#do not ask me what bruce or steph would have. i have NO fucking idea
rocker-socks · 1 year
Writing a Batfam story that involves tales (unironically think Bratz Kidz Fairy Tales) and while i have Tim and Damian down (Rapunzel and Cinderella respectively, with changes made for Cinderella to be more appropriate for Damian) i am struggling so hard coming up with the others so if anyone has ideas i would be So Appreciative
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strawbuddy-luv · 5 days
Trans Tim off handedly mentioning random things that just confuse people more and more because he never told them he was trans (only Bruce and Alfred know)
Tim: "For the mission I'm thinking I'll go undercover, but it'll take some work to hide the bruises I got earlier. They're everywhere"
Dick: "Oh I think Steph is free right now!"
Tim: "...Ok?"
Dick: "Don't worry I'm sure she'll help you out with this! "
Tim: "That's awesome but I don't think I'll need help. I know how to use makeup."
Dick: "Really-? Ohhh, yeah your public image is like, way more public than ours. That must be tiring, having to hide the bruises all the time."
Tim: "Well yeah but I knew how to use makeup before that. For like, galas as a kid and stuff"
Dick: "...yeah..."
Steph: -Complaining about a man- "And then he said "Oh you should smile more" like "you look like you don't want to be here" like what- what the fuck-??? Maybe I fucking don't dude."
Tim: "Oh yeah I hate when they do that. Like you've spent the entire time bitching about the consistency of snails, I can close my mouth for a few seconds."
Steph: "..."
Tim: "...What-?"
Steph: "Well- I mean yeah but- you know I have to deal with it like...way more, and it's just a bit weird that like, you as a guy are, I dunno, trying to relate? I mean you don't have to deal with it litreally everyday"
Tim: "Well yeah not anymore, but, you know...I still did."
Steph: :...What-"
Tim: -Resting against one of the rooftop ledges-
Jason: "Woah, I can't believe it, Red Robin, slacking. What would Bruce do if he saw this!"
Tim: "Fuck off, it's just period cramps." -Jumps off the edge of the building-
Jason: "Yeah whatever Timblina...
Your fucking what-"
Bruce: "And for this mission, we'll be needing someone for the Caroline disguise, but we already know who that is so-"
Dick: "Wait does Steph actually know how to fight in heels-??"
Bruce: "...N-"
Steph: "Yeah Bruce, I mean, you could at least actually ask me before volunteering me to go fight crime in that dress."
Bruce: "You-"
Jason: "I mean no offense, but literally who else would do it? Cass isn't here right now and I don't think any of us are willing to get a boob job for the mission"
Bruce: "No one's getting a boob job-"
Steph: "Yeah! This is bat tech, Bruce probably has ultra realistic titties in everyone's color and size! Jason you wouldn't even need an attachment."
Jason: "I don't think Caroline Hills has fifty gun shot wounds and muscles the size of most those guys heads."
Steph: "Yeah bu-"
Bruce: "None of that will be necessary because none of you" -Pointing at the right side of the table- "Will be going. No one at this table will be needing any prosthetics...Or boob jobs."
Steph: "...Ok but who the fuck is going then-"
Bruce: "Tim."
The entire table: "..."
Steph: "Tim are you really willing to put on boobs for this-"
Dick: "I don't think that's the best idea-"
Jason: "You just said no prosthetics- Oh this'll be fucking rich"
Tim: "...
I...wouldn't need a boob job?? Or prosthetics?"
Jason: "Timbo, that dress is a pretty low cut, and, no offense, your training hasn't given you that many enhancements."
Tim: "...Thank you for the binding compliment?"
Dick: "The what-"
Tim: "Guys I- I already have boobs-"
The Table: "..."
Steph: "WHAT-"
Dick: "You do-?!"
Jason: "Bruce if you made Tim get boobs for some weird mission-"
Tim: "What- No! No one made me get boobs??? Besides, I don't know, biology I guess??? Genetics maybe???"
Dick: "...I'm extremely confused"
Tim: "I'm not really sure seeing as I was born with them"
Dick: "...
Steph: "What- is this like a birth defect or something???"
Dick: "Tim- Tim I think you're just gonna have to-"
Tim: "I'm trans."
Jason: "...That's-
Ok yeah no that- that explains...a lot."
Steph: "..." -Head in hands- "I am such a fucking idiot"
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I fell in love with the idea that Damian was doing graffiti with his friends but none of his family members knew it was him, that was a really funny idea
Jason: I have to admit that my graffiti with Roy in Crime Alley wasn't bad
Damian: really. I thought you would be angry because, well, you were made half naked by that person
Jason: Actually I think it's kinda hot
Damian: *Immediately planning to make them kiss later
Steph: I quite like the graffiti that J.B made for me
Damian: I have to admit, Brown, you don't deserve anything that good
Steph: You're just jealous because you didn't get yours from him, maybe he doesn't like you, kid
Damian: I don't need something like that, it just insults my name
Steph: Well if one day he makes you and you smile you owe me 10 dollars
Damian: tt
Dick: That guy captured how hot I was really well
Dick: *starts talking about all the things that should be included
Damian: *Regret following his friend's idea
Cass: Love the graffiti
Damian: That's pretty good but still not enough for you Cain
Cass: still love it
Damian: *Regretting doesn't make it better
Cass: Are you sad, he might want to make you
Damian: I don't need that tt
Cass: I'll ask him
Damian: *Regret again because appeared in front of Cass
Tim: I'm glad someone wants to appreciate my existence since you tried to kill me
Damian: You shouldn't be happy Drake, just because one person makes you doesn't mean you're famous
Tim: look who jealous now, just because he don't get one
Damian: tt fuck you
Harper: that person make better graffiti in one night than Cullen in one week about me
Cullen: Don't pretend to forget that you also tried to make one but failed, sis. This means he is much more talented than you
Harper: Nuh uh
Cullen: Don't use what I teach against me, I dare you
Damian: *Just listen and watch this match
Duke: I guess I'll have to look this guy up and thank him, that graffiti is amazing
Damian: You don't need to do that Thomas, he made it mean he doesn't care if you thank him or not
Duke: I still want to do them, I think there are only a few that he hasn't made yet
Damian: yeah tt
Kate: I'm so hot on that graffiti, and so are you Luke
Luke: Yes, I need to admit it. But aren't there only three left?
Damian: I don't think so because that guy made some for the Rouge's to
Kate: Isn't it true I haven't seen him, I guess he'd make all Gotham freak then
Luke: probably
Selina: So O and I have already gotten one, doesn't that mean the only ones left are the two of you
Bruce: No. I got one too I checked, And it says fuck you
Selina: he doesn't like you then, that means now there's only one left that doesn't have one
Bruce: yeah
Damian: *Makes a super duper big about himself in the middle of the city
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I typically go with Romantic which is just. So *oof*. Also, I can just picture it now. Dick asks Tim why he thought this was a good idea at all, why he didn't call someone for a ride and Tim simply replies, "I've been getting back to Gothem on my own like this for years. No need to bother you guys." and before he can even continue theres a chorus of "you aren't a bother" and "what the fuck do you mean?!"
Tim just takes a deep breath and says, "I've been getting back to Gothem on my own since before I was Robin so it was never a Robin or Batman issue, it's always been a Tim Drake thing." of course Bruce demands to know what Tim means by "getting back to Gothem on his own" and he just sighs as he sits on some grain, biting the bullet to just get it over with as he says, "sometimes when I went on trips with my parents they would get into arguments and leave in separate cars. And both of them would think the other one took me with them. And I always showed up at home safe and sound a few days later so they never really questioned it. Ha, first time was actually at a Gala in New York. I remember they were fighting about what dig site to go to and that night Mom got on a flight to Siberia while Dad got on a flight to The Congo. I snuck my little nine year old self onto a gray hound bus and rode it all the way to Gothem and then walked back to the manor."
Tim goes on to tell them about other times, somewhere between venting about his trauma and reminiscing about times he looks back on fondly. The fight that left him in Panama Beach when he was 11, the one that left him in Denver when he was 13, just 3 weeks before he became Robin, the one when he was 15 and was abandoned in Atlanta, the time when they left him somewhere in *Canada* and the time he was left in *Mexico City* when he was 14. He even laughs about having to sneak onto a cargo ship when his parents left him in Paris, France when he was 16. He comments that that one was actually a few weeks after he healed from the Titans Tower fight. Bruce and Jason are both totally not having a near panic attack about that last one.
Tim is living his life and forgetting that what he went through is probably fucked up. If it happened to another kid, he'd label that as criminal neglect. For himself? Meh.
