#but yeah that's mainly why i love only child jason
mikakuna · 5 months
Hey! This is the music anon again! I was wondering if you had any jayroy fic recs? Or, given your latest post lol, only child Jay fic recs (or even JUST Jay and dick as Bruce’s kids fic recs) and if not that, then, an au where Jason didn’t pick up the mantle/was convinced not too, and is living his civilian life. I’ve read rara Avis by zoeleo already lol, Idk if you read that one?
omg hey!! i have a few fic recs for what you'd like to see but honestly i'm lacking a bit in jayroy! i'll link the ones that i rlly enjoyed tho <3 and alsooo the only-child jason fics are all set during his childhood sadly, so i don't have any where he's an adult and still bruce's only child :(
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
When Batman rescues a twelve-year-old boy from a sex-trafficking ring, he ultimately makes the decision to look after him for a few days, feeling responsible for his current condition. Revealing his identity to the boy is the logical next step. Building trust was important, and Bruce needed Jason to trust him. There’s one slight problem with Bruce’s plan. Due to the effects of the Joker Venom, Jason doesn’t remember anything about meeting Batman, let alone Bruce Wayne. In Jason’s eyes, he’s been trafficked. And the man who brought him is none other than Bruce himself.
Jason’s background as a victim of abuse and childhood homelessness means it’s hard for him to trust, and to ask for things. After only a couple months in the manor, he still isn’t sure about Bruce Wayne.
When Bruce brings a new child home to the manor, Dick has a few choice words for Bruce about making him Robin. Convinced that Jason needs a stable loving family more than he needs a crime-fighting outlet, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred take on the challenge of bringing Jason up as civilian while still keeping their caped careers a secret.
Or: Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Dick Grayson is a Great Brother, Alfred is the Best Grandpa, and Jason is smol. Tooth-rotting fluff ahoy. (i'm linking this even though you read it for people who haven't yet! also i never read the ones with tim in it but those are a lot later in the series so don't worry, it's still jason and bruce centric)
Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
His life was not pleasant, but Jason was nothing if not a fighter, and dammit if was he going to let the hell around him kill who he was as a person. Or his dreams of growing up and going to college.
Those dreams suddenly came a little more into focus, when his idiot of a pimp accidentally tried to rent him to Bruce Wayne. Poor bastard could have never guessed he was the Batman himself. Heck, not even Jason figured that out, at first. And Batman had practically adopted him. (i loved this so much)
Jason doesn't die at the hands of the Joker. There are a couple of things he and Bruce might need to work through.
“You will fix this,” Alfred corrects him. “You will fix this, and let Master Jason know that you don’t care about his sexual orientation, that it changes nothing. That you were mistaken in what you said to him. That you certainly didn’t mean to imply that you thought any less of him for his choice in reading.”
Batman makes it in time to save Robin from the bomb. He doesn't make it in time to save Jason from the Joker.
Or Batman is too late in every universe, but Bruce Wayne doesn't have to be.
+ jayroy:
i've linked this one in a previous rec list but basically, this is an au series where jason escapes an abusive relationship and meets roy!
It was just dinner with family. A family large enough to be an independent militia, but that was all. Nothing serious.
Lian disagreed. (one of my fav crack fics!!)
a fic where the bats find out, one by one, that jason and roy are dating!
i really don't have much for jayroy since i'm pretty picky when it comes to jason fics and ship fics in general, but i'll reblog this if i find any others that i enjoy! in the meantime, hopefully these are some new fics for you to read!!
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boyfridged · 11 months
i love your meta commentary so much, so when i saw that you posted 'paint it over' i RAN to it and ajgwoeiawog it's so gooddddd T.T
i was just wondering what ur favorite draft of paint it over that didn't make it to the final cut is? also, what do you think will happen to the characters in the future?
this is a glowing review, thank you so much for your kind words!
one scene that i had a rough draft of & decided to scrap pretty much last moment was a conversation between dick & alfred after dick watched the cowl recording. dick asks alfred how he can allow this situation to go on and alfred replies "and what is there to do? anything that could be done should have been done years ago." these words were to refer to bruce & jay's overly codependent relationship in jay's robin days – which lead to jay lacking any support system besides batman. in my mind that isolation is one of the main reasons for which both aditf & jason's return goes the way it does, as his only point of reference and safety in life was bruce, who he now lost. and in paint it over they are simulating that sort of parent-child relationship again, except if it was an issue when jay was 11-15, it's straight-up horror after all that happened later on.
i got rid of this scene mainly because i realised alfred's words could be misinterpreted in a thousand ways and it's a difficult piece to read as it is. i also felt like it would be too much and i love me some silence and empty spaces in my writing. so i briefly replaced it with alfred simply passing next to dick & jason as they were leaving and letting them go in silence – but it did not fit in the scene well, so in the end alfred barely appears at all.
as for the continuation... actually, the first snippet i wrote for this work didn't make the final cut since it would take place right after what i decided to be the ending! jay starts asking questions which leads them to argue as jason obviously does not want to leave home for "no reason" (dick insists bruce hurting him is very much a reason. "it was an accident," jason says. "damn it, jay! you may trip or slip, that's what an accident is. not slitting your son's throat!"). the whole drive is very fun as jay also tests the door handles, because dick is "unreasonable" and jason is "going back."
i think the aftermath of it all would very much be a "it gets worse before it gets better" fix-it... dick gets to see what bruce meant when he said that the first week was difficult, because jason reverts to trying to rip his injury anew. he also attempts to blackmail dick with self-harm to be able to speak to bruce ("yeah buddy this is exactly why we're not doing it," is dick's general response.) dick also does not have a guilt complex that prevents him from forcing jason into doctor's appointments like bruce did, so jason slowly gets better. and when i say slowly, i mean it. there's a lot to it, like road trips, and going back to the crime alley, and jason talking to people outside of his immediate circle, and unexpected team ups, and dick going through like twenty breakdowns on his own in that time.
bruce doesn't argue with dick's decision much, because, again: he is aware of his fault. he also agrees to work on himself meanwhile. he does want updates on jay though, which dick begrudgingly agrees to do (although in a limited capacity.)
there's at least one person who tells dick that maybe he should just let his brother go back to the manor and that whatever is wrong with his family is not his responsibility. this, of course, does not happen.
at some point jay & bruce do get to start talking again. but first, they need to properly grieve what they lost on both sides and grow as people independently from each other. and when they meet again, they are not the same people they were, and they never will, but there's peace in that.
or at least this is how i imagine it would go-- but things usually change as i write, so who knows, maybe if i was to actually try to follow up with a sequel, it would go in a different direction altogether... and i did intentionally leave it with an open ending, so whatever your idea as a reader is about the future – it's right too! (and i would love to hear about it)
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
So here I am, feel free to ignore if I'm breaking any boundaries.
 Your story actually made me think of Tim’s process through the trauma and mainly how he processes most adult things. I do like soft, hurt, self-sacrificing Tim like any hot, red blooded fan, of course.
But let me argue that Tim Drake is not a child child, he has been his own responsible adult since he was six. He learned budgeting and bills and taxes and stranger danger and all the things adults eventually teach children from TV/the internet and he is not ashamed of it.
Kinda that when Jack and Janet left him alone with a housekeepr, he basically parentified himself.
So in comes the 12/13 year old who sees Batman tiptoeing the edge and goes: I can fix this dude so hard!
And yeah, Bruce is almost lost to his grief and barely conscious of the utter shitshow around him, “sure, whatever kid, be Robin, but train with other adults, I’m too broken hearted to adult right now. Oh, you learned from Alfred and Dick, great, Imma teach you and oh, you disappeared for a while, huh, you got even better, I wonder what you did, well whatever let’s go on patrol.”
And years pass, Bruce heals, he gets his family back, he gains allies and perspective.
And maybe one day he is high as a kite on some scarecrow or ivy drug or whatever, he beat the villain, he did the justice, weee~
And he realizes he is home and Tim’s tiny hand is pulling hin towards the bathroom and he is confused.
Tim, on the other hand, is so used to Bruce’s shit, that he simply taps him on the back of the knees to make him kneel by the toilet bowl and goes: “Okay, you feel up to puking on your own or should I make you?”
And Bruce is even more confused because his children usually weren’t like this, they were soft and depended on his stability, none of his children should see him this vulnerable.
And maybe he takes a little too long to reply because suddenly Tim is shoving two fingers down his throat while holding the back of his head and suddenly Bruce is vomiting and Tim pats his heaving back and makes sure none of it goes in his  hair while TSKING because “Really Bruce? Don’t be a baby, my hand can’t hurt that much, I’m like 13.”
And Bruce, for once, realizes he is not the parent in this relationship and he is not sure how it happened.
You can extrapolate Bruce Mommy/Daddy-issues Wayne would definitely fall for that scarily inteligent teen that has become his highly unimpressed new mommy if you like.
Or he simply tries (and fails) to parent this child who somehow doesn’t need him like Dick and Jason and Damian ever did and he is frightened that if Tim doesn’t need him he will leave.
Which is why Tim gets more benefits than Dick and Jason ever did at his age COMBINED.
A car? You got it.
A Ducatti? Red, black or both?
Your own team instead of integrating you to Dick’s? SURE THING!
It is quite telling that even if Dick is Bruce’s oldest adopted child and the one he is trusting the mission to, TIM is the one who is supposed to inherit the company and thus Batman’s biggest source of income and Bruce’s charity and social justice pet projects in case of Bruce’s death.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just read the comment you left on ‘here cometh the iceman’ and i cannot tell you how happy i was to be greeted by this in my inbox!!!!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍!!!!
i love your tim HC so much because it reallly does align with how he behaves so often! tim is a child who has, often, had to parent himself. in the comics it’s implied that the majority of his developmental years in school were spent in boarding schools where his only supervisors were teachers and the few adults whose job were to look out for them. but even then tim would’ve had to learn how to deal with a lot of things himself- he had to put himself to bed, decide what and how to regulate his diet, how to deal with interpersonal issues along with any tension that came with living with another kid his age. tim is essentially a young adult in a child’s body. and to contrast that is bruce. who arguably, while he is an adult, lacks a lot of the landmark developmental milestones that tim has already had (through no choice of his own). 
bruce has alfred as a kind of crutch so many of the “adult” things tim experienced were things he never learned or developed the skills for. hence why when they came together, tim who was the more responsible, mature, and developed “adult” took care of bruce. it’s such an upside down pineapple situation where bruce is the grown up but the child and tim is the child but the grown up. so tim caring for bruce like when he gets poisoned and needs to vomit, tim treats him like a child who has swallowed something he wasn’t supposed to. he falls into caring for bruce like it’s a routine and bruce is struck with the realization of what had been happening while his head was buried in the sand from his grief.
bruce has sooo many hangups about his parents and their deaths, his relationship with them has guided so much of his life and how he expresses (or doesn’t express) his love. alfred had cared for and loved him but always maintained him an arm’s length away perhaos out of respect for bruce and the relationship he had with his parents. but tim! tim treats him in that soft way his mother did, taking a rag and dabbing away the sweat from his brow when bruce starts sweating buckets after vomiting. so many things tim does for him reminds bruce so starkly of his mother and father and it kind of makes him uncomfortable but that feeling gets trampled by and is the reason he never puts a stop to it - he likes it. he likes being doted on and cared for, he like that tim feeds him warm broths, oatmeals, and chicken soup. he likes that tim presses featherlight kisses to his scrapes and cleaned wounds. with tim there’s no expectation of him to make the first move, be responsible, or be the parent. not like there was with jason or dick.
but there’s also the fact that bruce no longer offers something to tim. safety, protection, etc. the things you expect from a parent. tim doesn’t want them, in fact he’s the one who provides them because bruce startles awake from a bad dream and tim is already there to comfort him.
bruce attempting to become the parent in their dynamic similarly failing leaves him scrambling and leaves him scared about the fact that tim could leave him.
this fundamentally changing their dynamic is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its why tim gets more leeway than the others, why he’s treated differently and “allowed” so much independence. i think if jason and dick weren’t so preoccupied with their own lives and issues they might stop and be like “hey wtfff”.
tim and bruce’s relationship and dynamic is one of the most fascinating to me because the two of them are mirrors, foils, and almost caricatures of each other in some cases. the two of them share so much in common but are also fundamentally different people. if tim had been in bruce’s shoes from birth he would’ve likely followed the same path but been different. same with bruce. if he had been the little idealistic boy whose parents more or less neglected him, he would’ve followed the same path as tim had but been....different. the two of them are such good characters, their shared history and dynamic is fascinating and thank you so much for this really good deep dive into their character and relationship!!!!!!! it’s so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Sick day headcannons!!!!!!!
Hell yeah, I do have a post on this already (linked here) but sick day headcanons are some of my favs so let’s do some more! (Just btw there will be some repeats but that just means I rlly like that headcanon)
Dick: Oh no, god no!
Wally: What’s wrong?!
Dick: I’m dying!
Wally, suspicious: Okay…
Dick: Please Wally this is serious, I need help!
Wally, deciding to take Dick seriously: Okay, what’s wrong? What do you need?
Dick: Just a coffin. Made of maple- no oak! And roses, preferably white, oh or blue! With baby’s breath. And-
Wally: Dick, what’s wrong?!
Dick: I burnt the roof of my mouth.
Wally leaves.
A good rule of thumb for Dick is the more dramatic he is the less serious the situation. The less dramatic he is the more serious the situation.
He will go into work with a cold and complain the entire day.
If he has something serious that’s contagious he’ll call in sick but just say it’s a slight stomach bug.
If it’s not contagious he will act like everything is completely fine.
One time he did this after getting an injury on patrol and ended up passing out and spending that night and the next day in the ICU.
He has become a bit more responsible over the years, mainly bc he thinks it’s adorable how sweet and cuddly Damian gets.
His favorite sick day activity is eating junk food and watching rom coms under a fuzzy blanket .
Dick: Please go to bed!
Babs: I am, I am, just one more line of code.
Dick: You’ve said that for the last three hours!
Babs tries to relax when sick but she has trouble actually taking a step back to rest.
Most of the time she’ll take a nightquil then get distracted by something and ends up falling asleep in front of her screen.
Usually Cass or Steph will come over and take care of her.
Steph always makes the best comfort food. And usually Cass will tuck Babs into bed.
Babs loves dozing on the couch to the sound of Cass and Steph laughing in the kitchen as they make her soup.
If Cass and Steph can’t come over she loves talking to them over discord while eating take out. Usually she and Cass just listen to Steph babble or she watches on of them stream something.
She also usually ends up falling asleep.
Bruce: Are you sick?
Jason: I’m legally dead.
Bruce: That doesn’t-
Jason: So,legally, no. I am not sick.
Jason will forever and always argue that he can’t get sick since he already died.
When he was little he was rarely able to get extra rest when he was sick. Because when he was really little he wanted to go to school to avoid Willis. After Catherine died he was too busy just trying to survive to focus on being healthy.
But when Catherine was alive and Willis was away Jason would stay home from school, and if Catherine was sober she would read to him and sing lullabies. This only happened like twice but Jason cherishes those memories of Catherine.
As a kid if he was ever sent home for being sick he’d get in huge trouble with Willis.
After being adopted the first time he was sent home with a fever he begged Alfred not to tell Bruce and hid in his closet until he stopped crying being sad. Alfred sat by the closet door with soup, a grilled cheese, and tea, reading The Princess Bride aloud until Jason came out. It took two hours.
Jason’s favorite sick day activity is drinking tea and rereading The Princess Bride (with the movie playing quietly in the background) while wearing his Wonder Woman hoodie.
Steph: Cass why are you patrolling while sick?!
Cass shrugs.
Steph, with a sigh: You’re allowed to take a sick day, okay?
Cass looks unsure but nods.
Steph: C’mon, let’s get you a bath and fuzzy blankets.
Cass forgets that she’s not just a weapon/tool. She forgets that she’s allowed to rest when sick.
Because of this she will keep going no matter what and tends to view ‘taking a sick day’ as a failure.
Steph, Tim, and Babs have been working on this with her. She’s improved a lot now that Tim lost his spleen and gets sick easily.
Now usually Steph cooks for her while Babs lays with her.
Cass isn’t against taking medicine but she never feels like the situation is severe enough to require medication. So someone in the fam has to convince her to take her meds.
She becomes extremely cuddly when sick and will cling to anyone near her.
Her favorite sick day activity is watching old horror movies with Steph or Babs.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m fine.
Steph: I’m- I have a fever of 104, I should rest.
Stephs mom is a doctor, so she’s used to being told “it’s just a cold, you’re fine”.
Usually she keeps going until she can’t then sleeps for like three days.
But it’s less out of stubbornness and more out of habit. So if someone tells her to rest she’s immediately like “okay!” and takes the sick day.
Babs always calls or comes over to check on her every day that she’s sick.
Cass has been learning how to cook and loves making Steph food when she’s sick.
Tim used to come over but now he always calls.
Stephs favorite sick day activity is sleeping with an ice pack or heating pad, depending on the sickness, with a giant cup of ginger ale and Cass curled up beside her.
Jason: Tim, are you sick?
Tim, tiredly staring at case files: No I-
Tim is interrupted by a violent coughing fit.
Tim: Oh, I guess I am?
Growing up Tim loved getting sick because it meant the house keeper would come over and take care of him and he might even get a hug.
But she stopped coming over when Tim was ten, his parents thought he was old enough to handle being sick on his own.
Sick days in the manor were a shock to him because he was rarely alone, there was always one family member by his side.
Now that he’s immunocompromised he’s always surrounded by people, he pretends to get annoyed with it but really he loves how much they care.
Dick always sings Romani lullabies and runs his fingers through Tim’s hair. Jason, Duke, and Steph will cook for him. Damian stay by his side and bring him tea. Babs will play video games with him. And Cass does a bit of everything, at least everything other than sing to him.
The family also takes Tim getting sick very seriously so if they here one cough he’s immediately being interrogated and getting his temperature checked.
Tim’s favorite sick day activity is laying under a weighted blanket with a cup of tea and playing video games with Babs, Steph, Duke, and Cass.
Dick, knocking on Duke’s door: Hey bud, why are you still in bed? I thought we were training together?
Duke: Sorry, I forgot to cancel. I’m sick and don’t think I can handle training today.
Dick: You’re sick?!
Duke: Yeah, but don’t worry I’ve been disinfecting and cleaning so no one else should get sick.
Dick: I’m not worried about getting sick, I’m worried about you!
Duke: …oh, okay.
Growing up sick days were spent at home either resting alone or with one of his parents.
He had to do some fending for himself (like cleaning and making food when his parents weren’t home with him) but nothing extreme or unexpected. So, overall he had pretty normal sick days.
After he parents went missing he was so focused on getting them back and saving them that he never stopped to rest when sick.
