#daily band memes
tasty-ribz · 1 year
He's plotting revenge already
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can-u-not-14 · 1 month
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I don't understand how she can bend so much
In honor of this ima explain to u the beautiful story of how lyn-z joined msi.
First, she lied about playing bass
Then she cramped up the few weeks she had trying to learn bass
Then hen she got to the interview thing she pulled out a Bacardi 15 and some matches she hid in her pigtails
U can guess what happened next
She almost set the set on fire
She got in
And anyway that's one of the most beautiful stories i ever heard
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mightbeautistic · 2 years
really need spotify to realize that i am autistic and the only acceptable songs in my daily mixes are either:
a. ones i've already heard or
b. by artists i already know
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mcrcki · 1 year
@wvsteria said : ♫ pj and piper
music starters || enjoy the ride by splatterhead
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god, she was dreading this, seeing her aunt again knowing how badly she had messed up with the whole beaming stunt, and pj already had their hands up in defense as they saw aunt piper coming closer. "okay! okay, i know that was dumb and you're probably mad at me, but like-- you know you could just throw your head back-- enjoy the ride... that kind of thing..." pj offered an all too wide fake smile. "that so isn't helping my case is it?"
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ghoul-v · 2 years
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Ghost headcanon of the day
dewdrop would probably commit tax evasion
that is all...
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vapesemblestars · 2 years
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spiritsirenscreamer · 10 months
One of my friends refering to swiss and terzo: "Which one is the baked potato and who's the mozzarella stick?"
Me without thinking: "swiss is baked cause of Sodo and terzo is mozzi cause of Omega."
My friend started to wheeze because that fuck's dirty minded. Then I got a chicken nugget thrown at me for that which landed under the car. Rip McDonald's Chicken nugget #485828479994827. You will forever be missed.
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incorrectbatfam · 9 months
If the batfam had tiktok what would they post? What would go the most viral?
Dick does duets where he remixes people who have bad takes. His most viewed one is turning Lex Luthor's corporate monologue into a dubstep track with beat drops every time Superman is mentioned. Equally popular is his mashup of Bruce's yawning with a Sam Smith song.
Jason makes cooking videos. The recipes are normal, but the voiceovers like, "today I'm making a realistic animal-themed vegan bento box 'cause I wanna torment my brother." His most popular video is of him shit-talking Batman while making a pot roast, but it gets deleted because he didn't say "unalive."
Tim does behind-the-scenes videos of his photoshoots where he makes it seem like a complex process with dimmed lights and glitter falling from a ceiling fan, then it cuts to a blurry iPhone pic of a pissed-off Jason with sparkly hair chasing him down a dark hallway.
Damian's is a mix of animal videos, art tutorials, Cheese Viking speedruns, and classical covers of anime intros. But his most popular one is recording his family's reaction to him saying the fuck-word for the first time. He also has a series where he asks people how babies are made to see whose response TikTok takes down first.
Duke posts subtle and wholesome pranks, like leaving Tooth Fairy money under the older batkids' pillows or gradually filling Kate's purse with Jolly Ranchers. His most popular series is when he slowly replaced Damian's furniture with increasingly smaller replicas until the 8th day when Damian finally notices.
Steph does a little bit of everything and often takes suggestions (re: dumb dares) from the comments. Her account started with her just sharing her favorite memes, but her most popular video is when she slept in a bathtub full of Mardi Gras necklaces after an audience poll.
Cass normally posts a mix of dance covers and sign language lessons, but occasionally there will be moments from her daily life that she captures at the right time. Her most viral video is at the grocery store when someone accidentally knocks a coconut onto the ground and she follows it as it rolls to the other end of the store.
Harper and Cullen do a lot of backyard science experiments where they take hypotheses from comments and test them out, like if they can cook steak with firecrackers or make a trampoline out of rubber bands. Their biggest project was turning an abandoned pool into a frog sanctuary.
Barbara keeps most of her daily videos private and her public ones are mainly book hauls, song recs, and computer tips. Her most popular video, even making news articles, is a video where she breaks down how planned obsolesce works and calling out big tech companies.
Bruce has a secret account that no one knows about. He doesn't post anything. He just lurks because he wants to be the first like and comment whenever his kids post.
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hbowardaily · 5 months
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HBOWarDaily is celebrating it's three years anniversary this month and we have also reached 2k followers recently. The first event in our celebration will be a Reblog Fest!
The goal of this positivity event is to encourage reblogs and comments in the fandom, we have so many amazing creators who deserve all the appreciation they can get!
During this one month long event, starting February 1st 2024, you will have day to day themes to follow with your reblogs, as we will do on the blog too!
How you can participate:
reblog and leave a comment in the tags to as many posts as you can covering the daily themes
all kind of posts from the fandom is welcomed
let's spread some positivity and discover new parts of the fandom with the daily themes!
Daily themes from February 1st to February 29th:
band of brothers
the pacific
generation kill
masters of the air
post with 10 or less notes
post with less than 100 notes
post with more than 200 notes
an underrated character
favourite episode
favourite scene
favourite POV character
favourite background character
behind the scenes/cast
comment on AO3
free choice
Have fun with the event and spread some positivity!
