in pictures of Legend with various supes and celebrities. "Whoa. Is that you and Roy Scheider?" Hughie asked Legend as he points at a picture. "That's at the Chateau after the Marathon Man premiere. Roy Scheider, Dustin, Anjelica, Big Chief Apache. That whole night's a little cloudy to me. But if you ask Army Archerd, I was balls deep in Golden Geisha, and Marlon Brando was apparently balls deep in me." Legend said as he sits down and smokes his cigarette. M.M. gives him a look that catches Legend's attention.
"What? That's gay now? Fսck you. Who cares? What's the difference?" Legend said as he picks up his tray that had lines of coke. "Anyway, after that, I got Marlon to cut his quote on that Steel Knight picture, so I ask you, who fսckеd who?" He asked then he sniffs up the coke. "He was here, wasn't he?" M.M. asked as Legend holds out the tray of coke to Hughie. "Oh, no, I'm-I'm good. I'm-I'm full. Of cоcɑіnе." Hughie said, holding a hand up. "All right." Legend said as he sets the tray down.
"See, now Vought is all demo points and audience testing, thanks to those backstabbing fսcks Edgar and Stillwell. And yes, I know she's dead, fսck her anyway." Legend rants and M.M. turns to Hughie. "So, The Legend was the VP of Hero Management over at Vought before Stillwell came in. He helps us out from time to time." M.M. explains to Hughie while Legend looks at him, confused.
"He really doesn't know who I am?" Legend asked M.M., who shrugs, then he turns to Hughie. "See, when I was in charge, you go with your gut. That's when heroes were heroes, not these stage-managed silicone dolls. I've never even seen Homelander sweat, let alone butter churn half the cast of Falcon Crest at the Beverly Hills Hotel, which I did. Two words. Shannon Tweed." He said and Hughie gives him a look of disgust.
"Legend. Soldier Boy came to see you. I need to know what he said." M.M. said. "What are you, crazy? Marvin, he's a fսcking doornail." Legend said. "So who's that coke for?" Butcher asked as he gestures to the second tray that had some powder of coke left. "That's just me. I'm writing my memoir. It's gonna be really dynamite. So I'm, you know, I'm burning the candle at both ends. I swear. I swear on my kids' lives." Legend said, raising a hand. "You hate your fսcking kids." Butcher points out. "So would you if you met them." Legend grumbles.
"So, if I ran the prints on that mirror, who would I come up with? Huh." M.M. asked and Legend fidgets a bit at this. "Don't worry. Soldier Boy's not gonna trace this back to you. Trust me." M.M. said and Legend scoffs. "Oh, trust you. Like I trusted him? You forget what happened last time I helped? The underage hοοker sting on Electroshock? You can't trust a man like that. Everything and everyone he touches turns to shit." Legend said as he gestures to Butcher, who then stands up, and Legend pulls off his fake leg, showing Hughie what were the consequences.
"Well, you can trust me to bash your fսcking brains out with that leg, mate." Butcher growls. "Butcher, please." M.M. pleads as Legend puts his leg back on and glares at Butcher. "Look, I'm the one you trust. Now, you know what Soldier Boy did to my family. And you know because you okayed the cover-up." M.M. said. "Shit, I...I okayed a million cover-ups." Legend said. "And they're all tearing you up. So just make this one right, will you?" M.M. asked as he and Legend stare at each other then Legend exhales, like he was letting go the heavy weight on his shoulder.
"I thought I was staring at a ghost, but it was him. He had a fucked-up beard, maybe, but he hadn't aged a day." Legend said. "Wait, so he doesn't get old? Like Stormfront?" Hughie asked and Legend nods. "We kept that under wraps; same goes for Mystic Shade, she doesn't age either. Though it got a little fishy when he starred in that Love and War picture with Phoebe Cates. He was 63. She was 19." Legend said then he remembered something. "Oh, fսck. Remember Entrapment? Connery banged Zeta-Jones. He was, like, a thousand."
"Why was Soldier Boy here?" M.M. said, getting a bit annoyed. "Came to pick up his super suit. I held on to it. You know me. I'm sentimental. Although I did actually wear the suit once for Kelly LeBrock." Legend said then he turns to Hughie. "By the way, her, too." He added and Hughie furrows his brow. "You don't know Kelly LeBrock? Fսcking google it. Big L. Big B. The other letters, small." Legend said.
"So, did he tell you where he was going next? Or that he was gonna blow up a fսcking restaurant on 59th?" M.M. asked him. "Who the hell knows why talent does what they do? That's why they're talent." Legend said, defensively, then he sighs as the others glare at him.
"He also came for his girlfriend's address. He's headed there." Legend said. "Mystic Shade? Why?" Butcher asked and Legend shakes his head. "Wait, Mystic Shade and Soldier Boy? I thought he was with Crimson Countess?" Hughie said, confused.
"See, back then Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade were, as the kids say, the IT couple. But they would constantly break up and get back together. At one point, they broke up and Crimson Countess came along and she and Soldier Boy became the new couple." Legend explained. "Oh, God." Hughie mutters. "You're telling me, kid. Then they broke up after a few months because Soldier Boy wanted Mystic Shade back and they got together. Bit of a scandal back then." Legend said.
"Why they break up and get back together so often?" Hughie asked and Legend shrugs. "Who the fuck knows? More than likely, those two couldn't keep their hands off of each other. I remember once he told me how good of a fuck Mystic was, said it was the best sex he's ever had." Legend said and Hughie furrows his brow then shakes his head.
"Okay, but why is he going after Mystic Shade?" M.M. asked. "He seemed concerned for her, from the way he acted. Plus she has his shield. And I also gave him Crimson Countess' address, from the way it sounded and that wasn't gonna be a happy reunion, but I don't know. Maybe you can go there and find out. But mostly, get the fսck out of here." Legend tells the trio and they all share a look before they get up and leave.
“Frenchie's not answering. Kimiko's out of commission. Soldier Boy's already got a head start. We gonna need some backup.” M.M. said as he, Butcher and Hughie walk down an alleyway towards Butcher’s car and he opens the trunk.
“And here it is.” Butcher said a she leans in and unzips the bag inside, revealing some more doses of Temp V. “I thought you were out.” M.M. grumbles while Hughie’s eyes widen in surprise. “Nipped into the Duane Reade, got some more, didn't I? Look, I know how you feel about this shite, but it's Soldier Boy. So why don't you come down off your high horse just this once, eh?” Butcher asked him as M.M. glares at the Temp V then towards Butcher.
”My dad wouldn't want it.” M.M. said. “Your dad, who died of a dodgy ticker, suing Vought and never getting nowhere?” Butcher asked him, annoyed. “Yeah. Him. You know, he also said, if you don't draw the line somewhere, how the hell are you gonna know where you stand?” M.M. said. “They ain't drawing no line.” Butcher growls. “Which is why we got to.” M.M. said, firmly.
”I'm in. Give me some.” Hughie said and M.M. stared at him, confused. “Kid, didn't you just hear a damn word I said?” He asked him. “I mean, who do you guys want? Do you guys w-want gawky, weak, freaking-the-fuck-out Hughie or do you want strong, confident, handling-his-shit Hughie? With it, I can actually help. Without it, I'm...I-I'm probably dead.” Hughie explains and Butcher stares at him then looks down at the doses but M.M. glares between the two.
”Lad can think for himself.” Butcher said as he pulls out a couple of doses and Hughie smiles and chuckles, softly.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I pulled up to my home, parked the car and let out a heavy sigh. After getting to Bethany’s house, she showed me and Amelia the news about that explosion and it was just unbelievable. The video they showed was of a man bending over, like he was in pain, and a gentleman came up to him then seconds later the first man stands up and a light had bursts out of him and the video ends as that’s when the explosion happened.
The news played it again and I tried to looks closer at the man that cause the explosion because the clothes he was wearing looked very similar to the clothes on the creepy man that stared at me from across the street. The one I could’ve sworn looked like Ben but Ben wouldn’t do something like this. Yes, he was an asshole and caused some damages but it was never intentional. And of course the main fact is he’s dead.
I sighed as I look down at my lap then shake my head before I raise my head up and freeze. My front door was slightly ajar and I know I had shut it and locked it when I left. “The fuck.” I muttered as I get out of my car, shut the door and cautiously walk towards my house.
I get up to the front door and poked at it with my finger tips, the door squeaks as it opens a little. I walk slowly inside then look around to see nothing broken nor anything looked out of place. I walk towards the living room and start to check the area in case if anything was out of place.
But before I could get a good look around, I felt someone grab me. Instincts kicked in as I elbow the person behind me in the stomach and I hear a small grunt, which sounded like a man. I tried to elbow them again but he places an arm around me to hold my arms against my side and places his other hand over my mouth.
”Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, princess.” A male voice said and I freeze at this. No, it can’t be. I thought but I recognized that voice, it’s a voice I hadn’t heard in almost 40 years and nobody else calls me that pet name except…him.
Once I stopped struggling, the man removed their arms off of me and the hand off of my mouth and I take in a few deep breathes, my heart racing, then I turn around, slowly. I gasp as I see that the man behind me was Ben. His hair was a bit longer than that day when he was killed, his beard had grown just a bit and he was in superhero suit. But other than that, he hadn’t aged a day.
He gives me that smile that always made my heart sing and my jaw drops a little. “N-No, n-no way. You’re…you’re dead!” I gasped as I take a step back away from him. “Guess again, sweetheart.” He replied and I shake my head. “I-I-I don’t understand…” I stammered then he grabs my shoulders and gives me a stern and hard glare. “I need to know something…” he said in a low growl and I look at him, confused. “Did you know?” He asked me. “Know what?” I asked, confused. “About giving me to the Russians.” He said.
”What? Ben, Crimson told me that the Russians killed you once I came back to consciousness.” I said, confused, and he raised an eyebrow at this. “So, you didn’t know that they sold me to the Reds, where I was experimenting on, where they tortured me?!” Ben growls, getting angry. “Jesus, no! I promise you, Ben, I had no idea!” I exclaimed and he continued to look at me, as if to detect if I was lying.
”Ben…” I said, softly, and I placed my hand up on his cheek, the hard glare on his face begins to soften. “I know we’ve said some things to each other, things we’re not proud of but I promise you, I would never sink that low into selling you to the Russians!” I said, firmly, and he continues to stare at me. “All those years…that they burned me and they pumped me full of poison, I held onto the hope that you would come. That you would save me.” He said, his voice shaking with emotion, and it was breaking my heart as I’ve never seen him this vulnerable before.
Sure, he always showed a tender, softer side of him to me but this felt different.
”And you know, damn well, that I would’ve come, Ben. If I had known, I would’ve stopped at nothing to save you.” I said, my eyes welling up. “But I thought you were dead. I mourned you. I’ve been kept up for many nights, hating myself and feeling like I should’ve done more that day.” I whispered, tearfully. He looks at me and it seems he’s starting to believe me then he moves his hands off of my shoulder then cups my face in his hands.
We stare at each other for a moment before he leans in and captures my lips in his. I immediately respond back and we kissed, passionately, as I place my arms around his neck then run my fingers through his hair. The feeling of his soft lips against mine was a feeling I had desperately missed, the coarse hairs from his beard was a new sensation but a welcome one.
We break the kiss to catch our breath and we stare at each other. “I missed you so much.” I whispered to him. “I missed you too.” He mutters and he leans in to kiss me again and this was much slower, like he was taking his time. I return the kiss and get lost in the moment as we kiss for a few more moments, making up for lost times, then I run my tongue across his bottom lip and tug on his hair and that’s when he pulls away.
I furrow my brow at this as we break the kiss and he looks me over. “As much as I want this to continue, and believe me I really want to, I can’t. At least, not right now.” Ben said and I stare at him, confused. “W-What do you mean?” I asked him. “I need my shield and I was told you had it.” He said and I scoff at this.
”Oh, I get it. You came here for your shield and not me.” I teased and he cracks a smirk. “Coming for the shield was a bonus.” He said. “Nice save.” I chuckled before I sigh. “Okay, follow me.” I said and I lead him to my room. Then I point to his shield that was mounted on my wall.
