#mainly to fuel this inspiration train I’m on
schizodiaries · 1 year
Okay, maybe my medication is working a little too well. I’ve been excitedly working on art and music projects almost nonstop for two weeks now. My bf had to intervene and made me take a break, but I really don’t want to stop.
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uranium-bender · 3 months
The idea of azula and yue travelling constantly and surviving on the land is many things but mainly funny.
Both of these 2 are princesses, young girls who have spent their entire life in luxury and wealth, and now they have to survive living in the wilderness with no money or servants or experience. The only thing they’ve got is yue’s spiritness azula’s bending. They would complain and whine as much as they want but It’s not like anything would change because of that’s since they’re not around anyone to follow their wishes and commands, and then again azula is too prideful to act too much like a child and yue put herself in this situation so she can’t complain that much.
We already know azula is strategic and tactical so she would try to plan and micromanage every aspect of their travels, but nature isn’t like that, there are always gonna be surprises and unplanned factors playing in, I think that would help azula deal with her obsession of perfection and control.
Being with yue, a spirit, especially an important one like the moon spirit, helps. Animals and plants are gentler with her since spirits are more in tuned with nature. They tend to find good spots for camping and more than once animals help yue and subsequently azula find food and so. If their sailing or on water, it would be even easier, since the moon controls the tides.
They still have to assign chores: yue hunts, especially for sea food. Azula uses her fire to cook. Yue can identify the non poisonous plants and read the stars, and azula plans their trips in the most efficient way so the least time and energy is wasted as possible.
They still have to cross civilisation, towns and villages, for supplies and shelter during harsh weather and so. Yue handles most of the the socialising and people handling because, number one, she’s not as socially inept during non-conflict as azula, and number two, there’s a risk of them recognising azula, the fugitive fire nation princess. They’d need an alias and coverup story, so most of the time they just say they’re wives and they’re travelling together, since they’re too different to be relatives and saying their just friends undermine the value of their companionship (neither of them faced her feeling for the other and so both are in constant denial).
They probably participate in peasant activities as to not draw too much attention. So maybe they’ll go dancing during parties, and play games during festivals, basically just having fun. If they interacted with the other villagers for more than necessary it would either be comedic as they lie about their true selves as much as they can, or fuel a jealousy dynamic between them if either one was, or had a woman be, too friendly. I imagine they’re both very possessive and territorial of each other.
They can’t stay too long though, not longer than a week, they always leave at the end.
I can’t imagine their travels as completely peaceful. Even if fire nation soldiers aren’t looking for her to put her back in prison/asylum, azula has a lot of enemies in all the nations due to her status and also her actions. What if they come across a group targeting azula specifically, so now there’s another stake in their mission (which is literally just her staying alive). Cue to azula and yue training together. Azula teaching yue what she knows to the point yue’s waterbending look and behave more like firebending, and azula begin to do the same and take waterbending inspiration in her firebending. I’m thinking of ways they can combine their respective combat styles and be more efficient in battle, like yue covering a lot of opponents in water so azula can electrify them all at once. A lot of combination like that. They’d be an epic fighting duo.
But still the majority of their travels are filled with peaceful and domestic days. Yue cuddling azula for warmth in their joined tent, them stargazing and cloudgazing while they lay atop the grass. Telling each other their deepest secrets and wishes and childhood stories under the cover of the night while no one else hears them but each other and the sky. They grow impossibly closer to each other. Yue would panic and sweat and heave breath and have her body shake and tremor all over in terror if azula is away for more than usual, and of course, vice versa. They’re so in love, and they don’t even know it yet.
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delphinus-dancer · 11 months
A deep dive into a swan lake and flipping the (metaphorical, sadly) bird:
A Mihaly-centric view of JD 2024 story mode
(because they’re my favorite and I’ve thought about this way too much over the past few days weeks) Spoilers for JD 24 in the almost-essay under the cut, including some images!
Starting off with Mihaly’s first appearance in the story mode in Canned Heat, it seems like not too much time has passed since the end of jd23- Sara seems to be at the same party, Jack still at the tower, etc. (how Brezziana got to the beach that fast and had a workout class is something I’m going to guess was preplanned before everything went down).
We can assume this would be the first time Mihaly’s come back to their room since then (which makes the idea of Wanderlust FaceTiming everyone like 5 minutes after they left even funnier). Of course there’s the shot of Mihaly ripping the poster off the wall, which probably puts their feelings into words better than anything else within an E10 rating. <Side note: I don’t know much on lore but does the setting mean there’s a chance they’re from Eternyx? Both maps started in dark crowd/nighttime so wasn’t sure if confirmed or not>
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While Sara has the spot pretty much clinched for a Night Swan’s foil, Mihaly is a really close second. This shot literally puts it into perspective- Mihaly’s color scheme has as many color elements of Master Panda’s (shirt/jacket/foot wraps) as it does Night Swan’s (hair-that-perfectly-matches-the-poster/ gold of headphones and glasses/pants). Their dance style also overlaps moreso with hers than the other dancers, with the precision and technique of their moves, from the footwork and leaps of Rather Be to the dramatic powerful motions of their Swan Lake part. It’s pretty obvious who the song is directed to, and what makes the song so interesting compared to their last story mode one is how loose it feels. This is unlike their usual technical style because of the connection to Night Swan with the control demanded of certain moves that they’ve presumably mastered- maybe they were fueled by a desire to achieve her success. Regardless, the song and emotion fueled, less ‘perfect’ dance lets Mihaly basically flip the bird at Night Swan’s corrupted idea of perfection. Either way, it culminates in them achieving a new high in their training with channeling their ‘true’ inspiration of the (master) panda. Although they retain most of their same costume after sort of becoming a furry?, a noticeable change is that the black leggings are understandably switched to something looser- but to the navy color of master panda instead of Mihaly’s black.
What’s also interesting is that the specific point Night Swan interrupts Mihaly’s song isn’t at the beginning like Brezziana/Sara/Jack’s or the very end like Wanderlust, but at the climax of their journey for the song. Not only does this imply that she may have been watching the entire time but choose to interfere later, but she is also the only character to see the Panda form before Swan Lake.
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As Night Swan basically invades Mihaly’s //mind/headspace/flowspace?/no idea on the lore// they initially try to fight her off, but unlike Brezziana in her map, don’t fight until the end. Although Mihaly themselves wasn’t being corrupted like the background coaches in Brezziana’s map, they still let themselves, in a sense, lose a more internal battle to Night Swan as they leave the metaphorical and literal height of their understanding and power in the Flow and come back to the real world.
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This then takes us straight into Swan Lake, which is really interesting for the Night Swan/Mihaly interactions and how they compare to the other dancers. Although from a format standpoint it makes sense for the movements in the bridge to be different, there are more differences too.
A big one that I only realized once I watched Majesty again is how the other swan soldiers/minions were turned back- and that was mainly by doing the same moves to ultimately come together and bring the dancers back. Here it’s the opposite for effectiveness- what causes Wanderlust and Brezziana to fail is that they think that’s how to stop Sara. Sara matches the moves in a way that <well> matches, if not surpasses the power that they put in. As a result of meeting them head on and assuming control, Sarah actively corrupts the two of them. She makes motions to bring in the smoke, and both of them also are stationary/surrendering as their color drains.
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When it gets to Mihaly, the dynamic with Sara changes completely. While Sara starts off watching with the same expression as when the others challenged her, it shifts as she realizes she can’t emulate what Mihaly does, with the movements almost like Night Swan’s-dramatic and slower. It comes to a head when Mihaly channels the panda again and visibly knocks Sara back, so she’s unable to push any of the smoke towards them.
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Sara’s expression also becomes noticeably softer for the rest of Mihaly’s part, and she doesn’t reassert that dominance/control she had earlier- with dancing or the smoke. See how she looks almost pensive in the photos above/below, especially compared to the earlier parts.
Speaking of the smoke, this is the key part about Night Swan seeing the panda earlier. She knows it exists and how to force it off after the earlier song, and as Sara is incapacitated/distracted, she presumably sends down the smoke that starts attacking Mihaly in Panda form.
This attack is why despite having a chance to get through to Sara, Mihaly still ends up failing as they return to normal. However, they are the only character to be so dynamic in their active corruption. Not only does Mihaly manage to send a signal out to Jack, which was a display of power never seen from them previously, but they also do it as they are actively losing their color and control. Unlike the other dances, Mihaly still moves as they lose control, possibly having the strength to continue to fight had they not realized that Night Swan was attacking alongside Sara.
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Although the signal is in the shape of a pawprint, its underlying meaning is more than just a plot device to send Jack on a wild goose chase (pun intended that I couldn’t pass up). With the way it opens to form a window into the location from such a distance, it almost seems to be a step away from a full fledged portal. With the sudden appearance of a new power, it’s also an interesting parallel to Night Swan, who here uses powers to create a unique form of control that wasn’t seen in the previous game and who regularly uses portals with her magic.
Another note is the lights that appear for each of the dancers in the upper left corner during the song as they take on Sara. While Brezziana and Wanderlust’s fade out a few moves before they fall, Mihaly’s still goes strong even as they completely turn grey, as seen the the photos above. This could be a possible indication to them having a more stable power than the other dancers, or a form of magic more comparable/competitive with Night Swan’s. Also to note about the lights: looking on the floor during the song, the diamonds flash 3 colors: hot pink (Night Swan), a deep green (Sara, especially while corrupted- her original outfit but darker), and a teal (the exact same color as Mihaly’s flow energy). Like everything else, this is a stretch, but it could possibly mean that Night Swan’s control and magic background could have stemmed from a pure form of flow like Mihaly practices.
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This could also be a factor in why they retain the most of their original outfit in the corrupted design- possibly a form of resistance like they displayed during swan lake or general flow magic? Notice that while they have significant changes to their robe/face/accessories, their feather motifs are much less pronounced than the others, simply appearing as marks on the robe that can be mistaken for stripes, rather than overt feathers like Wanderlust/Sara or Sara/Brezziana’s feather tights. Unlike the others, Mihaly keeps their leggings exactly the same (which were notably lost in the panda form, as mentioned earlier), and interestingly enough, their wraps. I initially thought that Night Swan would have changed that to something like ballet slippers with ribbons, so I think it’s really interesting that they are the only dancer who had any details remain exactly the same, especially one that had unique opportunities to be changed.
Going off of that, since they were the last to turn and have (some?) control over their outfit and (some?) magic that may be similar to Night Swan, I could see them being the first/easiest coach for Jack or someone else to turn back when he (hopefully) takes on the coaches.
One last note is the number of maps per story mode coach at this point. Counting Stronger /Survivor, and Treasure/Lose Yourself (hopefully coming soon after that ending!), that seems to be setting a trend for the other coaches to potentially have an additional map as well. If so, maybe that would be one where Mihaly could individually be freed, or a chance for them to further explore their rapidly developing powers (maybe in a confrontation with Night Swan?? a girl can dream).
And there y’all have it! Thank you for somehow reading to the end!! Happy dancing!!
this took forever oh my god
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scorchieart · 11 months
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Genre: Comedy
Wordcount: 1326
Prompt: In A Flash CCC hosted by @flash-exchange - October 2023: Magic Apprenticeship
A/N: My first entry for the In A Flash CCC! This one was inspired by the folks over on Discord, you guys rock for helping me finish a fic after so long! I will try my best to write some more as the challenge continues. For this fic, it's been split up as 2 separate parts, the first part being mainly from Jin's perspective and the second continuing from Yves and Nokto's. Many thanks to @lorei-writes for the feedback and suggestions. Enjoy!
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Jin Grandet was not a warlock. At least, not officially.
It wasn’t because he had a late start. Most children couldn’t even read spells from the rudimentary tomes at age six, let alone pronounce them. And it wasn’t as if he was without talent. It was common knowledge throughout the kingdoms that the sorcerer’s gene manifested strongest within royal bloodlines. No, the true reason Jin failed his Warlock Mastery Examination was far less magical than he’d like to admit. 
But that’s a story for another time. And even if the minimum age to apply was fifteen, it didn’t mean he was barred from trying again another year. Heck, most applicants didn’t even make an attempt until they were double that! But of course, Chevalier came of age the next year, and while the exam was merely a formality for the prodigy, barely anyone bothered to register for that round. Fueled by fiery rivalry, Clavis was hot on Chevalier’s heels the year after that, and Jin was too preoccupied with helping him train to even consider enrolling himself. And just a few weeks prior, Leon passed his exam with flying colors. A feat Jin attributes to his apt sideline encouragement and diligent inspections of Leon’s daily meat intake. 
So what if he didn’t pass? Jin could still perform magic as well as any warlock. He just didn’t have a staff to show for it. Instead, he could boast that the never-before-seen-three-year-streak of fifteen-year old graduates were his students.
“For the last time, we are not your students,” Yves declared.
“And why wouldn’t you want to be?” Jin asked. He waved a hand and the curtain of low-hanging branches before him parted, revealing a narrow dirt path ahead. “I have a one-hundred percent success rate. And you’re my next conquest, Yves.”
“Yeah, Evie. Why don’t you take him up on his offer?” Nokto said, following Licht as they climbed down after Jin. “Then you can tell us if he’s legit or not.”
“Oh, he’s the real deal,” Leon said. He took a steady stance beside a cherry oak and swung his newly acquired staff overhead, making all the barren trees in the vicinity shake and shoot their branches upward like spikes. Nokto watched in awe as Leon calmed the trees down and flashed him a toothy grin. “Can’t recommend the big guy enough.”
“No, no, no, my brothers. You mustn’t let the opinions of others sway your decision making!” Clavis said, pushing past Leon. “Ask yourselves this: do I want to be taught by a syrupy dropout, or by the youngest, most renowned warlock of our age?” He struck the ground with his own staff and the dirt rumbled. Moments later, roots and tubers erupted from the earth like the undead, making Yves screech and trip on an upright rose stem. Clavis laughed maniacally as the plants continued to grow, until Leon whacked him on the head and the vegetary scene immediately reverted underground as if it never happened. 
“I’m younger than you, remember?” Leon countered.
“And I was younger than you both when I passed,” Chevalier added, his pace leisurely as he joined them.
“Yes, yes, you don’t have to remind us again how your test happened three days after your birthday,” Clavis said, rubbing his bruised forehead. “It is insufferably pedantic of you.
“Shall I remind everyone instead of how you only passed because the examiner happened to sneeze when you flubbed the fire retardancy enchantment on your trousers?”
“Like I said, little ones. Follow what Jin says, and you’ll do just fine,” Clavis said.
“If you’re done sharing my many virtues, hurry on over!” Jin called. The group exchanged speculative glances before filing through the unanimated greenery towards his excited voice.
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Flummoxed by their seniors’ effortless display of magical prowess, Yves and Nokto insisted they take the lead, bewitching wayward wood knots and saplings from the path. Once or twice they glanced back, hopeful to receive praise for their successful spells, only to find the trio engrossed in their own conversation. 
“Maybe he wants to take us all on at once? Six against one?” Leon suggested.
“Please,” Clavis yawned, stretching his arms above his head and waving his staff teasingly. “He could squash the kiddos, no problem. But he won’t get much farther than that unarmed.”
“He brought his sword. Or is your staff so far up your rear that you did not notice?” Chevalier said, swatting Clavis’s staff away from his face. 
Yves and Nokto whirled their heads towards the track ahead, struggling to keep their attention back on moving the plants. Is that what this was all about? Despite Jin’s domineering stature, they had never once seen their brother in a fight. But Jin also was the most knowledgeable about the contents of the exam, even if he did fail his. Was this the type of error-correcting that guaranteed Chevalier, Clavis, and Leon’s successes?
The path eventually fed into a wide clearing as large as one of the training arenas at the palace. Even in peak autumn, thick shrubs still flanked all sides like a fence except for one; a cavernous cliff plummeted behind where Jin stood, his arms folded and mouth stretched in an expectant grin.
“Are we really gonna fight?” Nokto said nervously, reaching for his sword.
“Alright! Loser gets thrown off the cliff!” Clavis whooped. “Chevalier, fight me!”
“Slow down, we’re learning defensive tactics today,” Jin said. “Magic has limitless potential to attack, right? So it stands to reason that the same should be true in defense. Far too often does a warlock fall into the assumption that one trumps the other in combat.”
“Spoken nearly verbatim from Elemental Charms and Combat,” Chevalier said unamused.
“That means he knows his stuff,” said Leon. “But then why’d ya bring us here too, Jin?”
“No, Chevalier’s right. There’s only so much you can learn from theory alone. We need experience to connect the dots. And I sure as sugar wouldn’t hurt a hair on the little guys’ heads, so that’s where you lot come in.” Jin crouched beside Yves and Nokto and patted their shoulders. “Yves, you’ll spar with Chevalier. And Nokto, you get Clavis.”
Yves froze on the spot.  
“Oh, goodie…” Nokto mumbled. 
“Just remember the basics, and you’ll be fine,” Jin said, then he turned to the warlocks. “And don’t you go blasting infernos at them. We’re out here to prevent unnecessary bystander injuries. But remember, this is still a highly flammable area.” He glared at Clavis, who seemed to get a chill and wrapped his cloak firmly around himself.
“Wait. Where’s my partner?” Leon asked. A quick lookover of the clearing proved Licht was nowhere to be seen. 
“Maybe Leon’s branches pulled him up to the sky?” Nokto suggested.
“Or Clavis’s roots dragged him down below!” Yves gasped.
“Both,” Chevalier said, pointing over the cliff. Halfway down, Licht hung suspended and looking below, his shirt caught on a thorny branch tangled with crisscrossing roots. 
“Licht!” Yves and Nokto cried.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Clavis called down to him.
“Something tells me the branch will snap if he so much as breathes wrong,” Leon said. Licht answered with a shaky thumbs up.
“Everyone, change of plans!” Jin bellowed. “Today we’re doing rescue training. And not a word of this gets to Sariel, got it? Okay, let’s go!” He drew his sword and leaped over the edge, jamming it into the cliffside as he descended.
Shocked, and slightly relieved, Yves and Nokto followed Jin’s lead, the scraping sounds of their blades cutting rock disappearing with them.
“Moron,” Chevalier huffed. The air around him began to crackle as he inhaled deeply and swung his staff in a circular motion. “He didn’t even evaluate the situation for a full minute. And they still wonder why he didn’t pass—”
“You heard the boss!” Clavis and Leon yelled. Together they seized each of Chevalier’s arms and hurled themselves over the cliff, leaving their staves behind.
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Listen, it is liberating to write Chevalier, Clavis, and Leon as comic relief side characters. Trust me.
