#jason todd x Superman's daughter!reader
marvelsimp · 1 year
Green and Red Masterlist
My Masterlist 
Story is no longer self-insert, go to the masterlist to read the new reworked story!
Genre: action, angst, fluff, comfort 
Pairing: platonic!Jason Todd x reader, platonic!batfam x reader, secondary!Kara Danvers x reader
Warnings: offensive language, descriptions of violence, blood, dead bodies, and a panic attack
Description: Y/n Wayne, is dealing with her past and spending time with her girlfriend when she sees a mysterious figure that feels hauntingly familiar.
Y/n’s  Abilities: Trained in hand-to-hand combat and is trained to use most weapons.
Y/n’s pronouns: she/her
Word Count: 1642
It wasn’t like this was the first time that this had happened. Someone finds you on the bathroom floor gasping for air, wishing you were dead. You knew it wouldn’t be the last time either. 
“Y/n, look at me.”
You only ever saw flashes when you were awake, the blood, the crowbar, the body. Sometimes it would just be the sound, of screaming. Almost always screaming. The type that makes you nauseous. Sometimes yours. Sometimes your fathers. And sometimes his. God your chest hurts, you try to breathe but you’re met with fire in your lungs.
“Sis, I need… focus…at me.”
You blink hard, trying to dig yourself out of the hole you were in, you see dark hair which doesn’t do much in helping figure out who this is. But you can’t breathe, this shouldn’t matter. It’s hard to grasp what’s real, the sound of metal hitting concrete or calming whispers. They’re both fuzzy and feel wrong, this shouldn’t be happening. A hand on your face, its thumb attempting to soothe you. Dick. Dad would be rubbing your back, if you allowed him to be near you. It’s not like you want to remember but sometimes you feel like you deserve it. You get what you earn, right? You’re the one that survived.
“Start noting things in the room, to ground you.” His voice is shaking a little but it’s soothing nonetheless.
You see his face, Jason’s face, so clearly for a second. It’s covered in blood and you can’t help but stare. His dead eyes stare back. A hand guides yours, drifting over what feels like smooth ice, tile. You’re not there, it’s not the concrete of the warehouse. You’re not looking at your dead best friend, it’s just Dick. You grab his hand that's on yours and count his fingers. He’s real and that all you need to know for now.
That’s when you shoved him away.
You are sitting in the study with your head bowed down as your father paces across the floor. He’s fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket.
“We have to talk about this, it's been months.” You’ve only ever heard him this desperate once before. “At this point, you don't have to talk to me. Talk to Dick or Alfred, I can see if I can get into contact with your mom. I’ll get you a therapist or a priest, just tell someone. You’ve shut everyone out and you know that I’ve been here.  You know what I’ve lost and been through, you’re old enough to know and understand all of it now!”
You were on the verge of tears. You couldn’t look at him. His pain just increased yours. You wish you could just be done with this.
“Jesus, Y/n, let me help you,” he almost screamed. A sob escaped your throat. One that had been building up in your months-long silence. Bruce put his hand on your shoulder. “Please,” his voice broke and you wrapped your arms around his body.
“He needs this.” You looked down at a boy, four years younger than you. Who is currently studying a Batarang.
“I can’t. I can’t do this again.”
You turned to your father. “He’ll just go out on his own… He’ll die. You know it. Do you want that?”
“Will you be okay with this?” You could hear the sob bubbling in his throat. One that will never come out.
“Will you?” you breathe.
You both stood in silence. Afraid of what would come next. 
“He would hate this.” You laughed. “He would think that we’re replacing him. But we both know we’ll never be able to do that.” You start to walk away as your father just stands there. You pause. “Do it,” you command and he starts to descend the staircase.
“Babe, we’re gonna be late!” you yelled to your girlfriend in the apartment you shared.
God, couldn’t you have super speed? “I hate when you do that.”
“I know.” she grinned, tucking back one of your loose hairs. “But you love me anyways.” 
You gave her an unimpressed smile. “There may be another reason.” You lunged your body out to stare obviously at her ass.
“Oh stop that!” She slapped your arm. You loved when that happened. When she gets frustrated and her accent comes out. God, what you’d do to give her everything she deserves? 
She doesn’t talk about it much, her home, Krypton. So you never ask, you know it’s painful. Or that it can be but the days she does talk about it, you allow yourself to continue the conversation but you never push. She’s told you stories about various gardens her parents would take her to, school, going to her parents' work, her friends, the birth of her baby cousin, and she’s shared some about the death of Krypton. She’s as healed as one could expect. 
Some days she’s just angry, you’ve seen the footage of her. She feels alone she lost everyone she ever knew. But she finds hope in Clark, Connor, and Jon. Sometimes even Krypto. She finds hope in you and you see it in her too that maybe your days will shine brighter. She struggles but she’s strong in more ways than one.
You kiss her lovingly, grab your purse, and lead her out the door of your shared apartment.
Kara giggles when you arrive at the Daily Planet, taking your hand and you go into the building. She puts her hand on your back as the elevator doors open to the top floor. Clark makes eye contact with you and smiles. He makes his way over and gives you both a hug. 
“Hiya, kid!” God, he’s so much but he doesn’t suck the life out of you at the very least. He invited you both because Kara wanted to see about talking to someone for an interview and you wanted to make a few deals with CEOs. 
“How’s Jon?” she smiles.
His smile grows. Is he glowing? Is that one of his abilities? “He’s doing great, since he started middle school he’s really enjoyed anything art…”
You see Lois walking that way, thank god. Clark’s great but is too nice for your taste.  
“…I’m really proud of him. He really seems to just want to help people.” Lois taps him on his shoulder. His face softens to something closer to admiration rather than pride. “Hi.” Her face reflects his, softening a little. You look at Kara and she looks at you. Her face is as soft as Clark’s and you know you are in bliss.
“So,” Lois starts, she grabs Kara’s arm, “I can start to introduce you to everyone.”
Lois leads Kara away and you turn to Clark. “Wanye Enterprises has a Banquet in two weeks. I would love to see both of you there. Either as friends or journalists, whichever you prefer.”
“I’m sure we could both find good stories to pursue there.” He pats the side of your arm, his face is showing pride again. 
He did see you grow up, you were what? Two or three when Bruce decided he need some extra help with you and Dick. You of course don't remember meeting him so he’s just always been there, your  Uncle Clark. You were seven when you figured out he was Superman, you were the one that told Dick. You thought it was obvious and that he should’ve figured it out.
“Send us the details for it and we’ll be there.”
You excuse yourself and find a few CEOs to chat with, you tell them of the Banquet and how it will help both Gotham and Metropolis. You convince some to attend, some to donate, and some to reach out to Kara for an interview.
After the incident, you decided to take a break from being a superhero and you focused on your studies. You climbed the ladder at Wayne Enterprises faster than anyone could expect. People like to say it is because you’re Bruce’s daughter but you quickly prove to them that you are worthy of your position. It took a little while for people to even consider calling you charming but once they did it never stopped. When you stopped being angry all the time was when you perfected your skills and began to excel at manipulating million and billionaires.
At some point during the night, your hair started to stand on end. You weren’t sure what it was but you were going to trust your instincts, it had saved your life more times than you could count. You could feel it in your bones something was wrong. 
People started to trickle out. By eleven everyone has left, it’s just four of you now. 
You all start to clean up, most things go in the trash but anything salvageable you pack up to donate. Once everything is cleaned and put away, Lois and Clark grab their things from their offices as Kara takes you by your arm and walks you to the elevator. She presses the button causing it to light up. Something is wrong, you look around while you wait. Nothing is different, nothing looks off. You’ve been here a million times and nothing has changed. You would know. That’s when you look out the window.
A figure outside on a rooftop. Your pulse is racing and you feel your body start to shake. Something is familiar about it. You let go of Kara’s arm, walking closer to the window. Each step is slow like you’re trying not to scare it away. Your instincts kick in and you couch down a little.
“What’s wrong?” Kara’s voice is deeper than usual. Serious.
A figure stands on a rooftop, he’s staring at you. Most of his body is obscured by the darkness but you do see a red helmet. No. This is wrong, he shouldn’t be there. This isn’t right. You blink hard and in the next moment, he’s gone. 
Next Chapter:
Series Rewritten with Helena Wayne as the main character
Let me know if you want to be added!
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Not So Invincible After All
Whumpuary 2023: Prompt 3. Shot
2023 Year of Whump: Jan 1. Whispered Reassurances
Fandom: DC, Batman, Jason Todd, Red Hood, f!reader, Superman/Lois Lane's Daughter!Reader
Summary: Tired of living in your father's shadow, you move to Gotham where you meet Jason Todd. As the two of you become an unstoppable team (in love and crimefighting), everything seems perfect. Until something goes wrong…
Word Count: 3417
TW: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Gun Shot, Blood, Loss of powers, Pain, Ambiguous Ending, Language
Notes: Thank you to @icarusthefoolish for this request!
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Moving to Gotham City is not a hard decision to make. You need to get out of your father’s shadow in Metropolis and the heroes of Gotham could use some extra help after Bruce’s death and Dick taking over the mantle as Batman. So, it seems like the perfect spot for you to start your solo career as a superhero. However, it is only right to get permission from those already protecting the city first.
To your utter embarrassment, your father sets up the meeting for you and insists on coming. Though you are an adult, he still treats you like a child. But, as much as you try to argue against it, once your mother steps in and says he is going, all arguments are over. Not even you argued with Lois Lane when she took that tone.
Which is how you find yourself standing outside Wayne Manor with your arms crossed over the S emblem on your chest, staring down the remaining members of the Batfamily. You had known Bruce extremely well, you had never met any of his wards before, though you knew who they all were.
Damien seems unimpressed by you and quickly turns his attention to other things after his introduction. Tim is the complete opposite, practically bouncing up and down as he shakes your hand and tries to ask you a million questions. Luckily, Dick gently pushes him to the side, reminding him there will be time for that later. The new Batman is so different from Bruce and yet you can still see flashes of his late guardian in the way he holds himself and addresses the situation at hand. Which just left Jason. The formerly dead vigilante didn’t say anything while you were introduced, but his eyes never leave your face the entire time your dad is explaining the situation. There is a playful twinkle in his eyes that you can’t quite understand, but you push it to the back of your mind as your dad finishes up and lifts up into the sky, drifting back a few dozen feet to give you some space for once.
Your eyes quickly flicker across each of the heroes in front of you and you clear your throat. “So, basically what Dad said. I want to leave Metropolis, you guys seem to need an extra set of hands around here– it seems like a win-win.”
For the first time, Damien speaks up. “Who says we need ‘extra hands’? We are protecting the city just fine without assistance.”
You lock eyes with the young Robin, completely unfazed by the death stare he is giving you. “Listen, kid. You guys are doing fine, but don’t think you are living up to The Bat’s legacy, at least not yet. I might not be living in Gotham at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping an eye on things. Dick is doing an admirable job of being Batman, but it’s pretty obvious he’s just one of the birds playing dress up. And I’m not the only one who's noticed. The criminals in this city are getting bolder and sooner or later, one of them is going to do something the four of you can’t handle. So, if you don’t want my help, that’s fine. There are a million other cities I can move to. But then don’t come crying to me when you get your asses handed to you and you need someone to save you, because I might not be interested anymore.”
Damien continues to stare you down for a moment, then slowly nods, breaking eye contact. And with that, you know you have earned the respect of the one person who you really needed to win over tonight.
Elbowing Tim in the ribs, Jason grins as he mutters, “Wow. I never expected to hear something like that coming from the boy scout’s daughter.” 
One side of your mouth quirks up in a sly smile as your superhearing picks up on what he said. Turning your gaze so you are staring directly into his eyes, you say, “Then you’ve never met my mother. I might get my powers from my father, but I get my spirit and my wicked tongue from her.”
You can see the gears working in Jason’s head as the response forms. The way his heartbeat speeds up slightly, the slight dilation of his pupils, how his jaw tightens as he forces himself not to make the witty comment he desperately wants to but can’t with your father still hovering feet away. And that makes the smile on your lips widen.
The rest of the meeting runs smoothly. It is agreed that you can stay in Gotham and help protect its people as long as you don’t get in the Batfamily’s way. However, they do extend an invitation to team up with them whenever you want. You doubt it will happen, but it is nice to know that option is there.
You say goodbye to your dad and watch as he flies away. Once he is out of sight of even your advanced vision, you pivot sharply and strut straight up to Jason. 
He seems slightly startled by your brash confrontation, but he stands his ground. As you reach him, you lean over until your lips lightly brush the curve of his ear, and you whisper, “Maybe if you play your cards right, I can show you how wicked this tongue can get.” 
With your powers, you can sense the multitude of physical reactions your words send through his body and you chuckle as you pat his cheek before flying off into the night. 
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As it turns out, Jason played his cards very right seeing as you end up waking up in his bed less than a week later. And you haven’t left since. Now, after almost five months of living in Gotham, you and Jason have become the ultimate team, in and out of your costumes. Despite both of your tempers, sarcastic natures, and constant desire to push back against the ideals of your fathers, the two of you balance each other out in some strange way. 
And Jason is never intimidated by your powers or your nigh invulnerability. In fact, he is nothing but supportive of them. In fights, you quickly find a rhythm where you go after the strongest opponent while Jason covers you or takes out the weaker opponents. It’s a system that never seems to fail, and the two of you seem unstoppable.
Until one night….
Jason is chasing two men through the streets. They just robbed Gotham National Bank but for some reason, ditched the bags of money fairly quickly as they tried to lose Jason. But he just let you gather up the forfeited money and fly it back to the bank while he continued his chase. 
By the time you return and spot him, he has chased the men onto the roof of a building. Just as the men realize they are trapped and this will be a fight, you land next to Jason with a grin.
“Hello, boys. What seems to be the trouble here?”
The men exchange angry glances and one of them hisses loudly to the other, “What do we do? We wanted Superman, not Superbitch.”
“Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!” Jason growls, taking a step closer, but you place a hand on his chest, halting him.
“Well, you shitheads are in the wrong city then. Superman doesn’t come here. This is my turf. So, does that mean you want to just give up now, or are we going to have a little fun tonight?” The men exchange glances then pull out their guns. You nod. “Okay, then. Fun it is.”
Before they can react, you have crossed the distance between you and grab one of the men by his jacket and soar up into the air. The man immediately drops his gun as he frantically clutches at your arms, trying to hold on as tightly as he can. But it makes little difference. With a cheeky grin, you release your grip. The man only has a fraction of a second to realize what is about to happen before he plummets towards the ground. 
You continue to hover in the air as you watch him fall farther and farther, his screams of terror slowly growing fainter. Finally, when he is just a few dozen feet from the ground, you sigh and soar downward. You reach him just before he hits the ground, wrapping your arms around his chest and holding him about a foot in the air. 
He continues to scream even once you set him back on the sidewalk, his legs giving out from under him as he collapses in a heap. Bending over to peer down at him, you ask, “Now, are you going to be a good boy and stay put until the cops show up, or do we have to try that again?”
He pales at the very thought and clutches your leg. “N-n-no! Please! N-not again!”
Patting his head, you say, “Good boy. Now, let’s see if your friend is as agreeable.” And you launch yourself back into the air towards the top of the building. 
When you reach the roof, you see Jason has dealt with the other man who is lying face down on the far side of the building. Jason looks up as you land and even through his helmet, you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks, “Did you catch this one in time?”
“One time! I missed one time! And I still stopped him before he was permanently injured. Are you ever going to let me live that down?”
“Nope.” He starts to cross the roof to you.
But just then, you both hear a sound behind him, and turn to look. The man Jason had knocked down has climbed back to his feet, and before Jason can react, the man raises his gun and fires three shots straight at his chest.
“Nice try,” you smirk as you streak forward at superspeed, stopping just in front of Jason as the bullets soar toward him.
However, the smirk drops from your face as the bullets don’t bounce harmlessly off you as expected. Instead, they drive deep into your chest, just above your heart. The force of the impact causes you to stumble backward into Jason, who flinches slightly in surprise at your sudden appearance and collision with him. 
