#love your cosplay so much it’s really cool
chrollohearttags · 4 months
been wanting to write about my sweetheart + I needed something self indulgent today so here we are! 🩷
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you never really liked talking anime or nerd culture with men!…a strange thought but a true one nonetheless. It was always one exhausting conversation after the next. From being giving random pop quizzes about this series or a lecture about how that one doesn’t measure up to the solidified greats. That was until you met blerd!ony…the gentle, kindhearted cashier in the store you frequented on a daily basis. Blerd!ony, who recognized the t-shirt you were wearing immediately from that very obscure yet classic anime you loved so much, became absolutely ecstatic to talk to you from that day on. The tall, gorgeous male with a smile like the stars, the most beautiful complexion you’ve ever seen and a voice like honey had given you even more of a reason to gush over him. “You gotta give me your top five right now. I always see your keychains and shit. You got good taste..” you were a bit hesitant because this was always the point where things went left but blerd!ony surprised you by praising your choices and even saying he’d check out the ones you’d put him on to. blerd!ony, who had a sleeve full of video game themed tattoos took pride in showing off his pieces when you happened to catch him outside on smoke break one night. Telling you how he played all the time and even streamed a bit in his free time. “I do alright, you should check me out.” blerd!ony, who was always holding up the line just to chat with his favorite customer about the new series he just started. “I’m talking to my girl, y’all can wait—anyways, did you see that new episode? Shit was crazy.” it wasn’t long before he was asking for your socials and hoping to keep the communication going on days even when he couldn’t see you. blerd!ony, who couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the girl who came in his store with sweatpants and a DBZ shirt all dolled up in your cosplays..some a lot more revealing than others. blerd!ony, who’d always wanted to try the hobby but was afraid had some questions..among other things the next time he saw you. “I see how it is, best friend. You be putting that shit on.” you were infatuated with his humor and laid back personality so naturally, when he invited you to an anime cafe in your city, you accepted. blerd!ony, who was the perfect gentleman ensured that you had the best time as you two chopped it up about all things nerdy, making you laugh more than you had in a long time.
blerd!ony, who confided in you that he didn’t have many friends and especially ones into the things he was, told you how happy he was to have met you. “You cool as hell, we gotta do this more often.” a sentiment you agreed with heavily agreed with. Some time had passed and you two spoke nearly everyday. That’s when he revealed that he was not only interested in attending his first con but cosplaying as well, asked you accompany him..and pick a character! “I trust you, ma. Make me look good..” it was a no brainer as the two of you were huge fans of the Mortal Kombat series and decided to dress as Sindel and Shao Kahn. So the two of you spent days going to the fabric store and ordering materials to build props in your spare time..blerd!ony, who was turning heads the entire time when he revealed that Adonis like figure that had been hiding underneath that company polo everyday..you were nervous and even a little embarrassed walking beside someone so fine. but blerd!ony couldn’t keep his eyes off of you or hands..holding your left one, keeping you close and grasping the small of your back as he guided you through the crowds. Even carrying all of your bags and letting you rest your tired feet on his lap. blerd!ony, who had been eyeing you all day couldn’t help but to be entranced when it was time for the after party and the two of you were dancing with liquor in your system. “You full of surprises, huh mama?” “Try me and you might find out just how many.” blerd!ony, who couldn’t wait to get back to you guys’ hotel room, tore that costume open quicker than you could get the door open..leaving a trail of warm kisses down your neck as his fingers delved into your core, pinning you against the wall in the process. “You so fucking sexy..” muttering in your ear as he hiked your leg up and tugged his bottoms down. blerd!ony, who fucked you like a man starved that night had you grasping at things that weren’t even there..taking you from the mirror, to the dresser and eventually the bed, where he gave you deep backshots; grasping that platinum gray lace front on your head as he did so. “You don’t know how long I been wanting this..fuck..” blerd!ony, who had you fucking up the sheets all night, getting stretched by that thick cock with the curve, absolutely depleted you, so much so, you two barely made it around the convention the next day but he was glad that he had met the girl who loved the same things he did and the one of his dreams. <3
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insertdisc5 · 3 months
I finished ISAT yesterday and I can't get it out of my head. I will spread it to as many friends as possible. Thank you so much for making it. How else can we support In Stars and Time after buying the game?
that is a lovely question to ask!!! um um um this applies to all indie games and all cool stuff you like btw <3
✨✨✨ How To Support Something Cool After Having Bought The Something Cool ✨✨✨
-if you bought the game on steam, leave a review on steam! Reviews tell the Steam Algorithm(tm) that the game is worthwhile and cool, and so the algorithm will be more likely to show off the game!!!
-if you bought it elsewhere uuuuh leave a review on metacritic i guess????
-word of mouth!!! tell your friends!
here's a tangent.
Word Of Mouth For Dummies (written by me, a professional Word Of Mouther) ok so if you wanna make your friends play the game. here is my advice. or at least thats how i do it. i made all my friends play disco elysium and. ive even made one. play. umineko (everyone gasps in amazement) 1. dont be too insistent about it. so, GO CRAZY AAAH GO STUPID AAAH only ONCE. and explain the game in thirty pages there if you want. ONCE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. 2. if you know them well and what they like, personalize the paragraph. you like timeloops? thats for you. you like old ladies? thats for you? you keep beating me at rock paper scissors? Do I Have The Game For You. 3. now that you've gone crazy aah stupid aah Once, you have successfully PLANTED THE SEED. like in inception. no need to go crazy stupid again for a while. i know it's hard. but you don't wanna go crazy stupid too much. control yourself. for the Thing. 4. from that point on though, when the game is on sale, just go "hey btw the cool game i told you about is on sale! smiles smiles smiles". 5. every six months go "i was just thinking about a cool game again." "what cool game?" "IN STARS AND TIME" and you can go crazy aaah go stupid aah again. 6. after Some Time (from 2 weeks to 5 years) they will play the game. yes i said 5 years. word of mouthing is a WAITING GAME. little sprouts grow into trees. 7. they play the game 8. ???? 9. profit <3
-word of mouth, 2!!!! SOCIAL MEDIA!!!! tweet about the game! reblog other people's posts! make fanart! make fanfic! write a long essay about which parts made you cry! cosplay as the characters! make a video essay! just yell!!!!! you know how you only got into That One Thing because someone made a post about it? you could be The Post.
-(this one is if you want more merch specifically) buy the merch if it's available! the only reason we have a second Loop wave with the Yetee is because the first wave sold so well ;w;
-ummm that's it really????? that's already a bunch!!! but yeah!!!!!!!!!! ty!!!!!!!!!!
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gremlingottoosilly · 3 months
König with cosplayer!reader and dragging your giant boyfriend to conventions. Him getting complimented on his cosplay and he’s just confused because he’s going as himself??
