#roy x kaldur
jinxs-gf · 29 days
snack thief
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the team x spider!reader
summary: someone is stealing your snacks and you’re going to figure out who.
content, warnings: kind of a crack fic, spider cusses a lot? not proofread
word count: 1.8k
a.n. Aunt May mentioned! who cheered?
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It was peaceful in the confines of Mount Justice. So peaceful it was almost suspicious to the team. They barely get downtime nowadays, something they used to practically beg for. Now all they want is a break.
It's perfect and quiet and peaceful.
Until they hear their friend scream bloody murder.
Everyone jumps up, alarmed and ready to fight.
You're in the kitchen holding an empty container, the refrigerator wide open, and looking more stressed out than they've ever seen you. But there was no threat?
The team is still worried but confused. There was no one else in the kitchen with you so...? Why were you screaming? And there was seemingly no spider on the container you were holding, the only creature that could scare you bad enough for you to freak out like this. (You denied this claim again and again, unfortunately they didn't believe you. How embarrassing was that? Spider had arachnophobia? How damaging to your reputation.)
You continue to stare at the container, and your friends have concluded their near heart attack at your cry for help was all for not.
Their shoulders all sag simultaneously, breaths of relief leaving their mouths.
Kaldur is the first to speak, "What has gotten into you, Spider? You scared us all." He does not sound happy.
And if you took the time to look at the rest of your teammates, the annoyance would be evident.
But no. You continued to stare at your stupid container.
"Hello!" - Artemis
"Earth to Spider!" - Robin
"We're not getting any younger over here." - Wally
Roy only sighs, shaking his head, Conner raising a brow beside him, amused for the most part.
M'gann just stands quietly, wondering if she should read your mind without your permission to figure out the problem or not.
"Which one of your imbeciles did this?" Your voice was eerily calm...it was disturbing.
They all shared the same sentiment. What?
You glare in their direction, eyeing each one of your supposed friends carefully.
"One of you is the cause of this," you hold up your empty container. "Someone ate my cookies. I've had the worst day of my life and the only thing that could help was having my precious cookies. Only I get here and they're gone!" Ah. They get it now.
"I'm going to find out which one of you is responsible. And it won't be pretty."
"Uhh why was it in the fridge anyways?"
"Shut it Robin. They’re leftovers. And you’re at the top of my suspect list. You and your little buddy there," you eye Wally.
He squirms in his spot.
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You were grocery shopping for your aunt when you spotted them.
Spider-Person gummies.
You wince, the name Spider-Person did not roll off the tongue correctly. You prefer Spider like the team calls you. Or maybe Arachnid would be cool? Oh well, it's too late now. The name Spider-Person was plastered onto kid's snacks for Pete's sake! There was no coming back from that.
Whatever. You threw it in your basket and immediately opened the box when you got home. Showing off to Aunt May, she was very proud, just like you thought she’d be. Except for when—
"I always thought you'd be known for curing diseases or something, but children’s snacks? This'll do!"
"Hey!" She was joking of course (right?).
And later that day you brought it to the team's kitchen, wanting to show off to them. You didn't want them to eat it of course, it was going to be your post-mission snack. A little pick-me-up.
No one but Red Tornado was there, which was a little weird but it was a rare day off. You'll just come back when everyone is here.
You made sure to stick a post-it on the box of gummies, effectively claiming them yours that shall not be touched.
You hadn't left your snacks alone in the kitchen of Mount Justice since your cookies disappeared a mere week ago.
You still hadn't figured out who the culprit was.
You will. One of these days.
You leave and don't come back until the next day, everyone is there.
"Oh goodie! I have something to show you guys!"
Only you get to the kitchen cabinet, open the box, and...no.
The box of "Spider-Person Gummies" was completely empty.
The box that clearly had your name written with the words "DO NOT EAT!" on the post-it!
You scream like the first time.
"Who did it?!"
The team is a little slower this time around, not trusting your panicked screams after the first incident.
Robin face palms, "Come on spider, it's not that serious."
You gape at him, "Not that serious?! Are you crazy?!" You eye him suspiciously, "it was you, wasn't it?"
"What?! No! I'm just being reasonable here. You can always buy more,” he shrugs, clearly not seeing the bigger picture. Someone is eating your snacks without permission. Deliberately ignoring your name that was written in bold on the post-it stuck to the front. You try a different approach though.
"First of all, I don't exactly come from a background of money. I can't just waste valuable green for some fruit snacks! And second, it was the last box in that section. How do I know they'll be restocked by the time I get back? What if they were there for limited time?!" The thought terrifies you, "oh no."
The team watches you nearly have a breakdown over your gummies "...those snacks are usually less that 10 dollars, Spider."
"And that's too much!"
"You can't be that poor."
"Eh, you'd be surprised."
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It’s a full two weeks of the snack thief’s attacks.
Your spidey senses go off at the two week mark and they lead you to the kitchen.
You gasp.
Wally is caught mid slice into the chocolate cake you made for the team, he looks petrified at being caught.
His voice cracks, "what?"
"It's been you! I knew it was you!"
"What! No! You made this for the team, right? That's not fair to pin the blame on me when I have permission to eat this!"
Okay, he's got a point.
"Whatever. You're still at the top of my list."
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You’re in stealth mode with the rest of the team, waiting for your cue to attack.
You communicate through the mind link to keep yourself from boredom, this is gonna take a while.
You decide to bring up the most recent snack attack.
‘I still need to figure out who this snack thief is. They took my leftover brownies this time! The ones May made for me. Do you know how upsetting it was to see the brownies made by my very precious, hardworking Aunt all gone?’
You hoped to weed the rat out through sympathy.
‘Oh...that was yours?’
‘I'm sorry! I didn't know!’
Just then, Kaldur makes your cue to attack. And before you know it, you’re in battle. However, your mind is elsewhere.
The distraction earns you a kick to the face, your spidey senses were screaming but you couldn't be bothered to really care at the moment, too focused on the fact that M'gann admitted to eating your brownies.
She's the snack thief?! But she was at the bottom of your list...
You regret ignoring your senses immediately, that kick was more powerful that you thought it’d be. Definitely going to bruise later.
‘I'm not the snack thief! I just thought Red Tornado left them! Remember? He said he wanted to be more involved with us outside of missions? I swear I know better! You forgot a post-it with your name this time. I'm really sorry, I should've known.’
You sigh, she sounds too sincere for it to truly be her.
‘It's alright, I forgive you. This time. It was my bad anyways.’
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There’s many instances of coincidences as your friends would call it.
Robin caught digging into your chips;
“But you said I could have some!”
“No not those ones! My other chips!”
“Wow, thanks for specifying that.”
Conner caught…eating your candy?!
Conner doesn’t even eat sweets like that, so what changed? Or was that all a ploy? Pretending to not be fond of sweets only to eat yours behind your back…
But his eyes pleaded forgiveness, truth. Damn him.
Roy, Kaldur, and Artemis also had their moments of suspicion.
So who was it?
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You only had one more course of action. You beg May to let her borrow your phone.
“It’s an emergency!”
“An emergency that could last all day? Or more?” She lifts a brow, don’t let her intimidate you, Spider.
“Pleeeaaaase,” you bat your lashes at her.
She can’t resist you. The child she’s come to see as her own. You are hers, no one could tell her otherwise. She sighs, “Don’t know why I even try with you.”
“Thanks May!” You plant a kiss on her cheek, “love you!”
“Whatever kid,” trying not to show disappointment in herself for allowing you to get to her.
Set your phone up in the kitchen cabinet of Mount Justice with your snack. Hit FaceTime with Aunt May’s phone and accept on yours.
There’s no way you don’t catch your thief now.
You wait a good 20 minutes before you’re already tired of your plan.
You groan in annoyance, can they hurry up and attempt to take your snack already?!
It takes another three hours before something happens.
Your spidey senses blare, making you jump from your place on the couch with Artemis and Roy. They look at you like you’re crazy, yeah you were getting used to that.
There’s shuffling on the other end of the call.
Whoever is in the kitchen is toast. You look down at May’s phone.
“Uh oh.”
“I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! From the beginning! How could I be so stupid and not listen to my gut?!”
Wally states back at you through the phone screen, eyes wide.
“You lying son of a-”
“Listen, we can talk this out-”
“Put my cookies down! You know damn well my name is written on the box!”
He surrenders, placing the cookies back in its place.
The rest of your team came out to witness this very amusing and long awaited moment.
It was funny, the living room you were in was right next to the kitchen, meaning speaking through the phones was pretty useless. They won’t say anything, lest they catch your attention and get yelled at.
“I’m going to ruin you for what you did, Speedy Bitch.”
Roy hears his code name and it’s enough for him to scare. He holds his hands up, “whoa! What did I do?”
“Not you! Obviously not you!”
You get up from the couch, bolting to your “friend.”
Wally panics, “Someone call Superman! Spider’s gone crazy!” And he books it.
It’s okay. He may be the fastest man alive, but no one messes with a Spider’s food.
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so who’s attending Wally’s funeral? definitely not spider.
this is based off a video I saw, someone’s sibling was on FaceTime w a phone in the cabinet to catch who was eating their snacks 💀 I just HAD to use it
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saintblk · 1 year
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warnings: foul language, drug and alcohol use, mfm intercourse, dubcon (reader is drunk + nonconsensual creampie), threesome, p in v, double penetration, manipulation of you squint, unprotected sex (use protection pls!), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, use of pet names (all gender neutral), roy x kaldur (established relationship), college au — gender neutral afab reader, considered to be black + thick
word count: 3.9k
note: RAH ITS FINALLY OUT. i been wanting to finish this for sooooo long:0 if there are any pronouns please don’t hesitate to let me know ! i proofread like three times but there is a chance that i may have missed something. lmk what you think! i might do a poly drabble/series if ppl really like it🙈i think this was more for me than anyone else but enjoy;3
had to repost cause it wouldn't show up in tags the first time:(
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YOU WERE OUT of your element — that much you knew. in your three years of college, never had you been invited to a frat party and it seemed convincing yourself you weren’t missing out on much finally paid off. because you truly could not see the appeal of the environment before you. it was hot–no, humid. the entire house stunk of sweat, alcohol, weed, and something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on. the air was charged with hormones and filled with so much smoke you weren’t sure how there was enough oxygen. not to mention, the amount of times you nearly threw caution to the wind to fight the third guy who used the tight space as a reason to grope you.
it had to be a lie when people talked about how fun and crazy a party was. a ruse to rope other people in to make a big house feel like a small, stuffy room. the reason for your attendance that night and your very best friend was donning a screwface that went quite well with her dark red dress as her gaze stayed attached to the man who’d invited her. he had one hand wrapped around a bottle of beer, and the other around the neck of the girl he was sucking face with.
“i told you, he’s not serious about you.” you tried to reason with her over the loud music. “let’s just split and you can forget about him-”
“fuck that. i’m gonna stay and show him exactly what he’s missing out on,” she decided before eyeing the crowd of people. “you can chill, grab a drink or something.”
rolling your eyes, you make your way to the drink table and find mini bottles of tequila. packing several of the untouched bottles into your shoulder bag, you make your way to the more quiet, mellow staircase. finals had just ended; a reason for this raucous soiree, though you much rather spend the night and every night over the summer break locked up in your room, binging trash reality tv shows. you supposed you couldn’t expect everyone to be like you, to not want to spend their night trying to get around multiple people all standing in the same hot room, acting on impulsive desires and liquid courage.
you blew a raspberry and scanned the room once again, catching sight of your friend grinding on a man you hadn’t seen before, and you were sure she hadn’t either. certain you were going to have to keep an eye on her so she didn’t get into anything potentially dangerous, you leaned your head against the nearest wall and got comfortable. eventually, you’re joined by a couple who decided the steps behind you were as good as the privacy of a bedroom. you could hear the man whispering empty promises to his female companion. how he was serious about her and only her, with each one of her complaints shushed so he could continue his inebriated ramblings. after downing three shots and placing the empty bottles on the floor beside you, escape came in the form of the 6’3 hunk who happened to be in your poli-sci class. kaldur’ahm smiled warmly at you, taking note of the exhausted look on your face.
“are you enjoying yourself?” he asks anyway, standing in front of you so as to not block the staircase.
with a scoff, you look down at your perfectly manicured toes in a pair of heels you couldn’t help but think were being wasted on this event. it wasn’t as though you could ever look kaldur in the eyes anyway. kind soul that he was, he still managed to intimidate you with his build and height, and the only time you could appreciate his god-given looks were from afar when he wasn’t looking at you.
