#so I'll try making them smaller so I can add them too
fiepige · 1 year
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Have some more Hobie (and spider-gang) GIFs cause I can't get enough of this guy <3
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zosanbrainrot · 20 days
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part 06!! and the end of Act 1
01 02 03 04 05 06
I don't have anything else storyboarded right now, I have the dialogues for Act 3 written down, but for the 2nd Act I'm gonna have to rewatch parts of WCI. I'm also thinking of a different approach, more like a series of illustrations not a comic, but idk yet, I'll have to rewatch and see!
It's not like I'm actually using a 3 Act structure as in 'a method of writing a story', I don't know how to and I haven't tried learning that (YET). I just think its neat and reflects how I divided my artistic process. I've always seen this story in my head as 3 parts.
And before I delve into part 06, I can't stop myself from saying that....... part 05 really needed another closeup on Sanji's face. If I ever try and repost it to another site then maybe I'll add it (between the panels of Ichiji & Zoro and the closeup on the spear, it would help the rythym but also strengthen the emotional connection, before Sanji shuts himself off)
Anyhow part 06
Most panels were a breeze, but the last two, my god, I just couldn't get them right for the longest time. In the end my favourite panels are the closeups of Luffy and Nami, I should really draw them more.
Here's how this panel in particular went:
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I did like how the pose was looking in my first rough pass, the face is scrunched, the shoulders are high with tension, the direction is consistent
Couldn't execute it though... I think in the first rough sketch the camera is looking at Luffy slightly from above? Like he's leaning into it. That's why the shoulders can be so high up, but I didn't realize what it was when trying to clean it. So when cleaning the sketch I drew the head on the same level as the camera which made the whole pose look flat, also in this weird angle, like it's not fully 3/4, but it's not facing forwards either.
I didn't know what wasn't working, so I doubled down and tried with the lineart, but it didn't magically help. It just looks like he's slouching.
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4. so I tried to rethink the pose and commit to a 3/4 view. I like that more of the neck is visible now, you can feel that he's leaning forward with the scream, but I think I could have pushed it a bit more still
5. with linework I made some small changes, like a bit shorter hair, smaller nose and the eyes pushed back a bit. I also added the scratches and filled in the black parts
6. added flat colors & shading!
Last panel with Sanji was even harder to draw hehe
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so I thought this would be easy bcs I wanted to basically redraw the panel from the anime
that's why my rough sketch was extremely rough, I didn't think about it much
and then I had so much trouble with it lmao You'd think that it would be easier when you're covering the character's face, but I was in this undecided space of on one hand wanting to show the pain on Sanji's face and staying truthful to the anime scene on the other. I also found it super diffucult to show the emotions without the eyes
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4. The pose in 3. also wasn't working so I tried to make him more slouched, like he's curling in on himself more, it was definitely a better direction. I tried going into lineart from here but I didn't like how the fingers were turning out
5. So I decided to get a new ref and took a picture of how I'd make this gesture myself. With this pose I also changed the position and angle of the face slightly, bcs it would have created a very small space between the hand and the nose and I wanted the two shapes to connect
6. I really liked the hand, but was having trouble with the hair, it felt too short, still couldn't get the face right either
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7. so I elongated the hair and worked on the face some more and was finally happy with what I had!
8. added colors! At first I had it colored like the other panels, color just on Sanji then gradient on the bottom helping it fade to black, but it wasn't sitting well with me. Maybe because the space above his head was too big and I didn't want to have a background here and also wasn't adding the little floating pieces to the carriage scene (these were reserved for the grass battlefield)
9. SO! I made Sanji's figure darker and also added a darker shade to the whole scene and I think it ended up working really nice. Like he's drowning in the darkness, the only element piercing through it are Luffy's words. It also just fills up the space better lmao, feels less empty visually
Its gonna be A WHILE, before I have updates for this, I'm gonna have to start with the rewatch anyway. Right now I'm gonna have to focus on finishing my extra pieces for the @rdtriozine !! If any of you read this far you may as well check it out lmao I have a full illustration spread there and gonna have spots for a fic too ❤️ I just need to draw them!!! AGHHHH
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TW!! 111 harsh wl quotes
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
eat for the body you want, not the body you have
it may be a difficult process, but quitting won't speed it up
fat lasts longer than flavour
a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
stop rewarding yourself with food, you're not a dog
30 minute workout, or 30 extra pounds?
whatever your problem may be, the answer is not in the fridge
you can't out exercise a bad diet
an imperfect body reflects and imperfect person
hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size
what you eat in private, you wear in public
suck it up and one day you wont have to suck it in
you get what you work for, not what you wish for
it's better to resist than to regret
if you eat what you've always eaten, you'll weigh what you've always weighed
eat wise to drop a size
junk food you've craved for an hour, or the body you've craved for a lifetime?
every time you feel like giving up, remember why you started
every taste adds to the waist
this month's choices are next month's body
don't stop when it hurts, stop when you're done
summer bodies are made in the winter
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
in two weeks you'll feel it. in four weeks you'll see it. in eight weeks you'll hear it
just because you don't read food labels doesn't mean the calories don't exist
if you don't see the calories on the label, you'll see them later on your hips
every time you say "fuck it, i don't care" and eat that cookie, there's a 100% chance you'll care later
your stomach isn't growling, it's applauding
don't stop until you're proud
someone busier than you is running right now
when you lose all excuses, you'll find results
one day or day one
use food as fuel, not therapy
if you can't handle the fat jokes, lose the weight
overeating is always a decision, nobody forces the food into your mouth
suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret
follow your plan, not your mood
do what is right, not what is easy
you can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it
i'm not starving, i'm perfecting my emptiness
not eating light makes your clothes tight
sacrifice is giving up something good for something better
if it was easy, everybody would be thin
craving is only a feeling
skip dinner, wake up thinner
the difference between want and need is self control
a cat says "meow meow" a dog says "woof woof" a pig says "i'll start tomorrow"
it's easier to workout than to wake up every morning and not like what you see
hunger hurts, but starving works
don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment
you've come too far in life to take orders from a cookie
thin is beautiful, even thinner is perfection
a month from now you can either have a month's worth of progress or a month's worth of excuses why you didn't
if you can pinch it, you can lose it
eat to live, don't live to eat
you can never be too rich or too thin
perfection is reached not where there isn't anything to add, but when there isn't anything to take away
respect yourself, put down the fork
when you resist the pain of hungry, it means you're not a slave to your body
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin
empty is pure, starving is the eure
it's the mind that makes the body
there is no try, there is only DO
pain is temporary, pride is forever
thinner is the winner
if you don't fight for the body you want, don't cry for the body you have
imagine having one life on this earth and you spend it as a fat fuck
would you rather be at the gym covered in sweat, or at the beach covered in clothes?
until you're being accused of having an ed, you have a couple more pounds to lose
"i'm so fat" you say, taking another bite
eating won't kill you, but not eating will make you thin
aren't you tired of making the same excuses over and over again?
i don't even think you need to wear oversized clothes, your amount of body fat is oversizing you enough
you'd look so much prettier 20 pounds lighter
you don't want to embarrass him do you? then lose weight
you already know what it tastes like, so why eat it again?
you're fat. i'd sugarcoat it but then you'd eat that too
you binged? that's ok! somebody has to be the fat friend
if you have a skinny friend just remember, they probably use you as fatspo
skinny privilege is real
your morning skinny is someone else's evening bloat
if you can find the time to eat, you can find the time to workout
food is made to provide you with energy, not to fucking entertain you
if you treat food like an addiction, you're destined to fail
junk food is not a reward, it's a punishment
work out for 1 hour and feel amazing for the next 23 hours
if you're tired of starting over, stop giving up
if you want it, work for it
somebody else's starting weight is your goal weight
stop being jealous of her body and start doing something about yours
the fact that you aren't where you want to be should be motivation enough
it's all fun and games until your jeans don't fit anymore
need motivation? just sit infront of the mirror naked
making excuses burns zero calories
don't let the weekend become your weak end
three months from now you will thank yourself
imagine the weight you are losing is going to the person you hate
do not use your stomach as a trash can
you are what you eat. eat shit. feel shit look shit. or, eat good. feel good. look good
make it happen girl, shock everyone
so you can sit down and still have a flat stomach
losing weight is hard. being fat is hard. choose your hard
no matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
a little progress each day adds up to big results
if not now, then when?
you are what you eat, so don't be cheap, fast, easy or fake
look down at your plate and ask, "is this going to make me feel good?"
i am powerful enough to resist temptations
you're not hungry, you're just bored
look in the mirror. that's your competition
this took a long time so please enjoy xx
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kianamaiart · 15 days
do you have any advice on picking colors when designing a cast of characters? I feel like I either get caught up in trying to use as few colors as possible, and then everything looks muddy…
This kinda hard to explain so I'll just walk through my thought process of designing Aika, Zira and Hoshi.
I think it's good to always consider the characters' personalities/purpose first and foremost. For Aika, I knew I wanted the star motif so yellow right off the bat was where I started. There's a universe where she just had yellow and bright colors throughout her whole design but she's not always a bright and sunny character (quite the opposite when she's a magical girl) so I wanted a cooler/darker color to bring it in a little more and convey that. I felt like blue worked because it's a very "protagonist" color in my head and also the darker blue kinda looks like the night sky. Adds a nice bit of contrast and makes the yellow in her design pop more.
For Zira, I knew I wanted her to be the opposite of Aika (also why I made her name start with a Z lmao). I was looking for darker, cooler colors to use that I could associate with night and the moon. Blue would've been my go to but since Aika ended up being very blue, I picked purple. Still a very dark color, night adjacent and also a complimentary color to yellow. Then because I wanted to make Zira feel a little grungier and also wanted to make it so that she's not the best dresser, I wanted to add in colors that you normally wouldn't think to match initially and look kinda ugly but also kinda work. So I picked like a camo green as well as a hit of dull blue for the jeans she's wearing under her skirt (very 2000s and out of style lol). I think they still work together nicely since they're all right there together at the end of roygbv. After laying down those colors, her colors were feeling dark and muddy, which is what I was going for but it was a bit too much so I added a couple bright accents (the white rabbit/stripe on her shirt, the brighter colored belt chain, and the tiniest splash of yellow in her beanie pin to tie her to Aika little).
Hoshi is a star. So Hoshi yellow. LOL I just lifted the yellow from Aika's design and made them more monochrome. I was a bit worried that in a lineup the three of them would be too yellow heavy but I think making Aika's design primarily blue (despite yellow being the color I started with) really helped.
Like you, I also like to use as few colors as possible and love a simple monochromatic design but yeah, it does kinda flatten everything and make it feel one note if not done right or super intentionally. I think balancing colors is a huge aspect of color design people sometimes overlook. Adding smaller splashes of different colors to a mostly monochromatic design can really enhance it
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thelostconsultant · 2 months
Double surprise
pairing: Lando Norris x reader
summary: Lando wants to surprise you, but in the end you surprise him too.
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Lando could tell Max was already planning to bang his head against the coffee table, but it honestly wasn't his fault. Maybe he was terrible at making decisions at the moment, yes, so what? It's not like he had anywhere to rush at this time, and if he was a true friend, he would stay to provide emotional support.
Because Lando was preparing for something big, and the first step was asking a jewelry store employee to jump in the hotel he was staying in with a bunch of engagement rings. If he showed up in the store himself, social media would be full of pictures within a matter of minutes. He didn't want to ruin the surprise. And it was also much more comfortable this way.
“Lando, just pick the third one. You said it yourself, that's her style,” Max tried.
With a thoughtful hum, the Brit picked up the said piece and took a better look at it. “Yeah, it's true, but,” he began, then came to a halt as he grabbed the last one the jeweler showed him. “I don’t know, the first one is a classic, but what if she prefers something modern and trendy?”
The jeweler watched him in silence, the patience of a saint radiating from his smile. He had been there for two hours now, it was already nine in the evening, but he not once made a comment about still being there. “Which one is closer to what she usually wears?” he asked softly, trying to guide him towards a decision.
Lando thought for a moment. “The classic one,” he replied while he took a closer look at it again.
One big, round white diamond with two smaller stones on its side, completed by a yellow gold band. It was clean. Nice. Something simply elegant for her. But then he glanced over at the other one and saw the curved white gold band with a big, pear shaped yellow diamond, and a voice in his head told him that was the one. People would go insane over it when you shared it on social media.
He looked up at the jeweler with a thankful smile, then turned to Max. “All right, I'm buying both. She'll get the trendy one, but if she doesn't like it, all I'll have to do is pull out the classic option. She can even wear whichever she prefers depending on the day,” he explained his master plan.
Max let out a sigh of relief and mouthed ‘finally’ under his breath, while the jeweler clapped his hands together and closed the box with the rest of the rings. Meanwhile Lando had a huge grin on his face, clearly satisfied with his decision. He solved the problem. Sure, it took two hours, but he wanted to pick the perfect ring for you.
Since he specifically asked for rings already available in your size–which he only knew because he stole one you wore on that finger–he kept the chosen ones and said goodbye to the jeweler after paying for the items. Once they were left alone, Max picked up the rings and took a closer look at them, carefully examining every centimeter, every curve, and every stone. As if he was waiting for approval, Lando raised an eyebrow at him.
“Good choice if you ask me. Seeing her disappointed in your taste wouldn't make you feel good, even if she said yes,” Max said with a short laugh before putting down the jewels.
Rolling his eyes, Lando stretched his arms above his head and fought back a yawn. Media day always took a lot out of him and today wasn't any different. Add the stress of making the right decision and he felt like a truck had hit him. “Thanks, mate,” he told his friend.
“When will you ask her?”
“She arrives tomorrow, so I guess I'll get it over with as soon as I can. I need an extra boost for qualifying,” he added with a laugh.
Max gave him a ‘good luck out-qualifying me’ look, but Lando was too hyped to notice. So he let out a sigh and decided to voice his only concern. “So you want to get this over with? Sounds romantic.”
“You know what I mean,” Lando said defensively, giving him a disappointed look that was mixed with the hurt feeling because he dared to joke about him not being serious enough about it.
“Well, tell me how it went.” Max patted his friend on the shoulder before standing up, then watched him with a small smile. “But I'm proud of you. She's nice and has a good influence on you… You chose wisely.”
“Thanks. See you tomorrow at the track?”
Max nodded, then he raised his hand to wave him goodbye and left the hotel room. This left Lando alone with his thoughts, and he began to wonder if he would succeed. The two of you had been going through a bit of a rough patch lately, and he told you this trip was all about fixing that. You would join him for the race weekend, then you would stay in the area for a little trip, just the two of you, away from curious eyes.
His mother told him this plan of his might backfire, because you weren't entirely pleased with him right now, and who knew, maybe you would consider this a way to force you to stay in this relationship. He obviously didn't want you to feel that way, but he didn't want you to leave him either.
His phone buzzed next to him, and when he took a look at it, a wide smile grew on his face. “Hello, beautiful,” he answered happily.
“Hey, you have a moment?” you asked him hesitantly.
“For you? Always.”
There was a short pause, he could hear the traffic in the background, but before he could ask you where you were, you took a deep breath and began to talk. “So I said I'm gonna arrive tomorrow, but I won't.”
Lando felt like he was stabbed in the heart, like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. “What do you mean you won't? You promised to come here, you can't just back out of it! Unless it's a family emergency. Is it a family emergency?” he asked, barely able to hide the anger that latched onto his voice.
You remained silent for a while and he silently cursed under his breath. How could you do this to him? You had agreed you would join him two months ago, there's no way you couldn't plan that much ahead back then. But then you let out a laugh, one of those adorable laughs he loved so much, and his anger disappeared at once.
“I'll send you an address. Get in the car and meet me there,” you told him.
“I'll be at the track all day and you arrive in the morning, don't tell me you won't–”
You cleared your throat to interrupt him. “I was talking about now, you muppet. Or are you about to sleep?” you asked him teasingly.
