#so wonderful to write
shichidikai · 6 months
had a dream where i logged in to ao3 and saw this
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so i'm manifesting it for every author who sees this
likes charge reblogs cast, rb to wish kudos and comments upon your favorite fics
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
He'd been flying above Metropolis.
Like a good ghost! Doing nothing but relax! Enjoying the weather, really.
It was so cool, Superman came up to him, they talked even! Superman was very, very, uncomfortable when Danny mentioned he was kinda dead.
It was really awesome.
Yeah, the keypoint being was.
Now? Now he is in Superman's arms, very much alive after being hit by a stray beam from Lex Luthors newest invention, quite literally hit from the sky when he didn't expect it and out of f reflex turned back human.
"I'm... alive?" He jokes weakly, smiling awkwardly at Superman's stare.
Danny considered this awkward.
Clark was processing the fact Lex Luthor somehow managed to bring back someone from death, his hands now full of said miracle and—
Shit, does the kid even have family left? What's he going to tell Lois!?
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mischievous-thunder · 15 days
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Oh, Angel Baby, you're distracting your poor lover with your fiesty little meow meow energy!
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Guys it's just merch
Danny watched with a smile hidden behind his mug of hot cocoa his new family. Originally he was only going to mess with them a little, since he wanted to keep his civilian live he gained with them but at the same time wanted to kind of provoke them to tell him about their night time jobs on their own.
Not like he could just flat out tell them he knew about their vigilantes lifes and that would be embarrassing to explain.
It's not every day that Danny's powers fluked on him, but with the stress of the past months, it happened. Right at a moment, he had to be clumsy and trip over his own feet and accidentally phased through a grandfather's clock, finding a hidden passage. Well at least he learned that way that Batman hadn't placed him with some other rich fruitloop that wasn't his godfather but well... with Batman himself and his family out of mask.
Yeah no, he did not want to explain that and hoped they would do that themselves. But apparently, they took Danny's statement of wanting a normal life a bit too serious.
Which brought him back to his current entertainment in the form of messing with his siblings.
"I don't get what the problem is guys. It's just merch." He chuckled slightly at the face Damian was making. While Jason chose to kick Tim under the table.
"Soooo how much merch on Red Robin do you have with this shirt now?" Dick asked instead with a bright smile, Danny still hadn't figured out how to tell what emotion he hid behind them sometimes.
"I think this is my third shirt of him." Danny mused, placing his cup back on the table and tapping his lip in a thinking motion. "Though I was going to pick up a couple of custom-made jackets of Red Hood and a Nightwing plush later today."
He acted like he did not hear the triumph like hiss of 'yes' from Jason as well as the very upset huff of Damian.
He just grinned at the amusement about how they apparently were competing over how much merch he owned of each of them.
When he found a Robin figure and several Robin pins mysteriously placed on his desk the next morning, he broke out laughing. Yet still just to mess with them gushed about his newly gotten merch to his family while sharing a knowing look with Alfred who knew he was just messing with them.
If there was a surprising amount of Batman merch, suddenly mixed into what he already owned the following week without his knowledge. Well, he wasn't going to complain about free stuff.
But he still would get a good laugh out of their reactions on the day he decided to full on dawn every piece of Batman merge instead of theirs.
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captainswan618 · 4 months
there is a person standing 73 yards some distance away, watching you. they look like they’re trying to tell you something. you can’t get away from them, nor can you get close to them. they’re just...standing there.
so your friends and loved ones try to help you by talking to them, and the person must be saying something to them, because they look at you differently now. but you have no idea what it was, all you hear is static.
you try to tell them not to listen to the person, but no matter what you do, no matter how much you plead with them, they look up at you with suspicion-hatred-fear and just run. they don’t care where they’re going, just that you’re not there. and you can’t do anything to stop it.
the more that the people in your life care about you, the worse it is, because anyone who tries to help is turned against you. so you are just gradually shut out of your own life by the people you love the most, until eventually you no longer recognize your surroundings.
there is a person standing 73 yards some distance away, watching you.
