#i was writing a little bit about him and ghost earlier in bed but i lost steam. doesnt mean im not thinking about him doing kissy ki
oh-gh0st · 1 year
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omgrachwrites · 1 year
My Oh My (Mattheo Riddle)
Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Request: Do you do song based requests? I was hoping for a Matthew Riddle x potter!Reader based on the song My oh my and/or Shameless from Camila Cabello. You are so good at writing that tension in between characters that shouldn't be together but want to break that forbidden love trope lol - anon
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of sex, wolfstar being adorable
A/N: I hope this is okay anon! Hope you guys all enjoy, I love you all! xxx
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You crept along the silent corridors, hoping to Merlin that you wouldn’t get caught by a ghost, or Mrs Norris for that matter. You would have stolen the Invisibility Cloak if Harry wouldn’t miss its absence, you did always have to remind him that your dad had told you to share it but he wouldn’t listen.
It was well past midnight so it wasn’t likely that anybody was going to be in the Common Room. You grinned as you recalled your earlier activities and your knees almost weakened.
They say he likes a good time (My, oh my) He comes alive at midnight (Every night)
You whispered the password, apologising to The Fat Lady for waking her up and you crept through the portrait hole.
“Where have you been?” a quiet voice came from beside the fireplace making you jump.
“Fuck, Harry!” you swore at your older brother and sighed as he waited for you to answer his question, “I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk,” the lie rolled of your tongue so easily that it surprised you.
Harry nodded, your answer seemed to satisfy him, “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he sighed as he pushed his glasses up his nose, “Hermione woke up and you weren’t there so she panicked. Then, I panicked,” he chuckled, “I was just about to come and look for you.”
Guilt twisted in your stomach as you smiled weakly at Harry, “you don’t have to worry about me Harry, I promise. I’m gonna go up to bed, night Harry.”
“Night, Y/N,” he smiled as you went up to bed. You went to bed feeling like the worst person in the world.
The morning dawned bright and early, and you were walking a little bit behind your friends as you all walked down to the carriages. You were still feeling guilty about the night before so you were keeping your distance. You felt a cold hand wrap around your wrist and you were pulled into the nearest broom cupboard.
“What the fuck?!” you yelped, rolling your eyes when you came face to face with the cocky Slytherin. The same Slytherin that you had shared the previous night with.
My mama doesn't trust him (My, oh my) He's only here for one thing But (so am I) Yeah
A little bit older A black leather jacket A bad reputation Insatiable habits
“Hello, darling,” he grinned, his hands coming up to grip your waist, “I wanted to see you before we all go home for the summer.”
“Well, you’ve seen me, Mattheo,” you laughed as he rolled his eyes, “people will get suspicious if we’re in here for much longer.”
“You will write to me this summer, won’t you?”
You cupped his cheek, trailing your fingers across the scar that he’d received from duelling, “I’ll try,” you promised.
He nodded at your answer before leaning in to kiss you, you kissed him back gently, your fingers digging through his curls. As he pulled away he bit his lip and looked away from your face, “I like you, y’know.”
You laughed at the flush that spread across his cheeks, “I like you too.”
Your friends weren’t that far ahead so it didn’t take long for you to catch up with them, “are you alright, Y/N?” Ron asked.
“Yeah, all good,” you nodded, slightly out of breath, laughing when he slung an arm over your shoulders.
It was a couple of weeks into summer when you walked into the kitchen and heard Harry whining to your mum, “why do me and Y/N have to come though?”
“Oh no, where are we going?”
Your mum looked at you with a sigh as if talking to Harry exhausted her, you knew the feeling, “we’re going to The Three Broomsticks for dinner tonight.”
“What, why?”
“Because,” Lily rolled her eyes, “Sirius wants us to meet his new partner.”
“What’s the point in that when they’re just gonna break up in a couple of months?” since your mum and dad had been in school Sirius held a torch for Remus, but he’d never said anything. Sirius’ relationships barely lasted 6 months.
“That’s exactly what I said,” your dad laughed as he walked into the kitchen.
Lily sighed but you could tell that she was trying not to laugh, “don’t encourage them, James.”
When you and your family arrived at The Three Broomsticks you noticed Sirius and Remus sitting at the table. There was no one else there and they looked pretty nervous, “do you think…?” you trailed off, looking at Harry.
Harry shook his head, “nah, they definitely would have told us by now,” you nodded but you knew first hand that that wasn’t always the case.
As you walked over to the table, Sirius smiled up at you all in greeting and you sat down, “so, everyone knows Remus, obviously,” he laughed and Remus offered everyone a little wave like you hadn’t known him for all your life.
“Does this mean that you guys are together?” Harry asked what everyone else was thinking and when Sirius nodded, your heart leapt for joy. Two people who you loved more than anything had finally found each other, you couldn’t think of anything better.
Your mum and dad whooped, “yes! Wolfstar is real!”
Remus laughed, looking relieved that everyone was taking this so well, “what the hell is Wolfstar?”
Lily flushed as she looked at James, “it was our ship name for you in school, we’re so glad that you guys are together!”
Sirius grinned, “thanks guys!”
“First round is on me,” James grinned, “come on, Y/N, you can help me.”
“Oh, dad!” you whined as you followed him to the bar.
You didn’t notice the bartender until he came to take your order, “what can I get for you?”
You froze when you realised it was Mattheo behind the bar, he stared at you in turn, his blue eyes widening. Your dad put the order in and when he wasn’t paying attention, you leaned over the bar to speak to Mattheo.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
He shrugged as he poured the pints, “thought I’d keep myself busy,” he hissed, “since the only person I want to speak to won’t reply to my letters.”
You bit your lip, you really did feel bad about that one, it had been a jam packed summer already, you hardly had any time to write secret little love letters, “Theo…” you trailed off as your dad paid for the drinks and Mattheo shook his head at you.
As Remus explained how Sirius finally had the guts to tell him how he felt, you couldn’t help but watch the handsome boy behind the bar as he walked from customer to customer with cat like grace. He grinned at a little old woman and spent a lot of time speaking with her, you wished you could hear what he was saying. You liked him like this, it always seemed as though he had to put up a front in school, you wished he could be himself but you supposed you couldn’t blame him, considering who his father was.
Unfortunately, you weren’t as subtle as you thought because your mum saw you looking at him, “who’s that behind the bar?”
“A boy from school,” you muttered, taking a sip of your Butterbeer.
“He’s Mattheo Riddle. Voldemort’s son,” Harry blurted out.
“Harry!” you hissed.
Lily scowled as she eyed him curiously over her wine glass, “he looks like trouble, I hope you’re staying away from him, Y/N.”
“Of course mum.”
When you spotted Mattheo going outside, you made excuses about how you wanted to get some fresh air as you followed him out. You found him leaning against the wall, lighting a cigarette, “those things will kill you, y’know,” you giggled.
“Among other things,” he blew out some smoke, not looking at you.
“Theo,” you sighed walking towards him, “I’m sorry that I haven’t been writing to you.”
Mattheo sighed as he looked at you, touching your cheek, “I understand, you have to protect yourself.”
“I’m not trying to protect myself, I’m trying to protect you! Do you what my parents would do to you if they found out about us? Not to mention my brother.”
Mattheo smirked at you, his blue eyes surprisingly bright in the dark of the night, “trying to protect me huh?” he grinned when you nodded, “I lied by the way, when I told you that I liked you. I meant to say that I really like you,” he flushed and you marvelled at how something like this could embarrass him, after all you would together in The Room of Requirement.
“I really like you too.”
Mattheo flicked away his cigarette as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he leaned in to kiss you. You sighed against his lips, tasting the mint of his gum and the smoke from his cigarette, it was an intoxicating taste.
He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe Yeah, I said, "If you kiss me I might let it happen"
I swear on my life that I've been a good girl Tonight, I don't wanna be her
He pulled away from you slightly, resting his forehead against yours, “a forbidden, secret romance is actually pretty sexy, Y/N,” he smirked.
“You’re such a prick,” you laughed as you pulled him in for another kiss.
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Try a Little Tenderness
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Fem Reader
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Summary: Simon has just returned home in the middle of the night from a mission in less than stellar condition. Understanding that he was in desperate need of some TLC, you put aside the ‘frenemy’ dynamic the two of you usually operate within to take care of him, instead. Your gentle ministrations elicit a reaction that neither of you expect, but perhaps have been yearning for all along.
Warnings: Language, explicit sexual content, touching of naughty bits - Simon gets a helping hand in the bath, fluff and feelings, no Y/N
(A/N: This is a thot connected to an idea I had for a series. Still not sure about the series, but what ev. 
This is just me exploring the intimate relationship between the characters. It is minor smut compared to what I usually write, meant to be a vulnerable moment for Simon, and for reader as well. I dunno, I feel like a certain amount of trust needs to be established before Simon allows himself to be with someone in an intimate way. 
For a little backstory, Reader is Simon’s housekeeper/roommate/frenemy. It’s been platonic up to this point, but there have been some charged moments leading up to this. This is the turning point in the relationship, the first time Simon allows himself to really indulge in reader’s attention and care. Reader and Simon have been living together for about a year by this point but have known each other for almost two. Simon’s pet name for reader is ‘Doll’; reader’s pet name for Simon is ‘Grumpy’.)
Word Count: 2777
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It was almost midnight by the time Simon shuffled through his front door. He was dead on his feet, still wearing the same clothes he put on three days ago, covered in filth and stinking to high hell. He would normally have stayed on base, cleaned up, ate and retired to his quarters to rest, but for some reason, he’d texted you mid-flight to tell you he was on his way back. He hadn’t been expecting an immediate answer, but he got one.
[DOLL]: What’s ur ETA? I’ll wait up 4 u. Have u eaten? 
Simon had hovered over his phone, glancing about the plane, not sure how to respond. He supposed he didn’t have to stay on base. He’d just never had a reason to return home before. He knew he should tell you not to wait up, to go to bed, that he would see you tomorrow, but instead he found himself tapping out a different message.
[GRUMPY]: Landing in twenty. Be home approx 2hrs.
[DOLL]: I’ll be waiting. C u soon.
He re-read the message several times. ‘I’ll be waiting.’ This was new for him, having someone to go home to, having someone there expecting him, waiting up to see him. Sure, he had come home to you before, but not like this. This was... premeditated.
As he closed the door behind him and locked it, he heard your feet padding through the sitting room and turned. He couldn’t help the smile that spread under the balaclava when he saw you. You were dressed in one of his old T-shirts, a pair of flannel sleep shorts peeking out beneath the hem, and a pair of those ugly fuzzy socks on your feet. Your hair was loose and hanging down your back, not quite dry yet from an earlier shower, and your face was free of makeup. He liked seeing you like this better than any other way.
You were looking at him in that direct way that always got to him, assessing him, checking him over. He waited for one of your customary snarky greetings, but instead your brows furrowed.
“You look exhausted, Si. C’mere. Sit down,” you instructed, pointing at the entryway bench. Simon didn’t even hesitate, just did as he was told. He watched you kneel before him and start unlacing his boots.
“Ya don’t got t’do that, Doll. I can―“
“Si, hush,” you murmured, your voice soft and gentle. “I got this, okay? You’re home. Relax.”
He didn’t have it in him to argue, so let you have your way. You removed his boots and stuck them under the bench by his trainers, then stood and held your hand out. “C’mon. You need a bath.”
He let you lead him up the stairs, but instead of taking him to his ensuite bathroom, you led him down the hallway to the bathroom that you used. You motioned for him to sit down on the toilet while you stoppered the tub and turned on the taps. He watched with curiosity as you opened the cabinet below the sink, taking out a glass jar filled with some sort of pinkish granules, sprinkling a generous portion of it into the filling tub.
“Wha’s that?”
“Epsom salts with lavender and eucalyptus. It’ll help ease your sore muscles,” you told him, replacing the jar in the cabinet. You turned to look him over again. “Let’s get you out of those dirty clothes. I’ll get you some clean ones once you’re in the bath. C’mon. Arms up.”
Simon thought about objecting. He was a grown man, he could undress himself, but as soon as he felt your hands on him, all complaints went right out the window. He held his arms out so you could pull the tail of his shirt out of the waistband of his jeans, shivering when he felt your fingers graze his lats as you peeled it up and over his head.
“I smell like shite,” he grumbled, embarrassed for you to be this close to him when he was in such a disgusting state.
You huffed, the sound low and amused. “You smell like a soldier who just got back from deployment. Believe me, I’ve smelled worse.” You motioned for him to stand again. Once he regained his feet, your hands went to his waist, undoing the belt and pulling it free, then you undid the button and fly of his jeans. You pushed them down until they bunched around his knees, then instructed him to lean on you while you tugged them off his legs.
And he just... let you. He had not had anyone care for him like this since his last stint in the medical bay, and that had been a male nurse with hands rougher than his own. He’d not had a woman care for him like this since he was a small boy, when his mother would get him ready for his bath. He felt his chest constrict, almost told you to stop, but your hand on the back of his calf silenced him.
“Foot up,” you said, letting him lean on you again as you stripped off first one sock and then the other. Once you straightened, you placed a hand at the small of his back and gave him a gentle push towards the tub. “I’ll go get you some clean clothes while you get in,” you said, then stooped to gather up his dirty things. “Be back in a minute.”
You left him staring after you, disappearing down the hallway. He turned back to the tub, eyeing the hot water lapping at the sides. Aromatic steam rose from its surface, too tempting to ignore. Pushing his underwear off his hips, he let them drop on the floor and stepped out of them, then climbed into the tub.
He groaned long and low as the hot water enveloped him, certain he had never felt anything better in his whole life. Closing his eyes, he dropped his head back on the edge, only then realizing that he still had on his balaclava. He hesitated for a moment, then reached up and pulled it off as well, dropping the dirty hood on top of his underwear. Fuck it. You’d seen his face before and hadn’t made a big deal out of it, didn’t even comment on it, really, just took it in stride like you did everything else.
He cracked an eye open when you re-entered the room, watching as you placed his clean clothes on the counter next to the sink. You opened another cabinet and removed some towels and a washcloth, glanced over at him, then opened a drawer and took out what looked like a pack of wipes and a squat, plastic jar with a pink lid. You brought it all to the tub with you and knelt by the side, near his head. You held up the pack of wipes and pointed at the black paint around his eyes.
“Figured these would help take that gunk off. I’ve got some cold cream, too. Can I...”
You wanted to touch his face. His mouth dropped open to say no, but then he closed it and swallowed. You were looking right at him, a normal expression on your face, not flinching away or averting your eyes. If it didn’t bother you, then he would allow it. For now. He gave a slow nod of assent.
You opened the pack of wipes and set them beside you, then opened the cold cream. “Lean your head back and close your eyes for me.”
Simon did as he was told, though his brain was sounding a klaxon alarm in his head. He was exposing his throat to someone, was closing his eyes and leaving himself vulnerable to your mercy. Did you see how tense he was? Could you see the muscles spasming as he fought not to move, to push you away, to fend you off like an enemy? Did you understand what this was doing to him right now?
Apparently, you did, at least to some extent. 
“Okay, Si. I’m going to put this cream around your eyes. It will feel cold, so don’t freak out. If you need to stop, just say the word. Alright?”
“Yeah,” he croaked out, waiting, steeling himself for the contact.
The first touch had him flinching, but he forced himself to remain still as you spread the cream around his eyes, working it in with your fingers in small circular motions. When you finished, you set the jar down and picked up the wipes. “I’m gonna clean all this off with these wipes. They’ll feel cold, too.”
This time, he only nodded, more relaxed now. Your touch had been soothing once he’d gotten used to it. It was... nice. He didn’t even twitch an eyelash when he felt the cool pressure of your fingers against his jaw, letting you tilt his head towards you. Your other hand began wiping gently at his face with one of the wipes. They smelled slightly floral, similar to the cold cream; he liked it.
It took several minutes to clean his face, neither of you saying anything. You were patient and methodical, cleaning away all the paint until none of it remained.
“Okay. Done with that,” you murmured, fingers moving from his face to his hair. “I’m going to wash your hair next, okay?”
“Hm,” he hummed in consent, not even bothering to open his eyes.
You wet his hair and then poured shampoo into your palm, working your hands together before placing them on his head. As your fingers curled and began to work his hair into a lather, Simon couldn’t help the low groan that rumbled out. It felt like heaven, the way your fingers massaged his scalp and neck. He could have whined when you stopped, but his breath hitched when he felt your fingertips under his chin, tilting his head back.
“Just need to rinse your hair, Grumpy. Keep your eyes closed.”
Again, he did as you instructed, not offering so much as a grunt of complaint when you rinsed his hair and then used the washcloth to dry his face. You raked your fingers through his hair, noting how choppy and uneven it was. Maybe he’d let you cut it some time, but for now, you would stick to what you knew he would allow.
“How ‘bout I wash your back for you and then I’ll go downstairs and make you something to eat while you finish your bath?”
He blinked his eyes open and stared at you. The steam and trapped heat from the bath were making you sweat, a light sheen making your skin gleam in the warm light. He had the sudden urge to run his thumb up your throat, collect the moisture beading there and taste it. He felt his cock give a twitch of interest below the water and brought his bent knees closer together. Grasping the edges of the tub, he pulled himself in to a sitting position, back bowed towards you.
Pleased to see him so cooperative, you dunked the washcloth in the water and grabbed your body wash, squirting out a couple of dollops. Working the cloth in your hands until you had a good lather, you rested one hand on his shoulder and used the other to slowly scrub the cloth over his back in large circles. You could feel the tension easing out of his shoulders, watched his head tip forward until he finally crossed his forearms on his knees and rested his forehead against them.
When you were done with his back, you didn’t stop, moving up to his shoulders and then down his arm. He leaned back, studying the way you washed each finger, working the cloth between them. You glanced up at him. “Other arm?”
He twisted around and held his arm out to you, resting his wrist on the edge of the tub. You washed it with as much care as you had the other, leaning over the tub to reach his underarm. When you went to slide the cloth away, he caught your wrist and pulled it to the center of his chest. He then closed his eyes and leaned back, letting his head rest against the edge again.
Slow circles worked the lathered cloth over his broad chest and collarbones, and you smiled when he tipped his chin up to let you wash his neck. A soft breath hissed between his lips as your hand dipped below the water’s surface to wash his sides and stomach, his brows ticking together when you brought the cloth back up. He shifted, his knees going wide to lean against the sides of the tub.
You were beginning to feel heat simmering in your lower belly that sent a blush creeping up your neck. “Do, uh... I can wash your legs next. If you like.”
He caught your hand in his, eyes still closed, and pushed it beneath the water again. “Wash here,” he replied, his voice like gravel in his throat.
You held your breath as he guided your hand down to his cock, let him wrap your fingers around its swollen girth and hold them there. His chest was rising and falling, chin tipping forward to rest on it when he felt you grip him tighter. Your lips parted as you gave him a tentative stroke, your breath puffing out in little pants as you watched him let out a shuddering breath, his eyes rolling open to reveal a lust-dazed expression before sliding closed again.
Your hand slid up and down his shaft in slow, even strokes, working him gradually, wanting him to enjoy what you were doing to him. His pleasure incited your own, and you could feel your panties grow damp with your arousal as you watched him slowly fall apart. He was panting now, head lolling back once more, hooded, hazy eyes staring up at the ceiling, his knuckles going white as they gripped the edge of the tub.
Your thighs squeezed together when a wrecked moan tore from his lips as you worked at him beneath the cloudy water, wishing it was clear enough for you to see him as well as feel him. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, the feel of his hot length pulsing in your hand almost too much to bear.
“Ah, fuck...” he huffed out, his back beginning to curl forward. He lifted his eyes to yours, mouth open and panting, a look of near desperation on his face. His hand came up to grip the nape of your neck, drawing you close until his forehead rested against yours, holding your gaze. His nose brushed against yours in an intimate caress, lips almost touching, the two of you sharing the same air. “Don’t stop,” he husked out.
The speed of your strokes increased, your hand slipping up to focus on the head, making his knees draw up as he tensed. You could feel him swelling in your hand, growing bigger and harder as he neared his release. His eyes grew wide, mouth falling open as his jaw went slack.
“It’s okay, Simon,” you whispered to him, “I got you,” and that was all the prompting he needed.
His grip turned into a vice on the nape of your neck as he erupted beneath the surface of the water, and he growled against your mouth, teeth gritting into a snarl as he pulsed in your hand. You didn’t stop stroking him until his eyes closed and grip loosened on your neck, his breaths puffing out in exerted gasps over your lips.
You let him rest against you, not bothering to move or say anything, wanting him to have this quiet moment, to just relax in the knowledge that he was home and safe, that you were here for him. You closed your eyes and let yourself enjoy the moment as well, relishing the quiet, the peace.
Simon’s eyes flickered open, not sure what to expect, only to find your eyes closed, lashes shadowing your cheeks, a gentle smile on your face. You looked so calm, so at peace. You looked... content.
You blinked your eyes open, startled, when you felt the hesitant press of his lips against yours, but you didn’t shy away, instead letting him feel you smile against his lips before you tenderly kissed him back.
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runicarbiter02 · 1 year
Helllooo! Request are open and I'm running over here. Can I request hdc for alejandro vargas and ghost, being jealous because there crush is a little bit touching with another men. Thank youu honey.
A/N: This is definitely an interesting one! I'd be happy to write these for you, since you specifically specified them, I'll just do them for this one. :) I hope you enjoy, darling! I'm still learning how to write for Ale, so I apologize if he's a bit OOC! Also, thank you all for over 1,000 notes on my first headcanon request! I am so, so happy you all are liking the post! ~ Hannah
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I imagine with Alejandro, this would be a slow burn friends to lovers sort of situation. You, Alejandro, and Rudy have all been friends since you all joined up together. Alejandro has always been on the flirtier side with most people, which is why whenever he flirts with you, you don't tend to think much of it. That's just who he is, right?
