#and the other about any autistic jason hcs :)
martyrbat · 2 years
i finally sorted through my inbox and am realizing i got 2 i have to go in depth on so expect those eventually ! (also v sorry if ur still following me and i just have not acknowledged them, i live in constant shame :))
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
slashers x autistic!fem!reader hcs if you're comfy with that!!! (idrc about the rest but please let jason and thomas be there 🙏)
Jason and Thomas x autistic!fem!reader
grrrgrr trying to speedrun writing so i can go work on other stuff but my fingers keep either going stiff or simply not following what i want to write raaaaah!! i used to be able to write like, 5-8 posts back to back but it seems currently im limited to 2 or 3 hisshiss notes: reader is fem, a lot of this is based around the admins experiences as an afab with autism, admins experience does not reflect everyones experience, something something admin headcanons both characters are on the spectrum albeit undiagnosed and likely unaware that theyre ND cws: mentioned bullying and/or ableism
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doesnt mind your needs, and hes more than welcome to accommodate you and make living here with him easier for you
need your own space so you can unwind? hes already on it, just be sure to let him know if you need anything! need something to keep excess noise out, or to perhaps play music? he might be able to find a pair of headphones somewhere! can only eat certain foods due to sensory issues? hes sure he can find a way to help you!
if you ever open up to him about your struggles prior to moving in with him, hes going to feel for you... not only because hes reeling from the idea that anyone could treat you so poorly for trying to function the way the way thats best for you.. but also because he finds himself relating heavily to you-
actually him tending to you and your needs has him realizing that he hasnt really been tending to his own.. hes mostly been doing the basic "eat sleep clean repeat" cycle before you came around... he would just power through whatever else was bothering him
you both take care of each other, and in your case you help him find what works for him and what doesnt
if you ever mention any of his interests hes going to remember everything you tell him... and if it happens to be a media hes going to light up if he ever sees a camper sporting some merch for it... definitely going to yoink that to give you later
does his very best to make things easier for you, even helping you change up your room to better suit your needs
he doesnt really talk, but if you have an interest you want to ramble about hes going to let you talk for as long as you want! depending on what work he needs to do that day he might let you talk as he does his chores!
doesnt know anything about neurodivergency but hes willing to let you guide him so he can understand, you... may raise some internal suspicions in him that he may not totally be neurotypical
similar to jason you may end up helping him find what he doesnt like and does like, stuff that hes been ignoring and pushing to the back of his mind for the sake of keeping things running and doing what hes told
your room becomes a quiet space for the two of you to retreat to during the day to let your walls down and relax before heading back out into the world
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Someone sent me an ask ages ago about my Valdangelo hcs, but it somehow got deleted? I’m really really sorry bc I missed a chance of a lifetime to infodump so I hope you’re reading this if that was you and you’ve been waiting for my response- here it is. Please please please don’t be discouraged I love it when people send me asks.
This also doubles up as the third instalment of my series about “Why Literally Any Ship Is Better Than Caleo/Deep-Dive Into My Thoughts On All Leo Ships”:
Pt. 1 Valzhang
Pt. 2 Valgrace
We were robbed of Leo and Nico’s friendship. I get that there are a lot of characters and so many arcs to give them, but I wish that Rick had given them more time to interact and spent less time on Caleo, because tbh we never really cared about Cal for any reason other than to develop the men’s arcs. Because Platonic Valdangelo has so much potential that just isn’t covered in the books, I’m gonna base most of this post on what COULD’VE been, from fannon and headcannons.
1. They are Trauma Twinsies. By that, I mean they are both metaphors for different ways of coping with loss. Nico pushes others away from himself, not wanting to get close to anyone. Leo pushes himself away from others, hiding behind an idealised version of himself. Both believe that letting others in would just lead to rejection, and so they shut everyone out to protect themselves. But I feel like Nico copes with it a lot better than Leo does. He has an outlet for it- being emo. As someone who dabbles with emoism myself, I can tell you that, for me, wearing those clothes actually makes me incredibly happy. Nico is owning his pain. Leo is bottling it all up inside and then hiding it behind the jokes and the smiles. I feel like Nico could teach Leo to let it out a bit.
2. Also, their backstories match in more ways than one. Both their moms were killed because of a prophecy about them- leading them both to blame themselves for their deaths. Both have been treated as outcasts because of their powers, Nico by CHB and CJ, Leo by his family (and probably CHB as well, though we don’t really see how he was treated after revealing his abilities). Both ran away because of that. Both probably have religious trauma. They’ve both lost everyone they’ve ever cared about. They’re both being smothered with love and affection by Jason and the rest of the fandom. They both cope with feeling alone by spending more time talking to things that aren’t alive, Nico to the dead, Leo to his machines.
3. So imagine how they could seek comfort in each other! They’ve both been through similar things, so they understand each other’s pain way better than the others. I mean, Jason means well, but he’s never truly known what it’s like to be an outcast- he was held aloft on a golden shield and pronounced Preator. Neither of them would try to “fix” the other, and they wouldn’t try to “one up” the other either. They just share, and when the other says “that sucks”, they know that they really mean it. I imagine they sit five feet apart and just cry. No talking necessary, just silent understanding passing between them. They keep each other company, because they both know what it’s like to be alone.
