#jason watts words.
sp0o0kylights · 1 month
Part One / Part Two / Part Three (You Are Here)
Complete Thing on A03
Sure enough, Jason Carver had brought a priest. 
The idiot himself stood next to the guy, smugly grinning like a hunter posing with his prized buck, a small crowd already gathering. 
Opposing them was Michael Wheeler, hands planted on Hellfire’s table and back up like a pissed off cat’s, mouth moving faster than Eddie thought possible.
He couldn’t hear what Wheeler was saying. 
Frankly did not want to know what Wheeler was saying, and could only do his damndest to intervene before Mike tanked the situation entirely. 
Gareth and Jeff flanked him, both tense as hell. Neither had backed down though, standing tall and holding ground even as Jason pulled more and more people into his little spectacle. 
Lucas and Grant on the other hand, were standing off to the side.
They weren’t cowering exactly, but both were definitely wincing as Gareth opened his mouth to add his own two cents. 
Given the scowl on the priest, it was probably something nasty, 
‘Fuck.’ Eddie thought, teeth clenched, as Jason drew out his arms, making an even bigger production for his little audience. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ 
The worst thing of all? 
Dustin managed to reach the group before anyone else did. 
Wheeler and Emerson might have low charisma, but Dustin had a particular combination of snark and a know-it-all attitude that really pissed off authority figures. 
(And Eddie would know, given he was the reigning champion of pissing off authority figures.) 
He did, however, slide in right in time to hear the priest respond. 
“I don’t care for your tone, young man. Jason here has some concerns over your club and I have to agree, what I see is quite,” The guy paused, jowls jiggling as he looked over their table, clearly eyeing Hellfire’s logo. “alarming.” 
 At least wasn’t an actual sermon.
Not yet, anyway. 
Eddie came up right inbetween Mike and Dustin, intending to make himself out to be the new target for all to aim at.  
There was an art to making yourself the sole owner of everything evil in this world, and Eddie had learned it all, trial by fire style.  
“Carver is full of--” Mike snarled, and thankfully was cut off—not by Eddie, or the hand he’d just clamped onto Mike’s shoulder—but by Harrington. 
Who sauntered right up as if he was joining everyone for dinner, and not walking into a circus act.
“Hello Father.” Harrington said, voice warm and welcoming.  “Would you like some of our cookies? We have a sample platter.” 
“Oh--Steve!” The priest blinked, actually blinked, that he was startled to see Hawkins’ golden boy appear next to him. “I’m sorry but no. I’m ah, here for other reasons.”
He paused so long it was nearly comedic before tentatively asking; “ Are you with this table?”
Like the guy couldn’t see the same Hellfire logo plastered across Steve’s ridiculous jock chest. 
Eddie opened his mouth to give a resounding no, Hellfire shirt or not--when Mike of all people put an elbow into his side. 
As if Eddie was the one who needed to be silenced.  
“I am.” Steve put an arm down on Dustin’s shoulder, squeezing it in a way that looked like fond encouragement (but what Eddie was pretty sure was actually a warning in the same way the hand on Mike’s shoulder was.) “I came to help out my friends and fundraise.”
Then he beamed, face lighting up with the full Harrington charm, giga watt smile and all. 
Now the priest just looked awkward. 
“You’ve apparently been fundraising for what I have been told is a…Satanist Club?” 
It was hilariously delicate, how the priest said it. Like now that a respectable member of Hawkins was here, he had to be more careful about what words he used. 
Eddie would have interrupted then.  Retake the reins and do what he did best in terms of making everyone forget about everything but him--except Carver was rounding on Harrington, and well.
He was always a fan of the rich eating each other. 
“You cannot seriously be with these--these,” Jason’s eyes darted to between him and the priest, before physically reigning himself in. “hooligans, Harrington!” 
“I’m sorry.” Harrington said, and whatever Jason had been expecting to get hit with, it wasn’t “good ol’ boy” southern charm. 
He blinked, taking on the air of a kicked puppy who couldn’t understand why someone would be so mean as he glanced around the crowd.  “I think I'm a little lost here.” 
Jason clearly wasn’t prepared for that either. 
“This table is for a storytelling and math game.” Steve spoke slowly, in the same way one explained things to a toddler. “You have to roll dice and add the numbers up to do anything."
“It’s not a game, Steve.” Jason spat back. “It’s an evil trick made to tempt the susceptible minds of children to the dark arts!” 
Personally, Eddie was amazed Carver even knew the word susceptible let alone be able to properly use it in a sentence. 
(He tried to open his mouth to say so, and once again got elbowed, this time by Gareth. 
The look he gave his younger friend could have melted steel beams.)
“That’s what this is about?” Harrington slid his arm off Dustin's shoulders, leaning back to look at the priest and the people around them in a show of blatant disbelief. “You think the nerd club is related to satanism?” 
It was Eddie's own tactic--arguing that D&D was “using academic skills” and “making math fun!" not that Hellfire had ever been successful using it.
Of course, they weren’t Hawkins golden boy either. 
Jason sputtered. 
“It has monsters and--demons in it! It makes children do spells and sign over their souls!” He flung a hand out, for the first time acknowledging Eddie by pointing at his shirt. “Just look at that! It’s awful!”  
"Hey." Eddie said, hand going over his very well drawn dragon.
“I once had to stop an argument about how much weight a wooden bridge could hold.” Steve countered, hands moving to his hips. “I only got them to stop by agreeing to take the kids to a library so they could look it up.” 
He squinted, in Carver's direction, deadpanning; "I take it you think the library is evil now too?"
“The name of the club is called Hellfire!” Jason shrieked, sounding more like an angry teakettle than anything dangerous. 
“Look I get that it sounds scary,” Steve said, the tiniest hint of pity entering his voice, “but they’re trying to make math problems and English essays sound cool. It’s the same reason Father John here calls our annual haunted house Hell House, isn’t it? So people go in it to begin with?” 
Harrington turned to look expectantly at the priest, and Eddie had to admit it was an excellent way to both pander to the guy and sound like Jason was making a big deal out of nothing. 
Perhaps, he’d stay quiet after all. 
(Even if it went against Eddie’s entire being to do so.)
“Well, yes, but--” Father John had clearly picked up on the fact he was losing this particular argument, but plowed forward regardless. “Those activities are supervised by the church…” 
“This is evil Harrington, and you should know better to promote it.” Carver tacked on, like this was a two bit comedy sketch. 
“When I played it we just saved some poor town from a bad guy who set it on fire.” Steve rolled his eyes. 
Then he leaned in, converting his voice into a stage whisper that somehow projected it, giving the impression that everyone around them was listening in on a secret. 
“The doctor said it was a really good way for Dustin and Erica to process the mall fire. He’s a specialist--my mother managed to convince him to fly down to help all the kids who got hurt.” 
Eddie was 100% sure that was total bullshit, but the mere mention of Harrington's mother had seemed to have an effect on the people around them.
 Like Steve had invoked the name of an old but beloved God, not always benevolent but definitely memorable. 
“She’s always been a champion of helping when you can.” Steve spoke to the priest, like they were having a conversation between just the two of them. “Encouraging people to volunteer and helping fundraise.”
“She has been." Father John said, in the kind of instant way one does when they don’t want to offend a very large donor.  "Tell your mom I look forward to her coming back from her--ah, trip.”
 With an awkward glance to the table, he added; “...I suppose I don’t see how math comes into play?” 
“Oh it’s right from the start. Hey Jeff, come here, show Father John how you have to do a bunch of calculations and stuff to make a character.” 
“Ah--right.” Jeff sprung to life, moving around the table to Steve.
“We uh, we start with this character sheet…” 
“Eddie Munson runs the club.” Jason interrupted, before Steve could get Jeff to going.
“He’s right there! Does he look like this whole thing is just an innocent board game?” 
This was a last ditch effort, and it was clear by the chattering that had started circling amongst their audience that everyone knew it. 
Unfortunately, it was a good one.
This was the downside to making yourself a target. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy--particularly in the eyes of the PTA. 
“Munson?” Harrington dismissed with a scoff. “He’s harmless.” 
Which was news to most of their audience given the amount of attention Eddie suddenly had on him, but it was fine. 
He was used to the disapproving stares and glares, and gave his best award winning smile in response. 
Jason looked at Harrington like he’d lost his mind. 
“He has skulls on his fingers for fucks sake!” 
“Jason.” Steve admonished, in a perfect mimic of an upset southern mother. “Language.” 
Carver's jaw dropped, face purpling in rage.
Steve ignored him, turning back to the Priest. “I don’t know what's gotten into him but I’m sorry Jason’s wasted your time, Father.” 
“Munson is a drug dealer!” And ah, here came the Hail Mary move, Carver's one and only trump card.
“We all know he’s a drug dealer, and he’s using this--this game, to give drugs to kids!”
“Really?” Steve turned. “Lucas, what happens if I ever catch you smoking weed?” 
Lucas answered instantly. “You’re going to make us run laps at five in the morning.” 
“For a month.” Dustin added, with an exaggerated shudder. 
It would have been too much--except his disgusted face sold it. 
“Eddie’s just loud and wants to be a rockstar.” Harrington said, like this he was harmless.
No one on Steve's side of things had ever thought of Eddie as harmless.
 “I’ve babysat these kids for years and Eddie was a huge help in making sure no one in high school messed with them.” He continued, like they were some sort of team or friends even.
(Like Eddie hadn't been at Harrington's throat all day, pissy and defensive.)
“We have a real bullying problem right now. Funny enough,” Steve’s nailed Jason with a look, “I keep hearing that it’s coming from the basketball team.” 
“What are you implying?” Jason asked darkly. 
“Just that it’s funny how nobody got caught fighting when I was team captain.” Steve returned. 
God the man was such a bitch. Eddie kind of wanted to kiss him a little. 
Okay, more than a little.
“I get you have some kind of beef with Munson, but let’s not drag a bunch of people into it. Especially not Father John.” Harrington was playing up to the mothers around him now, dismissing Carver entirely as he did so. “He’s a busy guy.”
“Very.” Said Father nodded solemnly. “I do not appreciate being pulled into a high school squabble.” 
Jason’s mouth swam through shapes, words stuttering out of it. “This isn’t, thats not--”
“We can talk about this after church on Sunday.” Father John interrupted, the finishing blow to Carver's little show.
“You came all this way, at least have a cookie on us.” Steve said with an appeasing tone, reaching an arm back behind him.
Quick on the uptake, a cookie appeared in his hands. 
He offered it out to the priest, who took it happily.
"Okay, who wants cake!?” He called, in a clear and obvious dismissal of Jason. 
Who stood there, like he couldn’t believe what just happened. 
His eyes slid to Eddie's, fists clenched tightly at his side, hatred pouring off him so strongly one could almost taste it.
Eddie winked at him.
(Unknown to him at the time, Jason had also looked at Steve--and Steve would wink too.)
Steve Harrington, who Eddie had been an absolute ass all day too, had looked Jason Carver, a Priest and half of Hawkins in the eye and announced that he, Eddie Munson, was a good person at heart.
It made Eddie want to vomit a little when he thought about it too hard.
“I know this is horrible timing,” Robin said, sidling up as the crowd finally dispersed, “but I really, really need to talk to you.” 
Eddie turned, head full of far too many thoughts and ready to tell her such, when he caught sight of Buckley's face. 
Was reminded, by the sheer nervous, ‘horse about to bolt’ vibe, that he owed it to Robin as a fellow queer not to be a dick about her accidental outing.
Even if all he wanted was to preen in the wake of Carver’s defeat. 
‘See Mothers of Hawkins? Your own golden boy just gave me his stamp of approval!’ 
A mental image that immediately changed to Steve Harrington’s name stamped on his ass and dammit he had to get ahold of his thoughts before he fell down rabbit holes like this--!
“Back there, at the stairs,” Robin started, voice dropping low, and Eddie didn’t miss the way her eyes kept seeking out Steve, like he was some kind of safety net--which he probably was. “What um--what did you hear?” 
It took a lot of guts to come talk to him, knowing what he'd overheard--particularly given they'd just fended off the church.
He'd never exactly underestimated Robin Buckley, but then, he'd never expected this level of badassery from her either.
“Eddie?” Robin prodded again, chewing hard on her bottom lip.
“Sorry, distracted.” Eddie waved a hand behind himself. “Not everyday the King decides to defend your honor to a priest.” 
With a little bow, he offered his elbow out to her, a clear signal to take it and let him escort them away from unwanted ears.
In a show of bravery, Robin took his elbow and let him lead, even as she frowned up at him, looking like she was about to say something.
Likely it was in defense of Harrington, but Eddie had been interrupted enough for one day. 
“You and His Highness over there really should be more aware of your surroundings." He started, voice low. "Lucky for you, you’re among friends. You and Dorothy both.” 
He reached a foot out, tapping Robin’s own. 
Right on top of a doodled pair of tits. 
Robin let go of his elbow and glanced down, before flinging her head right back up, panicked.
“If you’d like I can pretend I never heard a thing.” Eddie interrupted, dropping his voice into the gentler tone he reserved for delicate conversations.
People were always surprised by the lengths he went to make sure someone was comfortable--but then, people also forgot how often Eddie heard things he shouldn’t. 
People didn't take drugs just for fun, after all.
“Or I can offer a friend of a friend discount on my wares,” He put a finger to his lips, miming smoking with one hand while he opened his vest with the other to flash the little pink triangle pin that sat inside, announcing his own sexualities status.
“and we can, say, discuss the differences between radical and social feminism while admiring the fine forms of Susan Sarandon and Peter Hinwood?”
The smile he gets is two parts relief, one part genuine delight and Eddie grinned right back at her, flicking his vest closed.
“I did not take you for a Peter Hinwood type.” Robin said it hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Thought you’d find Tim Curry’s…acting skills, more to your taste.”
“In the case of Rocky Horror? I am Tim Curry.” He announced, loud and proud (well for this kind of conversation at least.) 
He was rewarded by the tension finally melting out of Robin’s shoulders. 
(This, Eddie reflected, is what he should have been doing this entire time, instead of getting tied up in knots over Harrington and turning into some kind of non-conformist tyrant.) 
“Do you actually know the differences between social and radical feminism?” Robin challenged, braver now, and Eddie knew then and there he’d been successful in assuring her her secret was safe.
That she was safe, with him.
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” Eddie said, giving a playful nudge to her shoulder. 
Baths in the laugh he gets for it, and for the first time today feels like he’s finally on firmer ground.
They chatted for a moment longer, making a loop on the very outskirts of the gym, voices hushed when it came to things that small town ears shouldn’t overhear--but of course, Robin couldn’t just leave things at that.
“Hey Eddie?” 
“Can you do me one more favor?”
“Anything for you, my favorite feminist.” 
For the first time since this conversation started, Robin managed to sound firm. 
“Stop referring to Steve as a King.” 
She rushed ahead, anticipating being cut off, and thus Eddie is hit with a wave of words, none of which he’d ever thought he’d hear in relation to thee Steven Harrington. 
“He’s working really hard to get away from it, the whole King thing and how he used to be. I don’t know what all he did to like--you guys,” She flapped her hand in the general direction of Hellfire, “and I know he wasn’t an innocent bystander, but I kinda realized over the summer that I blamed him for a lot of things that were in my own head, and that he wasn’t--he was never as bad as I thought he was and he's still trying to make it up to me anyway.”
Robin trailed off, seeming to try and piece out what she wanted to say next without giving away the whole farm. “It’s not some act, Eddie. Steve’s really trying to change.” 
Which yeah.
Eddie could see that, now. 
Maybe not before but…
“Okay.” He said, after a long, long moment. “No more King Steve. Got it.”
The smile he got for that also felt like a victory, even if it was wrenched out of him.
Two hours and a dispersed crowd later, Eddie found himself once again stuck in his own head. 
The facts were thus:
Steve Harrington was a good dude. 
He used his good dude-ness to save Hellfire from a literal priest, right smack in front of God and Principal Hairy Ass both
All of Hellfire actually liked him 
According to Robin Buckley, Steve was entirely fine with “all us triangles” quote/unquote 
Eddie was jealous.
He was self aware enough to admit it, alongside the fact that Jason Carver aside, maybe Eddie had been the villain today instead of Steve. 
Which meant he not only owed Harrington an apology, but he owed it to both of them to work out his own stupid shit before it blew up in his face and cost him all his friends.
(He’d have called this move “pulling a Harrington” before today but now that feels mean, which Eddie supposes signals he’s grown as a person or some shit.) 
So now he sits on Steve’s beemer, knowing the move will likely antagonize the ex-jock but equally knowing he’s planning on jumping off the car the second the guy comes near, and that the move itself will get Harrington to listen to him the second he’s done supervising whatever Hellfire’s youngest is doing.
(Eating leftover cookies like the older members are as they finish packing up, Eddie assumes.) 
Ducking out like he did had allowed him some much needed time to think things though. Figure out what he was going to say--without an audience present.
He’d apologize publicly if he had to. But being vulnerable is hard, and given the way his friends had been acting, Steve isn’t the only person he owes an apology to. 
For now, he’ll begin here, without an audience. 
Eddie doesn’t get to plan for long--only gets to rehearse a few lines of his little spiel when a pointed cough jerks him back to reality. 
There stands Steve Harrington, a fat wad of cash in one hand and a box in the other.
Like a man sent to the gallows, Eddie leapt off the beemer, squaring his shoulders. 
He could do this.
 Apologize-- and mean it. 
Not that Steve gave him the chance to. 
“The guys told me to give this to you.” He said, holding out the cash. Then he took a breath, like he was preparing to go to war, and added; 
“I know you weren’t happy with me being here, and you probably don’t want this, but Dustin said you really liked cinnamon brownies so I made you some.” 
The box was now held out alongside the cash, proof that Steve had tried to start this whole thing off on the right foot. 
Eddie stared at it, then at Steve. 
Felt the guilt chew on his gut just that much harder.
“I have been shitty to you all day. Why are you giving me this?” 
Steve shrugged. 
“To be fair I didn’t exactly make it easy on you either. You said jump and I said ‘watch this’.” Steve laughed, a small, almost self depicting sound. “Dustin’s been on my ass all day about it.” 
Of course he had. 
“Mine too.” Eddie admitted. “It's his tone, I swear."
Carefully, Eddie reached out, accepted the box and the cash. 
“Thanks by the way. For the stuff you said about me earlier.” 
Steve grimaced, cheeks tinting a (lickable) red. “Yeah sorry, I--”
“No not--not that stuff.’ Eddie said, mentally hauling his thoughts back in line, fiddling with the cash. “The stuff about being a good person. No one’s uh. Said that. About me.”
Not except for Wayne, but Harrington wouldn’t know nor care about Eddie’s uncle. 
Steve shrugged. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” 
He’d argue that, except something was off. 
It took Eddie a moment to place it--that the wad Steve handed over was way too big for the little bake sale they’d just attended. 
He tucked the box under his arm, quickly counting the stack with a smoothness only drug dealers and bank tellers could manage.
“It’s all there, I promise.” Steve told him simply, but without judgment. He sounded like he expected this and that didn’t sit right with Eddie either. 
Not that he could do anything about it because he’d just counted up didn’t make any sense. 
Not trusting himself, Eddie stacked it back together, before counting it all again. He was faster this time, trying to figure out among all the ones, fives and tens how the hell they had managed to sell that many cookies. 
Particularly considering the most expensive thing was one of the cakes and he’d watched Steve sell it for fifteen dollars. 
So why were there three twenties sitting in the stack? 
“Either you up charged the absolute shit out of someone’s mom, in which case I congratulate you, you sneaky devil,” Eddie said slowly, “Or you put extra cash in here.” 
Steve blushed properly this time. 
Eddie zeroed in on his face, watching as Steve rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, trying to pull his charming mask into place.
He didn't quite manage it.
Hadn’t even been wearing it before now, Eddie realized suddenly.
This entire conversation Steve had a realness to him that Eddie had never really seen. 
Had maybe not wanted to see, from someone like Harrington. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” Steve protested, like a kid who’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “That’s what we charged.” 
“You are a terrible liar.” Eddie accused, hand trembling. “We can’t take this, man. This is a almost two hundred dollars.” 
Way more than what they’d need for Gen Con. It was enough to get them two fuckin’ hotel rooms! 
“If It helps any, I didn’t do it for you.” Steve’s blush slid into something more genuine, as he nodded his head to where Hellfire was spilling out of the gym doors, laughing and shoving one another. 
“They deserve to have a good trip.” He added, eyes fond as he watched Dustin and Mike squabble over how to fold Hellfire's banner.
It made his whole face soften, the harsh features of his jaw turning into something that was so adorable Eddie wanted to bite through it. 
“Do you want to come?” Someone said, and it took both Steve’s startled look and a second long pause for Eddie to realize that someone was him.
Stupid, stupid, stupid-! 
“To the convention?” Steve asked, looking doubtful. 
Pity that Eddie was already nodding, like his brain and his body were at a total disconnect.
Maybe aliens had finally taken him over. Or a demon. 
(Demonic possession could frankly explain a lot about today, Carver’s weird little power play aside.)
“Dude you don’t even like me.” Steve said. “Why would you want me to come along?” 
“I dunno Harrington. All of Hellfire seemed to like you, and not just my freshman.” Eddie countered easily, gliding right over the fact that he himself did like Steve.
Way more than he should, and that right there was half of Eddie’s problem. 
“They have pretty good taste in things.” He waived a hand, as if this wasn’t a complete 180 from how he’d acted all day. “I could understand if you didn’t want to slum it with us nerds though.”
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’ve been slumming it all day with you nerds, if you haven’t noticed.” 
“Yeah? What’s your verdict on us?” 
“Not as bad as you could be.” 
Eddie tilted his head back and laughed. “High praise from the King!”
He felt bad immediately after, and made himself promise to be more mindful about Robin’s ask--but  thankfully Harrington didn’t take it hard. 
(Habits, Eddie knew, were hard to change.
Took a lot of careful attention to change. 
He had a long road ahead of him, and he hoped this little olive branch put him a few miles down it.) 
Steve awarded him a small smile. “I haven’t been the King for a long while, man. But if you guys have an opening, I think I wouldn’t mind being a knight or whatever.” 
“Ste-eeeve Harrington, defender of the realm.” Eddie nodded once, decisively. “I can see it.”
He tucked away the cash, and thus missed how Steve looked weirdly contemplative at that. 
Raised his head and stuck out a hand. 
Tentatively, Steve took it. 
“Welcome to the club, Harrington. We meet on Fridays. Bring snacks.” 
“Cookies okay?”
“Going by Gareth’s judgment, they’re more than okay.”
Eddie smiled and Steve smiled back, and God how he hated how fucking cute Harrington’s face was. 
Particularly since he now got to think of the guy as “Steve” without feeling weird about it. 
As in his possible, potential, friend Steve.
What a fucking trip that was. 
“Oh, and Steve?” He called, the thought hitting him as Steve turned to welcome the group making their way to the beemer.
Steve had let his hand fall, turning to open the front door of the Beemer with a cocked eyebrow.
Eddie flicked a finger out, lightly tapping the Hellfire logo. “Tell Lucas I’ll get him another shirt. That one’s all yours, big boy.” 
If there was a pink hue to Harrington’s cheeks, he was blaming sunburn. 
(Two months, six days, and one meddlesome asshole named Henderson later, and Eddie would find out that Steve had in fact, been blushing.
He’d be furious at Dustin’s involvement, if it hadn’t directly led to Eddie finding out Steve’s blush did in fact go down his chest.
And his happy trail.
And his--
Men do not kiss and tell. 
Not to fucking freshmen, anyway.) 
THERE IS A GEN CON, "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED BECAUSE DUSTIN IS A MEDDLESOME SHIT" BONUS BUT it's on A03 cause it was long enough to be its own post and I wasn't gonna add it to this one. You can read it here LINK
318 notes · View notes
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Arguments ✨
Summary; It's Friday and you have the worst headache in the world, To make your day even worse you and Eddie get into an argument, and Eddie snaps telling you to leave Hellfire.
When the headache overwhelms you and Eddie finds out he is anxious to see you.
Warnings; Angst, fluff. Kinda mean Eddie? Jealous Eddie, minors dni
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
You were having the worst day, on top of a bad headache, you had had an argument with Eddie.
When you were sick, you could get irritated or emotional quite easily, Eddie had made some remark about one of Jason's friends Matt who kept staring at you.
"Why does that asshole keep staring at you? It's fucking weird" Your head snaps up and you frown. There was already tension between the two of you because you tried out for the cheer squad and made it.
"Didn't realize it was so weird that someone finds me attractive" you reply wounded.
He pauses and shakes his head.
"I didn't mean it like that sweetheart?" he assures you and you raise an eyebrow.
"Well, how did you mean it? It's weird that someone may find me cute?" he shakes his head.
"You're putting words in my mouth. I just mean that it's those assholes, they are doing it to piss off Hellfire, jocks, cheerleaders, they join up to the dark side and they are all the same"
This wounds you, does he think you're like that?
"No not all of us. Some of the jocks are nice, and Chrissy is a sweetheart. Do you think I'm like that?" he looks frustrated now.
"Is there much point in me saying anything else sweetheart because you'll literally just take everything I say the wrong way"
Gareth jumps into the conversation and you massage your head which is so sore that it nearly brings tears to your eyes.
"Calm down you two, things are getting heated here and they don't need to be" Eddie angrily folds his arms across his chest and glares at Gareth.
"I'm not the one who started it" you huff and get up having enough of Eddie.
"Fine blame me, when you're the one who made stupid remarks" you fume at him and Dustin looks worried.