“i’d literally rather be anywhere else…” you drawl while fishing another nip of tequila out of your bag.
though you can’t see it, too busy avoiding his gaze, he feels bad. despite living in the very house, he could never really keep his friends from throwing insanely wild parties that always ran too long.
“would you like to join me upstairs? roy thinks it’s quieter there but i don’t think there’s a difference.”
a smile comes over your face, and without meaning to, you let your eyes flick up towards his. when he offers his hand you don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t take it until you catch sight of your friend, pressed up against the guy she was so ready to swear off not even an hour earlier. you open your mouth to argue that you should keep an eye on her only for her attention to shift for a moment towards you. the thumbs up she gives you is encouragement enough, and you keep yourself from rolling your eyes when you place your hand in kaldur’s.
he guides you through the bodies littered up the staircase and standing around the rooms none of the guests were allowed to go in. his skin is warm and surprisingly soft and you inwardly swoon when he squeezes your hand. you find that the once booming music becomes a low thump on the walls, matching the bass when he leads you into his room. still loud, but not enough to egg on the headache plaguing you. sure enough, roy greets you with one of his lopsided smirks while he busies himself with rolling a fat blunt. the involuntarily bashful smile you respond with reminds him of the reason why you’re really there and why kaldur had gone downstairs in the first place.
“hey pretty,” he greets with a quick once over of your figure. “you look like you been drinkin’.”
you shake your head and fiddle with your fingers, anxious under his gaze while he lights his blunt. “m-mm, i’m fine.”
“do you have to smoke in here?” kaldur griped as he approached the redhead.
“what, you gonna be mean to me in front of company?” roy shot back smoothly. “i’ll even let you take the first hit since you clearly need to relax.”
kaldur waves him off and bats away the hand that reaches towards his waist as he walks towards the couch on the other end of the room. you take the seat beside him and take out your phone to let your friend know where you are and to call when she’s ready to leave.
“be careful,” you hear roy warn. “kal gets pouty when he’s tired.”
“i’m not tired and i don’t get pouty,” he bites out much to your amusement.
“no? you weren’t just being fussy about wanting me to get ready for bed?”
fed up, kaldur simply sinks in his seat and crosses his arms over his chest. while thinking about how adorable their dynamic was, you notice roy’s gaze lingering on you again. it was no secret that he was just as attractive as kaldur and when the fact began dawning on you is when you began reconsidering your presence in their bedroom.
“you don’t look too happy yourself.” he gets up and plops down on the other side of you. “what’s got you down, sugar?”
your lips twist as you recount your night up until then. somehow, you suppose under the influence of alcohol, you don’t seem to notice or care how close the two men have gotten. roy’s arm found its way on the back of the couch and kaldur was sitting close enough for his knees to be knocking against your own. the cannabis from roy and the sweet vanilla just barely filling your nose from kaldur give you a heady feeling, the mixture of their scents nearly as intoxicating as the liquor in your system. somehow it’s just as hot as it was downstairs and your heart is starting to thump erratically in your chest.
“your friend is an asshole-”
“don’t say that.” you chide just before emptying another bottle. “she just really likes this guy.”
“she abandoned you,” kaldur joins.
at the thought, your shoulders slump and your eyes get just a little glazed. with a maudlin mind, you can’t help but consider their words ringing true. did she really care about you? about the fact that you were extremely uncomfortable at parties? social butterfly that she was, couldn’t she have taken one of her other, far outgoing friends? you sniffle a little, overemotional and perhaps a lot more drunk than you thought you were. but they’re both there to place strong hands on your thighs in consolation; squeezing and rubbing maybe a little too close to your hips, you’re too far gone to care. perhaps part of you knew what they were up to, how sleazy they both really were. but to have been wanted by two very hot guys at the same time was a bit uplifting in the moment. you turn to roy first who moves your braids back over your shoulder.
“y’know, we can make you feel better.” he husks and caresses your cheek.
you can feel kaldur’s breath fanning against your ear now as he hums an agreement. it sends goosebumps down your arms and an insatiable fire up your spine. a soft, breathy moan slips past you, encouraging him to press his lips against your throat and draw out more of your saccharine sounds. the upturn of roy’s lips against the corner of your own is what makes you close your eyes in anticipation. your eyebrows are furrowed and your hand is clutching desperately to his shirt, he’s sure there’ll be strains and wrinkles on the fabric. but he thinks it’s all worth it to see you practically on the edge of tears for a single kiss. when he finally does kiss you, it’s a quick, soft peck that forces a whine to erupt from you.
kaldur rolls his eyes at the sight, “stop toying with her. give her what she wants.”
“nuh-uh,” he snickers. “not until she asks for it. tell me what you want, y/n.”
“w-want you to kiss me,” you gasp when he nips at your jawline teasingly. “plea-please, roy.”
“so well-mannered,” he hums sarcastically. “think you should be rewarded for that?”
you nod frantically, just as he wraps a hand around your throat. you watch him wet his lips, following the movement of his tongue before he starts to pull you closer. roy kisses you once, then again, and finally presses the fervent kiss you so richly deserve on your waiting lips. you moan approvingly as you lean into him. all the while, kaldur’s exploring hands dance towards the jewel between your thighs. unconsciously, you spread your legs further and further until he has his hand up your dress, palm pressed up against and cupping your heated center. your moans are muffled through roy’s mouth, as you buck your hips to feel something, anything.
“so needy…i’m willing to bet you haven’t been touched in so long.” kaldur husks, slipping a finger past your damp panties to rub your throbbing clit.
a choked mewl fills the room as delirium begins to seep into your brain. he lets you grind against his fingers, frenzied and fiending for release. roy pulls away from your lips in time for kaldur to slide two fingers into your sopping cunt. the both of them relish in the sounds they’re drawing out from you while they work on marking up your neck. your senses go into overload when another set of fingers begin rubbing on your clit again. between the tongues dancing on the skin of your neck, clashing with one another every so often, and the assault on your lower lips, you’re being driven crazy by the two men.
your climax arrives like a wave crashing against your body, incapacitating you and forcing your every thought to be nothing but fuzz and static. the party has long since flitted from your worries; it’s simply you and two people who want you more than anything in that moment. the garble of nonsense you spew makes roy chuckle as he plants hot kisses up your jaw. kaldur is still going with slower strokes despite the way you burst on his fingers.
“look at the mess you made,” he breaths and pulls his fingers into your view. they’re coated in your essence, though neither of them seem to mind when roy tugs his hand towards his mouth.
you watch with glossed eyes, filled with arousal as he licks kaldur’s fingers clean. the lewd act has you clenching your thighs together to sooth the returning ache between them, only garnering kaldur’s attention once again. with a hum, he cups your chin with the hand covered in a light sheen of saliva and turns you towards him.
“was that not enough?” he inquires, gazing deep into your eyes and you can’t find it in you to look away. “do you want more, angel?”
all you can do is nod before leaning up for a kiss. his lips are soft and sweet and make you feel like you’re floating in the air. while kaldur’s tongue delves into your mouth, roy is helping shift you on the couch. you let them move your body as though you were nothing but their plaything, and soon enough you’re seated in kaldur’s lap with your back pressed against his broad chest and your legs spread. with your head twisted to continue locking lips with him, you don’t notice roy kneel on the floor in front of you until his hands come in contact with your thighs again.
simultaneously, kaldur’s hands flit from your waist up to your chest. tugging the straps of your dress down and allowing it to pool at your waist, he cups both your braless mounds and begins to massage them. your panties are removed next, abandoned somewhere behind roy. both you and kaldur pull away to watch roy press hot, open mouth kisses on his way up to your pearl. his hair tickles the skin near your knee but that’s soon forgotten when his lips come in contact with your labia. your mouth falls open with a sharp gasp, and for a moment roy considers drawing this out. but just the sight of you, in his boyfriend’s arms, pretty, and waiting and so very patient, he doesn’t think he could deny you of what you want any longer.
his tongue laps vigorously at your clit, only moving down to fuck your hole every so often. he groans at the taste of you, determined to make you cum again so he could share the taste with kaldur. your mind struggles to focus between the pair’s actions, only to allow pleasure to take over and blanket your senses. while roy indulges in your soaking cunt, kaldur pulls your head back so take your lips into his own.
you moan into his mouth with each of roy’s actions but kaldur doesn’t mind. he swallows your lewd noises, snaking his tongue past your teeth and seeking out your own pink muscle. calloused fingers tweak and twist your nipples before one hand begins to slide downwards. with your ankles locked behind roy’s head, the ginger struggled to feast the way he intended to. that was the case until kaldur spread your pussy lips for him, giving him full access to every part of you.
when your second climax approached, roy didn’t bother slowing down. he nipped and sucked on your clit relentlessly, watching with gleaming eyes as you were overcome with an earth shattering orgasm. you shook and thrashed in kaldur’s arms, whining as roy continued to abuse your overstimulated parts.
only when he needed to breath did roy come up from between your thighs. reaching up past you, he cupped the back of kaldur’s head and pulled him down. you watched hazily as the two met for a sloppy kiss. the taste of you on roy’s tongue found its way onto kaldur’s taste buds. he groaned, deep and low before delving his tongue into roy’s mouth.
“taste so good,” kaldur mumbled before pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“think you’re ready for more?” roy inquired as he gets up and rids himself of the white marina he’s wearing. you nod dazedly much to his disappointment. “use your words, pretty.”
“yes, wan’ more.” you blurt, “please gimme more.”
kaldur leans into your ear, lips brushing against the cartilage. “get on your hands and knees, angel.”
you do as he says without hesitation. before long you find yourself looking up at an equally naked kaldur while roy, who also stripped himself of the rest of his clothes, inspected your backside. a wad of spit fell from his mouth onto your swollen sex and his hand followed to spread his saliva. just as a moan fell from your mouth, you felt something prod against your bottom lip. looking up, you noticed kaldur easing his girth into your mouth. quickly, you began to suckle on his tip before he continued pushing into your mouth. he filled every crevice, pushing past your uvula and hitting the back of your throat.
“you can take us both, can’t you?” he asks, so soft you can’t bring yourself to do anything but hum an agreement.
as if on cue, roy’s thick mushroom head eased it’s way into your cunt. he parted your gummy walls, suppressing the noises building up in the back of his throat. your walls were quivering and warm and sucked him in like you wanted him to stay inside you forever.
“fuck…” he grunted, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed. “f-fuck baby you’re so tigh-tight.”
incapable of replying, all you could do was let your eyes roll back and take both men. ecstasy enveloped all three of you, encouraging you to chase the high you all desperately craved.
so when roy’s hips began to stutter and his movements slowed down, you took it upon yourself to fuck him back. it only proved to help when kaldur found purchase on your braids and began thrusting into your mouth. the recoil from his movements were strong enough to help you send your backside into roy’s hips.
“bein’ so good.” kaldur grunted over you only to pull himself out of your mouth. “but i need you to look at me, angel.”
while he slapped himself against your lips, you managed to drag your eyes back up at him. the pleased hum he let out only sent you further into an oblivion you didn’t want to find your way out of. the simple thought of being able to satisfy both men seemed to take you to rapture and beyond.
with kaldur in your throat, all that told of your orgasm was the garbled noises you made around him and the way you clasped around roy. he groaned as you gushed around him, soaking the both of your thighs and the couch underneath you.
“already?” he snarked, pulling out as kaldur’s movements slowed. “what d’ya think kal — should we give y/n a break?”
“not yet; not until i get to be inside them.”
sea green eyes bore into your’s, making the depth of your abdomen twist with need. the hand that held your braids slid down to caress your face and ran a thumb over your bottom lip.
“you’ll let me do that, won’t you angel?”
an eager nod soon has you trapped between two large bodies, incapable of remembering what exactly led up to this. with kaldur below you, holding your legs open, he pushed into you until he was bottoming out. roy, who stood before you, took a step closer and placed his tip against kaldur’s shaft. the red headed man slowly worked himself into you.
“w-wait, i can’t–” you squealed once it dawned on you what roy was attempting, and proceeded, to do. “s’too much!”