Forcing Konig to help you get into that tight-ass dress with multiple corsets and zips - konig swears that an actual combat uniform is way easier to get into. Almost breaks the zipper and apologizes every time he makes everything a bit too tight...but god, you look fucking adorable. As much as he hates having his girl be seen by literally everyone, he adores when you cosplay his favorite characters - or when you are forcing him to watch your favorite shows/play your favorite games so he can love the characters you cosplay. Konig doesn't really understand how to style wigs, why you need so much makeup, and how you are not dying in these costumes - but he is more than willing to give you as much money as you want so you can get everything custom-made specifically for you. He would be shocked at the prices...but then again, why does he work at such a high paying and dangerous job if not to make his precious girlfriend look good in her silly little costumes?? He is only nervous about actually coming to conventions. You convince him that just wearing the uniform would make him a cool airsoft masked guy, and you'd look nice in contrast - but still, he feels too old and too nervous for something as stressful as a con. He is willing to but you everything you want from a artist alley and then hold your stuff - and protect you from creeps, obviously. Konig doesn't understand why people want to take pictures with him tho...it just feels like everyone here is a spy from another merc organization and he has to protect you - he feels silly, of course, but he kinda likes playing into the role of your soldier protector. And if he can get you to wear costumes in the bedroom...just imagine wearing those silly cosplay lingerie sets while he is in his full uniform, roleplaying as, maybe, en evil general that just captured pretty little thing like you...yeah, Konig appreciates his cosplaying girlfriend. Maybe a bit too much.
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trappolia · 4 months
WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING (I FELL IN LOVE) ── gallagher + gn!reader, 790
he finds comfort in you in the waking world the same way people do in their dreams.
sleep comes easier in penacony. the reverie where locals and outlanders alike seek some semblance of escape from their truths and the hedonistic what-ifs that can become reality in the dreamscape is simply gallagher's "daytime" job ─ the meticulous dream-to-dream routine of maintaining peace and some semblance of order in a world where it is so easy for one's perceived reality to warp. those in the dreamscape prefer it to the rigid frame of the waking world, but gallagher knows all too well that the warping images of an illusion so easily influenced by the slightest shift of one's mood is anything but a utopia.
so, really, it's no surprise he finds such dear solace in your arms.
"you're back!" you beam, so sweet and darling when you catch sight of gallagher dragging his shoes past the drunken revelers ─ who will no doubt be stumbling back to their rooms where their dreampools lay, the portal to even more hedonistic pleasures and drunken revelries.
"that i am," he grunts, sliding onto an empty barstool just as you slide him his usual drink over the countertop. the gin burns through his throat, just enough to warm him up some. gallagher doesn't care how much dreamers fawn over the aesthetic of dreampools and the further bonus of their purpose. he's not fond of waking up in anything other than a bed, no matter how dreampools have been designed to offer the semblance of one. dreampools mean work, and he's had quite enough of that for the next 24 hours or so.
but stars know he won't be so lucky.
"tough time at work?" you offer him a sympathetic smile, wiping a glass with a clean rag. your customers at the bar had begun to dwindle, the few that remained idly chatting with their companions or indulging in their drink in personal quiet.
gallagher sighs ─ straightens his shoulders and tries to look less disheveled; he's here and out of work to enjoy some time with you, not to bitch and moan about his day. "sorry, darlin'. it wasn't that bad, 's just─"
he sighs again, not wanting to think about how the pillars that are supposed to uphold the dreamscape and his work seem to be crumbling every time he goes back to sleep. gallagher hasn't been on the scene yet, but he's heard reports of stuff that might be going on, and if they were true, then he was going to have a hell of a field day and a bunch of paperwork to do.
"i get it," you say, reaching over the counter to squeeze his hand. it's been hours since your shift started, and you smell of something akin to cinnamon and spice, the undertone of brandy and whiskey underneath. he thinks it fitting ─ you're so sweet, such a darling, so that must have translated into the drinks you brew even in the waking world, where the taste of one's mix relies simply on ingredient and skill.
gallagher manages a smile ─ one that doesn't strain at his lips and makes him feel like he's cosplaying in someone else's skin ─ and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing the soft skin of your knuckles. the metal of your wedding band is cool, but fills his blood with heat and his heart with warmth. "i don't deserve you, honestly."
"now i think that's just the gin talking," you tease, pinching his chin playfully.
"gah," gallagher feigns annoyance ─ badly, if the amused grin on his face is any indication but ─ and swats your hand away. "'s your shift ending soon?"
"mhm," you nod, giggling as you pull back from him and retreat back into your personal space ─ and gallagher misses you already. god, maybe the gin really is getting to him.
"what do you say we head back to our room and catch a nap after this?" gallagher asks, idly tracing his finger along the edge of his empty shot glass. the band on his finger ─ the mirror of yours ─ glints in the hazy yellow light of the bar. "or i can tell you about the day i've had and you can doze off because of how boring it is."
you give him a cheeky grin. "hard pass. your stories always keep me up at night. tell me about that masked fool who gave you a nightmare about me divorcing you."
"never again," gallagher deadpans, and when you burst into laughter, he's convinced that no sort of illusion a masked fool or xipe themself can conjure could ever compare to you ─ his very own dream come true.
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© trappolia 2024
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DP x PC prompt where Batclan ship “Pitch Pearl” or as they say, “We’ve connected the two dots”. 
Batclan has been watching the Phantom and the Fentons, especially their son. They were able to find some information but for some environmental reason the tracking devices are working in Amity Park with such terrible sound interference...it is difficult for them to understand a word.
Fenton kid's Audiotape: I hate..Phantom..threat..destroy.
Original: I hate that my parents think that Phantom is a threat and want to destroy me.
Audiotape of the Phantom: cause me trouble..Danny Fenton’s..guns..pointed at my back.
Original : Why everyone wants to cause me trouble? I don’t have time for Danny Fenton’s homework with all those guns pointed at my back.
Batclan arrives personally and is going to offer to rescue the ghost from the Fenton child. But. There is a problem.
They see the Phantom calling a Ghost Girl, very much like him, a daughter. The next day the girl flies to the son of the Ghosthunters without fear, calls him father and turns into a human girl. And the teenager hugs her.
Batman thinks their situation is similar to Lex and Superman but unlike them they both really love their "Conner".
Tucker hears this reasoning from the tracking device he planted on the Batman’s cloak.
Danny: Good news. They want to help Phantom and don’t think he’s a bad guy. They also fail to understand that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom are the same person. Bad news.They think I, Fenton, am the villain. How can I dissuade them without revealing my identity?
Tucker: Well, you have a lair with weapons and instruments for diss and vivi in the basement.
Dani*feral half-ghost teen*: Say no more. I have an idea.
The same evening, Batclan sees Tik Tok video from the Fenton lab.
*Miike Snow's Genghis Khan plays in the background*:
The Phantom is tied to the autopsy table and Bruce wants to ask the children to look away, but Dick stops him and says he knows the song, so they should see it.
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The video has a happy ending. The heroes like it and they go home with a calm soul.
An hour after there’s a comment from DashHereForSlash: Cool cosplay, guys! I’m happy that someone knows about this ship! The equipment looks so real! Where to send a donat for a kiss in the next video?
GhoticPlant: Glad you liked it! Here’s a link.
Three hours later, the Red Huntress shoots a duet:
~I get a little bit Genghis Khan
Don't want you to get it on
With nobody else but me.~
Yes, they used Fenton Ghost Catcher and Tucker, Sam and Jazz played henchmen.
Tucker sits at the table with Fenton and Phantom.
Tucker: So, Danny, what’s more important..self-esteem or easy money?
Double Dannouble: Money
Tucker: All right, here’s your $50. It’s all fair. But next time you need to use a little more touch. And we change the platform to post the videos.
