#i found out about Tim Drake and then Jon Kent
jayzelnut · 2 years
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I've been duped by cis men yet again
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andyling · 1 year
So like, y’know how Tim and Damien are kinda having a custody battle for the Robin title right now because DC never really managed to successfully give Tim his own identity? Well maybe we can have a series focused on exactly that, Tim finding a new hero identity. 
Do I ship Tim and Kon? Yes. Do I understand that Tim is in a relationship with Bernard right now? Yes. Do I know that DC would never let the poly relationship happen? Yes. 
But guess what, I don’t give a fuck. I’m desperate here. These two don’t need to smooch I just need them to talk to each other and be best friends and go on adventures and figure their shit out. I MISS THEM. THEIR RELATIONSHIP DYNAMIC, EXCLUDING ANY ROMANCE, IS AMAZING AND I NEED MORE OF IT. 
Think about it, Kon and Tim know that Jon and Damien are going to take the mantles of “Superboy” and “Robin” and they have to learn to move on. They struggle to let go, they doubt whether they truly can make a name for themselves. So, they decide to leave Metropolis and Gotham. They separate themselves from the people that have defined their entire heroic lives. But both of them are afraid of being alone, so they go together. One last journey as Robin and Superboy. 
They travel the world together. They meet some familiar faces. 
Maybe they go visit Greta and Cissie and we get to see how their civilian lives are going. Perhaps the girls suggest that maybe the two need to let the hero life go. Maybe Tim and Kon even consider it, but they realize that being a hero is what they want to do. (AND THEY DON’T FIGURE IT OUT WHILE IN A FIGHT OR SOMETHING, NO THEY JUST FUCKING TALK. THEY BEAT SOME SHITHEAD UP AND THEN THEY TALK. WHY DID THEY BECOME HEROS? WHY DO THEY WANT TO KEEP BEING HEROS? GIVE THEM SOME FUCKING DEPTH DC I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD) 
Shenanigans ensure, blah blah blah. They meet more familiar faces, some friendlier than others. They meet new people that help them along their journey. They now fully understand what makes them different from other heros and how they want to put those skills to use. They know what kind of heros they want to be and are ready to pave a new path for themselves.
And at the end of it the two choose new names for themselves that are hopefully not stupid and are very cool and suits them. The two have a touching moment where they say just how much the other means to them. Then they hug, maybe kiss (sorry i’m delusional), and then go their separate ways. 
Tim returns to Gotham, returns to his family, and we get a nice little reunion between the bat family. He officially resigns as Robin and the first time his new hero identity is put into action is in Gotham with the rest of his family because no matter what, he’s still a bat. Tim, as a hero, does his thing and stops crime and keeps the city safe. However he also focuses his attention on the political and corporate corruption happening in not just Gotham city, but all around the world. He even uses his influence as Tim Drake-Wayne if it can help. Most people won’t know he’s the one digging up evidence and ensuring justice is served, but that’s okay. So long as people’s lives can be changed for the better, he’ll be happy. 
Kon returns to Metropolis and talks to Clark. They have a heart to heart conversation and Kon official gives up the title of Superboy. He then goes to Jon and Kon officially gives his mantle to him. Kon was the first Superboy and Jon will be a more than worthy successor. Unlike Tim, Kon doesn’t stay in his home city. He bounces around from place to place aiding whoever is need of his assistance, whether that be working with another hero to stop a villain or helping a small community recover from a devastating natural disaster. He may not have a home city like other heros, but he still has a home. That home is simply spread out all over the world. After all for Kon, home is wherever his friends are. 
We fast forward a few months. Tim and Kon meet up at the old Young Justice base. They joke about how much they hated each other when they first met, which leads into a serious conversation about much has changed. Despite everything, they both agree that they’ve changed for the better and will continue to keep improving themselves and their lives. And yet, even after all of that . . .
“Kon, we may have given up our old names, but we’re still a part of those legacies. No matter what the future has in store, there are some things that will never change. You’re my Superboy. Always will be.”
“And you’ll always be my Robin.” 
And the comic ends. 
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 17/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Seventeen: Prep Time
Laney sat with Jason in the car parked outside the manor for a while in silence. "You gonna go in?" Laney asked.
"Uhh... I—. Yeah, I'm gonna go in," Jason replied, "I think..." Laney nudged him.
"I'm just asking because I think I see your dad staring at us from the second floor," Laney mumbled as he waved. Jason got out of the car.
"I'll see you in a little bit, okay?" Jason asked. Laney blew him a kiss.
"I'll count the seconds," Laney joked. Jason cracked a smile and turned to walk toward the front door. Laney waited until Jason got in the door before driving off.
Bruce stood still for a while across from Jason, and he embraced him. "I didn't know you—."
"Is anyone else home?" Jason asked. Bruce shook his head. "Good, can you tell me something?"
"I didn't lie to you about anything else—."
"No, I just wanted to talk to you," Jason interrupted once more, "How do you feel about Laney?"
Bruce opened his mouth to speak and grew quiet. "I don't think I really know him," Bruce answered.
"But do you like him?" Jason asked.
"If he makes you happy, I do. Are you asking because he didn't feel comfortable coming in?" Bruce asked. Jason shook his head.
"No, I'm asking because I'm in love with him," Jason answered, taking a deep breath as he waited for Bruce's reaction.
Bruce sat down on the arm of the couch, and he looked up at Jason. "This isn't at all like the time that you said you were engaged to that model because you were mad at me, is it?" Bruce asked. Jason shook his head. "Well, then I think it's great that you're in love... Jason, I found something of yours the other day."
Jason waited for Bruce to stand before following him out of the living room and upstairs to his old room. Everything was just as Jason left it, except for Jason's old journal. "I was looking for my notes from a business meeting a few months ago, and this was in my room. Did you leave it there on purpose?" Bruce asked. Jason squinted and repeated the question to himself as if he were trying to recall the day he left.
"I don't remember. Did you read it?" Jason asked. Bruce nodded.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose before sitting on Jason's bed. "I wasn't sure if you left it where you did on purpose or not—."
Jason shook his head. "We're okay now. Really, and everything in that journal is from when I first got here... I'd really appreciate it if we could just forget about this," Jason whispered. Bruce nodded.
Jason chuckled. "What?" Bruce asked.
"I just thought when Dick called that you might've been mad at me for something," Jason replied, "I didn't know it was because you found my journal."
Bruce smiled and shook his head. "I thought that maybe you'd remember how it got there, and we'd be able to talk about it," Bruce explained, "But if you're not too busy, maybe we can go for a swim."
"You wanna go for a swim? Right now?" Jason asked.
"I think you left some of your old—."
"I did, and I'll be back down in a second," Jason interrupted. Bruce smiled and closed Jason's door behind him on the way out. Jason took a deep breath and looked around the room. It'd only been a few months since he'd been there, but everything about the room seemed so far away, like a distant memory. Jason looked in his dresser for a pair of swim shorts and slipped them on before making his way downstairs.
He nearly knocked Alfred over on his way down the stairs. "Well I-. Master Jason," Alfred looked at Jason as if he'd seen a ghost. Jason embraced him.
"Hey," Jason smiled, "Long time no see." A warm smile spread across Alfred's face, and he gave Jason a gentle pat on the arm.
"Do try to be more careful next time," Alfred warned him, still unable to stop smiling. Jason nodded.
"I will," Jason replied before making his way out to the pool. Bruce was already in the water. "Why didn't you tell me Alfred was home? I almost knocked him over on the way down the stairs."
"He wasn't home when you asked," Bruce answered. Jason set his phone on the chair before dipping his feet in the water. "You still don't like the water, do you?"
Jason looked at the water that surrounded his feet. "Hm?" Jason asked.
"I don't even know if you can swim," Bruce replied.
"I can swim if I have to. I just don't like to," Jason replied. Bruce nodded.
"What did you do yesterday?" Bruce asked.
"I didn't do much. I just went to school, Lane brought me dinner, and I spent the night at his place," Jason answered.
"You spent the night?" Bruce asked, a little alarmed.
Jason nodded and kicked his feet around in the water. "Why? Do you think it's too soon?" Jason asked.
"I don't think it's too soon. If you thought it was the right time, it was the right time," Bruce answered, "I'd think this is what you and Dick talk about when he calls."
"Definitely not what Dick and I talk about on the phone," Jason answered as he tilted his head up toward the sky to look at the clouds.
"Well, Jason, how did you feel about spending the night?" Bruce asked.
Jason smiled. "You know, he sat up the whole night just so he wouldn't wake me?" Jason asked. "Being there felt right."
Once Bruce was ready to get out of the pool, Jason followed him back inside for lunch, and Alfred left to pick up Damian from school. "Dad, I can't stay after lunch... I've gotta go get ready for Tim's gig at the school," Jason announced in between bites. Bruce smiled.
"It was nice having lunch with you even if you couldn't stay long," Bruce replied.
Jason's phone rang. "Sorry, this is Lane... Hi, Lane," Jason answered.
"Are you and your dad getting along okay?" Laney asked.
"Yeah, it's going fine," Jason replied, "I had a great time."
"I just wanted you to know I was on my way... Unless you wanna stay a little longer," Laney replied softly.
"I'll be ready when you get here," Jason answered.
"Can I say it first this time?" Laney asked.
"No, you can't. I love you, Lane," Jason smiled.
"I love you too," Laney replied before hanging up. Jason put his phone away before finishing his sandwich.
"Dad, I gotta go, but I think maybe we should have lunch next weekend," Jason smiled before going upstairs to shower and change into some clean clothes. When he got back downstairs, Laney and Bruce spoke in a whisper by the door.
"That's great. I think Jason's gonna love that," Bruce smiled.
"Love what?" Jason asked.
"That we're getting along," Laney smiled, "You ready to go?" Jason nodded. Bruce said his goodbyes, and Jason followed Laney out to the car.
"What were you talking about?" Jason asked.
"You," Laney answered, "We could talk about you some more if you want. I personally have some really nice things to say about your butt—."
"Shut up," Jason laughed as he turned his head to look out the window.
"It's so perfect. You have the perfect butt—."
"Laney, stop," Jason groaned as he covered his face.
"You changed your clothes," Laney smiled, "Why?"
"We went for a swim," Jason replied. Laney glanced over at Jason for a moment.
"I didn't know you could swim," Laney replied. Jason nodded.
"I don't like to get in the water, but I can swim. I just dipped my feet in the water," Jason explained. Laney reached over and placed his hand lovingly on the back of Jason's head.
Jason didn't speak. Instead, he only smiled and relaxed his shoulders. "That's how I felt, too," Laney smiled, "Jason, can I ask you something?"
"Okay," Jason answered in a half-whisper.
"How do you get your ass so perfect? Is it squats?" Laney asked, and Jason let out an involuntary laugh.
"Stop talking about my ass," Jason chuckled.
Laney smiled. "I just like seeing your face turn red when I bring it up," he replied, "You're so shy... We'll work on that."
"Okay," Jason answered softly without protest. Laney stopped at his apartment building, and they went upstairs. Jason sat at the counter while Laney went to feed Gus, and a large man came out of Sylvia's room.
"You must be Laney Kent, the roommate. Luna, he's a lot bigger than you made him—."
"Oh, no, sir, I'm Jason," Jason corrected. Laney came out of his room.
"Oh—. Jason, this a friend of yours?" Laney asked.
Jason shook his head and shrugged. Sylvia came out of her room. "Daddy, this is Laney, my roommate, and this is Jason, Lane's boyfriend," Sylvia explained, "This is my dad."
"You boys can call me Noah," he shook Jason's hand and then Laney's. "Now you look more like what she described."
"Are you coming to the concert tonight?" Laney asked Noah and Sylvia.
"Yeah, I'm riding with my dad," Sylvia answered, and Noah kissed her on the cheek.
"And I insist on making everyone dinner after. The band included, it's the least I can do. Luna has nothing but good things to say about how protective you've been of her," Noah smiled.
"Luna?" Laney asked.
"It's a nickname. My mom's name means light, and my middle name means moon," Sylvia explained, "And my dad's a chef. You should definitely let him make dinner for you."
"She's right," Noah smiled, "I really do insist."
Laney smiled and nodded. "You can have my room while you're in town if you want," Laney replied, "I insist." Noah nodded.
Laney poured Jason a glass of water, and Jason thanked him. "How long are you gonna be in Gotham?" Jason asked.
"Just until tomorrow night. Luna's mother wouldn't let me sleep until I came to check on her and see how she was living," Noah smiled, "And now that we're sure that Luna is okay, I can go home and sleep... But not until I cook for all of you."
The four of them sat and talked for a while before Laney changed clothes in his room and excused Jason and himself by reminding Jason that they had to do laundry at Jason's. Once they were in Laney's car, Laney looked at Jason and chuckled. "Noah's hot—."
"I was thinking the same thing!" Jason exclaimed.
"Fuck," Laney laughed, "Do you wanna go get some frozen yogurt and wash your sheets?"
"Yes, please... Hey, Lane?" Jason asked. Laney looked over at him. "Let's do a re-do of our first date until you have a good time, okay?"
Laney nodded and smiled. "That sounds good," Laney replied, "But I feel like that's not the question you originally wanted to ask."
"What's the weirdest thing someone you've been out with has ever said to you?" Jason asked.
"This one guy recited the Bill of Rights from memory. That was fun," Laney giggled. Jason smiled and scrunched up his nose. "That's new. I like that."
"Huh?" Jason asked.
"You wrinkled your nose... And we're here. Let's go do your laundry," Laney replied as he got out of the car, and Jason let Laney into his apartment. Laney took the hamper, and they walked to the elevator, where Laney took a deep breath.
"I've got it, okay?" Jason whispered. Laney nodded, and he was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. Jason carried the basket the rest of the way and got quarters for the machine. "Go sit down. I've got it."
Laney sat on the bench and watched as Jason put his laundry in the washing machine. He waited until Jason sat down to rest his head on Jason's shoulder. "Tired?" Jason asked. Laney sat up when he heard the sound of concern in Jason's voice.
"I'm okay, just a little sluggish. It's been a busy day," Laney reassured him as he dug through his pockets for his phone and earbuds. He gave Jason an earbud and started playing music on his phone.
"You sure? You can always take my key and take a nap upstairs—."
"You sound like my parents. I'm fine, I promise," Laney replied. Jason kissed Laney's cheek.
"You smell good," Jason whispered as he leaned in to press another kiss to Laney's cheek, and Laney pulled away. Jason sat in silence as Laney looked into his eyes, and his breath caught before they kissed.
Laney smiled and gave Jason a little peck on the lips before laying his head on Jason's shoulder once more. "You smell good too," Laney whispered in reply.
"I like this song," Jason whispered.
"I know. You recommended it to me," Laney closed his eyes. Jason made a soft, humming noise, lulling Laney to sleep. It wasn't until Jason had to get up to put his blankets in the dryer that he realized Laney was asleep. "Hm?" Laney asked, half-distressed.
"I'm just getting up to put the sheets in the dryer," Jason whispered. Laney screwed up his face as if he were upset and stretched out his arms. "We never got frozen yogurt."
"We didn't?" Laney asked. Jason kissed Laney's forehead. He took his laundry out of the wash and moved them over to the dryer. "You mad?"
Jason turned to look at Laney and shook his head. "Lane, you want a soda or something?" Jason asked. Laney shook his head. "Wanna go lay down in my apartment?"
"No, I'm fine," Laney yawned. Jason turned back to the dryer and threw in a dryer sheet before turning it on and sitting back down.
"Did you dream?" Jason asked. Laney shook his head.
"I was kind of awake for a second there," Laney mumbled, "Did you offer me a soda?"
"I didn't, but I can," Jason giggled. Laney nodded and leaned forward, and he ran a hand over his face. Jason walked over to the vending machine and came back with a strawberry soda for Laney. "Lane? When we go back up to my apartment, do you wanna take a nap with me?"
"M'kay... But only because you're in such an affectionate mood right now," Laney answered. As soon as Laney finished half of his drink, Jason took the can and drank the other half.
Once the sheets were done drying, Jason stuffed them back into the hamper and carried them to the elevator. Jason left the sheets on the bed and pulled the couch bed out.