(I know this is possible because, as someone who's been praised for being smart, I can be so fucking dumb. After explaining to my therapist that I've had anxiety attacks several years before and get anxious in social situations, I was shocked when she told me I had anxiety. Fucking dumb of me, but I bet Tim makes similar mistakes).
Just Tim vibing over all the "good times" he had and forgetting that it's fucked up his parents did that. He probably also felt really proud of himself for figuring it out. He was able to solve his issues and navigate complicated problems (like crossing borders without a passport) all by himself! Isn't that so cool!
The poor batfam is having heart attack after heart attack hearing all of this. It's another aspect of Tim that gets added to the piles of "things he hid from us without meaning to" and "why digging up the Drakes to revive and kill them again is a good idea" (Damian and Steph mainly are the ones to propose the second option).
I love the examples you proposed! Tim really was vibing
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
For the ask game, Jason/Tim where the Pit makes Jason possessive rather than mad and so he imprints on Tim as being his and needing to take him and make him fully his, turn Tim into Jason's own creature? I think that could be a cool idea, since the Pit has different effects on different people.
for the ask game!
oooh, i love explorations of what the Pit does to the psyche, especially if it falls outside of the typical Pit Madness schtick. here's how i would try and write that
so what i think is fun about Jason and the Pit is, he wasn't *dead* when he got dunked, he was just mentally catatonic. dunking him in the Pit was a gamble on Talia's part and Ra's even points out in Red Hood: Lost Days it may not work. so to have it work but just... wire Jason *differently* is a lot of fun to me. i like the idea of Jason being a bit aimless after the Pit. he's got his wits to him but it's still the "came back wrong" vibes. and when Talia shows him the pictures of Tim as Robin, trying to show him that Bruce replaced him, it has the opposite effect. Jason's wires are crossed in all sorts of directions and all he can think of is he won't let what happened to him happen to another kid. so he spirals, looking into Tim and getting more and more obsessed. what starts as a genuine concern for Tim's safety becomes a possessive imprinting. Tim becoming Jason's purpose.
one of the defining things about Jason's feelings on Tim, in canon, is feeling like Tim is being held back by his loyalty to Bruce. so, i don't know how literal you meant creature, but i'm taking it balls to the walls bc i like fucked up monster vibes. the *how* is the fun part of it. it's easy for Jason to corner Tim, kidnap him. but how does Jason decide to corrupt Tim? i know the Court of Owls is a New-52 thing and i'm going off of pre-Flashpointt, but, i think it'd be fun to steal it. just because well. i really fucking like Talons. and Jason making Tim a Talon would be a twofold thing- for one, it protects Tim. it's a lot harder to kill a Talon than a person. and for two, it makes Tim easier to control. i think Tim would fight it hard, but the Talon programming combined with Jason's fierce protectiveness would snap him pretty easily.
Jason would be smart about it. he'd keep Tim locked up for at least a few months. because if Robin goes missing, then the calvary is going to start looking for him. Batman, Nightwing, Batgirl, Oracle, Huntress, the Titans, everyone. and Jason knows even if he puts a mask on Tim, he needs to wait. needs to let the smoke blow over. so for months, it's just Jason and Tim somewhere underground where no one can find them. that's where the bulk of their bonding comes in. because i do think Jason would want Tim to *genuinely* like him outside of just monsterous programming. Jason would work to earn that trust, even if it's through manipulation. tbh i think he'd lie to Tim, either gaslighting Tim about his loved ones not looking for him, or straight up tell Tim he's imagining having been Robin. anything that deconstructs Tim's idea of a support system outside of Jason. Jason is Tim's savior, in his eyes, and he'd want Tim to believe that too. that Jason had to protect Tim, from the Bat. very fucked up vibes.
once Jason's sure it's safe, he'd slowly start making his presence known as Red Hood, with Tim by his side. Jason would still want to do the whole Red Hood thing, but now, he has the ability to taunt Bruce about Tim. it'd be a fun mind game for Jason, telling Bruce that he lost *another* Robin. (three, if you count Steph) meanwhile, Jason gets to go home to Tim the whole time. it's a fun game to him, while also making him preen that he's protecting what he believes belongs to him.
eventually, the truth would come out. but by then, Tim's too deep in Jason's pocket to listen to anyone, even Dick. he'd lash out at anyone claiming Jason is manipulating him, and he'd be Jason's perfect little partner. very fucked up ending where Jason and Tim are "happy" together, but in the most fucked up way. i'd give Tim a new codename, something like Shrike because that sounds fun and pointy. they'd almost be a Batman and Robin parallel/foil, in a way.
also, just as a bonus alternative: another route i think you could take this idea is playing with Joker Junior. like, Jason imprinting on Tim *just* as Joker kidnaps Tim. so that's what sets Jason's plans into action, he was going to wait for the perfect moment but now, Tim is missing and Jason will be *damned* if someone gets to Tim first. and since Jason has well. firsthand experience with the Joker, he's able to find Tim first and since Tim is so mentally shattered at this point, it makes him easy to manipulate. easy to get him to traumabond onto the person who saved him and even once he's mentally recovered, he's so attached to Jason he wouldn't want to leave Jason. and maybe Jason would use Lazarus Resin or something similar to make Tim more creature-like, and even get Tim to agree to it, under the guise of it helping protect Tim. this route could be fun bc it plays more with just how "consensual" it is for Tim and how much he really has his wits about him, choosing Jason after being brainwashed.
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miryum · 2 months
"Movie Night"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Chapter Warnings: Big Hero 6 spoilers
Series Masterlist
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“Okay, so, the finalists are Chicken Little, Big Hero Six, or Spaceballs.”
“Spaceballs? Who nominated Spaceballs?” Tim asked. His tongue was already stained purple from his slushie.
“I did, because it’s a cinematic masterpiece,” Y/n said. “So what’s it gonna be? Chickens and aliens with amazing pop culture references thrown in, bot-fighting turned superheros, or a wonderful story about Mel Brooks and the guy from While You Were Sleeping?”
Dick and Steph voted for Chicken Little while Cass, Tim, and Damian for Big Hero Six. Jason, Y/n, and, surprisingly, Wayne voted for Spaceballs. (“It’s a classic.” “See?! Even the Captain agrees!”)
“We’re at a tie,” Dick said obviously.
“No shit, Sherlock.” Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Fuck off, Watson,” Damian said automatically.
“Grayson and Brown, which show do you prefer?” Wayne asked. He had a large box of popcorn next to him and was uncharacteristically wearing only khakis and a plaid button-up shirt.
“Big Hero Six,” they both said.
Y/n groaned loudly. “Fine.” She tugged the blanket off of Jason and wrapped it tightly around herself. Jason glared at her but didn’t say anything. 
In Bruce’s home theatre, Steph, Dick, Cass, Y/n, and Jason were seated in the front row, each with buckets of stove-made popcorn resting on the armchairs. Tim, Damian, and Bruce were in the back row with the promise of Clark joining them later when he was finished with his editorial. Clark had invited the team over to get to know them without Wayne’s knowledge. Y/n happily accepted and forced the rest of them to accept as well.
Y/n was cuddled next to Jason, curled around his arm. Steph secretly snapped a picture of the pair and Cass snickered. Cass leaned over and whispered something in Steph’s ear. Steph giggled and nodded. A ping radiated on the rest of the team’s phones and screens were sneakily looked at. “That’s becoming blackmail,” Dick whispered. 
Jason yanked the remote away from Dick and pressed play on the movie, grumbling. 
The opening theme started playing and Y/n and Dick hummed along dramatically.
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“Okay, but why is Tadashi super hot?” Y/n whispered the moment he stepped on screen. Jason rolled his eyes.
“No idea,” Tim agreed. Y/n peeked back at him and nodded appreciatively. 
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“They died when I was three, remember?” Hiro said from the screen. 
“I hate when movies over-explain like that,” Damian crossed his arms grumpily.
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“Should I have picked up a parenting book? Probably!” Cass exclaimed before stuffing her face with a donut.
“I love Maya Rudolph!” Steph squealed.
“Do you think Cain grows up to be Aunt Cass?” Jason asked quietly.
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“Ba-la-la-la-la,” Y/n mumbled with Baymax.
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“I try to picture me without but I can’t! ‘Cause we could be immortals! I-i-i-i-immortals!” Dick bounced in his chair and sang along to the track.
“Sing it, Dickie!” Y/n shouted, pumping a fist in the air.
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“There are many improbabilities in this movie,” Bruce rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. (“Like Spaceballs doesn’t?!” Steph exclaimed.)
