#and i want to go screaming down the road for help...but i'm also living for every moment of the insanity
g4yforethan · 7 months
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pairing: leon kennedy x gn reader
summary: leon saves reader from escaping raccoon city and falls for them
warnings: cursing, pure fluff, kissing!
a/n: been obsessed with resident evil for a while now so i just wanted to do this for my re fanss ;)) also ik the pics i chose are from re4 just go with it.
you were in your apartment folding laundry in the living room. the tv was turned on as re-runs of tv shows played in the background. all of a sudden, “BREAKING NEWS” displayed over your television screen. as you got closer to the tv, you heard screams and bangs coming from your complex. “we interrupt this broadcast as Raccoon City has fallen victim to a mysterious virus spreading throughout the city. We advise all residents to take shelter and gather resources in case of evacuation.” the broadcast lost signal and the screen was now black.
you were terrified by this news as you lived alone and had little to no knowledge about what to do in a situation like this. then, a bang on your door startled you and almost caused you to have a heart attack. “who’s there??” you shouted out the most cliche horror movie question but there was no response. you got closer to the door, tip-toeing all the way to your peephole. you looked through and saw a man standing there but he didn’t look like a man. his skin was pale as a ghost and he was missing his right arm. you gasped and ran towards your window to escape.
when you got to the front of your apartment complex , you ran left towards a gas station hoping that someone would be able to help. once you got there, it was pitch black and there didn’t seem to be anyone inside. you walked around before hearing screams coming from the backroom. gunshots go off as you run to take cover. all of a sudden, a man runs out and grabs you. "IT'S NOT SAFE HERE LET'S GO!" he screamed as he pushed outside towards his car. you went inside and finally got a good look of him. even in the situation, you noticed how attractive he was but tried not to focus too much on that. "thank you so much. i'm so confused! what is happening?!" you asked him as he drove out of the gas station and onto the road. "i could ask you the same thing! listen it's my first day on the job and this shit happens. i must have great luck i guess."he rolled his eyes and tried to find a safe place for you both.
"the news reporter said something about a virus but i always thought a virus would just mean a cold or something not FUCKING zombies!" you screamed as you still tried to grasp what was happening. the man could tell you were shaking from anxiety and pulled over. "hey hey it's okay. whatever happens i'll make sure we both get out of here safe and sound. it's my job." you smiled at him and felt your heart rate go down. "thanks for that. it was sweet. what's your name?" "Leon. Leon S. Kennedy. yours?" "y/n. you have a cute name leon." you noticed leon started to blush and put his hand on your shoulder. "if we make it out of here alive, can i take you out on a date?"
you were taken back by what he said. one because you two had just met and second you were both in the middle of a life or death situation. "umm yeah sure i would love to." you both smiled at each other as leon turned to the road and found an exit out of raccoon city. after a while, he found a motel that was vacant and the two of you went inside to rest. "how about we just stay here for the night and get some rest?" he asked you as he took off his shirt and pants and went into bed. "i mean yeah sure if that's okay." the two of you laid in bed as leon kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. "i'm so glad i met you tonight. we're gonna be okay i promise. just get some rest y/n." he reassured you with another kiss on your shoulder. you turned and kissed him on the lips. "thank you leon. so after all of this is over, where are we going for our first date?"
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waywardducks · 1 year
Incorrect bat family quotes but as things me and my sibling have done/said.
Jason: *just trying to read* *feels an eery presence just watching him.*
Damien and Tim: *both just starting at him*
Jason: Yes? Can I help you?
Tim: Slushies
Jason: okay?
Damien: Take us to them.
Dick: *Chilling in his bed*
Cass: *very slowly opening the door to his room*
Both: *just stare at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time*
Dick: Please, child. What is it? I can't handle this suspense.
Cass: *quietly* I have a pool party today…
Dick: okay? I'm glad for you.
Cass: …
Cass: Can you go buy me tampons?
Dick: Of fucking course I can go buy you tampons! *already jumping out of bed* What size?
Damien: *angry, slamming doors, punching walls, screaming at everyone*
Tim: Autism is one hell of a bitch
Dick: Tim, no
Jason: No, no, he's got a point. We really should get him checked out.
*he was diagnosed with autism the following month*
Stephaine: *putting makeup on Cass* almost done!
Tim: we need to hurry, the movie is starting soon
Stephanie: It's fine, we have plenty of time, now let me do your makeup.
Dick: What are y'all doing? Why is everything… pink?
Cass: We are going to watch Barbie
Dick: Can I come?
Steph: Nah it's girls night?
Dick: Then why is Tim going?
Steph: He's one of the girls, obviously.
Tim: Yeah, obviously.
Dick: *crying* I wanna be one of the girls too
Bruce: Hey, Tim
Tim: Yeah? What's up?
Bruce: Remember how you're therapist mention she thought you might have ASD?
Tim: Yeah, she said she wasn't %100 percent sure on it though.
Bruce: Well she just sent me a document confirming your diagnosis.
Dick: Woah dude! Congrats on the tism!
Jason: Welcome to the spectrum little bro!
Damien: Is Dick the only one that isn't ASD?
Dick: *is sad bc he's left out of the club again*
- ✨✨✨✨✨✨
Dick, Tim, Jason and Damien: *driving down the road at 4 in the morning, blasting fnaf songs at full volume* IVE GOT NO TIME!! I've GOT NO TIME TO LIVE
Tim: Jason. I'm bi
Jason: Okay
Tim: Okay? That's all you have to say?
Jason: damn Tim, tf you want be to say? Sorry?
Tim: No! I just thought-
Jason: If you have boy problems go to Dick. He's the one with the most experience in that field.
Dick: Hey! I resent that!
Jason: Oh please, you can call yourself straight all you want but you and both know you've what kinda person you were when you first became Nightwing.
Dick: I wasn't gay Jason I was a slut its different.
Jason: sure, okay.
I'm gonna make this a series lmao. Being in a house with 6 kids gives you a lot of stories.
Also, yes, 3 of my younger siblings are officially diagnosed with autism. (Damien and my sister are literally the same person. I have so many headcanons about it, it's not even funny. She even has the same insane art skills, I'm terrified of how fast she learned to do things I've been in school for years to learn)
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Summary: Eddie takes care of Steve’s bat bites instead of the other way around. Eddie left unscathed after they defeated Vecna, and Steve could no longer ignore the pain from his wounds. Eddie takes care of him.
Eddie closed his eyes tightly as he lay on the ground, waiting for the bats to bite into his flesh. It never came. He opened his eyes to find Dustin leaning over him and scowling.
"The bats are all dead, dumbass," Dustin said. "And I think my ankle is sprained."
"Shit! Why the hell did you follow me?!" Eddie yelled as he jumped up.
"Because I love you, and I wanted to stop you from doing something stupid!" Dustin yelled.
"By also doing something stupid?!" Eddie asked.
"Well, I may be smart, but I'm also stupid!" Dustin said.
"So, we both agree. . .we're both dumbasses!" Eddie screamed.
"With really big hearts," Dustin said softly.
Eddie rolled his eyes and helped back through the other side of the gate. Eddie set him on the couch and helped wrap his ankle.
"I love you too, man," Eddie said. "You're like the child and pet I never wanted."
"Thanks," Dustin said sarcastically.
When the others got back through the gate, they all watched as it closed behind them, and then Steve turned to them. He put his hands on his hips.
"I thought I told you not to be a hero, Dustin," Steve said.
"It wasn't me. It was Eddie who bought you more time!" Dustin said.
"He wasn't supposed to follow me!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Seriously, Eddie?" Steve asked.
"What?! You can't spank me! You're not my real mom!" Eddie yelled.
"Let's just go get the others and get the fuck out of here," Steve said, sighing and pinching his nose.
"We can't go to Nancy's house. The cops will be waiting for us there," Dustin said.
"Steve’s house it is, then," Robin said.
When they picked up Max and Lucas, they were alarmed to find Lucas's face bruised to hell.
"Jason," he explained as Steve drove away from the Creel House.
"Fuck! Sorry, Lucas," Eddie said.
"It's not your fault. I'm sorry that I ever followed that psycho in the first place," Lucas said.
"And I'm sorry that I wasn't more supportive of you playing basketball," Eddie said.
"And I'm sorry that I have to sit here and listen to this dumbass conversation," Erica said.
They gathered in Steve's living room, where Robin began telling them how she got frustrated when they were killing Vecna. She told them in great detail about how she grabbed the axe from Steve’s bag and split Vecna down the middle. While she was talking, Eddie noticed Steve slip away. He made sure that everyone was watching her before following Steve. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he felt like he needed to. He found Steve leaning over the sink in one of the upstairs bathroom.
"You okay, man?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm fine," Steve said.
"Well, you said okay and fine right next to each other. You're leaning heavily against the counter there," Eddie said.
"It's nothing that I can't handle," Steve said, wincing.
"Except from what I saw of this group, you guys tend to do things together," Eddie said and then paused, tilting his head. "Oh, it's because you're so used to doing things by yourself. You sit in this big empty house, all alone. How many times have your parents left you all alone here? Left you to do things on your own?"
"Man, for someone who's misread me completely earlier, you knocked it out of the ballpark with that one," Steve replied, sniffling.
"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.
"You misread the situation with Nancy all wrong," Steve said. "She cares about me, but she doesn't. . .not anymore."
"Shit, man, I'm sorry," Eddie winced.
Steve sighed. He took off his jacket and then struggled to take off his shirt. Eddie came by and helped him take off his shirt. Eddie winced at the road rash on Steve’s back and arm.
"You also completely misread me too," Steve said. "I mean, I knew as soon as I told her that it wasn't Nancy I wanted."
"Has anyone seen these?" Eddie asked. "You got a first aid kit or something?"
"Down there," Steve said, pointing to the bottom left cabinet.
Eddie pulled out a big first aid box and whistled at the sight of it. He washed his hands, grabbed a wet rag, and began to clean the wounds. He looked for any signs of infection and pulled out little bits of Upside Down debris as he dragged the rag as gently as he could across his skin. Steve still shuddered and winced, though. He grabbed the antibiotic ointment and began to slather it across Steve’s wounds.
"So, this other girl that you're interested in," Eddie said. "Is it Robin?"
"Ew, no," Steve said.
"Should I be insulted on her behalf?" Eddie chuckled.
"It's not a girl that I'm interested in," Steve said.
"Oh. . .Oh! Well, that's cool, man. I don't judge," Eddie said. "It would be weird if I did, though, considering that I like guys too."
"Uh, Eddie, I'm not wounded there," Steve said.
"Shit, man, sorry," Eddie said when he realized how low on his back his hands had dipped.
"I didn't say stop. You're really good with your hands," Steve said.
Eddie blushed as he continued to massage his backside. Eddie stopped when he saw in the mirror that Steve was closing his eyes and biting his lip. He refocused his brain and remembered what he was doing and washed his hands again. He wrapped up his wounds carefully. His hands drifted to the dirty bandage around his middle.
"I should take a look at these too," Eddie said.
Steve turned around to give him better access. The bites had bitten low, and Eddie winced. Any lower and they would have. . .Eddie did NOT want to think about that. Steve gave him the nod to go ahead and do whatever he needed to do. Eddie unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down slightly. Jason Carver, think about the fact that he's hunting you down, Eddie thought. Anything other than this. He did the same with the bat bites: washed them, looked for any sign of infection, and put on some fresh bandages after putting on more oinment.
"I don't think I would be able to take a shower, but I feel gross so a rag bath would have to do," Steve muttered.
"Can you even bend down?" Eddie asked.
"I have been having some trouble in that department," he said softly.
"Then it looks like I'm going to have to wash you down, big boy," Eddie said. "That is, if you really want to get clean."
"Can you wash my hair first?" Steve asked.
He looked so vulnerable in that moment as if he were asking Eddie to do something sacred. Eddie cupped his jaw, smiling and flashing his dimples in soft, closed smile.
"Sure thing," Eddie said.
"There's a shower chair in the closet," Steve muttered.
Eddie pulled the chair up to the sink and gathered his shampoos and conditioners together. He pushed Steve gently into the chair and tilted his head back to run water over his head with a cup. Eddie tried to focus on what Steve instructed him to do, but it was difficult when Steve’s throat was so exposed and he was gazing at Eddie with his gorgeous hazel eyes of his. Eddie ran his fingers through his hair as he began to massage his scalp. Steve closed his eyes and moaned. Eddie cursed mentally. Focus, Munson. After he finished washing his hair, Steve gave him a look so soft it made Eddie's insides melt. Steve placed a hand on his hip.
"Thank you for doing that," Steve said. "I've never let anyone do that for me before."
"You make me sound special," Eddie said. "A guy could get used to that."
"You are special, Eddie," Steve said and pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Dustin told me that it was a big deal for you to give me your vest. You could have given me your jacket."
"You are a big deal, Steve Harrington," Eddie replied softly.
