#masters of chi au
rayeverydangday · 2 months
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I love making chicken starch sketches of au ideas
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poison-rouge · 1 year
I need a Dragon Ball actors AU where the original series began filming in the mid-'80s and from there the franchise became a world-class phenomenon. In my mind it would be sonething like this:
- The og series were filmed very quickly (only a couple of years) which explains the little change in some actors despite the time-skips of the series (Goku at 10 and 15 looks almost the same lol).
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- The actors of Goku, Krillin and Chi-Chi were around 10 years old when they started filming and with that iconic 3 year time jump for the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai they were replaced by older actors.
- Bulma's actress was 16 when she started filming the series, but she was not replaced after the timeskip because they made her look older with makeup.
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- DBZ filming lasted several years and the show won several Emmys and Golden Globes, including an Lifetime Achievement Award for Master Roshi actor.
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- By the time DBZ ended and GT was being planned, a large part of the cast did not want to be part of the series for fear of being trap in their characters.
- As a consequence many changes were made (also a problem with Toriyama no longer being the director/writer of the series) and it ended in GT not being considered canon by half of the fandom, but also being loved by the other half.
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- By the time it is decided to make DBS, the entire original cast of DBZ decides to return and the franchise renews its glory.
- Vegeta's actor is the funniest on set and he loves to put on his "Serious saiyan face" when fans ask him for a photo on the street.
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- Goku and Chi-Chi actors got married in real life and the fandom went crazy when they found out.
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- While filming DBZ, Gohan's actor was asked to bring his homework and school books to the set, so every time we see him on screen studying it's because he really was doing that.
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- Piccolo actor has said that he loves being a green alien because he is the only one of the entire cast who can still go out without being recognized by everyone.
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whenceful · 6 months
AU where House is pregnant and everyone hears about it. House/Wilson/Cuddy but no one really knows they're together. All of House's past and current residents keep asking him about it and he gives all of them different explanations:
House to Masters, who had not asked: I’m pregnant
Masters: Congratulations?
House: You were so cute and I wanted one just like you
Masters: You’re having a girl?
House, scoffing: That’s very heteronormative of you! I’m sure a boy would be just as cute and unwaveringly honest and annoying as you are
Masters: …
Chase: Aren’t you like 40?
House: How dare you? That’s ageist. At least your less prettier half doesn’t judge me like this when she’s doing my prenatal appointments
Chase, who was being generous (he was fairly sure House was nearing 50): Cameron is doing your prenatals? Why?
Cameron, when Chase (and Foreman and Kutner and Thirteen and Taub and Adams and pretty much everyone who has ever worked for House) asks why she’s looking after House’s prenatals: House kind of forced me into it. 
Chase: But you’re not a gynaecologist
Cameron: That’s what I told House! He said that I was better than all of them because I used to work for him.
Chase: I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that everyone in gynaecology hates him
Foreman to Cameron: So House is actually pregnant?
Cameron: You think I’d do prenatals for a fake baby?
Foreman: I didn’t think you’d do prenatals for any kind of baby, seeing as you’re not actually an OB-GYN
Cameron: Can I go back to work now?
Foreman: I thought it was some kind of prank on Wilson or Cuddy
Cameron: So did I, but they’re both away on some conference so I’m not even sure if they know
Foreman: This is so weird
Thirteen, who has already deduced the answer: Whose the dad
House: That’s very sexist of you, Thirteen! This is the 21st century! We can do anything! 
Thirteen: Including asexual reproduction
House: I prefer the term parthenogenesis
Thirteen: Like a reptile?
House: That’s the spirit!
Adams, glad that House didn’t ask her to look after his prenatals: I didn’t know you wanted kids
House: You know I didn’t but then Taub made it look so easy 
House: And I’m sure Cuddy will give me maternity leave
Adams: I’m sure you’ll make a great parent
House: I thought i taught you to lie better than that
Taub, to Cameron: House is actually pregnant?
Cameron, tired of being accosted by everyone at PPTH and just trying to do her job: ….Yes?
Taub: And the baby is real?
Cameron: Yes?
Taub: When is House due?
Cameron, who just wants to go home: I can’t discuss my patient with you
Taub: ….
Taub: Since when does House care about doctor-patient confidentiality
Cameron: He may not, but I do, especially when it gets me out of conversations like this
House to Foreman: Rachel wanted a sister
Foreman: I’m sure that Cuddy will be overjoyed to adopt your baby
House: That hurts, you know. Families come in all shapes and sizes
Foreman: So this baby is going to be Cuddy’s daughter’s sister through delusion
House, mockingly: I wonder if delusion is a shape or a size
Kutner, vaguely disappointed that House didn’t ask him to look after his prenatals: My friend is a gynaecologist at Princeton General
House: When you say friend, do you mean a real person? People on the internet lie. Surprisingly a lot more than people in real life
Kutner: I went to med school with him
Kutner: And why surprisingly
House: Ugh, everyone knows that male gynaecologists are just perverts. Someone on the internet told me that
Kutner: Is that why you didn’t ask me to do your prenatals?
House, gravely: You don’t have Cameron’s bedside manner
Wilson, back from his conference: House, why did my assistant just ask me if i fathered your baby?
House: Because there’s a bet going around on the parentage of my baby
Wilson: You’re pregnant
House: No, but I like making money
Wilson: You made up a pregnancy just to win money from a bet about the pregnancy?
House: I also want maternity leave
Wilson: Of course you do
(it takes Wilson a month to realise that House is actually pregnant)
Cuddy: And here I thought you were too old to have a baby
Cuddy: I suppose congratulations are in order
House: For you and me both
Cuddy: What
House: If you adopt this baby
Cuddy: What
House: Foreman thinks that this baby can’t be rachel’s sister because they’re unrelated 
Cuddy, jokingly: Why did I let you hire such a close-minded fellow?
Cuddy: It’s a girl?
House, in mock-disappointment: So heternormative of you
House to Park: I wanted Wilson to spend more time with me
Park: But you live together
House: He works such long hours
Park: At the same hospital as you
House: I miss him
Park: Sure
House: Can’t a guy get pregnant so another guy hangs out with him more often. Platonically, of course
Park: Of course
Cameron: I’m not doing a c-section
House: I would assume that handling a patient’s prenatals means handling their births as well
Cameron: I can get Chase to do it
House: What does he have that you don’t have 
Cameron: A board certification as a surgeon?
House: Any idiot can become a surgeon
Cameron, calling his bluff: If it’s so easy, why don’t you just do it yourself
House: I fully plan on getting all the good drugs
House: It’s why i’m having this baby, you know
Cameron, not backing down: I’ve never done a c-section. Chase has probably done hundreds
House, mockingly: Will you hold my hand at least?
Cameron: I thought that was what Wilson was for
House: I have two hands
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New agents of Atlas’ daemon
Recently I watched the dark materials and completely fell in love with the concept of daemons and the bond that exists between a daemon and their partner. I suppose this comes from a previous obsession of trying to determine what spirit animals one would have, which inevitably led me to thinking of what daemons the agents of atlas would have. 
Jimmy Woo: A crow, now why? First of all the crow is an animal that is often associated with secrets and magic, the former fits Jimmy. But aside from that, while normally thought of as solitary, crows do form groups that are fiercely protective of each other, in fact, when one of their group is killed/dies they often investigate to find out who/what did it to take action or stay away. An analytical approach that I feel fits him very well. Aside from that, they’re misunderstood creatures thought of as cruel, when in reality if you befriend a crow they can be a close friend and incredible ally, being one if not the most intelligent bird species. Another one I thought of as plausible would be the raccoon for similar reasons, and also cause it’d be funny. Other options I considered were: wolf and pidgeon 
Shang chi: I’ve thought of several different options. First of all we have the lynx, it’s solitary nature is one that would fit shang chi well, who while doesn’t mind company, I feel is a more solitary creature then others. Other then that due to their large ears lynxes are often thought of as the knowers and keepers of secrets, learning secrets in their silence. They’re over all creatures that are fierce, skilled and good listeners, but I wasn’t fully convinced of it. The other option was the eastern barn owl, symbols for wisdom, protection and good luck. Owls are also silent and deadly predators, being able to fly soundslessly through the night, making them extremely efficient when hunting for prey. Other options I considered: seal, leopard and tiger. 
Amadeus Cho: Ironically enough, a coyote I feel is an animal that would fit him well. Similarly to the fox they’re ingenious and smart animals able to survive and attack other animals to survive. Aside from that, they can survive alone, in family groups or with other coyotes, which I feel fits Amadeus’ tendency of hanging out with many different people. Aside from that, coyote’s have also been shown to collaborate with badgers (who they normally hate due to hunting the same prey), which shows a willingness to work with others or form friendships in unlikely places, which very much matches the super genius. Other animals I considered: rat and dolphin. 
Lin Lie: Now, Lin Lie has changed a bit, but I think a tiger would fit him. The core characteristics of a tiger, courage, determination and stubbornness fit him well. Lin Lie is a boy who has been through a lot but has kept his character out of a mix of strength and stubbornness he keeps pushing forward, sometimes being unwilling to listen to others, due to pride or simple stubbornness in a way that fits him (there’s also some extra points due to him being born in the year of the tiger ;p ). Aside from that, I feel like a tiger shark would also fit him well, in the sense of its strength again but also that it can be interpreted that they move forward always and the fact that certain species are quite friendly and can actually form groups and coexist with other sharks of different species quite well. Other animals I considered were: Cockroach (this a bit as a joke since he seems to be surviving things where he reallly shouldn’t, also they’re tough as hell and will keep living out of pure spite) and a cat
Ami Han: Now, hear me out, but the horned lizard would be a good fit for her. Horned lizards are know and symbolise strength both physical and mental, and of self reliance. Lizards in general are animals that can go through hell and still survive, living in some of the most extreme environments and persevering. In china they are also often related to the dragon, connecting her to the more mystical parts of her story. However, they aren’t purely cold and solitary creatures, and they can also symbolise love and life persevering, which are two core values that keep this character going. Other animals I considered were: the snow leopard, tarantula and a mongoose. 
