#throwing myself to the floor and pouring my fists against it
dumpsterfireofsubtext · 9 months
Daniel Defoe when I catch you. When I catch you Daniel Defoe, when I CATCH YOU
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myillicitaffair · 5 months
One of your girls part two | Carlos Sainz Jr
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Summary: after a fateful outcome, Carlos wants to fix what he unintentionally broke.
Warnings: english not being my mother tongue, angst, alcohol consumption, dirty dancing, small description of throwing up, cheating, mentions of sex, messed up dynamics, slight swearing.
Notes: second part of this fic. i also wanted to say i’m currently taking request, to anyone who might be interested xx.
Credits: the gif used belongs to @neymarhamilton ‘s tumblr account, so all credits belong to them. this part, just like the one before, is inspired by the song “one of your girls” by Troye Sivan.
A chilly night welcomes my friend group as we make our way through a prestigious and crowded restaurant situated in the heart of Madrid.
Being born and raised in Spain´s capital city, the girls now walking into the facilities have been by my side my whole life; faith brought us together our first day of school, just three frightened little kids trying to survive elementary.
I like to believe that we complement each other, even if we hadn´t met all those years ago, life would have found a way to connect us.
A girl’s night out is a rare occurrence between us; always being on the shy side, we very much prefer staying in, drowning ourselves in sweet treats while marathoning our comfort romcoms.
The reason why we´re summoned tonight is quite simple… my very first broken heart.
You see, in an attempt to lighten the mood, my friends brought us to an extremely exclusive eatery, one where we clearly didn´t fit in. The difference was quite notorious, surrounded by leggy models and their handsome companions, I quite frankly begin to wonder why I ever agreed.
With a deep breath, I straighten my back and let the hostess remove my coat. “In for a penny, in for a pound” I think with a resigned shrug of the shoulders.
As we´re carried to our spot, I try and take the essence of the place in. I start noticing its eccentric décor, dim lights brightening the burgundy walls, leather booths scattered all over the classy tile floor.
What makes an ordinary dinner such a big success? Its bizarre modality.
Our table is filled with strangers, completely engulfed in their different conversations. The main reason for my friends to take us to this unconventional location was exactly this; the inexorable need to engage in conversations with foreign people.
The first round of dirty martinis arrives as the last costumers take their places next to me, with a lousy cheer I pour the drink down my throat, feeling its pleasant burning down my body, warming me up, making me forget.
“Easy there tiger”- the man sited by my side chuckles, gesturing towards my empty glass.
I take a moment to wander across his features. Thick eyebrows, big brown eyes, plump lips. Definitely attractive, exactly what I need.
A smile creeps up my face, the wires in my brain getting to work.
I notice an elegantly worn designer shirt hugging his chest, his forearms resting against the wooden surface, his attentive stare trying to read my thoughts.
“And you are?”- I condescendingly tease him.
“Carlos”- his hand travels to mine, embracing me with his warm- “Carlos Sainz.”
The subtle body hair covering his fist tickling my naked skin, igniting a fire deep inside me.
And in that moment, I simply knew there was no getting out, not anybody else as long as he kept staring at me like this, eating me raw with his gaze.
That was the first night I ever came back home with him.
Carlos is away for the weekend, oceans separating us, palpable distance every time he races through my mind.
I try convincing myself It’s the sex I miss, the obvious physical attraction, the invisible force that pulls us towards the other, the feeling of his warm skin being impossibly closer to mine.
Truth being told, I’m sitting immovable on my bed, nervously waiting for a call.
I can’t help but recall his soft locks intertwined with my fingers, his tongue inching towards my neck, how he never fails to make my blood boil with a simple grin.
My phone brings me out of my daydreams, screaming for attention as a call enters it. His name glistening on the screen, filling me with pure bliss and forcing me to hold my giggles.
Acting like a schoolgirl with a crush while being a full-grown adult… how pathetic!
Two rings go by before i pick up, bitting my bottom lip to keep my voice calm as if I wasn’t desperately clinging to it seconds ago.
“Gorgeous, you got a minute to spare?”- he asks, clear amusement in his tone, abusing the charm he knows he has.
“That depends, Carlos, who’s asking?”
I’m gobsmacked at how composed I sound, nowhere near how I actually feel.
My knuckles turn white from grasping my sheets.
“Don’t be like that, princess, I know you miss me”- his smile visible through his speech.
My heart skips a beat, can his words be revealing my true feelings?
“Oh honey, keep lying to yourself if it helps you sleep at night…”
I’m met with his scandalous laugh filling the line, raising my pulse until it’s beating on my ears.
Everything stops, everything keeps going.
I close my eyes in acknowledgement, being forced to admit what i’ve been denying ever since I met him.
Oh, how screwed I am!
The music rumbles at the disco, throbbing on my skin with its intensity.
Being dragged to a hip party, my friends and I are bundled up in the comfort of our own group, dancing between ourselves.
As I rock my body to meet the pulsating rhythm, I embrace Carlos’s presence behind me, tightly grabbing my waggling hips.
He presses himself into me and I rub against his growing erection, purposely torturing him. His kisses start straying while sucking visible red marks into my neck.
His penetrating cologne invades my nostrils, clinging into my bare skin like a golden tattoo.
The mix of the alcohol I insisted on chugging and his hands shaping my whole body becoming intoxicating.
A foreign touch on my shoulder makes me open my eyes, leaving me to face my friend staring at me like i’ve grown a second head.
“You’re coming with me”- she pronounces as she drags me away from Carlos, who snorts in disbelief.
“What? Why?”- I ask as i’m forced to take a seat at the bar.
“Have you gone mad? You two were literally dry humping each other in the middle of the crowd!”- She hisses worriedly, forcing me to drink the water bottle she bought for me.
As she sits next to me, I prepare myself for the lecture she’s about to impart me, letting my eyes wonder across the dance floor.
I catch a glimpse of Carlos standing against a wall, hemmed by complete darkness, sometimes interrupted by one of the dj's lights.
When the spotlight lands on him, I start noticing the delicate hands hugging his broad shoulders, the almost nonexistent distance between him and the blonde caressing his cheeks.
Bile climbs up my throat, threatening to be ejected thanks to the scene before me.
Her lips all over his neck, staining the collar of his white shirt with lipstick.
Realizing i’m not paying an iota of attention to her, my friends follows my gaze stumbling across the sequence.
Effortlessly, she yanks me away from the enclosed space and into the garden.
Without being able to stop myself, I empty the contents of my stomach into the ground, constantly replaying the flashbacks of their sensual dance.
“Everything’s okay now, love”- My friend states while caressing my tangled up hair. Her fingertips come into contact with my cheeks, brushing my tears away.
Sobs are quick to scape my lungs, becoming more and more erratic as I imagine the second by second unfolding inside the disco.
After running away from Carlos’s house, in the middle of a Madrilenian night, I’m fast to hide into the loneliness of my apartment.
I can’t even find comfort in blaming him as I was the one to agree with our “no exclusivity policy”, believing I could make it work.
How stupid of me to think I would be capable of not being trapped into his nets.
Clearly the only solution I can possibly come up with is crying it out, and that’s how I found myself in this situation; puffy eyes, completely ruined mascara, quivering eyes from shedding way too many tears.
Could I have been more stupid? I can’t even resonate one good reason why I would ever accept what he’s willing to offer me while wanting him in his entirety.
My determination is easily devastated as desperate fists bang against my door.
“Please, open up”- A too familiar voice implores from outside the apartment.
“I don’t ever wanna see you again”- I manage to scream through whimpers.
“I beg of you, please let me in! I swear I can explain.”
Standing right on the other side of the door, I feel my hand toying with the doorknob, trying to determinate whether or not to listen to his pleas.
“There’s nothing to explain, Carlos!”- I say, above a whisper, my voice to fragile for anything else.
“There’s been a while since i’ve been with anyone else, alright? Not since all I could think about was you!”
An unbreakable silence fills the hallways of the building, only the sound of his pantings and heavy breathing interrupting the stillness.
Without much hesitation, I open the hinges separating us.
Clearly, I was nowhere near prepared for the view before me; his full brown eyes now shimmering with unshed orbs, accumulated in his tear ducts.
“How about the girl from the voicemail?”- I ask, almost scared to find out this is all a product of my imagination.
“I know what that seemed like, but I promise you it’s not what you think!”- he says, piercing me with his gaze- “That was my ex girlfriend. She has a hard time letting go of me, even though there’s been more than a year since we’ve last been together. I never answer her calls and that’s why she’s getting more and more desesperate.”
Everything around me stops just to listen to his next words, my heart betting so out of control he might even hear it.
“Back at my apartment you told me you were enamored by me, well, there’s no use in trying to deny i’m in love with you”- he whispers, just loud enough for me to hear- “so much it’s physically painful, it’s all I can think about.”
My brain turned into mush as his confession sinks in. I almost want to laugh at how ridiculous the idea seems to me; the man I love, probably the only one i’ll ever love, stating that my feelings are reciprocate.
A sigh leaves my parted lips as a quiet tear runs down my face.
“I know i’ve made my mistakes and believe me when I say i’ll regret them every minute i’m on this earth, but I promise you, that if you give me the chance, i’ll make it up to you until my dying breath”- his voice sounds shaky, as if he couldn’t believe the words coming out of him.
I don’t think I ever reacted as fast as now, jumping into his embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. Little giggles leave both of our mouths at the ridiculous situation.
“I love you”- He murmurs, muffled by the kisses he’s pressing against my checks.
“I love you too”- I answer back, with our bodies still entwined.
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Hello! I see that your ask box is open and I’ve had a dumb idea for a bit. How would the first years react to maybe a rowdy fem crush flashing them to get a rise out of them. Like maybe they’re getting scolded by their dorm leaders and crush is behind the dorm leader like boom tiddie. This might be too dumb. I’m both ashamed and not ashamed.
YES this is so funny! Not too dumb at all, I promise. I hope you enjoy!
Fem!Reader, she/her pronouns, NSFW-ish
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Of course you would doom him to even more trouble, waiting until Riddle was smack in the center of a lecture about how Ace has been shirking off on his dorm chores again. He notices the sly smile on your face as you creep up behind the housewarden, but he can't possibly be sure of what it's about until you tug up the hem of your shirt, giving him a flash of your chest without Riddle being any the wiser.
"WOAH-HO!" His eyes bug out of his head, and if he could look any more cartoonish you'd swear that steam would start pouring out of his ears with a train-whistle sound effect. Luckily you've already fixed your shirt back in place by the time Riddle has turned around, shooting you a baffled look to which you simply shrug in response. He turns back to Ace, fuming.
"Are you even listening to me!?!" "Hey, it's not my fault! Blame her for distracting me!" "How can a Heartslabyul student go around blaming everyone else for their own lack of discipline? OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Later, Ace demands you let him rest his head on your boobs as repayment for getting him in trouble and stuck with one of Riddle's signature collars. He makes a big fuss about it, sighing all pathetically while you play with his hair, but really he's not too upset with the outcome from his position.
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The situation may be the same as Ace's for Deuce, but his reaction is basically the polar opposite. When you flash him he freezes up like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and mouth agape as you can watch in real time how his face gets redder, and redder, and redder.
"Have I made myself clear, Deuce?" "..." "Deuce?" "..! S-Sorry, Housewarden! Yes, Housewarden! Excuse me, Housewarden!" He bolts like a greyhound, all but leaving a smoke outline from where he was once standing. Riddle turns to see you standing oh-so-innocently behind him, quirking an eyebrow at you in a 'now what was that all about?' sort of look. Not like you'd ever tell him.
When Deuce gets to his dorm room he throws himself onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow and trying to decipher why the hell you would do such a thing. Did you know about his crush? Were you making fun of him? He didn't have an answer, but he felt all hot and wound-up and like his uniform pants were just a bit too uncomfortable, which only served to feed the hot flame of embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. How would he even talk to you with a straight face from now on?
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He actually, straight up growls when he sees you lift your shirt and expose yourself to him, and it's probably one of the most embarrassing things that Jack has ever done. As soon as he realizes that sound actually came from him he flushes with heat, ears flattening against his head as he glares down at the floor like he's trying to burn a hole in it.
He immediately exits the conversation Ruggie was having with him mid-sentence, ignoring his upperclassmen's indignant "Hey!" As he storms over, grabs you by the wrist, and hauls you from the room. When he finally drags you to a quiet space for the two of you to talk he still can't quite look at you, fists awkwardly clenched as he stumbles through a reprimand.
"Y-You can't do that kind of thing here. If-If someone else saw they might have- I don't know if they'd- Just don't get in trouble. The boys here are animals." You can't help but notice that he isn't in any way trying to separate himself from that category. He's just as much an animal for you as anyone else here could be.
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He somehow manages to be the most subtle about his reaction than anyone here, but given his company that's not saying much. While Vil is berating him and adjusting his posture and clothes you flash him a quick glimpse of your chest, and his breath noticeably stutters as his eyes grow wide and his cheeks pink. Rook pinpoints the change in expression in an instant, and offers Epel a smug smile as he redirects Vil's attention so the first-year can make a hasty getaway.
"Are ya crazy!?! Pullin' stunts like that with the Housewarden right there? It's like ya wanna kill me!" You and Epel's friendship has always been one of playful back-and-forth, so he's just barely able to hide his own fluster behind some scolding banter so you won't catch on to just how much you've thrown him off his groove. In truth he's screaming on the inside out of confusion and delight, half because he barely believes what just happened and the other half because, well, he did see it with his own eyes.
As embarrassing as it is, it's probably that interaction and that memory that helps Epel muster up the bravery to actually start appealing to you as a romantic interest and not just as friends. After all, you wouldn't have done something like that if you didn't like him even a little bit, right? That's his reasoning, anyway.
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He straight up gasps, like a scandalized Victorian maiden. The tea set he was carrying for Lilia crashes to the floor in a cacophony of porcelain and sugar cubes and cream, and before you can even say a word he's upon you trying to babble out some mixture of scoldings and panic, but it's borderline incomprehensible.
Luckily you'd already fixed your shirt before that happened, so when he inadvertently drew all the attention in the room to the two of you, you were already decent. But you couldn't help but take a little delight in just how pink Sebek had gotten while he was trying to berate you, the sweaty nervousness as he struggled to even look you in the eye properly.
Literally can't sleep that night because every time he closes his eyes all he can see is your teasing smirk, your fingers curled on the hem of your shirt, the quick flash of you exposing your bare breasts to him. It drives him crazy, how one mere human can grab such a stranglehold of his psyche. But what is he supposed to do about it now?
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
How about a short one with mechanic!Eddie getting head from waitress!reader during both their lunch breaks? Maybe them almost getting caught?
I'm so sorry this took me so long!!! But I'm back to writing now!!
Warnings: SMUT, 18+ please!!!!!, the ask is pretty self explanatory... kinda just blow job goodness I guess lol
You sat down on your little chair in the corner of the garage, tapping your foot against the concrete floor as you waited for Eddie to finish whatever task he was working on. He did try to explain to you why it was urgent and why he couldn’t put it off, but the words didn’t make too much sense to you. You just nodded and assured him you didn’t mind waiting, but the food was getting cold and your lunch break was almost over. The only thing that didn’t bother you as you sat and waited for him was the sight of him - hair up in a shitty bun, sweat pouring down his temples and his biceps flexing on full view since he had ripped the sleeves of his Hellfire shirt a couple of days after he started working at the garage. But no matter how mouth watering the sight was, you couldn’t have been happier to see him finally throw his tools to the side and walk over.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long, baby, I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight” Eddie sighed, wiping his hands on the side of his jeans.
“It’s perfectly fine” you smiled and cupped his cheeks to kiss his lips. “I love myself a hard working man”
“Do you?” he laughed.
“Oh yes, and you don’t need to make it up to me at all”
You didn’t know where all of this came from. Suddenly you couldn’t keep your hands off of him. Eddie didn’t really mind, but he was sweaty, full of grease and smelled like oil, while your hair was still as neatly done as it had been in the morning, your perfume tickled his nostrils and your little waitress uniform made him feel like you were from two different worlds. He so wanted to touch you, to run his hands all over your body, to feel every inch of you - to destroy this perfect harmony you had surrounded yourself in. But it was the middle of the day, you both had jobs to go back to, and so he knew he had to wait. 
You went back in for another kiss and pressed yourself all against his body. It burned inside of him - the need to just grab your hips and pull you closer, but he knew better than that, so he just sank into the kiss, played your game just a bit longer and then pulled away with a soft, longing tug on your bottom lip.
“Don’t get me going right now, Y/n, please” he sighed as he pulled away from you, “I’m disgusting, I can’t even touch you”
“But I want lunch” you pouted.
“I’ll go wash my hands and we can eat outside”
“No” you shook your hand and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, “Not that lunch”
“Please!!” you whined, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes and putting on your best smile, “I’ll be fast, Edddie, please! You know you can’t resist me that long anyway, not when I-”
“Wow, ok, none of that here!” he belted to drown out your words. Eddie looked from side to side and threw his coworker a nervous smile, dismissing the man’s confused look. “Don’t say stuff like that around these guys, they’re animals”
“Fuck them!” you scoffed, “Come on, come on, come on, I want you, Eddie. Now!”
“I feel disgusting, doll” he sighed and pecked your lips, “Look at my hands”
You completely ignored his hands. “Eddie, you didn’t work on that engine with your dick, come on!” you cried and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “I wanna make sure this lipstick really is blow job proof”
“Jesus, Y/n, I-”
He was flushed, but you had never had him deny you for so long before. “I’m sorry, it’s totally fine if you aren’t in the mood-”
“Aren’t in the mood?” Eddie scoffed and tugged on his jeans, “I just, um, need to wash up and I’ll-”
“No, you don’t, come on!” you beamed and took off towards the bathroom in the back, “I don’t need you to do absolutely anything”
“You’re gonna be the death of me”
“I hope not,” you giggled.