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cassiaallen · 1 year
I’m like halfway through with my Marauders headcanon series, so here’s my version of Sirius Black's life.
Once again, this is partly inspired by gorgeous accounts like @halfblood-princes-crown, @moonlightdancer26, and @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta - thanks to you all for the inspiration!
PS: I think there are minor inconsistencies between my Marauders hcs, such as on what exact day a specific event happens, but that’s minor and is largely because I wrote those on separate occasions and in the middle of the night. Apologies in advance.
I will also post the referenced Jily Wedding at some point (the one referenced at the end of this post).
The Marauders’s Journey - Sirius
Full name: Sirius Orion Black
DOB: 03.11.1959
Born in: London, Grimmauld Place
Parents: Walburga & Orion Black
House: Gryffindor
In Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-he grows up with massive blood purists as parents
-had the pressure of being the oldest/heir on him and hates it like Bellatrix
-unlike her though, S rebels by not buying into the pureblood ideology
-he is on good terms with his younger brother and feels protective of him
-despite not believing in the Ideology, he does have internalised classicism
-he meets James on the H Express and likes him instantly (both are rich purebloods, both hate the Ideology)
-to him, Slytherin = bad, so when he sees Sev he takes an immediate dislike to him (Sev wishes to be in Slytherin and looks poor [internalised classicism])
-was terrified of being Sorted into Slytherin, but more than relieved to be in Gryffindor with J
-latches onto J as an escape from his awful family and because he actually likes him
-his internalised classicism makes him pick Sev as his punching bag
-likes Peter because he idolises him and J; Remus because he’s nice and helps with homework
-gets shite at home for being in Gryffindor and being friends with non-blood supremacists
-this contributes to his hatred and bullying of Sev
-R's frequent disappearances pique his interest
-when he finds out about 🐺, he is supportive but mainly sees it as a challenge and adventure (and "aren’t I such a good person for befriending an outcast")
-the longer S is in Gryffindor and has those Friends, the more shite he gets at home
-meanwhile, Regulus is now favoured as he’s in Slytherin and buys into blood purity
-all of this fosters his hatred of Sev
-he is the last person to become an animagus, which upsets him (he of course lets it out on Sev)
-he loves the adventures once a month, and focuses much more on that rather than Remus being in pain
-February 1976, he bullies Sev and when it does not have the desired effect, he tells Sev that if he wants to stop the bullying, he must touch the knot on the Whomping Willow and follow the tunnel
-he is not punished for this
-summer 1976 he has another huge fight with his parents and for the first time they actually hit him across the face
-that is the final straw for him and he leaves and moves in with the Potters
-this fuels his hatred for Slytherin and everything Sev stands for, so S bullies him even more
-he becomes more and more aware of the war and wants to fight
-he slowly changes his mind about Lily and actually starts rooting for Jily
-tries his very best to get them together
-likes both Peter and Remus, but mainly sees them as charity friends
-moves into his own house after graduation (inherited from Alphard)
-starts auror training, but drops out after a few months to fully focus on the war
-is J's best man
-is overjoyed to be named Harry’s godfather
-R often goes on long solo missions around the time Peter starts leaking information, so S suspects R of being the spy
-S is made the Potters's Secret Keeper in 1980
-he goes on a few missions where he watches many people die
-is torn up because of suspecting R to be a spy
-in October 1981 he is on a mission with members of the Bones family (they die and S is gravely injured)
-he decides that him being SC is no longer safe (if something were to happen to him, the Secret would become weaker or at least he thinks so) and suggests P instead (since he mistrusts R who’s on another long Order mission)
-switch 26.10.1981
-[Jily Wedding]
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isa-ghost · 2 years
What the FUCK is IRIS?
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Apparently that. “Inspiring Research of Impossible Sciences”
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Supposedly the organization has been around for almost a century, leaving a bunch of us to assume this means IRIS was founded by Jameson, due to his time travel powers we’re all pretty sure he has.
Or I’ve just now thought that MAYBE Marvin is also an ageless or eternally youthful magical being like a sorcerer so perhaps HE’S over a century old and founded it. Who knows.
This theory is mainly operating off the idea Jameson is the founder, which spices things up plot-wise a hell of a lot.
One of the biggest questions we have right now is exactly what this theory is asking: What IS IRIS? And there are a handful of things we’ve gotten within the last 24 hours AND from Argentum Inanis that may give us what we need to figure it out. These include:
IRIS = Antimatter
Who they’re following on Twitter
The Watcher Poster
Their icon
Their icon is a third eye, which we’ve linked to Marvin’s crystal ball and his book.
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Leading me to think that if he isn’t the founder, he is without a doubt a member. Which being as Soph is helping Sean out with planning, certainly makes the art she’s created surrounding Marvin and a magic circle group quite interesting now, don’t you think? Are these characters depicted with Marvin the “AIMCs” we should be informing?
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The post the above screenshot is from.
From the page talking about using “Argentum Inanis” aka the “Silver Void”
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Our theory that Marvin is responsible for Chase’s teleportation to the parking garage roof is getting more and more realistic with each hint we get.
I think we could make a case for THIS being the Silver Void, don’t you think?
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That aside and sticking the the Chase train of thought, look at what IRIS follows on Twitter:
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The Magic Circle UK, research surrounding science and space. And... Chase Bank?
IRIS is watching Chase. Marvin is a member of IRIS. We’re convinced he teleported Chase to that parking garage. MARVIN is watching Chase. Or should I say...
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And maybe Marvin isn’t the only one. Previously we thought that Henrik, his last appearance containing the same sound as what we hear in Chase, was also getting teleported somewhere, “assembled like the Avengers” by Marvin. But we don’t see Henrik get teleported, do we?
I think Henrik is ALSO watching Chase. He’s part of IRIS. He’s studying time travel and such. Something IRIS is following on Twitter. And it’d make sense he’s watching Chase, given that he CONFIRMS in KJSE that he saved Chase’s life. Perhaps he was even the one that TOLD Marvin they need to keep an eye on him.
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And in my opinion, the thing on his screen looks like an eye. Which we DID point out when this video first got uploaded.
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Henrik was watching Chase get teleported, maybe even making sure it all goes right.
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No matter what the actual answer is, I am CONVINCED that Marvin, Henrik, and Chase are connected in some way. Especially given observations like this.
Besides, “watching” is what IRIS is apparently also about, given this poster.
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“Night Watcher” like “Overnight Watch.” “It could be you,” like it was on December 15th, 2017. Are WE part of IRIS too? After all, if IRIS is a magic organization... We make the “magic” of ego content and stories happen. We effect canon, we make the theories, the headcanons, the fanfics, the content.
And we fuel Anti with attention. We “watch” as it all happens.
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That “A” in Watcher is glitchy. A for Anti. There’s another A and an E missing as well. For what? I’m not entirely sure yet.
But some of us have suggested corruption from the inside.
Assuming Jameson founded IRIS. . .
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That could be completely correct.
And now Marvin is in charge of IRIS in Jameson’s place while he’s trapped as Anti’s puppet. A parallel with Chase, who’s in charge of the channel in Jack’s place while he’s in a coma.
And this doesn’t quite fit coherently into this theory, but Jackie may ALSO be associated with IRIS too. Which would tie all 6 egos together in the story. Jameson the founder, Marvin and Henrik members, Jackie a member (or experiment subject?) too, Chase being watched (possibly protected?) by them, and Anti; aware of their existence, hijacking their organization through their founder, maybe even created or released by Marvin them?
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carnal-lnstinct · 3 years
𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑑 "𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑌𝑜𝑢".
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Summary: A series of short one-shots inspired by this prompt, 1-35. I am not going to write all the prompts and I will not be writing them in order, but based off inspiration. To fuel my “horny on main” I may focus mainly on writing for Goku but there may be a few with other characters. Not all fics will be suitable for all ages. Minors should not interact with prompts rated mature/18+.
Completed Prompts:  2 / 4 / 7 / 16 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 27 / 34
27. A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips
Pairing: Goku (SS4) x Female Reader Rating: M/18+ Warning: ( Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Language ) A/N: This goes out to  @blue-wristbands​​  for being such a support and fuel to my love of SS4 Goku! ♥
Training with Vegeta had just wrapped up. The two legendary saiyans of Earth devised a plan regarding their newly obtained transformations as a means to master complete focus and control over it. A day in the hyperbolic time chamber gave them a year to train to their delight. For once they could get become stronger without a threat to the livelihood of their home and loved ones. It was like they were the young rival saiyans again, but with the discipline of their wisdom and prolonged life of battle to push them to master the next level in their evolution as saiyan warriors. And it warmed their kinship which had also matured to a degree over time.. But a year was over, both saiyans leaving the room of space and time in their trained super saiyan 4 transformations. 
It was in their best interest to maintain the form the way Goku and Gohan had done with their Super Saiyan forms prior to the battle with Perfect Cell. They had to allow their bodies to settle with such grand power without draining their energy or leaving such a heavy drawback once they release it. Then they would have a great battle as rivals again to finally test their maximized potential against one another. They departed The Lookout, returning to their respective homes for now for a decent meal and to catch up what a day’s time had been without them.
Goku doesn’t think he has ever encountered such a fear for his life with his guard down when he came home. But the way you suddenly let out a frightful battle cry and came at him with a frying pan and floor lamp shook the saiyan deep in his core with terror, acting fast with just enough flight or fight instinct in him to duck and dodge in time. It made sense to just grab your wrists, but he never liked to impose his power over you and the utter fear in your eyes while you’re shrieking “Beast! Burglar! Thief!” at him helped him draw the conclusion your attacks were defensive, a means to protect yourself. From him. The large beast-man who suddenly appeared in your home with Instant Transmission.
“My husband’s a world martial arts champion and he’s gonna kick your ass when h-“
“(Y/N)! It’s me! It’s Goku! I-I’m your husband!” His gravelly voice cried out to you, hands up defensively when he was backed into a corner by you, tail standing on end. “Look, It’s me!” He tried to emphasize, pulling on his own face to stretch his cheeks. You were halted mid-swing, both hands now on the lamp, and arched your brow at him. Between the long mane and bright yellow eyes, the features of your husband did start to show.
“..Goku?” You take a step back and set the lamp down upon further inspection of the burly red form nodding frantically. “What did you do to yourself?! You’re-” Your voice got caught on your tongue when he raised back up to stand at his tallest, much higher than the 5′9″ you’re used to seeing. A quick glance or two at the broad chest resting at your eye level and back up to the relieved yellow stare. “..Huge! And red!”
“This is Super Saiyan 4.” He admitted proudly, though some of his natural modesty shined through when he smiled his big smile and scratched at the back of his head, thinking how strange he must look to you seeing this for the first time. “I know, it’s a bit much from my other Super Saiyan forms.”
“No kidding, look at you.” You step closer with your hands out to catch his face behind the long hair framing it, like an instinctive response he leaned into your hold as you observed his features, lightly hunched forward. It was hard not to be drawn into those eyes accented with red markings. Your hand lifted his bangs from his forehead and found how fairly rougher his hair had become. That may be from training over a year, lord knows he's not keeping up with a brush. It was still very much following his natural pattern, just outgrown. Then the other subtle changes in his face compared to his base form, a more chisel jawline and profound nose accentuating his already handsome features. “..Look at you.” You say again with a lip-biting smile.
“You don’t like it?” He asks slowly, bemused, inspecting his own hair curiously to what may put you off about his Super Saiyan 4 form and misreading your suggestive grin entirely. Being away from you for a year’s time did nothing for him predicting your girlish wiles. “It’s not permanent, but it would be bad for me if I turned it off right now.”
“-Don’t!... I mean... Now that I got a better look at you, it’s not as bad as I thought.” Your eyes lower, the corner of your gaze catching the light flick of his long tail peeking from behind him. “I could get used to this.” You mused in your inspection. Your focus was on the skin protruding right in front of you. This chest, tentatively touched by your fingers across the heated flesh to the warm red fur covering his ribs, then back to flesh tickling the bumps of his abs to their end at the seam of his pants. He didn’t flinch at your wandering hands at all like the way you’re used to him reacting to such intimate touch. He was one to fidget in his bashful arousal at being your fixed interest of affection and temptation. It tempted you to flick his nipples just to get a reaction.
Goku’s nostrils flare lightly with a sniff, and then he presses his nose into your hair taking a deeper inhale of your scent, finding everything you did and places you were since he last saw you. Even small traces of his own scent still lingered. Like a subtle declaration that he was yours and you were his, but it had become masked behind your perfumes and soap.  His senses are all the more sensitive in this elevated state, feeding the tamed inner beast that allowed him to maintain this form. Perhaps it is not as tamed as he thought. “I’m glad to hear that.” He responds with a lowered voice, grinning and settling his head upon yours. Something whispered to him to fix that scent on you, the thought making his tail sway deeply. He himself couldn’t have smelled the best straight out of the Time Chamber, but an innate urge crept into his calm temperament encouraging him to consume you in his musk. The thought made him grin more. Goku leans into your exploring hands like a pacified lap animal. For him, it was certainly a year too long since your hands enticed his body. “Because I did miss you and your cooking, (y/n).” 
“You just had it yester-” Ah right, the Time Chamber, you remember. “..Then I should get started on dinner.” You lift your head lightly to get his attention, yellow eyes looming to meet your gaze from behind his bangs. They’re drawing you in again and you feel a heat wash over your skin. It penetrates your body the longer they watched you. “You should clean up and rest before it’s done. Okay?”
“Okay..” He simply responds, his deep voice carried to your ears.
You don’t move right away. And neither does he, locked in some form of staring contest with just the subtle flick bouncing between each other’s gaze. You can feel your heartbeat start to quicken being watched by him like this, and yet under your hands (once again on his chest), you can feel his is still even. Relaxed. But you feel a subtle vibration behind his chest as well, something just as low and humming within. You’re suddenly feeling overheated from being so close to him, followed with a sense of complaisance.
“..So, I should... go to the kitchen. To start dinner, too.” You spoke softer, almost entranced.
“M’hm.” You see his grin take on a less modest appearance, charming in an unfamiliar, yet alluring manner.
“..Okay.” You lightly nod and drop your gaze from his, gathering up your will with a deep breath. A futile effort to break away from what already has you. You felt as if you had to balance yourself taking a step back from him and you see Goku taking one step forward. You do it again and he’s moved in closer, his large hands finding the small of your back. Like a secret waltz between lovers, your body naturally answered a call and you move your hands to hold onto his arms, letting your eyes drift close with a soft gasp from your lips when he leans his forehead to yours. You could barely wrap your mind around how overwhelmingly enticed you were from practically nothing. Whatever the sensation was, it wrapped you up and pulled you into him. A mirror’s reflection on you reveals a soft, deep red aura winding around both of you, emanating from Goku. With what little grasp you had on your control, you spoke up again. “G-Goten is also out on another o-one of his dates, but he should be home for dinner soon.”
Goku’s hands stop you from moving, a wall just a foot behind you. He lifts one hand to cup your head, tilting your lips up. “That’s great.” He whispers before capturing your mouth for a deep kiss and the vibration in his chest grows. The heat of his kiss intoxicated you when he pulled you closer, bringing you to clench your thighs together at an emerging stir between them. You sink into his hold and caress a hand across his cheek, your other hand smoothing and raking up and down the fur of his large arm. Mesmerized even by the texture of his red coat. You feel him let out a gruff sound and his fingers dug a little rougher in your hair. Goku deepens the kiss before breaking away with a husky breath and closes his hand around yours on his face. His nostrils subtly flare again.
“Did you miss me too, (y/n)...” He moves your hand under his nose, dragging your four fingers underneath his slow, deep inhale and raising a brow in intrigue. “When you touched yourself this morning, did you think of me?” He smirked and you felt your heart jump in your chest to even be asked that by him. Your lips parted to ask how he would even know you did that, but it would feel silly when you’re looking at a transformed version of your own non-human husband. He could be keen to a lot of things in this trained body of his. You only further lose your voice when he dragged your fingers to his lips and licked two in particular, the very two responsible for your self-pleasure. Goku sucks your fingers into his mouth, yellow eyes giving you a ravening stare as he tried to taste the flavor of you long washed away from your hands. A soft, tremulous moan fell from your lips and you felt your core twitch in response to this new frisky behavior of your husband. Whatever this transformation did to him, it was a side of Goku you have never seen before and it was driving you wild. 
“A-Always.” Your voice croaked when you answered, then you swallowed and lifted your eyes back to meet his more boldly. “Always.”
You feel your wet fingers slide out of his mouth, his brow furrowing. “(y/n)...” Goku seemed to mewl your name, pleaded for you in his familiar way. You must have ruined what restraint he had to savor playing with you, once he spoke your name you felt your body bounce against the wall as he pressed into you, claiming your mouth again and holding your arms above your head in some dominant display. Your moan is muffled by his lips, your fingers curling into your palm when you felt him grind his bulge against the seam of your pants and catch your clit in brief contact. You felt like your panties were suddenly soaking. “That’s so naughty.” Goku growls in his chest, leaving one of his larger hands to hold your arms up and the other practically tearing his sash from around his waist. It was cute to notice him wiggle his tail free first before he lower his loosened pants just enough to free his fully hard cock. He’s dirty all over from training but that made it all the more hot to have him so suddenly excited for you. When he effortlessly hikes you up higher you can feel him working his hand at your pants. He purposely pops the button with an abrupt tug, finger forcing the metal zipper down and breaking that as well. You’re quickly stripped of shoes, pants and panties.
You feel two large fingers rub at your clit and you keen at the touch, tilting your head back where Goku attacked your neck with his hungry mouth. An electric jolt of pleasure shoots through your body feeling him drive his cock against your thigh as well. His fingers gloss over your entrance and take up some of the slick. He lifts his fingers from between your legs to taste them, a low hum in his voice with delight for the sweet flavor he sought. The nips at your neck return and you feel his cock fumble against your clit before the head sinks into your hole, full cock moving to spread your warmth open. The whine you let out mixed with a sharp swear, clenching your fingers into your palms again as you tried to widen your legs. That was definitely no longer the girth of your husband, you weren’t kidding yourself when you called him huge. There was only little resistance in his attempt to fully fit himself between your legs, sharper teeth pinching your neck as he growled rolling his hips slowly to work at filling you without hurting you. That overwhelming heating sensation flowed through you again, numbing any pain from his bites and discomfort of his cock inside you. 
 Goku finally releases your arms and lifts both your legs under his forearms, further spreading you open for him and gaining the full stroke he was aiming for. It definitely made your insides flex in delight in adjusting to his new size, further enticed by the way he growled in response. He was already a lot to adjust to before, but now he completely filled you more than you felt you could take. That overheated sensation made you very open to try as it fed on your arousal, if not making you wetter for him. Your mind felt empty of anything that wasn’t his cock pressed into your slick, suckling walls.
