#back to posting things that i should've posted earlier but forgot
yabutsuba · 6 months
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bluegiragi · 5 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz and soap in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting (months before this incident) other art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. The art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for over six months. The callout in question has framed me as a close friend of theirs when, in truth, our total timeline of interactions could probably be counted on one hand, and I haven't interacted with her in so long that I genuinely forgot I was still following her.
The crux of all is this is that I did not unfollow + block this artist earlier on when the racist art was posted months ago, and then I retweeted a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
The pedophile claims are because I retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con without reading all the squares properly, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it. All in all, the post was on my account for maybe a few minutes.
The zoophile claims are because people say i support someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs, and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
The anti-asian racism claims come from the original accusers in the callout thread thinking that I made Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive as a way of making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid in that AU and cats are sensitive to light.
I tried addressing all this in a casual way earlier on in a misguided attempt to sort things out more 'civilly', and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it clearly- yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist directly to the wolves - I genuinely believed them at the time when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time, but not unfollowing was a decision that I made. I know now upon reflection that it was naive of me, unwarranted and frankly irresponsible to take a stranger at face value and believe they had good intentions, when the act of not deleting the post in question was evidence of a lack in remorse. In the moment, I'd thought back to my own personal experience with a friend of mine who used an asian slur in my company, who later sincerely apologised and legitimately cleaned up his act after I gave him a second chance. It informed my choice to not unfollow at the time, but there's a difference between someone you know irl for months and a stranger on the internet you've interacted with a few times. I shouldn't have coddled them in my response, and I'm sorry for not treating it with the severity it deserved. It was callous, and stupid, and indicative of internal biases that I ever thought it was a light enough offence to "see through", and I deeply deeply apologise. I promise from the bottom of my heart to do better.
That's everything so far. I didn't unfollow an artist when I absolutely should've, which i'll always strongly regret. I also retweeted a properly-tagged fic on my clearly 18+ nsfw account. I've undone both of those actions now. I hope this can be the end of it.
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laaailuh · 1 year
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"I want you"🕸️🕷️
pairing: earth 42!miles x black!reader
warnings: light swearing, possessive Miles, toxic (cheating)
Summary: Despite your relationship with his friend, Miles is determined to get you in anyway possible.
a/n: Im back finally! I wanted to post something before I get caught up with school and stuff.
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“Yonna’s been passed around the whole school, i'm not tryna be one of them.”
“You can still try and get to know her?”
“Nah man, I'm good.”
“Homecoming is around the corner Miles, you need a date.
"I aint going."
Kaison shook his head in disappointment. "What do you mean your not going? What about the three girls who asked you earlier?”
Miles laughed at his response, “Not my type.”
He scoffed at him. “So who is nigga?”
Before Miles said another word, you walked up to them and embraced Kaison with a tight hug.
“Hey baby, I didn't see you in third period?”
“Shit my bad, I skipped.”
Miles couldn't help but feel a searing pang of resentment deep within as he watched his friend bask in the attention of the girl he's been wanting for months. It should’ve been him taking you out on those dates, kissing you, holding you and comforting you during your most vulnerable times. Kaison didn't deserve it, he did.
During the conversation, Miles found himself recounting every endearing detail about you that had captivated his heart in the first place. The way you styled your knotless braids, your vanilla scent that filled the hallway and the lip gloss that was always applied on your lips. He loved everything about you, all of it.
“We still hanging out after school?”
Kaison widened his eyes, as he forgot about their arrangement, “Fuck.”
“Nigga, are you serious right now?” You said with an angry tone.
“Babe, It wasn't on purpose, it slipped my mind.”
You waved your hand in annoyance. “Yeah whatever, Kaison.”
He kissed your cheek. “Don't be upset please, I’ll text you after practice okay?”
You didn't say anything to him and avoided his gaze.
Kaison then dapped up Miles and began walking to the field.
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You and Miles decided to sit on a bench outside of the school.
“You good?”
You shook your head “This is the second time he’s bailed on me this week. Fucking irritating."
“Shit I mean, have you spoken to him about how you feel?”
“Nah, haven't had the chance.”
You turned your face towards Miles and realised he was already looking at you.
It was a different type of look, one you noticed he would give you often. Kaison never looked at you like that, never. 
“Stop it Morales.”
“Stop what y/n?”
You bit the inside of your cheek “You know what you're doing.”
He smirked a little, “Nah, I dont.”
You turned your face away, breaking eye contact.
“I'm with Kaison.”
“Who said anything about him?”
You sighed, he was right. Why were you bringing him up?
“Can I ask you something?”
You shrugged, "I guess."
“If you weren't with him, would things have been different between us?”
“I….I don’t know.” You hesitated to answer his question.
“Mhm but you thought about it before, haven't you?”
Miles scoffed at your response, “Why you tryna put on a front right now? It’s just us.”
You shook your head, “I love Kaison.”
“You dont y/n. You know he doesn't appreciate you the way you should be.”
Miles paused for a second and then spoke again “I could treat you way better and you know that I would. 
He scooted closer to you. “Look at me Ma.”
You turned your head to face him. “It's too late Miles, you were too late…”
“It ain’t though.”
You looked down at your uniform skirt, trying to wrap up what was just said to you. You did like him before Kaison but he never showed it enough for something to form.
“I can't be talking about this with you Miles.”
“Cause you feel the same way about me, right?”
“Like I said, it's too late.”
Miles then put his hand on your chin softly and kissed you. You knew you should've pulled away but you didn't. There was a yearning feeling inside of you that wanted it just as much as he did.
He gently broke the kiss and wiped off a smudge of your lipgloss from his own lips. “I want you y/n, so fucking much.”
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The 'Batfam on Reddit' post was fun and I won't mind another one! (I have nothing specific in mind besides more sibling shenanigans)
Going down the list, here's Jason
Posted to r/AmITheAsshole by user local-zombie
AITA for changing my grandpa's cookie recipe? 
Earlier this week, one of my (22M) sisters decided to fill my rifle with purple glitter. As revenge, I swapped the salt and sugar before she made her waffles this morning. Prank worked, yada yada, that's not why I'm here though. 
See, like a dumbass, I forgot to switch them back. I've been running on 4 hours of sleep and I'm not even home half the time, sue me. It didn't really hit me until I was watching my grandpa make his signature chocolate chip cookies. 
This was some cinematic shit, I tell you. Everything happened in slow motion. Before I could say anything, he dumped an entire cup of salt into the batter followed by a teaspoon of sugar and started the stand mixer. It seemed then that all was lost. 
Out of nowhere, my dad—and I can't believe I'm saying this—descended like an angel from the heavens and asked my grandpa to help him with his hair. And lucky for me, I'm the only other person trusted to be in the kitchen. My grandpa told me to put the cookies in the oven before he went upstairs. 
This is where I might be the asshole. 
I needed to fix the dough immediately, so I added extra sugar and chopped up some caramel candy to (hopefully) turn it into some halfway-decent salted caramel chocolate chip cookies. Then I scooped them out, threw them in the oven, and prayed harder than the goddamn Pope himself. 
Apparently God had a high call volume though, because as soon as the plate hit the table, my ENTIRE family knew something was up, like a bunch of fucking detectives or some shit. And they immediately blamed me. They're not wrong, but the fact that that's their first reaction is totally unjustified. 
