#enby with adhd
Hey everyone! So it’s decently late and I’m actually tired so I’ll be heading to bed soon. First I just wanted to write a quick little thing saying that:
I haven’t really been on here because I’ve been busy with my new job. I like it so far the people are cool tho I can tell I’m going to be very busy. I already have a full caseload and got ton of paperwork to do. I’m trying to not become overwhelmed and take things as they come but easier said than done. One good thing is it is a 9-5 an no weekends so I do get time to myself so yay for that.
Also I had my final session today for the adhd assessment where we go over the results and it is official I have been diagnosed with adhd and I can stop saying I think I have it. Idk if it’s weird to say I’m happy but I think it’s because I always felt like something was different about me an after being told nothing is wrong with me all my life it’s nice to have an actual answer. Results also came back for anxiety an depression but that’s nothing new. I think I will try meditation just to see how it goes for me. A lot of people in my life are against me trying meditation but I have no issue with it. It’s not their body or Brain so they will be alright.
Last thing I guess I will bring up is my non binary journey. I’ve told all the physical people that I’ve wanted to know except for like 3 people and I may tell them one day but not now. An I haven’t done much in changing myself but I feel better I guess just by acknowledging it an knowing that I do have people around me who accept me. Oh also when I first applied for the adhd assessment I put I’m non binary and I was told that my result papers that will be uploaded say Mx which is pretty cool. I still don’t have a preference for pronouns when people ask I just say she/they. Tho one thing I have noticed I’m ok with being called she but if something says like woman, girl, female, in my head I’m like no 😡. So that is also interesting lol. (Tho I do acknowledge that I am a black woman)
I said this was gonna be quick sorry I lied but I’ll wrap up now. So new job, new diagnosis, new gender an same ol anxiety about everything but I am happier so yay me.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and now I am off to bed night!
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theadhdgoblin · 1 year
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sleepycatten · 1 year
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As someone who falls into 3 of these categories, I feel very called out by my own meme 😅
(Edit: Moved the alt text into the image description.)
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madeforunkownpurpose · 5 months
Thinking "I wanna have big boobs and be a cute lesbian" is probably not a cis thought in the slightest on my part. Like damn, how did I not figure some of this shit out sooner? Thank you to Brisket from Guilty Gear Strive. Seriously though this is confusing but yeah most definitely not cis.
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littletism · 3 months
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regression flag stamps pt. 1 🌈
stamps made by me, flags all belong to their respective creators! these are completely free to use :3 i will be making more at some point!
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warmafternoon · 10 months
Trans people that own a chest binder, do you ever like not wear it for like 4-5 days and you're like "man I wonder why im so sad" and you realize its cause you've had ur tiddies out for 4 days and then you put it on and you feel better
cause I do this every damn week
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mattgrayyes · 3 months
Representation’s important, esp during times like now where people are marginalised and turned into scapegoats regularly.
So here’s some stuff that, while none of your business, I’ll share in case it helps anyone feeling alone:
I’m non-binary & have gender dysphoria.
I’m prob demisexual & polyamorous.
I’ve got ADHD, ASD, & a history of depression, and panic/anxiety disorder.
I take anti depressants monitored by a psychiatrist, and see a therapist regularly.
Long COVID gave me Chronic Fatigue which I’ve had for two years now.
Being “person off the internet” I’m usually careful not to talk about personal stuff. I’m in the odd position where people have a parasocial relationship with me, and are interested in me and my life.
I enjoy sharing my work, humour, and things I’ve made online. But that doesn’t entitle anyone to know anything about my personal life.
I’ve seen other creators have their life and relationships discussed, and I don’t want that.
I’m sharing personal info despite this, in case it helps someone.
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yourdailyqueer · 4 months
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Dan Rebello
Gender: Non binary - Demiboy (he/they)
Sexuality: Gay / Asexual
Ethnicity: Indian
Occupation: Teacher, activist
Note: Is Autistic, has ADHD and polyamorous
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beranibear · 6 months
Sometimes being non-binary, young, having dyed hair, tattoos, piercings and looking able bodied is a curse when having to sit in the accesible seating areas.
