#but listen i love knitting and it's like so relaxing to knit whatever while i watch doctor who so... guess i'll improvise
rapha-reads · 1 year
Are my stitches too tight? I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Or maybe it's just overthinking because it's only my second knitting project? I don't know. If anyone has any advice, I'll take it.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
imagine rafe trying to teach you a little bit of self defense but you just get turned on by him manhandling you and he’s just tsking at you underneath him with your hands pinned above your head lowly whispering “you gotta pay attention kid, there’s bad men out there… gotta know how’t stop em from from thinking they can do whatever they want” and she’d get all blushy and squirming just looking at him all doe eyed like “You can do what ever you want 🥺🥺🩷” He loves how submissive you are !!!!
i love this idea sm but when i started writing it kinda turned into something else ??? kinda dubcon but that’s just how he plays sometimes. reader is clearly wanting it !
ೀ 🍨 ‧ ˚ 🎀 ⊹˚. ♡
rafe was in one of his moods. the odd moods he gets in where he’s suddenly motivated to fix things, handle business, be ‘proactive’ as he puts it. there was no business to handle that day, so he turned his attention to you — deciding now of all times was the time to teach you how to defend yourself.
the idea had sprung to him when he walked into the room and stared you down, coming to the harrowing realisation that you hadn’t even noticed his presence, too engrossed in the book in your grasp. he creeps closer, and you don’t even blink. he edges behind you, and notes the way he could grab you into a headlock if he wanted, or cover your mouth, hell — he could snap your neck. you’d never see it coming.
of course, he didn’t want to ever hurt you — which is why he decided to stage an impromptu lesson. that gets you to where you end up, pinned to the ground beneath him.
“ow, rafe.” you frown wiggling your wrist from his grip until he lets it free with a shake of his head. you weren’t too happy about him stealing you away from your time of relaxation with your book — but you would never give up the opportunity to have your boyfriends hands on you. you thought things would have played out a little more… fun.
“see, you — you did it again. if i put my hand here, what are you gonna do, huh? what’d i tell you?” he raises his eyebrows, prompting a response.
“uhh, bite it?” you giggle, making him sit up on his knees, jaw ticking in frustration.
“you know i’m tryna save your life here, kid. someone comes up to you and grabs you, you’re screwed, ‘cos you don’t know how to protect yourself. i’m not always gonna be around to fight people off okay?”
“why not?” you whine, pressing a socked foot against his chest from where you lay. he wraps a hand gently around your ankle and brings it down, expression displaying his frustration.
“because i am not with you 24 hours a day, alright? m’not playing around here. you gonna listen?” he nudges your thigh with his own and you huff, head moving with a noncommittal nod. “okay.” he brings his body down onto yours, pinning you down with it. he had to be doing this on purpose. “alright, flip me on my back. go.”
you can’t help yourself, you wrap your legs around his waist and bring his crotch flush against yours with a little giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. he presses his lips together, staring at you blankly from his incredibly close proximity and stays silent until your childish laughs die down. you think he’s going to remove himself, lecture you and walk off for a little while— but he continues to stare, even when you wriggle beneath him, legs split around his body — mound of your cunt pressing up against his bulge.
“you think this is some kinda joke huh?” he asks quietly, and the smile starts to melt off your face. “like — like i’m just doin’ this shit for fun.” he glares, and now your hearts pounding because you only wanted to be close to him!
“no…” you mewl, brows knitted but it’s too late. he pushes himself up on his knees again, looking down on you.
“you know i’m real nice to you. there’s bad men out there that’ll really rough you up. maybe… maybe i should give you a taste of that, huh? show you what i’m protecting you from.”
you go to argue, tell him you’ll listen — but he slides a leg under yours and in one movement flips you so you’re suddenly laying on your front, ass a little raised. he leans over you, collecting your wrists with one hand and pins them down. “nah, go ahead. try and fight me off baby. see if you can.” he speaks eerily calmly and you wriggle, realising you’re totally pinned beneath his weight with no escape. “yeah, that shits scary huh? can’t get out.” he nods and you let out a little cry.
“okay, rafe c’mon!”
“nah, you think this is a game so i’m gonna show you just how fuckin’ real this is a’ight?” he tucks his free hand into your pyjama shorts and begins to yank them down. you hate how your heart feels like it’s in your throat and yet your cunt throbs and your back arches from muscle memory. “better wise up, sweetheart— ‘cos i don’t think you’re getting out of this.” he gives your ass cheek a firm smack, watching the fat of it recoil beneath the touch and you whine.
“teach me! rafe you can teach me, please!” you pout, craning round to look at him. his lip is curled into a malicious smirk, head shaking in disapproval.
“yeah, you know you’re just too late. gonna have to learn your lesson now, alright? remember this shit.”
ೀ 🍨 ‧ ˚ 🎀 ⊹˚. ♡
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popironrye · 2 months
The Lost Boys
Leisure Headcanons
💋 David 💋
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Is a skilled fire arm shooter. (Loves the cowboy aesthetic)
Has his own gun hidden in the cave.
Doesn't get the chance too often, but will ride a horse when the chance arises.
Likes wood carving. Mostly non specific whittling into basic shapes or animals. It helps him relax.
Movie nut! When the boys go the Max's store to fool around, David makes sure to tuck a movie or two that catches his eye in his coat. Tends to watch them alone, all the questions from Paul would just grate on his nerves too much.
I imagine David would be like REALLY good at origami for no particular reason. He doesn't even try, just once the boys do it just because and he's just the best at it.
I don't know if vampires can emerge in water in the lost boys lore, but if they can David loves to swim. Chilling in water clears his mind.
💀 Dwayne 💀
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Skater boi! Does a lot of sick tricks, but when you can levitate it's less impressive. XD
Doesn't care for guns, but likes archery. Hammers his own arrow heads. Dwayne and David like to pick a spot in the woods to shoot make shift targets.
A real book worm. Will spend a lot of time just silently reading for hours.
Takes up knitting from time to time. He prefers hand knitted blankets and throws rather then the store ones.
Likes to make jewelry. Made his own necklace.
Enjoys all types of puzzles. Cross word, jigsaw, and brain teasers.
Can sew and offers to sew up holes made in all the clothes the boys decide not to get new ones.
🌿 Paul 🌿
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Can play the guitar.
Also likes to sing, and is pretty good at it. Wanted to start a band, but the other boys weren't up for it.
Has the biggest music collection and is always hogging the tabletop/cassette/cd player.
Amateur photography. Just likes to take photos randomly. Some are really artsy.
Got really into tie dye for a while. Although he might have just been high.
When he wants to relax, Paul really likes to stargaze. Laying outside the cave looking at the sky and hearing the waves of the ocean just makes him feel at peace.
When David isn't using the tv monitor, Paul enjoys quite a few video games. He also likes to take on the arcade and carnival games at the boardwalk.
🪶 Marko 🪶
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Aside from pigeons, Marko will try to domesticate a number of animals to the cave, including stray dogs, cats, deer, badgers, squirrel, foxes, bats, and even a black bear once.
He in fact did NOT domesticate a black bear, but he did wrestle one.
He does his own patchwork on his jacket.
Like David, he likes to sculpt into wood, but he usually carves patterns and landscapes into more grand pieces.
He's also a skilled painter. Mostly he'll paint murals on sections of the cave David says is ok for him to paint on.
He collects sea shells on the beach.
He'll style the others hair. Especially David who he'll cut and dye in the way he likes best.
🔥Pack Activities🔥
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Dart throwing. The bigger the target the better. David and Dwyane are very competitive at this one specifically.
Rollerblading. Put wheels on shoes, what more can you want?
Listening to music. The boys have very wide music tastes and sometimes they cross over and they all like the same stuff. They take turns around the player of their choice to just smoke, drink, and listen to the sounds of the music plays.
Card games. Specifically poker when they're all together. They make things more interesting when they make bets.
And of course motocycle cruising and board walk loitering.
Something that always strikes me with vampires in fiction and indeed with any immortal creature with the high and emotional intelligence of humans. IMMORTALITY IS FUCKING BORING!
I mean, think about it. Imagine you're given all the free time in the world with very little responsibility with no fear of getting sick or tired allowed to do pretty much whatever you want. What would you do? Cause I would go stir crazy. So I came up with these dumb little head canons on how I image the boys specifically would pass the time in their little vampire lives that doesn't revolve around murdering and feeding off of people.
Of course cruising on their bikes come to mind. And there's a couple in the movie we get to see like Dwayne's skateboarding and Marko's fondness for pigeons but I wanted to throw more possibilities out there. :3
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hellcat8908 · 4 months
Nightmare Rhysand x Female Reader
Warnings: fluff, a little mention of torture, nothing graphic
You settled into bed after changing into pajamas. You heard the door open before hearing Rhys's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. He gave you a quick kiss as a greeting before making his way into the bathroom. You knew he'd had a rough day, so you grabbed him an ice water and some fruit. You'd be lucky if you got him to eat at all. You climbed back in bed and just got comfortable when you heard the shower turn off. A few minutes later, Rhys came back into the bedroom wearing knit pants and no shirt.
He climbed into bed and laid between your legs with his head resting on your stomach. You started running your fingers through his wet hair, careful not to pull it. "Do you want to talk about it?" You ask softly. He mumbles something you don't quite catch. "What was that, baby?" You ask. He grumbles, "No." Your hands slip down his shoulders and back, gently massaging them. His tense muscles relax under your touch as you ease his stress.