Anyway, now my family's pissed off and my dad thinks I should've just told gramps, but I think trying to fix the situation should count for something. So, Reddit, AITA? 
bluebirdz: Did they taste good? |— local-zombie: Not like the original, but a solid 7/10 |—— bluebirdz: All's well that ends well. NTA
redrobin: yta |— local-zombie: At least provide some reasoning |—— redrobin: no
starfire: NTA but next time give them a heads up |— your-tired-librarian: Also voting NTA but OP should've fessed up from the beginning.  |—— thatpurplething: I'm saying YTA for the waffle part |——— orphanized: not relevant |———— thatpurplething: It is to me
i-am-the-darkness-i-am-the-light: NTA for the way you handled it, that was pretty smart. YTA for tampering with food as a prank tho :/
notmysecretanimeaccount: You are indeed the donkey cavity for the poor setup and execution. |— local-zombie: Dude just say ass |—— notmysecretanimeaccount: Ass cavity. Happy? |——— local-zombie: Not what I was thinking but I'll take it |———— lesbian-premium: Congratulations on the worse conversation the internet's ever had
kyle-rayner: YTA. Just in general
assenal: nta. your family is overreacting
dickwings: soft yta. how would you feel if you were expecting one thing but got blindsided by something completely different? |— local-zombie: I'd just deal with it instead of whining like a pissbaby pretty boy |—— dickwings: nvm make that a hard yta |——— local-zombie:🖕
kitty-central: ESH. You for what you did, your family for how they reacted |— pennyworthy: At last, a sensible answer. 
official-batman: YTA. And grounded. 
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cartooncadet666 · 3 months
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Sorry I haven't been posting much art or writing prompts lately, I've been more active on Discord and getting less time on my phone due to exhaustion from irl things.
But I decided to post this little page I made with an oldish oc that is going to be in Rebellion AU!
The colored drawing in the top left isn't very good but sadly with traditional means no undo button, so I cannot revert it back to line-art and start over 😭 And I gave some little storyboards that include this little dork. (and are personally some of my favorites)
Like so:
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But I'm also posting this because (I personally forgot 4 times today) IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Anyways that's all for now! Clover out!
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geekedoutbunny · 2 years
Grimmjow x Human Reader Boyfriend Headcanon SFW
I should've posted this long ago, but shit happened, and I honestly forgot this was here until I posted the last two Dbz/Dbs fanfics. This Is rather long, but it's totally worth it..... I hope at least, I feel like it went a little off track ngl. But eh, let's wing it. YOLO!!
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When you first met him, you were intrigued. His blue hair and his matching electric blues, his strong physic, and his grumpy yet colorful attitude. You liked all of it.
You were a common customer at Kisuke Candy Shop, you liked the man, he was a sweetheart and he always made you laugh. Kisuke was like a father away from home. He was always asking for you well being, asking if you needed help with keeping up with your bills, or if you needed a ride to work, but you'd always politely decline him.
One day, while you were shopping for some of your morning sweets at Kisuke's shop, you were startled when you happen to look up from the shelves of candy, and you saw the blue haired man. He was handsome, and you were enriched by his gaze. You were startled from it when he suddenly spoke up. "Take a damn picture, it'll last longer damn it." He said in a crude tone.
You stared at him a little longer before you just turned and walked away. 'The hell is his issue?' You thought, annoyed and upset from his words, you wanted to say something back, but something in his eyes told you not to. It was all forgotten once Kisuke came and brightened up your morning with the usually small yet goofy talk, You then left, but not before looking back, looking for the same blue eyes. Only to find that he was gone.
After that, you kind of made it a point to come earlier than what you usually do, hoping to see the same rude yet handsome stranger again, but it was rare whenever you did catch him, he was usually talking to Kisuke, apparently, his crudeness was normal, as Kisuke didn't seem to mind it. The more you came, the more you saw the blue haired mane interacting with other customers.
He's spoken to a long orange haired girl, with a young half breed man, with an orange haired man, even though they didn't seem to like one another. You've even seen him help the elderly cross the streets and help them with their things. He was a nice man, but he was just a naturally aggressive man. Then, you saw him standing outside of the shop one morning. It has been months since you last saw him, and you've been mentally beating yourself up for never talking to him, but now was your chance.
So with a deep inhale, you walked up to him, and you spoke to him. "Hi, I'm (Y/N), I come here every mor-" You were cut off when he looked towards you with a glare. "And? The hell this has to do with me?" He asked in an annoyed tone as he stared down at you. You stared at him, it's not like he wasn't wrong, but you refused to back down. "I'm just introducing myself to you, damn people can't say hi to your miserable ass?" You fired back, as you placed a hand upon your hip and you cocked a brow at him.
He snared at you before he looked off, staring straight ahead of himself. "I'm not fucking miserable, I'm just annoyed." He defended, and you rolled your eyes. "Well you seem pretty damn miserable to me, you seem lonely too." You said in an honest tone as you eyed him. He looked over at you for a moment, before he looked away. "And If I was? What if I like being alone, the hell that gots ta do with you?" He asked in a defensive yet questioning tone. You shrugged, not disagreeing with him. "Nothing, but I decided to make it my business, because I can't turn away from a person who reminds me of myself."
You said honestly as you stared up at him, he looked down at you, regarding you for a moment, before he looked off and he sighed once more. You thought that he was done talking, and you deemed that as fine, as you finally gotten the chance to talk to him, you were about to walk into the store, when his voice stopped you. "Grimmjow." He simply said, you looked back at him in question.
He then turned to look at you, his shoulder leaning against the wall. "My name, it's Grimmjow." He said, confirming our suspicions. You then smiled, and you turned towards him. "(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)" You said in a kind voice. After that, you and Grimmjow seemed to get along well. He'd always stand outside the shop, waiting for you to come to the shop. If you asked him that's what he was doing, he'd deny it.
You've grown used to his rather rude attitude, but that's what made Grimmjow, Gimmjow. It made him unique and you liked that about him. After work, you'll pass by the candy shop, and you'll see him standing in front of the shop once more, and it'll bring a smile to your face, if you went grocery shopping, he'll offer to take your bags, a bit forcefully, but you don't mind, less work honestly. He'll walk you to your door and will even come inside if you offer it to him.
Once you offer him into your home more than three times, be expecting him to break into your home, he'll be lounging on the couch, playing a video game, or watching TV. He never asks for food, and he always refuses whenever you offer him anything, he tends to like to watch you go about your regular house duties. He doesn't really talk unless he has something to say, you ask him a question, or he's feeling playful. Most of the day he tends to sleep it away.
Sometimes he'll randomly jump up and leave, claiming that he's got shit to do. But he'll always come back.
So far, life has been different with Grimmjow around. It wasn't as lonely anymore, and you felt safe at all times, you never felt like you were in danger, it was truly a blessed life. But one day, Grimmjow came in, he was badly beaten, his clothes were ripped and his hair was a mess, he had deep cuts and hard bruises all over him.
You covered your mouth in shock and horror when he climbed into the window one evening. "OH MY GOD, GRIMMJOW WHAT HAPPENED!?" You yelled, fearful for his health and condition as you raced towards him, he plopped into your home, landing heavily on his back under your window as he gasped for air. You dropped to your knees next to him, as you placed your hands together, afraid to touch him. He cracked his eye open, and he looked over at you. Your eyes held unshed tears in them as you stared down at him.
