#crewel being a dad (?) kinda
twstfanblog · 2 months
Honestly, I just love to hear you rant!!! My request is any au you choose, with Crewel, Rook, and Vil, together or separate, your choice!!! I think your rants are super sweet and sound so much like my own to my friends!!! It kinda makes me think of when I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how much a pint of ale cost in 1843 England for one sentence in something I was writing! 😅 Too bad I'm already following you, because I would totally follow you again! Can't send the Tumblr gift thingies though, because screw American capitalism.
(That price of ale thing is literally how deep I get into world building if Im not careful XD Most days I just go, IT'S FINE YOU DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP WRITING)
Hmmmm... I've written about them all a lot in most of my AU's, honestly. I dont have anything really rant worthy left to say about...I literally had a whole hour to think about it, so instead, I'm just gonna drop another AU so I can get you something new about them. My Manhwa AU is pretty self-serving, but it's got plenty of Vil, Rook, and Crewel sprinkled in.
Basic idea of the AU is that 'Villainess' type story. Yuu was seen as a villain in the original timeline, only to die and come back in time to when she was a child with her full memories. She vows to change her ways and not die in such a way again.
Crewel and Crowley are Yuu's birth parents (Because my AU's are just the same universes in different settings-oop) Crewel married Crowley 100% for the money and power since Crowley was an arch duke. You couldn't call it a marriage of convenience hard enough. But of course, Crewel had to have a puppy to fufill his duty. Crewel will openingly treat Crowley like the bumbling man he pretends to be, but he is an adoring yet stern father to his precious puppy. So you can imagine when she wakes up one day and doesn't act like herself at all. He's so concerned about her...
Vil isn't nobility, but he and his father are both rich and popular enough to buy a title. Both actors, Vil leaves for the performance to the point he was called a succubus by one of his cast stars (teenagers acting so good one falls in love but the other is like 'dude we were acting, calm down'). Vil holds onto his issues with always being casted as a villain but he holds it in much better because hes just happy that he's well liked enough to always perform. As he gets older in this AU he starts to really show his support for the arts and all who create it. He's even started looking for investors to help him fund an acting school.
Rook is a noble man, lover of the odd and offbeat art, no one but his family really accepted his art. But he tried and he shared it with everyone he could. Vil saw it during an artshow and kinda tore it apart publicly by going on and on about how disturbed it made him feel. The current brownnoser tried to 'agree' saying it was bad art.
Vil: There's no such thing as "bad art", you toad. I said it disturbed me, I find it grotesque is a very...eyecatching way. It's not bad because it made me feel something.
So Rook falls in love instantly and basically hunts this mean beauty.
They end up working well together because Vil has FINALLY found someone willing to write him in a hero role and PROPERLY CRITIQUE THINGS WITH. They discus art and what makes something 'moving' vs 'shock value'. They fall in love hard for each other to the point Vil accepted Rook's proposal and is already 60% planned through their wedding. Only to realize he never told anyone when his dad asked if he was open to seeing anyone because he's been told many a young man and lady would like to court him.
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sunthyme · 8 months
Ah... welcome to another instalment of my headcanons. I lowkey lied again but I think my prefect will be the last of the headcanons to come out. Tyty for all the love, as always, and now...
🪶The NRC Staff🪶
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Trying to find characters I hadn't already twisted for my student ocs to make my staff ones was such a pain 😭😭😭 but here they are!!
🐦‍⬛Dire Crowley🐦‍⬛
(he/it) - Bisexual
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The most USELESS HEADMASTER EVER!!! God, I know his SSR card looks great but I won't pull for it istg this bitch. We could have had Sam or Crewel but nooooo...
- I wanted him to look a bit older but since we don't know his age, I didn't push it too much. No spoilers for book 7 but I assume he's probably fae or smth idk.
- You'll notice I honestly didn't change much about the staff in general but I do like most of their design already. Kept his sclera dark cause it looked cool and made the gold eyes pop.
- He talks in a weird mix of old language that literally no one uses, like hella old-fashioned, and poorly used teen lingo. He's trying... A for effort, ig.
- His house and office are super cluttered with a ton of stuff he's found throughout the years but knows exactly where things are. His memory's actually incredibly good, he's just lazy. He likes to collect teaspoons.
- Later in the story, when he starts kinda view the prefect as his kid of sorts, it starts dropping off little trinkets at Ramshackle. Various things from old photos to books with old annotations to pretty rocks. He just wants the prefect to make the dorm 'more homey'.
- I'll get into this more with my prefect design but when Crowley attended NRC (in my headcanon idk if he actually did), he was a Ramshackle student. As such, my MC is using his old uniform as he didn't have any extra ones.
- He really likes cats but they just fcuking hate him. Lucius hisses everything he see Crowley. This is why he cries himself to sleep.
Enough of my dead-beat dad, onto the good dad!
🐕Divus Crewel🐕
(he/they) Transmasc - Panasexual
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The good father-figure!! I love Crewel. Also, ignore me misspelling his name in the big one, I thought it had two 'l's...
- He is my Mexican father. Idk they give like simultaneously abuelita and Mexican mom vibes and I am so here for it. (Apparently also Jewish grandma vibes according to @thearchiveofalexandria but I wouldn't know lol).
- I also think he'd be older, like late 40s/early 50s but because of those anti-ageing Mexican genes, they look like 30. (Literally, my mom gets mistaken for being that young, she's in her 50s) Gave him some gray hair at the back but don't be fooled, that's just from putting up with Crowley's bullshit. The shit that goes down in-game for sure results in a couple grey hairs for poor Crewel.
- Is the father figure I never knew I needed, well, my prefect anyway. I know my MC would go to him for anything ranging from 'Crowley's threatening to cut off my water supply!' to 'Can you help me make a Halloween costume?' and his ass always helps. Stan Papa Crewel.
Oh god, this next one was HELL ON EARTH I hate drawing masculine men...
🏈Ashton Vargas🏈
(he/him) - Heterosexual
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God, I hate Vargas' og design. The worst part is it does it's job, I couldn't find much to change. Also, didn't even know he had a first name lmaooo.
- I gave him more of a beard because it looked so fcuking bad without it ong 😭😭😭 I hated this... that's pretty much all I did.
- That being said, I do think Vargas wants the best for his students. Wait. Dad-bod Vargas. Guys, I just had an epiphany.
- He's got a wife, kids in like elementary school, and like two dogs idk. I feel like he's older thirties. He's giving total family man and likes to cheer on his students like they're his kids too.
- I feel like he's got mad ADHD and it's one of the reasons he became a gym teacher, just to be constantly moving and doing stuff.
My opinion of Vargas has increased while writing this. Onto my funky uncle...
🏷️Sam Cecil🏷️
(he/they/it) Genderqueer - Asexual Aromantic
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- They're like mid-twenties, I don't know if they went to college but if they did, they were a business major. I gave him a last name too, idk the fact that he didn't have one made me mad. Cecil cause Dr. Facilier had a daughter named Cecilia apparently.
- I tossed in a couple more piercings and I love the idea that he has tattoos too.
- He's like the fun uncle that occasionally sponsor your weird ideas. Wanna make cookies at 3am? His store's still open. Need some Nerf guns? He's got 'em. If he says it's in stock, he will literally have anything. Don't ask, he won't answer you anyway.
- Also has crazy good like and low-key knows the future but typically drops hints in a joking manner. He's also very good at communing with the dead, sales for sessions are discounted in October.
- Incredibly rich. Probably canon given his store branches and the crazy shit he has in his shop but I felt the need to reaffirm it.
- Also supplies Ramshackle with snacks and groceries. My MC works at its shop part time in return but I firmly believe that it'd refuse to let the MC starve.
Now for the gramps,
📚Mozus Trein📚
(he/him) Transmasc - Heterosexual
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- Trans old man, idk. He is to me. Also, he's both the history and literature teacher.
