#richard grayson one short
batfamhastwitter · 9 days
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Part 24! Oh no guys, Gotham's sweethearts are officially broken up, what will Gothamites gossip about now???
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bluegarners · 6 months
no one asked but this is my fav part of the fic i just published
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all it takes is one (1) singular and not even very good joke from dick to make bruce feel better. and why wouldn’t his favorite word be his son’s own name?
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spheroz · 4 months
It’s almost summer!!
Or well, for me! Take a Dick Grayson in a swimsuit in my style!!
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solelifauna · 17 days
Yandere Batfam & Neglected Reader Prt.1
When your late mother had a one-night stand with Gotham's richest man, you find yourself at odds and cast aside by your father and his wayward family. Yet, it's only when you find peace that it all comes crumbling down.
TW: Neglect, injury, violence, death
(Y'all, it gets worse in the next post)
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To be adopted by Bruce Wayne was akin to a golden ticket; rare but life-changing. You had been one of those (un)lucky souls who just happened to catch the infamous Bruce Wayne's attention, but not how you’d typically expect. You see, you weren't just some random kid, no, you were the byproduct of a one-night stand between your mother and Brucie Wayne. Of course, you obviously didn't know, and your mother was more than content in keeping who your father was a secret. So for the first 11 years of your life, you lived in ignorance of who your father was. Not that it really bothered you; your mother’s love was more than enough, and as long as you had her you knew you’d be fine. 
Then of course, tragedy struck. Your mother was caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs, a stray bullet lodging itself in the side of her head. You don't know how long you spent crying, cradling her dead body, willing her to come back to life. It wasn’t until police and paramedics had to pull you off your mother, that you realized the gravity of your situation. Without your mother and no father, you’d no doubt be sent into one of Gotham City's many orphanages left to be trafficked and killed. Running away seemed like the best option until a positive paternal DNA match came in for one Bruce Wayne. To say you were dumbstruck is an understatement. Bruce Wayne was your father? The man known for adopting children and loving them as his own was your father? You were both relieved and delighted. You didn't know Bruce Wayne personally, but just seeing the way he treated his other children gave you hope, hope that you could heal with this man and finally know your father.
So when child services dropped you at the manor, a small suitcase in tow and a shy, nervous smile on your face only to be met with poorly hidden annoyance and contempt; to say you were heartbroken would be a disservice to yourself. It was easy to discern that your presence was not welcome and considered a hindrance. Bruce spoke to you disconnectedly, offering a quick apology on the loss of your mother before handing you off to the family butler, Alfred. At least Alfred had the decency to apologize on your father’s behalf, taking his time to talk to you and show you around the manor. You liked Alfred, he seemed kind. It wasn't long until you both ran into one of your other siblings, the eldest brother, Richard or Dick Grayson. He seemed the kindest out of the bunch on tv, so you were hopeful he'd have a different reaction compared to your father. 
Disappointment was your friend once more when Dick gave you a strained smile and conversed with you with fake interest. He left as soon as the opportunity arose. Your other siblings were no different; Jason was rarely ever at the manor and when he was, he certainly didn't bother even acknowledging you (not that you minded, he was scary when he was mad). Tim couldn't care less about your presence, finding annoyance when you’d go up to him and try to converse.
Cass or Cassandra talked to you here and there, never unkind, but you knew you were just an afterthought for her; Stephanie on the other hand initially interacted with you, asking you questions and occasionally sitting and talking to you. It was soon that you realized she was just bored and you were the newest “thing” in the manor. Her interest wore off a week later, her interactions with you now short and dry.
The family as a whole just seemed to disregard you and often stilted their conversation around you. You’d notice the dining room would be filled with laughter and loud talking until you'd walk in; silence would overtake the once lively place as everyone switched to hushed conversations. It’s as if everyone but you knew something you didn't, a big inside secret that bonded everyone together. It wasn’t until you accidentally discovered that Bruce Wayne was Batman and that the rest of your siblings had vigilante alter egos that everything made sense. This had to be why everyone left you out! It was because they had a secret identity to protect and you obviously couldn't know!
You thought that once they knew that you were aware of their nightly activities, things would change for the better, that you’d be included and accepted. If anything, your admission was the worst possible thing you could have done. At least before, some of them had pretended to interact or say something to you. But now that you knew their big secret, they no longer had a reason to maintain their forced fronts and pretend to care (even if it was barely caring). They had bigger, better, more important things to worry about than some random girl who popped up and wasn't even a vigilante. 
But ever the idiot, you still tried. You still craved their love and affection, going out of your way to take gymnastics to impress Dick or take coding classes to try and engage with Tim. You even tried talking to Jason about books, something Alfred had mentioned was dear to Jason. You tried sign language with Cass but she was never around long enough for it to matter. None of your attempts were successful. You didn't even bother trying with Bruce, you knew that the man wanted nothing to do with you. 
The straw that broke the camel's back for you was when your half-brother, Damian Wayne was introduced to the manor. You thought that he'd be met with the same coldness as you, and that you’d finally have someone who was in the same boat as you, someone who'd understand. Boy were you wrong. Damian was met with such a warmth it made your skin itch and your eyes teary. You wanted to throw up, this isn't fair, he doesn't even try and he gets their love and attention, yet here you were begging for scraps. Regardless, you thought that at least you could try again with Damian, he was technically blood-related to you after all. Yet when he pulled a knife on you and almost cut your throat, instead leaving a cut on your cheek down to your jaw, you could only stare at him in shock. 
You expected outrage and at least some sort of punishment for Damian, considering he had attacked you unprovoked and that you had no prior martial arts training, you were just a civilian. Dick only pulled you aside after Alfred had patched you up, you’ll never forget the words he said to you.
“(Y/n), what Damian did was a mistake. He’s had a rough childhood with some very bad people and it's not his fault he reacted this way. I know you're hurting, and I promise that this will be the first and last time this ever happens. Please, forgive him.” Dick said softly and mourningly.
You just let out a quiet “okay” not even focusing on Dick’s words, no, your main point of focus was the large, warm hand tenderly cradling your injured cheek. You didn't even realize how touch starved you really were, practically melting into his palm. You almost verbally protested when he retracted his hand as soon as you said “okay”. He was leaving.
“Thanks (Y/n), we really appreciate it. He's a good kid, I promise, he just needs some love and attention is all. I’ll come around to check on you soon, okay?” He said, moving away from you, obviously distracted.
You just “hmmed” in response. You knew he was lying, he would never come see you after this, and you were partly right. He came around the manor all the time now, but never for you, only for your attacker. Damian never did apologize for attacking you by the way. He just moved on, most likely realizing that you weren't a threat and were not worth his energy. 
Your cheek would still forever be scared though, not that anyone cared.
That's okay though, you honestly didn't want to talk to him anyway. The entire “Damian” incident was forgotten about quickly as the family bonded and had movie nights, patrols, and hangouts that you were not invited to. Well technically you were, but you realized that your presence just ruined the overall mood so you just decided that it was better if you just stayed away. It's fine, you did NOT need them. You had other people in your corner that actually cared so you were fine (not really).
Thankfully, you had convinced Bruce (not that he really cared) to let you stay at your old school and not transfer to Gotham Prep. So you got to keep your friends, the only people who understood your plight at the manor, the only people who cared; it was after this that you decided to stop caring as well. You weren't chosen by Bruce Wayne, you were forced upon him. Wayne Manor was not your home, just a stop along the way.
So, you made your peace.
Then, of course things changed, and now the bat family was starting to turn their interests on you. 
Catching attention in Gotham was never a good thing.
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dahliakbs · 6 months
Overprotective Batfam making sure you get home safely while in their patrol route!
Includes: Damian Wayne and Dick Grayson
Masterlist , Part 2
Damian Wayne
-Damian will watch you from the shadows, silently taking out any threats that cross your path.
-You won't even notice the tiny figure following you home until he finally makes an unwanted appearance.
You'll be walking home on a slightly foggy evening, the shadows making It easier for Damian to follow behind you.
The evening's going fine until some petty thief decides to jump from behind the corner and swipe at you for your belongings.
You can't even process the events that take place next. In the blink of an eye the thief is laid out on the pavement in front of you with a vicious black eye forming and a small figure stood above his body.
The figure then slowly makes eye contact with you.
He won't say anything, he'll just stare at you for a while before retreating back into the shadows.
Then after that night you'll become more and more aware of his presence following you home every night.
His silence is a bit unnerving but atleast you won't have to worry about your safety for the next couple nights.
Dick Grayson
-Unlike Damian, Richard will walk side by side with you. Asking about your day or carrying on a whole conversation while you listen to him.
-He'll show you random tricks, like swinging off a light pole and somehow elevating himself enough to land on a roof or he'll take out a villain with a flashy swing and kick.
-In short, he just love to entertain you on your way home.
"Does my hair look bad?" he'll ask before deep diving into a one sided conversation about how his siblings keep making fun of every hairstyle he's had thus far and how it's starting to affect his self esteem.
Then he names some off the top of his head that honestly sound pretty good.
"You know I might just chop it all off, I mean long hair isn't really good for fighting and it takes a lot to maintain and-" he'll slowly turn towards you with this blank look in his eye before he whispers out the last few words.
"your still listening"
The blank stare is a bit unnerving compared to his usual cheery facade but you quickly recover from the shock.
"I'm usually the listener in conversations so I don't mind your talking" you explain and then turn to fully face him, admiring the long hair that settled into his shoulders.
"Also, I really like your hair"
Then he short circuits and falls back to walking slowly behind you.
Face showing a noticably blank expression.
Seems like someone needs a hug.
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klemen-tine · 7 months
Blowing Raspberries
Batfam x Male!Reader Platonic
@jaythes1mp Sorry this took so long and is not all in one part! But here is the first half.
Part 2
TW: Break in, Child Abuse (not the Batfam), and neglect
Publicly, Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson is the oldest Wayne sibling. Taken in by Bruce Wayne at 8-years-old, he is the first child and the oldest. In the eyes of the law and adoption papers. In the eyes of the Wayne family however, the oldest sibling title belongs to Y/N L/N. Similar to the Drakes, the L/N’s live on the other side of the Waynes, and similar to Tim, Y/N had been left home alone… a lot. 
Which meant he was over, a lot. So much so, he had his own room, Alfred made him a plate for every meal, and he was aware of their little nightly activities. Y/N L/N was a needed normalcy within the Manor, reminding them that there is more to life outside of crime fighting. 
“Did you see that new cafe?” Y/N asked, looking into Dick’s exhausted eyes while resting his chest against Jason’s head. Dick shook his head, “No. Why?” Y/N pouted, “Because you guys literally broke their windows last night.” Jason winced, remembering the shattering of glass and wide-eyed stares as he handled some thugs. 
“Please tell me that isn’t the cafe you wanted to go to today.” Dick buried his head in his hands and begged every deity that it was not that cafe. Y/N has been talking about it for weeks and finally found a time where all their schedules aligned so they could do it. 
“It was.” Jason and Dick groaned while Y/N stared at them with an annoyed expression. His arms that were wrapped around Jason tightened in a mocking chokehold, knowing that if Jason wanted to he could easily get out and have Y/N pinned. Dick groaned again, “Is… is there somewhere else you want to try?” 
“Not really.” ‘Fuck!’ Jason and Dick stared at one another, trying to figure out a way to still have this day with Y/N. If they don’t hurry, the vultures will swoop in and suggest something that will catch Y/N’s attention and– 
“Y/N, how about we got to the petting zoo.” 
“Buzz off short stack!” Y/N thumped Jason’s head with his chin, “Don’t talk to Dami like that.” The youngest Wayne smiled victoriously while his two older brothers glared at him. Dick looked offended and Jason was actually ready to strangle him. Y/N shook his head, “Dami, aren’t we going on Friday? I’m picking you up from school to go.” Damian scrunched his nose, “We can go twice.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but to chuckle, “Hmmm, those rabbits are cute.” Jason’s grip tightened, “The new bookstore in downtown! There’s a new bookstore that is supposed to have a cafe attached to it.” Damian scowled at Dick perked up, “Yeah, I forgot about that.” Y/N hummed, staring at Jason in concern, “Jay, you hate downtown.” It’s full of rich snobs and people who have nothing better to do than walk the streets in designer clothing. 
Jason made a face, “It’s our day with you, I’m fine with it as long as you’re there.” Dick gagged and Damian looked ready to chuck a knife at him. Y/N blinked at the younger man in shock before laughing, “That’s cute, okay. Let’s go there then.” He released Jason from his hold, unwrapping his arms from Jason’s neck and standing tall. Dick smiled at Y/N, who was talking to a pouting Damian and ruffling slicked back hair. 
“Alright, Y/N, I'm assuming you’re ready.” Unlike the Wayne brothers who had a father that did not care why they landed on the NEWS or magazine as long as they didn’t kill anyone, Y/N’s father was different. For someone who was always gone, he had a firm hold and opinions on Y/N’s life. 
