#this guy who comes to find me to play chess w me
voydhund · 1 month
um. big TINAWDC spoilers.
LOTS of shit im gonna piss. this was made /w a ton of help from @neorails, and a friend!
Last warning, all spoilers!
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"AD ASTRA PER ASPRA" - Two images of pages written by Ford, with stickers and doodles on it from Mabel.
"BABYBILL" - An image of, [you guessed it,] baby Bill in an ultrasound, with text that reads "CONGRATS, GUESS WHATS GROWING INSIDE YOU RIGHT NOW! SEE YOU IN 9 MONTHS PAPA!" [I giggled at this one way too hard]
"BILL" - opens Triangle - Wikipedia
"BLINDEYE" - An image of an eye test, with a code that reads
"BOYFRIEND" - An image of a book called "The Love Triangle" with audio of a woman reading it.
"CRYPTOGRAM CODEX" - Downloads a file with Bill's fonts.
"CONSPIRACY" - A video of someone talking about the site while it was on the page with Soos, stressing out trying to figure out the meaning. Me too.
"DORITO" - Screamer jumpscare [i jumped]
"EVENHISLIESARELIES" - An image of Ford's chess piece. Under it, Bill is talking with someone about Ford in the theraprism.
"FORDTRAMARINE" - An image of a file by Ford, talking about colours that cannot be perceived without 'Continued contact with extradimensional phenomena.'
"GIDEON" - opens either sweat resistant bolo ties on google, or audio of him 'singing' a song, before whispering 'I love you forever Mabel.' [I hate this place.] May also lead to "sweat resistant bolo ties." [I never got this, but Neo said it did]
"HECTORING" - A record of a song about Bill, and someone who fell for his tricks. Mentions to 'Leave him behind,' and the fucking "im a little different" shirt.
"HOTXOLOTL" - An image of Dimensional Authority Most Wanted, talking about Bill and the henchmaniacs. Red pen X's out Bill, writing "DEAD?" above him, circles the last seen and writes "WHERE DID THEY GO??"
"JUSTFITIN" - A video of a father and son playing a game called 'Perfection.'
"KINGSOFNEWJERSEY" - Downloads a file with Stan and Ford's secret code.
"LLIB" - Opens Jazzy Triangle Meets A Square Square (1969)
"LLIBREHPIC" - Opens Jazzy Triangle Meets A Square Square (1969)
"LOVE" - An image of a book called "The Love Triangle" with audio of a woman reading it.
"MABEL" - Stickers decorate your lab with a nice 'POP!' sound. after a few times of using it, text reads "LAB NOW FULLY MABELIZED."
"MCGUCKET" - Opens Cotton Eye Joe [🙂<3]
"MORALITY" - An image of a paper with 9 drawings of animals fighting or eating another animal. Text reads "CAN YOU FIND MORALITY IN THE NATURAL WORLD?"
"NAITSUAF" - An image of an article about selling your soul [For FUN and PROFIT!] written by Bill.
"PAPERJAM" - An image of Tyrone, text reading "Here, he's your problem now! Just keep this guy from liquids!" under it.
"PINATA" - A video of someone whacking a Bill pinata while it protests
"ROMANCE" - An image of a book called "The Love Triangle" with audio of a woman reading it.
"SHAVEYOURGRANDMA" - An image of a chapter of a book talking about the human life cycle, written by Bill. [The children yearn for the mines.]
"SIXER" - An image of a case report on Ford talking about his extra finger. There appears to be a word written under "Placebo" in small text. Also notably reads "If i could kidnap him and bring him to our secret cloning lab" obscured by a black marking.
"SORRY" - An image of McGucket and Ford in collage(?). Ford is covered in sticky notes. [☹️]
"SOOS" - An image of a really long note from Soos, talking about Bill and his experiences as The New Mr. Mystery. Lots of cute doodles.
"SPOOKEMUPS" - An image of a book titled 'SPOOKEMUPS: The Book Of Bill" written by B. Cipher, with audio of a man reading it. It's about a boy getting scared by things and assuming it's Bill.
"STAN" - opens one of seven ebay pages that lead to Brass Knuckles, Colonel Sanders Tie, Shriner Fez, Male Girdle, 8-Ball Cane, Dogs Playing Poker, Gold Chains For Old Men. After going through all of them, the WHEEL! OF! SHAME! made by Bill appears, exposing some random secrets and shames. The last option reads "HOW HE BEAT ME," and when pressed, a note reads "He didn't! IM STILL HERE, SUCKER!"
"TOURISTTRAP" - An image of a page of a pamphlet, talking about 'The Caves Of Mystery.'
"TYRONE" - An image of Tyrone, text reading "Here, he's your problem now! Just keep this guy from liquids!" under it.
"VALLIS CINERIS" - A video of Baby Bill with his parents, only silhouettes of static. a text to speech says "Why did you do it?" three times.
"WADDLES" - Opens Pig Placement Network
"WEIRD" - A video of Alex(?) trapped in the screen, shouting at Bill to let him out.
"WEIRDMAGEDDON" - An image of a newspaper titled 'THE GRAVITY FALLS GOSSIPER,' with articles about how absolutely nothing happened. Never mind all that!
"WENDY" - An image of a note from Wendy that reads "Whatuppp cursed book! I've got a totally legit way to ward off evil triangles, and I wrote it in the bottom right corner of the book. It's totally worth it, I promise! Stay cool dork!"
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The golden tooth of the skull:
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The Book Of Bill:
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The Bill on the dagger in the book:
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The 'McGUCKET LABS' on the top of the computer:
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The eye in the bottle:
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. ~ △ ~ .
this segment is a little iffy,
On page two of The Book Of Bill clickable
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Solved: uh. maybe. check my blog?
During lightning strikes:
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Solved: Vallis Cineris. It's a password!
The colours on the blindeye eye test probably arent codes, because they read "euclmriannrepttgccvisignnsuwepvisidnn." you can try though. ARE a code! they read "EUCLIDEAN DEPT OF VISION SUPERVISION" !
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The blindeye eye test itself is apparently a ceaser cipher, but i havent found an answer to it yet.
working on adding to this, theres a LOT.
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cookiescribble · 1 year
Just a Little Chilly (Dick Grayson x Male!Reader)
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A/N: Hello there! This is not only the very first published fic on this blog, but also my first x reader fic so please be nice <3 Also, I used Brenton Thwaites's Nightwing as a reference but this version of Dick Grayson is mainly written with my own masterpiece of headcanons in mind. Enjoy! <3
-Mod Ghost
I was reading in the library when I heard the telltale signs of Dick coming home from patrol,
The entrance to the cave opening, the sighing, the shivering—
wait a minute.
I stood up from the corner where I'd been for the past few hours while my boyfriend was out, nearly passing Tim and Jason playing chess. I guess this was one of the days they were getting along with each other. I looked between the two of them, as if they had the answer. 
“Hey, do you guys hear that?” 
Both of them turned to look at me, a bewildered expression on each of their faces.
“Huh??” Tim was the first to actually speak, staring up at me like I had three heads. 
"Hear what?" Jason happened to speak up at the same time, which made them stare at each other as if they were wondering when they became the twins from The Shining.
I sighed softly, they might have been too focused on beating each other at the game to hear the racket. Or I might not have been as focused on my book as I thought.
“Nothing, I’m gonna go find Dick. Let me know who wins.” I ruffle Tim’s hair then run off through the study and the living room to catch Dick at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Dickie!” I called, running up to him and grabbing his arm to get him to turn around. He stopped shuffling along and turned to look at me, trembling and wet with his hair plastered to his forehead.
“What happened to you??” I ask softly as I push his hair back away from his face, cupping his cheeks which nearly startled him. As if he wasn’t fully aware that I was there. 
“Huh?? Oh-I, I, uh, was f-fight-t-ing F-freeze and uh—i-it was obv-v-viously c-c-cold.” he stuttered and slurred through his words, his entire body quivering. 
“Jeez, okay, c’mon, let’s get you warmed up.” I tutted as I led him up the stairs and down the hall to his room, helping him tug his suit off as soon as the door was closed completely. Immediately, I helped him into pajamas and a hoodie, rubbing along his arms to help his body heat rise. 
“I’m not totally sold on the fact that it was just cold, my love. You’re soaking wet and your suit is, too. I’m not trying to scold you or anything, I just need to know how to take care of you.” I whispered to him, leaning up to kiss his forehead before sitting him down on his bed and grabbing a pair of my fuzzy socks to help him put them on. 
“W-Well, while I was trying to um…to bring him in, I…I…” he trailed off, letting out a long yawn.
“Shit, okay, we’ll talk about it later. Let me see if I can find Alfred, he can make something warm for you.” I hissed under my breath, noticing the signs of hypothermia as I stood up from where I was kneeling. I hoped that we’d caught it early enough that he would be okay—
I stopped in my tracks when I felt his shaking hand wrap around my wrist, turning to look at him. 
“Don’t…Don’t leave me…Please, Y/N…” He begged weakly, looking up at me with wide watery eyes. 
“Alright, move over, I’m coming. Don’t worry, I’m right here.” I spoke quietly as I immediately started opening up the blanket just enough to shuffle underneath it with him then pulling him close to me.  “Shh, it’s okay, c’mere.” 
As soon as I was underneath the covers with him, he clung to me and pressed his head against my chest while I shushed him. Considering he was taller, he was a bit scrunched but I could tell that he wanted the comfort of being close to me. I gently combed my fingers through his hair, my other arm wrapped around his back to keep him close to me. 
“I haven’t been that scared on a patrol in a long time. I couldn’t stop thinking that I was gonna die, Y/N. That I wouldn’t come back to you…”
“Hey,” I tilted his chin up, forcing him to make eye contact with me as I held him there, “You’re here, and I am not letting you out of my sight until I know that you’re okay. Got it?” 
He nodded meekly, before I let him tuck his head back against me. I took out a thermometer that I kept in a makeshift first-aid kit under the bed and stuck it under his tongue, waiting until the little device let out a soft beep. 
I slid it back out to take a look, seeing that it was 95 degrees fahrenheit. If there was any sign of hypothermia before, I was less concerned now seeing that he was warm enough to be considered normal for a human. 
It was a long time before I heard him again, and even then, his voice was soft and he sounded like he was half asleep. 
“There is a way that both of us could warm up pretty fast, if you wanted to try that, y’know���” Dick suggested, grinning from ear to ear as he peeked up at me. 
I laughed and playfully nudged him, shaking my head as I rubbed my hand over his back under his shirt to help him continue to warm up. 
“I’m not cold, Richard, but it seems like someone’s starting to feel better, huh?” I teased, unable to help the laughter that escaped. It comforted me to hear him making jokes, like he was slowly getting back to his normal self. 
“Maybe. I guess we’ll just shelf that idea for later then, but don’t think I’m about to fuhgettaboutit,” Dick drawled the end of his sentence in a thicker accent than his usual bit of New Jersey twang and I nearly started cackling as Alfred knocked and came into the room. 
“Is everything alright in here, Master Dick? Master Y/L/N?” He asked in a much more proper tone than the one Dick had just used, holding two mugs filled with something warm and sweet smelling.
“Yes, Alfred, thank you. What’s in these?” I answered before Dick could speak up, taking the Blüdhaven mug with the bisexual flag on it that I assumed was my partner’s so I could hand it over to him before taking the other one. 
“For Master Dick, I have made Egyptian Chamomile and for you, I have made English Breakfast. Made to your taste, of course.” Alfred explained, watching Dick start to drink his. “I will leave you two alone now, however, Master Bruce has requested my help in the Bat Cave. I trust that Master Dick is going to be in good hands?” Him and I made eye contact over Dick’s head as I nodded, giving Alfred a smile as he started to leave. 
“Thank you very much, Al.” 
“You’re welcome, sir.” Was the last thing he said before he closed the door again, which made me turn my attention back to the man currently sitting on top of me. 
It looked like he was going to fall asleep in his mug, his slow sips and half opened eyes giving him away.
I chuckled and kissed the top of his head, carefully taking the mug from him without spilling what was left of his tea so I could set it aside and laying back on the bed so he could be more comfortable but keeping him in the blanket burrito with me. 
As he slowly drifted off, he let his back relax to lay a bit more comfortably. “Goodnight, Dickie.” I whispered up to him, kissing just under his chin. Within 10 minutes, he was out like a light with his head on the pillow just above mine as he finally fell into a deep state of sleep.
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod matchup? Sorry in advance for the yapping
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” in my early twenties. I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but definitely more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of  the language. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😭😅 thanks 
Sorry again 
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Captain John Price 🚬
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Price might be the one to fall for you
If you ever decide/decided to join the military, him and Laswell will look through files and find you
He can't help but feel that you would bring something to the table
Recruiting you, along with many others, he'd be watching you
Through the tests, he'd be silently hoping you'd pass
When he asks to see you, you think you've done something wrong
Instead he just tells you that you've done a good job with all the training and tests he's put you through
"I admit, I thought you would call it quits anytime soon... but... you're determination surprised me."
"You've got guts, spirit. I like that"
He wants to take you under his wing and train you
He was right about you; there was something special there
Though he didn't know just how special you would be to him later on 🤭
After many months and near death experiences later, he'd come to realize he cares about you... a lot
When off duty, he will take you somewhere to talk
Price doesn't play games, you know that
So... he tells you that he really likes you
All this time he'd spent getting to know you, he felt something he hadn't in a long time
One time, when he looked like he was about to fall asleep he was surprised that you showed so much concern for him; You wanted to do something, anything, for him
His hand gently held yours, showing how gentle he can be
"If you'll have me, love, I can make you happy... even if it takes my whole life to"
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 11 months
The Killing Vote (ep. 8 notes, part 1)
The Killing Vote (ep. 1-5 notes) The Killing Vote (ep. 6 & overall notes) The Killing Vote: more on Joohyun, Kwon Seokju & Kim Muchan The Killing Vote (ep. 7 notes) Discussion on symbolism with @mare-sanguis: hands, the ambidextrous angel and serpents (part. 1, part. 2)
I hope you had a nice week-end!!!!
I was fighting against my laptop (and on top of that, a nasty cold, my room feels like a fridge these days ;;): it had LOTS of problems with its ventilation last week (I have to come up with every little trick like stacking books under for it not to heat up, if someone has tips I’m all ears 8D)! It’s accompanied me for 8+ years so this little guy has sometimes trouble to load internet pages, to say nothing of taking notes and editing screenshots, it took even longer than usual to post, and I wanted to post it at least before the new episode aired haha ;;
I think I’m competing against myself for the word count each time lmao (TKV really is some rabbit hole material, I’m even considering buying a copy of the script if it’s available for sale one day haha), it got even longer, so once again respect for reading through all this 🫡 I have to cut it in parts, so I’ll list what each part is about below!
I think the three parts will be uploaded today!
I wanted to write some notes on criminology and TKV here but I think I’ll leave it for another post/reblog of this one, as it’s not that relevant to the episode compared to the many others in this post and it got already too long _ (´ཀ`」 ∠)_
Tldr: what is everyone cooking in this drama???? I’m losing my marbles, there are too many hints thrown in all directions, they all do some big 4D chess and you don’t expect the audience to overthink every single detail 8D???
Have a nice end of the week ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ 🍂🎃
Part 1
General impressions on the episode Official character profiles Lee Minsu’s tattoo Three pictures missing in Kwon Seokju’s house Choi Jinsu, Min Jiyoung and Lee Minsu « If I were Gaetal… » and a triangulation orchestrated by Kwon Seokju and Lee Minsu
Part 2
Jihoon and Gaetal Jihoon’s name Joohyun, Kim Muchan, Kwon Seokju and the Killing Vote « The moment you perfectly understand… » The Gaetal Kwon Seokju’s departure
Part 3
Joohyun and Gaetal More on Joohyun’s scar and expressions Joomin and the ‘firecracker smell’ Kim Muchan and Gaetal What’s still not addressed (yet) The ‘witness’, chronology of some key events, where the story is going
♦ General impressions on the episode
WHAT AN EPISODE OOF!!!! It keeps getting nerve-wracking haha
All the cast was amazing to watch, but Kim Kwon’s performance as LMS… w o a h, he was in the audience’s seat with us, entertained by the chaos he created, a true clown (even his mother was nonplussed haha) 8D Im Jiyeon who played opposite him as Joohyun dfhjvbfdhvdjhbdfbfvd (and let her live all the way through, no more death flags please ;;)
I have no words whenever there’s a scene involving the MCs’ quatuor or trio (KSJ, KMC, Joohyun & LMS) 🫠🔥
Jihoon was also really great, it was nice to finally see him in action and looking more open/expressive with his feelings!!!!