His arms wrap around your waist, holding you close. You can't help but smile. He settles in further, relaxing his whole body. You continue to massage his back, tracing his muscles as you watch him. Whatever happened while he was away must've been bad. You decide not to dwell on it as you run your fingers back to his hair. You gently start stroking his hair and watch as his eyes start to drift closed. You continue playing with his hair and watching him fall asleep. You can't help but notice how different he looks.
He seems so small and vulnerable holding you like that. You can't help the urge to protect him as he rests. You listen to his steady breathing as it lulls you to sleep. You're awoken a while later to Rhys flinching and muttering in his sleep. You gently stroke his hair, "Rhys, babe. Wake up." He mumbles incoherently and struggles some more. "Babe, wake up." You say louder, gently shaking him. He startles awake. "Easy, babe. You're safe. It was just a nightmare." You say gently, encouraging him to lay back down. He settles back down and holds you tighter, seeking comfort. You gently stroke his hair, brushing it away from his face.
"I was under the mountain," he starts slowly, "and this time you were there with me." You lay there and listen as Rhys tells you about his nightmare. "I was being punished by Amarantha. I had been poisoned with faebane and unable to use any of my powers. She started torturing you, knowing I couldn't shield you from the pain." He had told you how he'd protect innocent fae by manipulating their minds. You still didn't speak, allowing him to process his nightmare as well as his feelings. "Your screams sounded so real as she had you whipped and beaten. Her laughter was sickening as she watched me break." He says as his grip holds you tighter. His eyes shut tight, trying to remind himself that you're both safe.
You tilt his head so he's looking at you, "it was just a nightmare. We're both safe and sound in Velaris. Amarantha is dead. She can't hurt anyone anymore." You say softly, trying to reassure him and comfort him. "I know, darling, but it seemed so real." He says, sounding embarrassed. "I know, love." You say gently as your fingers stroke his hair. He gently takes your hand in his and pulls it to his lips, gently kissing it before letting you run it through his hair again. "I love you." You tell him softly. "I love you too." He says as he settles back down. You slowly feel his body relaxing as you both try to go back to sleep.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Heyyyyyyy, how are you?! Hope your doing great... LOVING YOUR WORK ❤️ Can you write 141+könig+alejandro+Keegan were they fight with the reader and she leaves the house, (just because she don't want to say things that she doesn't mean and break up any relationship with them, so she just go out to get fresh air and relax a bit) and meanwhile they get panic since been 2hr and your not home yet, sooo you know...... Please can you write, no hurry take your time 🥺❤️
Pairing: Multiple x F!Reader Category: Angst & Fluff (16+) Warnings: Swearing, Discussions of Sex (No Smut), Couples Fighting, Pregnancy, Discussions of Weight Gain Word Count: 2.7k+
A/N: Hello! I’m doing okay. I had some health issues recently, but I’m feeling a little better today. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for your request! 🫶 (Believe it or not, I actually had to step away from a few conversation to avoid saying certain things, so I can definitely relate to this). I hope you enjoy!
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“Hase, please! It was an honest mistake, I didn’t-“
“Oh, so you just ‘forgot’ that today was our anniversary?!” you shouted. Your makeup was trickling down your face as you bunched your dress in your hands. König sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry, I just-“
You suddenly sprang up from the couch and strode towards the front door. König was stunned as he watched you grab your car keys. You slammed the door shut and promptly drove away in your car. You drove around for quite some time, listening to music with the windows rolled down. Driving while you were flustered probably wasn’t the best idea, but you needed to get out of the house to clear your head.
After pulling into the driveway, you found all the lights in the house were turned off. Your brows knitted together as you stepped inside and set the keys on the table. You called out König’s name, only to find him sitting on the couch with his hands grabbing at his ginger locks. He looked up, tears running down his cheeks as you stood in front of him.
“Maus,” he breathed as his face softened. You shuffled in place awkwardly.
“I’m sorry, I just needed some space,” you explained. König sighed, his shoulders slumping in relief.
“I understand,” he replied. Your boyfriend patted the cushion next to him. You slowly came over and sat down. “Hase…I am so, so sorry I forgot our special day,” he apologized with a wavering voice. You remained still as silent tears streaked down his face. “There’s no excuse for it,” he sighed. You patted his back.
“I forgive you, großer Bär,” you said, your own tears now falling into your lap. König puffed out a breath of air as you rested your head against his shoulder.
“I want to take you out this weekend,” König suddenly said as he took your hand. You looked up at him as he gently smiled down at you. “We can do whatever you want-just name it and I’ll do whatever you'd like,” he said. You smiled and kissed him gently.
“Danke,” you replied.
Alejandro Vargas
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“Mi amor, please! All I’m asking is for a little more time to be intimate,” Alejandro exasperated as you rubbed your temples.
“How can you ask me to be intimate with you when you’re always out there?!” you motion towards the bustling city. Alejandro took a deep breath.
“Cariño, I know you’re upset…but-“ you saw his fists clench and teeth grit. You raised a brow, hoping to every power that he wouldn’t say it. “But…I just feel like my needs aren’t being met,” Alejandro confessed. You felt your eyes become glossy and your face searing with frustration. You suddenly stepped out of the door, walking around the trails that twisted and turned near your house.
By the time you returned, it was almost dusk. The second you walked inside Alejandro rushed over and wrapped you in a tight hug.
“¡Mi vida! ¡Pensé que habías desaparecido!” Alejandro spoke frantically as he pulled you close to him. You blinked, overwhelmed with the sudden gesture before he pulled back from the bone-crushing hug.
“Lo siento, Ale. I just needed a little bit of time to clear my head,” you apologized while wringing your hands. Alejandro gave a tired smile.
“It’s okay. I was worried that you had gotten lost…or worse,” he confessed as his face lost some color. You shook your head.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you joked. Alejandro gave a silent chuckle, his hands rubbing your sides gingerly.
“I’m sorry, cariño. I shouldn’t have just mentioned my own needs. You have your own as well, and I didn’t respect that. ¿Me perdonarás?” he asked as he gently caressed your waist. You smiled and nodded.
“Sí,” you replied. Alejandro’s grin grew wider before he pulled you into another hug. “How much more often did you want to have sex anyway?” you asked curiously.
“Oh, just three times a week rather than two,” he said. “Though it could be more if you’d like,” you felt him smirk against your shoulder as he pinched your butt. You pinched his arm in return.
“Well, we aren’t doing anything now…” you insinuated before biting your bottom lip and wiggling your hips. Alejandro smirked as he squeezed your waist tenderly.
“Traviesa,” he chuckled lowly into your ear.
Keegan P. Russ
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“Keegan, you need to be here for us! I've done everything while you’re gone, and all you do nowadays is spend time in your office! You're never around for the boys and I!” you exclaim. Keegan didn’t remove his hand from his mouth as he took a deep breath.
“You’re just overreacting,” he suddenly muttered as he averted your gaze. Your eyes widened as your mouth snapped shut. You felt your fists tremble as you turned around. The door slammed behind you as you walked over to the lake near your house. You spent some time there, watching the small waves crest and geese fly over the water. Once your anger was quelled, you stood up and walked back to the house.
When you entered, you found Keegan playing Legos with your two young boys. He looked up and gave a tired grin.
“Mama!” your youngest son beamed as you walked to the table. You came over and kissed the top of your sons’ heads. “Mama, look! Daddy and I made a shark!” he said giddily as he held up a hodgepodge of blocks.
“That looks great, honey,” you smiled. Your eyes wandered over to your husband. He nodded before telling the boys to keep playing while the two of you had a talk. Both of you walked to your room. Your eyes widened when your husband pulled you into a spine-crushing embrace.
“Where the hell did you go?” he asked.
“Down to the lake. I just needed to take a break so I wouldn't say something I'd regret,” you admitted. He squeezed you tightly.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been spending as much time with you and the boys. This last mission…it fucked with my head more than I thought it would,” he said as his face grew pale. You cooed and cupped his cheek. “I-I can’t tell you what happened. I can’t tell anyone,” his voice broke as his body became heavy. You pulled him in close, whispering into his ear.
“It’s okay, hun. It’ll be okay,” you soothed as you rubbed his back while he silently cried on your shoulder.
John Price
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“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal! He wasn’t touching me or anything,” you raised your hands in defense. John’s bushy brows punched together as his face turned red.
“You still didn’t reject his advances,” your husband scoffed, his voice low and gruff. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair. A man had tried to pick you up at the pub. While you were flattered, he was still persistent enough that you had to pause so you wouldn’t punch the man’s face. John happened to be watching this whole ordeal unfold, having arrived late due to a briefing that ran over.
You could feel the anger rising off of John like steam.
“If you were tired of being married to me then you should’ve just said so,” he snapped. You gasped at his words and stepped back. His facial expression loosened once he realized the words that came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N), I-"
Before he could finish, you were already out the door. You paced towards the local park, walking several laps around the trail before eventually taking a break on the bench. John’s words continued to sting at you, though you knew you couldn't avoid him forever. You sighed before rising off of the bench and walking home.
When you returned, you found the house completely empty. You started to panic at the thought of your husband leaving you when you saw his truck pull into the driveway. The front door swung open as John stood at the threshold. He wore a tired, solemn look as you rushed over to him.
“Where were you?” you asked. He sighed.