Danny: Suspicious..And I want $100. Double job means double salary.
Jazz: Danny, no more videos! You’re 15!
Tucker*with printed photos of the kiss the next day*: Remember, don't let people manipulate you to do things you don’t want to do. But we’re doing it to better cover up a little dirty deadly secret, money’s just a bonus. And Danny is narcissistic enough to be happy that now Paulina has his pictures in frames.
Part 2
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jester-lover · 1 year
Dorm Leaders with a Girlfriend who wears Suits
Warnings: fluff, very flustered boys, insecurity (not from the reader), talks of gender roles/identity, whoever reads this is so cool, reader is so hot and confident (did I mention she’s so hot)
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Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has grown up in a certain structure, men lead, women follow, women lead, sons follow
When he sees you, dressed to the nines, not a care for the stares of others; something in him snapped
Head over heels
Considering his rule following tendencies, he is immensely attracted to the rebellious flair of a woman in a suit
You tend to notice him staring at you whenever you wear your male uniform
You always wink at him, reminding him you can see him too
Strawberry Riddle
“Um- well I wasn’t staring! It’s just- you look really pretty…”
Leona Kingscholar
His familial structure is very matriarchal, so seeing you, a confident woman just hits something in his soul
Bro, if you wear the male uniform, he will (politely) ask you to model the Savannaclaw uniform
If you do he’s literally on one knee
Girlfriend? I think you mean WIFE
Also he’s a lil afraid of you considering your confidence, you have a lot of power over people
Trying so hard to be all suave and cool and still such a sucker for you it’s funny
“Woah. I didn’t think anyone could make it work better than me.”
Azul Ashengrotto
He definitely thought you were a competitor at first
Who else would have such smooth banter, such playful glances, than an enemy trying to hinder his business!!
You definitely ask him out because he’s so in his own head, when you do, it’s like the wires in his brain connect finally
Also has a staring problem, the way that you walk with complete confidence, absolute disregard for anyone who speaks ill of you; he dreams of being like that
You lovelovelove pulling him in by his tie for a kiss, because he definitely places his hands on your shoulders all startled
“That lipstick suits you… What?! You think it’ll suit me too?! Don’t just s-say things like that!”
Kalim Al-Asim
This is the best combo ever, smiley pretty boy and a woman with endless personality
He literally buys you anything you want, new suit? Down. Makeup perfectly matching a new suit? Amazing! New shoes with a new suit? Take his credit card!
Kalim literally wants you to have anything you could possibly desire, so
Will buy both of you matching suits for galas and other occasions, and if anyone has the GALL to look down in you for your clothes, he’ll just leave along with you.
The public disgrace that would happen to that person for insulting the s/o of a member of the affluent Al-Asim family would be TREMENDOUS
“You look absolutely radiant. We look so cool!”
Vil Shoenheit
Masculine Wife, Feminine Husband.
He is so down you don’t even get it.
You help him out of the car? It’s trending on magicam in seconds.
Put your coat on a puddle so he can walk past without damaging his shoes? The paparazzi is loving it.
He adores your dynamic, the confidence you have matched his, and it contrasts with the opposite fashion you wear
“Dearest, the rose pinned to your lapel is a perfect match for the color of my overcoat, we will look stunning!”
Idia Shroud
404 error
Idia saw you once and he literally froze on the spot, you walked around like you owned the school!
The crisp edges of your suit reminded him of the butler from one of his favorite anime, so he was immediately nervous to talk to you
When you start dating, he begins to wonder what cosplays you would look good in,
Spy, demon butler, vampire princess, the possibilities are endless with your androgynous fashion
This one time, you took off your blazer, so you just wore a button up and slacks, and you looked so domestic, so old Hollywood beautiful, he burst into red flames
“I can’t believe you settled for someone like me. WHAT-what??! Stop calling me handsome! You really mean it? Wow…I- “
Malleus Draconia
Malleus loves this so much
The sheer power you exude, walking into every room and demanding attention, feminine mixed with masculine creating beauty beyond mankind
He’s obviously obsessed
On your nightly walks, he notes how you choose to take off the blazer in preference of a cardigan, he loves looking at little changes in your wardrobe
Mal is an old being, he’s seen fashion evolve, but I love to think he enjoys 40s/50s era fashion, the way that you choose to portray that style, he loves even more
As you grow more comfortable around one another, more affectionate, malleus will enjoy fixing your tie and buttoning your vests, small acts of domesticity feel so meaningful
He is another who will buy you expensive clothes, his future queen deserves the best
“My love, your tie is crooked. Perhaps you simply wanted me to fix it hm? Such a sly move…”
Welcome back to J sucks at dialogue and cries over pretty women.
But honestly I wrote this bc I want to feel more confident, and I want you to feel more confident!!!! I see a good amount of insecure reader posts, which are very good and comforting! But I would love to see more confident reader inserts. Thanks for reading, women in suits are amazing, and goodbye.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
MC Looking Fabulous
This was another request from @oakley-tree1 for an MC who normally wears casual clothes showing up to a party looking fabulous. Since I usually do GN!MC, their outfit isn't described at all, just the brothers' reactions to it. I enjoyed writing this! Thank you for the request!
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Warnings: None.
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Can’t keep his eyes off of you. He wears a suit all the time, aside from the RAD uniform, so it’s pretty obvious that he appreciates fancy clothes. While he has no issue with your casual outfits, this one has caught his eye in a way the others did not.
Doesn't come to your side right away. Instead, he will watch you as you move about the room. You can feel his gaze, but it isn’t unpleasant. It makes you feel a little tingly.
Will only be able to stand it for so long, watching you chat with other people. His pride forces him to appear at your side. And he knows how stunning the two of look standing together. Comments on parts of your outfit, especially if you've worn something he gave you as a gift.
Doesn't really ask you to dance, just sort of leads you out to the dance floor. You don't resist, letting him guide you through the steps. He pulls you close to him. You've really caught his attention tonight, MC. Don't think he'll be letting you go any time soon.
Loses his mind. Manages to control it to some extent, but it’s gonna be hard for him. Especially if you’ve done something obvious like dressing in gold or wearing something he got for you.
Mammon is fashion conscious so he truly appreciates the outfit you’ve put together. Knows every brand and every piece of what you’re wearing by sight.
But he’ll only kind of babble about that stuff because what he’s really interested in is you. He’s constantly touching you all night, putting his hand on your back or shoulder, standing close enough that your bodies are just barely pressed together. Won't let you spend too much time talking to anyone else.
Wants to dance with you so bad. When he's got you close to his chest, he'll be honest. Don’t get him wrong, MC! The Great Mammon loves how ya look tonight, but know that he loves ya no matter what you’re wearin!
Oops. You broke him. His brain has shut off. You might get it to restart again if you talk to him. Distract him by saying something wrong about TSL on purpose so he’ll snap out of it to correct you.
While Levi’s clothing knowledge mostly involves cosplay, he still knows quite a bit and he’s impressed with your look. Considering how you normally dress, this was completely unexpected.
M-MC, would you consider being a cosplay model for him later? Your outfit has given him a ton of ideas for characters you could dress as. He wants to take all the pictures of you.
You might have to bully him into dancing with you. Isn't that a thing that normies do?! But he'll give in, of course. Spends most of the time in disbelief that he has someone like you dancing with him.