Once Eddie shut the door behind him, you pushed him back against the wall and fell to your knees while your fingers effortlessly worked on his jeans. 
He sucked in a breath. “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not slap your ass when you walked away from me like that?”
“Why didn’t you?” you looked up at him once his jeans slipped halfway down his thighs.
“You didn’t let me wash my hands” Eddie laughed and showed you his palms, which were black as coal and smelled suspicious.
You crinkled up your nose, “Keep those behind your back”
“Giving orders now, huh?”
“We both know you’re way better at listening to those than I am”
To that, he couldn’t do more than just nod in agreement. Unlike you, who liked to push his buttons until he couldn’t control himself anymore and just had to fuck the attitude out of you, Eddie was the sweetest, most obedient ever, a whimpering, whining mess, listening to every word you said. And now, it was no different. He just put his hands behind his back and closed his eyes, concentrating on his breathing once you started pulling down his underwear.
Almost fully hard already, you picked up his cock in your hand and licked his tip, your eyes up and fixed on his. The messy, rebel curls that just refused to be tamed by his hair tie had fallen down, framing his face and shadowing that look of pure desire on his face. 
Even though you knew you were in a hurry, you took your sweet time, licking your way up and down his cock, from the base up to his slit, enjoying a moan that just had to slip past your lips. As you busied yourself doing anything and everything other than taking him inside your mouth, Eddie found it so very hard to keep quiet - the walls were thin, he knew that all too well. And he had been doing a very good job until you arched your back and lowered yourself to take his balls inside your mouth, sucking and applying that perfect amount of pressure that you knew so well would instantly drive him mad. And it worked, his hips bucked against you in a second as a whimper broke past his lips.
“Fuck - Y/n, Jesus!”
“Mhm, what’s that?” you asked, innocently looking up at him.
“Jesus Christ, Y/n, that sweet, little mouth of yours…”
“You liked that?” you teased and grabbed his cock so that his tip was inches away from your lips. You gave the head a tiny lick and batted your eyelashes, “You like this too?”
“Please, just-” he shook his head and bit his lips.
His palms were sweaty, his fingers linked behind his back and nails digging holes into his skin as he did everything in his power to not just grab your head and force you all the way down his cock. He knew what you were doing, and he knew he was going to lose, but losing to you was always nothing less than absolute bliss.
“Just take me inside your mouth, princess, yeah?” he swallowed, “I need to be inside of you”
“You don’t trust me?” you pouted. With your eyes never leaving his, you gave his cock a few teasing pumps before tapping his tip against your lips. “You think I don’t know what I’m doing?” you questioned sweetly as you licked your way along his length, “You think I don’t know how to make you cum for me?”. Now you were just pushing it as you grabbed his balls into your hand and gently pulled, making him shake under your touch. “Haven’t I always been so good for you, Eddie?”
“Jesus fucking Christ” he exclaimed, slamming his head back against the wall as his dick twitched in your hand.
“I’ll take that as a yes” you smiled and prepared to continue before a knock made your eyebrows fly up in surprise. 
“Munson?” an unfamiliar, deep and raspy voice echoed from behind the door. “You all good in there?”
Eddie was just about to answer when you finally took him inside your mouth and hallowed your cheeks against his cock. A moan escaped his lips before any words could.
“Fuck - um-” he cringed, “I’m yeah, good”
“You sure, man? You sound like you’re dying in there”
Again, Eddie was about to answer when you started bobbing your head on his cock - a few times for courage, and then took him as far down your throat as you could.
“Fucking shit” he whispered to himself as every muscle inside his body tensed. He was finding it too hard to focus on both things, especially since he couldn’t give two flying shits about one of them.
“Munson?” The man tried again.
“I’m fine!” Eddie exclaimed, voice high pitched and out of breath, “I’ll be out in a sec”
The man mumbled something more, but you didn’t listen as you concentrated on your gag reflex, only pulling out when tears started forming in your eyes. At the last possible moment, you fell back, both of you panting.
“Jesus, sweetheart” Eddie shook his head in disbelief.
“You love me” you grinned and resumed your work, delicately working him towards a release that was not at all that far away.
“Fuck, I do.. I’m close,” he whispered. 
“Cum for me, come on, Eddie, let me taste you, baby” you smiled and took him back inside your mouth, expertly sucking his cock. Precum and spit trickled down your chin but you kept going, racking your nails up and down his thighs, leaving some sweet, pinkish lines you’d later love to explore again. 
“I’m gonna cum, love” Eddie whimpered and as a last effort to drive him mad, you took him again down to the back of your throat, keeping him there until he couldn’t anymore.
Unwilling to let any drops go to waste, you pulled his dick out of your mouth and pressed his tip against your tongue. As his release came and his cum dripped inside your mouth, Eddie panted fervently and bit down on his lips, eyes squinted shut as you licked and swallowed everything he had to give.
Once he was completely done, you wrapped your lips around his sensitive tip and sucked, only standing up when you were sure you got it all. 
“Come here” Eddie said, his hands still behind his back. “Missed a drop” he chuckled weakly before licking the corner of your lips and going in for a wild kiss.
No matter how used he was to your ways of driving him insane, he still needed a couple of seconds to pull himself together.
You fixed your makeup as he cleaned himself up, and before leaving the bathroom, you checked the time on the watch on his wrist. “It’s 13:53, I’m gonna have to take the bus”
“I can drive you”
“No, don’t waste your time, I don’t want you to have to stay late”
“I’d drive you to Hawkins and back and still wouldn’t consider it a waste of time”
“You know what I meant” you smiled, “I want you home as early as possible. I wanna cook for you tonight”
Eddie shook his head, “I don’t deserve you, sweetheart”
“Yeah, you do. Bye!” you giggled and pecked his lips, before opening the door and proudly strolling out of the bathroom. Your heels rang against the concrete floor, drawing all attention towards you. Once the other workers realized what had just happened but before any of them got a chance to react, you sweetly waved and headed out of the garage, “Bye, guys!”
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jaxteller87 · 1 month
You Belong to Me
Laying in the middle of the bed in my dorm room, I whispered, nuzzling Amber’s neck as we lay on our sides. “You comfortable, darlin’?”
“I am. Are you?” she asked as I slid inside her. I nodded, biting down gently on my lower lip as I slowly pushed in a little deeper.
“Good,” she responded gently. “Fuck me, big papa.” I could hear her grunt under her breath with each thrust.
“Such a naughty little beauty,” I smirked. Amber closed her eyes and tilted her head back, inviting me to bite her neck playfully. She moaned as I worked my way up to her mouth. I gently grabbed her face and kissed her supple, pink lips.
“I’m yours, darlin’. Always will be,” she moaned into my ear while I moved back down her neck. Amber grabbed a fistful of my hair and passionately kissed me again. I pushed my manhood deeper inside her, and she pushed her tongue into my mouth. The heavy panting and initially somewhat quiet encounter soon switched over to loud screaming and the sound of my bedpost banging off the walls. By the time I was done with Amber, anyone who walked down the hall past this room would know who I belonged to. 
Lately, the croweaters have been over the top. Why? Your guess was as good as mine. It wasn’t untypical of them to try and link up with a spoken-for brother, but generally, you could just wave them off, and that’d be that, at least for a few months. This time, it almost seemed like they had made some secret bet amongst themselves on who could get under my sheets the fastest. Twice in the past week, I came down to the clubhouse to find not one but two naked croweaters in my door room. They played it off like they had just ended up there together, exploring their sexualities, but neither of them seemed surprised to see me, and they promptly invited me to join. A few years back, I would have, but being loyal to Amber was important to me. More important than the Club even. Regardless, when this uprising of sex-depraved croweaters happened, I’d decided to take Amber into the dorm any chance I had and give her the what for. Hell, one night, I took her to the bathroom and fucked her on the counter while a bunch of those crows were doing their makeup. In a total powerplay move, I saw Amber’s reflection in the mirror— locking eyes with Ima as I came inside her. When Ima tried to leave, I scooped Amber off the counter and put my back against the door, putting a few more pumps inside her right in front of the dick-starved crow.
Last night was amazing, as usual. When the morning sun shining through the window woke me up, Amber was still nestled in my arms, sleeping. I carefully crawled out of bed, careful not to disturb her. I yawned, looking out the window, and then turned to stare at my sleeping wife. I couldn’t help but smile. I never thought I’d be the type of person to watch a woman sleep. But as I did, one thing was clear to me: I was one lucky son of a bitch. I put my sweats on and headed out to the clubhouse to start a pot of coffee. I damn near broke my ankle trying to get behind the bar. Once I opened the shades, I noticed the chaos from the night before still sprawled out all over the place. Shaking my head with a smile, I saw all the liquor bottles and people passed out everywhere. Bobby was sitting in the corner with a naked twenty-something-year-old passed out across his lap. 
“Good night?” I asked.
“Don’t you know it,” he not so gently pushed her onto the floor. She hit with a thud but continued to sleep. Bobby took the throw blanket off the back of the chair and covered her up. “Sounds like you and Amber were having a hell of a good time as well.”
“Aye,” Chibs raised his head from the bar, “big papa, was it?”
I laughed and poured myself a cup of coffee. “That’s Vice President Big Papa to you,” I joked. With two cups in hand, I headed down the hall to find my wife waking up, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Not too bad, Teller,” she chuckled, seeing only one hickey on her chest.
“Then don’t look at your thighs,” I grinned, handing her a cup.
She looked down between her legs and shook her head. “Oh, Teller…”
“I mean, I could make more marks,” I offered.
“I know you could. But this’ll do for now. Thank you,” she smiled.
“Oh, come on,” I teased as we snuggled up with our coffee. “I don’t have anywhere to be today.”
“Even if you did…” Amber began.
“Even if I did, you would take precedence,” I kissed her forehead.
“How about a date?” She asked. By the way she said it, I instantly knew it was something she had been dwelling on for a while.
So, we spent the day out by the lake fishing, one of our favorite pastimes besides riding my bike, of course. Later that evening, we returned home, slightly sunburnt but otherwise in high spirits.
“Here’s some banana bread Bobby gave us. I told him the last time he made it how much we both liked it for something quick in the morning,” I sliced us each a small piece to eat before we retreated to the couch to watch a movie.
Later, we snuggled up, panting in each other’s arms as we moved in a sweet rhythmic motion. Becoming one with each other. “Yes, that’s it, papa. Show me I’m yours,” she cooed as I moved a little faster and pushed a little harder.
After another mind-blowing sexual encounter with my wife, I looked over at Amber, who was smiling with tears streaming down her face. The crying orgasms didn’t happen very often, but when they did, I kicked the aftercare up a notch. “Are you okay?” I asked.
“I promise I’m okay,” she chuckled. “It’s just a lot.”
“I know,” I smiled. “I’m so happy you’re mine, Amber,” nuzzling her neck and nipping at it a bit.
Once she was ready, I got a drink of cold tea and a snack for her.
“What have I told you? You don’t have to be embarrassed; just tell me I really did my job,” I chuckled, holding her close again.
She just smiled, giving my beard a loving scratch. “I’m so glad I get to call you mine, Teller,” she smiled.
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evilofmagic · 2 years
Beatrix x reader
Shortcut: Beatrix protects you from Sebastian.
Tw: blood,death,self-harm
"You're not going to win this," I said coming out from around the corner dropping Sky to the ground making Bloom run up to him and the crystal shatter.
"I never trusted you and I was right" I said with a trunphal smile.
He tried to throw a gust of wind at me but I moved out of the way.
"I wouldn't advise messing with her," said Beatrix coming towards me.
"It's fun to save the world" said Beatrix looking at me and then at Sebastian.
She quickly pushed me away I didn't know what was going on until I heard a crack and Beatrix falling to the ground.
"No" I shouted running up to her with blood pouring from her head I didn't know what to do.
"Stay here Beatrix stay with me" I shouted but got no response although I tried to stop the bleeding the blood continued to pour.
I paid no attention to anything until I heard crying and turned to see Stella through the tears. I shook my head looking at her and turned my gaze back to my girlfriend's murderer.
I stood up and my eyes glowed white I walked over to him and punched him and then again. Anger flowed through me and suddenly wings appeared I directed my magic at him and the girls joined in.
He crumbled into ash and I gasped and immediately returned to Beatrix's body.
I took her head in my lap and combed through her hair, ignoring the blood. I burst out crying, I'd lost her, she wasn't coming back she realised.
I was rocking with her body against mine, holding her and not wanting to let go. I heard crying behind me and I didn't have to turn around to know it was Stella.
No one dared approach me and I wasn't going to move I cried for hours until finally I had to leave so she could have a dignified funeral.
I left but not before I gave her a goodbye kiss.
No more movie nights.
No more cuddles.
No more sweet dates.
Kisses at bedtime and in the morning.
Laughing at inept students.
Planning to always be one step ahead of everyone else.
The origami I used to make for her.
The roses I used to get.
The teasing in front of others.
Whispering sweet nothings.
It was all gone.
I walked into the dorm numbly not paying attention to the girls.
I went to the shower to wash off all the blood that only reminded me. I got out of the shower and got dressed in my pyjamas. I started to leave but looked at my hands and saw the blood on them I immediately went back in without closing the door and started to scrub my hands.
They hurt but the red didn't go away. I hit the mirror above the sink with both fists and finally saw my blood.
I fell to the floor sobbing I couldn't accept that I had lost me.
"Why you why not me" I asked myself this question like a mantra until someone knocked on the door.
A blonde woman walked into the toilet and picked me up off the floor and I snuggled my head into her neck.
"Why her why her Stel" I asked crying I was sure her shirt was soaked.
She sat down on the sofa and planted me in her lap but I didn't turn away from her neck. I knew all the girls were in the room I sensed them and really tried to look for Beatrix but she wasn't there. It was stupid after all she had died how would she be here but I wanted her to be here we were going to celebrate the two of us.
"She wanted to be good, she wanted to apologise this was supposed to be the first fucking step" she said looking at the window.
"She died because of me and she didn't have time to apologise to you Stel she wanted it so badly" I said looking at her.
"She didn't die because of you but because of Sebastian" said Musa her eyes glowed purple.
"Everything will change without her it won't be the same" I said with tears in my eyes.
"I'm going to bed I want to be alone" I said leaving and throwing myself on my bed.
I cried into my pillow and sleep took me unexpectedly.
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floralcavern · 1 month
Gay OCs backstory 1/3
This was originally going to be 1/2, but then I saw how long this was getting so decided to split it up as to not torture myself! 👍
These OCs are in the same universe as my aroace OC here!
Damian held on to his umbrella tightly. Rain poured all around, covering the streets and cars. Bugs skittered around the grass as they tried to find somewhere safe to hide. 
Damian really should be skittering off as well if he didn’t want to be late to his first day of 9th grade at a new school. But how could he when there was a stray cat getting soaked in the rain. 
The cat, a cute little calico, curled in a box and only sheltered because of his umbrella. But he couldn’t leave the umbrella here. He can’t show up on the first day dripping wet. That would be so embarrassing. 
The rain was so loud he didn’t even notice the footsteps approaching. 
“안녕. What are you doing?”
Damian jumped, startled and he turned to see a boy standing behind him. The boy was wearing the same uniform as him, as well even a red tie, meaning he was also in 9th grade.
“Oh, I, uh, th-this cat, it.. uh..”
The boy stepped forward. “¡Ay qué lindoooo! How’d this little guy wind up all alone?”
“I, uh.. don’t know. But if I leave now, he’s gonna get drenched..”
“Hm..” the boy thinks before giving Damian a mischievous smile. Something told Damian this was a face he made a lot. It just looked natural on him. 
“Take my umbrella!” He said, shoving it into his arms. “Huh?! Wait, what?!”
“I have to run! Promised a friend I’d grab something at the convenience store for him! See ya!”
Before Damian had a chance to even get a word out, the boy was running off into the void of raindrops and fog, leaving him with two umbrellas. 
He looked at the cat. “Did you see that?!” He exclaimed. The cat just yawned in response. 
He gripped his umbrella handle before leaning it against the cat’s box. He looked up at the boy’s umbrella. Damian’s was just a plain black one, but this one was covered in red, white, and green raindrop patterns with a black background.
He sighed and began to feel really guilty about now having some stranger’s umbrella while he now has to go to school in the rain. 
He decided he would return it to him if he sees him at school. He ventured on and headed to the school. 
Once he arrived, the classroom was already full of students, some he recognized from middle school, and some were completely new faces. 
He looked around to see if he could find that boy. But he didn’t see him anywhere. Damian took a spot near the back and sighed, watching as the boys in his class were already clumping together and laughing and having fun. He wishes he was able to interact with guys his age like that. 
Damian felt his breath get caught in his throat when the boy from before came in the classroom, dripping water all over the floor. 
“Dude, Cameron!” exclaimed one of the boys. “Did you not read the weather report?”
Cameron laughed and held up a bottle of orange juice. “Ah, well, I didn’t forget to get you your OJ!”
Everyone immediately flocked to Cameron. He had that aura, that smile that made people want to be near him. Even Damian, loner that he was, desperately wanted to jump from his chair and introduce himself and be his friend.
The boys dark eyes turned to Damian and his smile lit up. “Cat boy!”
Everyone snickered. “Cat boy? Damian, something you wanna tell us?” said one of the boys. 
Damian clenched his fists. “Don’t say it like that..” he murmured to Cameron. 
