#heh i like how it doesn't have music for once
heartfullofleeches · 9 months
I think if sleepy amab reader has amyas the next morning they'll wake up to a very clingy and spent cupid hugging their waist
"You're here to help me find a partner?"
"Yes! It's my duty as the matchmaker assigned to you. Amyas the Cupid, at your service."
"Heh... I just hope you're able to find someone who isn't too weirded out by my... Problem."
Amyas would slither his sneaky self into Darling's bed wearing nothing up a gown that just barely covers his rear- Enough coverage that hides the fact he isn't wearing any panties when he cuddles up with them. He knows all about their little habit after months of watching them. How is he supposed to pair them to another human when he wants them all to himself - strange mannerisms and all.
Amyas sticks his ass out as soon as he feels Darling stirring, the shifting of their hips lifting his gown inch by inch till the thin fabric no longer separates them. He parts his legs, granting easy access to the heat of his thighs. Darling's cock is already throbbing from the angel's not-so subtle lewd gestures, slipping between his legs as he rubs against them - infatuated with how much of a horn-dog his human is in their sleep. Their cock presses up against his. Amyas tries his hand at gathering the precum leaking from him and smearing it into Darling's skin as he jerks them both off while Darling fuck his thighs. Darling's moans playing in his ear are like music to him. He wants them inside him so bad- but he'll have to wait for the natural progression to that point or risk waking darling up. They're quite the heavy sleeper so they probably wouldn't even open an eye if Amyas rode their cock as he intended.
Amyas knows if he doesn't fix himself by morning, Darling will feel guilty as hell for their nightly urges, but he's so exhausted and so, so in love with them that once they're done he just throws his arms around them and drifts off to regain his strength.
Darling finally wakes up, tired than they were when they fell asleep to Amyas preparing breakfast for them - cum still dripping down the back of his thighs
God, I love this freak
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Azul Ashengrotto - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Priceless artwork like the halls as far as the eye can see... This is a fantastic opportunity to polish up my artistic sense of appreciation.
Summon Line: Basking in the fine arts is a fine way to forge your imagination. We should learn well from this and enjoy this very worthwhile time together.
Groooovy!!: Love is wonderful. There is no end to the troubles that come from it, so it's quite a favorable emotion for those of us who impart counsel.
Home: How splendid this 100th Anniversary is.
Home Idle 1: Floyd's freewheeling behavior doesn't change even at a museum. He may be a moray eel, but he is nothing like either of the two who served the Sea Witch.
Home Idle 2: I saw Vil-san looking at a painting intently, and when I asked what he was doing, he said he was studying the beautiful posture. He truly is a professional.
Home Idle 3: It is an exhilarating feeling when a piece of work you had your eye on increases in value. It confirms my intuition was on the money, as it were.
Home Idle - Login: If any painting catches your interest, please don't hesitate to ask me about it. I do take art as one of my courses. I may be able to briefly explain it to you.
Home Idle - Groovy: Jamil-san seems to have an expert eye for art. I'll make sure to stay friendly with him.
Home Tap 1: I hear the Lord of the Underworld was a shrewd dealbroker. Not only would I love to hear his stories, I would also love to get my hands on documentation with any details!
Home Tap 2: Many entrepreneurs hold some artistic hobby of some kind. Knowledge of art, literature and music can be very useful when it comes to business discussions.
Home Tap 3: If Ortho-san were to use his sensors, I'm sure it would be quick work to identify any forgeries... If given the opportunity, I should inquire him about that.
Home Tap 4: I wonder just how many of the merfolk the Sea Witch helped. She was one of the greats, I would not be surprised if the count was in the hundreds... No, the thousands.
Home Tap 5: This shell is based on the one worn as a necklace by the Sea Witch. Isn't it just grand?
Home Tap - Groovy: Oh my, I see how your eye shines so... If you've taken a liking to that painting, I shall order a reproduction for you. At a discounted price, of course.
Duo: [AZUL]: This is quite the dire predicament, Jamil-san. [JAMIL]: Doesn't seem to me like you're worried one bit, Azul.
Birthday Login Message: Oh, have you come to request something of me? It would be my pleasure! Please, tell me what it is you'd like. No matter how difficult the task, once it is entrusted to me... Eh? You'd like to prepare a birthday card for me? ...Heh, I think you'll find that person a difficult one to please. But very well, may I ask what message you'd like on the card?
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Requested by @pianostarinwonderland.
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julieverne · 7 months
HG Wells shouldn't be alive.
But she is. And she's here, in Myka's bedroom.
In Myka's bed.
Abigail had warned Myka. Abigail had said she'd been unable to locate HG's room.
Because HG Wells shouldn't be alive, and the B&B knows that. The Warehouse knows that. Myka knows that.
But she's sleeping in Myka's bed, and though she lies still she's clearly not dead.
Her hair is a shimmering mass of wonder. Her lips are curled into a smile. She's in one of Myka's shirts, and probably (hopefully) pants too.
HG Wells finally got into Myka's pants. Heh. Myka chuckles to herself under her breath, careful not to wake the sleeping woman in her bed.
Her arms are curled around Myka's teddy bear, and she holds him to her chest the same way Myka does. She seems comforted.
She's alive. She's asleep. And Myka is watching her because there is nothing else in the world she would rather do right now.
Finally Myka steps forward, and she grasps HG's shoulder.
HG blinks sleepily up at her, then a smile breaks across her face, the way waves break on their way to shore. Slowly, steadily, then all at once.
"I apologise for the imposition, but Abigail is still rather new at the business, and she said you were out of town." HG yawns and stretches, and Myka is breathless at the sight of those little limbs under her baggy shirt. She leaps forward and hugs HG, bringing them both crashing down to the mattress. HG is technically trapped, but that's never stopped her from escaping before.
She doesn't struggle. She never does. Not when it's Myka holding the gun, the handcuffs, the gun (again), the Tesla. HG just sinks deeper into the blankets under Myka with a soft, pleased hum as she relinquishes Myka's teddy bear in favour of his owner. Her hands are soft, but her body is hard from years of fighting.
Myka can't quite manage words. HG is alive. HG is in her arms. HG is holding her.
"S-stay," Myka stutters, blushing when she hears HG's pleased chuckle from beneath her, feeling the expansion of HG's chest when oxygen enters it.
"I have nowhere else to go."
Myka should ask what happened, how HG escaped, if this is real, but she's so scared it's not that she can't.
She just holds the only person who knows her until she can form a full sentence.
Which is several hours and several naps later.
When she wakes, HG is sleeping. Sunlight casts long shadows across her face, her delicate brow, her soft lips. Myka nestles closer and tries to stay awake. Just in case the next time she wakes it's not real.
When she wakes, she's cradled in HG's arms. HG is looking at her like she's an invention she's not clever enough to think up on her own, and Myka glows.
She's always known. Since the moment they met. Even after being betrayed, Myka hasn't stopped knowing. She's always known HG, just as HG has always known her. HG's fingers trail over the skin of Myka's arms and the rest of her body hates not being touched by her. The rest of her body resents and envies the tender flesh of her inner forearm, of the inside of her wrist, and finally her palm.
They're never held hands before. They've never slept together before, either, but they both knew that one of them would cave and the other would follow in relief.
"I missed you," HG says, and she's solid. She's not a holograph, or a shell. She's not a dream, not this time. She's together, she's whole, and her clipped accent is music to Myka's ears. A whole sympathy, a whole symphony. Myka lets her fingers thread through HG's so they're entwined. So HG can't skip away again.
"Where have you been?"
"I was in a hospital for rather a while," HG says, and of all things, Myka had expected an artifact to save her, not science. She'd checked all of HG's known aliases. "I appear to be better now. I'll never walk unassisted again. You should know that now, before..."
"Before what?" Myka challenges her.
"Before you kiss me," HG says, so irritatingly certain that Myka had been about to. "Before you commit to someone broken."
"You've never been broken," Myka tells her, and she kisses HG's knuckles. "You've been angered by injustice, and the world has been unjust to you. Are you in pain?"
"Not - not right now. Not anymore."
"Can you forgive me?" Myka asks, her voice cracking, and HG's hand leaves hers only so she can hold Myka tighter.
"Whatever for?"
"For not being in time. For not saving you. For not thinking of a way to save you. I still can't think of one."
"It's you who must forgive me, darling. I could have come sooner. I could have let you know I was alive. But I thought you wouldn't want me."
Myka can see the crutches now, propped against the bed. She wonders how long it had taken HG to get back on her feet this time.
"One more question," Myka says, and she feels HG nod, her chin against Myka's head where it rests on her chest. "Can I kiss you?"
"You would?" HG's voice is shy this time, and filled with wonder. Myka answers that question with a kiss, and HG is filled with enough wonder for an eternity.
HG Wells shouldn't be alive, but she's warm and responsive and moaning into Myka's mouth. And Myka can't waste another moment with her.
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
AGSZC Taking Care of Their Feral Chocobo (often against his will)
Just some OOC crack excerpts from Cloud being feral and his boyfriends suffering.
from many a conversation with @strayheartless
Unjust Punishments
Cloud: *has dorm toilet duty for "fighting with" bullies* Eh, this isn't the worst thing someone in charge has done for something that's not my fault.
*Everyone's gaze sharpening dramatically*
Sephiroth: What WAS the worst thing?
Cloud, casually: Oh probably that time I saved the mayor's daughter and was almost thrown in jail with my broken ribs...or maybe the time Johnson...never mind, I got him back so it's fine!
*One-Winged Angel starts playing from four directions at once*
Cloud: The mayor thing was only that bad because I was 8 and freaking out too much, no big deal because Ma stopped them from actually throwing me in jail.
*Estuans interius...*
Cloud: And Johnson's nuts are crushed now, so yeah, all good.
*Ira vehementi...*
A little while later...
Cloud: Hey Zack?
Zack: Yeah, buddy?
Cloud: You know I love cuddling you...
Zack: YES, ME TOO! *squeezes tighter*
Cloud: ...but I get the feeling I'm stuck, and I'd like to know for how long.
*Zoom out to see Zack and Cloud have been tightly wrapped in a burrito together, squirreled away in Genesis' giant bed-nest, and their whole burrito bundle is swaddled so thoroughly that escape seems untenable. Outside, sounds of growling, pacing, and theme music can be heard*
Zack: IDK, last time they got me after I almost got trampled by a behemoth, they had me in here for a day or two. I say just enjoy it. I definitely am! *Pecks on cheek* You're the cutest!