- Also changed pretty much nothing lol, he's just an old trans man whose sick of Crowley's bullshit (you'll notice a running theme).
- All the grandpa memes and stereotypes are so true for him. His drinks tea every afternoon, plays chess with Crewel (that's canon btw), and squints whenever you try to show him something, especially on a phone.
- He uses a flip phone mobile-y but his house has a rotary one. His daughters keep telling him to replace it but he refuses, saying modern one are too complicated. His daughters also went to Royal Blade as he originally worked there before recently transferring to NRC.
- Hates pumpkin-flavoured anything so doesn't care much for fall. Winter is his favourite season though as he loves sitting with Lucius by the window on snowy days and reading. Very academiacore, gramps.
- He totally advocated for NRC to allow students to use preferred names.
Onto the ocs!!
🪐Mèng yáo Yuan🪐
(she/they/it) Agender - Biromantic Demisexual
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- First up is Mèng yáo, twisted from the Horned King from The Black Cauldron. Never seen it personally but @thearchiveofalexandria has and recommended I use its villain.
- She's Chinese and a fae of sorts so she's likely quite old, though she looks in her twenties.
- She's the astrology and philosophy teacher because I thought it would make for a good course since it's mentioned in passing in Book 4.
- She's also skilled in potionology and she and Crewel test out potions for Crewel to teach in class. She is intrigued by the concept of immortality but it's more of a passive study for her.
- She's really bad at getting jokes, though she tries. She's generally not too familiar with modern human concepts but does her best to learn.
💎Kore Gorgon💎
(she/her) - Sapphic
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- Kore is based on Madame Medusa from The Rescuers, which, fair warning, I ALSO haven't seen. I really needed villains though lol. I read the wiki page and prayed tbh.
- She's around her mid-fifties and is the Math and Physics teacher. She works to integrate known magical physics with standard math and physics and teaches such.
- Her wife is named Crystal (based on an inspo character for Madame Medusa) and they're Kyra's adoptive parents. This is a small nod to Madame Medusa having two pet crocodiles. Kyra kept her parent's names as a sort of way to remember them but likes her adoptive moms a lot too.
- Kore's name is a reference to another name for Persephone and is associated with not only 'the maiden' with the underworld as well.
- She loves shiny things and adores being dressed to the nines all the time. She has a small collect of pretty rocks and tends to decorate her classroom with various trinkets.
- She and Crewel get along super well as their personalities are rather similar. (Fun fact: Madame Medusa not only was heavily inspired by Cruella De Vil, but also served as an origin for Ursula's design.)
- She has bipolar disorder and does her best to work around it, sometimes having pre-recorded lectures if she's not able to be in person.
I'll be sharing my designs for some side and family characters tomorrow so stay tuned! Love y'all!🩷🩷🩷
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Yuu et Yutu idea(s)
1. Yuu's finally really excited to have someone else from their world around so someone can finally get their pop culture references and jokes and uh...bless them, Yutu tries to BS their way into getting Yuu's jokes but Yuu's pop-culture is a good 10 or so years before Yutu was even conceived, there's only so much he can get whe you make a "a x? (Puts a hat on it) PERRY THE X!?" Jokes, you know? But Seven love him, he tries so hard to get your sill little jokes and references because you're so homesick (he can't believe you miss your world, when he remembers how it treated you both) and you look so stupid and happy with the dorky shit eating grin when you expect him to get it, he misses that smile so damn bad he acts his damn pants off to make you happy and pretends he knows the TV show Friends.
2. Another one where Yuu is happy to have someone from their world in class again, because now it's not just them struggling with "basic" things anymore, right? Like, this is a college, Yuu's missed YEARS of education like basic history or geography needed to have any context for what Trien's telling them and they look at Yutu in commiseration as Trien hands out test scores, only to see Yutu's scored pretty high!? He really has a solid grasp for these classes (almost like he's taken them before...) and it's just kinda...disheartening for Yuu to see. Are they really so dumb that their struggling this much? Like, they have the handicap of Grim sharing their grades but for Yutu to be sailing through these classes, maybe there is something wrong with Yuu...
Yutu's in a tizzy, trying to comfort Yuu about their grades without explaining that actually they already learned all this beforehand and either offers to tutor their parent themselves, or plays wingman for his parents and sets Yuu up to be tutored by his dad. Or something 💦
3. Sometimes the road to love isn't smooth, or a straight line, and imagine if Yuu dated someone else before getting together with Yutu's dad. With Yuu's amnesia (and college/high-school romances being such a non-issue in hindsight, Crewell or anyone else never really thought to bring up this other guy), Yutu is 100% blindsided when they see Yuu in some guys arms that isn't his dad. Excuse you sir, do you not realise you're ruining the timeline??? (And Yutu's life??) Yutu contemplates how bad would it be if he broke Yuu and the other guy up (if Yutu's friends/siblings are around, they are teasing him for being one of those kids who get funny when their parents start dating and "you guys don't get it its different I could be Marty McDly'd here") Yutu's stressing about it so much, and Yuu's so worried about him that their boyfriend ends up breaking up with them anyways. OR SOMETHING 💦💦💦
Ahhh I love these types of ideas, don't think I have written enough Yuu with Yutu angst
Yutu is old enough that he could probably play off certain things, yeah Yuu! He knows that meme! Oh it comes from a show huh... what would really screw him would be when Yuu starts asking about the sorts of things that he was interested in because wow. How does he explain he really loved this sequel to something you liked? There's no way it would have been something you slept on... but yeah that smile and seeing you happy is worth the stressful acting. Would you have been this happy if you had stayed in Twisted Wonderland? Would he have grown up with a parent who was significantly less stressed? Or would you have been homesick forever and even more lonely with a child who didn't understand your world... would he have made you feel even more isolated? How would his father have dealt with this... is he currently dealing with it at all or does he just. Not see it as a problem?
Oh Yutu... he didn't think this part thought when he agreed to stay at NRC. I feel like Yutu sort of just assumed that Yuu would have been great at their NRC classes because hello? They beat 7 overblots? What's Crewel's tests compared to that?!? A completely different beast apparently... he feels terrible. He tries to play it off as him just getting these things on instinct because he's a mage and that just sort of makes things worse. Now Yuu is wondering why they didn't have any magic when they came here... did they do something wrong? Nonononononono this is really bad. Depending on who his dad is I could see him trying to set Yuu up with some tutoring. Or if you want to get spicy:
You guys really like the idea of Yuu getting together with someone else first huh? This isn't the first time someone has brought it up... so lets say, just to be funny, the dad of one of his friends is also at NRC. Scarabia Resident B is my go to sacrificial lamb, but hey. It could be anybody, but it is someone Yutu knows for damn sure is not his dad and he's spiraling because he thought he was doing something nice by setting Yuu up with a tutor he could trust but now his friend's dad is hitting on his parent!!! And they're reciprocating it!!! "Oh what's wrong he's kind of cute." You know who's cuter? His actual father please Yuu ;-; He 100% gets clowned on by Yuu's other friends about being like a child who hates their parent's new partner but oooh. This could repair the rift between Yutu and whoever his dad is if they've been avoiding each other. Ace and his son suddenly stop beefing and are clowning on Yuu's new man, Azul is screaming into his pillow every single night because no... the sexy tutor you have a crush on in HIS trope damn it!!! (to say nothing of Jade's outright murderous intent and Yutu looking at him and then into the mirror and wondering if yandere tendencies run in the family.) The relationship doesn't really last that long, whether because Yuu's worry over Yutu gets in the way or Mob-kun and Yuu realize they're better off friends is up for debate. What isn't though, is that Yutu's father expects his total alliance in him getting together with Yuu now. This isn't up for discussion, doesn't he remember signing the waiver?