Dan Bi: Dan bi is a cheerful and dutyful character who honestly hasn’t appeared much. My first instinct is to associate her with a collie dog, bright and energetic creatures known for their loyalty, but also knwon for being able to show dominance and being good sheep herders, being one of the preferred dog species to do so. This without the need of an overly attentive watch, whihc reflects their somewhat independent nature and reliability which fit her quite well I think. Other animals I considered for her: red panda (not only because of io, but because apart from their cuteness they can be very vicious) and kangaroo (is this maybe a bit influenced cause kangaroos hit really hard and taekwondo is based on the art of kicking? perhaps.)
Luna Snow: an intrinsically kind character who works hard but won’t hesitate to defend her friends and family. Very quickly my mind turned towards the horse, reliable animals who are known for being gentle and kind but also a symbol for freedom, which in a sense fits her character and mindset. Aside from that horses are fiercely protective and strong, being able to kill other animals with a powerful kick. Other animals I considered for her: beaver and snow fox
And for now I’m leaving it here because I don’t know the other members of the organisation well enough to really think of anything, but if anyone is interested in hearing my take on another character (wether it’s one of the unmentioned agents of atlas, another marvel character or even one from DC), don’t hesitate to ask! If anyone disagrees with my take I’d love to hear other voices on the matter!
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 months
random, but I just realized that in, say, a hypothetical alternate universe where the writers made Katara and Zuko fall in love, get married, and have kids, Zuko would most certainly teach their child non-bending means of attacking/defending themselves. Hell broke loose when Tui was temporarily dead, which left all water-benders temporarily unable to bend. A Solar Eclipse event leaves all fire-benders temporarily unable to bend as well. Katara and Zuko both experienced what it's like for them and all of the fellow benders of their element to lose their powers on a massive alert scale. Zuko and Katara would 200% have their child learn the way of the sword and martial arts. Not just because of culture, but because Zuko and Katara know how scary things get when your bending is turned off in such a serious way, and wouldn't want their child to be defenseless.
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AAAAA SO CUTE I LOVE THIS!!! Additionally, their uncle would be the Chief if the Southern Water Tribe and their aunt would be the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. They're fan and sword!!
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Let's not forget that Ty Lee taught the Kyoshi warriors chi blocking!! Remember that Ty Lee destroyed Katara. If they have a none bender child theh could go toe to toe with bending masters.
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And and and in my AU their kids went through one of these Water Tribe sailing tests that signify maturity. (Really hope Bumi did, Tenzin probably didn't).
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Zuko and Katara would want their kids to know all non-bending martial arts so Zuko'd teach them swordsmanship and Katara'd ask Sukka for help and they'd be very normal about that.
Katara: Hey I thought you might want to teach A-
Suki and Sokka, together: Say no more.
(Author's note: in a modern AU Suki is already phoning Ty Lee).
Zutara's kids will be so powerful. Especially the hypothetical non-benders. Ty for the ask, have a nice day💕
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Context for choices 1, 2 and 9
My little au on if Aang never left
For my Zuko/Azula as prodigies. Basically they are both naturally gifted Firebenders. Zuko faces Ozai in combat, but Zuko faces Ozai. As Ozai is about to finish Zuko, Zuko hits Ozai with white flame and then Ozai declares Zuko the victory and he gains his father's respect. Eventually Zuko and Azula are at a sibling rivalry, trying to outdo each other and even trying to kill each other for their father's approval and to win the throne. Ozai puts their ambitions to the test. Whomever captures Ba Sing Sei, Northern Water Tribes and the Avatar first becomes Ozai's successor.
This video better explains it
Asami as Amon
Asami witnessed the brutal murder of her mother, but it wouldn't be by just any benders. It would be the Red Lotus Society.
Zaheer planned to finish the job, but Toph came to the rescue.
the spirits would take pity on Asami and gift her energy bending and Asami would use her father's wealth to master Chi-Blocking and use their wealth to fund and arm the Equalists.
Amon or in this case Asami wins at the end of Book 1. Tarrlok is still captured by Amon, when Korra sees him and they chat, he tells the whole story of Amon as it happened in the show to her and everything. Like it goes in the show. Korra and friends go to confront Amon at the arena where Tenzin and his family are about to lose their bending. But they don’t because she gets there in time. She accuses Amon of being a bender, as per Tarrlok’s story. Amon doesn’t unmask. And he isn’t a bender. Tarrlok lied to get Korra to confront Amon so that he could capture her and he could hopefully save his own skin for the service at least. They fight. Amon takes Korra’s bending in a big demonstrative way. So all the crowd can see what comes to any benders, especially The Avatar who stand against him. Then the reveal happens. Asami is Amon.
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Art by nikoniko_808
In order to get her bending back and learn how to give others their bending back (yeah, Korra wouldn’t get it back at the end of Book 1 because consequences? What’re those?), Korra has to go on a quest to learn her bending(her masters would be Toph, Katara, Izumi and Tenzin) in the Spirit World to understand everything. Korra does not cry about loosing her bending because she realized she’s still The Avatar and has to go to The Spirit World to get her bending back, to help everyone get their bending back and stop Asami
Throughout the series, we would meet Kya, Bumi, Izumi, Eska, Desna(Eska and Desna would be Korra’s siblings in this universe, because fuck Unaloq) Opal and Kai. We have the same romance between Bolin and Opal and Jinora and Kai. We would also meet Varrick and Zhu Li, because they are comedy gold. They would all help in the fight against Amon and the Equalists.
In Korra's venture to the Spirit World,
she would still see Wan’s story(because that’s the only thing I liked about Book 2) and I think in her journey in the spirit world she would see Asami’s story, in which her family were victims of the Red Lotus society and Asami learned to take bending away in the spirit world. Not only that, we would find out that Asami would be bonded with Vaatu. Asami is the darker Avatar.
Before she leaves The Spirit World she connects with all her past lives to ask what she should do about Asami. Korra has her Aang moment where she has too has to decide what to do like he did with the fire lord, only this time there's more to it than just stopping the bad guy. It’s about the person she loved. She can restore everyone’s bending by reversing Amon’s convergence, but she can't do that so long as the avatar spirit is split. And as long as Asami is part avatar, she can go into the avatar state. That's still pretty damn dangerous even with only water and blood bending. Korra realizes the only thing she can do to stop Asami? Love her.
After her journey to relearn her bending and journey in the spirit world, Korra travels the world to gain allies. From the Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes and Air Nomads. Korra unites the world against Amon and the Equalists.
In the final fight, Korra defeats Amon. She exorcises Vaatu from Asami, thus ending the dark Avatar and stopping Amon’s convergence. She reverses what Asami has done and uses it to restore everyone’s bending. So she has to come to the hard part. Amon makes it clear, no matter what, even without the ability to energy bend or without Vaatu, Amon will never stop, Benders will never be safe. Korra shows Asami what she was denied. Korra loves her and forgives her. Asami gives up and accepts whatever punishment.
During Book 3, Asami would work with Korra in stopping and killing the Red Lotus society. However, when Zaheer is stopped. He is left at the mercy of Asami and for everything he’s done and turned her into. Asami kills him.
Book 4 happens. Asami's redemption is rebuilding Republic City and using Future Industries to repair the damage she's done as Amon. Blah blah blah Korra stops Kubira blah blah. Asami earns her redemption and the love of the krew and more importantly Korra. Ends with Korra and Asami venturing in the Spirit World and ends with a kiss.
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autumnmobile12 · 28 days
Something I wish had been addressed in My Hero Academia...
Pros and Villains alike underestimating the sheer determination of a Quirkless person with a weapon.
You have Geten monologuing on how only people with a strong Quirk have a place in the world. My dude...I can think of a few people who can absolutely challenge that philosophy.
Crossover insight.
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Castlevania: In a world with magic, monsters and spellcasters, Trevor Belmont had no magical abilities, but he didn't let that stop him. Oh, the whips were magic? Support item!
Besides, he didn't use their magic elements most of the time. He puts out someone's eye in Season One and he straight up strangles a guy in Season Four.
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Arcane: Ekko. No magic. Just a gravity-defying board, a metal pipe, and a well-time strike. Granted, he wasn't up against a magic user in this scene, but she did have a gun and explosives.
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Avatar: And then we have Ty Lee not even hesitating to annihilate an entire group of Earthbenders with nothing more than her chi blocking fists. ATLA had a whole cast of non-benders who were holding their own against the ones with 'powers.'
Moral of the story: Do not mess with the 'Quirkless' people.
It really goes to show how heavily the world in My Hero began to rely on powers to the point that anyone born without a Quirk (or a Quirk that was useless) was someone to be pitied.
Honestly, when I first started watching the anime, I was with my sister and she'd already seen it. So by the time we got the part with the Slime Villain and all the Pros not knowing what to do, I just turned to her and asked, "So wait, since Deku has all the knowledge about these Pros, is he just gonna become a master strategist and coordinate an effective attack and save the day?"
And she just looked at me with this sad expression and said, "No, but that would have been really cool."
Even though I enjoy My Hero Academia, faults and all, I will admit that is a small disappointment I'm still not over. And that might be why the Villain Deku AU appeals to me so much personally. It would have been awesome to have a Pro-Hero or a villain who was 100% Quirkless and making it work the best they could.
I mean, imagine anyone of the My Hero cast humbled like that. "Got our asses whooped by a Quirkless fella."
Aizawa's Quirk is virtually useless on its own. That's why he also uses a scarf, a knife, and martial arts combat to fight. Even if he lost his Quirk, he still has a scarf, a knife, and martial arts combat. Not much changes except he now has to adapt his fighting style to finding a different kind of opening to strike.
Touya might've been fine if someone suggested he use a highly-flammable accelerant as support gear. It was only prolonged usage of his fire that seemed to be hurting him.
Deku losing One For All? He was a brain over brawn character-type to begin with, so I genuinely don't see this as a major issue. An issue because losing any abilities sucks, but he's got a legitimate workaround as the strategist.
And if Midnight was going to use a whip...
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...why couldn't she have used it like a fucking boss? Alas, we were robbed.