He gave a painful chuckle before he slowly raised a bloody hand, and rubbed the back of his knuckle against your cheek. It was wet from his blood, but you didn't care as you grabbed onto his handholding onto it gently. "Stop the waterworks already damnit. It's not like I'm dying." He said, his voice was hushed and it sounded strained, you shook your head. "Not dying? Then what is this Because it looks pretty fucking close to death if you ask me." You shot back, slight irritation in your voice as you spoke, annoyed with his laid back attitude.
He just huffed at your words, as he looked up at the ceiling, not denying nor agreeing with your words. You let his hand go and placed it down next to him gently, before you spoke in a shaky voice. "I-I'll go and get some help, just stay her-" You were cut off from your words, as he gripped your arm tightly, making you wince. "The fuck you are, nobody can see me as it is, so just getting help will make you seem like a lunatic." He said in a harsh voice as he glared at you. "L-let me go." You whined, as you tugged her arm away from his tight grip. "Say that you'll take care of me yourself first, then I'll let go." He said. You whined once more before you looked down at him. The desperate look upon his face made you agree.
"O-OKAY FINE!!! I'LL DO IT MYSELF, JUST LET GO!!" You shouted in pain, he let you go, and you fell back on your butt with a 'oof'. You then rubbed at your arm where he was holding it in a death grip. You then looked over at him, he was looking back at the ceiling, a guilty look on his face, but he didn't apologize. You just huffed, before you stood up, and you silently went to the back and you went into the laundry room, pulling out old clothes and sheets.
You then came back, and you placed the clothes on the ground next to him, you then got a rag and a bowl and you filled it up with some warm water, you then poured some vinegar into the water, making it a natural disinfectant. You then placed the bowl down next to him and he seemed to react poorly to the smell of vinegar and he made sure to voice his complaint. "Ugh, smells like pure shit." He groaned, you lightly chuckled at him complaint, as you squeezed out the rag.
"It's vinegar." You told him in a gentle voice, as you began cleaning the wounds on his arms, he hissed at the sting, but he didn't pull back from it. You were both silent, the sounds of your struggled grunts and the sound of cloth tearing filled the air. The occasional sound of water splashing accompanied it. You started on his exposed skin, such as arms, face, hands, and his neck. 'What caused this many cuts and bruises, did he get into a bad fight?' You worriedly yet confusingly thought as you tied off another makeshift bandage on his arm.
So far only his arms and head needed a bandage, however, even his shirt was soaked with blood, and you needed to check up under it. You would've checked it first, but you were honestly nervous as to what you'll find, his arms alone had deep cuts that needed stitching, but you didn't know how to do that. God forbid he had a hole in his body. You bit your bottom lip, worry shooting up through you. He seemed to notice, as he began moving to sit up, but you were quick to stop him.
"W-wait! What are you doing? You shouldn't be moving!!" You complained as he placed your hands on his shoulders, but he fanned you off. "Shut up, it's obvious that you're nervous, these wounds are nothing that I can't handle." He said in an annoyed voice, but hints of concern would be heard if you really listened. "If that's the case, then why did you come in the way you did?" You questioned him, as you kept pushing him to stay down. He growled at your stubbornness. "Grrrr, shut up, I just got out of a fight damnit, now move." He said, in an annoyed tone.
You became just as annoyed as you pushed back just as hard. "LET ME HELP!!! PLEASE!!! I CAN DO IT!!!" You yelled, desperation filling your voice, he stopped to stare at you, regarding you, and a flash of fear with through his eyes, before he blinked it away and he sighed. "Fine, but don't panic once you see it." He said in an accepting tone as he began working open his black shirt. You smiled, happy that he was letting you do this, but your eyes widen in shock and in fear, as you covered your mouth.
It wasn't the deep wounds that you suspected would be on him, it was the giant gaping hole in his stomach that made your breath practically leave your body. You stared on in shock, your eyes locked on the hole. "This is what I was warning you about." He said, his voice calm and relaxed as spoke, looking down at you. You then reach forward, wanting to see if it was real. But your hand just wen straight through it and you gasped as you snatched your hand back.
You were both silent, before you then started to chuckle lightly. "It makes so much sense now, why you were never hungry, you don't have a stomach." You said in an amused voice, he seemed to take it easy, as he relaxed and he smirked. "Yeah, I guess that's why." He agreed. After that, you bandaged him up as much as you could. It was quiet, for a while, after you tied the sheet off, you stared at hi back for a moment, before your vision became blurry. You leaned down and placed your forehead against his back, while you wrapped your arms around him.
He didn't say anything, as he simply looked back at you, before he sighed and he placed his hand on yours. You both sat like that, slightly until you fell asleep from stress. When you woke up, it was dark out, you were in your bed. You were facing the window and you could see the moon through the cracked curtains. You were warm and relaxed. You were recalling your day, the situation with Grimmjow, it felt like a bad dream, and you were going to call it that, if it weren't for the arm that was draped across your waist.
You could see the cloth that you tied off around the arm, making makeshift bandages. The sound of lightly snoring was finally registering in your brain, and you traced the arm gently, looking at the veins and the hard hands from years of work that you could only imagine. A deep groan sounded behind you, and you looked back at him, he was looking out the window, before he looked down at you.
His hair was still a mess from when he first came in, but it didn't look like he was beaten up and more like bed hair. The arm that was on your waist came up to rub at his eyes, and he grunted as he stretched, you could feel the muscles of his arm under your head that you didn't notice that you were laying on, the more he began to wake up the more you began to realize how pressed up against him you were.
Your back was to his chest, and you could feel his legs intertwined with yours. It made your cheeks heat up, but you didn't want to move. You were pulled from your thoughts when he suddenly spoke up. "Ugh, what time is it" He asked in a groggy voice, you were used to hearing it, but never this close. "Ummm, let me seeeee.... it isssssss. 10:30" You said as you turned on your phone and looked at the screen.
He groaned but he didn't seem to be in any rush at all. In fact, he draped his arm back over your waist, tugging you closer to him. You blushed, but you didn't stop him. You've been suppressing your feelings for him for a while now. And if he was showing any sign of liking you back, you were going to jump on it, so you began to squirm, trying to turn around to face him, but the arm around your waist stopped you.
"Stop the fucking squirming." He said, his voice still groggy as he was pulled from his dozing slumber, you whined as you kept trying to turn, but his grip stayed strong, you then gave up and just laid there. "I wanna see you." You whined, he stayed quiet for a while longer, before he loosened his hold on you. You smiled, happily before you turned around in his loose yet firm hold. Once you finally turned around, you were immediately faced with his tone chest, you could see deep scars from years and months of healing.
You lightly traced them, making his breath hitch, you looked up at him, your hand pulling from him as you did so. He was looking down at you with an observant gaze, but he never said anything. You didn't see him reacting in pain, so you went back to tracing his scars. You traced until you came to his shoulders, they were covered with his shirt, and you gently pushed your hand under it, making it slip off his shoulder, on his neck, you saw a terrible scar. It seemed deeper than the others and it looked like it took lots of healing.