My one caveat to this is uh... Leona knows Yutu is his child. I am thinking about the dynamic of Yutu freaking out and Leona rolling his eyes and getting to work. You chose him, not that other herbivore, so maybe he can remind you just why you did, huh? Even though you technically haven't chose him yet
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Loving the Kaiju AU and I have a few questions
How would yuu react to the other staffs being like a father/uncle/grandfather/brother to yuu? how would the other boys see yuu as? Will any of the staff and boys would try and communicate with yuu?
Well, for the most part, Yuu’s reactions are up to you guys since it’s meant to represent us/our charactesr as the MC just like the game. I try to keep it as open to creative freedom to inspire you guys since everyone reacts differently. >v<;
Anyway, I did discuss the Kaiju trying to communicate with Yuu in this post here, where we also learn that Grim can, in fact, understand human languages! (Yes, languages, not just English or Japanese) Despite the language barrier, Yuu will manage to learn how to replicate the sounds and frequencies they hear…including certain ones that should be impossible for normal human vocal chords. Hmmm… >.>
But! We’ll cross that bridge sooner or later. In the meantime, more “Help! I’m trapped on an island with no memories and I’ve been adopted by two Kaiju dads!!” for all of us~! >vÓ
So we know that Yuu (as would anyone in their position) was baffled and floored at the realization that Nevermore and Crewelfang adopted them, let alone the fact that the two were…gentle towards them. It was sweet…in a terrifying giant monster sort of way, and tat the moment it was their saving grace against the other creatures of the island.
And then came the rest of the “family”.
Once the rest of the staff came into the picture, Yuu and Grimfang were safely hidden behind Nevermore’s forepaws as the others investigated the duo with curious eyes. It doesn’t take long for Yuu to figure out that they’d been accepted by this group of powerful monsters that—according to MIRA—not even the researchers had been able to observe to such an extent. In a way it’s kinda nice having the extra security of their extended “family”.
Some took their new familial role as “surrogate uncle” a little too enthusiastically though. ^_^;
Crewel: *trying to groom Yuu* “How in the world did you get yourself so filthy walking outside the den? Hold still, pup!”
Yuu: *glaring at Grim, who bumped them into a muddy water puddle* [“Traitor!”]
Grim: “Hey, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to groom yourself.”
Crewel: “Don’t think you’re getting out of a grooming session. Your fur is a mess!”
Grim: “What?! No fair! I can keep myself cleaner than the human!”
Vargas: “Good morning!” *standing on top of a massive whale-like creature* “I’ve brought the nibblings breakfast, freshly hunted from the sea!”
Crewel: *long-suffering sigh* “Ashton…two things. One: get that thing out of my den before it starts to reek! And two: surely you don’t expect the pups to eat that whole thing in one sitting?”
Vargas: “They’re both skin and bones. If they’re going to survive in this pack, they need to build up their muscles!” *begins shredding the carcass into chunks with shark teeth* “Once they’ve finished this, they’ll need to eat eggs to help them grow big and strong—like me!”
Crewel: “That is far too much for either of them to eat!”
Yuu: *hiding behind Crewel’s paws* [“What is happening?!”]
Crowley: *outside* “Why is there a fish blocking the entrace?!”
Yuu: *trying to follow MIRA’s instructions to build a makeshift survival “bed” out of leaves and sticks* [“I’m pretty sure this isn’t going to be very comfortable…”]
Grim: “So why are you wasting your time?”
Yuu: [“Ugh…what I wouldn’t give for a mattress. Even a sleeping bag would be an upgrade!”] *continues trying to tie the twine…before stopping with a shudder* [“…what was that…?”]
Grim: “What was what?”
Yuu: *whirls around, gasping in horror* [“AAAAA-!!”]
Grim: *turns and sees massive spider-like chameleon emerging from the trunk of a tree* “FYGAAAAAAAA-!!!!”
Crowley: “What is going on out there?!”
Sam: *fully materializes just as Crewel and Crowley come charging out* “Hello, little imps~! So sorry for scaring you both.”
Crewel: “Sam? For Seven’s sake, we thought the pups were in danger!”
Sam: “My apologies! I brought gifts for your new litter of imps—in stock! And I guarantee there will be something they’ll want in there."
Yuu: *notices something odd about Sam and squints* [“…is…that Kaiju wearing a satchel?”] *yelps as Sam dumps the contents of the satchel onto the ground, the pile towering over them* [“Wha-?!...whoa! Whoa!! Look at all this!”]
Crowley: *tilts head in confusion as Yuu starts digging around the pile, Grim joining shortly after out of curiosity* “Well, they certainly seem interested in your selection. Now, say that they do find something. What do you want in exchange?”
Sam: “Just a simple trade this time, since most of the stock is unusable to us. A few mango seeds and a crystal from your mountain nest will suffice!”
Crowley: “Deal! Such a generous offer~!”
Yuu: *has already found a satchel and a several duffle bags, filling it with small items, towels, and blankets* [“Wow. How did he even get a full shower caddy with soap and shampoo?! Score! Now I can take a proper bath!”]
Grim: *grabs and drags out a large mattress* “The heck is this?”
Yuu: *gasp!!!* [“BED!!!!”] *dives off the pile onto the mattress before bouncing off, climbing back on and sprawling out with a grin and giggling happily* [“Oh, I’m going to sleep well tonight!”]
Crewel: “They seem quite taken with that slab in particular.”
Grim: “Huh…hey, move over, I wanna try it too!”
Yuu: [“Wha-? Hey! No! Get off! You’re gonna squish it!”]
Grim: “I’m not gonna squish it! Quit hoggin’ the good stuff!” *lightly pins Yuu down under his arm*
Yuu: *squirming to get out from under him* [“Move your big butt! Nevermore!”]
Crowley: “Play nice, you two!”
Crewel: “Don’t make me put you two on the discipline branch again!”
(In the end, the two wound up sharing the mattress with Yuu occasionally sleeping on Grim’s back or belly. When he wants to be mischievous, he’ll flip the mattress over while Yuu is on it)
Crowley: “…perhaps it was unwise for Grim and Lucius to meet…”
Lucius: “Rrreaaaarrrl!!”
Grim: “Shut up! Yer the one who stole my snack!”
Lucius: “Hissss!”
Grim: “Why you-!”
Trein: “Enough!”
Grim: “But he started it!”
Crewel: “Down boy!”
Crowley: “Are you sure you can handle them both, Mozus?”
Trein: “You forget that this is not my first time raising hatchlings or kits. They will be fine while you two patrol the island.”
Crewel: “I’ll hold you to that.”
Yuu: [“Wait, where are you guys going?”]
Crowley: “Be a good hatchling for Mozus while we’re gone. We will return at noon.”
-Several hours later-
Crowley: “We’re ba—oh.”
Trein: *the air is filled with flickering images of creatures and scenes, scales shimmering while a gentle thrum radiating from Trein’s chest as he continues telling a story to an enthralled Yuu and Grim*
Yuu: *can’t understand what Trein is saying but enchanted by the illusions as they try to piece together what the story is about*
Crewel: “Hmph…so you do still have a few tricks up your sleeve for an old dog. Well done.”
I think it’s safe to say that Yuu has had a lot of interesting encounters with their new adoptive family members. XD But how would they feel in the end after everything is said and done?
After everything that had transpired throughout the last few days, it was no surprise that Yuu was exhausted. Despite this, however, they found themselves lying wide awake. Wrapped in one of their new blankets with their back pressed to Grimfang’s side as they both shared the mattress, it was like they had their own portable radiator…that snores. And like a massive pair of organic walls that blocked the chill of the night, Nevermore and Crewelfang encircled the two with their heads resting on each other’s haunches. The den was filled with quiet breathing, the wind howling outside sounding muffled.
In the silence, Yuu’s thoughts swirled: ‘Who am I?’ This was a question that had been plaguing them since they were first grounded to the nest with nothing to do but think. They could remember things like what objects or fruit were called and how they functioned, or how to work with things like a computer. And yet the more they tried to remember their life before the beach, the harder it became to recall even the most basic information.