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unicornpopcorn14 · 1 month
Chuuya's reaction to Dazai getting hurt during the Lovecraft fight has always been so interesting to me...
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Because it's the kind of worry you'd never expect from a character as gruff as Chuuya, who had displayed nothing but hostility towards Dazai so far. Usually, characters that are labelled as "angry" or "anger issues" (which Chuuya is much more complex than that but you get my point) act more as a tsundere type of way when the one they "don't care about" gets hurt. And show their care in very, very subtle ways (ex. their eyes widen, their mouth parts and closes again, etc) before putting up their front once more.
Chuuya, however, is open, and vocal about it. His worry is clear not only to us, but to Dazai himself, the one he shouldn't be displaying the concern to (as per the cliche). Shouldn't it be some sort of secret that Chuuya does care? Isn't that what skk's dynamic has been shaping up to be until now?
I'm telling you- the way my mind blanked when Chuuya just casually.... showed concern not once, but twice, was a sight to see.
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Besides, the context makes it much more confusing, because Dazai isn't some rookie, and Chuuya knows that more than anybody. He was the youngest executive in Port Mafia's history, of course he can handle a hit or two. Of course he'd seen him handle a hit or two, sometimes without batting an eye.
Heck, Chuuya himself was hurling Dazai like a ragdoll in their reunion, which was their last meeting. And you could argue that he was going easy on him, but Dazai has mostly withstood the same damage (as far as I could see), and Chuuya was as bitter as ever.
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So that kind of contradicts both what we knew of Chuuya so far, and how their dynamic was shaped to be. I mean, that just makes Chuuya a hypocrite, yeah? What makes him care now, all of a sudden? What makes him care at all?
Well, to me, this backasswards reaction implies one (or more) of the following:
- Dazai rarely got physically hurt during their partnership and thus this is an unexpected thing for him to see (during a mission).
- The four years of separation made Chuuya unsure of how much Dazai can withstand physically now. Also the fact that he isn't in the mafia anymore, aka fighting enemy organizations on the weekly, would naturally make Dazai lose his touch in a way, what prompts Chuuya's reaction.
- Dazai getting taken off guard took him off guard which led to panic. Especially since the situation was (momentarily) out of their depth. Seriously wtf even was Lovecraft?
- During the dungeon scene Dazai was an enemy, while in the Lovecraft fight he was as an ally. The difference might be significant to Chuuya.
- This has always been Chuuya's reaction to Dazai getting hurt regardless of the situation.
- "Only I can hurt him like that" ahh logic
- Asagiri was still experimenting with their dynamic and thus there are some inconsistencies.
This scenario didn't play out again (after their reunion) for me to exactly determine which one is more plausible, but it is 100% canon for Chuuya to shamelessly show his concern and run to Dazai to check on him before properly dealing with their opponent, which I find to be such an appealing layer to their dynamic, and a good spin on the type of character he gets stereotyped as.
Bonus: Dazai also becomes a softy when Chuuya's hurt, especially post corruption. Dead Apple alone displays that multiple times.
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All in all, Skk are doing a terrible job at maintaining their 'hostile' and 'antagonistic' relationship post their reunion. Freaks.
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a-mint-bear · 5 months
Make Me Yours
Male Yandere x Reader
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"I just... really wanna put a collar on a cute guy."
Part 2: "Your One and Only"
You didn't even mean to say it out loud, but your best friend since middle school had always been super open with this sort of stuff. You've always been the first one she texts when a date goes really well, or really terribly. And a lot of your coffee meetups, like this one, devolve into her oversharing all the juicy details of her relationships.
"Oh wow." She nudged you with a grin. "Didn't know you had it in you!"
Unable to meet her eyes, you try to defend your stray thought. You remind her of some of the jerks you've dated, how their assertive and self-assured personalities had all quickly turned into a bit too aggressive and controlling. In certain situations, in controlled doses... that could lead to a nice time. But it's all fun and games until you try to explain away some of their worse moments to your coworkers and swiftly realize you're in "that kind" of relationship. You wonder if you give off some kind of energy that attracts creeps...