At first, it's hard to tell what his reaction is. Keeps his cool, unlike all of his brothers. Doesn't freak out, doesn't get weird. But when you come up to him, he tells you directly how good you look and he says it in such a poetic way, you find you're the one swooning.
Since you've likely worn a lot of things you received as gifts, he notices every detail. Remembers who gave you what and for what reason. Of course he's touched if you wear something he gave to you.
Although he is calm on the surface, his heart is pounding. He can't stop himself from saying things he probably wouldn't say normally. Like how brightly your eyes are shining. The way you look like you stepped out of a painting. Please, won't you dance with him, MC?
Of course you can't resist such a beautifully worded request. You can feel everyone watching the two of you. He knows you look spectacular together, out there on the dance floor. But he's focused on you, guiding you through the steps, keeping you close.
Swoons. Absolutely loses his balance, has to be held up by whoever is closest. Once he's regained his senses, he rushes to your side, gushing about how you look. The colors! The lines! The attention to detail! Your face! Your hair! Oh he's fallen in love with you all over again.
He recognizes every piece of clothing that he gifted you. Tells you he's so impressed with the way you've combined his gifts into the most beautiful ensemble he's ever seen! Even though you normally wear such casual clothes, he knew you could pull off a glamorous look!
Of course you look amazing standing beside him. Takes a million selfies. Gets someone else to take a ton of pictures of the two of you from afar.
After all the commotion, though, Asmo is going to insist you dance with him. He's stronger than he looks and he guides you effortlessly across the dance floor. Something changes slightly in his gaze as you move. Be careful, MC. You're looking so delicious tonight.
Hang on. Is that… MC? You look so different than you normally do. He's so surprised, he stops eating. He had been by the buffet table of course but now he's quickly moving to your side.
He doesn't know how to articulate how good you look. He really likes your casual clothes, but it's nice to see you in something so drastically different. And for some reason, he's not even thinking about food right now. He tells you all this with a soft blush.
He's more than ready to dance with you. You make quite the pair, wowing everybody present as you do some fancy moves. Beel lifting you and twirling you and never once losing his grip on you. You feel safe in his arms as you move around the dance floor.
Carries you back to the buffet table where he wants you to try all of the tasty things laid out for the party. You happily join him as you've now worked up an appetite from all that dancing. He's so happy to watch you eat, he almost forgets to eat himself. Almost.
Shocked. Quietly shocked, but shocked nonetheless. He had no idea that you, who always wears such casual comfy clothes, could put together an outfit that looked so fabulous.
Acts like he's uninterested, but actually ends up beside you pretty quickly for such a lazy demon. He doesn't need to say anything, you can tell from the way he's trying to contain himself that he's having feelings. When he does say something, it's to comment on how he's amazed you could clean up so well.
Although he's not normally the type to want to dance, he asks you. He can't resist wanting to hold you close when you're looking like this. Although his stamina isn't great, Belphie is actually a good dancer. He gracefully guides you through the moves, surprising everyone present with how stunning the two of you look.
Sneaks you away to an outside balcony where he can sit with you beneath the Devildom stars. You are the brightest star tonight, MC. You outshine everyone here.
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masterlist | part 2 with the side characters | Thank you for reading!
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habken · 4 months
Hi!!! Ur art is so beautiful I'm crying what I need your art in my life it is the best thing this world has ever seen and I need it!!! And u ship bkdk my life is complete 🧡💚
But I do have a question. I've never done cosplay but I really want to and ur art is the best thing ever and I saw ur deku art and it's probably my favorite and I want to try and cosplay it but I still wanted to ask permission first? Idk I guess its just a form respect?
But anyway I love your art!!! (Sorry I talk so much 😅)
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Aww thank you so much !! And absolutely you can cosplay my designs that would be so cool !
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
Quick reminder that you're allowed to have fun.
Back when I cosplayed, I put a ton of effort into cosplays. I did a ton of research, fabric sourcing, learning new construction techniques, trying to get everything to look good and be the perfect thing that I wanted it to be. I wanted to win awards. I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.
I got into cosplay because I was in a Twilight cosplay group. We would get together, to go Ross Dress for Less, buy new outfits, get together, go to the park or to the mall, and pretend to be vampires. One of the people in the group had a camera and took pictures, and that was what we did. We didn't make any really good cosplays or any really good photos, but I had so much fun going into the park in the rain wearing a sleeveless dress and pretending that I wasn't freezing, while our Bella cosplayer got to be the only person in a jacket and had to pretend she was miserable.
We weren't a good cosplay group, objectively speaking. We never won awards. We weren't interviewed by blogs. We weren't ever the group that everyone wanted to take pictures of at the convention. I got into doing more cosplay, but a lot of people in that group didn't cosplay outside of that group. A lot of them never cosplayed again, once we all went to college and stopped going to the mall and taking tons of pictures in the food court.
(For everyone who wants to imagine this, this was 2008 and cell phones didn't have cameras that could be dumped onto your computer, so there was several high schoolers pretending to be vampires and one person with a full DSLR with a 300mm zoom lens following them around like the whole grous wasn't a total ball of chaos).
And, you know what? We had fun. It's okay to do things just because it's fun.
With so many professionals posting information on the internet about how they do their craft, it's an amazing time to get into a lot of hobbies. Instead of hoarding information, a ton of hobbyists and professionals alike share their work and techniques and tools freely online. Anyone who wants to can learn how to use the same tools and do the same techniques. I applaud every professional who is taking the time to make resources so that new people can learn how to do things and join in their profession or hobby. Everyone who makes a roller skate tutorial on instagram, everyone who makes an instructable on using a soldering iron, everyone who posted a tiktok about the best way to melt cheese over rice, all those long and pretentious youtube videos about picking the best whiskey to go with the best cigars, videos explaining the bizarreness of Edwardian table manners, you all are amazing. You're sharing this information and enabling new people to learn about something that's important to you. This is really cool. I love you.
But, to everyone who is consuming this media that has been created, and find it intimidating, you're not alone. Someone with a functioning studio who is doing a makeup tutorial in a 4K camera with a high quality ring light and a $89 foundation brush, even sharing their technique freely, can make you feel like you won't have good makeup skills until you also have a ring light and a nice brush. You wanted to build a model of an airplane and looked up a tutorial, and this guy makes it look really easy but he has a double-action airbrush and a fume hood, so you feel like you're not ready to make this model because you don't have the right gear.
I know that this intimidation factor is not something that content creators making tutorials want to be there. I make tutorials and I don't want to intimidate people with a big list of tools and techniques, but I'm sure there's people who wanted to get into lolita fashion and found that my blog was more intimidating than helpful.
So I'm not here to tell content creators to stop making tutorials. The open sharing of information is one of the coolest things about the internet, and I don't want that to change.
But I do want to say something to the person who has watched 160 cake decorating videos in the past week and wanting to try it themselves. I want to say that to someone who has gone through 18 years of jfashion blog archives and wants to build an EGL coordinate. I want to say something to people who've built up an elaborate fictional world and amazing characters in their heads and who wants to share it with someone.