Your hands once again gather a handful of red fur and muscles along his back and shoulders as your weight dipped into his hips when he lifted you from the wall to hold you against him. He settled against something deep within that made you drop your head into his shoulder and curl up around him, crying out in shameless pleasure when Goku bounced you up and down with the thrust of his hips alone. It felt like you were already on the edge of coming around him and nothing you could do to stave it off longer in this helpless position. You gather a handful of dark hair and pull his face from your neck, closing your mouth around his in a rough kiss. There’s a small hint of a metallic taste seeping between your lips. His sharp fangs at your neck had broken some skin. It finds your taste buds more when his tongue presses into your mouth and you recognize it as the taste of blood that only made you more enthralled by him. 
 The faint scent of your blood released from your body and taste on his own lips made his thrusts stronger, strokes longer when he readjusted you to hold your thighs in his hands and draw your hips to meet his vigorous movements. The husky manner of which he breathed from being wrapped around by your warm insides made him sound more beastly, his voice also growing louder the closer his orgasm built. Goku felt consumed by his elevated arousal manifesting a compulsion to keep you full of it as well. The energy was bleeding out of his body and into yours making your skin hot and mind a cloud of lust for him. You, who captured his heart and satisfied this urge many times before but never had it hit him so powerfully. A shame on anyone who would find this primal act, for neither of you could stop for anything. Not until you were filled. Overflowing, as he was. You’re already all wrapped up in each other like a mating pair, feeling the coil of his tail wrapped around your ankle. 
It seems there would be more for his Super Saiyan 4 form to adjust to after leaving the Time Chamber, how sensitive he was to you and how easily you faltered to his energy would become a bigger problem for your household before it was safe to release the form. However, how well you tolerated his primal energy infecting your body just made it harder to ignore his desire to come inside you over and over. You’re begging him to with your shaky voice not wanting to leave his lips. You suddenly came around him, legs squeezing and twitching around his waist as he worked you through it to drive his own hitting shortly after.
Goku’s tail clung like a vice and his hands held your shaky hips in place as he filled you with his heavy seed. He ungracefully lowered himself to the floor, legs semi-crossed as he held you in his lap and moans entwined with yours through your wet kiss. “More.” You urged, adrenaline taking over and you plant your feet on the floor beside him and wiggle your hips in his strong hold. At first, Goku resisted letting you go so soon against his sensitive cock but arousal had quickly set back in for him as well and the stimulation of your nestling, greedy inner walls noisily rocking along his hard length on your own loosened his hold. Just enough that you could freely grind yourself into his body. 
You press your hands into his chest with your full strength to get him on his back and rolled your hips across his lap, relishing the pleasure of being filled over and over by him, his hot seed spilling out of you as your ravenous cunt the rougher your movements became. He leans his head back into the floor with a deep mewl, jerking his hips into yours and wrapping his tail around your body.  An alarming sensation strikes through his high but he does nothing to stop you, Goku tilting his head down toward you.
“G-Goten’s coming.” He warned, sensing the approach of his youngest son’s energy. 
“Can’t stop.” You breathlessly moan, now bouncing your body in his lap and pulling at the remainder of your clothing. “M-My body’s hot. I need you, Goku!”
Goku could sense that Goten wasn't too close to home yet. By the speed of his approach, he was not flying by ki but perhaps traveling by vehicle. That may give you the time you both needed to work this energy out of your little reunion. Or at least he hoped. Just enough to get you through the rest of the evening with your son unscarred. Then your his again, freely, deliciously. 
He’ll have imbued you with the scent of him before the sun rises on your beautiful, sweat sheened body.
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moondancediner · 3 years
Be My Escape
Chapter One: Home
summary: penny's forced to return to her hometown of beacon hills
warnings: Language, mentions of death, Slow-burn (Is that a warning?)
pairing: Stiles Stilinski x OC (eventual)
word count: 7k
a/n: Hello and welcome! This is my Teen Wolf rewrite with my original character Penny. I plan on doing a full rewrite of the whole series (and maybe the movie eventually) with this new character.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Also shout out to everyone who inspired me to keep writing this, your writings give me fuel on the bad days.
edited 9/17/2022
masterlist || ch.2
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Melissa was sure it was the middle of the night when her phone started ringing. She was also sure that whoever was on the other end of said phone was not going to like her very much after this call. The red glowing lights next to her confirmed her suspicions. She had only been asleep for 2 hours, having just gotten home from work and she didn’t bother to check the caller ID, mainly because her eyes weren’t fully open yet, and partly because she thought it would be the hospital, calling once again to try and drag her out of her warm bed for some unforeseen emergency that couldn’t wait until her next shift. 
“Hello?” She answered, rubbing some sleep out of her eyes. She heard a sniffle on the other end, before a voice that washed over her like an ocean wave, shockingly cold and alarming to her system, dragging her to the depths of a place she never thought she would see again. 
“Aunt Mel?” The little voice asked, hoping she still had the right number, trying to compose herself and calm her beating heart. Melissa sat straight up at the sound, panic coursing through her body before some of her training kicked in.
“Penelope? Are you okay? What’s wrong? Where are you? Where’s your mom?” She knows she asked too many questions but she couldn’t stop herself.
“She’s gone.” Penelope whispered, unable to say anything more, the tracks that started to dry on her cheeks wetting once again. Melissa tried to take a deep breath, tried to push down some anger and hurt for her niece, but the small whisper made her want to scream.
“What do you mean she’s gone sweetheart?” She sighed, slipping out of bed and getting herself ready for either a long drive or a long night. Melissa was met with sniffles on the other end, and a little sob and her heart broke a little more. “Hey, it’s okay just tell me what happened, Pen.”
“I don’t really know, she left again like she always does, but-but it was different this time, she was so scattered -and she-she kept saying someone was coming to get her and then some man just came to the apartment and told me I had to leave. I grabbed as much stuff as I could and got in my car and left - and, and, oh god I don’t even know where I am.” Penelope’s voice broke again as she sat in her car and cried for what felt like the 100th time tonight, head falling forward onto the steering wheel, phone clutched tight in her hand like a life-line.
Melissa took a deep breath, knowing her brother's daughter was at least safe, where she was though, was a whole other challenge. 
“It’s okay sweetheart, do you want me to come get you? I need you to look for some road signs to tell me where you are.” Melissa turned on her bedside lamp and slid on her slippers, ready to run out the door. 
Penelope gathered herself, cleared her throat and wiped her face for the upteenth time this evening - or rather, morning. “Um, well I’m definitely in California, I think I’m near Sacramento.” She gave a breathy laugh, knowing what her dad would be saying right now if he could see her. Girl got lost in her own driveway, what was she thinking driving across states in the middle of the night? 
Melissa let out a sigh of slight relief, at least she was in the same state, a very large state, but still not too far away. “Okay... are you okay to drive? I can come get you, or send someone?” Melissa listened to more sniffles and a few deep breaths before Penelope answered.
“No, no I think I’m okay, I just need to get on route 5 right? And go south?” Melissa heard her car start, which made her heart jump a little, just realizing she was probably pulled over on the side of some road where anyone could get her, all alone.
“Yes, look for Beacon Hills signs and then call me when you’re close-actually call me every thirty minutes, okay?” Melissa went full mom mode, fully intending to not lose another member of her family. She heard a grimm little chuckle on the other end of the phone.
“Okay aunt Mel, I promise I will.” After a pause, Melissa heard a very small, breathy thank you before the line went dead. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and laid back on her bed for a few seconds, gathering herself, before standing up and heading downstairs to make herself some coffee, glad she was working the night shift tomorrow - or rather, today - because there was no way she was going back to sleep now. Once downstairs, she made herself a pot of coffee and settled on the couch, turning on whatever was on TV at 2 am. 
It was almost 8AM by the time Penelope managed to find her way to Beacon Hills. Between missing her exits, stopping for bathroom breaks, and just getting straight-up lost, this was one of the only times she wished she had a newer car with a GPS. Or was smart enough to bring a phone charger that would work in her ancient car. After she hung up with her aunt, her phone had lasted just long enough to get her to route 5 before it tragically died, leaving her to do things the old fashioned way. She studied road signs and looked for familiar town names, and knew that pulling over to ask for directions was just asking for more trouble than she could handle. 
Once she was in Beacon Hills it was easy to remember where to go, the town wasn’t huge and she’d spent enough of her life here to remember the street her aunt and cousin lived on almost her whole life. A few neighbors gave Penny strange looks as her loud car rolled down their quiet, quaint little neighborhood, and she begrudgingly had to turn down the Motley Crüe blaring through her radio to deter some not so friendly neighbors.
She stopped in front of the McCall household, pushed her hunk of junk into park, and looked over the familiar surroundings. It looked exactly like she always remembered. Same color, same bushes and flowers, same sheer white curtains billowing in the morning breeze.
It took all of five seconds before her aunt was out the front door, still in her pajamas, covered by her robe, her arms crossed in front of her chest but wearing a relieved expression on her face.
Penny grabbed her stuffed duffel bag, and headed out. She was met with open arms and the smell of home almost immediately, and while she tried, she couldn’t stop the tears from hitting her aunt's shoulder. The flood gates opened once again from a well Penny thought was bone dry. Her body shook with her cries, and though she tried to control them, her tired body continued to shake. Penny squeezed her anchor tighter, holding on like her life depended on it. 
Melissa let out a sigh of relief, finally having her niece safe and in her arms. She gave her Penny an extra tight squeeze when she heard the first sniffle, and let herself get a little teary eyed as well. Melissa pulled back after a minute, but kept her hands on Penelope’s upper arms, rubbing them a few times. Melissa looked her over, and though she looked like the same old Penny - long dark hair, big brown eyes, impossibly long eyelashes, the slight crook in her nose from when she broke it all those years ago - the little sparkle that resided in her eyes was completely washed out. “Come on, let’s get you inside.” 
Penny followed her inside, into an actual home, so not like the many apartments she bounced around in through the past six years. She wiped at her eyes with the back of her flannel covered hand and looked around, it looked exactly the same - sans Scott - but she figured he left for school already. 
“Scott left for school already,” bingo, “he had practice this morning, but I didn’t tell him you were coming, so… fun surprise for him.” Melissa laughed a little and Penny smiled at her sense of humor. “You can put your stuff up in your usual room next to Scott’s, you’ll have to share a bathroom with him,” she made a face that said sorry about that, “but he doesn’t smell too bad, do you want some coffee, or breakfast?” 
“Oh, no I’m okay I stopped by Dunkin’ on my way here… well I stopped at pretty much every coffee place with a drive thru on my way here.” They shared a smile, and Penny dropped her duffel on the floor next to the kitchen table. Melissa eyed it while she stirred her next cup of coffee, a million questions behind her eyes, but she didn’t want to bombard her after the night she just went through.
“Well why don’t you go shower and change, I know you probably want to nap but we have to stop by and see a friend of mine before we go to the school and get you signed up.” Penny stopped in her spot, a slightly confused expression taking over her features, she wasn’t sure what to say if she was being honest. Part of Penelope thought she was just staying for a little while, until they found her mom, and then she could get on with her life, but Penny sensed that her aunt had other plans.
“What do you mean? What friend?” 
“Sweetheart, why don’t you sit down.” Penny obliged, if only because her world was slowly crumbling around her. “I called Sheriff Stilinski this morning before you got here, you remember Stiles right?” Stiles. Of course, how could she forget him? Not only was he Scott’s best friend, but when Penny lived in Beacon Hills he was hers too. At Penny’s head nod, Melissa continued, putting her hand on her niece’s arm, a sign of comfort that was not missed. “His dad is the Sheriff, and he thinks it’s in your best interest, and I agree with him, that you stay here with me until we can get this all settled with your mom. Which means the court is going to issue me temporary custody over you.” Melissa let the words sink in, seeing the shock and hurt written all over the young face next to her. Slowly, Penny started nodding, not trusting her words, and trying to accept what would become her new life. 
“What if we don’t find my mom?” Her voice was thick with tears and it shattered her aunt's heart. It was a grimm question, and Penny knew that but she had a bad feeling about her mom leaving this time. She was usually gone for a day, maybe three tops, and Penny never had any doubts that she would walk right back through their front door like nothing had happened, but some nagging voice in the back of her mind kept taunting her. You’ll never see your mommy again.
“If you want, I can get permanent custody and you can stay here until you’re 18… or we can find other family if you want to live with them,” Yeah right Penny thought, what other family? 
“I’m gonna go take that shower now.” Penelope stood suddenly, almost knocking the chair over and grabbed her duffle bag, which was overflowing with all the crap she doesn’t even remember throwing into it, and headed up the stairs, letting her feet take her in a direction they knew how to go all by themselves. 
Throwing open the door to her old room - her new possibly permanent room - she tossed her bag somewhere on the floor before moving to the bathroom door. Her brain processed nothing about the room as she walked through it, flung the door open until it hit with a bang against the wall to her right, hand automatically found the light switch while her body turned to the left and into the shower. She stepped in over the edge and turned the water on before sliding against the back tile until her body hit the bottom. Her breathing was shallow and quick and she was fully aware of the panic attack that was taking her over but was completely hopeless to stop it.
The cold water beating against her clothed body brought her some comfort, shocking her body into relaxing, and turning off her fight or flight instinct, but it did nothing to stop the full body sobs that were coming out of her. She didn’t try to be quiet, she just hoped her aunt, her sweet, loving, perfect motherly aunt, wouldn’t try to come in and stop her. 
It took about 20 minutes before she calmed down enough to actually take a shower, but even that was short lived, because after she peeled - literally peeled - her clothes off her body she realized she was in Scott’s shower and there was only one bottle in the whole tiled monstrosity. Seriously, what kind of psychopath uses three in one. She used it anyway, just on her body, and felt her skin cringe back in disgust. She was going to have to stop and get some real shampoo and conditioner before her next shower, since the psycho who came into her house this morning - uninvited - didn’t give her enough time to go into her bathroom and grab even a toothbrush. Bitch. 
She tried to quell the anger that rose in her. Her mother was no walk in the park to deal with on a daily basis, and she made some questionable choices when the cards were down but she never put her daughter in danger like that. Not even on her worst days. 
Penny stepped out of the shower, and grabbed a towel she hoped wasn’t used and dried off, walking into her room to grab her duffle. She unzipped and lazily dumped the contents onto the lilac sheet covered queen. Assessing her very limited options, she opted for ripped at the knee medium wash high rise jeans, a white plain slightly fitted tee, and her black denim jacket that she threw off and left on the couch downstairs when she walked in the door. Shoes were kind of a problem, seeing as she only brought one pair and they were soaked, hanging by their strings over the bathtub. 
She didn’t have many options, and seeing as she couldn’t wash her hair, so a braid was going to have to do while it dried. She never wore much makeup, unless she had a particularly nasty breakout, so mascara was all she needed to feel like a human being again and not a drowned puppy. 
Heading downstairs she found her aunt on the couch, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. “Great show,” Penny joked, joining her aunt on the familiar cushions. It seemed crazy that after six years her aunt hadn’t gotten a new couch, especially considering all the spills and stains that Penny remembered both causing and witnessing throughout her life. 
“It’s my guilty pleasure, don’t tell anyone,” Melissa lolled her head to the side, and gave Penny eyes that said or else. Penny laughed, a sweet little sound Melissa missed dearly, “You ready to go?” 
“As I’ll ever be,” came Penelope’s response as they worked themselves up off the well worn couch. “Hey, do you have an extra pair of shoes? Mine got kinda wet…” Her sentence trailed off and she gave a smile that said I kinda fucked up. Melissa laughed but handed her a pair of flip flops out of the closet.
“These are all I really have, unless you want to wear my clunky nurse sneakers.”
“I’ll stick to the flip flops, thanks.” Penny slid them on, and grabbed her jacket, now charged phone - thank you aunt Mel -, sunglasses, and wallet before following Melissa out the front door, remembering to lock it on her way out. Old habits die hard, she thought while shutting the piece of dark wood behind her.
“You should take your car and follow me, I have to go to work after this and I don’t want to leave you stranded.” Penny nodded and headed over to her car, putting her sunglasses over her eyes to block out the Cali sun. She started her dad’s old lemon, and turned up the volume as one of her favorite tracks came on before putting her in gear and following Melissa to the Sheriff’s station. 
It took way longer than Penny anticipated, Mr. S had already gotten the approval from the court but they still had to wait around for the judge to come and sign all the right papers, and Penny had to file a police report for her file, all so they could print out one paper - ONE - for them to bring to school so she could be enrolled. Sheriff Stilinski was as nice as Penny remembered him being from when she was a kid, which made giving all the dirty details a little easier, though, sharing details about your mother’s mental stability isn’t easy in any circumstance. 
“Well ladies, I think I have everything I need, here’s your paperwork for the school... and welcome back to Beacon Hills kid.” Noah smiled at Penny, and it was such a dad smile she almost teared up. 
“Thank you Noah, I really appreciate all your help.” Melissa stood from her seat in front of the Sheriff’s desk and walked around to give him a quick hug. 
“Anytime Melissa. Good luck kiddo, it was good to see you again.” 
“Thanks Mr. S, it was good to see you too.” Noah waved her off and with that the two women made their way out of the Sheriff's department. 
“Okay, next stop, Beacon Hills High School.” Penny smiled at her aunt's words as they made their way to their respective cars, Penny however didn’t wait for Melissa this time, already knowing the way to the High School. 
It was a short drive and as she pulled into the parking lot there were a few kids outside the building, lingering slowly to their next class. She got lucky and parked in the front next to a grey Porsche, which she admired for a second before walking to the front of the school. A few heads turned, if not for her louder than average car, then for the sight of fresh meat on campus. She kept her sunglasses on but smiled at the onlookers, before deciding to lean on one of the railings outside the front door to wait out her aunt, who’s poor car couldn’t really keep up. Her dad’s car might have been an old hunk of metal, but the rebuilt engine still purred like a kitten all these years later. 
It only took a few more seconds for Melissa to arrive, and she found a spot easily, walking up to her niece with a scolding face. “Do we need to have a talk about speed limits?” Arms crossed, head down, looking through the top of her sunglasses at her niece, Penelope at least had the decency to look sorry. 
“Sorry,” came her sheepish reply. Melissa just shook her head and tried not to smile. 
“Let’s go, trouble.” 