The thought of finding a guy who would not only let you take the reins but maybe even prefer you taking charge? It gave you a little thrill you're almost embarrassed to admit.
"Well, it's nothing to get all twisted up over." she shrugs, taking a sip of her iced latte. "You'll find the right guy that's into that kind of thing."
You smiled, she really was trying to encourage you with this, and it was oddly sweet of her.
"Oh, look!" she scooted closer to you, showing you her phone screen. "There's tons of collars you can get. You thinkin' like leather, classic S&M style? Or somethin' more cutesy?"
Maybe a little too encouraging, sometimes.
~ Somewhere very close by...~
His hands were shaking. Your words were playing on repeat in his head, drowning everything else out.
As if you weren't already perfect. He'd been so jealous of you meeting up with your friend, but if it made this conversation happen so he couldn't be too upset about it. He'd been trying to think of some way to make you his for so long... But being yours? Wearing something like that? Something that said he belonged only to you?
He was already yours. But a little proof never hurt.
. . .
It was late, and you decided to cut through the park to get home quicker. It was a pretty safe area, but you didn't want to be here any longer than you had to be. A few lights lit up the main path and you didn't see anyone else around.
But that didn't mean you were alone.
You spin around to see... some guy. You'd never met him before, but he was... making A LOT of eye contact.
He was cute though. Soft, fluffy hair and piercings in his ears, his bright eyes poking out from beneath his bangs. And he had at least six inches on you, but not really an intimidating frame, a bit skinny too. The way he was looking at you was making you nervous, but you weren't sure if it was a "Oh, this is unexpected." kind of nervous or a "You're gonna end up in his basement." kind of nervous.
"You probably don't remember me but, uh...we had a few classes together last year and…"
He seemed really nervous himself, trailing off with some color in his cheeks. You tell him politely that you were sorry, but you didn't remember him.
"That's okay, uh..."
He was breathing kind of funny, his eyes still staring into yours. You asked him what he needed, hoping it would speed this along and you could leave.
He took a breath, and all you could do was stare, wondering if you should distract him and make a break for it.
"I... I've liked you. For a long time. It's like... like everything about you is just so... wonderful! Seeing you every day keeps me going! I was okay just watching but then... Sorry, sorry. I'm c-coming on too strong, I..."
He took a step towards you, moving like he was going to touch you, but you instinctively took a step back. He looked a little hurt.
"No, no please, don't be scared! I just... I thought it was the right time... I've been thinking about this for so long! I just wanted to..."
He dropped to his knees and the look in his eyes was almost...like he worshipped you. Like you were everything to him and nothing else mattered. It was a bit overwhelming...
"I heard you talking to your friend the other day. Not, uh, not in a weird way, I swear! I-it's just... It's all I can think about..."
He stared at you, a glimmer of something in his eyes. You could see a tremble in his hands, like he was debating reaching out for you again. But he was holding himself back.
Seeing him kneeling, looking up at you with a want that burned into you... It was doing something to you.
This was a weird, kinda scary, unbelievable situation. But it felt so...
You felt bold. Deciding to go for broke, you finally spoke again.
You asked him to tell you what he wanted.
You could see the tremble shoot through his frame, the smallest, quietest gasp when the your words finally registered.
"I want... I want you to look down at me, just like this! I want you to run your fingers through my hair and tell me I'm a good boy. Your good boy! I want to cuddle up to you and hear your heartbeat while you hold me, I... I want you to use me... I want you to yank my collar if I get too excited and tell me to behave."
He laughed softly at the thought, this guy was completely smitten.
"I want to be yours, if that'll make you happy..."
He reached into his back pocket, you heard the gentle clink of the collar before you saw it. It was like some kind of odd proposal, except he was down on both knees.
He held it up to you, his eyes clouded with a want that made your face feel hot.