“Sorry! Oh! 만나서 반가워! I’m Cameron Garcia! It’s good to meet you!”
He stared at the boy’s hand before eventually shaking it. “Damian Lincoln…” 
“Cameron!” The smiling boy’s friends called. “Cmon, get a seat next to us!”
“Oh! Right!” Cameron turned to Damian with a cheeky smile. “See ya later!”
“W-wait!” Damian tried, but the boy already walked off. Guess I’ll have to return the umbrella after school..
Cameron and all the other boys chatted loudly, attempting to throw crumpled up papers into the trash can until the teacher came in. 
“We’re going to start off the year with some icebreakers!” She wrote a couple of questions on the board, like ‘what’s your favorite show?’, ‘do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?’  
“Go into groups of 4!” Kids immediately began to group up with their friends, laughing excitedly, leaving Damian with no group. 
The teacher went up to him. “Looks like we’ll have to put you in a group.”
Noooooo… he felt his inner self cry out. Being forced to group with another group of friends by the teacher is by far the most awkward and embarrassing thing ever. 
“Hmm.. go group with Audra, Lenni, Cameron, and Izzy.”
Damian felt like combusting at that very moment from embarrassment. And when the cute boy looked over at him and smiled.. ugh, Damian could’ve dropped dead from a heart attack right then and there from how attractive he was. 
He pulled up and chair and awkwardly sat next to Lenni. He only knew Lenni and Audra. Cameron and Izzy were new. 
“I’ll start!” Cameron said happily. “I’m Cameron Garcia! I just moved from Canada. But before that, I lived in South Korea! And before that, I lived in Colombia! So I speak English, Spanish, French, and Korean. But I rarely speak French, since neither of my parents do.”
Everyone nodded and smiled. Cameron had this energy about him. This laugh that was infectious and made you want to lean against his shoulder as you caught your breath as tears of joy sprung to your eyes. 
He gestured to the girl next to him. “This is my cousin, Izzy!” He nudged her. “Go onnnnn.”
She sighed and sat up. Damian noticed the way Lenni sat up slightly when she got ready to speak. Oh. He thinks she’s attractive.. Damian realized. He never really.. noticed that. 
“I’m Izzy Yun. Unlike my cousin,” she gestures to Cameron, “I haven’t traveled around much. I only live just on the outskirts of this town, about 20 minutes away. I play softball and sometimes volleyball.”
Everyone nodded and then they looked at Audra. Damian sucked in a slight breath. Audra was his ex girlfriend (if you even count dating in 8th grade as actual dating). She broke up with him because he “didn’t act like he actually liked her.” Which was unfair! He did! She was really nice and he liked hanging out with her. 
“I’m Audra Bennett. I’m part of the dance team and I’m part of a band.”
“That’s so cool!” Cameron said, leaning toward her slightly, which caused Damian jump and interrupt Lenni before he got to introduce himself, which is very out of character for Damian, as he would much prefer to go last. 
“I’m Damian Lincoln! I-I.. I um.. I like to code..”
Cameron smiled brightly. “Really? Like videogames?”
“Well.. sometimes.. but also things like hacking..”
“Woah, hacking?” Lenni asked. 
Damian laughed nervously. “Not the kind you’re thinking of. More like.. being able to play Doom on a device definitely not made for that, like a Nokia or something.”
“That’s so cool!” Cameron said, leaning toward him. “You’ll have to show me some time!”
Something about being the person Cameron leaned toward made Damian feel good. Really good. Special and important almost… Maybe even giddy..
“Y-ya, well.. if you have an old device, maybe I can repurpose it for you.. Maybe invite me over…” he said shyly, realizing his tone almost came off flirty.
What was that tone?! He thought, panicked. 
Cameron seemed to pick up on it as well, his eyebrows raising and slowly smirked. “Ok? You can come to my house and we can look for something.. I’m sure there’s something in my room.”
Lenni cleared his throat. “Anyways… I’m Lenni Belle. I enjoy to make movies and study film production.”
“Ohh!” Cameron said. “You wanna be a big time Hollywood producer?”
“Ehhh,” Lenni said, shrugging. “I wanna be more of an indie producer. Hollywood is awful. Not getting tangled in that.”
Cameron laughed. “Understandable!”
Damian awkwardly looked off to the side. He tried to think of something to say to Cameron. To get to keep talking to him. He perked up and reached under his desk. 
“By the way Cameron. Here’s your umbrella back.”
“Huh? Oh thanks! But keep it! At least for now!”
“H-huh? Why?”
“I’m guessing you left your umbrella with that cat? Well, if it’s not still there after school, you can keep my umbrella!”
“Oh.. wait.. does that mean you’ll walk with me?”
“Ya! And after that, you can come to my house! Like we talked about a minute ago!”
“O-oh..! Ok!” Damian said, quickly straightening up, his eyes shining.
Damian glanced over when he felt a glare on him and spotted Audra staring daggers into him. 
Awkward.. he thought. But why would it be awkward? Does she just think Cameron is attractive and upset that he’s not looking at her?
Damian thought about getting Cameron to look at Audra. Seeing as how he had hurt Audra in 8th grade, albeit unintentional, so the least he could do is try and set her up with the cute charismatic boy..
The idea of that made his blood boil. He liked this attention Cameron was giving him. He liked being the one Cameron was talking to and staring at.. Ya, maybe it was selfish, but.. but..
Damian has never had a friend! And he wasn’t going to lose the opportunity to get closer to Cameron… and become friends with him!
The teacher clapped her hands, interrupting Damian and Cameron’s conversation. 
“Ok, kids. Let get back to class!”
Damian pouted slightly and glanced at Cameron, who also seemed mildly disappointed. 
“Remember, we’re going to meet up after school. Meet me at my locker. My number is 214.”
Damian’s eyes widened slightly and he smiled. “Ya. All right! Will do!”
Of course, since he had something to look forward to after school, the school day felt like it went on forever. What really made it worse was that Damian had no other classes with Cameron. 
He did, however, have several classes with Cameron’s cousin, Izzy. 
Izzy was.. intimidating. She had this delinquent like aura about her. Yet, according to the whispers he hears from his classmates, she was ‘hot’. And Damian could recognize that she was pretty. But, other than that.. he just couldn’t see what everyone was so excited about. 
“Pst. Hey,” Izzy whispered. “Can I borrow a pen?”
“Oh.. sure..” he said, handing it to her. 
There was a moment of silence before she said again, “Do you think I’m attractive?”
Damian’s eyes widened and he blushed in embarrassment. “Wh-what?! I mean, you’re not unattractive, but, I-“
“Look. Just answer honestly.”
“…I. I mean, you’re pretty but.. I’m not attracted to you…”
She stared at him for a long while before letting out a sigh of relief. “Finally.. Can I get your number?”
“I’m not hitting on you. I just.. need someone who isn’t going to be weird about me. Plus, if you’re going to be friends with Cameron, I wanna make sure you’re good. Especially since he seems very fond with you already..”
Cameron looks down, hating how red his face was. Someone was fond of him? Very fond of him? And it’s Cameron? Could Cameron perhaps.. be a potential best friend?
Him and Izzy exchanged numbers and the school day eventually came to an end. 
Ok, locker 214.. There it is!
Standing at the locker was Cameron, his black hair having been neatly combed back, unlike what it was like that morning, soaking wet and messy. 
Cameron glanced over and his entire face lit up. As if Damian was the greatest thing Cameron had laid his eyes on. Damian felt like he was.. important. 
“Damian!” he calls out, snapping him from his trance. 
“Heh, Cameron..!”
Cameron closed his locker door and skipped over to him. “Ready to go?”
“Y-ya! Mhm..!”
“Great!” Without warning, Cameron interlocked his arm with Damian’s. 
“O-oh!” he exclaimed in surprise. 
“This ok?”
“Y-ya! Of course!”
“Great! Let’s go find that cat!”
 He was ready to follow Cameron, but was not ready when Cameron grabbed Damian by the hand to walk side by side with him. 
Part of Damian knew he was freaking out. This was nothing. Cameron was clearly just a very friendly person. But the other part of him felt like he was on fire. 
He didn’t even remember the entire walk, or what Cameron was saying, focusing only on how sweaty his palms were and how soft Cameron’s hands felt. In the blink of the eye, Cameron came to a stop. 
“We’re here!”
Damian looked around, then at Cameron, then at the cat, then at their hands before quickly pulling away. 
“Looks like my umbrella is still here..” Damian murmured. 
“Ya! Lucky us!” Cameron said as he picked up Damian’s umbrella and handing it to him. 
“Ya.. lucky.. uh, and here’s your umbrella back..”
“Thanks! Now, cmon. Let’s head to my house!”
“O-ok!” he said. Cameron reached out to take his hand again, but Damian instinctively jerked his hand away. 
“Oh. Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?” Cameron asked. 
“N-no! Just. Instinct. I’m guessing you’re just a touchy person?”
Cameron stared at Damian intently, as if he was trying to read his mind. “Yessssss… I am.”
“Ok.. well.. ya, you can hold my hand. If you want.”
Cameron smiled and took his hand. 
“So, hacking?” Cameron said. “What got you into that?”
“Oh, uh. It’s gonna sound pretty bad..”
“I won’t judge! As long as you’re not stealing people’s private information. Oh! Are you hacking government information!?”
“Ummmm.. no. I’m not that good. I mostly started to get into hacking to use cheat codes in games. Haaaa..”
“Seriously? I heard people like that tend to be annoying.”
“Well, more like.. weapons that don’t actually exist in the game.. or entering in areas that can’t be entered.”
“Really? You’ve gotta show me some time!”
“M-maybe! What kind of games do you like?”
“Oh! Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing..”
“Oh, I don’t play those kinds of games, so I don’t know any cheat codes. I mostly play games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, Just Cause, Red Dead Redemption..”
“Really? I figured a quiet and shy guy like you would also like comfort games!”
He laughed. “Guess I’m the embodiment of the ‘suspicious quiet kid’ stereotypes.. E-Except I’m not actually violent or anything! I swear!!”
“I know..” Cameron said, stopping in front of a house painted pastel blue with white pillars and a front yard patio. It was the picturesque white picket fence home. “I can tell. You’re a good guy, Damian..” Cameron looked at him for a moment before quickly turning and opening the door. “Cmon inside. Just be sure to take off your shoes.”
“Right..” he said awkwardly. He took a step inside and removed his shoes at the front. He was weirdly excited to be here. 
The house was warm and smelled like vanilla and a campfire, so, very comforting. 
A woman came out of the kitchen, taking off a pair of oven mitts. “Cameron! 왜 나한테 친구를 데려온다고 말하지 않았어?”
Cameron smiled nervously. “미안해! 너한테 문자 보내는 걸 깜빡했어!” He turned to Damian. “Damian, this is my mom!”
Damian jumped slightly. “I, uh, um.. nice to meet you, ma’am..”
She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. “Just don’t be loud or messy while you’re here..”
“Yes! Of course!”
Cameron turned to Damian again, smiling brightly and grabbed his arm. “Cmon! My room is upstairs!”
Cameron dragged Damian upstairs. There was only one bedroom up there. It was closed and had an Olivia Rodrigo poster hung up. 
Cameron opened the door. “Welcome to my humble abode!”
Damian took a step inside and looked around. 
There was a shelf covered almost entirely with different candles, a desk with colored pencils and crumbled paper crowding the top, and next to his bed was a cage with.. with a..
“A guinea pig!” Damian exclaimed. 
Cameron smiled widely. “Yep!” He opened the cage and gently took the animal into his arms. “This is Hams!”
“Hams?! That is such a cute name!”
“I know! You wanna hold him?”
“Can I?!”
“Of course!”
Cameron handed him the creature and Damian looked down at it with sparkling eyes. 
“Oh.. my.. gosh.. He’s so.. so…”
“I know!” Cameron exclaimed, cutting him off. “You keep holding him while I look for something!”
Damian slowly nodded, not looking away from Hams as he slowly leaned down to sit on the bed. 
Cameron looked around his room before digging into his closet. He exclaims “aha!” as he pulls out a dusty, old calculator. 
“Do you think you could do something with this?” Cameron asked. 
“Hmm..” Damian looked at the calculator as he handed Hams back to Cameron begrudgingly, who put him back in his cage.
“Ya, I probably could. If you could, what game would you want to play?”
“Stardew Valley!” Cameron said immediately. 
“Hm.. I’ll.. see what I can do.”
“Yay!! Thank you, Damian!” Cameron exclaimed, clasping Damian’s hands. 
“Oh, I, um.. ya, no problem..” it felt like his voice had suddenly left him. 
“Say, you said you’ve never played Animal Crossing? How about we play together?”
“Huh? Really?”
“Ya! You can make a new island on my Switch!”
“S-Seriously? That’s.. so nice of you..”
Cameron gets up to retrieve his Switch from his drawer. 
“You like the joy-cons? They’re brand new!”
“Oh, ya. They’re nice..”
“Thanks! Now, lay down with me!” he said, jumping onto the bed and laying down. 
Damian hesitated, but eventually decided to not give in to the nervousness and laid next to him. 
“What do you want to name your island?” Cameron asks, bumping his shoulder against Damian’s. 
“Huh..? Oh, um.. Piltover?”
“Piltover… where have I heard that?”
“Don’t.. think about it.”
“All right!”
He typed in the name and handed him the switch. “Now make your character!”
Damian looked at the customizing options. Usually games like this didn’t have many skin tone options. The darkest ones were still way too light. But this game surprised him with how many skin tone options there were. And one of the hairstyles even had locks, like him (though, he did wish there were more than just that one hairstyle..)
“Yay! You made your character!” Cameron exclaimed. “Now let’s start playing!”
Cameron leaned against Damian’s shoulder as he played. 
The two talked about nothing yet couldn’t keep their mouths closed. It was weird. Damian was terrible at talking, yet Cameron seemed to draw the words right out of him. 
There was a knock at the door and it creaked open, Cameron’s mother standing at the doorway. 
“아, 카메론. 여기는 엉망이야. 어쨌든, 점점 어두워지고 있어. 네 친구는 집에 가야 해.”
Cameron looked perturbed. “그는 조금 더 머무를 수 없어요, 엄마?”
She seemed to glower at him and let out a sigh of defeat. 
“What is it?” Damian asked, confused. 
“My mom said you have to go home.”
“Oh. Well.. I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”
“Ya. Lemme walk you to the door.”
They climbed out of the bed and walked to the doorway, Damian putting on his tennis shoes and Cameron leaning against the wall, watching him. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Damian.”
Damian nodded and pushed his glasses up. “Ya.. see ya.”
Right before Damian stepped out, though, Cameron pulled him in for a hug, which severely confused him. 
Damian left after that, walking home as his mind replayed the day’s events. He’s never had someone be so kind to him.. someone who.. wants to be his friend. It was.. kind of exhilarating!
He felt a bit of a pep in his step as he arrived to his house where he saw his parents standing, waiting for him with disapproving glares. 
“Where were you?!” His mother exclaimed. 
“I t-texted you that I was going to a friend’s..”
“Yes, but you gave no information! Who the friend was, where he lived, how long you’ve known him! If I had known you would be gone for so long, I would’ve said no! You missed grandma’s Bible study!”
“She has those, like.. every other day.. is it really so bad if I missed one..?”
His mom grabbed him by the ear. “Go to your room right now! I don’t wanna hear you say anything like that again!”
“Ow, ow! I’m sorry!” She let go of him and he walked inside, rubbing his sore ear. “I’m sorry…” he says again, only this time to himself. 
He goes up to his room and collapses into bed, exhausted. He sees a book on his nightstand and he reaches for it. 
Oh. he thought. The year book from last year must’ve come in.
Dawnward Prep. His old middle school. That place was his personal hell. 
He opened to his class photos and saw himself and he immediately cringed. He always looked so bad in school photos. Though the camera’s lighting in this one certainly wasn't doing him or any of his old classmates any favors. 
He sighed and rubbed his thumb on the picture before closing it and throwing it onto the floor absentmindedly as he laid on his back. 
Cameron.. his mind drifted to him. He’s never had someone invite him to hang out after school. And never in a million years did he expect someone funny and popular like him to invite him.. it almost felt too good to be true.
Usually he found games like Animal Crossing to be boring, yet that was the most fun he’s ever had playing any game. Ever! 
This all felt new. And exciting. But also kind of terrifying. 
He tightly closed his eyes and tried not to think of the scary ideas that may try to come into his head. 
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the calculator. He really wanted to impress Cameron. And if something as simple as this was enough to make him think that he was cool.. he was going to do it!
By the next day, Cameron came over to Damian’s desk, slamming his hands against it. “Lincoln!”
Damian jumped and nearly fell out of his chair. “I, uh-! G-Garcia?!”
Cameron burst out laughing. “Sorry, Damian! I just wanted to see how’d you react!”
“Oh.. I thought you were mad at me or something!”
“No, of course not!”
Damian smiled crookedly as his nerves died down from the scare. 
“Well.. um.. I can probably come to your house today.. for the game thing..”
Cameron let out a loud gasp. “You already hacked it?!”
“So cool! Ya, you can absolutely come over today!”
Damian smiled shyly. “Great!”
Cameron smiled back at him and looked to the side when the bell rang. “Aww man. Well. I’ll see you later, then?”
“Ya. See you!”
Cameron walked to his desk and Damian stared at him from afar. 
At lunch, Damian was tempted to go and sit next to Cameron, but Cameron was surrounded by so many people. People who either thought Damian was weird and just didn’t know he existed. And the idea of butting into their friend group made him want to collapse like a startled goat. So, instead, he sat at a table by himself, the only other person there was one girl. Lisa Xiè. 