Instantly, it feels like all of your strength is being sapped from your body and you collapse heavily against Jason’s chest. Luckily, he has a firm grip on your waist and keeps you from falling completely. Drawing you in, he lowers both of you to the ground and allows you to lean against him with your legs out in front of you.
Neither of you saw where the gunman disappeared after you collapsed, but at the moment, it is the least of your concerns. Glancing down, you can see three distinct holes in your suit, each one gushing blood. Normally, that should be the most worrisome part of the problem. However, your breath catches in your throat as you notice the faint green sheen mixed with your blood.
But Jason hasn’t realized that yet. Ripping off his helmet to get a better look at your wound, he asks, “What’s going on? How did this happen?”
“I think– I think they were made for my father. Kryptonite bullets.”
The realization of what this means slowly passes over Jason’s face. “That’s why they didn’t just bounce off you. You have Kryptonite buried in your chest?”
“Not just there. It’s some sort of poison bullet that’s releasing it into my system. I can feel it like acid in my veins. Spreading throughout my body.” You cry out as a fresh wave of pain hits you. “God! It hurts so much.”
“I’m calling Supes. Maybe he can–”
“No, Jay, don’t you get it? Even just being near me right now will weaken him. And those guys could still be around waiting for that. I can’t d–do that to him.” You shudder again at the pain and Jason uses his hands to cover your wound in a desperate attempt to slow the bleeding.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,” he whispers softly into your ear. But you can clearly tell that he doesn’t fully believe the words he is saying.
Jason helps you shift slightly against his chest, trying to make you as comfortable as possible. Looking down, you can see blood still spilling from between his fingers, the crimson puddle tinted with a faint green glow as it grows beneath you. 
“What can I do? There has to be something I can do,” Jason pleads.
“I don’t think there is.” Suddenly, you realize everything seems different, muted. You can no longer see or hear anything clearly beyond this rooftop. Your body feels weaker than it has ever felt before, and not just from the pain or your injury. And when you put all the concentration you can muster into lifting yourself even half an inch off the ground, you can’t even manage to make yourself twitch. Everything that made you special, everything you had inherited from your father is just… gone.
Leaning your head back against Jason’s neck, you ask, “Is this…. Is this what it feels like?”
“What does what feel like, baby?” he asks, stroking your hair gently.
“To be human?”
The question catches Jason off guard. “Um, I–I don’t know. I guess so.”
“I don’t think I like it very much.” Another shiver of pain washes over you and you bury your face in Jason’s neck, hoping to muffle the moan that rumbles in your throat.
But Jason still hears it. “That’s it. I’m calling your dad.”
“No,” you mutter weakly. “I told you–”
“We don’t have a choice. I don’t know enough about Kryptonite or Kryptonian anatomy to help you, but he does. Don’t you think he would want to help you even if it meant feeling the effects of the Kryptonite?”
You are silent for a moment, but you know that he is right. Your dad would have wanted to be here the second you were hurt, regardless of the danger it might put him in. So, reluctantly, you nod. 
Jason removes his hand from your chest – it hadn’t been doing much to stop the blood flow anyway – and he pulls a phone from his pocket. You allow your eyes to drift closed as you listen to him quickly explain what happened and just moments later, there is a loud thud on the other side of the roof.
Peeling your eyes open, you see the familiar red-and-blue suit reflecting in the dim light. Your dad takes a step forward into the light and you can see the concern and fear etched onto his face as he stares at you, his eyes watery and his breathing uneven. He starts to walk towards you, but he stumbles slightly as the first effects of the Kryptonite hit him. 
He tries to take another step, but you mumble, “Please. Don’t. I don’t want you to get hurt too.” Your words are just barely more than a whisper but even across the distance, you know he hears you clear as day. The reluctance is evident on his face, yet he follows your wishes and remains where he is at.
Jason stares at the Man of Steel, the desperation in his voice as he asks, “What do we do? How do we help her?”
“I-I don’t know,” your dad admits, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. “If there is Kryptonite all through her body like you said, I don’t know how we get it out. Normally, Kryptonite by itself isn’t lethal, but no Kryptonian has been exposed this intimately to this amount. And from what I can see, she’s fading fast.”
“But she’s not just Kryptonian….” Jason whispers, as he gazes down at you. Then his head snaps up, and in a stronger voice says, “Clark, she’s just as human as she is Kryptonian. I don’t think it’s actually the Kryptonite in her veins that’s killing her. It’s the bullets. The Kryptonite just made her lose her healing abilities. So, if we just treat this like any old bullet wound, I think she might be okay.”
Your dad considers for a moment before nodding. “It’s possible, and let’s pray it’s true because it’s her only hope. We need to get those bullets out and then get her to a hospital as quickly as possible.”
Jason nods. “Okay. How do we do that?”
“We get help from the quickest person we know.” He pulls out a device and speaks into it. After only a few words, the rooftop shakes slightly as a gust of wind roars past and when you blink, you see Barry standing there with his usual grin on his face.
“You called?” But the smile slips as he takes in the scene before him. “Oh my god! What happened? Is she alright?”
“No, but we’re hoping you could help with that,” your dad explains. “She was shot three times with Kryptonite bullets, and we need to get them out of her. I can’t do it, but can you?”
Barry nodded. “I think so.” Crossing the rooftop, he kneels down beside you. Even in his bright red suit, you are having trouble focusing on him as your vision begins to blur. But you feel the light pressure as Barry places his hand on your arm. “Hey, Kid.”
“Hey, Skidmark,” you mumble weakly.
Barry chuckles. “I’ll let that slide this time since you’re hurt.” His face turns serious as he adds, “And because what’s about to happen isn’t going to feel great.”
Turning towards Jason, he says, “I need you to hold her as still as possible in case she squirms. It might take me a minute to locate all three bullets and the more she moves, the longer I’ll have to keep searching.” Jason nods and his grip on your shoulders tightens.
Barry positions his fingers just above your wound but hesitates as he glances at your face. You nod slightly and he turns his focus back to your chest. His hand begins to move so quickly, it becomes nothing more than a blur. Then, he moves it lower, phasing it through your chest. 
Instantly, you seize up. The intense vibrations reverberate through your entire body, but the proximity of his fingers to your heart and lungs causes them to freeze. Your eyes roll back in your head as you silently gasp for air. Jason is trying to hold you down but it is difficult when your entire body is spasming violently. You vaguely hear Barry, your dad, and Jason yelling at each other, but you can’t make out a single word they are saying. 
Then, mercifully, the vibrations are gone. All your muscles relax and your head falls limply against Jason’s shoulder as you try to catch your breath. Jason rubs his hand over your hair as he whispers that it’s over and how good you did. You aren’t really sure you did anything, but you are too weak and light-headed to correct him. 
From the other side of the roof, your dad calls out, “Barry, get her to the med bay on the Watchtower. They should be able to treat her there. Then, destroy those bullets.”
Barry nods before holding out his arms and Jason helps to ease your broken form into them. However, just as Barry is about to take off, you feebly stretch your fingers towards Jason. He takes your hand and squeezes it tightly. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You swallow heavily and force the words to spill from your lips. “I need you to know… if I had known what those bullets were… I still would have taken them for you…No regrets…”
Your hand goes limp in his grasp as the last of your energy is depleted. Leaning forward, Jason gently places your hand on your chest before kissing your forehead. Then, with his lips still hovering just above your skin, he whispers, “I love you. No regrets.”
Stepping back, he nods at Barry. The speedster tightens his hold on you and says, “Hold on.” Then he takes off.
As you feel that familiar initial whoosh of moving at super speed, you finally allow yourself to succumb to the darkness.
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Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @zebralover, @lolzghost, @thefictionalcharacterssimp, @venomsvl, @sugarysweetsandpainfulteeth, @your-friendly-neighborhood-al, @hellfire-fan-club, @blue-aconite
157 notes · View notes
Not So Invincible After All
Whumpuary 2023: Prompt 3. Shot
2023 Year of Whump: Jan 1. Whispered Reassurances
Fandom: DC, Batman, Jason Todd, Red Hood, f!reader, Superman/Lois Lane's Daughter!Reader
Summary: Tired of living in your father's shadow, you move to Gotham where you meet Jason Todd. As the two of you become an unstoppable team (in love and crimefighting), everything seems perfect. Until something goes wrong...
Word Count: 3417
TW: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Gun Shot, Blood, Loss of powers, Pain, Ambiguous Ending, Language
Notes: Thank you to @icarusthefoolish for this request!
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Moving to Gotham City is not a hard decision to make. You need to get out of your father’s shadow in Metropolis and the heroes of Gotham could use some extra help after Bruce’s death and Dick taking over the mantle as Batman. So, it seems like the perfect spot for you to start your solo career as a superhero. However, it is only right to get permission from those already protecting the city first.
To your utter embarrassment, your father sets up the meeting for you and insists on coming. Though you are an adult, he still treats you like a child. But, as much as you try to argue against it, once your mother steps in and says he is going, all arguments are over. Not even you argued with Lois Lane when she took that tone.
Which is how you find yourself standing outside Wayne Manor with your arms crossed over the S emblem on your chest, staring down the remaining members of the Batfamily. You had known Bruce extremely well, you had never met any of his wards before, though you knew who they all were.
Damien seems unimpressed by you and quickly turns his attention to other things after his introduction. Tim is the complete opposite, practically bouncing up and down as he shakes your hand and tries to ask you a million questions. Luckily, Dick gently pushes him to the side, reminding him there will be time for that later. The new Batman is so different from Bruce and yet you can still see flashes of his late guardian in the way he holds himself and addresses the situation at hand. Which just left Jason. The formerly dead vigilante didn’t say anything while you were introduced, but his eyes never leave your face the entire time your dad is explaining the situation. There is a playful twinkle in his eyes that you can’t quite understand, but you push it to the back of your mind as your dad finishes up and lifts up into the sky, drifting back a few dozen feet to give you some space for once.
Your eyes quickly flicker across each of the heroes in front of you and you clear your throat. “So, basically what Dad said. I want to leave Metropolis, you guys seem to need an extra set of hands around here– it seems like a win-win.”
For the first time, Damien speaks up. “Who says we need ‘extra hands’? We are protecting the city just fine without assistance.”
You lock eyes with the young Robin, completely unfazed by the death stare he is giving you. “Listen, kid. You guys are doing fine, but don’t think you are living up to The Bat’s legacy, at least not yet. I might not be living in Gotham at the moment, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been keeping an eye on things. Dick is doing an admirable job of being Batman, but it’s pretty obvious he’s just one of the birds playing dress up. And I’m not the only one who's noticed. The criminals in this city are getting bolder and sooner or later, one of them is going to do something the four of you can’t handle. So, if you don’t want my help, that’s fine. There are a million other cities I can move to. But then don’t come crying to me when you get your asses handed to you and you need someone to save you, because I might not be interested anymore.”
Damien continues to stare you down for a moment, then slowly nods, breaking eye contact. And with that, you know you have earned the respect of the one person who you really needed to win over tonight.
Elbowing Tim in the ribs, Jason grins as he mutters, “Wow. I never expected to hear something like that coming from the boy scout’s daughter.” 
One side of your mouth quirks up in a sly smile as your superhearing picks up on what he said. Turning your gaze so you are staring directly into his eyes, you say, “Then you’ve never met my mother. I might get my powers from my father, but I get my spirit and my wicked tongue from her.”
You can see the gears working in Jason’s head as the response forms. The way his heartbeat speeds up slightly, the slight dilation of his pupils, how his jaw tightens as he forces himself not to make the witty comment he desperately wants to but can’t with your father still hovering feet away. And that makes the smile on your lips widen.
The rest of the meeting runs smoothly. It is agreed that you can stay in Gotham and help protect its people as long as you don’t get in the Batfamily’s way. However, they do extend an invitation to team up with them whenever you want. You doubt it will happen, but it is nice to know that option is there.
You say goodbye to your dad and watch as he flies away. Once he is out of sight of even your advanced vision, you pivot sharply and strut straight up to Jason. 
He seems slightly startled by your brash confrontation, but he stands his ground. As you reach him, you lean over until your lips lightly brush the curve of his ear, and you whisper, “Maybe if you play your cards right, I can show you how wicked this tongue can get.” 
With your powers, you can sense the multitude of physical reactions your words send through his body and you chuckle as you pat his cheek before flying off into the night. 
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As it turns out, Jason played his cards very right seeing as you end up waking up in his bed less than a week later. And you haven’t left since. Now, after almost five months of living in Gotham, you and Jason have become the ultimate team, in and out of your costumes. Despite both of your tempers, sarcastic natures, and constant desire to push back against the ideals of your fathers, the two of you balance each other out in some strange way. 
And Jason is never intimidated by your powers or your nigh invulnerability. In fact, he is nothing but supportive of them. In fights, you quickly find a rhythm where you go after the strongest opponent while Jason covers you or takes out the weaker opponents. It’s a system that never seems to fail, and the two of you seem unstoppable.
Until one night….
Jason is chasing two men through the streets. They just robbed Gotham National Bank but for some reason, ditched the bags of money fairly quickly as they tried to lose Jason. But he just let you gather up the forfeited money and fly it back to the bank while he continued his chase. 
By the time you return and spot him, he has chased the men onto the roof of a building. Just as the men realize they are trapped and this will be a fight, you land next to Jason with a grin.
“Hello, boys. What seems to be the trouble here?”
The men exchange angry glances and one of them hisses loudly to the other, “What do we do? We wanted Superman, not Superbitch.”
“Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!” Jason growls, taking a step closer, but you place a hand on his chest, halting him.
“Well, you shitheads are in the wrong city then. Superman doesn’t come here. This is my turf. So, does that mean you want to just give up now, or are we going to have a little fun tonight?” The men exchange glances then pull out their guns. You nod. “Okay, then. Fun it is.”
Before they can react, you have crossed the distance between you and grab one of the men by his jacket and soar up into the air. The man immediately drops his gun as he frantically clutches at your arms, trying to hold on as tightly as he can. But it makes little difference. With a cheeky grin, you release your grip. The man only has a fraction of a second to realize what is about to happen before he plummets towards the ground. 
You continue to hover in the air as you watch him fall farther and farther, his screams of terror slowly growing fainter. Finally, when he is just a few dozen feet from the ground, you sigh and soar downward. You reach him just before he hits the ground, wrapping your arms around his chest and holding him about a foot in the air. 
He continues to scream even once you set him back on the sidewalk, his legs giving out from under him as he collapses in a heap. Bending over to peer down at him, you ask, “Now, are you going to be a good boy and stay put until the cops show up, or do we have to try that again?”
He pales at the very thought and clutches your leg. “N-n-no! Please! N-not again!”
Patting his head, you say, “Good boy. Now, let’s see if your friend is as agreeable.” And you launch yourself back into the air towards the top of the building. 
When you reach the roof, you see Jason has dealt with the other man who is lying face down on the far side of the building. Jason looks up as you land and even through his helmet, you can hear the smile in his voice as he asks, “Did you catch this one in time?”
“One time! I missed one time! And I still stopped him before he was permanently injured. Are you ever going to let me live that down?”
“Nope.” He starts to cross the roof to you.
But just then, you both hear a sound behind him, and turn to look. The man Jason had knocked down has climbed back to his feet, and before Jason can react, the man raises his gun and fires three shots straight at his chest.
“Nice try,” you smirk as you streak forward at superspeed, stopping just in front of Jason as the bullets soar toward him.
However, the smirk drops from your face as the bullets don’t bounce harmlessly off you as expected. Instead, they drive deep into your chest, just above your heart. The force of the impact causes you to stumble backward into Jason, who flinches slightly in surprise at your sudden appearance and collision with him. 
Instantly, it feels like all of your strength is being sapped from your body and you collapse heavily against Jason’s chest. Luckily, he has a firm grip on your waist and keeps you from falling completely. Drawing you in, he lowers both of you to the ground and allows you to lean against him with your legs out in front of you.
Neither of you saw where the gunman disappeared after you collapsed, but at the moment, it is the least of your concerns. Glancing down, you can see three distinct holes in your suit, each one gushing blood. Normally, that should be the most worrisome part of the problem. However, your breath catches in your throat as you notice the faint green sheen mixed with your blood.