"Where are you going? We're discussing tonights campaign" your mood softens as you look at Dustin, he was a sweet kid.
"Sorry Dustybun, think I'll skip tonight" It's not like you'd feel welcome anyway. Eddie scowls.
"You miss tonight and you're out" There are angry protests to Eddie's ultimatum and your stomach drops at his cold gaze.
"Fine" you snap and storm away. You don't cry until you're well away from the cafeteria.
Gym. Just to make things worse for your head you now need to compete in dodgeball.
Usually you enjoyed the game but after your argument with Eddie you just wanted to curl up at home in bed and ignore the world for a little while.
But you couldn't, you had cheer practice, no Hellfire though so you could go home straight after but it wouldn't stop you from missing everyone.
Eddie must have skipped gym because you don't see him anywhere, you try to focus on the game and not the argument the two of you had.
It's made even harder by how dizzy you feel as you're running around and it's almost a relief when two balls hit you so you're out of the game.
Except one hits you on you're already sore head and the pain is so intense, you cry out and the dizziness overwhelms you and you faint.
"Back off everyone, give her some air" you wake up to a few classmates staring down on you.
Chrissy is beside you looking as worried as your gym teacher Mr Bennett.
Nurse Watts comes in and checks you over when you tell her about your raging headache and dizziness.
"Sounds a lot like a headcold honey, you need to go straight home and rest"
"I have cheer practice I can't go home" you say anxiously to the nurse and Chrissy squeezes your hand.
"As your cheer captain, I order you to go home and rest up" This relaxes you a little bit and a few of your classmates help you up including a worried Jeff.
"I'll be fine, can you drive me home, please Jeff? Eddie usually does after Hellfire but...
Well, with the two of you not talking that wouldn't be happening, nods and motions you to follow him to his car as he takes you home.
He hangs around for a little bit and it's a relief to have someone with you. However, Hellfire is soon close to starting so you tell him to go.
Once Jeff leaves after making sure you are okay you get a big glass of water, some pain meds then change into your comfiest clothes and cuddle up in bed.
Jeff races into the drama room ten minutes after Hellfire starts and Eddie is already grumpy after his argument with you.
"Now after that interruption let us finally begin the campaign kay?" he announces and the others nod excited but occasionally glancing at your empty seat.
It feels strange without you here, Eddie feels it too and the ache in his chest since the fight the two of you had.
Jeff is trying to think of a way to mention what happened at gym but decides to say it after the session ends.
It's Mike who ends up saying about it as they are finishing up.
"Did you hear that yn fainted in gym class today?" Eddie's head snaps up and his stomach drops, he was doing a deal during class then setting up Hellfire with some of the guys.
Why didn't he hear about this sooner? Jeff speaks up.
"I was trying to tell you that dude, the ball hit her on the head and she fainted. Said she's been feeling shitty all day" Jeff trials off at Eddie's livid.
All that Eddie can think about now is getting to you, making sure you're alright.
Fuck, the argument. You meant more to Eddie than some disagreement. More than anyone else knew.
He let you see sides of him no one else had, sides he kept hidden away.
"Shit, I have to see her. Sheeples do me a favour and clean up yeah?" he races out as quickly as he can and into his van, anxious to see you.
A light tapping on your window wakes you up around nine-ish, you've slept for hours but still feel sore.
Eddie is at your window and you get up gingerly, wincing at your achy muscles.
"What are you doing here?" you ask not wanting a repeat of earlier.
"I heard what happened. Wanted to see if you were okay, to apologise"your eyes widen.
"You did?" he nods and helps you back into bed.
"Look, I'm not apologising for hating the jocks, maybe some of the cheerleaders as they can be just as bad. I'll never apologise for despising Jason and his goons but not all of the dark side is bad. You aren't"
"You mean a lot to me you know that princess, I've opened up to you in ways I haven't opened up to anyone. You mean so fucking much to me and it's not weird Matt was staring at you because you're amazing and beautiful. I was jealous"
Knowing how difficult this is for him, letting his emotions out like this softens you.
"So you don't want me out of Hellfire then?" he shakes his head.
"No, I don't. You're the one person in this shitty town who I never want to lose" your hands entwine with his.
"I'm not going anywhere, Eddie" he smiles, all dimples.
"I think the cheerleading thing is pretty cool you know? Might have to attend a game to see you in action" This makes you giggle as he mimics the cheerleading.
"Unless you would prefer that Matt douche cheering for you" he fake smiles and you sigh, god he really doesn't see it does he.
"Edward Munson, I don't want Matt at all" he tentaively strokes your cheek.
"You're my girl sweetheart, I can't stand the thought of you with that dickhead or anyone"
"Ditto", it's pretty much how you feel for Eddie. He moves closer to you, his eyes yearning, a vulnerability there as he lets his walls down.
"Kiss me" you urge gently and he doesn't need to be told twice as his lips meet yours.
You were his girl, his heart. You had been for a while and you always would be.
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ladytauria · 10 months
“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly.” chose your ship >:)
i went with jaysteph, 'cause i haven't written for them yet & they've been on my mind lately <3
i hope i wrote steph okay; i'm still feeling out her characterization ^^;
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“So,” Steph says, perching on the arm of the couch like there aren’t two open seats right there in front of her. “Here’s how this is gonna work. I’m gonna ask you how you are, and you’re gonna answer me honestly.”
Jason crosses his arms. “You boss Tim around like this too?”
“Sure do,” she says breezily. “You’ve seen me do it.”
Jason purses his mouth. He isn’t pouting—though the look Steph gives him insinuates she feels otherwise. His arms twitch. He barely stops himself from crossing them over his chest, or slumping back into the couch. All of which would only further her—mistaken—impression.
When he doesn’t say anything else, Steph says, “So… Jason. How are you?”
“Peachy,” he bites.
Steph crosses her wrists and mimics the sound of an incorrect buzzer. “Nuh-uh, buddy, try again.”
“Oh my god,” Jason says. His head falls back against the couch.
“Look, I know emotional constipation is like—our whole thing, but… a little honesty here isn’t going to kill you,” Steph says. “I mean— Do you want me to bring up the B-word? ‘Cause I’ll do it, if it means we can bypass all… this.” She gestures vaguely.
Jason grimaces at the ceiling. “Please tell me the B-word is breakfast. As in, you want breakfast for dinner and will let this go if I agree to make you waffles.”
She doesn’t even dignify that with an answer. Which—yeah. Fair. If Steph wants waffles for dinner, Steph gets waffles for dinner, no bribery required. He’s easy like that. (It’s that thousand-watt smile—the way it leaves him weak at the knees, stomach fluttering. All that romance novel shit he never thought he’d actually have.)
Jason sighs, throwing an arm over his face. He loves that she cares. Really—he does. But he still hates talking about it. Like—okay. Some of it is easy. He can talk about how pissed he is that the Joker is still alive any day of the week. But when you get down to the other shit, the personal shit…
It’s harder. The words stick in his throat, like he’s swallowed a big glob of peanut butter, or like he’s got the worst flu of his life.
But Steph is asking—and. He’s trying to be honest with her. Even about the shit he doesn’t want to talk about.
Also, she’s serious about bringing up Bruce. So. There’s that.
 “How am I?” he repeats, as he picks through the snarled up briar patch growing in his chest. “I’m— not great.” Understatement. He feels like he’s unraveling at the seams, lately. Like, if he isn’t careful, eventually he’s going to unwind completely. “Everything has just been… a lot.” 
Steph slips off the arm of the couch; tucking herself up beside him. He can smell the honey of her body wash; the coconut of her shampoo. It’s nice. Almost as nice as the warmth of her, or the fingers that find his hair, toying gently with his curls.
“A lot?” she repeats, softer now.
“Yeah.” He drops his arm, twisting his torso so he’s curled toward her. He rests his hand on her hip, stroking it with his thumb over her shirt. “I don’t— I can’t point to one thing,” he says quietly. “It’s Bruce, a little bit.” It’s always Bruce, and often more than just ‘a little bit.’ “The city, too. Feels like—like nothing I’m doing, nothing we’re doing is helping. Changing anything. An’ I know that’s not true. I’ve seen the people we’ve helped. But— the bad shit just keeps happening, and. It just. Feels hopeless, sometimes. A lot of the time.” He pauses.
“An’... I’ve been thinking again. About all the stuff I missed out on. An’ I know it’s not too late for all of it, I know I can still— I can go to college. We can make an identity for me, somethin’ I can live in. But, I just. I think about balancing that with everything else, and it just— It’s a lot. I see you do it, and you— Baby, you do it amazingly, and— I want that too, but—”
Steph quiets him with a gentle finger to his mouth. She lays that hand on his chest, tracing the fading graphic on his tee. The other hand stays in his hair. “It is a lot,” she says quietly. “But it’s also nice, to have that break. That connection. Reminds you that all the shit we see isn’t everywhere. It might help.” Her mouth quirks, a little. “And as for B. I’ve hit him once. I’ll do it again, if it’ll make you feel better.”
Jason can’t help his grin. “Only if I can watch.”
Steph winks. “I’ll be watching for opportunities,” she says. Her expression gentles again; and she’s looking at him with an expression so fond that it makes mouth dry up, his eyes sting. “Until then— What do you say we take the night off, yeah? Turn the living room into a blanket fort, order pizza, and watch all those movies we’ve been wanting to see.”
“That—” He has to cut himself off; swallow and start again, when his mouth isn’t desert-dry. “That sounds great, babe.”
She kisses him, brief and fleeting. “Of course it does. I have the best ideas. Now, get moving, Jaybabe. You start on the supports, I’ll call the pizza place. The usual?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, rising to his feet.
He doesn’t know how he got so lucky, but he’s not about to question it. He’ll just have to make sure he never forgets.
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planetkiimchi · 1 year
the strings of fate | l.mk
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no. 5 of my song collection (requested!)
featuring: mark lee x gn!reader, chenle
word count: 7351
warnings: arson, fire, burning, people die in the fire, death (funeral), rooftops (?) if you're scared of heights, there's mentions of nudity but not described, swearing, you'll probably hate me for this fic but idc
playlist: anaheim - niki; 10:35 - tate mcrae; psycho - jun; adelaide - johnny orlando; let me go - hailee steinfeld + alesso + florida georgia line + watt; after you - gryffin + jason ross + calle lehmann; haunt you - x lovers + chloe moriondo
summary — when mark lee, student council president of riize highschool goes missing, you’re the first suspect. as his best friend and well-known crush, you stood to gain the most from it. you’re also vice-president, and with mark gone, you’ve stepped up to be the president and predicted valedictorian. all eyes are on you, and one wrong move can send you to your downfall. but who’s that lurking in the shadows, tugging on the puppet-strings of fort irwin? the city is small, but you feel smaller as things go spiralling crazily out of control. OR mark loves you more than anything else in the world, but you're too broken to receive his love.
if you liked it, REBLOG it.
5 months ago — if i could, i’d freeze this moment, make it my home
“Mark?” You peeked into the room, footsteps resounding in the hollow space. Mark had promised to meet you at the auditorium, but he wasn’t there, leaving you stranded in the middle of the school in a dark room with only the dark red seats to keep you company.
As you turned to leave, you heard a muffled sound that sounded suspiciously like someone landing on the carpet floor. You looked behind you just in time to see Mark removing his mask, breathlessly calling after you, still clad in his Spiderman outfit.
“Just as I thought I’d been stood up,” you told him.
“Nope. In fact, I would have been early if someone hadn’t tried to mug me on my way here. It took some time to get changed and wrap him up in spiderwebs before I dropped an anonymous tip to the police station.” As he spoke, Mark reached into his back pockets, which were luxuriously deep and could seemingly fit as many things as Doraemon’s bag.
“I brought you the book you said you wanted,” Mark said as he pressed it into your hands. His smile was contagious, and you couldn’t fault him for having a heart of gold. It wasn’t his fault that he wanted to make things right, so you forgave him for it.
“Aren’t you gonna get changed?”
He blushed and made some vague motions with his hands before settling on, “Yeah. If you could just- turn around?”
You turned around swiftly, lips pressed together as you tried to ignore the hot blush spreading across your cheeks. You fiddled with the book in your hands, the thumping of your heart making it difficult for you to hear when Mark told you he was done.
He gave you a thumbs-up, and you saw his mask hanging out from the open pocket of his bag. You walked over to him, tucking the mask inside and zipping the pocket up before reaching up, tiptoeing slightly to reach his head, and smoothed out his hair.
He shook his head slightly and wiped the sweat off his brow with a grin. “Better?”
“Since we’re already here, why don't we take advantage of the projector and watch a movie?”
You hesitated, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “I’m a little busy,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck as you thought about the countless assignments you had piling up.
Mark smiled disarmingly and extended his hand, shooting webs from his wrist. They reached the control room, hitting the “on” button. The screen blinked on, showing the default screensaver. “I didn’t mean it as a question, more like an invitation. I know you’re still not over Chenle, so I thought this might cheer you up.”
You were given little choice when Mark slipped into one of the back seats, procuring popcorn from his bag like a magician, patting the seat beside him as he projected his Netflix account onto the screen, and “Little Women” started playing. You couldn’t lie, you had a soft spot for that movie, and seeing it playing was all it took for you to cave in and slump into the seat next to him, dispelling all thoughts of work from your mind.
“Are you supposed to be using your student council pass to get access to the auditorium for a movie?” You asked curiously, reaching for the popcorn.
Mark passed you the box with a dismissive shrug. “If they didn’t want me to take advantage of it, they wouldn’t have given it to me. Perks of being liked by the teachers, I guess.”
That was Mark Lee for you. Handsome, smart, popular—well-liked by both the student body and the faculty. He was perfection in a nutshell, and his heart was yours. You only regretted never being able to give him the same.
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3 months ago — you’re all i want to, want to know
Dangling your feet off the rooftops, breeze soft against your skin as you watched the sunset. Yellow waves of light washed over the red sky, turning it gorgeous shades of orange and pink and purple, if you squinted hard enough.
The sky was a vast expanse of intangible matter, the whispers of the wind calling out to you. Instinctively, you reached out for it, hands grasping at thin air. It felt like it was just out of your reach, and you leaned further, hands outstretched…
You forgot that you were on the rooftop, stomach rising to your throat as you fell from the building, scream caught in your throat which was squeezed so tightly you could barely breathe.
Every second of the fall was torture. You could feel the air rushing past your face, hard enough to chafe but not dense enough to cushion your fall. Your hands flailed about, scrabbling for something to hold onto, desperately searching for holds to grab onto, until you felt a tug on your back.
Mark lowered himself to your height, and you found yourself swinging like a pendulum from the top of the building while Mark leaned into his pants like he was going rock climbing with his friends for leisure, fully trusting his webs to hold him up.
“You good?”
You nodded, gulping nervously. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down…
Mark seemed to sense your fear, one hand wrapping around your waist reassuringly. The concrete touch of his arm against your back calmed you, and you inhaled deeply while staring straight into his eyes, refusing to look down for fear of how high up you were.
“You know, if you wanted to swing around town, you could’ve just asked.”
Your face dropped as you glared at him, your grip around his torso never loosening even for a second. “Ha ha, very funny. Please bring me back up before I throw up.”
“My pleasure.” Both of you shot up suddenly, and you almost collapsed in relief when your feet found hard ground again, but you made sure to move far, far away from the edge that time.
“I think I’m happy just staying here,” you said cautiously from the middle of the roof, as far away from all the sides of the building as possible. You knelt down to feel the ground, afraid that it wasn’t sturdy enough, before falling into a cross-legged position with a grunt.
Mark bent down to sit beside you, guiding your head onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back comfortingly. “I know it’s scary, but hey, the sunset’s worth it.”
Its beauty was almost comparable to Mark’s.
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2 weeks ago — i can tell you mean it when you kiss me slow
Your hand tightened in Mark’s as he ran gleefully towards the ferris wheel, dragging you along behind him as he stood in line for the ride.
Autumn was all around you, in the air as auburn leaves drifted past on a breeze, gently gusting over your hair and leaving you feeling chilly but not cold. The crunch of your footsteps against the ground, the smell of apples all around, the earth heralded the third season of the year.
Mark’s figure was stark against the rest, dressed in all black against the neutral tones of fall, taller than everyone else. Mark was your rock, and sometimes he seemed a little larger than life.
The queue moved slowly, but Mark kept you entertained with silly jokes while it inched forward, and you found yourself lost in the sound of his laughter. It sounded muffled to your ears, like you were hearing it while you were submerged underwater. How could you bring yourself to hurt someone like him?
Your knuckles whitened as they gripped the side of the carriage tightly when you boarded the ferris wheel, eyes staring straight ahead—anywhere but down—while you fought to calm your racing heart.
“It’s not too scary if you look at me, right?”
You had to admit that he was right. If you focussed only on Mark, the world disappeared into a blur of white lights and cloudy skies, and the ground felt solid under your feet.
It was a reassuring thought to know that Mark had your back. So when you reached the top of the wheel, sky-high above the rest of the world with no weight on your shoulders, and Mark kissed you, you kissed him back.
You kissed him like your heart didn’t belong to someone else, like you didn’t care if it hurt him. Because you selfishly wanted his heart, even if you could never reciprocate his love for you.
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1 day ago — but please don’t ask me, the answer’s no
You woke up in Chenle’s bed, his hands tangled in your hair while you wrapped your arms around him. The blanket was at your feet, having been kicked off in the night. Chenle’s breathing was peaceful, and the steady rise and fall of his chest pulled you out of your trance.
Chenle had done nothing to Mark, yet he had unknowingly hurt him again and again. You kept coming back to him even after you had broken up, slipping into his arms after shitty decisions late at night, clothes strewn over the floor as you willingly hurt yourself again and again.
To Chenle’s knowledge, you were single, and it was true—to a certain extent. You didn’t love Chenle, and he didn’t need to love you either. You had come to a mutual agreement that he would keep you warm on lonely nights, and there would be no questions asked.
In the mornings, you would leave, and there would be no expectations of breakfast or loving words when you woke. 
And so, you became a ghost of yourself, hovering in spaces just long enough for you to be seen before vanishing again, never happy or satisfied.
You pried yourself from Chenle’s hands, slipping into your clothes, running your hand through your hair in the mirror before rinsing your mouth and washing your face quickly. You left no traces of yourself behind, save for the guilt-ridden kiss you left on Chenle’s cheek with a sad smile.
Mark didn’t know what had happened when you met him that morning, reaching out to envelope you in a hug when you stiffened, pushing him away with a grimace. “Don’t- I don’t want to do this to you, Mark.”
He raised his hands in surrender, but you could have sworn heard his heart shatter, the pain in his eyes too much for you to bear. You turned towards the school, firmly avoiding his gaze as your lead-filled limbs brought you further and further away from him.
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now — in a perfect world, i’d kill to love you the loudest
mark: can we talk? mark: i feel like there's something you're not telling me mark: i'm always here for you, you know mark: even if just as a friend
(i don’t know if that’s enough for you)
The messages he left on your phone burned a hole through your pocket. You didn’t want to answer them, but you didn’t want to ignore him either, so you opted to climb into a cab and asked it to take you to an isolated area just out of town. It was close enough for Mark to go to, but only as Spiderman. If he took any other form of transport, he would arrive too late.
you: 📍live location you: come over you: please
“Y/n?” Mark was in his Spiderman suit, eyes shielded by the mask. You couldn’t decipher any of his mixed emotions, but you saw his fingers twitch slightly before he reached out to touch the fence that separated you, hesitance laced in his voice. He sounded unsure, afraid even.
“Are you okay? What are you doing out here?” You had never heard Mark scared before. To you, he had always been the brave one, the one who walked first in haunted houses and killed insects while you screamed and leaped away. He wasn’t afraid of heights or those he fought against, and he seemed to shrink in front of your eyes when he was afraid.
“Can you come over to this side?”
Mark scaled the fence and dropped silently in front of you, cautiously moving towards you as his hand reached to pull his mask off.
“What’s going on?”
Mark felt somebody grab his hand, pulling him towards them with his face away while they held him in a chokehold. He felt a needle poking into his neck, injecting anesthetic into his bloodstream. He went limp in his captor’s arms, and was gently laid on the ground while his captor reached for their phone and stopped the recording.
“I’m sorry,” they whispered as they anonymously sent the video of an unmasked Spiderman to the news station they could count on to deliver their news the fastest.
but all i do is live to hurt you soundless
Mark came to in a dark room, hands tied behind his back. He tried to move his feet, and found that they were also tied to the legs of the chair. Defeated, he slumped in the chair, breathing heavily as he surveyed the room. It was small and empty, and he was the sole occupant inside it.
Welcome, Mark Lee. I hope you make yourself at home. With that, the speakers crackled and went quiet.
Chills ran down Mark’s spine as he heard the voice playing. Where were you, and why couldn’t he remember anything? His mind was foggy and he couldn’t remember a thing, except for your text. He remembered receiving it, and going to a shady, isolated place….
Could someone have kidnapped you and taken your phone to trick him? The idea of it caused his throat to seize, heart thumping painfully inside his chest.
The clanging sound of a door opening startled Mark, and he strained to see where the door was. He heard metal grating against the floor and the thump of footsteps, coming face to face with a masked silhouette. The white of the mask was a stark contrast to the dark cell, and it was the only thing Mark could make out.
A spoon clattered to the floor as the silhouette knelt down and set a tray of food on the floor, the water in the cup sloshing out at the impact. The silhouette’s voice sounded robotic when it spoke.
“I will untie your hands, and you can reach down to take your food. This will last you until tomorrow, so ensure that you don’t finish it all in one sitting. If you struggle or try to escape, just know that you won’t like the consequences.”
Mark’s hands felt numb, and he winced at the feeling of pins and needles as the blood gratefully rushed to his wrists, and he rubbed at his sore shoulders. He bent down gratefully to take a bowl of rice and meat from the ground, and when he sat up again, the masked person had vanished like a wisp of smoke.
say you see i’m lying, babe, and let this go
Mark was going insane. An entire day of silence was enough to drive a man to the brink of insanity, but Mark was just barely holding on. He had estimated the length and width of his cell, tried to write it down and realised that the best way was to write it in his food; hopped around, trying to stand up, and fell multiple times; and was growing bored.
He counted the seconds it took for him to breathe one full breath, then held his breath for as long as he could, then glanced back down impatiently at the analog clock he had found on his food tray.
If it was telling the right time, then 12 hours had passed since he had first woken up in his cell. He had fallen asleep in his chair during what he hoped was nighttime, but woken up with a crick in his neck that had been irritating him the entire day.
It didn’t feel like daytime, although it was supposed to be past noon, simply because there was no natural light filtering into the cell, and the only way he could see was by the light of the clock’s hands and numbers, and the dim light coming from what he assumed was a corridor outside his cell.
Mark drummed his fingers against his lap and rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. He had eaten breakfast when he woke up, then lunch just after noon, but his water was running low and his parched throat itched.
It was odd, he thought, that the food that he had been given actually wasn’t that bad. It was simple, but the meat wasn’t as hard as he had expected, and he had been so hungry that he had scarfed it down in one go.
He was just about to risk hopping over to the door of the cell and yelling for help when the speaker that had scared him the night before suddenly crackled to life.
Fort Irwin is a little small for mysteries, but the latest case of Spiderman had everyone puzzled. Mark Lee, 17, was reported to be missing yesterday evening. According to reports from 35.7Hz Radio, the unmasked Spiderman circulating on the internet is exactly the same boy that has gone missing.
However, the hero was spotted swinging by a Target today, persuading a teenager to return the goods they had shoplifted from the store. Has Mark simply run away from home but felt obligated to continue enforcing the law, or has he been kidnapped?
And, more importantly, if Mark Lee has gone missing, then who is his replacement Spiderman?
Mark’s heart dropped as the speaker went silent. There had been a video of him being unmasked in his Spiderman suit? But he hadn’t even worn it in the past 24 hours—oh. Mark looked down at himself to check that he wasn’t wearing it anymore, finding his own clothes on his body.
Odd. He had only brought his phone with him when he went to find you, and he never wore his regular clothes under his suit. However, the clothes that he was wearing were definitely his—they even smelt like the laundry detergent his mum used when she washed his clothes.
If he was wearing his own clothes, then where had his Spiderman suit gone? He craned his neck to the side to look for it, immediately wincing in pain when he felt the burning pain sear through his neck. He had completely forgotten about his stiff neck.
He rubbed his neck, and the door creaked open, the masked silhouette standing there. “Good afternoon,” they said casually, picking up the empty bowls and cutlery from the floor. Mark had been bored enough to stack them up, so it was an easy task for his captor to collect the items and place them on the tray.
“If it were a good afternoon, I would be at home doing homework,” Mark snapped.
i can never promise you tomorrow
“Watch your tone,” his captor said. “I could kill you if I wanted to.”
“They’d find you,” Mark said, but he wasn’t very sure that they would.
“I don’t need to set my hands on you to drive you crazy. In fact, you’re already halfway there,” the silhouette sneered, and Mark could hear the contempt in their voice. He shuddered at the thought of going crazy, knowing that the boredom would surely drive him to do things he never would if he were in the right frame of mind.
“You should show me your face.” It was a weak attempt, but Mark didn’t want to hear anymore about his future loss of sanity, and he wanted to at least be able to identify the culprit if he ever got out alive.
“You’re changing the topic. And I don’t think I will,” the captor said. They grabbed the back of Mark’s chair and forcefully turned him around, facing him away from the door as their footsteps retreated out of the confines of the cell.
Later, the clang of a metal tray on the ground informed Mark that his food and water had been replaced, and he found that it had come with a chamber pot.