“‘course you can, baby.” he grinned down at you. “y’said you could.”
the stretch came with a slight burn since your body had never experienced any of this before. your innocence was what previously kept you from indulging in desire, and what now allowed you to welcome it all the same.
you could barely breath as they lay inside you, granting you the chance to get used to the feeling. surprisingly, disregarding all the patience he possessed, kaldur was the first to move. with an unrelenting grip on your thick thighs, he thrust upwards, eliciting a groan from roy and a gasp from you. roy was quickly following suit, he and kaldur both eager to please you and one another.
you were soon reduced to a mess of nonsensical noises and high pitched whines. every touch sent a wave of heat through your body; it was too much and not enough all at once. sweet release came and left and came again, but it did not stop both men from fucking you like they were possessed. in that moment you were nothing but an object to them; a hole for them to use that happened to have a pretty face. and you were treated as such.
you had past the point of fucked dumb, incapable of doing anything but wailing from the growing intensity of every orgasm that followed. tears danced down your cheeks and attempting to form the simplest thought was fruitless. all that remained in your mind was the everlasting feeling of lust and gratification.
trapped in hedonism, both your companions increased their relentless pace. each of them were far too occupied chasing their own highs to worry about you. roy, who had wrapped a hand around your neck, kept his eyes closed as he approached release. meanwhile, kaldur nipped and sucked on your neck while thrusting into you from below. his grunts and deep groans reverberated against your skin, eventually filling your head along with roy’s guttural sounds.
“taking us so well,” kaldur praised in your ear. “ we should keep you around, huh? you want that angel?”
after receiving nothing but whines and moans in response, kaldur canted his hips and ground himself up into you. you shrieked in ecstasy, gushing around both men for the nth time. the only difference however was the feeling of roy pulsing against both you and kaldur.
the latter shifted his attention to the red head, “make them ours roy. cum in–”
your protests cut him off and came in the form of incomprehensible babbles that made it all the more easier to ignore. leaking from his tip, roy thrust inside once more and emptied his load inside you. kaldur was prompted to do the same, biting down on the nape of your neck as he finished off with one final stroke.
even when they pulled out, you still felt filled to the brim. the cum slowly seeping out of you was testament to that feeling. the two men who had just finished rearranging your insides stood over you, looking down at their work. their sexual magnum opus lay on their couch, breathing heavily and still attempting to come down from several orgasms.
kaldur took it upon himself to get you cleaned up and into some fresh clothes while roy returned to smoking his blunt.
“should we drive them home?” he inquired, watching kaldur gently wipe the tears off your face. “or were you serious about keeping them around?”
“have you ever known me to joke about anything, roy?”
chuckling, roy took one final drag from his blunt and proceeded to join them in bed after putting it out. you soon find yourself pressed between their bodies once more. this time it’s in an embrace that warms your aching muscles as you surrender to lethargy.
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2023 ©️ all rights reserved by saintblk (me) | do not copy, repost, promote, or translate any of my works without my permission
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coffeebooh · 1 year
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kaldursbiggestfan · 1 year
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Got bored
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Howdy! Could i make a request for arsenal Roy harper from young justice?
Lian is adamant that reader is her uncle Roys boyfriend.
Reader teases Roy about it everytime it happens (for this, I'd prefer that Roy is coming to terms with being bisexual, and reader is also bi)
Pairing: Roy Harper x male!reader
Summary: Roy is babysitting Lian when she once again refers to you as his boyfriend. shenanigans ensue
A/N: AAAAAAAAAAAA Finally I have written something again and hopefully I will manage to do it more in the next time. I will probably work on my Roy Harper Requests first because...well...he's my husband. Thank you for everyone who's supporting me :3
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Roy Harper was leaning against the kitchen counter, watching Lian, his niece, bouncing around the room with boundless energy. Well…he called her his niece. At some point he just got tired of the whole ‘Yeah i got cloned and that clone had a child with an assassin’-talk. But he liked Lian. He really did.
"Uncle Roy!" Lian's voice cut through his thoughts as she came to a skidding halt in front of him. "When is (y/n) coming over again?"
Roy raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress a smile. He almost hated how easy the mention of you made him smile. "Why, Lian? Getting bored of me already?"
Lian giggled at that. "Maybe! And besides, I wanna show them my new art project."
"Your art project, huh? You know I’m really not sure if (y/n) has time to come by today. You know how busy he is with Uncle Dick and the whole crew”
Of course Roy loved Lian. He loved hanging out with her, even if babysitting was not on his usual agenda. But the thought of you being out there on a mission without him made him…he wasn’t sure. He didn’t like it.
Lian's eyes widened innocently. "He’s there without you? I thought he was your boyfriend.”
Roy nearly choked on the glass of water he had been drinking, caught off guard by Lian's bluntness. At this point it shouldn’t even surprise him anymore. Lian did mention it a lot. He had no idea what made her so insistent that he was dating you.
It wasn’t even realistic considering you were way out of his league. (he would never say that outloud)
"Well, Lian," and of course in that exact moment you had returned to Will’s apartment because who are you to say no when the little girl begs you to come by. Roy was hoping you hadn’t heard anything but his hopes weren’t high. "I don't know about being Uncle Roy's boyfriend, but I do like spending time with him."
Lian's face lit up with excitement. "See, I told you!" She pointed at Roy, triumphant. "I knew it!"
Roy rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a warmth creep up his cheeks. "He said he likes hanging out. He also likes hanging out with Dick and Will and Kaldur.”
You chuckled and draped an arm around Roy's shoulders. "He’s right, Lian. Cut your uncle Roy a break. We’re just good buddies.” you looked over at him, giving him a quick wink. “Even though I do like hanging out with him the most.”
Lian rolled her eyes dramatically, clearly unconvinced. "Sure, just good buddies. Like I believe that."
Roy groaned playfully. "You're impossible, you know that?"
You just chuckled. “Wonder who she got that from.” he lightly hit Roy in his side with your elbow. “Surely not from Roy Harper who never manages to keep his mouth shut.”
“Hey!” He gave you a playful pout.
“To be fair, Will isn’t better so it might just be the Harper gene.”
“Oh wait, I can show you the picture I drew!” Lian grinned and skipped out of the room, leaving you and Roy alone. 
Roy sighed, looking at you with a mix of exasperation and affection.
"You know, one of these days, she's gonna get it into her head that she's some kind of matchmaker."
You laughed, leaning in to bump your shoulder against Roy's. "Well, can you blame her? She's got a great judge of character. Can’t blame her for wanting me in the family either. Do you have like…arrow family game nights"
Roy's gaze softened as he met your eyes, not being able to hold back from giving you a soft smile. "You're something else, you know that?"
You winked again. “I’m gonna take this as a compliment, Arsenal.”
The way you looked at him made his heart skip and it was hard to deny that he had some feelings towards you. 
You knew of course. Or at least you thought about it. You were the last person to just assume Roy’s sexuality especially after the guy apparently had been frozen on ice for some time and now had to pick up on all the stupid shit you do as a teenager. 
Like figuring out your sexuality which you thankfully already had behind you. And you were really glad about that. Because you know how hard it is. Especially if you have literal world ending scenarios to worry about.
He opened his mouth to say something when Lian raced back into the room.
“Here, Uncle (y/n)! Look!” she said and held up a piece of paper to you.
Roy leaned over your shoulder to also catch a look at it. His breath hitched in his throat.
It was the usual colorful and stickman drawing you would expect of a small child. It took you a few seconds but you eventually managed to recognize the figures in the picture. The small one and the big one were Lian and Will. There were Oliver and Dinah, and Chesire on the other side. And on the far left of the drawing were two figures that were unmistakably you and Roy, holding the others stickman hands and having a few hearts drawn around each other.
You moved to kneel down in front of Lian. “This is really beautiful.”
“You like it?!” her eyes were basically glowing.
“We like it, right?” you looked up at Roy.
Roy was a bit speechless for a moment, hoping no one was able to see the faint blush on his cheeks. “Yeah…yeah it’s nice.”
“Yay!” she excitedly started jumping around in a circle.
That’s when you heard your front door open. “What are we being excited about?” Willa asked while walking in.
“I draw (y/n) a picture! He likes it!” Lian said with a wide grin, running over to her dad.
“Really? That’s–” Will stopped when he looked at you and Roy. “...are you two crying?”
And you were TOTALLY NOT getting really emotional over the child’s drawing of you.
“No.” both you and Roy said at the same time.
“...ooookay” Will slowly nodded. “Well..eh…thank you for babysitting, Roy.”
“No problem.” Roy awkwardly looked at you.
You looked at him at the same moment before looking at your watch. “...I know this really great Italian place. Hungry?”
“Are you paying?”
“Aren’t you using Ollie’s credit card? Isn’t he like a billionaire?”
Roy looked at you for a moment. “...good point. Let’s go.” 
With that Will watched you two leave the apartment after you both said goodbye to Lian.
“...they are going on a date, aren’t they?” he looked down at Lian.
“No. They are just very good buddies.” she giggled while going back into her room to get another picture she drew for her dad.
Will just decided not to question it.
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I write stuff when my mood is good
[requests open]
[Character] X Reader
Incorrect quotes
Angst/fluff but no NSFW for now
Characters include
Young Justice Animated Characters
Robin/Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Kid Flash/Wally west
Superboy/Conner kent
Red arrow/Roy harper
Arsenal/real Roy harper
Robin/Tim Drake
Impulse/Bart Allen
Batfam members
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing/Robin
Jason Todd/Red hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin
Duke Thomas/Signal
Barbara Gordan/Oracle
Stephanie Brown/spoiler
Cassandra Cain/Orphan
I can write other characters also, depending on my mood~
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artistmonkee · 2 years
Hey! So sorry to bother you but I saw you were active and I am CRAVING young justice season one content so I just wanted to send In a couple of request
1) roy being like an older brother (but not actually related) to the reader and getting her to do dumb shit with him
2) Any of the original 6 x plus sized reader
3) Artemis x insecure fem! Reader
4) Kaldur x suicidal reader
5) any of the original 6 x reader with and eating disorder
6) m'gann x badass reader
7) dick x Abused reader
8) wally x self-harming reader
9) platonic original 6 and reader who's insecure
10) platonic original 6 and reader who's being abused
Thank you for your time and I hope to see your writing soon (also could you make the reader not have powers)
Young Justice members x plus sized!reader
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•I feel like Kaldur would love his s/o no matter what body type they are. In fact I think he enjoys having a plus sized s/o!
•I think naturally because he is atlantian he is naturally cold blooded so he's Cold all the time. He can mostly handle the coldness but sometimes he just really needs the body heat. Thankfully your there to provide him that (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
•I think he would be confused if you ever told him you were insecure of your weight (or looks for that matter) because he naturally finds you perfect and doesn't see anything of you that you should be insecure about (although he doesn't get why people would get insecure of something that's apart of them anyway) so he remind you of how perfect you are and it shouldn't matter what other people think. Then lightly scold you for thinking negatively of yourself.
"Kaldur? What are you doing?"
Kaldur looks at you from his position next to the fireplace. He blushes slightly from embarrassment of you catching him trying to warm up while having a heavy coat and warm sweatpants on. "Sorry. I was just trying to warm up." You chuckle at his apology and pat the spot next to you on the couch. "Come here, love." He shyly comes up next to you on the couch. He sits and you immediately pull him into you, wrapping your arms around him into a tight warm snuggle.
He tenses at first, but slowly eases into you and your warmth.
He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your chest, taking in a deep breath and releasing as all the tension and aches in his body dissipates from all the missions he's had to do recently.
"I love you,Kaldur"
"I love you as well, s/o"
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•Like Kaldur he doesn't care what size you are, as long as you love him and shower him in kisses daily you're good!
•He shares his love of food with you. If you're a baker/ cooker, bonus points! You both could be in the kitchen cooking up all sorts of stuff just to make for a movie date or for a group hangout! It brings you closer together.
•Now don't get me started on if you were ever insecure and tried to cut back on eating. "I'm sorry I'm just not hungry." " … Who are you and what did you do with my s/o."
•But for real you try being insecure with this man and he will point out every flaw you thought about yourself and point out that it's an "imperfection" he loves.
"Hey! Those were my cookies" you joke as he stuffed his face with the cookies you just made. "I'm sorry! But they're just soooo good! I can't help that I love eating anything you make." You blush and wave him off to the lounge room where all the movie stuff was "Go pick out a movie for us while I get the rest of our snacks ready!"
He chuckled at your embarrassment but complied and headed to the lounge.
"Anything for you sweet cakes!"
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•Conner I don't think would even notice that you were plus sized because he really doesn't focus on appearances. As long as you accept him, he'll accept you.
•I think it would take him a couple of months into the relationship to realize that you get insecure about your weight mostly because he doesn't know a lot of things to begin with and is honestly new to most things in this world.
•So it would probably take him finding you crying in your room and you explaining why to him to figure this out.