Steve pulled him down, so now he was straddling his leg. He grasped the back of Eddie's neck and kissed him. Eddie eagerly kissed him back before pulling back as he remembered how injured Steve was. He placed a quick peck on Steve’s lips before standing up.
"If we continue any further, we're going to have a problem," Eddie muttered. "Let's get you clean. I think I'm going to need a shower after this."
"A cold one?" Steve asked teasingly.
"Fuck off," he laughed. "Remove your damn pants."
"You're going to have to remove my shoes," Steve said.
Eddie got on his knees and started to wonder if Steve wanted him in the position, but then he took off his shoes along with this socks. Eddie gasped.
"I didn't think about you walking around down there without any shoes," Eddie said. "Gonna have to clean your feet, too."
Eddie helped him slip off his pants and started with his feet. One of his ankles looked bruised. He was going to have to wrap that. Steve coughed awkwardly and began to pull at his boxers. Eddie raised his eyebrows.
"Don't worry, I'll clean that," Steve said, blushing. "It's just starting to feel uncomfortable."
"Gotchya, it's not a problem," Eddie said. "It feels a lot less sexual than it should be. It feels more. . ."
"Intimate?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, is it weird that I like it?" Eddie asked.
"I like it too," Steve said. "And when I get better, I am so returning the favor."
"You going to wash my hair too, Stevie?" Eddie asked.
"Definitely, and from here on out, you are the only other person who is allowed to wash my hair," Steve replied.
"Right back at ya," Eddie grinned and kissed him.
It really was very intimate, and it was almost scary how much he loved it. He's never had a relationship like this. Well, he's never had a relationship at all because who would want to date the Freak? Turns out, it was Steve Harrington. What the fuck? He smiled in disbelief and looked up at Steve. He leaned his head against Steve’s chest, the only part that wasn't injured. Steve sighed and wrapped his arms around Eddie. Suddenly, it was like all of Eddie's problems faded away. He hadn't been dragged to an alternate dimension. He hadn't been framed for murder and Jason Carver wasn't out for his blood. All was good in Steve Harrington's arms. The door burst open suddenly, and Eddie hugged him tighter to protect Steve’s bits. It was Robin. She stood in the doorway with wide eyes.
"What the fuck? Okay, I just came in here for the first aid kit for Lucas," she said, grabbing the kit. "And when I got back, everyone is going to be fully clothed. I want to talk about your intentions towards my best friend because he's been used for sex before and as his best friend - "
"Robin! He's tending to my wounds," Steve said, blushing.
"I'm sorry, did a bat bite you on your - "
"Right! Leaving!"
"You're going to need some clothes," Eddie realized, laughing. "I'll get you some."
"Grab yourself some too," Steve said.
Once he helped Steve get dressed and wrapped his foot, he started undressing for his shower. He made it into a show for Steve, making music with his mouth as he dramatically pulled off an article of clothing. Once he was naked, he wiggled his ass at Steve and popped his foot at him before hopping into the shower.
"Don't make me laugh," Steve giggled. "And do you have the letter M tattooed on the bottom of your foot?"
"It's a W, for Wayne," Eddie replied.
Once he was showered, he wrapped an arm around Steve’s waist and walked them to his room. He laid Steve on the bed.
"I am so wired," Eddie said as he hopped around Steve’s room.
"There's a bookshelf in my closet," Steve said.
Eddie opened the door and gasped.
"There are books!" Eddie said.
"Jocks can read, you know," Steve said sarcastically.
"That's not what I meant! I was just pleasantly surprised!" Eddie said quickly, and Steve laughed. "You were just messing with me, weren't you? You dick. Hmm, there are a lot of mysteries here. I prefer science fiction and fantasy myself, but I do enjoy a good mystery every once in a while. Ooh, I see a couple of romance novels here. Steve Harrington, you naughty boy."
"Uh, they're not mine," Steve blushed.
"Yeah, sure, okkkay. Oh! A book about cats solving mysteries! Yes!" Eddie said.
"I actually just picked that up from a thrift store," Steve said. "Haven't read it yet."
He crawled into bed next to Steve and leaned against the headboard as he cracked open the book. He pulled Steve to his chest and began to read. A moment later, Robin came to check on them and popped her head into Steve’s room. She smiled. They were fast asleep in each other's arms. Her best friend was in good hands. Robin turned and started heading back downstairs.
"I guess this means that I'll be looking after the kids," she muttered.
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thisfrailheart · 2 months
prompt: soulmates | july 7 | wolfstar au | teen and up - swearing | word count: 926 | @wolfstarmicrofic
It's Wednesday and Remus is finally well enough to brave the short walk to the café down the road to get himself a treat. One can only live off of canned soup and cheese toasties for so long. He's almost made it to his destination when someone barrels into him, the stuff they had piled high in their arms tumbling to the ground.
Remus winces as he stumbles, cursing under his breath.
"Shit! I'm so sorry!," the other person cries and grabs Remus' arm to keep him from falling.
There's a scathing remark on the tip of his tongue but he immediately forgets when he looks over and sees the most beautiful man looking back. And he seems so frazzled that Remus can't help but shake his head and give him a small smile.
"It's fine."
The man lets go of him. "It's really not. I'm so sorry. I'm so out of it today. My brother just had a baby and I'm losing my mind a bit," he explains and bends down to pick up his stuff, which Remus now realizes is a massive amount of baby items.
"You get a pass, then. First time uncle?," he asks, a bit enchanted by how much this stranger seems to care about his family. Remus stoops to help him gather everything into his arms.
"Godfather, actually," the man replies with a blinding grin.
"Congratulations," Remus says and places a pack of muslin cloths on top of the pile.
"Thank you. And thanks for your help."
"No worries." Remus wrings his hands, not sure what to do now.
"Well. Goodbye?," the stranger says and smiles at Remus one more time.
"Bye." Remus gives a little awkward wave, then watches the man disappear down the road.
There's a weird sense of loss blooming in his chest. Once he's back in his flat he realizes he didn't even get a name.
It's Friday and Remus is on his way to Mary's house. The station is overflowing with people and he'd rather be home alone. He's waiting for the crowd of passengers to step off the train when someone passing him grabs his wrist, holding on. He looks up and into grey eyes.
"Oh," Remus breathes. It's him. The stranger with the baby stuff.
"Hi," he says. His thumb sweeps over Remus skin in a soft caress.
"Hi," Remus replies. Someone bumps into him from behind, telling him to move.
"I'm sorry, I have to—" Remus tries, gets cut off by people shoving and complaining.
The hand on his wrist slips away. Remus, propelled onto the tube by people around him, turns back right as the doors close. The beautiful stranger's eyes follow him as they pull out of the station. I still don't know his name, Remus thinks.
It's Tuesday and Sirius is about to lose his mind in freaking Lidl. He'd come in to pick up a few essentials but now he's stuck in a horribly slow-moving queue, behind two old ladies chatting about the most mind-numbing things. He lets his mind drift, conjuring images of handsome men with honey-colored eyes when a voice interrupts.
"Uhm, hi?"
And it's him. The handsome guy from his dreams, talking to him over the partition. Goosebumps break out along his arms. "Hi."
But right when the stranger opens his mouth, the queue starts moving at lightning speed and Sirius has no choice but to bend to its will.
"Wait outside?," the man asks. Sirius thinks that wild horses couldn't drag him away. The handsome stranger finds him a shockingly short amount of time later. Unfortunately that's also the exact moment his phone starts ringing incessantly.
"Answer it. Could be important," the guy tells him with the kindest expression and Sirius wants to kiss him. He answers his phone instead and is greeted by a newborn screaming bloody murder.
Sirius looks at his phone, then the stranger. Ends the call with a sigh. Pouts. Sighs again. "I'm so sorry, I think—"
"Someone needs you. Go." A laugh from handsome guy. Sirius pulls on his backpack and hurries off with a sad "bye".
A shout behind him. "The Swan!"
Sirius turns back to the stranger, confused. "Sorry?"
"The restaurant? Do you know where it is?," handsome man asks.
Sirius nods.
"Meet me there Saturday? At 7?"
Sirius nods again. His turn to grin. "It's a date."
It's only when the baby is screaming directly in his ear that he notices he has a date but still no name.
It's Saturday and Sirius is waiting by the bar. He's thinking about ordering the entire cocktail menu to get absolutely sloshed and forget about being stood up. Serves him right for tempting fate over and over again, he thinks. Too good to be true, in the end.
A breathless voice behind him. "I'm Remus. I'm sorry I'm late."
Sirius turns to him, a shiver running up his spine. Handsome stranger - Remus - looks like he ran the whole way and Sirius' stomach swoops. Finally finally finally. "Sirius, like—"
"The star. Nice to meet you, finally." Remus is grinning and Sirius wants to take him home. Never let him go. There's something about knowing his name, at last. It's warm, feels final.
"It was inevitable, I think," Sirius says.
"Yeah. So much went wrong and yet here we are. It was meant to be." Sirius blushes at the implication.
Remus smiles. "I think you're right."
It's still Saturday when Remus kisses him goodnight.
It's Sunday.
It's Monday.
It's Tuesday.
It's Wednesday.
It's Thursday.
It's Friday.
It's Forever.
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sports-on-sundays · 10 months
boulevard of broken dreams / LN4 / Part 1
Summary: Lando x female!reader - Not many people know how true loneliness feels. Not many people know how true love feels.
Warnings: lots of description, angst, mention of self-harm, loneliness, pain, mention of death of a family member, dreams ruined, emotional pain, getting drunk to ease pain, change from 2nd person to 3rd when it felt right, panicking, jumping to worst case scenario, nausea, screaming, confusion, questioning will to live, blood, kind of violent dramatic descriptions. PLEASE do not read if you seriously struggle with some things like this! I would hate to cause anyone to feel more pain!!
Requested?: Mate nah.
Author's Note: I just wanted to write a thing. Listened to sad piano music and Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day writing it. I hope you enjoy. Personally, I'm really proud of this one. Let's hope I got all the warnings in hah! Link to part 2
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Sunshine, moonlight, daylight, night light, night life. On, off, under, over, around, on, and off again.
In the middle of your heart, if someone could dig deep down and pick through you, examine you, dissect you, they would find the softest little bleeding bit. But they would only find that after knocking down wall after all of slimy, tough, terribly dark black walls. No one would be able to find the strength to knock all those walls down. And even if they could, you'd never let them.
One can only be vulnerable if there is someone there to have their back.
All the vulnerability is pushed to that one little section of your heart; the most delicate place on earth.
All the pain.
It's impossible.
This road.
This road is made of brick and it's slippery. It's constantly raining. And you're constantly shivering. No one gave you an umbrella, because there's no one on this road to do so. Night after night, this rain beats on you. Your skin degrades away as if you were dead. For daytime does not exist on this road. You forget how sunlight looks. You constantly walk. Never wanting to sleep because the only place is the road. And you hate this road.
Yet it is your home, and any different would terrify you.
The friends on this road are the shadows. Shadows in the night caress your arms and kiss your cheeks, whispering of false realities, forgotten memories, and broken dreams.
On this boulevard of broken dreams.
There's no conscience of the pain any longer. You're so used to it, you're numb. And that's the way it should be. All you need is to survive.
You always ask yourself why. But if you're asking the question, why would you also know the answer?
There is no one on this road who knows the answer, and there never will be. If anyone knew the answer, then they wouldn't be on this road.
Stairways to heaven and highways to hell.
You're on the fast track to absolutely no where.
No one knows this road exists. You're one of the unseen. Most people live on the other side. They don't know this exists. Many of them are good people. They would help. If they could possibly stand it.
If they only knew. There's no way for you to call for help. All you hear is your voice echoing back at you as the dark starless sky closes in on you.
Like a snow globe. Never get in or out. Constant precipitation.
You're always shivering but you never get sick. At least not anymore.
Yes, and no one should be this immune.
No one should be this immune to this road.
Yet here you are.
On the boulevard of broken dreams.
9-5. 5-9. 24 hours non-stop.
Sunday is no different than Monday or Friday or Saturday or any other day of the week.
Money, money, money. Lots of people love it. Lots of people hate it.
Work, work, work. Get in the money to survive another day. Can't feel a thing because otherwise- how do you get through?
You get up, get dressed, get out the door, go to work, come home, get drunk, go to bed, and repeat it all over again.
It's amazing how fast hope can be shattered with the cruel bitterness of this unfair world.
"Mama! I'm going to be a superhero!"
"Mama, I'm gonna be a football player."
"Mama! Mama! I've got it! I'm going to be a race car driver!"
And that time, you meant it.
Well, maybe you didn't, because it never came to pass. And your parents knew it. There was no way. Your family couldn't survive without government money.
But how can you explain that to a little kid? A little kid who had been told all her life that if you follow your dreams, they'll come true?