Now as a member of the Wayne family his sick days are always spent with someone by his side, at least they are if he tells the family he’s sick.
He’s gotten in trouble several times for not telling Alfred/the family that’s he’s sick. Not because he puts Tim at risk, he like all the family is very cautious about that, but because everyone worries about him and wants to help take care of him.
After several lectures from Alfred he’s finally getting better about telling the family when he’s sick.
His favorite sick day activity is reading Jason’s copy of The Princess Bride while having a bowl of Alfred’s chicken noodle soup.
Jason: Are you sick?
Damian: N-
Damian sneezes like a kitten.
Damian: No.
Cass, smiling: Sick baby brother, cute sneeze.
Damian tries to be offended but ends up having a sneezing fit.
Steph: That’s so adorable!!
Damian has the most adorable sneezes. He literally sounds like a kitten and the entire family and hero community finds it adorable. Damian hates it.
He used to try and pretend he wasn’t sick and just work through it.
Then he sneezes in front of Harley and Ivy and they cooed over him for an hour.
Now he grumpily secluded himself in his room when sick.
Usually the family will check on him and find that Jon flew over and they’re cuddling on his bed watching cartoons.
When Damian’s sick he really craves spicy food. Like everything he eats he’ll add hot sauce or pepper to. His food is so spicy that only Cass can handle it, like it makes ghost peppers look like child’s play.
His favorite sick day activity is drinking masala chai under one of Tim’s fuzzy blankets while wearing Dick’s old hoodies and surrounding himself with various soft things he stole from his siblings. This is preferably done while eating spicy tomato or lentil soup and watching cartoons with Jon.
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crazyariaisa · 3 years
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Was Aria Supposed To Be Big -A and Mary Drake’s third child? 
After Aria arrives at the Homecoming Dance at school in “There’s No Place Like Homecoming” (1x06), and approaches the girls, who are ecstatic because they thought that Aria would bail on the dance. Aria only decided to come after Spencer announced that she wanted to be cute for her first date with Alex. Perhaps Aria had ulterior motives behind her attendance, such as... stealing Spencer’s date?
Aria said that she was looking forward to having a great time was when Mona tuned in and said...
“With no date? My how the mighty have fallen.”
By using the word (mighty), it sounds like Mona sees Aria as this person who has power, authority, ferocity, dominance, and control. It seems that Aria is the most dominant and the main person in the group. By definition and usage, this is an adjective.
By definition, someone who is deemed as mighty possesses great and impressive power or strength, especially because of size. 
Synonyms for mighty include; fearsome, ferocious, big, tough, robust, manful, potent, sturdy, muscular, strapping, Herculean, vigorous, energetic, stout, dominant, influential, strong, powerful, important, leading, authoritative, controlling, predominant, and prestigious.
By the sounds of it, Mona’s seeing Aria as a leader and almost praising her. It’s as if Mona idolizes Aria. In “The Goodbye Look” (2x09), Mona scores an -A on her Math test. Mona walks down the hallway behind Aria and calls out...
“Hey, Big -A. Wait up.”
And Aria happens to respond to that as if Mona has called her that before? Aria is the only one I can recall being nicknamed (Big-A) and actually responded to it. In “UnmAsked” (2x25), when the girls are at Lost Woods Resort, Aria and Spencer are getting ready to break into Harold Crane’s office, and Spencer says...
“You’re little, but you’re big.”
In “Touched By An Angel” (2x10), when Spencer and Aria are conversing with each other in Hanna’s house downstairs, Spencer says this to Aria...
“I did it because you’re really tiny, and I love you.”
Aria and Spencer are the only ones out of the Rosewood Quartet (that’s what I call The Liars) to actually say “I love you” to each other. There is a lot of emphasis put on their friendship, and they treat each other like sisters. Their bond is my favorite (aside from Caleb and Toby’s bromance). In “Turn Of The Shoe” (4x02,) Aria starts taking karate classes, and apparently, her reason is...
“Look, I’m small, I’m an easy target.”
The thing is... I don’t buy that at all. -A has never really done anything to hurt her. It’s mainly been the secrets of the other people she wants to speak about that come to light. Exactly ten episodes later, in “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t” (4x12) in Ravenswood at the abandoned factory, Aria and Cece get into a fight, and she beat Cece’s ass. But after that rope snapped, Aria grabbed Cece and tried to pull her back up. (This is why I don’t buy Aria’s excuse for taking karate).
In “Do Not Disturb” (6x16), while taking the back entrance into Sara’s room at The Radley, Spencer prompts Aria by saying...
“Come on little big one.”
Not only that, but Aria heads straight for the closet and goes through the hole in the wall. Spencer follows to find Aria in a room with an old rusty electroshock therapy table and a cabinet of files. Aria is pretty much leading Spencer through the tunnel and to the exit. Almost as if she’s used them before.
In “Exes and OMGs” (7x08), when Spencer and Aria visit Dr. Cochran to learn more about Mary’s second and (possible third child?), he says this...
“I dealt with two of her babies.”
This is about Charles (pre-transition) and Spencer, who had been described as having tenacity and abrasiveness, but this word doesn’t just match with Spencer, though. Here’s the rest of what Dr. Cochran said...
“That baby was a fighter. Underweight but tenacious.”
We’ve never once seen Spencer getting into a fight with anyone, but she does have low blood sugar, which can happen if you’re born prematurely. Spencer was born on April 11th, 1995, and Aria was born on July 22nd, 1995. Aria got into a fight with Cece, has been told that she’s tiny and mighty. In the same episode, the girls find the lair with the files. Here’s the conversation...
Emily; “Jessica DiLaurentis had a file on each of us.”
Hanna; “All of us except for Aria. She doesn’t have a file.”
Alison; “Do you think somebody took it?”
Emily; “Yeah but why?”
Good question, Emily! Perhaps there was something that connected Aria to Charlotte, Mary Drake. In (Original GAngsters) (7x07), Alison comes home from Welby Penitentiary, Mary and Aria seem to know each other already, and when Ezra proposes. It’s revealed that Aria’s middle name is Marie, and she’s thinking, “How does he know my middle name?”
Do you remember the episode “The Kahn Game” (3x09)? Well, in that episode in particular, out of everyone, Cece chose to take Aria and Spencer to the party at Noel’s cabin. Cece was wearing red, Spencer was wearing blue, and Aria was wearing green. That color scheme made an appearance in the Dollhouse in handprints. Could Cece have been born in 1992 and lied about her birthday again?!
In “The Wrath of Kahn” (7x09), when Jason goes to Ezra’s apartment to talk with Aria, they have a revealing conversation. Remember, no one told Aria about what happened at Aunt Carol’s, which means she took her file and Noel’s.
Aria; “The fire was an accident.”
Jason; “You just said you weren’t with her.”
Aria; “Ali asked me not to say anything. We found some files that prove your Mom was in charge of Mary’s care at Radley. She oversaw Charlotte’s adoption, and the other child’s adoption too.”
Jason; “What other child?”
Aria; “I was just about to go to the Courthouse right now.”
Aria’s plan was to go to the Courthouse and get in-tell on her own. But Jason explained that they wouldn’t give her any answers because she’s not a relative. Perhaps she brought it up so she could use Jason to her advantage and cover her own ass because she’s a mentally unstable genius.
Were Aria and Spencer intended to be sisters?
Tell me what you think!
Kisses, -A.
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Jozu x OC
Title: Don't You Know You Are Beautiful? No Warning
The Whitebeard Pirates had landed on The Spring Refuge Island, which was a Spring Island if you couldn't tell by the name. It was a lovely day, and Jozu, Ace, Thatch, and Marco wasted time, mainly Ace and Thatch. Ace was running off to find a place to eat, and Thatch was shaking his head. Whitebeard only chuckled as he watched his children.
A young lady was walking out of an apartment, and before she could even get into the street, kids ran to her, laughing.
"Sing for us!"
"No, let's play!" Lizzy laughed, hugging the children. The Whitebeard Pirates blinked and stopped at the herd of kids. Jozu followed you with his eyes, and there he saw a beautiful girl with long brown curly hair and sparkling brown eyes. Jozu was in a trance by her smile. Thatch and Marco both noticed the way Jozu looked at her. Lizzy laughed softly, giving all the kids hugs.
"Ahh hai hai, one at a time, one at a time."
"How was your school trip?" A little boy asked.
"It went well. Thank you."
"Does that mean you will watch us all the time again?" A girl tugged on her hand.
"Most likely until I leave again."
"Why is that big guy staring at you?" Another boy asked, pointing to Jozu. Lizzy blinked and met Jozu's gaze, and he blushed, looking away. Marco grinned and patted Jozu's shoulder. Lizzy looked away, coughing.
"Why is your face red Big sis?" The same boy asked.
"Jason, stop asking all these questions. How about we play tag?" Lizzy said, laughing softly before glancing at Jozu. She didn't realize Ace noticed her looking back at Jozu.
"Hey, Jozu. I think she may be into you." Ace said, looking at him, grinning.
"How do you figure?"
"She looked back at you when you looked away."
"She is beautiful."
"Grararara, she may end up as my daughter."
"Pops!" Everyone laughed as Jozu blushed and watched as she played tag with the kids. The kids started to run around the Whitebeard Pirates, so they could hide, as Lizzy counted.
"...5...6....7...8....9...10 ready or not, here I come," Lizzy said, looking around as all the kids were hiding.
"Hey, Lizzy, you didn't even get a break?" An older lady asks.
"Wouldn't have it any other way, Mrs. Jones." The older woman laughed and waved her off as Lizzy decided to jog to look for the kids.
"She heard a giggle, and she stopped in front of Jozu, and he looked away as the others snickered. More giggles came from the bushes, and she grinned softly and peeked behind the bushes.
"Boo!" The girls screamed and ran away.
"Alyssa, Jessica, come back." You laughed, and the girls pouted but helped you find the other kids.
"Uhm, hi." Jozu coughed and looked at Lizzy. Lizzy blinked and smiled.
"Oh, hello there."
"Uhm...." You tried to talk with her, but he couldn't get anything out, and Lizzy tilted her head to the side.
"Jozu is trying to ask is, do you know the nearest place to eat?" Ace asked, and Jozu glared.
"Oh yeah, I know a great place. You don't mind if many kids are trailing us, do you?"
"Not at all," Jozu managed. He was stunned by her beauty and couldn't talk coherently in one breath.
"Hey, my children, who are hungry." A chorus of children started to say I and Me.
"Are you going to feed them all?" Marco asked.
"Nah, I have a secret weapon. Oh, by the way, my name is Lizzy."
"I am Ace. This is Thatch, Marco, Jozu, Izo, Haruta. And Pops." Ace was introduced, and everyone waved.
"Nice to meet you guys."
"Big sis, are we going to eat with them?" Jason asked.
"Yes. Now here's the plan. Do you know Uncle Ben?"
"Remember, be cute and put on your best puppy faces, and he will give you food."
"Okay!!!" They all yelled.
"Now hold hands I don't wanna lose a child." They found a partner and started to walk.
"So, did you guys just get here?" Lizzy asked, and Ace nudged Jozu next to her.
"Yes, we docked to get some rest, stock up, and head out back to sea," Jozu said.
"I'm guessing you are pirates," Lizzy said, and Jozu bit his lip.
"Please tell me you don't hate Pirates." Jozu mumbles.
"No, not at all. I was asking you guys don't look like Marines." She said, smiling.
"Yeah, the Whitebeard Pirates." Ace said, wrapping an arm around Lizzy, and Jozu glared at him. Ace flashed a wicked grin his way.
"What are you doing."
"Then please move your arm."
"I don't like to be touched unless you are an adopted child that I babysit." Ace moved his arm, pouting, and Lizzy laughed. They arrived at Ben's Restaurant and then went in.
"Lizzy, no." The kids started to give puppy faces, and Lizzy puffed her cheeks, looking sad.
"Lizzy, children, stop, please," Ben said.
"Okay, Uncle Ben, I just thought you loved us, but I guess not," Lizzy said, turning away but grinning as she faced Jozu. They blinked, and Lizzy sent a wink holding up three fingers and silently counting down.
"Okay, okay, how many?" Ben sighed.
"Uhm, let me count ten children me. Ace that Marco Jozu Haruta and ......" Lizzy narrowed her eyes, realizing Ace never told her the big guy's name.
"And pops..." Lizzy shrugged.
"Pops?" Ben asked.
"I don't know his name. Ace only said Pops, so yeah."
"Okay, food coming right up."
"We eat a lot," Izo said, smiling.
"Thanks for the warning." The kids all went and sat down.
"You are calling me pops fits well. You should become my daughter and join the crew. I am Whitebeard, though."
"Ahh, Whitebeard, sorry, and I can't join the crew," Lizzy said, and Jozu looked at Lizzy.
"You should because it would be fun."
"Have no interest." Jozu sighed softly, and Haruta chuckled.
"Because you are beautiful, and I wanna see you every day." You said, and Lizzy blushed, looking away covering her blush with a cough.
"You, look at what you are doing to the girl making her blush."
"I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it's true."
"I'm...far from beautiful. Thanks, though." Lizzy said, looking away. Everyone's sweatdrop besides Ben came over and hit her on top of her head.
"What did I say?"
"Owe jerk face."
"Whitebeard, you are a pirate. Steal her away or else she will never fully leave and stay gone. She wants to travel but not become a pirate or marine."
"As your older brother, I'm telling you to go." Lizzy huffed softly, and Jozu took her hand, and Lizzy looked away.
"You are trying to get me killed. I don't even know how to fight. I am not a fighter Ben."
"You don't need to fight. We have plenty of fighters." Marco said.
"We will protect you." Ace said.
"As a sister." Haruta and Izo said.
"As a crewmate and friend," Jozu said.
"As my daughter." Whitebeard finished out.
"How the hell am I suppose to say no now?" Lizzy sighed, running a hand through her free hand.
"Though Jozu wants you more than a friend and crewmate." Thatch said, slipping it in.
"Thatch shut up," Jozu said.
"That's sweet, Jozu," Lizzy said, pecking his cheek. Ben put his hand in the way, though.
"Not my sister. She is pure and innocent."
"Not if she becomes a pirate, just saying." Ace said.
"You hurt her, Jozu. I will find you myself."
"I won't. We aren't even dating."
"Yet." All the kids said, Lizzy turned to look at them, and Thatch fell out on the floor laughing.
"Yet...don't you know you are beautiful?" Jozu asked.
"Uhm." She looked at Ben, and he put his hand on his hip.
"Now I do?" Lizzy said, and Jozu kissed her hand, smiling, and she smiled as well.
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knuffled · 3 years
Just Practice - Chapter 17
here’s the ao3 link
The hospital garden was nestled along the northern side of the building and overlooked a small pond. Perhaps it was too generous to call it a garden. In reality, it was only a few flower beds of orchids and lilacs stowed carefully in terracotta pots. When the weather was nice, the patients would often spend some time there on the benches to get some fresh air. It wasn’t much but it definitely beat being cooped up in a hospital room with that stale, sterilized air that always made her feel more like a laboratory specimen than a human being.
After her surgery, Annabeth was allowed to visit the garden provided she went in a wheelchair to avoid agitating her knee. The doctor’s initial diagnosis had proven to be accurate once they ran some imaging tests on her: it was, in fact, a torn ACL. Annabeth had suspected as much, and she opted to get it operated on sooner than later. The surgery had gone quite well, actually. She had been lucky enough to only suffer a partial tear, according to her doctor. If she had suffered a complete tear, it could have possibly made both surgery and her subsequent recovery much more difficult.
Nonetheless, Annabeth didn’t feel particularly lucky. Honestly, in the week that she spent at the hospital, she hardly felt anything at all. Just numb. Her physical therapy sessions were the only things she had to look forward to in order to get her mind off of things. Otherwise, she was mainly stuck confined to her bed with her leg suspended in that god awful brace. Piper had brought her some novels to occupy her time, but Annabeth couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to anything she read.
Today was the first day the weather had been clear enough to head outside, and Annabeth had jumped at the chance to get out of her stuffy hospital room as soon as she could. She sat outside staring at the pond with her brain turned off, watching ducks glide across the water’s surface and preen their feathers.
Within another day or two she would be discharged from the hospital and would have to head back home, but she really didn’t want to. Her father had dropped by the day after her injury, but his visit was practically a formality. He had stayed for all of five minutes, only making sure she wasn’t dead really, before he left. On top of every other shitty thing that had happened to her recently, his visit only served to rub salt in the wound.
Sometime mid-afternoon, one of the orderlies told her that she had a visitor. Annabeth had been expecting Piper or Jason, but she was surprised to see Reyna approach her instead.
Reyna gave her a small wave, her hand hidden in the sleeve of her purple sweatshirt. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Annabeth said, blinking. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Reyna shifted on her heels. “I’m not intruding am I?”
“Funnily enough, my schedule is quite free these days,” Annabeth said lightly.
That managed to get the corner of Reyna’s lips to tug upwards. “Glad to see your injury hasn’t done anything to change your god-awful sense of humor.”
“It’s quite bad mannered to bully the infirm, you know,” Annabeth sniffed.
Reyna rolled her eyes and sat down at the bench beside Annabeth. “How’s your leg doing?”
Annabeth sighed and said, “It’s recovering. Just got surgery done a few days ago.”
“Surgery?” Reyna frowned.
Annabeth nodded. “Turns out I tore my ACL.”
Reyna grimaced and said, “Jeez, I’m sorry to hear that.”
“The doctors said that I’m lucky it was only a partial tear,” Annabeth said, smiling weakly. “But I don’t feel particularly lucky.”
“D-Did they say anything about how long it’ll take for you to make a full recovery?” Reyna asked hesitantly.
“They were pretty wishy-washy about it,” Annabeth said, shrugging. “Guessing they don’t want to be liable for being wrong. Only estimate they gave me was that I could walk normally in about two weeks or so. After that, depends on how well I respond to physical therapy.”
Reyna was silent for a while before she said, “Meet me at the college circuit someday. I’ll be waiting there for you. And then we can finally settle things.”
Annabeth picked at the hem of her shirt with a wan smile. “What’s there to settle? I haven’t beat you a single time. There’s a clear winner here, and it sure isn’t me.”
“You of all people should know you’re only as good as your last race,” Reyna said. “People in our sport can never afford to rest on their laurels.”
When Annabeth was silent, Reyna quietly said, “You look like you’ve already given up.”
Reyna’s words stung and made Annabeth recoil. “I’m sick of giving myself false hope.”
“The way I see it, hope has nothing to do with it. The only question is if you still want to try. If you still want to compete, then you’ll keep pushing until you find a way through,” Reyna said, shrugging.
“Now, I’m not here to tell you whether you should keep going or not. That’s up to you. But don’t hide behind hope as an excuse. If you want to stop, then own it.”
