#maul doesn't like being alone
13ag21k · 1 year
I headcanon Ezra as someone who absolutely adores being taken care of and knowing there are people out there who care for him and take notice of his potential, that's why despite everything that Maul does to them and despite his manipulation Ezra still doesn't hate him, Maul still protects him from the Tusken raiders and calls him apprentice and he doesn't use violence with Ezra and maybe I'm looking too much into this but I would've absolutely loved to see them grow a stronger bond where Maul only opens up to Ezra and trusts him and is redeemed slowly. But I kid you not I mostly would be thrilled to see Kanan and Maul argue over the methods the other uses to teach Ezra and constantly tell him to pick a side.
Ahsoka probably sees them all together and frowns, a little amused by the situation she asks: so Kanan is your master?
Ezra: Yes.
Ahsoka: and Maul also?
*insert a shot with Ezra holding Kanan and Maul's hand on each side*
Ezra: yes.
I'm smiling from ear to ear just thinking about Kanan training Ezra and trying to teach him some important jedi technique and philosophy regarding the force and Maul just making snarky comments and constantly correcting Kanan or Maul straight up barges into the room and slames the door open yelling: Ezra it is sith training time, While Kanan's eyes go as wide as saucers "HIS WHAT?" And a whole fight breaks out and Ezra just walks out with a face palm, head hanging low, tired and lowkey absolutely fond of the way these people who could have absolutely anyone as their apprentices to guide and look over chose him and care for him, who only a while ago had no one to trust and rely on, thinking he is alone and unwanted and now there are so many people believing in him, cheering him on and wanting to pass down their wisdom to him.
That's what would've made my heart explode and brain glitch with happiness.
*cue to me crying*
Also Maul calls Ezra "little sith" and Kanan flinches visibly everytime he hears this nickname, Ezra loves it tho.
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arcadequeerz · 1 year
I just do not give a single shit about lg-bt-q disc-ourse anymore.
#Cade.Txts#sorry i jsut do not care.#i dont give a fuck about what flag someone does or doesn't use#i dont care about what people call themselves. stop trying to decide shit for othrr people#shut up and fuck off n leave people alone. u dont havr to 'understand' to be respectful#Idc if people use the blue 'gay' flag who cares. use whatever flag u want.#shut the fuck up about mspec gay people we're doing nothing wrong n if i have someone try n start#some shit w me about how i personally identify i will maul them through the god damn internet. shut up.#eat shit. i dont owe a explanation to u about why i'm abro ply gay n if u demand me to explain#im going to tell you to fuck off.#who the fuck cares what people call themselves. u might not like being called queer or whatever n thats cool#but some people do and thats nit a fucking slight aganst u.#and i say 'you' as just in general i guess. this isn't pointed at a specific person.#i dread pride month every year because people r going to throw some shitfit about something snd i jsut#i dont care. can we care about shit that fucking matters instead.#if u legimately call urself a exclusionist in 2023 your a shitstain and do nothing for the community.#grow the fuck up or get the fuck off the internet.#sorry i saw shit n i got mad lol. i'm so tired of peoples bullshit. worry about shit tht matters n not#how someone else identifies or what someone calls themselves- or what flag someone uses.#i'm just going to be unabashedly full of rage now.#i'm queer n trans n im pissed the end.
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helyft · 2 months
Shenbro au where, Shen Yuan wakes up inside the body of the scum villain's little brother. Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan join the Qing Jing peak togather. Shen Jiu is way more popular than SY, even if it's not really a good thing. SY doesn't really leave the peak unless he must, so not many people know that SJ has a brother, let alone one who is a fucking saint.
After fixing and healing sqq like bob the builder, (transmigrator) SY is finally sure that SQQ isn't gonna fuck up his future even if he is left to his own device. But that doesn't mean SY will leave his big bro though, nope, He is just gonna go on his own little adventures while SJ is doing what-head-disiple-usually-do. Just temporarily yeah
It takes a lot to convince SJ, but with the help of YQY and their Shizun, SY manages to leave after promising SJ that he'll come back more often than not. It's not like he is planning on leaving forever, he will be back in time for the original to begin! Just to make sure his brother doesn't dig his own grave.
it's mighty fun, seeing monsters he had only ever read about with his own eyes, observing the wild life and noting down his adventures, if he didn't have SJ waiting for him back in the sect, SY might have just settled as a rogue cultivator.
SY is curious about how people in this day and age live. When he first came to this world, he was too busy trying to not die and keep his brother from pissing people off left and right. Now that SJ has calmed down a bit (he is still a little bitch but a likeable bitch atleast.) and canon is still a few years away, it's definitely the right time to enjoy the mundane activities and savoury street food!
But you know who else also leaves the sect to hunt down monsters for indefinite amount of time?
SY totally doesn't expect to run into future Bai Zhan lord while out in the wild (Wellll, not that he knows this is LQQ. ) but he is so glad he did! Otherwise he would have been mauled alive by a poisonous-clawed bear!
The amount of times they coincidentally meet eachother is actually suspicious. But SY doesn't mind. Who would mind being saved by a heavenly beauty (even if it's a man)? Sure, this guy might not talk alot, stare at him like he has grown another head and leave instantly after killing the beast that was about to attack SY, he sure is a eye-candy!
They get close soon enough. It can't be helped since they run into eachother every other week. SY even managed to fish out his surname! Which happens to be the same as Liu Mingyan's!
Liu-gongzi is actually nicer than he looks, turns out the reason he looked at SY as if he had grown a second head isn't because he dislikes him but because he looks identical to an unsavoury person Liu-gongzi knows!
SY learned quite a bit about him, like how he is part of a sect, how he only goes back to his sect once a month to show his face to his shizun, and how he even has a little sister. Liu-gongzi's company is a delight to have! He even lets SY observe a beast before killing it.
(if there is a slight voice whispering in the back of his head about the similarities Liu-gongzi has to a certain war god, he ignores it)
They don't really stick together, SY isn't really here to fight fight and fight, he is here to learn about the behind the scenes of PIDW, and enjoy his life the fullest before canon inevitably comes. Liu-gongzi on the other hand likes to mindlessly charge into battle. SY suspects that his head is somewhat empty other than thoughts about brawling with monsters.