“I agree,” Tim said. “Though I would love to test some of the stunts. Do you think the precinct has enough funding to build an inflatable superhero?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
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“Okay, but I feel really bad for Callaghan,” Y/n mumbled towards the end. “He just wants to find his daughter. He’s too overcome by grief to think straight. He’s just like Hiro, actually. The only difference is that Hiro had friends to help him past it and cope, while Callaghan had no one. It also ties into ethics. How far would you go for a loved one? We can see Hiro’s character arc with him coping with Tadashi’s death and then Baymax’s, but Callaghan is stuck in the anger stage of grief. Maybe even the denial stage.” 
“Holy shit, L/n,” Tim said after a moment. “That was a really deep analysis of a children’s movie.” 
“And surprisingly accurate,” Damian added.
“How long have you been thinking about Big Hero Six?” Jason asked. Y/n simply shrugged in response, yawning. She had just finished a big case and hadn’t had time to sleep yet.
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“How do your detectives see the horrors of the field every single day and come away emotionally unscathed,” Clark leaned towards his husband. “Yet cry over a Disney movie?”
“I’m unsure,” Bruce admitted.
Dick was currently sobbing into Cass’ shoulder and she was uncomfortingly patting him on the shoulder. Steph’s eyes were welling up and Tim was grasping her hand, needing the comfort. Damian was slowly munching on his popcorn, eyes wide and enthralled by the movie. Jason was doing his hardest not to move as Y/n softly slept on his shoulder. 
As the credits rolled, Dick quickly pressed play on the remote and Chicken Little immediately started playing. 
“Sarge!” Tim complained, just wanting to go home and sleep. Jason shushed him, not wanting to rouse Y/n. “Oh, pipe down, loveboy,” Tim hissed. “Some of us don’t have time for another movie.” 
“Timmy, you must’ve known that this night wouldn’t end with just one movie,” Steph rolled her eyes. “And stop acting as if you don’t love us. We all know you do.”
“Cass?” Jason asked softly so only she could hear. “Can I tell you something?” The woman hummed in response. “I- uh… I didn’t ask Rose to be my girlfriend. I- In fact, I thought it better if we remained friends.”
A smile filtered through Cass’ facade. “Good job, Todd. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks.” He glanced down at a sleeping Y/n. Her hair was mussed and her mouth slightly open. Y/n took a deep breath and shifted, pulling Jason’s arm even closer to her. “I think I made the right choice.” 
“I think you did too.”
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“Should we leave them?” 
Steph looked helplessly at Clark who smiled softly. “Sure. They look too comfortable to disturb.” 
Damian slowly held up his phone and took a picture of Jason and Y/n. Y/n was tucked under Jason’s arm and his head rested on hers, both snoring softly. The blanket was draped over both of them and the fabric of Jason’s shirt was clenched in Y/n’s fist. 
“For detectives,” Wayne observed, “they aren’t the smartest.”
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aingeal98 · 2 months
Idk if you wrote about it in the past, but thoughts about a potential Stephcass wedding? How it would play out, what they wear etc. With those women it could be interesting lol
I'd like to see you tackle that in a story if you wanted to, considering you write fanfiction and did a really good job imo with this ship.
OK so I actually have a detailed idea in my head of how stephcass plays out in the future that starts with them getting together, breaking up because Cass grows even more intense in her commitment to the mission once she becomes Batman, and then a year or two later Cass showing up in Steph's apartment with a kid being like hey I rescued this kid from being forced to be a child assassin but his parents are dead and idk what to do pls help.
And Steph is like we haven't talked in five months are you fucking kidding me. But she's not a monster and Cass looks way over her head so the two of them start kind of coparenting this kid because Cass understands the assassin aspect but she has no idea what school supplies a 10 year old might need. And then one thing leads to another and it turns out Cass may actually be worse at this adoption addiction than Bruce is because despite her firm belief that she is not capable of being a good mother she is also unwilling to Not help any child assassin she meets. And often that includes adoption because there is no other family uniquely capable of understanding the trauma these kids are going through.
(Cass meets an alarming amount of child assassins. She doesn't adopt ALL of them because they don't all need that specific type of help. Steph is still mildly concerned and not just because her apartment is getting way too full even though all the kids technically live at the manor and Steph is just a family friend.)
So in my mind they do everything backwards. They're exes then they're coparents then they're kind of rekindling things and then five years after Cass adopts the first kid she's like hey do you want to have a baby together because I didn't think I'd be a good mom but I actually really love helping these kids and I really like doing this with you and I think I'm actually ready to be both Batman and the mother of a baby. I get why Bruce was scared but I'm built different so I simply won't die and this kid will grow up happy and loved and I'll teach it everything I know and you can teach it important life stuff like what the settings on the washing machine actually mean and why certain clothes need dry cleaning.
And Steph is like woah that's a lot to process but Cass babe you have to ask me on a date first. And Cass is like have we not already been dating for a few years now? And Steph is like no showing up on my doorstep with a kid who needs a good meal, a shower and medical attention is not actually a date. Neither is attending those little league games together or patrolling together. If you're going to ask me to have a baby I'm going to need a ring on this finger and you're going to have to work for it.
So they date, and then they get married, and they have a bunch more kids most of whom are adopted or fostered. By the time Cass is forty she has five kids, the oldest of whom she adopted as a 10 year old and is now 21. And she and Steph have been married for five years technically but have been coparenting for eleven.
The wedding itself would be pretty straightforward, if more extravagant than normal. Cass wears a suit and is mildly uncomfortable with having to talk about her feelings in front of an entire audience. Steph wears a dress and can't stop smiling because god she loves this woman so much even though she can be a dumbass sometimes. Especially because she can be a dumbass sometimes actually.
The whole family is there. Bruce cries. Crystal makes snide but deserved comments at him the entire time. Tim was asked by both women to be their best man and almost spiraled into another self destructive slump from trying to process all the emotions he felt about that. In the end Cass takes Babs with Bruce walking her up the aisle and Steph takes Tim, who still looks mildly terrified throughout the entire ceremony, like one wrong move from him is going to bring the entire building down on top of them.
Two of Cass's enemies do show up to try and ruin the wedding but unfortunately for them they end up making it so much better instead because Cass gets to kiss her wife AND punch some bad guys in the face all in the same event. She's having the time of her life. What the hell was Bruce so afraid of this marriage thing is EASY.
(It's not easy. Cass is able to balance the mission and her family better than Bruce but that doesn't mean problems don't exist. The kids are used to at least one fight every six months where Steph basically yells at Cass for all the ways she's been letting Batman responsibilities come between them and Cass is like psh I don't know what you're talking about and then gets her act together because she does in fact know what Steph is talking about. She takes Steph to Themyscira on a vacation as an apology. She doesn't repeat her mistakes but she does make new ones because it turns out there are infinite ways you can mess up when raising kids especially when your work is being Batman and you're never going to stop. Steph messes up too although her mistakes are less to do with work life balance and more to do with hurtful comments made during arguments that she regrets. It's never anything bad enough to break them up again, and for the most part they're shockingly the most healthy and well adjusted pairing of the family. Damian takes great joy in reminding Tim of this fact.)
I've basically just written an abridged version of a very long fanfic idea that exists in my head haha but thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to ramble about this!
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fenrir-wolf-of-gotham · 2 months
What specifically do you think is bad about fandom Cass? I read some comics, but my main exposure to her is through fandom and WFA.
Her main characteristics in Fanon (as far as I've noticed):
She is really good at fighting (sometimes the best of the bats)
She likes dancing
She talks only through ASL or talks very little
She moves elegantly
She cares about people
She has strong morals
I don't know how accurate compared to canon this is, but I don't really see the racist part. So I'd love to hear if I missed or misinterpreted anything.
Thanks for the ask! I wrote an entire response then my phone died so here I am rewriting it.
To make a long story short, Cass as a character is very competitive, brutal, and serious in the comics and they kinda remove that entirely just to make her a glorified support animal for the rest of the Batfamily. Cass is terrible with emotions and often fucks up when handling her own emotions, let alone the emotions of her family. She's often just as determined, self assured, and brutal as Bruce is, sometimes moreso. She simultaneously gets a peek into everyone's emotions but struggles to understand how people feel. She often thinks she knows best and is extremely blunt in communication and actions. She legitimately thought the idea of beating up every mobster in Gotham until she got a lead to a case was a good idea. She doesn't really know how to comfort someone unless she's familiar with them like with Steph or Barbara.
As for the ASL issue, this is the worst of the fandom's misinterpretation of the character. She has only been mute in two pieces of media, the first wasn't very good and the second was even worse but it wasn't even trying to be accurate to the character. Cass has never used ASL in any comic. She has a language learning disability and would struggle learning any language, including sign. The part about racism is that, if you make Cass mute, she falls into the stereotype of the "silent foreign warrior" which is common in older western media. The original writers actually realized they had originally written her like this and immediately gave her speech and inner dialogue to avoid this trope.