It's okay to do a thing without getting into the hobby. You're allowed to make one cake and decide that it's not for you. You're allowed to take the face off a Monster High doll and not like the process of putting on a new one. You're allowed to assemble one EGL outfit and not want to make a full closet of pieces. You're allowed to write down your story and give it to a friend without ever submitting it to a publisher. You're allowed to paint your DND minis with Apple Barrel acrylics and toothpicks. You're allowed to put on your eyeshadow with the little sponge stick that comes with the $9 palette you got at CVS.
Getting into wood carving is cool, but carving one spoon and then never picking it back up again isn't a failure at getting into a hobby. You made a spoon! That's so cool! You didn't fail to make a spoon just because you didn't make a second one. Building one coordinate and wearing it over and over for conventions and photoshoots isn't a failure to wear the fashion, even if you don't make a whole wardrobe with multiple looks. You can buy a $12 guitar at a yard sale and just play Wonderwall on it on Omegle and have more fun than someone who is dedicated to learning a full set and play professionally in front of people. You can knit a single scarf, hammer together a single planter box, DM a single session of D&D, and then not do it ever again. That's creation, not failure.
And you don't need to research everything and follow tutorials and get it right. You're allowed to experiment and have fun and do it wrong, and you're allowed to guess about the right way to do something. You're allowed to bring your outside perspective into something and try a technique. You're allowed to take experience you have from something and try to cross-apply it to something else. That's two of the ways that new techniques are made! And you're allowed to do something and not like it! You're allowed to do it wrong! You're allowed to give up halfway through and say you'll finish it later, and then never finish it later! You're allowed to bullshit your way through things.
You're allowed to not be serious about things. Throwing a Bridgerton party is probably really fun, but so it putting on cardboard top hats from the dollar store while holding shot glasses over your eyes like monocles and shouting "GOOOOOOOD HEEAAAAAVENS, LAAAAARYYYY," in an exaggerated tone while everyone drinks Old Crow and vows to never buy Swisher Sweets ever again. You're allowed to do things that objectively aren't good, don't showcase skills, don't create something impressive. You're allowed to do these things because they're fun, or because you think they might be fun.
Maybe you like it. Maybe you don't. But you don't need to commit to doing things like the professionals in order to find legitimacy in a thing you attempt. Your attempt is legitimate. Go try the thing.
And if you don't like it, your attempt was still legitimate. Good job trying the thing.
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Ok ok ok!
I have curious for a while...
What if... The BSD Cast know that their Guiding Light is down bad for them?
Like- Y/n squeal every time they see a random BSD chars.
And when they finally have the access to their Guiding Light phone, browse on the Pinterest just to see most of them is the BSD Cast?
That would be hilarious 😂
Especially Dazai, when he browse the Pinterest, he sees that most of them (fanart or sum) were he being sussy and a BOTTOM👀
(Bottom Dazai is my life source 🛐)
How would the Cast react to this tho?
Also, yes, the reader just see the minors in BSD as platonic, the reader seriously want to kidna- i mean... Adopted all of them right away 🤡💦
Big fan
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Description: BSD Cast knew that they have fans from the real world. And, of course, they expect, that you are also one of the fans. But, yiu not a simple fan. Yiu are quite a fan.
Warning: OOC, English is my second language.
🪢🦀 Having fans became an expected, but, slightly unpleasant surprise.
🪢🦀 On the one hand, BSD Cast don't like to think about being fictional, but, it's the fact, they have fans, and, even after BSD cast reach the real world, fans won't disappear.
🪢🦀 On the other hand, fans were kind of interesting to observe. Fanarts were nice. Cosplay photos, while a little bit awkward, were fun to look at. Fanfiction... And some fun theories were interesting.
🪢🦀 So, they expect, that Guiding Light also will be BSD fan. They aren't against it. Because of that, they got you as the Reader, and they can't ask for a better person. And, hey, a reason for some friendly teasing.
🪢🦀 Yet, they have a feeling, that you really liked BSD. Otherwise, they can't explain, what happened few days ago.
They were close in getting full access to your phone. They were close to browsing the Internet without you. But, even right now, they can take a look at whatever you were looking at.
Someone posted a top twenty manga characters. Dazai, Ranpo, Yosano and Tetchou were on the list.
And each time you giggled, when you saw them.
You sounded so happy, when you saw them.
It happened before.
Each time, someone online mentioned Bungou Stray Dogs as a recommendation to watch, they heard you talking.
"That's right! BSD deserves more recognition!"
🪢🦀 So, they knew, that you were are devoted fan. Now, they wanted to find out, who is your favorite among them.
🪢🦀 So, the day, when they gain access to your phone, became a moment of truth. Now, they will see, who is your favorite.
You were... not just a devoted fan...
You were quite a fan.
You had galleries, full of arts, for all of them.
And you leave comments under every art!
"[Adult Character name] is so handsome/beautiful."
"[Child character name] is so cute. I want to adopt."
"[Old character name] looks cool."
The meeting room was silent. They were looking at the Screen.
"That's a lot of Dazai's fanart" finally spoke Kunikida, looking at your gallery with Dazai's saved arts.
You had galleries for all BSD characters. Dozens or hundreds of art. But, with Dazai... You had few thousands of arts.
And, on all the arts, Dazai looked... Soft to touch.
And your comments...
"Dazai looked so squishy. I want to squeeze him."
"Look, how soft he looks. Maybe, if you listen closer, you would hear him meowing."
You do have similar comments about others, but, it was clear. Dazai is your favorite.
🪢🦀 Dazai is in heaven. He feels so happy and proud of himself.
🪢🦀 He is your favorite! He! Others can gift you their cards or send you in-game presents, but, he will remain your favorite!
🪢🦀 Dazai is secretly training his 'soft face and eyes', so he can make you happy.
🪢🦀 Also, he is planning to tease you for years.
🪢🦀 Still, it's cute, to see, how much you love all of them. It feels nice.
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vincentbriggs · 2 months
hi uh, i really enjoy your art and your sewing, I'm even subbed over on youtube, but I jsut wanna say thanks for being you. It's really cool to learn you're trans, and it's revitalizing my desire to get back into historic sewing. I didn't know if or how big the trans communityw as in the recreation sewing, but knowing we're out there in this community too is really assuring. I'm super excited to start working on patterns and styles I haven't been able to do before. Thank you for all you do!
Hello, thank you!! There are quite a lot of trans people who are into historical sewing! I can't think of very many here on tumblr - there's @rowzien who does lovely early 19th century stuff, and I'm sure plenty of trans costuming people will say "same hat!" in the comments of this post.
There are a lot more that I know of on instagram, so I'll just list a bunch off. (I pretty much never look at my instagram feed and don't remember the names of most of the people I follow, let alone their genders, so I likely missed some but ah well.) Some of these are more cosplay, larp, or vintage focused accounts, but there's some sort of sewing and/or costuming on all of them.
jonesyollie (friend who made the timesheet from the previous post!), bequeermakestuff, evilqueenbeecosplays (sadly there aren't many ladies in this post, but I'm sure there are more out there!), ora_lin (they sell patterns!), noodle.stitch, ashlgcostumes (they have a lot of youtube videos and a nice speaking voice), rose_prince_lee, qtcostumer, enby.vintage, kiyoteacups, transcending_time_costuming, slightly_teddy (he's also on tumblr but hasn't posted in ages), angryhistoryguy (he once said in a facebook comment that he has so many transmasc reenactor friends that they could make a Monstrous Regiment), woodsmokeandwords, and marlowelune (SUCH good historical/fantasy everyday clothes, agh! love their wardrobe and illustrations!).