When you hold on to those dreams so hard, it's even more difficult to let them go. When you realized reality, you were ruined.
You were resigned to the fact that because of your position in society, broken heart, especially after your father passed away at a young age, and no chance to do what you dreamed of forever, that 9-5 in pain for the rest of your life was the path you were on.
The fast track to no where.
There's a girl in the corner, in the shadow, that no one would ever notice. High life superstars, and she's missing her heroes. Drunk, drunk, drunk.
She's missing them.
But one of them doesn't miss her.
Despite the crowd, despite the fun, the throng, the laughter, the music, the everything perfect after a good race, Lando sees.
He sees the girl in the corner that no one else ever notices.
"Do you need help?" in the gentlest of tones. He bends down, looking the broken, shell of a person, right through everything and into her eyes. Like he doesn't see the eye bags, the messed up hair, the cuts on her arms, the vacancy. Like he sees beyond the walls. Like he just wants to see the true person who has to be in there. Somewhere.
"Yeah," she murmurs. Her words slur, making it terribly difficult for the buzzed Formula One driver to understand her words. "Can you... get me another drink?"
You wake up the next morning, and as soon as you realize you don't remember what happened last night and you're in an unfamiliar bed and room, you feel your stomach drop. Your head feels like it's about to explode with the extreme ache in it. Nausea wells up and you swallow, filling yourself overflow with utter panic. The rate of your breath picks up, and as your chest rises and falls quicker and quicker, even if you wanted to call for some sort of help (if anyone would even come), you can't. You can hardly breathe, your vision becoming swirling and confusing as you gasp, feeling as if you're going to suffocate. You heartbeat pounds in your head faster and faster, and you realize that if anything happened right now, you'd have no way to save yourself. This sinks more extreme anxiety, and even more when you think of what could have already happened when you were drunk last night. What if you're stuck here, confused and panicking, with some creep who did unspeakable things to you last night-
The door to the room slowly swings open, and you cover your face in your heads, unable to set your eyes on whoever is there, just trying to breathe- stay alive- yet you're not even sure you want to keep living at this point.
"Hey, hey, hey," a soft speaking male voice says. You feel him come closer, and slip on the bed next to you. "Hey, I'm not here to hurt you," he practically whispers. "I brought you to my home, but only because... you were a wreck last night. Listen to me..." He speaks soothingly, but you still don't look up. "Listen. I think you might be having a panic attack, or something adjacent. And I'm here to help you, not hurt you. Okay?"
You nod, staring down. Just one hot tear slowly rolls down your cheek.
"Can I take your hand?"
You hesitate, before nodding. You feel the thin, strong, smooth hand slip into yours. "Breathe with me, okay?" he says softly, then starts taking in slow, deep breaths. With every inhale, he gently squeezes your hand, and with every exhale, gently releases it.
You go on like this, and once you've sighed, confident enough of your safety, you let go of the man's hand and look up at him.
For a second, you stare.
And then it clicks.
And your jaw drops.
"Are you... you..." you stutter in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm Lando," he smiles.
You stare in shock at the man. "As in, like, the McLaren..."
"Yeah," he grins softly. "And I'll be right back, okay?"
"Lando-!" you squeal with a terrible, exhausted voice crack. Your emotions are so messed up right now.
He comes back and gives you a plate of food, sitting down next to you. You ignore the food for a moment and fix your eyes on him.
"Why am I here?" you ask softly.
"You needed help and I decided to give it."
Your heart pounds in your chest. You exhale slowly. "O- Okay.." These words from him are so strange to you. So unfamiliar. "I..." Suddenly, expected emotions well up within you. Uncommonly. You throw your arms around him and murmur, "Thank you... you're the... this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me in years... And it's you. I must be in a dream... You're one of the reasons I'm still here... I love Formula One... I love... I love you..."
He hugs you back, before gently prodding, "Why don't you try to eat a bit."
You nod and turn to the little breakfast he's made. It's a bit bland, but you're glad for that. You're not feeling nearly at your best.
But at the same time, you're sitting next to Lando Norris.
Bittersweet and confusing.
"Thank you..." you murmur again.
"Of course you can say no," Lando starts. "But can I know your name? What's your story?"
You sigh. What hurt can it do to tell him? "Y/n. And I don't have much of a story."
"Really? Seems to me you'd have a pretty interesting one."
You shrug. "Just another broken life. There are plenty of those out there, Lando Norris."
"Clearly every broken life is important. Consider yourself."
You sigh. "Your story is the opposite of mine. Grew up rich, followed your dreams, perfect life."
There's a certain softness in his eyes. "What were your dreams?"
"Same as yours..." you murmur, your voice cracking. You hesitate, before finishing, "All I wanted was to be a race car driver. Nothing else more than that. And I would've done anything for it. If I could have."
Lando stares. You eat. There's a strange silence, before he says, "Did you kart?"
"For some years. It lasted about one and a half. Then my father passed away, and everything changed. Even more."
He stares down. "I'm sorry..." But then he looks up, his intense eyes meeting yours. He looks even better in real life. "Y/n, your story makes me so sad. I'm so sorry... I... I'd do anything I could to help you fulfill your dream, at least somewhat."
You look surprised. "Why? You have the perfect life. Why do you care? Besides, we both know full well it's too late for me."
He blinks and seems to ignore your last comment, likely because it's true and he doesn't want to admit it. "Because I have the perfect life. You deserve to be in Formula One just as much as me. Yet, we're... Well, in opposite places."
"Right..." You can hardly believe these words.
"You seem like such a... Well, something stole your innocence too soon. There's so much longing and brokenness and love in your eyes but you're just... A shell of the beautiful woman that's inside of you."
You blink. "Why do you say that?"
He murmurs after more hesitation, "Last night when you were drunk, you know what you did? Well you cried and you told me your struggles, yes. But before I was about to leave the room and let you sleep, you looked at right me and you said something like, 'I'm so lonely. Where did my life go? I can't stand this much longer. Sometimes I wish I just had someone- a friend, a neighbor, a boyfriend, a sibling- sometimes I wish I just had someone there for me.'"
You stare, now unblinking, unsure what to feel. It is true, isn't it?
Lando looks you straight in the eyes. Past everything. Into your most delicate, secret spot.
You fight back from letting yourself choke up.
"Y/n, if no one else will do it, I'd ought to be that person there for you. And I'd love to."
Moist and foggy, so nothing is visible. There are echoes of life in the outside world, but not on this road.
For the first time in years, your tired feet have stopped. Perhaps done. Had it with this. They're bloody and twisted from the years of this pain.
Where has the numbness gone?
The rain pours down
on this road
and you can't tell
if those are teardrops
or raindrops
streaming down your cheeks.
Suddenly, you see a light. A light that has found the end of the road that you've been searching for for years.
Don't lose it. Don't lose it.
You could use some company.
As the light nears, it hurts. You double over and fall down in the puddles of the road, screaming in pain. You're so used to the darkness. For years it's all you've known. The light hurts. It's terrifying.
The light comes closer and closer, faster and faster, and panic fills you, realizing there's no escape. Your eyes burn and you sob for it to let you go.
You hate this road. So why do you cry, begging to stay?
You tremble as the light approaches, covering your skin.
But when it reaches you, the expected terror is not what you experience. Instead, it's a feeling unfamiliar to you. Something that only the shadows would taunt you with. But this is it. The real one.
Suddenly the beating of the rain stops.
You look up.
An umbrella.
And shining eyes.
You heart breaks once again, but this time you mind a bit less.
It's scary, but just what you wanted.
This light, this man, this sunshine.
This sunshine takes your hand and pulls you up. This sunshine leads you off this road. This boulevard of broken dreams.
This sunshine has come in and knocked down the walls.
Seen what's hidden. Stepped away and stepped into your misery. To help you.
A smile so bright.
And for the first time in forever.
You step off this road and you see the stars.
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marchsfreakshow · 6 months
It's A Sin [Jimmy Darling]
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Angst. Maybe a good ending.
Dandy stole you. That's what Jimmy thinks anyway. You wanted to take a break, and you left the Freakshow for a while. In that time, Dandy wooed you. You didn't come back. Even if you did, Dandy wouldn't let you.
I'm so sorry for this, I just thought of it and thought it would be good to get back into writing for Jimmy<3
No one's perspective
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
Weeks passed.
You hadn't come back.
"leave it, Jimmy. Seriously...they would've come back by now." Eve mentioned. But he couldn't. He couldn't just live his life without you to help him and live by his side. Fucking Dandy.
Jimmy sat by the ticket booth, day after day. Not eating, drinking, not even looking back once. Still with a glint of hope in his eyes that you would come back. Back into his arms, and into the Freakshow where you belonged. He held the picture of you in his hands, always. Standing with Elsa and Ma Petite, performing together, smiling the night away. But Dandy just couldn't help himself.
He couldn't stop himself from wooing you with the possibility of a warm meal and a fluffy bed every single night. Being with a man who won't be charmed by other women and was 'normal'. You defended Jimmy at first, saying how he was as normal as you or I. But the baby wasn't having it. He stomped around screaming nothing until he picked you up and threw you in the car. "You're mine now." He seethed. You spat and tugged at the car door. Locked. A shit-eating grin appeared on his face when you realised you couldn't get out.
The drive was silent and awkward. You muttered insults. Dandy ignored. But when you got to the manor, you ran. You ran as far as you could. Away from Dandy.
That's what Jimmy hoped anyway. He hoped you were running. Back towards your home. In reality, you were swooned ever so slightly. You were Dandy's now. Sleeping in a plush, big bed every night with a warm breakfast in bed in the morning. You could live like this forever. Everything you ever wanted, right at your fingertips. Where was your Jimmy in your mind? The last thought in your mind when you fall asleep at night. How he could also be happy like this, but he refuses.
Every single thing about you was missed. It was starting to feel wrong. To love you and miss you so much. Heartache, heartbroken, lost. Desperately waiting and searching for you every morning. Waking up every morning wishing you were still asleep in his arms, missing the way you kissed him so gently, and how Motherly you were with Pepper and Salty. Pepper cried when she realised you were gone. One of the kindest souls, abandoned her, more heartbreak. Jimmy felt guilty for you. He couldn't look them in the eyes anymore. The man spent hours staring at your photos, missing your pretty laugh more day after day.
"I miss them so badly..."
"I know Jimmy. I know. But there's no point sittin' and mopin' around in front of the tent all day. Come eat."
"go away Ma.."
He couldn't bear to look his mother in the eyes. He was betraying everyone, but he wanted nothing more than to see you running towards him on the road, jumping into his safe, protective arms once again, and being back home. She sighed, and just turned away, walking back into the Freakshow tent.
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Time passed.
A cold October night.
No one around here, no one there.
Breaths, and slowing down footsteps. A lit-up sign in front of their eyes. 1am. No one behind them, to the right, left or in front of. No car following them quietly. Opening the curtains, they walked in. Radio silence. It felt like they had to walk on air. Everything was the way it was when they left. When they walked out of the door, and out of the freaks' lives. You heard your beloved nickname. "Schön..?" Elsa asked quietly, standing in shock. Whether it was happy or angry shock you didn't know until she rushed to you, a grip around your tired body pulling you up. "Mein gott.. schieße.." German mutters and swears.
"I never shoulda left Elsa. Darl', I'm so sorry.." you whispered into her shoulder, knowing to hold in your tears. Both of you spoke for what felt like hours, and now you were standing by the stage, waiting for Elsa to signal you.
"seriously Elsa? This has to happen now?" You missed his voice. You felt like putty already, but you silently coughed and stood up straight.
"Yes! It cannot wait any longer." Jimmy tiredly chuckled. Oh, how you could be a puddle right now, entranced by him just like you were when you were first introduced to him. Lights cut, you stepped onto the stage with shaky legs and hands, facing the wall. The sudden awareness of lights made. You take a deep, incredibly shaky breath. Jimmy recognised you instantly. He stood up, anger, confusion, and love filling his brain. And in a second, you spun on your heel. Eyes meeting eyes. Seeing the sadness in Jimmy's look made you want to fade into the wall and never address him ever again. He muttered your name as the urge to fall to your knees grew.
"Jimmy.." you muttered back, half smiling. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You were almost cut off as Jimmy jumped to meet you on the stage, holding your hands tightly.
"Why? Why Dandy? Of all fuckin' people?"
"Because I was selfish." You looked away at the ground, feeling too guilty to ever look in his eyes again. "I was fucking selfish and lacked judgement. This is home." A hug was the last thing you expected as a response, but Jimmy held you tight, what you had craved for the last two months. He sobbed into your shoulder, and everything hit you like a freight truck. Hearing the one you loved to cry, realising how badly you fucked up. It made you burst, gripping the loose fabric on his back.
"Jimmy Darling, darling, I never shoulda left you. I'm sorry for being an asshole."