•At first he wouldn't get why you would be insecure in the first place before realizing that this is similar to how he felt when Kent rejected him for being just a clone of him instead of accepting him as family (I resented Kent for awhile because of this(⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) )
•He would then comfort you by holding you and telling you you're perfect and you shouldn't change for anyone. Of course there are times you would do this for him after an encounter with Superman but that's for another time.
"s/o? Are you in here?" His eyes widen when he hears the cries and sobs of his partner coming from her bed. Immediately he rushed to the bed and pulled the covers from over you thinking that you were hurt.
He looks at your disheveled face and his heart breaks. He scans over you to make sure you're not hurt while you try to hide yourself from him, not wanting him to see you like this.
He sighs in relief not seeing you hurt anywhere. However, that doesn't calm his racing mind of why you're upset.
"S/o what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks in worry, cupping the sides of your face so he can look at you. As he waits for you to answer he wipes your cheeks as the tears slid down them. Nervously you avoid eye contact and instead focus on the big S on his shirt. "I-I just…… it's just so hard. Everyday I go to school I get picked on for my size and I just can't help but look at the mirror and see how right they are about me. I can never fit certain clothes and some clothes that are supposed to make you look and feel good it just…. Doesn't" you stop as the tears well up and slide down your cheeks again, another sob threatening to come from your throat.
Conner's frown deepens as he hears this and it hurts to see how lowly you think of yourself when you're like a goddess in his eyes.
He can't help but see the similarities between you and him about being accepted. Whether by society or by someone close to you.
He slowly crawls into bed with you, gathering your sobbing figure inso his arms and bringing you under the covers with him. You instinctively curl into him for comfort and you feel his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. It doesn't matter what size you are, or what your skin color is, or what clothes you wear. All that matters is that your you and you should never change yourself for someone."
You sniffle as a blush comes to your face from the compliment. "Thank you, my love. You don't know how much this means to me. I love you."
"And I love you,s/o"
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Dick Grayson
•Listen, listen. Your big spoon. Now there is no secret that he wasn't exactly tall nor very muscular and there's no doubt that you were the tall one in the relationship (until he hit his damn growth spurt) but I would feel like he would try to be big spoon but give up and just let you hold him.
•I feel like he would spoil you rotten with gifts, whether if it's comfortable clothes, snacks, or desserts he would get it for you.
•He's very perceptive and smart so if you were feeling insecure or sad about how you look or about your weight he would know way before anyone else. He would listen to you rant and would try to do something about how you feel. If it's because of someone talking down on you then he would use the power of being a Wayne to his advantage. Full on pulling up at your school in those black van things and having Alfred come along (Because Alfred loves you because you always compliment his cooking and even give him pointers on things.) And put on a big scene of how you're his partner and if anyone messes with you he won't be afraid to do something about it.
•But if it's because it's how you're feeling on your own then he'll offer to do something like sparring or going on a jog with you to help you blow off steam and see if you wanna keep doing that.
"Hey sweets!" You turn at the sound of your nickname. Only one person calls you that…. "Dick?! What are you doing here?!" You question him as he casually strolls up to you and wraps his arms around your waste. "Oh nothing! Just wanted to pick you up today and take you on a date." You look at him, your eyebrow twitching with annoyance once you realize what he's really doing as you watch him side eye the girls and guys that were picking on you for your weight the other day.
"Dick!" you whisper harshly, trying to scold him for using his fame and popularity to intimidate and scare your bullies. And what's worse. Is that it's working.
You roll your eyes as he leans up and kisses your cheek before pulling you back to the car that he pulled up in. Alfred steps out and opens the door for you both. You then notice he is also eyeing your bullies. You feel yourself flushing red from embarrassment but don't have time to indulge on that as Alfred greets you before Dick pulls you into the car.
The door closes and you watch Alfred head to the front of the car. You turn your head to the little maniac you call your boyfriend and sigh.
"You know you love me." You can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"I'm starting to question it now…" you pause. "But this is why I love you, dork" you chuckle.
He smiles lovingly at your smile and laugh and responds back.
"I love you too, sweets"
I am finished! Thank you for asking me to do this because I had a lot of fun writing this!
And I will work on Artemis and Meghan for a separate one. I will also do the rest of these and will hopefully get them done soon! And if you don't mind I kinda combined 2 and 9 because I felt like it and it kinda matched. I am a big girl so I know the insecurities that come with it (but Aphrodite is helping me overcome these insecurities so I am working on it).
Also do not be afraid to ask for more stuff in the future because I will gladly do them. I However do have school and clubs so I might not update as often as I would want to. And if you want I can draw you oc's for fandoms. Just ask and give me details of the characters that you want me to do and I'll do it.
Anyway imma hit the hay because it's 12 and I'm running on 5 hours of sleep and I have archery tomorrow!
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birdies-aus · 11 months
Au Masterlist / Tagging Key
ok so half intro post half au list
My names Ru or Birdie and i make a lot of AU ideas in my silly little head and i lobe having attention so ill draw those ideas and occasionally ill post them on this account.
most of my aus will go off of the Young Justice (Cartoon) season 1 team dynamics simply because thats the first piece of DC content i consumed.
Though i will eventually try to branch more into comic characterizations of characters (kon) and team dynamics (nightwing being closer with titans than yjcartoon team)
#Birdie AU - Talon!Dick Grayson Au
my second au ever made ... honestly its my au that stretches at the bounderies of whats considered an au the most
most bc along with basically deaging to around tims age i deaged the YJcartoon team with him so i could give him some friends
character list:
- Birdie - Dick Grayson
he doesn't remember his past before the court. Hes spent the last several years either cryogenically frozen or being trained or following orders.
he sees Jason as an older brother. But also a younger brother after hes told that he is actually supposed to be older.
He has a lot of identity issues, unsure of who or what he is or how he should present himself.
its a lot of fun for me
endgame relationships
birdie/wally/artemis/zatanna | birdie&artemis | wally&zatanna || Timber || superbat
#TMAAU - The Magnus Archives Au
An AU placing the YJCartoon team into the Magnus Archives
TMA fans might be concerned bc of the canonical character dwath in the podcast but i am avoiding it bc i am a weak baby
character list:
-Jon - Connor
-Sasha - Kaldur
-Tim - Wally
-Martin - M'gann
-Michael - Dick
-Melanie - Tim
-Basira - Zatanna
-Daisy - Artemis
-Elias - Luthor
-Agnes - Bernard
-Gertrude - i wanna make her Slade for silly reasons
#Mermaid Wally AU - The Little Mermaid Au
Basically the plot of the little mermaid but its Birdflash bc im a simple birdflash fan
Ariel - Wally
Eric - Dick
Grims - Alfred
Flounder - Artemis C
Sebastion - either Garth or Kaldur
Scuttle - either Mgann or Zatanna
Roy and Jason r in more made up roles that parallel scuttle and sebastion trying to help dick and wally get together. Jason is Dick little brother wants everyone to stop talking about when his older brother is going to get married AND he seems to he making Heart Eyes Around Wally so like win win and Roy is usually fine to let Dick do what he wants, best firend things. but descides to help dicks little brother in his antics
(disclaimer this au is Not Jayroy- jasons story mostly focuses on aroace jason hc)
I have no idea who ursula should be its so hard
#PKMN AU - Pokemon Trainer Au
really a simple au that gives me an excuse to imagine them as pkmn trainers and gives my friend excuses to create plmn teams for them
alsp mostly @mbirnsings-71 s au as she makes the teams tbh i might just occasionally draw things from it
#miracu au - Miraculous Ladybug Au
An au where i take dc characters and shove them into the miraculous ladybug universe !!
the character list would make this pinned post too long, so I'll link a miracu au info post in a little bit but ill add
that obvious its birdflash... im so predictable...
Marinette | ladybug - wally | junebug
Adrien | Chat Noir - dick | acrocat
#xmen au - X-Men Au
basically so far ive jsut put thr batfam into the xmen school for mutants
mostly just birdflash content, but i am like trying to think of others in the context of the au! it mostly just started as a way for me to destress from doing zine work :)
there are more, but these are the ones I've posted so far, and im unsure if i should add the unposted ones to the list before i post them / make tags for them
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
Random younger than the OG Titans: That Arsenal is such a bad role model, did you know he used to -insert whatever traumatic part of his backstory DC likes to present to make him a “morally ambiguous figure that shouldn’t deserve sympathy”-
Dick, Wally, Garth, Donna, Kaldur and Connor: LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE $&+%$!!!
Roy to the OG Titans’ kids and their friends they met later on in life: So back in the day x was so stupid they would y.
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jinxs-gf · 1 month
Black Cat!Reader x The Team Headcanons
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Black Cat!Reader x The Team
note: just because you’re in place of Black Cat doesn’t mean this is fem!reader! this is very gender neutral besides the mention of lipstick briefly…even then that’s not lady exclusive :)
content/warnings: this is seemingly set during s1 like my other yj fics but I imagine everyone being way older 😔🙏🏽 it’s weird but just roll with it pretty please. also…a bit suggestive??
word count: 3.6k
a/n: I wouldn’t have done this but this anon gave me the idea and I HAD to expand on it unfortunately
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THE TEAM (platonic)
Lots and lots of flirting from reader, OBVIOUSLY. do y’all even KNOW Black Cat????? it would be relentless. and no matter how annoying and probably overwhelming it got, you wouldn’t back down
with even the toughest/hardest to crack team members
it’s not even like you’re attempting to lure them in…or get romantically involved (unless…), it’s just how you are. who can blame you! flirting is fun
you started off as just another “villain of the day.” Someone they could take on easily. They thought of you as a pity mission. An bad guy as small as a simple thief? What fun was that?! They’ve taken down Gods, magicians, robots…and Red Tornado assigned them a thief??? It was a joke.
until it wasn’t. until Batman saw potential in you (because of course he did. Robin was not happy about this.)
You earned the nickname Cat, which was a nickname in itself for Kitty Cat (Wally's idea, not yours, you gave him hell for it)
your first mission with them was definitely something. messy, to say the least
it was weird, the whole mind link thing. you made jokez and flirted through the link as a way of coping because…well you felt out of place
everyone was so close with each other, not to mention they didn’t come from a background of “bad guy shenanigans”
you felt like an outcast for the longest time, until everyone was revealing vulnerable secrets with each other before a mission. you finally spoke your insecurities with your place on the team
you and Artemis had the same worries (more or less) and bonded over that
you finally were able to let loose and just…be yourself around them
you became soft
the flirting and teasing was still there, however it was saved for missions
you preferred to keep Black Cat’s reputation
individual relationships
ROBIN (romantic)
He was very much against the idea of you being on the team. Sure you weren’t a crazy villain that hurt people (maybe not physically…but you were definitely a heartbreaker, Robin concludes)
You were still a thief at the end of the day. A bad person. And he didn’t like that.
It was Batman’s idea—and usually Batman had great ideas. This was a very bad one. He hated every bit of it.
…until he got to know you better
Taking you down was easy. “Easiest job I’ve ever had,” Robin boasts.
You pout, “that’s not very nice.”
Ha. He knocked you down a peg. Good. You needed a little humbling-
“-How come you’re lying to me, Robin? I thought we had something.”
Uh oh. He absolutely hated when you used that sickeningly sweet voice on him.
Of course you didn’t believe his lie. Of course you could tell how difficult that mission really was.
It’s not apart of his proudest moments. He hesitated to stop you on the mission, completely caught off guard by your flirtatious behavior. I mean, who wouldn’t be?!
In a moment of weakness, he let you go. Awestruck by the kiss you left imprinted on his cheek. Something he got teased relentlessly for.
The rest of the team finished the job for him after that.
In the back of his mind he knows the only reason he didn’t like the idea of you being on the team was because he…knew it wouldn’t end well for him. He was sure to be on your long list of broken hearts (a list that was never confirmed to even exist)
It made sense in his mind…he was Robin. A bird. And you were a cat. A right recipe for disaster. You’d trap him in your greedy little claws and eat him alive.
Over time that perspective changed.
Robin hates to admit it, but he’s softer now. Softer around you. For you.
“I know who you are,” he says with that arrogant smirk.
“So why can’t I know who you are?”
“Only…really important and trustworthy people know. The only person who knows besides Batman is Wally. He’s my best friend.”
“Why doesn’t that include me?” you’re practically purring, rubbing a finger down his face, “am I not important enough to you?” You pout for show
He looks dejected, like he was having an internal battle with himself. And you could tell which part of him was losing.