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badnoahmens · 9 months
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 2
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 2.5kish
A/N: I’ve never had so many requests to make a part 2 to a fic before, so here’s this. Part 1 found here.
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Two weeks had passed now, your normal daily life routine had fallen back into rhythm. A swell of work, sleep, food somewhere in the mix. There was a slight adjustment though, and that was the odd text message from Noah. It wasn’t every day, and no deep, dark secrets were being shared, it was simply a meme, a photo of something mundane, or most of the time, a terrible, terrible, pun.
The communication between the two of you was effortless, like talking to a lifelong friend. There was no sense of urgency, no burdening, no feelings of dread whatsoever, which was unusual for you to feel like that.
Their tour was starting to wind up. Only 1 week left, and 3 cities to visit and perform at. To think back at the meeting you had 2 weeks ago seems like more time had passed than it actually had. It could be because of life going back to normal, or because of all the stories Noah had told you about touring, both old and new.
Your mind got lost in a memory, one of a late night. You were sitting on the couch, dirty dishes on the table in front of you, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly as the TV kept playing in the background.
The sudden vibrations in your hand and a change of screen distracted you from your doom scrolling, seeing Noah’s name flash up. It wasn’t often that he would call, this was only the second time, but there was a comfort in talking to him that didn’t seem to happen with anyone else, especially this quickly after meeting someone.
“You’ll never believe what just happened” he would say, not even letting you say hello. Immediately, he continued. “So, tonight, after the show, we went to get some food because the hungry boys deserved a feast, and then…”
Your mind started to wander. He was so excited about what had happened that he called you. You. Out of anyone in the world. It was something that you tried not to think too deep about, but boy was that hard. He was excited, and thought of your name, and wanted to tell you all about his exciting story.
It was his laugh that brought you back to the conversation, bringing you out of your own head and back to whatever epic tale he was recounting. Something about getting lost and then being chased by some rodent and needing to hide up a tree, then the rodent climbed the tree too… it was hard to follow along with what he as actually saying because of the wheezing and laughter mid-sentence. You couldn’t help but just smile. A big, goofy, toothy grin. He sounded so genuinely happy.
“So, as you can probably guess, I have a new fear of rats now” he finished.
“So what you’re saying is, that big, bad Noah, who wears a ski mask and wraps his hands like a boxer to perform, is scared of a mouse?” You tease.
“Did you not hear me! This rat was the size of a small dog! What if it bit me!” He was off again. Going into strangely specific detail about how big it’s teeth were and how hairless it’s tail was.
Snapping back to reality, you couldn’t help but scroll through your old conversations, giggling once again at some of the photos he chose to share with you. One in particular was a favourite.
It was a selfie, and wore a uniform black outfit of a shirt and beanie. It looked like it was night, the windows showed a dark sky. Although it was a selfie, the photo was aimed over his shoulder, a chaotic scene of arms flailing and frustrated expressions in the band and crews faces. Noah himself looked as though he was stifling a giggle with his eyes semi-closed and lips pursed together. What looked to be a Monopoly board and its game pieces were scattered over the floor, table, and lounge. What you could only imagine is an argument occurred where someone was wrong done by, egos were crushed and friendships were put to the test.
It was these kinds of photos, the casual insights into his life, that made you think more about him than what you probably should.
Almost as though he knew you were thinking of him, a new message from Noah dings in your phone.
“We’re in your town next week!” Is all it said, followed by a second message. “Still offering that tour of the best places to eat?”
Your heart skips a beat. The memory of the offer to show him around your city floods back and you cringe a little at the awkwardness of it all. After musing over a response for a few minutes, you respond.
“I’ve got just the right place in mind”.
The next week had finally rolled around and you were on your way to the food truck you had told Noah all about. It was… quaint. Set up permanently in an old car park, with some rickety plastic chairs scattered around, it served some of the best food you’ve ever eaten. Throughout the morning, you had changed outfits 4 times, drank 3 coffees, turned the house upside down looking for a hat that you didn’t even wear, and then almost locked yourself out of the house, all thanks to the panic that was starting to set in.
Thoughts if doubt started to creep in, force of habit you guess. Your mind was not the kindest of places, especially to yourself. Some of the things you would say to yourself almost made you pull the plug and not go at all, but you were distracted once again by Noah sending a message confirming the address.
Right now, you were sitting in your car, around the corner from where you were supposedly meeting everyone. You had invited the whole band and crew along to try and ease the awkwardness, but now it has made the whole thing even more daunting.
You leg bounced in its place, nervously tapping a rhythmic and repetitive beat, almost like you were building up the courage to actually get out of the car. A very long 5 minutes passed, and you forced yourself to push open the door. Why was this so nerve-wracking? Was it because it had been building up for a week, or because you were seeing Noah in person for the first time since you last met? Was it because you had brought along the hoodie that he gave you last time to give back to him, but secretly you didn’t want to part with it?
One foot started to move, followed by the other, as you walked closer to the desired location of greasy burgers and fries. Your stomach rumbled fiercely at you, reprimanding your choice to skip breakfast and run only on a caffeine diet this morning. It distracted you enough, right up until you could hear a familiar voice, echoed by a band of laughter.