I loved the scene where Joohyun visited KMC’s home! It was a funny call-back to when KMC witnessed the mess on her apartment’s floor lmao
We finally got a smiling Muchan but………….. at what cost ⚰️
In any case, this cast is really the embodiment of the Spiderman meme lmao
Everybody is going to jail ayyyyyyyyyyy Ngl but the way the drama unfolds makes me think everybody in the cast will be truly involved in TKV in one way or another, since the beginning, the middle or in the end haha
According to this kr tweet (I have yet to find these interviews!), Park Haejin (KMC’s actor) hinted KMC isn’t ‘at first’ Gaetal.
Because there’s not enough context in the tweet, it could also be about KSJ (because it’d align with what we learned) but I believe it’s about KMC since the user implores the scriptwriter not to kill off KSJ — and I agree with them 1000000000% haha — ➾ it’d then make sense KMC isn’t ‘at first’ Gaetal.
Park Sungwoong (KSJ’s actor) said his character won’t assume the role of the villain in the story………. Interesting maneuver me says haha
Oh and also I found in the most random way the nightclub where KMC busted the drug scene (ep. 7) in this MV (I was looking for the new album of Whee In, a Mamamoo member, and curiosity got the better of me haha)!
It’s too bad I couldn’t get the name of the set but you can see the statue a little clearer, so I took a screenshot:
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♦ The Killing Vote’s official character profiles
I didn’t get to read it until now, but SBS uploaded character profiles for the characters in TKV’s section.
Every profile is worded in a way that makes the audience suspicious of the character (a persistent, crazy, and competent lunatic, as Jodan said!), which is an interesting detail!
Here are some excerpts I found interesting to share:
→ Kim Muchan’s profile
On his relationship with KSJ: « KSJ, with whom he was close enough to call ‘hyung’. »
The profile clearly states he manipulated the evidence 8 years ago.
On his guilt and Narae's case: « Even to this day, there are countless sleepless nights where I still ruminate over my decision » ???? That’s what Gaetal said on their first broadcast in ep. 1: « It disturbs me so much that I can’t even fall asleep. »
The page also says he’s now determined to go after the culprit he failed to arrest then because of the wrong choices he made in the past AND the one who truly pulls the strings of TKV (배후 means rear/back/behind but can also mean by ext. mastermind ; this does not necessarily mean the 'true' Gaetal though mmmmh).
→ Joohyun’s profile
KMC and KSJ’s relationship captivates her. This isn’t even subtle, you can’t make that sh*t up lmao:
« 어떤 데이터보다 분석하기 어려운 김무찬과 권석주, 두 사람 사이의 묘한 긴장감이 그녀의 ‘촉’을 자극한다. » ‘The peculiar/intriguing tension in the relationship between KMC & KSJ, who prove to be more challenging to analyze than any other data, stimulates her ‘intuition/nose/sixth sense’.
She was admitted in the Cyber Bureau through special recruitment.
Because of the lack of evidence, the case of her family was closed as a simple drowsy driving and not DUI (and according to the drama, by a repeated drunk driver at that).
Her scar became the stigma reminding her of the injustice she suffered.
There was only one police officer (I wonder who that is… ?) who cared about her story and that’s why she decided to join the police.
Note: I believe the car crash happened in 2013, KMC was 27 at that time!
→ Choi Jinsu’s profile
See the point about CJS & Min Jiyoung below!
→ Jodan’s profile
It says he participated in various hacking defense competitions held by KISA, the NPA and the NIS.
He was a white hacker (even though he stated in the drama he was once arrested so it means it wasn't done within a legitimate context eg. contract mmmmh) and the profile states he sleeps during the day and like KMC, stays awake and works all night.
→ Lee Minsu’s profile
He actually had an artificial defibrillator inserted because suffers from a congenital heart disease (‘선천적 심장질환’).
The quote introducing his character does an interesting wordplay:
« 정의에는 수많은 갈래가 있고, 세상 모두가 인정하는 정의란 不在(부재)하다. » ‘Justice carries within itself various branches, and there’s no such thing as justice universally agreed on in the world.’
부재하다 means ‘be absent/missing’ ; because of denasalization, the ᄆ at the beginning of 무죄 (‘innocence’, part of KSJ’s catchphrase ‘devils deemed innocent’/‘무죄의 악마들’) might sound like a ㅂ, making the two words paronyms (ㅔ and ㅐ might sound similar in practice ; ㅚ and ㅐhave subtly nuanced pronunciations because the first one is a diphthong, but sometimes pronunciations overlap and are not kept distinct).
➾ This could be a fitting detail to convey the devils find innocence in that void/loopholes of the justice!
This also defines his character pretty well: every single moment of his life further encouraged him to gamble with others’ lives (eg. because of his mother’s excessive indulgence and his family’s lack of proper surveillance, punishment and care when it mattered). As in LMS’s notes, nothing altered the course of his life and everything snowballed. Note: I’m not saying it justifies/excuses his deeds of course, it only provides context and this dude definitely enjoys everything happening in his drama!
Interestingly, the Mu in Muchan is associated to the law (see the previous post for ep. 7!), AND it can also be written with the hanja 無 (무효 uses this hanja and means ‘invalidity/nullity’ ie. state of having no effect, often used about legal effects of a contract or provision for example), 无 & 毋 (없다 which can mean non-existent/lacking).
I said it in a previous post, but the Min in Minsu can be written with 泯 (망하다, be ruined/destroyed, used when JJW says No. 1 Fan ‘destroyed’ the person KSJ loved the most). The two characters are set as opposites.
→ Choi Dohee’s profile
Her introducing quote is also interesting:
« 인간을 지은 건 신이지만, 인간의 악을 재단하는 건 인간이야. » ’Humanity was God’s creation, but Evil is Humanity’s choice.’
Note: tricky to translate because 재단하다 means both judge (ie. make a decision by distinguishing between right and wrong) and cut out (ie. cut a material such as fabric/wood, etc. into a certain shape or size which is also visually fitting), which fits her character to a T since she deliberately manipulates facts to ‘reveal the truth more effectively with a provocative twist/seasoning to it.’ (eg. she deems her work with Joohyun as a win-win situation because both of their contribution were recognized in her eyes: she got awards, Joohyun was promoted).
Her character could parallel KMC’s reckless behavior too.
This aligns with the new episode and her overall behavior in the drama: « 그렇게 개탈과의 공생 관계를 만들기 위해 더욱 과감한 행보를 보이기 시작한다. » ‘This way, she begins to take bolder steps to create a symbiotic relationship with Gaetal.’ Note: 공생 means cooperation, but also mutualism and symbiosis.
→ Joomin’s profile
« I lack words whenever I think about my parents’ murderer who deftly escaped the net of the law in the past. It goes without saying that I too would choose ‘revenge’ over forgiveness. »
(I’m not even trying to think about the consequences if someone harmed Joohyun aaaaaaaaa)
→ Jihoon’s profile
He lost his parents at a young age and lives with his grandmother (where? Nobody seems to know given ep. 8).
Even though his smile is really beautiful, a shadow is always cast on his expression. He has no presence at all at school and willfully doesn’t mix with his peers (he’s an 아싸, something like an introvert in slang, it’s the abbreviation of the loanword ‘outsider’).
And according to the profile, he finds himself smiling before he knows it as he gets closer to the sisters my heart ;;;;;;;
→ Jihoon’s grandmother, Yang Hyejin
She struggles to shoulder all alone the painful story behind the death of Jihoon’s parents.
And gdi the picture they chose for KMC’s profile couldn’t be more red RED (like… TKV’s sign 8D), look in contrast with KSJ (they chose a picture of him wearing the blue prison uniform) & Joohyun (the background is white)!
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♦ Lee Minsu’s tattoo
What’s on LMS’s tattoo? Besides the ‘My Daddy My Hero’, there seems to be some illustration/pattern on the top of the cross?
Because of the lighting in ep. 4, we couldn’t see it clearly:
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(I’m tempted to say it looks like Gaetal’s mask: there’s some white figure/circle with two black dots inside!)
And this doesn’t seem like your average crucified Christ either!
♦ Three missing pictures at Kwon Seokju’s house
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I don’t know if this will be relevant later, but when Joohyun checked KSJ’s house in the present, three frames on the wall were empty.
KSJ’s flashback of moments spent with his daughter (in ep. 6) shows they still had pictures in the past.
The drawing that was removed is not one of the two KSJ kept with him in prison, did someone else take it eg. Jihoon?
♦ Choi Jinsu, Min Jiyoung and Lee Minsu
I have a feeling Choi Jinsu was the one that was supposed to keep an eye on KMC.
In ep. 7, Min Jiyoung asked her assistant: « Keep an eye on KMC. Ask some of my family’s men to spy on him without the chairman finding out. »
In ep. 4, there was this exchange between CJS & KMC:
« — [BWT] is registered at the chairman of Samdo Steel’s address. You know his new wife is an assemblywoman, right? — I’m not interested in politics. »
Joohyun ruled him out of the list of suspects for Gaetal because he was a detective on the case even though he attended every trial and didn’t know KSJ personally (and we know all this doesn’t mean anything!)…
And in ep. 6 (the pictures below), a shot emphasized his expression (in KMC’s direction, no less ; he averted his gaze right after while swallowing even though it was too short for the shots to show it) at the mention of Min Jiyoung’s family running Seorae High School’s Foundation.
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And he drops THIS banger ('He's always been a smart kid') as if he had personal knowledge about it (and it even made turn his team's heads) and he never finished his next sentence. KMC seems to have noticed that.
Note: by this moment in the drama we were shown Narae’s case and how he was by KMC’s side then, which gives us the perhaps mistaken impression he wanted to talk about Narae!
Choi Jinsu also said this to LMS when he was called as Jihoon’s guardian for an interview in ep. 6: « Given the severity of the case, we’re trying to keep this investigation as discreet as possible. When parents get involved, things often get more complicated. You know what I mean. »
Did his family also get tangled with Min Jiyoung’s somehow?
And we've got CJS exchanging glances with MJY in this episode's scene when they arrested LMS (the second set of pictures above!).
At the beginning of ep. 8, the drama also emphasized his reaction to LMS being caught on the CCTV at the funeral for BGC (more on that later).
And here’s some info we get from his official character profile:
— He has 20 years of experience in Violent Crimes (but he was never promoted while staying in KMC's team).
— He is surprisingly good at handling suspects’ interviews ie. he’s listening to their stories well and he’s a « genius » at building a rapport with them (yes, the drama always emphasized how Joohyun was to establish a rapport with KSJ but never brought up that detail about CJS, though he always sounds amicable with people he interviewed so far, which contrasts with KMC’s harsh behavior!).
— He ALWAYS (emphasis on always) uses with KMC the ‘good cop-bad cop’ strategy to progress in investigations.
— The character profile also highlights how he always follows KMC « wherever he goes » ; it also associates this expression to his character when it says he’s admirative of Muchan: « 무찬바라기 ». Note: it comes from the Korean word for sunflower, 해바라기: « when you add 바라기 at the end of a specific word, you mean that you admire something or try to follow that specific word like a sunflower that admires and tries to follow the sun. »
— Thanks to that (him following KMC all the time), police officer in every fiber of his being, he lately receives indifference/unfrendliness from his wife and child.
— For 8 years (after Narae’s case) he travelled with KMC around the country and went to great lengths to bring KMC back to the « central stage » (ie. probably hard-working to go up from the South to Seoul, which got KMC his bad reputation and also probably why CJS never got promoted according to his record when Jodan checked his background).
And this could explain a whole lot how:
He caught KMC at the forensics by night (because he perhaps followed him) in Narae's case ;
(a reach but) he insisted on KSJ murdering Narae's lead while coincidentally Min Jiyoung was trying to shift the attention off her son by uploading the video smearing KSJ’s reputation ;
This behavior that could naturally be explained because he’s also a father (so the case could’ve moved him viscerally) at first glance doesn’t align at all with how he usually works according to his character sheet nor with his sympathy for KMC (a previous scene expressly tells us CJS knew about KMC’s close relationship with KSJ, which was supposedly something a few knew about). Something might’ve made him change his habits.
He attended every single trial for KSJ’s case (and probably Narae’s) by KMC’s side while he’s not personally acquainted to KSJ (but the accused was related to Min Jiyoung) ;
BWT’s lawyer was probably made aware of the existence of the bunny plush (and KMC’s plan to fabricate evidence) through CJS and could take care of it in advance ;
For 8 years he continued to keep an eye on follow KMC after he was highly likely disciplined for this case (so that he doesn’t cause trouble for Min Jiyoung’s son nor her once more if we cross it with her discussion with her son). But it could also be out of guilt for KMC (if he’s involved in whatever is happening right now).
This scene in ep. 8 where he looked deeply disturbed by the camera footage displaying a person clad in black halting to hold their chest in pain (which LMS did in front of his mother once in ep. 5) and walked away. KMC also noticed and immediately called a colleague to look for a rope in plastic.
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In ep. 2, Choi Jinsu randomly admitted to having not slept at all recently and wished to go home: « Let’s call it a night and head home. I haven’t been getting much sleep in the past 10 days. »
You would naturally believe it’s because of the special investigation on the Killing Vote, they must always stay on alert day and night and it must be really nerve-wracking. However he said so while taking a glance in KMC’s direction: has he perhaps tailed KMC for 10 days on Min Jiyoung/LMS’s orders? Mentioning 10 days is also kinda specific, unless he’s a man of details that always keeps track on time or has a specific date in mind. KMC also looked back in his direction.
In ep. 5, LMS bids goodbye to his mother in a hurry, at night: « Right. I have to be somewhere. I totally forgot. (…) I’ll see you later. » We don’t know where he went. ➾ If Choi Jinsu has something to do with this, does he report to him on KMC’s activities (which includes day and night since he works with him and follows him)?
Note: it must be indirectly, through someone else, that LMS (or MJY) gets his information, eg. Min Jiyoung, her assistant or the Commissioner, because CJS only recognized Lee Yunseong when he adopted his new identity (and face apparently) as Lee Minsu in ep. 2 (he went back to SK only a year ago!).
Did LMS then learn the extent of KSJ and KMC’s relationship through CJS … ?
In ep. 8, Choi Jinsu says he’ll stop by KMC’s at night after he learned he had the same dream again.
In any case, it’s not clear if CJS works for Min Jiyoung/LMS without trying to deceive them: he could go along with their plan to get around their vigilance and double-cross them with KMC.
He seems really admirative and caring for KMC, so things might be more complex.
(More on what CJS could possibly witness while keeping an eye on KMC in the upcoming points!)
♦ « If I were Gaetal… » and a triangulation orchestrated by Kwon Seokju and Lee Minsu
Definitely not missing those parallels between KMC and LMS:
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This strongly feeds into the superposition of the two characters when it comes to KSJ and the subsequent indirect communication between the three: what is about LMS is also about KMC, and vice versa:
— What would be considered a ‘love letter’ in LMS’s point of view from KSJ, who was convinced KMC was Gaetal/No. 1 Fan all these years until recently, could be considered a ‘love letter’ to KMC in KSJ’s point of view.
It’s highlighted once again later in the episode with Joohyun’s comment:
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Note: KMC is still withholding the extent of his relationship with KSJ to Joohyun!
— Wanting to see 'LMS' from KSJ’s point of view could mean he wanted to see KMC for this same reason. The end of the episode even emphasizes this line once again as KMC is thinking about the case at home and this specific sentence is played to KMC's surprise ;
— Also, KSJ’s words: « I wanted to see you because I wanted to say goodbye. There’s not much time left. (…) I wasted a long time in prison, because of one wrong decision. I realized too late that I didn’t have enough time to make up for that mistake. That is why I decided to meet you. »
Note: If KMC's wrong decision was to lead recklessly Narae's case as his character profile stated, KSJ's was BWT's murder (whether he regrets the act itself is another question, but at least he must be regretting murdering the wrong person).