In essence, they're disregarding her much less visible, but still real and difficult to deal with, disability for a more visible one that's more palatable for abled people to understand.
She is absolutely the best martial arts fighter in the DC universe (that's not just me being a fanboy, its stated in canon) and is super competitive about that and that competitive nature is completely absent in WFA or a lot of other pieces of media.
The issue is that Cass is a character with a very distinct feel and most of the time when people don't know the character very well or just skimmed her wikipedia page, you can tell because she comes off as a completely different person than her canon counterpart. She absolutely likes dancing, she does have strong morals, and she does care immensely about people but often that's where the similarities end and even the way those traits are displayed can be very far from canon.
Again, thanks for the ask. I love talking about her, even if it is how badly she's butchered in fanon.
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autisticrosewilson · 3 months
While I was in the shower I was thinking about Jason and his various parents. Three separate thoughts that I focused on so I’m gonna send you three separate asks FYI.
So I was thinking about your whole Willis thinking that Jason was safe with Bruce and leaving it and then Jason dying. And while I think Harvey was more parent adjacent than Jason’s actual parent, I applied it to him.
Harvey finding out Cathy died and his first thought being what happened to Jason? In this Harvey does not know Bruce is Batman. This is important. He finds out Bruce took Jason in and he thinks Jason is safe. Bruce had an older son and he was fine. So he thinks Jason is safe. And I know Jason Robin had encounters with Harvey. Let’s pretend somehow Harvey didn’t realize maybe he was being willfully ignorant? He didn’t want to think was Jason. But then Jason dies. And Robin disappears.
That’s when he figures it out. 
Two-Face almost kills Batman that night.
Oh this is delicious!!! So my idea of the Bruharvey and TwoWillis thing is that Willis was kind of a casual fling for Harvey but Two-face was serious about him. Harvey's heart really lies with Bruce, but Two-face thinks he holds them back. So they're both fond of Jason because he reminds them of their individual lovers.
So I think Two-face kind of knew Jason was Robin because he's just the spittin' image of Willis, and he figures Brucie is just that airheaded to not realize his kid is running the streets at night. So he's kind of like aw hell I have to do everything myself around here.
Harvey on the other hand has never been fooled by the Brucie persona so he's like "that CAN'T be Jason, Bruce would NEVER purposely endanger his children/just let them put themselves in danger like that." So they have a lot of disagreements about it. Regardless Harvey has to accept the truth when the evidence starts piling up. He's a lawyer first, after all.
Harvey steers them towards revenge on the Joker first, the clowns the one bragging about the murder. Harvey is actually kind of fond of Batman, the force of good he is, the way he never gives up on them. He doesn't want Two-face to kick the man when he's down. That is until Batman pulls them off him. Not until he SAVES the clown. Diplomatic immunity their two toned fucking ass.
Harvey stops defending him after that, and he never forgives him for putting a new kid in the suit after. He sends Bruce a strongly worded letter to pass on to the Bat when news of Steph's death hits. Two-face busts the windows out the batmobile. Don't ask me how he managed it, I just know he did.
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marinafanning · 4 months
batfam incorrect quotes (from perchance)
*talking on the phone*  jason: Remember how I said that cass and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?  silena: Yeah…  jason: Well, we’re in jail.  silena: *hangs up*
damien: dick, you risked your life to save me!  dick: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
tim: Yeah I'm LGBT.  tim: cuLt leader.  tim: God hates me personally.  tim: cowBoy hat.  tim: *sniffles* Trying my best.
cass: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
steph, about cass: Can I tell them they look nice?  dick: Sure.  steph: Can I tell them I respect them?  dick: Maybe, if they ask.  steph: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?  dick: …  dick: I’d save that for later.
tim: So what’s the plan?  jason: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at cass* they’re mean, come up with something.
*at 3am*  cass: *runs into silena’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  silena: *wakes up* Dude!  cass: *cackles*  bruce: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind silena* What the fuck, cass?  cass: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
silena: So, kate is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  babs: Why?  silena: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  kate, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
kate: Never gonna make you cry!  dick: Never gonna say goodbye!  kate: Never gonna tell a lie—  damien: I will hurt you.
steph, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip-  harper: In our favorite piece of shit!  babs: Doing 95!  tim: We’re gonna fucking die!
harper: I have an idea.  kate: A good idea?  harper: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
harper: babs, how do you feel about lifting heavy things?  babs: My doctor just said I should avoid—  harper: Being a wuss? I agree.
jason: Where is everyone?  damien: silena had a nervous collapse, alfred is looking after them, kate is trying to kill steph, so I’m in charge.  jason: Oh my god!  damien: I know, right?
babs: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
bruce: babs won’t wake up, what do I do?  steph: Did you try kicking them?  bruce: Yes.  steph: I’m out of ideas.
bruce: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, babs. Except you!  babs: But bruce, I think you're suspicious!  bruce: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*when the Squad drops food*  alfred: Eh, oh well.  cass: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  harper: FUCK!  kate: *just gets more food*  tim: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  jason: *eats the food off the ground*
tim: dick, please calm down.  dick: I asked for two large fries!  dick: *dumps fries onto table*  dick: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
tim: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
harper: Thanks for not telling bruce what happened.  dick, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
cass: How do I make a date really romantic?  silena: Be mysterious.  cass: Okay!  *later, while on a date with steph*  steph: So where are we going?  cass: None of your fucking business.
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dairy-farmer · 15 days
First time doing an ask like this but here it goes.
I was thinking about that one a while back where Bruce was horrified after finding out that Dick and Jason were working together to groom Tim. So hear me out, that but instead of being horrified Bruce has a “fuck that’s hot” reaction.
He’s also admittedly a little embarrassed for his older boys because really?? All those detective skills and you didn’t realize that Tim’s been ready to bend over a desk for the bats since he was 10?
I mean, Bruce has never acted on Tim’s affections before, mostly because he didn’t want to upset any of his other boys. But if his other sons are going to be even worse perverts than he is then hey, why hold back?
Of course, Dick and Jason should probably still be punished for this. Fucking their little brother would have been one thing but an elaborate plan to groom a child is another thing altogether. But he doesn’t know how he should go about doing it, so he asks Tim.
Tim is furious when he finds out. You mean to tell him that he’s spent years thinking there was something wrong with him for getting wet and horny around his older brothers and this whole time they’ve been doing it on purpose? How many nights has he spent wallowing in shame and desperation because those two wanted to toy with him? It’s time for revenge.
Dick and Jason end up called into the Batcave for a meeting with Bruce and Tim. The later treat this seriously, like Bruce is about to get them arrested kind of seriously. It’s just an hour worth of dread and nausea until Tim pipes up with their actual punishment.
They’re not getting arrested, in fact Tim is totally down to fuck. No, they’re getting punished for the years of teasing they put him through. They started this when he was 13 and he’s 16 now, do you even understand what that did to him? So now, instead of being allowed their little brother’s pussy like they wanted they have to wait until Tim is 18. It’s their turn to be blue balled.
Dick and Jason nearly lose it at the idea of having to wait two years but the worst part of the punishment is yet to come because Tim has taken this incident as blanket permission to be the whore he’s always wanted to be.
It’s one thing to have to wait, it’s another to come home and find Bruce discussing which toys he’s going to train Tim’s virgin pussy with. To try and get some energy out by sparring with each other in the cave only to come in and find Tim fucked out and drooling as he cockwarms for Bruce at the batcomputer. Daddy won the virginity race.
It doesn’t just stop at Bruce either. Tim starts being pretty open with his body and sexuality, both at home and in places like Titans Tower. He stops wearing clothes when he doesn’t feel like it and doesn’t hide when he’s horny. He share’s his exploits with other heroes too (Jason nearly breaks when he finds out Roy had his little brother first.)
Within the family though it’s even worse. Bruce was bad enough but Dick and Jason are the ONLY ones getting frozen out. They have to listen as Steph and Cass giggle back and forth at the dinner table, each taking turns playing with a vibe they shoved up Tim right before. Damian gets a first hand sex ed experience as Bruce uses Tim like a dummy to teach him how to please a partner. Tim becomes the willing testing ground for all the bats kinks (he’ll try anything once) and the less said about the passionate warm welcome Duke got the better.