He goes up to it and takes it down. “You’ve been taking good care of it, I see.” He said and I smile. “Well, of course! I felt that your ghost would’ve kick my ass if I didn’t.” I said and he chuckles at this. “But..why do you need it?” I asked him and he looks down and sighs. “I’m going after them. Crimson, the Twins, Noir…all of them.” Ben said and my eyes widen. “They gave me to the Reds and I need to find out why.”
”Okay, well, I’m coming with you.” I said then he turns to me and shakes his head. “No! I need you to stay here.” He tells me, sternly, and I glare at him and place my hands on my hips. “Seriously, Ben?! You know I can handle myself!” I said, getting annoyed and angry, then Ben comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder.
”Sweetheart, I don’t need you around this cause I could hurt you.” He said. “What? What do you mean?” I asked and Ben sighs. “Remember how I said the Russians tortured me and experimented on me?” Ben asked me and I nodded. “They…did something…to me…I don’t know what exactly but….it’s like…I feel this uncontrollable power and…it just releases out of me, like an explosion…” he said and my jaw drops at this.
”Wait…that explosion that happened in Midtown…was that you?” I asked him and he stares at me then nods, slowly. I gasp at this. “So that was you I saw.” I whispered and he nods again. “I wanted to go to you, I wanted to embrace you and kiss you when I saw you but…I didn’t want to scare you.” Ben said and I take a step closer to him and place my right hand on his cheek.
”You can never scare me, Ben.” I said and he runs his green eyes over me before nodding a bit. He raises his right hand and removes my hand off of his face then places a kiss to it before lowering it down. “I’ve gotta go…I’m gonna have a talk with Countess and then I’ll come back to you.” He said. “You sure?” I asked, a bit of a teasing smirk, and he smiles a little.
”I will. Plus, I’ve got forty years to make up to my girl.” Ben said, giving me that smirk that always had a hold on me. He leans into me and places a kiss on my lips again before he pulls back then begins to walk away. “Please, be careful.” I tell him as he walks out of my room.
He stops and looks over his shoulder at me and gives me a small smile, which really reminded me of the night we first met. “I will.” He said then he walks out.
*3rd Person POV*
It was nightfall by the time Ben walks up to Crimson’s trailer. But as he walks up to the small building, he sees a couple of familiar faces; one of them was passed out on the ground while the main man stands tall. It was Butcher.
“You're that asshоlе from the lab.” Ben said, in recognition, as he stops and stares at Butcher. “That's right. I'm the arsehole that let you out. Russian Porta-Loos, eh?” Butcher said while the other man, M.M., starts to pass out thanks to the drugs Butcher put in his water. “You want the Countess's head on a spike, don't you? Well, she's in there, yours for the taking. Consider it a gesture of good faith.” Butcher said as he walks up to Ben.
Ben furrows his brow. “Good faith for what?” Ben asked him. “I was thinking that you and I could come to a little arrangement. What you lot call...a team up.” Butcher said, smirking.
"Ben? Is that really you?" Crimson asked as Ben comes into her trailer and sees her tied up to a chair and her hands were wrapped in duct tape. "You look so young." She compliments with a smile. "You don't." Ben sneers and Crimson glares at him for a moment before she quickly gets teary eyed, hoping to come off innocent.
"I'm so, so sorry. It wasn't my idea. God, you got to believe me. I-I..." she pleads but Ben doesn't wanna hear her grovel, all he wanted was the truth. "How much did the Russians pay you? Hmm?" Ben asked her as he takes a couple of steps towards her.
Crimson bites her lips before she speaks. "They didn't." She replied, shaking her head, and Ben was taken aback by this. "What? They didn't pay you anything?" Ben asked, shocked, and Crimson shakes her head. "Then why? We were a team, we’re supposed to have each other’s back…” Ben said, confused.
"I hated you. We all did. All except Mystic, she was the only one that liked you. That's why we made sure she didn't know, because she was the only one dumb enough to ruined it all." Crimson spat and Ben glares at her and felt anger flare up in his chest.
Then his chest begins to glow and Crimson's glare changes to a look of fear as the light from Ben's chest glows brighter and brighter until it blasted out of his chest, blowing up her trailer and turning Crimson Countess into a charred corpse.
Once the smoke starts to clear, Ben turns away and starts to walk out of the charred remains of the trailer to see that Butcher had moved M.M. away and there were two more people there. A tall skinny nerdy looking guy and a short blonde girl that Ben recalled from seeing on the poster of The Seven.
Starlight starts to step forwards towards Soldier Boy, her eyes glowing gold, when Hughie steps in front of her. She stops and stares at him as her eyes go back to normal. “What are you doing?” She asked him, confused. “Annie, listen. We wanted a weapon. Soldier Boy's our weapon. He's how we kill Homelander. And Neuman maybe. If anyone's strong enough, he is.” Hughie explains and Starlight gives him a shocked look.
”Y-You knew Butcher was gonna do this?” She asked him and Hughie bites his lips. “M.M. never would've gone for it, and you...Look, you weren't supposed to be here.” He said and Starlight exhales at this. “Oh. So...no more secrets, huh?” She asked, upset, and Hughie looks down. “Hughie...you're teaming up with a murderer.” She accused and Hughie looks back at her.
”This is the only way that I can save you from Homelander. I'm doing this for you. Whatever it takes, remember? Come with us. You and me against the world.” Hughie pleads to her while Ben had already started to walk away. “Hughie.” Butcher hollers and Hughie starts to turn to him but Starlight grabs his arm.
”Please don't go.” She pleads to him and Hughie gives her the I’m sorry look before he walks off and follows Butcher and Ben.
*(y/n)’s POV*
I was pacing around my living room, beyond worried about Ben, until I heard what sounded like a car pulling up into my driveway. I felt confused so I go to my window and pull back the curtains to see a car had, indeed, pulled up and the passenger door of the car opens, Ben walking out.
“Oh God.” I whispered and I move away from the window and open my front door as Ben comes up to my porch. “Ben!” I said, relieved, and he and I embrace each other. I look over and see Butcher walking up, along with a tall young man behind him.
”Mr Butcher?” I said as I pull away from the embrace. “Mystic Shade.” Butcher greets. “The hell are you doing here?” I asked him as Ben looks between me and Butcher. “You two know each other?” He asked me and I nod. “You should thank your girl actually. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have come to that compound and freed you.” Butcher tells Ben.
”So, here’s what we’re gonna do. My partner, Hughie, and I will leave you two alone tonight, I’m sure you two have a lot of catching up to do. And then we’ll come by in the morning and have a little chat.” Butcher said as he gestures to the young man behind him and I raised an eyebrow. “What kind of chat?” I asked him and Butcher smirks. “About doing a bit of a team up. You’re welcome to join us, Mystic Shade.” He tells me.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909 @cassiecasluciluce @mostlymarvelgirl @onlyangel-444
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
ok so just imagine one of the younger jl members or yjl members decide to ask the older members why they decided to become a hero/their origin story and some of the members are answering, some preferring not to, giving different sorts of answers but they all chose to use their circumstances to become a hero
and then they get to marvel
of course marvel has the nature? i guess? of a hero with his whole “do good and good will follow” thing but he never really wanted to be a hero in a fair few versions (i think, don’t source me), he was chosen but didn’t do the choosing
when he was “offered” (in quotation marks because he was basically forced into it anyways, his consent was dubious at best) he basically said ‘no, i’m not the right guy for this’ but was pressured into it anyways
rather than deciding to be a hero, it was more like he decided to do good with what he had, and what he had were superpowers
so just imagine them asking marvel why he chose to be a hero and marvel saying “i didn’t”
(depending on the age you depict him as getting his powers could make some difference, my automatic age for him being chosen is like 9 for some reason)
High time I answered this amazing ask, holy cow it's been cooking in here for some time
I really love the idea of a younger JL/YJL member going around and coordinating interviews with the older superheroes and getting their origin stories and asking questions on why they decided to become who they are today. Perhaps after all the news and stories they've heard from a certain popular radio host, Whiz Kid, they wanted to be like them a little with this personal project of theirs.
Every hero they ask either gives them a simple answer of "it was what I was meant to do", or, "I want to help people", or "eh, I had free time, why not". There are some that refuse to answer (batman), but that only makes the interviews become more fun and exciting. The young hero is learning so much from their elders, and once they get to Captain Marvel, they think his answer is going to be a delightful and sunny one, as expected from a cheerful guy like him.
They expected his answer to be simple, maybe even adding some humor to it. Like, "Well, someone had to compete with superman" or "it was my biggested dream to become a hero just like my heroes".
They don't get that kind of answer from him.
"Hm? Oh, I didn't."
"...Huh? I'm sorry, excuse me, but, what? What do you mean you didn't choose to become a hero? Why are you a hero now when you didn't want to be?"
"Oh gosh, I didn't expect this kind of question, but I guess...well it's because it wasn't exactly planned. There was never really any chance for me to have a choice in the matter. I didn't choose to be a hero, I just chose to do good with what I had all of sudden, you know? I never thought of becoming a hero until it actually happened, and I didn't know I WAS a hero until people starting calling me one. Ha, can you believe that? Really blew me away hearing people of my city call me their hero. Me, of all people."
"...huh. That's...really incredible, Captain Marvel. But, what do you mean, you didn't have a choice in the matter?"
"ha...well, let's just say that some things are just meant to happen, and they can't be avoided, no matter what....yeah...."
The younger superhero then sees what they swore was a split second melancholy emotion drown Captain Marvel's eyes, then just as quickly disappear when the man excuses himself to leave.
Gosh that got a little angsty there for a moment, but I really enjoy the idea of Captain Marvel initially refusing his powers and not believing himself in being worthy. He really was pressured into those powers, and he deserved to know what he was in for before being made Champion of Magic. A warning, before Billy entered a world of his heroes, and his worst nightmares.
Maybe the wizard knew that if the child knew what dangers were to come, perhaps he would have refused. Or. Maybe it was pointless to tell Billy, because the soul of a bright hero and a pure heart, radiated that much within Billy, that the wizard knew he would be a hero no matter what in the end.
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rachey899 · 17 days
Running Into Fire
A Luke and Matt sizeshifter short story, this story takes place immediately after 'Be the Hero'.
TW: Life threatening scenarios involving being trapped in a burning building, some swearing, mentions of self-hate and shame
Approx 4.2k words
“Come on dude please! This will be so good for your image!” Matt was pacing the living room practically giddy with excitement; he was shaking like a squirrel on caffeine.
Luke on the other hand was largely less enthused, mostly embarrassed, and deadly scared of revealing his unique abilities to anyone else, he’d already let too many people see what he was capable of in the last few months.
“Matt I can’t, I can’t just go around shifting for the whole world to see, you don’t get it.”
Matt raised his eyebrows, he wasn’t going to let this drop, it had been two weeks since the incident at the bank and Matt was convinced, he was now somewhat of a vigilante. Luke had used his size shifting abilities during a bank robbery, the robber had turned suicidal when it was clear there was no sign of escape and had set a bomb.
Luke, thinking quickly had shifted into his larger size of approximately 60 feet to smother the bomb and apprehend the criminal. The police had then discovered what was going on and promised Luke they would keep his secret, for which he was grateful.
Matt on the other hand was only convinced further that Luke should continue to use his powers for fighting crime.
“Honestly Luke what the hell is the point in having kickass superpowers if you aren’t ever gonna use them!”
“I’m not a superhero Matt, I’m a freak of nature and this has to be kept a secret.” Luke stood then, feeling his blood pressure rise with the feeling of anger, he didn’t want to fight with Matt, but he was becoming increasingly more frustrated by the minute.
Another reason Luke couldn’t rely on his own abilities, though he had some semblance of control to shift at will, his shifting was also controlled by his heightened emotions.
Feelings such as anger or stress could cause him to grow and feelings of sadness and exhaustion would make him shrink, all out of his control, if he didn’t have a handle on his emotions.
“I’ve kept your secret Luke, and I don’t plan on going around revealing your powers to the world, but I at least think you should be using them to save people.” Matt was firm, his arms crossed over his chest, all excitement of a child gone in an attempt to help his friend see his own potential.