“Oh, old nicknames resurfacing already?” Penny joked, following her aunt into the high school, which apparently just let out of one of their classes because the halls were packed.. Penny was a little grateful, less people will notice the new girl walking in with her Aunt when there’s other things and people to focus on. 
Penelope felt a chill rush down her spine as she made her way through the halls, a cold breeze pushed down her back like she was standing in a night-cast field stark naked - exposed, vulnerable, completely alone. She turned her head around, quickly looking around for the source of the cold air and found nothing but average high school teenagers. She tried to push the feeling out of her mind, knowing the last time she felt like this some strange man broke into her apartment and kicked her out, and instead looked to her other side, down one of the hallways they were passing where she noticed a mop of hair and crooked jaw standing by the stairs.
“Hey, McCall!” She yelled, getting more than a few looks her way. She didn’t really care though, and pulled her sunglasses off her face before running down the hallway to her cousin, who looked up as soon as his name was called. A smile replaced the confusion between his eyes when Scott realized who it was running toward him in the middle of the school hallways. 
“Penny!?” They embraced in a hug that almost knocked Scott on the ground, and Penny - who wasn’t used to her cousin being taller than her - let out a yelp and a laugh when her feet left the ground. 
“Hey, Scotty.” They hugged for a second longer, before Scott pulled back, dropped her back to the ground but kept his hands on her arms.
“Man, when did you get tall?” Penny asked, sizing up her once shorter than her cousin.
“More like when did you shrink?” Scott joked back. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
“Long story, but I’m your new roommate for the foreseeable future,” Penny shrugged and smiled, still not noticing the very pretty brunette standing next to Scott.
“Oh man,” Scott exclaimed, but suddenly remembered who he was talking to moments prior. “Oh! Penny this is Allison, Allison this is my cousin, Penny.” He gestured between the two girls, who were now smiling at each other. Allison looked much more relieved now that she learned her almost-boyfriend’s new roommate was just his cousin. 
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you,” Penny waved in her direction, not really sure if a handshake would be too awkward, but knowing full well that if she broke out the ‘I’m a hugger’ on the first day it might cost her some awkward encounters later on. Penny sized her up, assuming that Allison was doing the same. She was pretty, like, way out of Scott’s league pretty, but she could almost feel their connection - it felt like the sun was shining on only them and Penny felt lucky to experience the warmth between them. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, uh Scott I have to run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I’m coming to see you play tomorrow.”
“You are?” He seemed very surprised and Penny tried to push her smile away. 
“And we’re all going out afterwards - you, me, Lydia, Jackson… It’s gonna be great. Tell Stiles to come too - Oh, and you too Penny.” Penelope smiled at the invitation, nodding her head yes - nothing like making friends before school even starts. “Uh, save me a seat at lunch. I gotta go!” Scott watched her leave, probably staring a little too long. Penny cleared her throat to regain his attention. His head snapped back, confirming that he totally forgot she was there.
“Well, me and your mom have to go talk to the principal but I’ll see you at home later, we apparently have a lot to talk about.” Penny squeezed his arm, and wagged her eyebrows up suggestively at Scott. He smiled sheepishly, head ducking down until his chin almost touched his chest and Penny walked off, waving goodbye to him behind her back. 
“Yeah, see you later Pen.” Scott said in amusement at his cousin, he knew something had to be seriously wrong for her to be here, but he also knew not to push her to talk - she would open up when she was ready. They grew up like siblings, practically twins, and Scott swore they could read each other’s minds sometimes. 
Penny met back up with her aunt, who respectively watched the two reunite from a distance after she saw who Scott was talking to. Melissa waved her hello/goodbye to her son and the pair made their way over to the Principal’s office where Penelope settled in for another long wait. 
It surprised Penny when it didn’t actually take very long at all. The principal was a nice British guy and though Penny found that fact extremely strange, the man got everything situated as quickly as possible - Penny thought he noticed the I haven’t slept in 24 hours look she was sporting- but nonetheless, she was grateful. 
“Ms. Delgado, here is your schedule, you have the same homeroom as your cousin, so hopefully that makes it a little bit easier on your first day.” She nodded her thanks at his words, taking her folder full of papers for her first day next week. 
“Thank you, again, I really appreciate your help in all this.” Melissa said, standing from her chair next to Penny. 
“Anytime, and please don’t hesitate to come by if you have any questions,” The principal stood, matching Melissa, and shook both girls' hands before they headed out of the building. 
“Well that was painless… and I have to run to work,” she sighed, looking down at her watched wrist. “I'm covering someone tonight so I can have off for Scott’s game tomorrow.”
“What sport does he play?” Penny asked, scrunching her eyes at the question and walking next to her aunt on their way out of the school's front door and down the steps to the parking lot. Scott was never athletically inclined, and the idea of him playing any school sport made Penny want to laugh a little. 
“Lacrosse, it’s like football in this school,” Melissa explained. “You remember how to get back to the house from here?”
“Yes,” Penny dragged out, “I’ll try not to get lost. Again.” They both laughed at her statement, but Melissa was internally grateful that phones were smart enough now for GPS’s because that poor girl didn’t have a directional bone in her body.
“Alright, here’s the key to the front door, I’ll have another copy made for you soon, school should be done soon and then Scott will be home, don’t let him get in too much trouble, alight?” Such a mom, Penny thought, smiling gratefully at her.
“You got it aunt Mel.” Melissa gave her niece’s arm a little squeeze and walked off to her car. Penny followed suit and got in her baby, started her up, and headed out.
After a trip to the local Target to get all the essentials she could think of, it was a short drive back to the McCall household, and once she was back in the comfortable setting she headed upstairs to make herself at home. She grabbed some bed sheets, pillows and a comforter for herself while shopping - sponsored by the wallet of the man who broke into her apartment. Penny didn’t want to seem ungrateful for all the things her aunt has already given her, but it gave her a sense of peace to have things she could call her own.
After wrestling with the light gray bed sheets, getting them exactly how she liked them, Penny started to tackle the pile of crap on the floor from earlier. What little clothes she had were quickly folded and put away in the dresser - the only storage area in the whole room. She placed her makeup bag on top of the white dresser for easy grabs, and then grabbed her mom's tarot cards that she took while running out the door of her apartment. She wasn’t totally sure why she grabbed them, she had never actually used them before, but when she passed them in their altered space under the windowsill, it was almost like her mom was whispering in her ear to take them with her. So, Penny wrapped them up in the cloth they were sitting on and shoved them in her duffle. The cards were placed on their cloth - something her mom taught her, they should never touch a hard surface - on top of the white wood, out of direct sunlight so they wouldn’t get worn. 
Once those were placed, Penny turned around and looked to see everything cleaned up. It was a little depressing how little she now owned, but her pity party was cut short at the noise of her cousin slamming the front door and stomping up the stairs. He must have forgot she was there because he went straight into his bedroom and slammed that door too. Penny chuckled a little at his antics, and at the fact that he didn’t realize both of their bathroom doors were open and she could see him huff and puff. He settled at his desk and opened his laptop, probably to get some homework done, so Penny walked through their shared bathroom and leaned on the opening of Scott’s door. 
“Rough day?” Scott jumped in his seat at his cousin's question, part of him a little worried about the fact that he wasn’t able to hear her coming. 
And that he forgot she was here to begin with. 
Penny laughed at him and made herself at home in his room. Plopping down on his bed and lying on her back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Yeah, you could say that.” Scott finally replied. 
“You seemed pretty happy when I saw you at school earlier,” Penny rolled herself onto her stomach and propped her head up on her hands. She watched Scott’s right cheek raised in a smile at the memory of Allison telling him she was coming to see him play tomorrow, but it quickly faded when he remembered the rest of the day's events.
“Yeah, but then…” Scott trailed off not really knowing how to explain the situation without explaining the situation. He wanted to tell her everything that’s happened the past week but he didn’t know how long she was staying and if he wanted to even get anyone else involved in this mess. So he decided to deflect. “Hey, are you gonna tell me what happened, why are you here?” 
“Well one, thank you for the warm welcome, it’s very appreciated,” Sarcasm laced her tone, something Scott was very familiar with, “two, nice deflection, we’ll circle back to your problems later, and three,” Penny sighed, not really knowing where to start since she herself didn’t fully understand what happened. “I don’t even know what happened Scotty… things were good for once, mom wasn’t disappearing all the time, we moved into a nice apartment, she got a steady job, and things were just… I don’t know, normal for once.” 
Penny hadn’t realized she was crying until Scott got up from his spot and kneeled in front of the foot of his bed to wipe the tears off her face. “How long has it been since her last…” Scott trailed off, not really knowing what to call what his aunt went through. 
“Episode?” Penny filled in. “I don’t know, maybe six months? It’s the longest she’s ever gone since -“ she cut herself off, not able to actually say the words. 
“Hey, it’s alright, you don’t have to explain it to me.” 
Penny smiled at her cousin, thankful that someone knew enough about her that she didn’t need to explain any part of it. 
“So what happened before she left?” Scott sat cross-legged on the floor in front of her, looking up at his younger cousin. 
“It was weird, it wasn’t like the other times where she starts hearing voices slowly, it was like it hit her all at once. One day she was fine, taking her meds, and the next she was screaming about how they were coming to get her, and that we needed to get out of there. And then the day she left… Scott it was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I mean, she was acting like there were real people in our apartment, moving around them, not sitting in certain spots because she said there were other people sitting there already, yelling at me not to go in the bathroom because someone was in there already.” Penny laughed a little at that one. She was trying to get ready for school and her mom all but barricaded the door. “And when I came back from school, she was gone. No note, no cryptic messages for me to solve, just gone… and then a few days later a random man showed up, pounding on my door, telling me I need to leave now. None of it makes sense Scott.” 
“What part?” He questioned. Sure, none of it made sense to Scott, but this wasn’t his life, this wasn’t something that he had to deal with on a daily basis. 
“She’s never seen things, only ever heard voices telling her not to go somewhere or talk to someone important or tell someone they’re going to die soon.” Penny huffed in annoyance at her situation and picked at the skin around her fingers.
Scott chucked a little at the last comment. He remembered when her mom was first diagnosed with schizophrenia and they still lived in Beacon Hills, the four of them were out to lunch and his aunt Kelly leaned over to the next table and told the man he was going to die in the next year. 
They left the restaurant after that. 
Penny rolled her eyes but smiled, remembering the same memory as Scott. She could still smell the banana pancakes and the greasy bacon, could still see Scott sitting across from her, putting toothpicks under his lips to try and make her smile. They left Beacon Hills pretty soon after that. Her mom always said it made her worse to be in this town, but Penny always just thought it was because it was where her dad died. Now, she wasn’t so sure.
“She also kept saying ‘I won’t go back, I won’t go back’ over and over.” 
“Go back where?” Scott questioned. 
“Who knows,” Penny huffed, “we’ve moved so many times it could be anywhere at this point.” Penny flopped her head down dramatically, face smushed down into Scott’s comforter and let out a little grunt-scream that pretty much summed up how she felt in this moment. Scott ruffled her hair before standing up off the floor. 
Penny’s mom went into full flight mode after her husband died. They never stayed in one place for too long, because every time they started getting comfortable, Kelly would come up with some reason to move again and Penny tried not to blame her for all of it, tried to push down the hurt that bubbled to the surface every time she thought about it because she knew her mom was just trying her best. 
“We’ll figure it out, Pen, don’t worry.” Scott looked down at his cousin, his almost twin, and smarter half with sadness, he just wanted to help her but he had absolutely no idea where to start. 
Scott heard a muffled ‘promise?’ Come from the brunette on his bed before her hand shot out, pinky finger up. He smiled, reached his hand down and connected their pinky’s. It was an old tradition of theirs. Sure everyone did pinky promises, that was nothing new, but whenever they did pinky promises it meant something more. They used to sit across from each other, pinky’s locked, and spill all their guts. The other person wasn’t allowed to talk, or laugh, or ask questions. Just sit and listen. 
After a little squeeze, they both let go and Scott got back to the homework he was trying to do before Penny came into his room. He sent his text to Stiles about what he found earlier at Derek’s house after school and awaited his response. After a few minutes of silence, he turned to ask Penny a question about her schedule only to find her softly snoring. 
Scott smiled and got up to pull a blanket over her, hoping she was getting some good rest after everything she just went through. 
Scott heard the door slam, and pounding feet barreling through the house and up the stairs. He got worried, knowing that Stiles would most likely slam his body into every surface until he reached Scott. He really should’ve hoped for something else though, because Stiles all but knocked his door off the wall when he finally reached it. 
“What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yes I’ve had a lot of Adderall, so-“ 
“Dude, shut up!” Scott whisper-yelled pointing at his cousin, still asleep on his bed and Stiles turns, arms flailing trying to find his balance. 
“Is that Penny?” Stiles asks, brows furrowed in confusion. Dark, chocolate brown hair sprawled out behind her, arms tucked under her face like a pillow, wearing a plain white t-shirt that brought out her Puerto Rican - identical to Scott’s - skin tone. Pink lush lips slightly opened, Stiles could see her long eyelashes spread out over her high cheekbones, and closed eyelids hid her eyes from him. She was absolutely gorgeous and Stiles had to catch his breath and try to compose himself. 
Stiles always had a little crush on Scott’s younger cousin who he’s known since they were all in diapers. How could he not? She’s drop dead gorgeous, and seeing her again - even sleeping - instantly brought those feelings crashing back to the surface.
“Stiles.” Scott urged, quietly of course, “I found something at Derek Hale’s.” Snapping back to reality, Stiles tries to focus on what’s important right now. 
“Are you kidding? What?” 
“There’s something buried out there, I could smell blood.” Scott whispered the last part, hoping his cousin would just stay asleep for this. 
“That’s awesome!” The look Scott gave him said otherwise so Stiles backtracked as quickly as his Adderall filled brain could, “I mean, that’s terrible. Whose blood?” Scott stood up, finally finished re-tying the net of his lacrosse stick.
“I don’t know… but when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then, you help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing, because there’s no way I’m not playing that game.” 
When Penny woke up it was dark and the room she was in was quiet. She glanced around the dark room, before the memories of the past day's events came back to her. 
She was at Aunt Mel’s house with Scott.
Her mom was missing.
And some creepy dude kicked her out of her apartment. 
She was rolling over, stretching out her tired limbs, when she felt something on her forehead. Pulling it off she found a blue sticky note pressed there.
Me and Stiles went for a drive
Won’t be long
Ps Stiles says hi
Penny smiled, the little doodle of a stick figure waving an oblong arm hello in the corner.
She stared at the white ceiling for a minute, thinking about how fucked up her life had gotten in such a short amount of time. She went from her normal life to one she didn’t recognize in less than 24 hours. She loved what little family she had left, treasured them in ways nobody could understand, but did that mean she wanted to live with them? Should she just sit back and expect others to find her runaway mom? Or should she start looking herself?
Nobody knew Kelly the way Penny did. Nobody’s been there through the shit storms and the rainbows the way she has. Her mom’s family was completely absent from her life, Penny couldn’t even tell you her grandparent’s names or where they lived. Melissa and Scott tried the best they could but Kelly was too flighty, nobody but Penny could keep track of her and tell when she was getting close to fleeing again. 
Maybe that’s what made this time so different. There were no warning signs, no way for Penny to tell that her mom was ready to take flight before she just took off. Normally Penny had time to plan, figure out where her mom wanted to move, and start packing up valuables, but this time she was just as blindsided as everyone else in her life. 
Penny’s stomach gurgled a loud protest of its hunger that stopped her train of thought from going any further, so she decided to make her way downstairs to find food before she passed out. Low blood sugar and all that jazz. She first decided to change into something more comfortable. She peeled out of her jeans, which now left marks on her legs and stomach from sleeping in them, and changed into some soft black shorts and one of her dad's old sweatshirts that covered her shorts and nearly reached her knees.
Once downstairs, she found some cereal, plopped down on the couch and tried to find something good to watch, and quickly found reruns of supernatural on CW and settled in for a good night. 
She was two bowls of cereal down and working on her third when Scott and Stiles came through the front door, covered in dirt.
“Rough night boys?” Penny asked, glancing at the clock to see it was almost 10pm. “Hey Stilinski,” She nodded and smiled at the skinnier of the two boys. He was sporting his usual buzz cut, jeans that were probably ruined because of whatever dirt pile they fell into, and a green flannel that made her question his fashion choices.
“Hey Pen, long time no see.” Penny got up off the couch and Stiles tried - like he really tried - not to look at her legs.
It didn’t work. 
Penny got close enough and threw her arms around his shoulders, having to stand on her tiptoes a little because damn, when did everyone get so much taller than her? Stiles reciprocated the hug of course, wrapping his arms around her middle and putting his face in the crook of her shoulder. It was familiar. It felt like home.
Scott smiled from a distance, shaking his head, already knowing. 
They broke off after a few seconds and pulled away, not too far though because Stiles almost felt cold as soon as she stepped away, like stepping out of the sun and into the shade. He wasn’t a fan of being out of the sun.
“Geez, did you both hit growth spurts after I left?” Penny joked, turning to walk back to the couch and get back in her comfy spot. And finish her cereal before it got soggy and inedible. There was truly nothing worse than soggy cereal.
“No, you just never grew,” Stiles joked right back, shoved his hands in his pockets and stayed glued to his spot by the front door. He had to get home before his dad noticed how late he was but she laughed, a sound that could make him fall to his knees and he never wanted her out of his sight again.
“Ouch, Stilinski, I’ll have you know I grew five inches in the last six years.” Penny gave him a ‘thank you smart ass’ look and Stiles couldn’t help the laugh that came out of him. 
“Yeah, whatever you say Delgado. Hey, Scott I gotta get home before my dad makes me the next murder victim in this town, but I’ll see you tomorrow before the game.” Scott was neck deep in the refrigerator but waved goodbye anyway, muttering something incoherent with all the food in his mouth. Stiles waved goodbye to Penny, taking an extra second to admire how cute she looked in that giant sweatshirt, no makeup, and hair tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. She waved back, mouth full of cereal, but a big smile still on her face. 
This might be a good year after all.
thnxs for reading, i love you a whole lot
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 310 Spoiler Thoughts: “The First and Second Holders”
Some fan translations are out and it’s time to flex some thoughts out again!  I couldn’t do them last night because I didn’t have all the scan images with me and I didn’t want to jump the gun with only text descriptions.  Anyway, this was mainly an exposition chapter that properly introduces us to the second and third OFA Holders, especially the 2nd and what his relationship to the 1st is.  This might not be as long as others “Spoiler Thoughts” I’ve written, but let’s see:
First off, we have a colored cover page by Horikoshi-sensei himself!  It’s a solo page featuring Vigilante Deku and he looks badass!  Deku looks ready to kick ass and take names.  And, his Mid-Gauntlet is colored red like a lot of us thought and it adds to the theory that Melissa Shield did create it like she did with Deku’s Full-Gauntlet back in Two Heroes.