You stood at the corner, looking at the food truck, seeing all familiar faces crowded around the plastic chairs and tables. Folio was talking to Jolly, making strange expressions and wide arm movements, as though he was telling an age-old story of his, meanwhile Jolly looked as though he had heard it all before. They were the closest, a wall of bodies with their backs turned to you was behind them, a mix of people, of which you could vaguely make out Bryan, Matt, Ruffilo, Dakota, Tim, Steven, and even Miles.
Memories of their faces flash back in your mind, back to the night you met them, sitting around in a circle in the greenroom after their concert. They were so kind to give up their space, time, and drinks for a stranger, let alone a fan of theirs.
There was a shift in the crowd that stood around the plastic table, and then you could see Noah. He was sitting down at one of the chairs, glancing between his phone and his friends around him. Dark sunglasses hid his eyes, along with a white graphic tee and some black shorts. He was a simple fashionista, but you’d be damned if you said it didn’t look good on him.
The 10 seconds that you stood there for felt like a lifetime as the bubbling of nerves in your stomach grew. They all seemed to happy and relaxed, and you could help but think, why ruin that?
The devil on your shoulder screamed at you to leave them alone.
They’re happy.
Don’t ruin it for them.
Look how well they’re doing without you there.
You could feel your eyes welling up, threatening to spill over tears at any moment, but you wouldn’t let that happen, especially with the threat of them seeing you like that.
You suck down a shaky breath, holding it in as you turn on your heels. In the end, that voice was right. Why would they need you to join them? A fan, nonetheless, that they met once, to hang out like they were childhood best friends? It was ignorant to think that it could have gone any other way than this.
You could see your car now, almost acting like a safe place. Your steps quickened as you impatiently headed towards your familiar haven to then let the tears fall. That was until you heard your name being called out from behind you. It makes you stop in your tracks. A feeling of panic rises inside your chest as you hear it called a second time.
It was Noah. It was his voice, undeniably, calling out to you.
Your eyes squeezed shut in an effort to fight back the feeling of despair, forcing the tears back. You couldn’t face him like that. You could hear him walking towards you, footfalls growing louder and the keys that jingled by his pocket rang like a warning bell.
Blinking back the fear you still had, you had no choice but to turn and face him. When you did, his face was full of confusion, slightly tilted to the side, eyebrows knitted together like he was trying to figure out what you were doing.
“The food place is this way” he says, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder, glancing back in that direction. “Are you okay?”
“Just got lost, I guess” you lie. He knows. He can tell something is off.
“We’ve been waiting for you. Need some recommendations for this place!” He says enthusiastically. It’s clear as day to see he is trying to cheer you up. He’s reading your situation exactly as it’s playing out. He gives you a look, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows almost as though to say ‘you coming or what?’
It was his calm demeanour that was the only thing that could have convinced you to stray from your path of heading to the car. The way his eyes pleaded in the gentlest of ways made it feel like it was all going to be okay.
“The burgers are greasy as, and you’ll regret it afterwards, but they’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten” you finally respond with a slightly shaky voice. There’s still an air of hesitancy as you start walking towards Noah, but you admit defeat and cave anyway.
As you step closer, one arm lifts and wraps around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as he spins to face the rest of the band of friends. His arm drops and pulls out his phone, taking a quick snap of the food truck as he strides towards it. You need to quicken your pace because the fucker has long legs and walks fast as hell.
As you near the crowd, they turn and meet your gaze. A chorus of “Hey! Good to see you!” “Where have you been? I’m starving!” And “what’s new key-girl” welcomes you.
You throw out a wave, paired with a “good to see you guys again” and a side glance at Noah, who’s smile is beaming as he looks on at the menu hanging on the side of the truck.
The next hour that follows is one filled with jokes, good food, tales from the road and even a short walk down the Main Street of town. Framing each side of the road are buildings of all different architectural styles. Art-deco neighboured modern, which neighboured neoclassical. There was even a gothic-style library building that you walked past. It was something you admired about this small city, it wanted to be so much more than it was, but seemed like it never really got there.
You walked amongst the group, trailing more towards the back, looking up at how the sunlight danced through the buildings, the trees, and reflected on shop front windows. The sky was a picture perfect blue, letting the sun shine down a radiant warm that gently kissed your skin. It was mid-admiration of your surroundings that you see in your peripheral vision that Noah was looking your way. When you finally glanced at him, you were met with a sweet smile, one that was soft but warmed your heart. He looked away quickly, down at his feet, with his hands shoved into his pockets, along with a little giggle as he scuffed a rock with his shoe.
“Thanks for earlier” you say, looking up at him, squinting slightly as the sun was shining behind him, highlighting a glow around his hair, showing every whiff of the wind that tousled loose strands.
“Don’t mention it” he says, swerving to bump his elbow into your side. It took you aback seeing how comfortable he was being this casually playful.
“I wasn't going to come. I was on my way home”
“I know. I could tell. You had the fear of god in your eyes” he said with a smirk. You couldn’t help but notice how one side of his lips curled up a little more than the other when he smiled.
