#gotham tv merch
bubblesxo · 2 months
so i’ve been a fan of the gotham show for years and i’ve never seen any merch. have you ever seen any??
i’ve designed stuff on redbubble….. i guess i could to make something….. idk what to make though.
heyo! sadly i haven't seen much merch either >< but i'll link here what i can find! firstly, of course there are some things on redbubble you can find <33
Gotham Tv Show Merch & Gifts for Sale | Redbubble
it would be super cool if you made some stuff and put it on there, too!
and there's... some stuff onAmazon.com : gotham tv show but none of the options really look even halfway good tbh ... tho maybe there's something farther down that i didn't see.
there's some pretty cool fanmade stuff on etsy if you look! some examples:
Oswald edward gotham - Etsy
Jerome valeska - Etsy
I saw some really cool sticker packs pop up when you type in the right keywords!
next, onto some of the more official options.
firstly, there is, of course, the official novels that go along with the show!
pre-canon: Gotham: Dawn of Darkness: Starr, Jason: 9781785651458: Amazon.com: Books
an in-between of seasons two and three, including info on gordon's time as a bounty hunter/freelance private investigator: Gotham: City of Monsters: Starr, Jason: 9781785651472: Amazon.com: Books
next, there are aparently funko pops?? how did i never know this?? some links: Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - James Gordon Action Figure : Toys & Games Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - Harvey Bullock Action Figure : Toys & Games
Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - Selina Kyle Action Figure : Funko: Toys & Games
Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - Bruce Wayne Action Figure : Funko: Toys & Games
Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - Fish Mooney Action Figure : Toys & Games
Amazon.com: Funko POP TV: Gotham - Oswald Cobblepot Action Figure : Toys & Games
there are also some collectible statues out there of characters from the show like these ones: Amazon.com: DC Collectibles Gotham: James Gordon Statue : Toys & Games
Amazon.com: DC Collectibles Gotham: James Gordon Statue : Toys & Games
Dst - Gotham Select TV Series Figures Series 1 - Figure Assortment - Action Figure - Active Powersports
If you scroll down on the previous link, there are a lot more that are Gothamverse in the "Related Products" section! (also, the one i linked was an assortment, which is why it was so expensive LOL) Q1 DC Direct Collectibles GOTHAM JAMES GORDON BEN MCKENZIE STATUE Fox TV Series | eBay
[Toys] Gotham TV Series 4 action figures are yours for the taking (after you pay) — Major Spoilers — Comic Book Reviews, News, Previews, and Podcasts
after that, tbh other than posters directly from the show, i think our fandom has a great lack of lowkey merch >< like, i would totally rock something if no one else knew what it meant LOL.
i hope you find something that interests you! i might go back and check out the stickers again sometime. sorry that i couldn't be of much help!! <33
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ddejay18 · 26 days
Batfam Reality TV show
Ugh FINE I'll tell you about my Batfam Reality TV show HC's okay? jeez... (nobody asked).
Before i yap, this idea has been swearving around in my brain like a wagon tied to a angry rhino for a while now. I can't remeber if i was inspired by other posts so if im accidentally stealing someones idea or someone has similar posts pls lmk so i can I'll tag them :). Also reminder that these are Head Cannons, if you don't agree then thats okay. These are just the senarios I play in MY head. (pls ignore all spelling mistakes, im lazy)
Okay, I feel like a reality TV show centred around the batfam would be so funny. Like, a bunch of self aware traumatized orphans hanging around in a mansion. The Kardashians but actually likeable, humble (well, it depends) and absoloute chaos, and not the "omg youre so chaotic lmao" but instead "Ah shit, someone is trying to break in to confess their love to Brucie again, someone call the cops" kind of chaos.
Bruce Wayne is the prince of Gotham. He has built Gotham from the ground up and he is loved by the majority of Gotham residents and even villains. In this cenario, Bruce's billionare playboy days are behind him, and works more like a tired dad who is just trying his best (good parent Bruce Wayne basically). He really has no idea how or when most of these people became a part of the family but is just happy they're there. Mabey Selena Kyle /or Clark Kent could be a side character and there could be a B-plot where Bruce is panicing about proposing or something. Is chronically reading the newspaper. Bruce is also the type of parent to really try to BOND with his family. Puzzles, games, trips, picknics, lgbtq+ merch ect.
Dick Grayson lives, and even has a key to the city of Bludhaven but still visits home regularly. There is an on-going gag where Dick always talks about longing for a relationship but when sees his ex'es while out and about and turns 180° and hides. (its my HC i can do what I want. Dick is a terrible long-time boyfriend, okay).
There is also a scene where Dick makes fun of Tim for being emo (he was just on his phone) and the rest of the Batfam in their one-on-one interviews show pictures and share horror stories from Dick's 'Hot topic, MCR, stealing dads car, eyeliner, youre not my real dad, ugh' phase from his teenage years and a screen shot of Bruce Wayne holding up a picture of Dick with a joint hanging out of his mouth becomes a meme format. Another clip that went viral is a home video where Alfred is scolding Dick for staying out late and he goes "UGH" and backflips out of the room. It cuts right back to Dick where he is smiling and hugging Damian being all ":D".
Jason Todd is thought to have been dead by the people of Gotham for years but as the season progresses, can be seen more and more often in the backround like walking into rooms while people are giving their one-on-one interviews and slowly backing out, or him just walking past a room, or as soon as the camera crew enters a room Jason makes eyecontact with the viewer and just turns around and leaves. There was an intstance that sparked a lot of controvercy online where Roy Harper came to the mansion looking for Jay and the batfam just stared at him, looked to the camera crew and then looked back at him. He swiftly left after rambiling about his terrible grief. (nobody bought it)
They all grew lazy nearing the end of the season and Jason just sits at the dinner table with everyone there, the camera never focuses on him and nobody mentions that he IS actually alive and is sitting RIGHT THERE. Jason just covers his face with his free hand while he eats and can just be seen in the backround while people talk. Jason says something and the camera turned to Bruce, and the editors, very poorly, tried to make it seem like Bruce was the one talking when it was obviously Jason.
In season two of "THE WAYNES" Jason finally joins the cast and admits in a one-on-one interview that he is, in fact alive and that its not a big deal (they make up an excuse and say that he just didnt like papparazzi/had a brain injury or something so he faked his death). This is never mentioned again.
Duke Thomas lives in the manor and was adopted by Bruce (again, its my HC i can do what I want). Duke is the moral compass and seemingly the only one that actually does their own chores. He is constantly just staring out into the madness that is the rest of his family since he is one of the newer member of the family. He, along with Tim are the only ones that can cuss out Bruce without reprocussion. Damian gets kind of jealous of Duke becasue Alfred the cat seems to like Duke a lot, and Dami is afraid of Alfred the cat choosing Duke as his new favorite person. Duke is extremely aware of this and shoo's Alfred the cat away and pretends to not like cats when Damian is around (to soothe his soul a bit).
Tim Drake is also one of the few members of the family that actually lives at home. Tim is a skater kid and Ipad kid at the same time somehow. He is also the ONLY person in the manor (Alfred excluded) that Bruce doesn't scold (it would be weird, since Tim basically babysat Bruce after Jason died).
Tim and Bernard Dowd start dating during the filming of S1 so there are a lot of scenes of Tim freaking out because Bernard is coming over and of the others making fun of him for looking into every detail of their interactions and overthinking them (was that a romantic gesture or not??). Bernard finally makes an appearence where he gives a short one-on-one where he introduces himself. Bernard quickly rose in ranks in terms of the internets white boy of the month (the TikTok edits went hard).
Cassandra Wayne was also legally adopted by Bruce and is his little princess (she is highly dangerous). She changed her last name from Cain to Wayne, bc i feel like she sees the Waynes as her real family. She looks nice enough but once the audience gets to know her they become aware of her insane competitiveness and how she has everyone in the manor wrapped around her pinkie. She dominates in board/video games and is the only one that can convince Alfred to get take out. Cass also practices ballet and is selectively mute and uses ASL most of the time (i just like the idea of her being SELECTIVELY mute, okay).