Honourable mention to matthewpcarlsen and dario_princiotta, who haven't put pronouns in their bios and I don't want to speculate on anyone's gender, but it's some good gender juice either way. Matthew pairs a bushy moustache with perfectly fitted Victorian gowns and looks amazing in them, and Dario is really into tightlacing and weird sculptural corsetry.
This is, alas, not a particularly diverse list of people. Like the costuming community at large, it skews towards white and afab, but that does seem to be gradually improving over the years - I certainly see a lot more people of colour doing historical costuming now than I did a decade ago. (I've been into historical sewing since approximately 2010).
As your ask demonstrates, when people don't see themselves represented in a space they're more likely to avoid it/assume it's not for them, which is the entire reason I occasionally mention being trans in my posts!
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seratopia · 2 months
donatello x reader (fluff?) - random headcannons
this list has been piling up, these are more general
No matter how much y'all say it, I don't think his love language would be physical touch. Donnie seems too awkward to return hugs or kisses, but nonetheless still notices/appreciates them when you do it. Instead, I feel like he'd opt for acts of service instead. Like, fixing your glasses, showing you cool features on your laptop, creating a custom chat interface for you two.
He lets you borrow that purple hoodie
You hear "Erm akshually-" alot lmaooooo ; he often infodumps the most random shit to you, you've become accustomed to listening to him.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's slightly into LOA stuff (Law of Attraction). It's canon that he listens to positive self-affirmations while he sleeps, so maybe that's a thing for him idk
Steals your eyebrow pencil to fill in his brows for the day. It'd be cool to see him into makeup.
Plays SO MANY games holy shit, has tried everything on Steam.
Obviously he has Discord, no questions asked. Organizes his servers into neat, purple folders. He only uses dark mode, he hisses if he ever sees light mode. Also knows how to make and works servers very well; likes making embeds and such for fun.
^^ On top of this, he probably has a lot of online friends; he doesn't need to show his face or reveal his identity. I see him staying up really late, playing random games at 2 AM on a Discord call.
Very very techy; uses Linux, built his own PC, set up the lair's wifi router too. The brothers come to him all the time for help on their tech fixes, mainly on Nintendo Switch.
My boy is CHRONICALLY ONLINE, he definitely knows all those niche internet songs. He gives me weird kid vibes, like The Living Tombstone, Rat by Penelope Scott, dare I say a little bit of Miku?
He knows the FNAF lore
Secretly shops at Hot Topic from time to time. I'm seeing graphic tees, maybe a studded bracelet? He walks in and the employees are like, "Dude, nice cosplay."
CAFFEINE! Mostly relies on coffee, doesn't like Starbucks that much, and he has tried Monster before. Monster is like a last resort for him, like he's working on a project he MUST finish for his sanity.
Also, I feel like he has fucked up teeth idk. Like, how the hell would Splinter be able to afford dental care for not one, but four teens? Braces too, not only are they expensive, but inaccessible to mutants.
He needs glasses, just often refuses to wear them
Never, ever truly gets angry or mad. But when he does, its rare and it's kinda scary ngl
© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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The RFA w/ MC who loves sewing
What? A post? From me? You're crazy, there's no way that's happening.
I'm trying to get back into writing for this blog and recently started replaying Mystic Messenger because I want poor sleep 💕 Basically I'm letting my fixation fuel my writing because... the sentence ends there.
Enjoy these headcanons! I thought they turned out really cute~
(FYI: I used fem!MC for these headcanons; girlfriend/wife/etc.)
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He found out in the RFA chatroom when the two of you were talking about games and hobbies.
Yoosung had been excitedly telling you about the armor set he had gotten in his latest LOLOL binge, sending a picture and saying how he wishes he could wear cool armor in real life.
“I can make it for you”
“MC… what???”
And this is where he discovered your passion for sewing and your side-hobby of cosplay
He had a little experience with sewing, he could sew on a button and fix small tears thanks to his high school “home ec” classes, but you’re talking about making entire outfits and costumes from scratch.
He is amazed and thoroughly impressed by your talents, even moreso after you send some pictures of your completed works.
It’s amazing that you can make your own clothes, but he’s definitely super impressed with your cosplays. They’re insanely detailed, matching perfectly with the source material. He often says that your cosplays look better than the source material. They’re true works of art in his eyes.
Praises your talents nonstop.
Talks about it all the time to everyone. Every one of his friends knows how skilled his girlfriend is. And the other RFA members know tenfold.
After hearing you talk about your projects, Yoosung decided to join the sewing club at school in the hopes that he could help you with your amazing work! (Not that you need help, he really just wants to participate in something you love)
What ends up happening though is him sitting beside you at the sewing machine and getting lost in your working rhythm. (“Yoosung, are you paying attention? I thought you wanted me to give you tips?” “S-sorry, MC!! You’re just… really good at this… Like magic!”)
There’s no way he’ll be able to catch up with your skill anytime soon, so you compromise with him. You’ll make the costumes, but he has to cosplay with you~
(I have a short fic continuation of this! You can read it here)
He found out just before one of his performances.
The costume he was wearing was a bit snug but worked fine in all the dress rehearsals, so he didn’t think much of it at the time.
You were backstage with him before opening night, ready to tell him to break a leg and give the audience a show to remember, when you saw the rip in his jacket.
It was a seam rip behind his left shoulder. Not the worst, but clearly noticeable.
Curtain was in ten minutes.
“Hyun, take off your costume.”
“Jagyia, I know I’m irresistible, but can you wait until after the show?”
“Not like that!!!” >////<
You pulled a flat black case from your purse and opened it, revealing a small sewing kit. You had everything you needed for a sewing emergency. Pins, buttons, snaps, scissors, an assortment of colored thread. And needles, of course.
You fixed the rip and strengthened the seam with four minutes to spare.
Zen asks you about it after the show (which went perfectly, thanks to you) and you explain your sewing hobby to him. Mentioning that you always have your little sewing kit with you for emergencies like tonight.
You show him pictures of the projects you’ve made and entire outfits you’ve designed and created from scratch. A good chunk of your wardrobe are pieces you’ve made yourself.
Of course he supports you! He’s so impressed and is constantly gushing about how talented you are in the chatroom.
Though nothing could prepare him for the moment you said you wanted to make something for him. Looking up at him with big hopeful eyes as you asked if he’d let you design him an outfit. His heart nearly burst.
You poured hours of time and effort into these pieces for him, determined to make this your best project yet. Your magnum opus. (You also sent concept sketches and fabric swatches to Jaehee for her “professional fan opinion”)
When he put it on for the first time, he was speechless. Everything fit perfectly, there wasn’t a part of the outfit that was uncomfortable in the slightest.
And he may be a bit of a narcissist, but he swore that the clothes you crafted made him more handsome than he thought possible. He looked good but never this good.
Your heart was filled with sunshine and warmth when he decided to wear it to an interview.
“My outfit? It’s custom-made. My girlfriend is a very talented seamstress and this was a gift from her~”
She found out when she called you to complain about the c-fur she was still cleaning up around her apartment.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, Jaehee. I know how bad that can get. I took care of my friend’s cat for a weekend once and I spent an entire month cleaning fur off all my fabric.”
Your fabric?? “What fabric, MC?”