Cloud doesn't take pills. Get that thing away from him. He will tough it out. Pills are for the weak! ZACK, GET OFF!
Zack's clamping Cloud's jaws shut while Angeal strokes his throat like a stubborn dog's to get him to swallow, "there, there, just swallow, that's it, be a good rabid chocobo, good"
Two minutes later, with lots of "bleaugh blech blaugh blep blech": *pill clatters to the floor*
Dissolving it in milk doesn't work because he can sMeLl It.
Genesis: "That's it, next time it's going to be liquid!"
Next time...
Genesis: *covered in disgusting cough syrup and germs* "NEXT TIME IT'S GOING TO BE A SHOT."
Next time...
The shot goes awry and gets injected wrong and now Cloud looks like the most sad and pathetic creature to ever walk the earth because (a) they BETRAYED HIM and (b) the shot got injected into something that HURTS and it was a NEEDLE and they BETRAYED HIM. Little tears glisten on his feverish cheeks and the tiniest of whimpers comes out and he holds his injured arm extra gingerly, and now everyone feels awful. 🥺
Genesis: "...fine, next time it'll be pills."
Weaponized Cuteness
Cloud: *doesn't want to do something* *stands next to Angeal and rubs his head*
Angeal: Awww my precious chocobaby, does your head hurt?
Cloud: *looks away, pouting*
Angeal: Sweetheart, we have to take care of ourselves. Here, sit down in the shade and have some juice.
Zack: *offended puppy noises* GEAL MY HEAD HURTS TOOOOO
Angeal: It does not, keep squatting
Cloud: *smirking behind his juice box*
Zack: Kunsel, you gotta help us, he's playing them! You see that, right?!
Kunsel: Yep.
Zack: Great, then we need you to tell the-
Kunsel: Nope.
Zack: What do you mean "nope"?! YOU ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT HE'S DOING?!!!!
Kunsel: Yep, and it is hilarious 🍿🍿🍿
It backfires when Cloud is actually unwell and doesn't want help.
Cloud: *coughs up blood very quietly* Bye guys, I'm off to kill a zo- er, off on a patrol!
Angeal: *appears from the ether* No, you are not.
Cloud: But 🥺 I gotta, for work!
Angeal: I smell blood.
Zack: Heh.
Cloud: Shut the fuck up.
Zack: Nah, you look like a marshmallow and I will take as many blackmail pics as I please, my angry little muffin!
Cloud: *growling and coughing up blood from his straightjacket cocoon*
Genesis being manipulated into giving Cloud's lactose intolerant ass more cheese:
They burrito him for the flu one time and come home to find that he CHEWED THROUGH the cocoon and is out racing Roche with a raging fever.
It's cold, and Angeal is frantically wrapping Cloud up in many layers because he's "small" (compared to the giraffes the rest of them are) and unenhanced...and now Cloud is passing out from heatstroke before because his Nibelheim genes are strong.
Cloud: *sways*
Angeal, from two floors away: ...I smell naughty bird. GENESIS!
Genesis: Angeal?
Angeal: Did you eat today?
Genesis: Yes.
Angeal: 🤨
Genesis: SIGH I had a breakfast sandwich and a chicken dish for lunch from the cafeteria.
Angeal: Good. My bird senses were tingling, so I... *Looks at Genesis* 😱
Genesis: 😱 CLOUD
They both make it downstairs just in time to catch him. He hadn't eaten in a day and a half.
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hi!! I'm a little new in the fandom so I don't know if this has been done before ^^' but can we get some ROTTMNT x reader headcanons where the brothers (separately) learn that their crush doesn't know how to dance and is super embarrassed by it so they (the brothers I mean) try to dance with them to have fun? Or to tease? Or to genuinely teach them? WHO KNOWS
Love your work, take care! (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘) ♡
Welcome to the fandom!!!
I also don’t know if this has been done for the rottmnt boys yet, but I hope you enjoy it!
Neon Leon
He asked you to dance with him out of the blue (heh)
Was already dancing to the music trying to impress you
“Check out these sweet moves, baby!”
He’s actually kinda good when he tries???
Usually he just does it to be goofy but he genuinely wanted to show off a bit for you
“You know what would be even better? Both of us dancing together!”
It would definitely be fun-
But unfortunately you have no clue how to dance
You try to play it off as just wanting to watch him dance more or being tired
But Leo keeps trying.
Realizes from your body language and expression that you’re embarrassed
Will stop dancing immediately and ask what’s wrong
That’s when you admit that you don’t know how to dance
Leo will laugh a bit at first
Not at you ofc, he just thinks you’re cute
“Who said anything about needing to know how to dance, to dance?”
He’ll grab your hands and start moving to the beat with you
Once you’re moving he’ll let go of your hands and step back-
Only to pull out the most goofy moves he knows
Remember ‘Gangnam style’??
Leo does.
He literally does those fortnight dances like his life is depending on it
Gives you the biggest grin when you laugh at his silly moves.
“See? You don’t need to know how to “dance” to have fun dancing!”
You two end up dancing along “horribly” to music the rest of the night
Both of you have the time of your lives
His brothers can hear y’all laughing from their rooms
Later offers to teach you a few moves if you want,
But still loves to just dance goofily with you to this day.
Don Tron
This turtle can bust a move and he knows it
Does not hesitate to dance when a good beat comes on.
You walk into his lab and he has music blasting
You can literally feel the bass pumping
And there, pulling off moves like the dance star he is, is your beloved partner
He immediately turns to you and invites you to join him
“S/o! Perfect timing, I upgraded my speaker system and now we can jammy jam with ease! Join me, and we’ll dance like the stars we are!”
Uh oh.
Yeaaaah, about that-
You can’t dance to save your life.
Donnie won’t realize at first that you’re not dancing with him
But after a few moments he realizes you still haven’t moved from the labs entrance
In fact, you’ve been slowly making your way out the lab instead.
He literally slides over to you
“Ah, whatever is the matter? Is the music too loud? Or maybe it’s not your taste? I can change it to any song you’d like-“
He doesn’t pick up on your embarrassment
Instead, he’s going on and on trying to find out what’s wrong
Ironically, he’s so focused on asking what’s wrong and trying to fix whatever it may be to notice your very obvious embarrassment
You eventually blurt out that you don’t know how to dance
He’ll stop mid-sentence and look at you for a moment to make sure you’re not joking.
Lowers the music and puts one hand on your shoulder
“Well never fear- I can teach you the art of ✨dance✨.”
Are there actual sparkles around his head or is that just a trick of light???
He’ll pull you to the middle of his lab and start off with a few easy moves with you
He actually enjoys teaching you how to dance and doesn’t mind doing it again
If you’re up to it, he’s absolutely down to teach you more
You two have one day a week where you both work on dancing
After practice, Donnie will pull you in to dance together just for fun
You don’t have to be perfect or even good,
He just enjoys spending time with you
As long as you feel comfortable and are having fun-
He’s happy :3
Mystic Mike
I’m a firm believer in break dancing Mikey
He loves to spin on his shell as fast as he can
He’s also got a few smooth moves of his own
Just ask Hypno-potamus-
He also just likes to move and jump to the beat
He was dancing in the kitchen when you walked in-
Just moving to the beat happily
He noticed you after doing a spin and invited you to join him
“S/o! Wanna dance with me?”
Does this little shimmy at you
It’s adorable-
But you don’t know how to dance
You just decline and make up some excuse of being tired-
But immediately end up telling the truth after seeing Mikey’s sad puppy face
Mikey will pause for a second after you tell him before the biggest grin spreads across his face
“I have an idea!”
He grabs your hand and runs to the gaming room with you
“Don’t know how to dance? Well, we have just the game to teach you!”
He ends up bringing you to the dance arcade game
You two start off doing fun, easy levels
Whether or not you’re good at the game-
You both end up laughing and enjoying yourselves
The game actually gives you a good starting point to learn some moves
If you want, Mikey would absolutely love to teach you a few moves of his own!
He always makes sure that you enjoy learning the moves
If you ever get frustrated, he’ll stop and opt to take a break
Maybe paint or bake with you!
He loves to pull you into a slow dance while baking
Nothing fancy, just swaying together
He gets the dorkiest grin on his face
“I love you so much.”
Pure romantic at heart
His favorite place to dance with you is in the kitchen
Big Red
Raph knows how to bust a few moves
But he’s not too great with anything fancy.
Usually it’s moves he learned with his brothers
But when one of his favorite songs comes on-
He just has to move around!
And to make things even better?
You were there, leaning against the wall watching him dance with a smile
“Hey, S/O- wanna dance with me?”
He holds his hand out to you with the biggest smile on his face
You of course, panic a bit and decline
You can’t dance at all
And you don’t want Raph to know that.
Raph gets a bit hurt at your immediate decline
And slightly self conscious
Did you not like his dancing?
Well sure it’s not great, but surely it’s not that bad
Or maybe you just didn’t want to dance with him, period?
He hoped not
He really hoped not.
You could see his slowly growing panic on his face
And immediately jump to try to reassure him
Giving excuses of being tired, or your knee hurting-
Anything to reassure him that he’s not the problem
Raph quickly realizes and recognizes your own panic and increasingly odd excuses
Who says they can’t dance because a pigeon looked at them wrong earlier?
Figures out pretty fast that you’re embarrassed and trying hard not to dance
He’ll grab your hands gently and bend down to your level
“Is everything okay?”
He’s so concerned, and his voice is so soft
Does his best to comfort you
Your heart melts.
You cave in and tell him about your nonexistent dance moves
And your embarrassment over it
Raph does this little “aww” and pulls you in for a hug
“Well, I can’t really dance either so don’t worry about it, S/o!”
Instead of busting any fancy moves,
He opts to just sway with you to the music
Occasionally twirls you around
Very soft and sweet with you
He also leans down a lot to cover your face in quick kisses
Loves the smile and laugh you do when he does that
Just wants you to feel happy and relaxed with him
Kind boi
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I’m so sorry for the wait!
I hope you enjoyed ^^
Reblogs appreciated :3
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sokkastyles · 7 months
ATLA LA Ep2 Let's go:
I love that they kept a lot of the original music, but one thing I could have done without is the generic three-note chord to signal a cut to a scene with a villainous character. Those specific notes have been parodied too often for me to take it seriously. It's one thing that always jarred me in the original and it is especially jarring in live action to hear music that signifies a cartoon villain is about to walk on screen.