"What happened?" You asked, your voice light with concern. He just grunted before he got up, pulling his arm from under your head, making you plop on the pillow when you tried to move as the other hand from your waist pushed your shoulder down. You stared up at him, your eyes wide from confusion and shock. "Grimmjow?" You asked in a light voice as you stared at him, he looked down at you with a thoughtful gaze, his blue eyes seeming darker ad richer in the moonlight, and his messy hair made him more handsome. He didn't say anything for a while, before he sighed.
"This is going to be a long night." He said before he leaned down and he claimed your lips. Your eyes widen in shock from his sudden kiss. Your eyes then slowly closed, as your hands came up to play with his hair. He groaned at the feeling of your acceptance of his advance.
After that, he began to treat you differently, he became more of a boyfriend than a friend with unknown feelings. It was official yet unofficial. It was a strange relationship. He was more open to staying longer and spending more time together and the newest addition was sleeping in the same bed together.
Eventually, the day came when you asked him. "What are we?" You asked him one day, you had just finished lunch, and he, like usual, didn't eat he was resting in a chair, arms folded behind his head as he leaned back in the chair.
He didn't look over at you at first, but he eventually sat up in his chair, and he leaned over the table towards you, he held your chin in between his finger and thumb, and he smirked. "You're mine, and I'm yours." That was all he simply said, and you accepted that.
Once that was established, he began to pretty much 'proper;y' move in. He brought all his clothes and all his fave little snacks, he didn't really eat a lot of food, like a meal, but he did like snacks.
You liked living with him, and you wouldn't trade him for anything.
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mynjnx · 1 year
Fun remainder that Aziraphale also convinced Crowley to go with him (for them to be together) in his own way.
I forgot to post this and I was gonna connect with my previous but i thought it would be better go this to have its own post and since it not really connected to my previous post (pls don't judge me this is my first doing things like this so yeah don't expect much🏃🏃)
I should've posted this a bit earlier but it's better late than never so yeah.
Even with misworded conversation and A LOT of miscommunication. Aziraphale didn't want Crowley to leave and he never intended to.
His devotion to Heaven is still upbringing. When even presenting the flaws and mistakes of Heaven doings, he truly still believes it's what best for humanity, for them. And when Heaven/Metatron gave a chance to fix this, including Crowley as his second command. He thought that was the best other than being erased from life itself. We didn't know what happen in that conversation between them, but we know it won't end well if you disagree (Referencing back from the "Give me life or give me death" quote this inspired me that this was referenced to their conversation) And thinking back what happened to Gabriel, he'll probably end up like him or worse. He sees this as the best opportunity, without the other getting hurt. With Aziraphale willingness for heaven to change for Crowley, wanting for Crowley to go with him, this enraged Crowley as he already knows the doings of both Heaven and Hell are irredeemable. (My brain is mush up so In summarization He still devoted (manipulated) by Heaven (by what their doing is and still thinks that he is capable of fixing changing Heaven's flaws and ways. And if he disagrees he is erased from existence). And what if he's gonna do double spy on us hahaha okok I'm done.
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alullinchaos · 7 months
vent and a lot of thoughts below the read more related to illness (chronic illness) and disability
(large inhale. large exhale.) i try not to talk about being sick very much. for a variety of reasons mainly because I feel like the label of "chronically ill" doesn't belong to me. because all the people I see online who talk about being chronically ill are constantly dealing with symptoms, either due to their healthcare team not treating them properly or their symptoms not Being extremely treatable. I am lucky. I take my pill, one pill, every day and I am mostly okay. "mostly" okay, in that I can't run or exercise hardly at all. in that I feel extremely uncomfortable using a flight of stairs, and often am in pain when doing so at school (because of my backpack). in that I never know how much I'm going to sleep at night, that I often don't feel fully rested when I wake up. I am constantly experiencing some level of physical discomfort or pain, and while it is never something I can't just ignore, it does annoy me. this is not to mention the mental load of taking my medication. I have to take it an hour (at least) before I eat breakfast, so I wake up, take it, and go back to sleep. so every single day I have to ask myself if I remember taking it (hard to do so when you're half asleep and when it's the same every single time) and I stress about it a lot. my dose just got upped again even though I'm not sure it should've been but I don't feel comfortable starting a discussion with my provider about it. every time I see her (like I did earlier this week) the discussion is always the same. I never feel more informed. I never feel like I'm being properly treated, even though she's nice to me and I get my meds. this probably has something to do with the fact that she made me believe I had cancer for a month. not maliciously, she's just sort of incompetent. the thing about my medication is that at some point if I stop taking it I'll die, and I have no idea when that will be, but I assume if my dosage is getting upped again then that day is coming closer. I don't know if this means it's already hit. I'm almost at the number my friend gave me for their "severe" prescription, because they recently got diagnosed with the same autoimmune disorder I have, and they were given that dosage because they're "severe." so am I severe? I have no idea. obviously I will continue to take my medication. it makes my life substantially better. I can kinda do things now, which I couldn't before. but I think it makes a difference in my mind if it's me taking it because I don't want to feel like shit or if it's me taking it because I'll die otherwise, y'know? in a sense they are the same because if I go untreated then it'd lead to my death because of the effects on the rest of my body. but they are also very different, because looking out for the symptoms of Not Feeling Great as a way to know I forgot my medication vs. looking out for symptoms of About To Go Into a Coma and Possibly Die are very different things. i say all this and i barely feel comfortable calling myself disabled, because a lot of disabled people are people who can't be "helped" and i'm very sorry for them. i keep thinking about that post someone made about how they had two moms and then they were gay, and their experience being gay was totally different from what people normally have to deal with because of the total absence of homophobia or ignorance on the subject. and how identities shouldn't be defined by suffering. am I only disabled if I were to lose access to my medication? am I only disabled if someone is forcing me to run a ten minute mile and I collapse? I don't know the answer. I really don't. I'm not looking for comfort here, but any of my disabled mutuals (I know there's at minimum two of you) feel free to weigh in. I'm not an expert. also big disclaimer that my mom was disabled (which is why she died) so maybe my understanding of the world is warped as a result of that.
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Diwali cooking
Sanctuary masterlist
AMOW day 6: baking
So, I've decided I'm posting these in order of completion, not prompts, bc day 3 is definitely not complete (neither one) and I've used multiple prompts from some days anyway. And this is more cooking (and storytelling) than baking, but oh well. Enjoy!
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @whumpymirages @flowersarefreetherapy @amonthofwhump @poc-whump
Anita helps Lea make galub jamun, and tells her the story of Rama and Sita.
Set on the first day of Diwali, a while after Lea comes to live with Anita, Indira and Theo.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, recovery, conditioning, implied past non-con, kidnapping, memory loss
"Lea, do you know the story of Rama and Sita?" asks Mistress Anita suddenly.
Lea glances back at Theo, who's sitting on the countertop, a smudge of coloured sand on his nose from the rangoli, talking to Mistress Indira in sign language as they make the bean curry together. He looks nervous, but he's smiling. She can't explain why the expression looks strange on him, only that it does, and it's starting to make her head hurt, watching him.
That's why they're making gulab jamun dough outside on the balcony, though. So Lea can ignore Theo if it gets too much.
"No, mistress."