Los Vaqueros had just gotten a new member, a young, handsome man in his mid-twenties. He's conventionally attractive and funny, which some of the other women definitely admire, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Unfortunately - or fortunately, if you look at it a certain way - you were assigned to show him around the base and get him up to speed.
Cut to the both of you in the mess hall on base, chattering away. Alejandro sees the both of you, and his blood boils. Who does this hijo de puta think that he is?
What really pisses him off is when the young man leans in, saying something that makes you laugh and you playfully shove him away with a coy smile. Alejandro quickly storms out, furious with the young man, but furious with himself for getting so upset.
He doesn't realize you follow him out until he feels your hand on his shoulder.
"Ale? What's wrong, hermano?" If only you knew how much he hated that nickname coming from your lips.
When he turns, one look at how concerned you are, and all his frustrations come spilling from his lips. He's just about to brush it off as him being silly when you don't respond right away before a laugh is erupting from you.
"Ale, he's not into me. He's just friendly. I thought he was flirting with me earlier, but he let me know that he's no even interested in sexual stuff. He's ace," You reassure, and suddenly, Alejandro feels ridiculously stupid. But that falls aside when you stand on your toes and brush a kiss to his cheek. "Now come on, cariño, you need to eat." His eyes follow you as you return to the mess hall, and he's stunned into silence.
Maybe he feels a little less bad about getting jealous.
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This man hates his jealousy. Despises it.
But, it's a part of him nonetheless, and it's something he has to live with.
I imagine it as quiet, little things around base that really gets to him: you're a medic, a really good one at that, and the men absolutely love you for how kindly you treat them all. You have patience, but you aren't afraid to bark orders at them if they're acting out of place.
"MacTavish, if you rip your stitches one more time, I'll kick your ass into next fucking week." "Captain, I don't care if you have more paperwork to do, get your ass in bed before I drag you there myself." "Hold still or I will personally strap you to this cot myself, rookie."
Your feisty nature and take-no-shit attitude is absolutely what drew him to you initially. Cue almost a year of pining on his end, and on your end, but not to his knowledge.
The final straw that ultimately cracks his resolve is a young sergeant that is trying to flirt with you while you stitch up a bullet wound on his side. It's obvious you're just being polite as you accept his compliments and hum in response at his attempts at flirting, but it still rubs Simon the wrong way.
Simon's jealousy is quiet, boiling, settling in the center of his chest. Every touch of yours against the sergeant's skin merely stokes the flames, but he does nothing, continuing to brood in the corner. He waits until you're done, shooing the young man off with a half-assed threat of harm if he ruins his stitches. That's when you finally notice him.
"Ghost, what have I told you about lurking in my med bay?" You tease softly before taking note of the hard look in his eyes. Slowly, you put two and two together, chuckling softly. "Ah, I see. C'mere, big guy."
He isn't mad. Not at all. All he can think about is that young man, who has all he doesn't: charm, good looks, youth, and the blessing of a childhood unscarred by a demon of a father. Simon isn't so lucky.
He can't stop himself as he follows your instructions, stepping into your office and taking a seat at your desk as you close the door. You sit on top of your desk and smile down at him before you hold out your hand expectantly. He furrows his brows but gives you his hand anyway, grumbling something about how he "doesn't know where your filthy mitts have been."
As soft kisses are pressed to his knuckles, however, he goes quiet. "Silly, jealous man. Can't even see that I look at you the same way you look at me. Eyes of a hawk, my ass," You tease.
He turns every shade of red beneath his damn balaclava, and you're damn certain to tease him about it as he melts back into the seat.
Hijo de puta - Son of a bitch
Hermano - Brother
Cariño - Honey; dear
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shidouryusm · 1 year
Soooooo sami 👉👈 since we are both Hawks girlies we are in agreement that he has the most sensitive wings right? The kind that would quiver and tremble when he cums and if you touch them at any point he's just instantly hard... and if you grip them whilst jerking him off his hips will buck off the bed and he whines. Right???? 🫣
im so sorry it took me this long to finish it. i promise i intended to make them fuck but I got carried away into the plot iiufbiufhwjf. but you ask and i serve baby.
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Hawks may be the one with wings but it was you who made him fly
Hawks x f!reader
synopsis: keigo arrives from a hellish day at work. as his sweet little girlfriend you find a way to relieve him
minors DNI. 18+ content.
word count: 2.4k (it was supposed to be a drabble...sigh)
content: hero au, established relationship, female anatomy!reader, switch!hawks,a little subby hawks but he switches at the end, handjobs, blowjobs, implied penetrative sex at the end, teasing, a bit of edging, titplay, playing with balls, cumeating, idk lmk what i missed.
a.n- well this was nasty and fun to write. this is my first time writing about him so do let me know how do you like it. not proofread well im v tired its 3 am :((
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6:07 pm. The tokyo skyline has painted itself in the inkish blue, the little canvas of twilight already dwindling away while you stand in the middle of the balcony taking it all. you look up into the horizon, eyes hoping to catch a speck of red and yellow to appear that will sweep you out of your waiting game. 
Keigo was supposed to arrive atleast 40 mins prior, considering he gets off of duty today relatively earlier than other days. Promising an evening reserved to enjoy the pacificity of being with you – away from the worldly issues. 
He usually glides through the air, slowly landing on this very balcony, pressing a fleeting kiss on your lips even before his feet touches the ground and stumbles you both inside the house. According to him – it keeps things interesting. whatever he meant. you chuckle lightly thinking about that. 
Your trance of thoughts almost missed out the door knob turning and instead of the grandeur entrance of your boyfriend like some flying peter parker he is, you watch him sluggishly drag his body in. 
“to what do I owe such anticlimatic entrance, darling?”, you ask amusedly, walking inside the house to greet him which soon diffuses as you realise the dark shadows under his eyes and his face worn out by a hundred years. he looks beat up. 
“baby?…”, you voice in worry.
Keigo looks at you, watching him with a hint of concern playing in your eyes. you look so cute like that, he thinks. eyebrows squinted together, head slightly tilted and lips jutted together in confusion on why he’s staring at you like that. your skin looking soft and as tempting to get a feel of, decorated with a purple satin loungewear. 
Keigo takes a step forward, closing the distance. your hands reach his face, stroking from the little stubble in his chin to the swell of his cheek. he melts in your touch, his hands finding your waist and pulling you against his body. Keigo hides his face in your neck, his breath comes out in short huffs, tickling you in the crevice between your shoulder and head. 
“It’s been heck of a day”, he mumbles. pity courses through you when you hear his strained voice. You comb through his slightly unruly locks, scratching the base of his scalp while he holds you flush against his body , letting a hum right against your skin.
“awe..made you work a little too hard, baby?” you coo. One hand still raking through his hair while the other snakes around his waist, going upwards till it brushes against the base of his red, bright feathers.
The feel of your hands against his feathers jolts keigo up, a small grunt leaving his lips, still pressed against your neck. your fingers trail over his back, ghosting over his feathers before you carress them again. 
This time,a small, breathy moan escapes from keigo. his hands on your lower back pulls you in— as if you’re not already just a layer away from being inside his skin. 
You smirk, his reactions turning the cogs in your mind to play with him a bit.
“are you sensitive there, keigo?” you asked amusedly, your finger circling the base, right where his feathers sprout out. his face is hidden against your neck but you could still make out the hint of redness that spreads over the nape. 
Keigo pushes himself against you, the movement causing you to feel his clothed bulge rub against your naked thigh, you let out a soft sigh. you could make out the hardness of his cock even with the clothing.
His dick strains against you and what a good girlfriend like you would do in this situation—of course help him out in his little issue.
You pull him off of you, his eyes are drooping. you press a quick kiss on his lips before looping your arms around his neck. 
You feel his eyes glide downwards, taking in your figure. A flimsy tank top hugs your upper body in the most alluring way possible, your nipples hardened and poking out of the fabric like two peaks, making Keigo’s cock jump in his pants. The matching shorts rides up your thighs, exposing the full expanse of the plush skin under his golden eyes. you look so comfortable…and delectable. 
“should I help you out a little? you look like you could use some” you say, a little giggle passing through your lips. his eyes are still glued on your body and you take this opportunity to slightly tug the base of his feathers, bringing his attention back to you. Keigo hisses at the sensation, his face morphing into a temporary state of pleasure whenever your fingers come in contact with his supple feathers.
“Mhmmmm”, you hear him hum before his lips clash against yours. You stand there, in the middle of your hallway as keigo makes out with you, his lips languidly playing the push or pull with your lips. 
His hand reach down the back of your thigh and he hooks your whole leg around his waist, the position allowing him to rub his cock directly against your core. You moan into the kiss. Wanting more. But most importantly, making him feel wanted even more.
You push him towards the bedroom, both of your linked bodies stumbling under the low lights of the hallway till you reach there.
His body is manhandled onto the mattress, your figure hovering over his, as you keep on planting kisses all over his face, reaching his jaw. your mouth tilts against his while your tongue presses flat on his skin, savouring his taste. Keigo grabs your hips, needing something to ground himself from the sudden dominance you’re showing – not that he’s complaining at all.
“fuck baby…you’re so hot like that”, his voice raspy and laced with yearn. You hum against his jawline, your hands tugging on the tight compression shirt he has, wanting them off his body. 
He obliges. Your eyes drink the way his muscles taut while he pulls the fabric off himself and tosses it somewhere you could care any less about. Your hands lay against his pecks, as your mouth finds his once again. Keigo deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue inside the cavern of your mouth, a dribble of spit escaping from your shared mouth down your chin.
Your hands reaches towards his feathers and your hands softly massages the ends of it, making keigo moan in your mouth. 
“fuck…this will make me-” keigo squirms a little,  his mouth dancing more fiercely with yours. his hands squeezes your ass, making your clothed core grind in circular motions over his crotch, multiplying the sensation by tenfolds in Keigo's and your body.
“Cum? just by playing with your feathers? didn’t know you were that sensitive keigo.” you tug the ruffled plumage and Keigo almost bust a nut. his head falls backwards from the treatment and his hips inadvertently buck against your core. Your pussy lips are planted right over his dick and the way he thrusts himself upwards makes you pulsate. 
You look at him majestically submitting to you, so bare and vulnerable. It stirs a different feeling inside you. 
Top.2 hero for the world yet so weak in the knees for you. Wings so fierce yet so tamed under your touch.
“d-don’t get too ahead, you’ll regret it, darling” you hear keigo warn in between the kisses, his voice still broken and hoarse. 
“oh really? sure.” you use both your hands in work. one tugs the feathers, a little rougher than previous times, while the other hand palms his cock, rubbing the palm of your hand against the head of his cock. Keigo moans unashamedly, having his sensitive feathers played like that.
 “doesn’t look like it though” his little moans vibrates against your skin
That’s what you love about keigo. He may act tough and smug but will not be slightest bit of ashamed to vocalise his feelings during sex. Starting from little grunts to lewd moans – he drawls all of them. The little shake in his voice makes your pussy throb painfully, wanting nothing more than to sink yourself in him and drown yourself in pleasure while holding him tightly within. 
Your hands trail upwards towards the belt of his pants, peeling them out of his skin. His cock is swollen, the veins roped around the shaft popping angrily, hard as it sprung up, slamming against his stomach. The sight already enough for you to gush your arousal on his lap. 
you wrap your hands around his base, feeling his cock twitch upon the feel of your skin. Keigo tenses with the touch, exhaling audible breaths. His hands reach your shoulders, dropping the strap of the thin tank top. 
He could see your tits slightly jiggle from the movements and his mouth wanted nothing more than to wrap itself around your pert buds. 
You move your hands in rhythm – twisting and squeezing your hand in a way that he absolutely loves. A move that always gets him off. Your hands reaches the top of his shaft, his tip is angled beautifully, pre-cum falling of the slit endlessly. You run your thumb against the skin, pressing into the little slit. 
Keigo hisses again, his hands reflexively grabs your hair and tugs it. 
“F-fuck, don’t…”
you smirk at his reaction, smearing the pre-cum around the cockhead, reaching down the frenulum. while your hands work its wonders, his deft ones tugs your tank top down, releasing your tits from the confines. He kneads the soft mounds…pinching and rolling the nipples with his thick fingers.
The whole scene is lewd and pornographic – both of your hands working against each other to pleasure. Yours on his cock, stroking up and down in a steady rythm, occasionally squeezing the tip while his finds your tits to massage and jiggle it under his palm. Straight out of a sex tape.
You fondle his balls. It feels hot and heavy on your hands while you massage them. his muscle tenses, fighting every nerve to not spill his release yet. Stretching the seconds to imprint the feel of your hands. He reaches your shorts, his hands glides under them and reaching your cunt. 
“You’re so wet, baby. Seeing me like this gets you off?” he uses two of his fingers to separate the lips, his middle finger stroking the slit of your pussy all the way to the bundled nerve. he flicks it with one hand, earning a whimper from you. Keigo might get tamed under you momentarily but he still has the power to keep you on your toes as well.
His hands on you feels like heaven but you had a mission to accomplish. You get off his lap, kneeling right in front of him. Resting your hands on his thighs, you sink your mouth in his cock — sending keigo on the brink of orgasm right then and there.
“Oh shit…baby wait…” you move your mouth, your tongue kitten licks the head and moves down. His hands rest on the sides of your head while you bob un and down on his cock. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby. Look at your feathers all ruffled and disheveled. So so pretty.” 
Keigo could feel his heart hammering at your words. He always thought his love for you had reached the threshold way above the earth but you just had to prove it wrong. Looking at you gazing him with the doe eyes, your hands working deft magic to play with him on the edge of release, you were indeed the one with wings. Wings from the above. A descendent of heaven tailored specifically for him. 
“What a perfect little baby I got” he muses. You lay your tongue flat against his shaft, engulfing the whole length in your mouth, the ends of it reaching your throat. Your nose tickling with the untrimmed golden pubic hair decorating his pelvis. You tilt your mouth sideways, sucking more of him while your hands under plays with his balls. They twitch under your hands, begging for the release. You remove your mouth after licking the entirety of his length, his pre-cum smeared sheen on your lips. His wings flap and wraps around you. The sharp ends of the feather trailing the naked body of yours. 
You smirk devilishly before grabbing a handful of his feathers, tugging it from the ends, sending a trail of shock right to his spine which gushed down between his legs. 
Keigo watches you wink at him before licking your bottom lips to get a taste of his pre-cum. The sight breaking the straw that was holding him. With a final twitch, keigo cums. Strings of white rope decorates your palm while you work him through the release, occasionally licking his heavy cum from his opening. 
Keigo feels lightheaded. His body still tingling from the sensation of your hands and mouth. He looks at you giggling, your eyes crinkled with amusement and satisfaction while you lick a handful of his cum off your hand. Fucking hell. 
“do you feel better, babe?” you massage his thighs in hopes of taking care of him. He pulls you back into the bed. A quick kiss pressed against your lips — “well you did take a great care of me, I can’t deny. Certainly the best part about my day” his nose brushed against your cheek and you felt like your heart bloomed a batch of roses, specifically for him. 
“Im glad I could be of help, darling” your hand rakes his hair and you kiss his cheek. You feel his hands wrap around your waist, gilding down to the dips of your hips. 
“thank you so much baby. but…” Keigo turns you around in a split second, grabbing your hips to arch your back. Your ass hiked up in the air for him. His quick fingers tug the elastic of your shorts, peeling it off your skin, displaying your ass in full glory. 
He grabs a handful in his hands, spreading them apart to peek at your pussy lips, slick with your arousal, the gaping hole contracting. waiting for its turn to fucking bust.  
“wouldn’t it be a shame if I didn’t return the favour to you?” Keigo drags his length over the stripe of your pussy. pushing the tip inside slightly, drawing a moan from you.
It’s gonna be a long, fucking night.
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a.n.2-> i just saw that he lives in a public security supply room LMAOAOAOAO more reasons for me to put him in a high rise penthouse where he fucks and lives to his heart’s content.
tagging @pastelle-rabbit because i promised her (here you go sweets), @stsgluver (my baby), if you want to be in my taglist hmu!!!
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a-b-riddle · 6 months
Gaz & his Love (Part one?)
The '141' stops as soon as they are back home. After that, they are just close friends. Simon, John, Kyle and Johnny had managed to settle down and find themselves sweet little things. All who adore their brave men and all who share different tastes
In this 'series', it's essentially bits of each of the 141 one and their kinks they have with their partners. With that being said, I don't really care if you think that Soap is submissive or Ghost is into CNC/Primal play. That's great. But in this fantasy, this is what it is. It's what I wanted to write. If you want Kyle Garrick to be a pleasure Dom and John to be a Daddy Dom. Cool. Go find other fictions that write that, or be the one to write them. I'm not going to argue about what kinks they would really have.
CW: NSFW. Edging. Use of chastity belt. Spanking. Mentions of figging. D/s dynamics. Self-deprication. Aftercare. Impact play.
4.5 k words.
Not proof-read
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The downside of having a Dom with a huge dick is that he was stingy with it. Thus making him a huge dick. And when it became very apparent that you lacked any self control and restraint from touching your greedy little pussy, Kyle had found that edging you was the best form of punishment, if not just to push your limits.
He wouldn't necessarily call himself a sadist. The moment you started to cry (at least outside of the bedroom) he was quick to remedy the situation. The term brat tamer didn't sit right with either of you. You didn't like the idea of having to be tamed and Kyle liked, loved, that you could be, well, you.
But that didn't mean he didn't like setting you a little more straight. Making sure you stuck to your goals. Showed yourself the same kindess you insisted others be given. And most importantly, helping you remember that iced coffee does not count as a meal; an issue that is a reoccurring struggle.
Although Kyle did not like hurting you, he loved making you squirm. Edging, teasing. Making you cum so many times that you had to beg him to stop. Eventually he would.
You were ovulating and you tried to usually use that as an excuse to convince Kyle to let you have free reign over your orgasms. But you both knew that if he gave you an inch, you would take a yard. You would be chasing that euphoria all fucking day and you both shit you needed to get done.
He had went out on a quick errand, promising to be home at 6 and then the two of you could head out for dinner. He had gotten back earlier than expected and imagine the surprise he walked into when he came back home earlier than expected.
When he had found you rubbing yourself, legs spread without a care in the world, he practically beamed. You knew the rules and you broke them. He knew that the penance he had lined up would break you and he couldn't wait to be the one to help put you back together.
You had given a half ass apology when you first realized he was standing in the doorway of your bedroom. His eyes looking at you as if he were just waiting to eat you alive. You had expected anger or, at the least, a bit of irritation. As he stood there, saying nothing you took the initiative and offered to bend over, making his life a bit easier. You did have your moments where you did like being good for him.
But instead, he ordered you to stay on your back. Slowly walking to you. The sound of your heartbeat filling your head. He reached at the posts of the bed, pulling at the restraints that he always kept there just in case the moment arose where you needed a bit of… correcting.
He was tender as he wrapped the cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Adjusting the straps so you have very little movement. You have expected him to flip him on your belly so he could spend the next hours spanking your poor ass raw.
But given that the punishment needed to fit the punishment, you assumed it would be a night of bringing you to the brink of release only to deny you. You thought you knew what was in store.
But fuck were you wrong.
Once he had you exactly how he wanted, barely able to move, he stood. Staring only for a moment before making his way out of the bedroom.
He left you there, giving you a chance to guess how many times he would edge you until he finally felt like you had learned your lesson. And even then, the bastard still wouldn't let you come.
The sound of his approaching footsteps made your heart race.
He came back in with a box in hand. No markings or anything noteworthy. Just a plain cardboard box. With curious eyes, you practically burned a whole through it, trying to figure out what exactly could it be.
Too small to be a sybian or a fucking machine. You already had a decent sized collection of toys and paddles… Before you could keep guessing, he set in on the floor, just out of view before going to your dressers.
Smoothly, he pulled off his t-shirt leaving him only in a pair of jeans that hugged him perfectly. Kyle didn't say anything as he pulled out a Hitachi wand, some clamps, a dildo and a roll of duct tape.
Fuck. This was already going to be a long night.
Not taking his eyes off you, he made his way back on the bed pulling out something you hadn't noticed before. Your gaze zeroed in on the malicious object. A tool that Kyle knew you had a terrible familiarity with.
A simple and standard clear plastic ruler.
Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.
It was more delicate than a paddle so Kyle had no qualms about using it on your pussy and with you were spread out with not even enough wiggle room to block him with your thighs. The precision made it so he could hit your clit directly. Every. Single. Time.
Couldn't get that kind of a precision with a flogger. One time when you
Immediately, he sensed your apprehension. Saw the sudden unease in your eyes. Kyle knew that you didn’t like being punished as much as you liked the release you got from it. There were some punishments that were completely off the table, personal hard limits for both you and him. But then there were some, like hitting and slapping your pussy that blurred the edges of what you could stand and what you couldn’t.
And although he loved bringing you to tears, the thing that made him get off was the fact that you wanted this as much as he did. You trusted him to not take things too far and dish out punishments that fit the infraction. Having your mouth gagged for extended periods when you smart off at him. Getting bent over his knee after being a little pain in the ass. And in this instance, torturing your pussy because you couldn’t keep your hands off her.
"You know your safe words and cues?" He asked, wanting to remind you could stop this at any time. You looked up at him, momentarily forgetting the intimidating instrument of torture he so casually held in his hand. His eyes cast over you hungrily. An absolute vision.
"Yes, Sir." He tried not to smile as he sensed the tremble in your usually steady voice. He liked you scared, hell even fighting against it. But he needed your consent. He needed to know that in that moment, you were relying on him to do what he knew what was best. You needed to let him take control and give everything to him.
"I don't think I need to remind you that during your punishments, you're not allowed to cum." He said twirling the ruler slowly, now wanting to taunt you.
You couldn’t look at it. It was like getting a shot. If you weren’t looking, it didn’t hurt as bad, right? "No, Sir." You swallowed, eyes staring at the ceiling.