“Looking for you,” John replied. Regret instantly shot through your heart as your bottom lip shook. John hushed you as he closed the door and wrapped his arms around your trembling form.
“I’m so sorry,” you sniffed.
“No, I’m sorry, love. I let my jealousy blind me and I took it out on you,” he sighed. “Would you please forgive me?” he asked. You nodded. John sighed as he drew you into a tight hug.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said as he kissed your forehead.
“I love you, too," you replied softly.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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You hummed as you folded the last few towels from the clean laundry. Your boyfriend, Kyle, walked into your room after a meeting with the task force.
“Evening, love,” the man said as he pecked your cheek. He suddenly tossed his duffel bag onto the bed, spilling his dirty laundry over the clean set you just folded as he went to take a shower. Your smile quickly turned into a scowl. Kyle walked back in to grab a clean towel and saw your expression.
“Something wrong?” he asked. You gripped the towel in your hands as you tried to maintain your composure. Kyle looked you up and down. “Did I mess up your towels?” he continued. Your jaw clicked.
“It’s not about the towels, Kyle! It’s about you not always picking up after yourself!” you scoffed. Kyle's fists clenched.
“I've gotten better, haven't I?" he tried to reason. You sighed.
"Still, I feel like I do everything to clean up, only to find it messy the next day. It’s like you expect me to do everything around here!” you said. There was a brief pause.
"You’re worse than my mum. Why can’t you just get off my back?” he snapped. Your eyes widened and your nostrils flared. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes before you stomped out of the house without saying another word.
A few hours later, you returned home with a fresh mind. It felt good to get out and walk around to organize your thoughts. The second you walked inside, though, all you could hear silence. You rushed back into your room to find Kyle slumped over on the bed. His head perked up when you cautiously came towards him.
“Hey,” you simply said. His eyes looked a little red and glossed over. You sighed before taking a seat next to him.
“I thought you left,” Kyle said, his voice weak and strained. “I tried to call you a dozen times,” he frowned.
“I’m sorry, I just…I just didn’t want to say anything that would make you upset,” you told him. His eyes remained on his hands folded in his lap. You gasped as he suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a lazy arsehole,” he murmured. You patted his back.
“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that. It wasn’t fair that I put all of my frustration on you,” you replied. He pulled back to look into your eyes.
“I forgive you, hun,” he said. "I promise I’ll try to get better at cleaning. I’m in the bloody military-would’ve thought that’d translate into other areas of my life,” Gaz laughed quietly. You chuckled. The rest of the night was spent with the two of you finishing chores together.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
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You clutched the pregnancy test in your hand. Two pink lines stared up at you. You swallowed a lump in your throat and turned, only to find your boyfriend standing in the doorway with wide eyes.
“Si,” you gasped. His gaze was locked on the test in your hand. You backed up slightly as he approached, his silence overwhelming.
“Were you going to tell me?” he asked. You tilted your head down to look at your feet.
“I-I don’t know,” you confess. Simon remained still as a statue. The two of you have discussed having children multiple times, and his answer was always the same. You knew his reasoning behind it, but you’d be lying if you said that every “no” broke your heart a little more.
“Simon, I know what you’ve said…but you also know I’ve been wanting kids for a long time,” your voice quivered.
“Well, I don’t,” he snapped back. A deep, caustic feeling began to rise within you as you gritted your teeth. You slammed the test onto the floor before brushing past him.
“(Y/N)!” he called, though not in an aggressive way. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you marched out the back door. You walked around the city for quite some time. Your hands were shoved in your pockets as you rounded each corner until eventually you came to a coffee shop. You drank some tea for a bit, the warm drink soothing you enough to collect your thoughts.
When you eventually made your way home and stepped back into your bedroom, you found Simon cradling the cracked test in his large, calloused hands. He looked over his shoulder, then back at his palms.
Despite his stoic face, you noticed how much his hands were shaking.
“I’m sorry I left. I just…I didn’t want to snap at you,” you explained. You gasped when he wrapped his arms around you.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again,” Simon chastised. “I thought you left me,” his gruff voice cracked. You pulled back, keeping your hands on his shoulders.
“Never,” you said. His dark brown eyes were glossy as the test shook in his hands. You rubbed his back. “Simon, I know it’s scary, but I think you’d make a wonderful dad,” you smiled reassuringly. He swallowed thickly.
“How will I know that I won’t fuck it up like he did?” his hand gripped over test. You patted his upper back and kissed his cheek.
“You won’t because you’re not your father, Simon. You’re an incredible, strong and loving man. And I know you’re going to be a wonderful dad,” you replied with a subtle strength in your voice. A faint smile appeared on his weary face.
“Thank you, love,” he said.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
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“I was just answering your question honestly!” Johnny guffawed. Your eyebrow twitched as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“You’re not supposed to tell a woman she looks fat when she tries on a dress, Johnny!” you exasperated. His lips fell into a straight line. Bless his soul-Johnny was honest, but sometimes it went a little too far.
“So what if you’ve put on a little weight since I’ve gotten back?” he said dismissively. The chair suddenly slid out from underneath you as you made your way to the door.
“(Y/N), wait, I didn’t-“
You didn’t stay to let him finish. You stomped out into the hallway and walked down the stairs, crossing your arms as you strolled around the apartment and onto the street. Hot tears pricked at your eyes as you paced around the small town. Johnny wasn’t wrong: you had gained some weight while he was deployed for a few months. It was something you felt pretty insecure about, something you hoped he wouldn’t notice. So much for that expectation.
A scowl stretched across your face when a sudden downpour soaked you to the bone. You sighed as you trudged back to your apartment, your body feeling achy as you opened the door.
“Bonnie!” Johnny exclaimed as he rushed over to you. You stepped back and avoided his gaze. His frown deepened when he saw how red your eyes were. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. I was being a daft prick and wasn’t thinking about what I was saying,” he apologized. You wrung your hands together as you slowly looked up. “Come on, let’s get you dried off,” he motioned inside and opened the door wider.
You sniffed as you walked in. Johnny rushed over to the linen closet and grabbed a towel. He smiled warmly as he wrapped the fabric around you, patting your arms once he was done. You suddenly broke down in tears and nuzzled your face into his shoulder. Your boyfriend pulled you into a tight embrace.
“Johnny, do you still think I’m beautiful?” you sniffed.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Johnny cooed as he rubbed your back. He kissed you on your lips and rested his forehead against yours. “You know the answer to that: I think you're drop-dead gorgeous,” he beamed. You cried even harder.
“I-It’s just, I was so afraid you wouldn’t love me the same since I’ve gained some weight,” you hiccupped. Johnny’s expression softened as he pulled back.
“(Y/N), I’ll always love you, no matter what shape or size you are,” he said as he tucked some wet hair behind your ear. Your heart warmed at his words. You suddenly leaned forward and kissed him sweetly. You squeaked when you felt him suddenly pick you up by your bum, carrying you towards the bedroom.
“What are you doing?” you gasped.
“Gonna prove my point to you,” he replied with a wink.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Hase - Bunny
Maus - Mouse
Großer Bär - Big Bear
Danke - Thank you
Mi amor - My love
Cariño - Honey
¡Mi vida! ¡Pensé que habías desaparecido! - My life! I thought I lost you!
Lo siento - I'm sorry
¿Me perdonarás? - Will you forgive me?
Sí - Yes
Traviesa - Naughty
Tags: @notthatfanfictionwriter @mrswhitethornbelikov
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Hi, love your writing darling. Its amazing! How about dating Joe and one night while you’re sleeping he finds you tossing around in the bed having a wet dream and he ends up moving between your legs to rub himself on your clit to take the tension away?? 😉
oh so we're going for filth filth on this beautiful December Saturday, are we? ok, my sluts, here we go (also, tw i guess, 18+, read the request again, it's all in there) Wordcount: 1.1K
There You Go
You were a heavy sleeper. The kind that would drift off fast, and would just be out cold for hours. You'd be so far removed from anything worldly, it would always take you a little while to sink back into your awake self again in the morning. It's why you weren't a morning person, but instead known to be all grouch and all grump.
Joe could be a heavy sleeper, too. Especially when he got to sleep in his own bed again after having been away for a bit. You could call out for him at various volumes, but he'd need a shake and a pull to let his consciousness find him.
Other times, he'd sometimes feel like he couldn't even properly drift off at all, instead lulling somewhere in between dreams and thoughts all night, picking up on all sounds in his surroundings. They'd either be woven into weird lucid hallucinations, or they'd be enough to wake him up fully, even if only for a moment.
You'd gone to bed way before Joe that night, and from the second Joe'd laid down next to you, you'd tossed and turned to the extent Joe didn't even think you were really asleep. You kept huffing and puffing, getting strangled up into the sheets, and seemed frustrated about something.
Joe said your name a few times, got no response, then laid an arm across your midriff, which seemed to calm you down enough and made you stop moving around so much. You sighed deeply, and Joe was pleased that his touch seemed to have fixed whatever had been keeping you from staying still and relaxing.
Joe tried drifting off. He was tired, but his mind kept running thoughts and playing reels that made him forget about time and space. They wouldn't let him find his sleep. They occupied his brain too much, kept it active and awake.
Joe couldn't fall asleep the way he wanted to. Not entirely. Especially not when you started rearranging the bed again, and he felt one of your hands grip onto his arm with an urgency he wasn't meant to find in someone sleeping.
"Babe?" Joe asked into the dark once more.