"Sorry, I should've told you earlier. I forgot you didn't know. It's the origin story of Diwali, for us. Pour a little bit of milk into the bowl and mix it together with your hands." Lea pours the milk in and sticks her hands in the bowl carefully. It still doesn't feel right, getting so messy, but she does it anyway. Mistress Anita likes her doing things like this. "That's good. Add more milk if you need to, and keep kneading until it's a smooth ball. So. The story of Rama and Sita. Rama was a warrior prince, married to Sita. A demon king called Ravana, with ten heads and twenty arms, wanted to marry Sita himself, so he disguised himself as a wounded deer and appeared in the forest in front of her. Sita was worried about the animal, but it disappeared into the forest before she could ask Rama to help her with it, so he decided to find the deer himself. Before he left, he drew a magic circle around her to keep her safe. So long as she stayed within it, she'd be protected."
Lea can guess what's going to happen and her hands drop the dough, clenching and unclenching tightly. Sita's not going to be safe, is she? Mistress Anita rubs her shoulder gently.
"Hey sweetheart. It'll be okay in the end, you just wait and see. Next, Ravana shifted into a thirsty beggar, and appeared again in front of Sita. As Sita stepped out of the circle to give the beggar water, Ravana shifted back to his normal form and kidnapped her. When Rama returned empty-handed from the forest, he was shocked and confused to find Sita gone. He went searching back in the forest, and came across the monkey king, Hanuman, who agreed to help Rama search for Sita.
"Hanuman searched for days, eventually finding Sita in Ravana's prison on the island of Lanka. He took the news back to Rama, and together they gathered an army of monkeys to go to Sita's rescue.
"The battle lasted for ten days, and Ravana was winning, before finally Rama saw his chance and shot Ravana with an enchanted arrow given to him by the gods. He died, and Rama and Sita were reunited, and everyone in the kingdom lit lanterns so they could find their way home. That's why we light diyas for Diwali, and celebrate Sita's rescue and their reunion."
Lea nods and swallows, giving Mistress Anita a weak smile. All those people, celebrating Sita's escape for centuries.
And yet, when she tried to escape, all she got was punished. She doesn't even remember the escape now, but she certainly remembers the punishment. But she supposes she is only a Pet, and Sita was a princess.
Still, it's... it's awe-inspiring, Sita's story. That people still celebrate her rescue from imprisonment all these centuries later, that they remember it... there has to be something there for Pets like her, right? She didn't want her handler, she never did. She realises now how relieved she was to be sold. It was like a weight off her chest when Mistress Anita bought her, and she reunited with Theo (although he did just make things more confusing for a while). She still doesn't remember him from before, but she knows she knew him. Just as she knows now that it's a relief not to be used by her handler anymore. Her handler who she would like to find and punch in the face, and for a moment she's glad that Mistress Anita can't read minds because that thought would be worth a huge punishment from anyone.
Theo was happy to see her. And she's happy that Sita made it home.
"Sweetheart, you can stop kneading now," murmurs Mistress Anita, and Lea blinks down at the bowl. The dough is nearly flat.
It's not supposed to be flat, is it?
"Sorry, mistress."
"That's okay. What were you thinking about to cause that?"
Lea swallows. That was a direct question, she has to answer. "My– my handler, mistress."
"Fair enough. I'd quite like to punch him too." Lea blinks. That certainly wasn't the answer she was expecting. "Here. Have a sweet. It'll make you feel better."
Mistress Anita holds out a bowl of coconut chikki, a present from her colleague apparently, and Lea takes a piece hesitantly. It's hard and sweet and she loves it, has done since Mistress Anita first gave her some, but she doesn't understand why she's being given a treat this time. She hasn't done anything to earn it, she thought about hurting her former handler and she messed up the dough, if anything she deserves punishment, not a treat.
As if reading her mind, Mistress Anita says, "It's Diwali, it's a time for eating sweets. Don't worry, I'm sure we can salvage the dough. Divide it into small balls, roughly fourteen if you can, and roll them until they're completely smooth."
Lea does so, and it works. Soon it's time to go inside and make the sugar syrup, next to where Mistress Indira and Theo are working on the stove, and Lea, ignoring her headache, and with Mistress Anita's approval, reaches up and pulls Theo into a hug. He startles but returns it enthusiastically.
She hasn't initiated many hugs since she arrived here, especially not when she's not in distress, but maybe she should. It's not like Theo will hurt her, after all. Their reunion was a good thing. And his hugs really are very nice.
Theo sinks into her chest, and she strokes his hair automatically. She's not sure how she knows he likes it, she just does, and she's right.
And with the kitchen filled with the smell of spices and Theo held tight to her, warm body pressed against hers, she thinks that this place, Mistress Anita and Mistress Indira's flat, is finally starting to feel like home. It's supposed to, it's always been home because her owners live here, but it's never felt like it.
Not until now.
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aniketsanimationblog · 2 months
I think I should've Said This Earlier. But...
I am saying this. After Everything I have gone through in the Esteemed Animation Community, I am making this Clear Bold Statement.
Once Star Trek: Prodigy ends (if assuming, Netflix doesn't renew it for S3 or so) and once Bluey ends on the other side (unsure if it ends or not, but it happens at one point in the future, that depends on ABC Australia and Ludo Studios), then Consider me no longer as an Ardent Animation Fan. I will officially renounce and Quit and Abandon the Animation Community, once and for all, and never come back, with immediate effect. Because, I have given Many chances to the Animation Community to give respect to the Animated Shows, they deserve. But the Animation Fans Failed me each and every single time. First, it was Oswald, then there was Peter Rabbit (2012) TV Series. I was planning to renounce from the Animation Community on last year, if Star Trek: Prodigy would never seen the light of day. But since Netflix picked it up, I somehow reverse my decision quietly. But as they say, "The future is uncertain."
I am saying this because, the brainwashed Animation Fans are not ready to accept the fact that Miraculous Ladybug and PAW Patrol, the shows they are thinking good shows, are destroying the Animation as an Artform, to become Merch-based Money Making shows, not caring about their Audience. They keep cancelling and removing other shows we want and love to watch even to this day. But the animation fandom aren't ready to accept the fact. That is why I made this harsh statement. I know, this sounds pretty odd for me to say. But, I won't back down/bow down to obey the Egoistic King Triton's orders. (You know, who is the King Triton I said it? I won't utter his name, but you have to guess it.)
The animation fans have been brainwashed so much to the extent that they forgot what the real actual good show really is. They cannot believe in whatever I would say, they cannot accept a little bit of my thesis. They will say, I am making things up.
Stop Worshipping those Egoistic Showrunners/worse personality Animation Personnel as the Gods of Animation. But still, they will worship them. They are Brainwashing you.
More will be said on my Following Mega Super-giant post in the Upcoming days prior to TAG Strike commences.
But I said it, once Star Trek: Prodigy and Bluey end, I will officially quit as an Animation Fan, with immediate effect.
I hope you understand me. That's up to you.
So, I will see you on my Super Mega-post in some days' time prior to the Animation Strike.
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hedgehogzb1 · 4 months
I didn't buy much into the 'Mandela Effect' at first, personally... I'm more of a simulation theory guy, honestly. BUT... when a man as renowned, accomplished, and respected as Phillip K. Dick stood up and gave the speech he did, I realized 'simulation theory' supports the possibility that we've been a part of more than ONE simulation.