Zuko throwing things and chewing the scenery my beloved
"He ran! He's a coward!" I do love the angle of Zuko being confronted with the reality of what he thought would be a glorious destiny. There are two reasons Zuko associates not fighting with cowardice. One is because of what he believes about the fire nation as a whole, but also because of what his father made him believe about himself.
I do like that Aang is identifying that controlling the Avatar State is a problem he needs to solve. It gives me hope that the writers are trying to actually flesh out that plot point where the original failed. I don't like that there's been no mention yet of him needing to learn waterbending. Which brings me to...
Yes, Katara, it IS unbelievable that you've learned waterbending in a day all because Aang said some mumbo to you about energy. That's why I don't believe it. Katara does grow fast in the original, too, but it still feels organic. Here it doesn't and once again, it feels like they are giving that credit all to Aang and I hate that. I also hate that this is Katara's motivation rather than the Katara who took it upon herself to make sure the Avatar learned waterbending whether he wanted to or not.
There is something missed by Kanna giving Katara the waterbending scroll. Idk, trying not to compare to the original because I did want Kanna to be more active in Katara's life. But I get the same feeling of loss here as Aang already having Appa's whistle. Those two things in the original were part of a point about the tragedy of cultural attrition, that Aang has to buy back a cultural artifact that the seller does not even know the true meaning of, that Katara has to steal hers from pirates who already stole from her culture. It also begs the question that if Kanna had that scroll the whole time, why didn't she show it to Katara before, who was so desperate to learn waterbending?
Zuko talking about being gone three years, clearly ecstatic at the thought that his banishment will come to an end, while Iroh looks like he's about to send his son to his death for the second time. Kudos to the actors' faces expressing so much in that one scene.
The actor for Sokka is very good-looking.
Aang and Katara playing in the water was cute, but they seem even farther apart in maturity here than in the original. Even that scene comes across as a much older sister honoring a young child. I don't get a sense of Katara as someone yearning to be a child.
She's not wrong about the Avatar bringing connections, but Aang showing off isn't really the best illustration of that concept.
Okay, so, I saw some people complaining about Suki wanting to leave home "because of a boy" and like, that also happened in the original. What feels kinda pat here is that we've also added overprotective mom to the mix, which I don't love. When I said I wanted Suki's mom I meant I wanted to know how Suki became a warrior, I wanted to see more women bonding with other women and women's autonomy being treated as normal. Not whatever this is.
So they don't already know Zhao here? That's less interesting. Also "actual royalty." Another log to keep the "Zhao is a royal bastard" theory burning. Heh, burning.
Sokka is still a prick about girls fighting, everyone can rest easy now. Also his reaction when Suki tries to flirt with him the same way he does with her is exactly how that would play out in real life.
Aang avoiding fighting out of fear of his own power adds an interesting dimension to his character which is only briefly touched on in the original.
Zuko and Katara 1v1 yes!!!
Katara flashbacking to her mom's death during her first real fight is a nice touch.
Zhao wasn't very impressive until Zuko accidentally gave him a foothold, then that shit-eating grin was great.
I'll hold off on really commenting on this because I haven't gotten that far yet, but I heard that Ozai is more willing to praise Zuko here and it just does not make a lot of sense to me, not only because that is not how that kind of parent works, but also because hearing the news from Zhao, who would 100% play up Zuko having discovered and then LOST the Avatar, would just make Ozai see Zuko as more of a failure for having come close. Unless Zuko does something spectacular in the next few episodes I don't see Ozai being impressed.
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"Ah...! You're... finally awake."
".... Do you remember who you are and what you are doing here?
... I guess not. Well, I think I should refresh your memory."
"Are you seeing this place? The leaves, the clouds, everything?
Well, this place has a name. This beautiful scenery doesn't exist just for show."
"Currently, you are in Elysium. An utopian realm that exists within the border of life and death."
"This place will soon be called home by 10 lost souls who found themselves here.
These souls were once human beings just like me and you, but they have reached man's ultimate fate.
"But these souls weren't just any human beings, they went through an immense amount of suffering in their lifes."
"But they aren't here just because they suffered.
But because they were also deemed a lost cause by the society they were living in. And that caused them to be lost in the afterlife."
"But, don't think it's a bit unfair to have lived a life like that?
Don't you think.... They deserve a second chance?"
"Well, that's exactly what we may give them. What YOU may give them."
"Yep, that's YOUR role. Because you are THE ANGEL."
"THE ANGEL only has to do something very simple.
You have to make a choice."
"You will talk to each of the souls, see them interact with each other, and then determine what they deserve. Whether that will be SALVATION or ABANDONMENT."
"This process will go on for 3 trials, so you have plenty of time to rethink previous decisions."
"But, Elysium doesn't know anything about each soul.
How they died, why they died, and what was the cause of their suffering are things that YOU will have to discover."
"... How? Well, in Elysium's own special way.
We will extract the thoughts, feelings, worldviews, deaths, everything of the souls, into videos and music. After all, what's a better way for someone to express themselves than music?"
"But, we can't extract everything all at once, and, at the beginning, everything may sound very cryptic.
But that's what the 3 trials are for. The more that time passes, the more you'll understand and get information on the souls."
".... Huh? My.... Name?
I forgot to introduce myself?"
"Oh well, I guess i'll just do it now.
My name is-
.... You know what? You don't need to know my name."
"For now, just call me:
".... Oh? You seem exicited.
You want to save them all, don't you?"
".... Are you really going to be able to do that?"
"You know....
None of the souls actually want your help."
"... Take that as you will, okay?"
"... Just one more thing.
Your name....
Is Numen."
"Heh. That got your attention real fast."
"... Did you doubt that?"
"Anyhow, are you ready, my angel?
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dojae-huh · 2 months
I found time (=I'm waiting for my stomack to stop hurting, I can't work anyway, heh), so I will answer the question about DoJae being alike.
Love for music and singing.
Interest in song-writing, composing. Interest in acting (musicals including for Jae, he auditioned).
Competitiveness. Ability to work hard and push oneself (survive on little sleep, do several projects at once).
Introverts. Shy. Insecurities about looks, awkwardness.
Smart. Good with science. Explore things that interest them, go into research.
Both can cook. Both have loving and caring families, parents are not divorced.
Both have analytical minds, can be reasoned with. Both can be emotional. Both are kind, but can be cold to others.
Have small circle of friends. Very loyal to their friends.
Like to spoil their lovers, take care.
Little care for authority, they need to agree with someone/something (rules) to follow/do as told.
Both want attention and praise.
Aquariuses (=weird). Have cold/bitch resting faces.
Judgemental. Doyoung much more, but Jae has it in him.
Like to laugh loudly. Have hard time supressing their strong emotions.
Stubborn. Won't change their opinion about something that's important to them. Like to argue.
Play piano. (Doyoung not as well, but the interest to improve is there).
Like outdoors, but not big enthusiasts. Doyoung say he is a bed fairy, but plans to go skydiving or snorkling with 127/his brother, can catch a lobster after diving after it, goes hiking when in Guri. Jaehyun talks about liking being active a lot, but it's Yuta who knows every mountain around Seoul, not Jae.
Like to tease and be smartasses. Curious.
Both like exploring cities, sightseeing.
Like comfotable clothes and things. Soft, mush, classic. Soft toys for Do, vinyls for Jae. Mood lights and simple plants for both. Have little interest in fashion (only as far as it's needed for the job).
Both have a lot of patience. Resistant. Mentally strong.
DoJae are in the same field of work, they have the same interests and aspirations, they do the same things, have the same values and similar abilities. They move in the same direction at the same speed, one doesn't overrun the other.
Jaehyun is more of a physical type. He likes exercising, dancing, trying different sports. He is clumsy and doesn't have very good coordination (paintball game, how he often fails to score in soccer), but he doesn't get exhausted quickly. Doyoung doesn't like physical activities without a reason. He has good muscle memory and balance though (the way he memorises choreos and can recognise them by one pose; he is good at aiming with a gun).
Jaehyun is evidently an audial. He likes music more than Doyoung (Do likes singing, telling a story, conveyed messages in lyrics). I think the reason Do needs silence at home is because he gets overwhelmed by social activity and managing everyone during the day. He mentioned he likes to put relaxing music as background as well. So slence is not a rule.
Doyoung is better at soft skills, socialising. They are both liked by people they meet, but Do can be proactive, break the ice. He is more ready to spend energy on communication. Do is empathic, Jaehyun is not.
Doyoung worries more, he is more reactive. Jaehyun can be volatile, but generally he is calmer, reacts slowly.
Doyoung needs to control his enviroment and others. Jaehyun doesn't, he likes to go into his inner bubble.
There are some other differences, but the three major ones are "reactive-slow to respond", "social-antisocial", "attuned to the surroundings/lost in the inner world".
The important thing is these differences are complimentary. Jae and Do balance out each other's flaws.
In addition, these differences are not on extreme ends of the spectrum (to be opposites, to clash). Jaehyun is not a complete recluse, he can socialise and he likes team sports. Doyoung is not an emotional mess or a diva, he has the analytical/cold-blooded half in him, he just needs to switch into that mode. Do is not an extravert, he likes spending one-on-one time, he doesn't need raves. Do can go and watch sport games, he can show interest in arts and visit a museum. Jae can work fast and think fast, he can take care of others and be attentive to Do's needs and support him. Etc.
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an-aroaces-harem · 7 months
Ivy Chapter 3
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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Ivy: Thanks for your hard work, Kawanaga-san.
Rina: !?
I hear a voice coming from right beside me and turn around.
Rina: Oh, Ivy-san!
I was so close to Ivy-san all of a sudden that my body froze up.
Apparently, I had been so lost in thoughts that I didn't notice Ivy-san had come in.
Rina: W-welcome back.
Ivy: I'm home. I see you've already finished cleaning. What were you looking at?
Rina: Y-yes. That, uh ...
I was so taken by his neat beauty at close range that I could'nt speak.
(Too close ...!)
Perhaps sensing it, Ivy-san put some distance between us.
Ivy: Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you so much.
Rina: It's okay. I'm sorry I didn't notice you.
(It's too rude to not notice that the owner of the room has returned ...!)
It's also embarrassing that I overreacted and acted suspiciously again.
Without noticing my situation, Ivy-san shifted his gaze to my hands and made a surprised sound.