Annabeth stared at her lap for a while and said, “I- I don’t know. I need more time to think about it.”
Reyna nodded and said, “I don’t blame you. It’s a big decision.”
There was another pause before Annabeth cleared her throat and said, “I never got a chance to apologize. For what happened at the meet, I mean.”
Reyna furrowed her brow. “What is there to apologize for?”
Annabeth dug her fingernails into her palms. “I cost you the race. If it weren’t for me, you would have won state and placed nationally.”
“From what I recall, a certain someone was screaming at me to let her go because I was, and I quote, ‘throwing the fucking race’,” Reyna said dryly.
“Sorry about that,” Annabeth mumbled.
Reyna gave her a smile and said, “You have nothing to blame yourself for, Annabeth. It was my choice to stay and help you.”
A lump formed in Annabeth’s throat. “But why though? Why did you help me?”
“I already told you,” Reyna said, mock-exasperatedly. “Because we’re friends.”
“And that was enough of a reason?”
“There are more important things than high school cross country races, Annabeth,” Reyna said simply.
Annabeth bit her lower lip and struggled to wrap her head around Reyna’s answer. They were friends, but not so close that it made sense for her to abandon the championship for her sake. Maybe Reyna was just like that with people she deemed friends or perhaps it was just a decision made in the heat of the moment.
“And you don’t resent me or anything for it?” Annabeth asked.
“Not one bit,” Reyna said firmly. “I would do it again if I had to. I’m sure you would have done the same for me.”
“You think too highly of me,” Annabeth said quietly. “But thank you.”
Reyna raised an eyebrow and said, “So you would have left me lying in the mud with a fucked up leg just to a win a race then?”
Annabeth paused and said, “Well, when you put it that way, I suppose not.”
“See? Told you: there are more important things,” Reyna said, smiling. “Besides, I don’t want you using your injury as an excuse for when I inevitably kick your ass.”
That got a watery laugh out of Annabeth. “I’m just glad you don’t hate me.”
Reyna rolled her eyes fondly. “Of course not.”
Annabeth hid a smile and stared up at the clear, blue sky for a while before something occurred to her. “How did you know where to find me?”
“Percy told me,” Reyna said, shrugging.
Annabeth furrowed her brow and said, “You have his number?”
“No, we just happened to run into each other somewhere, and I got a chance to ask him.”
Annabeth’s heart beat faster in her chest. “D-Did he say anything else to you?”
Reyna shook her head. “No, but he looked like a mess though. Did something happen?”
Annabeth nodded and felt a lump form in her throat. Slowly, she told Reyna about everything that had unfolded after she had left her with Percy. Reyna listened quietly and intently the entire time that Annabeth spoke, but Annabeth couldn’t tell what she was thinking.
Annabeth finished by saying, “I know I shouldn’t have cornered him like that just because I was so angry about my knee, especially the whole confession thing, but at the same time, I can’t help being frustrated that he still refused to open up, right to the very end.”
When Reyna was silent, Annabeth looked at her and said, “You once said that you thought he lied all the time about how he felt and what he wanted. Is this what you meant?”
“Not exactly,” Reyna admitted. “I thought it was something more malicious, but after seeing how he is around you, it’s obvious how much he cares for you.”
“If he does,” Annabeth said softly, “it’s not in a way that I understand.”
“You’re not alone in feeling that way, I would imagine,” Reyna said. “We all have different ideas of what it means to love and be loved, and sometimes those ideas don’t match up.”
“And there’s nothing we can do about that then?” Annabeth asked.
Reyna shook her head. “No, it just means you both need to talk to about your needs. It’s not wrong to teach someone how to love you the way you need them to.”
“I would if he bothered to listen,” Annabeth said tersely.
“Really? From what you’ve told me about him, he seems to listen to you a great deal,” Reyna said, sounding surprised.
Annabeth worried her lower lip and hesitantly said, “I mean, yeah, I guess that’s accurate. But there’s still something that gets in the way, and I don’t know what it is.”
“I said this before, but it seems like he’s holding something back,” Reyna said. “Not in the way one hides secrets, but in the way you shoulder a burden, quietly and without complaint. Maybe it’s just that over time that weight has become too much to bear.”
Reyna’s words instantly struck a chord in her, even though she hadn’t fully processed them yet.
A wry smile danced on Reyna’s lips. “Reminds me a lot of my sister. Something about how sad their eyes look.”
Annabeth blinked in surprise - she had always pegged Reyna as an only child. “Wait, you have a sister?”
Reyna nodded and said, “Yeah, seven years older than me. Her name’s Hylla.”
She looked like she had more to say, so Annabeth remained silent and watched her. Reyna buried her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt and stared up at the sky with a sigh.
“My dad was a physically abusive piece of shit growing up, so much so that my mother left him. Unfortunately, she didn’t bother to take us with her, for whatever reason, so we had to fend for ourselves. As the older sibling, Hylla took it upon herself to protect me until she was old enough to move out and take me with her,” Reyna said.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Annabeth said quietly.
“It’s whatever. We’re fine now, for the most part,” Reyna said, shrugging. “But sometimes I can tell that it still eats at Hylla. It wouldn’t be that big a deal, but she has a hard time opening up or putting herself first. Over the years, I’ve tried my best to help her through it, but it’s something she still struggles with.”
“Eventually, I realized that there was really nothing I could do,” Reyna said, pursing her lips. “So instead I swore to myself that I would be open and straight-forward about everything, in the hopes that maybe if I could show her there was another way, it might change something. And who knows, maybe it’s all for nothing, but at least I am being true to myself and honest about what I want.”
Reyna traced the lines on her palm and swallowed thickly. “But it’s really tough. People think it’s easy and assume nothing scares me but they’re wrong. I’m terrified, like all the time, but seeing how much it tears away at my sister, keeping everything locked up inside, I— I don’t ever want to live that way.”
“I think you’re amazing,” Annabeth said softly. “I can’t begin to imagine how much courage that takes.”
Reyna gave her a smile and said, “Thanks. That means a lot.”
Annabeth shook her head. “I should be the one thanking you, for sharing all of this.”
“It’s no problem. I only brought it up because your situation reminded me of my sister and I. Maybe I’m totally off base about that, I don’t know,” Reyna said.
“No, um, it was definitely helpful,” Annabeth said.
Reyna took Annabeth’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “You still look conflicted.”
Annabeth laughed breathlessly and shrugged. “I-I don’t know. I guess I’m still having a hard time accepting that we’re even in this situation. It just hurts to find out that I didn’t know him anywhere near as well as I thought I did.”
“Why does that have to hurt?” Reyna asked. “What is it that troubles you so much?”
Annabeth had to pause and really think about Reyna’s question because nothing immediately came to mind. It was only now that she realized that it was actually kind of strange that she was so distraught about this to begin with. It wasn’t like there was anything particularly awful about the situation. After all, this sort of thing was totally common, but it still seemed to profoundly unsettle her all the same. She was just having a hard time understanding why that was the case.
“It’s hard to say,” Annabeth admitted. “I think it’s because Percy’s the only person in my life that I have ever truly been able to rely on, and finding out that I don’t fully know him scares me. If I don’t know him, utterly and completely, then how can I count on him? It just makes me feel really insecure, like this is all a house of cards that could come tumbling down at any moment.”
Reyna sighed and said, “I don’t know. I just think knowing someone is a pretty impossible standard to set for yourself.”
Annabeth furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”
“Well, in my experience, a person isn’t something to be known like a fact in a book,” Reyna said. “The human heart isn’t something quite so definitive. A person is always ever in the process of unraveling, constantly revealing themselves moment by moment, piece by piece. None of us ever really knows one another, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters is the effort we make to know one another, not whether we succeed. That’s all that love is: finding someone that you make the effort to know, to discover and rediscover, over and over again. And they do the same for you.”
“But then how can we ever trust anyone?” Annabeth asked desperately.
“You take a leap of faith,” Reyna said simply. “I wish I could say there was some trick to never having your trust broken but that’s not possible. Trust, by its very nature, is a brittle thing, but that’s also what makes it worth anything. The only reason trust holds any value at all is because it is something that needs to be earned.”
Reyna’s words made Annabeth recall what Percy had told her atop Aspen Peak. She hadn’t fully understood what he had meant at the time, but now she realized that there was a power to vulnerability that she didn’t know existed. It was a paradox but only by opening herself to heartbreak could she ever find what she was looking for: something permanent.
Annabeth managed a half-smile and said, “Percy told me it was like letting someone touch your heart with their hands and praying they didn’t crush it between their fingers, but that it was something we needed to do anyways.”
“That’s a pretty good way to put it,” Reyna laughed.
Annabeth sighed and said, “Would be nice if relationships weren’t so fucking complicated.”
“Agreed,” Reyna said, yawning. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late.”
Annabeth nodded. “Thanks again for visiting me and for the advice. It was really helpful.”
“And thank you for listening,” Reyna said, smiling.
“I hope someday I’ll be able to live as strongly as you do,” Annabeth said.
“You already live that way,” Reyna said, shrugging. “You just doubt yourself too much.”
Annabeth worried her lower lip and nodded. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
Reyna offered one final smile and said, “Guess I’ll head out then. Keep me posted about your leg and everything. When you can walk, we should hit up the batting cages again. Take your mind off things.”
“I’d like that,” Annabeth smiled.
“See you later, Annabeth.”
“You too, Reyna.”
Annabeth watched and waited for Reyna to leave before she sighed and headed back inside the hospital herself. She felt lighter for the first time in weeks. Reyna’s advice stuck in the back of her mind, and Annabeth took some time to digest it. She had a feeling it would help her figure out her path going forward.
Piper came to pick her up on the day she was discharged from the hospital. By then, Annabeth could walk with the help of a brace that helped keep most of her weight off her knee, but she could only walk for a few minutes or so at most before the strain piled up and became too much. Piper leaned against the side of her car and watched Annabeth hobble over before she rushed in and gave Annabeth a hug.
“Didn’t realize you were so happy to see me,” Annabeth joked.
“Shut up,” Piper mumbled against her skin. “I’ve been worried sick about you.”
Annabeth swallowed thickly and whispered, “Thanks, Pipes.”
Piper pulled away and offered a gentle smile. “Ready to go then?”
Piper opened the passenger’s side door for Annabeth and waited for Annabeth to take a seat before she did so as well. Annabeth rolled down the windows and relished in the late April breeze when it flowed across her face. Piper started the car and turned the radio on before she pulled out of the hospital parking lot and onto the interstate.
Once they were on their way, Annabeth turned to Piper and said, “You’re still okay with me staying with you right? I complete get if that’s not an option anymore.”
“No, you’re totally fine,” Piper assured her. “It’ll be nice to have some company. Besides, my place is too fucking big for only one person.”
“Your dad’s still away on a shoot then?” Annabeth asked.
Piper shrugged. “Probably. Didn’t bother asking.”
Annabeth nodded slowly and turned back to the window, but Piper looked at her and said, “Your parents aren’t going to flip out about this right?”
“Oh, I’m sure Helen will kick up a fuss, but that’s kind of par for the course,” Annabeth said.
“I’m all for it and everything, but have you really thought this through? I mean, leaving your family is a huge decision,” Piper said.
Annabeth gave her a significant look and said, “In all the time you’ve known me, when have I ever not thought things through?”
“Alright, fair point,” Piper admitted. “I’m still worried though.”
“I was going to have to leave for college anyways. This is basically only moving up the schedule. Besides, I’m pretty sure they’ll be glad to finally see me gone,” Annabeth said.
Piper grimaced and nodded. “I wish you didn’t have to go through all this. Especially now, with your leg and all.”
“It is what it is,” Annabeth said, shrugging.
They drove along in silence for a while before Piper glanced at her again and said, “I, uh, wanted to ask you about something unrelated.”
“Fire away.”
“I’m not sure if you know anything, but Percy has been acting really strange lately,” Piper said. “I’ve tried asking him about it, but he just smiles and says that it’s nothing.”
Annabeth sighed. She had been expecting this, but it was still rough now that it was finally here. Slowly, Annabeth began to explain the whole fake dating arrangement from the start of the school year and everything that had happened since then, culminating in their confrontation after her injury. Piper didn’t say so much as word, but Annabeth noticed the way her fingers tightened around the steering wheel so hard they drained of blood.
When she was done, Annabeth watched Piper with bated breath, waiting for the worst. Piper just exhaled forcefully and said, “Christ, what a mess.”
“I know,” Annabeth said mildly.
“So this whole time, you guys weren’t actually dating then? You were just lying about it?”
Annabeth hung her head and said, “Yeah, pretty much.”
Piper was quiet for a moment before she shook her head incredulously. “I mean, I knew something was up with how jittery you were about the whole dating thing, but I never expected this.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner,” Annabeth said. “I was afraid you’d be mad at me.”
“Oh, I am mad at you. Furious, actually. But I’m equally as frustrated with Percy. As bad an idea as it was on your part, he should never have accepted. He knows better,” Piper said, fuming. “A pair of idiots, the both of you. What were you both thinking?”
“I’m sorry,” Annabeth said.
“Well, what’s done is done, I guess,” Piper sighed. “Honestly, maybe this what the both of you needed. Maybe now you’ll finally sort out your relationship.”
“Or maybe this is the end of it for good,” Annabeth said wryly.
“Love the optimism, babe.”
Annabeth huffed a laugh and said, “I’ll try my best to fix this, but I don’t know if I can.”
Piper was quiet for a while before she said, “Give it another shot. Maybe things will be different now that he’s had time to think about all this on his own too.”
“Yeah, you might be right,” Annabeth said.
There was another pause before Annabeth said, “You’re not gonna rescind your offer to let me crash with you, right?”
Piper snorted and said, “I have half a mind to, but I won’t. As stupid as you are, you’re still my best friend, and I’m not going to turn my back on you.”
“I don’t appreciate the insult, but thank you,” Annabeth said, smiling.
Piper glanced at her and jabbed her with her elbow. “Don’t look so happy with yourself or I might change my mind.”
“What, I’m not allowed to be happy that you called me your best friend?” Annabeth asked innocently.
Piper rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t try and schmooze your way out of this, you know what you’ve done. Especially, after that whole spiel about how you always think things through too.”
They pulled up in front of Annabeth’s house, and the brief levity in the air dissipated immediately. Annabeth set her jaw and took a deep breath, but her heart still beat faster in her chest anyways. Piper gave her a look of concern and squeezed her forearm.
“You sure you don’t want me to come with?” Piper whispered.
Annabeth shook her head. “No, this is something I need to do alone.”
Piper nodded but she still looked worried as Annabeth steadied herself and stepped out of the car. She hobbled to the front door and stepped inside with the spare key hidden beneath the flower pot. It was quiet inside the house, but the cars were still in the driveway so her father and step-mother had to be home. Annabeth pursed her lips and made her way upstairs to her room.
There was a suitcase hidden in her closet, and she pulled it out and opened it on the floor of her bedroom. She packed as many clothes as she could inside and stuffed her laptop, charger, phone charger, and water bottle inside her backpack. Once she was satisfied that she had everything prepared, she sat on her bed with a sigh.
Annabeth took a look around the room and felt a sudden rush of nostalgia wash over her. This was probably the last time she would ever come here, she mused. It was littered with all sorts of knick knacks and photos, posters and sketches. As much as she hated living in this house, this was the only place she could call her own. Leaving it almost felt like killing a part of herself off. Her step-mother would turn it into a storage room or something once she was gone, and soon there would be no trace that she had ever lived here. Something about that hurt, even though Annabeth knew it was for the best.
She stood up, feeling more than a little melancholy, and steeled her heart. There was still one last thing she needed to do. Annabeth put her luggage in the hallway and tentatively stepped into her father’s study. Thankfully, he wasn’t there. She riffled through the drawers of his desk in search of the old brown briefcase he stashed old letters in. It was always weird to her that he just kept letters, but he said he liked to have records in case companies tried to swindle him out of money. It was hidden away in some dark corner, and she dumped the contents onto the carpet.
There were hundreds of envelopes so it took her some time to sift through them all, but a few minutes later Annabeth’s worst fears were confirmed. There was an unopened letter addressed to her from Berkeley, dated October 4th.
That wasn’t the worst of it however.
There was another letter from Stanford. Northwestern. Duke. Cornell. Dartmouth. All dated from late September to early October. All unopened.
Annabeth had always felt something off about the fact that her Berkeley letter never reached her. She had dismissed it as a fluke but during her stay at the hospital it occurred to her that there could have been a more malevolent explanation. Seeing the letters now only confirmed her worst suspicions, but the sense of betrayal still hit her harder than she had anticipated.
She snatched the letters and stormed downstairs, as quickly as she could with her brace. Her father and step-mother were in the living room watching the news.
Helen blinked in surprise and said, “Annabeth? I didn’t know you were home from the hospital.”
Annabeth ignored her and held up the envelopes, her hands trembling. “What’s the meaning of this?”
“You’re going to have to be a little more specific, dear,” Helen said mildly.
“These are college letters. Addressed to me. Why did no one tell me?” Annabeth asked.
Helen shrugged and said, “I didn’t think they were important.”
Her excuse was so bad, it actually made Annabeth’s head hurt. “How could you not think that those might be important to your step-daughter, a senior in high school?”
A gleam of irritation flashed in Helen’s eyes. “You have been getting letters since junior year, and they always just asked you to apply, so I thought these were more of the same.”
“Let’s pretend for a moment that your terrible excuse is valid - you still should have shown me these,” Annabeth said.
“You’re still a child. Talk to your parents with respect,” Helen snapped.
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “You literally lost me the chance to go to fucking Stanford, so you’ll have to forgive me for not having much respect for you.”
“Annabeth,” her father warned.
The smart thing to do would have been to drop it then and there. Nothing good could have come of this. The damage was already done. Continuing this would only make things worse.
Annabeth knew all this, but at that moment, she was filled with such uncontrolled rage, rage that had been built upon years upon years of horrid treatment from Helen and her father who couldn’t be bothered to care about the fact that his new wife routinely emotionally abused his first-born daughter, that she couldn’t bring herself to stop.
“She fucking knew this was important and she hid these from me anyways,” Annabeth snapped. “She’s so insecure about that fact that I’m more intelligent than her kids that she has to sabotage me.”
“Annabeth, that’s enough,” her father said sharply.
Annabeth turned to him and balled her hands in fists. “And you! You never say anything. You just let her treat me like absolute dogshit, and you don’t even care.”
“Young lady, you are so disrespectful that it honestly blows my mind,” Helen said coldly. “How you can accuse me of treating you poorly when you never bother to interact with the family and treat us like strangers is beyond me.”
“That’s rich coming from the person who couldn’t be bothered to visit her step-daughter once in the hospital,” Annabeth snorted.