4. They are both autistic (headcannon). Thank you to @aroaceleovaldez for opening my eyes to this one, and in fact making me realise a few things about myself and why I relate to Leo and Nico so much (pls go check out their posts on the subject, they do a much better job at explaining it than me). But it’s true. I don’t know if Rick did it intentionally or not, but I henceforth hath claimed them both as my kin, alongside Hephaestus himself (“I don’t understand organic life forms”- me neither, man, me neither). Leo and Nico communicate on the same wavelength, something Caleo doesn’t do. Calypso explodes at him for not fitting the “hero” stereotype, for being different. She has no patience with Leo when he does a social fuck-up, something I personally find incredibly frustrating. When he does something wrong, she just shouts at him, and doesn’t take the time to explain what he should do differently. No wonder Leo immediately got defensive! Here was this random woman yelling at him because he broke her table, and he didn’t understand what he did wrong.
5. They are both tiny- much like how Leo and Frank’s physical appearances symbolise their differences, Leo and Nico’s symbolise their similarities. Because all sad people are short, apparently. Valzhang is the yin and the yang, Valdangelo is just two yins excitedly info-dumping about their special interests, (Mythomagic, Machinery/Dragons). Their shortness could be metaphors for many things that they have in common, but I think it best symbolises their loss of childhoods. Nico has changed a lot since he was that happy little ten-year-old we first met in ttc, but Rick never lets us forget that he’s still just a kid. Leo always lacked the physical advantage in fights, so he’s had to learn from an early age to use his brains and his wits to defend himself. As a result, he grew up way too fast, but he still projects that silly, hyperactive little-boy energy as a way to mask. Calypso ridicules Leo for his height and his scrawny appearance.
6. Nico could let Leo get closure on his mom. Think about it. He’d be able to summon her, let him make peace, and let him realise that she does not blame him for her death. Nico could console Leo, reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, because Nico understands more than anybody what Leo is going through. This helps Leo on his arc way more than Calypso could, help him get closure, and learn to accept himself and his powers.
So, the summary of all these points is: They can understand each other on ANOTHER LEVEL. More than Cal and Leo ever could.
Like I said in my Valzhang post, it doesn’t have to be romantic. I hate that everything revolves around romance. Platonic relationships are important, y’all! We all need them, especially Leo, considering how insecure he feels about being the “seventh wheel”.
What ship should I do next? These are all the ones I actively ship, but anything’s better than Caleo. Liper could be fun, or Perleo. Maybe, to prove that literally anything is better than Caleo, I’ll do Leo x Octavian? Lmk in the comments.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
What are some fun headcanons you have about the batfamily?
I'll be repeating a few I've mentioned before but these are all good ones
Jason is a-spec. Aroace or demi, either works for me. In my head JayRoy are a queerplatonic relationship and raise lian together
Actually Jason should be a dad in canon no matter what, even if he doesn't coparent lian. He loves children!!!! It'll be a great way to one-up Bruce and his mediocre to shitty parenting but also I genuinely think he'd make a good dad
YJ core four are actually all in love with one another. It's a mess and it's weird and they're not necessarily all together but it's what works for them. It's Tim at his happiest
Dick's not over his anger issues, he's just the only one in the batfam who's been to therapy. It's the only thing that makes his new characterization make any sense
I'll just bring up my bipolar!Jason ADHD!dick autistic!Tim autistic!Bruce autistic!Damian headcanons again
Jewish!Bruce and Jewish!Tim, obviously, but more importantly, associates-judaism-with-safety-and-hates-it!Jason
I've made posts on both of these I just. Actually I'm not over my own headcanon Jason associates so much of the little things from his brief time with Bruce with safety and he can't stand it. Healing comes in the form of Hanukkah celebrations with his family
Dick speaks every language under the sun. Bruce somehow speaks more. Damian is desperately trying to catch up
Kate and Tim having a close relationship as the only two currently out batfam characters in canon is something that can be so personal, actually,
Steph and Jason having a close relationship as two people with shared backgrounds and who are often treated with extreme distrust by Bruce is something that can be so personal, actually,
Cass loves everyone in her family, she does, but she would not hesitate to take any of them down if truly necessary. Bruce, on the other hand, would hesitate to take any of them down
Bruce is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Don't get me wrong, he truly is smart. But his contingency plans for everyone are often extremely flawed
Tim is exactly as smart as he thinks he is, it's just everyone else keeps either over or underestimating him
Tim's a team player at heart
Dick is not. He has to work for it. Don't get me wrong, he's good at it. But he has to work for it
Continuing the first hcs above, Jason craves the suburban ideal life more than he's willing to admit. He wants a team-as-family and it kills him he doesn't have it. But he also has self esteem issues up the wazoo and doesn't think he deserves it
Jason never finds out about Dick killing the joker, and Dick doesn't want him to
I know I have more but I'm blanking on the rest rn anyway I feel like this is plenty
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
hi, i was wondering what all of your autistic headcanons were for all of the main riordanverse characters (as in, which characters do you believe to be autistic/coded?) you’ve spoken a lot in the past about nico and leo but do you have any others?
A slight clarification (not directed at you, Anon, I’ve just seen this in my notes lots and it’s related): Headcanons and characters being coded as something are different! For Nico and Leo I specifically refer to them as being autistic-coded, not headcanons (though i do also have more specific autism-related hcs for them!). The difference primarily being autistic-coded characters are wholly determined as such through textual analysis of the canon and/or authorial intention. Headcanons do not require a basis in anything.
That being said! Riordanverse characters I believe are autistic-coded:
Nico & Leo, definitely.
Arguments can be made for Annabeth and Magnus but I don’t feel as strongly about those.
And then my autistic Riordanverse headcanons:
Jasonnnnn!! Jason Grace is autistic. His proprioception is absolute garbage and his body language skills/reading is near non-existent. He has absolutely zero idea how to hold himself at any given moment.
Both the Kane siblings. I give Sadie Kane a little kiss on the forehead. In Rick making so many “I’m not like other girls” characters he made it so easy to hc them as autistic.