So painfully slowly, you reached out for him, your fingers flinching back for a split second, rational thought desperately trying to break through. But despite all the reasons you could think this was completely crazy, you still wanted this.
You touched his cheek, and he didn't hesitate to lean into your hand with a contented, dreamy sigh.
The power he was giving you was... new, exciting, maybe a bit intoxicating. And he was offering it all so willingly, you wondered if this was all a dream.
"I wanna be your good boy..." His voice was soft but pleading, almost desperate. "Please..."
His smile was making your brain feel fuzzy, seeing him looking up at you like you were his whole world.
"Make me yours."
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
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A scene from this fic by @katherynefromphilly !!
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becauseplot · 1 year
qPhilza perching on people because bird
qFit: Mans is built like a brick shithouse—he can totally balance Phil’s additional weight. The first attempt is a bit shaky, sure, but nowadays Phil swoops down or hops up onto Fit’s shoulder and all Fit really has to do is jut out his elbow to give his friend a little more space for his talons to work with. Bam, he’s perched. Works out about 9.9 times out of 10, though Phil delights in trying to catch him off guard.
qEtoiles: He doesn’t have Fit’s bulk on his side, so he’s not as sturdy, but he is strong. The landing is usually a little rough since Etoiles has to work a bit harder to counterbalance the additional weight, but he always finds that center of gravity in no time flat. Phil usually perches with one talon on each of Etoiles’ shoulders since he’s not as w i d e, just so Phil can have a little extra grip. At some point, Etoiles tries fighting a mob while Phil is perched on him, and that goes exactly as well as you would expect.
qForever: Honestly, with all of the hard labor Forever does for his big builds, Phil was expecting him to do better, but the first (several) attempts end up with Forever stumbling over and knocking Phil off of him from his wild arm-pinwheeling. They eventually figure out it’s more doable if Forever himself has something to lean on (a wall, a chair, the butt of his pickaxe) and Phil puts one talon evenly spaced on each shoulder. Phil learns some new swears in Portuguese in the process.
qMissa: Flattened. Full-on face in the floor, mouth full of grass, wind knocked out of his lungs at Mach 5 the first time Phil tries. Phil apologizes profusely, but Missa—once he can breathe again—just rolls over onto his back and asks Phil if they can give it another try. It takes a long, LONG time, but they figure out that if Phil plants his talons on Missa’s shoulder pads and leans forward while Missa leans back, they have a small little window of time where they achieve balance. The best part? Phil gets a perfect view of Missa’s goofy little grin every single time.
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karalovesallthegirls · 2 months
Also have another “first words spoken to you are on your skin” soulmate AU idea where Kara is a journalist assigned to shadow the controversial CEO of L-Corp for the day. It’s a big deal for her to get this assignment, so of course she trips the second she’s near the other woman and tries awkwardly to redeem herself.
The CEO stares at her almost in shock, and then says nothing. At all. Ever, for the entire day.
Kara spends hours following Lena Luthor around trying to fill the silence, but no amount of questions get her to talk. Lena almost seems to be running away at some points - like she’s trying to lose her? - and the few times she’s managed to catch her actually talking to someone she goes silent the second she sees Kara.
She asks around if Miss Luthor is usually like this and everyone looks at her like she’s crazy. Apparently she’s the only one who gets the silent treatment. By the end of her first day shadowing she’s walking away with half a page of observations and not a single quote. Miss Grant is going to kill her.
But that’s okay. It’s fine, this isn’t over. She has four days of shadowing ahead of her and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t finish this with a quote from the woman herself. It’s only a matter of time.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Look, I know I promised a continuation of "Get in the Water," but I had this idea and just had to write it, okay? So this is the non-canon sequel, the canon one is still in progress.
They escaped. Batman dragged Damian's frozen body away from the Lazarus Pit and through the tunnels as Danyal's screams-sobs-wails echoed behind them. Eventually the sound ebbed away and they emerged to the surface.