A vein bulged on Helen’s forehead, and Annabeth knew she had her. “The reason I do my best to stay out of the house isn’t rocket science. From day one, you have done absolutely everything you can to make me feel unwelcome in this family-”
“Let me tell you something that you don’t seem to understand: no one is ruining your life, dear,” Helen interrupted. “You ruin things yourself and blame everyone else for it instead. You are just an ungrateful, spiteful little girl that does nothing but cause people pain.”
Annabeth stiffened like she’d been hit in the face with a shovel. Her thoughts turned to radio static and her chest squeezed so painfully that it was hard for her to breathe.
No words came to her.
Without meaning to, she turned to her father.
“D-Dad?” Annabeth asked, her voice cracking.
Annabeth wasn’t even sure what she was asking for, just that at that moment, she felt very much like she was seven years old again, asking him to check for monsters hiding in the closet. Back then she had taken it for granted that he would help her, that he would keep her safe. Suddenly, it made sense why she kept looking to him whenever Helen tormented her, even though she knew he would never come to her aid. She thought she had abandoned that hope a long time ago, but now Annabeth realized some small part of her had still held on to it, like someone tending to a dying flame.
Still, there was nothing that could prepare her for the silence in the living room at that moment as her father simply sat there, his lips pressed in a hard line, still not looking at her.
Annabeth forced herself to take a deep breath. She wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t going to let Helen win this.
No, instead, Annabeth turned to her father and offered him a strained smile. “Since it is apparent that you aren’t going to say anything on my behalf, like always, I just wanted to tell you a few things before I left. And yes, I am leaving. I’m done living in this house, which should delight the both of you. I don’t know that would even worry you, but rest assured: I’ll figure things out on my own, like I always have.”
When Helen bristled at the accusation, Annabeth offered her a smile like poisoned honey and said, “Before you open your mouth, feel free to shut the fuck up. I’m talking to my father right now.”
Helen went red, but Annabeth stared her down, begging her to say something. Helen glanced at her father, but for whatever reason, he didn’t come to her aid this time. She shook her head incredulously and left the living room, leaving Annabeth alone with her father.
When she was gone, he looked at Annabeth for the first time and said, “You went too far.”
“I honestly don’t give a shit,” Annabeth said simply.
Her father opened his mouth to chastise her, undoubtedly, but Annabeth bulldozed on through.
“Don’t bother to defend her. I’ll be gone in a few minutes anyways, and then it won’t matter since you’ll never have to see me again. But until then, you are going to shut up and listen to me,” Annabeth said.
Her father pressed his mouth in a thin line, which Annabeth took as permission to keep going.
“I don’t know when or how things went so wrong between us. I still remember how it used to be, back when mom was still around,” Annabeth started.
“She’s gone, Annabeth,” he interrupted.
“Yeah, I fucking know, but you don’t seem to realize you weren’t the only one she left behind,” Annabeth yelled.
“She left me, too, you know? And you have punished me for that, every day since she left,” Annabeth said, her voice cracking.
Annabeth steadied herself before she got too emotional and shook her head. “But I want you to know something - I am proud to be my mother’s daughter. Despite your best efforts to make me feel otherwise, I will not apologize for that, for being here, for existing. And I’m done looking to you for help or safety or even acknowledgement given you’ve long since proven to be utterly incapable of that. And I want you to know that someday I’ll find people who love and accept me, and I won’t ever have to spare a second of my life thinking about you and how you made me feel. Someday, I’ll heal and you’ll be nothing more than a bad memory.”
With that, Annabeth left to retrieve her luggage from the hallway before he could respond and left the house for good. Piper was pacing around her car and rushed over to her once she heard the door open and threw her arms around her.
“Are you okay?” Piper asked. “It sounded pretty bad in there.”
“Yeah,” Annabeth said, nodding. “I finally let go of something I should have a long time ago.”
Piper studied her for a moment before nodding to herself. “Alright, looks like that’s settled then. Let’s go get something to eat!”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “You’re dropping it, just like that?”
“You look like you’ve got it figured out on your own,” Piper said, shrugging. “Besides, I can tell this is something I can’t really help you with anyways.”
Annabeth smiled despite herself and shook her head. “I never thought the day would come when Piper McLean would know when to let sleeping dogs lie.”
Piper rolled her eyes and stashed her luggage in her car trunk. “Don’t make me change my mind about letting you stay.”
“That’s an empty threat if I’ve ever heard one,” Annabeth said, sliding into the passenger seat.
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” Piper muttered.
“But seriously though,” Annabeth said, clearing her throat. “Thank you. For everything. It means more to me than I can say.”
“You’re welcome,” Piper said softly. “I’m happy for you. Leaving that hellhole was a long time coming. You definitely made the right call.”
“What happened to all the asking me if I was sure about it and stuff?” Annabeth asked.
“I’ve always wanted you to leave. I just didn’t want to influence your decision,” Piper said.
Annabeth was quiet for a moment and said, “You’re actually a really good friend, huh?”
Piper gave her a cheeky grin and started the car. “I’m offended that it took you so long to notice.”
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night-fallz · 3 years
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Unexpected (part 2)
Two days have passed since Clint was saved by Jason. And for some reason, he still can't get the vigilante out of his mind.
Natasha teased him about it but he knows that if she sees Jason in action, she would be intrigued as well.
The way he fought was mesmerizing. Every bullet that was shot was so precisely aimed that the wounds weren't deadly.
Sure it knocked them out, but they weren't gonna die.
That form of marksmanship was only earned through years of hard work. And Clint's worked with Bucky enough times to know that Jason somehow predicted the next move of the attackers, aiming at the non-lethal body parts.
He has a feeling that Bucky and Jason would make an incredible duo.
Which is why he needs them to meet.
Clint doesn't usually do this but the more he thought about the bucket-wearing vigilante, the higher his list of questions got.
He took out his phone, leaning against the couch as he searched for the man that saved him.
vigilante wearing red bucket
He scrolled through google trying to find a decent article on the guy.
After thirty whole minutes of barely finding information, Clint wanted to throw his phone across the room. So far, all he's figured out was that Jason's territory was in Gotham and that his vigilante name is 'Red Hood'.
Which was... creative in a way?
At least it wasn't 'Red Bucket' or 'Bucket Head' or anything like that. It was definitely better than 'Green Arrow'.
After another failed search, he decided to finally give up. There was nothing about Red Hood. All the articles were mainly about Batman, Nightwing, a restaurant place, and a Robin!
He groaned and put his face in his hands. He doesn't care about those overrated heroes, he wants to find out more about Red Hood.
The guy was so cool... he wonders why there were barely any pieces written about him. The few sentences that he's read about the vigilante almost always depicted him in a bad light.
Which was honestly unfair.
He stared at his phone, contemplating on whether or not he should ask Natasha.
On the positive side, he knows that the assassin would have information on Red Hood. Natasha has information on everyone.
Clint didn't want Natasha to tease him even more! If she keeps up with the sarcastic comments then the other Avengers would be curious. And curious Avengers meant nosy people.
He felt himself shiver, really nosy people.
He swears that if he had a sister— older or younger, they would act exactly like how Natasha was acting right now.
He could practically imagine the smirk she was wearing on her face when she picked up.
"Hey, Clint." she casually greeted, "How are you?"
He refrained from gritting his teeth, "I'm doing good." he paused, eyes closing as he took a breath in, this hurt to admit. "I need your help."
"I know."
"What do you know about the Red Hood?"
"The Red Hood?" she hummed under her breath, "Let's see."
Clint heard her moving things around, then he could distinctly hear the noise of paper being flipped. "Do you just have documents of random vigilantes lying around your room?" he couldn't help but ask. "Is this an assassin thing?"
Does Bucky do this too?
"I'm getting you the information you need." she reminded, "How I keep track of the data I have is none of your business."
"Okay, okay." he surrendered, a smile making its way onto his face. "But why don't you just keep it on a computer? Wouldn't that make things easier for you?"
She ignored his question, "Red Hood is an excellent marksman," she stated. "He made his debut as a crime lord by showing a bunch of people a duffel bag filled with the heads of notorious criminals."
Clint let out a whistle, "That is an intense introduction. He's even better than I thought he would be."
"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "He's easily one of the most dangerous and capable vigilantes in Gotham. In a matter of months, he's managed to bring crime down Crime Alley by at least fifty percent. Something that Batman himself, couldn't do. His methods were vicious, but they worked. Extremely well. He's killed a lot of child molesters, human traffickers, and rapists."
Even though Natasha couldn't see him, he tilted his head to the side, biting the inside of his cheek. Clint could care less about what methods Jason used. If they worked, they worked. And it's not like those criminals didn't deserve it. It's just-
Killing takes a lot out of you. Especially when you're young. Clint would know.
He had no doubt in his head that Jason was an incredible fighter. Not to mention that he was also huge— in both height and muscle.
He can see why he has a majority of Gotham fooled.
But, for about a minute, after they won against the ninjas, Jason removed his helmet in order to get a breath of fresh air.
A mask might've been covering his eyes, but Clint's been in the vigilante business for years now. He remembers clear as day, just how young the vigilante looked under the sun.
When Clint first started, he was thankful that he had Natasha to talk to whenever things got hard. Whenever he felt guilty for taking someone's life. No matter how much they deserved it.
Hell, he's still thankful for Natasha now. Without her, Clint would probably be dead. His body found bleeding out in an abandoned area, a neat row of scars on his thighs and arms.
He hopes that Jason has a friend like Natasha. Someone who'd be there for him no matter what. Someone who'd remind him that he was worth it. That he was loved.
Cause if not, then there is no way that the kid is okay.
Natasha's sharp voice interrupted his thoughts, "That was a few years ago. As far as I know, he doesn't kill anymore. The farthest that Hood would go now would be to permanently cripple someone. And even then, he would only do that when the person did something unforgivable."
After a few seconds of silence, Clint opened his mouth. "Is that it?" he couldn't help but question.
"Nope," Natasha admitted. "But it's all I'm willing to tell you."
"Fine then," he smirked. "Keep your assassiny secrets. I got more than I expected anyways."
"What did you get yourself into, Clint? Why all the sudden interest in him? Why all the sudden interest in a vigilante in Gotham?"
He knows that Natasha was just looking out for him. She was worried. "Do you remember a few days ago when I was saved by this Jason guy?" he asked.
"Yeah? You've been talking about him nonstop. He saved your ass and you gave him your number." she paused before adding, "Your private one."
He nodded, "Yeah. Well, he's the Red Hood."
"You're kidding."
"Nope. I searched him up and he had the same costume and everything."
"And he actually said that his name was Jason?"
"Yep." he tried to casually say, "It's probably cause Jason's a popular name and stuff."
"Maybe." Natasha hesitantly agreed, "But anyway, since you gave him your number, I think you should know that I've always wanted to meet him so if he texts you soon..."
Her voice trailed off and Clint couldn't hold in his sigh, "Yeah, yeah. I'll arrange a meet-up or whatever."
Her voice automatically brightened, "Actually?"
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Sure. But I wanted to introduce him to Bucky first."
Natasha made a shocked sound of betrayal, "Wha- but Clint!" she whined, "I'm the one who's asking. Not him."
"I know."
It took everything in him to stop the laugh from escaping his mouth.
Complaints about how unfair Clint was being made their way onto his ears and he relished each and every one of them. It wasn't often that he had something Natasha wanted.
Revenge was sweet.
After a few minutes, he let out an incredibly fake gasp. "Sorry, Natasha. I gotta go. I have a kitchen emergency."
"What the fuck, Clint." she demanded, "You don't even know how to cook. Remember the omelet incident? What emerg-"
He hung up.
Clint's definitely going to regret ending the call later. He knows it.
But right now, he could care less.
He has something Natasha wants, so she won't murder him.
... hopefully.
He hopes that he runs into the vigilante soon. Jason was cool and pretty fun to talk to. Clint definitely won't mind fighting at Red Hood's side once more.
They worked really well together.
While they were fighting, he knew that Jason was gonna have his back. He knew that Jason wasn't gonna let him get hurt. It was weird, considering that was the first encounter he's ever had with him.
He doesn't know when Jason is gonna decide to use his number, but he hopes that it'll be soon.
He has questions. And whenever Jason was ready, Clint hopes that he can answer.
Starting with the one that's been clouding his head; why did the Red Hood stop killing?
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okay, I didn’t expect to write a chapter this soon. but reading all the comments you guys left on the previous chapter motivated me. to be honest, I didn’t expect this fanfic to get as many hits as it did.
I don’t know when I’m planning on posting this chapter but right now, my goal is to write as much as I can.
I also don’t know exactly how busy my sophomore year of high school will be, but I feel like it’s better to be safe than sorry. Especially if I make the school volleyball team.
I finished writing this chapter on August 8th, and I have tryouts on the 9th through the 11th from 4-6 pm. (wish me luck!)
like always, please, please, please, leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! Whenever I get author’s block, I just re-read them and they help so, so much. If you don’t wanna leave a comment, that’s fine. If you liked this fanfic, please hit that kudos button though.
and if you just wanna chat or if you want to request any ideas or prompts, just message me here.
ooh, and if there’s anything specific you want to read in this series, please tell me. It never hurts to have any extra ideas. plus, I really want to make this fic more enjoyable for everyone.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Connections 5
Chapter 5
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
Masterlist *** First *** Previous *** Next
Marinette is now 7 and this is Mari’s first time back to Paris since the fair.
Summer break was always a pain and that was because she spent it with only Jean-Pierre and in her suite in the hotel. Chloe wouldn’t ever leave the hotel because she was the daughter of Style Queen and that meant she had a reputation to maintain. Except that all changes when Marinette comes to Paris.
That girl is the person who knows Chloe, other than a rich stuck-up brat, but that doesn’t mean other kids know that.
“Clo are you in” the little noirette called as she walked in, but she was different the bottom half of her midnight hair was bright purple just like her dad’s and it suited her.
“Mari-bug!” the blonde ran into her friend and hugged her. “That’s new” she said as she flicked her best friend’s hair.
The girl giggled, “yeah dad and Penny let me do it when we started the tour, I like it” the noirette laughed and Chloe smiled.
“it looks good” Chloe smiled; I can’t do that mom would freak. “So, any plans on how to sneak out this time?”
Mari smirked and shoved a backpack at her friend “Of course!”
“You are ridiculous…”
“Utterly ridiculous. I know” she was then pushed into another part of her room by the girl. “Now get dressed”
Chloe walked out in a pair of yellow gold leggings, under a dress that fell to her knees it faded from the bottom a silver to white at the top and was splattered with gold. She wore black flats and her hair was in her signature ponytail.
“This isn’t much of a disguise Mari” the blonde stated.
“Well not yet it isn’t” Mari pulled out a silver can with a black cap. “Now hold still” Mari was tugging the blonde’s hair and spraying it and when she finished most of her friend’s hair was black save for a few streaks of her golden hair. “How does it look now” the bluenette smirked, as she watched her friend’s reaction.
“If I add some glasses no one will know!” The blonde was jumping with joy as Mari reached into her bag and pulled out a pair of black glasses with bees along the legs and two golden bees in the corners.
“Like the Queen Bee you are” Mari stated as she looked at her friend. No one will be able to tell this is Style Queen’s daughter. Chloe is now just another regular Parisian kid and Paris is not going to know what hit them.
“What about you Mari” as soon as her friend said that she smiled and walked into the other room. When she walked out Mari was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a red shirt covered in black spots. On top of it she wore a dark grey cardigan that fell to her knees, and a pair of black and red high tops. She finished by putting her hair in two space buns tucking the purple away and rearranging her bangs to fall from a center part. “Wow, a bee and ladybug are amount to storm Paris” Chole remarked. Oh, how right she was although she didn’t know it.
“Then let’s go Bee”
“Alright Bug” the two girls ran out of the hotel and made their way to the park. For the three days Mari spent in Paris everyone was talking about the chaos that was brought by the ‘Ladybug’ and the ‘Bee’ as they seemed to draw everyone’s attention. In the span of three days the two planted orange tiger lilies that covered every school potted trees, they snuck into an made a cameo in her dad’s interview with Nadia Chamock, and they somehow managed to make every bird in Paris land on the Eiffel Tower. They didn’t even try to do it, they just wanted to feed the pigeons but soon every bird in the city was there. By the end of the week the ladybug and bee were nicknamed the Lilies of Paris.
Summer was too quick to end but Mari didn’t seem to mind. That just meant that she would be returning to Gotham and would be with her brothers. Not to mention that they were in essence training her when she was with them.
Most of her time with the boys was mainly spent with Dick. She and Dick would parkour all around the cave and she was a natural at gymnastics. She got the hang of her yo-yo when transformed and that was when they noticed that her strength and stamina was off the charts compared to other children.
She and Tim would mostly work on hand to hand combat but that mostly resulted in Tim on the floor, while Mari stood triumphant.
Bruce specifically tried to keep Mari from Jason, in fear that he would teach Little Mari how to shoot. But his attempts were in vain, to his credit Jason didn’t show her how to shoot a gun but how to disarm and disassemble different gums in a safe way. That was actually pretty good thinking and he should have thought of that.
To Bruce’s astonishment, or he should really say utter horror, little Mari loved Jason’s motorcycle. It got to the point that not even Jagged could argue whenever Jason picked up Mari from school on his bike. Both he and Jagged swear that Jason is going to end up teaching her to ride before either of them teach her to drive. Jason just loves the fact that Mari loves to ride with him, and Bruce doesn’t oppose this as Jason is always more careful whenever she is with him, or around them in general.
Bruce could tell that this little pixie, yes even he admits that he calls her pixie, has changed the entire family. He would however not let her out as the Ladybug holder in Gotham, but she was adamant on changing their suits and crafted them. Hell, he knew she was a wizard with design but even he was shocked at what she could do. What that girl could do with a needle, thread, and Kevlar reinforced fabric and armor plating was amazing.
He would force her to even make some for their daily lives. Dick, Tim, Alfred, and Himself had gotten several suits that were damn impossible to tell what they were made of. Jason got several more casual outfits and many leather jackets. Mari even made herself several outfits, particularly her favorites were legging that she wore with her uniform and when she rode with Jason. It came to the point that Bruce practically forced Mari to only wear reinforced clothes for her protection, thankfully Tikki was on his side and she did, the only exception was her uniform.
Mari was never a normal kid and that much was evident, it wasn’t until she and Tikki were talking during a stay at Wane manor when she was 9 that everything came to light. Alfred walked into the room and that was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was Tikki that changed his perception.
Tikki was floating in front of Miss Marinette, looking sad and trying to comfort the child. Alfred immediately went to the girl and noticed what was happening.
“Miss Mari” he tried to get her attention, but she simply stared straight forwards. The family began to come into the room and silence permeated the manor.