Laney kicked his shoes off and lay down, and Jason went through Laney's bag and plugged in his CPAP before lying down next to Laney and turning the TV on. Laney put his mask on and lay his head on Jason's chest. Laney took in a breath of air and fell asleep almost immediately, while Jason sat up for a while, watching Laney breathe. The gentle cadence of the rise and fall of Laney's chest seemed to allow Jason to unwind enough to go to sleep as well.
Laney slept for nearly an hour before waking up to his alarm. "Jay, you ready to go?" Laney asked. Jason groaned and stretched out and pulled Laney back down with him. "Let's stay," Jason mumbled.
"We gotta go, I promised Kon," Laney whispered as he wiggled free. "And I need you to drive."
"Okay, and after dinner, we'll come back here?" Jason asked. Laney kissed Jason and rolled off the couch bed.
"Uh-huh," Laney smiled. Jason sat up and waited for Laney to throw him the car keys. "Besides, I was looking forward to dancing with you tonight. Let me show off, just this once." Jason chuckled and took Laney's hand.
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jontimbeliever · 3 months
Hey, just curious, how does this ship handle the Savior incident? I'm of course referring to when future Tim tried to murder Jon. Do you have any headcanons about it?
The Savior Incident
and how it fits into Jon Kent x Tim Drake is a pretty interesting event and one that definitely sticks with Jon throughout his life.
My HC about it is that Jon is well aware that Tim isn’t really his Tim. However that doesn’t mean his Tim wouldn’t have the same thoughts about Jon being dangerous etc. I think this is definitely something that would deter Jon from really attempting to get close to Tim at first. The trauma from the event commanding most of his choices. However we should note at the end of that arc the savior did in fact sorta find a way to save the timeline without hurting Jon and threw himself into the solar flare Jon was bursting out.
So it seemed like overall Savior didn’t really want to get rid of Jon but it he had too until he found an alternative. This reminds Jon that Tim isn’t totally ruthless and does indeed have some sort of heart to him.
Savior isn’t really Jon’s Tim so relating back to Jon interacting with his own Tim I think he’s extremely cautious at first around Tim. Tim just thinks Jon isn’t much of a talker or maybe he did something wrong. One day Tim actually speaks up and asks Jon why he’s acting so weird around him all the time and Jon does explain how the previous event with savior sorta altered his view of Tim, scared that his Tim thinks he’s some sort of monster. Jon’s Tim obviously stating that he doesn’t think that about Jon at all and actually apologizing for the traumatic event the alternative future version of him put Jon through.
I think it’ll take time but eventually they work through it for the most part. However Jon still gets insecure from time to time about it.
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hearteyeshayley · 1 year
could you post other parts of your og draft for “call me from the platform”? i love your stories and the way you write the characters is amazing!
ahh thank you! <3 <3 <3 This ask makes me feel like a real fic writer lmao. I'd love to share!!! call me from the platform is definitely the fic I've spent the longest working on, and each draft was so different!
Here's a cut scene from the draft where I was still doing Damian's POV:
Damian couldn’t eat the breakfast sandwiches. They were made of egg, cheese, and bacon. He texted Jon and instructed him to meet at the nearest park. Damian already claimed a picnic table for them. The food was cold by the time he got there, but he accepted the bag when Damian pushed it toward him. 
“Thanks,” Jon said. 
“I can’t eat them. They’re probably terrible, anyway. Drake bought them.” 
“Why did he buy you food you can’t eat?” Jon asked, unwrapping a sandwich and taking a bite. 
“He bought them for himself,” Damian studied Jon’s face carefully, and pointedly added, “and Conner.” 
Jon huffed a little laugh, which was extra gross because he was eating. He chewed and swallowed.
“Wow, Conner. He must be growing on you. You called me Kent forever.” 
“Shut up, Kent.” 
Jon smiled fondly and Damian forced himself to looked away. 
“Aren’t you going to ask why I stole their breakfast?” 
“Was it because they annoyed you?” 
“Conner said he knows you’ve snuck out of the house.” 
Jon cringed. 
“Oh, shoot. Well, sometimes it’s hard to stop yourself from listening and everything. Dad’s way better at it. I bet he doesn’t know, at least.” 
Damian leaned forward. 
“Have you ever accidentally listened to Conner? Perhaps there’s something we could use against him, to make sure he doesn’t tattle.” 
“Um… no. But I don’t think he’ll tell. He’s cool. And he hasn’t so far.” 
Damian sat back and tapped his finger against the table. So, Jon didn’t know. He didn’t think he did, because Jon told him everything. The thought made his stomach twist but he ignored the pull of guilt. Jon told him everything, and Damian had secrets. They both knew it, so it was fine. 
He thought that seeing Father for essentially two days a week would repair their relationship, but they fought more than ever. When they returned to the cave in the early hours of dawn they got into their worst fight yet over whether or not Damian would be attending college. He pretended to go to bed before sneaking out and catching a string of public transportation to the outskirts of Metropolis. By the time he walked back to Tim’s he’d been up for 24 hours and all he wanted to do was wake him up and tell him the new plan—  that he would be staying in Metropolis full-time and patrolling with Jon— but it wasn’t Tim sleeping in his bed. 
It was an embarrassing shock, to say the least. He’d learned to knock after years of living with Dick and Bruce, but he never expected that sort of surprise from Tim. And he certainly didn’t expect Tim to be gay or bisexual or whatever. He managed to compose himself before confronting the clone— but then he tried to pull that basic blackmailing bullshit, threatening to make it more difficult for him to see Jon. It set him off, even though now that he’d had time to cool down, he realized Jon was right. Conner Kent was hardly a threat. 
It wouldn’t be right to tell Jon, no matter how much he itched to.
But finding out Tim was queer rattled him and left him strangely on edge. He wanted to talk about it with someone, so they would be rattled, too, and he would have concrete proof that it wasn’t just him. It was news that would shock anyone. If Grayson found out, he would be rattled. If Jason found out, his chest would tighten. If Duke found out, he would feel off balance. Just like Damian. 
Jon crumpled up the sandwich wrapper and shoved it back into the bag. He stretched. He could draw Jon with his eyes closed but he still caught himself staring at him all the time like he was a fresh face he needed to memorize. By this point it must’ve been habit. Jon’s arms were long and lean, but he had filled out a lot since starting high school. The lines that made up his face had gotten sharper. His eyes, even behind his glasses, were brighter than the blue sky behind him. It was impossible to capture the way they lit up on canvas, even though Damian was a very talented artist. 
“Do you want to hang out at my house?” Jon asked. 
Damian wasn’t sure what he wanted at all.
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
we all need to change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xmWYMwr
by Ray1215
the truth was that we never went after Bruce the league did after they found out that after ten years Bruce was alive. What they don't know was that the bats had not saved him on purpose will unless you are a signific other that was later brought into the fold. of it, all that was told how their reasoning (Jon) or witnessed their treatment by Bruce and trying for years to get them to leave Bruce behind (Kon/Kori/Roy) and was happy that they made that design. the joker has been dead for years. most did not try to do crime anymore as Tim was CEO of Wayne Enterprise to the point that they loved him as CEO and immediately knew when someone was pretending to be him though win bruce was CEO no one knew the difference. Have there been scandals after Bruce's death? yes, but that were things out of our control for the most part the one that they had the most part was the teen pregnancy with Tim and Kon. was Ra's creepy about Tim due to him wanting Tim to give him an heir sadly.
Words: 281, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Original Child(ren) of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Jonathan Kent, Koriand'r, Roy Harper
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Abusive Bruce Wayne, i am only but romance relationship, Bruce Wayne is Lost in Time, kon and bart are alive, Trans Tim Drake, FTM Tim Drake, Ten Years Later, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, hes gone for ten year, Teen Pregnancy, Cassandra Cain is Batman, Creepy Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Damian Wayne is Robin
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xmWYMwr
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
we all need to change
by Ray1215
the truth was that we never went after Bruce the league did after they found out that after ten years Bruce was alive. What they don't know was that the bats had not saved him on purpose will unless you are a signific other that was later brought into the fold. of it, all that was told how their reasoning (Jon) or witnessed their treatment by Bruce and trying for years to get them to leave Bruce behind (Kon/Kori/Roy) and was happy that they made that design. the joker has been dead for years. most did not try to do crime anymore as Tim was CEO of Wayne Enterprise to the point that they loved him as CEO and immediately knew when someone was pretending to be him though win bruce was CEO no one knew the difference. Have there been scandals after Bruce's death? yes, but that were things out of our control for the most part the one that they had the most part was the teen pregnancy with Tim and Kon. was Ra's creepy about Tim due to him wanting Tim to give him an heir sadly.
Words: 281, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Original Child(ren) of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassandra Cain, Jonathan Kent, Koriand'r, Roy Harper
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Roy Harper/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Abusive Bruce Wayne, i am only but romance relationship, Bruce Wayne is Lost in Time, kon and bart are alive, Trans Tim Drake, FTM Tim Drake, Ten Years Later, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, hes gone for ten year, Teen Pregnancy, Cassandra Cain is Batman, Creepy Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Damian Wayne is Robin
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47243353
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robbed-ghost · 2 years
Hi getting emotional about Chris Kent who was retconned in new 52 BUT OH MY GOD !!!!! He was adopted by Clark and Lois, abused by General Zod (his bio-father), learned he was the physical avatar of the Kryptonian god Nightwing, is spiritually connected with his likewise fellow avatar and crime fighting partner Flamebird, has a different molecular structure on earth than in the phantom zone so his physical age changes randomly and has !!!! A bunch of cool powers!!!! He can teleport through shadows, see into every shadow, can control shadows, I’m freaking out.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Bernard Figures It Out
Was reading through all the comments on @frostbittenbucky's post and all I could think of was that it was Bernard talking to Tim. Then I got to thinking...
"I've connected the two dots."
"You didn't connect shit."
"I've connected them."
Bernard figures out Tim's a superhero... sort of.
Tim fidgetted nervously as he waited on the front porch of his boyfriend’s house. Bernard had sounded so serious when he’d called during Tim’s lunch to ask him to come over after work so they could talk about something.
Which Tim had done, after spending an entire board meeting just going over the past week trying to figure out what he’d done.
The only thing he could think of was that he’d ducked out halfway through their lunch date on Wednesday to give Duke some backup, but Bernard had seemed understanding when Tim explained there was an emergency at GRC Labs. It couldn’t have been a tipping point, either, since Tim had managed to only flake on three other dates over the past few months they’d been dating. Kate had been happy to cover for him as often as she could “out of queer solidarity” when she found out Tim was dating a boy for the first time and Tim had managed to trick Bruce into covering a few actual Wayne Enterprises emergencies for him when they came up.
There had to be a reason Bernard was breaking up with him, though. Had he missed something? He definitely wasn’t forgetting an important day. He was good with days and Tam was even better, so she would have reminded him on the off chance that he had forgotten.
What was he missing?
Bernard was smiling when he opened the door, but there was a nervous energy to it that had Tim’s stomach sinking. “Hey, Tim.”
“Hey.” Tim gave his own nervous smile then slipped inside.
They went into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Tim frowned when Bernard grabbed a manila folder off the coffee table. Crud, had he screwed up enough that Bernard had had to make a list? He knew he was new to dating a guy, but he hadn’t thought he’d done that bad. He’d really been trying, especially with how his and Stephanie’s relationship had fallen apart at the end. “What -”
“Just let me speak, Tim,” Bernard said, waiting for Tim’s nod. “Okay, so you know Clark Kent, right?”
Tim blinked as Bernard opened the folder to show a picture of Clark. It looked like one of the employee pictures from the Planet’s website, with his dorky “I’m just a humble country boy” smile and the golden globe from their roof photoshopped in as the background. “Uh, yeah? I think so. He works for the Daily Planet, right? I think he’s worked at a few of Bruce’s events. Not a lot of outside reporters are willing to come to Gotham.”
“Exactly!” Bernard said, snapping his fingers and pointing at Tim.
He pulled out the picture to show the next page was an article titled, “DAILY PLANET REPORTER… BATMAN!?”
A wave of relief washed over Tim and he placed his face in his hands. “Were you up all night on the hero conspiracy boards again?”
“No. I mean, I found this on a board and was up all night thinking about it, but I found it reasonably early.”
“One in the morning isn’t reasonable, Bernard.”
“Says the guy who’s always wide awake when I call to infodump.”
“Touché.” Tim leaned against Bernard and gave him a smile. “So tell me, why is some reporter from Metropolis from all places Batman.”
“First of all, living in Metropolis is the perfect cover. Everyone assumes Batman would live in Gotham, no one would consider he could be from anywhere else. Metropolis is outside the GMA, but close enough that the commute is still possible.”
“But it’s Metropolis.”
“And who would think Gotham’s Dark Knight lives in the sunshine capital? Plus, I hear he disappears a lot on the job. There’s gotta be a reason for it!”
Tim made a note to let Clark know he needs to cut back on the disappearing act some since people are catching on.
“And have you seen the guy? He is swol AF, babe.”
“Please don’t call me babe while you’re talking about how hot another guy is.” Especially Tim’s honorary uncle.
“You know I prefer twinks.”
“I’m just saying,” he continued, ignoring Tim’s shout. “The guy is definitely hiding something! Besides, Kent is an investigative reporter. He’s gotta know a lot about cases and the underground and detective work.”
Not as much as he likes people to think, but more than he likes people to know Superman does, Tim mused. “But what about the other vigilantes?”
“Well, Kent has a cousin…” Bernard flipped through a folder and pulled out a picture of Kara. It looked like a screenshot of her interviewing Lena for CatCo. “She’s obviously the latest Batgirl. Look at her hair. And the first Batgirl and the current Batwoman were obviously Lois Lane, the red hair is just a wig. Did you see how she kicked butt at that last event she went to? She’s not as subtle as Kent. That means their son is the latest Robin. He’s exactly the right size.”
Oh, Damian better not hear about this, Tim cackled internally. His youngest brother hated being reminded that Jon was the same height as him despite their two years age difference. Damian definitely took after Talia when it came to body type, no matter what he said.
“And Kent also has a brother.” This time he pulled out a picture of Kon. The clone must have been caught by a reporter out shopping with Ma since he was carrying some paper bags and glaring at whoever was behind the camera. “At least, he’s supposedly Kent’s brother, but he was a teenager when he first showed up with the Kents. A lot of people think he’s actually Kent’s son, that Kent got a girl pregnant when they were teenagers and something happened to the mom so Kent had to take him in. Now the Kents are trying to hide it by saying the two are brothers.”
That was… scarily accurate actually. Especially given Luthor and Clark were close friends at the time that Kon would have theoretically been born.
“And that beef would explain why the younger Kent brother went all crime lord on Gotham for a while before reconnecting with the family.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, Kent Jr.’s got the perfect build for Red Hood.”
Tim bit back a comment on how Kon was shorter than Jason by a good foot. Timothy Drake-Wayne should not know that. Add Jason to the list of people who can’t hear this theory.
“And then there’s this girl,” Bernard picked up a picture of Lois, Jon, and Natasha Irons walking down the street together. “No one’s sure exactly who she is, but she’s been spotted with the Kents a few times. I think the cover story is that she’s Jon’s babysitter.”
“And the actual story?”
“She’s Black Bat, obviously. That’s why she wears a mask that fully covers her face. She doesn’t want to stand out as the only African American Bat.”
“Isn’t Signal also Black?”
“Yeah, but he works in the daytime so he’s already a standout.”
“And who is Signal in this? And what about Nightwing and Red Robin?”
“Well, Nightwing’s just a Blüd who came to Gotham. He doesn’t count.”
Ouch. Sorry, Dick.
“And Red Robin is obviously an older Robin, the one who was Robin when we were kids. Kent wanted to keep him on, and I don’t blame him. As for Signal, he’s got the same backstory as all the other Robins Kent picked up, he just went the Signal route because he didn’t fit the usual Robin mold.”
“Because the female Robin fit the mold,” Tim snorted. Robin Mold, as if he and his brothers were even the same ethnicity. Or even had the same hair color. Jason dyes his hair, Dick’s is brown-black, Tim’s is pure black, and Damian’s is more a dark brown and it’s only getting lighter as he gets older.
“She didn’t, that’s the point. Kent tried to give breaking the Robin mold a chance by letting his cousin have a go at it, but he realized it just didn’t work so she went back to being Spoiler and he got a new Robin.”