Damian knew her in middle school. An intensely feared girl. Not because she’s a delinquent or a fighter. No. She is worse. She’s a teacher’s pet. One of the biggest rule followers Damian’s ever met. When she was given the position of hall-monitor, she acted like the dictator of the school. And not to mention when she became student council vice president..
Even though Damian was a relatively good student, she still managed to find things to get him in trouble for, whether it be his shirt was untucked or his locker had papers falling out of it. 
Because of her attitude, she also didn’t have many friends, so while he might find her frustrating, they had a sense of solidarity on being lonely. So, he was the only one she seemed to allow to sit at her lunch table, glaring at anyone else who may dare try to come forth. 
Once the school day came to an end, Damian stood at his locker, bouncing up and down on his heels excitedly as he waited for Cameron. 
He saw the dark haired boy coming toward him, waving in greeting. 
“Damian!” he exclaimed happily and Damian smiled back. 
“I texted my dad that I’m going to your house,” he lied. What he really told him was that he was going to the library. “Let’s go!”
Cameron took his hand and dragged him, a skipping with every step. “Let’s!”
They arrived at Cameron’s house, Cameron skipping and hopping happily. Damian was quick to take off his shoes and follow Cameron to his room. 
“Hello Mrs. Garcia!” Damian said as they walked past the kitchen.  
“Oh, hello Damian!” she said, smiling at him. “Do you two boys want snacks?”
Damian was a bit surprised. She seemed to be in a better mood than last time he saw her. 
“No thanks, mom!” Cameron said. “We’ll be fine!”
“Ok. Just remember, no eating in your room.”
“I know!” he said before dragging Damian to his room. 
“Ok, can you show me?” he asked. 
Damian smiled awkwardly. Cameron was so enthusiastic. It was nice and all, but also a bit overwhelming. Or maybe Damian was just overreacting..
Damian took out the Ti-84 Plus CE calculator and sat down at Cameron’s computer. 
Cameron hovered over Damian’s shoulder, watching intently as Damian installed the program. 
He laughed a bit awkwardly as he worked, murmuring, “It’s really not as interesting or cool as you’re making it seem..”
Cameron looked down at him with such a simple look as the simple words of, “It’s plenty interesting because you’re interesting,” came from his mouth. 
Damian’s hand froze on the mouse and he choked out a laughed and quickly tried to clear his throat, sweating bullets. 
“Oh wow..” he murmurs. “That’s.. really, really sweet, Cameron..”
He stares at the screen, his and Cameron’s reflection staring back at him. 
He quickly got back to work and eventually finished, pulling up the program on the calculator before handing it to Cameron. 
“Um.. knock yourself out..” he says with a crooked smile. 
Wow.. the way Cameron’s face lit up. He looked as if someone just handed him a bar of gold or something actually precious and good. 
Cameron squealed as he played on the calculator. “I can woo Elliott on here!”
Damian knew nothing about Stardew Valley, so he had no idea was Cameron was talking about, but he watched as Cameron collapsed onto the bed, staring with shining eyes at the calculator, and Cameron’s rambling just sounded like music. He made him happy. He brought him this joy. And that made Damian feel like he was king of the world. 
Damian stood up from the swivel chair and laid next to Cameron. 
“Can I watch you play?”
Damian glanced at the screen. “You said you were going to woo someone?”
“Ya! Elliott!”
“Oh? It’s a romance game?”
“Romance is part of it.”
“I see.. so, where is she?”
“Ya. Elliott?”
Cameron snorted and shook his head. “Uhhh.. no.”
“No what?” Damian asked, confused. 
He pointed to a character. The small screen made it a little hard to tell what they looked like, but then he realized. 
“A guy?!”
“You’re going after a guy character?!”
“Um.. ya?” He then gave Damian and hard look. “Got a problem with that?”
“N-no!” Damian said, but found himself inching away from Cameron, suddenly aware of their closeness. “I just.. I didn’t know you were..”
“Into guys?”
“Well, I’m omnisexual. But.. ya.”
Damian slowly nodded and choked out an echo, “Omnisexual…”
Cameron nodded, trying to smile but it slowly faded. “Why are you reacting like this?”
“Like what?!”
“All.. weird! Ugh, don’t tell me you’re one of those straight people who automatically thinks a gay person is thirsting after you.”
“N-no!!” he said, blushing even harder and nearly falling off the bed. But all that went through his mind is Wait, does that mean he doesn’t have a crush on me? and for some reason, that made him really disappointed. 
Cameron sighs. “Please stop being so weird about this.”
“Weird?! Pffff! I-I’m not being weird!” Craaaaap, I’m definitely being weird.
Cameron gave him a serious look, and Damian had a feeling that was rare for him. 
He sighs and sit up straight. “I’m sorry.. I promise, it really doesn’t bother me. It just caught me off guard..”
Cameron looked at him silently for a good 15 seconds before nudging him. “Hey.. I still want to be your friend..”
“And I want to be yours!” he said, almost immediately. 
Cameron smiles at him and Damian stares at him before smiling back. 
“Wanna keep playing the game?”
He nodded. “Ya..”
Cameron moved a little closer to Damian and the 2 looked at the game and continued to play. 
Maybe this was the start of Damian’s first, really friendship.. his first, true connection..
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purrgilpawkins · 7 months
Bubbles + Marshmallows
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Summary: Mac takes a bubble bath. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Comfortember 2020 series Prompt: Hot Cocoa
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: H/C, fluff, hurt Mac, caring Jack
Mac slowly eased himself into the warm water, the scented soap suds making him feel all the more relaxed. Being covered head to toe in painful bruises that left him feeling more sore than he’d ever had in his life, he’d almost felt a little overwhelmed. But thanks to Jack’s quick thinking, instead of adding sight to the list of Mac’s busy senses, the delta left the lights off and lit multiple unscented candles scattered around the bathroom.
They’d been on three missions in a row, no break in between. Mac had slept through the entire ten hour flight back to the Phoenix. The combination of the uncomfortable jet couch plus the adrenaline crash left Mac beyond sore upon waking up. He’d hoped the limp wasn’t all that obvious but at Jack’s “insistence” (he wasn’t taking no for an answer) that he drove Mac home, he knew he’d been caught.
Mac laid in the tub feeling the water soothe his aching body. Just as he started to doze a little, Jack knocked on the door and walked in with a cup of hot chocolate he’d promised with the bath.
“You feelin’ any better, hoss?”
Mac accepted the mug from Jack and immediately took a sip.
“I am now. Thanks,”
Jack moved to the floor and sat up against the tub, propping his elbow on the edge and resting his head on his fist. “You know,” he started, “that hot cocoa is one of my mama’s recipes.” Mac took another sip of his cocoa and set the mug down on the tub.
“Really? Since when is pouring chocolate powder in hot milk a recipe?”
Jack put his other hand on his chest in mock offense. “Dude, I melted that chocolate myself. Steamed it, not throwing it in the microwave or whatever. The hell you think I was doing for the past fifteen minutes?”
“Oh,” was all Mac said in response. He must’ve dozed off longer than he’d thought. Was he really that exhausted? Despite the realization that he was, in fact, that exhausted, he let Jack continue on with his recipe talk.
“Yeah, man. I sprinkled a little cinnamon in, some extra sugar. Crushed up some peppermint and a few of the chocolate pieces I didn’t melt. Was gonna put those on top of some whipped cream but you didn’t have any so I just threw ‘em in as is and--”
“All this and you didn’t put in any marshmallows?”
“Aw damn. Knew I forgot something. Hang on.” Jack was on his feet in a second and, almost slipping, made his way out the door to the kitchen. Mac relaxed back against the tub and no sooner did Jack rush back in. “Okay, so you had regular, peppermint, and jumbo but I wasn’t sure which one you wanted so I brought all three.” He laid the bags on the side of the tub and Mac reached for the jumbos.
“So,” Mac popped a marshmallow in his mouth as Jack sat down against the tub again, “what’s with all the excess hovering. I mean, you usually hover after I get hurt on a mission but never to the degree where you draw me a bath.”
Jack reached up to scratch at the scruff on his face. “Well I was thinkin’--” he pointed a finger at Mac to shut him up after seeing the smirk on his face, “--was thinkin’ about how you never seem to take care of yourself, and I’m not just talkin’ about treating wounds or sleeping or, god forbid, eating something every once in a while,” Jack gives him a pointed look and Mac looked in another direction. “No, I mean like, enjoying the little things, y’know? When was the last time you had a bubble bath, huh? Don’t act like you ain’t lovin’ the hell out of it.”
Mac’s only response is a one-shouldered shrug as a grin slowly grew on his face.
“Uh huh. Look, man, you’re constantly doin’ things. You just need to relax every once in a while.”
“Not sure I’d be able to shut my brain off long enough to do that.”
“I know something that’ll knock you out real quick, if need be,” Jack raised his hand in a fist and tapped it with his other. Mac laughed.
“Thanks, Jack. I’ll be sure to remember that you beating me up is always an option.”
The two spent the next several minutes conversing until the bath water started to get cold; Mac didn’t want to acknowledge it so he could spend more time in the comforting presence of his partner but Jack decided to call it quits when the younger man started to shiver. Mac reluctantly agreed and made to push himself out of the tub. His body being black and blue coupled with his exhaustion made for a failed attempt.
“Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, man?”
“Can you help me out?” Mac’s face tinged pink. Sure, they’d seen each other naked before (they don’t like to talk about it much, obviously) but that didn’t make it any less awkward.
“Oh, sure.” Jack, a man with no shame whatsoever, seemed oblivious to Mac’s discomfort and put his arms underneath the younger man’s armpits and pulled him up to full height. He then helped him out of the tub and onto the toilet seat, snagging a nearby towel on the way. Mac started drying his hair while Jack was going around the room extinguishing the candles.
Once Mac was dry, Jack helped him to his bed and laid out some clothes. “You need help with these or…?”
“No, no. I can do it.”
Mac got dressed and lowered himself into his bed, fatigue making itself very known. Jack came over a second later to straighten out the bedsheets and ran his fingers through the blond’s hair. Seeing that Mac has been thoroughly relaxed and was on his way to dreamland, Jack made his way to the door with the intent of crashing on the couch before Mac called out quietly, “Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, kid?”
Jack sighed fondly and made his way over to the unoccupied side of Mac’s bed before laying down. “Is this what you wanted?” At Mac snuggling into his side and laying his head on Jack’s shoulder, he had his answer.
Jack smiled, “Anytime, Mac.”
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Ace of Clubs: Chapter VII
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Word Count:2.1k Warnings: Canon violence (if any).
bit of a filler chapter, but fluffy
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 "Yeah." I agreed hesitantly. "Yeah, I guess so. Okay." I took as deep of a breath as my ribs would allow me, reining in the hurricane of emotions running through me. I didn't miss how he said 'we' and not 'you'.
"You're welcome to stay here, as long as you need." He said, opening the door and standing to the side. He motioned for me to enter. I walked in hesitantly, still unsure of this decision. 
"What happened to your apartment?" I asked. As much as I trusted him now, I still would have felt somehow safer with others close by, than isolated out here with him. I shifted my weight from foot to foot nervously. 
"I moved." He answered briskly, not elaborating. He gave me a quick tour around the place, throwing in a "help yourself" when we made it to the kitchen. He finally led me to a room down the hallway, the guest room, which I learned was right across from his room. That made me even more nervous.
I took the opportunity to lean against the doorframe, wincing slightly. I was exhausted. He finally finished speaking, glancing down at me carefully.
"Is there anything I can get you?" He asked in concern.
"No. No, I'm fine." I answered quietly, suddenly feeling very off. I wasn't sure if everything had caught up with me, or if it was the painkillers wearing off. Either way, I could literally feel the energy draining from my body.
Before I could react, he had slipped his arm under my shoulder and led me over to the bed. He gently pushed me down. I didn't protest. My head was pounding.
"I'll get your things. I'll leave them outside the door?" He asked. I nodded tiredly and he left the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. I turned onto my side, screwing my face up and letting out a pained breath, an arm wrapping around my torso. I immediately fell asleep.
I woke up, groaning and rolling onto my side. I immediately regretted it. I curled my arm defensively around my ribs, hugging my middle and squeezing my eyes shut.  My bandages had come loose, and every move sent a sharp pain into my sides. I inhaled sharply as I propped myself up, steeling myself to sit up. 
"Let's get this over with." I muttered, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I couldn't help the choked sob that escaped my throat. Everything hurt. I hunched over, gripping my shirt tightly in my balled fists. I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to see anything but white. 
After several minutes of recovering, I carefully pushed myself to my feet. My face screwed up in agony and my breathing coming in uneven gasps. I walked to the bathroom on shaky feet, leaning heavily on the wall for support. 
The cool tile on my bare feet was a welcome transition from the wood floor of the bedroom. I leaned down, resting my feverish cheek on the tile countertop. I sighed in relief, taking a few deep breaths. With a groan, I knew I couldn't stay like this forever. I pulled away reluctantly, opening the medicine cabinet and looking for any medical supplies to rebandage my wounds. I found a first aid kit, along with ibuprofen and a bottle of alcohol. 
I carefully shrugged out of my shirt, tossing it up on the counter before pulling the things I needed out of the cupboard. Bandages, medical tape, scissors, antibiotic ointment, alcohol. I set each on the counter in front of me, grimacing at the last one. I slowly unwrapped the bindings on my bicep, hissing in pain when the bandage stuck to my still fresh wound. It appeared clean, but it was warm to the touch and the skin an angry red all around it. I frowned, leaning over the sink on my elbows and popping the cap off of the alcohol. As I poured the disinfectant over the gash, I clenched my teeth. 
A sudden knock at the door startled me. 
"Ace?" Renard's concerned voice came through.
"I'm fine." I replied shortly, afraid my voice would give me away. I splashed another wave of disinfectant over my arm, hissing in pain and gripping the countertop until I heard one of my knuckles crack. My knees were bent now, and I rested my forehead against the tile, breathing heavily.
"Artemis." His voice was much clearer now, causing my head to jerk up. He was leaning against the doorframe, a frown on his face. I set my jaw, turning back and glaring at him in the mirror. He watched as I stuck a gauze pad to the wound and haphazardly wrapped my upper arm, his frown deepening. I winced suddenly when I reached too far with my other shoulder, agitating the pulled muscle. I hung my head in an attempt to hide the pain filled expression on my face. My hands shook ever so slightly.
"Let me help you." 
"I'm fine." I said stubbornly. I brought the gauze roll up to my mouth, cutting it off with my teeth. I tossed it onto the counter before reaching for the medical tape. I wrapped it nearly around my bicep, a sharp contrast to the messy bandaging. I heard Renard sigh in frustration.
I ignored his presence the best I could. I began to unwrap the bandages wound around my waist, unable to stop my sharp intake of breath when the gauze stuck to the wound, partially reopening it as I peeled it off. The sight made me feel nauseated and I gagged slightly, resting my forehead back on the tile and trying to control my breathing. It only made me more sick, the sharp smell of blood assaulting my nostrils. 
"Fine." I said begrudgingly after a moment. He said nothing, standing beside me and gently unwrapping the bandages from my waist with nimble fingers. I straightened up slightly, allowing him better access. 
I saw him wince empathetically in the mirror when my breath hitched in pain as the other bandage did the same as the first. Blood trickled lazily down my side. He wordlessly reached over my shoulder for the alcohol, popping the cap off. I set my jaw, preparing for the sting. 
It was never enough to be prepared though, and I couldn't help the slight whimper that escaped my throat. This was worse than just a surface scratch, or even a gash. I could feel the burning of the disinfectant deep into my side – a strange and terrible feeling.
"Sorry." He apologized softly, resting his hand on the small of my back and tracing careful circles with his thumb. 
"It's okay." I said quietly through clenched teeth. My legs went weak on me, and I leaned heavily against the countertop on my elbows. Renard carefully pressed a damp washcloth to my side, wiping away the blood. I flinched. My entire abdomen had been bruised to some extent, and it was impossible for him to avoid. I was silent as he reached over me a second time, for sterile gauze and medical tape. He was neat and methodical as he bandaged and wrapped my waist. 
"Your ribs?" He questioned once he was done. 
"They hurt." I admitted. 
"I'll help you re-wrap them, then. There's painkillers in the cabinet, too." He added. I shook my head. 
"I'll be fine." 
"Alright." He gave me a skeptical glance, but didn't argue. I carefully unwound the bandages around my ribs, sucking in a sharp, pained breath. I allowed him to wrap new bandages snugly around my ribcage, his soft fingers brushing against my sides and back ever so slightly. 
"There." He finally said, cutting the bandage and pulling away. 
"Thank you." I said quietly, turning and looking up at him. His eyes were soft, and the corners of his lips quirked up slightly in a fond smile. "For all of this, actually." I continued. 
"Of course." He nodded. "Do you want lunch?" 
"Lunch? How long have I been asleep?" 
"About a day and a half." He hummed. "Don't worry about it, you definitely needed it." He reassured me.
"What about your work?" I frowned, slowly following behind him to the kitchen. 
"I took some days off. I don't want to leave you here by yourself while you're still recovering." He told me, setting a pan on the stove and grabbing eggs and a package of bacon from the fridge. 
I watched silently as he cracked the eggs in the pan and laid the bacon out alongside it, covering it with a lid and turning to face me. He leaned against the counter. "You didn't have to do that. I'm fine here myself." I argued.
"I told you I'd stay here with you." I met his gaze appreciatively. We locked eyes for several heartbeats, before smoke began to boil from the pan.
"Shit." He cursed, turning to tend to his cooking. I huffed a laugh, and he glared at me half-heartedly as he transferred the food to two plates.