Your grip grew in strength, and for a second, Joe thought you were having a nightmare. Something scary that made you reach for comfort. Something got your adrenaline pumping, and technically, of course, you were safe, but the want to take you out of whatever awful thing your mind seemed to be putting you through overtook Joe completely. He sat up, and took a look at you, was about to wake you, but then, he hesitated.
You were biting down hard on your bottom lip, had fingers digging into Joe's forearm, eyebrows knitted up and... you were writhing. Breathing erratically.
"Baby?" Joe tried again. "Are you in pain?" maybe it was cramps, Joe wasn't sure. Asking you was futile - it was never going to wake you up.
He scanned your face until he suddenly recognised everything about it.
He took a peek under the covers, saw your thighs clench, squirming, and then, just in case Joe wasn't sure he was entirely right about what he thought was going on, you moaned. It was soft enough for Joe to have missed it entirely had he not been paying such close attention. But he caught it, wouldn't have wanted to miss it.
"You need some help?" Joe softly said to no one, because clearly, you weren't listening. He inched closer, and brought his fingers to your inner thighs. It made you pull on the arm that was still draped across your body, and you pulled it 'til Joe moved on top of you.
"You awake?"
You just moaned more, arched your back, pressed yourself into Joe, searching for relief.
"Let me help you," Joe whispered, looking down between your bodies and pressing a knee into the mattress between your legs, slotting his thigh into place, feeding you pressure where you needed it.
"Joe," you breathed, still far away. Too far away to fully grasp what was happening, but aware enough to sense the pleasure. The want, the need, the satisfaction. Joe was there, you felt him above you, felt him against you, and your body let yourself take advantage.
Joe pushed into you, and you rocked. Rubbed. Gasped.
"That's it, come on,"
"Joe," you whined again, all sleepy, eyes closed, silently mewling and just grinding steadily against his thigh. The whole thing, all of it together, it did something to Joe. But you were asleep. Asleep enough - Joe would never. This was about you, getting yourself off. He was just helping you a little.
You hips gyrated, chased more friction and Joe silently wondered what you were dreaming off as he saw your cheeks flush redder by the second.
It wasn't enough. You made the best little noises, Joe thought, but it wasn't enough. Your hands started clambering around his shoulders, pulling him down, wanting to feel his full bodyweight on top of you. More pressure. More friction. So, Joe in turn, started rocking himself up and down. Small movements. Thigh muscles flexing.
You responded to it immediately. There was no way you were asleep still, Joe thought. He checked, dipped his head down to kiss you, a small peck, pulling back just as quick as he'd gone in. But you chased it, followed Joe's lips upwards, until you found them again and kissed him.
"That good?" Joe asked, grinning when you moaned into his mouth.
"More," you whispered, and were about to move a hand down to help yourself out, but Joe beat you to it.
"Let me," Joe said, easing his leg off you a little, pressing his hand down in between.
Joe obliged immediately, started rubbing furiously until he had you panting, an absolute mess of arousal, and Joe could feel himself throbbing in unison within his boxers.
Your moans started shortening, climbing higher in pitch, until all you could manage was an open mouth and a breath held, arms tightening around Joe even more. Pressing your hips upward into everything Joe had placed in between your legs, you reached your climax.
"There you go," Joe cooed, keeping at it, doing all he could, knowing how to make it last. He would keep going as long as you could stand it, watched your face closely, searched for a sign until you frowned, signaling sensitivity overload, and Joe stopped.
Everything single muscle relaxed. All within you that had been tensed up seconds before was now lax. Completely slack, with your chest heaving as you caught your breath.
Finally, you opened your eyes and were met with your boyfriend looking down at you like he'd just witnessed something magical.
You held eye contact for a moment, until you saw the corners of Joe's mouth twitch a little, creating the smallest of smiles.
"You're welcome." Joe then joked.
"You're insane," you replied. You smiled at him as he grinned right back at you and didn't hesitate to kiss you again.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @harringtonfan4 @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @86smunson @musicmoviestv @did-it-work @thelostmoonofpooosh - (tag list currently full)
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worstghost · 2 years
warnings: nsfw, possessive kinda mean könig, blood mention, biting, it's all loving I promise lol, female reader & anatomy
a/n: let me know what you think, ive never really written smut before this so just bear with me while I find a groove? apologies if the German is not correct, i don't speak it, if you have translation tips let me know!
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You've really done it now, it seems. It was always a fun game, but you can tell he's not enjoying it anymore.
There's always been a little tension between you and König, and more than a few late night fucks after missions when you're in need of relaxation. You've always been in control too, he's more than happy to do whatever you ask of him, whenever you do.
When you're sent as a part of a little reach out program to team up with Task Force 141, it's a given that König goes with you. They feel he's one of the best representatives of their skills, and you'd have to agree. And no one in KorTac believes he would let you go alone, so it's easier this way.
The introductions are quick, but no one seems pleased that you two are there. You can only assume they're a tight knit group who doesn't take outsiders. No hard feelings though.
Especially between you and 'Soap'. Although you and König would secretly laugh at his name, pick apart the team like teenagers sharing gossip, Soap had you feeling some type of way.
He was the first one to greet you, the first one to sit with you two over dinner, he offered to train with you (and König you would add.)
To top it off, he wasn't exactly bad looking. Actually, you'd say he was downright sexy- the gruff exterior mixed with bright eyes and the natural flirt in his voice. You know König has noticed, but don't really think to pay it any mind.
Why would it matter to him? It wouldn't, it shouldn't matter, if Soap offers to take you out for a drink that night. If he helps you put your jacket on, and nods to König on your way out, telling you, 'C'mon, bonnie, let's go have some fun aye?' If you two drive off base to a dingy hole in the wall and take shots and flirt- nothing will come of it you think. It can't in a job like this and you've no doubt that Soap would agree. Doesn't stop you from having fun though.
When you return that night, a little tipsy and a lot horny, König is waiting for you against the wall of your shared room. He's fidgeting, cracking his knuckles over and over, staring through you.
"Have fun?" He spits the words out, somethings got him mad.
You narrow your eyes and move past him, "Actually, yes. You should try it."
"With him? No, I'd rather not. And I can't believe you would either."
"What?" That hits you, you're more confused than you are offended. "What's that supposed to mean?" You're watching him, through the mask you can't see his expressions. You can only hazard to guess, he's jealous?
"König listen..." You sound exasperated.
He stiffens when he hears how soft your voice is, trying to placate him. He doesn't want to be coddled, he wants to be angry.
König has you against the wall quick, and he grabs your jaw with his hand, forcing your gaze up to him.
"No, you listen to me, bonnie-" He's seething, eyes narrowed, fingers digging into your hip. The word is spit out like venom. "You're going to do what I tell you, I'm the boss tonight. Verstehe?"
You suck in a shaky breath, blinking away the shock. There's something stirring in your chest, making its way directly down to your cunt.
"Yes, König, I understand."
You can't help the whimper that leaves your throat when he let's go of you to tug at the zipper on his pants. You've never seen him so angry, you've really done it now, it seems. It was always a fun game, but you can tell he's not enjoying it anymore.
He let's you drop to your knees, you know what he's going to ask and you can't say it doesn't excite you. Your heart is fluttering when he slips his cock out, and from this angle he's even bigger than you'd dreamed.
König is so tall, he can lean forward and rest his arm on the wall, arching over you and you can still barely reach him.
It's an order, and you obey, opening your mouth as wide as you can, tongue rolling out.
He brushes the tip against your tongue and your eyes drift shut, leaning in to him. A mistake.
A hand tangles in your hair, yanking your head up, "Nein, sieh mich an."
Your eyes are watering from the sting, but you nod, holding his stare as he slides into your mouth.
He's not nice about it either, pulling your mouth wider with a thumb in your cheek every time you graze him with teeth. Fucking into your throat until you gag, smearing the spit and tears across your jaw.
It's burning you, pooling in your stomach, you shift trying to gain any friction, grasping his thighs. Every noise he makes feeds the flames, hearing the soft huffs and moans shake the wall behind you. He stills for a moment, catching his breath.
Sometimes you forget, with how gentle and lithe he (usually) is, that König is 100% solid fucking muscle. You only remember now, when he's lifting you up by the back of your legs, practically folding you in half against the wall.
He doesn't bother undressing you, instead shoving the skirt you wore up your hips and tearing your panties.
"You wear these for him?" Königs voice is rough, lifting your ankles to his shoulders as he slips in, no preparation given.
You've taken him before, but it's never been easy, and you can't help the sob you release when he pushes further and further, settling himself inside of you.
"N-no, König," You shudder, "We didn't do anything-"
"And you won't." It's a fact, stone cold, he wouldn't give you the chance even if you wanted to.
It's awkward and uncomfortable, you're crushed between his chest, your legs, and the wall, as he fucks you. He doesn't let up, encouraged by the noises you make every time he hits too deep.
"I don't want him looking at you, liebling, never again. Don't even let him dream of having you."
You whine against him, holding on to his shoulders. You can't think of words, it's all too much and you can feel your orgasm building.
He slows down and pulls back, as if he knows it's coming, letting your legs fall slightly and catching an ankle in his hand.
You can only watch, dazed and curious as he flips his entire mask up, showing you his face for maybe the second time ever. His cheeks are red and flushed and you can see now, the way he nearly snarls out his words.
"I want you to think of me every time someone looks at you, I want you to feel me..."