Not touching that with a ten-foot pole. “Right, and where does he get the usual Robins? Please tell me you’re not back on the secret government orphanages theory.”
“No, no, no. Kent travels sometimes for his job, right? And a lot of the time he’s going to places that have been hit by disasters or major crimes. So he’ll take in some of the displaced children to train as his robins.”
Tim pressed his face back into his hands.
“You see it, right?”
Honestly, Tim was just wondering how his boyfriend could be so close, and yet so far off. “How would Kent even afford taking care of a bunch of secret -- possibly illegally acquired -- children without anyone noticing?”
“Simple. Bruce Wayne is funding him.”
“Bernard, I love you, but what the heck?” Tim blushed and looked up as he realized what he’d said, but Bernard didn’t seem to notice as he steamrolled ahead.
“It’d also explain how he can afford all the gear and how he’d be able to travel to Gotham or anywhere else Batman goes without anyone noticing. He probably has a secret Batplane or something.”
“Why would Bruce do that?”
“Because Wayne cares about Gotham, everyone knows that, and this way he can make sure someone’s taking care of the city without anyone putting two and two together.”
“And two plus two is?”
Bernard gave him a hard look. “I’m not stupid, Tim. Bruce Wayne is obviously Superman. His face is right there.”
Oh, the others are going to love this! Too bad I can’t tell Damian or Jason. Jason especially would have loved this. “Right. Bruce is Superman.”
“He is. Superman is known for being nice and Bruce Wayne’s basically all that’s keeping the city running at this point. That’s nice as hell.”
Oh my god.
“And Wayne does charity for the victims of cataclysms, doesn't he? I bet he first saves people from them as Superman and then builds them new homes for free.”
Oh my god! Why am I not recording this!?
“And the Wayne’s were rich enough to hide the fact they adopted an alien baby.”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “If you’re about to tell me this is why Bruce’s parents got killed, you might want to stop while you’re ahead.”
“It’d make sense. There’re all sorts of unanswered questions about their deaths,” Bernard muttered under his breath, flipping through the folder. He pulled out another picture of Kara. This time she was in full Supergirl attire with a bus held overhead. “So if Wayne is Superman, then that’d mean your ex-girlfriend could be Supergirl. They look a lot alike and it’d explain how she got involved with you all.”
“Bernard, she has a human dad. You know, Cluemaster. The supervillain.”
“Yeah, her dad. But we don’t know anything about her mom!”
“Let me guess…”
Bernard pulled out a picture of Karen. She and Helena were suited up and talking to a group of cops, two goons held over each of Karen’s shoulders. “Her mom could be Power Girl! Some makeup and a wig and she could look just like Crystal Brown! And Damian Wayne is obviously the new Superboy! That’s why his background is such a mystery, right? He had to stay a secret until he could control his alien superpowers. That’s why he’s always so mean. It’s a cover since everyone knows Superboy is super sweet!”
Sure, when he’s not helping Damian pull pranks or using his adorable powers to put the blame on Kon and I. “No, Bernard. Damian and Steph are just very human hellspawn. And Bruce and Crystal are human too. I can’t believe you called me over here just to tell me you think Superman is both Batman’s sugar daddy and my adoptive dad.”
“Well, that’s not exactly why I called you over,” Bernard admitted, the nervous energy coming back. He grabbed Tim’s hands. “Tim -”
Tim’s stomach sank. “You are breaking up with me!”
“What? No! I don’t want to break up!”
“Why are you acting all nervous and serious then!?” Tim asked, pulling his hands away to throw them up in the air.
Bernard shook the folder. “Because I’m trying to tell you I figured out you’re Superboy!”
Tim’s brain blue-screened and his hands slowly dropped. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I know you’re Superboy. The older one, obviously. By the way, you and Damian really need to figure out separate names.”
Forget Jason and Damian, Kon can never find out about this. He’d never let me live it down. “Bernard, you called me a twink five minutes ago. Su-” Shoot, I can not risk getting Kon’s attention! “The older one might not be as big as Superman, but he’s not a twink.”
“Well, yeah, that’s the shapeshifting at work.”
“The what?”
“Obviously you Kryptonians can shapeshift. Why else would you look so much like humans?”
… Why do Kryptonians look so much like humans? Was there some - Wait, no! Break into the Fortress of Solitude for research later! Reassure your boyfriend that you’re not an alien now! “Bernard -”
“And that explains why your step-mom was so hot.”
“She and your dad were actors hired by Luthor so you could have a normal life! But now Bruce has custody so he adopted you.”
“That’s why you and your dad were so weird with each other when I met him.”
“We were weird because he’d just gotten out of a coma not long before to find that his wife was dead so he decided to actually be a dad for once in his life, but overcompensated and became a helicopter parent to a kid who was mostly on his own for his entire life!” Tim blurted out. “I am not an alien, Bernard!”
“Well, not technically since you were cloned from Superman on Earth.”
“Oh my god! You were just talking about Steph being Supergirl! Why would I date my dad’s cousin?”
Bernard blinked. “Supergirl and Superman are cousins?”
Right, Timothy Drake-Wayne wasn’t supposed to know that. “I thought they’d said something like that before, yeah. Are people seriously saying I’m Superboy on the internet?”
“NO! No, I swear I would have led with that if I thought your identity was compromised. A few people have mentioned Wayne and Damian, but not you or Steph or Jason.”
“Wh-Jason!? You think Jason was an alien too!”
“No, not exactly, but a few times when I’ve visited I swear I’ve seen a guy in the manor who looks like Jason. It’s just been out of the corner of my eye and he’s gone whenever I look so I’ve always thought it was just Dick or Bruce or some picture of Jason that my mind was playing tricks with, but it makes sense now that I know Wayne is Superman. He must have been able to heal Jason with alien tech, but couldn’t say anything because that would give away that he’s Superman.”
Damn it Jason! And damn it Bernard! I’m dating the smartest moron in the world! “Bruce did not bring Jason back with alien technology and none of us are aliens!”
“It’s okay, Tim. I won’t tell anyone.”
Tim grabbed Bernard by the jacket and pulled him into a kiss. When he started to feel lightheaded, he pulled back, “Could someone whose skin is as solid as stone kiss like that?”
Bernard blinked dazedly at him for a moment. “How do you know what Superboy’s skin feels like?”
Tim screamed internally. “He’s saved me from a kidnapping before.”
“Yes. I can get you the police report if you want.”
“Huh… And the others?”
“Not Supers. I can stab Damian the next time we’re at the manor if that’ll prove none of us are aliens.” He’d rather stab Jason, but that would probably only confirm to Bernard that Bruce used alien technology to bring him back.
“You probably shouldn’t stab your brother if he isn’t an alien.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “I won’t stab him anywhere deadly.”
“That’s not the point,” Bernard said slowly.
“He’ll be fine.”
“If you say so.”
“So do you believe I’m not an alien now?” Tim huffed, letting go of Bernard’s jacket.
The blond’s eyes dipped down to Tim’s lips. “If I say no, will you kiss me like that again?”
“You’re ridiculous,” Tim said, but he kissed him anyway.
“Okay, but I still say Clark Kent is definitely Batman.”
“Sure, Bernard.”
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Lovestruck - fic
Characters: Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, kinda Dick Pairings: future!jondami, implied-kinda?timkon, also timbernard Summary: Damian starts acting weird after Tim and Bernard begin dating. Turns out even this kid can be naive, and a total idiot, when he wants to be. A/N: idk a headcanon I couldn’t stop thinking about haha. Damian is absolutely one of those genius kids who don’t know the most basic things. Also if it’s not clear, Damian is comparing Tim’s answers to what he likes in people to if they match Conner. all ages are current canon so Tim is immortal and Damian is 14 mkay bye.
When Tim started dating Bernard, he expected a lot of different things. He expected Bruce’s protectiveness, Dick’s softness, Jason’s gift of XL condoms, Cassandra’s date suggestions and even Stephanie’s own prepared shovel talks for his new paramour.
But he did not expect…well, this.
He did not expect to see Damian sitting on the front porch when Bernard brought him home from their third date. He did not expect Damian to start furiously writing in the notebook on his lap at the sight of them.
He did not expect to come down to breakfast and see the kitchen table scattered with notes and lists and images of way too pretty people, pictures of Bernard and Steph among them.
“…What are you doing?” Tim found himself asking sleepily.
“Research.” Damian replied simply, sipping thoughtfully from a mug on the island. “None of your concern.”
“Oh yeah?” Tim asked as he approached. Instantly he tapped the photos of Steph and Bernard. “So why are there pictures of my ex-girlfriend and current…boyfriend here?”
His stomach still did giddy jumps at the thought.
Damian’s lips twitched, like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Then he reached out and slid the photos underneath some papers. “Just…persons of interests.”
“None of your concern.” Damian reiterated. Quickly, he began to shuffle all of his papers and pictures together. “Jeez, what does that Dowd boy even see in you…”
And then he was gone before Tim’s pre-caffeine mind could catch up.
After that, Damian was less obvious, but Tim could still catch on. In fact, everyone was catching on. But, like the emotionally constipated Bats they were, no one said anything, or tipped their youngest off.
They all just watched, as he suddenly began to distantly follow Tim around. Around the house, around the city, both as a civilian and in uniform. It was Cassandra who declared that Damian was watching who Tim was interacting with, not necessarily him.
He never followed him on his dates, though.
Then came the questions. Every time they were together. They’d go to lunch downtown near the office, and Damian would ask:
“Do you like that girl’s hair?”
“Would you ever wear those shoes?”
“How much do you respect a person if their suit jacket doesn’t fit them properly?”
When they’d be staking out a suspect on a building overlooking a street corner, he’d say:
“That belt is too gaudy.”
“You can tell he spent way too many hours in the mirror getting ready to go to that disgusting dive.”
“I can’t believe she’s walking on this street in those heels. Would you go for comfort or fashion?”
And it continued, the following, the seemingly random questions. After a while, Tim chalked it up to…maybe Damian was just getting to know him. Just trying to actually get along for once in their lives. They were both getting older, more mature. Maybe it was just time they started acting like what they were.
But then he came home one afternoon to find Dick standing in the manor’s foyer, back leaning against the wall that led into the central sitting room they all used. It was almost evening, which meant Damian was most likely in there sketching, or reading with his pets.
Dick noticed him open the door, and quickly put a finger to his smiling lips. Tim nodded and silently closed the door behind him, carefully took off his shoes and jacket, then tiptoed over to Dick.
He peeked around Dick’s shoulder. Sure enough, Damian was in there, but he was standing at the fireplace, staring down into the flames.
Jason sat in the loveseat behind him.
“Jay just got in there. He hasn’t said anything yet.” Dick breathed. Tim frowned skeptically. Surely Damian knew who was in the house. Knew there was something going on if Jason had just sought him out.
“What are we interrogating him for?” Tim whispered back. “Did he lose one of Alfred’s recipe books again?”
Dick just shook his head and pointed into the room. Tim looked back in.
Jason was relaxed in the chair, but staring intensely at his youngest brother. Damian must have known that, felt his eyes, because he wasn’t looking up. Kept his gaze glued to the fire at his feet.
Suddenly, Jason huffed, crossing his arms. “Spill.”
“Spill what.” Damian rolled his eyes.
“Spill why you’re stalking Tim.” Jason said bluntly. “Why you’re asking him all those dumbass questions.” A pause. “…Why you’re keeping tabs on his boyfriend.”
Tim inhaled sharply, glaring up at Dick. Dick waved both his arms quickly, implying that Jason’s words weren’t true, that it was just to catch Damian off guard.
“I’m not keeping tabs on him, Todd. That’s ridiculous.” Damian countered. “I’m merely making sure they’re still together.”
A moment to let the fire crackle.
“Well, I’m also making sure that boy isn’t hurting or manipulating Drake in some way.” Damian murmured softly. “But mostly, I’m just making sure they’re still together.”
Jason crossed his ankle over his knee. “Why?”
“What, I can’t be concerned for my brother’s safety and happiness?”
Jason snorted. “Not that brother’s.”
Damian glanced over his shoulder and narrowed his eyes. Then back to the fire.
Jason waited a minute, let his eyes dart across Damian’s back, study his posture. “…Why are you so concerned if Tim and his new boy-toy are still together?”
Damian shrugged silently.
“Don’t do that.” Jason scolded. “Use your words, Damian. Like a big boy.”
Damian let out a frustrated exhale. “I’m just…confirming Drake isn’t looking elsewhere.”
“What, to cheat on his boyfriend?” Jason drawled. “Timmy’s not the cheating type, I can tell.”
“No. No.” Damian said sternly. “That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying!” Damian threw his arms out. Let them fall back to his thighs with a slight smack. “…I’m saying I’ve seen him look at others the way he looks at Bernard Dowd and that is…concerning. …To me.”
“Others?” Jason questioned. “What others?”
“Like Conner Kent!” Damian finally spun around now. Jason’s eyebrows rose in surprise and Damian rolled his eyes again. “Oh don’t tell me you don’t see it. Those two have been flirting with each other since the damn day they met. Drake dating this boy now only confirms the possibility of their eventual coupling.”
Jason let his face settle back into neutral, let the words bounce around in his brain. “Okay…I guess I can agree with that.”
Tim glanced up at Dick, who gave him a wink. Tim’s face instantly went beet red.
“But that still tells me nothing.” Jason continued. “So Tim and Conner maybe had or have crushes on each other. Maybe they’re attracted to each other. Maybe they’re forever star-crossed and nothing will ever happen. So what? Why does that bother you?”
Damian kept his lips pressed firmly together. After a moment, he spun back towards the fire.
“…Because it would be weird.” Damian said at last. “It would be weird if he and Conner…”
Damian’s voice fell to an unintelligible mumble.
“What?” Jason asked gently. “I didn’t catch that.”
Damian mumbled again, still impossible to understand.
“Kid, you’re gonna have to speak up, okay. I can’t hear you-”
“I said it would be weird if he was dating Conner while I was dating Jon!” Damian yelled, whirling around once more. “And if he breaks up with Dowd and starts dating Conner before I can gain the courage to talk to Jon then I’ll lose my chance!”
His last words echoed in the space around them. Floated into the hallway and echoed up the stairs, too.
Not that anyone noticed. Tim had grabbed Dick’s bicep, while Dick had thrown a hand over his own mouth in surprise.
“Oh my god.” Tim whispered. “Oh my god, oh my god.”
“That…” Dick murmured. “That’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Jason, luckily, had more composure than the two of them, and suddenly Tim realized why it was Jason doing the prodding, not Dick.
Jason’s eyes had just widened, no other movement than that. He remained still, remained calm, even as Damian’s face darkened, and embarrassed tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.
“Oh.” He said simply. “Oh, Damian.”
“Shut up.” Damian crossed his arms again, but they all knew this time it was to hold himself. “Don’t…don’t make fun of me.”
“Never.” Jason promised. “But also, not a thing you need to worry about.”
“Why, because Jon will turn me down anyway?” Damian whispered bitterly, turning away. Not towards the fire this time, just the window.
“He’d be an idiot to, and I’ll beat the shit out of him if he does.” Jason said as he uncrossed his legs and leaned his elbows on his knees. “No, I mean, you don’t need to worry about it because it wouldn’t be weird if y’all just so happened to be double-dating.”
Damian waited, then glanced back at Jason. “It wouldn’t?” Jason smiled and shook his head. “There isn’t like…I mean…a law…?” He inhaled slowly. “If Drake and Conner started dating, wouldn’t that make Jonathan and I…related?”
“That’s only if they got married, and even then, wouldn’t be weird.” Jason shrugged. “What, you’ve never heard those stories of like…twins marrying another set of twins? That shit happens all the time. You wouldn’t be the first.”
Damian blinked owlishly, let his hands fall back to his sides. “…Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.” Jason laughed, standing. “Besides, Tim seems to really like Blondie whats-his-name so…I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.” A second, to cheekily add: “At least…not right now.”
Damian twisted his lips. “I told you their chemistry was obvious.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, so is Bruce and Clark’s if you ask the tabloids and half the Justice League.” Jason droned, reaching out for Damian’s shoulder and tugging him into his side. “But like I said, don’t worry about it. Who cares about your idiot brother and who he’s dating, let’s focus more on you and how you’re gonna woo one Jonathan Kent, mmkay?”