Bruce may not care that his kids go out looking like they haven’t showered in three days, but Y/N’s dad has ordered the maids to get rid of all the ripped jeans Y/N had because the paparazzi made an opinion on them when Y/N wore them. Jason remembers listening in on that call, and numerous other calls from Mr. L/N, as he hollered at his child he did not care about. 
“You are a L/N! If you still want that last name then you will dress like a L/N!”
Unlike Dick and Jason who are dressed in jeans, Y/N is dressed in slacks and a nice polo shirt. His hair was clean and styled and the shoes he wore still shined. The aesthetic is called ‘old money’ and boy did Y/N have that. He and the Wayne siblings have become the newest trend setters in Gotham. 
Whenever the paparazzi caught them together it was always Old Gotham vs New Gotham. Slacks vs Jeans. Hair combed vs natural. Clean vs Rugged. L/N vs Wayne. 
They were the topic whenever they were out together, which was a lot. The only reason Mr. L/N hasn’t said anything is probably because Bruce is keeping his mouth shut about the child-neglect and abandonment. Point is, seeing the Wayne kids and L/N son together wasn’t odd, in fact there were jokes of Bruce Wayne adopting him, but they still always turned heads. 
“Y/N, I am telling you that is a horrible choice and you’re not gonna like it.” Said young man raised an eyebrow at Jason and tutted disappointedly, “Jay, you haven’t even read it.” The guy motioned at the cover, “Look at it! Dick! Come ‘ere and look at it!” The other made only a side glance at it and sighed, “Y/N… this is only going to lead to problems.” 
“It is literally a book about romance.” Jason screwed up his face, like someone had shoved a lemon down his throat, “But like… young adult romance. Read the classics.” 
“I have read the classics. You have read me the classics. I read them in class and if I have to read how Ms. Elizabeth Barnett falls in love with Mr. Darcy one more time I’m actually going to throw myself in traffic.” Dick agreed with Y/N on that, remembering all the time he had to read the damn book. 
“It's Elizabeth Bennett.” 
“Jay, I swear to God.” 
“Are you sure you read them because there’s no way someone who’s read them would get that name wrong.” 
“Little wing–” 
“–Dickie, maybe. But not anybody else.” 
“–Excuse you.” Y/N snorted at the now bickering brothers, watching in amusement as Dick pulled Jason’s ear and Jason to Dick’s hair. Sighing, Y/N stepped between the two. Y/N L/N is possibly the only person, other than Alfred, who would dare do such a thing. Fear was absent on his face as he calmly walked into the dog fight, and helped release their bites with gentle tugs and stern words. 
“Enough. The line is picking up at the cafe, so let's checkout and head over.” Y/N is the person who quells the fights and mends the bonds. The only person in the Manor that knew how to communicate their feelings and help others realize and communicate theirs. 
He is the kind, patient, and understanding older brother of the Batfam. Always paying attention to other’s needs and always willing to listen to someone vent their frustrations and offer sound advice. Y/N is –
“–And what about the company?! How come the sales are low this month?” 
“Father, they are riding average, it’s just the last month was a boom because–” 
“I don’t care about last month! Why are the sales low this month?!” 
– not Bruce Wayne’s ward, and therefore there isn’t much he can say in this scenario. Bruce listened and watched  Y/N slouch as Mr. L/N continued to scream and berate him from across the world. He watched the exhaustion take over Y/N’s features and the way his forehead creased, Bruce knows that a headache is now present. 
“If you still want the company then you better act like it! Enough of prancing around like the money you spend is yours!” Y/N is grateful his father hung up after that, because Y/N had a clapback to that and he’s sure his father would fly back from wherever he is just to smack him around for saying it. 
Setting his phone down on the coffee table, the weight of the conversation making his shoulders sag and melt into the armchair with a huff. Bruce chuckled at the pout, “For what it is worth, fluctuating prices are normal in businesses. As long as it doesn’t go too low, you are fine.” Y/N smiled at the man, fixing his posture and picking up the mug of coffee. 
“You heard all of that?” The man can still remember when he first met Y/N. The property alarm was triggered, and when Bruce and Alfred went out to investigate, an 8-year-old Y/N was there, his hands holding the wild raspberries and his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. 
He huffed at the memory, making Y/N give him a weird look. Bruce had been grateful to Y/N’s impromptu trespassing, because when Dick came into his care, a now 10-year-old Y/N had welcomed the traumatized and blubbering 8-year-old. Something Bruce had little to no idea how to handle. 
Then Jason came and that was a wild ride, followed by Steph, then Tim, and now Damian. That's just the Robins. It doesn’t include the others that have become family but never took the Robin mantle. Y/N had been there through it all, and welcomed each one with a smile and open arms. At the same time giving Bruce a raised eyebrow and icy glare that screamed, ‘Really? Another child?’ 
Y/N never faulted Bruce for his lack of communication, but he did let the man know repeatedly that while words may start fires, they can also put them out. Y/N had laid it on him one time, after a particular nasty fight with Dick and Jason. 
“For a man who loves using his vocabulary to start arguments you sure don’t have the vocabulary to fix them. What are you, a toddler?” 
Mending things with Y/N is always easy, because Y/N does not hold grudges. Not to mention having the emotional intelligence of a therapist, Y/N was always in-tuned to his emotions and whether he was projecting or not. Or if anyone else was. Living in a manor filled with people who have traumatic backstories and skeletons in the closets, Y/N has become the voice of reason and unbiased opinions. Similar to Alfred, just without the sass. 
“Do you still like raspberries?” Bruce asked, and Y/N nodded, “You ask this every time a celebration of some sort comes up and the answer is always the same. Yes, I still love raspberries.” Y/N had once confided to Bruce, over a glass of wine, how he had asked his father if he could paint the bookshelves in his room. Little did Mr. L/N know that the color would be burgundy, the closest color to a raspberry he could get without poking someone’s eye out, and when his father found out he had the bookshelves removed and set ablaze. 
Y/N got his ass handed to him when Mr. L/N came back from his trip, and was then prohibited from decorating his room without prior approval of design and permission. 
Bruce had the bookshelves in Y/N’s room in the manor painted burgundy, and when Y/N saw them, it was like watching a child be told that they were not the bad child. The relief and the path to healing across his face as he took in the bookshelves.
The man watched Y/N sip his cup of coffee, watching how exhaustion seemed to seep off of him like cologne and fill the air with his tired and somewhat annoyed state. Phone calls from Mr. L/N we’re never received well by anybody, and Jason and Tim have more than once thought about sending the hateful man a few messages. Damian offered to ambush him when he came home. 
Y/N quickly shot those down.
Tim came from nowhere, his face screwed tight and body tense. Y/N gave him a once over, before making space for the college student on the couch. He gave him a worried look-over, “Is everything alright?” Tim melted into Y/N’s side, huffing and grumbling about something. 
Bruce’s phone vibrated, and it was a message from Tim sent before he got down here. 
‘It’s in Cabo.’ Bruce huffed, already knowing that if Tim was listening then so was everyone else. Referring to Mr. L/N as an ‘it’ seemed to be everyone’s favorite pastime. Everyone but Y/N’s, but as long as it wasn’t said around him then it was fine. 
“You’re going to the Gala, right?” Tim asked and Y/N nodded, “Of course, when have I ever missed one?” Tim continued to grumble a bit, but relaxed into Y/N’s side as he ran his fingers through Tim’s messy hair. God he loves it when Y/N does this. There was barely anything better than Y/N’s head massages, easily lulling him to a calm state as everyone mentally prepared for the Gala tonight. 
When Y/N had turned 13, that is when he started showing up to the Galas representing L/N Industries, and he would be in Bruce’s care while there. Whoever Bruce met, Y/N was expected to make a great impression. Bruce never missed the way Y/N would sometimes stare at the Wayne kids in jealousy as they got to do whatever they want, while he is forced to be an adult and try to win other adults over. 
Then forced to be yelled at afterwards by his father on the phone afterwards for something miniscule. Either someone commented on a piece of clothing, or how he wasn’t smiling, anything that was negative Y/N got yelled at for. It was like Mr. L/N didn’t know how to do anything else other than yell at his child. 
Tim took no offense when the fingers in his hair stopped moving, and Y/N’s body became limp. The other was knocked out on the couch, napping away the stress and enjoying the weekend. Unlike Tim who had Bruce’s help when managing Wayne Enterprises, Y/N is all on his own. Learning from his dad’s assistant, and also Bruce’s, Y/N was basically alone when his father had forced him to take the mantle. In face only, because as far as Mr. L/N was concerned, the company’s profit was still his profit. None of it going to Y/N, except as a monthly allowance. 
Jason had once said he should just stop managing the company, and if his father loved it enough, then he’ll take over. Y/N chuckled-the bags under his eyes were deep and he had just gotten over a stress cold- and he said that although his father may care a lot about the profit, it was his late mother’s company and he wouldn’t want to embarrass her soul by purposefully failing. 
However, now all that company did was cause him stress and make him sick more frequently. Bruce had said it was probably stress from his father, and not so much the company, but that didn’t stop them all from wishing the company would just go away. 
Tim looked up Y/N through his eyelashes, taking in the similar dark circles they both shared and how Y/N looks paler than usual, and he knows that Y/N’s health would only get worse if they targeted the company. His oldest brother would do everything in his power to keep the company afloat, and it would be devastating on both sides. Y/N would run himself ragged trying to keep it alive and that would mean less time with them. 
“Let him rest, Tim. He needs it.” Everyone has asked Bruce if he plans to do something. However, there isn’t much Bruce can do now that Y/N is an adult. He’s offered a room in a manor for Y/N to stay at forever, but Y/N has always been a bit hesitant about leaving the L/N’s home. Bruce can understand why. 
Aged blue eyes observed the steady rise and fall of Y/N’s chest, and he wondered if there was anything that could convince Y/N to stay here. 
“Mr. L/N, what a surprise.” A surprise it is too, because instead of Y/N being here, it is his father. The one who was in Cabo earlier today. The man smiled, looking nothing like Y/N’s, and he held out a hand, “It has been a while. I figured it was time to show my face and give my son a rest.” Dick stared at Mr. L/N in shock and weariness, not liking how he said ‘his son.’ If it was a jab at Bruce, it didn’t land. Brucie Wayne, the social bug he was, laughed and clapped his hand on Mr. L/N’s shoulder. 
“Is Y/N not showing up?” The man’s eyebrow twitched, “No, unfortunately he felt under the weather so he’s taking a break.” Dick’s eyes narrowed, and Bruce’s smile faltered, “Is that so? How unfortunate, he’s fun to talk to.” Mr. L/N’s smile tightened, “Indeed.” 
The Gala was tense, at least it was for the Wayne family, because Y/N never misses a Gala. Never. Dick saved a slice of raspberry cheesecake, for when Y/N comes over tomorrow. He’s going to be upset that he missed a fresh slice, but knowing Y/N, he’ll worry about missing the Gala. The cheesecake will act as reassurance that no one is mad. They just had to wait until tomorrow, when Y/N will show up. 
Only he didn’t. Dick can’t remember the last time he hasn’t seen Y/N in a 24-hour period, but he does know that he didn’t like it. Almost like there was a force keeping his shoulders tight and chest heavy. Looking around, he could already see the effects it was having on others. 
He didn’t answer his phone, and when they called the L/N Manor, it was one of the maids picking up and stating that Y/N was either out, sleeping, or feeling under the weather. Which doesn’t make sense because when Y/N is sick, he is always over at the Wayne manor. No one makes a better chicken noodle soup than Alfred. 
They let it go. Maybe Y/N wants to be home because his dad is home? 
Then the next day, there was still no Y/N. Not a text message, not a phone call, complete radio silence. Following radio silence while on patrol, radio silence from Y/N had to be one of the more terrifying forms of silence. 
There was nothing. His father left late last night, and usually that would mean Y/N would be over. He would be over complaining about his dad and how he needs to work harder. He’d get a stress cold that would last for two days before he would be back to normal.
Every phone call, every text message going unanswered. 
‘Y/N, I swear I’m about to break into your house. Please answer.’ The threat was real and Dick meant every word. He’s talked Jason, Damian, and surprisingly Tim from doing it but now four days of radio silence was enough to make even Bruce stir-crazy. Batman has become a little more violent throughout the week, and Bruce Wayne a little more stressed looking. 
‘Hey! Sorry for the silence, I’m just not feeling too well. I’ll see you in another few days.’ Everyone read the text message, and everyone’s mind filled with the same idea. 
“Honestly, with how often he’s with us you’d think he knows better than to lie.” Damian’s nose scrunched, eyeing the message as if it spit in his face. Tim shrugged, “It just means he’s hiding something.” 
Bruce said nothing, falling into the role of silent protector. 
“You are not actually going over in your Bat costume are you?” 
