#health inspo
thatgoalsgirl · 2 years
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xx Intro time!! xx
Hey!! I am looking to hold myself accountable to reach my lifestyle dreams. This blog is my way of keeping track of my goals, progress, and successes.
Join me for healthy lifestyle inspo, motivating pics and helpful quotes.
I follow the tag #thatgoalsgirl, and you can always send asks!
Glad to have you along for the ride!
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meetingmad · 2 years
Hi friends! A quick introductory post is in order, don’t you think?
My name’s Madison and this is the first year I’ve loved myself. I’m 26 years old, unemployed, and living with my mom. I moved home from college right before the pandemic and have yet to move on. I feel like I hit the “pause” button on my life and I have yet to hit “play” again. I’m currently finishing up my schooling and I’ll be on the job hunt in a few months.
I’ve spent the last 2.5 years doing a lot of introspective work and that’s what’s allowing me to take the leap into journaling for accountability. I’ve seen firsthand what vulnerability can do and want to keep that momentum going in my life.
I’ve been overweight (and at times morbidly obese) my whole life. I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with ED’s but ultimately I’m recovering from binge-eating disorder. I’m trying to learn how to move my body in a way that feels like a reward instead of a punishment, as well as learning to rediscover my hunger cues in order to stop my cycle of binging and restricting.
I’ll be using this page as a safe space to journal my thoughts, track my progress, and primarily be honest with myself about how I got to this point and how to move forward from here. The remainder of this year will be hard, filled with both tears and joy, but ultimately it’s going to bring me one step closer to meeting my authentic self.
If any of this sounds relatable or interesting to you, feel free to join me on this journey. My content will be a mix of health / fitness posts, studying, learning how to be an adult, and frank conversations about mental health. I’m trying to appreciate the magic in the mundane, so there will more than likely be some romanticized rants about my days sprinkled in.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, friends. I hope something good happens to you today 💛
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ecobud · 6 days
Transform Your Hydration Experience with Gentoo Water Filter Jug by Ecobud
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The importance of drinking clean, fresh, and healthy water cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall well-being. However, with increasing concerns about contaminants and impurities in tap water, it's essential to find a reliable and effective solution for purifying our daily water intake. Introducing the Gentoo Water Filter Jug by Ecobud, a revolutionary water filtering system designed to elevate your hydration experience.
In this article, we will delve deep into the world of Gentoo Water Filter Jugs, exploring the cutting-edge technology and features that harness the power of nature to provide you with clean, fresh, and great-tasting water. We'll discuss the benefits of using a water filter jug, such as the removal of contaminants and chlorine taste while highlighting the environmental advantages of reducing plastic waste associated with bottled water consumption.
Join us on this journey to uncover the benefits of the Gentoo Water Filter Jug by Ecobud, and learn how this innovative product can have a significant impact on both your health and the environment. By choosing a sustainable and practical solution for your hydration needs, you contribute to a healthier, happier future for both yourself and our precious planet. Are you curious to learn more about Ecobud's Gentoo Water Filter Jug? Let's dive in and discover the incredible advantages of this revolutionary filtering system!
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Advanced Filtration Technology: The Secret Behind Gentoo's Exceptional Performance
The Gentoo Water Filter Jug harnesses the power of cutting-edge filtration technology to provide you with clean, fresh, and great-tasting water. This advanced system comprises multiple filtration layers, each with a unique purpose:
Pre-filter membrane: This layer removes large particles, such as sediment and rust, to protect the subsequent filter layers from clogging and ensure efficient filtration.
Activated carbon: Derived from coconut shells, this powerful adsorbent removes contaminants like chlorine and organic chemicals, resulting in water that tastes and smells much better.
Ion exchange resin: This innovative component removes various heavy metals, ensuring that your water is not only safer to drink but also gentler on your appliances.
Post-filter membrane: This final layer provides an extra level of filtration, capturing remaining impurities and ensuring the water is clean and safe to drink.
This comprehensive filtration process in the Gentoo Water Filter Jug effectively eliminates impurities and ensures remarkable water quality every time you fill your glass.