“Fuck man you don’t seem to understand that if this gets out, people will come after me, either the general public who think I’m dangerous or the government who will see me as a science project. I won’t be helping anyone if I’m locked up in some government facility.” Luke pushed his fingers through his short brown locks.
“This isn’t like in the movies Matt, superheroes aren’t real, in real life freaks like me need to stay hidden, for our own protection and for the protection of others.” Sighing deeply, Luke finished his rant, he wasn’t usually a man of very many words, but he needed to get Matt to understand this.
“Fine, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.” The tall blonde walked away from the conversation, it was clear they were not going to agree on this tonight, but he knew his friend and he knew that when push comes to shove, he would be the hero.
Luke fell back into the soft cushions of the couch, he didn’t feel like he’d won that, and he knew he hadn’t, but at least for now Matt would drop the issue and stop sketching potential superhero disguises for him.
Luke and Matt had known each other since they were in the first grade and had been thick as thieves since. When Lukes abilities made themselves known when he was six years old, he was sworn by his parents to keep it a secret even from his best friend, so it wasn’t until high school that Matt actually learned of Luke’s gift and even that had been by accident.
Luke had been stressed about a major test and feeling the tightness in his body and the push of shifting coursing through him all day, when the test was over, he had bolted into the forest that backed onto the school oval so he could shift.
He had not expected anyone to follow him, but he was grateful that it had been Matt and not someone else, though it had been a scary revelation for Matt he had quickly overcome his fears and was stoked to be in on the secret. Luke had felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders that he didn’t have to hide a huge part of who he was from his best friend.
Now some 10 years later, both of them in their mid-twenties and sharing an apartment in New York, still best friends and trying to lead a somewhat normal life, this had clearly grown boring for Matt though.
Matt was the more charismatic of the two where Luke was the quiet nerdy type, overly emotional and anxious as all hell, which didn’t bode well for him considering the nature of his abilities.
Luke’s biggest fear is still to lose control of his abilities and hurt someone he cares about, there had been way too many close calls throughout the course of his life so far and it was so easy to lose control. He couldn’t let that happen, and if he were to play the superhero then the probability of something going horribly wrong was much higher, he couldn’t risk it.
“Why can’t I just be fucking normal.” Luke sighed through gritted teeth; life would be so much simpler.
A loud explosion sounded nearby, shaking Luke from his self-depreciating thoughts, the crash could be felt like an earthquake through the floor and rattled the windows. Quickly jumping to the window, he could see flames coming from a nearby apartment building, only a block or two away, it looked as though a few cars had crashed into the building followed by an explosion.
Hearing the quick pads of feet down the hall he turned to see Matt had emerged with his shoes on and a hoodie over his pajama top.
“Oh, hell no.” Luke said, already knowing exactly what Matt was thinking.
“We will get there faster than the emergency services Luke, we have to go and help.” Matt was already heading for the door, his hand on the doorknob.
“I’m not doing it Matt; I won’t shift in front of all those people.”
Matt sighed turning away from him, clearly still either pissed or just disappointed in him, he opened the door as he spoke “I’m not asking you too, I’m going to go and help, whether you come with me or not, that’s what good people do.”
Matt closed the door behind him, and Luke turned his pale blue eyes skyward as if the ceiling might provide him with a reasonable excuse to stay in his apartment. Groaning loudly, he pushed off from the window to put his shoes on.
He wouldn’t let his friend go alone with the potential that he could and would recklessly put his own life in danger to help, he was the real hero after all, Luke was the coward.
Luke quickly raced down the two flights of stairs and chased after Matt who was already approaching the smoky scene. Now seeing things up close, it was clear that two cars had crashed into each other before rolling into the building and crashing into what must have been a gas pipe.
The six-story building was in flames, four of the six floors already engulfed with the fire rapidly escalating higher by the minute, many residents of the building were standing outside already disheveled and, in their nightwear, crying and hugging each other.
“Is everyone out? Has anyone called 911?” Matt was asking the crowd, a few people were on their phones already, presumably calling emergency services.
“No, there’s an elderly couple on the sixth floor, I can’t see them, there’s also a family with kids and I think a few others, I can’t see them anywhere they must be still inside, of god I wish they would hurry!” A stocky woman shouted, she had short, cropped hair and was clutching a small dog to her chest sobbing into his fur.
Matt nodded at the woman before running towards the entry way into the apartment, Luke followed after him grabbing his arm to pull him back.
“No fucking way Matt, there’s no way I let you go in there.” Matt tugged on his arm trying to shake Luke off of him, he had a sharp look in his hazel eyes.
“I’m not gonna just stand here and watch it burn, the firefighters are ten minutes away, they’ll be dead by then.”
“And you’ll be dead too, fuck!” Look shut his eyes tightly thinking of a way to get those people out, they couldn’t go up from the bottom, it was already unstable and engulfed by flame, they needed to go in from the top. He had a plan, but he didn’t like it.
“Damnit Matt, come with me, quickly!” He shouted at his friend pulling him around the corner and into the shadow of the neighboring building.
“We do this quickly okay, I’ll shift and let you in to the sixth floor, get the people to the window and I’ll carry them down and then we go before emergency services get here, got it?”
Without waiting for his friend to respond he quickly shot up to his 65-foot height, he pulled his hoodie over his face to hopefully hide his identity from onlookers, he then knelt down in front of his friend, laying his hand palm up for Matt to climb onto.
It never ceased to amaze Matt each time he saw his best friend grow into a literal giant, but there was no time to stare slack jawed, he quickly climbed on sitting with crossed legs in the center of the massive palm as it rose into the air.
With only a brief moment to hesitate, Luke carefully stepped out of the shadows of the building and rounded the corner, his footsteps quaked the ground below him and the multitude of gasps from the ground made him flinch. Ignoring the gawking stares, he went straight up to the building trying his best to keep his steps light lest he cause the unstable building to collapse.
At his impressive height of 65 feet, he stood eye level with the windows of the sixth floor, carefully and mindful of his small passenger he raised his hand up to the sixth floor, knocking one of the windows with the tip of his finger to break it and allow Matt to enter.
Once his hand was level with one of the windows, Matt stood and jumped through the open window, immediately shouting to anyone that might be there.
“If your still up here, shout out, make a noise, we need to get you out of here now!”
With nothing else to do but anxiously wait while the crowd of small people below him stared up at him in most likely fear, he fiddled with the edge of his hood and tried his best not to look at them.
He could feel their stares though, and the click of photographs being taken.
In the distance he could hear sirens and he cursed under his breathe.
“Come on Matt.” Luke muttered impatiently.
As if reading his mind, Matt made an appearance at the window, he had an elderly woman in a nightgown on his left with her arm over his shoulder for support and an elderly man on his right also leaning against him and coughing from the smoke in the air.
Luke raised his hand to the window, making it level and flush against the side of the building so it was easier for them to step onto, the woman looked up probably expecting to see a fireman and a ladder but instead was greeted with large blue eyes peering in.
She screamed bloody murder and clung to Matt, urging him to back away from the window.
“Ma’am it’s okay, he’s a friend, we are here to help I promise.” He assured her.
“M-monster!” She wailed, Luke’s heart skipped a beat at the word, he’d always referred to himself as a monster, a freak but never once had he heard someone cry that name at him before, not his family, not Matt, not even the frightened onlookers during the bank incident.
The word pierced through him, and he hesitated, he didn’t want to force them to do something they didn’t want to do, he knew what it felt like to literally put your life in someone else’s hands, and they didn’t know him and had no reason to trust him.
Matt rubbed the woman’s back soothingly, while the old man stood silently, his shirt pulled over his mouth so he could breathe easier, he stared at Luke as if calculating if it was worth the risk.
At that very moment Matt had just managed to calm down the old woman when there was more commotion behind him and soon a young woman with two young children, a little girl of around six years old and an older boy maybe ten, came into view of the window. The mother skidded in her tracks when she took in the scene before her, backing away towards the fiery hallway they had just come from.
“No wait!” Matt cried, quickly becoming frustrated with everyone’s hesitance towards his friend.
“Listen! This is Luke! He’s a friend, I swear, we only want to get you down from this building, you only have to trust him for one minute then I swear you can walk away!”
The mother and two children walked a little closer, but the old woman was firm in place.
“Do you want to wait for the fire fighters to get here and risk your lives while you wait or do you want to get down now!”
That was enough to convince the young mother and she skirted around the wailing woman, she then helped her children up onto the ledge and onto the awaiting palm, once seated in the center she held both her children close to her.
Luke raised his other hand as a sort of safety ledge before carefully pulling his hands away from the building and lowering the small family to the ground.
Another round of gasps erupted from the people around him and he kept his head tilted downwards in hopes that no one would get a good angle of his face. Once his hand was on the ground, he moved his other away from the family so they could step off easily, his eyes met the little girls, she reminded him so much of his own little sister when he was younger.
The young woman stood on shaky legs and pulled her children along with her, Luke had to suppress the automatic impulse to flinch from the feeling of small limbs tickling his sensitive palm. The little girl toddled after her mother and gave him a little wave, her other hand gripping a small brown bear to her chest.
“Thank you, Luke.” She said, her voice so quiet he almost didn’t hear it, he nodded once to her before he addressed the growing crowd.
“I’m gonna stand up again.” He muttered, he knew his voice no matter how soft would carry and echo through the streets, he felt he at least owed them a little warning.
Then standing again, he raised his hand once more to the window ledge, the fire had entered the room now and the woman still stood shaking her head, now however the old man was at her side also trying to convince her to get on.
“Come on Brenda love, we can’t stay here.”
Matt had had enough though, he approached the window trying to get a glimpse of the emergency services, he could hear them getting faintly louder, still a minute or two away, but the building could give way at any second.
“Luke your gonna have to grab her.”
Luke gulped audibly, not only did he really not want to do that, but he hated grabbing anyone against their will, even holding the robber in a firm fist had made him feel sick to his stomach. No one should have their free will taken from them like that, especially a frightened old woman.
“Matt, you can’t ask me to, I can’t.”
“Do it lad, she won’t listen to reason, please help us out of here.” The old man spoke up then, his wife was in a state of panic and not listening to anything happening around her, there was no way to convince her to get on his hand willingly and Matt couldn’t lift her onto it on his own.
The building groaned and that made up his decision, they had to do this now.
“Okay, alright, you two get on first.” The old man wasted no time, he climbed on and sat himself down holding on tight to Luke’s thumb that had curled into his palm, Matt hopped on shortly after.
Luke moved them towards his chest, so they had some kind of shield from the drop below before his other hand crowded the window, the old woman was backing up, but she wasn’t fast enough for the large appendage that invaded the small space of the room.
She screamed so loudly that it could surely be heard from a few blocks away, Luke held his breathe, hating himself as his fingers wrapped around her frail frame, he held her in a loose fist, not wanting to squeeze too tightly on her fragile body.
Then as carefully as he could he pulled her from the building, he knelt down once more, letting off his two passengers and carefully opening his other hand next to Matt so he could help her if she was unstable.
Luke hadn’t realized until now, but the old woman had become silent in his hand, as he let her go, Matt caught her and lowered her onto the ground.
A deafening groan came from the building behind them, and Luke turned to see the sixth floor begin to collapse, he stood and stretched his arms out hoping to shield the civilians from the crash, He pushed the building upright with a grunt and then let it concave in on itself. God, he hoped that they had gotten everyone out.
The dust and smoke filtered out through the streets, causing the people on the sidelines to cough and choke, it was then that the fire truck rounded the corner, screeching tires and sirens blazing casting the site in red and blue light. Luke decided to pay them no mind, they were late to the scene, and he had other things to worry about now.
Once he was sure the building wouldn’t fall further into the crowd, he turned back to Matt and the elderly woman on the ground, his eyes widened when he saw that Matt was pushing his hands into her chest, performing CPR.
All colour drained from Luke’s face and he crouched down so his face was hovering over them, Matt’s brow was slick with sweat from the exertion.
“W-what happened? D-did I-?”
“I think she had a heart attack.” Matt panted as he continued pressing rhythmically into her chest.