The chapter starts in a dark and rainy night.  A large woman (she’s like maybe 10ft tall; she’s taller than All Might who I think is 7ft) with a mutant-type quirk who’s getting attacked by some civilians because they think she’s a villain.  Deku jumps in to stop the attacks and the woman explains that she was just trying to go to one of the evacuation centers at a hero school.  Deku is kind enough to give her her umbrella back and reassure her that things will be ok.  
I gotta say that this whole situation is scarily close to real life right now.  I don’t like getting too political, but we live in a scary world where discrimination is, unfortunately, alive and well...  If you are a POC, you can be attacked from anywhere with the only reason being that “you’re a danger because of the skin you were born with”. It’s horrific, it’s disgusting, and it’s been around for a long time.  Even in the BNHA universe, there used to be cults solely dedicated to discriminating against mutant-type people (we learned this back in the My Villain Academia Arc).  So, like in the real world, this problem has risen again.  Thankfully, there are people like Deku and All Might who are more than willing to help someone in need regardless of who they are.  BNHA hits too close to home sometimes.  
Anyway, going back to the BNHA story.  Before All Might leaves to help the woman in his Batmobile, he hands Deku some Pork Katsu in a cute bento box wrapped in a bunny cloth!  Deku is visibly happy and thanks All Might for the meal.  This is so cute!  I’m so glad to see that All Might is making sure that Deku is being properly taken care of.  Boy needs to eat if he’s going to save the world.  I’m also glad that Deku can still show signs of happiness despite, well, everything.  I swear, if All Might doesn’t legally adopt Deku as his son by the time this series is over, I’m going to jump into this manga and force him to sign those documents myself. 
The next panel shows Deku standing on what looks like Tokyo’s famous Sky Tree (or Sky Egg if we’re going off what Vigilantes showed us).  He’s back to talking to the OFA Holders like they’re angels on his shoulders.  Banjo talks about how it’s like the world’s reverted back in time when things were worse and Deku responds that if he doesn’t use all of OFA’s power, he’ll never be able to defeat Shigaraki and AFO.  I know we’re in the final act, so Deku’s gotta get to 100% fast if he wants to win this war.  Last we checked, he was at 45%, but he might be at a higher percentage now since he’s unlocked En’s Smokescreen.  Also, Deku’s looking more and more like Batman each chapter and I gotta say that it really suits him.
Back to the Vestige Dream back when Deku was still in a coma after the war.  The 1st Holder begs the 2nd and 3rd to corporate with him so that they can provide their power to Deku.  The 1st calls the 2nd and 3rd “My Heroes” which causes some awkward silence lol.  Neither one is responding, so Banjo breaks the silence by suggesting that Deku learn everyone’s Quirks so that he’ll get used to them once he starts using them.  We learn why the 2nd and 3rd are the 1st’s heroes soon, but it’s actually a good idea for Deku to learn about all these different Quirks while he’s sleeping so that he’ll get a good idea on how to execute them when he wakes up.  It’s kind of a way of training for Deku just without actually using the Quirks themselves.  
The 3rd Holder (the one with the spiky ponytail and headband) starts to talk.  He says that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd came from the “Harshest era of history”.  It was a time where AFO ruled all and peaked in power and control.  He was going to take over the whole world if the first 3 Holders didn’t step in to stop him.  My guess is that after AFO was defeated for the first time, society started to calm down and become more or less the world we knew before the War Arc.  So, things weren’t as bad during the 4th Holder’s era and so forth.  This would explain why Shinomori was able to hide in the forest for so long without being detected.  
And now the big part of the chapter: the 2nd Holder.  Who does in fact look A LOT like Bakugo.  Big difference is that he has a massive scar across his face.  I am aware of the whole “time travel” theory that people have going on with Bakugo and this dude, but I’m not on that train.  Instead, I think that the 2nd Holder is one of Bakugo’s ancestors.  Like, a really, really-great-grandfather.  Horikoshi doesn’t just design his characters for no reason.  The fact that the 2nd user looks so much like Bakugo, has a costume similar to Bakugo’s, and that future panels in this chapter straight up parallel that iconic scene with young Bakugo and Deku in the river only add fuel to this fire.  Unless Horikoshi says otherwise, this is the theory I’m sticking to: this “Ancestor” theory.
And we know of the 1st user’s real name now too, which is Yoichi!  If Horikoshi is keeping up with the “numbers in names” theme, then I’m positive that Yochi has the kanji for “One” somewhere in it.  And, if we’re going to believe AFO at all, then that means that the 1st user’s full name is Yoichi Shigaraki.  We don’t know AFO’s full name yet.  But, again, AFO could be lying with his last name, so I’m taking this one with a grain of salt.
Back to the 2nd Holder, he tells Yoichi that a lot of lives were sacrificed in order to stop AFO back then.  He believes that there is only victory or defeat in battle; that there’s no hope of saving their archenemy.  He has doubt about putting his faith in Deku because of this.  Given how the 3rd Holder still has his back turned too, I’m lead to believe that he also thinks Deku is crazy for wanting to save Shigaraki.  I don’t exactly blame them.  Really, none of us know if Deku will be successful in saving Shigaraki.  He might have to kill him in the end.  I think they should offer Deku help, but I don’t blame them for being at least a little skeptical.  
But, Yoichi reminds the 2nd and 3rd users that they saved Yoichi back when AFO locked him up to die.  They found Yoichi with the intention to kill him it seems, but the 2nd Holder showed sympathy for Yoichi and lent him a helping hand despite Yoichi being AFO’s little brother.  This is the parallel panel I was talking about.  Yoichi is kneeling down on the floor and the 2nd user is standing up extending his hand to help Yoichi.  I don’t even need to look back in the manga to know what inspired this.  Hell, I don’t even need to tell you!  We all know what Horikoshi was doing when he drew and wrote this.
Yoichi convinces him that he should believe in Deku as Yoichi does think Deku will save the day.  If the 2nd user didn’t extend his hand to help Yoichi, OFA wouldn’t have begun.  I think that the trust between these two is ultimately the reason why the 2nd user finally agreed to help Deku; the same with the 3rd user too.  And, kind of a tangent, but I really like how Horikoshi draws Yoichi and the 2nd user’s hands as they’re reaching for each other.  Horikoshi has always been really good with drawing hands like they’re facial expressions (something my ass could never do 😭) and this one shows kindness and empathy.  It’s almost like what would’ve happened if Bakugo accepted Deku’s hand for help when they were young instead of letting his pride and ego get in the way.  Oh, the parallels! 
Finally, the 2nd user speaks in present day telling Deku that they’re going full speed ahead now.  My guess is that Deku’s going to have to improve on OFA and the rest of his Quirks quickly in order to find and beat the LoV.  We are in the Final Act after all.  The chapter ends at a good place if we want to switch to the UA kids, which is honestly what I’m hoping for.  Again, I love Deku and his Vigilante adventures, but I miss the rest of the kids.  The new BNHA Exhibition in Japan apparently has a giant drawing of the main class, All Might, Aizawa, and Shinso in his new hero costume!  Which tells me that 1. Shinso probably took Deku’s place in the class for the time being, and 2. We’re definitely going to see the other kids again.  I’m hoping soon.  But, I wouldn’t be surprised if Horikoshi decided to continue focusing on Deku’s Vigilanteism and have him practice with he 2nd and 3rd Holder’s Quirks now that they’re working with him.  We’ll just have to see.
So, that’s it!  Solid chapter overall.  I’m glad we finally got to see the 3rd and 2nd Holder’s faces.  I think the “Kirishima is the 3rd Holder” theroy has been debunked at this point, but I’m still on the “2nd Holder is Bakugo’s ancestor” train.  The similarities and parallels are too strong for me to deny it.  Horikoshi-sensei, please confirm or deny soon 🙏.  We are getting break next week for Golden Week BTW!  All of Shonen Jump is actually, so no One Piece or JJK either (I’m not sure about Jump+, so we might still be getting some Spy X Family for example).  So, basically all our favorite mangakas are getting a well-deserved break as they should!  I hope they enjoy their vacation!  Waiting’s going to suck tho, I’m ngl about that...  Oh well, I’m willing to take the sacrifice if it means having healthy mangka.  Thankfully, we still have the anime and the new exhibition to tide us over until then.
Edit: I went back to re-read the chapter and I completely missed the date for the next chapter (chapter 311) which is set to release on May 9th!  So, we’re actually getting a 2 week break instead.  Damn...  Sucks for us, but it’s good for mangaka to get breaks when they can especially considering their absolutely insane schedule.
Me reading this chapter:
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incorrectbatfam · 4 years
hi! i’m really new to the dc universe and all the comics and characters.. i saw you wrote some descriptions on some of them, but was wondering if you could like dumb down like all of the (main) ones? thank you!
Original posts with Carrie Kelley, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, and Duke Thomas
I’m just gonna cover the Batfamily since…it’s kind of what I do. As usual, we ignore the Bad Canon™
First we got the big bad Bats himself, Wayne Enterprises CEO Bruce Wayne. His grimdark nature is largely fueled by his parents’ deaths when he was eight (they got shot in an alley while he survived). He made it his mission to protect Gotham City from crime, and in doing so acquired a bunch of people in what we know at the Batfamily. Besides that, he’s also part of the original Justice League and he’s got like ninety years of canon to pick and choose from
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Next we have Dick Grayson, oldest of the batkids. He was raised in Haly’s Circus and performed trapeze acts with his parents, John and Mary Grayson. While in Gotham, a crime boss tampered with their ropes and John and Mary fell to their deaths. Bruce took him in and trained him to be the first Robin. After a while they drifted apart and Dick rebranded himself as Nightwing and became leader of the OG Teen Titans. He also became a cop, Agent 37, and a Talon and maybe a few other things but for the most part he’s remembered as Nightwing
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Jason Todd is the second Robin (and the last one without pants). He grew up in Gotham’s Crime Alley to a POS father and addict mother and was adopted by Bruce after trying to steal the tires off the Batmobile. He was killed by the Joker in his teens, only to be resurrected by the League of Assassins via the Lazarus Pit. After that, he became the crime boss and gunslinging anti-hero Red Hood because he believed his methods were better than Batman’s no-kill one. He also formed the Outlaws with old Titans members such as Starfire and Arsenal
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Our third bat child is Tim Drake, AKA Red Robin, son of Gotham elite Jack and Janet Drake. Tim was a genius kid (and a bit stalkerish) from the start, able to deduce Batman and others’ identities and figuring out that the late Jason Todd was Robin. He demanded to be Robin, saying that Batman needed a partner. He was part of the Titans but is more known for his Young Justice team. Later Tim rebrands as Red Robin because Dick (as Batman) gave the Robin title to the little demon that’s coming up later
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Next we got Stephanie Brown, daughter of a POS mother and the villain Cluemaster. She’s most notably known as Spoiler, the name coming from spoiling her own father’s evil schemes. She becomes Batman’s fourth Robin (don’t care what dudebros say) but dies after a couple weeks on the field. After some timeline alterations or whatever, she comes back to life. I’m not sure where her Batgirl storyline fits in that chronology but…yeah. Again, mainly known as Spoiler and often fights alongside Tim
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Our fifth and youngest Robin (still goes by that) is Damian Wayne, a test tube baby of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, raised by the League of Assassin to be a living weapon and heir to Ra’s Al Ghul’s legacy. Talia dropped him off with Bruce and he trained under both his father and Dick Grayson as Robin. He was killed by Talia’s clone but brought back to life by Bruce on Apokolips. Damian also secured a spot as a Teen Titans leader and is most well-known for being one of the two Super Sons alongside Jon Kent
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Barbara Gordon, AKA Batgirl and Oracle, is the daughter of GCPD police chief Jim Gordon. She went behind his back and trained herself to be a vigilante, donning the Bat symbol as Batgirl and fighting crime alongside the Bats. She’s paralyzed waist-down after getting shot by the Joker and is now wheelchair bound (we ignore the ableist canon that undoes that). She’s now a computer whiz who provides intel to her teammates under the codename Oracle
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Katherine “Kate” Kane is another wealthy Gothamite who was inspired by Batman to join the fight against crime. Her mother and sister were killed by terrorists so she was raised by her single father. She was a cadet at West Point and was an ace student until her final year, where she had to come out as a lesbian and expelled under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. She went through a period of  self-medication and even ended up on a desert island before returning to Gotham and channeling her energy into the Batwoman we know today
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Alfred Pennyworth (formerly Alfred Beagle) is the badass surrogate father/grandfather to this entire crew. A retired British intelligence agent, he followed his father’s footsteps of serving the Wayne family. Alfred raised Bruce following Thomas and Martha Wayne’s deaths and plays a major role in assisting the Batfamily in her hero business from within the Batcave. He also has a long lost daughter, another secret agent named Julia Pennyworth.
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d6official · 4 years
DAY6: ‘We’ve Always Wanted to Go to India’
The South Korean rock band open about their songwriting process, their aspirations for future records, the definition of authenticity in a world that often dismisses artistry in K-pop and India
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I caught up with DAY6 a few months ago via Skype–I’m told the quintet are in the middle of shooting new content for their fans and are dressed in their looks for a video, so it has to be an audio call. I can’t see them and they can’t see me, so of course there’s a lot of giggling, whispering, and moments of ominous silence that then have us all breaking into laughter together. It’s awkward, hilarious and everything you’d imagine a call with DAY6 to be. 
It’s towards the end of the year so there’s a lot going on in the band’s schedule, but they’re an unstoppable force, flying across the globe to complete performances in the U.S. and in Australia. It’s a pretty rare thing to have all five members be able to join in on a single call, so I’m happy to hear all their voices greet me. “We’ve just been on tour and we’re having a good tour so far,” says vocalist and guitarist Jae. “Everyone’s been really welcoming in their countries and really just turning up for us, so we’re happy.” 
DAY6 debuted in September 2015 with leader and guitarist Sungjin, bassist Young K, guitarist Jae, keyboardist Wonpil and drummer Dowoon. All members are trained vocalists, with Young K also doubling as main rapper, and every member contributes to songwriting and production. (The group did have a sixth member, a keyboardist named Junhyeok, but he left in 2016.) Young K also leads the songwriting process, with lyrical contribution in every single track on most of DAY6’s albums. 
The beauty of DAY6’s artistry lies in how versatile they are able to make each track within a single album–in one moment you’re listening to a stadium anthem that’s reminiscent of a young U2, and in the next there’s a segue into Killers-esque post-punk revival. If you’ve been a long-time fan, you probably already know this thanks to their genius ‘Every DAY6’ project through 2017, which saw the band release two songs on the sixth day of almost every month. The result? An expansive, experimentative discography which built two powerful albums– Sunrise and Moonrise–with B-sides that shine just as much as a lead single. Jae explains that there usually isn’t a set idea when they begin an album–a lot of the music is born through songwriting sessions with various producers, where each member gets to go explore any genre they want on their own. It’s a power they’re exercising more and more, especially all through the Book of Us series. “We didn’t really discuss a direction when we started,” Jae says. “Everyone just kind of did what we wanted, which is why the album is a jumble of this and that from everywhere.” In fact songs have a tendency to switch genres in between verses–a great example of this is DAY6’s 2017 single “I Wait.”
The group also credit the genius of JYP Entertainment producer Hong Jisang as a key factor in their creative process. “I think definitely one of our main influences is probably gonna be one of our main producers and that’s Hong Jisang,” says Jae when I ask the band about their musical influences. “He’s a writer that works with us very frequently. For most of our title tracks–actually all of them I think so far. But yeah, he’s definitely one of the main influences because he’s always been kind of our mentor since the beginning of our debut dates… even before that. So he’s been teaching us about songwriting, you know, tracking or melody writing. We have a little bit of a flow just because we’ve grown so close to him as a group.”
“Just one of the reasons why we try any kind of genre or any music is because people do have different tastes in music,” explains Young K. “So if they like at least one of them, then it’s a success for us. Another reason is because we do get to play almost all of them, almost all [their songs] at the concert. So, we do have a chance to show it to the MyDays and the crowd and you get a chance to have fun with it. And I guess it’s just what we aim for as a group.” They’ve stood strong and stuck to their guns when it comes to this process of songwriting and it’s the fuel that expands their creative process, ensuring they don’t stick to one particular sound or vibe.  
I remember back in 2016 when DAY6 began to get more popular, a lot of the attention around them was built of curiosity. As the first band under JYP Entertainment and the one of the first in the third generation of K-pop, both fans and industry professionals were curious to see where the Hallyu Wave would take them. The idea of an ‘idol rock band’ was new to the thousands of fans who had discovered K-pop after the 2016 boom of the genre, and DAY6 didn’t fit any existing stereotype–idol or band. They still don’t, and it’s a powerful statement.
This particular artistic evolution that we’ve seen with DAY6 isn’t easy to achieve in the K-pop idol-sphere of it all; our discussion about artistry in the glittering world of idol culture brings us to the topic of what it’s like to exist as what people believe to be a ‘traditional’ band in the middle of the ‘boy band narrative.’ I ask because it’s something I see often even in India–there’s this idea of authenticity always being tied to the more ‘conventional’ format of a band: artists with their instruments are deemed more ‘legit’ than pop acts. There is an unfortunate tendency among the general public to dismiss artistry created by pop stars and K-pop idols. DAY6 walk the line between the two worlds, and their path to finding that balance often demands a seesaw from one side to another. Have they ever faced a dismissal of their artistry because they’re idols who are also a band? 
“That’s a very deep question,” says Sungjin. There’s a long pause as he gathers his words and then continues, “I personally haven’t seen that big of a difference. We, as a team that emphasizes on writing songs and writing music to appeal to other people, feel that everyone who writes songs or does music has the same objective and goal, therefore [artistry] is the same thing [for every musician.] So we’re not trying to focus on those kinds of factors but just try to focus instead on our music and our creation process so that we could become more authentic artists that appeal to more people.” 
And what is DAY6’s definition of authenticity? 
“When the person who’s creating the music legitimately feels like it’s good music,” says Sungjin firmly.