Each simulation's 'running execution' will obviously vary in overall outcome, particularly when we're referring to an individual perspective - a very narrow scope for a simulation with 8 billion individuals. Going along with that concept, I considered maybe it IS possible some of those people retained info ... memories to us... when it wasn't intended. Like a runtime error. Results from a different simulation that were supposed to be deleted / erased, but wasn't fully overwritten or wiped.
It's just something I considered in the spirit of keeping an open mind. Though, admittedly, it took the words of Phillip K. Dick before I ever opened my mind to such a possibility. I suppose my hope and/or intention for this post aside from stimulating any potential discussions is to point out an important figure - another informational resource directly related to this group's main subject and purpose.
If you're not fimiliar with Phillip K. Dick, perhaps you've seen movies such as Total Recall, Blade Runner, or A Scanner Darkly to name a few. Just reading the man's Wiki page had me blurting out "OMG!" more than once. So, to reiterate to those unfamiliar with him, I highly recommend skimming his Wiki page at the very least, but also the public speech he gave in France.
When it comes to simulation theory or ANY obscure, radical concepts and ideals, really, there are 3 top heavy hitters on my list - lest I forgot or didn't gather my thoughts as well as I intended. And they are as follows:
- Double Slit Experiment
- Fibonacci Sequence / Pattern
- Stories & Accounts of Philip K. Dick
Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Criticism? In the spirit of open-mindedness...
I should've probably added one more thing for anyone more financially secure and comfortable than I am currently... which would be to consider obtaining some of his ACTUAL works since he was an iconic author, afterall...
Unfortunately, they didn't put me back in the Matrix as someone rich and famous, so there's no way I could, but if you're intrigued at all by anything you read or hear in related videos, I kind of forgot to mention the slew of books he's written and published - a number of which later inspired the movies I mentioned earlier, though you wouldn't guess it comparing the movie title and the title of the book!
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sl33py-g4m3r · 5 months
Wish I could get to the end of Violet, lol. My sibling did, the music is awesome~~ But for some stupid reason I just keep restarting it. idk why.
Also I don't exactly have a coherent team atm. I took on the Flying Titan after the second gym and most of my team was fainted, lol.
Makes me think i suck at strategizing tbh. Probably not true tho; I've just been using pokemon that I've found. Finally found a mudbray with the stamina ability.
Been working on the pokedex and I change up my team constantly for new encounters in the areas I'm in. Probably not a good idea however, as I'm underleveled tbh. Only mon that was admittedly above the level cap for the bombadier fight, was my flamigo which is level 23. everything else wasn't even 20 yet, lol
I need to actually make a good team. I'm not doing a monotype run, so there's that. Nor do I want to overlevel much past the level cap in game.
Currently I have a team of pick up pokemon that hopefully I'll get to level 100 to have a 10% chance at a big nugget pickup. Gathering money the old fashioned way, lol.
So maybe it's not that I suck at strategizing, it's just that I'm underleveled and I forgot the thing had rock type moves, most of my team was weak to rock at that point, rip.
Might run around the map with a run away pokemon just to get the fly points, or is that not fun? Why do I play this way? lol.
Minor gripe that fishing is gone; I think someone doing a speedrun mentioned that, and eddaket mentioned it in a speedrun he was doing, now I'm sad that fishing is gone entirely now. Bring fishing back in pokemon games nintendo~~~
If i keep restarting the game I'll never get the pokedex done either or get the shiny charm, and shiny hunting is fun for what little I can see, lol.
Also just a pokemon question in general, but why now does the rival choose the pokemon that's weak to yours at the beginning? I think pre gen 5 that didn't happen much and they always went stronger against yours. Then gen 5 had a rival that did actually choose one weaker, cause there was 2 rivals, not counting N. Or I should've said 2 rivals who also get a starter pokemon as well as the player. But then when you got single rivals again (I think gen 6 did the 2 rivals thing too? i don't remember) they always got the one that's weak to yours.
Of course in Nemona's case, she could be challenging herself, cause in an earlier run where I got farther, quackival kicked my butt with aqua step really hard.
Moreso rant rather than an (I'm thinking about pokemon post), didn't intend to rant here but here we are. hope someone enjoys it, lol.
Hee ho...
why can pokemon spawn in walls?? rip any shiny that you couldn't lock on to or notice because it was in a wall.
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
My Rank
My position at work was probably like many other people know. For a while, the group I worked for was short staffed. Back to Back deployments did not help. (especially one coworker who was tasked to both even though he had just had a kid. They picked him for the second BECAUSE he was on the first.)
I was in a precarious situation. There were missing ranks not filled at my section. Because of this, My file was full of "paperwork" the kind they give every newbie to ensure you know how the system works (and that you stay on task). But I had gone through two promotions (both of which my leadership just forgot about and was surprised when I showed up with my new rank. Not like shit posting surprised. Like legitimately thought I was out of uniform for it. I nearly got paperwork for that too.)
My paperwork file was filled with things that should have been cleared out before my first promotion. (nobody explained that part because short staffed) So I learned when I was confronted for my shitty behavior (two ranks ago) and only one person explained that I was done dirty because It should've been cleared.
The position above mine was unfilled for 6 months too a year. The section didn't really have a manager. Shift leads for days. But no section manager. Until a master Sergeant was demoted to fill the slot.
Now, I DON'T KNOW ALL THE DETAILS. But I think he had the same dirty deal I had. Since there were unfilled positions and nobody was clear on what pieces where missing.
I was effectively doing half a section lead job (the other half I just didn't know, or was already overtasked with shift leads stuff.) Until the demotion. And Well. Let's just say the new section lead was salty and burned out like everybody was.
Basically, everybody was getting paperwork, but nothing was getting fixed because there wasn't anybody to train the people on what was missing.
I should probably note that the company (squadron) I was in was in fact TWO COMBINED companies, and we didn't have enough manpower for one company, BEFORE the deployments.
Everybody was mad at everybody else for understandable reasons, but leadership was more focused on punishment and reward than ensuring proper training and cohesion.
No offense intended to former coworkers who I know probably have my name on a list for their own reasons. By the time I left, the two squadrons were nearly back to full operational parameters. But the experience wasn't there anymore.
My paper trail was bigger. I had just as many demerits as merits. But, I'll say this: my merits always outweighed my demerits. And some of the demerits were *forced* paperwork. As in: a boss's boss gave my boss no choice but to write them.
Micromanaging doesn't correct bad management and instructions training. I'm not trying to call people out, I know that their position probably wasn't much better.
I did the best with what I was given, and I left after making the best of what I could. Trying to train the people under me to not let certain things stay in bad repair.
I'm not perfect ok? But I wasn't ever malicious.
The mistakes I made, the reasons I gave, were honest. If I fucked up, I owned it, not once making an excuse. Not ever making an excuse.
Maybe I should have. Maybe I should've given up earlier.
My squadron. Which was two squadrons, but staffed for half of one. Did things nobody else could do. I did, they did, we did. And all we ever got was punished for doing the impossible.
And because of that, there was barely any camaraderie. By the end of it, we may have respected each other. But we didn't like each other. And there was good reason for it.
And I won't deny that, some people hated me more than others. And they had their reasons. I won't ever say my former squadron was transphobic.
Nobody was given the proper recognition they deserved. And then we all were thrown under the bus for things outside our control.
And management. This time I'm pointing at the officers.
They knew better. Because after we went through hell, they tried fixing that shit immediately.