The fabric for your projects of course! Once she got you started, you happily explained your passion to her and how you’ve been making your own clothes for a while now too.
She is also very impressed with your skill and also impressed with how handy it is. You very generously offered to mend her favorite blazer when one of the seams split. You also fixed the two loose buttons you found.
When you two open up the cafe together, you made Jaehee a custom apron to wear. Even going so far as to embroider her name on it along with some decorative coffee beans.
It’s her favorite apron and the one she wears the most while working. (until it has to be cleaned, but then it’s right back in the cafe for her to use)
It gets a lot of compliments too and you’ve actually had a few customers commission you from Jaehee’s (unintentional) promoting.
You since made more clothes for her, even an entire sundress similar to one she had been looking at while you both were out shopping. (You didn’t think the one sold was her color, so you made one yourself that would highlight her best~)
The only issue is the thread and fabric scraps that tend to scatter just as bad as the c-fur… but hey, at lease the end result is more useful! And she can always count on you to tidy your mess when you’re finished~
You mentioned it offhand. Simply mentioning the stitching quality on one of his ties and how you hadn’t made a tie before.
He followed up asking why you would want to make a tie, to which you explained that you often made your own clothes but would love to give yourself a little challenge with something you hadn’t done before.
Initially, he didn’t quite understand. He could easily have any outfit you desired tailored specifically for you, there wasn’t the need to go through all the hassle of making it.
You had to explain that it was your hobby. That, while time consuming and occasionally tedious, you truly enjoyed making your own clothes, and showed him some examples from your closet.
“I’m quite impressed, MC. I’ve only seen this kind of quality come out of trained professionals.”
“I’ll take that compliment. Thank you, love~”
He gives you an entire studio for your projects. While you insist that he doesn’t need to give you so many elaborate gifts, you have to admit that the space is very nice. Much better than working in cramped conditions or on the floor.
While Jumin doesn’t have an interest in joining your craftiness, your husband is more than willing to encourage your hobby monetarily with machine repairs and high quality materials.
Whatever you want, you can have. You’re his darling wife after all.
He even gifted you an antique sewing machine, a vintage 1902 Singer Treadle. You don’t “use” it, but you learned how to just for fun. It’s a lovely decoration of your hobby at the least.
And, yes, you did make a tie for him. Two actually, but you only gave him the second one, insisting that the first was practice only.
It quickly becomes his favorite and he always wears it to important meetings. It’s like having you right there with him for support.
It also becomes quite the talking piece at one of the RFA parties when a member of the Cultured Citizens asks about the brand and price.
“This tie was handmade by my wife and is certainly priceless.”
He already knew because of course he did.
He would often send you (jokingly) ridiculous “orders” with impossible time frames, including:
An iridescent “Statue of Liberty” costume - 3 days
Twenty-seven onesies for ducks - 4 days
A prom dress made of pasta - 3 days
An overnight yeti costume
The two of you would banter about it in the chatroom until someone told you guys to knock it off, it was never not fun.
Whenever you finished a new piece or outfit for yourself, you would try it on and call him while standing in front of the camera in the apartment, asking for his opinion.
The cat-themed overall skirt was the one that broke him. You were just so cute with all the decorated pockets~! And the buttons looked like little cats too! You’re just too precious~
After the dust of the first party settled and Saeyoung had his brother back, you took it upon yourself to make Saeran some new clothes. He was going to be your brother-in-law, after all, you wanted to make him feel welcome.
Of course, it then turned into making both boys some new clothes as you kept thinking of new ideas. Not that you minded, this was your passion after all.
I think Saeyoung would also give you your own room/studio in the bunker. A place where you could spread out without worry. (Vanderwood was just grateful he didn’t have to keep cleaning up thread)
Saeyoung was also happy to help with any repairs your sewing machine needed, or he’d just make you a new one… or three… with some—interesting—added features.
“Saeyoung, dear, I don’t think my machine needs a Ph.D Pepper dispenser.”
“But what if my honey gets thirsty while she works?!”
“...But won’t the sewing shake up all the carbonation? It would explode on my pretty clothes T^T”
“OMG! I’m so sorry!! I’ll take it out right away!!”
This kind of conversation happens regularly.
Eventually, there was one top-secret project that you were working on… one that you made Saeyoung swear not to snoop through. Even going so far as to have Saeran keep an eye out to make sure his brother stayed true to his word. (He did but he whined about it)
The project took a long time and you had to have Saeran help you order the materials in secret.
Saeyoung didn’t like being kept in the dark, it made him uneasy. You assured him it was okay and that you just didn’t want the surprise to be ruined.
He was still uneasy, but he trusted you.
And it was all worth it in the end…
When you walked down the aisle in your handmade wedding dress, glittering and shining like stars in the night sky you both loved so much.
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youcouldmakealife · 13 days
Ty/Johnny, Various Wilsons; hunting season
Another Kickstarter fill, for the request: I love, love the story of the guy dating into the youngest of a hockey family with all the older brothers threatening him. I think there have been two stories to date. Will you write something in that line for me?
Here's a bit more about them. They've appeared on tumblr before here, which is the exact same prompt because...I filled this prompt right after the Kickstarter closed. And subsequently forgot, because that is how long it has been
Please enjoy laughing at me and, hopefully, this.
Ty didn’t really know what he was getting into, going to the Wilsons’ cottage. Like, sure, the whole ‘dudes out for his blood for besmirching their baby bro (who besmirched his damn self before Ty ever met him, but Ty isn’t suicidal enough to say that out loud)’ — that he knew about. But he hadn’t expected it to be so — remote. Like nobody can hear you scream remote. Like nobody will find your body remote.
It’s not that Ty hasn’t been to cottages before, but they weren’t anything like this. Maybe he just hung out with rich dudes cosplaying at outdoorsy or something — absolutely zero comment about the Wilsons — but usually the cottages were just, you know, nice houses on a lake. Some cool boats and shit to play with. Sure, you’re in nature or whatever, but also there’s a convenience store a ten minute drive away that will sell you a case of beer to go with your bait and your tank of propane. Maybe throw in some ammo, or something from the hush hush fireworks selection.
But this isn’t charming small town cottage. This isn’t even kind of sketchy small town cottage. There’s nothing around but woods, and forget about picking up a case of beer: Ty doesn’t even know if he can get to a neighbor in ten minutes. It’s making him feel very 18th century or whatever. Like if he gets a small cut it’ll get infected and by time the doctor gets there they’ll have to cut his foot off.
“Antibiotics are a thing,” Johnny says, surprisingly patiently. Ty thinks he’s just relieved that he used an example that didn’t involve his brothers. Little does he know, that small cut is Wilson inflicted in this scenario. And every scenario, honestly. Ty’s cause of death is almost certainly going to be Wilson related. “Also, do doctors even do house calls anymore?”
Ty considers this. “So you’re saying I’m definitely getting gangrene.”
“I get it, Ty,” Johnny says. “You don’t like it here.”
Uh oh.
“It’s not that I don’t like it here—“ Ty says. He’s sure it’s very charming when he isn’t sharing it with three dudes plotting his murder.