Right now the authenticity in their songwriting comes from the ordinary. Lead lyricist Young K explains the members draw from everyday experiences and conversations to write songs that are relatable, raw and honest. “Lyrics wise, I could say, we got very cleaned up and very neat. During the times of Every DAY6 project, we were out of time all the time throughout the year,” he says with a laugh. “So, it gave me the lesson of like, always being prepared to write lyrics so that I could pick out a way to find motivation or inspiration. I don’t wait for that inspiration, I gotta always go look for it. For example during everyday conversation, if there’s something or if there’s a word if there’s a phrase that I like, I write it down on my phone.” He pauses for a moment and then sheepishly admits, “To be really honest, I haven’t been doing that for months now. I need to get back on it.” He also says rather than listening to new music, skimming through lyrics is always his go-to move when it comes to evolving his style of storytelling. “So I guess it’s just continuous experiences that helped me to grow and, like you said, evolve.”
I ask the band which of their songs they would recommend to a new listener to help them understand DAY6’s artistry, and there’s a collective hum as they contemplate. “That’s a really difficult question,” says Wonpil. “Maybe ‘You Were Beautiful?’” The rest of the band agree wholeheartedly, and feel the 2017 rock ballad does a great job of summing up who DAY6 are. It’s certainly a fantastic example of the band’s powerful songwriting and their uncanny ability to to delve into topics that are at times a little too real, a little too familiar. 
DAY6’s complex Book of Us series of albums have dealt mainly with the various levels of human interactions, emotions and relationships, each volume diving deeper into the complexities of what makes us who we are. The ‘Us’ in the titles can refer to DAY6 themselves, the relationship between them and their fandom MyDay as well as various other relationships the members might have in their lives. It’s also a general reference to the relationships we as human beings cultivate in our lives. The first album in the series The Book of Us: Gravity was one of their brightest releases, exploring youth and young love. The Book of Us: Entropy was a little heavier, a little more mature, exploring the beginning and end of relationships and how it changes a person. 
The band’s upcoming release of The Book of Us: The Demon is perhaps their most anticipated release yet. Set to drop tomorrow, May 11th, the eight-track EP already hints at a slightly darker route than its predecessors with its title, promising a deeper look into the core meaning of the series. The teaser for the lead single “Zombie” which dropped on May 8th shows the band wandering dazed through crowds while the track itself seems to build on angsty alt rock. DAY6 also dropped an album sampler that hints The Demon cruises through pop rock (“Day and Night”), blues (“Tick Tock”), post-punk revival (“Stop”), acoustic pop (“Afraid”) and more.
In true DAY6 style however, the tracks can change direction in-between, crossing genres from one verse to another. It’s all a surprise right up until we hear the record, which is one of the best things about listening to a new release from this band. While I’m not told any specifics, I’m assured that DAY6 plan to go bigger than ever before when it comes to future releases.  “We want to go to space!” exclaims Dowoon and the band agree enthusiastically. How does space translate sonically? “We want to go for a larger scale of music,” he explains. It’s about dreaming bigger and looking at ways to elevate DAY6’s musicianship. Jae adds, “Yeah, maybe going from just one acoustic guitar to like a full brass band or something.” We discuss possibilities of DAY6 working with an orchestra someday and it’s a pretty fantastic vision. 
Speaking of future plans, I decide to put them on the spot and ask about when we’re getting an India tour. “Whenever you guys call us, we are definitely there!” Jae assures me immediately. Young K and Wonpil explain they are familiar with Bollywood and eager to learn more about it. “I am aware it’s huge there. And recently Katy Perry did something with Bollywood?” asks Young K. We realize he’s referring to the pop diva’s massive November concert in Mumbai with Dua Lipa and he shares that it’s one of the reasons DAY6 are more eager to check out India’s concert scene. “Yeah, I actually heard it from my friend. They were telling me, ‘Yo, you should go to India’ and like wherever it is, we always want to go. If there are people who are willing to listen to us and enjoy with us at the concert, we want to go.” Jae adds, “You guys have a lot of people and for us it’s a new culture and we are always interested in going to different places and seeing new things, trying different foods… naturally the food! So yes, we’ve always wanted to go to India, so call us!” 
We spend the rest of our allotted time together talking planning a show in India for 2020 and although COVID-19 has postponed these plans for now, it’s something the band believe needs to happen. “We definitely wanna see you guys,” says Young K. “It’s always great to go to new places. Until the time that we meet, we want you guys to stay healthy and happy.”
By Riddhi Chakraborty
©️Rolling Stone India
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sorryimviolet · 6 years
Bad Habits
Summary: What was supposed to be a short and simple drug run, took an unexpected turn in the most sinful and dirtiest ways possible.
Warning: dom/sub situation, degradation, bondage, drugs, sex under-the-influence, cursing, light bloodplay, various kinks, and occasional spelling/grammar mistakes. 
The characters in this work are over the age of 18.
Authors Note: A concept and gross personal ditty that I’ve been trying to conduct for a long ass time. Special thanks to @slinksterbill for hitting me with the inspiration train to actually write it down. So here! Have my pent up tension and brain filth! And as always, any form of constructive criticism is appreciated! Love and hugs, -Vi.
It was Spring Break for most, which meant all of the college kids came out, meaning more business for me. The dramatic increase in raves and festivals during this time made it easy for me to sell at any given place or time. Mainly just hookups for phychadellics or weed, nothing too hard.
Roman Godfrey had reached out to my service for his usual location and order, and that’s where I stand, in the alley of a popular rave club, smoking as I wait for the wealthy prick who is 15 minutes late.
Soon after I finish my joint, he pulls up in his red Jaguar XK150, and parks it at my feet. 
“You’re late.” I shoot a dark glare at him, words caked with bitterness. 
“I had shit to do,” Roman says, turning the ignition off and exiting the car, “it’s not like you have anywhere to be.” He punctuates his sentence with a shitty look and a light of an expensive cigarette.
“Do you want your shit or not?” I spit at him, annoyed by his remarks. 
Roman looks at me with a cocky smirk on his face before turning his head and blowing smoke into the light wind. 
His neglect of an answer I take as a green light to hand him the bag with a few ounces of coke and weed inside. He hangs the cigarette between his lips and looks inside the brown paper bag. 
“Not what I fucking ordered.” Roman says handing the bag back to me and taking a long drag off his cigarette. 
“The text says your usual.”
“I changed my mind.”
“Then you’ll have to wait, I have more customers tonight and I don’t want to deal with your petty bullshit. You’ll either pay me or not.”
Roman glares at me once again, turning the thought over a few times in his head, and finally after a while of pondering, he speaks, “How about you get my shit and I follow you to your shop, and I’ll pay you double what it’s worth for the trouble.”
I am baffled by his offer, but I couldn’t deny making twice as much money for one job.
“Fine. Now what do you want?” I roll my eyes.
“Four tabs of molly and twice of what’s in the bag.” Roman says, finishing his cigarette and putting the butt out with his boot.
“Whatever,” I sigh, beginning the walk back to my car, a sleek black Pontiac G6. I mentally scold myself for giving him so much leeway, if it was any other customer I would’ve told them to go fuck themselves so why is he any different?
When I made it to my apartment, I unlocked the door and immediately went to the back to get what he wanted. I heard his footsteps come through the entrance and close the door behind him, and come down the hallway to approach the room I was in. I can hear the floorboards creak under his weight with each step he takes up until he comes into the room I am in.
I opened my safe and got the cocaine, molly, and weed, and took no time putting everything in their own bags, weighing everything carefully and then handing him his drugs. 
“Money, now.” I demand, when he gives everything a once over. 
Roman gives me the money without a word and I count it and place it in the safe and lock it up. I turn to him and usher him out, and he walks down the hallway taking long strides before setting the bag on the table. 
I open the front door, staring at him expectantly, “You got what you wanted bitch boy, now go.”
“Juliet, at least do a line with me,” Roman says while closing the door, and I feel a whole new rush of irritation and annoyance for the six-foot-four Godfrey.
“If it gets you to fucking leave.” I say, and as soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them, giving into him once again. 
Roman opens the paper bag, and carefully lays out the coke, pulls his credit card from his wallet to cut it, and in a sarcastic manner, asks me to do the honors. 
I accept the challenge, snorting the whole line laid out before me, feeling the immediate rush of euphoria going through my system. 
As soon as I step back, he cuts a second line and does the same as I did, in its entirety, before handing me a tab and I shoot him a death glare.
“This was your fucking plan? To drug me out to fuck me? Really? To be crystal fucking clear Godfrey, I’m your dealer. My tolerance is way the fuck higher than yours.”
Roman leans in close to my face, his hot breath in my ear, “Why don’t you prove it then?” 
“I don’t fuck my clients.” I retort, popping the pill in my mouth.
“We’ll see about that.” Roman says with a shit eating grin on his face, and sets up another line. I observe him as he snorts it, his eyes rolling back into his head and his jaw goes slack for a few seconds. 
I jump up on the kitchen counter, and he faces me, hazy eyed and out of it. Roman spreads my legs and rubs them up and down with the flat of his palms. 
“I’m not-“ I begin to say right before he interrupts me mid sentence with a deep kiss. I am caught off guard, and try to push him off of me, but after a few seconds I accept defeat. I begin to kiss him back and one of his hands creep around to the base of my back, pushing me closer to him. I soon become enthralled in the way he drags his lips over mine and the more our bodies intertwine the more heated the kiss became. 
Whether it be the drugs or a secret fascination with the oldest Godfrey, I forget all about how much he irritates me and instead focus about how good it feels to be kissing him and having his hands roam my body. One of his hands go underneath my shirt to cup the swell of my breast and I devise a plan in my head, accepting the fact that I’m probably going to have sex with him. 
Roman soon breaks the kiss and asks if I’d do another line with him, as he rids me of my shirt. 
I take a second to admire his handsome features, I had never really bothered to look at him so intently up until now, knowing that he was nothing but an asshole-on a good day. His sharp jawline under gaunt cheekbones, beautiful plush lips and a nose turned up at just the right angle. Roman’s eyes are like two emerald green grassy fields in the middle of spring, and his hair a luscious dark brown. I suddenly understood all at once why almost every girl in Hemlock Grove wanted to get with him; whether it be for his charming looks or his seemingly endless bank account, almost no one said no to him or his family.
I hop off the counter and he cuts another line for me, and I happily, -possibly too happily oblige. 
After two more lines of coke, an ounce of weed smoked, and Roman and I taking a few shots of Vodka, we find our way to my bedroom. The molly has long since kicked in, and I was feeling elated and hazy and my mind went back to the plan I had made not 45 minutes earlier. 
“You got a bathroom?” Roman blurts to break the silence after a minute of standing in my lofty bedroom. 
“Just down the hall, to the left.” I reply, thankful for the circumstances. 
“Be back in a minute.” Roman leaves the room with an over-exaggerated wink and I immediately go for my drawer of sex-related toys and supplies. I quickly grab the heavy duty handcuffs and shove them in the back pockets of my jeans. I definitely wasn’t joking when I told him I was going to make him my bitch. By the time I close the drawer and walk back to where I stood a few moments earlier, Roman is already walking back down the hallway. 
When he sees me, he smirks, eyes lazily dropping to my chest. The sexual tension in the room is extremely evident, even though we usually can’t stand each other. 
I walk up to him, and take his hand, leading him to the bed. 
Roman sits down on the duvet and I duck down to catch him in a needy kiss and rid him of his shirt, taking time after to admire his masculine figure. 
“God I fucking hate you.” I say, the words leaving my lips instantaneously as they appear in my brain. His hand goes to the side of my face and he kisses me feverishly, as if my degradations were fueling his sexual appetite. 
Roman guides me onto his lap, and I wrap my fingers in his hair and yank back, separating the kiss. 
“Just look at you, so needy. I bet you don’t let other girls call you names and treat you this way, what makes me so special, huh?” I say, words coming out in a modulated tone. 
Roman licks his lips and sighs through his nose, my words sending heat straight to his groin. 
“You’re just a bad boy with mommy issues aren’t you.” I say at the lack of reply, it’s less of a question and more like a statement. His hair feels like silk between my fingers, satin waves in a sea of strands. The clothes covering my skin feel so wonderful and soft, and the jewelry around my neck feels cold but satisfying. 
“Are you going to keep talking or are you going to fuck me, slut?” Roman says blatantly, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice as his hands settle on my hips.
“I’m going to fuck you the way I want to fuck you, Godfrey.” I retaliate, no doubt frustrating him further. I then swiftly grab his hands and with greater-than-human strength cuff them each to the metal railing of my bed. 
“What the fuck!? Juliet STOP. Uncuff me right the fuck now!” Roman yells, meeting my eyes and yanking on the cuffs. Blood drips from his nose but nothing happens. He almost looks surprised at the lack of compliance from me. 
I laugh at the irony in the situation, the rich fuckboy that is used to getting everything he wants is cuffed to my bed, with a fully hard cock already in his pants. Even he couldn’t deny his arousal of being tied up. 
Roman gawks at me in confusion and makes another attempt to use his mind control, and yet, I stay still. “What the fuck? You’re-“
I laugh at him again as more blood comes from his nose, in a greater volume this time. “I know an Upir when I see one.” 
“Are you?” Roman speaks, but seems to have a loss of words.
“Yeah, I’m surprised it’s taken this long for you to figure that out.” 
His frustration is extremely evident, but he seems to relax his biceps a little, the rest of his body still rigid and stiff, his muscles shifting with each breath, showing his discomfort with the situation. “I hope you realize that as soon as I get out of these you’re not going to be able to walk, and I am going to fuck you until you beg me to stop.”
“Sure you are, bitch boy.” I say smugly, his threats not effecting me at all.  
I unbutton my pants and shimmy them down my legs, and then my bra is next to go. Roman glances to my breasts and has a pained expression at the strain of the pants against his cock, “T-take them off, now.” 
I can’t tell if he was trying to persuade me to help him out of his pants or for me to remove my excuse for underwear, so I fiddle with the straps of them, hooking my thumbs underneath the thin material. 
“Only if you ask nicely, or maybe I’ll just make you keep them on while you watch me get myself off, hm?” I taunt him, knowing I’ll break him soon enough and he will get desperate and do whatever I ask eventually.
“Juliet. Take. Them. Off.” Roman says, still enraged that I won’t listen to him. 
“I guess bad boys never learn....” I reply while I cross the room, grabbing a vibrator from my nightstand. 
“Fine! Please, miss. Please take them off of me.” He pleads through perfect teeth, accepting defeat. Maybe private humiliation isn’t the worst of things that could happen.
“Good boy.” I flash a sadistic grin, before running my hands down his body, stopping at the zipper of his slacks. I study his expression as I pull it down and help him become free of the confines of his clothing. Roman lets out a satisfying gasp when I cup his bulge, rubbing up and down his length over his boxers, already starting to leak precum on the front of them.
“Mm, look at you, already soaking wet for me, and I’ve barely even touched you yet.” I say, his breath catching in his throat when I pull down the elastic of his boxers and his cock stands at attention. 
“Why are you so hard baby? Did mommy’s words excite you?” I say, eyes trained on his manhood, “What would you like me to do baby boy?” I flash the fakest smile I could muster, inching my fingers up his muscular thighs, coming dangerously close to his aching cock.
“I want you to uncuff me.” Roman says, his words not at all matching his body. 
“You have to play by my rules bad boy, if you want out of those cuffs.” 
I hear a huff of disapproval until I grab ahold of him and swirl my tongue over the head of his cock, making direct eye contact with him. 
“I want to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, I want you to ride me until I come in that pussy.”
“Oh, and you’re assuming I’ll let you come, is that right? Because I don’t remember saying anything about that, you’ve been a naughty boy, and I don’t think naughty boys get to come.” I smirk and stroke him again, and the effects of the cocaine in his system making all of his senses heightened, causing him to mewl and moan as I pleasure him, the euphoria overwhelming him even though all it is is a simple handjob. I lick from the base of him all the way to the tip and hum as I envelope my lips around him, bobbing my head up and down. Watching him was as entertaining as I thought it would be, seeing him coming undone in such a vulnerable state, watching his eyelids flutter and his face contort with pleasure. I suck as much as I can down my throat and use my hand to jerk the rest into my mouth while I massage his balls with my other hand. I occasionally come up for air and suck at his head, while maintaining eye contact to drive him crazy, and when I go back down on him again he slightly bucks his hips. The faster I go, the louder his pants and grunts become, and as soon as I feel that he’s about to come, I pull away and leave him on the edge.
“What the fuck? Let me finish.” Roman demands, his cheeks flushed pink and I try to keep in a laugh. 
“I told you, bad boys don’t get to come.” I say, crawling up the bed to get closer to his face. I lick and bite his ear, “Unless you’ll beg me... So what will it be Roman?”
He lets out a sigh and silently admits to himself that he’ll have to suck it up just this once, “Fine, please Mommy let me come, I need to- so badly.”
“Keep going.” I let my hand drift down his pale chest, feeling the softness of his skin in contrast to the duvet. 
“I’ve been a bad boy, but I’ll be good I promise. Let me come please.” He feigns innocence and it hits me hard, I was planning on torturing him further but I quickly change my mind.
“Good boy,” I kiss his cheek and remove my panties, and when he sees my pussy his face lights up, as if the humiliation was worth every bit. I straddle him and position him at my entrance, sinking down on him one inch at a time. 
“Fuck your pussy is so tight, feels so good around me.” Roman breathes, bucking up into me when I am fully seated on him. The feeling of him is so satisfying I feel as if I am on cloud nine, his girthy cock stretching my walls in such a heavenly way. I place my hands on his broad chest and move my hips to meet every upward thrust of his own. My heartbeat quickens with the overwhelming pleasure from the man before me, the drugs hitting their peak just before my hard downfall. 
“Mmm, you’re such a bad boy, I bet you like getting tied up like this don’t you?”
“Yes mommy, teach me how to behave.” When he utters those words I moan and bite down hard on my tongue, enough to draw blood and lean in to kiss him. Roman’s hips jerk up harder and as our tongues intertwine I choke him slightly, putting enough pressure to have the feeling of being choked without cutting off too much airflow. 
“Tell me I’m ugly.” Roman says lowly when I pull away, his pupils dilated out of proportion. 
“You’re ugly.” I moan as I lean in for another kiss, and he pistons his hips up harder hitting my g-spot every time. I moan into the kiss and I hear a whimper leave his lips.
“I-I’m close, mommy please make me come, I need it. I promise I’ll be a good boy.” Roman pleads, his lips hanging open and his eyes losing focus as he looks at where we are connected at the waist. I let out a loud moan at his words and clench down hard on him, losing grasp of all sense of my surroundings, the feeling of his large cock too much to bear. 
“Come for me Roman.” I manage to say right before the orgasm rips through my body, the high taking over as he helps fuck me through the aftershocks, coaxing every bit of what I have out of me. 