In the L/N Manor 
Y/N walked  the dark hallways back to his room. Under his arm was a book and in his other hand was a cup of coffee, still steaming and warming his fingers. The lightning that occasionally flashed filled the area with white light, casting long shadows and creating an eerie atmosphere. 
When Y/N was younger, he used to sprint back to his room. He hated how dark and silent the hallways are, reminding him that he is alone in a place that does not want him. When he whispered to Dick that he was scared of the lightning, Dick had told Bruce and sure enough Y/N would be spending nights at the Wayne manor whenever it was forecasted to thunderstorm. 
Y/N had gotten over the fear, but he still occasionally slept over when the forecast predicted rain. Just because he no longer feared it, didn’t mean he liked it. 
Pausing to look out the window like some gothic prince trapped in a tower, Y/N recalled the argument he had with his dad. The older L/N making a surprise visit and berating his child when he first saw him and when he left. Y/N wondered if with the allowance he was given, if he could just move out. Apartments in the upper end of Gotham were expensive, and he’d never hear the end of it if he moved to East Gotham. 
Not to mention, if he did leave to move out on his own, he’d be further from the Wayne family. Sure, Jason and Dick live on their own, and it wasn’t like Tim or Damian needed him around all the time, but it was home for him. 
Maybe, he’s the one that needs them.
Lightning flashed and there was another reflection in the window. 
“Ahhh!” Y/N threw his cup of coffee at the stranger behind him, and only paused in throwing the book when he saw the familiar cowl. 
“Bruce! What the hell?! Oh my God, oh my God, I think I just lost like 10 years of my life.” Y/N clasped a hand over his heart, trying to calm the organ. Taking deep breaths, he finally managed to steady his heart beat and scrunched his nose at the older man. To which, Bruce Wayne glared back, “What happened to your face?” 
‘Oh shit.’ Y/N sighed, “Nothing Bruce. I just fell, but what are you doing in my house? Did…did you break in?” Y/N tried to get around the taller and bigger man, but Bruce grabbed his arm. He spun Y/N around and thanks to the flash of lightning, Bruce’s jaw clenched at the fading bruises on Y/N’s face. 
“Did F/N do this?” 
“Bruce, I told you I just fell.” The lenses on the cowl narrowed, and Y/N saw the frown grow on the man’s face. Sighing, Y/N scrunched nose and winced when a bruise scrunched with it, “Honestly though Bruce, how did you even get in here? No, how did you even guess this hallway?” 
“You’re rooms this way.”
“Ahhhhh!” Y/N screamed and ran into Bruce’s side for protection against the voice. 
“Dick! Ho-wha- why are you here?!” 
“We were worried.” This time Y/N only flinched, and whirled around to see Damian in the Robin costume. He gaped at the pre-teen, “Oh my God, you all are just spawning out of nowhere.” Damian grabbed his hand, and Y/N couldn’t help but to hold the youngest’s hand. Muscle memory. 
“Y/N, you’re face,” Dick whispered, gently tracing the swollen and discolored skin, “We thought you were sick.” Y/N smiled, leaning into the palm of Dick’s hand, “I was. I’m just getting over it, as for the bruises… Like I was telling Bruce, I just fell.” 
Damian’s grip on Y/N’s hand tightened and the oldest sibling smiled down at him, “What’s wrong Dami?” The youngest gave a small glare through the lenses of the Robin mask, “I find your lies insulting and belittling, Y/N. The truth would be appreciated before things get more drastic.” 
“...Excuse me?” Y/N tried to remove his hand from Damian’s grip, and panicked when Robin refused to let go. 
“Y/N, please be honest. What happened?” Dick, in his Nightwing costume, rested his hands on Y/N's shoulders and tried to coax the truth out of the person he sees as his oldest brother. It only made the other tense, and tried to get out of Damian’s grip. 
“Guys, you’re scaring me.” 
“Y/N, what happened?” Bruce’s voice did nothing to ease the fear that Y/N was experiencing, and for the first time ever in the time he’s known the Wayne family, Y/N didn’t want to be around them. He struggled some more to get away from them, but with Robin’s grip on his hand, Nightwing’s hands on his shoulders, and Batman’s gaze keeping him in place, Y/N found it harder to move. 
Batman sighed, and with a nod that Y/N would have missed if he wasn’t focused on the man, Nightwing’s hand moved closer to Y/N’s neck. The other’s eyes widened, his one free hand moving to stop Nightwing. 
“Good night, Y/N.” His vision went dark and the only thing he registered was a pair of arms catching him before his body hit the floor. 
Y/N woke with a start, in a very familiar room, with raspberry painted bookshelves and dark sheets. His arms shot up to his face, and bandages rested on his cheeks. Looking at his arm and seeing the sleeves of his pajama pants, Y/N closed his eyes in misery and knew that if he were to lift the sleeves, there would be bandages. 
Sitting up, Y/N grunted and rested his forehead in his hand. 
“Oh good, you’re awake.” 
“Jay…” Y/N watched the other carefully, watching the taller and bigger man silently move across the room to sit next to him. His nose scrunched, “Your brothers and father have some explaining to do. Where are they?” Jason shrugged, “Out. Don’t worry about that, but Y/N, why did you hide this from us?” Y/N stared at Jason for a bit, processing the question and sighing irritably. 
“Cause it's not a big deal. This was the only time and–” 
“One time is still too many times!” Jason yelled, startling Y/N. Wide E/C eyes stared into Jason’s furious blue eyes, the slightest hint of green starting to slowly take over. Y/N gulped, “Jason, it’s fine. I am here now, right?” He reached out and grasped Jason’s larger hand, watching the other calm down with deep breaths. Those blue eyes of his seem to fall on every bandage across Y/N’s face, before looking back down at their clasped hands. 
“Everyone was a mess, you know that right?” Y/N chuckled at him, chalking it up to Jason being overdramatic, “You guys are too funny. I know me going radio silent wasn’t appreciated, but you don’t need to guilt trip me further.” 
“I’m not joking around, Y/N. Everyone was a mess.” There was something in Jason’s tone that had Y/N pausing. His E/C eyes landed on Jason and watched how those eyes continued to glow green. The larger man took a deep breath and seemed to calm whatever raging thoughts he was having, “But it's fine now, because you are here.” Y/N furrowed his brow, but smiled nevertheless, “Yeah.” 
Silence overtook the room and Y/N is still unsure how to proceed. It wasn’t rare for the Batfamily to be a bit… dramatic. For fucks sake Bruce dresses as a giant furry and terrorizes criminals. However, there was something in Jason’s tone that had Y/N stilling. Contemplating his next words and wondering if they were the correct ones to say. 
“You’re awake.” Y/N’s head snapped to the door and standing there was Damian. He gave a smile to the youngest Wayne, “Damian, you're not one to usually enter without knocking.” The youngest strolled over and eyes Jason’s and Y/N’s hands, “I heard you two talking and figured it would be okay if I entered.” Y/N pursed his lips, “Well, true but Dami you should still–” 
“Father wants to talk to you, after dinner.” Green eyes met E/C and there it was again. A glint of something sinister lurking underneath the green. Y/N gulped and outstretched an arm. His palms up like he was approaching a dog, asking to pet it. Damian took the invitation and fell into Y/N’s embrace. Crawling onto Y/N’s bed and into the space underneath Y/N’s arm and against his chest, Damian nuzzled into the space with a content smile. 
Y/N felt his heart rate spike, something alerting him that he is surrounding himself with something dangerous. Which is preposterous. Yeah, Damian was a little psychotic and so was Jason, but they wouldn’t harm Y/N. They wouldn’t hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it. 
Yet, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of something being wrong. 
“When is dinner, Dami?” The younger boy hummed, “At 5:30.” Y/N glanced at the clock reading 5:25. Sighing, gently nudged the two away, “C’mon we have five minutes. Alfred will be upset with us for being late.” Damian grumbled while Jason outwardly expressed his discontent. When Y/N fully stood up, he noted that his clothes were different. 
“Who… who changed me?” Jason shrugged and Damian continued walking. Y/N looked back down at the sweatpants he was now wearing and the oversized shirt. None of which are his. 
“I-I should change first–” 
“C’mon Y/N, no one cares.” 
“Indeed, Drake has shown up before looking horrid. You look wonderful, like always.” Y/N said nothing to address those comments, but the time clicking on the clock had Y/N forgoing dressing and instead grabbing his house slippers. Damian was quick to grab his hand and Jason walked behind like he was protecting Y/N from something. 
The walk was silent, and there were some bruises on Y/N’s body that had him wincing sometimes. Nevertheless, when the sound of chatter began to echo through the halls, Y/N controlled his expressions and braced for the question and answers he wanted. 
“Well, look who finally woke up,” Dick joked and Y/N rolled his eyes, “I don’t want to hear that from the people who broke into my house.” He said it as a jest, but some part of Y/N wanted to mean every word he said. The three culprits didn’t even pretend to look guilty. 
Y/N gave Bruce a pointed look, he busied himself by pouring himself, Y/N, Dick, and Jason wine. Damian released Y/N’s hand to go sit at his respective seat, between Tim and Bruce, while Y/N took his between Bruce’s and Dick’s. Dick smiled at him, “Happy to have you at dinner. They have been quiet for the past few days.”
“If that is your way of saying I talk too much Dick, may I remind you who is the reason we had to enact a five minute quiet period during meals before.” The man laughed, unbothered by that little fact being thrown into the air. 
Dinner continued with the usual chatter, arguments, snide remarks, and dirty looks. Y/N’s absence was barely brought up, and instead he got filled in about what he missed while he was radio-silent. No one questioned the bruises on his face, or the now open secret that Y/N had tried to keep quiet about. 
“Y/N, please see me in my studies.” Bruce gently squeezed Y/N’s shoulder and Y/N followed, thanking Alfred as he did so and waving to all the brothers. The walk was tense, and something kept stirring in Y/N’s stomach that he was walking into something dangerous. Not a trap, because a trap means Y/N didn’t see it or feel it coming. However, he can feel this one. He can feel this one coming, something that would have his life changing, and yet he still kept walking forward. It’s the Waynes. His family. 
They wouldn’t do anything he didn’t like. 
Bruce’s study was as dark and aesthetic as Y/N remembers. A dark oak wood desk, bookshelves, the laptop and monitors, and papers. Y/N rarely set foot in here, mainly because there was never a need to, but he remembers being young and playing hide-n-seek in here with Dick. 
Bruce turned and gently cupped Y/N’s bruised face, turning it slightly to take in each discolored patch of skin and open wounds. Y/N smiled, “Bruce, it’s fine. I’m fine. You and everyone else are just being overdramatic.” 
“Is that what all of this is? Us overreacting?” Y/N gave a nervous chuckle at Bruce’s tone, one he’s heard when the man was Batman. 
“I mean, considering you broke into my house, that seems excessive.” Bruce released Y/N’s face and walked behind his desk, and motioned to a stack of papers. 
“Y/N, if entering your home is considered excessive, then I don’t know how you are going to handle this.” 
“Break in, Bruce. It was a break in, and what are you talking about?” Y/N picked up the paper, and quickly scanned the document. Bruce watched the color drain from Y/N’s face and horror take over those bright E/C eyes. They flickered from the top of the page back to the bottom, and then to Bruce and back to the paper. 
Y/N’s mouth opened and closed, trying to form words he was desperate to say. 
Wayne Enterprise Acquires L/N Industries
Bought. Bruce bought L/N Industries. Bruce bought the company from Y/N’s father, because Y/N isn’t the owner, and there is no way in hell that Y/N would have ever signed off on that. His mother’s company, now just a part of the Wayne monopoly. 
“Wha-what is- Why- Bruce! Bruce, what the hell is this?” Eyes filled with betrayal and anger as Y/N glared at Bruce. The man sighed, “It is as it says. L/N Industries in now under Wayne Enterprise-” 
“But why?! You’ve never shown any interest in the company.” Bruce wasn’t interested in L/N Industries. Wayne Enterprise was not a monopoly, and they didn’t buy companies unless that company was already going bankrupt. Bruce was interested in Y/N’s health, and vengeance. 
“Don’t take it personally, because it's not at you.” Y/N rolled his eyes, “It sure feels like it. Bruce, you know what this company means to me, you can’t just–” 
“Well I did.” Bruce met Y/N’s gaze head on, “The company is not in your name, you do not reap the profits, this acquisition was not a jab at you.” Y/N knows who it's a jab at, and he understands why Bruce is angry. However, it does not excuse the fact that this was a jab at the L/N family. 
Y/N clenched his jaw, “There’s no way he just signed it over like that.” Bruce handed him another piece of paper and sure enough, there was his father’s signature. Y/N stared at the inked lines, wondering just how had Bruce gotten that signature so quickly. 
“Blackmail really makes people move faster than the Flash.” 
