#steven blake
taswritesstuff · 22 days
hey chat i wrote a super short story :)
trigger/content warnings: hints at suicidal thoughts, hints at suicide attempts, mentions of self harm
Annabelle Epling is fourteen when she meets a boy with blonde hair and scar-covered arms, and she doesn’t have to ask to put a name to the face. Steven Blake is different than she expects. He’s smiling.
The first time they interact one-on-one, Annabelle is heading up to the main office to pick up new whiteboard markers when she spots Steven sitting outside the counselors’ office. She stops. She sits down. There’s a bandage wrapped around his wrist.
“I was doing so well,” he says numbly. Later that day, Annabelle’s dad is too busy working to punish her for skipping class. It’s the first time she’s done it. She made the right choice — that’s what she plans to say, but he never asks.
When Tony calls in tears and says that Justin’s in the hospital, Steven grabs Annabelle’s hand. “He’ll be okay,” he says. “I was.”
Were you? Annabelle wonders when she gets the call about him a year later.
Annabelle Epling is seventeen and sitting in her best friend’s bedroom, entirely unsure how to be of help. It’s sort of like when her mom left, she thinks, only she’s never gotten sad about that. Not really.
Steven and Kaz swoop in to save the day. While Kaz makes Kia boxed mac and cheese, Steven finds Annabelle sitting on the floor of Kia’s bedroom and says, “She loves you, you know.”
Two years later, those words make her cry for an entirely different reason, but that’s a story for another time.
Annabelle is eighteen and thinking about how her whole life is ahead of her. She’s sitting on a couch between Zhan Chen and Peter Skowalski. She’s watching Steven, asleep on Kaz’s shoulder in the middle of a party, and she’s wondering if he’s going to die before his twenty-fifth birthday like her brother almost did. 
He opens his eyes and smiles at her. Zhan and Peter take her outside.
“Your parents are going to kill you,” Annabelle says, staring at the tattoo on Steven’s neck. He shrugs, turning away from the mirror to face her. He reaches out his arm, and she loops hers through it.
“They’ll get over it,” he says, grinning. “You did,” he says, and she knows what he means.
I got over her, she thinks. She is twenty-seven, and she is proud of herself. 
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t1oui · 8 months
so i randomly decided to post oc stuff. this might be the only time i do this, depending how well it goes. idk. it's nearly 1 am. have a thing. it got sad, but not really, because they have each other, or something like that.
She doesn’t know what to say about it. “You’re appalling,” maybe, or “You’re the best,” or, “I hate you so much I could spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Message received,” Steven says, dumping the bags onto the ottoman before slumping down on the floor. He summons a fry seemingly out of nowhere and shoves it in his mouth. “Are you seriously studying right now?”
Kia glances up momentarily before flashing him her flashcards. He rolls his eyes and gestures towards the window, which she is very pointedly facing away from.
“It’s not pissing rain outside for the first time in a millennia,” he says. “And you’re studying Physics?”
Kia flips him off, setting down her pencil to reach for a french fry. “Go suck a dick.” Steven just smirks at her, leaning back against a chair but remaining seated on an old (too old) shag rug. 
“Gladly,” he replies mildly. He glares at her homework again.
“You’re a nerd,” she informs him bluntly. “Shouldn’t you be cheering for me right now?”
Steven seems to give this a moment of serious thought before shrugging and shaking his head. “Nah. I’m a lit guy. Physics can kiss my ass.”
Kia tries to hide her smile. “Blake, you have problems.”
He shrugs noncommittally in response and continues looking out the window. He never seems to look directly at her, except for when she spots him in her peripheral vision, silently pleading to go outdoors. She finally has enough and slams her pencil down with a dull thud. Steven doesn’t even flinch, though he does smile a bit.
“You’re like a dog,” she says. She means it in a bad way, but Steven just grins. Then he stands up, dusting his hands off on his jeans, which are such a rich blue that they wash out his eyes instead of making them pop. He looks handsome anyway.