Today I was blessed with sitting next to a group of four lovely older people who were happy to talk and didn’t judge, question or stare at me. I was wearing my sunflower lanyard, had my assistance plushie in my lap, noise cancelling headphones but they still talked to me like I was a normal adult.
It’s not often this happens and it makes me quite sad that I am so overwhelmed with happiness over something that people often take for granted. This is something all people of all races, sexualities, genders, abilities etc. should be experiencing every day. This shouldn’t be something that is a rare thing for me (and all others like me) to experience.
Thank you for being so kind. You prove not all older people are uneducated, ignorant, rude or just straight up cunts.
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Caveria for tax
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Hey everyone, long time no talk lol happy near year by the way.
If anyone wondering why I have been m.i.a it’s because work mostly I’ve been stuck in a routine of work home sleep. Also I had to put my dog down in August apparently she had cancer I had no idea. I’m still not use to how quiet the house is without her. I thought I was going to wait awhile before getting another pet but now idk the house just feels so empty.
I’ve been trying different meditations for my anxiety depression and adhd and I’ve had some… interesting experiences. Right now I’m trying vyvance and trazodone. I felt a difference at first but now I’m not so sure.
Work has honestly been stressful and overwhelming especially because I have 2 jobs I’m going to quit my evening job in March so I’m trying to hang on till this but I just been so tired and stressed. I love being a counselor as far as working with the kids but not a fan of the paperwork. An I’m struggling staying on top of everything an Im made at myself for always being behind.
One thing that I’ve been doing that I enjoy is obsessively playing baldurs gate 3, reading webtoons and listing to audio books. Nothing else is really keeping my attention.
I’ve also made couple of non binary/ trans and neurodivergent friends so that’s been cool but also they are going though a rough time right now
Also this cold winter sucks it makes me all blah and lose motivation to do things. I’m trying to push though but as you can tell I’m struggling.
Sorry this isn’t a really happy post. I just got hit hard with feeling sad and thought maybe writing it out would help. I hope everyone else is doing well. I’m off to play some more baldurs gate. Even though I’m feeling sad I don’t want to ditch this blog so I’m going to try to be more active. Talk to y’all soon. Tai (oh I also go by tai now to people I trust. An pronouns are they/she
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theadhdgoblin · 1 year
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dianasaurthemelonlord · 3 months
With the office of the US President now being granted legal immunity by our Far-Right and unnecessarily powerful Supreme Court, and Project 2025 existing even as a concept, I urge my fellow Americans of all stripes that are able to to get some means of self defense more than ever and more importantly find local Mutual Aid groups and other Left-of-Center Leaning organizations as a precautionary measure. Most will welcome you with open arms, and help you prepare and provide some amount of stability.
The US has been slipping more and more towards Blatantly Fascism for a while now. On the Agenda of Project: 2025 is even more brutal Police Repression of Protests, Banning “Transgenderism” and Homosexuality, persecuting religious minorities such as Muslims, Atheists, and Pagans, dismantling existing Trade and Labor Unions, stripping all regulations on corporations for worker and environmental protections and giving the President the power to deploy the US Military on US Soil as they (really He, as in Trump) please to enforce any contents I have not mentioned. We need to be ready, Fascism may be knocking on our door sooner than anyone could have expected, we may have to fight.
It is the responsibility of any person to the left of Hunting the Unhoused for Sport to do what they are able to prevent, opposed, and the support the toppling of the coming Fuckery.
I also encourage you to spread this as far as possible. This affects everyone, end of story. Especially Americans and the people we as a nation are actively oppressing.
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fairyb0ii · 8 months
Things we must remember in 2024:
1) Free Palestine
2) Queer rights
3) What's happening in Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc...
4) Black lives matter
5) Mental health matters
6) Everything about human rights
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
"xenogenders are making a mockery of real trans people !!" no they're not. xenogender falls under the trans and non-binary umbrella, most people who use/have xenogenders are neurodivergent people(but neurotypical people can still use/have xenogenders). they're not making a mockery of trans people, they're just using xenogender to describe their identity. they're not harming anyone in any way possible. most of them are just neurodivergent people who use something to describe their identity. /gen
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