A debrief was demanded from everyone; even Todd was in the Cave. Damian trembled, his only sign of distress, his mind stuck on Danyal's face, his brother's voice rebounding around his head.
Father's debrief had been rough. Damian could barely explain what happened, why he was drawn to the waters, why Danyal wanted to drown him. He'd only explained the Danyal was someone he'd killed while with the League, and Father was the only one to doubt his explanation.
Damian took the first opportunity to escape to the showers. Stripping down, Damian turned the faucet and the bathroom lit up bright green.
He flinched away, and when he opened his eyes, the water was just water. A stone sunk into his stomach.
The next day, while Father was consulting with Justice League Dark, Grayson and Drake returned to the caves for their own investigation of the Pits. And while they found the cavern--found by tracking the batarang Father threw--it was desert dry. There was no sign of Lazarus Water, nor did it look like it had ever been there.
That night, as Damian was washing his face before bed, he filled the sink basin with water. He turned away for one second, but when he looked back, he almost dipped his face under the green slime oozing out the spout. He bolted, and when he returned with a startled Father, the water had returned to normal.
Grayson insisted on taking him out for lunch the following day, citing that Damian needed a "break." Damian was furious, but allowed it; Justice League Dark was visiting the cave to discuss the... incident, and Damian wanted to interrogate them. He... he needed to know if that was really Danyal or not. If his sweet brother could have been twisted after his murder into that monster, that Siren crooning at him to choose to die.
He'd never contemplated the fate of his brother's immortal soul before. Had he done this to him? Could Damian had avoided this by killing him honorably, instead of cowardly poisoning Danyal so he'd pass away in his sleep?
Damian allowed Grayson order for him. He wasn't hungry. The clouds above swirled ominously as he followed Grayson to a nearby awning with a picnic bench underneath.
Grayson took a bite of his gyro. "So? How have you been coping these past few days?"
"I'm not an invalid, Grayson," Damian hissed, glaring. "I'm fine."
A frozen breath brushed across his ear. "Ĺ̶̥̲̪̀̐ỉ̷̢̜̚a̴̧͖͛r̶̺̫̾͗̃͜,̶͕̐" Danyal whispered in his ear.
Grayson didn't notice or hear Danyal's voice. "You see, I don't believe you. One of your dead League friends is supernaturally gunning for you, Dami; it's normal to feel out of sorts."
Damian scoffed. "Nothing about this situation is normal."
He looked down at his food and sighed. "Yeah, that's for sure. I'm sorry, Damian. I wish this wasn't happening to you."
"And I wish the creature would just attack already," Damian griped. "It's the waiting that will kill me, not that fake."
Like someone had been listening, the sky opened up and it rained green throughout Gotham.
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lavenderovercast · 2 months
if u write keigo x reader feather teasing i’ll love u forever (yes im being horny on main)
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here you go, you filthy freak (and for the rest of you simps, too <33) summary: on an idyllic morning with keigo, you discover just how sensitive his wings are to touch. pairing: keigo takami x gender neutral!reader warnings: 18+ content, !! MINORS DNI !! tags: wing kink, (light) praise kink, sub!keigo, teasing, clothed dry-humping, light begging, fluff, gender neutral!reader, pre-established relationship, keigo being desperate. like rly desperate, damn near disgustingly desperate
It’s an accident the first time that you do it. 
You and Keigo had been seeing each other for a few months now. That meant it was only natural to get more handsy with each other as your relationship progressed, just like it was natural for you to spend nights over in his apartment when the stars would align your schedules. Keigo had always been particular and protective when it came to his feathers and wings, but he made it clear enough to you that he didn’t mind your touch. At least, when you touched the largest of the feathers at the edges of his wings, never confident enough to move your hands any further. 
On one of the lazy mornings that you were rarely allowed to indulge in, did your hands finally roam across his wings. Beside you, Keigo had an arm curled over your torso, his face buried in his pillow. From the slow rise and fall of his body, you had the feeling that he was at least half-awake, likely scrolling through his phone mindlessly with his free hand. Half awake yourself and wanting to wish your partner a good morning, your fingers roamed across his back. 