“Outside,” he says, more of a command and a question, and Kia rolls her eyes as she takes his outstretched hand. 
“Your fault,” he says brightly, tugging her to get their shoes on. He pulls his on impossibly fast — on closer inspection, they’re docs, and therefore not even his — and then stands over her ominously, watching. She holds off on asking him to step back right up until she can feel his breathing on her scalp. She loves him, but that’s too weird, and she knows that’s why he’s doing it. 
“Only you would show up on the one day I’m actually being productive and pull me out of it,” she accuses, though her words don’t carry much weight. Especially not with Steven’s arm looped through hers.
“I’m pretty special,” he agrees. “Even if you don’t see it.”
Kia doesn’t reply to that. She doesn’t want to get soppy, not right now, not when their banter has been perfectly normal today. She doesn’t want to tell him how special he is, how special he’s always been and always will be. He’s a fucking mess, but he’s her mess sometimes, and she loves that. She clears her throat, almost swallowing a bug in the process. 
“So, what’re you doing hanging around my house on a Saturday?” she asks finally, vowing to ignore any sappy comments from him. 
“We’ve got a two week bye,” Steven says, only sort of answering the question. “Between winter and spring. Nothing else going on. You’re the only one around, and anyway, who else am I going to attack with promises of junk food and Vitamin D?”
Kia glances over at him, and he gives her a wry smile. You’re the only one around, he says, but she knows he’s also saying that the matter of who’s around doesn’t really… well, matter. Steven shows up when he wants to show up, never thinking about who’s around and who’s not around and who’s never around. He’s always around, and even if he calls himself a recluse, he’s always in need of attention. 
“What are our boys up to today, then?” Kia asks. She and Steven live close, stuck in the same few-block radius along with Kaz and Jake, two other members of their group. In hindsight, both of them are more connected to Steven than they ever will be to Kia, but she gets along with them wonderfully. She probably would’ve died if she didn’t. 
“Kaz is shopping with his mom,” Steven says. “Jake’s going to a show with his parents.”
She senses the hint of sadness in his voice, as if he feels left out. She knows that the Mabees would have invited him to go along with them, which means he turned down the offer and got sad about it anyway, and that makes Kia sad because it’s a very Steven Blake thing to do. Steven Blake is truly a very special, unique person, and as much as she wishes his self-destructive tendencies didn’t exist, she can’t fathom who he’d be without them. It's almost scary, who he is sometimes. The eye of a hurricane, calming you so you’re caught off guard when the storm gets ten times worse. 
Steven and Jake are best friends, always will be, but she knows they’ve grown apart. She wonders what it must be like, to miss someone who’s so close all the time. Then a stab in her heart reminds her that she knows all too well. 
Kia could tell him that he should’ve gone. That he should’ve accepted the offer. But she doesn’t, because she would’ve done the same thing. 
“What’s the show about?” she asks, and she listens as he digs himself deeper and deeper, as his hole of sadness grows wider and wider, and she lets him pull her closer to the edge with every word. 
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itshelia · 3 months
My mom to her friends, my aunts, and literally everyone she knows: Yeah, my kid is so smart. She is on her phone a lot of the time, but it's not like you guys think, She is not like how kids nowadays are, She reads a lot of books on her phone!!
Me, a fanfic reader who can survive off nothing but just words and day dreams herself to sleep:
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dancinsquid · 3 months
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puts them in your hand gently
bonuses under cut ^_^
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theodorecanaryhood · 6 months
The coffee shop guy & the Red Hood: part X
Jason Todd x Male! Reader
Arkhamverse Jason Todd
Warning: some language and sexual references.
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Marriage was far from Jason’s mind when he first reached adulthood, marriage was never something Jason was aware of the would get.
Alas, here he is sitting with a silver band around his left ring finger. You smiling slightly opposite him as you saw the waiter coming with your food.
‘Babe, foods here’ you announced as Jason snapped out of his day dream.
Jason was day dreaming a lot lately, mostly about you. Jason never admitted that you were constantly on his mind, but he knew that you are aware.