Specifically sound addressed to KMC even though he’s looking at LMS, which leaves the latter perplexed (more on it below!). You also get this shot of KMC fully focused on KSJ when KSJ says these words:
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The episode also concludes with KSJ’s evasion and KMC realizing he’s truly involved with Gaetal!
Was this 'lack of time' about KSJ’s imminent escape? Is this about something else (eg. his health, putting an end to KMC’s guilt by taking full responsibility, or something urgent about Narae’s case that’s about to be finished, like the statute of limitations for example?)?
The next part is puzzling (« I realized too late that I didn’t have enough time to make up for that mistake. »), like please explain good sir????
This is also a parallel to LMS’s conversation with his mother in ep. 5:
« — You know that detective, Kim Muchan. He’s a really funny guy. It seems impossible to kill him. He’s like a cockroach. (…) — You better stay away from those vermin. If he messes with you once again, I’ll kill him for real. How dare he try to get in my son’s way? (…) — Right. I have to be somewhere. I totally forgot. — Where are you going? You should quit school too [this line also emphasizes 이제, now]. You should get in shape first. Stop playing around. — This is the only time I can play around. »
Note: Will there be an upcoming surgery for his heart? Is his diagnosis getting worse/fatal these days, which is why his mother asks him to relax as much as possible?
— You could even say everything LMS wanted to be in KSJ’s eyes was what KMC was tacitly described as in ep. 3 ie. KSJ agreeing to the entirety of Joohyun’s description of ‘Gaetal’ corresponding with KMC:
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Note: if you rewatch this scene, you can see KSJ react at the mention of a ‘fan’, then looking in KMC’s direction (who pointedly avoids eye contact by the way).
— All of this is happening when all the characters involved from both sides of the room know this meeting is staged for everyone to watch:
I loved that shot btw, KMC and Joohyun look like ghosts (perhaps privy to something we don’t know yet)!
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-> KMC and Joohyun organized the meeting between the two so that they’d gain a confession from LMS ; unlike KMC and KSJ (and highly likely LMS too if he wiretapped them), Joohyun ignores the hidden meaning behind the ‘No. 1 Fan’. KMC was also gauging KSJ’s reactions (another sign he still couldn’t shake the bad feeling he had in the episode).
-> As for KSJ, dude was busy haha: He now has to face LMS’s fascination for him as he only did through letters until now (under the false impression it was KMC). He wanted to coax LMS into confessing he was No. 1 Fan in front of KMC & Joohyun (to shift the Gaetal suspicions off himself at the same time). Note: However, I think it’s likely he did that half-heartedly because he caught on that the suspicions came back and it’s not like he wouldn’t expect this meeting wouldn’t be revealing!
And whatever he wanted to communicate to KMC (and Joohyun) in cryptic ways!
This behavior triggered LMS’s reactions (see below!). It’s also interesting that LMS displayed strong emotions out loud while KSJ remained absolutely impassive with a frozen expression on the surface throughout most of their exchange (until he snapped).
-> Yes, even LMS becomes gradually aware of it: at first, he was wholeheartedly ecstatic at his undreamt of meeting with KSJ.
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Look at this dude here living the Dream and twirling hair, you can see whole galaxies in his eyes lmao
But the elation sank once he saw the pleasure was not truly reciprocated by KSJ (I can’t believe I’m writing this lmao) and that’s from that point on he started to glance sideways to his left in the direction of the interrogation room’s glass panel ie. where KMC (and Joohyun) stands.
He did it whenever KMC might come to mind in his exchange with KSJ, which suggests he hinted at KMC in his answers:
1) « I enjoyed reading your replies too. » and a 'love letter'
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After being accused by KSJ of being No. 1 Fan, LMS glanced in KMC’s direction and retorted ad hominem: « I enjoyed reading your replies too. I was worried you might hate me, but you showed me you completely understood me. I was worried you might hate me, but you showed me you completely understood me. It meant we were finally communicating properly, which reassured me. ».
He realized he was being used and decided to play with something he figured not even KMC would know the truth about: the letters. It could also be to show off to KMC he shared a correspondence with KSJ he was not privy to! He carries on that later with the 'love letter' and when he says « I felt like I was the only one putting effort into our relationship, so it wasn’t fun anymore. »
(More on the reference of the 'love letter' and what it possibly means at the end of Part 3!)
KSJ deflects LMS's accusation by stating he never wrote replies in the first place (the last pictures of the first column).
Which provokes LMS even more as he teasingly glances in KMC’s direction to deem them as ‘love letters’ (I’m so sorry it’s screenshot-heavy lmao, I just loved the acting here!!!!).
Notice how KSJ withdrew his hands from the desk (to put them underneath and fall back in his chair) broke contact/physically retreated as soon as LMS claimed these replies (love letters right lmao) were addressed to him:
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Not to mention how LMS does the same later, when KSJ asks him if he’s Gaetal and LMS realizes the purpose of his arrestation (the camera also emphasizes the movement of his hands being dragged down along the table). It’s worth mentioning that LMS decides next to rile KSJ up by threatening KMC (more on it below!).
For what it’s worth, KMC, first leaning on the desk, adopted a similar posture once KSJ asked him if he meant what he said in ep. 7 (and you can see KSJ is clenching his jaw at the lack of a verbal answer).
2— « There’s not much time left? »
When KSJ says he wanted to meet LMS because there’s not much time left, LMS looks a little confounded and directs his gaze to the glass:
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3— « Are you Gaetal? » and not No. 1 Fan
When KSJ asks if LMS is Gaetal, this bursts LMS’s bubble and he explodes in laughter as realization dawned on him: KSJ is not there for him.
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4— « If I were Gaetal, who would be the target today? Don’t you want to know? »
LMS bitterly laughs to himself and decides now to taunt KSJ at the mere suggestion of harming KMC: he finally introduces KMC to their conversation even without having to name him, the (almost rhetorical) question is deliberately left open.
He even went out of his way to make a little detour and showingly drag his feet right in front of the glass (facing KMC & Joohyun) to get his point across. It’s the only moment KSJ looked not in control and troubled, and tried to gauge LMS.
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And he loses it the moment LMS’s eyes train the slightest to the left:
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5— « Ring, ring! »
And finally, when KMC stops KSJ, LMS regains his composure as he sees the former arrive and laughs at them when the vote is up (ngl the third to last picture would make great meme material out of context haha, it has the same vibes as that Real Housewives cat meme):
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After this episode, you can better appreciate this scene in ep. 6 (first two pictures):
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But at the same time, what KSJ says next becomes even more unclear, ep. 8 might add another layer to it (three next pictures):
— Is some part of his speech an act? His anger and regret sounded real, but he could’ve used them to redirect KMC’s (and everyone watching) suspicions off him.
— KSJ specifically says he wished KMC were Gaetal, not No. 1 Fan, if this detail will be relevant later.
— If he was honest, why would he wish for Gaetal when he’s supposedly Gaetal himself……………. ? Is he involved in the Killing Vote in a different way from Gaetal’s?
This scene between Joomin and KMC in ep. 4 can also be further appreciated (last two pictures).
That's all for the first part, part 2 is next!
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod pairing? Sorry I haven’t done this before.
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of it. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😅😭 sorry again
John Price
a/n omg at one point of time i thought of going to law school instead of pharmacy so this was so interesting to see what could've been lol
How you met: Civilian as of rn ;) Here you stood, a second year of law school done and accepted into the US Army Judge Advocate General's Corps. Or I guess I should say, here you were physically but not mentally. When you applied from your cozy apartment, you hadn't expected the internship program to be such a challenge. But here you were in your second choice location of Washington DC (curse whoever got the Germany placement). It was your second day and you were already tired from the 6am wakeup time followed by whatever your trainer saw fit. Today was a grueling 4-mile run. Needless to say, you were exhausted by the time you entered the Military Justice office. As you entered, your attorney joked, "you look like hell." You rolled your eyes and tried to smooth out your hair. "Here take a break and make some copies for us," as he handed you a pile of papers. You looked and saw they were drafts for an attorney's prosecution memoranda. You left to make your way to the copier when you bumped head first into something. As you looked up, you realized it was a someone. Somehow this man had miraculously caught all your papers. "Sorry love, perhaps you could tell me where I would find a General Shepherd's office?" he asked in an enchanting, deep accent. You could feel the air fill with cigar smoke with each word. You silently pointed in the direction of the office and the man went on his way. "It gets easier, soldier, someday you'll be an officer," he called out and you smiled as you got up from the floor.
A peek into your relationship: This was the big day, your graduation from law school. Your time during your internship had paid off, many officers impressed by your ability to keep up with the trainings and your eloquent legal drafts. You sat in your seat nervously and twirled a loose curl as they prepared to call your name. Finally, it was time. As you walked on stage and prepared to get your hood, you could instantly hear your boyfriend cheering you on loudly. "That's my girl!" he shouted and you gave him a kiss from the stage, finally a lawyer. When the ceremony had finished, Price was the first one to greet you. He had dressed in a suit for the occasion but this didn't deter him from picking you up and spinning you around. "I'm so proud of you," he said before planting a soft kiss on your lips.
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the Checkmate zine! Originally this was going to be a story about strip chess but I am not sexy or flirty enough to pull that off XD So I’ll leave that game to your imagination and I’ll give you the build up to it.
The library was a great place to hide. At least, it was a great place to hide for anyone named Sylvain. No one expected to find him there, whether it was the disapproving Ingrid, the exasperated Dimitri, or the countless angry significant others who caught him in bed with their lovers.
To be honest, privately Sylvain had to agree with his friends. He might have been biting off more than he could chew these days. Point in case: today was a beautiful day and he was spending it lurking between the bookshelves, hoping that a man with an axe didn’t stop by for a visit.
A hand tapped his shoulder and he jumped. As he spun around, he found Claude hiding a laugh behind a hand. No that it mattered, his mirthful eyes and shaking shoulders gave the game away. “Twitchy, huh? Girl problems?”
Sylvain sighed, relieved. A little embarrassed, he rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Guy troubles this time. But they’re really the same.”
 The afternoon sun shone through the windows, leaving a dappled pattern on Claude as he didn’t bother to hide his amusement this time. For a house head, he carried none of the stiffness nor formality that Dimitri and Edelgard did. “Maybe try picking a single person next time?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Sylvain joked lightly, watching the library entrance from the corner of his eye. Up on the second floor, he had a commanding view of students entering and leaving. “Besides, it’s not like I find them, they come to me.”
Claude raised a brow, not buying it in the least. Sylvain had received the same look from his childhood friends whenever he gave that excuse and he wasn’t sure if he was just that bad at lying or if it was just that obvious. Still, unlike Dimitri and Ingrid, Claude dropped the matter with a careless shrug. “Must be hard, being so popular.”
“A real burden.” Sylvain relaxed slightly, following Claude as he moved through the shelves, picking up a book here and there. “As I’m sure you already know—you’re pretty popular yourself.” He winked roguishly.
Claude laughed and Sylvain was mildly insulted that his flirt bounced off as though there was a ward in place. “I’m nowhere near your level.”
“No one’s at my level.” Sylvain couldn’t help himself. The opening was right there.
“I think we’d die if we tried.” Claude stopped by a small sunlit alcove. Several books were stacked around it, bookmarks sticking out randomly like small daggers. A chessboard sat in a corner of the alcove, partially through a game.
Sylvain studied the board. Only a few pieces were missing but judging by the thorough mixing of the black and white pieces, it was a long game. “Who’s your opponent?”
“Myself.” Claude replied lightly, setting down his newly acquired texts. “I’m harder than I expected.”
Sylvain laughed before cutting himself off. “Seriously? Isn’t it a little…boring?”
“Not really.” Claude shrugged, sitting down. “It’s a good way to think. Or test strategies.”
Privately, Sylvain disagreed. There were far better ways to fill time than sitting in a darkened corner of the library, playing chess against yourself. “If you say so.”
Claude studied him, something sharp in his gaze. For a moment, Sylvain thought he’d insulted him. Ingrid would kill him if he got the entire Leicester Alliance on his case. Then Claude smiled and asked, “You’re right. It is kinda dull playing myself. Why don’t you play?”
Sylvain suppressed a shiver. He knew a fake smile when he saw one. Even most of their conversation so far had been superfluous. Forcing his own smile, he held up his hands. “Me? I’m terrible, ask anyone.”
“That’s fine.” Claude was already putting the pieces back, setting the black set on his side. Sylvain wasn’t surprised—Claude looked like the kind of man who liked reacting instead of taking the first move. That was more Dimitri’s or Edelgard’s kind of thing. “It’s just a game.”
They were already playing a different one, though Sylvain wasn’t sure just what the rules were. He doubted this was just a whim; he’d seen enough strategists to recognize when something was being set up. Yet, one look at Claude told Sylvain there was no point in asking; he wouldn’t find out no matter how many questions he asked. Part of him was worried, a bigger part intrigued.
He had some time to kill anyways. Why not see where this led?
Wetting his lips nervously, he sat down in the free spot. “Don’t complain if you’re bored.”
Claude smiled mysteriously. “I doubt that’ll happen.”
There was exhaustion and then there was exhaustion. Sylvain slumped on a chair in the academy’s gardens, worn to the bone. He just wanted to sleep. Alone, even.
“You look dead,” Claude commented.
Sylvain could barely keep his eyes open now. Slowly, he turned his head and spotted Claude two tables down. In front of him was a chess board. His brown skin looked bronze in the sunlight. Dryly, he asked, “Do you only play chess?”
“I sometimes play other games. And this isn’t chess.” Claude moved a piece. Now that Sylvain was paying attention, he noticed it didn’t look like a bishop but more like an elephant. And the board wasn’t covered in the familiar black and white checkers.
Claude laughed. “Oh indeed. Training was rough today?”
“You don’t know the half of it.” Sylvain groaned, leaning back into his seat. He closed his eyes. “You could have gone a little easier on us, you know. It was just a mock battle.”
There was a soft tap as another piece moved across the board. “You were really tough. We got lucky.”
Sylvain snorted. “There was nothing lucky about it.”
It would have been one thing if the battle had felt close. Instead, the Golden Deer had steamrolled the other two houses. Dimitri had taken it hard. Sylvain understood self-loathing, but he wished Dimitri wasn’t so intent to take them all down with him. With all the extra training sessions, they’d all be dead by the end of the month.
“Well, maybe a little bit of scheming was involved,” Claude admitted, moving another piece. Clack. “But the tide could have easily turned.”
“You’re just saying that.” A cool breeze tousled Sylvain’s hair and he sighed.
“Maybe.” Claude teased. “Though, seriously, it was a hard fight. The other houses were strong. You’re a lot better than I expected.”
Sylvain cracked an eye open but Claude didn’t look like he was joking.  It didn’t feel like a compliment, nor was it clearly an insult. “Thanks?”
Claude watched him over his pieces. “You know, our house is always open if you want to join.”
Sylvain slowly processed the offer before jolting upright, ignoring his aching bones. When Claude didn’t react, merely continued to play his inane game, Sylvain laughed weakly. “Don’t you wait till a second date before asking that?”
“Isn’t it a second date?” Claude played along. 
Technically. Sylvain rubbed his nose, perplexed. “You’re kidding, right? Why would you want me?”
“Well, our last game was interesting and I’d like a rematch.” Claude shrugged, leaning back into his seat. Despite how relaxed he looked, Sylvain had a feeling he was studying, assessing. His mind was always going in a hundred different directions at once. “And like I said, during the mock battle, you were strong. Not just with your lance, but…strategic. Grouping Ingrid and Felix with you at the hill was a good move.”
“You still rammed straight through to Dimitri,” Sylvain pointed out.
“I said you were good, not perfect.” Claude winked. “Just think about it.”
While it wasn’t forbidden, there was something taboo about going into another house’s classroom. Sylvain crossed the threshold into the Golden Deer’s room anyways. His eyes darted around the nearly empty room before they landed on Claude. As usual, the guy was alone, plotting some nefarious prank.