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‘cause i have yet to learn how not to be his
Chenle’s hand traced lazy circles over your back until you turned to face him, legs intertwined in his.
“How are you- what do you think of the… y’know, the Mark situation?” He asked hesitantly. It was crossing some boundaries, that was for sure. Your and his relationship was meant to be free from emotional baggage, romantic gestures, and only meant as a way of comfort for both of you.
But at the end of the day, Chenle and you had dated once. Even if you had hated him for a while after the breakup, and he had ignored you for a good couple of months, he did still care about you, although he didn’t know how to—or whether he should—show it.
“I’m dealing with it,” you responded curtly. The truth was, it hurt more than it should. You were being investigated by the police, and when they found the last texts you had sent to him, it didn’t help your case much. The best you could do was to defend yourself, telling them that you had really only been in a bad place and wanted a friend to comfort you.
What they forgot was that he was still your best friend, and even if you didn’t love him back the way he loved you, he was still important to you. You didn’t want him to come to any harm, though it might seem differently to some.
You were, after all, vice-president on the student council. Now that Mark was incapacitated, you were the acting president. Besides, Mark’s crush on you had never been a secret, and half the student body thought that you had taken advantage of his crush on you to get rid of him.
His parents were the most worried, and you could barely look them in the eyes, knowing that you might have been the reason that Mark was missing. They didn’t suspect you, fully trusting you as Mark’s friend, but you didn’t want to let them down if the police found that you had led the kidnapper to Mark.
Mark’s exposed identity was also an issue. You and his parents had known since he decided to create an image for himself, but he had always wanted to keep it private for two reasons: he believed that good deeds did not need to be rewarded, and he was shy.
He didn’t want people to think of him differently because he was a “hero”. You admired him for that, but you also hated him for it. That he could be so noble and righteous, and you hated the jealousy you felt when you saw him walking around school and waving at everyone.
Superhero student council president Mark, who was only missing a lover in his otherwise perfect life.
this city will surely burn if we keep this as it is
Riize Highschool has been set on fire. 5 bodies have been recovered, and the number of injured individuals is 36 and counting. Authorities are working with the school to investigate the source of the fire. It is suspected to have been an arson attempt.
Mark’s mind ran wild with questions. Who could have tried to set the school on fire? Why? What was going on in the world, and why had his “replacement” not done anything about it?
His hands itched for something to do. The cell seemed to grow smaller by the day, the space constraining him and shutting him in. If he couldn’t escape soon, he would explode, and all the parts of him he’d tried hard to keep hidden would be on display for all to see.
He tried to pull his legs from the metal chains strapping him down for the hundredth time, pushing away from the back of the chair until he lost his balance and fell face-flat on the floor.
Blood dripped from his lips from where his teeth had torn skin, and he tried to push himself up from the floor. But the exhaustion and the weight of the chair on his back combined made it difficult, and his arms quivered from the effort.
He lay on the ground, breathing unsteady as he wondered if it was really better to be left in there alive or to leave the world peacefully.
i'd give anything to stop time
Mark missed being able to walk. He missed the sensation of sun on his face, of light reaching his eyes, he missed the freedom of not being trapped in isolated boredom the whole day. He missed his family and his friends, and most importantly, you.
He missed the curve of your neck and the warmth of you when you leaned into him on a cold day. He missed the way your waist felt in his on the rare occasions you let him hold you, missed your smile when you laughed at a silly joke on your phone.
He missed the way your face lit up when you saw him, missed sending you texts between classes, he missed everything about you. And he realised that lately, you hadn’t even felt like friends anymore.
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Mark. You have fifteen minutes to leave this cell. You have been given all you need to leave, and I suggest you do it quickly.
Oh, by the way, your beloved Y/n is also trapped here. If you don't rescue them and leave in time, you can imagine what will happen.
Mark couldn’t tell what was going on in the cell, but it seemed to him that he could smell gasoline and smoke. His head whipped towards the door, seeing a flash of silver in his peripheral vision. A pair of wire cutters lay on the floor near the door of the cell, and he lunged for it, hands shaking as he tried to cut through his chains.
It was hard work, and his arms were tired and sore, and he struggled as he tried to free himself. When the second chain finally snapped, he dropped the wire cutters on the floor as he leaned back, spent.
But the reminder of you in danger spurred him on. He stood up shakily, fumbling for the key on the floor, and his trembling fingers only made it more difficult to unlock the door. As soon as he did, he stepped out into the hallway.
Smoke drifted in slowly, illuminated by the lights along the corridor. He couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but it was getting thicker by the minute.
“Y/n!” He yelled, voice hoarse from dehydration and misuse, desperately hoping that you would answer.
He almost collapsed from relief when he heard your voice. “Mark?”
“I'm coming! Please just keep talking, okay?”
He ran down the hallways, your voice keeping him company as he searched for you.
“I miss you. I’m tired. I want to go home. Mark, we’ve all been worried sick while you were gone. I hate the responsibility you shoulder even more now that I know what it feels like, and I can’t believe you had to go through all of that. You’re insane for holding out for this long and I’m so glad you’re alive. Most of all, I miss every part of you. I’d give anything to have you back.”
“You sure about that?” The proximity of Mark’s voice filled you with relief. You turned towards the sound of his voice, and the blindfold over your eyes was the last barrier before you got to see him again. You heard the creaking of the door hinge and felt Mark’s hands land on your shoulders before he wrapped you into a hug.
As soon as he removed your blindfold, you were taken aback by how exhausted he looked. Dark circles were prominent under his eyes, his face gaunt and the cheekbones that used to be covered in a soft layer of fat seemed like a thin layer of skin over bone. His body, which used to seem taller and bigger to you just a week ago, had grown skinnier. He wasn’t taller, but somehow his body proportions looked off. He was smaller, taking up less space.
The outgoing, cheerful, popular Mark was gone — he had been replaced by someone a little awkward and unsure of himself, having grown used to living in fear.
You were in no place to comment on his appearance, however. Neither of you were in great shape; you were trussed up and your wrists were red from struggling against your bonds. Your ankles were bound tightly with rope, and it was clear to Mark that you had not been meant to stay there for long.
“We have to get out of here.”
“Yeah, no shit. Do you have a map or something? What’re you gonna do, navigate us out of here?” You were taken aback by Mark’s tone, and hurriedly amended your statement.
“I know there’s something in this room that you’re supposed to take. I was told that I would be able to get us out. Can you search the room?”
Mark scanned the room quickly before his eyes landed on you. Without a word, he knelt down in front of you, searching your pockets thoroughly. Your jeans pockets were empty, but there were a few surprises hidden in the thick folds of your hoodie.
“Got it,” he said triumphantly. He opened up his hand, and in his palm lay a few crucial items. His phone, car keys, and a sticky note.
“These are my car keys… how?” While Mark looked between his car keys and his phone, the gears in his mind whirring as he wondered how it could be, you snatched the sticky note from his hand and read the message aloud.
“Drive home, and never come back. Your car is outside. Leave.” The note ended on that threatening note, messy handwriting trailing off into a scrawl scratched across the page. Smoke drifted into the cell and you grabbed Mark’s hand.
As if on command, you saw the pathway lighting up. At the end of the corridor, a door opened up into light and with it, freedom. You ran toward it, the fire lapping at your heels. Although it hadn’t touched you, you could feel the blistering heat of it on your back, and the first thing you could think to do was flee.
The signs of freedom continued to greet you in the form of Mark’s car, and you ran over to the driver’s side while he unlocked the doors.
and drive around anaheim at sun down
Mark was blinking furiously, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand while you sped off, unused to the influx of light. Luckily, you hadn’t been in darkness for long, so you adjusted quickly enough to be able to drive safely.
You sat in silence like that for a while, and Mark leaned across to stare at the building, watching it go up into flames.
You said nothing as you turned on the highway, heading towards Anaheim. It was your hometown, and though it was a little out of the way, at least no one you knew would be there. For the time being, both of you needed some peace and quiet.
When the main road branched off, you took the first exit, finding yourselves next to a grass field. You shifted the car into reverse, parking along the side of the road and turning towards Mark.
“C’mon,” you gestured to him over your shoulder and went outside the car, feet sinking into the ground as you laid back onto the grass.
The sun had set on the drive there, and you could see the moon peeking out from behind the clouds, the small visible crescent shyly waving at you. You grinned back in response and felt Mark plop down next to you, one of his arms snaking under your neck and settling on your shoulder.
to teach my mind to put you first
Even if it was Mark’s hands around you, all you could think of was Chenle’s lips on yours and his hands in your hair, and not a single thought your restless mind conjured up was of Mark.
You wanted to rip the grass from the soil and scream into the void. Why couldn’t you just love him back? After all that Mark had done for you, all he had sacrificed for you, all he had given up just for a sliver of your heart? Why did your traitorous heart despise him so?
Perhaps it was because you didn’t deserve him, and despite all the selfish greed you harboured, you knew deep down that Mark deserved so much better.
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here you are, a hero
Mark had grown comfortable next to you, breathing quietly as he let loose of every muscle in his body. He could feel every knot filled with tension dissipate, could feel the pain of every cut and bruise on his body finally sinking in, almost as if he’d been too scared to register it.
"You go first."
"No, you."
“I want to kiss you” was his confession, blurted out like a bad choice from the depths of his subconscious, said aloud before he even had time to think it through.
“I’ll try hard not to make this feeling a crime,” he said as he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you tenderly, tears falling silently down his cheeks.
You knew you were only putting salt on the wound when you kissed him back, claiming the parts of his heart you had known were yours all along. You knew he liked you, and you hated hurting him but you never wanted to lie to him. You didn’t want Mark to think you loved him when you didn’t. Though you’d done so much to him, you didn’t ever want Mark to have his heart broken by someone who told him they loved him when they didn’t.
Not with all of their heart, at least. You did love Mark, platonically, but the important parts he wanted were the ones he couldn’t have, the ones that belonged to someone else.
You could feel Mark’s sadness piercing through your heart, his tears saltier than the dead sea. He was so genuine, so raw with his hurt as he kissed you, you almost caved and told him you could give up on Chenle. Almost.
But you couldn’t- you couldn’t do that to him.
you wanna be my new home
He pulled away, and as you stared at him, the pale yellow glow that emanated from him seemed to grow brighter before it faded. Mark, your guardian angel, who had fallen from glory and had been reduced to naught but a shadow of his former self. Everything that had made Mark stand out was gone.
And it was all because of you.
You had first started to want to know how to make Mark's webs synthetically when he first used his powers on you for target practice. His webs were long and unwieldy, and uncomfortable to use. You had been curious to see if you could possess those powers too, perhaps better than Mark.
The point where your intentions went from harmless to harmful was when you were about three-quarters of the way through the process. Mark had told you that he had won a scholarship that you had been eyeing.
It had been a tiresome period of jealousy for you, constantly feeling outdone by Mark. Him getting the scholarship you wanted had been the tipping point for you, and you were jealous that it seemed like Mark had the perfect life, while you were always competing with him. Sick and tired of it all, you had decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Your turn,” Mark said, interrupting your thoughts. “What did you want to say?”
“It was me, a week ago, that knocked you out and kidnapped you. I had been planning it since you had gotten that scholarship I had wanted, and by the time I realised that I wasn’t upset with you any more, it was too late. You had been gone for 3 days and I didn’t know how to let you leave without anyone figuring out that it had been me.
“I wanted to come clean, yet I was scared of the repercussions. It took me a few days to come up with a plan to get you to ‘save’ me so you wouldn’t suspect me, and I would burn the place down so no one would ever know.
“I wanted to live your life, Mark. I wanted to know what it was like to have everyone adore you, to be at the top of the world, carefree and loved. I was sick of hiding in your shadow, I wanted to know what it was like to be a hero, to no longer settle for second best.
“But after experiencing it? I don’t think I want that life. It’s not for me. The amount of pressure you must have been under every day of your life is not something I envy. I understand now why everyone admires you. You’re worthy of that, and I’m not.”
Your palms were clammy with sweat, unsure how he would react. “I’m sorry for all I did. I hope now you understand why I would never be worthy of your love. And I hope- I hope that you won’t love me anymore in ways I can’t return.”
You didn’t know what you had expected from Mark, but it definitely wasn’t acceptance, much less his forgiveness.
When he said, "It's okay," you looked at him in confusion. What was he talking about?
"What you've done is in the past. We're both here now, aren't we?" At that, you understood. It was because he was Mark Lee, angelic and purer than you could ever hope to be, with a heart bigger than the universe. Only he would be able to forgive you after everything you had done. You nodded, and when you stood it felt like your feet were weightless against the cotton candy clouds soft under your feet.
but baby, let up
By then it was getting late, and the sun was starting to set. Mark had been silent for a while, and though it worried you, you had other concerns. The most important one at the moment was how you were going to get back home, because you were still stuck on a little road in Anaheim when you lived all the way in Fort Irwin.
It was late at night and Mark’s phone was dead, so you handed him your phone to ask him to navigate. It was an unfamiliar place and you couldn’t wait to be back in the comfort of your home, and you wanted to get Mark back to his parents as soon as possible.
Deep down, maybe you wanted to prove that their trust in you wasn’t misplaced, wasn’t unwarranted. But when you slipped your phone into Mark’s hand, it was freezing cold, and when you turned to look at him, it sent shivers down your spine.
“Mark?” He disappeared before your eyes with a sad smile, fading into nothingness while you grasped at him in a panic, refusing to believe that he wasn’t real. Your attempts were all futile as your fingers met with cold air until all that was left of Mark was your memories and regret.
i won't ever recognize these roads
You sped back after that, unsettled and afraid. If you hadn’t saved Mark, then your guilty conscience wasn’t cleared after all. How long had you been hallucinating him? Had Mark ever been real, or was he simply a figment of your imagination? How much of your reality could you trust?
Your foot on the accelerator never let up, speeding across the highway with a sinking feeling in your stomach. If Mark was real all along, and you had kidnapped him, but he wasn’t there with you, then there could only be one possibility…
'cause i am lost, but not in you
“Chenle,” you managed breathlessly while Chenle looked at you in horror. He was dressed in pajamas, as if he had been about to sleep, and you knew you were a mess.
Your wrists were red from struggling against the bonds that you had tied for yourself, an effort to make your kidnapping look real to Mark. Parts of your hair had been singed in the fire, and you smelt strongly of smoke and sweat. Your clothes were stained brown from the wet soil of the grass fields, and your shoes were falling apart.
“I think I killed him.” You wished the revelation would hurt, but Chenle slamming his door in your face hurt you more. You sank to your feet, defeated, back against his door as you sighed.
Perhaps it would be better if you ceased to exist, too. At least in hell you would get the punishment you deserved.
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The sky burns bright like ochre, burnt umber streaks like autumn. As if on cue, as the coffins are lowered side-by-side into the earth, thunder rumbles across the sky. The sky weeps as if haunted by memories, harbouring the guilt of the murderer and the pain of their victim.
The land sings its heart out, crickets chirping and nightingales drifting by as the sky darkens. Chenle tightens his grip around the chrysanthemums in his hand as he watches the disfigured silhouettes descend.
He doesn’t know what to do. Mark Lee had been a friend of his. Granted, not a close one, but a friend nonetheless. And to think that his fuck-buddy had killed him in cold blood was a burden he wasn’t sure he wanted to bear.
He breathes in and sighs. Even if he loved you, it was too late to change the course of things. All that had happened would have happened some way or other, and all he could do was try to right things in his own way.
Chenle watches on in silence as the families of the bereaved pay their respects. He’s hidden under the shelter of the umbrella, drawn to his eye-line so no one can make eye contact with him. He observes silently as the families mourn their loved ones, not knowing that the two best friends hadn’t been kidnapped, but that one had killed the other.
When you had showed up at his door, Chenle had the fright of his life. Your pants were dotted with blood, tears streaming down your cheeks. When he heard what you had done to Mark, his first instinct was to deny it. He slammed the door in your face, head spinning, stunned by your confession.
There was nothing else he could have done.
He could not have stopped you, headstrong as you were, heading back the entire way to Mark’s deathbed, where you hugged him tightly as flames enveloped you, burning away all traces of your guilt.
When the authorities found you a day later, the forensics seemed to match up to logic—the unknown killer had killed both of you, burned you to erase their footsteps, and you two had huddled together in fear during your last moments.
He kneels to the ground and weeps with the sky, umbrella dropping to the side as the downpour drenched him and the earth as if they were one. His sorrow would melt into the soil if it could, but as it could not, it remained heavy in his heart.
Onlookers would see a grieving boyfriend, crying for his lover and friend. It was not far from the truth, but nothing they thought would come close to what had really happened to the unhappy dead.
If only they knew the truth.
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the-hornedwitch · 4 months
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As I’ve said before, what I write is from my own personal journey. None of this was learned over night. Nor did my connection and relationship occur in such a manner. My journey with Him has been a four to five year walk.(though the way I write condenses it)  While I have been a pagan for over fifteen years, and have practiced witchcraft for an equal amount, I did not hear His call for a time.(I have a listening problem) I am in no way an expert, I’ve just read what called to me (S.Connley, Jason Miller, Anton LeVay, Michial W. Ford, Ego Diabolus, EA Koetie, Rumi, Alan Watts and C. Jung) took what made sense, and applied it to my own practice. Some of what I speak on may or may not align with what some of the above stated have written, again, my perception, my experiences, my interpretations. Enjoy.
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Lord Lucifer LOVES music
            I mean LOVES Music. If there’s one thing popular media has gotten right in regards to this Dark Lords personality it is how He ENJOYS music. (We can talk about emotions, deals, hedonistic tendencies and Justice later) Back to Music.
            I’ve noticed He enjoys all genres, as long as it "sound good" or is "creative". I tend to be electric in my music tastes and enjoy listening to it more than watching television. I often play music as a type of "offering' for Him, and through the last four years, I’ve concluded that some of His favorite genres are; Classical(the more emotional the better), Melodic/Goth(Loves Orgy, Depche Mode, Muse, NIN), Synth/EDM, 80s(All of it), any sort of Broadway/theatrical, Punk(not a surprise) and ANYTHING about/relating to/inspired by Him(He is and Pentacle to the Pit from Ghost put Him in a MOOD). Metal is a touch and go, (I personally LOVE it). He does enjoy various types of Rock (70s mostly) and Blues/Jazz tend to bring out a nostalgic/sensual energy. Oddly enough, some Christian themed music. (Has something to do with His sense of Humor, He likes His Jokes)
            Music, carries vibrations and energy, as do spoken words. I am of the opinion it is one of our first language as a species. The Ancients used it in ceremony and ritual. As a Pagan and Witch, I have utilized music in various types of ritual, meditation, and craft work. Most of my communication with Lord Lucifer often occurs through music. It can range from hearing a set of lyrics that co inside with a thought or question. To falling into a very deep trance, that carries me into His current.
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Contracts ARE a "Thing"
Yes, Lucifer does LOVE his Contracts, Bargains, Deals, and Arrangements.
No, not the "selling of your soul" type of deals. (Then Again...)
You do not need to make any sorts of deals to "work" with Him. He will work with you, especially when you approach Him with respect and humility. Building a relationship with Him is very important, He doesn’t 'take' orders, nor can you "command" Him to do anything. Attempting so is very disrespectful, and He will laugh at you, while teaching you a fun lesson for the audacity.
Not to say, some of the 'old' High magician, Alester Crowly, Golden Dawn type of 'summoning" doesn’t work, they will get His attention, yes, and like I said, He does enjoy his deals, bargains, and such. Remember, Lord Lucifer does what He wants. He has His sadistic, Dark Lord moments, and (I say this with respect) is That type of Asshole. You ask Him for fame and fortune, He may give it to you. Just understand what the price is, and be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I have a contract and arrangement (No, not for fame and fortune) with Him, they took time to be "written" and I did not go into them lightly. He did not approach me about them, I petitioned Him. They are deeply personal and pertain to my path and dynamic with Him. I am only "allowed" to speak on them openly if the environment allows it. Which tends to be in spaces with fellow practioners, who understand the Dark Divine on a profoundly deeper level then the standard "Satanist."
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It's all an Illusion, even the Gods
            We live in a Matrix, No it's not like the movie.
            There are layers and dimensions to this reality. They aren't always physical, and they have a lot more to do with one's own consciousness and perceptions. The Gods are no different. When you began to work with Enties of a Higher or Deeper plain, your understanding of reality, consciousness, and time shifts dramatically. It can happen all at once (Which bends or breaks the mind to the point of madness), or it can be gradual. Sometimes it is both. The Gods are no different. Through my thirty some odd years on this planet, I have learned a great deal of things. Some wonderful, some not so much. I have decades to go on my journey, but one thing that has stuck out to me thus far is this: Humans put the Gods in neat two-dimensional boxes. Myself included Hell we all do it, it's how our silly little ape brain can make some sort of sense in regard to the vast cosmic beings which are The Gods.
            When I say, Lord Lucifer is everything "they' say He is, and more. I mean this; He has aspects and masks, that go far beyond what many people have written about. I am in no way saying I'm special and know all the secret's, I'm certain there are others on this path who have been just as privileged to know all aspects of Lord Lucifer. What I'm saying is, you get what you Give with Him. If you push yourself to grow, to dive deep within yourself, and to listen to the knowledge He willing offers to those who put in the work. You by proxy, are introduced to sides of Him that aren't often addressed in 'the books'. It is both terrifying and euphoric, if you know, you know. If not, sorry friend. I can only share so much, I can only show you the door, you have to be the one to open it. 
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The books aren't always right, but sometimes media is
            I quote that line from Constantine a little too often, "The books aren't always right Chaz". I'm not the only one, Jason Miller uses it a lot too. Speaking of which, if you haven't seen Constantine yet, you're missing out. It's actually pretty awesome. Peter Stormare, steals it with his whole ten minutes as Lucifer.  I mean it. I saw the damn movie at eighteen, well before I started my journey. Thought it was fun, and interesting, in my top ten favorite movies, damn love me Keune Reeves. Since starting my journey, and rewatching it recently, Holy fucking Hell. Not to say the movie has anything correct, it is still fiction inspired by Abrahamic mythos. Fun, and entertaining, and much like anything, there is some truth in it.
            Its approach to how Lucifer is depicted.
            Yes, He can and will be all about His 'Job' and have fun while doing it. His sense of humor is dark, with a touch of insult to injury. He can go from laughs and smiles to I will fucking tear you apart at the drop of a hat. He does whatever the fuck He wants, when He wants, "rules' be damned I found a loop whole, suck my entire dick, I get what I want, end of sentence.
            There are books, and tomes out there that have important and vital information in them. Some have assisted me with my journey, and I give credit where credit is due. Few, however, give you the heads up in regard to how Lucifer "works". I have skimmed across a few who mention how intense He can be. How He will push you. or how strict, He can be.
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His Infernal Majesty, The Crowned Prince of The East
            There is a Hierarchy within the world of The Dark Divine. While Lord Lucifer Is one of Four Crowned Princes, He is not King/Lord of Hell. Nor is He Satan, Has He carried the title from time to time, yes, but He is NOT Satan. In my dealings with The Dark Divine, I have met One Satan, that being Ha Satan (Sammeal). Who is the head of the House of Satan. Lucifer is directly under Ha Satan, along with the Other three Crowned Princes. Under a Crowned Prince, there are Kings, Princes, Dukes, and Marques. Under each title are Legions, in each Legion are Devils, Imps, Incubus, Succubus, Demons, and Nameless.
            Polyamory is common among the Dark Divine; Lord Lucifer is no different. He has quite the array, of Wives, Concubines, Consorts, and lovers (Yes, He has a Harem). Angelic, Demonic, and 'Human' alike. I'm not naive, to think I'm the only one who has experienced Him in the manner I have. There are many Humans who serve and devotee themselves to Him. I am not the only one. There are levels, and you go as deep as you want with Him. You get what you give.        
            While there is a lightheartedness to the way I write about Him, it is simply my personality shining through. I have learned what I can and cannot share, on social media and the like. My approach tends to keep me out of too much trouble. That being said, do not get it confused. I know exactly, WHO, I speak about. There are moments I have shared with Him that I am not permitted to speak on openly, due to their personal nature. (And our arrangement) I'm well aware of how, brutal He can be with His lessons. I have been on the receiving end of 'discipline' more than once. I know to which Dark Lord I claim to know and serve. These writings are encouraged by Him. With their limitations of course.