Truth be told, Jason is on your mind all the time too.
‘Gosh, you remember my ex boyfriend Zach?’ You asked, Jason feeling venom in his eyes.
The shithead that was too worried about his pretty face getting ruined when you were held at gunpoint, Red Hood saved your life and changed it that night.
‘Y/n, his name is like nails on a chalk board’ Jason remarked, sarcastically.
You chuckled as Jason grabbed his fork, tucking into his dinner.
‘Well, he has a new boyfriend apparently. Both as snobby as each other’ you revealed, Jason shot an eyebrow up.
‘Surprised he could get his dick hard if I’m honest’ Jason whipped back, his words were quite harsh at times.
You never said anything as you knew it wasn’t directed at you, Jason spoke poorly of people he didn’t like. Jason is stubborn like that, if he doesn’t like you, no changing his mind.
There was a lot about Jason you grew to love over time, Jason was never vicious toward or about you. He just didn’t sugarcoat stuff and always spoke his mind.
The grocery trip was busy, you put it down to school holidays. Jason was his usual on this trip, disappearing down aisles from getting distracted.
‘Sir, please stop putting stuff in my cart’ Jason remarked to you, jokingly making out you didn’t know each other.
‘Is that a joke? This is my cart’ you replied as the older woman in the aisle watched.
‘You’re harassing me’ Jason joked again, you laughed as you nudged your glasses up your face.
Jason leant over and kissed you as the woman looked confused, you chuckled.
‘We’re married, Jason just likes to play pretend’ you commented.
It was usual Friday tasks as the night turned late, you slept deeply next to Jason as he snored away.
It was the dim early morning light when Jason woke up, it was a slight chill as Jason stirred awake. No reasoning behind it, but he smiled sleepily as he saw you.
Your bare back toward Jason as he moved closer to you, pecking the back of your neck as he ran his hand down your back.
The warmth of your skin made Jason tingle as he wrapped his arm around your waist, burying his face into your hair.
‘What time is it?’ You asked groggy as you barely opened your eyes.
‘Early, go back to sleep babe’ Jason whispered back, not sure if you were actually awake or not.
Dreams filled your sleeping head as you lay next to Jason, your breathing stayed relaxed, Jason fell back into a sweet sleep.
The shower filled your skin as you rubbed your face, your damp hair dripped water down your face and neck, Jason stood at the sink with his razor in his hand.
‘You ever thought of growing a beard?’ You asked Jason through the shower curtain.
Jason laughed a little, shedding his skin of stubble, thinking for a second about his answer.
‘Nope, maybe when I’ve got some grey hair to show off’ Jason replied.
You swung the shower curtain open as your towel tied around your waist. Your bare body on show as Jason almost dropped at the sight of you.
‘You look great without clothes you know’ Jason stared at you through the mirror.
‘So do you’ you winked as you kissed Jason’s back.
The day was filled with usual chaos of a Saturday, Jason had a few nights off to spend with his husband, so patrol was overdue.
Red Hood bombed down the streets of Gotham as he fought the criminals roaming the streets.
Usual ending for the night as Jason greeted the GCPD officers, standing at the cars with the lights flashing.
‘Nice upgrade’ an officer complimented as Red Hood thanked him.
Red Hood had a new helmet and an upgrade to his gear, a suggestion from you as you’d had your few brushes with criminals. You wanted to ensure that Jason was safe.
The days seemed a blur but as long as Jason was with you, he didn’t care much.
Jason held your hand with pride as the two of you walked through the City, your skin like Velcro to Jason’s, he couldn’t help but stick to it.
‘Shall we try here next date night?’ You asked as you pointed to the new Japanese restaurant that had opened.
‘Sure thing baby’ Jason agreed as he swung his arm a little, holding your hand in his.
The two of you ventured to the movie theatre, taking the escalator up to your floor, Jason barcoding you with his arms and body. Never failing to make you feel safe.
Seated next to each other for your movie screening, Jason wanted to see it in 3D but figured it wouldn’t be nice to make you watch something in a glasses over glasses situation.