He set the plates down at the table, sitting across from me. I smiled. "Thanks, Sean." 
"I didn't take you for a cook, actually." I said thoughtfully. 
"Really?" He grimaced slightly as he bit into the bacon.
"Not really." I hummed. "Y'know the whole prince thing and everything. I guess I figured you'd be kind of a dick."
"How did you know about that?" He asked suddenly.
"About you being a prince or being a dick?" I asked jokingly, taking another bite. His face remained serious. I swallowed. "I mean an idiot could put two and two together. Renard? The royal family?" I answered.
"I wasn't aware you knew of the royals." 
"My father told me about them before he died. He told me to avoid them at all costs, and I'm glad I did, too. They approached me not long after, trying to make some kind of deal with me. Seemed like a bunch of pricks, if I'm being honest. No offense." I added. 
"None taken." He assured me. "What kind of offer?"
"I'm not sure, exactly. I turned them down before they could tell me the details." 
"Smart." He commented. We lapsed into silence for a few moments. A small smile began to spread over my face as I pushed the unwanted food around my plate.
"What?" He asked, glancing up and noticing my expression.
"Nothing." I hummed. "Just funny how things work out." He looked at me with a confused expression and I continued. "I'm staying with a royal. It's ironic, I guess, though you certainly don't seem as much of as dick as the others, so you're not that bad." 
He suddenly glanced away. "I wouldn't call myself that." 
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, my family doesn't want anything to do with me; and the feeling is very much mutual." 
"That would explain why I never heard of you before." 
"That would explain it." He muttered.
"Sorry about bringing it up." I apologized, noticing the change in his tone.
"No, no that's alright."
"If it's any consolation, I think that makes me feel a little better about trusting you. I was afraid you'd try to pull some shit on me; try to get me to join the royals or something." I admitted.
"Is that why you wouldn't accept my help?" 
"Sort of. I just don't like owing people in general." I frowned, looking away. 
"Hey, I don't want you to feel like you owe me, or anybody. Consider this a friend helping a friend." He reassured me.
"Yeah, I guess." I said. My voice was full of uncertainty. 
"Artemis. Look at me. If you want to repay me, you can do that by staying safe and healing, alright?" I nodded, still unsure. "I need you back out there to help with cases." He stood, collecting the dishes and taking them over to the sink. 
I stood up abruptly, feeling like I could at least do something. I hated feeling useless. "Hey wait I can do tha-" I hissed and doubled over in pain, clutching my middle and dropping back into the chair.  I set my jaw, my breath coming in sharp gasps.
"Ace! Fuck." I heard Renard's voice coming closer. I instinctively shrank away from his touch, pressing myself into the back of the chair. "It's okay."
"I forgot." I gasped out. 
"Be careful." He said sternly, squeezing my shoulder to comfort me. After several heartbeats, as the pain faded my breathing returned back to normal, I looked up at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I replied, slowly sitting up straighter. 
"I just told you to rest, and then you do the opposite." He scolded me.
"Sorry." I said timidly. I waited until after he washed the dishes to speak. "Thank you, for the food and everything." He turned to me with a glare that made me want to bolt, but his eyes instantaneously softened. 
"Even if it was burnt?" He asked jokingly, clearing the tension and putting me at ease.
"Even if it was burnt." 
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
Hellooooo! Happy Spooky season!
I have a fic request for boss!vampire!bucky x PA plus size reader where Bucky needs to feed but his usual “supply” is unavailable so he takes advantage of what’s on hand - his delicious looking assistant. Dark smut ensues😉
I hope your October has been off to a good start, I’ve been loving all of your kinktober fics, thanks for being so awesome & talented!!!🤗👏🏻👏🏻💕
Hello!!! Happy spooky season!! My October has been alright thank you! I hope yours has been too! Thank you so much, it's definitely a challenge and I'm pushing myself to do it but I'm also enjoying it!!
Bucky Barnes x Reader; dub!con, vampire!bucky, plus size!reader, blood kink- blood drinking, vampire powers- thrall, strength, nearly indestructible, oral sex f receiving, biting, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex
"Mr. Barnes, your one o'clock just cancelled, citing a 'family emergency'," you informed him, hearing the shattering of glass and looking up from your iPad, startled, to find Mr. Barnes' glass on the floor in pieces, his hand a tight fist.
"Mr. Barnes! Are you okay?" you asked, setting the tablet on his desk and rushing over to where he was standing by his drink cart. You grabbed his hand delicately, opening it carefully to inspect it. You frowned, confused. There was no blood, no cuts.
You looked up at him only to get in his dark gaze, hungry and pouring into yours. It felt like you were falling, a roaring in your ears, except for a whisper, what felt like right beside you, saying, "Don't be afraid."
Suddenly it all stopped as Mr. Barnes looked away, glancing to the clock. You exhaled roughly, looking at the floor, running a hand through your hair and swiping it away from your neck, feeling hot.
You heard a low groan from Mr. Barnes and you flicked your gaze back up to him, trying not to look deep into his eyes again.
"Doll you're about to head off to lunch aren't you? Join me instead, won't you?" Mr. Barnes ducked his head and nudged you under the chin, tilting you until you were looking in his eyes again. You could hear the roaring again, fainter this time, and your mind went blank.
"Say 'yes'," floated through your mind, sinful and dark.
"Yes, of course I'll join you," you said, shaking your head slightly, dislodging Mr. Barnes' hold on you. You stepped back, saying, "I'll just go order us something? What would you like Mr. Barnes?"
You were looking towards the door, but your head whipped back around when Mr. Barnes stepped close to you, hand sliding around your lower back and pulling you into him, your stomach pressing into his abdomen.
"All I need is you doll." Mr. Barnes bent down, pressing his lips to yours, slipping his tongue inside and gliding along the roof of your mouth as you gasped.
Your hands came up, grabbing onto his shoulders, sliding into his hair, pulled into a low bun on the back of his neck. You yanked on it, and he bit your lip, drawing blood.
You tried to pull away but he held you tighter, sucking on your lower lip, pulling the blood from it until you were whimpering with pain.
Mr. Barnes released you, and you stumbled backwards, catching yourself on his desk. He stared at you, chest heaving, lips slightly stained with your blood.
"Let me eat," whispered through your mind, and your eyes widened. You gulped, nodding dumbly at first, then faster, urgently, spreading your legs as you sat back against the desk.
Mr. Barnes' eyes dropped to your thighs, more than halfway exposed with the way your skirt was riding up. He took a step closer, then dropped to his knees, getting between your legs, throwing your knees over his shoulders as he pushed your skirt up the rest of the way.
You leaned back farther on his desk, hands braced on the edges, trying to see past your tits and stomach as Mr. Barnes bent his head, pressing kisses to your thighs. He bit down sharply, and you yelped, stinging pain racing through your leg, but sending a pulse through your cunt.
"Mr. Barnes, please," you gasped, and his head popped up. You were startled to see a bead of blood dripping down the corner of his mouth. He swiped his tongue out to catch it, moaning as he swallowed.
"Call me Bucky," he said, and winked, before ducking back down, licking a long stripe up your panty covered pussy. Your hips bucked and he grabbed your hips, burying his face in your cunt after he literally ripped your panties from your body.
Your arms were shaking, trying to hold you up as Bucky ate you out like he was starved. His tongue was deep in your pussy, nose rubbing circles around your clit.
"Bucky! Oh my god, I'm gonna come, please...oh god," you moaned, and he grunted in response, slipping two fingers into your cunt as he wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking.
One of your hands flew to his hair, pulling it further out of the bun, tangling your fingers in it and tugging as you bit your sore lip, tears in your eyes at the pleasure-pain.
Bucky was groaning into your cunt, the vibrations going through you and sending aftershocks racing through your body. He finally pulled away and you let go of his hair, watching as he moved back to where he had bit your thigh and started sucking on it.
A dull ache started building in your thigh and he pulled away, lips painted with your blood again. He grinned at you, tongue swiping over the bite, gathering the blood beading up again, before setting your legs on the floor.
The roaring was back as you stared into his eyes, and he never broke that contact as he stood up, towering over you, hands sliding to your neck, supporting it as you looked up at him.
"More?" You startled as you realized Bucky had spoken aloud, having expected to hear a whisper through your mind again. He smirked down at you, pressing his lips to yours, making you taste the metallic tang of your blood as he pulled away and you licked your lips.
"More," you agreed, and reached for his pants, undoing the belt and zipper, as Bucky nosed at your jaw.
"Gonna let me finish eating doll?" he asked quietly, gasping when you grabbed his dick, stroking it quickly. He bit your jaw lightly, sucking a bruise onto it, and your breath hitched.
"Define 'finish'," you asked, chest tightening as Bucky pulled back. He stared deep into your eyes, but there was no roaring this time.
"I promise you'll walk out of here," he said fiercely, and you smiled, putting your hands on his neck and pulling him towards you. You kissed him, still tasting a hint of blood, but not caring, sweeping your tongue through his mouth before pulling back.
"Better hurry up then, my lunch break is almost over," you grinned, and Bucky laughed, pressing a light kiss to your lips.
"Your break is over when I say it's over babydoll, them's the perks of being the boss," he winked, before pulling your hips to the edge of the desk and slipping two fingers into you, making you gasp, hands sliding back to his shoulders and holding on. He added a third quickly, making sure you were ready, before pulling his fingers out, and pressing his dick to your entrance, hiking one of your legs around his waist.
Bucky pushed his dick into your pussy, your walls immediately gripping at him, both trying to suck him in and push him out. "Jesus doll, shoulda done this sooner," he groaned, thrusting the rest of the way in, his abs pressing into your stomach, making you moan, trying to pull him closer.
Your chests were pressed close, Bucky holding you with one arm around your back, the other holding your leg to his hip as he fucked you. He pressed his face into your neck, inhaling deeply and groaning, hips jerking hard, making you moan as he slammed against your spot.
"That do it for you babydoll? That your spot?" Bucky thrust harder, repeatedly hitting your spot just as he bit down hard on your neck. You screamed through clenched teeth, coming hard as Bucky started drinking.
It felt like you came for hours, never-ending pleasure, not even any pain in your neck or thigh or lip, just sensations. You were vaguely aware of Bucky coming and releasing your neck. He pulled out of you gently, and your eyes fluttered open.
"You okay doll?" Bucky asked, looking over the bite on your neck, grabbing two large bandaids from one of his desk drawers.
You smiled at him, letting him put the bandages on your neck and thigh, then you stood up, adjusting your skirt, feeling a little naked without panties, and looking up at Bucky.
"I'm perfect, Mr. Barnes," you grinned, winking at him when his gaze darkened again.
"Bucky," raced through your mind, and you laughed.
"Let's finish going over your afternoon Bucky."
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
The Diary of Jane Doe
So, @melkors-big-tits, I had a rotten day and I've decided to allow myself a tiny snippet of pure nonsense...
Pleasee grant me the privilege to share this with you.
Words: 540
Warnings: Crack and nudity
Characters: Mini-Melkor and one very boring OC
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October 19th
Jane – often mistakenly called “Jenny” by strangers and acquaintances alike – grimaced as she finally gave in to the temptation. 
Blinking her boringly, flat brown eyes under a rather limp curtain of mouse-brown, shapeless hair, she huffed and puffed in annoyance, effectively blowing out the black candles she had been lighting around the room.
All her furniture – all of it beige and wood imitation with accents of slightly garish pink – had been hastily pushed against her paper-thin walls to create an open space in the middle of her cramped, disorderly, and shockingly blandliving room. 
After having implored the gods of every major religion – throwing in the odd harmless cult here and there – she had to admit her devastating defeat at last; her painfully boring, non-descript life had not been turned into a romance novel and the cute dude from accounting had not given her a second glance either.
This time, she decided, she’d go to the big, horned, fork-tongued, and red-skinned man himself.
Resolutely, she relit the candles and checked her amateurish chalk designs one last time before chanting the nonsensical words she had found in the old book she had purchased for mere change in a dilapidated shop on the wrong side of town.
Calling the devil was undignified work, but Jane had had more than her fair share of experiences with humiliating phone calls to not quail at how ridiculous she must have looked, dancing around in her nightdress while reciting gibberish in a ludicrous singsong voice.
Just as she intonated the grand finale, her rendition a tad pitchy for sure but passionate, one of her neighbour’s hell-spawn seemed to have heard the call addressed to the underworld and started screeching at the top of its little lungs.
Startled, Jane knocked over one of the candles and almost set her long, yellowed nightgown aflame.
Thick candle wax poured over the cheap linoleum floor – another not very cunning wood imitation – and smudged some of her crookedly drawn symbols and insignia.
“Blast it,” she cursed angrily and decided to get drunk instead.
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Feeling her way clumsily along the eggshell-coloured walls, Jane tumbled into her bedroom – more subdued colours and clashing fabrics on grating display – and deemed the hand-me-down garment she was already wearing good enough to sleep in.
Crawling onto her bed with leaden limbs, she almost missed the minute movement at the edge of her field of vision.
In a belated echo of the neighbour’s war cry, she let loose a bloodcurdling scream.
On her pillow – smack in the middle actually – lay a creature.
It was tiny and distinctly person-shaped with long, black hair spreading out like tendrils of ink and smoke on the pristine white of her cheap cotton pillowcase. 
“What have you done to me?” 
There was anger and a bone-chilling cold emanating from this minuscule being and Jane blinked again, wondering if she should have forgone that last glass of supermarket bubbly.
“You’ve shrunken me!” 
Despite her vigorous attempts to rub the alcohol and the fatigue out of her dull eyes, Jane could not make the vision dissolve. 
Right in front of her, in her flat, on her bed, there stood an angry imp, fists balled in fury, and it was completely naked. 
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So, this is nothing too serious, but I want you to know that our little exchange on Discord made my day and kept my brain from just eating itself up and making me overly miserable.
Once again, I am deeply grateful to you!
Lots of love ❤️‍🔥
-> Part II
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crmsnmth · 3 months
It Was An Accident
The room flashes a bright red And it's all I can see The broken pieces of your coffee mug lie on the floor Covered in blood pouring out my now broken nose I look at you I hate you I hate you violently Sick and cancerous rage causes my fists to clench hard enough to turn carbon into a diamond I've been biting my tonue for you for years But tongues heal fast and tonight I got something to say And in one wordless second my mouth opens so I can scream in wordless noises Using sounds that only came as vowels and nothing else It's a language only heard when the band finally snaps And you can't take it anymore When being controlled and pushed around have finally out worn there welcome When they finally fight back against the pain Not standing still and following the grain Push further into the wind and the rain
I speak in nothing but primal growls and curse words and more of those words made entirely of vowels Nothing makes sense when the fist connects with drywall and the lamp and the mirror or the soft plastic of the TV screen Anything within five feet of me is fair game And you'll do nothing to stop it my voice is nasally as the blood of my nose is still dripping leaving rivulets on my shirt.
And now I am ashamed I lost myself again I'm ashamed that I can't control myself "I'm sorry," I say, in a nasal whisper You broke my nose and somehow I'm the one saying sorry You cocked back and aimed for my face and now, I stand here bleeding from nose to knuckle and for a second I see a smile on your face You pick up the pieces of the mug and throw them in the trash. I'll tell the ER I walked into a door fell down the steps slipped in the ice outside a million and one excuses for them Lying to keep you safe and our of trouble
I lie my way out and I tell these lies to protect you defend you because I'm terrified of you I feel like you would love to stab me in my sleep and I already have issues with sleeping as it is
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commandermallozzi · 1 year
Twin Skeletons
"LOOK AT YOU, KEI! Half dead! Out of ammo! Spiked with every virus I could think of! Leah and Jack are dead, and Arash is in the wind! AND STILL MY CREW IS PISSING IN THEIR BOOTS AT THE THOUGHT OF FACING LO-REZ! I'M KILLING A LEGEND TONIGHT!"
This idiot is wrong about three things. One, I have three bullets left. Two, their damn viruses didn't even crack my ice. And third and most important, I'm not half dead. I am already dead. And soon they will be too.
I spit out my cig and roll my shoulders. Damn filter is full of blood at this point and I can't even taste the smoke any more.
"So that's how its gonna be, Ryuu? Well, I don't mind teaching you why I'm the fucking best. Hope you're ready, Wyvern."
They act predictably. Their gun rises, barrel covering my approach because they expect me to rush forward into melee. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to charge. My cracked heart is pumping me full of coolant. I can feel my meat failing as the poison spreads, and my vision in my right eye is going dim. My chrome will carry the day, but I need to get closer to make sure I hit.
Warning lights bloom into life in the corner of my vision as I let my left leg collapse, weaving to the side to dodge a hail of flechette. I feel one catch my side as I close the distance between myself and Ryu. I compensate for the change in my trajectory as I catch the ground with my right foot and throw myself forward. The bastard in front of me starts to dodge back out of range of my fist. My arm swings up, bringing my pistol in line with their chest.
At the last possible second, the bastard narrows their eyes and dodges backwards out of the line of fire. My pistol spits fire into the inky blackness of the office, blasting a huge chunk of concrete out of the wall ahead of me and drawing a line of blood across my enemy’s chest. Fear, rage, and confusion are writ large across Ryu’s face. But that’s alright. I never expected to kill with my first shot. I just wanted to drive a spike deep into the bastard’s confidence, make them scared. Because it's in that crack that I’ll find victory.
They take a skip back, trying to create enough distance to bring their gun to bear on me again. But 
I stick to them like stink on shit. My heartbeat, once thunderous in my ears, begins to fade as the last of the coolant and oil slurry pour into my veins. But still I press on. Forcing Ryu further and further back towards the corner, unrelenting. In desperation they tear the silencer off the barrel of their gun, frantically grasping for any way to stop my assault.