He pulls you against him, leading you back to the bed and continues seamlessly there.
You're gentle with him, trailing your fingers across the freckles on his cheek, seeing the fire in his expression melt away. Pulling him closer, you lead him into a loving kiss, an apology, your lips move together like a dance and he slips his tongue through your teeth. You started it so softly and König takes it upon himself to ruin it, biting your lip, hard.
You yelp and try to move but he pulls you back into another suffocating kiss, licking the blood from your lip. He shudders and moves down your throat, scraping his teeth across your skin.
He's been speaking, but you only just now tune in to what he said.
"...Would you like that, mein liebling? If I mark you all over so everyone knows..."
The thought makes you keen, raising your hips to his as his thrusts pick up again. That was the right answer, you guess.
König sinks his teeth in to your collar bone, licking over the indents before moving on.
You can't stop it, the second he moves down to your breast, sucking the nipple into his mouth, you cum. It's like the bed has fallen out from under you, you're holding on to him for dear fucking life, clamping his head down against your chest.
He grunts against you, fucking you through it until you let him ago. He's not far behind, spreading your legs further bruising your hips with his fingertips until he stutters, filling you with cum.
König swallows, leaning in to meet his forehead with yours, sharing a breath, "Meins, verstanden?"
"Ja, yours, only yours I promise..." You nod with him, smoothing a hand through his hair.
He returns the favor, kissing the tears away from your cheeks
Thats all he wanted to hear.
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starwarsbundle · 1 month
Pt. 2. TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
I have to say, from someone who thinks they’re invisible on tumblr, the reaction to my Hunter Headcannons was a pleasant surprise!
So here’s some Headcannons on Tech. (And yes, I haven’t finished the Bad Batch or watched THAT Tech episode, but the internet has told me already. [I dread the day I shall meet that doom 😭]).
But anyway - Tech!
Can’t make coffee/caf if he tried. But oversees anyone who makes it regardless. In silence. The Batch isn’t sure if he’s trying to learn or is judging them heavily. Or both.
Listens to synthwave/techno music to relax AND to learn new things. Hence he has a very strong association between certain songs and skills he’s learned. Don’t ask. You won’t hear the end of it.
Sings his times tables. Needs to do multiplication on the spot? Speed sings those bad boys under his breath until he gets to the right sum.
Likes and would absolutely wear chunky/cable-knit jumpers. The more textured, the better. Also absolutely would collect the things. Some of his sweaters give Hunter sensory reactions. Sometimes, if Tech is feeling like being a little sh$t, he wears them around Hunter on purpose.
Dresses casually in formal situations. In fact, has never ever dressed formally unless it’s in his armor. It took both Hunter, Crosshair and Wrecker to get him into a tie ONCE.
HOWEVER, gives the best fashion advice.
Braids hair very well. Does it like he’s defusing a bomb however. Interpret at will.
Can play the harp.
Is a tosser when he sleeps. Also only likes to sleep on his side. Unfortunately tossing means he gets rid of his blankets unintentionally - but that doesn’t stop him from being irritated if a sleep-migrated Hunter commandeers said lost blankets.
When the Batch celebrate Christmas, Tech runs the placement of decorations like an army commander. Until Omega decides to help. He’ll let her decorate whatever and however she likes, even if it causes him pain that the perfectly-replicated-patterns are disrupted.
Speaking of Omega, when she was little, Tech would let her sit on his lap while he worked. He’d tell her what he was doing as he went. Omega loved it - even if she didn’t always understand.
I just like soft dad Tech, alright.
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rrain-writes · 3 months
Uhh I wrote an easter-inspired fic i guess. Enjoy!
It was a lovely day on Outset Island. The sun was shining, the seagulls were squawking, and the Chain finally got a chance to take a break from some of that teenage angst. Yes, even the ‘adults’.
Wind shouted sailing terms at Aryll, Hyrule and Wild, who all jumped up and down on a rock they had deemed their ship at his orders.
Legend, Four and Time relaxed on the beach, Four chatting to Wind’s Grandmother about her knitting.
Twilight and Warriors shouted as they wrestled in the waves, and Sky floated lazily in the water watching on.
After a while, Wind’s Grandmother called out. “Wind, Aryll! Time to bring your friends inside!”
Wind gasped excitedly, jumping off the rock and dragging the others with him. “Come on!” He cried. “We have to go!”
“Why?” Hyrule asked as he was tugged along by Aryll’s small hand. Aryll laughed before she answered for her brother.
“The gift dolphin will be coming soon! If we’re out here when he comes, then he won’t bring any gifts!”
“Gift dolphin?” Four asked, causing Wind to slow down. “What’s that?” The sailor looked around, observing everyone’s expressions.
“None of you know what the gift dolphin is?”
“I don’t think any of us know what a dolphin is.” Time replied with a chuckle. “Mind telling us about it?”
Wind nodded, grinning. “We have to get inside first though. Race you all!”
And so the odd little family ran across the beach, kicking up sand as they laughed. Some of them may have trailed behind each other, but no one walked alone. When they all made it to the house, Wind and Aryll took charge. Sitting everyone in a circle, the pair began to tell their story.
“The gift dolphin comes every year.” Wind explained. “And brings gifts for people who have been good. We aren’t allowed to see him though, otherwise we won’t get any gifts.”
“Why would he not give gifts if you see him?” Hyrule asked curiously.
“Grandma says he’s shy.” Aryll answered. “He doesn’t like coming close to the beaches when people are there.” Hyrule nodded along, satisfied with the answer.
“But how do you know when he’s come, if you can’t see him?” Wild asked.
Wind grinned, teeth bared in silent amusement. “You’ll know.” He replied cryptically. Wind’s Grandmother tilted her head like she was listening to something just in that moment. “I think it’s almost time.” She said in her kindly grandmother-ish voice. Aryll and Wind were nearly bouncing in excitement, their energy infectious.
All of a sudden there was a loud trumpeting noise, like a thousand… well, trumpets. That were all playing a low F. Wait… yeah no, that sounded like a low F.
Whatever note the trumpets were playing, it went on for a good couple of seconds before abruptly cutting to silence. Aryll let out a squeal before racing out the door, her brother hot on her heels. The more excitable members of the chain were quick to follow, and everyone else trailed out after them.
Outside the house looked bright and sunny. It looked magical, like paradise. It looked… okay, it looked the same as before, but the ✨vibes✨ were different. It was clear the gift dolphin had visited, but now it was time to see if he had delivered.
And delivered he had. In his own, special way, of course.
11 coconuts sat in a near little row where they hadn’t previously been. They still dripped with salty salt water.
“Look!” Wind cried out in joy as he darted to pick up one of the coconuts, holding it above his head. “There’s one for everyone!”
As the others went to go collect a coconut, Wind grabbed a sharp rock and methodically struck the shell of the hairy fruit until there was a clean break. He then prised his fingers into the gap and pulled it apart. Unlike a normal coconut, that was not from the gift dolphin, coconut water did not spill out.
Instead, there was a whole lot of crab meat, which Wind deposited in the bucket his Grandmother had brought out with her.
But wait! There’s more!
Inside the crab meat was a shiny, green… egg. That’s right, an egg.
“An egg?” Sky asked in confusion, parroting the author.
Legend blinked in surprise. “Hang on, what do you mean author?”
The author in question paused from where they were typing on their phone in the darkness of their bedroom at 2:13 at night.
*insert that backspacing noise the iPhone does when it’s off silent mode*
But wait! There’s more!
Inside the crab meat was a shiny, green… egg. That’s right, an egg.
“An egg?” Sky asked in confusion. Wind nodded as Aryll pulled a shiny yellow egg out of the coconut that she was holding (that is after she put the crab meat into her Grandmother’s bucket, of course).
“Watch.” The sailor said, holding the egg out for his brothers to see. He carefully pulled the shinyness away from the egg, because it turns out that was just its skin, to reveal a brown version of the egg. He then shoved it in his mouth.
“Yummy.” He said with a thumbs up.
The chain all scrambled to grab a coconut.
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dilucsfav · 2 years
guys this wasn’t a request but i kinda really wanted to do kazuha bc hhhhvhh he’s so soft and sweet and so pretty just.
I PROMISE I’LL ANSWER AND WRITE THE REQUESTS AND ASKS SOONN, but they’re all cyno requests (i love writing about him, dont get me wrong! but i don’t wanna write too much bc i’d hate for you guys to get tired of the cyno writing)
kazuha hcs and scenarios!!
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warning(s): fluff, not much nsfw but it’s there,, SLIGHT angst in one of the hcs
okay but if kazuha lived in 2022 with us, he would listen to cavetown. im right idc. imagine him listening to juliet and lemon boy and AHDHJHJ
^^ stop imagine sharing an earbud with him and his head is just resting on your shoulder or your head is resting on his. wtf pls. hawdusukhfebsfekj.
his pet names for you would be like "my flower," "my sweetheart," "my (Y/N)." he loves saying my before your name or before a pet name.
leaf dates?? stop he would literally walk around and point out leaves to you and tell you the name of them and what it means to him. hes so cute wtf.
oh my god and then you get him a little scrapbook with a bunch of nature things for his birthday?? stop he would fall in love with you all over again
when you two are out looking at nature, kazuha would be the one showing you honeysuckles and teaching you how to drink the nectar shit from them (please thank my wonderful and amazing partner for that headcanon).