Images by Mabel Amber, Joachim Schnürle , Michal Jarmoluk, Эльвина Якубова from Pixabay
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dearabby1990 · 4 months
Chapter 26: I’d do anything for you
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This has without a doubt been the best night over your life Eddie bribed the dj for the night to play what he knows is your song Journey “foolish heart” starts to play he takes your hand & you both give each other a knowingly look “thank you Eds for.. for everything for being you for having me & for tonight I’ll never forget it that’s for sure” he smiles kissing you as you both sway to the beat of the song. The night is getting closer to the end & you all even had a large group dance you Eddie & all the boys. Heading back to the table for the night laughing and talking you all get some punch & sit to shoot the shit when you hear a voice from behind you “Well… well well what do we have here Hawkins own freak table gee I didn’t even think you guys would have the balls to even show your face here you do know nobody wants you here right” your face is on fire & your brain is going a mile a minute flashbacks of that horrible night you wouldn’t dare let Eddie experience that not if you can help it. You see Eddie jaw clenched at this boys words before Gareth speaks “Jason why don’t you just leave us the hell alone & quit being a dick all the fucking time!” Jason looks amused & a laugh rumbles from deep in his chest “ohh & what do we have here be careful gorgeous he they worship the devil & probably want to use you for a human sacrifice” you can’t take another word from this kid & you won’t dare let him ruin Eddie’s prom you jump up from your seat “Listen pencil dick I don’t know what your major malfunction is but if you don’t get the fuck away from us & this table i swear you’ll be sorry!!” Eddie is standing up to keep you from lunging at Jason has he looks at you eyes wide face beet red “You…! You fucking bitch!” Before you knew it your instincts took over your heel landing right between Jason’s legs kicking him in the groin & picking up the server tray from your tables food & smacking it over his head as hard as you could. “Eat shit asshole!!” The boys all stare in bewilderment gareth yells “holy shit!! I think we should get out of here GO GO GO GO!!!” Eddie snatched up your hand making a beeline for the door Steve & robin aren’t far behind all running like bats out of hell while Jason lays on the floor cupping himself in pain and Andy screaming “you fucking freaks!” You whip your head around just before reaching the door “kiss my ass trust fund baby!!” Jeff cackles as you all head to your vehicles robin seems very proud “That was so awesome he so deserved that!” Gareth agrees “It was a long time coming you fucking rule Watts!!” Eddie pulling you into a hug “you’re absolutely insane nobody’s ever done that for any of us before I think I’m fully head over heels in love with this girl!” He points at you Steve shakes his head amused “we better get the hell out of here before they all come barreling out here for payback” you all hop in your ride for the night while the hellfire boys pile into Jeff’s dads van they pull up to your ride honking with all the windows down gareth hanging out the window “HEY JAMIE!!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!” You beam with pride now knowing family isn’t always blood but the people who are in your life right now you want in your life forever. Eddie’s words earlier replaying in your head until you’re snapped out of your thoughts “hey princess I’m gonna drop these two off first do you want me to take you to yours or..?” You know for sure what you want out of all this but not sure how or when to go about what you’re thinking & feeling so for the second you’re just living in the moment “uhhh.. well it’s a weekend so you don’t have anything to do tomorrow right or are you busy if you are it’s totally fine” as you play with your bracelet not making any eye contact. “I’m not busy at all tomorrow… hey.. hey look at me” you slowly lift your head “whatever you wanna do I’m okay with” he holds your hand the remainder of the ride dropping off Steve & robin & heading to your place. Pulling into the driveway your trying to build up the courage “So.. I-I was wondering if maybe you’d want to stay tonight… with me??..”
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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Eddie in the Bathroom
Pairing: past!Steddie
Summary: Eddie and Steve used to date, they were in love, or so Eddie thought. Then Steve dumped him right before Tina’s annual Halloween party. And now Nancy Wheeler is tucked under Steve’s arm and Eddie can’t stand to look. He’s now hiding out in the bathroom, drowning in his thoughts and memories.
Warnings: mentions of weed and porn (no descriptions of usage), mention of alcohol, anxious and depressive thoughts. Very angst heavy. No happy ending.
Word Count: 1182
A/N: This is totally based on the song Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill. @writer-in-theory said Steve will now be our third jail cell buddy for angst crimes. And as always, thank you, friend. 💕 This fic is for my C3 square in @harringroveson-bingo
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Today. Halloween, 1983…
Tina was hosting her annual Halloween Bash, the biggest party of the fall, and Eddie could care less. Normally he ate up Halloween, adoring getting in costume, watching slasher movies, and most of all, the money he got from his “sales.”
Last year, he had a blast. He dressed as Jason Vorhees and made bank, and then he got to make out with his boyfriend in the back of his van for hours on end.
This year, though. He didn’t have a boyfriend, which was crushing to say the least.
Five days ago…
Eddie met Steve in “their” spot by the quarry, and Steve looked worse for wear. Eddie went to wrap his arms around him before he was met with Steve’s hands shoving at his chest.
“No!” he shouted.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed. Had he done something? Was Mr. Harrington home? Did someone find out about them?
“I just can’t be with you anymore, okay? And when we go back to school tomorrow, keep pretending like we don’t know each other,” Steve’s voice wavered and he walked away, heading back to the Beemer, leaving Eddie more confused and heartbroken than ever.
He was dressed as Willem Dafoe’s character in ‘Loveless.’ While in the middle of a sale, he happened to see Steve making his way into the party, dressed as Indiana Jones. The shirt unbuttoned down to his navel was enough to make Eddie’s mouth water. Oh, Steve looked so good, but Eddie couldn’t touch. He pocketed the cash and began to make his way over to get a better look when a flash of white tulle caught his eye.
Eddie stopped in his tracks. Steve brought someone? Surely not. They only broke up a few days ago, there’s no way that Steve has a date already, let alone a girlfriend.
He wouldn’t do that…
And there she was, Nancy Wheeler, clad in a white tulle dress, looking pretty as ever, as Marion Ravenwood. They were matching. It was a fucking couples costume. Eddie felt sick. Replaced. He met Steve’s gaze briefly before his feet began moving themselves. There was no time to unpack what emotions were in Steve’s eyes before he was stumbling into the bathroom and locking himself in.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Eddie muttered, pacing in the confined space. It was hot and this leather jacket was suffocating him. He clumsily fumbled with the zipper, practically ripping the material from his body to allow his skin to breathe.
Eddie slid down to the floor, resting against the porcelain bathtub that felt like ice against his back. He felt like he was going to hyperventilate if he didn’t ground himself quickly. Seeing Steve after the break up was hard enough, but knowing he was here with someone else?
Why? Why was he here with Nancy Wheeler? Why was he not good enough? They were together for a year. They were in love. Eddie was, at least. He thought…
Six months ago…
“When I graduate, where do you wanna go?” Steve asked, curling into Eddie’s side. It felt like home, like nothing could ever go wrong.
Eddie chuckled, fingertips tracing the curves and dips of Steve’s back, “Did you have something in mind, Stevie?”
Steve tilted his head up to look at Eddie, flashing his million watt smile, “I was thinking Pittsburgh. We’d be more free to be ourselves and you could pursue music like you’ve always wanted. I’ll have time to figure out what I wanna do.”
Eddie looked Steve with the fondest of grins before leaning in to press a kiss to the mole just under his hairline.
“We’ll have all the time, sweetheart.”
Now Eddie is the one hiding in someone’s bathroom, meanwhile Steve is flaunting around Miss Perfect, as if the last year didn’t exist, as if it meant nothing. Eddie hadn’t realized he was crying until he heard an incredibly off-key rendition of Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart.’ He felt the tears drop down onto his bare chest and he decided it was time to suck it up and
“Oh, great,” he muttered, standing up on shaky legs to look at his reflection in the mirror. He was flushed, eyes red from crying, and his hair was sweaty around his temples. Surely there couldn’t be a sadder sight tonight. Maybe he can pass it off as being stoned, or he got beer in his eyes from people sloshing the shit around with their horrible dancing. He had enough to deal with, what with being “The Freak,” “The Loser,” “The Stoner,” he didn’t need to add “The Wuss” to it too.
They didn’t know him. They knew a name and one thing about him. They didn’t know he could create intricate stories, that he played guitar in a band, that he loved fiercely, or that he wasn’t as stupid as he seemed. They knew nothing. They didn’t even notice him unless he was selling pot.
A little over a year ago…
“You’re so pretty,” Steve whispered as they sat across from each other in the library.
Eddie startled, dropping his pen against the wooden table, earning him a glare from the librarian.
“Dude, you can’t just say shit like that!” Eddie hissed, kicking Steve’s shin under the table.
Steve bit back a laugh and the urge to pull Eddie by the collar and kiss him.
“Be mine,” he said, simply. Except it wasn’t simple. It was fucking po-dunk Indiana and they were two guys.
Eddie gaped and glanced around to be sure no one heard them. He was shoved around enough, he truly didn’t need another reason added to that apparently very lengthy list.
“Meet me at the quarry,” he murmured finally, lips turning upwards in the faintest of smiles, “So I can give a proper ‘yes’ to my boyfriend.”
Eddie turned the knob of the sink, splashing his face with cold water, ignoring the knocks on the door. If someone had to piss that bad, there was an entire back yard and loads of empty bottles and solo cups.
“Big mistake. You should have stayed home, Munson. No cash was worth this,” he grumbled to himself, drying his face with the little hand towel on the ring. His head hurts now- the anxiety and crying brewing into a booming pressure in his skull. Shit, watching porn, and being miserable and alone in bed would have been better than this. Even the fleeting low, dark thought seemed like a better option. He’d never do that to Wayne, though.
He grabbed his jacket from the floor and opened the door, expecting to be cussed out by some couple who wanted the bathroom to make out, but no one was there. Passing the threshold, he met Steve’s eyes again, this time Eddie made a beeline for the front door. He couldn’t do it. He didn’t know how the hell he was meant to make it through his senior year when Steve was there.
“Awesome party,” he said flippantly as he passed Tina, “I’m so glad I came.”
He wasn’t.
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The Masterlist of Masterlists
Stranger Things Masterlist
Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
how has your day been? in as many words as possible pls
wow. aiming for the stars. bold since you know how much I love to talk but I’ll give the people what they want
my day was pretty good all things considered. the things we’re considering is that I worked 3-8 instead of 12-5 today and I don’t even have a show to watch with my family tonight. the bachelorette was crazy last night kallie you would have loved it.
anyways the play by play of my day was I woke up at 9:55 bc my friend has her radio show from 10-12 and I listen as often as I can. but it wasn’t even her on the radio it was some other bitch but I was already awake so I just stayed up even though I was up late last night reading fanfiction and texting bi guy jason and journaling. so I ate my breakfast which was an overripe mango which I ate peel and all over the kitchen sink and gas station potato wedges I got from work two days ago. it was fine. and I watched a youtube video on the barbie movie by a youtuber I’m subscribed to while I ate. but I was still tired and I had enough time to take a nap so I did and let me tell you the last fucking thing I wanted to do was get up but alas I did. and I was hungry so I had a struggle meal (so you could call every meal I have these days) it of an entire can of green beans. I heated them in the microwave ofc but honestly they were fucking delicious.
I left for work a little later than I wanted and that was stressing me out and I started listening to my playlist from last summer and I must have played that shit to death bc I skipped like a million songs before I got to one I could listen to. I got to work and I liked all my coworkers that were there which is a fucking miracle and my three favorite coworkers (the guy my age, the woman who got hired the day before me, and the manager who doesn’t give a shit how much work anybody’s doing and has been perpetuating the wheels vs doors debate for a week) were all there so I was content. even if all the customers were fucking cunts for some reason like idk what was in the air today but people were being such assholes but it was fine bc every time they walked away my coworkers and I would just talk shit about them. btw I didn’t like the woman who got hired the day before me at first but now me and her are like this 🤞 ily sandy. she’s so fucking real and every time I tell her that she’s so real she laughs bc she thinks it’s such a funny phrase. but she literally is I swear to god I would have lost it if I was the only new cashier. but apparently she got a way better training process then me bc she’s constantly like “nobody taught you how to do x or told you that you need to do y? that’s so weird” like yeah sandy it is weird. and both of us have the same irrational fear that every other one of our coworkers hates us but at least we like each other so it’s fine. bottom line I love sandy she’s my best friend and I hope when summer ends and I quit that she goes and finds a better job she deserves it. also both of us got soooooo excited when we saw the new halloween candy display like fuck yeah you know what time it is
all the coworkers were talking about arbys at work and I’ve never even gotten anything other than fries and I was starving and we have no food at home because my family sucks at grocery shopping so I went to arbys and got a french dip sandwich and some mozzarella sticks. the sky was beautiful on the drive home and when I got there my mom was sitting on the couch in the front room crocheting but I opted to be a hermit and eat in my room. I got some grease on my bedspread but it’s fine. I started the new garrett watts video bc I have to watch all of his videos it’s tradition. well it’s usually tradition to drink starbucks while I watch his videos. maybe instead of finishing it while I go through my drafts I’ll watch it tomorrow after work and get myself a lil drink as a treat. bc that tradition started back in 2020 when every thursday after my last online class instead of killing myself like I wanted to I would go and use my years and years of starbucks gift cards to buy myself a lil drink then go on a lil drive and go home and drink my drink while I watched the newest sweet boys (garrett watts and andrew siwicki) podcast episode while I embroidered. anyways after that greasy ass dinner I was feeling like collapsing and dying so I ate half a green bell pepper in the kitchen. and even though that was all like less than an hour and a half ago I’m really fucking hungry again. I literally don’t understand how I’m always so hungry. it’s pissing me off.
since then I’ve just been fucking around on my phone and I think I’m gonna write my diary entry of the day then take my shower (I have to wash my hair boo👎👎👎) then try and go to sleep I’m fucking exhausted. speaking of my diary thanks for asking me this bc I’m probably just gonna copy paste it instead of actually writing the diary entry for today. which I’m ideally gonna write in a week but I’m back to being two weeks behind on my diary again. I knew that was gonna happen with dani visiting and all but it still sucks. hopefully I can get my act together before school starts. thanks!
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Hunny – Warehouse On Watts – Philadelphia, PA – October 31, 2023
Indie rock/pop group HUNNY, from California, brought their mini-12-date tour to Philly on October 30. After the release of their second studio album New Planet Heaven, in early October, the band hit the road and stopped at Philly’s Warehouse on Watts. The show was not sold out, and the crowd was very intimate. It ended up being a small-scale show that really blew the audience away and left them wanting more when it was coming to an end.
Having two opening acts, Modern Ties & Lurk, the crowd was getting prepared for a super fun show. The upbeat, pop sound of Modern Ties, a small band from Scranton, PA, had the audience jumping along and enjoying the music. When Lurk came out, the energy shifted, and the sound changed. Their sound, much different than Modern Ties, gave the audience a taste of how the night was going to sound. With more of a rock tone, they sort of captured the audience and grasped their attention.
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HUNNY took the stage with arguably one of their best songs, “Natalie” off their first EP: “Pain/Ache/Loving,” released in 2015. An insane way to begin the show, with a song so strong and loved by the audience. The energy in the room was unmatched. The setlist was an incredible mix of songs, old and new. The next few songs were off their new album New Planet Heaven. The crowd seemed to enjoy the new songs and knew all the words.
The room was heating up as everyone was dancing and jumping around. Jason Yarger, the lead singer of HUNNY, in his leather jacket, was continuously wiping the sweat off his head and struggling to keep up with the audience. Even though the crowd was small, the energy was unmatched, and everyone was having a great time. The band played “Halloween” (off their album Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes) the day before the holiday. Some people in the audience even dressed up in their Halloween costumes. The end of the setlist was more of their most popular songs like “Vowels (And The Importance of Being Me)” and “Televised.”
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Overall, HUNNY put on an outstanding show. The mix of songs off the different albums, EPs, and singles, left the audience feeling fulfilled, being able to hear HUNNY’s works from 2015 through 2023. The band will continue their mini tour with five more dates in the US. Get out and go see HUNNY for a show you’ll never forget.
Maria Gilles
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 2, 2023.
Photos by Maria Gilles © 2023. All rights reserved.
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
Corey and Oats in..
Nightmare on Carnaby Street.
NOTE: This is a special Corey and Oats adventure which is a rock music themed horror comedy one with a supernatural slasher element to it, it is a nod to Scooby Doo and Guess Who with this story’s guest stars being The Rolling Stones (the surviving members anyway). Also features nods to slasher movies and horror in general including the names of the women in one scene (e.g Buffy being named after the character Buffy Summers, Angela being named after Angela Franklin and/or Angela Baker, Clarice is named after Clarice from Silence of the Lambs) and nods to Stones songs.
Corey: A Covid microbe who is best friends with Oatsie the horse, he is a former villain from Microbe City who learns a lot about the world through adventures he goes on with his friend and he is fiercely protective of his friends.
Oats: Oats or ‘Oatsie’ is an adorable equine that loves all things pink and pretty, he’s always in a positive mood and loves to dance, he has a fondness for cookies and pastries and he loves to wear dresses and dresses in drag, he tends to be very shy and timid but is very caring and lovable especially with those he loves.
Mel: Melanie ‘Mel’ Sanders is a superpowered anthro koala who they live with at Nile Road, she can shapeshift and also is super-strong.
The Rolling Stones: A band that needs no introduction, as part of the classic rock universe they get up to adventures of their own including ones where they battle demons, this version of the band has numerous supernatural connections and abilities…Keith can sense when demons or monsters or other supernatural beings are near and is psychic and also can survive pretty much anything (as demonstrated when Jack Slash tries to slaughter him with his powers), Ronnie can create sound based energy spells, and Mick can not only see Charlie Watts’s spirit but also can speak to him and other ghosts (and also can transform himself into different supernatural versions of himself depending on the scenario)
Jack Slash: A slasher style villain that was portrayed by Mick in a series of in-universe horror movies, he is a half-monster musician who was nearly burned alive by angry parents because they thought his work was satanic, he made a deal with dark supernatural forces and became who he is today to get revenge on them. His name is a play on words of Jumpin Jack Flash. He is depicted as looking like a possessed/dark version of Mick.
Angie: One of the girls that is one of the survivors in the ‘Jack Slash’ franchise…she is portrayed as a socially awkward sort who comes out of her shell to save her friends from Jack’s demonic minions. Named after the song of the same name.
Clarice: The scientific genius of the survivor group. Named after Clarice from Silence of the Lambs.
Bianca: The fashionista, named after Bianca Jagger.
Buffy: The rebellious badass of the survivor group, named after Buffy Summers.
Ruby: The misfit of the group who in the first ‘Jack Slash’ is revealed to be psychic, she is named after Ruby Tuesday and also a little bit inspired by Ruby from ‘The Hills Have Eyes’.
Angela: The reclusive goth of the survivors who is Lydia Deetz inspired, she gets her name from Angela Baker from Sleepaway Camp and Angela Franklin from Night of the Demons.
Horror movies are like rollercoasters, they have ups and downs but also have another aspect in common…they are basically like confronting death without having to die yourself and one genre of horror that seems to have the most fans is the slasher genre, whether or not you are a horror fan, you cannot deny that seeing a man getting chopped up by a chainsaw wielding mad-man is never going to get around. Icons like Jason, Leatherface, Freddy and Chucky are the rockstars of the horror world. Our two heroes Corey and Oats were in their house at Nile Road when Mel heard that there was a special mission that had been chosen just for them.
They were watching In Search Of Darkness II which was a documentary about 80’s horror movies and they were really getting into it and learning a lot about horror. ‘We really must check those movies out.’ ‘ Yeah, they sound awesome.’ Mel entered the room. ‘Boys, we’ve got another case and another adventure.’ ‘Awesome, what kind?’ ‘There have been a lot of mysterious deaths and this looks like a job for you two.’
“Excellent, come on. Let’s go.”
“How are we going to do that?”
Oats galloped into the bedroom and got something out of the bed box, something that resembled a Spirit Halloween sticker sheet, he unraveled the sticker sheet which contorted into a path which lead to a path-way which looked like it belonged to a cursed garden center as they followed the path-way and arrived in London. Corey and Oats looked over and saw what appeared to be a pair of dead bodies near the music studio that was across the street, one dead body had been impaled on a guitar stand and another had a mark on their neck which indicated that someone had tried to slit their throat.
“This has all the markings of a slasher.”
‘Yeah, only instead of dumb teenagers being stalked by a killer with a hook hand, it’s a microbe and a horse.’ ‘Yeah, we’re much better protagonists than your typical slasher protagonists.’ ‘Come on, let’s go and see if we can figure out the killer’s plan.’ The duo headed through down-town, noticing all the masked dancers that popped up and also noticing the dead bodies on the side of the road, that’s where they saw a demonic creature that looked like a monstrous leopard-man, the leopard-man looked like it was going to attack them but before he could do that…that’s when he was sent flying onto the other side of the road by a bus.
“That was a close one.”
“Yeah, we almost got attacked.”
The bus stopped and Corey examined the bus and instantly recognized the bus because of the logo which was of a pair of lips and a large tongue…’The Rolling Stones.’ ‘Yeah, that’s their bus…wonder what they are doing here.’ The door of the bus opened and Sir Mick Jagger and Keith Richards stepped out. ‘This is the right location. But I don’t see our shop anywhere.’ ‘Keith, are you sure you got the right address?’
“Now you know I wouldn’t mess this up on purpose.”
“You have a point there, but we’re kind of lost…when you think about it.”
‘Can we help you?’ Oats asked as he trotted over to them. ‘That would be nice of you, thank you.’ He used some magic to help fix the tire that had gone flat due to the crash from earlier that they witnessed. ‘No problem, my name is Oatsie. I know who you guys are. You’re Mick, Keith, and Ronnie from the Rolling Stones. My mommy loves your music. Oh dear, there I go again.’ ‘Aaaaw, you’re oddly adorable.’
“We’re here to solve a case.”
“There have been a slew of deaths in this part of town and the reports all say it’s connected to this killer named Jack Slash. Do you guys know of him?”
‘Well yes, we do as a matter of fact.’ Mick added. ‘Jack Slash was a serial killer/horror character I created and played as in several movies in the monster world. He has now become a real living killer out there using his dark powers to go after people who deemed his music to be Satanic.’ ‘Something tells me this guy would get along with Jason and Freddy.’ A scene materialized in front of Corey and Oats along with Mel, the scene showed a rockstar named Jack Slash at a concert and it also showed a group of parental groups that disapproved of Jack’s music.
The scene showed Jack making a pact with a dark supernatural entity who granted him powers, as it showed him nearly being burned by the angry parents. ‘The parent groups deemed Jack’s music to be evil and Satanic and they thought something ought to be done about him, they thought Jack was no good. And upon nearly being burned alive…he vowed revenge.’ ‘Typical slasher villain behavior.’ Mick explained the origin of the character and also suggested that the group stick together as opposed to splitting up.
Corey and Oats nodded as they helped Mick, Keith and Ronnie navigate through the city before stopping at the store that they owned. That’s where they saw a demonic figure, Corey noticed the demonic figure was holding a guitar, looking like a twisted nightmare version of Mick if Mick was possessed by Sammi Curr, he rolled out of the way as dark blasts of lightning were shot off the guitar…’That’s him, that’s Jack!’. Jack Slash tried to attack the duo but Oats used some magic to deflect the dark powers.
In addition to this, Jack attempted to get at Mel but Corey got in the way. Jack cackled madly as a group of women named Angela, Buffy, Angie, Ruby, Clarice, Bianca, and Jamie attempted to fight him off and he swiped at Corey. Corey of course wasn’t afraid as he fought off the shadow demons that were swooping around him.
The group raced through the city as Jack used his powers to hypnotize a group of people and make them into half-demonic beings with piercing yellowish eyes. Corey had been to England before but even he had to admit it was pretty awesome to fight demons with the most iconic rock band ever. Mick of course used his agility to dodge several dark energy blasts that Jack was shooting out from his fingers and his guitar.
Jack looked over at Keith and attempted to take him out, striking him with his long sharp fingernails in hopes of scratching him or getting him wounded but Keith’s wounds healed up all by themselves, Keith got up and played a few blasts of his guitar. ‘I cannot be killed, it’s a natural fact.’ Ronnie looked over as Charlie’s ghost materialized and helped out with the battle, as they sensed the presence of other supernatural beings.
As they did Corey made a microphone and guitar manifest in front of him and he performed a song as they raced through the city, dodging Jack’s attacks and fighting off demons. Mick picked up a microphone and joined in.
‘Fallen angels into the street
It's an empty dance
And so incomplete
The hallow voices which spread a cry
For the devil's night
There's a reason why
You tried before, but you can't buy a clue
No matter what you do
The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire
For the wasted lives’
The group ran all over and eventually decided to fight together and performed a selection of song spells, the group of female survivors even joined in, providing backup vocals as the song was being played and Oats and Corey rocked out together with the band.
‘And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!
On the darkest side!
Neon shadows that point the way, never lead you out, it's a game they play
The madness comes and the madness goes
It's a simple world
But it's all they know
You try to fix it but there's nothing you can do
You just gotta see it through
The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire
For the wasted lives.’
Oats galloped around, performing moves that were like Mick’s as he showed just how talented he was as a singer, and Corey handled several of the demons as Mel used her powers to cast a spell to protect herself and to protect them from the demons. However, one demon reached for Angie and dove down her throat, possessing her in the process. Angela and Buffy used their combined skills to fight off the demons as a few masked dancers circled around Bianca and Clarice. Oats performed a few spinning moves and kicks with his ballet moves, he packed quite a punch as he proved how powerful he could be. Mel transformed into a half-angel version of herself and performed some holy magic that weakened some of the demons.
A couple of gruesome demons were swarming the group and people were being transformed and corrupted by Jack’s magic, with some demon forms that looked to be very much in the category of Body Horror, one of the transformed victims had spikes growing out of his shoulder blades, one had a few lesions on their back, and a couple even had a mouth of teeth that looked like they belonged to a deep sea fish.
‘And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!
On the darkest side!
In this city, you give and they take
You reach the limit, you bend, and then you break
And there's no escape!
There's no escape!
The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire
For the wasted lives
And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!
On the darkest side!
The darkest side of the night
Burns like a fire
For the wasted lives
And there's no way you can fight, just show some respect, and try to survive!
On the darkest side!’
They managed to fight off the demons but before they could get to Jack, Jack teleported away and reappeared backstage in the band’s dressing room, Corey and Oats hurried over to help Mick..’I should have told Keith to remember the combination to unlock the door.’ ‘Sorry about that..I was too busy thinking of what might happen to us if this was to ever happen.’ ‘Got anything we could use to break it down?’ ‘Well..i’ve got this guitar. It’s one of my prized possessions, but I don’t mind it being used in this situation.’
