#i have too many characters and not enough bios
skellymom · 2 days
"Vagabonds" Chapter 13 "Precious Cargo"
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ 18+ ᴅɴɪ
To read Chapter 12:
Word Count: 1.7K
Background: Hunter contemplates his relationship choices.
Mad comes clean about what EXACTLY transpired during her last job on Ord Mantell.
I was SUPPOSED to have this part of the series done by May. But, got serious writer's block. Sorry so late. THIS is the shoe that needed to drop plot-wise.
To help with any confusion: Mad's Clone trans sister (non bio) is named "SHE" (mentioned in Chapter #9 "In The Beginning") and her name is capitalized to prevent any confusion of what character is being spoken of.
Warning: Swearing, flirting, brief discussion of female reproduction/menopause.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
Hunter laid on his bunk sifting through the events that transpired since he met Mad. 
The throbbing pain between his legs, burning scratch on his face...the deep bite mark that FINALLY stopped bleeding. 
His heart ached a bit too. Pain, love, lust, yearning, uncertainty...so much...felt like it would explode. 
Cid’s words bounced around his head...paining him that she was possibly RIGHT. It was the ONLY accurate intel Cid had ever given him. 
“Ya looking for a world of hurt, Bandana?  “Cause that’s all you’re gonna get with that one.” 
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"Precious Cargo"
She wasn’t the first woman Hunter had...but the first that stayed around longer than a few days. That was a record for him... 
Not due to infidelity or any other reason. It was only due to the war. No time to date. Heck, no time for hobbies, other jobs...or A job. He was property. Owned and controlled. The trajectory of his life beyond his own control. Not just him, either. A planet’s worth of enslaved men posing as blaster fodder. 
He was just a clone. What did he know about women. Dating, sexual relations, or reproduction were NEVER taught on Kamino. It was expressly forbidden among the Kaminoan's...the Republic as well. Hunter was lucky enough with his looks, hair, body to be pursued by MANY women to have learned about these things. However, how their minds worked and long-term relationships...that was another thing altogether.  
But no matter how he doubted, there was still a feeling of euphoria and happiness like he had never felt before. These feelings happened around Mad only. She was brave, vibrant, resourceful, protective... These things excited him. 
Is this what love feels like? 
Well...no lie...some considerable lust in there too.  
I’m sure Mad would agree with me... 
Hunter inhaled sharply, then chuckled... 
Maker...What did I get myself into? 
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Mad finally awoke from the darkness. She lay there feeling weak. A heaviness in her abdomen...again??? 
She glanced down to see Tiggy outstretched and laying over her abdomen. The puppy looked much larger than she remembered. Tig was starting to lose her puppy fat, and her limbs seemed longer. She stretched out and yawned. Her puppy tail wagging and whipping the blanket. 
Mad tried to move, but both arms were strapped to the bunk. One of which had an IV line and fluids. She was also hooked up to a urinary catheter. Mad could feel the line between her legs. 
How long have I been out??? 
A few days. Love’s hand caressed Mad’s head. She looked up at them, levitating near the front of the bunk. You had me worried. 
I’m awake now. You look good for someone who vaporized a Venator. 
Love smugly smiled, then the concerned expression came back. You look BETTER for a person who was unresponsive. 
Sil? Omega? Hunter? 
They’re fine.  
Why am I in restraints??? 
Love looked gravely at Mad 
Oh no... 
Yeah, the dreams came back. 
Was that it?  
Love seemed reluctant to say any more. They didn’t need to as Hunter quietly entered the room. 
“Mad?” He whispered 
She immediately noticed the large bandage at the crook of his neck and the deep scratches on his face. 
“Did I...do that?” she asked quietly. 
He nodded as he sat down on the bunk beside her. 
“Oh Hunter...” Mad was clearly feeling shame and embarrassment. 
“You were delirious at the time...” He started undoing the restraints while giving her a reassuring smile. “The Mad I know wasn’t in control.” 
“This hasn’t happened...for quite a few years.” 
Concern creased Hunter’s brow. He was silent...waiting for Mad to answer if she felt safe enough to.  
Tiggy wimpered quietly and snuggled up next to Hunter. He put his arm around her. 
“My ORIGINAL family were experimental subjects for the Kaminoan’s.” 
Hunter was horrified. He also vaguely remembered strange things happening to him as a very young clone, his brothers too...possibly Omega had as well. 
“What? I thought you’re Nomaadi??” 
“I am. And the Nomaadi are my family now...but I HAD a biological mother and father that were not of The Star People...” 
“All that I remember about them is fuzzy. I was VERY young when Maami and Paapi Daal took me in. A clone squad smuggled me out of the facility...along with a young defective clone. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve acted out in a fugue state...” 
Hunter was shocked. He had NEVER heard of this. 
“Only saw clones on Kamino. We clones were the only test subjects in the laboratories.” 
The Kaminoan’s have more than one facility on several planets. Love interjected. 
Hunter shifted unexpectedly. He forgot Love was able to speak to him through the Force. He wondered if it had to do with his enhanced senses.  
Mad caught Hunter’s expression. “...you can hear Love through the Force, can’t you?” 
He nodded. 
“So can Omega. Other than Sil and Tiggy, nobody else can. It’s a Force Bond...it’s SUPPOSED to be rare.” 
“Wait...you escaped with ANOTHER defective clone???” Hunter shook his head. 
Auntie SHE! Best Auntie EVER...well, next to mom... Love smoothed Mad’s hair back lovingly. 
Love and Hunter gazed at each other and smiled. Tiggy wagged her tail exuberantly. 
“I have SO MANY questions...” Hunter’s mind going in a million directions. 
“We’re pleased to see you awake.” Tech entered bringing Wrecker, Echo, Sil, and Omega with him. Tiggy excitedly ran to the end of the bed and launched herself at Echo. 
“NO!” Echo ducked behind Wrecker. 
Wrecker caught the pup in midair and hugged her to him. “Echo’s still gun-shy. You’re a scary widdle puppy dog!”  
Tiggy then begged to see Omega. Wrecker handed the puppy to her. Tiggy licked Omega’s face into a sloppy mess. The sound of her laughter lightened Hunter’s mood considerably 
Hunter glanced back at Mad. “What exactly happened during that job on Ord Mantell?” 
Mad’s eyes widened. It didn’t occur to her until now. The dreams were also stirred up from her visiting Dr. Zebba and the violence afterward. Everyone in the room stared expectantly at Mad. 
She and this botched job had thrust everyone aboard into this current situation. 
Sil showed us what was in the cooler. And the shot he gave you. Love Force Spoke and signed in Basic. I thought you were supposed to bring back two people with some cargo? 
“The parameters of the job changed at the last minute.” Mad sighed. 
Everyone in the room glanced at each other. 
Hunter needed answers. “WHAT changed?” 
Mad inhaled deeply. “There were supposed to be a courier for the cargo and a clone bodyguard that I was to pick up and take with us on the Beldame. According to my contact, they ‘didn’t make it’” 
Wrecker couldn’t help himself, wringing his large hands. “Ohh...they’re probably dead.” 
Echo shushed Wrecker. 
“Ok?” Hunter probed. 
Mad had a captive audience. 
“So...a doctor paid me extra to carry the cargo.” 
“...Ok? Where is it? You came back with a cooler of...Tech, help me out.” 
Tech adjusted his goggles “You are currently in possession of a cooler filled with hormone stim syringes. Even with my intellect I fail to see any correlation to this being any type of valuable cargo.” 
“Oh...I have the cargo.” Mad calmly stated. 
“Well...where?” Echo couldn’t contain himself.  
“Inside me.” Then Mad started to weakly giggle. 
Tech perked up. Hunter could smell his brain burning...putting together the pieces. 
“Mad...out with it.” Hunter demanded. He was starting to worry again. 
Mad took another deep breath. “You know the Jedi had the best healthcare that any citizen in the galaxy could receive. Preventative care, health screenings, yearly blood tests and full body examinations. Of course, they were scanned for any disease. Sometimes biological samples are taken to test for ‘health' "reasons... 
...some of that tissue was preserved and saved. Especially reproductive material. SOMEONE somewhere realized that it might be best to not dispose of it...” 
Tech interjected. “Then Order 66 occurred, the Jedi Genocide, and the Kaminoan medical facilities were shut down...” 
Mad finished his sentence. “And I took a job to help smuggle some of the remaining Jedi reproductive material to a safe location. Away from the Empire to a place that will extract it and put it back into storage for possible future use.” 
Everyone was in shock. Except for Tech. He was EXTREMELY interested. 
“My educated guess is that you are carrying ovuum. And that is why that cooler contains hormone syringes. Without that hormone, your body would menstruate and eject the ovuum out of the body. But, in your case...with the recent stress and being of...a certain age...you have lost some of the ovuum already...” 
“Tech...a certain age? Really???” Hunter snapped back and turned around to see Omega’s reaction to the conversation. She was seriously engrossed. 
“Well" Tech pushed his goggles up the bridge of his nose. "Technically she IS past childbearing age and menopausal...” 
“WOAH!” Wrecker shouted, covering Omega’s ears. 
“TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” Echo followed. 
Mad, Love, and Sil laughed at them. 
Hunter spun back around to stare “WHAT???” 
Sil answered in a string of Nomaadi slang. He laughed along with Love and Mad. 
“They are making fun of us.” Tech interpreted and side-eyed his brothers. “Specifically, Echo and Wrecker.” Then shot Sil a look. “Called us Naif’s.” 
“Ah, you know some of our language, eh?" Sil smiled proudly.  
“What’s a Naif?” Wrecker asked. 
Love signed Newbie, naive...you act so silly about body stuff. 
“The Nomaadi learn very early about biology, sex, reproduction, and how our bodies work. Male, female, intersex, fluidsexual, all of our people speak freely about it with ease and no shame.” Mad explained. “Just like eating, sleeping, thinking, feeling...it’s just part of life.” 
“Kamino didn’t really prepare us. Combat was our specialty.” Hunter defended. 
“And yet YOU’RE pretty KNOWLEDGEABLE there Hunky.” Mad winked. 
Hunter flushed deep red. 
“And Tech over there is NO Naif!” Sil and Love erupted into laughter 
Omega looked up at Wrecker pulling his hands from her ears. “I CAN hear everything they’re saying.” 
Echo interrupted “Wait...THAT’S what all of those credits are from?”  
“Yes, with more upon delivery of the ovuum. We are going to be financially set for a while.” Mad nodded to Tech. “I have coordinates to where the extraction point is. I’m supposed to be there within 7 rotations.” 
“Less than that, you’ve been unconscious for over 2 rotations.” Tech corrected Mad “We need that intel to get you safely there.” 
“Wait!” Hunter was wary “How do we KNOW this place is safe? What about any medical risks?” 
“The Empire’s gotta be looking for ALL of us.” Echo added. “The Marauder as well as The Beldame was being targeted.” 
“Hunter, Echo and I can do some digging on our comm channels. However, before we do, I should remove both of your catheter’s.” Tech pointed toward Mad. 
“Everyone out.” Mad motioned with her hand.  
“WHAAT? Thought you were ok about ‘Body Stuff’” Wrecker sassed Mad. 
Echo shook his head, ushering Omega, Sil, and Love out of the room. 
“You REALLY wanna see Tech pull a urinary catheter out of my bladder, big boy?” Mad sassed back. 
Wrecker visibly shuddered. She got him. “Oof...no.” He left the room. 
Hunter grabbed Mad’s hand and squeezed.  
Would he and his siblings have been happier on Ord Mantell still running jobs for Cid?  
No. THIS is where WE need to be right now! 
It was an uncertain journey so far, but Hunter was willing to see it through. 
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PLEASE like, comment, and/or REBLOG!
Chapter 14 to arrive end of JUNE!
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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finished dhes & kel's character pages so here are the lil edits i made for both of em :-)
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Hihi! Just wanted to say I absolutely LOVE your works esp the kurapika ones
Soo basically they take the reader out shopping specifically for undergarments and someone just so happens to walk in while they’re changing? Maybe w the phantom troupe + kurapika?
Panties and such(NSFW)
A/N: I’m going to assume you mean that the character walks in on reader, but if you meant a random person, sorry 😭🙏 also I’m only doing a two from the phantom troupe, doing all of them is just too much. I’ll do a part two if enough people want it, though! 🫡 REQUESTS OPEN! JOIN MY SERVER
characters: Kurapika, Chrollo, Feitan
warnings: creampie, reader wears lingerie, semi-public sex in Kurapika’s
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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-you brought up the fact you wanted new panties, and he nodded along before processing what you said.
-“d-did you say… panties? As in… underwear?”