‘Fuck, that was violent’ Jason commented once the credits rolled.
‘That main guy was hot though’ you replied, walking down the steps with Jason tailing behind you.
‘Nah, he isn’t my type, that Morgan guy was hot though’ Jason said as you gave him a weird look.
‘Really?’ You questioned as Jason smiled and nodded.
‘Not as hot as you y/n, you’re fucking gorgeous’ Jason sleazed as he slapped your butt.
‘All right stud’ you side smiled as Jason pulled you in for a kiss.
It was a deep, passionate kiss as Jason’s hands roamed. Yours did too as Jason slipped his tongue in your mouth.
‘Let’s get home first’ you panted as Jason sunk his teeth into your neck.
‘Shit, I’m gonna bust right here darling’ Jason whispered into your ear.
It was a nice journey home, Jason carried you in his back most of the way home. Playing the patient game, you knew Jason would destroy you the second the two of you got inside.
You were correct in thinking that, Jason didn’t give you a chance. He liked the door and threw you on the bed.
Candles lit the room dimly as the light music played in the background, a playlist Jason had for your bedroom activities.
Your hole was filled generously as Jason never stopped for a second to make the two of you feel good. Your hole filled with either Jason’s tongue, finger or manhood.
It was a night of love and raw passion, Jason make you feel things a man had never made you feel before.
Jason let you spill your seed that night plenty of times too, as well as fill you with his.
Jason’s heartbeat was soothing as you lay your head on his chest, Jason’s muscles held you in place. Your eyes drifting to a close as Jason continued listening to the light music in the background.
It was calming as Jason felt so happy to have you in his arms. All those times he stared at you in the coffee shop and now, you’re his. And he’s yours.
The room went dark as Jason blew the candles out, silence soon followed as he turned the music off. Sliding back into bed as he held you all night, a sleep well needed as Jason hummed slightly.
Satisfied from being emptied so many times as Jason kissed the top of your head, and you tucked your head a little more into Jason’s chest.
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8hitz3n · 1 year
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Pokepasta images I have made that I forgot to put here
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thetisming · 5 months
Broadway has turned into something commercialised and all about money, rather than stages for stories to be shared. people only care about how much money shows make, but people never give new shows a try so amazing new shows that tell important stories and production and soundtrack and actors close. if there's not a big tv (specifically tv, people don't care about actual BROADWAY legends anymore) name for the media or it's not a revival people don't care. new musicals that tell historical stories that shouldn't be forgotten close after a few months, no matter how amazing the story or score or set or actors are. Broadway isn't about the heart anymore, it's about money and big names. it's barely even for theatre people.
Lempicka is closing and i am devastated for so many reasons. Harmony already closed earlier this year.
Tamara de Lempicka was a famous painter. she was married to a rich man, and originally painted their daughter or landscapes and things like that, but she eventually painted Rafaela -- her girlfriend. she painted her mainly naked and they loved each other. she was a bisexual painter, and more than that a brilliant painter, and she is being forgotten. she was part Jewish, too. she fled to Paris with her husband, which is where she met Rafaela.
there's a musical about her. it's closing on May 19th. it opened officially on Broadway on April 14th. both this year.
The Comedian Harmonists were a band. they were an internationally popular German band between 1928 and 1934. 3 of the 6 of them were Jewish. Nazi Germany started in 1933. you can probably piece together what happened, but i'll tell you anyway. they were separated and erased. they were not forgotten, they were erased. Nazis destroyed almost all of their recordings. the Harmonists never saw each other again. their names were Ari Leschnikoff, Harry Frommermann, Robert Biberti, Roman Cycowski, Erwin "Chopin" Bootz and Erich A. Collin.
there was a musical about them. it closed on February 4th, and opened officially on Broadway on November 13th (2023).
do not let Tamara or the Harmonists go forgotten. listen to Lempicka and Harmony. research the people. find bootlegs of the musicals if you can. learn about them. teach about them. please, don't let people forget about them.
this isn't about the musicals closing, these are about important people being forgotten and erased from history. please, don't let this happen.