Corey snatched a guitar off the wall and tossed it to Mick, who began hacking through the front of the door with the guitar, which formed a large hole in the middle of it, he peered his head through and exclaimed….’Heeeeeeeeeeere’s Mick! What? I’ve always wanted to do that.’ Mick looked over at Jack and the two of them had a guitar magic battle. For a while it seemed that Mick was winning up until Jack decided to try and gain an unfair advantage by possessing him…Mick panicked for a little bit before turning into a couple of different monster variants of himself including a version that was a werecat that looked like the one from the Michael Jackson video Thriller. Mick didn’t get corrupted entirely though as he managed to perform one song spell that eventually broke him free of the possession.
Oats sighed with relief…for a couple of seconds back there he was afraid Mick had turned evil, which luckily wasn’t the case. Thinking quickly, he played a song on the guitar which sent Jack flying onto a backdrop which opened up to reveal a pit of flames. Jack levitated for a while before ultimately landing on the pit and bursting into flames as a couple of blasts from Corey’s guitar finished him off but before he burst into flames and exploded, he gave a tremendous horrifying roar and a shout of…’Rock n roll never dies and never shall I. I will be back again, you can count on that. Because to me, killing is a gas. I am Jumpin Jack Slash, and I slash, slash, slash.’
“Whew…that was quite the ending.”
“Do you think we’ll see the last of him?”
‘Well, he’s a slasher villain…he’s bound to come back to life eventually. You know how slasher villains are, they always come back for me.’ ‘And when he does we’ll be ready.’ ‘Indeed we will.’ Corey looked over at Mick for a minute. ‘Are you alright? Jack possessed you for a while back there and I thought you were corrupted by his dark powers.’ ‘I am quite alright, by the way, you guys were really helpful, thank you for helping us solve this case.’
“No problem.”
‘Hey Oats, did you and Corey ever consider becoming musicians? Because you have some amazing skills.’ ‘Thanks for the offer, Keith. But we are already musicians, it’s just we have our band at home. And we’re very supportive of them.’
Oats whinnied as he hugged Mick and danced with him for a bit, doing his own equine spin on his signature moves. Corey decided it would be a good idea to pick up a souvenir and that’s when he went to the Rolling Stones shop and bought himself and Oats and Mel some special Stones merchandise.
“That sure was one rocking adventure.”
“That most certainly is true.”
‘I have a feeling we’ll meet again…and in more places than one.’ ‘Yeah you’re right.’ ‘But for now, let’s go home. Come on, let’s go.’ Corey, Mel and Oats said goodbye to their musician friends as they hopped aboard their own floating tour bus and they flew all the way from London to back home in Nile Road. When they arrived at Nile Road, Corey went into the room he and Oats slept in and put some of the things he had brought for himself and his friends on display. Throughout the afternoon and evening they partied and had fun.
They had some delicious food for dinner, and they had a wonderful night…they told all of the other microbes about the adventure and Corey explained everything. Trump Cat had just woken up from his nap when he heard the music, but he woke up and decided to join in. After celebrating all night, they decided to have a bit more fun all by themselves and had their own rock concert. When it was time for bed, they all snuggled up and had sweet dreams as their bed contorted into a tour bus and they dreamed about being rockstars in their own band, a band called ‘Oatsie and the Microbes’.
And thus with that our latest adventure comes to an end, but stay tuned for more…stay tuned for the 2022 Halloween spookactular episode, Oats and the Unicorn Princess, The Unicorn With The Sweetest Heart, and Oats’s Magical Flower Garden. And many more adventures to come.
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toosicktoocare · 3 years
Okay, I’m very much obsessed with the web comic “Batman: Wayne Family Adventures,” and I want to write little one-shots for it. 
If you’d like to see something written, drop a prompt in my inbox! 
Also found on AO3!
1: Better Than Dick Grayson
Jason’s beat by the time he guides his bike through an underground entrance to the Bat Cave. Patrol wasn’t hard – more annoying than anything else. There’s been an increase in copy-cat villains lurking the shadows of Crime Alley, all who can’t even follow through with a napkin-scribbled plan properly.
“Nice work tonight, Hood.”
Jason slips off his bike, boots heavy against the steel floor below him. He taps the comm nestled in his ear. “Thanks, O. Time to sign off? I’m sure you have an absolutely riveting day at the library tomorrow.” A cheeky smile plays at his lips as he slips his helmet off, huffing around a laugh at Barbara’s drawn-out sigh in his ear.
“I honestly don’t know why I help you every night.”
“Come on, O. You know you look forward to our quick-witted banter every day. That’s our thing – our trademark, if you will.” His smile widens when Barbara chuckles in his ear.
“You’re ridiculous, Hood.”
Jason slips into a changing room, grimacing as he cards his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair. “Please, O. You know you love me.” His suit is damp against him, an uncomfortable testament to just how much he’s done on patrol in the few hours he was out.
“Maybe a little.”  
Smirking, he shrugs his jacket off and reaches to the back of his neck, working his damp suit off until it’s hanging low at his waist. “You flirting with me, Babs? I’ll tattle to Dick.” He barks out a laugh at the low, impressive string of curse words that echo from his comm.
“I retract my previous statement. My tolerable feelings toward you stem from obligation alone.”
“Babs,” Jason whines, slamming a hand to his chest, “you wound me! Now I’m really going to tell Dick!”
“Well, you’re out of luck. He left for Bludhaven an hour ago.”
Jason pushes down on his suit until he’s stepping out of it, kicking it to the corner of the changing room with the notion that he’ll deal with it later. Tomorrow. He sighs – eventually.
“Detective Grayson summoned for an assignment?” He turns on his heel, snagging a towel that he drapes over his shoulders, using one corner to mop the sweat dripping from his hair.
“Something like that.”
Barbara’s voice goes soft on the other line, and Jason stops, frowning smally. “What’s up, Babs?”
“Damian and Bruce are still out, so I need to get back to them. Can you check in on Tim for me? Steph said he’s been quieter than usual all day.”
“Pump the kid up with coffee, then? I can do that.”
Jason holds his hand’s up in mock defense out of habit, sighing between his teeth. “Fine, yes. I’ll follow in golden child Dick’s footsteps and take my role as the dutiful big brother.”
“Good. Also, I have that on recording now for the next time you try to sarcastically remove yourself from a family affair.”
“Later, Jason!”
There’s a crackle in Jason’s ear, and then the line goes dead. Rolling his eyes, he pulls the comm free, dropping it beside a large monitor in the cave before padding upstairs, eager to shower Crime Alley’s discount villains away.
He swings by Tim’s room first, finding him at his desk, eyes soft and cast toward the window. His expression is somber albeit a tad thoughtful, and Jason promptly pulls him out of whatever muted stupor he’s currently lost in.
“Well,” he starts, nudging the door open wider, eyes flicking to the textbook open at the desk. “You’re doing better than I did. Studying wasn’t really my forte.”
Tim twists around and cocks his head to the side. “You were a straight-A student.”
Scoffing, Jason drops against the doorframe, arms crossed. “Hey. I didn’t say I wasn’t smart.” He nods to the book. “And you’re essentially a boy genius, so do you really need to do that?”
“It’s a good distraction,” Tim sighs, turning back to the window and dropping his cheek against his fist.
“A distraction from what?” Jason’s eyes narrow into sharp slits, watching a small line of tension take to Tim’s shoulders.
“Dick left.”
Jason’s taken aback. Dick comes and goes all the time – they all do. He can’t imagine Tim will be here long, and he, himself, is only staying the night before he heads back to the safe house he’s been frequenting by himself in the morning. Now that he thinks of it, he’s sure he overheard Steph mentioning packing for a trip with Barbara in a few days.
“He’ll come back,” Jason responds, and Tim spins around in his desk chair with a sigh that’s far too long and heavy for a kid his age.
“I know that. It’s just,” Tim pauses, waving one hand around, “too quiet without him here.”
“That’s a bad thing?” Jason cocks a brow, and Tim huffs.
“You know what I mean – Dick’s all energy and smiles, and everything just feels better when he’s here. When we’re all here together.”
This, Jason thinks, is edging a delicate territory he’s not adept to handle. His vocabulary rivals Alfred’s, and yet, piecing together words into a sentence that’s both optimistic and comforting is not something he feels he’s capable of. Instead, he steps into the room, dropping his palm to Tim’s head, and the silence that follows is sharper than Bruce’s best batarang.
“Jason,” Tim finally mutters, voice flat.
“Is this comforting?”
“No, it’s weird.”
Jason rips his hand away, a sigh of relief slipping past his lips. “Well, that’s one thing we can agree on.” He turns toward the door, muscles faintly aching, his reminder that he really wants to shower and sleep. “Night, Timmy. Dick will come back soon.”
He opts not to look behind him lest he wants to feel a big-brother spark of guilt he’s just too exhausted to handle. Instead, he slips out of the room without so much of an over-the-shoulder glance.
Jason’s alarm starts softly from his phone, and he slams his hand against it with a low groan, trained to wake at the quietest of sounds. Outside, the sun’s not quite made it up and over the horizon, still casting the manor in a soft glow – a view that Dick swears by. Jason shuffles over to his window and takes in the view for roughly four seconds before he decides he’d rather see it through the visor of his bike’s helmet.
Still, before he can leave, he’s got one more thing he needs to do at the manor – a rather brilliant idea, if you ask him, he came up with in a sleep-ridden mind right before he conked out for the night.
He’s not Dick. He’s better than Dick.
He changes and perks an ear to the sounds down the hall, hearing the others waking. Once he hears Tim’s bedroom Keurig stop running, he acts, plastering a triple-watt smile to his face and storming out of his room.
“Ugh, Jason,” Cass mutters, rubbing her eyes. “What are you doing?”
Jason doesn’t respond, waiting, instead, for Tim to open his bedroom door, and the moment he does, Jason sucks in a long, swelling breath.
“Good morning!” He shouts, dragging out each word, making his voice as loud as possible, a bright bellow that sinks into every crevice of the manor.
Beside him, Cass cups both hands over her ears, and Damian merely turns back into his room, slamming the door behind him. Duke can’t get to his phone fast enough, and Tim promptly jumps out of his skin, his coffee splashing from his mug to burn against his hand and stain the floor. There are footsteps pounding up the stairs, and Jason smiles even wider, his cheeks stretched and tight, and he sucks in another large breath.
“Jason, what the hell—”
Jason cartwheels down the hall, narrowly avoiding a puddle of coffee to stop upright before Tim. He ruffles Tim’s hair, his forced smile fading to something softer, more genuine. “Morning, Timmers!”
“What in the world is going on?”
Bruce is breathless at the end of the hall, and Alfred’s trying, and horribly failing, to hide a laugh behind a cough.
“I’m telling my family good morning,” Jason shouts, arms outstretched. He offers Tim a wink and leans in close. “Grayson’s got nothing on me,” he whispers, tone devious, before he presses a kiss to Tim’s cheek and claps a hand to Tim’s shoulder.
When he pulls away, he slips past Bruce and Alfred, maneuvering around them with a practiced grace that could rival Dick Grayson. “Something smells incredible down here!” He adds from the stairs.
“Oh, Dick’s going to love this,” Duke mutters, ending the video recording on his phone.
“Should I call Leslie?” Bruce asks, worried, his attention torn between the startled and amused faces before him, and the echoing sound of Jason singing Broadway showtunes from the kitchen downstairs.
Tim looks down to his coffee mug, his hand faintly burning and sticky, and he smiles warmly. “Nah, Jason’s fine.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Best Of Us
Batfamily x M!Reader
Word Count: 3,035 Warnings: Angst
Author's Note: And here we are with a Batbrother fic! Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t an inferiority complex. Not really. He wasn’t prone to anger or any of the other symptoms listed under it—and he checked. Multiple times. But there was something about being the only non-vigilante in his family of vigilantes that made him feel inadequate compared to the rest. Bruce had the Justice League, Dick and Jason had their own fantastic groups that saved the day, and Tim and Damian were still in school, but even they had their groups too. Hell, even Alfred still had contacts from his days in MI-5. And yet, he had none of the skills his brothers or father had, no extensive martial arts training, master detective skills, or weapon mastery. He was completely normal—or maybe abnormal in this case. And on some level, he resented that he couldn’t be like his family—maybe he did have an inferiority complex.
The greatest thing in (Y/N)’s mind about still being allowed to live at home was that no matter what, there was always food around to eat—Alfred saw to it that every growing man in the house had enough to eat—that being said, their grocery bills were outrageouslyexpensive.
He balanced his tablet in one hand, the other hand adjusting the tie around his neck as he stepped into the kitchen, quick to raise the tablet in time to avoid whacking his youngest brother in the head.
“Morning,” he greeted, taking his seat at the table, just after Jason’s. A chorus of tired, ‘mornings’ came back at him and he quirked an eyebrow. “Wow, loving the enthusiasm this morning, guys.”
Jason snorted and propped his chin on his palm, watching (Y/N) for a moment. “I seriously don’t understand how you’re always so chipper in the morning.”
He huffed a laugh and took a sip of the coffee that Alfred set down. “Someone has to be the ray of sunshine in this group of gray clouds.” (Y/N) cast a glance at Dick who was shoveling eggs into his mouth. “And it seems like our eldest is busy feeding his bottomless pit.” Dick was fast to shoot him a glare, that he returned with a smile.
Just then, Tim trudged into the kitchen in an oversized hoodie and plopped down in his seat, immediately shoving the plate in front of him to drop his head onto the table.
“Jesus Christ, you guys,” (Y/N) sighed, flicking at his tablet for a moment. “You’ve seriously gotta take a day off to recuperate.”
“What do you think we do during the day?” Dick retorted, taking a swig of milk.
“Okay I think you’re confusing the entire day with the first half,” he reasoned. “When I say take a day off, I mean the whole twenty-four hours.” He glanced at everyone, and the only person who seemed to not be tired was Alfred, and that’s partly because (Y/N) believed he was immortal. “You guys are gonna run yourselves into the ground,” he said. “I just don’t think—”
“We know what we are doing, (Y/N),” Damian interrupted with a glare. “We know our limits better than you do.”
He let out a sigh and shook his head. This conversation had happened many times before and it wasn’t anything new.
“I’m not saying I know them better than you Damian, I’m simply saying that you guys should take a day to relax so that something doesn’t happen on the job that you can’t control.”
(Y/N) glanced at his father. “Dad, c’mon, you know I’ve got a point.”
Bruce hummed and flipped the page of the newspaper. “So does Damian.” He met (Y/N)’s eyes and nodded. “You don’t have to worry so much, (Y/N). We know what we can handle.”
He stared at Bruce for a moment then scowled. “I don’t even know why I bother,” he muttered, and Damian was fast to chase his comment.
“I don’t know why you bother either. You’ve never once experienced what we do every night.”
(Y/N) met his youngest sibling’s glare. “Just because I don’t stick my neck out for each person in this city night after night doesn’t mean that I don’t know what it’s like to be exhausted.”
Damian crossed his arms over his chest. “So, you know what it’s like to be exhausted from blood loss because you’ve been stabbed or shot? Or to be exhausted from saving the lives of innocent people? You do?”
“I—” (Y/N)’s mouth opened, then he snapped it shut and looked away with a darkened expression, tasting something sour in his mouth. “No, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought,” Damian finalized, and in the wake of the uncomfortable tension, a cellphone went off.
Everyone started looking for theirs, but (Y/N) muttered, “It’s mine.”
He picked it up and put on a cheerful voice. “Good morning Angela…yes, I just got the floor plan…” he tapped at the screen on his tablet. “Do me a favor and move the people from table eight to table three. Mr. Robinson is better friends with Mrs. Grace and will certainly give us a warmer atmosphere in that area.”
(Y/N) paused and listened, then he stood from the table and pushed his chair in. “Let me get to the office and we can situate the rest of the guests for tonight…alright, see you soon. Bye.”
He pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call, then took the black backpack that Alfred was holding to him. “Thanks Alfred.”
“Of course, Master (Y/N). Have a pleasant day at work.”
He huffed a laugh, but it was anything but amused. “I have to give a speech tonight in front of the entire company and three different magazines.” He glanced at Bruce. “Think you’ll be able to attend tonight? It’d mean a lot to me.” Bruce grunted, his way of telling (Y/N) that he’d try, but to not hope for a miracle.
It was fine, he was used to parentless ceremonies and events. He cleared his throat and shrugged on the backpack, making his way to the garage door.
“See you guys later.”
He’d given a few speeches in his short twenty-four years, and while he’d never say he was an expert on public speaking, he did know his way around a podium. That being said, every time he had to do a speech, he felt like vomiting—nerves he chocked it up to.
(Y/N) cast a glance around the packed ballroom, quietly groaning at the massive amount of people. His own table was empty, save for Angela and thank god for him, Lucius. He couldn’t help but frown at the name tags sitting in front of the empty seats.
“Wondering where the rest of the gang is?”
He met Lucius’ eyes and gave a halfhearted smile. “I’d like to think they took my advice and took the night off but…something tells me that the night called to them.” His lips pulled downwards. “I’m not going to act like this is a surprise, Lucius. I couldn’t even get them to show up for my university graduation.”
(Y/N) smiled and stood up, grabbing the notecards beside him. “What makes you think I could get them to show up to this?” He left the table and moved to the side of the stage, waiting for his name to be called. His fingers briefly shifted to his chest, feeling his heart fluttering beneath chest, nerves causing his breathing to come in short bursts. (Y/N) shut his eyes and took a deep breath, letting a pleasant smile cross his face as the presenter called his name, and walked up the steps.
The bright flash of photography momentarily blinded him, but he smiled through it. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight at the Centennial Inside Alliance Award Ceremony.” He flashed everyone a million-watt smile. “My name is (Y/N) Wayne, and as many of you know, I am a senior editor for Inside Alliance. It is my pleasure tonight to recognize Inside Alliance’s top writer for the year.”
(Y/N) glanced around the room, making sure to catch the eyes of the hundreds of guests.
“Inside Alliance was created on August fourteenth, nineteen-twenty by a group of immigrant mothers and fathers who wanted to bring knowledge of their homes and cultures to the rest of world. Some of those countries being Germany, Romania, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Israel, and many, many others.”
“The production of their valuable time and extensive care created one of the greatest magazines that is still in business today, that brings attention to the worldwide issues that many groups face, while still connecting to their roots of educating the public on cultures and groups.”
He smiled. “It is with my upmost honor that I congratulate and introduce Miss Flora Janaliyeva, one of our newest and greatest writers that has joined Inside Alliance, and the winner of tonight’s Inside Alliance Award.”
(Y/N) turned to the side and grinned at Flora as she ascended the stairs. Her long black hair was braided down the length of her back and she wore a bright and floral-patterned gown. She reached (Y/N) and he reached with his right, shaking her hand, and handed her the glass award with the other.
“Miss Janaliyeva, it is with honor and congratulations that I give you this award for your excellent talent and recognition of ability from Inside Alliance.”
She smiled brightly and accepted the award. “Thank you, Mister Wayne, the honor is mine.” He nodded politely once more and descended the stairs as she began her speech, quietly taking his place back at the table.
“Well done, Mister Wayne,” Lucius smiled and (Y/N) let out a deep breath.
“I’m just surprised I was able to do that without stuttering or panicking.” He glanced over, smile lowering slightly. “Lucius, are you alright?”
The older man dabbed at his forehead and nodded, though when he breathed, it sounded labored. “I’m fine,” he assured, then reached up to rub at his chest.
(Y/N) shifted. “I don’t think you’re alright Lucius.” He leaned over. “Are you having chest pain?”
“I—yes,” he grit out then met (Y/N)’s gaze. “My chest is getting—tight and I…and I—”
He started to slump over and (Y/N) shot to his feet, eyes widening with fear. “Lucius!” The yell startled the crowd and Flora, who all looked over at the two.
(Y/N) pulled the older man back and pressed his ear to his chest, listening. He pulled away and yelled, “Someone call an ambulance! I think he’s having a heart attack!”
He helped Lucius to the floor and immediately pressed his palms to the man’s chest, starting compressions. His breath came in panicked spurts and he kept looking at Lucius’ face.
“Just hand on Lucius. You’re going to be okay.” (Y/N) kept at it until the EMT’s arrived and they knelt beside them.
“Let us take over.”
For a moment, he didn’t move, too afraid that if he did, Lucius would die, but one of the EMT’s placed a hand on his shoulder while the other slide their hands underneath (Y/N)’s.
“Son, we’ll take it from here.”
(Y/N)’s arms went slack, and he let the medic pull him away, watching as they took over and started moving him onto the stretcher.
“Please, save him. He’s—he’s friends with my family I—”
The medic nodded firmly. “We’ll do all we can.”
And all (Y/N) remembered was someone ushering him into a taxi heading for the hospital.
The first people that arrived were Lucius’ family who were grateful for (Y/N)’s actions, but the young man could barely grimace as they disappeared into the hospital room, leaving him sitting outside, his head in his hands. Tears gathered in his eyes as he thought back to what the ER doctor told him.
“Mister Fox is in a stable condition, but you have to understand, Mister Wayne, his heart is very weak.”
“But—but he’ll be okay right?”
“Based on Mister Fox’s past conditions, he’s verging into heart failure. His heart is too weak to keep up with what the body needs.”
“And…and what does his body need at this point?”
“At this point? A new heart.”
He sucked in a breath and fought to keep the sob from escaping his throat, just as heard, “(Y/N)!”
His head shot up and he saw his father and older brothers coming down the hallway. (Y/N) clambered to his feet.
“Dad I—” he started, but cut off as he choked on a sob, and Bruce pulled him into a hug, holding (Y/N) as he sobbed. “I’m sorry,” he cried. “I tried my best but—”
“Shh,” Bruce hushed, a firm, but gentle hand coming to rest at the back of his son’s neck. “You did all that you could.”
He pulled back and wiped his face. “But Lucius needs a new heart, and I don’t know what to do. I should’ve seen this coming. He hasn’t been feeling well the past few weeks and I—”
“(Y/N),” his father said firmly, hands coming to rest on his shoulders. He met Bruce’s eyes. “This wasn’t your fault.”
His libs wobbled and he whispered, “But if I were like you guys, I would’ve seen something earlier. I didn’t and now…” sighing, he added, “and now Lucius needs a new heart, or he’ll die.”
Bruce’s sigh was heavier than (Y/N)’s and it made his chest heavy. “We’ll get Lucius a new heart, (Y/N).”
He lowered his head and lamented, “I’m sorry, dad.”
His father squeezed his shoulder then lead him towards Dick and Jason. “Take (Y/N) back home for the night. I’ll stay here with Lucius’ family.”
They nodded and led their brother down the hall, arms firm across his shoulders in a comforting way. They didn’t say anything, knowing that there wasn’t much to offer, but their support was enough for (Y/N), even if he felt horrible.
For being the World’s Greatest Detective, his son was evidently the World Best Hider, because it took Bruce a long time to finally find (Y/N). He stepped quietly over to the form sitting on the ledge and took a seat beside him, silently gazing out at the backyard. A bottle appeared in his vision and he focused on it as the smell of whiskey reached his nose.
“Where’d you get that?” he asked but took the bottle anyway.
“Jason gave it to me earlier.” He watched Bruce take a sip. “Figured it fit the occasion.”
Bruce chuckled. “That sounds like Jason’s way of dealing with a problem.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, passing the bottle back and forth, simply enjoying the calm around the manor and night.
“You know it wasn’t your fault, right?” Bruce suddenly said.
(Y/N) sighed and set the bottle down, kicking his legs out off the roof. “Lucius said he hadn’t been feeling well recently. And I just passed it up to getting older.” He looked at his father. “If I’d actually paid attention, then I would’ve seen the symptoms.”
“Do you actually know what the symptoms of heart failure and heart attack are?”
“I…no, not really.”
“Then you couldn’t’ve known.” He looked at (Y/N). “Lucius works in my office every day. If anyone should’ve known and seen it, it should’ve been me.” Bruce shook his head. “But you did everything you could at the awards ceremony, and that saved Lucius’ life tonight. You did good.”
“I could’ve done better.” (Y/N) muttered. “I should’ve. I’m your son and I’m practically useless to the family but—”
“Woah, woah,” Bruce interrupted, brows furrowing as he asked, “What are you talking about?”
(Y/N) turned to him. “I am the least useful person in this family. I mean you and the guys are these crazy intelligent, vigilante master detectives and I’m just me.” He wiped away a tear that fell from his eye. “I can’t speak seven different languages or solve murder cases with a single strand of DNA left at the scene of a crime. Hell, I can’t even throw a punch.” He sighed heavily. “The last time I tried, I broke my hand.”
Meeting his father’s gaze, he said, “I just want to be like you guys.” He lowered his head. “I just want to be normal and not an outlier in the family.”
Bruce simply stared at him for a long moment, and while he’d never been privy to let his emotions show on his face, he let them this time—shock and shame. Shame that he didn’t see his greatest achievement suffering.
He didn’t look up at first, but then he did. “Yes sir?”
“How long have you felt like this?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Forever?”
His father sighed. “Son, I…I never wanted you to be like us.”
He gaped at Bruce. “What?”
“(Y/N), every person in this family is driven to do what we do because of our childhoods. You’re the only one who doesn’thave any skeletons in his closet.” He stared at him. “We wish every day that we could be like you and not a day goes by that we don’t think that.”
“I…what?” he floundered, absolutely bewildered at the idea that his father and brothers wanted to be the most boring person ever. “There’s no way that’s true.”
“It is.”
“No.” (Y/N) huffed. “I’m me. I’m plain and boring, work a nine to five job me. I mean I write for a magazine for god sakes! And you guys save the world!”