Your fingers inch slowly towards his mask, ready to lift-
“Robin.” And the stupid, stupid monotone voice that belonged to Batman interrupted you.
You’ll get him back for that.
Robin was now being scolded, but he was having none of it.
“It was a moment of weakness.”
“It will not happen again. No more moments of weakness. You’re growing, your body is going through a lot of different things. Keep it in your pants-”
“Whoa old man! Whoa! That’s going too far. And what about Selina?! You’ve had many moments of weakness because of her. You can’t scold me for this one time.”
“It’s because of my experience with Catwoman that I know better. I’m trying to stop you from…getting hurt.”
Robin calls bullshit on that. What could you possibly do to hurt him? (Thoughts that completely contradict his first impressions of you)
The next time he sees you he’ll spill everything. He’ll let you know that he does trust you and that you do matter. That you’re important to him.
Just to spite Bruce. And maybe because he really likes you and wants you to know it.
It was his idea to bring you onto the team anyways…he’s just giving Bruce exactly what he wanted. A warm welcome to a new teammate.
WALLY (romantic)
Wally was so happy someone FINALLY reciprocated his advances. And especially with a catch like you? Black Cat?! He was over the moon.
At first.
It quickly came to be too much. He's been waiting, praying for someone to match his energy, but now that he's got it? He's not exactly sure how to handle it. He's gotten so used to being blown off, teased, and scolded for his flirting that it was weird when you flirted back.
He was of course the first to tease you when you officially joined the team. He gave your your nickname, Kitty Cat. You despised the name and him for the longest time.
Wally was annoying. Taunting you at all times. Calling to you as if you were an actual cat.
He'd click his tongue, "here kitty kitty."
And for that, your flirting was meaner towards him (compared to how you treated everyone else). Which is the exact reason why he couldn't handle the teasing from you. It wasn't the normal way Robin would, "oh yeah, Wally can't phase the way Flash does. Otherwise he gets a nosebleed. Right, loser?" Or the way Artemis would, "ugh, you flirt like a divorced 40 year old who's desperate for a rebound. Loser."
No, your teasing was quite different. You laughed cruelly, throwing your head back for show, "Come get it before it's gone, loser."
So. He was still a loser to you, but it seemed you actually liked that about him. Maybe.
Wally didn't like it as much as he thought he would. It ruined his cool guy facade (one that didn't exist, Robin would say). It was humbling, the way he suddenly tumbled over his words, face flushed red and all.
More than humbling. It was embarrassing.
You bring him down to the mat with a loud THUD. Much like the time Black Canary beat him during their first time training. Except you used your weight, tumbling on him (and straddling him in the process. Great).
Embarrassing embarrassing embarrassing.
The only person that was able to truly catch him was his best friend, Robin. And that's with years of experience with the speedster. You'd know him all of a few months and you're able to do it?!
"It won't happen again,” referring to his teasing of your name, naming you Kitty Cat and clicking his tongue at you.
“Or I’ll have to teach you a lesson. Much different from this one.” And you casually walk away.
Wally desperately wanted to get up, to humble you back. But he couldn't. He felt physically incapable of doing so.
You had really done it. You slowed down the (second) fastest man alive.
"Wow. That was extremely painful to watch," of course Robin had something to say about it.
"Shut up man."
KALDUR (romantic)
It was "unprofessional," he said.
Unprofessional your ass. It was perfectly professional. A lot of people on the teams had partners within those same teams. Black Canary and Green Arrow, Superman and Wonder Woman (exes—but that still counts for something), Conner and M’gann acted like a couple and no one said anything! So what was the problem?
Well apparently there wasn’t a problem…seeing as this “relationship” was more welcomed—as in, Kaldur didn’t tell the Black Cat off when they made advances towards him. Besides when he called their behavior “unprofessional.” That was once. He didn’t say a word of it after that.
In fact, he allowed—dare anyone say encouraged it.
On missions you were attached to his hip. Even if he assigned you to be by Artemis’ side or assist Robin, you wouldn’t listen. And he didn’t say anything about it, instead informing the team to continue on with the plan.
His professional act as the team leader never faltered, not even you could break it down. He merely tolerated your flirting (his words, though you knew better. He loved it).
The team was each in their individual positions scoping out the area, ready to attack at a moments notice. Kaldur was squatted down and you decided it was the perfect opportunity to pounce on him (as you usually did). You wrapped your arms around his neck, now on his back.
“Does the team leader have time for some sweet talk?”
“I, we have a job to do, Cat. Focus.”
You hum, “What are we doing here again?”
He starts relaying the plan to you, you taking note of the way he doesn’t scold you (he repeated the plan to the team multiple times on the way over, he surely would’ve berated one of the other guys for not listening). You never had any intentions of listening, only wanting a chance to annoy him.
“Blah blah blah, is this your version of sweet talk?” You squish his face between your fingers and plant a kiss on his cheek.
He only sighs, “Later. After the mission is complete.”
For once, your find yourself surprised. He’s promising to reciprocate your advances?
This should be fun.
CONNER (romantic)
M'gann was more subtle with her flirting (not really, especially with the way she blushes), more timid and on the nose about her feelings. You? You got straight to the point. Kind of like how open Artemis was when she first joined the team. She had no shame letting the team know telepathically how attractive she thought Superboy was. Seriously, what was it with new recruits and taking an immediate liking to Conner? Why not the other three boys? What did he have that they didn't!
Although Artemis gave up on that crush at first sight almost immediately
You? Not so much. it was very noticeable that the Black Cat was adamant on cracking the boy of steel. it seemed like an impossible mission, but with a little determination and a couple sultry words? it was pretty damn easy
This is very much an enemies to lovers type relationship (kinda):
At the beginning, when you first met, he was open to new relationships. Getting to know people he could count on within the team, though that openness completely died down. Your flirting was nonstop. Even on missions! How was he supposed to concentrate on the task at hand when you found time to graze his arm or speak soft words to him?
You annoyed him, sosososo much it wasn't even funny. Even more than M'gann did. Both of you were insistent, that's for sure. But one was more bold than the other. He tried telling himself it was because he didn't like you: at least with M'gann he wanted a relationship to come from it (not necessarily romantic)
But with you...he hated you. No. He hated the way he reacted to your advances...he hated admitting to himself that your words affected him. That he felt something not so platonic for you. Damn you and your stupid flirting. It was surely going to be the death of him. And that's saying something: the clone of the man of steel actually breaking down? unheard of.
But you managed to do it. Unfortunately.
Conner finds himself thinking about you, more than he'd like. Another reason to dislike you. You take up his mind. Every waking moment and every dream. It's infuriating.
And now he was starting to worry about you during missions. He saw you get knocked down, away from the rest of the team. The fall looked nasty, and with the way you seem to lie there with no intention of getting back up, he's sure you've been knocked out
Conner tries to ignore the way his heart clenches at the sight, kind of like the way it does when concerning you in different context
It gives him the courage to voice his worries, he calls out to you, and as expected: he gets no response
The enemy leans down to your level, ready to do more damage. Conner is quickly snapped out of his daze and starts running over to you
Until he abruptly stops. Because you open your eyes to wink at him, jump up, and take the enemy down with ease.
It's right then that he takes back every thought of admitting he doesn't hate you. Because the stupid smirk you're sending his way reminds him of every reason why he dislikes you.
Everyone is home or in their respective rooms already, leaving you and him. You're behind him, massaging his shoulders gently (your touch wouldn't have persisted if he showed any signs of discomfort, he leaned into it in fact, allowing you to continue)
You bring your head down, cheek to his,
"Oh come on. You can lie to everyone and yourself. But you can't lie to me. I know you were worried back there. Just admit it, Loverboy."
He can only roll his eyes. And blushed. You were never going to live this down.
"I wasn't. Now leave me alone." If only his actions were as convincing as his stern words. Words that would've scared off the likes of M'gann had she been in your position. But you knew better, knew that his shaking hands and quickly warming face meant that his words had no meaning.
Your hand dragged from his shoulder to his chest, right over his heart. Yeah, his words were meaningless with the way his heart was beating for you.
Conner was finally warming up to you and you had him right where you wanted him.
And so you let go. "Whatever you say, Loverboy," and with a kiss to his pink cheek, you leave him alone to ponder his complicated feelings.
Feelings that were in fact not complicated at all. Because Conner was finally, finally ready to admit to himself and to you that he wanted you. So badly.
If only you hadn't pulled away so quickly, he couldn't reciprocated the kiss or two...it would've been an easier, showing you how he feels instead of saying it out loud.
He'll kiss you next time.
M’GANN (romantic)
The Martian can't hide her liking towards you for the life of her. She could’ve even if she tried.
It was near painful, you pitied her. You almost felt bad and stopped teasing her. Almost.
It was fun though, how could you stop?
M’gann would actively seek out your approval and attention when you joined the team. It was only natural, she did it with the rest of the members, so you were no exception.
Besides, the only teammate she was kind of close with was Artemis. Was it sooo wrong of her to want to get close to you?!
Nope! Though she does wish you weren’t so…forward sometimes. Not that it’s unwelcomed, she’s just unsure of how to act because of it. Is she supposed to reciprocate? M’gann has never seen nor experienced such a dynamic on Mars, much less on Earth. So she awkwardly blushes and smiles.
Eventually she gets used to it. And gets very much into it. She won’t vocalize her feelings, instead she’ll mind link and talk that way. Often times it’s easier to communicate through touch. Which says a lot, M’gann would rather use touch?? Not the mind link?? Which was the main source of communication on Mars? Whoa.
It was mainly because…she didn’t want to reveal all her feelings to you. She’s usually able to control what goes through the mind link, having done it since childhood, but you’ve made her mind a complete mess. She all but short circuits when you’re around.
Can anyone blame her?
"You know what I'm thinking?"
"Well you can read me, can't you Martian girl?"
She giggles at herself, how could she forget? "Hello Megan!"
Her smile turns timid once she reads your mind.
ARTEMIS (romantic)
It was honestly unfair how fast the blonde caught your attention. Her voice. Her stupid raspy voice.
Unfortunately for you, Artemis wasn’t exactly buddy-buddy with you at first. Well, she wasn’t really with any of her teammates. But with time she’s learned to get along with everyone.
“I just wanna get to know you, Blondie. What’s wrong with that?” You asked in the sweetest voice you could muster up, one that usually made everyone fall.
Yet she rolls her eyes.
So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Fine.
It was right after a mission, everyone was surrounding Red Tornado, relaying the events to your mentor.
“You know we could’ve took that guy down way faster had you not been on Robin the whole time.”
“Jealous Blondie?
“Stop calling me Blondie!”
You had sleepovers, movie nights, and other hang out outside of missions. With or without the rest of the team. They were fun, the first time you were alone with her is what really got her to warm up to you.
“Ugh! Of course literally everyone else canceled but Cat.” She really seemed to hate you.
You were outside her window, watching as Artemis complained to no one but herself. She once offhandedly commented on how her place was off limits for hangouts (refusing to explain why, which was okay with the team).
You were definitely crossing a boundary doing this, but she seemed upset in the group chat. You couldn’t just leave her by herself.
And then…the Sportsmaster walks in her room. One of the team’s enigmas. A thorn in their side. What the hell?
He does nothing but berate her for not “joining them.” Joining who? Then proceeds to say he’d be happier if she ever thinks to change her mind
“I’m never going to be apart of your messed up team, dad.”
And then he’s just…gone.
You’re stunned, and only then does she finally notice you. She ushers you into her room, now berating you for your actions and spying and breaking her boundaries and…
“Your secret is safe with me, babe.” It was meant to be a term of endearment to reassure her,
Friends called each other babe, right?
“You’d rather be called Blondie?”
She rolls her eyes, “whatever.” And as annoyed as she wanted to seem, she smiled and hugged you gratefully.
It was the only time you allowed yourself to be any kind of vulnerable around her. Or any of the team for that matter.
Once she got over her high horse, it was a very reluctant friendship turned…something more? That’s to be determined. But with the way she now flirts back? You’d say that was a good sign.
“Hey Blondie.”
“You calling me Blondie is the equivalent of Wally calling you Kitty Cat. Maybe I’ll have to teach you a lesson this time around.”
“I like the way you think, babe.” (You say not so platonically this time)
ROY (romantic)
You were on him as soon as he rejoined the team. How could you not be? He was even grumpier than Conner was when he joined, making him extra fun to mess with.
You had no chill when flirting with him, he decided immediately that was annoyed with you. And did not want to be friends.
Because his actual friends brought him joy, they made him laugh and they listened to him when he had bad days. You? You made a bad first impression, therefore he refused give you the chance to do any of those things.