Yknow how everyone draws Reyna as extremely stoic 24/7? Autistic!Reyna. What’s a facial expression? That’s none of her business. Also she totally wears her armor & praetor cloak as often as possible for sensory reasons. Who needs a weighted blanket when you have a magic cloak?
Going back to Nico & Leo for more specifics - Nico’s primary special interest at any given time jumps all over the place usually for a couple years at a time (though they never fade. One just takes center stage for a bit. He knows so many pirate/mythology facts and mythomagic stats) but Leo’s is pretty consistently machinery/technology/engineering. They are both in a constant loop of tying literally everything back to those topics in their brains.
Also Nico’s stuff tends to lean more heavily towards sensory while Leo’s tends to lean a lot more social, but they both have pretty strong aspects of both. Leo misses his coat with the bunch of pockets so much. If he’s not wearing at least two layers and some kind of suspenders/belt/etc he will cease to function. He’s also learned a variety of social scripts over the years but the minute things stray from it he will begin attempting to flee the situation.
Nico feels extremely conflicted about social situations cause on the one hand he is 100% an extrovert and if he doesn’t talk to people he’ll perish, but also he has the WORST time trying to pick up on what social cues people are putting down. He’s dying, squirtle. He absolutely uses ghosts to just secretly interpret social cues for him. Also. if Nico does not have an oversized coat (or at the very least some kind of second layer) or his ring he will Also Begin Ceasing To Function.
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spidernuggets · 6 months
I have a request, please, if you're cool with it!
So, obviously for jason. It can be headcanons or a one shot or just whatever you think is best.
But i was wondering if you'd do Jason with an autistic/neurodivergent s/o? I understand if you'd rather not, but figured I'd ask.
I would absolutely LOVE to write hcs on this because no matter what, Jason gonna be head over heels for you, and i think it'd be SO SO CUTE.
BUT I don't know much about autism. I actually think I am somewhere on the spectrum, though, but I'm not diagnosed, so I don't wanna make any assumptions.
The thing is, I don't want to write a fic with an autistic/neurodivergent s/o then add something that's probably a stereotype or is just bad representation for autism, simply because I have not educated myself enough to write about it.
SO I'm gonna put this request on hold. And when I get the time, I'll do my own little research or you can dm me some of the basics. Or others, please feel free to tell me some facts or tips about it. It would really be helpful!!
I just wanted to let you know so your request isn't collecting dust in my inbox, or you'd think that I'm just ignoring it 😭😭.
Thank you thank you for the request, hopefully I'd be able to write abt it soon!! :))
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queer-and-nerdy · 1 year
this has been tumbling around in my mind for the last week so now i have to expose all of you to it. shoutout to @wellgoslowly for listening to this in person
lockwood LOVES listening to classic rock and metal (as well as a few older pop-punk but he'll never admit to it). anything from the seventies and eighties (he pretends that no other era of metal exists and if you even say the phrase "nu metal" around him he WILL see red and draw his rapier). it doesn't matter who the band is or what subgenre they are, as long as the song was released pre-nineties he loves it, although he tends to prefer more mainstream bands and artists (respect) like ozzy osbourne, judas priest, kiss, etc. the only band he will break this rule for is metallica - they are his all-time favorite band and i will die on that hill. and when i say he WORSHIPS james hetfield... that is an UNDERSTATEMENT. james is like a pseudo-father to him. he doesn't want to put posters on his walls so he keeps a scrapbook of pictures cut out of old magazines of james, lars, kirk, cliff, even jason and rob. he is a number one dave mustaine hater and will defend lars's drumming skills until he's blue in the face. lucy got him a signed copy of ride the lightning for his birthday one year and george didn't see either of them leave lockwood's room for a week. there are only three things he loves in this world: his family, his friends, and james hetfield.
lucy, i feel like, has the most whiplash taste in music. like, yes, we can all agree lucy is your average indie pop listener and i am a major supporter of that hc (i know what linnie’s playlists sound like) but i guarantee you when she shuffles her most-listened-to playlist it goes from crane wives immediately to cannibal corpse. she loves death metal, deathcore, goregrind; the nastier the better (except for black metal - iykyk). the era doesn’t matter to her either although she tends to gravitate toward the older stuff. think opeth, cryptosy, morbid angel, deicide, obituary, venom, slayer, even xavlegimaofffassssitimiwoanindutroabcwapwaeiippohfffx - she loves playing the “can i figure out the name of the band given the logo” game and if she loses she listens to them. she finds it a great way to unleash her stress and anger without hurting herself or others or even taking it out on a case. she doesn't like to mosh (autism) but she loves watching people in the pit at concerts. she drags lockwood and george to the store to help her pick out plushies to give to corpsegrinder. one night she goes to a taylor swift concert and rushes out at the end to make it to sanguisugabogg in time. she's also a big female-rage/female-led fan (fem supporting fem yk how it is). if there is even a single fem-presenting band member she is instantly ride-or-die (within reason, of course). any time conquer divide/castrator/cyrpta do an eu tour she essentially becomes a roadie.