That was when she stared at Jason with tears running down her face, “J… Jay… Jay-Jay why are… why are you covered in chaos magic” everyone was staring at the girl quiet as they realized what she was saying. “Why are you covered in magic from the Lazarus Pit?” the collective in the room were shocked no one made a sound. As Alfred looked around, he even saw Tikki shake in what appeared to be a mix of sadness and fright.
“How do you know that name, Mari?” the little god spoke finally breaking the silence.
“I” she looked around seemingly unsure if she should continue “I just heard it, I saw it, it was it was like a ritual”
“Tikki is this normal for a miraculous holder” Bruce asked attempting to take the attention from little Mari.
Tikki simply shook her head “No it isn’t. seeing the Lazarus arura is for a Ladybug, but this knowledge is not normal…” then she simply stared at the girl. “Mari do you think?” the question was left unfinished, but the meaning was not lost on Mari.
Miss Marinette looked shocked and seemed close to tears. Resigned she finally spoke “it might be, it’s the most logical” after this the child went silent.
“What does this incur exactly?” Alfred spoke from kneeling beside Marinette.
The little god seemed to think before finally stating “Her soulmate” that left everyone quiet once again. “Mari knows how to fight, that much you know but what you don’t is that she has never had any type of training. The same goes for several languages she has never studied, she can read a person’s body language without any difficulty, and now this.” the little goddess states. The boys simply stare at her.
Bruce kneeled down and pulled Mari into a hug. And seemed to whisper something into her ear. Her eyes widened in surprise before she began to cry, and she was taken into Bruce’s arms and they walked out. The next thing Alfred knew was that it was loud, and the boys began to rush after Bruce. They finally found him in Mari’s room speaking softly, to softly to overhear, that they had to open the door but were met with an icy glare and left.
@thanks-captain-obvious @mandy989  @our-preciousss @readingismyoxygen @birdy912 @shifty-lesbian-retro-goblin @todaylillypads @laurcad123 @deamonangel27 @be-happy-every-day-please @fandom-trapped-03 @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @t1dwarrior-of-earth @saays-bitch @kawaiigiantjudgefish @k-poplunardreams @animegirlweeb @animezodiac707 @weird-pale-blonde-person @myazael @toodaloo-kangaroo @moonlightstar64 @miraculous-simmer7 @wannajointhecrabcult @blackmagicforever @iamabrownfox @inkattbi @i-wanna-be-a-ninja @justcourttee @consumeconstantly @abrx2002 @livelifeauthorstyle @certifiedbidisaster @dreamykitty25 @ironspiderstark @fantasyislive @ertyzeta @dast218 @susiej1118 @sassakitty @lilyreadbooks12 @dawnwave16
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bluboothalassophile · 3 years
#21 from your prompt list jayrae with kids . The children drawer horrible drawings but they still hang it up anyway because they love them
Okay few things before you guys start reading this.
1. It’s set in HfaB Universe, not really spoilers but just in case, yes it’s spoilers.
2. I don’t see HfaB JayRae having children, however, they do have all of Jay’s family which is a boatload and a half of kids of various ages because in HfaB they did really adopt the ‘It Takes a Village’ aspect of family because they’re so big. Also, I just cannot see those two ever having children, just doesn’t strike me as something they’d want or strive to have.
3. Barbara Gordon Married Luke Fox at some undetermined point of HfaB, which is important to know because they adopted Carrie Kelley and Nell Little and later had joint custody over Thomas Grayson-Gordon-Fox with Dick.
Jack Bollocks...
Jason and Raven were probably the only ‘kid-less’ couple in his family. And he would say that loosely. Jason’s family was obscenely large, and while he didn’t think it was because of a lack of birth control it was definitely a lack of adoption impulse control. Which was fine, it was fine, it was family, and his family was huge and diverse and that was fine.
But now there were a hoard of kids he always seemed to have on hand and he wasn’t a dad, and Raven wasn’t a mom. And Jason knew, not even a month into their marriage, they weren’t likely to have any children of their own, which was fine by him, and Raven never brought up the matter as an issue.
See, as a demoness, part mortal and part divine, a granddaughter of Death and God, Raven was infertile, she would not have a child in the traditional way, and Jason was fine with that. And between them, they had both not been inclined to adopt a child because his family was already huge, Jason had several orphanages and safe havens, and had restructured the fostering system in Gotham to such a point that he was mainly involved with kids already, they just didn’t feel a need to have kids.
At the end of the day, it was just him and just Rae, and they kind of liked that about them.
Still, for not having any kids, there was so much kid art on his fridge that he was genuinely concerned for space. And today was proving that as he held Luke and Bab’s daughter in his arms, and the other one clung to his leg.
Nell Little was an orphan that Luke and Babs had fostered and adopted, she was abandoned in Gotham’s system. Jason loved his ‘niece’ fiercely, but she was at the art stage, and as he was a babysitter most frequently, that meant he had the art that was ‘for him’ and not ‘for mom and dad’ put on his fridge. Her older sister, Carrie Kelly, was clinging to his leg and snickering like this was a challenge he would fail, which was irritating. Carrie, for not being genetically related to Babs, had a lot of Babs traits. Their elder brother wasn’t helping matters because he was laughing to himself as he played on his phone. Thomas Grayson-Gordon-Fox was the interdimensional child product of Barbara and Dick from another dimension somewhere in the dark multi-verse who had been sent here for sanctuary purposes; Jason honestly didn’t think Tommy even knew he was from another dimension he’d been here so long.
“Jay?” Nell whimpered as she stared at his fridge.
“I’m gonna put it up, I just need to find the perfect spot so we can admire it!” he promised.
“T’eres no room!” Nell sobbed.
“Raven!” Jason shouted for his wife who materialized from no where and floated over his shoulder.
“Yes?” she drawled out.
“Where would be a good spot to display this?” he asked.
“Oh, lovely, is that a blue sun?” Raven asked Nell.
“It’s the ocean!” Nell quipped happily.
“Yeah, Rae, obviously that’s the ocean!” he defended playfully.
“My mistake,” she chuckled. “Um… how about we start a wall?” Raven offered.
“Alright,” he agreed, and he saw Carrie pouting which had her big brother laughing. Jason found a wall on his warehouse to tack up Nell’s painting and looked at his wife for help. “We’ll put it uptop so that way we can fill this whole wall,” he assured her.
“REALLY!” Nell gasped excitedly.
“Of course. Family wall of art,” he stated.
“It’ll be lovely,” Raven chuckled as she came back down to land beside him.
“It’ll look like a Jackson Pollock painting, but what the hell,” he sighed.
“Who Jack Bollocks?” Nell whispered in his ear.
“Famous artist,” Raven answered for him.
“Oh, so… we…artists?” the toddler asked.
“That’s right sweetie, you are,” Jay agreed. “Go paint us another painting and we’ll get to filling up this wall.”
“YAY!” Nell scrambled down and ran for the paints with Carrie, Tommy rolled his eyes and followed.
“It’s so ugly,” he whispered.
Raven laughed as she leaned on him.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but none of us, except Dami, are artistic!” he muttered.
“Jay,” she laughed. “Maybe we should have your other relatives join and diverse-ify the wall of art?” she offered. “Terry’s not bad with sketching, and Mar'i makes those beautiful abstract patterns.”
“Rae, we will lose this warehouse if we let the rugrats take over,” he pointed out.
“Jay, we already lost this warehouse to your rugrats, that’s why we have Massachusetts,” she pointed out.
“Oh, and what are you thinking?” he asked as he smiled a bit.
“Long weekend, just us,” she murmured.
“I like that idea,” he agreed. “Should be able to get my family to wrangle their kids into place.”
“Mmm, that’s a lot of kids,” she chuckled.
“They really need to work on their adoption impulses, I mean all my birth control jokes are out the window because of the lack of adoption impulses,” he grumbled.
Raven was laughing hard against him which had him smiling as he slung his arm around her shoulders.
“Jason, it’s a good thing you can’t make the birth control jokes,” she mused. “Besides, found families are precious, and that makes your family special in ways no one will ever understand.”
“Yeah, richest, large family in the states,” he mused. “We’re bigger than the Kardashians!”
“See, good things,” she mused.
“I can see the reality show now. ‘Keeping up with the Bats!’, it’d drive people insane,” he mused.
“Especially when they see the kid art,” she mused. “It’s like the shrink ink blobs,” she pointed out.
He smiled as he kept from laughing.
“In all seriousness though, it is lovely, even if it’s horrible,” she assured him. “I think it livens up our home.”
“And the perpetual chaos doesn’t do that already!?”
“No, that’s just a byproduct of Bats.”
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lifeexperience · 4 years
Maribat March 2021 - Half time
In my AO3 account I am also updating the 'A playboy billionaire, an ambassador and the secret love-child' title, and sometimes I add(ed) commentary why I write something the way I do.
From the last fifty days here is all the plus note:
First day
In Red Robin (2009-2011) comics Vicki Vale was a little bit too noisy for her own good, that's why I used her personal annoyance against Bruce Wayne in this story.
Third day
Vanessa Rios was an assistant district attorney in Gotham in the Robin (1993-2009) run. Here I am using her as the Wayne's legal team head. Tamara Fox, Lucius Fox's daughter, is friends with Tim Drake in Red Robin (2009-2011) comics and here too. Also she is an intern with the HR department who knows about the BatFam alteregos.
Fifth day
In the comics, Alfred always followed Bruce to his 'trips' (in 'Batman and Son' to London, 'Batman & Robin Annual' to an scavenger hunt, in 'Batman Inc.' to every country where they found representatives...) However because of Damian's unpredictable behaviour he stayed at the manor with the children in this story.
Sixth day
So Young Justice thing is a little complicated to me if I dare to say something about it. There was the 'Young Justice: The Secret' and its sequels. Then there were 'The New52' and 'DC Rebirth' era, plus the animation show. And they all are kind of okay..ish, furthermore I wanted to keep the principles like the main members (Tim Drake, Connor Kent, Bart Allen and Cassie Sandsmark), however I never liked their too childish behavior in some of the works (and the mixing with 'The Titans). So in this story, here, they are more adult..ish, but more relaxed and cheerful than 'The Titans' ever was (like in comics, not in the shows).
Eighth day
In the 'Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir' show they showed Lila as a manipulator without any remorse, which got me to think she has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). I am not a doctor but I had some basic lesson in psychology, and I have a natural curiosity about things so I always research everything. With diagnosed ASPD the person has to be older then 18, however I read its symptoms can show up in childhood, and it can lead to an earlier diagnosis like 14-15 years old early.
In the case of Lila she deceives people and uses them (✓). Don't makes long term plans or thinking through about her behavior (✓), however has a set on some goal she wants to achieve (✓). She has a sense of superiority above of her classmates and adults in her environment (✓), nevertheless does't have any remorse or guilt to mistreat them (✓). Uses charisma and her fake charming persona to get something or someone (✓), however didn't value them more than tools or prizes (✓).
I didn't see any real aggressive behavior from Lila beside akumatizations (✓), but on its own I think it's enough evidence, that she has this disorder (and not the many that she claimed). In normal aggressive way Lila didn't show herself (like physical violence, loud angry outbursts, big fits in front of everyone) yet, rather she uses Akumatization to hide that kind of behavior (when Adrien tried to stand up she became willingly Chameleon, or the Heroe's Day, or Oni-Chan). So her Akumatised forms and helping to Hawkmoth are the evidences that she has aggressive behavior, however they are not the classic forms (but we also can remember the threatening in the bathroom, but I think that was more intimidation and showing her superiority then pure aggressiveness).
And I wanted that recreate and strengthen this 'fact' a little bit so it would be more obvious than in the show.
Ninth day
In the comics there are so many take on Bruce Wayne it's kind of hard to count it. We could list the Batman persona, when he kind of let his children do what they want within his no-kill-rule (like living alone at fourteen with bunch of other teenager - 'Teen Titans' or 'Young Justice' or as it looks like to go rough - Robin, Red Hood). And there is the obvious martyr-parent take, when he has to know everything about his children, but he is always silent about the important things ('Death of the family' - 'Batman and Robin: Born to kill' - 'The Hunt for Robin'). And one of my favorites the worried-tired father take, when he is kind of showing his emotions and trying to love his kids ('Super Sons' - 'Robin Rises' - 'Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush' ...).
And I decided to use the last with a more active take from the first (like he lets everyone do their thing but he is monitoring them within reasons). In the comics there are many accusations about being someones father (with Julie Madison or Mariah Shelley), and here in my take he is trying to be responsible (for the sake of his children, mainly for Damian and Jason) and checks every claim out personally (so they also can do DNS test).
Tenth day
Alya Césaire is a complicated someone in the show. At first she is portrayed as a fierce helper for the protagonist, Marinette. She is stubborn and reckless, but royal to her best friends.
Then came Lila and the makers sharpened her stubborn tunnel vision. This I saw it first at the 'Lady Wifi' episode, when she clearly didn't remember about the first day, when Ladybug saved Chloé (or ignored it). After that she always fixated on 'Adrienette' (or everything else if it's interesting - Dark Cupid) when the girl, herself had other things to do (Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer 2, Reflektdoll 2, Timebreaker). So it was not that big surprise when her tunnel vision turned to Lila, and she (and everybody in her class) forgot about that they all met Jagged Stone and with his crocodile already.
Yeah, it's all true, however unlike Lila, Alya didn't show any other big social flaw. And she is 14 years old and middle child, which is kind of important in someone personality. She has to be a mature figure and a little child at the same time in her sibling's eyes. She has to compete attention in their parents eyes and be smart about it.
Moreover if we look at the Collège Françoise Dupont's students, they are all spoiled, not just Chloé or Lila or Adrien. Yes, they are not that bad like the three, but they are all sheltered to a certain degree. Their family don't have financial problems (famous chef, designers, mayor, famous bakery, curator in the most famous museum, police officer, famous pantomime, ...), plus they are all in a prestigious school where they can't meet people with everyday problems (and rich spoiled kid is not an everyday occurrence in my country). And beside some vision problems (Max, Sabrina) they are all healthy and the first time to meet a disability is when Lila arrived. So it's natural if they don't really know how to interact right with her (putting aside that whole lie thing).
And I think they, especial Alya, need first a little life experience, before they could be called responsible about their acts. And here I am trying to write it this kind of way, where they are all flawed, but they can learn from it.
Human being can be shallow and not perfect. These children only heard one perspective from Lila, and another from Marinette. In the show the makers not exactly specified about how well the classmates know Marinette and how depth Marinette and Alya friendship is, so there is already some trust issue.
Like yeah all of they are going to concerts, cinema, each others, however they didn't show so far any serious conservation between them (maybe the only exception is Adrien-Marinette combo). Until this year when Adrien and Alya got transferred in the class, the classmates don't even help Marinette with Chloé bullying. And one year friendship - how beautiful is it tho - is not that depth and stable, especially with that many secrets they have. And Lila 'charming' personality came into this still fragile relationship at the right time to prove this.
I am not saying that the makers is doing good to simplifies the relationships. Because rather they missed so many ziccers for the sake of promote new hero designs and the overwritten romantic scene, it's physical hurting me. But they are right that we are talking sheltered-traumatized-too naive kids, who sometimes had unearned magic powers (looking at Chloé, Alya, Kim).
And I didn't ever going the length of mentioning the adult characters. It's an other kind of wormhole.
Marinette was the only one who openly disobeyed Lila's wants. She stands up against her lies in the public so she is a real obstacle for Lila. While Adrien is only trying in the background without any witness (I don't say it's bad, because with some case it's better, but not here), and the boy is too valuable to Lila.
Lila already showed in the series she didn't stop with the lies and she is brave enough to ruin someone carrier with them (Marinette - 'Ladybug', Nathalie and Gorilla - 'Oni-Chan', Alya - 'Volpina'). And Adrien watched all of it in the front seat, and he kind of knows that Lila's main target here to discredit and broke Marinette/Ladybug (and Adrien, himself also, but it's his perspective and he is very sheltered and naive about it).
And this story she got another one to ruin. Bruce Wayne, himself. And as her fake charming side melts away in her anger as she is focusing more and more on her targets.
Eleventh day
Speed Force is one of the Seven Forces of the Universe. It grants the power of the speedsters. And some of them merged with it (for example Barry Allen). Speed Force has a direct connection to the time flow and with the Multiverse (or now Omniverse). The biggest event of it is the Flashpoint (2011) which started the New52 era. And Batman doesn't want to mix this kind of force with a really mysterious ancient magic.
Nightrunner's first appearance was in 2011 in Detective Comics Annual #12. Within the Batman Incorporated line Bruce recruited Bilal Asselah, French-Algerian citizen to represent Batman in Paris. Here he is a mentor/background assistant to the Team Miraculous and a representative of Batman Inc.
Fourteenth day
Wang Fu is not the most mature character in the show and I think it says it all. Being an 186 years old is the Great Guardian after he accidentally destroyed the temple, he is kind of shameful and amateur. And if we contrasted him with Batman... yeah. Batman is NOT happy and takes the control from the old master.
Fifteenth day
I know Cyborg, alias Victor Stone is currently shown as a founding member of the Justice League (since 2011), however I am prefer him more in the Titans. And it's not just because of the animation show form 2003, but also in the comics he is more himself with the first Titans then with the -all mighty- Justice League. And I also wanted him to have a little cameo in this story because in the Super Sons (2017-) he was kind of like a babysitter for the boys. And to me it's kind of funny how many times the bats short circuited him (Robin Rises, Super Sons: Parent Trap, ...).
Sixteenth day
Damian Wayne is a complicated character. For ten years he was teached to kill. He only learnt about his mother at eight. He only learnt about his father at ten. Thalia used him for anything from power play to plotting someone death. Bruce loves him, but he is so moronic about his own emotions it's kind of painful to read sometimes. And there is the thing where Damian is never enough, his mother cloned him (Heretic), his father has other wards (mainly Red Robin). Dick Grayson went incognito spying when the boy had finally a healthier relationship (Grayson: The Superspy). His best friend, Jon Kent was suddenly older then him (2018 Superman #16). Alfred was killed in front of him (2016 Batman #77). Yeah, Damian is a jerk, but he has every right to be a jerk in my opinion. And I wanted that recreate here as Lila is a liar and threatening his 'only' position as a blood son. His only weapon to prevent it to have a fit and doing what was teached to him.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter One: Arrival
Yo, this has been on Ao3 for a while and people seem to really love it, So I thought I’d post it here! Chapter below the cut.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Gen Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle's Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas, Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason's language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What's canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
The Avengers find themselves in an alternate universe where none of them exist. Instead, there is a different group of heroes: The Justice League. They decide to work together to get the Avengers home. But not not everything is instantaneous, so the Avengers need a place to stay. The only place available is Wayne Manor.
Que Batfamily shenanigans!