Often telling you to buzz off and if you didn’t he’d “choke you with a hair ball.” Kinky, you replied.
He hated it.
Until you found out about his girl, his other Cat. Cheshire. That’s when things changed. You were less…on him.
"Me and her were never a thing!"
"Getting defensive there. Afraid I'll get jealous?"
"I could care less about your feelings."
“Oh really? Is that right?”
His eye twitched. He couldn’t believe he was trying to…reassure you? Was that what he was doing?
He was trying to make sure you knew he wasn’t with Cheshire. That her feelings were one sided. It’s something he shouldn’t be doing, he tells himself. In fact, he should be doing the opposite. Tell you that she means something to him, or maybe stay quiet and insinuate that they had something going on.
To get you off his back.
You seemed to back off completely when you found out Cheshire flirted with him often on missions when the goal was to take her down. Much like how the team’s predicament when they first met you.
It made you…upset?
And for some reason that made him upset.
“So you’re my Roy Toy? Mine completely?” Wally and Robin had originally griped about the nickname until it eventually made them laugh. They came to appreciate it.
“I’m no one’s. Not yours, not Cheshire’s, not the Justice League’s nor the team’s.”
“You will be mine one day, Speedy. And you’ll love it.”
Roy doesn’t respond but he feels like…there is some truth to your playful statement.
Maybe one day.
They all slowly turn towards you.
"...you've kissed all of us?"
You only shrug, “wasn’t that obvious?”
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you can tell I got lazy lmaooo
I hate how I formatted this omg
346 notes · View notes
saintblk · 1 year
and if i had a kaldur x reader x roy threesome written? then what?
58 notes · View notes
violetswritingg · 9 days
Canary Cry
Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x OFC!
Description: Her violence was silent. Until it wasn't.
"I'm fine."
"Fine is just another word for drowning."
Rating T-M (mentions of blood, child abuse, mental health, cannon situations of violence and the like. Loss of parents, hard of hearing/deaf character, poorly written fight scenes lol)
Want to read the other chapters?
Click here
August 8, 21:59 EDT
Kate was positioned on the south side of the building, crouching on the edge of the roof. Working perimeter with Miss Martian and Superboy. Which was almost preferable than being in a room with everyone else after the display her, Roy, and Dinah put on. She could feel their questions on the transport over here.
The last thing she wanted or needed was Kaldur pulling her aside before they had left and asking if she was okay after Roy showing up like that but he did and it was almost sweet.
She'd honestly rather just ignore that it had ever happened and block it out from her memory. Which, according to Dinah, wasn't exactly a healthy coping mechanism and Kate would definitely be going home to a talk with the woman about what happened and how it made her feel.
"Link established. Everyone online?" Kate winced at the pressure filling her head, she still wasn't used to the feeling of other people entering her mind.
"This is so weird." Artemis thought? Kate decided it wasn't worth thinking too hard about. Just accepting the fact that she now had voices in her head that weren't hers.
"And distracting. Coding a distributive algorithm on a kitty computer with less ram than a wrist watch is hard enough. Now I have to hear teen-think in my skull?" Dr. Roquette complained and Kate couldn't help but scoff.
"Lady, do you always complain when someone is trying to help you?" Kid Flash's voice entered Kate's head.
"Pot Kettle have you met?" Artemis's words made Kate chuckle, the girl catching herself and fixing her posture on the ledge. Subtly looking around to make sure no one had heard.
"Hey, hey, I do not need attitude from the girl who drove Red Arrow off the team." Kate almost wished she was in that room, if only to see this go down in person.
"That is so not on me!"
"Red Arrow was never on the team KF, him abandoning his friends and family isn't on her." Goldfinch snapped, her mood souring at the mention of the red archer, Kate not there to see the reactions of everyone. Thankfully.
"Fate of the world at stake!" Doc, in the room, waved her arms around to emphasize her frustration with the group of teens.
"She started it!" KF childishly pointed the finger at Artemis, who decided removing herself from the room would be for the best.
"How about I just help Miss Martian, Superboy, and Goldfinch patrol the perimeter?"
"Good idea. Trade places with Goldfinch." Aqualad agreed as the archer walked out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
"Where do I go then?" Goldfinch asked.
"Inside." Kaldur answered and Kate sighed but left her perch and headed towards the roof access door.
"You might want to cut her some slack; it was her arrow that saved your butt against Amazo." Robin said to his best friend. The speedster's reaction almost comical if Goldfinch had been in a better mood.
"What no! That was Speedy's- Red Arrow's.... Arrow. Right?"
"No. It wasn't." Goldfinch said monotonously, looking straight ahead with a frown as she lifelessly bounced down the stairwell. One floor closer to the computer lab.
"Well, still not giving her the satisfaction." Goldfinch rolled her eyes and chuckled without any humor. Wondering if this is how Dinah felt with her sometimes, but closing that off from the group chat in her mind.
"I'll make a sweep of the floor, and then report to the computer lab." Goldfinch stated before anyone could protest, Artemis and KF going back at it giving her cover.
She kept her eyes peeled as she made her way through the hallways.
"The virus won't be of much use if we cannot find the weapon. Can you track it?" Aqualad asked.
"My utility fog is not a weapon, it's science. Brilliant science. And of course, I can track it-" Goldfinch cut off the doctor.
"But she'll have to go online. Might as well rent a billboard with this address and an open invite to come kill her painted in neon."
"Goldfinch." Aqualad scolded her.
"What? I'm just stating facts here." The blonde glared at the tile floor under her feet as she walked.
"We will protect you." Goldfinch sighed and stopped in her tracks, looking up to the ceiling and internally groaning.
"What he said Doc."
"Tracking fog now." Goldfinch cleared the last hallway on the floor and started to make her way to the computer lab. Her short period of solitude coming to a bitter end.
"Mmm, that boy." Goldfinch stopped right outside the computer lab and choked down any laughter fighting its way to the surface.
"He can hear you, we can all hear you." Miss M chastised. Someone's a little territorial, Goldfinch made sure to keep her thoughts out of the mental link.
"Oh, I know." The songbird was slowly starting to like Artemis, like actually like her, not just saying she was cool with her just showing up. She was funny, only a little bit, and Goldfinch could relate to having a rough childhood. They were two sides of the same coin really, and that's what scared the bird. Letting someone else in, someone that knew Kate and Goldfinch. Caring for them and then them just... leaving.
"Miss Martian, Doctor Roquette has located the Fog. Reconfigure the Bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue." The aforementioned teen boys passed Kate on her way back inside the computer lab.
"Good luck." The blonde smiled slightly at Robin.
"Stay whelmed." Kate rolled her eyes, but the smile on her face growing larger gave her away, "Admit it, it's growing on you."
"In your dreams, Bird Boy." Robin only smirked at the blonde and turned on his heel, running to catch up with Superboy.
"You got that right Goldie." KF muttered as Kate, in a visibly better mood, hopped up onto the counter that ringed the room.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kate looked at the speedster confused, the red-head only shook his head with a look in his eye that screamed, "I know something you don't." And it was slowly starting to piss her off again.
"Nothing, never mind." Kate only pursed her lips and leaned back against the wall behind her while crossing her arms over her stomach.
After some time in relative silence, KF decides to stand outside the door, like a bouncer to a club and Artemis and Miss M start talking again.
"You embarrassed Superboy." Miss M accused, annoyed.
"Didn't hear him say that." Artemis fired back.
"Must you challenge everyone?"
"Where I come from, that's how you survive." Kate tensed slightly in front of the Doctors desk, Aqualad noticed but didn't say anything. That was another thing Kate could relate to with Artemis.
Kate could feel it in her gut that something bad was going to happen, and low and behold not even five minutes later, Aqualad is jumping in front of a projectile aimed for the Doctors head.
"Get down Doc!" Kate ordered, standing in front of the older blonde as a woman with dark hair and a creepy mask on her face ran into the room. An assassin sent by the Shadows.
Aqualad jumped in front of the two blondes as two more throwing stars were launched at them and imbedded themselves into his arm. "Mm, that had to hurt."
"Atlantean skin is quite dense." The assassin attacked Aqualad, who uses his waterbearers to block her twin sais.
"And my shuriken are quite poisonous." The assassin replied, Kate cursing under her breath and letting her annoyance of Aqualad treating her like she was fragile and couldn't take a hit fade. Now only worried for her leader and friend.
"M'gann, Kid, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab!"
Kate pulled out her batons and started to attack the assassin with Aqualad, hearing the confirmation from Artemis that back up was coming, but not able to respond as the assassin landed a kick to Kate's side and knocking her down before jumping at Aqualad and wrapping her legs around his neck and twisting to take him down. Throwing one of her blades with deadly precision, Aqualad knocking it off course just enough with a water whip to make it miss it's mark by a fraction.
Kate was up quickly and back in front of the doctor.
"Almost, poison slowing you down?" The assassin and Aqualad struggled for the upper hand, Kate prepping a scream as a last resort, knowing it would probably take out this part of the building as well as the assassin. Her powers had been stressed as a "break glass" option only to her by Aqualad for this mission.
"Jelly fish toxin, I'm largely immune." The assassin headbutted Aqualad and knocked him down.
"largely?" She raised her blade and Kate was about to lunge at the creepy mask lady when the sais was knocked out of her hand by an arrow. Artemis's arrow.
"Don't. Move." The archer ordered, distracting the assassin just long enough for Aqualad to get back up and to have Kate move to his side, fists up and ready to throw a killer right hook.
"This gigs' getting interesting." The assassin chuckled and whipped out a foldable sword. Artemis started firing arrow after arrow, only to have them all cut in half or sliced mid-air as KF and Miss M finally showed up. And helped Kate and Aqualad form a barrier around the Doctor.
"Maybe a little too interesting." She threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared.
"She's getting away! You're letting her get away!" Doctor Roquette yelled at Aqualad and Kate.
"This is all your fault! You were on perimeter, how'd that Shadow get in?!" Kid Flash yelled at Artemis, Kate pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance at everything that had just gone down and is continuing to blow up right in front of her.
They had just gotten into a good place, where they really felt like a team, but now with a new member throwing things into chaos.... It was way too much to be dealing with on such an intense mission.
"Wasn't just her that missed things." Kate referenced herself, once again coming to Artemis's defense.
"Yeah, that's not really fair, I was outside too." Miss M added to Kate's statement. It was all very "sister solidarity".
"Outside... being distracted by her!" KF found an avenue to bring it back around on the blonde archer making Kate glare at the speedster. "Besides, I can't be mad at you."
"You gave me mouth to mouth." KF wasn't as good as keeping his own thoughts out of the mind link as Kate and the others were.
"We heard that." The team chorused making Kid groan and walk away.
"I didn't do half as well on my first battle, and I know you can't have been Green Arrow's sidekick for very long." Miss M tried to comfort the archer, in true M'gann fashion.
"Focus everyone, the shadows will be back." Aqualad ordered, getting the teams attention and pulling them back on mission.
"Robin to Aqualad, we're over Philadelphia. We've located the Shadows target, we're too late." Robin's voice came over the comms, Kate cursing internally at the news. "It's destroyed, totally destroyed. The Fog decimated it."
"This is bad," Kate muttered, gaining the attention of the room, "STAR Labs is cutting edge tech and science. And now-"
"And now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy." Robin interrupted, sounding just as pissed off as Kate. "What's our next move?"
Aqualad looked to the Doc, "Re-scan for that Fog, find it. We're moving the Doctor."
"You sure it's a good idea leaving the old married couple to watch her?" Kate asked the Atlantean beside her.
"Maybe not, but your powers are not meant for indoor use." Aqualad had a point, underground or close quarters were historically not smart places to use a sonic scream, which is why Canary trained her as hard as she did. Because not every fight is going to be out in the open or primarily long-range attack centered. "You are better utilized in this leg of the plan."
Aqualad paused and looked to the kind of community center building from his and Kate's positions across the street.
"Stop it both of you." He ordered, sounding fed up with their childish bullshit.
"What?" Artemis and Wally replied offended. Kate huffed and rolled her eyes.
"We can hear you glaring." Aqualad jerked his head to the side, telling her silently it was time to play their part. The two took off into the forested area behind them, and crouching behind a tree for cover.
"Miss Martian, stay in camouflage mode and make a wide perimeter sweep." Kate had to fight back the cringe at how loud Aqualad had said that, but she kept on guard, knowing it was all part of the plan.