Well, even Johnny’s brothers weren’t there they’d be just as far from civilization, and they’ve just established that doctors don’t make house calls anymore, so maybe Ty would die of gangrene anyway, and he’s not big on the idea of running out of anything turning into a whole ass trip for provisions, but —
Johnny rolls away from him, so Ty can no longer see his pout, but he swears he can still feel it, tragic Johnny face delivered at the wall. Johnny may, unfortunately, be the Wilson most likely to lead to Ty’s death. Ty isn’t afraid of him at all, though, which is what got him into this whole mess.
“Johnny,” Ty says. “Come on. I like it here.”
“You don’t have to lie,” Johnny says, voice small, and Ty closes his eyes, gathering his strength.
“I like it anywhere where you are,” Ty says. This room, for example. It’s small, the bed taking up practically the whole room, and the mattress is a little lumpy, like nobody updated it even after four members of the family started making NHL money, but it’s got Johnny, so it’s a great room. Fantastic.
There’s a bang on the door, not so much a knock as someone slamming a fist into it. The door knob rattles, but doesn’t open. Ty’s very favorite thing about this room is the lock on the door. “Up and at ‘em, daylight’s wasting.”
“You heard the man,” Johnny says, sitting up, not meeting Ty’s eye. “Daylight’s wasting.”
And why waste daylight when they can waste Ty instead?
“I’ll be right behind you,” Ty says. He spends a couple minutes in the room — not as charming now that Johnny isn’t in it, but Ty still loves that lock — before he starts getting paranoid about what Johnny’s brothers must be saying about him while he isn’t there, and almost runs to the kitchen.
Four Wilsons look up at him, conversation halting. It definitely feels like there was some Ty talk happening.
“You want bacon?” Jeremiah asks from his spot in front of the stove. “Toast? Eggs?”
“Sure, that all sounds good, ” Ty says. The spots on either side of Johnny are taken — he’d like to think that was something his brothers coordinated, rather than something Johnny did — so he sits down across from him. “Any plans for today, or—“
“The guys want to go for a hike,” Johnny says. “But we don’t have to if you don’t want.”
Ty swears he can feel three sets of eyes like laser beams right now. And what could go wrong, going even deeper into the woods?
“No, sure, I love hiking,” he says weakly.
“Great,” Jack says.
“Glad to have you,” Jason says.
“Wonderful,” Johnny says sourly, and it’s only then Ty realizes he just agreed to give up their only chance of time alone.
“I mean—“ he says.
Three sets of laser beams on him again.
“Should be fun,” he mumbles.
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hiskillingjar · 6 months
hi!!!!! can i request some hcs for lawrence oleander and ren hana with a fem (or gn) reader that likes to dye her hair a lot and has many piercings????
i hope you have a very good day!!!! :D
for sure! i've never done hcs before but i'll have a crack at it
also i know you asked for law and ren but i'm a strade enjoyer so i'm including him too pbltttt
ren 🦊
ren obviously loves it lol
like he's pretty high aesthetic already so he lovesssss a partner who has a specific aesthetic to em, especially if it's colourful and cute!
you wanna dye your hair? great, i've already gotten the bleach and all the colours you could want!! and all the special equipment for it too!! :3
he'd be hopeless if you asked for help though lol. like bleach stains where you did not want bleach
as soon as you were finished, he'd gush all over your new colour and compare it to an anime character he liked
"does that mean you could cosplay xyz pairing with me now?" like the idiot man he is
he for sure likes the piercings too. they make you look so tough and cool (despite being so sweet on him <3)
might encourage you to get more, especially nip or genital piercings, under the impression that they'd make sex more fun lmaoooo
lawrence 🥀
law isn't someone who's super aesthetically minded so they might not totally understand the motivation to dye your hair all the time
it takes so much effort to dye your hair so why do it so often, and all by yourself? you're getting it all over the bathroom! okay, okay, fine, i'll help you...
they'd be pretty gentle and patient in helping you dye your hair. they'd like the opportunity to be closer to you <3
never mind the intrusive thoughts they might have washing all the dye off in the shower. never mind all that!
(and might take a few snippings of your hair from the bathroom floor to keep...maybe)
they like the piercings normal amounts
might fiddle with them as a stim. don't wear hoops or danglies or they will get tugged on
they'd probably understand piercings in a similar way to their tattoos. maybe they'd even think about getting a stud or two themselves, just to see how it feels
what are your thoughts on tattoos? they might like those...
strade 🔨
he's pretty neutral about the hair dye and any. like, aesthetic choice you go for.
that's something you'd do with ren on a whim and he barely notices unless he sees a stain somewhere
"oh you dyed your hair?" yeah strade, i did it like three days ago, did you just notice? what is wrong with you?
he'd make snarky comments here and there but not really say anything
strade was a bisexual in the early two-thousands german alternative scene (in my minds eye) so he'd FOR SURE be into piercings (and any body mods honestly)
has his own piercing scars hehehehe
ear piercings? the more the merrier! facial piercings? the best!
nipple or genital piercings? the man is a feral animal
might be so inclined to help you out with a few himself! i pierced my first boyfriend's ears with a needle, i can totally pierce your clit if you stop squirming~ <3
would absolutely pull at them to tease you (might insist on hoops through everything just to give him a better chance to pull)
would for sure push it too far and rip em out too <3
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Things That Happened At Dallas Fan Expo Day One (P2)
I kept waving my bi flag at people when I liked their cosplays Lauren your autism is showing Jodie Whittaker called me darling oh my gosh she’s precious
I asked her what advice Thirteen and Beth would give each other! She said “never give up hope” and “cherish every moment you get” and I also complimented her on her singing which made her very happy
My first meeting with David was team photo op with Jodie and the second I saw him I kind of collapsed a bit a the next thing I knew he was kind of catching me and holding both my hands and looking me directly in the eyes just beaming down on me the kindest, crinkliest, most sincere smile I’ve seen in my entire life and for all of 20 seconds I felt like the specialest person on the face of the planet
at some point I said “hi I’m Merlin’s girlfriend!!!” And he’s like “oh that’s wonderful!” and then this absolute dork just says “WELL DONE TEAM” David Tennant the man shaped being you are
it was so fun after the photo was taken seeing other people who were doing and about to do the same thing and also going insane and being like “I KNOW RIGHT” like the effect he has on people is unparalleled
met a few tumblr mutuals and people who’ve seen the video essay which was just so cool, thank you so much to everyone i got to see!
things started to go a bit downhill around late afternoon, David’s stuff got incredibly behind which resulted in Jodie’s solo op being incredibly behind, luckily there were loads of lovely nerds to chat with like I’ve never been in a room where this many people are this insane about the same dude
when we FINALLY got in line for David’s autograph he took forever to show up and god bless his poor sweet heart I have no clue how he ever got through all of those people there had to be like a thousand, all of whom stayed after the con had technically closed just to see him. Unfortunately he really couldn’t take his time like he wanted to which meant the questions I had meticulously planned ended up being completely useless and when it was my turn I was a stammering bedraggled mess and the poor thing was too confused to say more than two words at a time and then before I could ask him anything else I was shooed away before I even could process it happened
obviously I was very sadwetpathetic afterwards and my feet were KILLING ME but it’s okay, I get another shot tomorrow! And of course I have to commend David for his incomparable generosity, he is a DIAMOND for staying so long even after the con closed to make sure everyone could get what they paid for.
oh and I kissed my boyfriend for the first time :))) @elsinore-and-inverness
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