^^ and then when you accidentally break one, he'd totally laugh at you but then give you that soft smile of his
^^ "Ahh, let's try that again, my (Y/N)."
the way kazuha would wake up in the mornings and kiss you awake. WITH A KISS ON YOUR FACE BETWEEN EACH OF HIS WORDS.
"Time- to- wake up- my- sweetheart." before kissing your lips hundreds of times. HJHJDHABH.
his favorite places to kiss are your palms, the back of your hands, the insides of your hands, your fingertips, your wrists and shoulders.
he loves your arms, clearly. (its because he loves holding your hands, it gives him a sense of warmth and comfort)
i can imagine when he reads or does studies of any kind, he wear glasses and he'd need them to focus on whatever he’s working on.
imagine he’s sitting and so concentrated on his book with his eyebrows knitted together. like he just looks like a big and relaxed teddy bear
if kazuha gets upset or mad with you, he’ll never try to yell or even raise his voice. he’s so soft and gentle when speaking to you, even when there’s conflict !!
you were the person who was beside him whilst he was coping with tomo’s death. that helped a lot with how comfortable he was with you :((
soft switch?? but i can understand some soft dom vibes too idk he’s a tough cookie to crack ;;
it doesn’t matter how angry he is or stressed or whatever- he’s always gentle. yes, maybe when he’s stressed he needs a little more oral or multiple rounds, but he’s never mean during sex
while he’s putting it in, he’ll take your hair and lift your head up, kissing up and down your neck and shoulder.
his hands are never off of you— whether they be on your hips, legs, back— they’re always somewhere
or if you’re putting it in him—
he moans in bed. and whines. i am never wrong.
can you tell i love kazuha??
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pollenallergie · 1 year
A couple of Billy Knight headcanons because I woke up two hours before my alarm was set to go off <3
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If you love Billy, then you’ve also gotta love puzzles… because boy does that man love puzzles. Loves ‘em, loves ‘em, loves ‘em. Back when Jimmy kept him locked away in various hideouts, Billy really didn’t have much to do with all that time, so he kinda just did whatever he could find around the abandoned homes, buildings, and townhouses Jimmy confined him in. In one particular spot, a place in East Ham, there were heaps of puzzles left behind by the previous tenants. So, naturally, Billy took to solving those puzzles and, eventually, kind of grew to love puzzle-solving. <3
He also loves to knit. He started learning to knit while in the hospital because his therapist had recommended it to him as a way to keep his hands busy (one that doesn’t involve carving designs into wood, since the psychiatric hospital didn’t really have the tools for that). In the end, it proved to be quite effective. Plus, he also likes that it allows him to shower you with gifts, since he’s not usually able to actually buy you anything with his current lack of income. Granted, he can really only knit like three or four basic items: blankets, hats, etc. Not that you mind, you’ll take as many hats as he’s willing to make you. <3
Billy’s currently trying to get really good at knitting so that he can open his own etsy shop or something like that; anything to get him some money so that he can start helping with rent and groceries. Of course, you constantly reassure him that you’re totally fine with him not having a job, that you’re just glad to have him around, but, even so, he’d still like to be able to help you out. <3
Billy’s also astoundingly good at painting, sculpting, and drawing, in addition to wood-carving and knitting. Really, he’s just very creative. In fact, his mum used to call him her “little artist” back before she passed. <3
Billy’s oddly dexterous. In fact, he’s quite literally ambidextrous; which you’re incredibly envious of him for. He’ll often abruptly switch hands when writing just to see you scowl with jealousy, all the while something akin to awe twinkles in your eye. The way Billy sees it, he doesn’t have much going for him (you disagree wholeheartedly) and, therefore, also doesn’t have many ways to impress you. So, if being able to write legibly with both hands is the only thing that he can flaunt, then he’ll do so gladly and frequently. <3
Billy is a frequent bath-haver, he just loves baths, especially when you get in the tub with him. He loves being so close to you, feeling your soft skin against his, the relaxing warmth of the bath water, the vulnerability of partaking in such a private and personal activity with each other, and the domesticity of helping each other wash up. He even loves drying off with you after a bath, the two of you swaddled in your warm, matching bathrobes that your mum got you for christmas. Billy especially loves those times where you and him have at-home spa nights. He loves it when you two give each other facials and manicures (he even likes when you occasionally paint his nails for him, even though he usually has to take it off not long afterwards because you’re a bit sloppy and heavy handed with the nail polish). Billy also loves listening to relaxing music, drinking herbal tea or water with mint leaves in it, and snuggling up on the sofa together as you wait for your timers to go off so that you can wash the goopy masks off your face. <3
Billy hates shopping; the fluorescent lights in the stores make him dizzy, the music and the sounds of people chattering disorient him, and being surrounded by so many people makes him anxious. However, he finds that shopping is much more tolerable when he’s doing it with you. He loves that you let him hold your hand and let him remain close to you, he finds that your touch helps ground him during the overwhelming experience. Billy also finds it oddly reassuring that you hate going shopping almost as much as him and for the exact same reasons he does. Of course, he finds no joy in your mutual suffering, but it’s nice to know that he isn’t the only one who suffers from sensitive shoppers’ syndrome (your name for the fatigue, dizziness, and headache that you both often get while shopping). <3
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
So I woke up and decided to not stay in my room looking like a feral possum✨ do you think you could write something about a self care day with nihil (old cause old him is superior 💅🏽) and primo? Just a ton of cuteness and simping 😩💙
Bold of you to assume I know anything about self-care - Jez
Self-care day with old Papa Nihil and Primo
Papa Nihil
Old man can barely take care of himself at this point, so this was probably your idea.
He's gonna be sceptical about it first. Don't take this personally, he's always sceptical at first.
"Listen, I'm already old and covered in wrinkles, I don't think a facemask or some silly massage is gonna do much about it."
Gives in eventually because he's a fucking simp and he needs your approval.
He's a "Walk him like a dog and he'll beg you to let him bark" type of guy when it comes to you. Of course he gave in.
You have no idea what grip you have on him. He's wrapped around your finger completely.
He sends you to whatever store you need to go in order to buy everything you wanted for this "self-care day" you came up with.
Send a few Ghouls with you. For protection and so they carry your bags.
You're obviously spending his money, not yours. Go all out, old man's got stacks.
When you return, you find that he had some Siblings of Sin help him arrange a little spa area in his chambers. And by help I mean they did everything while he stood there complaining it wasn't perfect enough for you.
Only the best for the love of his life!
Now, Nihil has no idea what any of the products you use do. He used to be fairly knowledgeable when he was younger, but there was way less stuff back then and he stopped using all that years ago. Too much effort.
He lets you organize everything.
You've got an old music compilation playing quietly in the background while you both lay there in your facemasks, relaxing as you talk about everything and nothing.
You go through any procedure he's willing to sit through.
He only has three conditions, really. He needs to be able to use his oxygen machine (obviously), he needs to be able to move his face properly and it can't hurt.
You make a neat little plan of all the facial stuff you two do, making sure to take reasonable breaks between them. He's over a hundred years old, his bladder ain't what it used to be.
You take a movie break when it's time for dinner, ordering take out.
"You see, Papa, on days like this, we're being bad." you winked at him before making the phone call to order your food.
Oh, how he loved the way those words sounded when you said them...
After you two finished eating, you insisted on doing his nails. And once again, he couldn't refuse.
You worked diligently while he got to watch a movie.
Okay, let's be real, he watched you work while he movie played in the background.
When you were done, he tried doing your nails, too. It was a disaster, but you just laughed it off and kept your messy, uneven nail polish for as long as you could.
Primo has his own definition of a self-care day, but he's willing to compromise if what you want is very different from what he usually does when he has the rare opportunity to take a day off.
When he's not busy working, he spends his free time tending to the garden. His age sadly limits what he can do, but he has a group of young Siblings of Sin help out. They all look up to him, seeing him as a father figure (he has a unique sort of aura that brings in people who didn't have good parental figures in their lives and he always ends up filling that role for them), so they love helping him, even if in small ways.
He enjoys reading, too. And knitting. You know, the typical cozy old people hobbies. He likes the idea of being able to relax in his life, after everything he did both for the Ministry and for the people in it.
However, he tends to overwork himself. Put the people before him. He's a good soul, one that yearns for a family, even if he couldn't have one. He threw his youth away to raise his brothers and while he doesn't regret that, he wishes he could've had at least a bit more time to himself.
He was happy when you offered a self-care day just for the two of you. He left a list of things to do in the garden and let you plan the day.
He adored how well you knew him, even if he wasn't a very open person.
You two planted some flowers in new pots in his room first. He guided you through it, teaching you about the plants.
You baked a nice cake, too. And made tea (once again, from scratch. Primo makes his tea from scratch and I will die on this hill - Jez).
You enjoy what you made in his greenhouse, the butterflies flying around and sitting on the both of you as you took a walk together after eating.
Just like the taught you about plants, he taught you about the butterflies, showing you their eggs and teaching how to tell the difference between their chrysalises.
You spend the day there, time flying like the butterflies around you.
In the evening you both read in bed when the evening came and then cuddled to sleep, Primo wrapping his arms around you and humming quietly to soothe you.