“Fuck!” Roman yells as he feels me come around him, the sensation overwhelming him and causing him to have an orgasm of his own and I ride it out as I feel him release inside of me. 
I slowly slide off of him, making a show of his cum dripping out of me, and he speaks with a slight rasp in his voice, “Can I take these off now?” 
I move off of the bed, and dig around in my nightstand drawer for the keys, and when I locate them, I unlock them one at a time. Roman grabs me and pulls me under him, so fast it makes my head spin. He kisses me from my lips to my breast, latching on my nipple like a starving infant and I tread my fingers through his hair. Roman massages the other with his hand, and rubs my clit with the other. He soon detaches himself from my boob and binds my hands together above my head with one of the cuffs, and smirks at me. 
“Bad girl,” Roman says while landing a rough smack to one of my breasts. The pain causes arousal to bloom throughout my body, aching between my legs. 
“You treat all your customers this way?” He says and lands a few more and then does the same to my other, until they’re both stinging and red. Roman reaches for the wand vibrator I abandoned on top of the nightstand, and turns it on the second speed, applying it to my clit. The sensation alone causes me to nearly come right then because of the sensitivity of my previous orgasm and the drugs that have yet to wear off. 
“Just look at you, so wet for me.” Roman says and I release a heavy moan as he applies more pressure to my over sensitive bundle of nerves. 
He holds my legs open and enters me quickly, thrusting his hips at a fast pace, keeping the vibrator on the same spot. 
“Not much for foreplay are you?” I manage to say in between moans, and he uses his free hand to shove his fingers in my mouth. 
“Shut your whore mouth, I can feel every twitch and throb in that tiny pussy. You like it when Daddy fucks his big cock into you? Yeah? Oh my God, you really like that. You love that Daddy bullshit because you’re a fucking slutty little girl, aren’t you? Don’t answer me with your voice. Suck on those fingers, make it worth my while.” 
I suck his fingers as he pounds into me, my breasts bouncing with every thrust of his hips. I make direct eye contact with him as I deep throat his long fingers. Although it was only minutes ago when the position was reversed. 
“Fuck, that’s right, take it.” Roman says after a particularly deep thrust, and I almost let out a scream. 
All of the pleasure is overwhelming, it’s hard for me to have a single coherent thought as he fucks me open. 
“I don’t know how long I can last, you’re still so fucking tight.” 
I hook my legs behind him and he takes his fingers out of my mouth and lands a slap across my cheek. I moan and he chokes me, losing himself in the moment, but I feel the same way as well. I lose all control as my body convulses around him. I come so hard I see stars, I start to fear I might pass out because of how fast my heart is beating. 
Roman discards the vibrator after I come and uses all of his strength to grab my hips and thrust as hard as he can. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and when he bites down on my trapezius, his eyes roll back into his head teeth sinking into my flesh. He growls into my neck, sucking the blood from the wound he has created, the waves of pleasure overwhelming my senses. When he releases my throat, his mouth is covered in blood, dripping down his chin. I start to worry that my injury might be more serious than it had felt, the fear rushing throughout my body, only serving to grip tightly around his cock just before he comes inside of me yet again. 
He grabs the key and unlocks my cuffs, before lying down beside me and letting out a yawn. He nuzzles his nose in my hair, and takes a deep breath in as we cuddle. 
By the morning, all of his things are gone and there isn’t a trace of him left behind, except a note on the kitchen counter that reads:
“Come see me sometime Juliet, I think we both know you will. -R”
Taglist: Please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed, I kind of assumed on this since I have no idea who would want to read it.
@bskarsgardlove92 @billdreamy69 @ill-skillsgard @slinksterbill @lovesickbill @skrsgvrd @ohtheangst @pennywise-girl @xandrane @dude-leave @crazylittleladyforbill @spitch0 @dreamtherapy 
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lottalucamotion · 4 years
Strike + 👹🍊🌺🧡💜💗
Ma Boyyy (putting this under cut because it got long and rambly)
How does my OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they are in?
Strike has always been a bit on the defensive side when it comes to meeting new people. It got worse after his accident since he got so used to people judging him based on his looks and his past. His first impressions are usually quite harsh and aggressive. He’ll act territorial with people he feels he doesn’t now well, even if they are people he’s known for a long time. With friends, he adopts a much more playful “unpleasantness” to his personality. He likes to tease and be teased, though he rarely ever goes too far with his joking. He may not seem it but he is quite hyper aware of people’s mannerisms and body language, so he’s good at knowing where people’s boundaries lie. When it comes to lovers, well his only real lover was Hot Shot. Before he met Hot Shot and after he lost him, he’s really just been a flirt and a heartbreaker. As I said, him making strict social boundaries has always been in his nature, so him yielding himself to long lasting relationships takes someone very special. With Hot Shot, he treated him quite a bit like a friend, the difference being that he felt that he could be vulnerable around him. He would still try to hide his feelings, but he and Hot Shot were good at reading each other. Once one caught on, the other would surrender and allow further communication and comforting. Even as a passing lover, Strike is surprisingly tender. He really likes physical touch. Everyone just tends to assume he’s to abrasive for things like hugs and cuddling. Physical displays of affection whether platonic or romantic are Strike’s most effective form of communication when it comes to showing how he feels about someone. Touch of some kind is important when building relationships with him, plus he just really enjoys it.
Does my OC have any triggers? Why do these things trigger them? What are they like when they are triggered and how do they calm down?
Strike as the story is currently has PTSD from his accident but doesn’t know it yet. It manifests pretty similar to depression in his every day life. He’s haunted by his feelings of guilt and fear that he will loose someone he cares about not just due to action, but also inaction. He’s grown more prone to acting aggressively when he feels threatened, even mildly (like what he did with Flat Top in the second chapter). He’s always been a but trigger happy when it comes to fighting, but it wouldn’t escalate so quickly from small things. He has nightmares and insomnia linked to thoughts of his accident. He’s become emotionally detached, unable to open himself up emotionally to any romantic relationships. His trigger is loud metallic noise akin to the sound of a train crash and the smell of burning fuel. When the noises aren’t as loud/sudden he may feel a sort of “itch” and may begin to act frustrated and punch or body check walls or other fixtures.  When more severe he will experience a flashback in which he will feel sharp pain on the left side of his face, and he will begin to dissociate where he will shut down to his surroundings, tense up, shake, and breath shallowly. If touched he may go into fight or flight mode. To calm down, he usually will go to a quiet spot and try to breath and pinpoint small details to help him come back into reality.
What additions would my oc make to their body if they could?
An engine that isn’t faulty and bigger muscles, because what diesel engine doesn’t always want bigger muscles?
What traits of my own do I see in this oc? Are they a bit self-inserty?
Honestly I had originally conceptualized Strike to be a self insert, though I feel like the more I wrote him, the more I sort of deviated him from that original role. We have a lot in common and much of his story is inspired by my own life, but he’s nowhere near being a carbon copy of myself. He and I live the same life in a much more metaphorical sense. Strike’s a non literal reflection of my traits, desires, insecurities, and fears. Strike’s appearance is inspired by my own, but also inspired what I wish I looked like, as well as what I’m self conscious about. For example, Strike’s damaged face is a reflection of a rare condition I have where the nerves on the left side of my face don’t function like they are supposed to if at all. It’s been a cause of insecurity and has seemed to make people assume things about me throughout my life, but it’s a part of who I am, so I often reflect it in some way when I create new characters, Strike is far from the first, but his experience is the most similar to my own. Strike’s story comes from my experiences and fears of loosing people I care about, being forgotten about, becoming a has-been before I could be, loosing control of myself and my life, and my desire to have someone close in my life who I can not only rely on, but who can also rely on me. I actually began writing Strike’s story shortly after starting treatment for my mental health, and he has helped me come to grips with who I am, and where to go from here.
That being said, there are differences, I share Strike’s difficulty in connecting with people, but I’m not aggressive when it comes to first meetings, or a flirt by any stretch of the imagination. I didn’t grow up like he did, though there are people (mostly positive influences) in his life who are inspired by people who positively influenced me. I’m a bit playfully sassy with close friends, but not to the amount that Strike is. I have a stubborn streak, but in Strike it’s heavily amplified. Strike’s generally a lot more of an asshole than I am.
Do you enjoy working on your oc or are they a bit of a chore?
I quite enjoy writing Strike, so I would not say he’s a chore at all. He’s probably one of the few characters I’ve been able to naturally flow with.
Ramble a bit about this character.
Let’s talk a bit about the relationship between Strike and Rusty. While writing Strike’s story, I want his story to be almost just as much Rusty’s as it is his. He and Rusty started their lives quite differently but almost ended up switching places. Strike was a successful young engine who’s situation was changed for the worst by one incident. Rusty was a beaten down underdog whose life was changed for the better after one major event. While Strike is a more abrasive personality, both he and Rusty share a stubbornness about them, for better or for worse. They will occasionally butt heads, but they seem to understand one another pretty well. Rusty has been in Strike’s place so while he feels bad for him, he knows that Strike still wants to be treated with dignity. In turn, Strike places his trust in Rusty more than anyone else. Strike feels weak and all he really wants in life it to be able to be strong for other people in his life. In a sense Strike begins to feel like he owes Rusty. While he trusts Rusty he also will often hide how he feels from Rusty out of fear that he will drag him down in the process by placing his problems on him. He was brought to the yard mainly to help Rusty, so he feels pressured to do a good job at that.
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Do you mind sharing your journey with running? I'm a pretty beginning runner and you've been really inspiring to me!
Aw thank you!
So technically I started running in middle school because in sixth grade the only sports you could do were cross country or wrestling (lol) but I just did it to do it, not because I was super into running or anything.
Seventh and eighth grade and freshman year I played field hockey but starting my freshman year I remember coming home from preseason and running on my own and I ran track that winter (and sophomore spring). Again, didn’t really love running and was mainly doing it as a social thing (and it was also fueled by my ED so not exactly the best). Also I sucked at track because I was not eating anywhere near enough and not running for the right reasons.
Basically continued to run on my own all throughout high school (for unhealthy reasons) but only like 4ish miles at a time.
My freshman year of college I started to get my shit together with food a little more and I was going to the gym but not running too much because I went to school in the bronx (NYC) which in my particular location was not the safest and I also just didn’t really have the itch. Sometimes I’d run in the NY Botanical Garden because it was across the street but only a few miles or so.
The fall I went and watched the New York City marathon and decided I wanted to do that. When I transferred to UNC the next year (sophomore) I joined the marathon team and fell in love with the sport. I ran my first half that october (1:47) and my second just two weeks later (1:39, still my PR). Unfortunately I am dumb! and ramped up too fast too soon, running nearly 50 miles per week with very little strength work and not a strong base and I ended up with hip bursitis which took me out until the following summer basically at which point I started training to run the NYC marathon. I managed to train for that and run it the fall of my junior year (2017) but, although I loved it, I was kinda disappointed in my time/training because every time I tried to add speed I felt pain in my hip and had to back off. I ran another half two weeks after my marathon and another in January, both of which I ran casually because my body just didn’t feel right. That April (2018) I ran another half after having both the A and B strain of the flu for months and not training enough by any means and ended up with peroneal tendonitis which took me out until June.
In June I started running again and spent the summer ramping up to run a 50k in October but two weeks out from race day I ended up with a femoral neck stress fracture, which again took me out from running and basically anything until this past February. 
In total I’ve run 6 half marathons and a marathon although I feel like I’ve done more since I’ve kinda trained for two. Ironically I actually signed up for a marathon in spring 2018 before even running NYC but had to defer to 2019 because of injury and ended up not running it in 2019 (actually was last week) because of my stress fracture. 
I’ve been injured a lot but I also have very clear ideas of what caused all of those injuries and I pay a lot more attention now to sleep, strength training, PT, stress, diet, etc. Running is somewhat terrifying because I’m a little injury scarred but right now I’m trying to just build a strong base and incorporate other things (strength, biking, swimming, etc.) so that hopefully come fall I can really train for something.
*wipes sweat from brow* damn that was a lot
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justauthoring · 6 years
Feigning The Connection (29/?)
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Prompt: You seem so invincible. But just touch you and you’ll wince. You have secrets and trust no one. You’re the perfect example of betrayal. Because anyone you’ve ever trusted broke you. Thrust into a new world, will you be able to stay alone, or will Bellamy work his way in?
A/N: Well, here it is!! FTC IS BACK!
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. It doesn’t have to be long, I appreciate every single comment I receive and telling me just helps inspire me to write it more frequently.
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Based off of: The 100 05x01
Warnings: spoilers.
Tag’s List: @super-river-walker - @deathofthethrones - @dontstopxx - @chebz - @isabellaskyliner - @jeppthatsme - @sarita-villa - @jedibookmasterofnorta - @hoesugh - @wsternhaikus - @doctorwhoandrory - @claudsgodz - @multi-fandom-dumpster - @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked want to be featured on my tag’s list? message me letting me know.
With a small smile, you walked up behind Bellamy, allowing your hands to slide up and over his shoulders, before letting your shoulder rest on his chin. Bellamy tore his eyes off the window the moment he felt you press yourself up against him, sending you a small smile as you met his eyes.
“Hey,” you called, voice soft. 
“Hey,” he replied, shifting slightly so his arms fell to your waist. Pulling you close, Bellamy pressed a kiss against your lips, you immediately returning the gesture. The kiss didn’t last long, only a moment, and then you were pulling away, keeping your arms securely around Bellamy as you peered over his shoulder, glancing at the one single green spot on earth.
“Everything okay?” You questioned softly, meeting his eyes once again.
Bellamy nodded, “just thinking.”
You already knew of who, so instead of saying anything more, you wordlessly nodded. Your eyes fell on that one green spot one last time, before your attention was pulled elsewhere. Glancing behind yourself, still in Bellamy’s arms, you felt your lips curl upwards when you saw Raven flip Echo down, trapping the latter in between her legs and keeping her there.
After a moment of grunts and struggling, Echo tapped out, and Raven released her with a cheer. “Yes! Finally,” she laughed, pushing herself up to her feet. 
“Oh, come on,” Echo huffed, “I let you win so we could eat.”
“This isn’t eating,” Harper spoke up, stepping into the room with Monty’s soup. “It’s surviving.”
“Hey,” Monty called, slightly affronted, “the new and improved Triple-G tastes better and you know it.”
“He calls this one Green’s Green Goop,” Harper teased, smirking up at Monty.
“Better name, too.”
“And if by better, you mean doesn’t want to make you violently hurl, then, yeah, it’s an improvement.”
“Speaking of green,” Monty concluded, turning his head to where you and Bellamy stood. 
“Still just a dot,” Bellamy answered, pulling you by the wrist as he made his way over to the kitchen table. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that Emori still hadn’t moved from her spot at the control panel. So, with a small smile, you turned your attention to her. “Emori,” you called, pulling her eyes on you. “Take a break.”
She listened without fault, pulling off the headset on her ears.
“I don’t know why you waste your time,” Raven spoke up, eyes falling on you and Bellamy as you took a seat in front of her. “I told you, atmospheric radiation blocks radio signals. They’re down there. We just can’t hear them.”
Leaning back, you bit your lip, shrugging your shoulders. “For hope,” you mumbled, glancing up at Raven. “Mainly for hope.”
Bellamy nodded from beside you, setting his arm around your shoulders. “We waste our time so they know there’s a place they can live.”
“Ground radiation has been survivable for a year,” Raven reminded, the light-hearted mood from before darkening ever so slightly. “They can live everywhere.”
With that, an echo of silence passed around. With a frown, you glanced at your lap, slipping your hand in Bellamy’s own and squeezing reassuringly. He merely glanced at you, nodding shortly before Monty spoke up once again. “I think we can all agree that green is good,” he smiled, pouring some soup in a bowl. He set the bowl down, passing it to Bellamy who slid it to you as Harper grinned up at Monty.
“Yes, he is,” the two shared a chaste kiss before Harper’s smile died out somewhat. “But this stuff still sucks.”
“That, you’re right,” you shrugged, grinning over at her.
With that, everyone collectively picked up their bowl of soup, pressing it to their lips before tipping their head back. You let out a cough, gagging slightly as the bitter taste ran down the back of your throat. Folding into yourself, you set the bowl down before you, shaking your head slightly. Yeah, it definitely sucked.
“Okay,” Raven concurred, “tomorrow i’ll try again to boost the signal from the antenna.”
“Shotgun!” Emori called before Monty could, “ha, ha. Space Walk. Yes!”
You laughed a little, your lips curling into a soft smile as Emori celebrated from beside you and Monty frowned in disappointment. He pouted, lips pursed out as his raised hand slowly fell by his side. Emori continued to cheer in enjoyment beside you, giggling to herself.
“I know the feeling,” Raven spoke up, grinning, eyes on Emori. “But I need an assistant who actually listens when I tell her to come in.”
“I’m for it,” you teased, raising your hand as Emori’s eyes snapped over to you, narrowing slightly. With a knowing smirking, you glanced over at Raven, fully aware of what you were doing.
“Y/N!” Raven grinned, eyes twinkling, “perfect.”
“I will do everything you say,” Emori reassured, leaning forward, fighting for her chance.. “I promise, no fun of any kind.” She glanced over at you, as if challenging you. With a light laugh, you held your hands by your head, yielding.
“All yours.”
“Or, we could just figure out a way to get to the ground, and we could tell them about Eden ourselves.”
“Bellamy,” you sighed, the smile on your lips dying considerably, “she worked on the fuel problem all morning.”
“Six years and seven days,” he reminded, shrugging his shoulders.
“Hey,” Harper warned, “time violation. Dishes, latrine, or Murphy. You choose.” 
Glancing up at Bellamy, you fixed him with a glare, warning him. He glanced down at you, before huffing, shoulders dropping. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, glancing over at Raven who frowned deeply, eyes casted downwards. “We said we wouldn’t talk about it, and I know that you’re doing everything that you can.”
Slowly, Raven nodded. 
Picking up his empty bowl of soup, Bellamy gestured it over to Monty who, with a grin, accepted it; “seconds?”
“Yeah, right,” Bellamy scoffed, “I choose Murphy.” Taking the now full bowl of soup, Bellamy pushed himself up to his feet, turning.
“I’ll come,” you offered with a smile, pushing yourself up to your feet as you handed Monty your bowl. He accepted it with a small smile, and turning, you lightly jogged over to catch up with Bellamy.
The moment the two of you were out of earshot from the rest, you elbowed Bellamy lightly. He yelped in surprise, body twitching in response, before turning to you with a half-hearted glare. “What was that for?”
“You know she’s doing her best, Bell.” You frowned, “you don’t have to make her feel worst about it.”