As terrifying as it was to admit, he was right. You were never that good at hiding your emotions, so why would this be any different?
“I’m glad I caught you, though” he continued, looking back at you, with that damn smile again.
“I’m glad too” you reply, looking away from his gaze in an attempt to hide the blushing in your cheeks. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, yet it was comfortable.
You look ahead, glancing between all of the friends, strolling down the Main Street of your town like it was nothing. Like they weren’t these recognisable figures adored by thousands, if not millions. Including you, you admired them. As artists, as people. They had brought you so much joy and yet here you were, just going for a walk with them.
It was only a few minutes later that you reached your destination, the bank of a lake, splitting off into river mouths and down into streams. It was a favourite of yours because of how tranquil it was, how calm it seemed and how it housed an entirely different world beneath the surface that just fascinated you.
There was a concrete wall that ran along the side where the group had started to sit, some propped up and some laying on their backs on the grass next to it.
But you and Noah decided to keep walking for now, continuing the conversation of small talk and banter.
“How long have you lived around here?” Noah asks.
“As long as I can remember. It’s changed a lot over the years. It’s kinda comforting, but it also gets old. I guess it’s different to what you’re used to” you reply, cautiously asking about him, but not wanting to pry.
“Yeah… I guess you could say that. I haven’t really stayed somewhere too long to really get that used to it. I’m at a good place now, though. Living with some of my closest friends” he says, looking ahead into the distance.
“I meant, with tour, you probably see some cool places.”
“Oh, for sure. We have been to some awesome cities, met awesome people. It’s quite a unique lifestyle that’s for sure.” He looks down at you to meet your eyes, “not for the faint of heart”, followed by a wink.
A wink? Dude, come on. You’re already confused about how you feel, and now he throws you a wink? This man.
“It’s a lot of temporary things. Temporary bed. Temporary city. Sometimes temporary people” he was looking out over the water now.
You admire the way he chose his words carefully. It was clear that he had been through some shit, but he was clever and never intentionally dragged up baggage for pity or for entertainment.
“I hope I’m not a temporary person” you say, almost too quiet. He looks at you and smiles, and you panic. Was that too forward? Would he think you’re clingy?
“So do I” he says, then looks away again.
Your heart starts pounding in your chest, and right on schedule, the overthinking-train arrives. What is that supposed to mean? Is he flirting with you? Is this a joke? Are there hidden cameras somewhere filming this whole prank?
Noah can see your mind racing, it might have been the jittery hands or the rapid eye movements to look anywhere but in his direction.
“I hope I haven’t freaked you out” he admits, and in a moment of confidence, you start to question him.
“Is this some kind of cruel prank you play on fans that you meet?” You ask, in an almost harsh tone. Noah is taken aback slightly, pausing his steps to come to a standstill.
“Why would you say that?” He asks sounded offended.
“You can’t blame me. Think about it. Fan meets band. Band and fan hang out. Fan and band become friends. Fan gets feelings for band. This stuff doesn’t happen in real life” you say with a sigh in defeat. Saying it out loud makes it seem more like a joke.
“It’s… it's not a joke. I rarely meet people that seem like good people.” He pauses, thinking of what words to use, carefully plucking them to try and not make you flee. “It’s different for me too, but you seem like someone I really want to get to know”.
There was sincerity in his voice. You looked at him, and there wasn’t an ounce of falsity to him.
“Plus, did you just say that you have feelings for the band?” He asks, cracking a smile.
You throw your head back, covering it with your hands and turn away from him to hide from the embarrassment. Why did you say that? You have feelings for him? What a way to fuck it up now!
“Yeah… I mean… you can’t blame me” you’re stalling. “I mean, have you seen Ruffilo? The man is beautiful”.
Noah smiles and let’s put a small laugh, but his eyes give away that he’s a little offended that you didn’t mention his name.
Fuck. Now does he have the wrong impression? Why is this so hard?
Now you were panicking, trying to think of a way to fix this.
“But really…” you start, trying to quickly think of the right words to say. “Think about it. Even us walking along here together, right now, seems like it’s a bit far-fetched.”
He nods, acknowledging the strange circumstance that led up to this point.
“I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I mean, I get to spend time with you. That’s something I never expected!” You say trying to change the mood, but Noah shifts and crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact.
“No, I get it. It’s to be expected, really. I guess I was a bit delusional for thinking that wouldn’t come up” he looks out over the water, past you, with a solemn expression. I guess you really did hurt his feelings. You internally kicked yourself for royally fucking this all up.
You stop walking, Noah takes one step more than you, then turns to finally meet your gaze. You take a big breath in, close your eyes, and then exhale. Noah looks at you quizzically. When you open your eyes, you give him a soft smile, and hold out your hand to him. He looks at your hand, then back at you.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” you say kindly, then offering your name to him.
“Is… this… are you okay?” He asks.
You drop your hand and give him an exasperated look.
“I’m trying to start things over”.
“Oh.. oh okay. Hi, I’m Noah” he states, then holding his hand out. You shake it, feeling the warmth of his hands and noticing the calluses forming.
Noah’s phone pings at that moment, he takes a second to type out a response, then puts it back into his pocket.