He didn’t think twice before making a beeline to the man. Vaulting over the table as Claude looked up, Sylvain hastily whispered, “Act natural,” before ducking under the table.
“So, I take it you want to join my house?” Claude teased, leaning forward on the table.
“Still thinking about it.” With his large frame, it was a cramped hiding spot. Still, it was better than nowhere, and Sylvain hunched over as he adjusted his position. The table pressed against his back and Claude’s legs hemmed him in. Suddenly, he understood how a stable felt. “Do I need to say yes to stay?”
“No, but this does mean you owe me a favour.” Claude chuckled.
While he was certain it wouldn’t be anything too nefarious, it wasn’t an ideal trade off. Claude seemed like the kind of guy who collected favours until he used them for something big. Still, fair was fair. “Deal.”
“Boy troubles?” Claude guessed, his fingers softly drumming on the table.
“Girl,” he corrected. From above, Sylvain could hear the soft clack as something moved. “Are you playing chess again?”
“A variant I learned from Shamir.” Claude’s legs shifted, brushing against Sylvain. “I’m not sure which is more impressive, that you find the time for all of these affairs, or that there’s still people out there who haven’t heard of your reputation.”
“I think half of my troubles are because they know my reputation.” Sylvain stiffened as Claude’s foot rested on his thigh. Everything about his position felt oddly intimate.
“I gotta say, I don’t see the fun in it.” There was another soft thud as the chess game continued. Claude hummed softly as he considered his next move. “Unless you like the chase.”
“Only if I’m the one chasing,” Sylvain quipped glibly, raking a hand through his hair. Reluctantly, he had to admit, “It isn’t all it used to be.”
“Was it ever?” Claude challenged.
That was a question Sylvain didn’t know the answer to. “Is it really all that fun playing chess by yourself?”
“I’d prefer to play you. The coast is clear.” Claude poked his head down and grinned. “Now, this is a nice view.”
Sylvain recognized the innuendo immediately. He’d used it himself before. That didn’t stop the hot blush creeping up his neck as he scrambled outside.
There was something oddly public about sitting in front of Claude in the lunch hall. It was just lunch. Byleth invited them together every now and then. Sylvain had friends in the other houses. It wasn’t entirely unusual for him to eat with someone else than his usual Blue Lion friends.
Yet, Claude was a house head. Somehow, that made sitting with him feel like a statement. Sylvain wasn’t sure if he was ready for it, whatever it meant.
Looking up from his lunch, a bemused Claude peeked around Sylvain before asking, “So, who’re you hiding from now?”
Sylvian chuckled. “What, I can’t sit with a friend without an ulterior motive?”
Claude raised a brow.
He held out his hands in front of him and smiled innocently. “I’m not hiding, really. I might join your house, so I figure I should have a somewhat good reputation or you’ll just kick me out.”
Claude burst into laughter. “It might be too late for that.”
“Ouch.” Sylvain clutched his chest. “You wound me, sire.”
“Sounds serious.” Claude peered at Sylvain’s chest, squinting as though he was trying to find the wound. “The good news, I think you just might live.”
“Are you certain?” Sylvain lowered his hands. “My heart still aches.”
“Well, I’m not a doctor, but…I think the odds are high.” Claude thatched his fingers and rested his chin on them. “So, what really brings you here?
You, but Sylvain didn’t say that. There was a strange sort of gravity around Claude, one that dragged him closer and closer with every orbit. Maybe it was the myriad of masks Claude wore, the way he smiled without giving anything away. Maybe it was how fast his mind worked, pulling apart puzzles even as they talked.
You would have been the honest answer, but Sylvain has lied for too long to start telling the truth now.
“You promised me a rematch,” Sylvain said instead.
Claude sat next to Sylvain, slipping in as naturally as though they came to the church together often. It was the first time the younger man had sought him out and in other circumstances, he would have teased Claude about it. Sylvian might have even felt pleased over it.
Now, though, it was barely a blip on his radar. Sylvain clasped his hands together, his knuckles whitening as his grip grew tighter and tighter. Sunlight streamed through the glass mosaics, casting soft patterns on the ground.
Sylvain would have preferred rain. Or wind. Or something wilder than the clear skies today. Not even nature wanted to mark his brother’s passing.
Claude squeezed his shoulder. “Sorry.”
“For what?” Sylvain laughed dryly. It had been his choice to join the Golden Deer on this mission, his choice to follow the bandits that led to his brother. He wasn’t sure if it was better to see what had happened, or to hear it second hand.
Either way, he couldn’t erase the memories now. Sylvain shrugged. “Miklan made his choices.”
“That doesn’t make it easier.” Claude’s hand stayed on his arm, warm and heavy and grounding. He didn’t look at Sylvain as he added, “I can’t say I’ve experienced anything like this but…I know complicated feelings.”
“Do you?” Sylvain watched him now, the way Claude’s jaw tightened, the way his smile dropped ever so slightly. Miniscule things that told him for once, his companion was being entirely honest with him.
“Yeah.” Claude dropped his hand now. “It’s not like I appeared out of thin air. It might not be as permanent as yours, but…I’ve said more than my share of goodbyes.”
It was obvious what he meant. Little was known of Claude’s past outside of the rumours—his mother eloped with a commoner, or his mother ran to hide an unwanted pregnancy. Some sort of scandal that happened every other day amongst the nobles.
It must have been hard to return to his grandfather a year ago. It must have been hard to put himself back out there, despite the gossip and hate.
Claude gripped his thigh. “It’s hard, even when you hate the person.”
“I don’t know if I hated him,” Sylvain finally replied, his voice cracking as he tried to find the words. “Miklan had been kind, once. When I was really little. I can’t even remember it now, just…a feeling. An imprint. His hand on my hair.”
Claude didn’t say anything, his hand reaching down to tangle with Sylvain’s. He squeezed softly.
Encouraged, Sylvain kept talking, the words escaping as though they were overflowing. “The worst part is that…I’m not sad. My dad’s definitely not sad. I don’t think anyone is. Miklan died and no one’s crying over him. What…what kind of legacy is that?”
Even now, he couldn’t cry. A dull ache filled his chest.
Sylvain bit his lip as he stared at the pieces in front of him. He was going to lose today. He knew that in his gut, had known that even as he’d moved his first piece: today, he wasn’t going to beat Claude. To be fair, he didn’t beat Claude all that often. His victories were inconsistent and sparse, feeling more like a fluke than something he’d earned.
Claude leaned back in his seat, utterly relaxed. They were outside and the warm, summer air was enough to make one feel sluggish. “So, figured it out yet?”
“I’m still thinking,” Sylvain lied, unable to throw in the hat yet. He loosened his collar slightly. ”It’s boiling today, I should just take it off.”
“Now that’s an idea.” Claude perked up, leaning forward. “Strip chess. We should do that next time.”
Despite himself, Sylvain glanced at Claude’s collar, at the smooth expanse of his skin. Strip poker.
It was the kind of game that he felt he’d lose no matter the outcome.
The world was at war. Houses burned, people died, maps were redrawn. Sylvain did not think of chess, did not think of tawny skin or sharp eyes, did not think of a cocky smirk and a confident voice.
He thought of nothing but the path ahead of him.
In five years, Sylvain had not expected to return to the academy, let alone as a Golden Deer. It was a ruined place, filled with ruined dreams, yet there was something utterly nostalgic about walking through its halls.
Even more so, walking through the dusty library. Everything had started here, all those years ago. Sylvain gazed upon the shelves fondly, remembering running and hiding amongst the novels.
Remembered finding Claude in the alcove, playing chess.
Claude was here now too, standing next to the familiar spot, thinking the same thoughts. He reached down to an abandoned chessboard, wiping the dust off the king. He glanced back at Sylvain and smirked. “Fancy a game?”
Something about it felt like a homecoming. Sylvain smirked. “Maybe we can try strip chess this time.”
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sodrippy · 2 months
heyy it's op anon again, how are you? what's up? is it still cool to send you updates or are you not that interested since you're caught up?
i'm at the start of dressrosa rn! i warmed up to fishman island by the end of it and punk hazard was fun :3 (as fun as these set-up arcs can get)
i almost hate to say it but i get the law hype, love a guy who is playing chess while everyone else is playing poker
bartolomeo is also funny, i like his cocoroach-like swag. what do you think of him?
also idk if it's just me or the translation I'm reading but all the tontattas sound like they have a jersey accent and idc if i'm wrong about it it rules
and while this arc is interesting like 30% of my attention is on the fact that wci is next, cannot wait to focus on my beautiful princess with a disorder
please let me know your thoughts about all this :0 hope you're having a nice day!!
hii!! omg yes please keep sending them!!! i love hearing where youre up to and what you think of the arcs and the new characters and everything, its so fun!
oh thats such a good description of law youre so right. its a shame they made him so crazy smart w insane devil fruit powers bc it means he has to constantly be nerfed so he doesnt like. end arcs in two episodes or whatever when hes around, but its SO fucking funny too bc this man cannot catch a break 😭
excited to hear how you feel about laws backstory!! i forget where thats placed in the arc but its a lot</3
his cockroach like swag has bewitched you...his intro was so fun like 'um what the hell is wrong w this guy lol?' and his power is super cool as well! i think hes a sweetheart but also like. i dont want to hang out in person around him too long hes INTENSE fdhsjsdxz. i love the yin-yang balance him and cavendish have over luffy, like barto loves him and cav hates him, meanwhile luffy is like 'hi who are you again?'
JERSEY ACCENTS...thats incredible and im adopting that into my personal canon immediately<3
oh sanji babygirl.....hes so depressed disordered dejected. sounds like youre having a similar experience to getting through impel down arc while knowing marineford is next, like you cant give 100% of your attention to this bc you know whats coming! guessing youre aware of this already but bestie it kind of takes a while to get to the sanji part of wci its crazy.
i think i said before but i really liked dressrosa, like i def skimmed swathes of it that i didnt really find super interesting, but i thought the general arc had a lot of heart and it was really engaging for me, maybe it was just bc everyone had fun outfits or smth but im quite fond of it!
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I definitely made some kind of progress with U today.
Got to QT past 12, V found me, then I saw P and U. V took me to find LT soon after, then I saw L.
After a bit, I felt something on my shoulder. I thought it was LT, or even W, but I turned around, and U had put his head on my shoulder.
It’s the cutest thing a 39 year old man can do.
I rolled an herbie, asked if he wanted one, he said yes.
Later on he reached over me to point out these guys who clearly came over from the marijuana protest.
I was talking to someone else, caught him looking at me. I looked away, then looked back again, his gaze was still there, and my eyes lingered on his while I turned my face away slowly with a sly smile, to say, “I know you like me. Caught you.”
(Later on A & A gave me “poppers” to try… it was a quick and intense high. It alarmed me, but also made me want to go find U and kiss him hard.)
Later on L and I were joking about me cheating on her with U (as my French teacher), and I touched him so many times more…
I was off kilter enough to correct him when he called me she. And he actually repeated his sentences with they!!
I found him on his own for a bit, went up to take his hand in both of mine to ask, “Are you coming to my birthday?” He said yes, most likely. At Brick? Yes.
Later on L had left, and V and LT were nowhere to be seen, so I asked if U wanted to roam around. We did, people watching, looking for the odd one out, and I rolled us another herbie.
He was referring to me to some other friends of his, calling me she again, I didn’t pay it much mine, but he apologized and said they. I was so happy, I attacked him with a hug. I can’t believe he tried m. That he cared enough to try and correct himself and he did. I don’t think he knows how many points this wins him haha.
I asked him about chess… gave him my stress ball to play with…
And we were throwing it around, bouncing it off the wall, trying to catch it, and it would fly off and get in people’s way…
He was so playful. Sweet, and smiled a lot.
We touched a lot, or rather, I touched him a lot, and he seemed to be receptive to it.
He looks like the type who might take himself too seriously, but really he’s a bit of a goofball.
A goofball “straight” man who likes to hang around queer afabs and play improv and dark faerie fantasy.
I’m starting to like him… more and more.
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soggypotatoes · 2 years
when i went out for lunch this woman ive spoken to a few times was looking distressed and when she saw me she like sighed and smiled and was like ‘oh eddie!! you are just a little ray of sunshine, when you say hello to me i just feel so happy’ BRB CRYINGGGGJDFKSGJDHFKJGK
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! adore your work love. could you maybe do smth where stark!reader has to get her wisdom teeth out but HATES the dentist so she brings her boyf peter and her dad w her?? and then when they get home the avengers are all waiting with like comical amounts of flowers and stuffed animals and then reader says some funny shiii and thor thinks she’s like dying lol. idk if that made sense but i’m getting my wisdom teeth out soon and i’m scared😭 thank u so so much love u babe
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
a/n: tysm lovely :,) i rushed through this like my life depended on it, but i hope i’m not too late. either way, i hope you’re okay! it’s frightening but those bad boys gotta go because we don’t need that kind of energy in our lives. enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
wisdom teeth? more like wisdoom
y/n has to get her wisdom teeth removed and it’s the singular most dreadful thing she’s ever had to do, which says a lot because her dad is tony richling stark
doing dreadful things she doesn’t want to do but still somehow end up doing just because she can is a personality trait at this point
no one really makes a big deal out of it since ~death~ is part of their job description, but y/n is terrified
and when a stark is terrified the only thing that will keep them one step from insanity is researching the hell out of it
that information will be info dumped into every conversation for the next few weeks leading up to the appointment
“y/n you need anything from the store?” "no thanks, did you know the side effects of getting your wisdom teeth out include ✨sudden death or blood clots✨ tho” “……..i have a coupon?”
the day of the appointment, peter comes along and literally doesn’t let go of y/n’s hand. he keeps touching her to let her know that he’s there and it’s so. adorable
he would rest his hand on her knee, gently stroke her back while holding her, or just play with her hair
happy drops them off and he’s too Cool™ for emotions but he knows y/n’s a wreck, so he just fist bumps her with a single nod and she almost breaks down bc it’s really affectionate
y/n is sitting in the dentist chair and genuinely nothing is happening yet, but she’s squeezing peter’s hand like it’s a sponge
peter might have a high pain tolerance but he’s in pain pain and he prays that his hand won’t just explode on him
the dentist notices how peter tries to keep it together and chuckles
“you okay there, son?” “yea it’s fine, had a better time when a building fell on me tho haha” “pardon?” “oh i mean i didn’t have a good time, i just had a better time”
because y/n is running Anxious Town™, the dentist gives her a sedative to help her relax 
plus, an injection of local anaesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area
she doesn’t feel anything and it’s GREAT
the procedure is quicker than expected and now the real fun begins
she tries to walk but she falls down so peter scoops her up bridal style and happy stays glued at her side
y/n doesn’t mind although she literally doesn’t recognise them and they’re practically strangers to her
but girly sees an opportunity and tries to flirt with peter bc why wouldn’t she
“you’re pretty” *blushes* “why thanks” “you should let your girlfriend know” “i should let her know i’m pretty?” “so you do have a gf? :(” “yea it’s you” “:)”
they stop for gas and peter goes in to get some water for y/n, and in her infinite wisdom, she decides it’s burger time
her mouth is completely numb and she’s practically leaving a trail of drool behind her, but she’d kill for a burger right now
so she wobbles around aimlessly for an hour on some random parking lot as if the ground might just magically open up like a rabbit hole and lead her to five guys
she’s going places. not back to the car. definitely not five guys. they’re closed. but places
peter finally finds her and he’s drenched from head to toe in sweat. he doEsn’T wAnt tO tALk abOut iT tho so she lets him take her to subway instead
normally, she would know that peter’s usual subway order is bread-lettuce-jalapeño
but in her drugged-up state, it had simply slipped her mind so now she’s staring at him like he’d just murdered someone right in front of her
“that- that’s your order?? no meat or anything just bread, lettuce, and a little spice?”
meanwhile at the compound, sam and steve are ordering everyone around bc they want to decorate this place before y/n gets home to surprise her
they take it very seriously too. they’ve watched like one HGTV show and said it’s our time
they finally get home and tony gives y/n a big hug, asking her what took so long
happy tells him that she was keen on getting burgers bc apparently someone has taught her that stressful times call for ~cheeseburgers~
he proceeds to look at tony with a pointed look
tony just shrugs and goes “she was a problem child. we don’t mention her dark past”
she’s swaying on the spot and keeps grinning like a fool and thor just stares at her weirdly before elbowing bruce and whispering loudly,
“what’s wrong with her? is she dying? should i start collecting leaves, i know this remedy—"
no one can tell if y/n is just happy to see the newly decorated home or if she’s just delighted to see everyone but then she goes around hugging the entire team
she doesn’t even acknowledge the sky-high pile of teddy bears and flowers everywhere bc she’s just squeezing everybody
y/n is so high, she just starts to spill all of her feelings about everyone and they’re already so overwhelmed by the hug chain they can’t take this too
“wanda i just want you to know that you’re like my big sister and you’re always taking care of me and i know you and vision are just going to make such good parents one day”
“bucky you absolute PRICK, you FIEND, you’re the best chess player ever and that’ll never change and i wouldn’t be good without you, i hate to say it but you deserve happiness even after you made me lose five times in a row yesterday”
“dad, you’re so strong and smart, even though we’re like never on the same page, you’re always along for the ride, i want to be like you when i grow up, i swear i’m gonna try to be as good to the avengers as you were to us” “aww- wait makes you think i'll be the first to die“
“nat you’re such a bitch about your protein shakes but you’re my best friend and i wouldn’t have it any other way, you can try out as many make up looks on me as you want”
“bruce, brucey, i would live with you in your lab for the rest of my days if i had to, whenever you ask me to hand you stuff i feel useful and important”
“laura’s way out of your league clint i have no idea how the fuck you got her but don’t lose her and i want to be your next child’s godmother”
“steve…we’re your family now. we’re always gonna be your family now. okay?”