She is dating Steph (ITS CANON IN MY EYES). Cass, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, Damian and Duke are the only actual residents of the Wayne manor, the others just come and go like its an open buffet.
There is a scene where Cass, Steph, Tim and Bernard all sit on the couch and tell the camera crew that, "well yes Steph and Tim used to date and didn't get along for a while but now we're all friends". "Steph is tecnically dating her ex's sister but its not that complicated, REALLY". "Well yeah, Bruce conciders Steph a part of the family but its not weird or anything guys I PROMISE". "Well yeah actually, both Tim and I realized we weren't straight during our relationship. Why?" Cass and Bernard also get along really well but Bernard doesnt know any sign language and has to rely on others to translate/ Cass has to write thing down for him (they talk MAD shit).
Stephanie Brown. Damn, how the fuck does she keep get in? Sometimes Steph just sneakes into the manor to watch TV or to raid the fridge, while texting her girlfriend, Cass about how much they miss each other when Cass is litterally just upstairs and they're both too lazy to move. Bruce offered her a key to the mansion but she just responded by saying "nah its more fun this way". Steph is constantly accused of being a gold digger within the home and she doesnt deny the claims but its obvious that she does genuinely hang around because they have all become a family to her (found family basically, ugh im such a sucker).
Damian Wayne is still young so there is not a lot of scenes going into his personal life like at school and stuff but he is still there a lot. Anytime Damian says something socially strange or offputting, the others just chuck it up to Damian being a little weird sometimes teehee, or just tell people to not mind him because he is kind of new around there. Meanwhile, Damian speaks in a very professional and sophisticaded way which creates conspiricy theories among viewers about his upbringing, ESPECIALLY because Damian said something in passing about being raised in a secret mountain society.
The camera crew caught a glimpse of Damian in the yard casually accomplishing amazing feats with a giant sword and then immidietly stopping dead in his tracks when he noticed a wild rabbit in the garden. Keen viewers also noticed this strange phenomenon where Damian somehow wins every argument EXCEPT for when its with Alfred.
(I both love and hate the idea of Damian being a spawn of satan in everyones eyes. It can be funny sometimes but in my universe, Damian gets along well with everyone. Sure Damian is crude and weird but he's a kid, and i want him to have a supportive family that understands why he does and says the things he does. I basically just want Damian unapologetically being a kid.)
Alfred Pennyworth is an interesting person for newer fans of the Wayne family, since he is practically unknows to the public. Alfred introduces himself as the only butler in the Wayne manor and a long time friend of the Wayne family. Viewers quickly realize that Alfred is really the man of the house and it becomes previlant when he goes on a short weekend trip (with a secret girlfriend perhaps, Maggie Page perhaps) and everything falls apart. Bruce doesnt know where he is supposed to be at any given time, a hirearchy is established (Cass is a very unfair leader) and the only person making sure the others are fed is that mysterious figure in the backround (Jason).
Alfred makes it sound like he is only the butler but the rest of the batfam all talk to/about him as the essential part of the family that he is and how he is everyones badass, british, grand papa, dad, butler- babysitter-cook, friend thing.
Barbra Gordon is another unofficial member of the Wayne family. She is always over for game and movie nights and just in general. Barbra and Dick used to date but are on really good terms (suprisingly). Barbra is especially close with Jason, Cass and Dick, and is kind of a mentor/cool older sister figure to the others. Sometimes Jim Gordon visits as well, since he and Bruce are fellas.
In the opening scene of the first episode, the batfam are asked to make a family tree or list of sorts since there are so many of them and Barbra was the only person who remebered that Jason was supposed to be dead (nobody bought it).
This will do FOR NOW. I wasn't be able to fit everything here so ill prolly make a pt.2, where i tell yall abt some silly situations that would take place in a Wayne reality TV show. This is more like an introduction into the convoluted storyline that has been building up in my head (what else am i supposed to do at work?).
I also want to state that Leslie Thompkins is also concidered a family member to me since she is like a surrigate mother figure to Bruce but she won't be hanging around the manor as much as the others.
Ik i skipped a lot of characters that are concidered to be in the batfamily but even I dont know who IS concidered to be in the BatFam atp or I skipped characters that i just dont like/think about as much bc im shallow like that lol.
ALSO ALSO im not a huge BatCat or SuperBat shipper but i just felt like them being in the family dynamic would be interesting. Timid ol' Clark or the HBIC Selena Kyle. I also didnt include friends and stuff that would prob be at the manor all the time too like Roy, Wally, Jon, JLA, TT, YJ ect. blah-blah-blah you get it, I'll stop yapping now.
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castielslostwings · 1 year
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Would you like to win this or other awesome prizes?!
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Not going to lie, Gotham Knights’ cancellation hit me hard. It was so clear how much of themselves the writing team poured into the story, especially Natalie, and the last episode where Sharper went canon and Steph came out reflected my own experiences in a really visceral way that meant a LOT to see play out on cable TV.
I’m sure it’s partially because of how much the cast & production team have interacted with the fandom (I’ve never had a show creator reply to my tweets or care to talk to me personally before 🥺) so I felt pretty gutted by this show getting tabled.
With the strike still hot, I don’t think a rescue campaign will do much at the moment, so I thought I might try and spread positivity another way. I’ve had this raffle in the planning stages for a while, I wanted to celebrate my newest original book release by giving back, which is why I had these signed.
Between GK and Misha’s demining campaign for U24 & Legacy of War in Ukraine losing a bit of steam, it feels like as good a time to put it out there.
My personal goal is to raise $1k for Misha’s demining fundraiser! I would love to make that happen.
This raffle is easy: donate $5 or more to that effort, send me a receipt, and be entered to win. You can also donate to Random Acts and get a second entry.
Donations must be NEW! Receipts dated from now to the end of the raffle. The goal is to boost the fundraiser!
All the info/links are here:
Prizes (max one prize per person):
2 will each win a copy of Enchanted Ink signed by Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles
1 will win an Enchanted Ink author-signed book bundle with all of the release merch!
Several will win an author-signed copy of the book!
1 will win a Misha-signed “Wildflowers” art print from @valderie and Spotted Hound Design
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1 will win @dustyl’s Misha-signed “Big Demining Energy” poster!
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U.S. residents only due to shipping costs. If you are IA and willing to pay shipping or would like to donate your win to a U.S. resident, that is also fine, but please check shipping costs before committing—they are higher than you think.
There is a video on my TikTok explaining the raffle in detail, or if by some chance you’d just like to grab the book or merch, you can find that info here:
PLEASE boost this if you see it! 🥺
I would greatly appreciate the support in making this a success ❤️
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r3djy · 9 months
The Riddler trying to sell his own merch and failing
Imagine you're just watching tv in the middle of the night and then this horrifying commercial comes on
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And then no one showed up 😭
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(Poor guy. It's not like it's his fault that other rogues are more popular and likeable. It's just that everyone in Gotham is a fucking moron!)
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Ooh I would LOVE to request Harley Quinn x reader date night hcs! Reader is very shy but Harley is always able to tease out their more fun and wild side.
"Unique Intentions" Harley Quinn x Reader (Valentine's 2024 Event)
Because you asked specifically for hcs, I'm going to give this in bullet point format. This is for the (now over) Valentine's Day Event. We're having fun with the best clown in town!
TW: suggestive
As stated in other asks, she's pretty good with a shy reader. Sometimes she can steal the spotlight- but for Valentine's Day? It's all about you and her, nobody else! There are several potentials for dates that can either be the focus OR happen all in one night depending upon your own pleasure.