-a little flustered, but he insists on taking you, and paying for whatever you want.
-he brings you to a lingerie store, pouting when everyone assumes he’s a woman. that does work in his favor tho
-he keeps bringing you different sets of lingerie to try on, and he’s starting to get horny imagining you in each pair.
-eventually he pushes himself inside the dressing room, eyes going wide and cock hardening in his pants when he sees you pulling up a pair of lacy panties.
-he pushes them to the side, slipping his cock into you and pushing you up against the wall. “s-so pretty, angel…”
-you leave the store with several new sets of lingerie… some of them a bit… sticky…
-he’s the one that suggested it.
-“my love, it seems you don’t have much lingerie. You know how I’d just love to see you covered in lace, don’t you?”
-he takes you to the most well known, expensive lingerie store in the area.
-he’s a bit picky, and takes forever choosing what options for you to try on. He settled on mostly black lingerie, with a few pink and red sets… and one white one, with little angel wings on the top.
-Chrollo helps you into each set, his fingers gently tracing your figure. “Just gorgeous… oh my love, you look like an angel sent from above.”
-he’s quick to purchase every set you try on, and soon as you get home he’s on top of you, his teeth nipping at your jaw as his cock sinks into you.
-“that’s my pretty girl, so good for me…”
-he takes you out for dinner later that night, insisting you wear the lingerie he fucked you in. You spend the entire dinner feeling his cum oozing out of you, embarrassed as he stares at you with utter love and adoration.
-“Bras? Don’t care about that. Steal it if want it.”
-that’s usually how it went when you asked Feitan to go shopping with you for anything. Either he’d say he didn’t care, or he’d offer to just steal it for you.
-so that’s how you ended up following him to the lingerie store in the middle of the night. He easily broke in, guiding you by the hand through the dark store until the two of you reached the lingerie.
-“okay. Pick your favorite.”
-you huffed at him, looking through the selection. “I’ve gotta try it on first…”
-you stripped, and this got Feitan excited enough… but he started stroking himself when you pulled on a pair of lacy panties.
-he continued to jerk off to you, until you caught him in the mirror.
-you blushed, but felt strangely flattered… “I’ll take care of it…”
-you sat in front of him, leaning down to take his cock in your mouth. “F-fuck…”
-seeing your pretty lips wrapped around his cock, your ass perched in the air was enough to have him cumming in no time.
-he helped carry home as many sets of lingerie as you wanted… maybe he liked seeing you like that more than he thought.
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celestie0 · 4 months
MASSIVE gojo x reader fanfic rec (no spoilers)
ok i know a lot of my followers are gojo girlies and i just need to put yall onto this fucking fanfiction because i just read the latest release for it and i’m genuinely tweaking rn🧍🏻‍♀️
@lostfracturess ‘s amazing work called “symptoms & causes” - a medical au
[image pulled from her masterlist]
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let me just…let me just try to even gather the reasons why you need to add this to your tbr lists (weekend is comin up too so perfect time)
characterization of gojo satoru.
gojo in this fic is characterized so fucking well, from chapter one. there are so many distinctive ways miss lostfractures goes about building his aura (word of mouth/reputation, dialogue, expository, primary interactions, secondary interactions, etc.) it reminds me of the show where gojo just has this energy to him that you can't tear yourself away from i picture him in this fic to be unrelenting, unforgiving, morally grey, with an undertone of softness yet still feral through it all,, basically gojo during shibuya arc LOL. i looove reading cute silly boy gojo fics sm (he’s so baby) but THIS fic explores the borderline wicked side of him that is so thrilling, unique, and rare to find i think in this fandom’s collection of works. it’s just so fucking good.
forbidden romance.
UGGHH i love stories w forbidden romance. in this one, it’s med student reader x professor gojo (additional power dynamics in that he’s a senior surgeon in her field and also a research mentor in her study of interest…TRIPLE THREAT DAMN). i love how miss lostfractures doesn’t shy away from reminding the reader that it’s wrong, and that they shouldn’t be doing this. that’s my fave part of forbidden romances like yesss remind me again why this is all so wrong but let’s still do it anyways LOL <333
reader’s voice.
i’ve LOVED reader since the beginning, so relatable, emotionally mature, all her flaws are so believable & her strengths are shown seamlessly. it’s just so much fun to read because i’ll literally have a thought like “hmm…that (something a character said/did) doesn’t sound very convincing” and then the next line will be something like “he didn’t sound very convincing” like!!! me and s&c reader?? we’re locked in like this fr🤞🏼 like gojo’s domain expansion fingers
everything in this story feels so damn real it’s insane. the pacing is stunning, love the utilization of stacks of scenes that are sort of short but so concise, enough to be a smooth read but still descriptive enough to entirely transport you into the world that’s being built. cannot praise the writing in this story enough. also the variety of ways that scenarios are made that pull characters closer to one another?? so creative. as someone who works in a research lab, studied bio in college (some of the fkn biochem stuff that comes up in this fic gives me heart attacks lmfaooo pls im traumatized), and has worked in clinics/hospitals it just itches my brain so damn good. you’ll be convinced you’re a brilliant med student while you read this fic.
the writing is just. so. good. it’s so good. better than most PUBLISHED works i’ve read. i really can't say much other than that, you just have to go see for yourself.
if any of these reasons speak to you, i highly recommend you check the fic out. just a note tho it does have some dark themes but you can find all the tags/warnings on her page!
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olive-fics · 10 months
Abby Anderson comforting you on your period *giggles and twirls hair*
-Simple Abby headcannons and how she would comfort you on your period. Fluff
-Mention of blood ofc don't act surprised.
For the girls and the gays, Men DNI !!!!!!! (Please)
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-Abby is the type of girl to come over at any given time of the day just because you texted her you feel sick from your period. "Abby,My cramps hurt so bad-” “On my way princess.” anything. JHFDJKGHNDF.
-Abby would tell you a time she’d be there and end up late, why? Because she was looking for one of her hoodies you enjoy so much and she was at the local Walgreen’s picking up your favorite snacks, drinks, tylenol (cramp relief meds), pajamas or a throw blanket for you. (Walgreens is a drugstore btw!)
-Comforting Abby would let you sit on her lap, lay on her, anything. She wanted you to be comfy.
-Abby could handle blood unlike many who find it gross. Abby thought that was ignorant and rude and she wants you to always be comfy around her. She adored you. <3
-As much as Abby always gives you her full attention, she always makes sure to give you more attention when aching like this. She knows how needy or clingy you can get, Abby would shower you with kisses, hugs, and sometimes gifts.
-Omfg I feel like Abby would give the best like back rubs or scalp massages with her muscular fingers. Abby wouldn’t stop after like 5 min either with the lame excuse of like “My hands are tired..” She would keep going until you either fell asleep or told her enough.
-Abby would carry you literally everywhere, bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen too if you didn't already make Abby get you everything.
-Abby didn’t mind your mood swings if you even got them around her, she would take them calmly, never yell back and always let you come back when you’re ready. (Idk if that makes sense but like she’s giving u time and that’s hot LOL)
-Back to the Abby not minding the blood, If you mentioned any concern about bleeding on her or in her bed she would shush you so fast. “shh..Shh..Shhh..I don’t care My love.” or something sappy to make you giggle.
-Abby knew your attention span on your period was VERY limited so to keep you happy Abby always brought her Nintendo switch to play Mario kart. (duh.) every time you and Abby played Mario Kart it was like sports to you two. Abby normally picks Dry bones or Bowser.. But guess who also did? You. It was like a damn race alone to just see who could pick it first. Of course you both could be the same character but you liked to see the different characters plastered across the screen. In desperate times like this though? Abby would always ‘accidentally’ miss-click so you could always win and get the character you wanted, Abby just loved to see you laugh at her.
-Yk how Abby said she would do anything for you? She meant literally any type of relief to ease your pain.. even if that meant-🧛
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My friend gave me this idea and it made me think..so..
Reblogs are appreciated!
I have anonymous requests in my bio! Send me SFW. requests! Head-cannons on TLOU characters or smth idk LOL.
Okay Drink water girls. <3
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rggie · 2 years
< event m.list┆when they spoil you
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characters: idia, leona, vil
details: gn!reader / sfw, established relationship
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idia shroud has madol to spare.
seriously. he has loads lying in his bank account, untouched. all he uses it for is games, merchandise, figurines and a plethora of charities he repeatedly saw ads for and couldn’t click off. he’s subscribed to so many things over the years, half of the time he doesn’t even know what his phone is billing him for. not that it really matters. to say there was ample room for him to spend more would be an understatement, but he had nothing (correction, nobody) at all to spend it on.
at least, until he met you. 
he’s (regrettably) played enough dating sims and watched enough shoujo romances to know about the different love languages. personally, he adores words of affirmation, lapping up your praise like some sort of starved kitten. (his ego is skyrocketing and it’s all your fault) but gift giving? now that’s his guilty pleasure. it’s quick, easy and an often wordless exchange, which was good for him! the less verbal mush he has to say, the better.
it starts off simple, just idia logging on to do your dailies whenever you’re busy. then, he’s buying you the monthly battle pass. and then, it’s the overpriced skin for a character you didn’t even care much for in the first place. before you know it, you’re that couple, notorious on video games… you know, the annoying ones with matching avatars and bios, with all the unnecessary assets that were locked behind a paywall. oh, the irony of it all. he used to hate those types!
you logged him into you favourite shopping apps, so if there’s something on your wishlist that exceeds your budget on a shopping spree, he’ll take care of it before you get the chance. every time you joke about him being your sugar daddy, (which is not true. he doesn’t even buy you things that often!) he says he’ll block you on everything. he never goes through with it, though.
idia is too shy to admit it, but there’s a small part of him that wishes to gift give more, solely because of your reaction — he can’t help it, the surprised pikachu-like expression and the way you throw your arms around him when he surprises you with something you’ve been eyeing gives him a serotonin boost! he’ll be giddy, practically hyper for the rest of the day, as though he’s on a sugar-rush… his brain just goes into overdrive and all he can think about is how he wants to hit replay and have you do it again over and over and over. he’s so touch starved.
you’re his first everything, so who can blame him for treating you? he still thinks you’re leagues ahead of him. so he’s not doing it to be cocky or make you feel guilty, he does it because the three words he tries so hard to say refuse to fall from his lips. his throat dries and his hands get clammy and his brain fails to form coherent thoughts whenever he attempts to tell you in person — but if you look closer, you’d find that it’s already been conveyed through his gifts: a non-verbal ‘i care about you’, ‘i want you to be happy’ and of course, ‘i love you.’
leona kingscholar is no stranger to expensive gifts.
being a prince, he’s had suitors from far and wide travel to present him with lavish things — and yet, he can only say a select few had no ulterior motive. thus, receiving gifts is something he brushes off quite easily.
when you shower him with the very thing he avoids, he doesn’t know what to make of it. do you want something from him? is that why you’re dating him? the worst part is he doesn’t voice his concerns at all, feigning indifference until ruggie pokes his nose into his business. “leona, what have you ever gotten for them?”
nothing. he’s gotten you nothing. he takes, takes, takes, and you’ve asked for nothing in return. not once has asked you if you wanted anything, too caught up in his own negativity — fuck. he’s not too good at this whole ‘boyfriend’ thing. leona realises that you’re not giving gifts because you want something out of him, you’re doing it because you love him, and simply want to see him happy.
very abruptly, he’s asking you about things you’ve had your eye on. wristwatches that are just wayyy too expensive for a regular student, or newly-released branded shoes that you know you can’t afford till they go on sale. you never really know if leona’s listening to your absent-minded rambles, so you pay no mind to his sudden curiosity. he’s always said he likes the sound of your voice, so you keep on talking.
“anything you’ve got your eye on?” he’s lounging on your thighs, eyes closed as you lace your fingers through his hair. “other than you?”
he glares at you. you laugh before responding properly, and he listens attentively (he always has) because he’s irritatingly enamoured (he always will be)
leona can tell when you get excited, ears twitching with the intonations of your voice, “there were these headphones i liked, and oh! also these sliders (…)” your candid response is almost amusing. you’re oblivious, completely unbeknownst to the wishlist in leona’s head that seems to grow longer, and longer, and longer…
your birthday this year will be a big one.
vil schoenheit ‘unintentionally’ spoils you.
like leona, vil has been recipient of gifts since the start of his career. whether it’s brand deals or romantic advancements, it’s all the same to him. that doesn’t mean the notion isn’t sweet!! and if it’s you gifting him something, it’s all the more sweeter.
that said, he makes sure to remind you that he doesn’t require gifts. your relationship is bolstered by the genuine trust you have in each other, so he doesn’t need flowery grand gestures — not that he won’t accept them, because he will! — but he’d rather not have you splurge on him when you still have a future to focus on. being goal driven himself, he’d rather you not get carried away.