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nightmare-foundation · 3 months
Silly rwby/atla au idea
Ruby- Air bender, loves zooming around, on her way to becoming a master
Yang- Earth bender, specifically a lava bender
Blake- Non-bender, extremely talented with chi blocking
Weiss- Water bender, uses ice most often
Jaune- initially thought to be a non bender, is actually a water bender. Extremely talented healer, one of the best in the world
Pyrrha- Metal bender
Nora- Fire bender, uses lightning most often
Ren- non-bender, uses chi blocking
Oscar- the Avatar, comes from one of the water tribes. Not ready for the responsibility
Ozpin- Previous avatar, was an air nomad
Ozymandias/KoV- Avatar prior to Ozpin, was the Fire Lord of the fire nation
Ironwood- Metal bender
Leonardo Lionheart- Non-bender or earth bender (undecided)
Theodore- Fire bender
Winter- Water bender, blood bender (rarely uses it)
Whitley- non-bender
Tyrian- non-bender, uses chi blocking
Watts- non-bender
Hazel- Earth bender
Cinder- Previously non-bender, received fire bending
Emerald- Non-bender
Mercury- Was a metal bender, had his bending taken away
Salem- dark spirit??
Qrow- non-bender
Raven- non-bender
Glynda- no idea tbh
Sun Wukong- air bender
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An au if batman characters including the bat family were in the avatar universe
Jason would be like jet most likelubsteal from the rich give to the poor and would fight against the fire nation would also probably be a mercenary and a nonbender, would have knowledge of how to chi block and would be unofficially a dual sword master and great with hand to hand combat as well as have deadly precision with throwing stars/blades like mai
Dick would be the male version of tai Lee he'd be a master chi blocker light on his feet wouldn't kill definitely would make life for fire nation soldiers difficult if he sees them harassing people of weaker means he'll do something about it with a smile he'd also be your worst nightmare trying to take him in hand to hand combat even if your a bender
Damians weapon of choice would be a katana he'd be quick and deadly you'd think you have him then surprise you don't when he attacks it would feel like it came from the shadows you wouldn't have time to think he'd have deadly precision and hed be light on his feet hed be able to go toe to toe with benders like its nothing and would know how to use there strengths against them hed also have short blades to throw and an array of poisons on hand jusy in case hed have a shit ton of contingency plans
okay Bruce obviously nonbender he'd probably know a bunch of techniques he'd be similar to iroh in terms of knowledge minus the spiritual aspects and the kindness portion as well he'd be similar to asamis dad hirashi sato he'd have all the advanced technology even during aangs time only he wouldn't rely only on thr technology and inventions hed also be a sword master, know how to chi block and how to counter most bending techniques remember how iroh swung those boulders with his chains with just shear strength and howw zuko smashed them with his foot yeah that would be bruce minus the fire bending, he'd also have bombs similar to sokkas stink bombs only they'd knock u out...
Swamp thing would definitely be a water bender like the swamp water benders but way more powerful and he'd love in the same swamp the gang visits and finds out they need to seek out toph I also feel like he'd be an incredibly powerful blood bender
Poison ivy would also be a water bender I actually feel like she'd be similar to swamp thing but also very different she wouldn't live in the swamp but off the grid she'd travel all over the world of Avatar just studying medicine and poisons she wouldnt really feel a need to truly interfere with the war unless someone outright makes it her problem or goes after her personally or her home
Harley would be a non bender similar to Dick but like way worse because she's incredibly unpredictable she'd also use blasting jelly at any given moment and God help you if u underestimate her because she's not a bender I feel like she'd have knowledge of a bunch of different weapons as well as an intimate knowledge of explosives she would be a bit of an anti hero in the avatar universe she wouldn't necessarily support ozai but I don't think she'd feel any need to truly go out and attack fire nation soldiers unless she sees them attacking kids or women or forcing themselves onto someone shss huge on consent
Joker are u insane I'm not giving him bending absolutely not no thank you lmaoo y'all really thought I'd give an actual thought for the joker nope but feel free to comment if u like
The flash would be an air bender not monk gyatso level air bending but still powerful
Wonder woman I can see her as being a bender but also a kyoshi warrior and definitely against the fire nation and would oppose them at every turn I feel like she'd be a metal bender and the way she'd metal bend would be similar to how Lynn does in legend of Korra but more powerful then lynn
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rayeverydangday · 2 months
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More chima ninjago swap au
Idk how soon I’ll draw everyone’s outfits but I just want to dump everyone’s powers here
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Bodyguard Au: Shang Tsung usually has his body guards wear stealthy outfits but has found with Kuai Liang due to the nature of his mutantions affecting his appearance and size a lot, he makes Kuai act as both a stealthy bodygaurd but also a extravagant armor wearing body guard during ceremonies and be near Shang Tsung’s throne, as a scary tactic mostly. Hanzo thinks they are two different people at first, did not connect the dots that the bodygaurd that wears literally bone armour and is pretty sure had horns, was also the stealthy assassin that patrolled the island at night until
Hanzo, finally cornering the mysterious warrior out of sheer curiosity: Why do you serve Shang Tsung?
Kuai Liang, seeing he has no way out: Why do you serve Quan Chi?
Hanzo: That is different, you clearly despise your master
Kuai Liang, sighing: I have no choice
Hanzo: Bullshit, everyone has a choice
Kuai Liang, glaring: Not me, not after what he has done
Kuai Liang taps the collar fixed around his neck, normally hidden by his armor but now in full view
Hanzo, eyes wide with shock as he recognizes the magic symbol on it: He-
Kuai Liang: I am bound to obey him at all costs, believe me, if I could choose otherwise, I-
Kuai Liang cuts off with a sharp cry of pain as the collar activates, punishing him for his impertinence
Hanzo, rushing forward to catch him as he falls: Easy, easy
Kuai Liang, breathing harshly as the pain subsides: Never trust a sorcerer, Scorpion. They always lie.
Hanzo: I could cut it off you, then-
Kuai Liang: It won't work, I have tried
Hanzo: There must be some way to free you
Kuai Liang: why do you care?
Hanzo:..............No one deserves to be bound in such a manner
Kuai Liang, pulling away and raising a disbelieving eyebrow: Even a Lin Kuei?
Hanzo falls silent, unable to answer
Kuai Liang, chuckling bitterly: I did not think so
And with that, he turns on his heel and disappears into the night
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chibikyo · 8 months
Caught in his Web Pt. 1
This is mostly Reader x Shinnok, with some Reader x Raiden x Shinnok in the second part
Shinnok receives an interesting captive on the cusp of his victory over earthrealm and decides to indulge in a more hedonistic way to torture earthrealm's god of thunder.' A.K.A. - reader is a demi-god from earthrealm who is in love with Raiden and both are in the clutches of Shinnok who decides to torture Raiden by assaulting reader. Reader submits to Shinnok under threat of him torturing Raiden. Loosely inspired by this scene from MKX.
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This is a AU timeline featuring my half-goddess OC (converted to reader for more wide-spread enjoyment). This is set in a sort of original timeline/MKX-esque timeline. The battle with Shinnok in my oc's canon does not go this way so this is a what-if more than anything. Since I wrote this firstly for my OC the reader is afab and uses female anatomy/pronouns, but i stuck with generic descriptions as much as I could. Be warned this was meant to be a oneshot but is currently 14,000 words and while almost finished this was never meant to be so lengthy. please read warnings.
Warnings: Extremely dubious consent; reader consents under duress so basically non-con, forecd voyeurism, forced orgasm, throat fucking, double penetration, torture, bondage, pnv sex, Dom/sub tones, reader may be close to subspace at some points though it isn't mentioned in those words, forced to participate in assault (Raiden forced to interact with reader), praise kink, please let me know if this needs expanded
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Quan Chi shoved Y/N through the doors of Shinnok's temple as soon as they creaked open. He had bested her forces and taken her prisoner, per his master's orders. Y/N stumbled from the force of the shove, and Quan Chi reveled in the look of pure loathing she shot his way. 
To her credit, she recovered quickly enough. Her back straightened, posture stiff, though she did her best to appear unperturbed. Quan Chi merely chuckled at the false bravado as he gestured to her to keep moving. At the head of the main hall sat Quan Chi's master, the fallen elder god himself, Shinnok. Y/N could feel his eyes watching her as she made her way closer to his throne. It made her feel vulnerable, like prey caught in a predator's trap, but she would have to pick the right moment to make her escape.
"And what has my dear Quan Chi brought me this time? You don't look like an earth-realmer." Shinnok chuckled. She shuddered as he blatantly checked her out, his eyes lingering at the dip of her cleavage disappearing into her tunic. She kept her eyes forward, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Quan Chi merely chuckled again.
"A keen eye as always, my lord. Y/N is no mere mortal; she is Lord Kurai's daughter."
"A demi-god. How interesting." Shinnok curled his finger, gesturing her closer. Y/N hesitated only a moment before pressing forward, letting out the breath she had been holding. She made her way slowly up the short steps until she was standing just one step down from the fallen god. He leaned forward, reaching out to trace one of his long, slender fingers down her jaw, pausing as it settled against the hollow of her throat. Y/N kept her eyes forward, expression neutral. "Such a beautiful specimen is wasted in earthrealm."
"Spare me the empty platitudes, Shinnok. The minute you and your dog lower your guard, I'm going to gut you." Y/N growled, fists clenched tight to keep her from shivering with disgust at his touch. Shinnok grinned, his grayish skin stretched taut across sharp cheeks. A sudden, sharp sting pulsed through her, and she felt something hard wrap around her throat. She jerked back, her hands shooting up to try and yank the object loose as it slowly tightened. She struggled to get enough air as her hands found purchase on… fingers? She collapsed to her knees, drawing in ragged gasps as the fingers finally relaxed. Long, thin, skeletal fingers wrapping around her throat; the bony palm pressed against it tight where Shinnoks finger had been moments prior.
"Go ahead, my dear, gut me if you dare." Shinnok tipped her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet his once more. Y/N glared at the fallen god, her body tense, but she did not take the bait. "Good girl. You're a quick learner, I see. That collar is capable of doing far more than simply cutting off your precious air." Y/N heard a muffled shout in the distance and whipped her head around, finally taking in her surroundings to find the source. She heard Shinnok laugh again as her eyes went wide with fear at the sight before her. "Yes," He murmured. "Much faster than our guest of honor."