Ivy: The one for our first anniversary?
Rina: Once I started looking, I couldn't stop reading.
Rina: I found it all fascinating ... I wanted to see exe on stage in person.
Rina: The interview between Ivy-san and the foreign band is also very interesting.
The article earnestly describes Ivy-san's enthusiasm for his exe activities.
Rina: You get along with the band leader about how difficult it is to bring a team together.
Ivy: Haha, you're right. It was quite informative to hear about his experiences.
Ivy-san looked down at the article with nostalgia.
Ivy: I had to keep everyone together, and it was pretty overwhelming at the time.
Ivy: The exe members are very strong-willed, and at that time we had just made our debut, so we were all even more self-driven than we are now ...
Ivy: He was like "yes, yes. This happened to me once. I miss it."
Ivy-san flips through the pages of the magazine.
(You have kind eyes ...)
I guess he's a person who doesn't feel hardship in putting his heart and soul into helping his team.
In fact, he even somewhat seems happy.
Rina: You're kind of like an older brother.
Ivy: Me?
Rina: Yes. I feel like you take good care of me and you're always looking out for the other members.
Ivy: Well, I'm the oldest.
Ivy: Actually, I really do have a younger sister as well. Maybe that's why.
Rina: Really?
(He fits the image perfectly. I bet he's a kind brother.)
And when we were talking about it ...
Sakura Eito: Ivy, are you in? I'd like to have a meeting about your upcoming performance with Gem.
After knocking, it was Sakura-san and the members of Gem Cuddle who entered the room.
Hitaki: Hmm? I think you're the one from the other day ...
Nagi: You seriously moved in?
Miu: Heh, wow.
Rina: I look forward to working with you.
Miu: I don't care about that! I heard it, Ivy-san!
Hitaki: i heard that you are going to distribute your song "exe" worldwide at the upcoming M-fest.
Nagi: That's a hell of a special treat, isn't it?
Miu: It's not fair even though we are in the same office. I wish you would do the same for us, Eito-san!
Sakura Eito: Don't be unreasonable, it's just like that.
Rina: Um, what is global distribution?
Ivy: Actually ...
... they're now working on a music program to distribute exe's stage to the world.
We were also told that exe would distribute the video on its official website and through video distribution services.
(I say this lightly, but worldwide distribution is awasome ...)
Sakura Eito: We're short on staff because of the short notice, so we're trying to get people together as quickly as possible.
Ivy: Hey, Eito, how about having her help you?
Rina: Eh!
Surprised by the suddenness of the situation, Ivy-san turned to me with a serious look on his face.
Ivy: If you want to get to know exe, I think it's a great opportunity to get involved as a staff member.
Ivy: Besides, didn't you just say you wanted to see us live?
Rina: Thank you for consideration.
Ivy: I don't need any thanks, I just thought it would be better that way.
Sakura Eito: I'd be grateful for that. I was originally planning to have Kawanaga-chan help me in the office as well.
This is a precious apportunity that Ivy-san gave me. There's no way to pass it up.
Rina: Thank you!
Sakura Eito: Okay, it's settled.
Ivy: Good luck.
Rina: Yes!
Then Miu-san, who had been watching us, interrupted us.
Miu: Is that really okay? Everyone at a live concert is always in a panic.
Miu: She's kind of vague, and I'm worried she won't be able to keep up with the groove of the scene.
Rina: !
(Does that mean I seem dull?)
Ivy: Miu, you're being disrepectful to her.
Miu: Oh, sorry. It's not that you can't do your job.
Miu: The clothes aren't very bright, but they seem to be easy to move around in. I think it's really great, just like the staff!
His words pierced my heart.
(It's not so bright ...)
Rina: I will do my best not to fail.
Rina: I already cleaned up, so I'm going to gow now ...
I managed to push the words out of my mouth and left the room as if to escape.
Ivy: Ah, Kawanaga-san ...!
Rina: Hah ...
(Dull, huh? Sure, I'm wearing comfortable cleaning clothes right now.)
(This is no time to be depressed. I just got the job!)
I was once again fired up to do my best to help with the distribution.
A few days later, the day of the the music show arrived.
(A large venue.)
They're going to have a live concert here today, and they're going to broadcast it on their music program.
As a member of the office staff, I ran around as directed.
Staff 1: Camera check complete. Intercom sensitivity is good.
Staff 1: Okay, everything is ready for distribution. Can you please tell Sakura-san?
Rina: Okay!
When i went to Sakura-san and the other members on the side of the stage ...
Finn: Why not? It's definitely better that way.
Xeno: There is no way they would approve such an abrupt change.
(What's going on?)
Sakura Eito: Hm? Kawanaga-chan, whyt's wrong?
Rina: I'm here to tell you that we're ready for distribution. Is there something wrong?
Ivy: Yeah, a little trouble.
Finn: I just suggested we change the choreography.
Finn: I wanted to create a highlight for each member, with an improvised solo part in between.
Hugh: It's ... cool ...
Xeno: It would be impossible to make any changes after rehearsals are over. The production has already been completed.
Jace: Hmm, there's no need to change it now, is it?
Sakura Eito: I agree. It's too risky.
Finn: We can handle it, can't we? It's better to change it!
Xeno: We can't let your ideas destroy the stage.
Finn: Dou you think I'm just saying that without reason?
(What should I do ... in such a nasty atmosphere before the show.)
That's what I'm thinking ...
Ivy: You two need to calm down a little.
Ivy-san tried to appease the two.
Ivy: Finn knows it's hard to make big changes now.
Ivy: But still, Finn must have a reason to propose his idea at this time.
Finn: Oh! Because it's a different stage today, isn't it?
Ivy: I mean, it's a special stage, you want to make it a little more exciting?
Finn: Yes! I came to this venue, I felt the athmosphere ... and I thought ...
Finn: If it's a special one-time distribution, we want to give a special performance, don't we?
Finn: Fans from all over the world will see it at the same time. That's definitely going to make them happy.
Jace: Oh, to please the fans? Is that what this is all about?
Xeno: Special performance for fans, huh?
Ivy: I agree with Finn, it would be more special if we had more to showcase.
Xeno: That's true, but it would throw the whole structure off.
Ivy: Yeah, so here's a suggestion ...
It was a good balance of including a solo part and incorporating Finn-san's suggestions, while still maintaining the overall direction.
Finn: Not bad.
Hugh: Sounds interesting ...
Jace: I like it.
Xeno: With that format, the stage will have a special feel. Disturbances in the production are tolerable.
Ivy: Okay, let's go with that.
Finn: Okay! Sorry Ivy. Thank you for explaining it so well.
Ivy: Okay, that's all.
Ivy: Okay, it's decided, we'll go through it once to make sure it's right. We don't have much time left before the show. Let's go for it!
Ivy-san claps his hands and the members of exe immediately started moving.
Sakura Eito: Looks like you'll be fine. As expected of Ivy.
Rina: That's great.
Perhaps noticing my respectful gaze, Ivy-san turns to me.
Ivy: Good luck to you too.
Rina: Y-yes. I'm sure you'll do well on the show!
Ivy: Thank you.
Rina: !
He smiled at me, and my heart thudded.
The way they dressed up in their stage costumes and left the venue so quickly was truly the essence of a super idol.
Ivy-san instantly understood what Finn-san was thinking.
The fact that he communicated this to everyone and created an atmosphere for discussion is a testament to his understanding of the members.
(Even the irritated members were listening to what Ivy-san had to say. That's what a leader should do.)
(And on top of that, he cares about me ... I can see why everyone is a fan. You really are a wonderful person.)
(Okay! I'll get to work too!)
When I returned to work and told the staff that there had been a change in the choreography, they seemed a little confused.
Staff 1: Solo? I can't put it all on the stream.
Staff 2: It's a shame.
I hear such blurbs.
(Certainly, you want to take a closer look at each person's highlight. If that's the case ...)
Rina: Um, do you have a spare camera?
Staff 1: I've got one. What about it?
Rina: I have suggestion ...
The show finally began, despite all of this.
Audience: Kyaaa!
Rina: ...ng!
Seeing exe live on stage for the first time, I was overwhelmed.
(Awesome ...!)
The singing and dancing were flawless. I can't believe there was a last minute change.
In the frenzied atmosphere, my gaze was naturally drawn to Ivy-san.
Ivy-san's dancing and singing are not outstanding among the exe members ...
(Even so, the level is quite high, even an amateur can tell.)
His presence seems to keep the members, who tend to run when the mood strikes them, in good harmony.
(It's just like a balancer ...)
Above all, all of his songs fit exe better than ever.
(He is an amazing person who can perform so well and write songs on top of it.)
I was so impressed again ...
Ivy-san's figure shines like an idol. However--
(I think the expression on Ivy-san's face is different from just now.)
I felt a sense of discomfort, as if his smile wasn't the gentle, reassuring smile he often shows people.
The concert ended with great excitement.
I would recall this feeling of discomfort many times as I got to know him better.
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[From Batman: The Audio Adventures, Season 1 Episode 1 "A Fortune in Sin"]
Part 1/2 Part 2
Here is the first half of Two-Face's first appearance in Batman: the Audio Adventures simply because I find it captivating and could listen to them talk all day... >.>
Video transcript under the cut
Narrator: A rooftop in Gotham's Little China on a starless night.
Narrator: The buzzing sound you hear is 10,000 volts of neon signage, high atop Yin and Yang's Dim Sum Palace and Dumpling House. A blazing electric yin and yang symbol two stories high whose sputtering radiance is presently reflected in the wide open eyes of a terrified hostage.
Hostage: Please don't do this. Don't do this.
Narrator: He's bound hand and foot and standing beneath the sizzling electric advertisement in a rusty tub of water. Nearby, his captor is bickering angrily with a relentless adversary.
The Other: You better watch your big, fat--hey!
Harvey: Oh, pipe down, you simpleton.
The Other: Hey, Einstein, the circuit breaker's over there.
Harvey: This isn't my first electrocution. I know what I'm doing.
The Other: Sure you do. College boy knows everything.
Harvey: Probably seems like it to you, doesn't it, you ignorant malcontent?
The Other: [laughs] Nuts to that. College boy can't wash behind his own ears.
Narrator: Despite how it may sound, his adversary is himself. He is one man with two voices raised in ceaseless squabble. This conflicted creature is what remains of the man who once was Gotham City district attorney Harvey Dent. An act of spite left him with half his face and a double occupancy inside his head.