“just focus on yourself. be selfish.” he tells you, but he struggles to do that himself.
okay, he doesn’t necessarily give you gifts. he just so happens to have things lying around that he doesn’t need anymore. shoes from partnerships he didn’t like, jewellery that’ll suit you better, or clothes that are so not his style are all sent straight to you. he has a surplus of things he doesn’t use, so why not give it away to someone who’d make better use of it? it’s not intentional or anything.
“stay still.” he’s got you sitting in his vanity chair as he kneels on the ground, knuckles grazing your skin as he fastens the clasp of a silver bracelet on your wrist. “vil, when did you buy this?”
“i didn’t. it was free. magicam promo.” that’s what he claims, but you know better. of course you do, when you were the one sitting across from him one week ago as he mulled over purchasing the exact same thing.
so maybe he’s a liar. he does spoil you. he does it all the time. but his school performance hasn’t been hindered, and neither has yours, so… just let him carry on.
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Endurance 1
Warnings: this fic will include obsessive behaviour, possible non/ducbon, bullying, and other elements which may not be specifically triggered. Please be cautious in continuing on to the story.
Character: Walter Marshall
Summary: A fellow gym go makes your workouts even more taxing.
Please reblog and leave some feedback, preferably in a reblog but you can always drop by my asks. I always love working in y'alls ideas with these AUs so I am so excited to hear from you.
As always, take care of yourself <3 be kind and be patient. Love you.
No tag lists. Please review my pinned and bio for guidelines.
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You come out of the changing room and peek at the wall mirror as you pass. You admire your new bubblegum pink leggings and polka dot top. It’s a bit out there but you’ve seen neons in this place that make your retinas burn. Besides, you’ve never been shy when it comes to fashion. It’s not just your passion, it’s your job. 
It’s late enough that the bodies there are far and few between. You prefer the nights when the gym feels like a ghost town. The air is quiet but not stagnant.  
Your water bottle swings on its handle from your hand as your bouncy steps keep in time with the boppy music thrumming in your earbuds. Your workout mix is a nice blend of retro and contemporary bass hits. You catch yourself humming and stamp it down. Sometimes, you forget other people can perceive you, not that there’s many around to so.  
You find an empty mat. They all are. You put your bottle down and start your stretches. Your late night sessions help clear your mind though it never really stops. In your mind, you’re seeing pleats, seams, and ruffles. 
Your body moves without thinking. It’s all muscle memory. You’re no gym rat, you don’t go that hard, just enough to loosen up your muscles. Your note overly swoll as the young ones call it. You’re fit enough for a light jog and the stairs don’t leave you winded like they used to. 
After your stretches, you slurp loudly from the straw of your water bottle, walking with it still between your lips as you head for an elliptical. You can just let the repetitive motion take over. You pop your lips off the tub and slip the bottle into the little plastic holder on the side of the machine. 
As you climb up, you see another figure across the floor. The man sits on the end of a weight bench. For a moment, it looks, even feels, like he’s watching you. From there, you can’t see very well. You don’t wear your glasses in the gym since you lost a pair to a hungry leg press. 
You can make out dark hair and his burly form. Hazy but wide enough to clock. Most people around here are stacked. You’re too casual for all that. And you like a piece of tiramisu with your Friday lattes. 
You pick your speed and start to climb. You cling to the machine and rock your head to the music. Once more, your throat vibrates and you have to remind yourself to stop. You can’t help it, you love Destiny’s child. Does that date you? For someone working in fashion, you can’t ever risk that. 
You zone out, vision blurring as you let your body do the work. The sweat speckles and slicks across your skin. Damn, you might just be bootylicious after this work out. 
Your fitbit rumbles and you look down. You’re in the zone. You keep going until you hit thirty minutes and slow down. You cool off for ten minutes and swipe up your bottle, sucking on it greedily as you head back to the mats. 
You swing out your arms and stretch your legs in slowly lunges. You bend forward, touching each toe with opposite hand, lingering with your ass up as you brace your hips. A sudden clang has you standing straight so fast you nearly topple onto your butt. 
You throw out your arms to catch your balance as you let out a pathetic, ‘woah-oh-oh'. You look over at the man as begins reps with the heavy dumbbells. You’ve never gotten above the tens. His blue eyes flash in your direction and you give a sheepish smile. 
You don’t want to seem weird so you return to your stretches. Arms up, lean to one side, then the other. You hear a strange rumble, like thunder, and look over at the man as he continues to work his traps, staring at you. You could even call it a glare. 
You tap your ear bud as you face him, “sorry?” 
“Do you have to make that noise?” He snarls. 
Your brows pop up. We’re you humming again? Oops. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realise I was,” you smile and before you can tap play, he scoffs.  
“Typical,” he grumbles as alternates to biceps. 
He’s built. He’s arms are bigger than your head. Probably. You don’t think he’d let you compare for scale. You drop your hand without tapping. 
You get down and extend your legs in front of you. His breaths underline your movement as you bend one leg over the other and push your straight arm against it as you twist. As you do the other side, facing him, his gaze flicks over again. 
“You put more time into choosing that outfit than you do working out,” he shakes his head. 
You blanch. Oh wow. You must have been really out of tune if he’s that grumpy. You give a tight-lipped smile and keep going. He’s not the first grouch you’ve dealt with. Your editor is a chronic miser. 
You straight arms and legs and bend to touch your toes. You then pull your arms back and plant your hands. You lift your pelvis and torso and lean your head back, raising yourself in a straight line as you hang your head back. 
“Form is off,” he mutters. 
You lower back down and look at him again. 
“Oh, uh, do you have any tips?” You ask curiously. He grimaces. You push your shoulders up and tilt your head, “well, if you think of any, I'd be happy to work on it. I’d hate to hurt myself.” 
You get to your knees and groan as you push yourself to your feet. He tuts as gets down to plank, still gripping the weights. He lifts the left and puts it back down, then the right. You watch him for a minute, impressed by his strength. Your wary of lifting too much, you don’t trust yourself. 
“You think your cute,” he sneers under his breath. 
“Um, sometimes,” you hover across from him, “I just thought you might know more than me--” 
“Of course I do,” he puffs between lifts. 
“Mm, okay, well, I’d love to learn--” 
“They got trainers for that,” he snips as he finishes his reps and puts his knees down. 
“Right, um, sorry to bother then. I was only... asking,” you turn and grab your bottle. 
You flip the top up again and slurp. You get to the bottom, sucking air loudly up before giving up. He huffs and stands with the weights, slamming them back on the rack. 
“Do you have to make so much goddamn noise?” He stands straight and turns to you, crossing his thick arms. You stop short and part your lips. 
“It’s empty, I didn’t--” 
“It’s not the only thing’s that empty,” he taps his skull, “go back to the mall, girl.” 
You scrunch your nose, “you don’t have to be rude, mister.” 
“Honesty is a gift,” he snorts. 
You pull your chin back. You didn’t mean to annoy him and you apologised already. You’re a nice person but you don’t appreciate his tone. 
“Well, if I’m being honest,” you put your hands on your hips, “you’re not very nice.” 
He chortles as a crease forms in his forehead, “and you’re not as cute as you think.” 
“What does it matter what I think I am?” You challenge, “I didn’t ask you.” 
“No, you just float around like some airhead and disturb everyone else,” he accuses. 
You peer around, “there’s no one here.” 
He drops his arms and lifts his chin. He steps forward and you waver, just a bit, put off by his size.  
“I’m here,” he says. 
You blink. What does that mean? 
He takes another step and you stare at him, necks and cheek burning. His words strike an epiphany. It’s just you and him. He’s a lot stronger than you. 
Another step and you put your hands up, “mister, you better not come any closer.” 
He scoffs again, “or what? Are you going to cry?” 
You pout and shake your head, “no, but I... I could scream. Or bite.” 
He shakes his head, “what do you think I’m gonna do, girl? That’s what you do, isn’t it? Make yourself the victim. You need the attention to make you feel special.” 
He’s getting closer. 
“I said stay away,” you project your voice as best you can, “I’m not afraid of you, mister.” 
He chuckles and tilts his head. He stops, just a step away from you, “aren’t you?’ 
Your eyes meet his and you stand trapped in the snare of his glower. His blue eyes are deep and fiery, his chiseled face is framed by dark curls and a thick beard, and his chin is cleft handsomely. He’s fearsome, a bear in man’s flesh. You’re no more than helpless hare. 
You back away and his mouth slants in triumph. He’s won. You turn and gulp, gripping tight your bottle as your sneaker squeaks loudly. You scurry away, buzzing with adrenaline. 
“That’s right, you run away, girl, run as fast as you can,” he calls after you, “not very, I’m sure.” 
You keep a brisk walk as you hurry towards the locker room and push inside. Your heart is hammering and your breathless as you reach your locker. You put the bottle on the bench and clutch the sides of your head. You’re dizzy as you try to get a rein on your frazzled nerves. 
You thought you left the bullies behind in high school, over a decade ago. In that second, you’re right back in your teenage years. Your eyes sting with tears and your stomach churns with humiliation. That glimmer of insecurity creeps back into you. 
No, no. You’re an adult. You’re a grown woman. You have a job and a life you love. You’re nothing they said you were. You proved them all wrong and you will prove that butthead wrong too. 
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weixuldo · 6 months
Tinder and Tequila
Linecook/Roommate! Anakin x F!Reader
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a/n: ngl this really has nothing to do with linecook ani- it’s more just tinder shenanigans lol- there’s more abt the context of the universe in the notes at the end- also to the anon who asked abt not putting padme in fics…. don’t read this one lol (i have nothing against padme, she’s one of my fav characters) this one’s v long
NSFW mdni!
After a night out with some friends, you decide to swipe on tinder…what happens when you see your very attractive roommate pop up on the screen?
Warnings: gn!reader, cursing, banter, past relationships mentioned, female anatomy, hand job, oral sex (f!receiving), blow job
You turned the knob on your shared apartment open and thrusted the wooden door open. Good thing Anakin was staying at a friend’s because you were completely wasted from a night out with your friends. One too many shots of a particularly strong tequila. 
You giggled at yourself as you stumbled your way through the living room. You flopped onto the couch before pulling out your beloved phone so you could mindlessly scroll. 
Before long your inebriated brain started to wander.
It was definitely good that Anakin was gone, because if he were here… You may not have been able to contain yourself. 
You licked your plump lips as you eyed his door… What if he were home though?
You hoisted yourself up and creeped towards his shut door. He had a woven piece of decor on his door; he told you his mom had made it for him before she passed unexpectedly in his last year of school. 
Nosily, you knocked before prying the white door open. 
You exhaled a shaky breath, it would have been so embarrassing if he caught you sneaking. Though, you couldn’t help but feel disappointed that he wasn’t here to keep you company.
You headed back to your spot on the couch and pulled out your phone again. Time to play your favorite game- Tinder. 
You knew it was a toxic mentality to have a stream of people constantly at your fingertips; judging them off only a glimpse of who they were. But it was so amusing to quietly scroll through people who potentially wanted to take you out. 
The first few people were average; bad angles, boring bios, and conflicting views. 
Soon you were getting bored with the whole thing and were about to log off when your heart stopped. 
Anakin, 24
9 miles away
Hobbies: cars, cooking, movies, nature, travel
His initial photo was an amazing pic of him at a rooftop bar in NYC from the trip you guys took with some friends. His black shirt was unbuttoned enough to see his strong chest and the sleeves were rolled to his elbows to show off his muscular arms. 
He knew he was fine. 
Your eye twitched- his hair fell perfectly in front of his angular face and his smile was simply radiant. 
God really had his favorites, huh?
You swiped through his pictures with laser focus; gym pic, him on the couch, him shirtless…. him with his damn backwards cap on, and finally one that you took of him sitting in your shop.
You were really conflicted, you wanted to swipe right, obviously- but what if he didn’t reciprocate? What if he thought it was weird?
And he's on tinder! He probably just wants a hook up.
You sighed and prepared to swipe left when another thought popped into your hazy mind. 
Maybe he “played'' tinder like you did? He’d never brought anyone back to the apartment… and his bio does suggest he would cook for you (something he would rather do in his own kitchen). 
Ya know what? If he asked- you could just say you thought it would be funny! Yea, sounded like a great idea to your stupid drunk brain. 
With a deep breath you swiped right. 