Name? Age? Easy. School? Nothing. Job skills? No clue. Friends? Family? Pets?
Complete blanks.
All they could recall was a vague feeling of warmth and comfort, that someone out there cared for them. Who, they couldn’t say for sure…and the thought terrified them more than they thought. Would…they ever remember what their life was like? Who they were as a person?...
Yuu blinked as a rippling wave of shimmering gold light crossed their vision—no, their mind—before a small drop of emerald joined in, followed by a feeling of warmth and worry not their own bloomed in their chest. Raising their head from the mattress, Yuu was met with Nevermore’s golden gaze as he watched them—a sight they’d grown accustomed to after the first night’s scare he’d had.
What had MIRA called that color phenomenon before? ‘Echoing resonance’? They’d thought it had been part of the dream the first night it happened, but ever since they’d been experiencing it from both Nevermore and Crewelfang. [“It is unique to Kaiju in that they may direct the frequency to a group or a singular individual. Researchers believe this to be an evolutionary trait designed to communicate between young offspring and other pack members akin to echolocation. Study has shown that humans may experience this from Kaiju test subjects, though no further information can be gleaned due to the rarity of the phenomenon,”] the computer had told them.
…pack members and offspring…
“…I don’t understand you at all,” Yuu told him, his ear twitching as he tilted his head in response. “I mean…you’re not even human, and yet you decided to ‘adopt’ me because of that stupid serum. Do you even know what I am? Or do you just not care?” That last part sounded more frustrated than they’d intended, but Nevermore’s expression seemed…softer than before now, colorful ripples of blue and violet filling their mind as a wave of calm washed over them. “…then again…I don’t know where I’d be if you hadn’t found me that day. And since I can’t even remember them…you’re the closest thing to a family I have now.”
Nevermore gently lowered his head to rest it next to the mattress, his eye watching them as a quiet sigh escaped.
Reaching out to pet his cheek, Yuu couldn’t help but chuckle when he began to “purr”, the sound more akin to a soft, whistling warble. “Thank you,” they whispered, their eyes heavy now as a sense of security filled them. “For everything…”
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Dusk’s opinion of everyone because I kept thinking about it:
Riddle - A stick and the mud and too yell-y. Kinda Floyd’s territory to mess with.
Ace - He messes with Sebek too much, and only I get to do that. He also doesn’t learn his lesson.
Deuce - Seems nice, if a bit unfun at times, but hangs out with Ace a lot. I’d like him more if he dropped Ace.
Cater - He’s fun, just can be too much sometimes. He’s not really MY friend, but we became close through my dad.
Trey - He’s really nice, and helps me a lot during club. But he also withholds treats if I’m “mean” or create too many explosions.
Leona - Lazy lion that messes with Malleus. If he wants to be housewarden, he needs to step up, that or drop down. He also needs to stop messing with my brother.
Jack - Seems kind, but doesn’t like to react to me messing with him, so unfun. He also hangs out with Ace, so another negative.
Ruggie - Annoying cause he feels like he’s everywhere in Savannaclaw. Other than that he’s fine, just hangs around Leona too much.
Azul - We interact a lot, but that makes my brothers concerned. He’s fine and always pretty nice to me.
Jade - He’s my friend and lots of fun to hang around. His mushrooms are fun, as long as you don’t make the mistake I made of eating them. (Dusk at them once and it slightly numbed his mouth, He was fine, just not happy.)
Floyd - He’s also my friend, fun to wrestle and play against. He wants to fight almost every second he’s not knocked out though.
Kalim - He’s kind, but a bit overly kind for me. I don’t really feel negatively towards him, but he’s just more my dad’s friend than mine.
Jamil - He’s quiet, I don’t really trust him, and he’s not that fun to mess with. But even with everything, I don’t think of him negatively.
Vil - Terrifies me after the SDC. He’s kind to me, if nitpicky, but I understand to respect him.
Epel - He messes with Sebek almost as much as Ace, and I won’t let that slide. We probably would have been friends if it wasn’t for that, but now I’ve made it my mission to always rat him out to Vil.
Rook - He scares me, but in a fun way. He’s always helpful to me, but if he starts on something he doesn’t stop. He also likes to track me.
Idia - We don’t interact at all, but from what I’ve heard I’m not much of a fan. Can’t say much more than he sounds annoying.
Ortho - He’s kind enough. He’s another of the first year group, but always uses puppy dog eyes on me to get the others out of trouble with me. (It almost always works.)
Malleus - He’s very fun. We both mess with each other all the time. People are so annoying about him being a prince and strong, but they just need to relax about it. (Dusk was scared of him and didn’t know how to interact at first, so was the same way. He just says it was shock about having a new brother.)
Sebek - He’s my baby brother, just yell-y. He is shockingly the last to mess with me or want to fight me over it, but his reactions are still fun. (Also Dusk’s classmate because he was put with the class he came with into the school, even if he’s older than them. Also has remedial lessons for what he skipped out on over being gone for so long.)
Silver - He’s fun too, just quiet. He also can make me the most jealous, being the only one with only our dad and not other direct family, but I hold no ill will to him. (Any jealousy surrounding Silver makes Dusk mad at Lilia.)
Lilia - I like him, I think, be he makes me confused. He’s been nothing but kind in my interactions with him, and I should be over what he did because it’s realistically not that bad, but I can’t get over that anger. He also likes to keep to many secrets.
Crowley - Annoying and doesn’t do his job. I’d like to tackle him but no one will let me do that.
Crewel - His class is fun, and I think he’s fun too. I like him but I don’t think he likes me.
Trein - His class is boring, and that’s kinda all I think on him. We don’t interact much outside of that.
Vargas - He’s fun and so is his class. I don’t like that half the time I’m not allowed to float.
Sam - He’s fun, and I like his shop a lot. I always leave there with more than one intended to leave with though.
Grim - Annoying cat that lives with Ace. He crashed the entrance ceremony and has not stopped causing problems, including messing with Sebek.
Dusk: I am not immune to Ortho Propaganda.
It's funny that Trey denies Dusk treats if he's too much of a hassle.
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thelazyhermits · 5 months
I was wondering if you would do a one shot of twisted wonderland for a potion mishap, where Yuu turns into a child. The reason I asked this because in your version of Yuu she was robbed of a childhood. I would like to see Yuu enjoy being a kids and the Twisted Wonderland cast act as older brothers or dads in some cases (that means you Trey and Crewel.)
Since my Yuu is the same as the Reader Insert I first created for my BNHA fics, I have received this type of request many times in the past since I've written fics where I've deaged others but I never did it with her, and because of her lack of a proper childhood, she's the one who could benefit from getting turned into a child more than anyone.
The reason I've never written such a fic is because I am not confident about writing from a child's POV since kids can be kinda hard for me to write especially if I'm actually getting into their heads which I would have to do cause I prefer to write from 2nd person POV.
Another problem is that meeting a child Yuu would raise a lot of worrisome questions to anyone who sees her cause her unfortunate upbringing would be pretty obvious just from interacting with her since she'd be wary of all aduts, skittish, really quiet, and would just overall not act like anyone would expect a normal kid to act.
It would honestly be a really awkward situation since Yuu wouldn't trust anyone and she'd just wanna hide away rather than deal with anyone since, to her, there's always the risk that someone will hurt her, which would obviously be very heartbreaking for a lot of people.
Since I'd rather not have Yuu have to deal with the aftermath of that, I'm very reluctant to write that kinda fic since I really don't want everyone to find out about her past.
In order to avoid that, Yuu would have to be younger than she was before she ended up in Japan's underworld so 3 years old or younger and I'm really not confident about writing from that young a POV lol
That's why the only way I could see myself writing a deaged Yuu fic is if Yuu was only physically a kid aka her mental state remains unchanged since that would make it so that she can avoid raising a lot of unwanted questions.