“loki you’re not fooling anyone with your attitude, we all know you’re part of the family, you were just misunderstood and messed up bc of your dad–FUCK him by the way–but i realised everyone deserves as many chances as they need because of you”
“sam i would genuinely kill anyone who wronged you, even if they cut you in line at the grocery store, i would knife them no hesitation”
“thor, you poor golden retriever have been through so much, on my way here i made a wish on an eyelash for you bc you deserve better, your postcards always make my day, love you”
she mumbles something to peter that no one else can hear but he blushes and chokes back a sob
y/n orders hot soup and bucky brings it to her but before he even has time to react peter drops everything and ZOOMS across the room in .3 seconds
he barrels into bucky so hard they both go flying, but peter just smoothly rolls out of it and onto his feet like some kind of super ninja
“DUDE WHAT THE HELL” “😠 y/n is not supposed to drink hot liquids 😠”
all of this happens in mere seconds but sam has filmed it all and now slow mo clips go viral online of some mysterious kid knocking over the winter soldier
y/n’s a little in and out after that, but when she fully regains consciousness, she’s on a pile of blankets, surrounded by the team on the floor <3
* * *
let me know if this is actually comforting lmao stay hydrated pals
hc masterlist
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cas-rivaille · 3 years
Undertaker here! How are you today?
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I was thinking the other day and I remembered an idea of mine I requested some time ago to another blog and I wanted to see your point of view as well, if you're comfortable with it ofc! I'll change it a bit because I have more ideas about it than before.
What if, hear me out, Obey me!MC was Sukuna's vessel??
I was thinking about a Female!MC but if you want you can keep them gender neutral (I don't mind!). So let's get into it, shall we?
Some facts about MC before the Devildom:
- They've already eaten all Sukuna's fingers
-But they are able to keep him calm inside themselves because over the year they've been together, MC decided to approach him more (Ya know if you have to die with/for someone, at least know them better)
-Sukuna took a liking to the MC, even though he would never admit it. (I mean- They always visit him in his domain to talk to him, read together, play cards (yes. You heard me. The king of curses loves Poker and UNO) or chess, they always ask him where would he like to go eat something, offer him some of their food to let him try new things, ect. Sometimes, but only SOMETIMES, they let him take control (not fully but they both can talk from the same mouth and he has control over one side, while MC has control over the other one))
- Having said that, Sukuna's still a stinky sassy bastard King. He's still rude, acts like he doesn't care about them and always finds a way to let them down when they're too happy. If they're sad though, he doesn't hurt them more. Sometimes MC even asks him advice whenever they're in doubt and after his bulling he actually gives pretty good advice (if you consider extreme violence a good advice that is)
Anyway, MC was going to get executed when suddenly they fell into Devildom. Their file didn't mention Sukuna at all and MC noticed that because when they arrived covered in talismans and chains the demons were confused about it. So, they kept the King a secret until lesson 16.
After Belphegor's crushing hug, while MC (the one from the original timeline) is in Mammon's arm, before Barbatos Thanoses the other timeline, Sukuna heals them and takes fully control of their body (the tattoos, the fangs, the long black claws, the other pairs of eyes and arms appear).
Now, HOW would the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos react?
If it is too much or I did something wrong, feel free to ignore this! It's okay! Love you and have a good day!
(i think i'm gonna do it hc style for the individual characters feelings but also some dialogue n stuff and each hc thing for each character is written as like in the game like they all like MC except belphie for obvious reasons)
tags: swearing, lesson uhhh smth spoilers ?? i think like 16 ?? (lmk if i need to tag anything else)
also hi ‘taker🥺🥺 i’m good today,, had a bit of a rough morning but i got to see my partner so i feel better !! how are you ? :D
and without further ado..
MC who is Sukuna's Vessel
- hold up
- hold the fuck up
- it was confusing enough when there were two MCs and one of them was near death in mammon's arms
- but now the injured MC gets healed and comes back to life ? but has another set of arms and eyes and is covered in strange tattoos ?
- then the other MC disappears ?
- when the demon MC starts talking, their voice is different and what-
"What the fuck did you to do MC?" Sukuna hastily spits out, checking the body for any other injuries. MC's voice is back and talking out of the same mouth.
"Sukuna, stand down," MC says.
"But he almost killed you ! Without me we wouldn't be standing here right now !" Sukuna argues back.
"I'm aware of that, but we have to be civil about this and talk to them," MC responds sternly.
"Then I want to be present for it. I'm not letting anything happen to you- I mean me. Yes me because I die if you die and I'm too godly to die," Sukuna rambles out before retracting the other set of arms but leaving the tattoos. He opens one of the eyes and forms a mouth on MC's right cheek to watch and participate in the conversation.
All the brothers and Divolo looked stunned at the scene that just happened.
"Questions ?" MC jokingly asks.
Lucifer -
- what ?
- questions ? is MC joking ?
- who the fuck is talking out of MCs body and what jurisdiction does he have
- isnt MC supposed to be human ??
- what does this mean for their relationship ?
- why did MC keep it from him ?
- he looks at dia and barbatos with the most confused face
- looks back at MC equally confused
- def hurts his pride that he didn't know
Lucifer's confusion turns to anger because that's the only way he knows how to cope/react to this.
Sukuna starts talking.
"Show a little more respect. I'm a king after all."
"Don't be an ass," MC shoots back. MC looks at Lucifer a little embarrassed.
"Uh, so this is Sukuna. He's the king of curses ? We kind of share a body because... uhh... it's a very long story but i mean the gist of it is I ate his thousand year old fingers ? There was 20 of them because he had two sets of arms like you saw before- it was very gross- but i had to because of the energy they posses ? When you brought me here and I was covered in seals and chains, was when I was about to be executed because I have all of Sukuna in me. So,, he can do stuff like heal my body and give me cool powers ? I don't really know what else to say." MC rambles using awkward hand motions and finishes by scratching the back of their head.
"Way to make me sound like a total fucking loser," Sukuna glares at MC.
"For the love of god stop talking-" MC shoots back.
- huh ? someone has been sharing a body with his MC the whole time ?
- were they present the whole time ?
- did they see him acting like an idiot in love ?
- was sukuna there during e v e r y conversation he's ever had w them
- never felt more insecure and betrayed tbh
- why wouldn't you tell him ? he was your first
- wants you all to himself
- doesn't want to share you with some four armed idiot
"So he's just, there all the time ?" Mammon asks.
"Not really? He has a headspace and he usually just chills in there but he can watch what's going on if he wants to." MC responds.
"That makes me sound lazy," Sukuna complains.
"Well if you don't like how I describe you then maybe you can talk about yourself. You're very good at it," MC smirks.
"Fine. I can do whatever I want. We can trade who has control over MC's body. I have a large supply of cursed energy and will beat the shit out of the next person who touches MC," Sukuna glares at Belphie.
"Yeah beat them in poker maybe. But not mariokart. You suck at video games in the headspace," MC laughs.
- was that how MC was so good at video games ?
- because they spent hours on end with this guy in their head playing video games ?
- why didn't MC come to him to play games ?
- why is MC okay with sharing a body with Sukuna ?
- why can he be the one to share a body with MC ?
- why was MC playing video games with literally anyone else ?
"So let me get this straight, you are his fingers and now you share a body ? How does that even work ? That sounds like something out of the manga 'My best friend ate some ancient object and now shares a body with an immortal warrior'" Levi questions MC.
"Okay so, Sukuna lived a really long time ago. When he died, the only thing that survived were his fingers. They each hold an incredible amount of cursed energy and it's only his fingers so from there you can imagine how powerful he was with the rest of his body," MC explains.
"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you ate the fingers ?" Levi raises an eyebrow.
"Oh. So I went to a high school for Jujutsu sorcerers, which are people who can manipulate cursed energy, and once I ate the first one to save my friend from dying, my choices were to die now or eat all of Sukuna and then be executed because he would die with me," MC says as if them dying was nothing.
- why has he never heard about Sukuna in any of the books he's read ?
- he historically doesn't exist in anything the devildom has book-wise
- so who is he ?
- needs to find out everything he can about him
- is there a way to separate MC and Sukuna ?
- his blood is boiling at the thought of MC sharing a body with someone
"So you've basically had super human powers this entire time and elected to not tell us ?" Satan glares at MC.
"Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad. I just didn't want you all to meet Sukuna because he has a lot of anger issues and is quite an asshole and I was trying to avoid this entire conversation that is happening," MC sighs.
"Rude," Sukuna says.
"Anger issues. You think we couldn't deal with this ? Are you serious right now ?" Satan asks.
MC shrugs their shoulders nervously.
"How much do you actually know about what sharing a body with him does to you ?" Satan asks while looking at the small mouth and glaring.
"I mean, I get these marks because he had them when he was alive. He was also so powerful to the point he had four arms and another set of eyes, like you saw before. I get those when he takes over mostly, but I can kee him restrained. But the eye thing is why I've always had slits under my eyes because the eyes are the most common thing to show up. The arms don't really. But it's entirely painless so don't worry," MC somewhat calmly explains.
- those marks make MC look so good wtf-
- not the time
- so this Sukuna person lived a thousand years ago ?
- what was this about jujutsu sorcery ?
- what even is that ?
- asmos not the brightest on the block but from the looks on his brothers faces none of them know what the fuck MC is talking about either.
- they've explained a little bit of it b there's still some missing info
- what is sharing a body really like
- how much of MCs body can change to be like Sukunas ?
"So how much of your body can he control ? What can he heal ? Could he bring you back from the dead ?" Asmo curiously asks.
"He can't control much because it's my body and I have a lot of raw power by myself. I don't know if he can bring us back from the dead. I don't think so though or else the Jujutsu school wouldn't have tried to execute me. He used to be able to bring us back when I hadn't eaten all of his fingers, but now I don't think he can," MC explains.
"So why do you let him live in your body if he can't do much for you ?" Asmo questions.
"Well one, I don't think there's a way to get him out-"
"I'm still here you know," Sukuna interrupts.
"You've made that clear," MC says before continuing, "And two he can do stuff for me. It's like a symbiotic relationship. I give him a host and he protects me."
- protects MC ?
- that's his job
- why is someone else protecting MC ?
- overall confusion
- even tho MC has gone over it multiple times, he doesn't get how or why Sukuna is in MC's body
- maybe it's the shock
. was this why MC could challenge him to armwrestling and almost win ?
"So how long has he been in you ?" Beel asks.
"About a year," MC responds.
"Can he make you live longer aside from healing you ?" Beel asks hopefully.
"I'm sorry, I don't think so..." MC says while looking at the ground. They cross their arms. They look small, as if they aren't small enough compared to him already.
"So, what does this mean ? Now that your secret is out... are you going to stay in the devildom with us ? Or do you have to leave ?"
" If I leave I'll surely be executed when I go back to the human world. If I stay I don't know what will happen to me, but it's not up to me. It's up to you guys if you want me to stay. I understand if you want me to go, I was harboring a big secret and it's probably unnerving to know that you're never truly alone with me, but Sukuna actually cares about my boundaries even though he acts like he doesn't. There are some pluses and there are some drawbacks but ultimately you have to decide." MC responds, looking from brother to brother then at Dia and Barbatos
- MC ? dead if you back to the human world ? doesn't bother him
- he doesn't care
- he hasn't known MC long enough to care
- diavolo may have told everyone that MC was a descendant of human Lilith and he told everyone the events that actually happened, but why should he have any attachment to MC
- MC isnt Lilith, and MC sure as hell doesn't like him after the events that happened today
- from what he's heard, MC dying would be good for the human world
"I say send MC back. What happens to them isnt our problem any more," Belphie says while under his magical restraints Diavolo put on him.
"Of course you would say that," Satan glares at him.
"Shut up Belphie !!" Mammon and Levi yell.
"You don't have any right to an opinion in this matter." Lucifer states.
"Belphie that's mean," Asmo says.
Beel frowns.
"I vote they stay. I like MC regardless, and if all I have to do is adjust to Sukuna then I'll do it," Beel says while looking Belphie dead in the eye.
There's a beat of silence.
"Me too," Mammon says.
"Hey ! I was going to say that !" Levi protests.
"Oooh~ Count me in !" Asmo says with a smile.
"I also think they should stay," Satan says and looks at MC.
"My personal preference is also that they stay, but Lord Diavolo it's up to you," Lucifer says and looks at Dia.
- he knew there was something off, but couldnt place his finger on it
- he also constantly got a powerful vibe from MC and this explains it
- he was very fond of MC and enjoyed their presence
- he knew what he was going to do
"Barbatos, what do you think ?" Dia asks him.
"The decision is up to you m'lord," Barbatos responds.
"Well Id also like the input of my trusty all knowing butler," Diavolo laughs.
"Then, I see no reason to send them back to the human world. They can live out their lives here and safe from the school that wants to execute them. It also wouldn't be an issue to get anyone from the human world here if MC so desired," Barbatos replied.
"Then it's settled ! Welcome to the devildom for the rest of your life MC!!" Diavolo smiled and welcomed MC with open arms.
MC smiled and accepted the hug.
- he didn't know all along, but he know when the timelines crossed and he had to erase the other
- MC was very near and dear to his heart though and he wasnt about to let them be killed
- just wants to keep MC safe
- mars :)
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harfanfare · 4 years
How to win a heart of Leona Kingscholar?
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1.       Be able to make braids.
“Don’t move” you switched the left strand of chestnut hair with the one in the center and swapped the right strand with the current center. “You should brush your hair more often. If not, it will get more knotted…”
Leona mumbled something about naturally tangling hair, but stood still. He watched sleepily your hands that played with his hair while you were trying to create solid plait.
His braids got destroyed after lessons with sir Vargas, so you suggested that you will do them again. In this way, he could lay on his cozy bed and with some kind of amusement and pleasure, watching you so closely…
 2.       Be kind and obedient pillow.
“Hey, w-wait! I have lessons in a minute..!” you tried to get out of Leona’s embrace, who drew you towards his bed, hugged you, and didn’t move since then.
“Pillows do not talk” he covered your mouth with his hand and cocked his head a bit. The gaze he send you wasn’t as annoying it should look right now as inexplicably appealing. You suddenly got quiet. “Sleep has a great impact on our health, don’t you know, herbivore? As it’s said… you can’t put school before your health”
“You say that because you just don’t want to listen to professor Trein”
“I'd fall asleep anyway. Then why not pick someplace more comfortable?”
 3.       Try new things.
“But why don’t we add this… and this?” you picked up two vials, pink and lime, and swung them a bit. Small water tornadoes formed in the vessels. “In textbook, they didn’t write anything that they shouldn’t be mixed”.