“No no no.” Luke muttered, he thought for sure his own heart had stopped, this is what he feared most, he’d actually done it, he’d hurt someone, unintentionally but nevertheless proved he was indeed what she had called him, a monster.
“Step back!” A burly looking man pushed through the crowed, he held a first aid kit and a portable defibrillator slinging across his chest and an ambulance emblem on his uniform, he must be a paramedic.
“Suspected heart attack, she’s been unresponsive for about a minute.” Matt told the paramedic as he took over, Matt was a paramedic also but obviously off duty, he helped the man cut the woman’s shirt down the middle before sticking two defibrillation tabs onto her chest.
“Clear!” The man shouted before proceeding to shock the woman, her body jolted, and a deafening single beep resounded. He rebooted the device and went for it once again, jolting her body, it felt like time stood still as everyone waited to listen to the beeping of her heart.
“Beep, beep, beep.” A rhythm, Luke exhaled a breath he didn’t know he had been holding, the breeze blew the hair of those directly under his looming face, and then the paramedic looked up at him.
“He’s cool.” Matt said, he spoke to the man with familiarity, like they knew each other, they probably did seeing as Matt was also a paramedic.
“I don’t wanna know man.” He shook his head and waved for them to get out of there, Luke wasted no time, he stood without waiting for Matt to follow, rounded the corner and when he saw no one was looking he shrunk back to an average height of 6 foot 5.
Matt jogged around the corner to catch up with him and immediately pulled his mate into a tight hug.
“Luke, I don’t care what you say or what you think, you’re a hero, those people would not still be alive without you.”
Luke couldn’t shake the image of the old woman, literally scared to death, he may have actually killed her had Matt not been there to start CPR she would still be dead.
“Heroes don’t kill people Matt.” He said quietly, he couldn’t meet Matt’s eyes, instead he only stared at his hands like they were alien to him. “let’s just go.” Luke turned away from his friend and walked slowly toward their apartment, the shaky feeling of adrenalin leaving his body and now all he wanted to do was sleep for a week.
“Come on man, don’t blame yourself.” But he could tell that he wasn’t hearing him, he knew Luke felt responsible for the old woman Brenda’s near-death experience.
“The stress from the fire, inhaling all that smoke, and probably partly you all contributed to her heart attack, you didn’t kill her Luke, she’s breathing, she will live to breathe another day because of you.”
Luke couldn’t hear him, the woman’s screams drowning out any other sounds to his ears, the look of sheer terror on her face and the way she writhed in his grasp before she ceased moving all together, and then the way she hung limp against his fingers. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, couldn’t shake those thoughts and feelings from his mind.
“Luke!” He turned sharply to tell Matt to quit with the lecture already when he realized he had to look up at his friend’s face, currently staring squarely at Matt’s chest and definitely not the height he should be.
He let a tear fall down his cheek then, he should have expected this, he could feel himself feeling more and more down about himself, beating himself up until he felt raw inside. This is what he felt he deserved after all, after being a dangerous giant, he deserved to be weak and small now, at the mercy of large hands other than his own.
“Oh, Luke buddy.” Matt sighed, watching his friend slowly dwindle in height until he stood no taller than his ankle, at which point Luke collapsed to his knees and buried his face in his hands, large sobs wracking his small body.
Matt looked around the street to ensure no one else was around, everyone nearby was too busy focused on the fire and supporting the victims and witnesses of the event. He then knelt down in front of Luke and laid out a palm for him much like Luke had done for him only ten minutes ago.
“Come on dude, let’s get you home.” Luke crawled on hands and knees into the safety of his best friends warm and slightly sweaty palm. Matt had bore witness to his shifting abilities in all its forms and was well versed in handling his friend when he was this small.
Matt carefully raised Luke up to his chest and held him securely there, blocking him from view with his other hand from anyone who might walk by or look out their windows. All they would see was a hooded young man holding something to his chest, they would probably assume he’d been to a drug deal or something, but he didn’t care what they thought as long as he kept his friend safe.
Once inside the apartment, Matt asked Luke if he wanted to stay up and talk about what happened, hoping to raise his friends spirits enough for him to grow back but Luke only shook his head requesting to be put on his bed for the night. Matt reluctantly let him go, not wanting to push the issue any further before heading to his own bed.
That night both friends slept like the dead and Luke wondered if being a hero would ever become easier.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 2 months
Do you have any fics where john or sherlock are mutants/ have powers?
Hi Lovely!
OOOOOOOHHHH I love this; I have a few fics that could be qualified as "CLOSE" to mutations and superpowers, but not 100%. I have a lot more "changelings" than anything else. I've compiled together some of the ones on my MFL list as well, but I can't guarantee that they're mutants in them since I haven't read them.
If anyone has any fics that they can suggest, please do! I'm kind of into MCU fics right now so if I can have Sherlock-style in there too, that would be awesome! PLEASE let us know if you have mutant or Superhero Johnlock fics!!!
See also:
Magical Realism Where John is the Powerful One
Telepath / Empath AU
Hybrids and Shapeshifters
Soaring Above by Corporate_cards (G, 394 w., 1 Ch.  || TRF, Light Angst, Superpowers) – "Have you ever though about having a super power...?" Part 2 of the Random Things I've Written In Class -- Johnlock series
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,994 w., 2 Ch. || Frozen-ish AU || Magical Realism, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Powerful John) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock's brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way...
Conductivity by Coquillage Atlas (K,11,051 w., 8 Ch., FFNet || Fantasy and Friendship) – John Watson, alone in London with a healing power he can hardly bear. A description of his life with magic, before and after Sherlock. SEQUELS: Resistance || Reciprocity
Invisible by chappysmom (K+, 25,947 w., 11 Ch., FFNet || No Slash, semi-canon compliant) – John had had the knack for as long as he could remember. It wasn’t that he could become invisible, exactly. The laws of physics worked quite well in his vicinity, thank you very much. It was just that people tended �� not to see him. SEQUELS: Still Invisible (ASiB) || Too Visible (THoB) || Invisible Once More (TRF)
Left by lifeonmars (M, 45,153 w., 9 Ch. || Magical Realism, BAMF!John, Slow Burn) – John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible.
Out There by DiscordantWords (T, 131,695 w., 10 Ch. || X-Files Fusion || Past Soldier John, Panic Attacks, POV Alternating Present Tense, Anxious John, Canon Adjacent, Deductions, Obsessive Sherlock,, Travelling, Sherlock’s Family, Jealous Sherlock, Mind Palace John, Awkward Flirting, Kidnapped/Abducted John, Semi-Reverse Reichenbach, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Hospital, Slow Burn, UST, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Coma John, Forehead Touching, Hand Holding, Drinking/Bars, Past Jolto) – FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
How to Build a Heart out of Ashes by Teumessian (E, 144,931 w., 31 Ch. || Changeling AU || Slow Burn, Drug Use, Mentions of Child Abuse / Bullying, Mentions of Student/Teacher Relations, Uni-Age) – In an AU where a small number of the population become Changelings at a young age, at 17 John Watson believes he's destined for Normal life but then the Change takes him and he is sent to the Baker Institute. There he meets Sherlock Holmes.
(I Love You) Infinitely by helloliriels (T, 20,072+ w., 14/16 Ch. || WiP || Marvel Cinematic Universe AU || Post-TRF, Post Infinity War, Not Endgame-Compliant, Super Humans, Happy Ending) – With a snap of his fingers, Thanos had caused the heartache and loss of half a planet's population. And Watson, of all people could have kissed the glove that did so. Part 2 of the Liriels Chaptered Fics series
Trenchcoats and Capes by jomochi (T, 35,275 w., 3 Ch. || Superhero AU || UST/URT, Mutually Unrequited, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Love Confessions, Secret Identity, Hero John) – He’s twirling a strand of hair around the finger of his other hand. His coat, which honestly looks more like a cape than anything, is spread out beneath him. His chest rises and falls slowly with calm breaths, the tight black material of his suit stretching to accommodate the movement. John has seen many pictures of him but not one did him any justice. The sight before John is breath-taking. It isn’t right. Evil shouldn’t look this good.
The Alchemystics by elwinglyre (E, 69,014 w., 16 Ch. || Full Metal Alchemist Omegaverse AU || Non-Traditional ABO Dynamics, Major Character Injury, Angst, Human Transmutation) – Since youth, Sherlock was forced to hide who he was from the world. That time has ended. With the world torn apart, he must embrace who and what he is: an alchemystic and an omega. Fortunately, he finds another, John Watson, who is a true compliment to himself. With Watson’s help, Sherlock strives to obtain what’s needed to right the world. But the past, present and future aren’t aligning, and what is needed to succeed comes at a high cost: for to gain, something of equal value must be lost--that is Alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. No one knows this lesson better than Sherlock. He’s lost his father, his brother and his arm attempting to bring his mother back from the dead. What will he need to sacrifice to save the world?
The Destruction of Ice by All_I_need (E, 91,682 w., 28 Ch. || Psy - Changeling Crossover/Fusion || Changeling John, Psy Sherlock, Murder Investigation / Case Fic, Slow Burn, Touching, Forced Lack of Emotion, Silence Protocol, Sci-Fi Elements) – The year is 2081 and Sherlock Holmes never expected to encounter a threat to his Silence, the conditioning that keeps him sane and unfeeling. John Watson, on the other hand, never thought he'd find a flat in London. He certainly didn't expect to find one that comes with a Psy flatmate: brilliant, emotionless and more intriguing than John would like. When a series of brutal, random murders shakes London to its core, it is up to them to stop a vicious psychopath - preferably before Sherlock's latest experiment gets them both killed.
A Vintage Exceptionally to Your Liking by EmmyAngua (E, 95,334 w., 19 Ch. || Alternate Dimensions AU || S3 Fix It, Lies, Angst, Pining Sherlock, Superpowers, Domestics, BAMF Mary, Hiatus, First Time, Magical Realism, Slow Burn, Colliding Universes, Moral Dilemmas, Betrayal, Mary’s Past) – Sherlock and John met seven years earlier than canon and fell in love. When John dies, Sherlock is introduced to the concept of alternate dimensions and given the opportunity to visit a different universe where he can have a second chance with a new John Watson. A love story across alternate dimensions.
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maccreadysbaby · 1 month
A Hundred Ways to Become a Wayne
batfamily + oc insert
tw: angst?
wanna read more? here’s the table of contents!
want to read the first fic in the hundred days series so you understand what’s going on here? here it is!
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part forty
And two days after that, no plan b had been set into motion. The Secret Keeper hadn’t been seen, and neither had any metahumans or missing children. It was like time froze; like they were all hunkering in the labs no one knew the location of. Stalking. Waiting for something. A signal. A word.
Bentley had been spending most of his time recovering. He couldn’t remember a thing from his sickness, not a second of it, but he sure could feel it for a few days. His whole body was sore and he slept a ton. Life was largely… still sort of normal. Apart from the newly acquired superpowers, which Bentley was slowly getting the hang of. The hard part wasn’t controlling the water, it was controlling his emotions so the water didn’t, like, kill people. Which had been going pretty okay.
Asten and Nico were doing good. Both were healthy and at home, living their own lives. Turned out, Asten hadn’t been so pissed about Nico taking him to the Manor. What he had been pissed about, however, was Bentley spilling the entire truth to Bruce, which he had confessed to them over text. Nico was fine with it; he probably would’ve done it already. And he knew Bruce was Batman, which made it better. (It had also slipped that Nico knew everyone’s superhero identities, which went strangely, strangely well.) Asten, however, promptly stopped texting Bentley and hadn’t since. (Queue a spiral of Asten hates me thoughts at a family dinner that ended with most of the table's drinks levitating. But, on the bright side, Bentley got them all back in the right glasses.)
But that was okay. Bentley was okay. Everything would be okay. 
Bentley looked down at the chessboard with a sigh. “I’m not very good at this.”
“You’ll get it. It’s complicated at first,” Tim replied from the other side of the table. He seemed… good. He was allowed to monitor the Batcomputer again, and looked way better. Less sick. Bentley was thankful — he’d missed Tim.
In the last three hours, he and Tim had played over a dozen mean games of checkers at the den’s board game table, and were now trying their hand at chess; a game Tim was very good at, and Bentley had little to no idea how to play. He was told it was easier to learn as you go. He didn’t think so.