Multi-chapter fanfic, with some one shots that go along with the plot thrown in.
This is my first time writing anything with the Avengers - especially a deaf!clint - and the Batfam, so I apologize if anything is doc. Constructive criticism is appreciated!
This is mainly comic DCU with Movie Avengers (Set after the first avengers movie, plus Spiderman, cause I can ;-)
Crack! Bang! There was a flash of blindingly bright light, followed by a huge explosion.
"Wha- where are we?"
Tony Stark looked over to Peter who had been the first to speak. Crap, the kid had come here too. But wherever here was, he did not know.
Tony, Steve, Hulk, Thor, Clint, Peter, and Natasha stood in a loose clump at the center of a smoking crater. The sky was cloudy  and dark, and they appeared to be at least five miles outside of a big city, judging from the buildings in the distance. There was also a highway filled with streaming cars a couple of miles to Tony’s right.
“This isn’t right,” He muttered, opening his faceplate. Where were the sunny tropical trees that housed the compound of Anagnorisis - weird name, he knew - who was some D-list villain who thought some slightly advanced tech made them a world-conqueror. But Tony was beginning to think that those guns were a bit stranger and more advanced than he had previously believed.
“Tell me about it,” replied Steve. “Any idea where we are? Was it some sort of teleportation gun that was shot at us? This looks nothing like the Amazon.”
Before anyone could speak, Tony received a notification. Multiple incoming objects were approaching, fast . With the exception of the second fastest, they seemed to be airborne. “Multiple incomings, perhaps hostile. Most are flying. And they aren’t missiles. I think people ? But -”
“Who are you?”
Suddenly the first object arrived, and Stark was right. It was a black haired man in a blue skin tight suit with a red “S” on it and a flowing red cape. It would look ridiculous if he wasn’t glaring daggers at the group while flying .
He was joined almost immediately by another man, this time wearing an all red bodysuit with a lightning bolt on the chest and cowl. He was not flying though. He stopped in front of them swinging his arms as lightning dissipated. He had run there.
Next came a woman dressed in the colors of the american flag, with golden cuffs, tiara, and lasso by her side. She came with a man in a green, white, and black skin tight suit with some sort of symbol - perhaps a lantern? - on his chest. He also wore a green ring and black domino mask with white lenses on his face. They were both joined by another, a split second later. This was by far the strangest arrival. He was completely bald, with green skin and red eyes. He wore navy blue pants and cape, with only a red “X” over his chest. All three were floating.
“Who are you?” The blue and red man repeated.
Tony scoffed. Was this guy serious? “We’re the Avengers, obviously.”
The group shared a look. “Is that some new kind of villain group? I swear to all that is good and holy if I need to deal with another group who think they can rule the world, I. Will. Quit.” This time the man who spoke was the runner.
Steve replied, confusion clear on his face. “We’re not villains! We’re the Avengers; Earth’s mightiest heroes!”
Instead of coming to their senses, the strangely dressed newcomers laughed .
“You do realize you are speaking to members of the Justice League?” The woman spoke, her lips pursed.
“The who now?”
“Be quiet Kid, we don’t know what we’re dealing with.” Tony spoke to Peter. He was getting more worried by the second. Something was seriously wrong.
“Dealing with?” The green dressed man frowned, clearly suspicious of the Avengers. He started to fidget with his ring. “Well, since you don’t seem to know, let me enlighten you.” He gestured to each of his companions. “Superman, son of Krypton. Wonder Woman, Amazonian Princess. The Flash, fastest man alive. Martian Manhunter, well, a martian. And Me, Green Lantern. Member of the Green Lantern Core.”
Well, that explained everything. Not.
“We do not know you, strangers.” Thor spoke this time. “Perhaps you leave us be, our green friend over here gets frustrated easily.” He pointed to Hulk, who was breathing heavily.
The green man - martian, apparently - spoke for the first time. “Not until you tell us who you are and why you are in a smoking crater near His city.”
“His?” Clint clearly did not like the way the martian spoke of this character. To be honest, Stark didn’t either.
This got the most surprised reactions from the five. They looked at each other, and Tony could have sworn there was a hint of fear in their faces.
“Oh, He is so not going to like that.” Green Lantern said.
“Combined with the fact that we ditched Him.” The Flash cringed. Then looked worried again. “Yo, green grape, you okay.
The Hulk’s breathing was growing heavier, his face contorted into that of utter rage.
“Uh-oh,” Steve said.
“I . . . Not . . . GRAPE!” Hulk roared as he charged the The Flash who nimbly dodged. Superman went down to intercede, and just got punched by the Hulk. Though it did not seem to physically bother him, he was clearly angry.
Tony shut his face plate and moved forward, intending to stop the fight, but he only got attacked by the martian. Peter jumped forward to help, and soon everyone was fighting.
Thor was pitted against the Wonder Woman, and they seemed evenly matched.  Black Widow was against The flash, and despite his incredible speed she seemed to be almost winning. Both Hawkeye and Captain America were battling Green Lantern.
No one seemed to have the upper hand, which worried Tony. These people were tough. If they couldn’t beat them . . . he didn’t know what would happen.
Peter didn’t seem to share his worry though. He instead seemed to be having fun. Tony could tell the kid was smiling beneath his mask, and his body language screamed hyper and happy. He seemed to get that way whenever they fought together, and a small part of Tony was filled with a sense of parental pride.
The fight seemed endless, no one gaining traction. Until something incredible happened. Thor threw Mjolnir directly at his opponent, and instead of being knocked down like everyone else, she caught the hammer. Every Avenger - even the Hulk - immediately froze, catching the attention of the newcomers.
“This is a very well crafted weapon, though a bit clunky,” Wonder Woman said as she tossed the hammer from one hand to the other. She paused, seeing their reactions.
“You are worthy.” Thor spoke with disbelief and a tint of resignation in his voice.
“Pardon?” Superman spoke, his frown apparent.
“Only those worthy can lift Mjolnir - my hammer. She clearly can, which means that you are trustworthy.”
Five minutes of somewhat confused conversation later, they had reached an uneasy truce. Neither spoke much at first, but they soon began to compare notes. Apparently They both believed themselves to be the protectors of Earth, which brought on a bout of argument before Peter stepped in.
“Woah hold on, calm down. Something is clearly up, so there’s no need to argue!”
Wonder Woman looked contemplative. “How old are you boy, you seem young.”
Peter bristled. “I’m 15, and I’ve been a superhero for a while now, so I’m not inexperienced!”
Green Lantern laughed. “That’s not what she met, kid. We aren’t going to tell you how old you need to be to fight crime. The amount of we work with, and some even younger than you . . .” He shook his head and laughed. Then he realised how he had sounded. “I mean, we don’t force them, it's up to each individual to make that choice for themselves. Well, with the mentor’s approval of course.”
Natasha furrowed her brows. “How young are some of these kids?” Tony knew she had a thing against child soldiers, so he wasn’t surprised she was disapproving.
Green Lantern looks to the Flash. “How old is Robin at this point? 9?”
Flash laughed. “Naw, that little devil is 11. He was very adamant on that fact when he threatened me with his katana.” He shook his head.
Green Lantern laughed. “Yeah, most of the others are teenagers. Robin is the youngest, and I’d say most deadly, but Red Hood . . .”
“The Dark Knight really does have a problem,” Flash said.
His last comment made Green Lantern freeze. They both looked at each other then turned to Peter.
“Kid, stay away from The Dark Knight.” Green Lantern says.
“Yeah, if He sees you, there’s no way you’ll ever leave.”
“He’s the most dangerous man on earth,” Green Lantern adds.
“Guys, stop. You’re scaring him.” Superman looks disappointedly at the two heroes who Tony pegged as the trouble makers of the group. This idea was further cemented in Tony when they started laughing. Despite this, he decided to keep Peter as far away from this supposed Dark Knight as possible.
“Speak of the devil, he’s on his way.” Superman says this with a smile, then he cringes. “And we’re going to get an earful alright. Ten minutes ahead of him is a big deal apparently.”
In a moment. Tony got an alert that something was approaching. Fast. Soon he saw a large black military type armoured car fly down the highway from the city and off the road. It zoomed toward them.
It was a sight indeed to see the menacing black car swerve and expertly stop a few yards from the group. The top opened and a dark form shot straight up before landing in a kneeling position in front of them. The figure rose, and Tony got the first good look at him. He was a tall man with a broad chest and shoulders, dresses in complete black. There was a bat-like symbol on his chest, also in black. He wore a cape that flowed around menacingly. His face was covered by a cowl with pointed ears, like that of an owl, or perhaps a bat. The only part of his costume that was not black was the dark gold utility belt at his waist. Altogether, he was utterly frightening.
Tony took a step forward, effectively blocking Peter, who scoffed.
“Batman,” Superman said, a smile on his face.
Batman fixed the most impressive and terrifying glare upon the man that Stark had ever seen. “You broke protocol by going ahead of me. You are in my territory Superman. And you know that I cannot fly or run at the speed of sound.” He fixed his glare on the rest of his group who all reacted with either flinches or sheepish shrugs.
Batman grunted before looking at the Avengers. He sized each of them up, staying longest on Stark. Tony felt as if his entire being was being stripped away under the scrutiny.
“Alternate Dimension jumpers, not by choice I’m assuming.”
He spoke so simply that it took a minute for Tony to react. Even then, the man was already on his way back to his car.
“We’re near Gotham, let’s regroup at the Cave.”
Tony didn’t know what this Cave was, but he wasn’t sure he liked it. “Are you the Dark Knight?” He asked, before he lost his nerve.
The man looked immediately at the Flash and Green Lantern, who looked both scared and amused. Their sheepish smirks and chuckles dissipated when Batman looked away and back to Tony.
“The Dark Knight, The World’s Greatest Detective, The Caped Crusader, The Batman. All are titles I have earned. See you at the cave.”
And with that he hopped in his car and sped off back toward the gloomy city beyond.
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Surveys #447-448
(one from yesterday, one from v early this morning)
How did you and the last person you kissed start talking? By both being meerkat RPers on YT back in the day. Do you think someone is falling in love with you? Definitely not. Do you have a bad temper? Nah. What was the last song you listened to? SOBS "Suteki Da Ne" from FFX. If your mom was a teacher, would you want to be in her class? Hell yeah. She actually has been my substitute teacher before, as she worked at my elementary school with the special ed kids. Are you comfortable with people going through your phone? No. I have nothing to hide on there at all, but still... I just don't like it. Do you really care about what toothpaste you use? So long as it's mint-flavored, no, I don't care. Would you like it if the whole world spoke one language? I mean, I think it's pretty inarguable that that would be a beneficial thing. For all humans to understand each other, like in dire situations where information needs to be brought across. However, I don't believe we should actually try to change that now with so many languages already developed. That would be way, way too big a task and not that important. Would mind-reading really be a blessing or a curse? I'd find it more to be a curse. Would you ever get a pet turtle? Why or why not? Nah. They just don't interest me as pets. Do you tend to daydream a lot? If so, about what? Yeah. .-. About a lot of stuff... How I want my future to be, things I wish would happen, how I'd change past errors... What shop/store/brand would you model for, if given the choice? I would 110% model for Cloak if for whatever miraculous reason they wanted me to because a bitch supports her favorite human asdkfajkwle. I'd totally do some goth modelling for Rebel's Market, too. Do you actually read your friend’s surveys, or do you just copy and paste them and fill them out yourself? I read my friends' answers, yes. I like learning obscure things about them. Which is your favorite episode of I Love Lucy? Bar none, the "Vitameatavegamin" one. It's fucking hilarious, man. I love that show. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker? WAY too deep. Name two people who you are closest with? My mom and Sara. Which one of those two people would you eat first, if you were starving? Neither. I would absolutely rather die. No one cares whether or not you believe in love at first sight… but, do you believe in hate at first sight? Well, let's be real. If you witnessed someone being abused or raped or something like that, wouldn't YOU hate the villain immediately? I sure as hell would. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite? I didn't care for those. How do you feel about fake plants? They can look good, they can look tacky, and they make great additions to some animal enclosures, like reptiles and bugs, for cover and new textures. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size? Er, no? Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it? Yes. I tend to have a guilty conscience. Are you happy with your weight? NO. Do you go to church? If so, do you actually pay attention? No. When I was forced to go as a kid, I never paid attention. As a very young adult when I super rarely went, I would try to, but my attention definitely wavered. Would you rather have your nose or tongue pierced? Tongue, if it just didn't damage my damn teeth. :( I miss my snake eyes. Ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? It's very embarrassing, but yes. A few years ago, I had this very strange period of premature incontinence when I slept. I had to be put on some medication and a schedule to wake up in the night to use the bathroom. It oddly just... vanished as randomly as it started. Had any surgeries? What kind? I had tubes put in my ears as a baby, and then at the start of 2017 (I think), I had to have a cyst removed from my butt. :^) Ever told your parents you hated them? I've told Dad that, yes. Are you sober? Yeah. Do you have a crazy side? Not really, no. I'm boring. Do you have siblings over the age of 18? All of my siblings are. Do you think that downloading music illegally is immoral? Yes, and yet... I do it anyway. :x Have you ever sworn at a policeman/woman/cop? No. How far do you agree that the mother is more important in a child’s life than the father? I Don't agree with that. Would you ever let one of your children enter a beauty pageant? If they were old enough to make their own decisions, I'd have no say. But as a little kid, no. I do not support those damn things. What was your favorite Pokemon as a child? Charmander! :') Do you have a favorite name? What is it? Alessandra. It's so beautiful. What was the topic of the last assignment/essay you wrote? Toxic masculinity. I got SO into that essay. What’s your favorite type of juice? Probably peach mango. What was the hardest language you’ve ever tried to learn? LATIN. Like holy shit. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. What would you do if your ex contacted you? I would just be... so happy. But also scared of where it would lead. What age would you like to have a child? No age, because I never want any. Are your parents wealthy? Definitely not. My dad SEEMS decently well-off, but he is most certainly not rich. Have you ever asked someone out? Yes. Your ex tells you they want you back, what do you say/do? I know I'd say yes, very quickly. -_- Do you know anyone that smokes weed? More like she's addicted to it. Is there one person you look at and automatically smile? Oh, that's Mark for sure, ha ha. Especially if he's laughing. It's game over for me if he's laughing. What’s your favorite hairstyle on a guy? Don't even fucking @ me, I love the emo hair swoop alskdfjalkwje;kjrwklejarwe Do you know anyone who’s won the lottery? No. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? Roman. What have you been up to today? Anything interesting? The only thing I've done today that deviates from my normal routine is I had to get blood drawn for some tests for my upcoming check-up. I don't know what was up with that needle, but it hurt this time. Are you the type of person to dwell on the past? I live there. Did your grandparents teach you anything? Not really, no... besides being old-fashioned is not an excuse for being an uptight... er... this answer is so mean, given the grandmother I'm talking about is dead, oof. Do you want/have a Bachelor’s degree? I wanted one... but I don't have one and never will. Are you a fan of penguins? Yeah, they're mega cute. Who do you think about most constantly? Why? Anyone who reads these can answer that very, very easily. Have you ever considered yourself to be something other than heterosexual? Yeah; I'm either bi or pan. I think pansexual as of very recently, but for simplicity's sake and also for almost all of my family to not think I'm crazy, I really just say bisexual. Have you ever been in love? With who? Yes; Jason and Sara. Dolphins, whales, sharks, or narwhals? Dolphins or whales. Have you ever gotten anything amputated? No. Have you ever tied your tooth to a door to lose it? No. What do you do on the computer? Oh jeez... I'm pretty much, well, always on the computer, so I do a whole lot. I watch/listen to YouTube, write, clean out my dA notifications and browse artwork, scroll through Facebook, play World of Warcraft, edit the Silent Hill wiki, do way too many surveys, talk to Sara on Discord... Anything your parents should know about? No. Do you have a life? It sure as hell doesn't feel like it. I do nothing noteworthy. Do you have a microphone on your computer? It's built-in, but it doesn't work. Does your mouse light up? Yeah; red normally, blue when it's charging. Then it's also purple sometimes??? I have no idea what it means. Were you ever physically abused? No. Verbally? No. Sexually? No. Do your teachers like you? Not to brag or anything, but all my teachers loved me. Do your parents like you? I know they love me. Do your siblings like you? I don't feel like they do half the time. :/ It's my own fault for not knowing how the fuck to interact with them. Did you have a tail when you were born? At first I saw this question and was confused as shit, but then I remembered this was actually a thing, ha ha. But no, I wasn't. Do you enjoy school? I hated it. Are you shallow? No. Greedy? I don't think so, no. It feels good to share. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body? No. A tattoo? Well, I have a tattoo over my heart, so it's on my breast, if you wanna count that? Are you stubborn? God, am I. Are you incestuous? Fuck no. Do you respect your body? Meh... Yes in some ways, in other ways no. Have you ever been to therapy? Did you like it? I've been in therapy for most of my life, and yes, I find it helpful. Have you ever used Duolingo to learn another language? No. Are you unhappy at the moment? Yes. I usually am. Do you have any gay friends? Yes. Have you ever watched iCarly? Yeah, I used to enjoy it. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Probably Dory. What was the last thing you wrote in a word document? This survey, actually. It's how I format it and save my progress. What did you last take painkillers for? A headache. Are there any hobbies you want to get back into? Drawing. :/ Have you ever been on a date with someone you met online? How was it? Yeah; when Sara and I were together and I went up to visit her, we had a breakfast date once. :') Do you find it difficult to get rid of material possessions? Yeah. I hold a lot of nostalgia in many items. What sort of games do you like to play? Horror and fantasy, mainly. They need a story, too, and I ESPECIALLY enjoy games with multiple endings. Then I also play WoW, which is an MMORPG. Do you know anyone who is deaf? No. Have you ever been married? Nope. What is your favorite thing to dip fries in? Ketchup. Do you still talk to anyone you went to high school with? Just Girt, really. Have you ever had to dispute a charge on your credit card? I've never had my own credit card. Quick! Choose pink or purple. Pink, duh. What's your favorite book genre? Fantasy. Would you say you’re generally fit and healthy? Why/why not? No. :/ I'm trying to change that though by going to the gym. Would you ever want a job working with animals? My main aspiration is to be a wildlife photographer, if that counts? Sara also wants to be a ball python breeder, and we talk all the time about it and how I'd love to be like an assistant and help with my own future snakes. Most recently, I will definitely have to have experience with them as pets first and see if I can handle it, but I've considered breeding tarantulas on the side. The hobby could ALWAYS use more breeders to prevent wild-caught specimens being taken from the wild, and it would help lower their prices. I've gotten so passionate about those furry bastards that I would really enjoy helping out with that. Do you believe in your horoscope? Even if you don’t, do you still read it? Not at all. I don't, because it feels like a waste of time if I don't even believe in it. If a couple is married, do you think there should be any legal punishment if one person cheats? No... I am firmly against cheating, but that sounds extreme. Do you enjoy Tim Burton films? Which one is your favorite? Of course! My favorite is Corpse Bride.