Bruce chuckled. “And what we wouldn’t give to be just a bit more normal like you, son.” He shrugged. “You think you’re inferior because you’re not a vigilante, but you’re the one thing that keeps us all sane. You give us the perspective of someone who isn’t what we are. Of someone who’s completely normal.”
He reached over and placed a hand on (Y/N)’s shoulder. “And being normal? Being you?” Bruce squeezed firmly. “I don’t want you to be anyone else.”
(Y/N) gazed at him, and though he felt tears in his eyes, he didn’t blink, didn’t let them fall. “I’ve only ever wanted to make you proud.”
Bruce smiled heartfully. “You do, (Y/N). Everyday. Because you’ve always been the best of us.”
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[The bat-brothers: Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian sitting at the dining table in the Wayne Manor. They all sit in chairs lines up, facing the Fanon version of themselves: 'Perceptions']
Tim: (reluctantly) So, these guys are our 'perceptions'?
Dick: (nodding, slightly uncomfortable) Yeah, Zatanna said she will drop by once she has figured out to fix this without collapsing the multiverse in on itself.
Tim: (gulps and points at Fanon!Tim sitting directly opposite to him) Why do I- I mean, why does he look like that?
[Cut to Fanon!Tim with sunken cheekbones, pale skin, skinny frame and dark, chapped lips. He looks undernourished and his eyes are laden with dark circles from sleep deprivation. He looks like a zombie.]
: readmore:
Tim: (whispering to his brothers to not offend the Fanon versions) He looks like a zombie...
Dick: (speechless)
Damian: (Smirks) That's the vibe you emit, Drake. Face the truth.
Jason: (also speechless, raised eyebrows, regrets life and death decisions that led up to this moment.)
Dick: (has the most optimistic 'wtf' look on his face looking at Fanon!Dick)
[Cut to Fanon!Dick sitting on the chair with a huge, 440-watt smile. He looks like the himbo version of a dog wagging his tail.]
Dick: (in both wonder and bemusement) I swear I can see rainbows and sunshine in his eyes...
[Dick internally wonders where Fanon!Dick got the childlike innocence from, considering his sanity has been crumbling for a long, long time now]
[Cut to Fanon!Tim faceplanting on the table. Jason looks like he regrets coming back to life. Tim is unsure what to do. Damian's eye is twitching from being around the Fanon imbeciles. Dick is this close to giving up on everything.]
Fanon!Jason: Oh no, baby bird! (Worriedly goes to Fanon!Tim and lifts his head)
[Fanon!Damian sits with hands folded and a scowl, in Fanon!Dick's lap, who hold him very dearly]
Jason: What the fuck?
Tim: What the fuck?
[Fanon!Jason lifts Fanon!Tim's head to reveal a... Less than pleasant face]
Fanon!Tim: (in a very scratchy, weak voice) Coff- coughs -fee! (and then THUMPS on the table head-first, again.)
[Fanon!Jason catches ahold of Fanon!Dick by the collar and gets into his face]
Fanon!Jason: You weren't a good brother to me and now you can't even take care of my Timmy?!
[He huffs and leaps for the kitchen to make coffee.]
[Dick facepalms, he cannot see this. Jason flinches in fear of Alfred's swear jar each time he hears Fanon!Jason swear from the kitchen. Tim buried his face into his hands and slumps against the table, he wishes to disappear and never face reality again. Damian is already reaching for his sword.]
Fanon!Damian: (scoffs) Let the imbecile die. A pathetic soul like his deserves a pathetic death like this.
Damian: (he stands on the table wielding the sword to Fanon!Damian's throat, eyes raging green) What the hell did you just say?!
Fanon!Dick and Canon!Dick: Shut up, Damian! (Who said that to which Damian, I'll let you decide)
[Dick and Tim pull Damian back from killing the Fanon!Damian, fearing that killing them would cause something to go wrong in the multiverse]
[Fanon!Jason returns from the kitchen with a tray in which he decorated a large mug of coffee, a flower vase and a bowl of hot soup.]
Dick: (In astonishment and disbelief) Jason?
[Fanon!Jason doesn't answer him. He goes and sits by Fanon!Tim and sets down the mug of coffee. Then, with cooing words, feeds Fanon!Tim the soup, gently.]
Jason: Where's my crowbar.
Dick: (Lets out he most tired sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, others are unsure whether he is frustrated over Jason's crowbar or the Fanons.)
Tim: (Turns to Damian with an earnest, pained expression) Damian, kill me before this is embedded into my memory forever.
Damian: (takes a breath and turns to Tim, his voice polite, soft and genuine. Vicarious pain and embarassment flashing in his eyes) I hate this too, Drake. Believe me, I really do. But since this hurts you more than it hurts me, (In the same soft, genuine, polite voice but evilly dramatic tone) suffer.
[Dick looks at Fanon!Dick, somehow glowing with childlike happiness.]
Dick: I wonder how he is so happy?
Alfred: Sirs? It is time for Dinner.
[The boys all get up and help in setting the table. Chaos ensues]
Jason: I'll get the plates. Tim? Get the caserols.
[A very 'undead' Tim walks in, dragging his feet and hunching over with slumped shoulders.]
Fanon!Tim: (Groans) Coffeee!
[Despite having met death, Jason backs away from Fanon!Tim for the fear of God knows what. He watches in a moment of sheer patience Jason didn't know he had as Fanon!Tim streches for the coffee jar on the top shelf, knocks it off as he collapses and proceeds to shove the raw coffee grounds into his mouth. Jason slowly backs away from him.]
Jason: (to Tim, visibly shaken up) I'm not going near that Tim, you shouldn't either.
Tim: (Putting down the caseroles a little lazily) Is that what my 'perception' is? A zombie looking Edward Cullen who survives on coffee and (shudders, refering to when Fanon!Jason fed Fanon!Tim soup.) That.
Jason: I'm going to get Zatanna to erase my memory of this event.
Tim: Yeah, call me too.
[Fanon!Damian sits atop of Fanon!Dick's shoulders, carrying a bunch of spoons while Fanon!Dick walks with glasses in his hands, laughing with Damian while he growls in return]
Dick: (thinks, Should I try to be as happy as him? Then looks down to see Damian watching in stoic horror as Fanon!Damian begins acting like a baby.)
Dick: (Opens his mouth to express his thoughts)
Damian: (Looks up at Dick and squints into a mini-bat-glare before Dick has the chance to say something) Grayson, I know what you are thinking. If you ever try to manhandle me like a baby, you will lose an organ.
Fanon!Tim: (Walks by shoving a handful of coffee grounds into his mouth) I hope it's a spleen. We'll have something in common to talk about then.
[Both Damian and Dick are thorougly spooked.]
Fanon!Jason: (Quivering out of anger at Fanon!Tim's broken, sad, lonely tone) Your fault, Dick!
[Dick gulps wondering if the Fanon!UniverseJason ever got out of the pit madness.]
Jason: (In a tone more broken, hopeless and sad tone than Fanon!Tim's) Why...
[Everyone sits for dinner. Alfred serves]
[Fanon!Dick suddenly gets up, walks up to Fanon!Damian and hugs him. Fanon!Damian responds with a bite. The he goes and hugs Fanon!Jason, he responds by shoving Fanon!Dick away, grumbling about how cruel he was to Tim. Finally, he goes to Fanon!Tim and gives him a hug. He is too busy chugging more coffee to respond.)
[Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian are exasperated, to put it simply.]
[Dick slumps onto the table. Jason finally pulls out his crowbar. Tim crumbles upon himself. Damian closes his eyes in an attemp to not lose whatever is left of his sanity.]
Dick, Jason and Damin: (in unison) I wish I had stayed dead than waching this.
Tim: (feels more nightmares of Jason coming to his nights.)
Author's note: Okay, I admit, this may not be as funny as I meant it to be but... I can suck, you know? Besides, this may be terrible but in a universe with the CW's PowerPuff Girls script, it cannot objectively be the worst. And yes, I categorize this as a shitpost.
Sorry for creating this, but I had fun.
176 notes · View notes
rwbyconversations · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Review
Two weeks out from Volume 8 and I finally cared enough to write this. Go team I guess. 
Part of it came down to my feelings on Volume 7. It’s a complicated season that’s made me realize a lot of my overall feelings on RWBY as a series, particularly a lot of the less flattering feelings. Volume 7 is just... frustrating in general, as for all the good that it does have, and it does have a lot of great elements to it, it’s let down by a frustrating script and writing choices that feel distinctly amateurish, especially as the series moves on and gets better and better looking each year. There’s elements and kernals here of great character writing, season-wide arcs that land in a really good way and get me emotionally invested in the characters. But on the other... Ren only has two hundred words the entire season and you can tell! 
Volume 7 is a season of dizzying highs, some of the best moments of the entire franchise... and some of the series lows. It’s a season where there’s no production reason for its shortcomings... it just comes down to an awkward script that focuses on the wrong elements far too often. Let’s talk about that. In a very long and drawn out manner.
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Thanks to @jamesbranwen​, @h-e-m-o-goblin​ and @retro-riffraff​ for help with GIFs and consultation on this review.
1) The Good Stuff!
A) Atlas is very pretty!
I cannot stress enough how on a set level, Volume 7 is leaps and bounds above the other seasons in sheer environmental detail and setting dressing. Mantle has a great atmosphere with its New York influences, the smog covered backgrounds and oppressive streets and alleys. Ironwood’s office which is deliberately designed to evoke astronomy themes to represent James’ love for the stars. The cold oppressive atmosphere of the Schnee Manor and how Jacques has begun warping it to glorify him with only lip service paid to Nicholas in public. Penguins! 
There’s a lot of great set design work that went into this season and the crew deserve props for it. Genuinely. 
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B) Ironwood’s arc is the best character arc in the entire franchise
Yeah just wearing my heart on my sleeve there, I fucking love Ironwood and his character arc here in Volume 7 is the best written arc of the show. I simp for the tin man who just wants to do the right thing. This one season of content is better than a lot of the series-wide material being honest. I went back to James’s big volumes in the last month to rewatch the show and it’s interesting to see the early seeds in retrospect for where his arc goes. His need to protect everyone he can and the brutish measures he considers necessary for such an act, his conflicting loyalties towards Ozpin that manifest in both frustration at Oz’s seeming apathy to the growing conflict, but also desperate desire for validation from Ozpin that what’s he doing is the right call. After the Mistral seasons set up James as going off the deep end following Volume 3, having him open the season with an earnest smile, an immediate apology for the team’s arrest and trusting them with his plans for Amity and Salem is a jarring but pleasant surprise. He’s not been slacking off, he’s been trying to keep the world together in the way he thinks is best. He lets his guard down around the heroes and we see the good man underneath, which makes the moments where he raises his walls hurt all the more. While Em and Merc are still probably my favorite characters period, James is absolutely my favorite character in Volume 7 and Top 5 favorite characters series-wide. I’m very eager to see where he goes from here. He also rocks the beard and fixed his T-Rex arms so James came out of the washing machine that is Volume 7′s costume design. He truly is the Best Boi, and I cannot give Jason Rose enough credit for his performance this year. He hit every note of Ironwood’s character perfectly and I wish the fandom would give him more credit for giving James as much life as he does.
Oh, and as the obligatory comment on mlm rep that I am known for getting obsessively weird anon hate over: IronQrow hug nearly had me crying on a convention floor from how goddamn soft it was. Remember conventions? Ah good times.
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This just... hits me... ya know? Seeing him lower his guard so much to come in for a hug just shows how isolated he’s let himself become to let himself have this moment of contact... Godamnit James. Also this is the second time after Martial Arcs that two guys hug and I really liked their ship for the following hiatus. 
C) Soft Qrow hours are nice
Qrow’s a good guy, he went through a lot of bad stuff in Volume 6 but now he’s on the other side and purged his voice of the demon within. I think Volume 7 was a very good year for Qrow overall. It was great to see him interacting with more characters his age and lowering his own guard. His moments of letting the facade drop around James and Clover especially are great expansion for his character. Jason Liebritch hit the ground running as Qrow and gave him a far more dynamic range than I think Vic could. While I wish Qrow going off alcohol had been given more of a focus as it’s kind of done off-handedly that he’s gone cold turkey and otherwise doesn’t get brought up barring his revulsion at the wine in the Schnee Manor, he overall had a great year. And trust me I’ll get to the fights later, I have a lot more I can say about the bird boi there. 
D) I liked the Ace Ops! 
I was ambivilent towards the Ace Ops on first watching. They’re kinda underdeveloped in the context of the season at large and most people immediately pegged them as a miniboss squad/fodder for Salem to kill. But in rewatch they do still get to shine, if not as brightly. They’re very enjoyable. Clover especially is just really fun in retrospect, I love cocky fighters in general, and he was infectiously enjoyable (I’ve already covered the FG stuff in the past, not doing it again). Marrow came a close second because... well it’s Marrow, he is The Best Boi. Harriet got points for being a punchgirl which is always cool, I liked how her Semblance was shown and being cocky while being able to back it up is always a win. Elm and Vine are tied for dead last, I like the body diversity Elm introduces with her muscles and Vine... existed... but overall I think with the time they had, they did get to establish themselves well. I wish I could say that about their relationship with Team RWBYORNJ but this is the Nice Section so we’ll leave it there for now.
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This is one of the best shots of the entire season. I adore it. God I like the Teryx design.
E) God the villains rocked this year! 
I am a villain whore. I own that. I will embrace that monkier. But when they’re as cool as this, I feel validated in this Chilli’s tonight. Watts and Tyrian really make the season shine and don’t have a dud scene all season. They have great chemistry together, shining bright in even the weakest or most mediocre episodes. Watts went from “Oh yeah you exist” tier to “Oh yeah you rule” tier. His vendetta against Ironwood feels so real and pre-established, even though this season is the first time it’s ever come up. Watts just ozzes style in everything he does. The animators bring him to life and make every step, every flick of his twist and even just how he moves his eyes all bleed contempt. He’s such a rat and I love him! Chris Sabat finally gets to stretch his wings after a few years playing Watts as just Evil Scientist Guy, and he makes the most of it. 
And Tyrian remains an absolute treat. He didn’t get much in V6 but here he takes center stage with Watts and also gets so much impact because of it. All the little twitches, and tilting of his heads, and dramatic gestures, he’s still just so goddamn cool to watch and we even get a little backstory of him. I know he’s irredeemable. But I just want to watch Tyrian kill people and scream. Like hot damn his line “THE GRIMM SHOULD HAVE DESTROYED OUR ENEMIES, NOT MADE THEM FRIENDS!” is so fucking raw. He’s having fun destablizing a nation with his boyfriend! 
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“You want more chaos than a Grimm invasion?” “If anyone on Remannt can do it, wouldn’t it be you?” There is no heterosexual explanation for how these two look at each other and yes this is me outing myself as a Nuts and Volts fan.
Watts and Tyrian really do become the absolute highlights of the season alongside James. They have a great dynamic and even during their more slower moments there’s so much care and thought put into their every mannerism. Animators, seriously, great job, I love what you did. And their fights... we’ll get there. But they’re so goddamn good. 
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Look they even run the same! They’re soulmates! 
Honorary mention to Salem by the way. She’s only in two scenes but her presence is felt throughout Ironwood’s arc and his growing fear of her and she damn well delivers when she shows up. That shot of her arriving in person is a killer shot to end on as well.
Oh and I guess Cinder and Neo exist don’t they? Eh, we’ll come back to them. 
F) Oscar got a character arc!
Finally! He did it! He got an arc that began, continued and ended all onscreen! It only took four tries! 
But yeah Oscar had a really good set of scenes in Volume 7. I like him being the first to confront Ruby on the Ironwood lie, bringing up the hypocrisy after their condemning of Ozpin just last season. I like him having a more forward role (outside of not getting to be part of the celebration in episode 4 what the hell guys), and that he’s the big link between RWBY and Ironwood was a great call. Having Ozpin shelved for one more season so Oscar can take center-stage was an inspired choice. I love his dynamic with Ironwood, and how James closing himself off emotionally gets reflected in how he begins slipping in how he refers to Oscar, starting off as treating him and Oz as separate, ending with him gunning Oscar down as he doesn’t care anymore to differentiate the two.
My big issues with Oscar’s arc are that I’m first of all annoyed at the lack of followup on the Oscar stuff from V6, I’m still waiting for Qrow to apologize for punching Oscar guys! I also really wish Neo’s first attack wasn’t offscreen. CRWBY’s cliffhanger fetish meant I got to break out the Offscreen Pine jokes again. And of course, the Neo hallway punch was a bit bullshit.
G) (Most of) The fights are amazing
There’s no punchline. These fights are great, two of them are in my Top 10 Series Wide fights list and at least the duds aren’t Volume 5 bad.
If you’d told me before Volume 7 that Watts would get an extended firefight with James, I’d have felt that a bit cheap as Watts to me doesn’t feel like a fighter, more a planner who hides behind armies of mechanical soldiers. But damn if they didn’t sell me on Watts “You’ve yeed your last haw” Watts whipping out a Glock just to spite James. 
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This is another one of my favorite shots in the entire series.
Ironwood vs Watts is potentially my favorite fight in the entire series, and if it’s not, it’s easy Top 3 alongside Yang vs Mercury and Pyrrha vs CRDL/Mercury. It makes great use of Amity in the abandoned gravity biome meant for SSSN vs JNPR, with Ironwood and Watts deftly moving around in a manner that very easily could have been difficult to track with the constantly shifting gravity, but the crew do their best to keep it coherent as to who’s where. The credits showed their dedication also stretched into visual continuity, as James and Arthur’s route throughout the Arena was carefully considered so they’d loop around organically. 
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This is what I mean when I say the crew went above and beyond to keep things clean.
Ironwood vs Watts could have easily failed to impress, given its lack of choreography on the level the series usually does, but the team’s efforts went instead into showing a situation that lets Watts get a dragged out battle: James wins whenever he closes the distance here, so Arthur’s constantly on the run and being forced to tamper with the arena. Great camerawork, a GOD TIER song from Caleb Hyles that I’m still listening to today, and two characters with a fantastic history coming to blows makes for easily the best fight of the season and a series-wide highlight. Watching it develop from storyboards, to mocap, to animations and the full version is a delight to see. This is what CRWBY can do when everything comes togehter. The orchestra’s all tuned. It’s a goddamn symphony.
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THIS is my favorite shot of the season.
Tyrian also gets to shine with his two battles this year. His alley fight with Qrow, Robyn and Clover is short but sweet, the corvid and the scorpion especially trading brutal blows in the cramped space. Qrow goes full Devil May Cry with his style-switching here, Harbinger being swapped between sword, tonfa and gun forms freely alongside Qrow applying The Power of Punching. His 1v1v1 with Clover and Qrow though is the true highlight of the season in terms of choreography. It’s lighting-fast, and has some impeccable shot work. Qrow gets to use his scythe with deliberate nods to the Red Trailer, Clover gets to shut up everyone who doubted his weapon, and Tyrian is just along for the ride and he makes the most of it. It’s frentic, it’s heart-pounding, it’s everything a fight should be. 
Honorary mentions as well go to Ace Ops vs the Geist, which is just really fun and has a great backing music choice, the opening battle with Sabre having Ruby’s obligatory ten seconds of fighting that come at the start of every new era of the series, and the Ace Ops vs RWBY fight which has some good choreo in places.
H) Winter and Penny have good chemistry
I don’t have a ton to add here, I just like their dynamic and how they advance each other’s arcs. It’s nice writing. I also like Winter apologizing to Penny when she’s angry at Jacques and takes it out on Penny by accident with the “You wouldn’t understand” line.
Penny as a Maiden is a nice idea, I think her new design is cute. Penny says trans rights.
Those are a lot of my favorite things about Volume 7. It’s a killer season when it’s firing on all cylinders but unfortunately... it often misfires in frustrating ways, many of which are unfortunately due to core emblematic problems with the series that won’t go away.
2) The Bad Stuff
A) The costumes
It’s been a over year. It’s low hanging fruit. I don’t care. Most of them are still not good and they’re ludicrously over-designed.
Blake’s in a fetish suit and I wonder how she even goes to the bathroom. Weiss just looks like an abino Sabre alt, Yang is what a Halloween costume site would describe as “Sexy UPS Driver,” (why does she have a thigh window) Ruby... looks fine, it’s one of her better costumes. Jaune’s hair is silly, Ren’s model has lost some muscle definition and he looks like an e-boy, Nora’s costume really doesn’t fit the Atlas visual design and looks like a rejected Kingdom Hearts costume. Cinder’s is too black and I actually can’t track her in darker scenes because of it (which is kinda bad during... a fight scene... where I need to know where she is...), Neo looks like a Ren Fair cosplayer doing a bit for her OnlyFans, Winter’s is anatomically weird with super skinny arms and legs, and Blake’s hair is a fucking hate crime. 
Qrow’s is one I liked at first but in retrospect it does feel like a downgrade. To quote @h-e-m-o-goblin​ from a Discord chat:
in a show like rwby, where color is such a vital defining aspect of every character, a cohesive colorscheme goes a long way. qrow's original outfit works great in this regard. neutral tones. greys, whites, and blacks, with red accents that pop against the otherwise sparse color. it's good! it's distinctive! it doesn't feel cluttered and it doesn't look like a clown vomited on him! the subdued colors really lend themselves to the grey, cynical energy qrow seems to carry with him. a literal lack of color in his life. the outfit itself feels like something he would wear; a combination of "clearly trying to look cool" and "a little disheveled and laid back." the design breathes, it isn't cluttered. let's contrast this with his vol 7 outfit. a lot of outfits in vol 7 suffer from this problem, but first and foremost it doesn't look like something he would wear. where his old outfit had a casual feel to it, his new look feels like someone dressed him up for a family christmas dinner. it's too... tidy. now of course you could argue this is him "cleaning up his life," but i dont feel like you have to sacrifice his own personal style in order to convey that. if that's really what they were going for, they easily could have just, oh i dont know, given him a cape that isn't tattered???
remember how i said qrow's original outfit really made his colors pop? how less is more when it comes to having a character with a specific color theme? vol 7 butchered that. we suddenly have articles of clothes that are tinted with greenish blue tones, browns, and with gold trim? on TOP of the old colors he already had in his design. it's muddy. it's ugly. the burgundy vest is fine, if they wanted to work more color into his outfit they should have done it that way throughout, shades of grey and different tones of RED. his COLOR. it just feels like they tacked so much on there without a second thought and i really think he deserves better. its just. such a mess.
The ones I did like were Watts’ new coat (I like the puffy hood), Penny’s is fine, the Ace Ops look great, Ironwood’s new outfit is stellar (those last six are great examples of how to do a lot with just primary colors of white and red), Neon’s Jolyne cosplay is cute and Flynt is slick. Otherwise, Volume 7 feels like it’s taken a lot of the wrong lessons from the costume design of the earlier seasons. Less is often more but now it feels like they have a pathological aversion to empty space on the costumes, leading them to feel like... costume vomit for lack of a better word. I didn’t love the Mistral outfits, but their modifications at least were carried by how many of them called back to the Fall of Beacon and emphasized the themes of loss in Volume 4. The new Atlas outfits... don’t have that shared theme. It feels like a hodgepodge of different design influences without trying to find a way to unify them. It’s like putting Baki the Grappler beside My Little Pony, they just fail to mesh.
Also for fuck’s sake already CRWBY just give the girls muscles already.
2) JNR suck and Ren’s arc is glorified character assassination
I don’t love JNR. They’re fine, but the show has arguably not needed them for a while and while I’ve liked them all at different points, it’s never been adoration outside of Ren in Volume 4. I was cool with the idea of them staying in Argus to help cover Mistral after its Huntsmen were wiped out, and Volume 7 has... made me wish they did that.
Jaune is just comic relief, and it kinda blows for later reasons but the big one is that he’s just not very funny. His big role in Volume 7 is basically to crosswalk some kids so we can have a joke scene during the Mantle Battle where Jaune uses his tactical genius to teach people to walk in single file. I feel like at this point Miles is just actively trying to kill Jaune’s fandom out of spite for how badly Jaundice was received. He’s never allowed to be cool or try and redeem himself. His hatedom aren’t going to stop hating Jaune because he gets more comedy guys. They’re going to stop when you write Jaune well. It’s a bummer he got some genuinely great upgrades for his sword and shield and never gets to use them outside of the opening. 
Nora exists. She got a surprising amount of focus this season in that she got focus of any kind. I liked her confronting Ironwood over his choking of Mantle because we know she was once the kind of person Ironwood would have been stifling. I like her being the one to realize the loophole in Jinn’s “You can’t” line. I don’t like much else about Nora this year, or at least the Nora the writing team are pushing. She’s not funny like Jaune but Nora just absorbs so much screentime in the first half with her constant shrieking. Sam Ireland has good range but making Nora into Discount Harley Quinn is pushing her out of it. She sounds shrill, making Nora sound like she has no heart outside of the election rally. A shrill voice is one thing. A shrill voice that never lands a single joke? Yeah that character is tainted by association. 
And Ren... oh God Ren what happened to you.
The Volume 7 commentary confirmed a suspicion of mine that Ren’s arc was heavily cut down from what was planned. Even watching V7 I could tell his arc was bare-bones at best, and it’s downright character assassination in places. Why is he suddenly so cold to Nora? Why is he now so obsessed with training? Why does he side with Ironwood for all of... one line which is this last between episodes 7 and 11. Ren only has two hundred words of dialoge in Volume 7 and they feel so weird in places. Ren goes from seemingly disliking Nora, to kissing her, to never referencing the kiss, to partaking in the Worst Scene Of The Season, all with no consistency. It’s not even threadbare. Ren’s arc just has no connecting tissue for so much of it! It’s insane how badly Ren was hurt by this, and I shudder to wonder how bad his Volume 8 arc will be because you know that was one of the first plotlines they cut down on when they inevitably overreached again. 