Spending time with Liu-gongzi is...fun. It feels like he has finally made a friend who isn't mentioned by the original story. He is a little sad inside everytime they have to go their own way but somehow, they end up meeting always so he can just think that they are meant to be together right? In a platonic way ofc.
Time passes by in a flash, and before SY realises it, Canon is already looming over.
It's about time he heads back to Cang Qiong.
(and if he catches sight of a very, very familiar man, who has become even more beautiful since the last time SY saw him, wellll, that's a sorry for another day.)
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cumulo-ghoulll · 2 months
Feral Ghouls HCs
(hunting season pt. 5)
Copia baby talks all of his ghouls when they're feral
If any of them come up to him (and doesn't look too aggressive) he squeals "my baby!!", or "oh! a lil ghoul!!", or "look at that lil creature!!"
He leaves out food for all of them every night, it's usually a selection of their favourite snacks and whatever was left over from dinner
Copia likes to eat his lunch outside as well
He usually ends up sharing it with Dew or Swiss
Dew in particular is very vocal when he's 'found' food and ends up attracting at least seven other ghouls
By the time Primo's or Secondo's ghouls have come to see what's going on, Copia's already dropped his lunch and has ran back inside
Occasionally, Copia will spot Terzo's ghouls
They're very rarely seen but will sprint over to Copia if they see him
Alpha is usually the only one to come over
He likes being around Dew, and since Dew is usually with Copia, he'll run over to Copia
He's a pretty big ghoul, certainly bigger than Aether, so having a giant, unglamoured, feral hell beast running full speed at him always scares the shit out of Copia
Sometimes, he gets circled by Terzo's ghouls if they haven't seen him in a while
They'll all pace round him and sniff as they decide whether to maul him or not
Copia is, by this point, screaming for Terzo to do something
His brother will lean out of his window, complain that he woke him up, and tell his ghouls to leave Copia alone
They usually all go scampering back into the woods
The ghoulettes are also very rarely spotted
Cumulus is very trusting of Copia when she's feral and likes to find him on her third or fourth day of the season to have her hair brushed and plaited to keep it tidy
She'll purr the whole time and Copia pulls her curls out of her face and ties them back neatly
By the time, she's usually fallen asleep in his lap
Copia doesn't dare move in case he wakes her and has been stuck for hours before
Once Lus lets him go, he has to go and get his lint roller and roll all the hair and fluff off of him (Lus sheds like mad when she's feral)
If Rain goes to Copia, he likes to greet him by shaking pond water onto him
Everyone knows that Copia was with Rain when he comes back inside soaking wet
Rain also likes to bring him fish he's caught and tries to get him to eat it
Copia will then pull the good old "look over there!" trick and throw the fish back into the pond while Rain isn't looking
Copia's been bitten by Rain a lot too and had tiny scars on his hands because of it
Rain never bites him out of malice, it's usually when Copia's trying to get some algae or fish scales out of Rain's hair
Rain thinks it's a game and will nip at Copia's hand when it goes past his mouth
To Rain, he's only biting softly, but he forgets he has serrated teeth which hook into flesh so they'll catch and tear Copia's hand when he bites
Copia's brothers and most of the siblings of sin criticise him for still visiting his ghouls during hunting season but he pays them no mind
He did try to keep away from them once, but they all managed to break into his room and destroy the place while he was out because he wasn't giving them any attention
Copia learned his lesson that day.
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orionremastered · 5 months
Are there another part for shapeshifter golden tiger reader :D i appreciate your writing so much! 💕
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I've gotten another ask regarding a shifter!reader, so Imma just pile em up into one big AU. Send more shifter requests to have them added to the list! Even outside of gotham with other dc heroes would be cool. Like they've all got connections with other shifters online or sumin
shifter gang
Part One
Golden Pt. 2
It's been a few days since you last saw the pair, and maybe you're okay with that. Nights have been quiet yet cold, and you're getting excited about the temperature change that comes with spring.
Night patrols have been close to uneventful; save a kid or two there, maul a criminal of two here- the usual, in other words.
You're expecting the usual again tonight, just quiet patrolling and nothing extreme-
Look, you haven't been here for long, okay? Optimism, got it?
You're on the prowl for a missing girl, one that the bats no doubt have on their radar too, but you never know- you might get to her first. You went to the apartment where she lives and are confident that you could pinpoint her on her scent alone.
It's been an hour or two since you started looking and finally, you catch a whiff of the little girl's scent. You draw closer to an abandoned building, sneaking through structures to hide from the unforgiving street lights that flicker, forgotten by the city.
You jump onto a dumpster and into a broken window above it, landing quietly on the dusty floorboards. You can hear crying and the little girl's scent gets stronger.
Someone snaps at her as you draw closer, creeping up the stairs to the second floor. Thankful that the floor doesn't creak, you continue through the corridor of apartments, the number of each room fading from their painted places upon doors.
The screaming gets louder until you stop at a door, slightly ajar. You nudge it open with your nose and- you've luck- it's silent too.
"Shut the fuck up, dammit, you'll-"
The man doesn't get much more out of his mouth before you pounce, toppling both of you to the floor. Your fangs lock around his wrist, making him cry out in pain as you reach for the gun in his hand and throw it to the farthest corner of the room.
You snarl, pushing a set of sharp claws into the top of his spine. He yells curses that one should not around a child.
The window shatters beside you and two figures gracefully land in the room, one larger and one smaller by the sound of the thuds. You turn your head to glare, teeth bared and gleaming before you realise it's Robin and Batman- the duo one only fears if they're a criminal in the light of justice.
The man continues screaming, but not after giving one threatening snarl, deeper than any other you ever have.
"Leave the rest of this to us," Robin says calmly, and you're certain you like him more than the brooding knight in the corner near the gun.
He's allergic to those things anyway, so it's not like you're worried.
You step off the man's back and slowly approach the girl. She scrambles back and you remember you have blood still on your fangs. Still, you lower your head and attempt to look as harmless as a big cat can.
You can't grin when she reaches out to pet your head in case she sees your bloodied teeth. Once she realises you won't do her any harm, she scratches your neck and ears. Purring, you nudge her gently and lower yourself to the floor.
She's small enough to climb onto your back without it being too much of a struggle to stand and walk- she must be only five. She giggles, eyes red with tears, but she finds comfort in the warmth of your fur.
"GCPD has been called," the Bat says, glaring down at the criminal. You and Robin do the same. "Would you like us to take the girl to a hospital?"