“Wha… what blackmail?” Bruce raised an eyebrow and Y/N closed his eyes in misery, “Bruce, I get it. I do. He’s not a good father, but you didn’t have to buy the company. He’s literally going to ret-”
“You and I both know he would never retire. You would be working to the bone for him while he reaps all the profit.” Y/N rolls his eyes, and opens his mouth to say something but Bruce cuts him off, “Do NOT roll your eyes at me! Y/N this is serious.” 
Momentarily taken aback by the tone of voice, Y/N stared at a fuming Bruce. He processed the reaction and felt the heat in his stomach return, “Excuse you! You literally bought my family’s company, kind of if not really kidnapped me, and broke into my home! I have every right to be upset, let alone roll my eyes at you.” 
“That place wasn’t your home and you know it.” 
“Doesn’t change anything! That's like saying a break-in at a hotel room doesn’t count because the person doesn’t live in the hotel room.” Y/N could feel his heart rate pick up, and the reality of it all began setting in. 
“Holy shit. Fucking hell Bruce.” 
“Do not ‘language’ me! Bruce, what the actual hell! All of this is way out of proportion for what happened.” Bruce slammed his hands on his desk, making some papers fly and the cup holding his pens fell. Blue eyes filled with rage glared at Y/N, “You can’t even say what happened! He hit you, Y/N. He beat you like a dog, and animal abusers still go to jail. He’s getting off with only losing the company. 
“And I know that those bruises are the only ones we do see!”  Y/N glared at Bruce, fighting back tears and biting his lips. Bruce sighed, his shoulders deflating and a pained expression on his face. He walked around the desk and hugged Y/N, bringing his son close, “Y/N, I’m sorry. I am. You’ll still be running the company, and will have a final say in things. It's just… God, Y/N. Not hearing from you and then seeing you like that...” Bruce took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions, "It was terrifying, Y/N. How could I let you stay there when all of that was done to you?"
Y/N wrapped his arms around Bruce, ignoring the feeling of dread of doing so. He ignored how Bruce’s arms tightened around him, “Oh Y/N, please. Please stay here where you are safe.” 
He didn’t want to admit that it sounded more of an order than a request. This was Bruce! His father in everything but blood and paper. 
“Just… just please don’t do that again.” 
“It won’t happen again. I promise.” 
Not a whole lot of Yandere, but thats why there will be two parts! Not just one.
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Contaminated // D. Grayson x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY. Minors get BACK. Go yearn for the mines awaY FROM HERE. Emotions! Sex pollen but it’s enthusiastic consent. Unprotected sex.
Summary: Three months ago, Dick Grayson told you he didn’t love you anymore and walked out the door. Tonight, you found yourself the unwitting victim of a Poison Ivy attack that forces Dick Grayson to end up on your doorstep once again. Will he help or will he leave once again?
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Your hands shook as you unlocked the door of your apartment. Your skin prickled as the fabric of your hoodie scraped against the sensitive skin of your arms. A desperate whimper escaped your lips at the way your very cells seemed to burn with the strength of a thousand suns.
Somehow you got your mind straight long enough to lock the door behind you before you stumbled towards your bedroom. You kicked off your shoes as you went and your hoodie soon followed. Fuck, it wasn’t enough. Everything was hot but at the same time, you felt sweaty and chilled like you had a fever.
Something was wrong.
Grabbing your phone, you fought against the blurring of your vision in order to locate the contact you needed. You knew she would pick up the phone in seconds because she was glued to her tech everyday.
“What’s up, babes?” Barbara answered after the first ring. “If you’re calling to reschedule brunch, I have terrible news for you. I won’t allow you to skip out aga-”
“Babs,” you rasped. “Something’s wrong.”
The cheery tone fell from the redhead’s voice in seconds and you heard her start typing on her keyboard. “Where are you?”
“Home. I was walking home from work when Ivy attacked the park and I think I inhaled some of the spores. I don’t…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Barbara swore under her breath. “The closest person to you is Nightwing.”
Your heart dropped. No. Not him. “Who else?”
“Everyone else is busy. I’m sorry, but I’m sending him.”
Your stomach cramped painfully, nearly knocking you to your knees, and you let out a groan. “Okay, okay. Fuck it. Fine.”
“We’re going to help you. I promise. I have to go handle something right now, but I’ll make sure I check on you.”
“Thanks, Babs.” Your breath escaped you in short pants, like a dog in heat. Fuck, it was hot in here. You wanted nothing more than to strip off your pants and shirt and lay on the cool tile of your bathroom, but you couldn’t. Not when he was coming over.
Richard Grayson, your ex boyfriend. Richard Grayson, the man who came over one night three months ago and broke up with you on your doorstep. Richard Grayson, the man you had loved for years until your heart shattered with a few words.
“I don’t love you anymore,” he had said. And then he dropped a box of your things on the doorstep and walked out of your life.
Fuck Dick Grayson. Fuck Nightwing. Fuck him and his pretty boy smile. He could go to hell.
“Shit.” As if the mere thought of your ex triggered it, you were suddenly acutely aware of the seam of your pants pressing against the sensitive flesh of your cunt. Shit shit shit, you cannot be horny in front of Dick Grayson. You just needed to keep a level and calm head until he gave you the antidote and then you could send him out on his ass.
Another wave of shaking wracked through your body and you let out a hiss of pain, doubling over until your face met the soft fabric of your comforter. Your body joined you on the mattress and you pulled yourself up until your cheek rested on the cool rayon fabric of the pillow. Curling your knees up towards your chest, you let the shakes consume you and prayed that Dick wasn’t so over you that he refused to come.
As though he heard your thoughts, you heard the window to your living room slide open. The slight screech of the old rubber sides sounded faster than normal and you figured he just wanted to get this over with.
The window shut and footsteps pounded towards the door to your bedroom. Your teeth chattered violently as you shook with this hellish hot/cold state your body had been thrust into. The shaking made it hard for you to lift your head, but you were able to make eye contact with the last man you wanted to see.
“Fuck,” Dick said in greeting. “Babs said Ivy got you, but she didn’t say it was this bad.”
You willed your jaw to stop rattling and shrugged. “Ran home so I didn’t pass out on the sidewalk or something.”
He stripped off his glove and pressed the back of his hand against your cheek. Shit. Oh fuck. Just the feel of his skin against yours was euphoric. A small mewl escaped you and your back arched in some desperate attempt to get closer to him. Dick ripped his hand away, a panicked look flitting across his masked face.
“Damnit Ivy,” he snarled.
“Am I dying?” It certainly felt like it. Your skin prickled painfully at the loss of contact and you tried to hold back the burn of tears that grew in your eyes.
“No, you’re not dying.” His hand drifted up to his ear where you knew a comms device rested. “Ivy hit her with sex pollen.”
A startled, albeit bitter, laugh escaped you and you shook your head. Of fucking course. Sex pollen meant you would have to wait for the antidote and get progressively hornier and in more pain. Or you could get off…
On autopilot, your hand drifted down to the waistband of your pants but the small part of your brain still in control screamed at you to stop. Tearing your hand away, you inhaled deeply and pressed your face further into the pillow. Not when he’s here.
“Just go get the antidote and I’ll suffer for a bit,” you snapped.
Dick barked out a sardonic laugh. “Do you really think I’m going to leave you like this?” Oh, the irony. If you weren’t burning up, you would laugh in his face and tell him to get the fuck out. All you could manage was glaring at him from your fetal position.
“I thought leaving was your specialty,” you hissed, venom lacing your tone. Your barb made a direct hit because his trained impassive face crumpled for a brief second. The cool drag of a tear along your cheek made you aware of the rising heat in your face and you brushed the tear away.
“Fuck you Richard Grayson. I know you don’t want to be here so you can go. I’ll just wait until someone can bring me the antidote.”
“You’re in pain,” he said barely above a whisper.
“Yeah, well, as if you care. I’ll just call Wally or Kaldur. Hell, I’ll call up Jason. I’m sure he won’t mind helping.”
“Stop,” he growled. “You won’t call anyone. I’m here. I’ll help you.”
Despite the aching weakness in your bones, you pushed up off the mattress so you could face him fully. Your arms trembled with exertion, but somehow you held yourself up.
“You left me. I don’t know what I did to make you hate me or whatever, but you left me and so you don’t have a right to be concerned. So do what you do best, Dick, and leave.” You were impressed by the way your voice stayed firm despite the tears streaming down your face. You were bracing yourself to see him walk out once more, leaving you in pain, both emotional and physical this time.
He turned away, showing you the kevlar spandex weave of his suit on full display. Just a few more steps and he would be out the window and out of your life again. Your breath caught in your throat, the pain surging through your veins. You whimpered and started to slowly lower yourself back down, but two strong hands settled on your shoulder and waist. Dick curled himself around you as if he could protect you from the fire licking at your insides. You shuddered at the firm pressure of his hands on you and in the moment of clarity, raised your chin to meet his gaze.
He had taken the mask off.
“It hurts,” you whispered.
His head lowered and he inhaled deeply before speaking once more. “I can’t, baby. You’re not thinking straight.”
Clasping your hands against his cheeks, you drew his head up and leveled him with a look. “Please, Dick. Make the pain go away.”
You had missed the taste of him. Dick’s hands drifted down to your hips as he slotted his lips against yours and pushed you back to lay against the bed. A gasp escaped you and he swallowed it with his tongue that pushed into your mouth. Everything was happening so quickly that it made your head spin in the best way possible. You shuddered as he unbuttoned your pants and slipped his long fingers under the band of your underwear.
“Oh,” you moaned as he brushed the rough pad of his finger along your slit. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to the hollow of your throat before nipping at the soft skin of your jaw. Your legs closed instinctively as the toxin mixed with instinctive lust surged through your veins. Dick tutted and tugged at the hem of your shirt. You let him remove it and then he made quick work of your pants and underwear.
And then he stood up, unzipped his suit, and revealed the body you had dreamed about for nights.
Dick wasted no time in scooping you up and settling you between his legs, your back against his chest. One of his hands tugged your knee, pulling your legs apart, as the other drifted down to your soaked pussy.
“That’s my pretty girl,” he purred as you sagged against his chest. Dick nuzzled his nose against your temple as his fingers rubbed in lazy circles over your swollen cunt. Anytime your hips shifted, he made sure to keep you steadily locked in his hold.
“That feel good, baby?” he breathed. You nodded, too blissed out to speak, and he grinned that cocky smile you missed so much. Dick tipped your chin back and pulled you in for a filthy kiss, his tongue searching your mouth and leaving the lingering taste of his peppermint gum on your lips.
Your orgasm rocked through you faster than you expected thanks to the pollen flooding your veins. Legs trembling, you shook and thrashed against Dick as your cunt clenched around empty air. Dick held you tightly against him and continued his ministrations until you were whining about how it was-
“Too much. Ah! Dick, too much.”
“You’re still burning up, baby,” he murmured.
“I need your cock. I need you to fuck me again. I missed the feel of you in me, Dick.”
His tongue trailed along the sweaty line of your neck and your back arched off of his chest as he left along a cool trail. His slick soaked fingers drifted up to rub and pinch your nipples, alternating between both with equal devotion.
“Did you fuck anyone else?” he panted. “Tell me, baby. Did another man make you feel as good as I do?”
“No!” You needed him to fill you. You would combust if his long cock didn’t enter you in the next five seconds. You struggled against his grip in an attempt to flip yourself over and ride him, but Dick was too strong.
“No,” you gasped. “I touched myself and thought of you. No other man could satisfy me.”
As though you were a delicate package, he cradled your head as he slid you down onto the mattress and slotted himself between your spread thighs.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, princess.”
Any retort left you as your mouth dropped open. Three months without him had made you forget how fully he consumed you. Your folds parted as he split you open with his shaft, whimpers and pants escaping him as he slowly and surely slid into your waiting body. He hefted your legs up and you wrapped them around his waist as he finally bottomed out.
“I missed you,” he murmured.
You, your traitorous mind echoed. Not this. You.
No. This was just his way of helping you.
A throaty groan tore past your lips as he pulled out, the veins of his cock dragging against your walls, and then pushed back in. Your eyes rolled back as he brushed against your g-spot. He was more than just his name, not by much. Dick Grayson laid pipe like he was a union plumber going on forty-five years.
“Fuck me like you mean it, Grayson.”
He yanked his hips back and drilled into your cunt. You clawed at his back as he started to jackhammer into you. The fever was slowly abating as your second orgasm built. You lifted your hands to play with your own tits but he batted them away. Dick ducked his head down and enveloped your right nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking at the soft skin there. The constant stimulation adding to the electricity surging through your veins and you threw your head back. Dick let go of your breast with a soft pop and he stroked your cheek, dragging your attention back to him.
“Look at that, princess. Look at how well you take me,” he said. You nodded dumbly at his words and he forced your head up. Your gaze fixed on the way his cock slid in and out of you and, coupled with the feeling of him inside of you, had your second orgasm crashing over you like a wave.