“Everything okay?” You ask.
“Yeah. The guys said they’re heading back. I’ll meet up with them later.”
“If you need to go, I won’t be offended”
“We only just met! I can’t leave now, that would be rude” he says with a smirk.
You continue to wander, side by side, for the next 30 minutes, at some stage turning and beginning your walk back to your starting point.
“Are you staying locally?” You ask.
“Yeah, we have a hotel tonight. A nice break from the bus. That thing gets crowded and smells bad real quick.”
“I can drive you back there if you need. Your hoodie is in my car too.”
“I said you could keep that” he glances at you with a side eye smirk.
“I know, I feel bad keeping your stuff though”
“I have probably a million pieces of Bad Omens merch. I can even give you more if you want”
Your mind quickly flashed to the mound of merch for this band that you already own. “I don’t think that’s necessary, thank you for the offer though”
“Fine, suit yourself.” He shrugs. “But I will take you up on the offer to drive me to the hotel. Think of it as that driving tour you promised me last time.”
You smile down at your shoes remembering the interaction, the hoodie he gave you, him making sure you got back to your car safely. He did everything so right, and you were trying everything you could to not stuff this up even more.
By the time you got to your car. The sun was starting to set. You hadn't realized that you had spent half a day with Noah until you turned the headlights on.
Noah slipped into your passenger seat, legs so long that they almost needed to be folded over each other just to fit. He rummaged around for the mechanism to move the seat, and finally found it giving him more leg room as he slid back in the chair. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the sight.
“What? Man needs his leg room!” He throws his hands forward, motioning to his long limbs, which we’re still bent just to fit. You shook your head a little, playfully, and then pulled the car out to start your journey.
Noah directed you to his hotel, saying it was about a 10 minute drive from here.
“For someone just passing through, you sure do know your way around” you joke, keeping your eyes on the road. Noah, however, was looking at you, like you were having a full conversation, only glancing ahead to point you directions.
He was a passionate talker when he got out of his shell, spoke with his hands a lot. The boy couldn’t keep them still at one point he was almost twisted completely around just to emphasize the story he was telling. He had you in stitches, the way he recounted events and waited for your response, then gave you time to recover from a laughing fit before he continued. He watched you react to his words, he paid attention to the small details, the crinkles by your eyes when you laughed hard, how you would glance at him throughout the conversation to tell him you were listening, even the way your grip would twist around the steering wheel when he was describing a scary part of the story. He noticed everything about you. And you noticed him noticing you.
You had a moment of realization that he was just a person. A person who laughed, who cried, who’s been through shit and now, is just sitting in your car. The sudden wash of relief, the pressure you were feeling, just gone.
The drive comes to an end and you pull up outside the hotel. Nothing too fancy, just to get them through the night. You look up at the building, half its lights were switched on in the three-storey building.
You turn and look at Noah then, the glowing of the lights bouncing off his face making him look as angelic as ever, so much, that it actually made your heart skip a beat. Trying to make sure he didn’t notice the hitch in your breath, you twist at an awkward angle, reaching for the black hoodie on the back seat.
You couldn’t help by notice Noah lean to look over too, your faces now only an inch apart. So close that you could even feel his warm breath each over your cheek. It didn’t help the state of admiration you were already in.
Your fingers graze the material, grabbing at it and finally twisting back into your position in the drivers seat.
“I believe this belongs to you” you say, handing over the garnet.
“I thought I said…” he spoke, pausing to take the hoodie in his hands and hold it out by its sleeves. He then leaned towards you, stretching his arms above you and wrapping the piece of clothing around your back and over your arms, twisting it into a knot on your chest. “You could keep it.” He finished, smiling triumphantly.
The closeness had you feeling a little lightheaded, maybe because you felt like you forgot to breathe around him, or maybe the low lighting made this interaction feel way more intimate than it was.
“I guess…. Thank you” you say, looking into his eyes. All you could see was a sweet dark chocolate brown staring back at you.
Noah’s hand then takes yours as he plants a light kiss on the back of it, placing it back down into his hands again. You couldn’t help but stare with your mouth ajar slightly at the gentlemanly gesture.
“It’s my pleasure.” He pauses again, looking outside then back to you. “If… if I asked you out on a date, would you hesitate to show up to that too?” He asked, sounding honest in his intention, his eyes looked in your hands together.
“A date?” You gawk, almost too quickly. He nods. “I, uh, no. I wouldn’t.”
“Because I’m still in town tomorrow if you’re free.”
“Tomorrow… tomorrow…? Uhh..Nothing on the agenda that comes to mind.” Honestly, you had no idea if you actually had anything in tomorrow.
“Great. It’s a date. I’ll meet you here at 10?” He asks excitedly, that sweet lopsided grin making a comeback.
Your heart was beating through your chest, it was a miracle that he couldn’t hear it.
“10. That works. I’ll be here.” You say, not sounding that convincing.
“I hope so” he replies, paired with another wink. With that, he opens the car door, stepping outside, and closes it with a gentle thud behind him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” he says with a wave through the window. You couldn’t help but smile back at him, taking in the image of him gentle waving and glancing over his shoulder as he walks to the door. He enters safely, and on his way to his room.