You raise your head to look at him and flash your fangs, a solid 'no'.
"Whatever you think is best," Robin says, the Bat looking at him with a stare only a father could give to his son. "But wait, before you go-"
Robin smooths the short furs of your head and scratches underneath your ear. It takes you by surprise at first, but you don't snarl or bare your fangs at him, so he continues until he feels as though his father's glare has gone on long enough. "I told my siblings I'd pat you first. It's a bet, the only one I have participated in so far-" Batman snorts- "And I have won. As expected, I have succeeded."
You make a sound of amusement.
"Perhaps we shall work together again," the older of the two says. You huff, knowing you did all of this yourself, but nod anyway.
Perhaps it's time to make some friends -ones that aren't drowning in coffee and assignments, anyway.
Taglist: @veunho, @chevysstuffs, @carewerff, @xxrougefangxx, @yorkeylover
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karlachismylife · 5 days
Blind Spot || The Queen of the Clan pt.3
CW: fem!chubby!reader, kinda stalking and privacy invasion (what privacy out in the savanna though), mentions of pissing/marking
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You're still shaken even by the end of the day, and you're not alone in this state: no one fancies being trampled, no matter how beuatiful the wild black and white horsy lolipops are, and even the local guides look unnerved by today's brush with a horrific death. So you don't feel weird when you find yourself restless and on high alert deep into the barely moonlit night - even though Kir has it better than you and breathes evenly in the sleeping bag next to you, he mutters something like "careful" when you climb out of your tent. He understands, doesn't complain - honestly, a great fucking guy to have as your friend here.
The night is quite cooler than the frying pan that the days out here are, but it's still relatively warm and filled with loud noises, making it feel much more welcoming, even though by logic you should be more afraid of the darkness filled with so much wildlife than of a still, silent night. You and your human vision are no better than unsuspecting antilopas stocking up on some grass for an upcoming migration - an easy target for a silent predator, whose glinting eyes in the night vision camera will be the last thing flashing before it pounces you.
But then again, you have everyone around you to alert of an intruder: cautious birds, crickets, loud enough to make your eardrums vibrate as you pass their invisible high grounds on quiety rustling grass blades. Even some distant monkeys calling each other, ready to warn everyone around them like the good neighbours they are. That's probably more than your human neighbours in the city would do for you, if they even had noticed an intruder under late night TV or headphones.
Surely, you're safe enough in the confines of a camp to step aside and pee before going back to sleep.
You turn around to be greeted with a sight straight out of Conan Doyle's Hound of the Baskervilles, savannah edition. A huge, dog-like figure, looming right in the passage between tents ominously, a bare skull where its head should be.
If you didn't have to piss before, you sure do now.
The animal seems to sense the way your heart drops, fingers growing cold immediately, a potential shriek stuck in your throat, and moves. Takes a step back. Gets its lowered, unthreatening head out of the complete darkness - a pair of plush, round ears, one chipped harshly, light mane and an uneven patch of lighter fur on its mangled, but still adorable in its way, muzzle (so that's the skull) revealed.
A fucking hyena. Again. At least not the one that already took a habit of nuzzling up to you and using your backpack as its toilet - although, judging solely by size, this one would be more dominant - even though dominant hyenas don't usually go around looking like they were mauled by their whole clan. Still, who's to say it won't decide to go and spray over the other's scent just to prove who's more important? A single thought of getting your stuff double-scented makes your eyes water. Hyenas fucking stink.
"Don't you dare come piss on my stuff, you fucking Baskerville mutt," you threaten the hyena quietly, backing off into the patch of grass you intended to water. The hyena scoffs at you, but bows its head again. Its eyes - just two glistening orbs in the scarce lighting you have here - don't seem all that pleading and submissive, like the other one's did, but you know better than to judge animals by their eyes. They're not humans, no matter how similar their behaviour sometimes is, and you have to rely on indicators like their stance and vocalization.
Your ghostly visitor seems to be pretty calm. Perhaps got attracted by the unfamiliar hyena's smell you brought with yourself, and now is mostly confused and wary of the bulky tents with many humans inside - and one lucky human outside.
"There's no food for you here. You better go hunt somewhere else, or you'll be hungry," you try not to think that there is very much food for the hyena - namely, you - and back away further. The hyena that seemed quite content with just standing in one place all hauntingly, suddenly moves, pushes its ears back and whoops at you, making you stop abruptly.
The grass right where your foot would be planted moves silently and a single glint of a snake hurrying away from the big clumsy distrubance sends a shiver down your spine. You can't make out what snake it was, but you sure as hell don't mind never knowing compared to the other alternative. You shoot a glance at the hyena in its guarded position, and you find yourself able to follow the snake's path by the subtle movements of your fluffy savior's eyes. Huh. Not even a full twenty-four hours, and you're already saved twice by hyenas. If that's not the biggest middle finger to the Lion King, then what?
"Do you mind staying on watch while I pee, maybe?" you chuckle, teasing the hyena - surely it doesn't understand you, but it lets out a low whiny growl, as if acknowledging that it heard you try and communicate with it. You comtemplate hiding behind someone's tent (that's not very neighbourly, though) or a rover (too far, and who knows how many more snakes are there to taste your ankles along the way), but the train of thought lands back where you started: putting on a show in front of a hyena out of a ghost story.
You'll just have to pray that it doesn't consider you simply relieving yourself as an attempt to assert dominance or call dibs on its territory.
Surprisingly, the hyena averts its eyes as you crouch down in an uncomfortable position, your legs already cramping and the very real fear of anything crawling into your panties keeping you from actually letting go. When you finally manage, your guard's ears twitch, turning to the hissing sound, but it almost makes a point to keep its muzzle turned away - the logical explanation would be that there's actually something more interesting for the animal in the direction it's looking at. But you can dream of a respectful hyena ghost standing guard while you struggle to pull your pants back up, right?
You circle the hyena on the way back, keeping your eyes on it the whole time, and it turns its big patterned head to follow you too, wagging its tail lazily once or twice as you nearly stumble on the uneven ground. You only turn away from him, pretty much fed up with your night escapades (what did you want though, you're in the middle of the animal kingdom), as you try to open your and Kir's tent.