He quickly ushered Damian out of the room using a door on the far side, only glancing back once to mouth oh my god! dramatically to the ones watching from the hall.
“That…” Tim exhaled as Jason closed the door behind them. “…was the most precious thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
Dick hummed in agreement, then: “…But is he right?”
Tim glanced up at him.
“You and Conner?”
Tim felt his face warm a little. “…I’m dating Bernard, Dick.”
“And…I think I should go call him. We haven’t talked all day.”
Dick smirked. “Okay.”
“…Don’t look at me like that.”
Dick let out a chuckle. “Okay.”
“…Stop saying okay.”
He laughed again. “Sorry, sorry.” He ran his fingers through Tim’s hair. “Tell Bernard I said hello, and also warn him that your younger brother is absolutely ready to gut him, should he hurt you.”
Oh yeah. Tim forgot that little tidbit. He felt his face warm even faster.
“Yeah…” He sighed, turning towards the stairs. He ignored the little flutter in his heart, at the idea of his lovesick, protective, ridiculous little brother. God, that kid. “Yeah, I think that’s probably something he oughta know.”
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
What’s Lost is Found - Batfamily Imagine - Part Eleven
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Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six  Part Six.Five  Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten
“Now look at how beautiful it is today,” Dick said as he pushed your wheelchair out of the manor and into the gardens.
You covered your eyes, giving them a moment to adjust. “I guess.” You rubbed the AV fistula in your arm. 
“Are you feeling okay? The dialysis didn’t make you sick again?” Dick rubbed your shoulder with one hand. You swallowed hard. How could your life have changed so much?
“I’m fine.” You smiled when Dick pushed you around a corner to find Kori and Alfred. “Hi.”
“(Y/N), my love.” Kori waddled toward you, kissing your cheek. Her belly was huge. The baby was supposed to arrive any day now. “Come, we decided to have a picnic outside.”
Alfred was setting the picnic table. “Master Dick, will you go get us more ice please?” Dick parked you near the picnic table before running back to the manor. Trees shaded the area, keeping it cool from the summer sun’s blazing gaze. You got to your feet and slowly walked to the table. Alfred watched you worriedly. 
“I’m okay. I just have to get used to walking again.” You waved him off. Two months in a coma weakened you. Not to mention your failing kidneys and your bad arm. You eyed your thin, ghostly arm. The cast had come off the day after you woke up. They told you it took two surgeries to correct it. 
Alfred hummed, pouring you a cup of lemonade. Kori sat across from you. She rubbed her belly. “The baby is kicking again.” 
You perked up. “Can I feel?” She leaned over to take your hand and pressed it against her belly. The baby kicked hard. “Wow.” 
Kori smiled. “They must know you’re here.” 
“How are you such an imbecile that you didn’t know where the ice was located, Grayson?!” Damian’s voice came from around the corner. You pulled away from Kori’s belly.
“Damian’s here? I thought he’d be at the penthouse.” You took a sip of lemonade. Dick and Damian came around the corner with the ice. 
“Master Damian said he’d stop by.” Alfred finished laying out the sandwiches and salads. “Master Tim, Miss Stephanie, and everyone else will be here for dinner.” 
Dick put the ice in the cooler. Damian sat down next to you, glancing you over before he relaxed. You were touched by his concern. “Is Jon back from space yet?” You bumped Damian’s arm. 
“TT, no, he is not.” Damian growled. “Don’t worry about him. He’s an idiot.” He piled food onto his plate. 
You frowned. Alfred started to fill your plate for you, passive aggressively hinting that you should eat. Dick sat down next to Kori. “He’ll be back soon, sweetheart. Superman wouldn’t have sent him to space if he knew you would wake up three days after he left,” Kori said.
“Yeah, sure.” You picked at your food. Alfred sat down at the end of the table in a folding chair. 
“Young Mr. Kent was here all the time. His parents sent him away to give him some distance.” Alfred patted your hand. “It hurt him to leave you.” 
“Couldn’t get him out of the house,” Dick mumbled. “I can’t tell you the number of times we found him sleeping on the floor of your room.” 
Damian huffed, rolling his eyes. You smiled. Your heart ached to see Jon. He was the one person you hadn’t seen yet. Part of you was afraid something happened to him and no one was telling you. “When are you moving back to your swampland?” Damian asked with a smirk. 
Dick rolled his eyes. Kori answered for him. “We are going to wait for the baby to be born and for (Y/N) to receive their new kidney.” Your eyes widened.
“New kidney?!” You gasped. Alfred, Dick, and Damian winced. Kori looked at them, confused. 
“What? (Y/N) needs to know they’re going to get a new kidney.” Kori shook her head at the men. She reached over to rub your arm. 
“We were going to tell them at dinner.” Dick bit his lip, studying you. You sighed. A headache blossomed in your temple. 
You felt sick to your stomach. “Who is it from?” 
Damian swore under his breath. “Like it matters.” 
“Master Damian.” Alfred glared at him. Damian blushed and looked away. You shook your head. Everything had changed so much. 
“I need some space.” You slowly got to your feet and walked off. 
Dick got up to follow you. “(Y/N), don’t walk off on your own.” 
“I’m just going over here! You can see me!” You walked over to a bench a few yards away. “Let me breathe, will you?!” Dick stopped in his tracks. You made it to the bench, panting. Frustration formed a lump in your throat. You were so out of shape.
Dick hovered from where he stopped. You glared at him. His mouth twitched. “Don’t give me that look,” he snapped, marching over to you. “You don’t walk off. Do you understand me?” He grabbed your bad arm. 
“Shut up.” You jerked away from him, but he gripped your arm tighter. You gasped in pain. 
Dick let go, but he pointed his finger in your face. “Do you know how much you scared us all?! You walked off and literally handed yourself over to the enemy! We all thought you were dead until we received word about the auction!” Dick’s hand trembled. The guilt crashed down on you, soaking you with that terrible sinking feeling. “You don’t get to act this way! Not now! Not after everything!” 
Kori came to Dick’s side. “Dick, sweetheart. Stop.” She pulled his hand out of your face. You looked away, hiding the quiver of your lips. Your eyes burned with tears. 
Dick took a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” He walked off further into the garden. “Give me a minute.” Kori watched him go, tears in her eyes as well. She followed him after a moment. You watched them go.
“And you were saying I have no decorum, Pennyworth,” Damian retorted from the table. Alfred hushed him. You buried your face into your hands, leaning down over your knees. 
Alfred approached with his short, slow steps. He settled on the bench beside you, rubbing your back. “Mx. (Y/N), try to not get too upset. Master Dick shouldn’t have exploded like he did. He was just expressing the worry we all had for you.” 
“TT.” Damian wandered over. He stood in front of you. You sat up to meet his eye.
“Master Damian, you are not one to talk, so don’t even start.” Alfred shot Damian a look so cold, it almost made you think the warm summer day suddenly turned to winter. “You both were reckless and irresponsible. Too much like your father.”  
You smiled sadly. “I know,” you said. Damian raised an eyebrow. 
“I would like to point out if Jon and I did not do what we did, (Y/N)’s condition probably would be worse.” Damian nudged your foot with his. 
“Once again reckless.” Alfred shook his head. “You both pushed Master Dick to the brink. With Miss Kori recovering from her injuries, to finding Mx. (Y/N) gone, then Master Damian.” He kept rubbing your back soothingly. “Try to not push him, Mx. (Y/N). He is coming to terms with everything.”
“I know, but he’s hovering again.” You blinked back tears, refusing to cry in front of Damian. 
Alfred nodded. “I will speak to him. Just understand he does it all out of love and concern.” Alfred got back to his feet. “Now come back to the table. You both need to eat.” 
Damian took your hand and helped you to your feet. “Do you notice he scolds me more than he scolds you?” 
“It’s probably because you’re Batman.” You poked his side teasingly. Damian let you walk on your own, but stayed nearby in case you needed him. You made it to the table, exhausted. Damian, Alfred, and you went back to eating. Dick and Kori joined you minutes later and the meal continued peacefully. 
“So it turns out, we’re a match,” Tim said from his seat across the dining room table. Steph sat down next to him, holding his hand. 
“Tim, you can’t give me a kidney.” You shook your head in disbelief. 
Damian huffed, leaning back in his chair. “TT, like (Y/N) would want your inferior kidney?” He glared over at Tim. “And why are you a match when I am (Y/N)’s blood brother?” 
Tim pursed his lips, clearly holding back a snarky retort. Steph spoke up before Tim could. “(Y/N) and you may be biological siblings, but you have too much diversity in your DNA to be a match. Besides, turns out you, (Y/N), and Tim are sixth cousins.” Steph giggled, smirking at the shock on Damian’s face.
“I guess that makes sense.” You smiled at Damian’s dropped jaw. “I mean the Drakes are part of Gotham’s high society and they married each other all the time. That’s how we’re related to the Kanes too.” You reached over to close Damian’s jaw. “Besides, sixth cousins means we’re barely related anyway.” 
“However, I’m still a match and I want to give you a kidney.” Tim smiled, leaning his elbows onto the table. 
“Did I miss it?” Jason ran into the room, looking at Damian. “Damn it, I missed it. I told you to wait until I got here before you told him you’re sixth cousins.” 
Steph rolled her eyes. “We can’t help it if you’re slow.” 
Jason flicked her forehead before sitting down next to you. “So you’re taking Tim’s kidney? Guess that means you’d be blood siblings.” 
You shook your head. “That’s not how it works.”
Horror dawned on Damian’s face. “No, I refuse to allow this to happen.” He pointed at Tim. “I will not let you pollute the Wayne bloodline with your fucking incompetence.” 
Tim opened his mouth, but Steph stopped him. “Let me.” She smiled before laying into Damian. They argued loudly and within minutes, Damian was flying over the table to tackle Steph. Jason egged them on. Tim moved out of the way, coming over to your side. 
“I think Steph is enjoying this too much.” Tim bit his lip.
“To be fair, Damian had it coming.” You blinked back tears. “Tim, you don’t have to give me a kidney.”
“I know I don’t have to.” Tim smiled, taking your hand. “But I want to.” He tapped your nose like he used to do when you were really young. “We’re siblings. Besides, I don’t think I could live with myself knowing you were on dialysis for the rest of your life when I could have just given you one of mine.” 
You squeezed his hand. “But what about Red Robin? You’ll have to be careful with only one kidney.” 
Tim chuckled. “I was actually thinking about retiring.” Your jaw dropped, making Tim laugh harder. “I’ll still investigate and help Damian out, but I won’t go into the field. With Wayne Enterprises, it’s just too much.” He ran a hand through his hair. A move you all inherited from Dick. “Yesterday, I fell asleep during a board meeting. Lucius had to kick me under the table to wake me up.” 
You laughed. Steph and Damian broke a vase on the table by the wall. Dick ran into the room. “What the hell are you two doing?!” He pulled them apart, scolding them like they were two small children. 
“I can’t believe Batman is wrestling with Spoiler.” Duke laughed, coming in with Cass and Alfred. They were carrying plates to set the table. 
“Luckily, preparing dinner took shorter than expected. I would hate to have more casualties,” Alfred said, eyeing the broken vase. Cass clicked her tongue, smiling. She patted your shoulder as she passed. Tim got up to help them. You stayed where you were, startled by the warm feeling in your chest. It felt like you were home at last. 
Two weeks later, you strolled the gardens by yourself. You were getting stronger. The doctors said in a week, you should be ready for the kidney transplant.  
You sat down on a stone bench under the Northern Red Oak Alfred always told you had been planted when the first Waynes moved into the manor over two hundred years ago. 
Closing your eyes, you breathed in the fresh air. It surprised you that you found you missed the humidity of Florida. Maybe it was a home to you after all?
A sonic boom cracked the air. You flinched. Birds went flying, squawking loudly. “What?” You stood up only to suddenly find yourself off your feet and in someone’s arms. Lips pressed against yours. Jon’s scent hit your nose. You kissed him, closing your eyes. 
“I can’t believe you’re awake.” Jon was spinning you around. You laughed, squeezing your eyes shut to avoid getting dizzy.
“Jon, stop.” You wrapped your arms around his neck. He stopped to kiss you again. You melted into him. “I missed you.” You pulled away to get a good look at him. 
His hair was longer. A glance at the ground told you he grew another inch as well. Did his shoulders fill out? Your face burned. You definitely didn’t grow any. Probably looked worse. Lost a lot of weight and so weak. Jon studied you. “You look so beautiful.” He kissed you again, sitting down on the bench with you in his lap.
“Now I know you’re lying.” You leaned against him, soaking in his warmth. “I look like I got hit by a truck.” 
Jon blinked. “No, you’re beautiful.” He grinned, tilting his head like a puppy dog. You ran your hands through his longer hair. “I flew here as soon as they told me.” 
“When did you get back?” You kissed his cheek, laughing when he turned to catch your lips with his. 
“Five minutes ago.” He smirked. “We just arrived at the Watchtower and Dad met me in the hanger bay. I zoomed out of there so fast, I’m sure I gave the Flash whiplash.” 
You smiled as you kept running your fingers through his hair. Jon smiled back at you before frowning. “Something is happened in the house.” 
“What?” You glanced back at the manor curiously. “Oh, I bet Kori went into labor. She was complaining of back pain this morning.” 
Jon paled slightly. “Dick is losing his mind.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah? He loses his mind at everything.” You nodded to the manor. “I suppose we should go see.” 
“Do we have to? I mean what if the baby is coming fast or they want privacy...” Jon tightened his arms around you. 
You got out of his lap and took his hand. “Don’t tell me Superboy is scared of childbirth? It’s really not that bad.” You rolled your eyes when Jon didn’t get up. “Come on, it’s early labor. Let’s just say goodbye before they head to the Watchtower for the delivery.” 
“How are you not nervous?” Jon followed you, squeezing your hand gently.
“During the Joker infection a few years ago, I had to help a woman give birth. She was crying in one of the old apartments in the Bowery. I found her and had to keep her calm with thousands of laughing jokerized people outside.” You shivered. “Honesty, this is nothing compared to that.” 
Jon stopped. You turned to look at him only to find him studying you in awe. “You’re pretty amazing, you know that?”
You bit back a smile. “Maybe. The woman named her kid after me. Robin Maria de León. She should be about two now.” You pulled Jon to keep walking. “They moved out of Gotham after the attack.”
Jon shook his head, kissing your temple as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. The two of you entered the manor and followed the noise to one of the dens. Kori was sitting on the couch, quite relaxed. “Oh Jon, you have returned. (Y/N) was missing you,” Kori said, flipping through a magazine.
“How is she so calm?” Jon remarked. You moved to sit next to her. 
“Is it time?” you asked, leaving Jon to keep his distance. He was acting like Kori had an infectious disease instead of going into labor.
“It is.” Kori sighed when a loud bang came from upstairs. “Dick is not handling it well.” She set down the magazine. “(Y/N), will you go help him get my bag? Jon, stay here and tell me about your adventure to space.” 
Jon swallowed hard. You patted his arm as you passed. “You’ll be fine. It’s just Kori.” 
It took you a full minute to get up the stairs.  You panted at the top, slowly making your way to Dick and Kori’s room. At least you weren’t as wiped out as you were a few days ago. Progress.
“Where is the damn thing?” Dick slammed a drawer shut before ripping open another. Clothes were scattered about the room. 
“Kori is going to be pissed if she comes back to find the room like this.” You leaned against the door frame to rest. Dick looked up at you worriedly. 
“I’ll clean it up. I just have to find it before we go.” Dick turned away once he was satisfied you were alright. 
“Yeah.” You moved into the bedroom once you caught your breath, picking up and folding the clothes. “What are you looking for?” 
Dick swore under his breath. “I’m looking for Sitka.”
You blinked, stacking the clothes on the bed. “Sitka?”
“My stuffed elephant that I had when I was a kid. I wanted the baby to have it right away.” Dick ran a hand through his hair, glancing around. “I thought I left it here, but maybe I did take it down to Florida.” He shook his head and grabbed Kori’s bag. “I guess I’ll have to go without it.” 