A rustle was heard a fraction of a second before Kate and Aqualad were yanked up into the tree by sticky webs. The two fighting against the Shadow and were thrown out of the foliage, Aqualad grabbing Kate and taking the force of being thrown into a van parked on the side of street and falling to the sidewalk.
"Thanks." Kate said breathlessly as they both stood up quickly. The blonde spotting the purple clad assassin fly through the air and land in front of them, Aqualad getting knocked down by an attack from behind while the web guy tried to get Kate.
She let herself get tied up and fell, hitting her head, and "Passing out".
"The Martian could return any second, and I'm not keen on evening the odds. We end Roquette. Now." The assassins left and Aqualad and Kate got up, looking at each other with matching smirks before getting up and going to the place where they had actually stashed to doctor.
Aqualad paced slowly by the windows and Kate stood next to Roquette.
"I've almost got it!" Kate took a deep breath, adrenaline coursing through her veins like her own personal drug. Which only heightened when a loud thump came from the ceiling.
"We've got company!" Aqualad told the Doc, looking to the ceiling just like Kate had done.
"Any day now Doc." The blonde muttered, pulling out her batons and prepping for a fight.
"Uploading now, and you said you'd protect me. You both did." Kate really wanted to smack the doctor. Like a lot. Before she could ask herself if that made her a bad hero a metal ball rolled into the room.
"Oh shi-" it released a cloud of smoke and Kate got into a defensive stance, Aqualad pulling out his waterbearers and turning them into swords.
"No matter what, protect the doctor." Aqualad ordered before turning around quickly and taking three darts to the chest, Kate pushed Roquette behind her and backed up as the creepy mask assassin jumped down from a square in the ceiling.
"Let's test the immunity of your jelly fish immunity, shall we?" The assassin glanced over to Kate, "And maybe see how much the birdie can take. That should be interesting."
Aqualad blinked hard and shook his head to regain his bearings and rushed at the assassin. Kate following orders as much as she hated standing back and letting Kaldur do all the heavy lifting for the moment.
Kate gripped her batons tighter when the assassin took down Kaldur with only a couple hits, the toxin obviously weakening the Atlantean.
"There, limit tested, now..." The dark-haired woman turned to the two blondes. Blink and you'd miss the assassin throwing darts at the teen, Kate's reflexes really saving her ass and the doctor. Pushing Roquette out of the way and hitting the darts out of the air without really knowing how she did that.
"Holy-" Kate almost laughed but the assassin was on her once they realized her darts hadn't hit their target. "Fu-" Kate reacted, throwing up her batons, crossed over the other like an x. Blocking the shuriken and their poison.
Kate didn't wait to react again, needing to put the battle on her terms, needing to get the assassin away from the doctor and outside. Where Kate could hopefully light her up with a sonic blast. Kate's boot met the woman's stomach and knocked her to the ground. The woman caught herself though. Rolling back and into a three point stance.
Kat acted in the split second that the assassin threw more assumedly poisoned projectiles, rolling to the ground and throwing one of her batons in response. The woman standing slowly, Kate matching her pace. The woman laughed.
"Your aim could use some work."
Kate just smirked and held out her hand in an open position. Her baton came back, called by the magnets in her gloves, but not without pegging the woman in the back of the head. It was then that Kate started to feel whoosy. Bringing up a heavy hand to her exposed cheek her fingers came a way with red coating them.
Kate's world started to tip, and she went with it.
"That's disappointing, I thought you'd be able to handle more, anyway...It's time for my appointment doctor." The assassin said darkly, turning her sights to the big fish she came for.
The blonde teen seeing blurry figures, one pushing the other to the floor, a glint of something, labored breathing, muffled words. Nothing solid, like she was underwater, it was constantly shifting. Kate wasn't someone to give in though, pushing herself up shakily and stumbling after the blurry green shape she could barely register as the assassin.
Being forced back into the wall of the building when a small explosion and smoke filled the air. The shock bringing the world back into minimal focus, recognizing Artemis standing on the other side of the assassin with her bow drawn.
"Don't move a muscle."
"Wow, I am completely at your mercy." The assassin taunted, her mask on the ground, but her back to Kate so the only person who could see her face was the archer.
"You." Artemis gasped quietly.
"I suppose now is when you bring me to Justice? Let your new friends interrogate me? I don't think the bird is gonna make it much longer though, not with the stuff I shot her with. Quite disappointing really, I didn't even get to hear her scream." Artemis shot a cautious yet worried look to Kate, who was barely on her feet. "I do wonder though, if your position is secure enough to survive them learning everything I know."
Kate, in the back of her poison fogged mind could put the puzzle pieces together that this was Artemis's sister, the League of Shadows assassin, she had been told about. But she couldn't remember her name for the life of her. Her brain refusing to work like it should as things started to get fuzzy again, her knees giving out.
Smoke filled her senses and she started to cough just as Doctor Roquette and Aqualad came out of the café.
"Artemis, where is the assassin?" His eyes fell to a basically passed out Kate leaned against the building, holding back a sigh of exasperation. The blonde was most likely injured. Again. Why this kept happening was a mystery to everyone on the team.
"She uh, she got away." The blonde teen archer spoke dejectedly.
"Oh! From you? Big surprise!" KF zoomed up beside her as she walked away. "Notice, we got ours." Miss Martian hovered mid-air behind him telekinetically holding Black spider and Hookman above the ground.
The speedster looks to the ground and saw the other assassin's mask by Kate's feet, rushing to the blonde's side and picking up the mask. "Cool, souvenir! Hey GF, come on sleeping beauty, time to wake up."
"Her mask? Did- did you see her face?" Aqualad asked as he took out the darts imbedded in his chest, KF still trying to wake up Kate and getting increasingly more worried about her. Robin would kill him if she got seriously injured again while he was around.
"It was dark." Artemis said defensively, her back facing the team.
"It is fine, Robin and Superboy were able to neutralize the fog, and Dr. Roquette is safe, Thanks in no small part to you," Artemis turned to look at the group assembled in front of the internet café, "Welcome to the team."
KF hung back with Kate as Kaldur and Miss M went up to the conscious blonde. The Atlantean shaking her hand and the Martian laying a green hand on her shoulder.
"I've always wanted a sister. Here on earth, I mean, I have twelve back on mars. But trust me, it's not the same. Now I have two."
"I wouldn't know but, thanks."
KF let Doctor Roquette have a look at Kate as he walked up to Artemis. Miss Martian elbowing him in the side when he didn't say anything, Doctor Roquette helping the younger blonde up to her feet behind them.
"Yeah, welcome," he muttered unenthusiastically, about to bring up Goldfinch needing medical attention when Doctor Roquette did it for him.
"Uh, excuse me, she needs help." The four team members looked to the struggling pair of blondes and Aqualad instantly went on high alert when he saw the blood trickling down Kate's cheek. Rushing up to her and holding her head in his hands. Neck doing nothing to hold up its weight on its own, earning a low groan from the fourteen year old, sweeping her limp body up into his arms and turning to the team.
"We need to get back to the cave now."
"How are you feeling?" Aqualad asked the blonde laying on the scratchy bed in the medical bay.
"Fine," Kate smirked a little at Aqualad unamused face. "Really I'm alright." The blonde reassured, letting her smirk drop into a neutral look of exhaustion.
"I'm glad to hear that. I hate to ask this so soon after you've woken up but-"
"You wanna know if I saw the assassin's face," Kate sighed quietly, rolling her head to the side and lazily looking at the Atlantean, "What did Artemis say?"
Unbeknownst to either of the teens in the med bay a certain blonde archer stood just outside with her ear pressed to the door.
"She said it was too dark." Aqualad answered carefully, slightly suspicious of why Kate would want to know what Artemis had said.
"There's your answer, I could barely see my own hand in front of my face, it was all just a big blob." Aqualad nodded neutrally before giving the blonde a small smile, placing a hand on her arm.
"I am happy you are okay; the other's will be as well. Robin was almost panicked when we told him and Superboy of your condition." The Atlantean smirked at how flushed Kate's face got.
Artemis, after a long night with an even longer wait at the cave to see if Kate was going to be okay, finally Zeta's home. The bright light fading as she exits the phony broken phone booth, feeling eyes on her and knocking an arrow, pulling back and aiming it at the person creeping up on her.
"Step into the Light. Now." The teen archer ordered.
It was Red Arrow.
"Nice move." Roy patronized as he walked closer, making it clear he didn't see her as any kind of threat. "Almost made me believe you are Green Arrow's niece, but we both know you're not," Artemis narrowed her eyes at the correct accusation, "Still, I'm sure GA, Bats, Canary, and Goldfinch have a reason for lying. Though how they got Goldfinch to trust you at all is a complete mystery to me, so... your cover's safe. But I warn you, do not hurt my friends."
With that he walked away.
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Roy is a nice person underneath the parts of him that hate everybody.
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
The wrong shade of green
Danny’s arrival in Star City is not what you might call, uneventful. He was on the run from the GIW, after a lucky shot they manage to catch him while he was transforming. Unfortunately this lead to Danny being chased out of town, unable to transform lest they manage to track his ecto signature. The only reason he managed to get away was thanks to Red Huntress and his parents. They managed to distract the GIW while he made his getaway. He still doesn’t know how his parents feel about him being phantom but they were ready to help when he needed it and that’s what counts.
His first thought was to meet up with Jazz at her college if things went south, but with his identity revealed he knew going to her would put her in danger. With amity on lock down he’s unable to get to the portal. So he manages to get a ticket out of town and hops from bus to bus. At some point he ends up in Star City. He’s managed to pick a few pockets to keep himself fed and clothed unfortunately one night as he was heading back to his “home” (a condemned apartment building that was fine as long as he didn’t breathe too much) he came across a mugging. As much as Danny knows he shouldn’t he interferes, the woman gets away unharmed Danny is not so lucky. Danny managed to get a nice little bullet wound just barely missing his kidneys. It looked like the mugger was about to go in for the “kill” (boy would he be surprised) when the gun it pinned to the wall by a red arrow. Danny slumps to the ground. Trying to figure out if he needed to leave the city already when a teen about his age pops up out of seemingly nowhere and goes to help him try to stop the bleeding. Danny asks who the hell are you, he looks at him like he’s crazy and they he’s like “you must be new around here, I’m speedy” Danny laughs and starts to get up “okay speedy thanks for the help but I’m gonna get going” he grabs Danny like “you are bleeding out you’re not going anywhere” Danny looks him straight in the eye and says “who’s gonna stop me?” And keeps walking speedy follows him and says “im just trying to help! Your gonna die if you don’t get medical attention!” Danny mumbles “too late for that” not realizing speedy heard him.
He pauses and says “at least let me help you get where you need to go” Danny hesitates but accepts and speedy wraps Danny’s arm around his shoulder and helps Danny make it back to where he’s staying. Speedy looks more than a little worried about the state of the building but doesn’t fight him. Once they get inside speedy takes out all the medical supplies he has and gets to work. If he’s surprised by the scars scattered around Danny’s body he doesn’t say anything. Once he finished up he helps Danny lay down and says he’ll be back tomorrow to check on him “so make sure you’re here ‘cus I’ll be pissed if I come here and you’re gone” Danny laughs and says okay. This continues for about a week as Danny slowly begins to heal. Speedy would bring food and supplies then they would sit and talk and at some point or another Danny starts to tinker with speedy’s arrows, improving them. But eventually speedys mentor notices that he seems to be disappearing consistently and coming back with improved equipment. Worried that he’s gotten involved with someone he shouldn’t he follows speedy to the condemned building.
What he finds is his apprentice wrapping fresh bandages around the torso of a teen who is in the process of taking apart his arrows. He slowly leaves the shadows with his hands up to show he’s not a threat. “So this is where my young apprentice has been sneaking off to every night” speedy looks nervous and Danny looks ready to run until speedy puts a hand on his shoulder “I’m not here to stop you I just wanted to make sure you were okay, your friend appears to be hurt, do you mind if I take a look at it.” Danny hesitates but nods, green arrow removes the bandages once more and when he sees the scars littering his body he looks worriedly at speedy who just shakes his head. Green arrows mouth sets in a determined line “it looks like it’s healing pretty well” he looks around the building “this place isn’t the safest though, I have a safe house nearby you can stay in.” Danny looked surprised at the offer and looked to speedy for confirmation, he grinned at Danny. Danny rubbed the back of his neck and reluctantly agreed on the condition he can leave anytime he wants. Speedy immediately agrees and the get Danny to the safe house.