And then you hear the rustling and a low grumble. Alerted, you lift your head, prepared to scream as a last attempt to wander the predator off, only to find it fully laying on the ground, snout-first in the dust, rolling around and getting sand and dirt into its mane as it rubs its hide desperately at a certain spot on the ground.
The spot you just peed on.
"Ew, pervert," you react faster than you should, words slipping out as if you were actually witnessing a human do the same, not an animal that's very much used to rubbing its scent off on others and recieving the same treatment. But then again, what hyena wants human scent on its fur?
The hyena seems to hear you though. Its jolly tossing stops immediately, and you meet its huge dark eyes for a moment, before it makes another whiny grumbling noise - much more high-pitched this time, as if you caught the poor furry baby off guard and embarassed it - and scatters away, rushing silently through the night until it simply dissolves into the darkness.
Just like a ghost should.
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Part 2 | Part 3.5 | Part 4
Series masterlist | Main masterlist
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Tagging: @elaineiswithyou-blog @creepingeva @my-halo-is-a-little-broken @sillymanjaro @ihatethinkingofnames10 @ravensfeatheruniverse @yaminax @ljh861
honestly i don't know if posting updates so fast is a good idea, but i'm an attention whore and seeing people enjoy this thing overdozes me on dopamine better than any differential equation could, so i'll try and make updates as each previous chapter reaches a 100 notes. also a reminder that i will eventually block ageless blogs interacting at least with the nsfw chapters, so please take a minute and put your age in your bio or pinned post!
you can ask to be added to the taglist under series masterlist post
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koolades-world · 6 months
Hii can I request hcs with the obey me brothers with an mc that used to be a winged creature like not necessarily an angel but a community of people with wings and shit but due to mc “rebelling” and going against their rules so in result they like mauled mcs wings and now whenever their in their winged form it’s just bones, leftover flesh and a few singular feathers (sorry if too specific)
hi there!! sure thing
this is a very cool concept so no worries about being specific. I love it when people give me them, it just means you put lots of thought into it :)
please enjoy!
Mc with mangled wings
as the demon who ripped off his own wings, he lets you know you can always talk to him about what happened
he knows what it's like to be unwanted in a community and banished for a difference of ideas
makes an effort to keep his wings put away as much as possible since he's afraid to remind you of what you once had
don't let him be afraid of being himself and talk to him about it please
he can't help but shudder when he thinks about what happened to you
sometimes he can't help but wonder what they looked like before what happened to you
he's ready to give you anything, even goldie, if you need it for any reason
he might not fully understand, but lets you know you can always talk to him about it
he really understands your pain since he had wings at one point
he dislikes talking about his own situation, but he will listen you
it takes some coaxing and reassuring him it's alright, he'll open up
remember, there's no need to suffer alone <3
he doesn't understand why you aren't more upset, or mad
maybe it's just his wrath speaking, but he's angry for you
don't tell him where to find them because he will fuck them up unless revenge is your color
at the end of the day though, he's ready to sit by your side and listen to you and be there for you
he's immediately horrified
demands you name drop who did that to you so he could blackmail them or something along those lines
if you don't want him to, he will respect that!
does everything in his power he can to make you feel gorgeous
for once, he's speechless
he never knew people could be cruel to their own kind in that way for something as simple as breaking the rules
while your situation is akin to his and his brother's, they chose their reality while you didn't
he know you don't want his pity, so he makes sure you know you feel loved
like levi, he also understands you since he also had wings before
he knew they joy of flying and everything that came with it
while he doesn't like to mention it around his brothers, he likes to have that type of conversation with you
can offer advice since he's been missing his wings for much longer than you that will hopefully help
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antianakin · 1 year
It's probably been around a while and I just haven't encountered it before now, but the "yes everyone would have murdered a village down to the last child in that situation" take is a new one for me! Like would I have been justifiably upset in that situation? Yes. But what would I have done in that moment myself? Probably run. Granted I am not a person with a ton of unfathomable powers and a weapon I have spent a decade training to use that can cut through literally everything, but still. The argument that "well yeah EVERYONE would've done exactly what Anakin did" kinda falls apart when you think about it for two seconds because wow is that not what I would do when faced with being alone in the middle of an entire community of people who just captured and tortured my innocent mother for several weeks.
But it's also VERY hard to argue that this is even how everyone would react to this situation in Star Wars.
They literally have an entire arc where they explicitly have Obi-Wan's old nemesis who killed Obi-Wan's Master come to attack the home planet of someone he loves, captures her, and then murders her right in front of Obi-Wan with Obi-Wan helpless to save her. He then goads Obi-Wan into reacting in anger and Obi-Wan's reaction is to refuse to engage. He very explicitly refuses to even attack Maul because he knows he'd be reacting in anger and he's literally seen exactly where that leads before and overcome it. So when Obi-Wan IS put in an extremely similar situation, he chooses not to just go out and attack everybody as a result. He doesn't give in to his anger and fly to Dathomir to go kill every single Nightbrother on the planet as a form of justice for Satine, which is what this person is arguing is how literally anybody would react when placed in that situation.
Reva Sevander has every reason to despise Anakin, more reason than Anakin had to despise the Tuskens. And yet when she goes after Luke to try to kill him after she fails to kill Anakin, that becomes a line she can't cross. More accurately, it's a line Reva CHOOSES not to cross. So when put in that situation with all the same anger and grief as Anakin had with the opportunity to get her vengeance by killing an innocent child, Reva makes the active choice not to do what Anakin did. So while the impulse obviously was still there with Reva, she was fully capable of choosing not to go through with it. And Reva's been soaking in Darkness since she was about 8-10 years old, getting tortured and broken as an Inquisitor, surrounded by the corpses of her people, with zero support of any kind that she can turn to for comfort or guidance. Anakin had spent the last 10 years in a warm loving environment with people who cared for him and still had most of those people available to him to support him in this time of grief. And yet when faced with the same choice, Reva chose to pull back and let Luke live, but Anakin just kept going and massacred an entire village. It's a CHOICE, not an uncontrollable urge.
You know the only other person I can think up off the top of my head who DOES canonically have a similar reaction to Anakin's?
Aleksander Kallus.
Kallus explicitly states that he leads a genocide against the Lasat as vengeance for ONE Lasat killing a unit of Imperial soldiers in self defense. An entire species is nearly wiped out of existence because Kallus decided to let his anger control him.