“That’s it. There’s my good girl. You were made to take me. I missed fucking this pretty pussy. I. missed. you.” He punctuated the last three words with deep thrusts before he pulled out and let his cum streak along your tits. Dick’s chest heaved with exertion but he reached up and pressed the back of his hand to your forehead and then to your cheeks.
“How…how is it?” you asked.
He scooted back a bit and leaned forward so he was bracketing your hips. “You like doggy style, right?”
A pounding headache and a dry mouth was your morning gift. The warmth of the sun touched your cheeks gently and you relaxed when you realized you were no longer sweating buckets and burning up.
But a heavy, warm presence was still in your bed.
You slowly turned over to face Dick who was already awake. He reached up and checked your temperature again before offering you a wry smile. “Fever broke. You passed out around orgasm number six. I got you some water and snacks and you’ll need to take a shower. I can start the laundry once you’re in the shower. I’ll wait to leave until you’re feeling alright. Just to make sure you’re okay.”
Your heart ached at the tenderness of his words. This was the man who practically launched himself off the couch to get you a bandaid after you gave yourself a papercut while reading a book. This was the man who kept your favorite coffee and tea stocked at his place. This was the man who walked out on you and told you that he didn’t love you anymore.
“Dick…” Your soft voice stopped him from climbing out of the bed. He settled in next to you, the thin sheet pooling at his waist and revealing his well-muscled torso.
“I left because they put a hit on your head,” he said. Warm breath washed over your face and you shivered at the contact. His azure eyes searched your face before he continued.
“I couldn’t risk losing you. Permanently. I’ve buried too many people, baby, and I refuse to lose you until you’re old and gray.”
“No one knows I’m connected to Nightwing,” you whispered.
“No, but they know you were connected to Dick Grayson. There are a lot of people that aren’t happy about what I’ve been doing to help Bludhaven. I’ve made enemies and they knew exactly where to target.”
“But Nightwing stopped them, right?”
His full lips lifted at the corners, amused at your unfailing trust in him, and he nodded. “Destroyed their entire operation.”
“So there was no threat.”
His eyes softened and he reached up to touch your cheek. “Being with me puts you at risk. Always.”
“I never felt as safe as I did with you. Last night, you helped me because you would never let anything hurt me. Right? You’ll never let anyone hurt me.”
He moved in close and pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead. Your eyes fluttered shut as his lips drifted down to lay a kiss to each eyelid, cheek, your nose, chin, and finally landing on your lips. This wasn’t the rushed, burning kisses from the night before.
This was soft and gentle and, underneath the veneer of sweetness, it was an apology.
“I’ll go get the shower started so it’s warm,” he murmured once he pulled away. “And I’ll cook breakfast while you’re getting clean.”
“And we’ll talk?”
He smiled. Not the fake media smile he perfected years ago. Not the confident, cocky grin he gave his teammates. It was the smile only you saw. The soft, tender curve of his lips as his vulnerability shone through.
“Yeah.” His fingers interlaced with yours. “We’ll talk.”
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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A Family Portrait
Imagine dis…
Most of the fanfics and even Tumblr posts are all about the long-lost son of both Bruce Wayne Selina or even Talia, the long-lost brother of either Damian, Tim, Dick, or even Jason. But what if we changed up the timeline?
What if…
Damian was just lurking around the manor at a fast pace if the way he looked around, looking for a hiding as Grayson had proposed the idea of playing a simple yet harmless family activity for the family of vigilantes. Grayson had been chatting all week and persuaded each of the imbeciles he calls brothers to join in. Todd was bribed with a no-ask favor from Grayson while Drake was dragged in the hopes of Richard being silent to Alfred about his intake of caffeine despite Alfred’s warnings. Damain already knew that Alfred the butler knew and was merely waiting for Alfred to hide his stash. While Thomas, Brown, Gordon, and Cain did not need more incentive from Grayson. After a quick shouting match from all sides on which activity will be chosen, all of them have chosen a simple hide-and-seek game within the manor as all of them still feel the repercussions of last week’s chosen game which still brings shivers down the assassin’s back every time, he remembers the things that were done in the name of fun family bonding activity.
The moment Drake began counting down all of them began scrambling out of the theater room and to quickly find a decent hiding spot. All of them were trained by Batman and have flourished under his tillage so finding a spot that nobody knew of is going to be hard. Damian knew that despite Drake having prominent eye bags under his eyes, he could not lower his guard in front of him despite his former attitude toward Drake and slowly mending their relationship Damian has some sort of respect, awe, and fear for Drake as this is the same person who had outwitted his grandfather and lived, the one who had fought his grandfather’s assassins and won but you never heard that from him after all if anyone knew what he thought of Drake, his katana will likely to immediately meet that person’s throat.
He thought of asking Alfred for assistance but he refused, he is already at the disadvantage with both Grayson and Todd living in the manor longer thus having found more than hiding spots for them. He already knew that Cain was already hidden in the shadows but he is the Blood son of the Bat and he refused to be the first one to be found.  But then he remembered a short conversation he had with Grayson when he first arrived at the manor. Grayson explained that the attic holds all antiques as well as family heirlooms that were passed down from each generation. It may be covered in a few dusts as Alfred cleans the attic once every blue moon. Grayson explained that the attic was heavily haunted as when he was just a child, he could hear people talking in hushed tones each time he went near the ladder that leads to the attic. When Damian tried to inquire for more information Grayson successfully changed the subject and was merely forgotten up until he saw the secret entrance to the attic of Wayne Manor.
Looking at the hidden ladder that leads to the attic Damian thinks of his decision on the one hand nobody had the same thought of him hiding in the attic due to Grayson the “ghosts” at the attic but on the other, he was about to enter uncharted territory. After a quick deliberation himself, he had already closed the entrance to the attic. After ensuring that nobody had seen him enter, he immediately took a look around to further hide but he couldn’t help to widen his eyes at his surroundings.
Eccentric pieces of marble statues surrounded him that looked suspiciously just some stone slabs, multiple worn-down artworks that looked like a child’s doodle, and scattered boxes of blurry photography, but some artworks and pieces could worth billions such as artworks and vases as if they are from the ancient greek, a different type clocks and a single grandfather clock that have different cuts and sizes of sapphires, diamonds, and gold, multiple chests that were escaping gold coins as the wood seem to rot, a box made out of fine glass that seems to protect a glass egg that holds every shade of blue there is.
As he kept looking around mesmerized by the unnatural decors and riches around him, he soon came across a portrait. A woman whose clothing seems to come from the early 1900s with a neutral expression. Upon closer inspection, Damian saw a nameplate just below the portrait and it says “Elizabeth Rose Wayne” which concludes that this must be one of his ancestors. As Damian let his eyes roam, he saw more portraits from family portraits to single portraits. All seemed to be falling apart due to time, as Damian went deeper as he kept following in deeper each portrait. Up until the last portrait, A tall middle-aged man with grey hair most in his head with grey eyes sitting in a large red velvet chair wearing what looked like a Victorian suit surrounded by what seemed to be his children. A large young man with black wispy hair that was tied in a ponytail with dark blue eyes looking neutral at the painting beside him a young man in his early teens with a mop of black hair and bright blue eyes with freckles adorning his check-looking bored and lastly a young girl with a generous amount of black hair styled to what looked like a modernized coil down to her chin and with baby blue eyes the cheekiest smile and was sitting impatiently on top of what looked like their father. All of them were wearing different Victorian-style suits and dresses that seemed to complement their eyes despite the different shades of each one.
Below the said family portrait were their portraits with each nameplate embedded just below the said portrait.
From the right which Damian had deduced as the oldest a nameplate below that spelled “DANAL” Next the nameplate spelled “DANIEL” Lastly the only female in the portrait spelled “DANIELLE” Damian looked at each of the nameplates and thought which of their parents named them with almost the same spelling of each name and the same meaning all names share in Hebrew that means “God is my judge.”
Whomever the painter was made Damian impressed as he felt all of the portraits were looking straight at him, judging his very being.
Meanwhile, Tim had already found the majority of his siblings. They all huddled up to find Damian as they were quite impressed at where he had hidden.
Looking around they have stumbled upon a semi-open door to the attic and have deduced that Damian had hidden there. As soon all of them laid eyes on what the attic contained all of them had a jaw-drop moment as such treasures and artifacts seemingly being stored away like some old clothes in the attic rather than being guarded in a high-level security vault. Jason began asking Dick why he even spread the story about the attic anyway as they could have seen these things much sooner, Dick kept on spluttering that he did hear voices back then.
Soon enough the more they went deeper into the attic they saw Damian looking over at a family portrait of what looked like the first generation or the pioneer of the Waynes. Dick excitedly yelled at Damian for being the last to be found but at the sudden loud noise, Damian accidentally swiped his hand too fast at the nameplate creating a small wound enough to bleed but not too deep, covering some of Damian’s blood at the nameplate.
Damian turned to face Grayson and the rest but he didn’t take notice of the nameplate spelled “DANIEL” that had some of his blood seem to absorb the said blood.
The room suddenly engulfed with bright green light with each batfam member immediately covering their eyes due to the onslaught of light.
The moment they started to blink away the black spots dancing at their eyes they immediately noticed that the supposed family portrait was now missing 3 members leaving the supposed father sitting alone in the “family portrait”.
Dick tried to usher his siblings out while panicking out that his rambling back then and now is correct about this part of the manor being haunted.
As the voices of each of them began to overlap with each other creating a loud noise, a single large yawn silenced all of them.
Turning their heads back to the portraits they all zeroed in on the individual portrait in the middle. Exhaling another yet small yawn as he seems to try to blink away his sleepiness. Soon the other portraits beside and above him seem to follow, “DANAL” seems to yawn roughly exposing his pearly white teeth to the still shell-shocked BatFam. “DANIELLE” seemed to yawn and pout at the same time as if she was interrupted in her midday nap time. Lastly, the older gentleman in the now empty family portrait covered his hands as he yawned quietly.
Slowly but surely conversation between each painting seems to start as if this scene is something nothing out of the ordinary, as each portrait talks to the other without noticing the still shell-shocked BatFam in front of them.
As “DANIELLE” seemed to be bored and turned to look in the other direction she immediately noticed at still siblings and harshly told the rest they had guests with them.
Dick, Barbara, Jason, Cass, Tim, Stephanie, Damian and Duke.  They were all trained under the greatest detective, he taught them and told them repeatedly that they need to have their mind at the present moment, every day, every hour, and every minute. This is their best tool, their Mind. They can´t take away their mind. It lives inside of them and is the best weapon that they need to live. Yet it seems all of their collective minds were still in the middle of processing the result of a harmless hide-and-seek family fun time activity.
The quartet Halfa of a family had been in the Ghost Zone for centuries. Danny’s sister Jazz had settled down and had a family, as they have become somewhat immortal, Fright Knights and a Ghost King they still wished for some sort of communication with their remaining mortal family. Came with the creation of a specialized portrait that only they could access for easy communication, like a video call, while the knowledge of their actual summoning instruction summoning them to the mortal plane had been coded and written at the back of the said portrait.
Vlad had the smug smirk when he had convinced Jasmine to let Dan, Danny, and Dani dress in their Sunday’s best, which made them all squirm and uncomfortable, and to pose for who knows how long for the painting just to finish, never mind that he added an extra three for them as some sort of payback for all the time the three gremlins had caused him extra grey hair.
For someone, they told each other they were different, and seemed all think alike causing him grief, stress, and extra white hairs on top of his head.
At first the first up to the third generation of nieces and nephews would call them through the use of the painting but it seems that it had been radio silence for years now. It is either the knowledge of a weird uncle and aunt has not been properly passed on or Jazz’s line has died out.
So, imagine their surprise that after centuries of radio silence, they have felt their descendant calling them through their portraits.
After a quick pleasantry to each other, all of them looked expectantly at the siblings and Danny briefly wondered if he had something in his face for them to look at them like that and if they had forgotten to breathe.
 PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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arkhamknightz · 1 year
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pairing: dick grayson x reader (blurb)
summary: his new “girlfriend” is too perfect to hate
warnings: no actual plot really, jealous!reader, platonic damian x reader, shitty writing, built around lacy by olivia rodrigo
notes: i wasnt sure whether i should write this for jason or not but it fit dick so well… anywho this is more kinda focused on lacy and less about dick himself, as its how the songs written so! also this is short sorry i just needed to post something
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No matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn’t come up with a reason to hate her. Everything about her was angelic, it wasnt hard to see why Dick liked her so much.
You watched as Dick and Lacy walked into the charity gala that Bruce was hosting. She smiled brightly at you as your eyes met with hers, confidence radiating off of her as she walked over to you before greeting you and pulling you into a hug. You looked over her shoulder to see Dick walking towards the both of you, a grin plastered on his face.
“I didn’t think you were coming!” He smiled watching the both of you before wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her head as he looked at you. “Who’d you come with?” he tilts his head in question.