Tim is super smug about all of this the whole time, enjoying both all the sex he’s having and just how badly he’s teasing his older brothers. It’s only when the final month of the punishment hits that he starts to have some regrets because now, Dick and Jason can see the finish line in sight. Now they can be open about just how they’re going to punish their baby brother for all this. They’ve got plans to really put him back in his place once the metaphorical cock cages come off, some of the most shocking, pussy soaking dirty talk Tim’s ever heard. He feels like prey in his own home over night and this is before he hears Jason and Dick talking about turning Tim into a sex pet.
It seems extreme but well… he’s been patrolling a lot less recently anyway due to needing to recover from just how often he’s pulled away to be fucked. And his big brothers haven’t exactly been shy about their plans for him either, yet no one seems particularly willing to stick up for Tim. If anything it seems like Bruce might be on board with the idea of carving out a new permanent role for him.
Not that Tim really minds either if he’s being totally honest.
the dick and jason grooming tim au
bruce being more on board and it turning out that tim's not the sweet and innocent naive little lamb he pretends to be, that the whole time he's made passes at bruce and tried to see what he could get away with and bruce having the realization that not only were dick and jason in the same boat with their desire but that they were trying to cultivate a situation where they could potentialy fuck tim and get away with it by putting the blame on tim.
bruce seeing them and understanding them because he'd the same but drawing the lline at them trying to groom their brother- couldn't the have just been normal and tried to fuck him like reasonable people? instead they were using the tactics of the enemies they faced on the street in gotham and that, well that earns them punishment.
tim would be SO mad that he'd been suffering and feeling bad about his stupid cunt getting wet and twitchy around his brothers when they'd been doing things to make him like that all along! tim turning into a slut and giving into the slightest desire as payback for dick and jason is hysterical- he's so mad and this is the lesson he decides to teach them.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
where's the rant ???
Alright so rant time: people constantly argue that making a character a transwoman is the same as making them a ciswoman and frankly that’s wrong. I’m sorry but it is. As a small disclaimer: I’m nonbinary and I am in school getting a sociology degree. I will be using sex to refer to biology and gender to refer to otherwise.
Using Tim Drake as an example: the stories you tell with a transgirl or a cisgirl version are incredibly different from each other. Because men and women are socialized drastically different from one another. While the character of Tim Drake (fierce, loyal, hard working, generous, and wanting to do so much good) wouldn’t change so much else about Tim would in either option.
With a transgirl Tim Drake, you have how society would react to her and coming out. I’d also argue that she wouldn’t come out until her teen years because of Jack. No one can tell me that this man would be okay with his kid being a transgirl. You just can’t tell me that. Janet is a toss up because of the limited information we have on her as a character. She however did neglect her kid, and in general I think that as new or old money, whichever you want to use, she would have problems with image, considering that a trans child could go bad for the PR. But even ignoring the parents, a transgirl!Tim would have a totally different story. I expect her story woudl go much like canon for a while until she is able to articulate that she is a girl. Then I expect backlash from people, one of them being Stephanie.
I’m probably in the minority when it comes to my thoughts that Steph is a straight woman who would react to her partner coming out as a woman badly because ‘what does that say about ME?!’ I won’t go into my issues with Steph. Others have done it way better but I do think that she and Tim both messed up their relationship even if frankly most of the blame is on Steph’s feet. BUT ANYWAYS: Tim coming out would cause issues there. A harsh reaction is never great for a baby trans kid and I can see Tim retreating as Steph goes off to complain to someone like Babs. Who I then think would be upset with Steph for outing Tim. Baba then acts as a pillar for Tim who slowly can come out on her own terms. Bruce and Dick I don’t think would have an issue and Jason? Let’s be real: Jason wouldn’t give a fuck in the sense it’s “okay wait, girl? Okay… I’ll still beat the shit out of you”.
The media would pitch a fit and I think that YJ would become closer over this, but I also think that there will be backlash from other members of the cape community. There just isn’t a way there wouldn’t be because while sure a lot are accepting you can’t tell me everyone is. Also the rouges. Unless Bruce asks Tim to pretend to be a guy still which… OUCH. I feel that is on brand and also something Tim would struggle so much with but want to obey while everyone is yelling at Bruce.
Then a transitioning Tim when her father wakes up probably wouldn’t go back to him because I doubt his reaction is a good one, and so she stays with Bruce. Probably becoming adopted. She and Cass would bond and I can see Tim developing further and becoming more confident as time goes on. She is less confident as Robin as she is not allowed to be herself.
The Damian and I’m torn. On one hand: I kind of like the idea that the League are all assholes but they also are chill with queer people cause Ra’s is creepy with canon Tim. In the other this is something he can attack Tim over and I doubt he’d give up the chance the little psycho.
So… Damian would be a thorn but I think that Dick steps in way more here because ‘baby assassin trying to kill Tim since he doesn’t know better’ is very different then ‘a transphobic kid being a shit to Tim’. Sad but true.
Tim’s story drastically changes by being a transgirl and it’s one that is VASTLY different then being a ciswoman because Tim still was socialized as a boy from birth. There is still a level of privilege she got from birth that a ciswoman doesn’t. People would react to her being trans in multiple ways such as denial or disgust.
But a cisgirl!Tim? Well…
People expect different things from the sexes. Women are supposed to be soft, gentle, not to loud and are supposed to be kind. Boys get to be demanding and loud and smart and rough.
Tim as a girl would have Jack and Janet reacting differently. It’s a personal headcanon for me that Jack imposes a lot of his traits onto Tim as a boy because ‘it’s my son and he is thus like me’. A girl though he’d expect to be a ‘cute and soft girl who is there for me to pull out of the closest’ because frankly the guy who willing marries someone not even a decade older then his kid who uses to be his physical therapist is a LOSER who would. Janet is again a toss up but I feel she’d have more of an impact for this Tim as being a woman in buisness or archeology is a field she had to climb and claw her way through. Things she would then pass on to her daughter.
Women are expected to be feminine and gentle. I’m actually fond of a girly fem!Tim compared to others, but I think it’s more of a punk girly then not. Janet totally would have weaponized her femininity in a way Tim tries to mimic. Dresses, soft smiles, doe eyes but a sharp mind about to rip you apart. Her interests in photography would be dismissed as ‘artsy girl’ and she’d be put into ballet or gymnastics with some comments over martial arts.
Women will have people talk about them if they do anything out of the ordinary. They aren’t supposed to ride skateboards or things because that’s what boys are expected to do. They aren’t supposed to like climbing things or other shit.
Tim as someone born a girl, and as either new money or old money, would be expected to have certain traits a boy is allowed to not have. So without a doubt she had etiquette lessons and dance lessons and anything else her mother might have decided were useful because Jack wouldn’t have noticed anything. Even if it’s cause Janet got mocked by people for not knowing I can’t see Tim not having these lessons.
Tim who has a great mask and who keeps her lives seperate this would have her high society mask, her vigilante mask, her public self and her real self because girls are still expected to act a certain way in public. Any interest that deviates form what society expects is brushed off as ‘she’s trying to be unique’ or ‘tomboy’ or ‘fitting in with the boys’.
We finally get to Robin now because Tim is still Tim and I don’t doubt she would do the same thing, fight to become Robin, but with this comes it’s own problems. Threats of sexual assault, comments about being a girl, crude comments about opening her legs or how she fights: all of these would follow her. We can go: some rouges are nice all we want but not all of them are.
Then we have Stephanie and that relationship is already drastically changed because Stephanie again is straight, and I think that Tim would be able to connect to Steph much better as a girl. I still think it wouldn’t be the healthiest of friendships because of everything but I also think that Tim being a girl while having hard lines is very different from a boy with boundaries because Steph knows as a girl what it’s like to have boundaries. She would feel bad for breaking them compared to ‘Tim is upset I found out his identity boohoo why is he upset with me?’.
We have Dick to and I’m going to be real honest: I think Dick is sexist enough to make assumptions of Tim. He doesn’t have issues with women but in general he’s a bit of a douche bag (sleeping with Babs while inviting her to his wedding with Kori anyone?) that he would put some expectations on this Tim related to being a girl. Of course Tim tosses those out of the water and I think he’d adapt but still: Dick is just… I think he’s the guy who puts a lot of stock into blood relations more then we know (ala Damian) and that he’s got a few assumptions about the Robin title along with thoughts on girls.
Bruce is… I think his expectations would be similar to canon with an emphasis on her being a girl. He knows competent women but in his world most of the female heroes are super powered or criminals, with Barbara being a shining example of a non-powered hero who got hurt. He’s going to compare it. I think it would either be worse then canon or he’s going to shove her off on female heroes more because he isn’t sure how to handle her.
Barbara as well I think is closer then canon to Tim being a girl and sort of the Batfam early compared to Stephanie. I actually think Babs would be a lot more posessive of Tim because of this, but this miiiight just be me. I know Tim and Cass would be incredibly close as well much like canon.