Tim turned out to be freakishly good at chess, actually. He’d already beat Bentley twice and was trying his best to explain, but the poor kid just wasn’t getting it. (He was more or less moving his pieces exactly like Tim was. At least it wouldn’t be wrong!)
“Did you see anything on the computer last night?” Bentley questioned, moving one of his pieces completely randomly. Tim seemed like he wanted to correct the turn, but ended up just going with it instead. “Nope. No Secret Keeper, no metahumans. Only petty crime and gang activity.”
Bentley nodded to himself. “What about the news?”
“Nothing concerning or suspicious,”
To say Bentley was a little stressed out about the infamous plan b would be an understatement. He was told not to watch the news or Batcomputer, but he wasn’t told not to ask. Gotham burning because of him was pretty much directly his business. (And his fault. Queue a late night bathroom flood that he managed to fix before anyone else noticed just a few nights ago.)
“Here — let’s start over,” Tim suggested, moving all of his pieces back to the beginning of the game. Bentley followed suit, lining them up just like he did.
“May I take over, Drake?”
Bentley and Tim both craned their necks to glance over at the door of the den, where Damian was standing. Bentley hadn’t really seen him outside of family meals and times when everyone was together. 
He was wearing a deep green hoodie and black sweatpants, leaning against the door, and he and Tim seemed to have some kind of weird, thirty-second staring contest in which they spoke with their eyes before Tim finally stood up and made his way out of the den.
Damian made his way to the other side of the chessboard and sat down there. “Did he teach you how to play?”
Bentley glanced up at him, meeting his greenish-blue eyes for the first time in a long time. “Sort of, I guess. I’m not very good.”
Damian hummed in response, moving one of the pieces on the board. Bentley simply copied the movement with one of his.
“Father told me you ran away because of what I said, and that I should apologize,” Damian spoke up, a strange expression taking over his features, like talking that way was literally paining him. “I… did not mean for you to get so upset.”
Bentley said nothing, watching closely as Damian moved another piece on the board and trying to move one of his own correspondingly. 
“But… you did not do anything wrong to make me angry at you. I… guess I was… jealous. Of how much everybody loves you. Drake and Richard and Todd — they all flock to you. They acted like brothers to you way faster than they did for me; I still do not think Drake likes me. I understand that I am different from you, but seeing such a stark difference in my family made me… upset. After all, I am a Wayne by blood, and I felt… inferior,” He explained quietly. 
Bentley watched as Damian blinked, glancing around with a sigh. “I… am not very good at talking about this type of thing.”
“Me either,” Bentley replied honestly. “But I think you’re doing a good job.”
Damian glanced up at him, and with a exhale, moved another piece. “I guess I… I saw the way my father treated you, and… and Richard stopped spending time with me and started spending it with you instead. Watching your relationships with everybody around me flourish and become better than mine… losing the interest of my family to someone else… it hurt.”
Bentley breathed in and moved another piece on the chessboard. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It was not your fault. Being jealous was my mistake — I have been taught better than to let it cloud my judgment, and yet, it got the better of me,” Damian moved another piece. “I have always felt like an outsider in this family, due to my upbringing and differences from everybody else. Being Robin after Drake made it worse. I have always felt like I had to work to make them love me. You went to school and had friends on the first day. I suppose… watching another child join the family and get everything I had worked so hard for handed to him made me overreact.”
Bentley said nothing, but kept watching the pieces on the board move. 
“I am sorry, Bentley. I said a lot of inappropriate things to you. The truth is, your spot in this family is not built on pity or sympathy, but something much, much more… real. And it made me feel threatened. It was not right for me to take it out on you. And I sincerely apologize for all of my behavior recently,” Damian said softly. “The truth is, I have never had a real family before this one. I had my mother, of course, but this is very different… better. And, in all honesty, thinking about losing them to someone else, to anything, it… scares me. A lot.”
At that, Bentley snickered. Damian’s head snapped up, and his gaze grew cold. “Why are you laughing?”
“Nothing bad, it’s just… we’re a lot more similar than I thought, that’s all,” Bentley explained, moving one of his chess pieces. “Losing all of this has… I guess… kind of became one of my worst fears. And I do stupid stuff, like run away, to try and keep that from happening. We’re doing the same exact thing, just… differently.”
Damian nodded slightly, taking his turn. “I suppose we are.”
A moment of silence passed.
“Perhaps we can find a way to… deal with it… jointly.”
Bentley looked up at him. “You mean, together?”
“It’s not my typical behavior, I do admit, but I believe that would be the most beneficial course of action. We have the same motives; working together to not do, quote-on-quote, stupid things, would be the ideal solution.”
Bentley nodded. “Okay.”
They both moved another piece. “And, since I am being honest… I… miss doing things with you.”
Bentley smiled slightly. “Me too.”
Damian moved a piece on the board. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, I do not deserve it; but… perhaps we can… still try and do things like we used to?” 
“I already forgave you,” Bentley said, taking his turn.
“I already forgave you,” He repeated, glancing up at Damian. “I never blamed you. I knew you probably didn’t mean to hurt me, and that something else was going on. Plus, when anything around here goes wrong, the only person I’m trained to blame is myself,” He said, shaking his head. “I’m not upset at you, Damian. And I do miss you, too.”
A long moment of silence passed where no one said anything until Damian uttered: “Checkmate.”
Bentley snickered again. “I’m terrible at this.”
“You are pretty abysmal, yes,”
He and Damian made eye contact and started laughing, for the first time in what felt like a literal forever.
Maybe everything would be okay.
Okay, so Bentley was really loving the whole superpower thing. Not only could he make water go where he wanted, but he could also make it do what he wanted. For example, he could use a little stream of water to pick things up, like an extra hand, or break things, or cut things. (Yes, the fallen tree in the backyard was from him. It was experimental.)
Currently, though, his favorite thing to do with it was wrap the water around his own feet and use it like a skateboard. He could make it go really darn fast. It was pretty much the funnest thing he’d done in his entire life. And, when he was done, he wasn’t even wet!
Actually, that was exactly what he was doing right now, at sunset, in the backyard with Damian, Nico (who had slept over), Titus (the dog), and Ace.
Now that Bentley and Damian were friends again, life felt normal. Like actually normal, all except for the fact that Asten still wasn’t talking to him. But that was fine, he guessed. He didn’t let it bother him that much.
Nico had acquired a new power over the past few days — and it was manipulating the air beneath him so that he could fly. Straight up levitating-in-the-air fly. Which was awesome and sort of unbelievable. 
Now, the three of them were playing with the dogs, throwing toys from the sky and making the trusty Wayne canines chase their impossibly fast movements, and had been for almost an hour.
“Bentley, I am not sure this is the safest means of travel,” Damian stated. He was across the yard from Bentley, also standing on a platform of water and pretty much hating it. He was struggling to balance (which was odd considering he was Robin), and even though he literally wouldn’t hit the ground if he fell, was surprisingly unsteady.
Bentley chuckled, moving across the yard on the water seamlessly and quickly with a chew toy that Titus was chasing. “Don’t you trust me?”
“You, yes. Magical levitating water, no,”
“C’mon, we won’t let you fall!” Nico announced, dropping low to the ground and flying in a few circles around Damian. “This is the safest you’ll ever be!”
“I seriously doubt that. Although I assume I appreciate the sentiment,” Damian replied, wobbling slightly when the water lifted him up a bit higher in the air.
“Lean where you want to go like you’re on a skateboard. It’ll move when you want it to,” Bentley announced, demonstrating by taking a steady but sharp u-turn that threw Titus for a (literal) loop.
Damian scrunched his nose. “How do you know?”
“Because the water does what I tell it to,” Bentley deadpanned. “Duh.”
“I presume-“
In the distance, there was a loud, thundering crash that made everybody jump. Loud like hurricane loud. Loud like atom bomb loud.
Nico promptly landed back on the grass, and Bentley made the water seep back into the dirt and leave him and Damian on dry ground.
“What the heck was that?” Nico questioned, blue eyes wide, flicking around warily. Bentley looked around the grounds surrounding the Manor, but couldn’t come up with much.
“I don’t know,”
“It sounded like-“
The three of them turned to face the porch, where Dick was standing, an urgent look spread across his face. “C’mon, we need you!”
Oh, so something really serious was happening? What was happening?
The three of them made for the house at once, and Bentley assumed it was really, really serious when Dick went straight into the cave in front of Nico with no discretion at all.
They followed him closely, and halfway down the stairs, Nico nudged Bentley’s shoulder. He had his phone in hand. “I missed four calls from Asten.”
Bentley glanced down at his pockets, patting them and then withdrawing his phone. On the lock screen, there sat Asten’s name. Four times.
“Me, too,” He muttered. Nico tapped on Asten’s name and brought it to his ear. Bentley heard it go straight to voicemail.
“That can’t be good,” Bentley muttered, and Nico shook his head.
When they made it to the cave, it seemed to be crunch time. Tim was all Red Robin-ed up, sitting at the Batcomputer, typing furiously, and Bruce was but two feet away in his full Batman gear besides the cowl. Jason was about halfway into being Red Hood, Dick ran off to get ready, Cass and Steph zoomed out of the cave on guttural sounding motorcycles, and Damian made for the locker room, where his suit was.
“Holy shit,” Nico muttered, breathless.
Bentley, amused by his cursing but not enough to crack a smile, made for the Batcomputer in record time. “What’s happening?”
In the center of the massive screen was an aerial view of Gotham from what looked like a drone. Bentley’s question was answered indisputably by a building — an entire actual building, with a bunch of floors and all — rumbling and shaking at the base, the entire thing collapsing from the bottom up with a loud crash that rumbled the sides of the cave, smoke and dust pluming up into the sky and making it hard to see. The city was indeed glowing, but not in it's normal sunset lights way. 
Gotham was burning. 
There were flames everywhere; licking out of the windows of buildings, vehicles burning on the streets, trees and plants and flower beds charred, entire multi-story buildings engulfed in flame. How many people had… how many people were…?
Bentley’s father had warned him about this, and still, he told the truth anyways. (How stupid was that? Bentley Whittaker was still on his ten year streak of doing absolutely nothing beneficial.)
“I’m trying to triangulate the epicenter of the destructive energy, but I’m struggling. It’s powerful everywhere,” Tim said, more to himself than Bruce, still furiously typing away on the computer. The keys he was pressing were showing up as lines of code in a box in the bottom left corner of the screen. The top right corner also had a little box in it, cycling through what looked like the most prevalent news channels and stories.
“I’m going to have a heart attack,” Nico whispered, drifting up next to Bentley and looking at the computer. “I’m in the Batcave.”
“Bentley, are you positive your father didn’t say anything else about this plan b? Anything at all?” Bruce questioned, moving away from the computer to a different part of the cave.
“No…” Bentley muttered, watching the news stories flick to pictures of charred bodies and immediately looking away. “All he said was… when the elements are against each other, fire always wins. That’s all.”
Bruce got a calculating look on his face and pulled his cowl up.
“There! Make that bigger!” Nico exclaimed, pointing at the current news story that was running in the top corner. Tim blew the tab up to twice it’s normal size and put the volume on.
On the screen was a video of a semi-truck, upside down in a deep, deep ravine, burning and smoking. The headline read: semi-truck failure in Somerset.
“-unfortunately, driver Samuel Evans was killed almost instantly in the windshield-first impact. There were no witnesses around to see exactly what caused the truck to swerve off the road-“
Samuel Evans. Where had Bentley heard that name before? 
“Oh my God,” Nico muttered, bringing his hands up to his mouth. “That’s Asten’s uncle.”
Bentley blinked, looking at the upside down semi-truck. Asten’s uncle was dead, and they’d missed all his calls.
When the elements are pitted against one another, fire always wins.
“This is it,” Bentley muttered. Nico looked over at him, furrowing his brows. 
“The Secret Keeper showed me you finding your adoption papers. In that dream I saw a big door in your house that had the Greek gods on it. Hephaestus, god of fire, was destroying everything, and the gods of water and air were trying to save him… and… and in the videos, Dr. Keene talked about powers becoming volatile under emotional stress… The Secret Keeper could see the future, they had it all planned out…” Bentley muttered, swallowing thickly. “This is it — the end my father was talking about.”