It was a good morning, one where the pair of you could soak in each other’s company and the sunlight shining through the half-open curtains of Keigo’s balcony door. You were quiet as you ran your hands across the smooth expanse of Keigo’s lower back, slowly lifting upward. Your fingers trace the outline of his spine, grazing against old scars and firm muscles that flex as Keigo carefully adjusts his grasp on you before tilting his head to nuzzle his face into the top of your head. 
His lips press against your temple, and you’re almost certain that such a loving gesture will be followed by the sweetest of good mornings. The type of greeting that comes off of his tongue in a soft rasp full of sleep that drives you insane. Maybe you’ll get lucky, and Keigo’s awake enough to add a flirty comment to the end of his sweet greeting. Instead, Keigo gives the tiniest of gasps, so tiny that you don’t catch the sound, when your fingers reach the feathers at the base of his wings. 
The feathers at the base feel small and soft, especially in comparison to the feathers of his that you have touched. Considering how they feel against your fingertips, you figure that these are his downy feathers. They’re pleasant to the touch, and encourage you to let your hands roam up his wings. You can feel the featherlight bones that connect his wings to his spine, the feathers feeling almost thin and weak before going stronger as your hands move further up his wings. 
Almost as though you were tickling him, the plumes flutter and shift underneath your touch. It makes your lips quirk up into the tiniest of smiles. You notice that the feathers grow in both size and sturdiness the further up his wings that you go, and you find yourself letting your hands roam back down to the base. Keigo melted into your touch, his body nearly slack as you stroked your fingers through his feathers like it was no big deal. 
To him, it is very much a big deal. But he doesn’t want you to stop, because he’s never felt this close to heaven before. The sensation is beyond pleasant, running little shivers and tingles across his spine and skin. His cock is beginning to throb to life, and you haven’t even touched it. The blonde’s face grows warm with a blush as he presses his face into your hair, a low, pleased groan rumbling in his chest. The sound is unexpected and sudden to you, causing you to come back to reality. 
Your hands stop immediately as you snap away from your former observations and admiration of the man. Worry gnaws its way into your gut as you tilt your head up to look at Keigo. You can feel his fingers digging into your oversized shirt, barely grazing against the sensitive flesh of your back. From this angle, Keigo almost looks frustrated, his eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. 
“Kei?” You question, your voice filled with worry as you pull your hands away from the blonde. “Are you okay? I didn’t upset you, did I?” One hand slips up to cup his face and make the blonde look down at you, but his fingers slip around your wrist and hold onto you gently before you can. The action makes your breath catch in your throat, your pulse beginning to quicken. You don’t know what’s going on through his head right now. 
You hear Keigo draw in a shaky breath, and then swallow. And that’s when you realize that his breathing has grown ragged in the minute or so that passed since you began. Keigo even feels warmer, like a heater pressed against your body as his gaze flicks down to yours. His pupils are dilated, leaving a thin ring of gold encasing their edges. 
“Please don’t stop,” Keigo breathes out shakily, his voice muffled by your hair, that he still has his face pressed against. He almost seems to be breathing you in. “That… That felt good. Really good.” He continues, the confession taking you by surprise. You furrow your eyebrows together as you slowly piece together why Keigo had been so selective with who could touch his wings. Considering his reaction…
… oh. 
  … OH. 
If the groan that he had let out just moments ago hadn’t given you enough clues as to why he wanted this so badly, then the roll of his hips against your own sure did. You could feel his erection press against your thighs, your legs loosely entangled with his own. The gesture alone is enough to make your stomach do a flip, heat quickly taking the place of your previous anxiety. Swallowing thickly, you carefully slip your hand away from his grasp with a soft nod. 
“Okay, baby,” You coo affectionately. “I’ll give you what you want.” It’s only when both of your arms snake around the man again that he seems content, a breathy sigh that sounds closer to a groan leaving his mouth. Your hands take their original place against his wings, brushing against those divinely soft feathers of his at  the base of his wings. 