Cat Cafe or Shelter Date. You're shy and if you're with Harley, you probably like animals. It's all set up, petting a bunch of cats or dogs while just... enjoying each other's company. She gets to see you in an element where you're relaxed without the expectation of socializing with people. You're happy and that makes her extremely happy. If you're more of a wild animal person, she'd love to go to the zoo with you and get super cheesy Valentine's Day merch of animals for you. If there's a hyena plush with a heart, she's getting it without hesitation.
She takes you out on purpose for a night out of dancing and just having a good time fuck everyone else. You're both hot as fuck. Then, when some creep in Gotham inevitably tries to hit on you guys, the two of you do some couples bonding by beating the fuck out of them <3 Let loose! Make someone bleed!
If for some reason she's feeling truly like she wants to get crazy and unique with you, she'll take you on a date to a very special place that just opened up in Gotham... A rage room. There's old cars, tvs and other furniture. Axes, sledgehammers... She might need to get the party started, but once you get going, you'll find yourself (legally) destroying a ton of property and having a great time doing it. Some of those places have paint throwing too which ends up in a whole other goofy thing with you both.
She wouldn't mind being pampered herself! You know, if you had any inclinations to. She likes jewelry and chocolates and flowers and her enemies pipe-bombed- She's a simple girl, whatever you do she'll probably love. Just do something sincere that shows your feelings and she'll be very touched.
Then, once it's all over and the two of you are back home and washed up... Harley will excuse herself to get "more comfortable." Love Harley or hate her, everyone can agree that she has one of the most rocking bodies of the rogues gallery. Her legs are killer from all the gymnastics. So when she comes out in lingerie she picked out, you better believe it's going to take your breath away.
After that. Well. ;) How shy are you in showing your appreciation for her?
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Tuning In  (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Tuning In - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
I’m still in recovery mode but my mind is so bored and filled with ideas! I managed to use my voice to text software to make a little oneshot to hold me over until I can type on my laptop again. If you want to timeline this oneshot in line with the series, I’d say it takes place between Breakfast for Two and Three Steps Back. Roughly? I dunno. It’s a scrap idea I wouldn’t be able to squeeze into the series as it stands right now.
As always, enjoy! I’m actually going to rest my hand now.
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A joyful tune escaped your lips.
It didn't have words much less a title, just a string of musical notes you hummed on the fly as you styled your hair.
It was any other day at your penthouse. The sun was beaming into your living room on all of your streaming equipment that was on your desk, ready to go. You had scheduled a virtual meet and greet for your fans that couldn't travel to Gotham to see you.
Cindy thought the idea was marvelous and wanted to make the event bigger than it already was but you toned her down the best you could. You wanted this to be intimate and fun, despite the expected turnout.
You posted the date and time months ago and the original message had already been liked over half a million times on different social media platforms.
In no way were you scared of your fans but that many people on a video? You had some pre-stream jitters.
Thankfully Cindy assigned IT and some background software programmers to make sure the event ran smoothly. But after that, it was all up to you.
She gave you free creative reign. Two hours of content completely up to you to plan and execute.
Saying you were excited was an understatement.
You made a flow chart to keep everything cohesive but added in Q & A slots in between segments for fans. Moderators would be standing by to keep the chat under control and to give you some breathing room so you didn't have to multitask. You planned this out thoroughly after all.
And rightfully so! You had a lot you wanted to cover.
Limited edition box sets were dropping next week and you purchased a main booth at the upcoming GothCon and you wanted everyone to know about it.
Signatures, private photo opportunities, timed book discussions, and new merch for sale at both the event and your online merch shop were available. You name it; it was happening.
You couldn't end the stream without giving a shout out to all of the recent art your fans had created since your last blog post and near the end of everything, you wanted to tease everyone about your new work in progress.
You couldn't help it! So what if you were a little troll? Your community loved that about you.
All of this and more, you hoped to talk about during the stream — if only you could get your hair looking right! You were so busy taking care of Joker these days your daily hair routine had fallen to the wayside.
It was still healthy and gorgeous just.. not right now. Trying to plait multiple braids to the scalp and letting the bottom portion be free and curly while pressed for time was nerve wracking and seemingly impossible.
It also didn't help that Joker was watching your every move.
Apparently he was in a good mood today. He acted more and more like your fake adopted cat by the day.
He wandered outside of his room after breakfast and decided to silently annoy you by parking himself smack dab in front of your desk.
His mind was originally focused on the tv but over time his eyes gravitated to you or rather to your hands that moved like magic through your h/c locks.
You were still working on the first braid and parted your hair with a fine tooth comb - how you did that so neatly without a mirror was mind boggling, and you positioned your hands to move hypnotically to form a braid.
He was also in awe with how fast you moved.
You braided about halfway back to the crown of your head before stopping. From there you let your natural texture be free and wild, spraying it with a curl defining product and incorporated it in thoroughly with a comb to set.
He fought back the urge to walk over and bury his hands into your fine silk. It looked softer than cashmere and it smelled intoxicating from far away. Were you trying to seduce him again?
You were doing a great job if so.
You started sectioning out the second braid but an incoming text on your phone stopped your progress.
It must've been IT in the way you wiped your hands free of any oily residue and fiddled with your computer setup with a huff.
Joker remembered you saying the stream began at the top of the hour. He glanced at the clock and began to worry if you would make it on time.
You were already dressed in a crochet top, a pale cornflower blue that hung off your shoulders, with a choker that proudly sported Will's family crest hanging from a leather band. Once again, fan made art pieces. You looked stunning as always but he knew if your hair wasn't perfect, you would cancel the entire thing.
And since he was secretly a big fan of yours, that was totally unacceptable.
He knew it wasn't his place. You two weren't close by any means, but that didn't stop Joker from standing up and limping towards your desk.
You noticed his presence a little too late.
Before you could open your mouth to ask what he was doing, Joker had already picked up your comb and began sectioning your hair right where you left off.
You turned into a statue.
His presence behind you was ominous yet you felt the gentle way he smoothed your hair back and clipped it out of the way with a hair claw. He used your previous braid as a model and carefully crafted the same halo pattern you began on your scalp in earnest.
Then the unthinkable happened. Joker started to do your hair.
You felt the moment his hands gripped the three strands and wove them up and over, back and forth to follow the pattern you created.
You had so many questions. Where did he learn to braid hair? Who did he practice on? How was he this good?
He applied just the right amount of pressure, not too loose but definitely not heavy handed, to make neat braids within his section. You felt the confidence in his grip, this wasn't his first rodeo.
And just like you did before, he stopped halfway and brushed out your ends, spraying it with your curl pattern styling agent and left it alone to develop into the effortless curls he liked (loved) so much.
IT messaged you again about performing a quick last minute bandwidth test and you gave them the okay while keeping your head straight. Joker paid you no mind and was working on the middle section when you couldn't take it anymore.
"Um.. how did you know how to do this?" You gestured at your head.
Joker's hand froze for a millisecond but continued braiding unfazed. "Would ya believe me if I said prison?"
Your snort told him no.
He smirked to himself but indulged in your curiosity. "But it wasss. One of my prison mates had nice long hair just.. like.. you. Although he's uhh, not alive, to brag about my work, he received all types of comp-li-ments before his.. untimely demise."
He felt you tense up. "You have nothing to worry about my dear Y/n!"
Joker brushed out a new part and caught a snag in the comb making you yelp. Your head followed the tug making it bump into Joker's abdomen. You could feel his muscles through his cotton shirt "Sorry!"
"Hm. That's my line." You tried turning around to apologize further when Joker forcefully jerked your head back straight. "Stay still."
Now that scared you. It would be so easy for him to snap your neck. Is that how he offed his prison mate with the good hair?
You gulped and bobbed your head but instantly regretted that action.
Joker's hands slid from your hair down to your neck where he massaged it gently. He bent down to whisper in your ear. "Now bunny... whaT. Did I just say?"
You felt horrible for being turned on. His hands felt so good around your neck and it took all of your strength not to moan out loud.
He snapped you out of your thoughts. Your mouth flopped like a fish as you tried to form words that weren't about Joker choking you during that activity.