Lando huffed and rolled his eyes. But then it struck him, you were talking about now, you were talking about him driving to that mysterious location, which meant… “Wait, you're already here?” he asked you.
“Just meet me. There's something I need to tell you.”
And with that you ended the call. He didn't have the brain capacity to stop you, and it didn't occur to him that he could have called you back. Instead he stood there, staring at the screen of his phone until the notification popped up. He put the address in the search bar and checked the map. It was close, only a fifteen minutes drive from his hotel.
Without hesitation, he grabbed his keys and headed to where you were apparently waiting for him. He was already standing in front of the elevator when he realized he left the rings in his room, and he didn't want to leave without them. So he ran back and picked up the two boxes, putting them safely in his pocket.
After a car ride that seemed painfully slow, he finally arrived at his destination. According to your message, you were right here, but when he looked up, he noticed it was a private clinic. Hoping this was the right address, he went closer to the door and it opened right away, so he went inside and tried to figure out where to go next. This place was huge, and at this time it felt like he was in The Walking Dead.
“Mr. Norris? Please, follow me,” a woman in her thirties told him with a polite smile, gesturing towards the elevator.
“Where are we going?” he asked when the door closed behind them.
The woman only watched him with a mysterious smile, probably perfectly aware of what was happening, but she didn't say a word. She probably promised to keep your secret, which was nice, but also extremely annoying. Why in a clinic? Did something happen to you? But you sounded happy, surely everything was okay.
Before they stopped, the woman handed him an eye mask and asked him to put it on. At this point he didn't dare to ask questions, so he did as he was told and followed her guidance after the elevator came to a halt. After she made him stop, he heard a door open and he was soon pushed ahead to enter.
He waited. Someone would hopefully come over to tell him what this was all about, and until then he decided to remain silent. And then he felt soft fingers trace his cheek, only to find the edge of the mask and slowly pull it off his head. There you were, happy and in one piece. With a smile, he was quick to pull you into a hug.
“I missed you,” he whispered as he kissed your head then buried his face into the crook of your neck. “What are you doing here? Or rather, what are we doing here in a clinic?”
“I have a surprise for you,” you purred into his ear, and he could feel your nails scratch the skin on the back of his neck as you spoke. It felt nice. He missed this.
For the first time, he took a look around the ultrasound room, and when he noticed the posters on the walls, his suspicion began to grow. “Wait a second,” he began as he took a step back and looked you in the eye. “Are you…?” He pointed at your abdomen with a raised eyebrow.
With a laugh, you took his hand. “I am. Eight weeks in,” you informed him.
For a while he was staring at you with a dumbfounded look on his face, but then he stepped closer to pull you into a passionate kiss. What started out as something serious soon turned into a series of giggles from the both of you. Lando was the one who pulled away, suddenly remembering something.
He excused himself and stepped outside for long enough to find the main ring’s box in his pocket, then returned with his hands held behind his back. There was no plan, at least not for these circumstances, so he had no choice but to improvise. You looked confused and he had to flash a smile at you to let you know it was okay.
“I… You know… Damn it. Okay, so there was a plan, I promise, but you didn't really leave me a choice. Pick a hand.”
“What?” you asked with a confused look.
“Choose a hand. Left or right?”
You let out a thoughtful hum, visibly thinking about the answer. Then you flashed a wide grin at him and said, “Right.”
It was in his left hand, but nevermind, he grabbed the box with his right one and held it out for you. “This is yours,” he said nervously.
The shocked look on your face made him worry, but it slowly melted away as you slowly opened the box and saw the ring inside. You took it out to take a better look at the piece of jewelry, and soon a smile grew on your face before you finally turned to him.
“What do you say?” Lando asked.
“You didn't ask me anything.”
With a roll of his eyes, he reached out to take the ring and took your hand as well. “Will you marry me?” You nodded without hesitation, tears already forming in your eyes, and he quickly put the ring on your finger before you could change your mind. He kissed you again, but he could tell you were looking at your new ring behind his back. “You like it?” he asked once he pulled away and took a look at it as well.
You nodded. “It's beautiful.”
Lando reached into his pocket for the other box, and showed you his plan B. “If you'd prefer something classic, here's this one too,” he explained.
“You're insane. One ring is more than enough,” you told him with a laugh.
“Well, I know how many shoes you have, this can't be any different.”
With a playful laugh, you slapped his arm. “An engagement ring is different, trust me,” you said as you leaned closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He looked around and motioned towards the machine in the corner. “So… Are we here so I can take a look at my child?”
You nodded and went out to ask the doctor to come in. Meanwhile Lando couldn't help but think about how much organizing it must have taken to get this ready, but he was honestly grateful, because it was a big surprise. A big and amazing surprise. This was one of the reasons why he loved you so much, and all he wanted was to make your life as good as he could in return.
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kisses4lao · 1 year
Guess who's suffering from writers block!!! No but fr I wanna write SO BAD but I just can't 😭😭 so take some twst pp hcs until I decide to work on commissions again
Not proofread idc shank me
♧CW!!! Fem reader! twst dick hcs duh, every NRC student EXCLUDING ortho, might have some other hcs too
Its... cute? Idk how to explain it
He is VERY sensitive
5.5 inches
Slight curve downward
The tip is a really deep red
Cum is watery, tastes like rosewater(this is a fantasy world i can make cum taste like anything i want)
Balls aren't all that heavy, very soft and squishy tho
Likes rimming. No further comments
I'm gonna try not to be biased
Hes BIG tho
I know you've seen him. Let's be honest, we all know he's PACKING
So I'm gonna say a solid 7-8 inches with a nice amount of girth
No curve, but very veiny
Heavy balls. Like, HEAVY. Bros got a whole bakery in there
Soft pink tip
Cum is the normal consistency, he takes care of himself
If you're sucking him off he'll change the flavor of his cock and his cum to whatever you want (thank god for doodle suit)
Easy 7 inches
Not too sensitive, it takes a while for him to cum
His cum is pretty thick, its all the spicy ramen he eats
Curve upward, huge thick vein going from his balls to the tip
Cum tastes salty, but not overwhelming
Will have his clones fuck you silly
Another small boy
I'll say 6 inches, no curve
Hes sensitive too, but not as much as riddle
He really like getting his balls sucked more than his cock itself
Cum is watery too, but it tastes good
Like sweet in a way
Tip is a light blue dont ask why
Another small boy 😭
Poor man is a one pump chump
5.6 inches, curve to the left
SENSETIVE. pussy got this boy on his knees
Balls squishy, balls soft?
Yes to both
His rip is red, like a blush red
A good 6ish inches with a curve downward
Not as sensitive as you may think
I think it would be funny if the bottom of his cock had like little suckers or some shit
Tip is dark purple and he has some veins, not many tho
Heavy balls, no squish :(
Cum is thick and black bc octopus
Tastes like what watered down hand sanitizer smells like
Its slimy.
No further comment on that
No but its like wet, a lot
So is floyds but we aren't there yet
Its like lube 🥺
Okay but he's LONG
He also enjoys rimming
Tip is dark cyan
Cum is slimy too
Add some borax water and sell it on etsy
Basically the same as Jade
Hes smaller tho
Hes 6 inches but has SO much girth
His cum is more watery than slimy and the tip is a light blue
Lots of veins too
6 inches
So sensitive
He begs.
Loves blow jobs but would NEVER ask for them
Heavy soft balls
A dark brown tip and there's lil red swirlies
Cum is thick
Tastes like coconut toothpaste
So big
Destroy me PLEASE
7.8 inches and a big curve upwards
Likes fingers in his ass, just like Kanye west
Doesn't like blow jobs he cums too quick :(
Gets overstimulated easily and when he does hes highly submissive
Cum a lil thick (its all the curry he eats)
Its yummy tho
Tastes salty and a lil sweet
Like a pretzel
Tip is a redish-brownish
Hes a very odd case
Hes big, dont get me wrong
But mans does NOT have sex 😭
He complains it ruins his makeup
7.4 inches with a few veins
Oh yeah hes unclipped too idk why but he is
Tip is a pinky purple color
Balls got some weight, they're not sensitive
Hes an even weirder case
Hes very big but almost NEVER penetrates you
Hed much rather be in between your legs for hours on end
Making you cum on his face gives him so much pleasure
He doesn't touch himself either
When he's eating you out he has one hand thrusting fingers into your pussy, the other hand thrusting fingers into your ass(hes an ass man I know he is) while he sucks on your clit the whole time
He cums on the sheets whenever you do bc he knows how good you feel
Hes 8.5 inches with a curve down, large vein going upward
A creme colored tip
Cum normal consistency, you don't know what it tastes like because he never let's you suck him off :(
Small boy
A lot
Hes 6 inches with a curve to the left
Light purple tip bc I said so
Light balls, but no squish :(
Cum is watery and tastes like lavender oil
Oh god
Contrary to popular belief he has a lot of stamina
He doesn't have ANY experience tho
Played a lot of hentai games but thats the extent of his experience
I think it would be really funny if instead of whispering dirty talk or praise during sex he tells you the fnaf lore
Like he'll be blowing your back out and he'll just be like "so the crying child was actually william aftons son-" and then he cums
After hes done and doing aftercare he'll quiz you on the fnaf lore
If you get any of the questions wrong he'll fuck you until you can't walk as a punishment
If you get them all right he'll eat you out for hours until you also can't walk
Win win honestly
8 inches
Cum is thick and salty, he doesn't take care of himself
Heavy, HEAVY balls. Very sensitive
He loves blow jobs too
8.8 inches, but if we're being real to how ACTUAL lion anatomy is hes closer to 3 inches but yall aren't ready for that convo
Not sensitive at all, it takes so long for him to cum
But when he does hes so sweet, whispering praise after praise to you and lots of kisses
Cum is normal consistency, a lil on the thicker end
Its a bit bitter with a sweet aftertaste
Hes also unclipped and I will not elaborate
Idk if lions have them but if they do then he has a knot, not as big as jacks tho
Heavy balls, they're sensitive
Brown tip, like, dark brown tip
7ish inches with a curve down
Also likes eating you out
Doesn't like having his balls touched
They're cute and squishy tho
Cum is also thick and doesn't taste like anything
Tip is a light brown and has a vein going through it
8 inches.
Has a huge knot. Physically cannot pull out when it comes to it
Cum tastes like strawberries
Doesn't let you suck him off often bc he doesn't wanna knot in your mouth
Also gets pleasure from eating you out
Tip is grey and sensitive
Hes also like rook in the way he'd eat you out for hours if you'd let him
But he does penetrate you
Our big dragon boy loves the feeling of being inside your tight cunt
Will probably cum if you praise him
He has 2.
One on top one on the bottom
The one on top is longer, 9 inches while the one on the bottom is 7ish, the bottom one is a lot thicker tho
He'll be so slow easing them in and almost never goes fast when it comes to sex
He sees it as love making
They both have a black tip and the cum is normal consistency, tastes like... eggs? Hardboiled don't ask
Oh yeah his cum glows in the dark
Idc what you guys say this man is SO EXPERIENCED
He knows how to have sex properly and can make you cum in seconds if he feels like it
7 inches, his dick is where all his height went
Because he's so experienced he doesn't cum easily
His cum is normal consistency, a little watery maybe
Tastes like citrus
Loves when you ride him
Likes missionary too tho
7 inches too
His tip is grey
Very sensitive and gets overstimulated easily
Hes also just very submissive in general
Cum is watery and tastes like what a new car smells like
Cries during sex
Loves when you pull his hair
Does he have horns? If he does they're very sensitive
Cums if you touch them
Hes a crocodile right
Nah he has horns
8 inches no other comments
Cum is thick and bitter
We love him tho
Balls squishy
A/n: im so fuckibg tired god help me
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reshinless · 10 months
☆ ❝ 𝐬'𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐫𝐲 ❞ ⋆ genshin x reader
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synopsis. general nsfw hcs with wrio (i deleted the anon ask that asked this im so sorry aaahhh
warnings. 18+, nsfw, hair pulling, dacryphilia (the title, come on), threesome mentions
author's note. i saw a fanart about wriolette on tiktok so i had inspiration to answer the ask huhu
pairings. wriothesley x gn!reader (sub & dom!wrio + sub & dom!reader)
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wriothesley has a habit of pulling your hair as he pounds his member inside you, and if you've really been that naughty, he'll make you read or help him with a few documents while holding your hips down onto his shaft, forcing you to take him all in :x
oh but don't get me wrong, he likes his hair getting pulled as well, or just like, play with it while he's giving you head cause i think personally he'd be into that.
has a thing for marking you one hundred percent, can't look at me in the eyes and say to me he wouldn't (probably unaware of when he does and how he does too i swear, will apologize afterwards lol)
unintentionally pushes your head while you suck him off, just feels that good.
^^ probably girth > length, like he'd be a good 5.5 inches when soft, maybe 6.5 inches when hard, 3 inches wide but hey yk its curved to the right a little so maybe its a bit longer than we think
likes eye contact while doing allat to you, thinks it's romantic an would like to keep his eyes locked with yours while you both feel pleasure
i think he'd also like quickies, but only when he's in a certain mood; that mood being stressed out or mad. like just quickly eats you out before going back to work
unknowingly and doesn't notice he goes too rough, although when you mention it, he'll try to slow down. keyword: try
lets neuvillette join in on the fun :p i don't have anything to add on to that
both probably really into double penetration too, so mmf ngh to them iykwim, they both get to have fun (or atleast one of neuvi's cocks bc personally i think he has two)
ok later on for neuvillette hcs, aside that,
erm, i think he'd personally have a size kink, whether it'd be you being smaller than him or larger and taller, either way he's like 'meow >_<'
giddy schoolgirl wriothesley when it comes to his s/o who's taller and stronger than him and can sweep him off his feet like a little princess
aside that again im getting carried away
he definitely has a temp(erature) kink, that cryo vision not there for nothing !!!!
uses his cryo powers to see you squirm on his lap while he signs a few stacks of paperwork, maybe even cockwarm him a little
aye to the sub wriothesley fans this one's for you; he def likes being pulled by a chain, i'm just saying i don't know man, consider the thought (he has literal chains on his outfit), and with that in mind, maybe getting handcuffed (you handcuff him) doesn't sound too bad
at first look, he's not a begger, like you look at him and probably think "why would he beg"
he begs no joke
will personally get on his knees, hell even all 4s if he that desperate to let him hit
even if he's not the one getting his back blown out he still louderrr than you are,
+ he's all for teasing, and overstimulation
i like to think he's just sooo whiny for you to just take it down your throat already seeing you just teasing his tip with small licks before taking it into your mouth, brushing your fingers against the base and to the shaft every now and then
more of a 'i'll eat my cum right back out you after releasing my load inside you' but he doesn't mind fingering your and his mixed liquids out your hole
idk im alreay burnt out and out of ideas
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yippee!! jjk nsfw hcs soon :p
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yawnderu · 1 year
Idyllic - Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
content: fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, your honor, they love each other.
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What is a promise if not the way you fit perfectly in my arms? I can express myself easily and bark out orders at anyone, yet I don't have the courage to ask you out on a date.
''Si?'' Your soft voice takes me away from my thoughts. My heart is in my throat for a second before I look up at you, giving you a silent nod of acknowledgement. I don't dare speak yet, I don't want you to know how enamored I am of you.
''I was thinking... would you like to come home with me for Christmas? Soap and Gaz are going to visit their family, and the old man is going to go fishing.'' I resist the urge to chuckle at the way you refer to Price as ''old man'' and the way your nose scrunches up in slight disgust at the idea of going fishing with him. I look down at the gun I was oiling up absentmindedly, pretending to think about it.
''... sure.'' I finally look back at you, already feeling your eyes burn into me. I feel like I'm being held down by an invisible force that makes my body feel heavy.