“Every idiot knows, that these two cannot be combined” Leona accented every word. “Unless you want to blow up a lab”.
You laughed, but put the vials back on the self and stepped back. Leona sighed as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to the other side of the alchemy room.
“Come on, let's make this elixir quickly and finish this circus for today. From what I can see, some people are just inspired by... your previous color choices in vials.”
 4.       Eat vegetables.
With a fork, you separated the peas from the carrots as you waited for Leona to get out of the queue for the buffet and return to your table. And the queue was great.
"Herbivore," appeared in front of you a dark-haired boy who sat in front of you with his tray full of meat and some other additives, such as bread, paste, or sauce. "How can I call you an herbivore if you don't eat vegetables?"
"Plants aren’t only vegetables," you said, putting your plate aside.
"But some are," Leona gently grabbed your wrist. He took his fork, punched a mixture of peas and carrots from your plate, and gave you a cutlery. "Eat it. In our dorm it is difficult to find anything other than meat, so you should eat at least so much. You get sick without all these vitamins... or something like that.”
 5.       Be able to fight for yours
You took the scales when you knocked an unknown guy in your face. He took a step back and grabbed his cheek, but quickly jumped up to you and grabbed the collar.
"Ha, Leona's girlfriend is much weaker than I expected," the boy laughed in your face as you yanked and tried to kick him solidly. "What a disappointment.”
"The only disappointment is your respect for women," you fell to the ground when Kingscholar threw himself just to the guy's throat. Both fell to the ground; Leona sat on the boy grounded by his weight and just before his eyes held his hand, which shimmered black and gray sand - his activated unique magic. "Or rather, the lack of its existence.”
At an incredible rate, the man's face went from shock to horror. With a smothered cry, he did his best to break out of Leona's grip before he escaped from your two with vivid desperation.
"This one--" he growled, then walked up to you and helped you get up. "We take you to the nurse. And you have to sleep there or I'll put you to sleep” here he scooped up a few strands in front of your face.”...You fought valiantly. Many would envy you such courage, herbivore.”
 6.       Don’t let him do everything he wants.
He pulled you on the sofa and hugged his face in your hair. Still a moment and you would literally fall on top of pillows that have recently been washed out.
"I can't fall asleep now," you took hhands off and moved a few steps away. Leona seemed slightly confused and partly annoyed. You sent him an apologetic look. "I have agreed that today I will be doing a project and-”
"Is it so important that we have to take our traditional nap?" he interrupted you.
"Unless you want the guy I'm doing the project to come here and pick me up personally," you replied. Leona raised his eyebrows and your mouth bent in a smile. "Rook”
"You can go," he spat. He wouldn’t react at almost anyone else, but Rook would have just fallen into his room or looked at you through the window and watched you calmly nap. Leona shuddered at this thought.
He licked his mouth when you left and fell on his bed. Ah, he will wait until you come back to just make you sleep twice as long.
7.       Smell nice.
“Were you baking?” Leona asked when you entered his room. The scent of warm cocoa hadn’t leave you yet.
"Yes. Ruggie and I made some chocolate biscuits,” you wiped off your flour blouse. "Do you want some?"
"Not really," he replied, approaching you. He took your hand and put it on his cheek, inhaling the smell of pastries even more.
The scent was truly alluring.
He had much more sensitive senses than the average person, especially the senses of smell and hearing, so when he found himself closer to you, he sensed more notes of ingredients: besides chocolate, he recognized honey, nuts, and cinnamon.
He will get drunk with this aroma, which, according to him (but he wouldn’t admit it), was strangely sweeter.
 8.        Don't get along too well with Malleus.
"You're not going to him," you couldn’t help, but roll your eyes at his words.
“Would you like to join our tea meeting?” You looked up at him from under your lashes as Leona pulled you away from the main corridor. “If you really want to, I'm sure Malleus won't mind-“
"But I will," he replied. “He can't take my free time with you because he suddenly decided that he wanted to play... chess with you?” He tried to remember what it was about, but soon he shook his head, clearing the thoughts.
You smiled weakly.
"You'll be the one to explain to Sebek of my,” here you cleared your throat “lack of respect and waste of Lord Malleus' precious time. "
"I will go to him personally and complain about ‘wasting precious time’ of mine and yours.”
 9.       Have a side of your personality that only shows up to the closest people.
Problem with school? Leona won't necessarily teach you everything the textbook says, but he'll find a way to help you or calm you down, assuring you that it will be fine.
Any conflicts in the family or with their lives? Maybe he could solve them for you somehow? - after all, he is a prince, even if the second one, he is still a very influential man.
Maybe at night, your joyful personality disappears? You are becoming closed to everyone?
Each problem will be an important problem for him. He might not take it as seriously as you, but every time you confide in something to him, you can be sure that he will take your secrets with him to his grave. And search for a solution.
…And every time you think about what to do, he will feel a warmth in his heart that you have decided to reveal something to him that others do not have access to. Even if the problem is troublesome and doesn’t fit in the list of things that are nice to spend free time on.
 10.       Give him your heart.
By far the most difficult and demanding, the most important of the other subsections
For this very difficult to give a concrete example
Because in fact each of these stages could give him a fragment of your heart
Or at least his heart was stolen
By each of these moments
And not only these
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 3
Continuing the story of how you and Sirius became friends; as James and Remus grow closer to you, Sirius continues to treat you coldly until a late night encounter makes him question everything.
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 3 .:Resistance and Reconciliation:.
“I'm not going to bother making friends with someone whose family is so wrapped up in blood politics they forget to be human beings first. Trust me, I've met their mother enough times to know.”
“Did you ever ask them about it?” Remus pressed.
“I don't really need to, do I? They're a (L/n). Open your eyes, Moony!”
Remus' brow furrowed, a shine in his eyes akin to sympathy as he regarded Sirius.
“Perhaps it's you that needs to clear your vision, friend.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1974  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sirius sat on the stone ledge on the window of his dorm room, looking out towards the Black Lake. He could see the push and pull of the wind as the thin branches of the ash trees bowed gently with the rhythm. In the reflection of the glass he could see James and Peter behind him experimenting with an altered set of wizard's chess, complete with fire-breathing knights and bishops that threw daggers, while one of Remus' records spun in the background.
Despite everything he could have been thinking about at the moment, his thoughts, irritatingly enough, drifted to you. He frowned slightly as he leaned his shoulder against the window, annoyed that you occupied even a portion of his mind. He just couldn't understand you. Somehow you had turned James, who had once openly proclaimed you his sworn enemy, into something close to a friend in the span of a year. You had no qualms with pranks pulled on you, yet you were fiercely protective when they were directed at others. You were always smiling, yet your temper took no prisoners. If you weren't a Slytherin you might even be attractive.
The thought made him bolt upright. Where the hell did that come from? He almost laughed. No. Absolutely not. He was Sirius Black, he could get anyone he wanted in this bloody school, and he certainly wasn't going to busy his mind with you. What the hell was wrong with him? It's not like he noticed the way you smiled to yourself when you were reading, or the fact that the sound of your laugh got stuck in his head like a song—
No. Stop it. Get your head straight, they're evil.
Sirius exhaled deeply, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands. For some reason that thought didn't sit right in his brain, and the longer he sat with it he came to a horrifying conclusion:
Maybe Remus was right.
The only time you'd really been nasty to them was when they'd instigated it first, or whenever they had a go at Snivelus, which had become less and less frequent; Sirius suspected because of your tentative friendship with James. He'd always just assumed you were like the other Slytherins he'd come to know. There's been hearsay circulating around you, especially given your family's reputation, but you yourself hadn't really done anything to prove the rumors. Maybe you really weren't like your family at all. Maybe you were like him. . .
Suddenly, he caught movement in the corner of his eye, not from his friend's reflections but from outside the window itself. A figure emerged from the lamplight of the castle gate, making their way towards the edge of the forest. If the green lining of your school robes and (h/c) hair didn't peak his interest, the flash that he saw of your face as you shot a quick glance over your shoulder confirmed it was you.
Sirius' mind began racing as he watched you disappear into the foliage, and suddenly every thought that had given you the benefit of the doubt vanished. He'd heard the rumors about the gatherings in the forest, everyone had. He'd even caught Snape practicing dark magic there himself one of the first nights they'd used the Shrieking Shack passageway.
He jumped off his perch by the window and grabbed a sheet of parchment and a quill, drawing a rough outline of the perimeter of the forest. He labeled the Black Lake so his spell would have a going off point and pressed his wand to the still drying ink.
“Revelare Popularis,”
The enchantment was a work in progress— a technique he'd learned from a seventh year. It wasn't exact, but it was enough to tell him if anyone else was in the forest right now. His eyes darted across the paper as he scanned his makeshift map, and the color drained from his face as he saw names suddenly appear in a cluster by the lake: Mulciber, Wilkes, Avery, and Malfoy.
Was this it? Were you really one of them? 
James looked up from his game as he saw Sirius grab his leather jacket off where it hung from his bedpost.
“Going somewhere?”
“(L/n) just went into the forest,” Sirius said, “I'm following them.”
“Why, Sirius?” Remus said sardonically, having had enough of his unusual grudge against you, “We're not really ones to talk when it comes to sneaking around the forest at night, now are we?”
“He's got a point,” James said, “I mean, what do you think you're going to see?”
“What do I think?” Sirius scoffed, pushing the paper into Jame's hands, “what does it look like?”
James looked down at the parchment blankly.
“What am I looking at?”
“A variation on Revelio,” Sirius explained quickly, “if you have a location in mind it shows you who's there, but only at the time the charm is cast.”
“Are you kidding me?” James' jaw nearly dropped, “You're just now showing this to us? We could have been taking advantage of this spell to dodge Filch this whole time!”
“I'm serious.”
James had to fight hard not to make a joke out of that one.
“If (L/n)'s meeting up with those guys it can't be for anything good,” Sirius continued, “and I'm gonna find out exactly why.”
Before any of the boys could get another word in, Sirius took off running down the corridor. James groaned, rebelling against the urge to slam his head into the wall.  
“I've got to stop him before he does something stupid,” he said, pulling a coat on over his shoulders, “You with me, Remus?”
“Probably not the best idea,” Lupin reminded him, “the moon's full tomorrow. I won't turn, but in the direct moonlight I may get a bit. . . well, you know.”
“Right,” James sighed, running a hand through his hair in distress, “Peter?”
The boy jolted as he was addressed, his eyes quickly cast down to his twiddling fingers.
“I. . . w-well. . .”
“Fine,” James said, waving them off in annoyance, “I'll go at him alone.”
You took a grateful breath of the crisp night air, letting the wind whistle through your hair and clothes. You loved your common room, but it could feel constricting at times, especially when there were nights as beautiful as this taking place.
Your eyes drifted up to the moon, smiling at the sight of it. It was nearly full, only a sliver of white missing from the very edge of the sphere. The sight alone was enough to make you feel more at home in your own skin, an inexplicable sense of comfort washing over you. You hadn't been able to really let loose and just run in so long. You'd made doubly sure no one had followed you into the forest, but you still gave your surroundings a quick once over. You jumped as the sound of leaves crunching suddenly asserted itself behind you and you lit your wand quickly, turning to see who it was.
“. . . Black?”
“Sorry, were you expecting someone else? One of your pureblood friends, maybe?”
The confused look on your face only made his anger flare.
“Don't act coy,” he asked harshly, “just what are you playing at?”
Your back straightened in surprise, taken aback by his words.
“Excuse me?”
“I've seen you talking to my brother, Rosier, Snivelus, and all those other Slytherins. Don't think I don't know what you're doing,” the words flew out of his mouth before they had time to pass through his brain, every irrational irritation he had regarding you spewing out of him at once, “I've had to sit through it, you know. All those dinners where my parents talk blood politics with all the fanatics who think just like them. I've listened to your mother brag all about your pure blood line and how her child is 'so eager to carry on the family traditions'. So whatever you're planning by getting close to James, I'm not going to let it happen.”
You felt like you were frozen in place, staring at him as your throat tightened into knots.
“My mom?” you said, voice suddenly small, “Sirius. . . my mom passed away when I was little.”
Your words hit the Gryffindor like a truck.
“. . . what?” he asked dumbly, his brain delaying slightly in processing what you'd just said.
“She got sick. . . an experimental spell gone wrong. If you met someone with my family's name that spoke like that, it was probably my aunt. My cousin goes to Ilvermorny. That's the child she's talking about, not me. The divide between purebloods and muggleborns is even more severe in America, if you can believe it. . . ”
Sirius faltered, this new information going against everything he'd heard and thought he knew about you and your family.
“But,” he hesitated, “your father—”
“Put up the image he had to in order to keep me safe,” you said. You knew he was documented as being very open about his pureblood pride and distaste towards muggles, but it was a cover more than anything, “Since he stopped speaking with my aunt and moved us both away from the estate, she's acted as the new head of the (L/n) House, and that was years ago. . .”
You trailed off awkwardly, not feeling very self-righteous in your explanation.
“I know my family doesn't have the best reputation. . . that's probably why you hate me, huh?” you chuckled humorlessly, wincing at how harsh the words came out. But if you were honest, you were hurt that out of everyone in their group, Sirius was the one that didn't even seem to want to give you a chance. You were the one who had extended the olive branch in the first place on the condition that they ease up on Severus.
“Hate you?” Sirius echoed hollowly, feeling guilt creep up on him like a shadow, “that's. . . shit, no, that's not—”
“Everte Statum!”
You gasped as Sirius was suddenly shot backwards, his body flipping wildly through the air from the force before being slammed against the trunk of a nearby tree. His head spun, heavily disoriented as his vision shifted in shades.
You had drawn your wand on instinct, looking around for your attackers when you saw a black-clad figure lift their hood, revealing a long mane of white hair that stood out starkly in the night.  
“Well, looky here,” Mulciber taunted, revealing himself behind you, “we've caught the two biggest blood traitors of the last century having a touching little moment together.”
Laughter echoed from the trees, Wilkes emerging from the shadows. You took up a defensive position as their group surrounded you.
“Now, let's not be hasty, Mulciber,” Lucius said, “their father may have disgraced their house, yes, but they didn't have a choice. It's not too late for them to make the right one now.” His lips turned up into a snarl as he regarded Sirius, “get away from that blood traitor, (L/n), he'll rub off on you.”
You grit your teeth hard, preparing to cast a spell when Malfoy put his hand up in a silencing gesture, the pretentious little prat.
“Ah, you don't want to make any rash moves either, (L/n),” he said, looking to your left. You followed his gaze to see Avery coming out of the foliage, grappling with someone under his arm.
James smiled weakly as Avery held him in a choke hold, a bit of blood dripping down the side of his head.
“Hey,” he said, humor still light in his voice, “So, this didn't exactly work out as planned.” He groaned as Avery's elbow was driven into his stomach, effectively silencing him.
As soon as you tried to move towards him, Lucius had his wand pointed at you.
“Let him go and get lost, Malfoy,” you said lowly, “you've taken this far enough.”
“You've been avoiding us, (L/n),” Lucius said, ignoring you entirely, “Snape may have come up with some rubbish excuses for you earlier, but you can't keep running from this.”
“If practicing curses on first years and terrorizing other people is how you plan on using magic, then I don't want any part of your little cult,” you spat, “face it, Malfoy— you lot need me, but I don't need you.”
Lucius exhaled sharply, his genuine surprise at your resistance replaced quickly with anger.
“Think about what you're doing, (L/n),” he said, his eyes narrowing dangerously, “don't be a fool like your father.”
That did it.
With a growl you unleashed an orange bolt of energy from your wand, your Stupefy hitting Lucius square in the chest. Mulciber was quick to retaliate with a jinx of his own, which you quickly nullified with a shield charm. Shock flashed across his expression at your casual use of nonverbal magic, and he recovered one second too late.
Sirius was back on his feet, petrifying Mulciber and swatting Wilkes away like a fly with the knockback jinx before either could cast a spell at you. You and Sirius found yourselves back to back, fending off Lucius as he continued to direct a steady stream of curses in your direction. Sirius managed to create an opening for you and you turned to where James was being held.