But Jason hasn’t realized that yet. Ripping off his helmet to get a better look at your wound, he asks, “What’s going on? How did this happen?”
“I think– I think they were made for my father. Kryptonite bullets.”
The realization of what this means slowly passes over Jason’s face. “That’s why they didn’t just bounce off you. You have Kryptonite buried in your chest?”
“Not just there. It’s some sort of poison bullet that’s releasing it into my system. I can feel it like acid in my veins. Spreading throughout my body.” You cry out as a fresh wave of pain hits you. “God! It hurts so much.”
“I’m calling Supes. Maybe he can–”
“No, Jay, don’t you get it? Even just being near me right now will weaken him. And those guys could still be around waiting for that. I can’t d–do that to him.” You shudder again at the pain and Jason uses his hands to cover your wound in a desperate attempt to slow the bleeding.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,” he whispers softly into your ear. But you can clearly tell that he doesn’t fully believe the words he is saying.
Jason helps you shift slightly against his chest, trying to make you as comfortable as possible. Looking down, you can see blood still spilling from between his fingers, the crimson puddle tinted with a faint green glow as it grows beneath you. 
“What can I do? There has to be something I can do,” Jason pleads.
“I don’t think there is.” Suddenly, you realize everything seems different, muted. You can no longer see or hear anything clearly beyond this rooftop. Your body feels weaker than it has ever felt before, and not just from the pain or your injury. And when you put all the concentration you can muster into lifting yourself even half an inch off the ground, you can’t even manage to make yourself twitch. Everything that made you special, everything you had inherited from your father is just… gone.
Leaning your head back against Jason’s neck, you ask, “Is this…. Is this what it feels like?”
“What does what feel like, baby?” he asks, stroking your hair gently.
“To be human?”
The question catches Jason off guard. “Um, I–I don’t know. I guess so.”
“I don’t think I like it very much.” Another shiver of pain washes over you and you bury your face in Jason’s neck, hoping to muffle the moan that rumbles in your throat.
But Jason still hears it. “That’s it. I’m calling your dad.”
“No,” you mutter weakly. “I told you–”
“We don’t have a choice. I don’t know enough about Kryptonite or Kryptonian anatomy to help you, but he does. Don’t you think he would want to help you even if it meant feeling the effects of the Kryptonite?”
You are silent for a moment, but you know that he is right. Your dad would have wanted to be here the second you were hurt, regardless of the danger it might put him in. So, reluctantly, you nod. 
Jason removes his hand from your chest – it hadn’t been doing much to stop the blood flow anyway – and he pulls a phone from his pocket. You allow your eyes to drift closed as you listen to him quickly explain what happened and just moments later, there is a loud thud on the other side of the roof.
Peeling your eyes open, you see the familiar red-and-blue suit reflecting in the dim light. Your dad takes a step forward into the light and you can see the concern and fear etched onto his face as he stares at you, his eyes watery and his breathing uneven. He starts to walk towards you, but he stumbles slightly as the first effects of the Kryptonite hit him. 
He tries to take another step, but you mumble, “Please. Don’t. I don’t want you to get hurt too.” Your words are just barely more than a whisper but even across the distance, you know he hears you clear as day. The reluctance is evident on his face, yet he follows your wishes and remains where he is at.
Jason stares at the Man of Steel, the desperation in his voice as he asks, “What do we do? How do we help her?”
“I-I don’t know,” your dad admits, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. “If there is Kryptonite all through her body like you said, I don’t know how we get it out. Normally, Kryptonite by itself isn’t lethal, but no Kryptonian has been exposed this intimately to this amount. And from what I can see, she’s fading fast.”
“But she’s not just Kryptonian….” Jason whispers, as he gazes down at you. Then his head snaps up, and in a stronger voice says, “Clark, she’s just as human as she is Kryptonian. I don’t think it’s actually the Kryptonite in her veins that’s killing her. It’s the bullets. The Kryptonite just made her lose her healing abilities. So, if we just treat this like any old bullet wound, I think she might be okay.”
Your dad considers for a moment before nodding. “It’s possible, and let’s pray it’s true because it’s her only hope. We need to get those bullets out and then get her to a hospital as quickly as possible.”
Jason nods. “Okay. How do we do that?”
“We get help from the quickest person we know.” He pulls out a device and speaks into it. After only a few words, the rooftop shakes slightly as a gust of wind roars past and when you blink, you see Barry standing there with his usual grin on his face.
“You called?” But the smile slips as he takes in the scene before him. “Oh my god! What happened? Is she alright?”
“No, but we’re hoping you could help with that,” your dad explains. “She was shot three times with Kryptonite bullets, and we need to get them out of her. I can’t do it, but can you?”
Barry nodded. “I think so.” Crossing the rooftop, he kneels down beside you. Even in his bright red suit, you are having trouble focusing on him as your vision begins to blur. But you feel the light pressure as Barry places his hand on your arm. “Hey, Kid.”
“Hey, Skidmark,” you mumble weakly.
Barry chuckles. “I’ll let that slide this time since you’re hurt.” His face turns serious as he adds, “And because what’s about to happen isn’t going to feel great.”
Turning towards Jason, he says, “I need you to hold her as still as possible in case she squirms. It might take me a minute to locate all three bullets and the more she moves, the longer I’ll have to keep searching.” Jason nods and his grip on your shoulders tightens.
Barry positions his fingers just above your wound but hesitates as he glances at your face. You nod slightly and he turns his focus back to your chest. His hand begins to move so quickly, it becomes nothing more than a blur. Then, he moves it lower, phasing it through your chest. 
Instantly, you seize up. The intense vibrations reverberate through your entire body, but the proximity of his fingers to your heart and lungs causes them to freeze. Your eyes roll back in your head as you silently gasp for air. Jason is trying to hold you down but it is difficult when your entire body is spasming violently. You vaguely hear Barry, your dad, and Jason yelling at each other, but you can’t make out a single word they are saying. 
Then, mercifully, the vibrations are gone. All your muscles relax and your head falls limply against Jason’s shoulder as you try to catch your breath. Jason rubs his hand over your hair as he whispers that it’s over and how good you did. You aren’t really sure you did anything, but you are too weak and light-headed to correct him. 
From the other side of the roof, your dad calls out, “Barry, get her to the med bay on the Watchtower. They should be able to treat her there. Then, destroy those bullets.”
Barry nods before holding out his arms and Jason helps to ease your broken form into them. However, just as Barry is about to take off, you feebly stretch your fingers towards Jason. He takes your hand and squeezes it tightly. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You swallow heavily and force the words to spill from your lips. “I need you to know… if I had known what those bullets were… I still would have taken them for you…No regrets…”
Your hand goes limp in his grasp as the last of your energy is depleted. Leaning forward, Jason gently places your hand on your chest before kissing your forehead. Then, with his lips still hovering just above your skin, he whispers, “I love you. No regrets.”
Stepping back, he nods at Barry. The speedster tightens his hold on you and says, “Hold on.” Then he takes off.
As you feel that familiar initial whoosh of moving at super speed, you finally allow yourself to succumb to the darkness.
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @11thstreetvigilante, @merlehs,@mayhem24-7forever, @sunshineflowerchild789, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @schaarfyx, @happinessricardotapia, @wildbornsiren, @whumpuary
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
Oooo I have a soft request for Jason Todd! Wondering if I could please request Jason Todd x shy!reader? Little background, Shy!reader is the adoptive daughter of Superman and she got her adopted dad all his powers, including flying when she got injured, it took a transfusion of Superman blood to save her life. Pretty cute Jason and shy!reader are looking at the stars, just fluff. https://pin.it/5MuJAnCCR
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Whenever you were stressed about anything, you would fly yourself to your hidden spot, it was a place so far removed from the public eye that it was often regarded as a restricted area, and stargaze for comfort.
At first it was a place solely for yourself as you just didn’t feel comfortable in sharing something that you had came across by yourself with another being, not without it being spread through word of mouth and then used as an place for everything that it’s not. That plus the fact that you often preferred your own company and not have to worry about seeing as rude or unsociable by others, especially whenever you didn’t feel like engaging in what they deemed as riveting conversation.
It just wasn’t your speed.
However you’ve begun to notice how easily frustrated and prone to outbursts Jason had become recently with the sudden spike in criminal activity within Gotham, In Which had Jason neglecting his sleep etiquette in favour for continuous back to back to back night patrols; something that didn’t help in the slightest either his already short temper and his impatience.
All you wanted to do in this situation was help him, and you soon came to the conclusion that by taking him to your sacred spot would relieve at least some of the stress. However the final step in making that happen was you having to ask him, which shouldn’t seem at all that hard but your mind couldn’t help but fool you into thinking the absolute worst of outcomes; and yet you knew you should at least make an attempt before believing the worst of everything.
‘What?’ He snapped and immeditly hating himself for it upon seeing you flinch at his sharp tone, taking small steps away from him until there was a response sided distance between the two of you. He didn’t mean to snap at you, never, after all you were the last person Jason would ever take his anger out on, and even then he wouldn’t ever dare do that. ‘I’m sorry chipmunk.’ He rasped, rubbing his hands into his tired eyes. ‘I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just-‘
‘The phenomenon that is the crime rates in Gotham suddenly going up more then they have in the past week then they ever have in the past month.’ You cut him off, stepping closer to him and take one of his hands away from his eyes and holding it in your own. ‘This has forced yourself, Batman and any other active vigilante in the field to work overtime to combat it. I’m aware and you shouldn’t have to apologise for it.’ You concluded, raising his hand to your lips and kissing it several times as Jason’s hand went slack in your grasp.
‘Whatcha here for sweetheart because I know it’s just not to check up on little old me.’ Jason said and you cursed him for knowing you a little too well for your liking, but you wouldn’t want it any other way as it only reinforced your strong bond with one another.
‘I came here to see if you’d allow me to take you somewhere for a much needed change of scenery.’ You told him and Jason smiled, his tired eyes twinkled with amusement as his hand squeezed your own encouragingly. ‘Lead the way sweetheart.’ He said but soon laughed upon seeing your face as he kissed the side of your head affectionately. Not able to handle how naturally cute you were and whispered against your skin. ‘You should know by now that I’d follow you anywhere buttercup.’
‘I do and I often worry about your blind trust in me.’ You replied but a quick trip outside town and following a beaten up dirt road later, you and Jason had found yourselves within the clearing of a forest where small grounds of three or five fireflies were scattered about here and there, providing a natural light within the otherwise dark forest. You and Jason then sat yourselves down as comfortably as you could on the lush green grass and Jason was taken by how peaceful everything was, from the fireflies flying before him, the small riverbank that ran past his left hand side, to the sound of leaves being ruffled by the breeze had him feeling more relaxed than before.
Jason could easily imagine you doing the most mundane things possible in this very clearing, whether that be making flower crowns, birdwatching, or taking a quick nap beneath a nearby tree with the cat you just saved, who has now formed an attachment. And yet Jason found beauty in all these things and you, that he felt somewhat envious that he didn’t get to partake in such activities with you because he knew he couldn’t allow for crime in Gotham to rise even further in his absence. While Jason was lost within his head, he didn’t notice that a couple of fireflies land peacefully on his head, not until he heard your poor attempts to silence your laughter.
He smirks at you, loving that he got to hear the sound of your laughter. ‘What’s so funny sweetheart?’
You pointed to his head, smiling so sweetly that Jason thought he’d get cavities, you truly made this man as soft and sappy as a schoolboy with a crush and he secretly thrives on it. ‘Just that there’s a couple of fireflies taking refuge on your head.’ You tell him and Jason went to run his hand through his hair just as a small cluster of fireflies flew back up into the air, directing both of your eyes towards the endless sea of stars that hung above. ‘They’re beautiful aren’t they?’ You asked aloud and Jason took a quick glance towards you to admire just how ethereal you looked beneath the blinking lights of the fireflies and smiled dopily.
‘More than they could ever realise.’ He replied before looking back at the stars just as you went to look at him with a similar look he had given you. ‘Much a diamond in the rough, they are equally as beautiful as they are important.’ You then reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers as you watched how Jason swallowed thickly and squeezed your hand back before looking back towards the stars yourself and allowing the silence to linger between the two of you.
‘This is truly a beautiful place you’ve brought me to chipmunk.’ Jason says after a while. ‘Are you sure you wanted to share it with me?’ He adds sheepishly and a tad uncertain of himself. He didn’t understand why you’ve brought him-whom some considered a violent man- to a place as peaceful and as beautiful as yourself…weren’t you scared that he’d one day destroy it?
You smiled and rested your head on his broad shoulder, pressing a kiss there as you watched as the fireflies twinkled in tandem with the stars. ‘There’s no one else I’d rather share this spot with than Jason. You may think you’re a violent man but you’ve proven yourself to be quite an emotional man also.’ You pressed another kiss to his arm in reassurance. ‘The moment I brought you here you’ve been nothing but respectful and cautious with your movements as though you’re worried you might step on a flower.’ Jason couldn’t help but laugh at that because it was true, he over thought his every movement as though one wrong move and he’d accidentally step on something he shouldn’t have. ‘I knew I made the right decision and now you can come here whenever you like, this place is just as yours as it is mine.’ You told him.
‘I’m only coming here if it’s to stargaze with my best partner.’ Jason said as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, causing you to smile automatically. ‘I mean if that’s okay with you.’ He then adds and you couldn’t help but chuckle at how soft and sweet he was being, something he only ever was when it was just the two of you and you felt honoured in getting to see that side of him. ‘It’s more than okay with me Jaybirdie. I don’t want to stargaze on my own anymore now that you’re here.’ You admit and Jason felt relieved at this that he couldn’t help but be a little cheeky as a result.
‘Is it so that you can watch fireflies make a home out of my hair and not say anything about it?’ He asks, giving you a look. ‘Be honest.’
You shrugged your shoulders. ‘Guilty as charged.’
‘Come here you.’ Jason then lunged for you and while you put up a good fight, you were soon placed between his legs and your back was firmly pressed against his chest as his arms were latched onto your waist as to keep you in place. ‘Now this is better for the both of us, don’t you think firefly?’ He whispered into your ear as he rests his head on your shoulder to be closer to you.
‘Yes it is.’ You whispered back and for the remainder of the night you both sat there amongst the fireflies and watched the stars.
It wasn’t until later that Jason pointed out to you that you had a small cluster of fireflies yourself resting on your lap, blinking softly but didn’t say anything earlier because you looked too peaceful to be disrupted.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
A Kent And A Wayne (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Effects Of The Toxin (Clark Kent X Wayne!Male!Reader)
Motherly (Diane Prince X Teen!Reader)
Family Visit (Diana Prince X Daughter!Reader)
Snow Day (Diana Prince X Reader)
Washing Up (Diana Prince X Male!Reader)
Little Gifts (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Anyone But Him (Barry Allen X Wayne!Reader)
Another Speedster (Barry Allen X Reader)
The Wayne Mystery (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Sorry!(Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Cancelled Plans (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Please Stop (Barry Allen X Fem!Reader)
Actual Flirting (Barry Allen X Male!Reader)
Caught Red Handed (Barry Allen X Fem!Wayne!Reader)
How Did It Come To This? (Barry Allen X Sibling!Reader)
Would You Kindly? (Justice League X Male!Reader)
Hidden Scars And Memories (Justice League X Male!Reader)
New Start (Roy Harper X Male!Reader X Jason Todd)
A Mostly Successful Mission (Jason Todd X Male!Reader X Roy Harper)
Keeping Secrets (Dick Grayson X Male!Reader X Wally West)
The Quiet Son (Bruce Wayne X Son!Reader X Justice League)
Father's Day (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
No More Joker (Harley Quinn X Fem!Reader X Poison Ivy)
City Siren's Daughter (Harley, Ivy & Selina X Daughter!Reader)
Nightmares (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
Their Redemption (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader X Ivy)
One Of Us Hurt (Bruce Wayne X Male!Reader X Clark Kent)
Penguin's Friend (Ed Nygma X Male!Reader)
Waiting For You (Jerome Valeska X Fem!Reader)
My Responsibility (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader)
There For Me (Harley Quinn X Batsis!Reader)
Never Going Back (Harley Quinn X Daughter!Reader)
We Could Be A Team (Deathstroke X Daughter!Reader)
Colleagues (Jonathan Crane X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
What Happened?! (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Close Your Eyes (Leonard Snart X Reader)
Nothing Else (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Secret Meetings (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
We're Having A Baby? (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
She's My Sister! (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Letting You Go (Leonard Snart X Fem!Reader)
Future Child (Leonard Snart X Daughter!Reader)
Saving Up (Harrison Wells X Trans!Male!Reader)
Stubborn And Injured (Raven X Fem!Reader)
Not Fireproof (Raven X Reader)
Blues Music (Teen Titans X Reader)
A Little Help (Batman X Scarecrow) Pt 1 / Pt 2
Finally Married (Rip Hunter X Reader)
Cant' Wait (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
Sneaking Out (Mick Rory X Fem!Reader)
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fluentmoviequoter · 11 months
DC Comics
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (+ Wally West, Razer - no fics yet)
Dick Grayson x fem!reader
One More Favor (Titans!Dick Grayson)
5k+ words | angst to fluff | When Dick takes Rachel out of Detroit, he needs help, but he'll have to call in a few favors first.