george. oh, george. my beloved kin. the only one who understands me and i him. his taste in rock and metal is... i don't know a better way to describe it other than neurodivergent fruity. it needs to have some kind of element to it that he can latch onto other than just the music - costumes, over-the-top production, detailed lore, etc. like lockwood, he doesn't really care about the subgenre; as long as he likes the sound he'll listen. he tends to frequent more of the nu/prog/melodic/symphonic side of metal, though. he's your average autistic ghost fan and makes it everyone else's problem. he knows all the lore and has dedicated his life to every incarnation of papa (primo is his favorite but he loves them all). he can tell the ghouls in every era apart in an instant and is a consistent quintessence ghoul kinnie. he will not hesitate to get into twitter beef to defend his opinions (bro's in the trenches of toxic ghostwt). he's one of the most well-known ghost accounts on every social media platform and actively writes fanfiction (about the characters, NOT the real people), character analyses, and essays. he's also a HUGE sleep token fan (he understands their lore better than vessel himself and has created a youtube commentary channel just to break down each of their songs) and ice nine kills fan (he's a number one ricky armellino lover and has forced lockwood and lucy to watch all of the horror movies that the silver scream one and two are based off of). he loves avatar and made his own ringmaster costume (lucy walked in on him trying to recreate johannes's makeup and slowly backed out of the room; the situation was never mentioned again) and when chris motionless unveiled his new hair he screamed so loud that the others thought someone had broken into portland row (lockwood had to restrain him while lucy hid his laptop to prevent him from ordering purple hair dye). he has a ziplock bag of (definitely expired) marshmallows that he calls his “rammstein concert care package.” he pretends to be a gatekeeper but the instant someone mentions even a passing interest in any of his favorite bands he will burst into tears.
skull enjoys smooth jazz.
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colorfulyetsinful · 2 years
This is a hc timeline list for a fanfic I’m writing (it’s not even about Bruce, I just like writing lore).
No capes au, meaning no power or hero or villains. It’s hard to explain, maybe I’ll go into it more once I publish the fic.
(I’m not sure if this makes sense but I hope it makes sense)
Going one for the Kent’s bc I got plans for Clarky boy >:}
Anyways enjoy!!
Warning ⚠️
-young Bruce Wayne
-and underage drug use (it’s only mentioned)
Bruce is basically Damian mixed with dick’s public persona
- basically he’s stand offish and a smart ass with a charming smile
Autistic coded (where Damian gets it from
Chosen not to have friends, but when Clark and Diana became his partners for a group project, he couldn’t get ride of them
Bruce and Oliver had a rivalry going on
hey didn’t realize it at first until they shared a class in 8th grade, and after that they couldn’t stand each other
Him and Harley some how became besties (kinda like how Damian and Colin are)
He scolds her for being interested in a delinquent (joker)
She comes back at him for having a on-off relationship with Talía
Him, Harley, Harvey, Edward, Pamela, and Selina used to sneak out of school to go smoke pot
(Usually on Wednesdays and Fridays every other week)
He definitely went through a rebellious stage
Cheated on his current gf (idk you pick) with Talía
Him and Talía were that toxic couple that shouldn’t be together but are
Kinda like Maddie and Nate but Bruce would never put his hands on her (he wouldn’t and he couldn’t that bitch would beat his ass)
Him and Selina are childhood friends in the sense that they met like 4 time from the age of 8-13 and fully became friends in Highschool
Talía and Bruce are childhood sweethearts
He was a band kid,,,he definitely played the trombone
Also was in a garage band bc of Eddie
He played the drums
Thought he was going to get ride of Harley after graduation
Nah they both were in the same criminal psychology major
Didn’t know how to drive until he was well into uni (he was driven around by a butler his whole life what do you expect)
Him, Clark, and Diana are drinking buddies
Him and Harley stopped being friends after she dropped out of school and ran away with her bf
Selina, Pamela, and Harley had a reunion in jail
Bruce dropped his friendship Harvey bc they both got drunk and had a fight at a club
Finally broke it off with Talía
Well she broke it off with him…he tells ppl his version tho
Lives up to his name as “Gotham’s playboy” for the rest of college
Him and Oliver (Queen) hooked up at a college graduation party
Woke up to matching rings and a marriage certificate
They were both mortified
He took Dick in around the age of 26 (dick was around 6)
Adopted him a year later
A bit clueless, so Alfred basically raised him
He really learned what patience was with Dick
Found and adopted Jason when Dick was about to turn 7 (Jason was still 5 turning 6)
Thought he was doing good bc now Dick had a friend :D
It didn’t work
Dick was ok about Jason, just was annoyed with Bruce
He lost his parents, anger is one stage of grief
“Now you know how it feels to raise a child, Mister. Bruce”
Yes Alfred is so smugges
But Jason is Bruce’s baby
Jason was such a good boy he couldn’t see how any one could be mean or say anything bad about him
He became such a family man
Him and Selina start having a physical relationship after Jason was adopted
They aren’t really dating bc they didn’t want to “be committed to anything”
Lowkey dating
He help Clark and Lois get together
He was also the best man for their wedding
Also a groomsman for Oliver
Adopted Tim and Cass a few weeks later (the judge looked at him crazy) when dick was 10, Jason 8, cass 9, and Tim 7
Told Alfred there will be no more kids after them
He helped Kate with the legal team to adopted Harper and Cullen
Since Lucius Fox and him were working long hours, he suggested that the kids have a sleepover
He regretted it later on bc too much kids in the house
But he was happy that his kiddies were talking to other kids that wasn’t themselves or their cousins
(It still didn’t help their social skills)
He also helped Harley turn a new leaf and got her back on her feet after she finally ended things with her ex
She slowly became the family therapist
Her and Bruce also fixed their friendship and now Bruce regrets Bri going her back in his life
(This is a lie, he actually missed Harley)
Was the one that got her and Pamela the apartment together
Also help both of them finish their degree and even get their doctorate
AND helped them adopt a child together
It was a long process due to their criminal record but nothing money can’t fix
Colin was that child
He’s a little shit but the girls love him
Talia and him had a special night together
(He’s not tied down so it’s not cheating 🙄)
It was back before he even had Dick so he wasn’t with Selina
But that night brought a 9 year old Damian to his foot step when Dick was 13
(Is the math mathing??)