A subconscious part of your mind was praying for the screen to pause and “match” to light up your phone- but sadly that didn't happen… oh well, maybe he just hadn’t seen it yet? 
You sighed and headed off to shower and go to bed. 
Anakin sat on his friend Ahsoka's couch with a chilled beer in hand. It had been awhile since his whole friend group had had time for a night and he was excited to catch up with them all. 
The living room was lit up with a neon LED strip that Ahoska had gotten back in her party days. The den had one large sofa, a few bean bags, some fluffy chairs, and her flatscreen that was currently showcasing the ROKU city with her music playing in the background. 
On the couch sat Anakin, his closest friend Obi-Wan (or “Ben” for short), and his girlfriend Satine. Ahsoka sat on the beanbags with Cody as they shared his new bong. And on the chairs sat Rex and their other friend Padme. 
“So when are you gonna get cuffed Skyguy?” Ahsoka asked with a smile after taking a rip from the blue tinted device. 
Anakin took a swig from the bud light he had in his hand and sighed, “Ya’ know? I’m not quite sure myself, Snipps” he lamented. 
Obviously he knew he wanted to- and he knew with who. But how to get there was a puzzle he hadn't quite solved yet. 
Padme’s eyes darted towards Anakin as he spoke. Throughout highschool Padme and Anakin had been flirty but nothing much happened between the two- nothing serious at least.
A few make-outs here and there at house parties, that one time after senior prom, and a couple late night hook ups when she was back in town from school, but nothing really since she graduated.
Anakin knew she wasn’t for him but she didn’t seem to get the hint. 
There was absolutely nothing wrong with Padme, she was a lively woman but Anakin just wanted something else- Maybe it was because she always made him feel inadequate, dumb even.
He knew it wasn’t her fault, but she had gone to law school and he always felt lesser when she would talk to him. Everything about her spoke class and refinery and he was… well, he was him. 
He spent his younger years wondering what a relationship with her would be like but as he got older he realized he only fantasized about her status- not really her. And that was fucked up. 
Another factor that got her off of his mind was when you started coming into his restaurant- The first time you ordered your wild combo he just had to sneak out of the kitchen to see what kind of person ordered cinnamon instead of butter on their mashed potatoes. He never in a million years guessed such a beautiful person would be sitting at booth 5. 
And when he found out you were his new roommate- he completely stopped flirting with Padme, how could he when you were right there?
He remembered when you first started living with him, Padme had called drunkenly to come over; of course Anakin usually would have said yes but tonight you had invited him to watch your favorite movie with him and he couldn’t pass up an opportunity with you. 
“Well everyone seems to have someone, we need to get you cuffed!” Ahsoka laughed. 
“Yea, get my bro a partner” Cody joined in. 
“Doesn’t seem like Anakin’s really into anyone- maybe he wants it that way” Padme chimed in, playing with a strand of her brown hair. 
“I never said that,” Anakin responded quickly. 
“Well- do tell then Ani” Padme’s voice lilted with passive aggression. 
He absolutely hated when she used that tone. 
“Well honestly it’s none of your business M’lady” Anakin shot back using a nickname she hated. 
“You’re such a child Anakin” she rolled her eyes before taking a swig of her martini. 
“Nothing you haven’t said before,” he remarked under his breath. 
She was about to fire back when Ben spoke up, “Guys, let's take a step back- Anakin, how’s the new roommate? Well, I guess she isn’t that new anymore-how long has it been?”.
Padme leaned back and crossed her arms as Anakin began to answer. 
“Oh, um it’s been a little over three months?” he said, even though he knew exactly how long it had been- three months and eighteen days. 
“And how is it? Will we meet her sometime?” Satine chimed in with a smile.
Anakin felt his mood lighten once he got the chance to talk about you, “Oh, it’s been really nice- She works in the cafe near my restaurant so we always have good food around” he smiled, playing with the rim of his bottle. 
“Well now you really have to have us over,” Rex laughed. 
“Soon guys, just gotta clean up a bit”.
“But you guys get along?” Ahsoka asked, “because you're not the easiest guy to deal with in a small space” she laughed. 
“We get along just fine- She happens to enjoy my company” he boasted. 
“Sure” Padme scoffed.
Anakin tried to ignore her but she spoke up again.
“Well if she can deal with you, why don’t you try to date her?” Padme said, trying to provoke him. 
“Maybe I will” he snapped back, making Padme’s face go white. 
“Good luck- once she finds out what an immature asshole you are, she’l leave just like everyone else does” she huffed before excusing herself to the bathroom. 
She definitely had one too many drinks- she was getting emotional. 
Anakin was annoyed at Padme’s outburst, but he also felt bad- he knew she fell for him back in the day and she never really let go of it. But life changed and so did he- he hadn’t flirted with her in over a year so it wasn’t his fault if she was still hung up, he hadn’t led her on in the slightest. 
“I’m gonna go check on her- I’ll be right back” Satine said, excusing herself to tend to her very drunk friend. 
Anakin sighed.
It was around two in the morning and everyone except Ahsoka, Ben, and Anakin had gone home. Ben offered to go home with Satine but she insisted she took Padme back to her apartment alone. 
Ahsoka had fallen asleep on her bean bags, Ben retired to the guest room and Anakin was lying on the couch; he was drowsy but not quite ready for bed.
With a belly full of warm alcohol he decided scrolling on Tinder might be fun. 
He tapped on the flame icon that was buried in the deepest depths of his phone and waited for the app to open. Anakin wasn’t a big fan of dating apps or social media in general, but every once in a while he logged on. Some people crave cigarettes when they drink- he liked to swipe on tinder. 
Most of the girls on there were people he’d never actually go out with or were bots. He yawned after he had swiped for a few minutes and got ready to log off for the night when he saw a familiar face…. You. 
There you were, in all your glory; a radiant smile plastered on your face as you ran a hand through your hair. 
He physically sat up and brought the device closer to his face; he scanned every detail of your profile as if he had a test on it in the morning. 
He slowly tapped through your photos, lingering on each one longer than the last. Maker, how were you real?!
His heart raced as he analyzed a photo you took in your shared living room. What he wouldn’t give to be able to get pics like these directly from you. 
He saw your profile said “short-term fun, open to long-term”. Damn. 
But then the thought… you never brought anyone home and you rarely went out… so, you wouldn’t have time to see other people.
Maybe this was his chance. 
With a shaky finger he swiped right and held his phone close to his chest to conceal the screen (like a stupid lovesick teenager). 
He shut his eyes and slowly peeked them open to see the bright pink lettering flash across the screen “Match”.
No fucking way. 
He stared at the chat box and thought about what to say for what seemed like hours; he didn’t want to come on too strong but also didn’t want to be forgettable (he could never be forgettable). 
He decided to go with a sarcastic but teasing line. 
“Hey sweetheart, don’t see me enough at home? I know I’m irresistible, but if you wanted me that bad, you could've just asked”. 
And send. 
Anakin snapped off his phone quicker than he ever had and slumped back onto the couch- now he definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep. 
You woke up with a big yawn accompanied by a long stretch. Last night was fun, but you did have things to do today. After a few minutes of lying around you finally hauled your ass up to start preppring for your closing shift. 
It probably wasn’t the best idea for you to have drank so much, since you had a terrible headache now… but at least you had fun last night.
After showering, getting dressed, and eating a light breakfast, it was already quarter after one and you were suposed to be at work by two. You threw on your jacket and rushed out the door. 
As you hurried to work you mentally checked off everything.
Brushed teeth? Check. 
Showered? Check.
Cleaned dishes in the sink? Check.
Turned off the toaster oven? Check.
Grabbed employee card for the bakery? Check. 
Seemed like everything was in line! 
But there was something you hadn’t checked, something sitting snugly in your back pocket, something in a little app with a red flame. 
A new message from Anakin. 
To be fair, you never took tinder seriously and never had notifications on so you wouldn’t have seen it. But also you were pretty drunk last night so there was a big possibility that you didn’t even remember seeing him. 
Either way, you would receive a pleasant surprise when you finally did open your app. 
Anakin’s heart raced as he reached your shared apartment- you never responded to his message. 
Was this going to be awkward now? Were you going to have an uncomfortable boundary talk with him? How would you react to seeing him? Had you even seen the message? What if you were making fun of him with your friends?!
He legitimately could not turn his brain off.
But regardless of his restless mind, he opened the door. 
Anakin leaned against the doorframe and sighed when he realized that you had work today. Good. He got to avoid you for a few more hours as he sat around overthinking everything-wonderful. 
Being the hyperfixating overthinker he was, Anakin couldn’t help but check your status on tinder every so often
His stomach dropped when he saw you were active five minutes ago…
You hadn’t responded to his message, not even a “like”.
Anakin had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life; should he just delete the message?
On the other side of town you were closing the shop when you pulled out your phone to check the time just to see your phone was already unlocked and on the tinder home screen.
No way your ass was scrolling through matches. 
You closed the app with a laugh; it didn’t really matter who you matched with you never really did anything serious on tinder. 
You finished your tasks and finally headed to your car. Once you got in you pulled out your phone again to see what matches your butt chose. 
Once you opened the app you could tell it had been open in your pocket for a while with the amount of people you wouldn’t have chosen yourself.
You scrolled and deleted profiles you weren’t interested in when you came across…Anakin?
Holy shit, you did see him last night. 
Anakin: [New Message]
A tiny rectangle holding only his circular profile picture and his name indicated he had swiped right on you too… and sent a message. 
You audibly gasped as you scanned the notif- was this real?? 
“Hey sweetheart, don’t see me enough at home? I know I’m irresistible, but if you wanted me that bad, you could've just asked”.
Electricity coarse through your veins; you secretly loved when he would refer to your shared apartment as home, it implied the two of you shared the space in a more intimate way than it really was.
His text was purely Anakin, every word just carried his personality. You were still stunned you were even in this position; never would you have thought he was actually interested in you.
The message was sent early this morning- you had left him on delivered for hours… 
Before you could think of the implications you jumped to respond; you wanted him to know you were very interested. 
“Road goes both ways Skywalker, obviously u like what u see too haha- yk I’m just one wall away ;)”
And send. 
After you sent it your stomach dropped again once you realized… you just sent your crush (and roommate?!) basically an open invite to come into your room whenever. 
You sat in the parking lot behind your bakery for a good 15 more minutes before finally heading home. 
Anakin usually didn’t have tinder notifs on, but he put them on today just in case you replied. So when his phone dinged while he was in the middle of making spaghetti for dinner he dropped the noodles into the pot and ran to the small device. 
It was you.
“Road goes both ways Skywalker, obviously u like what u see too haha- yk I’m just one wall away ;)”
A large smile plastered itself on his face- he was worrying for nothing!
He laughed and set the phone back down; just wait til he told the guys at work tomorrow morning!
Sooner than he anticipated, he heard the familiar sound of your keys jingling to open the door- he debated opening the door for you to save the hassle, but he stopped himself because he was worried he’d come off too desperate if he did so (you woulda been just fine if he did). 
You opened the door and were met with the savory aroma of marinara sauce and boiling noodles. After breathing in the scent you sighed, “someone’s been busy today, huh?” you smiled. 
“Well when you leave me home all alone…” Anakin trailed off with a stupid grin. 
Maker, you loved that look.
“Someone has to be the breadwinner in this house” you joked before setting your bags down. 
“And speaking of bread… I brought this back today- guess great minds think alike” you winked holding up a baguette from the bakery. 
Anakin’s face lit up and he eagerly received the bread, “Great! I was actually going to have to disappoint you since we’re out of garlic bread, but now we can just make it”. 
You nodded and went back to your room to change. It was pretty hard not to squeal at every little thing Anakin said, but you thought you were holding your own pretty well too.
Unintentionally, you changed into a rather enticing outfit- it was just a white tank with a lace trim and some flannel shorts (well, they were rather short). 
Anakin’s eyes observed your figure as you pranced out of your room and into the kitchen. 
“Why so fancy Ani?” you teased, batting your lashes. 
Both of you knew there was an obvious elephant in the room but neither of you wanted to address it. 
“Just ‘cause I wanted to, don’t get too excited princess” he laughed making you roll your eyes. 
“I’d never get excited over you” 
He arched an inquisitive brow and turned towards you, “oh really? Then why’d you swipe on me?”. 
There it was. 
You felt your face heating up quickly. Fuck. 
“Why’d you swipe on me?” you retorted back. 
“Uh Uh” he scolded, shaking his head while slowly walking towards you. 
“We both know you swiped first” he said, closing the space between you quickly. 
“I-I thought-” you stuttered, trying to come up with a witty response. 
He shook his head with a smile, “No sense trying to come up with a lie, pretty girl- you can tell me”. 