Nico swallowed thickly, too. “And you’re saying…”
Bentley looked back at the screen, at the rapidly crumbling buildings behind an upside down semi. The drone moved to a tall building Bentley had seen before, not too long ago, in a dream, with a small figure with blue hair and orange eyes standing on top of it.
“…We have to fight Asten,”
dedicated to @sassenashsworld 💚
tag list! (If you want me to remove or add you, ask in comments!)
@fleur-alise @sarcopterygiian @flyrobinflyy @skylathescholar @gayboss-too-close-to-the-sun @xiaonothere @beatyoutothatusernameloser
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cemeteryspider · 28 days
A Healing Touch~ Part 1
Rex-Splode! Rex Sloan x Superpowered! Reader
Summary: Working at the Superhero Hospital under Cecil was not something you looked forward to, until Rex Sloan comes in, close to death, and you have a chance to save him in more ways than you could imagine.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Injury, and Emotional Distress
Word Count: 1139
Every day you spent at your dads work the more you wished you had just stayed home. Every day you left and shadowed your dad at the hospital for superheroes he works at. You and your dad shared a power. You were able to direct the healing process in the bodies of others, allowing broken bones to heal in a fraction of the time, shrink tumors given enough time, and so much more that you were learning by shadowing your dad.
You watch him perform routine checkups on Black Samson, surgeries on Night Boy after his tussle with Invincible, and now the biggest attack on a superhero team since the original Guardians of the Globe were killed in the fight that also took your mother's life.
There was no time to think about that when you saw all the Dupli-Kates wheeled in on a stretcher, unmoving, and most certainly not breathing. Shrinking Ray, covered in goo and blood, again not moving but with a woman on her chest performing chest compressions. Lastly, a boy with a missing left hand and a hole in the front of his skull.
His head shifted as the gurney made its sharp turns into what you knew was trauma one, while Shrinking Ray went into trauma two, and Dupli-Kate into a different room which you knew people rarely came out of.
You made a move to follow but he just shook his head and closed the door. You spent the night at the hospital because your dad spent 19 hours working on the boy in trauma one.
When he walked out of the room he put his head in his hands and sat down next to you. Explained how the treatments and the surgeries didn't fully heal him. That he had something to ask of you.
"Your healing aura will help... him. If you stay in his room while he recovers, his chance of recovery increases exponentially. You can say no if you-"
"I can do this, Dad. My first job" You sat and smiled at each other for a minute.
"You're good, you know that?" You made eye contact with him, and gave him a little smile.
"Thanks, Dad. It means a lot coming from you"
"Your mom would be so proud of the person you've become"
He escorted you to the room where the boy lay, his chest steadily rising and falling, half his skull covered in a machine, all his hair shaved. Even in this state, you saw the beauty he radiated.
Quickly you shoved the thoughts out of your head and brushed away your father's concerns of leaving you at the hospital alone. You were grown, and most of all you were ready for some responsibility. 
The next few days were a blur. You found yourself pacing the room, or the hallway just outside to get your blood flowing. Reading in the chair next to him, sometimes out loud in case he could hear you. Or asleep curled up in the chair beside his bed. Often nurses came in and asked you questions about how he was doing, and if anything had changed.
You had taken to answering these questions in as professional a manner as you could muster. Often the nurses would smile at you and tell you to hit the call button if anything changed. Your dad came in sometimes to check the healing progress and remarked how quickly he seemed to be healing.
Sometimes his friends would come by, and you excused yourself leaving the room to give them their privacy. Sometimes you would check up on your dad and his patients or go to the cafeteria to get a coffee. His friends visited a lot, with Eve, Atom Eve, visiting the most. You often wondered to yourself if they were a couple, but again shut the thoughts out of your head.
You lay on your stomach on the floor next to the bed, reading your fourth book in the past 3 days when you heard a groan from above you.
Shooting to your feet you saw who you've come to know as Rex's eyes looking around the room and trying to move his limbs. You quickly hit the call button with shaky hands to alert a nurse and stood next to him.
"Rex. You're okay. You are injured and you are in recovery. Please stay calm," You had been preparing for this in the days you spent in this room, but it made your throat tight and your hands clammy at the moment.
"Wha's happening?" which came out a little more like "wash hapin"
Nurses quickly swarmed his bedside to take vitals and look into his eyes when his hand closed around yours. He squeezed your hand as the nurses and doctors poked and prodded at his wounds, and you just stood there watching it happen.
Nurses drew blood from his arm, shined lights in his eyes, and tested reflexes. They rushed out with samples and in with pain medication. The lights were being brightened and dimmer everything made you want to turn and run, but still Rex held your hand in his. Grounding you as you were his lifeline to a hint of normalcy.
Once the doctors and nurses left he fell asleep again, and your hand loosened from his iron grip. You pulled your chair up next to his and before you could stop yourself, put your hand on top of his.
A whisper pulled you from your sleep, "Eve?"
His speech was more clear than it was just a few hours ago, and you sat up realizing that your head was resting on the hospital bed with your hand on top of his.
"Oh, no, sorry, my name's Y/n, and I've been helping you heal the past week or so" You pulled your hand away but he gently grabbed your wrist, but let go when he saw your raised eyebrows and wide eyes.
"Shit, sorry, your hand was fine there, it actually felt pretty good," You rested your hand on his again with a slight smile, "You were talking to me... when I was asleep"
You nodded your head, "Yeah, sometimes I would talk to you, and sometimes I would read to you. I figured you might get bored if you could hear me but I wasn't saying anything. Sorry if that bothered you"
"No, it was nice. Would you mind reading to me some more, ya know, until I fall asleep"
"I can do that Rex,
November 7, 1991, Dear friend, It was one of those days that I didn’t mind going to school because the weather was so pretty. The sky was overcast with clouds, and the air felt like a warm bath. I don’t think I ever felt that clean before..."
Barely audible you heard Rex mumble, "Thank you"
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thealogie · 3 months
What I love about kilgrave is although he has a truly terrifying power which could make him more powerful than most marvel villains, he is so petty that on a large scale the stakes have probably never been lower. However on a personal scale the stakes haven’t ever been as high and as a viewer that makes him so much more terrifying
And actually it’s the parts of his personality like the obsessiveness over Jessica, his controlling nature, small-minded petty nature, misogyny, selfishness, self centred narcissism, how he treats Jessica as an object and a prize rather than a person, his predatory nature which are things we can recognise in real-life people combined with his power which is his ability to control people to do whatever he wants that makes his so terrifying. It’s not the delusions of grandeur, he hasn’t been driven to the edge of madness by grief or the need for revenge,
He is a pathetic, whiny man who has never stopped to think of anyone else just because he doesn’t have to. And it’s perfect how they combined a genuinely loser character who becomes almost unstoppable because of his marvel superpowers. He is both a comic book villain as well as a toxic and abusive ex and stalker. So it allows to explore Jessica’s psychological horror and torture, but it is also ultimately a superhero show
Also DT seems to play quite a few of these scary bad guys who could be a big problem for everyone but are ultimately too small minded and losers. Such as the cale dude in bad Samaritan, the dude in secret smile,
Yes! Jessica Jones is quite literally the only mcu property I’ve ever cared about and I do think it’s because the stakes while “low” are actually so so much higher for our hero and her loved ones. Like the thought of losing your agency and being a prisoner to your abuser forever just makes for a much more compelling story than an abstract desire to save the whole world. I genuinely think that’s why mcu movies like winter soldier and black panther were a cut above the average mcu drivel. The personals stakes in them were good
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What are your opinions/headcanon’s on Olivarry? Also your Arrowverse polycule Au is so cool!
thank you, i know it 💅
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opinion? love it. barry being a nerd for ollie and his many vigilante codenames before he even knew the guy? barry finding out that asshole playboy famously saved from a shipwreck after a supposed 5 years on some fuckin island oliver queen is his hero? such a broken pedestal/death of a hero moment. and then this fucking dweeb oliver met once going into a coma? felicity and oliver quietly worrying about him? delicious. and then said dweeb gets superpowers and becomes a superhero right after waking up from the coma. what the fuck.
i mean, oliver is to thank for barry taking "the flash" as his name. oliver is to thank for barry becoming a superhero. oliver is to thank for barry being alive. oliver broke that pedestal and rebuilt it with his own two hands- bloody, damned hands- before barry's very eyes. they disagree, they fight, they butt heads, but they always believe in each other. barry sticks up for oliver, oliver sticks up for barry, so on and so forth.
oliver believes barry is 1/2 of "the best of us." whether oliver's talking about our arrowverse heroes or creatures in general is never established. oliver believes that barry can inspire things in a way he cannot. oliver believes in barry more than he believes in himself and because of that, barry trusts oliver with every cell in his body. because he's barry allen. and he's oliver queen. and that's all they need.
faggot behavior honestly
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in the polycule au, they are married in crisis on earth x. they first officially start dating around the flash s3 and arrow s5, and that's when olicity finally join the big polycule. olivarry marry smoakwest as a complete quad officiated by dig, spontaneously as was their canon one-way marriages
in emerald archer, barry appears in the documentary episode so barry has been seen enough with oliver that ollie's fans/paparazzi know they're friends. before people know that they're polyam and fucking married, there's online theories that barry is oliver's secret boyfriend and felicity's his beard. there's ship art of their civilian identities and everything.
everyone got quite pissy when barry was spotted kissing iris- yknow, his girlfriend. and then everyone was even more mad and confused when barry was spotted also kissing cisco, ralph, patty, linda, kara, felicity... whAT is the TRUTH?? for some reason only a very few amount of oliver fans theorize that a polyamory is happening
there's also ship art of their vigilante identities, yippee. sometimes barry reads flarrow rpf out loud to him. oliver gets mad at smut fics the most. in his own words, "the green arrow isn't a sub! or a bottom!"
hard to lie about how much you sub/bottom to your husband that you have had sex with multiple times, but, hey, you do you, oliver
also do you guys remember when sara lance said "you deserve someone better, someone who can harness that light that's still inside of you" to oliver and then oliver saying "why i sacrificed myself for you, so that in all of this darkness, you could be a guiding light, a hero" to barry? ha. i fucking do. i sure remember that one. that's why to me oliver has so many light-related pet names for b, such as; sunshine, sunlight, sunny, lightning bug, firefly, supernova etc etc. oliver also has ones in russian that he generally refuses to teach barry what they mean, like; zaychik (meaning little rabbit), moya lyubov' (my love), solnyshko (little sun)...
barry loves oliver's cooking so much it's unreal. oliver regularly sends him home-cooked meals and makes sure barry's fridge is filled to the brim with his food if oliver knows they won't be able to see each other for a bit. the second thing oliver does every time he sees barry is offer him food.
the first thing is, of course, kissing him until he can't breathe
to get nsfw with it oliver very much likes when barry speed-fucks him, especially when oliver is not in flash time. one second barry is fully clothed across the room and the next barry's on him and oliver's suddenly cumming.
^ obvi they had talks abt this before they ever did it, talking abt sex stuff when ur bf is a speedster is very much needed. that bitch vibrates if he gets too excited!!
they both have survivors' guilt and other ptsd, so, sometimes one of them just... shows up at the other's house, distant and achingly quiet, and the other just sits with them and holds them and it's all so silent and when they leave they never mention it again.
okay that's all i got rn GOODBYE FOREVER!!!!!!!! 🫡
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Hey! i hope youre having a great day🌷🌷
Could you pretty please do some angst?? I'm craving for something that'll make me hold my breath and make me so nervous that I'll forget my name. Just pure and raw angst. Maybe something involving betrayal and torture?? That's up to you!!
luv u <3, your writings just *chef kiss*
(sorry for any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language😅)
“I believe that of this moment, you’re the only person that could possibly understand me,” the hero whispered, quite too aware of all their weaknesses right now. It was dark in the villain’s lair and the whole ambience started with spooky and ended with mysterious. The hero knew what they asked for was impossible to impose on a human. 
That’s why they had turned to the villain.