"You ah.. said to stay s-still." You stared straight ahead at the countdown timer set for your stream.
Thirty-six minutes left. Joker had well over half left to braid. Would you make it through this torture?
"Then be a good girl and.. stay still." He purred in your ear. He stood up straight and went back to work, adding in the golden beads you had scattered on the desk to a few braids that he finished.
Ohhhhh he knew he was cruel and like the obedient girl you were, you listened to him. If you had a tail it would be wagging.
When did you stoop so low?
With five minutes to spare Joker finished your hair for you and you dashed over to the floor length mirror leaning on the living room wall.
You turned your head left and right, admiring Joker's handiwork up close. It was incredibly neat and it matched the first halo braid you did perfectly. You couldn't believe that he did the rest.
You were about to turn and thank him but Joker was already behind you in the mirror.
At times you forgot how tall he was compared to your height. If you moved back any further you would bump into Joker's chest. Not like you minded but!
Once was an accident, twice and he might get curious.
You wanted so badly to rest your weight on Joker or feel his hands in your hair again, scratch that. You wanted to have his hands around your throat again. There was so much power you gave up in that brief moment that had you reeling. You wanted to surrender it again.
"Y/n. I asked if you like it?" His voice startled you again out of the naughty thots.
"Y-Yeah Joker, I do."
His green eyes flickered down to your colored ones, eyeing you warily.
Your reply came out way too breathless, almost like it pained you to answer v He hoped this video stream wasn't making you nervous. He'd stick around (out of sight of the cameras of course) and keep an eye on you.
It's not like he wanted to hear any book announcements or anything. He quickly acclimated to the fact that he was staying with one of his favorite authors but it was still an exciting reminder. You were right there! He could bombard you with questions or annoy you until you fled the room.
Right now, he just wanted to admire your beauty up close.
Joker singled out a strand of your hair that didn't want to curl and wove it around his finger to help it. He lifted the lock up to his nose and sniffed.
Your eyes widened witnessing his soft gesture until his eyes met yours in the mirror. They grew heavy almost instantly with an emotion you feared to say aloud.
"Alrightyy your hair is done. Off you go."
And just like that Joker was back to being a jerk, roughly pushing you over towards your desk chair.
You were forced down into it and Joker's hands came to rest on the armrests beside you.
"Now... have fun doing your video blog.. thingy. I'll be here watching." He spun you around to face your laptop and towards the countdown timer that had less than a minute left.
Joker took up his original seat within your line of sight and licked his lips slowly. His smug look did nothing to help calm your arousal as the timer ticked down from thirty seconds.
You had half that time to wipe your mind clean and plaster a big smile on your face as your dear readers joined the stream and flooded the comment section with love and support.
You couldn't think about Joker as the participant counter jumped past three hundred thousand and rising. Did you even have that many active readers? Cindy must've ran a promo behind your back.
It didn't matter, this was your time to shine. "Welcome! Welcome everyone! I'm so excited you all joined!"
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enlightenedrobot · 2 years
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I posted 7,119 times in 2022
That's 2,536 more posts than 2021!
90 posts created (1%)
7,029 posts reblogged (99%)
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#dall e mini - 6 posts
#puella magi madoka magica - 6 posts
#tumblr - 6 posts
#generated images - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#a lot of people who make hating marvel movies there only personality trait will point this out
My Top Posts in 2022:
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@teeth-collector64 (my brother) is collecting unused official urls. Direct action.
142 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
The Problem with deconstructing the Powerpuff Girls
The Powerpuff Girls is already a subversive show.
It’s a pastiche of superhero comics that keeps the action and violence of Marvel and DC properties and attributes it to cutesy little girls.
In essense, it’s already a parody. It’s already a subversive take on existing tropes. And like, even without a serialized story, it’s surprisingly smart in how it handles all of these older tropes.
So before the writers of the Live Action Script decided that Professor Utonium should actually be a showbizzy bad dad, they should of probably asked themselves... did the original show already do this?
Cause like... they did. 
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The character of Dick Hardly, from the episode Knock it Off was designed as a foil to Professor Utonium who creates shoddy knock off Powerpuff Girls that he sells to cities across the world for profit. He’s one of the most despicable characters ever animated in the show, and the character of Drake Utonium has way more in common with him than he does that actual professor.
And it’s episodes like this that every other reboot of the show seems to forget.
The Powerpuff Girls isn’t Strawberry Shortcake or My Little Pony. It’s not a show created to sell dolls or produce merch. 
It’s a parody, a deconstruction, a Robot Chicken sketch before Robot Chicken was a thing. And that’s a compliment. It’s subversive humour is influential... the Powerpuff Girls walked so that shows like Kids Next Door, Kim Possible, My Life as a Teenage Robot, and almost every other cartoon after it could run. 
It’s a smart show with a surprising understanding of satire. Which unfortunately also means any parody of the show is going to be redundant. It’s kinda hard to make fun of a show that’s already so good at making fun of itself. 
And like, I’m saying this as someone who is actively working on a dark humour tinged dark comedy heavily inspired by the Powerpuff Girls. Everytime I write, I find myself making jokes the original show already made. Sometimes I’ll accidentally steal entire scenes because I think I’m being subversive. 
The big thing is... I’m pretty sure it’s still possible to make a subversive take on the Powerpuff Girls. As smart as the show is, it’s also kinda dated and stuck in the late 90s and early 2000s. Superheroes have evolved and there’s a lot more material the Powerpuff Girls could actively spoof.
Maybe the show should get a Samurai Jack styled soft reboot. Stay true to the original show, but show how time has passed. Give the show a TV-PG-V rating and the same kind of overarching plot you get with shows like Infinity Train or Gravity Falls.
But to any potential writer writing for this franchise, please, please, please do your research. You can’t pull a Riverdale with the Powerpuff Girls, because the girls we’re never as wholesome as Archie and the gang. 
177 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
There is no way Matt Reeves thinks The Batman is anyway "grounded" or "realistic".
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Gotham is way too stylized; all at once the 30s, the 90s, and the modern-day. The gangsters featured are caricatures. And Robert Pattinson's Batman is tormented in the most "I shop at hot topic and have an angsty myspace page" kinda way.
I enjoyed this movie mostly because it's the first time I've seen a Batman movie actually understand that it's, well, a Batman Movie.
This isn't a grounded political thriller with the aesthetics of Batman thrown on like the Nolan Movies. It's not a pointlessly dark and complicated take on comic book lore like the Snyder Movies, and it's definitely not a character exploration of mental illness like the Joker.
Instead, it's a heavily stylized action movie with cartoonish doses of FIlm Noir. Batman's violent and angsty, but no more than I think you'd expect from a comic book anti-hero. And given the ending, I'd also argue that this Batman is probably one of the nicer incarnations of the character we've seen in recent years. He's flawed and kind of bad at his job, but that just makes him all the more relatable.
Not everything aesthetically dark is deconstructive, and not everything that's violent is realistic. The Batman is probably one of the purest comic book adaptions I've seen in recent years, and frankly, people who think movies like this are in any way realistic have a very skewed perception of reality.The
230 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Thoughts on Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers (2022)
I nervously stand up to the mic, prepared to exclaim to my audience of dozens a controversial fact. I'm shaking. I'm sweating. 
I clear my throat. Words drop from my mouth like wet clay.
"The Chip n Dale reboot is pretty great, actually."
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Okay, it's not perfect. It's a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. It's delightful, hilarious, and super creative. It's not nearly as good as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but it's also probably the closest thing to a sequel we'll ever get. And I'm kind of okay with that.
I'll get to the good stuff soon enough, but first let's talk about the bad. 
This movie is the same kinda metahumour drenched post-shrek styled Children's movie, and like, that's not everybody's thing. It's pretty light on fart jokes, but it is pretty heavy on breaking the fourth wall and having celebrity cameos and making jokes about Pop Culture. 