That’s when the excitement hits. You grip the steering wheel tight and let out a squeal. That’s right, a squeal. You have never squealed before in your life, but this man has you feeling so giddy it’s unreal.
With a deep breath, you pull the car out again, heading home, already running through every possible scenario that could happen at 10am the next day.
Part 3
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sevdrag · 8 months
hello sev i am sorry to bother you but. if you have the time. could you PLEASE elaborate on how you thought elon musk was a tumblr meme i have not been able to stop thinking about it
So. The first thing you need to know about me is that I haven't been able to follow the news for the last, like, well. About 10 years. First I was in a black-hole-of-employment, and then once 2016 hit, reading the news just made me unhealthy levels of furious. So I stopped doing it for my own sanity. This, more than anything, allowed me to live a blissful life where Actual Husband could update me every weekend on anything important, while I had a drink in my hand. I ignored as much news as I could during those years, cause it turned me into something horrible. So! That's the foundation of this story.
I also don't pay attention to, like, famous people and stuff. At all. I thought the band was called One Directional, okay? I am happy in my little corner.
The second thing to note is that while I'm quite intelligent, I also am incredibly scatter-brained. It's the ADHD.
The third is to note that I'm a heavy Tumblr user. I've curated my dash here to show me, mostly, things I like to see. It's relaxing.
So I saw all the memes about Glup Shitto and Blorbo and a million other made-up Tumblr names (whatever they were back in like 2015-ish) during my daily lunchtime scroll, right? SO when I see a post about a guy named Elon Musk, paired with something absolutely fucking ridiculous, my brain just goes: Oh. Tumblr made up another meme guy. This one's rich. That's funny.
I don't remember, but I'm possibly even reblogging stuff about Elon Musk during this time, still thinking it's a meme name. I mean, look at it. Elon Musk. Sorry, dudebro, but your name be dumb.
Elon Musk wants to build his own spaceship. Okay, Tumblr. Sure. It's like a Tony Stark that's just buttfuckingly stupid. I get the meme. Cause, like, he does crazy fucking stuff, right? Crazy stupid stuff. Gotta be a meme. Tumblr's really going for it, I think. Alright.
Anyway, Elon Musk comes up in a Discord GC one day, and my friends are talking about him like he's a real person, and I just said:
Hold on. I thought he was a meme.
Chat, of course, is silent for a drastically embarrassing amount of time, and then explodes.
And that's how I learned, in front of a bunch of friends, that Elon Musk was NOT a tumblr meme character, but a real-life idiot doing real-life crazy ass shit. It took me a humiliatingly-ass time to realize it, and I DO still get Sevdragged about it to this very day.
tl;dr due to my head-in-the-sand tendencies and my love of Tumblr, unlike the rest of you, I had a blissful period in my life where Elon Musk was completely made-up.
I wish that were still true.
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thcfountain · 6 months
Dating Matt would include:
minor nsfw. MDNI.
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Making fun of his extra extra extra pickles, hot cheetos, mustard, lunch meat sandwiches that he seems to love
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"Y'know what? Fuck you. You don't have any taste." and then a few minutes later he comes back and begs you to at least try it before you roast him again. (and then realising that the mustard and vinegar of the pickles have an acidity that cuts through the hot cheeto spice and you have to reluctantly agree that maybe he was onto something. He gloats for a week.)
listening to mixes as he creates them, listening to him talk about tech even if you don't quite understand (but you love him so you listen and smile at his excitement), listening to him occasionally playing the drums
"I'd prefer to bang you over the drumkit any day."
"I'd hope so, the drums don't blow you like I do."
laughing as he roasts people on twitter, knowing full well he's too soft in real life
"I could call you my dirty whore."
You laugh. "You could, but we both know who's a needy slut for who in this relationship."
exchanging nudes when the band tours, late night calls where he gushes about his boys and how sick the performance was, telling you he misses you.
taking care of Boo when he's away and sending Matt tons of pics.
"we miss Daddy." followed by a photo of you and Boo, snuggling in bed. Matt's heart grows sizes with every text.
riding him when he's home because he loves looking up at you as you bounce on his cock, his hands on your hips to guide you the way he likes
he can be cruel sometimes, with his words, but never to you. To you, he's soft. He wants you to dominate him emotionally and physically. It turns him on to give you control.
raccoons. opossums. trash babies. You two have matching raccoon onesies, you joke about adopting raccoons and opossums daily, tagging him in every raccoon video and meme you see on instagram.
"No, Matt, you can NOT lure that wild raccoon out of the bins and into our house. You will get mauled, you are not a Disney princess."
making jokes with the band that Matt has rabies from trying to pet a wild raccoon.
"I can't get rabies. The ER doctor gave me a rabies shot. You know this. You were THERE."
"Is this your way of telling me that you've been bitten again?"
".... yes."