Honeymoon Suite
2.6k+ words | fluff | Batman sends you and Dick undercover as newlyweds. At the end of the mission, neither of you want things to change.
Bang, Baby
5.5k+ words | angst-ish to fluff | metahuman!reader | After you move to Dakota City from Gotham, you find yourself dealing with metahumans and vigilantes yet again. Dick Grayson comes to check on you after an explosion and gets a surprising glimpse into your mind.
Jason Todd x fem!reader
The Man Under the Hood
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | After a terrifying encounter with Red Hood, Jason is left to pick up the pieces.
Love, The Man Under the Hood 1.8k+ words | angst to fluff | After learning that Jason Todd is the Red Hood, he tells you everything.
1.5k words | fluff | Gotham winters are brutal, but your best friend Jason Todd and work friend Red Hood know how to combat the cold. Unfortunately, you're falling in love with both of them.
Lost Time
1.3k+ words | fluff | Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Family Name
6.6k+ words | angst to fluff | ex-Army/SWAT!reader | After ten years away, you return to Gotham. When you discover you know the true identity of the Joker, you join Batman's fight to save Gotham.
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
3.1k+ words | fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids 1.6k+ words | fluff | Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Black Mercy
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When you and Bruce find Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, you encounter the Black Mercy. Bruce faces his heart's greatest desire, and you encourage him to find happiness.
What You Want
2.9k+ words | angst / hurt/comfort | You are Joker's daughter, and you let him think for you. Bruce Wayne, however, sees who you really are and encourages you to be better.
Bats Need Lives Too
2.1k+ words | fluff/comfort | Bruce and the boys have bad days, and as their mom, it's your job to make them better.
2.7k+ words | fluff | Your husband Bruce never stops flirting with you, and everyone, in Gotham and beyond, knows it.
Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Me or the Ring
3.5k+ words | angst | When the Guardians suspect you, a woman from earth, of working with the Star Sapphires to commit mass murder, Hal Jordan volunteers to find evidence. He accidentally falls for you in the process, but you find out why he let you get so close and pull away.
Me and the Ring 2.9k+ words | angst to fluff | After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
/ Blurbs/Celebration Fics
Christmas '23 | Dick (Haley's Holiday)(A League Christmas) | Jason (Special Edition)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
The skeleton in the closet
by SharryBH Robyn Nova Spade Fox is the adoptive daughter of Lucious Fox. A capable manager, ex model, and a role model for Waynes. But there is always more beneath the surface. Words: 2038, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman (Comics), Batfamily - Fandom, Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Batman, Kal-L | Earth-2 Superman, Nightwing, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, redhood, Jason Todd, Kate Kane (DCU), Joker (DCU), Hush Relationships: Batman x reader - Relationship, Bruce Wayne/Reader Additional Tags: Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne Has Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Batman, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, What Have I Done, idk - Freeform, just read please it will get interesting, Bruce Wayne is Brucie Wayne, Batman Played by Christian Bale via https://ift.tt/dsGobOB
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randomdcfangirl · 4 years
Jason x Superman's daughter!reader
Request: Hi can i request a jason todd x reader where reader is a daughter of a hero and defends jason infront of the jl by @illzarr
(A/N): You didn't specify if you wanted them to be a couple or not but I made them one, hope that's okay :) Also I made it Superman's daughter.
Tags: @redhoodieone @avengerdragoness @comic-nerd-dc
Keys: (Y/N): Your Name (Y/S/N): Your Superhero Name
Word Count: 1,381
Warning(s): Cursing, arguing, mention of child abuse, talking about Jason's death, league may be a bit rude and ignorant when it comes to Red Hood, also a bit insensitive
Being on The Watchtower wasn't something Jason liked doing, especially since he wasn't Robin anymore. As Robin it was fun and he liked it but after everything it wasn't a fun experience. Red Hood isn't seen as a hero in the hero community like he is down in Crime Alley. Moral codes got in the way of that.
How the hell Jason got (Y/N) Kent or (Y/S/N) he has no idea, no fucking clue. Why did Clark allow it you may ask? He did not, he doesn't know, good thing Jason carries Kryptonite around, he's not dying a second time to Superman.
Jason doesn't even really know why he was called to this mission, it wasn't hard and they wouldn't need backup so he was a bit on guard because of that. He was walking with his Nightwing, his brother of all people, to this meeting that Jason is pretty sure isn't a meeting. Jason's pretty sure he's getting set up but he was going with it for now, well somewhat.
"Wing, you need to tell me right now, am I getting set up?" Jason asked him.
"I'm not going to take you to get arrested, Hood. If I wanted that it would've happened a long time ago." Dick let out a laugh.
"Wow thanks, glad to know you don't want me in prison." Jason joked. "But actually, this isn't a mission is it?"
"To be honest, I wasn't told anything either. So I honestly don't know." Dick replied.
"Okay, now I know it's not a mission. They were prepared for me to ask questions so they didn't tell you anything." Jason sighed. "Guess I'm arguing with somebody today."
Dick shrugged and they continued on their way to the conference room. That conversation didn't give Jason any information at all. They arrived in the conference room a few minutes later and everyone was there, already waiting for them. There was a seat for Jason at the table between Diana and (Y/N), Jason cautiously walked up and sat in the chair while Dick walked around to sit next to Bruce and Clark.
"Now that we're all here we can get started. So, it's not really a mission." Superman said. Jason's suspicions were confirmed.
"I had a feeling, so why am I here?" Jason sighed.
"Think of this as sort of an intervention, Batman has no say in anything we've done and he cannot stop it." Diana said.
"Intervention for what?" Jason asked confused.
"Your actions as the Red Hood." Clark replied.
"If this is about killing I haven't killed anyone in the past year, bats already beat you to that "intervention" a while ago." Jason said with finger quotations.
"Not just the killing, there's a lot of younger heros that look up to you and you're too aggressive out in the field." Diana explained vaguely.
"But yes mostly the killing." Flash said.
"I didn't sign up to be a role model, that's not my fault. All I do is mind my business and do my job, I don't think that's a need for an intervention." Jason replied.
"Okay, let's talk to Jason instead of Red Hood, drop the persona." Superman said. "Clark to Jason."
"Sorry but Jason isn't any different, I think the person you're looking for died in a warehouse 8 years ago." Jason replied, Clark flinched a bit at that remark. "Just spit it the fuck out, why exactly am I here?"
"They don't like the way you act and work down in Gotham like they have any authority down there in the first place." (Y/N) said from her place next to Jason.
"(Y/N)." Clark warned.
"No, all you guys ever do when he's here is criticize like you have authority over him. Well guess fucking what, you don't. He's a grown man who can make his own decisions and you're not his family. Maybe you were considered so at one point but in my opinion you lost that privilege a long time ago!" She exclaimed to all of them.
"(Y/N) you don't hav-." Jason started but she cut him off standing out of her chair.
"No! I do! I'm sick of all of you trying to change who the Red Hood is! Just because he has a different moral code? Also did you know that he's never once killed an innocent person? Did you know Red Hood has only ever killed murderers, rapists, child molesters, because I don't know about you but those people don't deserve to be breathing in my opinion anyway." She said darkly then turned to Jason and talked softly. "They brought you up here because Joker is dead but they wanted to know if you did it or not. They wanted to see if they could make you say it without straight out asking you."
"He's dead? When? Who?" Jason asked quietly in shock.
"We were hoping you knew." Green Lantern said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
"If I was never stopped he would've been dead a long time ago. But no I didn't kill him, I wish I did but nope." Jason was keeping himself composed from the shock.
"Okay, he didn't kill him, like I told you many times. But you wanted to know how I knew so you know what I'll tell you. I was with him for the past 2 weeks every single night and day. He's my boyfriend and he's the most kind hearted, hard working, strongest and intelligent man I've ever met. I've never been treated with such respect and love so I'm not going to sit here and let you tear him a part in lectures anymore. He does too much good down in Crime Alley to deserve it." She said strongly to everyone in the room. Bruce sent her a nod because he's glad Jason has her.
"Oh really, what good has he done?" Green Arrow said.
"When was the last time you guys gave out food to street kids or an orphanage? How many of you guys help kids with homework or the kids who have to cover bruises on their arms or legs while at school? When was the last time you gave a sexual assault victim peace of mind knowing their attacker can't hurt them anymore? When was the last time you worked your asses off every single night to bring kidnapped children home from a trafficking ring? Probably never for most of you but Jason does it every single day while dealing with his own demons up in his mind because guess what he's gone through literal hell and back and that shit ain't easy!" She exclaimed more. "C'mon babe, you have no reason to be up here. Let's go home."
She grabbed his hand after they both stood up and they walked out of the room. They left everyone in the room including her father who didn't know what to think.
"That's three bats now somehow involved with my family." Clark sighed.
"It's not fun from my side either, Clark." Bruce replied standing up. "Also don't ever call a meeting to do with any of my children again. Especially not Jason, he deals with enough already and you have no authority over Gotham so your input on my city is not accepted. Leave my family and my city out of League business, this meeting is over."
Batman is scary but Batdad is scarier.
When Jason and (Y/N) got to his apartment they changed out of their gear and into sweats and comfy clothes.
"You didn't have to do that you know." Jason said wrapping his arms around her from behind while in their bedroom looking out the window.
"I did, I know you won't defend yourself with actual facts and would likely turn to anger to protect yourself so as your girlfriend I decided I'd take it upon myself to protect you the way you try to protect me, even though I'm Kryptonian." She replied. Jason huffed a laugh because he does do that even though she doesn't need it.
"I love you." Jason told her kissing the side of her head.
"I love you too." She replied and turned to give him a real kiss.
They'd deal with Superman later.
Hi, I haven't wrote is fic in a long time but here this is. I'm still doing the Jason x Bermudian!reader I'm sorry that's taking so long. But I love you guys and hopefully I'll be more active on here :) <3 (Also I couldn't think of a title lol)
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This Game of Yours
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Jason was beautiful.
And somehow that scar that went from the right corner of his mouth up to his temple only made him that much more beautiful to Y/N.
Those blue eyes were the same color of water on a stormy day in the Irish sea. And somehow Y/N knew they held the same tempestuousness.
The white streak weaved with his jet black hair so naturally that Y/N would’ve believed he was born with it.
His shoulders were so broad, making his 6’3 height feel even more imposing. He had a presence. People noticed every time he walked into a room. It made Y/N wonder how he was ever able to sneak up on people as Red Hood.
He was wearing a black hoodie underneath his black moto jacket.
Y/N knew Jason didn’t give a shit about fashion. Yet he was well-dressed without any effort – more so than most of the models Y/N had shot throughout her career.
Not being able to control herself any longer, Y/N raised her camera and took a photo.
Jason stopped surveying their surroundings and his gaze snapped to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
But his growl didn’t scare her in the slightest.
“Anyone who’s by me when I have a camera is at risk of getting their picture taken. No one is safe. Not even you,” she answered his question unapologetically.
Y/N was working on a personal passion project for her next show. Her collection would be about the poverty and crime of Gotham. Half of the photos would show the heaviest crime areas of the city. And the other half would expose the lifestyles of the wealthiest people in Gotham.
Why did so many suffer from the same system that helped the rich get even richer?
When Bruce found out Y/N was going to Crime Alley and the Bowery by herself, he was visibly upset.
But he realized that Y/N would do as she pleased, so his plan b was to give her protective detail.
However, Y/N didn’t know that Jason had volunteered, almost immediately.
Instead, all she heard was Jason grimly telling her, “You’re lucky you haven’t been fucking murdered yet.”
She had only responded with a roll of her eyes.
“I’m not your escort so you can take my picture. I’m here so you don’t get raped or murdered.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words?”
His only response was a glare.
Jason loved playing this game. The game of pretending to be irritated with her when actually he was absolutely infatuated with Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“The easiest way to stop getting your picture taken is to always be the one holding the camera,” Y/N added with a smirk and wink.
Jason didn’t answer, only thinking what a shame it was that no one got to photograph her.
Suddenly, the sunlight hit the top of his head perfectly, creating a halo around that thick and messy hair of his.
Y/N snapped another photo.
“Will you stop?” He warned.
It only succeeded in making her laugh.
And that just excited his heart even more.
“Jason, you were born to get your photo taken.” 
There was no joke underneath her words, only sincerity.
“Whatever,” he mumbled.
Jason had a hard time believing that. His skin was riddled with scars. And he was convinced that she’d be singing a different song if she saw his chest, with its thick autopsy scar amongst the so many others. The absolute last word he’d use to describe himself was beautiful. Strong and imposing? Yes. But never beautiful – or any other positive adjective, for that matter.
“I’m not kidding. If you ever want to stop the whole vigilante thing, you can easily become a model.”
Y/N had noticed it as soon as Jason took of his helmet that night. His domino mask had done nothing to prevent her from noting the obvious.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to realize Jason wasn’t like his “brothers.”
“Brothers.” What a strange word.
Should she consider all of them as hers?
Only Damian was actually related to her – and technically he was only her half-brother.
Y/N had watched Jason get on his motorcycle and leave the cave that night she’d almost died.
She’d agreed to stay for dinner and get to know everyone. And a part of her brain was excited to get a better read on the masked man that sat by her bedside as she’d recovered.
“He’s not staying?” Y/N had asked Bruce as he guided her to the stairs that led back up to the manor.
He only shook his head, but she noticed the disappointed expression.
Soon she found out that Jason was the black sheep of this strange family that had taken her in.
Dick was the one who told her about Jason’s dark past. All of it seemed unbelievable: murdered by Joker and brought back to life from a mysterious pit. Only to return to the family who appeared to have replaced him and never sought vengeance on Jason’s behalf. 
But it was true; Y/N had seen no lie in Dick’s eyes when he filled her in.
Suddenly there was yelling coming from around the corner.
Without hesitation, Jason shoved Y/N behind him.
He reached for one of his guns and then realized that he didn’t have any.
Y/N was rather vocal about hating them, claiming they made her extremely uncomfortable.
Her expression alone as she said it was enough for Jason to swallow his stubbornness and leave the things at home.
Bruce was rather taken aback by the gesture. Nothing he’d ever said was enough to get Jason to do that.
A gang of young men came marching around the corner like they owned the place…because they did. This was their territory.
Jason immediately recognized them as some of the Russian mob.
Despite pulling Y/N behind him, they still caught sight of her and looked her up and down without an ounce of shame.
“Hey, beautiful. How you doing?”
“Продолжай идти, придурки,” Jason growled at them.
He was outnumbered. But there must’ve been something about his body language that made the gang realize they shouldn’t pick a fight with him. Maybe it was the muscles or his height or that he looked like he wouldn’t even blink before murdering them.
So they just…walked away. Some of them mumbled threats or insults at him. But they realized they shouldn’t even so much as look at Y/N.
A split second before they were gone, Y/N took a picture of Jason.
“Really?” He asked.
She shrugged. “You look like a different person when you’re protective.”
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Y/N was beautiful.
Jason watched as she passionately explained her work to a potential buyer.
He recognized the man as a local politician – luckily, one of the few that hadn’t been corrupted from this shitty city.