That said, it's a little closer in tone to something like, say, Enchanted or the original live action Scooby-doo movies than it is to Alvin and the Chipmunks. If you enjoy a post Modern Disney Princess or a postmodern Mystery Inc, then this movie works fine. But if you're not open to movies that make jokes about other movies… then maybe stay away from this one.
A slightly bigger issue is the usage of cel shading on most of the Rescue Rangers. It's not nearly as bad as the trailers showed them to be, and in stills, they could almost be mistaken for drawings. But in motion… it really doesn't work. 2D animation just happens to be a better medium for expressive faces and body movement, and as good as the celshaded animation is, it's kinda hard to escape the feeling that it was still, ultimately, the wrong choice.
But I think maybe the biggest issue I had with this movie is the lack of the attention given to the other Rescue Rangers. Montery Jack has a fun scene early on that almost makes you wanna go back to the old show. Gadget and Zipper also make appearances and even have a few good jokes… but for most of the run time… they're just… not there. 
Also, Monty's recasting feels weirdly redundant? Jim Cummings appears quote a few times as other characters and Eric Bana's role is so short and so similar to Jim Cumming's voice, I can't help but wonder why they bothered recasting him at all.
But with all that negativity aside, let's go on to why I actually enjoyed the movie.
This is a pretty good take on Chip n Dale as characters… its true to their personalities of the show, but with a Ducktales-esque revamp of their voices. And while they don't start the show out as detectives, they basically become their characters from the show anyways.
Even the other Rescue Rangers feel true to their original incarnations, with maybe a few odd new takes. There's a twist with Gadget and Zipper that's a little questionable at first, but downright hilarious when it came back up towards the end. 
Outside of the cel shading, the animations actually pretty great. CGI can't replace 2D animation, but I do have yo give them props for so faithfully mimicking both stop motion and puppetry so accurately. There's a Swedish chef parody who's so close to the Muppet style, I initially thought he was just a straight up puppet. 
The movie's biggest strength is actually the diversity of animation styles used. It's not just 2D and 3D… it's everything. Of course the cameos all stay faithful to their original sources, but even the original characters look like they could come from other actual properties.
Off the top of my head, we get cheaply animated insurance mascots with plastic textures occupying scenes with Aardman sheep. Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast shares a scene with Tigra from the 90s Avengers cartoon. And without spring too much, I'm obsessed with a specific scene where photo realistic Disney CGI interacts directly with characters from a certain rival studio.
You could argue that this movie is Disney shamelessly shilling their own IP, and to some extent, that's true. But the sheer number of non Disney cameos really cements this film as a spiritual sequel to who Framed Roger Rabbit. Hell, one of the best cameos in this film doesn't come from Disney IP at all.
The Roger Rabbit influence also shows itself in how weirdly dark this movie can get. It's nothing inappropriate for kids… but like… there's body horror. Cartoon body horror, sure, but it's made with the same stuff that made the scariest Disney scenes we watched as children. It's a weirdly Nostalgic kind of horror, and I'm happy we get to traumatized my little brother the same way I was when I first watched Roger Rabbit.
All n' all, I really liked this one. It's a fun watch. 
342 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I am a normal person. This is a normal thing to do.
1,577 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spritenightbabygorl · 3 years
How Gotham Rogues Would Be Queer Icons At Pride Because Fuck You:
Riddler: ole riddle boy would confuse transphobes and homophobes with questions every day of the month and educate people about Pride History on live tv.
Scarecrow: scaring important political people into saying nonbinary people exist. Terrifying the shit out of homophobes specifically, if you are queer you don't get fear gassed this month.
Harley Quinn: Spreading general cheer about Pride and making her pets wear customized pride merch. Patrolling the streets in Gotham with her giant hammer for anyone trying to harass queer people at night.
Poison Ivy: she's an ecoterrorist lesbian she doesn't need to do anything. But she does shower rainbow colored flowers all over Gotham during the parade!
Joker: offering his services to any teens who needs their parents/adults/teachers to be murderered/maimed. Helps Harley patrol(begrudgingly) but gets distracted a lot.
Two Face: no cops at pride because Two Face has dirt on all of them so they won't show their faces. Makes actually good pride merch with his insane fashion skills.
Penguin: pays for everything. he's really tired and kind of broke for a bit after June but it's worth it. He also kisses Riddler on live tv for press.
Bane: doesn't understand what gay is, but will beat homophobes up. Helps keep the parade safe and tries his best! he also killed an acephobe :)
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sunshineboy · 3 years
what do you hope for duke in the future? do you have any writers and/or artists you’d like to see work on him?
I'll be very honest I'm not that much of comics fan, I heard that Batman had a black robin and came running lmao. So I'm not well versed with DC writers/artists (though from what Ive seen 90% of DC fandoms want to torch their writers/artists). But I will say this, whoever is doing the art for Nubia loves black people and our hair and I just want people with that same energy working on Duke.
Realistic Hopes, things I feel are entirely possible:
Monthly Comic with good art and storytelling
Duke included in official Robin stuff
Duke being more involved in Batman stuff and not just standing there
Duke Merch
Duke in Young Justice!!! (had a whole season dedicating to meta trafficking but forgot the one batfam member that makes metas stronger????)
Duke interacting with non Gotham vigilantes
Duke with dreads/cornrows (I'm tired of this nigga being 7/8 bald)
Duke on a team of other teen superheroes
Duke leading a team of other teen superheroes
Duke interacting with other batfam members
Duke’s poetry explored more
Dc taking the opportunity to actually explore Gotham in daylight with Duke
Duke learning more about Gnomon and his ‘immortal’ heritage
Duke thought that Doug was his bio dad, and we’ve never actually seen him come to terms with the fact that his beloved dad who he looked up to was technically lying to him most of his life.
People in Duke’s life prior to him joining the Batfam feel abandoned by him, his civilian neighbours feel he's ditched them since he 'became' a Wayne and his co-Robins think he sold out to be a part of batfam. I want DC to expand more on that
More of Duke’s civilian life like is the nigga still in school or not?? Is college something he’s thinking about? What kind of careers interest him?etc.
Unrealistic Hopes, me just shooting the breeze cause DC doesnt have the balls:
Duke either having a villain created specifically for him or him taking down a big bad in Gotham.
Duke animated tv show or movie (give me Into the Spider Verse style or give me death)
I wouldnt wish a CW show on my worst enemy, so maybe HBO Max Duke live action series??? It would be interesting cause Duke is all about being the light in the dark, and sooooo many of these shows try too hard to be dark and edgy. A Duke show could easily be more light and refreshing compared to other comic based tv shows. 
Duke and Damian mini series or something. (Damian and Duke are best friends and DC will take that headcanon from my cold dead hands)
Queer Duke!!!!
Duke in crop tops!!!! ( even in canon Duke is the only batfam member allowed to dress themselves)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
So I discovered I kin Harley Quinn and I hate it and tried to repress it but it keeps coming back. I am nothing like the comics/tv show other than my name and the fact I fell in love with the Joker. Why anyone would want to live in Gotham is beyond me. I hate getting memories and I hate seeing stupid Harley Quinn merch everywhere. Feels like some kinda sick joke.
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Fandom Mashups Are On The Rise
Fact: Two fandoms are better than one. When your favorite fictional worlds collide, it’s a mashup made in fandom heaven. Fandom mashups are becoming more popular, with crossovers popping up in TV shows and movies, fan art, original cosplays, and even new collectibles, making pop culture hybrids a top trend in the geek world.
Fandom mashups have such a powerful impact because they join together two groups of extremely passionate fans — or two halves of your own geeky heart. While products and entertainment moments that feature themes from two separate worlds may be a little more niche —  not every Dungeons & Dragons fan would get schwifty with Rick and Morty — they have the ability to draw fans from one property into another. And the most accessible way for companies to pull off this concept is with gotta-have-it merch — and lots of it. With the right properties and the right fan bases, the collaborations can be seamless and maintain the integrity of each brand.