Cautiously, perhaps even experimentally, you navigate your hands across those feathers, watching and listening  for Keigo’s reaction. His hips jerk against yours again, a soft motion that makes you dig your teeth into your lip. His feathers flutter under your touch as your hands roam away from the base, and to the underside of his wings. 
The second that your fingers graze against the underside, Keigo knows he’s a goner. He whines and bucks his hips again, tightening his grasp on your shirt. That fire in your belly grows stronger with the action alone, so you shift your weight so you can throw a leg over his hip; semi-straddling the man. Although the pair of you were on your sides, Keigo had no complaints about the awkward positioning. 
“Ohhh…” He gasps in a way that you’ve never heard from him before. His voice has raised in pitch, sharp and whiney as his hips begin to grind against you properly. You feel his head pull away from yours so he can press his face against the pillows, if only a little, as he digs his teeth into his lip. “F—fuck, that feels so good,” 
“Does it?” You question with a playful little smile tugging your lips up. Your question is birthed from genuine curiosity, and the desperate need to satiate your lust and his. You don’t fully understand why his wings would cause this kind of reaction from him, but you do know that you love the outcome so far. “I’ve never seen you so needy before, Kei.” 
“S—Sensitive feathers,” His voice strains into a near squeak as your fingers rub against a particular spot on the underside of his wings that has his eyes rolling back. The roll of his hips against you only grows faster, more desperate. You fucking love it. “Feels like you’re… You’re touching my…” His sentence is cut off by the way he suddenly tilts his head up and groans, the sound deep in his throat. 
But you don’t mind, because you fucking love that you can work this reaction out of the number two hero, out of your partner, out of your lover. Keigo’s head dips back down, allowing you to see the way that his golden eyes are nearly swallowed whole by his pupils. Sweat adorns his brow now, his expression one of frustration, desperation, love and lust as he gazes down at you. You want to give him everything, and yet nothing at all so you can continue to draw out this perfection rolling off of him. 
Your fingers continue to brush against his feathers, idly and gentle. Even though you can see his reaction now, you can hear and feel how good you’re making him feel, you don’t know just how crazy you’re driving him. Keigo’s mind is all but blank, his face flush with both embarrassment and want. It’s scary to be vulnerable like this, and yet he trusts you. He trusts you and he loves you, and fuck, does he just want to slam you into this goddamn bed underneath him before his dick explodes in his boxers. 
And then your fingers stop, and his breath catches with a harsh whine. “Baby?” He questions, confused. “Why… Why’d ya stop?” His hips don’t stop moving against you, though. They might slow, but he can’t give up the friction that would keep him from going fucking crazy. The way that you’re smiling up at him both confuses and excites him in a way that makes his pulse rise. 
“I wanna hear you tell me…” You breathe out, tilting your head up to leave featherlight kisses across his neck and collarbone. Keigo shudders and whines at the contact. He doesn’t think that he can last much longer, not with the expression on your face, or your body against his, or how fucking fantastic he feels now. How badly he wants your fingers on his wings again. “How much you like it, baby. And I wanna hear you beg for me to keep going, if you enjoy it this much.” 
The words roll off his tongue without hesitation. He whines and presses his face back into your hair as though it’s the last time he’s ever going to see you again. “Fuck… Fuck, please, please keep touching my wings,” He gasps, his voice coming out whiney with desperation. “No one’s ever… Touched there, and it… It feels like heaven, Baby. Your fingers are… Fucking divine.” And, if you really wanted him to, he would babble about how wonderful of a Deity you would make, because your touch truly is divine. 
In his eyes, you are fucking perfection. A perfect, merciful deity that presses their fingers back into his wings again, your touch feeling calculated as your fingers massaged through the feathers with ease. Sparks ran up his spine and across his sensitive flesh, making him groan as he continued to buck his hips against you. He knows he’s close, and if he wasn’t so desperately horny right now, he would be embarrassed. But he can barely think, barely breathe right now. 