“I’m sure it will turn up.” You smiled when Dick hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead. 
Dick hummed. “I’ll keep you updated. Be good. Unless you want to come with us? It’s going to be a few hours at the least.” He pulled away to look you in the eye. 
“I’ll wait. Jon’s here.” You bit your lip when Dick’s eyes flashed at your words. 
“Tell him that if he sonic booms over the manor again, I’ll break out Bruce’s kryptonite ring.” Dick ran a hand through your hair. 
You smirked. “Sure, you will.” 
Dick chuckled before a shout from below made you both freeze. “Gotta go.” Dick rushed out of the room and back downstairs. You followed slowly, shaking your head at the chaos below.
“If you were a sentimental fool, where would you leave it?” You mumbled, glancing around Dick and Kori’s bedroom at their house in Florida. 
“I would have probably left it on my bed or something,” Jon said, checking under the bed. He pulled out a box, opening it before quickly shutting it again. His face burned redder than you ever seen it before.
You frowned, crossing your arms. “What was that?” 
“Nothing you would want to know about.” Jon gagged. “I can’t unsee it.” He covered his eyes with his hands. 
Shaking your head, you opened the closet door and checked in there again. “It wasn’t at the manor, so it has to be here.” 
“I know you want to do this for him, but shouldn’t we be going to the watchtower? Dick called you an hour ago.” Jon pushed the box back under the bed with disgust. 
“No, not until we find it.” You hummed. “We still haven’t checked the attic.” You headed out to the hallway and pulled down the staircase. Jon followed, frowning. “Come on.” Taking out your phone, you turned on the flashlight and climbed up. You ran out of breath at the top. 
“Rest.” Jon pushed you to sit on the top of the stairs. “I’ll take a look.” He took your phone and wandered into the dark attic. 
“I know Dick put the Christmas stuff up here and some of my boxes.” You leaned back on your hands, closing your eyes. “It should be up here. He had stuff up here already when I brought up mine.” 
Jon hummed, opening a box. “Decorations.” He closed it and went to another one. “Why couldn’t you label anything?”
You smiled, getting up to point to the side of the box. It was neatly labeled in your handwriting. “We did.” 
“Damian’s right. I am blind even with supersight.” He shook his head and moving deeper into the attic. The attic ceiling was low. You both had to duck down uncomfortably just to move around. 
After searching for a while, you found a box in the far back. It was covered in dust. No one had touched it in years. You wrinkled your nose, blowing off dust to read the label written in Dick’s messy handwriting. “Stuff. No wonder he can’t find anything if he just labels it ‘stuff’.” 
Jon came over with your phone to give you more light. You opened the box, sending dust everywhere. Jon sneezed. “So much dust.” 
You shook your head, peering inside. Right on top was Sitka. “Found it.” You took out the worn, old elephant. 
Jon raised an eyebrow. “We probably should wash it before we give it to the baby.” 
“Probably.” You handed it to him, frowning at the painting under Sitka. It looked familiar. “Oh my, he kept it.” You pulled it out. It was the painting you made years ago, back when Dick was Batman and you were his kid. “My ‘Jackson Pollock’.” 
“Who’s Jackson Pollock?” Jon settled down next to you, wrapping an arm around you. You leaned into him, tired from moving around. The painting was just how you remembered it. 
“A painter. I read about him and copied his work when I was little. I gave this one to Dick.” You shook your head. “I thought he would have gotten rid of it.” 
Jon hummed. “Judging by what we dug through, Dick doesn’t throw things away.” 
A frown pulled at your lips. Dick never threw anything or anyone away, even when they hurt him. You swallowed hard. “Yeah.” You dug through the box, finding more treasures from the year Dick was your parent. It hurt and pleased at the same time. ”I’m always mean to him. I don’t know why he cares.” 
“Because he loves you.” Jon kissed your temple. “And you’re not always mean to him. I think you’re one of the kindest people I’ve met.” 
“That’s a lie.” You closed the box. Your stomach twisted uncomfortably. 
“No, it’s not.” Jon kissed your cheek. “A mean person wouldn’t have spent all this time trying to find a stuffed elephant.” 
You snorted. Dust got into your nose. You sneezed hard. “Okay, we got to get out of here.” Your eyes watered. 
Jon nodded, helping you up. The two of you left the dark, dusty attic behind.
Hours later, you were alone on the watchtower. It was quiet and dark, being nighttime for most of the league members. Jon had went home after he dropped you off here. 
A dull ache came back to your bad arm as it seemed to do every night. You wondered if it would ever go away. Space was so deathly silent. You felt like you had to hold your breath. Sitka was under your arm, dust free and clean for the baby. 
It took you a good few minutes to find Kori’s room in the medbay. She was fast asleep with a bassinet next to her. You tiptoed inside and peeked inside the bassinet. “Wow,” you gasped quietly, smiling at the tiny little baby inside. Tufts of dark hair, same color as Dick’s, stuck out from under the blanket they was swaddled in. Their little hand twitched in their sleep was the same golden orange as Kori’s. 
You stared at the baby for a long time. Of course, you had seen babies before. Even helped someone deliver one, but you had to admit, you never saw a more beautiful baby. 
Carefully, you set Sitka in the far corner of the bassinet where the baby could see it when they woke up. You blinked, realizing at this moment you didn’t know if the baby was a boy or girl. Dick only said the baby was born and for you to come, nothing else. You glanced at Kori, who was still asleep. 
After a few minutes of gazing at the baby some more, you pulled yourself away and slipped out of the room. You turned the corner to head back to the teleporter only to come face to face with Dick. 
“Now you show up.” Dick took a step back, sipping a cup of coffee. Dark circles were under his eyes making him look older than his years. His hair was a mess. You resisted the urge to fix it. “I called you hours ago.” 
“I was busy.” You bit your lip. His mouth twitched. Eyebrows furrowed. He was angry. Why was he angry?
Dick took a moment to swallow before walking around you and back down the hall. You followed, concerned. “I was waiting for you.” He spun around to face you. His lips pulled into a frown. 
“I know, but I was busy.” You raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong? You should be happy. The baby is beautiful.” 
Dick’s face softened. He glanced inside the window of the medbay at Kori and the bassinet. “We wanted you to be here, you know? To meet your niece for the first time.” 
“She’s a girl.” You smiled, peeking around the corner. “I should have known. She has so much hair already.” You looked back at Dick, catching loss of focus in his eyes, the slight droop of his lower eyelid. “Oh, so you’re not mad? You’re sad I didn’t get here right away.” You smiled when Dick’s eyes widened. “I learned from the best, you know.” 
Dick took a sip of coffee, sensing you were mocking him with the ‘you know’. Of course, you were. “I guess I’m worried what you would think of adding a baby to our little family. A baby changes things.” 
You shrugged. “Not that many things.” Your eyes stayed on the bassinet. 
“I suppose not.” Dick studied you. “Do you want to hold her? We’ll have to be careful if she’s asleep.” 
Fear stuck you like lightning. It was one thing to look at the baby, but another thing to hold one. “I don’t...I mean...” You bit your lip. 
Dick chuckled. “You won’t drop her.” He went into the room, setting his coffee down on a table before looking into the bassinet. You held your breath when you saw him pause, knowing he saw Sitka. He looked back at you, raising an eyebrow and holding up the elephant. Your face heated up. You looked away. 
“Come on, Mar’i. You need to meet (Y/N).” Dick came out with the bundle in his arms. You froze, terror chilled you to the core. “Don’t be scared, (Y/N).” Dick nodded to your arms. You swallowed hard, copying his. He slipped Mar’i right into yours. You gasped. She was awake, staring up at you with brilliant green eyes. 
“Hi.” You smiled bigger than you had in a long time. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dick taking a picture on his phone. You ignored him. Mar’i just blinked. “So her name is Mar’i?” 
“Mar’i (Y/N) Grayson.” Dick smirked when you looked at him in surprise. “I mean it fits, don’t you think?” 
You bit your lip, looking down at Mar’i. “I guess it does.” You rocked her. She dozed off in your arms. 
“Thank you for getting Sitka for me.” Dick leaned against the wall. He closed his eyes. “I suppose that’s why you didn’t come right away, huh? That’s why I can never stay mad at you. Always sneaking up and doing something sweet.” 
You sighed, leaning down to kiss Mar’i’s head. She smelled of baby powder and sunshine. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Dick raised an eyebrow, opening his eyes to look at you. 
“Everything.” Alfred’s words echoed through your head. Guilt soured your stomach once again. “I shouldn’t have handed myself over to Bane’s son. I threw my life away and I know that hurt you.” 
Dick blinked. “I forgive you, sweetheart.” He stepped over to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You leaned into him, using him to help support Mar’i‘s weight. It started to strain your arms. “Just don’t ever do it again.”
You snorted. “I don’t plan on it.” Dick kissed your temple, chuckling as you looked down at Mar’i’s perfect little face. 
“Now don’t panic.” Jason poked at your arm as you laid in the hospital bed. Nurses moved around you, prepping you for surgery. “You’re going to have Tim’s kidney inside of you, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be a stick-in-the-mud like him.” 
“Geez, thanks,” Tim said from across the room, where he was also being prepped for surgery. 
You laughed. “Stop it.” You batted Jason’s hand away. “Dick and Kori will be here when I wake up, won’t they?” 
Jason gasped, pressing his hand against his chest like you shot him. “What about me? I’m here, giving my support.”
“More like a headache,” Tim grumbled. 
“Yes, they will be here. They just have to handle the baby first.” Jason kissed your cheek. “Little Mar’ionster.” 
You smirked. “Don’t call her that. You don’t want Kori firing star bolts at you again, do you?” 
“Like she could hit me.” Jason matched your smirk and leaned back in his chair. 
“We’ll take them in now,” the nurse said, gesturing for Jason to leave. “You may wait in the waiting room.” 
“Sure, sure.” Jason kissed the top of your head. “Be good.” He went over to Tim. Tim glared at him, daring him to do something. “Ah, don’t be like that, Timbo.” He ruffled Tim’s hair, much to Tim’s despair. 
Tim knocked his hand away. “Get out of here already.” Jason left, laughing his head off. The nurses rolled your bed into the operating room across the hall. You frowned at the bright lights. 
Tim was parked a little ways from you. “You okay?” He asked, smiling when he met your eye.
“Fine. You?” You swallowed hard, suddenly scared.
“Good.” He winked at you. “We’ll be fine. Once we’re out, we can laze around and watch cartoons like we used to.” 
“Ninja Turtles?” You smiled. The tension drained out of you.
Tim nodded, turning away when the anesthesiologist spoke to him. You gripped at the blanket covering you.
“Relax, (Y/N). You’ll be fine.” A nurse rubbed your arm. You gave her a shaky smile.
The anesthesiologist left Tim and came over to you. “I want you to count down from one hundred for me,” he said soothingly as he injected something into your IV. You closed your eyes, counting only to pass out at ninety seven.
“I can’t believe I haven’t watch this before,” Jon remarked, sitting by your feet and leaning back against the couch. You lifted your legs to rest on his shoulders. He kissed the side of your knee, hugging your lower legs. 
“You never watched Ninja Turtles?” Your fingers played with his hair. “That’s it. Can’t be together anymore.” 
Tim snorted from his spot on the couch next to you. “If that was the case, I would have broken up with Steph a long time ago.” 
“Did I hear my name?” Steph walked in with a tray of healthy snacks Alfred prepared. “Speak of the devil and she should appear.”
She set the tray down on the coffee table, handing a small bowl of popcorn to Tim and you. You munched happily. Jon tilted his head back with his mouth open. You fed him a piece. “Thanks,” he said, tilting his head back to the tv. 
Your recovery was going good. You had only a little pain and your body was accepting Tim’s kidney the best it could. The medications weren’t fun and came with their own restrictions, but you were happy to not have dialysis three times a week.  
Tim was recovering as well if not better than you were. He was still on the same healthy diet as you, but at least he didn’t have the same medications you did. 
The four of you watched cartoons and snacked away. Eventually, Tim and Steph left to go back to their apartment. You and Jon kept watching until Jon fell asleep and your legs went numb from laying over his shoulders. 
“Ouch.” You folded your legs back, wincing at the pins and needles. The remote laid next to you. You put on the news out of habit. 
“Today, the court decided the fate of Tourne Wu-San, otherwise known as Bane. Two weeks ago, the court confirmed Wu-San guilty on charges of terrorism.” You froze, shocked that you didn’t hear about this before. Why didn’t anyone tell you? “Wu-San’s sentencing was held off after much conflict from Santa Prisca’s embassy. However, after confirmation of Wu-San’s dual citizenship, the court sentenced Tourne Wu-San to death by lethal injection.” 
“What?!” You jumped to your feet only to fall back onto the couch. Your legs were still asleep. The blood drained out of your face. Jon jerked awake, looking around.
“What’s wrong?” He focused on you, frowning deeply. “Woah, hey. You look like you seen a ghost.” 
Your hands shook. “They’re going to kill him.” Jon took your hand. His hand radiated warmth. You pulled away, unable to accept the comfort. “It’s all my fault. He’s going to die because of what I did.” 
“Sweetheart, what are you talking about?” Jon kissed your arm, moving to sit on the couch beside you. 
You shook your head, pointing at the screen. The TV was playing a My Pillow commercial. “Bane’s son. They sentenced him to die.” 
Jon swallowed hard. His face paled. “That’s rough.” 
“Rough? He’s going to die and it’s all my fault.” You jumped to your feet and paced the room. “I have to help him.”
“It’s not your fault, (Y/N). He made his own choices.” Jon stood in front of you, forcing you to stop pacing. “He has to pay for what he did. If the courts decided that, we can’t change it.” 
Tears ran down your cheeks. The surge of emotions raged through you, but you knew you couldn’t live if Bane’s son was killed. “Yes, we can. We can break him out and free him.” 
“Are you crazy?!” Jon threw his hands up in the air. “He almost killed you.” He leaned close to your face. “You had to get a kidney transplant because of him! People lost their lives and homes because of him!”
You screamed. Jon jerked away from you. “He’s like us, Jon!” You pushed Jon away from you. “He’s like Damian and me! All three of us lost parents that day! We can’t let it continue!” 
“What the hell is going on in here?!” Dick burst through the door. “I’m trying to get Mar’i to sleep and all I can hear is yelling!” Jon blushed. You panted before storming past Dick. Dick caught your arm. “Hey, what’s wrong?” His voice dropped to a soothing whisper. You were confused until you realized you were still crying.
“Nothing.” You yanked your arm away from Dick. “Just leave me alone.” You ran upstairs and slammed your bedroom door shut behind you. Only then did you allow yourself to break down completely.
“Have you lost your mind? He’s a criminal.” Damian folded his hands in front of him as he sat in his batcomputer chair like it was a throne. You glanced around the batcave he had made for himself under Wayne Tower and admitted the chair was a throne in a way. This was Damian’s kingdom he built on his own. 
“Damian, we can’t let him die.” You rocked on your feet. Jon hovered behind you. Despite the fact he hadn’t said a word, his disapproval burned into you. “We can’t let the cycle of death continue.” 
Damian raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” 
“Bane killed Dad, then I killed Bane.” You swallowed hard. Those words would always carry a heavy weight for you. “Bane’s son almost killed me and if we allow him to be executed, what’s to stop someone from Santa Prisca to come after us and Gotham again?” You crossed your arms, shivering. “We have to stop the cycle. No more death.” 
“Interesting notion.” Damian rubbed his chin. He spun in his chair and typed on his computer. 
You waited, watching his screens. A smile pulled at your lips when Damian brought up the schematics of Blackgate Prison where Bane’s son was being held. “Damian, you can’t be serious,” Jon said, going to Damian’s side. “He almost killed (Y/N).” 
“Yes, but he didn’t, did he?” Damian kept working. “He could have killed (Y/N) right after they handed themselves over, but he didn’t.” Damian glanced back at you. “He could have killed them during the three weeks they held them, but he didn’t. When he caused (Y/N) to overdose, he knew we would get to them in time to prevent cardiac failure.” You smiled. “I say he didn’t want to kill (Y/N) just as much as (Y/N) doesn’t want to see him executed.” 