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I don’t know how they made Renora kissing feel unearned? But by God they found a way with how much of a trainwreck Ren’s writing is in regards to tainting this. 
If Ironwood is an example of RWBY doing character writing well, Ren is the mirror image of how badly they can do. JNR really suffered from Volume 7 (also fun fact, Ren has about 200 words of dialogue? Ironwood has 4400). Maybe not to the level of irredeemable dislike? But very close to being on the same tier as Cinder of “Just go away already.”  I’m not looking forward to their content in Volume 8. 
3) RWBY themselves are poorly handled in Volume 7
It’s unfortunate that the actual title characters of the series are also some of this season’s weaker links. RWBY feel... superfluous to this season in a way they’ve never felt before. It’s baffling how much of the season doesn’t change if you just don’t include them, and apparently Volume 7′s first draft? Was even worse.
The commentary says that many of the RWBY moments were added later in production. Stuff like Ruby and Renora at the rally, Blake and Yang’s talk with Robyn and Ruby and Qrow’s chat were all either added in near the end of the writing or were “low priority” enough that they could have been cut which is... veyr alarming that’s stuff even the main protags have to worry about! 
Ruby feels half-baked. I was looking forward to her in V7 after how V6 gave her a more dynamic personality and the focus she got in Brunswick, and having Penny’s return had me interested in seeing Ruby grapple with her emotions about it. She watched Penny die, how would it influence her to see Penny back and OK? Good question, we never get to see it. Ruby’s just OK with Penny’s return, the one time they touch on it Penny immediately glosses over it. Ruby just goes back to her old happy go lucky persona where any and all negative emotions are immediately forced down instead of confronting them and growing from them. I’m getting a little tired of Ruby bottling her grief and being teased about finally getting her snapping like a Twix Bar. We finally got her crying and it lasted all of ten seconds. And it doesn’t help that Ruby’s still getting shafted for fights. Her scythe choreography has no excuse being as flacid as it is now after Qrow vs Clover showed they can do scythe fighting! Why is Ruby being upstaged by (let’s be real) a supporting character! Why is she being limited to ten seconds of good combat then nothing for the rest of the season outside of flimsily swinging it or shooting. It’s disappointing, especially after how good V6 Ruby was.
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I swear, Gravity’s not just my favorite episode of the season just because Ruby finally cries in it.
Weiss was kinda just done dirty though. At least Ruby has a good outfit. Weiss confronting her father has been a long standing plot thread for the series, it’s been Weiss’s Big Thing since the White Trailer. And when Jacques finally appears, he’s very... bland. He’s just evil corporate dude who exists less as an obstacle for Weiss and more just a roadblock for the plot through the election. Weiss finally gets a chance to take her father down and work to redeem her family name... but instead of earning said victory and it being treated with the same gravitas and emotional weight as Blake defeating Adam... Weiss has her victory handed to her. And it’s played for comedy by her abusrdly attractive mother. 
Listen, I like I Willow Schnee. I think she’s a fascinating character and I like the idea of a person who is aware of the harm they’ve done by accident but is too broken to fix the issues she accidentally left. I love her calling Weiss out on her treatment of Whitley. But she is absolutely a Deus Ex Machina that exists to get Jacques out of the plot as fast as possible. You mean to tell me Hackerman Watts never once made sure Jacques had hidden cameras? Or that none of the staff found Willow’s cameras and reported them under the assumption they were White Fang spies? It’s so... convenient. It’s handing Weiss her victory on an unearned platter. Which sucks. I was really looking forward to Weiss beating Jacques. Instead she just gets given the plot device while JNR engage in the Worst Scene of The Season in that Whitley food stunt.
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Me whenever I’m asked to rewatch Cordially Invited
Blake and Yang have much the same problems, in they never separate. I know they’re going to be together. I know CRWBY are making it canon (get it over with already). I still would like Yang and Blake to have individual character scenes. I’d like Blake and Marrow to talk about being a Faunus Huntsman in Atlas (another thing that got cut thanks to Robyn Hill). I want Yang and Ironwood to discuss their PTSD and have Yang thank Ironwood for his trust in her that he commissioned the arm despite Yang attacking Mercury. I want Blake to be well animated in fight scenes so she’s doing more than just jobbing so Yang looks better. I want Yang to stop hogging all the good Team RWBY choeography. I want them to interact with other characters and continue to grow instead of feeling like two halves of one character. And no, making a meta joke of how Blake and Yang don’t talk to other people doesn’t make it OK. It just means you’re self aware about your own faults. 
(Also give Yang better merch or quit the favoritism. If you’re gonna milk her, put effort into it beyond crapply overpriced flannel. RT’s merch store is actively making me hate Yang.)
Team RWBY’s biggest contribution to the season is the Ironwood Lie which is... a can of worms. They certainly had a point in withholding some of the bigger truths from James but I feel by Pomp and Cirumstance he’d proven himself truthwrothy enough to warrant being told the truth about Salem. But then when he’s finally told the truth, it’s offscreen’d and the consequence isn’t “Why didn’t you tell me earlier” but “Fucking Ozpin man.” Gravity has it bite them in the ass, but it’s more an accessory to Yang and Blake telling Robyn about the Amity tower. I wish more had been done with the team disagreeing on whether the lie was a good choice or not, maybe have Yang be hardline against it due to her own “No more lies and half truths” policy instead of... having Yang tell more lies and half truths (Commentary confirms she never told Ruby and Weiss about the Robyn stuff BTW). But that’s a wider problem where RWBY aren’t allowed to disagree beyond surface level “I don’t know if this is the right call” dialogue. There’s never a threat of one of them cracking and just spilling the beans to James, everyone just blindly trusts Ruby and Qrow tells the audience “No this is different from when Ozpin lied. Trust us.” 
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This is the most RWBY get for content in the season finale: Ruby just nuking Cinder with no difficulty after having trouble with the eyes three episodes ago. Kinda lame tbh.
Team RWBY are just disappointing in Volume 7. They’re not given good animation, their story roles are largely insignificant, the impact of their roles on the story is threadbare and... well most of their costumes suck don’t @ me even CRWBY have admitted Blake and Weiss’s haircuts looked bad. It’s a whole barrage of a letdown for the main girls. And it’s really sad that the best scenes of the season... are usually the ones where RWBY are nowhere in sight.
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Why the hell didn’t Yang get to keep the sunglasses come on guys. One job.
4) Robyn, the election plot, and the Happy Huntresses
Oh God, Robyn Hill is... not great. I could and likely will write a full meta on her character and how they bungled it but I’ll just be blunt here: I don’t like her design, the colors don’t mesh well, he head’s too small, Christina Vee is sleeping through the role and her weapon’s lame. Introducing her in a scene where she threatens to attack our heroes, and her agents are actively sneaking up on them to do it, is not a great first impression for a hometown hero. And that the commentary thinks she’s meant to be the hero in that scene is... staggering. 
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RWBY’s greatest threat yet is a wine mom Karen and her Home Owners Association army. 
The election plot is less a misfire and more the engine just exploding. There’s so little good content between when it’s introduced and concluded, with it usually being individual scenes that are more good in spite of their connection to the plot (such as Tyrian’s massacre). It drags in pacing, going on for nearly half the season between episodes 5 and 10, and it purely exists as a roadblock to keep RWBY spinning their wheels while Watts and Tyrian keep going with the main plot. I don’t know why CRWBY went for this plot. They could have easily had something else fill the gap that also allowed for a lot of the character beats (such as Marrow and Blake’s talk and Ren’s entire arc) to shine, or at least condensed it to the important elements instead of letting it become bloated. It ends in such an unsatisfying way where Willow just shows up and goes “We have four episode left, here’s the plot device to beat Jacques, get back ot the main plot.” If they wanted to do the election plot, the best route would have been to give Volume 7 more episodes or stretch out its events to two seasons, but neither is realistically possible while RWBY lives off the teat of AT&T. 
Jacques and Robyn are just boring. Evil corporate man and a lame adaptation of Robyn Hood who only has fans because of thirst who also like downplaying Robyn making a racist remark at Marrow (to say nothing of that weird subsection of Robyn fans who make her a Fox Faunus who cut her tail off to join Atlas Academy which is... certainly a creative choice especially when Marrow and Neon are punching holes in that angsty BS backstory). They can’t carry this plot and the artifical attempts to make it seem more exciting with the two cliffhaners ending on Mantle under riot or Grimm attack are laughably cut short by the next episode in each case opening the morning after. On binge watch it becomes weirdly funny more than anything and that’s not a good reaction. The dual cliffhangers being cheaply resolved is a short but succint example of V7′s pacing issues, and they almost always loop around to the election plot being too bloated, slow and just boring.
Also the Happy Huntresses are just... lame. I like their Semblances but that’s it. Fiona’s OK because she gets some screentime but May’s just “the surly one” and Joanna doesn’t even get her Semblance or much dialogue (oh wow she really is just a female Sage Ayana isn’t she). Robyn should not have been leading the HH and running for Council. That’s really stupid. And kind of wrong. Having May or Fiona be running instead while Robyn leads the team in relief efforts would have been better and could have split the focus more effeciently instead of leaving May and especially Joanna feelng like roster padding. There’s also some delicious irony in the show trying to frame the HH as the resistance fighting for the people and representing individuality, only for them all to have the same boring outfit and weapons (I think even the exact same model just with different sizes) while the Ace Ops are meant to be the military drones who are “Just following orders,” only for them to be more racially diverse, more diverse body-type-wise, and have more unique weapons. It’s another one of those odd creative dissconnects between what the writers wanted and what the artists/animation teams chose to do. 
The election plot is overall toxin for Volume 7, and Robyn in my opinion, has one of the worst introductory scenes of any character in the franchise (and CRWBY have tacitly admitted that V7 had a character they were surprised at how controversial they were, which has to be Robyn). In a year where they were already juggling so much content and characters, adding in this bloated subplot was something I don’t think anyone wanted, especially now that we know we lost so much content on the sacrificial altar for this. It’s a black mark on the season and I don’t really care for the return of the Happy Huntresses or Robyn in Volume 8. None of them are interesting enough to care for outside of meta reasons like “cute.” 
Also fuck you Fiona, can’t believe you got a shirt before Ironwood. 
5) Cinder and Neo sure exist
To be fair, this is one of Cinder’s best years, easily her best since Volume 3 but that’s more because Cinder in the Mistral era was crap. (And if I wanna be cruel, because Cinder wasn’t in two thirds of the season)Her fans were finally vindicated after years of telling anyone who dunked on Cinder that “nooooo she has a super covert backstory that’s gonna be amazing when it’s revealed! You’ll see!” And well they finally got it. All of one line during a fight about how Cinder “refuses to starve.” 
It’s still something so I guess we have to take it. Seriously... how do we still not have Cinder’s backstory. 
There’s just not a ton to say about Cinder and Neo in V7 barring I that don’t think they needed to be here. They feel very superfluous and just here to have a big boss fight in Cinder’s case alongside continuing her streak of ending the odd numbered seasons fighting a female side character... which for me became an exercise in tyring to find during Cinder during the damn fight.
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And this is why when most people saw Cinder’s V6 outfit they went “It’s gonna be hard to see her in darker environments,” then were vindicated when it became legit difficult to see Cinder in this scene. God if they at least just made the inside of the cape red it’d be easier.
Neo is Neo, which means she makes funny faces and mocks Cinder (I like that), but she doesn’t get a super good fight which uh... we’ll get to. I’m interested to see her finally exploding at Cinder and going for a backstab, but really Neo in V7 was kinda hit hard by the double whammy of the Oscar Hallway Punch and how humiliating ORNJ vs Neo was for ORNJ. Cinder’s definitely had far worse years and after how aimless she was in Mistral this feels like a sep in the right direction, but at this point CRWBY just need to shut up and tell us her deal. It’s been seven years guys. Come on. At least make her interesting if she’s gonna say around. They’ve had worse years, but unfortunately Cinder and Neo’s role in the finale leads into...
6) Some of the fights weren’t good
I wanna be clear, I like most of Volume 7′s fights. It’s just a bummer the worst ones are back and back and make up a chunk of the finale. ORNJ vs Neo is just crap. It’s the worst fight since the Battle of Haven. There’s nothing else I can say, it’s poorly animated, paced, choreographed and written. JNR especially are made to look like complete jokes after they spent all season training, to the point where it looks like V2 Yang could solo V7 JNR after this. Oscar I expect this from because he’s not allowed to have fun stuff onscreen after accidentally stealing the Haven budget for his fight with Hazel, but JNR were just done dirty. There were ways to make the fight work in a way where Neo still won but JNR looked good. They went for the worst possible outcome that just leaves Neo looking like she got fan-wanked and JNR looking like they’re just not allowed to be cool due to Miles’ spite at the Jaune-Self Insert stuff (and that’s not even getting into JNR being forced to run from lame rent a cops who can’t even handle a single Grimm). Cinder vs Winter and Penny isn’t much better, with her dark outfit making it very hard to track the fight because she blends into the background too well. It’s not a great showing for Winter or Penny given their earlier feats but, hey, some random female character had to fight Cinder in this odd numbered volume, carrying on Glynda, Pyrrha and Raven’s tradition. It’s at least better than ORNJ vs Neo, but that’s really not saying anything. At least Cinder’s VA work isn’t too bad this time but this fight commits the cardinal sin of a finale fight: It’s just not super interesting because we know Cinder can’t kill both Winter and Penny and she’s not becoming a Maiden, while Winter’s been too blatantly set up so it has to be Penny.
RWBY vs the Ace Ops also gets a dishonorable mention due to the choreography on display here... and the lack of it for Weiss, Blake and Ruby. Ruby never once swings Crescent Rose the entire fight and is just reduced to getting the tar kicked out of her by Harriet. Weiss barely gets to use her sword and largely just sticks to her summoning and glyphs which makes for a very visually uninteresting fighting style at the best of times. Blake just swings around and gets caught by the bad guys so Yang is motivated to fight stronger. She never dual wields (again) and her best moves are just setting up Yang to do all the hard work while Yang gets to personally KO two of the Ace Ops. There’s a lot that can be said about whether or nor RWBY earn the win, but while the animation team try to sell the Ace Ops landing heavy hits, having only Blake’s Aura even flicker really undercuts the idea from the commentary that this wasn’t meant to be a stomp for RWBY and they had to work together and be in synch to win.
Which is why Yang solos two of the Ace Ops whle Blake plays support, Weiss beats Marrow alone and then kill steals Harriet from Ruby, all while the song playing is an extended diss track from RWBY to the Ace Ops about how badass they are now, and the commentary itself says the Ace Ops are hard carried by Clover’s Semblance (because you gotta love basically saying four POC were only competent because a white guy led them, and then have them lose because said white guy wasn’t around to carry them!). Great job guys, you really sold it.
And talking of Clover, I feel it worth mentioning Qrow vs Clover vs Tyrian. It’s animation wise near perfect, but unfortunately I do feel it would be remiss to not mention that I feel the writing really has to bend over backwards to justify this fight. A lot of it is stuff I would say in that hypothetical Robyn essay, but I feel Robyn, Qrow and Clover all have to become massive idiots for this specific sequence of events to occur, and for Clover especially every retroactive attempt to explain why he prioritized Qrow over Tyrian just sounds more and more desperate. Between the references to MCU Captain America (a person whose entire arc is about learning when it’s OK to defy bad orders) or the attempt in the commentary to say “Oh Clover thought it would be easier to take out Tyrian alone instead of Qrow,” none of them land and just further drive home how much the plot had to stretch and reach to get that moment of Tyrian killing Clover. I like the fight. But I hate the road the show took to get there.
Some of the misc fights are also weak like ORNJ vs FNKI and elements of the Mantle Grimm battle, but those are the big offenders. Otherwise, again, the fights are largely good. 
7) The soundtrack wasn’t... great
I mean the vocal songs only, don’t crucify me. Trust Love is just lamer Let’s Just Live/Triumph, Celebrate and Let’s Get Real are so boring I thought they were the same song until the OST dropped, Brand New Day is boringly peppy and Jeff’s vocals are dreadful. I completely forgot Touch the Sky until I was checking the tracklist to make sure I didn’t forget any songs. War has good singers but tries to sell the RWBY-Ace Ops bond as way deeper than it was. The lack of a villain song did really sting though, those are always the highlights.
There are good songs. I really like Fear, I feel it encapsulates the themes of the volume well and serves as a good condemnation of Ironwod’s mentality. Until The End is finally the Ruby song I’ve waited for since Red Like Roses 2 and I enjoy that she got a melancholic song, and Hero is easily, hands down, best track of the record and probably best RWBY track, full stop. Caleb killed it, I loved the second verse, opening opera was strong, guitar riffs were a plenty. Stellar work all around for that one.
The OST has great work from Jeff and Alex as usual, but the Jeff and Casey songs are really starting to lose their appeal. Going for a peppy feel this year didn’t help cover the cracks that are beginning to show with RWBY’s vocal songs (especially Jeff’s vocal range), and while a few standouts remain such as Fear and Hero, they are the slim minority in an otherwise very boring vocal tracklist that barely scrapes above Volume 5 for weakest set yet.
8) It wasn’t as funny as it thought it was
Comedy is subjective but man a lot of these jokes didn’t land. RWBY really needs to realize that does work in traditional 2D does not translate into 3D and just comes off as making official reaction GIFs for your Twitter account. Making characters SUDDENY SCREAM LOUDLY is not good banter. Please stop making Nora into Harley Quinn. Marrow was probably the most consistently funny character but that was it. Also I dunno why CRWBY thought Forrest was funny or what the deal was with that FRWBY crap. 
“Honorary” mention to the JNR food scene in Cordially Invited which is genuinely one of the worst scenes in the entire show and I hope whoever animated it has their save files deleted for a game where they were about to beat the final boss. Nothing sums up JNR’s pointlessness in the series more perfectly than this.
C) Conclusion
See what I mean about Volume 7 being frustrating? 
It’s weird that I overal think of Volume 7 as a mid-tier volume. There’s so much here I genuinely adore, with some of the best stuff to do with the show coming out of this season (barring lame, overpriced merch that feels like clothing gacha), but simultaneously the whole thing is let down by outside circumstances that unfortunately are ones the show can’t ever really recover from. Put bluntly, Volume 7 is the most technically proficient season of the show with the best lighting, backdrops, (some of the) character models, etc. CRWBY definitely didn’t slack off this year, but the problem isn't with them. It’s with the writing. A wider reaching problem is just that Miles and Kerry can’t really improve to the level that the series now requires. Eddy and Kiersei’s first season could have gone far worse, but it definitely was notable whenever they took over. Volume 7’s core problems are fourfold: The comedy is terrible and none of the jokes really land, the season focuses on the wrong plots and gives them too much effort, too many episodes are spent building up to new plots only for them to be weakly resolved (especially the Mantle Riot/Grimm attacks that are shoved off-screen), and the character bloat strikes hard here and leaves a lot of the cast feeling like dead weight. CRWBY don’t need more writers. They need more editors willing to tell the team what has to go instead of them hemming and hawing themselves on if they if they can include a plotline. The election never should have gotten past its first draft, there was too much already in this season before adding that.
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When this is an unironic shot in your series... you’ve got character bloat issues.
At this point, I think JNR need to go. The show had no idea what to do with them throughout the season, leading to Jaune just being comic relief while Ren and Nora became characters I actively dislike. Renora was the easiest ship in the show to land, and they still managed to blow the engines and ram at least three icebergs just to prove that RWBY can’t romance to save its life. Team RWBY themselves are little better, with Ruby’s feelings about Penny’s return being shelved, Weiss’s victory against Jacques feeling un-earned and undercut by comedy, while Yang and Blake are benched for the volume and become a singular entity with how tied at the hip they are. Maria basically yeeted herself out of the show and I didn’t notice, Pietro is just a death flag, and while the Ace Ops had a good intro, it was undercooked by how they had to play the villain role to give RWBY something to do in the final hours. Cinder and Neo didn’t need to be here. Robyn had one of the worst introductions for a character I’ve ever seen, I never enjoyed her moments and it genuinely feels like she only has a fandom because RWBY’s community are in fact that desperate. 
On the brighter side, Ironwood’s arc is fucking perfect and Jason Rose deserves all the love. Great fight, great song, great design, love the beard, it was a perfect downfall for Volume 7’s true protagonist. Qrow had a fun volume and I loved his dynamic with Clover (I don’t see the ship stuff but that’s more because I’m an IronQrow main so my blinders were on). Clover was also way cooler than I remembered. His fights stood out but the guy’s just really cool at the end of the day, with Chris doing great work as a VA. Oscar even managed to do stuff this year which was a shock and a half, but a welcome shock and a half. I didn’t mention it, but the Ozpin fear monologue is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show and it and the Ironwood/Oscar confrontation in the vault save the finale. And of course, Watts and Tyrian were the MVPs. I don’t have a bad word about either of them, they fucking nailed their roles and I can’t wait to see them again. 
And that’s kind of what I mean when I say Volume 7 flummoxes me. It’s frustrating at times with how it handles seemingly easy tasks and drops the ball. Renora went from “everyone liked that” to wondering how badly Ren’s stuff got butchered for him to be the way he is. RWBY themselves could be almost entirely cut and so little would change, and the fact that the finale basically hinges its entire emotional stakes on Winter, Penny and Oscar is a staggering call. And it really feels like the season was compressed beyond necessity because they decided going in that Volume 7 had to end on Salem’s arrival. There’s two volumes worth of material here, and maybe it would have been best to have broken up these events. Volume 7 does too much in too little time, and RWBY especially suffered from it. But when it works… it’s good. Never close to the highs of Volumes 6 or 3, but there’s genuinely good material here. The fights are mostly getting better with far less missteps than previously, the acting (mostly) continues to improve and it’s obvious that RWBY is a very good looking show at this point. Ironwood’s arc is franchise-wide highs, I loved Clover, and Marrow remains the best boi. But it’s frustrating that despite all the tech advances Volume 7 has made, it still makes such threadbare, rookie writing mistakes in cast management, comedy and character arcs. I’m glad Miles and Kerry finally realized that they needed more writers, but it won’t mean anything if the show just continues to circle the drain on the core mistakes it’s been making since 2013. Volume 7 has good in it. But I can see where it could have been great.
Thanks for reading, stan IronQrow and please get Whitley a therapist.
And for the love of God already make an Ironwood vs Watts shirt! 
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ratingtheframe · 4 years
I Care A Lot, Malcolm & Marie, Capone, The Life Ahead and the News of the World: Everything I watched in February.
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Newsflash ! The cinemas still aren’t open and I’m starting to lose hope in them ever opening. Despite the UK government drawing a step by step guide into lifting the UK out of lockdown (like its flat pack furniture and not a critical pandemic) with cinemas due to open in April, I wouldn’t hold my breath seeing as our own human biology and its resistance is the actual measure of when it is safe to go out and about, not what our government says. So until everyone is vaccinated and has sustained the first few months of vaccination symptom free, I’m having to sift through Netflix and Amazon for something to watch, like I’m looking through a charity shop sale; without much luck. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for these streaming services, I (my dad) pay for them for Christ’s sakes and I know that one day I’ll be eating my words when I’m offered a Netflix deal that I (in a Vito Corleone voice) “cannot refuse”. However, unlike some of the creators on Netflix, I’ll make the most of this opportunity and be incredibly anal about what I want to make, even if it kills me. 
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I feel like so many people are given the license to make whatever they want for Netflix and then I look at the trophy wall of Emmys that HBO has garnered over the years and consider their quality writers and casts. I would say most recently, shows like The Crown, Sex Education, Top Boy and Bridgerton are Netflix’s exceptions currently, being both of quality and giving us something we actually want to watch. And guess what all these shows have in common?! Not only are all the casts largely British but all productions of these shows are British too. The British quality of TV programmes for streaming services in the US is a win win for all; Americans get to watch our good quality TV and we get Golden Globes. Most notably, The Crown did exceptionally (as it always does) at this year’s Golden Globes, further proving the show's excellence despite controversy. I thoroughly praise Netflix's resistance to label the show “fiction” and the lengths it took in making the show as authentically as possible, despite the criticism. The awards speak for themselves and the Crown has scooped up several this year so far. 
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To conclude, I want the cinemas to open just as much as anyone, but I’m happy to comply with the stay-at-home-and-watch-Netflix-rule for now. For now...Here’s everything I watched this February.
Annihilation (2018) as seen on Netflix
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Netflix’s Annihilation starring Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Lee, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson and Oscar Issac was a multitude of things that were difficult to comprehend. This is not me saying this is a bad film, in fact its me saying the complete opposite as the complexity drew a tangible beauty to the film from beginning to end. I reeeaaalllyyy liked the beginning and how the first scene sucked you into the crazy and fanatical story that later unfolded. Natalie Portman as always was wonderful in this role, playing a biologist who enters another world in search of her husband, who’s gone missing on a similar expedition to hers. Like with most sci fi films, it was difficult to gather the meaning of such a film, however this lack of meaning didn’t draw away from the story or how it was portrayed, in slow and enigmatic shots that told the story with a natural pace. If you’ve seen / liked Ex Machina (2014), Annihilation has the same director and I would thoroughly recommend you watch this too as the way Alex Garland merges sci fi with horror is incredibly seamless.