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rachetmath · 2 months
Jaune: *pacing back and forth*
Writer: *scared* Um.
Jaune: Let me ask you something. Do you get off on me suffering?
Writer: What? No. No. No, we don’t.
Jaune: Really? S-so—so w-w-why have me kill Penny? Like I really could have saved her. I really could have healed her. Like what are we doing? But no, I listened to a girl who had a human body for the first time and was having a dying experience which she probably wasn’t thinking straight.
Writer: …. ….
Jaune: Then I don’t even mention her and Ruby was going through it, acting like she killed her.
Writer: I mean she technically did kill her.
Jaune: Why didn’t you let Ruby do it then? Why did I have to go through all that crap?
Writer: Jaune your a knight.
Jaune: I also had a rabbit hoody. Plus didn’t Ruby pick a knight piece? She is TECHNICALLY a knight. You all could have had me as the late bunny.
Writer: How does that fit into your character?
Jaune: Hm. Beacon wasn’t I late to save Pyrrha? Mistral, wasn’t I think irrationally to where Weiss almost died. Argus, I was close to getting my friends killed because I was lack of leadership skills.
Writer: …. ….
Jaune: The heir always arrives late because he neglects his responsibility and doesn’t do his job. Haven’t I been neglecting some of my duties to almost where no one has complete faith in me?
Writer: …. …
Jaune: Plus, again, Ruby has silver eyes. She could have been training with those and her scythe skills. You can also determine what age you want her to be.
Writer: Okay Jaune chill. We just thought it was best for your character.
Jaune: So having me go back in time. I was stuck in the Ever After for years and couldn’t find a home until RWBY was there. Letting me get poisoned by Alyx. And getting no kind of skill set was good. Isn’t my character all about growth and change? So why does it feel like I haven’t changed? I’m back to square one again.
Writer: Yeah…
Jaune: y'all come on. First, you had Tyrian having some interest in me which might as well be a prison joke right now. Then you had Vine say something about extending my aura which is irrelevant considering y'all wanted Ren to have attention. Y'all had Harriet grieving over Clover which I could have been related to her on, you know, because I lost Pyrrha. And I let Emerald join my team because Oscar says so. There was a lot of shit I could have done. But no, killing Penny was important.
Writer: …
Jaune: Ya’ll had Ruby and Salem in the same kingdom, Salem drops the Summer bomb, and instead of having Ruby figure that shit out by seeing her you had her sidelined.
Writer: She was protecting Nora and Penny.
Jaune: She could have left and gone help in the war. Silver-eyed warrior timing and left Weiss in charge. Don't give me that shit.
Writer: Okay but -
Jaune: Back to what's important, why was James her highest priority over Salem? I mean at least he was protecting his citizens. Salem was trying to kill everybody. How was she not Ruby's target? Why didn't you leave James to me? That would have hyped up Penny’s death way better if you wanted me to kill her!
Writer: You wouldn't stand a chance against James?
Jaune: I almost outsmarted the Atlas military with my plan.
Writer: James is stronger and smarter than you. You are no fighter
Jaune: Exactly fighting for me is the last resort. I am a strategist! Not an all-out fighter! My job is to adapt to situations and operate within the chaos!
Writer: … I mean-
Jaune: I also have emotional intelligence. And I’m not stupid. Are you telling me I wouldn't see through or question some of James’s actions if given a chance?
Writer: Well Ruby was trapped in an electric barrier.
Jaune: Gravity shield. So Nora didn't need to be absent in the fight.
Writer: Shit.
Jaune: Let's go to the Ever After.
Writer: Come on man. If it wasn't for you team RWBY wouldn't have made it out. Also, you were going through the worst.
Jaune: F team Rwby.
Writer: What could you have done better than Ruby?
Jaune: The same shit but better. I would have traded my armor for Yang’s arm. My sword for an audience with the Red King. Pyrrha scarf for the antidote. All are a part of my identity. Not to mention while having my friend's gun on me which she rejected after keeping it safe and not destroying it.