You laughed and shook your head. “Nobody, I actually came to keep Damian company, we both know how much he hates these things and I promised I would come the next time Bruce hosted so we could sneak out and grab some actual food.”
Dick smiled as you took a glance over your shoulder at Damian, who had a glare plastered on his face as he looked around the gala. You turned back to face them just in time to see Dick being dragged off by Lacy to one of the mini tables to grab some food, a bright shade of pink painted on both of their faces. Her perfume lingered in the air as they left you alone. They were staring at eachother, smiling and giggling as they spoke in whispers to each other.
You saw nothing but her the whole night. Everywhere you seemed to turn, her and Dick were huddled together quietly talking, her arm looped through his. It wasn’t long before you felt a small tap on your arm, Damian quietly spoke. “Are you just going to sit and stare at them the whole time? I would like to leave now.” You turned around to look at him and smiled before letting out a small laugh. “Alright buddy let’s go.”
You and Damian sat in your car, his hand tapping on the side of the passenger door. “Are you and Richard having… problems?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Damian spoke up. “I mean, you spent the whole time staring. I’d assume theres an issue between the both of you.”
You shook your head. “Nothing’s wrong with me and Dick.” His face scrunched up. “You’re lying.” You turned into the parking lot of a fast food place. “It’s… complicated. It’s just, I can’t dislike her Damian. She’s so incredibly nice and she always compliments me when she sees me and she always makes sure to text every other day just to check in!” He shook his head. “I don’t see why you need a reason to dislike her. I personally dislike whoever I want.”
You let out a laugh, Damian trying to surpress a smile as you doubled over in your seat. “Oh god, I wish that’s how it worked buddy I really do. But she doesn’t deserve that you know? I can’t just hate her because she’s with Dick. I mean come on shes absolutely perfect for him…” He let out a quiet hum. “Well, I’m sure I could get Timothy to dig something up about her.”
You lightly shoved his shoulder laughing. “As much as I appreciate the effort, it won’t change anything. Let’s just grab our food and our ice cream and head back to the manor alright?”
Dick and Lacy walked into the manor, you and Damian were sat in the main living room, Alfred the Cat laid on your leg. “Oh hey!” Lacy smiled at both you and Damian, the boy shooting her a glare. “Mind if we join you guys?” Dick spoke up, his jacket draped over her shoulders. “Yes actually, I do mind.” Damian spoke up before reaching down to pet the cat.
You looked over at them, a small shrug of your shoulders before looking back at Damian and pressing play on the TV. You looked back at Dick as you watched him walk down the hall, Lacy’s hand intertwined with his. A small pit formed in your stomach, oh how you wish that could’ve been you.
Damian quietly spoke up. “I don’t see why you like Richard of all people, because he’s definitely not the smartest.” You furrowed your brows. “What’s that mean?” He let out a small chuckle. “His shirt was inside out the whole night.”
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n3x0tic · 2 years
Head Cannon: Being Bruce Wayne First Biological Child.
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For the longest of time, it was you, your dad and Alfred.
In terms of family you didn’t have much, but the three of you were what you needed, period.
You spent a lot of time with your father, learning more about business than any other normal thing unlike any regular kid.
Bruce was hesitant a few times exposing you into this kind of world and to the public eye as well, thinking that it would in a way affect you, but you weren’t much of an extrovert to stay with anyone else unless it was Alfred.
You genuinely enjoyed your time spent with him, you had fun with him, and learn a lot from him too. Of course Alfred was the one mentoring Bruce, so he too became an important figure in your life.
But everything changed when Bruce took in his first stray, named Richard Grayson, or Dick for short.
Your father’s attention began to shift completely towards your new sibling. Feeling left out, you began to seclude yourself as well, barely talking, which was worrisome considering you barely talked to begin with.
Dick wasn’t the one to blame and a part of you knew that. It was simple, Bruce got closer to him because they both went through the same pain, something that they could relate to. But every fiber of your being wanted to blame him for everything.
You stopped spending time with him and the mire they got closer to each other the more there was a distance between you two.
You barely got out of your room, and the little time you spent outside was in the manor’s library, where you read your days away, imagining yourself in a story where even if it was just you and Bruce, everything was perfect.
Your jealousy then, became resentment. After a while the few words you exchanged out of courtesy with Dick, were completely gone.
In the past, there were things that you saw that were quite suspicious for a father with a big company, you didn’t pay mind to it, but since Dick’s arrival the things you once saw are now in a different color, for example you always suspected that Bruce was a vigilante, Batman to be precise.
You got your confirmation after noticing that there was a considerately suspicious timeframe of when your adoptive brother arrived, so did a sidekick appeared on Batman’s side.
With your eyes now turned into an object of observation, you began tailing Dick one night, and you had the advantage of knowing every nook and cranny of the manor like the back of your hand. So when you saw that there was a room hidden in the manor that you never knew.
How was it that you didn’t know everything when it came to your father, and then come this boy a few weeks ago and knew everything with easy.
And then you spiraled, it was as if you lost yourself in a sea of rage.
You threw a tantrum in your room and reeked havoc in it.
You felt pathetic, weak even.
That night you waited patiently in Dick’s room, waiting for his arrival, and many hours past midnight had passed. Your body, alongside your seething anger began to falter.
To Dick’s surprise, he never expected to see you sleeping so soundly in his bed in that manner.
His first instinct after seeing you were to throw you some blankets.
Later then he scooted in a little to get some sleep too, not wanting to disturb your own and after every change that occurred in the manor he felt responsible, and he felt like he owed it to you to at least let you sleep as a way of paying reparations.
However when you opened your eyes the next day only to wake up in his embrace, you moral compass, and every bit of anger you had were wavering, an internal war occurred and you simply escaped that scene and hurried to the garden hugging your knees in which you buried your head in an attempt to hide from reality.
Then your resentment began to change to something unknown the more you thought of what happened.
Were you finally going mad?
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
I literally love the “crazy idea, let’s make out” it it very good!!! It is supper good!! Can I request the bat boys type? Thank you for your time! Please take care!
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT. I had to read other peoples make out scene bc I honestly did not know how to write one. I think I did an okay job tho😭
Writing for Dick is so effing hard for some reason
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Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
I whole heartily believe he likes taller women. No doubt about it
But if you’re bit on the shorter side that’s fine too.
I feel like he wants someone who’s independent and doesn’t rely on others
Someone who wouldn’t mind him being away from days to months at a time because of work and all .
Wants someone who matches his energy.
For like a thirty something year old he does have a lot of energy.
He wants someone who can take a joke and doesn’t take it the wrong way. He wants someone to laugh with him and not get mad.
Definitely wants someone who’s laid back but not to laid back where it becomes a problem.
100% wants someone to cry with him when he watches a very sad drama.
I think it’s cannon that he’s on the more talkative side?
Idk but if he is he wants someone can he can talk with—hours on end and the conversation never get boring.
Would 100% date a superhero
Jason todd
Jason like chubby girls. 100% you can’t change my mind about it
I also feel like he has a thing for strong women too.
When It comes to Jason I think he has two types.
The first time is obviously the strong type
Someone he doesn’t take shit from know one
Is really just a badass person In general
Or type 2
Someone who’s really soft spoken
Someone who’s quiet but not to quiet where they don’t even bother to communicate. Like a shy person.
Said person who’s also very caring and kind.
Jason definitely wants someone who shares the same interests. Not all of them but the small ones like reading.
Headcannon: Jason prefers the book copies instead of the online ones. He likes the smell of new books fight me.
Jason also wants someone who deals with his shit better then he does honestly
This man has been through a lot no doubt about.
And he’s not great when he has to deal with his problems that are emotionally and mentally.
So someone who can help him and guide him (even if he does deny it at first) trust he will be grateful for it
He would not date someone who’s a hero or vigilante.
He tried but failed
Tim Drake
Definitely likes shorter women
I mean mans only like 5’4? “5’4?
So technically he’s tall but not that tall like the others 💀
He’s good at technology and really wants someone who’s interested in his hobbies. Most people don’t find them interesting. (But I mean cmon if he was able to tell the world he hacks things to get information on them for Batman—then that has them sold, but he can’t)
He gives me bad girl x Nerd boy vibe 😔
I’m kidding no I’m not
I feel like he would want someone who’s more on the quiet side and someone who’s willing able to lay down next to him for a long periods of time bc we all know this man can sleep anywhere at anytime if he felt like it.
So having someone who can just lay there while he sleeps are pointers.
This isn’t a preference but he 100% needs someone who can take care of him.
Because him not sleeping for long periods of time results in him not eating and only serving off coffee. Not good for him.
Tim seems like the kind to date someone who’s a superhero or whatever.
That way they can be closer.
Damian Wayne
Damian doesn’t have a preference.
I Don’t think he would care if your short, tall, Skinny or chubby.
Like Jason I also think he has two types.
The first type would someone who’s very mysterious. He likes that.
Someone who’s mature and calm during rough times or situations.
Like Dick, someone who is very independent.
Second type is quiet literately the opposite of what his personality is
Someone who’s kind and warm to others.
Bubbly kind of personality.
He doesn’t want someone who talks to much.
Like at all.
he wants someone who shares the same interest as him—Y’know fighting for animal right and what not.
Not a preference but I think Damian needs someone who can help him with the reality of the world and stuff
Because I believe Damian does not know how to act like a kid his age until he meets his partner who show him.
Would not date anyone who’s in the superhero gig.
Like at all. He hates the idea
He would rather date a civilian. They are less likely to get killed during a mission.
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Writing for them is so much fun I might do more headcannons about them 😭🤚
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envysparkler · 5 months
gift giving
Richard John Grayson, age ten
“We’re going to the zoo?” Dick asked excitedly, peering at the tickets in his hand.  Alfred had just barely managed to stop Bruce from buying the zoo.  “Asterous!”
“And I made you a cake,” Bruce said, nervousness plainly visible.  Dick’s excitement muted to skepticism, clearly aware of his foster father’s failings in the kitchen, but Bruce had been determined to get this right, and the resulting cake was quite gorgeous.
Dick’s eyes widened as Alfred set it on the table, until the boy looked like he would fall over in a breeze.  “Bienenstich,” he whispered, his face beginning to scrunch up, “I—you remembered—”
“I know this birthday can’t compare to your last one,” Bruce said quietly, “But I wanted you to have a piece of your old home.”  Bruce had done more than that—he’d tracked down the exact recipe of the Bienenstich cake that Dick had admitted was a special treat for him in the circus, and mixed together pasty cream and dough and honey-almond glaze with the same concentration he brought to fear toxin antidotes.
Dick was definitely crying now, and Alfred had to nudge Bruce to go and hug him, the man looked panicked that he’d done something wrong.
The cake was every bit as delicious as it looked.
Richard John Grayson, age eighteen
“I—have a gift for you,” Bruce said awkwardly.  The tension in the room was stifling, but Dick made a good show of ignoring it, tapping away on his phone and distractedly eating the rest of the cake Alfred had made on very short notice.
Dick had informed them yesterday that he would be spending his birthday at Titans Tower, with his friends, and wouldn’t be returning for several weeks, and the resultant argument was still simmering in the air.  Only Alfred’s intervention that Dick would be either leaving on the weekend or in a week, but in the latter case he might not come back, had stopped Bruce from grounding Dick.
“Great,” Dick said flatly, not looking up from his phone, “What is it.”
“It’s—downstairs,” Bruce said, and Alfred knew that the dispassion in his tone was a way to avoid sounding anxious.  “Come join me when you’re done.”
Again, haste turning the request into an order, and Alfred inwardly sighed as Dick bristled, expression turning to a scowl that only grew deeper once he realized that Bruce had already fled.
Dick ate the rest of the cake in ill temper, and stayed in his seat when he was done, still doing something on his phone.  Alfred cleared his throat when he finished cleaning the table, and that hostile expression snapped his way.
“I believe Master Bruce wanted to show you something downstairs,” Alfred said, light but firm.  Dick’s expression twisted tighter as he pushed out of the chair, but at least there were no further histrionics.
“What could he possibly have waiting for me here?” Dick said coldly as they descended the stairs, “He made it clear that Robin’s done, and I’m not interested in getting another lecture.”
Because all of them were aware that Dick was going straight back into vigilantism with the Titans, regardless of what Bruce wanted.