The Other: You know what I think?
Harvey: Yeah, I know you don't think.
The Other: I think this whole electrocution gimmick is for the birds.
Harvey: Oh, then it's a good thing your opinion means nothing to me.
Narrator: At once, he is both Jekyll and Hyde, a smooth gentleman criminal and a cruel and vicious thug. And their disputes are settled by the pitiless physics of a tossed coin.
[coin clinks]
Narrator: Now Gotham City calls him Two-Face.
The Other: I said from the beginning, we should just split this drip down the middle with a chainsaw, problem solved.
Hostage: Ahh!
Harvey: Yes, well, we flipped for it, and you lost. And you know what we always say…
The Other: [groans] Don't argue with the coin.
Harvey: We don't argue with the coin.
Hostage: [shivering nervously] You don't have to do this.
The Other: That is not accurate, pal.
Harvey: We're sticklers for precision. We're extremely thorough.
The Other: Two words, chief.
Harvey: Yes, neat and tidy.
The Other: Uh-uh, tooth and nail.
Hostage: What?
Harvey: And every dish needs its spoon. You understand that? We're not savages here.
The Other: Heh, speak for yourself.
Hostage: [wails]
Harvey: The point is, sir, you're a remainder.
Hostage: W-what?
Harvey: By our calculations, you're a yin without a yang.
The Other: And that's about as useful as a pair of left shoes.
Harvey: So we have to balance the books, do a little creative accounting.
The Other: Don't worry. It's all perfectly legal.
Harvey: No, it isn't. It's murder one with malice a forethought.
The Other: Fine, fine, you're the lawyer in this outfit. I'm just here for the screaming. And lonesome Joe here looks like a screamer.
Hostage: [whimpers]
Harvey: Ignore him please, sir. And stand still while we wire you up.
Hostage: Please, I have a wife at home.
Harvey: Oh, yeah, your better half, huh? Well, you should've brought her out tonight.That would've evened things up but made all of this unnecessary.
Narrator: As the terrified captive awaits his end, he has no way to know his rescue is at hand, for the scene is surreptitiously surveyed by a sharp silhouette on an adjacent rooftop.
[dramatic music]
Batman: Batman to Robin. I'm in position and have a clear line of sight on the hostage and Harvey. He left his thugs with the hostages downstairs. They're all yours.
Robin: Acknowledged. I've secured the alley behind the restaurant, and I'm standing by to kick in the kitchen door and bust some skulls.
Batman: Hmm. Say "infiltrate and neutralize" please, Robin. Stand by for a signal as soon as the hostage on the roof is out of danger.
Robin: You can save him, Batman?
Batman: I'm still calculating that, Robin. I don't yet see a nonlethal option for taking down Harvey.
Robin: Batman, what if it comes to the lethal option?
Batman: Nobody's dying tonight, Robin. Thermal shows you have 32 hostages in the main dining room. Two armed hostiles right behind that kitchen door.
Robin: Bob and Bub, Two-Face's trigger twins. But hostage-taking in a Chinese restaurant? This is real small-ball for a kingpin like Two-Face.
Batman: It's February 2nd, Robin, 2/2, and exactly two years ago today, Harvey Dent suffered the disfiguring attack that created Two-Face. His obsession with his own duality is beyond his control right now.
Robin: I get it now, yin and yang. Holy trigger warning.
Batman: We got here just in time. A review of security footage shows 34 minutes ago, Two-Face took the entire restaurant hostage.
[machine gun fires]
Two-Face: Everybody, hands up!
Batman: He held the patrons and the staff at gunpoint.
Two-Face: You're all hostages now!
Batman: While he obsessively arranged everything in the room into symmetrical pairs.
Harvey: Black and white…
Batman: The furnishings, the food, every last pair of chopsticks, he divided into yins and yangs.
Robin: Whoa. I see where this is going.
Batman: When he tried to divide the hostages into two groups--
Robin: He had an odd number!
Batman: And now he's going to eliminate the extra digit unless I time this perfectly.
♪ ♪
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angelanimedesaray · 5 months
AAAH!!! HELLO!!! I always see you in my feed, I wasn't expecting you in my inbox, but I'm happy to see you here XD
Sooo, the questions. Yes. I am so sorry these are so long, I can't be short and sweet and to the point for anything, I swear, it's always just word vomit and -- I'm rambling again, let's get to it hahaha XD
🍄 A Headcanon for one of my favorite ships/Pairings. Sooooo I don't have a favorite ship/pairing, not really, for the AOT fandom, I'm just kind of vibing over here with most of them XD I'll enjoy Erwin/Levi Content one second, scroll two more posts down and oogle over a Hange/Levi, and then gasp and jealously drink in an OC/Levi art the next second while scribbling down the artist for future reference for the day I can finally afford to request some Levi and my OCs art (I have an OC in mind for every Levi x Reader Fic I've written that I imagine while I write). So it's more like a Levi x Anyone kind of headcanon:
I have always been a sucker for the thought that when Levi get's really comfortable with whoever he's with, and he's letting his guard down more and is cuddling regularly with his SO, that this is a common and favorite position:
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Just, the hand running gently through his hair at the nape of his neck, arms wrapped tightly around one another, head pillowed on n their chest, it looks so comfy and warm and comforting for him and uuugggghhhhh I'm a sucker for it, it's my comfort soft thought/headcanon and I love it.
🍓 How did I get into fanfic. Soooo I was already known IRL for loving writing, mostly poetry at the time, and being a huuuuge star wars fan (I was usually the one people went to if they had a character or event question cause I KNEW MY STUFF). And a friend of mine came up to me one day at summer camp and asked for some help with a star wars fanfic she was writing since i knew character and canon/EU stuff so well, and she explained WHAT fanfic was to me, and after talking for a while we wrote it together, though we kind of parted due to creative differences/complete opposite styles, but I'd created a fanficnet profile putting the original character names from the story together with plans to post the fanfic we were writing, and I decided to just keep it and start writing my own stories, and that's how I started writing fanfic--and also how I got the penname AngelDesaray, two OCs that didn't really see the light of day. Well, Desaray got revamped into Zelina for my Star Wars fanfiction baby I still work on slowly to this day, but that's besides the point, heh.
🎲What stops me from writing more in my free time? I usually get in my own way a lot. My attention span has been really shot since college, it's hard for me to focus on one thing for a long time--it's part of why I started having multiple things going on at once, it helps me to focus if I have a video running or music playing, and three or four word documents and a social media website I can easily jump away from again open, because then there's enough going on that I oddly enough can focus (I used to get teased all the time by my parents for having my laptop open on my lap, texting someone on my phone, playing a NintendoDS Game, and watching a show all at once). Another issue is that I think I haven't 100% bounced back from my college burnout, but I really really miss my writing and stories, which puts me in this weird catch 22 where I'm just mentally tired and don't want to do anything, but i've been daydreaming of my story for literal hours and really want to get something on paper. Also sometimes I'm cursed with wanting to write plot heavy stuff but I'm in the middle of relationship building, or wanting to write action but I'm doing dialogue heavy chapters, or wanting to write relationship steamy stuff but there's a lot of plot stuff going on--etc etc. Its usually me and my attention span getting in the way, pretty much. Doesn't mean i don't want to really really bad or that I'm not thinking about it 24/7, cause I usually am, it's just hard for me to FOCUS these days once I have the white sheet in front of me.
Ask Game Here
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Quill Society HQ Tour
(Every sprite here belongs to their original owners, most of which are from the Spriters' Resource.)
Dimension TNL-2015: Gust Planet HQ
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On the way up to the main hub floor of Gust Planet, those waiting there were simply chilling out, though LM!Sonic wasn't too pleased with the music choice.
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LM!Sonic: Remind me again WHY we have this music in the elevator.
EV!Sonic: Hey, don't look at me. Somari suggested it. Honestly, it was a cool suggestion on his part!
LM!Sonic: Urgh, whatever...
EV!Sonic: Sheesh, you really need to liven up, you know. Even Zonic, as serious as he is, isn't as grumpy as you are.
LM!Sonic: I don't have time for "humour", Sonic. Not with the multiverse potentially on the line.
EV!Sonic: Okay, look, LM. Humour is a perfectly alright thing to have, as long as the jokes and quips don't hurt anybody.
Jake (Reclassified Sonic): Yeah, Sonic's right. Man, you're like some kinda dark, edgy Garfield the way you're acting.
This got a chuckle out of NES Sonic, Hefty and OMT!Tails, and LM!Sonic simply glared at Jake for that.
EV!Sonic: Look, the point is, LM, you've been downright moody the whole time since you've been here. First you have high distaste for anyone who's not from a Sonic dimension, you've been shut up in your dorm for so many days, and now you're trying to suggest I DON'T bring OMT Tails to see what the place is like? How much of a killjoy do you have to be?! *sigh* You really haven't been the same since what happened with Dimension MULTI-2023.
LM!Sonic: The kid almost caused multiversal instability back there, and that's why you brought him here?!
EV!Sonic: That glitching was more likely a cause of Crimtake passing through. It was purely coincidental good timing. Urgh, you're seriously starting to believe in that tried-and-failed "canon event" theory?
LM!Sonic: What I'm doing here is none of your business. Once I'm finished, I'll be going.
EV!Sonic: Look, if you keep up this attitude, I'm going to have to block you out of accessing this dimension AND the Society full-stop. I'm the leader of this place, not you, so you need to have better respect for the policies we've got here to keep everyone safe.
LM!Sonic didn't say a word, getting off the elevator as EV!Sonic simply facepalmed in frustration. As the current characters got off the elevator and new ones got onboard, EV!Sonic went to check on OMT!Tails.
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EV!Sonic: You okay, little bud?
OMT!Tails: I heard what you were talking about with that other Sonic. It's just... Did I do something wrong?
EV!Sonic: Of course you didn't, Tails. If anything, you saved BK Amy a lot of trouble helping her out of a jiffy back there, and I'm proud of you for that!
He sat down with OMT!Tails.
EV!Sonic: Well, still got a bit to go before we reach our floor.
OMT!Tails: This place is really that big?
EV!Sonic: Heh, you'd be surprised. Well, anything you want to discuss on the way up?
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OMT!Tails: So, what's the whole "canon event" ideal about?
EV!Sonic: Some debunked theory about what should and shouldn't happen in a bid to supposedly "keep the multiverse stable". It's like trying to keep to a script; too hard to do 100% of the time.