"My pretty sweetheart.." he muttered, holding your face, both your eyes and his, glassy. And a kiss. One like never before. Desperate hands around his neck, your back, weak knees, small giggles and smiles. Being held by the one who gave you the world despite everything. This felt right.
"I'm so glad Elsa woke me up." He chuckled, resting his forehead on yours.
"I'm glad I came back."
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tagging: @taintandviolent @babygorewhore @slvt4jamesmarch
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mar3ggiata · 7 months
professional help, introduction.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, mentions of death, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs, mafia - type organisations, eating disorders, depression, heavy mentions of gruesome death, abortions.
song to listen to when reading this: Dolcenera, Fabrizio de Andrè.
Black that carries away, that carries away the way,
black not seen in an entire lifetime,
so sweetblack, black, black that beats you up, that knocks down the doors.
The first time he ever saw her, she was crying. No, not necessarily crying, she was in a weird state of shock and terror. She was angry, more than anything. She looked like a demonic bunny, she was sweet and gentle but the look of pure rage on her face nearly scared him. His captain asked him to give her a ride to her house, it wasn't safe for her to drive in that condition. He thought she was his daughter he never knew about. Take one of the cars, he said, would you please get her out of here? He sensed something strange in his voice. Worry or, perhaps, guilt. What happened? Who was she, was she in danger? Why? The captain turned towards her, slightly slouching to get at her eye level. He couldn't really hear what he was saying, something along the lines of 'I trust him' and 'you don't worry, he'll get you home'. She looked at him like she was gonna jump on him and eat him alive, bite his neck and rip his skull open. Then she looked up at Ghost like he was going to be her next victim, right after his captain. She stood silent, fists curled with rage at her sides. She was small, short. She had a bag with her, large enough to fit a laptop. Did she work there? She was wearing smart attire, a blazer jacket a turtleneck, shiny black shoes. Was she a doctor? A lawyer? She's too young to be a lawyer, how old is she, 22? 24?
Black of bad luck, that kills and moves on,
black like the misfortune of making a den where there’s no moon, moon,
black of bitterness.
'This way' that's all he said. She was following him, dead serious. This is what weird nightmares that hunt you for the entire week look like. She walked with her back straight, she walked fast. Who is this, he continued to ask himself. He couldn't ask her for sure, he didn't want to die just yet. How come I never saw you? What did you do?
'Are you alright?' he finally asked when they approached one of the black trucks in the parking lot of the base. She spoke for the first time. Her voice was of someone who had been screaming and crying. 'Drive' she said, her voice raspy but her tone steady and firm. He watched her close the car door on the passenger side, she kept looking at the base behind them. Is someone after you? What happened, are you being followed is that why is not safe for you to get home by yourself? He did as she said, without replying. Her eyes stood fixated on the base that kept getting farther away from them as they took off, driving towards the city center. If she lived there, it would probably take them about 20 minutes to get there, through the desert. She seemed to slightly relax once they were deep in the deserted street, going just 10km/h over the speed limit. No one was on the road. She had her hands pressed between her thighs, to prevent them from shaking. She looked straight ahead of her. If he didn't kept glancing at her, he could have sworn she was a ghost.
He never managed to know what had happened, nor who she was. She vanished. No one ever spoke about that evening and he never saw her again. That is, until today.
notes: he could have sworn she was a Ghost babyyyy. brace yourselves this story will be long, I have a lot to say. my name is mare, first of all, i use she/her pronouns and english is not my first language!! I have no idea how to work with Tumblr, please bare with me I'm new, I don't know anything, teach me... the story is ongoing, however I have many chapters prepared. also, everything is fictional, every place, person, mission, everyone is fake. if you see similarities with the real world, it's a coincidence. these characters are not real. there will be a lot of detail, new people, characters I made up along with the original ones and notes at the end of each chapter. I do not consent to this work being re-published or translated. if you don't like how I portray the characters, don't read the story. if I make mistakes, do tell me. please read the trigger warnings because it might get violent and I am not responsible for your media consumption. the main character is an original character which I created, she has a name and is described physically in detail. enjoyy.
notes: song concept: "Dolcenera" is about a tryst that never came about due to the disruption of a major flood, such as occurred in Genoa in 1970. The term "dolcenera" refers to the dual nature of water - sweet when it is pure and life-giving, and black when it is fouled and out of control as in a flood.
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princessxt · 4 months
Hiya! Can we please get a Dean Winchester and Daughter Reader fic? It can be as however long as you want.
Hiii, omg this is my fist imagine, I hope you like it🤍
You can make a request in the comments or by asking me a question!
You can see the list of who I write about here
like and follow to encourage me to keep posting<33
You look like Dean Winchester in this light
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Pairing(s): Dean Winchester x Daugther!Reader
Gender: Fluffy?
Warning: None
I turn from side to side in bed, trying to fall asleep again, after waking up scared from a nightmare.
It's been a week since my life changed completely. My mother had been murdered by a spirit, my father, who my mother told me was dead, appeared saying that he hunts demons and other supernatural things with his brother. And now I'm here, in a any roadside motel with them, who are my last living relatives.
Knowing that sleep wouldn't come again, I get out of bed, feeling the cold breeze hitting my body. I put my feet in slippers and go to the dresser, grabbing a soft, warm coat. Before opening the bedroom door I see that they are 2:53 am. I leave the room and huddle inside my coat in the cold air. I close the door and go to the soda machine, taking 2 cans of Coca-Cola. I sit on the stairs and open the can of soda. I watch the cars passing by. down the dark road and I see one of them entering the motel parking lot. A couple gets out and goes to the reception, leaving a few minutes later. They go up the stairs and look at me sideways, but soon enter a room. I drink the cold liquid from the can and I think about everything that happened in the last few days, still trying to understand everything. I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice that Dean had left his room, which was next to mine.
"Did you lose sleep too?" He sits next to me, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I woke up from a nightmare and couldn't sleep again." I pick up the can of soda that was still unopened and hand it to him.
"Want to tell me how it was?" He opens the can and takes a sip. I take a deep breath and start to remember the dream.
"It was with my mother. I was in a house. It was dark and I heard her screaming, calling my name and asking for help. I tried to scream back while I opened the doors of the house looking for her. My voice wouldn't come out, and when the doors opened, the room was empty. When I finally find her, she stops screaming. I arrive too late to save her." I look at the road, avoiding eye contact with Dean. Our relationship was strange, we didn't know how to behave around each other. We could even be father and daughter, but we'd only known each other for a week, and under troubled circumstances.
"I'm sorry" He says after a few minutes, breaking the awkward silence. I just shrug.
"I know we don't know each other very well. But I want to try to do this right. I want to try to be a father. The father that I wasn't to you when you were growing up. I want to be, from now on, the father figure that I I never have. It's going to be difficult, I'm sure of that, but I'm willing to face a lot of things to have a good relationship." He speaks and I feel his gaze on me.
"My mother always said that I am a very difficult person to deal with." I finally look at him. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I looked like him. His dark blonde hair, his green eyes reminded me of mine. Sam had noticed earlier, while we were on the road in Dean's '67 Impala, that our tastes were similar. He liked classic rock. and he loved crude jokes, just like me.
"I can handle this. You'll also have to work hard to like me." He gives me a little push with his shoulder, making me laugh.
"I saw a 24-hour snack bar near here. Want to have a late-night snack?" He gets up and looks at me from above. I agree and get up too.
"I hope there's pie and cheeseburgers there" We headed towards the Impala, and got in, heading to the snack bar, which wasn't far away.
I may not have noticed, but Dean smiled the entire way, realizing that in addition to gaining a new reason to fight evil, just to ensure I have a better future, he would have the chance to do better than his father did with him and his brother, giving his all to make me happy, and putting me as a priority in his life.
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monkey-papermoon · 2 months
Goblin HRT day 1
Dr Erian looked up from the piles of documents on his desk, confused at the unnecessary noise "Um... Come in?" The door slammed open "Ma'am you can't jus-" <lemme through!> "It's alright, Nurse, let her in" Dr Erian mustered, pushing his glasses upwards. The nurse sighed and shrugged before leaving a short disheveled girl in her place. The girl stomped forth excitedly "Ah. you must be Maxin-" <Monkey.> "Right to it, eh? Well, monkey would be a very easy transition process. Afterall, Humans are Prim-" <No, my name, Monkey!> Dr Erian cleared his thoat "Okay... Well, Monkey, how can I help you today?" Monkey sat in the chair awkwardly and grinned as she steepled her fingers on the doctors desk <Goblin. No matter how hard, Goblin.> Dr erian pulled off his glasses and rubbed them with his coat "this is getting out of hand... Okay. But I must warn you, races from a more fictional realm make for a significantly harder transition. You must also realize there are many risks, including but not limited to - Lowering of intelligence, worse attention span, inability to blahblahblahblahblahblahblah." Monkey stared off into space, drool falling from her mouth slightly.
"Did you catch that? I - Miss Monkey?" Dr. Erian softly laughed in disbelief "Nevermind... I see you'll fit right in. Sign here! Wait - did you live as your perferred species for at least 2 y-" He trailed off, returning his sight to Monkey, who was still distracted "Nevermind, a silly question." He snapped his fingers at Monkey and she snapped back to attention "Sign here, Miss" <Oh! that easy... Really!? I'm so happy! You're a life saver Doc!> She squeeled and flapped her hands. Dr. Erian returned the glasses to his face and mouthed 'wow' before responding "Don't mention it. But we're gonna have to take bloodwork before we can prescribe these medications as to prevent complications." <Hey, I said no matter how hard, didn't I? Go for it.>
Monkey entered her home and rubbed her sore arm before quickly kicking off her boots and replacing her clothes with an oversized hoodie, her height always felt wrong, anything that made her feel shorter helped.
She let out an exhausted sigh and layed down amidst her pile of stuffed animals, she greeted every one of them and rolled to stare at the cieling. Pausing for a time before her lip started trembling <babies~ i'm... it happened. I'm... i'm gonna be me!!> She screamed ecstatically, tears flooding her eyes before she pulled a pillow over her face and squeeled into it.
This won't be easy, she knew it, and this would be a long road with difficult changes. But even still. It felt like a massive weight has been pulled from her shoulders. Like she has been running towards something unreachable for years and can finally rest.
She is to pick up her new prescriptions the day after, and she couldn't contain her excitement. With her friends all by her side, she sobbed into the night.
[Thanks for reading! I genuinely hope you enjoyed. This is part one of Goblin HRT, a concept that means a lot to me since realizing my identity. In it's essence it is a lot more comedic in tone but there will be parts that get a bit graphic or gloomy.
Bonus info! This story if it wasn't clear focuses on Monkey, a stand in for me, but I excel at Third person pov. The pov switches between Erian and Monkey to get the full picture, though i'm used to writing limited 3rd person. The arrows '<>' are a callsign Monkey uses online that are meant to look like the outwards facing ears that Goblins are usually depicted with, it became such a main stay that when she thinks or speaks in sentences she imagines the arrows around them.
Also I will likely reupload in the future with art attached and when I make another part but I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later.
If you're willing i'd appreciate if you would repost! , Follow for more, it helps me spread reach! ]
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pascaloverx · 8 months
Hit The Road
Chapter Fourteen (FINAL)
previous chapter epilogue (+18)
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: the characters mentioned here were created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name by author L. J. Smith. They don't belong to me. That said, this fanfic will be short. This fanfic may address scenes of violence, inappropriate language and adult content. Minors should not interact with this story. Also some information here is not in the order of the series or the same way it happened in the tv series.
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Your plan didn't work out. Damn it! Stefan broke down the door amid your screams of pain and grabbed you, throwing you to the ground. Strangely, him throwing you to the ground might have hurt more than being burned in the sun. You don't remember much after that. You can imagine the Salvatores being furious because you tried to end your vampire life. You're almost certain that you're tied to a chair. You try to move your hands and feet but can't. Your eyes slowly open, revealing Damon's room, and then you realize that you are indeed trapped. Damon comes out of the bathroom half-naked, with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet. You look at him, furious. But you notice that even though you're angry, you don't want to kill him.
"What did you do to me, Salvatore?" You almost shout as you watch him dry his hair with another towel. He's ignoring you, undoubtedly. He takes off the towel from his waist, revealing his naked body, and then slowly starts to put on some clothes.
"You know, you've always been one of the smartest people I know. But trying to kill yourself while a group of people who care about you is trying to find a solution to your problem was the stupidest thing I've ever seen." Damon's tone of voice is sharp; he seems genuinely bothered by the direction this story would have taken if Stefan hadn't stopped you.
"Fuck off, darling, I wanted to die. Not because the idea of a slow and painful death makes me happy, but because dying would prevent me from hurting you." You respond rudely, still trying to get out of the chair where you're tied up. Damon smiles, watching you struggle to untie yourself.