Jason and Damian though? Okay so I’ll be blunt: Jason is the kind of guy who is a feminist and supports woman’s rights but has a few issues with women he’s never been able to articulate. Society would press on him women are supposed to be fantastic mothers who put their families first and then he gets Sheila and Catherine. And while Catherine may have loved him society says she’s a terrible mother. Then we have Talia and no matter what the ‘sleeping together’ thing is fucked up. It just IS. So Jason has issues. However I think said issues being thrown into his face would make him stop short. Yet his reaction to a girl taking the mantle is one that would be… tricky as hell.
Damian? Damian is sexist and could go one of four ways: a) canon, b) WORSE then canon, c) dismissive and arrogant assuming she is just there to be trained and would be shoved out of the role as soon as he’s there no need to fight which turns into canon reaction when she isn’t or d) an assumption she’s there as a bride for someone. Because frankly it is something I can see him assuming. Bruce training a girl much like how Dick/Jason was trained so eventually they would marry to be solid heirs. The LoA is messed up and Talia might be a woman but she was raised there so there’s probably a ‘exception to the rule’ mentality with her. And I can see Damian either then: deciding he would be Tim’s groom as the true heir to the Bat or he would go: well time to marry her off now.
Either works. He’d still be violent and cruel towards her but that’s just Damian in general until he mellows out.
I think losing Robin in this world would be much more of a blow for Tim because of the sexism she’s faced. Being the lesser Robin for being a girl, how people reacted to her being feminine, seeing how Dick so easily tosses her aside for a male child. How people probably would go: yes! A good Robin finally! Or how his more violent reaction probably gets praised over her. Mixed in with the dismissal of Bruce being alive which feels worse as women are always getting dismissed by people and Tim lashes out harder then in canon.
We then come back to Babs because there’s only two ways she can react: canon or she goes ‘I’ll listen for real as I know the guys suck at listening to the girls’ and making her decisions that way. (And let’s be real Babs would know. Give me more female solidarity in comics and not the weird catty crap we get otherwise)
We then have canon happen with Ra’s being just as creepy mixed with a lot more sexism on her world tour.
One thing I do think would happen like canon is Tim realizing she’s bisexual when Fem!Bernard comes along and gets her thinking about it because girls are allowed to be touchy with each other so her not knowing is twice as likely.
These stories are VASTLY different from one another and the assumption that they wouldn’t be is insulting. Yes, transwomen are women but there’s still a huge difference in a story about either of them. Both these stories have very different thoughts and reactions from characters.
Just pretending that they’re one in the same is wrong. And pretending there’s a moral high ground when you claim they are is just being a dick.
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bonerot19 · 2 months
For the fic game 14, 20, and 29! (Or 30 if there's something you want to share that's not one of those or even on the list!)
hi hi hi!
for this ask game
14 - If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? oh man. I consume a lot of TV shows and movies, like, I once tried to make a list of all the TV shows I’ve ever watched and I got distracted somewhere in the 200s. anyway, I love TV as a medium and sometimes I have to stop myself from writing as though my thing is a TV show, if that makes any sense? I think something in the static as a TV show would be so cool
20 - What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written? seventeen going under. I’ll never top that, I’m afraid
29 - Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.) okay okay okay. I don’t know for sure that I never plan on finishing this bc I have like.
a whole fucking thing outlined. but I have no current plans for it. this scene is from a fic where Jason is Red Hood and he’s semi-reconciled with, like, Dick and Babs. Tim and Damian are studying him like a bug. he finds it all very annoying. Steph and Jason are buddies. Bruce can go fuck himself, he’s emotionally constipated. anyway. it’s a Bruce Being a Bitch fic, thinking Jason came back different but really Bruce is the one that changed. and I just don’t have it in me to write that rn
this part is quite a bit into the fic, after Bruce realizes that Jason isn’t the monster Bruce has been pretending he is. (featuring my favorite Jason trope: looking after a warehouse full of homeless kids)
“I’m sorry, Jason,” Bruce said, so quietly, Jason almost didn't hear.
“This is their safe place, B. I would have given anything to have this when I was a kid. You do not get to just show up here.”
“Jay —“
“I don’t care,” Jason shook his head and turned away. “Do you remember the first couple of weeks I spent at the manor? I had a meltdown because I couldn’t figure out what set you off, I couldn’t figure it out. And I broke down and I asked you when you were going to fucking hit me.”
Jason turned back around, staring into the blank mask of Batman. “And you told me that you wouldn’t. You promised and then you spent the next year trying to prove that to me. I promised these kids I would keep them safe and there’s one big difference between you and me. Do you know what it is?”
Jason gave him a minute. The last few drops of hope evaporating as the silence stretched on. Jason wanted to scream. He wanted to take Bruce by the shoulders and shake him.
Bruce didn’t answer.
“I keep my fucking promises.”
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benbamboozled · 2 years
1, 3, & 4 for the ask game? >:)
Ohhh boy coming out of the gate HOT. I’m glad I’m wearing my rant pants.
Buckle up, it’s gonna get capslock-y in here.
1–How has DC/Marvel/publishing company wronged you, specifically?
Okay obvs I’m sticking with DC here.
Let’s see…I think the biggest way they wronged me specifically was that time when Steph, Kon, and Bart were ALL dead because my top 5 faves at the time were—
—Jason Todd
—Cassandra Cain
—Stephanie Brown
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO HAVE THREE OF YOUR TOP FIVE FAVES DEAD??? AND Jay was going through his super flop era, and Cass was ????.
They Wronged Me Specifically SO HARD that I dropped out of comics for like 10 years and missed the entirety of the nu52. (I would literally check in to the DC sometimes and be like—ope, faves are still dead, that’s a big no from me dawg.)
3—Who is your most hated comics writer?
(Okay, I’m going to leave out the obvious “these guys are bad people IRL” answers and stick to my regular “YOU’RE TACKY AND I HATE YOU” beloatheds.)
Okay, so, honestly—I really try not to hate writers.
Like, I can rant about bad decisions, and bad characterization, and so on and so forth all day long.
But for the most part, I think a lot of things that get blamed on writers actually comes down to 1) writers not being the right fit for a book/character, or 2) editorial not stepping in and being like “HE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT.”
I also think that even badly written books can have some saving graces. (Shit, I have Battle for the Cowl on my Jay-recs list, so you KNOW I am forgiving.)
JIM FUCKING STARLIN is on my shitlist for a few reasons.
NOW…I don’t really blame him for being on-board with killing off Jason Todd. The dude shouldn’t have been put on a book where he hated *the very concept* of one half of the team.
But let’s talk about everything leading up to that and some stuff afterward.
First of all—Jim Starlin’s method of making Jason Todd out to be A Troubled Kid was by having Jason get particularly bothered by sex crimes against women and children.
NOT GREAT, BOB! For obvious fucking reasons!
Not to mention—as an inherently…uh…passionate person myself—I REALLY FUCKING HATE IT when “having emotions” is portrayed as a flaw. Guess what—sometimes “cool calculated stoicism” IS NOT THE ANSWER. Sometimes dismissing someone based on their feelings IS ACTUALLY A TOOL OF THE OPPRESSOR, JIM!!! HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT, JIM FUCKING STARLIN???
Okay so moving on…
You could just as easily turn around and say, “Damn Bruce, child!you was so reckless for making your parents walk around Crime Alley at night.”
(And like, obviously that is 1000% something Bruce says to himself BUT THE NARRATIVE ISN’T SUPPOSED TO AGREE WITH HIM!!! AND I maintain that BRUCE WOULD NOT THINK THAT ABOUT HIS OWN KID.)
Whew okay…I gotta cool down.
THIRD—the fact that he bragged about wanting to kill Jason with AIDS is EXTREMELY loaded and I hate it and I hate him.
4—Worst decision for (x]'s "new direction"?
Ooooh this one’s easy for me.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Admittedly, I like the red guns. They have a fun Danger Days vibe, and they are what I imagine it would look like if Jason used his All-Caste powers to have Evil Shooting Guns.)
(But that’s it.)
I mean, there are probably objectively worse things, but this one wins for me because…come on.