OMT!Tails: Is that why "LM" is so grumpy?
EV!Sonic: Well, he hasn't been the same since what happened in his dimension. Lost memories, being tricked by his Eggman, a death he couldn't prevent... He doesn't like to talk about it at all. After your last outing, he... he just hasn't been the same.
OMT!Tails: And considering the "non-canon", is that where some of those other guys came from around four months ago?
EV!Sonic: Well, some of them did indeed come from alternate timelines, like the alternate counterparts of you, Lilac, Chara and Karilvatch. Their circumstances... are something I really don't like discussing with anyone.
OMT!Tails: So where are they now? The guys we restored and all.
EV!Sonic: Shalian, Talrareth and our Corrupt are all safe in our dimension, CR-2017's Corrupt and Sonath were neutralised as threats, as you know. And all the hurt counterparts of guys like you are safely at a place known as the OMEGA Universe.
OMT!Tails: OMEGA universe?
EV!Sonic: Kinda like a sanctuary for anyone who needs it, and a popular tourist destination. It's run by a grown-up version of me, like CR, alongside a peculiar version of Frisk.
OMT!Tails: Ah, I see!
EV!Sonic: As for Curse, you'll see where the dude is shortly. Speaking of, we're almost at our stop! You ready, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Born ready!
The two disembarked from the elevator into the main lobby at Sector 11.
OMT!Tails: Wow... This place is huge!
Tekno disembarked off the elevator too, having joined the duo on their last stop, and watched them head onwards before going to see Fleetway Amy.
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(Millie the Fox (the fox girl on the left) is owned by CartoonsAnimate22)
Tekno: Hey, Amy! Have you or anyone else seen Crimtake around recently? His power's recently overclocked and we need him stopped as soon as we can.
Fleetway Amy: Okay-doke! Let me ask around. Ahem. Hey, guys? Has anyone taken a lookout for Crimtake?
Tekno simply smirked in response.
Tekno: Heh, quite funny. Anyone else got more quips to say before the search begins?
Fleetway Amy: You know, now that you mention it...
Water Sonic: Yeah, bet he can't shapeshift through water like me! Still prefer my hedgehog look, though, heh.
Other Quill Society members nearby joined in with their own puns.
OMT!Tails: Heh, this is unbelievable!
EV!Sonic: Well, kid! This is the main lobby.
OMT!Tails looked out in awe.
OMT!Tails: Woah...
EV!Sonic: Welcome... to the Quill Society!
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Curse: Quite a lot to take in, isn't there, Tails? Glad you could make it, heh.
OMT!Tails: Thanks, Curse! You too, Alice!
EX!Alice: Hehe! Don't mention it!
OMT!Mina came in.
EV!Sonic: You all good, Mina?
OMT!Mina: Mhm.
OMT!Tails: This is definitely bigger than a small elite strike team.
OMT!Mina (looking sad): A lot of these members work part-time, though.
D-Sides Mighty arrived.
D-Sides Mighty: So, Mina, how much have you told him about the nature of this place?
OMT!Mina: A little bit.
Tails glitched out a bit behind them, which shocked EV!Sonic a bit.
EV!Sonic: Oh! Here you go, Tails.
EV!Sonic passed OMT!Tails a fancy watch to wear.
OMT!Tails: Woah! My own extra watch?!
EV!Sonic: It's your very own day pass! We haven't fully nailed down how to stop that glitching in this universe, even with your own watch, so it'll keep you from glitching while you're here.
He put it on, his glitches disappearing proper thanks to this.
OMT!Tails: So what about the Chao Alice has with her?
EV!Sonic: Ah, we have our own dedicated Chao Garden where we raise Chaos for therapeutic roles or simply as companions for members. Since Shadows tend to get it THE most rough, they get them free-of-charge.
OMT!Tails: Heh, that's very sweet.
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Into the hallway into Sector 12, and they watched different Sonics go by.
OMT!Mina: Hey, Sonics!
Modern Pocket Adventure Sonic: Hey hey hey! BBLIR Sonic: How's it going, Mina? SMB3 Sonic: Way past cool! SMS1 Sonic: Hey, Mina!
One based on Super Mario World made a brief stop.
SMW Sonic: Hey, Mina! This a new recruit?
OMT!Mina: Heh, possibly.
OMT!Tails: (She knows everybody here?)
A Cream and a Cosmo saw OMT!Tails with curiosity.
SCD!Cream: Another Mr. Tails? He's got blue shoes!
Cosmo: Heh, yeah! Those look great on him!
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At Sector 12, an outdoor space akin to Metallic Madness's construction stages, EV!Sonic walked up to Carol.
EV!Sonic: Hey, Carol?
Carol: Carol the Wildcat, at your service! What do ya need?
EV!Sonic: Well, I need you to escort the Mix-Match group over to Sector 18's docking station. LEGO me will meet them there, where they'll be able to start cleaning up the messes Crimtake left behind. Free sushi on the house in the café if you do a good job today!
Carol: Okey-dokey! Alright, crew! Next stop; Sector 18!
Rob O': Thou services art much appreciated, fair maiden! Onward!
Rob O', the Ray and Espio at the scene, and Johnny Lightfoot headed off with Carol for their mission.
OMT!Tails: (It's awesome how Carol's here, too!)
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Over at Sector 21, outside the café, Tekno approached Turbo, who was leaning against the wall.
Tekno: Hey, Turbo? I need-.
Turbo: Sorry, can't talk right now. Too busy reminiscing on how my newest quest will play out...!
Tekno: Er, actually, I kinda needed you for something.
Turbo: (angry gibberish, before calming down) Okay, maybe that wasn't the best approach.
OMT!Tails: Is he okay?
OVA!Knuckles and a version of Julie-Su arrived on that one horse from the Archie comics, the former hopping down first.
OVA!Knuckles: Hey, kid. Wanna see how good your reflexes are?
OMT!Tails: Oh? Sure!
OVA!Knuckles: Alright, then! On three, draw!
OMT!Tails, not hailing from the cowboy genre, harmlessly hit him.
OVA!Knuckles: Woah there! You didn't wait 'til three. That's the whole aim of this stuff.
OMT!Tails: Sorry, hehe. I'll get better at it next time. So, uh, what's your horse about?
Julie-Su: Me and Knuckles here share responsibilities of looking after her while we're here. The crazy layouts definitely make it fun to traverse!
OVA!Knuckles: Well, I'd love to stay and chat more, but we gotta dash. We'll duel again next time, Tails!
OMT!Tails: You bet!
The two climbed back aboard their steed.
OVA!Knuckles: Alright, giddy up, girl!
They headed off.
OMT!Tails: By the way, who's the bird next to you, Lilac?
Hedgehog Lilac: Oh, he's Red, from Dimension ROV-2009. The Society's leader brought him on since SEGA bought out the company that designed his universe.
OMT!Tails: Ah, I see! Well, have a good day, Red!
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Next on the tour was Sector 15, the site where multiversal villains were being held in different cells.
OMT!Tails: Who are all the guys in the cages?
Tekno: Those are the villains we've had to round up who've slipped into the wrong worlds by accident. We keep them here for a bit before sending them back home.
EV!Sonic: Yeah. Holding these guys long-term is not an option. I know canon events are outlawed in the Quill Society, but we just gotta be careful with them, since they definitively can't go out of their worlds for too long before glitching.
A pod hovered over with Sark sealed inside.
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Sark: Let me the hell out of this cage!
OMT!Tails: One of those Sonic.EXEs, huh? What's he in for?
EV!Sonic: Well, since you're still young, and I really don't want to ruin that innocence for you, I'll say he's in for unspeakable crimes that are truly unspeakable.
Tekno: We usually keep these guys deeper in the facility away from the other captives, but in Sark's case, he's getting the Ret-Gone treatment. He's too mentally out of his mind to go back to his world.
EV!Sonic: Yeah. Hey, Somari?
Somari walked up next to them.
Somari: You-a called, pal?
EV!Sonic: Get this guy's pod over to Sector 0 for erasure.
Somari: Alright-a, my friend. Okay, little child-a lover, you're-a coming with-a me!
Somari escorted that cage away, whilst OMT!Tails wanted to see more around this prison area. However, OMT!Mina seemed suspiciously eager to move on.
OMT!Mina: They're not all that interesting.
Tekno: "Not all that interesting"? Of course they can get interesting. Look. Over there with Sunky is Sir Fuzzy-Logik and one of the small video game Robotniks...
GG Spinball Robotnik: (angry beeps) Sunky: -_-
Tekno: Over on that end are Dr. Qwark, Witchcart, erm, Type-egg, who's simply ASCII text meshed into a man...
Type-egg (in a TTS voice like Microsoft Sam): Go to Helvetica, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Bold.
Tekno: Then over this way are an Eggrobo, Agent Stone, a Heavy Magician, an Emerl-.
OMT!Tails (shocked): An Emerl?!
EV!Sonic: Oh, er... Not your Emerl, we mean.
OMT!Tails approached one of the cells Pana and SS!Amy were guarding, with a Chaos-coloured Emerl suit on top and Speedy (or Battle Kakku XVI) inside.
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(Cell sprites by RaulHedgeBomber)
OMT!Tails: Hey.
Speedy: Hey. ... It's rude to stare, kid.
OMT!Tails: So, er, what's with Speedy and that altered Emerl suit?
Pana: Birdbrain was causing some chaos in one of the dimensions. Took me and mini Amy here to apprehend him and bring him here.
SS!Amy: Sure I bonked him the best, Pana.
Speedy: You two idiots kidding?! During my escape, I tripped! You heroes just got off lucky.
OMT!Tails: So how many missions have you guys been on together?
SS!Amy: Well, not too many.
Pana: With Mina? A... couple dozen?
OMT!Tails: Wait, what? (a little jealous) Ah, that's cool.
As he headed to the next spot, he bumped into Nicole.
OMT!Tails: Oh! Sorry!
The two's super-senses were resonating, with some kind of vibe between them.
OMT!Tails: I'm Tails!
Nicole: Woah, no way! Heh, there's lots of yous here too.
OMT!Mina: Can we please just keep moving?
But OMT!Tails had already followed Nicole into...
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(BG by Lithium)
Sector 30, the site of the Transport Hub, where Nicole quickly blipped to the other side of the room while GCD!Amy was maintaining the machinery there.