"Lord Raiden?!" Y/N jerked to her feet, mouth agape at the sight before her. Raiden was on his knees between two of the closest columns. His hands were bound behind his back, held in place by one of Shinnok's skeletal hands. Two more were wrapped around his throat and mouth, and she could see the one on his mouth was clenched tight, digging into his jaw and cheeks, muffling any sounds he tried to make. It would take only a few strides to reach him. Y/N made a motion to run toward him, but the minute she got more than a step away from Shinnok, she felt the hand wrap itself tighter around her throat. She whipped back around to face Shinnok. "Stop it! You're hurting him!"
Shinnok's eyes drifted over Y/N, lazily taking in the desperation and fury in her eyes and the trembling fists clenched at her sides. With a flick of his wrist, he eased off the pressure he'd been applying to Raiden's muzzle. He was suddenly very curious to see what the thunder god was trying to say. Shinnok had noticed the shock and terror that had washed over his prisoner when Y/N had come into view. Perhaps this mortal would prove to be even more entertaining than anticipated. As soon as the fingers peeled away from Raiden's mouth a snarl could be heard, making Y/N jump.
"Don't you dare touch her, Shinnok! She isn't a part of this!" Raiden's deep voice echoed through the hall, reverberating deep within Y/N. She let out a shaky breath, grateful at least to know he sounded unharmed. Her relief lasted only seconds as she caught the vicious grin twisting Shinnok's face. There was a gleam in those eyes as he surged to his feet. He reached forward, cupping Y/N's face delicately within the cradle of his spindly fingers. Y/N's gut clenched in fear as he softly traced the line of her jaw, caressing the exposed flesh of her throat. She could hear Raiden thrashing behind her and Shinnok urged her with gentle touches to turn around. She did so stiffly, unsure what Shinnok was plotting.
She stopped as her eyes locked with Raiden's. She could see the fear in his gaze. Shinnok's hands were back, one resting gently around her throat, the other pressed into the dip of her waist. Her clothes had been torn from the prior fighting and those cold digits brushed against the exposed skin, making her shiver. She didn't dare move, knowing that any resistance would be punished. Quan Chi seemed content to stand by, watching the exchange in quiet anticipation. He clearly had some idea of what his master was plotting, but the sympathetic look he gave Y/N brought her no comfort.
"You dare presume to order me around, Raiden? Have you not learned yet how truly powerless you are?" Shinnok chuckled. He squeezed her waist gently, just enough pressure to remind her of its presence as he drew in close behind her. "And what, pray tell, is so special about this one? I've never seen you quite so… desperate. Could she be someone special, Raiden? Someone you care for?"
"Y/N is one of my champions. Not one of your playthings, Shinnok." Raiden barked, straining against the bounds keeping him prisoner.
"That wasn't a no, Raiden." Shinnok grinned.
"If I may interject, my lord, I can confirm that from my own observations, the thunder god seems to be far more attentive to this mortal, compared to his other 'champions'." Quan Chi smirked. Raiden growled, but said nothing to dispute the sorcerer.
"Is that so?" Shinnok's hand dipped lower until it was sprawled across her hip and he leaned in, his lips grazing her ear. "What about you? Do you secretly harbor feelings for earthrealm's god?"
"I respect Lord Raiden. He has been like a mentor to me." The words fell from her lips with a quiver. She kept her tone and expression neutral even though she knew it was only half truth. She knew that her feelings for the thunder god were much deeper, and that he in turn had been slowly returning those feelings. They had been dancing around each other for weeks, on the cusp of coming together and expressing those desires, when Shinnok's invasion had pushed all of it aside. She felt the fallen god go stiff behind her, felt his hand tighten against her throat, fingers digging in hard enough to leave pinprick bruises on her pale skin before those lips brushed against her ear with a 'tsk'.
"Lies, my dear." Shinnok hissed. "Tell me the truth. How do you truly feel?"
"I'm telling you the truth. I swear it. " Y/N gasped as Shinnok's fingers dug painfully into her hip. She flinched as Shinnok drew up to full height behind her and pulled her back until she was flush against him.
"I'm going to drag the truth out of you, Y/N." Shinnok caressed her neck once before snapping his fingers at Quan Chi. The sorcerer grinned as he made his way toward the pair of them. A gnawing pit of fear grew in her gut. "Either you can confess your heart now, or I'll have to see for myself how you feel about your beloved 'mentor'." Y/N could feel her heart beating in her throat as Shinnok finally released her. She couldn't speak, unwilling to bare her heart to this monster. He sighed at her hesitation. "So stubborn."
An ear splitting scream tore from Raiden's lips as the hand collared around his throat began to pulse with a red aura. Y/N scrambled to run to him, but Quan Chi was ready, pinning her arms to her side as Raiden thrashed in pain. Y/N tried to break away from the sorcerer, but his grip was unrelenting.
"Stop it! Stop, please, you're killing him!" Y/N shrieked, tears glimmering in her eyes as Raiden's torment continued. "Please!"
Shinnok snapped his fingers again and the aura dissipated. Raiden slumped, his bonds taking his weight as he struggled to catch his breath. Y/N tried to shrug off the sorcerer, desperate to go to him, but Shinnok stepped into her path and Quan Chi squeezed her harder in warning. She stilled under the fallen elder god's burning gaze.
"I will give you one last chance, my dear. Any more lies and I will continue Raiden's suffering. You will obey me, utterly, or I will take my ire out on him." Shinnok placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze, reveling in watching her accept his power as absolute. "Now…"
"It's true. I love Lord Raiden. I've been halfway in love with him since we first met. Please don't… don't hurt him." Y/N choked. She could hear Raiden gasp behind them and she wished more than anything she could at least see his reaction. Instead, her cheeks burned with shame as she confessed her feelings under Shinnok's feverish gaze. She let her voice drop, pleading. "Please. I'll do anything you ask."
“Anything?” Shinnok repeated. His hand flexed under her chin and she shivered at the sudden hunger she could see in his eyes. He glanced over at Raiden, his face smug with victory. There was a shift in the air around them, a palpable tension that Y/N was terrified would soon snap. Raiden seemed to sense it too, his posture going stiff. Shinnok’s hand trailed down, tracing the line of Y/N’s sternum, tugging down the fabric of her tunic to expose the curve of her breasts. Y/N’s breath hitched, eyes wide with panic as the path of Shinnok’s fingers dipped below the fabric. His fingers pressed between her breasts, thumb stroking the soft expanse of skin he had exposed. “You’ve seen what will happen if you disobey me. Are you sure you want to promise anything?”
Y/N closed her eyes, swallowing thickly against the bile rising in her throat. Shinnok’s thumb continued its rhythmic pattern, almost soothing in its tenderness. There was no real choice in this situation. Anything she did short of what he wished would result in Raiden’s continued torture, and likely her own. Yet, to submit to this monster was it’s own torture in a way. How could she ever face Raiden? Whatever affection they harbored for each other would be forever tainted by this. She shivered as Shinnok continued to stare her down, his milky white eyes still hungry; still promising a torment sweeter, yet more insidious than anything she’d suffered yet. Y/N exhaled slowly as she nodded in assent.
“Y/N, don’t! You don’t have to do his bidding!” Raiden roared. “Leave her alone, Shinnok!" He strained hard enough against his bonds that Y/N almost thought his muscles would tear. Shinnok glared at the thunder god.
“Be silent, you impetuous fool!” Shinnok barked. Y/N felt a slight tingle around her neck, before the same red aura was encompassing her. The pain she felt was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. As if all her flesh was being peeled away at once and a fire was set to smolder in her every nerve. She screamed, thrashing in Quan Chi’s hold as if tearing herself away from the sorcerer might somehow end her torment. Shinnok pivoted, allowing Raiden to watch as she squirmed and sobbed.
“ENOUGH! CEASE THIS NEEDLESS TORTURE!” Raiden bellowed, howling in rage as the pain only grew more intense. "Please!"
“I said be silent!” Shinnok replied, calm, unfazed in the face of Raiden’s anger. Shinnok waited, satisfied as Raiden’s mouth snapped shut. “Better. Much better.” The aura disappeared around Y/N and she collapsed forward, muscles weak and trembling. Quan Chi released her with a laugh and she stumbled straight into Shinnok who caught her weight with a chuckle. Y/N shivered as his hands settled on her hips, helping her to right herself.
“I don’t enjoy hurting you this way.” Shinnok stroked his hand along her hip soothingly, enjoying how she trembled in fear beneath his fingers. “However, sometimes pain is necessary and you do scream ever so sweetly.” Shinnok smiled at her, gentle, but filled with sinister promise. “As much as I enjoy forcing you into compliance, Raiden, I do hate being interrupted.” Shinnok added. He snapped his fingers and Y/N heard a muffled shout as the hand that had earlier muzzled Raiden clamped back into place. He locked eyes with Y/N and she could see the regret and anguish in those orbs. Y/N tried to convey some reassurance, but knew it fell flat in the face of what was to come.
“Now, my dear Y/N.” Shinnok grinned, eyes focused intently on her. “I want you to remove your clothes. Let me see your true beauty you attempt to conceal.” Y/N could feel that cold pit in her stomach turn to steel and drop. She let any protest die on her lips, flinching when Shinnok’s hand went to rest under his chin, studying her intensely. She glanced back at Quan Chi, the sorcerer smirking at her impending humiliation, before returning to meet Shinnok’s gaze. With shaky hands, she slowly set about removing her clothing. Layer by layer she stripped down, cheeks burning with shame as she let the garments fall around her. When the last piece fell to the ground she stepped forward, untangling her legs from the mess, and placing her mere inches from the fallen god. She glanced quickly at Raiden, her blush growing deeper at the gravity of his gaze on her naked form.
“Such a gorgeous young woman isn’t she, Raiden?” Shinnok chuckled. Raiden growled in response which only seemed to spur Shinnok on. He traced the line of Y/N’s jaw, hand drifting back until it was threaded with her hair. Y/N wasn’t prepared as Shinnok clenched his fist, tugging fiercely at her hair, or for the sudden shove he added, and her knees cracked against the obsidian tiles with a loud clack. She cried out at both the sting along her scalp and the impact from her fall, even as Shinnok rubbed at her head soothingly. Y/N glared up at the god, dread growing with every breath as he smiled down at her. “I think my new pet deserves a treat for behaving so well.”