They let loose a burst, catching my left shoulder this time. But that arm is already dead. All they do is give me the boost I need to press my pistol against their stomach. With their back to the corner, they look down at me. Stunned? I’m not sure. Time seems to stretch into nothingness for a split second, then I put two rounds into their gut and collapse to the floor. They slump down to the ground as well, leaving a smear of blood along the wall.
“Hah. Hah hah,” Is the most of the laugh I can give as the last of the light fades from my right eye. My left eye stares at them as they clutch their stomach and read their diagnostic reports. I don’t need to see them to know they’ll bleed out in under five minutes. No amount of nanites could fix the two holes I just put in them.
“What’re you laughing about?” They snarl. “My crew will rescue me once they find Leah, and I’ll get patched up.”
I snort. It hurts. “Your crew killed Leah first. Jack killed all of them, one way or another. No one is coming for either of us. SeaVan is losing two legends tonight.”
They stare at me, all bravado drained from their face. Giving me that lost expression that I thought was so cute. “Fuck.” Is all they say in the end before pulling out a pack of smokes.
I watch them for a moment before asking the question that’s been on my mind since this whole thing started three days ago. “Why, Ryu?”
They pause, smoke gently curling towards the ceiling from between their lips. “Because you sold us out to MitsuKawa on that last job.”
“That would be reasonable, if I had done that.” I retort quietly. “That run was just bad luck on your part, Ryu. I’d never sell out someone I love.”
There’s another pause. This time it's longer as they study my face. “Shit. Then all of this was for nothing? It was absolutely pointless?” They tip over onto the floor so their face is next to mine. Their blood runs across the floor, finally mingling and mixing with mine. “Oh Kei. I’m a fucking moron.”
“Yes, yes you are Ryu. Gimme a cig and a light.” I open my mouth, and they oblige. Putting one of their precious organic cigarettes between my lips, and pressing the tip of their already lit one against mine. I inhale, and the sweet smoke fills my lungs. “These taste like shit, as usual.”
I can’t hear their retort, but I see their mouth moving to make one. This is it then.
I close my eyes.
It all goes dark.
And I drift away.
0 notes
rafescoke · 3 years
Need To Know ; Rafe Cameron (Part 3)
#Part 3
Previous parts: #Part 1, #Part 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: The reader confronts Rafe about his past
Warnings: Mentions of suicide!, major feels, substance, swearing, angst
A/N: I’m sorry for what I’m about to put you guys through. Thank you for 400 followers ily <3
p.s, my request box is always open
(Y/N) stopped pacing, her heartbeat quickening. She glanced at her wall, searching for the time, and she felt her heart ripping in two.
12.03 a.m.
“Hello?” The feminine voice said again, annoyed.
“Who is this?” She whispered, and she didn’t know what she was expecting. A part of her was telling her to end the call for the sake of her mental health, and another part of her was telling her to stay and wait.
“Who is this? You called me,” the voice sighed, and (Y/N) could hear the distant laughter coming from the television in the background. “Look, is this a prank? I’m not going to-”
“Is Rafe there?” She mumbled, and she could feel her forehead starting to sweat. She looked down to her hands, noticing how they were in a fist involuntarily.
“Who is this?” The voice asked again, but her voice perked up. “Sarah?”
“Who is it?” A manly voice suddenly appeared in the distant and (Y/N) widened her eyes, her mind starting to connect the dots. (Y/N) listened as whoever it was struggled to hold the phone while Rafe pushed them off for it before his voice thrummed against her eardrums again. “Who is this?”
She didn’t say anything, but she could feel her tears slowly pooling on the bottoms of her eyes. How could he do this to her? It has been 2 weeks since they last talked to each other, and when she finally tried to make it right again, here he was; with his ex.
“End it,” Rafe said to the girl, and before (Y/N) could say anything she heard the dial sped up, noting the end of the phone call. She stayed in the standing position a few more minutes, her head starting to feel light and she could feel her bearings slowly disappearing.
She hadn’t been eating good since their last fight, and most of her friends were starting to worry for her. Topper and Kelce came to visit her earlier that day, bringing McDonald’s and her favourite chocolate, but all she did was giving them a weak smile and proceeded to eat only a few of the fries before offering them to her father.
And she thought Rafe would be worse since he was the one who’s in the wrong, but based on her latest call, it gave her a clear meaning of how he doesn’t care about them and fixing whatever they had left.
She laughed, letting her tears fell to her cheeks, getting so used to her sore eyes now that they were apart of her look now. Her mind didn’t stop thinking about Rafe and the possibilities of them being together again, and how she hoped against hope that it was all a bit misunderstanding, and that he was just there with his ex for. . .
She didn’t know. There was no good reason for someone to stay in the same room as their ex, good friends or not.
She didn’t fell asleep until 6 in the morning, and she was woken up by the soft rapping against her door by her mother, asking her to wake up to start her day. She opened her eyes for a while, trying to think about what happened previously, and when the thought of what happened a few hours ago occurred in her mind, she closed her eyes to sleep them off again.
“Huh?” She groaned, trying to open her eyes against the bright sunlight coming from her once always-open window. “Tops? What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you,” he said, and watched as she shifted into a seating position. She was a mess; her hair was no longer that shiny (H/C) colour, her eyes were puffy and sore and her cheeks were red and blotchy. She was the epitome of a heartbreak.
“And I’m right. You’re not doing good.”
“I’m tired,” she croaked, and she sighed. Good. Another part of her losing. From her bright face to her hair, now it was the voice.
“And that’s not good,” Topper groaned, standing up and offering his hand to her. “You’ve been like this for 2 weeks, (Y/N), and I’m not letting you go on with this until the summer ends.”
“I’ll kill myself by then,” she mumbled, still not budging from her seat. “You should leave. I don’t want you here.”
Topper stared at her, and retrieved his hands back. (Y/N) glanced up at the blonde boy and sighed, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, Tops. I don’t mean it like that. I’m just not okay. Thanks for checking up on me,” she quickly said, offering her own hands at him. Topper took her hands in his, pulling her up to her feet and watching her scrunched up sheets, signalling how she had been spending most of her time in there.
“It’s okay,” he said, “But I can’t let you do this to yourself, okay? We miss the bright you.”
“Rafe doesn’t seem to miss me.”
“Fuck him, god,” He groaned, already pulling her to the bathroom. “Look, there’s a party tonight-” he watched her face changed, “Wait! And I don’t think Rafe’s going to be there. Just a small party, you’re going to be there with me and Kelce, and it’s just going to be perfect. You’re in?”
“I look horrible.”
“Nothing a shower can’t fix.”
She groaned, scrunching her face up. “Fine. Only tonight. And you’re staying with me.”
Topper smiled, pulling her into a side hug and letting go of her quickly, pretending to pull a disgusted face only for her to push him away. “Kidding. You still smell good even after not showering for 3 days.”
“I shower.”
“It’s okay to not shower,” he sighed, watching her enter the bathroom and quickly locking the door. He leaned against the door, putting his mouth near the slit so she could hear him. “But it’s not okay to lie.”
(Y/N) laughed genuinely for the first time in 2 weeks, her heart lifting and her skin slowly regaining its colour.
Maybe she does want her old life back, even if there’s no Rafe in it.
. . .
“The news got around fast,” (Y/N) mumbled, throwing her now-shampooed hair over her shoulder. She watched as Kelce laughed, and noticed another pair of eyes on her. She gave the owner a look, to which she quickly looked away, embarrassed to be caught.
“Obx is small,” Topper shrugged, handing her a the red cup filled with Pepsi (she had told him beforehand that she wants to stay sober) with a sly smile. “And you’re the kook’s princess. I’m not surprised.”
(Y/N) scrunched her face at the taste of the carbonated drink, and put the cup aside, putting her hands up to her friends as a ‘wait’ sign before making her way to the drinks counter for a better choice. Her eyes skimmed over the mineral water to the cocktail, and lastly; the shots.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What? You told me I should have fun,” (Y/N) giggled, placing three shot glass on the table and a big glass bottle of Absolute Vodka. “Come on. Tops, you said you missed the old me.”
He swallowed his saliva and sighed, “Fine. One shot only.”
“Fair,” she giggled, pouring the alcohol into each glass and watched as her friends prepared themselves. They downed the whole glass when the counting by Kelce reached ‘3’, scrunching up their faces and feeling their throats burning from the taste.
(Y/N) laughed, her mind woozy and her heartbeat quickening from the thrill of everything. “This is fun.”
Topper laughed along with her, watching the way she was tilting her head. “Yeah. But that’s enough.”
“You’re no fun,” she pouted, and before he could stop her she downed herself another glass and shook her head right after, feeling the liquid slowly making their way down to her empty stomach.
“That’s enough,” Topper repeated, grabbing the bottle in case she was in her rebellion state, but he felt bad when she sat by the sofa with her arms crossed, not looking at him and inconstantly tapping her feet lightly to the music.
“Try something lighter,” he offered, and watched as she kept ignoring him. “You’re impossible.”
“I just want to drink,” she rolled her eyes, still not looking at him. She thought about how drinking was the only way to forget about him because all she wanted was to stop thinking about that certain boy for just a few minutes.
“Okay. But be careful,” he said, handing her the glass bottle. (Y/N) exclaimed in happiness and he couldn’t help but smile at her, watching her drinking straight from the bottle.
“Okay, fuck, you’re a bitch,” he quickly pulled the bottle away when she went for another gulp, “You broke our promise. Now you’re going to be drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” she groaned, “I’m hardly ever drunk.”
But she felt light. So, so light. She felt like floating around the room, laughing at every joke and fighting with anyone who disagrees with her.
“I know that look,” Topper grunted, and sighed. “Just don’t do anything stupid.”
“I’m not, I’m just going to go to the bathroom, okay?-” she made to stand up, holding her hand up, “And don’t follow me, Tops, that’s sexual harassment.”
Kelce laughed and Topper hit him, muttering angrily about how ‘I was just trying to look after he, man’. His eyes followed her movement to the door on the far left of the house and he sighed, thinking about how this wasn’t his plan to help her at all.
(Y/N) hummed to the song blaring from the speaker as she tried to find the bathroom, being shocked twice to strangers kissing in a small room when she opened the door. She sighed, because she couldn’t guess her bearings anymore; she felt as if she was going around in circles, and there was no exit.
Her eyes fell on a pair of blue eyes, and she felt her heart stopped.
Is she hallucinating?
“Hey, you’re okay?” He made to touch her, but she flinched and pulled away, her heart banging against her chest.
“No,” she said, trying to get past him only to stumble, feeling so lightheaded she couldn’t differentiate the colours of the wall and the floor. Rafe caught her arms, lifting her up and helping her to walk.
“Let go,” she said, but she leaned onto his warm touch. She felt like crying; she missed his scent; a mixture of cigarette and expensive cologne and his hands around her, and she felt like enclosing herself to him.
“I’m not letting you go, you’ll fall,” he said, still trying to help her walk. “Did you drink anything?”
“What’dya think?” She mumbled, closing her eyes and letting him helped her. She didn’t have the strength to open her eyes anymore, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of the drinks or the sadness in her.
Rafe placed the intoxicated girl on top of a bed in an extra guest bedroom, watching as her chest heaved up and down slowly. He was sure she was sleeping from the way she was breathing and tried to leave her be before she realised that it was him who brought her in, but her fingers were wrapped around his wrist before he could go.
He stared at her as she slowly opened her eyes, and Rafe felt all the hurt in his heart starting to form again. She looked angelic, all soft under his touch, and he had missed her more than anything else in the world.
“Don’t go,” she whispered. “I missed you.”
His breath hitched, because he knew he didn’t deserve her. She was this gold trophy everyone wanted, and it was like he couldn’t take care of it. He sniffed and looked away, not wanting to stare into her eyes again.
“What’s wrong?” She whispered, her voice creaking. “Do you not love me anymore?”
“You know that’s not true,” he forced himself to speak, sighing. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“It’s okay,” she smiled weakly, pulling him next to her again. “We can be together again, right? Like always? I need you here, Rafe.”
“You don’t mean that,” he whispered back, and watched as her face contorted into anger.
“What do you mean I don’t mean that?” She tried to sir up, holding her head. Rafe tried to help her down again to which she swatted his hands away, “Don’t fucking touch me. I swear to god.”
“You’re drunk,” he tried to console her, putting his hands up in a surrender mode and watched as she backed away from him. “And I get that. I’m sorry. I won’t talk to you again.”
“You can’t just sorry me, fuck, Rafe, you’re an asshole,” she laughed, pointing her fingers at him. “You can’t tell me you’re sorry when you’re back with your fucking ex.”
He raised his brows, looking up to her. “What are you saying? I’m not back. . . oh. Oh my god. No, no, it’s not-” he watched her face changing, “No, no, baby, it’s not what you think it is.”
“I heard her.”
“I was just there, to, um, to talk to her-” he stood up, trying to get closer to her. He wanted to hold her, letting her stare into his eyes and see how sincere he is. In truth, he had been over his ex’s house to talk about how they should both put the failed relationship behind them for the sake of their future lives, but when he went to the toilet, (Y/N) had called him unexpectedly and of course his ex would pick the call up.
She’s always in for drama.
“Talk? Or fuck?”
“God, (Y/N), I swear! I was just talking to her!” He groaned, pulling on his hair and making it more messier than before. “I wanted her to stop talking about me and I’m sorry she answered the call, okay? I was, I, I was in the bathroom.”
“You’re stuttering,” she spitted, anger coursing through her veins. If he thought she would believe his stupid lies again. . .
“I’m nervous, fuck!” He cursed, looking into her eyes to search for any ounce of love she had had for him before. “Please, listen to me, (Y/N), I love you too much to let this go. I can’t let you go. I can’t.”
They were both breathing heavily, coming down from the brief fight they had a few minutes ago. He watched as she scooted closer, cupping his face to look into her eyes again. He sniffed, and he felt his temperature warming up.
“I trusted you, Rafe.”
“You can trust me again, (Y/N), I’m not lying, I swear,” he begged, putting his hands above hers. She closed her eyes, letting the tears under her eyes fell down to her cheeks, and Rafe quickly wiped them away, his heart heavy.
“Please. One more chance. Please.”
“I don’t know-”
“Please. I can’t live without you. I’ve been living off coke and fucking mineral bottles and I just can’t bring myself to do anything without you by my side,” he confessed, his own eyes glassy. “Please. You know you’re all I have.”
(Y/N) swiped her thumb over his lips and watched as he cried. She pulled him into a hug, her own heart heavy from the only choices she had; to go back, or don’t.
“I will always love you, Rafe. You do know that, right?” She whispered into his ear, and he pulled her closer. “And we can always be (Y/N) and Rafe.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, pulling them apart and cupping her face using his large hands. They were both crying now, staring into each other’s life as if on life support. “We can still be them, baby, we can.”
“We can’t.”
His face contorted into confusion, “No, no, we can. I swear. I’ll change. I’ll do anything for you.”
“We can’t, Rafe,” she sighed, holding cupping his own face with her fingers again. “And you know it. We’re just not ready for it.”
“We can,” he begged, his own voice trailing. “We can, baby, we can.”
“I’m always here for you, Rafe,” she said, her voice breaking. “And we’re just not fit for each other.”
“We are,” he tried, but he knew that look. He knew that final look so well. His heart felt heavier than ever now, and all he could think about was running non-stop until he couldn’t breathe.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to live anymore.
He pulled away, shielding himself from her using his back, wiping his tears and standing up from the bed. (Y/N) didn’t try to stop him now, watching him as he walked slowly towards the door.
He turned to look at her again for the last time, muttering a ‘I’m sorry’ before exiting the room. (Y/N) sighed, not wanting to walk out of the room, but she knew she had to get back to Topper before he finally realised her disappearance.
Her head felt better now, although she’ve just done the most hardest thing in her life. She knew their relationship wouldn’t be the same if she had accepted him back, already overseeing the amount of fights they’re going to have in the car, the screams they’ll give to each other. . . the best thing to do was to let him go.
Rafe didn’t think he was joking about wanting to end everything. He lost everything in his world; he lost his father who didn’t care about him, he lost his real mom, his relationship with his sisters and now, her.
He parked his car and stared at the blackness in front of him, his heart almost certain. He was scared, of course, but he didn’t want to think anymore.
The night breeze hit him as he made his way to the edge, hearing the sound of waves filling his eardrums. He took a look at the strong current below him and shuddered.
He thought about her again, his heartbeat beating faster. He saw her smile in his mind, her beautiful eyes and that calming voice.
He smiled, his cheeks wet from his tears, and did what he thought was right.
taglist is closed atm until i figure out wtf is going on with tumblr :(
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @im19yearsold @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @drewstarkeyluver @unfortunatekiwitrash @Mellifluouszayn @hhishho @hvrcruxes @scottybitch @asimpwriter @starxqt @amaya124 @Made212 @adriee16 @eggirl @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @beyatch012 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @lumzs @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasauce @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @Emmalvei_03 @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Wednesday
Monday     Tuesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, getting outed, f slur and d slur, homophobia, puking, toxic friends
Word count: 5,160
(A/N): woah, thank you all so much for all the positive feedback, that really makes my day! 
The room was quiet with the exception of the clacking of the keyboard and the soft chirping of crickets outside your open window. The stars twinkled in the sky as the night droned on and on. There was a loud rustling outside your window, but your sleep deprived mind didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t important at the moment, the only important thing right now was finishing your work. 