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surgeofadrenaline · 1 year
How do I stop focusing on the negative aspects of a good day? I look pretty in the pictures but my hair isn't as pretty as it was for my trial. I like how it looks in a decent amount of pictures but how do I get over this longing for it to be different? I think this is going to be extra tough because these pictures are forever. There's no going back. No re-doing. That was our wedding day, and it had so many good parts. I'm just getting sad over appearance things that I hoped would've looked better. How I imagined. I forgot to wear my earrings. I have hair that looks how it looks when I haven't brushed it after sleeping. I dunno. My hair was so much smoother & silkier in the trial & I didn't have a southern belle bump. I didn't spray down my part in my hair to make it less prominent. My hair lady did the opposite of a thing I thought we had decided on, which was leaving the left bit of hair out to cover my ear. She put it behind. Then tried her best to comb out enough & it just looks weird in certain photos. I should've had her add a little bit more of a wing with the eyeliner but my brain was toast & I didn't know what she meant when she said the eyelashes would hide the little wing. Wish I had noticed that the top back of my hair was too textured/curly when I really wanted it straight. Wish we had started hair & makeup an hour earlier so we weren't an hour late with the ceremony. My hair/makeup trial took 4 hours, yet she said she'd only need 2-3 on my wedding day. Ended up not being correct.
My mom sent me a gross email the day after the wedding making my wedding all about her & it was incredibly delusional & she needs to seek mental help. Haven't spoken to her since Thursday. I don't know if I ever will again if she doesn't apologize. But thanks to her, I'll always have the memories of her from my wedding be in a weird/negative light. She said I stole her "mother of the bride day" away from her. Lord help me to not laugh at that for the rest of my life.
Anyway, I just needed to vent the negative out of my brain. There's a lot of good. Hopefully I'll post the good sometime this month. ✌️
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serxeinxx · 2 years
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⁰⁰¹.pairings: various x fem!reader | ft. itadori, megumi, yuuta, inumaki
⁰⁰².warnings: one cussing from itadori <33, and flirty inumaki !! + not proofread </33
⁰⁰³.genre: fluff, crack, celebrity au + sfw !!
⁰⁰⁴.notes: should i do this on jjk men❓❓
⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation ; gen.masterlist ; jjk.masterlist ; taglist form
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— your video posted on youtube became a meme itself. why? on the duration of 5:34, as you were telling your short story on how you got into make up, itadori slipped.
you clearly saw how it happened because you can see the reflection on the camera.
"oh shit!"
you clicked the stop video to go to him. he was groaning about how hard he fell off the bathroom floor. "How did you even slip?" You asked worriedly. "Sorry, I know you're shooting a video for vogue but I forgot my toothbrush in here," he answered.
You asked him questions if he was still hurt and he convinced that he was okay and you should continue the video, and you did. After the shoot, you gave the camera back and went back to your boyfriend who was watching a movie. As if he didn't get hurt earlier.
What you didn't know was that you didn't pushed the button harder enough to stop the video.
The next day, yuuji woke you up by shaking you.
"We're a meme!" He happily said, "oh and," he kissed your chin, "goodmorning sunshine."
— it was very early in the morning when you started shooting. you got up earlier than him since you have a deadline to catch, and which was the video that you are supposed to send to vogue.
"i don't usually fill in my brows but rather, i—"
the door opened to see him shirtless, your jaw was wide open. "y/n, you should've woken me— what are you opening your mouth for?" He leaned to see the camera behind you. Shoot.
he was blushing madly, "uh, just pretend that you didn't see me." Then he immediately left. There are two things why he was blushing. One, is that he was shirtless and the camera was rolling, and two, your face, you looked pretty with makeup on, it's like it's been enhanced. Don't get him wrong but he finds you more attractive with no makeup on.
— the same as Megumi, he would be in a blushing mess, but the reason was more on when he interrupted you doing your makeup. He wasn't shirtless, he was in his white t-shirt and black sweatpants.
"Sorry-! i should've let you finished shooting!"
You tried calling him but he immediately rushed to the door and closed it. The door gave a loud sound from closing. Trust him, he didn't mean it, he probably pulled it too fast that it sounded like an angry kid, closing the door when gets mad.
After the shoot, you got out of the bathroom and saw him on the side of the wall and you hugged him. "You know, you're kind of cute when you're panicking haha!"
and he smiled.
— to his luck, he was wearing a mask as always, because of his tattoo on the corners of his mouth, he removes the mask whenever he was feeling it.
He wasn't that shy when it comes to you, he loves to make jokes and to make you laugh because it's one of his favorites to see you smiling and to hear your laughing voice.
He joined in the video, intentionally. He wrapped his hands around your waist and you jumped in surprise. "t-toge! I'm still shooting!" You said in a nervous tone. The way he was wrapping your waist was just like wrapping his arms around a pillow.
"You know they can edit that right?" His morning voice was like an ice cream, but instead, you're the one who was melting.
He removed his arms around you and gave you a wink and left the bathroom, leaving you in a blushing mess.
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© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.
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koala711 · 2 years
I Still Love You
[(ex)Kaeya X GN!Reader]
My butterflies still fly because of you. I hope yours still fly for me.
WARNING(s): grammatical errors that have sliped past my radar, cursing, drinking(mild)
Words: 2.1 k 
The world threw a ton of curveballs at you but this one hurt the most so far. It was the kind that made the wound on your heart open bit by bit.
So, maybe you had drunk a couple of shots.
Maybe it was to ignore the tuff of blue hair on the other side of the room.
Maybe it was to help get rid of your thoughts and create a buzz of sad silence.
"Dear Kaeya Alberich," you thought to yourself, gazing for what you promised was the last time at the man across the room(it was not). "Fuck you."
It was only after maybe 12 shots(your tolerance is very high) that you decided it was time to go home.
In all honesty, you should've left ages ago as soon as you saw that beautiful sapphire eye from across the room. It would've been easier for yourself.
... Right?
You had to admit to yourself that you wanted to see if he'd notice you at one point during the 2 hours you stayed. That maybe your gazes would lock once more and you'd both realize that maybe that breakup... was a mistake?
It was just bad timing in the end, anyways.
You kept pondering to yourself outside of the house, ignoring the blaring music and monotonous buzzing of the light up above.
Well, pondering as much as you could. Your brain could only muster insults at the man and yourself. Something about taking a chance and why or why not you should.
You didn't even notice the squirrel that sat a couple feet in front of you with a tilted head as if it were saying "you're weird" as you stumbled back and forth at the entrance.
It's been almost 3 years.
You thought you'd successfully buried your feelings and your past with him 6 feet in the ground, but seeing him triggered something.
Speaking of the devil himself, here he was coming out of the Kamisato’s household where the party was being held.
"Hi," you greeted with as much of a smile you could muster. "Fancy meeting you here."
You were only able to meet his eye once before hiding your gaze again, retreating to the flowers along the pathway.
"Thoma and I were grabbing some food earlier and invited me to tag along."
You hummed, nodding your head slowly and fidgeted with your sleeves. 
"So I assume you and Ayaka are still close," he continued, glancing at the door and back to you. 
"Haha, yeah. She's a great person."
Even in your slightly dazed state you could feel the awkward tension between the two of you. You wanted to get out of there but a part of you also wanted to stay. Besides, it's not like you'd called Sucrose to come pick you up yet.