She watched in horror as Shinnok unhooked his belt, allowing his waist cape to fall to the ground with it, all while continuing to stroke her hair, slowly drawing his hand closer to her lips. He shifted slightly, ensuring Raiden could see what came next unobstructed. He continued to fuss with his pants, slowly drawing them down until his cock sprang free. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath. She had never seen a man’s sex so up close before and had to force herself to not jerk away, knowing any resistance might be taken as disobedience. Y/N would not give Shinnok a reason to torture Raiden. He slipped two fingers into her mouth, pressing down just slightly on her tongue and Y/N nearly gagged at the intrusion. His other hand gripped the base of his cock, stroking it a few times languidly as he watched her internal struggle.
“Come now, pet.” Shinnok licked his lips. “You're such a good girl for me. I want you to worship my cock with this sweet mouth.” Y/N watched in horror as his cock twitched. It was only half hard and bigger than anything she had ever imagined. She swallowed the urge to gag as Shinnok pulled back, letting his hands drop to his side and forcing her to take initiative. Hesitantly, Y/N reached out, wrapping her hands around the thick appendage. The skin was much softer than she expected and she stroked it experimentally, feeling it twitch in her hand. Shinnok seemed content to let her set the pace, for now, though Y/N wasn’t sure how long that patience would last.
She drew close, letting one hand drop to rest against his thigh and gave his cock an experimental lick along the underside. She continued to give it kitten licks over the head and along the thick vein on the side, adjusting to the salty taste of pre-cum leaking from the tip. This close she could smell the thick, musky scent of the elder god mixed with the ever present sulfur smell of netherrealm clogging her nostrils and making her dizzy. She took the head into her mouth, sucked once, then pushed forward until the weight of it was heavy on her tongue. Her teeth grazed the soft skin, causing Shinnok to hiss in pain. He threaded his finger in her hair and yanked her back, making her yelp. She had to dig her hands into the fabric of his pants to maintain her balance.
“If I feel those teeth again you will regret it, pet.” He growled. Y/N coughed, cheeks burning brilliantly as she glared up at him.
“I haven’t…” Y/N grit her teeth, wanting to bite back the admission. It only took an image of Raiden thrashing in pain to force the words out in a rush. “I haven’t done this before.” Shinnok’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, then an expression of pure rapture spread over his countenance.
“I had no idea I had the honor of being your first.” Shinnok grinned. He couldn’t help glancing smugly at Raiden. The burning hatred in Raiden’s eyes made shinnok's cock twitch eagerly. “Curl your lips around your teeth.” Shinnok instructed, guiding Y/N’s head back to his cock. He grasped the base, feeding his cock into her mouth slowly, relishing the hot, wet slide as she followed his directions. “Use your tongue. More,” He sighed. “Just like that, pet. Relax your jaw, It’s quite large for your first.” Y/N swirled her tongue around the head of it, her hand drifting up to take over for Shinnok and stroke the length she couldn’t fit into her mouth. “Don’t forget to suck, when you’re ready.”
Y/N pulled back, taking a deep breath before diving back in. She wanted to get this over quickly. She took Shinnok in deeper, until she could feel him pushing at the back of her throat. She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to gag as she began bobbing her head on his length, sucking at the head and swirling her tongue along the glands. His cock was thick, stretching her jaw painfully and too long to fit the entire thing in her mouth comfortably. She continued to stroke what wouldn’t fit, pulling off to catch her breath and slurping along that thick vein before taking him in again.
Shinnok kept one hand on her head, a contented sigh on his lips as he felt that tight, hot pleasure pooling in his guts. She was definitely a quick learner, her intense focus allowing her to read the minute twitch of his thigh or his cock to know what she was doing well. The hand she had previously braced on his thigh disappeared under his pants and Shinnok moaned as she fondled his balls, stroking and massaging them in tandem with the bobbing of her head. He jerked forward, the first physical sign he was actually enjoying this and Y/N pulled away with a cough as his cock hit the back of her throat. He shuddered at the tight squeeze he had felt before she’d pulled away. Her eyes were slightly glazed, lips red and swollen, with spit and pre-cum smeared along her chin.
With a sudden growl his hands dug into her head, yanking her back onto his cock and pushing his way past that sweet resistance to plunge down her throat. She choked, gagging around his length as she felt her nose nestled against the dusting of hair at the base of his cock. She felt him moan as she gagged again, unable to breathe, scrambling to push him away. He held her in place, relishing the way she swallowed around his cock, amused by the way her hands fumbled in the folds of his pants. He wished he could see if her throat was bulging around him. Distantly, he could see Raiden begin thrashing anew and decided that the only thing sweeter than taking his pleasure from the body of Raiden's love would be to hear the aforementioned god begging on her behalf. He let the muzzle fall away and was not disappointed.
“Release her! She’s choking! She can’t breathe, by the elder gods, stop this!” Raiden roared. Shinnok moaned louder, but relented, pulling back just enough for Y/N to draw in a ragged breath. She swallowed painfully, eliciting a shudder from the elder god. He kept one hand in her hair, the other he trailed down to rest against her throat, taking in the sight of her beautiful, fucked out face.
“Once again you presume to order me around Raiden?” Shinnok chided. “Have you not learned your lesson?” He stroked Y/N’s hair as he began to thrust his cock shallowly into her mouth. “I tried to make it easy for you by muzzling you. After all, you can hardly get in trouble if you can’t speak.” His gentle rocking began to pick up. Y/N was still light headed from before, she weakly tried to swirl her tongue along his length, but Shinnok didn’t seem to mind her lackluster attempts. He kept steadily thrusting harder, deeper, feeling her throat contract around him further and further as Y/N concentrated on breathing, on fighting the urge to gag. Tears spilled from her eyes and her throat ached as Shinnok fucked it mercilessly. “You will not speak unless I order it, Raiden, or it will be Y/N who suffers the consequences. I can make this pleasurable for her or I can make it hurt. The choice is yours.” He chuckled as Raiden’s mouth snapped shut, eyes burning with fury.
Shinnok continued to fuck into Y/N’s throat, elated in having subdued his rival, orgasm approaching quickly as he watched her expression become soft and lax around his cock. Y/N’s head was fuzzy, the lack of air made her feel like she was floating as she relaxed further around Shinnok’s cock. He slammed into her once more and Y/N felt his length spasm as something thick and warm shot down her throat. She was forced to swallow, hearing Shinnok moan as his hand traced her throat where it stretched taut around him. He was still cumming as he slowly pulled back, rope after rope of his salty essence filled her mouth until finally he withdrew with a satisfied sigh. A few final spurts of his seed landed along her chin and the swell of her breasts.
“Swallow it.” He ordered before she could spit any out. Y/N did so, letting her mouth fall open after for him to inspect and he groaned appreciatively at how fucked out she looked. Her lips were an angry red, tears dripping from her eyes, and her face flushed so beautifully. She was drawing in rasping breaths, her eyes glazed over as she rocked back to sit on her heels. She looked up at him, hands resting on her thighs, and he couldn’t help but swipe his hand through the cum coating her face, collecting most of it on his fingertips. He fed it to her, pressing the salty fluid to her tongue and didn’t even have to give an order before she started cleaning his fingers gently. She suckled at them softly, her face burning with shame as she swallowed down more of his seed. He tugged them free with a pop, tracing a line from her chin down to the thick rope of seed on her chest. He massaged the sticky seed into the swell of her breast, marking her, staking a claim on her for Raiden to see.
“Such a sweet girl, behaving so well for me, pet.” Shinnok praised. She wanted to feel disgusted by his praise, but she was still coming down from her high and his words brushed over her nerves like silk, making her tingle and shiver with pin pricks of pleasure. “You did such a good job for your first time, taking me so well.” The praise crashed down on her, pleasure shooting straight to her core and she felt her cunt become slick as she bit back a moan. She squirmed, thighs pressed together, seeking any kind of friction. She ached to touch herself, and had to clench her hands to keep them still. Shinnok hadn’t given her permission to touch and she refused to do something unless he specifically ordered it. She prayed the fallen god wouldn’t notice how his words were affecting her. He didn’t seem to, content to continue rubbing slow circles into her skin as she recovered. Unfortunately, someone else had been watching her much more intensely.
“My lord, I believe your new pet is rather enjoying your praises.” Quan Chi chuckled. Shinnok glanced at Quan Chi, following his gaze to where it rested between her legs. He could see a few drops of liquid against the obsidian tiles beneath her, watched her thighs tremble and the way her face grew hotter was all the confirmation he needed. Shinnok smirked.
“Is my sorcerer correct, my pet? Do you like it when I tell you how sweet you are?” Shinnok dropped to one knee, hand hooking under her chin to force her to face him. “Such a sweet, gorgeous creature. You looked so beautiful swallowing down my cock. So lovely.” Shinnok grinned. He rested his other hand on her hip and could feel her squirming beneath the tips of his fingers. “Didn’t she look absolutely divine as she choked me down, Raiden?” His smirk grew wider, triumphant, as her body spasmed sharply. He could see more of her slick juices pooling along her crease, dripping onto the floor beneath her. He let his hand drift closer, swiping at it with his thumb. Y/N’s breath hitched at the shock of pleasure that gentle touch elicited. Shinnok glanced over at Raiden expectantly, savoring the war that waged behind the thunder god’s eyes, knowing that Raiden would have to answer, lest Shinnok unleash his wrath on Y/N. He leaned in closer to Y/N, lips inches from hers even as he kept his eyes trained on Raiden. “Come now, Raiden. She did so well for her first time. Surely she deserves some recognition.”
“You were beautiful, Y/N.” Raiden swallowed down the bile in his throat, choking on the words as her eyes met his. She was close enough that he could see how her breath became shallow, her body twitching in response to him and his own cock spasmed at the sight. He felt sick with guilt at how his body was reacting to just the sight of her laid bare before him. He reveled in how, despite this nightmare, she seemed to react so keenly to his voice, to his eyes boring into hers with such ferocity. Shinnok may have been the one touching her, but it was his gaze, his presence that brought her pleasure. It was enough encouragement for him to speak up. “You looked so perfect, so gorgeous, taking his cock so well. Absolutely beautiful.”