"You won't get out of there without my help, my love. That's because humans hardly ever manage to get out of places on their own. And yes, I called you human. In fact, while you were trying to kill yourself, I was able to track down your ex-best friend Dimitri. He had a cure for vampirism with him. And let's say he was happy to hand it over to save you." Damon's tone becomes almost too dark as he speaks the last part. He definitely killed Dimitri. I can't say it terrifies me, but I think Dimitri sought Damon's wrath.
"You turned me human and killed Dimitri? Wow, it's shocking the amount of things you can do." You speak, facing Damon, almost as a challenge, even though you know you should be grateful for him stopping you from dying or killing other vampires.
"I wouldn't have killed your hunter friend if he hadn't refused to free you from that damn spell. One thing led to another. But at the end of the day, everyone got what they deserved." Damon speaks as he approaches you. He crouches down on the floor, facing you. His blue eyes seem darker, and his expression looks tired.
"We're back to square one, aren't we? You're a cruel vampire, and I'm a human. What now? I age while you remain immortal, watching me slowly die in front of you? Then when all this is over, you go back to Elena and live a vampire life with her?" As you speak, you feel like you're venting to Damon but at the same time complaining.
"We both have at least a few more years before you start worrying about age and dying. I gave you back your human life so you could enjoy it a little longer. But when you want immortality back, just like your vampire boyfriends." Damon unties you, touching your hand lightly to your cheek, wiping away the tears you were shedding without even noticing.
"Did you hear about my idea for everyone to date each other at the same time? Seems like almost dying left my mind clear." You speak, smiling softly, trying not to appear confused by the changes in your life.
"I want you to know that I made a choice too. I chose to stand by the idiotic woman who married me in a cabin because neither of us knew what we wanted." Damon kissed both of your hands gently, then gave you a peck on the lips.
"What a lovely way to make me feel bad. But I won't backtrack, I love you and your brother. Individually but significantly." You pull Damon's face closer to yours, giving him a longer kiss.
"I have to go get more blood bags from the hospital. I think you have a visitor speaking of that, see you later." Damon kisses your cheek and leaves the room almost immediately. You get up from the chair and glance around Damon's room.
"Stefan, I'm no longer a vampire, but I know you're there." You say as you lean against Damon's bed, relaxing your sore back. Being human is too painful.
"I thought it would be weird to come here, to my brother's room, to see you." Stefan says, entering the room with a smile on his face. 
"It's not strange. I guess now we all agree that we're okay with the fact that I..." You almost finish the sentence but are interrupted by a strong and sincere hug from Stefan, who crouched down in front of you.
"I hate you, you know?" Stefan says, kissing your cheek, as if he wanted to savor every detail of you. You then give him a gentle kiss on the forehead and sigh.
"Thank you for saving my life. But next time you knock me down, I'm gonna punch you." You say as you hug him gently, running your fingers through his hair. And so your life as a vampire took a pause so that your life as a human could return, alongside the Salvatore brothers. Damon made a deal with you that when you're ready to be a vampire again, he'll turn you. Obviously, Stefan thinks you're better off as a human. For now, you continue in this romantic confusion where you date Damon sometimes, Stefan other times, taking life one day at a time.
The End...
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon - Odd Jobs
Witchers make a living by walking the Path. Every Spring, Geralt travels back and forth across the Continent, offering his services in exchange for coin. Most of the jobs he takes involve getting rid of monsters, or bringing back the pieces of them that mages or healers need for their spells or potions. He's also done bodyguarding, bounty hunting, and even the odd job here and there.
Geralt had no idea that the job he was going to take was going to be one of those odd jobs.
He'd been approached by a boy of barely 8 years, begging him to help him get rid of a monster.
Great. A child. Geralt did not like dealing with children. They tended to scream a lot, and p*ss themselves. Or follow you around and talk incessantly, and they had no sense of personal space, like a certain someone he knew...
"Stop doing that with your face, you're scaring the poor boy!" Jaskier admonished Geralt, who was scowling. Geralt attempted to look a little more friendly.
"Well, now you just look like you licked a nekker's ar*ehole!"
"Just go stand over there and let me handle this."
Geralt waited by Roach while Jaskier talked to the boy. He had probably been sent by his parents while they ran other errands. How inconvenient. But as long as the job paid well...
Jaskier returned moments later, his expression odd. "He said to follow him, and he will show us where he saw the monster."
Geralt frowned, "Jaskier, what the h*ll is going on?"
"He wants to hire you to get rid of a monster? I mean, I thought it was obvious, Geralt."
"I'm being hired by a child?"
"He said the pay was negotiable. We can always talk to his parents afterwards."
Geralt bristled, then 'hmm'ed and looked away, thinking. There were so many things about this that he didn't like. But what harm could it do to go and look? He could tell the boy wasn't lying, and was truly afraid. Geralt didn't want to leave things to chance.
They followed the boy on foot, having left Roach in town since they weren't going far, according to the boy. Geralt 'hm'ed in quiet disaproval as the small human led them off the road, cut through the grass and led them into the forest. Jaskier's eyes were sparkling with excitement when the boy paused and said "This is the way to our hideout. It's a secret, so you can't tell anyone about it!" He looked at Jaskier.
The bard quickly nodded, held up his left hand and used his right to cross his heart.
The boy looked at Geralt expectantly.
Jaskier looked at Geralt expectantly.
Geralt 'hmmm'ed and crossed his heart.
The boy nodded, satisfied, and led them along a path that was little more than a deer track.
They crossed a small stony creek, turned right at a massive, rotting tree stump, and walked down an ancient sunken lane. Jaskier was frantically taking notes and making sketches in his notebook, babbling on excitedly with the boy about the holloway. Geralt knew he was probably already mentally composing an embelished song about a fae tree tunnel or something.
The path was short, and ended at the remains of an ancient stone wall. There was a large hole in it, large enough for a man to pass through. The boy clammered through the hole with practiced ease.
Geralt walked up to the crumbling wall and 'hm'ed' unhappily.
"Oh, where's your sense of adventure?" Jaskier asked as he ducked through the little tunnel.
"It seems to have b*ggered off somewhere with your common sense."
Jaskier's arm poked back through the hole on Geralt's side of the wall. His wrist did a complicated little twist, fingers doing a fluid little dance, and then, with a flourish, he extended his middle finger.
Geralt slapped the hand down and followed him through the wall.
On the other side was an impressive, if somewhat lopsided, and crooked structure that looked like a woodshed with inexpertly done additions. It was a slapped together conglomeration of stones, sticks, various tree parts, and scavenged bits of building materials from the town.
There was also a pack of children of various ages gathered a healthy distance away from the 'hideout''. They huddled tightly together when they saw Geralt approaching, cringing when his shadow fell over them.
Geralt looked down at them, at their frightened faces, and rumbled quietly, making his tone as soft as possible, "I'm here about the monster. Your friend hired me to get rid of it."
One of the children, a girl of about 6 years, inched forward and quavered, "It's a bogeyman! It came out of the corner by the fire pit and screamed at us! It chased us out and we haven't been able to go back in. Merik tried to go in yesterday, and it was still there! It screamed and came at him from the shadows."
"A bogeyman," Geralt said cocking an eyebrow. He looked at Jaskier, 'hmm'ed and said, "A bogeyman," in case Jaskier hadn't heard the first time.
Jaskier gave him a warning look before crouching down, "Can you describe it for him, love?" he asked the little girl. "So he knows what kind of bogeyman it is?"
The bogeyman was blurry, had big, black holes where it's eyes should be in it's deathly white face. It's body was made of inky shadows and wind. And it screamed like a banshee.
It didn't sound like any monster Geralt had ever seen. He decided to just go have a look for himself.
"Stay with the children." Geralt said to Jaskier as he marched off to the jumble of a house. He carefully cracked open the door and slipped inside. It was dark, but he could easily see what had frightened the children. It was up in the rafters in the corner, watching him.
Geralt rolled his eyes and, since no one was around to see him, smiled. Kids and their imaginations.
Jaskier was entertaining the children with one of those inappropriate songs about body parts and bodily functions that kids love so much, when crashing and screaming erupted from inside the house.
The children screamed and joined Jaskier in hiding behind a fallen log. There were thumps, bumps, scrapes, and thuds overlayed by Geralt's growls and shouted expletives.
Jaskier and the children gasped when Geralt came flying backwards out the door, crashed to the ground, jumped up, and charged back inside, roaring like a bull. There was more screaming, more sounds of struggling. The children were peeking over the edge of the log along with Jaskier, imagining the epic battle that was raging inside.
Geralt crashed through one of the windows on the side of the house, rolling and struggling with a black, shadowy thing that was flapping and flipping in his hands.
They disappeard behind the house as they struggled, and then reappeard, rolling on the ground. Geralt punched and kicked, and slashed at it with his silver sword. He gained his feet, grabbed the thing and started beating it on the ground, then pinned it in the dirt with his sword and cast Igni. The thing burst into flames, turning to ash.
Once the nightmare had been slain, the children had calmed down and came over to confirm that the bogeyman was really dead. Then it was time take care of business.
Jaskier watched as Geralt accepted the payment for his contract. He solemnly held out his hand, and the boy dumped a collection of items into it. There was an impressive amount of coppers, and an assortment of bits and bobs.
"You said the pay was negotiable. I'll take this as my payment," Geralt said, taking a cat's tooth out of the pile. He could give it to Yen for her spells. He handed the coins and other treasures back to the boy, then rose and nodded to them.
He was mentally thrown off balance when several of the children hugged him. He patted their heads awkwardly and assured them that their secret hideout's location was safe, then went on his way.
"So what was it?" Jaskier asked as they navigated their way back to the road.
"A barn owl. I cast Axii on it to keep it calm and wrapped it in an old cloak I found in the corner. I let it go when I went around the back of the house."
Jaskier laughed, "So you just stomped around, banged on some stuff, and made a bunch of noise to make it sound convincing. And let me guess, you used Aard to throw yourself through the door?"
Geralt: *Affirmative Hmm*
"Well, it was very believable, especially the part where you were struggling with the bogeyman outside. Very convincing. Have you ever thought of going into theater? You'd make a good actor."
"No. I have too much self respect."
"But you would look so good in hose! You have very nice legs, and such a lovely bott-!"
Geralt bumped Jaskier, causing him to step in a pile of fresh deer droppings.
"My boots! These were new, you jacka**!"
They made it back to town, Jaskier had fodder for his next song, and Geralt had a humorously odd story to tell that winter.
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angelsanarchy · 11 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 8
Tagging: @ophelialaufey@madamemaximoff06@forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator
Oystein paced the house all day waiting for her. He had put in a grocery order first thing this morning so he could talk to her about an upcoming show that he wanted her to come to. He also wouldn't mind her sitting in his lap and doing his corpse makeup either but he felt that might be a bit much. He watched the skies and knew rain was coming but that never stopped an order in the past when he was living at home.
He knew the others were too engrossed in their own shit to even pay him any attention as he stirred in his own anxiety but the moment her car started down the road, he started to pull on his boots, almost skidding out in front of her car as she parked.
"Were you waiting for me to get here?" Y/n smirked at Oystein as she popped the trunk of the car.
"What? No of course not. I was waiting on the groceries, obviously." He teased taking the bags that she handed him. She followed him into the house and tried to put the bags down in a spot that wasn't beer soaked or gross. It took a few back and forth trips but as Y/n closed the trunk of the car, Oystein put his body in front of the driver side door.
"So is your shift over?" He smirked. He knew what he was doing and Y/n knew why he was doing it.
"Yes, you guys were my last stop but I already told you, I'm only here to deliver your groceries." She leaned against the car, folding her arms in front of her chest.
"Well if you don't have anywhere you need to be then why not just come in and hang out with me? Dead is the only one home but he's locked up in his room. It's quiet and I can guarantee my room is the cleanest place in the entire house." Oystein wasn't one for begging but he really wanted to spend some time with her.
"I'm not going to fuck you Oystein." Y/n said flat out with a smile.
"Well I was kind of hoping I would be the one fucking you..." Oystein teased making her roll her eyes but he reached out to put his hand on her arm.
"I'm kidding, well not really but I promise I'm not trying to put any moves on you. I just want to hang out." Y/n looked him over. His skin was so pale that the blue in his eyes almost looked like sapphires. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Oystein was a very pretty man.
"I will come in to see your room but I'm not staying." Y/n gave up. Oystein took her hand and pulled her back towards the house like a little kid ready to show off his toys. Y/n tried not to breath through her nose as the smell of piss, cigarettes and decomposition made the house reek. Oystein's room seemed to be in an isolated part of the house and she was relieved to see he wasn't lying about having the cleanest space.
"What do you think?" Oystein waved his arm around and offered her a chair. She nodded her head, passing on the chair and looking through his things. She ran her fingers across his typewriter and stopped short at the stack of records he had. She thumbed through them with Oystein approaching over her shoulder.