''That'd be nice.'' I add, not wanting to seem uninterested, yet not wanting to make you realize how much I like you, despite already knowing you do. I raise an eyebrow as you get closer, your arms wrapping around my waist from behind, the same way you started doing months ago. My hands wrap around yours, fingers intertwined on your much smaller ones.
''I promise it'll be cozy. I'll even let you choose what we eat for breakfast, as long as it's not beans on toast.'' Your voice is slightly muffled as your cheek rests against my back, yet you still manage to drag a soft laugh out of me. All those jabs about me being British never get old, not when they come from you.
''Don't knock it 'til you try it, love.'' I reply teasingly, another quiet laugh coming out my masked lips when you groan loudly and say ''ew''. I don't even like beans on toast, but if teasing me about it makes you talk to me more, I'll keep up with the white lie.
''That's awful. We're eating something that wasn't made when the Germans were flying overhead.'' I roll my eyes, secretly happy that I keep my mask on so you can't see the stupid smile on my face, just like every single time I'm with you.
''Ever tried fish n chips, luv?'' I exaggerate my accent, the cracks on my soul slowly being fixed one by one when I hear you laugh, feeling your body shake softly behind me before you force me to turn around on the chair, your hands carrying their warmth to my cheeks despite the fabric covering them.
''You wanna fuckin' go, lad?'' Your fake and extremely poor impression of a British accent makes my brain melt, but I still find myself leaning my forehead on your shoulder to hide the way my eyes crinkle at your words. Have you been spending too much time with Gaz? Who in the world is teaching you how to be a roadman? It's funny. I bit the inside of my cheek when you broke away and got into a defensive playfight position, already knowing I was in for a treat.
''What was that?'' I get up from the chair, playfully jabbing your shoulder before getting into a fighting position as well. Your body is left unprotected when you laugh, so I take the chance to give you a very soft, mock punch in the stomach, making you laugh harder. ''Fuckin' 'ave it, ya slag.'' I never even knew how much I needed you.
tag list: @rindulacre
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could you tell me more about spoonflower? i'm interested in uploading my own designs, but i'm not entirely sure how it works or how much it pays. thank you!
Sure! When you first upload your design, it'll look like this.
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The standard DPI for printing on all the fabric sites I've seen is 150, and since I made this pattern at 200 DPI that means Spoonflower will print it bigger than I want it unless I change it here. So I click on the "change DPI" thing, type in "200" and click "change". Sometimes I find it doesn't save, so I always go back later to check and make sure it did save the right DPI.
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(You can avoid this by just changing your image to the right DPI before uploading, but sometimes I want the option to make it a bit bigger, just in case.)
If you want to make multiple sizes of the same pattern available you'll have to upload a different version for each one and change the size individually. For example, I drew my Bathroom Dinosaurs pattern pretty large and at 150 DPI, and left that as is for the big version.
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But I wanted a small version too, so for that one I changed it to 670 pixels per inch so it'd print much smaller.
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You write in the title, tags, and description, and you can put any links to other pages or references in the "Additional Details" section.
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(Leaving links isn't usually necessary, but sometimes it is, like how I wanted to leave a link to the original 1760's teapot for my crinoid fossil pattern.)
At this point, you can order things printed with your design, but nobody else can yet. You have the option to show the design publicly, but I like to keep it private until I've ordered my proofs and can sell it.
Now, to order proofs! DO NOT GET THE CUT SWATCHES!!! They are SO much more expensive than getting a fill-a-yard, because cutting and packaging all the little pieces is a lot of extra labour. Wether you have a few designs, or a lot, just get a fill-a-yard.
To make a fill-a-yard you first need to make a collection. Collections can be either public or private, so I keep a private collection called "new designs to proof", and I put all my new designs in there until I've ordered them. You can also add other people's patterns to a collection, so if you have extra space to fill up or you want little bits of a bunch of other people's patterns for a quilt or something, add whatever you want to your collection.
On the collections page when you hover your mouse over one you'll see a little patchwork symbol show up in the middle along the bottom edge, and you click on that.
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That'll take you here, and you choose a layout and a fabric.
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For some reason the fabric options here are a bit limited and vary depending on the layout. I like to get either the 1 yard/42 designs in cotton poplin, or the 2 yards/48 designs in cotton sateen, but there are plenty more you could try.
I'll click the latter for this example. (The squares in this one are the perfect size for pleated face masks, and I have a few made from mine and my friend's fabrics.)
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Then you just click on a design and click on however many squares/rectangles you want it to fill. It usually takes a few seconds for them to show up.
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You can have just one little sample of each, or you could make half the fabric be one design and fill up the rest with little samples. (That's what I did for my brown monster waistcoat - I printed juuuust enough of a fill-a-yard to cut out a waistcoat from, and the rest was other samples.)
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You can change it around if you want. Once you're happy with it, put it in the cart and buy it!
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I'm not going to order this one since it's an example with designs I've already proofed, but here's what my monster patterns looked like when they arrived.
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Also, I want to point out that you could VERY easily make some really fun pride flags using the fill-a-yard! You might have to have it be only part of the fabric, depending on the number of stripes, but you could make it be any texture or pattern you want. Here's a quick example I did with other people's patterns by searching "(colour) marble texture".
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With only 4 stripes I'd have to fill the rest of the space in with something else and cut it off, but it would still be pretty big! (The edge of that purple stripe looks jagged in the preview, but they print perfectly straight.)
I have not done this, but someone should! Just wash it, trim the blank edges off, hem it, and you've got a flag!
(Don't do this with the 2 yards/4 designs option though, it looks like nice stripes in the thumbnail but it's made for infinity scarves and there's a gap and dotted line down the middle for cutting. Bleh.)
Anyways, once your samples arrive you can make the designs available for sale! If you have any changes you'd like to make, to the size it prints at or the pattern itself, you can make them now.
I found the small version of the Bathroom Dinosaurs print was too small when I first got my proofs, so I just reduced the DPI a bit.
And you can replace the image with a new, edited version by clicking "upload revision".
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So when my brown coffin pattern printed really washed out and grey, I replaced it with a more saturated version and was good to go, no need to order another proof.
Down at the bottom of the design editing page you can now click on the options to list it publicly, and to sell it on fabric and/or wallpaper. I make all of them available on fabric, and some on wallpaper if I deem them to be appropriately large.
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They'll pay you 10% of the sales price of the fabric, or slightly more if you sell over a certain amount in a month. There's a whole page of questions and answers about it.
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You also get a 10% discount if you order fabrics with your own designs. (Although, personally, if I'm ordering my own designs on fabrics for me then I'd prefer to get them from somewhere like ArtFabrics, since they use reactive dyes instead of inks, so their blacks actually print black and don't make the fabric stiffer like Spoonflower's do. And also because they're here in Canada so there's less shipping cost. Sadly they don't have an option to sell your designs though.)
Spoonflower also has weekly design contests which are announced a few weeks in advance and have pretty big store credit prizes (the first place one is 200 USD), and I've entered a few times, but I don't vote often because Spoonflower is such a huge site that there are frequently over a thousand entries and it's really time consuming to scroll through them all.
Ok, that's everything I can think of! I also put all my patterns on sone things on Redbubble, since they have options for repeating patterns on some things.
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dduane · 9 months
Okay, time to get on with this Nutella and crushed-hazelnut roll cake I've been plotting for the last couple of weeks. (One of our neighbors did us a favor just now and I want to bring them some of this to say Thank You.)
The recipe looks quite sound—no surprise, as this lady's website is full of great stuff. But I'm going to have to spoof it somewhat, as it's predicated on the use of a sheet pan size that wouldn't fit into our oven (the usual US-size-vs-European-size hardware- and appliance-size issue). Probably I'll wind up baking about 75% of the batter in the 10x15-inch pan I've got and the rest in a smaller 9x7-inch, so that the sheet cake doesn't come out so thick that it refuses to roll correctly.
...Got to toast the hazelnuts first, anyway. I'll add pics to this post as I go along.
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ETA 1: The hazelnuts, just out of the oven. The aroma in the kitchen is fabulous. :) (We've got a tabletop microwave-cum-fan oven that has about a hundred custom cooking/baking programs built into it, and one of them is for toasting nuts.) (Oh look, @petermorwood got a shot of one of the special menus from the manual when he was posting about the microwave sponge cake.)
...Had I not had the fancy gadget, I'd have just put the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toasted them at 180C/375ish F for ten or fifteen minutes, stirring the nuts around every five minutes or so until the outsides went nice and brown. The skins rub right off when the nuts cool down, if you don't want them. But I left some in so they'd keep their toastier flavor. These are a soft nut after toasting/roasting, so they crush really easily.
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Meanwhile, while sitting still a moment before getting the mise en place together for the cake, and idly scrolling down through the menu on Sky Movies: wow, I really do need new glasses in a hurry. Saw the movie title "Fred Claus" and read it as "Fried Clams." (sigh) After the holidays, for sure. (It's the usual problem. These glasses are trifocals, you have to point-and-steer them to get the right results depending on what you're looking at, and sometimes you're distracted or in a hurry and can not be bothered to do the hunting-for-focus thing, and as a result you get comical results.) (sigh)
Now the mise en place:
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...So typical. You're trying to have it be pretty for the photo and one of the egg yolks breaks. (eyeroll)
Anyway. Not shown here: running off to give the stand mixer's bowl an extra wash to make sure it's absolutely clean, because any grease getting into egg whites being beaten will inhibit how well they fluff up.
So, time to get on with that.
First thing, though: the baking pans need to be prepared while the egg whites and so forth are beating.
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So the recipe suggests that you should butter both the pans and the parchment paper used to line them. And speaking as one who's writing this after rolling the cakes up, I can speak directly to its effectiveness. The cake sheets pretty much leapt out of the pans. As I can imagine all too clearly what having to convince them out would be like, better to go overboard with the butter at this stage. I buttered the pans with solid butter and then melted a couple of tablespoonsful and brushed the baking-parchment liners with them.
Lining the pans with the paper, btw, is much assisted by having buttered them first. You just press the paper down and it sticks. Then you go get the scissors and cut off whatever's hanging out.
And now comes the part where you make the cake batter.
First you beat the egg whites and half the granulated sugar to the stiff-peak stage. (Took my mixer about five minutes.)
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Then in a different bowl you beat the egg yolks and the rest of that sugar together. Somehow I missed getting a pic of this: apologies. It's the usual "beat together until pale, light, and fluffy." Took about seven minutes for that.
Then: sift together the flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder, The logistics of the original recipe get a little complicated at this point—it sounds like a third bowl is being called for. But at that point I'd decided that I already had more than the usual number of bowls to deal with, not to mention the one I'd just sifted the dry ingredients into. And we don't have a dishwasher. So I just said "The hell with that", added the coffee and vanilla to the egg yolk mixture, and mixed it a bit more: then spooned about half the sifted dry ingredients in, and pulsed the mixer a few times: then added the rest of the dry stuff and mixed again, very slow, just wanting to make sure that everything was completely combined. (As usual with cakes at this point, the idea is to get everything well mixed without doing anything to develop the gluten in the flour. I never let the mixer go very fast.)
...Then comes the "folding in the egg whites" part of the operation. Always use the biggest spatula you've got for this.
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Then, when you finish this stage (again, sorry, no pic, I was busy racking my brains over what tool would be best for this job) you spread the batter in the pans.
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When I finished with this task I was very glad that I had an offset spatula, because if I'd attempted this with a regular mixing spatula, I don't think the result would have been anything like this even. This batter is light but it's also moderately firm... and with the best will in the world, no amount of shimmying the pans around on the work surface is ever going to even that batter out. As for its thickness in the pans: we're talking about a centimeter at the most.
And then: into the oven for ten minutes, while setting up the pieces of cocoa-powder-dusted baking parchment meant to receive them. I don't have pics of them in the pans when they came out, because the get-them-out-of-the-pans stage is kind of a time-sensitive thing (like immediately). So I got on with it.
They fell straight out onto the prepared sheets with no trouble at all. The small one fell out by itself: the large one fell out with the baking parchment still clinging to it, but not so desperately that it took more than gently lifting it away between finger and thumb to get rid of it.
And then came the rolling. I did the little one by myself, to get a sense of the technique: then asked @petermorwood to video the rolling of the larger one.
...So now they get left to their own devices until, oh, tomorrow morning, I guess. That's when I'll move on to the next stages.
My plan is to unroll the little cake as a test: brush it inside with warmed/semi-liquid Nutella: sprinkle the Nutella with crushed hazelnuts, which theoretically/please gods will stick to it if gently assisted; and then contrive a filling that will taste at least somewhat of Nutella but not be too sweet to bear. Then the ganache will be made using that fabulous Belgian chocolate that came in a couple of weeks back, and when the whole cake's put together and has had a little time to rest, Peter and I will test it and see if it's something we feel confident enough to offer to other people.
So we'll see how it all goes. Tune in again tomorrow for more hijinks... :)
ETA 2, December 23: When we last saw our cake rolls, the two of them (the one baked in the Euro-size pan, and the smaller one where the spare batter went) were sitting innocently on the counter, waiting to settle enough to be unrolled.
Now's the time. And guess what?
DIsaster! (-Ish. As you'll see.)
The first small sheet of cake was just too small to deal with this treatment without immediately cracking into one-inch slices upon unrolling. I therefore won't waste your time with that video. Instead, you should have a look at the video of the bigger-baked sheet as it gets unrolled, and watch it crack in pieces! (This was either due to the baked sheet being too thick, or too thin. More diagnostics are needed before we come to a verdict.)
But first: the buttercream filling, which worked just fine.
This is the recipe I used:
This recipe worked perfectly. There's zero reason to inflict a long video about this on you, as I was working in a cold kitchen (with three stone walls, two external...) and the butter and sugar took something like half an hour to get friendly enough so that the Nutella could finally be added.
One thing I will show you, though. It's been a long time since I bothered buying confectioners' sugar / icing sugar, because when I need it, I make it myself... in the (very old and beat up-looking) coffee grinder. The sugar's grind comes up finer than that of a lot of commercially made icing sugars... and unlike too many confectioners' sugars in North America, there's no cornstarch in it (which they put in to keep it from caking with storage).
If you try this, make sure not to forget to brush the grinder out well afterwards, and wipe it clean with a damp paper towel. Otherwise the sugar, which is very hygroscopic, will go solid, glue the blade to its spindle, and be a real nuisance to clean out after the fact.
Meanwhile, here's the Nutella buttercream frosting after it's done. Just a very quick clip here, so you can see what the texture should be like when you pull the beater out of the mixture. (Volume down on this, please: it's really noisy.) If it's not soft enough, do as the recipe recommends: add a tablespoonful of milk or so and beat well until things soften up a bit. Add another, and do the same again, if you need to.
So now we come to the baked-cake unrolling. (Apologies for the black bars at the top and bottom of the video. For reasons best known to itself the phone insisted on recording in 9:16/portrait format, and the bars are an artifact of flipping it back into landscape...)
...So after all that, both cakes, the big and the small, are in the fridge now, stabilizing. And there we'll leave matters until tomorrow.
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saltofmercury · 2 years
A König x reader where the reader gives off scary dog privilege.
Like at a McDonald’s, König will stand behind them, even if he’s like a MOUNTAIN compared to the reader and the reader will be like “HE asked for no pickles >:(“
Idk think it would be cute if the reader would help König out in social situations where he would be uncomfortable.
If König doesn’t feel like talking the reader redirects the conversation to themselves so König can just listen.
Pairing: König x reader
Summary: König feels better after meeting you.
He didn’t date. Dating was exhausting, humiliating, and daunting for König. A series of awkward silences followed by stupid questions, that seemed to be in constant loop.
“What do you do?”
“Where are you from?
“Why are you so quiet?
He was always too quiet, too shy, for women. Too soft, too detached with men. It’s like he couldn’t be perfect for either.
It was worse when he thought they were having a good time and König, already filled with nerves and anxiety, had ordered his meal wrong.
“Why didn’t you ask to have it without mushrooms?”
“Why don’t you ask them if that's not what you ordered?”
