farshootergotme · 2 months
Occasionally I picture Nightwing calling Red Hood "little wing" in front of others and people looking between this huge, 6'0 feet tall man with growing white hair, and then Nightwing, a shorter man who has flawless skin, probably around his 20's, and a fit but not too buff build and they just- don't know what's happening. Is it some kind of inside joke they aren't aware of? Why is Nightwing acting as if he's years older than Red-fucking jacked-Hood?
Nightwing: Little wing, you actually were decent in that fight! I'm impressed.
Hero, who was helping during this fight as well, listening in to the conversation: little...?
Red Hood: Wow, feeling very appreciated right now. Got any other backhanded compliments in there?
Hero: Wait, excuse me-
Nightwing: As a matter of fact-
Red Hood: Nope! I'm outta here. Screw you!
Nightwing: You know you love me!
Red Hood: In your dreams, dickhead!
Nightwing: Hey! We don't use that-
Red Hood: Not listening!
Nightwing: Jeez, kids these days...
Red Hood: I'm an adult and fuck you too!
Nightwing: What? Thought you weren't-
Red Hood: See you never, I'm out.
Hero: ...
Hero: what the actual fuck?
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andstuffsketches · 1 month
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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sully-s · 6 months
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Kryptonian Heritage Picture Day
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jube-art · 9 days
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I think the first time the topic of period accurate clothing gets brought up, there's a very clear misunderstanding between the two of them.
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gothamhappiness · 2 months
Dick: Hey Jaybird :)
Jason: What Dickhead?
Dick: When are you getting married with Y/N?
Jason: ... This is actually a very good question.
Jason: Hey Y/N.
Y/N: Yes, babe?
Jason: When are we getting married?
Y/N: I don't know, Todd, where's the ring?
Jason: Very soon around your finger, love. Very soon.
(Jason asked Selina which place was the best for engagement rings. She was more than happy to show him.)
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perilusjax · 2 months
Dc X Dp
The Rage of Two Brothers
The world could only look in fear as an image is shown throughout the world. As two white haired figures raced throughout the sky. The image split to show them both.
One is covered in an inferno, the colors always shifting as he destroyed the land. The two figures fighting him were Wonderwoman and Shazam. The heroes being pushed back with ease.
The land scorched as even from so far apart they could feel his blazing rage.
The second figure only trailed the silent lands. Without a word, the area froze in his silent fury. Spires of ice shot up impaling military machines and encasing soldiers. His eyes only looked forward as he traveled.
Until Superman stood in front of him, trying to calm the being. When a white flash covered the screen, as it ebbed, many could see the man of steel encased in ice.
The man walking past the alien, still walking forward.
Suddenly, Wonderwoman had ensnared the being withing her lasso.
"Speak Spirit! Why are you here? The lasso of truth compels you!" Diana shouted, her grip tightening despite the burns along her arm.
The fire spirit growled as he form shifted, instead of the fire collosus, stood a a tall humanoid figure.
His white hair flowed like fire, his athletic form was covered in a blood red button up, and ash gray pants. His snarling face showing elongated canines and blood red eyes.
"You think this will hold me, Amazon!" He shouted, his voice filled with viseroul anger, that it caused many to flinch.
"I repeat! Why are you here?!" She shouted as she reaffirmed her stance.
As this was going down the icy figure stopped, and turned slightly, as if he was looking at something.
Then the fire deity shifted, as if another being took control, his once red eyes became red and blue. While red was a raging fire, blue was a cold fury.
"Leave Princess Diana of Themyscara, Shazam Champion of Magic, the only reason you live is because your roles are needed," he? They, spoke two voices overlapping each other.
One being the fire spirit's voice, the other a cold and emotionless tone probably belonging to the Ice being.
As the two heroes flinched, they looked to enother. Before Diana's eyes hardened as she turned towards the ensnared creature.
"I ask again spirits! Why are you here?" Diana commanded, as the spirit grunted from the lasso's power. Before the two figures opened their mouth in tandem.
"WHERE IS OUR SISTER!" They shouted in tandem before their powers burst in a flurry.