"Which one is your favorite?" She asked holding up two different albums. Oystein reached over her and pulled his favorite album from the bunch and put it on the player. Y/n sat on his bed and listened intensely to the music. Oystein watched her from the chair her once offered her, taking in how she listened to the music that he loved so much, almost nervous at how she might react.
"This feels like you. It's loud, very bodied and almost feels like someone is screaming secrets, if that makes any sense." Y/n tried to explain. Oystein smiled. The last thing he would ever call himself is smitten but fuck if that girl didn't say all the right things.
"It's not something I would likely listen to when trying to unwind but its not unbearable." Y/n turned her body towards him and caught his smile.
"What?" She asked nervously. Oystein couldn't help himself. He sprang up from the chair and slammed his mouth into hers. She was surprised by the contact and let herself meet his tongue with her own. She could hear the sound of Oystein's bullet belt being opened and she panicked, pushing him backwards to break the kiss.
"I told you, I'm not going to fuck you! Why do you insist on trying to make me one of your groupies dammit!" Y/n was embarrassed that she let herself get so carried away and threw the door open, fleeing the room. Oystein followed quickly behind her, trying to get her to stop.
"Y/n! Please just wait! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or hurt you-"
"You didn't hurt me! The kiss was fine!" Y/n had spun on her heel so fast, Oystein's knees almost buckled from stopping abruptly.
"Fine?" He was confused.
"Yes, I didn't mind the kiss but I'm trying to be one of those girls who fawns after you, gets fucked and humiliated by your friends and your band." Y/n insisted trying to open her door. Oystein shut it.
"I already told you! I don't do groupies! I never have. The girls that come here all end up fucking Hellhammer or some of the others. I don't know why you keep insisting I'm fucking everyone." Oystein argued.
"So what do you do when women throw themselves at you? Turn them away? I'm not a fucking idiot Oystein." Y/n wasn't going to pretend she didn't like Oystein but she knew any kind of relationship with him would be complicated at best.
"I tell them I don't want groupies! I find them disgusting-" Oystein's mouth stopped working almost instantly as Y/n yanked the buttons of her work shirt open, popping the buttons and flashing her bare tits to him. Oystein's eyes fluttered taking in how perfect they were. He wanted them in his mouth, he wanted them in his face. He wanted to fuck them, cum on them and watch them bounce as she rode him.
"Yeah disgusting. I can tell you have a real distaste for the female form." Y/n pulled her shirt closed and zipped her jacket to her chin.
"You aren't a groupie. You could never be a groupie to me." Oystein felt like he was drooling with how much spit was collecting in his mouth but Y/n shook her head.
"I'm sorry, I just...it's a bad idea Oystein. Once we push past that boundary, everything changes and I really don't want to end up hating you." Y/n got in her car and Oystein stood dumbfounded by the response. He watched her drive away thinking about everything she had just said. She was scared. She wanted to be more than friends with him, his feelings were mutual but she was scared of getting hurt. Now he his next move was critical. First, he was going to have to get back up to his room and handle the painfully hard cock she had left him with, then he would plan his next move.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
Revelations at a Slumber Party
Summary: Nancy goes over to Steve’s house and inadvertently joins them on their regularly scheduled slumber party, where Steve reveals his biggest secret to both Nancy and Robin. What, pray tell, is the secret? Read to find out.
Nancy sighed as she pulled up to Steve’s house. She tried not to think about her breakup with Jonathan. It was the easiest breakup in the world. Should it have been that easy, and should they have been that relieved? Shouldn't she feel something other than relief? Maybe she was overthinking it. Maybe she should be glad that it ended the way it did and that Jonathan had someone else. Nancy couldn't help but smile as she thought about the way Jonathan looked at Argyle. Even on their best days, Jonathan never looked at her like that.
Nancy got out of the car and stared at the sun sinking down behind Steve’s house for a moment. Maybe she should have given it another day, but then something else could have happened. . .Vecna could rise from the dead and come after them all. Why wait for something you really want when you could be dead and leaving everything left unsaid? Nancy walked towards the door, squaring her shoulders. When she got closer, she noticed that the door was open. Nancy reached into her purse and pulled out her pistol. She closed and locked the door behind her as quietly as she could. She didn't call out. That would be stupid. She scanned the living room. Empty. She went into the kitchen and then the downstairs bathrooms before moving upstairs. The first two rooms were empty, as well as the upstairs bathroom. That's when she heard it. Steve’s scream. She ran towards his room and burst in, holding out her gun. Steve screamed again and, for some reason, covered up his exposed chest. Meanwhile, Robin froze behind him. She was kneeling behind him on the bed, hands on his back, and she was wearing only her pants and bra.
"We have to stop meeting like this, Nancy," Steve said dryly. "And with the same gun?"
"Yeah, if you keep pointing that gun at him like that, he's going to develop a kink," Robin said.
"Robin!" Steve exclaimed, dropping his hands.
"I thought you were platonic with a capital P," Nancy said as she put her gun back in her purse.
"What? Oh, yeah, I see how this might look strange to you," Robin said. "I was rubbing ointment on his road rashes as well as his bat bites, and I didn't want to get any on my shirt."
"So, you're really just friends?" Nancy asked.
"My boobs are platonic to him as his dick is platonic to me. As are our souls," Robin said and then frowned. "Are our. . .why do those asshole words have to sound so similar? Anyway. . .also, I'm a huge lesbian."
"Oh, thank God!" Nancy exclaimed and then blushed. "I mean, thank you for telling me."
"Isn't it cute how jealous of me she was?" Robin asked, smirking.
"Totally," Steve said as he smirked as well.
"Shut up," Nancy said with a smile. "Don't you know not to tease a woman who has a gun?"
"I clearly don't," Steve grinned.
Robin moved off the bed and went to wash her hands. Steve reached for his shirt and struggled to put it on. Nancy smiled and helped him put it on. Robin came back wearing pajamas and pushed Steve gently back against the pillows before climbing into bed next to him.
"We're having a slumber party. You missed the junk food part of the evening. Now, we're going to curl up in bed and talk about girls," Robin said.
"You two talk about everything, huh?" Nancy asked.
"Well, join us and find out. Although, you have to promise not to get handsy with Steve," Robin said.
"Robin!" Steve exclaimed.
"Can't make any promises that I can't keep," Nancy smiled.
"What about - ?" Steve asked hopefully.
"Oh, I broke up with him. Well, it was mutual, actually," Nancy said and sat down next to him. "He has his eye on someone else, and I have my eye on someone else."
"Is the someone Jonathan has his eye on who I think it is?" Robin asked.
"What do you know?" Nancy asked.
"What do you know?" Robin repeated.
"I asked first," Nancy said.
"And I asked second," Robin said.
"How do you know?" She asked.
"It was about as obvious as Steve is when he looks at you," she replied, and Nancy laughed.
"Hmm, he was very obvious," she said and looked down at him.
Nancy was leaning against the headboard while Steve was slumped against the pillows, so he was looking up at her. She cupped his cheek and leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. She pulled back and he smiled sweetly at her.
"Hi," Steve said breathlessly.
"Hi," Nancy said. "Is my favorite shirt still in the drawer?"
"Yeah," Steve said.
Nancy shuffled over to the dresser and grabbed the blue t-shirt before heading to the bathroom.
"Oh, Steve, you're done for. She's finished you. There's no going back," Robin said.
"Fuck off, Robin," Steve said.
Nancy laughed as she came out of the bathroom. She crawled in next to Steve and let him lean his head on her stomach.
"So, how do you guys start this off?" Nancy asked as she ran her hand through his hair.
"Well, I usually start off with talking about Vickie for an hour," Robin said. "And then we talk about Steve’s lack of a sex life."
"Yours is more lacking than I am. At least I'm not a virgin," Steve replied.
"And then I ask him once again how he lost it," Robin said.
"Yeah, he never told me about that either," Nancy said.
"Come on, fess up, Steve, who was the girl?" Robin asked.
Steve stared at Robin before sighing heavily as he played with the blankets.
"I mean, I guess I should be honest here," Steve said. "I'm not going to tell you who it is. I can tell you that it wasn't a girl."
"Are you telling us you slept with a boy?" Robin asked and paused. "Oh my God, you slept with a boy."
"Sorry, I never told you," Steve said, looking sheepish.
"I mean, you don't have to apologize for that. You needed to be ready to tell us, and I get why you wouldn't be. Can I ask why you didn't? Is that why? You weren't ready?" Robin asked.
Nancy continued to stroke his hair as they waited for an answer. She already guessed who it was that he had slept with. It suddenly made sense why Tommy had seemed to hate her now that she thought about it. He had been jealous.
"I never thought - I didn't think - not until, you know - ," Steve said nervously.
"It's okay, you don't have to say, babe," Robin said.
Nancy couldn't stop the question that spilled out of her mouth once she connected the dots.
"Was I the first woman you've ever been with?" Nancy blurted out.
Robin couldn't stop the gasp that slipped out as she gaped at Steve.
"Yeah," Steve said.
"What about all those women you said you had been with?" Nancy asked.
"Rumors that Tommy spread so no would think I was gay," Steve said. "They weren't even real women. Just made up names."
"So, you like women now?" Nancy asked.
"And men, still. When I realized that I also like women T - someone told me that it wasn't a thing and I was just confusing myself," Steve said. "I thought there was something wrong with me for the longest time."
"Oh, Steve," Robin and Nancy said.
Robin sobbed and wrapped her arms around Steve’s neck.
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with you," Robin said. "I love you so much."
"I love you, too," Steve sniffled.
Oh my God, Nancy thought, the first time they had sex. . .it made sense why Steve had been so excited, so eager but he had also been willing to wait. He realized he was attracted to women, and she had called him bullshit. She had told him that it was their fault that Barb had died. It didn't matter that she had been drunk. She had still hurt Steve. They had both been hurt, and instead of it bringing them closer, their trauma had pulled them apart. While Barb had been her best friend, she knew that Steve felt his own guilt over her. Why else would he keep going with her to Barb's parents for dinner? It had been so hard for both of them, and Steve just let her go because he knew that's what she needed. . .because he loved her. An overwhelming amount of love for Steve clenched her heart, and she just wanted to hold him forever. She wasn't going to let him walk away from her this time.
"I love you, Steve," Nancy whispered as she sank down and laid her head over his heart.
"I love you, too," Steve whispered and kissed the top of her head.
"You want to talk about it some more, buddy?" Robin asked.
"I just want to enjoy this moment," Steve replied. "But Nancy probably doesn't know a thing about Vickie."
"Oh, that's right," Robin said with a gasp and started telling her everything.
Nancy could feel his eyes watching them as they talked over his chest. She could feel the love and affection for both of them radiating from his eyes. It was different kinds of love, though. One side platonic, the other side romantic, and both of them equally important to him. She hoped he felt so loved right now. He deserved it. She wanted to get to know Robin more as well because judging by the way they acted with each other, Robin was going to be an integral part of his life forever. Nancy wanted a part of what they had, even if it was just a sliver. Nancy blinked at Robin.
"Vickie Fisher?" Nancy asked her.
"Yeah, do you know her?" Robin asked.
"Sort of. We met when I did an article on band," Nancy said.
"When was this?" Robin asked.
"It was a few weeks back. You were sick. Vickie had been the one to tell me," Nancy said. "I really didn't think anything of it when I overheard her talking about how she wished her boyfriend was more like this guy she knew. Tall, pretty blue eyes, a thing for taking in lost boys like Peter Pan, and his name was Rob. He also liked to wear ties."
"Oh, great," Robin said bitterly.
"Oh, come on, Robin!" Steve laughed. "Can't you tell who she was talking about?"
"A really nice guy, it sounds like," Robin said.
"She also mentioned something about him getting caught up in the Starcourt fire, and she went on about how brave he must have been," Nancy said, her eyes twinkling with mirth.
"I can't compete!" Robin groaned as she flopped on her back.
"Robin, you were in Starcourt," Steve frowned.
"Yes, I know," she sighed.
"Robin, what do I call you sometimes?" Steve asked.
"Robbie," she replied.
"Rob," she said and rolled her eyes. "It's also short for Robert."
"Or. . . ?" Steve asked.
"Roberta!" Robin exclaimed and sat up with a gasp. "Maybe she is into girls, but not me!"
Steve sighed and threw his arms up in the air.
"I can't believe you call me the dingus," he said and Nancy giggled.
"I just don't want to get my hopes up," Robin pouted as she laid back down again.
"Well, you know, we all almost died recently," Nancy pointed.
"We were there," Robin and Steve said.
"Imagine if you had died, and you never told her how you felt. If you can risk your life saving Eddie, someone you barely know, then I think you can risk believing in the possibility of Vickie liking you. I also think you can risk asking her out. Life is short, and you could get hit by a car tomorrow," Nancy said.
"Or in Robin's case, slip on a banana peel. It's moments like that that make me wonder if my platonic soulmate really is a cartoon character," Steve said.