It takes time but eventually Danny tells speedy what he is running from and why and speedy in turn reveals his identity as Roy Harper. They swear each other to secrecy, even from green arrow. After about a month green arrow eventually reveals his identity to him and invites him to join the team doing weapons maintenance. This is when he is introduced to Dinah who he comes to greatly admire, Ollie thinks he has a crush on her because he always watches her train and is more than happy to join in every time. Danny agrees on the condition he’s getting paid for his work. Eventually Danny comes to see Ollie as a kind of uncle and Dinah as a sort of aunt, about a week after this development however Roy goes missing. Danny starts learning to hack, searching for any hint of where Roy disappeared to. Dinah and Ollie search on the ground and between the three of them they find Roy or so they think.
When Ollie comes home with “roy” Danny refuses to believe it’s him, he can’t explain it but he knows it’s not him. The duo try to win him over, after all who else could it be, but Danny refuses. You couldn’t say they were on terrible terms, but Danny didn’t trust him, not one bit and he continued to search for the real Roy to no avail, despairing in the knowledge that he can’t use his powers without being hunted, but it would make things so much easier. One day after a year of searching, the fake Roy officially wins his trust, but not in the way you would think. He’s by himself in the apartment when “Roy” comes rushing in panicked talking about how he was right he was always right and how he found out he was a clone. Danny tries to calm him down and tells him that they need to tell green arrow, they split up, but by the time Danny finds Ollie, “Roy” is already there acting as if nothing happy as can be chatting about how excited he is to finally be welcomed into the league base. Ollie laughs and says “we’ll that’s not the real base, the real one is a satellite in space” Danny is shocked, but he now understands that “Roy” is not fully in control. He decides to play nice and pretend he let the matter drop but continues to search.
After Cadmus happens Ollie invites Danny to work with the young justice team, helping them improve their equipment and helping out. The justice league knows about Danny and knows he’s hiding from something but something (tucker and technus) has prevented them from finding out exactly what. Batman agrees with Danny helping out the team but gives robin the mission of trying to figure out who he is and what he’s running from. Danny agrees knowing that the old league base most likely had much better access than Ollie’s. He joins the team in training and everyone is shocked when he manages to take down superboy, Dinah laughs and says it’s only to be expected from her star pupil. Danny does everything he can to make sure no one knows about his research, however after Kaldur returns from Atlantis earlier than planned only to find Danny hacking into secure documents. He raises his weapon and tells Danny to step away from the computer. Danny backs up and manages to play it off as he was worried about the people who took roy trying to do so again, especially since he’s on his own now, and what their intentions were to begin with. Kaldur reluctantly accepts the answer and even more reluctantly agrees to keep it a secret as he told Ollie he would drop it, on the condition that he would keep him informed and promise not to act on any information he finds. After that the two start to hang out more and Danny start to feel bad about lying to Kaldur but knows hed be putting everyone in danger if he were to try to expose Roy without proof. Everyone starts to slowly realize there’s something off about Danny but they just can’t put their finger on it. When Shazam starts hanging out with the team and later Zatanna this becomes even more evident as the two seemed to have a high respect for danny that neither can really explain.
Everything comes to a head at New Years when red arrow is inducted into the league. When it was revealed that red arrow was to mole all along Kaldur immediately looked to Danny who refused to look him in the eye. He says bluntly “you knew” Danny sighs and says “of course I knew, he was practically my brother. But without proof I would be putting the real Roy, the clone roy and all of you in danger. This isn’t the first time he realized a clone and everytime his mind is wiped and he simply forgets.” He looks away “I checked the DNA they are a perfect match, I had to find a way to solidly prove that he wasn’t Roy otherwise everyone would think I was delusional…again.” With Danny’s help they track down the fake Roy and they manage to take back the watchtower. After winning the day danny and the newly named will team up to continue the search for the real Roy.
Onto season 2 of young justice
It’s been 2 years now and Danny is not 18-19
Will and Danny are in a safe house searching for Roy when they get word that Artemis is dead. Danny is devastated. They might not have gotten along in the beginning but he had come to see her as a little sister. As much as he cares for Kaldur he is determined to get revenge. Luckily will manages to get a lead on roy before Danny does something he would regret. They manage to get Roy back and he’s in the hospital. They won’t let him see roy until roy finally asks for him. “How did you know he wasn’t me, how were you the only one who knew?!” He grinned and said “oh he was much less of a dumbass and I just knew it couldn’t be you.” He laughed “but to be honest I don’t know, he just didn’t FEEL right if that makes sense, like he was just out of sync.” Roy seems to accept the answer and thanks Danny for never stopping his search.
Danny went to get the two of them food and when he came back roy was gone. Luckily he was considerate enough to leave a note. “Not kidnapped gotta go kick ass” Danny laughs and throws the note in the trash after all he’s gotta a new search to start and ass to kick of his own. He begins his hunt (he learned from the best). Danny manages to hunt down Kaldur to a submarine 10 of the coast of biallya. When Kaldur enters his quarters and starts to take off his armor he catches some movement out of the corner of his eye, narrowly dodging a very sharp, very deadly arrow. Kaldur find himself in a fight to the death as Danny comes at him with all of his training from both canary and arrow. The fight is just loud enough to draw attention, Kaldur just barely manages to pin Danny to the wall when a henchman knocks on his door, Danny is certain he’s about to need to use his powers when Kaldur tells him to leave. Danny looks shocked as Kaldur slowly lets him go. Not one to waste an opportunity Danny knocks Kaldur to the ground turning the tables on him and holds a knife to his throat. Danny demands an explanation. Kaldur says I could ask same how did you get here. Danny pushes the knife a little more against Kaldurs throat and says I’m asking the questions. “Why did you betray us?! You killed artemis! And why did you protect me?!”
Kaldur looks him in the eye and begins to explain everything, about how his father is black manta and he used that to infiltrate the light and how Artemis is alive. Danny reluctantly moves the knife from his throat. “Why should I believe a word you say? This could all be a trap?” “You and I both know it’s not, but if you need proof I can call her here, assuming you’ve disabled the security in here” Danny scoffs “do I look like an amateur to you?” Kaldur takes a small item out of his pocket and sends a signal about 15 min later Kaldur is handcuffed sitting on his bed when tigress enters the room. As she’s turning around she asks what the emergency was and get tackled by Danny. “I’m so glad your alive!” Artemis laughs and asks what he was doing here, he steps aside to reveal the bound Kaldur and says “ the original plan was to come here and take revenge but clearly that’s not needed” and he goes to uncuff Kaldur. Artemis covers her mouth trying desperately not to laugh as Kaldur moved to stand. “To be fair he was able to take down Conner on his first time don’t feel to bad” the three catch up a bit before Danny leaves in order to make sure he doesn’t blow their cover. They ask if he need help getting out but he winks and says “I have my ways” after Danny is gone Artemis gives Kaldur a Look and he says “not a word” she grins “I didn’t say anything, but if I did I would say you were looking mighty happy to see dear old Danny. But seriously when this is over if you don’t ask him out I will personally tie the two of you up and lock you in a closet.” Kaldur smirks “noted now you should head back before they get suspicious”
Okay I’m not sure what else I want to add if anything, I don’t know all that much about green arrow, but I get the feeling Danny would study canary’s form religiously so that when he had to use it he could use his wail without being hurt in the process.
In the meantime who do y’all think I should do next?
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𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
Wally West {Kid Flash}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
Dick/ Richard Grayson { Nightwing/Robin}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
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Conner Kent {Superboy}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
Kaldur’ahm {Aqualad}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
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Damian Wayne {Robin}
Double Date
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Garfield Logan {Beast Boy}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
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Bart Allen {Impulse}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
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Jaime Reyes {Blue Beetle}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
Tim Drake {Red Robin}
ℕ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕐𝕖𝕥
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
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buffdaddyphoenix · 4 years
okay look guys, the thing we’re NOT gonna do is be embarrassed for the fact that i fall in love with a different fictional dude every week. anyway, this week it’s kaldur from young justice 🥰 gender-neutral reader as indicated by they/them pronouns!
Title: Drunk, and Accidentally
Pairing: Kaldur/Reader
Rating: T (for alcohol)
Word count: 878
Read on AO3
You heard Kaldur’s voice—his deep, smooth voice—in your head. “[y/n], Red Arrow. Any updates?”
You smiled goofily and found a comfy chair to settle down in. You and Roy were tasked to go undercover and collect info at this houseparty while the others investigated the same mission at different, but nearby, houseparties. Why any villain would host houseparties to conduct their evil business is a mystery to you, but you were psyched anyway ‘coz you love parties and it’s really the time you shine. 
“Hiiii Kaldur,” you said flirtily through the mind link. Even your thoughts were drunk. “I think I got something for ya! This cute guy I almost made out with told me his uncle does super exclusive deliveries and he had a huuuuuge shipment to make tonight to that suspicious, unnamed skyscraper building nearby. I think that’s the stolen tech we’re looking fo—hic! Sorry cutie heehee.”
You heard Kaldur about to say something but he stopped. Silence.
Artemis laughed. “[y/n] is drunk! They are sooooo drunk!”
Wally chimed in, suggestively, “[y/n], I know someone who’s waayy cuter.”
“Shut it, KF,” you said, embarrassed. You didn’t like Wally like that but who are you to deny the attention? “You best not be drinking at your party either, I don’t want my precious baby Robin getting even a sip of alcohol before he’s old enough to drink!”
“[y/n], stop treating me like I’m your kid! You’re not that much older than me, you’re literally the same age as Roy.” Robin shouted.
“It’s cute, though,” M’gann giggled. “They treat you so kindly and always make food for you, don’t they?” 
“...They do make me some delicious snacks,” Robin admitted begrudgingly.
“Kaldur, were you checking in with all of us for any info we’ve found? We’re getting off-topic,” Conner asked, slightly tense.
Kaldur finally spoke again. “Indeed. I am glad to know everyone is here, though. Red Arrow? Anything on your end?”
No response.
“[y/n], are you and Roy in the same area?” Kaldur asked.
“Umm… No, I don’t know where he is aha,” you chuckled sheepishly. “Kaldur, how are you so good-looking, though?”
Kaldur is stunned into silence again. “Wh-What?”
“You are literally soooo fiiiine,” you gushed. Sober you was screaming but drunk you was having too much fun flirting. Besides, Kaldur is so frickin’ cute and he doesn’t even know it. Absolute boyfriend material, that one. “Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“B-Because I want to respect you. And do not forget we are still on the mind link,” Kaldur sounded awkward but at the same time, there was something else in his voice. Something else that you either couldn’t tell what it was because you were too drunk, or something he was hiding too well. “Everyone, go follow the lead [y/n] gave us. I will take care of getting [y/n] and Red Arrow back to the Bioship.”
“Kalduuurr, you should kiss meee. I wanna kiss you so bad.” Ignoring his very valid warning about the mind link, you got up from the chair you were sitting in and were on your way to leave the house. “Which houseparty are you at again? I wanna come see you.”
“N-no need, I’m already at the front of the house of the one you’re at. You and I will find Roy and we will take you back to the Bioship. You clearly are in no condition to fight right now,” Kaldur said sternly, but also very clearly embarrassed.
You walked out the door and found Kaldur himself standing far from the entrance. You ran to him and gave him a big hug, which he awkwardly returned. You looked up at him and gave him your cutest and biggest smile. 
“Hiiii,” you said, speaking with your actual voice this time.
Kaldur smiled genuinely and nodded. “Hello.” Mmm, Kaldur’s voice always sounded way better and sexier in person.  
“Were you gonna kiss me now?” you asked innocently.
He looked down at you for a long time, not saying anything. Very quietly he said, “Maybe later, okay?”
You nodded. He slowly peeled your arms off him as he asked, “Are you ready to find Roy now?”
You nodded again. The alcohol was starting to finish its overly flirty phase and was about to enter its extremely sleepy phase. You noticed he was being very gentle with you, and you decided you liked it a lot. “Can I hold your hand while we look for him?”
Kaldur looked at you for another stretch of time and nodded. “You seem like you might fall asleep at any second. We can’t have you falling over when you do.” He punctuated with a little smile.
You lit up with a hearty laugh and took one of his hands. You began to tell him where you saw Roy last. You were drunk, sure, but not that drunk. You’re definitely gonna remember that Kaldur said “maybe” to kissing you. You hoped that his “maybe” turned into a “yes” sooner rather than later. As he gently held your hand while he led you around the house, you thought to yourself, “Definitely boyfriend material.”
And yes, you totally forgot that everyone could hear you think that. Kaldur smiled to himself.
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