His tone was playful yet commanding- you felt compelled to confess everything to him right then and there. The burn of his striking blue eyes seemed to cut through all of your defenses. 
“Because I wanted to,” you admitted. 
A smile spread across his face as he leaned in, impossibly closer to you. 
“atta girl”
His confidence gave you goosebumps and you felt yourself leaning in to graze his lips with yours when he backed away abruptly to stir his pot of noodles- right. 
This was Anakin Skywalker we were talking about- the annoyingly charming linecook who could get anyone he set his sights on.
Maybe your intuition was right, he was just a playboy- how could you have been so stupid to think he actually wanted you?
With shame, you retreated to the couch as he strained his noodles and finished dinner. 
Unbeknownst to you, Anakin actually chickened out. He cursed himself as he stirred his famous spaghetti sauce; he was so close… and he blew it. 
Your sweet perfume flooded his senses and suddenly all of his charm just vanished. He felt like the awkward teenager Ben had to introduce to people because he was too shy to speak for himself. 
So in his moment of panic he went back to something he was comfortable with- cooking. 
Once he was finished he made two plates: one for him and one for you. Gingerly, he walked towards the couch with the plates in hand. 
“Here ya go princess” he attempted to sound normal. 
You didn’t meet his gaze as you took the plate and mumbled a “thank you”. 
He couldn’t blame you; from your perspective it probably seemed like he had just been leading you on- that’s not how he wanted to make you feel…at all. 
He set his food on the coffee table next to yours and sat beside you with a heavy thud, making the cushions deposit you next to his side. You were about to move away when he lightly grabbed your upper arm. 
You met his gaze in surprise, “Anakin, what-”.
You were silenced by his lips crashing into yours; your hand quickly found its way into his sandy hair just as he gently held the side of your face. 
Synapses were firing and you felt warm. With an unspoken agreement, he laid you down on the couch and continued to passionately kiss up and down your neck. 
“Anakin-” you said breathlessly, “What has gotten into you?”
“Nothing that hasn’t already been there for weeks” he responded through sloppy kisses. 
His touch was somehow better than what you’d imagined all those lonely nights in your room. How was this real?
You sat up and placed a hand on his chest; he sat on his heels with a worried expression, “What’s wrong?” he asked (did he do something wrong?).
“Weeks?” you parroted back to him. 
He huffed out a laugh and relaxed his tense posture before tenderly holding your face in his strong hands. 
“Yes, weeks. Don’t you know you drive me absolutely insane?” he asked in a playful tone. 
You shook your head in confusion. A lopsided smile settled on his beautiful face before he drew you closer for a soft kiss. 
“I thought- I thought you swiped on me as a joke… I had no idea” you admitted. 
His blue eyes scanned your face before shaking his head lightly, “No, no I’ve wanted to do this since the day I met you ''. 
Your confused expression slowly turned into a full blown grin before you pushed him into a seated position and straddled his lap. 
“Good to know, ‘cause so have I”. 
He let out a soft groan before resting his large hands around the bottom of your waist, his fingers gripping onto your flesh. His eyes were completely focused on you- they were hungry.
As you straddled him you felt his hardening member against your aching core. You wanted nothing more than to rip off his pants.
Just as you had wrestled his tight shirt off, his phone began to buzz. He rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed “fuck” when he saw it was his work. 
“I’m sorry, I gotta answer this” he said picking up the phone. 
“No worries” you said with a mischievous smile. 
What were you up to?
He ignored your tone and answered the call; just as he pressed the device to his ear you unzipped his pants. His eyes widened once he realized what you were so smug about. 
You were looking up at him through batted lashes as you freed his aching cock from the constrains of his boxers.
He was big- bigger than you expected; you licked your lips in anticipation, hypnotizing him with your ambition. 
You there Skywalker?
Anakin blinked himself back into reality, “Y-yes sir, I’m here”. 
Sorry to have to ask, but two of the other cooks just called in sick and we have abunch of parties booked tonight…would there be any possible way you could come in tonight
Anakin groaned loudly as you took his large member into your mouth, he had to cover his mouth with his free hand as you skillfully bobbed up and down on his dick. 
Now, I know it’s your day off, but I can offer you double time if you can just cover this one shift
His employer had no idea his head cook was getting the best head of his life on the other side of the line. 
He stifled a moan as you applied pressure with your tounge, thankfully he was able to disguise it as him thinking. 
“I-I guess I could swing it if there’s overtime-”
You’re a lifesaver! That’s why you’re my favorite linecook, when could you be in?
Anakin shuddered as you worked his tip. 
“I-It’ll have to be a lit-” 
He was cut off by the feeling of your moans sending vibrations up his shaft. 
“Have to be a little later, I’m a bit caught up at the moment”
No problem, how late we talking though?
“Just an hour, maybe hour twenty”
Done, see you then! And thanks again Skywalker. 
He hung up the phone as fast as he could and threw it against the recliner beside him. You laughed once he met your gaze again. 
“You’re wrong for that” he huffed out breathlessly. 
“For what?” you played dumb. 
He laughed bafore grabbing a handfull of you hair. 
“You know exactly what- now, I have work in an hour and I think you should finish what you started” he said with a playful yet demanding tone. 
“Yes chef” you said before taking him in your mouth once more. 
“FFuck” he groaned as your throat squeezed around his weeping cock. 
Without thinking he began to move his hips back and fourth to chase his high. You gagged around his length and clawed at his thighs. 
“Fuck baby, this what you wanted? You wanted me to fuck your throat raw? Better hope you don’t have to work the register tomorrow” he said with a smirk as he thrusted in and out of your mouth. 
You moaned around him and your tears began to spill over. This is exactly what you wanted- you wanted him. 
“God- You feel so damn good, I’m close” he said in a strained voice. 
In a moment of boldness, you removed yourself completely from his cock and began to vigorously pump his length, making his legs shake. 
“Ah- I’m gonna- I’m cumming! F-fuck I’m cumming” he babbled as his abs twitched with every rope that spurt out of his red, swollen tip. 
Once he finally settled down and caught his breath he sat up and wiped his mess off of his chest with the tissues from the end table. 
You wiped your mouth and smiled before nodding to the spaghetti, “You should probably eat, you’ve got work in a few”.
It was his turn to lick his lips, “Yea, I should eat”.
His eyes traveled down your body, “But I don’t think I’m really feeling spaghetti right now”. 
“Oh?” you said with a curious grin, before he pulled you into his lap. 
You kissed him passionately once more before asking “how hungry are you, Ani?”
Maker, you already had a nickname for him- you were perfect. 
“Absolutely ravenous” he responded before laying you on the couch. 
“Show me”.
He smiled and quickly slipped off your shorts and panties in one swift motion. You could already tell this was going to be a top three experience. 
Before you could register the feeling, he was already buried in your pussy. He lapped up your arousal and all you could do was toss your head back in bliss. 
“Oh Anakin” you moaned as he kneaded his large hands at the fat of your ass and your thighs. 
“Fuck, you taste so good- you’re so wet for me” he panted through licks. 
Once his tongue swiped over your swollen clit your back began to arch. You clenched your thighs around his head and tangled your fingers into his hair; this was heaven. 
His mouth worked on your pussy as his hands roamed your body, he seemed to just know what would drive you absolutely insane. 
“Maker- Oh my god Ani!” your breath hitched as his long fingers skillfully pushed into your aching core. 
The combination of his tongue and fingers alone, made you see stars (imagine what his dick would do). 
Embarrassingly, you felt your high coming; usually you lasted longer, but damn did Anakin know how to use his talents. 
“Wanna cum for me sweetheart?” He asked through hooded lashes. 
You nodded vigorously and with another curl of his fingers, you were coming undone in his grasp. 
Anakin threw on one of his work shirts and zipped up his pants; once you came, he gave you the most aftercare he could until he knew he had to leave (Luckily the two of you had time to get cleaned up). 
“Fuck, ‘m so sorry I gotta go, I’ll be back though” he said as he rushed around looking for his keys. 
“I’d imagine so, you live here” you laughed as you stretched on the couch. 
He sighed and walked up to you again, “You know what I mean, I don’t want you to think this was a one time thing- we will be discussing this later”. 
You nodded with a small smile before he leaned down and ran his fingers through your hair; he drew you in for a soft kiss, “I really don’t wanna leave you right now, I look like an asshole”. 
“Don’t you always?” you joked, nipping at his lower lip.
“I’m serious, I don’t want you to think that is all I want from you…”
“I don't” you assured him.
“Alright” he smiled before kissing your forehead once more before leaving. 
“Someone’s in a good mood, what’s got you so happy, playboy?” one of the cooks asked after Anakin didn’t immediately get annoyed when one of the servers rang in an order wrong. 
Anakin smirked and shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m always in a good mood-”.
“Bullshit! You were just skulking around the kitchen the other day ‘casue you saw someone flirting with your little roommate” another butted in. 
“Yea, are you ever gonna ask her out? You’re supposed to be a player, ain’t ‘cha?”
“Nah, man- I’m retired, i’ve been retired for awhile” Anakin said, cringing at his past flings. 
“What made you change?”
Anakin smiled and turned towards his co-workers, “this”.
He pulled out his phone and on the lockscreen were a few texts from you, the top one saying, “Can’t wait til you get back home ;)”.
The chef’s eyes all widened before the kitchen became loud with their excitement. 
“Skywalker’s actually tied down?!”
“Ya finally asked her out!?!”
“When are you bringing her ‘round here?” 
“We wanna meet this little roommate”
Anakin slipped his phone back into his pocket with a smile, “hold on, hold on- we’re not official yet, but i’m pretty sure by tonight we will be- I really like her”.
“No shit, Skywalker! We could all tell you had a crush ever since you moved in with her” one of them laughed to which the rest agreed. 
Anakin smirked before going back to work, “Whatever guys” he said, rolling his eyes, but he couldn't shake the warm blush that was climbing up his cheeks.
a/n: so this is taking a point from the linecook headcannons (matching on tinder) but it’s in the universe of pancakes and pastries (roommates- cook ani and bakery reader). i’m not acc sure if i’ll end up writing anything with server reader and cook ani that work in the same restaurant- but we’ll see haha
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dolldefiler · 1 month
I've decided the first time I'm going to fuck is when I'm surrounded by my harem of women (wip) and my harem manager** calculating the optimal number of thrusts per women.
Or to those AI sex dolls with personality and whatnot in 20 years. It'd be pretty cool, I think. Like at that point, I reckon AI would pass the Turing test, and we could make advancements in bio-inspired tech to emulate human bodily functions. What would be the difference really? I'm sure you've heard of sites like Character AI etc, right? What's the difference between them and sexting an actual human? Except the fact that the AI isn't advanced enough to maintain an actual conversation and it doesn't respond in the way a human would. You could also argue there's no sense of feeling or a developing bond between the two... but what if there was in the future? What if we brought that to a physical body?
Eh, a harem could be hotter. Speaking of, I'm convinced that there's an ideal harem composition, right? Like you've gotta balance the group dynamics in such a crazy way. You can't have too many girls that want to be right at the bottom of the pack or no one's going to be at the top. If everyone enjoys sadistically bullying all the other girls, it'd be a nightmare, and so on. Potentially if everyone was an entirely wholesome, middle of the pack sort of woman, you could make it work easily HOWEVER, I think it'd be a struggle to find a wholesome, relatively vanilla woman that wants to be in a harem. Harem consultants should be a thing.
Right. I'm going to take a nap again. Hope you're all looking after yourselves and eating well and err sleeping enough? Okay byeeeee.
**job apps open when I get my harem, minimal pay, no holidays, long hours, good work experience
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rallamajoop · 5 months
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A needlessly detailed analysis of Heisenberg's Conspiracy Board
One of the random details I was most eager to find in the RE8 game assets was Heisenberg's conspiracy board. (It's labeled 'strategy board' in the game files, but I think we all know what we're looking at here.)
The assets consisted of a base layer (below) with separate higher-res photos of Chris, Mia, Rose (with Ethan!) and the other three lords (clean versions of those last three, plus Heisenberg, can be found over here). The actual model is more 3-dimensional than you might think, with many of the photos displayed as separate 'flaps' that stick out from the base board (which does unfortunately make stitching together higher-res screencaps of the full board very difficult).
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There are a few reasons why I wanted better pics of the board, but a real big one was catching an in-game glimpse of this one smaller photo on the upper right of some guy in sunglasses and going, wait, is that Wesker?