Score: 10/10
Eastern Promises (2007)  as seen on Amazon Prime 
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This film starring Naomi Watts, Viggo Mortensen and Vincent Cassel was incredibly dark and gritty. Even though I’m not Russian, I found Mortensen and Cassel’s Russian personas to be rather good for a Dane and a Frenchman. Their on screen chemistry was also really good and its make me wonder why I haven’t seen a film with these two in it before. The story follows Anna (Naomi Watts) a nurse and her hunt for the true identity and life of a baby that was born to a 14 year old girl. Nikolai and Kirill (Mortensen and Cassel) are Russian gangsters living in London and set about covering up this obscene scandal and getting rid of the product of it, a baby girl belonging to the condemned and now deceased child. It's a difficult plot to wrap your head around and like I said, it's incredibly dark. Actor and director David Cronenberg (A History of Violence 2005) directed this film and helped Viggo Mortensen with a nomination for Best Actor at the 2008 Academy Awards. 
Score: 8/10
Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) as seen on Netflix
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So remember how I said I was DESPERATE for films this month...I watched Fifty Shades of Grey with zero expectations and I can say definitively that it was worse than I thought. It's a true miracle that both Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan still have careers 6 years after such a film was released and I personally wouldn’t rush to cast either acting in my film after seeing this. Harsh, I know but reputation is everything and when you sign onto something that instead of highlighting your acting abilities, highlights your body parts, what am I supposed to think... I’m all for body confidence and what not, but I feel like most of this film sort of abuses sexuality and sexual expressions. The fact is, the BDSM part of this film wasn’t even that bad, it was the characters that pissed me off the most and their LACK of character in fact. They were orchestrated in such a flat way and the only time where either one of them found any character was through the sex itself and the discussion of it, especially Anastasia’s character. The most profound and irritating thing about this film is that Anastasia’s life seemed to only have meaning when she met the so called handsome, charming, wonderful, drop dead gorgeous Christian Grey. What does that teach us about women people? I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, sexualising women in film and media shouldn’t be the only reason for them to be there. And the entirety of Fifty Shades of Grey is built upon that fact. Even though the novel was written by a woman, it definitely missed the point in giving us a strong female character who could both be into sex and taken seriously at the same time. Seems like a really hard thing to do in cinema as filmmakers either go for the over-hyped sexualised prostitute, the caring mother or the nun. Like female professionals have never had sex in their lives… think again. I like to wonder what it would’ve been like had it been Ms Grey and Christian as her submissive. Not only would that mix up the character dynamic and go against gender confirmation, it’d actually be interesting. But maybe I should just write that story altogether...To conclude, the characters in this film were flat and the entirety of the film hyped up sex and the act of it way too much. It's like making a film about walking or breathing. 
Score: 1/10
Malcolm & Marie (2021) as seen on Netflix
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Malcolm & Marie received a lot of attention in the media and sadly not for the right reasons. In fact, what’s so childish about the backlash is that hardly any of it had to do with the filmmaking techniques Sam Levinson (Euphoria’s creator) used or the story he wrote. More of it had to do with Levinson’s controversial ideas about how the media likes to view and prod film like a goldfish in a bowl, acting ostentatiously towards the art and appearing woke as opposed to just seeing film for how it is. I gather many film critic’s egos were bruised when Levinson used the lead character, Malcolm (John David Washington) as a butcher to film critics. He says things like “I’m choosing to make a film that’s fundamentally political, but not everything I do is political because I’m Black” in reference to the ignorance of some film critics who stamp politics onto any black directed film, attempting to brand the films with their own understanding of the film as opposed to its real message and story. Malcolm spends the majority of the night loathing a fictional “white LA reporter” and betting on her exact words for his own film, about an African American woman trying to get off drugs. What he says is funny, so funny it's true. White reporters DO do this and instead of embracing Levinson’s satricalism, the real LA white reporters of our media got overly offended and used the “lack of story” card as a backdrop to fuel their distaste at being called out. Had they known Levinson’s intentions with this film, they wouldn’t have reviewed it all together as I’m sure Levinson knew what he was getting himself into when mentioning the annoying “white LA reporter” and making the stereotype central to the lead's frustrations towards the industry. Levinson also graciously mentions that even though Malcolm has such hatred towards the critics, he is their fuel and by making his so-called “art” he only joins them in the argument . Levinson made his bed when he made the film and I think he’s sleeping rather comfortably. No one even bothered to praise both Zendaya’s and Washington’s performances, which were phenomenal considering the circumstances and the added pressure of having to carry a whole story in one room using only each other to fulfil that story. The cinematography was ambitious and overall, it was a simple yet well executed story. What are y’all complaining about? 
Let's put egos aside and focus on the actual film for once, rather than how its perceived the articulation of your opinions towards it. 
Score: 10/10
Coming to America (1988) as seen on Amazon Prime
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At this moment I truly was becoming a slave to streaming services. I wasn’t particularly leaping at the opportunity to watch this film, however I chose to watch it as I heard that Eddie Murphy was releasing a sequel this year. As someone who doesn’t like comedy, I found this rather funny in places but it's hard to laugh at the black stereotypes portrayed in such a film even when those stereotypes were perpetuated by a black person. There was also a lot of misogyny, something else that I don’t call comedy but just misogyny. I found it hard overlook these moments and kinda saw this element as the downfall to the film which detracted from any of the other comedic moments.
Score: 5/10
Do the Right Thing (1989) as seen on Amazon Prime
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One of Spike Lee’s earlier films, Do The Right Thing is a film I’ve been dying to watch for quite some time. The film is like a fascinating book, with chapters on each of the plights of living in Brooklyn in the 1980s. Though it takes one character’s perspective, there are a multitude of other stories that can be found in this film, with them interlinking seamlessly and coming together at the end. This isn’t a film about race but rather one about anger and its potential to divide people, especially when things become heated and fingers are pointed. It covered a variety of perspectives which I like, almost like an episodic series where each episode is different and takes on a different character. This structure added variety to the film and allowed it to cover a multitude of topics in a small space of time. The structure of this film was only successful because its characters, who were funny, three dimensional and above all, had something to say. Director and writer Spike Lee played Mookie, the lead, a pizza delivery man and quite the f**k up on the streets of Brooklyn, using his mouth more than his actions to get by in life. I really liked the balance of moments of comedy and severity which had me laughing in places and immediately stopping afterwards. Well written and I commend Spike Lee for having written, directed and starred in the same film.
Score: 10/10
The Life Ahead (2020) as seen on Netflix
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As an actress, Sophia Loren is one of my all time favourites. On seeing films such as A Special Day (1977) Two Women (1960) Marriage, Italian Style (1964), I began to appreciate the work of Sophia Loren and notice how much of an icon she still is today. Having picked up several awards over an expansive 71 YEAR career, she has been honoured many a time by the Golden Globes and Oscars as one of the finest actresses of all time. Her presence on screen is inspiring and she’s been often referred to as the Italian Marilyn Monroe for her beauty inside and out. Here at the age of 86, she plays a Holocaust survivor and foster mother who cares for a troubled boy in The Life Ahead. Loren’s character, Madame Rosa, eventually saving him from a miserable life thieving and selling drugs on the streets of Italian. Loren’s son, Edoardo Ponti directed this film for Netflix and was generous enough to give us Sophia Loren’s presence on screen once more by casting her in the film as the lead.
Score: 9/10
Gold (2016) as seen on Amazon Prime
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I found Gold to be one of those talky, talky films that starts at the end and ends at the end (if that makes sense) which in my opinion isn’t the most courageous structure one could use, but is common in biopics. It either starts on the protagonist’s death bed or at the point where the police have just caught them and for Gold it was the latter. The appearance of women in this film was second to none and that’s not me saying the director should’ve added female characters for good measure or token but why make a film that only appeals to one demographic, despite the intensity of the story...film is universal after all and if a film appeals to one certain group then what’s the point of releasing it? This doesn’t detract from Matthew McConaughey’s performance though as a “prospector” looking for gold in Indonesia. Even saying this, the character was very typical of him and it didn’t truly stretch his ability as an actor, not like Dallas Buyer’s Club (2013), Killer Joe (2011) or Interstellar (2014) did. To sum up Gold into one word it’d be “meh”.
Score: 7/10
Creed (2015) as seen on Amazon Prime
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This was one of the most surprising films of the month. I’m not crazy about the Rocky films nor see myself watching all of them anytime soon, but Creed appealed as a more modern take on the hit franchise. Michael B Jordan plays Adonis Creed, son of Apollo Creed, a champion boxer who died during a fight before Adonis was born. After being adopted by Apollo’s wife, Adonis Creed sets out to follow his father’s footsteps by becoming a champion heavyweight boxer himself, much to his maternal mother’s displeasure and his coach’s the one and only Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone). The story is similar to that of Rocky and if anything, is a complete revival, using the son of one of Rocky’s former fighter as a backdrop to tell the story. Director Ryan Coogler (Black Panther 2018, Fruitvale Station 2013 ) brought this story to life and a courageous performance out of Michael B. Jordan. Not only was I fascinated by boxing by the end of the film, but just the whole idea of Adonis Creed, a fighter and not a quitter who thoroughly believes in pursuing your goals until they are obtained. Not only is this film for boxing fans but for those who share that same universal message and refuse to give into their own inhibitions to achieve great things. We should look to athletes more often in this respect and consider the pursuit of our own desires as boxing matches and marathon races more often as it helps put our fight into perspective and teaches us never to give in. 
Score: 11/10
Arrival (2016) as seen on DVD
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Before anyone comes for me for not having seen Arrival, before I was a movie buff I had briefly come across the film several times but had never taken the time to sit it out and watch it from beginning to end. I’m glad I did as Denis Villeneuve is one of my favourite directors evah and along with Christopher Nolan, I consider him as the King of Sci Fi. Every single one of his films is incroyable (as the french say) and it's a mystery why he hasn’t been handed an Oscar yet. Arrival is this slow and beautiful story of a linguistics teacher (Amy Adams) who agrees to help on a mission to communicate with extraterrestrial life forms that have landed on planet earth in the form of twelve huge spaceships. Structure isn’t something we typically consider when watching a film, but it plays such an important part in Arrival for time and the manipulation of it is the main theme of this film. Essentially, the language in which Dr. Banks translates from the intelligent life form gives its readers the ability to see into the future, which is when we come to realize that she’ll have a child, who will die of an unnamed disease. Despite this fact, she decides to live the life fate intended for her. The reason why Arrival is a highly credible film is because of the coverage it has as a film in terms of what it's trying to say as a film. From someone who finds it hard to bring out the emotion of a screenplay, Arrival is a great example to me as a film that combines both a cinematic feeling and a strong emotional presence throughout the film. It doesn’t abandon emotions or relationships just because the film is about aliens, but instead embraces them into the story and intertwines them with the aliens who’ve come to planet earth. At the end of the day, we can have explosions, spaceships and aliens galore, but if we’re unable to connect with characters on an emotional level then the film becomes boring. Arrival is far from boring and may bring a tear or two to your eye by the end.
Score: 11/10
The News of the World (2020) as seen on Netflix
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I feel like it's impossible to hate a film with Tom Hanks in it and The News of the World definitely fits into that.  Five years after the US Civil War, Cpt. Jefferson Kyle Kidd (Tom Hanks) spends his days travelling around the US ‘reading the news’ to anyone who’s willing to listen. The majority of the US was illiterate in the 19th Century, meaning it was up to people like Jefferson to inform others of the ongoings in the world by reading them the paper. It’s a wondrous thing to think about, how information was once spread throughout the world in such an archaic format. Jefferson did this off his own back, not asking for much and finding fulfilment in the reactions to the news that he “broadcasted” to them. Whilst on his travels, Jefferson comes across a young girl (Golden Globe nominee Helena Zengal) who’s negro family had been killed by lynchers. The girl was originally from a Native American tribe but had been separated by them, leaving her to fend for herself. When Jefferson comes across her, he’s reluctant to take her in at first but decides to take her to some relatives across the country. It’s definitely the role you expect of Tom Hanks and his heart warming nature is captured for us in this film for Netflix.
Score: 9/10
The Mask (1994) as seen on Netflix
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It's hard for me to label The Mask as a good film as that would mean shaking off the horrendous amount of misogyny it has and the lack of diversity within its characters. Films mean different things for people, but ultimately most of them reflect an element of humanity and explore it on screen with originality and authenticity. Cameron Diaz’s character was only there to fulfil the sexual appetites of the men around her, which is something I loathe in female characters. Originality The Mask has, authenticity, not so much. That's probably the reason why I hate comedies so much, most of them are written by men and are about men so it can get quite boring to watch at times. I liked the idea of The Mask but it definitely could’ve been executed in a less misogynistic way. 
Score: 5/10
Jackie (2016) as seen on Amazon Prime
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One word; perfection. This film was hands down one of the most beautiful, genuine and honest films I’ve seen in my entire life. It had me reminiscing Todd Haynes’ Carol (2015) in a number of ways, from the similar filmmaking techniques to the slow and melancholy atmosphere that was being created on screen. The AMAZING Natalie Portman plays Jackie Kennedy, wife of John F. Kennedy who was brutally assassinated on a visit to Dallas, Texas in 1963. The fact that I didn’t even KNOW that his poor wife was in the car with him at the point of the assassination is shocking. On watching the film, I learnt Jackie was a remarkable, brave and intelligent woman who after her husband's death put so much into preserving her husband’s legacy despite his lack of popularity. The way the film is shot and the music by the brilliant Mica Levi (Under the Skin 2013 , Monos 2019) just ties everything together into a enigmatic and wonderful film. Natalie Portman was nominated for Best Actress at the 2017 Academy Awards and rightly so. This film has further proven my thoughts on her as one of the greatest actresses of our time. I seriously cannot EXPRESS how much I love this film, directed by Chilean director Pablo Larraín, who’s also made another film that I can’t get enough of Ema, which was released 2 years ago.
Score: 12/10
Foxcatcher (2014) as seen on BBC iPlayer
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When we first think of Steve Carell, our minds probably drift to his most notable performance as Michael Scott from The Office or even Gru in Despicable Me. It's rare for a so called “comedy” actor to find his way into films with a more dramatic substance and over the last few years, this is what Carell has been showing us on screen, with this role in Foxcatcher and more recently, in Felix van Groeningen’s Beautiful Boy (2018). Foxcatcher is the true story of a wrestler offered the opportunity to train with a private wrestling team owned by a huge chemical corporation. Channing Tatum plays Mark Schultz, a quiet and reserved wrestler who trains alongside his brother David (Mark Ruffalo), also a champion wrestler. What's sad to see in this twisted story is how validated Mark feels once the powerful and wealthy John Du Pont (Steve Carrell) begins to take an interest in him and takes him under his wing. This relationship drives a wedge between Mark and his brother David, but much to John’s displeasure, it doesn’t last long. This is definitely a story of power and how people can react in bad ways when they are owed too much of it. Every performance in this was astounding and the slow and subtle telling of the story was truly beautiful to watch. Foxcatcher is a film I’ve been dying to watch for some time and it DID NOT disappoint. Period. The film was also nominated for five Oscars back in 2015, including Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. 
Score: 11/10
In Fabric (2018) as seen on BBC iPlayer
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Based on the current reviews of In Fabric, I deem the film a poncy experimental spectacle. Not only did it not say much, but what it was trying to say was rather disturbing and quite frankly bizarre. However, it's not a film I can necessarily hate on as it is experimental, meaning from the get go, I shouldn’t be expecting any sort of clear cut narrative, with relationships, protagonists, conflict or hierarchies. Experimental films are more about exploring a central idea and having all its “characters'' not essentially prove the idea, but just talk about it, like a debate but everyone agrees in the end. A debate where everyone agrees would be boring, which is why I find experimental films to be boring as most of the time they don’t have a meaning and sadly as humans, we’re obsessed with finding the meaning of things or else we’ll go crazy. And I would say this film definitely left me crazy at the end, proving the idea of man’s constant need to find meanings in things. In Fabric wasn’t really relatable, funny, clever or bold. It kinda just...was.
Score: 5/10
Delicatessen (1991) as seen on DVD
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I love how the world likes to think that the American film market is the only film market when in actuality the French created the actual concept of cinema and the idea to project “movies” onto a large screen. With this has come a plethora of incredible movies from France that have gone onto to change the film industry forever. There’s a reason why the most prestigious and exclusive film festival in the entire world is held in the South of France and not LA. Jean-Pierre Jeunet is the auteur behind Amélie (2001) one of the most well known independent films ever to be made and before Amélie came Delicatessen. This film is Tim Burton meets Wes Anderson but in French and tells the story of a man working for a butcher and the crazy characters he meets in the same apartment as him. By the end it's clear that The Butcher is selling more than pork and beef down in his store and that the new tenant is due to be the next item on sale. I loved how weird and larger than life the characters were and the otherworldly set design used for this film. There were so many moments that are quite hard to explain the beauty of them and if you’ve seen Wes Anderson or Tim Burton’s work, you’ll notice the similarities between this film and their work, perhaps showing a french influence on the current American market.
Score: 10/10
Amélie (2001) as seen on DVD
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Continuing on with the French theme, I was reminded this month of the beauty of Amélie. Every, single, shot in this film is pure perfection and I bet all my money that Wes Anderson was a mega fan of this film when it came out. It's truly a film like none other and it’s only this time around did I realise how much I RELATE to Amélie. The way she sacrifices herself for others and gets nothing in return, the lengths she goes to tell someone something instead of JUST SAYING IT, her lack of friends, I can definitively say that there isn’t a character on screen that I’ve related to more than Amélie (besides Elio from cmbyn). If you haven’t seen Amélie have a word with yourself.
Score: 11/10
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) as seen on Amazon Prime
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Pan’s Labyrinth was a surprisingly amazing film and I wonder why I hadn’t seen it sooner. I was astounded to see it was in Spanish which I thought made the story somehow better. It's rare that we see such high budget and well known film that’s in a foreign language but I’m glad this film got the noise it did when it was released. Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water 2017) tells us the story of 10 year old Ofelia and her discovery of magical creatures in the woods that inhabit the outskirts of her new home. Not only that but it’s 1944. The Spanish Civil War has been over for five years but small groups of guerrilla rebels continue to fight against the new fascist dictatorship led by Francisco Franco. This is a well structured film that shows two strong worlds and combines them in a satisfying way, which isn’t an easy thing as sometimes films can get lost in the facts of history instead of the emotions and dynamic relationships. The set design in this was UNREAL as always and I really felt for the characters and their given circumstances. And that’s what we call a film.
Score: 11/10
I Care A Lot (2021) as seen on Amazon Prime 
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For a full review of I Care A Lot, follow the link: https://ratingtheframe.tumblr.com/post/643763403606867968/a-strong-performance-from-rosamund-pike-that-we
Score: 8/10
Interview with a Vampire (1994) as seen on BBC iPlayer
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We were doing SO WELL until I made the costly decision to watch this waffle of a film, directed by Neil Jordan. Not only was the story all over the place, but the dialogue itself was incredibly on the nose and self explanatory throughout. It feels like there was more talking about the film instead of showing the film, which just made me switch off from early on in the film. I hated the casting of Tom Cruise in this and there were moments when I believed his character, but none of them outweighed the overarched and over bearing performance he was attempting to give. Brad Pitt was marginally better but the performance of Kirsten Dunst who was 12 years old at the time this film was released, outdid both actors. She was the only character that I truly felt for / cared about and her on screen presence was both enviable and wise beyond her years. Personally, I can’t explain what this film was even about because I truly didn’t get what was going on, however if you’re a fan of Kirsten Dunst’s work, this would be a suitable film to watch in that respect. 
Score: 4/10
Fargo (1996) as seen on Amazon Prime
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Fargo is probably most known as a Netflix series, but before that, it was originally a film directed by the Coen Brothers and starred the likes of Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, William H Macy and John Carroll Lynch. I’ve been meaning to watch Fargo for quite some time and I was not disappointed with the outcome of it. It's one of those good old fashioned crime films, with lots of twists and blood split throughout the film. The film won two Oscars in 1997; one for Best Actress which was handed to Frances McDormand playing a police officer investigating a string of murders in Minnesota and another for Best Original Screenplay. A really well constructed story with a fantastic cast and great cinematography work from Roger Deakins (1917 (2020), Blade Runner 2049 (2017) The Shawshank Redemption (1994). 
Score: 10/10
The Darjeeling Limited (2007) as seen on Amazon Prime
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The Darjeeling Limited further proves to us Wes Anderson’s ability to create entire new worlds and show us stories that take place all across the world. Three brothers, Peter (Adrien Brody), Jack (Jason Schwartzman) and Francis (Owen Wilson) have travelled to India in an attempt to bond with one another “spiritually” after the death of their father. Peter and Jack aren’t too keen on this little expedition, irritated at their brothers' intrusiveness over the trip. The majority of the film is set on this fanatical train travelling across India and yet again, we are blessed with some phenomenal production design to tell us a fun and uplifting story. What’s more is that the boys’ mother (Anjelica Huston) lives in India as a nun at the foot of the Himalayas. This becomes the real reason for their venture and such a thing changes the character dynamics between the three men. India is shown in all its beauty in this film using the backdrop of three men’s relationship with one another as a story.
Score: 9/10
The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou (2004) as seen on DVD
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Another one of Wes Anderson’s lesser known films but equally as good as the rest, this film follows a group of marine explorers travelling across the pacific to try and kill a shark that supposedly ate a member of Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) ’s crew. With an all star cast composed of Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum and Anjelica Huston this film was entertaining, enlightening and cinematographically ambitious. Steve Zissou is a fictional character who makes a living off of extreme and dangerous marine explorations. He makes films of his travels using his crew and after screening his latest film, he meets a young man (Owen Wilson) claiming to be his son. Evidently, Zissou is reluctant to accept that this man is his son and uses his presence as financial gain to the project. I appreciated all performances in this film and the set design (as always with Anderson’s films) was exceptional.
Score: 9/10
Life of Pi (2012) as seen on Amazon Prime
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A highly visual and emotional film that carries beauty throughout in both performance and story, Life of Pi was directed by Brokeback Mountain (2005)’s Ang Lee and tells the story of Pi (Suraj Sharma and Irrfan Khan) a young boy alone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a fully grown Bengal Tiger. Winner of 4 Academy Awards including Best Director at the 2013 Academy Awards, this film does a phenomenal job of reminding us why cinema is such a superior and infinite art form. Pi’s family are on their way from India to America, exporting a large number of their zoo animals in hope of selling them once they reach the other side of the world. After a horrendous storm ravages their cargo ship, Pi is left all alone in the ocean with what only appears to be a small dingy, but to his horror, he comes to find that the zoo’s tiger Richard Parker is keeping him company in the middle of the ocean. Now if that ain’t a viable story, then I don’t know what is. To make a film look like it was set in the middle of a Pacific and with a Bengal Tiger is no small feat. Suraj Sharma’s performance was both truthful and powerful, despite the film being mostly shot in a studio with nothing but animation for Richard Parker. This is one of very few films that does the original novel justice. 
Score: 11/10
Capone (2021) as seen on Netflix
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Yikes. Capone has not been getting a lot of love in the media since its release on Netflix on 24th February. Personally, it's not the most god awful, offensive film I’ve seen and yet I wouldn’t have been the one to have made such a film either. The film is supposed to depict the last year of the infamous and notorious Al Capone, who suffered from numerous illnesses at only the age of 48. Tom Hardy plays the blood thirsty gangster and I have to say, this was a thoughtless casting choice. Hardy doesn’t have an ounce of Italian in his face and he put on this larger than life caricature of an accent that had me feeling rather sorry for him at moments when I shouldn’t have been. The acting was exceptional, but believable and interesting? That’s another argument altogether. Cinematography and sound wise, I thought the film was excellent in those respects but again, those should be additions to the integral story of a film. I get why Hardy signed up though, what actor wouldn’t want to play a mob boss? Maybe the point of Al’s life in which this film was built upon was perhaps wrong for the screen and I’m sure most would have preferred Hardy to play Capone at his peak. This film is a clear example of people getting ahead of themselves when they first explore an idea for a film. This film could have easily been saved in the development stage had someone said let’s not do this.
Score: 5/10
Creed II (2018) as seen on Amazon Prime
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Obviously a prequel will always outdo a sequel, however I found Creed II to be just as meaningful as the first film. Maybe even more so as Adonis Creed (Michael B Jordan) is becoming a father his responsibilities have shifted dramatically. He’s also desperate to fight Viktor Drago, a Ukrainian ruthless boxer whose father accidentally killed Creed’s father in a match decades before. Drago is tough, beyond what he and his coach Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) could ever imagine and because of this, it drives a wedge between Adonis’ relationship with his coach. Creed thinks Rocky doesn’t believe he can beat Drago but Rocky insists not fighting the bull of a boxer would benefit him greatly, after all, look what happened to his father. The character dynamics have shifted in this sequel, but the structure has remained largely the same. We kind of knew what we were being served at the end and the change in character was there for everyone.
Score: 10/10
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...and that’s it! Everything I watched this February, you do not want to KNOW how long this list took to compile. Thanks for reading and see you next month!
ig: @ratingtheframe
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sun-moon-stars-jedi · 3 years
Smile for the wip game
Hi! Thanks so much for sending in an ask 💜
With smile you hit the jackpot, because I use that word a lot lol. I thought quite a bit about which sentence to post and in the end I chose one from a new royalty JayRoy AU I started recently - hope you will like it.
At galas, at university, hell even in his favorite coffee shop, nowhere was Jason safe anymore from the thousand-watt smiles and downright aggressive flirtation attempts of some Princeling or Princess hoping to snatch up a ticket to the Wayne fortune.
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