For half a year they had waited to bring this up. It had simmered in their mind and consumed their sleep. They felt sick for coming to the villain with this. They felt sick just thinking about this.
Their enemy toyed with a pointy and slim knife, skilled fingers doing lazy tricks carelessly. The hero knew exactly how painful those blades were.
“Okay,” they said, leaning forward, “let me get this straight. You want me to kill your boss? The superhero? The big shot? The person who raised you?”
The hero swallowed, feeling the dreadful pain punching in their stomach. 
“Because they may have taken international prisoners illegally and tortured them?” The villain didn’t sound convinced. They didn’t even sound interested which was, quite frankly, a problem. The hero had hoped to bait them with the promise of revenge and power. “Is there any proof of that?” 
“I’ve seen them, yes. The prisoners, I mean.”
“Ever thought of talking it out?” The villain chuckled at their own question, quite aware that the hero was ranked too low to even exchange glances with the superhero.
It was true that the superhero had raised the hero but that didn’t mean that they had any advantages within the agency. Not to mention the public argument a few years ago. Ever since, the hero had found themselves at daggers drawn with their mentor.
They didn’t talk.
“Look, I don’t wanna get into this family business.”
“They’re not my family anymore.”
“Do you think I’m dumb? This is a trap,” the villain said. Their eyes were as cold as ice, studying every move the hero made, ready for a kill. Ready for anything. “You want me to get close to them so they can kill me.” 
The hero swallowed the doubts, pushed back down the tears. If this didn’t work, then a lot of people would get killed. Chaos would rule.
“Listen, I don’t care how you kill them. Hire someone else or take care of them as a sharpshooter — it doesn’t matter,” they said. “We need them dead. For the sake of everyone living in this country. They’ve done questionable things in the past and I was dumb enough to believe that they would change. Actions speak louder than words. They pretend to be a hero but they’re anything but. While I was waiting, everything turned to shit. I can’t let anyone else get hurt because of them. A hero is supposed to help.”
They took in a long breath and sipped on the scotch the villain had brought them. The back of their throat hurt.
“I know how crude this is. And I know it is a lot to ask for. But at the end of the day, I’m afraid we don’t have a chance. Hell, I cried my eyes out when I realised this was the only solution. They’re too dangerous to be captured and sedatives don’t work on them. We have no choice. They will come for you, too.” 
At that, the villain raised their eyebrows. They blinked.
“Oh, really?” 
“Haven’t you noticed how crimes are dropping? That villains are disappearing?” The statistic was scary. Even for a hero. People with superpowers were vanishing everywhere. “They’ve become a rotting criminal. No offence.”
The villain hummed, a smirk on their face. They seemed much too amused for a topic that was causing the hero’s innards to turn.
“You’re the only one who can defeat them,” the hero said when the villain didn’t speak further. The tears were swelling up again. It hadn’t always been bad. The superhero hadn’t always been bad. 
“You really think that?” the villain asked. They leaned forward in their chair, their hands still fidgeting with the weapon. “Do you think I’m scary, little hero?”
The hero was too short on vocable creativity to describe the sound of their voice. The closest word was probably flirty. 
“A bit, yes.” 
“Hmm.” The villain seemed to be satisfied with that answer. Swiftly, they stood up and reached for the hero’s cheek, wiping away a single tear with their thumb. “That’s quite a mess you’re in, huh?”
The hero leaned against the villain’s hand, savouring the touch.
“Yeah,” they rasped. The villain came even closer, their nose almost touching the hero’s cheek.
“You’re so pretty…” they said, completely entranced. “I’ll help you but after that, I want you to be mine.”
The hero didn’t hesitate. “Deal.”
The superhero died two weeks later. The press said it was a quick and painless death but there was no denying that that didn’t really calm the public. The funeral was short and simple with little room for nosy reporters.
No one knew the killer and being aware of someone who was capable of destroying the strongest superhero on earth was a little more than upsetting. Somehow, the agency managed to keep everything under control, staying reassuring and hopeful in a time of need. 
What the villain didn’t know at the time of the killing was that their action made the hero the head of the agency. 
“Enjoying your promotion?” they asked the hero sourly the night after everything got released to the public. The hero took in a deep breath.
“I don’t have time for you right now, I’m sorry.” They searched through endless documents, signing them, rearranging them. It was robotic how they went through each paper.
“I’m not here for that,” the villain said. If it was possible, they looked even scarier than usual. “You fucking used me.”
“I didn’t know they had changed the election rules,” the hero responded. “Do you think I wanted this? Do you think I wanted this responsibility and all the work—”
Tears formed in the hero’s eyes again.
“God, why did they make me the leader?” The hero swallowed a sob. “It doesn’t make sense…I didn’t want this—”
“You used me,” the villain said again, their expression getting darker. All they could see was the betrayal and the backstabbing. They’d been so clever, so sure of this. They’d hoped the hero would join them but no, they’d become a more powerful hero. The most powerful.
“I didn’t use you,” the hero said. Tears ran down their cheeks, desperate for some security. “Please.” 
They walked around the table, reaching out and grasping the villain’s clothes, holding onto them as if they were their rock in an unforgiving sea. Sobbing into their shoulder, they searched for every possible contact. 
“I don’t want this,” they whispered, their voice only cut off by broken gasps and the rising guilt in their throat. “Please. I don’t want this. This can’t be happening. It’s too much. Please, I need you.” 
The hero almost slipped but the villain caught them clumsily, holding them to their chest in a comforting manner.
“Shh,” they said, rubbing the hero’s back. “It’s a lot, I know.”
And suddenly, the murderous thoughts got replaced by a memory. The villain was reminded of the time when they’d lost their parents.
“Please help me,” the hero said, rubbing their face into the villain’s suit. “I can bring you into the agency, I can give you power, just please help me.” 
The villain contemplated. The hero was so desperate and alone…Guilt was eating them up and everything inside the villain tossed and turned. Every natural instinct rebelled and fought but it didn’tmatter. The Villain had made their decision already.
Compassion overwhelmed them. They’d never felt something like this before. Something — the hero made them weak. Seeing them cry, seeing them desperate and upset…there was no use fighting this. Feelings were always dangerous but now with the superhero out of the way, things could be easier.
All the villain had ever wanted was to protect their family. That had spiralled into this great mess that their life was. And maybe, the hero could fix that. Maybe the hero could help them and give them a fresh start.
They kissed the top of the hero’s head. 
“I’ll join you,” they said, smiling warmly. 
“You would do that for me?”
“Yes, darling. Besides, being a hero is probably not that bad.”
It was worse. 
The villain cried out when the hero stabbed their thigh. It was sharp and painful and probably had cut deep enough into their flesh to touch bone.
The tears were quick to follow; a waterfall of salt as suffering surrounded the villain. It was so bad, they were ready to give up here on the spot. A week ago the hero had started to prepare for war. Allies had turned into enemies which had led to several attacks across the whole country. 
City after city had turned into ashes and the hero had been willing to sacrifice every life for their great plan. We need to help. Our neighbours need us.
The words echoed in the villain’s mind, making them cry even more. You and I. We were born to be leaders.
No matter how much the villain had begged them rethink their plan, to come back to bed and relax, to take the day off with them, no matter how hard they’d tried, the hero hadn’t given up.
“Darling, it doesn’t have to be like this,” the hero said gently, tilting their head. They seemed to be unbothered by the flames around them. By the screams and the burning buildings. “Stop resisting me, my love.”
The villain tried to stand up but their ankle had been shattered throughout the fight. 
“You knew it, didn’t you?” they wheezed. Tasting blood, they spat on the ground. “You knew that if the superhero died, you would get the position.” 
“I did,” the hero confessed. They looked at the scene around them and had the audacity to look hopeful, proud even. “But I didn’t ask you to kill them because of that. Don’t you see? It’s our responsibility to help people. They were torturing people.”
“And what are you doing? Look around you,” the villain screamed. “You’re mad if you think this will bring peace.”
The pain was overwhelming. The villain didn’t know how much blood they had lost but judging by the ground, it was a lot.  
“Have you seen the statistics?” the hero asked. “The poverty and the amount of crime in other countries— have you seen the misery?”
“Do you see the misery?!” the villain shouted again. “Fucking look around you.”
“I’ve made the calculations. Sacrificing our country is worth it when we can save our neighbouring countries. You and I. We have brought wealth and happiness to everyone here. We can do it again,” they lowered their weapon, offering a hand and the villain just stared. Stared at the hand. Stared at the horrible decisions.
They should’ve seen it coming. They should’ve killed the hero when they’d had the chance.
And yet, the villain looked into the same eyes. The eyes of someone who had wanted to help prisoners, someone who had overcome themselves for the greater good. Someone who had thrown their morals away with good intentions.
Someone who had never found their morals ever again.
“You’re a monster,” the villain said. A sob escaped their mouth. “I thought I loved you. Fuck, I really thought if someone could help me change, it would be you.”
“We’re heroes,” the hero mumbled.
“Actions speak louder than words,” the villain reminded them. “You taught me that.”
With their last strength, they managed to get a grip on the hero and tackle them to the ground. The hero made a pathetic sound when their head smashed into the ground.
“Fuck,” the villain said, breathing heavily. It felt like there was blood in their lungs. “I really did. I really loved you.”
And before the hero managed a response, the villain took their knife and pushed it far enough into the hero’s chest to make the breaking of their ribs a sound. The hero tried to grab them, tried to hold them, push the knife away but they just ended up cutting their hands, losing even more blood.
By now, the villain was sobbing, the shock infiltrating their mind and the feeling of the hero’s crumbling life running through their fingers dawning on them. When the hero’s movements stilled and their breathing stopped, the villain intertwined their fingers.
For the last time, they kissed the top of the hero’s head. They knew they wouldn’t survive this either.
And they were glad they didn’t.
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
falling into you (1) | kth + myg
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Sometimes Taehyung thinks he loves his roommate so much it makes him sick.
↳ pairing: superhero!taehyung x superhero!yoongi
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | college au | fantasy | roommates to lovers | fluff | light angst | light smut
↳ wc/date: 2.6k | September 2023
↳ warnings: pining lol, tae is so soft and cute
↳ notes: i hope you all enjoy this lil world i've created 🦸🏽‍♂️ i'm only going to tag everyone in the masterlist, and then in future chapters (chapter 5-6) cuz i don't wanna flood everyone's notifs
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to?  the series playlist
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The world has four types of people: superheroes, sidekicks, villains, and everyone else. Everyone has their place in society, and all four types of people are necessary for the world to function properly. There must always be good to balance out evil, a commoner for the villains to terrorize and the heroes to save. 
Everyone has their rightful place, and no one place is better. 
Taehyung knows this. 
Still, he wants to be the best. And to accomplish that, he has to be a hero. 
From the moment Taehyung was born, he was destined to be a sidekick. The seed was planted into his brain early on -  pun intended. He has stupid superpowers, or so he’s been told. What kind of superhero saves people by conjuring flowers and befriending shrubbery? Why would anyone in trouble shout for a wiry boy with grass-stained knees and daisy chains braided into his golden hair when someone with superstrength or laser eyes could save them instead? 
Never mind the fact that Taehyung can poison others with a simple touch. No one finds that impressive until they’re covered in painful welts and itching up a storm like they’ve been tossed into a patch of poison ivy. 
For that reason, villainy always seemed appealing. This was particularly true during high school meetings where a teenaged Taehyung picked dirt from underneath his nails while his parents argued with his teacher about placing him on the hero curriculum track instead of the sidekick track. 
“Your son just isn’t the type,” one teacher insisted. 
It was Mrs. Gwan, with her thick-framed glasses and cardigan that was more cat hair than wool. Her coffee breath was rancid enough to incapacitate the strongest of hero trainees. 
Well, jokes on them. Taehyung is on the path to becoming valedictorian of his graduating class at Seoul National University. By the end of the academic year, he’ll stand in front of hundreds of other supers in the purple graduation robes of hero trainees to give his speech, and it will be a giant  fuck you to all the Mrs. Gwans in his life who thought his abilities were cute but not up to superhero standards. 
Taehyung put in the hard work, and by god, he’ll fucking reap the benefits - pun intended. 