Now that wouldn’t do. He thought. He needed your attention. Plus unless he had you blindfolded you or specified otherwise, you knew that during a scene you were to look at him when you answered him. You hissed as the piece of plastic landed on your inner thigh.
"Eyes on me." He ordered. You obeyed already shifting from his brat to his good girl. He hid his smile. It was hard when you started to get into your sub space to refrain from breaking you down too quickly. Kyle enjoyed the aftercare as much as he did taming you, but going about it too quickly wouldn’t help the lesson stick; a lesson you were in desperate need of learning.
“We’re going to start off with twenty.” You wanted to argue, but you had practically asked for it. How could you not remember to at least lock the door? You nod, too afraid to speak, your hands gripping onto the restraints to help ground you. "Count." Was his only response as the first swat came.
You hissed at the sinister slapping sound and the sting of pain that followed. "One." You breathed out taking a deep breathe in before the next one came.
"Two." Your voice rushed out. Two. You were only at two. Again. Deep breath.
"Three." You squeaked. Another breath. smack. "Four!"
Kyle didn't know where he wanted to look the most.
At your face. Your eyes squinting and closing tightly at his lashing. At your tits. How your nipples had already started to pebble. Maybe he should take the ruler to those next...
But he had to keep his focus on your pussy. With each swat the clear ruler had come back with a little bit more of your juice. This was making you wet. You would never admit it and you didn't have to, but both of you knew that this turned you on. Being able to give up control, even for a moment. Having to let go was hard. But Kyle was the only person you could trust without micromanaging.
By the time you got to twenty, the tears that had pooled in your eyes had fallen. If he could have a painting commission for that very sight, he would have paid anything to have it. Instead, he had to settle on burning the image in his mind forever.
"Good girl." His praise was meant to mock you and acknowledge that he was satisfied with how you took your punishment.
"Are we not done?" You asked.
"Oh no, Love." He said picking up one of the clamps. "That was just for breaking the no-touching rule." He leaned over your body, taking a nipple in your mouth. You gasped. Your back arching into his touch. Wanting more. Needing more.
He flicked his tongue, faster and faster before suckling hard and releasing you with a pop. Before you could open your eyes, you felt the pinch from the clamp. No warning.
"Fuck!" You squirmed. Opening your eyes only to shoot daggers at Kyle, who was now straddling your waist with a smile playing on his lips.
"Onto the next one?" He asked, but you didn't entertain him with an answer. He took your other nipple in his mouth. Repeating the same motions that you yet again fell for. Trying to fight the need to arch your back. To hum as his tongue and your body worked against you.
Another pinch came. Even with the knowledge that it was coming it still hurt like an absolute bitch.
He got off of you only to crawl toward that delicate place between your thighs. You were dripping onto the bed. It took everything, every ounce of self control Kyle had to refrain from swiping his tongue up your folds. He could make a day out of eating you out until you cried and begged for mercy. He had done it before even if it took you almost 45 minutes before tapping out.
But when you saw him pick up another clip and his hand drawing closer to your exposed pussy you're first instinct was to call out yellow. He saw your recoil and stopped. His eyes met yours, searching for an answer. You both knew the ball was in your court. But it didn't feel like... enough?
"Green." You put your head back down against the pillow, waiting for the sharp sting. Instead it was just a gradual pressure. Slowly building instead of an instant pinch. Then another. And another. And another. It wasn't until you heard the harsh ripping of tape before you looked down to see what your boyfriend was doing.
He had put four clothes pins on your labia major, two on each side. The piece of tape he had just ripped with his teeth was used to hold the clamps against your leg. You didn't speak. Neither of you making eye contact as he continued to the other side until you were left fully exposed.
He sat back on his ankles, looking down and admiring your pussy as if it were artwork and he was the dedicated artist. "Mind if I take a picture for later?" He asked, his tone softening. "Something to think about when I'm on a mission." He gave a cheeky wink, but let you know in his voice that you could say no. Pictures and videos had always been a sore subject for you, but you had sent some here and there, although he had never prompted you before, even after all this time.
"Yes." You said. "But can it just not have my face?" The same request as always. You trusted Kyle, but there was always that what if possibility.
What if his phone got hacked?
What if someone got ahold of his phone or he was innocently trying to show one of his collegues a picture and then BAM, there's your pussy?
"Of course, Love." He said, pulling his phone from his back pocket before taking a few pictures. Without you asking, he turned the screen around. His fingers swiping through the photos to let you see your glistening, spread cunt. Just your cunt. Not your face. No identifying marks. "Look how pretty she is." Kyle's coo of approval made your stomach flutter.
Without any other remarks, he returned his phone back into his pocket and kneeled between your legs, resting on his own. "How many times did you come?" He asked. Although you frequently disobeyed Kyle, you never lied.
"I didn't." You shamefully admitted. "I just couldn't get there."
He hummed as if contemplating his next course of action. "Well then," he said. He grabbed a pillow near your head that you weren't using. Putting it in the space between your knees before lowering his body onto it. His mouth was hovering above your pussy. "Let's make up for that then."
The bastard had grabbed the pillow to make himself comfortable.
You were going to be here a while.
Eight. He had pulled eight orgasms out of you. He had switched things up between each one. Sometimes one finger before adding another and then a third. Using the dildo. But his mouth never left you and he never let up. Each one was as intense, if not more, than the last. You were crying by number four, but still hadn't begged him to stop.
But he was damned and determined to get you there.
You still hadn't by number twelve. You couldn't. Not from sheer stubbornness, but you simply couldn't. It was all too much. It was hurting at that point, but a new feeling, a heaviness consumed you. Your tongue was too heavy in your mouth. Your stomach was flipping, tightening its self into a little ball.
You weren't sure if you were hot or cold anymore, but you were certain that at any moment you were going to be sick. You were approaching number thirteen, feeling something more than just an orgasm threatening to escape you. You were going to throw up.
“K- Ky?” You stammered, forgetting your words. What was your safe word again?
“What’s your color?" He asked, pulling away from you for the first time in almost an hour.
“I-” you didn’t know. You didn’t want to tap out. You had disobeyed, this was the punishment. Kyle had never took things too far. You didn’t decide when this was done. He did. “I need a minute.”
Your head fell against the pillow. Closing your eyes, you try to breathe slowly through your nose. The wave of nausea didn't pass as your heart continued to beat so violently you head practically pulsed along with it.
While you were trying to get your shit together, fighting the sickness that started to swell inside you, Kyle began to fiddle with your restraints.
“What are you doing?” You asked, not having the strength to pull your head up to look at him.
“You’re done.” There was a finality in his voice, leaving no room for argument. “I’m calling Red.”
“What?” You asked, confused. "I-" You stuttered, taking a moment to gather your thoughts. Process what was happening. "You can't call Red for me."
“Yes I can and I did.” He said, finishing the remaining cuffs before going for the clamps on your nipples.
“But you weren’t finished.” You don't know why you were arguing, but it felt wrong for him to just stop everything.
“Who said I was?” He smirked before gently taking off the clamps. Further down he moved, settling back down between your legs before rooming the clamps he had put on your aching pussy lips. You sucked in a breath as the blood rushed back.
“I feel like I’m going to throw up.” You hadn't mean to say it out loud.
“Yeah. You’re done.” His tone annoyed.
“Please don’t be mad at me right now.” You said, throwing an arm over your eyes as if that would somehow shield you from the embarrassment. A sort of if I can't see them, they can't see me mentality. “I held out as long as I could.”
“I’m not mad that we needed to end the scene.” He explained, his tone not as annoyed as before, but still holding a certain sharpness to it. “I’m upset that you should have called yellow and didn’t.” You hissed as he removed the fourth and final clamp. “I’m guessing that you didn’t to prove something.”
Kyle was good at breaking you. It’s what you wanted. It's what he wanted. But he could only be sure to not cross the line if you drew it out for him. He didn't hold the power here, you did.
“Tapping out of a punishment makes me feel bad.” You confessed, still not daring to look at him. “It makes me feel like I bit off more than I could chew and that I’m trying to weasel my way out of a punishment and I don’t like that.”
He decided right this second wasn't the time to have this conversation. You were already starting to drop and he needed to get started on your aftercare. “Let’s get you showered off and then we’ll talk,” he offered, scooping you up from the bed before you had a chance to argue.
He ran the water on luke warm to help your temperature get back down before slowly building it up to a comfortable heat. You leaned against his chest as he ran his hands up and down your back.
Before you could really stop it, the tears came. Kyle felt your body shaking against his chest.
“Shhhh,” he soothed. “It’s alright, Love.”
"I don't know why I'm crying." You sobbed. "I just didn't want to weasel out of it."
"Using a safe word doesn’t mean you’re ’weaseling’ out of a punishment when it becomes too much,” He said, pulling you away to look at you. His fingers rubbing small circles on your arms. “It just means it just got to be too much. You needed to end the scene. End of story.”
“I know," you said, the crown of your head pushing against his chest as you looked down. The water still cascading down on you both. "But it still doesn’t feel that way.”
“Would you like me to keep punishing you?” You knew he was asking it rhetorically, but that didn't stop you from answering honestly.
“Maybe not anything with impact.” You offered. “Like lines or something.”
“I’ll think of something. Later.” He said grabbing your soap off of your little shelf and lathering you up. "Lets get you all cleaned up." Kyle's after care was just as important to him as it was to you. It helped ground him. Make him remember that everything in the bedroom was a fantasy.
You didn't think he was a monster. He wasn't cruel. It gave him an opportunity to also help build back what he had broken.
By the time he as finished rubbing you down, you were practically putty in his hands. "Finish up while I go and change the sheets." He kissed your forehead, leaving you to it.
“How you feeling?” He asked as you made your way back into the bedroom. He had already changed into a fresh pair of jeans and threw on a button up. Sometimes you hated how beautifully put together he could get almost instantly.
“Better.” You gave him a soft smile before noting his outfit.. "You're all dressed up."
"I figured we could still make dinner if you wanted to. You need to eat something." He wasn't wrong. You didn't want to get into the discussion about your only meal for the day had been an iced coffee. So you quickly got ready. You sat on the edge of the bed, putting on your socks when you noticed it again.
The box on the floor that Kyle had brought in earlier. The one he never opened.
“What’s that?” You pointed. Kyle wanted to say that the two of you could open it later, but he had been so exciting to go and pick up his order he could hardly wait.
“It's what I was going to finish the night off with," he answered with a gleam in his eye as he picked up the box, putting it on the bed. "Think of it as a surprise."
"What the fuck is that, Kyle Garrick?" You said, pulling your legs tightly to your body. As if coiling yourself into a ball would ever stop him.
"It's something to help you." That mischievous glint was back in his eye. Your heart stopped as he finally tore through the box like a kid at Christmas. Beaming with pride as he held up the sinister piece of metal.
“Kyle,” you began. “That's not a-”
“A chastity belt.” He finished. “Yes. It's my assurance.” He held up the chunk of metal, allowing it to shine in the bedroom.
"For what?" You're voice reaching a higher pitch. Kyle tried not to laugh as you practically squeaked. You always did it when you were nervous. "Making my life into the Handmaiden's Tale?"
He rolled his eyes at your over-exaggerated comparison. "To make sure you can't cum until I say so." He set the contraption down on the ibed before pulling out a small set of keys and a padlock out of the box as well.
Holy fuck. He was serious. "Since I can’t trust you when I’m not here, you’ll start wearing it when I have to go out.”
“Kyle, please.” You begged. It was no use. You had fucked up. Kyle could handle your brattiness. He loved having you over his knee, making your ass burn. But disobedience and being a little shit were two different things. He gave you a rule and you broke it. Plain and simple.
You had secretly hoped that he would just pull out the ginger root. Figging your poor little asshole until you were a crying, blubbering mess. The aftercare during such a session was so intense it almost made it worth it. Failing in comparison at the one he had just given you, although it was still wonderful.
But you had came without permission. Not only that, but you were strictly told NOT to touch yourself. A rule that you had broken time and time again.
You huff, but honestly the idea of being unable to do anything. Having to beg him…. You could already feel yourself getting wet. “Not now though, right?”
“Later” “Your punishment wasn’t finished.”
“How long would I have to wear it?” You asked, thinking maybe he’ll just
“Let’s start with five days.”
“FIVE?” You practically squeal. No way. There is absolutely no way you’ll be able to make it five days without something to give you some sort of stimulation between your thighs. Even if you had just come so many times it had quite literally made you sick. “Kyle, be reasonable.”
“This is me being reasonable.” He said, grabbing a light jacket from his wardrobe. “Do you think I got one of these last minute? Your lack of control is an issue I will be damned and determined to fix.” He retreated into the your closet with something to keep you warm. “Tell you what,” he said crossing his arms as you put it on. “Make it a week.”
“Kyle!” Your jaw fell open, ready to protest.
“Hush and let me finish.” He ordered, holding up a finger to pause any more interruptions. “One week straight. 24/7 . The belt stays on unless you need to shower or go to the bathroom. Make it a week with no complaints and I’ll give you a week where you don’t have to ask.”
Your ears had suddenly perked up. A week of being able to rub yourself absolutely raw without any repercussions.
“A week and after that I get a week where I can come anytime I want?” You clarified, not fully trusting his wording. "I can cum when you fuck me and when I masturbate. I'm allowed to masturbate?"
Your spew of words had him laughing. "You act like I'm a genie trying to trick you!"
"That's exactly what you are!" You argued, your tone now growing less appalled and more playful.
"Fine!" He sighed. "If you last a week, you can have a full week of absolute orgasmic freedom."
"Deal!" You held out your hand, waiting for the deal to be made before he could go back on his word.
As soon as the two of you had gotten home, Kyle had started the countdown. It felt weird. Definetly uncomfortable and something you weren't entirely sure you would get used to.
The next morning, Kyle was already down in the kitchen. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filling your senses as you joined him.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, smirking over the rim of his mug already knowing the answer.
"Fucking terrible." You huffed out. You had practically tossed and turned all night. He was almost tempted to take it off, but a deal is a deal. "This thing is so uncomfortable. It's like a pair of medieval panties."
"You tapping out after one night?" He asked, already knowing he should have made a counter off to your deal instead of simply it making it a challenge for you.
"Not a chance." You smiled, shooting him the same smile he was giving you. "But I think maybe a cup of coffee could help perk me up."
You kissed him as he handed you your own mug. Humming as his hand traveled to the base of your neck, pulling you closer to him. Deepening the kiss until you were nearly breathless.
You had hoped next week's freedom would be worth it. It surely wasn’t right now as the chastity belt rubbed irritatingly against your core.
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princessbunnib · 2 years
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Our Tactical Princess
König |Cod/Mw2|
Summary: After previous events you find out what you truly want. Needing a bit of 'encouragement' to fully make up your mind.
Pairing: König & Simon 'GHOST' Riley X Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Smut MDNI, Pleasure Dom König & Simon, Sub Reader, Heavy Praising, Slight Rough To Intimate Sex, Google Translated German Speach From König, Simon Being Heavily British, Ass Slapping Slight Face Slapping, Choking, Vaginal Sex, Penetration From Behind, Girl On Top, Begging, Double Penetration, Biting, Marking, Heavy Mentions Of König's Pubic Hair, Forced CreamPie, Heavy Breeding Kink, Talk Of Impregnation, Size Difference, Size Kink, Edging, Consensual, MM4F, Smut With Little To No Plot, Oral |M| Receiving, Consent Check, Overstimulation, Dumbification?, Insinuation Of Uniform Kink, Manhandling, Established Relationship, Penetration Encouragement, Sex In Livingroom, Sex On Table, Sex On Couch, Possesive/Obsessive Statements From Simon and König, König and Simon 'Competing' For Readers Attention.
Author's Note: Continuation of 'Tactical Princess'
The support on pt1 was literally shocking 6k notes!???? All the comments reblogs and feedback I received was amazing. Literally thank you so muchhhh.🤧💕
I'm not hyperfixiaited on COD anymore and had the worst time trying to get part two done. Writing smut for COD fandom isn't going to be as consistent as of right now. I need a break for a bit. I've said many times that this would drop sooner and ended up not doing it. Sorry to get everyone's hopes up like two times in a row.
PT1 Here:
The time was ten o'clock and you were spending your day off by making König dinner. You stood in the kitchen watching a YouTube video that explained how to make spaghetti. Even though to the average person a meal like that is the easiest thing to make considering it's just meat, sauce and pasta noodles. You had no idea how to cook because König is usually the one who does all the 'domestic' things like cooking and cleaning.
You wanted to be nice since deep down you felt like he was tired of doing all of that stuff but didn't say anything to keep the peace.
You weren't as confident in your skills but the nice women in the video made it seem easy enough. You weren't wearing anything special, just an oversized shirt and shorts. You knew König would be tired when he got home and made sure that all he had to do was shower, eat dinner, and most likely fall asleep while cuddling you in bed.
You were proud of yourself for making it this far in the video. You made sure the stove knobs had been on low setting and paused the small screen on your phone to start wiping the counters with a nearby rag. Everything was done except for the noodles. So you grabbed a pot from the cabinet and filled it with water, placing it on the stove top and digging through a new grocery bag from your trip to the store earlier in the day.
You waited in anticipation for a moment then heard the front door open with König stepping inside. He ducked his head in the doorway and sighed heavily while pulling his helmet and mask off. He was at ease now that he didn't have to socialize with people he could only take in small doses.
You smiled, unable to hide your excitement and walked up to him, greeting him with open arms and a pretty smile. He grabbed your hands with his and allowed you to hug him, he sighed taking in your fresh scent and kissed your forehead.
There was something oddly different about tonight. For one, you found yourself enjoying the smell of him coming straight out of work. A ballaneced mix of outside air, cologne, sweat, and musk. You took a deep breath and held it in your nostrils before blowing out. He couldn't figure out what he should take from this interaction but wrapped his left arm around your waist. Fighting the urge to not lift you up and bring you anywhere he pleased.
"Hello to you too Y/n, did someone miss me today?" He asked lifting your head up by your chin with his index finger. Lightly dragging his gloved thumb on your chin aswel to highten the small level of physical touch. "Sorry- You smell really good... I couldn't help myself." You explained feeling like he was intentionally calling you out.
"Well thanks even though I don't really think I do... did you clean up? It smells and looks great in here." He asked lifting a brow. You nodded and walked into the kitchen. He followed after you and let out a chuckle finding your get up quite entertaining. You were waiting for him to give you some kind of feedback. He stared at you and leaned down tilting his head to the side and put his hands on his hips.
"You did such a good job baby... I'm so proud of you~♡" He praised knowing exactly what those words would do to you.
"Are you really saying that or do you just want to turn me on?" You asked. "Both, could you show me what you made?" He asked receiving a nod from you.
You brought König to the stove and opened the lid to the spaghetti sauce. You began to break the pasta noodles and tossed them in the pot. Spilling some of them on the floor and getting down on your knees to pick up after yourself. König took a sample of the sauce and actually enjoyed it. While he popped a finger in his mouth, his eyes glanced over at you.
He couldn't keep a clear head while you were bent over, you were trying to reach a noodle that fell inbetwen the small crack of the counter and oven. Sure you were putting in too much effort when you could have swiped the broom through but König's intoxicating smell fogged your thought process.
He watched your back arch causing the shirt to fall down and expose your lower back. Your shorts rised exposing your thighs. He stepped back to stare at you from behind, the perfect angle giving him a view of your ass. He could tell you weren't wearing panties either, you truly were enjoying your day off. He smirked feeling like you were doing this on purpose.
A groan slipping out as he pulled at his belt so he could feel more comfortable in his pants, the sudden tightness in the front almost making him react 'out of character.'
You looked up at him to see why he was so quiet. He then held your face and kneeled down to you, holding a good balance and allowing you to drop the noodles in your hands to wrap your arms around his neck.
"Did you miss me? You still haven't said it." He questioned wanting you to say it without him having to tell himself something he already knew.
"Yes, I did... did you have a good day at work?" You asked.
He nodded and put you down for you to stand on your own. You stepped closer to him, pulling him by his vest to keep the connection going. "Work is work, you know I'd rather not tell you about that kind of stuff... how was your day?" He asked more concerned about what you had to say.
König stared down at you and wrapped his arm around your waist again. Bringing you close and keeping you put. You shrugged while speaking, not thinking you did anything really worth speaking about.
"I went to the store, cooked, cleaned..." He held your face in the middle of your sentence and kept your eyes on his. Staring intently and inched his face closer. Not responding with words, instead just listening and valuing having your attention.
"I made sure my uniform is washed for when I go back to work... usual stuff I guess." His face leaned in more, you caught the hint and wrapped up your words. He hummed again then tilted his head to the side.
You did the same allowing him to initiate a soft gentle kiss with you that could be laced with lust depending on who was watching.
Willingly melting into his hold with a whimper and made the kiss more demanding. He groaned as you pulled his bottom lip in your teeth, breaking it for a quick moment to examine how good he looked.
If only he knew how much more attracted you were to him when he'd have his uniform on. For one, his pants were clearly too tight for him which brought a lot of attention to how big he was. His thighs were nearly spilling out. The belt he wore around his waist that also worked as a garter to hold objects in the small pouch hugged him perfectly. You bit your lip staring at the exposed skin of his wrists. Maybe because you couldn't see majority of his body which left you craving to know what was under and have something to your fantasies.
You clung on the small amount of skin you could see and began to feel hot on the inside of your body. Not being able to stand in one spot while he lightly chuckled wanting the kiss to continue.
König wasn't aware on your opinions when it came to his uniform. Even if you told him, you knew it wouldn't make much sense to him. He yanked your arms in his direction and kissed your neck without warning. In a hurry to tower over you and lift you onto the counter further forcing you in one spot. You placed your hands on the vest of his uniform again, eyes staring up at him only able to focus on and smell him.
"What did you do at work today? Your smell is driving me crazy... it's not body oder or something but- I'll just be honest- it's really turning me on König..." You sighed trying to hold onto your composure.