“No more kids, huh” 🤨
“Alfred, I didn’t even know this one existed”
He thought Dick was a hard time???
Damian truly humbled him
Selina loved him but Damian was always guarded with her
He grew to accept her as Bruce’s gf
“We’re not dating Damian”
“Then why tf is she here if your not committed”
Stephanie just added herself to the family after her and Tim started dating
Bruce couldn’t get rid of her after they broke up bc she started dating his daughter
He secretly loves her but honestly she just makes herself at home
Colin is that same way but he’s been here longer then Stephanie so🤷‍♂️
Colin and Damian are besties on accident
- They met at dojo class and was the only one not scared to take Damian 1v1
He got his ass beat, but gave damian a bloody nose so, even!!
Damian is autistic coded
Bruce adopted Duke after Damian
It was the same judge every time
The judge didn’t even hold a trial bc he just wants Bruce out of the court room
“This is the last one Alfred I SWEAR”
“You said that TGE LAST TIME”
It wasn’t but it was t by adopt
He proposed to Selina on Hanukkah/Christmas party when Damian was 12
(Hanukkah/Christmas bc Bruce and Tim are Jewish and raised dick and Jason as Jewish, but Damian, Duke, Cass, and Selina aren’t Jewish)
“I’m not dating her” “we’re not doing any commitment” my ass
It’s been 10 years BRUCE
ANYWWYS she said yes
The kids + other were the wedding party
Damian was the ring barrier
Harley was the maid of honor
Clark was the best man
Other ppl from the league was invited bc Bruce did have other friends in school, but he mostly hanged out with his little group
Selina adopted the kids as her stepchildren
(She loves her little kittens)
They honeymoon in Thailand (Selina is haft Thai)
Another year into their marriage and Selina is pregnant:D
“…at least this isn’t some kid I found on the street or was from an old fling”
“So you acknowledge that there’s a problem”
They were expecting twins
Bruce is happy to have kids with Selina but some times he wishes he would have stop at Jason
(This is another lie, this man is whipped for his family)
Honestly Bruce is happy how big his family have grown since it was just him and Alfred for so long Alfred is happy that Bruce had grown into such a family man and is happy how he far he’s gone since his rebellious younger years
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Got any Jason and Wendy hc's since we were robbed?
So true of u bestie! We were robbed of Jason x Wendy content fr!!
-So I think they met each other because their dads were friends and worked together. Mr. Wise would come over to the Christensen residence and would bring Jason along, and he always wanted to play with Wendy. She wasn’t a fan of getting dirty, so she’d force him to play house or color with her, and he didn’t mind so ┐_(ツ)_┌☆゚.*・。゚ .
-They drifted apart during early elementary, as Jason went to school in the eastern part of McKinley, and Wendy went western. In middle school, they reconnected and became friends, walking home together.
-Wendy is trans mtf, and when she came out to Jason at 12, he brought her some makeup and tried to put it on her. It was…less than stellar.
-Jason would film him and Wendy dancing to pop songs, and he posted them to MySpace. They would both goof off and fall over each other, which resulted in tickles.
-Wendy is Jewish and Jason is Protestant Catholic! They both talk about their respective religions from time to time.
-They’re both autistic! Wendy’s special interests are art and Mayan mythology, and she stims with a necklace she wears! Jason’s special interests are religion and Greek architecture, and he stims by flapping his hands. They copy each other’s stims!
Oh, what could have been.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Stranger Things Post (PLEASE READ):
I feel like this has to be said, but I am pro-Mileven, pro-Lumax, pro Mike Wheeler, pro Jane El Hopper, pro Lucas, pro Max and pro Dustin and pro main party. I am also pro-Eddie Munson and pro-Jonathan Byers, my boy did not win the awards for being best brother and son in the world for you to be dumping on him and his flaws, as much as we all judge him sometimes. 
I also have no qualms about Jancy becoming canon, and I am in full support of cishet gender nonconforming demisexual Jane Eleven ‘El’ Hopper agenda, as well as asexual aromantic (nebularomantic) Dustin agenda (who is also transmasc AMAB nonbinary, he has the vibe), and asexual Eddie Munson (he has the vibe). I also do support autistic El, as well as Dustin with autism and ADHD, any other neurodivergent HC’s for other Stranger Things characters are things you can feel free to give me- I’ll eat that shit up like halloween candy tbh.
I am anti-Karen Wheeler, anti-Billy Hargrove, anti-Angela and anti-all her shitty friends(FUCK her honestly), anti-Henry Creel/Vecna, anti-Neil Hargrove, anti-Jason Carver, anti-Byler, anti-Stancy, anti-Steddie, anti-Harringrove, and anti-Martin Fucking Brenner, and the list shall continue to go on as more shitty characters make themselves known to my radar. If you all hate that, the block button is right there. DNI, and kindly silence yourself, aphobe/transphobe/ableist.
ESPECIALLY if you hate Dustin or El or Mike. Do not FUCKING talk to me or my children EVER.
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martyrbat · 2 years
martyrtodd, my beloved, I see your disability takes and as someone who is physically and mentally disabled I appreciate them and hold them close to my heart.
I humbly ask for some disabled Jason headcanons
goosey my beloved <3 im so glad you're enjoying them and i offer mere samples on how far deep the disabled jason todd rabbit hole can go <3
im mixing in some that he should just canonly have and personal hcs (plus a bit of self projection) but hopefully you'll like any of these too :3
schizoaffective disorder
more prone to mania outbursts
can be extremely delusional
paranoia and anxiety -> isolating
(lots of people give him hallucinations due to his ptsd but i think he experiences a range of it and in different levels of intrusiveness!)