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It’s a Friday evening when Taehyung finds out his hard work might be in vain. 
He sits at the kitchen table in Namjoon and Jungkook’s dorm, a steaming bowl of instant ramen in front of him that Jungkook keeps slipping spoonfuls of gochujang into. 
“Jungkook-ah, that’s enough,” Namjoon insists as he rounds the corner. It’s a wonder he manages to carry two additional bowls of ramen to the table without spilling them. 
“Hyung.” Jungkook scrunches his eyebrows and presses his tongue against his lip piercing in what he probably hopes is a menacing way. “It’s gonna taste boring if I don’t add anything to it!” 
“Taehyung doesn’t like spicy food.” 
“It’s gochujang, hyung, seriously.” 
“It has spice.” 
“It’s not like I’m dumping a bottle of hot sauce in it!” 
“The broth is turning red!” 
Taehyung slurps a few noodles, keenly aware of his friends watching him expectantly. He hums as he chews, which is enough to ease Namjoon’s worries. 
“See. He’s fine.” Jungkook is smug when he snatches his bowl of ramen from Namjoon and gets settled into the chair next to Taehyung. “I knew you’d be fine,” he whispers out of the corner of his mouth. 
Taehyung would never admit it, but he loves when his friends dote on him like this. It makes him feel all gooey inside, like a chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven. 
“Midterm evals are up!” Namjoon suddenly announces, pushing his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and bringing his phone closer to his face. 
To those who don’t know Namjoon, he likely looks like a total tool wearing sunglasses indoors. It’s for everyone’s safety, though. Namjoon hasn’t been feeling well, and Taehyung appreciates the superhero-proof sunglasses preventing him from accidentally getting zapped by his best friend’s laser eyes every time the guy sneezes. 
It has happened more than once in the four years they’ve known each other, and it is not fun. Taehyung’s got scars to prove it. 
“You guys are such nerds,” Jungkook teases around a mouthful of ramen. 
“Sorry we’re not all super-geniuses like you. We actually have to put in effort,” Taehyung teases back. 
“Hey!” Jungkook acts like he’s about to stab Taehyung with his chopsticks. “I put in effort!” 
With a noncommittal shrug, Taehyung turns his attention to his phone. It’s no surprise that Jungkook doesn’t bother checking his midterm evaluation. The younger hero trainee is a junior with plenty of time to get his grades up before graduation. Not that Jungkook needs to worry. He genuinely is a genius; superintelligence is one of his many abilities. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, doesn’t have any abilities that automatically make him a strong student. He has gotten through his education through hard work, with no special advantages. 
Not that he judges Jungkook or anything. No one can help what their abilities are. It’s all up to family genes and destiny. Or maybe a freak accident, but despite what superhero movies make it seem like, it’s rare that supers become what they are by accident. 
Hunching over where his phone is placed on the table beside his bowl of ramen, Taehyung uses his middle finger to scroll through the report uploaded to his academic portal.
Birth Name:  Kim Taehyung Super Name:  TBA Place Of Origin:  Bisan-dong, Daegu, South Korea Status:  Trainee (Seoul National University’s School for Superhuman Abilities)  Abilities:  Chlorokinesis, Plant Empathy, Toxikinesis, Toxic Immunity   
Combat:  100 Durability:  100 Intelligence:  100 Power:  90 Speed:  100 Strength:  100
Whatever Namjoon and Jungkook are talking about fizzles out until it’s merely the fuzzy static of background noise. Taehyung can only focus on the glaring mistake in his midterm performance evaluation. 
Power:  90
Taehyung scoffs, rereading his stats a second, third, and fourth time. Ninety?  Ninety?  Never in Taehyung’s life has he ever earned anything other than a perfect score at SNU.  Never. 
It has to be a mistake. 
Taehyung’s hands tremble as he scrolls through the rest of the report. He grazes over the stats one last time before skipping down to the second page of the document. Quantitative evaluations don’t provide a complete picture; numbers can mean anything and nothing at all. Taehyung needs to know why his professor docked him ten points for something ridiculous.
… points deducted due to a failure to exhibit total control of kinetic abilities… Kim demonstrated an inability to focus on his direct target… proved unusual based on previous evaluations… Effective empathic skills were not impacted… Additional training in recall is recommended…
“Hmm?” Taehyung raises his eyebrows to acknowledge Namjoon’s call, but his eyes remain glued to his phone, skimming the qualitative feedback. 
Unreliable recall? A lack of control? It isn’t Taehyung’s fault, though. He’d been distracted. During the four-hour-long evaluation, a particular senior had hovered in Taehyung’s peripheral vision. 
Min Yoongi served as one of the infirmary student interns due to his powers of biokinesis, advanced healing, and life-force manipulation - a medley of abilities so powerful it’s a bit scary. Not that that’s unusual; a bunch of young adults in their early twenties running around with life-altering superpowers, nearly uninhibited, is pretty terrifying when one thinks about it. 
Yoongi holds the power of life and death in the palm of his hand, but from personal experience, Taehyung knows that the fellow superhero trainee is nothing but kind. He moves through the world gently, as though he’s hyper-aware of his ability to end life with the press of a fingertip against the skin, and thus makes every movement with intentionality and care. It’s admirable; Taehyung knows. He, too, has the power to destroy life just as much as he can nurture it.
But what does any of that have to do with Taehyung’s evaluation? As an infirmary student intern, Yoongi must sit in on combat evaluations in case his healing powers are needed. 
Taehyung grimaces at the memory, fighting it back into the darkest corner of his brain in hopes of smothering it. He doesn’t want to admit why he couldn’t stop looking over at where Yoongi sat during his evaluation. 
While being observed by a team of instructors, Taehyung was supposed to concentrate on hitting moving targets with poison drawn from the toxins that run through his superhuman veins. It was one of many tests. 
Whenever a target approached Taehyung, it seemed that Yoongi would do something distracting. 
The first time, a light cough knocked Taehyung off his game. He’d looked out the corner of his eye to see the blue-haired man sitting with his legs crossed in the grass. Yoongi bit his lip as he scrolled through his phone, and the target smacked Taehyung square in the face before he had the chance to analyze the weird flip his stomach did when he zeroed in on the pink of Yoongi’s bottom lip. 
The second time was much worse. 
Another sensation grew in the pit of Taehyung’s stomach, but it wasn’t nerves or… whatever it had been before. No, it was bile bubbling up in his belly that he was, unfortunately, rather familiar with. 
It was the feeling Taehyung got when he sensed life draining from a nearby plant. 
That time, one of the targets punched Taehyung in the gut. The impact knocked the wind out of him and threw him to the ground. A sharp pain shot from his tailbone up the length of his spine.  
Taehyung had rolled onto his stomach and pressed his palms into the ground in an attempt to push himself up. Gasping, he’d turned to see Yoongi twirling, between long fingers, a yellow dandelion he’d plucked from the grass. The poor thing drooped forward, top-heavy once it didn’t have the strength of the earth secured around its roots. 
It was then that Yoongi’s eyes locked with Taehyung’s from across the field. The corner of his mouth drew upward in a slight smirk. 
And that was when Taehyung’s arms gave out.  
“It’s only ten points, hyung. That’s barely anything. Not even a full letter grade of a difference.” 
Jungkook’s gentle reassurance draws Taehyung out of his troubled thoughts. He’s peering over Taehyung’s shoulder to read his evaluation. 
Namjoon looks up from his phone with a confused expression. “What?” 
“Hyung is mad they gave him a ninety on his Powers eval.” His younger friend’s shoulders lift to his ears in a shrug far too casual for Taehyung’s liking
“Ten points is enough to set me back at least fifteen people in my class ranking, Jungkook! At least!”  
Jungkook rolls his eyes. 
“Why does your class rank even matter? It’s not gonna have an impact on your superhero certification. They’ll still let you work for the CIA or whatever stupid Avengers initiative the government’s got going.”  
“Government special ops typically only employ heroes and sidekicks at the top of their class,” Namjoon points out rather unhelpfully. 
“So being fifteenth in line is somehow not the top of his class?” Jungkook glares at no one in particular as he slurps his ramen. 
“Jungkook-ah,” Namjoon sighs. “Taehyung has worked very hard to get to where he is.” 
“Maybe you could ask someone to train with you?” Jungkook offers because his superhuman brain won’t rest until he solves all the world’s problems. “What about Yoongi hyung? The healing component of his biokinesis can cancel out your toxikinesis, right?” 
Taehyung nervously chews on an odd hangnail. The anxiety he wears is unbecoming of him, but he can’t possibly give a shit about appearances right now. It isn’t just that Yoongi fucked up Taehyung’s midterm evaluation. It’s much more and much worse than just that. 
Yoongi is Taehyung’s roommate.   
And now, Taehyung must return to their shared apartment-style dormitory and pretend like he isn’t sick with shame and embarrassment. 
Namjoon perks up at Jungkook’s recommendation. “That’s a great idea!” 
It’s a terrible idea. 
“Yoongi hyung would definitely help.” 
Neither friend notices how pink in the face Taehyung is becoming. 
“Wait…” Jungkook’s smile falters, and Taehyung wonders if perhaps his younger friend will have mercy on him. “Are you and hyung in a fight or something? You’re always here. I just talked to him last week about how we never all hang out together anymore.”
“That’s so true,” Namjoon joins in with a frown that matches Jungkook’s. 
Something jolts inside Taehyung’s chest. It’s an electric spike substantial enough that he feels it zip through his veins. Looking down, he notices goosebumps pebble the skin on his forearms, and he shivers despite wearing jeans and a baggy t-shirt. 
There’s no way he’s having this conversation. Not here, in his only safe space aside from the university greenhouse. Not with Namjoon and Jungkook, though he should feel comfortable talking to his best friends about what’s going on with him. All of that would take courage, though, and Taehyung would rather take a punch to the face by the strongest trainee at SNU than talk about his feelings. 
Scooting back his chair, Taehyung announces too loudly, “I need to water my plants!” 
The force with which he stands knocks his chair backward. It clatters against the floor, and Taehyung scrambles to pick it up, his cheeks flaming and his gangly limbs suddenly feeling out of sync with his body. 
Jungkook and Namjoon give each other a look that Taehyung chooses not to pay attention to. 
Nausea makes Taehyung’s insides curdle as he slowly shrugs on his blue jean jacket. Autumn hasn’t entirely descended on Seoul yet, but Taehyung prefers bundling up when the weather is windy like it is today. 
Although, there is something liberating about feeling warm air flutter through his fluffy hair, tossing his golden curls like a bird’s nest atop his head. It makes him feel weightless, as though somewhere deep inside, his body remembers what it was like for humans to be run by instincts and live freely rather than be confined to cities and jobs. 
“Text me when you get home?” Namjoon touches Taehyung’s arm. 
He nods, softly replying, “Of course, hyung.” 
Taehyung does his best to ignore the downturn of his friend’s mouth. If he lingers on it too long, it will mix his nausea with the oppressive weight of feeling like a disappointment. It isn’t a feeling Taehyung is familiar with, which likely makes it even more stifling. 
His feet drag against the pavement as he makes the short trek from Namjoon and Jungkook’s dorm to his own. His off-white hightop Converse, dirtied from attending one too many concerts with cigarettes and marijuana joints stuffed into their folds, kick small pebbles into the grass. 
The blades of grass sing to Taehyung as he walks. Kicking the pebbles doesn't hurt the blades; Taehyung would never intentionally hurt any plant. He sings to them and has found that the smooth baritone of his voice does wonders to nurture plants’ development when they’re young. He supposes they’re just like human babies listening to Mozart to stimulate their brains. 
Unfortunately, today, he isn’t in the mood to sing. 
Flowers lean toward the young man when he passes by, brushing their leaves and petals against the his calves. Plant hugs are something special; Taehyung does his best to appreciate them, even in his sulking. He stretches his fingers out, using his power to blanket the grass and patches of flowers along the sidewalk with comforting pheromones. The plants release them back, and Taehyung breathes in their scent deeply, letting the calming qualities permeate his soul. 
It doesn’t fix anything, but it feels good to be loved by nature around him.
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