No longer restrained by their physical forms, the beings power flowed throughout the lands. The heroes only stared, unable to do anything. As the two brothers unleashed their fury, trying to find their missing sister.
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wlzerd · 18 days
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 10 months
Jason: *Explaining why he fled during the fight.* Tim disappeared, I had to find him and make sure he was all right.
Roy: This boy broke into Nightwing's home, then single-handedly blackmailed Batman at twelve, then caused multiple international incidents with Young Justice, and today he defeated Ra's al Ghul after blowing up dozens of League of Shadows bases.
Roy: Are you sure he's the one you should be worrying about?
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Danny has heard about Superman's dislike for his clone,
Dead men do tell tales.
Danny grows angry with Superman,
There he was showing hate to his clone, his flesh, his blood,
Conner wasn't in the wrong,
He was just a child
He didn't ask to be created this way.
Danny hated Clark Kent
More and more with each story he heard from the ghosts around him, Danny knew what it was like to be cloned to feel that violation of his person, but he could never hate Ellie,
His clone
His cousin
His sister
His daughter
His family
She was precious to him and her being a clone would never lower the amount of love he held towards her.
So to see this hero, this adult, not give two shits about Conner?
Oh that burned
So he decided to do something about it, If Superman didn't want Conner then he would take him, show him the love and care that should have been his from the very beginning from what should have been his own family.
Danny could teach him more about Krypton than Superman could ever wish to know, show him his birthright.
Danny & Ellie on their way to surprise adopt Conner: "New family, new family~!"
Connor: "Why do I feel like something very important is going to happen?"
Superman feeling like he's being followed
The Krypton ghosts following him around being disappointed in him, and going back to the King to tell him all the things he's done.
The Justice League summoning King Phantom
Danny takes one look at Superman and is ready to give him the beating of his life
Danny: "You want a deal? Sure! In return for it I want 20 minutes alone with Supes over there, no reason why!
Danny seeing Superman after another ghost told him how bad he's been treating Conner:
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Just an Idea
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPxDC Au: Normally when Danny vandalizes ancient cave walls and historic places on his 'favor' missions for Clockwork, he gets sent back to erase them. But no, apparently this time, when Danny added his actual phone number into some painting, he's not allowed to go back and fix it. Ugh.
Tim has had the painting of Bruce professionally reviewed a few times since the old Bat was retrieved from the time stream. He's not entirely sure how the painting still exists, he's not even sure that it matters any more... But one day Tim catches something new in the painting.
It was small, and it could've just been the light at first but... Is that a phone number in the background?? It looks like black marker on the black curtains and it makes him feel feral. The family is kinder this time about how they think he's gone crazy- but each one of them admit that they can't remember a phone number ever being present.
The lab reports that the number was added over the paint- and that it's an ink based marking akin to a sharpie but like, hundreds of years old. So... It's been added recently but not at all recently enough for Tim to have an explanation.
Tim doesn't want to hear any more of his family members opinions on the matter and he certainly isn't going to just, stop investigating or something stupid like that. So, he takes the painting to the tower, gathers his team (Cassie, Kon and Bart), and they call the number in the middle of the night after a lot of planning/back-and-forth/catastrophizing.
It doesn't answer until the final ring, and the static that comes through the phone is bone chilling. A deep, monstrous groan which echoed with agony fills the room.
"I have a math test in like, three hours, who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you calling in the middle of the night?" The voice now complains, still sounding vaguely inhuman despite it's very human word choices.
"Your number is in a historical painting, we had a few questions but uh, you can call us back later?" Tim cringes as he says it but he hadn't planned on having to reply to someone trying to go back to bed. Or someone who was apparently also a teenager. (He had so, so many contingency plans for like, every kind of villain, alien or demon. lame.)
"...Ugh. might as well." The voice calls out, agreeing with a sigh that echos so deeply the team can feel it in their bones.
"Cool. Good luck on your test?" Tim offers.
"Mph." And the line hangs up.