But there are NUMEROUS other characters in Star Wars who we see lose people they love and proceed to not go on a murder spree against innocent people and children as a result. And the ones that do are pretty explicitly villains whose actions when in those situations are used to showcase just how villainous they are. Which indicates that it's NOT a normal reaction because otherwise it wouldn't really mean anything as a villain identifier. If it's something just about anyone would've done, it's probably not that villainous. The point of it NEEDS to be that most people WOULDN'T do that, even in justified anger.
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vacantfields · 7 months
Things Are Better AU MASTER POST!
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Tags used: Things Are Better AU | TAB AU | TAB AU Answers | TAB AU Writing | TAB AU Sun | TAB AU Moon | TAB AU Eclipse |
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/vacantfields
TAB AU: Singing Voices Spotify Playlist
YOU ARE ALLOWED TO: Draw, Write, etc with these guys! (ASK ABOUT NSFW !)(AND remember to credit me!!)
(I will attempt to use the tags as best as i can!! Do also note that things can change in this AU but this is the best place you can go look honestly)
[ In this AU, Sun, Eclipse, and Moon have gotten new bodies, some that are way more humanoid. Technically, they are not animatronics anymore, but the Pizzaplex they live at still deems them as such! They are also all separated; most importantly, THEY ARE NOT BROTHERS. They are best friends! (Sun and Moon, however, seem closer than that.) ]
[ It is set in the 20XX! The date doesn't matter. ]
[ The Location of this thriving Pizzaplex is in the heart of a big city, and the rest of the animatronics have gotten slight upgrades but have remained the same. Sun and Moon still run the Daycare. Eclipse stands as the security guard for the Daycare (Moon also still goes on patrols, as well). They live in the Daycare too! The layout is (sorta) the same as the original Pizzaplex. The boys can leave the place, but they must tell their handler or whoever runs the place how long they will be gone. The virus from the game is not here, BUT a virus is in this! It's highly aggressive and should be avoided at all costs. Moon used to have a virus, but most got removed from him when they moved into these bodies, although some of the virus remains in his code. Eclipse has a different virus embedded in him, and he cannot remember how he acted before; it basically wiped his personality, so now he's somewhat unpredictable. ]
They have humanoid/android bodies
The original body along with their personality chips were created in the middle of the 90s
Moon got his virus in 95 or so but they couldn't fully remove it as they would have to reset him and thats a chore plus it wasn't too dangerous so they moved the guys into separate bodies and it fixed most of it
the story is set in 20XX
The location is in a big city
They have been in the new bodies for around 5 years
The fire, gregory, etc. Did not happen here!
The virus Eclipse was made by some people who wanted to use the animatronics to attack people and make sure that fazbear would shut down
They are not the same guys from the game BUT they do act a lot like them! (kinda)
They used to share a body (Eclipse just being a security setting in them)
Moon has remains of a violent virus
Eclipse has the virus embedded in his code
Eclipse cannot remember who he was before the virus
The virus is not sentient... OR... Is it?
Despite not having the virus, Sun is not handling being alone in his head. His unstable and unused security program snaps in when he has breakdowns and makes his head think it's Moon talking to him.
Sun was the first personality chip then it was Moon and then Eclipse
Other facts
The virus does NOT like the color red on bodies. (Do not wear a red shirt or anything alike that around Eclipse he will attack and KILL.)(Though if they care about you he will hold back from mauling)
They cannot eat BUT! They can taste things!
Their face plates can still spin
They can still use the wire to "fly" around if they wish
They have a secondary voice box that they use for when they talk with people outside of the Daycare/or go out!
In the Daycare they use the "Canon" voice
They can also perform at "Adult Nights" at the pizzaplex, which consists of them singing on stage while the adults drink and so on.
Moon is the only one who actively performs so you can catch him in the evenings on stage!
They are all very flexible... And they can dance (;
They can also talk with each other through a shared headspace (like a group chat)
The old body is stored somewhere in the plex
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ SUN ⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊
He/They/We | 8'5" / 256cm | Daycare Attendant
[ Sun is a happy go lucky guy who hides a lot of his other emotions and sometimes they tumble in! He gets angry, he gets sassy, he gets upset, etc. !! ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Without A Whisper | Sleepless Deathbed | Reverie
(Invent Animate)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ MOON ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
He/They/We | 8'5" / 256cm | Naptime Attendant / Performer
[ Moon is your day to day gremlin. Crawling up walls and spider-walking across the floor in the darkness. Though he does easily get flustered if youre close enough to him! ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Secret Scream | That Death Cannot Touch | No Accusations
(The Black Queen)
☾✴ ๋࣭ ⭑ ECLIPSE ☾✴ ๋࣭ ⭑
He/They/We | 9'4" / 284cm | Security for the Daycare
[ Eclipse is a wild card. You never know if you can trust what comes out of his mouth but he seems docile for now ]
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Secondary Voice (singing):
Broken Inside | Forevermore | Clouded Son
(Broken Iris)
(Hopefully this made some sort of sense... I will probably edit here and there but (: !!)
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barrenclan · 1 month
I LOVED this issue. I knew Deepdark was going to adore the "there's nothing i can do" answer, it just made sense and played out nicely! I didn't expect ranger to get hurt at all after this, though. Then again, he'd want revenge on the cats who mauled his mate. And the LAST PANEL! AAAAAA!!!
Something that interests me is the future of Barrenclan. Barrenclan is most definitely dead. My personal theory is that Barrenclan will cease to become a clan. It makes sense for the group to move now that Defiance has stopped their slaughter. But are they able to leave the wastes? If Deepdark wants the life in the wastelands to be destroyed then will he kill the clan if they try to leave? Or is he just referring to the clan being alive in general?
I'm hoping for a future where they find healthier territory to support them, based on the cover of 'Death of Barrenclan 1'. But this is a tragedy, i don't really expect the best outcome. Now that the trench of the horror is over, i'm hoping it's only up from here
So, here's a little bit of a theory as to what's next
Redpelt will take charge of the clan
Daffodilpaw's character arc is coming to a close
Family support moment. These cats r going through it and they're doin it together
Considering we have two issues left, i don't think anyone is actually going to die
Pinepaw and Cormorantpaw become mates :) or cat dating. Wait they were already doing that werent they
The clan will move elsewhere. Cootstorm will not like this. She also might stay
Barrenclan will either stop being a clan or stop being "barren", as these cats will leave the wasteland they trapped themselves in for so long
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Deepdark doesn't want life in the wastelands to be destroyed, he wants them to survive - that's why he left them alone, and he won't go looking for them. But his offer is a one-time-deal; if BarrenClan somehow runs into Defiance again, after he'd done so well sparing them, the random chance they had will turn into a solid no-mercy situation. So it's like he's saying he'll trap them in the wastelands forever; alive, but still suffering.