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game (1)
au where bruce is attracted to his robins and batgirls. he tries not to think about it or act on it, but it's getting more difficult with every new member of his team he acquires. does anyone know? do the robins and batgirls notice his weird behavior? what do they do about it? do they ever find out the truth? who would think it's terrible and who would find it strangely hot/comforting/nice? does bruce ever act on his feelings?
for the ask game!
oh my GOD do i have thoughts for AUs like this, i love this shit so dearly, dirtybadwrong Bruce who's trying to keep a lid on it my beloved.
i think the fun of this AU is if characters would notice Bruce lusting for themselves vs would they notice Bruce lusting for a different Robin/Batgirl. like does Dick pick up on it when it's just him and Bruce? no, because it's just. him and Bruce. he and Bruce are weird and complicated and hold endless bounds of nuance. that's just How Bruce Is, and Dick is the "test run", in a sense. he knows Bruce is new to this whole sidekick/family thing and is giving Bruce grace for being rough around the edges. but when Bruce starts looking at Jason or Tim or Cass that way, that's when Dick starts to notice. it's never enough of a suspicion he feels justified to bring it up, but the thought lingers. he's hyperaware and grows less and less comfortable with leaving them alone with Bruce. it's a weird game of chicken, Dick and Bruce staring each other down when Bruce's touch lingers too long. each waiting for the other to say something first. if Bruce ever broke and actually acted on his feelings, Dick would be eaten alive by the guilt of knowing something was up, but never saying something until it was too late.
obviously, Cass would know. there's no world where Cass *doesn't* know, the nature of who and what she is would immediately clock it. but the issue is, Cass doesn't have a good framework of what family looks like. she doesn't really understand familial vs romantic love bc she has no firsthand experience of what a parent's love should even look like. so she never calls it out. she just watches. i'm a fan of Cass believing this is normal and believing she too can express and act on attraction that's vaguely incestuous. maybe it's with Babs, maybe it's with Dick or Tim or Bruce himself. but she recognizes this as Normal and Accepted within the Batfamily, so it severely fucks up her understanding of familial love and i just. man it's my favorite thing about Cass in Batcest honestly, is how you can play with her lack of experience with love, boundaries, and sexuality.
Tim is the fun one for me. because my favorite flavor of BruTim is when Tim knows, as he agrees to be Robin, that there's a non-zero chance that Bruce is going to be Weird and agrees anyway because he's decided it's an acceptable risk. so Tim knows from the get-go because he's expecting it. if Bruce acts on his attraction, i think it's either with Tim or Cass first, because they're the most likely to confront him about it in a way that isn't entirely negative. Tim has accepted it's a possibility and Cass just seeks being loved and touched so. it leads to the first time someone's ever confronted Bruce about it. and the thing is, Bruce really doesn't like confrontation about his flaws. the first time Tim tries to imply he's okay with it, Bruce would lash out at the idea, tell Tim how inappropriate that is and benches Tim for a week. it'd probably take a united front from Cass and Tim to get Bruce to even *admit* to the attraction. still Bruce wouldn't allow it to happen and he brushes them off until finally, the dam breaks. it's fun if there's a cause like sex pollen, but i think it's *more* fun if it's just. a random fucking Tuesday and finally Bruce is at his limit. he has no real reason, there's nothing particularly different about that day's routine. he just sees Tim or Cass striping armor and sighs and gives in.
i don't think Steph, Jason, or Babs would notice until anything substantial happened. not because they're not wicked smart, but just because none of them were looking for it. Jason put Bruce on a pedestal when he was alive, and when he came back from the dead he wasn't close enough to be noticing Bruce's interpersonal dynamics outside of his narrow scope. Steph has no real framework for what healthy fatherhood looks like, so if Bruce's touches linger, if he stares too long, she just shrugs and assumes it's how it is. and Babs was just never quite close enough to Bruce to notice. if and when she notices, is when actual sexual things start to happen between Cass and Bruce. because Cass would see no reason to hide it. Babs would be pissed, but it'd be tricky to navigate. Cass would be an adult, even if she's only 18/19, so technically, she's old enough to be consenting. if nothing else, Bruce is a careful man. even when he breaks and gives in to his desires, he covers his tracks well. he makes sure he has enthusiastic consent and there's no legal recourse that could be taken. age of consent and all that. there's not much Babs can *do* other than try to tell Cass (and/or Tim) that this isn't normal or okay. not that it gets her anywhere, but god would she try.
by the time Duke comes along (if we venture out of the pre-Flashpoint era) i think it's a sort of. open secret, in the Batfamily. talked about in nothing but hushed whispers and knowing glances. at some point, they've all had sex with Bruce, caving all for different reasons. some more than others. Tim sees it as a duty, Cass sees it as a way of seeking comfort, Steph sees it as getting Bruce's approval for once, etc. it's never forced on them, but eventually, they all come to Bruce sooner or later. and that's the fun irony of it, i think. they try to convince the others not to, but would go to Bruce on their own well. because complicated reasons they can't put into words. sometimes, Bruce is just a messy man who doesn't realize how prized his Attention to for the rest of the Batfamily. that weird duality of not liking him, but also wanting desperately for him to like you. all of them have dealt with it, at some point. so for Duke, it takes a while for him to understand this... whole dynamic. it's Cass who tries to explain it to him, and he's a little horrified, a lot confused. especially when Bruce starts staring at him a little too long as well. i think he'd only want to watch first but well. they all cave eventually.
also fun bonus if we venture into the Dark Knight Returns universe for my bestest girl Carrie Kelley: there's such a like, "i'm fucking around and i'm finding out" vibe to Carrie. like Tim, she's very proactive in just. deciding she's going to be Robin and she's ready for whatever that entails. (IMO canon Carrie is closer to fanon Tim than canon Tim is but *that* deserves its own post-) like she takes one look at the old man that is Batman and goes yup. he's never fucking getting rid of me now. if Bruce started having weird feelings about her, i think she'd have *fun* with it. she's decided she's in it for the long haul and for whatever being Robin means so. she's almost teasing about it, seeing how hard she can push before Bruce snaps. since it's an older, gruffer Bruce, i think he'd express open annoyance at it first, almost a sort of banter about how Carrie behave. but of course he caves and Carrie leans into it, because there's a fun in having all of Bruce's attention to herself. in the main timeline, Bruce is pretty split with so many Robins and Batgirls, but during their era, it's *just* her and him and she's very proud she's got him all to herself.
#bruce fucks/lusts after every batfam member and they all want to protect each other from him#but also they're all going to fuck him anyway bc they're hypocrite and self sacrificial.#necrotic answerings#ask game#brudick#brujay#brutim#brucass#brusteph#brubabs#bruduke#brucarrie#batcest#did i get all the ship names? god i hope so#listen i'm a pre-flashpoint girlie but know i believe there should be more duke in batcest spaces.#let him in on the fun. stop calling him the normal one. let him ALSO be toxic and gay damnit#though trying to figure out their ship name i cackling at the thought of it being bruke or duce. it's so fucking funny to me and idek why#also let carrie into batcest spaces damnit. there's so few bruce/carrie fics you're all uninspired /lh#anyway yeah i'm obsessed with the vibes of#does anyone like bruce? no but his attention. his approval. the things most of the batkids would do for it#i think you could do bruce/helena b with these vibes too#but ngl i got do mad at the batman: brave & the bold show for doing helena dirty by just making her hot for bruce#that i mentally tune that ship out#it's good. it has good potential for daddy issues.#but it just reminds me of how fucking *ass* helena is in that show. they fucked up my bbygirl.#idk why ppl like b:tb&tb so much. i don't think it's good??#is it nostalgia or something? like there's so many other better batman animated shows that can like. write women. idk that's just me#anyway love this concept so dearly <3#bruce who is so fucking bad at love he can't separate familial and romantic love my beloved <3#bruce wayne having *boundaries*? absolutely not in my good catholic batcest home.
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bat-losers-inc · 2 years
Song of Cassandra: Chapter 3
Warnings: Family Drama, Family Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Baggage, and Child Neglect
Summary: What is Batman without a Robin? Everyone in the family makes jokes about the ‘dead robins club’, but Dick and Jason really do have measures set in place for the day Bruce loses sight of what’s really important. They won’t let Bruce sacrifice another Robin for the cause, even if that means separating Robin from Batman for good.
Pairings: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Bruce Wayne, and Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
The rain pelted down on Jason’s shoulders as he sat stooped behind his sniper’s rifle. He gazed through its scope and blinked away the droplets that clung heavily to his eyelashes. The spot he’d set himself up in was nothing more than a patch of roof hidden in the shadows of the building’s HVAC system where he could prop up his rifle and wait out the hours until his target showed his face. But what the spot lacked in creature comforts it more than made up for with its clear sightline of the highrise building across the way.
A shiver rattled through him, reminding him once more of his soaked clothes and aching muscles. Don’t move, he chided himself, you might only get one chance at this and it’s not just your life on the line this time. His thoughts derailed once more into a spiral of anxieties. Black Mask was back. Sometime in the past 24 hours he’d managed to free himself from his techno-virus-induced coma and escape Ma Gunn’s home — Jason still wasn’t sure how, though knowing Roman it was probably through sheer force of will. Now he was gunning for him, his mind set on revenge. On the streets below him, Roman’s hired brigade of criminals scoured Gotham for any sign of the Red Hood, fueled by the promise of a substantial reward for anyone who brought him in alive.
