#eupd is bpd
templetv · 1 month
I don't even know what I'm crying about anymore; it all just hurts so much
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succubunniii · 2 years
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geloyconception on insta
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aussie-trans-king · 2 years
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beautifuldarkmind · 8 months
I just feel like stuck. Every day is the same and I'm just existing not living.
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world-lemination · 2 years
Wdym you wouldn't claw someone's eyes out for me??? That's kinda weird
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someplacehigh · 7 months
When will I start feeling less *static noises*
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The thing is that if there was any positive resources for Personality Disorders, we would be able to get better. Instead, if we look up “narcissist help”, articles come up with “how to destroy a narcissist” and “they’re self absorbed, entitled and manipulative”. You look up your disorder and you just get things that articles on how other people can destroy your mental health, just because you have your condition, because of the trauma that caused you to have this personality disorder. It’s like they don’t want us to get better, they just want us to know how we’re horrible. They need people to demonise us, they want us to be destroyed. They make sure that everything hurts us. They expect us to recover then stigmatise the things we are trying to fix. That doesn’t convince us to get better, that convinces us to become the worst version of ourselves.
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starspd · 6 months
the BPD experience of yearning for someone to tell you its going to be okay, but then when they do you dont believe them (and sometimes can even trigger you more)
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notnorth · 11 months
My Kind Of Love
I want a love where the door is held open for me.
The love that pulls out chairs, and strokes my head when I’m unwell.
The type of love that is kind, peaceful and soft.
The kind of love that makes me feel safe, and I’d never dare flinch.
I want someone who will hold my hand and kiss my forehead in a crowd full of people.
Where I never have to second guess if their intentions are pure and genuine.
That love where we build empires together, and support each other to grow.
Choosing our favourite pumpkins in a patch, to carve that same very night.
Where we cuddle up in front of the fire on a cold Christmas morning.
We dance and sing in the rain, to share that romance-movie passionate kiss.
Where we book a flight on a whim, because anywhere together is better than not having each other at all.
I want to receive my kind of love.
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templetv · 6 days
please don't leave; when I think you're leaving my head gets fuzzy and the world caves in and my heart bursts and leaks into my legs and the rot overcomes me
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succubunniii · 2 years
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aussie-trans-king · 2 years
i know im constantly too much for everyone but sometimes i just want to be enough for someone
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littleoddwriter · 7 months
when y'all stop perpetuating stigmas and demonisations of certain mental disorders you deem 'scary' and 'problematic', we can actually start having a conversation about it.
self-absorbed people aren't immediately 'narcissistic'. stop using it as an insult to or even descriptor of every person you feel is being particularly selfish or conceited. NPD is a serious disorder and should be treated as such. stop demonising it.
and also, abusers who use the tactics of putting others down, making everything about them, etc. are extremely self-absorbed and could be anyone. stop making it look like it's just people with NPD, who themselves are abuse victims... often of that exact abuse you accuse them of. same goes for BPD and emotional abuse/using emotions and outbursts as abuse tactics...
generally start treating people with a cluster B personality disorder like the human beings they are, deserving of respect and kindness, just like everybody else.
stop throwing around the word 'psychotic' when you're really just trying to say somebody is 'evil' or 'deranged'. psychosis is a very serious symptom of extremely demonised disorders, like schizophrenia. people with it are just as deserving of respect and kindness as every other human being is.
low/no empathy doesn't make you a bad person. not having compassion doesn't make you a bad person. it's okay for people to not have those traits. they aren't 'monsters' for it. nor are they undeserving of your love and compassion for it, either.
in order to have a nuanced and helpful conversation about stigmas of mental disorders, you need to understand your own partaking in them and unlearn those words, behaviours and thought patterns. please.
sincerely, a person with a cluster B disorder that is sick of your hypocritical bullshit aka ableism
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world-lemination · 2 years
You don't wana run away and start a new life together??? I thought you said you liked me??
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siickangel · 1 year
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love isn’t supposed to feel like this !!
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condohavenoking · 3 months
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Please, James… Tell me I'll be okay. Tell me I'm not going to die. Help me…
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