Writer: …
Jaune: Alyx’s dagger, I could have used it by probably seeing her memories and figuring out what happened to her and how to get home. And, mainly, as a means of self-defense.
Writer: But Yang, Blake, and Weiss-
Jaune: Speaking of them why did they prioritize me over Ruby? And why did Ruby need help from a god when her issues were minor compared to mine? I mean even if she spent years alone, talking with her team would have been enough for her. And probably for the best considering Ruby is her team's sister, friend, and leader.
Writer: … …
Jaune: Like seriously, I was messed up mentally. Penny whose death I might as well be keeping a secret, from everybody. I mean if you killed one of your allies to save the world, wouldn’t you feel morally messed up? Meanwhile, my team was nowhere on site. I don't know Weiss, Blake, and Yang like that, so opening up to either of them would have been a challenge. Especially Ruby. Not to forget but my friends were in a whole different kingdom by themselves and I don't know what happened to them. They could've been dead for all I knew. So my worries would have been expeditiously high!
Writer: Oh God.
Jaune: And since we are on Penny, what happened to her body?!
Writer: … … We don't need to discuss that.
Jaune: Funny, because of the way the Jabberwocky was looking at Ruby I can make a guess what happened to her.
Writer: Please don't.
Jaune: Then we have the Cat, my enemy and opposite to my personality., He manipulates my friends and controls them like puppets. Neo would have had a field day with me too. After all, Pyrrha died because I couldn't stop her. Penny died because I had zero options to save her. Ozpin died because I failed to do my job. Ironwood died because of me and Ruby. And Harriet told me about Clover so I know he’s dead.
Writer: …
Jaune: And after all that bullshit you just gave us nothing. No new looks. Now new weapons I could have used. We might as well have been through a filler arc. Oh, and you know what, you could have finally given me a backstory. Something that finally ties my character together.
Writer: *tears falling* Jaune, please.
Jaune: *weapon drawn* You f*** with me for the last time. Now. DIE!
Chopper, Steven, and Orihime: No!
Orihime: Shoten kessun I reject.
Writer: *protected*
Chopper: *Goes Arm point and restrains Jaune*
Steven: *Traps them both in a bubble*
Windy: Jaune please calm down.
Jaune: Nah I'm killing them. They got me f*** up.
Steven: We’re really going to need therapy for you buddy.
Jaune: I don't need therapy, I want them dead.
Sakura: Chopper.
Chopper: Come, buddy. They are not worth it.
Jaune: Let me at least punch them.*screams in rage*
Sakura: *stares at the new staff*
Viz media writer: …
Sakura: Look just go easy on him. Please? Just let him be useful in other areas. Don't give him more trauma.
Viz media writer: You must know how he feels.
Sakura: Yes. Yes, I do.
Steven: And so do I.
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mommahughes19-23 · 3 months
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@tori.tot : as you can see all 6 of the fans I was with tonight (4 of which were tkachuks) are very proud of my baby and his team!! (matthew never needed his mouth guard to kiss me) 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀
tagged : @taryntkachuk @chantel_tkachuk @bradytkachuk @Matthew_tkachuk @flapanthers
location : sunrise baby
matthew_tkachuk : thank you baby!!!!! I couldn't have done it with out your constant love and support!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
bradytkachuk : why do you look like youre going to a sens game instead of a panthers game ? 😡
↪ tori.tot : idk why did you dress for a casual walk around the neighborhood? dont even try me Braden 🖕🏻
taryntkachuk : you are the cutest omg!!!! 💖🫦
flapanthers : STANLEY CUP CHAMPS 2024!!!!
daynamastro : we need to plan a celebration!!!
gustavforsling : is he licking the glass???🙀
↪ tori.tot : uhhhhh good question , I try not to pay attention to those lil matty quirks ...🤓
chantel_tkachuk : My love!! Thank you for joining us to cheer on Matty! Can't wait for you guys to come home for off season to celebrate!🥰🥰🥰🥰
↪ matthew_tkachuk : lombyyyyyy baby we fuckin did that!