OMT!Tails: Woah... What are you?
Nicole: I'm a digital avatar! My real body is back in my home dimension chilling in a gaming chair and eating fruit salad. You know, I think I like it here better.
OMT!Tails could hear arguing parents through her digital body.
OMT!Tails: I hear that. What's this big spot behind me?
Nicole: Besides having a cool name? It's the Transport Hub!
OMT!Mina: At one point, I voted against it.
A Spider-Man version of Sonic showed up, quickly webbing up the Metal Sonic from Dimension OVA-1996 that somehow managed to slip in.
GCD!Amy: It allows you safe travel between dimensions, even without a way to summon portals!
OMT!Tails: Awesome!
GCD!Amy: Sure is! Got started engineering it after my scuffle with GlassCD back in my dimension. (to OVA!Metal) Now, goodbye, tin-can! Don't come back!
OVA!Metal was warped back to his dimension.
OMT!Mina: We should get going, Tails.
OMT!Tails: Okay. Uh, see you around?
Nicole: Good luck out there, Tails!
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OMT!Mina started dragging OMT!Tails out of the room, who had a cute face in reaction to that. Jealousy from Mina, much?
OMT!Tails: Okay, bye!
Nicole and GCD!Amy watched him go. Elsewhere, LM!Sonic was watching everything going on from the confines of a green and black data room.
E-21: You know, it sounds like LM!Sonic might be hungry at the moment. Amy Rouge: I heard he likes the Tex Mexan sandwiches from the café. Can't figure out why, though. OMT!Tails: Maybe that could cheer him up! Man, there's loads of food on the menu! How many places have SEGA collaborated with? Amy Rouge: All sorts! Now, to go, there's also meals like the Tails' 2x2x2, Dr. Eggman's Benedict, and even Sonic's Blue Blur Special! OMT!Tails: Man! You guys have everything!
LM!Sonic: My name is Sonic. I may not be the only blue blur in this joint, but I'm not like the others.
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LM!Sonic: I don't always like what I'm aiming to do, but I know I have to be the one to do it. I've given up FAR too much to stop now.
In the café, Pana came to talk to OMT!Tails after he bought the Tex Mexan sandwich he was looking for.
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Pana: Why do you wanna be in a huge community like this so badly?
OMT!Tails: To see people that are quite like me and can relate!
Pana: You know, I bet you got a nice set-up back at home. Nice family of sorts you have?
OMT!Tails: Absolutely.
Pana: Now, listen, Tails. Whole point of being the hero of your world is being capable of making your own choices. Being your own boss. Plus, you're a smart kid. I noticed you built your own interdimensional watch.
OMT!Tails: But if you're not a team-player all the time, why do you come here anyway?
Pana: Well, I'm just lookin' out for my songoose sis, is all. Just remember, only enlist once you know all the insides and outs of a job like this. You don't have to feel pressured to be a part of it now.
OMT!Tails: Yeah, I understand. I mean, it is a day out, and I do have Crimtake to stop as soon as we can track him down. I'll do everyone here proud!
Pana: That's the spirit, little Prower! Now, I think we need to have a word with LM in his dorm and uncover just what he's doing to distract you from the truth he's hiding about himself.
OMT!Tails: What "truth"?
Pana: Well, I ain't got a Scooby-Doo* what's outright going on, as he's wanting to leave people out of the loop.
[*cockney rhyming slang for "clue". - PDS]
Barry came by.
Barry: Oh, hey there!
OMT!Tails: Hi! You must be Barry, right? I heard a lot about you.
Barry: Hehe, thanks! You too!
Pana: Mind putting your investigation skills to use in here, Barry? I feel we really need it.
Barry: Okey-doke!
OMT!Tails: Alright. Let's see just what he's hiding.
They moved on to Sector 10 where the dorms were.
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analligatorr · 5 months
How's Brazil's:
And is worth visiting? I've visited the US once, and some people there where so xenophobic it made the whole experience bad
Food: Brasil is a mixed country, so our food has variations mixing indigenous, african and european cuisine. As I said before, each region has its own culture, and therefore also its typical foods. What I can recommend is: cuscuz (the northeastern one, not the São Paulo one), pão de queijo, feijoada (a classic), canjica, pamonha, fried macaxeira, coxinha, FAROFA! And like most of Latin America countries, our daily meals consist of rice and beans (accompanied by a steak and fries, it's divine. And of course, a little salad).
Music: well, here we have an absurd diversity of musical genres. Samba, Funk, Forró, Sertanejo, Brega, Bossa Nova, Brazilian Popular Music, the rock and rap here is absurdly good too.
About the people, we are quite warm in general, quite tactile too, there are those who say that we are noisy too, and i mean, that could be true xD I've heard gringos saying that we are quite unpleasant in that point (bad luck for them). I must warn you that depending on the region you decide to visit, be careful not to be left behind, they will charge more when they notice that you are a tourist, in other words, it is nice to have someone with you when you go shopping ;)
about xenophobia, I'm not going to lie and say it doesn't exist, Brazil is the most mixed-race country in the world, but it definitely exists. But in comparison to the US and Europe? heh, you know the way they see anyone who isn't white...
[I would also like to take advantage of this space to say people are going through a very critical situation due to the floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, my friend made a small thread on twitter explaining a little about the situation, you can read it here]
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milkybonya · 2 years
trust yourself ☆ jeongwoo
order 068, 🐦 anon: large honey milk tea with fresh taro and mango jelly for trsr's jeongwoo
!: a bit of angst here and there because reader is sad :(
#: idol!bf!jeongwoo x gn reader, comfort fluff
[💌: hi anon here you are ! i hope this fic can keep you warm on rainy days even tho its short and not that goodjdjdj!! also trust yourself by balming tiger is so good and so true,, ive added it at the bottom heh]
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having a significant other means sharing the good and the bad with them. it means laughing together, crying together, and everything inbetween. yet, having an idol boyfriend is a bit different... at least, it is for you. Jeongwoo is your everything.. so you don't want to hurt him. you close off when you're sad so he won't have to risk his mood being ruined by listening to you vent.
little do you know, his day is ruined when you don't vent. he's your boyfriend, for pete's sake! he gets worried when you close off and he'd rather cry with you than have you shedding tears all alone.
maybe it's because Jeongwoo, and maybe also you, are both so young. maybe you think that he has to be protected because of his young age. maybe it's something else.
Jeongwoo doesn't know.
he rattles his brain in the waiting room for answers after reading and rereading your text to him.
i'm sorry i've been mia, Jeongwoo. things are not so great and i don't want to burden you with that.
why would you be burdening him? why would you think that way?--
"hey, jeongjeong! watchu doin'," Jaehyuk asks Jeongwoo, sliding in beside him on a touch.
"just thinking," Jeongwoo mumbles back.
"y/n and how they won't share their sorrows with me because they don't want to burden me."
"ah.. y/n is just really considerate. but i get you.. it's hard to wait so long for a loved one. you don't have to force anything out of them--how about you just do something they love with them to cheer them up?" Jaehyuk explains.
Jeongwoo's eyes light up and he smiles.
"you're right!"
"Jeongwoo, 1 minute until camera rehearsals," a staff points out.
"i know! just let me--" Jeongwoo aggressively types out a text to you, telling you to meet him at your favourite café after his schedule is over. he pokes his tongue out as he types, focusing hard.
once it's done, he puts his phone away and joins the other members to prepare to rush on-stage.
meanwhile, you're at home watching the live of the music performance. you've been having such a hard time these days but your boyfriend and his group always make you feel a bit better. treasure are up next and just as they're about to go up, you get a text from Jeongwoo?! isn't he busy right now?!
you read it and smile, knowing that the typos must be from him typing his message to you in such a rush before his stage.
just watching him perform their comeback already fills you with so much joy, so you're giddy as you get changed and rush out to meet your boyfriend at the café. on the way, you hum treasure's songs, walking a little faster than usual and enjoying the warm breeze.
Jeongwoo is already there, still slightly sweaty and makeup+hair still intact as he smiles in your direction.
"y/n!" he stands up, grinning at the sight of you.
you're gorgeous despite your tired frame, and he's so happy to see you that his knees start feeling weak. you feel shy as you run up to hug him, butterflies filling you as his arms wrap around you. his hug is warm and his scent is like home.
"take a seat, i got you your favourite drink," he says, pushing the cup towards you.
you take it and drink, relaxing even more. the two of you are seated by the window and you briefly glance outside, watching as couples walk together.
"what's the occasion, Jeongjeong?" you ask.
"well... i know things haven't been so amazing for you lately. i just wanted to meet you in person to tell you that i love you and i'm rooting for you," he says, only meeting your eyes after he's done talking. he doesn't want to make you feel worse.
the effort he's made for you makes your heart ache, but in the best way possible.
"if you want to talk to me, i'm here. if not, i'm still here. i'll wait for you. and.. i just want you to trust yourself, no matter what's happening. please know.. it's okay to not be alright, and that things will be alright eventually. just take your time, everything will fall into place!"
you have to fight back tears as you reach for Jeongwoo's hands, giving them a big squeeze.
"i really needed to hear that, Jeongwoo. thank you," you say.
Jeongwoo's own lips wobble as he watches you get emotional, and he stares at the ceiling to stop himself from crying.
"hey, you big crybaby! don't cry because of me, i'll get sad.." you whine.
"i'm not crying!" he says, as his lips quiver more intensely.
you laugh, stroking his soft hair and caressing his cheek.
"i just love you, y/n. i won't let this world hurt you, ever." his eyes sparkle as he speaks to you and your heart is filled with warmth.
in that moment you realize that no matter what happens, you can overcome it, because you'll always have at least once person rooting for you.
and one of those people will always be me, dear reader. me, milky. ♡
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hyper-newt · 5 months
Comet Hook devlog #3
First prototype done !!!
Other devlogs : 1 - 2- 3
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New devlog !!!
I finished the prototype and you can play it :)
(it is bad though, but that's the point ! i can see what works and what doesn't)
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Here's what new down below :o
So first, i'm sorry for the lack of devlogs, I actually finished the prototype a month and a half ago, but I needed to tweak some stuff before releasing it. And uh college stuff and I had to study. But I have a break right now so here we are :)
I wanted to lock in to finish the prototype, it is quite rushed but it helps to fail faster. That's why I removed a bunch of animation and simplified some stuff so i could work more on the gameplay loop (and now it's your problem >:) ).