Y/N had the intimidating energy of her father, but the kind eyes of her mother. At least, that was what Bruce had told everyone, and they all took his word for it.
She wore a stylish white jumpsuit that made her look like a 1980s villain and black stiletto heels. 
Jason watched as men cowered in her presence, hating the fact that she proudly stood taller than them. She was just one less woman they could intimidate or manipulate – and they couldn’t stand it.
But Jason loved watching the emasculation in real time.
The bastards didn’t deserve her anyway.
Dick was one of the very few men Jason knew who didn’t blink at a woman towering over him. In fact, his older brother had a track record of preferring it.
“Surprised to see you here,” Bruce said beside him, catching Jason watching Y/N.
“Well, I was her personal bodyguard through all this. Figured I should see if it was worth me wasting my time or not.” Then he tossed back his champagne and slammed it on the tray of a waiter passing by. “Plus, free alcohol.”
Bruce just quirked an eyebrow, silently telling Jason that he knew he was lying.
“Are you buying something?” Jason asked, trying to change the subject.
“I have been strictly forbidden,” Bruce sighed.
Jason chuckled.
He knew if Bruce had his way, he’d buy every single on of Y/N’s pieces.
“I have to know,” Bruce began. “What exactly is holding you back?”
Jason finally ripped his gaze away from Y/N to give Bruce a questioning look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You care about her.”
“All of us do,” Jason brushed off. “Even the demon spawn.”
Bruce knew there wasn’t a chance Jason would admit his feelings – especially to him.
“Not that I think you care…but you have my approval.”
Little did Bruce know, Jason did care.
Jason had convinced himself that their rocky relationship and past fights meant that Bruce would die before he let Jason be anywhere near his daughter.
And Jason could hardly blame him.
He didn’t deserve to be loved. He lost that right after he died and came back a monster. And that was the story Jason told himself over and over again.
So he would love Y/N from afar. And hope she would pick someone who was worthy of her love.
“She’s basically my sister,” Jason groaned in fake disgust.
It was quite the performance.
Bruce narrowed his eyes. “We both know that isn’t what’s stopping you. And you’ve made it clear you don’t consider us your family.”
“Whatever, Bruce.”
Jason walked away, having enough of the subject.
“What was that about?” Clark asked as he joined Bruce’s side.
“Jason refusing to let himself be happy,” Bruce sighed.
Clark already knew what Bruce was talking about. He’d seen Y/N and Jason dancing around each other for months now. He’d never really seen Y/N take an interest in anyone before, so it was all new for Clark.
“Don’t worry. Y/N won’t let him get away with it for much longer,” Clark said through a smirk. “She gets what she wants.”
And Bruce believed him.
“It doesn’t bother you – the two of them together?” Clark asked with genuine curiosity.
“Jason reminds me every day that I’m not his father. And I’m hardly Y/N’s.” A soft smile formed on Bruce’s lips. “He’ll look after her. And she…I think she’d be good for him. I just want them to be happy. Both of them.”
Jason headed home rather early.
He’d never actually went to say congratulations or even hello to Y/N.
Every time he was about to go over, someone else stole her attention. He didn’t want to get in the way of her talking to potential buyers or even just friends.
Jason was just about to make himself something to eat when there was a knock at his door.
He froze.
Very few people knew where his apartment was.
Jason grabbed a gun and tiptoed to his front door.
With a peak through the peephole, he let out a irritated sigh.
Jason whipped the door open, “You’re lucky I didn’t shoot your head off.”
“Maybe don’t own guns and you wouldn’t have to worry about shit like that,” Y/N snapped back.
“What are you doing here?”
“You come to my gallery opening and don’t even say hi?” Y/N accused as she stepped around him and into the apartment, not waiting for an invitation.
Jason eyed the paper bag that was in one of her hands.
“By all means, come on in,” he called sarcastically as he slammed the door behind her.
Y/N started searching through his cabinets. “Where are your glasses?”
“The one to your right. What are you doing here?”
Y/N had the brightest and almost mischievous smile as she pulled a bottle of champagne from the paper bag.
“I brought this as my thanks for you making sure I don’t – and I quote – ‘get raped and murdered.’”
Jason glared at her.
Here was the game again.
Y/N being charming and hilariously provoking..and Jason pretending like he hadn’t fallen for her.
She poured them both a glass. They weren’t flutes or coupes, but she couldn’t care less.
“We’re chugging these, by the way,” Y/N informed Jason as she handed him a glass.
He sighed, but obediently clinked his glass with hers and tossed it back.
Barely giving them a second, Y/N immediately refilled them.
“So, why didn’t you come over and say hi?” She repeated.
“Didn’t want to bother you,” Jason mumbled with a shrug.
She narrowed her eyes at his answer. “You’ve never bothered me before, Jason.”
Now he felt guilty.
Jason bowed his head. “I should’ve come and talked to you,” he agreed. “Your work…it looked – it’s amazing, Y/N. Congratulations.”
Apparently Y/N hadn’t expected such a sincere compliment from him, and she was stunned to silence.
“Thank you,” she managed to whisper once she’d recovered.
She cleared her throat, trying to maintain her edge. “And really…thank you for being my own little security detail.”
If Jason was healthy about expressing is thoughts and feelings, he would’ve told her that it was the highlight of his weeks. That he looked forward to her calls or texts, telling him that she was going to photograph another shady area. “Be there or don’t. I’m going no matter what,” she’d text him with her usual snark.
But Jason didn’t express his thoughts and feelings.
He kept them bottled up – with the same energy he used to keep Y/N at a distance.
So instead, Jason said, “If it wasn’t me, one of the others would’ve done it.”
Y/N winced slightly at that.
‘You’re such a fucking asshole,’ Jason told himself.
“You know…we can see each other even you’re not my bodyguard.”
Jason was impressed by her boldness. But she didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t understand that he wasn’t good. He couldn’t play the loving boyfriend role. She belonged with someone like Dick or Clark – or literally anyone but him. And Jason was willing to be an asshole to make sure she understood that.
Y/N took a step closer to him, invading his personal space.
Without breaking eye contact, she threw back her second glass of champagne and then placed it on the nearest counter space.
She stepped even closer.
This was simultaneously Jason’s worst nightmare and most desired dream.
Her eyes moved from his eyes to his lips.
But before she could make her final push, Jason took a step back and cleared his throat.
He looked down at the ground as he said, “You should go.”
When he looked up, he expected to find Y/N heartbroken or embarrassed.
But she was neither.
No. She looked irritated.
Not because she wasn’t getting what she wanted, but because she was sick of his games.
Y/N sighed and stepped back. “Fine.”
Jason rubbed his face in frustration as she grabbed her purse and started for the door she had walked through only minutes ago.
She opened it and paused.
“You know what? No. Fuck that,” Y/N snapped before slamming the door closed.
She whipped around and strutted back to him with purpose.
Jason was suspended with both fervor and awe.
Y/N grabbed his face and pulled him down to her lips.
All self control went out the window. Jason couldn’t continue his game. It was all over for him.
He kissed her back almost immediately. How could he not?
Y/N bit his lip slightly, making him hiss in surprise. It was his punishment for making her wait all this time.
Eventually they needed a moment to breathe.
But Y/N didn’t let go of his face when their lips finally parted.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she breathed.
He swallowed nervously. “You’re kind of fucking terrifying. You know that?”
Her smile was pure evil.
Apparently this was the right response.
“Are you done being an idiot?” She asked.
He nodded quickly.
Her hands moved down and then lingered on his neck, tracing the bottom lines of his jaw.
She smiled again and then looked him up and down.
“What?” He questioned.
“Nothing,” she laughed. “I’m just…I’m not used to being shorter than men.”
“Is that the only reason you like me? Huh? My height?” Jason goaded.
“Of course not,” Y/N scoffed. “It was the whole ‘I look like I could murder everyone and I can, but deep down I’m a big softie’ that did it for me.”
Jason’s grip tightened on her waist. “Oh, yeah? You’re one to talk…”
“Me?!” She yelped. “I couldn’t kill anyone, even if my life depended on it.”
“Maybe. But your terrifying in basically every other way.”
Y/N laughed at that.
Jason couldn’t stop himself from smiling at the sound
“So…still want me to leave?” She asked.
And this time, she would if that’s really what he wanted.
“Fuck no,” Jason answered, almost threateningly.
Then, for good measure, he picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the couch, before he started to kiss her once again.
Y/N knew things weren’t always going to be this simple.
Jason had his demons. 
And honestly, so did she. They were nothing like his. And maybe they were silly in comparison. But she wouldn’t be the perfect partner. Just like he wouldn’t be. 
They’d drive each other crazy. But it would be the good kind of crazy.
+ Childhood
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side-shawty · 5 years
Ivy’s Daughter • Two
Title: Ivy’s Daughter • Two
Fandom: DC
Type: series
Prompt/Summary: Poison Ivy asks Batman to care for her daughter.
Pairing(s): (eventual) Damian Wayne x Reader (aged up), Batfamily x Reader
Requested? Yes
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It took two weeks for J’onn to permanently stabilize Y/N’s mind and for Bruce to utilize everything Ivy gave him to create a compound that stabilized her growth. She would age slower than the average person but it was better than the accelerated growth rate she had to begin with.
He also tried to acquaint her as much as he could with society and its norms. His kids would take care of whatever he missed. Or at least he hoped so.
In this time you were staying in a room at the League HQ. The very first time you opened your eyes the first thing you were met with was a ceiling full of stars against the darkness of space.
Every inch of you was filled with shock and surprise but you stood quickly and almost knocked over the IV as it was ripped from your arm with the movement.
You called for your mother, and when no answer found your ears you began to panic. You attempted to open the doors, the first was a bathroom and the second one was certainly the exit because it had been sealed shut.
“Let me out!” You screamed and waited. No answer again.
You looked around the room for something that could help you get the door open but the room was bare save for your bed, a nightstand with a bamboo plant, and two plastic chairs against the wall under a window.
Your breathing was heavy and ragged as you dragged yourself to the said window and looked out of it. You were slowly floating through space and the Earth was shining back at you with it’s beautiful blue and green.
You were terrified but for some reason, the view made your breathing slow and you took deep breaths.
Panicking now would do nothing, you had to think of a plan. As you were racking your brain for ideas there was a soft hiss as the door slid open.
Your head quickly whipped around to eye the figures standing in the doorway. An uncowled Batman and Superman were both looking to you with sympathy clouding their eyes.
“Hello, Y/N,” Batman said, “My name is —“
“Bruce Wayne,” you cut him off, “My mother told me about you. She said I could trust you. Where is she?” You asked.
“In hiding,” Bruce said stepping closer with his hands raised in front of him. You didn’t of him as a threat but appreciated the gesture.
“Why?” You asked.
“In order to keep you safe, she had to do some things she’s not proud of. There are some bad people after her now, so she left you in my care,” Bruce told you, now only a few steps away. He put his hands at his side.
“No,” you said, “bring me back. I want to be with my mother.”
“I don’t know where she is,” He said.
The anger that flared in your eyes made Superman shift on his feet at his place in front of the closed door.
Before you got the chance to speak again Bruce continued, “I spoke to her before she left. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you very much but this is the only way to keep you safe.”
“Throwing me into outer space? I would have been better off at home, I can take care of myself,” you said, crossing your arms.
As if the universe had been personally involved in this conversation the station rocked and you lost your footing, Bruce caught you before you could hit the ground.
After releasing you, he looked to Superman and sighed, “Jason is here with Bizzaro. Make sure they don’t break anything else, please.”
Superman looked wary before nodding his head and exiting the room.
“Jason? As in your son—Red Hood?” You asked. Batman’s eyes went wide for a millisecond before he recovered.
“Yes. You’ll be meeting him when we go home.”
“And when will that be?”
You were given a pair of black jeans, boots, and a long-sleeved t-shirt to change into when Bruce told you it was time to go. It was the last thing you wanted, so you devised a plan, you would stay for a few days, maybe a week and then you’d slip away and find your mother. It wasn’t at all fool-proof but it was a start.
On the walk to the zeta tube, Bruce had told you that this was your home and you wouldn’t feel like a prisoner, but there were still rules.
When the flash of teleportation faded from your vision you were faced with the intricate, oddly welcoming Bat Cave. In your opinion it was stunning, but you didn’t get much time to fully explore it or take it in as Bruce led you towards computers and the people standing amongst them.
Three boys were standing with an older man and a young woman, once you and Bruce reached them you decided to let someone else speak first.
“Y/N these are my children,” Bruce began, “well some of them. Dick, Tim, Cassandra, and Damian. And this,” he gestured to the older man, “is Alfred. He’s one of the reasons things continue to run around here. You’ll meet the other later.” He told you smiling to himself at an inside joke.
“This is Y/N Isley. She’ll be staying with us.” Bruce said and you waited for more but it never came.
Dick was the first to move forward, “Nice to meet you Y/N,” he stared, holding out his hand. You shook it. “What Bruce failed to mention was that I am also the oldest and his favorite,” He said with a smile before his phone chimed. He removed it from his pocket to check.
“I am also late for a date, but welcome and I’ll see you around,” Dick told you with a wink before heading towards a staircase and disappearing.
“While he might be the oldest, I’m the brains of this operation,” Tim said before also shaking your hand.
“You’re still as delusional as ever Drake,” Damian said, and once you looked to him he was the only thing that holds your attention as the two of them began to bicker.
He looked like Bruce, but not really. His eyes were a different shade of blue, almost green…almost. As you continued to stare, Cassandra walked up to you.
“I’m Cass,” she said, her voice was soft and sweet as she bowed her head ever so slightly instead of shaking your hand.
“Hi,” you replied, realizing it was the first thing you had said since coming into the cave.
“Let’s get cookies,” she said to you and linked her arm with your own before bringing you up the same stairs Dick went up. Alfred followed closely behind and Bruce sought to stop his sons from arguing.
You liked Cass. She was a woman of few words but they got her point across every time. Afterward, she had given you a quick tour of the main living areas before she had to leave for patrol.
When she left you decided to wander a bit more on your own. The manor was even more extraordinary than you could have imagined. You found yourself gravitating towards the library.
While you were in your cryo-chamber your mother had taken to reading to you. She was never sure if you could hear or not but you remember. It was always peaceful when she read to you.
You felt a pang in your heart as you stepped inside and began running your hands along the spines of the books. You stopped on one with a green cover when the door to the library opened and closed.
Your eyes met Damian’s when you turned to him. His face was tight and uninviting as he watched you continue to read the spines.
After a few more moments he finally spoke.
“You don’t belong here,” he said, his voice was emotionless and uninviting. You sighed and finally turned to him, crossing your arms.
Damian was only a few feet from the door but was slowly inching closer to you.
“I don’t belong anywhere,” You said to him, and his features flickered briefly, he clearly wasn’t expecting that answer.
“So why not try to leave?” Damian asked, he finally stopped an arm's length away.
“I haven’t got anywhere to go. Not yet anyway,” You told him, tugging at a red curl and wrapping it around your finger.
“Well, your mother was a criminal with connections. So the faster you find one, the faster you leave.” He said, crossing his arms.
It was hard not to look at Damian’s arms in the fitted black t-shirt. He saw your gaze shift for a second and gave the faintest of smirks.
“This house is a fortress. I step a toe off the property and your father would drag me back,” You released your curl and turned back to the books on the shelf.
“Tt, if you were half the mastermind your mother was you could, and will, be out by morning,” He said before turning on his heel and leaving.
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epiemy · 3 years
Hi, I love your Batfam writing!!! And if you're still taking orders, would I like a headcanon where the reader is Wonder Woman and Superman's daughter and starts dating Jason? It would be amazing to read this! Thank you for your attention.
Warnings: Basic violence, mentions of sex and sensible themes.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1000+
A/N: Sorry for grammar mistakes.