That was where Steph found him twenty minutes later. The mechanical whine of the air vents muffled the sound of her approach, but the shifting reflection in the rooftop puddles gave her away.  
“You should have told me,” she said.
Jason sighed and spoke over his shoulder. “I told Oracle not to say anything.”
“She didn’t.” Steph said, coming to stand at his shoulder, “She called to check on my security measures. She wouldn’t do that unless she thought the threat was legitimate. I knew it had to be Roman, but I didn’t understand how serious it was until I saw False Facers on the streets asking for you by your real name.”
Despite the painstaking care he’d taken to appear unconnected to Batman during his time working undercover, he’d later learned, Roman hadn’t bought his loner anti-hero act for a second. He’d known his real identity the entire time and that his connection to Batman and the others went deeper than he claimed. After their final showdown, it had seemed pointless to confess that his identity had been compromised since the man had stupidly schemed himself into a vegetative state. He hadn’t thought that Roman would ever recover.  
Calling Babs might have been a mistake, but after his falling out with Bruce, he couldn’t stomach the idea of admitting a fuck up of this proportion to him. Because when it came down to it, after all his talk about how Bruce had formed a family only to throw them to the wolves for his caped crusade, it had been him, not Bruce, that had potentially exposed their true identities to one of Gotham’s top criminals. So he’d called the only other person he could think of, Oracle, and rattled off some half-truths using Dick’s undercover op story as an excuse for a security sweep.
“I didn’t tell you because I wanted you to stay safe.”
That had backfired spectacularly. Steph, it seemed, wasn’t one to be easily fooled. She had connected all the moving pieces to understand the heart of the situation when nobody else had. The idea didn’t sit well with him for Jason knew that if Steph had put it all together, Batman wouldn’t be far behind. Just another reason why he needed to keep his gun trained on the windows of the 14th floor and wait for the moment when he could put a bullet through Roman’s ugly deformed head. Bruce would probably end up dragging him to the city limits himself come morning, but at least if he killed Roman he’d be able to leave knowing he’d done all he could to protect his family.
“Safe?” Steph grabbed him by the arm and jerked him around until he stood facing her. “I don’t know what your plan is, but if it only involves you and a sniper rifle I’d say it has about a thirty percent chance of success and definitely does not ensure my safety.”
It was only then that Jason noticed the sheen of black and purple kevlar peeking out from under Steph's zip-up hoodie. He reached out and hooked his fingers around the opening in the soaked fabric, pulling it to the side. She was wearing her Spoiler suit.
“Are you here to stop me like you tried to stop Batman? ”
She shook her head.
“I came to help you. You don’t stand a chance against Back Mask on your own, but with the two of us working together we’d stand a solid chance. I can take down his men — draw Roman out into the open to give you a clear shot—”
Jason’s insides churned, imagining the sick glee Black Mask would get at the sight of her coming at him alone and offering him another chance to finish what he’d started all those years ago.
“Absolutely fucking not.” This plan was already a suicide mission. He wasn’t going to turn it into a group activity.
“I wasn’t asking for your permission, Jason. I'm just as wrapped up in this mess as you are. We’re the only two people to face him and survive. We’re the ones that got away. If he knows about you, do you really think he doesn’t know about me?” She hugged her torso, her suit shining with condensation. “If you’re going to take him down then I want to be there to help you do it.”
He was momentarily struck mute by that. He wanted to be flattered but instead, he continued cautiously, aware that they were dancing at the edge of something he wasn’t sure he liked. “You can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why not?”
Truthfully, he wanted to say it was because he’d considered asking her to be his partner way too many times during those endlessly bleak months after Tim’s death. Steph saw the way Batman’s version of justice prevailed at the expense of losing the people that she loved and she chose instead to fight for them, even if that meant standing in Batman’s way. That alone had impressed him, but even more so how she’d refused to return to the fold even after her plan had failed. Jason had to admire her guts, but he also knew how hard the fallout of a decision like that was. It left you lonely… directionless. He could have given her a new path to follow but in the end, he hadn’t done it. No matter how much hatred they shared for Batman and his practices, he didn’t want to make her into a killer. He never thought she’d find her way to it all on her own.
“Because I don’t think this is really about Roman. If it were you would have made a move against him years ago.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do, because I know you.” He lifted a shoulder in a bemused shrug. “You’re Spoiler — daughter of Cluemaster— the patron saint of comeback kids. In the entire time that I've known you, you’ve never taken the easy way out. You always give people a second chance.”
His attention was pulled away at the sound of doors slamming on the street below them. He looked down just in time to see a sleek black car pull away from the curb and a group of men hustle their way into the building’s entrance. Roman and his men were here.
Jason turned back to Steph. She’d seen it too for she unzipped her hoodie and crouched down to retrieve the remainder of her gear from the duffle bag at her feet.
She spoke more to her hands than to him as she slipped them on. “Batman says that showing criminals mercy is a hard choice but the right one. But we both know that at a certain point there’s mercy and then there’s giving your enemies another opportunity to hurt the ones you love. As far as I’m concerned Black Mask has gotten more than enough second chances out of me.”
Fuck, Jason clenched his hands into fists, his eyes flickering between the rifle that stood ready and Steph. The clock had officially started its countdown and he knew his window of opportunity was growing narrower by the second but he couldn’t let Steph go through with this.
“Steph, you don’t just wake up and decide to be a killer. Whatever's going on, let’s talk about it.”
”I’m not here to talk. I’m here to help you kill Black Mask.”
She moved to step around him but he caught her elbow in a tight grip and jerked her to a stop. He needed to stop her and do it fast. He played the only card he had left. “Think about Tim. He would never forgive me if I let you go through with this.”
She spun back into him all of a sudden, her face contorted. “Do not bring him into this. Tim doesn’t get a say.”
“So you’re just going to throw away your future… college…a normal life…all of it just to get revenge?”
“I'm not the one throwing their future away.”
Jason paused at the bitterness that threaded through her words. It reeked of a private argument — of lines drawn and choices made.
Perhaps she saw his questioning look for she continued, “Tim’s giving up his grant for Ivy University. He went to the Batcave tonight to tell Batman.”
“What? But that’s—” Insane, Jason thought. That’s insane. Tim was supposed to be getting out. It was pure luck that they had gotten him back at all. He had a second chance to live a safe, normal life with Steph. He couldn’t waste that on Batman’s crusade all over again. “No, you were hanging up your capes…”
“He said his time imprisoned by Mr. Oz refocused his purpose.”
Jason saw the way her face spasmed at the words, her lower lip quivered. She pressed her lips together tightly and turned her face away. Whatever dam she had been trying to hide her emotions away behind was crumbling fast.
Tim was with Batman and she was here. A horrible feeling twisted in Jason’s guts as he followed the threads of Steph’s logic. He realized it wasn’t just bitterness he’d heard in her voice. It was grief.
He swallowed through a choked throat, his own realization leaving him breathless. “You’re going to leave him. Aren't you?”
When Steph met his gaze again he saw her eyes were brimming with unshed tears. “I have to. Too much has happened with Batman for me to go back to the way things were.”
He had stupidly thought that Tim’s return would erase all of Steph’s problems and pain, but now he realized it wasn’t always so simple. She had made a promise to stand up for the people of Gotham, even if that meant she stood up against Bruce to do it. The moment Jason had prepared for all those months ago had finally happened. Tim’s decision had forced her hand.
Only, why, why, did it have to happen at the worst possible fucking night?
He squeezed Steph’s shoulders and pushed a wet lock of blonde hair out of her eyes.
“Listen to me. There’s something important we need to talk about but I can't do it now. Not until I stop Roman. I need you to go to my safehouse off Robinson Park and wait for me there. Do you know the one I’m talking about?”
“Yes, but I can help—”
“Steph, you know I’ve never asked anything of you. Please, I’m asking you to do this one thing for me. Let me deal with Roman.”
He saw the confusion swimming in her eyes. He wished he could explain it all right now, but letting Roman live threatened everything and everyone he cared about.
It felt like an eternity before Steph nodded. “Okay. I have your comm channel. If you need me—”
“I’ll be fine. I swear.” he pressed his apartment keys into her wet palm. “Just go. I’ll come find you as soon as it’s done and explain everything.”
He watched her disappear down the fire escape and off into the rain-swept darkness. Only when he was confident that she was out of danger did he turn his attention back to his rifle.
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