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tomboy014 · 2 years
@withjust-a-bite  I can’t believe I forgot about Bruce, Alfred and Babs, so consider this a Part 2 to this post
I’ve got a lot more of these in the works, so to keep them all together, I’ll be tagging them #extended family au
Barbara:  So, let’s start off with Barbara.  As much as she’s a part of the batfam, she’s not one of the Bruce’s adoptees and doesn’t live at the manor.  Most likely, the two have never met, but they’ve heard stories about each other.
Alfred:  Alfred usually stays behind to hold down the fort when the family goes to Amity Park, so Sam only sees him when her family goes to Wayne Manor, but he always has her favorite vegan snacks on hand when she comes over.  And the sheer amount of sarcasm and sass that man can sling at Pam without her notice is something to behold; he’s cool.  Alfred has also been sneaking Bruce’s old MRC albums and paraphernalia into Sam’s room whenever the Manson’s come to visit.  He’s been trying to get it out of the manor and hoping she’ll take it, but she’s emo, not goth.  Still, it’s more effort than her parents put out, so she appreciates the gesture.
Bruce:  Sam doesn’t spend a lot of on-on-one time with the guy.  More often than not, one of his kids gets hurt and is sent to her house to “keep out of trouble.”  It doesn’t work.  Sam once caught Tim trying to climb out the window with a broken arm. or Pam ties up his attention whenever he comes over.  At least he never pushes her to eat meat or gives her grief about her wardrobe, so that’s a plus.  Still, she’s a 14-year-old girl raging against the machine, and Bruce is part of the machine, so she can never admit she likes her uncle.
And as a bonus, INTERACTIONS WITH IDA!!!
Dick:  Holds her yarn while she knits and takes over whatever conversation they have.  Ida’s fine just letting him talk and talk, the subject doesn’t matter.  She knows that sometimes you just need to vent.
Jason:  Ida’s found the best way to keep Jason from running is to get him into the library.  They usually have a nice back and forth in the together, and Ida can recommend a lot of books.  Jason also does a lot of venting toward Ida.
Tim:  Tim is banned from all forms of caffeine in the Manson estate, so as soon as Ida can get him to sit still for 30 minutes, he usually passes out.  Tim is the one who souped up Ida’s mobility scooter.
Cass:  Likes to hold Ida’s yarn while she knits and just listen to her voice.  Her tone and body language are super relaxing and comfortable.
Steph:  Loves to sit and listen to stories about Ida in her heydays.  This woman has stories!
Duke:  Thinks Ida is super sweet, but scary insightful.
Damian:  Has yet to willingly sit with Ida and thinks this whole ritual is ridiculous.  He does not need a babysitter!  One of his siblings or Sam has to literally pin him down with their legs while they sit.  Can usually be appeased with an art book or two to flip through.
Grandma Ida:  She has figured out everyone’s vigilante activities, especially Sam.  She’s the original rebel in the family; the rest aren’t about to sneak anything past her.  Oh, the stories she and Alfred could tell… Also, it’s never shown in the show, but I’m adding elevators to Wayne Manor and the Manson Estate so Ida can get around.  I don’t care what B*tch thinks, I’m making the place accessible.
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
What if I’d ask you out  part 2 - Mason Mount
Request: some of you asked me to write the second part to this fic and here it is!
I hope you enjoy it @primadxna-girl @jessmountsmason (I also put in your Jaz and Lewis matchmaking request as i thought it would combine well. Tell me whad you think!)  @prideofpd​ (here there’s the good amount of goofy, sexy mason you needed)💖
Warning: smutty in the end
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​ @masterclassbaby
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The desire to see you was so strong that he'd have gone blind just to see you.
The only thing he could picture in his mind was how good you'd have looked with whatever outfit you'd have chosen. Your presence was the only thing that mattered to him, now that he was finally able to ask you out.
Mason only wanted that night to be perfect, you and him sharing the same wish. 
While his stare was focused on the full-lenght mirror before him, adjusting his clothes, his mind went to think how bad his brothers, Jaz and Lewis, had been trying to set him with you, that mthought making him giggle. They would be so proud to know you would have finally listened to them.
"You are perfect for each other, why don't you see that??" Jaz sounded rather desperate trying to get her little brother to open his eyes in how good of a match you would've been for him. "She's incredibly pretty, she's nice…what else do you need to fall in love?"
“Yeah Mase, you’re wasting your time ignoring that” Lew would always echo his sister’s words, pleading her cause.
He'd always react a bit annoyed at their words, even though deep inside he knew  they were right.
They had been trying to leave you alone all the time, whether it was a restaurant or after a game you went watching with them, but nothing really happened. 
“Well, I’ll pick you up at 7 then…don’t make me wait!”
“It’s called being fashionably late!”
A smile crept up on your face as your mind went back to that little bantering you had the day before. 
Only God knew how anxious you were to meet him for the first time as something more than just his good friend. 
As you put your things in your purse, you prayed everything would go smoothly, without it being too embarassing or, worse, something that could ruin your friendship.
Mason's mind, on his part, was wandering towards the whole conversation you shared the previous day: from the jab on whether you'd like to sleep with each other to the sense of loneliness, of loss he felt deep in his heart when you threatened to leave the training ground. 
He couldn't get enough of you, that's the truth. 
Mid September's crisp air urged you to opt for a quite covering look but not least fashionable for being so: a cozy coarse knitted sweater matched with a ruffled mini skirt; the whole outfit complemented by a pair of knee-high leather heeled boots
Mason, who was particularly sensitive to cold, chose a cozy knitwear garment too with matching dark trousers and designer trainers.
"Hey" He smiled, the softest smile ever as he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets, in a way that conveyed shyness but also happiness for finally being in your presence.
"Hope I didn't kept you waiting for too long" You sort of excused yourself with those words, as you took your seat by his side in his glamorous sports car.
"Nah, just half an hour" He chuckled, looking out of the window.
You blushed violently, your eyes wide open.
"Ehm - half an hour?!"
"Yeah but it's fine"
"I thought we arranged to meet at 7, it's 7:05"
"I was joking Y/N, relax" His chuckle became a little louder, making you roll your eyes. You fastened your seat belt, huffing.
He was trying to act cool but in fact he was so eager to see you he left the house way sooner the time you had planned.
"You're incredible, Mount"
"I'll take it as a compliment" He said, setting the car in motion.
After that playful banter a comfortable yet meaningful silence fell between the two of you, the only audible thing was the radio blasting Sex by the 1975. 
As soon as the lyrics started resonating through the vehicle, a deep tension started forming. You tried to distract yourself looking out of the window, your hand partially hiding the side of your face that could have been easily deciphered by Mason, biting on your forefinger to prevent any weird facial expression.
Mason tried to keep his stare on the road in a desperate attempt not to fall in the temptation to look at how your skirt's pleats would cherish your bare legs.
"And she said use your hands and my spare time
We got one thing in common it's this tongue of mine
She said she's got a boyfriend anyway"
Mason cleared his throat, trying to cough the tension away while you would try to relax in your seat, with a deep sigh.
"You look really good tonight"
You weren't used to him complimenting you, as most of your conversations were based on jokes and sarcastic remarks. So you didn't know how to take it: was he serious? Or was he subtly making fun of you?
"I mean it" You blurted your eyes at his words because it was as if he could read what just crossed your mind, being aware of what your concern was.
"Are you sure?" You giggled.
"Yeah, I mean you're always pretty…" He blushed, scratching his beard.
You smiled, quite happy with where that talk was going.
"Well you’re kinda cute too"
"Okay, you're the most handsome man I've ever laid my eyes on. Happy now??"
Mason grinned, as he was satisfied that he finally got you to say those words he had been dying to hear from you for so long.
"Much better, even though you're lying"
"I'm not lying, you really are very handsome"
Mason swallowed hard, it was getting unbearably hot in that car.
Gladly you had nearly arrived at the restaurant he booked for your first date so he just pulled up as he couldn't control his instinct anymore: he took your face in his hands to start kissing you with all the passion he had piled up inside of him, which was a lot.
You were expecting for him to kiss you that night but you would never have imagined it would be like that, so passionate, so overwhelming. 
It was as if your lips were made for each other, they would fit perfectly.
It didn't feel like your first kiss at all, on the contrary it felt as if you've spent all your life together, practicing for that moment.
Your lips and your tongues were dancing around in a sinuous way, in a sensual fight.
When you let a moan escape your lips, Mason kissed you harder, if that was possible, slipping his hand under the hem of your skirt, his cold palm flat on your thigh skin.
Your hand would let go of his face to go exploring his broad neck. His body felt so perfect under your touch, you could never have thought it would be like that, not even in your dirtiest dreams.
When he broke the kiss to get some air, his mouth was dangerously close to your ear so he panted right close to it. That sent shivers down your spine, making you moan back. It was all so hot, he was so hot.
"That was good"
"So fucking good" You giggled, resting your head on his shoulder. 
"I've been waiting for it for too long"
"How long?" You looked up at him, before pressing a peck on that vein making his neck so irresistible.
"Too long"
The time you spent apart was too much you needed to make up for it. It was as if you finally found yourselves and didn't have the faintest idea of letting go of each other. You were hungry, needy for each other as the next kiss you shared showed: your tongues were fighting for dominance, wanting to prevail on the other to demonstrate who was hungrier. 
Even the moment you spent apart, trying to catch your breath with your eyes closed and your hot breaths against each other’s lips, was magic.
"I don't have a boyfriend though" You joked, referring to the song that was to blame for your passionate make out session.
"Well, so I can apply for that?"