And so, here are some notable changes : (also some gif are from old builds of the game, so stuff are a bit different on the public prototype)
Fusing comets ! Replaces having multiple comets at the same time (Having multiples comets should be an upgrade, but heh too lazy to code it)
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There's three type of upgrade right now :
D -> Defense (bunch of extra health)
A -> Attack (extra health + extra damage)
S -> Speed (extra health + extra speed)
The little number under the letter is its health. So when you hit a fish with the comet, only the first upgrade will be hurt.
You can have up to three upgrades at once.
Catch multiple fishes
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Catching multiples fishes at the same time grants you a bigger and stronger comet ! Isn't that cool ? But now if you do bad at the minigame, it will end (you can see the fish health at the right, and yours at the left).
Also fishes stay stunned for a limited time now, so you can't catch all of them at the same time
The Shop
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I will not speak about how it looks
But anyway, take a comet, throw it in the sell box, and take an item like a comet and throw it in the buy box ! easy
And if you want money outside of selling, there's some gold fishes swimming around that you can KILL for money <3
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Mini bosses
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You see these little red orbs ? Destroy all the fishes around it and it will be unlock.
Attack it again, and !!! A miniboss !!!
Catch them all and you'll finish the level
A map to explore with upgrades
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These little thingy make you stronger (health, speed and attack), collect them !
An actual boss ! (no spoilers hehe)
niark niark you'll have to suffer through the whole prototype
Now that the prototype is done, here are my thougths on it
I think it's a bit too hard and not that much intuitive, it also doesn't feel that much like a fishing game :/
The fishing minigame is also kinda boring, but that's because I didn't bother coding something smart. Though I think I can make it better in an other way.
I'm not a big fan of the gameplay loop, having to fight some minibosses could be cool but the way I did it doesn't really work
And finally comets can get annoying ! At the end you have too much of them and that's a waste of performance + no one will go get the comets they left behind, so I do need to work on it.
I go a bit more in depth in the itch.io description :
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So I'll make another prototype (but I'll remove the boss at the end, it isn't worth it for a prototype, but for a demo sure! )
And for the youtube video version of these devlogs, I learning to write music to not rely on copyrighted content but it takes time :(
Anyway I hope you'll still have fun playing it though (three out of four people that tried the game liked it, that's neat)
Next devlog will be about another game, I want to try out some other games idea. I hope to be able to release it in a month or less, depends how I'm feeling (im sick of coding, drawing is easier and I can't even do that because it goes against the idea of prototyping argh !!!)
Thank you for reading this devlog and have a good day
bye byeeeee!!!!
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ivant1ll · 2 years
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this theme has nothing to do with the fic but idc its pretty
characters included : ace trappola , lilia vanrouge , ruggie bucchi , kalim al-asim , floyd leech rollerskating with some of the twst boys except y/n is literal shit at it
word count = 1790
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List of bad ideas you should NEVER do!! 1. Invite your friend out to rollerskating when you’ve never even put skates on a day in your life.
Ace just assumed you were scared to skate at first, he accepted the offer but noticed you a bit shaky and unsure once you both make it to the place.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared to skate now y/n, we’re already here!” You break the unexpected news to the redhead. “Well… heh funny story! I don’t really know how to skate…”
“You WHAT?! DID YOU JUST ASSUME YOU’D PUT THE SKATES ON AND SUDDENLY BE ABLE TO???” After some ridicule from Ace and partial annoyance at learning this information, he reluctantly agrees to help you learn.
He’d be holding onto your arm to make sure you don’t tumble over while your other hand holds onto the ledge. You start off quite wobbly but Ace encourages you along with an occasional comment of “Wow Y/n… you really do suck at this!” Followed by a laugh.
The loud music blaring in the background of the skating rink only made it harder to hear Ace trying to give you direction but in the end you got the hang of it. Other than one slight tumble that was followed by immediate laughter, skating with Ace happens to be quite fun even if you don't know how to do it.
After a few hours of skating, you both are tired as can be and decide that it's time to leave. Knowing Ace though you make sure to tell him before you both walk out, "I swear if tomorrow we head to school and Deuce knows about this you're dead."
"No promises y/n~ would be a shame if I sent him this video I got of you falling...!" A play fight ensued, but you had fun nonetheless.
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Knowing that Lilia is always up for a good time, it seemed like roller skating would be a nice idea! He seemed more than eager at the idea when you called him to invite him and accepted quite fast, slight issue.. you can't skate and didn't realize until you were outside the rink!!!
Knowing that more than likely Lilia is quite good at it, you tried your best to keep it a secret. Maybe you can just play it off as if you are having an off day so it's messing up your technique!!! "Yep, just an off day..." you'd think to yourself.
After you both meet up in the rink and Lilia gets his skates on, you signal for him to go ahead as you go get your skates, "Oh no don't worry y/n I don't mind waiting! Why we still have to race around!" He has a little smirk as those haunting words come out his mouth.
Fuck. You're screwed!!! You slip the skates on and hold onto the ledge as best as you can, Lilia seems a bit confused at first but you play it off enough to where he doesn't question. It was until you got into the rink that things got bad
You have nothing else to do but blurt it out "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SKATE..." Which catches Lilia off guard a little bit but, to your shock he laughs and rather than seeming upset, he lends you a hand
"Well then y/n, isn't this interesting! I guess I'll be teaching you before any racing~" Lilia makes sure to keep a decent grip onto you as he guides you through the motions of learning. Keeping you firm in place if it seems like you'll slip, he is actually a really good skating teacher! You both have a lot of fun and can't help but giggle at your inexperience at times. Though you don't fully learn by the end of the trip, Lilia definitely wasn't lying when he said he was good at skating, and you surely both enjoyed yourself!
"Remind me that I still owe you that race next time, I'll learn by then I swear!"
"Khee hee, then I expect a really good race against you y/n!"
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Ruggie seemed a little confused at your offer at first apparently "you didn't seem like the type to roller skate" and I mean, neither did he but seemed cool so he decided to tag along!
You both arrive and his suspicions were confirmed, but you were quite shocked to learn that Ruggie didn't really know how to skate either! He was quite wobbly standing up and at that point you both knew that you were in for a wild ride
"Yeah probably should have thought of at least learning something first before doing this!" You laugh nervously as you look towards Ruggie who at this point is struggling to even make his way over to you, "Uh,, YOU THINK??" You laugh in response. "Well then, I guess this'll be a learning experience for the both of us..."
You both make your way out to the middle of the rink, you would both occasionally motion to grabbing onto the other person's shoulder when you think you'll fall, but you would both end up catching your balance before it could happen. "Hey y/n you better not fall cause then I'll laugh so hard that I'll fall too!" Ruggie teases at you as you just grin and roll your eyes in response.
Gaining some form of a rhythm was the goal of the two of you, so you both take turns trying to gain a steady pace while the other points out something that could possibly help. Every now and then either you or Ruggie would get a little cocky with it and try to go faster than you knew you could go. Of course, you'd fall and the other would burst into laughter.
For what it is this trip could be considered quite successful, you both didn't learn much but, the stuff that happened in itself while y'all learned was funny enough to make the experience just as good! But,, maybe it would be best to choose something that at least one of you know how to do next time.
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Kalim would probably have been the one to invite you. You tell him that you don't know how to really skate and might not be able to go. Kalim being Kalim he offered in a heartbeat to try and teach you. "I'm not that good myself y/n, but I'll try my best!" Gotta love Kalim.
Once you and Kalim meet up at the place, you are both quite excited to try and skate together. Kalim would totally be the person to try to skate on beat with the music and hold your wrist while skating to make sure you don't fall.
You are both pretty steady, you'd stumble more than Kalim and if you did happen to fall he wouldn't pause for a second to help you get back up, checking if you're okay. Kalim points out tips to you that can help you improve how you skate, and ensures that you are having fun.
Eventually Kalim would fall, just to giggle it off right after and thank you for helping him up. Kalim would teach you quite well, having good balance and rhythm being key he'd tell you. By the end of the day you are able to skate decently on your own!
"Kalim, I thought you 'weren't very good at this' yet you could teach me just fine?" You'd ask him.
"Well, I don't think I'm really good! Jamil is MUCH better than me at this I suppose I've picked up on a few things from him! I'm really having fun though skating with you y/n!" You do nothing more than giggle in response. Today was fun, hanging out with Kalim is fun, hangout SUCCESSFUL!!!
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Anything fun Floyd is up for, so it wouldn't be much of a question as to whether he was down or not to go skating with you. "Be ready Little Shrimpy, I might just chase you down while we're skating~". Of course that being the most "Floyd answer" you can receive you just giggle and say that you'll see him later.
"You can't skate how the hell can you escape him if you can barely keep yourself standing up in those skates." Is probably what you'd think to yourself as you arrive to place. Floyd takes no time to quickly greet you and you both make it inside and put on your skates.
Floyd seems like the type of person to also fall into the rhythm of the music blaring throughout the place and end up falling or stuff cause he get's way too excited/cocky and goes way too fast. You can try your best to keep him in check but's its pretty hard when you cant even maneuver in the skates yourself.
Without hesitation... Floyd begins skating in the opposite direction not realizing you actually have to go a certain way, either that or he just felt like going whichever way he wanted. After a scolding from the staff, he obviously looked upset so trying to help out you'd give him an offer that you know would make him happy and keep him interested but,,, could be your death wish.
"So Floyd,,, up to chase me down like you said before?"
HIs eyes would light up with excitement, "You know at first I didn't really feel like it but, now that you offer, this seems pretty fun." He laughs, "Get ready Little Shrimpy because I sure bet I can still squeeze you even here~".
"Oh shit." To say the least running from Floyd taught you how to skate more than any teacher could have at that moment, it was fight or flight. The fight being fighting Floyd off of you if he did happen to squeeze you. You obviously didn't get much but floyd seemed to find amusement in your lack of experience as you ran from him. In the end you did succumb to the circumstances of the current chase and you fell right over in the middle of the rink. So suddenly that in fact Floyd who was behind you couldn't stop himself either, crashing right into you.
Silence, you hope that didn't throw off Floyds mood
The ensuite of laughter from the moray afterward calmed down your fears and you began to laugh too. Needless to say maybe skating is quite fun as you are being chased down by your friend and you don't even know how to do it! What a weird way of having fun indeed~
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© grayson-png :do not repost or claim my work as ur own
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