It's a conundrum - do you stay in the "safe" place even though it'll kill you slowly? Or do you leave to find ways to actually thrive, but risk running into certain death again?
Up to the cats.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
Can I request a yandere concept for Pyramid Head (DBD)?
Sure, I haven't done much for him! He's a bit... complicated but here's what I have. Not really Yandere, mostly just dark, but again idk how to describe it.
Yandere! Pyramid Head (DBD) Concept
Pairing: Dubious
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Sadism, Torture, Obvious Violence, Imprisonment, Dark themes, Blood, Disturbing descriptions, Death mention, Touchy behavior, Dubious intentions.
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Pyramid Head is a being of torment, judgment, and pain.
It's hard to think of him feeling anything else.
He's an executioner given a new purpose by The Entity.
That's about as much lore as we get.
He'd meant to be an unyielding force, one hellbent on passing painful judgment.
Your first few encounters, and probably the majority of the obsession, will result in pain.
However, in a realm where you're consistently sent to your death, that isn't really new.
Pyramid Head's intentions are impossible to read.
No one knows his motives.
Which means his intentions with his obsession are unknown too.
It's hard to tell since most matches end with you dead in some way.
The executioner is ruthless.
Be you wrapped in barbed wire, sent to a piercing cage to maul your flesh... or even sliced by that large blade before being placed on a hook...
Most of your encounters have you shivering... Your mind is always replaying those final moments of your flesh being torn from you....
Blood is a common sight when you encounter the executioner.
The crimson liquid clings to him with every kill.
What's worse for you? You're always saved for last.
Sometimes you are spared... most of the time you're merely put through your own special hell.
You can probably tell you are a favorite of some kind...
But it's hard to tell if that's a good or bad thing.
You're used to the pain and blood.
What you aren't used to... is Pyramid Head changing his pattern.
You always viewed Pyramid Head as some monotonous drone to The Entity.
Yet when he goes out of his way to prolong the chase, to toy with you, to occasionally give mercy...
You realize that this being has some sort of sentience.
What's even worse is it still doesn't explain its favoritism towards you.
There's times Pyramid Head abandons chase, or just "stares", or even ignores you.
There's other times he just won't leave you alone!
That's the scariest trait of Pyramid Head towards you.
His unpredictability.
Another thing you can't read is him targeting survivors around you first.
On a generator? He's picking off the guy next to you before you.
It could be jealousy... or something else entirely.
Regardless of his actions, you don't trust him.
He switches behavior too quickly... like he isn't sure how to act around you.
It's anything from slaughtering you to cornering you to pin you down.
He isn't sure what makes you react more.
Do you react more to pain...? Or pleasure...?
Another question... which one does he like more?
Pyramid Head is experimenting with you.
That's one of the reasons he acts so unstable.
He can't tell what way he likes to watch you squirm, just what is the difference if you squirm from affection or pain?
Sometimes he makes you squirm by exploring you with his touches, rough yet oddly affectionate.
He studies how you writhe before him...
But he also does the same thing with pain, not seeing any difference.
He only knows that he likes it.
Your best bet is to keep your distance, to evade him.
But no survivor is perfect... especially with a killer who seems to have studied your every move.
In fact, your attempt to evade him only makes him worse.
He seems to get irritated, hunting down other survivors to take his rage out on them.
By the time he finds you, saving you for last, he's covered in blood.
And you scream a lot more for evading him.
Pyramid Head is confusing due to what he is.
He's meant to be a being to punish people.
Yet he sees you, and isn't sure how to react.
He should harm you, punish you, torment you...
But he also wants to keep you away from other survivors, to lock you away, to keep you out of harm....
Pleasure and punishment blur a line with him.
Affection quickly becomes harm when he puts his hands on you.
It's all a personal hell for you.
Conflicting emotions leads to an indecisive yandere...
Which only seems to cause everyone more harm... just as The Entity likes it.
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foap-enjoyer · 1 year
Ghoap headcanons
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley and John 'Soap' Mactavish relationship headcanons
Soap is the most affectionate in public. He always sticks close to Ghost, (minding his personal space, as Ghost isn't one for public displays) brushing up against him. Touches his shoulders, his arms, his back. He brushes their knees together under tables. Very verbal, too. He constantly makes jokes he really, really shouldn't be making at work around Ghost. And Ghost really, really wants him to shut up sometimes.
Ghost is the most affectionate in private. He touches constantly, never lets go. Adores touching Soap- it makes him feel good. Feel human. Brushing their teeth, laying in bed, watching a movie. It doesn't matter where - Ghost has to have a hand on Soap. His knee, his arm, anywhere he can, he will.
Ghost realised he was down bad during the 'alone' mission, when Soap was shot. He was terrified Soap wouldn't get up in time, wouldn't move out the way of the oncoming bullets. He ran and left Soap because he was terrified he was dead, and he didn't want to see him like that.
On the way to the safehouse after the 'alone' mission, Soap went into shock due to his injury. Cue Ghost having to desperately patch him up in the back of the car as Soap is fighting him off, confused and in pain. Ghost holds him down, comforts him, and they end up sitting together, pulled over on the road, listening to the shitty little radio for a while, before continuing on.
Ghost has nightmares of not saving Soap from Hassan. Dreams that Hassan was successful in throwing Soap out the window, that his bullet hit too late. He wakes up searching for the man each time. And each time, Soap is there.
Soap has nightmares too. Nightmares about being attacked by dogs as a kid, and, again as a soldier, of them tearing at his face, mauling him. Ghost always holds him close after these, and is extra careful to make sure no dogs come near the sergeant.
Soap does the same for Simon, when it comes to scorpions, spiders, and snakes. In fact, he has little fear of them, and will pick them up randomly to chuck them away from a dumbfounded Ghost, who could very easily shoulder his way through everything. It still makes him smile, even if Soap can't see it.