Or I'd make it so that her mental state is that of a child but at the same time she's still aware of her circumstances and who everyone is so she can avoid doing or saying suspicious things so like she tries to act normal but will suddenly be overcome with the urge to do something a kid would do like wanting to go play and run around.
The latter could be doable for me, so I would consider possibly writing a fic like that one day, although I can't make any promises.
Regardless of what kinda deaged state she ends up in, plenty of the TWST boys would wanna dote on her, and that would definitely be the case for all the adults, Crewel and Sam especially lol
Trey would absolutely be the #1 big bro contender cause of his experience and cause he knows she didn't have much of a childhood due to her being similar to Riddle in his eyes, so he would spoil her as much as possible haha
I agree that Yuu deserves a chance to be a kid, and I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun to write her getting spoiled, so I will keep this idea in mind ^^
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kawaiisimp · 2 years
I'm super bored in class rn so here are the contact names of the twst boys from my MC's (Baby's) phone. Some of them will have more than one.
Riddle- Wittle Tyrant
Trey- Little Debbie; Daddy (was set on a dare and forgot about until he saw it, preceded to freak out and switch it back)
Cater- Cay-Cay 😝😝😝😝 (He put that in himself and keeps changing back everytime it gets changed)
Ace- ❤Actual dumb ass❤
Deuce- 💙Actual dumb ass💙
Leona- Kitty; RAWR XD 😸 (cycles through these to annoy him)
Ruggie- THEIF; Kitty's lacky; Cutie! 🍊
Jack- WOOF! WOOF!; Tuff Puppy
Azul- Octobitch; Octoloser; Octodork (cried over all of these names, but refused to pick a new for himself. Finally allowed Baby to put a heart next to the last one to show she wasn't being mean...she was for the first one); Octodork 💙
Jade- Eek!; SHROOMY 🍄
Floyd- Eek! Part two the electric Boogaloo; Teef and Squeeze! ❤️‍🩹
Jamil- Busy! 🐝; Get ✨therapy✨; curry friend! (They had some trouble after his over blot, but then he made her curry!)
Kalim- PRECIOUS BOIII <3; 💛Sunshine💛
Vil- Drama queen; ✨️PRETTIEST BOI✨️
Rook- stalker; Chess piece🖕🥰🖕
Idia- Blue! 🔥; Discord mod 🤢🤮; WEEB 🥰
Malleus- Hornton; Horny 😈 (never learned about this name); Dragon RAWR!!! (He did not like this name and thought Baby was now scared of him so he sulked about it until Lilia told her about why he was sad and avoiding her.); Lizard boi! 💚💚💚🥰 (was much more pleased with this one!)
Lilia- wittle fae; DILF (Lilia nearly cried laughing when he read this, Baby nearly fainted); 🦇Draculara🦇
Silver- Sleepy 😴; Sleepy knight! 😴 🥰
Sebek- WHY ARE YOU YELLING?; Malleus simp; human w/ green hair (absolutely hated this name and threw a fit for Baby to change it; when she refused he took her phone. Lilia managed to take it back from him and changed it to something worse. More yelling insued.); Knight! Green addition💚
Crewel- Mr. Crewel; Prof. Puppy!; Dad! 😁 (Jokingly assigned a family member to each of the teachers, did it front of them and everyone thought it was kinda funny until Baby made Crowley whine, was switched back to Prof. Puppy!)
Trien- Mr. Trien; Cat Dad!; Peepaw (was surprisingly happy about this, it was changed back to cat dad after Crowley's out burst.)
Vargus- Coach Vargus; Manly™; Giga-Chad Uncle (dropped the uncle part, still is Giga-Chad)
Sam- Mr. S; Voo-Doo Dude; Cool uncle (fuck you Crowley, if you weren't a baby he could still be cool uncle, he's Voo-Doo Dude now)
Crowley- IM A BIRD CAW CAW; ✨useless✨; Drunk bbq Uncle (this is what he threw a bitch fit over, it then came out what his name was before and he got even more pouty, the others were trying not to laugh, it got changed to bird man, baby later replaced the man with brain, it's still like that)
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v-anrouge · 6 months
Crewel met him before Vil went to NRC at a fashion show.
Maybe after Vil was born, and Vil got lost at the show as a like three to five year old. Vil maybe hides under a chair cause everything is loud and scary, he can’t find his papa. And suddenly a big fluffy white coat is in front of him, then someone crouches down to look under the chair. Crewel loves kids, and his heart melts at the sight of the tearful blonde boy. Crewel offers a hand to help him find his guardian and little Vil all but leaps into the man’s arms. Strangers are scary but so is being very short around adults who can’t see you! So Crewel carries the boy around, asking about his dad. “He’s super cool, and the handsomest! And the best papa ever!” And Vil settles down talking about how cool his dad is.
Poor Konig is panicking looking for his young son before he feels a tap on his shoulder and seeing the prettiest man holding his sniffling son! Crewel and him sit next to eachother during the show. And obviously poor Vil gets bored out of his mind, so Crewel finds a few games to play. How many red shoes can you find? Bet I can find more! After the show, little Vil is knocked out, snuggled under Crewel’s coat, and Konig “feels kinda bad removing him from it” so he and Crewe are kind of “forced” to get dinner! They didn’t have a choice!
They stay friends, even as Vil grows up, and Vil has known they’ve liked eachother since he was seven. Nobody crinkles the magazine when they see their “friend” on a date like that. Vil tries to play matchmaker. “Poor papa is so lonely, I’m going to school and can’t give him the affection he needs!” “Uncle Divus is so stressed from teaching! He’s probably sick of being around kids. Maybe I can have a babysitter and you and him can talk about taxes!” (Cause that’s what adults do obviously!)
Vil finally shoves them together when he starts at NRC, and knows they’re dating, they’ve been pining for years now, but he can also pretend he doesn’t see it. He even stays silent when he sees Crewel walking into class wearing his dad’s chapstick, though he does internally cringe a bit.
Vil also takes over their wedding, and demands to be the flower girl, Crewel’s dogs are the ring bearers. And when Vil is interviewed about his dad marrying his teacher he just says “finally!”
TGIS IS SO SO SO FUCKING CUTE SO GOOD OMFG I honestly was thinking of them starting to date when vil was already grown but him as a child is MUCH better, esp in that scenario.
just imaging vil growing up considering crewel part of the family and eric/konig (in case anyone doesn't know eric is vil's dad stage name, konig is just a name they made for him) is just getting teary eyed hoping one day he'll truly make part of it. little vil playing cupid 😿😿 i just know he'd use any excuses he got to make crewel stay over, when he'd get sad he demanded both of them pampered him all day, which they did until vil fell asleep in both of their laps with the movie still just starting.
grown vil just so sick and tired of them beating around the bush and just rolling his eyes when his father still refers to crewel as his friend. imagine vil's smile when they FINALLY refer to each other as lovers after YEARS
AAHHDJHSDJJS THE WEDDING PART AJSHSJEDJS please the wedding would be so so beautiful, crewel designed both of their suits because he wanted them to be special, adding in small details that would make it clear that they're for them and no one else, vil would be crying so much, so so proud and glad to see his fathers together and happy at last. ANS THE DOGS RAAAHHHHHHHHDDHDHDHEHDDBEBSHSB
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apompkwrites · 2 years
So, my stupid little head started thinking stupid little thoughts and I fell down the rabbit hole, of "What if the other teachers had siblings/ kids like Crowley"
And with that thought I went to google docs and wrote the following:
Aston Vargas's Sibling that's kind of like LeFou, in the since of always looking up to their brother. But at the same time has been raised to listen to his every command. And has never been seen as their own person just always "Astons sibling".