"You'll have to make the cut first" You grinned cheekily, nipping his lower lip gently.
"Oh is it hard?"
"So damn hard…don't make any stupid joke, Mount" You warned him about the two-way joke you were sure he was about to crack.
He giggled against your lips before kissing you again. He was insatiable, leaving lusty bites over your lips to which you would answer to by sucking on his tongue in the most sinful way.
"God am I so predictable?"
"A bit but that's because I know you too well now…as if I've known you all my life"
His lips attracted you to him like a magnet. From all the kissing your lips were a bit swollen and red but you couldn't care at all as you'd have stayed there in his arms forever.
Mason smiled against your lips, as his mind went back to his brothers for the second time that night: the satisfied expressions that would have appeared on their faces, stressing how many times they told him to date you, made him smile proudly and that didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Nothing…I'm just happy"
"Shut up Mount" You straddled him, moaning when you felt his hard bulge pressing against your core.
"You're so needy for me…"
"You bet"
"You know you're giving me a lot of things to tease you about later?" He smirked, moving your panties to the side to squeeze your butt cheek. 
You rolled your eyes, going on sucking on the tight skin of his neck, trying to ignore his words that at the moment were just useless sounds his mouth was emitting. 
"I guess you're not hungry anymore" He said, hinting at the restaurant that was waiting for you.
"You just want me to tell you I'm hungry for you, to boost your ego"
Mason moaned against your lips, his fingers rubbing against your wet folds.
You had so much to catch up on the restaurant booking took a back seat, the months of repressed tension yoy had to release were much more important…
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jackobbit · 3 months
What are some hobbies the gangs have???
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Got this question a good amount so here we go!
KC: She very rarely has any spare time bc her presence is demanded everywhere by everyone for business stuff, but they like going camping! He also goes on. A lot of Tinder dates. Like. A lot. Idk if dating counts as a hobby but for him it probably is. It’s gonna stay that way too until she stops scaring dates off. Aside from that, he loves going for walks, going to restaurants and talking to friends!! (If only he had any.) Very much a person who likes to Go Places and Do Things
Eclipse: Spare time? What spare time?? With that man’s schedule?? I think the hell not! What little time Eclipse gets to himself he spends sleeping and mentally prepping for his next shift, but, if by some divine intervention he got to do more then that on any given evening, then his ass is watching soap operas and movies on his couch and watching cat videos on tiktok during the ad breaks.
BM: Their hobbies include: robbery, listening to music, committing tax fraud, visiting aquariums with their yearly pass, terrorizing fast food restaurants, making unholy food abominations that somehow include blood in them, shoplifting, terrorizing their local hot topic WHILE shoplifting, adding to their knife collection, whatever random hobby they picked up for a singular weekend that their ADHD ass then dropped as soon as the fixation ended….. oh and they draw sometimes!
SF: Can’t answer this one bc spoilers, it’s not like huge spoilers but it is gonna be a really cute and fun thing that I want yall to see for yourself!
Earth: She likes to play the violin! Will sometimes write new songs but she doesn’t perform them or anything. She loves clothes shopping and putting together outfits in her spare time, she’ll also happily dress up anyone who asks her to. She also likes doing her own hair and other folks hair, makeup too! She’s a girly girl! She also loves playing video games and board games with her co-workers! She’s…. Fiercely competitive….
Sun: She loves listening to audiobooks in his spare time, he also likes to play the piano! Though he doesn’t make any new music of his own unless she’s collaborating with Earth on a song. Like Earth, xe also LOVES to play board games and card games, the group has special versions of the games they use that include braille! Going for walks, knitting, and making crafts are also a thing she finds really fun, he just really loves doing more calm activities, with the exception of game nights!
Moon: This fucking nerd is modding video games in his spare time and putting in another 20 hours into Stardew Valley or Minecraft. You’d think with how many threats he makes that Moon would be into more violent video games like battle royals or team based shooters but he takes after his brother a lot in the whole ‘I prefer relaxing hobbies’ department. He also finds great joy in building things and coding, making neat little gadgets that don’t do anything particularly special but do something neat! Oh, and weapons, of course. If he’s not building a silly little device then he’s reenacting Myth Busters or some shit or trying to make a weapon that does something outrageous. “A rocket powered hammer does not exist but *could* it?” Also loves driving around the city rather than walking, clears his head.
Lunar: Lunar shares a lot of hobbies that the other members of the group also happen to have, he loves playing video games and making crafts! They also like watching dog videos! Funnily enough, he’s picked up scrapbooking, and I’ve already mentioned how he’s picked up learning braille. He also wants to learn how to play piano or the violin from Earth or Sun but he’s too nervous to ask.
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bihanspookies · 5 months
How Do You Lose A Rat!?
In which Alora is sent away on a mission to Outworld and has to leave her beloved pet in the hands of Alex Demir. All is well at first until it’s not.
Alex: @chadillacboseman
Kate: @thesingularityseries
“—only eats the trees of broccoli, not the stems. He hates those. He also needs at least three hours of out time, you can leave him in my room if you want but just check in on him. Or you can have him in the greenhouse but he cannot be left unsupervised, he will eat whatever he can get his grubby paws on. Also—“
Alora was preparing to go on a mission to Outworld that would take a week, the longest she had ever been away from her precious Michi. Usually she’d leave the cage open in her room and let him scurry about, the little rodent trained to know where his home and food were, but since this was longer than the usual 2-3 days she needed to entrust her sweet pet into someone’s hands.
Someone being that trigger happy Alex Demir.
She had written down a list of do’s and don’ts for him, fruits and veggies that were safe/okay in moderation, as well as even taking the ‘extra step’ to mark where everything was in her room for an easier find: Michi’s mulch, food, toys to switch out etc. She was paranoid and stressed to say the least but she was doing a good job of hiding it.
“Don’t forget you have to let him run into your hand if you want to pick him up and if you do pick him up yourself let him know you’re about to because he will bite if he’s startled.”
She was repeating everything that was on the list, the list that she made Alex go over at least 10 times in front of her a few days ago.
“Bananas are 50/50 with him so it’s up to your discretion if you want to feed him those. Sometimes his stomach can handle them, sometimes he’ll like jettison mierda como un bebe.”
Her toned arms were folded over her chest, blue grey eyes sparkling with the love she has for Michi while her voice stayed monotone.
“If he hasn't moved from a certain spot in 30 minutes, he’s just relaxing because he zoomed too much and— Alex are you listening to me?”
Her voice abruptly turns sharp, eyebrows knitting together and her arms dropping from their position. She looks right into his eyes and gives a small wave of her hand.
“Yes, savaşçı. I’m listening. I promise.” He gives her that smile, the one that somehow manages to calm her nerves just a sliver.
Alora runs her tongue over her teeth, giving a light suck before breaking eye contact and looking away. She glances over at Michi’s cage, the plump white rat happily chewing on some strawberry while in his little bed. Alex notices the faintest twitch on the corner of her lips, his own upturning when he sees just how much his friend really cares for that rat.
“He’ll be fine, Alora, I swear. You’ve seen how I am with C4!” The mention of his orange tabby had her shooting her gaze back to him, almost as if she was rethinking her choice on letting him babysit Michi.
She could trust Alex, sure. But his cat? She swears that tabby could smell Michi all the way from his room, plotting a plan to get him into his claws.
She lets out a heavy huff, her hand that was holding her go bag shaking as she twists her wrist back and forth. She looks at Alex, then Michi, then back at Alex.
He’d never seen her look so anxious before, her tells slowly becoming more apparent and clear to the Turkish man. It was an odd sight to say the least, the fighter usually calm and composed. He’d seen her take down three men all by herself for goodness sake so it was quite the turnaround to see her so… stressed.
She nods, inhaling deep through her nose before letting it out.
It was easy in the beginning, Alex would wake up and take care of C4 before going to check on Michi. He’d change his food, let him out of his cage if he didn’t have anything to do later and play with him. He’d take him to the greenhouse in his cage and let the rat run around for a good bit before scooping him up and taking him back to Alora’s room where he’d usually rest for the remainder of the day.
Kate would sometimes stop by and play with Michi, scratching his tiny head and cooing softly at him. Michi took a liking to the half celestial sweetheart, happily accepting her affection and nuzzling into her warm palms.
Kabal once attempted to pet him on the head and received a swift bite on his fingertip, the speedster yanking his hand back and calling Michi a plague before stalking away to take care of his injury. Kate and Alex could hear him grumbling curses under his breath, suppressing their snickers as they turned their attention back to Michi.
It was the day Alora was returning, Alex having received a message from her that she’d be back in a few hours. Alex had let Michi loose in her room about an hour prior, heading towards there right now to check on him. The demolition expert opened her bedroom door, a smile bright on his face.
“Michi! Little sıçan! Your amca is here!”
Alex scanned her room, searching for the white rodent. He looked under Alora’s bed, in her closet, through her drawers (he closed his eyes when going through her undergarments and just felt with his hand) and in Michi’s cage.
Alex placed his hands on his hips, fingertips drumming in a rhythm as he nodded slowly to himself and hummed.
He heard footsteps approaching from behind and he turned around to see Kate standing there, hand pressed on the doorframe.
“Alex? What’s wrong?”
Alex puts his fist to his lips and clears his throat, looking at Kate with a strained smile.
“I lost Michi.”
mierda como un bebe: shit like a baby
savaşçı: warrior/fighter
sıçan: rat
amca: uncle
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