A flash of blue hit Avery, who shrieked in horror when he saw that the arm he was using to hold Potter had turned gelatinous, fingers drooping down like melting ice cream. James wasted no time paying him back in kind for roughing him up earlier, sending him flying into the oak tree and using the water from the Black Lake to freeze him there before joining you in the fray.
“Expelliarmus!” he called out, sending Wilke's wand spinning out of his reach and leaving only Malfoy against the three of you.
Lucius faltered for a moment as he stared down your group of three, but held fast.
“Leave it, Malfoy,” you said, “it's over.”
He growled under his breath, taking up an obvious offensive stance, but you were too quick.
Lucius gasped as he suddenly found himself encased in a giant bubble, his knockback jinx ricocheting off the inside and hitting him in the back of the head. He pounded against the bubble in frustration but found it to be thick as Plexiglas and just as strong, unable to pop it. Suddenly, he was hoisted into the air as you raised your wand higher, directing him farther and farther away until he was hovering directly over the Black Lake.
“Let me go this instant!” he growled.
A devilish smile graced your features.
“You got it.”
“No, wait, don't you dar—AHH!!”
You turned your back on him, your breaking eye contact promptly bursting the bubble and sending him flailing into the water a few feet below.
You chuckled as you sent a few quick counter-jinxes out from your wand, restoring Mulciber's range of motion and liquefying the ice that trapped Avery.
As soon as Mulciber was unpetrified he took off running towards the Lake where Lucius was furiously treading water, tripping over his feet as he dragged Wilkes along with him. Avery limped after them, defrosted but still chilled to his bones (which you had been so kind to also restore).
“I'd fish him out quickly if I were you,” you called after them, “the giant squid is more active at night.”
“You're out of your mind, (L/n)!” Avery turned around and yelled, but with fear evident in his eyes, “You'll live to regret this, mark my words. The Headmaster—”
“Would love to know who cast the first spell, I'm sure,” you said darkly.
Avery stammered out some lame response under his breath before turning around and running after the rest of group, retreating.
Sirius turned to look at you, awestruck and chocked full of adrenaline. Maybe you really weren't so bad after all.
“That was. . .” James trailed off, grasping for the words and blurting them out as soon as he found them, “Brilliant, (Y/n). You're bloody brilliant.”
You felt your face heat up, not expecting that. You and James had stopped trading insults and threats (serious ones, anyways) and your teasing had become well meant, but neither of you had crossed the threshold of actually paying the other a compliment before.
“Thanks, Potter,” you said, unable to fight the smile on your face. You turned to Sirius briefly. “I hope this cleared some things up for us,” you said, “I'd really like to try and be friends, so. . .”
“Yeah,” Sirius said, wanting to kick himself at the way you turned him into a monosyllabic neanderthal with just a look. You gave him a small smile before turning back to James who was trying desperately to hide his limp and aching rib cage.
“Alright, let's get you to the hospital wing, Potter,” you sighed, “you look like a cheap action star in a muggle movie.”
“Uh,” James said nervously, “better we not. If I go to Madame Pomfrey three times in one day she'll never let me hear the end of it.”
“And who's fault is that?” You huffed, slinging an arm over his shoulder and helping him walk, “at least let me patch you up, then.”
Sirius followed some distance behind you, watching as you walked James back towards the castle and laughed at his occasional jokes. This one night had just turned everything upside down for Sirius. This whole time he was sure that he didn't like you because you were a blood-purist Slytherin and he was jealous that you were taking his best friend away from him; but the way you had stood up to Lucius and his goons made your position on blood politics very clear, and the tight feeling that struck Sirius' chest as he watched you cozy up with James made him reevaluate just which one of you he was jealous of.
The man blinked, slowly coming back to reality. You were looking up at him in concern, your head resting lightly on his shoulder. It took an embarrassing amount of his willpower to keep from leaning forward just a few inches and kissing you.
Could you pick a worse time, you numbskull? He thought, mentally smacking himself for even thinking about it.
“Are you okay?” you asked hesitantly after he stayed silent.
“I'm alright,” he insisted, giving you a reassuring smile, “just. . . thinking about how far we've come.”
His answer surprised you, though not in a bad way.
“I suppose we have,” you smiled back, “this is a far cry from you scowling at me from across the Great Hall over your breakfast.”
“I did not scowl,” Sirius scoffed playfully, nudging you away with his shoulder.
“Right,” you grinned, “scowling, glaring, glowering, whichever you prefer.”
“I said I was sorry,” he said, putting his hands up in mock surrender, although you both knew you weren't really upset about it. You'd long since forgiven him for his initial misjudgment.
When your light laughter died down, your head found itself lulling to the side again, tiredness taking over your mind as you rested against Sirius once more. When you tilted your head up to look at him he had a surprisingly pensive look on his face. Your eyes traveled across his expression, his gray eyes almost taking on a deep shade of blue in the shadows of his room. You noticed how much younger he looked when he was smiling; it was in moments like these when it really set in how long you had known each other, because you could see the years in his eyes.
Your own flickered down to his lips in spite of yourself and Sirius' heart skipped a beat, fearing you could feel it racing in his rib cage. When had you turned him so soft? He chuckled inwardly. Long before he had fully come to terms with how he felt about you was the answer. Even when he was in Azkaban, with two of his closest friends dead and the world convinced he was at fault, even if he had to live with the fact that he would never see you again, he still thought of you, and that kept him alive, sane— himself. But now you were here in front of him, and he was terrified that at any moment you would vanish into thin air and he would find himself back in that horrible cinder block cell, face to face with a dementor as it took his last memories of you away from him.
Your hand squeezed his, almost as if you had read his thoughts— as if you were assuring him that you were real, and you weren't going anywhere. You noticed him leaning in closer, even if he didn't, possessed by some invisible force. You were nearly about to meet him halfway when you were suddenly startled apart by the sound of quick, heavy-footed steps bounding down the stairs.
You both looked at each other as if you had just awoken from some sort of trance, instinctively putting some distance between yourselves as you shifted away awkwardly.
“I. . . I should probably get to bed,” you said, your face warm.
“Right,” Sirius said, reluctantly getting up from his seat at the edge of his bed, “I've kept you up long enough, I'm sure you're tired. . .”
Before you left his room you turned over your shoulder, a small smile on your face.
“It's really good to see you again, Sirius,” you said earnestly, “we should catch up for real later.”
“Definitely,” he said, a bit of his old self reflected in that smirk of his, albeit forced.
You steeled yourself, turning the doorknob and closing the door behind you gently before you did something to ruin the friendship you had just gotten back after over a decade. You shook the thought aside, your head hurting. You really did need to sleep after today.
You were about to head into your room, but something in you didn't feel quite right. You'd definitely heard someone go down the stairs, but you hadn't heard the front door open or close. Dread pooled in your stomach at your gut feeling, and you found yourself inexplicably making your way back down the stairs.
The house was eerily silent now that its residents had either gone off to bed or disapparated until the next meeting in a few days time. You'd left Sirius upstairs, and you knew Harry was staying here for the time being until school began, but everyone else had gone home. So then why did you still feel someone else's presence so acutely?
You stared at the empty hallway leading to the front door, taking a cautious step forward; the image in front of you didn't feel real. The colors were too saturated, the edges too sharp, and the surfaces too smooth. And that's when it hit you. The smell of rain. Leather-bound books. Lavender.
You froze, staring at the seemingly empty space in front of you.
The potions master didn't dare make a sound, thinly veiled behind his invisibility charm but clearly not well enough. He was standing not three feet in front of you, taking in the sight of you as if it were the last thing he would ever see.
He panicked slightly as he felt you reach out to him with your mind, shutting himself off expertly. Your hurt expression as you were unable to detect anything pained him, but he wouldn't dare think that he deserved to say anything to you. What was there to say after everything he'd done?
Your gaze roamed the empty hall, and for a moment he could have sworn you stared him right in the eyes.
You knew he was there.
The moment lasted no longer than a second before you looked away, turning to go back up the stairs. As soon as your back was facing the front door you heard it open then close gently, and the tears you had been fighting to hold back finally spilled over.
Read chapter 4 here !
Taglist:  @sleep-i-ness, @blackpinkdolan, @parker-natasha, @ornella0910 @undertaker1827 @thatwierdo-koemi​
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ameliterature · 3 years
Writer's Block Cont. (AnderPerry ficlet)
Continuation of Writer's Block
It was a breezy evening downtown and Todd hasn't been at the Coffee Shop since he'd kissed Neil. For obvious reasons, this made the coffee shop barista extremely worried.
"Why the long face?" Charlie asked. He propped himself by the counter beside his brooding friend. Charlie was one of Neil's best friends and the actual manager/owner of the coffee shop (this way he could play his saxophone every Friday night without any objections).
"Todd... He hasn't been here in three days, Charlie, and he's almost always here." Neil buried his face more onto the linoleum counter.
"Oh Todd, ah yes, your big time author-crush-person." Charlie recalls Neil always gushing about him during his break time. He always insisted making all of Todd's orders too. "I mean, today could just be another busy day for him. I'm sure he doesn't necessarily have a reason not to go here." He chuckled.
Neil fell silent.
"... Neiiiilll? What did you do?" Charlie glares at his direction. "Why do you think Todd Anderson wouldn't go here for three days straight?"
Neil fiddled with his thumbs. "I-- I may have... maybe- uh... k-kissed him last weekend."
"YOU WHAT?!" Charlie blurted out, alarming some of the customers and their other barista, Meeks. Unlike Charlie, Meeks was already aware of this situation but he didn't exactly want to stop making his latte art at the moment.
"SHHHH, pipe it down, Charlie- I... Okay, so the other day uh..." Neil huffed before pulling Charlie into the back office to talk more privately-- naturally leaving Meeks in charge.
"Details, Perry, I. NEED. DETAILS." Charlie shook Neil by his shoulders.
"Okay, okay! I'm getting to it-" Neil rattled Charlie off of him. "So- The other day when I was closing up shop for you, Todd was the only one left and- well, long story short- He needed kissing experience for his book and I gave it to him and now I think it was a mistake and he is most likely avoiding me." Neil buried his face into his hands this time. He whined as Charlie comforts him with a pat on his slouched back.
"Neil- Come on! I'm sure he's just shy and all. Hey maybe you gave him the wrong phone number- remember that time when you sent me the wrong one-"
"OH MY GOD-- THAT'S IT-" Neil face-palmed.
"I FORGOT TO GIVE HIM MY NUMBER--" Neil sounded both relieved and hysterical. "Of course he wouldn't just come back here- He couldn't just... talk to me in person after what I did- and- and..." Neil sunk to the floor.
Charlie looked down at his distraught friend. "Who am I kidding, Charlie... I ruined it... The one time I got to meet my favorite author and I blew it by kissing him."
"You sure that's blowing it? I'd say it was the best thing you could possibly get from any famous-person-interaction." Charlie smiled, trying to pick up Neil from the ground.
"Just let me die in peace." Neil says to the cold floor. "That kiss might've been the first and last time I ever got to know Todd Anderson in person and I didn't even ask about his other books. He probably thinks I'm just a floozy."
Just as Charlie was about to complain about Neil's focus on Todd's writing than Todd's kiss, someone knocks on the door.
Meeks opens the door to see Neil lifting his head from the floor with tears in his eyes while Charlie is grabbing his arm.
"Uh.. Neil, there's a guy looking for you. He said his name's Todd Ander-"
Neil instantly perks up and immediately bolts to the counter.
When Neil arrives by the cash register, he sees the same dark-blonde author he kissed mere days ago. Todd had eye bags yet his expression was one of breathless excitement. Still beautiful to Neil's eyes.
"T-Todd..." Neil greeted him.
"Neil... When... When do you get off work?" Todd asked fervently yet it was polite to Neil's eyes. "I... I need to talk to you about something."
Just as Neil was about to say 'Around 10pm' Charlie appears from behind him.
"Thank you for your work, Mr. Perry! I see you're done with your shift for the day! I'll see you tomorrow!" Charlie beamed, making quick eye contact with both Neil and Todd. Neil picked up on what Charlie implied and immediately took off his apron.
After a short while, Todd guided Neil to his car parked right outside the coffee shop. "D-Do you mind going with me to my apartment?"
It was a non-question for Neil. As much as he wanted to scream from the rooftops and YAWP in excitement, he kept his composure and followed Todd. "Sure, I'd love to."
The drive to Todd's apartment was silent and short. Todd lived incredibly close to the coffee shop and this fact made Neil grow even more fanboy-y. Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god.
He wanted to respect Todd's privacy so he purposefully didn't take note of the floor number or the apartment number before he entered Todd's home. (In turn, he kept his eyes on Todd the whole time).
As they entered the apartment, Neil could only stare at how neat Todd's living space was. It wasn't exactly neat as it was mostly barren. The most "decoration" you could find was Todd's various bookshelves. A good portion of the area was his own books while the rest were a plethora of Classics and collections of multiple pieces of literature. Todd was a well-read author after all.
"D-did you want anything to drink? Unfortunately the coffee I have here isn't as good as the ones you make so-"
"Wait, Todd... I'm- I'm sorry for what I did... If I made you feel uncomfortable. I- I was worried the past few days-"
"Huh, What- You're sorry?" Todd, bewildered by Neil's apology, let out a chuckle. "Neil, if anything, you helped me, remember?"
Neil looked at him with an intrigued look.
Just then, Todd took Neil's hand and led him to his office. Unlike his perfectly neat living room and kitchen area, Todd's office was a chaotic room full of papers and notebooks. In the back part facing away from the windows was a desk with a computer, multiple stacks of papers (and paper balls), and emptied out paper cups marked on the inside with coffee stains.
"Our little uh- field research actually got me out of my writer's block and I've been writing my book like crazy for the past three days." Todd confessed. "I'm basically almost done with it."
"Wait- Three days?" Neil wheezed. He didn't think Todd could get even more impressive than he already was. "My kiss got you to finish your newest book in three days?!"
"Well... yeah-" Todd scratched the back of his head in humility. "Can't say I've ever done that before. It'll need a shitload of editing and proof reading perhaps, but it's mostly done. Thanks to you."
Neil didn't know how to respond to Todd's words. Neil's favorite author, the person he's been following for several years now, was inspired by his kiss, and finished an entire book in THREE DAYS.
"Todd- I... F-from my kiss?"
"Yes. Well of course it was also the caffeine, but yeah mostly your kiss. I just wanted to personally thank you for getting me through one of my toughest works yet." Todd sat by his desk, pulling up some of the papers he already printed.
Neil walked up to his side, staring at the tentative manuscript- one Todd's editor has yet to even see. (Cameron was not gonna have an easy time).
"Did you want to read it?" Todd asked, instantly making Neil swoon.
"Todd, you're gonna kill me- OF COURSE I'D LOVE TO READ IT-" Neil gushed, looking at both the papers and a blushing Todd.
Neil held the loosely bound papers in his hands, then back at Todd who looked incredibly proud of himself and yet still very reserved.
Neil couldn't tell if he was looking at Todd as an author anymore by how close he was this time. Their arms were brushing against each other, the sound and smell of papers filled the room, Todd was so close.
Neil carefully places the manuscript down by the table. "Before I read it... do you mind if... If I asked you something?"
Todd blinked a couple of times before nodding. "S-sure."
"Do... Do you think it's weird that I... kissed you? I know I said I was helping you for research but... I think a part of me did it because I really liked you. And I'm not sure if it's because I really admire you for your work or if I think you were as beautiful that night as you are now."
Todd looked at him, flustered and speechless. "Y-you sure do know exactly what you want to say..."
"Yeah- I'm sorry."
"And I'm envious of that." Todd responded. Not that Neil needed another reason to gush, but Todd being envious of him is another strike for Neil's humility.
"Usually, when I write my books-- the surrealist ones, they're usually the ones so weird and detached from reality, I usually didn't need to put myself into the protagonists' shoes. But with this book, a book where it's a journey of romance and discovery, I didn't think I'd ever find the right words to describe how the character felt, let alone myself."
"So my kiss gave you existential clarity?" Neil chuckled softly.
"For a short while, yes. I'm all out of it, currently. It's been a draining past few days." Todd leaned back by his office chair.
Neil smirked at him with allurement. "I mean, I'm here. I wouldn't mind giving you a refresher."