Y/N whimpered as her core clenched tight with pleasure from hearing Raiden speak such filthy things. Shinnok grinned, feeling another slick rush of fluid around his thumb. He pressed it deeper into her crease, teasing her clit as she gasped, hands reaching up to clench at the folds of his tabards (the god was shirtless beneath), steadying herself as she shamelessly spread her legs a little, allowing him better access. His other hand drew her face closer as he claimed her lips with his own. He kept up the gentle circles as he plundered her mouth, relishing the little ‘ah’ ‘ah’ sounds she made against his mouth. He could taste the remnants of his spend on her tongue as he sucked on it lightly. She whimpered as he finally drew back, feeling elated.
“Was that your first kiss, pet?” Shinnok asked, his thumb stilling against her clit. Y/N shook her head, eyes clenched shut as she struggled to control her breathing. She hated how easily Shinnok could manipulate her body. She didn’t want this to feel good. Shinnok’s thumb pressed harder against her, making her gasp into his mouth as he kissed her again. “Tell me about it; about your first kiss.”
“It was…” Y/N keened as his thumb began to move again. His fingertips dug into her thigh for purchase as teased her with slow steady circles. Her breath grew shallow and her core clenched, aching and empty, and Y/N felt her skin flush hotter. She'd never felt these sensations before; never thought she could burn so hot as if her very nerves were being plucked like chords. Her eyes met Raiden's just as Shinnok's finger slid over her clit and she moaned, thready and high pitched, legs trembling with need. She drew in a ragged breath, but there was no reprieve from the relentless drag of Shinnok's fingers. She let her eyes fall shut, head thrown back on another moan because she could feel Raidens' eyes burning into her, tracing the curve of her heaving breast, memorizing the way her face looked flushed with pleasure, the sheen of her sweat-slicked skin. It was too much. Seeing how badly he desired her was making every touch of Shinnok's hotter, more intense.
“It was at the sky temple, just after we defeated Shao Kahn.'' She started again. Her voice was just a bit gravelly, still sore from how deep Shinnok had fucked her throat and hearing it seemed to invigorate him. His thumb pressed harder, the rough pad dragging over her clit faster and Y/N moaned again. “I was in the garden’s… oh… hah… at… at the sky temple with, ah, with Raiden. He… hah, ahh… he kissed me, ah, under the moonlight. It was so… ohh… so sweet… perfect.”
Shinnok paused his hand and Y/N slumped forward, keening as the slowly building pleasure in her core slipped away. Shinnok glanced up, surveyed the room with a critical eye. He hadn’t realized just how sweet a prize Quan Chi had brought him. He'd never anticipated she was so inexperienced, so virginal; tailor-made to torment the thunder god at the most primal level. His eyes fell on his faithful servant and he wasn’t surprised to see Quan Chi’s pants stretched taut and bulging. He would have to reward Quan Chi for his patience. Plus, sharing her body with the sorcerer would cut Raiden even deeper. To see the person he loved and desired taken apart for the first time by his most hated enemy already such delicious torment, but to allow Quan Chi to share in the experience would burn so much deeper into the thunder gods psyche.
What did surprise him was the equally straining erection tenting the Raiden's pants. He was a sight to behold. On his knees, wrists bound tight behind his back, his usual calm and serene composure lost to the raging storm Shinnok always knew was buried deep down. Even though the collar around his throat suppressed his powers, there was still lightning crackling around Raiden's eyes as he watched Shinnok teasing Y/N. Oh, but how ashamed he must feel, taking pleasure from this! Shinnok could hardly blame him. Y/N had been breathtaking as she'd quivered beneath his expert touch. Shinnok shuddered with inspiration.
He kissed Y/N again, slow drags of his lips caressing hers, distracting her as he guided her to the floor, pushing her hands up above her head. He only pulled back as one of his skeletal hands snapped around her wrists, pinning her to the floor. She looked so debauched, back arched high, legs still pinned beneath her, thighs spread to make room for him in their warm cradle. Y/N blinked up at him, dread creeping back into her stomach as she tested her strength against the bonds. They didn’t budge. Shinnok trailed his hands down her torso, relishing the softness of her flesh, so smooth, so delicate under his slender hands as they settled along her breasts. He took his time exploring the plush mounds, plucking at her taut nipples, observing how each slow tease wound her tighter. He let his mouth drop down, licking a stripe across one pebbled nub and she bucked up into him with a moan. He flicked his tongue over and over, relishing the way she squirmed beneath. Once he had it nice and hard he bit down, scraping over it with his teeth before soothing the sting with his tongue. He let it go with an exaggerated pop, fingers twisting the now moist nub as he repeated this on her other side. Gods, he loved how responsive she was and pulled away to tell her just that.
“You respond so beautifully to my touch.” Shinnok grinned, knowing the praise would only drive her closer to the edge. “Such a sweet pet, moaning so prettily for me.” He kissed his way down her ribcage, licked a stripe from her belly button to the top of her crease. His hands followed the trail of his lips, skimming over her ribs, her hips, until his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thighs.
He trailed them lower, hooked his fingers under her knees to manipulate her legs more easily. He guided them out from under her so her feet could rest on the floor. He didn’t want to hurt her and this new position allowed him to spread her legs wider, pushing them out and away so he could finally reveal her tight cunt. Y/N's legs instinctively tried to clench shut, but Shinnok only needed to squeeze once in warning for her to relax and let them fall apart around him.
“Good girl,” Shinnok crooned, hands trailing back up to squeeze at the soft swell of her flesh where her thighs met her core. He leaned in, licking a stripe from her hole to the top of her cunt, feeling her jerk and spasm under his finger tips. She tasted even sweeter than he had imagined, already wet and weeping from his attentions. He licked his lips, chasing that taste as he glanced at Raiden. “She tastes heavenly, Raiden, so deliciously sweet. She's already so wet for me, aren’t you, my dear?” He swiped a finger through her juices then traced it over her lips, grinning as her tongue darted out to taste. She shuddered as his thumb went back to her clit, flicking it harshly before sliding over it, down until it caught against the entrance of her pussy. He pushed in slowly, eyes still trained on Raiden as she arched her back and keened. “So, so sweet.”
He pushed his thumb deeper, deeper, pulling out only to push in again, watching her thrash in delicious torment. It was just enough pressure to drive her mad without pushing her over the edge. He kept at it, leaning in every so often to lap up the slick flooding out of her, teasing her until she had tears in her eyes again. Finally, he reached up to cup her jaw, forcing her to look at him. She looked absolutely desperate and that’s exactly how he wanted her. His eyes flicked up to lock with Quan Chi, a meaningful smirk on his face, and a matching grin spread across Quan Chi's lips as the sorcerer made his way toward the pair.
“You were so beautiful earlier, swallowing my cock, and my cum, and you’ve been so well behaved for me.” He pulled his thumb out of her with a soft pop, bringing it up so she could watch him suck the juices off with a moan. “Such a sweet, wonderful pet.” He grinned viciously. “You taste so divine, pet, that I can’t resist the temptation to feast. I’m going to fuck you with my tongue, suck out every last drop of your sweet fluid.” Shinnok grinned as Y/N’s breath hitched. His hands returned to Y/N's thighs, squeezing gently as Quan Chi dropped down beside her. Y/N gasped, watching the sorcerer free his aching cock from the tight confines of his pants. “I think my servant deserves a reward for his patience, don't you? It isn't often he brings me a gift this sweet. I trust you’ll take care of him as well as you did me.” Y/N nodded, her throat already aching at the thought and she let out a raspy 'yes'. "Good girl."
Y/N shuddered as Shinnok made his way back down to stare at her core. Her hands were still tightly bound, so all she could do was watch and wait for them to act. To use her as they pleased. Quan Chi was stroking his length, one hand settling in her hair to turn her head his way. She couldn't help but stare in horror as his massive cock grew thicker as he stroked it. She could already feel it filling out her throat, choking her, thicker already than Shinnok's though thankfully not quite as long. Y/N wondered, briefly, if Raiden was as well endowed; if he’d fill her throat the way Shinnok had. She had a flash of him in Quan Chi's position, feeding her his cock, her mouth stretched over it. Her whole body spasmed and a rush of slick soaked her cunt as she clenched tight at her core. She heard Shinnok gasp, watched Quan Chi pause, his cock inches from her lips as he glanced down to where the former elder god was transfixed on her slick cunt.
"My my, you just gushed my dear. We’re not even touching you yet look how utterly drenched you are. That eager for another cock in your throat?" Shinnok goaded, his thumbs pressed into her thighs as he looked at her. She shook her head, mortified at how her body reacted. "No? Then tell me, what made you so desperately wet?" He rubbed circles into her thighs, his breath hot against her soaked core, and Y/N felt tears prick her eyes again. "Use your words, pet. Tell me what you were thinking that made you soak my floors with your sweet juices."
"I… I,"Y/N keened as Shinnok's thumbs teased her skin, so tantalizingly close to her slick core. She couldn't help but glance over at Raiden. Gods, he was so close, only a couple yards away at most, but it felt like miles with how desperate she was to touch him. Just to interlock her fingers with his would be enough. She flushed as Raiden's eyes raked across her body and she looked away again. "I wondered if… if Raiden’s… if his cock was this large. I was thinking what it would be like to feel him down my throat. " Y/N whimpered. She wished the floor would open to swallow her. She couldn't meet Raiden's gaze, but there was no mistaking the aborted whimper that tore from his throat, or the ragged breaths that followed as he tried to keep his composure.
"I bet he wouldn't disappoint," Shinnok teased. "Look at how desperate he is. You can see how hard his cock is, straining his pants, soiling them with his seed. He's as wet for it as you are. He would fill you so good, so full, spilling down your throat and feeding you his cum." Shinnok pressed his nose against her cunt, inhaled that sweet scent as more juice gushed out of her. He nodded to Quan Chi, permission to continue as he nuzzled the inside of her thigh, his left hand drifting closer and closer to her core. "Go ahead and think of him, if you want. Take Quan Chi's cock like the sweet girl you are and think of your thunder god watching you come apart in front of his eyes."
Y/N whined, her breath caught in her throat, as Shinnok pressed his tongue flat against her hole, dragging it over her clit and back down. Her mouth fell open as he lapped up the mess that had already spilled out of her and Quan Chi took the opportunity to push forward, filling her mouth with the thick head of his cock. Y/N moaned around him, tongue swiping automatically over the tip, tasting the trickle of pre-cum that had collected there. She bobbed her head forward, sucking him deeper into her mouth, as far as she could with the limited range of motion she had. Her hands clenched into fists as she strained against the bonds.