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Health Benefits of Using the Gentoo Water Filter Jug
The Gentoo Water Filter Jug not only improves the taste, smell, and appearance of your drinking water but also offers numerous health benefits, making it a vital addition to a health-conscious lifestyle:
Contaminant reduction: As previously mentioned, the advanced filtration process removes various contaminants, such as chlorine and heavy metals, providing safer and healthier drinking water.
Improved hydration: Clean, great-tasting water encourages increased water consumption, helping you achieve optimal hydration levels and support numerous bodily functions.
Enhanced mineral use: The ion exchange resin in the filter not only removes undesirable minerals but also helps balance essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, promoting their efficient absorption by your body.
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Environmental Implications of Choosing a Water Filter Jug
Adopting the Gentoo Water Filter Jug as your primary source of drinking water has significant environmental benefits, which contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle:
Reduced plastic waste: By choosing a reusable water filter jug, you drastically reduce your reliance on single-use plastic water bottles, lessening plastic waste and environmental pollution.
Lower carbon footprint: The production and transportation of bottled water account for a considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, using a water filter jug has a significantly lower carbon footprint.
Conservation of resources: The manufacturing and disposal of plastic water bottles consume substantial amounts of energy and water. Opting for a reusable water filter jug promotes a more responsible use of these valuable resources.
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Care and Maintenance for Your Gentoo Water Filter Jug
To prolong the lifespan and ensure the optimal performance of your Gentoo Water Filter Jug, follow these essential care and maintenance tips:
Filter replacement: To maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of your water filter jug, replace the filter cartridge regularly. Ecobud recommends changing the filter every three months or after 600 litres of filtration.
Proper cleaning: Make sure to clean your water filter jug regularly to eliminate any residue or bacterial growth. Use warm, soapy water to clean the jug, and rinse thoroughly before reusing.
Storing the filter: If you're not using your water filter jug for an extended period, remove and dry the filter cartridge. Store it in a cool, dry place to prevent mould growth and extend its lifespan.
By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your Gentoo Water Filter Jug continues to deliver outstanding performance and enjoyment for years to come.
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Experience the Benefits of Exceptional Drinking Water with the Gentoo Water Filter Jug
With its advanced filtration technology and numerous health and environmental benefits, the Gentoo Water Filter Jug by Ecobud is a valuable addition to any household seeking a reliable, sustainable, and efficient solution for superior drinking water.
Embrace the advantages of clean, fresh, and great-tasting water, while contributing to a greener future and a healthier lifestyle. Invest in a glass water filter jug today and discover the remarkable difference it can make in your hydration experience, and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that you're making a tangible impact on both your well-being and the environment. Cheers to a happier, healthier future with the Gentoo Water Filter Jug by Ecobud!
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saizun · 9 months
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poleriri · 2 months
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flowerflowerflo · 2 months
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journal index ⊹˚. ♡
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ for all ur girl journal inspiration <3 ideas either from pinterest, tumblr or yours truly ‎♡
about me!
your favourite memories
people or characters with your mbti
why you love ur friends/family/anyone in your life
every ____ album ranked
skin breakout log
best parts of ur childhood
comfort board
debating over something (are ghosts real, does fate exist, etc)
favourite sweet foods
letter to little you
letter to future you
things you love about each season
things that give you hope in the world
ultimate guide to pampering ur pets
a song for each day
an album for each month
funniest things people have ever said to you
every crush you've ever had
reminders for every emotion
ranting about things you love
rambling about a topic or issue u think a lot about
your most embarrassing moments ever (in vivid detail)
explaining your playlists
love letter in a different language
book reviews on the most random things ever
an essay on literally anything
ur fav poets and poetry
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coquettecoregirl · 4 months
Remember girls, this is your year. 2024 is yours to conquer and yours alone. Be the main character of your life because fuck me if we still aren't taking actions to achieve our dream self. Stop sleeping on yourself! You literally deserve better than half assed efforts and excuses—you are a queen, so why wouldn't you act like one? Priorities your goals and then take actions. This is the year of us girlies who wanna improve ourselves, I can just feel it.
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mollybeenoel · 17 days
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© showmeyourmumu
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champagnexowishes · 1 year
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fairyistardust · 5 months
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It's okay if things don't always work out how we want them to. You can always start again.
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studyblr · 1 year
When the world feels like it's closing in around you and you can't see a way out, remember that the storm will pass. You've made it through tough times before and you'll make it through again. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Don't give up on yourself. You're stronger than you realize.