lundell_anton : can you believe it!!! FIRST TIME IN FRANCHISE HISTORY BABYYYY😜😜😜😜😜😜
carterverhaeghe : 2-1 = best championship final score🐀🐀🐀💅💅💅
barkovsasha : Happy Cappy!! Lil man was so tired but cant wait to celebrate for real with you guys!🫶🏻🫡
emiliekulikova : You LOOKED STUNNING MOMMM BEAR!!!😘😘😘
samsonreinhart : all 6 of ya were loud as heck! Thanks for coming and cheering us on !
vt9191 : blessed
marissalomberg : FANTASTIC NIGHT WITH FANTASTIC PEOPLE!!! cant wait to do it all over again next season!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
slorentz16 : oop we did that nbd
nickcousins27 : lets go lets go lets go lets goooooooooooooooooooooo
alligadjovich : omg, giving birth and then hauling ass to see this with 2 newborns was so worth it! thank you for your help btw 🥳😘🥰😍
↪ tori.tot : AHHHHHHHH the twins are adorable my love!! Cant wait to spend more time with you!
mackie.samo : sad I couldn't be there for this boys!
ryiann : SO SO SO SO SO PROUD OF THE BOYS!!! Come over asap to celebrate please!!!!!!!!!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰🥰
nikomikk : really thought if anyone would drop the cup it would be Chucky lmaoooo
tarasenko.yana : 🫸🏻SERVED🫷🏻 US A LOOK BABYYY
montour : our fans are truly the best, then there's u
↪ tori.tot : refrain from ever speaking me or my fiancé again thanks pookie
ninaacousins : OMG OMG OMG OMG did you see the pics of you and Matthew with the cup!!!!! So cute
↪ tori.tot : no?? who do I contact to retrieve these
↪ ninaacousins : Ill have nick send them to matty!
↪ tori.tot : you know if those get sent to Matthew Ill never see them! just send them to me when you can !
eetuluostarinen : gang gang
aaronekblad5 : what a freaking night. cant wait for round 2
tiiiatuomola : ignore my husband, I think hes in shock and can only use small words at the moment
danielaforsling : STUNNNNNNNNNNNING
kevinstenlund : thanks for falling on the ice .. that was funny af
bcoles25 : miss ya and matty! congrats to you both!!!!
jessjewell : dinner was amazing! lets do it again soon!!
*PLEASE READ XOXOXOXOXOX (I know its long but its important)*
A.N :
I couldn't find anything on Barkov's significant other even tho I know hes got a kid.... if anyone has tea on that share please and thanks.
Find here a list of who tf is who :)
(for lack of better words these are whose spouse/gf is whose)
jessjewell = Sam Reinhart (my other set of parents)
danielaforsling = Gustav Forsling
ninacousins = Nick Cousins
tarasenko.yana = Vladamir Tarasenko
alligadjovich = Jonah Gadjovich
ryiann = Brandon Montour (MY PARENTS FR FR)
marissalomberg = Ryan Lomberg
emiliekulikova = Dimitri Kulikov
daynamastro = Aaron Ekblad
tiiatuomola = Eetu Luostarinen
emmasulonen = Niko Mikkola
tagged : @skylershines @noahkahansorangejuice @quinnylouhughesx43
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taswritesstuff · 1 month
steven blake when someone says they love him
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Just a bunch of doodles from a couple whiteboards I was part of (There's others but eh)
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nessarrt · 2 years
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Purple power 😎💜
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poorlydrawnpokepasta · 5 months
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dancinsquid · 3 months
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baby brother
extra doodles under cut <3
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ethanharmonia · 3 months
Speaking of pokepastas, have this, its called family time
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we have the following members :
Steven - the dad of the group
Glitchy Red - the HouseWife
Red - the Uncle
Blake - the mother of the group because who tf will babysit everyone at once (including Steven)
Silv - the emo kid
Gold - the emo kid's boyfriend
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uuhhh · 6 months
Un-FNF's your pokepasta
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