Shinnok's tongue was like a hot brand on her cunt, expertly working her over. She felt pleasure building in her core as he sucked on her throbbing clit, swirling his tongue over the sensitive nub, her body responding beautifully to his touch. He worked his way down, savoring the taste as he lapped at her tight entrance before spearing her open with his tongue. She spasmed, body jerking under his hands as she pulled off Quan Chi with a high pitched whine. He fucked his tongue into her ruthlessly, delighted at the breathy moans leaving her as she took Quan Chi's cock back into her mouth. He released her thigh, bringing one finger up to toy with her folds before pushing it inside her, feeling her clamp down on the invading digit as he fucked it into her alongside his tongue.
Quan Chi groaned when Y/N spasmed around his cock, popping it out of her mouth with the most delicious cry of ecstasy. She was a truly magnificent sight, body flushed, spread open for them like a whore. He gave her a moment to revel in her pleasure before he directed her back onto his cock. Her chest was heaving, breathy moans reverberating around his thick shaft as she swirled her tongue over his glands. He gave an experimental thrust, pleased when she didn't immediately gag from his cock hitting the back of her throat. He thrust again, harder, more insistent, pushing through that tight resistance as she slurped at his length. She was drooling as he thrust again, a thin trickle of saliva leaking out, the very portrait of sin.
Y/N keened as Shinnok pushed a second finger into her, pumping them slowly and meticulously as he continued to suckle at her swollen clit. She felt her core growing tighter, hotter, pleasure building molten and heavy, threatening to spill over. Her jaw ached, stretched around the thick cock in her throat. Her thighs were quivering as Shinnok broke her down to nothing but moans and sobs of gut wrenching ecstasy. She felt that peak quickly approaching, back arching off the floor, tight as a bow string and Shinnok ripped his fingers free just before she could spill over. She barely had time to breathe before his hand came down on her clit, slapping it hard, firm, sending a bolt of pain/pleasure through her core and punching the air from her lungs.
Her throat squeezed tightly around Quan Chi and he laughed, breathy and smug, as he fucked into her throat harder, chasing his release. Shinnok slapped her again, striking over her quivering entrance, across her clit, his other hand tracing a path to her chest to toy with one of her breasts. Quan Chi stilled his thrusts, used the hand threading her hair to push her head up and down his cock, relishing the gagging, obscene noises she made as Shinnok began alternating between fucking into her tight channel with his tongue, before pulling back to smack her throbbing pussy. Each time he brought his hand down her body jerked, throat contracting deliciously around Quan Chi's cock. He began to thrust again, holding her head still and reaching down to tweak her neglected nipple between his fingers, mirroring his master's work. He felt his peak quickly approaching, his thrusts growing erratic as he pushed deep, deep into her throat. He held her there as he came, groaning with pleasure as he shot his seed down her throat. He pulled back just enough to let her inhale, tears dripping down her face, mixing with his cum as it spilled out around his cock. He continued to fill her throat, gagging her as he kept thrusting, riding out his orgasm, his cock stayed heavy on her tongue as the last weak spurt hit the back of her throat. She swallowed the thick, salty cum, licking the traces of it clean from his cock until he began to squirm from overstimulation and he pulled out of her with an obscene pop.
Shinnok gave her cunt one last smack, feeling her body go taut and plunged his fingers back inside her. He pumped them hard, fast, pushing up into the sweet spot inside of her relentlessly. His mouth latched onto her clit and he felt her gasp, then scream as she shook, squirting around his fingers, coating his hand, his mouth, even hitting his chest with her sweet juices. He didn't slow, didn't falter, forced her orgasm out of her wave by wave until her whole body went limp and she was quivering under him. He lapped up the mess, feasting on the rich taste. He could hear her aborted attempts to ask him to please stop, each time catching herself before she could give voice to the command.
Y/N was definitely floating now. She felt Quan Chi's hand caress her neck and hissed at how tender it was. His prodding was gentle, but methodical, taking stock of any damage that had been done. Her muscles were twitching, her nerves all on fire as that euphoria slowly faded. Shinnok's hand was a grounding presence against her thigh as she struggled to catch her breath. She hated how good the weight of it felt, as if it was the only thing that kept her anchored to reality. She tugged at the restraints on her hand, surprised when the pressure lifted. She didn't know what to do with them, moving at all seemed too difficult a task, so she simply left them above her head, letting the muscles relax as she continued to float.
For Raiden, it took everything in his power to stay silent, lest he incur Shinnok's wrath. He would make the elder god pay for this, he swore, but right now all he could think about was checking in with Y/N. He cursed silently as Shinnok and Quan Chi did nothing, content to watch the rise and fall of her chest, the way she trembled under their gentle caresses. It should be his hands holding her, soothing her, bringing her such pleasure. Shame welled up in him. He shouldn't be thinking of her like this. She shouldn't be in this position at all, yet it was hard to consider anything else but how desperate he was to hold her, to taste her, to take her apart under his hands. His cock was so hard and full it hurt. The silence stretched on until Raiden couldn't stand it another minute.
"Y/N. Are you alright?" His voice croaked, hoarse from both screaming and from the lust he tried so desperately to conceal.
"Speaking out of turn again? After Y/N has been so good for us?" Shinnok chided softly. "You are truly testing my patience, Raiden." Raiden growled, his fury growing by the second. Shinnok tapped Y/N on the cheek gently. "Come on, sweet girl, open your eyes for me. Let's see how you are fairing." Y/N groaned, her eyes snapping open to meet his own and she gave a shaky nod. Shinnok clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Use your words, pet. Your Thunder God is worried about you."
"I'm…" Y/N whimpered, her throat grating painfully as she tried to speak. She could barely manage more than a whisper. "I… it hurts. Please don't… hurts," was all she managed to whisper. Quan Chi stroked his hand over her throat softly.
"The poor dear. We really did a number on this, didn't we?" Quan Chi murmured, his deep voice reverberating through her. He glanced at Shinnok questioningly and at his master's assent he muttered softly under his breath, hand glowing and healing the tender flesh below. Y/N whimpered gratefully as the pain slowly faded. Her voice was still hoarse, but she sounded much less strained as she managed a soft thanks. Quan Chi brushed his fingers across her throat once more, reverently, before drawing up to full height, tucking his softening cock away with a groan.
"With respect, Shinnok, it appears one of my men has returned with another earthrealm prisoner. " Quan Chi added with a frown. "I should check in. If you have need of me?" The question trailed off, inviting orders from the fallen god.
"You're dismissed, Quan Chi. I expect a full report later on. I will call for you if I need assistance " Shinnok dismissed him with a wave and soon enough it was just him alone with Y/N, her hand slung over her face to hide her shame, and Raiden, who seemed on the verge of hysteria seeing Y/N like this.
***link to part two will be posted once it's finished; if anyone wants to comment it might help spur some inspiration to get it completed sooner***
The original character in this story is the twin sister of the OC that inspired my Rain x Male reader one shot 'Tease' if anyone is curious
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Is there a Master Post for the "Monkey King and the Infant AU"? Cuz I've been reading through your posts with the tag and while it peaked my attention, there's still a lot I feel I'm missing like Macaque needing to "eat" Wukong? And something about energy transfers??
Howdy! I just put together a masterpost here: Masterlist so people just getting into the au have more information.
The basic idea of "Soul Energy Transfer" is that similar to the concept of Yin/Yang (or for fellow nerds Covalent Bonds); the Egg/MK needs a constant recycling of soul energy/chi to be made.
Soul Energy is consumed like regular of ATP/food energy while a baby is in the womb (which the Egg is doing too).
Soul Energy/Chi is absorbed from A: Stealing it from a person within certain distance (parasitism), or B: Literally eating a Person. Shadowpeach find an EXP hack since Sun Wukong is a near-infinite source of energy + can canonically in JTTW regenerate body parts (notably hearts) really fast. And the Six Eared Macaque in JTTW canonically had zero issue with eating his own kind.
If Shadowpeach are separated for a long time, Wukong will recover a large amount of energy but Macaque will have to eat a ridiculous amount of Soul Energy or he becomes dangerously hungry/fatigued. They learn this fact on accident when they have a big fight and Macaque spends the week with PIF.
The amount of energy required to make the Egg/MK is so great that it gives both monkeys a massive mortal debuff. Shadowpeach only begin regaining their more god-like powers once MK isn't dependent on them anymore.
I hope that's a more clear idea of how the Energy transfer works.
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sunnysideprincess · 2 months
Avatar (tla/lok) AU where Steve is the Avatar but despite being born to northern water tribe he cannot pick up waterbending all that well due to his childhood trauma where he almost drowned and froze to his death in the icy waters. He tries to put off mastering the element and finally decides to run away to Republic city.
Of course, the (almost) master of all elements can't lie for shit and is caught by the Republic city police chief Bucky Barnes who wants to send his ass back home so he can do his job peacefully. But then Steve makes some new friends—an air bender named Sam and a chi-blocker named Natasha. There's Clint too, who's rumoured to have been descended from one of the yuyan archers. Steve sees Sam's air glider and wants one for himself, so the crew takes him to Tony, the disgraced heir to Stark fortune.
Tony works in a small mechanic workshop owned by the grumpy Hank Pym, where he works on Sato-mobiles and other motors while also being an understudy to Princess Shuri.
Steve and Tony don't get along. But Steve also can't stop going back to him for some reason. Tony, who has his own set of traumas, teaches Steve how to cheat his way around them.