As if it were easy. They looked at him with stupidity like he couldn’t just do it.
Second + third dates were then followed by 
“I’m not asking them to switch it, that's your meal.”
“You’re a big boy, use your voice.”
Small jabs towards him because of his height and build, that he wished he could just push himself to do it but he didn’t want to add an extra burden to the waiter or crew in the back.
“It’s fine, I'll eat it.”
Later coming to realize at the end of the date that he wasn’t for “them.”
“It’s not me, it’s you, I just don’t see it working out.”
Until he met you.
You weren’t looking for anything, as a matter of fact you just wanted to decompress from the day, have a small get together with new and old friends, but lots of things changed that day. 
As you went around introducing yourselves, König said hi, but didn’t really put much input into the group. He seemed to be making himself smaller, fading away behind the group of people. He seemed uncomfortable.
You approached him— A small shiver from his side, mentally preparing himself knowing the lines of—
“WHY aren’t you talking?”
“How tall are you?”
“Why aren’t you drinking?”
“Why are you so quiet?”
However it wasn’t like that at all. You did most of the talking. Just asked for small input from him. He was so taken back by how comfortable you made him. You made talking to new people easy and by the end of the night it was you asking him on a second date. 
He nodded, dumbfounded. “A second date?”
A small shiver again, maybe this time it was different?
The second date, at some small diner nearby, you take the lead on talking again. You think it was perhaps due to your nerves, you had become a chatterbox.
“So why the military?”
“Uh— personal choice.”
Small silence as you chewed on the appetizer in front of you. You wide eyed, trying to not say 
“Well that explains the haircut.” so instead you said,
“Must be lots of traveling huh?” You continued, listing places you wanted to visit and asking if he had ever been there.
Relief pooled inside him. What was your motive behind this?
When it was time to place the order, König’s nerves had bundled inside of him again that he forgot to mention “no black olives.”
His dish was placed in front of him.
He looked concerned, like he was in for a long night of picking them off his meal, then bombarding him with questions of “why didn’t you just ask?”
You saw the concern on his face.
“Is everything alright?”
“Why aren’t you digging in?”
“Ah… I said no olives but it’s no big deal.”
It was a big deal and you called the waitress over.
“I’m sorry we said no olives”
“Oh! I’m sorry!” The waitress flushed and ran away with the plate.
“Here” you said, so calm, “you can have some of mine while we wait.”
How effortless you did it. How were you so good at this?
“I hate when I do that. I can’t have cilantro because it tastes like soap.” You laughed and continued to pick at french fries in front of him.
God you were adorable.
He was sure he wasn’t going to see you again, thinking that maybe you thought he couldn’t speak up for himself, or the conversation ran too dry.
You however kept pushing yourself in, being his voice when he couldn’t speak.
“We said—
‘No olives’ 
‘No pickles’
‘This isn’t what we ordered’
Relief washing over him that you took it upon yourself when he had made the mistake ordering.
How you used “we” as opposed to “he” and he really liked that you didn’t single him out. He could melt. Was there finally someone who could lessen the burden of his anxiety?
Dinner dates went from bi-weekly to weekly. Then it was just easy. It was a no-brainer being with you. 
You never once thought he was too shy, or too quiet, too soft, or too detached. You didn’t question things between you two, you just took the lead in conversations with people, often checking in with König for a small part in it. You knew the right amount to get out of him.
You took the burden of first time conversations. You had started ordering for the two of you, knowing what he liked and didn’t like. König felt lighter, felt better that someone was here for him and opposed to him. 
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tervaneula · 6 months
u said leoichi drabble prompt request. consider. one injured and the other protecting them and then the injured one has to calm them down bc 'they're okay, really, promise, rest now'
OKAY SO this fused with a ghost of an idea I've had for a while and it ended up being a bit more serious than the prompt called for and a lot longer than just a drabble. (It's ~1120 words.) CW: blood and injury
Also I made a silly header thing I don't know what to do with, so I'm putting it here since this fic doesn't come with art of its own :'3
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“Yui, I’m okay–” 
The rabbit turns his head to look at him, furious. 
“I heard your shell crack, Leonardo, and I'm not an idiot! Now stay down and let me handle this!” 
He falls quiet for a moment before redirecting his glare towards their adversary and then adds a muted, “Please.” 
There's no compromising with Yuichi in this state, apparently, and Leonardo stays right where he got crushed between metal claws and the concrete, splayed on the ground next to those very same claws which had gotten swiftly cut from the wrist for their transgressions.
He does roll onto his side to get his body weight off his shell, and yeah, alright, one or more of the old cracks that never healed properly must have split open again. It's tough to breathe and his back feels… His kimono is sticking to his shell and his back feels wet now that he's paying attention, and that. That is not good. 
Just his luck to run into a massive mecha wreaking havoc on an otherwise lovely day, huh. He wasn't even supposed to be on patrol and thus is embarrassingly swordless. 
Good thing that his date and their resident samurai always carries his. 
The slider watches as Yuichi does quick work of the metal hunk's wiring behind its knees, his frighteningly sharp katana slicing through the cables like butter. The mech falls with a ground-shaking rumble, unable to rise again, arm flailing as it tries to catch the rabbit. It's no use, Yuichi is much smaller and faster – and as soon as he reaches the mech's head, it's already rolling. The construct immediately loses power and Yuichi wrenches the windowed hatch in its chest open. Turns out there's no pilot, just a program-operated dashboard, and he makes sure that none of the controls are functional after he's done with them. 
Leonardo thinks he could watch Yuichi trash villains all day long, he's practically mesmerised by the strength hidden in that soft frame despite his shell throbbing unpleasantly in tandem with his heartbeat. He sighs, lovestruck. 
As his final move, Yuichi thrusts his katana into the heart of the mecha and Leonardo sees a spray of ink-black oil splash all over Yuichi's face and the front of his kimono. It makes him laugh and he realises his mistake too late, his lungs struggling to draw breath again as he finally gets hit with the pain, his body trying to stop him from moving; from causing any more damage. Shit, shit, shit. 
He had hoped he wouldn’t need to bother any of his brothers today since he was supposed to spend the whole day with Yuichi but he knows to pick his battles, now. He opens the comm link embedded in his prosthetic, contacting someone who he knows will pick up. 
“Che~ello!” comes the cheerful answer in just a few seconds, and Leonardo can't help but smile. 
“Mikeyyy, hermano, I'm in a bit of a pickle,” he wheezes, feeling the shift in his little brother's energy as soon as he hears the strain in his voice. 
“Leo? Are you okay?” 
“Not really, no,” Leonardo grunts. “Got into a scuffle with some big haywire robot– don’t worry, that’s taken care of. I suspect Donnie will want to scrap it for parts. Um. My shell’s– my shell’s cracked though.” 
Leonardo can vividly imagine the colour draining from Michelangelo's face and it would be funny if he wasn't acutely aware of a broken shell coming with the very real possibility of his innards turning into outnards. 
“I'm calling Draxy. Stay put, I'll get Lee to pick you up.” 
“Right,” Leonardo sighs, the line going out just when Yuichi is finally done with the mech and rushing to his side, face haphazardly wiped from oil. His gaze is sharp as he kneels next to him, sweaty and out of breath, and Leonardo thinks he looks like a knight. Or maybe like a samurai of the old, in this case. 
“There’s my hero,” he coos before Yuichi can get a word out and the rabbit’s brow furrows. 
“Don’t start,” he snaps but his tone softens almost immediately, “I saw you calling someone. It’s bad, isn’t it? It… it looks really bad.” 
“Yeeeah, this kimono is definitely ruined,” Leonardo laments, “unless you know how to, gh, get blood out of corduroy? No? Or the obi?” 
Yuichi stares. 
“A– a shame, really, I did like this one a lot–” 
“Leonardo!” Yuichi interrupts him and grabs his bicep, looking two seconds away from crying. Leonardo frowns. He knows he’s getting a little delirious but he was sincerely trying his best to lift his mate’s mood. 
“Leon, please, you’re rambling. Is someone coming? Can I do anything?” 
“‘m not rambling,” Leonardo grumbles, hissing when he fills his lungs again. “Leo’s coming to get us, Draxy– Draxum will treat the shell. And no, better keep the obi in place until we get to the medbay.” 
Yuichi’s shoulders slump and he sighs, most likely relieved that he’s not going to have to figure out how to deal with a cracked shell. Leonardo does not like the lingering worry in Yuichi’s gaze one bit, though, and he offers him a grin. It’s a little shaky but whatever. 
“Heeey, bunbun. Listen. This is nothing I haven’t been through before. I’ll be fine.” 
Yuichi gives him an honest-to-God kicked-puppy look and Leonardo thinks it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever seen in his life. He almost tells him so but Yuichi cups his cheek and his forced grin melts away into surprised silence. 
“I hate seeing you hurt,” Yuichi murmurs, leaning down to press his forehead against Leonardo’s. The slider’s eyes flutter shut and he lifts his hand to hold onto Yuichi’s wrist. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I mean it. I should’ve been more careful.” 
Yuichi huffs and leans away to gently bump their foreheads together. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Maybe, but ’m still sorry. Didn’t want to worry you.” 
“You’re an idiot,” Yuichi says, exasperated. “You should know that at this point, I’ll always worry.” 
Leonardo grins and this time it’s genuine. Breathing in his partner’s scent is like a balm to him, even if it’s tinged with the bitterness of motor oil, even if his body currently thinks that breathing is overrated. Even if he just got called an idiot by none other than said partner. 
“Raincheck on the date?” he mumbles, and finally he gets a chuckle out of the rabbit. Yuichi straightens his back and flicks him on the nose. 
“Like you even needed to ask. Idiot.” 
Before Leonardo can express his displeasure of being called an idiot for a second time there’s the familiar electric hum of a portal opening behind him, and someone whistles. 
“Sheesh, old man. That kimono is definitely ruined.” 
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amerricanartwork · 4 months
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Scavengers!! Which one is your favorite?
But yeah, here's a collection of some (female) scav sketches from the past few days, partly as as general studies of scavenger anatomy (man, I love that Disney anthro anatomy for these things)! Figured I'd try my hand at drawing scavs since I've actually never drawn them seriously before, and practice making/compiling anatomical studies for fictional characters. Quick thanks to @everyscavever, whose posts I used as direct references on scav designs!
And here are some other notes and headcanons for this down below!
In addition to general anatomy, with these sketches I also tried to focus on exploring designs for female scavengers specifically, since the overall scav design always struck me as pretty masculine with the large chests and top-heavy rhythm, and because I haven't seen many more feminine looking scav characters. However, for verisimilitude's sake, a bit of a design challenge, and because I really like the general scav design, I still wanted to keep the overall anatomy/proportions the same and retain that mangy, feral, yet goofy appearance that I find iconic to scavengers!
Thus, I headcanon for females the limb proportions are the same, the horns are slightly smaller and less ornate on average, and the shoulders, though still wider than the hips, are less so compared to males. Otherwise, my depictions of female scavengers likely won't be that visually distinct from the males, besides the more visible eyelashes (which to me, is a design trait simple enough I think I can get away with it on almost any creature with eyes, especially with my relatively cartoony style).
I find the scavenger design pretty nice in this regard, since it's humanoid enough that I feel I can add a bit more human-like sexual dimorphism without it looking too uncanny or too different from the general species design. In contrast, slugcats are so simple and animal-like in their physiology that I feel the most I can do is just draw visible eyelashes when I want a feminine appearance, lest I risk overcomplicating the design or making something that doesn't look believable given the setting and canon slugcat designs. Of all the RW creatures, however, I actually think iterators would have the most human-like sexual dimorphism since they're very humanoid visually, but I headcanon it's for very different reasons that I'll explain later.
But anyway, that was a lot. I hope you like these scav sketches!
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TWST Cast Mid-Effort Snacks They Make
Listen I'm no wizard in the kitchen but I think I can make some half decent snacks. That being said, this post is long, does not have accurate measurements for half of it, bc why the hell would I actually write stuff down I Totally Don't Forget Things All The Time.
Also like. mid-effort snacks. You know, you're not just Opening a bag of chips but you are going to need. At least a microwave. (also, using minimal dishes possible nobody wants to clean up). This is all stuff I've made or at least eaten, myself, lmk if you try it or if I missed a vital detail LMAO
ANYWAYS if this post is popular enough I'll share some like. Actual recipes as well, the Culinary Crucible thingy finally came in and I feel INSPIRED, some of these have little uhh like 'justification' or story behind them some don't bc I feel like it's obvious. GTAT refers to the section at the end, I got tired of writing it out over and over again sldkjhklsjdf ---------------------------------------------------
Riddle - (Dark) Chocolate Strawberry Bark
Materials and Ingredients: - Parchment paper - Cutting board/cookie tray - Microwave-safe bowl - Knife - Strawberries (it's okay if they're overripe, as long as you can still cut them safely) - (Dark) Chocolate chips or Nutella, your choice - Peanut butter - Sweetened condensed milk (scm) - Plastic container - Freezer
Cut your parchment paper to about the size of a cookie sheet, but really it depends on how many strawberries you're using (I do not remember how many I used, I think it was like 8, you do not need many, especially if you cut them really thin) and put on top of cutting board/cookie sheet. A flexible cutting board is best, but it's whatever fits in your freezer.
Destem your strawberries and slice them thinly while they're standing upright. Like the part you destemmed is against the parchment paper. (or cutting board but y'know. Why Dirty It). Place them laying down on the parchment paper as close to each other as possible. I found like. Fitting the triangle shapes together like teeth was the easiest way but something else might work better for you. Dice one or two strawberries and set aside.
In a bowl, measure out about a cup of chocolate. If it seems like too much, you can just. eat it ig or dip leftover strawberries into it like I did. If it's not enough, babe just add more it's okay lmao. If you're using chocolate chips, add some sort of fat before you microwave (any oil, lard/Crisco, butter, margarine, etc.) in fifteen second intervals. (if you don't have a microwave, there are instructions under 'General tips and tricks' to hopefully help!). If you're using Nutella, just pop that bad boy in there for fifteen second intervals. In both cases, mix in between intervals until it's kind of runny.
Pour chocolate evenly over the strawberries, at least enough to cover them completely from the top/fill any gaps that are present. Wash the bowl, and repeat the process with peanut butter.
This is optional I really like chocolate and think it's more aesthetically pleasing than peanut butter, but peanut butter doesn't harden as well as chocolate does to bind the strawberry layer together so I couldn't put it first. I did another layer of chocolate on top, but it was thinner than the original one.
Sprinkle diced strawberries on top, and drizzle SCM to your hearts content. (Any leftover SCM needs to be put into a separate container and can stay in your fridge for up to 3 weeks).
Freeze it. It's just faster this way and helps the peanut butter out. I left mine in there for a day, but I think it's okay after like an hour, idk, you decide.
Snap/cut your bark into smaller pieces, use the parchment paper to help line whatever container you're going to use and store your treat in there. I enjoyed these treats best frozen or on top of vanilla ice cream, but they do need to be kept at least refrigerated. Fair warning, if you're a slow eater, these will get messy if you wait too long slkdjfhlkjsdfsdf recommend you eat with a fork.
THE REST ARE UNDER THE CUT WOOT WOOT (Riddle's is easily one of the higher effort ones, so do not be dismayed! There are some on this list with only 2 ingredients, I just talk a lot LMAO)
Trey - Tanghulu No baking required, still satisfies his sweet tooth.