Take FOCO’s line of Game of Thrones MLB Bobbleheads, for example. The cross-licensed series pairs Major League Baseball players and mascots with Game of Thrones characters and settings. The first series merges three distinct bobblehead styles — the Iron Throne, the Night King, and the Ice Dragon Viserion — with mascots and branding from all 30 MLB teams.
“We definitely think it’s an emerging category, this cross-licensed mashup that we’re going to explore,” says Matthew Katz, licensing manager at FOCO. “… We tried to make sure we had the right balance. You don’t want to go too far one way or the other because you want to capture the people who are superfans of either baseball or Game of Thrones, and then capture those people in the middle as well.”
The bobblehead collaboration started off as a partnership for MLB’s theme nights, during which every fan who walks through the stadium gates gets a promotional item, like a bobblehead. The promotion opened the door to a conversation on how to expand at retail, especially for people who couldn’t make it to the promo nights or desired a more high-end collectible than the ones handed out at the games.
A unique aspect of pop culture mashups is that it gives the creators a bit more freedom in playing around with storytelling. The Night King was an ominous Game of Thrones villain, but he’s a bit more lighthearted when he’s wearing team-themed armor and ditching his spear for a baseball bat made of ice with the team’s logo on it.
“Developing a non-traditional product line like this gives a fresh perspective and allows a fan who has love for both brands to get a refreshed look,” says Josephine Fusezi, MLB’s vice president of global consumer products. “Being able to play with key elements from both baseball and Game of Thrones gives the consumer something different and refreshing. It also gives us an opportunity to have a little fun with our fans.”
Response to the first bobblehead series was so positive that FOCO quickly developed a followup series in just six weeks, featuring characters such as the direwolf, the Kingsguard, and a White Walker, available now for preorder. New MLB theme nights began in June for a Netflix Stranger Things collaboration, too.
Fans will also know exactly who to call with Hasbro’s new Ecto-1 Ectotron figure. The Transformers universe already has heroic Autobots, evil Decepticons, and now ghosts! The iconic Ecto-1 Cadillac from the 1984 Ghostbusters movie is now a Transformers robot — a converting Paranormal Investigator called Ectotron. The figure comes with its own Proton Pack and Slimer accessory, and it converts between Ecto-1 and robot in 22 steps.
This year marks the 35th anniversaries of both Transformers and Ghostbusters, making it an ideal year to combine the best of both franchises. A five-part origin story from IDW Publishing will also be available this year, giving fans insight on Ectotron’s background.
“Brand anniversaries not only allow us to celebrate a franchise, but we can also tap into nostalgia around a brand,” says Tom Warner, senior vice president for the Transformers franchise at Hasbro. “The Transformers and Ghostbusters brands are filled with waves of millennial nostalgia as new parents share the toys and brands they loved as children with their own kids.”
Ectotron preorders sold out within 24 hours after the figure was revealed at Toy Fair New York in February, so additional preorders were made available. Fans should also be on the lookout for other potential Transformers and Ghostbusters collaborations soon, according to Warner.
“On the surface, the Transformers and Ghostbusters franchises may seem vastly different; however, they share more in common than one may expect,” Warner says. “Both have two passionate fandoms, sharing a mutual bond over out-of-this world storytelling rooted in science fiction. When combining both worlds, our goal was to create stories and a product that stays true to the origins of both brands.”
The Avengers movies are probably the most well-known, most popular crossovers, but they weren’t the first. Think of all the “most ambitious crossover event in history” memes that circulated around the time that Infinity War came out — and how we were reminded of Disney Channel’s That’s So Suite Life of Hannah Montana, which came out in 2006, or 2003’s The Rugrats Go Wild, in which the band of babies met Eliza and her family from The Wild Thornberries, on Nickelodeon.
Entertainment crossover content is so successful because fans of these franchises can see all of their favorite characters interacting in situations they normally wouldn’t, like when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles visited Gotham in Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2019). In this movie, the heroes in a half-shell and the Dark Knight team up when Shredder joins forces with Ra’s al Ghul, and all of the heroes need to work together to defeat the combined might of the Foot Clan and League of Assassins.
These crossovers can also span multiple age groups, such as Sesame Street’s “Respect Brings Us Together” campaign. Two commercials launched in April featuring Elmo and Cookie Monster, one of which starred the notably at-odds Lannister siblings from Game of Thrones. And if anyone can convince Cersei and Tyrion Lannister to get along, it’s Elmo.
Fan demand for this type of content is loud and clear, as is the case with The CW’s DC Universe. The network has created crossover content yearly since 2014 through its DC TV shows, starting with Arrow and The Flash. At the time, in December 2014, the two-part Arrowverse crossover between the two shows was the most-watched December telecast in seven years for the network, and the most-watched episode for both shows since their respective series premieres.
In 2016, the network’s #DCWeek event delivered The CW’s most-watched week in six years, featuring a four-night DC crossover between Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. The CW’s fifth-annual Arrowverse crossover last year, Elseworlds, introduced Gotham City and Batwoman into the mix, and concluded with a tease of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, set to air this fall.
The ratings for The CW’s crossover events clearly show that fans crave this content, and it’s safe to say we can expect more of it in the future.
Pop culture mashups also come from the most important community: the fans themselves.
While manufacturers and entertainment companies have the power to bring pop culture mashups to the masses, fans can express themselves through cosplay and fan art — without the shackles of licensing rights getting in the way. And here, creativity is key. Out-of-the-box fan mashups, including one-of-a-kind cosplays and stunning illustrations, all have one thing in common: They fuse two things that would likely never be together otherwise.
Eric Proctor is a digital artist at TsaoShin who draws vibrant fantasy pieces, with a heavy focus on pop culture artwork. His gallery features bright, fun, and whimsical pieces that incorporate characters, such as Stitch from Lilo & Stitch and Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon.
“For me, the crossovers are a Venn diagram where the two circles completely overlap of things that I absolutely love,” Proctor says. “So, any crossover that I’m currently doing is going to just be just that I love A and I love B, and I’d love to see A and B together.”
Proctor is currently working on an ongoing Grumpy Cat and Disney series, which had accidental roots. Proctor bought a new rig and tablet for his illustration setup and was practicing with his new equipment. He sketched out the iconic The Little Mermaid scene in which Ariel is singing on the rock with water splashing around her, and because he doesn’t like drawing people, he drew in Grumpy Cat as a last-minute decision. He showed it to his friends, expecting to delete it, but then people asked him what Disney scenario he was going to put Grumpy Cat into next — and the series was born.
“I say that I love both of those things, but one of the things I felt so guilty about making that particular series is that I really, really love Disney, but I’m putting Grumpy Cat in a scenario where it’s just ruining it,” Proctor says. “It’s this little bit of dark humor where you’re like, ‘I really love Disney, but honestly if Grumpy Cat was in it, this is probably what would happen.’ So it’s taking something that’s a little sacred and then ripping it to shreds a bit. I think the humor was one of those things I had to play around with.”
Proctor is currently working on his next Grumpy Cat Disney installment, a Cinderella-themed piece titled “Bippidi Boppidi No.” It will show the scene from the animated film in which the fairy godmother grants all of Cinderella’s wishes, but with everything completely ruined, such as a pumpkin dress, Lucifer the cat being the size of a horse, and other mishaps.
“It’s one of those situations where it’s so easy to imagine a lot of those crossovers together; they seem so real and fitting that it just feels like a marriage of two ideas that you’ve enjoyed both of those things so much,” Proctor says. “For me personally, when I look at a crossover that just succeeds so well, I just get so happy because someone else saw the thing that put those two things together and they made that real.”
With pop culture mashups, fans get to express themselves in a whole new way, and manufacturers and entertainment companies are taking note of the increasing fan demand and creative potential. The possibilities are limitless.