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starboyjun · 11 months
batboys as brothers in a isekai manhwa
my first post, please be nice lol.
i have given a lot of thought into bruce and the robins and what type of brother they would be in a isekai family manhwa.
you are the youngest daughter in the family and recently have trasmigrated into the body of the youngest princess of wayne. you had a reputation of being a "wicked" and "brat" in the family. you decided to make sure your family loves you to avoid being killed and having a cushion if something goes wrong in the future.
so... you change and here is how i think the bruce and the robins would treat you.
included in this post: bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, timothy drake, and damian wayne.
ft. a short snippet of alfred pennyworth, cassandra cain, & stephanie brown
bruce wayne - the overprotective father similar to: regis adri floyen (father i don't want to get married)
i think bruce would be suspicious of you at first. like all horrible manhwa dads, he neglected you a lot but he has his reasons. personally, i dont think he's one to hate you if you "killed" your mother during childbirth. i think he would just distance himself. he would give you money and all the support but never be there for you. which is why you think he hates you. there is a lot of misunderstandings, but after seeing that you're making an effort to change he'll be a tsundere and be very clingy and overprotective of you. especially when it comes to potential suitors.
richard "dick" grayson - the one who always supported you similar to: raymond millainare (the tyrant wants to be good)
dick has always been a kind brother, in both lives. though when he actually found proof of you being a horrible person he sort of distanced himself from you. he wants to think you're a good person but you find ways to prove him wrong. he tries to talk to you but you hated him. so when you changed, he had a optimistic view and tried to see if you really changed. you showed how you changed and now he's back to being the brother you once had. he's overall very supportive over you and loves to spend time with you. he's not as protective as some brothers but, he has that brotherly protection. he's the person that knows you best, even knows you more than you do.
jason todd - the one who hates you the most similar to: reynold eckhart (villains are destined to die)
jason hated you, he hates everyone in the family but thats besides the point. jason is known to hate you but he actually doesn't. he secretly just hates his father for how he treated you. he knows how it feels for bruce to treat his children like mere guests at the estate. up to a point, jason never truly hated you. he just wanted to make you into a better person but you proved him wrong. he was the last to believe that you are a brat until a incident happened. then jason just ignored you. he couldn't believe it, his little sister was a brat. when you changed, jason was suspicious, he didn't know what to believe. you showed him time after time that you weren't the person you were, this took jason a long time to believe. he would probably be the last one. jason now loves you dearly and is probably the most protective over you, nobody touches his sister. jason likes to teach you self defense (against bruce's will) to make sure you know how to "kick those evil suitors ass" and protect yourself from his enemies.
timothy "tim" drake - the one who didn't know you existed similar to: cassis pedelian (a way to protect the female lead's older brother)
tim is undoubtedly the most loyal to bruce (imo) so much so that he forgot you existed (he can't forget damian bc he actively causes trouble). you don't make a big scene other than inside the castle, i feel like he helps bruce so much that he forgets about what happens outside of the office. if he's not in the office, alfred is forcing him to eat, sleep, and bath so he has no time to think of you. once you changed, he caught a wind of it from the chattering of the servants and so he decided (be honored he went outside his office for you) to investigate. he watched you in secret and even joined mealtimes to see you and observe you. tim found that he enjoys your presence and often asks for you to hangout in the office (to bruces excitement) just for your company. tim is very loyal to you too now, and would do anything to keep you safe. that includes secretly burning marriage proposals.
damian wayne - the problem child who also thinks youre a problem similar to: ixion (lord baby runs a romance fantasy with cash)
damian views everyone (with the slight exeption of bruce) as a peasant. he has a hard exterior with a inside of just wanting to prove his worth in the family. when you were born damian pretended he didnt care for you but secretly escaped his room (he was under room arrest for his last incident) to go see you while you were sleeping. as you grew up, he noticed how similar you were to him (though he grew up with his mom for most of his life) he wanted to protect you and shield you but he was afraid his "dirty" hands would taint your innocence. so he watched you from afar, watched you grow into a person too much like him, too arrogant, too reckless, too much like a brat. damian was the only person to not hate you. he just pretended to hate you. so when you changed overnight, he was suspicious, who was this person? how did my sister change overnight? so he tested you, test after test. you passed all of them with flying colors. he wanted to know more about you, instead of just staying in your shadows (plus he was jealous of his other brothers spoiling you) so "insists that you go play with him" or "insists that you hug him." he's also a very overprotective one, he's the one that dick has to tie down when you get a marriage proposal. he steals the flowers and gifts you receive and burns them (or sells them to selina for a hefty price) bonus: alfred, cass, and steph
when cass and steph visited for the weekend, they were surprised about the change in the atmosphere, no maid was sobbing or bruised up. they knew of your reputation in the castle. so they decided to not avoid you but hangout since they heard of your change by alfred. alfred sung of your praises and that you stopped damian from cutting down the bushes in the garden. once they hung out with you (besides the annoying visits of the brothers) they decided to stay for the weekend to get to know you more. after all, you're a unique child, one who will be known for generations. part two: batfam as types of isekai romance tropes
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graysonswonder · 1 year
Say My Name
pairing: dick grayson x fem!reader
word count: 1,417
warnings: slight angst if you squint? mentions of sex
summary: where dick is the reader’s ex and they went on a date with Jason that ended rather awkwardly…
minors dni !!
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“Go away, Dick!”
Her demand is followed by the harsh slam of her bedroom door, which stops the young man in his tracks. Dick lets out an exasperated sigh before resting his head against the door and giving it three light knocks.
He’s cut off by a soft thud from what he can only assume is a pillow that she has thrown at the door. Dick rolls his eyes.
“I said go away. I don’t want to talk about it,” she yells from where she lays in her bed, hoping for it to swallow her whole.
“Y/n, we’re friends. You can talk to me about this.”
But that’s the very thing. She can’t talk to him about this. Or rather she won’t. Having a discussion with her ex boyfriend about her failed date with his brother certainly was not on her bingo card for this year. She’s not at all surprised that he wants to know the details. For her to explain what went wrong. She can practically hear the smug look on his face as he pleas for her to open the door.
She wants to vomit.
“I’m not telling you how my date with Jason went.”
“It’s obvious that you’re upset. If you just—”
Y/n groans loudly over the rest of his words. She’s in no mood to hear them, nor does she want to pretend to be. “Yes, I’m upset. Which is why I’d like for you to drop it, and please leave.”
She doesn’t enjoy being so short with him. He’s right. They are friends. Best friends even. At least they were before they became a couple, and to this day she still feels like Dick’s the only person in the world who truly understands her. Who truly sees her. Faults and all.
It was actually her idea to stay friends after things ended, and even though Dick agreed, she could tell he was still torn up over everything. The split was relatively mutual but completely amicable. There weren’t really any hard feelings. They both had a lot on their plate that seemed to be getting in the way of the two of them moving their relationship forward. Dick had started a new Titans team on top of still being the one trying to hold his family together, and Y/n was starting her doctorate program.
The timing just wasn’t right. And why she decided to go on a date with Jason? She has no idea. Maybe it was a lame attempt at trying to move on and get out there and see other people. Granted, other people probably shouldn’t have been Dick’s brother. Or maybe she was trying to mask residual feelings that she still has.
Either way, it didn’t go well for her.
“I’m fine, Dick. You don’t have to worry about me,” she says after she can still hear him breathing on the other side of her door.
She stares up at her ceiling. She watches as the blades of her ceiling fan spin around and around, and she counts the seconds it takes until Dick says something again.
It’s twenty.
“Dick,” she sighs.
“Baby, I—” he begins, but immediately stops as he catches himself calling her the pet name he’d use whenever he was being gentle with her. It still slips out so easily. “Listen, I’m not trying to pry. It’s just…this could be my fault, and I want to explain and apologize.”
Her door suddenly flies open, and she stands right in front of him frowning. “What do you mean this is your fault?”
She studies him for a second, waiting to hear his response. What happened with Jason wasn’t his fault. Not technically anyway, but Dick still doesn’t have any of the blame to shoulder. Still, she’s curious as to what he has to say.
“Well…um…you see…the thing is…”
Oh my god, Richard. Please just spit it out, she thinks.
“I might have intentionally given Jason bad advice to ruin your date.”
Y/n quirks a brow. “Like what?”
Dick’s eyes shift around. “Um, like telling him not to take you anywhere nice because you don’t like fancy places. And I told him to be mean because that turns you on,” he confesses, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. He can barely look at her.
Y/n starts to grin, then she’s tilting her head back and full on laughing. Loudly. Uncontrollably. She’s clutching her stomach while Dick is looking at her like she’s crazy.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh,” she says between hiccups of laughter. “I really don’t. That’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Dick smirks a little too, but conceals his laughter. He shoves his hands in his pockets and waits for her to collect herself. Y/n can tell he’s been beating himself up over that. She doesn’t mean to laugh so crudely in his face, but she does find it cute that he was jealous.
“Dick, Jason took me to that little French restaurant downtown,” she tells him once she catches a breath.
“He did?”
She nods. “Yeah, he did. He wore a suit and everything. He wasn’t mean to me at all either, so it’s safe to say he didn’t take your advice.”
Dick’s brows knit together, and Y/n can see the gears beginning to grind in his head. “So you two had a good time then?” He asks, but Y/n knows that isn’t what he really wants an answer about.
“It went alright until…”
“Until?” Dick coaxes.
Y/n shrugs, leaning her weight against the doorframe. “Until things moved to the bedroom.”
There’s a pinched expression on Dick’s face. It’s clear he wants to ask but also isn’t sure he actually wants to know.
“We didn’t have sex,” she quickly tells him, and she visibly sees him relax a little. “We were going to. We probably would have if we hadn’t been making out and he said “Mmm, Y/n” and I said “Mmm, Dick” when I was supposed to say his name.”
Dick’s pupils become the size of the moon. “Wait you what?”
“You heard me.”
Dick starts to smirk, and a part of Y/n wants to slam the door in his face again. “Stop it,” she says.
“Stop what?” He feigns innocence.
“It’s not what you think.”
Actually, it’s probably exactly what he thinks. But she isn’t going to so easily admit that.
“Oh, so what am I supposed to think then? That you obviously aren’t still in love with me?”
She folds her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes at him in the process. “Get out of my apartment, Richard.”
“No, no, no. I’m not leaving until you admit that you’re still in love with me,” he says, mirroring the way she’s standing.
She looks at him. Really looks at him. Allows herself a moment to drink all of him in. There’s something swimming in those gorgeous blue eyes of his as he’s looking right back at her, and she recognizes that it’s hope. He’s hoping that she’ll tell him how she truly feels because maybe then he can finally be happy like he was.
She takes a deep breath. “Isn’t it obvious? In the heat of the moment, I said your name.”
“Uh-uh,” Dick tuts. “I wanna hear you say it.”
She desperately wants to slap that smirk off his face. “Fine,” she huffs, “Dick Grayson, after all these miserable months apart, I am still in love with you.”
“Thank you. That’s all I needed to hear,” he says, before he suddenly walks right past her. He grabs hold of her wrist and leads her back into her bedroom.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
Dick guides the two of them over to her bed where he takes a seat and pulls her onto his lap. She straddles him and wraps her arms around his neck while his hands rest on her waist, giving both sides a subtle squeeze.
He can feel wisps of her breath across his cheeks as he says, “I’m still in love with you too.”
“Okay,” she says, nudging his nose with her own, “but what are you doing?”
Dick then flips the two of them over, catching her by surprise as he leans down to leave a trail of kisses up the side of her neck and jaw. A small moan betrays her mouth, and it’s music to Dick’s ears as he slips a hand under her shirt, his fingers dancing lightly over her soft skin.
God he’s missed her.
“We are getting back together,” he tells her, then leans in close to her ear, “and I am going to make you say my name again.”
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siconetribal · 4 months
Put it on My Tab 13
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Tag: @vbecker10 @wordsfromshona @harlequin-hangout @harpy-space @tild3ath @gone-batty-fics @princessbl0ss0m @dakotali @antiquecultist
Warning: Mild swearing, Dick being Dick, Y/N will never have another dull evening ever again
Author Note:
As always, a huge thank you and shout out to @harlequin-hangout for the amazing banners you made for me.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters or find chapter one here.
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Y/N cautiously sat in the chair he motioned towards, keeping her hands flat on her lap and back pin straight. Though the detective showed a friendly and possibly flirtatious disposition, there was something about him that had her on high alert. She was not sure if this was some facade of his and in actuality he was some sort of brute, but there was something hidden. Something that made her gut scream that there was something dangerous about him and she needed to take caution. Silence filled the little office, her palms growing sweaty as she pressed her back into the chair. 
Am I supposed to speak? Is he going to speak? He didn’t really ask me a question, or was I supposed to confirm that’s my name? I have a name tag though. What am I supposed to do?! The panic started to settle in with each passing second as she internally struggled in figuring out if this was some sort of tactic or did she miss something. 
Dick quietly watched Y/N, impressed by her natural instinct to stay alert with him. There was no reason for him to suspect that she knew of his nightly profession, so he took the time to carefully observe her. Her gaze shifted between him and a spot on the floor as a slight crease began to form between her brows. She was thinking of something and he really wanted to know what it was.
“You can relax, you’re not in any trouble. Well, so long as there's no footage of you breaking the glass anyway.” He chuckled.
“I definitely did not do that!” She quickly responded and leaned forward.