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Having extracted the highest-res version of that photo possible... well, for that to be Wesker, he'd have to have come back to life and aged about 20 years. Which wouldn't entirely be out of character (he's come back from the dead at least once already, and even Chris is looking his age these days) but is really that who it's supposed to be? IDEK, and neither does this one Reddit thread I found discussing the same question.
There are a few other human-faces around the board ‒ mostly some mustachioed dude(s?) ‒ some of them entirely hidden under other photos on the finished board, but none I recognise. Presumably they're meant to be folks who are/were involved with Miranda or other bio-weapons research, past or present, and maybe they're characters set to appear in some future RE installment. But they may just be stock photos, thrown in to fill space.
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But having finally posted this thing and come back to it again this morning, I'm looking at that one larger guy in one of those photos and going, wait, isn't that the Duke?
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Goddamn, it is, isn't it? You can even see the lapels of his jacket and the curve of the wagon roof over his head. How did I miss that? XD No prizes for guessing why Heisenberg might think he's worth including on a conspiracy board!
Most of the rest of the board is covered with photos of various monstrous bio-weapons. Again, this is probably meant to represent a mix of Miranda's work and that of other bio-weapons manufacturers. Someone more familiar with extended Resi-canon than I am might even be able to identify some of these creatures, but none were immediately familiar to me.
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Even the one zombie face below that looks almost exactly like a screencap from that first iconic zombie-reveal-scene from the very first Resident Evil turned out not to be (and yes, I checked both the original version and the remake), though it may still be meant to evoke that moment. The photo behind it, meanwhile, looks to be just a pair of soldats.
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The other big 'notice me!' feature is, of course, the big map with 'BSAA Come!!' scribbled on it. The circled target location is the ceremony site, identifiable by the four huge statues, and the date at the bottom (February 10, 2020) is the date of Miranda's planned ceremony (tomorrow morning).
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Presumably, this is supposed to be a map the BSAA themselves prepared for troop briefings, but no-one's going to get much out of trying to take this thing too literally. Realistically, the only reason "BSAA Come!!" is written in such big letters here is to let the player know at a glance that Heisenberg is clued in enough to be expecting a BSAA assault.
That's about it for really obvious features. There's not a lot else here that the casual viewer is likely to recognise or find particularly significant. But I'm way past 'casual' in over-analysing this damn game, and I can point out a dozen other features on this board that might (or might not) be awash with implications about all the juicy intel Heisenberg's got his hands on.
Basically, it's time to play my favourite game: Cheaply Reused Asset or Significant Callback?
See, much as I'd love for every last detail on this board to be dense with important lore, the reality is that the player gets barely a few seconds to look at this thing in-game, and so most of what's on it was probably thrown together in a hurry by some overworked member of the asset team without much thought. And nothing demonstrates this better than the fact that two different photo clusters (circled below) from the right edge of the board are duplicated wholesale as you move left across the board.
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Someone's just copy-pasted these in their entirety, slightly reduced them in size, and assumed no-one would notice. The asset team is only human, and believes in working smarter not harder as much as anyone.
Then there's the fact that a number of other assets you can find on this board are actually posters advertising fishing equipment, which you can find around the reservoir, near where you pick up the boat key.
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Why would Heisenberg include these on his conspiracy board? There's no good reason, they're just a convenient assets to fill in some space.
And then there's my all-time favourite random detail on this board ‒ a completely random photo of a bottle of Dulvey Beer, two bags of Half-Whole flour, and a carton of orange juice.
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Now, maybe somewhere in these games, you can find these exact items arranged in this position next to never-before-found coded clue to the future of the series! But more likely, this is just the asset team making an inside-joke about asset recycling, using a picture of some of the most oft-reused assets in the game, on a board that's already covered in reused assets from elsewhere. (Look, I thought it was funny, even if no-one else looking at the board is going to get it.)
So, yeah, a lot of what's on this board means nothing, except that whoever made it had limited time and a lot of space to fill. And That's Okay.
But then we get to the stuff where I do really wanna believe its inclusion means something. For one, the board contains copies of both the mission briefing Chris' team is carrying when they abduct Ethan (the one you find by the overtuned truck), and Rose's BSAA-headered medical checkup report.
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I already have this whole theory that that same medical report being leaked to Miranda might just be a major unsung catalyst for how she realised Rose's potential, and thus set all the events of the game in motion. So finding that the same report has made it's way onto Heisenberg's conspiracy board is a lovely bit of potential validation. Similarly, the implication that Heisenberg might have known about Chris' mission to Ethan's home before it even happened has some tantalising implications (or maybe he just found it out by the van where Ethan left it).
Rose's medical report isn't the only BSAA-headered document on the board either ‒ there's another on the top right (outlined in yellow) that doesn't correspond to any in-game asset I can find (presumably it wasn't actually needed for whatever it was created for). There's plenty elsewhere in this game to suggest Miranda has contacts in the BSAA feeding her all their secrets ‒ and whether Heisenberg got these reports from Miranda or independently, the fact he's got them at all suggests one hell of an info-leak.
Speaking of Miranda, you can find a couple of copies of some of her own research notes on Heisenberg's board ‒ this is the same asset used in her lab under the graveyard, where you can find notes about her experiments on 'Alcina D'. So that's another interesting file that it makes total sense Heisenberg might include on his board.
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The board also includes a couple of extracts from that issue of The Dulvey Daily from Ethan's home, with the article about the closing of the Baker investigation. Realistically, this is likely to be another case of a random asset being used without much thought, but it does make sense that Heisenberg would have followed that investigation (and I can't help but loved that Heisenberg felt the Horn of Plenty article was worth including in his vast conspiracy-network ‒ I told you they were shady!)
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You can find bits of a couple of Heisenberg's own Soldat-x-rays on the board too. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but they do look nicely sinister, so onto the board they go! (In multiple places again)
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That's about it for assets I could identify. However, there are also a few photos from around the village itself on the board ‒ two of which were evidently screenshots taken from Ethan's own point of view, given that his gun is clearly visible in the bottom left of the screen in customary position. Objectively, this makes no sense, but it sure does add to that "someone's been watching you" atmosphere that any good conspiracy board should aspire to.
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(I also feel like I should totally be recognising that doorway in the photo about the 'o' in 'mother', but can't place it.)
And for one final, bizarre detail, you may notice this weird photo of someone's feet appears in a few places on the board. And it's definitely the same photo ‒ the details line up perfectly, right down to the pin and that bit of string. But for some reason, someone's added a lace skirt to the feet in the example on the left.
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You can't even see that skirt in the finished board (it's under Miranda's picture), but it amused me nonetheless.
Before we finish, have a few more close-ups on some of the other weird photos you can find on the board.
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So, what conclusions can we draw here? There's a ton of detail on Heisenberg's conspiracy board to suggest he (or perhaps Miranda) has access to files from the BSAA and whoever Chris is now working with/for, that he's researched what happened at Dulvey and has certainly helped himself to Miranda's own files, if you'd like to read significance into what was included on the board. But there's also a ton of complete nonsense, so, you know, pretty much just RE lore operating as per usual.
I hope you've all enjoyed my little descent-into-madness while picking this thing apart.
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Indigo Park: Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons).
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Truthfully, we don’t know much about Salem besides the fact they are a potion maker and briefly appear in the arcade game. Their bio revealed that they’re an antagonist to Rambley.
Theory: Salem is the most recent character in the Indigo Park cast.
Their punk design doesn’t really fit the rest of the cast and Rambley’s lines when you show the retro Lloyd Plush has an interesting detail.
“Where’s my limited edition throwback plush?! Where’s Mollie’s? Where’s Finley’s?”
Immediately he mentioned the rest of his friends not getting a retro plush either. Granted, this could be a situation where he dislikes Salem so much he doesn’t mention them… Yet he always mentions Lloyd/doesn’t refuse to say the lion’s name. So what’s the deal with Salem?
The Finley cutout’s line about Rambley knowing him for 100 years could potenially just be flavor text, but the retro plush info mentioned there was an actual old cartoon.
Not too sure about the theories which pin Salem as turning the animatronics(?) against the park guests. That seems a little too cut and dry for me given Salem was part of the cast too.
—Salem’s also known to use contraptions to get out of hairy situations in their character bio. Leading me to believe they weren’t always a potion maker, but rather a Scientist!
—The original documents on their character design were lost leading to many people not knowing Salem’s gender, thus non-binary. They could have stolen their own designs actually…
—Ironically, they and Mollie can stand to get along due to both of them knowing a great deal about engineering/tech. Mollie does crash her plane often enough that learning how to repair it would make sense. I could see Salem helping her repair the plane to get the macaw out of their forest. (This annoys Rambley to no end.)
—Because of Finley’s shyness, the two have rarely interacted. Though—I could see the first meeting have been when Salem went potion ingredient hunting and stumbled upon Finley. They were intimidated by his sheer size, surely.
—Salem dyes their hair stripe. Not always pink.
—The skunk uses the employee utility tunnel to photo bomb park goers, Rambley’s Railroad, and even selfies. They love sneaking up on people because they don’t think a six-foot purple skunk would be even remotely stealthy.
—Them and Lloyd will trade verbal barbs in mock offs behind the scenes. He’s the only one who gets their vicious sense of humor.
—Whether as an animatronic or AI, Salem often steals items from the gift shops to “decorate” statues around the park. They hate the one statue of Rambley and Mr Indigo because the head can track them no matter how they move.
—Salem has accidentally caused the park to lose power a few times from their experiments getting out of hand. The fact these made the now AI-Rambley to get shut down doesn’t bring as much joy to them as you might think.
—The skunk is currently trying to juryrig a computer to be able to fit their paws so they can see what this “Minecraft” game is about. It had potion making apparently?
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 9 months
How to Say I Love You [Five Things Trope]
Pairing: Frank Castle x AFAB Reader
Trope de Sept Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Five Things style 1. Snippets of interactions between characters, with a common theme, showing five instances that follow the pattern and one that doesn't. "The four times Frank thinks 'I love you' and the one time he actually says it."
Warnings: 18+ (don’t interact if your age is not in your bio). No use of Y/N. AFAB Reader, Fem pronouns. No direct sexual action/SMUT, but it’s mentioned enough that I’m marking this as 18+. Mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, mention of a hospital, mention of blood. 
WC: 2,500
*I never give permission for my fics, manips, or any other original creation I post on this site to be copied, posted elsewhere, translated, or fed into any AI program. The only platform I currently post anything on is Tumblr. Thanks!*
The first time Frank realized he loved you was in the afterglow of a particularly raunchy round of sex. How cliche, he thought to himself.
You laid beside him, all doe-eyed and radiant looking, staring into his eyes as though you were trying to stare into his soul. And oh god, how you did, and you didn’t even know you were doing it.
“What’s going through your head, big guy?” you asked, stroking his face and trying to smooth away the crease that had formed across his brow. How easily you could clock when his brain was working too hard and his thoughts were a million miles away.
“Thinkin’ about how beautiful you look.” 
Which was partially true. After all, your beauty was one of the many things that made him fall in love with you.
You wouldn’t have suspected Frank Castle was one for pillow talk, but every time you fell in bed together, he managed to surprise you.
And like always, you saw right through him.
“That right?”
You both decided it was best not to put a label on this, whatever this was. Talking about feelings teetered a tightrope that was dangerously close to that. Especially talking about feelings like love right after sex. Not to mention the amount of his stuff that had begun taking up home in your place and vice-versa. No, you wouldn’t mention the hoodie he left every time he went on a long job so that you’d have something of his to wrap you in comfort, or the little notes and snacks you’d slip into his duffle before he left in the morning. Or the more and more frequent sleepovers that involved no sex, just wanting to be near each other. Nope, neither you nor he wanted to bring it up. He especially didn’t want to let on that the L-word was dancing on the tip of his tongue.
He shook his head and held back a smile.
“Okay, well whenever you’re ready to spill, I’m all ears.” you said, coy smirk painting your lips as you leaned in and rested your head against his chest, falling asleep to the steady sound of his heartbeat. 
Goddamnit, he was down bad.
The second time Frank realized he loved you was in spring. The trees in Central Park were all in bloom and you danced down the path beside him, reveling in the recent break in the weather and the sunshine.
He had to chuckle, how pretty you looked when you turned your face upward to the glow of the sun and asked,
“Frankie, can we get ice cream?”
“Darlin, it’s still under 60 degrees.”
You took his hand and led him through the park, despite his protestations that it was too early in the season for frozen treats. 
You almost looked like a real couple, hand in hand sauntering along, not really in a rush to get anywhere and stopping every so often to admire the park.
You paused, suddenly turning about face on the path and pulling him along with you.
“Sweetheart, what’s up? Ice cream’s this way.” he pointed over his shoulder
“Ah. You’re right. It’s still too cold.”