His pants were annoyingly tight now. Your eyes dark with lust which gave him a raging erection. He groaned lowly and untied your apron from the back to take it off of you. You then yanked at his belt that still hugged his hips, staring into beautiful eyes. "C-can you fuck me? Please König... I know you just got off of work but I can't shake this feeling..." You desperately asked hoping he'd glady agree.
"I don't want to fuck you..." He declined having something even better in mind to not get himself worked up too quickly.
"What? Why not?" You asked thinking there was a deeper meaning behind his statement. He imidiently saw the worry in your eyes and held your face with one hand and brought his other under you to bring you up into his arms. You locked your arms around his neck to keep yourself secure and looked up at him with a disappointed expression.
"It's not you Y/n, it's never you... but if I do- I know we'll be here all night." He reassured you and brought you into the livingroom, laying you down on the couch and keeping his eyes from the neck up.
You sighed not caring about his reason. You pulled on his vest to bring him down onto you again, your lust taking over and solidifying how turned on you were. "I'll be here as long as it takes... I have to feel you inside me... König... I'm so wet right now- I can't just ignore it..." You desperately spoke which made him forget about what he said.
"Fuck- Y/n cut it out... you know I love it when you beg... I love when you say my name like that too." He laughed lightly to not focus on his erection.
"Then fuck me... ever since the threesome with Ghost I've been trying to get that same amount of pleasure back... I don't know what I need- but both you and him do..." You whimpered.
"So that's why you've been acting like this? You want us to take care of you again?" He asked with a smirk.
"Yes! But I don't want you to think that I like him more... we haven't even talked about it since that night, I felt bad for wanting another threesome since you barely acknowledged it."
König shook his head and got off of you to sit next to you and began to take his gloves and forearm armor off, sittingit on the coffee table. "Y/n you shouldn't feel bad. The whole point of that was so you could feel something from it. I enjoyed it too- you were all I could focus on the entire time. I didn't mention it at all because Ghost and I agreed to just be normal... I have to remember to check in on you when we do things outside of our relationship, you were and always will be the center of attention."
"You don't think I'm cheating on you? I feel so guilty for enjoying the connection Ghost and I might have... I really don't want this to mess up our bond as partners, I love you so much König."
He kissed your forehead and brought you onto his lap. Holding your face and kissing your cheeks then your lips. "Don't worry. I know you still love me, it's not cheating... Y/n my heart is filled with love for you so much that I can hardly call it my own. My heart is yours and your heart is mine."
How was König a romantic whenever he needed to be. You caught yourself becoming flustered at his words, averting your gaze from his and playing with your fingers. How embarrassing. This was reassuring to hear and did ease your guilt. You knew you still had love for König, even now it doesn't seem like you'd ever be able to get something like this out of Ghost, other than a good orgasm.
"I didn't think you'd actually like that- I practiced saying that many times in the mirror like two weeks ago..." He nervously laughed scratching the back of his head.
"You're so sweet König... I love you." You sighed in relief and hugged him, he hesitated for a moment then wrapped his arms around you. He tapped your thighs so you'd get up from his lap. Once you did he kissed your forehead and sighed heavily. "I'm going to shower, Ghost is already on his way because he forgot something... looks like it's your lucky day." He teased and gave you a firm slap on your ass when he walked by.
You made out with König while sitting on his lap with Ghost groping your body, his strong hands squeezing your breasts from behind. The two men fighting to have 4you closer to them individually. König pushed Ghost's hands away from you so he could have you all to himself to not let the Ghost get even an inch of your touch. Ghost groaned in annoyance and yanked you by your hips. Making you straddle his lap and feel his erection under you. He proceeded to grab your face and kissed your lips sloppily while König kissed your arm and held your hand in his.
Ghost moved his hips to feel you more intently. You moaned breaking the kiss for a moment to moan out, also trying to gain your breath but was pulled into König's lips before you could. You held onto his arms and was about to get onto his lap but felt Ghost's hands lift your hips and wrap an arm around your waist to align himself with your entrance.
"Fuck... you're such a god damn tease-" He grunted and gave you multiple slaps on your ass to make you whimper.
"Ah~ wait! Ghost! Ughh..." You moaned at the top of your lungs and felt him sink your hips down forcing you to take evey inch until meeting at the base. You clenched around him tightly, starting to enjoy the fulfiment of his cock for the first time.
You lifted your hands to place them on the back of the couch. Ghost's hands holding your hips and riding them up and down his shaft, forcing his cock deep inside you and messaging the sensitive areas of your vagina. You moaned with a nod, feeling like you were being rewarded. The tension from earlier made your body react quicker than you'd like.
He grunted watching a bulge form into your stomach and scooted down the couch to hang his hips off of his spot and use his lower body strength to bounce you up and down on him. You threw your head back, opening your mouth wide to moan and rolled your eyes into your skull. "Uhh uhh ahhhh~ Ghoossttt~ Yesss yess yes!" You lustfuly stated with a whoreish smile growing on your face.
"That's it... take every fucking inch- good girl... you're so wet... mhmm keep moaning so König knows who you truly belong to." He chuckled while yanking a handful of your hair to keep your head still.
König grabbed your neck gently and stared at you while your head was back. You made eye contact with him moaning softly and holding onto his thighs. "His cock feels so good... mmm~ ahh~" You whimpered clenching around Ghost multiple times. Smiling and lifting your hands to hold König's wrists.
"I know princess, your moans are so pretty baby~" He praised kissing your cheeks and tightening his grip slightly.
Their actions did nothing but rip another moan out of you. You closed your eyes tightly and focused on how deep Ghost managed to get. You couldn't stop your body from loving him more, your vagina sucking on him and desiring more of his cock to keep him inside forever. You moaned louder once he wrapped both arms around your torso and began to kiss your breast.
Dancing around your areolas and dragging his lips across your nipples but starting off with only that. He then nibbled on them slightly before bringing them into his mouth, his tongue swirling around and sucking them sloppily to make you moan again. "Haahh~ my nipples- are s-so sensitiiive~♡"
"Uhhuh you're so fucking greedy baby... look at our beautiful princess..." Ghost responded and slapped your ass, he then moved your hips off of him and allowed his erection to slip out. You whimpered as he turned you around for you to stare up at Konig and slid back inside with a pleased groan. Instead of thrusting into you voluntarily, he watched you as you whimpered and whined for him to do it. Then having the bright idea to ride him yourself.
You placed your hands on his knees and lifted your hips up then slamming down on him with loose slutty moans leaving your lips.
Leaning yourself forward to have a much better control over your body and arching your back, making all focus be on how much your ass jiggled in the process. Ghost threw his head back, deeply groaning and held onto your hips watching your juices trickle down his shaft and make a mess of him.
You didn't realise König was standing in front of you the whole time. He then took it apon himself to lift your head up and hold it in his hands, forcing your eyes onto him. Ghost letting out a moan once he felt pre-cum ooze out of his tip and into your walls. You cried out softly, lifting your hands to hold onto König's forearms and clenched around Ghost again. "Look at my pretty girl... how does it feel? Does my good girl love being stuffed with another man's cock?" He teased nodding to you and prying your lips open with his thumb to get you to speak.
"Yeethhh~ haaahh haah hahh~ ughh..." Your loose statement was followed by breathy moans which made König groan and stroke himself to the sight of your face while his left hand held onto your jaw, still keeping a finger on your lips before slipping in for you to suck it.
"Hmm mhhmm~♡" You nodded while swirling your tongue around his digit.
"What was that? Can't hear you when you're being fucked and sucking on my fingers..." He laughed slapping your face gently.
Ghost groaned and pulled onto your hair, not liking the distance between you two with your gaze more focused on König. You bucked your hips and sighed heavily once König took his finger out of your mouth and held your throat in his hands with a gentle squeeze to not hurt you. "My body feels so fucking good... I'm overwhelmed already but I love it..." You smiled using your soft hands to hold König's shaft and proceed to stroke it consistantly to earn groans of pleasure.
"Is that right? What does my beautiful girl have to say about that? I think you're forgetting something." He chuckled giving you gentle face slaps for a breif moment to 'rejog' your memory.
"Ughh- t-th-thank you König~ I love you so much... thank you for letting him fuck me~ I know I've been so greedy but I can't get enough of you guysss~ oh god- I'm gonna come!" You whined needing to let go of the knot in your stomach.
"You're welcome... anything for you- I love you so fucking much- aghh I just want my amazing girlfriend to be satisfied... you can get anything you want- no matter what it is..." He excessively praised feeling himself inching closer to orgasm aswel.
"Aghh shit- you're gonna come already baby? You just looove my cock now don't you? Stop looking at him and look at the man who's got your slutty tight cunt soaked." König let your face go and pushed your back down to Ghost. You nodded quickly and turned your head to look at him. Whines leaving your lips as he wrapped both arms around you to keep you in place. You moaned excessively and held his cheek in your hand, resting your head on his while staring into König's eyes.
"Yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!! Ohh I love iittt- Ghost you're going to make come- ughh I'm gonna come all over your fat cock... ohh my god- I'm so clooooseeee!" You cried out as if you lost all self control.
König leaned down to you, holding your left leg and wrapping it around his waist to tap his shaft on your clit. You whimpered not knowing what he'd do next, you so desperately wanted to be double stuffed again. You were so close to orgasm, if he slid in now, you'd for sure come.
Ghost slapped your ass every second he got to produce more moans and whoreish whimpers from you.
He wouldn't stop penetrating your urethra which made it harder for you to keep hold and not make a mess. Your sudden silence told König you were going to come. He then glanced at Ghost, mentally agreeing with him to have some more fun.
"Are you close? Are you going to come?" He asked to force you to speak with a tight hold on your neck. You furrowed your eyebrows and again, nodded quickly. "Mhmhmmhm..." You whimpered clenching around Ghost multiple times before feeling his thrusts come to a stop.
"Good. Switch." König groaned and stepped back for Ghost to push you off of him and toss you to the side next to him. Giving him the opportunity to yank you from where you laid and scoop you up into his arms like you were his object. You sighed heavily trying not to get upset at the fact that they just encouraged your orgasm, got you all the way to the top, only to take you back down.
"What a shame... I dunno what to do with her, should we both stuff her full or does she not deserve it just yet?" He asked Ghost with a cocky tone. "Oh? I get a say in this again. I thought for sure you'd ignore me this time, but to be honest- I haven't been shown anything that would give me the idea that she deserves it..." He responded with a nonchalant shrug.
Were they fucking serious right now? What could you possibly not have done to come?
You rolled your eyes and whimpered looking up at them as they both stood in front of you. "That's not fair... I've been good all night!" You stated. König chuckled and grabbed your face, staring down at you with a displeased expression.
"Yeah- that was until you were basically drooling at the mouth for Ghost like a little slut..." He aggressively said mocking you.
"I'm not as slut-" You whimpered with a sighed trying to take his hands off of your face.
"You're not? Awe that's so cute of you to deny... you sure do suck cock like one, I mean come on... have some respect for yourself sweetheart." Ghost played right along with König. You didn't like this one bit, but you did know how quickly you wanted to give it up.
König rubbed your clit for a moment and slapped it to watch your body jolt. You moaned but acted like you were going to cry. "I'm not a slut! Don't call me that." You softly spoke hoping your tone would be enough for him to have pitty on you.
"And you think that you deserve to be called princess? Is that it baby?" Ghost teased with a smirk and squeezed your jaw tightly.
"Yes... please I've been a good girl this whole time... I'm so sorry." You begged for forgiveness which peaked their arousal for you.
"No no no, Being a good girl isn't going to cut it... get on the dining table and spread your legs, make sure you also hang your head off of it..."
You didn't move as quick as you should have. So to get you going, König yanked your arm and stood you up. Pushing you along hard enough to make you stumble on your feet. "Get a move on princess... I don't want to be rough with you but it's clear that you need a fucking lesson."
You spread your legs and opened your mouth wide. König was standing in front of you, while Ghost stood behind you but held his erection in his hand and slapped it on your face. Both men on opposite sides of the glass dining table giving you all of their attention in the process.
"She's so ready to suck my cock... aren't you baby?" He asked eager to slide in already. "Yeaahh~ I want you to come down my throat~♡" You agreed with a slutty tone.
König lifted your legs up and placed them on his shoulders. Keeping his hands on the table and sliding into you. Causing your back to arch and a moan to fall from your lips. Ghost held onto your throat with his left hand and penetrated your mouth, groaning lowly at the way you wrapped around him with no problem. Your hands on his hips waiting for both of them to thrust forward.
"Aghh... fuck... good girl- all the way to the base of my cock... that's it our pretty little porn star."
König began to thrust into you. Making you moan and slobber on Ghost. You rolled your eyes back before closing them, his balls hitting your face repeatedly as he was now using you like a personal fleshlight. You bucked your hips feeling König squeeze your thighs and thrust upwards into your g-spot. Making you clench around him and pull moans out of him.
Ghost let go of your neck and stared down at the bulge form in your throat, everytime he'd thrust in it would become bigger then shrink when he'd pull back. Your tongue played a hand in making this more pleasure. Messaging his veins and causing his hips to move faster. The table started to move faster than you were comfortable with. König's thrusts counteracting with Ghost's.
You placed your hands on König's chest and dug your nails into his skin. The pleasure overwhelming you again as your orgasm creeped around the corner again. You hoped to god that they would let you come this time. You were so close that it annoyed you just thinking about it. König held your hands in his and leaned down slightly to bring them up to his face. Showering them in kissed and mumbling sweet words into them. His tone doing a full one eighty compared to before.
Of course he wasn't really upset with you. But his possession and jealously didn't think he should just let you walk around doing whatever you wanted just because your vagina told you to. He let your hands go for a moment to bring you closer to him, grabbing at your waist to pull your body down the table. You panicked while grabbing for his arms, holding his muscles in your hands and gliding them up to feel every vein that protuded further from his skin. Just feeling his body turned you on more. With that, Ghost's hands squeezed your breasts and pinched your nippels in his index and thumbs.
You moaned but gagged when he thrusted forward again, inturrupting your sound of pleasure. Having them both again like this brought you back to the other night. Although both of them weren't inside of you at the same time. Just having König be this rough with you while Ghost relentlessly fucked your face is what really made this experience more erotic.
"Stop fucking gagging like you don't know how to take a deep fuck to the throat!" He stated while massaging the bulge in your neck again.
"He's right- you know exactly what to do so do it." König added.
Your feelings were yet again tied in. Last time you thought it was just lust and excitement that made you scream 'I Love You.' But now you're realizing that you do indeed love them. Clearly you've always felt that way for König, he's your boyfriend before anything... but you truly did love him even more. For him to allow you to be with another man even if you might have said it out of being drunk one night is honestly crazy to think about.
He saw it as making you happy. And as long as you were happy, he didn't care about anything else. The two of you have perfect communication aswel. If things were to change, a conversation would be had before drama could ever accure.
"Her throat feels amazing... God I would kill to experience this every second of the day..." Ghost groaned, rubbing your throat and closely listening to the sounds you'd make.
"Ghffhnmm! Hghhmm-"
You were slightly panicking because there was a lack of air circulating through your body. Your nails dug into his skin for his attention, he pulled his hips back with another loud groan and stared down at you. Watching you pant and raise your head, being met with König thrusting forward into you and continuously pulling your body off of the table to have you to himself.
"Ahh ahhh ahh- mmmahhughhh... N-not so hard-" You whimpered propping yourself up with your elbows. Ghost caressed your face and pulled your hair back for you to look up at him, thus making you ignore König for the time being. "Awe you can take it princess... you took two huge cocks on that couch a few nights ago, remember that? You preformed so perfectly for me baby..."
Well obviously if he says you can do it then clearly you can. His words made you tighten around König, signifying that you did like his words. You heard König moan which caused him to cross your legs over the other to make you feel even tighter to him. He threw his head back and groaned, simply enjoying how you felt rather than focus on his lack of attention.
Ghost began to stroke himself with one hand and hold your face with the other. His eyes still onto you while you whimpered his name softly. Your mind and body confused into thinking that you and him were the only ones in the room as of now, and that instead of being shared with him and König. He was the one making you feel good.
With your soft low whimpers and begs for more of his attention as if he wasnt already staring at you, his hand pumped up and down faster making a heavy groan leave his lips as he held onto your neck and nodded to you. König slipped out of you which brought him out of his fantasies. He stared at you, seeing how desperate you were for Ghost instead of him.
His hips gently thrusting to glide his erection inbetween your clenched thighs. You smiled softly while looking up Ghost and held his wrist in your hand. Your gaze becoming more soft and submissive as you spoke. "Choke me harder... you're hands are so strong... mhmmm~ and your arms... I want you to put me in headlock while you fuck me..." You said while bucking your hips to feel König's shaft cosntintaly rub against you.
"Fuck- like that? Does that feel good my sweet girl..." He asked with a smirk before kissing your cheeks and forehead. "Mhm... so good..." You nodded while biting your lip.
König couldn't believe his eyes. He could feel his jealousy flooding to the brim. Further annoying him and making him slip back inside of you, this time with force while squeezing your hips in his hands. You moaned sharply and glanced at him for a moment before Ghost snapped his fingers to gain your attention again.
"Don't focus on him... ignore him... you and me baby, unless you'd rather me just fuck your throat again?" He asked squeezing your throat tightly for a moment to get you to shake your head. "Ugh~ I'm sorry..." You said with desperation behind your words.
König's eye twitched as he began to steadily thrust into you with long strokes behind your urethra that was followed with loud throaty moans of praise and pleasure. Your body moving to follow his speed, breasts bouncing in a gentle motion which made you wrap your arm around yourself to bring them together. Allowing him to have something to stare at.
He was definitely trying to get you to bring your eyes onto him again. You were trying to take in as much of Ghost's attention as you could. You didn't know if this would be it, maybe this would be the last time you'll see him in this light. Yes getting him over here was easy since all you did was ask, but what if this is the last time? What if Ghost loses interest in being with you in this way? He made it hard for you to want to look away anyways. His tight hold on your jaw and thick british accent that was wrapped up in his praises with your name.
König grabbed both of your wrists and crossed them over eachother. Yanking your arms down for you to not be able to touch Ghost. You whimpered glancing at him for a moment but had your face squeezed and gently slapped as punishment.
"I said ignore him. He's just jealous princess, who gives a fuck either... what you should be focusing on is how fucking hard my cock is..." He stated, pressing his tip on your cheek and gliding it passed your lips. You moaned opening your mouth to take him in, only for him to slap your face gently again and shake his head. "Kiss it. Go on, put those pretty lips to use and kiss it..." He said tapping himself on your mouth. You placed soft but needy kisses on his shaft and tried to stick your tongue out, desiring to lap up your tongue on his urethra in order to collect pre-cum.
He rolled his eyes again. Having to be more aggressive towards you. He then tightly held your neck in his hand and applied pressure to make you whimper and stare up at him with pleading eyes. "Fucking kiss it and nothing else. You really get a rise out of not listening, huh? You were doing so well until now..."
König scoffed and slapped your thighs. Making you shake and react to the pain. Your eyes staying on Ghost though, knowing that if you didn't it would be a bad idea. He groaned, seeing how persistent you were in ignoring him. He then began to slam into you, shaking the table due to his emense amount of strength and brought your legs up onto his shoulders. Making his stance more solid so he could thrust into you the way he'd like. You tried to kiss Ghost's tip but whimpered loudly once König's heavy balls slapped against you, the pain mentally confusing you. It hurt just a little but the excitement and adrenaline that rushed through you with every hit made your walls clench around him.
"Du verdammte Schlampe… wage es nicht, so zu tun, als hättest du jetzt Schmerzen… du ärgerst mich so sehr– nutzt meine Freundlichkeit aus… du bist so eine gottverdammte Hure… aghh~ so eng und nass nur für mich... Scheiße.~" König choked out while slapping your ass and firmly squeezing it to ease the pain on your skin.
("You fuckin' slut... don't you dare act like you're in pain now... you piss me off so much- taking advantage of my kindness... you're such a god damn whore... aghh~ so t-tight and wet just for me... shit.~")
Oh god- anything but degrading you in German. Why did he have to always use his native language as an advantage over you. And why did you always like it when he did. His aggressive tone told you that he was annoyed with how you were continuously ignoring him. Your back arched as you felt a deep pit in your stomach once he'd thrust in and pull back. Your clit tingling, having zero desire to stop the need of being touched. You then moaned loudly and finally broke eye contact with Ghost. Staring up at König and clenching yourself around him with every forcful thrust into you.
"Uhhh~♡ please- slow down- ahhh... Koniiiiggg you're so deeeep~ i-in my stomach.~" You whimpered with a nod allowing your body to do all the talking. His cock reaching deeply inside you and kissing your cervix with everytime you'd buck your hips forward for more of him.
"Leg dich hin und nimm es– du bist so hübsch, wenn du es tust… aghh ughhh~ uhhh– Scheiße… ich möchte schon in dich hineinkommen–“ He demanded and slapped your thighs again making you moan.
("Lay there and take it- you're so pretty when you do... aghh ughhh~ uhhh- shit... I want to come inside of you already-")
Ghost then held your face and pushed your head back down to pry your lips open with his tip. You whimpered opening your mouth and allowing him to slide in. Your tongue being slippery enough to give him a proper and comfortable entry. Your eyes closed tightly and watered as you gagged on him, not expecting him to reach your uvula quicker than he did.
He threw his head back and held the back of your neck. Tightening his hold to make you feel like a suctioning oral toy. Thrusting his hips forward to gently fuck your throat, knowing that you may be overwhelmed already. Your eyes rolled back as you purposely gagged to make him feel bigger than he was. König's hands groped your breast holding them tightly while he moaned a cuss word and slapped your ass every now and then.
He lightly chuckled and slapped your ass hard before sliping out again to edge himself from coming too quickly and watched your juices trickle down his shaft. Collecting at the base of his cock and drip down from your enterence, all the way onto the table.