"It was one time!" She exclaimed, and Nancy laughed. "Alright, alright. Nancy might be right."
"No, no, Nancy is right, and don't you forget it," Steve said.
They fell silent for a moment until Robin sighed and started humming: "I got you, babe." Soon, she started singing, and then Steve joined in before Nancy knew it she was singing along as well. They sang a couple of renditions. The last one was just Steve and Robin singing it in terrible British accents that caused all three of them to dissolve into giggles. They talked well into the night, and the first one to fall asleep had been Robin. She, course, snored loudly, facing away from them. Steve sat up, leaning against the headboard to glare down at Robin.
"Oh my God, she's like a fog horn," Nancy giggled.
"She's also a heavy sleeper. You can't wake her up for anything," Steve said.
"Are we going to get any sleep tonight?" She asked.
"Yeah, no, I don't think so," Steve replied.
Nancy smiled and threw a leg over him as she settled herself carefully into his lap.
"Is this okay?" Nancy asked. "I just wanted to look at you."
"Yeah, this is okay," he said softly.
Nancy smiled and ran her hands over his face. She smiled as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She cupped his face, and he opened his eyes. God, she loved his hazel eyes. They were a perfect mixture of brown and dark green, like leaves turning into autumn. Steve’s eyes always reminded her of what she loved about the woods when it was on the cusp of turning into fall, turning from green to warm golden brown. It was worth more than all of the money in the world. She could sit here now and fully appreciate them, appreciate him. He always told her that hers reminded him of the ocean. . .The forest and the ocean, two different spaces, both of them vast, but so intertwined. Too much water and the forest drowns but just enough, and it can make the forest beautifully vibrant. Like most things, the forest and the ocean needed balance. Nancy hoped to find the perfect balance with Steve.
"Do you think she'd notice if we started having sex against her back?" Nancy asked.
"Nancy Wheeler!" Steve exclaimed with a gasp as he laughed.
"Do it, and die," Robin said.
"Oh, yeah, every so often, she wakes up," Steve said.
"The rule is that if I don't have someone who I can have sex with in bed, then no one in this bed can have sex," Robin said and then fell back asleep.
"Did you know that was a rule?" Nancy giggled.
"I did not," Steve said as he rubbed her back.
Nancy stared at him quietly again and sighed in contentment.
"I missed you," she whispered.
"I missed you too," Steve whispered back.
Before she knew it, her bottom lip was trembling, and the tears were coming out.
"I really missed you," she sobbed.
"Hey, what's this about, huh? I'm right here," Steve said.
"You almost weren't," Nancy said, touching the scar around his neck. "It's so stupid how sometimes people don't realize how much someone means to them until they're almost gone. You could have died, and I should have realized before then. Steve, I love you. I love you now, just as I loved you then. . .I just didn't know how to say it. It got stuck in my throat, and I wanted to say then when you asked."
"I know how difficult it is to talk about something. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you about myself, and it really did get caught in my throat. I was afraid you wouldn't love me anymore like the way my parents did, when they stopped spending time at home with me. I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me in that alleway. I was upset, and I didn't want you to tell me that you didn't love me when you came back with Jonathan, so I backed away. I also knew we both needed time away from each other because of the shitty situation we were put in by that fucking doctor who decided to play god. Barb would be alive if it weren't for him and it took me a long time to realize that it was Brenner's fault, not ours. I would kill him a thousand times over if I could. I don't blame you for any of it, so you have nothing to apologize for," Steve said softly. "I'm glad we got the time away we needed. We were dealing with something that not even adults could handle. You're here now, and that's what matters."
"I do need to tell you that you were never a shitty boyfriend. You were the best boyfriend ever, and I really wish we could have figured out how to work through our emotions together," Nancy cried. "You're a good man, Steve Harrington. I should have told you that more."
Steve smiled softly, his own tears spilling over.
"And you're amazing, Nancy Wheeler," Steve said. "We're here now and we can figure it out together."
"I love you," Nancy whispered.
"I love you too," Steve whispered.
Nancy crashed her lips to his, kissing him harshly and enjoying the way his lips fit against hers. God, she missed kissing him. She missed everything about him, but it all felt new and familiar at the same time. Maybe it was because they were both almost in the same place emotionally now. Nancy broke the kiss and slid off of him before she gave him a problem. She laid down next to him, turning on her side. He carefully did the same, leaving his hand up. She smiled and slid her palm into his.
"Next time you throw a sleepover, only invite me," Nancy said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him, moving her hand as she did so.
"Deal," Steve said and kissed her forehead.
"Is it so you can plan my surprise birthday party?" Robin asked sleepily.
"Yeah, Robin, that's it," Nancy said in amusement.
"Fucking knew it," she said and paused. "Happy for you, my pretty little dinguses."
She turned over, throwing her arms and legs over both of them. Nancy knew they still needed to talk more, but for now, she could sleep in the safety of their arms, hoping that Steve knew how much he was loved.
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toothfa-1-ry · 1 year
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WARNINGS: Mentions of death, cheating(?) in Haechan's part, reader wears dresses, reader is mentioned as prom Queen I'm Haechan's part), mentions of God in Jisung's part
GENRE: Angst, gn reader
A/N: I'm sorry for being so inactive and not posting so much (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ also I'm still new to writing for Chenle and Jisung so it might not be accurate??
Also please reblog or comment something if you enjoyed!!
✧\(> ⋋✿ • ° • ✿⋌ <)ノ✧
"you were my first love, I wish you were my last too" - Mark Lee
First love, idol au, idol x non idol
Mark Lee was the first boy you ever loved. The first boy you fell inlove with, the first person who you could see a future with. He was who you wished to have a future with. He was going to be the one, he will be the one.
That's what you always told yourself, that if he loved you and you loved him it was enough, all the things you wanted didn't matter if the both of you were together. Maybe if you had continued telling that to yourself things would have worked out.
Now, you stare at him through the TV screen remembering the time once when you could look at him up close. You watch him sing and dance and do all the things he loved. All the things he couldn't do with you but now that you were gone from his life he could do it all, he could live his life, he could actually be happy.
You watched all his live concerts hoping for him to catch you in the crowds atleast once, one small glance, one small glimpse of resemblance but this wasn't a movie where the girl gets the guy she always wanted, this wasn't a fairy tale dream you would get to live. He never saw you ever once, he never saw you no matter how many concerts you would go, or maybe he didn't want to see you, maybe he did glance over your face, maybe he did catch a glimpse. But that's all he did, that's all it was. A glimpse.
They say that first love's never last but you and Mark promised to be there together till the end "forever and always y/n. I'll always love you. Until forever ends, I promise" you remember smiling upon those words but now those words brought nothing but pain to your heart because Mark was your first love and that's what he'll always be, what he'll only be. Because first love's never last, and you and Mark weren't an exception.
"You exist now, only in my memories, forever in my memories." - Huang Renjun
Love at first sight, painter au, painter x muse
Renjun remembers the day he met you clearly. Even though it's just bits, there are some parts that he remembers clearly. He remembers the rain, he remembers the wet road and he remembers you stepping into the rain like a painting, your hair down, your red dress getting all wet, but it was your eyes that Renjun remembers the most clearly. Those star like eyes that made Renjun fall inlove with you that moment, those eyes which saw all parts of Renjun that no one had, those eyes which Renjun had painted so many times. He remembers wishing to never forget them, those eyes, that face.
But now, in the middle of the night, when he's all alone, when he can't sleep. He wishes to forget those eyes, he wishes to forget that face of yours. He wished he could forget the way you looked at him that day with fear all over your eyes. Renjun remembers the day he lost you. He remembers the rain, the wet road where you were standing in the middle, getting all wet but he remembers your eyes the most. The way it widened when the car came out of no where, the way you couldn't even scream for help, the way you looked so helpless.
But most of all he remembered himself, standing on the other side of the road all frozen, he remembers himself not even being able to breath or walk a inch towards your unmoving body which bled in the middle of the road. He remembers the way his heart cracked, the way it cracked and shattered into a million pieces unable to be fixed again.
He remembers the day he got you and the day he lost you. And he wishes he could forget them both.
"your always ones arms reach away from me yet I want your touch even more relentlessly" - Lee Jeno
Forbidden love, royalty au, knight x princess
Knight Jeno stares at you in a way which couldnt be explained. He looks at you in such a melancholy way yet there was shock painted in those sad eyes. He stares at you as you lock eyes with your husband, the future king of the neighbouring kingdom. The smile you give your husband being reminiscent to the smile you always gave Jeno but it didn't quite reaching your eyes. Your heart quite not beating for your now husband the way it beat for Jeno.
Jeno stands along with the screaming crowd as your carriage slows down for the new couple to greet the excited crowd. The crowd screams as the carriage stops, children, women and men all throwing flower petals and congratulating the couple as Jeno's stomach tightened and breath shortened. The white bouquet of roses in his hand being mushed by the grasp of his hands.
You both make eye contact for a second or two but it was all Jeno needed to know that you did remember what happened yesterday night and all the nights before. That you remembered the stolen kisses, the lingering touches. That you remembered him begging you to stay with him, to run away with him and you saying sorry again and again. You look away first and quickly but Jeno's gaze just remains at you unmoving.
He slowly walks up towards the carriage, raises his arms and throws the half dead roses at you which you catch and cradle in your arms as if it was gold. The both of you share one last look that day just like all the last kisses and touches the both of you once had shared. One last look was all Jeno needed to know that you did love him and that your heart belonged to him only but it was also all Jeno needed to know that you'll never belong with him, that your one arms reach away from him, always away from his reach and that there was nothing he could ever do to change that.
"I'm still waiting for our last dance" -Lee Haechan
Prom nigh au, lovers to exes
Being prom Queen would have been rather fun if Haechan was prom king, instead your stuck with his friend Na Jaemin who was next with you, holding your hands as the both of you glide across the cleaned gym floor which was now adorned with blue spotlights on the both of you.
The metallic crown covered in plastic gems and beads placed in your perfectly done hair and your dress twirling as Jaemin spun you around, the same dress you and Haechan picked together months before preparations for prom even began, months before the both of you broke up.
You couldn't help but wonder if Haechan would realise that it was the dress he picked, or if he'd realise that the hairstyle you wore tonight was the hairstyle he always complimented, or if he would even be looking at you slow dance with Jaemin. But you hoped that atleast he would know that a small part of you still remained with him, that a small part of you still yearned for him even after all the fights, bitter words and after the breakup. Your eyes scan the crowd searching for Haechan, every movement you took was just a chance to take a glimpse at the crowd to see where Haechan was. You finally see him, behind crowds and crowds of people but he easily stands out, his eyes being the same soft brown eyes you adored.
Your eyes meet Haechan's soft combed hair, his body adorning a neatly ironed tux, the same one you picked out months before the prom, before the breakup. The same tux you chose for him with the small rose print in the left breast pocket. A part of you wonders if Haechan feels the same way you do, if he thinks about you at night, if he wishes to change things, if he still loves you after the breakup. You heart however is torn into pieces as you watch Haechan bend down to kiss another girl, holding her hand tightly into his, his sole attention placed only on her.
For the last time you wonder if he remembers the last dance he promised you on prom night, probably not, probably for the best.
"my mind might forget your face, my skin might forget your touch, but my heart would never forget the way you made it feel" -Na Jaemin
Lovers to strangers, amnesia au
Jaemin looks at you from a distance, the empty feeling inside of him growing even more as the seconds go on. He looks at you as you hold hands with you parents, smiling, laughing. Your parents never liked Jaemin, they never liked the idea of the both of you together.
Jaemin remembers the first time he met you in the hospital, the way you refused to look him in the eye, the way you refused to acknowledge his presence. He remembers the way you apolagised for not remembering him, your heart no longer beating for his. Not anymore, not even recognising it.
Jaemin looks at the way your eyes shine now, as your mouth curves up into a smile, so radiant, so beautiful. It reminded Jaemin of the ways he used to make you smile, the sweet laughter of yours which played after all his corny jokes. All now which you had forgotten. Your eyes which always crinkled and brightened whenever you saw Jaemin now looked at him only in confusion, your sweet soft lips which used to kiss him in the death of night now no longer recognised his pink lips. Your heart which once danced along to the beat of Jaemin's heart could now no longer find the rythm which you both shared. All the golden memories now turned into dust as you fail to recognise the face that you so loved, as you fail to recognise the heart which you so loved.
You looked so happy even without the memories of Jaemin, without all the memories you spend with Jaemin, who was Jaemin to take away your happiness? If after all your happiness was all Jaemin lived for, all Jaemin was willing to live for even if it meant that he'll have to let you go.
Even if it meant that he'll have to let go the person he loved, the only person he'd ever love even though you don't even remember him.