You never admitted he was right. About anything.
Frank glanced behind him, making sure he clocked anything you might even think could be a threat. Then he saw it, the reason you so suddenly changed course.
Central Park Carousel, the sign read, big arrow pointing in the exact direction you had been heading. 
You knew what happened to his family and though he didn’t talk about it (because again, talking about feelings wasn’t what this was supposed to be) you saw the toll it took on him emotionally. 
You wanted him to have a day clear and free of worry and memories. 
You were being thoughtful and proactive about his emotions. Damnit, he was so in love with you.
The third time Frank realized he loved you, much like the first time, was late at night. This time, there was no steamy sex involved, just a lot of blood and bandages.
Damnit, he never wanted you to see him like this, see who he is on the job, what it turns him into. Sure, you knew he was the Punisher and you knew he killed people, but it’s different to see it up close.
He went to your place. Rationalization rattled around his head that your apartment was closer and getting to you to stitch him up instead of trekking all the way to his place would greatly decrease his chances of bleeding out. 
But deep down, he knew that wasn’t the truth. Maybe it was because he missed you, maybe he really just wanted the comfort of your body beside his after an exhausting night, or maybe he realized how deep in it he was and wanted you to see this side of him before it was too late for both of you, so you could shun him away and break his heart like he deserved.
“Happiness is a kick in the balls just waiting to happen” he once told Curtis, so here he was, trying to self-sabotage and kick his own balls before life could do it for him.
But you didn’t even bat an eye when you swung open the door to your apartment and found him standing there, mangled and bruised.
“That one might scar.” you commented as you tied up the thread on the stitches
“Never too worried about em lookin pretty.”
“That's okay, your face is pretty enough.” you said, beginning the process of cleaning up the wipes and blood and bandages littering your bathroom counter 
He shook his head with a chuckle, trying to hide the blush growing across his face.
“Besides, it gives you character.” You kissed him on the temple as you exited the bathroom.
He placed his elbows on his knees and bent over with a sigh, biting his tongue until you were out of ear shot.
“Love you too” he whispered under his breath
The fourth time Frank realized he loved you was on Mother’s Day. It had become his ritual, visiting their graves on important days. Mother’s Day was one of them. Afterall, some of his favorite memories of Maria were of her being the most amazing mom to their kids. 
You insisted on going with him, not wanting him to be alone and drowning in the Frank Castle pity party.
“Stop being so fucking thoughtful cause it’s making me love you more.” he wanted to shout, but he didn’t. Instead he just nodded and smiled and held your hand in silence the entire drive from his apartment to the cemetery, not letting go until you’re well out of the truck and up the familiar path.
You gave him space once you came within reach of the grave. Peonies for Maria, daisies for Lisa and carnations for Frank Jr.
You sat together on the damp earth in silence for a long while. Your hand absent-mindedly rubbed and scratched his back and you wiped away a few tears that fell from his eyes.
He thought about saying it right then and there, admitting to you finally how much he truly loved you. He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it, instead just keeping the silence that hung between you.
On the off chance you didn’t run screaming in the other direction when he finally told you, he didn’t want to do it here. To taint a special new moment with the ghosts of his past and meld a new beginning with the old life he was so desperately clinging onto. So he didn’t say anything, eventually rising to his feet and taking your hand once more to walk back to the truck.
The first time Frank Castle laid eyes on Karen Page was in a hospital. Here he was again, stalking the halls of a hospital with the same laser focus on his mission. And there was Karen, standing stone-faced, arms crossed in front of her chest.
“She doesn’t want to see you.” 
“The fuck she does,” he tried to push past her
“Frank,” Karen shoved against his shoulder. Goddamnit, why was she nearly as stubborn as you?  “She doesn’t want to see you.”
“The hell you mean, she doesn’t want to see me? She’s not answering my calls and I haven't heard from her in days so I go to her place and she's not there but there's blood on the bathroom floor and I gotta call everyone in her contacts just for you to give me a cryptic ‘she’s in the hospital’ with no details.”
Karen looked to the ground, avoiding his gaze.
“Then I gotta go to every hospital on the west side just so you can tell me she doesn't want to see me? What the fuck happened?”
Karen just shook her head.
“Go home Frank. She’ll call you when she’s ready.”
If there was one person who could get Frank to stand down, it was Karen, which was precisely why you called her.
“Well he’s gone. For now. But you know he’s gonna come back and you’re gonna have to tell him eventually.” she said with a sigh, plopping down in the chair next to your hospital bed
“I know. I’m just scared of how he’ll react.” you replied, gnawing at your bottom lip
She nodded knowingly. 
“I’m gonna go hunt down some coffee. We both look like we need it.”
You almost fell asleep in her absence, until a loud crash came from behind the curtain drawn around your bed.
“Shit,” a gruff voice rung out amongst the beeps and whirs of the medical machines you were connected to.
Sheepishly, he poked his head around the curtain, seeing you in your pitiful state for the first time.
“Hey sweetheart.” 
You swore you’d never heard this giant, tough man be more timid in his life.
“How are you here?” you asked with a sigh, rubbing at your temple
“Snuck in the window.”
“Okay, you’re never allowed to call me stubborn again.” you joked, causing a smile to crack along his hardened face
It broke the tension enough that he closed the gap between you, gently sitting on the edge of the bed and taking your hand in his.
“You gonna tell me what happened, or why you don’t wanna see me?”
A sigh escaped your lips, tears threatening to spill over as you dreaded having this conversation with him.
“I didn’t want you to be mad,” it came out as almost a whisper.
“Why would I be mad?”
“A couple weeks ago– I realized my period was late. So I took a test and it was positive.”
Frank’s face went stoic, brown eyes usually so full of warmth when they looked at you now steely black.
“You didn’t tell me?”
You shook your head and continued,
“I was scared to tell you. And I didn’t know what I wanted to do about it anyway, so I figured there was no point in telling you until I decided. I didn’t know if that was something you ever wanted again and especially with me.” 
He listened as you rambled, not once taking his gaze off of you as he continued to grasp your hand in his. 
“But then yesterday,” you continued, “I started bleeding. I knew it probably meant I miscarried. But then the bleeding just didn’t stop. So I went to the ER. And they said I hemorrhaged. And I had surgery this morning.”
“What was your plan? Just never gonna tell me?”
“I don’t know Frank, I wasn’t really thinking things through, okay? I didn’t want you to be with me just out of obligation!”
“You think I’m here out of obligation? You think I snuck through a third story window out of obligation?”
“I knew you and Maria got married quickly because she got pregnant. You’re just so fucking noble and I didn’t want you to feel like you had to do something that was ‘correct’ and end up miserable and resenting me. I know this isn’t the kind of life you want anymore. I know I can’t replace her.”
“Hey!” he retorted, leaning in to get closer to you “Look, I loved my wife. Even before she got pregnant, I knew she was the one, yeah? There was not a single moment I regretted my life with her. And there is not a single moment I’ve regretted with you, except whatever the hell I did to make you think you had to hide this from me.”
The tears were now flowing down your face and you had to look away from his intense stare. Taking a moment to choke back a sob before you spoke again, your words came out hushed.
“But there’s the difference Frank, you loved her. Even before she got pregnant, you loved her. But because you loved her so much, I don’t know that you’ll ever love me. Or anyone else for that matter.”
“I didn’t think I could either,” he sighed “but then you came along. And no matter how much I tried to push you away, your stubborn ass just kept comin.”
“What are you saying Frank?”
“I’m sayin that I love you.”
“You’re not just saying that cause I’m all sick and pitiful?” you asked
“Nah. I’m sayin it because you being all sick and pitiful scared the shit outta me enough to finally say it out loud. But I been thinkin about it a while.”
“I love you too.”
The widest smile you’d ever seen grew across Frank’s face. He leaned forward slowly, cupping  your jaw and placing the most gentle kiss on your lips. You had to smile as he pulled away, so elated that you almost forget where you were and that you were in a very unglamorous hospital gown in a very unromantic hospital room.
“So what happened with your surgery? You gonna be okay?” he asked, giving you another look up and down
“Yeah. They got me all fixed up and as long as the next blood transfusion takes, I’ll be out of here by tomorrow.”
“Hey” he took your chin in his large hand, making you look at him “Don’t you ever keep something like this from me okay? I promise, I won't be mad. I just wanna be here for you cause I love you.”
The monitor beside you beeped, indicating your heart skipped a beat when he said it again.
“I love you too, big guy.”
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thelien-art · 25 days
I´m taking pride art requests again this year to honor all members of the LGBTQ+ community!
You can send me a character or a ship of your own choice with one or more pride flags and I´ll draw it!
If you don´t send in a flag with the request I´m going to choose myself
You can send in the same character/ship/flag as many times as you want, although if the same already has been requested I might not draw it again, but feel free to try your luck anyway!
I´ll take pride in requests up until June 30th, 2024. Starting today I´ll be taking the requests, and I´ll begin posting them on June 1st
All of them must be Tolkien BOOK related or, BG3 which you can request over on my BG3 blog @thelien-in-bg3
Notes, Answers, and Edits:
1. As always this is also the month of Exams so I can´t promise there will be a lot, but I´ll try to get around as much as possible :)
2. I will use MY designs for the character, not the movies or your own even if you ask me to as these are not Commissions
Thank you for understanding and respecting :)
1. can I use your art as a prp or header?
Yes, you can use my art as profile picture or header as long as you credit me and don´t repost it anywhere without my permission. (you can also find this info in my bio or pinned post)
2. can you draw my OC? (this also includes Tav´s on my BG3 - you CAN ask for default Durge)
Sometimes I do take requests for people's OCs but not this month, but look out for the next time I open requests and see if I´m open to drawing OCs there, and if unsure just ask me!
3. can annon's send requests in too?
Yes! Everyone can send in requests :)
4. ...
Feel free to ask if you have any questions or if anything wasn't explained well enough :)
Three more requests from other fandom/OCs and I´m stopping early
(I had to make a countdown - and it started on 10 the 12th - because people don´t respect the very simple rule I made)
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foxyyaoguai · 1 year
Tumblr media
The antis have been all over my posts in the last few days, so I wanted to share my experiences and write a guide on how to deal with them. 
First off: Our ships and character preferences are valid, no matter how hard some people try to demonize them. We are part of fandom and allowed to post about the things we enjoy, just like everyone else. Our fanfics, fanart, video edits, photo edits, etc. are all works of love and they deserve to exist and be explored by others. 
✨ Strategies for dealing with antis ✨
Don’t engage. I have checked the bios of all the antis that left comments under my posts, and the majority of them are minors. You don’t want to talk to minors in fandom spaces!! And a conversation based on logic or reason won’t be possible either. 
Delete their comments. Tumblr, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube allow you to delete comments, DO IT!! You created something with love and hateful comments have no place underneath it. Even if the comment just makes you uncomfortable and isn’t outright hateful, it is perfectly reasonable to delete it for your own sanity.
Block generously. Not only the people who target you specifically but also anyone who engages in character- or ship-bashing. People who do that for one ship will do it for other ships too and it’s extremely bad fandom etiquette. When you see a character or ship-bashing post, block everyone who liked it and then the poster.
Report people for harassment. The rules vary by site, but especially threats of violence should be reported. Also, if someone follows you to another social media site after you’ve blocked them, that is called block evading and you should report that too. 
When you see other people getting hateful comments underneath their posts, leave a nice comment to offset some of the negativity. Your being supportive can make the difference between this person never posting again and them being motivated to keep going. People are always welcome to send me links to a post that is getting targeted by antis and I’ll like it and leave a nice comment. 🥰
Don’t let the bad comments outshine the positive ones! Every time my post gets enough traction for antis to find it, it also gets lots of lovely reactions. Many people have told me that my content and recommendations made them ship my OTP, and that is the single thing that makes me happier than anything else. Take a screenshot and look at these kinds of comments when you feel down. This is the real reason you should keep posting. 
Most hate comments are exceptionally uncreative. It helps to laugh about it, preferably with a friend. ✨ Remember, you used your energy to create something and you should be proud of it!
When you see a creator you like, but they also display obnoxious behavior towards people who like other ships, characters, or dynamics, at the very least don’t give them a platform by sharing their posts. 
Stay safe. Don’t post personal information online. 
It’s completely valid to step away from social media for some time. Private your accounts, turn off notifications, do a canon reread, read some fanfics in peace. Whatever it takes to remind you why you love the things you love. 