“That’s my good boy.” You praise, and that’s what tips him over the edge. Keigo gasps as his hips stutter and jerk against you, his cock twitching as he finally reaches his much needed release. He groans your name as his head tilts back again, eyes shutting tightly as thick ropes of cum coat the inside of his boxers. 
When you look up at Keigo, his face is one of sheer ecstasy. It’s an expression that you’ve never truly seen on his face before. His feathers ruffle and shudder underneath your touch as you watch the man, happy to let him buck his hips into you at a near brutal pace before they come to a stutter, and then a stop. There’s a moment of quiet between the pair of you, the room filled with the sound of Keigo panting as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Kei…? Did you just cum?” You question, nearly cringing at how suddenly and boldly the words leave you. Keigo looks embarrassed, his face now a furious shade of red that spreads to his ears as he glances away. And then he furrows his scruffy eyebrows, a shy smile tugging his lips upward. He’s trying to save face for the fact that you just made him cum without even touching his damn dick. Nevermind the mindless humping that he just did against your thighs. 
“Not my fault I’ve got the best partner in the world,” He mumbles affectionately. “Who should probably look into becoming a massage therapist, while they’re at it. Your touch is lovely.” 
You huff and shake your head at his shenanigans, a grin on your lips. “I think I’d prefer to be your massage therapist.” You tease before moving your hands to playfully push at his chest. “Go get cleaned up, Bird Boy. I’ll be here.” 
“I’m getting back at you for this.” Keigo grumbles in response, his tone playful as he nuzzles his head against your head one more time before unwinding himself from your arms. As he slinks off the bed, you watch the avian man head toward his bathroom with a shit-eating grin on your face. 
“Sure. After you clean up.” You re-emphasize, giggling when Keigo turns his head back to you to pout at you from over his shoulder. And then he’s turning on his heel, headed back for his original destination. Although this was your first encounter with the man’s wings like this, you feel very certain that it won’t be the last.
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mischievous-thunder · 1 month
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Be careful, Logan. Your freaky kidnapper's falling in love with you.
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laurrelise · 1 month
okay all i want right now is an umbrella academy spinoff of just the deli fives working in the kitchen like in the bear
ok ok picture this:
deli owner five: i swear to fucking god five, if five has to wait any longer for the brisket, you’re fired.
brisket five: it’s not my fault! five still hasn’t finished the goddamn fries! (clearly at his breaking point)
fryer five: that’s because someone left his station dirty when he left after his morning shift. (also at his breaking point)
clocked-out fryer five: (sprinting out the back door) alright see you assholes tomorrow
server five: alright, i try not to get on you guys about ticket times… but five looks like he’s about ready to walk out.
deli owner five: fuck, give him a free dessert.
server five: okay, but can we hurry this shit up? i’d like a tip if that’s alright with you dickheads.
brisket five: get the hell out of my kitchen.
busser five: (bursting in with a full bin of dirty dishes) drunk five is demanding a fluffernutter and making a scene again.
deli owner five: (shuffling through countless tickets and slamming his fist on the counter) i have zero goddamn time for this five, we’re slammed with this lunch rush and im down two cooks today. help a guy out and get him to leave.
busser five: you pay me minimum wage and i could not give less of a shit. i’m not dealing with him again.
drunk five, bursting into the kitchen: i knew i smelled peanut butter in here (pointing at brisket five who’s currently on grill preparing a burger)
brisket five: this is literally a beef patty
deli owner five: alright man, we’ve tried to play nice, but you’re out of here. let’s go, don’t make a scene. (pulling drunk five out by his collar and dusting off his hands) fuckin’ hell, none of you make it easy, do you?
brisket five:
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booth five watching from the dining room: jesus christ
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nukacourier · 1 month
ulysses would honestly be the perfect candidate for anything enemies to lovers regarding the Courier if people weren't so focused on pretending the random one off Legion members are better written than they actually are
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