Materials and Ingredients: - Stove (someone said you can use a microwave, IIIIII don't Like That for this, but I'm sure you can) - Fruit (doesn't really matter what kind. I used kiwis, strawberries, and grapefruit.) - White sugar - Water - Bowl of ice water - Fork (skewers are better but I didn't have any, and toothpicks...don't fw toothpicks for this okay??) - Parchment paper\Plate (you just need to make sure it's hardened BEFORE you put the fruit on it kdfjhsfjkd)
Ensure your fruit is washed/dried, peeled or otherwise "ready to eat" before starting
Use a 2:1 sugar to water ratio and put it in a pot. (So 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water, or a more likely amount you'll actually use up is 1 cup of sugar to 1/2 cup of water)
Heat on medium and watch closely, it's not suggested you mix it, I did, just by swirling the pot to make sure all the sugar was in the water, but then I left it alone. You'll see it starting to change colour to yellow-y rather than clear. Use a spoon/fork to dip into the sugar mixture and then immediately into the bowl of ice water. If it appears stringy or is still soft and sticky to touch, it's not ready yet. Keep boiling until your test drop solidifies on contact/within seconds of being in the ice water.
Turn the heat down slightly and use your fork or skewer to poke your fruit, and dip carefully into sugar mixture. Immediately, (but carefully) place your sugar covered fruit into the ice bowl. Once you take it out, it should only take a moment to harden before you place it on a plate/parchment paper.
Intended to be eaten immediately, does not store very well. Check 'general tips and tricks' for how to clean the pot/fork
Cater - Spicy Garlic Cheese Bread
Materials and Ingredients: - French Bread (works the best, but you can use whatever bread you have on hand) or premade garlic bread - Butter/Margarine - Salad herbs (like the premade mix or whatever, other seasonings optional) - (Shredded) Cheese - Jalapenos - Other toppings + hot sauce (optional) - Bowl - Spoon - Microwave - Oven
If using premade garlic bread, skip to step 3. Otherwise, get your bowl and chunk of butter (if using french bread, I would say about a half cup) and pop it in the microwave just long enough to get it soft, but not melted. Measure salad herbs with your heart and mix with a spoon.
Cut your bread in half and slather that son of a bitch in butter, having worked in a bakery I know that premade garlic bread literally gets a Handful of "butter" (it's margarine) that just gets. Slathered onto half of a day-old French bread loaf. (Safeway. Looking at you.) If you want to try putting on some BBQ sauce or tomato sauce now would be your time to add it. If you are adding sauce, a little less butter is recommended otherwise it will get Soggy
Put on as much cheese as you want. Whatever cheese you want. I'm not the boss of you.
Throw on jalapenos and any other toppings you want. (red onions, bell peppers, make it a meal with some chicken or something idk)
Broil on high until It Looks Right, as in the cheese is melted and golden brown in some areas (assuming it's marble cheese), or wrap in aluminum foil (risky with The Cheese) and bake at 350 F for like 10 minutes (I still recommend baking over broiling but it's your choice bestie)
Drizzle with hot sauce if you want/any other condiments.
French bread is pretty big, so cut into smaller pieces and share with friends/family/your neighbour/ whatever or full send it or you can try to store it, I think once it's cooled, a plastic bag would be the best bet for storage, and only for a day or two before your bread gets Sad.
Deuce - Ants on a Log He used to love it when his mom would send him to school with these.
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board (unless you would like to be a heathen like me) - Knife - Celery - Peanut butter - Raisins/Chocolate chips/Cereal/whatever you want
Decide if you even want to bother cutting your celery, you can leave it whole if you really want.
If you want to cut your celery, cut it according to taste or break that motherfucker with your bare hands just to hear it snap and get that little bit of Emotion and satisfaction out of it. Not recommended if you want bite sized pieces. Generally only cut in a way that keeps the 'sides' of the celery in tact, like you should have a little 'dip' to put peanut butter in, but its ok if its not comfortable to eat it that way and you need to cut it vertically as well, nbd, BUT DON'T CUT IT THAT WAY YET it's so much harder to get the peanut butter on.
Use a butter knife to add peanut butter to your celery. It should fill the little valley in between the sides of the stalk. **Now would be the time to cut again if you want Planks if you know what I mean
Add your toppings, be it raisins, chocolate chips, etc. along the peanut butter to represent the ants slkdjhflksjdf
Ace - Oreo Mug Cake His brother showed him once and he didn't stop since.
Materials and Ingredients: - Oreos - Milk - Fork - Microwave safe mug - Microwave - Whipped Cream (optional)
Get your mug.
Throw 4-6 Oreos in. (4 for an 8 ounce mug, more for a bigger one) and soak in 1 less tablespoon of milk than the amount of cookies you put in. (so 3 tbs for an 8 ounce mug)
The longer you soak them, the easier it is to crush them and break them up, it should become kind of cakey texture already
Pop that bad boy in the microwave for a minute, and in 20 second intervals after that as necessary. Its not like it matters if it's 'raw' though.
Let it cool until you can handle the mug comfortably, add whipped cream or other toppings and enjoy!
Leona - Bacon Wrapped Sausages
Materials and Ingredients: - Baking dish (should have some depth to it) - Parchment paper - Cocktail sausages - Bacon - Scissors/Knife - Toothpicks - Brown sugar (optional) - Oven
Cut your bacon in half
Preheat your oven to 350 F. Roll up cocktail sausage in half a rasher of bacon and secure in place with a toothpick.
Place parchment paper in/on baking dish and place the rolls inside
Once you've prepared as many as you'd like, you can sprinkle brown sugar on top.
Bake for about an hour
Ruggie - Elote Loco (Mexican street corn/ 'crazy corn')
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned corn - Mayo - Lemon/Lime - Salt - Pepper - Cayenne - Bowl
Drain your corn can, then add corn to your bowl
Literally. Add everything else according to taste. Heat if you want to, or put in the fridge to eat cold. (I like it cold).
Jack - Fruit Leather (this is a higher-effort, more time-consuming recipe)
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board (not optional this time :/) - Knife/Corer (if applicable) - Stove - Large saucepan - Water - Blender/Potato Masher - Lemon/Sugar/Cinnamon/Nutmeg, Etc. (optional, but recommended) - Parchment paper - Baking tray - Oven - Pizza cutter (makes things easier, not necessary)
Prepare your fruit. (Wash, peel, destem, core them, remove pits, etc.)
Chop into chunks, and simmer in 1/2 cup of water for every 4 cups of fruit while covered for 10-20 minutes, or until fruit is cooked. You can mash by hand or just go ahead and transfer everything to a blender, but you will have to transfer back into the pot after.
Taste, and add sugar/lemon/spices according to your preference.
Simmer and stir until everything is mixed in completely and the puree has thickened. (5-10 minutes)
Preheat oven to 140 F (check GTAT at the end for troubleshooting). Puree thoroughly in a blender/food processor.
Line baking tray and pour puree evenly onto it, it should be about 1/4 inch thick. Bake for 8-12 hours.
Use pizza cutter to cut into smaller pieces. You can cut the parchment paper underneath and roll the pieces accordingly to store.
This is a more labour intensive snack, BUT it keeps for sooo long. It can keep at room temp in ziploc bag for a month. In the fridge for 6 months. In the freezer for a year. Also a really good way to use overripe fruit.
Azul - Funnel Cakes >:D (I had to look up a recipe to base the measurements off of, I did not memorize this, but I changed a few things when I Actually Made them)
Materials and Ingredients: - Stove - Large pan - Oil (Vegetable oil, but I think coconut or sunflower oil should work too if you have certain restrictions) - 1/4 cup Milk - 1 Egg - 1 tbsp Water - Splash of Vanilla extract (splash is generally between a 1/4 tsp and 1 tsp To Me) - White sugar (to taste) - 3/4 tsp Baking powder - Pinch of Salt - 1/2 cup Flour - Powdered sugar (to taste) - Cinnamon (to taste) - Plate - Paper towel - Large measuring cup - Fork or tongs - Other toppings (optional)
Throw all the Wet ingredients into the large measuring cup and whisk
Add sugar, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder, whisk until combined
Add oil to pan and start heating on medium, it should be about an inch deep to deep fry. Add flour to measuring cup and whisk until smooth.
(Refer to GTAT at the end to know when oil is hot enough). Use the measuring cup to drizzle the batter in a line around the pan and overlap as desired. Honestly, the thicker the lines the better imo. Cook for 2 minutes until golden brown, then flip and repeat.
Once cooked, move carefully to plate with paper towel to soak up the oil, and add powdered sugar on top. Add other toppings as desired.
Jade - Roasted Chickpeas Easy protein to bring on a hike
Materials and Ingredients: - Can of chickpeas - Baking tray - Parchment paper - Olive oil - Seasoning as you wish (Personal recommendation: garlic powder, salt, paprika, pepper and a little cayenne) - Oven
Line a baking tray with parchment paper and preheat your oven to 400 F.
Drain your can of chickpeas, rinse, then drain again. Try and dry them out a bit before you season them, either leaving them in a colinder or letting them sit out on paper towels or a cloth...or on the tray if you've got time to kill. **If you don't like the feeling of oil on your hands, you might have an extra dish to wash but thats okay. Add your chickpeas to a glass bowl before the next step.
Transfer chickpeas to the tray (if you're not using the bowl) and coat with a generous amount of oil. Add seasonings as you wish, then mix with your hands (or a spoon if you're using the bowl, then transfer to the tray.)
Bake for 20-30 minutes, shaking the pan gently about every 10 minutes to help rotate the chickpeas. Once they're golden brown and crunchy, they're done.
Best eaten straight away, but you can keep them in container for a few days.
Floyd - Trail Mix (AKA the ADHD snack Ever imo)
Materials and Ingredients - Anything you got in your pantry that already kinda qualifies as a snack food - Something to put it in (bag or bowl/container with a lid is preferable) - My favourite mix to make is granola, cranberries, raisins, and chocolate chips
Grab your materials
If you're using something that should probably cut up, (like fruit by the foot or something idk) just rip it and throw it in the Container.
Mix everything in a bowl or bag. Use more of your Favourite Ingredient than everything else, then close your storage thing.
Shake that motherfucker
Put everything back (or do this As You Add it so you're left with nothing to clean up at the end)
Kalim - The Forbidden (I made this when I was like 6 for a week straight after school, I DO NOT recommend) He came up with this as a midnight snack and didn't want to bother Jamil.
Materials and Ingredients - Microwave - Microwave safe bowl - Chocolate chips - Mini marshmallows - Fork - A very high tolerance for Texture and Sweetness
Put chocolate chips and marshmallows in the bowl
Microwave for 15 second intervals, mixing with your fork in between.
When it becomes a sticky amalgamation from hell and looks like a dung beetle would be proud of it, it's done.
Jamil - Fattoush He saves the leftovers of the dishes he makes for Kalim throughout the day in order to make some version of Fattoush
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board - Knife + Pizza cutter (not necessary, but fun) - Lettuce - Tomato - Cucumber - Radishes - Pita bread - Pan - Stove - Olive oil - Salt + pepper - Bowl x 2 - Glass measuring cup - Lemon juice - Garlic powder, dried mint, and sumac (you don't have to use these) - (I like adding Granny smith apples and goat or feta cheese, but it's not traditional)
Cut up your veggies like you would for any salad and throw em in a bowl
Use the pizza cutter to slice pita bread into smaller, bite sized pieces.
Fry the pieces with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, then set aside in a different bowl so they stay Crunchy
In the glass measuring cup use about 2 tbsp of lemon juice, add some garlic powder, dried mint, salt, pepper, sumac, and whisk.
Slowly stream in about 3 tbsp of olive oil and whisk continuously until it combines. (this might take a while to emulsify, yes you can use a hand mixer on low if you want)
Drizzle dressing over your salad portion, and add pita chips as you wish
Vil - Parfait He let the French man into his life, also this is bougie parfait, you don't have to follow this exactly lmao, this is just how I used to make it for my mom
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board + knife - Grapes, red and green if possible - Granola - Blueberries (they can be frozen) - Cherries, cored/halved except one (can also be frozen) - Yogurt (I prefer vanilla for this stuff, Vil probably uses plain Greek yogurt and some honey for sweetness) - A wine glass, otherwise just a clear glass makes it look best, but it doesnt really matter - Spoon
Dice those grapes as small or large as you like, mine are generally the size of like. The eraser end of a pencil. Set aside.
Get your glass and gently spoon yogurt into the bottom, up by about 2 inches. If you have the patience, gently arrange the blueberries into a 1 berry layer. If not, just grab less than a handful of blueberries and put them on top of the yogurt.
Add another inch of yogurt to completely cover the berry layer, and add a thin layer of granola. Cover completely with yogurt again, using another inch-2 inches to do so
Again, if you have the patience, you can arrange your cherry halves into a nice circle to completely cover the yogurt layer. If not, do the same thing as the blueberries.
Cover with another inch-two inches of yogurt. Add a thicker band of granola this time, and top with yogurt once more, to nearly the top of the glass.
Add your whole cherry to the middle of the parfait, and add the mix of diced grapes around it. ** if you used frozen fruit, let it thaw for a couple minutes so you can see the colour bleed into the yogurt a bit bc it looks cool. I'm the boss of you for this one rule because I'm right about it sdlkjfhsldjkf
Rook - Maakouda A guilty pleasure of his. He remembers them fondly from home. Works best with leftover mashed potatoes.
Materials and Ingredients: - Mashed potatoes (if you don't have left overs, just boil chunked potatoes in lightly salted water. Once they're soft, drain them, use a handmixer to mix, add some butter/whipping cream, season as you wish (garlic powder, salad herbs, salt, pepper), add shredded cheese if you want idc. Once everything is mixed you got yourself. Mashies.) - Egg - Garlic, Parsley, Cumin, Tumeric, Salt, Pepper - Flour in a bowl - Oil - Pan - Stove** - you can use an air-fryer for this if you want - Slotted spoon/tongs/fork - Plate w/ paper towel
For every 2 cups of mashed potatoes, you will add one egg, but don't do it yet. Add seasoning to your mashed potatoes first so you can taste and adjust the flavour as necessary, THEN add your egg(s).
Start heating oil, (about 2 inches) in a pan at medium heat. While you wait for it to get to temperature, (Look at GTAT to know when the oil is hot enough) roll your potato mixture into small balls and roll in flour
Fry until golden. Remove from oil using your utensil of choice and let it drain on the paper towel
Repeat until all the "batter" is used up
Epel - Dulce de Leche + Apple Slices Ruggie showed it to him
Materials and Ingredients - Sweetened Condensed Milk (if you don't just have dulce de leche on hand) - Apples (Granny Smith recommended) - Two glass baking pans, one larger than the other - Water - Oven
Preheat oven to 425 F
Pour SCM into smaller glass pan, cover with foil
Place smaller glass pan into larger glass pan. Fill the larger glass pan with as much water as necessary to cover the level of SCM in the smaller pan
Throw it in the oven for like 2 hours and monitor periodically to refill with water if necessary. Keep cooking until it's the colour golden brown you want
Once it's to colour, remove from oven carefully, remove foil, and remove from larger glass pan carefully.
Once cool enough, store in glass jar if possible, or wait longer and store it in a plastic container.
Cut up apple and whatever is left in the pan, scrape it out with the apple and eat it lmaooo unless you have a silicone spatula ain't no way you getting all that caramel out of the pan. Serve yourself more as necessary lmao
Idia - Worms and Dirt Baybeeeeeeee The far less healthy version of a parfait
Materials and Ingredients: - Crushed Oreos (Oreos + double bagged ziploc bags and you Gamer Rage sldfhlskdjfhlsj) - Whipped Cream - (If making from scratch, you'll need whipping cream, vanilla, and powdered sugar + hand mixer. Just throw ingredients in to taste and mix) - Chocolate pudding - Gummy worms - Rolling pin (optional) - Mixing bowl (glass or metal preferable) - Spatula - (Clear) Glass
Crush the Oreo's by any means necessary. Obliterate them.
Pack the Oreo remains into the bottom of your cup
Mix your whipped cream with the chocolate pudding using the spatula to fold it into each other until it Tastes Right. That is subjective, so if you Like it and it's Brown you Did It.
Spoon/plap how much of your chocolate mousse you'd like into your cup. Throw in a couple gummy worms, add more oreo corpse if you want then fill to the top with chocolate mousse.