"a plane ticket away from you but my heart will always have you as it's destination" - Zhong Chenle
Rich boy x poor girl, difference in social status,
Staring at the plane ticket in your hands, you wonder if things were really going to end this way, if it really was going to be as easy as this. Your fingers glide on the piece of paper bought by Chenle's mother, the smooth piece of paper which was going to divide you and Chenle for good. That piece of paper which was going to separate you and Chenle countries apart. You couldn't help but wonder if it was really all going to be worth it.
You look outside the small airplane window as you hear a femal voice speak, a small teardrop rolling down your tears as you clasp the plane ticket in your hand, slightly tearing it.
You had no choice but to leave, you had to leave. Not only for your sake or your families sake but for Chenle's sake, for the boy you loved. After all the boy you loved was the heir to the Zhong company and you were a just a simple girl whose family was struggling to find a ends meet. Things would have never worked out anyway. You were stupid for thinking that things could have worked out, it was all just a silly Teenage dream like how Chenle's mother had phrased it.
You think about Chenle, he's all you can think about in this moment. You think about whether he'll be hurt, whether he'll understand why you left, whether he'll understand why you took the money. A part of you hopes that he will, that he'll search for you and forgive you but a part of you also hopes to never see him again, that he'll get angry at you, curse your name. That he'll never forgive you for the horrible thing your doing and that he'll forget your existance. You'd rather have him angry at you then ruin his future, his life by involving you in it. You loved him too much to let him to that to himself.
The airplane gets ready to take off, you squirm slightly in your seat as you wipe away your tears. You close the window, your afraid that if you don't you'll just end up crying even more so you close your eyes shut not seeing the figure of a boy running towards the airplane. You don't hear the boys loud screams and shouting of your name, you don't hear him begging you to stay. You don't hear his cries as the airplane finally takes off and as his bodyguards are holding him back.
You don't hear his heart breaking because you were to busy hearing yours break.
"to all the sweet laughter under the sun we shared without worry of the days to come" -Park Jisung
Terminal illness au, highschool au,
Jisung holds your hand tightly, his warm healthy hand contrasting from your cold frail ones. His soft eyes look at your cold tired ones as he watches you shoot a tired smile at him. Jisung forces a smile back, trying to fight the ever-growing lump in his throat, the water in his eyes pooling whenever he sees you lying down in your bed. Jisung fights back the horrible thoughts in his heads, the words he heard the doctor say to your parents a few minutes ago ringing again and again in his head
Your the strongest person Jisung knew, the most stubborn. He knew that you were going to be okay, that your going to be fine. He knew that your going to stay in the hospital only for a few more days before you fully recover and the both of you can go back to complaining about algebra class and making fun of Mark. He knew that the tubes sticking out of your body, the injections you take everyday was just going to be a phase. That you'll be able to go outside and walk around freely without being stuck in a wheelchair. Jisung believed in miracles, he believed in you after all you were a angel in disguise for Jisung. You were his blessing
But angels come from heaven, you belong to heaven too. Jisung watches as you close your eyes his heart hammering, he watches as you breath slows down, as your grip becomes weaker. Jisung's eyes widen, his body begins panicking as your machine begins beeping, he screams for help.
He prays and prays, it's too short he says. Your time in earth is too short, your time with him is far too short. You can't leave him yet your both only kids, you both have the rest of your lives to live. You still have a life to live with Jisung. You still have to keep your promise to Jisung, to build a house together, own a pet cat. He continues praying as the doctors take you away for a emergency surgery, using up all his breath, his words. Begging that of there really was a god out there, to save you. To save the person he loved, to perform a miracle.
But if there really was a god out there, a creator of life and the bringer of death. They must have been cruel to Jisung because now your heart which once beat, your heart which Jisung adored now remained cold and unmoving. The minute your heart stopped was when Jisung's heart also froze. After all he lost his miracle, his only blessing.
He lost you, his highschool love and only love
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rjmartin11 · 6 months
Earth Angel, Heavenly Boy
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Pairing: Angel!Elvis & OC!black!female
Summary: After a nearly fatal car accident, a mysterious man saved the life of a young woman who believes the young man is more than what he seems.
Word Count:???
Warnings: Car accident
Author's Notes: Okay, okay, maybe I'm officially off from retirement. I don't know. This story just hit me, no pun intended. I just felt I had to put it down.
If you enjoy this chapter and want more, like, repost, comment, and follow. If enough people like it, I'll make another chapter.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・🪽・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"For He shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all thy ways." Psalms 91:11 (Bible)
After a long day at the office, all Noel wanted to do was go home, prop her feet up, and drink some wine. She was supposed to leave at five o'clock, yet Noel finds herself leaving the desk at six thirty. By the time she gets home, there will be no cooking. She can get by on just a glass of wine and a snack.
The ground was saturated with the rain from the last hour, but Noel didn't care. She was ready for that shower. The glass of wine. Her recliner. Her mystery book or mystery show. Whatever came first, she'd take it.
Driving home in the dark is never ideal, but here she is. Noel decides to play the radio to lift her spirits. She doesn't like driving when it rains, and she despises driving in the dark.
As she turns up the radio, a car swerves into her lane. Panicked, Noel tries to move out of the way of the car. This causes the car to hydroplane on the wet road. Noel tries to regain control of her vehicle, but the other car hits the backside of her car, causing her to flip over. The other car spins out of control, running into a tree.
Noel screams as her car flips and lands on its top. She wore her seatbelt, but the top half of her body's positioned out of the driver's window. She has cuts on her hands, arms, and face. Her legs are concealed under wheel. She can barely breathe.
"God... please... help," she breathes into the air with tears coming down her face.
She believes she hears footsteps, but she goes completely limp from the pain.
At the moment, her silent prayer to God has been answered. Angels, unseen to human eyes, surround the scene. Real angels with magnificent wings and a heavenly glow.
One angel in particular goes to Noel's aid. Honestly, he's not supposed to help her out of the car. His job is to watch her to make sure no more harm comes to her as they wait for the paramedics to arrive. His other job is to whisper positive thoughts of encouragement in her ear as they wait, and if her body is too damaged from the collision where her soul can't remain, he's supposed to signal the angel of death. Yet, her angel can't.
Noel's body has internal bleeding, three different vertebrae are fractured, and her right wrist and left leg are broken. She's a candidate for a new life. A new life with wings or the ethics rest, the angel can't bring himself to report this.
Angels also have a gift to see the soul of each and every human being. He sees that kind, generous soul Noel has within her. She puts others in front of herself in her career and in everyday life. She was in an abusive relationship, which removed herself from a year and a half ago. It didn't change her soul and destroy her character. It only made her stronger. Noel was loved and respected. She'd be missed.
The angel gently pulled Noel's lifeless body out of the car with ease. Placing her gently in his arms, he wraps his wings around her. Her breathing is shallow. Her pulse is weak. As he hears her heartbeat fade in and out, he knows Noel won't make it to the hospital. He sees all laid out before him. The ambulance gets to her, places her on the gurney, and she dies on her way to the hospital.
"No," he says, looking at Noel's cut face. "This can't be how it ends for you."
"Elvis!" Calls out the angel in charge. How is she!"
"Yes, Gabriel!" Elvis shouts back. "She'll live."
A single teardrop trickles down his cheek at the sight of Noel. Elvis has been around the world and has seen many beautiful women. Yet something about Noel captures him. He can't stop what should be, but for Noel, he'll risk the wrath of the Lord.
In the distance, he hears the sirens wail. He looks upon once more.
"Noel Pierce. You are a light in this world. And you will live," Elvis says, as he places the kiss of life on her lips.
This kiss is so powerful that it heals each and every part of her body. It mends all her veins and blood vessels that caused the internal bleeding. Her bones snap safely and securely into their places. Her cuts vanish, and her heart beats stronger than before.
Elvis slow moves away from Noel, giving her air to breath once more. Her vision is weak, but she opens her eyes enough to see a blurred image of her rescuer. All she captures is the blue hue of his eyes.
Elvis places his fingers over her face and says, "Rest now until the medics come. You've seen enough for one night."
Noel obeys, and her eyes fall closed. Elvis rises from the ground to join the fleet of angels to fly off to the next mission.
"Miss? Miss? Can you hear me???"
Noel opens her eyes as the medic examines her eyes. She looks around and bewilderment.
"W-what? My car..." She says.
"Miss, what's your name?" He asks.
"I'm Noel. Noel Pierce."
"What happened?"
"I'm not too sure," Noel says. "It happened so fast. The other car came in my lane and swerved. I swear the car flipped over."
"The blue car?" The medic asked.
"Yes." Noel pauses and looks around. "Where is he?"
"The guy that pulled me out of the car?"
"No one was here when we arrived on the scene."
Noel looks up at the medic. Her face goes numb, and her heart sinks to the pit of her stomach. He was there. Someone was there. There's no way she could have imagined that.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @vintagepresley @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @eptodaytommorowforever @vintageshanny @iloveelvis @dreamingofep @aliypop @littlehoneyposts @msamarican @sissylittlefeather
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darlingsfandom · 1 year
Reader being arrested on the hood of hoppers cop car;)
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Gif credit: Wattpad/google images.
Sometimes living in the small town of Hawkins had its advantages such as everyone knowing everyone and everyone knowing each others business which was also a disadvantage.
You were too lost in thought as you zoomed down the road. You wiped your eyes with your free hand while holding the steering wheel. You thought that nothing could be worse than the fact your boyfriend Jason was caught in bed with your ex best friend by you! That was until you seen the lights flashing in the mirror.
"Fuck!" You screamed as you pulled over and slammed your forehead against the steering wheel. You laid there with your head down until you heard the tapping on your window. You lifted your head a little to see Chief of Police Jim Hopper standing there with his sunglasses on and hand on his belt loop. You rolled down the window and gave him your ID and all that good stuff. He took it to his car only to return a minute later .
"Do you wanna explain why you were flying down the road? Because that was beyond speeding." He leaned into the car window and examined your face. Your lip was swollen, tear stains cheeks and red eyes. "Oh don't tell me it's to do with that boyfriend of yours."
"Ex boyfriend ! Lying ass son of bitch sticks his dick in anything that walks on two legs!" You started hitting your storing wheel before hopper opened the door for you and helped you out. You stood with right fists and without thinking almost punched hopper, but he grabbed you, turned you around and bent you over the hood of his car while placing you in hand cuffs. "Come on hopper! Give me a break !" You huffed before he whipped you around so your back was laying against the hood.
"You're lucky I don't take you ass to jail for attempted assault on an officer as well going ninety miles an hit in a seventy five! So I'm already cutting you break by letting sit here and throw your fit over a boy who clearly isn't good enough for you!" Hopper lifted up his sunglasses to look at you sternly. You wanted to say something with a smart ass response but deep down you knew he was right.
Both of you stood there quietly as you calmed your body down. Hopper rubbed your cheek gently as you rested against it. You sighed softly into his hand before looking up at through your lashes. He helped you stand up straight before leaning in and kissing you gently. It was a shock to your system. He tasted like coffee and cigarettes and his beard tickled your chin as he pulled you in closer as his hands rubbed your sides. "I can help you in other ways too." Jim mumbled against your lips before his handed started rubbing his breasts. "You need a man, a real man." He ripped open your blouse making the button pop onto the ground below you. You looked all around before leaning back onto the hood and spreading your legs enough for your skirt to ride up and show hopper your little rose colored panties.
"Cute! Bet your little boyfriend ... "EX BOYFRIEND!" "Ex boyfriend didn't appreciate that you dressed up so pretty for him ! That's a shame" Hopper shook his head before he pulled the panties down and helped you step out of them before putting them in his pocket . His hand ran up your thigh before he slide two fingers over your folds making an O shape with his mouth. "Look at that baby doll. All wet! Did I do this to you huh?" Hopper mocked you before licking his fingers to taste you. "Bet ya got excited thinking of me fucking you when I said you need a real man." You nodded slowly almost ashamed until he plunged two fingers into you and gave you no mercy. He pushed himself against you while his fingers twisted in and out of as fast he could be you squirmed below him. Hopper kissed your neck while making sure to leave bite marks so everyone could see them later.
You bucked your hips a little to get hopper to go harder on you. Hopper slammed your hips down as he worked you over with his fingers. His fingers were huge and rough. Your orgasm was coming on fast because truth be told you've wanted this to happen, you've wanted jim hopper to fuck you since you were in your teens but that's illegal and now that you were over eighteen it would be fine. He thought many times about how hot is, his dad bod, how his bear and mustache would feel while scrapping against your thighs as his tongue lapped over your pussy. All the things you thought about him were racing in your mind.
"Good fucking girl!" Jim growled in your ear as you realized what had happened. You looked down and seen the puddle below you. You just squirted against Hoppers hand.
"I... I'm sorry." You blushed hard as Jim chuckled.
"Don't be sorry! That was hot and not the only time you'll be doing that today." He helped you straighten up before putting you in the back seat of his car and taking you somewhere else to help realize what a real man feels like.
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