Bonus Tip: Watch videos of cute animals to destress. Bunnies nose-booping each other can (and will) cure anti-induced anxiety. :)
✨ Platforms sorted by least to most toxic and my advice for using them ✨
1. Discord 
Discord is great because you can join servers specifically for your favorite characters and ships. If a server doesn’t already exist, consider setting one up! Pro tip: only invite people that have positively interacted with you in the past. A small server consisting of nice people is a lot more fun than a large server consisting of members that can’t get along or are only marginally interested in the topic. 
Fandom Discord servers have clear guidelines on what you can post. As long as you follow the rules, people have no grounds for calling you out. In my experience, moderators are quick to respond to harassment.  
When you join a server and you see they heavily restrict certain types of content, it is a red flag. Proceed with caution, even if you plan to only talk about “safe” characters and ships. 
2. Tumblr
I have rarely gotten hateful comments on Tumblr, and the few times I did they were easy to delete.  
A lot of the older fandom generations use Tumblr and they are more mature and accepting of all kinds of content.
3. Twitter
Twitter makes it easy to curate your own fandom experience. You can mute words you don’t like to see on your timeline, mute and block users, and most people have their ship preferences in their bio.
4. Instagram
My Instagram posts about Jadecest get a lot of positive interaction, even more than on Twitter. There are unpleasant comments once in a while, but they are easy to delete. 
Blocking a user will delete all their comments from your posts. 
5. YouTube
People who don’t like your ship will downvote your videos and downvotes lead to the algorithm not recommending your videos. 
I have gotten a few negative comments, but they are easy to delete. 
6. Reddit 
When you post in a fandom subreddit, everyone will see the post, independent of their ship preferences. 
There are a lot of minors on Reddit. 
You can’t delete comments.
Most fandom subreddits are poorly moderated. 
7. TikTok
I have gotten the most hate comments on TikTok. They can be filtered or deleted, but antis interacting with your video by leaving hate comments will lead to the algorithm recommending your content to even more antis. It can get very ugly. 
If you post on TikTok consider turning off comments, stitches, and video replies. You can also mark your content as 18+, so it won’t get recommended to minors. (Again, antis tend to be underage.)
Platforms are more toxic the more they show your content to people outside your bubble. Discord, Tumblr, and Twitter keep your content relatively well contained to your circle of friends. Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram heavily promote your content outside your bubble, which is good, because more people are going to see it, but also bad, because it reaches more antis. 
Antis are loud and obnoxious, but it’s important to remember that they are a minority. Ship and let ship still exists, especially among the people who have been in fandom spaces for more than just a few years. Don’t be afraid to post your content and express your love for your favorite characters and ships! I, for one, would love to see your creations, and many other people would love to see them too. 
What are your experiences and strategies for dealing with antis?
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mageofseven · 1 year
How Many Kids The Boys Would Want
This is just a cute post I thought of and decided to do.
All of this is with the Boys under the assumption that:
They believe the pregnancy would be easy or at least normal for their partner (nothing like my series were MC has their kid and there's a health risk in every pregnancy)
That they as a couple are in a stable place in life and are able to handle parenthood.
Based on the assumption that no outside force would try to harm them or go against them for having children.
Also, I wanna try adding Mephisto to my posts for now on just to get some practice with him. I still haven't seen him much in the games, but I've been reading posts and stories with him in them so I feel I have at least some basic understanding of his character and would like to practice writing him.
So yeah, I'm adding him to this post, but also please send me requests involving Mephisto (it can still be with other characters too) so I can practice with this man.
Anyway, onto the post!
Honestly, this man has already raised 7 children and still has to deal with the upkeep on 6 of them.
He is going through the hardest parental exhaustion ever.
However, there was a lot of aspects of raising his siblings that he loved and he wants his partner to experience the same joy he did though would definitely be fine if they didn't want kids all.
His answer:
1-2 (but would have to be convinced into the second one)
This man has a real soft spot for kids, but also a lot of self worth issues and lacks true confidence in himself.
This will ease up a bit when he starts fatherhood and actually experiences being a dad, but it never truly goes a way.
He's still a man who would be genuinely disappointed if his partner didn't want kids, but would also try to pretend otherwise.
His answer:
At least 2. Anymore would take character growth for this man and a bit of convincing.
Oh. Oh boy. This man is gonna take a lot of convincing to have even one.
That's not because he doesn't like kids or doesn't want to be a parent though.
He just has like 0 self esteem points and is addicted to his otaku lifestyle.
Still, this poor lonely man has daydreamed about having kids.
With the right partner, he can feel secure enough to go lighter on some parts of his lifestyle and be open to having a kid and maybe more.
His answer:
1-2. Anymore and this man would be too overwhelmed so there's no real room for negotiation.
This man isn't big on kids, mostly just because of his difficult childhood.
Doesn't hate them, just doesn't see the point in having them.
Still, if he had a partner that was adamant about it, he would agree to have one.
Another man whose view changes a bit after experiencing fatherhood.
He still has to be asked for more kids though; this man doesn't have a strong enough urge for them to ask his partner for one.
So how many can he comfortably be persuaded to have?
His answer:
3. Asking after that number will only cause him to have a long talk with his Kitten about not stretching themselves too thin.
Okay, this man loves kids.
If his partner didn't want any, it could possibly be a deal breaker in the long run.
However, he's already long decided how many he wants and all the activities he wants to experience with his kids.
His answer:
2. Any less would make him very disappointed but anymore and he would likely be a bit stressed.
Oh lord, this man cannot become a daddy fast enough.
Kids are a necessity with him and even if he tries to be with someone who doesn't want kids, it won't work out in the long.
These kids can come in any way though. You can carry the baby or he'll make changes to his body so he can. Surrogacy is also fine. And adoption!
Adoption is actually a big want of this man too and even if he and his partner already have bio kids, he'll still specifically want to adopt some.
Demon, human, does matter to him. Just adopt some kids who need loving parents.
His answer:
5+, but emphasis on the '+'. This man came from a big family and wants his kids to enjoy having so many siblings too. His partner will have to be the one cut to him off though because this man has no self control 😅
Oh devil, none
At least that's what he will tell you at first and in fairness, he'll mean it at that this point.
Someone who would love a partner who was in agreement about this, but if not, he will eventually give in and agree to have a child.
Will honestly grow to love his kid more than he ever thought possible.
Another who will never ask for another one, but convincing him for more is not necessarily out of the question.
His answer:
1-2. Those kids would have to be borderline angels for him to even consider a third one though...and since Belphie is their dad, they are more likely to be cute little menaces 🤭💕
This man wants to be a daddy so badly!
This man can't exactly be with someone who doesn't like kids regardless of how he feels on them.
I mean, he is a literally prince and needs an heir.
Has a similar energy as Beel, but has at least enough grasp on reality to have a stopping point.
His answer:
3-4, but more towards 4. Anymore than this and the prince grows a bit apprehensive. He worries that if he has too many then he won't be able to give them the attention they need and deserve with his limited time from his demanding job.
This man loves children, but works so much that he worries it would be impractical and even selfish for him to have them.
Would be comfortable with a partner who doesn't want kids because of this.
If his partner really, really wanted kids though he would eventually relent, but not until after a period of preparation to help make sure the pregnancy and the early childhood of their kid goes smoothly.
Yes, that's the kind of planning this future-seeing man sees as critical.
His answer:
1-2. His partner is really gonna have to beg for that second one if they want it though.
A true neutral when it comes to kids.
He has neither the urge to be a father nor a repulsion at the thought.
He'll be comfortable regardless of whether his partner wants kids or not.
If his partner does want children however, he will only agree after a through talk with them.
So much changes in life when people have kids after all and he believes not enough people truly sit down and think about it.
A lot of people treat having kids as something you just have to do in life, like it's nothing more than a milestone they have to hit.
Solomon wants to make sure that if he and his partner are going to be parents then its for the right reasons and with full awareness of the changes and sacrifices that come with it.
If after that talk and a few days of thinking on it (Soli insisted on it), if his partner still wants children then he will gladly take that next step with his little Minx.
His answer:
2. That is the amount he will agree to without question with his partner. Anymore and the sorcerer becomes concerned. Is very much "quality over quantity" when it comes to children and understands that the more kids you have, the less time you have for each individual kid and wants to give his best to any children he helps bring into the world.
This man simply loves children; most angels do and people just assume it's in their nature to.
However, angels don't really have or become parents; they have older siblings who raise the younger ones.
Still, Simeon imagines that it's more or less the same concept and therefore looks forward to it.
If he had a partner who didn't want kids...well they better at least like Luke or wtf are you with the angel that's already technically a single father.
Because of Lukey though, Simeon would be content with a partner who didn't want any kids other than the sweet angel child in the mix.
Simeon is a man I can see as agreeing to have a lot of kids, but wanting it to at least be a gradual process.
He isn't the type of man who would want or be comfortable with his partner popping a new one out each year.
To give some context, he would only be comfortable having another kid if their youngest was at least 4 or 5.
Really emphasizes focusing on their kids while they're toddlers in order to give them a strong foundation for life.
His answer:
Maybe 5? Again, as long as things go how it's listed above, he's okay with having however many his partner wants, whether it's a big or small number.
This man comes an elite background where there is always a 'proper' way for everything.
When it comes to kids, that means he's been taught two paths: a single child to build up and put resources in to be the perfect heir
Or two kids, the 'heir and the spare' method.
Though he's tried to convince himself that these must be the right way to go about with having children, something about these methods has never sat well with him.
So when he and his partner start talking kids, he has a bit of an internal dilemma to face on the topic.
With Mephisto, the question isn't should he have kids, but how many.
Because of this, the man has a lot of thinking and eventual talking things out with his partner to do.
His answer:
2, but can be persuaded to go against his family's teachings and have a third if it's that important to his partner, but it will take time and some comfort from them.
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blue-thief · 3 months
do you perhaps have some headcanons about mr. isagi? <3
OFC!! <3333
on top of having 2.0 vision (and well, metavision) his VVIQ score is a perfect 5
this helps him a lot with art and he's actually pretty good at it even though he's not as passionate about it as he is with football/soccer
he started drawing through doodling his favourite manga characters and he's able to recreate art styles almost perfectly
he's actually pretty careless when it comes to his schoolwork (esp for STEM) so sometimes he'll hand in incomplete work bc it looks like he's already filled in certain questions
like no. you doodled an eye instead of solving for "x"
he canonically hates science, but if he had to choose one branch as his favourite, it would be chemistry (not boring & derivative memorization like bio but not absolutely insane like physics)
something might contradict this in canon but i hc his handwriting is pretty shitty lmao
since so many sports anime characters look like him (nanase haruka, kageyama tobio, etc) i like to pretend they're all cousins and they meet up at family reunions to compete to see who's better at their respective sport
so yeah despite having no siblings he has a shit ton of cousins who he's really close to
he was conceived by accident 💀 his parents love and coddle him despite this
despite showing the exact opposite of the typical symptoms (great spacial awareness, scarily good empathy, etc) i still say he's got autism lmao. he just has a really unique type yk
his hobby is canonically walking, but i wanna expand on this a little bit
he somehow doesn't listen to music on his walks
(in fact, he doesn't listen to much music at all. that's why his fav song is from a commercial 💀)
furthermore, he rarely ever brings his phone out on walks at all. he likes being at one with his surroundings and he doesn't want his phone to distract him
which is understandable. unless we're talking about how he'll sometimes walk 2+ hours to go to a friends house AND HE DOESN'T HAVE IT?? NO GPS??? NO MAP NOTHING
he's just spent so much time walking around saitama he has a map of most of it installed in his mind
he really doesn't use his phone much at all. he has a few accounts in case he wants to check something out, but he doesn't post anything + barely follows anyone + even has a blank pfp on everything
he apparently received 0 valentine's chocolates in the previous year, but a few ppl from school had a crush on him
he's not popular or anything but some ppl over the years thought he was a genuinely sweet guy and quietly observed him from a distance
he's completely oblivious to this
his school friends all have way more romantic experience than him and they all tease him for this
he gets really frustrated about this and tries to convince himself he likes certain ppl in hopes of something sticking
when he genuinely likes someone he's oblivious to this too lmaoo
he's the type of guy to take dodgeball in PE wayyy too seriously
the first time he swore was when he was eight and got mad at his teammates for slacking off
he got in trouble for this and never swore in front of an adult ever again
(the lack of any physical adults in blue lock made him fall back on his foul mouth)
his fav class is PE in canon but i think i remember something about isagi hating baseball? that might have just been someone else's hc but yeah
he enjoys basketball and badminton, but he thinks volleyball is mid
the one time his school tried floor hockey he enjoyed it well enough
american football is just way too confusing for him
he had no backup plans in case football/soccer didn't work out, but he'd be fantastic in psychology and/or politics
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