Sam's sibling that is truly a shadow. Sam is very successful even going as far as to have 'dark magic'/ Voodoo without any visible magic crystal on him. I see him as the older sibling that was basically the parent, but when he left to NRC they never could go out into the light because they felt they needed to be a shadow.
Crewels sibling that is like Anita, in the since that he gets his most brilliant ideas from them, but never lets anyone know what inspired the new top hit in his fashion line.
Trien's kid feeling like their feelings are irrelevant to their sisters. In the story we know Trein couldn't be there for his daughters because of his wife's early passing, and having to provide for his family. His kid feeling like they always have to work their ass off, and that their feelings don't matter as long as they are alive, that being alive is the same as truly living.
PS. Yes, I am the one that had the stupid little thought of having a Crowley [Y/N]. Enjoy these new ideas, while I go back to my stupid little schoolwork, inside of my stupid room. Have a good day/night!
not even the staff are safe >:))
for vargas' sibling, i feel like they wouldn't even realize how bad their relationship is? kinda like how lefou just accepts his position and sees it as a good thing, vargas!(name) would do the same :(
oogh just imagine sam's sibling being a literal shadow, like how dr. facilier has the shadow that follows him around :( their whole life is spent having to literally be in his shadow to a point where no one knows that he has a sibling D:
and then crewel's sibling believes that their brother doesn't care about them? or at least he does on a sort of surface level? but the truth is that they hold such a high position in his life because they're his beloved little sibling.
and trein's child feeling so much pressure just to survive. maybe they do it because they don't want their dad to feel as if they're a burden? or maybe they do it because they know no other way of living. but, either way, trein's child grows up too fast, having to survive on their own and bottle up emotions because they don't know how else to handle them.
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Tagging: @queerlordsimon @thesunshineriptide @aetherphobia @end3rm1st @ladyzsgolla (lemme know if you wanna be tagged)
Hiiii this is a long one because. Yknow we say a lot of weird shit.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 6
Uhhh CW: cursing, joking mockery, threats of violence (all joking I prommy!!), sexual innuendos
Lilia: I want to sit in the fire chair and I want to touch the disease book
Floyd: Btw I got some candy you want some 🍬🍭
Azul: Did you check for blades?
Floyd: yeah
Floyd: no blades but I found this 🥄
Azul: Is that a spoon???
Azul: Who puts spoons in candy??
Floyd: cool people with vans apparently
Cater: My illness is that I like men
Floyd: I will break ur spine with my love
Sebek: All of my family members got the talent of art but I didn't.
Silver: I dunno, that was a pretty good dog you drew earlier
Sebek: Oh come on, don't even go there, you know better
Ace: the opposite of formaldehyde is casualdejekyll
Deuce: get out
Jade: Eyes are kinda like Jewels. which Is why I like to collect them :)
Leona: I'm way too stoned to go into the danger zone
Floyd: Loafers, loafers, loafers, loafers. . I have an eye for loafers
Azul: I can tell
Floyd: loafers-
Ortho: That's why I got the party sized bag of Doritos
Azul: Idia is his own party.
Ortho: He is his own party
Azul: Do you just bring the party with you where you go?
Idia, deadpanned: that sounds draining.
Crewel: The Overhead Sun is when the sun is overhead. DO YOU HEAR ME? T H E O V E R H E A D S U N I S W H E N T H E S U N I S O V E R H E A D.
Ruggie: but what if I want to eat the hunger
Lilia: Dead sucks. Just ask, well, nobody because they're dead
Lilia: haha, dad jokes
Ruggie: I'm so hungry I could eat my own hunger :))))
Savanaclaw Student B: what's a single kid gonna do?
Yuu: a lot, actually. i plan to take over the world, catch all the legendary Pokemon, overthrow the champion, and whoop your ass
Lilia: Okay Malleus, what did we learn about awakening the ancient ones?
Idia: I will not accept Sans' banana.
Ace: When I die I want to be baked into a chocolate cake alive
Floyd: We have that psychic connection, we're just built different
Jade: …yeah
Lilia: What if Bigfoot takes off his fursuit before making fudge
Trey: I don't think Bigfoot making fudge naked will make me want to buy it more
Lilia: Who said he was naked????
Trey: He took off his fursuit!
Lilia: People usually wear clothing under their fursuit?? Like underclothing??
Trey: Still don't think I want bigfoot making my fudge
Lilia: I love that we're skipping past the fact that I am insinuating that bigfoot is a furry
Trey: Ehh…
Lilia: Consider this: Bigfoot is just Mr. Clean's fursona
Jade: I could see that– the psychology in that-
Jade: Being so obsessed with cleanliness that you revert to the total opposite, living in the woods; the wild, being one with the dirt. .
Jade: Hey look at these nice shoes!
Grim: Imagine waking up in a strange new world and looking inside the bag that was given to you upon waking up only to fucking find human ears
Jade: I would never threaten a moose. An elk on the other hand, I'd fuck it up.
Floyd: Heyy, you want some candy? They're good. A dollap something, a Squirmy... ooh! And this one's my favourite! It's from the floor
Floyd: Now THOSE were some slurpy tentacle sounds
LilIa: aaAAAUSGHHHSHHHHHHHNNNNNNGgggGerrrrrrr. . . That's what creativity sounds like, trust me
Idia: I don't know if I should say 'Im happy to inform you' or 'I regret to inform you,' but I must inform you that I'm back in my fnaf phase
Ruggie: head empty. only primal instincts. and shiny things.
Ruggie: I am here only for picking flowers and shiny gems
Azul: And now. . ... . when I look in this chest. .. I will see all of my treasures.. .. ..
Azul, chasing a rooster: Sir? SIR! Sir do you have time to talk about extending your car's warranty??
Floyd: Ok I'm done being angsty now.
Floyd: I will now be *horny-*
Epel: Speaking of precious, [breAKS INTO A COUGHING FIT]
Ace: Skate fast, eat ass
Trey: Do you need glue?
Cater: If I need glue I will cry.
Idia: Emotions are wack [finger guns]
Ace: Jesus my hands are dry... they just like.... snorted.. .... the lotion I put on them.. ... ..
Deuce: Okayy let's see how well I can do my math homework after having a mental breakdown!
[Deuce looks at the nonexistent camera]
Deuce: Dw it was for an English assignment
Yuu: Guys, I have an important question for you
Overblot crew: what
Yuu: are you okay, like, mentally
Overblot crew: what kinda stupid question is that? of course not.
Ace: British people actually exist?
Riddle: Yes
Ace: Damn, that's crazy
Floyd: It's like being a halloween stripper except they throw candy at me instead of money
Ace: I was born to kick ass and take names, I'm not just gonna stop bc some adults told me to
Yuu: I have a history of befriending bastards
Yuu, at Floyd: "oh boo hoo, I'm so tall I can touch the ceiling 😭😭"
Lilia: I mean I got a violin case and you don't see me putting baby corpses in it
Ace: Is thay the one were Jesus rose from the tomato soap
Trey: what
Kalim: I befriended a gravy monster
Floyd: Fuck you. Eats dice.
Cater: If you avocado squeezes back, it means you are happy
Floyd: It’s like a slip n slide on a warm summer’s day. Expect its November and you’re sliding in your own liquids.
Jade: Look out Floyd, the babies are poisonous
Deuce: His parents was Greek
Jade: Set the temperature to 420 degrees F and let it cook for 2-3 business days
Azul to the twins: You don’t have to eat everything that disagrees with you
Ace: how old were you when you were eleven?
Deuce: evaporation is the process of elimination
Rook: goats are the gateway to aromatherapy
Rollo: the children must be burned
Floyd: chicken octopus legs
Deuce: but blue and orange make purple, so…
Hope y’all like these lmao
Another one is in the works already, be prepared 😄
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twstfanblog · 5 months
Brothel AU! Brothel AU! Brothel AU!
What's Yuu's role in the brothel as Crewel's child? Does she help keep the books? Are they being groomed to take over? Are they biologically Crewel's or still adopted in this? Regardless of that last questions answer, what's the story behind their adoption/conception?