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kirameal · 24 days
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ecobud · 20 days
The Role of the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug in Sustainable Living
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As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental crisis, many individuals are seeking ways to adopt sustainable living practices, and reducing plastic waste is a significant aspect of that effort. The Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug from Ecobud presents an eco-friendly solution for fulfilling hydration needs without adding to the burden of plastic pollution. With its efficient filtration system and high-quality materials, the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug offers a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic water bottles, contributing to a greener and more responsible lifestyle.
In this blog post, we will delve into the ways in which the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug can support your eco-conscious habits, highlighting the benefits of adopting environmentally friendly hydration practices. We will explore the impact of plastic pollution on our planet, the significance of resource conservation, and the role of responsible consumer decisions in mitigating these issues. By comprehending the importance of sustainable living and recognising the contribution of the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug to a greener future, you can make informed choices that benefit both your health and the environment.
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1. The Plight of Plastic Pollution
Plastic waste poses a major environmental threat, with significant consequences for our planet:
Wildlife Impact: Plastic pollution harms marine and terrestrial life, as animals can become entangled in or ingest plastic debris, leading to injury or death.
Ecosystem Disruption: Plastic waste can disrupt marine ecosystems, as the toxic chemicals released during the decomposition process can contaminate water and harm aquatic life.
Resource Depletion: The production and disposal of single-use plastic water bottles require considerable energy and resources, contributing to the depletion of non-renewable resources.
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2. Sustainable Solutions: The Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug
The Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug offers numerous eco-friendly advantages:
Reducing Plastic Waste: By using a reusable water filter jug, you can significantly reduce your consumption of single-use plastic water bottles, decreasing your environmental impact.
Conserving Resources: The Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug efficiently filters tap water, eliminating the need for bottled water, which demands energy and resources for production, transportation, and disposal.
Minimising Pollution: The ecological design of the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug reduces pollution caused by plastic production and waste, promoting a cleaner environment.
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3. Incorporating the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug into Your Daily Routine
Adopting sustainable hydration habits with the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug can be simple and rewarding:
Replacing Bottled Water: Make the switch from single-use plastic water bottles to reusable containers, filling them with clean, filtered water from your Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug.
Household Use: Use the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug for daily hydration needs, such as drinking, cooking, coffee and tea preparation, and even watering your plants.
Encourage Eco-Friendly Choices: Share your eco-conscious habits with friends and family by showcasing the advantages of filtered water and the benefits of choosing a sustainable option like the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug.
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4. Additional Tips for Living Sustainably
Incorporating the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug into your daily routine goes hand in hand with adopting other sustainable practices:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Embrace the three R's by reducing your consumption of single-use plastics, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling when appropriate.
Sustainable Food Choices: Opt for locally sourced, organic, and seasonal produce, reducing the environmental impact of transportation and production.
Energy Conservation: Conserve energy by turning off appliances when not in use, upgrading to energy-efficient devices, and implementing energy-saving habits in your daily life.
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The Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug offers a convenient and effective way to incorporate sustainable living practices into your daily routine, contributing to the reduction of plastic pollution and the conservation of valuable resources. By embracing the benefits of the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug and adopting eco-conscious hydration habits, you can promote a healthier, greener lifestyle that benefits both your well-being and the environment. In combination with other sustainable practices, such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and eco-friendly food choices, the Gentoo Glass Water Filter Jug serves as an essential tool in our collective endeavour to protect and preserve our precious planet for generations to come. Shop yours at Ecobud now!
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sunny breakfasts with the newspaper, bare legged bike rides, picnics, white linen and cotton
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poleriri · 13 days
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ink-stained-clouds · 8 months
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oct 18
been feeling really good lately. my meds seem to be making a real difference and it’s imperfect at times, no doubt, but I can see myself regaining so much freedom and peace of mind that I was worried had been lost for good.
this week is insanely busy and, just a few months ago, knowing the consequences I’d be facing would’ve left me an anxious mess. but lately I’ve been trying to relearn trust which is a hard thing to do when your body feels like your worst enemy sometimes. nevertheless, I’m feeling hopeful.
I hope you have a good rest of your week ♡
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