Jon glanced between the two of you. “Nope. This is not happening.” He crossed his arms. “I love you, (Y/N) and Damian, you’re my best friend, but I’m not letting you do this. I’ll tell my dad and Dick if I have to.” 
Damian snorted. “I guess we’ll have to do this quickly then.” In a move so fast, you almost missed it, Damian landed a punch to Jon’s jaw. Jon fell like a rock. You gasped, running to him. “TT, he’s fine. Just repaying him for the time he did that to me.” 
“He’s unconscious.” You felt the lump on his jaw. “Damn it, Damian. A bit more pressure and you would have broken his jaw.” Damian huffed, taking off the kryptonite ring and putting back into his belt. 
“I know what I am doing.” Damian cracked his knuckles and walked over to his changing area. “Come along. We have to be done before he wakes up.” 
You were torn between Jon and Damian, but you knew you had to save Bane’s son. Kissing Jon’s head, you got him a pillow and a blanket before following Damian.
Pursing your lips, you gripped the stirring wheel of Damian’s flying batmobile. It was in camouflage mode, hovering only a few meters above the prison. You held your breath, counting to ten, then releasing it. Damian entered the prison twenty minutes ago. Where was he?
You glanced at the clock. It was three in the morning now. At your best estimate, Jon would wake up in another half an hour. You had to be back before then. 
A flash of red light came from the roof of Blackgate. You sighed in relief, lowering the batmobile until it was a few feet above the roof. It rocked as two forms climbed to the cockpit. 
“I don’t understand why you would do this,” Bane’s son said, confused. Damian pushed him to sit in the backseat before climbing up to join you at the front. 
“Shut up.” Damian growled in his Batman voice. You shook your head, feeling Bane’s son’s eyes on you. You hit the gas, flying the batmobile away from the prison. “I think we need to provide some more funding. Blackgate’s security has too many holes.” 
“Says someone on the outside.” Bane’s son looked out the window. “Where are you taking me? Are you planning to kill me?” 
You glanced back at him. He didn’t have his mask on. Your heart jumped into your throat. “We’re ending this.” 
Damian huffed. “TT, now it sounds like we’re going to kill him.” 
Bane’s son chuckled. “It does.” 
“I didn’t mean that.” You smiled. It was odd to have the man who was your captor for three long weeks and forced you to overdose, sitting behind you, making a joke. “I meant that we’re going to end the cycle of death. All three of us have suffered enough. We couldn’t allow you to lose your life when you should get a chance to move on.” 
“And how am I supposed to do that? They will search for me.” Bane’s son shook his head. “Not to mention they will know it was you who set me free.” 
Damian glared at him. “What do you take us for? Idiots?” He smirked dangerously. “They may suspect we have something to do with it, but no one will know as long as they never find you.” 
“That is not reassuring me that you aren’t going to kill me.” Bane’s son sighed. “I never wanted this.” 
“None of us did.” You bit your lip. “But we can let it go now. No more killing, no more pain, no more death.” 
You landed the batmobile on the shoreline in the outskirts of Gotham. All three of you got out. Damian helped you. He squeezed your arm, reminding you to take it easy. Bane’s son studied you as if he could already see the damage he had done to you. 
“What now?” he asked, pulling his gaze away from you. 
“TT.” Damian went to the shoreline. He pressed a button on his gauntlet to reveal a camouflaged boat. “Your escape.” He narrowed his eyes at Bane’s son. “It’s autopilot will take you to Canada. Inside is money and documents for your new identity.”
Bane’s son blinked in surprise. “You are really letting me go? After everything I did to your city and to you?” He pointed to you. “They told me I put you in a coma for two months.” 
“Like I said. I’m letting it go and I hope you can too.” You held out a hand. “Go live the life you wanted to live before I forced you to fight your father’s battles.” 
Bane’s son eyed your hand. He paused before taking it. “Let bygones be bygones.” He smiled. “Thank you.” 
Relief washed over you. The tension you didn’t realized you had for so long drained out of you. “You’re welcome.” Bane’s son pulled his hand away. He nodded to Damian before running to the boat. 
You and Damian watched as the boat disappeared into the distance. “We have to go. Kent will be awake soon.” Damian helped you back into the batmobile, taking the pilot’s seat this time. 
“We did good.” You closed your eyes, exhausted.
“TT. Only time will tell, I suppose, but you are right.” Damian flew the batmobile back to the city. “It feels like we did the right thing.” 
You sat on Damian’s couch with Jon’s head on your lap. Your hand lazily ran through his hair. He hadn’t woken up yet, much to your relief. You kissed his forehead. Tears filled your eyes. You knew he probably won’t forgive you for this.
“TT.” Damian walked by. “Stop being emotional.” 
“Shut up.” You glared at him only to turn back to Jon when you felt him stir in your lap. 
Jon groaned, opening his eyes. His hand came up to rub his jaw. “What happened?” 
“Payback.” Damian retorted, tossing an icepack onto Jon’s lap.
You shook your head. “Damian punched you.” You took the ice pack and pressed it gently against Jon’s jaw. Jon looked at you, drinking in the tears in your eyes. He probably could feel the guilt dripping off you.
“You did it, didn’t you?” His voice was a whisper as he looked into your eyes. Biting your lip, you nodded. Jon sighed and closed his eyes. “You look like there is a weight off your shoulders.” 
“What?” You twisted a strand of his hair around your finger. He opened his eyes.
“When I first saw you at Christmas, you looked like you had this backpack of rocks hanging off you at all times. Even when I made you laugh, you still had it.” Jon smiled sadly. “But now it looks like it’s gone. You seem...happier.” 
Damian huffed, taking a seat nearby. “That was put as eloquently as you could manage, Kent.” 
“Shut up, Damian.” Jon glared at Damian before looking back at you. “I’m sorry I tried to stand in your way.” 
You grinned, leaning down to kiss his lips. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Jon moaned into the kiss. “You’re the amazing one.” 
“Stop it! I’m sitting right here!” Damian threw a pillow at you. You caught it easily with one hand. Jon kept kissing you. You never felt so relieved in your life. 
Time passed. You recovered from your transplant, thriving the best you could even with the side effects from all the medications. The rest of the family seemed to know you and Damian had something to do with Bane’s son’s escape, but didn’t act on their suspicions. 
After three long months, you, Dick, Kori, and baby Mar’i were moving back down to Florida. Luckily, you were able to make up enough work to graduate from high school like you planned. You were going to a small college nearby for at least the first year.  After everything, you did want to be near family for now.
The car was packed for the drive home. However, you insisted on one last stop. “Are you sure you want to go alone?” Dick asked, getting out of the car. You nodded your head. 
“I’m good.” You walked into the cemetery. Dick’s gaze weighed on you. It brought you some comfort as you remembered how messed up you were when you came here the first time. 
Mar’i started to cry in the distance. Kori soothed her. You walked past graves. Their noise faded until you got to the one you were looking for. 
“Hi Dad.” You knelt down in front of the simple tombstone. The silence was deafening. “I’m doing like I promised. I’m living my life.” You smiled sadly. “And I repaired my mistakes. Damian, Bane’s son, and I are free from the events of that one night.” Your face burned. “Well, I will always carry the burden, but it won’t dominate my life anymore.” 
“I’m sorry I haven’t come earlier. It’s still hard to think that you’re here.” Tears filled your eyes. “I’ve got to stop crying so much. I feel like that’s all I do.” You rested your forehead on the tombstone. “I’m being nice to Dick and Kori.” You sighed deeply.  “Mar’i is beautiful too. You’d like her. She’s got your grumpy look.” 
A laugh escaped you. “I love you so much, Dad.” You pressed a kiss to the tombstone before pulling away. “I hope I do you proud.” Slowly, you got to your feet. “Goodbye, Dad.” You let your hand rest on the tombstone for a moment. “Thank you for everything.” Almost painfully, you let your hand drop away and started back toward the car. 
Dick and Kori were outside, waiting for you. Mar’i was in Kori’s arms, looking at you with those beautiful green eyes. You went to them, allowing yourself to be pulled into Dick’s arms. Kori wrapped one arm around the two of you. You sighed, enjoying the hug. “We can go home now,” you said firmly. You knew truly what was lost had been found.
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ectonurites · 3 years
kinda weird how jon kent coming out seemed to have made more noise & caused more controversy than tim drake lol
imo the main reasons for that are:
1) DC purposefully made a bigger media fanfare about Jon's stuff two issues ahead of time, vs Tim's just happened within the story. Literally up to the day before UL #6 dropped all of us were wondering 'ARE they gonna do it???' vs we found out about this kiss happening in Superman: Son of Kal-El #5... when #4 still at the moment i'm writing this post hasn't even come out yet. I think a big reason DC made the choice to do it this way (aside from. other reasons that may have contributed) is the fact that Jon is actually leading his own book vs being one story in an anthology, Tim's not currently in an ongoing to promote the same way. (Additionally, since Tim has not chosen a specific label it's definitely just plain harder to market. While media outlets took the 'Robin is bi!' angle, DC hasn't because that's not what has officially happened yet, and pretty much any way to describe his current 'figuring things out' status is harder to fit in a neat headline.)
2) While 'Robin' is a big household name, 'Superman' is definitely bigger. Even though we know Tim is a character who's been around far longer than Jon, most average people outside the comics sphere have no clue who either of them are and think we're talking about Dick and Clark. And like... people outside the comics sphere have been making jokes about Dick's Robin being gay (often in very poor taste ones about him with Bruce bc they don't even know Bruce actually adopted Dick) for a VERY very long time bc of things like the 60s Batman show and the Batman & Robin movie vs a lot of those same people take Clark's Superman way more seriously.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 10/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Ten: White Noise
Laney seemed to sleep heavily the next day, which Clark didn't seem to mind. Laney made a soft noise, opened his mouth, and he turned over on his side. "Laney?" Clark whispered gently, and Laney muttered something incoherently. "Laney?"
Lois knocked and poked her head in the door. "Is he still asleep?" Lois whispered. Clark nodded. "Lane? Lane, it's Mom." Laney rolled over onto his back and took his mask off. "Today's the day, Cricket. You ready to go home?"
Laney stretched out and yawned. "Today's Tuesday?" Laney asked. Clark nodded, and Lois gave Laney his bag with his clothes in them. "I'm gonna get dressed." Clark stretched out and followed Lois out of the room to allow Laney some time to get dressed.
Laney got out of bed and closed the curtain. He took a moment to sit at the foot of the bed and tie his shoes before he heard someone knock on the door. "I'm dressed," Laney answered, "Just putting my shoes on." Conner came in, and Laney pulled up his socks before standing up. Conner stood there for a while, and he embraced his brother. Laney stood there in shock for a few seconds before hugging Conner back. "I'm getting out of the hospital today, not going back."
"I know... I just—. It's nice to see you in your regular clothes," Conner shrugged. Laney smiled and stretched out his legs as he opened the curtain.
"Sounds like I've finally found a shirt I own that you like," Laney joked.
Shortly after Laney was discharged to the hospital, Clark took Laney home in his car. Lois and his brothers followed behind in Conner's car. "Laney, can you do something for me?" Clark asked.
"Sure, what is it?" Laney asked.
"Tell your brother that you appreciate him. You don't have to word it like that, but you could just—." Laney nodded.
"I can do that... Wait, which brother, and why?" Laney asked.
"Conner. You promise?" Clark asked. Laney nodded. "And I'm not going to go into detail, but this takes a toll on him... The hospitals."
"He never told me—."
"He told me, and I don't want you to mention it to him. He didn't say it to hurt you or say you're a burden," Clark explained, "I think he was trying to say that there were a lot of bad memories of you being sick when you boys were little."
Laney ran a hand through his hair. "I'll tell him... I'll probably let him stay over for the weekend, make him dinner or something," Laney replied. Clark smiled.
"Thank you, Laney," Clark whispered. Laney tapped on the dashboard with his nails. "I'm glad we got to talk this weekend... Are we okay?" Laney nodded.
"Yeah, we're okay," Laney took a deep breath, "Dad, this was nice. I mean, aside from having to go to the emergency room and spending four days in the coronary care unit, spending time with you guys was really nice." A big smile spread across Clark's face.
"If you ever want to talk about anything else, just let me know," Clark replied.
"Actually, I have two questions. Did you finish your article, and will you keep me updated on Christopher and the tennis thing?" Laney asked.
"In order, I emailed it to you, and of course. I know your mom's very excited about him being interested in a sport," Clark smiled.
After Clark pulled into the lot, they followed Laney up to his apartment and greeted his roommate before saying their goodbyes. Laney asked Conner to stay for a little while longer and have breakfast with him.
"I'd love to stick around, but I have class. Get some rest, Lane," Sylvia smiled, "And it's nice seeing you again, Conner."
As soon as the door shut, Conner chuckled. "She's a joy to be around... How does she live with you?" Conner asked.
"Kon... Thanks for staying with me when I was in the hospital," Laney thanked his brother. Conner opened Laney's fridge and grabbed a box of frozen waffles.
"Do you guys separate your things or—?"
"I want three waffles," Laney interrupted, "And did you hear me like two seconds ago?"
"Did Dad tell you to thank me? Because I'm fine... Really," Conner replied.
"I mean, it's okay if you're not. I know you had to reschedule a gig because of me. You haven't slept in a bed since Friday night because of me, and I know you never once complained about any of it," Laney whispered, "Frankly, it'd be nice if you did just a little complaining."
"Laney, I don't want to complain. Also, I don't care about any of that stuff. I just don't like hospitals," Conner replied.
"Conner, I really don't get what's wrong... I wouldn't have made you stay—."
"I know that. I wanted to stay. I didn't get to stay when we were kids," Conner mumbled as he put the waffles in the oven. "I guess I just wanted you to know that I was there." Laney punched him in the shoulder.
"Love you," Laney laughed as Conner rubbed his arm.
"You're a fucking terrible person," Conner laughed. Laney chuckled as he went through the fridge and grabbed a can of iced tea. "Lane, do you remember being sick the first time?"
"I remember telling you that I was going to eat you, and you started crying. That was hilarious," Laney snickered, "And I sort of recall that you were convinced that I was a ghost for like a week after I came home."
"I was four, and to be fair, the one time I saw you when you were in the hospital, you were asleep," Conner explained, "Can I have one of those?" Conner pointed to Laney's iced tea.
"This is the last one... But you know that, huh?" Laney asked as he passed Conner his can to let him have a sip.
After breakfast, Conner watched tv for a few hours with Laney until Laney noticed Conner falling asleep sitting up. "Hey, you don't have to sit up with me until Sylvia comes back... You'll be here until a while."
Conner ran a hand over his face. "I know you don't like to be by yourself... I can stay-."
"Conner, I'm fine. Sylvia has a date and a life, and I suppose you have at least one of those things. I'm fine," Laney interrupted, "Go on, I'm sure Tim misses you."
"Trust me, he wouldn't mind missing me for one more night," Conner joked.
"Kon, I'm trying to kick you out... I was gonna invite Jason over," Laney confessed.
"Wait, are you for real?" Conner asked. Laney nodded. "Cool. Call him."
"Yeah, so... You can go home now," Laney laughed.
Conner got up and paused before turning and saying, "You know you can't—."
"I know. I'm just asking Jason to spend the night, nothing else," Laney interrupted, "Besides, imagine having to explain that to Mom and Dad. Are you leaving?"
Conner laughed and let himself out. "Bye, old man," he joked as he shut the door.
After Conner left, Laney texted Jason to ask if he was out of class, and in return, he received a call. "No, I'm not in class... What's up?" Jason answered. Laney chuckled. "What?"
"I didn't think you'd call instead of texting back... Do you wanna come over? I mean, like spend-the-night-in-my-room kind of come over," Laney clarified. Jason cleared his throat.
"Like we share a bed?" Jason asked.
"Yeah! I mean like, alternatively, my dad left the air mattress if you're uncomfortable with—."
"I'm not uncomfortable with it. I just— I've never—... I haven't—."
"Jason, I didn't have that kind of sleeping together in mind. I just meant you and me going to sleep in the same bed... Also, I can't do much more than that for like a month and a half, or my doctor will kill me," Laney joked, "Or maybe my heart will. It's one of those." Jason chuckled.
"So, you want me to come over and sleep in your bed? Like, do you want me to bring pajamas?" Jason asked, his voice only half-serious.