Soap's love language is physical touch, and while Ghost also loves touch, his love language is gift-giving. He collects things from every mission. A little stuffed bear, a fridge magnet, a tub of sand. Anything he finds, he gifts to Soap. Soap has a little shelf in his room just for those trinkets.
On leave, they like to drive up to Soap's sister's house and steal his niece for the weekend. She loves coming on trips with them. They take her hiking, to the zoo, to the movies. They spoil her like she was their own child. It's healing for both Soap and Ghost. Incredibly healing.
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altf4d3lete · 7 months
Wednesday series takes itsef far more seriously than the movies. Murder is a serious thing in the story. Here we won't find a poor girl cooked inside a cake and get a "C'est la vie!" joke. While W herself is proud of having of mutilated Dalton, seeing it as a rightful retribution, it's clear that she despises senseless murder, or killing for pleasure. EG when Enid tells her she's sorry for Xavier, W answers, without regrets, that he was a liar and a murderer, implying he deserved to be jailed.
BUT she accepts murder as a mean to protect others or themselves. When Enid and W see eachother again after the battle, for what W knows, if E is alive that means she killed Tyler. W saw what a Hyde is capable to do, and doesn't know that the Sheriff shot his own son, so the only conclusion she can reach is that if Enid survived then Tyler is dead, or so mauled that he's dying. So, Enid killed somebody, yet Wednesday reciprocates the hug. The emotional climax of the show was never about Tyler, it was for Wednesday to open completely to the girl who constantly offered her friendship without losing hope. And Tyler's final battle wasn't in the story for him, but to make Enid shine. The writers willingly wrote that.
If they really wanted to depict Tyler as a victim, I'm sure they would have been perfectly capable to write him as a victim, not as a willing participant.
First paragraph: this! Wednesday is shown to be morally strong in this show, in her own weird sense. She doesn’t like people who murder innocents, she doesn’t think people should be in pain if they don’t deserve it. She actively goes out of her way to be nice (as she can be) to Enid and Eugene. She only messes with people once they mess with her. If she was the way that Weylers see her as, she wouldn’t have bothered with the piranhas. She just straight up would have finished the job and killed dalton and probably killed Eugene’s bullies as well. She doesn’t like murder unless it’s justified in her eyes. And there doesn’t seem to be a lot that justifies it. Even when she found out Tyler was the Hyde, she wasn’t going to kill him. And that says a lot about her character I think. It’s also weird that people think that she’d forgive him because he was forced to do those things while she was under the impression that Xavier was the Hyde (and forced to do things) and didn’t care. Straight up threw him in jail 0 qualms about it.
Second paragraph: I already talked a little about the first half so I’ll focus on the second! this entire thing is so true. Her arc was with ENID, not Tyler, and I think that says a lot about the direction the writers want to take the show. It was never about her opening up romantically, it was never about her being shipped with Tyler or finding love. It was about her and ENID, and it always will be about the two of them, whether they end up romantic or not. It was purposefully set up that way, and the writers have already said that they’re the center of the show. Whether Wednesday ends up with Enid, someone else, or alone, no one will ever be as important to her as Enid is and that is just *chefs kiss*.
Paragraph 3: if they wanted to depict Tyler as a victim, they would have made it WAY more clear that the Hyde is a split personality or that they really have no control over their actions. Iirc, there was even talk of a Hyde who offed their master, so it’s not looking good for Tyler. It’s looking more like he has SOME sense of Will if he really tried to fight it, but he gave into the murdering and enjoyed it rather than showcased himself as an actual good guy. He didn’t look all that sad to be killing Wednesday in episode 8. By that point he would have remembered the things he did/had control over himself and he tried to kill his dad, too. Crazy that people still think he’s good. He’s a tragic villain, but he’s still that: a villain
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lesmismignon · 11 months
Can't sleep. Gonna throw this out there.
So. Integra.
Let me talk - again, yes, I know I've made similar posts - about how much she cares.
She didn't throw away the girl she used to be, who sat next to a corpse and basically said, "well it would have been nicer if you were a knight in shining armor, but at least I'm not alone, you won't mind me here, will you?" Like this girl cares about whether the very dead(looking) corpse in her basement that she's just met while on the run for her life, minds her being there.
She doesn't bat an eye at Seras joining them. She questions Alucard's reasons, but beyond that, once Seras is there she's there, she's under her wing and Integra will be damned if some priest kills her. She essentially defends Seras with her own body. "That girl is ours." Sir, this is the Judas Priest you're up against? But nah, step in so he doesn't kill the little fledgling vampire you took in like 1 night ago.
She doesn't care what people say to her face, call her whore or sow or bitch or go through her fucking drawer, whatever. But when her house is being invaded Integra really only starts to be visibly upset when it's clear all her men are dead. And again, she doesn't hesitate to throw herself at a rampaging baby vampire and embrace her to get her off her dead, ghoul-turned men. She doesn't want Seras mauling these already dead men, but she doesn't want to stop Seras by force. So she embraces her. It should have registered as a very unnecessary, risky move. But Integra did it anyway.
And during the war, Integra hardly displays any sorrow or woe towards her own predicament - it's only when Alucard cries for Anderson (and himself) that she looks so sad, for him - and it's only when Alucard disappears that she screams (his name) and when Walter dies that she looks so tired and worn.
And still, she says to Seras, Let's go home. Together.
Editing to add: And she's not even in the same ROOM as Walter when he dies. She loved her butler/father figure so much that she felt him die somewhere on the zeppelin and grieved even when he'd betrayed her so horribly. She is layers and layers of love under a heavy coat and goddamn I need to stop crying and go to sleep
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aboredindividual · 6 months
Birds and the bees - Heats and Ruts
There are 3 kinds of Heats and Ruts for each. From a glance they look very similar but they have their key differences.
Heats :
Warm Heat :
It is a mild form of natural heat that manifests in freshly presented omegas so they can ease themselves more smoothly into their dynamic. For most of the time the omega displays symptoms of normal heat without the increased sex drive attached. They may be confused and in need of comfort so be sure to cuddle and support them. Their scent changes but instead of it gaining seductive tone , it changes to sweet one that makes you want to put them in a burrito blanket and protect the omega with all your might. There are 3 warm heats that omega will experience in their teens - One when you present and 2 two additional after- and they will not have them untill they are around 50 years of age. They last around 5-6 days.