"Pgghfhm ighh haaackgh hiinngh-" You quickly begged with muffled whimpers. Ghost rolled his eyes and thrusted quicker to suffocate you with his cock. You rolled your eyes back and dug our nails into König's wrists. Heavily breathing out of your nose but knowing it wasn't enough for you. Saliva collecting in your throat and gushing out of the corners of your mouth further making a mess out of yourself.
"Hahh hahh~ aghh goddamn... such a perfect little cock sucker." Ghost grunted while staring down at the lump he repeatedly made in your throat.
"Because of me- aghh... she's used to deepthroating my cock... yours isn't much of a problem for her- ughh keep taking me in like that and I'll for sure come inside of you..."
"Hah- fuck you... you're just jealous... admit it König... she loves me more than you. Hear that?" He took himself out of your mouth again to prove a point. You were too busy enjoying being stuffed to care about their ego driven conversation. You whimpered taking your hands out of König's loose grip and held onto Ghost's hips, inching your face forward to take him back inside.
"Ghosst? More... I want more of your cock- please?" You begged showering him in kisses and swirling your tongue around his tip. König pressed your stomach down and throbbed inside of you. Loving how desperate you sounded for another while he got to use you.
"So? She loves sucking cock... doesn't matter who's it is- she'd do it as a fucking line of work..." He scoffed and wrapped his arms around your waist to completely hold you and rutted his hips into you like an animal in heat. You rolled your eyes back again and let Ghost go. Coughing slightly and breathing heavily that was followed by moans. "Ughhhh- König- yessyesyesyesyes~♡" You begged with a nod.
"Oh ja? Sag mir, wie gut sich mein Schwanz anfühlt– das ist mein braves Mädchen, sei ehrlich zu deinem Mann.“
("Oh yeah? tell me how much my cock feels good- that's my good girl be honest with your man.")
You shook your head not being able to take his hard thrusts. You tried to push your hands into his stomach to stop him but he groaned deeply and yanked your ankles, bending your body in half to make you more deeper. Locking your legs around his waist and penetrating deeper inside you to make your stomach cave in. Heat building up in your body which made you cry out loud and throw your head back. "Koniiiiggg!~ Stooop- ughhh... it feels too good- please I need to come..."
"Yeah baby? You need to come? Awe how fucking desperate of you... you're so fucking tight for me... how does it feel- hm? Don't you love having my cock buried deep inside you?"
You nodded while he held your jaw and showered your face in kisses. A whimper following your lips once you arched your back, feeling his chest on yours. Sensitive nipples grazing against the small hairs occupying his skin.
"Yeesssshh- I really love it... hmm I can't take it, my body is so warm on the inside... fuck~" You chocked out. Bringing your arms around his neck and gathering the hairs in your fingers. He buried his face into your neck and thrusted harder, the table moving quicker and his teeth grazing against your neck. Tracing over the hickeys he laid previously on you, making you whimper knowing the bruise wasn't healed all the way.
"Say it louder- I have a point to prove... you belong to me don't you, tell Ghost that you're mine... and that you love me more than anything else in the world."
König held your jaw and brought your head back for you to look at Ghost. He stood there stroking himself to the sight of you, your eyebrows furrowed and mouth opened to let out more moans. Your chest rising and caving due to your heavy breaths. You made eyes contact with him and shook your head in disagreement.
What point was König trying to prove? You weren't even listening all the way but you did know that you felt utterly embarrassed. Having switched sides so quickly and melted into putty towards König so fast. You held onto the table and whined, bucking your hips and moaning even louder. "Ahh ahh hahh~ St-stoopppp~ I caaan't!"
"Don't you have something to tell me sweetheart? Instead of moaning like the pathetic little slag you are, why not speak up and be honest already? He gave you a fucking order so fulfil it."
Pathetic? Well- he's not wrong... it's a shame on how quickly you let them take over your mind and body. You didn't want to think anymore. You hated having to think, you needed them to use you exactly like last time. You needed them both inside of you- you needed to be filed by them... you desired it more than your drive to go to work everyday.
"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-" You begged not clearly thinking.
"Ohhh fuck- please what sweetheart? Speak up and stop acting like a braindead whore." Ghost teased.
You cried out and felt your vavinal muscles sucking König up. Your mind was too blurry to even function. You shook your head and nodded. Eyes slowly closing until König pulled our of you. Which brought you back to reality.
"Oh wow... I think she's starting to be overstimulated... isn't that so fucking cute, Y/n what do you want from us? Begging aimlessly isn't going to do anything but keep your pretty pussy from coming all over our cocks..."
"Please... I want both of you inside me... I need more- please...pleasepleaseplease... I'm a cock hungry slut, I'm your slut..."
They both chuckled and yanked you off of the table, making sure you stood on your feet before walking you forward. "Good- that's all you had to say. My fuckin' hand isn't cutting it whatsoever."
"Which one of us should be in the bottom this time?" König asked once they brought you back over to the couch. "Dunno, probably try asking her?" Ghost scarcasticly spoke while crossing his arms.
König rolled his eyes and grabbed your head and turned your face to Ghost. Your face was covered in saliva, Heavy breaths escaping your lips as you stared up at them with a cock hungry expression. "Doesn't seem like she cares now does it? Whatever... this is a weird conversation to have while our dicks are out."
"Really? We're having sex with the same women and me asking which position to take is the weird part here? König read a room for a second..."
"KöNiG rEaD a RhOoM FhOwEhH hEh SeKhOnD... Gib mir eine Pause, du britisches Arschloch." He responded taking the immature route and mocking Ghost's thick accent.
("Give me a break you british asshole.")
You stared up at them with a dead expression. They were seriously having this kind of conversation right now? You sighed and wiped your mouth. Clearing your throat to bring attention to yourself. "You guys can wrap this up at any moment, I really would like to come now..."
Ghost scoffed and lifted you off of the couch again. Yanking your arm to bring you up and wrap his arms around your waist. You placed an arm around his neck and felt him align himself with your entrance again. "He started it..."
"I don't care... just stuff me with your cocks already..." You sighed allowing König to hold your hips and slightly pull onto your body to bring you closer to him. You smiled at the act of them pulling you in separate directions to have you to theirs themselves. You moaned once Ghost entered you, sliding in perfectly and caused you to arch your back. Ghost then plopped down onto the nearby couch with you now on his lap. You whimpered feeling his tip kiss your cervix and make you wince a how deep he was.
König then pushed you down to keep your back into an arch. He groaned while tapping himself on your right cheek to bring his erection back. You moaned and looked back at him, biting your lip and gently grabbing his inches to align it with yourself. Once you felt like you could take it. You took a deep breath and brought your hips back. Feeling your vaginal entrance stretch beyond your usual size. Your smooth breathing made your walls relax and be able to take the thicker penetration much easier. The two men groaned loudly and slapped your ass, feeling their cocks touch against eachother and also be engulfed by your slippery walls.
"That's my confident baby- look at you... you're amazing, so eager to take two cocks inside... I'm so proud of you sweet my girl. You feel much more tighter now that there's less space- ughnh... oh fuck~" Ghost moaned at the end of his praise and wrapped both of his arms around your waist. Planting his feet into the floor to have better lervage to thrust into you.
König leaned down to you and held your neck in his right hand. His other hand holding onto the back of the couch to support himself. You moaned at the distinctive feel of them inside and grinded your hips, earning small sultry moans from them and feeling Ghost's dark brown pubic hair brush against your clit.
"How do you feel? We're not hurting you right? Ugh you mean the world to me... you're so beautiful..." König softly spoke and kissed your cheeks earning small pleased giggles. "No I'm okay- you both make me so wet... I can't believe I'm able to take both of you... your cocks are so big- stretching me out so far that I'll be sore after this..." You responded in a flirtatious tone while biting onto your lip.
"How big are we princess? Your tight little cunt can barely keep us inside... I can feel that slutty pussy rejecting our cocks but sucking us back in... what do you think König?"
"Likewise... her pussy is so pretty but sooo indecisive..."
"Ahhh~ I'm sorry... my body loves you guys too much to let you go..." You innocently agreed. Just with those words they began to shower you in kisses. König placing small love marks on your shoulders, neck, and upper back. Ghost doing the same for your chest, breast, nipples, and collar bone. You moaned clenching around them and bringing your hips back and fourth to ride them both. König's cock penetrating upwards, giving you that feeling of needing to use the bathroom again while Ghost made you feel like you needed to pee.
As confusing as it was. You did love the feeling, you could feel them so deep in their own ways. You whimpered wrapped your right arm around König's neck and placed your left hand on Ghost's chest. Receiving kisses and mumbled praises from him that followed with König's large hands slapping your ass as encouragement.
"Mhm... fuck our cocks like you own them... you're ass is so perfect and sexy... I love DoggyStyle with you... you're body is amazing, I'd make art out of it and stare at you all day long..."
"You're skin Is so soft and you smell lovely baby... such a beautiful chest you have... they're so warm... I need to suck them."
This was just right. Being praised and physically worshipped by both of them made you move your hips faster your eyes closing as you fell into your mind and focused on the sounds they'd make. Your vagina clenching more consistantly and becoming much more slippery. Lewd sounds produced from your body which embarrassed you but made you feel confident in the same moment.
"Ahh~ yesss...yes... s'good... and so big- just for me... ughhhh your cocks are all mine- fuck..." You sharply moaned within your soft statements. They groaned and held onto your body in their own ways. Ghost now making out with your nipples, sucking and nibbling on them while König held your shoulders in his hands which pulled you back slightly to make your arch more deeper. He stared down at your ass and took in how flawless he saw your body.
Everything you deemed as an insecurity was always what he deemed as your best quality. He loved every inch of you, your stomach, thighs, back, arms, fingers- he could go on all day and gush about how much he loved you. Inside and out. Hearing your moans as you used them like personal sex toys turned him on even more. He tried to not thrust into you, but couldn't keep his hips still.
"Ahh ughhh... uhhhooofuck- I love you- I love you... I love you... I love you... I love you..." He spoke the same words over and over again. The pleasure taking his body over not allowing him to think about anything else. You were amazing, he was proud to have you as his. And he was even prouder to be yours.
You threw your head back. Letting out a moan that was followed by his name. You placed your hand on his stomach to feel closer to him and whimpered closing your eyes tightly, his deep thrust counteracting with your hips. Bringing more friction and pleasure for every party involved. You nodded, throwing your head back and being more vocal in how good you felt.
Ghost grunted. Resting his head on your chest and hearing how fast your heart was beating. He didn't like how intimate you and König were being even without staring into eachothers eyes. He was thrusting into you like Ghost wasn't there. And you were moaning like it was just him. He moaned your name loudly and started to thrust into you. Stroking your urethra deeply and slamming his hips into yours. Forcing you to take him all the way to the base, pull a whimper out of you, then retract his hips and start this process over again.
His hands trailing down your body to hold you more intimately. He tried holding onto your shoulders but König's hands were in the way. He swated them off of you out of jealousy and held onto you, bringing you down to him and moaning into your left ear. Whimpering your name and exaggerating his statements to verbally get you go understand that he felt the same way, perhaps even more.
König groaned a cuss word and held onto your waist. Thrusting harder into you and throwing his head back. They were trying to work against eachother but still ended up being keanient and becoming partners to make your arousal the main priority.
You didn't know what to feel. Your body was already connected with them, and now your mind was too. Your hips grinded up and down, still feeling his bush which made you whimper and relax your vaginal muscles. König slapped your ass multiple times and held onto you tightly. Knowing he was going to come but didn't want to do that too early.
"I love you princess... I love you baby... I love you sweetheart... I love you Y/n... I love you..."
Okaay- cut it out you two... they're going to make you say and do things you weren't sure if you fully agreed on or not. You whimpered and nodded, König groaning louder and speaking up to go against Ghost's statements that weren't even all that. The only thing he did to make them seem more important was tie those stupid pet names into them. What a fucking show off.
"I love you more... I love you so much... I love you way more than anyone else... you're mine- and I'm yours... fuck I love you~♡"
Alright no seriously- stop it. You could feel an emotional I love you festering up in your body. Of course you could simply let it out but you knew it would be to the extreme and come out extra loosely. They both began to thrust in sync which was for sure overkill. Your back arched again m, you leaned upwards and held onto your stomach and covered your mouth. Your eyes opening wide to roll back into your skull. "Ughh ughh hahh~ yessssnooo- n-no- y-yeesss~♡ Fuucckk~"
"Yess yes- you can take it, we're so proud of you..." König stated while grabbing your face and holding your jaw back so you could stare up at him. He slapped your right thigh and squeezed it. You whimpered again and clenched down on him. "Don't take your eyes off of me. They're so pretty..."
"Ahh~ K-König... I'm gonna- I'm... mfhhaah~" He cut you off intentionally by crashing his lips onto yours. Holding your face tightly with both hands. You whined into his mouth slightly panicking from the sudden cut off of air. Your mouth opening slightly which gave him the best moment to slide his tongue into your mouth. Ghost grunted and held your hip in his right hand, using his left to put his fingers to good use and began to rub your clit. Flicking it back and forth and pressing down.
"Hfmmhmm! Ahh~ ahhhuhhh..." You broke contact with König to let out a moan. He groaned again, saliva tracked from his lips to yours. You sighed heavily trying to gain composure once more but lost it quickly. "I'm not done... come here..." He demanded and brought your lips back intertwined with his.
Ghost slapped your clit and glared at König. Feeling left out and wanting a chance to have you by himself. "She's going to come soon, her clit is so needy for my touch..."
"Mhmm- don't say that- uhhh- I'm so fucking close I can't even think... I think I'm seeing stars? Please don't stop~♡" You begged feeling tears well up in your eyes. To muffle your sounds Ghost held your face with one hand while his other held your neck. He brought you into a makeot session that was followed with hard thrusts and loud groans from both of them. König grabbing your arms to pin them behind your back, leaving you unable to move.
You moaned and broke the kiss yet again. Now resting your head on his chest and shaking your head, knowing your orgasm was coming and was excited for it. That was until you remembered what happened last time and panicked, thinking they'd stop you from coming yet again. "Noo~ please- let me come! Please I'll be a good girl- I'm Sorryyy!!"
"Her begging is to die for isn't it? So submissive and slutty for us..."
"It sure is... baby you don't have to get so worked up, we'll let you come... you've been so good for us..."
"You've definitely redeemed yourself~♡"
Once you heard that you felt even more desperate for your orgasm. Your hips began to move without you even thinking about it. You wanted to come so badly and would do whatever to achieve it.
König groaned while watching you bounce your hips up and down and moan softly. Ghost moved his fingers faster on your clit and nodded syncing his moans with yours. Everytime you'd push your hips back and lift while arching your back and letting their cocks 'breathe' until their tips were collecfing your juices, they'd moan out your name and encourage your hips to sink back by forcing them to move.
"Mhm... good, that's our pretty princess..."
Ours ours ours- they know what their doing. Your body was such an enemy right now. Your vagina would clench and pull them inside forcing them to let their pre-cum spew out and into you. Nearly reaching your cervix. "Say it again- pleasee I'm almost there-" You cried softly and received a hold on your neck that followed with a tight squeeze.
"You're our princess... you're all ours baby- you mean so much to us... we love you more than anything in the world sweetheart... you're our good girl who can get whatever the hell she wants..."
"Mhm... we'll give you so many loads of our come... just keep letting out those pretty moans for us to keep thrusting into you... We love you and care about you so much- you're amazing..."
Their thrusts slowed down and was now in sync with eachother. It was like their cocks made it possible to reach deeper into you. König kissed your cervix first, then Ghost. You whimpered feeling your body relax which made you throw your head back again and hold onto the couch. "Ahhh~ yess yes! Fuck! Oh my god..."
Ghost wrapped his hand around your throat and crashed your lips onto his, intently making out with you not caring that your mouth was already riddled with the taste of their cocks. You moaned and hooked your arm around his neck, using your other hand to apply pressure to König's stomach.
König groaned but let out an emberessingly submissive moan that caused him to cover his face with his forearm and groan lowly. "Oh my god! Fuck... just like that Y/n..." He moaned with low whimpers.
"I love you~♡" You whimpered into Ghost's ear, hugging him tightly now letting your heart do all of the talking.
"I love you too baby... I love you so god damn much... you belong to me- whore." He groaned and made eye contact with König while you whimpered holding onto him.
Ghost pissed König off on a different level. He knew the rules when it came to you but chose to ignore them time and time again.
He stopped the kiss with you to hear how desperately you moaned for him to kiss you again. He slapped your ass and dragged his hands across your back, slightly pulling you from König's arms and sucking on your neck.
"Louder... keep moaning for me baby, you sound absolutely beautiful." He encouraged ands slapped your clit then thrusted harder. "Ahh ahh hmm uhhh~ Ghoossttt~♡"
König huffed and rolled his eyes. That smug bastard. There wasn't any words to describe how heated he became. He slapped your ass for your attention and watched your back arch more deeper. You whined his name and smiled enjoying the slight fear and pain rushing through your body. His slaps hurt of course, König sometimes wasn't aware of his strength and usually got carried away, feeding into his sadism kink and enjoying your reaction to the pain he inflicted onto you.
"Quite playing favorites, I'm your boyfriend so fucking act like it!" He demanded and pulled your hair to bring a whine out of you. You cried out and nodded rolling your eyes back and bitting down on your lip. "I'm soorrryyyyy~ don't stop fucking me please I'm so sorryyyy~" You moaned begging way louder than you ever begged.
Begging was yet again getting you nowhere. You were fed up with asking them to allow you to release. König then pulled out of you and yanked you by your arms, turning you around to face him and keep you still. Ghost held your throat and squeezed tightly while König tapped his tip on your clit. You nodded and whimpered with submissive eyes. Further intriguing König to slide back into you.
You moaned at the top of your lungs and cried out random sounds rather than fluent words. It was like you lost all function as a human being and could only focus on the flaming amount of pleasure internally and mentally. Your mind went blank then brought you back into focus. Your arms and legs fwailed around and extended then retracted once more.
The fact that you didn't know what to do with yourself was amusing to both men while they groaned, moaned, and cursed in the same breath. Heat radiated off of your face which made König smirk and lean down to you, making eye contact with you more intense which brought tears out of your eyes. Ghost squeezed your breasts and buried his face into your neck, speaking sweet lustful praises into your ears.
König kept his thrusts hard but made them stroke more deeper into you. Reaching your cervix and pressing into it, your back arched and arms flew out to hold onto his arms but instead you made many red scars on his stretch mark ridden muscular forearms.
Your eyes rolling back and vagina clenching much more consistently. Sucking and clenching around to keep them from moving. König pulled your mouth open and forced his thumb in so you could suck while staring at him. You cried out of pleasure feeling both of them stretch you out beyond capability. Your mouth wide open, tongue swirling around König's thumb and eyes covered with tears. He took your nails scratching his skin with a deep groan and nodded more. Placing his hands on the back of the couch and rutting into you.
Ghost rolled his eyes and did the same. His hips drilling into you figuratively bruising your insides and making the bulge in your stomach fluctuate in size. You cried louder not being able to speak and only moaning or whining. Ghost holding your neck and applying pressure to make you lightheaded, in desperate need of air.
You shook your head and buried your face into König's neck. Not being able to speak, breathe, think, or even comprehend what was happening right now. Your arms wrapped around his neck and held onto his back, feeling the subtle muscles flex as he competed against Ghost to have your orgasm in his hold. You scratched up his back and bit into his neck, tears covering the small hairs on his skin. Teeth bruising and marking him which gave him nothing but a more euphoric high.
"Aghh fuck- switch." He grunted and slipped out of you knowing that he needed atleast a few seconds to retract from coming when you have yet to release.
Ghost quickly pushed you off of him and waited for König to lay down. He brought you onto his lap making sure you faced him, Sliding into you first while Ghost stood behind you to hold your hips and press your back down onto König to keep you arched. You whimpered trying to lift your head and focus but your body was overworked.
König held you in his embrace and mumbled into your ear with a genuine tone to tell you how much he loved you. Your tears of joy stopped as their thrusts were now enough for you to deal with. A heavy breathy sigh leaving your lips once they met in separate areas of your vagina.
You held onto the couch breaking the leather with your finger nails, whimpering whining softly. Maybe begging to come or maybe begging for them to stop. You couldn't make up what you wanted. Ghost leaned down to you with the same method, speaking in your ear and watching König use his strong arms to put you into a gentle headlock. Your heart racing, skin covered in sweat, mind foggy to the brim with only one thing still in thought.
"Haafgghmmuaahh~ yeeghh~ Ihghh houghh oog whorghh~♡" You lustfuly managed to speak only sounding like your mouth was covered.
("Yess~ I'm your good little whore~♡")
Ghost held your jaw and kissed your face while König worked together with him by keeping your head still and holding a handful of your hair to keep it out of your face. "Awe baby you're okay- you've done enough tonight... you don't have to keep saying that- you're beautiful princess we love you so much..." He groaned into your ear.
"Mhmm... he's right princess- you made us so proud, you did even better than last time. You're amazing sweetheart... keep your eyes open so we know you're listening." Ghost chimed in.
"We'll take care of you after we promise... just hang in there and come for us, we've been edging ourselves all night just to make sure our good girl gets the princess treatment she deserves."
You couldn't keep yourself from crying, you felt so good but so bad at the same time. You needed two men in order to have this much pleasure? Maybe you really were a whore. You didn't care and nor did you take it negativity in a demeaning or insulting way. You truly did believe that you were their slut, whore, princess, good girl, and everything else in-between.
"I want to be filled up so bad... please? I'm literally dying to be bred- I want to have your babies~ impregnate me please??"
Okay they aren't that good get ahold of yourself. What the fuck were you saying by this point? You weren't thinking, there's no way you'd actually go through with something like that. Maybe it was the intensity of this session that made you say those things? You couldn't bare the thought of this coming to an end without something to constantly remind you of how good they treated you.
"Awe that's our braindead slut, say whatever comes to that little head of yours while we fuck you senseless... we love you so much... you're amazing- tell us how much you love to be shared by two men..." König growled in your ear kissing your cheek.