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ok, let's start at the beginning (no, at the end, smart)- sorry I'm too much of a joke today;
I believe it's a consensus among the fandom that the three oldest members of the Justice League have already hooked up at some point (B, Diana and Clark);
With that in mind, one day our dear Amazon disappears from the League with just a note to Bruce letting him know that she is pregnant and that SupsTM can't even dream that this happened... B is not a billionaire vigilante for nothing, he understood the situation. and gave his word to keep silent;
during the 20 years that Diana remained on Themyscira, she trained her little girl along with Hippolyta and other of her sisters, teaching you how to behave, fight and most importantly, not depend on any man in your life;
the eldest never had a problem talking about Clark, so it was obvious that she knew at some point you'd want to meet her father and the famous Uncle Bruce, or (B)itchman - nickname you swore you'd never tell anyone;
imagine Superman's surprise to see a girl who is the exact mix of him and Wonder Woman standing at his door with a confident posture...
woman, you just broke the most powerful being on earth, congratulations;
anyway, when explaining the whole situation he clearly understood, but he also had to say that he is married now and that he has two children, one named Conner and the youngest, Jon;
you met them both on the same day, and I must say that Conner liked you the most, he loved his personality;
that's not why Jon hated you, in fact the 9 year old boy loved you, but he just saw you as his older sister just like Kon, but the older one saw you as a best friend;
coming out of sentimentality, you found the world of men extremely curious and thought that the most appropriate person to show you around was Uncle Bruce, so you were determined to meet the dreaded Batman;
as your mother was busy on a mission with the Green Lantern, you took the opportunity to visit Wayne Manor, a very beautiful place in your conception of beauty, but which would never come close to the island where you were born and raised;
before you even knock on the door, a tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed man looks at you in surprise as he recognizes Diana's features;
"Hi Uncle Bruce, I'm Y/N Prince Kent or Y/N-El" you nod excitedly and he gives you a slight smile, nodding in agreement;
"Hello Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you. Please come in, Alfred our butler is preparing a meal for us, but I should let you know we have a guest" he points out and you just nod, following him inside the mansion.
when passing through the dining room door you notice 5 pairs of eyes on you, and recognize the first with surprise;
"Kon you bastard, you could have given me a ride, flying is tiresome" you clap him on the shoulder, and of course the boy feels pain, you've inherited your father's powers in full and even the skills/training of an Amazon
"Ouch, I didn't even know you were coming here and I get tired too, Jon had to fly me in, believe me when I say it's pretty embarrassing to be on your 8 year old brother's lap"
the others just watched the interaction with a raised eyebrow, Jason was completely enchanted by her beauty and was sure he was dating Conner, he never liked the boy after all;
Dick had the biggest charming smile, he had a sense of who his parents were and we all know he has a CLIFF for tall women;
Tim was working and so he barely paid attention, while Damian just ignored the situation going straight to the point that everyone wanted to know: "Who the hell are you?"
"Dami! Don't be rude!" Dick mutters to the boy as Jason slaps the younger one on the neck saying "Shut up brat, leave the girl alone"
you look at the interaction, completely embarrassed that you forgot to introduce yourself, but then snap back into your dominant posture to wave to the boys;
"I'm Y/N Prince Kent, but you can call me Y/N" You say smiling and soon you notice the gears in each one's head trying to put the pieces together but then it helps "yes, I'm their daughter and you didn't know nothing because I was raised on the island where my mother spent most of her life" a chorus of Ah's was heard and the eldest soon came to give him a hug, he just didn't expect he would get a headlock;
"By Hera, sorry, sorry" you release him red with embarrassment "we were taught not to let men touch us without permission"
Dick is embarrassed apologizing to you while Jason and the others started laughing on account of their brother;
"It was my mistake, but I must introduce myself better, I'm Dick, the best vigilante here, the-" "Nightwing" you cut him off to smile "I love what you do, however you're not my favorite"
He soon raises an eyebrow "so who should it be" and you just point a finger at Jason and Damian who are smug on the couch "I really like Robin a lot but Red Hood is what really does justice for lost lives, I appreciate the change that he does it for the good of the city, and the other day I found him feeding stray kittens with Robin, it was just adorable" the two cited are red in the face but quickly hide;
after that interaction, you and Jason took your numbers and became extremely close, it was painfully obvious that you both liked each other;
Jay was the one who couldn't take the tension between you any longer and decided to take her to a special coffee shop in her old neighborhood to ask her out on a date, which you happily accepted;
going to your 2 years of dating, you just accepted that the apartment you started sharing with your boyfriend would be shared with 5 more people Dick, Tim and Damian, who would come after patrols to eat and rest (they actually love you and want stick around), Kon who loves to bother Jason and Roy who lives to call you sister-in-law and see you daily;
you didn't mind having so many people in the house, it was nice to have something buzzing especially after taking up your mantle in Justice League as Wonderfall, going up against Jay, your mom and dad who steadfastly disapproved of you getting involved in that world. After weeks of arguing they decided you were too stubborn to try to change your mind, so they accepted. Bruce knew from the start that you were a lost cause, so he trained you for months to be able to handle anything, even without your powers;
your relationship with Jason would be comical to say the least, I imagine him being a huggable bear and not wanting to get up in the morning, until you use your laser to burn off a piece of your clothing, where he usually drops a smart line like "if you wanted me naked, it was just asking for babygirl";
it's in this line that he usually gets a sex strike, since you were deathly late for work;
B gave you a position at Wayne Enterprise, where you'd be with Tim to help the workaholic kid, and he pays handsomely;
anyway, as much as sometimes your lives are crazy, you would be happy to have each other;
enough of this cheesy shit, if you want a part 2 vote, comment and reblog!
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Hi, Icarus! Thanks so much for the ask!!!! 💖 I'll give you a sneak peek of your Jason Todd x Superman's Daughter!Reader request: (multiple roses means longer preview 😉)
You turn just as the final man raises his gun and fires three shots straight at Jason’s chest. “Nice try,” you smirk as you streak forward at superspeed, stopping just in front of Jason as the bullets soar toward him. However, the smirk drops from your face as the bullets don’t bounce harmlessly off you as expected. Instead, they drive deep into your chest, just above your heart. The force of the impact causes you to stumble backward into Jason, who flinches slightly in surprise at your sudden appearance and collision with him. Instantly, it feels like all of your strength is being sapped from your body and you collapse heavily against Jason’s chest. Luckily, he has a firm grip on your waist and keeps you from falling completely. Drawing you in, he lowers the both of you to the ground and allows you to lean against him with your legs out in front of you. Neither of you saw where the gunman disappeared after you collapsed, but at the moment, it is the least of your concerns. Glancing down, you can see three distinct holes in your suit, each one gushing blood. Normally, that should be the most worrisome part of the problem. However, your breath catches in your throat as you notice the faint green sheen mixed with your blood. But Jason hadn’t realized that yet. Holding you tightly, he asks, “What’s going on? How did this happen?” “I think– I think they were made for my father. Kryptonite bullets.” The realization of what this means slowly passes over Jason’s face. “That’s why they didn’t just bounce off you. You have Kryptonite buried in your chest?”
Send me a 🌹, get a line from a WIP
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
If We Were Fast Enough
Flash!Reader x Flashfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 5.3K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: I had this idea after watching a few clips of Flashpoint Paradox! Enjoy! -Thorne
Her hand was tightly clasped in his, eyes narrowed in sadness, but there was a pride in them; she felt the speed transfer between them, flowing through her veins and he said, “You’ve got my speed, honey. It’s up to you now.”
The tears that had welled in her vision tipped over and she whispered, “I can’t leave you here, dad. I—I can’t just run away.”
He shook his head. “You’re not running away. You’re surviving.” A groan escaped him, and the pool of blood seemed to double in size. “We’re running out of time. You’ve gotta go before the timeline collapses.”
“Where do I go?” she asked, wiping her eyes. “This universe is home.”
“Honey, Speedsters are Speedsters whichever universe we’re in.” he smiled weakly at her. “You’ll have a family wherever you end up.”
She gazed at him, breathing deeply as fresh tears grew in her gaze. “I’m scared.”
“I know. But you can do this.” he replied, pausing to look her over. “You look just like your mother, honey.” He smiled tearfully. “She’d be so proud of you if she were here now.”
Pulling the cowl over her head, she gave a watery laugh. “Mom always said I looked like you.”
“Nah. You take your speed and nature after me, but you are a spitting image of your mother.” A blast sounded in the distance and they both looked over, eyes widening as the white flash of light grew larger and larger. “You have to go. Now.”
Swallowing thickly, she leaned down and hugged him around his neck as tight as she could, inhaling the scent of ozone and spearmint for the last time. “I love you, dad. I love you so much.” Her fingers dug into his ruined suit as she cried. “I love you.”
He caressed the back of her cowled head. “I love you more, honey.” Pulling away, he leveled her with a firm look. “Now run, Lightning Flash. Run.”
The bluish-white lightning flowed across her body, and she turned, letting her feet carry her across the war-torn field, escaping the atomic blast. The world melted around her, a blur of memories surrounding her: her birthdays, her parents’ faces, her first stroke as a Flash, the start of the war, the deaths of her friends and family, everything up until now.
She was helpless to stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks, the feeling of her heart pounding in her chest, and the booming in her ears as she ripped through the waves of time and the boundaries of space.
A shriek sounded behind her, and she turned her head, eyes widening. “Ah shit!”
The time wraith screamed at her again, reaching out to grab her and she just barely dodged it, turning back to face the flowing warp. She was close. All she had to do was get to the next time boundary and she could lose the wraith.
“Almost there!” she told herself as another bellowed sounded in her ears again, and with one final leap, she burst through the barrier, the waves collapsing around her. The shock of the blast sent her skidding along the ground, and she cried out as she rolled.
Shouts sounded in her ears, humans, but she was more concerned about the screaming time wraith. “I just lost everything! Can’t you just leave me the hell alone!” It shrieked at her again, advancing and anger welled through her as she pushed herself to her feet and she growled, “You wanna dance, you sonovabitch? Then let’s dance.”
Her eyes lit up in a white force and she darted past the wraith, hitting a point above it, then she darted past again, and again and again in a star formation, over and over until all that could be seen was a blur of blue and white. The clouds rumbled above, swirling faster and faster and she hit the top of the star, coming down at the wraith. A burst of lightning cracked from the sky, striking the time being just as she collided with it, and in a hail of blue and white strikes, the wraith exploded into smoking fragments.
As the smoke cleared, the human voices grew louder, but she was sprawled out on the ground, breathing heavily, her body crying under the strain. Someone placed their hand on her shoulder, worrying, “Are you alright?”
She nodded weakly. “Yeah���just gimme a minute. The five-star lightning strike always takes a lot outta me.” Shutting her eyes, she focused on breathing deeply.
“I’ve never seen anyone destroy a time wraith before.”
“It takes practice.” Craning her neck, she opened her eyes, and bit back a sob as the man’s face cleared before hers. “You’re this world’s Flash, aren’t you?” she whispered, “Barry Allen.” His blue eyes widened, and he nodded mutely. “I figured.”
“Who are you?” he asked. “What world did you come from?”
She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s gone now.” Meeting his gaze once more, she added, “But you can call me the Lightning Flash.”
“What’s your real name?” Barry quizzed.
(Y/N) Allen. And I’d tell you that but all it’d do is bring hurt to both of us.
“(Y/N) Sloan.” She laid her head down, closing her eyes. “I’m gonna take a nap for a while…I’m really…tired…”
His voice called out to her, but all she heard was a warbling noise as she drifted into darkness.
When she came to, her head felt like someone had thrown an overripe melon off a balcony ledge and watched it splatter across the ground. She groaned and forced her eyes to open, pushing herself up on her palms.
“Woah, woah, woah!” someone worried. “Take it easy there, Flashy.”
(Y/N) looked over, seeing a familiar green symbol, and an ever more familiar unmasked face. “I’m fine, Hal.”
He blinked. “You know who I am?”
“Please, I’d know that big head of yours from a mile away.” Smirking, she added, “I know everyone in the Justice League.” She grunted, pulling her left arm over her chest, feeling the taut muscles in her back ripple as she stretched them out. “Where am I?”
“The Watchtower.” Hal gazed at her curiously. “Man, when Barry said you knew who he was, I didn’t think he meant you knew all of us.”
“You sound upset that you didn’t get to introduce yourself,” she shot back with a pained grin, stretching her other arm. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll forget I know you, and you can reintroduce yourself.”
He chuckled and pressed a button on the side of the med bay bed. “Nah, no point now.” He looked down at the small light flashing. “Hey, she’s awake.”
In an instant, a sharp wind blew across the room and there stood the scarlet speedster without his cowl; moments later, the doors opened and in walked the top League members, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.
(Y/N) threw her legs over the side of the bed as they walked over, waving off Barry and Hal who both reached for her, and stood on shaky legs. “Shit, I feel like a newly born giraffe.”
“You shouldn’t be up.” Barry frowned. “You practically tore yourself apart at the molecular level.”
“It was that or be taken by a time wraith,” she shot back, cracking her neck. “How long have I been out?”
“Eighty-six hours,” Batman said, taking her chin in his hand, tipping her head side to side as he shown a light in her eyes. “Your body’s been recovering slower than it should for a Flash.”
(Y/N) blinked. “The particular move does like Barry said it did. It tears the body at the molecular level to contain the speed force into one location.”
“It was dangerous,” Barry scowled, and she couldn’t help but laugh at this younger version of her father who was still just as serious.
“Being a Flash is dangerous.” She felt Batman pull away and she flexed her fingers. “I don’t use the move unless it’s a life-or-death situation.” Glancing at Barry, she questioned, “What earth is this?”
Before he could speak, Batman denounced, “You time jumped, and you don’t know what earth you came into?”
“I didn’t exactly have time to think out a plan while a nuclear blast was going off, Bruce,” she growled, glaring at him from behind the neon blue mask. “And to top it off, I had a time wraith coming after me. I wasn’t in a position to choose which earth I wanted.”
He went silent, gazing at her intently. “Whose names do you know of the Justice League here?”
(Y/N) looked around at the superheroes before her. “You’re all the same Justice League as my earth, but in mine, you’re retired, and your children run the show.”
“I’m sorry, children?” Hal interrupted. “We have—we have children?”
“Some,” she laughed. “Conner Kent is our Superman, Donna Troy is our Wonder Woman, Jason Todd is our Batman, Kyle Rayner is our Green Lantern, and Roy Harper is our Green Arrow.”
“And you?” Superman questioned.
“I’m my Justice League’s Flash. The Lightning Flash.” (Y/N) smiled wearily. “The fastest woman alive.” She toyed with the blue and white gauntlet. “At least now I am.”
“You said you were our kids?” Hal said. “Are you Barry’s daughter?”
The two Speedsters looked at each other and she answered calmly, “No. My transformation into the Flash was a freak accident, much like Wally West’s. That being said, I’m not related to the Flashfamily by blood.”
“Hmm.” Batman grunted, then turned, wandering off. “You need to rest up more then we’ll run tests.”
“Only if she consents.” Barry called out.
Bruce stopped, not even bothering to look over his shoulder as he retorted, “She’s a Speedster from another universe. We need more information before we can let her loose in anyone’s city.”
As he wandered off, she placed her hands on her hips and griped, “God, I miss Jason being Batman. He’s less of a jerk-off about new things.”
Superman chuckled, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t take it the wrong way…(Y/N), was it?”
She nodded. “Yeah, (Y/N) Sloan.” Sticking her hand out, she added, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” he murmured, shaking her hand strongly, then he pulled away. “He is right though. You should get some more rest before you wander around the Watchtower.”
She waved it off. “I’ll be alright. If you’ve got a treadmill designed for Speedsters though, I’d like to run a bit.”
“I’ll show you where it is,” Barry answered, leading her from the group. As they walked down the hallway, she paused, leaning against the wall as a wave of nausea came over her; he caught it instantly. “Are you okay?” he frowned. “We should go back to the med bay.”
“No.” she grunted. “I’m fine. Just…just gimme a moment.” Shaking it off, she squared her shoulders. “I absorbed speed from the remaining Speedsters on my world before I left. It’s just taking a toll on me.”
“Why absorb their speed?” he asked, and she could tell from his voice that there was a level of suspicion in it.
“Because it was the only way to keep it from being stolen by our enemies as we were being slaughtered.” (Y/N) looked down the hall. “We can go now. It’s passed.” She bypassed him, wandering down the hallway, though she kept a hand on the railing the entire time.