Throughout the night, you worked endlessly on your friend’s work. The essays were relatively easy because Adrian and Annie had luckily chosen topics that you’re somewhat interested in, so at least finding the sources was enjoyable. You had gotten your essay completely written and proofread, Annie’s outline finished, and Adrian’s sources analyzed. You would start on Sammy’s presentation after you finished Adrian’s outline. Hours upon hours passed by you as you worked, yet you didn’t notice the time once. You worked uninterrupted with no breaks. Well, one break to talk to your dad about how you weren’t hungry, but you got back to work right after he left your room. You couldn’t waste any more time than you already have.
Your eyes felt heavy as you typed on your keyboard, working on putting Adrian’s sources together cohesively so that the writing would flow seamlessly. You paused your typing to rub at your tired eyes so you could keep working, you couldn’t afford to fall asleep. You had to get these done as soon as possible if you wanted their forgiveness. 
The blaring of your alarm startled you out of your focus, making you fall backwards out of your chair with a yelp. Landing painfully on your back, you laid on the floor trying to calm your racing heartbeat. You looked out your window. Hints of pinks and yellows were starting to make a gradient with the lightening dawn sky. Shit, you were so focused on getting your work done that you didn’t take account of the time. You just knew today was gonna be long. At least after school volleyball practice was shortened because of finals tomorrow. 
You groaned as you pulled your tired form off from the ground. You made your way downstairs and plopped yourself down at your usual place at the table, burying your face into the crook of your arm. You felt yourself drift off into a blissful sleep, the wood of the table suddenly seemed very comfortable at the moment. Not long after, you were jolted out of your peaceful sleep by a loud crash. Jumping up and looking around with wide eyes, you saw Tubbo looking at you apologetically. There was broken glass in front of his feet on the floor. 
“Sorry, (y/n).”
You just stared at him blankly as you slowly blinked. Philza didn’t spare you a glance as he whisked the short boy away from the glass. “(Y/n), can you please go get the broom and sweep this up?”
You nodded, hauling yourself to your feet and walked over to the storage closet, pulling out the broom and dust pan. You mindlessly sweeped up the glass, your limbs feeling heavy. After throwing the glass away, you rummaged in the cupboard and pulled out a mug. The bitter smell beckoned you welcomingly, working its way through your nostrils and digging itself deep into your brain. Just as you were about to pour yourself a cup, a hand snatched the coffee pot away from you. 
“You shouldn’t be drinking this.”
“You let Techno and Wil drink it, so why can’t I?”
“(Y/n), you’re a full year younger than them and you haven’t eaten anything since breakfast yesterday.”
You felt your eye twitch, “I’m only a year younger than them! There’s literally no-”
“(Y/n),” his warning tone cut you off, putting the pot back into the coffee maker, “you aren’t going to drink this. That’s final. Get a glass of water.”
You huffed and pushed past him to the sink to fill your coffee mug with water. You’ve been drinking coffee for a while behind his back, so you were used to its effects on your body. You supposed that you’d just beg Wilbur to take you to the cafe so you could get your sustenance. He always relented for you. 
You heard him chuckle, “you’ll thank me when you’re older.”
You plopped down next to Tubbo nursing your mug of water, trying to make small talk with him. One by one, your brothers made their way to the table. Tommy was talking and gesturing wildly to Tubbo like he normally did, Wilbur looked as dead inside as you felt, and Techno made it a point to ignore you. When someone pissed him off, he can hold a grudge better than he could hold onto his knowledge of Greek mythology, and that’s saying something. Man is obsessed with Greek mythology. 
Breakfast went by in a daze with you struggling to keep your eyes open. At one point, you almost fell asleep sitting up, only to be woken up by Tubbo shaking your shoulder to get your attention. When breakfast was almost done, you had only eaten about half your breakfast. 
Drifting off again, you were startled awake by the screeching of the chairs against the wooden floor and loud shouts coming from your brothers. You didn’t have the energy to race them to the bathroom like you usually did, you’d just freshen up after they were done. You tried to stand up to go to your room to get dressed, but you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder forcing you to sit back down. Looking up, you were met with the concerned, yet stern eyes of your father. 
“You’re not leaving this table until you’ve eaten at least a few more bites and tell me why you’re so tired.”
“I just stayed up later than I normally do finishing up some homework, it won’t happen again.”
“It better not or else I will make you stay home next time. When’d you go to bed last night?”
You avoided his eyes, “around one thirty or two.” You couldn’t tell him that you didn’t actually go to sleep last night, he’d flip. 
“You know, you’re a terrible liar.” Shit.
Looking him in the eye, you spoke more confidently. “Three in the morning.”
You felt a sudden rage start to twist inside you as he started to lecture you about taking better care of yourself. He was treating you like a child and you were not having it. 
“-young kids like you need to- are you even listening?”
You set your jaw and willed yourself not to explode at him. “Dad, I’m not a child. I know how to take care of myself.”
You saw him narrow his eyes and purse his lips in frustration, “well, obviously you don’t if you’re not eating or sleeping well,” his eyes softened. “I’m starting to worry about you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t because I’m fine,” you snapped at him. “I’m going to get ready.”
You stalked out of the room and stomped upstairs. Passing a shocked Tommy and Tubbo, you made your way into the bathroom to get ready. The person that stared back at you in the mirror looked pale and had dark eye bags accentuating her tired eyes. She had red pimples dotting her face more than she usually did. She was ugly, revolting. The girl you remembered her being was confident in her appearance and walked with an air of importance. Now, she was a decrepit thing that was run down and scared of her own shadow. You couldn’t recognize the girl that stared back at you anymore. You should’ve been able to;  after all, she was you and you were her.
You rushed through your morning routine in the bathroom avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror. You opened the bathroom door only to be met with Wilbur’s chest, his hand poised in the air in a closed fist ready to knock on the door. He stepped back.
“We’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up.”
You glanced at the clock on the wall. “Wil, we still have twenty minutes before school starts. We don’t have to leave for another ten minutes.”
He gave you a smirk, “well, you want coffee, don’t you? You look dead.”
“Oh thank god. I feel dead, I didn’t sleep at all last night.”
“When’d you go to bed?”
“I didn’t.”
“Christ, (y/n) I knew you were a dumbass, but not that much of a dumbass.”
You rolled your eyes, walking around him and into your room. You felt a stab of hurt in your heart. “Fuck you.”
Before you could close the door, he shouted out a cheeky “love ya too (y/n)!”
You took off all your clothes slowly and stood in front of your open closet deciding on what you should wear today. You figured that since you felt like absolute shit, you should probably put a little bit more effort into your appearance. Picking out your favorite flannel shirt and favorite pair of pants. Smiling at yourself in the mirror in your room, you felt slightly more confident in your appearance. You felt like you could walk around the hallways at school without as many peering eyes trying to figure out your every secret. But maybe that was just the sleep deprivation talking. You tend to be more impulsive and emotional when you’re sleep deprived.
You slung the backpack onto your back with less difficulty than in the previous days. Your back was healing faster than you thought it would. Now, it barely hurt and the swelling completely went away.
You went downstairs and slunk past the kitchen where Philza was talking to Tommy and Tubbo. You didn’t want them to notice you, you felt somewhat guilty for snapping at your dad. You slipped through the front door and hopped into the passenger seat next to Wilbur. You three usually rotated seats counterclockwise and took turns driving each day. Now, you were just waiting for Techno.  
“Well, you look less homeless today.”
“Thanks Wilbur, I just felt like looking a little nicer than usual.”
“Who’re ya dressing up for? Is it Adrian?” He asked with slight disgust. He hated Adrian almost as much as he hated Annie and Sammy. He thought he was nothing more than a fuckboy looking to get into your pants. Little did he know you were secretly a raging lesbian so deep in the closet that you’re froliking with Aslan through the flowerfields of Narnia.
“Wilbur, I’m gay why would I-” you froze, cursing your sleep deprived self for lacking a filter. Your breath caught in your throat and you felt anxiety start to seep into your veins and pump around your body, filling every single nook and cranny with dread. You could feel tears welling in your eyes as you stared at your shaking hands horrified at yourself. How could you just… just out yourself like that? How could you be so careless? So stupid?
You barely felt it when Wilbur reached over to press a gentle hand on your arm. “(Y/n), are yo-”
“I-tha-that was a joke, I’m not gay, I’m straight.” Your words came out in frantic jumbles, desperately trying to fix your slip up. Oh god, you really fucked up this time.
“(Y/n), brea-”
“I swear I’m not gay, I like men, I do. I-”
“(Y/n), breathe with me.” Wilbur’s firm, yet gentle voice demanded. He placed your hand on his chest and took in a deep breath, held it, and released it slowly. You tried your best to follow him, but after about ten minutes, you were slowly but surely calming down. It was a lot faster calming down from a panic attack when you had someone helping you breathe. You’ve never gotten help with a panic attack before, it was nice. Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you took notice of the soft fabric of Wilbur’s sweater, the gentle thumping of his heart, and his worried expression. You also became aware of the extra hand rubbing small circles into your shoulder from behind your seat. It was Techno.
Taking in a shaky breath, you took your hand out of Wilbur’s grip and clasped your hands tightly in front of you, shrugging Techno’s hand off from your shoulder. 
“...Can we please leave? I don’t want Dad or Tubbo and Tommy seeing me like this.”
Wordlessly, Wilbur started up the car and pulled out of the driveway. At the intersection, he turned in the opposite direction of the school. “Wilbur, where are we going? The school’s the other way.”
“We’re going to the cafe for some coffee, my treat.”
“But school starts in five minutes, we’re gonna be late if we go to the cafe.”
“Actually,” Techno’s deep voice chimed in, “school started ten minutes ago. If we’re already late, there’s no harm in skipping first block.”
“Tech, I literally have no idea what’s going on in stats.”
“I’ll give you my notes.”
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
Wilbur pulled into the cafe’s parking lot, “don’t be stupid, (y/n). You can never bother us.”
You didn’t say anything as you left the car and headed into the cafe. You could think of plenty of ways you could bother your older brothers. You bothered everybody just by being in their presence. You just had that effect. 
Your brothers followed you into the cafe, glancing at each other worriedly. You three quickly got your orders and sat in the secluded back of the cafe. Soft jazz music drifted throughout the quiet cafe. 
“(Y/n), we need to talk about what happened. Was this your first panic attack?” Wilbur asked you gently.
“...No, I’ve had them before.” 
“Were they always this intense? You’re still shaking.”
“That one was nowhere near as intense as the ones I usually have.’
“Usually? Do you have them often?” Tecno asked.
“Yeah, usually a couple of them a week since the middle of freshman year. Nothing I can’t manage.”
“So you’ve been doing this on your own for three years? You could’ve gotten us to help you.” 
You sighed, looking down at your steaming cup. “...I couldn’t’ve. Don’t get me wrong, I know you guys could help me, but I-I just couldn’t. No one was supposed to find out.”
“Promise us that you’ll come to one of us when you have an attack. We care about you, (y/n).”
“I… I’ll think about it. Thank you.”
The table fell into a comfortable silence as you all sipped at your drinks, the comforting taste of the bitter coffee dancing across your tongue.
“Ya know, we don’t care that you’re gay. A lesbian called me ‘actually pretty funny’ once and I’m still riding the high.” 
“Yeah, you’re still you. Nothing changes the fact that you’re our little sister.” 
You smiled as you felt warm inside. You knew your brothers loved you, but you didn’t know that they loved you for being you. You didn’t think anybody loved you unconditionally like that, and that made you feel genuinely happy.
“Thank you guys, for everything. I-I can’t put into words how much that means to me, I love you guys so much!”
“We love you too,” Wilbur smiled before he dropped it into a stern frown. “But if any girl hurts you, we’ll have a stern talking to her.”
“Yeah, we can’t beat up girls. We’ll put her in her place alright.” You snorted into your coffee, almost spilling it on yourself. Quickly setting it down before you could baptize yourself with the scalding liquid (though, you did consider coffee to be holy), you wiped at your teary eyes. 
“And that’s why I love you guys.”
“We’re serious, she’ll be wishing she got beat up after we’re done scolding her.” Wilbur said seriously before he broke into a grin and started laughing. 
The conversation carried on about your sexuality, how you found out, when you found out, if you’ve told anyone yet (they were honored that they were the first people you’ve told, even if you did it accidentally mid-panic attack). Eventually you had to go back to the school before your second block started. You three split ways to your separate classrooms. 
Annie and Adrian were locked onto you as soon as you walked through the door. They looked angry at you. What’d you do this time to piss them off?
“Where the fuck were you this morning? We were looking everywhere for you,” Annie seethed.
“Yeah, you wasted so much of our time looking for your sorry ass. You ditch us again?”
Oh, that. “Look, I didn’t mean to skip out on you guys again. It was a rough morning.” 
“That’s funny because we also had rough mornings, yet we still hung out with each other. You aren’t special.” Adrian rolled his eyes at you.
“It’s gonna take more to apologize. We don’t let things like the little stunts you pull go off scott free.”
“Oh, Annie I have the best idea,” Adrian squealed, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. 
“What is it Dri?” Annie’s eyes shone.
“Our little (y/n) can set you up with one of her brothers and she can go on a date with me on a double date! It’s foolproof, not even someone as dumb as (y/n) could fuck it up.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good id-”
“It’s perfect Dri! Can it be with Wilbur? He’s literally so hot! Oh, the way his fingers can work that guitar…” Ew. The thought of Wilbur and Annie together made you scrunch up your nose with disgust.
“I’m sorry, but Wilbur’s actually dating Sally Fishmin right now. They’re actually really cute together-”
“God, how could someone as hot as Wilbur go for Sally Fishmin? She’s disgusting, always smells like fish,” Annie gagged, then gasped. “Wait (y/n) do you actually think that she’s more deserving to be with him than I am?”
“No, I nev-”
“Really? Cuz you just did. Glad to see you care about me, (y/n).”
“Annie, you’re literally so beautiful. I never said that you don’t deserve him. You deserve the world. I can’t split them up, but I can do more homework for you.” She perked up immediately, “awe, thanks love! That’s what happens when you actually put effort into how you look.”
“Speaking of, did you get that shirt out of the trash? It’s really not a look.” Adrian snickered to himself. There goes what little confidence you had. You actually thought you looked decent today. You felt grateful for your friends, they always told you the truth about how you looked when everybody else lied to you. 
Before you could respond, the bell rang and everybody took their seats. Luckily, Mr. Todd assigned today as a work day for your final research essays. You had finished Annie’s and got Adrian’s thesis done before the bell rang. While you were working on their essays, they were mindlessly scrolling on their phones and texting someone. 
You, Adrian, and Annie met up with Sammy and went into the lunch room. You tried to line up in the lunch line with them, but they laughed and told you that you’re fat enough and you needed to lose weight. What did you do to deserve such considerate friends? You really owed them one for always looking out for and putting up with you.
While you were waiting for them, you pulled out your phone. To your surprise, Haley texted you a screenshot of her conversation with Unknown. You felt a chill run down your spine. All four pictures were of you. You rubbing your eyes as the light of your computer provided the only light in the room. Your bare back facing the camera as you stood in front of your closet this morning. You sleeping a day ago (you felt sick as you realized that whoever took the picture was standing directly over your bed). Lastly, you and Haley holding each other’s hand under the moonlight last night. Attached to the pictures, Unknown had typed “you have one more day or else sleeping ugly gets it. Do not tempt us.”
Hales : )
(Y/n), how the hell did they get these pictures of you
Did you seriously leave your window open???
Why wouldn’t you close your curtains
Oh god, do you think they saw us in your driveway????
Haley calm down 
Hales : )
I know you’re not telling me to calm down right now
You have a stalker
We’ll get to the bottom of this
Like I said, I don’t care if my pictures get leaked
I care about your pictures
Until we figure out who’s doing this, we need to lay low
Hales : )
Hanging out last night was a mistake
I shouldn’t have gave you a ride
I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you
I’m straight
And you are too
You said it yourself
We can’t talk anymore (y/n)
I’m not straight Hales
I’m gay
And I like you
Like you like you
Hales : )
I’m sorry (y/n)
But I’m straight
We can’t talk anymore
With each text she sent you, you felt your heart drop deeper and deeper into your stomach until you felt your heart shatter in your chest, the pieces lodging themselves deep within you and ripping you open from inside out. How could you be so stupid to think that soemone as perfect as Haley Andrews, arguably the prettiest girl in the senior year, go out with (y/n) Minecraft, a known trainwreck. Annie’s shrill gasp sounded right next to your ear, making you gasp and drop your phone onto the table with a loud bang.
The entire cafeteria fell into silence as they listened to Annie’s shrieking. Whispers started to meld together.
“(Y/n)’s gay?”
“How gross”
“Damn, I was gonna hit it”
“We have a dyke going to this school?”
You felt like you were suffocating as the whispers and Annie’s yelling jumbled together in a disorienting cacophony. Adrian and Sammy both glared at you from behind Annie with a hatred that you didn’t know they had for you. You tried stuttering an apology, but you were quickly shut up by Annie harshly slapping you across the face.
“I don’t wanna hear it, fag. You’re going to finish our essays and you’re never gonna talk to us again. Do you understand me?” When you didn’t respond, she slapped you again. “I asked you, do you understand me?” 
You frantically nodded your head, grabbed your backpack, and sprinted out the door without any real destination in mind. You sprinted before you found the bathroom that nobody used. Ducking into a stall and slamming the door, you felt yourself start to hyperventilate. You couldn’t feel anything except for the tightness of your chest. You couldn’t see anything. You couldn’t hear anything. You faintly tasted bile rising up in your throat as you bent over to empty your stomach. You threw up everything in your stomach until you were left sitting on the dirty floor painfully dry heaving. 