Was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? It was for fun. Do you think you would be a good match for your celebrity crush(es) assuming you have one? Why? If you don’t have one, who was the last person you saw that you found attractive? No, honestly. He really doesn't like seeing people not pursuing their utmost potential, and, uhhhh, look at me, lol. I'm in no way good enough for that god of a human being lmao. How old were you when you had your wisdom teeth removed? I still have them. I only have two, and my mouth has enough room for them. Do you wish you were taller or shorter? My height's fine. Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? Food Lion. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. I quit way too early for that to ever happen. .-. What poster is hanging closest to you? My big Metallica one. Which cuisine do you like the least? I honestly haven't experimented enough with foreign foods to decide on one specific cuisine I really don't like as a whole. Are there any foods you dislike because of the texture? There are A LOT. I am very, very sensitive to textures. Which type of chocolate do you like best? Milk chocolate. Do you let your pets sleep in your bed? Absolutely. Well, obviously not my snake Venus, but Roman? Yes. This is his house, too, and he deserves a comfy space to sleep. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands? I don't have one. Have you ever made sun tea? I have no idea what that is. Do you prefer powdered or liquid coffee creamer? I don't like coffee. Did your school have somewhere for girls to get emergency pads/tampons? Yes. Do you think they should make a movie about Hatshepsut? Now here's a question I haven't heard before, ha ha. I actually think that would be quite interesting and certainly empowering to women. Do you like to go to the movies alone? I actually did that for the Warcraft movie, and it was pretty chill. I prefer going with others, though. Have you ever dried down any flowers to keep them? No. What is your favorite thing that you have made by yourself? Probably my Pyramid Head/Halo of the Sun drawing. I worked my ass off on that, and I love how it came out. Do you like using clay and/or peel-off masks for skincare? I don't use those specifically, no. Have you ever made a pillow out of an old T-shirt? No. If you want to be cremated, do you want your ashes scattered anywhere? I haven't really thought of this, but I know I want them to be scattered somewhere. I don't wanna be cremated and have no lineage to cherish the ashes so I just end up thrown away or scattered in someone's backyard or something like that. I guess the desert would be pretty cool, if it was one with meerkats. Would you ever have a deceased pet stuffed? No. I have mixed feelings on taxidermy, but doing that to your pet just... seems wrong somehow. Like I feel that there'd be an unhealthy attachment to a dead body, and it feels like you're not allowing your beloved pet to truly, fully rest. Even if there is nothing beyond death, it's just a respect thing to me. Would you ever have a pet cremated? Teddy was cremated, yes. I WANTED to cremate my first ball python and Chinese water dragon, and both were in the freezer for a long time, but it just... never happened. It's not cheap. Mom also had Cali (her dog) cremated, but didn't keep the ashes herself because of it, once again, being expensive. Personal cremation costs more than a group one. Do you believe in the existence of parallel universes? Nah. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once. Collect anything? Any and all meerkat stuff and Silent Hill merchandise. Can you stick your fist in your mouth? ... I'm not about to try that. When was the last time you were high on anything? Never. Ever had a bloody nose? Yes. Have you ever caught a fish? Yes. Ever been up a mountain? Ugh, I wish! What are you listening to right now? I'm watching Gab Smolders play Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Do you have any birthmarks? Yeah; it's on my right forearm, near the elbow. Have you ever been slapped? I've been spanked and slapped on the arm by my mother when I was younger. And sometimes not so young. What do you want pierced? My collarbones, nostril, way more in my ears, and possibly my back dimples if I shrink down to a size where you can actually SEE them clearly... Do you like taking pictures? Of nature and animals. Sometimes people. Do you like getting your picture taken? Hell no. Have you ever started a rumor? No. Do you have your own pool? No. What do you want a tattoo of? You're asking someone who wants to be COVERED in tats, ha ha. I have a billion ideas. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nah. Have you ever been chased by cops? No. Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly? OH FUCK NO. What about cleavage? I wear tank tops more than anything, so some. What theme does your room have? It doesn't have one. Do you like cows? Awwww, I love cows. :') <3 Which slow animal is your favorite? Sloth, turtle, or snail? Turtles aren't that slow; it's tortoises you're thinking about, so I'll consider them instead. Regardless, I think I find snails the cutest. If you had to create an app, what would it be for? I have zero clue. What is one television finale where you were upset with how it ended? I don't know. Other than mandatory lockdowns, have you had to quarantine at all for CoVid? No. What steps would you take in order to track down a thief? ... Not many, tbh, given JUST how afraid of confrontation I am, ha ha. What is something that one of your family member collects? Dad collects Cleveland Browns and Carolina Hurricanes sports stuff. What are some questions that you would ask your favorite celebrity? I've... never thought of this, believe it or not. I'd be too busy blubbering about how important he is to me and thanking him for everything he's ever done alskdjfkla;wje Have you ever legitimately forgotten to do homework? Yes. That was very, very rare, though. Depending on where you live, why might a day of school get canceled? If there was a 1% chance of half an inch of snow. :^) Everyone flips their shit here when that happens. Also, hurricanes. What types of transportation do you think we will see in the future? Besides possibly flying cars, idk. Which freaks you out more - clowns or porcelain dolls? aklsdjflajdsALSKDFJA;LWJE D O L L S. Porcelain dolls creep me out, man. Do you like salami? Yeah. Do you know your mum's first pet's name? I actually don't, no. Do you like car racing? No. I think it's stupid, honestly. People can get and have gotten seriously hurt, or worse. Who hugs you the most often? My niece and nephew, probably. Has your favorite actor ever been stuck to a project you dreaded watching (e.g., stuck on a bad TV show for years)? No. When you were a child did you wish you were named something else? What sort of fantasy life did you imagine for yourself if you’d only had this other better name? Bro I shit you not, I wanted to change my name to "Dory" because of Finding Nemo, lmao. I never thought about how my life would be different, though. Are you a plant person? How do you feel about the trend of owning many, many houseplants? Nah, plant maintenance isn't for me. I don't care how many plants you own so long as you care for them. It seems pointless to buy plants and just neglect them. What are you sick of hearing about? Anti-vax bullshit. Do you wish that you had more followers on any platform? Do you even pay attention to how many likes/comments/followers you have? The only places I really care about that are my photography Facebook page and deviantART because ffs I TRY to make progress as a photographer lasdkfj;lawe but neither move very fast at all. Are you currently working on an art project? No. :/ I need to draw something for once. If applicable, what color are you planning to dye your hair next? I have three in mind: lilac, pastel pink, or silver. Do you have a sibling who looks like your twin? No. My older and younger sister look remarkably similar, though. People have confused them a lot. Do you think you'd make a good actor or actress? God no, I'd feel far too awkward. Do you believe you have a lot of potential? Ugh, I don't know, dude. Would you like to be rich and own a vacation home? Who wouldn't? Have you ever walked through a labyrinth? No. What eyeshadow color do you think looks best on you? Black. I only wear black. Do you shop in the girls, juniors, or women's section at the store? Women's. Do you play video games? I haven't played a game other than WoW in a long time. :/ I only have a PS2 and Wii, and most of the games I want to play are for newer generation consoles. Is your house more than two stories tall? It's not even two stories. Have you ever had the flu? No. *knocks on wood* Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship? Nope. Would you ever get a lip tattoo? No. I want tons of tats, but that sure isn't one of 'em. Has any place hired you underage for a job? No. Have you ever carried a concealed weapon? No. Does eating breakfast make you sick? No. I'm one of those people that wants to eat right when I wake up. What four states in the USA would you most like to visit? Which four countries would you most like to visit? States: Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, and some southwestern state where I can visit the desert and maybe see wild tarantulas. Countries: South Africa, Germany, Canada, and uhhhh idk. Would it bother you if your boyfriend hugged other females (think hypothetically if you don’t have one)? Why or why not? No? Hugs can just be a friendly gesture. They don't have to have underlying romantic implications. If you had snow-days as a kid, how did you spend them? Do you like the snow, in general? Oh man, snowy days were the epitome of joy when I was a kid. The #1 thing I wanted to do was make a snowman with Dad and my sisters if the snow was the right texture to pack. We loved snowball fights, making snow angels, watching the cats play... and you CAN'T forget making sugary snow cream. Do you know anyone who does hard drugs? Would you ever befriend someone that did? No one that does hard drugs now, no. I honestly don't know how I'd respond to wanting to befriend a hardcore druggie... Like I'm totally aware drug addicts are not innately bad people, but it can be dangerous to associate with them. So idk. Do hospitals make you nervous? Why or why not? Do you have any bad hospital experiences? Yes. I do NOT like being in hospitals. I've never been treated badly in one or anything, but I just have way, way too many ER memories from being suicidal and just stripped of everything that could somehow be interpreted as a "danger." Even books had to be approved. Technology of all kinds, forbidden. All I did was sleep on that godawful bed and wish I was dead. But I'm rambling; point is, I really don't like any health care establishment just because of negative memories. Do you still talk to the first person you ever dated? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? No. We just don't. I wouldn't be opposed to knowing what he's up to. What do you like most about your favorite animal? Their loyalty and bravery are purely astonishing. Do you need a job? Yes. I'm a leech in my house. I serve no financial purpose to assist my mom in paying bills and all of that. I'm a full-grown adult that should be benefiting humanity. Who do you love the most in your life? My mom, cat, and best friend probably top the list. What is your mom doing right now? I hope she's asleep, but she tends to sleep very badly and is frequently tossing and turning around this time. Where does she work? She's on disability. For the type of cancer she had, she automatically got it with her diagnosis. It's recently been a year since her last chemo session, but let me tell you from witnessing it: It takes A LOT out of you. It was actually torturous for her. She's still regaining her strength and healing before she can wisely get another job. Do you have Netflix? Yeah. What was the last thing you quit doing? I don't know. Have you ever read a book that changed your life? No. Who did you last talk to before you went to bed last night? Sara, if through text counts. Have you ever taken Xanax before? Yes; I was prescribed it for quite a while. Have you ever suffered from anxiety or depression? Try both, buddy.
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incorrectbatclan · 5 years
Hiiiiii I'm new!!!!! Could you please explain who's who? Who's in the Bat Family, and their backstories please?! ❤️❤️
For this I’ve only done Bruce’s actual like genuinely adopted family (and Alfred) because it was getting really long!! Let me know If you want to hear about the rest and I’ll either make another post or reblog this one and add onto it. I tried my best lol!!
Alfred Pennyworth - Bruce’s batler and kind-of-dad rolled into one, tired, old man who just wants his family to be safe. The best baker, cook and costume creator of the group, absolutely no one can touch him or I Will Cry. Used to be in Her Majesty’s Secret Service before moving to America, so he can kick some ass - I’ve heard different code names for him, the most popular being Agent A or Penny-One, both very good at keeping secret identities secret. 👨‍🦳 /10
Bruce Wayne - This one should be obvs, he’s Batsy. Son of Martha and Thomas Wayne, he was orphaned when they were shot in an alley on their way home one night. He’s also a multi-billionaire due to his company Wayne industries, which you never hear anything about bc all he does is run around dressed in his fursona costume and punch people. Emotionally constipated, but he does love his kids a lot, even if he doesn’t show it. He’s 80 years old this year (2019), what an old man. Get some therapy. Around 40-45? 🦇/10
Dick Grayson - The original Boy Wonder/Robin. An absolutely feral child, and a slightly calmer adult. Was probably responsible for Batcomputer, Batmobile, Batarang, and many others due to his Holy Puns Batman! Born and raised in a circus as a trapeze artist/acrobat until his parents fell and died at any age between 8-12; it changes regularly. After this, he was taken in by Bruce and destroyed every chandelier he had by swinging off of it. When he’d outgrown Robin, he became Nightwing, a name he got from the Kryptonian legend and moved to Bludhaven (Gotham’s little sister city). He’s known as the funny one in the family, but in any other group, he’s the serious one so take that as u will lol. He’s the Robin you’ll see in pretty much any show about DC that has sidekicks in. Has a temper, don’t let fanon fool u. Was also Batman when Bruce died for a little bit before he was found again. Also “””””died”””””” for a bit, worked as a secret agent, back now. Absolutely amazing appalling sense in fashion. Around 24-27? 🕺/10
Cassandra Cain- Daughter of two of the best assassins in the world, and was raised to be a human weapon until she ran after her first assassination at age 8 and lived on the streets until 17 where she became one of Oracle’s agents, and later Bruce took her in and adopted her too. Due to her father’s training, she’s unable to speak with words well, and instead can read peoples body language and movement, often uses sign language to speak instead if the writer’s not a coward. She’s highly skilled in many different ways and is also my fucking child, I love her a lot. She went by Batgirl for a bit, before going by the code name Black Bat. Sometimes Orphan is used but I’m not sure why or in what comics. The cool one. She’s around Jason’s age, maybe younger, probably older. 🥰/10
Jason Todd - The second Robin, now Red Hood. Died angry, came back wrathful. Jason was living in Crime Alley, one of the dingiest places in Gotham, which is where he saw the Batmobile one day, and just decided to rob the wheels. Right there and then. Not only that but when Bruce caught him doing it, he started smacking him with a tire iron. He’s the passionate one, to say the least. Anyway, Bruce saw this kid robbing him and he was like ‘I have to have him’. So he did. For about 3 years maybe, then he died. Bc, he ran off, and the Joker killed him in a warehouse oop-. Anyway, he came back maybe a few years later to find another Robin in his place, and the clown who killed him still kicking, so he went on a murderous rampage, taking the mantle of Red Hood until he calmed down a bit. Now he’s like that angry brother u only see on holidays because Alfred makes him. Under all that anger he’s a sweetheart though, and I’m pretty sure he loves Classical Lit. Sometimes runs around with a group called the Outlaws, members changing regularly, but you have to be a redhead. Bizarro is the exception bc u can’t say no to him. Around 21? 😠/10
Tim Drake- Tim was the son of Bruce’s next-door neighbours, Jake and Janet Drake, often depicted as assholes, bc they literally just leave their kid to go do whatever they want ig????? Anyway, Timmy was like super smart, and when he was young, managed to figure out who Batman and Robin were bc he stalked them and took pictures of them every night. Sneaky. Then Jason died, Bats was like all sad and shit and wasn’t coping well so Tim just knocked on his door and was like ‘Yeah okay make me Robin’, and after maybe the 10th attempt, Bruce did. Anyway, his parents died somehow (the ‘how’ varies) and Bruce was like, yeah okay I’ll have another one. Tim’s a master hacker and he’s all-around baby, mainly bc he doesn’t fucking sleep. Was Dick’s first Robin when he was Batman, before Damian came along and got Robin instead, so he named himself Red Robin because he’s creative and petty like that. Not that I wouldn’t be tbf. Went off to find Bruce when he “died” bc he didn’t believe he was dead, and he wasn’t so like? Anyway, he changed his name to Drake recently, which is stupid so just ignore that. Needs to stop drinking coffee. Around 17? 🐉/10
Damian Wayne-Such a precious little shit. Blood son of Bruce Wayne and the assassin, Talia Ah Ghul, daughter of one of Bruce’s frenemies. He was trained all the way through his childhood to be the perfect sidekick for Bruce, so some of the things he was taught fucked him up a wee bit, but he’s slowly learning that not everything has to be difficult and he is allowed to have fun sometimes. In his eyes for a while, he was Bruce’s only son, because he was the only blood related one. Soon got told to shut up and shown that that wasn’t true. Now secretly loves his family but would die before admitting it. A baby. Became Dick’s Robin after Tim and they ended up being really close and I love them a lot. Absolutely adores animals, and adopts every animal he sees. Just like his father does with kids. Around 13.  🐈/10
The others are Kate Kane, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon and Selina Kyle. A villains list would be quite fun actually too!
Second Post! - Rest of the vigilantes
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Here’s some Alex related thoughts/ideas that are STUCK IN MY BRAIN;;;;
I still,,,can’t get over how Alex ran through a storm with MC in their arms,,the fate of their mom and Olympus sorta on their shoulders...but all they were thinking about was MC,,and how they HAVE to keep her safe,,,no matter what...
AND how Alex has only slowed down for MC,,ALL their life...and I’m still wondering what Aphrodite meant by “slowed down”. Does she mean MC is the only one Alex has ever stared at when they’re sober and drunk?? MC is the one that could literally pull on their ear (like a mom would) and yell at them (jokingly) about something they did,,,and they’d laugh at it?? MC is the only one Alex would truly listen to? MC is the only one Alex would die to protect? MC is the only one Alex has ever been in love with?
Does she know that MC is the main reason as to why Alex lives? Without her, it’s implied that they don’t know what they’d be doing,,they don’t know where they’d be...and that they don’t know how they’d live. And I wonder if Aphrodite looks at their love in awe. Like she’s lived for so long, and she’s seen so many types of love,,,and she’s just in love with THIS love. And it’s why when MC is under attack for becoming Hera...she was Scared. I doubt a goddess has anything to be afraid of, but her human friend (that’s almost a DAUGHTER to her) that she truly cares for and is the lover of her beloved child? She fears for her life and...imagine if MC died.
Imagine if Aphrodite was in the throne room and watched as Zeus shot his aura at her and watched as her body hit the ground...dead. She would have nightmares forever. She already had enough nightmares about MCs mom,,but now MC herself? It’d take her so long to truly move on or maybe she never will. Because she looks at her beloved child, Alex, and it’s always a reminder of what they both lost that day.
Okay now off the angst train...:).
Imagine that Alex tried to find love before MC. I seriously think they did. Well, mainly bc I think it’s canon that they’re not a virgin and idk👀. And ya know what,,,every partner they find looked like MC. When they started dating MC, they realized that and felt very embarrassed at that realization. MC would realize it too and MC would feel very special and love Alex even more 🥺.
Imagine MC spanking Alex’s ass at random times and they are still in Shock everytime it happens and if you think it stops when they have Jason,,,YOU ARE WRONG. She does it more then just to prove to Alex that no,,,she’s not THAT old yet >:))).
Alex at the end of the day,,,is the most softest person. Are they kinky sometimes?? YES. But do they want to give MC the most attention and make sure that she KNOWS she’s loved?? YES.
I imagine that Whenever MC is sad or has given up, Alex will sit up with her or do whatever she wants just to help her. If she’s not ready to talk then that’s fine. If she is, then they’re all ears. If she wants a cuddle, they’ll hold her as tight as she wants. If she wants something to eat, they’ll order something or ACTUAL TRY TO MAKE HER FOOD.