It wasn’t a surprise that they sent her back to Central City with Barry after the few tests she’d let them run. Only tests on the outside, no blood or DNA samples for them to investigate. Barry’s apartment was cramped and there wasn’t room for them both to be in the kitchen, but she’d lived there before, so ducking under his arms and turning around him was second nature.
And Barry, bless the kindhearted soul he was, tried at every opportunity to make her comfortable in the home. (Y/N) respected it, knowing that even worlds apart, Barry Allen was still Barry Allen. She watched him sometimes. When he was sitting on the sofa or at the bar, flipping through paperwork or reading a book on physics. He always lost track of time, forgot what was happening around him, but his face showed ease. Peace. Like the world wasn’t on his shoulders.
It made her miss her father. It made her miss her family and friends. Her world. (Y/N) cried at night on the couch, silent tears dripping down her cheeks as she remembered every last moment of her family and friends’ lives. She’d been lucky in the end to come out unscathed. But her father, his friends, her friends, all dead. All killed in a pointless war that ended with the entire world blown to hell—and she was the only one left.
She sat beside the window, gazing down at the quiet street below her; she felt like crying, but by now, she’d cried out every tear, and all that remained was the hole drilled in her chest, empty and aching.
“(Y/N)?” Glancing over, she saw Barry coming out from his bedroom, brows furrowing at her. “Are you okay?”
Shrugging, she looked back out the window. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again, Barry.” It was hard to not call him ‘dad’ all the time, and weird to call him ‘Barry’.
She felt him sit opposite of her on the little bench. “Can I help you anyway?”
It took a while for her to speak, but when she did, her voice was barely above a whisper. “It’s all gone. My life. All of it. I’m the only one left from my world.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m…alone.” His hand rested on hers and she felt tears well in her gaze. “I miss my family…and I miss my friends.”
She shook her head, looking at him. “Why my world? Why us?” tears slipped down her cheeks. “Everything was fine one moment and the next thing any of us knew, the world was going to war, and we couldn’t stop it.” A loathing laugh escaped her. “We were the Justice League. The proteges of the greatest heroes and yet we couldn’t stop war.”
(Y/N) wiped her tears. “We failed. I failed.”
“What happened wasn’t your fault, (Y/N).” Barry murmured. “You know that.”
“It feels like it.” She countered. “What do I have to show for all my saving? A sole survivor stuck in a world that has no need for her.”
His eyes were narrowed in concern, the way her father’s used to do when she’d tell him of her troubles and doubts. “There’s always a need for us. Everyone one of us.”
“Speedsters?” she asked, and he squeezed her hand.
“If the universe wanted you dead, you’d be dead, (Y/N). But you’re here and you’re alive.” He smiled sadly. “You can’t outrun the past. But you can change the direction you’re running in.”
She gazed at him and for once in the past few weeks she’d been there, she felt her heart lighten. “Thank you, Barry.”
He smiled warmly at her and patted her hand. “Since we’re both awake…wanna go for a run?”
(Y/N) chuckled and nodded her head. “Yeah. It’d certainly help burn off the emotions.” She held out her hand and Barry looked at the ring on her finger.
“Wow, your ring is cool.” He took her hand, gazing intently at it. “I noticed your suit isn’t red like most of us Speedsters are. Yours is mainly blue and white.”
She nodded. “It was too complicated to call myself Flash since there were more than one, so I took the name Lightning Flash and designed my suit the colors associate with lighting.” (Y/N) vibrated and reappeared in her suit. “Blue and white.”
“With silver trimming,” he added, poking the mask she wore, and she batted his hand away.
“Hey, gold’s overrated.”
Barry’s face pinched as he vibrated into his suit. “Is not!”
“Is too! It’s the colors for the Seminoles.”
He placed a hand to his chest. “I can’t believe you just told me my colors were FSU’s colors. I’ve been fatally wounded.”
“You’re a drama queen,” (Y/N) laughed then started towards the door. “Race you to Coast City!”
Barry sped after her. “Why Coast City!”
“Because it’s California, man!” she watched as he matched her speed. “And Hal’s apartment always has Doritos!”
“I think you might have a crush on our resident Green Lantern,” Barry teased and (Y/N) gagged.
“Dude, gross.”
“Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you aren’t friends with your Green Lantern!”
“The best, but Kyle and I were only friends! My dalliance fell with another team member!”
“Batman?” he asked, and she nodded.
“Oh. Lovely.” Barry sighed. “You and Jason Todd seem like a wonderful pair.”
(Y/N) snorted. “Contrary to popular belief, Jason was actually a fantastic Batman. He loved it, oddly enough.”
“That is odd,” the Speedster countered. “Because as far as I know, none of the Batkids want to be Batman.”
She merely laughed in return, passing the Coast City sign.
“You know these aren’t…my world folks, right?”
He smiled, watching the group of young adults across the room laugh and joke around. “I know, but the lot of us thought it would be good if you got together with the age group of you own.” Barry looked over. “Besides, I think you’re going to fit right in with this world’s group.”
(Y/N) tipped her head side to side, huffing a laugh as Jason thumped Kyle in the side. “We’ll see.” She let Barry lead her over and the small group perked up at their arrival.
“Hey guys, thanks for coming on such short notice. I know you were busy.”
Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “So, why did the League invite us all?”
Barry gestured to (Y/N). “I’d like everyone to meet (Y/N) Sloan. She’s a Speedster who recently arrived on this earth.”
“Recently?” Roy asked and he nodded.
“There was a…problem on her earth.” He glanced at her and nodded, prompting her to speak.
“My world isn’t in the general stream of timelines anymore.” She smiled awkwardly. “I came here to…survive more or less.” Holding out her hand for one of them to shake, she said, “But it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
“You know who we are?” Kyle asked as he shook her hand.
“Yeah. This world is surprisingly similar to mine, Kyle.” (Y/N) smiled with a little less awkwardness. “I know all of you.” Her eyes fell on Jason who was watching her closely, teal eyes narrowed in calculation. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He hummed. “Who are we over there?”
At that, all the awkwardness fell away. “You don’t wanna know,” she giggled, and his face dropped.
“No.” she nodded, and he whispered, “Me?”
“I’m confused,” Roy interrupted, and Donna snickered.
“I think Jason’s the Batman of (Y/N)’s world.”
“HA!” everyone dissolved into hysterics as Jason proceeded to all but cry.
“I don’t wanna be Batman!” he whined. “Why am I Batman! Why not anyone else!”
(Y/N) laughed. “What are you talking about? You volunteered to be Batman.”
“Jesus, I must’ve lost my mind then,” Jason retorted, then looked at her. “Do I carry guns?”
“Non-lethal rounds.”
“Damnit.” He sulked. “Can’t freakin’ believe I’m the Batman on your world and I willingly put the suit on.”
“You were a good Batman,” she stated. “There wasn’t anyone I trusted more to watch my back on the team.”
He met her gaze, seemingly shocked, though it only lasted a minute as he quizzed, “So if I’m Batman, does that make all of us…?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yep. Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern.”
“And you?” Kyle asked.
“Lightning Flash,” she answered coolly. “The fastest woman alive.” Meeting their gazes, she tipped her head down. “I know you’re not them…but I do hope we can be friends.” She smiled. “You can never have too many of those, no matter what world you’re on.”
Kyle looked over at Barry who was almost crying. “We get to keep her, right? Because if we don’t, I’m going to be very upset.”
(Y/N) snorted and wrapped a loose arm around his waist. “Don’t worry, Kyle. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.” A growling sounded and her cheeks warmed as she pressed a hand to her stomach. “Sorry about that.”
Jason laughed, getting to his feet. “I guess Speedster stomachs are the same no matter what world you’re on.”
“Isn’t that the truth,” Barry retorted, and the vigilante looked at her.
“Wanna annoy Batman and hang around Gotham City?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Absolutely.”
“Wait for me!” Roy shouted, yanking his legs from the table, and soon the others were following.
Barry watched them as they walked to the Zeta-Tubes, laughing and ribbing one another like they’d been friends since childhood; someone nudged him in the side, murmuring, “She’s gonna be okay.”
He nodded as Hal settled beside him. “Yeah…I know she will.” He smiled as (Y/N) leaned into Jason’s side and brought a hand to her eyes, wiping the tears away. “She’s already fitting in better than I thought.”
“(Y/N)’s a strong woman,” Hal acknowledged. “She acts a lot like you in that aspect.”
“How so?” Barry inquired and the Lantern shrugged.
“Well, you can’t get her to stop attending League meetings no matter what Batman says, and she’s always ready to put herself on the line for us.” Hal huffed a laugh. “And she treats me like I’m an old man. I’m thirty-eight and she acts like I’m fifty-six.” He looked at Barry. “But she flows in the world like you, Barry. Her mannerisms, her styles, her speech, it’s all you.”
The Speedster frowned, quietly stating, “You think she’s my future daughter, don’t you?”
Hal shrugged. “She doesn’t look like you, but she’s comfortable around you. Like she knows she’s safe if you’re there with her.”
“Why lie about it though?” Hal could tell Barry was hurt. “Wouldn’t she want to tell me?”
“If you lost everything and showed up in another world where there was a parent still alive, would you act like nothing changed or would you keep it at arms-length?”
Barry sighed. “You’re…right.” He shook his head. “I didn’t even think of that.” His frown deepened. “She must hate looking at me though. I’m not her dad but I’m another version of him.”
“She doesn’t hate you, Barry.” Hal said, clasping his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “She’s just…trying to keep it all together and not mix this world with hers.”
“I feel connected with her.” He admitted. “The speed force works funny like that. We can feel other speedsters—we know their speeds and auras.” His voice became soft. “Hers feels like…like…”
“Like?” Hal encouraged and Barry sighed.
“Her aura feels like when I went back in time and saved my mom.” He shook his head. “It’s hard to explain but she feels like—”
“Like family.”
Barry gaped at Hal. “Yeah…that’s exactly it.”
Hal nodded. “She’s still your daughter even worlds apart.”
“What do I say to her?”
“Don’t.” he answered. “Let her come to you about it.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Barry agreed.
The group had dispersed as quickly as it had come together, not that she was overly upset—she knew they all had prior engagements and teams to be apart of, but she would’ve been lying to say that it hadn’t saddened her a bit. Jason and Kyle, however, seemed to be the only ones that were usually around, Jason more than the latter.
(Y/N) liked being around Jason. He was much more hotheaded than she was used to, but she decided that like the Flashes, Jason Todd was Jason Todd no matter what universe he was in.
He was a little more reckless than she knew, playing fast and loose with the game, but he knew where his feet landed with each jump, and he was there when she needed help, her the same.
It hadn’t taken him long to deduce that the two of them were more than friends in her world, making the joke that she was his Catwoman—she’d cried she’d laughed so hard, but it given them time to talk about everything that had happened to her and her world; most importantly, her father.
She watched as Jason reclined against the cool stone of the ledge, passing one of the wrapped cheeseburgers to her. “Thank you,” she murmured, unwrapping it.
“Mhm,” he hummed, sipping his milkshake, setting his hood beside him; he swallowed and looked over. “What’s on your mind?”
(Y/N) blinked. “What are you talking about?” he merely cocked a brow and she sighed. “I forgot you could read people well.”
“Well maybe if you were a book and not a pamphlet, it’d be harder.”
“Did you just call me simple?”
“Never.” He waved it off. “What are you thinking about?”
She sighed again and set her half-eaten burger aside, pulling her knees to her chest as she whispered, “My mom’s maiden name was Sloan.”
Jason arched a brow. “You go by ‘Sloan’. Was your mom married?”
“My parents were. She died from cancer when I was ten.”
“I’m sorry,” he lamented, and she smiled.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) looked over. “My last name is Allen.”
His eyes widened. “As in Barry Allen, Allen?”
“Yeah…my dad.”
Jason blinked. “Holy shit.”
“Mhm.” She propped her chin on her knees. “The reason I’m just as fast as Wally West in this world is because I absorbed my dad’s speed before I left mine.” (Y/N) gazed at the city. “And then I left him to die in the blast.”
“You know that wasn’t your fault.”
She huffed. “So Barry’s told me.”
Jason stared at her. “Why do you live with him in Central City?”
“Because I don’t have anywhere else to go,” she answered. “And I…I—”
“You miss your dad.” He answered for her, and she nodded, feeling warmth gather in her eyes and she squeezed them shut.
“Yeah…it’s not him but…”
“It’s the only thing you’ve got that’s close enough to him.”
Jason nodded. “You’re welcome to come live with me over here.”
(Y/N) looked over at him. “I can’t do that, Jason.”
“Why not?”
She laughed. “We barely know each other.”
He shrugged. “We know each other enough.” Gazing at her, he added, “I’m not your world’s Jason, but we must be similar enough because I’ve seen and felt you fall behind me during fights, being at my six when I didn’t have it covered.” He smiled. “You know me, (Y/N), and I’d like to know you too.”
She merely gaped at him, then huffed a laugh. “I think that’s the most similar thing to my world’s Jason that I’ve heard you say.”
“Oh, come on!” he griped. “He couldn’t be that different from me!”
(Y/N) smiled. “Robins.”
Jason blanched. “I had Robins?”
“You had a son, who was exactly like you right now.”
“I wanna ask about the son, but what do you mean right now?”
“Oh, you know…hotheaded, anti-social, antagonistic.”
“You’re cute,” he scowled, then looked into the distance. “I can’t imagine bringing my kid with me.”
(Y/N) giggled. “Please, it took him like five years of complete begging on his knees before you’d even let him put on the suit, let alone go out with you.” She reached over and pushed hair behind his ear. “You were a good father…a good man.” Her expression turned sad. “I wasn’t fast enough to save either of you.”
Jason leaned into her touch, a frown on his face. “They know you tried, (Y/N).”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “I hope they knew that.” She shook her head as the tears started to spill over. “I lost everyone. You, JJ, my dad and all my friends.” (Y/N) stared at him through the tears. “How do I just start over after all that?”
He pushed the takeout bags out of the way and scooted over, pulling her to his chest; she buried her face in his suit and he propped his chin on the crown of her head. “I wish I had an answer for you.” He rubbed circles in her back. “But I do know that you can either let this keep you down, or you can get back up. Because if you don’t…then every life lost was in vain for you to survive.”
“I take it back,” she blubbered. “Your philosophical bullshit life lessons are the most Jason thing I’ve heard.”
He smiled, squeezing her tight. “That’s what we’re gonna call it now. Philosophical bullshit life lessons.” Jason pressed a kiss to her head. “It’s going to be okay, (Y/N). It’ll get better.”
It’d been a full year since she’d come to the new earth. She hadn’t moved in with Jason yet, but the moving boxes on the couch were the start of it—and she hadn’t told Barry she was leaving, or that he was her dad. (Y/N) wasn’t sure how to break that seal just yet.
She wandered around the tiny apartment, smiling at all the memories she’d made in the past year, and into his bedroom, where she paused at his dresser. A gold ring rested on top of it, and she picked it up, flipping it in her hand.
A woosh sounded from the door. “I’m home!” Barry’s voice trailed off in confusion and he called, “(Y/N)?”
He appeared in her peripheral, but she didn’t take her eyes off the ring, still gazing at the center stones. “There are boxes on the couch.”
“I’m moving in with Jason over in Gotham.”
“Oh…” he murmured, then took sight of what she had in her hands. “Is that—”
“Nora’s wedding ring?” she nodded. “Yeah.”
“How’d you know it was my mom’s?” Barry asked, stepping up to her and she finally looked at him, meeting his eyes.
“Because I had the same one in my world.” (Y/N) searched his gaze. “But you don’t seem surprised by that fact.” She sighed. “How long have you known?”
Barry’s face contorted in shame. “A few weeks after you got here.”
“Why didn’t you say something?”
He shook his head. “Hal said—” he sighed. “I wanted to wait until you said something to me about it. I was afraid if I did, you’d run.”
(Y/N)’s brows pulled together, lips pulling down sadly. “Barry…”
“I know I’m not your dad,” he whispered. “But I know, (Y/N). I can feel it.”
She felt her lips wobble and before she knew it, she was throwing herself into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist as tight as she could. “Dad.”
Barry’s arms came around her, one holding the back of her head, the other in the middle of her back. “I’m here, (Y/N).”