Plot happens Steve finally learns to water bend and Tony finally learns to forgive his father (but not forget). They both decide to go around the world with Nat, Clint and Thor as the new team avatar while Sam stays behind to woo help Bucky round up the bad guys in the city
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bruhstation · 7 months
a few questions about the avatar au: 1. what are the roles of everyone? is lady aang, thomas katara, percy sokka, gordon zuko and henry toph? 2. what bending power does duck have? 3. how will the last agni kai play out?
yessss a question for the avatar AU…. :D a bit of rambling ahead because I am incredibly autistic about this new AU of mine. I've also answered your second question through the first question, if you don't mind :)
like I've mentioned before, this AU is set in an alternate universe where the air nomads are still alive and there's no hundred year war. there's still conflict though. this isn't really an "X in Y's place" AU -- I'm fitting the ttte/cstm characters in the atla universe. I'll tell you what the steam team is doing in the AU! (art of some of them here)
thomas is a young, amateur waterbender from the southern water tribe. he spends most of his time hanging out with edward and percy. he always gets into trouble -- stuck on ice floes, buried underneath snow, and drenched in water after a failed waterbending attempt. this was also one of the ways he encountered lady, which is after an avalanche near a cave. thomas proposed the idea that all four of them travel the world together and find bending arts teachers for lady ("I need to train too and become a really great waterbender!")
edward is a waterbending master from the southern water tribe. although he still has a lot of fire in him, he displays little interest in fighting and spends his free time brewing tea and writing in his journal. despite not revealing much about his past prior to living in the south pole, he teaches thomas waterbending and is some sort of father figure to him. edward's respected by a lot of tribespeople, though they tend to poke fun at him for being too old. after the formation of team avatar and getting his two old friends to join (after visiting the earth kingdom and fire nation consecutively), they said that edward is able to bloodbend, but edward entertained the silly idea by saying that "he's too old and small for that". he is also VERY quick and agile in chi-blocking techniques.
henry is a strong yet sickly, cynical yet gentle earthbender from gaoling, earth kingdom. after noticing the rising tensions in politics in ba sing se and witnessing how corrupt the dai li has become after a life-threatening accident, henry resides in the quieter part of the earth kingdom and manages his own flower/tea shop. after team avatar witnessed his immense strength in apprehending bandits wreaking havoc in his shop, lady asked henry to get on board the team. henry initially refuses, not wanting to get caught up in any weird life-threatening avatar business, but after being convinced by edward, he eventually folds. thomas does notice that his teacher acts awkward around their team's newest earthbending teacher.
gordon is the youngest son of a nobleman from the fire nation. he had a disgraceful agni kai -- stemming from a difference in political beliefs regarding their family and their relations to the fire nation army -- between him and his older remaining brother, scott. gordon lost, but not officially, as scott refused to scar him, disgracing both him and gordon. he then ran away to the boonies of the fire nation where he honed his lightningbending skills -- his signature bending arts -- in order to restore his pride. he first met team avatar when he challenged lady in an agni kai (gresleys loooove their agni kais) until edward had to chi-block him before he even launched an attack. as prideful as ever, gordon believes lady needs a firebending teacher (true) and joined team avatar. he doesn't seem too thrilled to see his old distant friends on board with him, though.
james is an ember island theater actor who believes he deserves more than what he's paid. he's very passionate about acting but is dissatisfied with the scripts given to him. team avatar encountered him when he was playing gordon in one of the plays (and horribly butchering his character). james joined because he wanted to learn more about their journeys and thought that he's essential to lighten up everyone's spirits. james is still his vain self and once told lady that being the avatar isn't THAT hard but he's a genuinely caring person. he's also the "bard" of the group and has some sassy yet well-meaning pick-me-ups. his favorite songs to cover are "girls from ba sing se" and "secret tunnel". also he and gordon once got drunk off cactus juice and the group never let him live that down.
percy is a nonbender from the southern water tribe. he's a known charmer for both his cute-ish face and determined personality. his mother was duck's sister, an earth kingdom noblewoman, while his father is a south pole tribesman. since there's no hundred year war in this AU, percy trains as a south pole tribe warrior just to guard the south pole village. since there's no threat (until d10's army invaded because he heard that lady is there), he spends most of his days helping out the tribespeople with whatever task they have or getting himself dragged into thomas' antics, including being the avatar's playful "bodyguard" in their world-cross journey.
toby is a waterbender from the northern water tribe and is the first person to be recruited in team avatar after they had left the southern water tribe. he was initially mavis' (the north pole princess) caretaker and one of the waterbending masters, but after an attack from d10's fire army, she turned into the moon to preserve waterbending. toby then joined team avatar out of guilt but found himself to be entertained by thomas and percy's antics and lady's curiosity about the world outside the air temples, which gives him hope for the youth. toby also has a strong dislike towards the fire nation army and the earthbending soldiers, particularly the dai li, and is well-versed in the militaristic structures of the two big countries and their weaknesses.
duck is an earthbender from one of ba sing se's noble families. he's really loyal to his city and the earth kingdom itself. although many people consider him charming and intelligent, he's really adamant about following laws, though this is mostly because of his family's influence. the little western (don, doug, oliver, toad) is kinda his body guards/personally recruited soldiers that work for him loosely and their primary target is to watch over diesel, a suspected spy from d10's army. duck senses that d10 is planning something bad for ba sing se. this is also his reasoning to join team avatar (despite initially distrusted by the strike trio). even though he doesn't always follow them around, he provides updates regarding the fire nation and earth kingdom.
and that's all for the famous 8!
as for the final agni kai, I'm still thinking about that one. at first, I was thinking the final agni kai wil be between spencer and gordon instead of between scott and gordon because the two brothers never genuinely hated each other while the two cousins are seconds away from blowing each other up. but, in what reason would spencer be working with diesel 10? why would he side with a nonbender who wants to abandon the old ways of bending and bring forth a new era in an extreme way? then I thought of spencer just being a massive fire nation glazer (and having thrown scott in jail or injured him) and how his dislike for team avatar turned into hate after they freed the prisoners from the boiling rock prison (including hiro). I'll get back to the idea later because I LOVE gresley family drama
thanks for the ask, anon! this was really fun to answer :]
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leleamo · 1 month
my version of Kfp4 for my au/rewrite
hello! how are you? As the title says, I'm going to rewrite kfp4, but before that, I'm going to say a few things first, firstly, I'm not going to write it as if it were a book story, because honestly it's lazy, and secondly:
What did I think of the film?
good, 7.0/10, I won't say more than that, since that's not the focus, and third:
What is a film rewrite?
according to Google "It's a search to really improve the narrative, and not just the formatting of the script" that's it, that's all I wanted to say, now, let's get to the rewriting...
everything would start with a festival, nothing very important, just a celebration, but at a certain point, Shifu tells Po that as long as Po is still the warrior dragon, Shifu will be the spiritual leader of the Valley Of Peace, which made Po think...
the scene cuts, we go to Po in the peach tree at night, but Tigress was approaching with his dinner, and Po says what happened, he is worried, if to become the warrior dragon he needs to go through an enemy as powerful as everyone he have faced so far, what could be coming? to Po and the future dragon warrior, but Tigress said not to worry, because if he could defeat Tai Lung, the future dragon warrior would be able to defeat whoever he was, but before Po could thank him, an explosion came from the village!!
it was an invasion! the villagers screamed, the furious five fought with the guards who protected their leader's palanquin! Po ran to the palanquin, but was caught by a cage! nothing brittle, but then Po only saw the silhouette of the leader
"What an honor to meet the Dragon Warrior face to face..."
Po is kidnapped, and the furious five still can't go after their friend, they had to protect the valley from the domain of the mysterious reptile, and after a while, they arrived in the Jupiter City.
Po (who had slept for a long time on the trip) woke up, in a room that looked like a closed area, and saw her... the leader with he staff...
"who are you?! what do you want with the valley of peace??!"' asked Po..
"no one knows my real name since I took control of this city.. heh.. they call me The Chameleon."
Chameleon told her story to the panda, who left home to become a Kung Fu master, but was devalued several times, and realized that only the lucky ones got a chance, the failures didn't... (as she spoke, the staff did the chameleon scenes in the past with her chi, what was that cool idea for me)
After telling her past, Chameleon says that Po is one of those lucky ones, but that everyone paid, when she dominates all of China and shows how powerful she is...
Anyway, the furious five went after Po, and Shifu was left to take care of the valley, but someone appeared during the chaos and the evacuation of the village... Peng!
Peng, who had only come to visit, was scared by the situation, but Shifu explained everything, so, determined, they went help Po
going back to the Chameleon, she would already be invoking Tai lung, and stealing he kung fu (instead of being the villains, let's put the people who are in the spiritual realm, Kai and Fenghuang just because they are super powerful), and instead of invoking Kai through the realm of spirits (she's not going to summon Shen, send him to shit) she made a portal to the realm of demons with her own magic, and in addition to summoning Kai, she also summons the (beautiful, wonderful, absolute) Fenghuang
After stealing their Kung Fu, they manage to escape, but the Chameleon doesn't even care, they are really weak, but just in case, she tells Zhen to go and observe them...
but instead of our three villains coming together, they separate. In this separation, Fenghuang ends up meeting Zhen; Tai Lung with Shifu and Peng; Zai with the furious five.
Fenghuang found out the news from Zhen, about Po being the master of chi, bla bla, and Fenghuang decided to get his Kung Fu back, and Zhen (who was making fun of Fenghuang whenever he could) went along for fun.
Kai, who was still frightening with his blades, made a deal with the furious five, that if he got his Kung Fu back, he wouldn't kill them, anyway, deal made.
and now Tai Lung... well, he changed in the spirit realm, after a loving reunion with his father and being surprised to meet his nephew, they already knew what to do, save Po and stop the Chameleon's domination!
so, until a certain part, the film would separate between: Fenghuang and Zhen, F5 and Kai, Tai Lung and Shifu and Peng
Po (still in prison) would often be visited by a chi version of a chameleon (which would not be done by her, but by the staff in question)
until the 3rd act, Fenghuang and Zhen will develop a friendship and this counts for the rest of the other team, unfortunately I have no idea for a moment between the Chameleon and Zhen
Anyway, in one part everyone is captured by the Chameleon's army except Tai, Kai and Zhen, so the three of them have to go save the day! hehe (and during this time Zhen manages to make friends with Po, as Fenghuang herself comments a lot about her)
anyway, at the end there is an epic fight with that epic form of the chameleon, and in the end the Chameleon would go to the valley of peace to learn Kung Fu with Peng, Kai and Tai return to the spirit realm, in Kai's case more because Po wanted it and Fenghuang, he got a second chance, and went to the valley of peace... and that's it! end!
Sorry for my laziness in writing this, I was a bit unwilling and it would probably be better if I was more motivated
Unfortunately, one thing was left out of all this, the fact that Fenghuang already knew Tai Lung, anyway, maybe I'll make a post about it later, I'll go, bye bye
(@tesla-runner remember when I talked about my rewrite? Well...)
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