“I believe you. Your boss wouldn’t just throw the names of two vigilantes into the ring if you're the one at fault. So, just take a deep breath and relax. This is just a small chat to get some facts for now.” He chuckles.
“Yes Detective Richard Grayson,” she nodded her head.
“Just call me Detective Dick or Detective Grayson.”
“Right, ok,” she nodded her head. “So, do I just start talking? Or do you ask questions?”
“I’ll ask the necessary questions for now.” He pulled out a small top spiral notepad and pen, the sight of which made the corners of her lips quirk up. It was a bit old-fashioned and stereotypical, but it was comforting because it was expected. Had he pulled out a tablet, she might have been more on edge. “So, your name is Y/N, correct? That's a pretty name.”
Her confirming answer was cut short like the screech of a record needle across a vinyl disk. What had he just said? He complimented my name the same way Nightwing did! Am I in trouble? Does he know the Bat group? Sugar and spice, what do I do? Is this a warning to keep silent or vague? Or does he actually think it’s pretty? Why would he just say that though? 
“Did I pronounce it wrong?” He frowned, snapping her out of her second spiral of thoughts. 
“Huh? Oh, sorry, no! It’s just, you’re the second person to say that to me. It’s not something I commonly hear.”
“Really? That's a shame.”
“Uhm, right, anyway, yes, that’s my name.”
“Why were you here on the night in question?”
“I was working.”
“Were there any customers in the shop?”
“Were you in the front when the incident occured?”
“Briefly describe to me what happened.”
“I was standing at the counter when I heard and felt glass go flying everywhere. I ducked for cover and only got up when I heard a voice. I saw Nightwing and Red Robin. I gave them drinks and they left.” Was that vague enough? What do I do if they start digging into why I didn’t talk about the guy they took down? What if Nightwing and Red Robin found out I said something though? Do I hide for the vigilantes and potential get time for lying to an officer or do I risk becoming the next target to be silenced?!
“That’s all?”
“Basically,” she shrugged. “Uhm, if you want to know what they were doing, I’mma bet they were doing whatever it is that vigilantes usually do? Which…I’m sure you’re more knowledgeable about…than me since you deal with them more than me?” Her tone wavered between sassy and questioning, not wanting to insult the detective, but she was not sure if he directly dealt with them either.
“Yes, I am fairly well informed of what vigilantes do.” He tried his best not to laugh. “You could say I’m someone very close to them. Don’t worry about the details, just follow my lead.” He gave her a wink and flashed a million dollar grin that usually made the ladies weak-kneed. Y/N was certainly not blind to his charms, but she was not so easily dazzled by something so simple and superficial. There was a lack of genuineness to his mannerisms. It all seemed a little cold and detached, almost like a show.
The last time I ‘just followed’ a guy, I ended up with a 4k bill I’m still paying off! And the time before that, I was tricked into stealing from the Penguin! Who knows what following Dick Dick’s lead will do! I’d rather not risk my life again, I like my head where it is. She smiled at him and nodded her head. “I feel better knowing someone as capable as you is handling this situation, thank you. Do you need anything more from me?” I need to get out of here, fast. 
“Glad to be of service and that’s all for now. If you think of anything or remember something, please don't hesitate to give me a call.” He pulled out his business card and handed it to her. “I'll make sure to wrap this all up quickly for you, but for formalities sake I'll need to call you in for a recorded interview. I’ll be in touch.” 
Fantastic, another guy I’ll be waiting on to contact me. Hopefully this doesn't take as long as the Little Lordling did. “I get it, sure. I can give you my work schedule so you know when to call here.” She offered, not wanting to give her personal number to him.
“Sure, that’ll make things easier. Or-,”
“Great, one sec!” She pocketed his card and moved towards the computer, printing out her shifts for the next three weeks. “Here you are. If that's all, I better head back to the counter, the morning rush is in full swing. We need all hands on deck.”
“Don’t let me keep you! I know how important that first cup is!” He raised his hands up and nodded to the door.
“Thank you, I hope you have a great rest of your day.” She smiled and quickly left the room, keeping herself from running as she picked up helping with making orders.
Dick stood alone in the office, staring at the chair she was sitting on. Y/N was certainly a very interesting person that did not quite fit the usual females of Gotham that he met on jobs like this. He knew she was not immune to his charms from how she went silent at his flirtations, but she was not charmed by him. She even made sure to avoid giving him her cell number to call her whenever. It was an odd tactic, smart, but odd. She was wary of him and he was not sure if it was because she was keeping her promise from that night or if she had a keen sense of danger.
I’m not a danger to her, but I am dangerous. What are the odds that she would meet three of us by coincidence? Normally I’d be more suspicious, but she's made zero moves to even reach out to Jason and isn't keen on me getting her number. I doubt this is some long con either, she would have focused on one of us or gone after Bruce himself. No, she's just got luck with meeting superheroes. Chuckling to himself, he left the room and followed the sound of Nolan’s voice. “Got the recording? I've got her information and work schedule.”
“Great, let’s go, this list ain’t gonna complete itself. Though I wish it did.” Nolan grumbled, the two heading out when two large cups of coffee and sandwiches were handed to them, instantly brightening the elder detective’s mood. Y/N silently watched the two of them leave, her focus solely on Detective Grayson. When he turned to look directly back at her, she quickly ducked her head to try and avoid being caught.
He didn’t catch me, right? Of course not, he was probably just looking back for nothing. She tried to untangle the knots of unease that started to build up in the pit of her stomach by pushing all of it to the back of her mind and focused on the orders that were quickly piling up. 
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Stupid, stupid, stupid! Jason rolled over for the hundredth time, cocooning himself into a messy blanket burrito. Not only had he failed to message her first, he failed to respond to her good night text. It’s not like I’ve never been told I have a fine ass before, what is wrong with me?! “Dammit,” he groaned as he turned over once more. “And here I thought I had the upper hand and then she just up and texted me a formal ‘your fine ass’?” No, there’s no way I’m just laying around here and letting her win, Magnus was right! I needed to focus on not getting my spine snapped in two so I can actually make up for not texting on time. He wriggled out of the confines of his blanket and swung his feet over the edge of the bed. 
“First things first, I need to eat something. I’m starving.” He muttered to himself, scratching at his scalp while glancing at the clock. I got back around 4 this morning, slept for almost ten hours. Must’ve been more exhausted than I thought. Standing from the bed, he glanced around his bedroom before making his way over to the bathroom to start washing up.
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As the afternoon rush came to an end, Y/N went to the breakroom in the back and stretched her stiff limbs, plopping down onto one of the chairs as she laid the rest of her on the table. “What a day, what a day.” She mumbled to herself, staring at the wall to her right. Am I going to be called in for a formal interview? Would they believe me not knowing? Does that detective really know Nightwing? How much longer do I have to work like this to finally pay off the bill? If I bring it up to him the next time they meet, would he deny it? Is he even going to text her or was he just saying that because he got caught? The unanswered questions came and went, one by one, when the chime of her phone forced herself to sit up to dig it out of her pocket. Much to her surprise, there was a text from the infamous ‘Your Hero’.
<So you think I have a fine ass, huh?> She nearly fell out of her chair from shock and confusion. There was no way he was watching her or had telepathy, right? She contemplated the possibility for a moment when she saw that he was typing. <When’s your next day off? I’ll make sure to keep my schedule light.>
My next day off will be three weeks from whenever I’m done paying for that crazy bill. She glared at her device. He must know it’s broken, right? It’s not like it broke without him knowing. Maybe he’s embarrassed and doesn’t know how to bring it up? I mean, he did see that I work in a cafe. I’d feel like a real dunce for breaking a simple coffee machine only to find out the person who paid for the room makes coffee drinks for a living. She did not want to bring it up via text nor did she want to give an answer that would seem like she was uninterested. <I’m free in the evening on Saturday and daytime on Sunday.> She offered, figuring weekends would be better options for him.<But if you’re looking for something in the middle of the week, only time I have is next week Tuesday or Thursday in three weeks.>
<Damn, you’re a hard person to come by, huh? You’re not someone who hates doing anything on Sundays just because it’s the day before Monday, right?> 
<Depends if I like the plan, you plan on telling me what it is?> She sent back as she grabbed her packed lunch, biting into her sandwich.
<Nope, you’ll just have to meet me Sunday and find out.>
<You are a cruel Little Lordling! Very well, what time and where do we meet?>
<Noon sounds good? Also did you want to meet somewhere or did you want me to pick you up?> Y/N stared at her phone, blinking as she reread the text over and over again. He wanted to meet up and possibly pick her up from her apartment.
<I’ll need to run it by Cici first, we live together. I’ll text you back later today?>
<Sure, text whenever you find out. Are you at work now?>
<Yeah, currently on break. What about you?>
<LOL I woke up an hour ago, though I did finish around 4.>
<I don’t know if I should envy you or feel sorry for you.>
<Depends, which gets me more brownie points?>
<Brownies sound really good right about now. You can get points if you bring me some.>
<Brownies sound good anytime to me. What time are you working until today?>
<I’m working the graveyard shift again. Lucky me.>
<Of course you are, you met me after all. That ass hasn’t been bothering you, right?>
<You mean Matías? Nah, he hasn’t been around since.>
<That’s good, you’ll have an easier night without him.>
And no vigilantes flying into the store through windows. <Never a dull moment here. I gotta get back to work now, I’ll text you what Cici says later.>
<Cool, hopefully the rest of your day isn’t too crazy.>Oh if you only knew. She sighed, tossing out her trash and pocketing her phone before heading back to the front.
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nitewrighter · 1 month
I love your take on how Peter Parker would mesh into the DC Universe, especially as the guy that the Forever People and New Gods gravitate towards. When it comes to Spidey getting tossed into cosmic level threats, such as the original '84 Secret Wars miniseries, he's usually the designated "guy everybody underestimates" because even though Peter is a street-level hero by choice, he can punch SIGNIFICANTLY above his weight class. Like taking on "They can smack The Hulk around" heavyweights. Not only that, but he's a scientific genius who can rub shoulders with the likes of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, in spite of being this dorky, wisecracking wallcrawler.
His whole thing is that when he's around other heroes, because Peter is so secretive about his secret identity, others tend to make wild assumptions about him that Peter never bothers to correct them about, because he is just that short of being Batman-levels of paranoid about his secret identity being uncovered and having it or his loved ones used against him. He's ALSO the one who believes the best in everybody, regardless of what they might think of themselves. He holds his peers to a certain standard, so when they betray that standard, and betray their fellow heroes, THAT'S when Peter gets pissed, and you have moments where he solos like... the ENTIRE X-Men team or something to that effect.
It's why Wolverine, despite being an extraordinarily violent individual, considers Spidey a friend, because Peter genuinely believes that Logan can be so much better than he believes himself to be.
He's like this hodgepodge of Billy Batson, Dick Grayson, Jimmy Olsen, and Bruce Wayne all rolled into one wisecracking package.
I think it also helps that Spider-Man very easily slips into the role of someone who speaks out on behalf of those who are marginalized because, at his roots, he's from a very economically unstable background--he's usually having to negotiate his superheroism with a job that barely keeps a roof over his head, and I think one of the things that makes Spider-Man such a beloved and relatable characters is that, his connection to the world of superheroes doesn't actually protect him from the very mundane, everyday threats of existing in capitalism. He has to worry about keeping a roof over his head, he has to worry about keeping a roof over Aunt May's head, he has to hold MJ's hand while she sobs over community theater programs for local kids get shut down or how she didn't get that callback because even though she's immensely talented she, quote, 'doesn't have the right look.' So he's also this natural advocate of people who get passed over by life in ways all these Marvel heavy hitters don't even think of.
Captain America: Why didn't [Villain of the week] just do [very obvious Lawful Good solution]?
Spider-Man: Because No Child Left Behind shut down 5 different schools in his area, he's in a food desert, a drug arrest for a drug that is now legal is still on his record and actively affecting his hiring prospects, and during the decades you were on ice lawmakers have been steadily killing all the local and federal support programs and antitrust laws you enjoyed in the 40's.
Captain America: Ah. Yeah. That'll do it.
So I think the Forever People (and by extension, the Hairies), being kind of a love letter to counterculture themselves, would be a great team-up for Spidey. Again because they're technically aliens and lack a lot of Earth context, everything about our planet is amazing and new and groovy to them! I think it would be a good blend of characterization, again, with a Spider-Man who's definitely getting severely burnt out and struggling with the sustainability of being Spider-Man and existing as Peter Parker.
Jack Kirby's notes on the Hairies also definitely overlaps with his philosophies on the Forever People, so I'm definitely putting this in here:
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Kirby is literally so passionate and insane. But I love the idea of a very exhausted and jaded Spider-Man putting it on himself to be a guide and protector for a polycule of mind-blowingly optimistic space-hippies and somehow healing in the process.
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(This is the vision) (Also maybe Spidey gets to get fused into Infinity-Man with all of them at some point. Infini-Spidey. Working name.)
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