Bellamy sighed, shoulders dropping with a certain weight added to them. Shifting the bowl of soup to his other hand, Bellamy place a hand around your waist, pulling you closer. You didn’t fight him, letting your head fall against his shoulder as Bellamy spoke; “I know,” he mumbled, “i’m sorry. It’s just...”
“I get it,” you finished for him, smiling softly. “I just wanted to make sure you did too.”
“I do.”
With a nod, you set your eyes straight once again, pulling back from Bellamy’s embrace with a soft smile. “So,” you commented, “which Murphy do you think we’re gonna get today?”
“I’m not-”
Whatever Bellamy had been about to say was cut off by the sound of a grunt. Confused, you turned your head back in the direction of Bellamy, only to see him further away then he had been and with the addition of Murphy on his shoulders. Your eyes widened in surprise, taking a slight step back as the soup clattered to the ground, splashing everywhere.
“Uh!” Bellamy groaned, losing his balance slightly.
“This is my side of the ship, remember?” Murphy huffed, wrapping his arms tightly around Bellamy’s neck. “What’s the matter? You wanted me to train, right, so let’s do it.”
“Come on, Murphy,” you sighed, shaking your head.
You flinched when Bellamy flipped back, slamming Murphy up against the wall before letting go of his arms. Murphy slid down, panting as Bellamy stepped back. “All right,” Bellamy breathed, “but I win, you come back to the group.”
With a heavy sigh, Murphy shook his head; “no deal.” You frowned, eyes narrowing slightly as Murphy pushed himself up. “You have too many rules. Besides, there’s no one to disappoint over here.”
“Except yourself,” you reminded, raising a brow. Murphy’s eyes fell on you, and for a moment the both of you just stared at one another, before he shook his head.
“I’m used to that.”
“Murphy-” Bellamy was once again interrupted by Murphy sending a sharp punch to Bellamy’s cheek, whipping his head to the side in response. “Ugh!”
“Are we really gonna do this here?” You questioned, rolling your eyes when Murphy hopped a little, grinning in satisfaction. He held his hands out before him, prepared.
“You’re willing to join Y/N,” Murphy offered, shrugging his shoulders as he smirked down at you.
Crossing your arms over your chest, you scoffed; “and what? Beat your ass? Because there ain’t no way i’m taking your side.”
Stepping in front of you slightly, Bellamy shook his head, returning Murphy’s attention back on himself. “That was a good punch,” he complimented, crouching into a slight battle stance.
You sighed in response, leaning back against the wall when you realized that, yes, they really were gonna do this here.
“Now, if you shift your weight when you throw, it might actually hurt,” Bellamy advised, smirking slightly. Stepping past you, Bellamy rolled up the sleeves to his long-sleeved shirt, brushing back his long hair. You had to admit, despite how much they annoyed you, you didn’t mind the sight before you. “You know what I think your problem is?”
Rolling his eyes, Murphy turned his head slightly, “this should be good.”
“You like being a hero,” Bellamy mumbled. You glanced over at Murphy, watching as his face fell from one of annoyance to disbelief. “Except,” Bellamy continued, circling around him. “Up here, there are no heroes. You’re afraid you’d become worth less again-”
“Bell-” You called, before being interrupted.
Murphy spun, surprising you as he sent another sharp punch directly at Bellamy’s face. He swung with his other hand, but Bellamy managed to block it. Grabbing his arm, he flipped the two of them so Murphy was pressed up the glass window, grunting in response.
You turned slightly, leaning to the side as you watched the two of them.
“You’re not worthless, Murphy,” Bellamy panted and you felt your shoulders ease at his words. You knew what he was doing now.
“Wait, wait,” Murphy called, voice pitching in panic. “Bellamy, look. Oh!” Bellamy pulled tighter on the arm he held, bending it at an uncomfortable angle, interrupting whatever Murphy had been about to say.
“Say you’re not worthless, and i’ll let you go.” 
“Not kidding!” Murphy bellowed, “will you look? Look!”
You frowned, and suddenly Bellamy was letting go of Murphy, something catching the both of their eyes. Furrowing your brows together, you pushed off the wall, making your way over to them. “What is it?” You asked, “Bellamy?” He glanced back at you, grabbing your wrist before pulling you, gently, forwards.
Your eyes widened when you saw what they had. A ship.
“Let’s go.”
“It’s been two and a half hours.” Murphy huffed, “why, exactly, are we sitting here in the dark? We should light up the ring, let them know we’re here.”
“Quiet,” Bellamy called, eyes still not peeling off the window. “Murphy.”
Standing beside Bellamy and in front of Echo, you mimicked Bellamy’s position, crossing your arms over your chest as you stared at the ship. It was quite a whiles away, but not unreachable. Only thing is, you had no idea who this ship belonged to, and what the people that did were like. You prayed they’d help you, since you the eight of you were stranded on the Ark, with no way of getting back to earth.
But, something told you that was unlikely. 
“First, we find out who they are. And then we ask them for help.” Bellamy explained, causing you to glance over at him. 
Peering behind yourself, you glanced at Raven. “Raven?”
“Nothing,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “Radio sounds. Their comms might be disabled.”
“Or the ship could be unmanned,” Emori offered from beside Raven.
“Or it’s manned by aliens who prefer anal probes to radios,” Murphy griped, annoyance evident in his expression. “Doesn’t really matter as long as they get us down to the ground.” With that, he stepped forward, “i’m turning on the lights.”
Scoffing, Emori rushed forward. “You know what? That’s enough,” she snapped, blocking Murphy’s path. “We make decisions as a team here, even if we can’t stand the sight of each other.”
You felt your heart rate increase slightly, knowing that after everything that’s happened, this could end really badly.
“Look,” Murphy sighed, “all i’m saying is, it wasn’t there yesterday. Now it’s in geosynchronous orbit, which means someone is piloting it, correct?”
“He’s not wrong,” you murmured, slowly glancing up at the other when their eyes fell on you. Meeting Murphy’s gaze, you shrugged; “i’m not saying we turn on the lights, i’m just saying that Murphy’s right. It wasn’t there yesterday, now it is, shouldn’t we take that chance?”
“It could be an AI,” Harper reminded, frowning.
“I prefer the aliens,” Monty sighed.
“Something’s happening,” Echo called, pulling your attention back on the ship. Shuffling forward, your eyes widened at what you saw.
“A second ship,” Harper exclaimed.
Everyone crowded around, leaning against the window pane in disbelief as the second ship Harper had talked about, de-attached from the first ship, heading straight for earth. “Look.”
“That must be a transport,” Raven mumbled, “it’s headed for the ground. Emori, fire up the radio.” With that, the both of them shuffled back to the control panel.
“Now, she wants to talk,” Murphy snarked.
You gazed over at Bellamy, biting your lip in worry and anxiousness as you shuffled closer to him. Pulling your eyes off the window, you glanced over at Raven just as she pulled on her headset. “Mayday, mayday, I am hailing the drop ship now on re-entry to earth. We are stranded aboard the space station to your West. Please respond.”
No one did, and the transport ship grew closer and closer to earth.
“Great,” Murphy huffed, “looks like we just lost our last chance to get back to the ground.”
“Mayday, mayday,” Raven continued, “I am calling the drop ship now on re-entry to earth.” 
Still, nothing.
With a sigh, you slid your hands across your face, pulling at the skin. After no response, you’d all collectively agreed to travel to the ship anyways. Only thing is, it was a one way trip. There was no coming back, and you found yourself anxious for what awaited you there.
And if you did make it back to earth, what awaited you there? What had become of your father? Of Octavia and everyone else in the bunker? Of... Clarke?
The sudden feeling of arms wrapping around your waist startled you, a gasp leaving your lips. Though, you instantly eased when you realized just who exactly was embraced you. Leaning against Bellamy’s chest, your hands fell on his arms, your thumb grazing the material of his shirt with a soft sigh. 
You leaned your head back, letting it fall on his shoulder as your lips met his. As the kiss intensified, you spun in Bellamy’s arms, moving so your chest was pressed against his own. Your hands fell on his cheeks, cupping them before sliding through his hair, the length being something you’re still slightly unused to you.
A heavy breath left your lips as you pulled back, eyes slowly moving to gaze back up at Bellamy’s.
“What awaits us down there?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper. “Six years, Bellamy. Six years we’ve been gone.”
“Home awaits us,” Bellamy reassured, squeezing you to emphasize his point. “Your dad awaits you.”
“But, what happened to them?” You added, raising a brow up at Bellamy. “Of your sister? My father? How much have they changed?”
Cupping your jaw, Bellamy smiled softly down at you. “We’ve changed,” he reminded, chuckling softly. “But they’re still family. Nothing will ever change that. And I promise you, Y/N, that no matter what, you’ll always have me.”
“I know,” you nodded, voice breathless. Eyes crinkling with delight, you let your head fall against Bellamy’s chest. “I love you, Bellamy,” you confessed, the words familiar on your tongue. “So much.”
Pressing a hand against the back of your head, Bellamy allowed your head to fall in the crook of his neck. He embraced you tightly, holding you against himself as he whispered; “I love you too, Y/N.”
Part 30? Let me know what you thought! :)
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cherry-valentine · 5 years
Spring 2019 Anime Season
Here’s what I’m watching: Gunjou no Magmel is definitely my favorite new show of the season. It has a fun setup that lends itself well to lots of different stories: a mysterious new continent suddenly appears one day, full of new animal and plant life and inspiring people across the globe to explore it. Of course, the place is incredibly dangerous, which is why many people work as professional “rescuers” hired to go and retrieve those who have been lost or trapped in the new continent. The protagonists of the series are a pair of rescuers: the highly skilled and unflappable Inyou and his tech genius sidekick Zero (who doesn’t physically go to the continent but instead controls a drone). Right away the series provokes a feeling of adventure that reminded me somewhat of One Piece. The new continent, known as Magmel, is beautiful and teeming with life. The series wisely presents it in a neutral light. There are dangerous creatures there, definitely, with some seriously horrific body horror imagery (much of it veering into nightmare fuel territory), but the series is quite clear about the fact that these creatures are just behaving naturally. There’s no malice there. In fact, the only truly malicious and cruel actions are performed by the humans who go to Magmel to take advantage of the creatures there for their own profit. Inyou understands this, and is generally sympathetic to the animal and plant life, while still prioritizing the preservation of human life. It’s an interesting balance. It’s also interesting that a show with the above mentioned body horror and nightmare fuel is presented with bright, cheerful, cartoony art and peppy, upbeat music. This is an adventure series, not horror, and sometimes there’s even a degree of beauty in the terrors seen in the mostly standalone episodes. The two leads, Inyou and Zero, are entertaining and have a fun dynamic between them. They act more like family than anything else, with no romantic tension at all so far (and I hope it stays that way). Currently sitting at the top of my watch list.
Ace of the Diamond Act 2 is the sequel series I’ve been looking forward to. The original series was a favorite of mine, with a fairly realistic portrayal of baseball and a team of fun, quirky characters, including Miyuki, the only character that springs to mind when I think of the term, “husbando”. He’s a fan-favorite and incredibly popular for a reason. He’s sharp-witted, the most skilled player on the team, and also has a rather twisted sense of humor (he’s the kind of guy who, upon realizing a new member of the team doesn’t like him, is totally delighted and thinks of how fun that’s going to be). Miyuki gushing aside, the show has great art that rarely goes off-model and somewhat smooth animation. The music so far is okay, nothing special (the opening and ending themes were hit and miss in the original series as well). Main character Sawamura is still annoying (like Asta in Black Clover, he tends to scream rather than speak) but his underdog status and genuine love of the sport and his team make him endearing enough to overlook his negative traits. My only real gripe with the show is its tendency to recap that last several minutes of the previous episode in each new episode, making you wait quite a while to get to the new content. This would be a much bigger deal in marathon viewing, but on a weekly basis, I can deal with it.
Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu is a cute series about cute girls doing cute things. This is a genre I’m generally not fond of, mainly because the girls in these types of shows tend to be sexualized in a creepy way and their “cute antics” tend to be banal and annoying. In this show, however, neither of those two problems are present. In fact, if the show had a male love interest, it would feel very shoujo to me. The focus of the story is on a shy girl with severe social anxiety trying to make friends in her new school. She’s a bit awkward but cute and earnest, so watching her attempt to talk to strangers is funny but also heartwarming. The small circle of friends that begins to form around her is made up of equally cute and funny girls, each of whom have distinct personalities and character designs. Surprisingly, considering this is based on a manga aimed at male readers, none of the girls seem specifically designed to appeal to a male audience. They come across as genuine, well developed characters. The art and music are cute, but not very notable. My only complaint is the subplot involving a young teacher who takes one look at the blonde, tanned Nako and immediately judges her as a juvenile delinquent and is thus afraid of her. It’s meant to be funny, I suppose, but I find it annoying that a teacher would be so judgmental, especially considering Nako is a quiet, well-behaved student who gives absolutely no indication that she’s a delinquent. Ah well, it’s a relatively minor subplot so I can overlook it.
Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3 was hotly anticipated after a strong season two and the amazing Dead Apple movie. Following a group of supernaturally “gifted” members of a detective agency and their conflicts with other “gifted” groups (including the ruthless Port Mafia), this show is one of the best series of the past several years. It has a bit of Durarara!!’s cool vibe and style, but with a more straightforward story. This is a series that handles all of its various story elements very well, from the action scenes to the heartfelt moments to the comedy, and looks great doing it. I still prefer the comedy and characterization of season one, but only because they were done SO well. The more serious, plot-driven arcs of late are still fantastic. The music is great too, with my favorite opening theme of the season (and there were some outstanding ones this season, so that’s saying something). 
Kimetsu no Yaiba might just be my second favorite new series. Every season has a new show that gets a lot of hype, and in my experience around half of those shows actually live up to that hype. This show is definitely in that good half. With fluid animation, excellent music, and an interesting setup (a young boy’s family is slaughtered by demons, leaving only one sister behind who has become a demon herself, so he trains to become a demon slayer and find a way to turn her back into a human), this series seems primed to become a hit. The protagonist, Tanjirou, is a fairly standard kind-hearted hero training to join a group and accomplish his goal. The series doesn’t tread a lot of new ground in that respect, but it does everything so well that it’s easy to forgive it for not being the most original story. The most interesting aspect is the sister, Nezuko, who instead of being a delicate young flower for him to constantly protect is a demon herself who, in an early scene, literally kicks another demon’s head clean off. She’s a powerful ally in battle, which is refreshing. The other characters haven’t had much screen time yet, but seem fun so far. Overall, it’s a very well-done, if somewhat unoriginal, show. Highly entertaining and high on my watch list.
Midnight Occult Civil Servants is much better than it seems at first glance. Protagonist Arata joins a particular group of civil servants that deal with mythological creatures called “Anothers”. They range from fairies to gods to Japanese-based creatures like Tengu (this mishmash of mythology actually reminds me of Shin Megami Tensei). Arata quickly realizes that he’s the only member of the team who can understand the languages used by the Anothers, and so he becomes a valuable tool when dealing with them. The show presents a variety of creatures with a variety of behaviors. Some Anothers are friendly to humans and mean no harm, while others are outright malicious. Others still are just indifferent. At first, it seems like the show is going to be about Arata clearing up misunderstandings that his fellow team members have about the Anothers, but then the show lets us know that not all Anothers are friendly, and being able to understand their words doesn’t mean Arata can understand their motivations or can do much to stop them from doing bad things. The episodes are often inspired by real life urban legends, and overall has an air of mystery. The art is fine, with interesting, varied character designs but animation that’s just okay. The music is above average though, with my favorite ending theme of the season. It’s not my favorite new show, but it has a secure spot on my watch list.
Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 really doesn’t need much of a write-up, since it’s just a continuation of a season that was delayed (and that I already wrote about). I’ll just keep it brief and say it’s still great, is finally getting into one of my favorite arcs from the manga, and has a gorgeous opening theme.
Mobile Suit Gundam Origin is the tv series version of an OVA that details the origins of one of the Gundam franchise’s most popular characters (and one of my all-time favorites): Char Aznable. I never watched the OVA (despite intending to for the longest time) so this is all new content for me. What I find most interesting is the visual style, which looks very much like the classic Gundam art style of the original late 70‘s tv series but with more modern, smooth animation and some CGI mixed in. There’s a strange awkwardness to the art style that feels oddly natural. It was present in the old tv series and it’s present here. It’s kind of hard to explain if you haven’t seen it yourself though. Art aside, the story is definitely interesting. While Char’s basic history had already been revealed years ago, we didn’t really know the details. Char is a complicated character, which explains his popularity several decades after his debut. He was ruthless, cold, and calculating even as a child, but he loved his family very deeply and was surprisingly emotional. There are also badass lady characters to enjoy (who also appeared in the original series - I’ve always found it interesting that a show made in 1979 had more complex, strong, and generally well-written female characters than more modern Gundam series like Wing, Seed/Seed Destiny, and Iron Blooded Orphans). The music is fantastic here, and it’s overall a very solid show. Now I wish they’d remake the original series with this kind of animation (and cut out some of the filler).
Shoumetsu Toshi is, honestly, at the bottom of my list. The animation quality is just okay, with questionable character design choices (for the first few episodes, there were two unrelated female characters with such strikingly similar designs that it was very confusing). The story is a bit of a muddled mess. It mostly follows a young girl who survived a bizarre event where a whole city full of people suddenly vanished (later dubbed “The Lost”), and the young man who has been hired to help her return after she receives a message from her father, who was one of the people that vanished, telling her to come back. The setup is actually very interesting and mysterious. The problem is that the series throws too many concepts and ideas at us way too quickly, and explains none of it. It might be because the show is based on a video game, and the writers assumed people watching the anime would be familiar with the game and its various elements. Already in the show we have time travel, undefined magical powers, totally different powers that allow people to summon the souls of the vanished victims to fight for them like Persona, shadowy organizations doing human experiments, fancy artifacts that grant even more abilities, phantom thieves, idol groups, hackers, detective agencies, and double agents that have infiltrated the police. There’s just way too much going on, and as a result, the core plot that was actually interesting gets crowded out and choked. I’m still watching because the show is still entertaining in a strange way, but it’s a shame that it wasted a lot of its potential.
Carry Over Shows From Previous Seasons: Black Clover
Best of Season: Best New Show: Gunjou no Magmel Best Opening Theme: Bungo Stray Dogs Season 3 Best Ending Theme: Midnight Occult Civil Servants Best New Male Character: Inyou (Gunjou no Magmel) Best New Female Character: Nako (Hitoribocchi no Marumaruseikatsu)
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