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Crewel is Yuu's bio father in this AU (Its unspoken in universe on if he birthed Yuu or not. He did).
Growing up, Yuu basically just shadowed their dad in his daily going ons. Got to see him entertaining customers with conversations and booze (Was put to bed when he had to actually sleep with his clients). As of now, Yuu basically handles whatever Crewel isn't able to get to paperwork wise. They also are the one who handles any kind of internal issues among the workers. Crewel has made it a rule that no one is allowed to book Yuu for a session until he says they're allowed.
Yuu's birth is kinda clouded in mystery since no one really knows who Yuu's dad is. The workers have plenty of ideas who they think is the father but Crewel will dock their pay if he catches them gossiping about it.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
im so sorry to dump ocs on you but i was getting back into obey me and i remembered an oc that i made. She’s not the mc but instead is a character to help them out or befriend! The oc is the adopted daughter/apprentice of solomon and wishes to be just as good as a sorcerer as he is! Solomon took her in when his friend (her mom) passed and decided to raise her as his own! Practically immune to Solomon’s cooking at this point and used to being around immortals, she has little to no view on safety or staying safe and will practically do whatever she wishes, dangerous or not. Along with being adventurous, she is also highly curious about the three realms and everything that lives in them! At the end of the day, she’s just a curious and kindhearted girl who just wants fun! She’s aware of her fate as a mortal and rather than being resigned to this fate, she wishes to change it. She can’t typically be found trying to get the brothers to make a pact with her or running away from her father’s cooking
sorry again to dump ocs on you! I love the dad crewel stuff (I kinda used it as an inspiration for this Oc!)
That's so cute! Out curiosity, how old is she supposed to be? Is she like a teenager? Child like Luke? Or is she grown so she's on the same page as everyone else?
Because I'm lowkey imagining her befriending my oc Asta, who is Asmos daughter. Solomon is her favorite "uncle" So she'd be very happy with a play mate.
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epicadventuresofyuu · 2 years
Fairy Gala Yuu
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Summon "I'll be cheering you guys on from the side! You got this!"
This is technically from a fake fairy gala event I had before I knew what the actual event was about but I think they look cute! More voice lines down below and I'm working on a groovy edit that should be up at some point.
(Edited from one of Mizuki's 2* cards)
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(transparent version)
Groovy "The sleeves can be fixed... I wish everything else could be fixed as easily."
Set Home "Hope no one has a pollen allergy."
Home Idle "Guess what I just remembered? I have a pollen allergy."
Idle 2 "Kinda glad I made my own outfit. I'm tired just seeing everyone's elaborate getups."
Idle 3 "Why and how does Crewel always find my sketchbooks during any fashion related crisis? I'm starting to suspect the ghosts."
Idle Groovy "It feels weird seeing others wear my designs. I'm glad you get to be my model."
Home Login "I used to dream about being a fairy all the time when I was younger."
Tap "This dust is never gonna get out of my hair, is it? *Sigh*"
Tap 2 "It's times like these where I remember I'm surrounded by royalty."
Tap 3 "Hmm... It's hard to pick an outfit when your family's from various backgrounds. Or maybe that's just a me thing."
Tap 4 "Forget-me-nots have an interesting meaning. I'm not gonna tell you though, look it up!"
Tap 5 "Hey, I know my outfit isn't fancy like the others but don't ruin my hair or the flowers!"
Tap Groovy "Don't tell Crewel this but he gives off major dad vibes... Huh? What do you mean he only acts like that around me?"
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Since Kaiju Grim! Is bigger than lil Yuu! (Presumably - correct me if I'm wrong) does he, like, try to be a big bro? Do he scoop the tiny human (and fail because he's a clumsy fool) once he's emotionally attached? (I'm a sucker for familial bonds lmao)
Also also - are there any Kaiju who you feel would be confused as to what to do/how to react when they encounter Yuu and Grim (like how some people don't know how to hold babies and worry about how they seem so small and easy to accidentally bump or something - which I feel may be a Deuce thing to do hehe)
And on the flip side - any who would immediately be all grabby hands 'lemme see the babyyy!' type of deal (I know in my deepest heart and soul that Lilia would be like that) - or at least correcting other Kaiju on how to handle Grim and Yuu if they lift them up wrong (perhaps Leona?)
Kaiju!Grim is approximately the size of a medium-large horse (maybe a little bigger if you wanna imagine him carrying the main first year gang on his back!). c: Don’t worry, I’ll get a height chart out on these guys soon! It’s just a little tricky figuring out the best conversion for maximum fluff and terror. 😂
Anyway, yes! Grim would try to be a big brother to his tiny hooman sibling~! It takes a lil’ while though (just keep giving him yummy snacks, scritchies, and tummy rubs though, and he’ll be putty in your lil’ hands~!), and at first it might seem like he’s only with them so Crowley and Crewel don’t chew him out…literally and figuratively! But it does create situations like this:
Yuu: *-trying to reach for something hanging from a branch over the ledge of a nearby cliff-*
Grim: *-annoyed-* “If ya fall, I’m not gonna catch you.”
Yuu: *-hand slips and they pitch forward with a shriek-*
-0.2 seconds later-
Grim: *-half hanging over the edge, claws digging into the rock as Yuu dangles from his teeth by the seat of their pants-* “Ur ooh thupid!?!”
Don’t worry, he does care! He is family after all~ UvU (Found family is my ultimate weakness if you haven’t figured this out yet. If I could turn it into a hoodie, I’d never wanna take it off!)
Another sibling aspect is that Grim and Yuu would literally fit the “needs the get-along-sweater” because they keep getting into bickering fights with one another (especially when he tries to steal their food)…except, they don’t have a sweater. So how would this work? Easy:
Crewel and Crowley utilize the “discipline branch” by hanging/setting the two on the edge of a precarious branch on the highest point over the edge of a cliff, and neither of them can get down without getting injured or having one of their adoptive dads get them down. Needless to say, the moment Crewel gives the warning growl, both stop “misbehaving” and play the quiet game for a bit. 🤣
Now, as for the other Kaiju, yes, there would be some (*cough* ALL *cough*) who might struggle to figure out how to react to the smallest members of the “Teacher’s Pack” (this is just a placeholder name until I figure out what to call the staff in this AU 😅 Suggestions are open if anyone has any thoughts though!). Deuce and Jack were prime examples of Kaiju who would either freeze/lock up into a pure ball of anxiety worrying they’re going to knock them off/hurt them, or moving slowly—ever so slowly to keep them from falling.
Kinda like the kitten and bulldog from Looney Toons! (Except even bigger 😂)
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Funny enough, Idia wound up climbing the highest point of a tree the moment the tiny human squeaked up at him unexpectedly (he was okay afterwards, just momentarily spooked! He grows fond of Yuu/MC/reader the same way his in-game self adores kitties, so he’ll likely want some human snuggles—an SSR event he never thought he’d get to experience!). Idia becomes one of Yuu’s biggest fans, if I’m being honest, because who can resist the tiny cuteness? 🥰😍🥰
On the flipside, Kaiju like Cater, Floyd, Rook, Ortho, and Lilia would absolutely be the ones who would be “I wanna see!!! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie~!” towards Yuu and Grim (mostly Yuu). Unfortunately, more than half of this selection would have unintentionally given the two nightmares! 🤣
“But Faun! What about Kalim? Surely he’d be happy to see Yuu and Grim too!”