Source: The Pop Insider
(image via DeviantArt)
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littlehobbit13 · 5 years
UPtv Librarian Movie Marathon - Dean Devlin live-stream
Movie filming locations: 1 - Mexico, 2 - Africa (Cape Town), 3 - New Orleans, about a year after Katrina
Favorite experience was the first movie, enjoyed trying something new, and best experience was the third movie because they were really familiar with the universe by that point
The show is really meant to be something to watch with the whole family
The Globe is still in Devlin's office, the first thing you see, and it makes him happy to see it every day (Noah has Excalibur)
The Lions have globe-trotted for all the various filming locations
The cast was very tight on and off set, very family-like
TV-MA gets news, but ratings show people still like family friendly shows like Librarians
More novels on the way, all available on amazon
All immortals in the Librarians universe have an Achilles heel that could take them out
A normal day was about 12 hrs long, but with 52 setups (moving camera location) while the average is usually 12ish
Would have tried to get Charlene back in with more seasons, but Judson would be difficult since Bob Newhart has retired and would be hard to get
Will we ever find out how Judson died? Vague "who knows" answer
No experience more fun in his life than Librarians
Where is the Merch?! GoldStar has some shirts and mugs
Noah’s not just an actor, but rather he was a creative partner from day one. Producer, writer, director...he would definitely come back
There’s been lots of talk about a more international library presence, but while they ultimately didn't get to it, they still have it in mind
Devlin and Kane cooking up a new show right now
Wanted to bring Ray back, but the actor was really busy with Gotham and they couldn't work out the timing despite several attempts
Cast return would depend on availability and cost
A Librarian Con might be hard to organize, but they try to engage in existing ones
Episodes are always available on iTunes
Big Doctor Who fans, deliberately referenced it all the time with no subtly. First 2 movies were made prior to DW revival, and Devlin was shooting a movie in England when it came back. They hired 2 DW writers in s3, one became a producer in s4
Sony put out the season DVD releases, available on amazon
Frustrating to work with Christian despite their friendship because he loves doing stunts. Devlin’s job as producer is to keep them safe, and every time he turned around Christian was always doing stunts that they'd hired stunt actors for. Had several arguments about it
Leverage/Librarians crossover idea entertained, but it would be tricky because of the actor double use (especially Christian). A couple more seasons in and it might have happened though.
4th movie was planned, but then they decided to do a series instead
Kind of hard for Christian to "dumb down" his fighting skills for Jacob
Devlin jokingly vetos his wife’s question about if Debra is coming back (whom she played)
Nudity does not belong in the Librarians and he would never include it
Probably had more fun working on Librarians than any other project
Absolutely wants to bring back both Leverage and the Librarians. Not a week goes by that they don't try to progress the effort. They need a US partner first, then they can also sell it internationally
Storytelling preference: "I try not to do things that are bad for the world."
Appreciates the support from the fans, listens to what the fans like or don't like
Leverage made Librarians series possible by teaching them how to do big productions on budget
And he could not reiterate this enough: revival will depend largely on fan presence. Showing up to UPtv’s marathon today shows them there’s a fanbase ready and waiting, which reduces the network’s risk. The more fans show up, the better our chances in convincing someone to pick up the show.
And on that note, it does smell like UPtv could be entertaining the idea, so huge thanks to them for anything they’ll give us, even if it’s just keeping up the annual movie marathon.
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auiyoncesmind · 5 years
2018 in Review
Rules: answer the questions about 2018 and tag some people!
Tagged by: @merrygraysons​ (tysm love!!!)
Top 5 films you watched in 2018 (the majority of these are superhero movies lmao)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse
Incredibles 2
Black Panther
Widows/A Quiet Place
Honorable mentions: Deadpool 2, Love Simon, To All the Boys I’ve Ever Loved Before (these are my top films so far until I have the chance to see If Beale Street Could Talk)
Top 5 TV shows in 2018
Black Lightning
Cloak and Dagger
How to Get Away with Murder
Top 5 songs of 2018
God is a woman - Ariana Grande (I should put the majority of Sweetener on this list, but I’m going to be fair and limit it to one artist for each of my top five).
APESHIT - The Carters
Breakfast in Bed - Ella Mai
Woman Like Me - Little Mix feat. Nicki Minaj
Nina Cried Power - Hozier feat. Mavis Staples
Honorable mentions: All the Stars/King’s Dead (from the BP soundtrack), Everything I Need (film version) (from the Aquaman soundtrack), Screwed by Janelle Monáe feat. Zoe Kravitz, and Dance to This by Troye Sivan feat. Ariana Grande.
Top 5 Books you Read in 2018 (I’m skipping this category because I didn’t read for shit minus some books I read for school and a couple of unfinished comics on my shelf lmao)
Five Good/Positive things that happened to you in 2018
I completed a paid internship with a film and TV production company this past summer before someone hacked my bank account and stole most of my money, but that’s besides the point.
I completed this past semester with two A’s and three B’s (want to get all A’s next semester).
I started learning Italian very early this year, and I’ll be taking two more Italian courses within the next two semesters.
I bought Ariana Grande merch for the first time (well, this is technically the second time, because I got her autograph back when DW was released for $15 w/the album itself, but I got her GIAW crewneck when Sweetener dropped as well). 
I started going to the gym a little bit during the semester (and then I went off track once the semester was starting to wind down, but that’s something I need to continue focusing on for next year).
Tagging: @arianagrandre​ @starfire-s​ @leethompkins​ @arianagrante @aprilkepners @bo-larson @eizagonzalezs + anyone else who would like to do it
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GOOD MORNING FELLOW INTERPEEPS! HARLEY IS GETTING ON MY NERVE GAS! | Batman: Return To Arkham Asylum - Part 10 https://youtu.be/JVtpZXcDBPA HAPPY BATMAN MONDAY! In this video I play Batman: Return To Arkham Asylum! Here is the third edition to my "Batman Monday" videos, where I once again take on the roll of the legendary masked vigilante. While escorting The Joker to Arkham Asylum, he manages to escape and gets to work on his mischievous master plan, setting off a series of unfortunate events. Trapped, I have to fight my way through packs of criminally insane fugitives and super villains, saving as many people as I can along the way. LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE for more content! ►GET YOUR SCARABIC MERCH HERE: https://streamlabs.com/scarabicgaming/#/merch ►DONATE TOWARDS SCARABIC ENTERPRISES HERE: https://streamlabs.com/scarabicgaming ►Follow me on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/scarabicgaming/ ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Scarabicgaming/ ►INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/scarabicgaming/ Thanks for watching! EDITING PROGRAM: Hitfilm 4 CONSOLE: Xbox​ One X GAME CAPTURE: Elgato Gaming​ MICROPHONE: Audio-Technica​ WEBCAM: Logitech​ C920 STORAGE: Seagate​ MOUSE: Razer (Naga Hex V2) KEYBOARD: Microsoft Wireless COMPUTER MONITOR: LG LAPTOP: HP​ TELEVISION: Samsung TV​ HAIR: Schwarzkopf Live Colour COMPUTER BUILD: Samsung SSD NVIDIA​ NVIDIA GeForce​ NZXT​ Intel​ I7 ASUS​ ASUS Republic of Gamers​ CORSAIR​ Microsoft​ Windows​ 10 #game #gaming #gamer #youtube #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #youtubers #youtubegamer #instagram #photoshop #goodmorning #xbox #xboxone #xboxonex #xboxgame #xboxgamer #batman #man #dc #dccomics #choices #storydriven #story #gotham #harleyquinn #arkham #returntoarkham #warnerbrothers #dccomics #wbgames (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKMvqqFzd0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7m7e8173t0hm
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thelogicalghost · 6 years
Dear DC
Hey DC. I know this is a tough time for you. Your last couple movies didn’t go so well, and while the TV shows are chugging along, you’re probably feeling a bit at a loss while Marvel is getting ready to drop several more sure-thing blockbusters.