"I don't really have anything that'll fit you, but I don't mind what you wear."
"You do realize this doesn't count as a date, right?" Jason asked.
"I know, I've got something way better planned for our next actual date—."
"You're saying next time as if we've actually been on an actual date before," Jason interrupted. Laney smiled and kicked his feet up on the couch.
"That's your interpretation, and I'm okay with that. So, are you coming over?" Laney asked. "I can come and pick you up."
"I'll get a ride there... Why does everyone assume I have such a terrible time getting around without a car? It's Gotham. Where am I gonna go?" Jason asked.
"Why don't you have a car?" Laney asked.
"I don't really go anywhere... Besides, I like walking at night. It helps me clear my head, and if your apartment's too far, I can get a ride there," Jason answered Laney.
Laney leaned forward and texted Jason the address. "Did you eat yet?" Laney asked.
"Nuh-uh... I mean, I had lunch, but I was kind of gonna have a glass of milk and call it a night—."
"That's not gonna fly. See you at seven-thirty," Laney interrupted and hung up before ordering food. He turned the tv on and took a shower while he waited for his doorbell to ring, and he put on his pajamas.
Gus came out of Laney's room and started whining. "Oh, sweet boy, I'm sorry. I know I was gone for a long time," Laney whispered as he picked Gus up, "But I know your Auntie Sylvie took such good care of you, and it smells like she gave you a bath." Gus purred as Laney walked around looking for something. "Do you know what I'm looking for?" The doorbell rang. "You're right. I'm looking for money." Laney answered the door and asked the man to hold on while he looked for his wallet. He put Gus down and walked around the apartment, looking for the bag of things he had when he left the hospital. He found it sitting next to his bed and let out a sigh of relief before paying for his food.
As soon as he moved to close the door behind the deliveryman, he heard Jason's voice, and he reopened the door. "Hey," Jason smiled. Laney greeted Jason with a peck on the cheek and put the food on the counter. "Laney? You didn't have to order—."
"You didn't eat dinner. The least I can do is make sure you eat something before you go to sleep at my place," Laney replied as he washed his hands and pulled two plates out of the cupboard. "You still like Italian hot dogs, right?" Jason nodded.
"How do you remember that?" Jason asked. "I had Italian hot dogs with you maybe once."
"I remember specifically because you never shut up about how it's the only good hot dog," Laney replied. He took the food out of the bag and put the neatly wrapped food on plates. Jason sat on the couch next to Gus, and Gus purred and rubbed his face against the back of Jason's hand.
"Who is this?" Jason asked as he held him.
"That is Gus Gus. He's my son. I've had him for like a month-and-a-half now," Laney replied, "Do you want something to drink? Like maybe some juice or something?"
Jason shook his head. "Where's your roommate?" Jason asked.
"She has a date tonight, so I don't think she's coming home... You can sit down on the couch," Laney answered and gave Jason his plate. Jason sat on the couch and waited for Laney to sit down.
Laney sat down and gave Jason the remote before he started eating. "Laney, I was just thinking... Remember when I slept over at your house for the first time, and I was scared because I'd never been outside of Gotham without my dad?" Jason asked.
"Are you telling me that you're nervous?" Laney asked seriously.
"No, well, yeah... But, remember what you did?" Jason asked.
"No, but I'm sure you'll tell me," Laney answered, his mouth half-full.
"You put a blanket in the dryer, and when you came back, you threw it over me and told me to go to bed," Jason laughed. Laney smiled and covered his mouth as he finished chewing, and he took a sip of water.
"You did go to sleep, though. I stayed up until I knew for sure you were asleep... Also, you really don't have to be nervous about spending the night. If I'm being honest, I just didn't want to be alone," Laney confessed, and he took his pinky to wipe the corner of Jason's mouth.
"Stop," Jason laughed, not realizing Laney was staring at him. Laney took a napkin and wiped his hands and mouth before pressing a kiss to Jason's cheek. Jason's ears grew hot, and he swallowed his food. "What was that for?"
Laney shrugged. "I hope you don't mind..." Laney trailed off. Jason finished eating and wiped his hands on a napkin.
"Laney, how come you never tell me what you're thinking?" Jason asked. Laney put his food down and turned to Jason, even putting his feet up on the couch.
He cocked his head and looked at Jason for a moment before saying, "Isn't it obvious?" Laney asked. Jason chuckled.
"No, not exactly," Jason replied.
"I don't really have words for what I'm thinking. I'm just happy you're here. You were never one for using your words anyways," Laney whispered. After they finished eating, Laney cleaned up and washed his hands in the kitchen sink. Jason took his pajamas out of his bag as Laney pointed him in the direction of the bathroom.
After Jason's shower, he sat on the couch with Laney, and they watched the news. "I think that guy lives on my floor... Hm," Jason mumbled.
Laney's eyes grew heavy, and he lay back and rested his head on Jason's lap. Jason played with Laney's hair, and Jason whispered, "You're still tired, huh?" Laney opened one eye and cracked a smile.
"Are you making fun of me?" Laney mumbled.
"Depends. Are you pretending to be tired so you can get me to go back to your room?" Jason asked. Laney yawned. "Okay, you win." Laney sat up and led Jason to his room, where he pulled his bedsheets back and let Jason climb into bed first. He went through his bag from the hospital, and he opened a box. Jason propped up on his elbows and asked Laney where he should plug up his phone. Laney took his phone and plugged it next to his before going back to assembling the mask from the box.
He plugged in a small box behind his bed and placed the mask over his nose. For a while, they both lay on their backs in silence, listening to the airflow of Laney's CPAP machine. "I-is this too much noise?" Laney asked. Jason turned over toward Laney and threw his arm over him.
Jason murmured something unintelligible and pushed his face into Laney's shoulder. After a while, the warmth of Jason's body caused Laney to drift off to sleep. Both men slept peacefully, and as the morning came, neither of them would admit it, but it was the best sleep they'd had in a long time.
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arguablysomaya · 3 years
oneshot prompt idea: canon!batfam meets fanon!batfam?
thanks for the prompt this was a great distraction from imperialism camp
"What the fuck is that?"
Tim gawked at his alternate self, horrified.
Other Tim pursed his lips. "It's my suit?"
"Why's it brown?"
Other Tim huffed. "Well, it was either this or the Robin suit, which the demon brat would definitely attack me for, or the cowl, and I hate the cowl."
"Cowl...?" He whispered to himself, bewildered. "What are you talking about?"
"Nevermind that," Other Tim said, "What's wrong with your eyes? Those eyebags are ridiculous. Do you sleep, like, ever??"
"Not you too," Tim whined. "Look, I skipped my meds yesterday and I accidentally stayed up for a case. No big deal. Don't- uh, don't tell Dick, please."
Other Tim frowned. "Why would I tell Dick? What meds?"
"My anxiety meds? For my ASD?"
"I... don't have autism."
Tim paused. A neurotypical... "I don't think this is gonna work out."
When Bruce found them, it was nearly too late. Damian was already stalking toward Tim's room with his katana.
"Damian," Bruce rumbled.
The boy stiffened. Other Damian didn't. "Baba," Damian said stiffly, trying to hide the sword behind his back.
"Why can't you be like Cass? Cass gets along with her double." Well, she'd liked her double enough... Bruce sighed longsufferingly. "Damian, you can't kill Tim, no matter what he's doing in an alternate universe."
"But Baba! He took Robin from me!"
Tim's door opened, revealing the teen, outfitted with an irate expression. "I'm not happy about it either, brat. Other Me has no idea how costumes or code names work, at all. He went by Drake, for gods sake! He's not a villain, like some people's doubles," Damian lunged at him, and Bruce scooped him up, wrapping him in his bulk, "but how am I supposed to show my face knowing that somewhere in the multiverse, I'm wearing a condom on my head."
"Don't," Damian suggested. "Do us all a favor."
Tim stuck out his tongue. "You're just mad Jon's older than you now in their timeline."
Damian tried to lunge again, and Bruce cast his eyes up to the ceiling as he held him back, wondering what he'd done to deserve this. Then he remembered what his double was like. Ah, he thought. That's what.
"What's wrong with your- my- your hair?" Dick asked, peering at the scar on his double's scalp.
Other Dick shoved him away. "It's called a scar."
"I know that," Dick huffed. "Why is it there?"
"I got shot in the head," Other Dick answered, looking uncomfortable.
"And you survived??"
"Well, technically, but I got amnesia and an alternate personality and- well. It's a long story."
Dick paused. "That's. well."
Other Dick sighed miserably. "That always ruins the conversation."
"..... Is that... a joke?"
Other Cass shook her head. "I dated Conner Kent."
"...I'm a lesbian."
"WAIT- you're telling me Damian was missing for MONTHS and none of you went to look for him??? Who ARE you people???"
"Oh my god," Other Duke rolled his eyes, "There's two of him now."
Duke gaped at the scene before him. "This family is so weird."
Other Duke waved him off. "Nah, I pretty much expected this."
A chair crashed into the wall beside the door. One of the Jasons bellowed in rage and tackled the other. They wrestled on the floor.
Other Duke dragged Duke back through the doorway. "Just leave them to it, our Jason will storm off eventually."
Other Duke winced. "Maybe not."
Duke gulped. "I can't believe this family."
Dick threw himself into Bruce's arms. "B, I swear I'll never complain about your parenting ever again! Other Me told me about your other self, what the fuck???"
Bruce sighed, patting his oldest son's back. "I know. I met him once, and I'm never talking to anyone from that universe again if I can help it. It's such an absurd timeline."
Dick looked distraught. "Everyone is so repressed! Sexually, Emotionally- you know Other Me barely even talked to Jason when he was Robin?"
Bruce just shook his head. "Just wait until you hear about how I treated Tim when he first became Robin. Theirs is truly a backward universe."
Selina gasped at her alternate. "He doesn't WHAT?"
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robinofgothamcity · 4 years
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♡ starting prompt: “the guy who wins your heart will be so lucky.” 
♡ pairing: Tim Drake (Red Robin) & fem reader
♡ lyric inspiration: “I will take your pain and put it on my heart. I won’t hesitate, just tell me where to start.” / not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes. 
“she’s drunk, isn’t she?” Barbara asked, looking at you empathetically, “again?” Dick replied, shaking his head. you were in the corner of the living room, wine bottle in your hand, and singing to whatever was playing, “she caught her ex cheating on her...again,” Barbara explained.
Dick sighed, seeing the clear pain on your face. you were dancing and singing with a smile plastered on your face but the pain you were trying to hide was still evident in your eyes. this had been the third time someone you were dating had done something to make you break up with them and everyone was being honest, they were ready to find your ex and tell them a thing or two. 
“that’s really upsetting,” Dick mentioned, “she really liked him too. wherever she’s finding these guys to date, she needs to stop, and realize that the one she should be dating is in front of her eyes.”
the two of them looked to Tim, who was off in his was off in his own space, doing work for the Bat. Barbara gave him a hearty laugh, “yeah right!” she exclaimed, “the day Tim tells her how he feels is the day Damian thanks one of us for saving him.” Dick looked at her before hesitantly agreeing. 
you walked towards the two, a drunk smile on your face. Dick grabbed the unopened wine bottle and hid it behind his back, “where’s the red wine I had here?” you asked, a pout on your face. Barbara gave Dick a quick look, “you finished it, sweetheart,” she informed, “the last bottle you bought is on the floor by the couch.” 
you growled, giving a stink face, “this sucks. I’m still not drunk and still have thoughts of that IDIOT in my head...I need to find more alcohol,” you said with sudden determination, “do you think your dad has any?” you asked rhetorically. 
Dick and Barbara went wide eyed as they saw you speeding towards the stairs, “TIM GRAB HER!” Dick screamed. Tim whipped his head up, seeing as you nearly out of the batcave and scrambled to get you. 
you were on the second step when he grabbed you by the waist and hurled you into his arms, “come on ( your name ), you don’t need to be drinking anymore,” he whispered in your ear. you gave your best friend a sad pout, “please?” you you asked with your lip sticking out. Tim shook his head no as you sighed in defeat. 
“it’s like everyone can see they’re in love except for them!” Barbara exclaimed, running her hands through her hair, “when they’re not doing hero work, they collectively share one brain cell,” Damian replied as he and the Kent kid walked into the lair. 
your smile widened, seeing your favorite sidekick walk in, “DAMIAN!” you yelled, running to him with wide arms. he immediately ran away from you but with the speed of your legs, you managed to catch him easily enough, “what is wrong with her?” he yelled, trying to pry himself away from you. 
Tim, Dick, Barbara, and Jon laughed as you continued to hug him while he struggled to get away, “Damian, you know you love it!” you said happily. he gave his brother a look for help, “what is wrong with her!” he yelled again, finally escaping his arms. 
the three adults looked at each other as Tim spoke up, “she’s going through a rough time right now,” was all he managed to say as Damian scoffed, “what? did she go through another break up or something?” he said, not realizing your sudden change of expression. 
you looked at the wall emotionless. Tim and Dick gave their brother a death stare as Jon walked up to you and wrapped his arm around you, “hey, it’s okay! there’s other people out there!” he tried to comfort you. 
hearing Jon’s words, you felt tears brimming your eyes as you gave the Kent a tight hug, “really?” you slurred. Jon gave Tim a desperate look as he grabbed you and pulled your arm around him, “lets get you to bed? even though it’s noon?” he laughed, pulling you and himself to his bedroom. 
“I swear that idiot is never going to confess his feelings for her, is he?” Damian asked his older brother as he agreed. 
a few days had passed since you had gotten drunk at the Wayne manor. you were still a bit upset at the break up but more than anything, you were sad about not having anyone to come home and talk to after your work shifts. 
you had never gotten far enough in a relationship where you had to admit what you did on the side but you would still come home beat from your ‘day’ job. you had been living alone the minute you turned eighteen as your parents refused to accept what you did with your free time. 
being a superhero and helping out Batman when you had the chance was something you prided yourself on but your parents found it a waste of time as you had dropped going to college to help the bat out. you didn’t have any special powers, much like the rest of the Wayne family but your skills on the field made up for it regardless. 
you saw your beeper going off indicating that either Dick or Bruce himself wanted to speak to you. you picked it up, showing that you were available to speak when the small screen showed up. 
“afternoon ( your name ), you available to patrol tonight?” Dick asked, showing you the schedule for this weeks patrol. you looked it over, realizing you were able to pick up a few rounds, “yeah, I can do tonight, Wednesday, and Friday night!” you replied. 
Dick smiled, “great to hear that! you’ll be doing rounds with Tim and Garfield,” he informed you. you nodded excitedly, “how you holding up?” he asked, trying to hint at your situation, “fine, I think? still stings but trying to get myself out there again,” you muttered, releasing a heavy sigh, 
he remained silent for a bit but decided to bite back on his words, “ah, I’m sure you’ll find someone who’s worth your time soon enough. we’re here if you need anyone to talk to!” Dick said before departing and ending the call. 
you slumped yourself on the couch and tried to get your mind off your ex boyfriend. this had been your third try at a relationship and every single time, every single one of them had done something to ruin it. the first one had completely ghosted you. the second one had broken up with you after he finally got laid, and the your last relationship ended because he had cheated on you. 
you had mentioned the start of your relationships to the Wayne’s so they knew where you would run off to when you weren’t busy with work or hero work. despite keeping your relationship on the down low, each of them always crawled up to your door, apologizing profusely for what they did and you were able to tell that one of them were the reasons why. 
the crying session you would usually have after a break up had yet to happen but you knew that it was bound to happen eventually. the crying after the break up always felt like the biggest wave of relief and you knew that was the last thing you had to cross off your list before fully moving on. 
you ended up taking a nap on the couch, not realizing you were about to be to patrol as you bolted out of the blanket and ran to put on your uniform. the uniform was a bit tight on your body so it felt like it took your forty years to slip on but soon enough, you made your way to your starting destination. 