"Oh my gooooddd~ harder! Fuck me harder please... I love you too König- ahhh please come inside me~ I can take both of your loads again!- I can take it all- please?" You begged as König gently slapped your face and laughed at your vulnerable demands. "You're so ready to take our come that your pussy keeps dripping all over our massive cocks. How bad do you want it princess? Beg us to come inside you."
"Oh my god- please... make a mess out of my cunt and breed me! I can't fucking take it anymore, I'll still be a good girl just breed me already..." You whined pretending to cry just so they'd take pitty on you and shower you with attention.
Ghost wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you close to him while König kissed your neck and played with your breasts. You moaned at his touch and lifted your arm, hooking it around the back of his neck so he could have more access to you. You held Ghost's face with your free hand and hooked your legs around his waist. "Make love to me..."
You weren't talking to one of them specifically. The truth was that you were in love with both of them. Clearly König already had your heart before anything else, but you feel a much more intense love for him now. Your feelings for Ghost weren't as clear, you loved him. But you felt as if this love only laid in what high level of intimacy he can have during sex. He has a hold on you sexually and you'd rather not allow him to let it go.
You payed more attention to him just for that fact. You loved his ability to make your mind fuzzy with lust. You didn't want to break eye contact, you needed him more than you needed anything else.
While you were stuck in your train of thought. Ghost and Konig pulled out to switch spots for the last time. This time Ghost behind you and König in front of you. König placed your hips over his, guiding them back and forth so he could feel you against his dwindling erection. You eventually let out a moan and came back to reality.
You placed your hands on his chest, feeling nervous in anticipation wondering when they'd 'finish the job.' You didn't speak and instead waited. You felt their hands caressing your skin and heard low groans escape their lips. You sighed, which followed your words with a whimper.
Ghost held your face, bringing it back so you could look up at him. "We're going to take care of you. I promise." He reassured you and kissed your forehead, letting your face go so you could look down at König again.
"We'll do anything for you Y/n, you mean everything to us. We love you." He said, adding more fuel to the fire.
You closed your eyes and imagined that this wasn't happening. You couldn't believe it, with every word the spoke you found yourself falling deeper and deeper for them. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Feeling the love behind their statements and chose to hang onto them for as long as possible. "Do you both mean that? I don't mean to sound insecure but... my feelings for you guys is starting to become intense, I really don't want this to just be sex talk..."
"Yes we do sweetheart... I know I most certainly do... you're so important to me... I adore you Y/n."
You felt the need to cry but not out of pain or sadness... they were- tears of joy? Your heart soaked up their words like a sponge. You felt overwhelmed as it was, your arousal slowly slipping away making you thirst for more sexuall attention. Being so close to them in this way again brought you back to the same euphoric feeling you experienced the first time. Ghost pinned you down so you could be closer to König, making himself a bit more heavy onto you to keep you in place.
You wrapped your arms around König's neck, feeling safe and secure In their arms. König held onto your hips once you stopped grinding on him. You felt their erections poking you in different areas. Ghost's pressing into your back while König's pressed into your stomach.
You stared into his eyes for a moment. Feeling a wave of warthm engulf your body and rush to the center of your body. Making your clit tingle and vagina clench. Ghost mumbled into your neck, slowly grinding himself to keep his erection. He held onto the couch for support and groaned your name clearly.
With you being this close. You could smell their individual scents. They almost smelled the same but you knew there was something that made them different. You held König's face and bit your lip. Kissing his cheek softly before making your way to his lips. Sensually making out with him as he dug his fingernails into your skin.
You whimpered again. But this time for the last time as Ghost held your face, lifting your head up by your chin so you could look up at him. "We're going to slide in now alright? Slowly at first... you can tell us if we're hurting you okay..." He explained softly to you and laid many kisses on your face.
"At the same time? I don't think I'll be able to do that again. I'm already so sore... I want to come." You said slightly panicking. König shushed you and held your face, taking Ghost's hands off of you to have you to himself. "Shhh it's okay Y/n, look at me... we've got you, you can take us just like you did... we'll take care of you after this..."
"That's exactly why we're going to make love to you, hug you, kiss you, praise you, get you closer to orgasm so you come before we do, and of course breed you..." He encouraged with a soft tone. Ghost brought your eyes back to his and pulled your head back so you'd look at him. "Just do one thing for us okay? Be a good girl and take our cocks... I loved when you took us in the first time... your pretty pussy wouldn't stop clenching around us..."
Ughh... you couldn't keep yourself in a shell anymore. You felt exhausted from being in this for so long. You wanted to stop but what would the point be if you didn't come. Your confidence had withered away now that they both were taking time in penetrating your used up hole.
In the same breath though, you wanted them to ruin you twice as bad. You had nowhere to go considering they kept such a tight hold on you that made it impossible for you to move. Ghost's large frame pressed onto you, König's strong hands holding you tightly, digging his nails in whenever you'd make the slightest amount of movement.
Them taking their sweet time with talking you through what was going to happen made you more desperate for them. You bit your lip again and began to shift in place, the subtle friction making both men groan in pleasure and muffle their sounds by kissing your neck. König dragged his canines across your skin, aching to bite into you and further mark you next to the hickey he made on your neck.
He knew that you weren't a fan of hickeys but couldn't resist last time. He'd rather physically make a mark on you so when people would see it. They knew that you were already taken by someone. You weren't a fan of having to wear heavy makeup on your neck or wear extra clothing to cover up the markings. Deep down König could be a real feral animal when he's pushed to be one.
You moaned holding the couch cushion in your right hand while squeezing your grasp on König's arm. He buried his face into your neck, grunting deeply while making you sigh in relief. You took in a heafty amount of his scented shampoo and slightly smiled at the smell.
"Zeig uns, wie stolz du bist, unsere Prinzessin zu sein..." König stated, taking this moment to move your right leg to the side giving him a clear way to slide inside of you.
("Show us how proud you are to be our princess...")
Your legs were close together which would make it hard for you to take them. König and Ghost began to align themselves with your entrance, stroking their cocks in unison for a breif moment and begining to press their tips on the same hole. Your eyes grew wide, voice changed in pitch as you shook your head not having a sliver of delusion to get yourself to take them.
"No no wait!- I can't... I can't... I can't do it- I'm tired..." You whined.
"Ja, das kannst du... es tut mir leid, dass du Schmerzen hast, Schatz... du hast es verstanden, atme tief ein und halte es für einen Moment fest, okay?"
("Yes you can... I'm sorry that you're in pain honey... you got this, take a deep breath and hold onto it for a moment, okay?")
You shook your head again. Not wanting to believe his words and shifted in place once more. "Awe baby come on... this is the only hard part, we've got you. You have nothing to worry about. Just take a deep breath like he said... do you trust us?" Ghost asked.
Trust you? You let them come inside of you just because you like the feeling of a creampie. Wouldn't the average person consider that a dangerous amount of trust..
"Yes- I trust you... you both are just too big for me... I don't even know how I did it the first time... I'm not going to be able to fit you inside..." You simply denied.
Your words made them even harder which wasn't a bad thing, but certainly wasn't going to make this easier for you. They both had a few things in common and a size kink was definitely one of them. They lowly groaned a cuss word and buried their faces into your neck. König bit into your skin and pulled onto the edge of a couch cushion. You watched the veins protrude further out of his hand and pressed your lips together to suppress a moan he would have gotten from you if you didn't.
"D-don't say that... it's only making me harder..."
"For once I agree with him..." Ghost nodded.
"Why? I'm just explaining the reason... you're both too big, you guys will definitely stretch me out too much. I can't take you both in my tight cunt, even if I tried... I'd just chicken out and reject your cocks... only to be stuffed deeper and deeper- until it's all the way in... my vagina clenching and pulling both of you in... my walls sucking on you two like a piece of hard candy... making the most lewd and disgusting sounds you can think of..." You knew what you where doing by saying these things. It intrigued their interest in penetrating you no matter what you said.
Deep down that's what you wanted anyway but didn't want to say it out loud. They both let out a few moans into your neck once more and grew impaitent, desiring to be inside of you by any means.
You could tell they where on edge. You had to step up your game just another notch to really get what you wanted. "Ugh... I'm sorry that I'm too tight... my pussy can't manage to handle it... I guess you guys are going to have to force me to take it, huh?" Your voice rised in pitch while you whimpered, pouting your bottom lip and furrowing your eyebrows.
"Hold her still... if she wants us to force ourselves inside then let's do just that... is that really what you want? I know you're exhausted by now." König demanded still clinging onto what was left of his composure.
"Hmm... say it to me in German... I love when you speak to me that way..."
He turned your head and kissed your lips before speaking up again.
"Sag mir, dass du willst, dass wir unsere Schwänze in deine hübsche Muschi zwingen... egal wie laut du wimmerst und wimmerst."
("Tell me that you want us to force our cocks inside that pretty pussy of yours... no matter how loud you whine and whimper.")
You nodded and shifted yet again. Making them both groan. Gost leaned upwards, giving you free access to be held by König. You bit your lip and nodded, taking a deep breath like they asked prior and held onto it. You felt their tips press onto you again, you tried to not focus on the lack of air and the panicking feeling rushing through your body. You held onto König and Ghost's hands while they entered you. König holding your left and Ghost holding your right.
You whimpered and extended your legs. Fuck why did you say that? Now they really were forcing themselves inside- you tensed up and felt yourself become lightheaded, needing to breathe but haven't been ordered to do so. "Breathe out... slowly..." Ghost demanded, squeezing your hips tighter.
"Haah~ haahh... haah-" You did what he asked and listened to their intense groans of pleasure. You felt your stomach grow as it seemed like something was inside of it, forcing it open wider. Your walls were stretched beyond what you were used to.
Breathing did make it easier. With you relaxing and letting go of the deep breath, it made your vaginal muscles relax too and be able to be stretched wider. You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded now becoming one with them completely.
"Mhmm you feel amazing around us... so warm and slippery... atta girl..." Ghost praised.
"We're so proud of you... who's our favorite girl? Hm? Who are we proud of Y/n?" König teased questioning you to see if you were listening.
You moaned as Ghost leaned down to you again, pressing his bodyweight onto you and speaking into your ear, sending chills down your spine. König scooted down the couch for better leverage which made you moan louder. He moved inside of you rubbing against Ghost's shaft and bringing moans out of all three of you.
Once he was comfortable he held onto your face and started to thrust upwards into you. This time he was the one penetrating behind your urethra while Ghost penetrated deeper and kissing your cervix. You cried out softly a random response and rolled your head back, bucking your hips at the same time. Feeling König's thick bush of pubic hair brush up against your clit, making you feel more pleasure.
"Come on~ aghh... wh-who are we proud- oh fuck... of?" König managed to choke out while holding your wrists together in his hand to keep you from having control.
"Haah- uhhh... me! Me! Me! Me! Mhee... meee~" You whimpered allowing your mind to go blank and leave you to fend for yourself. They chuckled and thrusted out of sync. Confusing you and making you unable to decide on which cock to focus on.
Should you focus on Konig who was practically in your stomach, making uncomfortable pressure behind your urethra that made you think you had to pee. Or Ghost who was confidently being vocal in your ear and nearly hurting your hips considering how tight he held onto you. König made eye contact with you again and nodded, humming in response to let you know he understood exactly how you felt.
He groaned watching tears build up in your eyes and began to make fake moans to imitate exactly how you sounded and smirked halfway through with a cocky chuckle.
"Sthoopp- stop- mocking me... oh my fucking god~♡" You yelled not caring about how loud you sounded.
"Mhm... let it out, keep grinding on me and using my pubic hair to get off... doesn't it feel so good princess? Now aren't you glad I don't shave it completely?" He groaned.
"Ughh.. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyessss~" You moaned slightly begging but didn't know what exactly you were begging for.
Ghost leaned upwards again and held onto your shoulders thrusting into you while König brought your hips back and forth to please both of them. Guiding you in his desired tempo while forming your walls to hug their sizes and becoming more used to it. He slapped your left cheek and made room for Ghost to do the same. They laughed hearing you whimper but arch your back, signifying that you enjoyed the pain.
König laid a gentle kiss on your chest, kissing your breasts and ignoring your sensitive cold nipples. You whimpered wrapping your right arm under his head for support. He exaggerated the sounds and left every kiss with a wet 'muah' sound. You nodded, forcing more of your breast into his mouth and threw your head back once his tongue grazed your nipple. He hummed sending vibrations throughout your body and carresed your back with his left hand, using his other to hold your neck and keep your head back.
This gave Ghost the opportunity to lean down to you and hold your face by your cheeks, turning your face to force your eyes and atared intently into your eyes and nodding understanding your emotions. You didn't know what to do with your free arm as you couldn't find the ability to think or speak. They enjoyed asking you random things to see you ramble words together and respond.
König changed his temp and thrusted slowly into you, forcful deep thrusts that caused friction against Ghost's cock and made him drip with pre-cum. The few drops of white liquid getting lost in your walls and mixing with your arousal.
"Hah- ahh- fuck. Ahh-- take it-- aghhhffuck~♡" His statement was followed by a loose moan at the end. He looked down to watch your juices coat his shaft and grunted. Ghost squeezed on your neck to get you to speak up and be vocal. You shook your head not being able to do so.
"Mmmm...mm." Your eyes rolled back, nails digging into their forearms and scratching the first layer of skin. Ghost grabbed your left arm and put it around the back of his neck, drapping it on his shoulders and groaned thrusting enough to be the one causing all of your physical reactions. Your thighs shaking, shallow breaths leaving your lips, desperate hums of pleasure and most importantly. Your vagina clamping down on them and urethra allowing a small stream of diluted liquid to trickle out of you.
"What was that my sweet girl? Speak up and use your words... humming isn't going to let us know how you feel." Ghost demanded and loosened his grip on your neck, thinking that you'd speak up after.
Sweet girl? Oh god. Another name he was going to definitely call you rather than your actual name? As demeaning you felt that was, you enjoyed it coming from him rather than anyone else. You shook your head again and whimpered. Feeling tears well up in your eyes. They were too much for you to handle at once. Your ability to think slipped away from you and left you a dumb brain dead mess. Ghost brought you back down to him and wrapped his arms around your waist again. Thrusting father than König to one up him and pull more sounds from you. Your mouth opened wide as you let out small whimpers of pleasure and held onto his forearm with your right hand.
"Uhh hhhhh~ uhh mmm mmmmm mm--"
"Oh? You can't fucking talk can you? You're so overwhelmed because of my cock yeah? I know baby... I know... are you enjoying yourself? You love sitting on your new throne, yes? My cock is yours- especially because you're our good little princess... Oh Fuck!-"
A greedful smile planted on your face as you brought yourself to focus on his words. His German accent slightly coming in as he got loose with his composure bringing you back to reality and making you clench around them more than once. My? Ours? You couldn't decide which possessive statement caused your vagina to react.
Ghost quickly slapped your ass and couldn't control himself to stop. He pulled your hair too and groaned deeply into your ear, tossing words together to say. "You will be our personal come dumpster after this darlin'~♡"
Oh my god- why does every name he has for you have to be a praise.. Princess? Darlin'? Baby? And most of all- Sweetheart?
He can't possibly just be saying these things because they make you feel good. He has to love you back right? He just has to- you love him so much... you can't act like you don't, he makes you feel too good for you to not be convinced that he loves you.
Ohh~ but you love König aswel... what are you supposed to do? You felt like it was out of order to be in love with two different people. You've never had this type of experience before-
The tears that filled your eyes to the brim had finally fallen and made you seem like you where actually crying. They both slowed down their thrusts hearing and taking note of your whimpers. Ghost leaned down to you, placing both of his hands on the couch for support and kissing your right cheek. König did the same, wiping your eyes and kissing your left cheek. His lips slightly being covered by your salty tears.
"Awe it's okay... don't cry, we'll go slower now... you're okay, we've got you... you're safe, we're sorry for being so rough." They spoke in unison which was honestly weird on how they managed to do that. Without stuttering and crystal clear? You weren't crying because they hurt you, you were crying because of how overwhelming the amount of you being turned on was. The friction, tightening, twitching, thrusting, biting, kissing, pulling- everything about it had a hand in you going silent and focusing on how their cocks felt.
You sighed heavily and laid on Ghost's chest, covering your face and shaking your head in embaressment, their attention was called for but you couldn't fathom why you loved it so much. Ghost lifted your head up by your hair as König held your wrists. Soon intertwining your fingers with his and focused on your facial expression.
Once their hips came to an abrupt stop it gave you a second to gain yourself and think a bit more clearer. "Look at us, calm down... tell us if you're okay... should we stop for a moment and give you a chance to relax?"
König? Ghost? God dammit this shit again~♡ Fuck, which one is it!? You couldn't decide, again. Just like last time... and you were feeling emotinal. Just like last time. With your silence they couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. They ended up taking turns kissing your face, König's hands guiding your hips back and forth to grind you onto his bush again. You whimpered nodding and managed to speak.
"I love you guys- like a lot... I can't even think of anything else to say... I really love you... I want to stay like this forever... please... please..."
At this point you where talking out of your ass. You wanted to have some composure and get yourself together but you also didn't know what else to say, there wasn't any other emotion that you felt other than compassion and love for them. It was embarrassing for you to hear yourself speak about them like this and beg for this night to continue.
König and Ghost looked at eachother for a moment. Not expecting you to blurt out all of that with tears running down your eyes. Were you upset? Or enjoying yourself? Although it sounded like you were happy, the tears continuing to gush out of your eyes threw them for a loop. König snapped his fingers in your face to get you to opwn your watery eyes. He held your face and staring at your expression to read it. Hopefully seeing your honest feelings.
"Okay- take a deep breath again... you're so worked up Y/n are you alright?" He asked with a light chuckle to shed light on the conversation. You took two deep breaths like he asked and nodded, placing your hands on his and soon wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him. Sighing in relief while your walls clenched. "Yess- I'm okay- I just need to come- I'm tired but i want to finish so badly." You said before wiping your skin free of sweat that built up over time.
They both showered you in kisses understanding that they should wrap things up for you sake. You moaned once both of the men stroked your cervix at the same time, making sure to be deep and sensual with their hips. They both groaned and moaned. König held your neck gently, forcing your head back so Ghost could hold your face. He held your hip with his free hand and grinded you back and forth to feel both of them in certain hard to reach places.
You cried out more and nodded, opening your mouth into an 'o' shape and drooling on yourself unintentionally. It was like they reached an overly sensitive spot inside your body which produced instant dopamine. You held their wrists and hummed random responses.
"Uhhuhh~ huhhh~ haah~ Uhhh haaaffhnngghhh... Kgghhhhkkkniig~ c-c-close~♡" You blurted out the last words slightly loud which made them chuckle in unison and speed up their thrusts. König threw his head back and stared at you even if you couldn't keep your eyes on him.
He found himself rutting into you and moaning your name with no shame. Eyes glancing down to your bare chest watching and tracing every detail of your breasts as they bounced so close but so far to his face. Ghost put you in a headlock and grunted into your ear, speaking praises aswel with curses. You held onto his muscular forearms and nodded pressing your lips together, tightly closing your eyes and dropping your mouth open.
König held your waist finally and watched the bulge in your stomach. Your ears popped at the sound of their voices. You cried out louder and nodded feeling the knot throb inside you and soon burst.
"Finally! Yes yes! Fuck yes let me come! I love you- Ughhh Köniiiiig- Ghoosstt~ You guys are making me- COME!~♡" You screamed in pleasure and dug your nails into Ghost's arms, he winced but continued to thrust. The pulsating grip of your walls sucked his load right out which made him let go of your head and choke you with one hand, his other wrapping around your torso to apply pressure to your stomach.
"Ogghhfuckk there you go- that's it- you're so fucking greedy baby, take my thick hot come inside that pretty little cunt of yours..."
König took this opportunity to rub your clit and force you to moan more recklessly as if you didn't have any self control. Your body began to shake as you tried to get up from their cocks but neither of them let you go. You cried out again, attempting to cover your mouth but had your wrists snatched away. Ghost made your insides more sticky and warm due to his load. He moaned once he knew he was completely finished, his balls tingling once he pulled out of you leaving your cunt a sticky mess like you asked.
You jumped off of König's lap and whimpered feeling your heartbeat dwindle down to normal speed, König stored himself using your arousal and Ghost's creampie as lubricant. He stood up quickly, grabbing your arm and forcing you over the arm of the couch. You whined for him to give you a second to rest as he spread you apart with his thumbs, watching Ghost's load seep out of your entrance. He groaned sliding back into you and rutted his hips forward to penetrate your cervix.
You moaned shaking your head for him to stop but no words came out. Ghost then stood in front of you, kneeling down and holding your face. You received a hot fill from König which made your walls suck him dry and clench snugly. Your eyes rolling back which made Ghost give you gentle face slaps to bring you back to earth. "Mhm, good girl... does the pretty princess want to be bred?" He asked teasing you. You nodded and sighed heavily. Wondering if König was going to pull out of you but he instead stayed inside. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to you and kissed your neck with a heavy sigh.
"Fuck... my cock is too sensitive but Y/n you feel fucking amazing... so warm and slippery, your cunt keeps pulsating around me... shit... I'm staying inside for a while." He desperately stated and rubbed your stomach.
You moaned feeling his cock slightly twitch inside. "König... I'm so sore right now... please can you come out?" You asked looking back at him. He held the back of the couch and groaned, forcing his hips forward to ensure that some of their come reaches somewhere inside you. Then bringing his hips back to slip out of you teasingly slow. Your arousal covered him completely base to tip drenched in cream. He plopped down on the couch and slapped your ass hard to congratulate you. Ghost did the same thing as you whined at the pain.
"Who's our good girl?" They asked in unison.
"I am... I'm your good girl... fuck... I'm sleepy." You sighed feeling your eyes begin to close.