Top with more oreo ashes and more gummy worms
Leftover mousse is pretty versatile if you have it with fruit or make more worms and dirt, but it only keeps for a day or two in the fridge
Ortho - :(
Malleus - "Snow Cone"
Materials and Ingredients: - Rage - Double or triple ziploc bags - Ice - Hot water - Grenadine, Maple syrup, Lime and salt, something else (Choose ONE per serving or embrace Lilia's energy and regret it) - A bowl + spoon
Double/triple bag ice
Run bags under hot water for a few minutes to help melt the ice a little bit (assuming you don't have already very small pieces of ice)
Crush the ice via brute force (its a good work out) OR I GUESS you could use a BLENDER but where's the fun in that
Get rid of any extra water and serve very finely crushed ice in a bowl
Top with your desired flavouring to taste
Lilia -
Silver - Refried Beans Another Ruggie special lmao I love him so much
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned black beans - Salsa (optional) - Chicken bouillon - Oil - Pan/Stove - Wooden spoon/potato masher - Chips or some sort of bread
Drain a little more than half of the Bean Juice
Over medium heat, add a little bit of oil to the pan, (enough to cover the bottom), and add the Beans
As it heats up and the remaining Bean Juice starts to bubble, add chicken bouillon and salsa to taste.
Mash the beans while they cook to mix in flavouring and to get beans to the right consistency. They'll be done when there's no liquid left sloshing around, but you can decide how Dry you want your beans
Add beans on top of tortilla chips, sprinkle cheese on top and call it done, throw some in a burrito or on top of salad, lightly toast some bread, put some mayo on it and add the beans, do what you want <3
Sebek - Salmon Croquettes
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned salmon - Diced bell peppers (choose your favourite colours)**go to GTAT for other substitutions and notes - Diced red onion - Egg (if you don't have any just add more mayo) - Worcestershire sauce - Mayo - Garlic powder, salt, pepper, paprika, other seasonings (your choice) -Bowl - Flour - Panko (optional, or substitute bread crumbs) - Oil - Stove/Pan - Tongs (you can try to use a fork but it won't always work lol) - Plate w/paper towel
Prepare your veggies, and drain salmon
Mix in with canned salmon, and add mayo, Worcestershire, and seasonings to taste. Add just a tiny bit more than you think you should in regards to spices because when you throw the flour in, it'll 'dilute' the flavour a bit
Lightly beat 1 egg for every 5 ounces of salmon (should be on the can) and add to mixture, using hands or wooden spoon to mix.
Add just enough flour and breadcrumbs to the mixture that it doesn't stick to your hands.
Set up your pan with oil, (just enough to cover the bottom), over medium heat and make little 'patties' out of your mix.
Fry your patties until golden brown (2-3 minutes) on both sides.
Remove from heat and place on plate to drain.
Crowley - Fuckit Fudge (AKA Rocky Road Fudge)
Materials and Ingredients: - Parchment paper - Cake pan - 2 cups Chocolate chips - SCM (14 oz = 1 3/4 cups, should be on the can) - 1/4 cup Butter - Vanilla - Marshmallows - Almonds - Anything else you want (just be aware you'll have to add more chocolate and you'll likely have to cut down on the other fillings as well) - Glass bowl - Spatula - Microwave/Double boiler (GTAT tells you how to make one) - Patience
Melt chocolate chips, SCM, and butter (about 90 seconds in the microwave)
While it's melting, set up your cake pan with parchment paper
Add a splash of vanilla extract and mix with spatula until smooth
Stir add-ins into mixture, and pour into cake pan carefully
Make sure mixture is spread evenly, and refrigerate until it solidifies (depends on how deep you made the fudge)
Cut into chunks and serve. Stores well in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
Trein - Raspberry Cordial Not a 'snack' but like if the Shaftlands are known for ruby berries I feel like this is close enough. It's from Anne of Green Gables, shhh its soooo good
Materials and Ingredients - Raspberries (GASP can you believe it) - Lemon/lemon juice - White sugar - Water - Sparkling water/Ginger Ale works too. Sprite is a stretch. - Pot/Stove - Fine mesh strainer - Pitcher - Ladle - Glass measuring cup
We're making a raspberry syrup, so you can use fresh, overripe or frozen raspberries. For every cup of raspberries, use just under a half cup of sugar, (3 cups of raspberries = 1 1/4 cups of sugar), and put both into a pot/saucepan.
Cook on medium/high heat and mash with like. the bottom of a ladle or something. It'll take like 20 minutes to have it cooked down to a liquid.
Strain into the measuring cup. If there are still seeds or pulp, strain again. Squeeze lemon into it in small amounts and taste as you go until you get the flavour You Want. This is your syrup. At this point, if you want to save some to use for other recipes or something, set some aside.
Boil the water (Use one cup more of water than you did of raspberries) and add it to the pitcher with your raspberry syrup. Mix, then let it chill in the fridge. ** if you would like to use sparkling water/lemonade or ginger ale instead, you'll just have to mix for longer is all, don't heat those
Serve and garnish with lemon or mint.
Crewel - Carrot Salad idk man I'm running out of steam and ideas lmaoooo
Materials and Ingredients: - Carrots, peeled - Grater - Bowl - Lemon, salt, cayenne - Fork
Grate your carrots into the bowl you're gonna eat out of
Squeeze your shredded carrots to get rid of the extra Juice (look at GTAT)
Add lemon/lime, salt and cayenne according to taste, and mix with fork
Tastes best chilled, eat immediately
Vargas - Deviled Eggs
Materials and Ingredients: - Saucepan/pot + Stove - Water - Eggs - Mayo - Salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne - Bowl + fork - Lime juice (optional) - Knife and cutting board - Bowl with ice water
Choose how many eggs you're gonna want to make, idk, maybe 6? Put them in the pot and gently fill with just enough water to cover them. Add salt and lemon juice (GTAT) to the water and heat on medium
Prepare your bowl with ice water. Let your eggs boil for about 8 minutes before draining the water and running them under cold water until they're cool enough to handle for a few seconds to put in the ice bath
Wait until your eggs are cold enough to handle for you to crack the egg shells off. I love using my hands but if it's easier to put it in a container with a lid and shake it gently, go ahead, just shake it enough to break the shell in a way you can remove it.
Once all your eggs are shelled, cut them in half the long way, (be careful they are Slippery)
Remove the yolks gently without ripping the egg white. Generally, you can just use your fingers or turn the egg upside down orrr very gently push the yolk out from behind into the bowl.
Add mayo and seasonings at your discretion. (if it feels like it's missing something, you can try adding diced pickles/pickle juice, bacon bits, dill, or mustard.) Mash together with the fork until smooth, or if you're using a lot of eggs you can use a hand mixer. Mixture should be creamy.
Gently spoon the mixture back into the egg whites. Any leftover mixture will be great on sandwiches!
Sam - Sausage Bites
Materials and Ingredients: - 1 Pillsbury OG Crescent Roll dough - Sausage of your choice, cut into 1 inch pieces (unless it's cocktail sausages, leave them as is) - 1 Egg + 1tbsp for an egg wash - Baking sheet + parchment paper (oven) - Flour - Pizza cutter (more fun than a knife) - Plate w/ paper towel - Sauce: 1/2 cup Mayo, 1 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp ketchup + Cajun seasoning to your hearts content or a simple chipotle mayo works too
Make your sauce, throw it in the fridge to cool, set your oven to 350 F.
Lightly flour your counter and spread out the Pillsbury dough. Cut each triangle into 3 smaller triangles. Place sausage on wide end of the triangle and wrap it to make kind of like. A donut around it.
Place on baking sheet and add egg wash. I don't have a basting brush so I kinda wing it with whatever bright idea strikes me first. Usually I just end up using my fingers lol
Bake for 15 minutes, until pastry is golden brown
Once done, place on plate and allow to cool. Add toothpicks if you'd like, and serve with your dip.
Others (BONUS, come on guys I'm pretending like this is something people actually want to read LMAO)
Jack T. - Vanilla Latte Bars
Materials and Ingredients: - Coffee beans - Vanilla - Pitted dates - Rolled oats - Food processor - Cake pan + parchment paper
For every cup of oats, match with pitted dates + 1/2 a cup. (2 cups oats = 2 1/2 cups of dates). For every cup of oats, add a 1/8 cup of coffee beans. (2 cups oats = 1/4 cup coffee beans). Add vanilla with your heart. Everything goes in the food processor and gets blended.
Pinch the 'dough' between your fingers. If it doesn't crumble, it's ready. If it does, add a splash of warm water, blend again, and repeat until the dough holds it's shape.
Press mixture into cake pan evenly and refrigerate
Cut and serve once hardened
Che'nya - Cheez-whiz, pickle and mini-marshmallow sandwich Oh, context? Yeah my dad said this was his childhood snack and I wanted to be like him when I was like 5. Do not recommend. But I also don't like processed cheese.
Materials and Ingredients - White bread, Wonder bread is ideal - Cheez-whiz - Sweet pickles, sliced - Multi coloured mini marshmallows - A psych assessment
You don't get help with this. You know what you're doing.
Falena - Chicharrones (Like. Pork bites.)
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board + knife - Pork cutlet (I only need to feed myself, so a huge cut of meat isn't necessary - Salt - Baking tray + parchment paper (oven)
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Cut your pork cut into ~1 inch cubes, or smaller. Place on baking sheet and use a generous amount of salt to season. Mix with your hands.
Cook until you can easily pull the pork apart
I like to use a little lemon, a little homemade tortilla and some crema to eat them, but just lemon or using them to top nachos works too
Cheka - Poor Man's Horchata He just likes it more because he can set it up mostly by himself, and he can share it without worrying about nut allergies.
Materials and Ingredients - Pitcher - Water - White sugar - Oats - Vanilla - Cinnamon - Ice - Wooden spoon
For every cup of oats, add half a cup of sugar into pitcher (or cup for a personal serving)
Bring 3/4 full with water and add ice to bring it as high as you are comfortable stirring.
Add remaining ingredients to taste, and add sugar/water/oats as necessary
Najma - Mango with Tajin
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board and knife - Mango - Tajin - Bowl
Cut your mango however you like. I typically cube my Haden mangoes, but Ataulfo I do the grid thing and pop it up
Add Tajin to your preference. If you don't have Tajin, use lime, salt and cayenne.
Neige (and the dwarves) - Tarte Soleil (higher effort snack) It's easy to share and 'sun tart' feels fitting
Materials and Ingredients: - 2 puff pastries, cut into equal size circles - Egg for wash, like Sam's - Black and white sesame seeds, (Optional) - Garlic butter (softened butter w/ garlic powder, salt, lemon and parsley to taste) - Baking sheet + parchment paper (oven) - Water - Cup/Glass - Knife
Cut your puff pastry so it's just small enough to fit on your baking sheet. Leave one on the sheet and put the other in the fridge for now. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
Spread the garlic butter on the circle, leaving about a half inch untouched all the way around the circle. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes to set.
Dab the edges of the crust with water and set the other puff pastry on top, gently pressing the edges together (not squishing)
Put the glass smack dab in the middle, or at least best you can, and upside down. (Do not Press.) Use your knife to cut away from the glass and make a bunch of 'rays' (easiest way is to quarter the dough, then cut each quarter into sixths.)
Remove the glass and gently press where your 'ray' meets the circle the glass made to prevent it from ripping as you twist it. Repeat for every 'ray'
Egg wash, (just like Sam's), sprinkle sesame seeds and bake until golden brown (30-35 minutes)
Let it cool, transfer to serving plate, and rip off the rays to eat.
If you need to melt chocolate and don't have a microwave (been there love, I know), you can use a small pot with water in it, I would say about a third of the pot is good, and a glass bowl big enough to sit on top of it. Boil that motherfucker and melt chocolate in the glass bowl, this is basically a poor man's double boiler
To clean melted sugar from the pot, there's a couple ways to go about it. I can't relax when I know there are dishes still waiting for me, so I used my kettle to boil more water, poured it into the pot, mixed it around with the fork I used, and most of it dissolved. I poured it down the sink, then used a sponge, soap and brute force to get the rest of it out. The other option is similar, where you just add fresh water to what's left of the sugar mixture, let it sit overnight, boil it again, and then dump it. (don't use cold water it will harden against the pot and be even more difficult to clean)
Some oven's don't go that low, I think the other common lowest temp is 170 F. That's okay! You can use a pair of metal tongs to keep your oven slightly ajar, just check in on it every once in a while. I use the same trick when I make meringue cookies and it works perfectly. Makes it wonderful during winter, but in summer make sure you don't overheat love <3.
You'll know the oil is hot enough to deep fry if you 1. put the back end of a wooden spoon in the oil and bubbles form around it, or 2. drop a small bit of the batter/flour in and it starts bubbling.
If you don't like bell peppers, you can shred carrots or zucchini, just make sure you squeeze and drain out the water first. You can do this with a cheese cloth or just your hands and pouring the water/juice out of the bowl over the sink. The dryer you can get it the better.
Adding lemon juice to the water helps separate the shell from the egg
I did this shit in like 8 hours gooooooooooooooooooooooooood I hope it doesn't flop. But if it does, I hope whoever it does reach, enjoys it, I had fun making it.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 [Part 2]
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Everyone sometimes needs that special push- that one good reason- to break out of old shells, walls and habits, and make that change.
Tags/Warnings: Non-Idol Jungkook, Dog Hybrid!Reader, former criminal!Jungkook, mentions of past neglect/abuse, reader has some pretty bad psychological problems (OCD, Anxiety, Selective mutism, hints at an eating disorder), hypersomnia, road to recovery, hurt and lots of comfort, angst, Jungkook has some problems with aggression and swears a lot, more TBA in future chapters
There is no taglist for this fic.
A/N: You can have early access to this and other selected fics on my Patreon!
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It's right where he thought it might be.
You're basically drowning in the fabric of his sweater, but he's also never seen you so visibly calm during sleep. He can't even be mad about it- even though he usually does get rather irritated about his own clothes being taken by others.
He hates it. But for some reason, if it's you, he doesn't mind.
In fact, he's got to admit that you look cute like this. "We'll take a small walk to the park with the dog hybrids today. They need their time outside." Hana informs him as he puts the card hanging from the red string around his neck, so staff knows who he is. "They're all ready at the front, so you can go and check in with Yoha." Jungkook furrows his brows.
"What about her?" he asks, pointing to you who's still napping in the corner you're usually found in.
"She doesn't tag along." Hana says, as if he should know that. "She's not mentally fit for trips like that."
"I mean, on paper." Jungkook says, almost scoffing. "But like, did you ask her?"
"No, because she never comes along." She says rather defensively now. "Jungkook please, we know her better than you. Just stay here if you don't want to come along, but don't try and lecture me or anyone else here who's worked with her and other hybrids for years." She scolds.
But it seems like she doesn't know Jungkook.
Walking over to you, he's careful not to touch you, well aware that it could freak you out especially if you're asleep.
Doesn't know you, he scoffs to himself. He knows you better than her it seems, that's for sure.
"Hey." he tries, but you're sleeping too deep. "Hey, puppy. Wake up." he demands again, and now he can notice your ears moving, eyes opening after a few seconds, until his eyes widen at the sigh. You're smiling. Your tail is wagging.
You look genuinely happy.
"Hey there." he says, unable to hide his own smile either. "Hana said we're going to the park. You wanna come along?" he wonders, and he can see for a second that you're hesitating. "It's okay if you don't. No hard feelings. Just thought, you know, I should ask." he adds on, when you slowly sit up, playing with the strings of your sweatpants.
Then, you point at your shoes.
"Oh fuck, yeah, I forgot!" he shoots up, running to his bag where he pulls out another plastic bag, before running back to you. "I bought them a size smaller cause those you have seemed to big, but if you wear like, I don't know, socks or some shit in them they might fit." he explains, before pulling out some slip-in chelsea boots with almost no heel. Your eyes are like dinner plates at the sight. "Would be a good chance to try them out, no?" he wonders, nodding towards the small crowd of dog hybrids at the front, Yoha already counting everyone it seems.