“I missed you so much,” she cried. “I wasn’t fast enough to save them, and I couldn’t save you either.”
“No,” he said. “You did everything you could. I know you did.”
“But I wasn’t fast enough.” (Y/N) sobbed. “You had to give me your speed so I could run away. Like a coward.”
“Like a survivor,” Barry corrected. “You’ve never run away.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re a survivor, (Y/N). And your dad made sure of that.” He pulled away slightly, tears of his own dripping down his cheeks. “You’re fast enough.” She shut her eyes as more tears rolled down her cheeks and he pressed his lips to her forehead. “And no matter what world you’re on, you’re still my daughter.”
A laugh that sounded much more like a sob escaped her and she hugged him again. “I love you, dad.”
Barry smiled, holding her tight. “I love you more, honey.”
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catxsnow · 3 years
Request: Will you do a Bruce Wayne x reader where the reader gets hurt because of his life and he just like super sorry and regretful? If you wanna change the bat boy that'll be okay.
Warning: mentions of blood and injury, fluff, angst 
A/N: hello good day one and all, my writing inspiration has plummeted even more but I hope everyone enjoys this. 
Word count: 1.9k 
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Bruce never wanted you to be part of his life for this reason. He didn't want an innocent civilian to get caught up in his life as Batman. Someone who couldn't take care of themselves like he or his kids could. He didn't want you to be trapped in the crossfire of his battles and be the one to suffer the consequences.
You knew the risks of being with him. One night he may never make it home because of his fights. Or maybe that one of his sons or daughter would fall again, and this time never return. You knew that maybe, you would somehow be the one to get the bullet instead of someone that would have known how to dodge it.
Maybe if Bruce would have been faster, or if he ignored his pride and asked for help everything would have turned out fine. Maybe if he sacrificed himself, you would have ended up safe. Instead, you laid in a hospital bed. Cast around your arm, brace on your neck. Cuts and bruises laced your skin from the accident.
Except it wasn't an accident. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and there was nothing that Bruce could have done to help, no matter how much he beat himself up over it. He was saving the lives of others - you would never shame him for that.
Being Batman was something you had to learn to deal with, but his need to save lives was something you could never chastise. You had your fights over it, the crying and screaming matches that seemed to go on for hours. Your pleads to get him to stop when things were going too far.
The times a young Jason Todd would come into your room with red eyes because he heard you and Bruce fights. An older Jason coming to you for comfort after hearing yet another argument with your husband. Tim crawling into your bed with you as Bruce headed out for a night on his own after yelling at you.
Dick, the child you never got a hand in raising, but being there for you because he knew Bruce's antics more than anyone. All his kids adored you, and they all knew what it was like to be on the other end of Bruce's stubborn Wrath.
Bruce was worth it. He was worth every tear, every kiss, every second. Every moment you spent with him, whether it be love or hate, you wouldn't change it for anything. Even if his love was the reason that you were in that bed.
"It's not your fault, Bruce," Dick stood behind the chair in which his adopted father sat. He came back to Gotham the moment that he heard about what happened. Damian had told him scene by scene what occurred - nothing of which Bruce could have stopped. Maybe not even if he was Superman.
Unfortunately, Dick knew all too well that Bruce would feel guilty for this. He was more protective of you than anyone else in this entire world. He would go to any length to keep you safe.
Bruce held your hand in his. The faint pulse was the only thing keeping him sane in that moment. His hair was tousled, likely from the stress he had been under these past few hours. It wasn't often Dick saw him like this. Then again, it wasn't often Bruce ever let anything happen to you.
"I knew a day like this would come and yet I still agreed to let them into my life," Bruce's voice was hoarse - nearly as much as it was when he was under the cowl. The only difference, was now he wasn't hiding behind a mask, he was forced to face the reality of what could happen to those he loved because of his life.
"Growing up, I never thought I'd see the day that you'd fall in love," Dick sat down in the chair across from Bruce. He refused to take his eyes off you, even with his son showing himself. "And then you met (Y/N). I remember them coming over to the mansion for the first time. I wasn't living there anymore but you wanted me to come to meet them.
"I've never seen you laugh, genuinely laugh, so much in one night. I could tell, from that night that they were different than the other woman you brought home. You cared about them from the start, Bruce. (Y/N) wasn't just some other person that you seduced to uphold your playboy act. They knew what they were getting into with you. You can't just force everyone away because you're scared of potential outcomes - that's part of life. Even for Batman."
"They wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me," Bruce tried to argue. Always the glutton for punishment, even when the hand didn't need to be delivered to him.
"And they might have ended up far worse if it hadn't been for you," Dick spoke, his voice steady. He too hated seeing you like this - but if Bruce wasn't going to be the stable one then he had to take that burden. "If there's one thing in this world that people like us struggle to get... it's happiness. You found yours in (Y/N). Don't lose that because of one accident."
It had been days since you had been admitted into the hospital. Yesterday morning you woke up sore, but alive. Bruce was yet to leave your side. Stubble littered his face from going days without shaving. A look that you weren't able to truly appreciate from being asleep half the time.
By this time the next day, you would be allowed to leave, but that didn't make your husband any less worried about your well being. Bruce still blamed himself for what happened, even after you had told him it wasn't his fault in the slightest. You could see the guilt on his face, just as he wore every time something went wrong with you involved.
"I brought you food," Damian held a bag of take-out in his hand. If he knew his father well enough, he'd know that he hadn't eaten anything all day. It was confirmed when he heard the loud growl of Bruce's stomach the moment that he got a whiff of the food in the room. "Eat."
"I'm not hungry," Bruce waved off his son. It was clear he was in need of something to eat, though he was too stubborn to take care of himself while you were in need. Even if it was just watching over you while you slept. Damian shoved the bag directly in front of his face until he reluctantly accepted.
"You need a shower," Damian's nose curled up. He stood looking down at his father. As worried as he had been, he also was acting immaturely. Refusing to take care of himself, constantly under surveillance while you were in good hands as it was. "(Y/N) will be perfectly safe with me. Go home. Get some sleep. We'll be here in the morning and ready to go home."
"I'm fine."
"You're not." Damian eyes the food until Bruce took a bite. It wasn't often that he was worried about his father, but it had been days since he had properly looked out for himself. It was clear how far his love for you went after seeing him like this. Or more so, his guilt for letting this happen. "Do you not trust me to take care of them?"
Bruce's jaw tightened. Truth was, he didn't trust anyone with you. Not even himself. Not even Clark. Damian took his silence as an answer. Of course not. Bruce couldn't trust him for a night out alone on patrol, how was he supposed to trust him with his partner?
"It's my fault they're here, Damian," Bruce sighed. "I've never been so scared before."
This was the first time that Damian had ever seen his father so truly vulnerable. Never in his life did Bruce admit that he was scared, yet here he was completely unscathed and terrified. Dick was right, he found complete and utter happiness in you, and the thought of losing you hurt more than anything else.
He wasn't just scared. He was horrified. Nothing in this world put more fear into him than seeing you suffer, or worse.
"It's not your fault, Father," Damian assured, just as his older brother had. "You always taught me to be brave, to face what scared me most. There's nothing wrong with feeling scared sometimes. It reminds us that we're human, that we're allowed to feel things. (Y/N) loves you, this won't change anything."
"Bruce would you stop hovering over me, I'm fine!"
You thought getting back to the manor would mean Bruce would finally be off your back about your injuries. It couldn't be more of the opposite. He was constantly trailing behind you, ready to give you aid whenever you needed it. Honestly, you weren't even that sore.
The brace on your neck was gone before you even left the hospital. Your dark bruises were lighter in color and the cuts that required stitches were healing just fine. The only noticeable injury was the cast on your arm, and you could still function just fine without it. Bruce was just being his overly-protective self.
"If I would have known that all I needed to do to get this much attention from you was to get myself hurt, I would have done it a long time ago," You tried to joke. He remained stoic about your comment, your health was no joking matter. You placed your palm on his cheek, the warmth of his skin being soaked up by your own.
"Seriously, hun, I feel perfectly fine. I'm just thankful for you being there." He didn't look convinced. There was nothing worse than failing you, and he had done exactly that.
"Except I wasn't there," he muttered. Bruce tilted his head in shame. He wasn't there to save you fast enough, he should have been. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry that my life put yours at risk."
"Bruce, my love," your fingers caught under his chin. He reluctantly met your eyes. Shame filled his entire body, he was supposed to be able to save the world, and yet he couldn't save the one closest to him. "I will never blame you for anything like this. I need you to know that. No matter what happens to me, It will never be your fault."
"I love you," Bruce's lip trembled. You were quick to bring him into a kiss. After everything that he's done, the last thing that he deserved was guilt. "I can't live without you. You're my happiness, my everything. I was, I was so scared. I can't live without you, (Y/N)."
"And you'll never have to."
 @pricetagofficial​ @mora-miserium​  @babymango-writes​  @redrobin-yumm​  @simp-is-what-i-am​  @catsofsmoke​  @subtleappreciation​  @officiallydarkgeek​ @spiitfiires​  @pinkdiamond1016​  @childish-kiwi​  @givetimdrakeacoffee​  @gunnedrobin​   @local-fandom-trashcan  @bikoncon​  @foenixphire​
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Wayne’s Daughter (Barry Allen x Fem Reader)
Characters: Barry Allen x Fem!Reader, Bruce Wayne x Daughter! Reader
Universe: DC
Warnings: Nothing, really
Request: Could I request a Justice League one, where Bruce brings the league home thinking that all his kids are out, and his daughter is just sitting at the kitchen counter and Barry is just smitten with her.
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The Justice League had been called in to work together due to the recent event of several villains working together, and raining terror on Gotham. Each Villain was under the responsibility of a different hero, so it made sense the team would have to get together as well to put an end their plans before it got too serious.
Bruce could see the danger that was in place, and because of it, was a lot more cautious to allow his children to assist him on this job. Instead, he assured them that he’d deal with it, and they were all instead put in charge of the other villains and problems in Gotham, which fairly needed to be seen to constantly, so with a few grumpy comments (mostly from his youngest), they agreed to stay out of the way and do the job given to them. It was because of their job, that Bruce presumed that the house would be empty, allowing him to discuss what to do with the league without having to worry about his kids causing trouble.
He let them in through the bat cave, before heading upstairs to discuss it at the table. There they could make notes, lay out the information they already had and set roles in a more comfortable environment. He stayed mostly behind them, not paying much mind, until he saw them all come to a stop at the kitchen. He pushed forward, eventually seeing what was causing them to stop. “Y/N, what are you doing?”
On the counter of the kitchen was his daughter, who was only a few years older than Tim, but still lived at home with him. You turned around from reaching above you, seeing your audience and awkwardly smiling. You glanced back up, considering explaining or continuing on your personal quest, before turning around, and scooting off the counter, awkwardly fiddling your hands, and sending a sheepish smile to your father. He responded with crossing his arms, becoming aware that you were up to no good. “Um… hi.” You waved at the group. Superman and Wonder woman gave a small nod in acknowledgement, Aquaman had lowered his head to try and conceal a chuckle at the sight of one Wayne’s children being scolded despite being an adult, and then there was the Flash. His mouth was slightly open, just staring at you. That was until you looked in his direction, and on realising what he was doing, straightened up, clearing his throat and waving back.
“You didn’t answer my question. What were you doing?” Bruce asked you, keeping his arms crossed. You bit your lip, knowing he wasn’t going to be happy to hear your explanation.
“Dick is being… well, a dick, and he hid my chocolate when he knew I was on my period, so I was trying to reach his cereal so I can hide it… or eat it cause he ate my chocolate.” You explained, mumbling the last bit. Bruce could only sigh. Despite being a young woman with a job, and usually being rather mature and a model daughter (at least in public), you still had the flaw of acting the same age you were when Bruce took you in. You’d swing on your older brother’s arms and have them drag you around the mansion, you’d help Jason pick on Tim, and you and Damian had developed a bond that slightly scared Bruce and the rest of the family- probably because you unlocked an unseen childish side to Damian, thought it often mixed with his murderous tendencies, and you would encourage it since you were down to play anything with him. But yet, he wouldn’t change it, because you made your brothers that little bit more normal and carefree when they needed it, and this also went for him.
“…He moved his cereal to the bottom cabinet next to the fridge.” Bruce informed you. You grinned, mouthing a thank you to him before rushing back into the kitchen. “When you’re done, can you please leave the manor for a while until we’re done here?” He called, motioning the team to follow him to the dining table.
“Don’t worry, let me get this into a bag and I’ll be out of here- I’m gonna hide it in Jason’s apartment so he gets the blame- payback for dangling me over the second floor railing last week.” You called back. Barry let out a snort, making the team look at him, before you rushed passed with the bag to the front door. “See you guys later! Good luck in… you know… doing your job!” You called, opening the door and walking out.
“Thanks!” Barry blurted, waving as you closed the door. When the door closed, he realised he was the only one to wave, or to say anything, and as he looked back, the entire team was looking at him, including a broody Bruce, who was looking angrier than usual. “What?”
“Barry, you do know that Y/N is Bruce’s daughter, don’t you?” Diana questioned. Barry’s eyes widened, shooting over at Bruce, who was striding over to him, making Barry take several steps back and raise his hands.
“H-Hey I didn’t know- I didn’t know I promise- Bruce please-“
You stopped on your way down the stairs of the manor at what sounded like a scream from the manor… you thought for a second, before, shrugging and continuing on your way, thinking it was merely a siren from a police car or an ambulance in the city that had echoed.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS: @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @captain-peanut-at-your-service @likiyoshi-lijie  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @marveloussupernatural @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan 
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chloe-skywalker · 3 years
DC Masterlist
By ~ @chloe-skywalker​
* = Requested
Main Masterlist
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Wonder Woman - Batman - Batfam (Jason Todd) - Superman (Both from Justice League & Superman & Lois) - Arrow-verse (from CWTV) - Suicide Squad
* Wonder Woman~ I have a good amount of Wonder Woman Imagines coming out lately so it has it’s own Masterlist. Mainly because it already did before i made this masterlist for DC. 
Wonder Woman Masterlist
* Harley Quinn & Joker’s Daughter Imagines still have their own masterlist because I love writing for it and i love writing the reader as their daughter.
HQ & MR.J’s Daughter Masterlist
Jason Todd: (Redhood)
~ Secrets (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Surprises *
~ Breakfast In Bed *
~ New Christmas Plans (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ I Gave You My Heart (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Meeting The Family (Ft. Avengers)
Bruce Wayne: (Batman)
~ Police Station (HQ & J Daughter!reader)
~ Solutions
*Both From “The Justice League” & “Superman & Lois”
Clark Kent: (Superman)
~ Time (x Daughter)
~ Boys?! (x Daughter)
~ Sneak Out (x Daughter)
*Don’t Really Write For This TV Show Anymore
{How They Hug You
Jerome Valeska:
~ What Do You Want Now?
~ Temper Tantrums *
(I do have a series on my other account that I was going to post all my writings on. But now this is where I put all my stuff. Its a Jerome one a series on @sociopathic-winchester​ its not finished but its another one of my writings)
* I don’t write on that account at all anymore Just FYI
Birds Of Prey
Roman Sionis:
~ Bad This Time
*Don’t Really Write For CW Arrow-Verse Shows Anymore
{How They Hug You (Arrow)
{How They Hug You (Supergirl)
{How They Hug You (Containment)
*Thats There because I have no Imagines for it, don’t write for it anymore, and it’s also from the CW
No Pairing
Outcome 1 & Outcome 2
Oliver Queen: (Green Arrow)
~ A-Z NSFW Headcanon *
~ Queen Christmas Party
~ Shy Love *
The Flash
Leonard Snart: (Captain Cold)
~ Didn’t Know
~ Your Sister?
Barry Allen: (The Flash)
~ Called Over (Oliver’s Sister!reader)
~ Criminal Record (Snart!reader)
~ Not Meant To Be *
{Dating Barry Allen Would Include...
Savitar Barry:
~ Don’t Kill Anymore *
{Dating Savitar Barry Would Include...
{A-Z NSFW Headcanon
{A-Z NSFW Headcanon *
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