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
Black Gwen Stacy headcanons because duh ofc she is,just watch the movies
Half white afrolatina with George being her white parent and Helen(a)was her black parent
George is a huge racist who was antiblack towards his own daughter and Helena died when Gwen was so little that Gwen knew almost nothing about blackness or latino heritage and it gave her trauma that the other black Spiderpeople helped her heal from
Pretty obviously looks black/white mixed-As in,black features but light.She has black 4c hair,brown eyes,light brown skin and a nose and lips that're bigger than any full white person's but she's not as darkfeatured/strongfeatured as a monoracial black person either
Dominican specifically(she's literally from New York)
Miles instantly recognized her as afrolatina thanks to being afrolatino himself and that leads to extra bonding in Into as Miles teaches her bits from their culture.The basics obvs but also our memes,our shows and our fashion norms and that all gets hint dropped at in the Atsv with Gwen's outfits and jokes having black/latina twists to them(Example:Instead of a stripped shirt,she wore a hot pink tank top with a bedazzeld white heart on it)
This leads to Gwen finally truly feeling black and that's how she ended up forming The Mary Janes by befriending other black kids for the first,second time.It made her quitting the band all that harder and there's callbacks to them as she expresses missing them and she ends up coming back while staying Spiderwoman-She can do both
Into Gwen had straight hair,Across Gwen has locs(Implied hair journey)
Pastel Punk is her way of creating her black girlhood and she's also kidcore because she's audhd too
Margo and her were instant besties.Because Gwen immediately jumped to befriend the nearest black teen girl the second she saw her and Margo accepted her friendliness but also because as they hung out,Gwen realized Margo's got a bad home life too and comforted her about it so now they're ride 'i'm not letting you die' best friends and Gwen and Hobie were like 👀👀👀👀👀 at the lil flirting between her and Miles as background comedy and she used her webs to drag her along with them which Margo reacted to only with an eyeroll and saying she just had to ask(Margo also got her own intro thingy)
Gwen the second she met an older black woman:MOM🥺?!
No but 'Adopt me' is so sweet with black Gwen-In canon it's funny and cute but this adds layers to it.Jessica mentors her in being Spiderwoman AND in being a black girl and Gwen does her best to pay her back by trying to make her feel like more than just her caretaker and teacher but as a hero in her own right and someone she considers a friend.She frequently diy's her gifts and excitedly shows them to her and Jessica thanks her with smiles and physical affection and keeps all of them and eventually gifts her silver hoop earrings with pink pendants
Her behavior at the Morales household was because she's afrolatina but not raised in the culture and that's the joke with Jefferson and Rio being baffled at a black girl not knowing she was being rude with those things despite being great otherwise(Rio makes a lighthearted jab at her for being mixed.She has biracial girl slay AND biracial girl cringe /hj)
'Half of who i am' is a TRIPLE entendre-It's about her being Spiderwoman,a trans girl AND black biracial.She also cuts George out of her life as a lesson to mixed kids about how they don't have to love their racist white parents JUST BECAUSE they're their parents and she pretends to accept him again just to get him close enough to beat his ass and says 'You're not a good dad because good cops don't exist.You're just my canon event-So die instead of me' and leaves him heartbroken to go back to Jessica since she's accepted her as her daughter
She listens to Meet me @ the Altar,Selena,Teezo Touchdown,Flowerovlove and Megan Thee Stallion and does covers,has glossy lips as her daily makeup look,owns a name necklace,her favorite foods are galletas con suspiro and pechurina and flan and strawberry Nesquick,she dosen't use too much aave just yet cause she's still learning but as she grows she makes it her regular speech pattern,sadly has significant amount of hair damage from her childhood(thanks for nothing George /s),gets gender euphoria from black pastel and/or punk girl aesthetics,black mermaids and black women in horror
Because of the last part,her chosen middle name is Marina since it's sea themed
More Margo expansion:Her parents are a toxic couple who don't hate her,just eachother but they let that overpower their love for her by extensively exposing her to it due to intergenerational trauma.Margo didn't have an irl friends before the Spiderband and she was different from a lot of black kids too so she didn't have refuge in them either and that's why her and Gwen(+ Miles and Hobie)love eachother so much and she got Gwen into video games like how Gwen got her into legos and Gwen guided her into coping mechanisms for a bad home life and promised her she'd get out one day but in a safer way than she did.They also got matching grills at one point and are a matched set in general who have eachother twin on everything,do NOT seperate them /lh
Black Love Ghostpunk aka the only valid romantic Ghostpunk aka MY canon Ghostpunk.They met Bubbline style at one of Hobie's show's where Gwen thought he was super hot and made a weird ass dork of herself but Hobie's autistic ass found THAT super hot so he brought her up on stage to sing with him as a ref to that one concept art and she recognized him the next day at Spider Society,realizing he was Spiderpunk i.e that kid Jessica mentored too that she'd yet to meet cause he was always busy.She ran after him and introduced herself as the girl from last night.Hobie was surprised and she reached out to unmask him subcounciously so he did the same,smirking as he said 'Eager to see your pretty face again too,Gwendita' and she linked arms with him once they got a good look at eachother again as they chatted and kept walking together