So much for 'she doesn't ever come along', he angrily thinks.
And then, you pull on his sweater to get his attention. "Hm?" he wonders, just for you to hesitantly grab his sleeve. "I'll stay with you if that's what you're scared of. And we can go back at any moment." he reassures.
And that's what seems to make it work for you, because you move to slip into your new boots, before you get up and grab your coat from the hangers close by. He wants to say something to the staff-
But he composes himself, bringing you along to the front where Yoha and Hana already wait.
"Here." Hana says, giving him a yellow reflective.. Leash? "It's mandatory for her. I'm sorry, but without it-"
"Yeah yeah fucking protocol crap, I know." he grumbles more or less to himself, snatching the leash from her hands before he carefully clips it onto your collar. He cringes at the sight, hates it, and he hates it even more that somewhere in the backside of the logical part in his brain, he understands it.
He also comforts himself with the fact that you seem perfectly fine with the arrangement. It gives you a sense of security, equal as if holding onto his hand but without physical contact. You're skittish, still very much scared, but walking close to him seems to calm you down enough to make it work.
He didn't think you'd genuinely play at the park like the others do, and you don't- but that's fine.
The fact that you're here, that you're outside and at least attempting to find your way back into life away from your little bubble you've created shows him that you're not a lost case at all. A bit of work, and you could surely be adopted by someone nice who looks past all those issues. But somehow, the thought of you living with someone else makes him upset.
He knows he's not a good fit for someone like you.
He's talked to his best friend about it the night prior. It's a lot of responsibility already to live with a regular hybrid- but you're special needs. And considering his past mistakes and criminal record, there's simply no way to file for emotional support or therapy assistance.
It's beginning to rain a little, and he throws the hood of his sweater over his head before making sure your jacket is zipped up properly as well- like second nature.
You've noticed this before as well. He looks scary, with his piercings and tattoos and bold body and angry gaze. But he only looks that way. He's like a guard dog for you; a protector, because with him at your side nothing bad will ever happen. He's nice, a bit rough, but always friendly in his own way.
You like him.
Meanwhile Jungkook himself can't see what you see in him.
He's not the right person for you.
Next to him, you're perfectly content with your situation. Your tail is wagging sometimes in shared excitement when the hybrids in sight throw and catch a ball, but you also don't look like you actively want to participate. Watching seems to be more than enough, though you do check in if he's still next to you, tail wagging eagerly when he responds with a short smile your way.
He's not the right person for you, and he knows this.
When you walk back, he can feel your fingers grabbing the edge of his sleeve tightly, weighing his arm down a little. He notices the way his skin brushes against your fingers every now and then- feels how you do not react anymore, at all. There's a small moment of pure bravery, the sight of a road ahead, and the view of every hybrid standing in pairs holding hands that leads you to carefully slip your fingers between his. He quietly responds, holding your cold hand in his warmer one, thumb running circles over the soft back of your palm.
He knows he's not the right person for you.
But he wants to be.
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juniperdugong · 2 months
Perfection Pt.3; Amongst the Living
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Suspicions, shopping, and slowing down; Your first official day alive, and the burdens of life are already trudging in. Thank goodness you have Mingyu close at hand through it all!
Pairing: mortician!mingyu x corpse!fem!reader
Genre: Mortician!au, Horror!au || Fluff, Crack, Romance, Angst || Inspired by Frankenstein and other undead media
Warnings: Reader is smaller than Mingyu || Mentions of death and corpses (Nothing in-depth and nothing intended to disturb) || Mentions of suicide || Necro-romance, aka romantic attraction to a corpse. || {Please let me know if there are other warnings you would like me to add}
WC: 6.3k
Songs that inspired this fic
Series Masterlist
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"Can you be quiet?", "I'm trying my best…", "Obviously, not trying hard enough.", "Gyu, do you have those side dishes I like?" "Christ, can you guys just leave?" You overhear the bickering and banter from the stairs and your nerves return to you with the news that Mingyu hasn't made the other men leave yet.
Stuck in paralysis at the thought of awkwardly walking into the living room you just stand outside the entrance; breath becoming heavy. You try to calm yourself but eventually resolve to hide in the guest room until they leave or until Mingyu comes to get you. As you're about to turn and scurry back up the stairs someone bumps into you, catching your wrist to keep you from falling. "Are you ok- woah, you're so cold…" you lurch backward, yanking your hand away from the man. He's wearing athleisure but you're too focused on his concern to take in his visual. The horror that grew on your face caught the man with even more surprise, his concern turning into complete confusion and worry. He begins to reach out again but emerging from the living room Mingyu intercepts. "Y/n! You're awake!" his eyes bound towards you and then towards his friend, now it's his turn to look concerned. "Did something happen?" "Gyu, she's cold." His attitude has an underlying sense of curiosity and alarm. Whoever this man was he was clearly unsettled just by your touch and that thought alone terrified you to the core. Your first morning back and suddenly you're in danger of being found out or maybe even more stressful, you're being suspected of something. Whatever is going through the mans mind you're not able to piece together but you know that gears are turning.
Seeing you in distress Mingyu speaks up, "Seungkwan, you're scaring my guest. Can't you see she needs some space?". It's the first time that you've heard Mingyu's tone so adamant, the seriousness willing his friend to join the others in the living room without much question. Unbeknownst to you, Seungkwan's curiosity was killing him, the peculiarity of you and his friend's sudden change of mood in your presence had him on the lookout for answers.
"Sorry about him…are you cold?" Mingyu turns towards you and softens, now worried that his friend was right. "I'm fine. I didn't know I was that cold. He just grabbed my wrist and said-" you try to hold back from the discomfort of this discovery but your tells are quite apparent to Mingyu. "Hold on." He goes off and returns with a sweater. "Wear this. It'll warm you up and hopefully will keep you from any unwanted touches. I'll go make some food for you, okay? Come in whenever you're ready. Oh! And don't mind them, they're…like I said before, annoying, so don't pay them any mind." Taking the sweater from him you nod. It's larger than you and you can't help but smile as a familiar scent enters your nose, Mingyu. You hadn't noticed it before but your skin is chill to the touch and the sudden warmth of the sweater only emphasized the lack of heat. For a while you sit, enveloped in the comfort even something as small as Mingyu's possessions give, using it as tangible courage to make your way into the living room.
"No, she was like stone. Her skin was hard and cold…" the man from before was whispering to 2 others on the couch. Seeing you enter he retracts from the conversation, instead keeping his eyes on you in something like terror or worry. "Y/n, let me introduce you to my friends!" Mingyu comes from the kitchen as you make your way towards the couch, wiping his hands on the black apron he wore.
The morning is passed with introductions and food. You meet three of Mingyu's close friends who he's known since middle school. Now you're able to identify the dolphin scream; Seokmin, a very gentle soul who is easily startled and especially loud once he gets comfortable, his smile akin to the sun itself and it's easy for you to see how Mingyu befriended him. Then there was the curious cat with glasses; Wonwoo, someone nearly antithetical to Mingyu in every way, shy, reserved, somewhat unemotional but even with the description it's obvious that his friends bring out something in him, a permanent smile of adoration whenever one of them is talking. And then there was the man. The one you'd bumped into and the one whose eyes were trained on you this entire time. Seungkwan. The way the others described him opposed how he acted in this moment. Energetic, kind, outspoken, a comedic genius, and overall a leader when it came to idle conversation and hosting. But now, as they were listing off only his good traits and waiting for any kind of banter or retort from him, his eyes stayed on you. The intensity made you curl up into yourself which in turn made Mingyu reach out to place a hand on your thigh, a small comforting action to soothe you in the moment.
"Who are you?" Seungkwan says with a sudden start, interrupting the previous conversation. "Sorry?" "Who are you?" he's steadfast in his words and they pierce through the air like knives, now all the attention was on the two of you. "My name is y/n…" "Yeah, but like who are you? To Gyu, I mean." "Oh! I'm-" "My girlfriend!" Mingyu squeezes himself into the conversation sensing the tension growing. From the look on his face, it's obvious that Seungkwan can tell that something is amiss. "Girlfriend?" "Yep, she's my girlfriend!" "Weird…" "What do you mean?" "No, it's just- you know…I would've thought that we-" he gestures towards the rest of the table, "might've heard about a crush long before you actually asked someone out. It's just not like you to keep something like that secret from us." "Yeah, well…this was one I was keeping to myself for quite a bit." the words coming from Mingyu are biting. "Hmm." is all Seungkwan gives in response, not satisfied with Mingyu's explanation.
The air begins to feel suffocating by the tensity but thank goodness for Seokmin! With a quick glance towards Wonwoo, he's picking up the conversation on a more exciting note. Droning on and on with more fervor about random topics. How the weather is, favorite foods, good movie recommendations. It's through this that you learn that Seungkwan works as a P.E. teacher at one of the elementary schools nearby, Seokmin manages a movie theater, and Wonwoo is an up-and-coming streamer. With the mood much lighter and everyone on better footing, it's easier to hide your reaction when you find out Wonwoo's day job.
"He's an up-and-coming streamer!… But until he gets to the top he's working as an assistant at the morgue." Seokmin excitedly explains to you. "I know, morbid, but hey! Not as morbid as the one sitting next to you!" he jokes and everyone gives their light-hearted chuckles which in turn disguises your disquiet as your eyes bug out of your head, your vision trails towards Mingyu. The way you tense under his touch after Seokmin says that catches Mingyu's attention. Your unease signals that it's time for you guys to be alone before anything else happens. He lets the conversation come to a natural end before suggesting that the guys leave and get on with their days like they were meant to hours ago. A few more jokes are cracked and although the subject has passed Seungkwan's staring isn't lost on you as they exit.
Mingyu sighs in relief as they begin to walk out, stretching as he walks back in, leaving you to close the door. A sliver left as you close it and something blocks you, looking down you see the tip of a tennis shoe. Opening the door once again you come face to face with Seungkwan. Now the glaring is inescapable, he doesn't blink once while you cower under his gaze. "Sorry, almost left my keys." he grabs a keychain from the hanger beside the door. "Wouldn't want to walk home in the weather we're having, might freeze to death…" he mumbles towards the end of the sentence making you unsure if you heard him correctly. "Excuse me?" "It's nothing, have a nice day y/n." he shakes his head and shines the friendliest smile you've seen from him all day. Finally, you can close the door. Gathering yourself from the interaction you head back toward the living room where you find Mingyu waiting for you.
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"That was-" "He works at the morgue." you cut Mingyu off and get to the source of your anxiety. "I know-" "You knew and you didn't tell me before suggesting- He works at the fucking morgue, Mingyu!" your outburst comes as a surprise urging Mingyu to stand. Every time a new emotion rises in you it's as if a panic attack strikes your system and you're suddenly overwhelmed by the strength of your mood. Mingyu holds you by your shoulders, rubbing circles gently to calm you down. "Hey, it's okay. Let's just talk about everything, yeah?" he guides you back to the couch. The surge of emotion still running wild within you doesn't allow for your body to settle; Your legs bounce like your working a pottery wheel and your hands fidget with your nails till your sure that hangnails will be in your future. "I'm sorry, I don't-" "You don't need to explain anything to me." Mingyu stops you before you start, seeing your current state of unrest he pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest, "Let's just talk."
Without much choice, the conversation calms you. Mingyu rambles on with such a speed that your anxiety has to leave you for you to comprehend what he's saying. You laugh at how eager he is to prove that you should let him carry any burdens you have. The dispelling of your worries are the only thing on his mind and he continues to attempt to pacify you not realizing that you're lost in his sea of words. Barely focused on the subject at hand you have to ask him to slow down.
"Mingyu." your hand goes up to cup his face. "Yes?" his eyes glaze over in puppy-like attentiveness, and he looks down as you stop his one-sided conversation. "I have no idea what you're talking about…" "Oh? What part-" "Just, slow down, and let's start from the beginning, please" "Of course" he pats your head as you both look at each other, he can't help but think that even in this tense moment where things could go awry that he could live here, all the anxiety and the stress of what's to come completely worth it if it means to have you in his arms. "So, as I was saying, you don't need to worry about Wonwoo." "I don't?" "Nope. Because he won't be working." "How do you know?" "Well, other than security guards, I don't think many people should be at the morgue during the night." "We're going to sneak in at night?" your face pleads for further explanation but all Mingyu sees is your eyes and how they affect him so completely, he's loved you for a lifetime and you just met yesterday, you just woke. His heart is completely taken by you and you aren't even aware of the fact. And for a second he's baffled that this is happening, that his yearning is turning into something with you. His hand glides down your arm, taking your hand in his, playing with your fingers as he continues, no regard to how intimate this feels. "Unless you would like to get caught during the day, where more people are likely to recognize you?" you respond with a hum, acknowledging his logic. "If we're lucky there will only be one guard and if we're even luckier it'll be some kid who doesn't know me." his words were more like whispers now, speaking as though you were sharing secrets between each other. You cursed yourself silently for wanting to reach out and press his lips to yours. "I'll explain to them that I'm the mortician and I just need to pick up some possessions of a recent client." "And me?" "My get-away-driver?" "Really?!" He laughs at the naivety, "No no, you will be waiting in the car though." "I'm not going to help?" "You are the most crucial part of our plan, y/n. After all, you're the only one of us who knows what was written in your note."
That's right. It isn't like a mortician is privy to the information left behind by the dead; They are there to help in the preparation and celebration of life, not to dig into how the life itself was lived or how it died. You knew what he meant, you had to recreate your suicide note. In all of its emotionally numb phrasing and complete despair, you had to rewrite what was essentially your last will and testament. Just trying to remember those last moments were pure torture. With time the feelings you felt when trying to remember parts of your life turned into more solid memories. The most solid of which were your last moments, honestly, they are the only truly solid memories that you could gather from your former life.
Mingyu sees you lost in thought and brings your hand to his lips, pecking at your knuckles, as intended you snap out of your daze and look at him. "Too forward?" he asks with a grin, trying to gauge your reaction. "Not at all." you push your hand closer to his face, allowing him to continue, he leaves a final kiss on the back of your hand as he moves forward with the conversation.
"And, y/n, none of this has to happen immediately. We can wait for however long you need. Enjoy being back amongst the living for a while before doing anything too exciting." His words take a weight off of your shoulders, Kim Mingyu once again grounding you back to the earth with him. "I'd like that. But I do think we should get the morgue over and done with soon." "How soon are you thinking?" "I don't know, maybe we wait 3 days? Then it'll be the weekend right?" "Yep, the weekend sounds good. Gives us some time to spend with each other…alone this time." the implications make you weak but even in the short time that you've known Mingyu you are certain he wouldn't do anything untoward without explicit permission. That is made much clearer by the way that he holds you like you're the last precious thing on earth and not even sin should be able to touch you.
You guys sit and talk for a while, the conversation eventually veering off to a more casual topic. There weren't any new clients for Mingyu to take today so he was all yours. You stayed on the couch for a while, learning about each other and having mini-arguments over pet peeves.
As lunchtime rolled around Mingyu made you guys some katsu sandwiches to share. You would almost think that he's a professional chef with his skilled cooking but even when complimented he insists that it's all his mother's doing for raising him so well. He leaves you in constant awe at just how lucky you got meeting him, seemingly the perfect man, and he wanted you? It was insane to dwell on that thought too long; Had your last thoughts of wanting someone to love been answered by the grace of a god? Again, it just leaves you speechless, almost as speechless as Mingyu. You were a wonder to him and, by no exaggeration of my own, he believed that you were his gift from god. How comfortable you were with him already, the conversation without judgment, everything down to the way you looked was truly perfect, in his humble opinion.