Natural Heats :
It is the most commonly known form of a heat. Omega is in their most vurnerable and primitive state when insticts overrule logic. They are the most fertile, producing massive amount of slick and their scent changes to a sweet, seductive undertone that quickly spreads into the surroundings, affecting all people nearby. Heats without a mate are often more painful and frustrating without someone to relieve them , so omegas often reach for special toys to smooth over the tides. Average Normal Heat symptoms procceed to look like this.
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Induced Heats :
The are the most annoying and unpredictable out of all of them. Induced Heats often occur when omega has smelled a scent of a compatible mate, alpha's for the most cases OR if they smell their mate in state of Rut. They are often the most painful when they don't have a person to help them through it, because body had no time to gradually accomodate changes , resulting in sexual frustration and more intense cramps. The result of it is that those unmated heats last around 3-4 day old. If the induction happened because of their mate, then the heat persists for the same time as their rut.
Important note regardless Heats : If you see unmated omega in heat that you don't know or had previously expressed their dissaproval of you , DO NOT APROACH THEM. They are as previously described in their most VURNERABLE and PRIMITIVE state, so if they deem you dangerous or incompatible they will NOT hesitate to defend themselves and attack you with everything they got. The warning growl is a sign that you should leave them alone and if you don't then don't be suprised when your face will look like a swiss cheese¯\_(ツ)_/
Ruts :
Warm Ruts :
Similarly to warm heats, warm ruts is a muted version of natural rut, where alphas can be more easily acclimated to their designation. They have milder symptoms and don't have the sexual drive attached to it. Teen alpha will experience 2 warm ruts in puberty, then won't see them untill they are around 60 years old. They will be snappy, nagging , possesive and restless so when you see them in the kitchen acting like they are 3 star chef and nagging people into eating, then quietly indulge them and don't go into their room when the height of it comes, you don't want to be mauled after all.
Natural Ruts :
It is the most common type of Rut that last around 5-6 days where they are the most fertile and have the biggest chance getting someone pregnant. It will be the most manageble with their mate, being more agreeing and dolice around them, if the alpha doesn't have one then seclude a room and give them their space to get through their rut. Average Natural Rut looks like this :
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Induced Rut :
They occur when Alpha smells omega in heat nearby Or when their mate is in heat themselves ( If alpha is mated then Strange omega's heat scent will have little to none effect on them ). They often last as long as the heat of the omega. Symptoms are often more intense than normal and the itch in their teeth will be intesified. Please note that the alpha in preheat will still be lucid and aware enough to think the situation throught so them acting on the instinct and ,,aiding" omega through their heat regardless is NOT okay.
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olivescales3 · 4 months
Legends of Chima Pride Flags (part 1)
I tried making them align with canon characterization and worldbuilding as much as possible. I took a little bit of liberties to speculate how they would behave in the future too, of course while taking into consideration the effects of canon events.
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(do not remove the watermark; do not tag as furry)
Because we don't know if animals feel the same type of sexual/romantic attraction like humans do, the animals from Chima are *at least* on the aroace spectrum due to them literally being just evolved, highly intelligent versions of their predecessors. Chi was made by the Phoenixes, which do not reproduce sexually; Chima animals' behavior and anatomy is almost identical to those of the Phoenixes, since language, third pair of limbs, among other Phoenix traits were projected evolutionarily onto them; this thus leaves the conclusion that 'human' romance and sex is not a thing for Chima animals, since it's also non-existent for the Phoenixes.
Laval is shown, throughout the show, that he is a caring lion who was also willing to choose a mate in the last episode, which is why I chose the partnering aroace flag for him. He doesn't have a specific choice of the partner's sex per se, since there weren't any teenage lions for him to be paired with (and the show not being focused on romance; point being that all romance subplots were pretty forced), and him choosing Li'ella really felt like it was some kind of last resort, so I kept that up to interpretation.
Cragger being hurt by those close to him (his parents' death + Crooler using him), along with his overall discontent about his existence being possibly forsaken due to Crunket, his mother, having an affair with Laval's uncle, Lavertus, all at a young age makes me assign him the non-partnering aroace orientation. During the first season of the show, Cragger's mental state is extremely fuzzy and miserable for a tween; he willingly told Laval to kill him out of spite, then attempted to personally murder him by letting the lion prince drown alone— all of it while behaving and speaking in ways that showed his depressing anguish. However, even if the later seasons show Cragger as a childish youngling that barely has any care in the world, he's still pretty aware about other's wrongdoings; he explicitly called out Fluminox' selfishness— "you let your son escape because you were feeling sorry for yourself?"; and he made backhanded jokes against Lavertus. It's not like Cragger would consciously be non-partnering, but the lingering, instinctive trauma would make him not want to have a mate.
Worriz was an easy pick for non-partnering aroace. He's constantly described in canon as a cunning liar who is willing to hide his true intentions– that is, gaining tremendous advantage in power– beneath treaties and promises. Not only that, but in Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey, Worriz immediately turned against Cragger when he understood that he was not getting his hands on the 'Triple Chi'; in the same game, he was shown to not be afraid of threatening others with extreme violence, like when he straight up told Eris he would maul her after he got his hands on the Triple Chi. His horrible violence doesn't end with just words; he directed attacks against the Eagle Tribe TWICE: once by attempting to pull the entire Eagle Spire down, which would cause as many casualties as possible, and twice by setting the Eagle Library on fire and subsequently erasing the tribe's culture and discoveries from existence, an event that happened in Laval's Journey. Of course, he'd make an exception for Windra since they're both vicious and violent... Worriz' violence is not the 'cause' of him being non-partnering; he is, in general, a real and terrifying threat, and would take advantage of anyone if he could— he wouldn't see relationships as innocent and would twist it to gain some kind of power.
Crooler was a hard pick. It's not known much of her besides her using Cragger, but the reason behind those acts are shown explicitly in the show to be envy, and not personal like one would assume. She was capable of demonstrating remorse to a certain extent, and told Cragger a few times she loved him. The honesty of these emotions are not known, but the fact that she was able to show a less 'evil' side of her places her view of relationships into question. If she grows into a better person, then she might get into a healthy relationship, but if she continues to be cunning then she won't. This nuance made me choose demi-partnering for her.
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