I’m not going to talk about what went wrong. There are a hundred video essays and a million critics who have talked about that. What I do want to do is recommend where you should go from here.
Marvel is now the big dog. They have a lot of power, but also a lot of pressure. They’re going to consolidate into fewer, bigger movies with bigger budgets and less risk. Now more than ever they’re going to shy away from experimentation and controversy. 
That means that YOU, DC, get to be the underdog. 
I know what you’re thinking. You’re in a rut! You need to appeal to the mainstream now more than ever! No. 
Look at you potential audience. America is suffering extreme divide, but the future, the youth, are overwhemlingly liberal, diverse, and pushing for representation and inclusion. The fans you want to hook for your future are the ones who will praise you for subverting norms. If their parents take stances against the movie, it’ll just make them want to see it more. And that experimentation will pay off in spades as you position yourself as the interesting, daring underdog compared to Marvel’s empty popcorn superheroes. 
What does that mean practically?
-> For your main brands, stay away from origin stories. We all know who Superman and Batman are. Focus on what interesting stories you can tell given the premise of your universe. What happens when someone confronts Bruce for raising the incarceration rate without addressing the underlying reasons why crime is so rampant in Gotham? When happens when immigrants start appealing to Superman as an immigrant hero and his citizenship is called into question? What happens when Wonder Woman gets negative reactions to her paganism from the Christian alt-right?
-> For heroes who aren’t quite as big, like Aquaman or Cyborg, you can be a little more traditional but focus on what makes them different and interesting. Don’t write a story that could be any superhero except it’s underwater so it’s Aquaman. Atlanteans have got to be pissed about all the pollution and destruction of their oceans, the giant plastic islands, overfishing, etc. Maybe changing climate and environment are forcing evolution or increasing the population of a formerly rare organism?
-> Take risks on minor but fascinating properties. Don’t commit to every movie needing to set up a series, or have a series that’s deliberately about minor characters who only get one movie but those movies are weird and awesome and insane. Let’s have a Question movie! Martian Manhunter! Hawk and Dove would be AMAZING right now as an allegory for major powers intervening and puppet-mastering local wars. 
And of course, REPRESENT, REPRESENT, REPRESENT. The more races, genders, and religions you can respectfully and accurately represent, the more you’ll have niche audiences flocking to your movies, seeing them multiple times in theaters, buying merch and special edition digital copies with all the extras. Trust me, you want to appeal to this market.
(Not to mention the karma points you’ll get for screen firsts or good representations. Be the good guys, DC.)
I have faith in you, DC. You can pull this around.
Oh, and put a restraining order on Zach Snyder. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
[created by: vyvyan86]
Would you rather have a smoothie from McDonald's or make one yourself? I don’t drink smoothies so I haven’t the slightest clue how to make one. Even though the idea of a smoothie made from McDonald’s sounds sketchy in itself, I’d much rather give that a try.
Do you follow any special diet? (dairy free, vegetarian, gluten free etc.) No, I eat whatever I want lol. I love food too much to limit what I eat.
What is your highest level of education? I graduated from university/college.
What's your favorite summer activity? Ideally, it’d be booking a few days at a hotel resort with lots of available activities (poolside bar, recreation room with a table tennis court, spa, dinners with an acoustic band, etc.), and being able to lounge at the beach for as long as I wish.
How old is the oldest movie you like very much? It’s from 1939 soooooo pretty damn old.
What is the most annoying thing about other people? Seems impossible to generalize 7 billion people...but idk, I guess one thing is how a disappointingly large amount of people are against granting basic rights/benefits for all, like free healthcare, free/lower tuition, and all that other stuff everyone should be provided with to begin with.
What's something that easily distracts you? Anything that strikes my interests, I guess. Like if I was at work and if Andi struck a conversation with me about wrestling, there’s a slightly large chance I’ll drop what I’m doing and talk to them for a bit.
What is an appliance you don't have, but would love to have? An air fryer. Everyone my age has gotten theirs already lmao.
Have you seen the good or the bad ending of Little Shop of Horrors? I have not seen that at all.
How about the multiple endings of the movie, Clue? I’ve never seen this either.
What sort of movies do you like to watch over and over again? Romantic comedies that have happy endings, regardless if they’re cheesy or unrealistic or downright bad. This is my favorite comfort content, so basically movies like The Proposal, Friends with Benefits, Love Actually, etc. 
How would you spice up a boring quick meal, like instant ramen? I add stuff that I think would suit it, like cheese, hot sauce, or liquid seasoning.
What is a food you can eat for days without getting bored? I try not to eat one thing too many times so that I don’t quickly get sick of it. But these days, I will say I have been eating a lot of salted egg-flavored chips. I’ve gone through several bags in the last month alone.
What is something you do weekly? I watch church service on television. < Yeah, same. I also try to go to a coffee shop every weekend.
Would you rather have a waffle iron or a sandwich toaster? A waffle iro  because I would love to have waffles for breakfast from time to time. My mom is able to manually toast bread for us, so I don’t see the need for a sandwich toaster.
What's the most impressive thing you can do with only one hand? This isn’t impressive at all and is more stupid than anything, but text while driving. I can’t think of anything else I can do with one hand.
Do you celebrate Midsummer/summer solstice? No, I don’t know what that is. Maybe a different-hemisphere thing?
Ever experienced the nightless night? (sun doesn't go below the horizon) No but that is so fascinating to me. I’d love to travel someplace where that occurs.
What's something new you want to try but haven't yet? Wakeboarding. Angela and Hans did it earlier this month and invited me to their future sessions, but no plans have come out of that just yet. Maybe I’ll plan it for my 23rd birthday, we’ll see.
What's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to you? That I am caring and good.
What is the most outrageous hairstyle you'd be willing to try even once? I’m not daring when it comes to my hair, honestly. I’m willing to dye it an unconventional color, but that’s probably the furthest I’ll go.
Or does the idea of cutting your hair freak you out? Not really. I’m all for trying different lengths.
What's the most outrageous hairstyle you've had so far? It most definitely was not outrageous, but I’d say the bob-ish thing + bangs duo I did last year was the biggest thing I did with my hair.
Do you use stairs a lot on a daily basis? Yeah, our house has two floors, so.
On an ordinary day, is this what you normally do at this hour? Nah. I don’t really regularly take surveys in the evening anymore. I always say I’d take a couple, but end up feeling too tired at the end of the day. I made an exception for tonight, though, because I’ve been busy all weekend for my dad’s birthday and tonight is the one time I got to have alone time. I’m savoring it as much as I can until I’ll have to sleep to get enough rest for work tomorrow.
Which keys on your keyboard are worn out the most? All my keys are still working fine. My laptop is a trooper. I do feel like I need to upgrade soon since the cycle count recently reached 1000+ and the battery life isn’t as strong as it used to be, but this laptop will always be my baby. It got me through college and got me honors lol so I’ll always be grateful for it.
Since what year have you been actively using the Internet? 2008. I’ve been exposed to the internet since the early 2000s with dial-up and all, but I didn’t use the internet per se; I just watched the elders in my house do.
What's something that would make only you extremely excited? Maybe Good Mythical Morning merch? In my local circle, I’m the only one who still keeps up with the show. Everyone else grew out of it several years ago.
They're remaking the first Child's Play movie. Thoughts? I’m pretty sure it already came out, but I didn’t have any strong thoughts about it. Still don’t.
If you could be any supervillain, which would you be? No particular characterization or traits in mind but I do want to be the kind of villain that lowkey holds the right principles in the first place.
Do you have a favorite Catwoman? No.
Ever watched the TV-show, Gotham? I’ve heard of it and also know a couple of people who are into the show, but it never interested me.
Is there an article of clothing you like to wear, but never do publicly? My shorts that are meant for loungewear.
Any plans for tomorrow? Work work work, and trying not to break down at work.
I'm out of questions, got anything you'd like to say? Not really but thanks for the decent questions!
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