Danny is at lunch with Sam and Tucker when he remembers the late night call. He'd spent the morning bitching about never getting a full night of sleep and it finally occurred to him what had happened. Of course his friends think it's hilarious that CW wouldn't let him erase his number. Of course they do.
They stop laughing when Danny calls the number back.
"Hello, this is Red Robin of Gotham. I have Superboy, Wonder girl and Impulse present with me. How did your math test go?"
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jetslay · 4 months
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Clark Kent by Katie S.
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juanza23 · 6 months
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@reallyndacarter in Hotline 1982
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bruciemilf · 6 months
Jason’s protectiveness over his dad comes to bite him in the ass when a rumor chain about Red Hood and Bruce Wayne dating spreads like wildfire.
Everyone is disgusted and amused in equal parts
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hqbits · 29 days
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
"And? What did you decide on?" Duke asks, fork slipping from his mouth and chewing, focused on Danny.
The boy in question hums. "Oh yeah, I'm totally joining in on the nightlife."
The statement has all of them stopping in their tracks, blatantly staring at the still eating boy.
"This will be my emo arc, daylight vigilante turned dark."
Tim snorts, Jason gives a smirk, nudging the eldest sibling next to him from his frozen state.
"Ooooh," Steph leans forward. "Have you decided? Bat or Bird?"
"New name?" Cass jumps in on the questioning with a small smile, eyes crinkling.
"Will you be joining us tonight then, danyal?" His twin speaks up for the first time during dinner, eyes narrowed and calculating.
"Yes." Is the short reply, with the way damian's lips turn down and displeasure makes itself clear, the intention of giving such a short answer has been met.
"Danny," Bruce gains the attention, leaning forward with his fingers interlocked and brows furrowed with what must be worry.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured into this just because everyone else is—"
"I'm more than sure, B!"
The man sighs. "And I won't be able to stop you?"
"Mhm." He gives a nod.
"Okay," his shoulders sag in defeat. "Do you have everything then—?"
"B, I'm pretty sure I got everything, you can, if in your opinion I am missing something, give it to me later!"
Danny grins, pushing himself up from the table and rounding around towards the door.
"Besides! My whole get up will be a suprise!! So stay awake folks because I'm gonna blow ya all away."
As he leaves, Steph and Duke make sounds of anticipation, curiosity eating at all of them.
(They dont know whats gonna hit 'em.)
"I'm betting 50 bucks that he's gonna be a bat."
Alfred shakes his head at the newfound excitement.
What an exciting night.
There is still no sight of their newest, despite oracle's teasing, having apparently already been included in the suprise.
"Well well well," a sly, yet teasing voice makes itself into the open. Catwoman, in all her glory, walks up to the group of bats and birds.
"If it isn't the bat, what's with the gloomy face?"
Batman gives her a nod. "Cat."
Her eyes roam the group and she tilts her head. "Everyone seems to be here tonight." She comments.
"We're waiting," the man shares. "Our newest decided to be more secretive about his debut."
Catwoman gives him a smug smirk. "So I have heard," a chuckle. "I've come here to introduce you to someone, truthfully."
"Oh? Who is it?" Nightwing perks up, having finally decided to join in.
Some yelp, whip their head around and away from the lady in black, gasps and cooing (particularly from steph) fill the roof and Danny joins them.
He wears black combat boots, they're heavy just from the look, but make no sound as he jumps around. The front of the boots look like cat paws, they're reaching up to his knees.
Then comes the baggy black pants, knees protected by poleyn and his belt acting as a cats tail. The hoodie he is wearing is also black, with fingerless gloves (only the middle finger is covered) and reaching up to his neck.
Instead of a domino mask, he wears a hood with cat ears and a dark face mask. Cass claps, knowing fully well he took inspiration from her own get up.
The whole outfit is detailed with orange spots, some parts brown and others grayish.
"Meet my new mentee, Calico."
Danny, Calico, waves.
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frownyalfred · 6 days
just letting y’all know, there’s some freaks on here who ship *checks notes* Batman and Superman together. so. you know. watch out for that.
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