(and fun fact, children under 16 who experienced trauma are more than 3x likely to have psychosis as an adult! up to 50x if its severe!)
literally just a given. look at him. autism coded.
deaf/hard of hearing
always had poor hearing
fast visual learner because of it
has multiple pairs of hearing aids he wore as robin to "keep his identity secret"
bruce taught him asl
batman and robin used a lot of nonverbal cues and their own version of sign language on patrol too. (batman teaches it to the others when hes gone and jason cries)
as a kid he had a gun shot near him & developed tinnitus
^ only worsened as time went on
it gets overbearing after he comes back to life due to the beating he received and literally dying in an explosion
it continued until he got Lazarus Pitted. but that ringing was replaced with silence & most of his hearing fully gone
gains more due to close proximity with firearms and explosions constantly
terrifies him as his hearing loss got worse.
like full on sobbing terrifies.
he spent his entire life relying on his senses and wayne techs always improving technology to keep himself and others safe. with that fully removed it leaves him feeling vulnerable
'how will i know if im alone? if someone is sneaking up on me or im being too loud? if someone is screaning for help just out of eyesight?'
so much fear !
but! he grows to accept it and use it to his advantage and
helmet rigged to have sensors that alert him of almost anything around him
and so sensitive to the vibration of any sound to where he can pinpoint anyone
will close his eyes/remove his hearing aids when arguing so he doesnt 'hear' them
really into heavier music for the bass and drum vibration
fully deaf by the time he reaches his 30s
(this one can be effected by all but)
severe speech delay as a child
repeated lines/quotes mostly to express his feelings because he's autistic and its easier than coming up with the words yourself
semi nonverbal
damaged vocal cords, gets hoarsed easily/painful to talk for too long
stims by clicking his tongue against his teeth
^^ became a tic !
chronic pain
a given for anyone but especially jason
from the streets and not being able to afford a doctor
to as robin and the injuries he received
to dying
to being forcefully brought back to life
to the Lazarus Pit
just so much pain. he cant remember a time he wasnt in pain. its the one thing that'll always be consistent no matter what.
chronic migraine haver, u can tell
talia tries her best to help ease it and make sure he has meds/the fake id and doctor to keep his prescriptions
his shoulder, head, and hips get the worse flares
would push himself as robin too much and made it worse
allows his body the rest as an adult, using that time to do his scheming and think of every detail/possible route in it
had NAS
picks at his skin if overstressed
being poor can and will make your health worse. from stress to not being able to get the help you need and something small becoming chronic or permanent
extreme fatigue
so many burns and damaged nerve tissue :(
i think about that one batwoman comic where he lost an eye in a future timeline constantly
periodically gets bad tremors in his hands
again. so fucking autistic coded.
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Hi, I've been trying to explain to my friend why I think of Nico as autistic, but I'm not good with words and I don't know how to explain what I think. I've seen that you also support the autistic Nico hc and buoyantsaturn said you might be able to help, so if you could explain your thoughts on this matter it would be great. Or mention some autism-coded scenes in the books. It's perfectly alright if you can't though <3
Yeah sure I don't have any specific page numbers but I can describe some of the scenes, other things are more general throughout the books. This is definitely just rambling and worded poorly but I hope the "points" are there if you're interested in formulating this better.
I'd also like to say we don't have confirmation that Nico has autism, and we don't have confirmation that he has adhd either. In adhd and autism there can be a lot of overlap and some people even have both, so there's definitely an aspect of personal interpretation that plays into things. We do know he's said to have ptsd though and therefore is canonically neurodivergent.
I think that his obsession with mythomagic definitely seems to be a special interest, and during his introduction in ttc we see him info dump and also have a lack of understanding towards social norms as well. In this scene as well as a couple of others we can also see he has some difficulty understanding volume control, usually Nico struggling with volume control is him speaking too quiet but there's examples in the book of him being very loud as well. In the same category we see Nico dominating conversations or remaining incredibly quiet through the series with little variation in between.
We see Nico also carrying his mythomagic cards around as well as the figurines with a sense of attachment that most people probably wouldn't have to such objects. I think it's important to note the use of mythomagic cards as a narrative device for him leaving childhood behind, as well as the bases figurine being a reminder of Bianca. After this point and in the later series we see Nico info dump and be rather happy to discuss mythomagic in detail to Frank, I can't remember the exact book of this but it's the scene where Nico mentions he has the African God's expansion pack and Frank gets excited back.
I think that there's something to be said about how people in the series are always misunderstanding Nico's motives and interpreting him to be standoffish or similar. While there are definitely some situational reasons and plot reasons as to why this happens, I personally I think it also has to do with him perhaps speaking in a monotone voice. People tend to interpret this as standoffish or rude when it's just how he might talk, my extra "evidence" as to why he appears (to me) to perhaps be speaking in monotone is there seems to be *some* level of understanding among fanon that he might sound like a textbook or perhaps recite things from textbooks and that's not necessarily an uncommon experience for autistic people who don't produce tone.
In alignment with the above, we see it mentioned repeatedly in almost every interaction with Nico following ttc and I would say most noteably Jason talks about it in house of Hades, that Nico doesn't produce any sort of readable facial expression or he doesn't do so often. He is constantly just considered "very hard to read" by almost everyone who interacts with him, and while this could be some sort of defense response it could very well be autism too.
For some other smaller things I've always seen his jacket as perhaps some sort of "weight stim" or something similar, and while that and his ring stim could also be adhd or just some comfort during difficult times I can't definitely say it's more just "how I like to see it" than anything.