You sobbed on that floor for what felt like hours. Everybody knows your secret now. Your dirty, dirty secret. God, you were a pervert weren’t you? You made people around you comfortable by just being you. Faintly, you felt your phone start to buzz in your pocket, your shaky hands scrambling to fish it out. They were all texts from your brothers.
(Y/n) I heard what happened
Are you okay????
Please answer me
Where are you
Technology Sword
I’m gonna kill them
I swear to god they’re dead
Blood for the blood god
Pls dont do anything or hurt anyone
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
Tell us where you are
I’m fine
I’ll see you two after practice
You silenced your phone and put it back into your pocket, once again feeling yourself start to dry heave again. Your sobs and gags echoed throughout the bathroom. This is by far the worst panic attack you’ve had yet, and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna stop anytime soon. You heard the final bell ring and students start to rush to their lockers to get home, so you tried to muffle your shaking sobs the best you could. You had at least an hour before you had to go to volleyball practice. Until then, you would stay in the bathroom trying to ground yourself. 
Luckily, you managed to calm down to the point where you stopped crying and dry heaving. You were only shaking slightly. You felt numb and completely drained from your panic attack, practice today was going to be a struggle. You cautiously walked through the empty hallways jumping at every little noise. When you finally reached the locker room, you made a beeline past Zara and Jazzy to your locker. You pulled out your uniform and changed in one of the bathroom stalls.
Practice went by with the girls on the team giving you sympathetic looks and Haley ignoring you. Not that you noticed, you were ignoring everyone and putting all of your focus on the ball. The entire practice, you felt light headed and drained. Fortunately, practice ended right as you felt like you were going to pass out.
You changed as fast as you could and pulled out your phone.
Come outside, I’m here to pick you up
You felt a dread pool in your stomach as you stared at the text. Did he find out? Was he going to kick you out for being gay? Wilbur and Techno wouldn’t let him do that to you, right? Reluctantly, you left the sanctuary of the bathroom stall and rushed out of the locker room and out of the school. Sure enough, your dad’s car was parked in the parking lot. You glanced over to where Haley’s car was parked last night and saw glimpses of you and her chasing each other and laughing into the night sky without a care in the world before you ripped your gaze away to stare at your walking feet.
You reached your dad’s car and sat in the passenger seat. Your dad grinned at you. “Hey hun, how was practice?”
You merely shrugged your shoulders at him. You didn’t have the energy to talk to anyone at the moment. You felt extremely drained.
“What’s wrong, did something happen? You can talk to me.”
“...I’m just sad that the season’s over tomorrow.”
“Don’t be sad kid,” a gruff voice coming from behind you made you jump. “That’s pussy shit.”
You yelped and whipped your head around to look at whoever said that. Your uncle’s cocky grin greeted you. You felt yourself grin back at him. 
“Uncle Schlatt!”
“The one and only.”
“How was your business trip? You’re home early.”
He rolled his eyes, “boring as hell. I’m so fucking glad I got out early, I woulda blew my brains out if I had to stay there any longer.”
“Schlatt!” Philza reprimanded him, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.
“What? I’m just telling the truth. I woulda!” He defended himself.
Your dad gripped the steering wheel. “You didn’t have to say it in front of (y/n).”
Schlatt scoffed, “please, she’s heard me say worse.” 
As they bickered, you felt yourself zone out as you looked out the window. Houses and street signs passed by in a blur as the car moved down the road and pulled into your driveway. You got out as quickly as you could and made your way into the house alongside your uncle and dad. As soon as your uncle walked through the door, Tubbo barrelled into him and pulled him into a tight hug. Schlatt laughed loudly and bent over to pick him up into a hug. You smiled at the father and son as Philza gestured for you to follow him into the kitchen. He opened the oven to check on something cooking inside of it and turned to face you, leaning against the counter.
“So what’s really wrong?”
“I already told you, I’m sad the season’s almost over.”
“It’s something more than that,” as you opened your mouth he quickly added, “and you can’t say that it’s because you’re tired. I wasn’t born yesterday.”
You sighed and mimicked his actions. “...It’s just been a long day. I really don’t wanna talk about it.”
Without warning, he pulled you into a warm hug, your face being shoved into his shoulder and him rubbing circles into your back. “That’s okay, just talk to me when you’re ready. I won’t push you.”
That broke you. Throwing your arms around him, you started to sob into his shoulder. He started to rock you back and forth whispering reassurances into your ear. 
“That’s good, let it all out.”
“I love you so much.”
“I’m here for you.”
With each sentence to fall out of his mouth, you felt more at ease and safe. Your dad always did a great job at making people feel safe, that was just his natural talent. After a while, you pulled away from him.
“Do you feel better?”
You smiled tiredly at him, “Yeah, I really needed a hug.”
He turned around to check on dinner, “I bet, you look like you’ve been to hell and back. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but just know that I’m always here for you and I love you.”
The rest of the family flooded the kitchen after a while of you two talking. Dinner went by with Schlatt laughing loudly and telling stories about the people he met on his business trip. Every now and then, Wilbur and Techno would glance at you, but you ignored them. You just wanted dinner to end so you could pass out in your bed. Once dinner was over, you helped your dad gather everybody’s plate and put them into the sink. The rest of your little family went to the living room to start a game of Monopoly. The last time you all played that ended in fresh bruises and shed tears.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed, I have to get some rest for finals tomorrow.”
“But (y/n), it’s Monopoly! You love Monopoly,” Tommy exclaimed.
“That’s alright, you look dead on your feet kid. Go get some sleep.”
“Thanks Uncle Schlatt. Goodnight everyone, love ya.”
A flurry of goodnights and love you’s follow you as you leave the room and drug yourself up the stairs. Without a second thought, you closed your curtains and plopped face first onto your bed. You passed out without even making sure you were fully on your bed.
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 9
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 2,000+
⚠️Warning⚠️: Mature Content
Minutes, perhaps hours went by as the scenes continued to shift in front of you. Some scenes were consistent, such as Triton’s bedroom, the main hall or the back garden, while others, not so much.
After seeing Triton’s and Poseidon’s first meeting you haven’t made a peep. Choosing instead to listen carefully to the grand voice that controlled this plane or what was happening in the scene in front of you. You wanted to take in all that was happening.
Soon, perhaps too soon, the final scene appears. Just like where they had met, this final scene took place in Triton’s bedroom.
Triton, now 1 year old, was alone with Scylla as she attempted to teach him how to walk. Hoping to get him to walk a little bit before his father stopped by for the day.
“Come slowly to me, Master Triton.” Scylla coos out at the child. Shaking Triton’s favorite toy in the boy’s direction to get his attention. “Try to lift—“
Scylla is startled as suddenly Maria, a laundry maid and her friend, comes barreling through the door.
“Maria? What’s the matter?” Scylla asks the younger woman as she picks up Triton and makes her way over.
“Y-You need to hide! Lady Amphitrite caught wind of you spending time with Poseidon-n when you were taking care of Lord Triton and took it the wrong way. She’s on her way right now.” Maria frantically explains as she wipes the sweat off her brow. Instantaneous getting to work to hide Triton’s toys. Knowing that if Lady Amphitrite found such nice things she would get suspicious of Lord Poseidon’s feelings for Triton.
All of a sudden a long crashing noise rings out from outside, frantically Scylla runs to the window to look outside. It was Amphitrite. She didn’t have much time.
“Maria. Take Lord Triton and hide him under the clothes in your basket as you make your way to the Laundry room.” Scylla frantically explains as she hands Triton off to the younger woman.
“B-But what about you?”
“I can’t worry about myself right now. If she comes here in her current state of mind, even Triton won’t be protected from her wrath.” Scylla mumbles out, fear dripping in her veins as she pushes Maria out of the room. Making sure no one was near, she grabs the basket and, with Maria’s help, carefully covers Triton in the dirty sheets. “Please be safe, my Lord.”
“Be safe yourself, Scylla. Try not to anger Lady Amphitrite more than she already is.”
“I will try.”
And with that, Maria leaves. Running away from the scene as Scylla shuts the door to Triton’s room. Accepting her fate.
“Please, Lord Poseidon. Make it back in time. For Lord Triton’s sake—“
“Where is she?!” A booming screeching voice resounds from out in the hallway. One that even sent shivers up your spine as you watched on.
It only takes a couple of seconds for Amphitrite to find Scylla. Breaking down the door to Triton’s bedroom in the process. Her usual neat fiery red hair was a mess, tangled and astray in every which way. Her eyes were mad and furious, looking crazily at the nymph who kneeled on the ground before her.
“YOU.” Amphitrite booms out, furiously stomping her way over until she stands inches away from the Nymph. She scans the room, seeming to attempt to find something before turning to the guards, “Go find the Child.”
“Yes, My Lady.”
“M-My Lady. I beg of you, let me explain.” Scylla sputters out as she shakes in fear in front of her master. “Ah—“
Scylla quickly bites her lip to stop herself from screaming in pain as Amphitrite digs her heel into the back of Scylla’s hand.
“Explain what?” Amphitrite venomously spits out at the nymph.
“I-I was only trying to get Lord Poseidon to become closer with Lord Triton.”
“Trying to get them to become closer?” Amphitrite repeats through gritted teeth, digging her heel once more into Scylla’s hand before pacing away. “As if that asswipe would care about his own son. He doesn’t even look at his own wife. His beautiful gorgeous wi—“
Amphitrite’s rant comes to a screeching halt as Poseidon barges into the room. His eyes are cold and hard as he stares down his wife, his trusty trident clutched tightly in his fist. So tightly, you could even see his knuckles turning an unsightly white.
“Oh, if it isn’t Lord Poseidon. Here to save your whore?” Amphitrite bitterly spits out to her husband before laughing maniacally to herself as she tugs at her hair.
It was official, she had gone even more bad shit crazy than she already was.
“Enough. How many times have I told you to cut it out with that shit—“
“Poseidon!” Scylla shouts out as she makes her way to her feet and runs over to Poseidon. What in the world was she doing? Was she trying to anger Amphitrite?
“Maria. Maria has Triton.” You overhear Scylla murmur into Poseidon’s chest as she leans against the god. Poseidon seems to freeze a little and you understood why.
He either had to fight Amphitrite here, which could take a while, or go try to grab Triton before the guards find and take him.
“Poseidon, I love you. Please protect me.” Scylla shouts out as she pretends to weep. However, from where you and Poseidon were standing, you could see her mouth the words ‘Go’ and ‘leave’.
You feel your stomach drop. Scylla was putting up an act in front of Amphitrite so the attention would be on her. Giving Poseidon an excuse to leave and enough time to save Triton.
Poseidon seemed to know this as well as his grip tightened even more on his trident as he shook his head at the elder servant in front of him, “You fool.”
“We are caught. Do what you must.” Poseidon's voice booms out as he lowers his trident and walks away. Choosing not to even spare a second glance as he turns the corner.
As Amphitrite lungs at Scylla a blinding light over takes the room, officially ending the scene. The spirit of the mirror seemed to have done you a favor by sparing the gory and curse details that would happen only moments later.
Shaken up, you collapsed to the floor as you found yourself face to face with the mirror. You were back where you started.
“Lady (y/n)?” Startled out of your trance-like state, you turn to Scylla. The present day Scylla.
“S-Scylla I—“ You stutter out, scrambling to your feet. “I-I’m…”
“It’s fine.” Scylla states out with a sigh, seeming to already understand what you were trying to say. As she had already heard it many times before, “You don’t have to feel bad for—“
“Could I give you a hug?”
The elder woman pauses for a moment, “A hug?”
“A-Ah sorry. Is that disrespectful in any way? I just felt like you really needed a hug and…” You take a pause as you anxiously rub the back of your neck, “…I really need to give you one after seeing that.”
It’s silent for a moment as Scylla ponders your offer.
“…Fine.” Scylla sighs out as she massages her forehead. The wrinkles on her face smoothing slightly as she does so.
At Scylla's confirmation, you throw yourself into the sea monster’s arms. Being extra careful not to squash the Pomeranians that were attached to the front of her body as you do so.
Scylla lets out a small sigh before eventually wrapping her arms around you as well. What was she going to do with you?
She was old. Having been born around the same time Lord Poseidon and Zeus’ mother was born and she had seen many souls in her lifetime but…never like yours. It seemed normal when she first saw it, like any other human.
But, perhaps that’s what made it so special in the first place. For the simple fact that you were a normal human. Caring, empathy, weakness. Containing so many things higher beings are repulsed by.
Yet, you seemed to wear them with pride.
“What am I going to do with you, Lady (y/n)…” Scylla whispers lowly under her breath as she finally relaxes into your touch.
“Lord Poseidon. I just got the files from—“
“Put it over there.” Poseidon mutters out to his attendee, not even lifting his gaze from the paperwork he was working.
“Of course, sire.” The attendee, quick and quietly, places the papers down before exiting the room. Knowing not to disturb his lord longer than needed. As soon as a small thud of the door closing resounds, Poseidon’s pen stops and he finally lifts his head up.
He should be getting all this paperwork done in preparation for the upcoming cold season but he just couldn’t seem to focus.
What was it….
Poseidon usually wasn’t one to ponder on trivial things. After all, he was a god. If need be, all he had to do was say something and the problem would be taken care of swiftly. But, he couldn’t do that in this case.
Poseidon rubs his temple with a small grunt as he attempts to shake out the scene from last night out of his mind.
That blasted scene, again.
Shaking his head one last time, Poseidon stands up from his seat and walks over to the couch nearby. He needed to figure out what to do about you and, especially, Triton.
Foolish Brother.
If Zeus hadn’t egged Amphitrite on so much, he wouldn’t even be pondering this right now. He would simply just ignore the boy until those annoying feelings went away once more. But, he couldn’t do that with all those assasination attempts being made from Amphitrite.
Three Maids have already been caught trying to sneak weapons into the premises and Five more have been caught trying to poison your food. And that didn’t even begin to cover all the number of poisonous and deadly sea creatures that were sent into the area.
“What if our only Heir tried to eat her food, you blasted Woman,” Poseidon scoffed as he poured himself a glass of wine. He needed it after all, with the sun already setting and tons of paperwork still needing to get done, it was going to be a long night.
A loud knock suddenly comes at the door.
“Come in.”
“Hello, My Love.” Poseidon feels his eyebrow twitch in annoyance at Amphitrite’s sugary sweet tone. Great. It seemed another distraction had come knocking at his door.
“You should rest. Look at how tired you are.” Amphitrite coos out as she makes her way towards her husband, taking a seat on his lap before he could argue or shove her away. Gently and slowly, Amphitrite takes her fingers and traces Poseidon’s jaw line. “You're so tense. Let me help you relax.”
Poseidon grunts out in distaste as Amphitrite places a kiss on his throat. Slowly, beginning to place more as she goes on.
This woman…
Poseidon sighs out lightly as he shakes his head. Let her do as she pleases for now. If she causes a tantrum now, it will only cause more trouble later.
As Poseidon takes a particularly deep sigh this time, he accidentally catches a wift of Amphitrite’s perfume on her neck.
Jasmine and Sandalwood, He can’t help but note. Two very strong, sexy scents. Ones that even more solidified Amphitrite dominate and Sultry personality. Any other man would probably be drooling on the spot from such a scent but not Poseidon. Never Poseidon. To him, it only overwhelmed his senses so much that it was starting to give him a headache.
What a pain.
As Poseidon tries to slip deep in his thoughts to ignore the oncoming headache, his thoughts accidentally slip back to you. As if summoned, the warm scent of cedar wood and vanilla overtake his senses. The same exact scent he caught on you when you were leaning against his shoulder while he was carrying you yesterday.
Damn it. Poseidon grits his teeth. Why can’t he seem to get her out of his head? He definitely needed to investigate this more. For this wasn’t normal. Just hours prior, he was reimagining her ghost-like touch on his hand.
“Tch.” Poseidon lets out as he is broken from his thoughts. Instantly grabbing onto his wife’s hand that, while he was lost in dreamworld, had travelled down much further than he appreciated. “Enough.”
“Don’t lie, My Lord.” Amphitrite purrs out, as leans more into her husband, “I could feel how hard you were starting to get for—“
“Enough.” Poseidon repeats again, this time pushing Amphitrite off of him so that she falls to the floor in front of him. “You are foolish to think I don’t know what you are up to.”
“Am I not allowed to spend t—“
“I’ve already heard from the servants about how you’ve been drinking and consuming things to boost your fertility recently.” Poseidon reveals as he swirls the wine in his glass, “If you think I’m going to knock you up once again with a child, you are gravely mistaken.”
Taking his gaze away from the wine, he glares down at Amphitrite, whose mood has now greatly soured. Practically foaming at the mouth from anger.
“If you are going to have a pathetic temper tantrum then leave.” Poseidon orders out, closing his eyes as he decides she is not worth looking at.
It is only at the deafening sound of the door being slammed that he opens them again once more. Amphitrite was long gone, her only traces being the cracks left on the wall from the door and a lingering scent of Jasmine.
However, Poseidon couldn’t care less. She could throw all the tantrums she wants but he would never have sex with her. For the one, and only, mistake he ever admits to making was accidentally getting her pregnant.
And, he has no intentions of making that same mistake again.
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Author Note: As I warned before, Poseidon scene is a little weird. Like Bro, pull yourself together. But at least now that the reader nows what is going on from Scylla so Plans and events will be in motion. Especially since reader has to decided if should hate or possibly help Poseidon with his relationship with Triton. Onto the next chapter :)).
Also Decided to post this Chapter earlier since the other one got posted late yesterday’s
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127 @fortuna-stella @icy-spicy
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