"Alright come here... let's get you cleaned up again yeah? You did such a good job baby, I'm so proud of you." König softly praised into your ear, kissing your forehead and dragged his thumb on your lip.
You dazily gigged and closed your thighs together, keeping their creampie inside you. Feeling the liquids slip and slide through every inch of your walls. You smiled to yourself feeling onethousand percent satisfied as König took it apon himself to lift you up from the couch and bring you upstairs. While Ghost began to get downstairs cleaned up.
You sighed into his chest and looked up at him with your sleepy gaze. "I love you König..." You said.
"Mhm... I love you too Y/n."
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eliciria · 8 months
Headcanons for Leona Kingscholar while being friends with benefits with Reader/yuu
Angst and fluff??
a/n : thanks so much for requesting! My first post that actually shows my writing! wow! Sorry if it's a bit more angsty than fluff, i naturally go there hehe. Hope you enjoy!
whisper to the trees... (ask box) : open
check my about me/request rules here
wc : 0.8k words
cws : suggestive but still fluff, miscommunication phase for like 2 seconds, swearing, kind of ooc leona, potentially happy ending? gn reader
song playing : this is how it feels by laufey ft. d4vd
Tumblr media
Leona Kingscholar with a friends to benefit! Relationship
I'll be so real right now, he actually wouldn't do any type of PDA with you. Even if you lean to more of the affectionate and almost lover-type phase of your 'friendship', he won't even attempt to try and hold your hand out in the open.
That doesn't mean he doesn't want to, though.
It's just that his pride kind of gets in the way when he attempts to brush his fingers against yours a little longer.
Pride is also probably the main reason why both of you remain friends. You think he wants to remain friends, while he struggles to pour his true emotions to you.
It leads into a cycle of ghosting then love bombing. The lack of responsibility within the interactions of both of you, before finally missing you becomes toxic.
He misses your supposed first dates, before apologizing later in the night. After reconciling, you'd attempt to meet up with him again past your `nightly activities` , but he misses it again. The cycle repeats.
Frankly, you were a bit sick of it. But you gave him one last chance to talk it out with you after class. To figure it out together.
So when he notices you right after he flirts with a random student(for them to carry one of the group projects, that is). He can't help but regret to have confessed earlier.
You walk hastily, trying to avoid the awkward situation you just witnessed. You finally got your answer, but you wished it wasn't in this way.
You pretended that you weren't in denial, and your actions showed the opposite. You really were. Tears were fighting to come out, and your lips trembled in both sadness and anger.
You only snapped out of it when Leona grabbed your hand a bit too tightly, breaking you out of your train of thought.
"Are you seriously walking away?" He asked you. How funny. You scoff.
"After witnessing that? Any person would."
"You don't understand." Really? Is this how he is going to act? You roll your eyes, tears sliding.
"Just what do I not understand? That you pulled that shit on me? Just how long do you think I can handle this bullshit?" Your voice attempts to remain stable, but the broken sobs break your attempt to look like you didn't care. You were just friends, yes. But the nights where he had "loved" you felt too much now.
" Yuu--"
"What, huh? I'm tired, so tired of you treating me like a whore. Like someone with no dignity. You treat me like a friend, and I'm happy you do. But when we try to step forward, you act like I'm just a fucking bed warmer! Just what do you want from me Leona?! I can't keep up with this. I love you, but I'm tired. Please, just stop-"
You get interrupted with your face being buried in his chest. He was embracing you, with a bit too much gentleness. He was stroking your hair, muttering a "shhh...". You hit his chest again and again, your broken sobs muffled. It would happen all over again. You'd fall again, and he'd do nothing but let you.
He watched as you screamed at him. It was understandable, he had refused to show any sign that he had truly loved you. But when he picked up the noise of students' footsteps, he can't help but want this to be cut short.
Nobody can hear your cries, unless it was him.
He immediately embraced you, both in comfort, and to blur your cries.
As you hit him as he hugs you, he gripped you a bit tighter. The punches were weak, and he was too focused on stopping you from crying.
Students passed by the both of you, glaring at the scene. A couple hugging in a hallway? Out of all the places?
But they rushed on as they noticed his death stare. The second they had tried to look at your face, he was tempted to pounce at them right then or there. He fought the urge to actually commit the act; he simply moved himself so all they would see was his back, and not you.
After a few more minutes of silence, he finally spoke.
"I'm sorry. I really am. I do love you. I really fucking do. The only person I want to see is you. The only person I want to be with is you. I just...don't know how to tell you that. I acted incredibly douchey, so i apologize. For everything. For all the dates I missed. For the missed opportunities to say I love you. For not being able to give you what you deserve. I'll change. Fuck, I'll do anything. I need you, so please. Don't leave."
You remain still, before letting out a jagged breath. You held onto the side of his jacket, and he rests his hand on your neck, the other on your waist. You look at him.
"I won't."
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a/n : the cycle continues! if you liked this, please like or repost it! again, my asks are open, and thanks for reading!
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deakyjoe · 1 year
Somebody’s Watching Me Part 12
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (“Sarge”, she/her, British, backstory)
Category: coworkers to friends to lovers with grumpy x sunshine dynamic/idiots in love
Summary: Can the two of you fix the damage that has been done? Or is it too late?
Warnings: angst, fluff, talks of injuries, British slang/terminology, strong language, mask is off
Word count: 1.4k (a baby in comparison to other parts)
A/N: Took a break from writing this series, mostly because I was burned out and had lots of uni work to be doing, but also because I needed time to think the ending through to give you all the best of what I’m capable of. It’s not as long as other parts but I feared that if I didn’t write it now then I would never write it. It’s pretty much where I always intended the story to go, just with a lot less conversation than originally planned. There will still be an epilogue after this but for now… enjoy!
When Ghost awoke, blinded by fluorescent hospital lights, and he saw Price standing at the foot of his bed with a deep-set frown... well, he knew things weren't good. It didn't help that you were nowhere to be seen. He didn't expect you to be fawning over him and nursing him back to health or anything. But no trace of you in the hospital room at all was not an encouraging sight.
"Am I dead?" Simon said gruffly, immediately coughing as his lungs clearly had something wrong with them.
Price scoffed. "You wish."
"Damn." He attempted to sit up straight, groaning when pain stabbed through his torso. "Ah, what the fuck?"
"I'd be careful if I were you. You were shot. Several times."
"Nothing new then." He sighed and looked at Price again, a grave look crossing his face. "Where is she?"
The captain hesitated for a moment before replying. "Home."
Shit, that definitely wasn't good.
"Why?" Simon didn't really want to know, too scared of the truth, but he needed to know.
"She was severely injured. Needed better medical attention than we could give her and then some time off once she recovers. She's home now but still in remission." Price checked his watch quickly, clearing his throat when he saw the time.
"Got somewhere to be?" Ghost asked, a sarcastic inflection in his voice.
The captain nodded. "Yes, actually. Already late from waiting for your lazy arse to wake up."
He only grunted in reply and waved his superior out of the room. "Go. I'll be fine.”
"You can go home to her once you've healed a bit more. For now, rest." And with that, Price walked out of the room leaving Simon in silence.
It was okay. He liked silence. Well, more he liked the lack of talking. People talked far too much about insignificant things. Strangely, he missed the sound of your voice chattering about insignificant things. He pushed that thought away and attempted to sleep for a while.
At home, in your flat, you were sick of friends coming over to visit you. Each one seemed to have some form of baked good or casserole and your refrigerator was full to the brim already. You hadn't even been home that long.
The sheer mass of people doting over you was becoming overwhelming in the most annoying way possible. You didn't need them constantly caring for you. Sure, the sentiment was nice enough but you were used to looking after yourself and healing independently. Usually you did it in the (un)comfort of a military hospital or medical tent. Unfortunately for you, you'd been sent home this time and had had no choice in informing your friends of your sudden return back. They just suddenly knew you were there and they were more than willing to help.
"I don't need you to give me a sponge bath." You'd told one with a roll of your eyes, still thinking about earlier in the day when you'd had to tell another that it was perfectly fine for you to drink apple juice and not stick to a strict diet of water.
Honestly, a part of you was enjoying being at home and having time to relax. Even though the cause of it was a little extreme, being able to sit on your sofa all day and watch reruns of old sitcoms as you made your way through every dish stacked in your fridge was nice. Almost... fun.
A part of you longed for something though. Simon. Obviously him. You craved to know how he was doing. When you'd first woken up, a nurse had simply told that he was alive and nothing else. Alive meant nothing. You didn't even know if his condition was stable.
You were worried, to say the least. And even Price wasn't willing to divulge any further information when you'd pressed him for it over the phone. He'd just mumbled something vague and moved on to asking you how you were doing.
It was frustrating. That was for sure.
The days passed and you grew restless, itching to get out of the house again. But you were sensible and followed the suggested instructions from the several doctors that had all agreed that you needed in order to heal properly. It was just a shame that it took so long to happen.
On day, what felt like, one billion of staying at home, there was a knock at the door. And after you'd taken a minute or two shuffling towards it, shouting out a stream of reassurances that you were on your way, you were utterly shocked to find your lieutenant on the doorstep.
Your mouth opened and closed a few times before a ridiculous sentiment left your mouth.
"Jesus, is this like those hallucinations you get just before dying?"
Simon said nothing, just the twitch of the corner of his mouth indicated that he had even heard you, and outstretched his fist to you.
In his hand, was an apple.
Specifically, one of the good apples from the farmers' market.
You looked up at him in confusion.
"Peace offering."
That explained it. So, you took it from him and opened the door wider to let him in. You weren't about to turn down a good apple or a peace offering.
Once you'd both settled yourselves into comfortable positions on the sofa, you wincing a few times and growing jealous that he seemed to have healed so quickly, you really took your time to look at him.
You tilted your head to the side and raked your eyes over him. "You're nervous."
"Am I?" His eyebrows raised a fraction.
"Yes." You nodded.
"How can you tell?"
"You scratch at the scars on your face when something is making you anxious."
"Hm." His eyes squinted at that observation, obviously not previously aware that he had that tell.
You moved on, not willing to dwell on that. "Why are you here?"
"Visiting an old friend."
You laughed sarcastically. "Oh, really?"
He shrugged, still as frustrating as ever. "You should've left me behind."
You'd be shocked if he hadn't been so self-sacrificial in previous times.
"Why would I do that?" You asked, lacing your voice with a mock innocent tone.
"Would've been the smart decision." He snapped.
So you shot right back. "Maybe I'm not smart."
"Yes, you are. You're just stubborn."
The words he'd once told you came tumbling out of your mouth. "A stubborn brat you mean?"
"That too."
You laughed again, shaking your head in disbelief. "You're right. I am stubborn. And I couldn't let you die. The idea of you... I can't stand it. So I let you live for selfish reasons. Alright?"
"You should have let me die."
"Shut up, Simon. That was never going to happen." You rolled your eyes at him and grit your teeth when a shooting pain stabbed through your side as you adjusted your position on the sofa.
Simon's hands raised for a second as if about to help you before he lowered them again.
Instead, he asked a question.
"Why not?"
You looked at him to see if he was being serious. He was.
"You know why."
"Maybe I don't."
You sighed. He was so difficult sometimes. Yet, you gave in.
"I..." You trailed off into thought.
But Simon wasn't going to let it go so easily. "You what?"
"I, y'know, I feel..." Your hands waved around as if hoping to grip a coherent answer from the air.
"Feel what?" The slight raise of an eyebrow hinted that he knew exactly what you wanted to say.
You sighed in defeat. "You know what I'm trying to get across here, Simon."
"I want to hear you say it."
"I feel for you. Have feelings. More than platonic. I... care... for you." You cringed at your own clumsiness, wondering when you'd lost your ability to fully communicate with words.
"I know."
You punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Cocky shit."
"I also care for you."
"I know." You scoffed teasingly.
He just repeated your words back to you. "Cocky shit."
The smiles that broke out across both of your faces were indescribable.
Yeah, the two of you were being slightly more awkward about this than usual but it was never going to be easy to just jump right back in to what you used to have. Smaller steps would have to be taken. And you were fine with that. As was he. You’d get there eventually, it was only a matter of time. After all, some things were just meant to happen.
A/N: Thank you all so much for sticking with me through my hiatus! I’m sorry this is a quick resolution but the epilogue is still on the way.
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stray-dog · 2 years
You can take it, can't you? (Al Haitham x Male!Reader)
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A/N: I GOT ALHAITHAM WOOH… I spent a few bucks but we ight. Anyway, now that he’s home, I had the impulsive decision to write smut about him – as a thank you for coming home. I haven’t done the quest and I’ve never actually seen how this man acts besides.. Smut fanfics - not proof read
WC: 1.4K
CW: Slight humiliation, dom/sub undertones, light manhandling, edging/orgasm denial, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dumbification(?), stomach bulge, blowjob, cum as lube, hair-pulling, pwp, minors dni
“Go on,” Al Haitham encourages, “touch yourself.” You sat there, legs open and naked in front of him – “Aren’t you the slightest bit ashamed?” He whispers seeing how obedient you were. Already reaching for your hardened cock, slowly stroking yourself up and down, one hand holding the base of your cock while the other was focusing on your tip. The Grand Scribe smiles, truly just how shameless were you?
You let out soft groans, barely able to look him in the eyes while he was seated down, observing you from above with a humiliating look in his eyes. You arch your back, sticking your ass out more while you try so hard to let your cock rub against his leg. He scoffs at how helpless you looked, “I haven’t laid a finger on you, yet you’re acting like this?” All hazy with the thought of him just fucking you while he paid little attention to your needs.
Your head laid against his leg, still stroking yourself, your pace quickening when you felt your orgasm coming close. Al Haitham noticed and quickly grabbed a-hold of your hand, a whine escaping from your lips with how harsh his grip was. You couldn’t help but buck your hips at the loss of friction, tugging at your arm to continue jerking yourself off.
Your lips ghost over his clothed cock. He shows no emotion nor interest in your teasing, however his body says otherwise. The growing erection in his pants looked more prominent by the second.  Kissing  his erection lightly  while he threw his head back and releasing your arm, his hand already finding its way to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair.
“You try too hard– to seem uninterested, but your own body says otherwise–”
You comment, feeling his hands move from the back of your head; reaching for your nape before he cuts off your airways. Pulling out his cock from his pants, feeling some relief that his cock is not strained anymore from his pants. Prodding his dick on your mouth, slapping it softly on your tongue when you opened your mouth.
“Since you want to constantly use your mouth, I think I have a better use for it.”
You felt tears building up on the corner of your eyes as Al Haitham slid his whole dick down your throat, the tip already touching the back of your throat. He showed no mercy, ramming his cock in your throat, releasing your neck just to grab on your hair and simultaneously moving his hips and pushing your head down his cock. His hand moved to pinch your nose, you clawed at his thighs, finding it hard to breathe with his cock in your mouth and him pinching your nose, you felt dizzy at the lack of air.
Al Haitham huffs, a grin displayed on his face, noticing the tears that rolled down your cheeks, “Perhaps you’d think twice before getting all smart with me, or maybe you anticipated this?” His hand caressing your cheeks, wiping the tears off before he beckons you to straddle him. Your legs feel strained from your position earlier.
He stands up, holding by your waist while your legs locked around him for support, laying you down on his soft bed, lifting your leg to his shoulder before he rubbed the tip of your dick to collect your pre-cum, rubbing it against your hole, inserting a finger, pressing it in and out before adding another finger, stretching your asshole before he strokes his cock and positioned his dick, teasing the head of his cock in you.
You cried at the stinging pain, twisting your body to find comfort from the pain. Gripping the sheets beneath you, your mouth hung open, drooling on the bed. Al Haitham continues thrusting, his pace unchanging and his cock never pressing – even brushing against your prostate. You were completely on your side, giving Al Haitham an erotic view of your hardened dick, as well as your chest.
He continues to torturously tease your hole, feeling his orgasm come close, The Grand Scribe had finally lost his composure; burying his cock deep in you, finally cumming, his head tossed back at the pleasure he felt. He looks down on you after calming down from his orgasm, scoffing at your pathetic state – all tired when you still haven’t came, not even once.
Your head was buried in one of his pillows, your grip still tight on his sheets. He pities you, changing your position, face down, ass up. You let out a long, tired moan when you felt the familiar feeling of his cock entering you. In contrast to his previous pace, he went slow and deep, but you were a fool to believe he’d go slow just for you.
You felt a sharp pain on your ass, jolting at the pain he gave when his palm landed on your ass. You buried your face deeper onto the pillow, your grip was harder, pulling and tugging at the sheets. You felt his mouth kiss your back, leaving marks on your back. Biting on your shoulder while you let out a muffled cry.
His hand played with your nipple, rolling and tugging on the bud while he continued ramming his cock in your ass. His other hand pulled you by your hair, raising your head up, unable to stop your moans, you bit your lip hard. 
“No, no. Keep going– You wanted to be all noisy and a tease right? Keep moaning like the shameless slut you are”
You obeyed once more, tongue lolling out of your mouth while you moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your skull when he relentlessly fucked you stupid. Feeling his cock kiss your deepest parts, his hand keeping your head up while he occasionally tugged at your hair when you stop moaning. Just a bit more, you thought when he pulled out of you.
He sat on the bed, pulling you close, your legs wrapped around his waist. He lifts you up by your ass, his cock still inside you while he slowly descends you down, you scratch his back, burying your face on the crook of his neck, biting down when he harshly drops you down to his full size. He didn’t move, you lazily moved your head to look at him;
“You want to cum?”
He asks mockingly, rubbing circles on your ass, massaging and groping it. He rolls his hips, making you arch your back before you could answer, feeling your body all hot and heavy.
“Do it yourself, I can’t do everything for you.”
He says, rubbing your stomach to where you saw his dick was bulging against. You tried to lift yourself up, looking at your stomach and seeing the bulge disappear and reappear when you hump on his cock. Al Haitham looked at you, kissing and biting on your neck while you continued to reach your orgasm. Fortunately for you, Al Haitham did nothing to stop you from cumming.
Seeing how your dick twitched, he knew you were close. You spurt out strings cum, dripping down from the tip to the base of your cock. He thrusts his cock into you again, causing you to let out a high-pitched moan, throwing yourself onto him and scratching his back, biting his shoulder to prevent you from moaning too loud.
Your body spasms at the overstimulation, jolting ever so slightly whenever he hits that one specific spot you absolutely loved. You were sure you left scratch marks on Al Haitham from how hard you were clawing against his skin. “No more– please, no more–” You begged desperately, feeling too too much  pleasure when he started to bite and suck your nipple.
“You can still cum one more time– Ah, you can– take it.”
Kissing your chest and collarbone, feeling his cock twitch in you and his thrusts getting sloppier, you both came, your cum messily shooting up and spreading on your pelvic area. He sits you down on his bed, slowly pulling out of you, making sure you were looking as well. 
He watched his cum drip out of you, shame and humiliation finally getting to you when The Grand Scribe towered your body. Yet you were too tired to do anything, his feather-light touches still making you jolt from your climax, he rubs your stomach up and down, finding it cute how even if he wasn't in you; you were still sensitive and under his control.
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foggyforest4169 · 1 year
can i get ghost and soap x trans masc reader that's also part of task force 141? i love your work <3333
Yo wassup! I kinda forgot about tumblr with the stress of school but sure I’ll give it a shot!
SO I was thinking maybe a little bit of angst because I'm feeling devious >:) Hope you enjoy this!
'𝙰𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖' 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 '𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝' 𝚁𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗𝚗𝚢 '𝚂𝚘𝚊𝚙' 𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚃𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚑
You were of the plane back to base with the rest of task force 141 after a difficult mission that nearly failed. You were being guided by another person watching the security cameras. Well the mission nearly failed since the guy told you the wrong turn and you found yourself fighting atleast ten of Hassan's men. Luckily you made it out with a few marks, nothing some bandages couldn't fix but the tension on the plane was bad.
"You know y/n... it's your fucking fault that we nearly lost that mission... I told you to take a fucking right and you took a left" Someone said with such a bitterness in his voice, stressed from the mission and needy to put the blame on someone.
"What? You told me to take a left so don't blame me for your mistake, you lead me to Hassan's men" You said make as you could see the look on his face... pissed. He stayed silent for a while biting his bottom lip trying to keep his mouth shut, but the anger and stress was too much and he couldn't
"You know what... people like you shouldn't even be allowed on the team. This team is made up of real men not people like you. God I bet Price just felt pity because you tried so hard, drawing your beard on, deepening your voice and taking them shots. You are not a real guy. you never will be" He said as the plane fell silent, his words laced with venom as they hit you like bullets in the most vulnerable places. Your fists clenched as you just looked at him, tears of anger forming in your eyes while he chuckled at you. "What? Is the poor tra-"
"ENOUGH!" Ghost yelled at him as he shut up, ghost looking at you while you just stared at the ground cracking your knuckles. Why would he say such a thing? Has he always felt this way? He was meant to be your teammate... and he's just said all that.
The plane landed and you stormed off to your room at base, slamming and locking the door as you swallowed the lump in your throat. You'd always struggled with your emotions and it helped in the army but you wanted to see as manly as possible so you took it as 'Men dont cry, if they do they're weak'. So you put your headphones on and listened to yours, Ghost's and Soap's song, Boys don't cry by The Cure. It always gave you that bit of comfort and distraction while you sat in your room and just calmed yourself down, bandaging up some wounds from earlier.