I'd like to point out in connection to this Nico's seemingly lack of acknowledgment towards his body or how much he is hurting? This is how some people experience autism as well they don't really respond in any way to pain (which is an important note perhaps that he doesn't respond to pain much beyond "I passed out" in a neutral tone when conversations about Nico and physical disability are happening).
There's definitely other things I'm not remembering but I think the most important thing for me was just sort of "I like this idea it makes me happy and it doesn't hurt anyone". I can understand you wanting to have a friendly chat about it, especially if your friend is being a bit ignorant but at the end of the day you can always just agree to disagree as well! There's no "confirmation" of Nico being neurodivergent in connection to adhd or autism, lots of implication but no confirmation so it does leave it up to the reader some!
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ursie · 3 years
What are your batfam sexuality/gender/ect hcs ?
Umm mmm ok (also if I don’t include someone it’s because truthfully idc about them or consider them members really tbh)
B : ok ok truthfully whilst I do love reading fics where he is q and stuff genuinely I do not actually read him as so I just think he’s a v supportive dad, canon ocd, depression, chronic pain, and ptsd, I hc him as autistic as well. Mixed Jewish/White/Asian
Alf : fruity old man. He’s an old man someone get him a cane. Why are they letting him do the basement stairs. Jewish/White (I did see someone hc him as British Indian once though and. Much to think about)
Dick : Bi/Ace, Transmasc/Nb, autistic, adhd, ptsd, anxiety, depression, impostor syndrome, ocd, unspecified mental illnesses, chronic pain, chronic migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, hoh, impaired vision, arthritis, brain damage, pls give him a chair. Jewish/Romani king 👑
Babs : Bi, assigned cis because I’m annoyed w her rn, canon physical disabilities, chronic pain, depression, ptsd, mixed white/Afro-Latina, Jewish
Jason: I go back and fourth on him tbh I’m not a fan of any of his gay coding or q bait so I do not see it 🤷‍♀️, rn I say Aro/Ace king. Trans male, bpd, ptsd, depression, other unspecified mental illnesses and or disorders, chronic pain, arthritis, hoh, chronic fatigue, mixed White/Asian, Jewish
Cass : LESBIAN, Butch, autistic, selectively mute, adhd, dyslexia, dyscalcula, ptsd, chronic pain, no specific racial hc outside of her canon one. * Shes Jewish
Tim : unspecified mlm as of rn, I’m sorry genuinely gives the worst cisgay vibes, autistic, depression, ptsd, immune disorder, chronic pain, should be a crutch user, multiple unspecified disorders (I’ve seen diff metas on this I think there’s good arguments for many different things) . Jewish/Afro-Latino
Steph : Bi, TransFemme, ptsd, adhd, chronic pain, arthritis, low vision-at least in one eye, nerve damage, unspecified disorder. (Personally I read as Bipolar). No specific racial hc truthfully
Duke : Bi/Pan, Nb, ptsd, chronic pain, adhd, unspecified mental illnesses. Afro-Indigenous. Have not decided If he converts to Judaism or what/if he practices anything separately
Damian : baby. Ptsd, autistic, chronic pain, depression, inferiority complex, other unspecified mental illnesses. No thoughts outside of his canon race-Jewish/Muslim king
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Do you have autism headcanons for the Bats? Or any superhero really
Oh my god absolutely! But also I did misread this and started talking about all my superhero headcanons so now I have all these headcanons and nowhere to put them lmao
The gimme is Tim. Look me in the eye and tell me he doesn't have autistic swag, I dare you. That boy pulls BECAUSE of his autism. You just know the hyperfocus is strong with this one. He gets into a case and learns everything there is to know about it. He'll talk your ear off about photography and you won't even mind because it's the most animated you've seen him in a solid like six weeks. His sense of humor is also so fucking weird. If you're close friends with an autistic person you know exactly what I mean. We're the funniest people on earth but if you don't know the exact thing we're referencing it makes zero sense. That's okay, we know we're funny. The rest of the world is weird for always reacting strangely to our jokes is all. Also he gets migraines when he gets sensory overload
Bruce also has autistic swag, but his just makes him awkward. He's less likely to hyperfocus accidentally, but you betcha detective work IS his special interest. y'all seen elementary? He's like that version of Sherlock, he's just made it his business to know everything there is to know about Being Batman. His social skills are in the pits, but his masking game is strong - you think Tim's awkward around people, but if Bruce were to unmask he'd just become a shut in. The Brucie personality IS masking fight me
Damian is also autistic and the pickiest eater you'll ever meet. Do you know what's it like being a picky eater AND a vegetarian? Cause I do and it very simply means you never have anything to eat when you're not at home. His list of safe foods is short and consists mostly of middle eastern food. His social skills are as bad as his father but he simply never learned to mask and doesn't understand the point. He gets easily overwhelmed by Bad Textures, whether food or clothing, and (like me) the ensuing meltdown looks like extreme anger. Poor kid simply never learned to regulate his emotions :/
Also not what you asked but you'll pry bipolar!Jason and ADHD!Dick from my cold dead hands
As for other heroes it REALLY depends on how he's written but Peter Parker being autistic is absolutely a consideration. In every iteration ever he has GAD, but there are absolutely versions of him that Need To Be Squished Under A Weighted Blanket Right Now. He manages to channel his hyperfocus energy into experiments and his hyper empathy is exactly what would make him a great teacher and mentor to other heroes LET HIM SETTLE DOWN MARVEL STOP RUINING HIS HAPPINESS (@stackthedeck has SEVERAL rants on the subject and he's so right for that)
Reed Richards is currently being written as autistic by Ryan North, I don't even need to explain this one
Not technically a superhero but arguably superhero media, I hc Willow Rosenberg from Buffy as autistic. She's had multiple SpIns and hyperfixations in her life, but computers and magic are her longest standing ones. I honestly think a lot of Willow's insecurities about how people perceive her can easily be read as her learning to mask but being frustrated that she's not being her authentic self
Well that's it for now hit me up for Jewish hcs cause I literally was two paragraphs in before I realized that's not what you asked for
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welcome to Power Rangers Fandom Diversity Bullshit Bingo!!!