Imagine,,Alex when they were a kid,,accidentally letting their aura out and MC is so fascinated. She’s never seen a stag and doe this close so she wants to hug them and play with them. Alex lets her do it (and they join in too) and when she gets tired...Alex and her lean up against the stag and the doe snuggles up to them and they’re just,,,both so warm and are together and iTS JUST SO SWEET. Aphrodite finds them like that and she’s ljke “oh my GODS. My sweet babies🥺”. And the trio (Aphrodite Hades and MCs mom) love it and talk about it whenever they can bc it’s PRECIOUS.
Imagine someone asking why Alex loves MC. Not in a rude way, but just curious. And they look at that person and they are speechless. But they say everything they love about her.
How she’s stubborn.
How she never gives up on someone.
How she loves THEM.
How she messes up the coffee EVERYTIME DNWNW.
How she works so hard to prove herself.
How she runs her hands through their hair when they’re stressed.
How she sings them songs that she learns.
How she wants to learn Greek to be a little closer to them and because she’s just curious.
How she makes fun of them in a loving way.
How she cares about them so much.
How she makes mistakes and wants to fix them.
How she sings SO PERFECT,,how it’s like a Siren.
And the list goes ON AND ON AND ON. The person eventually says “ALRIGHT YOU LOVE HER >:(“.
Alex still gets valentines things at H.E.R.A,,,and imagine some of them being very suggestive and still saying how they love Alex even tho they know that they’re in love with MC. And they just laugh at them,,because they know MC gives them the BEST prize at home,,,Lemon Cookies >:))). And so much love that they could never replace or even just,,find anywhere else.
When Alex and MC have Jason,,Jason starts to laugh and he starts to grow. He starts to be kind to everyone and wants everyone to be happy and people believe it’s bc of the family is happy and great,,,but Alex just sees MC in a smaller form bc they just truly believe MC is one of the sweetest people in THE WORLD. They just believe Jason’s sneaky side is bc of MC. Jason’s so wholesome laugh is bc of MC. You think Alex’s genetics (and Aphrodites) is mainly in Jason?? HAH. Alex has other opinions on that subject👀.
Alex wants a little girl to have an actual little MC🥺🥺.
Alex likes taking showers with MC because they find it relaxing. Not to do anything sneaky, but bc they like to run their hands through her hair, hold her from behind, and just feel at peace with her. It makes them both happy and Alex just LIVES FOR THAT DJNWNS.
Alright yeah that’s all I have for right now bc it’s almost 1 am and I just NEEDED to get it off my chest and probably will have more tomorrow. So yeah hope you enjoyed this and hope you’re still awake to see it :))).
Not a lot of proof reading so forgive me if there’s mistake :’(.
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 5 Things That I Liked About RvB: Singularity
(Top 5 Dislikes Post Link)
Being negative sucks. A lot. I always hate typing the Dislikes post. It helps me vent, but I just hate talking about the bad stuff. But there were things that I felt were worth talking about, so I did it. Good news though? It’s now out of the way! So now we can talk about the Top 5 Things I Liked About RvB Singularity! Hooray!
As I said, I don’t think that RvB17 is as good as 16 or even 15. But it’s still a good season. It had a lot of things that I enjoyed and still enjoyed during the rewatch. While it is important to note how a season failed, it’s just as important to note how it succeeded. You want to remember what went right so that you don’t lose sight of what made it enjoyable and continue to make it better. As such, this is what I liked about the season! And again, just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt.
#5. Pacing Improvements
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My biggest problem with both S15 and 16 where their pacing. S15 was a one-shot season, and as such was very rushed even with a 21 episode count. S16 started very quickly and kicked the plot off within two episodes… but doesn't really delve back into it until Episode 13, eleven episodes later. I still love both seasons for what they had and I do think that S16 had a good reason for being slower, but to say that it turned fans off is an understatement. It was a huge issue and clearly one that needed to be fixed.
S17 did much better in this regard. Despite me listing the episode count as the thing I disliked most, it DOES have the advantage of not having to add as much filler/padding and being able to focus on what needs it. The first half of the season was by far the best. It got into the plot quickly. But it never felt rushed or like it was over-compensating. The build-up from S16 did enough that there was no need to drag out anything. We could leap right in and get to the parts that we wanted to see. As such, I felt engaged with each episode and each episode always provided something new and exciting. Even with my feelings about the second half, I never got bored and the episodes still continued to provide something new and unexpected. It’s a sign of good writing which I thought that Jason did well with, especially considering he had to take over in the middle of a story when Joe walked. Miles was there too and we know that he’s good, but it was Jason mainly, and he did fantastic.
Ultimately, due to the pacing, the season accomplished what it set out to do. It was a fun, if mind-breaking, time travel story. It had Donut become a more three-dimensional character. It had Wash and Carolina reconcile and accept what had to be done. And all without feeling like it was taking too long or like it was cramming in too much… aside from Episodes 7 and 8. Which is why it’s at Number 5, the pacing DID go back to feeling rushed and crammed in the second half ala S15. Only this time, they crammed it into six episodes instead of 21. As such, while I was still entertained and the writing and emotions were still solid, the second half is weaker and much more frustrating as a result. Still, it was a marked improvement and I can’t say that I was ever bored or disengaged. So credit where credit is due!
#4. The Labyrinth/character insights
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I LOVE The Labyrinth! Ever since it was mentioned in S16, I was excited for it, and it did not disappoint! It is, essentially, an angst machine. When you are stuck in it, it tortures you with all of your fears, doubts,   guilt. Worst, it adapts and learns, so even if you get past one scenario, it’ll just find something else. The way that it attacks can also differ. Sometimes it makes you face your past self. Sometime sit plays on your insecurities. Sometimes it gives you what you wish for, but with a dark twist. Whatever it can do to make you suffer to the point that you fall into the Black Hole, whether by choice or forced into it, it’ll do.
This concept is frekain’ fantastic. I love it! So why is it at Number 4? Well, first of all, we only get two episodes of it. Which don’t get me wrong, I loved what we got. Some were pretty straightforward and obvious, like Tucker and Wash’s scenarios. I didn’t agree with all of them, which is another reason why it’s Number 4. Grif’s, while I got over it, I think could have been much stronger, Tucker’s while not bad I think needed something more fitting, and Simmons… well, we all know how I feel about that one. Also not sure why Doc and Donut weren’t affected at all aside from timing dictating that they couldn’t go into it. Honestly, I think that The Labyrinth should have been the main setting and had everyone trapped in their worst scenario or memory instead of The Everwhen. But that’s just me. But yeah, I feel that it wasn't used to its full potential and not all of the scenarios were ideal, so it’s at Number Four.
That being said, I did enjoy what we got. My two favorites were Sarge’s and Carolina's. Sarge’s was still humorous, but also insightful. He hated the desk job one and wanted something more bloody and war-like. He got his wish, and immediately regretted it. He can't handle civilian life, but he can’t handle true brutal war either. I don’t get how they managed to do the ‘funny but insightful’ thing correctly with Sarge but dropped the ball so badly with Simmons, but whatever. It was really great. And Carolina’s… do I need to elaborate on it? We see her confronting the manifestation of her hate and guilt. It tries to break her down, but Carolina fights back. She has her friends. She found a new family, and she won’t let the ghosts of the past haunt her anymore. It was fantastic and shows just how far Carolina has come… and hopefully, it ended her constant guilt trips for sure. Seriously, please give Carolina something happy next season. She’s earned it. And The AVatar himself was enjoyable despite his brief screentime. I liked him!
There is one more scenario that I want to get into, but… how about we go to the next number for that one?
#3. Kaikaina’s Labyrinth/Grif Sibs Moment
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If you read my Dislikes post, you know that I was NOT happy about how Grif was handled. Heck, ‘not happy’ is probably an understatement. But I also said that the finale DID make me happy. Now I’ve already talked about how I feel about Grif regarding this scene and the retcon about him enlisting over being drafted. Long story short, I like this better and it makes sense for his character, especially when you look back at S15. It still doesn't excuse how the rest of the season handled him, but they got it right here and I like to give credit when it’s due. You can read this post to see more of my thoughts, but yeah I loved it then and I still love it now.
So instead, let's talk about Kaikaina. Boy, have I had a rollercoaster journey with her. I went from finding her utterly pointless in Blood Gulch, to loving her with all my heart in S16 and this season. She existed essentially to have more sex jokes, but Joe and Jason managed to take her and make her so much more. She’s still sex-crazed and foul-mouthed, but she’s also a successful businesswoman who is confident, happy with who she is, and has a good level of emotional maturity. It’s why I loved her and Tucker last season and why I LOVED it when she told off Tucker (no matter what you think of Tucker in that season, he had it coming). S17 even had her actually referred to by her actual name and not just ‘Sister’, which I greatly appreciate.
Point is, these past two seasons did an amazing job at making Kai a character in her own right and like a true member of the BGC. And when it comes to her Labyrinth, it adds so much more. We often focus on Grif’s side of things… but think about poor Kai. Her dad is out of the picture, her mom was too busy despite favoriting her over Grif, she had to be raised by an older brother who probably wasn't fit to care for a young girl despite trying his damnest, and honestly she probably was left to fend for herself a great deal. Then when Grif went to college and them ‘was drafted’, she was even more alone with an irresponsible mother who decided that trusting a teenage girl with changing a smoke alarm was a great idea. How the fire started, whether Kai did it on accident or it was just bad luck, is up in the air but it happened and poor Kai blamed herself for it. She lost her home. Her mother had to live in a trailer park, which she clearly feels terrible about. Her brother wasn't there to comfort or help her. She was utterly alone. I mean remember, she enlisted just because she wanted to be with her brother again. The one good person in her life… and even then not only did he tell her to leave, but she got shafted off to the opposite team by him. Even if it was for her own safety, that had to hurt.
The Labyrinth really helped to show that side of Kai. The more vulnerable side that we hadn’t seen yet. She sounds much more like a child when she sadly recalls what happened to Grif. Which we then realize her actual fear, her brother hating her. The brother that she went into space to find and be with and who she loved unconditionally, even when she was left alone on Blood Gulch, blamed and hated her. It’s why Grif knocking the Avatar out was so satisfying, as well as him confessing. Kai had every right to be angry at him, and going off her ’Hey, you left!” comment, there is clearly some bitterness there. But even then, she loves her brother. She forgives him. I can imagine her yelling at him later when they do eventually talk, and she has every right to. Still, it’s a super sweet moment that does a lot for both characters. I mean Grif’s first instinct when Donut explained the situation was to go and find Kai out of fear for her safety. I’m a sucker for sibling stories, and they nailed it here.
#2. Wash and Carolina Plotline
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Now, as I’ve said in other posts, I’m not a huge Freelancer fan. And tbh, I was pretty happy that Wash and Carolina were more lowkey in the past two seasons because every since their respective intros, everything more or less revolved around them. That being said, the development of Wash having cerebral hypoxia due to the bullet wound and Carolina’s actions after really did appeal to me both for personal reasons and because it was a new angle within the story. The ending with them in S16, where Wash was angry at Carolina for lying to him and her being so desperate to make it right that she and the others broke time, was dramatic and made it clear that there was a lot between them that S17 was going to have to work through.
And they did it perfectly.
Wash’s anger at Carolina is 100% understandable. He had /brain damage/ and was lied to about it by his closest friend. But it’s not like Carolina did it out of maliciousness. She did it out of fear of Wash thinking that he was broken and didn’t want him to be hurt. It was still wrong, but it’s easy to see why she went down that route and sympathize with her. With both of them. And neither one are portrayed as right or wrong in their actions. Yes, Carolina made a HUGE mistake and deciding to save him did much more harm than good. But she did it because she loved Wash (imo platonically) and she wanted to spare him of any more pain and misery, no matter the consequence. Wash had every right to be angry at Carolina for lying, but it wasn’t good to hold onto that anger nor be unwilling to ever forgive Carolina without taking her side of it into account.
This is what made the first half so strong. Despite what happened, Wash is still willing to save Carolina and the others. Despite obviously not wanting to be brain-damaged, he knows that time being fixed was more important and he’s willing to make that sacrifice. And as much as I’m tired of the ‘Carolina did something horrible and feels guilty about it’ plot that the writers just LOVE to use (I get that the pst has consequences, but it’s gotten old), it worked for this story and you do truly feel that Carolina had nothing  but good intentions and cares deeply about Wash. I mean chances are, she’s still learning how to properly handle personal situations like this, something that facing her past self in the Labyrinth I think helped highlight. Even now, her past still haunted her, and now she’s finally realized that she isn’t that person anymore, has a new family to fight for, and pushing the past away for good.
And going back to Wash, I’ve seen some people unhappy with the show deciding to keep his brain damage. I have to disagree. For one, if you’re going to do a story like this, don’t chicken out. Second… why is this a bad thing? I think that S17 perfectly demonstrated that Wash is NOT a broken man. Sure, at that time his brain damage was temporarily averted, but he showed that he’s still a strong character. He’s a good leader, a smart fighter, cares for his team and will do whatever it takes to protect them, and he perfectly held his own throughout the entire fiasco. Yes, he’s going to struggle. A lot. He knows it. But he’s still Wash. He’s still capable of being the person that he’s grown to be, just with a little more help. That is not at all a bad thing. He can get through this. Will it be easy? Hell no. But after all the other bullshit that he’s been through, I think that he proved that he can pull through it. Honestly, I respect him much more as a character now than I ever did before, and as long as they treat his condition respectfully, he will be fine going forward.
This story really showed how much that Wash and Carolina have grown since everything with Freelancer wrapped up, as well as how much their relationship as grown. I don’t ship them, but it’s clear that there is a strong trust and love between them after all that they went through and this story tested that. Even when amnesic, Carolina trusted Wash and didn’t question it despite she herself pointing out that she shouldn’t be feeling that way. Wash ultimately decides to forgive Carolina and put his trust in her again, even pulling her aside to talk to her about what has to happen and how he’s accepted it. There are certainly still going to be struggles as Wash still has to deal with his cerebral hypoxia and all the consequences that come with it. S18 is probably NOT going to be fun for him. But this time, he has proper support and this time, Carolina will be honest and help him through it. And while I hope that other characters are given some spotlight, I’m excited to see what’s in store for these two in the future.
Honorable Mentions
These are things that I enjoyed, but I either don’t have a lot to say or weren’t as important as other things.
Machinima: Very well directed, especially considering how many different Halo’s that they had to use. Josh and Austin nailed it.
Animation: Good as always, even if more sparse
Voice Acting: Amazing as always with special mention to Dan Godwin, Shannon McCormick, Jen Brown, Ricco Fajardo, and Lee Eddy.
Huggins Lives: While I hate how they treated her character, I’m still happy that this ball of sunshine is alive and well.
Caboose Beating Up Genkins: So, SOOOO satisfying!
Carolina vs Carolina: Such a badass fight! Didn’t find it as good as the Donut vs O’Malley fight last year, but it was still freakin’ awesome and I loved it!
Tucker in Episode 9: While I strongly disagree that Tucker was poorly done in S16 and I personally don’t think that this was necessary, it’s still a nice scene that brings it all back around and has Tucker remember what being a leader truly means.
Memory Lane: It was nice to see some of the old moments again. I may hate nostalgia banking, but they did it better than most and it had a purpose, so I’m good with it!
The Villains: Genkins was such a delightfully vile but fun villain and I hate yet love him so much! Same with Chrovos, who was such a boastful and over-dramatic but charismatic villain. Plus Lee Eddy. Loved them and while it still hurts my brain, the finale twist was superb.
Funeral Cannon: Enough said.
Okay, I think that’s it. Now we can move onto Number One. And from the moment that I began planning these lists out, I knew that this was going to be at the top. So without further ado!
#1. Donut FINALLY Became A Character
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If you read my Top 5 Things I Liked About RvB: The Shisno Paradox, you recall that I said that Donut used to be my least favorite among the Reds and Blues because, imo, he served no purpose up to that point. Then S16 happened, and i FINALLY began to see value in his character again and he shot up multiple spots. I knew that S17 was probably going to address more with him since S16 was more of a build up… and holy shit, they exceeded my expectations.
Donut finally got to show how good of a character that he can be. He realized his flaws, like his innuendo spewing and how he can’t get anyone to listen to him. He showed some of the early competency he demonstrated in Blood Gulch and how when actually given the chance, he can be smart and useful. He also displays a huge amount of emotional maturity with how he pointed out to Wash that Carolina literally broke time for him and how despite being angry at the Reds and Blues for treating him like garbage over the years, he still puts the mission first and doesn't allow the anger to control him. The only time that he lets it overcome him in Episode 7… and he had VERY good reason to since Sarge was threatening to execute him (aka being a HUGE hypocrite /points to S15/) and was overall still being disrespected despite going through time to save them all. His rant at them was very much warranted and years in the making and as someone who has felt disrespected and ignored by my friends and family, it felt SO cathartic.
Joe clearly wanted to give Donut more attention in S16, especially since him being majorly underutilized was a big complaint about S15. He perfectly wrote up the blueprints, and Jason perfectly built the structure. I do have some concerns. Like the season had EVERYTHING revolve around Donut. Like the Reds and Blues were Damsels in Distresses for like… 90% of it and Donut had to keep saving them, and I don’t want that to keep being a thing. It’s pushing God Mode too much and Donut is still a flawed person who can still slip up, be TMI, and be a naive idiot. But we’ll have to see how S18 plays out… except… maybe not…
What do I mean? If you recall, at the end of S17 Donut decided to leave. Which you know what? Good. Not because I want him to go, but after all of this, he earned it. I’m still not convinced that the Reds and blues apology in Episode 8 was genuine because of how fast it was, plus Donut went through enough shit just for them. I think that him getting away for a while and worrying about himself for once is the perfect next step for his character and unlike the other times where Donut was gone, maybe we’ll actually get to see how the characters deal with it, especially after how this season went. Only time will tell, but I think that this was a good way to end Donut’s arc. IDK what they’ll do with him next or if we’ll be seeing him anytime soon, but for now? Good job writers!
Also, Donut embraced being Pink. Hell yes!
S17 was one Hell of a season. A lot of its flaws frustrate me. Like… really frustrate me. But it still had a lot of good. It had good character development. It had good ideas. It was really funny and knew when to be emotional. It’d pacing… well, it wasn't perfect, but I’ve seen worse. And the characters, despite me having issues, still felt like the characters and I was still happy to see them all again. I’m still going through RvB withdrawal. 2020, hurry up!
So yeah, those are my Top 5 Things That I Liked About RvB: Singularity. A season that, despite the flaws, I still love. It was nice to revisit this one, even if it wasn’t that long ago. As I said, I have plans for what to do when S18 approaches since I did these posts earlier than normal.  But we’ll worry about that then. For now, thank you all for reading! Catch you all later!
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