So from that day on,they became best friends with crushes on eachother they never thought to hide and Hobie taught more her about punk culture,specifically afropunk and convinced her to dye her hair,which is how they had their first kiss.His hands had pink dye on them and he was leaning over her to organize things so she couldn't resist and kissed him,it being prompted by the morning of that day when Hobie said he'd never actually kissed anyone on the lips as he gave Gwen a good morning peck on the cheek and Gwen wanting to be his first.He was shocked as she let out a quick and short apology and hid her face behind her hair but he told her to do it again and she gladly did as it turned into him taking the lead
They say sappy and cutesy and just random shit to and about eachother with no shame,do haircare together,he helped her make her own battle jacket and added a Gwen-themed patch to his own,she calls him 'Hubbie' as a play on 'Hobie'(and 'Gwendita' is spanish for 'Gwendy' but cheesier)and taught him to skateboard and make dominican food,she stands up for him and has his back against his enemies and even Miguel when he gets a lil too bold despite being scared shitless of him,he takes care of her a lot like a good boyfriend does and she returns the favor and actually started this part of their relathionship which is what prompted him to treat her the way he does now,she wears Hobie's shirts as night gowns and diy'd him a blue durag with punk designs and he does pastel transfemme things with her i.e Playing pirated video games,drinking energy drinks,wearing cunty girly outfits,etc.Gwen's also a lot more brutal in her Spiderwoman tactics and started going to protests and donating to charity with her saved up money by Hobie-induced radicalization
Also genuinely not intentional but i'm convinced Hobie loves the sea a lot and Gwen's got major mermaid vibes so i mean-
Flowerbyte's wingwoman who tries to get them together by dropping hints and giving advice disguised as regular friend convos.She's basically Miles' big sister who teases her little brother about finally getting a girlfriend and he teases her about Hobie back but not nearly as effectively because at least they're officially together instead of going on totally not dates
"She's just lightskinned" < Running joke one of my black Atsv moot's who's Gwen's age keeps making
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Visualization of SheTM by @kitkatperce
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Hii, I love your works, could I req bill Kaulitz x male reader dating hcs?
(Hello! Thank you for loving my works and sure! I hope you enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Male!Reader
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I think he would be the same in any type of relationship
It's not about looks or gender to him, it's about connection
You guys were in the making for years at this point
He believes in love at first sight, so when he saw you he knew something, but it still took a while
Especially if he didn't know if you liked guys or if you even liked him
You're probably in a band or in Tokio Hotel and were childhood friends
There was a lot of pining and obliviousness at first with you two
Those stages took a long time but it was all worth it I would say
He likes to lay on you for some reason
Just his head on your chest makes him feel tired and relaxed
Especially after a long day of you guys touring
But he also likes you sitting between his legs, like you're on the ground and he's sitting behind you on the couch
Messed with your hair on the daily, short or long
Makes you match nails with him, but it's so relaxing as he paints your nails
His concentrated face is just- omg
It's just a given that came with dating him
He loves any tattoos you have
Probably colored them in with paint pens a good amount of times
I feel like he has a thing for hands
Not a sexual thing
Just your hands, holding them, playing with your fingers or if you play a guitar or instrument and watching your hands moving around
Especially if you wear rings
He doesn't mind any style you have but would like to match
He lets you do his nails as long as you don't mess them up
His makeup takes some time and his hair too so if you mess it up he will never let you do it again
He does help you style your own hair if you do though
You guys match but when you're not matching you're either wearing his rings, a jacket he has or he has stolen lots of your crap like jackets, jewelry you like
Gets you things that remind him of you when he's out
He's absolutely infatuated with you
Has just held your face in his hands and just wondered how a man could be so perfect oh my god
Loves hand holding so much and messing with your fingers once again
Kiss his jaw or kiss his forehead
He is just gonna be stunned for a moment but just watch that smile grow
Watches you on stage all the time it's hard to take his eyes off you
You guys are always around each other and if you're not the other is following or you guys are mad at each other
Hates arguing and hates being mad at you
But somehow you guys, even when mad at each other, refuse to leave the other alone
The meme of two people arguing but sitting back to back and holding hands because one doesn't like arguing is you guys 1000%
He will just speak so freely about you in interviews or videos
He is not ashamed to be dating you but a proud and loving boyfriend
Is okay with PDA, like hugs and kisses but the more intimate stuff is hidden behind closed doors
Not that he's ashamed to be dating a guy, he's not, he just would rather have a more private relationship
Because even if he is famous he doesn't get a lot of that since he was a kid and he just really values it
Likes when you have a arm thrown over his shoulder, hug him from behind or mess with his hair when it's not styled
Hug him from behind, put your head on his shoulder and it's just so amazing
Especially because he knows it's always you
He hates when people talk down on your relationship just because you both are guys
He doesn't stand for homophobia and would proudly kiss you in front of them
Paparazzi has caught you guys kissing a bunch in photos, he is not ashamed and kissed you again after he saw the camera over your shoulder
He's so in love it's insane
You just make him so happy
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eloaholiveira · 10 months
Request for Daily Werehog: the Trumpet Boy meme but it's a band of Dark Gaia's minions (presumably playing the night battle music) and Sonic is covering his ears.
Night 24
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...of drawing the Werehog daily until he appears in new official media or Unleashed is ported to Steam
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