Soon there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice. "Y/n let me in now" The gruff voice of Ghost said as he knocked on the door. You knew you couldn't avoid him so you sighed and opened the door, him and Johnny outside as they made their way in. Once they were in the door closed and greeted you with a tight hug while you just stood there
"Am I disgusting..." You whispered as they pulled away shocked
"Why would you say that? You're not disgusting at all" Johnny said as he held your face while Simon had already gone to report to Price about what happened
"Well I mean like he said... I'm not a real guy... jus-" You tried to speak but were soon interrupted by Johnny
"Aye shut it, you're a man. You know that, I know that, Si knows that. You're our boyfriend now shut up and put that film on we were watching before the mission handsome" He said with a smile as he kissed your head. Soon Ghost came back and he gave you a hug while Soap went to go write an incident report. His rough hands rubbing your back as you rested your head on his shoulder
"Come on we can get in bed and listen to our song while we wait for johnny" He said as he kissed your head. Once Johnny was back you all watches a movie, cuddled up and relaxing as Ghost held your face and chuckled a bit "You need a shave you look like Price" He said as he made you laugh a bit, looking at Johnny feeling better knowing you felt better know
Thank you so much for reading this! Im sorry if its a bit shit, you get a bit rusty after 5 months. Anyway leave some suggestions because I have 0 ideas, Bye!!
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cheesit-notes · 1 year
Widowed Ghost
Ghost goes through the stages of grief... but only 4.
tags: hurt/virtually no comfort, throwing up, implied ghost didnt eat, or sleep, or take care of himself, 5 stages of grief, reader died, (first time) angst teehee
a/n: writing this made me feel better teehee. anywho, i love reader deaths (love u readers ♡)
widowed Ghost who cannot bring himself to cry when he hears the news. allowed to see you, or at least the hollow husk of you, he’ll glance at the mangled burned body that was once yours with a thousand thoughts yet no words to say. he’ll turn away, unable to face the reality.
for the week leading to your funeral, Ghost cannot, and perhaps purposely does not, process your death. he goes on with life as he usually would. but there are a few moments where he'll call out your name, intending to show you something, talk to you, or just because he wanted your attention. and those moments kill him inside. the silence, the lack of a response, the lack of you, kills him. for a few seconds to minutes at a time, he faces the reality that you're gone. for better or worse, his mind quickly convinces him you're simply busy. and he'll foolheartedly believe it. 
Ghost is silent the day of your funeral. he's forced to face the reality that you are gone; not just for a few seconds or moments at a time, but indefinitely. pitiful glances from empathetic faces and softly muttered 'I'm sorry's feel suffocating. he can't- doesn't want to believe it. you, in that god awful box? it can't be true. as cruel as it would be, he wishes this was all some sick joke.
blurred memories of being driven home, walking inside his house, and mindlessly walking into your once shared bedroom. and as he sits on the edge of the bed, it hits him. the cold, harsh reality hits him like a truck. you were gone. and there was nothing he could do about it. he hated this feeling. he hated feeling like a helpless little boy at the mercy of his heartless father; unable to do anything.
tears threaten to fall, his eyes burning to hold them back as he chokes on air. he hasn't cried in so long. always feeling like his problems didn't matter enough to cry. the feeling, it's nauseating. he feels like he's going to throw up.
he stumbles over to the bathroom sink because he knows you aren’t fond of cleaning up vomit after he got too drunk once. he never got that drunk again. he throws up the bits of food he forced himself to eat earlier because you were always worried about the lack of food he used eat. he didn’t want to worry you. and he looks at himself, and thinks he looks pathetic. pale, unkept, dirty, and he believes he's so undeserving of you; this is why you left him. that you left this world behind, left him behind, because he wasn’t enough to keep you here.
he’s mad at you for leaving him, and he’s mad at himself for being so.. him. and god, he thinks if anything was different about him, maybe you’d stay. doesn’t matter to him if you had no say in your own death, all that mattered was that you weren’t here now. reason had no place in a man blinded by pure fury. all he could think about was how unfair it was that you left him, and how he wasn’t enough to have you stay. maybe, he thought, if he was better, if he was anything else than the pathetic excuse of a man, maybe then you’d care a little more and be alive.
the blinded rage continues for hours. it began with thoughts of hatred he had towards you, himself, everything, but slowly began getting physical. he was never taught to use his words to express his feelings so they came out in actions. holding back tears he didn’t know he had, he took his rage out on anything that couldn’t fight back. a table flipped over and broken, chairs laid on their sides, everything pushed and shoved over leaving him standing in the empty space he created.
there’s no dreadful feeling like what he felt standing in the middle of the mess he made. he felt like his father; taking his anger out on things that couldn’t fight back. the arguable difference was the things Ghost took his anger out on wasn’t alive, but what difference did that truly make? perhaps if he had a kid, he would be his father’s replica. and he feared such a thought. with a heavy heart, he slowly put everything back where it once was, because you wouldn’t like the place being a pigsty.
he hates himself for this but for moments at a time, he’s convinced that it’s better you’re gone. he’ll never have to hear you nagging him to eat more, clean up after himself, go take a shower, take a break; never again. he’ll never be woken up by your laughs because you stayed awake, watching videos, for him to sleep. he’ll never be interrupted in anything again.
but who was he kidding? he misses it badly.
he misses hearing you tell him to eat more, threatening to force feed him if you caught him eating less. he misses you shoving him into the bathroom and yelling at him to shower because he stunk and you couldn’t stand the fact he just didn’t take care of his hygiene. he misses you forcibly taking him away from his work; the cruddy attempts of kidnapping him away from base and the way he’d begrudgingly play along. he misses you reassuring him that he could sleep, that you’d keep watch. he misses being woken up by your barely audible laughs, and how you frantically apologized for waking him. he misses resting his head on yours while the two of you stayed awake watching anything. he misses having someone who cared enough about him to do all that and more. 
he misses you.
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blondbadbitchp · 1 year
Midnight call
Timothée Chalamet x you
Idea: late night sex with your on-off fling
Warnings: smut, on-off relationship, bad language, my english is not the best (i’m sorry), not proof read
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Note: guess who's a horny and delusional girl? yeah it's me. Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I am not the best writer! Hope some people enjoy and like this!
Forever inspiration for writing fanfiction is @meetmyothersouls
<3 <3 <3
“is it too late to call?” you asked.
“Is it too late to call?” he mimicked your voice sarcastically in an extra high pitched voice. “you wanna kidding me right, y/n?”
You didn’t need to see his face to notice he was angry, his voice was already dark enough to tell. He tried to call you every day for the last 5 days.
You tried to apologize but his mood was already getting on your nerves and got you annoyed. “Listen i’m sorry timmy-
“fuck dont call me that, little bitch”
Calling him was a mistake. Fuck he was so moody. 
“You ghosted me for like the whole week. And you think it’s all fine when you just call out of nowhere?” he pouted.
“okay forget it, i will never call again!" You tried to shut him down, before getting more and more annoyed.
“don't you dare hang up on me now!”
Timothees and your relationship was complicated. You first met him 6 months ago. You could feel the fire since minute one. This fire that always light up when he was near you. Since the first time he touched your lips with his, there was no going back. During the first 2 months you tried to be in a relationship with each other but realized very quickly that this kinda commitment was too much. Both of you were quite busy and a real loving relationship would take too much time and effort. Now you saw each other and fucked from time to time. 
Next thing you heard was your doorbell ringing. You winced as the loud sound echoed through your empty apartment. It was late at night and the street lights were already off. The thought of someone standing in front of your door at this time scared you a little.
“wait a fucking second tim, i need to check the front door” you cut him off.
you walked carefully over to the front door and opened it just a tiny little bit, if you felt scared you could slam your door shut easily. 
Your eyes catched something familiar. Or more precisely someone familiar. There he stands, right in front of your door. In the middle of the night. Your on-off fling Timothée.
You opened the door completely as quick as you could, now staring into his eyes - hated to admit the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. “what the- what are you doing here?”
His eyes stayed on yours as he stepped into your apartment and walked towards you until your back hit the wall behind you. “now you can hang up the call missy.” Without looking away, you turned off your cell phone. Still confused you tried to apologise again: “i already said it - i am sorry i didn’t call earlier”
Before you could apologize one more time, he captured your lips with his in a heated kiss and pressed you more against the wall. You kissed him back while a little whimper left your mouth. There was absolutely no self control that could have held you back. The passion in the way he kissed you told you something you haven't realized yet- he wasn’t just angry, he was horny. You felt his erection pressing against his pants into your body. He was angry because he was horny for you, only wanting to fuck you. 
Timothée pulled away from you and said against your lips “you know what, i understand you don't have to call me everyday, you don't belong to me anymore but remember baby” he paused “this pussy is still mine, especially tonight.” His hand slipped down, finding your already damp panties. He chuckled “looks like i am not the only one who is desperate, let’s go to your bedroom”
Everything about him made you so fucking weak. You were laing on your bed with Timothée hovering over you. Your panties already laying on the floor in the corner of the room. Your hands grabbed his hair while his were under your tshirt on your tits. He played with your nipples, you couldn't hold back your moans. He knew all of your soft spots. An overwhelming feeling overcame you while he rolled your nipples between his thumbs and index finger. 
“please just fuck me Tim!” was the only thing you said between your moans.
Without an answer, he kicked his trousers down his legs and freed his rock hard dick. He grabbed a condom from your side table. You were speechless, his dick was looking even more big today. You had missed the feeling of him inside you.
“put your hand over your head and spread your legs for me” he kissed you again before whispering in your ear “you're such a slut for calling me so late, but you know what? For me it’s never too late to fuck you good.”
While he said the last words, he pushed his dick slowly into your wet desperate pussy. A loud ‘fuuuck’ was the only thing coming from your mouth. your whole body was sweating, your brain was shut down, only his name and the feeling of his dick in your mind. His moans became louder the more he felt how wet and tight you were.. Your kisses were getting more and more passionate while your tongue explored his lips and mouth. His dick was sliding in and out of you with hard long strokes, reaching your sweet spot everytime. You already felt this overwhelming feeling of your appearing orgasm. “Tim i gonna..ahhh.. gonna cum!”, “Me too baby”
With that you screamed his name while the orgasm washed over you and he shot his load into you with a loud moan. After you two came down, he laid next to you, both of you heavy breathing. He looked into your eyes with a smile on his lips. you cuddled up into his arms and whispered “i will call you in a few days again, promise..and for tonight you can sleep here if you want.” 
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Can you make a fic / short headcanon of how the COD men reacts to reader riding those bull mechanical? Their usual bar/pub has installed a new attraction which is that bull mechanical. Either they dared reader or reader wanted to try to ride, depends on the character. You know how those bulls move makes the rider look like they’re grinding?? Yeah I wanna know how the guys reacts to that 👀
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Task Force 141 + fem! reader
Oh I just know that Kyle and Soap would catch a little crush. And they probably wouldn’t even try to hide it😅 Price is the obviously the overprotective dad and tells them to shush while Simon is acting like it’s not funny or cool at all�� but we all know this man is feeling something.. At least a little bit.
This was actually supposed to be a x gn! reader but the title destroys it and I couldn’t find a better one. I‘M SORRY😭
I LOVE THIS IDEA. I just know I‘m gonna have so much fun writing this! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy<33🩷💝💘💖
It was a night out after a complicated mission. Price suggested to go to that local bar together and everyone agreed. Well, expect Simon Ghost but you forced him to come with you.
As soon as you entered the bar, you saw a Mechanical bull in the corner of the bar
"If you manage to stay longer than 15 seconds on that bull, all your drinks are on me then" soap dares you with a challenging grin.
"Bet." you both shake hands and make your way to the machine.
You make yourself comfortable on it and it slowly starts.
Let’s say the boys were not expecting that. You were griding on that bull and you definitely looked good. You were laughing causing everyone to laugh too. Simon let out a chuckle but only loud enough for only to him to hear it.
After 15 seconds of desperate to stay on that bull for those free drinks, you manage to stop and walk back to the group.
"Damn, Y/N! Didn’t know you had this in you" kyle remarks causing you to laugh. "What can I say? I‘m a super talented person" you reply and turn to soap. "So, Johnny. Free drinks, aye?"
Soap laughs and buys you drinks. "You were WILD. How the fuck can you even move like that?" Johnny is fascinated and Kyle is invested in how you did that. Both if them clearly caught a little crush on you and they didn’t even try to hide it.
As both of them were bombing you with questions, Ghost sat there, not saying anything and just swallowing down his drink like it’s water. But deep down, he was also fascinated from earlier.
"Okay now you two. Stop with the questions" John, being the protective dad of the group, says as soon as he realized that they won’t stop questioning you and just search for a conversation with you.
Kyle was tipsy but you and Johnny were definitely drunk since you both started a new challenge without letting papa John know. You both ended up being super drunk and started to laugh about everything.
But nevertheless, you won the challenge but the price was you not being able to walk properly.
Simon picked you up in bridal style and said he will drop you off at your house, while John took Kyle and Johnny home.
Simon lived 15 minutes away from you while the others had a longer distance.
You kept talking about random stuff and Simon just listend to you.
As he tucked you in your bed, he made sure to leave a glass of water and pain killers on your night stand because as soon as you wake up, your head is definitely gonna kill you. He also left a little note with a skull on it and left your home, after making sure you were okay.
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homeofthelonelywriter · 9 months
I got you | Pt. 2
(A/N) Here is the second part. Again, heavy trigger warnings, please check them out before you read this. Also, I'm lowkey tempted to write a third part, let me know if anyone is interested.
Pairing: Simon x Reader (no Y/N)
Warning: lots of angst, death of a loved one, PTSD, civil war, flashbacks, injuries, description of death
Synopsis: It's the day before you leave for the mission and the flashbacks won't stop.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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17 hours.
Only 17 hours and you’ll be back in Libya. Back in your home country. Back in a place you haven’t been since you were a child.
A shudder runs through you as you’re sitting outside the meeting room. Price decided earlier that you shouldn’t attend, the chance that you would be triggered too high. Instead he’d give you a rundown later.
Still. You couldn’t just sit in your room and do nothing. So here you are. Back pressed against the wall, right beside the wooden. door to the meeting room. That way it at least feels a little bit as if you’re part of the meeting, even if you aren’t really.
You jump as the door opens and the team walks outside. Your eyes immediately catch Ghost’s and as soon as he notices you, he nods for you to come with him. Scrambling to your feet, you hurry after him and follow him to his office.
You follow him inside and close the door behind yourself, before turning to face him. With a sigh, he plops down onto his chair and starts riffling through paperwork.
“Come, sit.”
Even though he’s not looking at you, you nod before sitting down in a chair opposite him. He continues going through some paperwork while you watch him. You never noticed how blonde his hair is.
“Price asked me to brief you, is that okay with you?”
He raises his head, his eyes boring into yours and you nod.
“Tomorrow, we’ll take a chopper to a camp there. It is about three hours away from the terrorist cell. As soon as we land, we’ll have another quick briefing. After that, we’ll take a truck closer, until we’re about and hour away. The rest we’ll walk.”
You quickly nod to show that you understand. A swarm of nervous butterflies erupt in your stomach as you swallow the lump in your throat. Of course Ghost notices that.
“Hey, if you don’t think you’re ready for the mission, there is no shame in staying here.”
Your eyes widen and you wildly shake your head. You can’t stay here. You can’t just let your team walk into danger without you.
When you joined the team, you all vowed to protect each other. Keep each other safe. You have to go with them.
“I’ll be fine, Sir.”
Ghost nods, though it is obvious that he doesn’t truly believe you.
“Okay. Our goal is to find a specific document, you we have to enter. We expect the first guards around three kilometres away from the actual cell. Once we get there, there will be more, but nothing we can’t handle.”
You nod again.
“As soon as we have the document, we get out of there. The person that document is for is supposed to arrive at any point within the next few days. And with them, reinforcements.”
You frown and he pauses.
“Ghost…who…who is that person?”
You could see his jaw tick beneath his surgical mask before he shakes his head.
“Not important for now.”
He pauses again, conflict clear in his eyes, but he shakes it off and turns back to you.
“Any questions?”
You shake your head, a frown ever present on your face.
“Good. Go rest. If…if you need anything, I’m here.”
“Thank you.”
You smile before getting up and leaving Ghost’s office. One glance at your watch lets you know that it’s time to go to bed. You walk to your room and change into your pyjamas before falling into bed.
Exhaustion weighed your body down. Ever since the last briefing you’ve had trouble sleeping. Whenever you close your eyes, the bright flashes of gunshots would light up the dark, mixed with the bright red of your families blood.
Not today. You need the rest.
Your thoughts drift to Ghost…to Simon. How he held your hand that night, and how you actually got a few hours of quality sleep. You wish he were here. In your room, in your bed, holding you. Those wishes had been floating through your head since before that day. Of course they had. Look at that man.
But his cold exterior had always stopped you from acting on those feelings. But…he is no longer that cold. At least not towards you.
With Simon in your mind, you slowly drift off to sleep. But it doesn’t stay that way.
Loud. The shots are so loud.
You press your hands against your ears, covering them. But they are quickly pulled away.
Your mother is yelling, and within a second you are both running. Running away from your home. Your father. Your brother. Their corpses
Your sister is in front of you and your mother. She is running, looking back from time to time, almost tripping. She is yelling something. You don’t understand it.
Suddenly, there is a tug on the hand your mother is holding and you look at her. She is on the ground. She isn’t moving.
Before you can even utter her name, your sister grabs your hand and pulls you along. Tears stream down your face as the picture of your dead mother stays in your mind.
Suddenly you’re behind the car again. Your sister beside you. Wait…no. It’s not your sister. It’s Simon.
You are in Libya, but not in the city you were born in. No, you’re in the terrorist cell. Hiding behind a wall. Simon…he is bleeding.
In a panic, you place your gun on the ground and reach over to apply pressure to his wounds but…he is dead. Simon is dead. Simon is dead. Simon is dead. Simon is…
You sit up with a gasp. Your hands feel around your bed, searching for the gun you had just placed on the ground. No, that never happened. You look around, you’re in your room on base. You’re safe. You’re safe. You’re…Simon!
You stumble out of bed in a panic. The rational part of your brain knows that he is okay, that he is just as safe as you, but the panicked part just needs to make sure.
Still in your pyjamas, you sprint through the base, dodging soldiers and ignoring their looks.
You quickly reach the door to Simon’s room and start knocking.
“Please…please, god, please.”
You keep knocking at a frantic pace, begging the wood in front of you to move, to disappear and let you see Simon. And it does.
The door is pulled open and you almost stumble into the room. Simon is standing in front of you, only in a pair of boxer shorts and with a surgical mask covering the bottom half of his face. He looks tired and while you cringe at the thought of waking him up in the middle of the night, right before a mission, you can’t help the relieved sob that escapes your lips as you throw your arms around his neck.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
He quickly wraps and arm around your waist and pulls you into his room, closing the door behind you.
“Yo-you were dead. You were dead and I couldn’t safe you. I couldn’t do anything. I’m sorry Simon, I-”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m okay.”
He gently pulls you off of him and cradles your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
“I’m okay, I promise you.”
Tears are still flowing down your face as you give him a weak nod. He whispers a quick ‘okay’ before he pulls you back into his chest. And he holds you again. He holds you until you’ve calmed down, and instead of sobs wrecking through your body, only soft sniffles remain.
As soon as he’s sure, you’ve calmed down, he gently pulls you towards his bed.
“Come on, let’s get some more sleep.”
He watched you lay down and tucks you in, but when you notice that he is starting to pull out the mattress, you stop him.
“Can…can you lay with me? I-If you don’t mind.”
His eyes widen, but after a moment of shock, his face relaxes and you swear you can see a faint smile behind his mask.
“Of course, love.”
He rounds to the other side of the bed and gets in, shuffling until he’s close to you.
“Just…just don’t turn around okay?”
You nod, immediately thinking about his mask. With a content sigh, Simon turns of the light and gets comfortable again, before he slowly wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
“Sleep now, I’m here. I got you.”
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Next Part
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Call of Duty - Masterlist
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
monuments and melodies
bucky barnes x plus size!reader
summary: bucky keeps a photo of you with him at all times.
words: 467 || written for @buckybarnesevents connect 4 juneiverse event!
prompt: incubus || I may have cheated a little bit but this blurb is based on the incubus song "monuments and melodies" (hence the title). It's the first thing that came to mind and the lyrics felt so perfect, I had to write a little something around it. I'll probably do an actual incubus fic later on lol
cw: a bit of angst, just a touch. bucky being a sweet bean.
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What feels like a lifetime ago, Bucky would've teased Steve for the cardinal sin of caring too much about the broad living in his pocket. Back when he was young and hungry for praise, always looking for someone soft and warm to keep his mind off the horror of honoring his country. Having a one track mind was a nail in the coffin.
Steve was always a romantic, though. Now it was his turn to nag Bucky about the flimsy printout he had tucked away in the folds of his suit. Bucky had accidentally broken too many phones to keep you on his background permanently like he wanted.
"Should get you a locket for that thing. It's falling apart."
Bucky looked up from the mess of scotch tape in his hands, practically growling at his friend.
There was a tear at the bottom edge. His own stupid fault for tucking one of his many knives away in the same spot he hid you close to his ribs.
Steve throws up his hands and shoots Bucky a winsome smile. No harm, no foul. Like Bucky hasn't already thought of wearing you around his neck, a heavy reminder hanging over his heart.
It would make sense. You, hanging there next to his dog tags to tell the world who he was when he's gone.
Bucky goes back to his task, finally getting the right length of tape so the rip doesn't follow its path up and across your pretty face.
Steve finally turns off the light filling the small safehouse bedroom and settles in with his back to Bucky. The punk took a hit to his left side earlier that day and is trying to pretend like it doesn't hurt when his body isn't constantly trying to stitch itself back together.
Bucky peels off his shirt and his uniform pants and sits for a moment, running a finger down your face frozen in time.
"I want you the way you are. The way you are, James."
Bucky feels the ghost of your fingers dance across his chest. His tags clink with the shuddering breath he takes.
He closes his eyes and he can feel you, standing between his legs where he sat at the end of your bed. Your lithe fingers dancing over the expanse of his chest. Your skin was warm when he pulled you closer by the backs of your plush thighs. You, the only track the train of his mind can run on. Everything leads back to you. Every mission, every scar, every second of his past brought him to you.
He can hear your voice, a beautiful melody ringing in his ears that lulls him to sleep when he finally lays his head down to rest.
"I love you. Just the way you are, James."
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