i’m salty and i’ve discovered that i hate this fandom more than i thought i did
if i was actually popular, i’d get anon hate for this
extreme saltiness and square explanations under the cut
B1: no same-gendered s/o’s pre-fic = especially for jason, kim, and billy w/ jason and kim being bi but (as mentioned in many other squares) those two often have ~epiphanies~ of being bi after kissing/realizing they like billy/trini because yeah it’s totally like bi people only realize they’re not straight after being slapped in the face by their own gayness... anyway, let jason and kim have previous experience with their sexualities you cowards
I1: billy is a sex-repulsed asexual = i don’t care if you unintentionally did this i don’t care if everyone and their mom supports this hc i’m just Tired of seeing soft sweet innocent autistic ace billy as if he’s a fucking child like..... As If sex is ~dirty~ and sweet billy doesn’t want it but then jason and kim are bisexual. and of course, jason and kim are never implied to be ~greedy bisexuals~ but they usually, more often than not, have the most sexual experience out of the 5 rangers. check mate, get out of my face.
N1: seeing ur friend undress makes u gay = i’ll admit, i don’t really read anything much besides trimberly fics which tells you that most (if not all) of these squares have appeared in trimberly fics lmao. but anyway, mostly applies to a few instances i’ve seen of kim seeing trini changing and realizing that she likes her. i just. i’m not gonna get into how... ugh the implications of how that works are.
G1: epiphany over kissing the same gender = same for jason and kim. i really can’t defend jason writing too much bc i don’t rly read cranscott but yeah. kim kisses trini or whatever and realizes she’s bi or into girls? mmmmmmmmmmmmmm not exactly how sexuality discovery works but. anyway. 
O1: tommy hits on trini to make kim jealous = honestly i just ran out of a square and i wanted to amend that this is Wrong and tommy/trini/kim are all in love, why would they want to make each other jealous.
B2: trini has an angsty bullying plot = this has mostly stopped since we found out that was kim’s locker (plot twist) but anyway. yeah yeah it’s a common LGBT character plot and you might be writing it to cope w/ your past but also trini deserves more than a locker plot, thanks.
I2: 0-little mention of zack/billy/kim’s cultures = no comment.
N2: FREE SPACE** = “power rangers is such a diverse movie!!! it’s so awesome!!” fandom continues to write the same million fics with the same thousand squares of diversity bingo anyway hard pass
G2: zack’s chinese culture is speaking mandarin = hard pass.
O2: “billy is such a soft boy uwu so innocent” = let’s do a drinking game, shall we? take a shot if he’s never kissed anyone. take a shot if he’s a virgin. take a shot if he’s asexual. take a shot if he’s a SEX-REPULSED asexual. take ten thousand shots for infantilization and subconscious ableism and acting like autistic people can’t know about or enjoy sex. congratulations, you’re dead from alcohol poisoning!
B3: jealousy makes you realize you’re not straight = ties into the “tommy making kim jealous by flirting with trini” plot. sometimes subverted with “tommy making trini jealous by flirting with kim” but rarely. either way, overused. they all deserve better than this drama. also, not how sexuality discovery works.
I3: zack is sex-repulsed ace AND the 5th wheel = ughhhhhhhhhh you just wanna make him Be Okay with being the 5th wheel and conveniently making him ace to fill out ur lgbt bingo card ughhhhhhhhhh like no lie i literally saw in a fic the other day the line that zack was single but he was okay with it bc he was ace and i just about threw my phone bc that’s not how ANY of this works but a n y w a y
N3: shock value angst gets u kudos = mmmmmm, despite bad characterization, some things look more appealing to fandom than others. no comment.
G3: “pair-the-spares”: zack & tommy = please for the love of god, treat my son with the respect he deserves and do more with him than either A) make him the wingman or B) pair him off with tommy. like for fuck’s sake, if you were gonna shoehorn him, make him the piano or violin kid and i’d fucking take that over the other two lmfao.
O3: trini’s mexican culture is speaking spanish = hard pass.
B4: zack is the wingman and has no other plot = HARD PASS. (see G3)
I4: kim’s indian culture is speaking gujarati = no thanks.
N4: zack is pan/ace for lgbt bingo = take a drink for any of the concurrent following combinations: A) jason & kim are bi, trini is gay, zack is pan, and billy is ace, B) jason & trini are gay, kim is bi, billy is demi, and zack is pan, C) jason is pan, billy & trini are gay, kim is bi, and zack is ace; alternately, zack is a trans boy bc the rest are all cis apparently
G4: trini ditching the ranger team for shock value = wrong. false.
O4: jason & kim are bi to be multi-shipped = goes hand in fucking hand w/ the fact that there’s rarely any pre-fic sexuality development for them??? like kim either liked amanda which leads to the Amanda Incident or.... yeah, that’s pretty much the sum of her pre-fic bi experience. alternately, jason & kim’s sexuality identities don’t exist in their lives outside of convenience for shipping fic purposes. like...... not that there’s not mention of their identities but like it’s... clearly just thought of so that they can get w/ their significant other(s). there’s no talking about their previous same-gendered relationships or wHATEVER.
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