Todd raised his eyes at him, blushing even more. "I-"
"I'm just kidding- relax. I'll only kiss you when you want me to. If you ever need anymore field research, that is. I wouldn't mind being your primary source."
Todd bit his lip, gazing upon Neil as he sat over his desk nonchalantly.
"W-what if... say, I wanted a kiss for other reasons?" Todd's voice was like a mumble.
"Excuse me?" Neil felt like he was playing the most intense game of chess with their interaction.
"Like, what if- I thought you looked really handsome right now and I wanted to kiss you, is that a good enough reason to ask for a kiss?"
Neil was enthralled by this interaction. Was it Todd being forward? Or was it his lack of sleep making him this way.
"I... Yes... That's a great reason, actually."
"So... to answer your question earlier: I didn't think it's weird that you kissed me because, right now, another kiss wouldn't seem to bad. And this time, I won't need it for a book."
Todd stood up to meet Neil at eye level, catching him by surprise.
"You're still gonna have to credit me for that book- do you know about royalties-" Neil joked before Todd planted a kiss on him.
Their second kiss was full of small bits of laughter before it turned into something more. It was no longer about Todd's lack of experience or motivation to write, nor was it Neil's admiration as a fan anymore. It was in their second kiss they realized the person they were kissing would be someone to rid them of their woes and inspire them for the rest of their lives.
Aside from that, Todd's career as an author had a new component to it, the skill to garner inspiration in the form of kisses from Neil Perry.
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robbyrobinson · 3 years
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Voiced by: Keith David
First Appearance: Marcy at the Gates
Admittedly, Amphibia didn't instantly hook me in ways that Gravity Falls or the Owl House had. The first season was okay what with the worldbuilding and stuff. But Season 2 definitely improved especially because of this guy.
Thousands of years ago, he was the ruler of Newtopia who was in charge of the Calamity Box, an interdimensional device that could allow people to travel to other worlds. From there, he claimed that his ancestors were peaceful explorers who used the box to communicate. One day, the box was stolen with him believing his two former friends betrayed him. From there, Newtopia lost a bit of its greatness....
At least until the day Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu, and Sasha Waybright inadvertently end up in Amphibia after Anne is peer pressured into stealing the box from an antique store. From there, in his own words, the game could finally begin.
Keith David does a brilliant job portraying the king of Amphibia. At first glance, Andrias comes off as being a jovial, childish monarch who comes across as a "kewl grandpa", not spelled "cool," but "K-E-W-L." He comes off as delighted with helping Anne and the girls find a way back home...maybe a bit too eager. Honestly, the first time that I have seen him, I already mentally worked it out that he would be a bad guy because a lot of those kings in cartoons turn out as such. Not to say that it really takes away from the overall performance, it is just kind of obvious.
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Yet, there are several subtle hints of his true nature just at the surface such as when he and Marcy conduct research on the Calamity Box and find a secret passageway that he "did not know about." If you notice, he has a smug smile across his face before joining Marcy in the passage.
But it's once his true colors are exposed where he truly shines. To make it short and simple, Andrias is evil. Purely and simply evil. So far, he has all the cards as likely becoming one of the most evil of the Disney animated television shows, possibly competing with the heavier hitters like Lunaris, Bulba, or Bill freaking Cipher.
He is ruthless: he wants to rule over all worlds with an iron fist and will absolutely NOT let anything come in between him and his schemes. He can kill a sapient robot without batting an eye and then the next moment smoothly try to batter a baby frog with his fist. If you have a best friend, he'd think nothing of dangling them over a window and threaten to drop them if his demands are not met. And then do so anyway because he is a dick.
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Make no mistakes: Andrias passes the criteria for a sociopath with glowing colors. He is manipulative. He puts on the superficial charm of a grandfather-like figure while secretly stringing people along and manipulating them like chess pieces. What he does to Marcy is the dickish cherry on top of the douchebag sundae. He exploits a 13-year-old's desperation of wanting to stay with her two best friends and pretends to empathize with her even offering her a deal that he knew was like sweet nectar to her: when he invades other worlds, she and her friends will travel the worlds together having several amazing adventures.
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He lacks empathy or emotional attachments. Already you have some people going off the trailer for season 3 saying that Andrias definitely was fond of Marcy because she was shown in a rejuvenation machine. Sure, I can totally see where people are coming from. I mean, it's not like it was his own fault for putting her there to begin with. That's a crazy thought. In all seriousness, he only sees Marcy as a pawn in his schemes and his only response to stabbing her is an irritated "Now look what you made me do." Way to blame the victim for your own acts, Andrias.
He had two friends thousands of years ago that even now it is apparent he holds resentment towards them for "betraying" him. Him deciding to drop Sprig was him basically wanting Anne to go through the same pain he felt when he was "wronged." But that does nothing to EXPLAIN why he is such a sociopathic megalomaniac. If anything, how the episode plays it off is that his "friends" betrayed him because he was a psychotic salamander with delusions of grandeur. Given how much of a bully he was once he was revealed to be evil, I am really wondering if that could have also played into it. But it looks like the show is doing this to make Andrias more of a foil for Anne and her two friends.
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And, currently, he has absolutely no remorse for any of his actions. He giddily reveals Marcy's secret that she was the one who deliberately stranded herself and her friends in Amphibia in the first place even when he knew that she told him that in confidence. He then mockingly apologizes for "spilling the tea."
And what is a sociopath if not egotistical? Andrias believes that he alone should rule over not just Amphibia, but the Earth, and other worlds. He doesn't care whether or not people will bow to his rule as the tapestry itself shows. He is standing over a pile of bones making it very explicit what his invasions will result in should Anne and her team fail to stop him.
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But I will not deny that he is a scarily competent threat who doesn't mess around.
He has lived for 1,000+ years. It is not confirmed if it has to do with the particular breed of salamander he is, or if his longevity comes in part due to his 13-eyed master whom he is helping accomplish this "revenge" by subverting a prophecy having to do with the three human girls.
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Besides his manipulation and charisma, Andrias is a competent fighter. Despite being colossal and a bit on the chunky side, he is surprisingly agile and wields a flaming sword. He is also insanely stout. Even when Anne goes Super Saiyan mode on his ass, he could still hold his ground with the use of his shield.
He also has knowledge over machinery and can command his robo-frog army with ease.
Biography: 6
Abilities: 7
Overall: 7/10
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notmrskennedy · 4 years
Professor, pt 1
A/N - so i heard from like four of you which is enough to warrant me posting drafts that weren’t supposed to see the light of day - ANYWAY this was originally written in third person and let me tell you it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to change tenses like holy hell. 
(Technically the prequel Friendliness but can stand alone if you really want it to. There’s a part two to this so watch out for that tomorrow.)
Summary - Spencer meets a professor and falls in love for a few hours
W/C - 2k
Warnings - none-ish? there’s a small smattering of violence and horrible changing of the tenses 
Spencer can’t help the irony that he’s in a freshman college class for the first time ever while protecting one of the students. Who knew that a tiny club of DnD players could incite so much rage out of an un-sub? So here he was, trying to blend in—even though he’s 25, he still looks 14 and there’s really no real reason why he should be worried about being caught—in order to protect a freshman who was more pimple than male specimen. 
Joesph—the poor kid in question—takes a seat in the front row and Spencer’s obligated to sit within tackling distance, though he hopes it won’t come to that. Hopefully, Morgan will have the kid the un-sub goes for and Spencer can just enjoy being in college again. The painfully familiar auditorium seats, the stale air, and bad fluorescents feel more like home than he cares to admit. 
College hadn’t been all too unpleasant. High school he’d gotten picked on mercilessly. College, however, had meant getting doted on by hot sorority girls and earning the protection of frat boys—they’d picked up rather quickly that he knew football strategy better than they did after Spencer had hustled a TV and 400 dollars from them. Sure, he didn’t drink, but every single drunk teenager had welcomed him with open arms and lots of ginger ale. 
There’s chatter and for the ten minutes before class starts, Spencer is torn between trying to figure out which song is quietly playing around the room and watching for a particularly rage-filled college student serial killer. Instead, he just finds too many bored faces. Most of the kids are drinking coffee like the best of them and he’s itching for his next fix just looking at it. 
The first two rows: a terrible vantage point to be profiling, but a beautifully defensible post. He watches absently as one of the TAs, who looks a little younger than him, organizes three stacks of papers on the front desk and flips through several different pages on the podium. His attention is focused solely on you for nearly a minute too long—he can hear the voice in his head chastising him for how often he gets distracted by pretty people. 
You look of the fragile sort, the in-the-lab kind of future scientist. There’s something about you that’s captivating. It might be the way you keep reorganizing the papers to perfection or maybe it’s the way you study the room so closely. And while he thinks that you might not be able to physically stop someone, you sure look like the kind of person that could crush him in chess. 
He’s 25 and is considering chess as a marriage proposal.  
Joesph shuffles his books around in the seat in front of Spencer and you, the beautiful TA in question, hold a watch up as you move to the centre of the room. Class is starting. Class is starting and he’s hopeful the professor never actually shows up. 
He notices your watch is on your right wrist—are you left handed?—as you smile widely and clap her hands together. First day jitters seem to keep everyone silent, waiting on baited breath for you to start. Spencer would stay on baited breath for the rest of his life for you. You were utterly captivating after all—he could see the drool from several students’ mouths a few seats over. 
“This is Anthropology 101,” you announce. “If this isn’t your class, you’re free to leave. Or stay if you want. Did you guys know that anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million US adults? Or 1 in 5, I guess, if you want the easier pill to swallow.”
Spencer’s heart jumps into his throat and he wants to raise his hand just to ask you to marry him. 
“Anyway,” you sigh, leaning back agains the front desk, “I spit out a lot of facts. Usually something that begins with ‘did you know’ won’t be on the tests. I try to be fair. Which brings us to ice breakers.”
The class collectively groans. You scoff. 
“Oh hush, I’m the only one doing the ice breakers so chill out. Jeez.” Spencer waits patiently for your soft breath and then your further announcement of, “I’m officially Dr. Y/N Y/L/N, but that’s like only if my boss comes in or for any emails you send. You can call me Y/N because that’s like normal. I got my doctorate in forensic anthropology a year ago and I’ve been teaching since I started grad school three years ago. You’re in safe hands, I promise.”
He almost kicks himself. You’re the professor. How many times had he been nearly kicked out of a classroom when he was in grad school for saying he was the professor? How many times had he been 18 and trying to get an ounce of respect for himself? 
You continue, waving your hands about like you could pull your ideas back down to earth. “Um—a fun fact about me is that I am not welcome in certain parts of the world for ‘violating’ what are called exhumation laws, which is silly in my opinion. I had the legal right to carry that head on the plane and—and I hope you did the reading because there’s a first day pop quiz.”
The entire class lets out one simultaneous frustrated whine that alights something almost wicked in your eyes. You wave over two students from the other end of the front row and they begin passing out test papers as you explain. 
“You’ll have a total of fifteen minutes to answer ten questions. We’ll start on my mark. If you have any trouble, give me a shout and I’ll help you out. After this, we’ll go over the syllabus and if you’re lucky, leave early.”
Spencer’s passed a test and immediately notices there’s no place for a name. Just a bolded “Student #21” at the top. Another girl raises the question and you snicker. “I like puzzles,” is the only answer you give before the time starts. 
Question four: what are the top three songs you’ve been listening to? Please list.
Question six: why are you taking this class?
A: This is a requirement
B: I heard it was easy
C: I heard the professor was hot
D: I really enjoy anthropology! (liar)
Question nine: Creationism or Evolution?
Question ten: Quickly. If you were going to have dinner, would it be with Bill or Hillary Clinton?
Spencer can’t hide the grin he’s got the entire test. It’s all ridiculous get-to-know-you questions. He can tell what merit you’re getting out of them. There’s one judging study habits, one judging religion, feminism, politics—you’ve created her own little innocuous questionnaire. Spencer was sure the students would just think you were strange, but he saw the cleverness. 
Spencer also notices that once you notice him, you don’t stop noticing him. He wonders what you see. You’re so obviously profiling him that it hurts. Do you see the FBI agent? The scholar? The doctor? The drug addict? The man in a boy’s skin?
Your timer beeps and you shout for pencils down. Your makeshift TAs are dispatched to collect the papers and you make the stacks perfect when they make it to the desk. You move to the whiteboard, a set of papers clutched in your hand, and lean against it to address the class. 
“Test go alright?” your grin is contagious and Spencer can’t help but mirror it. You glance at Spencer, turns back to the class, and tuck your hair behind your ear. You let the class chatter on for a moment, setting the papers down on the table, and readjust the undone cuffs of your white button down. He never thought that a sweater vest and jeans could look so hot. 
You smirk and check your watch one more time. “Let’s talk about tests because I know you all have questions. Everything on the test is either written on the board, on the notes, or in the study guide—if you fail after that, come to office hours. I’ve got Advil for the hangovers.”
Thankfully, Joesph is one of those students who has to speak to every single one of his professors. Spencer waits patiently behind the kid, trying to keep the smell from the lack of deodorant just out of range. 
He keeps a hard gaze on all of the students moving in and out of the auditorium. There’s nothing to see, just a lot of students with a lot of normal college apathy. No anger, no serial killer, no one to tackle. 
“Sometimes the BO is worse than a corpse’s expulsion of gas,” you joke from your place atop the desk. Spencer looks up, and furrows his eyebrows as his brain processes. Your face falls for a split second, but your curiosity replaces it just as quickly. Joesph’s jaw hits the floor, stumbling for some way to explain himself or maybe some half decent way to insult the pretty professor. 
Spencer laughs, probably a little more than he should have, considering he wasn’t supposed to out himself as an FBI agent. You tuck your hair behind your ear again and, for someone younger than 25, you are surprisingly wide eyed with perception and curiosity. 
“Do you like puzzles, Doctor—“
“Reid,” he supplies, trying to swallow around the lump in his throat. “Spencer.”
You raise an eyebrow, chewing on your bottom lip in contemplation. You turn your focus back to Joesph—a boy worse at talking to those scoring higher than an 8 than Spencer was at the same age. “So, Joesph, why does the good doctor need to be within tackling distance of you?”
Joesph flounders, turns to hide his blush, and yelps like God himself has come down to kick him in the ass. Spencer takes one good look at the 18 year old girl charging towards a pimple of a boy and he launches before he can give much consideration to how much its going to hurt. 
But between the noticing and the launching, he makes a list: she’s got so much black eyeliner that Emily’s high school yearbook photos would be jealous; she’s about to inflict about a 9 on the pain scale if she’s left to her plan; there’s obviously no plan other to scratch Joesph’s eyes out; her nails are the size of tiger claws and Spencer desperately wishes he had a better pain tolerance; there’s no weapon. 
The tackle takes seconds. It’s a practised movement. Roll. Knee. Handcuffs. The girl is screaming and crying and kicking and biting. His arm’s on fire and she’s struggling enough that it’s taking more than ten seconds to get the handcuffs on. 
It’s calculated as he presses his knee harder into her back. She yelps and stills long enough that Spencer closes the handcuffs on her tiny, sliced up wrists. The cutting explains some things…
“Hence the tackling distance,” You sum up, bending down just slightly to look the killer in the face. Your nose wrinkles. “You had very distinct ideas on the cultural value of suicide.”
Spencer shakes his head, hauls the girl to her feet, and beckons for Joesph to follow. The entire world falls out of view as he manhandles the girl into an easy walk. The students step to the side to gawk, and he’s thankful for the wide berth. If someone got hurt, the paperwork alone—
“It was nice meeting you, Dr. Reid!” you call and he glances back over his shoulder. You’re waving around the stack of papers in your arms, utterly ridiculous, terribly adorable. He hopes his smile is more suave than love sick, but the fleeting flirtation is especially over when Miss Unchecked Rage kicks out as Joesph comes into her line of sight. 
Spencer throws his whole weight into keeping her down. There’s no room to fall in love after a day. Especially with someone on a college campus halfway across the country from him. There’s even less room to manoeuvre Miss Eyeliner even without Joesph waddling into her eye line every few seconds. Seriously, he thinks, how hard is it to keep behind me?
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