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"We should get you some stuff. Y'know, while I'm off." you nodded your head, your hand in his as you both walked along the pavement. Mingyu suggested a stroll to the convenience store near his house to help with digestion or something along those lines; You didn't fully understand but agreed nonetheless, just enjoying the time you have with him. "What kind of stuff?" "Clothes, toiletries, anything you want really. Oh! Maybe some makeup and heating pads, to make you seem-" "Less dead?" "Yeah…" you chuckle at how shy he gets around the topic as if it's something to be embarrassed about around you. "I feel bad about spending your money though." "Please don't, y/n. I want to take care of you and that includes being able to uphold whatever standard of living you are accustomed to." "Really?" you look up at him. "Yes. I know this isn't the traditional way to woo a woman but I feel like being taken care of garners a lot of affection, and since you're in my house I can't help but kind've treat you like my wife, hopefully…eventually we'll get to that point though." Now you're both blushing at the idea.
I will say it is rather crazy to move this fast with someone you've known for a day but in truth you both felt as if you've known each other for years, like whatever love you harbored from your former life and whatever love Mingyu had held onto in his heart until he met you were puzzle pieces that have finally found each other.
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Your thoughts of the future are cut short as you arrive at the convenience store. Perusing the aisles you gravitate towards the snacks you remember liking in life, your comfort foods. Chips, ice cream bars, cup ramen, etc. all staples in your life when you were at your worst. For a moment you feel a need to break the chain reaction of junk food and old habits but Mingyu swoops in with a basket in hand every time you even slightly reach out for an item. He doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to getting the things you like, following you around the store like you've got him on a leash, or like he's your bodyguard and your the sacred princess of Genovia.
He pays and you take notice of the stare-down he gives to the young cashier. While you were picking out your treats the young boy kept glancing at you and giving a shy smile, you hadn't noticed but Mingyu sure did! He made sure to punctuate his "Thank you" with tsks and clicks of the tongue, all while gripping your hand in his quite tightly. "Are you jealous?" "What?" you take him out of his fugue state as you exit. Holding up your hand which he still has in a vice grip you repeat, "Are you jealous? Jealous of that little boy in there." you grin as Mingyu begins to form a pout. "He was checking you out!" "Gyu~" you tease bumping into his shoulder. The sudden nickname makes his heart skip a beat, he has to swallow the lump in his throat if he wants to retort, "I'm trying to make you fall in love with me, it gets a lot harder if there's competition." "Trust me." you once again hold up your conjoined hands, "There is no competition."
The effect is immediate as a smile grows on his lips and he's suddenly dragging you towards the nearest shopping district, repeating something about getting you all the things you want and like. Luckily it doesn't take long for you to arrive on a bustling street where the crowds are endless and the lights shine so brightly that they rival the sun in your eyes. The overstimulation gets to you fast though, and you're quick to grab tightly to the back of Gyu's shirt, attempting to hide yourself from prying eyes and unwanted attention. Instinctively, Mingyu is holding you by the shoulder, keeping you as close to him as humanly possible in this space. He couldn't care less that one of the bags of snacks he's holding is beginning to tear as he roughs his way through the crowds to get you to a quieter place.
A cosmetic store, that's where he's able to stop and let you take a breather. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay, sorry it's just…a lot out there." "No, I should've asked if you felt okay to come here instead of pulling you along of my own volition." "It's fine. Just-" You look around the space, "You said I might need some makeup right? And toiletries? Looks like we ended up right where we should be for those." He acknowledges with a tilt of his head, clinging to you as you begin to walk around.
You breathe out a heavy sigh under all of the gazes following you around the store. Under normal circumstances, you would be trying your best to look as inconspicuous as possible but you know that the eyes aren't on you. Instead, everyone is practically fawning over the man next to you, a mini crowd forming just to be near him. The attention you garner isn't anything more than scoffs and menacing looks from the ladies that hang around. Mingyu doesn't even notice what's going on, typical man you think but honestly all his attention was on you. He was earnestly trying to pick out makeup and skincare that suited you and your complexion, constantly asking if you remembered what products you used in life. All of which only made the other woman gawk and you proudly sport a smile; As if you trained him to be this way but no, he was just madly in love and obsessed with you.
Your excursion ends with Mingyu having bought two large bags worth of beauty and health products, a shit-ton of new clothes for you, the snacks from before, and nearly anything you even mentioned was cute or pretty. Oh! And a new purse and backpack, the purse for you and the backpack for Mingyu, these purchases were made mainly to hold all the other things you guys bought.
Opting to call a taxi rather than lug all of these bags home you both took a catnap in the car. The entire time your pinkies were interlocked, the sight made the driver go red with the overload of sweetness.
By the time you were back, the sun was beginning to set. Mingyu insisted on bringing all the bags inside and up to your room on his own, even lightly scolding you for attempting to bring in the snack bags (the lightest of the bunch). Your stomach growled as you waited so you opened one of the smaller bags of chips, happily munching away as Mingyu transported everything. "Yah!" his yell startles you. "You're not supposed to eat snacks before dinner!" you're shocked at how serious he is about this, his tone like a worried sick mom. Snatching the bag from you he gives you an angry look before placing it, and the rest of the snacks, on a high shelf where you shouldn't be able to reach them without asking him for help. You smile at his antics turning so that you're able to watch him on the couch. Under his breath, he's fabricating an argument about why that's bad for you but he doesn't outwardly explode toward you, he just wants what's best, and even more than that he wants you to eat dinner with him if you ruin your dinner with snacks he would just be left sulky and by himself. You admire the way he holds it in, the cute little pout making you grow heart-eyes for the man.
You turn on the TV to serve as some white noise while Gyu prepares dinner. As you begin backtracking through the day, a small movie plays in your head of all the most memorable moments. You contemplate love and being in love and the ease of your relationship with Mingyu. All the affection is suddenly hitting you at once and you're at odds with yourself. On one hand, it is so incredibly strange to be as comfortable and loving towards Mingyu as you have been; On the other, it just feels so natural, to be in his presence and accept and give love to him. You start to question your own beliefs, are you able to call this love? Is this simply a crush and honeymoon phase? Love can't be grown out of something as simple as physical attraction but you're so sure that it's much more than his body that you like and you can only hope that it's the same way for him.
You're mulling is interrupted as Mingyu brings over your plates. Katsu curry and rice, the perfect warm meal during these colder days. Gyu explains that he just cooked what katsu was leftover from lunch and then made a simple curry from stuff he already had. You both dig in, watching a K-drama and pointing out all the ridiculous exaggerations and cringing at all the lovey-dovey scenes, however, both of you make it apparent that those scenes are still cute, perhaps an attempt to convince the other to recreate them someday but who's to say?
The steps of the previous day seem to turn routine. Gyu washing the dishes while you head upstairs to get ready for bed.
You finish with your nighttime routine when there's a knock at your bedroom door. Opening it you find Mingyu leaning against the doorframe, freshly showered and smiling down at you. "Mind if I come in?" "Not at all" You open the door wider, welcoming him inside. "Just wanted to see if you needed any help putting all your stuff away." he gestures to all the disorganized bags littering the floor, some of them already rifled through so you could have pajamas to wear tonight. "I will take any help you're willing to give me…" your voice trails off as you're applying moisturizer that'll hopefully add a youthful glow to you skin according to the packaging. Once finished you meet Mingyu in the middle of the room, sorting the bags into different areas of the room according to where the contents should be stored.
"Gyu?" "Yes?" "Do you think we are going too fast?" the thought just came to mind while the silence overtook the both of you as you arranged your belongings; You couldn't help but ask. "Too fast?" "Yeah, I mean with the touching and holding hands and stuff…" He turns to face you, you're putting away all the makeup and skincare from earlier, avoiding how he's studying you right now. "Are you comfortable with what we're doing now?" he rests against the dresser completely focused on your response. "It's nice. It's just- I don't know if the pace is normal, I've only known you a day."
He thinks for a moment before approaching you, placing a hand on your shoulder as he looks at you through the mirror. "If you want me to slow down, I will. I don't care about what the normal pace is. I care about what you feel, y/n. Nothing else matters to me." "I don't know. What we've been doing has been comfortable, maybe overly so. A part of me is worrying that if we treat this like we've known each other forever then we are only blinding ourselves to actually getting to know one another." he's stunned at your reasoning, he gets the gist of what you're saying but a part of his heart does break knowing that he might be setting up unintentional barriers between the two of you. "Oh. I don't- Sorry. Everything is really comfortable for me too. I've just been acting on instinct when it comes to you and I guess that's mainly been romantic in nature. But I can slow down! We can start with keeping some distance, not holding hands, getting to know one another…" It pained him to say this. After yearning for someone like you for so long and now to have you, only to say that he'll distance himself? He can feel the cracks in his heart form but if it meant that you were able to feel normal and feel good about this situation then he would do it, albeit reluctantly. Just saying the words made him miss your touch.
You nod along in agreement; A part of you wants to resist everything you're saying and doing, an almost carnal want to continue with what you have now. But an even bigger part of you is saying that this is the right choice. Pushing yourself too far and too fast can only cause trouble and with the way your mood affects your entire being, you'd hate to move forward and unintentionally create a ticking time bomb within yourself.
With Mingyu's help your able to organize all your new possessions, probably much more efficiently and tactfully than you would've been able to do on your own. You thank him and as he's leaving you hang by the door, although his room is only a few feet away you have to resist the urge to tell him to stay, to hug you goodnight, to suddenly refuse the terms you both laid out before. But instead, you close the door, moving to sit at the edge of your bed, and plop down backward with your head in your hands. God, you think you're starting to fall in love.
As he leaves Mingyu prays in his mind with all his might that you'll call him back, that you'll catch his wrist and pull him into the room once again, or that he'll have the courage to completely refute what you said before and just hold you as close as he can until you both fall asleep. But the door shuts with a click of the knob. He waits, just emptily staring at your door, what he's waiting for he doesn't exactly know but he stays there until he sees the lights in your room go out. Dragging himself to his own bed he curls under his sheets. He can't stop thinking about you.
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The next morning you wake with the sun shining, the birds chirping, and no noisy men screaming and barging into your room. In fact, the house was very quiet, eerily quiet. After washing up you decide to take a peak into Mingyu's room thinking that maybe he's slept in but surprisingly there's no sign of him anywhere. His bed is tidied, and judging from the state of his bathroom he had already been awake and had gotten ready. Curiously you wandered downstairs, taking light steps out of fear, ironic given that you were probably the scariest thing in here right now. And no signs of life, no Mingyu, no friends, the house was completely empty with the exception of you.
You're about to start full-on investigating the disappearance of a man who was previously attached to your hip when the talk from last night hits you. Was he giving you some distance? And if he was why did he feel the need to put this much distance between you two? Fortunately, your questions are all answered when you find a note on the kitchen counter.
"Forgot to let you know that I have to go back to work today. I'll be home by 5, please help yourself to anything in the house. I made you breakfast and lunch, it's in the fridge, just heat them up in the microwave. And don't eat snacks until after you have a good meal, please!! We should really get you a phone."
Sure enough, you found two bowls neatly plated and wrapped in saran wrap labeled "Breakfast" and "Lunch" in the fridge. You wonder how he found the time to cook these before work and make a mental note to thank him for it once he gets home.
The rest of your day is spent lazing around the house extremely bored without any other forms of entertainment than the TV and the few magazines/books around the house. You spend an embarrassing amount of time just looking at the clock in the living room, counting down the hours and minutes. Then around 3, an idea sparks.
Carefully you creep upstairs and towards Mingyu's room, trying your best not to make any noise even though you know that no one can catch you right now. The sudden urge to rummage through Gyu's personal effects has taken over you. It's not like you're trying to find anything incriminating but more so like you're trying to piece together his life like he's pieced together yours.
As expected his room is as flawless as the rest of the home, you'd known it was clean from your peak earlier but that thought is driven home as you open the drawers and closet. You'd almost think he's in the military with how uniform everything is.
Guilt starts to seep through the longer you're in here however and you take a step back from his closet. What am I doing? You sit at the edge of his bed looking for an answer as to why you feel the need to do this, scrutinizing yourself for going behind his back even if you don't harbor any bad intentions. You let yourself fall backward, now completely lying down. You can't help but hum as the familiar smell of Mingyu comes to you like a warm hug. Getting lost in his scent you decide to close your eyes for a while.
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"Y/n, I'm home!" Mingyu yells as he takes his shoes off at the door. Silence...The lack of response makes his eye twitch.
Unlike you, Gyu has not been bored all day, if anything he's been overly stressed. Two different clients to deal with, one service, and all that's been on his mind is you. While working he's been scolding himself for not getting you a phone yesterday to keep in contact. Over lunch, he has half the mind to drive all the way back home just to make sure you're okay but holds in the itch to do so.
"Mingyu! Mingyu hyung!" he snaps out of his daydream as Chan, the Crematorium tech, shouts at him. "Hyung, are you okay?" "Huh? What?" "You're so out of it that you've barely touched your food…" "I'm good, just thinking." "What about? The case we have today? Yeah, it really sucks having to do deep reconstruc-" "No, not that." "Ohhhh" a grin spread across Chan's face, "Is this about the you know~" he raises his eyebrows suggestively. The confusion on Mingyu's face is enough for Chan to continue, "Kwan hyung told me you had a girl over at your house." Suddenly Gyu is listening attentively at your mention. "He said what?" "Yeah, he said that him, Seokmin, and Wonwoo all went over and met your girlfriend" he teases Gyu, nudging his shoulder. "He was all weird about it though…" "What do you mean he was weird?" "I don't know, he kept going on and on about how strange she was acting. I'll be honest I started tuning him out after the first couple of sentences…Don't tell him that though! He thinks I was super into it." Chan keeps the conversation going while Mingyu pokes at his food uninterested past the subject of you.
His mind races thinking about Seungkwan and his prodding. He hadn't thought much about the interaction from yesterday but now he felt like it was something to worry about. And chances are if he's worrying about it then you're probably being tortured by the thought, his resolve breaks an hour before he's meant to leave work. Making sure everything is in order he gives quick goodbyes to everyone at the mortuary before speeding back home.
Your silence as he returns has him on edge. Gyu continues to shout your name while searching around the house. He's thinking about all the possibilities at once, could you have gone to the convenience store? Oh god, what if you went back to that busy shopping district without him? Had Seungkwan came and interrogated you, forcing you to leave? WHAT IF YOU WERE DROWNING IN THE BATHTUB????
Hurriedly he's opening doors like a madman, his anxiety only increasing as he enters your room and you aren't there. The last place he thinks you could be is in his room, he didn't think you'd have any reason to be there. So as he opens the door, phone in hand to call Kwan in case he had come by to see you, the biggest sigh of relief is let out as he sees your sleeping figure sprawled across his bed.
Without a second thought, he's kneeling at the side of the bed that you're facing. Gently he brushes the hair from your face so that it doesn't disturb his view of you. A slight chuckle comes from him seeing your face squished up against his sheets. Disregarding what you had talked about last night he climbs on the bed, slowly bringing your back towards his chest to spoon you, careful not to rouse you from your nap. For a moment he thinks about how he should change out of his day clothes but it's a secondary thought that flits away the moment he feels you turn towards him.
Even in your sleep, you covet the warmth that Mingyu brings you, unconsciously tugging at his shirt to bring him even closer.
Now entangled in your embrace Gyu can't resist the invitation to doze off. He rests his head on yours, a smile creeping onto his face as he drifts off, the only dreams he wants are ones that have you in them and he's happy to have no dreams at all as long as he has you with him in the waking world.
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A/N: Sorry for the late post, I actually went crazy writing this. Can you believe I pulled off 6k in 2 days? The most insane thing is that I didn't even end up getting to the point in the story that I was meant to with the chapter... ;-; Also, the Texan urge to type "y'all" in every paragraph had me in a choke-hold. Have a nice weekend lovelies! Tell me what you thought of the chapter by commenting, reblogging, liking, or shooting me an ask! The taglist for this series is open and my requests are open as well!!
TAGLIST (open):@jjin-kun @mydolle-dd
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