You could stay a little longer.
You looked at Kaeya a he leaned against the post across from you. His hair was surprisingly a little frazzled. In the time you've known him, he's kept up his pristine looks throughout the day as if he were in a movie. Hair perfectly kepmt, clothes ironed and fitting to perfection, and skin as clear as day.
Maybe the drinks he was taking earlier made him a bit loose.
"I didn’t expect to have found you standing here alone." He stumbled across his words, not wanting the silence to prolong. "I thought you'd left a while ago."
He noticed you leaving?
"I..." You chuckled, and bit your lip out of habit. "I actually don't know." But you did. "I was supposed to call Sucrose to get me but I... haven't."
“I see you’re the same,” Kaeya chuckled. You raised an eyebrow and turned to him, wanting him to elaborate more. “Nothing bad, I promise. It’s just that no matter how sober you’d find yourself after a couple of drinks, you’d forget the simplest of things like your shoes.”
Did you now?
You could barely remember the moments. Then again, why would you remember them if you were the one that forgot?
You looked away quickly, feeling the blood rising to your cheeks. 
Embarrassed and flushed is how you felt. 
You kind of forgot what it was like to have someone that’ll always seem to notice and remember the small things you didn’t.
“It’s getting late.” You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and shivered. The cold night’s breeze was not being kind to you and your short sleeves. “I should probably call Sucrose.”
“You’re not planning to stay out here the whole time, are you?” Kaeya asked in disbelief.
“It’s only thirty minutes.”
“And yet it’s been less than 10 minutes out here for you and you’re shivering.”
“I’ll be fine.”
You slipped into your bag and pulled out your phone, searching for Sucrose’s contact. It was pretty easy considering how you don’t have a lot of friends starting with the letter S.
Suddenly, you found a bit of warmth surrounding your shoulders and torso. 
Your body lit like a flame and tensed as you took in that familiar scent lingering on the clothes. A little bit of mint with something else you could never seem to put a finger on. It didn’t matter though. It has always been your favorite scent.
You grasped the collar of the coat and pulled it more around you, doing your best to ignore his gaze burning into your head. Words seemed to pile in your throat as you struggled to find the simplest of words as your mind continued in its static mess.
“Thank you, Kaeya.” 
There was a small pause before he’d answered as he stepped away from you and back to his side of the entrance. 
It was five steps back. 
“It’s my pleasure.” 
Biting the inside of your bottom lip, you looked at Sucrose’s contact on your phone.
All it took was 1 click. 
1 click to call Sucrose and then Kaeya would be back out of your life all over again.
“Still think you’re waiting out here for thirty minutes?”
“Hm?” You looked at Kaeya, meeting his gaze that seemed to have never left you. “I-I mean I don’t really have any other choice if I wanna avoid going in. You know how I am with parties.”
He chuckled, nodding his head. “I’ll admit, it was a surprise to find you here.”
“Yeah, I didn’t expect to find me here either, but I...” You looked towards the flowers once again, shoving your phone back into your pocket. “I mean, I don’t really... regret going.” 
If summer were a person, it’d be you. 
“Why the hell did I say that?” You thought to yourself, stuffing yourself deeper into the coat. 
He breathed a laugh at your words that have both lit and fueled the fire to his bonfire pit of mischief.
“I couldn’t help but notice; you’ve yet to call Sucrose,” Kaeya pointed out in your episode of embarrassment. “Any reason as to why?”
“I don’t know what you’re implying, Alberich. As you said, I’m quite forgetful after a couple of drinks,” You quickly stated. “Now get rid of that annoying smirk. I can practically hear it oozing from your words.” 
"You know, I wouldn’t mind taking you home. There is plenty of room in my car. Wouldn’t want you freezing out here, now would we?”
You bit the bottom of your lip and took a moment to ponder.
This situation was leading somewhere, and that somewhere could be either reckless or cautious. The route you wanted was the latter, and it was the safest. You cannot fuck this up again. Not when the world has graced you with this chance.
"Before I answer that," you began, twiddling with your fingers. "I've got some questions beforehand."
“Was us meeting here really a coincidence?"
"No," he chuckled shyly. "Thoma may have slipped in your name when talking about the party, and I may have shown a little interest."
"I have my afternoons off after 4 with weekends off as well. How much free time do you get these days?"
A little odd of a question, but this was one of the most important ones you needed. One of the big reasons you'd broken up was because you guys barely had time together.
"There are a lot of detectives working under Favonius, but I usually get assigned the longer jobs with a good amount of time in between unless its urgent. So, I'd say a decent amount of free time especially because there isn't that much crime in Mond, you know."
"Okay then. Final question..." Your hand was tight as your nerves ran through you like crazy. There he stood, less than an inch away from you. You could feel the warmth radiating off his body in this cold night. "Am I the only one getting butterflies right now?"
You could no longer hear the music that had been blaring in the background all throughout your conversation. You could only focus on one thing as you waited his response as he stood right in front of you. 
Kaeya was silent, staying only a couple inches from your face. The butterflies in your stomach were going rampant at the proximity. So much so a little part of you felt like you were going to throw up.
His kind and careful gaze never left yours as he traced his finger down your forehead and to your ear, tucking a small strand of hair that'd been led astray by the wind, leaving a tingling trail on your skin.
The two of you were silent for a moment before a short giggle left your throat, making you break eye contact and look down in embarrassment. The top of your head pressed against his chest and you could feel his heart beating like a horse in a race. 
That made you laugh once more.
You couldn't believe what was happening, and Archons were you flustered yet so very pleased.
"How about..." You trailed off, and looked up to meet his gaze once again with a smile. "We talk about this more in your car."
Just seeing the way your lips curl and eyes sparkle in the moonlight made Kaeya shy. This... This was just what he'd wanted and needed this whole time, just like you.
A second chance.
"30 minutes doesn't seem long enough," Kaeya pointed out, digging into his pocket for his keys.
Taking one step forward, he looked back at you and cocked his head towards the cars our front.
It was time you should go.
"Then maybe we can get something to eat on the way and sit for a bit. Any suggestions?"
You walked right next to him, pulling out your phone as you prepared to make a search.
"I've been craving some Sumerian food. Is there a place near Mond that serves some take out?"
"Ooh I know a perfect place! Lisa brought me to one a while ago, saying she'd always go there for her dinners when she went to the academy. I'll ask her for the name."
The two of you approached the car, continuing to make your plans for the night. Kaeya leaned over and opened the passenger's door, motioning for you to go on like he had many times before. Graciously, you accepted it and popped in, sending your last text to Sucrose telling her you'd be fine and that someone else was taking you home.
You sat there quietly, smiling as you watched Kaeya close the door and make his way around the front to the other side.
A ton of people say no when asked if they would get back with your ex, but your answer has never been definitive. It has always been filled with what if's and the things you and he could've done to make things right.
Maybe it was too hasty for the both of you to call your relationship off then in the difficult years of college, where the time you shared was bare to none. Where life decided to throw curveballs you couldn't miss and your temper was fueled by the lack of sleep and your patience dwindling by the second.
Maybe this time you could fix those patches.
Maybe this time you could both fix those patches.
You were willing to try, and from Kaeya's actions tonight, you could tell he was willing to try as well.
Hopefully things will turn out different.
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