Tim was already on the top of the roof, leaning against his bo-staff as you hurled onto the roof. you gave him a smile, standing next to him, “how are you feeling?” he asked, as the two of you sat on the ledge of the building. 
you shrugged, knowing if you spoke, you would end up crying, “fine,” you replied, trying not to speak any farther. Tim could see the hurt in your eyes and remained silent the rest of the time. 
it was almost the end of the patrolling session when you had caught a stupid thug trying to steal the purse off of a man. you immediately swooped down from the building, standing behind the thug and kicking him from behind the leg as Tim escorted the man to his car. 
you stared at the thug with disgust, “you should really learn your lesson to not be stealing from others,” you spat, kicking him in the rib cage again. Tim watched as he saw your eyes light up with pure rage, “maybe the next time you decide to be this much of a low life, you’ll end up in grave,” you continued. 
you had blown a couple of punches to the thug as he was starting to cough up blood. Tim immediately ran to you and held you up as the man scrambled up and tried to run away as fast as possible. “calm down!” Tim yelled, holding you against his chest and restricting your arms. 
the tears had finally came down your face as sobs racked your body as you moved yourself to cry into Tim’s chest. the lucky part in all of that was that you were in a darkened alley so no one was able to tell who was being a hysterical drama queen. 
“it’s okay, you’re okay,” Tim soothed, rubbing your back softly. you hid your face against his chest, “why is it always me?” you screamed, “I’m a great person and have done nothing to deserve what I’ve gotten!” you managed to say, 
Tim nodded understandingly. 
“I know,” he replied, “but the guy who wins your heart will be so lucky,” he whispered. you looked up to him with teary eyes, “really?” you asked. Tim nodded, “I know it. the next person who ends up with you will be the one. I promise you,” he stated.
you stared at him, confused, “how do you know?” Tim sighed, knowing he might as well rip off his confession like a band-aid, “because I was hoping I could be the next person to take you out on a date,” he finally confessed.
the air was deadly silent as you fixed your eyes on his face. you tried to respond but no words were falling from your lips. Tim felt his heart fall into his stomach as he realized he might’ve ruined your entire friendship with him with his stupid little confession. 
“Tim...Tim, look at me.” you grabbed his chin and made him stare at you, “Tim, do you like me?” you asked, trying to read his expression. 
Tim nodded as you smiled at his sudden flustered look, “listen, I don’t know how to feel about this but I know there’s something there for you. how about in a few weeks, the two of us can go out on a date to a museum or something?” you grabbed his hand softly. 
the two of you looked at each other as Tim wiped the stray tears off your face and nodded, “of course. name a time and day and I’ll be there!” he said. before you respond, you heard both of your beepers going off indicating that your patrol time was over. 
“I’ll definitely let you know.” 
that was all you managed to say before grabbing your grappling hook and swinging away into the night, leaving a shy and flustered Tim in the alleyway. 
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icerosecrystal · 4 years
Daminette - The Goddess of Deception vs the Goddess of Creation Pt. 1
Marinette, goddess of deception, at least, that’s what everyone thought. In reality, she was the goddess of creation, but all the other gods and goddesses had handed over the title to another goddess. Lila was her name, and she was the actual goddess of deception, not that anyone except for Marinette knew. Even the queens and kings of Olympus Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz, etc. were starting to believe Lila. How did Lila manage to do this? Well, it all happened a year ago.
(A Year Ago)
Marinette was heading out to meet her friends. Once she arrived, she heard a loud, obnoxious voice claiming to be the Goddess of Creation. She looked around and saw a girl with sausage hair, talking to the rest of her friends. Supposedly, she found out she was the goddess a couple of months ago, and she and the god of the sun, Adrien were to be married in six years. While the dates were correct, her claims most certainly were not. Marinette then came up and questioned, “How could you possibly be the goddess of creation?”
Yeah, tactlessness was not her forte. Sausage hair burst into tears, exclaiming, “Of course you would question me! I expect nothing less from the goddess of deception.” Marinette couldn’t believe what she just heard, she tried to stammer out an answer, but after sausage hair’s response, everyone swiftly turned to glare at her.
“That’s so not cool, have you been lying to us the whole time, Marinette,” Alya yelled, “And just because you are the goddess of deception, that doesn’t mean you have to have it out for poor Lila.” Oh, so Lila was her name, it should be Liar, not Lila. Everyone continued shouting similar things to Marinette, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lila looking at her smugly.
Lila then loudly laughed and said, “Well, I should tell more about what it’s like being the goddess of creation, ” and she then dragged everyone along, leaving Marinette shaking with blinding rage. She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked around to see Adrien looking at her. He had a disappointed look in his eyes.
“Marinette, why would you do that? If you leave Lila alone, she will get some more friends and will eventually admit that she isn’t the goddess of creation. Just play along.” It made Marinette even angrier was he implying that she should leave her future in the hands of a LIAR!
Marinette gave him a cold glare, “ I don’t care what you think, Mr. Agreste. You think Lila’s well being is more important over my own. She is stealing my title and future, and it will end up harming everyone, including me.” She saw him opening his mouth to most likely retort, but before he could, she turned on her heal and said, “Have a good rest of your day Mr. Agreste.” After seeing Adrien’s true colors, Marinette swore that if she ever got out of this mess and be identified as the true goddess of creation, she would do everything in her power so that she wouldn’t marry Adrien. For he is a fool, the god of the sun is.
Marinette sighed, reminiscing in the consequences that day. Who knew that her friends had so little faith in her?! The only good thing that came out of the whole ordeal was that she ended up dodging a bullet in having to marry Adrien. But, she realized that if she does come out as the true goddess of creation, she would have to marry him. Fortunately, it would be a bit harder for her to do because Adrien had kissed Lila, which resulted in the breaking of the bond between Marinette and Adrien. It came with a price of immense pain, but the bond, still broken.
Either way, she would end up losing something if she left or stayed, and did she want to out her true identity to a group of people who believed a stranger over her? No, she didn’t. So, she made the hard decision to disappear, well the semi-hard decision. She would miss her parents, the god of baked goods and family, and the goddess of the harvest. She would miss Luka, the god of music, Juleka the goddess of insecurities, Kagami the goddess of war, and surprisingly Chloe, the goddess of subjection, whom she got closer to over the year of isolation that Marinette faced from her old friends. Nonetheless, she would be sad about leaving them, but she needed this. She got in contact with her Grandma, goddess of traveling, and she then left for the mortal world, saying goodbye to Olympus, if only for a couple of years.
(Time Skip of 4 years)
It has been four years since Marinette left Olympus, and she was so happy. She was able to explore so many different places in the mortal world with her grandma. But, unfortunately, her grandma was needed back in Olympus a year ago, so she had been traveling by herself ever since. She was currently in Los Angeles, California. It was crowded with many mortals and was very noisy, but it was incredibly beautiful and a new experience for her. She was walking around the city when she saw a doorway. She looked around and saw that none of the mortals could see it, meaning it belonged to Olympus. She looked back at it and saw a dark figure leaning against the alleyway leading to the doorway. When he saw her, he pushed off the wall and walked to her. He stepped in front of her and smirked, “Little goddess, what are you doing all alone? And why are you looking at one of the gateways to the Underworld?”
Wait, Los Angeles was one of the gateways to the Underworld?! (Yes, I did get this idea from Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief) But, if that’s the gateway to the Underworld, then it meant that this figure in front of her was Damian, the god of the Underworld! “Yes, I am,” Oh, crap, she said that out loud. “Little Goddess, you didn’t answer my question. Why are you here and not on Olympus?”
It took a minute for the question to register into her brain before she promptly explained how Lila claimed the title of the goddess of creation, how she was the real goddess of creation. How she got completely isolated because Lila said that she was the goddess of deception. Marinette ranted about how her life had been five years ago, and how Marinette had had enough, deciding to leave Olympus for the mortal world. The whole time, she could see Damian’s face growing darker, and he looked like he would try as hard as he could to commit a murderer to a goddess, which confused her. Why did he care she just met him? By the end of her tirade, Marinette was panting for air, before she realized that he might no believe her like her old friends. So she timidly asked, “Do you believe me?”
Damian was snapped out of his murderer planning and quickly reassured her, “Of course, I believe you! I can feel the aura of creation surrounding you while you can most likely feel the aura of destruction and death around me.” She understood what he meant about the auras. She was also relieved that she had finally found someone who believed her.
Damian watched her closely before asking her a question that changed everything, “Would you like to go to the Underworld with me?” Marinette looked startled for a second before carefully thinking about her answer. It would be a great experience staying in the Underworld. And Damian had been so kind to her so far, on top of all that he believed her. No one believed her, especially not a stranger. She looked him straight in the eye before giving him her answer, “Yes.”
Damian leads her through the doorway, and after a series of confusing twists and turns, they finally reached the Underworld. Most would find it dark and spooky, but for Marinette, she was in awe of how all the shadows mixed to make a type of beauty that was found only in a place like the Underworld. Damian was watching her closely and smiled softly at the look of sheer awe displayed on her face.
Before he could say anything, a loud voice yelled from somewhere, “Well, if it isn’t Demon spawn, and look, he brought a goddess!” They turned around and, Marinette saw a god, as she assumed, with black hair with a shock of white along with blue-green eyes. His sentence was followed by a crash and dogs barking, and finally, three more gods barreled in from a doorway. Two of them squealed in delight, while the other one yelled, “Is that a real, goddess?” (I did just casually quote Frozen in the middle of my one-shot)
From there, it was chaos, all the boys were asking questions, trying to know her, but all of the questions were flying overhead, none of them understandable. Having enough, Damian whistled, halting everything to a stop. “Tt, enough you useless, morons! What’s going to happen now is that you are going to shut the hell up, let me explain how I met her, and then you will ask Father and Pennyworth to come here so that I may introduce each of you to her. UNDERSTAND!” They all muttered agreements and then waited for Damian to explain how they met. Damian then went on to explain how they met and exactly what Marinette told him about her past. By the end, all the boys looked like they wanted to tease him or get more info on Marinette. They decided to choose the former.
“Oooh, the demon’s in love. The brat found a girl on the street,” the boy that was in the room from when they first arrived exclaimed.
“Tt Todd, go get Father and Pennyworth so I can introduce you,” Damian yelled harshly. The other boy raised his hands as if to surrender and ran out of the room. After some awkward silence, he came back with two gods trailing after him.
“Damian, what is this,” the younger of the men asked.
“Father, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she is the goddess of creation, but the goddess of deception claimed her title, and everyone thinks that Marinette is the goddess of deception,” he went on to explain everything he already explained to the other gods. Once he finished explaining, he introduced everyone. “Marinette, I would like to introduce you to my Father, Bruce Wayne. These are my adopted brothers, Jason Todd, Tim or Timothy Drake, Dick or Richard Grayson. My best friend Jon or Jonathan Kent, and my butler Alfred Pennyworth. Father is the god of darkness and adoption, Todd the god of weapons and witchcraft, Grayson the god of death, Drake the god of judgment, Alfred the god of emotions, and finally, Kent, the god of happiness. If you couldn’t tell, he’s visiting.”
Marinette smiled widely at all of them, “It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Ahhh, blinded, we’ve been by the pure sunshine that you are,” Jason yelled, covering his eyes. Marinette’s mood automatically soured, “Please, don’t compare me to the sun. You would be comparing me to the god of the sun who is an asshole and a coward.” They all raised an eyebrow
at her response but didn’t further question it.
“Go be idiots somewhere else, heathens,” Damian screamed, pulling out a katana with the intent to impale them. All of his brothers and his friend ran out of the room, screaming bloody murderer, while his Father and Alfred calmly walked out.
Damian turned back to Marinette, “Would you like to stay for a little bit?” Damian asked. “Would you like to stay forever?” someone shrieked along with a thump. (If you couldn’t already tell, I am obsessed with Disney movies. This was a Mulan reference.)
Marinette smiled gently and replied, “I think I would like that.” Loud whoops, were heard after her response, which caused Damian to groan in exasperation.
(Time Skip, it is about the time of the “Lila’s” and Adrien’s wedding)
Marinette has been staying in the Underworld with Damian and his family, and she has been enjoying it. They were all very kind and supportive of her. They helped her, and she found common interests with each of them. But, out of all of them, she connected with Damian the most. He was the one that brought her here, and he was the one who always had her interests in mind. He made sure to check in on her every day, making sure that she was satisfied with her day and didn’t want to leave the Underworld. Marinette wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she loved how much he doted on her. It was a nice change for her. But, she finally realized the actual reason when it smacked her in the face, literally.
She was walking down one of the long windy halls that she would most likely end up getting lost in, but her being the stubborn person that she was, refused to ask for help. She then smacked right into a shirtless Damian. He grabbed her shoulders to steady her and looked at her, “Are you alright, Marinette?”
But she couldn’t answer. The only thing she was capable of doing at the moment was staring at Damian’s toned chest. It was smooth and had a beautiful shine to it underneath the lights. He had huge biceps, broad shoulders, and a very clear eight-pack. He had just finished exercising, so he was sweating, which made him look even hotter,“…Marinette, MARINETTE!”
“Huh,” she mumbled out. Damian gave her a curious look, “What were you looking at?”
She looked up at him, “You hot, I -I mean, you look nice, n-n-no, uhh your a chest look amazing, w-wait no, ” she then started mumbling to herself, so that Damian couldn’t understand her and hid her face in her hands.
He gently took her hands and rested them on his chest while putting his hands on her hips and pulling her closer, “So, you think I’m hot. Am I hot enough for you to do this?” He started leaning forward slowly so that she could pull away anytime. Yet, she didn’t. She instead tilted her head up and brought her lips closer to his, fluttering her eyes shut. Their lips met in a moment of passion. Her lips were warm and sweet, almost like strawberries, and they molded against his lips. Damian gripped the back of her neck, deepening the kiss, evolving it from chaste to intimate. It felt like a dream, her hands around his neck, his in her hair, and around her waist. Her finding the feeling of being loved. She pulled away and put her hands back on his chest. She looked into his amazing emerald eyes and his swollen lips while panting in sync with him. He pulled her close again and asked her after giving her a peck on the lips, “ Be my girlfriend?” “Yeah,” she replied, and they went back to kissing, this time making out. They heard the cries of joy at her response, it looks like they had some incompetent fools to murderer later, but for now, it was just them.
That had been a couple of months ago, and they were happy together. While things were going great in the Underworld, things were falling apart in Olympus and the mortal realm. Because Marinette, the real goddess of creation, was in the Underworld, plants stopped growing, and many other things that the goddess of creation controls, was, in the process, of destruction. In Olympus, the Kings and Queens were trying to figure out the cause of the lack of life in the mortal realm. And so they went to Lila. Lila claimed that someone was stealing her powers. The kings and queens were skeptical, but since everyone else believed her, they figured that it must be the truth. And so, everyone on Olympus was ordered to find the thief. And the wedding of creation and sun was to commence.
Back in the Underworld, Damian and Marinette were making plans to expose Lila, but one thing was still troubling Marinette, “Dami?”
“Yes, little goddess.”
“If I do go through with the plan, I would have to marry Adrien. I don’t want to marry him!”
Damian hummed thoughtfully, “That does seem like a problem. What do you suggest?”
She blushed underneath his loving gaze, “Would you be willing to marry me?” Damian looked stunned, opening and closing his mouth, looking like a fish. After several failed attempts to speak, he manages a nod with a hint of red splayed across his cheeks. Marinette squealed and tackled him to the ground.
Dick came inside, pretending that he wasn’t listening to their conversation the whole time, “Well, congratulations, make sure to use protection, we don’t need little demons running around the place.” Marinette blushed and swiftly tucked her face into the crook of Damian’s shoulder. If looks could kill, Dick would be dead three times over with the glare Damian was giving him at the moment. Dick seeing his reaction, quickly left the room in an attempt to avoid being stabbed by Damian.
Marinette cuddled into Damian. Damian looked at her tenderly and spoke, “When do you want the wedding to be? And before you answer, I want to tell you something. If we get married, we would be together legally, but you won’t be the Queen of the Underworld automatically. To do that, you need to eat these six pomegranate seeds, but don’t do it for me, I don’t want to ruin your life, okay?” She looked at him and nodded, “Good.”
They held the wedding the next day. It was a beautiful ceremony, but none of Damian’s family could believe it. Who would have thought that the goddess that he met in an alleyway in Los Angeles would be with him forever? None of them expected it. By the end, both Marinette and Damian were happy that they were together. But, they still had one more obstacle to face, the wedding of the goddess of creation and the god of the sun.
To be continued…
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