Well, dear reader, you’re right: he would be happy to meet them…under normal circumstances. Here in this AU, though, he had a rather bad series of interactions with humans in general. If they weren’t attacking him out of fear (before the researchers arrival), they were trying to capture him for his ability to create gold and jewels (pre- and post-researcher arrival but not the researchers themselves). He just wanted to make friends, but human fear and greed say no. ;^;  (this is tied into how his in-game self would go through similar plots by the way, just on a monster scale!) Poor baby was so scared after one recent attempt left a scar on his nose, that he started pushing piles of his treasure hoard towards Yuu on first meeting and tried to hide. Q^Q
Have no fear, though! Like a skittish dog or cat and with gentle love and affection, our favorite ball of sunshine will be singing and playing with the tiny human friend in no time~! >w< In fact, you could say that Yuu is his first human friend ever to join his many other Kaiju friends!
Also, you’re right that a couple of the Kaiju (outside of the staff) would absolutely correct the others on how to properly carry the smol ones. Riddle and Vil are notorious for this, while Sebek might accidentally startle the one carrying them. XD Generally speaking, though, it takes a while for all of them to figure out what works, and in the end, Yuu/MC/reader will become the best Kaiju rodeo champion in the world! ÒvÓ
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silent-dragon · 2 years
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Walter Twins & Crewel
From stuff from the twins backstory they met Divus a few years prior to nrc at an arts boarding school. He was involved in the fashion part of this school that the twins were taking as a class.
Divus was so intrigued to see them as they were smaller than the other students later finding out the twins were 10yrs old meaning they advanced a grade.
He grew an interest in the two after seeing Kreo's design portfolio which was vivid coming from a lil pup. Divus learned they were raised by a single mother who didn't know what a day off was as she continued to work two jobs so her boys could go to the school and herself achieve her dream job.
He couldn't resist not helping as he was known to help out others but these twins felt special to him. Divus became friends with Patricija,the twins mother and helped fund their education for a few more years with a condition. They attend a prestigious college of their choice when they get older and show him.
The twins never had a father figure in life before and during this time Divus visited them often so kinda felt like they did briefly. Matero, being excitable, always welcomed his visits like he was a long time friend and played frisbee catch with him and his dog he brought sometimes. Divus would also sit with Kreo who wasn't as playful but always drawing things and commend him on his work. Also cheer him up as Kreo was often bullied at the school for the way he thinks and being silent.
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Present day it's clear the boys kept promise to Divus's condition he asked for. They picked Night Ravens College because Divus was there as a professor. They surprised him on day one of homeroom when they were 1st years as he had no idea they were even enrolled. They embraced him like a dog does when not seen their person for a day or two. He was happy to see they were in Mjestamode and he knew it definitely fit Kreo and Matero would be happy there because his brother would be too.
He grew even more proud to see the next year the twins were now the housewarden and vice. In order to be housewarden of Mjestamode you must create something that can improve the life of someone. Divus tries not to show any bias towards the twins during class but cant help crack a smile when Matero hugs him which he does often. When he goes over to Mjestamode dorm zone to go see Kreo or just hangout there he can be seen spending time with them or other students.
While it's rare to catch it Divus has nicknames for the twins he will call them by lovingly like a dad calling kids to dinner or yes cutely calling a puppy. Matero's nickname is Lucky and Kreo's nickname is Da Vinci. They only respond to Divus calling them these names though Matero kinda wants everyone to call him Lucky. Divus is a bit concerned about Kreo not leaving his room for indoor classes and wonders if he should do something to help.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Iebejejwwj I love your writing first of all its just 😙👌 don't suppose you could do the nrc staffs reaction to finding out that yuu doesn't want to go home because one or both of their parents are just straight up arseholes. I know that if I was in yuu's position I'd see crowley as a father so as long as it includes him im not overly bothered what you do with this in just kinda intrested as to what you can do with it, obviously you don't have to do it lol
~ xoxo
yuu has just gained 3 new dads- i didnt do sam for this bc he has so little content i couldnt think of anything, hope thats ok >_<
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Dire Crowley
He’s giving them a friendly little push on the shoulder as they stand in front of the Mirror -- Come on, he’s finally found a way to take them home, aren’t they excited? They’ll get to meet all the people that they have missed for so long!
He looks like he’s kicking them out for a moment lol-
“What’s wrong, now? I’ve finally found a way to take you home, aren’t I so kind for doing that?” He asks in that pompous voice of his, but deflates a bit when he notices the grim expression on their face.
Well, they didn’t think they would have gotten to the point where they’d actually have to go home, now this was just... -- They look down, and mumble that they don’t want to go.
Crowley is confused, quick to question them. Why not? Anyone else would have loved to be able to see their home again!
Awkwardly, they explain the issues they used to face at home before coming here. It’s the first time they mentioned it since arriving at the school, all the stories about how awful their parents are feel...wrenched out of them. It hurts to talk about it.
Crowley immediately goes quiet upon listening to them. All of his lighthearted act is just gone for a moment. He’s careless, usually, but this was just... too much to ignore.
“Then, would you prefer to stay?” He asks, sounding a bit gentler. “You’re already enrolled here, after all.”
It’s not an issue to just close up the Mirror and call it a day. They’re a student already, they can just go back to their activities -- But after hearing about all of this Crowley feels wrong leaving them alone too much, he’ll make sure they’re doing alright. The chores given to them decrease in quantity very soon.
Mozus Trein
“You’re not supposed to still be here.” Trein points out as soon as he enters the room with the Mirror, seeing as the odd transfer student hadn’t gone home yet, even after the headmaster found a way to take them there. “Is the Mirror not working properly?”
Yuu flinches when the teacher shows up -- They’d been alone in the room for a while, after having told Crowley they’d get into the Mirror soon, but since then they’d just been stalling...
Trein is someone who’s pretty intimidating, and that gets to them now, specifically. They’re unsure of what to say, so they just look down, feeling cornered... before they admit that, actually, they don’t want to go.
Trein has a scolding ready at the tip of his tongue, but when they blurt out about their parents being bad to them, all the words leave his mind.
So, he’s pretty strict and seems unapproachable to his students, right -- But he’s also a father himself, he raised his own two daughters all alone since his wife passed away, and he was doing his utmost best when they were Yuu’s age. Hearing that someone’s parents can act this way just breaks his heart.
“Then you’ll not be going back.” He just decides, placing a hand on their shoulder. He’d talk this out with Crowley, there’s no way he’s letting this kid go back into their bad situation. He refuses to let something like this happen.
Also reminds them, before he leaves, that in any worst case scenario, his home’s doors are open to them. He can't believe some parents just act like this, no kid deserves to be treated poorly by the ones supposed to love them.
Divus Crewel
"What are you doing just lounging around here?" He asks, the sound of his heels' clack filling the silent room, where Yuu was staring at the mirror. "Crowley told me you were supposed to be home, now."
Yikes, caught red-handed. Yuu knew they'd have to do something about this sooner or later, they couldn't just stay in front of the Mirror and delay coming home or explaining that they don't want to do that, but being caught by Crewel as they did it felt like a worst case scenario.
Like Trein, he's another teacher that seems scary and unapproachable because of how demanding they are, Crewel has that presentation stick tapping against his palm as he stares at them, Yuu is just certain that they're screwed.
Might as well get it over with, since Crewel would end up pushing them to leave anyway, since this was what the headmaster ordered now -- So they tell him, in hurried mumbles, that they didn't want to go home because of how their parents treated them. They'd rather stay here, even if that meant they couldn't see the other people they loved.
Surprisingly, Crewel is the one who visibly softens the most, the stick on his hand going still, his stern expression fading in an instant.
He asks them, tentatively, about what their parents had been doing before, assuring that if they don't want to tell him about it, they don't have to. If they decide to open up about it, he'll listen to every detail attentively.
When they’re done, he’s shaking his head, sighing. He doesn’t have children of his own, but he cares about his students’ safety a lot, and to find out one of them have been going through this and he had no idea...
“Do you want me to talk to Crowley about this? I don’t think forcing you to go home would be a good idea.” He’ll suggest. The conversation stays in his mind, too, and if he notices they’re upset in his class, he’ll be more prone to asking them if anything’s wrong.
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